KARRI MUINONEN 2021 May 18 A. Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles

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KARRI MUINONEN 2021 May 18 A. Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles PUBLICATIONS: KARRI MUINONEN 2021 May 18 A. Peer-reviewed scientific articles (330 articles) A1. In journals (235): 1. Muinonen, K. (1989). Scattering of light by crystals: a modified Kirchhoff approximation. Applied Optics 28, 3044{3050. 2. Muinonen, K., Lumme, K., Peltoniemi, J. I., and Irvine, W. M. (1989). Light scattering by randomly oriented crystals. Applied Optics 28, 3051{3060. 3. Peltoniemi, J. I., Lumme, K., Muinonen, K., and Irvine, W. M. (1989). Scattering of light by stochastically rough particles. Applied Optics 28, 4088{4095. 4. Avanesov, G. A., Bonev, B. I., Kempe, F., Bazilevsky, A. T., Boycheva, V., Chikov, K. N., Danz, M., Dimitrov, D., Duxbury, T., Gromatikov, P., Halmann, D., Head, J., Heifets, V. N., Kolev, V., Kostenko, V. I., Kottsov, V. A., Krasavtsev, V. M., Krasikov, V. A., Krumov, A., Kuzmin, A. A., Losev, K. D., Lumme, K., Mishev, D. N., M¨ohlmann, D., Muinonen, K., Murav'ev, V. M., Murchie, S., Murray, B., Neumann, W., Paul, L., Petkov, D., Petuchova, I., P¨ossel,W., Rebel, B., Shkuratov, Yu. G., Simeonov, S., Smith, B., Totev, A., Uzunov, Yu., Fedotov, V. P., Weide, G.{G., Zapfe, H., Zhukov, B. S., and Ziman, Ya. L. (1989). Television observations of Phobos. Nature 341, 585{587. 5. Muinonen, K., Lumme, K., and Peltoniemi, J. I. (1990). Scattering of light by crystals: a possible application to planetary dust. Advances in Space Research 10:3{4, (3)189{(3)192. 6. Peltoniemi, J. I., Lumme, K., and Muinonen, K. (1990). Scattering of light by stochas- tically rough particles with application to interplanetary dust and planetary regoliths. Advances in Space Research 10:3{4, (3)185{(3)188. 7. Avanesov, G. A., Bonev, B. I., Kempe, F., Bazilevsky, A. T., Boycheva, V. Weide, G.{ G., Gromatikov, P., Duxbury, T., Danz, M., Dimitrov, D., Zhukov, B. S., Ziman, Ya. L., Kolev, V., Kostenko, V. I., Kottsov, V. A., Lumme, K., M¨ohlmann,D., Murchie, S., Mishev, D. N., Muinonen, K., Murav'ev, V. M., Murray, B., Neumann, W., Paul, L., P¨ossel,W., Petkov, D., Petuchova, I., Rebel, B., Simeonov, S., Smith, B., Totev, A., Uzunov, Yu., Fedotov, V. P., Halmann, D., Head, J., Heifets, V. N., Zapfe, H., Chikov, K. N., and Shkuratov, Yu. G. (1990). Television pictures of Phobos | first results. Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal 16, 378{388. (Soviet Astronomy Letters 16:2, 160{164.) 8. Avanesov, G. A., Zhukov, B. S., Ziman, Ya. L., Kostenko, V. I., Murav'ev, V. M., Fedotov, V. P., Bonev, B. I., Mishev, D. N., Petkov, D., Krumov, A., Simeonov, S., Boycheva, V., Uzunov, Yu., Kempe, F., Rebel, B., Weide, G.{G., Halmann, D., Neumann, W., Petuchova, I., P¨ossel,W., Head, J., Murchie, S., Lumme, K., Muinonen, K., Peltoniemi, J. I., Duxbury, T., Murray, B., Herdenhoff, K., Fanale, F., Irvine, W. M., and B. Smith (1991). Results of TV imaging of Phobos (Experiment VSK{FREGAT). Planetary and Space Science 39:1/2, 281{296. 9. Muinonen, K., Lumme, K., Zhukov, B., and Irvine, W. M. (1991). Slope variations on the surface of Phobos. Planetary and Space Science 39:1/2, 327{334. 10. Lindell, I. V., Sihvola, A. H., Muinonen, K. O., and Barber, P. W. (1991). Scattering by a small object close to an interface. I: Exact Image Theory formulation. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 8, 472{476. 