At Stony Brook Concert
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Voum 2,No4Th Nepaper fSoyBoo' rde Student Ston Brook PeaceRall Rally for Peace: mina Sinanovic, grad- Finding your own te student in Theatre place ts Department, Mike ivis, History Prof., by Ellada Evangelou sociate Editor of The ition inagazine, David A Ithough I hac ishen, graduate stu- seen posters foi nt in Comparative Sthe peace rally :erature, Susan Blake, around campus, it nevei tivist, coordinator of registered as something acesmiths (off cam- legitimate: I had nevei s), Steve Preston, Pres. associated academic Students for Peace and communities in the imanity and graduate United States with any ident in Math type of anti-governmen ipartment, Martin demonstrations. ThE >ppel, Socialist voices of all the students )rkers Party candidate rebelling in the late '60'c r Mayor of NY, Bill against the horror thai cNolte, peace activist, was the Vietnam War )rks on School of the seemed echoes of a song nericas, Hermann you no longer remembei irthen, Sociology Prof., the lyrics to. ;ter Sanaa, Muslim But going to the rall) laplin, Azlan Tariq, was a compellingly reaj esident of Muslim experience. Polyphon) ident Assoc., William was the main line that th( :Adoo, Chair Africana organizers followed, and adies Dept., and Roger though not everyone reminded why I chose to attend: livestock, national treasures, monu- Snyder, War Resisters League. The agreed with everything that was besides my being a pacifist, I ments and other material wealth). rally started with Eva Cheskava said, the (vast majority of) people remembered what it was that had That is it. That is war. What war is who played guitar and sang. Chad were respectful to the speakers, brin- troubled me about this whole situa- not is a tool for revenge. The faster Crautz, President of Social Justice ing out and reminding -me of the tion. America was calling for war people realize that they are a mere Alliance and a graduate student in best trait of America: tolerance. The when it did not know what war is. It pawn to the hands of those who Philosophy gave introductory mere fact that the gathering took is a conflict during which (mostly hold influential positions (in poli- remarks and introduced the speak- place in the middle of one of the randomly) a) people die (death tics, economics and the media), the ers. The rally started a minute of most ethnically, racially and reli- being an irreversible loss of life) or sooner they -will rise to stop the silence for the innocents lost on Sept. giously diverse schools in the coun- are physically or psychologically unnecessary bloodshed of their own 11th and those civilians killed by the try was a victory in and of itself. injured and b) -properties are and of innocent civilians of other bombing campaign in Afghanistan. But standing there I was destroyed (houses, natural habitats, states, who have done nothing In addition to the university police wrong but be in the wrong place at there were four group "peacekeep- the wrong time. ers." The rally was sponsored by Let us also be reminded of the Students for Peace and Humanity, hundreds of innocent soldiers who LGBTSA, Social Justice Alliance, took part in Desert Storm, who Feminist Majority, Muslim Student returned home to face their phan- Association, Peace Center and tasms afone, since the ,operations Center for Womyn Concerns. There were considered to be a success and were no major incidents at the rally. they could not spoil it with their problems. For those people and for all the victims of war, both the -l~LIi abstract concept that seems to be the answer to rage and the pragmatic I process of death, we must stand together to stop the war., B Ramblings.........2 D Crisis in Afghanistan.... ... 2 Rally for Peace R Sugar Ray at Stony Brook Concert..... ............ 3 . Grad. Student Colloquia............ 5 by Jasmina Sinanovic SDistractions.. 8.... he rally happened on October 17, during the Campus Lifetime. The speakers at the rally were: News & Blues - Page 1 mo News & Blues arc e '()O1 lii Ng (nl-'r E-DITORS - RichmardYi and Mare Dempsey (ne wsncdblues0aot mail:com) ::::In :: ye Gla 'r; Trt,1il7irT: GF 0ICE 0 RS - Presidet: Pegne WalidVice-President: Tanya M. Smith Secretari: SIherrye Gaser Treasii: Jasmina Sinanoic; Spiker:n (vact) SGSO CO NTACT I N.FO - SAC 227, Zip +4 2800, PI-IONE 632-692, Fx 632-8965, Eidl [email protected] edu, W Ittp:// s /gso TewUs & Blues is published by the Stony Brook Gradiuate Studenti Organiztiolninl serves lth GraditeStudent Coinuliti at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. It is currently being ptblished on ' onth ly Isis. We welcole subnisious in the for fletters, opinions, poetry,news items, art wqrks,hotographs, antnouncenenits or anyting else that could coneivably be of inters to graduate students d the larg- er UIniversity commuinity. Pledse include yoitr namne aind a way that you call be coltacted wIith aniything youisbmit. All subiissiois lr( subject to editing for length anid content. In theory, submissions to News and Blues should bIe imade Oi' eek prior to each Senate mmfilig-or by thefirst Thursday of each month. Itemns may be subnmitted directly to thi:e Editorsib e-mlil at [email protected] This Newspaper is Printed by WebPro The Current Crisis in Afghanistan and the I plications for the Region and the United States by protected 'and will not falinto the hainds of terrorists. Mustafa Siddiq Captain Bantiri's talk wasinomtvti hai1iweverue to his military and. background and affiliationL, to theh gvernmentet of-f Pakistan,.