UCLA UCLA Previously Published Works

Title Bayesian random local clocks, or one rate to rule them all

Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0f209336

Journal BMC Biology, 8(1)

ISSN 1741-7007

Authors Drummond, Alexei J Suchard, Marc A

Publication Date 2010-08-31

DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1741-7007-8-114

Peer reviewed

eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Bayesian random local clocks, or one rate to rule them all Alexei J Drummond1,2*, Marc A Suchard3,4*

Abstract Background: Relaxed models allow divergence time dating and “relaxed phylogenetic” inference, in which a time tree is estimated in the face of unequal rates across lineages. We present a new method for relaxing the assumption of a strict molecular clock using Markov chain Monte Carlo to implement Bayesian modeling averaging over random local molecular clocks. The new method approaches the problem of rate variation among lineages by proposing a series of local molecular clocks, each extending over a subregion of the full phylogeny. Each branch in a phylogeny (subtending a clade) is a possible location for a change of rate from one local clock to a new one. Thus, including both the global molecular clock and the unconstrained model results, there are a total of 22n-2 possible rate models available for averaging with 1, 2, ..., 2n-2 different rate categories. Results: We propose an efficient method to sample this model space while simultaneously estimating the phylogeny. The new method conveniently allows a direct test of the strict molecular clock, in which one rate rules them all, against a large array of alternative local molecular clock models. We illustrate the method’s utility on three example data sets involving mammal, primate and influenza evolution. Finally, we explore methods to visualize the complex posterior distribution that results from inference under such models. Conclusions: The examples suggest that large sequence datasets may only require a small number of local molecular clocks to reconcile their branch lengths with a time scale. All of the analyses described here are implemented in the open access software package BEAST 1.5.4 (http://beast-mcmc.googlecode.com/).

Background been a slowdown of the rate of albumin evolution in In 1967, and his then doctoral student African apes and humans to reconcile their great simi- Vincent Sarich described an “evolutionary clock” for larity with the presumed antiquity of their common albumin proteins and exploited the clock to date the ancestor. common ancestor of humans and to five Researchers have grappled with the tension between million years ago [1]. Given the limited informative- molecular and non-molecular evidence for evolutionary ness of these immunological data, this estimate has time scales ever since. Recently, a number of authors survived the intervening years remarkably well. This [3-7], have advanced “relaxed molecular clock” methods. work was the first prominent application of the con- These methods accommodate variation in the rate of cept of a molecular clock [2] and, at the time, the from lineage to lineage. In addition result raised extreme controversy, as the commonly to allowing non-clock-like relationships among held belief advocated that the common ancestor of sequences related by a phylogeny, modeling rate varia- humans and African apes was much more ancient. In tion among lineages in a gene tree also enable research- fact, previous authors had argued that there must have ers to incorporate multiple calibration points that may not be consistent with a strict molecular clock. These * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] calibration points can be associated either with the 1Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand internal nodes of the tree or the sampled sequences 3Departments of Biomathematics and Human Genetics, David Geffen School themselves. Furthermore, relaxed molecular clock mod- of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA els appear to fit real data better than either a strict Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2010 Drummond and Suchard; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 Page 2 of 12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