11. Muinonen, K. O., Sihvola, A. H., Lindell, I. V., and Lumme, K. A. (1991). Scattering by a small object close to an interface. II: Study of backscattering. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 8, 477{482. 12. Karttunen, H., and Muinonen, K. (1991). Error analysis of lightcurve periods. Astron- omy and Astrophysics 242, 513{520. 13. Muinonen, K., and Bowell, E. (1993). Asteroid orbit determination using Bayesian probabilities. Icarus 104, 255{279. 14. Kiviranta, A., Muinonen, K., Peltoniemi, J. I., Vanhala, H., and Karhunmaa, J. (1993). Measurement of table activity on a Fourdrinier paper machine: a new photoclinometric technique. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science 19, J226{J234. 15. Mikkola, S., Innanen, K., Muinonen, K., and Bowell, E. (1994). A preliminary analysis of the orbit of the Mars Trojan asteroid (5261) Eureka. Celestial Mechanics 58, 53{64. 16. Muinonen, K., Bowell, E., and Wasserman, L. H. (1994). Orbital uncertainties of single{apparition asteroids. Planetary and Space Science 42, 307{313. 17. Shkuratov, Yu. G., Muinonen, K., Bowell, E., Lumme, K., Peltoniemi, J. I., Kreslavsky, M. A., Stankevich D. G., Tishkovetz, V. P., Opanasenko, N. V., and Melkumova, L. Y. (1994). A critical review of theoretical models of negatively polarized light scattered by atmosphereless solar system bodies. Earth, Moon, and Planets 65, 201{246. 18. Muinonen, K., Bowell, E., and Lumme, K. (1995). Interrelating asteroid size, albedo, and magnitude distributions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 293, 948{952. 19. Ermutlu, M. E., Muinonen, K., Lumme, K. A., Lindell, I. V., and Sihvola, A. H. (1995). Scattering by a small object close to an interface. III: Buried object. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 12, 1310{1315. 20. Macke, A., Mishchenko, M. I., Muinonen, K., and Carlson, B. (1995). Scattering of light by large nonspherical particles: ray tracing approximation versus T{matrix method. Optics Letters 20, 1934{1936. 21. Muinonen, K. (1996). Light scattering by Gaussian random particles. Earth, Moon, and Planets 72:1{3, 339{342. 22. Muinonen, K., Nousiainen, T., Fast, P., Lumme, K., and Peltoniemi, J. I. (1996). Light scattering by Gaussian random particles: ray optics approximation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 55, 577{601. 23. Muinonen, K. (1996). Light scattering by Gaussian random particles: Rayleigh and Rayleigh{Gans approximations. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Trans- fer 55, 603{613. 24. Sasse, C., Muinonen, K., Piironen, J., and Dr¨ose,G. (1996). Albedo measurements on single particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 55, 673{681. 25. Muinonen, K. (1996). Orbital covariance eigenproblem for asteroids and comets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 280, 1235{1238. 26. Bailey, M. E., Emel'yanenko, V. V., Hahn, G., Harris, N. W., Hughes, K. A., Muinonen, K., and Scotti, J. V. (1996). Orbital evolution of Comet 1995 O1 Hale{Bopp. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 281, 916{924. 27. Muinonen, K., Lamberg, L., Fast, P., and Lumme, K. (1997). Ray optics regime for Gaussian random spheres. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 57, 197{205. 28. Muinonen, K. (1998). Discovery and follow{up simulations for small Earth{crossing asteroids. Planetary and Space Science 46, 291{297. 