Witk best compliments from :

R. PADMANABHAN, i.a s . Secretary-cfy/77- Development Commissioner Government of


D08456 5 ' C/


This issue of the Statistical Hand Book will be the twenty-nineth issue in the series. It gives data on socio-economic characteristics of the Union territory of Pondicherry tabled in time series. The data in this Hand Book, covers the years 1991-92 and 1992-93- Besides, useful data on population growth for the Territoi7 and also village-wise population figures as per 1991 census are made available for data users.

It is hoped that this issue of the Hand Bo6k will be immensely used by the Research Scholar^ interested in socio-economic studies, as a reference book apart being a source of official statistics to' the general public.

It is acknowledged here with gratitude for the sincere and whole-hearted co-operation extended by the Heads of Departments of Pondicherry Administration to supply the data and thus enabled this Directorate to bring out this publication in time. Our thanks are also due to the Director of Stationery and Printing for having given willing support and co-operation in bringing out this publication. 5

if * - • library & documentATiDN ''c^m >3^c >jl (

The issue of the Statistical Hand Book of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics contains latest data on all important production and service sectors of the economy. A five year time-series data are made available to facilitate a comparative study of the progress made by the functional departments in their respective areas of activity in recent years. The latest 1991 population census data highlighting the demo­ graphic growth trends are also provided in this publication to cater the needs of data users. A complete profile of villagewise population as per 1991 census by communes with breakup of figures of male, female and scheduled caste population is given in the appendix to help for micro-level planning. In the context of our commitment to planned socio-economic development, the need for strong data support on a comparable basis is felt indispensable for formulation of schemes on a sustained basis and in this respect, the publication Statistical Hand Book would go a long way to satisfy the needs of economic planners, policy makers and research workers.

R. PADMANABHAN, Secretary, Planning-cww-Development Commissioner. It would be appropiiate to acknowledge for the efforts made by Thiru K. S. K r i s h n a m u r t h y, Thiru A. Chandrasekaran, Joint Directors; Thiru S. Vaittianadane, Thiru R. Munisamy, Deputy Directors; Tmt. K-. Revady, Statistical Officer; Thiru M. Kamalakannan, Tmt. D. Vezeacoumary, Thiru S. Senapathy, Statistical Inspectors of this Directorate to bringing out this publication within a short period.

5'. SAMINADEN Pondicherry - 605 013, Director April 1994. Directorate of Economics & Statistics. Dr. M. CHANNA RKDDY Governor of and Administrator of Union Territory of Pondicherry


Thiru P. KANNAN Hon'ble Speaker

Thiru A. V. SUBRAMANlAN Hon’ble Deputy Speaker


Thiru V. NARAYANASAMY (Rajya Sabha)


Thiru V. VAITHILJNGAM Hon’ble Chief Minister

Thiru C. M. ACHRAFF Hon’ble Industries and Public Works Minister

Thiru M. CHANDIRAKASU Hon’ble Local Administration Minister

Thiru P. ANANDA BHASKARAN Hon’ble Health and Family Welfare Minister

Thiru A. GANDHIRAJ Hon’ble Education Mmister

Thiru N. RANGASAMY Hon’ble Agriculture and Co-operation Minister SECRETARIES TO GOVERNMENT

Thiru S, R. Arya, i .a .s . Chief Secretary to Government. [Confidential and Cabinet Department Home Department, D. P. and A. R. and G. A. D.]

Thiru R. Padmanabhan, i .a .s . Secretary (Planning) - cum - Development Commissioner. [Planning and Research, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry. Co-operation, Fisheries, Community Development (including D.R.D.A.), Commercial Taxes and Economics and Statistics]

Thiru V. V. Bhat, i .a .s . Secretary to Government (Finance). [Finance, Accounts and Treasuries.]

Thiru R. Narayana, i .a .s . Secretary to Government (Revenue)-n//)?-Collector/ Secretary to Lieutenant-Governor. [Revenue, Registration, Survey and Land Records, Power, Freedom Fighters, Temple Administration, Wakf Board, Solar Pond Project and L. G. Secretariat.]

Thiru V. K, Singh, i . a .s . Secretary to Government (Transport and Information). [Transport. Government Automobile Workshop, Information and Public Relations, Housing, Town and Country Planning and Labour.] T h ir u B. V. Selvaraj, i.A.S. Secretary to Governinent (Local Administration)/ P r o je c t Director, O^RDA). [Local Administration, Directorate of Rural Development Elections, Excise, Stationery and Printing and Tourism.] '

Tmt. N. Sathiyavathy, i .a .s . Secretary to Government (Health and Welfare). [Health, Social Welfare, Adi-Dravidar Welfare, Civil Supplies, Consumer Protection, Port, Weights and Measures.]

Thiru A. Venkataratnam, i. a. s. Secretary to Government (Education/Works). [Education, Public Works, Industries and Environment Science and Technology,]


Thiru J. F. Singh, i.P.s. Inspector, General of Police.


Thiru Nathu Ram, i .a .s . Liaison Commissioner For Pondicherry Administration at New Delhi. I h a n d b o o k 1991-92 & 1992-93 Pondicherry at a Glance

Items Unit Particulars SI. No. (2) (3) (4) 1 )

1, A rea (according to Surveyor G e n e r a l) ...... Sq. Km. 492

2 . Regions ...... No. 4

3 T o w n s - 1991 C ensus...... ,, 11

4. No. of inhabited villages - 1991 ' Ceilsus ...... „ 264

5. No. of uninhabited villages-1991 Census ...... * „ 1

6. Total population -1991 Census .. „ 8,07,785

7. Density of population - 1991 Census PerSq. Km. 1,642

8. L iterates-1991 Census .. .. No. 5,21,213

9. Literacy-1991 Census .. .. Percentage 74.74

10. Scheduled Caste Population - 1991 Census ...... No. 1,31,278

11. Percentage of Scheduled Caste Population -1991 Census .. .. Percentage 16.25

12. Net area sown - 1992-93 J .. .. Hectares 27,488

13. Net area irrigated -1 9 9 2 -93J .. „ 23,429

(i) (1) (2) (3) (4)

14. Veterinary Dispensaries - 1992-93 .. No. 14 15. Veterinary Hospitals- 1992-93 2 16. Mobile Veterinary Dispensaries 1992-93 J) 4

17. Total Livestock - 1987 Census 1,49,399

18. Total Poultry - 1987 Census .. 1,07,367

19. Government Hospitals-1992 8

20. Hospital Beds-1992 ...... 1,769

21. Subsidiary Health Centres - 1992 .. 15

22. _ Primary Health Centres - 1992 27 ’

23. Live-birth rate-1992 Per 1000 38.7 population

24. Death rate - 1992 ...... 9.9

25. C olleges-1992-93 No. 10 26.- Higher Secondary/High Schools - 1992-93 .. • .. 119

27. Middle Schools- 1992-93* 118 28. Primary Schools - 1992-93 .. 341

29. Medical College - 1992-93 .. >> 2*

*30. Other Institutions for Professional, Technical and special Education .. 15**

(ii) (1)______(2)______(3)______(4)

31. Revenue Receipts (Including Grant- in-aid) 1992-93 ...... Rs. lakhs 27,688.57

32. Revenue Expenditure (N e t)-1992-93 „ 27,502.00

33. Number of Scheduled Banks in operation 1993J...... No. 71

34. Joint Stock Companies as on 31st March 1993 ...... No. 781

35. Co-operative Societies (all types) as on 30th June 1991 .. .. „ 392

36. State Government Employees as on 31st March 1992 (Regular Employees) .. .. „ 23,821

37. Applicants on live register of Employment Exchange-1992-93 .. „ 1^29,765

38. Labour employed in textile mills 1992 , ..'.... „ 8,110

39. Length of roads maintained by Public Works Department (all types) as on 31-3-1993 .. :. Kms. 589

40. Electricity consumed 1092-93 .. Lakhs of Kwh. 6,963.80

41. Towns electrified as on 31-3-1991 No. 11

42. Villages and hamlets electrified as on 31-3-1991 ...... „ 264

43. Police Stations as on 31-3-1993 .. „ 31

(iii) (I) (2) (3) (5) 44. Police Out-posts as on 31-3-1993 .. Mo. , 9

45. Annual Plan Expenditure (Actuals)- 1992-93 ...... Rs. lakhs 8,853.79

* Includes Dental College.

** Adult Education Centres have been wound up from 1990-91,

t Provisional


T a b le Subject Page So.

I. c l i m a t e

1. Rainfall- in selected Centres , .. I

2. Temperature and Relative Humidity at Pondicherry,. 3


3. Area and density of population ,. 5

4. Growth of population ., 6

5. Population in Rural and Urban areas— 1991 Census .. 7

6. Population by sex-1991 Census 8

7. Population by sex in Pondicherry UAs and Towns— 1991 Census .. 9

8. Population by Commune-wise—1991 Census .. 11

9. Scheduled Caste Population by Sex-1991 Census .. 13

10. Workers and non-workers (workers being further classified by broad industrial category) according to 1991 Census * . 1 4

11. Workers and their percentage to total population- 1991 Census .. 16

12. Distribution of working population by cultivators, agricultural labourers, house-hold industry and other workers (1991 Census) 18

(V) Table Subject No.

13. Percentage of literates to total population 20

14. Literacy by sex-1991 Census 21

15. Literacy by Communes -1991 Census 22


16. Classification of Area 24

17. Area under Irrigation by sources 25

18. Ar»a under crops Irrigated 26

19. Area under all crops 28

20. Agricultural Production 30

21. Number of livestock and Poultry (Livestock Census 1987)

22. Veterinary Aid

23. Agricultural Machinery and implements-Livestock Census 1987 .. ..


24. Live birth rate, death rate and still-birth rate

25. Deaths due to various causes

2^. Deaths by different age-groups

(vi) Table Siihject Page No.

27. Progress of B.C.G. Vaccination .. .. 41

28. Number of Medical Institutions and beds .. .. 42


29. Number of Institutions ...... 43

30. Number of Students ...... 45

31. Number of Teachers ...... 47


32. The State Budget—General Budgetary position .. 49

33. The State Budget—Principal heads of Revenue .. 50

34. The State Budget—Principal heads of Expenditure I, Development expenditure (Revenue Account) .. 52

35. The State Budget—^Principal heads of Expenditure II. Non-Devlopment expenditure (Revenue Account) .. 55

36. Total Expenditure (1990-91 to 1992-93) on Revenue Account ...... 56

37. The State Budget—^Expenditure on capital outlay .. 57

38. Sales Tax—Registered Dealers ...... 59

39. Sales Tax—Collections .. .. ,. 60

40. State Excise—Revenue by commodities .. .. 61

'(vii) Table • Subject ‘ Page No.

