Coastal Reserves Assessment EAST GIPPSLAND SHIRE

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Coastal Reserves Assessment EAST GIPPSLAND SHIRE ! ! ! ! 147°30'0"E 148°0'0"E 148°30'0"E 149°0'0"E 149°30'0"E 150°0'0"E k k k e e k L e e L re e h a e r ord re rs r C C c en Cre C C da e e o Rod n k r ra t k e B e t pe re m s lt C O e a g ek ldier Creek D S nnin k k re W S o o u ree C k R S n t rC e s e e o e n h er ig n r e o n C p r v ra i w Coastal Reserves Assessment Trap t C a S D g y n k y k C ee n M r r o e e w o ek o u C C n e w r n t e W re tH k e B C n o p gh C S h u c Rou re To C k e a r u u ek c i b o n l k n e l a s B k e E r e e k M B C r a Tu e r e Bogo s n ek ng k e r b v r r a i C e c t k e EAST GIPPSLAND SHIRE y R C e w e B C r y r o k e a r C g n e rr a r n u S r k i e M n e c n n M h t iv ree k h R r Bogong C ig Pe o o L gl b C e Gib g Cre lie ek r C Cha r Big ve reek M Ri ille Bogong k rC e r re e P ! C e l k r k il k e e e G e Public land use category t e r t r E C y r i a C g r e V b Hollo t h v i n k a d a m s b t a k l C R e l n e e r e re m k e C e o M d e y W B k e i ta re e r l it R p C rs Cree C e Dee reek o w k National park, State park C M t C H Mosc o r ek g n d e o D Falls Creek r C re a F ea t e a n ek t ! Cre Glen Vallewy i d o k e e B b M k ! y ley h H ass C e ul Cr tc r or re re eek tone a y r M e rs C S Cre W w o k litte ee ek Conservation park p r S C S F H k u o k - e e e k g e e r e g r a r tL inst n e er C re k a C b ee m u C s Cr n o e me le O e a B d Cre m n J Mid ek il M o k Nine M a t u Meena ee Regional park s g k Cr n gan e Ri e v im er B L Alpine G attam B ur ek undara River National Park h Cre Nature reserve Alpine ! !Suggan Buggan National Park Benambra J k a S Anglers Rest " e Bushland reserve m e 0 ' r A Cob ! b mb 0 u C oy n C n ° d g ra Rive R Cree r e 7 y e r a e tle k ek t n L 3 r e b B i C u tt re m n l e i e k i a R Coastal reserve V c M to k n iv k ria e e e e River Cre r e jie B r n C D u y M reek e g k l C T l n e i y i c Historic reserve a b G r e b m r k o a u o r C n b g d S c o w o n e " i i k r S n R e e a 0 d T ' ALPINE D Deddick re C r i C g C 0 D r y v R r d a e e h ° rg Pa e i G ld d ct Tubbut O d r r e b e Wildlife and game reserve 7 o Cobungra ul o k Valley u l e ! r Omeo S k 3 R y c o m ! uth e ! k v ! M i u v C M iv r C Cam r i e e W B pbe R M ek r e ll C r r k e ra k u R Cree l i rt r y i D l e e n hi l e n e s T lu S i M re in c B e e t k c P w c Jim a o ! ot h k a A y n C h g Cr nd s k o g C C i Swamp e State forest Ja r k i h e e c r e n n l k e e B k L e M c e k C e k B e C r S nd n e it e k Bindi ou ary r i D M r tl e os ek e u s re e r e k Bed C C P e n C l C l k D ji r k e doc Ri e re e a e g n v a C C v r o e e S e r i F r r ri e e C B Water frontage To r r g S ng u ek k R r B h p io C e C e o e ring re y t s e r n p Cre e w a e R k k G o C d h e R y Bendoc k n r iv e ack i a e k B v e S H r e e usk Creek k e ! r d r la M k e v n e s r e i J k C unct e Water production reserve i t e C o k r r R ! e e n ee i C re Cr p C r n e k C k e k r c o y e n e k t a G Tongio re e o c ek s C i C r R w