Congressional Record—Senate S11310
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S11310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 11, 2004 this legislation simply affirms the tra- for closing the pay gap for first responders tire continent to cooperative scientific study ditional role of States in the regulation who are called to active duty in the National through the Antarctica Treaty and the inau- of fish and game. Guard and Reserves by considering expand- guration of the global space age through the This bill is time sensitive. ing the employer tax relief provisions to launching of Sputnik and Vanguard; cover state and local governments; and This bill needs to pass before next Whereas International Geophysical Year 2. The President should consider including cooperation continues as the model and in- year’s hunting season begins. such a proposal in his Fiscal Year 2006 Budg- spiration for contemporary world science I look forward to working with my et Submission. and provides a bridge between peoples of the colleagues to expedite passage of this world that has demonstrated the ability to important legislation. SENATE RESOLUTION 465—TO IN- transcend political differences; I ask unanimous consent that the STRUCT CONFEREES TO THE AG- Whereas it also would be appropriate to text of the bill be printed in the RICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- use the international science year format to RECORD. MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- expand the scope of past years to encompass There being no objection, the bill was ISTRATION, AND RELATED a broad range of disciplines and to recognize interdisciplinary research that incorporates ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS follows: the physical and social sciences and the hu- BILL, 2005 OR ON A CONSOLI- manities in enriching understanding of di- S. 2978 DATED APPROPRIATIONS MEAS- verse life on Earth; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- URE THAT INCLUDES THE SUB- Whereas the 35th anniversary of the Inter- resentatives of the United States of America in STANCES OF THAT ACT national Geophysical Year was commemo- Congress assembled, rated by the International Space Year, a SECTION 1. STATE REGULATION OF ACCESS TO Mr. HARKIN submitted the following resolution; which was considered and globally implemented congressional initia- HUNTING AND FISHING. tive conceived by the late Senator Spark (a) DECLARATION OF POLICY.—Congress agreed to: Matsunaga of Hawaii, that was highlighted hereby declares that— S. RES. 465 by globally coordinated environmental mon- (1) the continued regulation of access to Resolved, That—For the purpose of restor- itoring and research whose ongoing legacy hunting and fishing by the several States is ing the provisions governing the Conserva- continues to benefit humanity; in the public interest; and tion Security Program to those enacted in Whereas planning for an International (2) silence on the part of Congress shall not the Farm Security and Rural Investment Polar Year in 2007–2008 is underway, under be construed to impose any commerce clause Act and restoring the practice of treating ag- the guidance of strong United States leader- barrier to the regulation of such activities ricultural disaster assistance as emergency by the several States. ship and the National Academy of Sciences spending, the Senate instructs conferees to (b) STATE REGULATION OF ACCESS TO HUNT- and in conjunction with the International Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and ING AND FISHING.—The licensing of hunting Council for Science and the World Meteoro- Drug Administration, and Related Agencies and fishing, or of other access thereto, and logical Organization, with this envisioned to Appropriations Bill, 2005, or a Consolidated every person engaged in hunting or fishing, be an intense, coordinated campaign of ob- Appropriations Measure that includes the shall be subject to the laws of the several servations, research, and analysis that will substance of that act, to insist that the con- States which relate to the regulation of such be multidisciplinary in scope and inter- ference report contain legislative language activities. national in participation; striking subsections (e) and (f) of section 101 (c) CONSTRUCTION.—No Act of Congress Whereas an International Polar Year in of division B of H.R. 4837, An Act Making Ap- shall be construed to invalidate, impair, or 2007–2008 will include research on the condi- propriations for Military Construction, Fam- supersede any law enacted by any State for tions in both polar regions and recognize the ily Housing, and Base Realignment and Clo- the purpose of regulating the access to hunt- strong links among polar region conditions sure for the Department of Defense for the ing and fishing unless such Act specifically and the rest of the globe, including the im- Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2005 and for so states. pact on global climate change, as the polar Other Purposes. f regions have profound significance for the Earth’s climate and environments; SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS SENATE RESOLUTION 466—CELE- Whereas other scientific bodies are plan- BRATING