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THE SERENE BEAUTIFUL ROCK CREEK GARDENS Rai WARWICK STAR IS THE EVENING APTS. UNPUKNISHID—-D, C. APTS. UNFURN.—MD. (Cant.) APTS. UNFURNISHED—MD. AFTS. * - UHFUKNISHIP— HOUSES FURNISHED (Cut.) HOUSB (C—TT Washington.?? u, v, 'vL UNFURNISHID aoiuiigwu, D. C. C-8 * NOVEMBER 16, jftft4 LARGE GARDEN APTS.. 1 and 2 bed- TUESDAY, - rooms. $72.50 and *89.50 up. One UNVERSITY MANOR" CONGRESS HEIGHTS 3-bedrm. i SPRINGFIELD, to lovely Va. suburb. ities Incl.: *79.50. Apply Janitor. , block to shopping center, schools; A delightful place In a Fifteen minutes to Pentagon on , Ayres pi. Apt. transp. close-in sub- Broyhilton Shirley hwy APTS. UNFURN.—D. (Cort.) 4909 s.e., 201. l blk newly redec.: fast, direct urban area with rent appeal. Attrac- Apts. SmttMita. rent“*i2?L*JOHN Practically nSw 2- C. • D PI downtown D. C.: 53rd pi. and De- ttvesl-bedroom apts. with beautiful L. SHELTON. Realtor. JO. 2-2000. bedrm. brick rambler to excellent WAi^IINQ^ON REALTY RA. 3-8300 * fens* hwy.. Bladensburg. Md. Res. kitchen and large dining area, plus NEWLY CONSTRUCTED dto. rm. aad fun bsmt. COLORED—BRAND-NEW Mgr.. WA. 7-3721. tremendous sixes. S7B-183. * \ W/S CALLS FOR ) j ,1 Vic. Glebe aad Lee VIRGINIA —’High-class residential . Hwy. DUPLEX APT. APTS. room I Rd. area gone 526 rv ST. N.l.—Extra-large liv- Complete laundry facilities, storage * North Arlington, 1 blk. transp. and I owner has to Saigon and “SPRINGFIELD REALTY CO. ing dinette, Apts. lockers, playgrounds and parking. will rent his lovely furnished home KI. 9-5309 HEAT FURNISHED rm.. 1 bedrm.. equipped i Meurilee Arms ShOBP I n on kitchen; conv. to everything. Rent, ONE BLOCK FROM NEW ELEMEN- piREPROOP BLDG. 1 acre. .There is an attractive 8214 D st. s.e.: 2 rooms. dinette, kit.• TARY mgr.. • (f°; with oil heat, deep freeze, Alex, and bath; 6-6222. 869.50. call MR. DUVALL. DI. SCHOOL. Res. JU. •quipped kitchen with garbage dis- bath and Vicinity *61.60. c 6. 7-6400. • —l6 ; 2-BEDROOM HOMES 9-5887. 8609 Old Bladensburg rd.. posal. master TV antenna, laundry , Vi in bsmt. First floor: haU. llv. b ba “ rm. with firepl.; opening - Silver Spring. oa screened %[ COLORED—4O6S MINN. AVE. N.E. Md. facilities. porch, den. television, “ssfibi. tLL ?iSr« Apt. With All Apt. Services , ) Va bath and m 8 C CtIFTON $65 lncL utils. See Janitor. 3. & 1 Bedroom $85.00 din. rm.. separate breakfast rm. and U TERRAOi~ LOUIS RUDDEN. EX. 3-5707. SHANNON LUCHS CO. Second 6 -»for *fin“M?lS ’ W .14th AND CLIFTON N.W. 724 14th N.W. NA. 8-2346 )|it. floor: 3 bedrms.. 2 baths. I COLORED BT. 2 Bedrooms 105.00 Beautifully turn and immaculate. NEWLY ~-o»r garage. LICARI REAL ESTATE DECORATED INCL. ALL UTILS. EXCEPT Vforth much more " CORNER WALK WORK STRATFORD PLAZA ELEC. than *250 ~ APARTMENT TO S6B-$73.50 a month asking. Avail- KL 8-7100 —lY 1 ELEVATOR BUILDING 224 G st. n.w.—*59.60 mo., incl. NOT INCL. UTILS. 8113 University Lane, S.S. & able now. SWITCHBOARD BERVICE utils, for mod. 2-rm. apt., newly * M. T. Broyhill Sons Romye RESIDENT MANAOER dec. (Adults). DIXIE HOUSING CO.. Large 2 bedrooms. One block to shop., 4624 Lee Hwy. JA. Lam born, Realtor apt., transportation, off-street park. Play 4-1300 OT. Three-bedrm. *106: 2-bedroom. • TA. 9-17Q2. ALSO FURNISHED Laundry 4-8586 OT. 4-8035 *BS; 1-bedrm.. *66 to *72. yard. Newly redec. facile - —lB RIGGS PARK * HOMES *98.50. Incl. utils. See res. mgr. ADULTS ONLY COLORED 825 OGLETHORPE BT. N.E. • Bee resident mgr. or call CO. 6-7744 i ~ UNFURNISHED lor appointment. 