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LEDGER ENTRIES YOU OUGHT TO HAVE REA80NI RSTABL1SHED JUNE. 1893 LOWELL. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUG. 11, 1949 NUMBER 15 Russian Cartoonists, humorists Merl« Bickford who has operated and satirists, charge that Russians Blckford Shoe Service on Main St. South Boston Goroqo Littk Undo Kotrt don't laugh enough. They are up- for the paat several years an- held by an official Russian Journal nounced this week that the busi- Clark-Ellis Post Looted Soturdoy Niqht Is StM Unconscious Report Folio Early which said such deductions were ness Is now under the manage- Tools and equipment valued at Little Linda Koert, 7-year-old "fully justified". Newspapers ara ment of Glenn Gooden an exper- 1800 were stolen sometime Saturday Everything Is Set for daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius too grim, they add. Three Moscow ienced shoe service man. Mr. Blck- Locates Yets For jnight by burglars who broke Into Koert, who was so critically In- Learn What To Do publications have done away with ford expects to move to Grand | D / J Harvey McClure's Garage, on US- jured July 21 when she ran Into humor sections entirely. i6 2 m,|e9 ea8t o the It Is Just like we have always Rapids where he Is now employed. liKiiranrp KfMiinn ' ' Kent-ronia the side of a truck while crossing * * * liiMiiaiitc **™*uu.county ijM lonia County gherlff the street near her home. Is still Before It Strikes said, that If things aren't funny, Take It easy thes® hot summer Ben Neve reported. In Buttcrworth hospital and has what Is there to laugh about? That the American Legion will This is the season of the year From what we read about Russia, days, the Michigan Department' of assist all local veterans In applying Neve said the rear door was Kent County 4-H Fairneve r regained consciousness at when polio seems to be more pre- Health Is warning oldsters.' forced and tracks showed a car or any time, her parents report. we doubt very much If the folks for their National Service Life In- valent and many people are alarm- with the keenest sense of humor, Deaths from heat prostration and surance Dividends has been an- truck had been backed up to it At times there has appeared to ed at the Increasing number of sunstroke reach their peak In Aug- nounced by Oscar J. Nelson, com—during the night. Opens at Lowell on Tuesday • be some encouraging symtoms for could get much merriment out of cases already this year. However, living. Maybe It just "ain't funny." ust. Both result from prolonged mander of the Clark-Ellis Post No. I The owner reported half of his her recovery but at the present this is no time to get alarmed, but exposure to sun or Intense heat. '152 of the American Legion of Inventoried stock was taken. Loot New and Outstanding Features she is still In very critical condl-.there no be(ter t|me than right People past their middle years, Lowell. included tools, a valve-grinding set, t*011* 'now to inform ourselves about what ; HELP ARTHRITIC8 and those who have high blood | ..Qy,, p i|| necessary fire extinguisher, a one-horsepower Kent County's 4-H Club Fa'l Is I 1:00 p. m.—Auction sale of gifts 08t w have the Lowoll citizens are watching with'to do and how to get help when I Medical men tell us that the pressure, or disease of the heart 'applications which veterans will electric motor and auto parts. to open Tuesday. Aug. 16, and don-jto 4-H Club Fair, and Lightweight a great deal of Interest and anxiety'polio strikes. oldest disease known to man is or kidneys are In more danger ,have to make to the VA to get their tinue through the 19th. at the f-H(horse pulling contest. this little girl's struggle for life, j since June 4th this year Grand'arthritis. They find traces of It In than others. / iNSLI dividends." Commander Nel- Such things as over-exertion, de- ajd. c n n8 or h,r e mp son 8 ^;r'«"„tr'e1 rar CM K-.J rr'covery. ' " "" new cases of pollpolioo anandd 1111 off lananss finfindd thosthosee gianteiantss Inhabitenhabitedd ththee hydration, over-indulgence in food ..Every veteran who heId hi9 of the agricultural highlights In Showboat. James Goff, Age 15 the county and promises this these patients have died from the land before man. So, arthrllls la of drink, worry, fatigue, anger and NSLI policy for 90 days or mor. Friday. August 19 disease. There were sixteen ad-j nothing new, but it's cure would lack of sleep add to the danger. to be bigger and better than eve . will have a refund coming to him. 9:30 a. m.—Exhibits open to the jmltted over the past week-end. be! There are such a large number * * * The VA expects to pay out approx-j Formerly of Lowell ' 1 uesday, August 16 public. Notice to Farmers ( Tuesday s Grand Rapids statistics of sufferers, many badly crippled, Alcoholics anonymous was form- imately <2.800.000,000 In these re-l 6:00 p. m.—Fair officially opeifr.r 10:00 a. m.—4-H archery contest. •v .... « Hhow: m0Bt gufferjng great pain. ed in 1936 by an Arkansas doctor: funds. Payments per veteran are h0fl ital3 48 8:00 p. m.—Evening program Vn 1:00 p. m.—Finals of 4-H softball Ro* Wnaof aWDIItOt 1T"1 P —- Much has been written 'about who had almost lost his practice Expected to average about $175 ac Dies From Injuries arena with music, special acts. tournament. I\C. fTIICdl flu CdHC, ' convalescent homes 34 arthritis, diets and baths and medl- 2:00 m 1 becausBecause ofr excessive aruwnidrinkinBg aianmd icorain(cording tiwo thme VA¥«.. Applications . I Service Club rflndleliffhMnir per*- 2:00 pP.- m.—Heavyweigh-— t horse O 'Released to homes 4 clne offered for relief. Bllti „ Beem8 a New York broker who had cured should be filed as quickly as po»-| Jamea Goff, 15, Saranac student, m cand ellgMing Mje pulling contegt I)eatJ ony Notices of 1950 wheat acreage 1 that more and more oenple are himself of drunkenn slble because it will take weilia and died in Ionia County Memorial bos-; 4:00 p. m.—All exhibits released. allotments for all known farms in added to the list of afflicted. It Is Imonths for a veteran to get his re- pltal Sunday night six hours after] Wednesday, August 17 Ths A. A's are doing a great For amusement there will be a Kent County were mailed on July: Total 97 the hope of those who know the work and it !• to be regretted fund check." suffering a skulon l fracture .~.andt jr . g-QQ a. —m.—Judgin g starts In all1 ferris whee,• Kiant 8w,nK». merry-129, 1949 to all persons having an At the first sign of illness, call misery that accompanies it, that that so many people pour into Big Manhunt Is On jbroken Jaw iIn an auiomoonautomobile acci-departments and continues throthrouu A-go-roun* d and octopus on the interest In these farms, according .your own doctor. If he suspects'something will soon be found to their stomachs that which steals ' Actually' cLmander Nelson ex- ' b"' ,,OUtheai,t 0f 0Uout t thth"e day ,,n,untin l completed. ^ ' grounds for this year. Also foodjto John McCabe, chairman of the polio he will report the case andicure arthritis away the brain. 10:00 a. m.—Exhibits open to the stands. Ice cream, popcorn, cold Kent County AAA Committee. arrange for hospitalization .plained. The American Legion will| He wafl fats|Iy inJured wh,le rld. • * * pU b',5 „ . J ,drir^; "tc; .. . „ _ ! Any person who does not receive hom« care. as indicated I put on the biggest manhunt In jng in a car driven by Donald 1 ft SUMMER'S GOODS One of our long-time Ledger history In trying to locate veterans Ea,! Heaven, 21, 3aranac. It Is re- children ^ n * ^"It allotment notice through I " your doctor says It Is polio readers has called our attention to Are you an advocate of gadgets who are eligible for he NSLI re- port*! « left front tire blew out 4 00 p m-Pet parade 1othe r projects_P-i.11 -. Open classes. In ithe mail and who believes that and requires hospltalixation, the an article headlined In a newspap- funds. — c har er 0 the " aviwucai Uor1 prefer tWo iwuftiroughs ait%? . Somww—-ew seiz— e !and the machine overturned. 4:30 p. m.—First round of 4-H|KralnB. potatoes, vegetables, fruits, they should receive an allotment I[2°®' . . Pt ' National er In another dty, recording a rhe VA are advised to call at the county Foundation will help arrange for summer's savory benediction, the whio>. miirhf PABIIV hftnnen' " estimates that some; Heaven was also hospitalixed with baseball tournament. foods, capned goods, baked goods, ragedy which might ewlly happen.16(W000 veteran|| ^ to head and ^ Iaceratlona and transportation to a treatment cen-'ear of corn, and use hand manlpu- 8:00 p. m.—Evening program with [candles and flowers. AAA office, 207 Spencer St., N. E., to wytw ev«LowelL lN8LI Mfundl ,. Commander Nelson bruises. Grand Rapids, 5, Michigan as soon ter. As soon as the patient goes latlon. Others need a manufactured t ry livestock parade, special acts, horse Free admission to the fairgrounds to the hospital—or If your doctor, handle with prongs to stick In each The • i° t t '' !»id. -Actually today the VA has I James Is survived by his parents, show. jat Recreation Park. Lowell. Free as possible but not later than accident In which a y * the home address of only uilx mll-|Mr. and Mrs. Herold Goff; a sister, August 19, 1949, McCabe said. advises the patient can be treated end of the ear before they can go to old lad on a bicycle was killed In- 9:30 p. m.—Baked goods auction.'Parking, free evening program. 1Jona of eligible veterans. The Helen; a brother, Kenneth; his Everybody urged to come and see at home—get In touch with your .work. Thursday, August 11 . The chairman pointed out that stmntly to the traffic on main Am9rlcmn Legion will help It to grandmother, Mrs. Ora Waahburn, this fine showing of 4-H Club farm Chapter of the National Founda-| » you are overly vltamln-con- street, was a direct appeal w- — -1 • .. . — — while farmers are not obligated by Jocate 10.000,000 others.' •^1 formerly of Lowell; and grand- 9:80 a. m.—Exhibits - open to the projects. law to follow their wheat acreage tlon to arrange for any needed a»- sclous, you think the white grains everyone, far and wide, to heed parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook, public. slstance. aren't aa rich aa the yellow, but this lesson and to prevent a repiti- In addition to the Fair will be the allotments, those farmers who do bat r win of Saranac; and many other rel- 10:00 a. m.—Tractor plowing con- 4-H Flower Show which Is open to plant In excess of their allotments Kent County Chapter of the Na- t« change the complexion tion of this heartbreaking Incident. atives and frienda. test starts. tlonal Foundation for Infantile .o' ^ Whatever your choice of all exhibitors and has been given will not be eligible for»government lor There is no town, with or without Funeral services were held Wea- 10:30 a. m.—Judging of ponies Paralysis Is located at 187 Mt Ver-,f® ' "f"® or manner of consump- Famous Producer - fPO' {ten feet of added exhibit space this loans or purchase agreements on tion, these fat-grained ears of a police, which does not have the nesday afternoon at Saranac with and riding horses and 4-H edft non Av. NW, Grand Rapids, and btlljyear. For further particulars see any of their 1960 wheat crop under sweet corn cause a sigh of con- same problem to traffic control as burial to Saranac cemetery. tournament eliminations. Page 5. the provisions of the price support the telephone is GL 4-1840. applied to all types of vehicles. In tentment. Just thinking about it or The untimely death .of Jimmy program. the particular case menOoned the Praises Showboat Goff, who was well and favorably Delay Is Dangerous wiping the butter from your chin. lad rode bis bicycle directly Into known here, haa caused deep sor- Farmers who have received al- It is important that you contact It won't be long now before even the Norman E. Borgerson Is in re- Rtv. Paul Z. Hoomstra j saranac men urowns help early as delay In polio Is often'ate sugar corn will be gone from the path of ths truck and the driv- ceipt of a splendid letter from row to everyone. Many of his Low- lotment, notices through the mail er was held blameless. Charles p. Seager, of Whitehall, ell friends last saw him as he sang Earns Doctor's Do^to WhRt Fishing Tutsday and who may have questions con- dangerous. A Chapter representa- the fields and we will turn to pan- cerning them or who may be dis- tive will assist you In hospitalise-cakes and sausage. However, the child lost hit life Mich., noted writer and producer of in this year's Showboat chorus and 11 and ths driver will never forget pleased everyone with his fine The earned Doctor of Dhrlfctty Tuesday evening, Aug. 2, Daniel satisfied with the allotments as tion and in arranging with you! ^t yesterday that ths musclal comedy, from which we degree was received by Rev. Ifaul ,on UnM of , ,kM the awful accident quote aa follows: voice. E. Klrby, 77, and his grandson, Don established by the county AAA for full or partial payment of the S P We become so accustomed to see- Z. Hoomstra of the Lowell, Klrby, 23, were fishing on Hlgglns committee are advised that they expense of medical care Adults futtI»« >» an •ppe*""ce G?ld" "My Dear Mr. Borgerson: Con- d nut ,n ing "close calls" that always get gratulations on your Lowell Show- Church of the Nasarene, atjtbe Lake, on M-91 in Keene township, may appeal their allotments and are as eligible as children " i « %*** Summer Commencement of C aU- Ionia . countyI , when the boat over- that such appeals must be filed Regardless of whether you may ** *?*** forth T" by that we sometimes are lax to boat. Tou have a marvelous show. Sorvkos HoM for . T, . „ ' J .culent Juices of crunchy sraina our attitude. Should we not here '1 saw the show last year for the lean Bible Seminary. Hlgglns ] «jr,|tumed and both were thrown Into within IS days of July 29, 1940, TimoHiy Conont, 49 N. Y. Rev. Hoomstra's doct ral |tht> water. The y6unger Klrby tried XTi, •"-"o '•> th.'.JSS.'. to Lowell take a new start and get first time and liked it so much I waa the date on which the allotment roriiUI Lnwftli entitled "Psychotheitpy ,10 find his grandfather but was un- notices were mailed. " Voodn.... August seta . tmnqu.t over thinking that It can't happen came again this year and the Lord i-wwcn maw Couaseltog." Dr. M. able to locate him and 1t was not contact your Chapter and have a nt for 7he ^ tnd for th, willing and wearner permitting, |n here. There la nevor a day that we Stanley Congdon, Director of the until help arrived and the State frank friendly talk with your'roMtl w enthusiast, the corn- do not see a traffic violation which will see It again to 1980 Timothy H. Conant, 69, resident ,ort ye4 M. C. A. Counseling Sei Chapter representative at the ton-the-ceb Is the piece de resistance. After 80 years of writing and J?"!? / "' Y. M. C. a Counnellnsr SenAee. Police of Rockford Post came with was entirely unnecessary and did Blnghampton, N. Y., and Prof their powerful light that the body ginning. It will help to clear ar.y-| producinHlucing musical comedy I* know,?**»uwwi. „ * Wednesday.., . ., . Aug 8 at th„ e thing that might happen If the; no good to anyone. Why do we do of Psychology at Galiean Sim found. Mr, Klrby had one foot 135 In Attendance these things, unless It is careless- full well the endless detaila of prn- *?