

CITATION Smith, L.M., J.A. Barth, D.S. Kelley, A. Plueddemann, I. Rodero, G.A. Ulses, M.F. Vardaro, and R. Weller. 2018. The Observatories Initiative. 31(1):16–35, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2018.105.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2018.105

COPYRIGHT This article has been published in Oceanography, Volume 31, Number 1, a quarterly journal of The Oceanography Society. Copyright 2018 by The Oceanography Society. All rights reserved.

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DOWNLOADED FROM HTTP://TOS.ORG/OCEANOGRAPHY SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE OCEAN OBSERVATORIES INITIATIVE The Ocean Observatories Initiative By Leslie M. Smith, John A. Barth, Deborah S. Kelley, Al Plueddemann, Ivan Rodero, Greg A. Ulses, Michael F. Vardaro, and Robert Weller

ABSTRACT. The Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) is an integrated suite of instrumentation used in the OOI. The instrumented platforms and discrete instruments that measure physical, chemical, third section outlines data flow from geological, and biological properties from the seafloor to the surface. The OOI ocean platforms and instrumentation to provides data to address large-scale scientific challenges such as coastal , users and discusses quality control pro- climate and ecosystem health, the global carbon cycle, and linkages among seafloor cedures. The article concludes with a dis- and life. The OOI Cyberinfrastructure currently serves over 250 terabytes cussion of collaborative opportunities of data from the arrays. These data are freely available to users worldwide, changing the and future directions. way scientists and the broader community interact with the ocean, and permitting ocean research and inquiry at scales of centimeters to kilometers and seconds to decades. SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION AND OVERALL DESIGN INTRODUCTION underwater robotic capabilities, molec- The science requirements for the OOI The ocean is a dominant influence on ular biological techniques, and sub- were developed through Request for Earth’s habitability and is the primary marine telecommunications technolo- Assistance proposals and numerous trade route for commerce, yet it is still gies (e.g., Lee et al., 2017). Increasingly, community workshops, and with input largely unexplored. Observational ocean expeditionary, ship-based research is from the approximately 90-member data available in real time are needed to being augmented by the persistent pres- OOI Science and Technical Advisory examine global issues such as ence of instrumented drifters, autono- Committee (Schofield and Tivey, 2004; rise, ocean acidification, climate change, mous instrumented vehicles, buoys, and Daly et al., 2006). The marine infrastruc- and decline. Beneath the ocean’s cabled observatories (e.g., Rudnick et al., ture was designed and constructed to meet surface, seafloor volcanism and plate tec- 2017; Spietz et al., 2018, in this issue). these scientific requirements. The OOI is tonics continue to shape ocean basins, New and innovative instruments are also currently composed of five arrays span- and associated earthquakes and tsuna- being developed that may solve power ning the North Atlantic and Northeast mis have the potential to severely impact issues that hamper long-term data collec- Pacific (Figure 1). Initial con- coastal areas. Unusual creatures thrive in tion in the ocean (e.g., Reimers and Wolf, struction included two additional arrays the extreme environments of hydrother- 2018, in this issue). To answer the call for in the Southern Hemisphere (red boxes, mal vent fields at mid-ocean ridges and long-term, continuous ocean observa- Figure 1), but deployments at those arrays within methane seeps along continental tions (NSF, 2001), in 2009 the National were suspended in December 2017. margins. A better understanding of pro- Science Foundation (NSF) funded con- Data collected at all of the OOI arrays, cesses that occur within these dynamic struction and operation of the Ocean including the two Southern Hemisphere environments requires long-term obser- Observatories Initiative (OOI). arrays that operated for 34 months, are vations at centimeter to kilometer scales. This article provides an overview available through the OOI Data Portal Recent advances in observa- of the OOI program. The first section (https://ooinet.oceanobservatories.org). tional and computational technolo- describes the scientific motivation and Each of the OOI Arrays was designed gies are transforming how oceanogra- overall design of each array. The second and constructed to address large-scale phers study and interact with the global section provides a detailed description scientific challenges. Coastal Arrays ocean (e.g., Lindstrom, 2018, in this of the different types of moorings, pro- (Endurance and Pioneer) provide obser- issue). Examples include advances in filers, autonomous vehicles, and seafloor vations important for understanding

16 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 coastal ocean dynamics, ecology, and bio- Catalog (Bigham, 2018, in this issue). The array is designed to capture annual geochemistry. Global Arrays (Irminger Because OOI data are free and openly and decadal variability of ocean proper- Sea, Station Papa, Argentine Basin, and available, they have been used in educa- ties across a range of temporal and spatial Southern Ocean) provide sustained tional programs not related to the OOI scales. The Endurance Array uses instru- open- in high-​latitude such as the University of Washington’s mented fixed and mobile platforms over areas that have been historically sparsely Seastate (Kelley and Grünbaum, 2018, the and slope to cover sampled due to severe weather and ener- in this issue). the Northern California Current and the getic surface wave conditions. Data col- By increasing accessibility to ocean eastern of the North lected in these coastal and global areas data and research, augmenting cruise- Pacific. The array also includes cabled address science questions related to based studies, aiding in model cali- infrastructure on its Oregon Line. ocean-atmosphere exchange, climate bration, and fueling innovative studies variability, ocean circulation, ecosystems, through the addition of novel instrumen- SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION the global carbon cycle, turbulent mix- tation to the existing OOI infrastructure, Climate and ocean anomalies affect the ing, and biophysical interactions. The the OOI is transforming ocean science. Northeast Pacific on interannual and Cabled Array spans the Juan de Fuca interdecadal timescales. Interannual vari- Plate in the Northeast Pacific where it Coastal Endurance Array ability forced by the El Niño-Southern continuously monitors volcanic activity, The Coastal Endurance Array is located in Oscillation at the equator influences methane seeps, hydrothermal vents, and the Northeast off the coasts upper-ocean stratification, ocean cur- submarine earthquakes, as well as biolog- of Oregon and Washington (Figure 1). rents, and local winds traveling through ical, chemical, and physical processes in the overlying . This array spans coastal to blue-water environments and includes electro-optical submarine cables that provide power, bandwidth, and two-way communication to seafloor and water column instrumentation. An overarching goal of the OOI infra- structure is to provide sustained mea- surements for 25 years. Key operational objectives identified for the OOI program include: (1) real-time to near-real-time data availability as practicable, (2) two- way communication links allowing for control of the instrumentation, (3) addi- tional power and bandwidth to support scientific instrumentation added by com- munity investigators, and (4) adaptive sampling capabilities to respond to epi- sodic or frequent events (e.g., episodic phytoplankton blooms, thin layer devel- opment, submarine eruptions, earth- quakes, and frequent storms). An important component of the OOI is its Education and Public Engagement (EPE) Implementing Organization, which has built an educational cyberinfra- structure and developed tools that allow undergraduates easy access to OOI data, images, and video (McDonnell et al., 2018, in this issue). In addition, OOI FIGURE 1. Map of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) array locations. Note that deployments at data have ignited student-led initiatives, the Southern Hemisphere arrays (outlined in red) were suspended as of December 2017. Credit: such as the Biology OOI Cabled Array program & the Center for Environmental Visualization, University of Washington

Oceanography | March 2018 17 both ocean and atmosphere (Huyer et al., VENUS arrays. One example of the net- Washington coasts (Henderikx Freitas 2002). Over longer timescales, the Pacific work’s effectiveness occurred during late et al., 2018, in this issue). These Northeast Decadal Oscillation affects the region 2013 and early 2014 when an anoma- Pacific waters are home to a diverse range (Peterson and Schwing, 2003). lous “warm blob” was observed forming of profitable fisheries that rely on nutri- A combination of ocean observatories in the Gulf of Alaska; it was subsequently ents upwelled into the euphotic zone to facilitates tracking of such climate and tracked by OOI assets as it spread to the drive phytoplankton blooms that form ocean phenomena across the Northeast US/Canadian west coast (Bond et al., the base of the food web. In recent years, Pacific. The Endurance Array is part of 2015; McCabe et al., 2016; McKibben Northeast Pacific phenomena impacting a broader regional observatory network et al., 2017; Barth et al., 2018, in this issue). human and ocean health have included that includes the OOI Cabled Array, the Wind-driven and down- (1) hypoxic and anoxic events (Grantham OOI Station Papa Array augmented by welling and the Columbia River plume et al., 2004; Chan et al., 2008), (2) increas- US National Oceanic and Atmospheric (the largest source of freshwater to the ing ocean acidification (Feely et al., 2008; Administration (NOAA) assets, and the US west coast) seasonally affect plank- Barton et al., 2012; Chan et al., 2017), Ocean Networks Canada NEPTUNE and ton along Oregon and and (3) harmful algal blooms (Trainer et al., 2009). The Endurance Array is col- lecting abundant data in this region so 140°W 130°W 120°W 110°W that researchers can better understand 50°N 128 CANADA

Plume Washington the causes, timing, and consequences ift d Dr CANADA Win Columbia River West of such phenomena, ultimately leading

C Oregon a Vancouver


i f to actions by decision-makers that will o



i California 40°N a

C mitigate their effects. u San Francisco r r e


t San Diego LOCATION AND DESIGN 48°N 30°N MEXICO The Endurance Array includes gliders and Seattle two lines of moorings: the Oregon Line, off the coast of Newport, Oregon (44.6°N), Washington Line 29 m Grays Harbor WA and the Washington Line, off Grays 87 m 542 m Harbor, Washington (47°N) (Figure 2). The site of the Oregon Line was selected for its proximity to the historic Newport Columbia River 46°N Hydrographic Line that has been sampled Portland regularly since 1961 (Huyer et al., 2007). Additionally, an oceanographic moor- OR ing has been maintained 16 km offshore Paci c City of Newport since 1999 (Boyd et al., 2000), 80 m 25 m 150 m Newport OSU and autonomous underwater gliders have Corvallis sampled on the Newport Hydrographic Oregon Line 2,905 m 587 m Line since 2006 (Mazzini et al., 2014). Coastal Surface 44°N Surface-Piercing Pro ler Data from these historical observations Oshore Pro ler Mooring have contributed to our understanding of Cabled Primary Node coastal upwelling, regional manifestations Cabled Pro ler Mooring of El Niño and La Niña, and interdecadal Cabled Benthic Platforms variability due to the Pacific Decadal Regional Cable Glider line Glider Oscillation. The Washington Line was selected to provide a companion line to

