UPA/CRD Annual Report

For Further Information ExpressLanes Projects CRD website: www.metro.net/projects/expresslanes/

Los Angeles CRD contacts: Robert Sheehan Stephanie Wiggins LOCAL PARTNERS: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: FHWA Office of Operations Executive Officer – Congestion Reduction Demonstration n Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation The objective is to provide commuters, regardless of income level, with new and 202-366-6817 213-922-1023 Authority (Metro) better travel options along I-110 and I-10. The project will improve mobility and [email protected] [email protected] n California Department of Transportation provide congestion relief through the introduction of congestion pricing in the (Caltrans) form of HOV to HOT conversion, improvement of transit service, improvements n Los Angeles Department of Transportation to transit facilities, and the implementation of an intelligent parking management (LADOT) system.

U.S. Department of Transportation n Local Transit Agencies

FHWA-JPO-11-043 Los Angeles – Picture Courtesy of LAMTA Los Angeles ExpressLanes Projects

2010 ACCOMPLISHMENTS to reflect the projected opening of the 8 Park and Ride lots along the Harbor to accommodate additional rail cars. n Demand-Based Parking Pricing, revenue forecast and establishment I-110 in 2012. All municipal transit Transitway. Includes 5 contracts; May 2010, 143 new parking spaces ExpressPark – LADOT will charge of tolls. Projects partners have placed the order for their Artesia Law Enforcement substation opened. Temporary platform com- demand-based parking at 5,500 n Legislative authority – Legislation n HOT lanes – Convert the HOV facili- buses. NTP March 2010; Station Lighting and pleted June 2010 and put into service on-street metered parking spaces providing tolling authority until ties to HOT for I-10 from I-605 to n Transit Service Improvements, UPS NTP June 2010; Sound attenu- October 2010. in downtown LA. Request for pro- January 2015 signed on 9/29/10. Alameda St. and I-110 from Artesia Vanpools – Activities to support the ation pilot test NTP October 2010; n Transit Facility Improvements, posals from the City of Los Angeles on Transit Center to Adams Blvd. Design formation of 100 new vanpools. System wide CCTV SOW under de- Transit Centers, Patsaouras Plaza 11/3/2010. Bids due 12/17/2010. Build Operate Maintain (DBOM) con- Independent Evaluation n Transit Service Improvements, velopment; Signing/way-finding SOW Connector to the n Real-time information – Part of n Evaluation plan completed and tract expected to be awarded Decem- Transit Signal Priority – LADOT will under development. – The existing passenger boarding/ ExpressPark. Real-time parking posted on http://www.upa.dot.gov/ ber 2010. October 2012 turn on for install bus signal priority technology n Transit Facility Improvements, alighting areas will be relocated to information for 13,000 public on- and docs/fhwajpo1001/laupa.pdf. I-110 and February 2013 for I-10. at 19 signals in downtown LA. Project Transit Centers, allow direct pedestrian access to the off-street parking spaces will be pro- n Detailed data test plan development n Transit Service Improvements, schedule has been delayed by up to 8 Center – Construction of a new 30- Plaza and Union Station. Final PR/ vided through various media including: begun. Enhanced Silver Line BRT and months due to budget cuts. Projected bay bus terminal. Groundbreaking for PSR submitted to Caltrans with ap- websites, mobile phones, and on- New Feeder Services – 41 new start date for construction is early the new El Monte Transit Center was proval expected sometime in Novem- street dynamic message signs. CNG buses for service on I-10 and RESULTS TO DATE 2011 and completion is scheduled for held on September 22, 2010. ber. Ongoing coordination with High I-110 plus 18 additional buses de- Lessons Learned – It was recognized August 2011. n Transit Facility Improvements, Speed Rail project to reduce potential ployed by local transit agencies for Non-technical Support Activities early that this project included more n Transit Facility Improvements, Park Transit Centers, Pomona Metro- future design and construction con- n Marketing – Several public outreach commuter service. Silver line service elements and challenges than was and Ride improvements – Enhanced link Station Expansion – New flicts. events in June 2009 prior to the is operational but BRT revenue opera- initially expected. Metro modified their signage, lighting, security, sound pedestrian access, 143 new parking tions pushed back to December 2011 management structure and added attenuation, and bus stop relocation at spaces, and extension of the platform additional managers for components of the project. Metro also prepared Timeline an integrated master schedule with all project and potential critical path Los Angeles CRD Project Scheduled Start of Operations elements identified and is providing comprehensive monthly and quarterly I-10 ExpressLanes (HOT lanes) 2/2013 reports with continuous risk analysis I-110 ExpressLanes (HOT lanes) 10/2012 and project look-ahead. Expand Capacity of I-10 HOT Lanes 2/2013 PLANNED FOR 2011 Adams Boulevard Street Widening 10/2012 Completion of transit signal priority construction and start of operations. Transit Signal Prioritization 8/2011 Receive new CNG buses for new feeder routes. Complete enhance- New Buses for I-10 El Monte Busway Corridor Late 2011 – early 2012 ments to I-110 Park New Buses for I-110 Harbor Transitway Corridor Late 2011 – early 2012 and Ride lots. Silver Line BRT begins revenue operations. ExpressPark Pomona Station Improvements 12/2010 goes into operation. Vanpool formation activities underway. El Monte Transit Center Expansion 5/2012 El Monte Busway/Union Station Connector 12/2012 City of L.A. Intelligent Parking Management Program (ExpressPark) 10/2011 Improved Artesia Transit Center Security 12/2010 I-110 Harbor Transitway Park & Ride Improvements 3/2011 New Downtown Transit Operating & Maintenance Facility 12/2012 Community-based Vanpool Formation 10/2011