, . J WIATHER Thunderstorms and showers The Green Thumb- are forecast in the western POl"­ tiOD of the state, spreading east­ ward dur~ the day. The wea­ tber bureau said precipitation ~uni Food and 'Sun should end in the Iowa City area . - OWQ,n tonight. Temperatures are to range between 541 and 82. The Serving The State Unioersity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ouUook for Friday Is partly :For 'Gardeneers' cloudy and continued mild. E~tablished in 1868 Five Cents a Copy Member of Asso,ciated Press - AP Leased Wire and Photo Ser'iee Iowa City, Iowa. Thursday, April 3, 1958 ~xhibit Iy JERRY A. MINNICH tom ..... In productivity; m.turo I in 60 to 71 day.; need • pH .. UI art student. (Th llrat I•• ",1... , .,lIel .. ,., r: 1 •••'. '.experlenced ,.rdenen. U to 7.5; .hould ....t.ked; 3 lhe fi rst annual ' "I.. ale". AI. £lI'Im •••• re •• I. an or 4 pl.nt•• ro grouped .round aintings by SUI edit., .r Orreate Gardealn,. and I ,.., ...., Maladne. CIl, an. laVII). ..ch pole: pol •••re 3 to 4 feet IS hung earlie, .p.rt: pl.nt. .re st.rted from gallery of the Why • Garden? seed_ Onions mature In 95 to 115 will be shown' Why have a garden at all? Well, d.y. (frem seed); nNd • pH of .& there are plenty of good reasons, 5.1 to 7.0; Ire thinned .ut .bout Vici ous out~E.stote and one of the best is that a gar­ 3 inch.. ap.rt in roWI 12 inch.. den is really a part of Amcricana. .part. Spring .callion. (my f.- ;~~~~~: ]t's a part of the family. In these vorit. veget.ble) .r. grown from . 'rhlrtr · hectic days of sputnicks, Organiza- .peci.1 " ..ta" which look like 1ion men, university pressures, littl. dried up onions; m.tur. in • television and mothcrs-in-Iaw, iu.t • few weeks, depending on therc's nothing like whiling away how big you w.nt them; .r. a few spare hours each week in .paceet Iik. regul.r onion._ IMh the 'solitude of your own garden. t.ke SO to 60 day.; grown from New· , You'll be close to the land; you'll ...d should be sp.ced 3 inches become a part of the silent ma­ .part in row. IV, to 2 feet .part; jesty of nature; you'll watch the need • pH of 6.0 to 7.5; can be growing fruits of your own labor; pl.nted .arly .nd like cool spring One Dead,' you'll eat! I we.thel'. Carrot. t.ke 71 to 7S Rea/ler Says ' Cheaper The subject oE eating brings me day.; nMd 100 .. soil which i. to another good reason for garden­ de.ply (12 in.) .p.ded: need. ing. By growing vegetables. you'll H · I P ·b/ lllniured in save money! This point needs no ~~n~IM5~S .::'~-Oi~ ·:o:,th::::'!! 0 US I n 9 S 0 S S le t. I elaboration. Another reason is that .part: .r. grown from seed. . Byron D. Beeler. local realtor and contractor. told The Daily Iowan I (and this is pointed at young mar­ R.dish... r. ".y; m.ture In Wednesday he is of the opinion married student housing can be built Wichita Falls · rieds on campus) your garden at 23 to 60 daYI: need. pH of 6.0 for sm more cheaply than the estimated $l3,540 unit cost of Hawkeye . the university can serve as a trial­ to 7./): .re apaced 2 to 3 loelM. Apartments. He said, however. he has not bee. n able to make an extcn-I s. California Declared and:error period for you. [n a year apart in r_a - foot .p.rt: .re . t d f th bl f' g or more. when you and your family - I slve s u y a e pro ems acm Disalter Area have relegated yourselves to Sub­ grown from ...d_ Le.f lettuce L I G' I 14 the sm administration. such as t.k.. 40 to 90 days; should be oea Ir Iutilities costs a~d financing. WICHITA FALLS, Tex_ (AI! - urbia, U,S.A., you'll be that much It.rted in fl.t. or pots Indoors , " B.eler'a opinion was cIIICU..... Three - tornadoes ripped through furlber ahead of your young neigh­ • few wMka before .."Ing out Tue.d.y .t • ","tin, .. the this north Texas city and its sub- bors, who probably won't know In M.y: needs. pH of U to 7.0; Sell Me e M.rri.d Student Pro... t Group urbs Wednesday, killing at least from nuthin' about gardening, Your pl.nt•• re sp.ced .bout 6 incho. tl Issing with 170 pe","' proHnt. one man. Hospitals listed 11 !D- experienced green thumb will turn .p.rt in roWi II IncIM. .p.rt. Beeler said National Homes, of jured. their faces a similar shade. The Broccoli Is diallked by children which he is the local representa- The tornadoes demolished or 'Ias! reason - and the best - .nd hUlb.nch. Peppers, both rod Still mIssing late Wednesday live, has built permanent married I damaged 115 homes. garages or simply is. that gardening is funl .nd grMn. t.ke 60 to 75 d.ys; night was Michelle Girard, 14-year- 1 housing at P~rdue_ University. in business houses. Whit Kind of • G.rden? nMet. pH of 5.S to 7.0; .re be"'r old daughter of Mrs. Daniel WiI- Lafayet~, IndlBna, Its home offIce. I The twister punched down grown from plant. th.n from He said he and probably pther through low clouds just as the . T.o find out whit kind of g.r­ ...ds; lro pl.n.. d II Inche. fang, RR 5. She has been gone for local builders would be willinr to downtown rush hour was under den to pI.n. I h.ve devl ..d • Ip.. rt in rowl 2 to 3 feet ap.rt_ 6 days. di&cuss the building of penian- , way. simple formul. which can be Other veget.ble, .r. not pop- About 9 a.m. Friday, March 28, ent married student .h~using at Hu ..... ltood I.. the a...... UM4I by .nyone. First, get .n ul.r, ar. difficult to grow, or MI h lie went to her locker at SUI with th~ sur admIDlsu:atW~. Ignoring torrenti.1 r.ln .nd idI. of the kind of pllnt. you take too much .p.c. for the typl- c e Beeler saId whal he had ID mind I I he.vy h.1I to w.tch the tunnel I w.~ to grow; ... how much c.1 SUI g.rden. If I mla ..d I Iowa City Junior High School, took when he talked Tuesday with •• tornado sire", w.lled. .,.ce you hay. to grow them; v.g.tabl. you want.d, drop me. her things out of It, and told some Richard C. Clark, G, chairman of Wiley Taylor. 55, a major dairy then flguro out how many pl.nh postcard. I'll .Ither include it in girls she was leaving. The girls the Married Student Protest Ifarmer died when his home col- will grow In your .lIott.d ....c._ the next .rticle or .n.wer by notified the principal. Sterlang C. Group, was tl!.e construction or 1- lapsed around him. SlmpI.? N6t ro.lly_ Thero .ro '1 story individual 2 and 3-bedroom Ch · k B t N B The first and second tornadoes ether facton to be conslderod. mil . Goplerud, who called the police. homes_ 'C SI U 0 un ny I hit almost simultaneously at 6 Will your w' support the pl.nts Flowers Need Arti.t. The search has been hampered He said, "The housing could p.m. you like? Will the pl.nts you As (or flowers, the varitey is end- because Michelle took all the av,ail- possibly be built with prof.bri- CHICKS _ CHICKS and. b.,ket. The WM chick. in tIM b.sk.t will go to needy childr.n for E ....r. The first. a ripping funnel. left w.nt grow In I.wa City? And less and your decision will come able pictures o( herself when she ca .. d pan.l ••nd faced with the The pretty big one. helped r.i,e them. (What, no E ....r bunny?) Oelt. G.mm. sorority member•• r. a part of this city of 107,000 per- "w .bout dr.in.ge, .011 .cldity, from personal lastes. The arrange- left. ..me type vtOHr brick as the I. to r. Ann McC.be, Al, Chicago; Sandra Sholton, A4, 0 .. Moines; .nd Nancy Roberts, N2, S.nt. Monic., sons a tangled mass of broken, aun requirements, .nd other i~ ment of flowers in borders or in She is 5 feel 2 Inches. 110 pounds, proposed Hawkeye Ap.rtments." C.lif. -Daily low .. n Photo by Jerry Gold,ttln. whipping wires, stripped trees And port.nt .t.II.? W.U, If you're beds Is a delicate art ot" which I with brown hair (not black as pre- T. M. Rchder, director of dormi- - damaged buildings. in .xperlenced g.rdener, you'll know nothing . The best 1 can say vlously reported), and fair com- tory and dining services, told the Police said lbey feared some knew "..tty much .bout the .. is don't put laU (Jowers in front plexion. She has a prominent scar Iowan Tuesday SUl architects and AP Digest- victims were trapped in the thing •. And If you'ro not, you'd of short flowers and don't clash on her lower left lip, and spcaks engineers have studied prefabri- I stop trying to reach agreement nomic Commission Cor Europe said wreckage...... r stick -to .tandard vlrl.tl.. colors. with a French accent. She Is 14 catcd housing and concluded it PRESIDENT EISENHOWER in I wilh the Soviet Union . in Genova, Swilzerland, Weqnes- The third tornado struck at Dean- which I'll be t.lklng .bout. Unless you \vant to spend a years old, but may appear to be would not provide the "best possi- Washington said Wednesday that He recalled repeated U.S. efforls day. dale. couple of dollarll each for peren- 18. She was last seen wearing a ble housing at the least possible Russia's announcement of a ban to win agreement with Russia in The commission's annual survcy _.. Sell R",ul"'~nh n[al bushes (Jjke roses and aza- green coat and a rust-colored skirt. cost for the greatest possible num- on nu~lear weapons tests is just a . the disarmament. nuclear test suggested that European govern- SAN FRANCISCO ~ _ Nature Iowa 'has been blessed with leas), it's best to stick to annuals- Mrs. Wilfang said that she has, ber of students." gimrnlck that shouldn't be lakcn Iand olher fields . m{ nts could cushion the impact loosed blizzards. noods, a cyclone, some or the finest tOpsoil in the those flowers that can be grown notified immigration authorities Rchder said, "We do not c:~lm seriously. -.-- by an 'mmedlatc r la ~Uon, o( re-, ltOlT1!litial ' . ralps, tra~n-burylng nation. This saine ¥rk loam, from seed and which grow, bloom, about her daughter'{j disappear- to have the last word on IlWIrled "Mr. Eisenhower told a nc,!\,s con- ' THE AMERICAN Mbtors (or) trictive ,measu es: 5uc,l1 . as etedit snowlllld'es, l rolid-bJryili~ earth- H:J .£.tl1ch by ena~d , th~ ~late td an~ die In on,e season. Of course. 1I000e. ." , ' housing construction, and are ,:"ilI- ferenc~ that this evaluation doosn't l ...r.tlon In D.troitl[ W.... lNy · ?6ntrols, ' an~ ar1~d (hat ~ l¥ltl- slides or! Call1drnJa Wed~esday but )"~ ~I/IflCO~ Iln. f1grij!ljl.