THE ANNIVERSARIES ning additional internationally coordinated OF THE INTERNATIONAL POLAR scientific programs to advance scientific SENATE RESOLUTION 464—RELAT- YEARS (1882–1883 AND 1932–1933) knowledge and observations from the core of ING TO REFUNDABLE TAX CRED- AND INTERNATIONAL GEO- the Earth to the farthest reaches of the ITS FOR MUNICIPALITIES PHYSICAL YEAR (1957–1958) AND Cosmos’s effects on the Earth; Mrs. BOXER submitted the following SUPPORTING A CONTINUATION Whereas it is entirely fitting that Congress resolution; which was considered and OF THIS INTERNATIONAL takes the lead again, in the same spirit, in promoting global cooperation through world- agreed to: SCIENCE YEAR TRADITION IN wide commemoration of the past Inter- S. RES. 464 2007–2008 national Polar Years and the International Whereas, the Senate today passed a free Mr. MCCAIN submitted the following Geophysical Year with activities reflecting standing measure which is designed to ad- resolution; which was considered and the unity and diversity of life on Earth: Now, dress tax relief issues relating to Reservists agreed to: therefore, be it and National Guardsmen; Resolved, That it is the Sense of the Senate Whereas, one of the provisions of the pack- S. RES. 466 that the President should— age provides tax relief to employers of Re- Whereas the year 2007 is the 125th anniver- servists and National Guardsmen; sary of the first International Polar Year of (1) endorse the concept of a worldwide cam- Whereas, the employer provision is tar- 1882–1883, the 75th anniversary of the second paign of scientific activity for the 2007–2008 geted to businesses and tax paying entities; International Polar Year of 1932–1933, and the timeframe; Whereas, State and local governments are 50th anniversary of the International Geo- (2) direct the Director of the National facing budgetary pressures, particularly with physical Year of 1957–1958; Science Foundation and the Administrator regard to homeland security; Whereas the first International Polar Year of the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- Whereas, many local first responders have of 1882–1883, which involved 12 nations, and ministration, in association with the Na- been called to active duty in the National the second International Polar Year of 1932– tional Academy of Sciences and other rel- Guards and Reserves, and many state and 1933, which involved 40 nations, set the first evant governmental and nongovernmental local governments have continued to pay precedents for internationally coordinated organizations, to continue interagency and their salaries, thus increasing the budgetary scientific campaigns; international inquiries and discussions that pressure on state and local governments; Whereas the International Geophysical ensure a successful worldwide international Whereas, the Senate recognized this pres- Year, conceived in and promoted by the science year in the 2007–2008 timeframe, em- sure by including in the FSC–ETI bill a pro- United States, was the largest cooperative phasizing activities dedicated to global envi- vision to compensate state and local govern- international scientific endeavor undertaken ronmental research, education, and protec- ments for closing the pay gap of first re- to that date, involving more than 60,000 sci- tion; and sponders who are called to active duty in the entists from 66 nations; (3) submit to Congress at the earliest prac- National Guards and Reserves: Now, there- Whereas each of these activities left a leg- tical date, but no later than March 15, 2005, fore be it acy of scientific advances, new discoveries, a report detailing the steps taken in car- Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate and international goodwill that still benefit rying out paragraphs (1) and (2), including that: us today; descriptions of possible activities and orga- 1. The Senate should reiterate its support Whereas the International Geophysical nizational structures for an international for reimbursing state and local governments Year legacy includes the dedication of an en- science year in 2007–2008. VerDate Aug 04 2004 05:57 Oct 12, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00120 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11OC6.149 S11PT1 October 11, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11311 SENATE RESOLUTION 467—EX- SENATE RESOLUTION 468—DESIG- chairman of the Senate Committee on TENDING BIRTHDAY GREETINGS NATING NOVEMBER 7, 2004, AS Indian Affairs and Senator INOUYE, the TO JOSEPH BARBERA ON THE ‘‘NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN distinguished vice chairman of the OCCASION OF HIS 100TH BIRTH- VETERANS DAY’’ TO HONOR THE committee, and others of my col- DAY AND DESIGNATING MARCH SERVICE OF NATIVE AMERICANS leagues in cosponsoring that resolu- 2005 AS ‘‘ANIMATED FAMILY EN- IN THE UNITED STATES ARMED tion. As the events of conflict in Iraq TERTAINMENT MONTH’’ FORCES AND THE CONTRIBUTION continue we all hope and pray for the OF NATIVE AMERICANS TO THE safe return of the men and women who Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mrs. DEFENSE OF THE UNITED are overseas, far from home protecting FEINSTEIN) submitted the following res- STATES our Nation and others.