42°N the north, focusing on an area affected by

128°W 126°W 124°W 122°W the Columbia River plume. FIGURE 2. Map of the Endurance Array located in the Northeast Pacific, north and south of the Each of the Endurance Array lines has Columbia River. Fixed platforms are shown as either stand-alone (orange) or attached to a seafloor three sites that sample distinct regions cable (red). Primary backbone cable, shown by a thin white curve, heads offshore from Pacific City, (Figure 3): (1) the “Inshore” site on the Oregon, before turning south to create the Cabled Array off Newport, Oregon (note the primary cable to Axial Seamount is not shown; see Figure 7). Coastal glider sampling lines are shown as inner shelf (~25–30 m water depth, dashed yellow lines. Credit: OOI Endurance Array Program, Oregon State University 4–6 km from shore); (2) the “Shelf”

18 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 site (~80–90 m depth, 20–30 km from SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION in water properties are associated with shore); and (3) the “Offshore” site on the The Middle Atlantic Bight shelf-break the shelf-break front. The frontal region continental slope (~500–600 m depth, front, a region of high biological pro- has significant along- and cross-shelf 60–65 km from shore). In the inner shelf, ductivity, is representative of buoyancy- fluxes of heat, freshwater, nutrients, wind, waves, and river plumes influ- driven systems found on broad shelves and carbon that control the character- ence circulation and stratification, and worldwide. It is a persistent oceano- istics of water masses and the ecosys- the ocean connects to the sandy shores graphic front associated with the chang- tem at the shelf break, over the conti- and rocky intertidal reefs. The shelf is a ing that separates relatively nental shelf inshore of the front, and in region of upwelling fronts, alongshore cold, fresh continental shelf water to the the slope sea offshore. Despite several jets, blooms, and stretches of north from relatively warm, salty oceanic decades of research, we have a limited seafloor with near-bottom hypoxia. At water to the south. This dynamic envi- understanding of the processes that con- the offshore site on the continental slope, ronment permits investigation of key fea- trol the dynamics and ecosystem inter- zooplankton migrate on a diurnal basis tures of coastal processes and ecosystems. actions at the shelf-break front. Many of from a few hundred meters to the surface, Large horizontal and vertical gradients these processes are short-lived and occur wind-stress curl and offshore eddies inter- act with the coastal circulation, and a sub- surface undercurrent moves poleward. Instrumented platforms deployed at the Endurance Array are designed to measure critical interfaces in the coastal ocean from the seafloor to the sea sur- face and from the coastal boundary to the 29 m continental shelf break. Each site contains a Coastal Surface Mooring and one of Inshore 87 m four types of profiler moorings: a Coastal Shelf Profiler Mooring, a Coastal Surface- Piercing Profiler Mooring, a Cabled Deep

Profiler Mooring, or a Cabled Shallow Profiler Mooring. Cabled instrumented seafloor packages and profiler moorings 542 m Endurance Array are deployed along the Oregon Line at Washington Line O shore the Offshore and Shelf sites. Underwater glider observations span 500 km from northern Washington (~48°N) to Coos Bay, Oregon (~43°N) as they sample along five east-west transects from 20 m isobaths to 126°W (out to 128°W on the transects off the Oregon and Washington Lines) and one north-south transect 25 m along 126°W (Figure 2). Inshore 200 m 80 m Shelf MJ01C Coastal Pioneer Array 150 m The Pioneer Array is located over the con- PN1D tinental shelf and slope in the Northwest

Atlantic Ocean south of New England (Figure 1). It contains fixed and mobile 587 m Endurance Array PN1C platforms to sample processes near the LV01C Oregon Line shelf-break front, a characteristic feature O shore To PN1B of the Cabled Array of the Middle Atlantic Bight. The Array FIGURE 3. Cross sections of the Endurance Array Lines off Grays Harbor, Washington (top), and is centered near the front and samples Newport, Oregon (bottom). Several of the Newport Line platforms are attached to the seafloor cable (yellow dashed curve). The surface buoys and the surface-piercing profilers communicate to shore the nearby shelf waters inshore and the via satellite. The glider path is notional; individual profiles are much closer together than depicted. slope sea offshore. Credit: OOI Endurance Array Program, Oregon State University

Oceanography | March 2018 19 over a broad range of spatial and tempo- cycling over the outer continental shelf The core of the Pioneer Array is a ral scales, making them difficult to mea- and upper continental slope; (2) abun- rectangular, uncabled seven-site moor- sure (Gawarkiewicz et al., 2018, in this dance, distribution, and ing array that spans the shelf break issue). To achieve significant progress of phytoplankton near the shelf break; (Figure 4). The five primary compo- toward understanding these processes, a (3) controls on the abundance and distri- nents of the cross-shelf array are at 95, new approach was needed that combined bution of marine organisms at higher tro- 127, 135, 147, and 450 m water depths. rapid sampling (hours to days) on multi- phic levels; and (4) extreme events includ- Primary sites located at 95 m and 450 m ple spatial scales (meters to hundreds of ing winter storms and hurricanes. have paired “upstream” sites located to kilometers) simultaneously. Additionally, the east (they are “upstream” relative to sustained observations through multiple LOCATION AND DESIGN the mean flow over the shelf) to provide seasonal and annual cycles are critical in The Middle Atlantic Bight shelf-break observations across a horizontal gradi- order to capture intermittent processes front extends from Nova Scotia, Canada, ent. The mooring array spans along- and controlling air-sea flux and mixing events to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, USA. across-shelf distances of 9 km and 47 km, (Chen et al., 2018, in this issue). The Pioneer Array’s location along the respectively, and moorings are separated The OOI Pioneer Array collects data shelf break south of New England allows from each other by distances of 9.2 km to that enables scientists to examine how isolation of frontal processes from those 17.5 km. To provide multiscale observa- shelf/slope exchange processes structure associated with other features such as tions of the outer shelf, shelf-break fron- the physics, chemistry, and biology of canyons, river outflows, and the Gulf tal region, and slope sea, the mooring continental shelves. The 2011 Shelf Slope Stream. Importantly, prior research pro- array is supplemented by 10 mobile plat- Processes Workshop (Gawarkiewicz et al., vided detailed information about the hor- forms: six coastal gliders, two profiling 2012) emphasized the importance of tack- izontal, vertical, and temporal scales of gliders, and two autonomous underwater ling this issue and recommended focus- the area’s complex physical processes as vehicles (AUVs). Coastal gliders are used ing on four areas: (1) nutrient and carbon the Pioneer Array was being designed. to monitor the slope sea and outer shelf in order to resolve rings, eddies, and meanders as they contact the shelf- break front. Profiling gliders are used as “virtual moorings” at the Central and Inshore sites in the summer. The overall glider operating area is 185 km × 130 km, roughly centered on the mooring array (Figure 5). The nominal AUV missions are two 14 km × 47 km rectangles, with the along-shelf rectangle intersecting the inshore end of the mooring array and the cross-shelf rectangle encompassing the mooring array. The Pioneer mooring array includes three Coastal Surface Moorings with fixed instruments and either five (in sum- mer) or seven (in winter) Coastal Profiler Moorings with profiling instruments. The Offshore site is continuously occu- pied by both a Coastal Surface Mooring and a Coastal Profiler Mooring in near proximity (typical separation 1 km). In winter, the Inshore and Central sites each contain both a Coastal Surface Mooring

FIGURE 4. Schematic of the Pioneer Array (not to scale). Ten moorings occupy seven sites spanning and a Coastal Profiler Mooring (profil- the shelf break south of New England. Three sites—Inshore, Offshore, and Central (right center)—are ing gliders replace the Coastal Profiler occupied by mooring pairs. At two sites—Inshore and Central—the profiler moorings are replaced Moorings in summer). The remaining by profiling gliders in summer. A fleet of six gliders survey the area near and offshore of the moor- ings, while autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) missions are conducted near the moored array. four sites are each continuously occupied Credit: OOI Pioneer Array Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution by a Coastal Profiler Mooring.

20 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 Global Arrays region (de Jong et al., 2018, in this issue) as OOI Global Array locations, this area has The four original high-latitude, open- it may affect large-scale thermohaline cir- a long ship-based observational history. ocean OOI Global Array sites (Figure 1) culation globally. The Irminger Sea Array Station Papa was first occupied in 1949 were located in the Irminger Sea (60°N, provides data for studies of this thermo- by a United States weather ship and in 39°W), the Southern Ocean (55°S, 90°W), haline circulation, specifically, deep­water 1950 by a Canadian weather ship. After the Argentine Basin (42°S, 42°W), and formation processes, regional air-sea these ships were discontinued, Canadian the Gulf of Alaska (Station Papa; 50°N, interactions, the role of ocean mesoscale oceanographers began in 1981 to main- 145°W). These sites were selected not and three-dimensional processes in water tain a shipboard sampling line in the only for their individual scientific merit, mass transformation, and ongoing fresh- region. Persistent moored occupation but also to ensure that these locations ening. Year-round sampling captures epi- of the site began in 2007 with an instal- would provide observations for con- sodic and strong forcing events likely lation by the NOAA Pacific Marine trasting biological and biogeochemical missed in the historical record of inter- Environmental Laboratory (PMEL). regimes. (As noted earlier, deployments mittent shipboard sampling. The OOI Global Profiler Mooring is co- have been suspended at the two Southern The Irminger Sea region is also of located with the PMEL Surface Mooring. Hemisphere arrays—Southern Ocean high interest because of the role it plays The OOI Station Papa Array adds a and Argentine Basin.) in the global carbon cycle. This ocean contrasting regime to the other global

