, . J WIATHER Thunderstorms and showers The Green Thumb- are forecast in the western POl"­ tiOD of the state, spreading east­ ward dur~ the day. The wea­ tber bureau said precipitation ~uni Food and 'Sun should end in the Iowa City area . - OWQ,n tonight. Temperatures are to range between 541 and 82. The Serving The State Unioersity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ouUook for Friday Is partly :For 'Gardeneers' cloudy and continued mild. E~tablished in 1868 Five Cents a Copy Member of Asso,ciated Press - AP Leased Wire and Photo Ser'iee Iowa City, Iowa. Thursday, April 3, 1958 ~xhibit Iy JERRY A. MINNICH tom ..... In productivity; m.turo I in 60 to 71 day.; need • pH .. UI art student. (Th llrat I•• ",1... , .,lIel .. ,., r: 1 •••'. '.experlenced ,.rdenen. U to 7.5; .hould ....t.ked; 3 lhe fi rst annual ' "I.. ale". AI. £lI'Im •••• re •• I. an or 4 pl.nt•• ro grouped .round aintings by SUI edit., .r Orreate Gardealn,. and I ,.., ...., Maladne. CIl, an. laVII). ..ch pole: pol •••re 3 to 4 feet IS hung earlie, .p.rt: pl.nt. .re st.rted from gallery of the Why • Garden? seed_ Onions mature In 95 to 115 will be shown' Why have a garden at all? Well, d.y. (frem seed); nNd • pH of .& there are plenty of good reasons, 5.1 to 7.0; Ire thinned .ut .bout Vici ous out~E.stote and one of the best is that a gar­ 3 inch.. ap.rt in roWI 12 inch.. den is really a part of Amcricana. .part. Spring .callion. (my f.- ;~~~~~: ]t's a part of the family. In these vorit. veget.ble) .r. grown from . 'rhlrtr · hectic days of sputnicks, Organiza- .peci.1 " ..ta" which look like 1ion men, university pressures, littl. dried up onions; m.tur. in • television and mothcrs-in-Iaw, iu.t • few weeks, depending on therc's nothing like whiling away how big you w.nt them; .r. a few spare hours each week in .paceet Iik. regul.r onion._ IMh the 'solitude of your own garden. t.ke SO to 60 day.; grown from New· , You'll be close to the land; you'll ...d should be sp.ced 3 inches become a part of the silent ma­ .part in row. IV, to 2 feet .part; jesty of nature; you'll watch the need • pH of 6.0 to 7.5; can be growing fruits of your own labor; pl.nted .arly .nd like cool spring One Dead,' you'll eat! I we.thel'. Carrot. t.ke 71 to 7S Rea/ler Says ' Cheaper The subject oE eating brings me day.; nMd 100 .. soil which i. to another good reason for garden­ de.ply (12 in.) .p.ded: need. ing. By growing vegetables. you'll H · I P ·b/ lllniured in save money! This point needs no ~~n~IM5~S .::'~-Oi~ ·:o:,th::::'!! 0 US I n 9 S 0 S S le t. I elaboration. Another reason is that .part: .r. grown from seed. Byron D. Beeler. local realtor and contractor. told The Daily Iowan I (and this is pointed at young mar­ R.dish... r. ".y; m.ture In Wednesday he is of the opinion married student housing can be built Wichita Falls · rieds on campus) your garden at 23 to 60 daYI: need. pH of 6.0 for sm more cheaply than the estimated $l3,540 unit cost of Hawkeye . the university can serve as a trial­ to 7./): .re apaced 2 to 3 loelM. Apartments. He said, however. he has not bee. n able to make an extcn-I s. California Declared and:error period for you. [n a year apart in r_a - foot .p.rt: .re . t d f th bl f' g or more. when you and your family - I slve s u y a e pro ems acm Disalter Area have relegated yourselves to Sub­ grown from ...d_ Le.f lettuce L I G' I 14 the sm administration. such as t.k.. 40 to 90 days; should be oea Ir Iutilities costs a~d financing. WICHITA FALLS, Tex_ (AI! - urbia, U,S.A., you'll be that much It.rted in fl.t. or pots Indoors , " B.eler'a opinion was cIIICU..... Three - tornadoes ripped through furlber ahead of your young neigh­ • few wMka before .."Ing out Tue.d.y .t • ","tin, .. the this north Texas city and its sub- bors, who probably won't know In M.y: needs. pH of U to 7.0; Sell Me e M.rri.d Student Pro... t Group urbs Wednesday, killing at least from nuthin' about gardening, Your pl.nt•• re sp.ced .bout 6 incho. tl Issing with 170 pe","' proHnt. one man. Hospitals listed 11 !D- experienced green thumb will turn .p.rt in roWi II IncIM. .p.rt. Beeler said National