™?' V « L" case proves to be of longer dura-! VOU ARE THE CARBTAKM nett Inary, made the faculty recomn »n- duclng a show of the magnitude of ^J ' l",? ~ f : caught under the seat of the boat 1( Mr C nant had Uv datlon to approve the thesis re- which held him under water. tlon than at first thought. j Dur|nB a SO|| conservallon pro- Safety should be taught every the Showboat. You must have won-1 V L !; ° * 1 Cr k ut Jr r and sented by Rev. Hoornstra. * Funeral services were held Fri- At Wingeier Reunion Chapters Will Flnsncs Care .t™* over the radio came these derful organisation as well as co- '" J*" * r /1^ * " day In the week to everyone at , ,, hM,kh mo The doctoral thesis represents day afternoon at Saranac and burial operation to get the results the^,^ ^ °«11 ^ A -grou p- of 135 were In attend- ^ Chapters pay for hospitalisation, ^"LTot our lands." any age. Andj especially should ot tb t u,ne l t ,UneM WM 0 more than six years of graduate re- was made in Saranac cemetery. B group has achieved. ' * ^ " ' ance Sunday. August 7, at the Professional services Including nurs-w^f t thl8 fact How we treat we caution our children. on a ew search and practice In psychother- Mr. Klrby had lived In Saranac for n • • * "Keep up the good work! As I said i J ' ^y*' duetto,,- first reunion of the Wingeier fam-i' K and physical therapy, trans- our land what record we 8hal| before you have a marvelous pro-', M/ Gon^t was born in Court- apeutics. In making the recom- more than 30 years, coming there There wril a man who lived by lly, the event taking place at Fal-; Portatlon to and from hospitals, hand down to generations to come, duct,on land township, Kent County, in the mendation, Dr. Congdon stated from Eureka. He is survived by lasburg Park. It was voted to convalescent centers and clinics, jg question before us. As for the side of the road and he sold t - year 1879 and came to make his that "This represents one of the his wife, Carrief;t one daughter, Mrs. tr hot dogs. He was hard of hearing. finest presentations In the field of Murl®' Peck; one son. Elzy klrby. make it an annual affair and of-j eatment after hospitalization and Uving conditions, Amer- home in Lowell when a young man. 0 N so he had no radio. He had trouble Doirykmd Picnic. Fair He was married to Miss Lottie counseling that I have been priv- ' Lansing; two brothers. Henry of fleers were elected to arrange for PP"ances such as wheelchairs, jcana can ^e mighty pcoud of what with his eyes, so he read no news- 8t ut ,n 1908 Heged to examine. I heartily com-l3*""11"1. and Clyde of Ovid; a sis- next year's reunion. They are: braces, etc., aa needed. There are accomp]|8hed. Inventing, Carson City, August 25 ° ter Mrs papers. ' For many years Mr. Conant was mend Rev. Hoornstra for his work, ' - Clara Alspach, of Stock- Dave Wingeier, president; Danjno hard or fast rules. Each case developing and building, we are A program of varied entertaln- so excellently arranged In hla'P01^ Ohio; nine grandchildren anc Wingeier, secretary; Alex Win- 'a decided upon individual medical proud of facts and /Igures. What But he sold ffo^d hot dogs. He custodian at Lowell schools and was four and a 1 t ,k of nt e manuscript" President Andrew great-grandchildren. geler, treasurer. and financial needs. Assistance Is have we done about the soli that put slrns up on" the highway, tell-1™"; "j?* * * ' " * well liked by teachers and pupllu. iven f . „ .. * trZ-fnod to farmers will feature the 24th Surviving besides his widow. Lot- McAllister, Ph. D., D. A. O., assist-1 — An interesting bit of family hls> ° brings forth food to sustain us that how i pta torv was broueht out bv Douslas or co,or- More than 110'000 P0"0 ,*e may Invent, develop and build? «iSTiidT^ .wM* >"= tie. are two daughters. Mrs. Ray y € H L Ckey B D ANNUAL h O by D at Carson City Park, on Thursday, Alexander of Lowell and Mrs. Fred a?T. i.r? u.^nn^^il^, conrerred ;Kthe ^degre•e upon' 1 FESTIVAL, PARNELL K ri L aL t0 Z a'P^'e-ts were directly assisted to| Our foretMhers were wasteful of "Buy a hot do*, mister?" August 25. Rev. Hoornstra. j St. Patrick's Church at Parnell full or In part up to the end of land and so are we. Land lacks And people bought. He In- D. Bennett of Battle Creek; two report of the Samuel branch of Another feature of the 1949 Pic- brothers, Harry Conant of Cedar will hold Its annual festival next the family tree. 1948. fertility, soil minerals depleted. We creased his meat and bun orders. In addition, your Chapter can have helped erosion to lay waste, nic will be a companion show of Springs and Howard Conant of Dates to Remember |Sunday, Aug. 14. from 1:00 to 11:00 Samuel and Katherlne Wingeier He bought a bigger stove to take purebread Guernsey >cattle. spon- 4-H Club Fair, August 16 through Ip- m- The1"6 the usual games put you In touch with proper We plant and reap land that can- care of his trsde. Rockford; two sisters. Mrs. Cora came to this country In 1868 from sored by several county organise-jEldred of Cedar Springs and Mrs. 19. land refreshments and the public is Rehnont S^rlind wltT h.lr "urces for nursing and physical not stand It. We have failed to our He finally got his eon home from Belmont, Switzerland, with their . . . ' un„ cniArriinnRhln tions of the Michigan Guernsey Charles Morris of Rockford; three Lowell Board of Trad e PIcnIo 'cordiallR nf h,y invited. See adv. on page ^ ur 8m ^ Oh « therapy at home, can refer you guardianship. college to help him. But then Phursday, August 25. 6 o f •thi"s week's Ledger. K> all sons, settling In Ohio to rehabilitation and vocational Fortunately there are always Breeders Ass'n. Prises are being Igrandchlldren. many nephews and where three more sons were born something happened. His son said: provided for the Guernsey show by training agencies, will provide lit-more people becoming Interested to "Father, havent you been lis- nieces, and a host of friends. to them. Later they came to the merchants of Carson City. Funeral services were held at the erature designed to foster better tryinMt g to repair the damage of the tening to the radio? Haven't you vicinity of Lowell to live and the under8t-ndjnE 0f infantile paraly-iP . preventing a continuance of Stock Judging at 10:00 Roth Chapel Saturday afternoon at been reading the newspapers? GRANGE CELEBRATES DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY seven sons located here and havh.„e. iHi th. present. But, „th »il. There will be the usual Judging two o'clock, the Rev. Lynn Stout of continued their residence In the There's a big depression on. The Plymouth, a nephew, officiating. pect and how to help your polio P/ofTOi » »iow «ince re- European situation is terrible. The of cattle and swine as a part of Lowell area. patient back to a useful life. building fertile soil and producUve the Dairyland Fair, starting at Burial was made in Courtland They were devout Christians domestic situation Is worse. Every- cemetery. » These service, are made possible ij^lsmore tedious and takes 10-.00 a. m. At noon guests will open and founded the Apostolic Chris- thing's going to pot." Pallbearers were the following by the March of Dimes each * mrn depe^d u^ Whereupon ths father thought: their baskets for picnic dinners tian Church which Is more com- from the Lowell school: Jack uar "Well, my son's been to collsgs for which there will be free bev- monly known as the Wingeier y- |on the land, we should consider our Howe, Raymond Avery, Chris he rsads the pspsrs and he lls- erages, provided by Dairyland. Church guardianship. Burch, Chas. White. Carl Hagen Samuel died In 1897 and his wife tsns to ths radio, and ha ought The principal talk will be by and Harold Buck. Moose SoftboN Ttom to know. Mrs. Margaret Taylor of Washing- followed him In death In 1921. So the father cut down on his ton, D. C., public relations director Both are burled In Alton cemctery. Drop Two In a Row Lowtfl Rotary Club The census of the seven sons meat and bun orders, took down of the National Cooperative Milk The Lowell Moose went Into a Privileged tO Heor his advertising signs, and no long- Producers Federation, whose sub- lowtinq Sooson to given below shows a total of 40 children for this generation. mild hitting slump and dropped I YohHi Caravan Grovp er bothered to stand out on the ject will be "Current Legislation— Optn Sopttmbor 30rti r Sam, who married Lydla Hawk, two games over the week-end.] highway to sell his hot dogs. And Gain or Loss to the Dairy Farmer." Thursday at the Clarksvllle Ox j At the Rotary Club luncheon held his hot dog sales fell almost over- Awards to be Presented The directors of the Community has 3 children; John and Eliza- Memorial Building announced this beth Ruegseger, 5; Fred. Mary Ann Roast the Moose lost a 9 to 2 ver-.last week Wednesday, Rev. Philip night. Awards will be presented to the diet to Clarksvllle. Errors and fall- [R Glotfelty, program chairman, "You're right, son," the father week that bowling will start on Blaser, 3; Ferd, Anna Wlttenbach. various cattle and swine winners ure to hit with men on, cost them .presented the Youth Caravan which said to the boy. "We certainly are Sept. 30 with the leagues getting 12; Alex, Marie Oesch, 9; Dan, waa on a vl8l by charming Miss Jane McKlmmy, the decision. i t to churches in this In the middle of a great depres- underway on October 3. Two new Rose Oesch, 6; Simon, Rose Miller, Michigan's 1949 Dairy Queen. Miss Friday at Recreation Park the .vicinity at that time. sion." alleys have been installed this sum McKlmmy. of Beaverton, was se- mer and IT will mean the reorgani Rockford Wolverine Shoes com-' The four young ladies and one • * • lected as u feature of June Dairy Jokes, Jests, jabs and jibes Just sation of all leagues which will pleted a clean sweep for the season young man is one of the groupe by Jeff: During the heat wave Month. begin at once. LowtM Softbol League when they grabbed a 4 to 1 verdict'spending the summer vacation Entertainers on the program will All team captains and league over the locals. As far as Lowell .traveling In an effort to build up some men thought fondly of the be the Sage Riders, an instrumen- Standings and ScHeduk days of shoveling of snow and the secretaries are urged to get in and the other teams are concerned interest in the Youth Movement defrosting of the windshield ... In tal music quartette with numbers toAch with Clair Brown, manager The following Is a list of stand- the Rockford lads are Intsr-Cltyl Virginia Smith of Kansas was styled in the western manner, who South Boston Grange celebrated iWarthy Master, who thanked the League champions. I'irst to be Introduced and she all of the different months we are of the alleys at Lowell phone its 75th anniversary on Saturday, [ladles fof r this wonderful gift. ings for the Lowell Softball League asked to observe these days comes appear regularly on a Chicago 413-F2 or 116 to the next few days {Aug. «. Upwards of 126 people sat for the week ending August 4: The Moose resumed their win- brought bouquets of sunflowers for the "clean-the-chicken-gravey-epots radio station. Another entertain- to make arrangements for the 1949- Master Gives Inspiring Address Tuesday, Aug. 2—Ada 16, Saranac nine ways when they thumped the the tables. The Caravan members ment number of the 1949 program down to the beautifully decorated -off-the-vest month" . . . Too much 60 season. • State Master, W. G. Armstrong, ,6; Wednesday, Aug. 5—Alto 6, VFW Grand Rapids Diesels by a 7 to 0 the Sunflower song and in will be the appearance of the War- tablea and enjoyed the wonderful f f radio and you get to the point The alleys are all reconditioned dinner. The color scheme of blue gave a most Inspiring address and 6; Rlttenger's 19, King Mills 6; score. Home runs by Maloney and ° ° wt^en you can't distinguish a cack rens, a father, 12 year old son. and and the building put in shape for discussed some of the problems j Thursday, Aug. 4—Runclman's 8, Kerr were the features of this™- Smith said Incidentally, that four year old daughter, who per- and yellow was most cleverly car- some wheat grows there too, as le from a croon ... The way this the popular Indoor sports. The ried out in all decorations, crepe confronting the farmers of today. Christiansen's 4. game. IW 1 18 " country guards Its atom bomb sec- form as a team of acrobats. schedule calls for 30 weeks of Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Pernios Cur-| W L Friday night the K. C. team of | ®I aunflowere. A. A. Griffith of Michigan State paper in the two colors forming Th ,n th c n rets reminds one of the ladies ABC regulated bowling. diamonds on the tablecloths and tlss, our State Chaplain, and Mllo Rlttenger's 6 0 Grand Rapids will play a return L ® ® ^ bridge club or sewing circle college will Judge the cattle and each table was centered with a love- Youngs, District Deputy, gave .Runclman's 4 1 engagement to Recreation park m^or Holmes counselor, from One thing is favor of baldness, you C. R. Huston of Lyndhuret, Ohio, ily bouquet. short talks. Several members of King Mills 8 2 as will the Nichols and Cox team of 'nln^nd will Judge the Guernsey cattle. have never heard of anyone dying AUCTION SALES | The open meeting was called to the Select School Association, who [Ada 8 3 Monday night. These teams hw* • B ^ Ione r ; from it. [order by the Worthy Master. Paul joined us to this day of celebration,!Alto 8 3 ERNEST FENN COMPLETES Mrs. Allan Russell, August 15 Wlttenbach, who disposed of the were called upon and responded to Christiansen's 2 4 AIR CONDITIONING COURSE s a . _. ...lav -a ^j , Tn0ir proKram w&s closed urier NOTICE, ALCOHOLtCS Owing to the death of her bus- necessary business details and then a pleasing manner. Saranac ^,..2 4 to return games with -trengthened expla.nlnK thelr work among the • ANONYMOUS Ernest Fenn. 163 Center St.. Low- band, Mrs. Allen Russell will sell at turned the meeting over to the lec- History Reveals Early Struggles line-ups. ^ younger folks, by singing the Cara- ell, has just completed a thirty There will be a meeting of Alco- publlc auction, at the home, H mlle turer, Hope Sergeant, who present- The Grange history, read by June' SMiDC ornPF ANOTHER WIN Bon*- 11 w" ch®«rlnK and en- weeks' Residence Course of Train- west of Lowell on M-21, a list of ed a very interesting program MOOSE PICNIC SUCCESSFUL SCORE ANOTHER WIN .Hgh^nj, to hear these young peo- holics Anonymous every Friday eve- ing in Domestic and Commercial Re- Fahrnl, told of the struggles of| ning at eight o'clock at Lowell livestock, tools, hay, housetraller Interesting Program those residents of 75 years ago to More than 250 people attended The North End Merchants of'pie tell how they have enjoyed frigeration and Air Conditioning, is and Jeep and some household goods, city hall. Wives invited. Anyone reported by Industrial Training In- Everyone Joined In singing of get a Grange organized and a hall | the Moose picnic Sunday at Fallas- Grand Rapids suffered their first working in this Caravan this sum- on Monday, Aug. 15. Allen Haskln. bullL The building cost In the | burg Park. There was a very fine defeat in 28 games played, at the mer without remuneration, re- with an alcoholic problem is wel- stitute of Chicago. auctioneer;'Harry Day, dark. See ^"chlgan. My Michigan" end "The come. Interested parties may 0,d hands of the Cubs at Fallasburg'celvlng only their actual expenaes. Director E. L. Freshwater, Direc- complete adv. on another page ot Bucket:" piano solos neighborhood of $3,000 and Is still potluck dinner served by the com- phone by calling 518-F4—Anony- considered one of the nicest Grange mittee and a most enjoyable dinner Park Sunday afternoon. tor of Student Services, says this iMn lMUe of the htAg9r were played by Ethelyn McClure mous. pfltf. halls In the state. hour was enjoyed. Flanders, a Michigan State Col-.^cFall Chevrolet Introduces young man made an excellent grade and Vivien Fosburg; the Grange New Bu,c and that he has had most thorough quariette sang several numbers, Since this hall was dedicated, Following the meal there were lege pitchtr twirlea for the losers, \ '< Special Today NOTICE LEE MATCHED SUITS games for the children of all ages and eminently practical training. FOR VACATION WEAR and a chorus under the direction of names and faces have changed until Collins and Rldgoway went the Today, McFall Chevrolet Is In- The Lowell Township offices and Mrs. Carrie Kyser. sang "The River today, we find only one name on and It is reported to be the best i rounds for the winners. troduclng the new Bulck Special License Bureau will be closed on BYRON FROST CRITICALLY ILL Lee Gabardine Shirts and Slacks of Time" and "The Twenty-third the roll that was on the charter. the Moose haa ever yet sponsored. Next Sunday the Cuba will meet W|th Its new design, slse and price, Thursday and Saturday afternoons Byron Frost, who has been ill for to Match. Tan, teal, blue and green. Psalm"; Duane Barnes gave a re- The fifth generation of Parsons are the fast 5-Star American Legion More for your money than any at 12:30 through August. some time with a heart trouble, was Popular for summer wear. Shirts port of the Youth Conference which now members. Today our member- We have the most to fear from team at the park at 2:30. other csu* to the medium price class Eslhftt M. Fahrnl taken to Blodgott hospital on Mon-l$2.98, Slacks 13.98 Including tax. jhe attended as a delegate, and the ship Ms 118, the Juvenile Grange fortune when we have the largest 'according to Mr. McFall. Be sure 014-16 Frank L. Houghton dsy. He has been in a coma since pl5 Coons V. F. W. Auxiliary of Ionia pre- numbers 3? and 28 children are on handful from her.—Spanish Proverb. Rain or dew gathering on the to stop and look over this latest and his coudition Is reported to be sented the Grange with a beautiful the cradle roil. body of a new large transport |model Bulck, available with dyna- It pays te advertise to the Ledger. very critlcaL J Ledger ads pay Wg dividends, flag, which was accepted by the —Grange Reporter. Try a Ledger want ad. raises Its weight 200 to 300 pounds, flow drive. ^lg_^^»LJ.JjDQER LOW«LL. MICHIQAN. THURSDAY. AUGUST 11, f THRU TWO THE LOWELL LEDOER. LOWELU MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. AUGUST 11. 