Three goals guided the design of the region is known as a strong carbon sink arrays. Anthropogenic CO2 influence is Global Arrays: (1) observation of the full that supports an annual spring diatom the lowest of the four global nodes, bio- water column and sea surface; (2) sam- bloom (Takahashi et al., 2002; Sabine logical productivity is likely limited by pling of physical, biological, and bio- et al., 2004; Palevsky and Nicholson, (though it has a productive ), geochemical variables; and (3) sampling 2018, in this issue). Profound effects of and it has the lowest variability of the of eddy variability and processes. These high climate variability on ecosystems global sites. Over longer timescales, the sites collectively address global-scale here include copepod species composi- Pacific Decadal Oscillation influences the scientific challenges, including under- tion changes (Gislason et al., 2014) and area. Additionally, though anthropogenic standing of ocean circulation, the carbon the poleward migration of marine species CO2 influence is low, the area around cycle, and climate. (Sundby et al., 2016). Papa has been found to be extremely vul- nerable to ocean acidification (Mathis SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION FOR THE SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION FOR THE et al., 2015). The Global Station Papa GLOBAL IRMINGER SEA ARRAY GLOBAL STATION PAPA ARRAY Array adds to a broader suite of obser- The Irminger Sea site is a region with The Gulf of Alaska site is co-located with vations in the Northeast Pacific by pro- high wind and large surface waves, strong Station Papa (50°N, 145°W). Unlike other viding observational continuity through atmosphere-ocean exchanges of energy and gases, deepwater formation, CO2 40.8°N sequestration, high biological productiv- Eastern Boundary Frontal Zone ity, an important fishery, and a climate-​ 40.6°N Slope Sea 1 sensitive ecosystem. Slope Sea 2 The large-scale thermohaline circula- Gulf Stream 40.4°N tion in the subarctic Atlantic is a funda- FIGURE 5. Pioneer Array glid- mental feature of global ocean circulation ers sample along five glider 40.2°N and a response to the equator-to-pole tracks off the coast of New England. The x- and y-axes are 40.0°N asymmetry in atmospheric forcing of latitude and longitude in dec- the ocean. Some of the strongest atmo- imal degrees. Pioneer Array spheric forcing occurs at the site of the mooring sites are represented 39.8°N by circles. Boundaries of the Global Irminger Sea Array southeast of overall glider and AUV oper- Greenland. For decades, shipboard sam- ating areas are represented 39.60°N pling has documented water column by blue and red dashed lines, respectively. The five glider 39.4°N freshening in the Denmark and tracks are represented by solid Faroe-Shetland Channel region of the color lines. Credit: OOI Pioneer high-latitude North Atlantic (Dickson Array Program, Woods Hole 39.2°N Oceanographic Institution et al., 2002). International attention has 39.0°N focused on the potential impact of this freshening on deep convection in the 71.5°W 71.0°W 70.5°W 70.0°W

Oceanography | March 2018 21 the OOI Cabled and Coastal Array to limitation (Morrissey and Bowler, 2012). and its role in ocean processes. There is the south, and nearby Ocean Networks Additionally, whereas climate models ongoing interest in the interaction of dif- Canada arrays. point to a warmer and fresher water col- ferent water masses in the region and umn in the Irminger Sea, they suggest exchange between gyres of mass, heat, SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION FOR THE a cooling of surface waters off southern and salt (e.g., Jullion et al., 2010). SOUTHERN OCEAN ARRAY Chile at the Southern Ocean site. Prior to deployment suspension (Dec- GLOBAL ARRAY LOCATION ember 2017), the Southern Ocean Array SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION FOR THE AND DESIGN was located in the high-latitude Southern GLOBAL ARGENTINE BASIN ARRAY The overall design and construction of Pacific (55°S, 90°W), west of the south- Prior to deployment suspension the global arrays focused on sampling the ern tip of Chile in an area of large-scale (December 2017), the Argentine Basin full water column as well as spatial struc- , intermediate site was located at 42°S, 42°W. This site ture and variability. Each global array water formation (e.g., Sloyan et al., 2010), was selected to explore the global carbon consists of a triangular set of moorings, and CO2 sequestration. This location pro- cycle because of its high biological pro- with the sides of the triangle having a vided data for weather and ocean model ductivity. Though primary productivity length roughly 10 times the water depth initialization and verification in a data- in the region is thought to be iron-lim- (Figure 6). This spacing was based on the sparse region. It also permitted examina- ited, Li et al. (2008) suggest that these characteristics of the mesoscale variabil- tion of the links between the Southern micronutrients are supplied by periodic ity in each region using satellite ocean Ocean and the Antarctic (National dust deposition originating from the color and altimetry. The global array Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and nearby continent. design consists of a combination of three Medicine, 2015), including strengthening The Argentine Basin is characterized mooring types: the paired Global Surface westerly winds and their role in increased by strong currents and elevated levels of and subsurface Global Profiler Moorings upwelling of warmer waters around the eddy kinetic energy. These currents per- are at one corner of the triangle, with the Antarctic continent’s ice shelves. sist to the seafloor, impacting suspended other two corners occupied by subsurface This Southern Ocean Array pro- particulate matter (Richardson et al., Global Flanking Moorings. The paired vided a contrast to the Irminger Sea site 1993) and generating seafloor mud waves Surface and Profiler Moorings at the apex in terms of biological and climatic con- (Flood and Shor, 1988). Eddy kinetic of the triangle collect samples from the ditions. Unlike the Irminger Sea site, the energy levels are similar to those in the sea surface to the seafloor. macronutrient-rich Southern Ocean has Gulf Stream (Stammer, 1997), allowing Two types of gliders are deployed lower biological productivity due to iron for investigation of mesoscale variability within the array: open-ocean glid- ers sample spatial variability within and D around the moored array, and vertically profiling gliders sample the waters above the subsurface Global Profiler Mooring. C Gliders deployed at the Global Array sites A have the additional role of being mes- F E sengers between the three subsurface B moorings and shore.

Cabled Array ~10 times w The OOI Regional Cabled Array is located ater depth off the coast of Oregon and extends across the Juan de Fuca Plate (Figure 1). The array hosts instruments on the sea- floor and on moorings that include instrumented mobile platforms to pro- mote integrated investigations span- ning (1) coastal ecosystems and methane seeps west of Newport, Oregon; (2) the FIGURE 6. Schematic of an OOI Global Array, showing the (A) Global Surface Mooring, (B) Global Cascadia zone; (3) blue water Profiler Mooring, and (C and D) Flanking Subsurface Moorings. Open-ocean gliders (E) sample spa- tial variability within and around the moored array while profiling gliders (F) make vertical profiles environments >500 km offshore; and near the Profiler Mooring. Credit: OOI Global Array Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (4) the Juan de Fuca mid-ocean ridge

22 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 spreading center (Kelley et al., 2014). The SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION FOR Southern Hydrate Ridge (780 m depth; decadal time-series observations sup- THE CABLED CONTINENTAL Figure 7) is located in a region of buried ported by the Regional Cabled Array MARGIN ARRAY deposits of methane hydrate and, more allow in-depth study of globally signifi- The Slope Base site (2,900 m depth) is rarely, hydrates exposed on the seafloor cant oceanographic processes, including located seaward of the continental slope, (Torres et al., 2004; Bangs et al. 2011; biogeochemical cycles, fisheries and cli- west of Newport, Oregon (Figure 7). This Seuss, 2014). Here, seeps emit methane-​ mate forcing, , ocean dynam- is one of a few locations where geophysi- rich fluids, and their bubble plumes reach ics, carbon flux from the seafloor to the cal instruments are located close together, >400 m above the seafloor, possibly sup- hydrosphere, life in extreme environ- with one set on the oceanic side (Juan porting life in the upper water column ments, and plate tectonics. de Fuca Plate) of the subduction zone and (Philip et al., 2016). It is critical to quan- The Regional Cabled Array focuses on the other on the North American Plate, tify the flux of this powerful greenhouse two areas on opposite sides of the Juan atop the accretionary prism (Southern gas from the seafloor to the hydrosphere de Fuca Plate—the Hydrate Ridge; e.g., see Tréhu et al., 2018, and atmosphere to understand carbon-​ and Axial Seamount (Figure 7). Within in this issue). These geophysical obser- cycle dynamics and its contribution to the continental margin, infrastructure is vations assist in the detection of seis- global warming. These seeps also sup- located at four sites: (1) just off the con- mic and events associated with port dense benthic colonies of methane-​ tinental slope near the Cascadia subduc- earthquakes along the Cascadia subduc- metabolizing microbes, and animals with tion zone, (2) on the continental slope at tion zone. This site also contains seafloor methane and hydrogen sulfide utilizing Southern Hydrate Ridge (an area with infrastructure and instrumented moor- symbionts (Boetius and Suess, 2004). active methane hydrates), and along the ings designed to observe the deeper por- Further up the slope from Southern Endurance Array Oregon Line at the tions of the California Current off the Hydrate Ridge (Figure 8), a fiber-op- (3) Offshore, and (4) Shelf sites. On the continental slope, movement of fluids tic cable connects to the Offshore far west side of the Juan de Fuca Plate, across the continental slope, and flow (600 m depth) and Shelf (80 m depth) infrastructure is located within the active over rough topography (Barth et al., sites of the Coastal Endurance Array. caldera of Axial Seamount and at its base. 2018, in this issue). This extended footprint of the Regional

FIGURE 7. The Regional Cabled Array infrastructure spans the Juan de Fuca Plate with one 521 km long backbone cable connecting infrastructure located at the base (PN3A) and the summit (PN3B) of Axial Seamount (45°56’N; 129°59’N), and another southern line that connects infrastructure at the base of the continental margin (Slope Base – PN1A), the active methane seep site at Southern Hydrate Ridge (SHR) 10 km north of the Primary Node PN1B, and the Oregon Offshore (PN1C) and Shelf sites (see Figure 2). A 17 km cable connects PN1D to the shelf site. Primary cables are buried~ 1 m beneath the seafloor to 1,500 m water depth. A highly expandable plan includes arrays at the Blanco and at the subduction zone off of Grays Harbor. A 5 km cable extends from the Mid-Plate node (5A), allowing easy expansion in the future to the Grays Harbor site. Credit: University of Washington and Center for Environmental Visualization

