
All Saints’ CE Primary School - Maths Written Methods Policy

Children are introduced to the processes of calculation through practical, oral and mental activities. As children begin to understand the underlying ideas they develop ways of recording to support their thinking and calculation methods, use particular methods which apply to special cases, and learn to interpret signs and symbols involved. Over time children use models and images, such as empty lines, to support their mental and informal written methods of calculation. As children’s mental methods are strengthened and refined, so too are their informal written methods. These methods become more efficient and succinct and lead to efficient written methods that can be used more generally. By the end of Year 6 children are well equipped with mental, written and methods that they understand and can use correctly. When faced with a calculation, children are able to decide which method is most appropriate and have strategies to check its accuracy. At whatever stage in their learning, and whatever method is being used, it must still be underpinned by a secure and appropriate knowledge of number facts, along with those mental skills that are needed to carry out the process and judge if it was successful.

The overall aim is that when children leave our school they:  Have a secure knowledge of number facts and a good understanding of the four operations.  Are able to use this knowledge and understanding to carry out calculations mentally and to apply general strategies when using one-digit and two-digit and particular strategies to special cases involving bigger numbers.  Make use of diagrams and informal notes to help record steps and part answers when using mental methods that generate more information than be kept in their heads.  Have an efficient, reliable, compact method of calculation for each operation that children can apply with confidence when undertaking calculations that they cannot carry out mentally.  Use a calculator effectively, using their mental skills to monitor the process, check the steps involved and decide if the numbers displayed make sense.

Mental Methods of Calculation Oral and mental work in maths is essential, particularly so in calculation. Early practical, oral and mental work must lay the foundations by providing children with a good understanding of how the four operations build on efficient counting strategies and a secure knowledge of place value and number facts. Ongoing oral and mental work provides practice and consolidation of these ideas. It must also give the opportunity to apply what they have learned to particular cases and to general cases where children make decisions and choices for themselves. The ability to calculate mentally forms the basis of all methods of calculation and has to be maintained and refined. A good knowledge of numbers or a feel for numbers is the product of structured practice and repetition. It requires an understanding of number patterns and relationships developed through directed enquiry, use of models and images and the application of acquired number knowledge and skills. Secure mental calculation requires the ability to:  Recall key number facts instantly.  Use taught strategies to work out the calculation.  Understand how the rules and laws of are used and applied. Written Methods of Calculation. The framework below sets out progression in written methods of calculation that highlights how children would move from informal methods of recording to expanded methods that are staging posts to a compact written method for each of the four operations.

The aim is that by the end of Key Stage 2, the majority of children should be able to use an efficient written method for each operation with confidence and understanding. This policy promotes the use of what are commonly known as “standard” written methods – methods that are efficient and work for any calculations, including those that involve whole numbers or decimals.

In setting out these aims, the intention is that our school will have a greater consistency in our approach to calculation that all teachers understand and work towards. The challenge for teachers is determining when their children should move on in refinement in the method and become confident and more efficient at written calculation.

Children should be equipped to decide when it is best to use a mental, written or calculator method based on the knowledge that they are in control of this choice as they are able to carry out all three methods with confidence.

Written Methods for of Numbers. The aim is that children use mental methods when appropriate, but for calculations that they cannot do in their heads they use an efficient written method accurately and with confidence. These steps show the stages in building up to using an efficient written method for addition of numbers by the end of Year 6.

To add successfully, children need to be able to:  Recall all addition pairs to 9 + 9 and complements in 10.  Add mentally a series of one-digit numbers such as 5 + 8 + 4.  Add multiples of 10 (such as 60 + 70) or of 100 (such as 600 + 700) using the related addition fact, 6 + 7, and their knowledge of place value.  Carry out column addition and of 2 integers less than 1000 and column addition of more than 2 such integers.  Carry out column addition and subtraction of numbers involving decimals.

Written Methods for Subtraction of Numbers. The aim is that children use mental methods when appropriate, but for calculations that they cannot do in their heads they use an efficient written method accurately and with confidence. These steps show the stages in building up to using an efficient written method for subtraction of numbers by the end of Year 6.

To subtract successfully, children need to be able to:  Recall all addition and subtraction facts to 20.  Subtract by counting up from the smaller number to the larger using number lines.  Subtract multiples of 10 (such as 160 – 70) using the related subtraction fact, (16 – 7) and their knowledge of place value.  Carry out column addition and subtraction of 2 integers less than 1000 and column addition of more than 2 such integers.  Carry out column addition and subtraction of numbers involving decimals.