41. Operations of Scheduled Commercial Banks ,, 62

42. Balance-Sheet of State Co-operative Bank .. 63

43. Balance-Sheet of Co-operative Urban Bank .. 64


44. Average wages of Building Labour _ .. .. 65


45. Joint Stock Companies at work—All Companies .. 66


46. Progress in Co-operation by type of Societies .. 67


47. Pondicherry State Government Employees by Departments as on 31st March 1992 .. .. 69

48. Pondicherry State Government Employees by basic pay ranges as on 31st March 1992 ...... 70

49. Census of Central Government Employees by Offices in the Union Territory of Pondicherry as on 31st March 1992 ...... 71

; (viii) Subject Paffc

50. Census of Employees of the Autonomous bodies by offices in the Union Territory of Pondicherry as on 31st March 1992 ...... 74

51. Census of Employees of the Autonomous bodies by Basic Pay ranges as on 31st, March 1992.. 76

52. Census of Employees of the Local bodies by and Commune Panchayats in the Union Territory of Pondicherry as on 31st March 1992 .. 77

53. Census of Employees of the Local bodies by Basic Pay ranees as on 31st, March 1992 .. .. 79

54. Registration and placements eflected by Employment Exchange ...... 80

55. Textile Mills—Labour Employment by age groups and sex ..81

^6. Daily wage-rates for Agricultural and skilled Labourers at ThirukWanur (Pondichen-y Region) .. . 82


57. Average wholesale prices in Pondicherry ., .. 83

58. Average retail prices in Pondicherry .. ... 86

59. Average wholesale prices in Karaikal .. 89

(ix) Table Subject No. .

60. Average retail prices in Karaikal

60A. Consumer price index numbers (Industrial Workers) for Pondicherry Centre (BASE 1982 = 100)


61. Spindles and Looms installed .. ..

62. Annual production of cotton yarn and cotton cloth ..

63A. Results of Annual Survey of Industries 1988-89

63B. Results of Annual Survey of Industries 1989-90

63C. Annual Index of Industrial Production (BASE 1980-81 =100)

64. Production of handloom cloths under Co-operative fold..


65. Length of roads maintained by the Public Works Department

65A. Length of roads under Municipalities

65B, Length of roads under Commune Panchayats

66. Number of Motor Vehicle in use

67. Number of Post and Telegraph Offices

(X) Table Subject Page No.

68. Number of Telephones, Exchanges and Public Call Offices .. 113

f)9. Port Traffic (Pondicherry Port) • 114


70. Value of Sea-bonie Foreign Trade 116

71. Value of import licences issued to merchants of Pondicherry State .. 117

72. Foreign trade by sections-value of imports 118


73. Progress in Electrification 119

74. Electricity purchased and sold .. 121


75. Number of accidents on roads .. 122

76A. Cognisable Crime .. 123

76B. Crime under local and special laws 124

77. Property stolen and recovered ... 125

78. Strength and cost of Civil Police 126

79. Fire Statistics 127

(xi) Table Subject Page No.


80. Number of shops licenced for selling Toddy, Arrack and Liquors ...... 128

81. Consumption of Country Spirits and Liquors .. 129


82. Outlay and Expenditure ...... 130


83. Number of Cinema houses and entertainment tax collected ...... 131


Vi Huge-wise Population—1991 Census (Revised) .. 132


Estimates of State Income and Per capita Income (At Current Price) ...... 154


Estimates of State Income and Per capita Income 158 (At Constant Price)

(xii) I. CLTMATE

1. Rainfall in selected Centres

(fn Millimetres)

Pondicherry Karaikal Mahe Yanam

(0 (2) (3) (4) (5)

1,227 1,523 2,872 1,201

1,093 899 2,894 1,060

650 550 3,957 1,065

1,200 1,252 3,915 1,332

1,230 1,657 2,639 1,504

1,534 1,253 3,745 949

1,899 1,344 3,015 990

1,341 1,236 3,316 1,092

916 923 3,483 1,338

990 1,540 4,946 1,140

845 648 3,367 864

1,902 2,049 4,697 1,392

1,182 1,331 3,855 670

1,986 2,100 . 3,915 1,203 (In Millimetres]

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1986-87 .. .. 684 1,289 3,198 1,08C

1987-88 .. .. 1,223 1,426 2,284 1,02(

1988- 89 .. .. 962 1,016 • 3,041 1,139

1989 90 .. .. 1,103 1,344 3,250 1,954

1990-91 .. .. 1,410 1,092 2,709 946

1991-92 .. .. 1,190 1,788 3,229 1,713

1992-93 .. .. 1,017 827 3,711 1,165

Normal Rainfall 1,250 1,259 3,377 1,099

Nofe : Normal Rainfall is the simple arithmetic average of data for 30 years from 1960-61 to 1989-90 (June to May)

Source : Public Works Department, Pondicherry, I. CLIMATE

Temperature and Relative Humidity at Pondicherry

Temperature Relative Humidi(y%

Mean Mean Pooled 08.30 17.30 Maximum Minimum Mean a.m. p.m. /——^----- \ QO p o P (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

34.0 93.3 22.5 72.8 28.4 83.0 76.9 79.7

33.0 91.5 24.4 75.8 28.7 83.6 73.3 72.9

32.3 90.1 24.4 75.8 28.4 83.0 76.3 73.4

32.2 89.9 24.3 75.7 28.3 82.9 79.1 75.3

32.4 90.4 24.3 75.7 28.4 83.1 80.8 77.1

32.6 90.7 24.8 76.6 28.7 83.7 79.2 77.8

33.3 91.9 25.0 77.0 29.2 84.6 78.3 78.4

32.8 91.1 25.0 77.0 29.0 84.1 80.3 76.9

31.9 89.5 24.5 76.1 28.2 82.8 78.9 76.8

32.9 91.2 24.7 76.4 28.8 83.8 80.3 76.4

32.7 90.8 24.7 76.5 28.7 83.6 78.9 76.9 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1992 33.2 91.7 24.4 76.0 28.8 83.9 77.3 75.7

January 1991. 29.8 85.6 22.8 73.0 26.3 79.3 84.0 82.0

February 30.9 87.6 22.7 72.9 26.8 80.2 82.0 81.0

March 32.1 89.8 24.2 75.6 28.2 82.8 78.0 78.0

April 34.1 93.4 26.7 80.1 30.4 86.7 72.0 72.0

May 34.1 93.4 27.9 82.2 31.0 87.8 73.0 75.0

June 35.3 95.5 26.7 80.1 31.0 87.8 78.0 75.0

July 34.7 94.5 25.9 78.6 30.3 86.5 74.0 73.0

August 34.2 93.6 25.2 77.4 29.7 85.5 74.0 73.0 ,

September 34.2 93.6 25.2 77.4 29.7 85.5 81.0 74.0

October 32.2 90.0 24.5 76.1 28.4 83.1 81.0 77.0

November 30.3 86.5 24.0 75.2 27.2 81.0 85.0 81.0

December 30.0 86.0 20.6 69.1 25.3 77.5 85.0 82.0

January 1992 . 29.9 85.8 21.6 70.9 25.8 78.4 83.0 82.0

February 30.9 87.6 22.7 72.9 26.8 80.2 81.0 83.0

March 33.0 91.5 23.5 74.3 28.3 82.9 83.0 83.0

April 33.3 91.9 25.7 78.3 29.5 85.1 73.0 71.0

May 35.1 95.2 26.2 79.2 30.7 87.3 68.0 68.0

Jifne . 36.5 97.7 26.5 79.7 31.5 88.7 69.0 68.0

4 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

July 36.1 97.0 25.7 78.3 30.9 87.6 74.0 70.0 August 35.1 95.2 25.6 78.1 30.4 86.7 74.0 73.0

September 34.7 94.5 24.4 75.8 29.6 85.3 77.0 73.0

October 32.4 90.4 24.3 75.7 28.4 83.1 78.0 75.0

>jovembcr 30.9 87.6 24.0 75.2 27.5 81.5 82.0 80.0

December 30.3 86.5 23.0 73.4 26.7 80.1 86.0 82.0

Source; Indian Meteorological Department, Madras.

11. AREA ANDPOPULATION 3. Area and density of population

Area* Density per Sq. Km. Region/State (Sq. Km.) r _ A --- 1941 1948 1961 1971 1931 1991 (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Pondicherry .. 293 703 765 892 1,173 1,517 2,076

K.araikal .. 160 381 444 522 621 750 911

Mahe 9 1,566 2,033 2,165 2,570 3,157 3,716

Yanam .. 30 408 418 352 415 388 677

STATE .. 492 603 671 769 983 1,229 1,642 *Nolc: The area figure is taken as reported by the Director of Census Operations, which has been obtained from Central Statistical Organisation, New Delhi.

Sourcc: Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry. II. AREA AND POPULATION

4. Growth of population

Percentage Increa^ Region/State 1961 1971 1981 1991 Col. 3 Col. 4 C o l.? over over over Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4i

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Pondicherry 2,58,561 3,40,240 4,44,417 6,08,338 31.59 30.62 36.88- ih. Karaikal 84,001 1,00,042 1,20,010 1,45,703 19.10 19.96 21.41

Mahe 19,485 23,134 28,413 33,447 18.73 22.81 17.72

Yanam 7,032 8,291 11,631 20,297 17.90 40.28 74.51 •1 ' • /' STATE j 3,69,079 4,71,707^ 6.04,471 8,07,785 27.81 28.15 33.64

, ^ 5 Source ; Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry.


5. Population in Rural and Urban areas-1991 Census

Percentage of Stale Rural Urban Total r~------^------» Col. 2 to Col. 3 ^ Col. 4 Col. 4

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Pondicherry .. 2,06,901 4,01,437 6,08,338 34.01 65.99 j^yraikal •• 83,899 61,804 1,45,703 57.58 42.42

IVIalie .. — 33,447 33,447 — ' 100.00

Yanam .. — 20.297 20,297 — 100.00

STATE .. 2,90,800 5,16,985 8,07,785 36.00 64.00

Source ; Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry. II. AREA AND POPULATION

6. Population by sex - 1991 Census

SI. No. Stale/District Males Females PersonjI

(1) (2) (3.) (4) (5)

1. Pondicherry .. •3,09,701 2,98,637 6,08,338 (50.91) (49.09) (100.00)

2. Karaikal 72,557 73,146 1,45,703 (49.80) (50.20) (100.00)

3. Mahe 15,516 17,931 33,447 (46.39) (53.61) (100.00)

4. Yanam 10,307 9,990 20,297 (50.78) (49.22) (100.00)

5. STATE 4,08,081 3,99,704 8,07,785 (50.52) (49.48) (100.00)

Note : The figures in the bracket show the percentage.