molecular clock or the other extreme of no clock Methods assumption [6]. In spite of these successes, controversy Basic evolutionary model still remains around the particular assumptions underly- We begin by considering data Y, consisting of aligned ing some of the popular relaxed molecular clock models molecular sequences of length S from n taxa. We orien- currently employed. A number of authors [8-10], argue tate these data such that we may write Y =(Y1, ..., YS), that changes in the rate of evolution do not necessarily where Ys for s = 1, ..., S are the n homologous charac- occur smoothly nor on every branch of a gene tree. The ters at each site s of the sequence alignment. To model alternative expounds that large subtrees share the same this homology, we follow standard likelihood-based phy- underlying rate of evolution and that any variation can logenetic reconstruction practice [13] and assume the be described entirely by the stochastic nature of the evo- data arise from an underlying continuous-time Markov lutionary process. These phylogenetic regions or sub- chain (CTMC) process [14] along an unobserved tree τ. trees of rate homogeneity are separated by changes in The tree τ consists of a rooted, bifurcating topology that the rate of evolution. This alternative model may be characterizes the relatedness among the taxa, the gener- especially important for gene trees that have dense ally unknown historical times when lineages diverge in taxon sampling, in which case there are potentially the topology and up to 2n − 2 rate parameters rk that many short closely related lineages amongst which there relate historical time and expected number of substitu- is not reason a priori to assume differences in the tions on each branch k. The CTMC process describes underlying rate of substitution. the relative rates at which different sequence characters Local molecular clocks are another alternative to the change along the independent branches in τ. We restrict global molecular clock [11]. A local molecular clock per- our attention in this paper to nucleotide substitution mits different regions in the tree to have different rates, processes characterized by either the HKY85 [15] or but within each region the rate must be the same. Up GTR [16] infinitesimal rate matrices Λ and discrete- until now these models have been difficult to employ Gamma distributed across-site rate variation [17] with because their implementations did not permit the mod- shape parameter a. However, our approach admits any eling of uncertainty in (1) the phylogenetic tree topology standardly used CTMC for nucleotides, codons or or (2) the phylogenetic positions of the rate changes amino acids. between the local clock regions. For a model that allows Letting F =(Λ,a), we write the data sampling density one rate change on a rooted tree there are 2n − 2 of site s as P(Ys|τ, F). Felsenstein’s peeling/pruning branches on which the rate change can occur. To con- algorithm [18] enables computational efficient calcula- sider two rate changes, one must consider (2n − 2) × tions of P(Ys|τ,F). Assuming that sites are independent (2n − 3) possible rate placements. If each branch can and identically distributed given (τ,F) yields the com- have 0 or 1 rate changes then the total number of local plete data likelihood n− clock models that might be considered is 22 2,where n is the number of sequences under study. For even S n = moderate this number of local clock models can not PP()YY|,∏ ()s |,  . (1) be evaluated exhaustively. s=1 In this paper we employ Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) to investigate a Bayesian random local clock (RLC) model, in which all possible local clock configura- Branch-specific rate variation tions are nested. We implement our method in the We take the opinion that variation in the rate of mole- BEAST 1.x [12] and BEAST 2 (http://code.google.com/ cular evolution is widespread [5,6], but, following Yoder p/beast2/) open software frameworks. The resulting andYang[11],weassumedthatinanygiventreethere method co-estimates from the sequence data both the exist a small number of rate changes. This contrasts phylogenetic tree and the number, magnitude and loca- with most previous Bayesian MCMC relaxed clock mod- tion of rate changes along the tree. Our method samples els that favor many small or smoothly changing events n− a state space that includes the product of all 22 2 pos- [3,7,19,20]. In general, the numerous small changes arise sible local clock models on all possible rooted trees. as a modeling consequence, and are not necessarily Because the RLC model includes the possibility of zero data-driven. Apart from the induced smoothing, some rate changes, it also serves to test whether one rate is structure remains quite useful; at certain time scales one sufficient to rule all the gene sequences at hand, as was expects rate changes to be heritable and persist for Wilson and Sarich’s view of the African primate some time down the subtree extending from the albumins. change-point. Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 Page 3 of 12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

