T h e K e l o w n a C o u r i e r

V O L U M E 44 Kelowna. British Columbia. Thursday, August 14th. 1947 NUMBER 4 Audited Paid Circulation TWICE WEEKLY—MONDAY & THURSDAY WEST MEETS EAST Council Takes Initial Steps

WORLD NEWS FLASHES In Extending Retail Business (By Canadian Prcas) Section Up To Bertram Street Says Canada Resents Plan to Rc-zonc Part of Residential District to En­ Being ^Tushed Around’* EXPRESS REGRET courage Building Apartments in One Area— Before last llllonday night’s Majority of Aldermen Agree Most of Choice Council meeting got underway. Building Sites in Business Section Have Been O ver Box Car Shortage Mayor W. B. Hughes-Games ex­ pressed regret on behalf of the Purchased— City Clerk Instructed to Draft By­ city over the sudden death of law— Property in North End of City Also W ill be O T rA W A — C.nnadian Government lias made "vigorous Mayor G. G. McGcer, of Van­ Re-zoned representations" to the highest level of the United States cou ver, His Worship said he had al­ State Department about the embargo placed on the American ready written to Mrs. McGcer coal shipments over C.N.R. lines, a senior government ofOcial personally, and recommended the Call Public Meeting said today. City Fathers send their condol­ The official, s.aying that Canada did not like the "pushing ences to the Vancouver City E L O W N A ’S City Council formally ina Dr. A. S. Underhill said Wednes­ RECOMMENDED a ry p e r io d fr o m 90 to 60 days. day that the child has Inade ^ “al­ For seevral weeks, workmen haye TORONTO—In lightning raids, provincial and city police late last Tuesday, Mr. Carruthers declared Kelowna Growers’ Exchange has Mr. MacDon^d said that applied for a piece of land, and in a most complete recovery.” She stUl been busy tearing down the old night arrested two youths for armed robbery of the Bank of Commerce that “the waste here is disgraceful.” agreement had been readied letter received by City Council last walks with a slight limp which is branch at nearby Pickering and claimed to have recovered the entire He was remembering, of course, Money Will Go Toward Me­ tween workers and operators at the the rationibg in, England It is “very Monday the company wanted- to expected to disappear, he said. morial Fund to Construct Creston sawmillsco\xrnniiie» in toe Kootenays. TCrmtAnavs. ddys the fdlllllidr I&nd m&TK $14,000 lo o t ta k en fr o m th e ban k. will disappear. When toe land is hard” there, he said. Couples wito know the size of lots wliich will Dr. Beattie reported Wednesday This is toe only instance of failure $175,000 Arena cleared, it will be ready for sub­ ■ only one or two children, living in have spur facilities., prpperty that Dr. H. B. L. Zeman, i»ublic to reach agreements in toe Kam­ WAR BLAMED ON FARBEN DIRECTORS division, but this w ill probably not cities, find it particularly difflcifft. will be used for packinghouse and health physician from the provin­ loops and Cranbrook areas. NUERNBERGr-Twenty-one directors of the bUlion-dollar G. Farben a cold storage plant. cial department of health at Victor­ Kelowna ratepayers w ill be asked be done until toe formalities have Mr. Carruthers made a circle with to a p p ro v e a n $80,000 m o n e y b y la w At last Saturday’s meeting be- Chemical IVust pleaded innocent before the Americah W ar Crimes Court B.C. Orchards’ Cp-operative has ia, arrived in Kelowna Monday to been gone through in changing the big thumbs and forefingers. “That’s to complete the cost of erecting the tw^n union representatives from ap^tme^^^ to charges they had Conspired to plimge the world into war for profit. also shown interest in the new de­ confer with hospital and health per­ the size of the: meat ration for a war memorial arena, it was decided and operators in KielOiwna, Without Farben, Brigadier-General Telford Taylor, chief prosecutor, velopment. The company has ad­ sonnel on provision of . treatment week,” he declared. _ . at the regular meeting of toe City operators we r e w illin g to charged, in a scorching 20,000-word indictment, that Adolf Hitler would vised the Council that it would J ike for possible victims of the dread Impressed by the fair ,distribu­ Council last Monday night. The war agree to a 12^ cents an hour wage to get a piece of property vrith 260 “ p o lio .” have been powerless to start war in 1939 and powerless to wage it so tion of food in the Old; Country, increase for all workers now re­ foot frontage and 250 foot depto. Dr. Zemah ,has_ completed a per­ memorial committee* already hai: successfully for so long. Mr. Carruthers reported that ra­ ceiving 77 cents an hour and more. TRAHERCAMP Both applications have been filed iod of observation and training in a ro im d $100,000, b u t re c e n t esti tioning is w ell managed, but in the mates indicate toe building will cost|®nd 10 cents an hour increase for Tiff I ■'BT 1)17 D 1 ? A “PUT UP OR SHUT UP” RUSSIA TOLD cities, long queues in front of food and will be considered after the toe Vancouver General Hospital’s property has been subdivided. One isolation department in the newest $175,000, while architect fees w ill workers receiving less than 77 cents | f| [ i l l ! i 1 » stores are the order of the day. He be around $5,000. in the box factorira and veneer ______WASHINGTON—The United States gave Russia one week from of toe stipulations of buying pro­ polio treatment in use. He is visit-: today to “put up or shut up”, in the American-Soviet efforts to achieve noticed that many who can afford Alderman Jack Ladd, who con- plants. ■ Negotiation^ h o w ever, n '^ M A I? to do so eat extra meak at restaur perty in toe industrial area, is toat ing hospitals in interior centres, as­ an united Korea. Stripped of diplomatic language, that is the essence the land cannot be bought for spe­ sisting them in plannng nursing ferred with the war memorial com- broke down. The operators’ propo- Jj £ A A ElfaAA of State Secretary George Marshall’s letter to Foreign Minister Molotov, ants, where the fare is plain but mittoe Monday afternoon, said that sals have been taken to toe work- ■ good. Meat is in short supply, but culation purposes. techniques and general measures setting August 21 as the deadline. which w ill reduce the serious after­ members believe toe $80,000 would ers for consideration, fish, rabbit and fow l is more plenti­ take care of the additional cost. Following Saturday’s or Monday’s Board of Trade Informed effects of toe disease. fu l. The bylaw w ill be ready for first meeting, union officials w ill recom- Owner of Land in. Southern M A Y S A V E $3,000,000 F IS H C A R G O Rotary President Prevent Spread Whale Steak reading next Monday, City Cle rk mend to the workers either accep- Part of City Interested VICTORIA—Owners of the United States Motorship “Diamond Continuing on the subject of food, Although no new cases have been George Dunn declared. tw ee or rejection of proposals made Knot”, which sank with a $3,000,000 cargo of caimed salmon and'fish oil Mr. Carruthers related that while Two Jumps Ahead reported this month in toe Okana­ at that time by toe operators. following a collision in the fogbound Strait of Juan de Fuca, today were in England h e' had tasted whale gan Valley health imit area, the AID TOURISTS public is again warned by toe di­ slated to confer with salvage officials in Seattle over the possibilities steak for the first time. “It was de­ O f City Mayor rector to take all possible precau­ STORE OWNERS of saving the cargo. licious,” he said, “exactly like veni­ Lack of Building Materials tions to prevent an outbreak of toe Haggard Diamond Knot sailors arrived in Seattle last night with son, and not the slightest bit fishy.” When Mayor Hughes-Games over­ APPUCAWON May Cause Some Delay in the unanimous refrain: “We’re lucky to be alive.” Seaman Paul Costello, Mr. Carruthers said that Canada’s looked the fact that his opponent. disease. FIND BUYING Recommended precautions are: Building Camp on watch when the collision occurred, said, “If that victory ship had hit effort toward the feeding of the Rotary President Jim Campbell, us just a few feet farther aft, it’s doubtful, if any of iis would be here people in the United Kingdom is had a choice of jumps, he lost twp 1. Avoid over-exertion and ex­ FOR CIRCUS Possibility of at least one frailer n o w .” deeply appreciated. ‘“Diey think men for one and went down to final treme fatigue. FLAGS COSTLY 2. Pay strict attention to person­ Canada a perfwt marvel in this defeat in. toe first offlciPl game on camp at Kelowna for next year’s al hygiene, especially by washing tourist season was seen by the ex­ RIOTS STILL AS INDIA HISTORY MADE regard,” he said. toe second checker board to be Apparently there are good PERMIT MADE “The finest bunch of youngsters placed in City Park at the disposal toe bands ^ e r using a toilet and by grounds for many Kelowna mer­ ecutive of toe Board’ of Trade at its Tuesday meeting. Charles Gad- KARACHI, India—The new Moslem Dominion of Pakistan takes over I have ever seen” was the way he of older men by Kelowna Rotarians. keeping toe fingers out of toe chants declining to decorate store tonight as Viceroy Viscount Mountbatten relinquishes the reins of British Turn to Page 12, Story 1 •rhe mayor’s oversight occurred m outh. fronts for special events in toe city. Advisability of Issuing Licence des informed the meeting that he power today. In Lahore, capital of the vast northern province which is early in toe short game. As one 3. Avoid tonsil and adenoid op­ During Tuesday’s meeting of the Causes Debate Am ong the ^ talked^to an owner^of property being split between Pakistan and Hindu India, authorities counted casu­ witty spectator put it, "There’s City erations, if possible, during the executive of the Board of Trade, Aldermen Gyro park who is in ter- alties in the hundreds after long hours of rioting and fianfes, swept Council getting it in the neck danger period. the question of decorating store ested in constructing such a cam p through much of the city. again .” 4. Drink only, safe milk and fronts for the Stampede on Septem­ ------this fall. YOUTHS JAILED The game took place Tuesday af­ w a ter. ber 1 and 2 was discussed. Advisability of granting another Mr. Gaddes said that the owner TO HANG FOR WAR ATROCITIES ternoon when the mayor accepted 5. Sewage'and garbage should be One merchant informed toe meet­ circus licence prompted a consider- has some two acres of suitable land. Mr. Campbell’s challenge to play disposed of properly and flies kept ing that■.uoi. he.felt he could not afford 3^16 amount of discussion at last Apparently he had been under tho DASCHAU. Germany—^American War Crimes Court today sentenced FOR TAKING toe first game following a brief ce­ out of homes, summer camps, and to buy new flags and decorations l^onday nights City Council meet- impression that it would he Imposr 22 Buchenwald concentration camp attendants to be hanged for atrocities remony in which toe city formally eating establishments for every event when they were ing after S. R. Kennell, secretary of sible for him to obtain materials committed against prisoners during the Nazi regime. Five others were received toe board from toe Rotary invariably mutilated or stolen. toe local Elks Lodge asked toat a to build washrooms, etc, in order, sentenced to life imprisonment. Among them was Frau Isle Koch, widow LOCAL M T O Club. He said that during toe Regatta, permit be granted to Spark’s Cir- to have the camp officially rated, of the former Buchenwald commandanL Thirty-one defendants were Mr. Campbell introduced Owen MANY ENTRIES flags had been stolen from his store cus to appear here on 'Tuesday, He asked Mr. Gaddes if the Board convicted Tuesday after a four-month triai. Picked Up in Connection 'With Jones, past-president of Kelowna front and he was not prepared to August 26. of Trade could help him. Theft of Automobile Owned Rotarians, and Mr., Jones formally put out new ones for the Stampede. Mayor W. B. Hughes-Games re- During discussion, it was pointed ferred to an article appearing in out he would experience little dif- RUSSIA CHARGES U.S. WITH MEDDLING by Dave Chapman handed toe black and red cement FOR STAMPEDE board over to the city. Donation The Courier several weeks ago cri- ficulty in obtaining lumber. It was L-\KE SUCCESS, N.Y.—Russia today charged that “the crudest in­ of toe board had been planned dur­ Entries are pouring in for toe ticizing the type of performance felt, however, that pipe, pipe flt- Two men have been sentenced to CAR OVERTURNS; terference into international affairs in Greece emanates at present from ing Mr. Jones’ term of office. fourth annual Kelowna Stampede toat was given by Sello Brothers’ tings and electrical supplies might the United Stales.” This \vas interpreted immediately as a reference to jail terms and a third is being de­ In accepting the gift from toe Ro­ to be held at the Exhibition Circus, and which took thousands be a problem, the Truman aid program. tained by immigration authorities tary Club, Mayor Hughes-Games Grounds on September 1 and 2. DRIVER ESCAPES of dollars out of the city during the Giving the United Nations Security Coimcil what he termed the in the United States, in connection said it was further evidence that As final plans are completed and John Stappler, driver for S. M. one day toe circus was here. Need Trailer Camp "answer to the American speech made Monday," Soviet Delegate Andrei wtih the theft six weeks ago of an toe people of the Okanaigan Valley the committee begins to get down Simpson Ltd., escaped injury Wed­ “I’m extremely worried about this It was also reported to the meet- A Gromyko said foreign interference was worsening the situation daily automobile owned by Dave Chap­ were learning to live as life should to serious work for the big day, it nesday morning when he leaped circus business," His Worship de- ing that a second owner on the inside Greece. He also charged that former. Axis collaborators were hold­ m an, 477 H a r v e y A v e ., K e lo w n a . b e liv e d . appears that this year’s Stampede from the cab of truck as it went dared. "W e are responsible for a Vernon road at toe dty outskirts, ing prominent positions in the Athens government. At Vancouver yesterday, given Mr. Campbell facetiously remark-: will be the finest ever held in toe over the embankment at the first circus coming here, and it seems is interested in starting a trailer In an earlier dispatch, the Security Council delegates were said to one year imprisonment terms were ed toat the second outdoor checker city. turn in the road from toe Knox we should have something to say camp. bo looking to Gromyko to give Russia’s top level reaction to the American Henry Gunther and Edward C. board, with its blue Rotary emblcrm New events and features have Mountain shale pit. in the matter. The question is how The Board of Trade has seen the pledge to protect Greece against “Communist bands.” Ilie Soviet deputy Jones, both of Vancouver. Detained in toe four centre squares, gave been scheduled to give rodeo fans Mr. Stappler was returning from to control it.” need for a trailer camp at Kelowna foreign minister’s answer was expected to be a blunt rejection of every in the US. is James Dunn, accord­ Kelowna exactly twice as many as toe thrills they exepect at a wes­ toe pit with a'full load when the While Aldermen Jack Horn and for some time. At the City Council accusation against Albania. Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. United States had ing to information received by the there are in Stanley Park at Van­ tern stampede staged in toe old tra­ accident occurred. Jack Ladd agreed with His Wor meeting on Monday, August 4, Mr. charged them with seeking to overthrow the Athens government and set Kelowna Division of toe B.C. Police. cou ver, dition. Bucking, roping and racing 'The truck was badly damaged. ship, they pointed out that if a li- Gaddes asked the city to consider up a totalitarian regime. Kelowna Police Chief W. J. Thom­ H a r r y W a ld ro n d on ated $25 to ­ are only a few of the highlights cence is not granted, toe circus installing certain facilities at Kum- son was told aU three men bad been ward toe cost of d new board some planned for toe two-day event. STANDARD MATEBtAL would in all probability go outside fy Kourt on the Vernon Road so picked up across toe border. The weeks ago. In view of the Rotary City plumbers will be informed toe city limits. that It might be used as a trailer MONTBX.Y STATEMENT ^ g statement. MrJ Dunn said car in question was recovered at Club’s plans to donate the checker City Council approved closing the to use four inch soil piping in view After consddctablc debate, it was camp. Council asked toe board to Alderman Jack Horn rcqu< .ittiis. can easily be furnished as a Loon Lake. IVasb., two weeks after board it was decided to use his do­ athletic park on August 14, 21 and of toe fact toe m at^al is now decided to inform toe Elks Lodge, gather data from Canadian and Am- City Clerk George Dunn to su c o p y of the statement is sent to it was stolen from the driveway by nation to provide a bench for chec­ 27 b e tw e e n 5.5P ® P-®- v is it ­ available. It was decided by City who are sponsoring to circus, toat crican cities so toat the matter the City Council with a mo pfiawa at the end of every month. M r. C hapm an’s hom e. ker game spectators. ing baseball teams. Council Monday night. toe licence fee w ill be $200 a day. could be studied. TME K E L O W N A C O m O M B r m n m t i A Y . A i m o s T h i m PAGE TW O

city Council received a com- ciiarges of exceeding the one hour Occidt’ntal cannery made a rfiort sc o n s SCRAP Boc:: By R.J. SCO TT objective. There are few ways it could better xun on Monday, the Oomtoloa can­ plaint from Robert Lindsay over jxirklng limit on downtown streets, THE KELOWNA COURIER serve the eommursity. Once cslablisficd, the nery worked two haif-day* Iwt tree cuttings and other refuse on All were fined |3.50. They were: week at*d a half day on I'ueaday, diU . his property on 52» Kowcliffc Av- H. Waters, F. M, Fulton, N. llash- l>and sfunild flourish. and the itoweliffe cannery put Busd enue, Mr. Linds«iy claimed the cut- Ixaki. W. S. Farrow, O. M. Arm- An itKlejK'ndcnt newspaper publiidi®*! f i f , lings are a fire and hcalUi menace, .strong. E. R. Owen. C. Dulrlck, R. ■------throuiih a run yesterday, but no O rtloT every Monday and TTmTaday at 1M9 1% I . steady canning at these factorle* The matter was referred to the Fire Whillis, A. J, Verlsldne, G. C. Bot- W a te r S t , K elo w n a , b y T h i: K e lo w n a r o w e r in te r r u p tio n s wtu begin untu me end of thli 5MAILIST Marshal. tiger, H. Codeme, C. P. R edm an , Courier Ltd. week or the beginning of next BlkPS, ------—______------Q yy Strang. CJ. Craig. L. Lips. L. T'hc subject of electrical power comlitious week, B U llb£ Plineleen motorists apiieared in Harding, V. Clancone, A, C. Coates Authorized M Rccorwl clasa ntmll. O H t o f city polite court August 11 on ,nnd J. Klapi>enburg. is giving increased concern to resident.s of -I’uesday. Mrs. Watkins, a Post Office Dept, Ottawa . ■IMt Kelowna and other .southern Okanagan numi- Indy from Australia who was Uio LARAESf . ... , , • - t I . Kucst of the ofAcers of tire local KESfS MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF COICULATIOH cipahtie.s, and the interruption a week ago but Salvation Army corps, got Into dlf- .servcfl to focus attention once again on the (Icultics while bathing elo^ to the Eastern Advertising Rcprc^ntatlre: . new ferry wharf and finding, hcr- Class A Weeklies. Concourse BuUdlni;. Toronto, Mtutaion. gpif Binking and being unable to I.ocallv, the iioor voltage i.sexplained by swim ashore, called loudly for help. i S C t t A P S L Sweaters Are Tops , . , , 1 , I « • H e r appeal was responded to at K. MaeLEAN, Fabllaliet tlie Simple fact that the demand has incrcasctl woods, eon of Mr. and much m ore quickly than anticipated and the Mrs. W. W oo^ Sr., who was work- m Nothing can top a skirt ai| smartly as THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1947 , / • . 1 r .1 n . 4„.i Ing fully clothed, Juet ns Mrs. Wat- short.igc <»f cquqmicnt has further complicated sinking for the eccond a swesatcr. For school there is nothing the picture. City authorities state that when time, and brought her safely to o r OCXS .■If It . .1 •. r..ii shore. It is generally considered by riA V kA to take the place of one or more of tlic Fire Chasers new equipment is delivered late this tall (wiicii witnessed hia plucky act LoHcea Mrs. SPAK -fHAM sweaters from our new, colorful and it i.s iirom iscd) voltage coudilions should be that Mrs. Watkins’ life was sa ved ilAtkCE ooc;s WrikT ANIMAL It is fun to go to a fire and it is a liuniaii REtURNS *fo fHE attractive fall selection. im proved considerably. Be llii.s as it m ay, the ^imr timely action of her res tciulency to w.'uit to see, wlicrc it is atid the PLACE OF IfS BlRfrt -To BEAR (act remains ll.al toasticss l.rcaktasts, dim „ „ .„„VKolnwna Hoeatla. K ID D IE S, 2 to 6 ...... $1.15 to $1.95 excitement it causc.s. Tlic only trouble is that <5 MO< AkL^ ^ _ tfS YOUNq ? lights and useless electric razors arc becom ing held on August 10 and 11, measured DOME V flfd "fltE F E E f— BALINESE. GIRLS, 6 to 12 ...... $1.19 to $4.95 some ireuple in Kelowna arc not using good OXNCE Sl’f'TlHCi POVCH AMP ■fllE OAVAMESE V/lfU T he r e in d e e r judgment in their mad race after the fire en­ the common topic of conversation. RYfilMlC MOVEMEH-TS of IHE BOPY, WlllLt PAMCnX WOMEN, 12 to 42 ...... $3.95 to $7.95 wrfrt