Homes, of jured. their faces a similar shade. The Broccoli Is diallked by children which he is the local representa- The tornadoes demolished or 'Ias! reason - and the best - .nd hUlb.nch. Peppers, both rod Still mIssing late Wednesday live, has built permanent married I damaged 115 homes. garages or simply is. that gardening is funl .nd grMn. t.ke 60 to 75 d.ys; night was Michelle Girard, 14-year- 1 housing at P~rdue_ University. in business houses. Whit Kind of • G.rden? nMet. pH of 5.S to 7.0; .re be"'r old daughter of Mrs. Daniel WiI- Lafayet~, IndlBna, Its home offIce. I The twister punched down grown from plant. th.n from He said he and probably pther through low clouds just as the . T.o find out whit kind of g.r­ ...ds; lro pl.n.. d II Inche. fang, RR 5. She has been gone for local builders would be willinr to downtown rush hour was under den to pI.n. I h.ve devl ..d • Ip.. rt in rowl 2 to 3 feet ap.rt_ 6 days. di&cuss the building of penian- , way. simple formul. which can be Other veget.ble, .r. not pop- About 9 a.m. Friday, March 28, ent married student .h~using at Hu ..... ltood I.. the a....... UM4I by .nyone. First, get .n ul.r, ar. difficult to grow, or MI h lie went to her locker at SUI with th~ sur admIDlsu:atW~. Ignoring torrenti.1 r.ln .nd idI. of the kind of pllnt. you take too much .p.c. for the typl- c e Beeler saId whal he had ID mind I I he.vy h.1I to w.tch the tunnel I w.~ to grow; ... how much c.1 SUI g.rden. If I mla ..d I Iowa City Junior High School, took when he talked Tuesday with •• tornado sire", w.lled. .,.ce you hay. to grow them; v.g.tabl. you want.d, drop me. her things out of It, and told some Richard C. Clark, G, chairman of Wiley Taylor. 55, a major dairy then flguro out how many pl.nh postcard. I'll .Ither include it in girls she was leaving. The girls the Married Student Protest Ifarmer died when his home col- will grow In your .lIott.d ....c._ the next .rticle or .n.wer by notified the principal. Sterlang C. Group, was tl!.e construction or 1- lapsed around him. SlmpI.? N6t ro.lly_ Thero .ro '1 story individual 2 and 3-bedroom Ch · k B t N B The first and second tornadoes ether facton to be conslderod. mil . Goplerud, who called the police. homes_ 'C SI U 0 un ny I hit almost simultaneously at 6 Will your w' support the pl.nts Flowers Need Arti.t. The search has been hampered He said, "The housing could p.m. you like? Will the pl.nts you As (or flowers, the varitey is end- because Michelle took all the av,ail- possibly be built with prof.bri- CHICKS _ CHICKS and. b.,ket. The WM chick. in tIM b.sk.t will go to needy childr.n for E ....r. The first. a ripping funnel. left w.nt grow In I.wa City? And less and your decision will come able pictures o( herself when she ca .. d pan.l ••nd faced with the The pretty big one. helped r.i,e them. (What, no E ....r bunny?) Oelt. G.mm. sorority member•• r. a part of this city of 107,000 per- "w .bout dr.in.ge, .011 .cldity, from personal lastes. The arrange- left. ..me type vtOHr brick as the I. to r. Ann McC.be, Al, Chicago; Sandra Sholton, A4, 0 .. Moines; .nd Nancy Roberts, N2, S.nt. Monic., sons a tangled mass of broken, aun requirements, .nd other i~ ment of flowers in borders or in She is 5 feel 2 Inches. 110 pounds, proposed Hawkeye Ap.rtments." C.lif. -Daily low .. n Photo by Jerry Gold,ttln. whipping wires, stripped trees And port.nt .t.II.? W.U, If you're beds Is a delicate art ot" which I with brown hair (not black as pre- T. M. Rchder, director of dormi- - damaged buildings. in .xperlenced g.rdener, you'll know nothing . The best 1 can say vlously reported), and fair com- tory and dining services, told the Police said lbey feared some knew "..tty much .bout the .. is don't put laU (Jowers in front plexion. She has a prominent scar Iowan Tuesday SUl architects and AP Digest- victims were trapped in the thing •. And If you'ro not, you'd of short flowers and don't clash on her lower left lip, and spcaks engineers have studied prefabri- I stop trying to reach agreement nomic Commission Cor Europe said wreckage.
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