
P.3 Functions and Their Graphs KNOW everything in P.3 !! assumed knowledge of (refer to section D.3 of Appendix D - student CD-ROM)

KNOW graphs (8) in Figure P.27 (text p22)


Definition of a function

Domain and

Sketch f (x)

Transformations of f (x)

Classify ( * algebraic or transcendental ) functions and * even, odd or neither recognize combinations of functions helpful with definite in Ch. 4 !

topics that I will go over in class!

1 Functions and Function Notation


A is a set of ordered pairs. The set of first entries of the ordered pairs is the domain (D) of the relation. The set of second entries is the range (R) of the relation.

A function is a relation that assigns to each number x in D exactly one number y in R. real lif e! the A of a circle is a function of its radius r the cost C of a cell phone bill is a function of the number of texting minutes used m the population P of wolves is a function of the food supply s


x (r, m, s, . . . ) is the independent variable (argument) y (A, C, P, . . . ) is the dependent variable (image)

2 Function (Euler's) Notation

The number f (x), read "f of x" is called the value of f at x, or the image of x under f.

Instead of y = x2 , 2 we write f (x) = x .

function independent name variable

FUNCTION NOTATION p. 19 The word function was first used by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1694 . . . Forty years later, used the word function to . . . He introduced the notation

y = f (x).

The Graph of a Function

y (x, f (x))

) f (x y = f (x) ­ directed distance from x­axis

x x ­ directed distance from y­axis

3 Evaluating a Function


1. for f (x) = x + 3 , evaluate

a.) f(­2)

b.) f(c + 1)

2 f(x + x) ­ f(x) , x for f (x) = x + 7 , evaluate = 0 2. x

difference quotient!

4 Visually recognizing a function:

if every vertical line in the xy­ intersects the vertical line test graph of a relation in at most one point, then the relation is a function of x. [see Figure P.26 p22]

KNOW graphs (8) in Figure P.27 (text p22)

Identity function Squaring function Cubing function root function

Absolute value function Rational function Sine function Cosine function

A one­to­one function: ­1 [a function f whose inverse f (x) is also a function!]

vertical AND horizontal line tests

if every vertical AND horizontal line in the xy­plane intersects the graph of a function in at most one point , then the function is a one­to­one function.

5 The Domain (D) and Range (R) of a Function to define the domain: (1.) never divide by zero! (2.) deal with real­valued functions exclusively

Examples: Find the domain and range.

2 1. f (x) = x ­ 5

1 2. h(t) = 2 ­ t

piecewise­ x + 4 , x = 5 defined 3. function! f (x) = 2 { (x ­ 5) , x > 5

and evaluate f (­3) and f (10).

6 Assignment

Read p19­26: YOU are responsible for all material!

Do p27­28: #1­11 odd, 15­23 odd, #39­45 all

7 Transformations of Functions

E X P L O R A T I O N p. 23 (a) y = | x + 2 | (b) y = sin(x) +1 (c) y = (x ­ 2)2 ­ 1 (d) y = (x + 1)3 + 2

Basic Types of Transformations (c > 0) p. 23

+ vertical:

. stretch y = c f (x), c > 1 . shrink y = c f (x), 0 < c < 1


. stretch y = f (c x), 0 < c < 1

. . shrink y = f (c x), c > 1

8 Classifications of Functions

many real­world phenomena

mathematical models Elementary Functions Algebraic (, radical, and rational ) p (x) q (x) f (x) = , = 0/ q (x)

Trigonometric (sine, cosine, , . . .) ­ Appendix D transcendental { Exponential and Logarithmic

Students study/review (p. 24) : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ degree term coefficients leading coefficient test

9 Combinations of Functions

Two functions can be combined in various ways to create new functions!

sum: ( f + g)(x) = f (x) + g(x)

difference: ( f ­ g)(x) = f (x) ­ g(x) . . product: ( f g)(x) = f (x) g(x)

f (x) : ( f g)(x) = quotient / g(x)

composition ­ a function of a function

f ( g(x)) read " f of g of x "

f g read " f circle g " (

( f g (x) = f ( g(x))

note: order of composition is important!

( ( f g (( x) = / (g f (x)

10 2 Examples: Given f (x) = x and g (x) = x ­ 2 , find :

a.) g f

b.) f g

c.) g ( f (­3))

11 Test for The function y = f(x) is:

even if f (­x) = f (x)

odd if f (­x) = ­ f (x)

Examples: Determine whether each function is even, odd, or neither.

2 1. f (x) = x

2 2. f (x) = x + 1

3 3. f (x) = x

3 4. f (x) = x + 1

3 5. f (x) = x + sin x recall: sin(­ ) = ­ sin( )

12 Visualizing Even and Odd Functions

E X P L O R A T I O N Describe a way to identify a function as even or odd by inspecting the graph! 2 3 f (x) = x f(x) = x 3 2 3 f (x) = x + sin x f (x) = x + 1 f (x) = x + 1

Even symmetry to y­axis

Odd symmetry to origin

13 Assignment Do p28­29: #47­57 all, 59­62 all, #71­76 all