of Kelowna had an opportunity of hearing the ,o prevent any spread of infantile paralysis, “J St up X ^“Xc?4'rSr^neSe very fine Trail band; they have frequently diiserve warm commendation. ring up the deeper water and he information and storing it lor .v^reeks. heard the Penticton band and read of the Ver­ The Herald was particularly taken with S on 'th e“^ S n .' wl Sve"&en non band presenting regular weekly concerts the sw ift and stringent measures adopted at unable to get the exeact time taken IN CONVERSATIONS with sev- at Poison Park. Every plRce seems to have a Blelowna. There, a considerable tim e ago, the but underetand ^ it was about fifty prominent .citizens,^ the 1 ^ . . ’ . , t , J mmutes, the chilhness of the water mayor is reported to have been band but Kelowna. And there is probably no city council authorized its public works depart- preventing rapi<^:. movement. The keenly interested in the Regatta, place in the Interior where a band could assist m e n t to s p r a y every garbage can in the-com- r^cord^^or ifie distance, which is and had promised^^assls^ce for YOUR FRIENDLY CLOTHING STORE ^ ° . J , somewhat under,a mile and-a quar- next year s show. Not only was .be in community festivities more often than in niunity. If Kelowna residents do not make an, 0r, is held by D; W. Hob^^^^^ impressed with the beauty of the Kelowna. effort to obtain tightly-fittjng garbage c a n 'is about 33 minpt|s. ^ ...— _ _ _ — _ — .— — — —— — — •Many civic ceremonies , have fallen flat covers, they w ill be prosecuted— and in that Since the incorporation of the ficer who would confine himself city in 1905, the duties of the mu- , solely < to police work and sainitary here for want, of a band. The last one to do city they have weekly garbage collection nicipal police constable had been inspection. Upon the mayor’s sug- so YV'Os the Teen Town parade on July 1st. It pick-ups. multifarious, ificluding the care and gestion, it was decided to redefine lighting of strieet lamps, mainten- the duties of police constable, to was a fine parade in every respect, but it was Vernon, also with weekly collection for ance of sidewalks and other repair strike out all referenre to manual sadly lacking a band, ' e v e r y o n e a w e e k a s fo last Saturday sprayed a work, and the mayor, at lart Mon- labor iii the bylaw governing police 221 Bernard Ave. Phone 547 I 11 / 4.U 1 fTiri'r day’s meeting, expireKed the opin- matters and to ask the police com- There have been bands here in the past. double-strength dose ofDDL into every gar- the time had now arrived mlssiohers to advertise for apro- There was onethe Citizen's Band? — for bage can and refuse box in the city, and when Kelowna should have an of- perly qualified man. i,vhich the city piirchjased sieveral instruments. saturated the local “dump”. , ■ “■ ^ A^. few years ago there was some move to Such tactics as these, even if they cost a organize a.^band here, but it failed because the lot of time and trouble, are the way to health. city-owned band instruments had entirely dis­ They pay a most valuable dividend. appeared. Penticton hasn't the regular weekly gar­ There is, of course, the Canadian Legion bage service that applies to the other two large Pipe Band. This is a fine organization in its valley centres. Eflforts are being made to im- field, but its field is naturally limited. The prove the situation, but the townspeople have hands being considered in this article are of never given anything more than grudging co- UI the more flexible, wider ranged brass or silver operation in the idea of using proper recept­ types. acles. It follows that here, more than any­ One of the first essentials of a good band, where else, there needs to be vigilance, par­ of course, is a capable band master. Whether ticularly at any time when there is a distinct IN there is one in Kelowna or not, we do not health risk. A nd more than in most comparable ..i . >' 1 know, but surely this should not be an insur- centres, such vigilance needs to be supported E ^ ? W a t^ an expert study the green , , , inountable difficulty. by the all-round'co-operation of the residents gauge the weight of his bowl. Watch that easy A band should be a matter of civic pride themselves. delivery . . . the long curving run up to the and a ^ n d here could find many opportunities ' Reeve Lyon and his council have announ­ jack, inches only from the '^skip's" outstretched .-o f perTorming civic services. Sunday concerts ced that Penticton is also determined to make -arm. ih the park during the summer months alpne war on the fly. It’s a good idea— to be re­ would fill a long-felt want. membered and acted on by each of us, as well Few games require greater concentration than Some service club interested in contribut­ as by the municipal authorities. Just at this the noble sport of lawn bowling. From Sir Fran­ ing something to the community might well lime the fly and its breeding places comprise cis Drake to present-day champions, outdoor adopt the organization of a civic band as its Enemy Number One. bowling has remained a pastime to test the skill and muscular control of young and old alike. baseball championship, trouncing Doc Newby and his Kelowna squad 15-2. T h e Cousins’ b a tte ry sparked Glorious British Columbia offers you year 'round Kelowna In Bygone Days the Beaverdell crew to victory, Ha­ opportunities for healthful outdoor fun. indulge From the Files of The Kelowna Courier rold limiting Kelowna to three hits and getting three-for-six, while in your favorite sport or take up a new one. Verne picked up fiye safeties in six Whether you have an afternoon, a weekend or trips to the plate. TEN YEARS AGO na Creamery from the winner, . • • • a week . . . GET OUTDOORS IN B.C.! Thursday. Aagust 13, 1937 whose point award was 42 and the Les Campbell, formerly of Kam­ With many ferries being over­ Kelowna plant’s was 41.7. loops, and a resident of Kelowna crowded, especially in midday for the past three months, has re^ from 11 aan. to 3 p.m., efforts will Efforts of the Canned Foods Asso- ceived his appointment as manager WHOLESOME RECREATION be made to have the Department of elation of B.C. to have a drawback of the Empress Theatre in Keloivna. THE W HOLE YEAR ‘ROUND Public Works institute a 45-min- of the dump duty on peaches and from the Toronto office Of Famous utc schedule, thus providing an ex­ pears imported for catmery pur­ Players Corporation.. tra run each day and having a ten- poses have met only with opposi­ denej’ to speed up traffic through­ tion from the ’Tariff Committee of TWENTY YEARS AGO o u t the B.CJF.G.A. on the grounds that T h u rsd a y, A u g u s t 11, 1927 the Okanagan has plenty of peaches Kelowna Creamery, winner of and there will be sufficient pears Owing to the large amount of first prize at the Canadian National available in season to take care of canning tomatoes that are being ’CAPILAND BREWERY Exhibition in 19315, was awarded a shipped as semi-ripes, the quantity the canners' requirements. GREAT BREW INt;;'-^ N tZATlONS second prize for the second time in of the tomatoes which has reached A VNtT' OF OPTS OF THE WORLDS 1937 at the Saskatoon Exhibition in Highland BeU Miners took the the three local canneries has not Saskatoon recently. Only a frac­ first game of the best-of-thi^ ser- been sufficient to enable these tion of a point separated the Kelow- ies for the South Okanagan League plants to make st^dy runs. ’The PAQE THEES THUKSDAY. AUGUST H 1SH7 T H » OHLOWHA COUKlJOt

turned from a holiday motoring in y p u C O L U M N JULY BUTTERFAT the State*. GLENMORE • • • Harvesting O f Bartlett T F Q T DETCITI TQ GIJO«MOEK~~Mr. and Mr*. Ha­ Mr. and Mrs- E. Snowsell arc ho­ Reviewing the past week in the XCtJl fVEaijUILilttl neying at Mable Lake. activities of the Young l‘coplc’8 rold Watson, Mlfl* May Wataon, * • * Union of the First United Church, Miss Fraser and Mr. EUngton mo­ Following is a list of cows in the Mr, and Mrs. E. Callas. of Van- call* attention to one important it­ tored up from Ifsc Coast for U>c Ke­ Pears A nd Peaches G ets Okanagan Cow Testing Association ouver, were renewing old srerjuain- em. Several member* of the group lowna Itegat^ and ar« gueata of that gave 50 pounds or more of but­ tancea in Gtouhore hast week. Joined In a boat hike last Sunday M r an d M rs. TJ. 11. W atson. • • ter fat during the month of July. afternoon, despite the gloomy wea­ Mrs. Iflcol, who has been visiting The name of cow is shown first, ther. Although few in number, the Mr. nd Mrs. Andrew Ritchie had her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Underway In Local A rea followed by number of days since group enjoyed themselves, as Is al­ as guest* during Regatta week Mr. and Mrs. M. Taylor, Bank tread freslicnlng, breed, number of ways the ease whciy members get INVESTMENTS and Mr*. I. Mayhew, and Mr*. Rit­ Heights. J«tt on Wednesday for pounds of rnlik, pounds of butler- IN jj^A K LY peaches arc now being liar vested in tlie Kelowna together. A t present, membcrsliip chie’* aunt, Mrs. R. G. Wood. Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor fat and name of owner. now have as their guests Mia. Tay district and Ilartlett pears will be starting the latter i>art la at its Bummertime low, with tl»c holiday season in full swing. L u lu | Q K • EASY TO APPLY EASTERN BIRCH rains occourred on July 27 and 28. you’ll find that attitude pretty wel The precipitation at this time was August Sale Price ...... FEATHER PILLO WS— $ A ® M IN IM U M U P K E E P over an inch, and was very benefi­ disappeared because the industria very strong ticking; pair .. ■ cial to many crops in the non-irri- heatJs themselves found it didn’t Johns-Manville CEDAR-GRAIN PLYWOOD gated areas, pay. They found they had to have KITCHEN TABLES—Natural dinish The strawberry fields are being public goodwill, and worker good­ top with hairpin chrome legs. Regular Asbestos Siding Shingles cleaned up for next year’s crop. BROADFELT RUGS—Size 9xl0>^, Raspberies are about over in most will, or tliere was no solid founda­ % -inch odd sizes and very $37.50. $ 0 9 5 0 Assorted colors. Reg. $ 0 *1 K A sections of the district, and black­ tion for their businc.ss- August Sale Price —...... $23.95. Special August Sale reasonably priced. berries are now starting to be pick­ t ed. ■ "But with all its feults, The sweet cherry crop is about There’s Dignity in Color - - - over, and a very heavy loss occurr­ it is still the system that WASTE PAPER BASKETS — ed in the Lambert crop (about 50 brings greatest oppor­ Strongly made of metal, brightly col­ C H E N I L L E S P R E A D S — in lovely colors, all sizes, priced to $■! A Q K In your home plans spetdfy resilient per cent) in the late sections of the tunities for everyone arid ored with floral decoration. Reg. $1.85. district, by the spell of wet wea­ $17.95. Special August Sale A v * ^ * ^ WESTERN GYPSUM th e r on J u ly 27 an d 28. 'The fr u it greatest rewards, arid the Special August $"| J Q was split badly by the rain and this hipest standard of living Sale Price ...... A* brought about a very favorable con­ TILE TEX for everyone. It’s the ■ ^ ’ *r dition for brown rot development only systen. that doesn’t DRASTIC REDUCTIONS THAT PRODUCTS on the fruit. C U S H IO N S — in gaily colored chintz. ASPHALT FLOORING • Apricots and early varieties of stultify ambition and WILL MEAN REAL SAVINGS plums and apples are being harvest­ cramp the lives of the people. There Reg. $2.95. Special 9 for $ 9 0 5 o P L A S T E R S ed. Other tree fruits are making August Sale Price .... « T O Y O U I • Durable fair to good growth. is opportunity for all, and every man can make his own life what ® L IM E S A wide range of local grown ve­ ® Economical getables continue to be available for he wants it to be. It is just a question local market requirements. of how much brains and energy and ® Artistic ® STU C C O S Spraying for second brood cod­ See the Meuuf. Mot Adue/itiied ling moth is now under way. So ambition he wants to throw into it, Call in today and ask to see samples. far, the infestation does not appear ® STONEBORD to be very serious. Apple scab is "Most especially, every man You are under no obligation. more serious than early spring re­ knows his sisns and daughters will ports indicated. U S E O U R Descriptive folders and information Harvesting of the grain crops arc have a chance to do big things and LISTEN Convenient under way. ’The second cutting of ehj'oy a full and free life. That ASK FOR ESTIMATES on request. to the alfalfa has been put up under good counts” , " Weather conditions. Pastures are * * * CREDIT v'ery dry. NEWS PHONE PHONE Grand Forks (The Old -rimo-’i xne%cs ere presenled in tku PLAN As reported August 5: The first newspaper eadi te e ^ tinder the sponsorship C K O V The KELOWNA SAWMILL Go. Ltd. ef ihe British Cdtumhia Federation cf ’Treie (KELOWNA) LTD. 24S B E B H A R D A V E N U E week of this period was very dry 2 21 2 21 and hot with temperatures going eatd Indttrtjy). <■ ------Distxihotors of JOHNS-MANVILLE hlaterials ------Mc&Mc a b o v e th e 100 m a rk . T h e second week was quite cool with mu(di THUESDAY, AUGUST 1*. IWff T H E WSMJOWMA C O U R U A P A O E F O U K t-d sentences were E. Wilkinson, II. Bre»ch. W. A. Grfgg- It. Itomsher- POUCE COURT gcr. G. Witzkc. A. IL Ucdlich and E. Steinke. Fined $21M) were A. SOUTH OKANAGAN VALLEY Ciofton House School Dlllman, II, Jmacil, H. II. Stearns C. K, Ijfa n c y w as fin ed $2.50 w l»cn Acu«-diles.t by Uw OntpO'I'AKOiion he apiR-ared in city police court and A. A. Uawolln. You Con Servo July 31 for failure to liave in pro­ NEWS ROUNDUP per working order a red light on For exceeding the one hour park­ REtiDiaiTUa AMD DAT SC8 0 0 L N R i G O tlS the rear of his motor vehicle. ing lim it on the city’s main streets. AT SUMMERGAND. nearly five THE FIRST I’EN'ITCTON ElKS OsoutlfuUy irftuatvd In 10 oenw o( w«tl-v«ioopeared in city po­ liundrcd persoiw not usually resi­ JUNIOR AQUATICS, held Saturday ■ary O omh to Mstrkwioticm. Musk, Art, IraMna ChriefUe’s ; For riding his bike on Uie side­ lic e c o u rt A u gu st 4. F in e d $2.50 dent In the inunlclpallty are now p ro v e d BUCccBsful beyond the ex­ HW Coonemtei^ Oymnesttes, CWncIna Archwy, Gonm, RMino walk, a boy was put on probation were J. 51. Tarct. M. Schuck, C. W. engaged in harvesting the big 1047 pectations of its sponsors. More than for one month when he appeared in Tool, A. 1*. Gramalich and II. P- fruit crop or ore with their famil­ 100 took part aiui several luindix'd 10 tor Baordtrt — S«p(«n. G'urrcll and R. Davison. Principal: M m Ethm K. Oryatr, MA son it is estimated by those in ISJks plan to eonUnuc their si>on- 1200 WMt ■ KEirlrtkii* ^Jac Sentences were suspended for charge Of operations. 'n»e Inlwr of­ sondiip of tile event, incrcaslrq!; its Charged with intoxication ii» a Verna and Groce Shaver when they fice in Sumrnerlnnd has placed 603 scope, llie number of events and W a f e r s ■ public plm c. II. P. llrook.s was fined appeared in city police court August workers in the orchads and canner­ the number taking |>art. $25 an d costs o r 14 d a ys w h en he 1 for riding their bicycles pn the ies, while .packing houses employ appeared in city i»ollcc court Au­ i sidewalk. On similar charges. Ver- another 250. Seventy-five per cent I'ENTICTON COUNCIL, in keep­ gust 4. Any Pldco-Anytim© ^ da Walker and Marjorie Jicklc had of the workers In orchards and can­ ing with the plan invoked by other their bikes impounded for one neries arc from the Interior of B.C. Valley communities, has agreed to A fine of $50 and costa or in de­ w eek . or prairie points, and at least 25 .spray garbage cans. 'Die cans will fault one month in Jail was levied per cept of the packing liouse em­ be treated with a five per cent sol- on R, T. Warmun in city police Impoundment of his bike for one ployees are from outside ti»c muni­ uloM of DDT to reduce the fiy men­ court where he appeared August 4 wc'ck wn.s the pu nishm ent im posed cip a lity. ace and eliminate this jjosslblc tmz- Their'^reat $m ham g on a charge of consuming liquor in on a boy whep he appeared In ju­ nrd in the polio outbreak. a public place. is r m f f y / « venile court on August 1 for rid­ CONSTRUCTION OF HOMES in ing to the left of two other cyclists. .SUMMERLAND continues to high­ C.P.R. OFFICIALS AT PENTIC­ M A fin e o f $2.50 w a s Im posed In ' - 1 light building In the municipality. city police court on August 2 on TON have promised full co-opera­ Eleven motorists appeared In city In July, out of a total of $17,705 Fred Slack for on infraction against tion. in combating the oil nuLsance 50"V\T police court August 4 to face w o rth o f p erm its issued, $14,500 w os 0H0 • ’ Aariculfural Chemicals Division ' In Woodlawn In Kelowna Sentences were suspended for H. Assessment: Land ...... $ 300.00 $ 500.00 •••>,. H alifax; .V- '".MisntreaL ,".Montreal - ' "'Toronto ' "Toronto Chatham,Chothon^ Onf. Tainaka and W. G. Ewasiuk when they appeared in city police court Improvements .... .3,600.00 4,150.00 ' Winnipeg /r, '« Calgary . New Westminster August 11 on charges of exceeding T o ta l ...... 3,900.00 4,650.00 the one hour parki^ limit on downtown streets. Similar charges Taxes:—General 1% ...... ^ 39.00 against W. M. Ramsay and R. E. S ch o o l 10.8 m ills ...... — . 82.4® Zimmerman were dismissed. Inclusive 38 .mills ...... 176.70 A W a te r ...... 36.00 2460; FOR QUICK RESUMS Licence (Trades) ...... 100.00 30.00 TRY COURIER CLASSEETED ADS In su ran ce ...... 14.64 7.19 , A D U R O ^ - 222.04 237.89 A d d e d C ost b y In co rp o ra tio n ...... 15.85 a 2. A STORE:— A ssessm en t:— ^Land ...... 225.00 , 325.00 Improvements ..... 2,100.00 2,275.00 T o ta l ...... 2,325.00 2,600.00 FARM NEED Taxes:—General 1% ...... 23.25 School 10.8rnills ...... 19.44 In c lu s iv e 38 m ills ...... 98.80 W a te r ...... 36.00 24.00 L ic e n c e ...... :...... ^..... :..... -...... 10.00 raUNNING water is a In su ran ce ...... 6.72 3.94 necessity in the farm m 85.41 136.74 home today. And in stables, Added Cost by Incorporation ...... 51.33 barns, poultry houses, green­ 3. — A R E S I D E N C E :- Assessm ent:— ^Land ...... 300.00 500.00 houses and truck gardens it Improvements ...... 1,800.00 1,575.00 adds production and profit T o ta l !...... '...... 2,100.00 2,075.00 enough to soon pay for a Taxes:—General 1% ...... — ...... 21.00 S ch o o l 10.8 m ills ...... 17.82 DURO Pump installation. The IFafcft For It I In c lu s iv e 38 m ills ...... 78.85 W a te r ...... _...... 36.00 24.00 new DURO is the Farmer's CO In su ran ce ...... ;...... 5-76 2.73 Pump — built to give a life­ Fixtures & Fittings 80.58 105.58 EATON'S Big time of satisfactory service. Styled. for Beauty and Utility Added Cost by Incorporation ...... 25.00 See us for complete informa­ for MCO Kitchen, Balhropm and New Catalogue 4. —A RESIDENCE:— Laundry . . . protect the health A ssessm en t:— ^Land ...... 150.00 200.00 tion of your family . . . add to the fo r Improvements ...... 2,400.00 1,650.(K) comforts of doily living. Learn how easily and economically you KELOWNA MOTORS LTD. • <5^ T o ta l ...... 2,550.00 1,850.00 con modemixe your horn*. Coll Fall and W inter us today. Taxes:—General 1% ...... -...... ,• 25fi0 1 9 4 7 - 1 9 4 8 S ch o o l 10.8 m ills ...... 21.06 e Don’t dig into yoiu: savings . . . you In c lu s iv e 38 m ills ...... -..... 7030 "W ater ...... *...... 36.00 24.00 can enjoy the advantages of safe, big- In su ran ce ...... — • 7-68 238 mileage Goodyear tires NO W . . . and Soon w ill be on PAY AS pay on our budget plan. That’s the i t s w a y ! 9024 9‘7.16 smart, systematic way to buy. Come in Added Cost by Incorporation ...... 632 YOU RIDE today— have the thrill of driving out on W o r t h 5. —AN AGRICULTURAL OPERA'nON:— brand new Goodyears—^firee from tire Assessment:—Land ...... 3,000.00 5,485.00 worry. Waiting Fori Improvements ...... 5,100.00 3,800.00 rM»||

T o ta l ...... 8,100.00 9,285.00 Taxes:—General ...... 15.00 Schools 10.8 mills ...... 73.71 4^. EATON C2™. In c lu s iv e ..... 352.83 W a te r ...... - • ..... g o o d /V e a r In su ran ce ...... 1632 639 L WINTER LTD. 103.03 359.42 525 Bernard Avenue Phone 10 EATON'S Added Cost by Incorporation ...... 25429 NOTE:— School taxes are calculated at 10.8 mills to bring the Woodlawn area into line with other parts of unorganized territory, compensating for adjustment made by assessor for variation in fiscal year of new school imPIflE JflflSS K m ' KELOWNA MOTORS LTD. district and former Kelowna School District. . . » , l i l i n i T € 0 Insurance^ estimated at "Board’’ rates for one year in each instance. Phone 778 1610 Pendozi St. Kelowna assessment made by city assessor, in full comparison with city properties, and after co-relating lands with areas now incorporated in city. _ ., 1038 Homer St., 'Vancouver, B.C. No allowance made for water charge to agricultural operation as It Tttt P**OSfc is presumed irrigation charges would, continue tmehanged.