Model parameterization Recent work in BSSVS [22,23] efficiently performs the We introduce the RLC model that allows for sparse, exploration in two steps. In the first step, the approach possibly large-scale changes while maintaining spatial augments the model state-space with a set of P binary correlation along the tree. We start at the unobserved indicator variables δ =(δ1,...,δP) and imposes a prior branch leading to the most recent common ancestor P(b) on the regression coefficients that has expectation (MRCA) of the tree and define the composite rate 0 and variance proportional to a P×Pdiagonal matrix rMRCA = 1. Substitutions then occur on each branch k = with its entries equal to δ.IfδP = 0, then the prior var- 1, ..., 2n − 2 below the MRCA with normalized rate iance on bp shrinks to 0 and enforces bp = 0 in the pos- terior. In the second step, MCMC explores the joint =× rck ()  k space of (δ, b) simultaneously. =× × (2) δ c() pa()kk , To map BSSVS into the setting of rate variation, let k be the binary indicator that a local clock starts along k k where pa( ) refers to the parent branch above , branch k, such that rk ≠ rpa(k). Conversely, when δk =0,    c branch-specific rate multipliers =( 1,..., 2n-2)and (·) rk = rpa(k) implying that k = 1. So, rate multipliers  is a normalization constraint that ensures that rk reflect play an analogous role to the regression coefficients in the expected number of substitutions per unit time. This BSSVS. An important difference is that k Î [0,∞)and multiplicative structure on the composite rk = rpa(k) × k shrinks to 1, while bk Î (-∞,∞)andshrinksto0,man- builds up a hierarchy of rate multipliers descending dating alternative prior formulations. towards the tree’s tips. Prior specification  Allowing all elements in to vary independently leads To specify a prior distribution over δ =(δ1,...,δ2n-2), we to a completely non-clock-like model with, even worse, far assume that each indicator acts a priori as an indepen- too many free parameters for identifiability with the diver- dent Bernoulli random variable (RV) with small success gence times in τ. We avoid this problem through specify- probability c. The sum of independent Bernoulli ing a prior P() on the rate multipliers. This prior RVs yields a Binomial distribution over their sum K Î n  22n− specifies that only a random number {0,...,2 -2} of k = . In the limit that K ≪ c ×(2n-2), this K ∑ = k ≠ 1suchthatrk do not inherit their ancestors’ rate of k 1 prior conveniently collapses to change but instead mark the start of a new local clock, where aprioriwe believe K is small. In effect, we place K ~(),Truncated-Poisson  (3) non-negligible prior probably on K = 0, the state in with one rate rules them all. Further, with most rk = r k ,the pa( ) where l is the prior expected number of rate changes prior binds absolute rates equal on branches incident to along the tree τ. Choosing l = log2, for example, sets the same divergence points. Bayesian stochastic search variable selection 50% prior probability on the hypothesis of no rate changes. To infer which branch-specific rates rk do or do not Completing the RLC prior specification, we assume inherit their ancestors’ rate, we employ ideas from Baye- that all rate multipliers in  are aprioriindependent sian stochastic search variable selection (BSSVS) [21]. and BSSVS traditionally applies to model selection problems in a linear regression framework. In this framework, the ~(/,/).Gamma 1 1 (4) statistician starts with a large number of potential pre- kkk X X dictors 1,..., P and asks which among these associate When δk =1,thena priori, k has expectation 1 and N Y linearly with an -dimensional outcome variable . For variance ψ, following in the vein of [24]. However, in Y X X b +  example, the full model becomes =[ 1,..., P] , light of BSSVS, when δk = 0, the prior variance collapses b P where is a -dimensional vector of regression coeffi- to 0 and k =1. cients and  is an N-dimensional vector of normally dis- Normalization 0 b p P tributed errors with mean .When p for = 1,..., To translate between the expected number of substitu- X Y differs significantly from 0, p helps predict , otherwise tions bk on branch k and real clock-time tk, Xp contributes little additional information and warrants b = =×× removal from the model via forcing p 0. Given poten- brtkkk , (5) tially high correlation between the predictors, determi- nistic model search strategies tend not to find the where μ is the overall substitution rate. The keen eye optimal set of predictors unless one explores all possible may observe that, over the entire tree τ, the parameteri- subsets. This exploration is generally computationally zation in Equation (5) again leads to more degrees-of- P impractical as there exist 2 such subsets and comple- freedom than are identifiable. We solve this difficulty tely fails for P>N. through a further normalization constraint c(·) on r. Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 Page 4 of 12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

Recall that we wish to measure μ in terms of expected  = U , substitutions per unit real time, such that kk ⎛ ⎞ 1 (9) − − ⎜ ⎟ 22n 22n Us~,,Uniform ⎜ f ⎟ = ⎝ s f ⎠  ∑∑btk k. (6) k=1 k=1 where 0