Oceanography | March 2018 23 Cabled Array permits further exam- at Axial Base is on monitoring plate-scale chemistry impact microbial and macro- ination of the California Current’s east- seismicity and local earthquakes associ- faunal communities (Kelley et al., 2014). ern boundary current regime, collecting ated with migration within Axial A highlight of the networked array data on ocean processes from the coastal Seamount, events on Axial Seamount was live detection zone through their transition into the along the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and far- of the April 24, 2015, eruption marked ocean basin interior, and outward to the field earthquakes. by a 10-hour seismic crisis involv- pelagic North Pacific. The infrastructure at the summit of ing >8,000 earthquakes (Wilcock et al., Axial Seamount (1,500 m deep) makes 2016), an approximately 2.4 m collapse SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION FOR THE it the most advanced underwater vol- of the seafloor (Nooner and Chadwick, CABLED AXIAL SEAMOUNT ARRAY canic observatory in the world ocean 2016), more than 30,000 explosive events Axial Base (2,700 m depth), located (Kelley et al., 2014; Kelley, 2017). The vol- (Wilcock et al., 2016), and flows >350 km offshore at the base of Axial cano rises 1,100 m above the surround- reaching 127 m in thickness. Seamount, is in an open-ocean environ- ing and is the most magmat- ment that permits collection of data link- ically robust system on the Juan de Fuca CABLED ARRAY LOCATION ing ocean dynamics, climate, and eco- Ridge. Seismic data indicate that there is AND DESIGN system response from basin to regional a significant magma reservoir beneath the The OOI Regional Cabled Array includes scales (Figure 7). Here, large-scale cur- , with the highest melt concentra- two backbone cables extending from rents interact, including the North Pacific tions occurring at depths of 2.5–3.5 km a shore station in Pacific City, Oregon Current, the subpolar gyre, and the north- (Arnulf et al., 2014). The volcano erupted (Figure 7). One branch extends approx- ern end of the California Current. These in 1998, 2011, and April 2015 (Chadwick imately 480 km due west to the Axial currents transport heat, salt, oxygen, and et al., 2006; Nooner and Chadwick, 2016; Seamount site. The second branch biota, crucial elements of the region’s eco- Wilcock et al., 2016, 2018, in this issue; extends 208 km southward near the system. Their variability results from a Tolstoy et al., 2018, in this issue). Using base of the Cascadia subduction zone at combination of short-term changes in data from this site, scientists examine for- 2,900 m water depth and then turns east, and winds and longer-term cli- mation and alteration of , the extending 147 km to 80 m water depth mate phenomena that act at interannual relationships between seismic activity and offshore Newport, Oregon. (El Niño) to decadal (Pacific Decadal fluid flow in diffuse and black smoker sites, Seven Primary Nodes are distrib- Oscillation) timescales. Additional focus and how changes in fluid temperature and uted across these two backbone cable

FIGURE 8. Schematic showing OOI cabled and uncabled infrastructure off the coast of Oregon from the base of the continental slope up onto the shelf. Credit: University of Washington and the Center for Environmental Visualization

24 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 lines—four covering the Slope Base to two benthic flow meters, an osmotic camera provides images, and a seismome- Oregon Shelf sites, one at mid-plate, fluid sampler, and seismometers, are ter, a bottom-pressure tilt instrument, and and two at Axial Seamount (Figure 7). used at Southern Hydrate Ridge to exam- a current meter are located nearby. Primary Nodes distribute power (8 kW) ine gas hydrate formation and destruc- Cabled mooring sites include Slope and bandwidth (10 Gbs) between sec- tion, and links between seismic activity Base, Endurance Oregon Offshore, and ondary infrastructure at each site and the and methane release. For studies of vol- Axial Base. Each site hosts a Cabled Deep shore. Secondary infrastructure provides canic and hydrothermal processes asso- Profiler and a Shallow Profiler Mooring access to key observational sites. This ciated with hydrothermal vents at Axial (McRae, 2016). The instrumented moor- infrastructure includes 33,000 m of exten- Seamount, a high-definition video cam- ings and associated seafloor infrastruc- sion cables, 18 low- and medium-​power era, a long-​duration fluid sampler, and a ture are designed to allow measurement junction boxes and low-​voltage nodes three-dimensional thermistor array are of global and local currents, megaplumes, (Figures 7, 8, and 9), and >140 instru- located at the actively venting >250°C ocean chemistry, heat content, thin lay- ments of more than 30 types. chimney called Mushroom in the ASHES ers, and biological parameters. Examples Geophysical sensors located at Slope hydrothermal field (Kelley et al., 2016; of cabled mooring instrumentation Base, Southern Hydrate Ridge, and Axial Knuth et al., 2016). include broadband hydrophones, five- Seamount include seismometers and Some of the most technologically beam and 150 kHz ADCPs, digital still low-frequency hydrophones. At Axial advanced instrumentation is located cameras, zooplankton samplers, fluo- Seamount, these instruments are coupled within the International District Hydro- rometers, current meters, and sensors with pressure-tilt devices to monitor infla- thermal Field, including a mass spec- for pH, pCO2, nitrate, CTD-dissolved tion and deflation of the volcano (Wilcock trometer to measure the volatile chemis- oxygen (O2), optical attenuation, spec- et al., 2018, in this issue). Biogeochemical try of diffuse fluids, adaptive diffuse fluid tral irradiance, and photosynthetically and physical sensors, including a digital and microbial DNA samplers, and instru- active radiation (PAR). Expansion capa- still camera, a mass spectrometer, acous- ments to measure high-temperature vent bilities are built into the mooring assem- tic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), fluid and volatile chemistry. A digital still bly for addition of new technologies, and

FIGURE 9. Schematic of the cabled infrastructure on Axial Seamount’s caldera. The caldera is located at a water depth of ~1,500 m. Its walls rise ~100 m above the surrounding seafloor and it is~ 3 km across. Primary Node PN3B provides power and bandwidth to a diverse array of instrumentation to study the most active volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Five medium-power junction boxes provide power and two-way communications to geophysical, geochemical, and biological instruments to examine linkages among volcanic and hydrothermal processes. New instrumentation was added in 2017 through National Science Foundation (NSF) principal investigator funding, including a CTD and a bottom pressure-tilt instrument. Additional infrastruc- ture funded through NSF and the Office of Naval Research will be added in 2018, including a to image hydrothermal plumes (Cabled Observatory Vent Imaging Soar, COVIS), two new geodetic instruments that include a flipping tilt meter and a self-calibrating pressure sensor, and a camera and plat- form to examine power generation from hydrothermal vents. Credit: University of Washington and the Center for Environmental Visualization

Oceanography | March 2018 25 a

two-way communications enable rapid Moorings responses to ocean events. A complemen- Moorings provide high temporal res- tary set of seafloor instruments for docu- olution observations in one location menting near-bottom and water-column either through fixed sensors distrib- processes includes a 150 kHz ADCP, a uted through depth, or sensors on pro- low-frequency hydrophone (Slope and filers that repeatedly sample the water Axial Base), a broadband hydrophone column. Most OOI sites consist of an (Endurance Offshore and Shelf), an array of moorings, permitting examina-

optical attenuation sensor, a CTD-O2, tion of spatial variability across the local b and a HPIES (Horizontal Electric Field, domain. OOI moorings include Coastal Pressure and Inverted Echo Sounder). and Global Surface Moorings along with In addition, a suite of geophysical instru- Flanking Subsurface Moorings, as well ments includes a broadband seismom- as various types of Profiler Moorings eter, a low-frequency hydrophone, a (Figures 10, 11, and 12). current meter, a pressure sensor, and a temperature sensor. COASTAL SURFACE MOORINGS Coastal Surface Moorings include an PLATFORMS instrumented surface buoy with a 3 m tall The five actively deployed OOI arrays tower, a near-surface instrument frame (Figure 1) in the original OOI infrastruc- (NSIF) deployed at 7 m depth, a mooring ture plan together contain 71 instru- riser, and an anchor (Figures 10b and 11). c mented platforms supporting approxi- In some cases, instead of a traditional mately 760 deployed instruments. This anchor, an instrumented seafloor pack- system offers over 200 unique data prod- age, the multifunction node (MFN; ucts, allowing scientists to study oceano- Figure 10a), is used. The MFN also incor- graphic phenomena from the seafloor to porates an anchor and anchor recovery the air-sea interface on scales of centime- system. The surface buoy and tower, NSIF, ters to kilometers and seconds to decades. and MFN are designed to accommodate In this section, we summarize the multiple fixed-depth instruments. infrastructure within the OOI to provide The mooring riser on a Coastal Surface context for design decisions. For engi- Mooring includes specially designed neering schematics and greater details of stretch hoses that allow mechanical implementation of the designs of the OOI extension and compression of the moor- d infrastructure, please visit the OOI web- ing riser while still providing electrical site (http://oceanobservatories.org). connectivity for power and communica- tion from the buoy to instruments on the NSIF and MFN. The flexible mechanical FIGURE 10. (a,b) Images of Coastal Surface and electrical mooring riser elements are Mooring components. (a) The surface buoy essential in these coastal environments, (CNSM) is lowered to the water before the quick release (yellow line) is pulled. (b) The which are subject to tidal fluctuations, multi-function node (ISSM) goes into the large waves, and strong winds and cur- water. (c) The Global Surface Mooring surface rents. At Endurance Inshore locations, buoy is equipped with solar panels and wind generators for charging lead-acid batteries. where wave events in winter can exceed Instrumentation on the 5 m tower includes two 20 m, submersible surface buoys are used bulk meteorological packages, a direct covari- to allow the buoy to be pulled under- e ance flux system, and antennae for the telem- etry systems. (d,e) Components of a Coastal water if the stretch hose reaches its full Profiler Mooring. (d) The blue-bottomed Surface extent (Paul, 2004). Buoy (OSPM) is prepared for deployment with two tag lines and a quick release line. (e) The Large capacity batteries charged by yellow Wire-Following Profiler slides out along wind and solar power (photovoltaic the wire rope with the motor disengaged while panels) supply ample power to the OOI the buoy trails behind the ship. Credit: OOI Pioneer and Global Array Programs, Woods Coastal Surface Moorings, and each Hole Oceanographic Institution. mooring has Ethernet connectivity from