1F4» Lowall Locals Lowell Locals Saturday shoppers in Grand Rap- Those deer which ram against So. Kmb# N. lot ton family and Mrs. Celia Boss and with frienda. Week-end gueata of The Program of Scouting suggests LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walsh of De- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klenk and McCords Locals Ids. The Lowell Ledger fences for no apparent reason and ^hurch yje ws Snow Community Mrs. Mary Potter son Larry and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leona Hale were Mr. and Mra. things to do, and thinga to be. wb'.ch troit spent several days of last children of Sparta and Mrs. Chris- Mrs. R. T. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mlshler of and ALTO SOLO Injure or kill themselves may Mra. 8. P. Reynolds Potter had picnic dinner Sunday Chaa. Dent and Sunday dinner influence each waking hour of the week as house guests of Mr. and tine Davenport of Alpine were Sun- Freeport called on Mr. and Mrs. have been frlghfened by automo- with Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Noon guest waa Minnie Pinknev. boy's Ufa. Scouting catera to tha Mrs. Walter Flffer and son Blllle Mrs. Ralph Sherwood, Sr. day visitors at the Philip Daven- Charlotte and Roger Miller of John Postma, Sunday. PublM*] mn TburwUj rnornln* at biles,, dogs or tourists. The Jelly Community Club will under their lovely trees. Late aft- SMART CLOTHES port home. 110 Seat Mam Btrwt, Low«M. lUehlcUL HRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY ut forty people attended the capacity of each Individual. Tha of Chicago and Mrs. Wm. Flffer Detroit are spending a week with Master Gary Blgler of Caledonia A meet next week. Wednesday utter- ernoon guests at the Noon home Frank Newell and James Pope I ml LowtU. MlrWe»nTh e largfit number of elk calves "Soul" will be the subject of the b„ Sunday School picnic at In Scouting, each boy is treated slow haa as much chance for a full and Mrs. Harry Greskolvlak and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sterken and their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Is visiting his grandparents, Mr. noon. Aug. 17 with Mrs. Eula were Mrs. Emma Blough and Merle daughter Marilyn of Grand Rapids spent Wednesday and Thursday of observed In one group In yeara jLeMon-Sermon In all Christian Bertha Brock Park, Friday. A d*. as an Individual, not just as a mem- Scout life aa the quick; thua every this week In Auburn. Ind.. on busi- Dr. and Mrs. Paul VanPernls and John Postma. and Mrs. Roy Bloomer this week. Muuie. Program chairman Burt Of Wntlgan Lake. ber of a group. He Is encouraged to boy la aided In growth toward be- were supper guests of Mrs. Will TtM Lowtll Ud«late and fill center .the home of their parents, Mr. to protect the quality and near Woodland last Thursday and Harold Rlttenger. enjoyed a picnic dinner and supper Mrs. John Miller underwent an and outside of ring with cucumber!and Mrs. Austin Rosenberger. Both Ireahnen of thia perishable Bathing Suits slices, carrot strips, onions, rose boys were graduates from Clarks- at Lake Odessa operation at Blodgett hospital last radlshes. pickles, olives and celery vllle High. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Waterman of week-end and returned home Tues- curls. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Nelson (nee Hiawatha Lodge, Wolf Lake, were day. Alfred reports he has become Alma Kauffman) and family, who An egg that is Grade A Mondav evenlhg callers of Mr. and an excellent cook and baby tender 1-pe. and 2-pc Suits Radl-Maat "~*3$e Sure Good 20e Mrs. Loyal Rlckner. Inspirational live at Shlpshewanna, Ind.. were when it ia inspected and and may hire out by the week. While They Last $598 Miss Frances Gerard of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kllgus and TKiUiOK tfaUrflC IfcCVUUHfy at the home of her parents, Mr. packed could become Grade Experience Is not what happens Umdmd spent the week-end at the Murray- Dick Lumbert were Sunday eve- to a man. It Is what a man does and Mrs. Hlrman Kauffman. OTHER SUITS 'A OFF Mrs. Ruth Keeler and sister. Mrs. B or C by the time you bay it *2tc Watson home. ning callers at the Earl McDIar- j with what happens to him.—Aldous CATSUP 2 25C ALL SWEET THERE'S MORE ROOM FOR THE MONEY Mrs. Harold Depew and her fath- mld home. for a LANE Hope Chest Huxley. Mary Westra. of Grand Rapids if it has been improperly or In fhis Mode/ 43 4-door Sedan. were former pupils here. Mr. and er, George Murray, went to Chica- An excellent attendance was re- •lowly handled. feMdt'S go Sunday for an extended atay. ported at the South Lowell Method- MAKE "SOMEBODY" HAPPY TODAY! According to the U. S. Census bu- Mrs. Glenn Bartletts were here. SkM. He was In the barber business here ^ 16c Mra. Clydle Spencer, who has ist Circle Ice cream social Friday II J Leisure T Shirts reau there were 27,650,000 persons We don't want that ever to MUSTARD MAMA OIL 37o been visiting Ina Alger for the past living on farms In the U. S. Janu- at one time. evening at the home of Mr. and $]49 happen to an A&P egg. That two weeks, returned to her home Stripes and Solid Colors ary 1, 1947. Gordon Hewlett and little daugh- Albfl tugs NEW In tooks-NEWin room-NEW in handling - Mra. George Wleland. The Ice cream ter came from Boston, Mass.. to ia why we put the date when •otjar in Grand Rapids last Friday. Last and home made cake were de- visit his father. George Hewlett, PREPARED SPAGHETTI 2 35c CIDER VINEGAR SOo week Wednesday Mrs. Earl Nash licious. Norma Jean Wleland and the eggs are graded on each and Mrs. C. L. Williamson were and family. and priced right down your alley! Patty Rlttenger gave an excellent $349 W. A. Large, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Leo McAlary and carton. Eggs not sold within a Compbalfo their afternoon luncheon guests. performance on the trapeze. 14.91 Cerdurey Shorts Mrs. Hulda Flnels spent the first Office Phone 42-F2 Res. 42-F3 family of Ionia spent the after- few days of that date are re- 27c Sunday evening callers at the 605 W. Main St. Lowell noon here. Roy Kllngerman and PORK & DEANS 3 TOMATO SOUP 2 - 23o BAST your eyes, folks—and New roominess? Swing open the with conventional transmission, part of last week in Saginaw, the Mahlon Estes home were Mr. and — Office Hour* — wife came over from Lstoe Odessa moved from sale even though reach for your checkbook. doora —a thumb-touch does itl 120 with Dynaflow Drive. guesta of Mrs. Grace Merchant Mra. Kenneth Estes, Marvin. Billy lone Croam Stylo NJ.C F and called on Mrs. Lyle Ewing Monday, Wednesday and 8aturdayJ Mrs. Evart Post came from Ray and Bobby. #2»8 and they are still of good quality. M , 1*-ai.pks. —and gaze on the biggest interi- ftil Corduroy Shorts 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. iLanalng. Mra. Glenn Pierce of COLDEK CORN 2 '• - 26c PREMIUM CRACKERS 24c For here, in one stunning, swift- (Let* Marie Huffman) at Bay City Mr. and Mrs. Blake Vanderllp 2:00-5:00 p. m. each week day Grand Kaplds. Mrs. Bessie Lum- If you should ever find that ors you can buy for the money, Surely here's a car big as your and relatives In Midland. On Wed- of Grand Rapids stayed at the except Thursday lined bundle, is everything— neaday Mrs. Flnels accompanied ibert and family of Holt visited any of our egg cartons bear Hlltbury with sofa-wide front seata and no fondest ambition—yet price-wise Alvln Wells home while Mr. and Miss Merchant to their cottagc at Mra. Wells were on their vacation. friends. Mrs. Otto Andrews came M*J«- ^3 yes, everything—you've been it's right down yonr alley! Fits D. H. Oafley jfrom Stanton to visit Mra. Meda old datea or that any eggs fail TOMATOES C FAMILY FLOUR 49c less than 12 more inches in rear- HarrfSon where they spent the They visited Cadillac. Lake City. (1 OS Top-Hit Bras hoping for. modest family budgets aa it fits remainder of the week. 79* DENTIST Evans and the Dalley alstera. Mrs. to live up to our high quality seat hiproom. Kent City. Manistee and pointa Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tuma of Cor. W. Main and Riverside Drive lAbble Starr of Grand Ledge and Mild a Mellow Swam$dewH modest-size garages, puts Buick north. standards, please tell us about New style noteP Well, just look Traverse City spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Prya and Office SO . Res. 49 jMra. Sam Riker are always glad to in reach of still more people! | come back to Clarksvllle. Thia Is it Please writp: EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE 4ic INSTANT CAKE MIX 34c at that brand-new idea in front* Sup behind the wheel. Finger- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. son Raymond and John were Sat- Dr. J. W. Trumble lonly a few who came. There were Claude Thorne. urday evening callers at the Wella 11.11 T«rr* Cloth B««h Stein 1^' end styling. Grille, bumper, easy Synchro-Mesh transmission VETERINARIAN probably more but our time haa MoHom Oeporti •eftv Crocker So here's really a "moat see** Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Pletcher home. D-M.** bumper-guards and even parking and Galen spent the week-end In Mr. and Mra. Fred Sterxlck and Office—W. Main St. at City Llmlta'run out but theae are some we are A&P Food Stores if you choose—the satiny smooth- Phone 52 Lowell, Mich, sure of. PEANUT BUTTER ^ 61c APPLE PYEQUICK 39c lights all combined in a single, item! On display now, in three Lanalng visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. Noreen are away on their vaca- ness of Dynaflow Drive* as op- K. Altland and family. Mra. Pletch- 420 Lexington Avenue aturdy aaaembly that means you trim-'n'-tidy body types, it won't tion. Chlidran* s Cotton Drcssei Dr. R. D. Siegle Clarkavllle Locals • tional equipment if you want the er and Galen remained for a few Blake Vanderllp. Alvln Wella and New York 17, N. Y. Ha. IU m can't "lock horns" with other cara 1 stay long on dealers' floors. Go daya' vlalt. VETERINARIAN The 34th annual Valentine re- SALAD DRESSING 43c FRUIT COCKTAIL 37c very latest thing. Jerry went to the Ionia Fair. Mon- Broken Sizes ^ Alto, Mich. union will be held August 21, at now—see it and get that onUr mt Mra. Gladys Hartley and son, day. New over-all size? We've Don and family, of Beldlng attend- Phones the home of J. S. Valentine, 6835 And if power is your meat- Office Alte 2891 — Res. Alto 2393 Clyde Park, SW, Grand Raplda. trimmed inches from its over-all YOUI KtY TO OilATtt VAIUI ed the Buttermore family reunion an Dresses • • • • $2.98 Potluck dinner at 1 o'clock. CLKED-O-BFF Afnerkon vuiirorni•o_ \A/LUwwmirwm trnmillmmm Dofod FreaJi Dotty , just lift the bonnet and look at Bertha Brock park Sunday. Mr. Wttf Lowtl He. Uio; length for handineas in traffic — and Mrs. Floyd Boyce also attend- Dr. H. R. Myers Mr. and Mra. Ellis RIchardaon wtl0#f on a husky Fireball power Mra. Melvin Court yet here's still the generous ed. Wl Dresses • • e • $1.98 OSTEOPATHIC and Mr. and Mra. Ray David and Cheese Food 75c Grapes 2 •" 29c Marvel Bread 18c Rev. at»d Mrs. Moxon of Wood- son left Sunday on a week's vaca- plant of 11C horsepower Mrs. Margaret Dennis was re- Phyaiclan and Surgeon wheelbaae that spells a level- turned to the home of her daugh- land, Mr. and Mra. Place of Low- S11 E. Main St tion through Canada. MkMffM VA Me. I CstMirs going ride. *Optio*3l ot txtra cott. ter, Mra. Kittle Charles, the first of ell, Mrs. Erma Munroe and Mr w Dresses . . a a $1.49 Phone 2SI-F2 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marvin are vacationing this week through the week after eleven weeks' hos- and Mrs. Melvin Court were Sun- Office Houra—lOKIO-WKX) a. m. CREAM CHEESE 18c POTATOES 63o RAISIN DREAD - 18o pltallsaUon for broken hip and day afternoon callers of Mr. and AsAfafMb Afternoon*—2:00-4:00 p. m. northern Michigan. THIS TRIM TWO-DOOR SEDANET ot* pelvic bones. Mrs. Dennis seems Mrs. Claude Schmidt and Mrs. Isa- LIFE md LOOK Thur^daye—10:00-12:00 a. m. Mrs. I R- Mathews of Miami, to be In good condition and Is very Fla., la spending several weeks rfWIpM ffc# wtofe hmily. CkiUrtn art nf. In dora Onan. 7:00-St00>p. m. — Men, Wed1 , FrL Ml M-ui*. triifmdtr not Mot. happy to be back home. with Mra. J. I Conklln at the home CHEDDAR CHEESE 60c NANCES * 49o HAMDURCER DUNS 23c Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald Mrs. Rosalie Young, David and and Mra Mary Stlnton spent sev- J3.9I Square Dance Skirts $2^® Tht Pnrftct Gift for Dr. F. E. White of Mra Eunice Thomas. Calvin, accompanied by Roger Kerr. Mr. and Mra. Otto Andrews of Jmo Parker . eral days last week with Tom BNtTMOAYS e MOAMMENTS CONPIRMA TIONS DENTIST •*..111 attended the King Guitar Studio | Burns In Wyandotte. Phones Stanton, Mra. Margaret Howe and PADST-ETT * 29c PEARS 8 " 29o SANDWICH COOKIES 25c picnic at Long Lake near Beldlng CHRISTMAS ANNIVIRSARIRS family of Edmore were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Guy Monks had a Office 161 Realdence 1S6 •• SPI Tuesday. family picnic at Fallasburg Park guests at the home of Mra. Meda No more thrilling lor tu eethe*rt, sister, daughter or mother! OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mayer and Thursday evening In honor of their MONDAYS and THURSDAYS Heavens. Mrs. Howe waa soloist George Gage of Chelsea were Sun- More than • Hope Chest, LANE is the only tetUd AROMA- Sunday morning In the Congrega- SWISS CHEESE 70c CELERY HEARTS IBc SPANISH 8AR CAKE ~ 29o 47th wedding annlveraary. day gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Glen- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Court called TIGHT Chest in At wsr&f-with Lane's exdoshre patented tional Church. ftM b WNnr J. r AVUX, AIC NMM. Mry don Bovoe and Aria Lee. Paul Z. Hoornstra, M. A. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Shroyer of tt'ea. Avarage on Andy Rlttenger In South Lowell \ features. Badced by free moth insurance policy! Come in todays Mr. and Mrs. Euguene Chrlsten- Sunday afternoon. Grand Raplda were vlaltora in the af If Choose from oar beautiful new styles, just arrived! Psychotherapist DADY COUDAS 820 CANTALOUPES 29o DONUTS sen and Grandpa Chris of Fern- Mrs. Byron Green and son Tom- Counaellng, Guidance, Teatlnga village last Wednesday. dale and Mrs. Tillie Christensen Mr. and Mia Fred Barrows of my of Ann Arbor returned home Pay Only $1.00 Down. Balanco $2.50 Weakly — By Appointment Only — of Waahington were week-end on Monday spending several days

Elberta, Mich., came last Friday • 1 Lowell Telephone Itt tea I MT Ol coia oa not — mts iNiirof McFall Chevrolet visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey at the home of Mr. and Mra. to vialt her mothar, Mrs. FTlva Haysmer. / 508 W. Main Lowell, Michigan Arthur Green. Dr. R. T. Lustig Myers. Phone 298 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rutherford Mrs. Lloyd Btahl is a patient in MviTeilllig White Hoase Crltco Span Osteopathic Phyaiclan and Surgeon and Mrs. Gladys Hartley were Sat- Milk for human consumption la 219 WIST MAM, IOWEU Roth & Sons Co. Blodgett hospital. urday evening gueata uf Mr. and ubUJaed from tha cow, goat, rein- Spodaliring In Racial Diaeasea rURNITURK FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mra. Don Hartley and family in deer, yak, zebu, buffalo, camel, 77 Rectal. Sanitarium The metrepoUtaa diatiiet in Phoe- 3 1 75c 3 - 35c 3 1 Ik r 41c mnhmmmVKM Balding. 4S Lafayette, t. E. Qrand RapMe nix, Ariiona, haa a popalatlon ut llama and sheep. Mt Office MWi. tSliafiil' Km