~urlll , leadct'.' can rQ'ses j alld the )ike are good" long- • ·MithQllc is an alien and must re- i~g to cons.',der any suggestions n however that we should .u...... ct a two-y ••" frau.1 oh mClaflvnary rcstf1etl ~e (lOh~l¥S ,of leJti the pa'i-ct1ed badhln~s dry. ~ . 1~~!>Ie ~O\\ to \>Elcoq\e , a green term mvestment~ . i( you plan to live port any change of addres . gIven to us. mea •• w.gll and ~rI~e benefit, fW itt ' 1110stl West' ~urbpea,n g.o~ernments . I L:1~e nillof \ llilt •.1 1'(' sight. A " "Il !;IJ~nib .Jf . ,YP.II.\'· .grRund. is 'falr\f ljp the ~ame placll. for a number It I I. I ' i ~ a""""otlv. work ,-" but" th~ \ "ot Oh~y failed In th Ir pUfJ?Ose,. nfiw' itorm 'hit nOi-th..,' rn C.lifor- ~ ,~, ~ex~I •. jopks ,pr~tt)\ 1 dl!fk and 'fee1s o~ )'ea~s ' 'rhe bulbous' PIBntslH'" Uni ..d 4U\O t:;.rt.e.'! Unlori . .... blitcohtribul.ed l j~n .. h,ally!aytOl nl.durl~thellty:··' . ~ 'sllqn~./I ard, 'is,pccl.a\ly if it has R I- - h S- -I -t- . ,(tulips, otc.> arc usually " I 'e' lies 'e ' I"naccept- j thp present dcClme to the rate of A Sa" 'foot waters of 1 •• not befn Rlan,t.ed,t rc;cently: tlie ~~((~lIil.s. r.e' 'e' Iglons "'W 1ml art ~", ~I tid~ ~u'shed planted 111 fall. so we won't. talk • 'I I U '1... Ie ., ., j European economIc expansion. the raging Guadal~~ ' River into " chance's arc tha~ it is vcry sUitable about them yet. That leaves an- ,c The C0InfI.ny notified the the already nooded town of Alviso 'for gardenir;lg. , nuals (unlcss you want to con- union th.t It will seek new con- WEDNESDAY, Pruident EI,- on the southern shore o( San Fran- U you want to be sure, have a N" 'D-ff E - soil test made. Take a representa­ sider biennials), The list of an- t ces at terti me treets to elimln ... further cost enhower proposeet to put .ft .d- cisco Bay and most of the town's tive sample of topsoil (about four ~~t~SiS~:~g~a~ I~v:r~~; f\~a:o~;~ 0 I ere n as ~iI:!i~n!n:~~7~:~ • .:ndof th: ~~:~0~~~i:~Ii~io~7~ .~:~~:I~: ~ r:~:;tsSo:~:r:v;:~~ . mail Inches deep and a tablespoon in for the'1!i, cision to the ladies, but here are cent, .n hour b... d on produc. gr.m," during the n.xt flIC.1 train was partially burled by a quantity), dry it out, and send it some you may consider: alyssium, Iy DON MITCHELL I time oC joy, thanksgiving, and , Red Sea parted for their passage. tivity. year_ snowsJide in the Sierra Nevada. stu~ to our friends at Ames. The ad­ aster, balsam, calliopsis, candy- M.n.gi~ Editor feast. and closed on the pursuers. The union, how.v.r, said In .. The extra money, boostint th. 165 miles northeast of San Fran- very· carefll dress: Jowa State College, State I many tuft, celosia, dianthus, lobelia, . .. _. . Christian churches around the During the first two nights of I .tltemont AMC _rk.r. "would I defen.. budg.t ov.r the $40-. t fl rae. Agricultural Experiment Station, dwarf marigold, annual phlox, por- A pomt of hIgh SIgnificance In world will be filled Sunday as the ' the celebration Sedar dinners are billion mark for the 12 month. CISCO. Twen y- ve passengers were ' t I" . n.v.r" .pprov. such p.cts. I d t f ty considerect. Ames, Iowa. These soil tests are tuaca, salvia, verbena ~ and zin- lh.ree f lh wor ld s grea re Iglons' faithful come to worship and hear held and the table is lead with starting July I, would mean e 0 sa e . will :ill ,'the a e I · usually free for the asking. nia. All these annuals are avail- will be reached !"riday when many the glad Easter songs proclaiming . bitter herbs, recalling former bit- THE AMERICAN business re- more intercontinental bomber., Highways In that area were study ~ able in seed packets for 10 to 25 SUI I from that Christ lives. . terness and unleavened bread, cession is likely to cast its shadow .. tomic .ubmar- .. a made t~ Pto' Sp.ce Requirement. stu~ents ~1I t~ a;~y ~iSlile-firing bl~k::bybyt:i~:~~f ~~~:~~to at the low\!lt cents each. campus 10 ce e ra Ion 0 aster. Easter for all the faiths usually Matzoth. The Matzoth recalls the on Weslern Europe through most Ines, and an uplnded sp.ce r.- 24 it t t h-'-'-~i N th If you .r. .n inexperienced When ..Iecting ..ed packet. Friday is Good Friday, the day takes on secular meaning, too, Cor fact that flight from Egypt was of 1958. the United Nations Eco- .... rch program, -un a'pa~ me~ ous~ _.n o~ ,."ner with 11"1. sp.c. to work for .nnu.I., look on the back of Christ was crucified. It is a day of, it is a Uma for new clothes in hurried and there was no time to I ----'- !'l0llywood, cau.an~ exte!1.8lve mm- ., It II Import.nt th.t you the p.ck.t to see If the pl.nts atonement and sadness for Chris- which to greet the Spring. complete preparation of the bread. SOVIET PREMIER Nikita Jling for lhe regillnal conference of In- Friday will be EUJlioe lil,Roberts, . Ie.t If.rted from nurH'" pl.nt•. .Itho",h It II unlikely th.t he Many Smowans, students, staff and their familics, however. will do "Ramadan teachcs hardship Iof communication. and . ttanspor-\ tcrcollegiate Association of Women assistant dean o( the f8~ulties and · Pol.' ...... Hconel' only to would c.rry v.rlttl .. un.ult.bI. their relaxing in Iowa City. and sacrifice, [or we may sec food lation to pave the way' for the gen- Students (lAWS \. . ~irector 01 the wl\men II . ~ca- for thll ...... The respite coming about in the middle of the spring semester. but not touch it. It teac.hcs us era~ strike he hopes will' topple I T~e con(cren~e WIll end Sunday, ~onal propam at lndlarta UnIVer- One way to beat the climate is means a break from studies for most students. how to meet life" explains Man-I Ballsla. April 6. followmg four days of 8lty. 'olice Link 4th Man to slart annual seeds inside the For the next several days, SUlowans can do almost any thing- zur A. Chowdhuri: G, Dacca, Pak- Rumors are grow.ing that he I workshop ~ssion~ and keyn~te Wor~hops wUI be conducted at ~ I house in flats or pots. You can gain (rom fishing to-loops. mom wants you to help clean up the yar~ istan, one of the (oreign sludent . plans lo call the stnke Thursday speakers. 'Thc Silent GeneratIOn 10 a.m. Friday. SUt President . , 10 Searl Burg ary up to a month by doing this, al- veH). Moslems at SUr. I night. after business establish- Speaks" will be the theme of the Virgil M. Hallcher will speai to A fqurth ' man has been linked though It requires a little extra Those who havc little to do can spend their time catching up on He also explaiJ¥:d that many mcnts have closed for the Good conference. the group Friday evening at 8 In work_ I'll say more about starting home town news and comparing notes with friends. scientists think that the fast once Friday-Easter holiday. Registration is scheduled from the Senale Chamber of Old Capl- lIy Iowa City Police to the recent plants Indoors next timc. The weather man says now is a good time for that first big sleak during the year is good Cor the I Some worekrs in Orirnle prov- 4 to 10 :30 p.m. FollOWing a buCCet lol, and there will be an open fOrtes of burglaries that ~ have Well, after you and your' spouse rry out in the country W.1U1 lhe gang. as wcll as a lime Cor golI, fishing. stomach and hl!alth in gencraL. ince, Castro's stronghold, a!ready ~ \lI>per lon~ghl, lhe group will meet house at Currier Hall lounedlately . "'aped tJie Iowa City area. have considered all lhese things. boating-or just plain luxurious lounging ror the lazy loafer set. I ••• have left trea jobs. Sugar mill em- In the MaID Lounge of Iowa Me- after.,. . C I I and have completed the knock- For the many students who can't make it home for Easter-and the EASTER IS A TIME for sincere I ployes jomed transport workers morial Union . BuslDess meetlllls will be con- ' aro L. Dav s 26. Oakdale, was down. drag-out battie about whal married students Bl1d (aeul~y who will slay in [ow a City-campus life thought, recollection of hardship, who had walked out earlier. Harriet Kunl~ M, Iowa City, dueled Saturda, mornllll, at which lrralped in Iowa City police to include In the garden. mark off will continue at a sllghUy subdued pace. . and finally joy for these three The rebels conducted armed I convention chalfman, will preside delegates win vote for. naUonai COUrt Wednesday on a charge of each vegetable row and flower beds All dormitories. University Libraries and Iowa Memorial Union great religions. And for others it Iraids. burned two buses, and stole " at the opening session . M. L. Hult. president and vlce.presldent and buralary in connection with the and borders on your dlagram. Your will remain open (Jtraduatc student please notel. is almost the same, for fhe spring cars and trucks at Mantanlllo, In dean oC studenls, will welcome reglo~al coordl"8to~. .' )cars 'Roebuek Store burgiill)' garden is planned_ The library will be o~n fN?m 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon Thursday. Fri- has come and the hardship Of , the weslerll part of Oriente. . ! the coeds an~ Loren. Hickerson, di- EUDlce M. Roberti will 'addreQ ..)tlJ reh/.5• which netted $500. .H e was So don't just sit there ~ get your day and Monday, and from 7:30 to 5 p.m. Saturday. . winter Is over, but not to be (or- Steel plates and welding equip: I~ector, of alumni rec:Qrds, will the coedI ·Seturday iftel'llOH at "-cI clipboa~ and go out and measure! . The library will be closed Easter Sunday. gotten. ment also were taken, apparently speak to the delegates. . C 1:30. A conference ' evaluatlOll .' qyer to Johnson County dis- ~r:Dr:l.;. ·:"I:II:':::~~~I.,:~I,,:~'~:~ Quadrangle Cafeteria will serve every day except Sunday. Alll' It Is a lime of liberation and to make armor plating for ' rebel Jan Foulkes. national vlce-presl- will follow a collveatlon bBJlq1le& . , Itriet court for tri.1. . . UII,,"'8). other dormitory eating facilities will be closed. thankful joy. vehicles. I dent from Indiana University. IDd liDal buJlDeII , "\ _t ... .. " .' . I: , , ffll&1)atly -~ lowan ,,' f .' ,.