c G B g a B d y u s is d o d o P in c n b v C w i B i h h r e o L nc o a h r ra l N B t a d k e orth a l D Bonang Community use reserve N e i e r n W n e p e e v f H e k i R M ou ! r p w R R e k New C o k s l i C e R v u c t o p it n e un a tr B L e u e g reek r l y P rs C n r o s e i C o C k ow n S B C k re h w g e C B e r e n e if C r i e t s C Butchers a e r Swifts Creek e g r Utilities and government services reserve k e r n d C t i e s e k a B e e th C g a u u r ! E ra e k e A e r n Ridge r r ve k R i c R R s e R ! D e h C a C tl r iv n s k it o e L e k e e r r W o r v Snowy River r n e s e i i e e e i v t C u y l v i k k k R e re i r e g in R Marine national park, Marine sanctuary e s l C F R c r e B l k a National Park idd e r eek rs e C G r o d k h C r r C M g a o a e W o n n n e d r In eek i i t r o e F a r C r e ta r e R g e s e Brookville S re r r irs k r ek a p n t e n u b C y o l t ! e n l o C u M m o w e i C G H t r C o h T r Marine park, Marine and coastal park S e r k s th G e k e e r d e c R e r H e a l e k v F F k nsle J i i o k i e ry d g e G e h e k r e F l i e c r r r n r k la W W e eek n C i C O atts Cr g C B tc a W tr r r h Riley t e P e r Riv es B e e C e er W t r e v r A a e e Errinundra a a i e C r iv r r k e Ensay r n e d n k R Coastal waters reserve k e T n e l C R v r e p ! e r i r c u r i eR k a n r e y h Chandlers C k e iv e T W e R R n b m i v WELLINGTON t d y National Park i e l i n n e e m a b r Coopracambra a Hau k r l r e s nte r a Y ib R i ! a d n C r e a Smi he S e Y tl E b Creek tr s it r th Tu P e r L d eek y e m c r a d h o C ker C k Cr c e o National Park Seldom Seen m C r Ba ek e n Land leased or licenced for plantation r ! Barm re t C e e u e B ou k r u y e K t B n C i w k h r ilg B H o C e r Ge purposes, Plantation w r Murrind a l in E n e e s t o S T r ek e ! A k o e e N i n r e r k pe e r a a a C i n er da iv e R S r a i e p d v S c R B n o h C u C n r k o d o r w t R n e re h Dargo l son R C e gywarr C kup y a c C iv oun u e ek oc W e e M t k ! m ree r M El t r G L n a Uncategorised public land k t a C t d iz s e k o a e k p a C r l r R C b ree Y r d e aint P o r e S a e id e tr le h e k l a ic B r n r R k l b e t o g o r e o ar h w C g l S D t e m C C s " W n o Ka k s e i t C R a ti e Cree a r 0 k orris reek r o e ' M C i re t E e r T a v d e e k r 0 i ym k e r a o e u k R M r e v R h v 3 n i i d r R R G Generalised public land outside boundary w e a ° o r u l v d i r e Buchan C i e R 7 u C n r ! k s e v R u n h 3 B ! e ek r e g M h o r u C n re e T a S a n a r C e a C m r a r n e ive C W r n R e o y Gipsy Point d e e a i h Genoa i k k c D y t i n g C R k a o C a L g ! ll Protected area r r k ittle C e a a w e g A i e n e r e n W ! e ek e t o r C k v Cre ek r e C y S m Shad a C J Riv R r Tabberabbera a rd e d e ! r in a r i e e b i N T e c v k ambo v i m e i e a r R R k r a ive S G " State forest Me s y t k r en rr o n e i EAST GIPPSLAND 0 ji o g ' Creek n P B Club Terrace k a er b ! 