Jammu, Saturday, June 6 , 2020

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Jammu, Saturday, June 6 , 2020 K K M " M Y ! Y C C JAMMU, SATURDAY, JUNE 6 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.156 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : gofpress@gmail.com |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 JK reports 182 new positive cases, Class-IV Special Recruitment: Govt. refers 7052 vacancies to JKSSB B63@@343@@/:B= (3@D713A /H3BB3)631=;;C<7?CI 1086 recovered so far (3:31B7=<=/@2C<23@@C:3 /:A=7<271/B3A@3/9C>=4 /;;C /<2 /A6;7@ =4 B63 /;;C /<2 B63 D/1/<173A /A >3@ 3@32/<2 6/D32732 7< 1/A3A@3>=@B32B=2/GE7B6 %=A7B7D3 @31=D3@32/<2 =D3@<;3<BB=2/G@343@@32 /A6;7@ >>=7<B;3<B B= '3A3@D/B7=< 'C:3A /;;C27D7A7=</<2 7< /A6;7@ 1B7D3%=A7B7D3 @31=D3@32 23/B6C25/;6/A >=A7B7D3 :/AA+D/1/<173AB= )63=D3@<;3<B=<@72/G7< :/AA+ (>317/: +3@B71/: =@7H=<B/:@3A3@ 27D7A7=<)63C::3B7<4C@B63@A/72 23/B6(@7</5/@6/A >=A7B7D3 1/A3A7<1:C27<5 1/A3A@3>=@B32 (3@D713A (3:31B7=< 4=@;32B6/B <3E>=A7B7D31/A3A '31@C7B;3<B'C:3A D/B7=< /<2 /2@3 =4 B63 B6/B=CB=4 B3AB@3AC:BA 1/A3A7<1:C27<5 1/A3A@3>=@B32 B=2/GE7B61B7D3%=A7B7D3/<2 =/@2 ((C<23@>@= =4<=D3:=@=</D7@CA$+ )63D/1/<173AE7B623 >=AB7<271/B7<5B63>/@B71C /D/7:/0:3 A/;>:3A6/D3 B=2/GE7B6 1B7D3%=A7B7D3 @31=D3@321/A3A/<2 23/B6A D7A7=<A=4B63/;;C/<2 4@=;/;;C27D7A7=</<2 >/@B;3<BE7A3 1/2@3 :/@7D7A7=</<27AB@71B7< 033<B3AB32/A<35/B7D3B7::C<3 @31=D3@32 23/B6A /<23@0/:6/A >=A7B7D31/A3A /A6;7@ >>=7<B;3<B B= 4@=; /A6;7@27D7A7=<6/D3033< E7A3 1/B35=@GE7A3 @3A>31B =4 227B7=</::GB7::2/B3 </<B</527AB@71B6/A >=A7B7D3 7<1:C27<5 1/A3@3>=@B32B=2/G :/AA+ (>317/: @3>=@B32B=2/GB6CAB/97<5B63B= 0@3/9C>/@3B=0347::32C< 7D7A7=</: 7AB@71B /2@3 B@/D3::3@A/<2>3@A=<A7< 1/A3A7<1:C27<5 1/A3A@3>=@B32 E7B6 /1B7D3>=A7B7D31/A3A/<2 '31@C7B;3<B'C:3A B/:<C;03@=4>=A7B7D31/A3A7< 1=<B/1BE7B6ACA>31B321/A3A6/D3 B=2/GE7B6 1B7D3%=A7B7D3 @31=D3@73A C:5/;6/A >=A7 23@ >@=D7A7=<A =4 B63 >=ABAA4=@B63@343@@32D/ /;;C/<2 /A6;7@B= A >3@ / 1=;;C<7?CI =4 /;;C /<2 /A6;7@ 1/<173A 03:=<5B=27A 033<3<:7AB324=@AC@D37::/<13 @31=D3@32 23/B6A B7D31/A3A7<1:C27<5 1/A3A@3 113:3@/B32 :A= $+ 23/B66/A033< E67167<1:C232 >3@A=<A7< /@/;C::/6/A >=A7B7D31/A3A >=@B32B=2/GE7B6 1B7D3 >>=7<B;3<B B= :/AA+ B@71B 1/2@3 03:=<5 B= @3>=@B324@=; /A6;7@27D7A7=< '31@C7B;3<B =;;7BB33 (>317/: '31@C7B;3<B 27D7A7=</: 1/2@3 /;;C 6=;3?C/@/<B7<37<1:C27<54/17:7 