By BILL TETER student self-government cannot be run like a club 1__ City, low_ Student Bodt PAsident or even a scries of clubs. The ordinary Student Council cannot be ex- What is stereo? This question is The basic equipment for playback If udent government is to have a future, pected to cope with more than minor mailers and prominent in the minds of many is nol too expensive. The most it mus become an integral part oC the University's on most campuses the well-organized form of stu- buyers of recorded music today, popular way to stereo for those ai­ administrative and instructional organization. Such dent sell-government is not necessary because so I'll attempt to di scuss it, leav- ready owning a monaural (ordinary Twenty-nir a prediction is based on the tendency to increase students are not doing things import.ant enough ing our subject of the smaller one-channel ) hi-fi set seems to be and five SCI the tempo of highcr education, the movement to justify so much organization. record COmPanies for next week the purchase of a tape playback nent SU toward night classes which crowd out extra-curri- In this respect a vicious Circle exists - stu- and later. Many supposedly simple machine which has stereo head, .. on exhib cular activities, and the belief that an educational dent governments cannot do important business booklets have been written in two pre·ampliIiers, one amplificr )Iemorial U program will be better in every way if students because they do not have an adequate organization, answer to the above qu~tion. with and speaker. The amplifier and display will accep( joint responsibility with faculty for the ad- and they sbould not have a complicated organ i- little success except in confusing and speaker with Ihe original hi- • fOrmer sur minislration of tlleir own education on both the zalion because they do not do important business. everyone concerned, so r m under- fi phonograph serve as the second • t:f SUI facul policy and operational levels. Thus there are two major obstacles to the de- taking quite a task to explain the channeL Of course the best balance ~(essors DEMOCRACY in the administration of higher velopment oC this new kind oCstudent sel(-govern- thing myself. between the two channels is • M Departn education is historically so recent that even Caculty ment _ thcse being the human nature of students TO BEGIN WITH, we all ha ve achie ved by starting Crom scratch "'oA Among b partiCipation is limited; it is generally poorly and the hU(Tlan nature or the faculty ! two ears. Right? Simple, isn't it ? and buying two separate matched lit shown organized and often functions quite inefficiently. The historical differences between education in Now since each of our ears is posi- sets 0( pre-ampliriers, amplifiers, J." cicio Lelal Therefore it is 110t surprising, nor should it de dis- the United States and in other countries, the differ- lioned at a different place in space, and speakers. nl.~· 'E",,"a": couraging, that most of the things done in the ences in our student bodies, and the difference in the they hear slightly different sounds. The fu n begins when you start " tro¥tnial ' name of student government can scarcely be called motivations causing students to come to college This is what enables us to "place" buying some tapes to play on the .Iie"; proi "student self·government" at all. show perfectly logical explanations for the present a sound, owing to the (act that the stereo set. Nearly all the major Elfie', oil. Student Council, in its ten years of inadequacy statu. Campus activities and methods are based object causing the sound is slight- record companies and many small , ..... Jam at SUI, has had. in rna t cases, responsibility for upon these special conditions here in the United Iy closer to one ear than the other companies now have stereo pre­ If N.w y , those things which the faculty did not consider States; so this Is not to be critical, but merely to and th~ closer ear picks up the recorded tapes on the market. !1IIft; proll! of much real significance, and has been allowed state the facts as they are. sound !irst. The analogy with RCA Victor alone has 50 tapes for uFish Tow to do detailed work for administrators who carry For example, the public 'Vants well-rounded, stereoscopic vision is always drawn the stereo Can. r realize the follow- the responsi bility. Student Council will begin to educated people, but believes that this kind of edu- about this time. 1'he principle of 3D ing is an exceptional example, but evolve into student self-government only when stu- cation comes primarily from good classroom in- movies and slides is basically the it serves to show the wide variance dents partiCipate in decisions directly related to structlon. The idea that some important outcomes same - two pictures, photograph- in price existing between records graduation requirements, grades, teaching methods, of education can be achieved only through ex- ' ed the same distance apart as the and tapes: The Vanguard com- attendance, discipline. schedilies and student load. perience is understandably foreign to most ta~pay- eyes, and viewed by the corres- pany has a speCial $1.98 "sampler" How then can the student body work toward this ers. ponding eye when looking into the record containing the complete kind of student sel(·government? First and basic is Naturally. therefore, the public feels that when. viewer or (with special filters ) on "Sche.herazade" by Rimsky-Korsa- that students themselves must become really in· ever a student makes a mistake or does something the screen . koff I'n a masterful performance , terested in obtaining an education and not J'ust To make a stereo record'ng t be l'C II d d The t g badly it is simply because the teacher has not told I • wo au I u y recor e . s ereo rades, crellits and a degree. Such prowcts,~ as him what, how, when or where. Since results are all or more ml' kes are pacI ed 10' f ron t t ape 0 f exac Uy th e same per form- recreational, charity, service and social activities the public sees and since the public holds teachers of the orchestra . Due to com pt ·I- an"e" on th e same label come s to represent the type of responsibility students first responsible. most faculty are wisely afraid to sup- cated technicalities, these mikes $14.95. Longe r works such 2S had in this country when the teacher allowed them are I ced much f th t B th ' N' th t $2' port student government such as herein described. p a ar er apar ee oven s IJ1 come 0 ... to c1e.an the erasers, decorate (or tIE dances, col- Ch than a pair of human ears. Each Lately selections have been divided lect ror the poliO drive, write the invitations, usher aracter building for the ruture will not be "channel" or cI'rcuI't has an en. . t t " I " t' "12 accepted in student self-government much more IJ1 0 wo vo umes, cos 109 .. or at pubJic meetings, and do detailed work in con- tirely separat am liI'e Th 'g $]4 ach B t h t t 0 readily than in football . ]n the minds of the public e p I r. e Sl . e. u w 0 wan sown nection with teaching - even to the point. oC grad- nals from the two channels are fed just the first half of Beethoven's ing papers. . it is the final score and not how you played the to a stereo tape recorder. This Ninth, even i( it is stereo? I FIRST STEP in the achievement of real sel(- . game. machine is baSically two tape THE MAIN REASON for the government is that students will have to become Stud6l'\ts, on the otherhand, are people too. They recorders . which record on the high price is the relative dilfi- interested in getting an education and realize that know from years of experience the position assign- same piece of tape at once. It puts culty oC duplicating tapes. Records _~_ llllcb t!l1ngs -as gta(Jcs, c,x:edits, charit.Y aml ~ial ed faculty members by the public. So most students two entirely separate signals on are stamped by tbe thousan~s out ' I. 