Source : Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry. II. AREA AND POPULATION

7. Population by sex in Pondicherry Urban Agglomeration and Towns—1991 Census

City/Town Males Females Total ^

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Pondicherry Region :

Pondicherry UA 2,03,859 1,97,578 4,01,437

(a) Pondicherry (M) 1,02,347 1,00,718 2,03,065

(b) Ozhugarai (C.P. & O.G.) 80,408 76,723 1,57,131

(c) (CT. & O.G.) 11,704 11,026 22,730

(d) Ariankuppam (C.T.) .. 6,815 6,683 13,498

(e) (G.P) 2,585 2,428 5,013

Karaikal Region :

1. Karaikal (M) .. 30,800 31,004 61,804

Yanam Region :

1. Yanam (M) 10,307 9,990 20,297

Mahe Region :

1. Mahe (M) 4,878 5,568 10,446 2. Pallur (C.T.) .. 4,808 5,669 10,477

9 ( 0 (2) (3) (4)

3. Pandakkal (C.T) .. 3,004 3,427 6,431

4. Chalaickara (C.T.) .. 2,826 3,267 6.093

Note : M— C.P.—Commune Panchayat O.G.—Out Growth C.T.—Census Town G.P.—Grama Panchayat

Sourcc : Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry.


8. Population by Commuaewisc - 1991 Census

SI. No. Region/Commune Total (0 (2) (3) 1. PONDICHERRY Pondicherry 2,03,065

: Ariankuppam 44,572

Ozhukarai 1,59,951

Mannadipet 51,259

Villianur 70,428

Bahour 47,225

Nettapakkam 31,838

Total-1 6,08,338

II. KARAIKAL Karaikal 61,804

Thiruiiallar 28,811

Neravy 9,515

Nedungadu 14,042

Kottucherry 15,252

T.R. Pattinam 16,279

Total-Il 1,45,703

11 (1) (2) (3)

111. MAHE

Mahe ...... 33,447


Yanam ...... 20,297

V. STATE ...... 8,07,785

Sourcc : Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry.


9. Scheduled Caste Population by S ex-1991 Census

Scheduled caste population Percentage Region ------—^ of scheduled Males Females Total caste popula­ tion to total population

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Pondicherry 51,061 50,237 1,01,298 16.65

Karaikal 13,012 12,805 25,817 17.72

Mahe 78 45 123 0.37

Yanam 2,040 2,000 4,040 19.90

STATE 66,191 65,087 1,31,278 16.25

Source : Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry.


10. Workers and non-workers (workers being further classified by broad industrial category) according to 1991 Census

Percentage Classification Males Females Total to total population (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


I. As cultivators 15.780 2,179 17,959 2.22

II. As agricultural labourers 48,613 28,590 77,203 9.56

III. In livestock, forestry, fishing,hunting, plantations, orchards and allied activities 7,050 164 7,214 0.89 IV. In raining and quarrying 330 3 333 0.04

V. In manufacturing, processing, servicing and repairs—

(a) In house-hold industry 1,451 675 2,126 0.26

(b) In other than house-hold industry 35,282 3,840 39,122 4.84

VI. I In construction 9,922 1,186 11,108 1.38

14 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

VII. In trade and commerce 33,059 5,282 38,341 4.75

Vlll. In transport, storage and communication 8,448 45 8,493 1.05

IX. Other workers 44,565 15,336 59,901 7.42 Total (A) 2,04,500 57.300 2,61,800 32.41

B MARGINAL WORKERS 1,803 3,611 5,414 0.67

Total (A +B) 2,06,303 60,911 2,67,214 33.08

C NON-WORKERS 2,01,778 3,38,793 5,40,571 66.92

Total (A + B + C) 4,08,081 3,99,704 8,07,785 100.00

Source : Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry.


11. Workers and their percentage to total populstion—1991 Cens

Percentage of main SI. Total Main workers to total No. State/District population workers population - . _ ... K 1991 19911 I ( 1981 1991' (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Persons 8,07,785 2,61,800 28.66 32.41

Males 4,08,081 2,04,500 46.02 50.11

Females 3,99,704 57,300 11.03 14.34

2. PONDICHERRY Persons 6,08,338 2,02,565 29.01 33.30

Males 3,09,701 1,56,385 45.89 50.50

Females 2,98,637 46,180 11.54 15.46

3. KARAIKAL. Persons 1,45,703 45,453 29.08 31.20

Males 72,557 36,946 48.55 50.92

Females 73,146 8,507 10.02 11.63

4. MAHE Persons 33,447 7,051 19.61 21.08

Males 15,516 5,860 34.93 37.77

f Females 17,931 1,191 6.21. 6.64

16 (3) (4) (5) (6) („ (2)

^ YANAM persons 20,297 6,731 33.20 33:16

Males 10,307 5,309 50.70 51.51

Females 9,990 1,422 15.21 14.23

Source: Director of'Census Operations, Pondicherry.


12. Distribution of working population by cultivators, agricultural labourers, house>hold industry and other workers (1991 Census)

In In Mar- Sl. State/ Main Culti- Agricul- house other Other ginal No. Dis- total vators tural hold than house wor- wor. trict workers labourers industry hold kers kers industry

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)


Persons 2,61,800 17,959 77,203 2,126 39,122 1,25,390 5,414

Males 2,04,500 15,780 48,613 1,451 35,282 1,03,374 1,803

Females 57,300 2,179 28,590 675 3,840 22,016 3,611


Persons 2,02,565 13,845 57,764 1,754 33,682 95,520 3,778

Males 1,56,385 11,913 35,057 1,211 30,158 78,046 1,365

Females 46,180 1,932 22,707 543 3,524 17,474 2,413


Persons 45,453 3,678 17,286 154 3,364 20,971 1,183

Males 36,946 3,456 12,130 98 3,237 18,025 169

Females 8,507 222 5,156 56 127 2,946 1,014

18 (I)) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)


Persons 7,051 105 482 129 955 5,380 341

Males 5,860 85 365 78 874 4,458 244

Females 1,191 20 117 51 81 922 97 YANAM

Persons 6,731 331 1,671 89 1,121 3,519 112

Males 5,309 326 1,061 64 1,013 2,845 25

Females 1,422 5 610 25 108 674 87

Source: Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry.

19 II. a r e a a n d p o p u l a t i o n

13. Percentage of literates to total popalation

1971 Census 1981 Census 1991 Census X A A Si. state/ r r No. District Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

1, Pondicherry Union Territory 46.02 57.29 34.62 55.85 65.84 45.71 74.74 83.68 65.63 o 2. Pondicherry 44.90 56.44 32.97 54.69 65.06 43.97 73.35 82.75 63.60

3. Karaikal 45.05 57.32 33.05 56.43 67.09 46.00 75.78 85.05 66.65

4. Mahe 67.39 73.52 62.14 74.11 78.02 70.70 94.10 96.90 91.73

5. Yanam 43.92 50.56 37.43 49.57 55.90 43.08 16M 82.38 71.19

Source: Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry. II. AREA AND POPULATION

14. Literacy by sex—1991 Census

Percentage of literates Region/State ( ' Males Females Total

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Pondicherry .. 82.75 63.60 73.35

Karaikal . . . 85.05 66.65 75.78

^ Mahe 96.90 91.73 94.10

Yanam 82.38 71.19 76.86

STATE 83.68 65.63 74.74

Source; Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry.

21 II. AREA AND POPULATION 15. Literacy by Communes—1991 Census

Commune/Settlement Literates Illiterates Total % of col. 2 to col, 4

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Pondicherry 1,43,569 34,967 1,78,536 80.41

Ariankuppani 26,477 11,652 38,129 69.44

Ozhukarai 1,09,366 29,523 1,38,889 78.74

Mannadipet 26,568 16,980 43,548 61.01

Villianur 39,191 20,874 60,065 65.25

Bahour 23,855 15,761 39,616 ■ 60.22

Nettapakkam 16,716 10,413 27,129 61.62


Karaikal 41,467 11,991 53,458 77.57

Thirunallar 18,762 5,930 24,692 75.98

Neravy 6,202 1,845 8,047 77.07

Nedungadu 8,761 3,264 12,025 72.86

Kottucherry 9,706 3,474 13,180 73.64

T.R. Pattinam 10,099 3,857 13,956 72.36 /

22 ( 0 (2) (3) (4) (5)

III. MAHE 27,434 1,721 29,155 94.10 YANAM 13,040 3,925 16,965 76.86

STATE 5,21,213 1,76,177 6,97,390 74.74

Source : Director of Census Operations, Pondicherry.


16. Cla^isificallcu of Aiea

(in Hectares)

SI. Description 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92* 1992-93 No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1. Total area according to village papers .. 48,581 48,581 48,581 48,581 48,581

2. Forests .. — — — —

3. Land not available for cultivation 13,713 13,958 14,137 14,167 14,138|

4. Other uncultivated land excluding fallow lands 3,991 4,264 2,243 2,290 2,454

5. Fallow lands 4,686 5,026 4,907 4,288 4,5011

6. Net area sown 26,191 25,333 27,294 27,836 27,4881

7. Area sown more than once 14,798 16,666 16,444 17,760 19,793

8. Total cropped area 40,989 41,999 43,738 45,596 47,28)i

*Provisional Source : Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Pondicherry.


17. Area under Irrigation by sources

(in Hectares) gi. Sources 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92*1992-93* No- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1. Canals 9,586 9,316 8,979 9,185 9 339

2. Tanks 5 6 — 99 20

3, Tube wells 13,545 12,520 13,353 13,874 13,986 4. Ordinary wells 1 — — —

5. Other sourcesf .. 149 135 103 123 84 6. Total area Irrigated (Net) 23,286 21,977 22,435 23,281 23,429 7. Area irrigated more than once 11,475 11,042 11,090 12,241 13,491

8. Gross area irrigated 34,761 33,019 33,525 35,522 36,920


fSpring channels, Ponds, etc.

Source : Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Pondicherr>'.


18. Area under crops Irrigated

(in Hectares)

SI. Crops 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92* 1992-93* No. (0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


Paddy 25,641 25,116 24,888 25,196 26,819

Ragi 526 449 251 264 340

Cumbu 287 419 197 162 263

Other milletst 15 4 3 9 12

Total Cereals 26,469 25,988 25,339 25,631 27,434

Blackgram 199 198 149 137 274

Greengram 26 13 47 56 43

Other pulsesj 19 30 35 12 4

Total pulses 244 241 231 205 331

Total Foodgrains 26,713 26,229 25,570 25,836 27,765

Sugarcane 2,944 1,931 2,829 3,526 2,578

Plantain 192 188 203 218 209

Tapioca 625 424 469 709 720

Chillies 57 57 28 44 73

26. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Other Food Crops 232 259 229 2 ^ 7 ^

Total Food Crops 30,763 29,088 29,328 30,570 31,637 j^ON-FOOD CROPS :

Cotton 1,017 1,340 1,061 1,217 1,186

Groundnut 2,574 2,216 2,021 2,246 2,547 Gingelly 127 141 130 110 153

Other Non-Food crops 280 234 985 1,379 1,397

Total Non-Food Crops 3,998 3,931 4,197 4,952 5,283

Grand Total 34,761 33,019 33,525 35,522 36,920

* Provisional f Includes cholam, varagu and thenai 1 Includes Redgram, Karamani and Perumpairu.