Model selection nuclear genes across the radiation of mammals [32]. Statistical inference divides into two intertwined Previous analyses fit these data under an unrooted phy- approaches: parameter estimation and model selection. logenetic model, and then rely on post hoc heuristics For the former, parameter inference relies on empirical while conditioning on the maximum likelihood tree to estimates of P(θ|Y)thatwetabulatefromtheMCMC identify local molecular clocks. We exploit the RLC draws. Model selection often represents a more formid- model to simultaneously infer both the tree and loca- able task. The natural selection criterion in a Bayesian tionsoflocalclocks.Wethenturnourattentionto framework is the Bayes factor [28-30]. The Bayes factor mtDNA evolution within primates [33,34] and examine B10 in favor of ℳ1 over ℳ0 is the ratio of the marginal a subset of the original data in which multiple studies likelihoods of ℳ1 and ℳ0, endorse a molecular clock [15,35,36] and demonstrate the ease in which one can formally test for a global ==P(|Y 1 ) P(|)1 Y P()1 clock via the RLC model. In both examples, the RLC B10 , (11) P(|Y 0 ) P(|)0 Y P()0 model performs consistently with expectations. We con- clude with a survey of the temporal patterns of rate var- and informs the phylogeneticist how she (he) should iation in hemagglutinin gene evolution and uncover a P ℳ P ℳ change her (his) prior belief ( 1)/ ( 0)aboutthe signature of multiple epochs of increasing rate without competing models in the face of the observed data. specifying prior knowledge of their existence. Involving the evaluation of two different normalizing constants, Bayes factors are often challenging to Radiation of rodents and other mammals punctuated by estimate. local clocks By fortuitous construction, we side-step this computa- [32] investigate the existence of local molecular clocks tional limitation when estimating the Bayes factor in during the radiation of mammals with an eye to recon- ℳ favor of a global clock (GC) model GC over the RLC ciling molecular divergence dates with evidence. In ℳ ℳ K model RLC. Model GC occurs when = 0, conveni- their study, [32] condition on a fixed evolutionary tree ℳ P ently nested within model RLC. Consequentially, the and perform multiple pair-wise or local rate heterogene- K ℳ ℳ ( =0| RLC) equals the prior probability of GC,and ity tests to construct an ad hoc ensemble of clock mod- P K Y ℳ P ℳ Y ( =0| , RLC) yields ( GC| ). Given this, a Bayes els. We re-examine the same first and second codon ℳ factor test of GC only requires simulation under the positions of ADRA2B, IRBP and vWF nuclear genes RLC model. The Bayes factor in favor of a global clock (2422 alignment sites) from 42 mammals under the RLC

− model. Following [32], we assume the GTR model for = ⎛ = ⎞ 1 Γ = PK(|,)0 Y RLC PK(|0 RLC ) nucleotide substitution with discrete- site-to-site rate BGC ⎜ ⎟ . (12) 10−=PK(|,)Y RLC ⎝ 10−=PK(|RLC )⎠ variation and ignore process heterogeneity across genes. Figure 1 presents the Bayesian consensus tree for To calculate the ratio of marginal likelihoods we these data. Major groupings persist across tree esti- ∧ P K Y ℳ need only an estimator P of ( =0| , RLC). The mates; examples include the marsupial/placental divide Ergodic Theorem suggests that we let and major placental clades. Small topological differences are not surprising given data uncertainty and that L ∧ researchers inferred the original tree under an unrooted P ==10{}K () , (13) ∑ model whereas our estimate is based on a local-clock- =1 constrained model of phylogenetic trees. ∧ where 1{·} is the indicator function. Occasionally P Amongst the very small collection of local clock models becomes a poor estimator when P(K =0|Y,ℳRLC) that [32] explore, they identity their best-fitting model as decreases below  or increases above 1 -  for  ≈ 1/L. embracing five local clocks. This result matches surpris- In such situations, there are alternatives that depend on ingly well with RLC model estimates that support MCMC chains generated under several different prior between six to twelve local clocks (Figure 2(a)). Our esti- probabilities P(K =0|ℳRLC) [31]. The Bayes factor then mate of the number of clocks integrates over all possible provides the mechanism to combine results from the local clock assignments and trees and is naturally larger. multiple chains and to rescale back to a believable prior. We color branches in Figure 1 according to their branch- specific rates. Consistent with [32], the sloth (Bradypus ), Results hedgehog (Erinaceus ) and two geomyoid rodents To explore the utility of the RLC model, we consider (Dipodomys and Thomomys ) exhibit higher rates of sub- three well-studied examples that span the evolutionary stitution. Comparing the posterior to prior probability scales from millions of years down to annual seasons. that the number of rate changes K =0inFigure2(a) The first example investigates rate variation of several clearly rejects a global clock within these data. Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 Page 6 of 12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

Figure 1 Bayesian inference of random local clocks on mammalian data. Most probable evolutionary tree relating three nuclear genes from 42 mammals [32]. The color of the branches in the tree indicate branch-specific relative rates from red (fast) to blue (slow). Regions with the same color signify local clocks. Branches with a posterior probability of a change in rate >0.1 are labeled with the estimated posterior probabilities from two independent runs. An arrow to the right signifies a rate increase on a branch (and its descendants), while an arrow to the left signifies a slow down.