Progressing towards ELG

writing. opportunities pupils for recordvoluntarilyto in verbal Simple word problems.areThere Addition Progressing toward ELG Addition ELG toward Progressing □ = +6 +3=5 numbers missing and + =signs 20. to lines use number to Pupils Record in writing: Addition used. maybe strings etc. bead asNumicon, such aids visual other or These images   3 3

+ + + +

numberline. by Add to and 10 to up numberline a using Add 10. up objects of sets more or two Combining

 4  4 – –


Stage2 Stage1

= = = =

counting on up towithout 10 on up counting

 7 7 7  

7 7 7 

= = = =

 3  3

+ + + +

  4 4

 a beginning beginning


numbers. tofindPupils the between differencetwo 5 writing. opportunities pupils for recordvoluntarilyto in Simple Subtraction Progressing toward ELG Subtraction ELG toward Progressing writing: in Recording Subtraction used. maybe strings etc. bead asNumicon, such aids visual other or These images   7 7 –

2 = 2 - - - -

3  3 verbal word problems.areThere numberline. without 10 backto up counting by Subtract to beginning 10 to up numberline a using Subtract to up from set a objects away Taking

= = = =

4 4 4 – –

Stage1 Stage2

record.  4 =4 7 =4 =4

= 7 7 =

 

- -

- -

  3 3

 

10. and and 


Year 3 Year 2 Year 1

numberline. 2 a to single a digit Add YearSecure 1 numberline. 2 a to single a digit Add Year 32 + and adding numbers three 14 + 5= 10+ Extend to with e.g. appropriate, 43+ larger numbers. Continue sentencesusingStage number but in arange of as 2 + = signs and numbers missing Addition Extend money of the decimals in to context 431 (carrying in any column) + 73 Add first ones the 358 + 73 = 431 Addition ‘carrying’. 2 2 Adding YearSecure 2 50 to up Partitioning YearDeveloping 2 + Adding first ones 83 + 42= 125 Pencil and Addition answer. final get (ones) to dots the then sticks the (tens) add Then ones. tens and represent to dots stickand Using Or moreappropriate to Adjust Similaris stage+ 4e.g. to same the 20 35+19as 35 Add multiple anear of 10to atwo Addition Pupilsbegin record to asawritten form. 35 + 45 35 + 10 35 + 9 Add 11by 10and 1 9or adding adjusting Addition 358 95 (no carrying95 (no over) 83 42

 11 = 1 Developing 1 Developing 1

= 44 =

= =




paper procedures -

– - – - -

digit numbers using column method with no no with method column using numbers digit

Stage6 Stage4 Stage3 Stage7 Stage5

 – 35 = 1+ –

Addition Addition 45 + 1= 35 + 10= 35 + 11 – -

Addition Addition Addition –

no bridging. no

- - + digit number up to 100 with a a 100with to up number digit a with 20 to up number digit



46 45


- digit number

9 or 25+9 or 15.


Extend= 20 14+ to 5 with appropriate Continue sentencesusing number in arange of stage 2but as - Subtraction numberline. a with 2 a singlefrom a digit Subtract YearSecure 1 numberline. a with 2 a singlefrom a digit Subtract YearDeveloping 1 Extend countingnext 10e.g. to 6 Find counting by on difference asmall Pupils lines use20. number to Subtraction Use known number facts and place value to to value and place facts number Use known Subtraction Subtracting YearSecure 2 partitioning. by 50 to Up YearDeveloping 2 47 ones be may step adding before first the 5. knownUse numbervalue facts and place to subtract Subtraction 25 35 35 25 + 1=26 35 35 Subtract 9or11.Begin1921 to add/subtract Subtraction

86 = signs and numbers missing – – – – – –

12 10 = 25 11 = 10 = 25 9 = 26 1 = 24 12

+14 +10

2 7

- – – – – – –

+3 -

Subtraction numbers. digit numbers with no ‘exchanging’. no with numbers digit Subtraction

Stage4 Stage3 Stage7 Stage6 Stage5

100 22 – -

- Also

Subtraction Subtraction

Subtraction 





32 - - - digit number up to 100 to up number digit 20 to up number digit


700 +10



42 subtract

. Adding +5 754


Addition – Stage 8 Subtraction – Stage 8 Add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10 or 100, then adjust Pencil and paper procedures Continue as in previous stages but with appropriate numbers Complementary addition with bigger numbers. e.g. 458 + 79 = is the same as 458 + 80 – 1 754 – 286 = 468

+4 + 10 +400 +54

286 290 300 700 754 Year 3 Developing – Addition Year 3 Developing - Subtraction Column addition TU with multibase if required. Column subtraction TU with exchanging Ts with multibase if required. Year 3 Secure – Addition Column addition of 2 3-digit numbers. Year 3 Secure - Subtraction Column subtraction of 2 3-digit numbers with exchanging.


