The Labour Party

Leyton and Wanstead Constituency Labour Party Accounting Unit


For the year ended 31 December 2019 INTRODUCTION

This Statement of Accounts provides a report of the political and financial activities of and Wanstead CLP Accounting Unit.

Address: The Labour Party, Southside, 105 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QT

For the purposes of the Political Parties Elections and Referendums Act 2000 the responsible officers are:

Name Position Janet Rudge Registered Treasurer Ray Goodspeed Chair (Deputy Treasurer)

This Statement of Accounts uses cash accounting in line with guidance issued by the Electoral Commission. Last year’s accounts were prepared on the cash basis. The figures shown for last year have not been recalculated.


Member of Parliament – John Cryer

Member of the – Jennette Arnold

6 wards with 18 Labour of 18 elected councillors on Waltham Forest Council and 3 wards with 6 Labour of 8 elected councillors on Redbridge Council.



There were no local government elections in 2019, though most branches carried on a healthy routine of street surgeries, door-knocking and regular street stalls.

The unexpected elections for the EU parliament were difficult to organise for in such short notice and we lost substantial votes, especially to the remain parties – Liberal Democrat and Green, although we still finished first in this constituency and in all but one ward. The national and London results were very disappointing, naturally.

John Cryer was selected without a full selection process as our parliamentary candidate in October 2019.

The general election saw an efficient, but inevitably rather low-key campaign, as many members focused on more marginal seats, particularly and Woodford Green, Harlow, Thurrock, and Dagenham and Rainham. Individual members worked in these and many other seats and we organised trips as a CLP to these areas.

Our vote locally was 65% of the votes cast. It fell by 5% and our majority fell by 2%, as we lost votes mainly to the minor parties, who received 10% of the vote or less.

We have organised some excellent public meetings this year. Our annual event celebrating International Women’s Day was very well attended and well-received. We organised a meeting around the Climate Emergency, where our MP spoke, which was again very well-attended and this tied in to our participation in organising a street rally in alongside Extinction Rebellion and the school strikers and the local trades council, where John Cryer MP also addressed the crowd.

Finally, we called a meeting on the emergency in Kashmir in November. 70 local people attended, overwhelmingly from our very large Kashmiri community.

Membership Throughout 2018 and the first half of 2019, membership fell steadily, from 1,968 members in January 2018 to 1,686 in July 2019, a net loss of 282, but a steady influx of new members in the second half of 2019 firstly made up that decline and then impressively surpassed the previous high. 91 people joined in July-October, 62 in November and then 253 in December, mostly after the general election.

The final membership figure on 31st December 2019 was 1,941 full members compared to 1,835 on 31st December 2018.


Income Income to the CLP's General Fund in 2019 amounted to about £13,300, of which £6,641.48 (including election fundraising income and donations) was transferred to our Parliamentary Election Account. Membership receipts decreased very slightly overall in 2019, consistently falling over the most part of the year, but increasing again towards the end. Affiliation fees amounted to £162.

The CLP's Red Banner Lottery Fund increased the prize fund to £1,500 in 2019, distributed £1,315.90 to branches and made available £1,614.10 to the CLP.

The Socialist Film Club continued to raise useful funds (over £900) over the past year. Three films were shown: 'The Grunwick Dispute', 'Five Broken Cameras' and 'Everything is possible'; Q&A sessions were held alongside each. We received total donations in kind of about £250 as food provided for the Film Club events.

Apart from the Film Club, the major effort was designed specifically to raise funds for the GE. A comedy night and a quiz with a 'human auction' together raised almost £1,900. One of our branches organised a meal in an Indian restaurant with as speaker and raised about £370.

Donations received by the CLP, including to the Election Fund, from Trade Unions, individuals and for surveys carried out by the MP, amounted to about £7,130.

Expenditure The total General Fund expenditure for the year was about £10,100. In addition, £2,900 of income was agreed to be transferred to our Parliamentary Election Fund. Furthermore, donations from fundraisers and indivduals of £3,741 were also transferred for election expenses.

The General Election campaign expenditure totalled about £8,700, thanks to the role of election agent being generously taken on by a member volunteer. This amount was provided as a Notional Donation from the CLP.

We sent 2 delegates to the National Women's Conference, 4 delegates to the London Regional Conference and 4 to the National Conference at a total cost of £2,500.

The CLP has continued to fund room hire for the Housing Policy, Education Policy and Women's Forum activities and received some donations towards costs by participants. We also funded a venue for an event organised by our CLP BAME officer. The CLP Youth Officer has organised several meetings at no cost. Room hire continues to present the main cost to the CLP (about £1500 for GC meetings alone), apart from conferences, since we still own no premises.

The CLP's Red Banner Lottery Fund provided funds of £3,000 for the London Mayoral election, as requested.

Statement of Accounts 2019 Leyton and

Wanstead CLP

1 January to 31 December 2019


RECEIPTS Note 2019 2018 Membership 1 £4,059.20 £4,454.30 Affiliations 2 £162.00 £300.00 Donations 3 £7,384.96 £443.33 Branch income 4 £2 531.87 £5,699.20 Fundraising income 5 £8,890.64 £8,281.11 Investment income* 6 £496.84 £227 58 Transfers in 7 £0.00 £0.00 Property and rental income 8 £0.00 £0.00 Profit on sale of assets £0.00 £0.00 Miscellaneous 9 £0.00 £0.00

Total receipts £23,525.51 £19,405.52 * additional £0.45 included in branch income

PAYMENTS Note 2019 2018 Membership subscriptions 1 £0.00 £0.00 Property costs 8 £0.00 £0.00 Office costs 10 £2,235.76 £915.67 Branch expenditure 4 £7,039.35 £3,820.08 Staff costs 11 £0.00 £0.00 Transfers out 7 £3,360.00 £480.00 Campaigning costs 12 £9 513.09 £0.00 Fundraising costs 5 £2,166.67 £2,252.00 Financing charges and taxation* 13 £0.00 £0.00 Miscellaneous 9 £2,779.50 £1,762.40

Total payments £27,094.37 £9,230.15 * £275.95 included in branch expenditure

Surplus/(Deficit) for the year £3,568.86 £10,175.37 Leyton and Wanstead CLP

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

Annual Statement of Accounts 2019

Leyton and Wanstead CLP 1 January to 31 December 2019

Notes to accounts

Note 1 - Membership

2019 2018

Membership Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing From Head Office* £4,059.20 - £4,454.30 - Subs collected locally £0.00 - £0 00 Subs sent to head office - £0.00 - £0.00 Total £4,059.20 £0 00 £4,454.30 £0.00 *Due to change to monthly reporting 2019 shows Dec- Nov i.e. 12 mt s, whereas 2018 shows Nov-Nov (13 mths)

£0.00 £0.00 £275.95 £0.00