7<1:C27<5 1/A3A@3>=@B32B= %=A7B7D3/<2 @31=D3@73A7<1:C2 E6716E/A1=<AB7BCB32D723 "=@3=D3@ ;=@3$+ >/ B73A=>3@/B320G5=D3@<;3<B7< 2/GE7B6 1B7D3%=A7B7D3 7<5 1/A3@31=D3@32B=2/G/<2 B6/A033<7<4=@;32 /A6;7@ /<2*) B73<BA6/D3@31=D3@32/<227A =D3@<;3<B$@23@#= B6/B B63 /;;C /<2 1/2@31=;>@7A3A >=ABA =A>7B/:&C/@/<B7<3 7<6=A @31=D3@32 23/B6A(6=>7/<6/A 23/B6A/<2%C:E/;/@3>=@B32 =4 2/B32 16/@5324@=;D/@7=CA6=A>7B/:A >7B/:7A=:/B7=</<2 C<23@ >=A7B7D31/A3A7<1:C27<5 >=A7B7D31/A3A7<1:C27<5 /A6;7@ >>=7<B;3<B B= ;=<5B6327AB@71B1/2@37< 6/A723<B74732 4@=;/;;C7D7A7=</<2 4@=; 6=;3AC@D37::/<133A723A 1/A3A@3>=@B32B=2/GE7B6 1/A3A@3>=@B32B=2/GE7B6 /1 :/AA+ (>317/: 1:C23 </<B</5 /<24=@E/@232 D/1/< /A6;7@7D7A7=<11=@27<5B= >3@A=<A6/D31=;>:3B32 1B7D3%=A7B7D3 @31=D3@327< B7D3>=A7B7D3/<2 @31=D3@32 '31@C7B;3<B'C:3A /<27>=@/ /@/;C::/ 173A =4 :/AA+ >=ABA =4 B632/7:G"327/C::3B7<=<<=D3: B637@AC@D37::/<13>3@7=2 1:C27<5 1/A3A@31=D3@32B=2/G (7;7:/@:G/;;C6/A >=A 6/D3033<<=B74732D723($ C25/; =2/ <7<3B33< 23>/@B;3<BA =@=</D7@CA=D72 =CB=4 %@=D727<527AB@71BE7A30@3/9C> /<2 23/B6A C>E/@/6/A 7B7D31/A3A7<1:C27<5 1/A3A@3 =4B6C<3 /<2 /<23@0/: /;;C >=A7B7D31/A3A /@3 B63C::3B7<A/72B6/B/<27>=@/ >=A7B7D31/A3A7<1:C27<5 1/A3A >=@B32B=2/GE7B6 /1B7D3 B=3<3@/:2;7<7AB@/B7=< >C0:7A632 7< B63 (>317/: /B6C/ 1B7D3%=A7B7D3 6/D3@31=D 6/A >=A7B7D31/A3A7<1:C27<5 @3>=@B32B=2/GE7B6 1B7D3 &&&/.021.-/"(& 3>/@B;3<B 4=@ B637@ 4C@ 27B7=< =4 B63 $44717/: && +"11.-/"(& India's COVID-19 tally Jammu-based employees Lt Governor greets people on Kabir Jayanti reaches 2,26,770 with protest against admin's record spike of 9,851 decision to shift 'Darbar !73CB3</<B =D3@<=@ 7@7A6 Move' offices to Srinagar 6/<2@/ "C@;C 6/A 3FB3<232 cases; death toll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dvisor Khan greets A7A/AB63G43/@4=@B637@:7437<B63+/::3GE63@3 >/<23;71/4B3@B63*(@/H7:'CAA7/ ;/<G27AB@71BA6/D3033<231:/@32@32H=<3A people on Kabir Jayanti B63* (>/7</<2B/:G)63<C;03@=4 B7A@3?C3AB32B=1=<A723@B631=<B7<C/B7=<=4 /1B7D3$+ 1/A3AAB==2/B B63 3F7AB7<5 /@@/<53;3<BA =4 E=@97<5 /A 7A E67:3 >3=>:3 6/D3 @31=D3@32 E63@37A0/A7AA=B6/B3;>:=G33A=4B630=B6B63 2D7A=@B=!73CB3</<B=D3@<=@ /<2 =<3 >/B73<B 6/A ;75@/B32 7B A/72 >@=D7<13A;/G03/0:3B=B/931/@3=4B637@4/;7 /@==? 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Security Forces neutralized one terrorist in an encounter in Kalakote area yesterday, June 4th. 723<B=4/;;C/<2 /A6;7@7D7:(31@3B/@7/B ;3AA/532D7A=@ 6/<A/72B6/B 1/A3A 7<1:C23A 4=@375<3@A $4 B63 &&",,3#"1&%.