~-oulJnPakistar he could not Sherrye Glaser address-:sensitive but important questions such as the prevention of edu- cating th fghan refugeeds for nearly twodecades and the potential G roup Captain Khalid BanuLri, Deputy Director of Arms Control--and involvtement ith and support of theTaliban in the 90's Captain Banuri Disarmament Affairs at the Strategic Plans division in Pakistan gave did say that the Pakistani governent did try to inhibit the destr1ction a talk for the International Fo isLectre Seies, co-sponsored by the of the Buddha statues and artwork in Afghanistan, that held the key to Graduate School! Internaonal Programs, Social JusticeAlliance (JA the triansition between the religios of Hinduism and Buddhism, consid- and Graduate Student Orgaizatizo oir The Criret Crisis in ered to be a loss to the world This destruction of art has been seen as Afghanistan and the Iplicatiois for thf Region ad he Uitd Stats." the first aggressive strike taken against the West. Captain Banuri's talk ; ChadChad Kautzer, Preside'President of the SJA and Les PaldyDistinguished~eg~gii~I~~i d S&~LsService. helped bring to light how diffiult challege it will be to bring stability Professor in the Department of Techcio and Society introduced the 16 that entire region, but stressed that a prolonged conflict will only speaker. bring dditional grief anresentment between cultures who need to Captain Banuri, speaking o his own personal persctive, nt that work n better nderstanding overall. of the Pakistani governmient, opened with a half hour speech introduc - * t Stony BrookUniversity, we will be celebrating International ing thetaudience to the opinions f the monPakistani citizen ontop Education through-ufN thmonthof Novmber . Please join- is in cele- ics such as the lack of trfst for theAmeican goernment because of the brating International Educational ExchaIge by atteding these events withdrawal of diplomatic forces iafter-the Soviet occupation of 7 and by joIining us in aspecial reception onNovember 16th. Here is a Afghanistan, eaving a nation f warlords andclans to battle it out with brief listof upcoming talks and events:. each other. He stressed that it's pota--nt tat true Aimitment be "AResponse to Terrorism: The United Nations in East Timor" made from the ertire iternational comrn ity t daid in the battle Monday, November 12, 4 pRm.,llaits oo Melville Library against terrorism. Captain Banit broght to ligh that Pakistan is also a Provoast's Lecture Series: victim of terrorism and they are'in a very sensitive situation relative to 'Disposable People: New Slavery ilthe Global Economy" its neighbors from: the east and west. He also said that if the US would Tuesday November 13, 4:30 p.m. pay more attention to the Kashmiri situation (a region that has been "Afghan Women Under the Taliban" under battle between Pakistani and India) and influence India to a more Wednesday, November 28 peaceful situation, it would benefit the entire intrnational comunity. He assured the audience that the nuclear weapons of Pakistan are ell For more information, please email: [email protected] 95 .... ic times.... Ramblings.... R We recently received a call from a local resident who wanted to place an kay, can throw it in my face. Somebody besides the Yankees advertisement in our paper to rent out a furnished studio apartment won the World Series this year. So throw your "Yankees finally lost!" attached to her home. She asked me to gauge the level of interest that her celebrations; start your mocking chants of "Yan-kees suh-uck". It's okay. apartment might produce As the conversationprogressed, the topic of After all, phrt of the joy of being a Yankee diehard is that there are so many international studets atheUniVersity arose. BecauseI only gave her my who despise -the Bombers. The world wouldn't be as muchfuin if every- first nameiandIspeak E nglishwith no accent (bie es a mangled combia- -bodylovedmy team. For thepast 5 years, I have experienced few joys as tiri of NYC, Pnnsylva, anid I this potential landlord a Ito the con- great as taunting those who wished ill-will to the greatest sports franchise of cusio that was a nominorilie her.