FOUR THE LOWELL LEDOER, ^®^Eyjj^CH^OAN^THUR^8D^^AUOU^^^, THE LOWELL LEDQgR, LOWILL MICH1QAN. THURSDAY, AUQU8T 11, 1»49 FIVE real power is In the hands of the live operations such as pollca and "Pull over mister," said the traf- city on public occasions, but the fire protection and the construction Interesting State Names GODFREY ROTH COMMENDS LIFE ON THE FARM Hunting Regulations Forty-two of the highest peaka fic cop. "You haven't any tall in the U. S. are in Colorado. Arguments For and Against council—which determines the gen- and maintenance of public works. Many state names, besides those, For Hie Deer Season light." eral lines of policy—and the city 'The management of Its affairs YOUR derived from European monarchs| The motorist stopped, got out manager—who carries out the pol- should be the duty of a trained and locations, have colorful mean- Continues Hie Same icy laid down by the council. administrator, not a politician. In for a look, and was speechless WASHINGTON: ings and come from the French, 4-H Fair Flower Show Hunting regulaUons for the gen- with dismay. City Manager Government The city manager type of govern- most cities people elected to serve in y n )r Spanish and Indian languages. Ver- ment, (first Introdiirwl I..n. thiuns- c„«ncoun - M * ° J councllmen cannot eral deer season Nov. 15 through "Weil, ita bad, but not that bad," mont, from the French, means Nov. 30 will continue the same as PLUMBING On at least two occaalons repr»- Background try in 1911.) U growing in popular ^/ve full time to their August 16-19, 1949, 4-H Club Mr Grounds. Lowell, Mich. said the officer. ty. especially among larrer cltiit. *** REVIEW "Green Mountsin." while Florlds last fail Including the restriction Recovering his voice, the motor- •entatives of the Michigan Munlc- In the city manager system coun- comes from the Spanish Pascua, that only shotguns may bo used be- ists quavered, "It'a not the tail Twenty-one per cent of American to deal wiih The Following Pages are Taken from This Year's 4-H Premium Book & HEATING IpfJ League have appeared before th Florida, or "Palm Sunday." Mon- CAij0W ,N7Hf low highway M-46 and in the cils are usually elected by a non- cities over 5,000 population have l e P^b^ms of the city as a whole SffJJSSP light that bothers me, but what's! Lowell audiences presenting argu- Icity managers, and more than 200 *0 coordinate the work of the tana, from the classical Latin, Thumb, but the gun load in this become of my trailer?" partisan ballot. The council then Sec. 236. Best three stalks of crimson. part of the lower peiilnaaU may be ments favoring the city manage- have adopted the system since 1M6. |verious departments of its govern- means "mountainous." Mlnnesots, Mrs. Norton Avery, Superintendent Sheet Metal We* jchooses a city manager who is a m Bt Sec. 287. Best three stalks of lavender. ball or slug as well as buckshot. ment form of government. On the Seventy-two of Michigan's lMcltlea, * - v . . Idaho and Utah are nsmes de- Joan Allen, Janet Kober, Betty Miller, Martha face of it their argument sounds professional executive. He hires 2 hav rived from Indian tongues. Minne- Sec. 238. Best collection of named varieties. Bow and arrow hunting again U.Wt/My all other municipal employees. The have city managers. On the other | , ^ f"?"" V Waldherr, Asst. Supta. quite convincing, but of course, hand, 38 cities in the nation have £ sota, from the Sioux, means I Sec. 239 Best collection of unnamed varieties. (3 or will be legal Oct. 1 through Nov. 5 heads of departments are subject more varieties). RiyH. Covert & Son there are two sides to every quea- tried and abandoned this form of £n'"tl0" .JlHt .Lh miS» "cloudy" or "sky-colored wster." -V i. All flower sntriea must be In place by 11:00 a. m. this year throughout the state, the \oma^(L^a\x to removal by the manager at any Wednesday, August 17 and must be left until conservation department advises, tion. They speak of savings that Itime, but the rank-and-file employ- city government. Cleveland. O., and Idsho (said to be named from the! Clase 83—Asters The Plumbers can be made under the plan but Albion, Mich,, .« .mo„ "I, •fgX ^ (XOH ONTHE 3:00 p.m. on Friday, August 19. Important—Do but only bucks may be taken in lees are usually on a "civil service" g When will the war end? That's ShosLonean) "gem of the moi Keewenaw, Houghton, Marquette, have little to say regarding ex- Some of the main argumenta on tains," or "It is sunrise," wh__ WALLS IZFIET not bring in exhibita the laat minute and aspect Sec. 240. Best 8 specimens white. penses under the city manager basis, with Job security during good this issue are: developed by a city manager In not Just a catch-question. I ask to arrange them. Books will close promptly at Dickinson, Menominke, Chippewa behavior. The city manager him- 1 Mrn c nn M b ,m no Utah is named for the Utc Indians. Sec. 241. Best 8 specimens pink. - form. California, the" city' mana^ In " ^: * ° r ' 11.00 a.m. Exhibitors must make out their own Sec. 242. Best 8 specimens lavender. except Drummond Island, Emmet, 04 yj • 6 NIChk self may be dismissed by the coun- Yes Michigan will soon learn of It and P1™' •P'^^cera at each other •HHTOMXNG We trust that the matter given entry tags. Sec. 243. Best 8 specimens purple. Cheboygan, Piesque Isle. Otaego, cil at any time. The council usually 1. A city is primarily an organi- 'the city may benefit accordingly, .,y . Ppea^fr*u^Uu ybu1 VA5 MJlMWl Kalkaska. Missaukee, Ogemaw, below will at least be Informative, jchooses a mayor to represent the b, dl 2. Exhibits must oonform exactly to requirements Sec. 244 Best collection of asters. (3 or more var- Etttion concerned with adminstra- 8. The fact that the council many , " y Informed the House laat Milk, Good Food 'Buy' .Clare. Gladwin, Arenac and those k lh b cauM tre ,6B or be disqualified. letles). free BICKFORD dismiss the city manager at any ™ * « 1 *i parts of Bay and Huron counties not A quart of milk—four glasses- Exhibitors will be allowed only one entry in a fair time forces him to keep reasonably been signed with the supplies approximately these per section and will not be permitted to enter tha Class 84—Zinnias north of Townline 18. ' well in line with public opinion and,^" Powers technically we are sU MUNKIWl flUMT MARHET aame entry In more than one class. In all other counties Including Shoe Service not defy It. A city manager who i therefore Congress will centages of the daily nutriUve re- (3 or more varieties make a colleclfon) Drummond Island, archers may r ma,n ,0 ng U quirements ot sn sverage man: Another class will be formed in caae 3 of a kind tries to become a dicUtor or a « 'f,. " i " take deer of either sex in this ,e M tbe of any other fiorwer not listed are entered. Sec. 248. Best collection of large flowers (mixed OF ' politician can be discharged at P " Adminstration. The Calcium, 100 per cent; rlbroflavin Godfrey Roth, who lives on his much used for feed for the stock period. The Allegan county one- 49 Under New (vitamin G), 82 per cent; phoa- This flower show is open to AMATEURS only. colors). oncei i law provides that Congress shall 567 GTIB STATES own well regulated farm of 280 but Mr. Roth says he always likes deer archery season, Oct. 1 through .very £ MORE All flowers muat be grown by exhibitor. Sec. 246. Best collection of large flowers (one color). v v phorus, 87 per cent; protein, 48 per jadjourn the last day of July ex- Sec. 247. Best collection of dwarf (mixed colors). acres on M-91 northeast of Lowell, to have vegetables and fruits for Dec. 16 will be retained. ening Management No cent; vitamin A, 30 per cent; thi- Exhibitors must furnish own containers. [family use, and usually he over-1 A special antlerless deer season cept (1) If Congress itself votes Frizenrinnera must keep their exhibits fresh or Sec. 248. Best collection of Fantasy (one color). has given over most of the actual 1. The city manager system Is 'ptherwise; (2) if the President amin (vitamin B-l), 22 per cent; operation of the farm to his two estimntes and there is some for will be held Dec. 1 through Dec. 10 Sec. 249. Best collection of Fantasy (mixed colors). n undemocratic. It concentrates pow- proclaims a national emergency; calories, 22 per cent; vitamin C, awarda will be cancelled. sons, Rudolph and Edwin, shown Q^hers, l' three areas to reduce fruit andj We are happy to announce Sec. 280. Best collection of dwarf (one color). |er in the hands of one man who la and (8) "in time of war". By vir- 10 per cent; niacin, 6 per cent; iron, MOOSE ON THE LOOM: The committee on claaalfications and arrange- with him in the above picture. Ed- In an interview with Mr. Roth farm crop damage. In area A. Sec. 281. Best collection of any other variety. that GLENN GOODEN is the not an elected official and there-, tu.uve wof. thiin is thirintrda sustipulatio{ n we 8 per cent There is no waste in ONE OF THE LMQEST OF AHEWCM ments will be at the exhibit building Wednesday win, who is married, lives in the we learned that he likes Lowell and which includes part of Charlevoix i forenoon to give desired information, or aaale- fore Is too far removed from the | remain in Washington, milk, as every drop Is used. A quart FEW REMAINING HERDS OF CR&T other house on the same farm, and baa always lived nearby. He sUrt- Antrim and Grand Traverse coun-' nsw operator of Bickford average voter and his problems. tance. Class 55—Artistic Arrangement 1 81 If there was serious work to be of milk Is equal in energy value to Rudolph lives with his parents In ed farming near Alton, later spend- ties, the quota is 4,500 hunters. In r* ® o«w The people who are affected by the the home. ing two years near Clarksvllle, area B, consisting of Leelanau, Shoe Service. We are sure actions of city governmenta should accomplished I certainly wouldn't approximately any one of the fol- NOTE—Flowers to be at their beat, ahouid be picked Awards to be based chiefly on arrangement but WK' after sundown, and the full length of the stem im- quality of bloom and appropriateness of container The Roths have all the equipment and in 1920 he purchased his pres- Benzie and part of Grand Traverse ftfternoot^ ^ S have direct control over the choice have any objectlona to the contin- lowing: One pound lean beef, nine « mdn cmoii Iffiw/mfRt • ent home. He has made many im- *nd Manistee counties, the quota is that hs will continue to re- uation of the aeasion. What gets mereed In deep water overnight Tha next day thay will also be taken into consideration. required to take care of all phases s of a city's chief executive. efgs, six pounds tomatoes, six TO K STRANDED BY DC SPRING TMAW. JHIMVi i. of the agriculture on their farm provementa since moving here and W.OOO hunters: and in area C. part 2. No two cities have the same my goat is the pretense that we pounds spinach, IS small oranges, k V will maintain their freshness when arranged. Ribbons ceive the fine patronage we 5 are still at war! sometimes become detached from exhibita and get 1st prize—11.00; 2nd prlxe—78. including a modern grain combine. says everything ho does calls for of Allegan county, the quota la 800, s problems. Many problems can beat. three broilers, seven bananas or Ave \ mm fiumv sem -Hto*** vouotr oxAeg .. .*.# They also manage to find time to something else to keep the place up Area, C hunters must register at have enjoyed. Mr. Goodsn is be understood by people who have! It seems to a great many mem- pounds raw cabbage awitched. In case of question the Judges' record Sec. 282. Best arrangement of mixed annuals. \ book will be final. help their neighbors during the modern. But he says there is one Swan Creek experiment station long been familiar with them. The bers of Congress that the misuse Sec. 283. Best arrangsment of mixed perennials. busy seasons. Right now they are nice thing about a farm, it always Fennville and at Dunnlngville an experienced, cspsble shoe s city manager sybleni ufteu ieaulU of the law is a serious matter. Sec. 284. Best arrangement of annuals and peren- g tatl nB ipsi Class 50 helping the neighbors to reap a provides a good living. I ,? " ° - . .. •srvice msn and is sure to s in bringing in an "outsider" who War-powers—granted i11n1 timeLIIIICDs OoXf niale. bountiful harvest of golden grain There is also a daughter in this Application forms for the anUer- can s I has to take some time to familiar national emergency—are one thing Awards to be baaed on the quality of the flower. Sac. 288. Best arrangement of Gladioli. with their combine. famlly, June, who graduated from be secured early in please you. Ize himself with the problems ofibut to continue them indefinitely tem r rom s l*t prem.—.TB; 2n


FARMERS ATTENTION—We need row AVAILABLE-Cement or WHEAT ARRIVING AT THE KING MILLING COMPANY IN THE EARLY IfOO S Wool Values Are Cut In a recent life insurance survey cinder btaoks, also chimney Home Economist [It was revealed that Amsrican fam- ' your dead and disabled stock. 8U11 litkert Eledric ,sHonT5fel^ iy Weeds and Bum paying a little. Oan give service blocks. Delivered or at yard. Thompson's Sinilory Morkol ilies were paid $100 every second same day called with well equip- Made by vibration and compres- Gives Advice on Burrs and weeds are common in [during 1948, by insurance ^com- sion. Voeburg Bros. Block and Phone 233 G. R. (Butch) Thompson 205 E. Main COMPLETE late summer and can mean a loss In ipaniea. ped truck. Cooper Tankage Co., Phone Rockford 7671L e46tf Gravel Co.. Phone M98, Ada, Susan's wool quality unless care Is taken, Mich. oiltf FIMT » WORDS SOE—ADDITIONAL WORD, te »ACH. WVICE CHARQE OF ID. ON CHAWOE AD». ELECTRICAL SERVICE Comics, Movies says Graydon Blank, extension FOR RENT—Floor waxer and pol- Comic books and movies need sheep specialist at Michigan State FOR SALE—26 A modern home, Suspicion isher. Roth and Sons Co , T^twall FOR SALE— Warm Morning stovs, ODDS AND ENDS Friday and Saturday Only Rxtvrts — Toostmoster careful community supervision and [College. garage, chicken coop and bam PAINTING—Spray and brush. In- By 1: c-lOtf like new, cheap for cash. Ike organizations can render valuable Permanent pastures should be ROLL TICKETS full of hay, 6 good ddry cows terior and exterior. Free esti- Let FIN ipen4 his HERE AND THERE Water Heaters service with this problem. checked for burdock and similar VanDyke, 2nd house east of Par* EMMIE BELL PORTER .For Shows, Bazaars, Races, Out- ROOFING and InsulaUotv-glO lb. optional. 1 mile north of Lowell mates. Phone Rook ford 2476 or nell Ave. on 8-Mlle road. pl6 Fishing without a license and ALL BEEF Suggestions to parents concern- [weeds. If the sheep come in coti- on Lincoln Lake Ave. B. H. De- T8821. plM6 tact with burrs and other foreign 'ings, Parties, Dsnces, Athletics, trips shingles or lock, Baldwin vscatiofl with ut... st other Infractions of conservation PAUL RICKERT USAN shut the French door snd ing the conflioting opinions about H1U biown-in insulation. Brick Hart phone 681-F2. pl6 laws cost 525 violators 18,402 in comic books and movies come from material, their wool will be burry 7also leverage and Pood Coupons FOR SALE—Jersey cows, some GOING ON A TRIP? Travel worry- S held her hand ovtr her eyes and asbestos siding. Industrial June, the conservation depart- Phon* 840 912 N. Hudson St. and seedy. This type of wool is dis- fresh, others due soon, TB and free with a light weight 17^ She had distinctly heard her best Dorothy Ekern, Michigan State ^2,006 Numbered TlckeU. |1.80 roofing. H. C. Thurtell, Phone S3 1/8 OFF—On tractor Ures, tubes Oodan-Haven ment's law enforcement division College home economist. counted on the market. Bangs tested. Axel Carlson, 9775 foot Sportsman Trailer Home, friend. Phoebe, say: "Roy dear, 881, Lowell. ci8tf and rims while our stock lasts. discloses. Violations in May totaled Hamburger all aluminum and brand new. Parents should know what types Blank says a few minutes spent DOUBLE ROLL TICKETS 83 1/8 off on poultry fencing in Hastings Road, Clarksvllle. cl8 Kennels we really should confess to Susnn GOULD'S GARAGE, Phone 2«fi 'MM and In June of laat year 639. of movies their children see and in checking a field and getting rid FOR SALE—Duchess apples. John the following slses, 1, 2, 6 and 6 . . . even If she Is your wife, you of such weeds will pay off in in- 'Numbered on each ticket fori FOR SALE—A few purebred Cocker Lowell. cl5 Accounting for the majority of More than 1,200 forest fires have what kind of comics they read. Potter, H mile north of US-16— foot high; 2 DeLaval separators Bur J by Dty, W«k, Month must realize that she is no child!' drawings, door prliss, etc. Spaniel puppies left. Will sell for larrests last month were such fish- burned over 19,000 acres In Mich- Authorities In the field of child de- creased income when shearing time M-91 Junction. Lowell Phone 226- at 1/8 off. Wlllard H. Johnson Roy'a darkly handsome face was irolls around. 110 each. Klelnheksel's, McCords. PICKLES FOR CANNING—Atoo Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Weaver jing law violations aa angling with- igan so far this year, according to velopment have pointed out that ^2,000 Double Tickets F4. P14-16 Beldlng, Mich. Phone 818. cli-17 lb. 29c cl6 out a license which caught 167, the conservation department's for- bent over the chair where Phoebe comics have certain values. So it blackberries and sweet corn. 1111 Riverslds Drive est fire service. This does not In- reclined grace- CALEDONIA LIVESTOCK SALS Everett Carey, Lowell Phohe 261- Phone 274-F2 Lowsll ifishing in closed season 167, poses- isn't necessary to forbid them but to Husband) Well, my dear, I have FARM 1RRJGATION Equipment WANTED—8 or 4 room furnished el6 'slon of undersise fish 40, fishing A quality product at a low prico' clude acreage burned on national fully, one arm • THE LOWELL LEDGER every Monday at 6 o'clook. c49tf c52tf see that your child gets the most carried you safely over all the at lower pices. Fairbanks-Morse or unfurnished apartment or small |wlth lines not under Immediate forest land In the state. thrown carelessly |desirable ones to read. rough places of life, haven't I? Everything In Printing pumps and motors: Chrysler and FUEL OIL PRICES REDUCED— house in Lowell. Phone Grand PEACHES—Come pick your own control 21, and non-residents using over the cloud ol Wife; Yes, and I don't think you Phone 200 Lowell Wisconsin engines: Rainbird Tell Good Stories Call Quality Fuel Co., Ionia, Rapids 90647 or Lowell 441.F2. tree-ripened peaches. Bring bas- resident fishing licenses 20 more. Read the Ledger ed# dark hair which missed any of them. sprinklers, "Undertree" type at pl6 PURE BULK Parents can introduce good liter- 21TW, for best buy on fuel oil. kets. Frank Transue, first house Ipther Infractions Included killing framed her delicate, heart-shaped 83.2090.4U,; 4^ ' BIUIIIiiiussaluminumi •irrigatio• > — n . FOR SALE— ature to children by reading aloud C14-17 west of Mapes school on 38th St. 1948 Dodge Custom Club Coupe 'deer in closed season which resulted face. Her blue eyes were fixed on tubing with most rugged, self-1 PEACHES—Red Havens and Jubl- in 20 arrests and carrying loaded to them or telling them stories latchin... g and. unlatchin_ , . g latcl.l.th . o..n . I lees. Carl Kropf..,. Lowel• lI I PhonDbMHeA Phone 168-F2. pl8 1937 Dodge Custom Sedan Roy's troubled brow and one slim which are from good literature. FOR SALE—Modern 6-room house guns In cars, Another 11. market. 