Anthropoids’ global clock general use by evolutionary biologists. The RLC model [33] and [34] present partial mtDNA sequences from provides a simple solution. nine primates, including two prosimians and seven As an example in which a global clock should hold, anthropoids (monkeys/apes). The sequences comprise we re-examine the seven anthropoids sequences under the protein coding regions for subunits 4 and 5 of the the RLC model. We employ the HKY85 [15] model for enzyme NADH-dehydrogenase and three tRNAs and nucleotide substitution with discrete-Γ site-to-site rate contain 888 sites after the removal of alignment gaps. variation. To keep exposition simple, we ignore struc- Since their publication, these data appear as molecular tured rate heterogeneity between the concatenated clock examples in several phylogenetic software genes and across codon position with genes; however, releases [37-39]. [35,36] explore the strict molecular these important modeling aspects remain straight-for- clock assumption in these data using a Bayesian ward to include and do not complicate the final Bayes approach and find good support for a clock among the factor calculations. To complete specification, we anthropoids, but not between the anthropoids and pro- assume l = log 2, such that there exists a 50% prior simians, nor within the prosimians. The Bayes factor probability of a global clock. tests developed in these former studies require compli- Figure 3 presents the a posteriori most probable tree cated calculations that lend themselves poorly to relating these sequences. The topology of this tree Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 Page 7 of 12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

Figure 2 Prior and posterior distributions of the number of rate changes for three molecular data sets. Comparison of posterior (red) to prior (blue) probability mass functions of the number of rate changes K for the (a) mammal, (b) primate and (c) influenza examples. In all examples, the prior probability of a global molecular clock (K = 0) is 50%. Greater posterior than prior probability for K = 0 supports the global clock hypothesis (primates); while small or negligible posterior probability for K = 0 strongly rejects the hypothesis (mammals and influenza). recapitulates the current paradigm of primate evolution, are univariate marginal reports of highly correlated ran- including the nearest-neighbor relationship between dom variables and multiple marginal assessments can humans and chimpanzees, for which these data origin- lead to spurious conclusions. To test all branches simul- ally helped settle [15,34]. We annotate the internal node taneously, we calculate BGC from knowledge of the ∧ heights in the figure with their posterior 95% Bayesian model prior and an estimate P of the posterior prob- credible intervals (BCIs). ability that number of rate changes K =0.Figure2(b) An important use of the molecular clock hypothesis is reports both the prior and estimate of the posterior in estimating divergence times, and this ability remains probability mass function of K. A majority of the poster- under the RLC model. Near the tree branches in the fig- ior mass falls on K =0,evenmoresothantheprior. ure, we also report 95% BCIs for the branch-specific From the figure, BGC = 3.3. While this Bayes factor is relative rates rk. Notably, all intervals cover the global far from offering extreme support [28,29] for the global clock hypothesized value of 1, suggesting the existence clock model itself, the balance of evidence favors a glo- of a global clock in these data. However, these intervals bal clock over all other specific alternatives, and the Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 Page 8 of 12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

Figure 3 Inferred mtDNA rates for primate phylogeny. Most probable evolutionary tree relating seven mtDNA sequences from primates [33]. Gray boxed regions depict 95% Bayesian credible intervals (BCIs) for relative divergence times (that is, in units of expected substitutions per site).

Recorded for all branches are their relative rate parameter rk 95% BCIs. All intervals cover 1, suggesting little or no rate variation across the tree. globalclockwouldbecontainedinanycrediblesetof of nucleotide substitution. Blue branches reflect the models. slowest rates of mutation through red branches that highlight regions of rapid change. From Figure 4(a), a Temporal rate patterns in influenza general trend begins to take form of increasing rate var- We examine hemagglutinin gene evolution from 69 iation over time; earlier branches to the left of the figure strains of human influenza A [40]. These sequences aremostlyblueorpurple,whilelatebranchesappear represent serially sampled data; the earliest sequence mostly red. We formally explore this trend in greater stems from 1981 and the last from 1998, spanning a detail. 17 year period. To infer the evolutionary tree and rate Figure 4(b) compares the posterior and prior mass changes, we again employ the HKY85 model for functions relating the number of rate changes observed nucleotide substitution, with Gamma-distributed rate during hemagglutinin evolution. As expected from the heterogeneity among sites [24]. As priors, we assume observed variation in Figure 4(a), very little posterior an underlying coalescent process with a constant mass falls on the existence of a global clock with zero population size on the tree and a Poisson number of rate changes. The modal number of rate changes is two. rate changes with an expected value of log2 [see Addi- The Bayes factor rejecting a global clock is approxi- tional file 2, for an example BEAST 1.5.4 XML script]. mately 45, providing strong support [28,29]. This specification places 50% prior probability on the Figure 4(a) examines the heterogeneity of rate varia- strict molecular clock hypothesis. tion as a process in time. To generate this plot, we dis- Figure 4(a) depicts the Bayesian consensus tree relat- cretize time before the last sequence sampling date into ing these sequences, along with posterior mean branch 92 bins (four per year). For each bin, we construct the lengths scaled in real time. To examine rate variation, empirical posterior density of relative rates active along we color branches by their posterior mean relative rate the tree during that time-period. Rates that we color Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 Page 9 of 12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