'I!' ; 1'\<1.1, en,d.s. l!I"d can halvre given up idea da "rcalhstudent the tape, side by side. oC a single metal mold, but tapes . ' '--;- I 'I ilctivi~ are ' :l')l g" I' • 11' f· tl 1 1 t 't THE THIRD P,REREQUISITE to ,the develop- dent.s acc pt. joint .responsibility for t1,le , dfh1nis- . U.D som.e ot the ounds from the increased record wea - will leave . . . \e IIr(11 5S 0 ·our reCOTe we can no wal, t f f d I( t ti d ttl ..... r h Jd" f.... d d i .u t h d f ood to thiS Gountl·Y. f1ls <:OUJ1ti.'), ' wluch has d _ . III , ." men 0 a n w type 0 stu ent se -government is ra ve an lOS ruc lona I\Spec,~ 0 t elr 0t n e U' '13" t Sl e~an v ce versa, .nore stereo ape way a ea or g llicd him so inAch, ,hus nO\,,! denie(~. hln\ th.e Wc. Ul cl.1 1S cOllotry, nave. c\,os.ed oW' eyes to that stupents must be organized so tliar their gov- cation, both on the policy and the pperating levels. _ ':n;I1xillg" b th ·two channels lwil\o quality sound. I I ti f f 11 I b t to 1 ernment has two characterIstics. Fit-St. ' it must These ,values 0(' stu.dent selt-g1)ve{nrpej'\t .cflnnHt occur d~i4 pla~bllck because thc TIfE MORAL of all ,this is, don ' ~ power to l eave~ I. : " i', I gros~~~t~ ' °t ? 'OUT e.ows, I eTlY, 0 Dng be representative oC all the ~tu~entl! on the ca'tl- be gained from the classroom or the iQotbaU,fiEl1<\II , so nds l1l og Crom th e two speak· let the stereo fans s~op YQU Ifrom Thi blac~!i pdwler i' ~eill g c'lelirivkd 0(.- th (\n~ ,lH , AlgeJ'}'a anQth,er, exa~ple . ~us. Who, for example do class ofticers or To\fn They will be obtained only when both students and , ers will x." I A"joying the jt.l1e~l:Y grea~er hi rights as a puman b iug it} a manl r ~jm- Tl1~se problelns mity. ~ t~ t e~al Q.nc~ a.S t ~ot? M¢n represent? The representation 'problerilis a th administration of our eolleges really want it, STER 0 IS now fairly standard- amount of good usi available on ihr to the r thl s 1 r t\ T] _ France and South AfrIca mS1St. (Child dISCI- very dHCicult and complex one, but it must be really believe in it. and are willing to sacrifice for ized in it~ echnical polnts and i long-play recor s. T y'n PEl the .' " ~ ~~~~mW~.~~ . Wg~'~~I~"~I~~~.~~~~~t~y~ r · ~__ V_ed_'_~_rn_d_,_so_~_r_a_s_o_r_g_an_i_m_t_~_n_i~s~c_o_~~r_M_d_, __H_. ______~--_-----O~~!~I~~~-~a~~L~~~~m~"~ ~COmL HlIJ upmlll lhe Uillted ahons, nH ~~rp hy . '. .,. .j , th,' Frc \ lrld, intituted a reportf-. i,hrtUI1- not allow a :ather to , t ak~ Ius ~hl ld s... hf~~. " ; G /' N· • human net 11 and the nion Of OVlet S~ If armed 11lterventIOn IS unhkely :dun s Reuther-Goldwater Tang'le ';, t.' enera otlces c1aJist Bepn )lics was censured. Tt seemed at sal'y or in viohltion oE one tr eahll~~ :Moti,. t-: I i , 0' :(l."enl NoUce. must 'oe rP,Qelved at Tl>~ Dally lowan olllce. Room 101. eo- the timc tll r was littl else t])at could' b then rnoral sanctions at, least can ,be,invoke~ l.l By IaEORGE DIXON packed the hearing to the doors. er working colleagues feel that the , !I'unlr.1.1on~ Center, by 8 I."", for publication the followlne mornin,. Thq , 1 So f th t I tt f h t' I I tb ( lnu,t N typed or le"bJy wrHlen and SIgned; they wllJ not l>e accepted itT done. It seems unlikely tha t Libcrty' h as ever It IS very obliging of the Sen- me 0 e grea er g 1I ons Or s ow - par ICU ar y e per orm- telephone. The Da Uy Iowan reaerves th~ rleht to edIt all General Notlce .. 'ttee to 0 'de punishment stuck it out.' but mally ance by Reuther and Goldwater at Ra ket Com VI There wcre many who wanted more - _ beell lakell so II'glltly Or s'o for graIl ted by the Unitede c Auto s Workml ers' Presidentpr with less appetite for Kilkenny cat- - has lowered the dignity and VETERANS - E ac I1 P ..L 550 ve t - BABY SITTING - League book war if necessary. Rallies were held, placards- people who have fought for it many times. WaIter P . Reuther and Arizona tishness decided they couldn't prestige of the Senate. eran must $lgn a VA Form will be in charge oC Mrs. Dennis painted. Some even rushed to Austria and ~' Lioer ty seems to be pa 5e - n rvous giggl 5 Senator Barry Goldwater with a stomach it any longer. They fear that the spectators VB 7-1996a to cover his attendance Rohrs April 1-15. Call 8-4844 if a helped r fug es to freedom. Can any less be 'are the response to its mention. But never has public (orum on which to air their Quite a few who listened to the and televiewers are getting the lrom March 1 through March 31, sitter or information concerning joining the league is desired. don for th crush d black masses of the Un- the liberty of so many people been in greater conflicting ideologies. However, I wild gabbling had the eerie feel- impression that the Senate goes in ]958. Beginning on Tuesday, April am afraid the two exponents of ing they had mistaken the date. more (or carnival than serious ion of outh Africa? danger. florid forensics are boring a lot They felt it should be eiUler April legislation. I don 't want to makc I, a form will be available at the PLAYNITES (or stu(lents, staff This country volunteered lives for the pres- The suppression of liberty, of any man's of thinking citizens who can do Fool's Day or July the Fourth. invidious comparison, but you window outside Veterans Service and faculty and their spouses at ('rvation oE oulh Kilre.'l. We fire daily re- freedom, whether in Hungary or South Africa, without Fourth oC July oratory. The situation is ' proving equally don't see any of the more import- in University HalL Regular sign- the Fieldhouse each Tuesday and Friday night from 7:30 to 9:30 mind'd we must contain tb deadly mel1flC of . , must be vigorously fought. ' Every day since the union boss disturbing to many of the more ant Scnators, havi~g ~ny part of , up will continue through Friday, and tlte GOP lawmaker started thoughtful Senators. Any number the rackets Invesltg.atJOn . . April 4. Office open hours are 8:30 p.m . Admission will be by faculty. trying Ito out·rant each other, I have cOllfided to me their appre- From the Republtcan Side you staff or student I.D. Card. The ha ve atte~ed the circus, and hensiveness that the Rackets Com- don'( see Knowland, of California; a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to Weight Training Room will be Letters I to the Edi,tor- . # every~me I have been driven out miUee iMvestigation is degenerat- Bridges, o( New Hampshire; Wat- 4;30 p.m. at the (ollowing times: Mondays, 4 by l 'r adolescent squabbling. jng into' a sorry circus. kins, of Utah, or Cooper, of Ken- to 6 p.m.; Wednesdays, 4 to 6 p.m.; The ' ckets Committee is sup- They decline to be quoted direct- tucky. On the Democratic side FAMILY NITES at the Field- and Fridays: .. to 6 p.m. How To Help Old~ Gold ~ys posed to be hearing labor-man- ly, beClJuse one member of the you don't see Johnson, of Texas; bouse for students, stldl. faculty, MMN Ll8U..RY ~OURS • I , , agemett abuSes, not Reuther- "World's Most Exclusive Gentle- Hayden, of Arizona; Byrd, of Vir­ their spouses and their families To the Student Body of the Sta'" arc SU[ tudents,' mey will eXllect partmeht offers. Faculty and' FOR THE EASTER RECESS weli: Goldwlter abuses. men's Club" hesitates long before ginia, or Fulbright, of Arkansas. on the second and fourth Wed- University ofl Iowa : u to know the answers. Thererore inrorined students will be on hand The tiresllme tiffing has proven he publiCly criticizes another. But The more·responsible solons Ceel Thursday, April 3 - 7:30 a,m, to Less than qne month (rom now, we ~ust ~ n!Jc ip a t e what their to answer questions and discuss 0lt very 1Imbarrassing to me, per- they confide that they are becom· that if people like Reu ther and nesdays of each month. Recrj!ation. 