69c per foot. Suggestive 481-F4 P1B 1987 Dodge 2-Door Sedan white hand rested fleetlngly on his This will be more effective than with bath, all on ground floor. |FOR SALE—Baby's year-old maple 1941 Pontlac Streamliner 2-Door Pork Sausage engineering service on all in- • Corner property Includes 2 lots. bed, like new. Inquire at 411 E. | Release of 20,000 birds of the brown one. constantly telling a child not to quiries. Buy from Michigan's QUIZ—What is it that's soft aa kid, 1941 Plymouth Club Coupe She knew by the uncomfortable read undesirable material. St. Patrick's 821 Vergennes Road, phone 818. Maln-st., west entrance. Phone year In southern Michigan pheasant largest stockers of irrigation tough as a rhino, flexible as an 1940 Plymouth DeLuxe Coach pl8 527-F4. Mrs. Converse. pl6 areaa will start early In August, an-i look on both faces as she entered Your child will see types of be- equipment. 20 years of experience acrobat? Wolverine Shell Horse- 1939 Plymouth Sedan that th# conversation had not been havior on the screen and in comics 1940 Chevrolet Sedan nouncea conservation department with Michigan irrigation prob- hide Shoes. $6.95 up. Coons. pl6 FOR SALE—White Rock PuU®^ ® Wir _ regional game supervisor, Larry lb. 29c [which will be strange to him and CKS finished. lems. Hamilton Mfg. A Machine, which may give him wrong ideas. r 08te Dayton. Distribution will be spread The clock chimed, breaking the Co., Hamilton, Michigan. Phone,HELP WANTED—Some farmers months old, al*o ° 7n I 1946 Dodge 1V4 Ton Truck Parents can talk to children about ANNUAL FESTIVAL M. Purchase and Son. ">*^1 ^ Chevrolet IH Ton Stake among close to 50 counties. More Seasoned Just right silence. "Gosh!" exclaimed Roy. "1 WE ARE BUYING need the help of this like new iw.w wnrvraiei iti *««• different types of behavior and ex- 2101. cl2-16 Gould's Garage, Phone 289, Low- than 2,000 older breeders from the really must dashl" Excusing him- 1947 Chevrolet H ton pickup. plain good and bad points. This Only 18,000 miles don't miss this ell. cl5 Mason state game farm already self he hurried up the itairi. lELBCTRIC SHOE REPAIRING— SARANAC STOCK TARD—Every [will help the child develop a finer When you feel run down at the •Buy of the Week". McFall —(have been turned loose In 18 coun- Heavy Rock Susan tried to make her voice senie of values and encourage him Parnell, Mich. POULTRY Monday, 8 a. m.-4 p. m. Phone AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE ties during the laat two months, White Rock heel, stop In at the Kerekes Elec- Chevrolet. Phone MR, Lowell. cl5 Saranac 2521. Other daya call catual. 'Too bad Roy has to go to make his own discriminations RATES drastically reduced. See(Dayton reports. Some 1,800 more All Kinds ot Live Poultry tric Shoe Repair Shop and get a G. R. 86209 or 90680. cl4-17 away IO quickly on this business |well In years to come. lift One mile east of Lowell on FOR SAL®—'89 Ford Coupe, South- us now for whatever coverage tare slated for release In the next Stewing Roasting or Frying you need. Peter Speerstra Agency two weeks. The stocking ratio Is trip. Ha does hate to travel any- One child may be more sensitive M-21. pl2-17 wind heater, new rubber, motor WEBSTER'S USED CARS-We way ... and having to leave on Editor's Note—The following information Is reprinted in order to ODrrect errors accidentally made in than another and may be frighten- HIGHEST PRICES PAID in Al condition. Bessie Coger, Phone 289, Lowell. cl6 about five hens to one cock. the story appealing in last week's Ledger. buy, sell or trade. Lyle Webstsr, such ihort noUce has really upset ed unduly by certain things which HARNBBS SHOP NEWS-Blnder Cascade. Phone Grand Rapids Beano 120 N. Monroe Ave. LoweU Phone TELEVISION PARTT-On lawn atl him." The King Milling Company finds Ifrom 200 to 500 bushels per load, quickly unloaded with a power would not bother other children. and combine canvas repairing: 996627. P16-16 323. cStf MnsHey Rtore. Mondav evening,! June was the third'consecutive that since this picture was taken, One large delivery today wouls'ahovel which scoop* the grain into Try to understand your child and Bergy Bros. Elevator wh|tc and russet show haUers, Chiokens Chickens Aug. 15, 8 o'clock. See the grand ^onth In which Iheie has been a about fifty years ago, conditions probably oqual the total amount of the pit. know his interests and limitations. stable sheets and riding equip- jlO.OO—Covers whole family two FOR SAL E—Cream separator, FTER bidding htr good-by, ALTO, UICH. years for all polio expenses up to opening of new Grand Rapids downward trend In traffic deaths have changed considerably. Greatly,wheat being delivered in the above | The storage facilities at this new He may need especially careful ment. May we serve you? Kerekes nearly new: manure spreader; n fl Susan hurriedly Joined her supervision in the forms of enter- Refreshments $5,000 each. Why take a chance Television station. Free refresh- l Michigan, according to the "It lAu th* president of increased wheat acreage and me- picture. and modern mill amounts to 90,- Harness Shop, one mile east of wagon, cultivators, sulky plow; ments. Drive out for an evening monthly statistical report of he husband in the bedroom. Roy's chanlzed farm equipment has en-| Efficiency in unloading has been|000 bushels. The grinding capacity tainment to which he Is exposed. Lowell on M-21. pl4-17 when its so reasonable? Call Ger- also rabbits. Mrs. Rosalie F. Tke HoleJn-One Club? Look | usually calm facs was flushed ald E. Rollins. 836 W. Main. of novel entertainment and fun. State Police. Fatalities numbered *bled the fanner to produce great- achieved at this Lowell plant and of the mill is 1600 busHels per day. Young, R 8, Lowell phone 880-FS. 7 a lb. 45c lb. 49c HasUly he crammed pajamas Into Phone 404-F2. cl5 all Location, Lincoln Lake Road at ° » reduction of 81, or 26 per er quantiUes of grain at reduced Is greatly appraclated by all that'A great percentige of the flour EXTRA! NEW QIANT 4-Mlie Road. 7 miles north of,cent. "n^r the 118 killed In the an open bag, as he anxiously asked. costs. Along with this he has mo- deliver grain. The golden grsdn Is manufactured is shipped into Vir- 16-PAQE COMIC BOOK 8ame FOR S^-Flnrt wd -on*, rown winter coat. Lowell. Harold Collins. cl5 month a year ago. There "Susan, sre you sure you will be torixed equipment to get his crops simply dumped Into a ground level'glnia and North Carolina in the MMSET-UIUS USED CAR PARTS were 3,352 persons Injured, a re- Here's something really exciting! grade Chippewa I^tatoes. Lewis FOR HA ^ Saranac Creanwry aU right, staying here slone?" to market quickly and economical- 'pit by trucks with dump racks and |form of Self-Ristng flour for baking size 18, black fur trim panel FOR SALE—4 Blue Tick Beagle iductlon of 191, or five per cent, but Starting this week. The Detroit ULEtUDtams Gasper, 9 miles northeast of "Of course," answered Susan ly. Trucks today make deliveries of trucks with stationary racks are .biscuits. front, 618 Jefferson, Lowell hounds, 4 months old, males $10 total reported accidents Increased Sunday Times, in ths TWO-STAR of AB Kinds Lowell. Phone 449-F18. cl5 f Tell them flinging herself Into a chair. Sinday, Aug. 14, '49 phone 76. each. Mrs. Harry Wlssman, 14144,10 11,165, a gain of 245, or two per EDITION ONLY, on sale from Roy's durk eyes were suddenly ROCHESTER PEACHES-W111 he Wednesday on. will praaent each Tiaenii • MMiiiEa jAPPLES—Duchess, good cooking 52nd St.. Lowell. cl5 cent on display at all post offices: ,es, Stop Watches and Clocks, 60c; WANT TO BUY CARS ready next week. Carl Graham. shadowed with pain. "Dear" he Hobby Books Listed In week « GIANT 16-PAGE COMIC 1:00 ta 11:00 p. m. $1.00 per bu.; bananas 10c per lb. Cottage Cheese lb. 19c murmured, laying his arm lightly A Description of U. 8. Postage Building With Logs. 16c: Photog- IMPLEMEITI Qomer Buttrlck and 52nd St. Norwegian miles are seven times Close to (14,000 was paid In BOOK, p:lntad In pink, with new We have peaches. Hesche Farm as long as the American mile. bounties on predatory animals In around her shoulders, "Dear. 1 Pott Office Lobbies 1 7 2 ,1 76 r TO JUNK Alto Phone 2865 pl5 Made with real cream Stampa, 1847-1947, 45c: You Can ™* J, " ' , {* comles, games, puxxles and other SESSin MMIET-NUIPtiiNiM* MUrtaiwS Market, Lowell Phone 80-FTJ. cl6 — JUIiJuner witWIIUh Viathee Ire d fox again *re - want you to always remsmber . . Make It Series (8 volumes). 45c P" features. Get The Detroit Sunday IWANTED—For a short job, a man The following Government publi- FOR SALE—Tree ripened peaches Clifford M. Holland engineered sponsible for most payments, the no matter what happens . . . I've set; Camp Stoves and Fire Places, 'American Soldier (JUDO), 60c. Tou Times TWO-STAR EDITION for with a chain saw and helper. Also cations may be secured from the m y alB0 Wrlt# for a mor com BOB WHITBY for canning. Jubilee and| Rod jthe Holland tunnel. I conservation department reports. always tried to be a good husband 60c: Aunt Sammy's Radio Recipes. • * ® Plet« the NEW GIANT 18-PAGE COMIC C.N. a used dump horserake. In good iThe red fox accounted for (12,365 of loin End or Rib End Superintendent of Documents, Gov- hobby list, free. Plyaiiih DUUMIIIM Hk Haven. Allison Roark, Phone Ada to you." 80c: Woodworking and Furniture BOOK! Nelin Seta lieliied Runvnnnn vv 8H miles East on Old M«2I order. Phone Altadale Farm, cl6 Benjamin Franklin was the 15th the bounty money. rnment Printing Office, Washing- Repair, 50c: M8ke It of Leather, Phone 9101, Showboat Inn for de- 996188 Grand Rapids. cl6 8792. "Why Roy," laughed Susan as she Lowell, MeUgaa ®m p2-c3tf in a family of 17 children. blinked back sudden tears, "Darl- ton 25, D. C., according to a poster 15c: Wrist Watches, Pocket Watch- Read the Ledger ads. [Hvery. adv Use of state parks for king-size ing! You sound as if you were go- TODAY'S PAYING PRICES10 '•"? £tu? ing away forever. Instead of Just Pork Roast lb. 39c several days." She laid her hand PER DOZEN FOR EGRS S? J^lon SUnrntS caressingly on the broad depond Federal-State Grades >ark chief. Broken bottles consU- 3-lh. average able shoulders. "We have had a Large. Grade A 81c J We a hazard throughout the park Long Distance pretty swell life together In the two Medium. Grade A 66c and especially In the beach area Kent County Large, Grade B BOcirark rangers in some recreation years we've been married haven't Small eggs I..42c areaa report some vacationists are we?" iBrown eggs, '2c "less iutilixing boats as floating beer Roy tipped her head back and mrden WHEN exciting things hap- passed his hand over her features. BERGY BROS. ELEVATOR « "- Alto, HIcfalgan j t ^rlll oil and gas pen to you, the quick, easy "Yes. dear a most wonderful two More 0 years!" He pressed his mouth Prices subject to change (Wells have been Issued the Hrst six way to spread the news in briefly against her cool lips and was .months of )949 than in the corres- gone . . . down the steps into the ' ponding periods the last two years. person is by Long Distance. waiting car. Through June 452 permits were is- sued. V f" Most calls go through while Water Well USAN slept fitfully and at eighi The conservation department's you hold the line. S o'clock was debating with her Drilling aad Repairing field administration division has self whether it was worththe trou (taken delivery of a new four-place o And reduced rates an in effmet ble to go down and make coffee, COMPLETE DAYTON aircraft which will be used In law when suddenly and terrlfyingly the enforcement and fire service pa- ererr night after 6 PM. and all It's Sure Hot Out WATER SYSTEMS doorbell rang. Susan fled down '.he trol work in the northern half of day Sunday. steps with terror tugging at her ithe lower peninsula. heart and threw the door open to a August 16-17-18-19 Orson Melle , No animal or plant life can live In the Dead Sea because of the high MICHIGAN BILL Now, but Phone 113 [.percentage of salt. Lowell 410 N. Jackson TILEPHONI COMPANY clltf The entrance lo the Amazon 4-H Club Fairgrounds Hecreation Park, Lowell, Mioh. River is about 200 miles wide. CLARK Man Winter ai a r —« u , ..tt- n For Sale For Sale nurnotng ana nevirmg Used Equipment The FoNowing New Items Sheet Metal WoHt BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER! is on the way ... Allis-Chalmers 2 bottom, at Greatly Reduced CALL 7 B 14" Plow $40.00 Prices MANY, MANY RNE EXHIBITS International I bottom DAVE CLARK. Prop. Bell & Howell 8 Movie Three Big Evening Livestock, Crops, Gardens, Clothing, Handt- Don't Miss the Great 16" Plow $85.00 Camera with leather car- CIaiajsw* fH j-. aammm• aa0% riafi ... We have the ftnesl coal availaUo lor hio filling: rying case $75.00 CifCiTT! nowerSi rvoos, wcznnin^g Qnci fviQny International Manure Others. Spreader $35.00 Crosley's largest Gas Range Boy's darkly handsome face WE BUY 2 ovens $149.50 was beet over the ehalr where Programs... AUCTION Phoebe reclined gracefully. ''Estate Heatrola", largest THIS WEEK S Tues., Aug. 16—Music. Special Acts, Service Club sire $99.50 weary looking Phoebe who stood on BIGGER AND BETTER MIDWAY Olga Stoker CHICKENS SPECIAL the steps imiling through her tears SALE Monarch Coal Range $89.50 uanaiefignYing v^ervmony r«.vti Whaal ^ ftnaS TIHIM imm ij,,.,. ftp "Phoebe," gasped Snsan. "Phoe- rerns vrneet, awings, WMfrry-vp- HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Thursday, Friday and be. what—Why—Is aay thing 1 Water Heaters, rvounaDmEIBjIt wwiiipu*! rivTTesninenW m g. » . T srami», civCOM* * 30-gal $49.50 wrong?" Wed., Aug. 17—Livestock Parade, Spoelai Acts, Saturday Only "No darling," soothed Phoebe O# Algoma Pocahontas THOMPSON'S 9^ co. ft Coolerator Re- "Everything is very much all righi If40 CHEVROLET frigerator $189.50 . . . very much sol" she repeated FLOWER SHOW , Sanitary Maricet mysteriously. "1 have something COACH ..- $375.00 "Coleman" large Oil for you." She held oat a folded Thurs., Aug. IB—Variety Numben from Lowe! Show- Gifts to The E. Main St. Lowell Heater $99.50 piece of psper to Susan. "Here, BAKED GOODS AUCTION Red Robin Pocahontas boat. "Morton" 6-ft. Double take this. I'm spending the day New Eqnipment with you . . . read the letter, then 4-H Club Fair Sink $149.50 coma on up and m answer aU 4-H SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Disk Harrows—5, 6, 7, your questions then." Thursday, Aug. IB—1:00 p. m. Dead Aiiaals As one in a dresm Susan sai We Remve and 8 ft. Abe Hie Fdcwfoq Used down weakly and read: TRACTOR PLOWING CONTEST White Oak Smokeless Hammer Mills and Corn Dearest Dearest Susan: Don't Miss The For Prompt Removal moocy-makars is designed for t Hems m Perfect Coadi- When you get this letter the ARCHERY CONTEST Sheilers operation will bo over and every- of OM. Crippled Hou: thing wQl be perfectly aU right 1 or Dead Bones i| Rubber Tired Grain Drill specific fob, and caa become aa found out only today that 1 wquld GAMES FOR SMALL CHILDREN Green Ridge Kentucky Lump Bendix DeLvxe Washer Horse Pullinsi Contests and Cows have to have sn emergency opera Fluid Manure Spreader $99.56 tion and conspired with Phoebe to important part of your feeding keep it a secret from you . . Lightweights—Thursday, Aug. IB—1:00 p. m. G. E. Washer and Ironer Any Gifts to the Auction Sale Will Be Greatly Grain, Bale and Corn knowing how much you love me program. Cooie m —we'll be $35.00 and worry about me st the slightest Appreciated Zigler Range Coal Elevators excuse, I wanted to spars you the Heavyweights—Friday, Aug. 19—2:00 p. m. Ltak-Bek Stoker suspense and the worry. This was Order Yoer Corn Pickers glad to explain bow Master Mix $75.00 one decision I bad to make alone ... as 1 was only given a fifty-fifty MROAW Majestic Coal Range chance to pull through . . . and 1 can help you make eficseot, pee* $25.00 felt it was unfair to ask you to We Have Two One-Row help make a decision of that kind Pickers Left. $830.00 ea. fi table use of your own supplies Gibson Elec. Refrigerator Phoebe has her instructions to give ... and Nemember—This Is A FREE Fair! $75.00 you this letter when snd if the full price operation is a complete success of grains and roughage. Remember I Inv* vi>u FREE MniisisR FREE Firkins FIEE Graidstud LOUiCLL, miCHIGfin WHIH I. aelr"-' e e e • wimmcN Compl. Home Furnishings Gifts and Appliances Powerful indeed is ths empire of IBERGY BROS. ELEVATOR Belding Mich. habit.