26 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 26 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 the buoy to the seafloor. Communication resist the drag forces of currents. the upper 200 m of the water column, with systems on the buoy include GPS for Global Surface Moorings each consist additional CTD instruments and ADCPs location and timing, two-way satellite of a surface buoy (Figure 10c) with both deployed at intervals down to 1,500 m. telemetry (buoy to shore), and line-of- meteorological and in-water sensors, an The surface buoy is the only platform sight communications (buoy to ship). NSIF deployed at 12 m depth (as compared on each global array capable of support- Overlapping communication systems to 7 m on Coastal Surface Moorings), and ing satellite telemetry. It incorporates offer redundancy while providing for additional sensors at fixed depths along a comprehensive and redundant set of near-real-time data telemetry as well as the mooring riser (Figure 11). The surface telemetry systems, including fleet broad- command and control from ship or shore. buoy supports two redundant bulk mete- band. Rechargeable lead-acid batter- The Coastal Surface Moorings include orological systems and a direct covari- ies, wind turbines, and solar panels sup- instruments that require significant ance flux system, as well as sensors for port these systems, providing power up power, space, and bandwidth—cameras, irradiance, wave spectra, air-sea pCO2, to about 200 W for the instrumentation. ADCPs, bioacoustic instruments, and dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and fluores- sensors for ocean acidity and carbon cence. The NSIF contains a similar instru- FLANKING SUBSURFACE MOORINGS dioxide. Coastal Surface Mooring buoys ment suite to that on the Coastal Surface Flanking Subsurface Moorings are contain standard meteorological sen- Moorings plus a velocity sensor. Sensors deployed at all global arrays (Figure 11). sors that measure wind, air temperature on the mooring riser are concentrated in These moorings are composed of and humidity, solar radiation, and near- surface temperature and salinity. Some buoys have additional instrumentation for measuring surface waves and collect- ing direct (covariance-based) estimates of momentum and buoyancy flux. The NSIF and MFN carry sensors that measure temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, optical properties, and currents. The MFN also carries instruments for bottom pressure and carbon dioxide concentra- tion, and a bioacoustic profiler. Sampling rates for fixed-depth instruments range from 10 sec–1 to 1 hr–1 to resolve surface wave, , and tidal variability.

GLOBAL SURFACE MOORINGS Global Surface Moorings are very similar to their coastal counterparts (Figures 10c and 11), with alterations to handle conditions of open-ocean, high-latitude deployments, where harsh weather and annual maintenance lim- itations impose additional challenges for sustained operations. These buoys are the only mooring platforms at the OOI Global Arrays with surface expressions. The height of the surface buoy tower is set at 5 m (compared to 3 m for the Coastal FIGURE 11. Schematics of Surface and Flanking Subsurface Moorings. Coastal Surface Moorings Surface Mooring) to account for antici- contain an instrumented surface buoy with a 3 m tall tower. A near-surface instrument frame is located at 7 m depth and contains a suite of instrumentation. Each of several Coastal Surface pated sea states and freezing spray. The Moorings also have an instrumented multifunction node on the seafloor that also acts as an anchor. surface mooring uses chain and wire rope The Global Surface Mooring is similar to the Coastal Surface Moorings with a few key differ- near the surface where instrumentation ences: the surface buoy tower is taller at 5 m, the near-surface instrument frame is deeper at 12 m, instruments are located along the mooring riser, and there is no multifunction node. The Flanking can be attached, but relies on buoyant Subsurface Mooring does not have a surface expression; the top flotation buoy is located at 30 m and stretchable synthetic rope at depth to depth. Instruments are located at fixed depths along its mooring riser.

Oceanography | March 2018 27 flotation buoys at approximately 30 m COASTAL PROFILER MOORINGS sample at 0.25–2.0 Hz during ascent depth and fixed instruments along their Coastal Profiler Moorings con- and descent and are programmed to run mooring risers. CTD, dissolved oxygen, tain McLane wire-following profil- along the hydrowire from 28 m below pH, and fluorescence sensors are located ers with multidisciplinary sensor suites the surface to 28 m above the bottom. just below the subsurface flotation buoys. (Figures 10d,e and 12). Coastal Profiler At the shallow sites (≤150 m), the inter- Additional CTDs are spaced throughout Mooring surface buoys are equipped nal batteries are sufficient for full profiles the water column down to 1,500 m depth, with communication systems analogous every 1.5 hours. At deep sites, the profile and an ADCP is located at 500 m depth. to those of the Coastal Surface Mooring. interval is three hours and every other As they do not have a surface expression, Unlike Coastal Surface Mooring buoys, descent stops at 200 m for Pioneer and is these moorings communicate to shore via however, these do not have scientific 6-8 hours over the full profiling distance acoustic links with nearby gliders. instrumentation or power generation; for Endurance. ADCP configurations alkaline primary batteries provide the (e.g., bin depths, pulse repetition rate) Profilers only power source. Wire-following pro- vary with water depth; averaging inter- In many cases, profiler moorings are filers carry low-power instruments that vals are 15 minutes at the shallow sites co-located with surface moorings. Their measure temperature, salinity, pressure, and one hour at the deep sites. instrumented platforms move up and water velocity, light, chlorophyll fluores- down through the water column to col- cence, light backscatter from particles, GLOBAL PROFILER MOORINGS lect observations at fine vertical reso- and dissolved oxygen. Below the maxi- The top flotation buoys of the Global lution, complementing surface moor- mum profiler excursion depth, an ADCP Profiler Moorings are located at 150 m ing sensor data at discrete depths. The is connected electrically to the moor- depth. They operate in a similar manner OOI employs five types of profiler ing wire. Both the profiler package and to Coastal Profiler Moorings and are co-​ moorings: Coastal Profiler Moorings, the ADCP transmit data inductively to a located with Global Surface Moorings to Global Profiler Moorings, Coastal receiver in the surface buoy. Components provide sampling of the full water column Surface-Piercing Profiler Moorings, of an anchor recovery system are con- (Figure 12). These moorings each con- Cabled Deep Profiler Moorings, and figured in line along the mooring tain two wire-following profilers, except Cabled Shallow Profiler Moorings riser below the ADCP. for the Irminger Sea Array that only con- (Figures 8, 10, and 12). Wire-following profiler instruments tains one. Profiling instruments on these subsurface moorings move up and down a hydrowire, covering the depths not sam- pled by the Global Surface Mooring, and include a fluorometer and CTD, veloc- ity, and oxygen sensors. Bioacoustic sonar and an additional CTD are located just below the top flotation buoy. As with Flanking Subsurface Moorings, Global Profiler Moorings communicate to shore via acoustic links with nearby gliders.

FIGURE 12. Schematics of the OOI profiler moorings. Profiler moor- ings provide fine vertical res- olution observations at fixed locations and are, in many cases, co- located with surface moorings. Coastal Profiler Moorings, Global Profiler Moorings, and Cabled Deep Profilers (see Figure 8) all utilize instrumented wire-following pro- filers that run along a hydrowire across a set depth interval. Coastal Surface-Piercing Profiler Moorings travel through the water column with a profiler-mounted​ winch and breach the surface.

28 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 CABLED DEEP PROFILER MOORINGS deep, 4 m across platform that houses five Node houses five wet-mateable sci- Cabled Deep Profiler Moorings (Figure 8) to eight instruments, including zooplank- ence ports with 1 gigabit Ethernet (GbE) operate in a similar manner to Coastal ton sensors, digital still cameras, and two and 375 V capabilities and two high-​ Profiler and Global Profiler Moorings, kinds of ADCPs. The platform also hosts bandwidth ports (10 GbE, 375 V) for net- with wire-following profilers that mea- a winched shallow profiler with an instru- work expansion. Primary Nodes do not sure ocean properties across a depth mented science pod that profiles the upper contain instrumentation, and are used to interval. However, the Cabled Deep 200 m of the water column (Figure 8). The convert 10 kVDC primary level voltage Profiler Moorings are connected to fiber-​ science pod carries 10 instruments and from the Shore Station to lower 375 VDC optic cables that provide greater power conducts missions that include nine trips levels and distribute that power and com- and bandwidth and permit real-time data per day through the water column; auto- munication to junction boxes distributed transmission. The profiler transits the mated step functions stop the profiler pod around each site. cable at 25 cm s–1. Power and data trans- at specific depths, turning instruments fer are provided via an inductive couple at on and off that require stationary mea- JUNCTION BOXES AND a base docking station with Wi-Fi capa- surements (e.g., CO2). Connections to LOW-VOLTAGE NODES bilities. The profiler hosts six instruments: the fiber-optic cable allow missions and To access specific experimental sites, junc- a CTD, a two-wavelength fluorometer, a parameters to be changed in response tion boxes (Secondary Nodes, designed water velocity meter, a chromophoric dis- to events (e.g., detection of thin layers) and built at the University of Washington solved organic matter (CDOM) fluoro- through real-time commands from shore. Applied Physics Laboratory) are con- meter, a dissolved oxygen sensor, and a Since 2015, the profilers have logged nected to the Primary Nodes by exten- hyperspectral spectrophotometer. They >12,000 cycles with continuous live trans- sion cables up to approximately 5 km in are located at Slope and Axial Base, and at mission of data back to shore (see McRae, length (e.g., Figure 9). Each junction box the Endurance Oregon Offshore site. 2016). The profiler science pod carries the includes eight configurable ports that pro- same instruments as the Coastal Surface- vide 12, 24, and 48 VDC, and numerous COASTAL SURFACE-PIERCING Piercing Profiler Mooring plus sensors communication capabilities. Pulse per

