
HHWC’S Spring Back to Fitness April 2021

Stay hydrated Exercise at Do 25 pushups Schedule your Fast for 10-16 Bring a guest Make fruit your by drinking least 12 days in today (can be Steps 2 Fitness hours from with you one day dessert today water. Aim for the month of broken up Appointment dinner to in the month of ½ your body April throughout the breakfast April weight in ounces day) **(see below)

Schedule your Limit added Spend 10 Try a new Do a full body Do a core Log 35-45 Orientation or sugar to 6 tsp minutes exercise or strength training workout today minutes of Reorientation (24g) for women stretching/foam machine you workout today cardio exercise Appointment and 9 tsp (36g) rolling after haven’t done today for men your workout before

Do a 30 second Take a swim in Deep breathe Log 35-45 Do 1 minute of Try a new fruit Try a group wall sit the pool or an for at least 1 minutes of planking today or one you class you haven’t Aquatics Group minute today cardio exercise (can be broken haven’t had in a done before Class today up if needed) while

Try a group Do a core Sign up for the Exercise 4 days Try a new Spend 10 Take a swim in class you haven’t workout today (2) ½ hour in a row exercise or minutes the pool or an done before sessions of machine you stretching/foam Aquatics Group Personal Training haven’t done rolling after Class before your workout

Eat at least 1 Do a full body Try a group Do 40 pushups Deep breathe Do a 1 minute Try a new serving of strength training class you haven’t today (can be for at least 2 wall sit veggie or one veggies with workout today done before broken up minutes today you haven’t had each meal throughout the in a while day)

Directions: Between April 1st and April 30th complete at least 27 of the 35 squares. You may complete more than 1 square in a day Modify exercises; ask a Fitness Trainer for assistance where needed. Schedule appointments at the Fitness Desk.

10 Basic stretches STANDING FORWARD BEND Standing upright with feet hip-width apart, hinging at the hips with knees slightly bent, folding all the way forward placing the hands on the floor. FIGURE 4 Lying on the back with knees bent, cross ankle on top of other knee. Option would be to draw the knee in towards the chest. LOW LUNGE From hands and knees, step 1 foot forward and sink down. Option would be to walk the back knee further away. CHILD’S POSE On hands and knees, draw the hips back towards the heels and stretch the arms forward. STANDING SIDE BEND Standing upright with feet hip width apart lift 1 arm up and bend over to the side while the other arm is down alongside the body. SEATED BUTTERFLY Sit on the floor knees bent with feet on the floor. Open the legs out to the side with the soles of the feet together. STANDING HAMSTRING STRETCH Standing upright, take 1 leg forward and flex the foot placing the heel on the floor. Bent the other knee and take the hips back. STANDING QUAD STRETCH Standing with feet hip distance apart, bend one knee and grab ahold of the ankle while pressing the hips forward until stretch is felt. SEATED SHOULDER STRETCH Sitting up tall, roll both shoulders back and take arms and bring them behind the back and interlace the fingers together. Press the heels of the hands together and draw the knuckles towards the floor. RECLINED KNEES TO CHEST Lie on back then draw one knee in at a time into chest while holding the front of the shin. NECK RELEASE Sitting up tall with chin parallel to the floor, turn you head to the right then to the left. Then make gentle half circles with the head from right to left then left to right while consciously breathing


Bicep Curls

 Stand with both feet together, holding the handle of a resistance band in either hand. Step both feet onto the middle of the band, hips-width distance apart.  Inhale, and as you exhale, simultaneously bend both elbows. Make sure you have the correct alignment.  As you inhale, straighten both your arms, coming back to the starting position. This counts as one rep.  Perform three sets of 15 reps.


 Stand up tall on the middle of a resistance band. Grip the handles of the resistance band at shoulder height with palms facing forward.  Keeping your back flat, move into a squat position with control. Sit back and down like you're sitting into an imaginary chair, and lower down so your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, with your knees over your ankles.  Press through your heels, and come back to standing. This completes one rep.  Complete three sets of 15 reps.