Source : Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Pondicherry.

27 III. agriculture a n d l iv e s t o c k

19. Area under all crops

(in Hectar

SI. Crops 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92* 1992-9 No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


Paddy 25,646 25,117 '24,889 25,197 2 6 ^ Ragi 529 469 256 269 346 Cumbu 406 868 562 473 440 Other millets 64 69 25 18 16

Total Cereals 26,645 26,523 25,732 25,957 27,6^

Blackgram 1,355 2,263 3,108 2,429 2,547 Greengram 1,445 2,636 1,650 2,394 3,368 Other pulses 72 209 150 85 H i Total pulses 2,872 5,108 4,908 4,908 6,026

Total Food Grains 29,517 31,631 30,640 30,865 33,652

Sugarcane 2,944 1,93 1 2,829 3,526 2,578 Plantain 192 189 203 218 209 Mango 230 226 225 225 218

28 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Cashewnut 273 251 249 232 222

Tapioca 629 428 475 709 750

Chillies 57 58 29 44 74

Other food crops.. 550 562 522 537

Total Food Crops .. 34,392 35,276 35,172 36,356 38,256


Cotton 1,017 1,340 1,062 1,219 1,196

Groundnut 2,919 2,532 2,372 2,633 2,858

Gingelly 376 517 466 476 379

Coconut 1,718 1,720 1,792 1,812 1,85^

Other Non-Food Crops 567 614 2,874 3,100 2,740

Total Non-Food Crops 6,597 6,723 8,566 9,240 9 ,0 2 r

Grand Total Food & Non-Food Crops.. 40,989 41,999 43,738 45,596 47,281

*Pro visional

Source : Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Pondicherry.

29 Ill AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK 20. Agricultural Production (in Metric tonnes)

SI. Crops 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92*1992-93* No. • (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) , (7) I. FOOD CROPS : Rice 62,868 57,708 58,819 62,992 67,180

Ragi 2,031 1,337 721 453 583

Curabu 1,127 1,476 849 703 654

Other millets 41 43 17 11 7

Total Cereals 66,067 60,564 .60,406 64,159 68,424

Blackgram 977 1,767 1,552 1,583 1,661

Greengram 936 1,695 757 1,371 1,930

Other pulses 44 162 96 54 73

Total pulses 1,957 3,624 2,405 3,008 3,664

Total Food Grains.. 68,024 64,188 62,811 67,167 72,168

Sugarcane 2,72,026 1,74,756 2,56,025 2 85,903 2,09,024

Tapioca 12,555 9,280 9,817 15,348 16,236

Chillies 82 161 95 114 191

Other food crops 6,938 6,881 9,040 12,961 12,456 4 . _ Total Food Crops 3,59,625 2,55,266 3,37,788 3,81,493 3,22,531 t 30 (1) (2) . (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) n. NON-FOOD CROPS ; Cotton (Kapas) .. 1,547 1,640 1,028 1,447 1,420

Groundnut (Kernels) 4,551 4,326 3,862 4,291 4,659

Gingelly 267 . 411 284 344 274

Total Non-Food Crops 6,365 6,377 5,174 6,082 6,353

♦Provisional Source : Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Pondicherry.


21. Number of Livestock and Poultry—Livestock Census 1987.

SI. Items Pondi­ Karai- Mahe Yanam Total No. cherry kal

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1

C A llL E

Males over 2^ J years 8,486 5,370 3 350 14,209 i Females over years 30,271 9,050 718 359 40,398

Young Stock 25,715 7,383 661 351 34,110

Total Cattle 64,472 21,893 1,382 1,060 88,717


Males over 3 years 328 172 — 28 528 Females over 3 years 2,989 2,431 — 527 5,947

Young Stock 1,838 1,387 — 372 3,597 1 Total Buffaloes 5,155 3,990 — 927 10,072

Sheep 3,853 1,471 — 125 5,449

Goats 18,736 12,206 1,374 391 32,707

Horses and Ponies 16 25 1 31 73

32 T i T ' (3) (4) (^) (6) (7) 5 Donkeys 94 4 — — 98

7. Pigs 630 18 — 52 700

8. Dogs 8,903 2,256 362 62 11,583 Total Livestock 1,01,859 41,773 3,119 2,648 1,49,399

9, Fowls 63,096 26,003 4,299 3,401 96,799 jO. Ducks 8,751 652 98 . 155 9,656 jl. Other Poultry 558 269 19 66 912

Total Poultry 72,405 26,924 4,416 3,6i22 1,07,367

Source : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.



22. Veterinary Aid

SI. Items 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 No. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

I. Veterinary Hospitals 2 2 2 2 2

2. Veterinary Dispensaries 14 14 14 14 14

3. Mobile Veterinary Dispensaries 4 4 4 4 4

4. Veterinary Surgeons —————

5. Veterinary Assistant Surgeons 32 • 32 32 32 32

6, Veterinary Compounders 3 ————

7. Livestock Supervisors —— g*. 8** 8

8. Veterinary Field Assistants 98 98- 77t 76t 76t

9. Key Village Scheme

i) A Centres 2 2 2 2 2

B Blocks 5 5 5 5 5

ii) Units* 54 58 58 58 58

34 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 10. Inoculation performed 3,48,522 2,95,172 3,12,772 2,67,509 3,00,969

11. Castration performed 1,784 1,683 1,790 1,379 937

12. Cases treated i) Contagious Diseases 5,938 2,785 2,789 7,246 4,795

ii) Non-Contagious Diseases 3,36,611 3,32,872 3,22,633 2,94,827 2,51,731

Total (i + ii) 3,42,549 3,35,657 3,25,422 3,02,073 2,56,526

*lncluding Urban Artificial Insemination Centre, First-aid Centre and Mobile Artificial Insemination Centre

“"^Nevvly created posts.

fSome of the post are vacant

Source : Directorate of Animal Husbandry, Pondicherry.

LIBRARY nO^UMCWTATIGM C ti; r Natio.iil e of Educational Plenai ,.nd Adaunistraticn. 17-B. bfi Aurcbiudo Mart, po=/2‘: ‘" !‘l : 3 £ L * ...... 35 HI. AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK

23. Agriculture Machinery and Implements—Livestock Census

SI. Items Pondi- Karaikal Mahe Yanam Total No. cherry

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1. Ploughs;

fa) Wooden 6,684 2,140 148 8,973

(b) Steel 12,524 617 23 13,165

Total 19,208 2.757 171 22,138

2. Carts 1,264 858 40 2,162

3. Oil engines with pumps 231 191 22 453

4. Electric pumps .. 3,224 116 1 3,341

5. Persian wheels .. — —

6. Tractors .. 237 33 — 11 281

Source : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherrv.


24. Live Birth rate, Death rate and Still Birth rate

SI. Year Live-Birth Death Still- Infant rate rate Birth rate Mortality rate

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. 1971 37.4 13.5 24.8 69.5

2. 1972 39.4 13.5 26.1 70.4

3. 1973 40.5 13.9 21.8 62.3

4. 1974 36.9 12.5 17.1 56.1

5. 1975 41.1 12.5 15.4 55.4

6. 1976 37.4 12.0 11.7 56.0

7. 1977 33.8 9.5 8.8 46.8

8. 1978 32.6 9.2 8.8 41.8

9. 1979 48.8 14.8 21.1 57.1

10. 1980 44.9 11.3 23.3 49.1

11. 1981 44.6 10.9 21.7 44.9

12. 1982 43.1 10.5 19.1 44.0

13. 1983 43.1 10.5 23.1 44.0

14. 1984 42.8 10.7 21.9 42.8

37 _0)______(2)______(3) (4) (5) (6)

15. 1985 40.8 9.6 19.4 38.0

16. 1986 40.3 9.9 20.8 36.1

17. 1987 41.9 10.1 19.8 35.1

18. 1988 42.7 10.4 20.1 36.4

19. , 1989 43.8 10.3 17.0 34.8

20. 1990 45.1 10.7 17.7 35.3

21. 1991 45.0 10.5 18.6 33.9

22. 1992 38.7 9.9 20.2 33.7

Source: Local Administration Department, Pondicheny


25. Deaths due to various causes

51 Causes 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 of Death

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

I Cholera 1 — I — — — 2 22

2. Malaiia — — — — 1 — 3 4

3. Other Fevers 440 183 237 347 228 169 171 111

4. Dysentry & Diarrhoea 171 221 215 305 217 225 260 216

5. Respiratory Diseases 111 102 198 178 116 65 101 184

6. Maternal Death 34 34 14 12 53 53 43 34

7. Otlier Diseases 5,762 6,368 6,329 6,530 6,869 7,397 7,343 7,667

Total 6,519 6,908 6,694 7,372 7,484 7,909 7,923 8,238

Source: Local Administration Department, Pondicherry.


26. Deaths by different age, groups

Age groups 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 From—to

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Below one Year 1,048 1,012 1,037 1,107 1,104 1,174 1,148 1,072

1 to 4 Years 474 471 473 424 365 338 314 346

5 to 14 Years 273 312 338 393 403 385 389 414

15 to 24 Years 414 428 455 530 544 532 ,584 580

25 to 44 Years 797 865 940 1,146 1,111 1,093 1,265 1,304

45 to 64 Years 1,410 1,607 1,571 1,623 1,719 1,867 1,920 2,017

65 to 74 Years 810 824 957 969 986 1,087 1,028 1,143

75 Years & above 1,293 1,389 1,218 1,180 1,233 1,416 1,271 1,347

Age not staled — — 5 — 19 17 4 15

Total 6,519 .6,908 6,994 7,372 7,484 7,909 7,923 8,238

Source : Local Administration Department, Pondicherry.


27, Progress of B.C.G. Vaccination

SI. Item 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 No,

( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

I. Direct B.C.G. 19,549 24,680 27,124 31,416 _ 20,419

2. Number tested 31,215 25,037 21,547 23,176 10,598 13,208

3. Number not read 8,929 7,368 4,158 5,328 2,089 2,376

4. Number read 22,286 17,669 17,389 17,648 8,509 10,826

5. Positives 8,297 6,359 5,649 5,666 2,883 3,430

6. Positives per hundred of number read 37.2 30.0 32.5 32.0 34.0 32.0

7. Negatives 13,989 11,310 11,740 12,346 5,626 7,396

8. Negatives vaccinated 152 975 1,487 1.371 — —

9. Negatives not vaccinated 13,837 10,335 10,253 10,975 _

10. Vaccinated per hundred of negatives 1.0 8.6 12.6 11.1 —— iourcc : Directorate ot' Health and Family Welfare Services, Pondicherry.

