Notices of the American Mathematical Society ISSN 0002-9920
Notices of the American Mathematical Society ISSN 0002-9920 New and Noteworthy from Springer Lie Sphere How Does One Cut a Triangle? Random Curves nd of the American Mathematical Society Geometry 2 A. Soifer, University of Colorado, Colorado Journeys of a Mathematician EDITION November 2007 Volume 54, Number 10 With Applications Springs, CO, USA N. I. Koblitz , University of Washington, Seattle, to Submanifolds This title demonstrates how diff erent areas WA, USA T. E. Cecil , College of the Holy Cross, of mathematics can be juxtaposed in the These autobiographical memoirs of Neal Worcester, MA, USA solution of any given problem by presenting Koblitz, coinventor of one of the two most an interesting problem, “How does one cut a This book begins with Lie’s construction of the popular forms of encryption and digital triangle?”. By providing analytical proofs and space of spheres, including the fundamental signature, cover many topics besides his own counterexamples, he proves that research is notions of oriented contact, parabolic pencils personal career in mathematics and a collection of mathematical ideas developed of spheres and Lie sphere transformation. The cryptography - travels to the Soviet Union, throughout the course of history. Latin America, Vietnam and elsewhere, link with Euclidean submanifold theory is established via the Legendre map, providing a I very warmly recommend the book and political activism, and academic controversies framework for the study of submanifolds, hope the readers will have pleasure in thinking relating to math education, the C. P. Snow especially those characterized by restrictions about the unsolved problems and will nd new two-culture problem, and mistreatment of on their curvature spheres.
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