Bent over row  Hold the band in front of you and lean forward slightly while keeping your back straight (chest towards the floor).  Step on your band in a slightly squatted position.  Keep your lower back tight and straight as you pull your elbows back behind you.  Concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the contraction.  3 sets of 15 reps


 Loop the exercise band underneath your right foot and step through with your left foot so that the band is behind the left hand and left leg.  Extend your left arm up so that the band comes up behind your back, your elbow is directly above your shoulder, and hand back behind your head. This is the starting position.  Contract your tricep and extend your forearm straight above your elbow.  Pause for a moment and bring your forearm back to the starting position.

 3 sets of 15 reps each side


 Step on top of the band with your left foot, and step your right foot out so your feet are a little wider than hips- width distance apart. Reach the handle of the band with both hands. Your left hand should hold the band with your left palm up, and your right hand should hold on with your right palm down. Keep your arms straight, and make sure the band has a little bit of give, so you'll be able to pull it across your body.  Lead with your right hip and pivot with your left foot as you "chop" the band across your chest, drawing a diagonal line over your right shoulder. With control, come back to the starting position. This completes one rep.  3 sets of 15 reps each side

Standing Chest Press

 Secure the band to an anchor point at chest height. Grab a handle in each hand with your back to the band. Step forward until there’s not slack in the band and position your hands at chest height.  With elbows up and palms facing down, press the handles forward straight out in front of your chest together at the same time until your arms reach full extension. Squeeze your chest muscles and pause for 1-2 secs  3 sets of 15 reps

Flutter Kicks

 Sit on a mat. Loop one handle of the resistance band on either foot. Hold onto the middle of the tube with both hands, and lie on your back.  Draw your navel toward your spine, and press your low spine into the floor to protect your lower back, then lift both legs up so they are almost pointing straight up toward the ceiling.  Holding the band securely, scissor your legs up and down one at a time, starting with the left leg. Move slowly, and point your toes. Each time your right foot lowers down counts as one rep. Complete 10 to 15 reps with each set.


Following are two phases of core exercises. The first trains stability while the second phase focuses on mobility. It is best to develop stability before progressing to mobility. Start by performing each exercise for 20 seconds and gradually increase to 30 or more seconds as your fitness level improves. If the exercise involves movement, start with eight repetitions and progress to 12 as your core strength improves. Finally, start with two sets and eventually increase to three sets of each exercise. Stability: Core Bracing - This exercise teaches you how to stabilize your core throughout the exercises that follow. Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart and your arms by your sides with palms facing forward. Contract the abdominal muscles for 10 seconds and continue to breathe deeply. You can progress this exercise by bracing the core and slowly lifting your right leg to 90 degrees in front of the body. Continue to alternate. The goal is to brace the core so that you are only moving the hip joint. You do not want to compensate with the torso or swing the leg with momentum. The slower the movement, the deeper you will brace the core.

Bird Dog - Assume an all-fours position, with hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-distance apart. Brace the core and extend your right leg behind you. Keep the foot level with the hip. Next, extend your left arm forward with the thumb facing upward. Keep the hand level with the shoulder. Hold and repeat on the opposite side.


Assume an all-fours position, with hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-distance apart. Extend the legs and place your weight on the balls of the feet. Keep the core braced and breathe deeply. To make the plank easier, keep the feet hip-distance apart; place the feet together to make the move more challenging.

Hip Bridge

Lie on your back and place the feet onto the floor, hip-distance apart. Keep the arms by your sides with palms facing the floor. Lift the hips upward to feel the contraction into the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and slowly release back to the floor, one vertebrae at a time.

Side Plank

Lie on your right side and place your right forearm on the floor. Bend the right knee to 90 degrees and lift the hips off the ground. Reach the left arm above the shoulder, with the palm facing forward. Keep the right shoulder blade “down” and away from the ear. Hold and repeat on the other side.