2 bedims., liv. rm., dinette, kit., new”hampshlr!:~ HOUSES , Lovely large 3-bedrm. brick •etoi- H. L. RUST CO. oath. 2lst and Channlng st. n.e $92.50-S9B FORT BENNETT l«th BT., nr. det. home, only 2 years old. Lu. Newly redecorated. \* East-West hwy.—Very liv. lge. kit., lst-fi. powder St. N.W. NA. 8-8100 -GARDEN APTS. rai large, oid frame house; rms., kit. rm./ mod 1001 16th COMPLETELY ana 8 rm., full bsmt., gas automatic heal. • Per Mo. Plus Utilities apts., ready # will rent reasonably to $75 School Modern 2-bedrm. for Im- APARTMENTS bath: Ice. rear yard. All this for only —. P-T CONSTRUCTION CO. No Problems med. occupancy; ovt. entr. and rear ’ tenant who will make needed re- BEAUTIFULLY 1025 Vermont Ave. N.W. ST. 3-2166 * Beautiful Hillcrest Hts., Md. Porch; kit. equip, with garbage dis- : Beautiful View pairs. Call NA. 8-1921. —lB posal and exhaust fan; conv. to BBOOKDALE. Ch Ch . Md.—3 bed $99.50 MO. _ LANDSCAPED GROUNDS COLORED APARTMENTS schools and shopping. Office. 8100 mrm With High Elevation rooms. 3 baths, den, rec. room, . EVERY porch; Exceptionally nice 2-bedrm. apt. with 308 t ST. N.W.—3 rms., kM.. bath; CONVENIENCE FOR COM- University lane. 8 S Call weekdays. screened oil heat. 6300 New- . Properties, extra-lge. rms„ in new development, 1 > PORTABLE LIVING. 9 to 5. HE 4-3157 Overlooking port ave. OL. 4-2662. —l6 Aldon NA. 8-51^0 . 20 MIN. TO DOWNTOWN, 15 MIN. '| Prill the SURPRISE ( Potomac FALLS with all mod. conv.. close to shops > 308 p ST kit., bath; ANSWER here X NEAR CHURCH—Three nice and transp.; $89.50. incl. all utils. M.W.—l rm.. • T.O ALL AIR FORCE BASES. CEN- FEATURING I IXI And Washington bedrms.. I pine paneled: lge. llv.- Apply res. mgr.. 11325 13th st. s.e., j SUB BUREAU AND HYDROCRA- 4 sets of din rm. with fireplace and book- S.E., NEAR »¦"-» Unscramble the letters, making a wora In Virginia shelves. equipped kit., finished FAIRFAX? Ant. 203, DREYPUSS BROS., 1019 & stair- - st. n.w„ NA. i iw-sso*™ COMPLETE SHOPPING CENTER. , BRAND-NEW of each scramble. Print each word, a way to 2 lge. storage rms. on 2nd VILLAGE 15th 8-0582. JOSEPH E. INC. BUS SERVICE, CHURCHES, PLAY refrigerator, with eross-ton letter to a floor Immediately: *125 1557 42nd ST. BRUNO. I 9.5-cu.-ft. shelves; fireproofa Available S.E. NEW BLDG. ¦ 903 H St. N.W. ST 3-3320 ) AREAS; LAUNDRY FACILITIES. freezer and door square, beneath each scramble. The letters you have ARLINGTON’S . month. JE. 2-2663 —lB ELEVATOR Directions: Out Pa. ave. s.e. to and soundproof walls; every modern t N. ARLINGTON Spacious frame £ NEAR WALTER REED HOSPITAL ave., conven. *82.50 to SIOO. utils. Incl. printed squares MOST CONVENIENT APTS. home. bedrms., baths, . $78.50 MO. 8425 14th ST. N.W. Branch right on Branch ave. to * on the circled may then be arranged 4 lVi full COLORED Colebrook dr., right to rental office. One din. and Jiv rms.. lge. yd.: conv. to Lovely1 lge. 2-bedrm. home with 88. to spell the surprise answer suggested by the cartoon Block From Key Bridge schools, shopping, churches. Rent. rm.. din. rm.. mod. kit.. fuU beast. 1 BEDROOM $109.50 I LINCOLN TERRACE OPEN EVES, SAT., SUN. GOODACRE Available Immediately. living room. Jr. din. rm.. beau- AVE. N.E. (Answer $135. JA. 84)010. —l9 Lane 1600 CONSTITUTION St. JO. Piney Branch Silver Sprint. Clue. What is it? appears on Page C-9, Col. 7.) New fireproof apartments: large firing , tiful bedrm., kit. with 8-cu.-ft. Unusually nice 1-bedrm. apt.; avail, 2506 Iverson 8-5140 I 8610 rd.* plenty t WHEATON-BROOKVILLE RAMBLER, Aldon Properties, NA freeze; : . —l9 Md,. JU, 6*7111. rooms; of closets and storage > 3 bedrms.; ideal lor children: 8-5740 refgr.. 