41 IV. PUBLIC HEALTH AND VITAL STATISTICS 28. Number of Medical Institutions and Beds

SI. No. Item 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1. Hospitals 8 8 8 8 8 8

2. Chest clinic 1 1 1 1 1 1

3. Community Health Centre 3 3 3 4 4 4

4. Primary Health Centre 11 11 11 18 26 27

5. Subsidiary Health Centre(U) 4 4 4 6 4 4

6. Subsidiary Health Centre(R) 22 22 22 13 11 11

7. Sub-Centre (Urban) 11 11 11 11 17 15

8. Sub-Centre (Rural) 59 59 59 62 62 60

9. E.S.l. Dispensaries(U) 8 8 8 8 7 7

10. E.S.I, Dispensaries (R) .. 3 3 3 3 4 4

11. Hospital Beds .. 1,681 1,714 i1,730 1,730 1,769 1,769

12. Primary Health Centres- Beds 83 85 81 112 134 134

13. Subsidiary Health Centres -Beds 76 74 74 46 34 '34

14. Community Health Centres -Beds .. . 96 96 96 126 126 126

Note : Medical Institutions run by Central Government are not included. Source : Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Services, Pondicherry. 42 V. EDUCATION

29. Number of Institutions

Type of Institutions 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Colleges 9 9 10 10 10

Higher Secondary Schools 24 25 28 31 38

Higli Schools 72 76 77 76 81

Middle Schools 101 105 107 118 118

Primary Schools . 351 343 341 332 341

Pre-primary Schools .. 110 109 111 172 172

Total—A 667 667 674 739 760


Medical College .. 1 1 2* 2* 2*

Law College .. 1 1 1 1 1

Engineering College .. 1 1 1 1 I

Agricultural College .. 1 I 1 1 1

43 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

College for Education — 1 1

School for nursing 1 1 1

Polytechnic 3 3 3

Technical Higher Secondary School 1 - t -t — Schools for Embroidery, Needle­ work and Dress-making 2 ‘ i

School for the Blind .. 1 1

School for the Deaf and Dumb J 1

Service Home

Observation Home for Special Children — — 1

Home for the Orthopaedically Handicapped 2 2 2

Schools for AduUs 610 611

Total—B 623 625 16 17 17

Grand Total (A + B) .. 1,290 1,292 690 756 777

Note ; Figures relate to the position as on 30th September of the academic year. * Includes Dental College ** Adult Education Centres have been woundup from 1990-91. j t Included in the Higher Secondary School (General Education Source : Office of the Director of Education, Pondicherr


30. Number of Students

Type of Institutions 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Colleges 6,021 5,939 6,294 6,321 6,990

Higher Secondary Schools 26,886 28,731 33,343 38.980 42,709

High Schools 46,201 50,648 53,358 55,042 55,004

Middle Schools 46,851 49,992 50,235 50,899 51,424 Primary Schools 49,481 49,848 50,930 48,520 50,440

Pre-primary Schools 7,047 8,710 10,453 11,838 12,479

Total—A 1,82,487 1,93,868 2,04,613 2,11,600 2,19,046


Medical College 528 517 583 620’' 645*

Law College 372 349 371 418 463

Engineering College 559 571 578 590 648

Agricultural College.. 50 87 192 196 186

College for Education — 120 156 165 141

45 ( 0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) School for Nursing .. 195 192 189 195 195

Polytechnic 628 731 808 808 907

Technical Higher Secondary School 240 - t - t - t - t Schools for Embroidery, Needle-work and Dress-making 514 421 435 406 314

School for the Blind 451 1 166 43 45 41 Schools for the Deaf and Dumb 108J 134 125 139

Service Home —— — 25 38

Observation Home for Special Children —— 104 104 126

Home for the Orthopaedically Handicapped ■ . 71 147 140 141

Schools for Adults .. 16,555 16,833 ______**

Total—B 19,794 20,058 3,740 3,837 3,984

Grand Total(A + B) 2,02,281 2,13,926 2,08,353 2,15,437 2,23,030

Note: Figures relate to the position as on 30tii September of the academic year. * Includes Dental College. t Included in the Higher Secondary School (General Education), ** Adult Education Centres have been wound up from 1990-91, Source: Office of the Director of Education, Pondicherry.

46 V. EDUCATION 31. Number of Teachers

Type of institutions 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 0 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

A. g e n e r a l e d u c a t i o n :

Colleges .. 639 639 645 668 657

Higher Secondary Schools 980 1,044 1,104 1,367 1,383

High Schools 1,664 1,689 1,784 1,735 1,737

Middle Schools .. 1,673 1,724 1,792 1,811 1,718

Primary Schools .. 1,787 1,879 1,935 1,818 1,827 Pre-primary Schools 200 213 218 225 248

Tofal—A 6,943 7,188 7,478 7,624 7,570


Medical College .. 116 112 M9* 127* 113*

Law College 14 17 15 15 19

Engineering College 68 47 53 68 67

Agricultural College 14 16 32 32 21

College for Education — 9 16 19 8

School for Nursing 10 8 8 8 8

Polytechnic 48 79 61 62 60

47 (i) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Technical Higher • Secondary School 24 - t - t - t - t Schools for Embroidery, Needle­ work and Dress­ making 8 7 7 5 7

School for the Blind •^1 15 15 15 School for the ’ 1 1 Deaf and Dumb .. 5J 7J Service Home — — — 3 4

Observation Home for Special Children 7 5 6

Home for the Orthopaedically .. Handicapped ■ 4 3 3 3

Schools for Adults 629 594 _ __*# _♦♦

Total—B 943 908 336 360 331

Grand Total (A + B) 7,886 8,096 7,814 7,984 7,901

Note ; Figures relate to the position as on 30th September of the academic year. * Includes Dental College ** Adult Education centres have been wound up from 1990-91. t Included in the Higher Secondary School (General Education). Source : Office of the Director of Education, Pondicherry.


32. The State Budget—General Budgetary Position

(Rupees in lakhs)

S). Revised i-" No. , Items Actuals Actuals Estimates 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 (I) (2) (3) . (4) M’

1. Revenue Receipts (including Grants-in-Aid) 20,330.99 23,877.06 27,688.57

2, Expenditure met from Revenue (Net) ' 20;420.52 24,011.21' i27,502.00

3. Surplus (+) Deficit (—) on Revenue Account ' (—)89.53 (—)134.15 (+)186.57

4. Capital Receipts 4,739.07 5,594.20 6,234.69 • . I*. * ' 5. Expenditure met from Capital including Loans and Advances (Net) 4,902.04 5,637.41 6,234.69

6. Surplus (+)/Deficit (—) on Capital Account (—)162.97 ,(—) 43.21 : f -pr-

7. Total (Net) :

7.1 Receipts 25,070.06 29,471.26 33,923.26

7.2 Expenditure 25,322.56 29,648.62 33,736.69

7.3 Surplus (+ ) /Deficit(—) (—)252.50 (—)177.36 ( + )186.57

Source : Budget Documents.’ '


SH—5 (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Technical Higher ■ Secondary School 24 - t - t —t Schools for Embroidery, Needle­ work and Dress­ making 8 7 7 5 7 School for the Blind 7' ^11 15 15 15 School for the 1 Deaf and Dumb .. . 1 7J

Service Home — — — 3 4

Observation Home for Special » Children 7 5 6

Home for the Orthopaedically .. Handicapped _ 4 3 3 3

Schools for Adults 629 594 _ _♦# _

Total—B 943 908 336 360 331

Grand Total (A+ B) 7,886 8,096 7,814 7,984 7,901

Note : Figures relate to the position as on 30th September of the academic year. * Includes Dental College ** Adult Education centres have been wound up from 1990-91 t Included in the Higher Secondary School (General Education). Source : Office of the Director of Education, Pondicherry


32. The State Bodged- General Badgetary Position

• ' ' (Rupees in lakhs)

SI. Revised No. Items Actuals Actuals Estimates 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

(1) (2) (3) . (4)

1. Revenue Receipts (including Grants-in-Aid) 20,330.99 23,877.06 27,688.57

2. Expenditure met from Revenue (Net) 20;420.52 24,011.21' 27,502.00

3. Surplus (+ ) Deficit (—) on Revenue Account p.. ■ (—)89.53 (—)134.15 (+)186.57

4. Capital Receipts 4,739.07 . 5,594.20 6,234.69

5. Expenditure met from Capital including Loans and Advances (Net) 4,902.04 5,637.41 6,234.69

6. Surplus (+)/Deficit (—) on Capital Account (—)162.97 (—) 43.21

7. Total (Net) : ...

7.1 Receipts 25,070.06 29,471.26 33,923.26

7.2 Expenditure 25,322.56 29,648.62 33,736.69

7.3 Surplus (+ ) /Deficit(—) (—)252.50 (—)177.36 (+)186.57

Source : Budg6t Documents.



33. The State Bndget-Principal Heads of Revenue

(Rupees in lakhs)

SI. Items Revised No. Acutals Actuals Estimates 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

0 ) (2) (3) (4) . (5)


I. Other Taxes on income and

expenditure ———

2. Land Revenue 17.89 23.90 15.42

3. Stamps and Registration fees 502.94 585.49 620.00

4. State Excise 2,484.54 2,805.75 2,900.00

5. Sales Tax 3,647.22 4,400.52 4,841.00

6. Taxes on vehicles 350.27 379.37 451.00

7. Others 41.09 29.45 31.19

Total—I 7,043.95 8,224.48 8,858.61


1. Interest, Receipts, Dividend and Profits 117.66 95.71 126.30 50 REVENUE RECEIPTS

’000 lakhs




1990-91 1991-92 1992-93


(Rupees in lakhs)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

2. General Services 171.34 147.91 158.65

3. Social and Community Services 155.59 295.27 203.12

4. Economic Services 4,163.96 4,948.97 7,288.72

Total -11 4,608.55 5,487.86 7,777.39

III. TOTAL—REVENUE RECEIPTS : (I+ 11) 11,652.50 13,712.34 16,636.00

Source : Budget Documents.