0 G C iv a e r 3 d R e - e r re k ° a R k e k Di C 7 Deptford ree k ree rt R C ngo M p C d e k n c k C ! g A r 3 k a e C e a d r e Other public land n M e e a e J h k r e o k l r l e C l eek C c B re c B Bo re Yo Cann River er t T ete C ungC k m a t r ea C u ll Jack R er e d ! Sto e k T re iv r m e Cree re a e n e u c oo e e r B iv e ta n k z D ur W R ie R Rd R ! B C re - y k e od e Mitchell River k l C k k i P d Bullumwaal i y Bog n c v ee f e g T y e T e r t o e k r y e r k ! le C o k R o e C o e i n n h wze r e C r C Mallacoota r o t k n C M C C C k re National Park r e r ghi e C M r e e u e e e y k r r e k Municipal boundary W e le o Rd d e r C k t e e S o B w e o t e g k u k k e ls ll C T k B n e e o C T r a e c e Ig hed e k a R r r e e r r u e k e u k e C B n v d r C l n a e W i e d la r n C Ramrod Cree a o R l e n k D t n a A d HOBSONS BAY i r a l e B a il k e ib o a k r H r Cr H d u r e M h d o p e h e al rs W T e R k e s e v e B i iv e r e k e o o r H C R r T N wa - o N H a C r u H a Bruthen r n C e e o r r N t n m t S o ek l e h B a l t l t c l ! w o e l b n i j Assessment area boundary Ca o Orbost k Gabo Island T w i la e u a R l d a w R je l m e e R r p a o M Cabbage e o r d p C t u e d Cre C B C s on r o r R ek s y r i ee ! ek S eek v re n llbird Cre M v or e e i e l R e k C B C Reserve o Fairhope l r es C r B r P r ! a i e n Tree Creek k C v e o ! e e u e J re M k e k m s r i o g r k M e r il e h Nowa Nowa ! k re p u F a Sy te d r n e O e rl C e m u o S l r B l Waygara k d e n S Cree a h r e ha B k Glenaladale w C Tostaree e m Major Road g o C C a o ! r In ! u Riv a g e i ! r u u R T l a i d e r r e y l g s s p h n a l l c i n n t u e b f e p Bra i t o s tchell Ri ab River Eas Cape Howe r i ve C M r s y g n d C m R w C n R r s ce H d Tamboon i r e Prin s u e i r a Jones Bay e a e w a e ! C s k e r k c e Marine National Park Minor Road e l a e s Y e e d a k R h i Bemm River ! e k - l Wildlife Reserve r o R g M C D ar R S mp d Casey Ca d Creek to ! n Marlo ek ! y ! ll Creek re Sku C Bairnsdale ! !Swan Reach C re Railway lines le B i e Three M d u n k R ga g Cr n e u e ! Macleod Morass t k e Major waterway or waterbody Wildlife Reserve M Lake Tyers Metung ! r e orge C e k ! Ewing Morass Lake Corringle Lake Curlip Cape Conran EmuC F Croajingolong reek Lakes Lake Tyers T Wildlife Reserve Wildlife Reserve Wildlife Reserve Coastal Park Point Hicks Limit of Victorian water 3 nautical miles o m Paynesville P Entrance ! State Park National Park C Marlo Lighthouse Reserve e r e r e Beware Reef ry k Blond Bay R Coastal Reserve i Marine Sanctuary Coastline v k Wildlife Reserve Point Hicks e e r e r hton C Marine National Park eig S D " Lake King 5 kilometres inland 0 ' d 0 Be orden R ° ngw 8 ! Gippsland Lakes Reserve 3 ! ! The Lakes Loch National Park S Sport " 0 ' 0 d ° ± R 8 t r 3 p o ch S Lo - for d Lake Victoria (lake bed) ng 0 5 10 20 30 km Lo Gippsland Lakes Reserve Paradise Gippsland Lakes ! Beach Coastal Park ! Golden Beach Locality map Lake Coleman Wildlife Reserve Lake Wellington (lake bed) Gippsland Lakes Reserve Melbourne Ü S " 0 ' 0 3 ° 8 3 Mcloughlins Beach - Seaspray Coastal Reserve 147°30'0"E 148°0'0"E 148°30'0"E 149°0'0"E 149°30'0"E 150°0'0"E.
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