-/"(& B63 B3/167<5A =4 (/7<B /07@ 23/B6A@3>=@B32A7<13)6C@A2/G;=@< E6716/@30/A32=<3?C/:7BG/<2 7<5 E3@3 7< "/6/@/A6B@/ 7< A=17/:8CAB7131=<B7<C3B=7<A>7@3 3:67 7<C8/@/B 7<*BB/@%@/23A6 53<3@/B7=<AB=E=@94=@/6/@;= 7<)/;7:#/2C 7<,3AB3<5/:A7F Online test for non-gazetted <7=CAA=173BG3A/7267AB3/16 3/167<)3:/<5/<//<2"/26G/%@/23A6 Military standoff in Ladakh: India, China 7<5A7<A>7@3CAB=:7D3/A03BB3@ 4=C@ 3/16 7< /@</B/9/ 76/@ /<2 posts will ease difficulties faced 6C;/< 037<5A 0G A6C<<7<5 '/8/AB6/<B6@333/167<<26@/%@/23A6 agree to handle 'differences' through talks 5@3326/B@32/<2>@7233/:A= /<2 3@/:/BE=7<*BB/@/96/<2/<2=<3 by aspirants: Jitendra Singh >@/G324=@>3/13>@=5@3AA/<2 3/167</;;C/<2 /A6;7@/@G/</ A7/ 7< B63 FB3@</: B7=<A03BE33<<27//<2 &5&+)*3- >@=A>3@7BG7< /<26/@96/<2 44/7@A"7<7AB@G#/D33< 67</E7::03/>=A7B7D3 &5&+)*3- $4 B63 B=B/: 4/B/:7B73A (@7D/AB/D//<27@31B=@ 4/1B=@4=@AB/07:7BG7<B63 <27/ /<2 67</ =< "/6/@/A6B@/B=>AB/::GE7B6 23/B6A 3<3@/: 7< B63 67<3A3 1C@@3<B5:=0/:A7BC/B7=< )63 =<:7<3 =;;=< HC directs respondents 4=::=E320GC8/@/BE7B6 23/B6A @72/G 63:2 27>:=;/B71 "7<7AB@G =4 =@375< B63"A/727</AB/B3 :75707:7BG)3AB)4=@ to select petitioner as 3:67E7B6 "/26G/%@/23A6E7B6 B/:9A=D3@B637@;7:7B/@G 44/7@A ,C 7/<56/= ;3<BBA/720=B6A723A @31@C7B;3<B B= <=< ,3AB 3<5/: E7B6 *BB/@ AB/<2=44 7< 3/AB3@< ,7B6=CB 27@31B:G @343@ /5@332B=@3A=:D327443@ 5/H3BB32 >=ABA E7:: 3/A3 Teacher in ex-service- %@/23A6 E7B6 )/;7: #/2C E7B6 !/2/96 /<2 /5@332 B= @7<5 B= B63 ;7:7B/@G 3<13A7</11=@2/<13E7B6 B63274471C:B73A4/1320G/A men category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govt employees to attend 1=<A3?C3<B7/:03<347BA=4A3<7=@7 Lt Governor chairs Kashmir University Council meet BG/<2>@=;=B7=<)635@73D *<7D3@A7BG/CB6=@7B73A4=@ /<13=4B63>3B7B7=<3@7AB6/B63 C>2/B7=<=43:3/@<7<5/<2 offices on regular basis from June 6 && %*0&$21.-/"(& !73CB3</<B=D3@<=@ =B63@B3/167<5B==:AB=>@= 7@7A6 6/<2@/ "C@;C D723B63ABC23<BAE7B6B63 1=<27B7=<A A6=C:2 7<5 >@=>3@:G 6/<13::=@ =4 B63 3<6/<13232C1/B7=</:@3 B/93 3FB@/ >@31/C A1@33<32/<2/::B63 18th of Bench CAT will *<7D3@A7BG=4 /A6;7@B= A=C@13>:/B4=@;A )63 5=D3@<;3<B B7=<A /<2 A6=C:2 ;3/AC@3A>@3A1@7032 2/G16/7@32;33B7<5=4B63
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