34. The State Budget-Principal Heads of Expenditure

1. Development Expenditure (Revenue Account)

(Rupees in lakhs)

SI. Revised No Items Actuals Actuals Estimate; 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

( 1) • (2) • (3) (4) (5)

A. Social and Community Services 7,605.55 9,134.34 9,656.19 Percentage to total (47.97) (48.94) (45.15)

I. Education, Arts and Culture.. 3,752.15 4,252.96 4,768.60

Percentage to total (23.67) (22.79) (22.30)

2. Meifical and Public Health .. 1,762.97 1,973.29 2,088.93

Percentage to total ( 11. 12) (10.57) (9.77)

3. Family Welfare. Sanitation and Water Supply 338.90 509.37 452.58

Percentage to total (2.14) (2.73) (2. 12)

4. Housing and Urban Development 347.21 557.86 522.91

Percentage to total (2.19) (2.99) (2.44)

5. Labour and Employment 212.75 210.62 246.18

Percentage to total (1.34) (1.13) (1.15)

52 (0 (2) (3) (4) (5)

6. Social Security and Welfare 448.65 528.54 633.53

Percentage to total (2.83) (2.83) (2.96)

7. Other Social and Community Services 742.92 1,101.70 943.46

Percentage* to total (4.68) (5.90) (4.41)

B. Economic Services 8,131.75 9,296.48 11,514.15

Percentage to total (51.29) (49.81) (53.84)

1. Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries 925.38 1,033.84 1,471.74

Percentage to total (5.84) (5.54) (6.88)

2. Minor Irrigation, Soil and Water Conservation 296.17 360.39 367.87

Percentage to total (1.87) (1.93) (1.72)

3. Co-operation 53.39 84.88 175.43

Percentage to total • .. (0.34) (0.46) (0.82)

4. Dairy Development 8.72 10.15 11.50

Percentage to total (0.05) (0.05) (0.05)

5. Rural Development 252.42 313.42 370.07

Percentage to total (1.59) (1.68) (1.73)

.’T; 53- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

6. Industries and Minerals 905.03 542.01 l,189.W

Percentage to total (5.71) (2.90) (5.56;

7. Water and Power Development 4,983.36 6,178.65 7,240.13

Percentage to total (31.43) (33.10) (33.86]

8. Transport and Communication 462.46 503.48 445.36

Percentage to total (2.92) (2.70) (2.08)

9. Other Economic Services 244.82 269.66 242.9S

Percentage to total (1.54) (1.45) (1.14;

C. Grants-in-aid and Contributions to Local Bodies and Panchayat Raj Institutions 116.99 233.55 215.93

Percentage to total (0.74) (1.25) ( 1.01)

Total (AH-B+C) 15,854.29 18,664.37 21,386.27

Percentage (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

Source : Budget Documents


35. The State Budget-PriDcipal Heads of Expenditure

II. Non-Development Expenditure (Revenue Account)

(Rupees in lakhs)

SI. Revised No. Items Actuals Actuals Estimates 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Organs of State 248.59 286.49 327.42

Percentage to total (5.44) (5.36) (5.35)

2. Fiscal Services 247.98 287.49 356.40

Percentage to total (5.43) (5.38) (5.83)

3. Interest and Debt Services 1,557.38 1,941.92 2,431.61

Percentage to total (34.11) (36.32) (39.76)

4. Administrative Services 1,734.25 2,180.67 2,257.96

Percentage to total (37.98) (40.78) (36.92)

5. Pension and Other Miscellaneous Services 778.03 650.27 742.34

Percentage to total (17.04) (12.16) (12.14)

6. Total 4,566.23 5346.84 6,115.73

Percoitage (100.00) (100.00)(100.00)

Source : Budget Documents.


36. Total Expenditure oa Reveaue Account (1990-91 to 1992-93)

(Rupees in lakhs)

SI. Revised No. Items Actuals Actuals Estimates 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. Development Expenditure 15,854.29 18,664.37 21,386.27

Percentage to total (77.64) (77.73) (77.76)

2. Non-Development Expenditure 4,566.23 5,346.84 6,115.73

Percentage to total (22.36) (22.27) (22.24)

3. Total 20,420.52 24,011.21 27,502.00

Percentage (100.00) (100.00) (100.00)

Source : Budget Documents.


37. The State Budget-Expenditure on Capital Outlay

(Rupees in lakhs)

SI. Actuals Actuals Revised No. Items 1990-91 1991-92 Estimates 1992-93

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

A. DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE: 2,968.00 3,720.78 3,606.51

Percentage to total (97.32) (96.44) (96.57)

1. Education, Arts and Culture .. 324.13 257.80 233.66 Percentage to total (10.63) (6.68) (6.26)

2. Medical and Public Health 15.58 15.37 25.00 Percentage to total (0.51) (0.40) (0.67)

3. Sanitation and Water Supply .. 125.35 222.03 202.00 Percentage to total (4.11) (5.75) (5.41)

4. Housing and Urban Development 165.04 222.01 214.24 Percentage to total (5.41) (5.75) (5.74)

5. Agricultural and Allied Services 102.25 141.40 94.43 Percentage to total (3.35) (3.67) (2.53)

6. Co-operation 50.25 177.70 139.90 Percentage to total (1.65) (4.61) (3.74)

7. Industries and Minerals 444.67 661.75 553.76 Percentage to total (14.58) (17.15) (14.83)

57 (Rupees in lakhs)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

8. Water and Power Development 1,358.50 1,461.01 1,462.6; Percentage to total (44.54) (37.87) (39.16

9. Transport and Communication 352.47 372.16 482.11 Percentage to total (11.56) (9.65) (12.91

10. Other Social and Economic .. 29.76 189.55 198.7‘ Services Percentage to total (0.98) (4.91) (5.32 B. NON-DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE: 81.81 137.31 128.0 Percentage to total (2.68) (3.56) (3.43

1. General Services (Public Works) 81.81 137.31 128.01 Percentage to total (2.68) (3.56) (3.43

2. Commuted Value of Pension — — -

Percentage to total — — -

Total (A + B) 3,049.81 3,858.09 3,734.5: Percentage (100.00) (100.00) (100.00

Source : Budget Documents.


38. Sales Tax - Registered Dealers

(In Numbers)

SI. Years No. Particulars A 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Under Pondicherry Sales Tax Act .. 6,154 6,136 7,181 7,715

2. Under Central Sales Tax Act 487 498 754 652

3. Total Registration* 6,154 6,136 7,181 7,715

Source : Commercial Taxes Department, Pondicherry.

* The dealers registered under Central Sales Tax Act have been registered under the Pondicherry Central Sales Tax Act. Hence the higher figure under P.G.S.T. Act given as total registration.


39. Sales Tax Collections

(Rupees in lakhs)

SI. Years ------^ No. Particulars f 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Under Pondicherry Sales Tax Act 3,074.00 3,643.30 4,400.52 5,060.45

2. Under Central Sales Tax Act 351.00 414.65 669.44 877.43

3. Total 3,425.00 4,057.95 5,069.96 5,937.88

4. Percentage increase on total collections over previous year (+)17.22(+)18.48(+)24.94(+)17.12

Source : Commercial Taxes Department, Pondicherry.


40. State Excise - Revenue by Commodities

(Rupees in lakiis)

SI. Amount collected during No. Items ^ A 1989-90 ]1990-91 :1991-92 ]1992-93*

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Licence fees for sale of Indian spirit 653.12 698.71 804.27 934.32

I Toddy shop auction fees .. 135.41 139.66 152.88 151.08

3. Licence fees for sale of Indian- made foreign liquors 51.13 51.45 62.16 82.74 k Transactions and fines 2.32 3.04 3.63 3.02 i. Consumption duty on foreign liquors and Indian-made foreign liquors 971.83 1076.15 1169,02 1145.50

). Consumption duty on Indian liquors 313.41 0.57 0.35 1.80

I Others ————

Total 2,127.22 1,969.58 2,192.31 2,318.42


Source : Revenue Department, Pondicherry.


41. Operation of Scheduled Commercial Banks

(Rupees in lakhs)

SI. Year No. of Depo­ Credit No. Offices sits

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. 1981 (As on last Friday of 54 67,88 41,16 December)

2. 1982 Do. 57 78,06 46,99

3. 1983 Do. 59 87,69 50,44

4. 1984 Do. 62 98,67 56,65

5. 1985 Do. 63 1,23,71 67,17

6. 1986 Do. 63 • 1,69,99 84,43

7. 1987 Do. — 63 1,99,75 1,01,64

8. 1988 Do. 66 2,37,37 1,19,96

9. 1989 Do. 69 2,57,55 1.35,75

10. 1990 Do. 69 2,91,37 1,60,16

11. 1991 Do. 69 3,46,65 1,66,89

12. 1992 D.o 70 4,23,82 1,88,10

13. 1993 (As on last Friday of June) 71 4,68,63 1,91,77

Source ; Reserve Bank of , Bombay.

62 VI. STATE FINANCE AND BANKING 42. Balance-Sheet of State Co-operative Bank (In ’000 Rupees)

Year ending June JlCIIl 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992* ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Liabilities : Share Capital paid 2,36,30 2,51,34 2,61,28 2,69,36 2,77,01

Deposits 10,79,56 15,60,98 25,46,93 26,53,60 28,53,73

Loans 3,30,41 3,52,56 3,49,91 6,84,42 4,40,13

Other Liabilities .. 2,67,92 3,31,84 3,86,37 5,41,58 5,76,12

Profit and Loss Credit Balance — 20,67 56,94 16,87 36,14

Total—Liabilities . 19,14,19 25,17,39 36,01,43 41,65,83 41,83,13

11. Assets : Cash in hand 60,66 31,60 42,14 92,74 74,45

Cash at bank 34,56 87,62 50,89 87,26 4,10,06

Loans issued . 14,49,02 19,10,17 25,36,60 29,73,70 26,63,44

Other Assets . 3,69,95 4,88,00 9,71,80 10,12,13 10,35,18

Total—Assets 19,14,19 25,17,39 36,01,43 41,65,83 41,83,13

*The data for the year 1992 has been changed from 30th June to 31st March. Source : Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Pondicherry.


43. Balance-Sheet of Co-operative Urban Bank (la ’000 Rupees)

Year ending June Item 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 ( 0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

I. Liabilities :

Share Capital paid 28,80 30,56 32,50 38,36 45,82

Deposits 3,45,11 4,09,19 4,88,66 5,99,99 6,85,30

Loans 3,24 — —— —

Other Liabilities .. 56,49 61,41 76,43 95,89 1,30,17

Profit and Loss Credit Balance 3,66 24,62 16,17 16,96 6,87

Total—Liabilities .. 4,37,30 5,25,78 6,13,76 7,51,20 8,68,16

IL Assets ;

Cash in hand 20,15 6,58 6,02 9,75 9,97

Cash at bank 81,48 — 12,60 32,79 19,40

Loans issued 3,00,30 3,7!,71 3,35,44 4,76,54 5,50,64

Other Assets 35,37 1,47,49 2,59,70 2,32,12 2,88,15

Total—Assets 4,37,30 5,25,78 6,13,76 7,51,20 8,68,16

Source : Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Pondicherry.