Vi.i: ,h' 0 ' V | i j. 1 1 1 i 1 ‘ in 1 ■( s M m R A G E F IV E THE KELOWNA COURIER TllUliSDAV, AUGUST H, LEAD IN rLAYOFFS here last Svmda.v. At Revelstohe, tiie same iloy, t)»e jf) a .'.tcady stream tiirough the cul- KAf.U-OOPS, Aug. 6.~K.ajplooj»« hoiuetowners took the fiis*t game vert under the rwul.. into Uu; open NET PLAYERS C Y O, and Revt lstoke Spikes are from Kamloops I.ir'gion. 3-2. (Second OPEN SEWER «ii!< h through the Inru- of tin; next D o i n g s i n the M O dofSpafp Uadtng ill the isemt-nnals for the games of the ber.t-of-three eemis iiloi k It li.iM broketv through the PARTICIPATE Nortti Okunagati-Mahihne liUc. were playtx! yestt rda> —one at Ver­ AT WESTBANK (litcii tmd is rumiing onto A. Watt's George Wy.se, witli two hoineni, u non, the oUiei at KanibHips.) property, vviiere tlic rxior is very 4 8 k A IN TOURNEY triple and a single, led the C.Y.O. IS CRITICIZED olfer»lve. Seven Kelowna feminine tennis crew to a 13-6 victory over Vermm TItV FOUIUI'.U tT.ASSIl IKD AI)S The? residents of the bhx:k tiirough players accepted an Invitation from WKJiTUANK -- 'Hie j,cwcrage v/liich the sewerage is now running the ladies of the Oltanagan Centro ditcli /rora Uic cafe to Uic road h<»!s are lioplng eomething will bo done VALLEY BALL tennis club and took part In some friendly matches there 'Diesday been filled in. and the residents in very jdiortly before they are in the Vernon Tigers Tame that block report much Improve­ same predicament as Uiose in U»e LEAGUE NEARS night. ment. Uut the sewerage Is running former blot;k. Kelowna players were Mni. Kay A tribute to the m em ory o f the late Brunette, Mrs. R. Oatman, and * Kelow na . Boxia Squad FINAL STAGE Mi sscs Sylvia Sutton, Rhovla Simp- son, Grace I’earcey, Faith and Joy W asson. W ALLACE R. CAMPBELL Sunday May Be Last Chance I.rf»dies from Okanagan Centre A s League Nears End Fans Will See Playoff Game taking part in Uie matches were CB.E. at Park Miss Karlecn Ilnrc. Mrs. Hate, Mrs. H. Van Ackeren, Mrs. Wentworth, Courier Sports Reporter) ’Tlic BJincLs of tim e arc running out Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Chcsscman, Pat quickly on tlie Okanagan Valley Chccscmnn, Mrs. Baker aivl Pat Chairman of the Boards Ford V E R N O N — Any faint (rlimmcr of hope of Kelowna catching (Intjornational) Baseball League B ak er. scene, and it could be that fans will Return Matcli Sunday ui> to Vernon Tigcrfl for the lead in the Interior Lacrosse ’ .... M otor Company of Canada Ltd. have their last chance to see the Kelowna will have a chancG to Association before the season’s schedule ran out, was quashed league in official action at the Oval Orchard avenge tho loss of three weeks ago here Monday night when the Vernonites thumped the this coming Sunday. nt Summcrlnnd, when a mixed team City squad 18-9, to sweep the four league It will be the first and maybe the of four men ond four women from last of the playoff games for tho Summcrland will play a return games played this year. league championship and the Mit­ Down, two {pimcs to one— Kelow­ match at the Kelowna Tennis Club chell Cup. Oliver, tho team that this coming Sunday Summcrland na took tire first game, but Vernon tried in vain to take the last two the next two—Kelowna went out took tho first meeting, 0-3. imnt> WYMAN HEADS scheduled league games from the A friendly tournament ncld here O m R D CITY MOTORS, Monday to even things up, but su­ Kelowna Red Sox, will be here to perior passing play was its undoing, on August 1, between the ladies SRLES^SERVICE SHARPSHOOTERS try to take this suddciv-dcath fix­ from Okanagan Centro and a team lire Vernon, septet, clicking like n ture and oust the Sox from the M it­ Despite a changeable llglit that of Kelowna ladles, ended l:r a' 6-3 ------PMONE 552 ------well-oiled machine, had things pret­ chell Cup hunt. shooters said "caused rather trying ty well their own way for at least win for tho locals. * conditions," 24 riflemen, who were Oliver made the grade bj' virtue three-quarters of the game. of its 5-3 win over Orovillc last F O R D and MONARCH DEALERS HORSE RACING out on Sunday at the Glenmoro F in e s o f $2.50 w e r e im posed on F ast G om e Sunday. Prior to that, Oliver and Range for tlic weekly rifle moot of six motorists who appeared in city Orovillc wore tied for fourth spot 1857 Pendozi St. cor. M ill Ave. the B.C. Dragoons’ Rlflo Club, The fast pace, started in the open­ police court August 12 on charges of and the last playoff berth. TWO DAYS SEVEN RACES DAILY marked some fairly good scores. ing quarter, never let up and fans exceeding the one hour parking li­ Again heading the list was George witnessed one of the speediest Only an Exhibition mit In effect on downtown streets. Wyman with an aggregate ot 90, 31 games of tile year. Kelowna took Ot Omak, what was at fli’st be­ Fined were: O. W. Middleton, W. for the 200 and 500, and 34 for the a little time to get used to the woo- lieved to be another sudden-death Metcalfe, G. N. Douglas, D. McLeod, SAT. SUN., AUG. 16 17 COO-yard ranges. H. Simpkins was den, surface, but by the second playoff game—tho semi-final bc- A. Jess and G. S. Sutherland. In­ runner-UD with an aggregate of 94. quarter was going at its best lick. tween league-leading Omak and terior Agencies, represented by R. MEMORIAL PARK OROVILLE, WASH. Four Teams to Vemon outshooting the Vernon ^hlrd-placo Brewster—was held im- B land, w as also fin ed $2.50 and costs Four teams arc expected to com­ Tigers 13.11 In tho first, Kelowna conditions, also on Sun- on a similar charge. Stop... pete next Sunday in the 1st annual started out the game witli a deficit ^he real test wUl come this ® $1,500.00 IN PURSES ® of 6-4 at the end of the first 15 min- Sunday, again at Omak. Brewster meet of the Vemon Military Area 2. Hit by pitcher—Hashimoto by WORRYING ABOUT YOUR. Rifle Association (9th Recce Rcg’t, utes. Before five minutes of the tj,e exhibition game last Sun- Wostradowsld. Stoletr bases—Ha­ second had passed, Kelowna tied It jjjy shimoto, G. Naito, Mits Koga. DELIVERY PROBLEMS . . Admission: Adults $1.20 plus tax; Juniors, Half Price B.C.D.’s). The shoot will be held at the Vem on Military range. up, but that was as close as the vi- chances are somewhat less than Umpires—L. White and F. Fitsch. sitors ever got to getting another playoff Children under 10 years must be accompanied by parents. B.C. Rifle Association rules w ill W e are equipped to handle apply and shooting w ill start at 9 the Tigers. park. If Oliver wins on Sun- SUMMERLAND WINS By half-time the Bengals were up it is all over. However, a.m. This meet is open to all mem­ PEACHLAND — In the playoff your problem and you will ap­ 9-6 and, from then on kept adding Kelowna is favored to take the Oli- bers in good standing of any or­ game for top place in tho South to their lead. While the tussle was game, but to have another fix- preciate our prompt, courteous ganized club and to^nembers of the Okanagan - Similkameen League rough, officials kept things fairly depends on the Omak- Reserve Army, for whom (the lat­ (Northern Division), Summcrland service. well in hand and meted out 38 min- prewster game. ter) special matches have been ar­ ousted Peachland 8-3 on Sunday, at utes in penalties. Such times out event Kelowna wins Sun- ranged. One of the largest collec­ Summcrland. proved to be more disastrous for the ^^y^ t^ere w ill be another game tions of prizes ever given away at Summerland showed its superior­ southerners who got 12 of the 19 ^^jy prewster wins over a meet in the Interior has been do­ ity by outwitting Peachland and penalties. On three separate occa- omak. That game should be ei- nated for the tourney, next Sunday. capitalizing on Peachland’s five er­ Following are the scores for last sions the Kelownians were short during the week or on the fol- COMET SERVICE rors for some unearned runs. Bill Sunday’s shoot at the Glenmore ^ j lowing Sunday, August 24. If Omak Evans, on the mound for the home­ BOX BITS—The game drew its then the final game will be at range: town nine, was steady in the clutch —- CALL 855 -— usually large complement of fans omak. 200 500 600 T l. and received sterling support in from Kelowna . . . Stalwart De- G . W y m a n ...... 31 31 34— 96 Three Negro Teams __ fenceman PAT TALBOT was miss- the field while starting out fine and H. Simpkins ...... 32 33 29 94 But that isn’t the end of baseball 32__^93 ed . . . Kelowna is still sure of se- scattering eight hits. G eo. H ill ...... 28 33 «r.nf__thirH nnH fourth nro vet for this year, by any means. To- Going Into the last inning with a H. M cC a ll ...... 30 30 31— 91 to be derided “ BOB S A u S ^ California Tigers, base- 4.1 lead, Summerland put the game PROTEC D. McMillan ...... 28 31 31— 90 led t h ? S Va5de g e X ? S ball’s clowning Ne^o oumt, will be on ice on singles by Imayoshi. Ev- W. R. Maxson ...... 26 30 34^-90 ?oals and S s ts ® pfr K^- confusing the Ited Sox The follow- ans and Walsh and on an error. All J. Gripman ...... 27 33 28— 88 fo^Rtlr^W oandART this was good for four runs and Auction Sales ORCHARH J. Johnson ...... 30 29 30— 89 riTT.T.ATin «„-th t„ro rrnaic noit T.ATi. team of them all, me an 8-1 lead. GILLARD with two goals and LAR ­ J. Anderson ...... 27 30 30—87 Oakland Larks, will stop off at Peachland also raUied in the nin- RY NEID with a pair of assists , . . G. C. Rose ...... 30 29 27— 86 Kelowna for a tilt with Dick Mur- gg John Gunimow doubled to Kelowna wasn’t outshot so much, Our sales rooms on Leon Ave. are now open each day P . R a n k in ..... 31 23 29— 63 ray’s nine, and another six days right field and Verne Cousins doubl- but most of . its shots were from to receive any goods for sale b y auctibh.. Bring your H. M a xson ...... 26 29 28— 63 later, the San Diego Tigers w ill re­ ed to centre, scoring Gummow. Cle­ well out and were easily handled A . R a n k in ...... 30 29 23— 82 turn to avenge the 9-1 licking they ments struck out and Cousins scor­ surplus goods in to iis for quick disposal. by netminder HAMMOND . . . Ti­ H . ^ n k i n ...... 30 26 23— 79 got here on July 24 ed as Ferguson was safe on Walsh’s gers usuaUy had a man in place A . Jessop ...... 26 25 27— 78 For all three games, the Athletic bad throw. But the raUy was snuff­ A ll inquiries regarding public or private auction sales who was h^ded down a pass and D . p in .... 29 21 26— 76 Oval w ill be roped "off and* admis­ ed out as Duquemin struck out and beat DON CATCHPOLE at point- can be had on application. ' W. Garbutt ...... 28 24 23— 75 sion charged as fans enter the en­ Mehls grounded to ]^ans. blank range . . . P . C a re w ...... 24 23 27— 74 closure either on foot or in cars Kuroda was the leading hitter for H . H em street ...... 23 26 25— 74 SUMMARY Summerland with three singles, F.W. CROWE — AUCTIONEER F . K o s o lo fs k i ...... 27 25 19— 71 V e m o n S G G while ClEurk and Hankins had twp 23— 51 C . H a w e s ..... — 28 H am m on d ...... 0 0 each, the latter a home run. Gum­ 25— 45 Leon Avenue or 122 Bume Avenue F. K its c h ...... — 20 Saunders ...... — 8 4 RUTLAND GETS mow and Verne Cousins both had R ed m a n ....i...... 2 5 two hits for the losers. Phone apiplied for. B eech ...... — 2 1 PLAYOFF BERTH Rutland and Peachland now will T om pson ...... — ...... 63 go into a sudden-death semi-final SALES WILL BE HELD EACH WEEK C o n le y ...... 3 1 to be played Sunday. The winner — - Watch this paper fw advertisements — (HEXA ETHYL TETRA PHOSPHATE) Bush ...... ,5 1 IN BALL LOOP wiU take on Summerland in a two- M cC lu sk ey ______4 3 out-of-three series for the cham­ M ills ...... :...... 3 2 pionship of the northern division. RUTLAND — Dogged persistency C a ry k ...... 0 1 paid off here Sunday afternoon for Combat red mites with this powerful, new insecticide spray. S ch u ltz ...... 1...... 0 0 the hometown squad when it finally Green Cross laboratory and field tests have proved I ^ e x M on ah an ...... 0 4 D ou glas ...... 1 2 made the playoffs by defeating K e­ a superior product for red mite control. Recommended G a b elh ei ...... 10 lowna Cubs, 6-3, in a good game of ball, from any viewpoint. The two dosage is To oz. to 100 Imperial gaUons of water. K iller P re n tic e .... 0 0 T o ta ls .... 44 18 12 14 teams had ended the season in a combines readily with D D T , wettable sulphur or ursenate tie for third place, and this game of lead to form all-round orchard sprays. Ask for Green Kelowna SG»G A P settled the position. Cross Killex. •Re^d TraJe-taati C a tch p ole ...... ^.. 0 0 Simday’s game started put some­ P a rk s ...... 1 what on the ragged side, with the BENNETT E. Rampone ...... ;. 2 shortstop oh each team coimhitting ,REEN^:CROSS FIELD LEADER PRODUCT M a im d re ll ...... 4 a brace of errors. Rutland scored HARDWARE B a ll ...... :...... :...... 5 its first Tun in the opening inning N e id ...... 1 but Cubs, with two singles and a B ian co ...... 7 long fly got three runners across to Distributors fbf Okanagan Valley M unson ...... : 2 go into the lead. L a n fra n c o ...... 2 That proved to be all for the G iU ard ...... 5 Cubs. Hank Wostradowski, in the OKANAGAN FRUIT EQUIPMENT '■ 1441 W E S T: S I" AVE-x.yA N C 0 U V E R, B. C ■ B e ra rd ...... 2 box for' Rutland, settled down to V E R N O N , B.C. L IM IT E D M a rtin 1...... 3 hold the opposing batters, allowing A d a m s ...... 0 only three more scattered hits and The New Filter Queen Vacunm Cleaner L. Rampone ...... 2 fanping eight. Only .12 men faced him in the next four innings, and T o ta ls ...... 36 9 4 24 it was not until the seventh that the with the L O C K -T IT E connections Cubs threatened. Shots stoppd— 1 2 3 4 T tl. After two were out, Naito was Complete set of attachments including the Floating Brush. Sprayer By Hammond ...... 9 7 6 5— 27 safe on a dropped ball, and Mits attachment for shampooing rugs. De-mothing equipment effec­ RAISE B U M PEi? CROPS B y C a tch p o le ...... 5 6 7 ® ^26 Koga singled. But his brother, Mo- Score by Periods— rio Koga, popped out to diortstop tively de-moths clothes and furniture. V e m o n ...... 6 3 4 5— 18 to end the raBy. EVERY SEASON K e lo w n a ...... 4 2 1 2— 9 Rutland’s mns came in the third, Referees—J. Loudon, Vemon; R. Bach and H. Wostradowski singling, PRICED A T $109.50 CASH G. Whillis, Kelowna. and B£tch scoring on a passed ball. Le s s W A T E R Linger being safe at first. A dou­ ble by Holitski scored two mnners, Gan be purchased for $16.50 down; balance as low as $8.50 a month Less W O R K and Andy Kitsch singled to score ■ ■ s , MEN’S BOWLING H o litsk i. Le s s EXPENSE The game went scoreless from then until the first of the ninth LEAGUE PLANS when Shishido drew a walk and Thor M om atic Gladiron HOW? then scored on a double by Brum- ' ' ...... - — ' " ' " ',' I met, who overran the base and was The BEDIBAIN Y O U C A N D TAKING SHAPE caught out in a hot box to retire Eliminate that back-aching chore ;— the Thor Gladiron stands the side. The last half of the ninth Tentative plans for the coniing gg^ the Cubs retired in order. Ho­ while you sit. Easy to set up. Folds away to occupy only square ifs>w ^ seasPn were drawn up this we.ek by litski was high man with the stick the executive of the Men’s Com m er- for______the______afternoon, ^getting three- feet of floor space. One control starts and stops the roll, opens rial Fivepin Bowling League. At for-four, one a double, and closes the Gladiron shoe. a meeting Tuesday night, several B O X S C O R E changes were suggested and these ,, , FDRTABIE IRRIGATIDX iqUIPMENI along with other, plans wUl be pre- KnUaM ABRHPOAE aKTVTHlNG ELSE?' sented for approval to a general S h i^ ^ , zb ...... J 3 0 PRICED A T $129.50 CASH T u b in g .: 2 0 Ves. R5T>IRAB4 exclusive meeting of the league to be called ^ •■•."ii"— f in the near future. Wostradowski H., p 4 0 0 Can be purchased on terms of $26.00 down; f>isv to attach. ^ , locks 1 0 Craig Brodie, league president, ‘ Balance as low as $7.00 per month. said every team that took part Kohtsta, c . 9 0 Sr seals by BEDIBAIN 11 0 the league last year will be ap- - 1 2 ,ro m o e *p e « - proached to see if it wished to be „ , , 0 0 in league play this year. While Bulock, 3b 0 WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC RECORD-CHANGING SvP eato valvy Ue» some are known to have dropped T ru itt, I f 0 1 out, other teams are expected to Brummet, rf ...... 0 0 take their places. Any team wish­ Wost’dowski F., If 0 ing to take part is requested by the 35 6 8 27 10 3 R a d io W H O hS p "* ^ executive to get in touch with T o ta ls ...... either Craig Brodie, or the Bolo- Kelowna Cabs yiB H H PO A B Selected Walnut Veneer Hand-Rubbed Finish No-lift Cabinet Top drom e. Koga, Morio, c 4 1 1 6 4 0 One of the changes which will be Hashimoto, ss ...... 3 0 0 2 2 — Glide-away Record Player Drawer — Tilt-out Radio Control up for approval at the general Naito G., rf ...... 4 1 Panel — 12-inch Acoustically Balanced Speaker — 7 Tubes. meeting is believed to be a new Kawahara, If .—... 4 0 system of computing handicaps, Tomiye, 2b ...... 4 2 ^ stand which, according to Brodie, M en d e, 3b 3 3 give "every team a chance.’’ Yamaoka, lb _ 4 11 PRICED A T $289.00 CASH S o u t “'"igauon. Kitaura, cf ..... 2 2 AX PRINCIYA*' SEEK VALLEY TITLE Koga, Mits, p 3 2 Can be purchased on ternls of $58.00 down; - Salmon Arm and Rutland “A” J. Naito. cf ..... 2 0 Balance $15.50 per month. w ill tangle at the bail i>ark, Rutland, H ic k ic h i .... 1 0 Sunday afternoon, hi a sudden- death softball tussle to decide the ...... 34 3 5 27 12 Okanagan Pro-Rec men’s champion­ Score by Innings ship. The winning team w ill be eli­ R u tla n d ______104 000 001— 6 gible to compete in the B.C. Pro- K e lo w n a C ubs — 300 000 000—3 Rec finals at Vancouver at tlie end S a m m a ry of this month. Earned runs—Rutland 3, Cubs 1. I f l i i i i i f i Two base hits—Holitski, Brummet. Kelowna’s first invitational trap :P'; on Balls—Off Wostradowski M P S & l o w E R , lIH ii- shoot tournament in many years will be held here on Laimr Day, 0, off Koga 2. Struck out—by Wos­ the Kelowma Rod and Gun Club tra d o w s k i 8, b y K o g a 6. L e f t on has announced. Entries are expect­ bases— R u tla n d 4, C u bs 5. W ild 4,0 EAST CORDOVA ST . : • . V A NCOU V E R. B C, " pitch—Koga 2. Passed balls—Koga ed from all over the Valley. 4.lrSO MANUfAcVuMEHS Or MASTJTH PUM**S Mvo >V*TCR THE SE3U0WMA eOHEH* nnjHSDAY. AUGUST 14, )MT PAGE SIX RUTLAND MAN SWIMMING • B O A T IN G FOUND GUILTY U n c T r p Y • F IS H IN G OF WATER THEFT Aa a aj aa a from the Private Beach *4 •WW) THE I Edward Ruttig Fined $10 and SUNNY BEACH CHRISTIAN ST- MICHAEL * A ll Costs After 'I'akinj* Water UNITED CHURCH from B.M.I.D. For All Occasions AUTO CAMP O F C A N A D A ANGELS’ CHURCH ‘SAFE SUMMEIl FUN“ SCIENCE SOCIETY Firnl United, corner Richter St. (A n c llc a n ) lOdward Ruttig, Rutland, was fin­ ------at FUMERTON’S and Bernard Ave. Richter and SuUicrland ed $10 and o r seven d ays In Write P.O. Box 76». Kelowna Corner Ucrtiard nnd Bertram St. default, by Magistrate H. Angle 74-tfc R ecto r: tills inurning fur unlawfully taking water from u flume of the Black Kayser, 42-j^auj^c nylon, pair .... $1.40 This Society is a brandi of Tlio Dr. M. W. Lees - Minister Vcn. D. S. Catchpole. B.A., B.D. Moutain Irrigation District. Mother Church, Ttie First ChurcJi Rev, D. M. Perlcy, B.A.. B.D. In piuising sentence. Magistrate of Clirlst, Scientist, in Boston, Assistant Minister Corticclli, 45-}^ait{.;c nylons, [lair .. $1.65 Angle said -that the offence did not Mnr.Kachusctt8. appear to liave been a serious one, E. B. Beattie - Organist Sunday, A u gu st 17Ui Butterfly, 51-}4^aiip:c nylons, pair .... $1.85 ASPHALT but it could not, however, be taken lightly. He said from the evidence S E R V IC E S T l U N m f X I Full Fashioned Crepe, pair ...... $1.35 ORDER NOW ! it apepared that the B.M.I.D. did S u n d a y— 11 OJn. , Sunday, August 17Ui 8.00 a m.—Holy Conununion. not warn Mr. Ruttig personally tliat he was committing an ollcncc, nor Sunday School, 0.45 a.in. British Lisle Thread, pair ...... $1.25 Topsoil - Gravel 11.00 a.in.—Morning Service. 11.00 a in.— Holy Communion. did it Issue a general warning. 'Hie First and Tlurd Wednesdays. prosecution's case, he sjdd, would FUl feoil 7.30 p.i 1 Evening Service. 7.30 p.m .— E vensong. Pure Thread Silk Hose, p air...... $1.00 Testimony Mectliur, 0 pm. have been stronger If that had been BuUdozing Work Done Frcaclicr: Morning and Evening: done. Reading Room open Wednesday REV. B. W. K, ELLIOTT, Tlio information was laid by the NEW SEAMLESS NYLONS, $t (U) afternoon, 3 to 5 pjn. O K . M IS S IO N — 9.30 a.in. of Saskatoon Black Mountain Irrigation Dlslrict. ex(|uisitely sheer, pair ...... L A. McKENZlE lussa-r.'e Mr. Ruttig was tried nnd found 030 G lc n w o o d A v c .— P h o n e S23L1 ftuUty before Magistrate Anglo in 70-tfc District Police Court Monday after­ noon. He was remanded for sen­ EVANGEL FIRST LUTHERAN tence until today. FIRST. BAPTIST Dob Hayman, crown prosecutor, Footw ear Clearance called four witnesses. TABERNACLE CHURCH Dougald McDouguIl, secretary- (Affiliated with the Pentecostal CHURCH In Ladies’ and Misses’ sizes 3 to 8, in play and novelty numbers The Church Of The Lutheran treasurer of the B.M.I.D., testified Assemblies of Canada) that one of the district’s flumes pas­ and canvas with rubber and leather soles, p a ir ...... * L 9 5 ICUTICURAI 1440 B e rtra m St. H o u r sed through Ruttig’s prppcrty. He Pastor: G. GREATORE3C Rev. Albert Cursons - Pastor SOAP and OINTMENT said it was an open llumo, with the B Mr. J. Martin - Organist. water entirely exposed to view. The For PROMPT RELIEF Aug. 14th 8 p.m.— Lecture on the district, ho said, permitted no one I 7//. PIMPLES S u n day, A u gu st 17th Lutheran Hour by Col. L. W. to use the water unless they paid I Sunday, August 17th M ein zen . fo r it. RASHES 0.55 a.m .— S u n d ay S ch ool and Girls’ and Children’s Play Clothes I SUNDAY, AUG. 17th Use Rubber Hose Bible Class. 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. BLACKHEADS Frederick Bctkc, who lives be­ I E 11.00 ajm.—Devotional Service. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 9.30 a.m.— S e rv ic e s at R u tland. Cuticura help# clesr up skla low Mr. Ruttig on the Rutland road, w COTTON DRESSES and PLAY B ishca. Buy today—economical I AH 7.30 p.m.— E va n gelistic. 7.15 p.m.— E v e n in g W orsh ip . 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School at dnisidata MU4ly Mtdicattd. K e lw o n a . testified that on June 28 he had seen S U IT S in one and two piece styles, I Try CoUcura Baby OU. Rev. and Mrs. C. R. ROBB Guest Preacher, Rev. R. Birch 11.15 a.m.—Services at Kelowna. Mr. Ruttig bailing water out of the Splendid for diaper raiti. flume, and had seen his son take a all age.s ...... 98< to $2,95 H MH! will supply the pulpit of the Tabernacle for the month of 10.30 p.m.—Lutheran Hour over black rubber hose out of it. Mr. VI CKOV. August., Bctke said he had called Mr. Rut­ W E D N E S D A Y BOYS’ WASH SUITS— A Cordial Welcome To A ll! tig a thief and had told him to keep STRANGERS and VISITORS out of the flume. 8.00 p.m.— P r a y e r M eetin g. 1 to 6 years ...... 65^ to 95f installed upon the ferries them­ CAR AND TRUCK off shore was a man, fully clothed, T ra d e. selves, wa^rooms should be built Some weeks ago the board drew RODEO PARADE up to his waist in water. at each ferry wharf. In his reply ^ PICKLES, etc. the minister’s attention to the un­ INSURANCE Without so much as removing the minister stated that in his opin­ satisfactory conditions on the fer­ OMAK — The Canadian Legion their hats, the officers took to the ion this would not be feasible and Low Rates - Full Coverage SALE I P M. ries. The Penticton Board of Trade Pipe Band of Kelowna was a color­ water and thrashed their way the proper installations on the fer­ also joined in^ the representations. — also — ful addition to the parade and to the through the bulrushes. Persuaded ries would be much more satisfac­ KELOWNA An investigation, was made by the Fire - Orchard - Employee f i g Don’t forget the address evening show of the Omak (Wash.) to come ashore, the- man was later tory, with which the local board department which bore out the Stiuhpedc held last Friday and Sa­ certified as mentally ill and sent to concurs. Burglary - Plate Glass complaints, and the departmental ...... ^ p. W. CROWE. turday. a Coast hospital for treatment. D1 LICATESSEN engineers, in consultation with Personal Property Floater / The stanapede attracted the larg­ Meanwhile, Constables Poole and CRESCENT SHOIVS COMING Auctioneer. health department officials, have WESTERN est attendance and the largest num­ Murdock, modestly admitting “It City Council last Monday night INTERIOR AGENCIES ber of entries in the 14-year history was nothing,” went home for a quick designed facilities which w ill be In­ 122 Bume Ave. and SHOP BRIDGE stalled, according to the minister's approved granting permission to LTD. of this, event. John Tubbs, of Val- change into dry clothing and were a STEEL FABRICATORS LTD. Crescent Shows to operate In Ke­ P h o n e C75 325 Bernard Ave. Leon Ave. Phone 121 Bernard Ave. ley, Washington, won the all-around back to their normal duties a short letter, as soon as possible. VANCOUVER. a C In one of its letters to the mini- lowna the week of S^tcraber 22. cowboy award. while later.