PROFILER MOORINGS for pH and pCO2. The 200 m platform second timing is available on all ports with Coastal Surface-Piercing Profiler Moor- contains a fluorometer, an ADCP and ~10 µs accuracy. Each port can provide ings are the only OOI profilers that pro- a five-beam ADCP (VADCP), a broad- either 50 W or 200 W. Extension cables vide data from near the seafloor to the band hydrophone, a CTD, a still camera, are connected through dry- or ROV wet- air-sea interface (Figure 12). The profil- and dissolved oxygen and pH sensors. At mate connectors, with most being wet- ers travel through the water column con- the Endurance Offshore site, the platform mates. Expansion ports provide the abil- trolled by a profiler-mounted winch, then also includes a zooplankton sensor. ity to connect 375 VDC power and 1 Gbps break the surface. While on the sea sur- fiber-optic Ethernet, making the system face, they telemeter data to shore; while Seafloor Technology highly expandable. Each port on a junc- underwater, their status is checked peri- PRIMARY NODES tion box is configured to supply the power odically, and command and control from The Cable Shore Station in Pacific City, needed by an individual instrument or shore occurs via an acoustic modem Oregon, is the terminal for the Cabled platform (e.g., mooring). Real-time com- on a nearby surface mooring. Coastal Array (Figure 7). Power feed equipment munication to shore allows direct inter- Surface-Piercing​ Profiler Moorings carry provides constant voltage that permits action with the ports and instruments low-power instruments (e.g., CTD, fluo- each cable line to be powered by either that can be used to adjust sampling pro- rometric chlorophyll a, CDOM concen- the same or a separate power supply. tocols (e.g., HD camera missions), and tration, optical backscatter, and dissolved The two submarine backbone cables to monitor and respond to health and oxygen sensors) as well as higher-power connect the shore station to the Primary status of the network. The network cur- instruments, including sensors for Nodes, which are distribution centers rently hosts 18 junction boxes, all oper- nitrate, light attenuation and absorption, for extension cables that provide direct ational since 2014, which provide power and spectral irradiance. access to the specific sites of scientific and bandwidth to more than 30 different interest. The backbone cable is com- instrument types (see earlier discussion of CABLED SHALLOW PROFILER prised of approximately 900 km of tele- instrument types). MOORINGS com industry subsea electro-optical cable Two-legged Shallow Profiler Moorings that provides 8 kW of power and redun- BENTHIC EXPERIMENT PACKAGES (Figure 8) are specifically built and dant 10 Gb s–1 data communications to The coastal seafloor Benthic Experiment designed for the OOI (McRae, 2016). The each Primary Node (Figure 7). A sci- Package, designed at Oregon State Univer- mooring design is composed of a 200 m ence interface assembly in each Primary sity, hosts a variety of oceanographic

Oceanography | March 2018 29 instruments for studying the near-bottom,​ the shallow waters over the shelf, and within the Pioneer Array, providing tran- benthic bottom boundary layer. Its slanted those equipped with 1,000 m buoyancy sects with horizontal resolution of 1–5 km sides provide some protection from fish- engines operate primarily over the con- (varying with water depth) and crossing ing trawls. The system’s core contains an tinental slope. The coastal gliders carry a the ~50 km frontal zone in approximately Applied Physics Laboratory-built low- multidisciplinary sensor suite measuring nine hours. power junction box that provides power temperature, salinity, pressure, dissolved The two AUVs are rated to 600 m and bandwidth communication through oxygen, optical properties, and currents. depth and are typically programmed to the seafloor electro-optical cable. Benthic Data are transmitted to shore from anten- make consecutive ascents and descents Experiment Package instruments mea- nae on the gliders via satellite phone. from a few meters below the surface to a sure physical (temperature, salinity, pres- few meters above the seafloor. At speci- sure, point three-dimensional veloc- OPEN-OCEAN GLIDERS fied intervals along the track line, the ity, water-column profiles of horizontal Additional sampling of spatial variability AUV surfaces to obtain a GPS fix and velocity), chemical (dissolved oxygen, within and around the global moorings is telemeter information to shore. They can pH, dissolved CO2), biological (spectral conducted with open-ocean gliders. These also be monitored and controlled acousti- light absorption and attenuation), and gliders sample within the footprint of the cally when within a few kilometers of the acoustic (broadband hydrophone) ocean moored array, diving to 1,000 m and each ship. The primary goal of the AUV mis- properties. A digital still camera and a carrying a two-wavelength fluorometer, a sions is to obtain simultaneous, synop- three-frequency (38 kHz, 120 kHz split CTD, and a dissolved oxygen sensor. tic transects along and across the frontal beam, and 200 kHz) upward-looking bio- zone. The AUVs carry sensors to pro- acoustic sonar (Barth et al., 2018, in this PROFILING GLIDERS vide the same interdisciplinary measure- issue) are also mounted on the Benthic Profiling gliders are operated in a man- ments as the coastal gliders, plus optical Experiment Package. ner that maintains the glider near a set nitrate instruments. location. On the Pioneer Array, gliders Autonomous Vehicles replace two Coastal Profiler Moorings Operations and Maintenance COASTAL GLIDERS in the summer; on the Global Arrays, Teams of technicians, scientists, and Coastal gliders (all OOI gliders are Tele- these gliders sample the upper 200 m of engineers operate OOI platforms and dyne Webb Slocum gliders; Figure 13) water above the Global Profiler Mooring. sensors around the clock. For uncabled are optimized for continental shelf and Profiling Gliders carry a similar instru- arrays, platform performance, battery slope operations and running along track ment load as their coastal and open-ocean voltages, and available power from the lines (Figures 2 and 5). Coastal gliders counterparts with the exception that pro- surface wind and solar energy collec- are deployed with two different buoy- filing gliders add more comprehensive tors are closely monitored. Should there ancy engines that dictate maximum dive optical measurements and nitrate sensors. be insufficient power to execute the full depths—either 200 m or 1,000 m. The sampling schedule and/or telemetry to gliders sample the vertical structure of the AUTONOMOUS UNDERWATER shore, adjustments are made to ensure ocean from the sea surface to within a few VEHICLES the health of the platform and associ- meters of the seafloor or their maximum Two AUVs (Hydroid Remus 600; ated instruments. System health and sta- dive depths. Gliders equipped with 200 m Figure 13) are the primary tools for tus for cabled infrastructure is closely buoyancy engines operate primarily in resolving cross- and along-front structure monitored in real time from shore; all

FIGURE 13. (left) Coastal gliders are staged on deck for pre-flight checks via satellite telemetry to the shore lab. (right) An AUV is prepared for deployment using a hydraulic launch and recovery system fitted to R/V Neil Armstrong. Credit: OOI Pioneer Array Program, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

30 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 instruments operate on full sampling endurance of three months. Profiling annually with an ROV. Similarly, both capacity. Battery status is not a consid- gliders have a longer hull, which allows the instrumented stationary assembly eration because of the connection to the for more batteries and thus longer endur- on the 200 m platform and the shallow high-power telecommunication cables. ance of four to six months. Upon recov- winched profiler system on the Cabled Gliders are tracked in near-real time, ery, gliders are returned to the manufac- Shallow Profiler Mooring are turned and adjustments are made in the targeted turer for refurbishment and calibration of each year with an ROV. waypoints to keep the gliders as close as onboard instrumentation. possible to their planned tracklines while As with gliders, Coastal Surface- DATA COLLECTION, contending with ocean currents, winds, Piercing Profiler Mooring deployments PROCESSING, AND and buoyant river plumes. Across the are limited by battery life and biofoul- DELIVERY facility, instruments and platforms are ing. Thus, these mooring are maintained OOI networked sensors collect atmo- monitored for safety, functionality, and with a similar service cycle to gliders— sphere, ocean, and seafloor data at basic data quality. every two to three months. Upon recov- high sampling rates (up to 200 Hz) The degradation of mooring compo- ery, Coastal Surface-Piercing Profiler over years to decades. In total, over nents, biofouling of instruments, and Moorings are cleaned, and they undergo 100,000 OOI science and engineering depletion of batteries on the uncabled minor in-house refurbishment and sen- parameters (206 unique data products) profiler moorings are the main drivers sor checks, with major refurbishment from 2,993 data streams, 1,227 instru- of the OOI moored array maintenance done by the vendor annually. ments (deployed and awaiting turn schedule. After recovery, buoys and other AUVs are deployed from a ship during cruises), 276 nodes, and 89 platforms durable components of the mooring riser the Pioneer Array mooring and glider (including suspended deployments) are refurbished for reuse. Wire rope and turns; additional cruises may be sched- from every array are available online mooring hardware such as shackles and uled to approach the desired AUV mis- in the OOI Data Portal (https://ooinet. links are replaced with new material for sion interval of once per month. AUVs oceanobservatories.org). The challenge each “turn” (a recover/redeploy opera- and onboard instrumentation are refur- of the OOI Cyberinfrastructure (CI) is tion). Instruments, data controllers, and bished annually. to collect, archive, transform, and dis- loggers are refurbished, recalibrated, and Global Array sites are particularly tribute data from the numerous instru- tested before redeployment on a sub- remote from the United States. Practical ments and platforms across the OOI sequent mooring turn. considerations of ship time availability to the user community in real time or Coastal Array servicing includes two and cost limit the service at these sites to near-real time. turn cruises per year, in spring and fall, once a year. Annual turn cruises of the In this section, we describe how data typically conducted on US University- Global Arrays operate in much the same are collected by OOI instruments and National Oceanographic Laboratory manner as those of the Coastal Arrays, platforms, processed by the OOI CI, System (UNOLS) vessels. These cruises with deployment of new platforms and and then delivered to the OOI user. For focus on mooring and glider turns. instruments and recovery of moorings specific details of the various means for During each cruise, newly refurbished deployed the previous year scheduled accessing OOI data, see Vardaro and moorings are deployed within a few hun- during these cruises. McDonnell (2018, in this issue). dred meters of the existing mooring sites. Cabled infrastructure is serviced once Calibration casts are done alongside the per year using a global-class UNOLS Sampling Strategies moorings with a ship’s CTD and rosette vessel and a remotely operated vehi- The OOI sampling strategy was designed for collecting water samples at multiple cle (ROV). Typically, about 120 instru- to (1) provide consistently sampled long- depths for analysis of nutrients, dissolved ments and up to seven junction boxes term decadal data sets, (2) capture short- oxygen, and carbon dioxide. In some are turned each year. Instruments that lived stochastic events at small spatial cases, the existing mooring and the refur- are biofouled or use reagents are turned scales, and (3) permit targeted manip- bished mooring operate concurrently for each year, but instruments such as seis- ulation to capture specific phenomena. hours to days before the existing mooring mometers and bottom pressure tilt Observation strategies address the tem- is recovered. The CTD casts, bottle sam- meters remain in place for several years. poral and spatial scales of variability that ples, and concurrent mooring data are Cabled Array moorings were specifically characterize the local environment for used to check the calibration and drift of designed to stay in place for at least five each instrument, and the sampling strat- the moored sensors. years, optimizing operations and main- egy attempts to optimize platform mobil- Smaller vessels are used for servic- tenance costs. The modified McLane ity as well as instrument operation. ing the glider fleet deployed at coastal profiler vehicle on the Deep Profiler Further details of sampling strat- arrays. Coastal gliders have a nominal Mooring is recovered and redeployed egies across the OOI can be found