12 :00 Midnight April 25, 26, one o( the most ~pec_ . questions Will b~. . portunitJeSin that field . sonally ] wrote a column the ing increasingly dismayed by the Goldwater cannot stine an insatia­ al swimming and famlly-type actio Friday, April 4 - 7:30 a,m. to tacular programs ever undertakcq I. Wh at is thIS purpose of Old From those attending, a select other day stating that there are Rackets Committee's antics. ble craving to stage an act they vities will be available from 7:15 12 :00 Midnight. by SUI stud nts will be presented. Gold Days? TO',cquaint the high group will be invited to attend the no unin,j:errupted bores in Washing- Most oC the Senators on the should take it from the Senate to 9:15 p.m. Saturday, April 5 - 7:30 a.m. to This will be the first year for school s nior wi he academic op- Leadership Training School spon­ ton. R'uther and Goldwater are committee have become actors, Caucus Room to a night club 5 p.m. Old Gold Days, an event lhat has portunities at a university, as well sored by ODK and Mortar 'Board. forcing me to make a relraction. with more of an eye to the tele- where they could buffoon to their WOMEN'S GYM - There will be Sunday, April 6 - CLOSED. b cn handled entirely by Ule stu- a~ to observe campus life in gen- Varsity Varieties, a campus tal­ The Reuther-Gotdwater tangle visiOn cameras Ulan the evidence. heart's content, preferably in recreational swimming at the Monday, April 7 - 7:30 a.m. to dents thcmselves. Those who have eral. , ent show, will be presented 011 both hid sO much advance billing it Their less-photographed, but hard- motley. Women's Gymnasium on Monday, 12 :00 Midnight. . D.sk Service worked closely with Old Gold Days 2. Who is Iigib~e to aU nd? High Friday and Saturday nights in the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday have overcome many obstacles, hi ' e h v e Fieldhollse. Interpreting the News - OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN from 4: 15 to 5; 15. All women stu­ Thursday, April 3 - 8:00 a.m. to Iand now have the program fully sc 00 emors, wJ1o. ~ e been se­ Late Saturday afternoon, 8 water dents, staff, and {acuIty members 5 p.m. r ady to go I cted by theIr pnnclpals on the show will be presented on the Iowa are invited. Friday, April 4 - 8:00 a.m. to Yet, though they have laId the basis o~ ~c holarship, leadership, River with skiing and boating de­ ,. .University 5:00 p,m. groundwork, sllch a program can- a?d actlvit~e a\14 who are plan­ monslrations. Canadian .Elections YWCA BABY SITTING - A Saturday, April 5 - 8:00 a.m. lo not be carried out successfully by nmg on gomg w college. On Saturday night (ollowlng Var­ baby-sitting service to the residents 5:00 p.m.' 'V' Calendar Monday, April 7 - 8:00 a.m. to ,my less than 100 per cent coopera- 3. Where will they stay? They sity Varieties, the Carnival of By J. M. ROBERTS knows there Is no ill intention, and of Iowa City is being offered by tion Crom us, the student body at will be housed in ~niversity super­ Bands dance will be helr ' " ...... Tom Slattery Make-aood service on riWUed pa'pOi'a Is period oC five weeks. Classes will Man.atna Editor . . ... Don Mitchell not po Ible. but every ~fort will be all, which most of them did not. THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY Rome Mayo 'Clinlc _ "Myths -C.LUI-All women students are in- City Editor "" .... . Mullyn Lyon made to correct errots -w1th the nexl . ' " ' vlted each Tuesday and Thursday, meet four days a week - Monday, M£MB£1l Asslmnt City Editor John J.n .... n luue . THERE WAS ALSO the fact that has been described in the Unitcd Mag~ and Medicine - Classroom, at 4-5: 15 p.m, in the Women's Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. A DIT BUllEAU Assistant City Editor .. Tom Powell III OF the Liberals had held po,wer during States during the campaign as Psychopathic Hospital. Gym. Classes will be held at the 1; 30, CIIlCULATIOfS New. Editor ... :-: '" JIm Davies MEMBEIl .f th ASSOOIATED rllU8 Soclet,. Editor" ,,, , .. Jane Hubly IThe A.. "elated Pre .. II enUUed ex­ most of the mature lives of Amer- close kin to the Eisenhower fac­ 3: 30 and 4 :30 hours. Students who Publbhed dally except Sunday and Sporn EdJtor .... _ . .. Alan HOlkln. clusively to \he use for republicltlon T~,deYI April • PENGUINS SWIMMING CLUB wish to register for the course may Monday and lepl holiday. by Stu­ Editorial Pale Editor . Suzanne Forte of aU the local news printed In thl. ieans, and al\ had gone well. tion of the Republicans. 4;30 p.m, - University Faculty for Universily women will meet on d,,,,t Publications. Inc .. Communlca­ Chief Photoaraph"r. Don Hane.worth newspaper .. well al all AP new. do so by signing the appropriate Oons• Center. lowl City. Iowa. En­ Review Board Chairman ...... , dllpatchel. But most of those in the Unlted Canadians, worried about un· Council - Senate Chamber, Old Wednesdays from 4:15 to 5:15 until class lists in Room 35A OAT. tered .. lecond cla .. maUer at the ...... : '" Robert Metey Capitol. , the end of the school year." post olflce at Iowa City. under the States accept most Canadians as employment and the recession, but Early enrollment will be advisable, DAILY IOWAN 8UPEllVISOall FaOH 3 act 0' Conare. Of March 2, 1871. DAILY IOWAJII ADVEIlTIIiING IITA"F IICHOOL or 10uaNALlI.. ,.ACU1.TY 6 to 7:~ p.m. - Triangle pub STUDENT TEACHING _ Studcnts since there are only sections, and AdvertJllna Man.aCT .. ... Mel·Adam. a part of the American way of life still prosperous as is most of the each o{ these will be limited in Alit. AdvertJ.lna :sr... John Ruddy Publ Wler ...... ""John M. Horrlaon Picnic Supper - Triangle Club on campus who plan to enroll in Diel 41.' from noon to mldnl,hl to Editorial ...... Annur M . Bandenon Just as their two ~ounlries occupy United States, clJdn't go for special size. report new~ Item., wome-n·. ~ ClauUled Mana,e . ,. J"Fk Powe .. Adverlliina ...... E.-John Kottman Orlh Rooms. Iowa Memorial Union. Observation and Laboratory Prac- Items. or anDOun~emenli to The PromoUon Mana, " ...... 11m most of the North American Con- approaches this year, Tile Social­ _~I~.. ~I~.:.:.:..:....!lIbU1' Peteron Wedne.day, April , ~ice, ?;79 (Student Teaching), dur- BADMINTON CLUB - AU Daily Jowan. EcIJ\orlal 0111.,.,. .re DAILY 10WAJII ClaCULATION uni­ I In the Communlc.UtlIll Cl!nter. TaU8TU8. IIOAIlO or ITUOENT . tinent. ists and the Social Credit people 7:30 p.m. _ Young Republicans 109 either semester of the 1958-59 versity students, mea and Wornell, ClrculaUon Mana.u . _. Paul Beard rVSUCATION8 Subscription rates - by carrier In A"btant Mlna,er ~ ... MI .1 Dalley Dr. Ceor,e Ea.ton, o.ntlstr7: D.vld The chief fly in the ointment is were almost wiped out of ParUIl­ - Senator Jack Miller. Sioux City aoademic year must pre-register are invited to badmintoo club at Iowa City. U celllS weekly or IlO H. P'ltulmmons. AJ; Thorn.. S. Hlm­ that when the big United States meat. _ "Reapportionment" _ Senate for this course before May I, ]958. the Women's Gym from 4;15 to pre'r ye:.r in adva.ncr, siX' months, Diel U )/OU do not ....,.,Ive your Prof. Kdoo. ""1 Ilton. A4 ; Hu,h Polltlcal Chamber, Old Capitol. Pre·registration forms are to he 5:\5 every ' Monday and Wednes­ IS.M : three month j 13.00. By mall Dally Iowan by 1:10 I .m. The 0011)/ Setence; Dwtcht Lowell Mathea. 044 ; turns dver in bed. lOme of the As Dulles said, men of good will tn low., .. ~r ye.ar; Ilx monthS, f5: loWi Circulation allice In Communi­ Prof. Leslie G. Moeller, JouniaUsm; 8 p.m. - J. Robert Hanson, fill ed Ollt and filed in the office day. A fee of 50 cents will he three months . .,;. all o\hi!r mall sub­ cation. C.. n.. r to a'pen from • a.m. to Prof. L. A. Van Dyke, Ed~.tlon; cover \ihay be pulled off Canada. in Ottawa will deal with men of SCri ptloM, $lO per :te,ar; Ilx month., 5 p.m.. on Monday. '111m 1 I.m. to It O.r.,. W. WlllJ.oms, AI; ThOt!UI' W. Trumpet Recital Macbride of the DIrector of the University charged to cover the expeoae 01 '$.1;0; three monlhl, ~ . :s. p.m., Tllesday ~\I&Il .Frida)" and J M~,U. But lite a good wife, Canada good will in Washington. as always. Audltorium. High School, Room, 308, U.E.S. birdies. '. ...