■ .■■■'L-l'ii!'!]"'''i" ■’.■'•J'', fr'i'i'i PAGE SEVEN THUIISOAY, AUGUST H, 1M7 TH B KELOWMA COUMHat

PROPERTY FOR SALE NOTICES WATER WKLI. CASING CHOICE COUKOt EOT OVER- TIMBER 8A E E X433I9 pipe flUing.s and tubinjn lookiiiK lake, &0y'j It. by 83 ft. Apply Sealed tenders will be reccivctl Eipo Line Contntcinra -x • BIRTHS Box 509. Kelowna Courier. l-4p by the District Eorcstcr. Kamloops, IIEtrrOR RIACIIINK CO. LTD. tuiwMA IJ.C.. not la te r than n oon on the FOR SALE OR W ILL TOADE FOR 0th Ave. and 10th Street, East, R *tt; If cjfc.th 22nd day of Augttst, 1947, for Uie h-ivtaxwemtmt, BUSINESS PERSONAL FOR RENT F O R S A L E good modern house in or near Ke- CAl-GARY 4-lfc cmc <««3t |^»«t «ror ■ -n-i-uj oiinvxuijxuv mav - FIR SLABWOOD FOB CITY DE- Situated on haH an acre of grapes „r9^Tr,. lu^tto pacto&iCratto md sto ^ WASHER RE- ,ftor^“ j5.0Cl”p« tot. Phone 15. very cW to town with a'beauffiul (2«'"*Tl^to aS’*(26)”° toi P h o n e 298. 81.«0 cohdlUtod^^toe ^ ^ view. Pins is an outstodto h^ T ft- --

ORDER Your VENETIAN BLINDS 86-tfc PURE BRED POINTER PUPS, 5 ...... " ’ USED CARS, TRUCKS Division of Yale District and Pro­ now from Me & Me. Measurements months old, from ChanipionsWp ji ^CRE ORCHARD, 9 acres fuUy r——— — . tnxti- txtxi— vince of British Columbia, the lim it takem Estimates given. No oblige- SAWS—SAWS— GUMMING AND stock. Price $30.00.t Write Bucky’s pianfed, 4 room house, good out- MODEL A FORD, ENGINE RE- and extent whiereof is described as AtlSweT-^:- « — ------=-cix_._A TT— ^ . . . ----- ' .’ •=*.. . r.n.r.+i„ tires. foUows:— COMMENCING at the tion. Enquire about our service, giing done to all tjrpes of saws. Sports Shop, 171 Craig Street, Dun- buildings, 1947 crop, 9";miles from ^^^h ’^ n e w Phone 44. 87-tfc All work guaranteed. For best re- can, B.C. Kelowna. Excellent varieties, in soft Fnone bJb-Kl. 4-lp North-west corner of the South Half . suits see Johnson at 764 C aw ston fruit and apples. Price $11,000 ,40 TT A nixr TAT ATT/1TN oTT ATTO ‘+U tbc South-East Quartcr of Sec- THE PLUMBER PRO-TECrrS THE ^^e 8-ttc 200 NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS, 42 HARLEY INTnCE S K ^E with Three, (3), Township Twenty- extras for quick sale. Write- or > office and health of the nation. For good pro­ ------^------^------' twelvet w e lv e wecKSw e e k s oia,old, ^i.$1.25;4iai « alsoeu>u a 100 w ATTRAPn'TW T.AKFVTEW HOME three. (23); thence iEast to the tection, Phone Scott Plumbing CHIMNEY. STOVE ahd FURNACE special pullets from certified R.O.P. ft™ ^Si^^J;^rdwood ^Sr^ North-East corner of th e Sou th starftb climb, Works, 164 for pliunbing, heating repairs,______roofs__ painted.______Same ______effec- _____hens______with egg_ records abOTC 200 at only’o n ly bathroom fixtures. Mile Half of the South-Wes-West Quarter of and sheet metal work. 50-tfc tive service. Mac’s Chimney Sweep- $1.50 each. G. W. Game, TYiangle and h a lf fr o m tow n . P r ic e .... $4,()00 Section One, (1), Township Twenty: ing Service. Phone 164. 81-tfc Hatchery, Armstrong. 3-4c three, (23); thence South to a point fhe kill a9 ain.^ DO YOU CARRY YOUR BABY BARGAINS ALL < » & all over town when shopping? Use l i c e n s e d ELECTRICAL CON- WIRE!! PHONE!! WRITE!! 160 A C R E D A f f i Y ^ C M 39 acres ro? LET US FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS — our baby-bi^^ rtntal service ^ d tractor. Harold A, Foulds, u.s. Landing barges 36x 10 ft. Load- 2 ^mos^new barn^ dJed 4d eleven,’(Wlllf thence East shop in comfort, Percy Harding.and 749. 81^c j„g .^^^y 6 .tons. pow- ^^35 INTERNATIONAL witix Hoist to a.point on the East boundary exf Sons. Phone 661. 80-tfc e re d 14 knots. C ost n e w $32,000.00— RECOVER YOUR OLD CHESTER- ---- V «r S370000 Section One, (1), Township Twenty- FOR A SMARTLY STYLED PER- FIELD— riJLiju—at at uoaihalf theiaac cost tuat ofua new.aacw. Out Price: ------f.o.b.. Vmicouver, - - - j u i n nB.C^^^,7^.ro qViinTYipnt INTERIOR AGENCIES L’TD. 1942 DODGE DELUXE, radio and three, (23); which boimdary is also MANENT, shampoo and wave or of town nrders given prompt at- m guaranteed condition, amp 325 Bernard Ave., Kelowna heater on the centre line of a roadway; Give yourself a any other - beauty treatment, make tehtion. Okanagan Upholstering------Co. - by raiL 1944 FORD DELUXE, radio and thence following the said cenfee toe ALSO an appointment at Leonie’s Beauty 242 Lawrence Ave. Phone 819. . , , h ea ter of roadway South and South-Easter­ Booth. 193 Lawrence Ave., by phon- 63-tfc 225 h.p. Gray diesels su^lus, new l a R q e L O T C L O S E ’TO L A K E — 1937 LAFAYETTE SEDAN ly to its intersection with the North ing 414. 48-tfc — " - . ■ . — condition. Accepted by U.S. Navy Corner of Abbott and Morrison Ave. .Boundary “of Section Thirty-one, WE MAKE NEW FLOORS PER- as finest manufactured, make splen- Apply to H. C. S. Colett, 1476 Water 1933 TERRAPLANE “ 8” S E D A N *(31), Township Twenty-seven, (27); M A S O N R Y C O N T R A C T O R S — ^Plas- fe e t an d o ld floors lo o k lik e new did. ______sawmiUunit. ___ Price f.o.b. Van- street P h o n e 805. 4-4c thence East to toe intersection with tering. stucco, cement and brick (no dust). A Gagnon. Floor surfac- couver, B.C., $2,^6.00. ELLIS ST. SERVICE STATION the East boimdary of the Right-ol- work. Orsi & Sons, 572 Glenwood la g contractor. Established 1938 Phone 973 Way of the Northern Extension Durect Importers. JOHNSON & TA-STLOR 1337 E llis S t Ave. Phone 494-L. 81-tfc 525 Buckland Ave. Phone 69^L^^ PACIFIC MARINE SUPPLY CO. Ditch of the Black Mountain I:^ - 270 Bernard Avenue gation District; thence following FLOWERS BY WIRE TO ANY 1575 West Georgia S t M Arine 7759 the meanderings of said East Boun­ part of the world. Floral designs y o B. YOUR ICE REQUIREMENTS Vancouver, B.C. Fl^LY MODERN FIVE ROOM CAR BARGAINS dary of right-of-way in a Southerly for weddings, funerals and other Phone Burth Ice Delivery. Five -'62-tfc Stucco Bungalov/ in South End of direction to toe Centre of Section cold wave permanent occasions. Richter Greenhouses. Bridges. Phone 818-Bl. 81-tfc City. Large bedrooms, Pembroke 1935 P O N T IA C Nineteen, (19), Township Twenty- P h o n e . 81-tfc 88 OLD NEWSPAPERS — Useful lor bath and hardwood floors through- 1941 F O R D V 8 T U D O R seven, (27); thence South to the Y ou can tteac yourself to a perfect^ so ft, It’s os simple as Ihlil BO BSE O W N E R S —F O R I M P R O V - ______PERSONAL many purposed, 25c per bundle. Ih e out. Immediate possession. Very 1929 CHEV.TRUCK South-East comer of toe South- Courier Office, Water S t _____ good value at ...... $6,300 1939 K 35 iN T E R N A T T O N A L West Quarter of said Section 19, natural looking permanent wave—done at d e a r , s a i d , i a n _ a f t e r rotmd comfort with security from Township 27; thence West to the a cup o f'T in a girl friends house, F O R S A L E PIPE FITTINGS, hc»ne— in tiuee hours or less— widi the fire and weather, contact Wm. Tighe, SEMI-BUNGALOW on Richter St. W E E D E N ’S G A R A G E North-East Comer of Lot Three. what B UR plans 4-2 night O A c tiv e simple, teady-to-use C R O W N IN G & Son. 1383 St. Paul St., Phone 'T V a lfn '^ C o ^ *^ °PoweU ^ ’t ^Van- South. Five rooms and bath. In best 1647 W ater St. P h o n e 222 (3), Map Nineteen himdred and special Ian; ITl probably write a 5 35 699-Rl. Specializing in Roofing, Sid­ ’ I’oweU St., van- condition, with nice lawn, fruit ninety-one, (1991); thence Southerly G L O R Y Cold Wave Permanent Solutions. letter or 2 read toe Courier .listen couver, B.C. ing, and Insulation. Free estimates trees and fenced. Early possession. along the Easterly Boundair of said 2 toe Radio and so on. I C Idn re- ...... $5,750 1935 C O y E N T O Y E A G L E W TO TO I^ 3^ Map 1991 and toe production cheerfully given. 66-T -tfc 2 toe So on ELECTKIO WAIRR HEATERS Priced ... Safi fo r CbiUren's Hair, too! plied.pueu. WhenOUCH Uu cometuiiic rnn-fr-nl fSroii- „ cycle as is, $150.00. Also 1927.Buick tn the centre toe of the ) T T i BIBELIN’S MAIL ORDER do 0 4 get Tin I’m toort short of — 7.------button, .. , Scott ViSbtog FIVE ROOM S’TUCCO BUNGA- SedaUj^ converted^ to, jL mch Rwd; thence foUowing (withoirlers) FINlSmNO DEPARTMENT on my shirt. Lets 4 get that, she ,04 86-tfc low with bath and large cooler, box, 10-ply tire^ t-ear and over wood centre to e ’of road in a Souto- A n y ro u 0, 6 or 8 toxooto, prloto „ . J 4 * ------Very cosy home. Price ...:..... $5,500 sprmgs. Needs radiator repair, $W5. to a point oppo- In on South Pendozi M d get one of pQ jj _ 14 P q O t CLINKER Apply Henry Brown. General thirteen, 25c . their super duper hamburgers. I boat with nnor withmitwithout 3.3 H.P.HLP. Evin- CHOICE------BUILDING------LOT with ■ " livery,------Kelowna.------3-2p o o _ (13), Township Twenty-six, (26); hear they are reaUy soniething motor. Phone 321-L2. 86-tfc. fruit trees on Lake Avenue. Price .nr mw 't r a t t Jt o _ vnw thence foUowing said centre toe of 12 reprints and enlargement, 35c toe service is re^y good. 3-lc ------on applicaiton. xxvrvujictv JIWAV ,, . ----JJ— 5*„ and rctuih postage 3c. WOOD FOR SALE—PROMPT DE- tourist or farmer, 1947 licence, good road in a MAIL ORDER ONLY WANTED — HOME AND SOME liveryj Fred Dickson. Phone JOHNSON & TAYLOR tires, like new. Can be seen at Smith Reprints, 3c each. P.O. Box 1556 care for elderly woman, liberal Garage, Leon Ave., or phone 759-Y the East Boundary of toe South- 278-R5. 77-tfc Real Estate compensation. Write Box 744, Ke- West Quarter of said Section 13. and all lines of insurance evenings. 3-2p FOR EXCLUSIVE LADIES’ WEAR, 3-2p WRINGER ROLLS! ALL SIZES Township 26; thence South to toe 270 B e rn a rd A v e ., K e lo w n a Coats, Dresses, Hats, Handbags or for aU makes. Scott Plumbing LODGE NOTICES intersection with toe centre toe of any of the thousand and one acces- TiriQ T5*n r W o rk s. P h o n e 164. 86-tfc Mission Creek; thence following toe series that the well dressed woman ^ * n i c y p meanderings of said centre toe of needs see SCANTLAND’S LTD „ 531 The Traveller Mission Creek downstream in _ a ONE b^ement, firepl^e; kittoi^ B.P.O. Elks Bernard Ave., block east of the North-Westerly direction to toe in­ New A U PURPOSE RIT Post Office. 48-tfc B of M Services Solve r.n™ U.,"''^rS“ !U °SuvS£ meet 1st and tersection with the South Boundary 'Travel Troubles Phone 818-Rl. 88- « c - “ “ g , of Section 'Twenty-two, (22) Town­ D y e s _ - _ ------1,25c “ A N Y T H I N G T O F I X P H O N E 36” . 3rd Mondajrs ship Twenty-six, (26); thence West SMRK1E1S Going away on a vacation or busi- ^.q j j SALE—GLASS OFFICE PAR- Guaranteed for all fabrics, For immediate repairs to yom radio, to the South-East Corner of the washer, ironer. ’fridge or toaster. ucss trip? Why not have a chat approximately 6 f t 6 10 ACRES AT OKANAGAN Mis­ includtngCelaaese.Acetates, Sparklet bulbs\vrhen used wllh Elks’ Hall South-West Quarter of said Section Spun Rayons, Nylon and see Kelogan Electric on PendoziP e r St. with the local manager of toe B of j^^g j^y. ^3 f t 6 ins., and two 6 ft. 6 sion. Part alfalfa, balance good Sparklet •yphons\turn ordinary 22, 'Tow nship 26; th ence fo llo w in g even mixtures like Cotton* or Phone 36. 80-tfc M before you go? , (ns! x f t ins. Size of panes, 23 timber. Phone „723-Rl. 90-8p Lawrence Ave 8 6 the Southerly BOimdary of Map Ste and-Cclahese. 'There’s no top woter inti\ sparkling soda — —— —— —— — — ------■' - — Thousands of Canadians use toe .. 04 c»en at The hundred and ninety-nine, (699), in other dye like it I % w a te r In a |ijf7y.\ Id e a l fo r -\ND RE-STYLING Bank of Montreal’s travel services Surfer ^ ^ , Water St -tf 0 88 HENRYS REALTY should be done now during summer every year. They find B of M trav- a North-Westerly direction to its summer homes, huntfng lodges, intersection with the West Boim­ months. For e.xpert work at reason-, eiiers cheques are not only safe, BICYCLES- C.CJVl. AND ENG- mS'TRICT-Creek throueh ’ fishing ^amps, and dary of said Section 22, Township ^ l e r a t e ^ s m K Mallet at Kelouma ^ut extremely handy, and regard lish Bicycles-Repairs and acces- \ iiars. 26; thence North to the South-East Fur Craft 549 Bernard Ave. 84-9p them as the ideal way to carry sories. Campbell’s Bicycle Shop, lovely garden. House \ ' \ ORCHARD CITY LODGE No. 59 Corner of District Lot Five hundred PAINTING, PAPERHANGmO. wlule on vacatwm Fo^tr^^^ consists of four bedrooms, living 12 bulbs I.O.O.F. and thirty-two, (532); thence West ly.M n d ifci spray painting. Expert work guar- funds in more substantial tmomitt, ______room and kitchen. Two hundred Meeting 2nd and 4th 'Tuesday, to toe South-West Corner of District antccd. Monamcl pai^Sunwort^ S ‘‘"‘toe Bank pro*^^^ SALE-NEW AND SECOND yards from the store and bus E x - July, August and Sept. Lot One hundred and twenty-five, wallpapers. Interior Decorators iH. trips, me uanK proviaes lewers 01 hand____ .i piano accordians, r,-„rr.from 249a bass cellent value at ...... $$4,200 N.G. — Geo. Read (125); thence following toe limits of Softer! Safer! \S1.50 •• ^ E. McCormick, proprietor). Phone credit up to 120 bass. P r ic e $125 to $700. Rec. Secretary—L. B. Stephens. said District Lot 125, North, North- 779. 81-tfc Realizing the danger of burglary, ,^36 StockweU Avenue Phone NEW FIVE ROOM HOUSE—Imme many people, before going away, Apply /zo oiocKweu avenue, .t-noae ______------^ ------Westerly, North, East, North and 40-tfc diate possession, adjacent to power East to the South-West Comer of arc placing their valuables in B of 36j -K. PADS ?\UTO LOANS line, outside the city ...... $2,100 District Lot Four hundred and fif­ INBOX M safe-kcepmg. Objects too bulky q r d ER Your VENETIAN BLINDS SONS OF ENGLAND BENEFIT teen, (415); thence North to the At Niatrara for a safety deposit box can be stor- ^ Measurements 10 ACRE ORCHARD in Glenmore SOCIETY LODGE intersection, with the Boundary of ed in the Bank's vaults. When bonds mken. Estimates given. No obUga- PADS Macs, Delicious, Wihesap, New- “ O rch a rd C ity ” N o . 316 Map Eight hundred and ninety-six, INBOX ro^di^Jalh in a for safe-keeping toe staff ;roT‘‘Erquirr"abTuT“ou7“ serofcL to ^ r’jo^^^ anr^'rome "'soft (896), which is also the Boundary reaay casn in a nurry. wiagara rin gjjp the coupons and credit these |.hone . o-r ^ ------44 87-tfc fruit. Over 100 yoim g trees planted. Meet in Orange Hall Building, of the Municipal District of Glen­ ance are Auto Loan SpeciMist^ O n customer's, account .MOO£SS BELTS ZSi owner's signature you can get from Good producer. Fair house, new 3rd Wednesoay only, during more; thence following toe ssdd B of M joint accounts permit the RAINBOW COLORED TULIP $20 to $1.()00 q u ic k ly . A n d in a garage, woodshed, chickenhouse. July, August and September. Boundary of the Municipal District traveller’s wife or partner to de- bulbs—100 flowering size $3.50; 100 of Glenmore, North-Easterly, East posit or withdraw moncy in his ab- small size $1.00. Postpaid. Rlrs. R SPLENDID VARIETY OF LOTS ______and North to the POINT OF COM- convenient repayment terms. There going away cen Lolacher, Creston B.C. 2-6c are many plans to choose from. For on hand now. Get your pick while t BY COURIER CLASSIFIED ADS m ENCEMENT. also confer power of attorney upon ___.. a 17 years this dependable company they last. Get a home built as you FOR QUICK RESULTS Dated at Rutland in the Province a friend. This allows the friend t o SFMI-MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGA- want it and where you want it. ------of British Columbia, this thirtieth has given sound and helpful loans Operate the owner’s account. low, situated on 2 lots close to t^wn W.R.TRENCW/^ SEPTIC TANKS day of July, A.D. 1947. to thousands of satisfied customers. The B of M can help in other good location near^schrols. Rea- <;T0TmNERY^i LOVELY DUPLEX—$80 a month Council last Monday night ap- ARTHUR LEONARD BALiDOCK, NIAGARA ways as w'ell. Geoff Douglas, local*®*’^^^® Harvey or revenue. Fully modem and well prpved granting permission to Mrs, CHARLES DONALD BUCKLAND. branch manager, has already saved 480-L. Z-ap located. Stuccoed and plastered. £Ue„ Qill, 559 Francis Aven- AR’THUB "WILFRED GRAY, FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED many people trouble and expense BEAUTIFUL CARPET 9 x 12 with ue, to construct a temporary septic DOUGALD McDOUGAU^ (Est. 1930) in travelUng, and is ready and glad good felt under mat, $1501)0. Four HENRY’S REALTY AppUcatlon from Earl A. FREDERICK WOSTBADOWSKI. WE PREPAY POSTAGE ON ALL MAIL ORDERS. 101 Radio Bldg, Comer Bernard to ans^vc^ enquiries from othersgood kitchen chairs. $20.00. Apply Insurance - Real Estate Thompson, 1490 Glenmore Road, ROBERT EDWARD WHITE, and Pendozi, Kelowna. Phone 811. who are travel bent 4-lci490 Glcmfiore Road. 2-3p Phone 739 273 Lawrence Ave. was also approved. 92-8C