—Publtus ttyruB. Com* mi Enjoy WMciwn. Fun mm! EntMtainiMbi (w th. EMm Fwnily IUU.ET £5?* ALTO, MICHIGAN dS-ll Mary Ball, Bather of Gaorgo Waahington, waa born ia Virginia. •iMBHa NINE 'IM .^.LL LIOO" • ^WLL. WICHIQ*" AUOU.T 11 house and gets out of doors some. Alto Locals Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pitsch, son Alto Locals Maurice, Mr. and Mrs. Robert An- EIGHT TM1 L0W1LL UDOIW, MfOHIQAN. THunipAY, AUGUST 11. It* Mr. anda xaioMrs. James Green and oassSaK Mr. and MraMrs. HaroiHarolda Vando-1 derson and family and mother, Mrs. children spent the week-end with Mrs. Louva Brighton spent the iBante of Forrest Grove wero Snn- ot Gr nd of Mr. and Mn. Roger Rollins Ada Leeale Whltneyville Locals In the early years Scouting was a I If the difference between buckle nvwi i luni vi una HapRni ALTO NEWS !r. and Mrs. Alvah Peet and Missea Jullanne and Alice Troy * R«Plds week-end with her sister, Mrs. Will were Alyn Fletcher and MIM Oladys Mr#. Fred Pattlson Jday dinner afld afternoon gueata dl, ner the Converse In Keene. ADA MWS Mra. Robert Wlldman, wife of WMwyrik Mr. and Mra. Willis Overly of program only for boys of 13 yean berries and blusberrles confuss 4 ancy In Ft. Wayne, Ind. land friend, Therece Carmody of T® T" ? * Stevens of Lowell. Mra. Hattie It Fltoh Mra. Louis U. Of Former lowne Folks ' of Rev. and Mra. G. F. Bolltho. P Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schenck and Grand Rapids, spent Wednesday ^ - Ande™" home. Janet Marie Asei Kellogg spent Sunday In Mn. Ira SargMnt the atudeot pastor of Ada Com- Lake Odessa and Jamea Wood of of age and over. Today It is a pro. you, here is a tip from Elliabetl Mrs. Byron Weeks spent several Clara M. Brandebury second Glad to her Mrs. Johnnie Miller mother,| Mrs. Kittle Carr -wero overnight with Mr. and Mra. Gllea «tunied home with them after Traverse City. munity Reformed church will be Lowell wore Sunday gueata of Mr. gram for boys from sight years of Roniger. home economics sxtensioi Wingeier for youngest ndln rt 0, the days last week with her daughter Mr. and Mra. Paul Quftafson of i- -— - Baptist Church Nsws will be able to return from tho Saturday callera on Mr. and Mrs. Hefferan at Parnell. lhe^ r aun*t anP«d *"h Mrs. Eva Engle spent Sunday Mr. and Mn. Howard Clinton and Lsmphear-VanAtta Wedding honor guest at a stork shower to age on up to the time they become Reader at Michigan State College fene,.tlon .nd Un-Jta* BWrfh"" ... rvi •.. uncle1 . and husband, Mr. and Mn. Bill Temperance, Mich., were week-end and Mra. Robert Baney. Mrs. Spenor Johnson and daugh- hospital Monday, Aug. 8, but sorry Frank MacNaughton and Mra. W. with her cousins. Misses Emily daughters, Berthena and Janet, laat be given by the ladiee of the voting cltlsens, with the Cubbing Blueberries ars usually larger an' j Dr. Wm. Parder, Professor ofi ber for coming the longest distance. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDIarmld | Mr„ a ^ .. . iVicken, at Orand Haven. gueata of Mr. and Mra. Vern Aid- Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Walker of ter Doris of Logan visited Mrs. J. to hear Mrs. Bernice Stahl is still Strouse #as a Saturday evening and daughter, Linda Kay, spent L ' Giles Hefferan of and Matilda Davis. week-end vlilted relatives at 81k At an evening ceremony in Ply- church. The event will be held on Program for boys from 8 through milder than huckleberries. Blue rich, and attended the Greenman Cascade called on Mr. and Mra. S. Brandebury Friday forenoon Theology Seminary, will be preach- confined to the hospital. Hope not Runday evening with her parents,^™" were Sunday dinner guests Sunday callers and guesta at Lakes, later taking a scenic trip to mouth Congregational Church, Thursday evening in the basement 10, Scouting for boys from 11 up, h«rries have smaller seeds and th ing at the Bapiiat Church, both caller reunion with them at Fallasburg Howard Batta Thursday, and Sun- and at the Harry Johnson home In Birthday Theatre Psrty 1 f h r Mr M John .the Ed Pratt home were Mr. and Lake Ann. near Traverse City, the Orand Rapids, Rev. B. A. Parks, and Senior Scouting for boys 14 and color of both kinds of berrle for long. IMr ... and Mrs. w. Iverson- . ,I.n Freeport. . . .Tro2. y® and family :In the afternoo" n Pttf't Nuninq Horn# room at the ehurch. Park, Sunday. day callera were Mr. and Mra. the afternoon. Doris remained for morning and evening, Sunday, r ;Mrs. Aaron De Kriuf and Mr. and Baptist Youth Camp, Orayllng and officiated at the wedding of Miss evsr. 'ranges from blue to purple-black. No car would hold all the chll- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Neu- ; ^ ' ^ Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Anderson g j Rev. William B. Kolenbrander of Orrle Batts of Cutlervllle. a week's visit with her cousin, th tt d d th t 08e h church 'Mrs. Andrew Johnson all of Grand the Virgin Forest. Csledonls, Mlchlflan Avli May Lamphear. daughter o( Sympathy Is extended to Mra. August 14. !dren Tommle Packer Invited to b*l..r, Jlmml. .„d 8t.vl. of mm.r Sjir of kw.[i and son Tommy spent Thursday ^ ^ Preeton. Minn., called on many Carolyn Johnson. Paetor Gardner will be filling id Mr. Plerson of Chicago called and son Tommy spent inursu.r ^ af hto, n shocked Rapids. Clair Btahl was busy Monday get- Mr. and Mra. Knapp Lamphear of William Shrader, and other rela- Mrs. Laura Fountain visited Mra. hihlas birthday party Friday evening,. boTborn ipenspent t foufourr daydays^ IMlostI ^ ^jjjjlaad Mr. Plerson of Chicago called evsnlng at tho ^Anderson neighborhood ' * We have a new patient. Mrs. Jen- frienda in Ada on Saturday. Rev. Mrs. Earl GUdden called on her the pulpit at Lake Drive Baptist — - .. ^ »—I- 17 AMI. ftnd on Mr. and Mra. Elmer Dlntaman evening at the Leon Anderson ... .h/w.w.H ting his horses and their harnesses Ada, to Robert VanAtta, aon of tives in the passing of their loved Loll Wakefield. Tueaday. so Charlea Lipscomb took 17 chll- ^ th#,r parents, Mr. . nie Davis of Orand Rapids. Mr. Kolenbrander was called to Ada to cousin, Mrs. Jay Brown (nee Nancy Church, East Grand Rapids. Sunday afternoon. home. Moadamaa Nellie Westbrook. ^ ^ J „ Mra. Edward VanAtta of Orand Mrs. Kittle Carr of Ada was a Idren In hie truck and all were ^eV8n N<)ubecker On Saturday I William Schrader Thursday eve- MrMrB J u1andU CondoMr nE ot1 Kro f c-,.and w In tiptop shape for the horsepulling and Mrs. Russell Davis, F. Bates, one. | Recent guests at the Haj-ward Flora Hooper and Leo Snyder of'^J J" ° ' t /, " V P perform the wedding ceremony, Helntzelman), last Wednesday. Mr, Jul a Condon of I wH1 Contest at the Ionia Fair on Tues- Rapids. Friday evening at eight Sunday guest of Mra. Laura Foun- . 'treated to a theatre party In Low- th weTe joined by I -hom e wers j Mf—. . and Mrs Russel nien l truestCaledoni# a were Tuesday afternoon nlng.. He had Jusjust returned homhnme^ on Mrif„ gg 'NorTnNorma FrosFrost t ^and ByroByrocallennd C. F. Hufford, Edith Davis and her uniting Miae Delorea Mae Shears, Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Shrlver at- Aldrlch Reunion treate11 ,n d to a theatre party in Low-rj^"- hv Mr , anfJ on r day. One of Clair's teams recently o'clock. The double ring ceremony tain. Clyde Richards with Dick Street- w u Aldrlch mReunio na ie .. . hono. r of Tom'-rats Owh birthdayMrthdsv.'a.-.. l«,2i. «- rhiM^ToWideann . PmiiPsti l *i mo . from Blodgett hospital that afterafter- Sundaygunday . niece called on Mn. Davis, tended the Nash-Kelvinator picnic 8 A,, had ver h0m# wer Mf and M R,1 " " " ^^ "•'r.mrin fo re- won top honors In the National was read before an altar decor- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graham and er and wife of Lowell called at the i A.iJ'fc ilT .™. * y enjoyable time and ^d all 7rtandodl ® - " "«" CaIedoMr.r and Mrs. Fred Spencer and noon. His widow Jessie has ouri 'cora Ford exoects to re^ j Mr. Joppa celebrated his 80th Pennington of Rockford and Henry at John Ball Park, Saturday. CTHOMflS STOWS horsepulling contest at Richmond, ated with candelabra and urns Mra. Jarold Raab and children at- Earl Qlidden home Friday night. Mrs. n«rviu birthday having ice cream and John DeOood. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Richarde was brought down M . Aldrlch, were among the 100 ana xsumm Nelboer of Kalamazoo Mich filled with wh'.te gladioli. Mr. and Mra. Leon DeVrlei and tended the Peel reunion at Mt. rf 1 w k J ^ , . tt, week and is feeling much better. a birthday cake for all. Maude John DeOood of Ada on Saturday be -iy Cheryl of Orand Rapids call- to St. Mary's hospital Thursday for relatlve'zxa wh o zzxzattended the AldrlcAShah -—Ton the Grand and Sally Hartom of Bellevue. . tx orsrs" " Recent Ruests of Mn. Minnie | The aololst, Mra. H. Martin aang Pleasant, Saturday. Methodis t Church News l^'ickoJ hnd Emmett Sheehan, who returned! Tom—"Vot Is der best vay to milk • MrB Norma Frost and Mrs. Sleugerlend and Mrs. Fred Poel evening in the Ada Commuhlty ed on her father, Oscar Shrlver So/f Service treatment. Reunion at Townaend Park Sun- Mrs. Perry Daimouth of Ada "Becauae", "Ood Oave Me Tou" and Roy Blgler of Wyoming Park j MM ° -''X- ^hom e from St. Mary's hospital on a cow?" B\*nck Francisco spent one after- Deardorf and daughter Bernice of Orand Rapids called on him A good crowd attended church Beach. Drive and Mrs. Hlldreth of Grand- |"Bless This House", with Mra. Reformed church. Rev. Kolen- nnd family Monday evening. called on hla aunt and uncle, Mr. T Mrs. Wilbur Tyler left Butter-'day Honored guests were Mr. and M Tim—ine mimy -a,. • moon were Mr. and Mn. R. Deardorf of Sunday. Sunday, considering the many on I Mr. anda Mrs. Basil Hayward vllle called on Mrs. M. A. Watson ,Tuesda^ y of last week•- . Is convales•Ka!- Tlm-The milky '*•-way J.~ I "AAarsuppos va"e noon WMk wlth Mr|, Gertl<, Martin Slater organist. brander also presided at the Sun- Mr. and Mra. Harley Mullen nnd and Mra. Howard Batta Friday to .worth hospital Saturday and re- Mrs. Nye's uncle, Lee Aldrlch and Tom-No, silly. It's de udder vay. Braiii, Ind. Everyone was glad to have Mr. day hiornlng church services. Thursday, Friday and Saturday vacations. Surely miss our choir, I™""® Sunday evening lunch guests Monday afternoon. j-njeaoay oi .. — i The bride wore a white marquis- daughter Mnrlon of Grand Rapids tell them of a baby boy, born to turned to her home In Clarksvllle. wife of Santa Monica, Calif. Mr. 0 and r8 n,ce,y He up about the Mr. and Mrt. Horace Myers at- and Mn. Oood back for Sunday ithough they deserve a vacation i ' V'- ^ * Norton Avery at We were pleased to see In Friday, ^ - ette gown over taffeta formed In Elgin Miller attended the annual were Sunday evening callern .of them at St. Mary'a hospital on SPECIALS John Mlshler and wife with WmJand Mra. Lee Aldrlch were enroute « .thei1r cottage at Skally Lake. tended the Nash-Kelvinator picnic services. We all enjoyed the sing- too. Mrs. Henry Klahn added a .t™ " couag* ^ -• ir.U- - — Aug. 4. Press, picture of a' |prlnceaa lines, with a aweet-heart picnic held at Johnson Park on Mr. nnd Mrs. Vern Aldrlch. Thuraday. Speer and wife were at St. Clair to St. Louie to attend a Toast In Urand Rapids. ling by June Oood. Mary Oood, beautiful bouquet of her roses to' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yelter enter- former Alto boy. Harold Yelter. 'neck nnd lace yoke. The full skirt Saturday for employees of the Mr. nnd Mn. John Hertling nnd Mrs. Sam Onan and Mrs. Carl Saturday night and Sunday. Mr.'Masters Convention snd will then ta,ned t, e,r 8 n , e a Hospilal Guild No. 16 held Its reg- nnd Harriet Stienfort. iTe Scribe's bouquet and the pretty | ? ° .. ? ' * .H" |TOrme•wnonor (irnwuiKAito d(n ans an boy we used germinated In n long train. Her Kelvlnntor company. family of Conklln called on her Wood of Lowell called on their Speer will teach at St. Clair ths'go to Wsshlngton to attend Con- vase waa greatly prized as her'Mrs. Robert Yelter of Grand ^P" whose drawings ular meeting last Friday evening Mr. Kingsley Miller brought his Isrress. to place in store windows, for us bridal veil of Illusion was held Mrs. Andrew Miller nnd Elgin parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shrlv- mother and grandma* Mrs. Levi coming year. ,d or n er lal10 l p,acto eadmir in 840e 1an d we arc sure he with Mrs. Alberta Kauffman. mother. Mrs. Mabel Miller Clark departeaepanoud daughter, Inex, brough„ t It | "ADo ' m/' " a. d —th- nr.nw.!- In place with a headdress of ornnge Miller motored to Alto on Sunday er. nnd were dinner guests of Mr. Cooper, Wednesday. Cheese Food 211,79c I to her, when on - B-..™ I About W_ ttan ed ^ « Grange!.,, oHmlp(l A Mr. and Mn. Jay Leece and chil- Frank Martin spent Sunday with Wingolsr Rsunlon to her, when on a trip to Europe l c ^ park Saturday. deserves his position as Instructor of St. Petersburg, Fla., to visit 'blossoms and she carried n bou- to take Miss Sada Wilson and and Mrs. Clinton Johnson, Sundny. Mr. and Mra. Andrew Zoet and dren visited at the home of his Mn. Reusch. his daughter Marilyn at Kalamaxoo. Mr. Rose Winxeler, Mr. and Mrs. In 1980. Inez also enjoyed , i | the dinner games andj|of Art Cente„ r QallerGalleryy SchoolSchool,, anandd quet of white gladioli and white Mn. Esther Harris on a long Mn. Walter Flynn, Terry nnd John Welland were Sunday dinner Salad Bowl Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Yonkers of Fol OW nR of Art Cent uncle nnd mint, Mr. nnd Mrs. K. " - - - «—j T>..nt/U Mr. the "Passion Play" which was Signing made a pleasant afternoon. j,|g mBny friends here wish him Mr. nnd Mn. C. O. Ayers called roses. . T motor ride. Ilnrry spent Inst Tuesday with her guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boes- Caledonia visited Wm. Speers and l w Ouy, near Woodland on Sunday 0 0r d given every ten years ,ln fact heri Mr an(j John Whitmyre lot8 succeB|,. on Mn. Baker finding her n little Mrs. Carol E. TuttW, sister of the pnrents, Mr. and Mn. Vern Loring kool in Ornnd Rapids. wife at the John Mlshler homo :an*^d "Mr ^B E ^0 ?r ^,2?' ^ evening. Mr. Ouy. who some time The nnnunl reunion of the An- main urge to go to Europe. Don and chiidren Donald, Kenneth and i Mr9 R n Bancroft and daugh- Improved. ,bride atended an matron of honor in Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dnhlke on Friday night. - - Stelnhllber and ago. underwent major surgery, is derson family was held on Sunday 00 aclt w, Dennie Is a very efficient Junior j^ancy of Okemos were Sunday ^ers, Jeanne and Barbara attend- Mr. nnd Mn. Schantis had a host nnd bridesmaids were Mrs. Law- Miss Bnrbarn McDinrmld of East Cascade Road will hold open Ardlth Knowles of aimax was'* •' of'Oihkooh, s.1Mr. wKl still bedfast, but Is showing im- nt Johnson Park with fifty-five Salad Dressing 139c Superlntendent and Marie Wleland . 0f Mr. and Mrs. Emerson the wingeier reunion at Fallas- of callers among them were. Mr. rence Smith and Miss Irene Roaell. house Sundny Aug. 14 from 2 till the guest of her aunt, Mra. Wildsr, Mrs. David Waahburn and family provement. members of the fnmlly attending Orand Rnpids "Is spending this [burg Park Sunday. and Mrs, Wm. DePree of Grand wearing Identical gowns of aqun, I p. m., celebrating their golden last week. o' Flint and Mr. and Mrs. Dan who hae supplied aas organist,. P^playys fatauffepuffer,r burg Park Sunday. Mn. Naomi Burkland was the from Grand Rnpids, Ada. Muske- week with her Grandma Shrlver. especially wel-l Mr. and Mrs. Bur-*>•—-11 -- ^ancy Beukema attendinattendingg ! MrMr . and Mrs.. Emerson Colby ofof Rapids. Mr. and Mrs, Oeo. Herman, and pink marquisette over taffeta, wedding. All friends nnd neighbors Basil Thompson, wife and son!Wingeier and children attended Mr|| tXCfWClSE NORMAL PRECAUTIONS AGAINST week-end guest of her sister and gon, Kent City and other nearby and nunt, Mn. Clinton Johnson. ma and family of Grand Rapids Ooldan Wedding of her broth- Battle Creek were Sunday visi- Mn. Edith Shaw, Mrs. Lucy Otifc, [with off-shoulder bodice and full are Invited. with Mrs. Wilder and daughter the Wingeier reunion at . Fallaa- th6 husband. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lott. icommunltles. A fine potluck din- Mr. nnd Mn. Walter Flynn nnd ... err anando Bsister-m-ian|ater.|n.]aw , Mr—. and Mrs. tors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. EXPOSURE TO A COMMUNICABLE OlSEASt Mrs. Albert Wierlnga. Mrs. Olenn 'skirts. Their headdresses were family were Thursday evening call- Mr. and Mra. Peter Buys called Spam cm 37c were In Freeport Saturday night to .burg Park, Sunday. Bonnie Win- who are vacationing at Campau - - a 1- Henry Slater and attended the John Willis, Francis Seese and Agel Glass of Saugatuck Saturday. Steele. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schantz ner was enjoyed nt noon and attend the benefit ball game ln,gclor won a prise for youngest In Lake were most welcome visitors. made of matching tulle and they en of Mr. and Mn. Herbert Flynn on her brother, James Sytsema and Bivvcaivs vs-w •— —'fourth generation nnd Mrs. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Fay Ptckney of funeral of their uncle. Will Schra- Edward Anderson attended a school 'games were played. Mr. and Mrs. Will whoever has Ye Scribe's tall fi and Mi^ and Mrs. Arden Schants, carried bouquets of contrasting family on Breton Road, Sunday officers' meeting in Orand Rapids Boyd Anderson and George, and on Kraft Avenue. •honor of Norval Thaler. iGrand Ledge and brother, Earl der. CONTACT WITH Charlene and S-weeks-old Chris, colored gladioli. evening. white vaoe with handles, kindly Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rlcketts Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mn. Kenneth Andenon Mr. and Mrs. Elwln Flynn nnd Plckney of Saranac, came Sunday Rev. A. P. Maruta and Dan and i Rollln Lamphear. brother of the jleave It on the porch as It Is and family of Big Rapids and Mr. I NEW GROUPS OF Mrs. Erin Johnson had as a house attended from Ada. family called on hie brother, Wal- to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fair- Leah Fischer. jbrlde was best man nnd aeating State prisoners are working or, Potatoes 'phUSe needed. |and Mrs. Ralph Opper of Lansing guest several days last week, an old ter nnd family, Sunday child and Earl remained for an Robert Fox of Cascade was tak- PEOPLE SHOULD friend from Norway, the ladles hav- the guests were Carol Tuttle and Mrs. Maude Cooper was a guest park development In four conserva- jvlslted their cousins. Mr. and Mrs en to a hospital In Orand Rapids Alto Locals Indefinite stay, ing been in the same class when The U. S. Navy Ships' Store at Lawrence Smith, brothers-in-law of of her daughter, Mra. Sam Onan tion department park and recro- rj...... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Deming and Lloyd Hess Saturday. 66 AVOIDED. Yokesuka. Japan, operates a chick- the bride. A nieva, Kalhle Jvan on Monday where he was placcd atlon areas—Porcupine mountains, j Mf«. Ro»c Stfiinhllbcr and moth- they tnined for nursing 27 yean and family In Lowell, Sunday, cele- ** rlenas wcrc sorry to nwir or ia,. A *—i— en ranch which supplies eggs to Tuttle was flower girl and Alfred on the critical list. Mr. Fox has Tahquamenon Falls, Waterloo and CANNING SUPPLIES er, Mrs. Rose Wingeier of Orand •go brntlnff her birthday with a chick- th. Pa..l„K of Winiun Schrader Z L? Mur" ng .„d general mess and commissary. Picrron was ring bearer. been ill at his home for a long Pontlac Lake. Rapids spent Wednesday and S .turday evening supper guests en dinner nnd birthday cake with at his farm south of Alto and wish | , Following the ceremony a re- while. ca led on Mr >nd MrB Bni NBJ h jThursday at the farm with the all the fixings. , to express sympathy to his widow, there ception for 280 guests was held Rev. and Mn. Henry L. Rust Mr. and Mra. Howard Batts were Fewer words begin with X than VlM{tr gel. 49c 'Dan Wingeier family. Jessie Diefenbaker Shrader, Mr8 J.,,,, RECE,VE(J IOADT In the church parlor. former pastor at Ada Congrega- dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. 'any other letter. |Mra. of greetings and remembrances Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Palmer and other relatives. and daughter of Grand Rapids ^JH€ CLEANLINESS Mr. and Mra. Robert VanAtta tional church and now living at Harm Batts in Orand Rapids, Wed- Mrs. E. D. Yelter Is still very low from her many friends on her Mth will be at home after August 31 birthday. Mrs. Stella Warner called Sunday night lunch guests of Sherburn. Minn., called on friends nesday. Kosher Silt cm libs. 13c and no visitors are allowed. We jat 1110 Baldwin St., Orand Rapids. on her mother Sunday and Mra. |Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hess Of EVERYTHING Ill's So In Ada this past week. I Mr. and Mra. L. J. McCaul and hope for better news next week. Mra. Harriett Squires of Orand jchlidren went fishing at Rattgan IVaF aal WattT*oat~s» waa also a caller. PHOIIE ^ 532 214 EflST^mflin Mrs. Edle Samborn st Grand Mr. and MrsMrn. Emerson Stauffer , TAKEN INTO THE Rapids was a Sunday guest of Lake. Thursday Gary caught a 14- • - » m TT Egypt Orange NeUt Jelly Qlitsei ioz. )9c Rapids called on Mrs. Myrnla Has- attended the funeral of T. H. Co- 11 McCurHe—F Mr. and Mra. Bernard Rooker and Inch pike, and was n very happy Friday and Soturdoy SpocM klns of Campau Lake Friday and nant In Lowell Saturday afternoon. u CdSCdde /V\0UTH MUST BE Egypt Orange will sponsor a Sunday evening Mra. Squires and boy. Mra. Margaret Hornstra - -- rw«r» Mrs. Effle Cox was a dinner guest of Mrs. Emma Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dygert hamburg stand at the 4-H Fair Mr. Rooker motored to Peach To Tke c.ught a 21 Mi Inch pike, Saturday C iMofflt and the Pattlsons. and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Silcox CAREFULLY GUARDED, to be held at Lowell, Aug. 16 to Ridge Road to visit Mr. and Mrs. morning. Ziie II Tops doz. 29c Mi8S Su8an A ne•.w an oia l mn,wel.l is being drilled drove to Crooked Lake near Delton Bentley is 111. Aug. 19. Various members of the Qoorge Williams. Mr. and Mra. Robert Aldrlch and c, , . HOUSES SHOULD BE Dulcb Apple Pie 48c oant campaMr. anud LakeMrs. Lyle Ellis' farm iSundaSunday and visitevisueda Mrmr.. an«i.du Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charlie Quiggle fl | grange will be In attendance each Mr. and Mra. Webb Ward spsnt — • AU Mra. Etta Peters of Grand Rapids at MrCampa. andu MrsLak. eHarol d Matternlck Valda Chatterdon In their trailer, [entertained Mrs. Ida Sinclair of| day. Saturday night and Sunday in were Sunday guests of Mr. and SCREENED "AND CONTACT WITH FLIES SHOULD Cn Ribbors P^So and children called on their father, Mr. Chatterdon is employed by the [Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown The date for the Egypt Grange Grand Rapids visiting Mr. and Mn. Eugene Dahlke and Larry. Matt Matternlck at Morse Lake Meyers Construction Co.. and he j and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis FAIR! annual Fall Festival haa been set Mrs. Clayton Mallsry. Mr. and Mn. Peter Buys went Mill Finirad Coeeaait Marii{ia BE AVOIDED. for Friday, Sept. 9, and further Mr. and Mra. Webb Ward ind to Big Star Lake Thursday with Sunday Last Thursday Matt had i? •mployed by the Consumers for Sunday dinner. GOLLUI INN the misfortune to have some tlm- P™" Co., In Kalamawo Those who visited at the J. Cox TQ DO. WHEN POLIO STRIKES notice of plans for the festival will Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson and Mr. and Mra. John Kleinheksel of Layer Caka 55c Mr a bte announced later. ' . hers fall on his leg and has been nd Mrs. M. A. Watson. La- home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. family of Rockford were guests of McCords. a d Me^ ,e Mr ar 41 16 CALL YOUR IMMEDIATELY! Mr and Mra. Maurlcs Ward at the confined to his bed alnce, but we °° " . • - " " Ch " " Houseman and daughter WvSciAN Mr. and Mrs. L M Douglass were Tsmts Jiies can hoop not for long. ^ « ft and mother, Mrs. Martin House- IMM THIS WEEK Ada Locale Ionia Fair on Tuesday. dinner guests of Mr. and Mra. Geo. man ui Why Wale.. What a difference the omission 5*°" dinner at Sun- an of Lowell, Mr^ and Mrs. H. EARLY APPLICATION OF K^NNY TREAT- Mra. Kittle Carr spent Sunday Glllstt of Delton, Saturday. 4tti. |Trlnem r and son of Reed City. Mr. I Mra. Robert Morris. Mra. Myrta with her friend Mra. Laura Foun- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Raab and and Mrs Robert Cox and family of Nellist and Mra. Orison Weaver Jiiee cai W. Miv.r of "a"s" means, oans I^t was Mrs. Smith i MENT IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE. I; tain at Whltneyville. — Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. A. family of Eden, his mothsr, Mrs. motored to Silver Lake Tueaday who attended the library meeting LOWELL—4-11 FAIR Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mra. Reab of Caledonia and Mr. and Houseman of Grand Rapids. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN ARRANGE FOR afternoon to vlait Mra. Joe Svob- A, t#rn n and not the Dr.. as he Is far too Ira Teeple and Mra. Jennie Grant Mrs. Vic Kivenen and family of Closad Thuraday i *®ll 1 t Mr and Mrs. Gerret Hesslink of oda. ibusy a man, even If so Inclined were Clarence Teeple of Dearborn Grand Rapids wen guests of Mr. Pineipple Jiiee 47c Grand Rapids were Friday evening Ntxt Wttk—-August 16 Hmi II Mr. and Mra. Robert Morris. Mr. and there Is no Charles Dlntaman. APMITTANCE TO A KENNY TREAT- and Terry. Bonnie and Sharon and Mra. Jarold Raab and family o-n """""al p*. guesta of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox. and Mra. Walter ARon Sr.. and Ibut Paul Dlntaman and fnmlly /MVOID SWIWWN6 \N Frybler of Grand Rnpids. Saturday, evening. Jca Novitsky COLBY Mrs. Frank Lewis and Mrs. MENT CENTER,WHERE FULL KENNV Mr. and Mra. Charles Cramton are nicely settled. Mra. Lois Wakefield left for ACEWCY iCharlie Quiggle were In Grand enjoyed a motor trip to Hastings Mrs. Mildred Tobias returned POLUUTCO WATER. Wt Wtkomt You to Stt Our Exhibitu At the Gulf of Guinea where the Coldwater Thuraday to attend her Fresh Friits aid VeielaMes Rapids tthis past week. TREATMENT IS APPUE0 BY SPECIALLY- on Saturday afternoon and a pic- I home Friday after two weeka with prime meridan crosses the equator family reunion and return Sunday. —to Mokt YourstH at Homt in Our nic supper A* the park at Hast- her daughter. Mra Raymond Web- rtVM:?.TTH | If you want a "new look" lor at sea level, the earth's surface has ster and family of St. Clair Shores. TRAINED KENNV TECHNICIANS Tout. ings. neither longitude, lattltude nor alti- {that favorite salad and meat plat mm N Mr. and Mrs. John Fryling and ! er add a bit ot The children of Ada are attend- tude. Bo Sura snd Sea Charles 1. Colb^1 yL *11 ' ' dissolved gelatlr. N summer bible school thia week family and Mlsa Arlene Noorman L/larkSVllle to cottage cheese and mold Into a ORIGINAL CONCEPT AND F n • being held at the Ada Community of Home Acres called on Mr. and Office: 381 A|i 'ring. Turn o&t In the center of a Mrs. Ira Fryling Sunday a^ernoon 0 TREATMENT OF POLIO HAVE ELIMINATED WANY OF THE AFTER-EFFECTS OFT«£ DISEASE LET'S MAKE IT THE iEST PAIR YET! I Reformed church. On Friday eve- Rei.: 3421 j platter or tray and fill with canta k SpocM for August C. H. Runeimii Co. InpleniMt Sales and Mr. and Mra. Rusoell DoGood ning a program will be given by y QfJKti aifrt loupe balls. Arrange a variety ol the children at eight o'clock and of Grand Raplda and Mr, and Mrs. ¥• ItOiny —"" MTV I ready-to-serve meats arounaruundu thw.«e. R. Fryling of East Paris wsre avo- M everyone Is given a cordial Invita- FREE INSTALLATION NEW LOW-PRICED DODGE - - - - »Re s .! 3 I 5 I i fottajse cheese and garnish with Office- 242 tion to attend. ef the Following Paris Manty-Harrii Exhibit nlng callers. parsley 01 endivt>. WITTENBACH Rev. William. Kolenbrander of Mr. and Mra. Alvln Bergy and Preston, Minn., was a dinner guest Qsnerston Stsrters •t tho Mnble wore among the many from on Saturday of Mr. and Mra. John Carburstora here who attended the funeral of SALES ft SERVICE Adrianse. Rev. Kolenbrander has William Schrader at Caledonia For Regular Price 720 W. Main St. Phone 227 Lowell, Mich. been spending the past week at OIVES MORE FOR THE MONEY! Sunday afternoon, then they drove Other Parts Prices Reduced 4-H Club Fair, Lowtll, Aufuit 16-19 ^InternBllonal'Harvetter Trucks, Tractors. Farm Equipment an Holland with relatives. to Grand Rapids and called on Mr. ^ Refrigeration A Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Fitch and and Mrs. M. E. Bergy and all visit- Weeks Auto Ports ed Mr. and Mra. Harry Lunsford y Jamesway Barn Equipment Annalee Furner spent Saturday In Tractors, Combmes ami A FiH Line tf Firm Ttols Orand Rapids and while there Phone 447-F2 Lowell and aon David and were their Firestone Tires VALUE i they visited Mr. and Mra. Jacob r i cl6t7 Repairs and Senrices | lunch guests Wonderful New Comfort J. Weber. i Mr. and Mra. Frank Brew called on Dr. and Mra. Goorge Grablel • • ,>v' ' • ' . • NEW IDEA Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. George Yager of SMITTYS H El M TEXACO Manure Sprtadtrs. Hoy Tools, Com Plckors, Husk- Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Helm abVISIm Cl^i11^CKPvCisWiS1 rfcam QilQsmm^ i wvO'jQnSi K^pQIrSDM Onw ZH?iC ^ ^viCv ^. John Linton ar% spending a week CITIES SERVICE at Campau Lake In one of the % I Nobles cottages. New Convenience I Easiest car ever made to get Trojan Motor Oil—Graase Chassis DUNHAM CO. When the news reached Al o (s New Caavsolsassl Eayie Washing Lubrication into and out of! Women enter and leave Lubrication • Rtal* I Ijiimji."'narrows* , wusnpacKsrsulalMMoLAM , Korary poorSf*.,ui uuirts - of tho terrible trndegy of Edwin with dignity. Common sense engineering of Tlra Repair UISN Williams. 21 ye»rs old of naar a, wider doorways, and natural itep-in entrances Acme Mllemastsr Tires Soft Drkinq Moons Hovinq o Soft Cor . . . Thot mulchaift Freeport, when his chute f ]®d to make it seem absurd ever to have to Havoline Motor Oil open at the Hastings Fair Satur- Acme Batteries—1 yr. guarantee Hos Iten Chtcktd Regularly ly Your Servkt wrestle your way in and out of a car. WIARD PLOW CO. day. friends were saddened. Edwin Phone 414 E. Main St Station. To Noqkct Ttiis Weekly Core of Your Cor Firestone Tires Batteriei drove truck for Bergy Bros about | M EM ^ ma * ~ a year ago and made many friends "Your Satisfaction le Our iracror riows Is as Donqerous os Possinq on o HIM. Toke Core of Phone 1114 East Msln St This was supposed to be his laat Satisfaction!" Your Cor... It Wl Pay off in Safety and Efficiency performance nnd he was to enter GOODYEAR MSC In September. of Operation. Messrs and Mesdames Walter ILUE MILL SERVICE Tractor Tiros, Truck and Impltmtnt Tlrts 0 01 Now Power-M... Reuhs of Caledonia. Em"" "^ ; Peter MuMor by of Bnttle Creek, Floyd Teller HI-SPEED GAS ALEXANDER S STANDARD SERVICE STARLINE and George Wleland. called on For that Earl Colby Sunday. FuN Lino of lorn Equipment Raymond and Paulina Murray of VERN ARMSTRONG end Moblloil Lowell are spending this week Phone IB Lubrication / Waehlnf with their grandparents. Mr. and LOWELL Mrs. Raymond Pitsch and little Steam Cleaning • Under-Coating Lubrication - * Hl-Spood Oils Alice Murray, their sister, spent Tlra Vulcanising and negalr Wood Sprayers last week with their grandparents. Expert Car Washing A SpocTalty Minnie Bouche of Lansing tiroe - BaltoH* PAX called on Mr. and Mra. Frank Lee Tires letteriee an d Kline Tuesday . Ant Terfctr i-door Mtfaa with iVernor Lynn and girlfriend, who It Yoart on the Comer ef«Metn Phono IN W. Main It Hoy Feeders ood Woterers PRESTOMATIC FLUID DRIVE* TRANSMISSION , St and Hudeen St Is also employed at Sears In Grand -Jriw wiAoml,hi/time Too eeoW pay o Hboosonrf doMors more and *111 nof 90# off the extra Rapids, were Friday afternoon New Smeether Drivlnfl Chrysler's mighty YORK'S FRIENDLY I. Z. FLOW I visitors of tho Klines. Spitfire engine now has still higher — M VfMOOdtaaA Mr. and Mra. Lee Aldrlch, Sr., of New Ntier Steering 1 In one of Or namJiinij e e % •ofnoi/s uttp^nuui/fffiyr v?r i/v\iy»r Cat All These Ixtra Value kiifivi remnitr unu DivQQwiiiTvr> compression for faster acceleradon; hr QaaBty PMp M SERVICE Santa Monica. Calif., Mrs. DorU New WWer CMMtelfM ImHI We don't the great advances since the smoother response. And along fold you up like a "jackknife." You H. J. York Feataras Al Ne litre Ceil I West of Monrovia. Osllf.. ^r and war, we give you new "center with its better all-aronnd •it comlortably in seats the height control' steering. For tho OVn you eoo ; i. wbca you drive the nsw and writing OWATONNA Mra. Ira BeacMr of performance goes an amaxing MoMqos Moblloil ' MRiXnlg n6W rnCeS Jennie Aldrlch oi of your easy chairs st home. We've first time, tie rods of equal new Waterproof Ign ition System more headroom, legroom, and KELLETS SERVICE WAYFARER, youll wonder at the comfort, the per- START AS LOW, AS Dodfo gyrol Ruid Drivo and Mra Lee Aldrlch length give you balanced control. There's no wheel fight. that's exclusive with Chrysler. You can drive through GILLETTE and MOBIL Tints Steel Elevoton shoulder room for you. And no other fonnanoe, the honcet-to-goodaoss valor that gives more High Compietilon "Oe»- t Thero's greater road stability, easier handling, less high water or play a hose on the engine