Addition – Stage 9 Subtraction – Stage 9 ar Pencil and paper procedures Decomposition – no take and break


Y Extend to numbers with at least four digits 3587 + 675 = 4262 499 378 – 3587 121 + 675 4262

Extend to decimals (same number of decimal places) and adding several numbers (with different numbers of digits).

Addition – Stage 10 Subtraction – Stage 10 Add the nearest multiple of 10, 100 or 1000, then Decomposition – take and break adjust 3414513 Continue as in previous stages but with appropriate numbers 3 9 8 – including extending to adding 0.9, 1.9, 2.9 etc. 0 5 5 362 + 129 (300 + 100) (60 + 20) (2 + 9)

Addition – Stage 11 Subtraction – Stage 11 Pencil and paper procedures Extend to numbers with any number of digits and decimals Decomposition with decimals with 1 and 2 decimal places. 124.9 + 115.25 = 242.15 34.14513 3 . 9 8 – 124.9 0 . 5 5 + 117.25 242.15

124.90 + 117.25 242.15 Extend to decimals (either one or two decimal places)

Year 4 Developing – Addition Year 4 Developing – Subtraction Column addition of 2 4-digit numbers. Column subtraction of 2 4-digit numbers.

Year 4 Secure – Addition Year 4 Secure – Subtraction Column addition of decimals to 2 decimal places (d.p.) Column subtraction of decimals to 2d.p

Year 5 Developing – Addition Year 5 Developing – Subtraction Column addition of 2 5-digit numbers. Column subtraction of 2 5-digit numbers.

5 Year 5 Secure – Addition Year 5 Secure – Subtraction

ar Column addition up to 3 d.p. Column subtraction up to 3 d.p.



To carryout writtensuccessfully,To ofdivision childrenmethods also need betoableto: successfullydivide inTo childrenheads, their beableto need to: t Belowshows inbuilding stages writtentousinganefficient up ofdivisionfor method numbersby end the 6. of Year heads their theyuseanwritten efficient method with accuratelyand confidence. showsteps These the aim is children The that mental methodswhenappropriate, use but for WrittenMethods of Numbers. for multiply successfully,To need tobeablechildren to: 6. inbuilding stages writtentousinganefficient up multiplicationfor method ofnumbers Year the by end of heads their theyuseanwritten efficient method aim is children The that mental methodswhenappropriate, use calculations but cannotfor they that in do WrittenMethods Numbers. for of

Year 6               

Year 6 To extendandpencil To paper methods penciland support,methodstoUse paper record explain and columnnumbers Subtract usingthe a Multiply two numberdigitsingle a by numberdigit how many numberdividesintoEstimate timesone asdivision Understand repeated multiplicationand Understand use asdivision and inverse a how find to Know value. multiplesdivide of 10orsingle a by knowledge100 number usingtheir of placefacts and division Recallmultiplication and facts to10division and Understand ofuse the vocabulary andpencil paper Extend include to methods decimalsto2 decimal of knowledge place Work multiplesAdd of 10(such +as 70) as 60 or (such 100+ of 600related 700) additionusing the fact, ormoresingletwo Add numbers digit multiplicationRecallall factsto + 7, and7, value.their + knowledge ofplace -

products out Addition hestagesin building tolongdivision:÷up TU U, extendingfirst ÷HTUto U, HTU TU. then ÷

such value. remainder.



10x 5,



method. 10. to to


division. 50,

includeremaindersand accuratelywithand confidence. showsteps These the

700 x10,multiples recognise of one numbersdigit and


5or Year 6


mentally. 700




50 using


decimals. calculations cannotthey that in do







their their


Year 2 Multiplication and Division Year 1 Multiplication and Division

Doubles to Doubles problem. practical line alongside number a on recording models Teacher 2+ 2+2+2   addition repeated and Arrays Multiplication 20. to up Using arrays YearSecure 1 used. maybe strings etc. bead asNumicon, such aids visual other or These images line. number pictorial use a to able will be stage1pupils of end By   Arrays Moving towards 5 in example For skills. life children. real and play role by to linked are Activities practised and teacher the by modelled are opportunities practical and visual of range whole A Multiplication 2+ 2+2+2

   


   and repeated addition and repeated

  

 3

  0


1 sweets


4 + bag

4 + – 2

4 Multiplication Multiplication


3 2

– –



Stage 1 Stage 2 4


2 x 3 2 x


sweets bag,






To recognise and understand the concept of a remainder. of a concept the understand and To recognise Division 6?) make 2s many (How each? 2 have can people many How sweets. are 6 There Grouping: 6 grouping and assharing division Understand Division used. etc.maybe strings bead asNumicon, such aids visual other or These images haveeach? they do many How people. 2 between shared are sweets 6 Sharing: Division and that a missing number can be shown as shown be can a number missing that and Pupils  Division 20. to up divide to objects Using concrete YearSecure 1 haveeach? they do many people. 2 between shared are sweets 7 Sharing:   6 6

6  = signs and missing= signs and


    can be modelled as: modelled can be

- also  

2  

   2  2 What with dowe the one remaining?