" '1 . ' ' I ■ . . . . 'i, !>•


ter sticky foods, to clean the mouth. VI'EI.Ij-TEAVEI.I jISD FORMER MELFORT O r, on e may take a dessert consist- A centuries-old east-we.’-t coastal OYAMA WATER ing of firm, raw fruit. This will route Unk« Ttiesfialonike. Greece KELOKA ORCHARDS SPORTS PROGRAM FISHING IN VALLEY PEOPLE GATHER leave the mouth in good condition, and Instanbnl. WELL AHENDED FOR PICNIC LAKES AND When Mr. W. E. Hornby, cx- OYAM A A bsautifiil brij;hl tiuu- mnyur of Mclfort. Sask., and retir­ Takes Rough, Tough Wear ny day helped lo make the after- ed grain buyer for U»c Soarlo Grain G a ra g e a n d noofj of the water sports u kucccss STREAMS Company, with Mrs. Hornby, He­ on Wednesday, August (1. Ed Kcl- len and Jean, arrived in Kelowna ter was here for the llrst thr«'e days lust week, they were anxious to of the week and this vviJS the cli- ______meet the many people ttiey knew max of Ilia visit. were here from tlieir liome town. FLOOR, POBCH Machine Sho Quit*’ a few parents and interest- OKANAGAN lA K E I’air . . . ports fishing is off . . . Word was sent out asking Melfort ed friends were present to tee the Use deep lines . . . Fishing off rocks WOODS LAKE—No reports . . l>eople to gather at the picnic Bwimmlng and diving. Mr. Kelter at Wilsons ^uidiiig improving . . . I’OSTILL LAICE—Sly fishing re­ grounds In the park on Sunday af­ & DADO ENAMEL ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT gave a demonstration of diving do- BEAVIJl L ^ E ^ G w d . , . bmall ported to be very good by O. Mid­ ternoon, bringing with them u bas­ • Eapodally made far iiijg Ihc jackknife, running swan willow leaf I'lo. (>3 Ix'ing favorccl dleton , . . ket luneh Mr. Hornby and Mrs. T. lu re , . . outaido wood aurfacoa EXPERT REPAIRS TO AUTOMATIC and otlier difficult dives. MISSION CREEK—Brook trout E. Glover, with many helpers, made Tlic racing course had been elak- OYAM A LAKE—Fair .. . fairly good . . . coffee and arranged tables and ev­ AND FARM MACHINERY cd out wltli colored flags and wltli DEE LAKE CHAIN—Good . . . e ry o n e sat d o w n to a m eal at 4.30. litre it an outside Porch Paint that** MILL CREEK — Good Eastern Mr. Kelter as master of ceremonies, Most lakes In chain arc giving fair Mr. Hornby told of crop conditions been •cientifically formulated to really Brook trout flslilng in the evenings the results were aa follows, only results . . . in the Mclfort district. Duo to lack WALK O N —we meatt to hold color in tile Rutland district . . . the names of those corning in first McCULLOCH LAKES—Fair . . . of rain they are worse this year and body under tough traffic wear. FO flatfish giving good results . . . M ARA LAKE—Good . . . Reports b e in g g iv e n : . , „ than ever before. Mclfort is one of Into it have gone aclected material* from White Pine Lodge indicate Beginners’ race, girls—Rose Wa- BEAR LAJCE—Very good .. . the districts that has never known that make it resist the destructive WRECKER SERVICE good fishing . . . tuibayashl; Boys—Jack Shore. Mostly fly fishing . . . crop failure, so It is hard to realize SHANNON LAKE—Good ... A MABEL LAICE—No reports . . . blasts of cold; blustery rains; stinging 15 yards, freestyle—Girls under tlmt oven the most fortunate spots LITTLE RIVER—No reports , . . sleet; wet snow; hot sun and chill 0, Rose Wakabayashl; boys under fl. dandy place to take the children liave their bad limes, too. he said. ARLINGTON LAKES—Reported winds. For a worthy, durable finish Phone 725-L EAST KELOWNA David McClure; girls under W for an afternoon of perch fishing . . Mr. and Mrs. Hornby plan to lo­ Beth Walker; boys under 10, Charlie BELGO DAM — Damkeeper re­ go o d . . . for outside wood porch cate Eomwhcrc in the Olcanagan floors, steps, stoops, doors, 4-3c Wakabayashl. Valley and their many friends wish 20 yards, freestyle— Girls under them the best of luck. railings, bannisters, shutters, 12, Barbara Walker; boys under 12, Due to short notice, many people trim, cellar doors, wood or Arnold Gatske. OYAMA W.A. CERTIFICATES were unable to attend the picnic, canvas decks, insist on: . 25 yards, freestyle—Girls under but the following were present: Mi*, FLOOB, POBCB 14—Ann Spencer; boys under 14, DONATES $50 M E AWARDED and Mrs. W. E. Hornby, Helen and a DADO CNABIEL Alfred Gatske and Clair SprouJo Jean, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Fraser, HEN you appoint this trust (tie d ). Ronald and Murray, Mi*, and Mrs. 25 yard backstroke—Girls 13 and TO WAR PLAQUE SWIMMERS R. S. Lipsett and Sandra, Mr. and W company your executor, yoii under, Ann Spencer; boys 13 and Mrs. G. K. Doolittle, Faye, Bill and under, Roy Wakabayashl; girls 10 Many Kelowna Youngsters Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Moulton, and under, Ann Spencer; boys 10 Will be Placed in Memorial Mr, and Mrs. E. Melslcd, Mr. John ensure the efficient carrying out Examined by Red Cross GROWERS SUPPLY CO. ITD. arid under, Alfred Gatske. Sunday School Building Turndrup, Mr. C, R. Morison, Stan­ 25 yards breaststroke—Girls 13 ley, Douglas and Constance, Mr. E. Phone 654 1332 EUis St. Swimming Official tv of your W ill in the future. You and under, Barbara WalRcr; boys Now Under Construction L. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. 13 and under, Clair Sproulc; girls Frank Campbell, of Vancouver, Glover, Mrs. Ellen Clayton and OYAM A—The regular meeting of also establish a connection that can be of 10 and under, Eleanor Faulkener; chief examiner for the Red Cross Clark, Mr, E. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. the St. Mary’s Women’s Auxiliary w» w "»y ■ w»' boys 10 and under, A lfred Gatske. Society, Swimming and Waccr Safe­ G. H. Howell, Mr, and Mrs. C. M. immediate value by helping to keep you in D iv in g was held on August 7 at the hon^ ty Division, while on his second vi­ Lipsett, Helen and OrviUo Foster*, Girls 13 _and______under—Barbara ______W al of Mrs. H. P. Walker. Mrs. L. R. sit to the city at the beginning of Mr. and Mrs. F. Egg, Betty and Ja­ touch with those developments in the estates- kcr; boys 13 and under, Arnold Gat- Tomkins, president, was in the this month—he was here in mid- net, Mr. J. Gilhrist, Mr. and Mrs. ske; boys 10 and under, Alfred Gat- chair, and 12 members and two vi- June conducting a Red Cross course G . Ross. ske. sitors were present. for swimming instructors—gave ex­ The McKenzie Co. Ltd. field which may render a will obsolete. Egg and spoon—Girls junior, Pat Minutes and treasurer s reports aminations to scores of Kelowna Phone 214 Sproulc; girls senior, Joyce Tow- were read and adopted. The oaK swimmers. ' CHURCH GROUP 345 Bernard Ave. good; boys junior, Arnold Gatske; and bronze As a result, certifleates were boys senior, Alfred Gatske. put in the new Memorial Sunday awarded to the following: School, now under construction, TO Dear TALK Underwater swim — Girls, Mau­ Senior Certificates: Rodney Pry­ ' THE was discussed, and $50 fowarded reen McClure; boys, Clair Sproulc. or, Clive Gilchrist, Sydney Kelly, Subject of an important lecture at as the initial payment. This is m Bill Roth, Gerald Mahl, Bob Wolfe, Free D elivery memory of the eight boys who gave David Weins, George Burmeister, the First Lutheran Church tonight their lives in the last war. (Thursday) at 8 p.m., will be the TORONTO GENERALTRUSTS TWO SOFTBALL r,.,. f voted to WUliam Ribelln, Bruce Brydon arid OVER The sum voted to instructor was work of a widely-known radio pro­ ON ORDERS $2.50 OR C O R P O R A T I O N SQUADS TIED the British and Forei^ Bible So J* Scantland. gram, the Lutheran Hour. Speaker ciety and $25 was voted for tne Intermediate _ . ... certificates: Mariet­ w ill be L. W. Meinzen, former lieut­ needlework conveners, Mrs. A. W. enant-colonel in the U.S. Arm y who V. If. M ow a t. M g r.. Pender dt Seymour Ste.. Vancouver ta Anderson, Lilian Scantland, Joan FOR HONORS Gray and Mrs. R. Tucker. The date McKinley, Carol McKer^ow, Ken­ is now on the reserve list. CORN STARCH . 15c Mr. Meinzen has been active for Johnny Evans’ crew of softball------for the fall bazaar being set for No- neth Avender, Duane Sheffield, Do­ .femmes from East Kelowna is still vei^er 27, for the rothy Elliot, W impy Hughes, Bever­ the Lutheran Laymen’s League as cni.-, ,6-.. in the running for the district Pro- There ® ® t ly Hume, Ernie Weins, Sue Fraser, assistant field secretary and has NUTTY CLUB 49c Rec crown as it knotted the senes ?ext two months and tl^ Ann Peterson and Sue Griffin. In­ done great work in California. BST'D. 1 88 2; ENTERED THE WEST 1 9 0_2 with a 12-5 win over RuUand at mgin g wiU WliJ. beUC held at Jhe — ---home or mrs. stru ctor— ^May M a r. City Park Monday night. Tucker on December 4. Junior Certificates: M arilyn Jones, Since sweet, sticky foods, left to TOMATO JUICE A Y L M E R f a n c y , « n ------14c Both teams have a vvin now, ^ d The service in the ,Oyama United Michael Jones, Michael Keller, Nan- ferment around the teeth, are one game ended in a tie. DDeciding ^ ito g <-ih„rch^^ll^be taken on Sunday, cy Rannard, Reba Gagnon, Thrfma known causes of tooth decay, den­ game wiU be played at the Oval m ^ Claridge in the Gagnon, Nurma ’Tunver, Josephine tal experts remind Canadians that DICED CARROTS r o y a l c i t y , 20-oz— 10c C it y P a r k o n M o n d a y n ext, 6.30 absence ^Of Rev. J. ^ Petrie, who is on Pasnak, Glen «Geen, --- Vivian ------Geen, mouth cleanliness is important for p.m holidays for the month of August. Marian Reid, Nild Gameau, Clarice general, as w ell as oral, health. Ethel Ramsey, usually the spark­ Poitras, Toni Griffin and Duane If it won’t interfere with one’s DICED BEETS 20-oz. t m ...... 10c ARRIVED plug with the Rutlanders, was at Mrs. Angove, of Kimberley, left Sheffield- Instructoa>-Mary Wal­ nutritional requirements, the au- loose ends Monday night, as she on Thursday last after visitmg for k er. ' thoriiies suggest that a salad, or handedxiancicci East ivash Kelownar^eiowuct threelxu.cc; free ^ several days withwixu hernci sister.£>xc»l^** Miss Life Saving Awards even a stalk of celery, be eaten af- TOILET TISSUE w e s t m i n s t ^ . 2 '“ 15c runs in the first inning, all forced jj. Dewar and mother, Mrs. Dewar, The Vancouver examiner also in by bases on balls. Each team ’ • • • held examinations for the Royal got a home run, one by Miss Ram- Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hemblmg £— Society “awards. The n a b o b , lb . t in ...... COUPXC , ______,____.... V, COFFEE 1 51c sey and the other by Janet Harvie, have as their guests for a ■ follovang awards still must be cer­ of East Kelowna. of weeks son and h^ wife. their tified by the society: Winner of this series will play ]y[r. and Mrs. Edgar Hembhng, ana Bronze Medallion: May Mar, Bri­ TEA F O R T Y O R K , 1-lb. p k g . ....------...... 72c Penticton for the Okanagan cham- dau^ter, Jacquel^, also tnem an Weddell, Dick Hume, George pionship av a date to be decided daughter, Mrs. J. Freeman, all o Fettes, Tony Bull, Vernon Swerd- later. A trip to the Coast to com- Vancouver. ' - , feger, Desmond Oswell and G a r y SPAGHETTI LIBBY’S, 20-oz. tin ...... 16c pete in the B.C. finals lies ahead for and dauehter Don- Robinson. Instructor was John Kit- the Valley titUst. East Kelowna, E. :^oud and son. made the trip to the Coast last year, spendm^ A L A R G E __ _ Bar to Bronze MedaUion: Jane WIENERS & BEANS B m x s . tin ...-...... 25c SHIPMENT Don’t let this ^ • • • Gary Robinson. happen to your BEEF STEW b u r n s , 15-oz. tm ...... 23c of Arthur and Jimmie Towgood, of Award of Merit: Jane Stirling and LINENS! OUmillt:A.XaAXt*,Summerland, are C**v. spending seyer^ xueavv John Kitson. days this week visiting ^with mem Bar to the Award of Merit: K a y TRIPLE ACTION ^ jm r SOUP VEGETABLE or TOMATO, tin ...... 10c McBRINE grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. c>. S ea ley . BODTSOWH Towgood. ^ ^ , VARIETY OF DATES SWEETENED DALTON’S . 2 BAGGAGE Mr. arid Mrs. C. J. In the vicinity of Tunis, Africa, PUDDING 19c i m i i v i speht last week-end visitmg_m WH- more than 100 varieties of dates “ Canada’s Finest” Stop consflpotton this nofurafr bur. Wash., with Mrs. Potbec^i. g r o w o n 1,000,000 p a lm trees. e a sy w o y 2 '■"33 c A complete range of styles for sister. * * P e w IX KRAFT DINNER A hcallkf liver preAacea one nut af Ue di&. Mrs A. G. R. Prickard returned TRY COURIEB CLASSIFIED ADS IS HOT A HARSH BLEACHPlHi you to choose from. Tide Kleisnature'a own laxative.It not ^eslion, keeps the nhole Cetera ten^ np ana home Monday of last week after a - f W in d ow free of vaetes and poisons. Frml-a-thes he^ short trip, to Compx, V.I.- sdsmlate the actiTe flov of liver bile. Made from 'Rev. and Mrs. A. B- Lett had as frails an d herbs, FnnI-a-flves have bronghi rdief their guests for several days last WE STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF:-— to Ihonsands of sufferers . • • mild, effective, week, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anristrong A. WILLIAMS LTD. barmless. For rack and natural relief try and son, Clint, o f Osoyoos. also Miss Your Baggage Headquarters Fndl-a-lives today. V5 Laura Shaw, who is leaving on ^ U V E f t Gypsum Lime and Alabastiue Canada Ltd. Products PENDOZI STREET Tuesday to return to her home m liH'fi'll fl B H B .«I^A aLfT* O tta w a . ^ ^ ^ Paristone Hardwall Plaster ® Gyptex Texture Paint G H Love, of Southampton, Eng­ land. father of Mrs. L. R. T o ries, h y Goldust I ® Alabastine left,on Wednesday of last week m- ter spending the- last t-wo months Plaster Paris — Bondstone . j a 4. o x r> • x with Mr. and Mrs. Toml^s. He Gvproc Wallboard ® Alatmt and Art Cement Paint w ill remain at the Coast until the ® Paristone Hardwall Plaster — Goldust end of August and w ill then sau from San Francisco for New Zeal­ ® Gyptex Texture Paint —^ Alabastine and for a visit. i Mr. and Mrs. R. A. FlaveU spent two days of last week visitirig with Mrs. FlaveU’s brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. Towgood, of Summer- Practically every successful lan d . , ipan I have ever met radiates (Just north of tlic station) P H O N E 7 5 f Mrs. J. Crochart and two children, an attitude of self-confidence. 1054 Ellis Street of Ocean Falls, are spending a few days this week -visiting -with her . It is safe to assume, there­ Stops Fruit Drop brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and fore, that without this atti­ Mrs. Ken Wynne. tude, it is almost im ^ssible Harold Purdy returned home last to get ahead in the world. So O n A l l Varieties O f week-end after spending two weeks the ambitious man who real­ visiting in Chilhwack. A young friend, Roy Williamson, returned izes this fact will, by erect with him for a short visit. posture, clear speaking voice WANTED c m d HOME-MADE PAS’!® firm stride, tty to convey PEARS ’Three parts baking soda and one an impression of his self- part salt makes an excellent home­ m e n a n d W O M E jN t o l e a r n a p p l e p a c k i n g KLING-OL is the complete hormone spray . . . made tooth paste, say the experts. confidence through outward because the hormone and oil have been confined! Shortage of tooth-paste, therefore, is appearance. And this in turn V1S.KO There’s nothing to do but add the water! K LIN G - no excuse for an unclean mouth. w ill help generate his self- W hile teeth should be cleaned af­ OL contains a special wetting and penetration ter every meal, if . possible, this confidence inwardly. For SAFE Control Of agent for better coverage! health-ensuring practice should ne­ ver be neglected before retiring at But one must be careful K. G. L Packing School night. The ideal is to do the teeth never to - appear cocksure Aphis FASTER PENETRATION! five times daily—early in the morn­ (No. 5 Bldg., K.G.E.) ing, after each meal and before go­ This causes people to shy and ing to bed. away from you. Furthermore, BETTER COVERAGE! it is in-variably the p < ^ of Pear the man who does not know AUGUST 25* t o SEPTEMBER G J ■ Psylla as much as he would like you COMBINED WITH OIL! to think he does. Heated Room in Cold Weather Ask for SIGNS So try to express your self- Canteen in Conjunction with Packing Room K LIN G -O L has been proven throughout the North­ VIS-KO west to give excellent coverage and better spreading respect in a manner that re­ DERRIS due to the special wetting agent! It hold the fruit PAINTING flects confidence mixed with THIS IS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN OIL! on for better color and size .... stops pre-maturity a large portion of modesty. TO GET A START IN THE FRUIT BUSINESS. and wind loss! Agent for GROWERS SUPPLY CO., LTD. ASSOCIATED GROWERS of B.C. Ltd. A man’s feeling of self-confi­ a p p l y TO MR. HANDLEN Kelowna, B.C. Vernon, B.C. dence is increased by the NEON financial independence that AT THE PACKING HOUSE OFFICE ON HAYNES AVE. comes from owning Life In­ SIGNS — o r — . ■ VIS-KO “DERRIS-OIL” is obtainable in Kelowna at surance. N o other investment . provides the security enjoyed by life instirance policyhold­ PHONE 308 Kelow na Growers* Exchange C. H TAYLOR ers and their families. P R O V E 29 943 Clement Ave. W-157 I*/ PA Q B m in t ItlUlLSDAY. AUGUST 14. W 7 THE KELOWHA COURHi®