44. Average wages of building labour

Centre : Pondicherry (In Rupees)

SI. Category of workers 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

[. Mason :

Grade I 40.00 45.50 50.00 55.00 61.25

Grade 11 35.75 40.75 45.00 50.00 56.25

II. Carpenter :

Grade 1 . 38.50 46.25 50.00 52.50 56.25

Grade II 34.25 39.00 45.00 45.00 51.25

III. Unskilled workers :

Male 24.25 27.50 30.00 27.50 35.00

Female 14.25 16.50 18.00 17.50 22.50

Source : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry. \



45. Joint Stock Companies at Work - All Companies

(Capital in lakhs of Rupees!

As on 31st As on 31st March 1992 March 1993 A SI. Industrial classification ( 'S f No, No. of Authoris- No. of Authoris Com- ed Com- ed panies Capital panies Capital ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Processing and manufacture of food stuff, textiles, leather and products thereof 105 2,007.45 121 2,571.45

2. Processing and manufacture of metals, chemicals and manufactured products thereof 214 2,616.09 229 2,857.59

3. Processing and manufacture (not elsewhere classified) 204 2,294.24 214 2,431.74

4. Commerce, trade and finance.. 120 1,592.42 143 1,778.67

5. Transport, Communication and Storage 20 167.99 21 177.99

6. Personal and other services .. 50 582.10 52 782.20

7. Section 25-Licensed Company Processing and manufacture (not elsewhere classified) 1 5.00 1 5.00

Total 714 9,265.29 781 10,604.64

Source : Oflice of the Registrar of Companies, Pondicherry.


46. Progress in Co-operation by type of Societies

(Amount in ’000 Rupees)

As on 30th June Hems 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

I. Credit Societies / Number .. 108 M2 111 112 115

Membership .. 65,425 71.362 72.913 81,718 89,943

Working Capital ..27,67,25 38,25,49 46,87,29 62,47.38 73,51,31

Loans .. 5,26,55 3,56,91 12,42,82 16,95,58 20,74.60

II. Non-Credit Societies

Number .. 254 262 267 272 277

Membership .. 1,54,470 1,41,140 1,45,603 1,55,797 1,63,608

Working Capital .. 44,89,59 45,85,40 56,96,85 66,20,55 70,65,95

Loans .. 17,98,02 18,63,99 10,81,94 11,33,12 12,14,88

67 (Amount in ’000 Rupees'

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) in. All types

Number 362 374 378 384 392

Membership . . 2,19,895 2,12,502 2,18,516 2,37,515 2,53.551

Working Capital . 72,86,84 84,10,89 1,03,84,14 1,28,67,93 1,44,17,26

Loans . 23,24,57 22,20,90 23,24,76 25,22,57 32,89,48

Source ; Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Pondicherry


47. Pondicherry State Government Employees by Departments as on 31st March, 1992.

Gazetted • Non- Total Non- Grand SI. Name o f the Gazetted Regular Total No. Departments Staff

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1. Lt. Governor’s Secretariat 5 37 42 42

■) Chief Secretariat 87 2,536 2,623 150 2,773

3. Health, Electricity and Works 1,210 15,288 16,498 2,407 18,905

4. Revenue 35 877 912 16 928

5. Finance 69 995 1,064 79 1,143

6. Development 153 1,827 1,980 289 2,269

7. Law and Labour 52 650 702 54 756

Total 1,611 22,210 23,821 2,995 26,816

Source : Directorate o f Economics aiid Statistics, Pondicherry.


48. Pondicherry State Government Employees by basic pay ranges as on 31st March, 1992

SI. Basic Pay Ranges Number of N o (Rs.) employees

(1) ■ (2) (3)

1. Regular Staff :

Below 750 —

750 to below 950 4,608

950 to below 1500 9,096

1500 to below 2000 4,255

2000 to below 2800 3,525

2800 to below 3600 1,760

3600 to below 5000 566

5000 to below 7500 10

7500 and above 1

Total 23,821

11. Non-Regular Staff 2,995

Grand Total (1 + 11) 26,816

Source : Directorate o f Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


49. Census of Central Government Employees by offices in the Union Territory of Pondicherry as on 31st March 1992

SI. Name o f the Central Gaze- Non- Total Non- Grand No. Government Offices tted Gaze- Regu- Total tted lar StatT

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1. Customs and Central Excise 11 81 92 2 94

2_ Controller o f Imports and Exports I 11 12 I 13

3. Jipmer 166 2,031 2*197 275 2,472

4. Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones 16 789 805 201 1,006

5. Registrar of Companies 1 9 10 2 12

6. S.LS.L Extension Centre 1 16 17 — 17

7.. All India Radio 15 68 83 24 107

8. Income Tax 2 21 23 1 24.

9. Field Publicity — 4 4 — 4

10. Census Operations 1 39 40 — 40

JJ. Light and Radio Beacon Station 1 5 6 6

71 (1)______(2)______(3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

12. Central Public Works Depart­ ment-Civil and Electrical Units 2 149 151 — 151

13. Pay and Accounts Office, Jipmer .. 2 16 18 — 18

14. National Archieves of India .. I 12 13 — 13

15. Resident Audit Unit of A.G. Tamil Nadu at Pondicherry .. 3 16 19 — 19

16. Mobile Food and Nutrition Extension Unit .. — 4 4 — 4

17. National Savings Organisation 1 3 4 1. 5

18. Haudi Crafts, Marketing & Service Extension Centre .. 1 4 5 — 5

19. Central Pollution Control Board — 15 15 10 25

20. Field Testing Station .. 1 .7 8 — 8

21. Labour Enforcement Office .. 1 2 3 — 3

22. National Sample Survey Organisation .. 1 9 10 — 10

23. Inter State Police Wireless Station .. — 9 9 — 9

24. Textile Committee .. — 5 5 3 8

72 0)______(2)______(3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

25. Cyclone Detection Radar Station .. 2 30 32 — 32

36. Doordarshan Maintenance Centre .. 3 16 19 — 19

11. National Informatics Centre.. 8 7 15 — 15

!8. Regional Clinical Research Centre for Homeopathy .. 1 4 5 — 5

19. Regional Research Institute (Sidha) .. 3 27 30 — 30

Total ..245 3,409 3,654 520 4,174

Source: Directorate o f Economics o f and Statistics, Pondicherry.

73 X. LA B O U R A N D E M P L O Y M E N T

50. Census of Employees of the Autonomous Bodies by offices in the Union Territorv o f Pondicherry as on 31st March 1992

Regu- Non- Total SI. Name o f the Aulonomous Bodies lar Regu- No. StafT lar Stair

(IJ (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. District Rural Development Agency 74 3 77

2. Pondicherry Housing Board 106 — 106

3. Pondiciierry K.hadi & Village 136 15 151 Industries Board

4. Pondicherry Distilleries Ltd. 142 — 142

5. Pondicherry Industrial Promotion Develop­ ment & Investment Corporation 127 — 127

6. K.rishi Vigyan Kendra 189 2 191

7. State Social Welfare Advisory Board i2 4 16

8. Vector Control Research Centre 221 45 266

9. Pondicherry Planning Authority 31 2 33

10. Karaikal Planning Authority 4 — 4

1 L Pondicherry University 523 146 669

12. Pondicherry Engineering College .. 208 124 332

74 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

13. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Pondicherry 28 7 35

14. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Karaikal ., 34 1 35

5. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Mahe 15 7 22

6. Pondicherry Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. 59 234 293

7.. Pondicherry Slum Clearance Board 14 30 44

8. P.A.S.J.C., Pondicherry 117 — 117

9. Pondicherry Scheduled Caste Development Corporation 18 7 25

0. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Agriculture College, Karaikal 63 32 95

1. Kendriya Vidyala, Pondicherry-6 39 8 47

2. Kendriya Vidyala, Pondicherry-8 17 6 23

3. Nehru Yuvak Kendra, Pondicherry 4 — 4

4. PAPSCO Limited 14 — 14

5. Pondicherry Dental College 18 4 22

6. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Yanam 19 3 22

Total 2,232 680 2,912

Source : Directorate o f Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


51. Census of Eniplojccs o f the xVutonomous Bodies by Basic Pay ranges as on 31st March 1992.

SI. Number of No. Basic Pay Ranges (Rs.) Employees

( 1) (2) (3)

L Regular Staff :

Below 500

500 to below 750 10

750 to below 950 .. 629

950 to below 1500 786

1500 to below 2000 327

2000 to below 2800 208

2800 to below 3600 125

3600 to below 5000 99

5000 to below 7500 43

7500 and above 5

Total 2,232

II. Non-Regurlar Staff 680

Grand Total ( I +11) 2,912

Source : Directorate o f Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


52. Census of employees of the l.ocal Bodies by Municipalities and Commune Panchayats in the Union Territory of Pondicherry as on 31 St March 1992

SI. No. Name o f the Municipalities/ Regular Non- Total Commune Panchayats Staff Regular Staff (1) (2) (3) (4) (5).



Total (I-A) .. 847 216 1,063


LI Oulgaret Commune Panchayat 166 249 415

1.2 Ariankuppam Commune Panchayat 32 29 61

1.3 Panchayat 54 65 119

L4 Mannadipet Commune Panchayat 25 50 75

L5 Panchayat 28 6 34

L6 Panchayat 20 28 48

Total (I-B ) ( M to 1.6) .. 325 427 752



Total (II-A) 158 34 192

77 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


2.1 ICottucherry Commune Panchayat 14 — 14

2.2 Neravy Commune Panchayat 7 14 21

2.3 T.R. Pattinam Commune Panchayat 31 10 41

2.4 Thirunallar Commune Panchayat.. 19 31 50

2.5 Nedungadu Commune Panchayat.. 12 14 26

Total (II-B ) (2.1 to 2.5) .. 83 69 152



Total (H I) 54 — 54



Total (IV ) 53 13 66

MUNICIPALITIES—TOTAL .. 1,112 263 1,375


Grand Total 1,520 759 2,279

Source : Directorate o f Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


53. Census of Kmployecs of the l.ocal Bodies by Basic Pa> ranges as on 3 1 St March 1992.

SI. Basic Pay Ranges (Rs.) Number o f No. Employees

(1) (2) (3)


Below 700 —

700 to below 800 373

800 to below 900 334

900 to below 1,000 387

1000 to‘ below 1,100 ' 88

1100 and above 338

Total (I) U520


Grand Total (1 +11) 2,279

Source : Directorate o f Economics and Statistics. Pondicherry.


54. Registration and placement effected by Employment Exchange^

SI. N o. Items 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Total number on live register .. 1,12,998 1,21,385 1,25,065 1,29,765

2. Number o f fresh registration 12,551 13,965 12,574 10,971

3. Number of vacancies notified 1,781 1,790 2,072 2,183

4. Percentage of vacancies notified to fresh registration 14.19 12.82 16.48 19.90

5. Number o f placement effected 782 309 237 331

Source : Employment Exchange, Pondicherry.


