BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2019 CAROLE GROOM, CHAIR KARYL MATSUMOTO, VICE CHAIR RON COLLINS MARINA FRASER ROSE GUILBAULT DAVE PINE JOSH POWELL PETER RATTO CHARLES STONE JIM HARTNETT GENERAL MANAGER/CEO A G E N D A AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING San Mateo County Transit District Gallagher Conference Room – 3rd Floor 1250 San Carlos Ave., San Carlos, CA MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2019 – 2:00 pm 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public Comment Public comment by each individual speaker shall be limited to one minute 4. Approval of Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting of December 3, 2018 5. Scope of the Fiscal Year 2019 Audit 6. Status of the Findings Noted in the Fiscal Year 2018 Audit 7. Status of the Accounts Receivables and Grants Billing 8. Adjourn Committee Members: Rose Guilbault, Dave Pine Note: All items appearing on the agenda are subject to action by the Board. Staff recommendations are subject to change by the Board. Page 1 of 2 INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC If you have questions on the agenda, please contact the District Secretary at 650-508-6242. Agendas are available on the SamTrans website at. Communications to the Board of Directors can be emailed to
[email protected]. Free translation is available; Para traducción llama al 1.800.660.4287; 如需翻译 请 电1.800.660.4287 Date and Time of Board and Advisory Committee Meetings San Mateo County Transit District Committees and Board: First Wednesday of the month, 2:00 pm; SamTrans Citizens Advisory Committee: Last Wednesday of the month, 6:30 pm. Date, time and location of meetings may be changed as necessary.