Vancouver, and Mis# Ellen Daw, of visit her sister on Vancouver Island, ed hy Rev. Canon Harrison In St EwriXTT niE b u n clamminess, and which calls for Portland. Oregon, who are inlssion- Before they left. Ronald was bapUs- George's Church. licrroii’ider that too much sun can care in keeping the patient warm. O ld A g e Pensioners In Province arses-in-training. and are slaying at WESTBANK Im? terniful. Is Issued by National In Ixjth cases, a doctor sliould be the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. 'lYide. itcalUi headquarters. khtcesaive called WESIUANK — After being the e*i:wwure to sunlight can cause sun­ To Receive Up To $40 M onthly Ralph Dillman and Ed Dillman. guests of Mr. and Mrs. John dc C. stroke. Canadians are reminded. L. Itauser was (Iried |2.50 and botii of North Star, Alberta, aro vi­ I'ayntcr for the j>ast week the MEN WANTED TO LEARN DIESEL rsunsiroiee, inaicaceti oy iii^u mw*. co.sts when he appeared in city po- Sunstroke, indicated by high lever, siting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Misses Rita Brown and Esther Ha­ This is an unusual opportunity demands that the sulTcrer bo kept Ueo court August 11 charged with New Agreement Makes In- Martin Dillman, and their sister, milton left on ’ruestday to continue cool. There is al.w a condition called oi>erating a motor vehicle with a RUTLAND PICNIC to start a profitable career • crease Retroactive to M ay 1 Mrs. I*. Bach, their vacation in the States before "Heat Kxhaustion," symptoms of licence plate so dirty (ho llgurcs returning to Vancouver. and Increases Number Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Llndalil No advance education or experience needed. Our eani-wlillc-you wfilch arc palcnes.^. coldness and were illegible. DRAWS CROWD learn method does not eliminate anyone who Is mechanically In­ and family, of Mission City, for­ The W.I. held a quilting bee at Old age pensioners in British Co­ merly resident In tiiis district have clined and ambitious. Gnuidates say the tlicory Is easily mastered the home of Mrs, John do C. Payn- by our si>ecially prepared illustrated engineering assignments, «md lumbia In future will receive up to AT SUMMERLAND been visltoTs at the home of Mr. and tcr on Tuesday afternoon to finish a rrmximuin of $40 a month os a rc- Mrs. E. C. Hunter during the past to make certain that you ar# on the road TO BECOME A N the bridal wreath quilt which the EXPERT we pay your transportation to one of Uio largest prac­ Kult of an agreement entered into B.C.F,G,A.-Womcu’8 Institute week. W.I. is making for the fair. 'Ilic between British Columbia and tlie tical shops In American where you LEARN BY DOING. Our tree Outing Held at Experimental quilters were refrojJicd when Mrs. employment service Is READY TO ASSIST you to find a i>aying dominion government and the deci­ Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillman and Ihiyntcr served ten cakes and ice sion of the provincial cabinet to Station family, of Qucsncl, arc visitors at cream. 'Hicy worked all afternoon job with a i-cal future. Get going today; the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul continue U»e $10 a month cost-of- and evening. Also teach: Electrical Refrigeration living bonus, it lias been announccHl RUTLAND—'Hie Joint B.C.F.G.A.- Bach.. Women’s Institute picnic was held • • • Miss Ethel May llamiltoii return­ and Air Conditioning by Premier John Hart. Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker, of Chil­ Write for complelc information and a Tlic agreement between Brltisli at the Summcrland ExiicrimcnUil ed to her home In Vancouver on Station on Friday. August 0. and liwack, arc visitors at the homo of Monday after spending week as free lcs.son today. Columbia and the Dominion like­ Mr. and Mrs. Mallach u wise brings into ciTcct, the premier was well attended. Tlirec summers the guest of Mrs. E. C. Payntcr. Chicage Vocational Training Corporation Ltd. stated, inodlllcd regulations which ago tile B.C.F.G.A. revived tlie an­ George Shannon, his son Wesley, 12520 lOlnd Avenue Edmontem, Alberto nual picnics that had been held in and grandson, Robert, and Gus God- Mrs. Kenneth Walker and son, will increase the number of old age Rounic, who have been vi.siting Replies c/o Box 575, KelonviMi Courier pen-sion recipients from more tliun pre-war days and about tlilrty kins, all of Fork River, Man., for­ growers attended. mer ncighliors of Mr. and Mrs. E. tlieir uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 10,000 at the present lime to 25,000. La.st year tlie affair was changed E. C: Paynter, left on Monday to MAGICS The increased pension Is made re­ C. Hunter at Fork River, paid the to a combined Institutc-B.C.F.G.A. lluntere a visit last week while on ORANGE MARMALADE BISCUITS troactive to May 1st. outing and fifty persons attended. Premier Hart explained that at a motor tour of the West. This year there were ciglity people • • • 2 c«v« atflMj flaur 1 present the maximum amount an at the event, including 30 who went Mr. and Mrs. John Bach and fa­ Ml C«|MI. aitlt « cup milk old ago pensioner may receive is down In a sl>eclal bus chartered for 4tt.p....t»ctral>>|l ^Z’l nf mily, of New Wc.stminslcr, are vi­ $.35 u month. This is ‘“adc up of day. The weather was fine and siting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. 4 tnfMM. Magic naklng Powder $25 a month, bonieborne on the __ group,r,-nun enloved enjoyed a picnicnicnic lunch at Paul Bach. SUCilry Indrcdlcnls toftctlicr. Cut In short- 75 per '1 U*® lawns near the superintendent’s In 25 per cent by the Province home and then made a tour of the Paul Bach and his son, Danny, NOR'CRAFT mlaia. until —...... mlii>d...... Il<»it ettrtefl...... nllghtly ... mcuuirlng cupi Held milk and tnarmulado further $10 a month cost-of-1 v g with Mr. Palmer as guide. Af- returned last week-end from a mo­ !• mako yt cup and add tu lirat niUturr. DUPLICATE THEIR COAST TRIUMPHS IN KELOWNA Roll out about >A-lncb thick( cut with bonus which is borne solely by me ^ supper, the return trip tor trip to too Cariboo country and llourod bUenIt cutter. Top each with a Province. . * u wos begun ih time to catch the 0.30 Qucsncl district. A N D N E L S O N little niiirmaladei bake In hot oven (42S''F.) MADE IN CANADA The Dominion government at us Westbank. With the in- • • • . ■bout IS ralnutea. Makes 16, recent session, increased the creasing popularity of the annual Mrs. Bob Hardic and son, Alan, tory pension from $25 a month to oujjj^g the sponsors are hopeful of arc holidaying nt the Lakeshore $30 a month with the Dominion year's attendance passing the Inn at Woods Lake, with her mo- sharing 75 per cent and the Pro- hundred mark. tner, Mrs. Gus MacDonnell, Vince 25 per cent. The new statutory • • • • • • BUSINESS AND H IR F T T fl R Y Mrs. Jack Frost and son, Michael, PROFESSIONAL pension of $30 a month, plus the Rutland’s Blue Caps won an cx- provinclal cost-of-living bonus of hibition baseball game from Win- of Vancouver Island, are visitors at “THUNDERBOLT”— Stock NOR-CRAFT racing hydroplane “Uttle Pines," the home of B. Chi­ $10 a month, therefore makes the field on Thursday evening by 12 with pepped-up Mercury marine motor ACCOUNTANTS DENTISTS maximum old age pension allowance runs to 0. chester, on the Bclgo. CHARTERED in British Columbia $40 a month. ***,„.. and cruising seats. Of the maximum $35 a month al- The B.M.I.D. now has the pipe Two girls had their bikes im­ CAMPBELL, IMBUE DR. MATHISON lowance now paid, the provincial line in operation over Mission pounded for one week when they “STRIPTEASER”—Stock NOR-CRAFT utiUty— “Commando” contribution is $1625 and the Do- Oreek, and the pumps are shut appeared in juvenile court August & SHANKLAND DENTIST minion contribution $18.75. Under down after operating for two and 1 for riding three abreast on a city standard model— ^with pepped-up Mercury highway. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS the increased scale of $40 a month, a half months.^ ^ ^ marine motor. Willits Block Phone 89 P.O. Box 083 Phones 838 Sc d S r S i ^ ^ i Mr. S With toe completton of the tei^ e “MISS W U FFIE ”—Stock NOR-CRAFT utility— “Commando” , over Mission Creek, the B.M.I.D. LO O K to the FUTURE 102 Radio Building Kelowna At t L nresent time, Mr. Hart said, will now turn attention to the re- deluxe model— with pepped-up Mercury innnn TM>r«!on3 a re in re- construction of toe Hilda Creek BE INDEPENDENTI OR name .ho Bolgo d.m. marine motor. L e o m t h e J. W. N. SHEPHERD Columbia. Margaret Weddell, daughter of These craft come equipped with stock Mercury marine motors which may GORE* and SLADEN It Is anticipated, however, that ^ Weddell, of Joe Rich Valley, B E A U T Y Dental Surgeon be pepped-up under your personal supervision, or Nor-Craft will supply all PUBUC ACCOUNTANTS with the modifications is a guest at the tome of Mrs. M. tions, between 6,000 and 7,000 more ^llergot. PROFESSION necessary information and equipment. Optional powering in all known makes Financial Reports - Income Taac Shepherd Block - Phone 223 Pendozl and Lawrence Ave. persons over 70 years of age will • • • also available. 1476 Water St. Phone 208 become eligible for old age pensions Mrs. George Cross is visiting re- Molct Schooli arc fully equip­ or partial pensions, thus bringing latives at the Coast. ped with qualified instructori to ‘Why don’t YO U drive a winner — They cost no more!” Res.: 510-R2 and 247-B train you in this highly paid *” ” ■ Mr. and M,^. Wffli.m White, et Dr. F. M. Williamson profession. Monthly payment Immediate deliveries from stock on Inboards, Utilities, Runabouts, Af^^e OTe^nt time the province Ocean Palis, have been vi-itors dur- plan if desired. a u c t i o n s Commuters and Cruisers — catalogue and price list on request. DENTIST ot Britlsh^lum bia pkys to old age Start on the road to a business pen sion ers $3,100,000 made u p as of your own. Write or Call for 1476 W ater St. F. W. CROWE lows: 25 per cent share of statutory • • • {nformation. pensions, $1,100,000; cost-of-living Miss Jean McDougall left on Aoctloneer and APPr^®*^ P H O N E 808 MOLER SCHOOL OF NOR-CRAFT MARINE LIMITED bonus, $2,000,000. Thursday for Banff, Alta. 2606 Yew Street at loth • Vancouver, B.C. WiU accept sales anywhere. It is estimated that under the new HAIRDRESSING arrangements, toe cost to toe pro- The vacation bible school is con- 122 Borne Ave. Department 2 “ Western Canada’s largest stock boat builders” F o r e s t e n g i n e e r vtole^^*^rise t o $4,800,000, made up tinuing fo r its second week at the 303 West Hostings Street P.O. Box 75 - Kelowna ------as follows: $2,00,000 representing 25 Community Hall, with a good at- per cent share of the statutory pen- 'tendance of youngsters. Those in T. A. CLARKE, sion and $2,800,000 representing the charge are Miss Edith Konner, of AUDITORS 425 Baker St., Nelson, B.C. cost-of-living bonus. The old age pensioners will re­ L. P. PROCTER Umber cruised, s^^ralsed, sur­ ceive xmder the new arrangements veyed; general Umber Manage­ a total of $10,500,000, which amount AUDITOR ment and Administration. includes the Dominion government’s Supervision of Accounts ______contribution toward toe statutory Accounting Systems, Income Tax Boom 2, CasorsQ Block INSURANCE AGENTS ^ “It has been our policy to press Fbone 410 Kelowna, B.C. ------Ottawa for higher pensions and on a contributory basis,” the Premier C. M . H O R N E R . C.L.U. stated. ■ AUTOMOBILES “We shall continue our pobey on District Representative, Northern behalf of old age pensions imtil 4 4® LADD GARAGE LTD Okanagan some more definite arrangement has been made whereby the meanfe test Dealer for MXmjAL LIFE OF CANADA is removed and toe pension made STUDEBAKEB and AUSTIN payable to all. ’ v CABS and TRUCKS “Owing to the large number of Massey Harris Farm Implements H. BRYNJOLFSON persons and the great amount of de­ Lawrence Ave. Phone 252 Unit Supervisor tail involved it will not be possible i i to issue all cheques on toe new basis ^ « ■ ■ S. R. D A V IS at once. However, the work will BEAUTY SALONS District Representative be priessed forward as quickly as Casorso Block - Phone 410 possible and the inireased amoxmts wiU ultimately show on pensioners’ T I L L I E ’S SUN LIFE OF CANADA cheques on the basis of payment BEAUTY SHOP being retroactive to May 1st,” the Specialists in all forms of Premier stated. Beauty work. A . W . G R A Y For that attractive hair-do Insurance —■ Beal Estate PHONE - 428 EAST KELOWNA ■ . Fire - Automobile - Floaters EAST KELOWNA—Mrs. G. D. Agent for Confederation Life Fitzgereddt with Mary and Rex, al­ so Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Pooley and BICYCLE REPAIRS RUTLAND, B.C. ’ifed Foot, are on holidays at Clear­ water Lake. C A M P B E L L ’S • • • BICYCLE SHOP LAWYERS Mr. and Mrs. Middleton and Harry, with Mr. Middleton, Sr., are C.CJH. and English BICYCLES C. G. BEESTON visitors at Victoria. Repairs and Accessories BARRISTER, SOLICITOB and Mr. and Mrs. T. Magee and their Leon and Ellis St. Phone 107 " NOTARY PUBLIC son Paul, of New Westminster, have been, spending their holidays wito No. 1 Casorso Blpck their son-ih-law and daughter,■ ■ Mr. CONTRACTORS Telephone 854 Kelowna, B.C. and Mrs. John Kam. JOSEPH ROSSI Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Perry are living in their new home on the p CONTRACTOR OPTOMETRISTS top bench. Plastering and Masonry Stewart Foot has returned to school in Vancouver. Office - - D. Chapman Bam i 329 Lawrence Ave. Miss Eileen Hinks, of Vancouver, is spending her holiday at the home FREDERICK JOUDBY of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Optometrist Hinks. Interior Decorators Phone 373, Royal Anne Building • • • 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart were Painters and Paperhangers guests at the Stuart-Robinson wed­ PHONE - 779 Scot K. Hambley, R.O. ding July 30. Optometrist John and Leslie Evans have re­ MONAMEL PAINTS turned from a trip to Wenatchee. SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS PHONE - 856 HOME GAS TAKES Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, of Bea­ Suite 3, Mill Ave. Bldg. ver Lake were visitors at the home 1476 Water Street. Kelowna of Mr. and Mrs. A. Harvie, Mrs. KELOWNA VENETIAN BLIND Smith’s parents. and AWNING SERVICE YOU TO THE CARIBOO Mr. and Mrs. B. Myers, with Mr. 247 Lawrence Ave. RADIO SERVICE and Mrs. Frank Janeychitz and Phone 164 - Phone 699-Rl daughter, are on holiday at Cariboo BREATH-TAKING BEAUTY . . . THE ROMANCE OF THE STORIED PAST. A C M E R A D IO Lake. Estimates & Installation Service • • • See the unrivalled sceni.c grandeur o f the m igh ty Fraser Canyon. Follotv the fa bu lou s LIMITED Miss J. Foot has returned from a Cariboo Hightcay, once a frontier road . . . route of lumbering stagecoaches into Fred Dowle - Frank Hawkins trip to Lethbridge. Rolf Mathie - Jim Campbell the roaring gold fields of an earlier day. DAIRIES Bob Rogers, R.C.A.F., has been Specialists In the repair of all transferred to Dorval, Quebec. types of radios and appliances Tr;id»lional Iriendlincss is yours at Home Ga.s Stations throughout the Gohlc-v L A K f e VIEW A meeting of toe Girl Guides’ 270 Bernard Ave. Phone 841 Caribco. Lei Friendly H om e Gas Dealers v/cleomc you with maps, tips ou what DAIRY Committee was held at toe home of Mrs. A. Harvie Thursday last to dis­ t > sec. -v’lcrc to Stay. Ck>unt on pow'cr-packcd Home Gas to carry you smoolhly Pasteurised 51ilk and Cream cuss ways and means of raising over mountain highways . . . delivering extra miles of carefree exploration. For SHOE REPAIRS funds for hall rent and to re-ar­ Dally Delivery Phono 705 range toe committee which is as fol­ top nrrforiuance anytime, thousands of B .C. motorists arc discovering Home i ★ CHAMPION ★ lows: Mrs. Evans, Mrs. A. Harvie, Von'.'/ , 3 Ihc icinz* (J yotir gcsii'inc uiF^t-atahle combination o f Friendly Service, and quality Mrs. John Evans, Mrs. W. Murrell, SHOE REPAIRS dollar, iiKi. V>:ih\llo3:jc, yoxir dollars slay in products ;q>ecially refined for B.C. driving cMiiiditions. Test ENTERTAINMENTS treasurer, and Mrs. M. Barwick, se­ British Coixt.nhlo, hitildinn li.C. payrolls . . . cretary. it yourself. Wherever you go, drive in at the Home Gas Flag. A lifetime of pain prevented by helping B.C. grotc. • Portable P-A System new method arch snpport. There was a good turn out of pro­ 249 Bernard Ave„ Kelowna mising cubs on Friday wito Mrs. for all occasions L. Lunan as leader. ® 3-Piece Orchestra East Kelou-na Girls fastball team HOME oil OISTRIBOTORS tIMITED - THE 100% B.C. COMPAHY WATCH REPAIRING were defeated by the Rutland girls, Phone 867 - BERT PATTEN 11 to 7, at Rutland. Thursday last LAKESHORE at Ramponies field East Kelowna tied Rutland 2-2. FRIER D L Y S E R V 16 E W HE RE V E R VO U 6 0 Peter Joe. Westbank Indian, was JEWELLERS A juvenile boy was severely ad­ fined $10 and costs in district police Specialists lo all kinds of TWA court August 12 when he pleaded monished in juvenile court August Watch and Clock repairs. guilty to driving a motor vehicle 4 for driving without a drivers’ li­ while his licence was under sus­ Pendoxl St. P.O. Box 610 cence. The car he was operating pension. had no motor vehicle licence. T H E EKLOW M A ©OOIQQEB THURSDAY. AUGUST 14. IM7