Supine Toe Taps

Lie on your back and bend the knees 90 degrees. Activate and brace the core. Exhale and, while keeping the right knee at 90 degrees, lower the leg to “tap” toward the floor. Return to center and switch to the other leg. Alternate legs while maintaining core stability. Don’t let the spine pop on and off the floor.


Bird Dog With Elbow to Knee

Assume an all-fours position, with hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-distance apart. Brace the core and extend your right leg behind you. Keep the foot level with the hip. Next, extend your left arm forward with the thumb facing upward. Keep the hand level with the shoulder. Draw the left elbow and the right knee toward each other (most likely they will not touch) and then extend to the starting position. Complete one set on the first side and repeat on the opposite side.

Plank With Knee Drive

Assume an all-fours position, with hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-distance apart. Extend the legs and place your weight on the balls of the feet. Keep the core braced and breathe deeply. Slowly, draw the right knee in toward the chest and release the foot back to the starting position. Alternate between driving the right and then the left knee forward.

Moving Hip Bridge

Lie on your back and place the feet onto the floor, hip-distance apart. Keep the arms by your sides with palms facing the floor. Lift the hips upward to feel the contraction into the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Hold for three seconds and slowly release the spine and hips back to the floor. Continue lifting and lowering for your set.

Side Plank with Rotation

Lie on your right side and place your right forearm on the floor. Bend the right knee to 90 degrees and lift the hips off the ground. Reach the left arm above the shoulder, with the palm facing forward. Keep the right shoulder blade “down” and away from the ear. Rotate your ribcage toward the floor and draw the left arm under the ribs. Rotate back to center and extend the left arm. Continue your set and switch sides.

Supine Leg Extension

Lie on your back and bend the knees 90 degrees. Activate and brace the core. Exhale and push your right foot “away” to extend the right leg. Return to center and switch to the other leg. Alternate legs while maintaining core stability; don’t let the spine to pop on and off the floor.

Foam Rolling Exercises

1. Mid-upper Back

 Lean back against the roller, positioning it beneath your shoulder blades.  Raise your hips slightly and maneuver your body up and down to find sensitive areas.  Keep the roller between you shoulder-blade region. Avoid the neck and lower back, where there is little support.  Take slow, deep breaths.

2. Calves

 In a seated position, support your body with your hands behind you to prop yourself up.  Place one leg on the roller starting at the lower calf (above the Achilles).  Roll your calf by moving your body slowly toward the roller.  Search for sensitive areas along the calf.  Turn the leg inward and outward to explore more areas.

3. Inner Thigh (Adductors)

Begin in a face-down position and place the roller parallel to your body. Work your way slowly to the upper groin area until you identify the most sensitive area.

4. Lats (Latisimus Dorsi)

 Rest the roller at a slight angle toward the back side of your armpit.  Rock your body forward and backward and up and down to search for sensitive areas.

5. Gluteus Maximus/Piriformis

 For the glutes (Figure A), rest your weight your left elbow with the roller above the hipbone. Find the sensitive area and switch sides and compare.  For the piriformis (Figure B), which is often a sensitive area, sit on the roller and support your body with your left hand on the floor. Cross your left ankle onto the right knee and search for sensitive area. Switch sides and compare.  Use contact points on the floor to control the amount of pressure.

6. Outer Thigh (IT Band and Lateral Quadriceps)

 The outer thigh is highly sensitive. Use caution and ease in.  From a side-plank position, place your right elbow on the floor and your left hand and left foot on the floor in front of your body. (Note: These are your main contact points to control the amount of weight you rest on the roller.)  Use contact points on the floor to control the amount of pressure.  Start above the outside of the knee and slowly maneuver your body over the roller toward your hip.


Roll: In a plank position on the mat, place the foam roller under the top of the thigh. Roll between the bottom of the hip and the top of the knee joint, making sure to rotate