"'------THE DAILY IOWAN-loyta City, 1,w3-T~ur.s . , April 3, 19SI-Page 3 Open 'Exhibit . . . ----- :New· .Space ·Group . I ~:~~:::::r:~,. uesdayof piano recital Tue day at 4 p.m. in North Music Hall. Judy Croft, A2, Norwalk. will team with Catherine rt in Union Herr. A4, Dubuque. in presenting Serf Congress the program. Twenty·nine paintings and prints Plan They will play Bach's "Prelude and five sculptures from the per· By ELTON C. FAY mcnt and "Jiving organisms" into nenl SUI art collection will space. and Fugue in C Minor" and "Pre­ ;. on exhibition Tuesday in Iowa WASIDNGTON I.fI - A plan Cor a new agency to Command Amer­ lude and Fugue in D Minor." ica's muHtbilJion-doilar civilian program of exploring outer space was 4. PRESERVATION OF THIS Memorial Union. Included in the Braluns' "Two Intermezzi. Op. 117" display will be works by three sent to Congress Wednesday by President Eisenhower. I country's role as "a leader in . , former SUI students. three Corm· He named it the National Aeronautics and Space Agency and said aeronautical and space science and and DelIo Joio's "Presto Martel· C'f SUI Caculty members and seven its talks should have high priority. technology." lato" Crom "Sonata No.2," Beetho­ ~fessors now teaching in the Mr. Eisenhower. in an 1.lIOC).word r------­ S. MAKE OISCOVERIES OF ven's "Sonata, Op. 31, No.2" and Art Department oC the University. outline message to the legislators, from the White House to Congress mllitary value available to national S c h u mann's "Faschlngsschwank recommended creation of NASA Wednesday _ a $1.455,747.000 sup­ defense agenoies. T~ Amont better known works to and Wien." lit shown are professor MaurI· as a civilian-directed organization. plemental appropriation proposal 6. PROMOTE COOPIRATI 0 N Il' cicio Launsky" intaglio print, into which woul~ be merged the Cor the Defense Department - sug­ with other nations. Eisenhower 'E.,.I11"; Joan Miro's once con· long-existing National Advisory gesled the future dimensions of the opened his message by noting the troversi.1 oil on burlap, "Ros· Committee for Aeronautics. space program. United States and Russia have WSUI Schedule .Iie"; professor Stuart Carson He laid a pr.sldentially.po Listed in thls proposal was a earth satellites in orbit and that Ellie's oil, "Sultry Day"; pro­ poin"d directer Ihould head the $180-million increase for the Ad. "it Is now within the means of any W UI - IOWA CITY tit k/e I's- James Lechay's ,"Street5 new independent ...ney, with the technologically advanced nation to Tb.r~claJ. April S, lOlA ., N.w York," in mixed med· President .nd the NASA director vanced Research Projects Agency embark upon practicable programs 8:00 Momlna Chapel lum; professor Eugene Ludins' assisted by • bo.rd composacl of of the Defense De!1artment. for exploring outer space." 8;15 New. "Fish Town," and Mitchell Si- government and nongovernment This is tl1e military organiza­ J. ASSURE THE MOST eCfective 8;30 Randall ~cture in's "Endless Voyage." sci,ntist. and Including .t I... t tion handling all space programs 8:15 The Booksbelf utilization of scientific and engi­ The only sculpture by an SUI on. D.fen.. Department m.m- until NASA can take over the 8:45 Window on the World ber. civilian aspects of space explora· neering resources and avoid dup­ 10;00 New. fessor to appear in the Union lication of facilities and equip­ 10;15 Kitchen Concert show is Humbert Albrizio'oS "Pan­ What the nallon needs, said the tion. The increase raises to $520 11:00 Explorfnl the New. ment. 11 ;15 Kitchen Concert , ther." done in Vcrmont blue mar­ President, is "an imaginative and milJion the money Cor the Penta­ II ;45 MIdland Scbooli of the AIr ble. well-conceived space program." gon agency in the next fiscal 12:00 Rhythm Rambles 12:30 New. Representing the Baule Tribe. Ana he asked Cast action - " I year. PROFS AT MEETINGS 12:45 French Press Review West Africa, will be a sculpture. urge that the Congress give prompt That will cover only such pre­ 1:00 Mostly Mu.le Gladys Scott, professor and 1;55 Newl "Figure oC a Seated Man." in wood consideration to the draft legisla- IIminary. first-step experiments as chairman of the Department of 2:00 ContervaUon In Hawke:teland Ifained black. tion and that it be enacted at the the "lunar probe" flights of un­ 1;15 ~t·s Turn 11 Page Physical Education for Women at :1:30 Mostly Music Ellie is the only artist to have earliest possible date." manned rockets and some addi- sur, is attending meetings of phys­ :1;55 New. 'two works in the show. Accom· He said he would submit shortly tional earth satellite launchings. 4:00 Cblldren·. Hour ical education organizations this 4;30 Tea TIme panying his "Sultry Day" will an amendment to the budget {or Eisenhower outlined seven points week in Kansas City. Mo. 5:30 New. lit • second oil on canvas, "8ig tbe next fiscal year to provide to which he said the new organiza­ Jean Homewood. assistant pro· 5:45 SporuUme ';J ,I, · GETTING THE FEEL of controls on a big C.11' Air Force transport plane during recent flight to 6:00 Dinner Hour Still Life." Ohio, wa. Richard Maurer, El, I_a City. Maurer Is an Air Force ROTC cadet. Instructing him was funds Cor the new agency. noting tion and program should contri­ fessor of Physical Education for 6:" Newl • I' , Twenty.two oC the paintings are that draft legislation has been bute: 7:00 C.trrent Opinion Capt. Robert W. Casey, SUI air Iclenc. faculty. Maurer and 3l other students got checked out on lat. Women at SUI, is serving as chair· 7;;W Student Forum oils on canvas. Als·o included are est Air Force jet and -spac. progr.ms. -SUI Photo. prepared by the Budget Bureau. 1. 'EXPANSION OF HUMAN man o[ the basketball committee ' :00 Concert PM Tho Pre.ldent's mo..... on knowledge. . :00 Trio ". a work in ink and ' water color. Cor the Division Cor Girls and ':45 New. and Sports "St. Johannes Luttenburgh." by NASA contained no ..tim .... of 2. IMPROVEMENT OF aircraft. while they are settling the argu­ Women's Sports in the American KSUI (FMI SCHEDULE '1.7 _Ie Lyonel Feininger ; Irene Pereira's cost.. 3. OEVELOPMENT OF vehicles e:00·9:00 Fealure work wJII be m!mt." Association for Health. Physical Bruckner: Symphony No. 2 In collage on parchment. "Eight But anether message which went I able to carry instruments, equip- Education and Recreation. Part of State Still The difficulty started March 5 C Minor. Oblongs" ; Karl Zerbe's encaustic. "The Abbey." and Theodoros .' whcn the company directed truck Staoms' "Prehistoric Phase," an drivers to take their trucks through 011 done on masonite. the city vehicle testing station. Dis­ Without Electricity agreement arose over whether this ( The current exhibition will run was a proper work a signment. through May 10. DES MOINES ~ - A labor dis· system had been remedied and pute which has idled 800 union that except for the Oskaloosa area. employees of the Iowa Power and "the system is in pretty good 1'). ri-Deltas Elect Light Co. appeared no closer to shape." settlement Wednesday night. Gov. Lovel.ss said aft.r t.lklng I" Sandra Norton Leader Gov. Herschel Loveless. who with the union repres.ntatives (alked late Tuesday with both that it appeared "company and company and union leaders, con­ union are no closer "gether." PHONE 2213 Classified Autos for Sale Instruction Typing fered with 'five representatives of He said he didn't intend to try Local 499 of the Electrical Workers to solve the dispute and that "I Advertising Rates Union Wednesday. DRIVE-IN THEATRE am primarily interested in getting TYPING. 8-0437. 4-29R He also talked by telephone them to maintain electric service Word AdJ Apartment for Rent Rooms for Rent Wcpnesday with several company FREE TYPING. drawing. and chart• . "Exorbl- ODe Day ...... Ie a Word FOR RENT-Large room tor couple. Ian! rate• . but wlll Bar•• ln." 8-2733. officials and his office said he FOR RENT - Phone One room with prlvlleaes-Dlal 2882. 5-2 after 8;00 p.m. 4-5 furnished apartmenu'"3m. ,,5.00. fSO.OO, still might meet later in the ~ay ADMISSION Two Days ...... IDe a Word and $55.00 per month .... Ith utilities Iwith a group ~rom the power com­ paid. One block (rom bUlln... district. SINGLE room for work In, elrl. Nur TYPING 7397 Three Days . . ••. , . l2c a Word 4.4 Unlvenity and Veto HospltaU. 358.. . , pany. TONITE! 4-4 TYPi'NO-:-SI74:· ------':"--:-4 /I=Jt Meanwhile, some 4S0 farmers ConI(' Ollt ... 'Rrou;se Around Four Days ...... 14c a Word ....-- ...... - Work Wanted ROOM for ----man. 1485--. ---- 4-e EXPERIENCED typlnr. 8-3388. 4-& south ana we.t of Oskaloosa reo Be Our GI/I?,yt for the Slart Five Days ...... 15c a Word mained without el.ctric ..rvic.. Ofi the Drive-In Movie Seasoll R.N. wU~ care lor children my borne ~iders Wanted Igl')ition Power to their farms was cut off '!'en Days ..I .... ! ~ .. 20c a Word day or month. Call 1-29'19. 