29. Piironen, J., Muinonen, K., Nousiainen, T., Sasse, C., Roth, S., and Peltoniemi, J. I. (1998). Albedo measurements on meteorite particles. Planetary and Space Science 46, 937{943. 30. Muinonen, K. (1998). Introducing the Gaussian shape hypothesis for asteroids and comets. Astronomy and Astrophysics 332, 1087{1098. 31. Nousiainen, T., and Muinonen, K. (1999). Light scattering by Gaussian, randomly oscillating raindrops. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 63, 2{6, 643{666. 32. Shkuratov, Yu. G., Kreslavsky, M. A., Ovcharenko, A. A., Muinonen, K., Piironen, J., and Karttunen, H. (1998). Diagnostic sense of opposition effect of solid planetary surfaces. Cosmic Science and Technology 4, 1, 1{6 (a Ukrainian journal, in Russian). 33. Muinonen, K., and Lagerros, J. (1998). Inversion of shape statistics for small solar system bodies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 333, 753{761. 34. Muinonen, K., and Saarinen, K. (2000). Ray optics approximation for Gaussian random cylinders. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 64, 201{218. 35. Worms, J.{C., Girard, O., Hauchecorne, A., and Muinonen, K. (1999). LIBRIS: an orbital imaging lidar for the detection of small to medium{sized debris in low{Earth orbit. Advances in Space Research 23(1), 67{70. 36. Stankevych, D. G., Shkuratov, Yu. G., and Muinonen, K. (1999). Shadow{hiding effect in inhomogeneous and layered particulate media. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 63, 2{6, 445{458. 37. Battaglia, A., Muinonen, K., Nousiainen, T., and Peltoniemi, J. I. (1999). Light scat- tering by Gaussian particles: Rayleigh-ellipsoid approximation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 63, 2{6, 277{303. 38. Lamberg, L., Muinonen, K., Yl¨onen,J., and Lumme, K. (2001). Spectral estimation of Gaussian random circles and spheres. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 136, 109-121. 39. Stankevych D., Shkuratov, Yu. G., Muinonen K., and Miloslavskaya O. (1999). Modeling of shadow{hiding effect in system of opaque particles. Optika i Spektroskopiya 88(4), 682{ 685 (in Russian). (English translation: Optics and Spectroscopy 88(4), 619-622, 2000. 40. Zubko, E. S., Shkuratov, Yu. G., and Muinonen, K. (2001). Light scattering by compos- ite particles comparable with wavelength and their approximation by system of spheres. Optics and Spectroscopy 91:2, 273-277. 41. Tedesco, E. F., Muinonen, K., and Price, S. D. (2000). Space-based infrared near-Earth asteroid survey simulation. Planetary and Space Science 48, 801-816. 42. Virtanen, J., Muinonen, K., and Bowell, E. (2001). Statistical ranging of asteroid orbits. Icarus 154, 412-431. 43. Muinonen, K., Stankevich, D., Shkuratov, Yu. G., Kaasalainen, S., and Piironen, J. (2001). Shadowing effect in clusters of opaque spherical particles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 70, 787{810. 44. Muinonen, K., Shkuratov, Yu. G., Ovcharenko, A., Piironen, J., Stankevich, D., Miloslavskaya, O., Kaasalainen, S., Josset, J.{L. (2002). The SMART{1 AMIE exper- iment: implication to the lunar opposition effect. Planetary and Space Science 50, 1339- 1344. 45. Huovelin, J., Alha, L., Andersson, H., Andersson, T., Browning, R., Drummond, D., Foing, B., Grande, M., H¨am¨al¨ainen,K., L¨ams¨a,V., Laukkanen, J., Muinonen, K., Mur- ray, M., Nenonen, S., Salminen, A., Sipil¨a,H., Taylor, I., Vilhu, O., Waltham, N., and Lopez-Jorkama, M.
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