40-lb. deep beauti- to selective adults In this popular space; master TV equipped LO. 4-5975. —it)SIOO. fully decorated; master TV antenna; modern bldg.; close-in n.e. location. • APTS. UNFURNISHED—MD. (Cont.) antenna: I APTS. UNFURN—VA kitchen with garbage disposal snd BYERS ST. 8.E., Bradbury : all utils, incl. RA. 3-2649 or TA. $75. Incl. all utils. See Janitor on exhaust laundry I ®J*3Heights 9-6600. premises. DREYPUSS 1019 fan. faculties; off- Modern brick. 5 rooms “NORTH ARLINGTON —lB BROB.. street parking; fenced-in equipped I and bath. auto, gas heat, fenced < Attractive neighborhood, 4* • 15th st. n.w. NA. 8-0582. ! UNIVERSITY HILLS ARLINGTON—MODERN Playgrounds conv —lB for the yard, convenient location; our grammar junior high 1355 PEABODY ST. N.W. Two bedrms., Ist fl.; new bldg.; kiddle*. Close lull base- and COLORED RIGGS MANOR pic- to schools and shopping 6 min. ment with small apartment incl. schools; 4 bedrms.: excel, cond.; at- ture 5 closets, plus bsmt. drive to Pentagon—2 min. to bu»— Rent tractively landscaped: , UNIVERSITY LANE AND OLD COLESVILLE RD. storage;windows.pvt. parking. *125. Phone JO. 8-4094. close tea One-bedroom apt., *85.50. Includes BEST N.W. LOCATION LARGE DE LUXE APTS. POMPONIO. 5 min. to atreetcar downtown. MASS. AVE. EXTENDED—SuitabIe transp.: *l5O mo.; lmmed. ocffS- utilities. See lanltor. One bedrm.. liv. rm., dinette, kitchen MILE WEST OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MD. JA 7-6660. lor executive. 3 rambler; WASHBURN huge closets; shop, I Vt option level rent Rancy. ft MAIZE. 987 and bath, conv. Cor. Riggs and Agerßds. This Only Water Apt. 1 Bedroom with to buy. ew York ave- BT. and transp.; $74.50, Incl. heat and Area’s Front $90.00 I Mon., Call MRS. 3-2816. —lY* & hot Apply 3504 13th COATES. LI. 6-2572. -¦ YOUNG COMPANY water. Janitor. > An intimate garden-type development located ARLINGTON—2-bedrm. brick semi- N. ARLINGTON 1014 18th St. N.W. ST. 3-2660 i st. n.w. 1 BEDROOM $83.50 2 I detached with gas heat, redecor.
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    THE EVENING STAR t APTS. UNFURN.—MD. (Coat.) APTS. UNFURNISHED—MD. |APTS. UNFURN.—VA. <C««it.> (HOUSES UNFURNISHED (Cent.) HOUSES for SALE—N.W. (Cont. > HOUStS FOR SALE—N.W. Washington, D. C. A-16 SILVER SPRING—I and 2 bedrm,. HARBOR TERRACE APARTMENTS COLORED—TAYLOR NR. 3RD ST. OVERLOOK* ROCK CREEK PARK— Excellent Terms to MONDAY. MAY30. 13.. S j (4 and 5 large rooms). Newly If you are interested In an apt con- N.W’.—6 rooms, fas heat, finished Beautiful aulet street of magnifi- - decorated. SBS 50 to §98.50. incl. venient to National Airport, we bsmt.. built-in garage: conven. cent homes bordering the park and I utils. HE. 4-7014. —5 2-BEDROOM have newly redecorated. 1-bedroom; transp : public, parochial schools; iust a few minutes from downtown. Responsible Purchaser Am. (Cent.) apts. p*r Handsome white brk.. New Orleans N.W. location nr. Walter Reed. Det. UNFUHN—P.c. SILVER SPRING—NewIy dec.: conv from $70.75 to $75.75 SIOO. Call 10 to 4. V. D. JOHN- bathe, location; bedrm- liv. dinette, mo., incl. utils. For inspection, appiy Nwd 1 STON, HU. 3-4615. —3l Colonial superb Quality Year- brick. 4 bedrmg., 2 rec. rm.. 1 rm.. HOMES i of det. brick gar. TA. kit. and bath: $75.80 mo. JU. at Apt. 1, 1301 Abingdon drive. 'round air-conditioning, library and Eves.. 9-1699 9-3490; after 6. LO 5-4800. —2 Alexandria. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ HOUSES WANTED TO RENT lavatory on Ist floor: four twin- or TU. 2-6194. DE LI'XE 2 BEDROOM APIS .
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