it collided wUli a horn.* on the TtiPiTEr viciT iftir* 1 a u CCJm w 1 m 1 1 I X ^ u HORSE KILLED, WestUank hi*diway near McDou^ill Creek late Sunday night. 'itie \yes, H A M -oN -R yt..^ l i n H R E S f , TEACHERS ENJOY CAR DAMAGED crash killed the horse. WITH ONCE EAND ttSIDOE STAY IN CHY Damage estimated at $90 was Sicily is believed to have been at caufxd to an automobile belonging one time, part of a land bridge from LOV&-4JLAF-SON to C. Bshlcman. of I’enticton, when Europe to Africa Because they have always wanted At the United Church Manse on to visit Canada, and especially Bri- Saturday at 2.43 pjn. Dr. M. W. tlsli Columbia, three tcaclicra from Mr. mid Mrs. Herbert Winter, of Mrs. Jack Hume, of Ilevelstoke, Leco officiated at the wedding of Kingston, Jamaica, are at p r e m n i Vancouver, with small eon, John, formerly Jean Graham, of Kelowna, Grace Gudrun Olafson, of Kelow­ \\ LADIES HONOR staying at ElUs Lxidge. Kathleen are Bta>liig with Mr. John R. Camp­ was guest of honor when her host­ na. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris­ Gilpln-lludaon, of Kiitg^on, who bell on Abbott Street Mra. Winter, ess. Mra. H. W. Arbucklc. invited tian Olafson. and Elliott Alexander went to London to study the piano \ formerly Mary Campbell, has been friends in to tea at her home on ACTIVE WORKER Love, of Kelowna, son of Mr. and at the Royal College of Music, laying with her father for nearly Abbott Street on Saturday, ^ s . Mrs. R, A. Love. Mrs. Vivian A. teaches at St. Andrew High School. two months, and was Joined by her Ben Hoy presided at the tea table, Smith was matron of honor and ATPEACHLAND Kotlileen Maslcn, of Foy. Cornwall, husband last week. Mr. Winter Is and Mrs. Jack Hume and Miss May Mlsa ICay Peterman wag bridesmaid, and Barbara WcnthcraU, of Coun­ returning to the Coast at the week­ Tilley were Uie servers. Among while the best man was Mr. R, M. Uic out-of-town guests were Mrs. ty Durham, were colIeagu6a at a B ird. end. Garden Party Held for Mrs. M. Grammar School In Cambridgeshire. J. A. Hamilton, of Vancouver, and Twiname on Friday Evening Mrs. Herbert Winter, also of Van­ Kathleen! Maslen went to Kingston SAIADA Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cnntclon, who two years ago to teach at St. Andrew PROCTER-FBASER cou ver. and Gifts Presented left for Oakville, Ontario, on Wed- High, and was joined six months A marriage of interest In Vancou­ ne^ay, were guests of honor on PEACHLAND—In a beautiful set­ later by Barbara Wcathcrall, who ver and the Okanagan took place Men go for the Sunday at tho home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Morrin 'Thompson ting on tho lawn of the manse of Is on the staff of Wolmcr’s Girls’ on August 0, at 3.30 p.m. in Kelow­ flavour of French's Mus­ M rs. Hex L u p ton , w h en som e 30 and Gary, of West Vancouver, spent the United Church, a farewell par­ High Shcool. na, linking two Vancouver families, tard. French's Is the light, friends gathered to drink their Regatta week in Kelowna. They ty was held for Mrs. M. 'Twiname I ’hey flew from Kingston to Mia­ when Margaret Joan, only daughter cresmir mustard . . . the health In cocktails and to bid them left on Monday to drive to Calgary on Friday, August 8. Owing to 111 mi, and from there travelled by bus, of Mrs. Fraser and tho late D. G. smooth, tasty mustard... farew ell. and Edmonton, and will return to Munro Fraser, become tho bride of the light, golden mustard • • * the Coast via the Kootenays. Gary health, Mrs. 'Twiname has given up stopping at New Orleans, San An­ her homo In Peachland, and for a tonio, Los Angeles, San Francisco Lawrence Pcrciavl ITocter, son of that millions prefer! Mrs. It M. C. McDonald and her Is staying with Mrs. Dorothy Cham­ few months will visit her brother and Vancouver. 'They were only Mrs. Procter and the late F. J. Proc­ daughter, Cynthia, arc guests lof berlain bn W illow Avenue. • • • near Tranqulllc. 'The party was nllo\ycd to tak e $300 each o u t o f ter, at a quiet ceremony held at tho Mr. and Mrs. F. G. DeHart, of North Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hamilton, with sponsored by tho Women’s Institute, Jamaica, so, in order to prolong homo of tlie bride’s mother, 474 Street. 'They were Joined by Ma­ Anne, Jim and John, who have W.A. of the United Church and the their stay in the Okanagan and Cadder Avenue. The bride was gi­ jor McDonald at the week-end. Tlie spent the past three weeks with make possible a trip to BanlT, Lake ven away by her brother, Mr. Ian McDonalds, who were well-known R e d Cross. Mrs. J. A. S. Tilley. Mrs. Hamil­ Mrs. H. S. McDonald presented Louise, "and the snow-clnd peaks H. Fraser, o£ Vancouver. Dr. M. In Victoria, arc at present living in KELOWNA - ONE DAY ONLY ton’s mother, on Abbott Street, arc Mrs. 'Twiname with a corsage of of the Rockies of which we have W. Lees officiated. Chilliwack. Auspices B.P.O.E. Lodfo No. 62 leaving on Friday to return to Van­ beautiful carnatlonk On a table heard all our lives," they plan to Mr. and Mrs. Procter, on return­ covered with a beautiful lace cloth, pick fnlit. ing from their honeymoon will live M r. and M rs. A rc h ie M cG ou gan , cou ver. centred with a bowl of roses and In Kingston they read “ 1001 Fhets in Kelowna. who have been staying with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bowler, of tall candles, tea was poured by Mrs. on Canada" and went to the Cana­ r. R. E. DeHart, left on Saturday TUESDAY, 2 ^ Cambridge Street, have as their J. Cameron, JVIre. A. Smalls, Mis. dian .Trade Commissioner i^ho sug­ 'TEA NOT ENOUGH with Mrs. McGOUgan’s sister, Mrs. guests, Mr. Bowler’s mother, Mrs. C. T. Redstone and Mrs. A. McKay. gested they get in touch with B.C. W hile tea makes a pleasant drink, Gus Lyons, who has spent the past G. Bowler, of Alameda, California, Helping to serve the guests were Tree Fruits, In Kelowna. 'They hope it should not be made tho staple of month at Eldorado Arms, to drive A u g u s t and Mr. Bowler’s sister, Mrs. M. G. Mrs. J. P. Long, Mrs. W. E. Cle­ they^ w ill be able to distinguish a diet; say experts on healthful feed­ r F-M back to Vancouver. Collett and her daughters, Eleanor ments, Mrs. G. Topham, Mrs. H. M. pluni from a peach, as the fruits ing. One can’t live simply on tea, at the E X H I B I T I O N G R O U N D S and Arlene, all of Pittsburg, Cali­ Ibbotson and .Mrs. C. J. Le Duke. they arc used to .are mangoes, pine­ no tnatter how refreshing. "Often, Afternoon at 2.00 — Night at 8.00, — Ppp*"® open 1-7 forn ia. Mrs. J. P. Long presented Mrs. Tw i- apples and otihctl apples, imported a vaguo craving for food results in namc with a picture of Okanagan from Tahiti, tea drinking at frequent intervals” Mr. and Mrs. Byron Edwards, of Lake, and spoke of how much she “We are enjoying our stay and the authorities note, “and people San Francisco, and Byron, Jr,, left had done for the community, giv­ have been so happy in Canada,” fool themselves Into thinlcing that on Monday to return to California. FAN TANS ing of her strength and time to they declared. We- arc much im­ is all they need. But tea should They had been visiting Mrs. Ed­ make things a success. She was pressed with the scenery, the moun­ take second place to genuine food. wards’ brother-in-law and sister, president of tho Women’s Institute, tains and forests, and everybody People should eat three nutritious / Mr and Mrs. Charles Gaddes. • • • the Red Cross, and the W.A. of the has been so very kind to us." meals a day, and then they won’t RECIPE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips, of United Church and will be missed. have that hiddpn hunger which a Richter Street, entertained at a She asked her to accept the picture cup of tea stifles." Add 1 envelope Royal Fast dinner on Friday evening in honor as a gift of appreciation from the BUSINESS WOMEN Rising Dry Yeast and 1 tsp; of Mrs. G. Bowler, and Mrs. Collett guests. The party broke up with sugar to 1 c. lukewarm and her daughters, Eleanor and A r­ the guests wishing Mrs. Twiname ENJOY PICNIC Founded 1906 water. Stir and let stand 10 lene, all of California. a speedy return to health. minutes. Scald 1 c. m ilk, add • • • 5 tbs. sugar; add 2 tsp. salt Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tickell and About a dozen members of the and cool to lukewarm. Add with Elizabeth and Billy, drove sons, of Vancouver, arrived Monday Business and Professional Women’s .Sichool to yeast mixture. Add 3 c. from Vancouver, arriving on Satur­ of last week and are staying at the club enjoyd a beach picnic on Sun­ sifted flour and beat until day. They will stay for the next Antler’s auto camp and visiting at day afternoon at the lakeshore sum­ . p erfectly sm ooth. A d d 4 tbs. week or two, with Mrs. Allen’s bro­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Smalls. mer cottage of Miss Rose Tilling. melted shortening and 3 c. ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A t the conclusion of sup­ Residential and Day m o re sifted flour, o r en ou gh P. G. James, on Royal Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, of Vic­ per, Mrs. J. Cameron Day to make easily bandied toria, arrived Tuesday of last week presented M iss Tilling with s c h o o l dough. Knead well. Place in Provincial Police Constable W. and are guests at the home of Mr. a gold emblem ring in appre­ b o y s greased bowl. Cover and let Aylward, of Sicamous, with his wife and Mrs. C. C. Heighway. ciation of her work as president rise in warm place until and son, Bobby, are spending a ho­ of the club duHng the past year. All-round development, educa­ doubled in bulk, about liday here, staying at the home of John Cameron returned to his Guests were Mrs. A. M. Page, mo­ tional, physical, moral, hours. Punch dou^h down Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall. home in the foothUls in Alberta, ther of Mrs. Muriel Ffoulkes, the cu ltu ral. in bowl and let rise again leaving Wednesday of last week. new president, and Mrs. Elinor Accommodation for 170 boarders. At the W illow Inn for a few days’ in warm place until nearly • * * a MaePherson, guest of Mrs. A. H. De- Brick buildings. Heated swim­ doubled in bulk, about 40 holiday are Miss Jean Cavin, of Donald M iller arrived home last Mara, from Chilliwack. ming tank. Gymnasium. Ten London, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. week and will spend some time at WORLD rain. When light, roll out acres of playing fields. FAMOUS into rectangular^ sheet Hannan, of Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. the home of his parents, Mr. and SOLD APPLES ILLEGALLY thick. B ru^ with^ melted E. O. Nelson, of Winnipeg; Mrs. Mrs. W. D. Miller. In Magistrate’s Court at Cobourg, CADET CORPS • • • CAUDILLO REYNdSA butter or shonening; Jessie Campbell, of Prince Albert, Ont., o n June 26,. 1947, M a c k M c ­ , AC8VSDA Miss Noreen Gummow returned RIFLE RANGE TROUPE - into strips wide. Pile Sask.; Mrs. W. Paulson, of Fairview, Kenzie, of Colborne, Ont., was fined T R O m SISTERS to her home in Victoria last week. 7 strips together; cut _ into Alta., and Mr. James Porter, of $10 and costs for breaking detention Healthful climate. Year-round V an cou ver. piece 1" wide. Place inch- Mr. and Mrs. H. Pratt, son and (d isposed o f 150 bu shel h am p ers o f open air games. side v p in greased muflSin daughter, of Winnipeg, arrived apples which were under deten­ For School Calendar write the A SUPREME ACHIEVEMENT IN CLEAN AMUSEMENT pans. Cover; let rise in warm Mrs. Charles Faulkner and Miss Wednesday to spend a holiday at tion). This action was taken by an Rev. G. Herbert Scarrett,' B.A. place, free from draft, undl Nonie Faulkner left on Monday , to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Inspector of the Fimit and Vegetable (Queens), MJB.S.T. (Eng.) light, about 1 hour. Bake in spend a holiday in Edmonton. They For the convenience of those who wish to avoid the crowds at the Division, Dominion Department of H ea d m a ster 400°F; oven for 20 minutes; will visit Mrs. Jack Kerr, formerly W hinton. circus grounds, tickets for both performances will be on sale show Beth Dalgleish, well-known in Ke­ Agriculture, under provisions of the day ONLY — 9a.m. to 5 p.m. at P. B. WILLITS & Co. Ltd. lowna. Mrs. Faulkner w ill visit her D r. H e le n Zeman, of the provin­ Ontario Farm Products Grades and UNIVERSITY SCHOOL Sales Act and Regulations on behalf SAME PRICES AS CHARGED AT "mE CIRCUS GROUNDS sister, Mrs. Alex Dalgleish at Gran­ cia l department of health in V ic ­ VICTORIA, B.C. de Prairie, and plans to be away a toria, is spending a few days at the of the Ontario Department of Ag­ ricu ltu re. month or so. Royal Anne. , orn$

(it C anada’s Great



HELICOPTER DEMONSTRATION A nation awakens to the possibilities and AND AERIAL ACROBATICS resources of the W est. Over half a m illion people—-from every province in Canada— who visit the great new P .N .E . w ill m arvel at the

G r e a t N e t v record developm ent and accom plishm ents of t h e W e s t ' . G ay w ay o f G alevity” W hatever your interests — here is a source of new i t ideas and suggestions — an am azing display of Majestic Livestock Review prize aehicvemeuts in agriculture, industry, art and culture.

There'll be plenty of fun, too. HORSE RACING DAILY Don’t m iss the high jinx along ★ the greatest gay way yet .... Monday ----- Children's Day Tuesday - - - British Columbia Day Com e and have fun. Wednesday - Citiaens' and Pioneers' Day Thursday - - - - - Women's Day Friday - - - - International Day. Saturday - - - - - Warriors' Day WIN A ’47 BOICK SEDAN •$6,000 in Prizes Monday - - -; - - - Ltbor Day O nly advance sale tickets are eligible for prizes



Parker, of Mara, B.C, tiec&me Iho ker, brother of the bride. H i m tJcssiw C w {> «r w a * a LOCAL VISITORS bride of Mr. Harry l.an««Iott Bubb. After the ceremony, « buffet lun­ Uw annircrKary dinner for Mr. and MANY A H E N D Uev. Albert Cursons ofOclalcd. cheon was eerved and the happy Mr*. F. Fum«t«n, «n Monday, The bride, given In roarriago by couple left on the aftemooit bua for U C I F R c s r HOLD PARTY her father, lookedK>k« charming In pink Kamloops, Vancouver and Scattlot AQUATIC DANCE crepe, and carried a bouquet of On their letum, Mr. and Mrs, Bubb FOR FRIENDS pink and white sweet peas. will be glad to welcome their The MARY PRATTEN ON SATURDAY It was to bid "au revoir" to friends The attendants were Mr*. S. U. friends at their home on Carolyn* SCHOOL ** DANCING r ^ t i 7 © C 3 ’ they have made hi Kelowna during Sandei-«, and Mr. Gordon Ivan Par­ R oad. 14 years of Regatta holidays, that It haa I m x f t w necessary to start n .-ae/.v A host of visitors attended the Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gunn, of Van­ etas sea on Monday and Wedrjes- Mr and Mrs G W Sutherland. Miss Doreen Warren la leaving at went by boat to Cinnemeoaun Nar- Aquatic on Saturday, all of Ihera couver. held tm afler-flvc at the daya one hour later for a short with EUa and Doris arc leaving on the week-end for a holiday in rows, their camp headquarters, and delighted with the setting for the Golf Club on Tuesday. Tlie hostess time. Ttujrcfore, I shall be glad Friday to spend two weeks driving Calgary. from UK’rc explored the lake. In- dance. had arranged the flowers, and on if parents of JiiU-ndlng pupils !h Ih,. reiiirnlri" via Uanff. • • • eluding Seymour Arm, Wagner Bay A farewell party for the Jack Canadian Legion Basket Picnic will kindly rcEialcr as early as Miss Joyce Read, of Vernon, wlio gjjjj i^agle Bay. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cantelons, who left for Oakville, one table was a long, low bowl of inasst'd salplgloiMsls, scabiosn, cos­ possible, so that I may arrange Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tiiompson and spent lU'galla week as the guest of McCualg. with a boat, trailer and Ontario, on Wednesday, was arrang- at City Park Picnic Grounds iny work for the condng season. Joy, of Orovillc, and Gerry Mast, of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Coates, on. Har- spent a week holidaying with cd by Mr. and Mrs. Robert llayman. mos, petunias and asters On the mantelpiece was a largo vase of MAST PRATTEN Arizona, spent a week witli Mr. and very Avenue, has returned to her tijcm. at whose liome guests niet prior to Mrs. H. J. Conn, on Aberdeen St. home. . . • dance. Those in Uie group In- zinnias. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 20 Phone 472-L. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Residence 0»8 Glenn Avenue Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hammond eluded Mr. and Mra. Robert Gore. • A l i * ' _ __ ... «Claude Bentley, Toixinto; Mrs. H. at 2 p.m. 4-lp Mr. John Hall returned on Wed- Mrs. Ralph Coato and Miss m- Monday night for u two weeks' and Mrs. Bob Knox. Mr. and nesday to hl» home in Crcslon after canore Contes, of J^nglcy I holiday at Bamberton, V.I., where Hex Lupton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Boucher, Vancouver; Mi.ss Jean staying at the Royal Anne for st- are hoUdaying at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McLennan, Mrs. Tom Watson, of Cuvin, London. Ontario; Mrs. Ma­ — F O R - - vcral days. Mrs. A. Colin Coates, on liar- jjaskins. Mrs. Haskins is the for- Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Dob thew Hcdley, Victoria; Miss Flora Mr and Mr.s. Leslie Thompson Avenue. ^ ^ ^ Dorothy Hammond, of Ke- vvillis. ' Mackenzie, Mr. and Mrs. H. Geof­ frey Malcolmson. Dr. Rcba Willlta MEMBERS AND FAMILIES spent last Sunday at Wilson Land- Miss Kay Gllpin-Hudson, Miss l«wna. . . . lu Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewarts 4-3o ond Mr. Ben Williams, all of Van­ r n t m Ing Beach having arranged a Kathleen Mnslcn and Miss Barbara Beverley M. McDonald and couver; and Mr. Leonard Reid, of launch trip in tlicir new boat, In Wcathcrall, of ICingston, Jamaica, Moreno Vincent of Powell Anderson, Mrs. II. 11. Boucher, of W in n ip eg. honor of Miss Alice Betts and Miss arc guests at Ellis Lodge. ' slaying at Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Helping their host and hostess Audrey 'Tliom, of Penticton. Others ^ i. , n/r iho Willow Inn left today for Pen- Urynjolfson, Mr. and Mrs. Vance were Mrs. Charles Gaddes, Miss in the party were Mr.- -Doug Hard- • Miss Sally ^^wis. daueh ero T.,"*.*' ^ Mnrv Dnnnlenn of Ed- eiawson, mr. «nu *vi.ia. nmutui x./uj' Ing. Mr. Neville Thompson and and Mrs. A. H. Lewis, of New West- t cion Miss Mor^ Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Max de- Audrey Hughes, Jean and Lois Ai.,n miiiBier,minster, wiiowho iiuuhas beenoeuii spending Rc- — ...... — tho---- Willow------" Inn for ..a PfvlTer Mr. Byron Ed- Gunn, Mr. Malcolmson and Mr, * • • gatta week with Mrs. B. M. Lewis week or two. Mr. and Mrs. . Francisco,' Mr. and Wally Melklo, of Toronto. Mr, H. Talt Is leaving on Satur- and Beverly, left today to return to Gulchon, of Ladner, arc spendinj. Charles Gaddes, Mr. and Mrs. day to drive home to Vancouver, her home. a few days thcrc^ also. Gilroy, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.