– – – –  

= = = =

- Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 4


to 3 3 3     



  numbers

 

 

  3 3 3 

- 2 = = = =


  6 6


means 2    

-  2  2 2

 

“the 

or 

 

How How same  0


Multiplication – Stage 3 Division – Stage 5 x = signs and missing numbers Jottings

Pupils also need to understand that = means “the same 1x 4 = 4 as” and that a missing number can be shown as or  2 x 4 = 8  5 x 4 = 20  10 x 4 = 40 7 x 2 =   = 2 x 7 7 x  = 14 14 =  x 7 Chunking  x 2 = 14 14 = 2 x   x  = 14 14 =  x  5 groups of 4 10 groups of 4

Teacher models recording on a number line alongside practical problem. -20 -40

0 20 60 1 bag 2 bags

0 3 6 sweets

Year 2 Developing – Multiplication Year 2 Developing – Division Partitioning up to 50 – no bridging. Up to 50 by partitioning.

Year 2 Secure - Division Year 2 Secure – Multiplication Numerical representation up to 100. Partitioning x by 2, 3 and 5 up to 100.

n Multiplication – Stage 4 Division – Stage 6

o i Grid Method Formal Short division method (bus stop) 0 61 2 6 / 336712 Divis Use known facts and place value to carry out simple





o x 30 2 3 90 6 = 96


i l

p i



M Multiplication – Stage 5


r Grid method

Yea 23 x 7 is approximately 20 x 10 = 200

x 20 3 7 140 21 = 161

140 + 21 = 161

Year 3 Developing - Multiplication Year 3 Developing – Division Simple grid method TU x U using x2, x3, x4, x5. Short division by 2, 3, 4 and 5 with carrying.

Year 3 Secure – Multiplication Year 3 Secure – Division Grid method TU x U using x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 and x8. Short division method by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 with carrying.

Year 4 Multiplication and Division

Multiply 2 and 3 digits by a single a digit. digits by 3 and 2 Multiply YearSecure 4 tables. all Uusing x HTU using method Simple grid YearDeveloping 4 Method Multiplication Formal Long Multiplication

28 47 4 6x 2

Multiplication –

– Multiplication

Stage 6

carrying. with 8, and 7 6, 3, 5, 2, 4, by division method Short YearDeveloping 4 80 10 x 8= 80 Jottings 676 Chunking with Remainders Division Formal division Short (busstop) method Division Short division by any single digit with remainders. with single digit any division by Short 5 x 8= 40 2 x 8= 16 1x 8= Year 4 Secure Secure 4 Year 4 4

groups of 8 of groups groups of 8 = 8640 of groups  4 groups of8 6 / 3 6 /

8 = 84 r4

0 612


67 -

32 1 – – 2

Stage 7 Stage 6 – = 32 + =

Division 672 –



How many are left are over? many How

80 groups of8 - 640


Year 6 Year 5 Multiplication and Division

Year 6 Secure YearSecure 6 single a digit. by 2d.p. with number a Multiply YearDeveloping 6 4 a Multiply YearSecure 5 a Multiply YearDeveloping 5 decimals. Whenis method calculations the secure onto move Method Multiplication Long Formal Multiplication place. decimal one with simple to decimals Extend 560 + =2160 2100 +60 =40 2800 x 70 is38 72 xapproximately method Grid Multiplication

3 x 8 30 x

10 4 8 10 4 1 3 9

16 = 576 16 1

1 456 1 1 3.00 1.00 2100

6 23 x 2 0 560 1

8+ 3


- - digit number by 2 by number digit

digit number by a 2 a by number digit

– –

1.20 0.40

Multiplication Multiplication 16 60


– –

– – Multiplication Multiplication

= = = Stage 7 Stage 8 =

2736 2160 4.20 576 -

digit number.


digit number. digit


Short division 3 Short YearDeveloping 5 divide ÷ 15= by 2digit numbers eg: 2345 Whenis methodcalculations the secure onto move which Method. Division Long Formal Division Divide a number with 2d.p. by a single a digit. by 2d.p. with Divide number a YearSecure 6 method division short 2 a by number Dividedigit 4 a single a digit. by 2d.p. with number a Multiply YearDeveloping 6 division 4 Short YearSecure 5 6/ 3 6 7 2 6 7 6/ 3

0 7 3 6 0 6 1 2 0 61

1 2 1 2 6 -



– – Stage 8

- - Division Division digit number by a single a digit. by number digit digit by a single a digi by digit – –

Division Division

- digit number by using using by number digit


the the