Oceanography | March 2018 31 in the Observation and Sampling and cruise data, and provide user sup- management component (OMC) respon- Approach document on the OOI port. Ensuring the success of the end-to- sible for all uncabled instrument data on website (http://oceanobservatories.org/ end CI system requires continuous mon- the Pacific coast; and an OMC for Atlantic observation-​and-​sampling-​approach). itoring, performance improvements, and coast-based uncabled instrument data. data evaluation. The OOI CI currently Deployed uncabled instruments send a From Instrument to User archives over 250 terabytes of data from subset of raw data back to shore (“teleme- (Data Path) the OOI arrays. Since data download tered data”) via satellite connection or cel- The OOI Cyberinfrastructure is the path- services came online in January 2016, lular phone. Once uncabled instruments way from each deployed sensor and plat- users from across the world have down- are brought back to shore after a mooring form to the user (Figure 14). The OOI CI loaded nearly 100 terabytes of data from turn or glider recovery, the complete col- design and implementation are based on the OOI arrays. lected data set is downloaded directly by industry best practices, and use a decen- Raw data (both engineering and sci- OOI operators to provide a “recovered” tralized, coordinated architecture opti- ence) are gathered from cabled and data set. Immediately upon receipt, all mized for data storage and delivery, data uncabled instruments and platforms raw data are transferred over the Internet security and integrity, and quality of ser- located across the marine networks to the OOI CI system for processing, stor- vice requirements. The CI’s role is to col- and transmitted to one of three opera- age, and dissemination via the Internet. lect, archive, and host raw data, transform tion components: Pacific City, Oregon, Installed cabled instruments send data the raw data into processed data in sci- directly connected to all cabled instru- back to shore via electro-optical cables ence units, maintain and deliver metadata ments and platforms; an operations and (“streaming data”) to the shore station in Pacific City, Oregon. Full resolution data Synronous are streamed to shore, including uncom- 2 or lot pressed HD video (1.5 GB s–1) and broad- n Water aled synronous band hydrophone data at 200 Hz. onload perator eoered sers From each OMC, data are transferred elemetered yernfrastruture ser nterfae to two primary CI components located on perator nputs East and West Coasts for processing, stor- age, and dissemination. The East Coast CI ata roduts houses the primary computing servers, nstrument Flas Eletro data storage and backup, and online data ptal ale lortm ode portal interface. The West Coast CI mir- n emand rors the East Coast component. The data stored at the three OMCs are continuously latform uFrame est alues unton Bo Sore ataases synchronized with the data repositories Staton lertlarm arameters located at the East and West Coast CI alraton sites. Tape storage, a last tier storage that is nformaton latform ort ent not dependent on power or cooling, sup- rersarsers sset etadata oaulary ports longer-term backup and archiving, disaster recovery, and data transport. arser ode The core of the OOI CI software is the latform eoery uFrame-based OOINet, which imple- ments a service-oriented architecture and uston elemetry ont Serer integrates a set of data, instrument, and platform drivers as well as data product algorithms to produce data products on demand to the user community. Databases latform perator Sore Serer ata Serer of information about every asset, includ- ing predeployment calibration values, FIGURE 14. The paths of cabled (purple line), telemetered (blue line), and recovered (orange line) OOI data from ocean (in blue) to shoreside operations and management component servers (gray) cruise information, and deployment con- to the cyberinfrastructure system (red), where raw data are parsed into streams and stored in a data- figuration, are used by the system to pro- base. Parsed data are processed on demand via data product and quality control (QC) algorithms vide all necessary metadata to the graphi- and delivered to the user’s desktop. The circles illustrate the major touch points and transforma- tions, as well as the necessary input of metadata and calibration information (green), along the data cal user interface upon data delivery. processing pathway.

32 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 Data Quality Control Processes An Open Access Ocean for All 2009 (Moran, 2013). Together, the US Oceanographic and engineering data The OOI CI provides a common operat- and Canadian cabled arrays span a sig- throughout the OOI system are reviewed ing infrastructure to connect and enable nificant portion of the Juan de Fuca Plate. through manual (human in the loop) and the coordination of operations of the Hence, they provide a unique opportu- automated quality control procedures. OOI arrays with the scientific and educa- nity to examine both local and regional The overall goal is to ensure that the data tional pursuits of oceanographic research co-registered seafloor and water column and metadata delivered by the OOI meet and other user communities around the data in real time toward understanding community data quality standards. These globe. This software provides 24/7 con- dynamic processes along the continental standards were designed with the goal of nectivity to deliver ocean observing margin/subduction zone in the Northeast meeting the Integrated Ocean Observing data to anyone with an Internet connec- Pacific, in the middle of the Juan de Fuca System (IOOS) Quality Assurance of Real tion free of charge. For information on Plate, and at the Juan de Fuca seafloor Time Ocean Data (QARTOD) standards. how to access OOI data, see Vardaro and spreading center. Feedback from the user community to McDonnell (2018, in this issue). Lastly, OOI data aid in the calibration identify, diagnose, and resolve data avail- of global climate and ocean models. For ability and data quality issues is also a MOVING FORWARD example, collaborations with the World critical element of the quality control. THROUGH COLLABORATION Climate Research Program and its Climate The primary goals of these quality Oceanographic observation is rap- and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and control procedures are to: (1) monitor idly transforming in this era of techno- Change (CLIVAR) program examine air- the operational status of the data flowing logical innovation. In situ observato- sea fluxes of heat, freshwater, and momen- through OOINet, (2) ensure the availabil- ries and advanced cyberinfrastructure tum. Forecasters at the European Centre ity of OOI data sets in the system and that have become critical components for for Medium-range Weather Forecasts they meet quality guidelines, (3) identify successful integration and collabora- (ECMWF) use Global Array data to exam- data availability and quality issues and tion across programs (Lindstrom, 2018, ine storms in the Southern Ocean as part ensure they are resolved and communi- in this issue). Integration across pro- of the Year of Polar Prediction Effort by cated to end users, and (4) report opera- grams comes in many forms, for exam- the World Meteorological Organization. tional statistics on data availability, qual- ple, integrating data into existing global Moving forward, the OOI will ity, and issue resolution. and regional data repositories (see Box 1 maintain and establish new relation- To meet these goals, end-to-end data in Lindstrom, 2018, in this issue). ships with other national and interna- flow from online instruments is checked Co-location of infrastructure provides tional observatories. daily. Any gaps (e.g., instrument, telem- a unique opportunity for collaboration NSF has committed to support the etry, or parsing) are investigated during across observatories and for providing OOI for 25 years, and is now funding a periodic end-to-end review, as needed. higher data granularity (e.g., Stocks et al., proposals for both new OOI infrastruc- The process includes daily reviews of the 2018, in this issue). Two moorings of the ture and data analysis (Ulses et al., 2018, operational status, data delivery alerts, Global Irminger Sea Array off the coast in this issue). The OOI will periodically issue requests from users, and annotations of Greenland are aligned within the array undergo a technology refresh to ensure to notify users of status changes. A set of of the Overturning in the Subpolar North that the latest advances in sensor technol- scripts and necessary tools for quality Atlantic Program (OSNAP; Lozier et al., ogy and in ocean observation approaches checks help determine if any telemetered 2017), an international effort to exam- are included in the system. The OOI or streamed data have stopped updat- ine meridional overturning circulation in already utilizes instrumentation that has ing and whether the interruption is due the North Atlantic, a critical component never been fielded before—an in situ mass to instrument, telemetry, or data trans- of deepwater formation for the globe. spectrometer, a particulate DNA sam- fer issues, or an unknown problem. If Similarly, the Ocean Station Papa array is pler, and other vent chemistry sensors. the recent data do not appear reasonable co-located with a NOAA PMEL surface As observational technologies advance (e.g., scientifically valid, correct sampling mooring and augments the existing long- and innovations continue, the OOI will rate), the data evaluation team ensures term time series (since 1949) in the area. integrate new technologies into its infra- that all potential issues are reported and The OOI Cabled Array is located south structure through a publicly advertised annotated in the OOI Data Portal. of its Canadian counterpart, the Ocean proposal process. Data from all OOI maintenance cruises Networks Canada array, off the coast of The OOI is an ambitious program, are compiled and assessed for complete- British Columbia. Components of the designed from its inception to use emerg- ness to ensure that all necessary informa- Ocean Networks Canada array, com- ing and leading-edge technology and tion and documentation are added to the prised of 800 km of fiber-optic cable and engineering solutions to investigate sci- system for each cruise. five instrumented sites, went online in ence themes focused on our most pressing