m ™” V '* S S iS*'"o?viinw ?vcr^ Mr Mr. S. G. Horton l*cft Ellis Lodge Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tiiompson, Kirkpatrlclc, of Trail; Miss R«we- 1^‘ I *’ to rctum to Vancouver, on Wednes- of Port Alberni, have been guests mary King, Mrs. B. M. Lewis, Mr. D's w o n d m iv l wcek^wlU^h?B bm tSdllfw'a^^^^ day M ^W . S ^ a n d Mn W. of Mr. and Mrs.Vrod S. Thompson, and Mrs. R. P' wceK wiui niB nroiner iiviaw Hooner of Penticton arc holiday- • • • Mrs. Carson McLeod,.of Kamloops, P a r k e r 5 1 NO n Ing at the S o ® A dinner in celebration of the Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McGill. Mr. BAKING- Mr. and Mrs. S. Mac Talt, who ^vo mg at the Lo^c^ ^ « diamond wedding anniversary of Mr. Owen Pritchard, of Van- l^cn staying with ^ Guests at Ellis Lodg are Capt. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fumerton was couver; Mr. and Mrs. George Ran- Malctti Bottevt Fluor Flavonrod Woltcr Spence, ^ Peachlond, for j ^ Scott, of Calgary, held for 28 relatives and friends on Mr. and Mrs. W. T. L. Road- BUBB—PARKER D e s k S e t s Breed la ^ tbo time. Regatta, left on Tuesday for Van- M r s . J.' P. Lang and Mr. Monday at El Rancho. Recordings house, Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Underhill, . A quiet wedding was solcmniccd cquver. * , , and Mrs. K. Roach, of Tacoma; Mr. were previously made at the house Mrs. Don Wells, of Orovillc; Mr. 4 MVoiopM per cartoo. todk mvolopm at the home bf Mr. Harry L. Bubb Emragemcnt Spargo,' M Vancouver; Mr. of pficmbcrs of the family. Flowers Mrs. Elwyn Williams, of Call- on Friday afternoon, August 8, m obi 5 loavtt. and Mrs. J. Ranicr, of Chelan; Miss from the dinner decorations were fj-onia; and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Iteld announce Armellng and Mrs. Laurel Pen- taken to the grave of Mr. W. G. when Lcorto Irene Parker, oldest REX keepti fresh for weeks witli- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. T. H. the engage^nt of yoim^s q£ Goldcndale, Wash; Mr. R. Lock, brother of Mrs. Fumerton. Mrs. Harry Wliite enter- A PIRMANINT MAGNITI No hingCS OF out refrigeration. As Quick Rla- daughter, Thelma Mai^, to Mr. McDonald, of New Westminster. After the dinner, colored moving ^lincd for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Price, Other friction fittings to fail or wear. luR aa Fccah Yeast* paries A. Jacobs, second son f j jj shaw, of pictures taken on Sunday by j Edmonton, when guests Included W om en’s Meetihl^s Mclford, Sask.^ ^ ^ R. P. Hu^es, were shown at the Fred CampbeU, Mr. Instead, a glistening metal sphere is L A L L K M A N D ' 1. cobs, of Barrie, Ontorio. The wed • * * house and there was a sing-song. Hyland. Mr. and Women’s meetings, lor which ding will take place shortly in Miss Dagny Carlson, of Vancou­ no admission charge is made, securely held by a concealed, new-type RKK '-J 4^ A IL-.iin; Di V Yooi epDf I'r H Mrs. D. M c^llan, of Saskatoon, sis- Ferrell •Varner, of Vancouver, B cn vou lln , ver, has been staying with Mr. and ter of Mrs. Fumbrton, was a brides- Walker, may bo advertised free of cost / permanent magnet . . . New scoop Mrs. F. J. Crewe, also of Vancou­ maid at her weddi^. Mrs. Jack Hiimo enter- under this heading. Copy ver, while they visited their son, must be given Tlie Courier holder makes it easy for you to replace On Monday, Miss Mary Pratten tained for Mr. Jim Nicholson R.CJ^. A lle n . before 5 p.m. ’Tuesdays and had a visit from two old pupils, Kay and his wife, of V i^ ria . Mr. and the “5P’—even with your eyes shut! * • • F rid ays. Miss Norma Ross, who has been Armstrong and Mrs. Jeanette Wil- Mrs. Kennedy Ainsbury, or van­ spending the past wqek with Mr. Hams, her sister, both of whom Miss couver, honeymooning h^rCi w ere, and Mrs. J. N. Cushing, on Pendozl Pratten had taught in Armstrong, wiht Mr. and Mrs. John Tierney. K e lo w n a R eb ek a h L o d g e N o. 36 Street, left on Wednesday to join Kay, who has been studying in New Other dancers were Mr. ana Mrs. will hold a corn feed at the lake- shore home of Sister Rose Tilling her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William York, with Vilzak, and who was in Malcolm Chapin, Mr, and M rs.^ rl SWING HIGH—SWING lOW I ThC ncw F. Tate, in New Westminster. Mr, the Radio City Music Hall ballet, Brunette, Mr. and Mrs. L. A- Hen- on W ed n esd ay, A u gu st 20, 6 p.m. and Mrs. Tate wUl celebrate their and in “Show Boat,’ returned to dren, of Vancouver, Mr. and hlrs. Oddfellows and their ' wives and desk-styled ” 51” may be placed at 65th wedding anniversary on the Vancouver in February, where she Don Horton, Mr. and Mrs Gordon husbands of the Rebekahs are in­ 24th of August., . . took Mrs. Dorothy Wilson’s place Meikle, Keith Tutt and his bride; vited to attend. Each one is re­ any angle and rotated through a • . • as principal of the B.C. School of Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson with Mr. quested to bring a cup, plate, etc. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hendren, of Dancing, where Jeanette is secre- Orby Boake and Dr. and Mrs. Gor- Members from out of town are wel­ full 360°. A touch of the finger will Vancouver, are spending a fortnight tary. The girls, who had been vi- don Wilson; Lon J. Ross, of Saska- come. For further information eon- poise it for action in just the posi­ with Mr. and Mrs. Don Horton, siting their brother in Armstrong, toon, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robson, tact Mrs. Melsted, phone 642-R. having come here for Regatta. . stopped off in Kelowna to see Miss m t . and Mrs. Reg Foote, Mr. and tion that suits you best. • • • , Pratten. ' Mrs. Ben McMillan, of Victoria; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Derrell Varner, and ^ ^ Ken Parker, Mr. and Mrs. daughter Lynn, of Vancouver, are Miss Kathleen Hagennan. of Sas- Buckland, Mr. and Mrs. Ed spending a fortnight with Mr. and katoon, is spending a holiday at the ^^d Mrs. Don Fillmore A f t e r ,Mrs. Csuhing. Mrs. Varner is a Royal Anne. ^ jyj’j. jyjrs. Gordon Finch,®Mr. daughter of Mr. Cushing. Ladubec and Miss and M r s . Gerry Downey. Mr. and y t h 7MW*I Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Carruthers re- M. Ethyle Buhman have left on a Mrs. turned on Monday from a trip to two week^ vacation to Vancouver, James g England, where they have spent the Victoria. Seattle, ^Wenatchee and berm, with Mr. and Mrs. Freddy S. PARKER “51” PENS ...... $15.00 and $18.00 past four months. They made their down the PacmcUoast. ' vnnnspr neonle were headquarters with Mrs. Carruthers’ ^ and Mrs. J. F. Belyea, of m^Horn £id Richird MacLean, of MATCHED SETS ...... $21.00 and $27.00 mother, Mrs. How^d Rim Vancouver, who have been visiting Duncan; Lady of the Lake Betty Kent, and travel!^ all over ^ g - Mrs. Douglas Dewar, of. ggjj gjjjj -vyade, Janet Scantland OTHER PARKER PENS ..... $3.50 and $6.00 land, visitmg relatives and friends. Banbury Point, Kaleden, arrived at gnjj pat Curell, Bobbie Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Vance Dawson. Mr. Royal Anne on Wednesday Chris McCormick, Hazel Pearson

■ J S - i L v f e ed Regatta Lunch Tim e Pals at a buffet supper r. B. IVillits & Co. Ltd. la w n . Vancouver, Your Rexall Drug Store . . . Y ou and your favorite Seindwich made evr, is well-known in Keloiraa. In a party arranged by Mr. and Dr. Chase's Ointment Phone 19 from our golden-crusted, enriched, luscious Miss Lexy Cameron, Miss Marie Mr and Mrs L GUlard had as Mrs. Harry Tupman, members of for Chafing:Skin frrltafions. Eczemai' Murdoch and Miss Mavis Snowsell their euest for Reeatta week their which met at the Tupman s home lunch loaves. All bread baked oven fresh on have le« to take part to the C.G.I.T. f S g S e rT ^ . aid prior to the dance, were^Mr. »d our priemises. Ask your grocer for Suther­ camp outside Vancouver. Mrs. F. Thurston, of Port CoquiL Mrs. Jim Cowan. Dr. and ^ s . Mr.; H T Hewetson is leaving on They, left on Saturday to msit George Campbell, Mr. ^yd^y - land’s Ideal Bread. Mrs. H. J. Hewetson is leaving on jy- Thurston’s dster Mrs W A. ton, Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Gil Friday for a trip to the coast m- Th^ton s ^ ^ r, Mrs. w. and Mrs. Percy Me- cludmg Vancouver, ChiUiwack and ^^*^”^®’ “ ,• Callum, Mr. Bert Osborou^, of BeUingham. : _ . ■ Mr., and Mrs. Jan Maclaren, of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrsi H. W. Tait Ethel Street, had as week-end and Mr. and Mrs. S. Mac Tait, of Sntherland's Idea! Bakery Wc guests, Mrs. Maclaren’s uncle, aunt Vancouver. 1-121 Bernard iAve. A REAL SALE Phone 121 ver IS hoH^ying at tte home hfe cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Mr and Mrs. Vic Lewis, Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick John- Helena, of Regina. iv&T 'Ted Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Er- stone. , , , , ■ ^ J l * A t . 1. nest Callas, of Vancouver, and Miss Miss Dorothy McDonald, of Van- tfael^^®|aSht^” jea2°1n^‘^ & couver, IS a guest of ^ Lynn wood, of Vancouver, lunched: at the together. O f Sutntner Merct&aiidise Now On Crossley on Roweliffe Avenue. Royal Anne, while passing through , WAn a r e Kelowna on Wednesday, from their Mr. Jim ; ;Mr. Jim Nicholson; rR.CJI. and his summer home at Sorrento, to Van* liwe, of Vibtbna,v are staying with couver. They are travelling via couver where they tio+^r Big Clean Up of Smart New Dresses . .. must make room for Fall Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Hume. the States, and Judge and Mrs. A t- ‘*®ysvwith Miss Jean ■' '"5 i i ' • • Merchandise . . . During Sale, positively no exchanges, refunds, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Dawson are chibald wiU spend a few days in of Mr.^ CampbeU. ’ Vancouver with l^ofessor and Mrs. they twiU^pntinue Jo _Edmpm^]^ expecting their son Jack to arrive approvals and no alterations . . . home at the week-end. He has just F. G; C. Wood, before returning to Wilb Mrs, Campbell Pnd:.JP^ ymere their home in Kamloops. they wiU rrtay with Mrs^am ^eLls completed' his senior matric at the • • • parents,";Mr. and Mrs. Fired .GupsL In a variety of styles and many colors, DiVA. in Vancouver, and plans to Mrs. A. M. Harvey, of Ocean Falls, Front Edmonton; Ken w ill contifiup in a good range of sizes; "I / PRICE spend several weeks with his par­ R a in c o a t s is a guest at the Royal Annelwhile to TbrontP'to take up his studies on sale a t ...... -..... ents. visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrt. at the Royal Conservatory of Music. E. M. Carruthers, who have just --—;——; — Mrs. G. G. Reynolds, of Edmon­ returned from En^and. ton, is arriving on Saturday to spend five days with Mrs. C. Homer, be­ JVIr. and Mrs. Marcel de Hemp* fore going on to the Coast. tinne, of Calgary, are leaving for D re s s e s home on Friday. They spent two D r e s s e s , Mrs. R. P. MacLean is leaving oh weeks with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cre­ Friday to join her parents in Picton, tin, on Richter St., having, come for Range 1-—Regular $3.95 up— Range 4—-Reg. $9.95 to $11.95— Ontario, liJr. and Mrs. W. Right-, the Regatta Mrs. de Hemptinne myer wiU travel back with her to This is a very pretty range of dresses is a sister of Mr. Cretin. In spuns, seersuckers and crep.es,, sizes Kelowna. Mrs. MacLean, who ex­ 12 to 20. In this range you; will; fiOd in silks, florals, plaids and stripes, very pects-to be away about a month. Mr. and Mrs. Emect Callas,- of many dresses values, up smart .styles. $fj^ >,will also visit friends in Montreal. Vancouver, and Miss Eileen Clarke, ‘Sizes 12 to 20. Sale Price , X. of Victoria, have been staying,n't • New Fail Coate $7.95. Sale Price Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Gisborne have Sunny Beach Auto Camb. They ® y/oql. Angora and returned from a three weelw camp- guests of honor on -T\xesday, Range 5— Reg. ^12.95 to $15.95 ing and fishing ^ p to Shuswap y^^jicn Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lewis eh- Crepe Dres^s Range 2— Reg. $4.95 and $5.95- Lake. With a boat on a trailer, and tertained before and after the Re-, ® sweaters,. Skijrts,. This is a better range of Silks and a tent, they drove to Sicamous, then gatta dance. These are mostly good washable .cot­ ® Sportstiirts, Glpyp^ . tons. in a variety of styles and ci^js. Jerseys in a lovely variety of styles and patterns. This is an outstanding ® Hats and accessories Sizes 12 to 20. range of dresses. J $ ^ MUSIC LOVERS Sale Price ...... -...... “FROM CRADLE Sizes l?.to 20. Sale Price .... ENJOY PROGRAM R age 3— Reg. $6.95 to $8.95— A Beethoven quartet played by SLACK SUITS TO COLLEGE” the Budapest String Quartet brought A high grade line of cottons, in florals, the Listening Group program to a_ ■— Clean up of our Stock — stripes and checks. , I T ’S close on Monday night, when mem­ 95 Regular to $8.95. $C Sizes 12 to 20. Sale Price .... bers and friends met at the home Sale Price ...... of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Maclaren on Regular to $11.95. $ f E th e l St. PINAFORE DRESSES “Symphonie Fantastique’’ by Ber- Sale Price Hoz. lent by Mrs. S. M. Simpson, In good hard wearing prints, just the and songs by Richard Crooks, com­ dress for school wear. Sizes 12 to 20. SPECIALIZING pleted the program. Newcomers to ALPINE SLACKS Regular price $2.95. $^ D 5 in the group were Mrs. Jolin Cham­ in allyshades, sizes 12_to 20. $ ^ bers; Miss Dorothy McDonald and Sale Price CLOTHES AND Mr. LesUe Johnstone, all of Van­ Regtilar $4.95, Sale Price couver. Members included Miss ACCESSORIES LARGE SIZE DRESSES Loma Archer-Houblon. Mrs. Paddy HANDBAGS for Cameron, Mrs. J. W. Cope and Phyl, A good assortment of smart cotton Mrs. G. y. L. Crossley and Lynn, A special assortment of leather and dresses, good washing, fast colors, in Infants, 6 mos. to 3 years Mrs. H. J. Hewetson, Mrs. Ron Ir­ plastic handbags, in black, red, brown, win, Mrs. J. Nilson .MacFarlane, stripes, florals arid checks, in sizes 38 B o5ts ..... 3 to 6 years Mrs. Charles Robertson, Mrs. S. M. to 52. Reg. $6.95, $7.95 $ g tan and navy. A real $ ^ 95 good buy for Girls .... 3 to 10 years Simpson, Mrs. W. K Spiller, Mrs. and $8.-95.1 Sale Price Ira Swartz, Miss Nettie Steffanson, Heather’s has just reegived their complete shipment of Teen Age Girls, 12-16 yrs. Mr. Ray Comer, Mr. S. R. EUiott, beautiful imported English, wool and crepe “PO LLY Mr. Billy Murray. Mr. Fred Mar­ Also— in Light and Dark Shades HATS — HATS — HATS T U C K E R ” shirtmaker dresses. Detailed tailoring with Friendly, Courteous Service shall. a very smart range of Your choice of our Summer S T R A W pleated back and front skirt . . . smartly accented by Good Value at M on d ay, A u g u s t 25, at th e hom e Hats at H A L F P R IC E . of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Comer, in dresses in sizes 38 to 52 .... v a v t P stud and link sets. Sizes 12 to,20. Glenmore, will be the next meeting of the Listening Group.

JUNIOR EEGATTA COMING .Kelowna’s annual Junior Regatta tM e a tk e ^ w ill be held this year on August 24. BON M ARCHE LIMITED Limited “Finest in Fashions and Fabrics” APES OSTRICH “OKANAGAN’S FASHION CENTRE” Usten to “.Aiirard «rf the Week” over CKOV Satnrday, 11 A western toad sticks its head Phone 688 320 Bernard in the mud like an ostrich when frightened.

X P £ '

U L. •nroKSDAY. AUGUCT H. m i r m mxMJOwmA i S Q t m m m i*AQ & T W & JL V E

CN.R. LOWERS Mor® About WILL PATROL L A R G E N E W HOLIDAY FARES W A S T E I N INDUSTRIAL HOUSE W hat Every M other Should Know ■ CANADA Reduced fares for travel to and AREA IN CITY from all stations In Canada will be at BANKHEAD on sale by Canadian National Rail­ finished in white stucco, Fr(»n Page 1, Column 3 way agents for I-abor Day holiday, IT’S PROVEN City Agrees to Buy Uniform Monday. September I. full basement with pUimb- described the children In England. ing roughed In for suite, and Instal Two Telephone He explained that special arrange­ qtic low-fare tickets will be good Booths ments had been made to provide for the going trip from Friday, Au­ ‘main floor fmlshcd, spaci­ them with a good “square noon gust 29. to 2 pun. (Standard 'nme) ous living room with oak Monday, September 1. and will be Tlic City ot Kelowna will co-op­ meal at sciiool for only eight cents, floors and fireplace, dining i erate with the packlngliouse# wlUi and milk is distributed during good for the return trip to leave not a view of giving more police pro­ school hours, too. This, he thoouidit. later than midnight, Tuesday, Sep­ room with oak floors and tection in 0»c industrial section of accounted for the “wonderful tember 2. French doors, modern the city. health" of the children. ■kitchen and bathroom Council last Monday night re­ Mr. Carruthers and his wife were SIZE OF TEXAS with Pembroke bath and ceived n letter fr^'m a representa- boUi thrilled by wluit ho described Burma is about Urc sire of tlie Uve of the packinghouses, outlin­ shower, large bedroom — a as the "marvelous beauty of the State of Texas. ing .1 acheme whereby an cx-RC English courlysidc." They were in upstairs with plumbing MI* officer will bo employed to pa­ the Old Country during the spring lie continued in summing up his roughed in for 3 room trol the area at night The city wraa when the neat fields began to sliow suite. Garage and an asked to instal two telephone bootlia green and the first flowers appeared. impressions. “They are starving Lanolin Base — Keeps under-tissue soft and supply a uniform for the po­ Comparing England with Canada, themselves of all but the necessi­ acre in grapes and peach­ liceman. Cost of the latter is ex­ ties of life and exporting everything es. Lovely view . . . Serves as Cream and Oil Mr. Camithcm said that “we’ve had pected to be around $00. 100 years in this country and else In order to regain purchasing Immediate possession for Prevents Chafing After considerable debate, It was they’ve had 2,000; theirs is the fin­ power abroad. I think they’ll make decided to co-operate in the scheme the grade. They've got guts.” ,0 0 Protects against sun and wind ished product" on a trial basis of six months. Con­ Fine Weather Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers returned $ 8 , 9 5 0 Softens and soothes chapped skin______siderable discussion took place, from England on the Queen Mary however, before Dio measure vraa He enid that line weather pre­ on her first crossing after recent approved. Some aldermen were of vailed during the greater part of rc-commlsionlng, sailing from E.M , CARRUTHERS the opinion that if another police­ their visit. “My wife bought an um­ Southampton to Now York. In man Is required, application should brella in Montreal on our way England they stayed with Mrs. Car- BABY POWBER over,” he related. “She put it up & SON, LTD. bo made to the provincial police rulhcrs’ 'mother at Sisslnghurst, In Mortgages - Real Estate Sootblog. cooiiiv “Trader A*«~ Beby Pow for nnothcr officer. Failing that, it just three times in England.” Kent. London was just an hour d«r ii a fevorii* wiib bebit* and ih*ir Mr. Carruthers feels that it is a Insurance was suggested that the city investi­ distant by train. Mr. Carruthers Ltst ¥oor Property With Us I HKMbm! Thb nffoblag |>owd«r b*bma< in gate the night watchman service good thing that a socialist govern­ visited Manchester, Liverpool and 510PS «»ery aonwy aod batbraom... dut ii liber- which is being operated in Vancou­ ment is in. power in England. A Leeds among other Important 3G4 Bernard Ave. Phone 127 ally afetr b«by» baih aod « ditper cWging ver and other cities. non-socialist government, he sold, centres. iIbm . . . It gives fioe Bail 5 r «p •ooilKJ a special constable, the city should PHONE 58 — tlM dMVM, hK»Mi ehtecn co-opcrato and supply the uniform allows it to push much legislation Mtd b i ^ NiaM inAuaaM- and the two telephone booths. through without due consideration. THURS., FRI., SAT. 27 I* ana IntM hours. / deposit or initiation fee re­ n« Iv UMf* Clftat • IM tv tl« MPm* quired from local residents. CARTOON and NEWS $1.00 deposit required from non-residents, which is re­ NEXT THURS., FEL, SAT.----- fundable. I OVER 1,500 BOOKS TO CHOOSE FROM. “TILL THE CLOUDS R O L L B Y ” TW O W EEKS TO 60 MORRISON’S in Tecbnic(dor LIBRARY & NEWS STAND Agents for Vancouver Sun

:vT.;rU-> Advance Showing

'X 4*


For Early Fall

A timely opportunity for you to

select this winter’s Fur Coat at

money saving prices.

Beautifully styled with parachute

or push up sleeves, tuxedo front.

Comes in dark brown coney . . . $135.00


Style as above in black seal with

KELOWNA STAMPEDE turned back cuff . . . $185.00 and $195.00 THRILLS CHILLS SPILLS Monday and Tuesday, September 1st - 2nd SHOWING IN OUR WINDOWS