but it Harold Kolly Af "IfAA Delivered In land' family. Mr. and Mrs. George car has ever been so completely Acceeaoriee — Car Washing A EUtaaliSA Hu road shock. Tes, snd greater safetv, too—for every- won't stall. You get quicker starting, even in dampest Msurice Alexander is opersting this tino, clean Standard Service on Isr jroor mooftj la this new kower-priml Dodge. j tngmo Hunting and Mra. ^U nUng, engineered from the fundamentals up for your thing about this car is designed for safer driving. The the corner of Main and Hudson streets. He has had wide experience Mobil Lubrication fl 799 LOWELL VAC A WAY all of Rockford wero Sunday guests weather, smoother idling, longer life. To raauy Lee Tiros Auto-Llte •atterioe Kasislai Preteclea IfsiMon comfort, your convenience, your peace of new instrument cluster, in your line of vision appreciate this fine car ask for a demonstration today! in the servicing of automobiles and is always on the Job to take care with Group I accessories. of Mra. Harold R. Nye and mother, TWe's head room sad hat rooaa... leg room and elbow System mind. Yon don t even have to press a starter buttoa. on the steering wheel, reduces driving strain. Auto Aecoeseries of your needs. Available here ara the widely known Standard Gae 15% Discount on Taxoe and license extra. *sfrol n«W Ome rooca .,. eoats with knee-level support to crsdle you in Mra. Aldrlch. Turn the ignition key and the engine purrs. and Quaker Stste and Permalub Oils, Atlss Tires, aatteriee and Delce-Remy snd Mshll Batterlee Prices subject to change Floating Pa war Mra Fred Pattlson and mother, Grassing • Washing • Groceries without notice. Accessories. Be sure and make this one of your rogular stops for solid comfort. There's the thrill of Rsshing pickup from Full Floating Cra^M Ride RUTTLER Mra. Emma MoffU luncheon bridge at the service and you will bo pleased with the courteous attention you re* Uf E. Main Phona lit the new high-compreasioa "Get-Awsy" engine ... stepped day with 1002 W. Msln St Phono 1101 Knea-laval Seats Steel Stock Tooks homo. Guwts wore Mrs ceive. Cor. Main and Jackson St former's •—i — — — __ _—_ up in power hut squee-sing extrs miles from every tsnkful Pattlson and Mra. Nell Safo-Ouard Hyslraultc irakae Frank of gas. And as an sdded thrill, there's the proved smooth- MOW MASTER Baldwin of Grand Cydebond Doubla-llfe iraka L. A. Brown and Mrs- John HodR^ REAR ALIGNMENT VIC S AUTO SERVICE neas of Dodge gfrol Fluid Drive. All this for just a few ARFS SHELL SERVICE ALEXANDER'S Lining Rotary Power Mower man of Whltneyville Rd. and Miss dollars more thsn the lowest priced cars! Get ready for Vic Clamant STANDARD SMVICE Safaty-ftim Wheals Brown of Chicago. Mra. Art Gross spring and eum- erowu won first and Mra. Nell Leonard X-Tane Gaeoilna Maurice Alexander Your Dodge Dealer can quickly prove your dotlsra wffl Supar-Cuihlon That EXCELLO 0 •nor driving. Cor' - M DODGE Baldwin second prise. Created by CHRYSLER rect mis-aligned Armstrong Tiros go farther aad to will you ia a aaw Dodge Wayfarer I UJRVFRRER Mr and Mra. John Gilbert of Complete Motor Service Power Mowers and Lawn Sweeps jpaloAlto, Calif., arrived Sunday to >nd unbalanced Wiliard A Auto Lito Battoriee AMas Tires BalUrisd*H wheels. SAV Acceeaoriee spend the remainder of tbelr vaca- Shollubricstlon • Shell Motor Oils FIRE WEAR. Export Repair Service on All tion with their parants. Mr. and 222 NEST MAIN STREET Quaker Stala - Permalub Oils Makoe of Cara Mrs. Bwlft Wlnefar. Mlsa Addle Flroatono Tiroa • Battoriee Wood of Grand Rapids Is also visit- ... LONELL MWM L E. JOHNSON Lubrication C H. RUNCIMAN CO. MCQUEEN MOTOR CO. fi. Lubrication Greasing ing at tha Wlnafara, Other Sunday Accoesoriee i oi Accoesoriee in St. Lowell IMPLEMENT SALIS visltora wora Bernice and Pat Trout Phono 84 Lowoll Corner Main 0 Hudaan Bt Roy Nixon, Mgr. Lowell, Mich. Phone 31 of Grand Raplda and Mr. aad Mra. 1211. Main St Phono lilt Cor. Main and Vergennes Rd. •M W. Main St Phono mn Gaorga BWdawra. H TEN THE LOWELL LEDQE MICHIQAN, THUWtDAY. AUOUtT 11, 1M«

SOCIAL EVENTS WEDDING BELLS WEDDING BELLS Wingeier Reunion DeLeeuw—Biilard Summera—Waltz WHY ! Margaret E. Walti, daughter of The Wingeier family held their Saturday night, July 28, the Mr. and Mra. A. O. Walt*, Beech- annual reunion at Fallasburg Park home of Rev. and Mrs. James Ball- wood-ave., became the bride of with over 130 in attendance. A ard of McCords waa the scene of BETTER FEED HoPace M. Summers Saturday aft- census waa taken and Mra. Mary a pretty wedding when their ernoon at the Cascade Church of Wingeier, 70, is the oldeat living daughter Caryl Jean was united Radio Strvice Co. ? Christ. Mr. Summers Is the son member of the family. Thoea from In marriage to Kenneth DeLeeuw, out of state were from Oshkosh, son of Mr. and Mra. William De- of Maurice C. Summers of Lowell. Wis., and Columbus, Ohio. Leeuw, by her father, In the pres- Rev. Lester Doerr performed the 1. Radio Experience Since Before Broadcast- ceremony ence of the Immediate families. Barbara VanVolkenburg of Hol- ing. Bridal Shower Mra. Marguerite Stauffer aang land was the maid of honor and Mlrw Arleen Roth, bride-elect of "Becauae" and "I Love You Truly" the bridesmaids were Marcla Van- 2. The Finest and Most Up-To-Date Equip- BETTER RESULTS! accompanied by her alater, Mra. Gordon Edwarda, was honored derMeer and Barbara Carr, cousins with a bridal shower last Thursday Eileen Flynn, who alao played the »f the bride. ment. evening. Mrs. Jerold Jasperse waa traditional wedding march. Cecil Good of Lowell assisted hostess to twenty friends and For her wedding the bride choae Mr. Summers as best man and 3. Complete Stock of Tubes and Parts. school chums. Games were played a pink crepe ' dreaa with floral the guests were seated by Thomas and dainty refreshments served, jdealgn. Her coraage waa of white Half and Phillip Johnson of Low- 4. Many Years of Reliable Service In This and More Money in after which Arleen opened her gladioli with roae buds. elL many lovely gifts. | Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. After a wedding trip to northern Location. On July 30, Miss Roth was the Jerome Tegg of Dutton and Mr. Wisconsin and Michigan the cou- recipient of many lovely gifts at a nnd Mra. Donald Burmelater of ple will make their home In Hol- 5. Your Troubles and Requirements Can be miscellaneous shower held In Lans- iGrand Rapids. land. ing In her honor at the home of Following the ceremony refresh- Explained to the Man Who Does the Work. Your Pockets Mrs. Gall Edwards. Games were ments of Ice cream and wedding played and a delicious luncheon cake were served by Barbara and 6. A Service Organization and Not a Sales served. Shirley Wlnslow and Bonnie Hoag. Organization—You Won't Be Asked to Buy! Farewell Party and Shower CHALK TALK ARTIST AT ALTON BIBLE CHURCH 7. Experienced Work is Most Economical. Mrs. Pauline Grimes and Mrs. Henry Wood entertained their Mrs. Esther Frye, chalk talk art- • / . and Television too bridge club at the latter'a home ist, will be at the Alton Bible Wednesday evening. The occasion Church on Sunday, Aug. 14, at was a farewell party and hand- JJO.-SO a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Mr. Frye kerchief shower for Mrs. Kenneth will assist with special music. 5 Radio Service Co. Lybolt, who moved to her new The dally vacation Bible School > homo In Midland Friday. which was held recently was the s R. G. CHROUCH The following ladles were pres- |largest school ever held at Alton M with the high attendance of 109. ) I/ It has a tube we service it" ent. Mrs. Richard Court, Mra. New- s A BEAUTIFUL WEDDING ^ 206 B. Main ton Grlmwood, Mrs. Harry Stauf- Phone 206 fer, Mrs. Kenneth Pletcher, Mrs. WITH FLOWERS Jack Thorne and Hrs. Howard Thurtell. Jr. Hordy Perennials S No wadding complete without Everyone expressed regret at the S flowers. Our floral axparta Lybolt's leaving and wished them Early Flowering Mums ^ will gladly help with your NOW—Protection Against success for the future. : choice of flowera for tha Potted Rosa Buahas in full bloom • bridal party aa wall aa the ? church and reception rooms. Odd Fellows Initiate Class Mixed Bouqueta S Free aatlmataa, POLIO Leonard Okker, Richard Young — Open Dally — and Arnold White took their In- 2 Years for 1 Premium itiatory degree In the L O. O. F. j KIEL'S firooiboitot last week Monday evening at Lodge MRS. FRANK GODFREY ONLY $10.00 FOR ENTIRE FAMILY OR $5.00 2041 In Grand Rapids They were Block waat of Vergennaa Road, sad GIFT SHOP accompanied by Brothers George ^ One block north ef City Hall FOR INKY2DUALS at Fairchlld'a Storage Tanka Hale, Dale Hazel, R G. Chrouch, m-WZ Lowell. Mlohiian, Don Phillips and Orrin Sterken. _____ ' clS-17 JGngWtoj Cmpm ,2041 did a very fine Job for Lowell Peyi Up Te $5,000 for Eech Lodge and the candidates found the ceremonies very Impressive.' Afflicted Perion Social Bravltiac See or Call The Dirty Dozen of Segwun held SEE US AT THE FAIR! LOCAL NEWS thalr annual stag reunion at the "Haunted House" on Flat River GERALD E. ROLLINS Sunday. VWf Ow Sihwrwarn Display Oeofh at th* 4-H 835 W. Main St Phone 404F2 Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith spent Sunday on the Milwaukee Clipper. Fair Auqint 14, 17, 18 aMd 19 aad R»ctlv* Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kropf and Charles McDonald and Mr. and COMING EVENTS FTM CIKMM Mrs. Harry Brlggs were In Grand Your on a 52-pe. Sot ef Wm. Rapids Thursday and attended a birthday dinner p^rty for their Richard Machlele. Kent County Regon & Son SHvorplato. little granddaugher, Pamela Marie Agricultural Agent, will be present Brlggs who was one year old. at the Rotary Club meeUng Wed- David Hoornstra, 7-year-old son nesday, Aug. 17, with some of the of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Z. Hoornstra, 4-H Club exhibitors. W. A. Roth who waa taken to a Grand Rapids Is program chairman for the day. AVERY Jewelers ffcrget the paat. No man hospital last week with pneumonia. Lowell Michigan ever backed into preaper- Is recovering nicely and Is back Cyclamen Chapter, No. 94, O. E. S., •ty. home, but Is still confined to his will hold their regular meeting on bed. Friday. Aug. 12, at Masonic Temple GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS at 8 o'clock. Special business Is to bSSIQN be taken up at this time and the Mk' Twllf alM I Showboat Garden Club Worthy Matron, Mrs. George De- Graw, is desirous of having all The August meeting of Showboat members present. RdlUNS INSURANCE A«ENCY Garden Club was held on Monday 1 8T ' ^ evening, opening with a tour of Mrs. George Hale will entertsdn WE ARE NOW EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU BETTEIt. club gardens. Those visited were | the Social Club of Palestine Shrine at the home of Mrs. Arie Leeman No. 1 of Grand Rapids this Friday, Ward, Mrs. Kenneth Pletcher, Mrs. Now Available JUST BRUSH ON ONE COAT FOR A Jack Fonger, Mrs. Harold Wltten- Aug. 12, with a carry-In dinner at bach, Mrs. Gould Rlvette and Mrs. her home. All White Shrine mem- BEAUTIFUL SAND-TEXTURED WALL Harold Llnd. bers are cordially Invited to attend. FOR A LONG TIME WE HAVE IEEN LOOK- LOWELL Following the tour, the club met at the homeof Mrs. Arle Leeman The Vergennes Methodist Sunday ING FOR A SOURCE OF GOOD QUALITY STRAND™"™! Plaster and Paint in One Application for Its business meeting and pro- Jrhool and the Vergennes Commun- gram. Mra. Harold Wlttenbach, ty Farm Bureau will plcnlck to- MEN S UNDERWEAR AT A LOW PRICE. * chairman for the evening, intro- ether at Fallasburg Park on Sun- lay. Aug. 14, at 12:30 with potluck • Easy to apply—|u»t brush it on. duced Mra. Austin Coons, who gave an informative talk on Delphinium llnner. Ice cream and lemonade will be furnished. Wt Now Havt AvailabU • Scratch proof, chip proof, crack proof. and graciously answered many wi Oyftditiemd ^questions. Mrs. Wlttenbach then • Resist* dust, dirt, firt and water. gave Information about other per- . The Congregational Church and ennials which was the subject for Sunday School picnic will b«rheld at "Fruit of The Loom" Friday - Saturday August 12 - 13 Fallasburg Park, Monday afternoon • UNMATCHED baauty and durability the evening's dslcusslon. —Double Feature— Two new members, Mrs. Carlton and evening, Aug. 22. Ice craam. T-Shirtt 69c Shirts 59c • Insulating and sound-proof qaalrtiat. Runclman, Jr., and Mrs. Lyle Wat- cones, an orange dnnk and coffee terson, were welcomed Into the will be furnished. Bring service A FMTo-mn IR nuuif • Choosa from 14 colon, featuring 5 df«m«tie n#»r club at this time. and dishes of food to pass In accord- Britfs 69c Daeptonas. _ The club adjourned until Sep- ance with the size of the fatnfly. tember 12, when the meeting will Supper at 6:30. For transportation Gd. $4.45 be held at the home of Mrs. Ed call Mrs. Hahn or Mrs. Martha ward Kiel. lall. —Mra. Thelma Hahn, General ftfiflNG Chairman. 15-ld Al Garments Carry Ttys Guarantee: "If This Fruit of Hie Loom Product Does Not Give Lowell Lumber & Coal Co. The Showboat Garden Club will Faratar Phone 16 Bruce Walter Lowell, Mich. bold a bake sale on Friday, Aug. 19, Satisfaction in Use, Return It to Us and You at the Vanity Beauty Shop In Low- ell clS-ie Wl Receive a New One or a Refund of Hie Purchase Price." Sunday • Monday August 14-15 The Vergennes Community Farm \ Clinton P. Zieglar Bureau will have a picnic dinner Shows Continuous Sunday from 2:15 EXPENSE Clinton P. Zlegler, aged 57, of at Fallasburg Park thia Sunday, Cascade, passed away Saturday Aug. 14 at 1:00. Please bring own morning at Butterworth hospital. strvico, a dish to pass, sandwlnbaa Surviving are the widow, Mabla; and enough lemon Juice and augar INSUMNCE two daughters. Jean Zlegler or for your own lemonade. Everyone Cleveland and Mrs. William Jacoby la Invited. MoMahon & Reynolds Also Covtrs of Chicago; two sons, Duane of 100 Main SL Phone 410 Milwaukee and James at homa. The Nth annual reunlop of tha TETANUS — LEUKEMIA — ENCEPHALITIS — Funeral services were held Mon- Long family will be held Sunday, day afternoon with Rev. Lester C. August 14, at South Boatoa Orange SMALL POX — DIPHTHERIA — SCARLET FEVER Doerr officiating. Interment In hall. Cascade cemetery. < ^ AND SPINAL MENINGITIS The St. Rita Circle of St. Mary'a fertlMM Or Imptrthmt Church will hold a bake sale at They Try 'It' Thompson's Sanitary Market Sat- According to Vour View $10.00 Covers Enfirt Family for Year or $5.00 urday morning, Aug. IS. clB Covors on Indivkiuol for One Year If parents had asked more quaa- They Like 'W tions when they were young,they A dish towel parade will be held might not miss as many anawara t the initiation meeting by the on the radio quizz programs today. Women of the Moose Tuesday, Aug- They Buy 'it' • Again ALL MEDICAL EXPENSES PAID UP TO $5,000 When you say a dollar won't do ust 18, at Moose Temple. Mrs. La- as much as It used to, remember Ferne Blackall, publicity. •• PER PERSON that a man won't do aa much for What Is 'k' . a dollar as he used to do. either. There is more than a typograph- Call or Write ^ ical error between goon and good BIRTHS manners, — Lowell Creamery Viteaiin D Also—Porky Chops and News This Is a nation on wheels and To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Polrier, IN E we don't get much mileage to the Homesenixed Milk gallon with government speading. nee Mary Doran, at St. Mary's Tues - Wed. • Thurs. RITTENGER SERVICE j I hospital, Sunday, August 7, a August 16 - 17 - IB A wife Is a woman who explains 210 W. Main St. Phone 144 Lowell, Mich, s her husband's Jokes. ilb. girl, Laura Marie. 400 additional USP Vitamin D Units in every \ | To Mr. and Mrs. William Dawson Stretching material Into shape of Lowell, a 6 lb., 13 oz. boy, at St. quart of Lowel Creamery Homogeniied MHk •f MOTOUOUS while dry Is of no help to the home Mary's hospital, Monday, Aug. 8. j Rittenger Insurance Service—Lowell, Mich sewer. Stretch It while we» and it Order Daily Delivery Now ... a week's trial QUMMtM//, I To Mr. and Mrs. Orie Smith at | Please mail me your descriptive folder and application for S will stay straight when the finish- ed garment Is laundered, suggest St. Mary's hospital August 5 a 5^ will convince you Polio and other specific disease insurance. textiles specialists at Michigan pound daughterir., Diane Betty. State College. Cotton frocks are ! Name I leas likely to lose their shape when CARD OF APPRECIATION I " | MY*MOMS* JAMS FAIGF washed if made from material with I wish to thank my friends and UrT'SBAUIIMIO the threads square with each other. neighbors for cards, flowers and 18trMt I s Lowell Qreanery «• aw nu ••Mia* gifU sent me during my stay In the ^City —State S •IMM.NI The Navy flying boats, MARS, hospital and at home. Tour kind- N, I. GRIMWOOD, PROP. flew an average 7.97 hours per day ness will always be remembered. 208 E. Main St Pflono 87 Selected Shor n md News In 1948 . plS Margaret Dennis.