4-9 , I Carburetors Tuesday when the top of a pol, George Montgomery PIle M;0ntn .. ; ',' .. 39c a Wo~d RIDERS wanted to Denver .rea over CHILD care. 8-4828. I 4-5 E •• ter. Jim NelIDn 3184. 4-3 ' G~NERATORS S1'ARTERS burned loff during . an electric , (~imum Charlie SOc) and Nancy Gqtes Briggs & Strotton Motor. storm. L.AUNpRY and Curtain•. 8-&010. 4-. Help Wal'1ted f ! . Harry R. Pearson. company "~a~te~son 9f Ka"sps" 1 ;' ~,.play ~~. I 4''' ...... ''~ Ope lDIi4/rtJ'on .... , ...... tHt~d CAftE-Pre-lchool CAre by hOllr RECEPTIONIST Wanted. OUice ~Kperl­ Pyramid Services manager in Des MOinse. said the f.ooIIltIftt RooooI. 110m • Also Sel,cted Cartoons. or month)' Jack'" JUI Nursery. Phone ence necessnry. Apply in person. T . I I /I 1-3111\1. 4-4 Wonr Studio. 4-4 621 S. Dubuque Dial 5723 uniorl " hasn't released a crew to _.WH_ $1.;0 ColulJlll IIlch make the necessary repairs." .'ii'F"X.M-. "ve InsertIons a Month', But be said that other power in­ Each Insertion ...... 1 terruptiorls over the company's .. $1.00 a f..olunm Inch Miss Norton EAGE'R 'J, 11. feD Insertions a Month, ., Sandra Norton, M, Spencer is 5 Wilson Awards Each InsertIon ...... qewly elected president of Della Della Delta social sorority. HAPPIEST Given SUlowans , SHOW • Th. Daily Iowan ...... ".. I 'CAR' BUYERS Other ofelcers Include Ka ren Bnrkley. 1,2. Rockford. IIi.. vice-preSident; Mary Five SUI students have been EVER the right to re'ed any ad­ lielh Doden . A3 . ROck Island. Ill.. re­ awarded ollc-ycar fellowships by SHOWN OiI~niii vertising copy. ctlvln, secretary; Janice Hagy. C3. IN Waterloo, treasurer; Carolyn Andrew, the Woodrow Wilson National Fel­ STARTS TODAY ~1. Maquoketa, assistant treasurer ; IOWA DIAL Read These J\ds Marilyn Mar ••w. A2. Waterloo. cor­ lowship Foundation. according to .' , ..pondlng secretary; an announcement today by Rus· CITYI Emily Blume. PI. Sioux City. 'house sell Whitesel. associate professor L.ughsl lnanager; Carol Ne180n. Ai. McNabb. of Political Science at SUI and Songsl EveryCJay! Ill .• historian; Jan VnnHoever. A3. O. k.­ Thrillsl 4191 Iqosl. social chairman; Jan Kuyper. A3. regional chairman for selection of Ottumwa. marshal ; Sybil Norton. A2. fellowship holders. Spencer, scholarship chairman; Mary Personal leon. !( #JU Sllz. A2. Davenport. judiciary SUI fellowship winners and their chairman: Karen Higgens. N2, ClintOn, fields of study include Carolyn R. .;.rrinQ DAN NY Pe.. sonal Loan. on typewriters. phono­ Chaplin; Linda Brown. AI. Oskaloosa. Vaph •. sports equipment. HOCK-EYE acUvlUel chairman. Henderson. A4. Ames, usic; Mar­ .1[lf you KAYE L.OAN CO. Burkley Hotel BId •. Phone Elizabeth Field. A2. Decorah. spon­ jorie N. Goltry, A4. Fairfield. cre­ 4~3~. SolR sors chairman ; S.·mdrs Allen, At , Des ative writing; David W. Beams. 'n hi' NEW hltl Molnts, Irilramur~ls chair man; Sharl­ t don Evanl, A3, Glenwood, rush. c~air .. A4. Iowa City, English literature; Miscellaneous for Sal. :Have acar man; EloiAe Newnan, D3, Davenport, MERRY Janet J. Stoner, G. Peterson. psy­ I assistant rush chairman; Shar9n Thorn­ chology and Wayne L. Billings. SrN\:;ER sewing Mnchlne with 8UIo- j berry, AI, Iowa City, Trident corres... ANDREW "l8t1c %lI-l:a,. New machi.ne ,.uar.. pondent; Judy Futt,on, A2. Ottumwa. A4, Waterloo. English literature. ant"". Pay balance due 8 payrnentl oJ .orvl"" projects. to sell- The fellowships. made possible _ ..... PIER ANGELI ~.'T5 . Can be seen In Iowa City. Wrlte Mr.. Lan,. 808 Unlverlil,y. Des Moine•. iI , --- through a $24.5 million Ford Foun· BACCAlONI NOEL PURCEll Iowa. 4-3 dation grant. are given to out­ P~U~OLORCARTOON !hi Kappas Eled "PIKERS PEAK" ~ Ton Air CondtUoner. New lut AUI- 'Seliit standing students for graduate Ult. '160.00. 100 ~t. white picket fence II work toward college teaching pro- Rnd poru. $30.00. Small pine book cue. • . Sernett President · Ends Tontle • SPECIAL SS In.xfO In .• $8.00. Call 8-5200. 4-10 'Escape from San Quontin' "RIVIERA REVELRIES" I GIRLS 24 In. Hawthorn bicycle. Good 'euicker with a condlUon. $20.00 Phone 3530. 4-4. PHARMACY SPEAKER and An sur faculty member will 11!1 i'1 i i] . F:'t~~~1 OZZIE NELSON Trailer Home For Sole speak at the Student American AND ORCHESTRA Pharmaceutical Association meet­ 4S It_-Z Bedroom mobile borne. carpet­ DAILY IOWAN WANTAD.CALL4191 ed. Fully equipped. Terms to rlrht ing April 9, at 7;30 p.m. in room ~rson. 8-5200. 4-10 314 of the CPB building. Clyde M. Berry, associate director of BLONDIE CHI C YOUNG the SUI Institute of Agricultural DOORS OPEN Medicine. will speak of the rela­ tionship between Agricultural Med­ TODAY-FRIDAY ... SATURDAY SUNDAY icine and Pharmacy. The meeting is open only to members. 11:00 A.M. FIRST SHOW 11:30 DANCELAND ttii.l!l:I •• "OVER THE NOW WEEK·END" "FOR ALL TO ENJOY"

Prices This Attraction Week·D.y M.tin••• - 6Clc NI ....nd Sunday - 7Sc Kiddies Anytime - lSc Richard Sernett, A2, Mason City, is new president of Phi Kappa so· CONTINUOUS SHOWS WELl., WHY DO ~u I ial [ralernity for the 1958-59 school 1Ui~ 6011'\161 w.·v~ ,ear. ALIlSADY E'RfV&N Frv& MILes IN THE WlK>NG Other ncw oLllcers are James Egan. A2. Missouri Valley, vtce-presJdentj tMtEC.T10N! ~ohn Morrl •• AI./. Marc" ••••cretary; III.hard Wlnn. ,,3. Britt. trealurer: lobert Crolby. A3. De. Moines. hOllse "ana,or: William Alley. C3. rueeville. I'nterfraternlty Council representative. r Clurl •• Flaherty. C4 . Pocahontas. and Loltu •• A3. Mason City. trustees; Wells. E2. Orundy Centcr. and Dull. A2 , LeM..... co-social : Dennis Bruns. A2, Ma80n PLUS - WALT DISNEY'S trainer; Jo ph Schebler. OlvenDort. llnd Drnnj~ Lannon, A3, - COLOR CARTOON - chairmen; of Nt call. 111111.111 "DONALD'S GOLD MINE" , BBnrrolt, ac holar­ Murphy. P2, Id. RUSS CARLYLE ."...,.... I... n~ SHOOT AND - SPECIAL en."rrr,.n; Jame ~ Elan. .l1li In It.d!. 0 UT leraeant-at- ''''''til "ALASKAN SLED DOG" STUDENT RATES 90c AT MEDICINE lEND P.g. 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-low. City, 10wl-Thurs., April 3, USI BEHIND THE Wi·lI·~' res(h ~~~~~~~~:~amedBoxerofMon~~l ' 1Tennis Pros Robinson is the National Boxing • Association's Boxer-of-the-Month On ~ for March. The 37-year-old Robinson won the * * * * middleweight tiUe for the fi£th IDavis CUp lime last week when he pounded (Br lite A Ill/1M of"RoUli Rw"" Ute FIGI1, Bot/I! "olld, Iowa Coach out a split decision over Carmen "Barefoot BOil with Clut".") Basilio in Chicago. ... a.:._ IHopefuls !0 In announcing Robinson's se· Says Program lection, Fred Saddy, chairman o[ the NBA's raLings committee, said A FRAT TO REMEMBER Fencing On Way Out? G t T t Sugar Ray' beat out five other Should Cencing be continued as e U onng boxers. Every YCllr, liS we all know, the Ht'llcvolent und Protectil'e part of the Jowa Athletic program? Smart Move Also in the running for Boxer· A 11 Order of Collegillte Yrllteruit1c.~ awards highly cqvctell prize A 1 understand it, this ques· CHICAGO Ii1'I - From "cannon , I of·the·Month were Holly l>1ims for tion will be put before the Iowa fodd er" for pro may emerge Iowa's ' head tennis coach, ~n his victory over Spider Webb ; to the fraternity house , .. hich, in its Judgment, has done the Athletic Board at one of its com­ America's big tenni guns to blast Klotz said Wednesday night that Tony AnUlony for stopping Yvon most \,0 promote and enllllnce the fraternity wfly of lifc .. The ing meeting. Some official in the loose from Aus· the move made by the .U.S. Lawn Durelle; Harold Comes for his prize thil! year- eight hundred pounds of putty - gde~ to the the Iowa Athletic Department are tralia. Tennis Assn. in giving Davis Cup upset oC Ike Chestnut; Carlos Or· Alpha Hcmiu chapter of the.80uth Dttkota Collegc of Dentistry known to favor the discontinuing That's the hope of Jack Kramer, hopefuls professioDai tutwing was tiz for his fine showing against lind RCWlL<;S:Ulce Art. of fencing at Iowa. " pro tennis promoter, who Wednes· definitely a move in ~b right di­ Tommy Tibbs; and Mickey Craw· I know no rt.son for di"on. day outlined plans for his new as· rection in helping to break Aus­ ford for his verdict over Gil Turn· The award thiRyear is exceptionally richly dcse[l'ed, for the tinuing the sport, .Ithough there signment by the U.S. Lawn Tennis tralian 'domination in Davis Cup cr. . Alpha HemitL house i the very model of ull It fraternity should m.y be tome ¥try v.lid _so Assn. which calls for pro tutoring play. • The ratings: be. It is, first of all, a mo t attraotive house ph)' ·ieally. The But It would _m • good .rgu. of young amateur prospects. "I( they put Kram~r (Jack HEAVYWEIGHTS - Champion, outside wallslLre ta13 tefully covered with sequins. Running atollg m.nt could be r.i.ad in f.vor This will include "scrimm.g. K'!lrill~r, pro tennts ~omoterl in Floyd Patterson, New York; 1. Ed· the upper story is a widow's walk, with