August 1, 2013 | No. 765 Editorial Dear readers of the WISE/NIRS Nuclear Monitor, This issue of the Monitor includes articles on the recent IAEA nuclear security conference, the latest World Nuclear Industry Status Report, and uranium mining in Niger. The Nuclear News section includes a request from support to stop the Monitored this Rokkasho nuclear reprocessing plant in Japan, as well as updates from Canada, South Korea, France and Japan. issue: We’d like to correct an editing error made in the last issue of the Monitor. The Swedish ‘SFR repository’ mentioned in Charly Hultén’s article (#764.4321 - Tran- Nuclear security conference commits ... to suranics, mercury and banned fluids discovered in Swedish nuclear waste reposi- holding more conferences........................1 tory) is not the planned repository for spent nuclear fuel. It is, as the second line Jim Green of the article makes clear, a repository planned for short-lived isotopes, in opera- tion since 1988. Apologies to Charly for our editing error. World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 . 3 Regards from the Nuclear Monitor editorial team Email:
[email protected] Uranium Mining in Niger . 5 Jim Green Nuclear News............................................9 − Stop Japan’s Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant − Canada: Cameco agreement to silence Nuclear security conference indigenous protests on uranium mining − South Korea: Nuclear scandal widens − France: Activists target uranium and commits ... to holding more nuclear plants Smiling Sun in 30+ languages... conferences and more to come . 11 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) hosted a conference titled ‘International Conference on Nuclear Security: Enhancing Global Efforts’ from July 1−5 in Vienna.