Figure 4 Influenza A data analysis. (a) Most probable evolutionary tree relating 69 hemagglutinin sequences from human influenza A. Branch coloring indicates inferred rates of nucleotide substitution, with blue denoting the slowest rates and red the fastest. (b) Rate heterogeneity of hemagglutinin sequence evolution over time. The plot traces the marginal distribution of relative substitution rates across time. White indicates low posterior density, and yellow/red indicates high density. The estimated rates are higher towards the present, with a notable jump in rate approximately six and ten years before the last sequence sample. yellow or red occur with high posterior probability while temporal breaks in strain sampling between 1987 and rates proceeding towards white reflect lower probabil- 1992 and again between 1994 and 1998). Temporal ities. Consistent with the posterior mode of two rate changes in sampling pattern could be particularly pro- changes shown in Figure 4(b), the two rate break-points blematic given the well accepted fact that the influenza in Figure 4(b) generate three distinct epochs in hemag- virus population is subject to strong selection and the glutinin evolution, with a trend towards increasing rates influenza data set used here has previously been shown over time. The first epoch begins at the root of the evo- to exhibit evidence for non-neutrality [40]. Richer lutionary tree and continues until some point between taxon-sampling during the unsampled periods may clar- 1986 and 1992. The final epoch concludes with the ify this issue, but remains beyond the scope of this 1998 strains. methodological paper. Nonetheless, to confirm that the We caution against over-interpretation of the punctu- RLC model is performing appropriately, we do explore ated form of the transitions between epochs seen in Fig- the temporal rate variation process in further detail ure 4(b). While rate transitions may have arisen with using an explicitly temporal model of rate change. To such strong demarcation, their relative sharpness may do so these data were analyzed under a Bayesian imple- be the result of the sampling pattern in this data set. mentation (Andrew Rambaut pers comms)ofafixed- The newer samples (between 1987 and 1998) are more epoch model [41]. The result reinforces the conclusion densely sampled at each time point, while being sepa- that these data do exhibit temporal rate variation [see ratedbymoretimebetweensamples(therearelong Additional file 1 for analysis summary and Additional Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 Page 10 of 12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

