Silver Line Fact Sheet
SILVER LINE REGIONAL RAIL DFW AIRPORT TO SHILOH ROAD STATION SILVER LINE PROJECT AT A GLANCE 11,200 210,000 2022 10 2040 Weekday Riders Jobs Within 1/2 Mile of Corridor Opening Year Regional Rail Stations 58minutes 26mi $1,135M 4 DFW Airport to Shiloh Road Through 7 Cities Project Budget Rail Connections ($908M RRIF Loan) (Orange, Green & Red LRT, and TEXRail WALK RAIL TRANSFER DAILY S TATION RIDERSHIP PROJECTIONS * Year 2040 28% 29% 2,500 2,000 1,500 DRIVE BUS TRANSFER 1,000 16% 27% 500 Mode of Access 0 Shiloh Addison Knoll TrailUT Dallas DFW North 12th Street DFW Airport City Line/Bush Cypress Waters Downtown Carrollton SERVICE CHARACTERISTICS PROJECT TIMELINE SILVER LINE INITIAL 30/60MIN TEXRAIL INTERFACE PEAK/OFF-PEAK AT DFW AIRPORT & HEADWAY DFW NORTH APRIL 2018 FUTURE 20MIN LIGHT RAIL INTERFACE PROJECT APPROVAL IN DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL PEAK HEADWAY AT 4 LOCATIONS TRANSIT SYSTEM PLAN IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) DESIGN-BUILD 06 14 18 19 22 MAJOR BUS BUS INTERFACE TRANSFER AT ADDISON AT ALL STATIONS 20 20 20 20 20 TRANSIT CENTER ALTERNATIVE AND OCTOBER REVENUE SERVICE ENVIRONMENTAL DFW SKYLINK 224 SEATS CONSIDERATIONS REPORT 2018 INTERFACE AT PER TRAIN FINAL EIS/RECORD OF DFW AIRPORT DECISION ANTICIPATED DID YOU KN OW? WWW.DART.ORG/SILVERLINE The 26-mile alignment traverses three counties (Tarrant, Dallas, and Collin), and seven cities across the northern part of the DART Service Area (Grapevine, Coppell, Dallas, Carrollton, Addison, Richardson and Plano). JANUARY 2020 PROJECT PURPOSE The Silver Line will provide passenger rail connections that improve mobility, accessibility and system linkages to major employment, population and activity centers in the northern part of the DART Service Area, as well as support sustainable growth, local and regional land-use visions, and economic development.
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