Local Systems Practice (Lsp) Activity Local Works Macedonia | Civil Society Organizational Network Analysis (Ona)
LOCAL SYSTEMS PRACTICE (LSP) ACTIVITY LOCAL WORKS MACEDONIA | CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONAL NETWORK ANALYSIS (ONA) JUNE 2018 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by LINC LLC and local partner, the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC). USAID Local Systems Practice June 2018 Prepared by: Craig Hempfling, LINC; Megan McDermott, LINC; Jenna White, LINC; Patrick Sommerville, LINC; Aleksandar Krzalovski, MCIC; Emina Nuredinoska, MCIC; Aleksandra Savevska, MCIC; Boris Ristovski, MCIC; Monika Bozinoska, MCIC; and Jasmina Ristovska, MCIC Front cover: Network map of Macedonian CSOs. Acknowledgements: The author(s) would like to acknowledge all of our LSP consortium partners for their input throughout the process, the valuable assistance of MCIC support staff in ensuring a thorough and timely analysis, as well as all of the organizations who took the time to participate in the Network Analysis survey. These contributions are crucial for advancing our mutual efforts towards improved local development in Macedonia. About Local Systems Practice: Local Systems Practice is a USAID-funded activity that directly assists multiple Missions, partners, and constituents to design and adaptively manage systems-based programs in complex environments. The concept has been designed to aid Missions and partners to overcome four specific challenges to effective Local Systems Practice through: a) Listening; b) Engagement; c) Discovery; and d) Adaptation. The Theory of Change underpinning the activity asserts that the application of systems tools to complex local challenges at multiple intervals throughout the program cycle will enhance the sustainability of programming, resulting in better-informed, measurable interventions that complement and reinforce the systems they seek to strengthen.
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