Oceanography | March 2018 33 and complex global oceanographic chal- Persistent spatial structuring of coastal ocean Huyer, A., P.A. Wheeler, P.T. Strub, R.L. Smith, acidification in the California Current System. R. Letelier, and P.M. Kosro. 2007. The Newport lenges. Ongoing input from the scientific Scientific Reports 7:2526, https://doi.org/10.1038/ line off Oregon: Studies in the North East community will ensure that all aspects s41598-017-02777-y. Pacific. Progress in Oceanography 75:126–160, Chan, F., J.A. Barth, J. Lubchenco, A. Kirincich, https://doi.org/​10.1016/j.pocean.2007.08.003. of the OOI—from its deployed sensors H. Weeks, W.T. Peterson, and B.A. Menge. 2008. Jullion, L., K. Heywood, A.C. Naveira Garabato, and Emergence of anoxia in the California current D.P. Stevens. 2010. Circulation and water mass and instruments to its CI data discov- large . 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34 Oceanography | Vol.31, No.1 McKibben, S.M., W. Peterson, A.M. Wood, V.L. Trainer, between the subsurface lithosphere and the oce- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS M. Hunter, and A.E. White. 2017. Climatic regula- anic hydrosphere. Oceanography 31(1):128–135, Funding for the OOI is provided by the National tion of the neurotoxin domoic acid. Proceedings of https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2018.120. Science Foundation through a Cooperative the National Academy of Sciences 114(2):239–244, Stammer, D. 1997. Global characteristics of ocean Support Agreement with the Consortium for Ocean https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1606798114. variability estimated from regional TOPEX/ Leadership (OCE-1026342). Pioneer Array and Global McRae, E. 2016. Continuous real time scanning POSEIDON altimeter measurements. Journal Array Moorings and autonomous vehicles are oper- of the upper ocean water column. Paper pre- of Physical Oceanography 27:1,743–1,769, ated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. sented at OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey, https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0485(1997)027​ Endurance Array uncabled moorings and glid- September 19–23, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1109/ <1743:GCOOVE>2.0.CO;2. ers are operated by Oregon State University. All OCEANS.2016.7761359. Stocks, K., S. Diggs, C. Olson, A. Pham, cabled infrastructure is operated by the University Morrissey, J., and C. Bowler. 2012. Iron utiliza- R. Arko, A. Shepherd, and D. Kinkade. 2018. of Washington. Cabled Array primary infrastructure tion in marine cyanobacteria and eukaryotic SeaView: Bringing together an ocean of data. and backbone cables were built and installed by algae. Frontiers in Microbiology 3:PMC3296057, Oceanography 31(1):71, https://doi.org/​10.5670/ L3 MariPro. 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Ocean North Atlantic spring-bloom system: Where the greater OOI Team: Sue Banahan, Leila Belabbassi, Sciences at the New Millennium. National Science changing climate meets the winter dark. Frontiers Pete Barletto, Peter Brickley, Liz Caporelli, Robert Foundation, Arlington, VA, 151 pp., https://geo- in Marine Science 3:28, https://doi.org/10.3389/ Collier, Michael Crowley, Edward Dever, Jonathan prose.​com/​pdfs/os_millennium_report.pdf. fmars.2016.00028. Fram, Lori Garzio, Scott Glenn, Gary Harkins, Mike Nooner, S.L., and W.W. Chadwick Jr. 2016. Inflation- Takahashi, T., S.C. Sutherland, C. Sweeney, Harrington, James Housell, Brian Ittig, Aamir Jadoon, predictable behavior and co-eruption deforma- A. Poisson, N. Metzl, B. Tilbrook, N. Bates, Orest Kawka, Tom Kearney, John Kemp, John Kerfoot, tion at Axial Seamount. Science 354:1,399-1,403, R. Wanninkhof, R.A. Feely, C. Sabine, and others. William Kish, Friedrich Knuth, Sage Lichtenwalner, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aah4666. 2002. Global sea–air CO2 flux based on climato- Dana Manalang, Paul Matthias, Mike Mulvihill, Kris Palevsky, H.I., and D.P. Nicholson. 2018. The North logical surface ocean pCO2, and seasonal biolog- Newhall, Matt Palanza, Manish Parashar, Don Peters, Atlantic biological pump: Insights from the Ocean ical and temperature effects. Deep Sea Research Janeen Pisciotta, Craig Risien, Oscar Schofield, Observatories Initiative Irminger Sea Array. Part II 49:1,601–1,622, https://doi.org/10.1016/ Michael Smith, Mark Steiner, Mark Stoermer, John Oceanography 31(1):42–49, https://doi.org/10.5670/ S0967-0645(02)00003-6. Trowbridge, J.J. Villalobos, Sheri White, and Chris oceanog.2018.108. Tolstoy, M., W.S.D. Wilcock, Y.J. Tan, and Wingard. Additionally, we thank the following individ- Paul, W. 2004. Hose elements for buoy moor- F. Waldhauser. 2018. A tale of two eruptions: How uals who laid the groundwork for the program in key ings: Design, fabrication and mechanical prop- data from Axial Seamount led to a discovery on leadership roles: Ken Brink, Peter Milne, Tim Cowles, erties. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution the East Pacific Rise. Oceanography 31(1):124–125, Kendra Daly, John Delaney, Anthony Ferlaino (dec.), Technical Report WHOI-2004-06, Woods Hole https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2018.118. Holly Given, and Mike Kelly. Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, 21 pp. Torres, M.E., K. Wallmann, A.M. Tréhu, G. Bohrmann, Peterson, W.T., and F.B. Schwing. 2003. A new W.S. Borowski, and H. Tomaru. 2004. Gas hydrate AUTHORS climate regime in Northeast Pacific ecosys- growth, methane transport, and chloride enrich- Leslie M. Smith ([email protected]) is Geophysical Research Letters tems. 30, 1896, ment at the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge, OOI Science Communicator, Consortium for Ocean https://doi.org/​10.1029/2003GL017528. Earth and Planetary Cascadia margin off Oregon. Leadership, Washington, DC, USA. John A. Barth is Philip, B.T., A.R. Denny, E.A. Solomon, and D.S. Kelley. Science Letters 226:225–241, https://doi.org/​ Professor and OOI Project Scientist, Oregon State 2016. Time-series measurements of bub- 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.07.029. University, Corvallis, OR, USA. Deborah S. Kelley ble plume variability and water column meth- Trainer, V.L., B.M. Hickey, E.J. Lessard, W.P. Cochlan, is Professor and OOI Chief Scientist, University of ane distribution above Southern Hydrate C.G. Trick, M.L. Wells, A. MacFadyen, and Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. Al Plueddemann Geochemistry, Geophysics, Ridge, Oregon. S.K. Moore. 2009. Variability of Pseudo-nitzschia is Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Geosystems 17:1,182–1,196, https://doi.org/10.1002/​ and domoic acid in the Juan de Fuca eddy Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA. Ivan Rodero 2016GC006250. region and its adjacent shelves. Limnology and is Associate Research Professor and OOI CI Reimers, C.E., and M. Wolf. 2018. Power from ben- Oceanography 54:289–308, https://doi.org/​ Systems Engineering Program Manager, Rutgers thic microbial fuel cells drives autonomous sensors 10.4319/lo.2009.54.1.0289. University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Greg A. Ulses Oceanography and acoustic modems. 31(1):98–103, Tréhu, A.M., W.S.D. Wilcock, R. Hilmo, P. Bodin, is OOI Director, Consortium for Ocean Leadership, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2018.115. J. Connolly, E.C. Roland, and J. Braunmiller. Washington, DC, USA. Michael F. Vardaro is OOI Richardson, M.J., G.L. Weatherly, and W.D. Gardner. 2018. The role of the Ocean Observatories Data Manager, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 1993. Benthic storms in the Argentine Basin. Deep Initiative in monitoring the offshore earth- NJ, USA. Robert Weller is Senior Scientist and OOI Sea Research Part II 40:975–987, https://doi.org/​ quake activity of the Cascadia subduction zone. Co-Principal Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic 10.1016/0967-0645(93)90044-N. Oceanography 31(1):104–113, https://doi.org/​ Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA. Rudnick, D.L., K.D. Zaba, R.E. Todd, and R.E. Davis. 10.5670/oceanog.2018.116. 2017. A climatology of the California Current Ulses, G.A., L.M. Smith, and T.J. Cowles. 2018. Get System from a network of underwater glid- engaged with the Ocean Observatories Initiative. ARTICLE CITATION ers. Progress in Oceanography 154:64–106, Oceanography 31(1):136–137, https://doi.org/​ Smith, L.M., J.A. Barth, D.S. Kelley, A. Plueddemann, https://doi.org/​10.1016/j.pocean.2017.03.002. 10.5670/oceanog.2018.121. I. 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The oceanic sink for anthropogenic CO2. Wilcock, W.S.D., R.P. Dziak, M. Tolstoy, Science 305:367–371, https://doi.org/10.1126/ W.W. Chadwick Jr., S.L. Nooner, D.R. Bohnenstiehl, science.1097403. J. Caplan-Auerbach, F. Waldhauser, A.F. Arnulf, Schofield, O., and M.K. Tivey. 2004. Building C. Baillard, and others. 2018. The recent vol- a window to the sea: Ocean Research canic history of Axial Seamount: Geophysical Interactive Observatory Networks (ORION). insights into past eruption dynamics with an eye Oceanography 17(2):113–120, https://doi.org/​ toward enhanced observations of future erup- 10.5670/oceanog.2004.59. tions. Oceanography 31(1):114–123, https://doi.org/​ Sloyan, B., L.D. Talley, T. Chereskin, R. Fine, and 10.5670/oceanog.2018.117. J. Holte. 2010. Antarctic Intermediate Water Wilcock, W.S.D., M. Tolstoy, F. Waldhauser, and Subantarctic Mode Water formation in the C. Garcia, J.J. Tan, D.R. Bohnenstiehl, J. Caplan- Southeast Pacific: The role of turbulent mixing. Auerbach, R.P. Dziak, A.F. Arnulf, and M.E. Mann. Journal of Physical Oceanography 40:1,558–1,574, 2016. Seismic constraints on caldera dynam- https://doi.org/10.1175/2010JPO4114.1. ics from the 2015 Axial Seamount eruption. Spietz, R.L., D.A. Butterfield, N.J. Buck, B.I. Larson, Science 354:1,395–1,399, https://doi.org/10.1126/​ W.W. Chadwick Jr., S.L. Walker, D.S. Kelley, and science.aah5563. R.M. Morris. 2018. Deep-sea volcanic eruptions create unique chemical and biological linkages

Oceanography | March 2018 35