The Birds of Franz‐Josef Land and Their Protection S

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The Birds of Franz‐Josef Land and Their Protection S This article was downloaded by: [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] On: 23 November 2012, At: 03:16 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Polar Geography and Geology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: The birds of Franz‐Josef Land and their protection S. M. Uspenskiy & P. S. Tomkovich Version of record first published: 23 Dec 2008. To cite this article: S. M. Uspenskiy & P. S. Tomkovich (1987): The birds of Franz‐Josef Land and their protection, Polar Geography and Geology, 11:3, 221-234 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: conditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. THE BIRDS OF FRANZ-JOSEF LAND AND THEIR PROTECTION S. M. Uspenskiy and P. S. Tomkovich From: Prirodnyye kompleksy Arktiki i voprosy ikh okhrany [The natural complexes of the Arctic and problems of their protection]. Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat, 1986, pp. 63-76. Abstract: The authors present a survey of the avifauna of Franz-Josef Land based in part on fieldwork during VNIIPriroda's expedition of 1980-81 which concentrated especially on Hooker and Graham Bell islands, and in part on a thorough literature review. They focus especially on species distribution and on the dates of arrival, nest-building, egg- laying, hatching, etc. for each species. They conclude that 37 or 38 species have been recorded from the archipelago, that 14 species nest there, and that one species, the rock ptarmigan, is probably a permanent resident. With regard to the need for conservation, they stress that the archipelago contains the largest nesting colonies of ivory gulls in the USSR, as well as over 60 major cliff colonies of birds such as little auks, Brunnich's guille- mots, black guillemots, fulmars, and kittiwakes. The first reports on the archipelago of Franz-Josef Land, including its birds, were produced by Payer [24]. Notes on the avifauna of the islands were later published by Neale [23], Jackson [19] and Bianki[2]. Attheend of the last century the first survey of the birds of the region appeared [18]. A considerably more detailed survey, based on an analysis of the existing literature and on his own observations, was compiled by Gorbunov [5]. During the past few decades the data on the birds of the archipelago have been augmented by articles by Demme [6], Rutilevskiy [10], Parovshchikov [8, 9] and Uspenskiy [16]. But even these reports on the birds of Franz-Josef Land were inadequate. In 1980-81 the islands of the archipelago were investigated as part of the expedi- tion mounted by AANII and VNIIPriroda whose purpose was to compile a pro- posal on the organization of a nature reserve. Scientists from a number of other institutions also took part: S. Ye. Belikov (aerial surveys in 1980 and 1981; ground Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 03:16 23 November 2012 observations on Hooker Island in 1981), P. S. Tomkovich (ground observations on Graham Bell Island in 1981; Zoological Museum, MGU), T. E. Randla (ground observations on Hooker Island in 1981; Republic Society of Hunters of Estonia), and S. M. Uspenskiy (aerial investigations of the eastern part of the archipelago in 1981). The data collected by the members of the expedition have greatly expanded our knowledge of the avifauna of the islands. The authors have made an attempt to synthesize all the available information on the birds of Franz-Josef Land. Red-throateddiver (Gavia stellata (Pontopp.)). Nests in small numbers on small, shallow lakes which break up early, in the west and the south of the archipelago. 221 Copyright © 1987 by V. H. Winston & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Nesting has been confirmed on Bell, Mabel, Koettlitz, Scott-Keltie, Newton and Hovgaard islands [5,6]. Data on breeding on Alexandra Land, which is extremely probable, has been cited on the basis of interviews [8, 16]. These divers have also been recorded on Northbrook and Rudolph islands [5,10]. They appear earliest on Hooker Island (18 and 20 June) [5] and Rudolph Island (20 June) [10]. Breeding occurs in the last few days of June. A new clutch was also found at the end of July [5], but there is some doubt as to whether the young from this clutch would survive. No divers have been encountered in September. The total population scarcely exceeds a few dozen pairs. Black-throateddiver (Gavia arctica (L.)). First recorded on Franz-Josef Land on 16 July 1981 on Graham Bell Island [12]. Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis (L.)). Widely distributed throughout the archipelago and surrounding waters. The appearance of the birds is closely linked to the formation of coastal polynyas, and varies from year to year, starting from 13 March [5]. From observations at the polar station at Bukhta Tikhaya, the first birds arrived on 19 April in 1939; 22 May in 1949; and 8 April in 1950. Mass arrivals began on 30 May in 1949 and 13 April in 1950. Numbers, and possibly their distribution, also vary from year to year. There are reports of nesting colonies of fulmars on George Land (Capes Stevens, Grant, and Crowther and possibly Cape Forbes), Mabel Island, Hooker Island (Ruby Rock), Salisbury Island (Cape Fisher), and Rudolph Island (Cape Stolbovoy), but concrete descriptions of egg clutches or young are lacking [5]. More recently, an unconfirmed report has been published by Parovshchikov [8] on the nesting of fulmars at Cape Mary Harms- worth on Alexandra Land, where there are no rocky cliffs, and a report by Belokov and Randla [1], which refers to the nesting of fulmars on Hooker Island (Cape Albert Markham). Several pairs nested on Ruby Rock in 1929 and 1930 [5]; in 1931 7000 were reported [6], and about 1000 nesting fulmars were counted there in 1981. In 1949 the workers at the polar station of Bukhta Tikhaya recorded the start of egg laying on 22 June and the start of the departure of the nestlings on 12 August. But Demme [6] reports that the young fulmars begin leaving the nest on 13 July, which seems improbable. The last observations of fulmars date from the period from 8 September to the end of the month; one sighting was on 13 October [5, 6]. Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 03:16 23 November 2012 Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis (Bechst.)). A solitary report of several barnacle geese as casual visitors on Alexandra Land in the second half of August 1960 was made by Parovshchikov [8]. This observation was probably made by one of the workers at the polar station since Parovshchikov was not on the archipelago at the time; it has not been confirmed by concrete data and can scarcely be considered reliable. Brant (Branta bernicla (L.)). This species is not numerous but probably occurs throughout the archipelago. Nesting of isolated pairs has been confirmed on Elizabeth, Alger, and Hooker islands [5] and on Graham Bell Land [authors' observations]. "Geese," which are very probably brant, arrive on Alexandra Land [8, 16] and even Rudolph Island [10] in spring. Nesting sites of brant geese on 222 Franz-Josef Land are unknown; sighting of the birds and finds of goose droppings have occurred primarily on coastal plains areas, especially on Graham Bell Island, on silty-sandy areas with sparse clumps of Phippsia, scurvy grass (Cochlearia), and Stellaria edwardsii. Brant appear in the southwest of the archipelago on 3-12 June and depart at the end of September [5]; but from observations at the polar station at Bukhta Tikhaya in 1939 the first geese appeared there on 5 May in 1939. In 1937 the start of their mass arrival there was recorded on 17 June and their departure on 28 August. One can judge only approximately as to the date of breeding on the basis of finds of broods on Graham Bell Island [12]; the start of nesting must occur in late June, early July. Nobody has observed significant congregations of brant on Franz-Josef Land; total numbers on the archipelago, in our view, are of the order of 1000 individuals. Pink-footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus Baillon). An adult male, a casual visitor, was killed on Hooker Island on 12 June 1914, and on 9 June 1930 a flock of some "grey geese" was observed there [5]. Swan (Cygnus sp.). Parovshchikov [8] cites a report by P. V. Spitsin: "At the end of June 1960 we saw a flock of Bewick's swans." This information cannot be considered reliable, at least as regards the species of bird. Common eider (Somateria mollissima (L.)). These are widespread throughout the entire archipelago of Franz-Josef Land. Nesting has been confirmed on Alex- andra Land, Hovgaard, Newton, Hooker, Mertviy Tyulen', Scott-Keltie, and Graham Bell islands [1,5,6,8,12]. It was most likely a common eider's nest which was found by the Duke of Abruzzi's expedition on Rudolph Island, the most northerly island [5]; at least flocks were recorded there on 2-3 June [10].
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