file 3 for the BEAST XML]. However, the fixed-epoch speciation events a lineage has encountered. The evolu- model requires apriorispecification of the number of tionary and sampling scenarios for which this serves as different rate-epochs on which to fit the data, and a better proxy for rate change than does time-duration assumes each rate change occurs simultaneously across is outside the scope of this work. Formal model testing all lineages, whereas the RLC assumes no such prior can help settle this debate on a dataset-by-dataset basis. knowledge. We have not attempted model comparison between the RLC and other relaxed clock models as part of this Discussion work,asitisaverychallenging task. New methods for Although it has been clear for quite some time that no computing Bayes factors between non-nested phyloge- universal molecular clock exists, a new question is netic models, such as path sampling [45,46] and step- emerging about what is the phylogenetic footprint of ping-stone sampling [47] may improve this situation in local molecular clocks. With increasing densely sampled the future. phylogenetic trees, we should start to be able to get esti- Further, hybrid models remain within reach in which mates of the extent of local clocks. rate multipliers  draw a priori from a multivariate dis- A major limitation of local clock models has been a tribution. The multivariate generalization of the Gamma dearth of methods to appraise all the possible rate is a Wishart, characterized by a scale matrix. This scale assignments for various lineages [42]. BSSVS permits matrix could be a function of the time-tree. n- the efficient exploration of all 22 2 possible local clock While the transition kernels we employ in this paper models and automatically returns the most parsimo- successfully explore the posterior distribution for the nious descriptions of the data. three examples, we can envision datasets for which our The RLC description finds notable similarity to a com- algorithm would have difficulties producing accurate pound Poisson process for rate variation [4]. Under this estimates of the posterior distribution. High correlation process, a Poisson number of change-points fall inde- most likely exists between the evolutionary tree τ and pendently onto the branches of a phylogenetic tree. At location indicators δ along τ at which local clocks start. each change-point, a Gamma-distributed random vari- Some datasets may possess posterior support for alter- able punctuates the current substitution rate. Without native trees whose clock structures vary considerably. additional external information, the number of change- This situation poses a significant difficulty for our cur- points (if greater than 1) and their specific locations rent transition kernels. These kernels alternate between along the branch are not identifiable by the likelihood, updating τ with only small changes δ and updating δ though this can be resolved by the prior. However this conditional on τ. In this construction, very rarely is it lack of identifiability places into question the benefit of possible to make large moves in both tree-space and allowing the large (in fact infinite) augmented state clock structures simultaneously, leading to potentially space of change points in the compound Poisson pro- long mixing times. To remedy this, kernels that propose cess that our BSSVS approach avoids. Under BSSVS, larger simultaneous jumps are warranted. While we are eitherthereexistsnochangealongabranchorthere currently exploring different choices, finding kernels exists more than one and the new branch-specific rate whose Hastings ratio remains convenient to calculate represents an average over all events and their locations. and function well across a range of datasets is proving BSSVS can also generalize to model heterogeneity in challenging. We do, however, remain optimistic. aspects of the CTMC process beyond rate variation. Alternatively, [48] encourages a collapsed Gibbs sam- Examples we are considering include random local pler via parameter marginalization when encountering changes in nucleotide composition; a natural extension high correlation. While it is computationally intractable of previous work on modeling compositional heteroge- to analytically integrate the model sampling density neity [43]. It is also possible to use this approach to over all possible τ or all possible δ,a“local” collapse model random local changes in parameters of the tree suggests a viable option. [49] exploit such an approach prior [44]. when sampling over the joint space of trees and Compared to the auto-correlated rate models [3], the sequence alignments; when proposing an update to τ, RLC approach imparts some different prior assumptions these authors integrate over the smaller portion of on rate variance among branches. For example, the alignment-space affected by jumping from the current prior variance on a lineage-specific rate depends on the to proposed tree; then, given the new tree, re-sample a number of internal nodes traversed between the root consistent and probable alignment. For the RLC model, and branch, not the time-duration. Obviously, this fea- a “local” collapse equates to integrating out the location ture vanishes as the marginal prior on rates integrates indicators δk on branches near the affected portions of τ over all possible trees. In the RLC model the number of and reduces to a discrete summation over a modest traversed nodes reflects the number of sampled number of combinations. There still exists correlation Drummond and Suchard BMC Biology 2010, 8:114 Page 11 of 12 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/8/114

between indicators δ and rate multiplier ;however,we Author details 1 believe this correlation strength is much smaller than Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand. 2Computational between that above, as the multipliers only enter into Evolution Group, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New 3 the likelihood when δk = 1 and, hence, have consider- Zealand. Departments of Biomathematics and Human Genetics, David ably more freedom in their realized values. In any case, Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 4Department of Biostatistics, UCLA School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA researchers should not blindly apply Bayesian samplers 90095, USA. to new datasets; samplers require care and thought to ’ ensure adequate exploration of the posterior parameter Authors contributions Both authors developed the idea and conducted the main experiments. AJD space. implemented the Bayesian stochastic search variable selection in the BEAST 1.5 and BEAST 2 open source software packages. Both authors debugged Conclusions the software and wrote supporting software to analyze and visualize the results. Both authors were involved in the writing of the manuscript. We have proposed an efficient method to sample over random local molecular clocks while simultaneously Received: 21 July 2010 Accepted: 31 August 2010 estimating the phylogeny. The new method conveniently Published: 31 August 2010 allows a comparison of the strict molecular clock against References a large array of alternative local molecular clock models. 1. Sarich VM, Wilson AC: Immunological time scale for hominid evolution. We have illustrated the method’s utility on three exam- Science 1967, 158:1200-1203. ple data sets involving mammal, primate and influenza 2. 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