a widow stationed el'ery of rtt.ining foncing. ing" against the pros. charge of the program, it certainly die Machen, California; 2. Zora three feet. Moored to the chimneypot is the Graf Zeppelin. I' Fir t, the performance of this Kramer, on a brief stopover in will help a lot," Klotz said. "He's Foley, Arizona. year's team under the guidance a plane flight from Atlanta to Los one of the few people who can do LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHTS of coach Dave Hartmann should Angeles, told The Associated this and do it right." Champion, Archie Moore, Califor· ' have orne merit in setlling the Pres he was delighted by "one Klotz said it was a smart move nia; 1, Harold Johnson, Pennsyl­ ..,,, question. Iowa had its be t fenc. of the finest decision the on the part of the U.S.L.T.A . He vania; 2. Tony Anthony, New York. ing Season in history. U.S.L.T.A. has ever made." said if the pro can afford to give The Hawkeyes finished third in Tuesday, James B. Moffett, the boys their time it'll be great the Big Ten met, only one point chairman of the Davis Cup Selec­ in helping these young amateur out of second. In the NCAA meet, tlon Committ.. , disclosed in San tennis players. Iowa finished tenth. BOUI finishes Fr.ncisco that Kr.mer and his SUI'S COED POCKET BILLIARD team is shown displaying the trophy Professionals like , were the best ever recorded by touring pros - Lew Hoad, P.n. they recently captured in their division of the National Intercollegi.te and Tony Tra· an Iowa fencing team. cho Gonzales, Tony Tr.bert .nd Airmail Billiards Tournam.nt. Left to right are Nancy Clark, A2, bert under this program would tu· Indivldu.lly, D.v. Dittm.r be· - would help Estherville; Gene Richmond, A4, New H.mpton; Delores Fay, A4, tor Davis Cup hopefuls such as came the first Iowa foncer to groom Americ.n Davis Cup hope. Monticello, Ark. -Daily Iowan Photo by Jerry Goldstein. former Michigan star Barry Mc­ win 11 Big Ten championship as fuls. Kay. he wen in the epee ev.nt. Tom The first pupil will be Barry . "Such a program," Klotz said, Brown finished in a 4.w.y tie MacKay, 23, form r University of ' ''would ~ 'Iike coilege baseball for fint In saber, but finish.d Michigan star. and a mem~er (If Tr~ck Team Meets. players playing with major fourth in the fonce-off. In the the 1957 U.S. cup I£am which bow· leaguers." NCAA mNt, Brown finished cd to Australia 3-2. Klotz indicllted that 'such a pro­ eighth in saber, while Dittmer Olhers on Kramer's "work list" gram will probably not · effect U.S. was ninth in .pee. The pair be· include Gil Shea, ; Arizona Tonight play t9 a tremendolls degree when , . ! came the first low. fencers to Mike Franks of South rn Caiifor· & ~on1es . time to play the Austra­ finish in the top ten in the nia ; Mike Green of UCLA; Jack Opening of the outdoor track sea· eyes dropped the two meets. At )ians. "Reports from t\ustralia," ." " it NCAA, Doubla-s, Stanford's £inc football son will begin for 18 Iowa athletes Tucson today, thc track and base· 'Klotz said, "show Ithei ha~e an· Indoors the bouse gives an impression of simple, casuatcharm. . Secondly, lowa has the nucleus quarterback; and Rotmie Holm. this we~k in meets with Ariwna ball teams each will go against Jqther strong team, and !hat other The ohapter room is furnished in homey maple lind chintz, of an outstanding team Cor next berg of Tulane. teams, Coach Francis Cretzmeyer University of Arizona teams. ~trong team~ are on the way up." Ray Robinson wi'th a dllSh of verve provided by a carp pool three hundred year. OnJy Dave Dittmer, Brad "MacK.y can come along on has announced. The lJawkeyes will return to feet in diameter. A waterspout rises from the center of the pool ' Klotz said Australia has peren· Boxing's ChOice Bathey and Phil Schorr will be the tour for 10 or lS days," he The Hawkeye squad left Iowa Jowa City Monday, April 7. . The nial strong tennis teams because it with the housemother bouncing on the top. lost. Hartmann says that 26 fcnc· .aid, "working against the pros City Tue day, bound for Tucson, first midwest meet is lhe Big Ten is a part of their family life. "Tre· MIDDLEWEIGHTS - Champion, ers have been lined up !Dr varsity in afternoon practicu _ sort of Members' rooms are gracious alld airy and are provided,with ,1 Ariz. where tbey will meet Arizona Relays at Champaign, Ill. April 19, mendous tennis programs in Aus· Ray Robinson, New York; 1. Car· competition for next season, with cannon fodder. At night, he can in a dual meet tonight. followed by the Drake Relays at tralia also develop some of the men Basilio, New York; 2. Gene beds whioh fold into the wall and are never seen agilin. Each ! '. several having con sid crable experi· watch the pros play their match. Thcn the Iowans will go to Des Moines April 25 and 26. world's greatest, players," Klolz Fullmer, utah. room also hIlS a desk, a comfortable chair, a good reading lamp, cnce. es, and he can learn a lot by just Personnel on the traveling squad said. and a catapult for skeet-shooting. Kidney-shaped desks ate Thirdly, Iowa has an oxcellent watching. Tempe, Ariz., for another dual WELTERWEIGHTS - Cham· meet with Arizona Slale College are: Charles Jones, John Brown, Klotz said he though there would pion, tille vacant; 1. Virgil Akins, avnilable for kidney.shllpCd members. chance to obtain the services of a "By summer, the kids wjth de. Saturday evening. II marks the Hugh Hines, Tom Burrows, Bob be little chance that Iowa's Art Missouri; 2. Vince Martinez, New coach who has recommendations termination and will to learn Perhaps the most fctching feature of the house the packS third time lhat lowa has laken on Warren, Ralph Lyle, Leighton Betz, Andrews would participate in tM Jersey; 3. Isaac Logart, Cuba. are from some of the best fencing should be greatly improved." the Arizona rivals as early spring Rich Hermeier. Bruce Trimble, newly set up program. Andrews is LIGHTWEIGHTS - Champion, oC MlIrlboros stacked in heaps wherever one goes. 1£ one wishes coaches in the nation. Australia has dominated Davis preparation (or Jater Midwest Jack Hill, Jack McDonald, Bill Or· the Hawkeyes No.1 man. Joe Brown, Louisiana; 1. Kenny to'enjoy a fine filtered cigarette in any room of tho house, all The coach, whose name I hav.. Cup play since 1954 when the ris, George White, Joc Camamo, meets. Lane'l Michigan; 2. Ralph Dupas, one need do is reach out one's band in any direction and ,pick now forgotten, has applied to United States last WOIl tile inter. Both o[ Iowa 's opponents have Jim Young, Dick Wood, Rod An~er· up 81 Marlboro. Thcll ono rubs two pledges togethe~, lights:onel$ take IIr.~ate work at Iowa. In I son !lnd Bob Hansen. rAt . • ~t'd "mUslana. , rt L, ' addition, he wants to inatruct naliona competition., unusually strong teams. This is 1-\ :umn, ~ , ' ' . F~T!'4ERW':I~"'TS - .Cham- iMarlboro, and puffs with sweet cohten't the ' ~tiest 'l!moke ihe and would like to coach the fen. espccially ~ru e in the case of Ari· • ;. I" I' iP l l ,'ll pion : H6gardKiai gilSSW, Ni!icria; m,ind of roan hlLli yet dovised. ,,' l ' ' I·, cers If the sport I. -continued. zona State. Coach Cretzmeyer be­ Masters Begins; . , ,II ,. SA,. I I~ 1. Cheri! Hamia, France; 2. Ric· He has been highly recommend­ Training f,?, 1 lieves that lIis leam has little amel ' e ~" \1 ' aroo. lMoreno, Mexico. ; 'The dec~rl t~e grace', the ~farl~~os, ~Il C~tnP~~ 1 tf fake ed by the fencing coaches at both c11ance for a vic;tory, especially Ford Defends Title )~ , . " ,. ~ ' ~I " (,t jl' .aANT"MW~I~H:rs '1 - ,ChaIVP.- Alp!;" lt~~lli, a real gMser 19£ a fraternity ~ut ,8 ,fr\L,ter'llty; i~ Ohio State and New York Un~. since Charles (Deacon ) Jones, the AUGUSTA , Ga. IA'I _ Doug Ford, r,..O· " ,AAalfy'J." .3 ",lfl· ,;' ~ iOll, Alpho!1se Halmi, F~ancc; ,1. mpre ~h .~n , tllltlgsi it is ~ISo ~opl~. r¥d it~ 10, ~1\El peop\ d~part:­ versity. NYU r~cently won the Derby·Starts ' unbeaten di stance runner, has not IJ hot-quite.forgotten man of pro r IVI ' Raul Macias ,Mexico; 2. Lco,E W· ment thllt Alp'ha lierJl1't l' ally slyncs" I, I ,. , If I I, NCAA meet at Lubbock, Tel." regained proper strcngth after his g(llf, starts his defense of the ciqv. nOSll, Pllillppines. A,lph~ Hernia I:j s . Il)on~ l ;ts Plqmt>/1'8 th biggest BMOCs With prospects of an out~tanding J,.EXI G'rO , Ky. (6') - Derby flu attack. eted Masters title loday. • '-'oJJ, aJaI*s II~ I Alumni All. I FL -';~EIGHrS - Ch\lmpiqj1, , . tcam ~nd a lop-notcn coach. I I champs ~£ 'Dude's I ... IiJCcf racing Coach Cretzmeyer said that Ford won 't be entirely ioiiotten ~t~rs, a new lootball 'game for PIISCIIfI\ r~roz, f.rgcntipa; 1 ~ Ra· p~ the entire ~mp L~ of the Sql,l,tll Dakllta Coyegc of Dellti!\Y'Y don 't lhink this would be the time mdve their training grounds this Jones would run Only one race in as long as there a~c fans ar