'000 140-



1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

Total Liva Frvth R «g i* t«r R«gittrafion


55. Textile M ill — Labour EniploymeDt by age groups and sex

Items 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992*

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Men : • Below 18 years ^

Above 18 years .. 10,024 8,308 8,304 7,9.62 7,924

Total .. 10,024 8,308 8,304 7,962 7,924

' Women : • Below 18 years

Above 18 years 227 164 175 171 186

Total 227 164 175 171 186


Below 18 years

Above 18 years ., 10,251 8,472 8,479 8,134 8,110

Total .. 10,251 8,472 8,479 8,134 8,110

* Provisional

Source : 1. Textile Mills, Union Territory of Pondicherry. 2. Directorate’ of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


56. Daily Wage— rates for Agricultural and Skilled Labourers at Thirukkanur (Pondicherry Region)

(In Rupees)

July to June A 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Ploughmen Men 29.40 32.97 39.90 46.17 53.67

Sowers and Men —— 25.00 —— Transplanters Women 8.30 10.07 12.53 14.93 15.87

Weeders Men — — — — — Women 8.20 8.53 11.25 12.27 13.93

Reapers and : Men 16.89 14.10 17.23 18.22 23.75 Harvesters Women 13.75 14.10 15.87 18.22 23.59

Herdsmen Children 5.72 6.31 5.85 7.58 8.13

Other Agricul­ Men 19.68 19.75 24.52 27.33 29.50 tural Labourers Women *— —— — —

Skilled Labourers Carpenters 35.42 38.33 45.20 49.38 52.66 Blacksmiths 26.67 26.88 26.46 26.46 33.33

Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


57. Average wholesale prices in Pondicherry

(In Rupees)

SI. Commodity/ Unit 1988-89 1989-90 1990^91 1991-92 1992-93 No. Variety/ Quality

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ( 7 ) ' (8)

I. Boiled Rice (F .P .)

Super Fine Qtl. 340.00 340.00 376.55 391.42 466.00

Fine 320.00 320.00 356.55 371.47 466.00

Common 260.00 N.T. N.T. N.T. N.T.

2. Boiled R ice(O .P .)

Fine Qtl. 554.58 555.96 624.25 705.83 827.08

Medium 385.79 394.38 407.25 500.92 543.25

Coarse 348.33 384.58 390.55 477.02 458.70

3. Cumbu— T.V. 180.29 ' 207.75 208.85 278.20 335.?-0

4. Ragi 222.50 228.09 205.68 303.77 343.14

5. Blackgram 666.57 677.42 735.92 807.18 768.16

6. Blackgram >> Broken 845.32 876.04 942.70 1,075.91 970.05

7. Blackgram Dhall ” 972.08 983.21 1,106.95 1,226.85 1,255.79

83 (In Rupees) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

8. Greengram Qtl- 977.29 927.92 975.45 1,115.05 1,444.17

9, Greengram Dhall ” 1,034.35 983.32 999.06 1,131.58 1,402.98

10. Bengalgram 843.52 932.48 1,047.78 992.58 1,167.97

11. Bengalgram Dhall” 981.61 1,055.71 1,142.09 1,042.71 1,194.19

12. Red gram Dhall I Sort 1,170.16 1,019.34 1,444.19 1,814.56 1,868.39

Redgram Dhall ri Sort 1,029.42 994.101,308.69 1,669.83 1,603.07

13. Sugar (O.P.) 644.27 802.00 794.11 827.77 921.96

Sugar (F.P.) 508.75 520.00 520.00 592.67 699.58

14. Palm Jaggery 569.25 615.00 963.54 679.50 876.92

15. Cane Jaggery . ” 562.68 545.77 599.67 619.34 801.57

16. Chillies (Ramnad) ” 2.827.08 1,910.38 1,168.96 3,557.08 3,356.15

17. Tamarind-I Sort ” 1,281.80 1,127.92 1,333.02 1,279.79 1,482.50

18. Turraeric-Curry 1.570.00 1,325.08 1,247.08 2,147.65 2,903.89

19. Arecanuts-Pheton ” 5.825.00 5,260.63 6,380.63 12,697.92 14,367.86

20. Coriander '* ” 775.36 945.14 1,149.04 1,337.18 1.572.92

21. Groundnut Oil 1,967.20 2,378.71 3,142.63 3,663.04 3,214.08

22. Gingelly Oil (Agm ark) ” 2.002.08 2,434.38 3,130.83 3,516.04 3,289.38

84 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

23. Coconut Oil (VVD) Qtl. 4,221.17 3,394.05 4,215.7a 5,669.85 6,205.64

24. Vanaspathy 2,407.17 2,661.42 3,565.10 4,063.46 3,815.14

25. Refined Oil 2,428.16 2,791.77 3,684.73 4,343.23 3,801.72

26. Cement (Daimia) ” 137.18 144.44 177.68 184.45 227.83

27. Kerosene 18.5 Lit. 41.07 41.35 46.29 ‘ 47.32 47.18

Source ; Directorate o f Economics & Statistics, Pondicherry.

Note : O.P.—Open Market F.P.—Fair Price N.T.—^No Transaction


58. Average Retail Prices in Pondicherrj

(In Rupees)

SI. Commodity/ N o. Variety/ Unit 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 Quality

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

i. Boiled Rice (F.P) Super Fine Kg. 3.40 3.40 3.85 4.19 4.75

Fine >> 3.20 3.20 3.65 3.91 4.75

Common 2.60 N .T. N.T. N.T.N.T.

2. Boiled,Rice (O.P.)

Fine 5.67 5.65 6.34 7.16 8.38

Medium 3.90 4.05 4.17 5.20 5.96

Coarse 3.56 3.95 4.00 4.94 5.50

3. Cumbu-T.V. 2.22 2.36 2.63 3.14 4.24

4. Ragi 2.90 2.96 2.86 3.57 4.50

5. Blackgram 99 8.44 — N.T. N.T. N.T.

6. Blackgram Broken 99 9.48 9.81 10.63 11.83 11.45

7. Blackgram Dhall 19 10.61 11.00 11.94 13.40 13.58

8. Greengram 99 10.53 10,24 10.92 12.22 15.74

86 (In Rupees)

(1) (2) (3) ' (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

9. Greengram Dhall Kg. 11.57 11.05 11.66 12.56 15.77

10. Bengalgram ” 9.10 10.45 11.87 11.69 13.03

11. Bengalgram Dhall ” 10.69 11.62 12.03 11.33 12.93

12. Redgram Dhall I Sort ” 12.59 11.92 14.94 19.30 19.69

Redgram Dhall II Sort " 11.38 10.83 13.81 17.94 17.47

13. Sugar (O.P.) ” 6.77 8.28 8.31 8.58 9.55 Sugar (F.P.) 5.13 5.25 5.25 5.98 7.05

14. Cane Jaggery ” 6.20 6.52 7.73 7.62 9.04

15. Palm Jaggei7 ” 6.90 7.16 11.04 9.18 10.64

16. Chillies (Ramuad) ” 31.77 24.83 13.65 39.77 39.42

17. Tamarind-I Sort ” 13.53 12.98 14.68 14.40 16.15

18. Turmeric-Curry ” 17.67 13.94 14.54 25.80 34.33

19. Arecanuts-Pheton ” 63.67 55.35 66.63 133.98 149.48

20. ‘ Coriander ” 10.03 11.15 12.90 15.25 17.72

21. Groundnut Oil ” 20.40 24.59 32.47 37.80 33.34

22. Gingelly Oil (Agmark) ” 22.16 25.73 33.27 37.62 35.62 23. Cocount Oil (VVD) ” 46.40 39.49 46.08 61.49 68.99

24. Vanaspathy ” 25.67 28.26 37.46 42.55 40.48

25. Refined Oil ” 26.34 30.32 38.76 44.12 39.18

87 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

26. Fire W ood (D ry Split) 20 Kgs 17.42 18.42 20.33 21.42 22.14

27. Kerosene Lit 2.22 2.24 2.50 2.63 2.78

28. Tea-Lipton Ruby Dust 500 gms 20.60 27.42 34.86 36.64 40.80

29. Coffee Powder-Lakshmi 18.97 21.30 29.79 32.30 33.80

30. Butter K g. 42.56 43.04 52.71 63.28 59.98

31. Ghee 60.23 62.35 68.33 84.39 86.94

32. Egg (Hen) Each 0.68 0.64 0.67 0.83 0.99

Source : Directorate o f Economics & Statistics, Pondicherry.

N ote: F.P.—Fair Price O.P.—Open Market N.T.— ^No Transaction

88 X I. PRICES 59. Average Wholesale Prices in Karaikal (In Rupees)

SI. Commodity/ No. Variety/ Unit 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 Quality (Ij1 (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1. Boiled Rice (F.P.)

Super Fine Qtl. 294.94 333.93 367.30 399.80 478.93

Fine 277.62 313.93 346.35 368.80 445.80 19 Common 247.40 254.13 298.80 386.80 446.80

2. Boiled Rice (O.P.) Fine 411.90 449.88 462.85 499.66 580.92

Medium 359.36 396.98 405.46 445.67 500.15

Coarse 345.61 386.24 393.84 444.08 526.32

3. Blackgram 556.67 687.75 654.00 725.25 700.94

4. Blackgram Broken m . n 888.63 933.21 1,002.35 1,008.75

5. Blackgram Dhall 996.77 1,137.71 1,136.25 1,229.69 1,387.08

6. Greengram 653.34 680.90 528.75 588.80 812.50

7. Greengram Dhall 1,024.90 998.25 1,017.71 1,126.33 1,517.50 99 8. Bengaigram 865.21 1,042.52 1,090.60 1,062.71 1,242.64 99 9. Bengalgiam Dhall 920.71 950.01 1,024.75 918.10 986.28

89 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7 ) (8)

JO. Redgram Dhall , 1 Sort Qtl. 1,148.33 1,159.44 1,425.00 1,861.66 1,890.83

11. Redgram Dhall II Sort N.S. 1,100.00 1,400.00 N.S. 1,697.92

12. Sugar (OP) 645.60 805.76 805.10 835.14 700.5(

Sugar (F.P) 503.50 520.00 520.00 592.67 929.4C

13. Cane Jaggery 600.23 650.04 708.51 750.54 845.3(

Palm Jaggery 687.41 625.74 1,050.00 823.33 J 923.0!

14. Chillies-Sathur ” 2,592.58 1,786.67 1,349.38 4,161.25 3,822.52

15. Tamarind-Tumkur ” 1,229.60 1,228.50 1,266.67 1,325.83 1,410.00

16. Turmeric-Curry ” 1,297.29 1,162.92 1,355.42 3,062.50 3,464.58

17. Arecanuts-Pheton ” 3,370.14 2,941.78 4,455.56 N.S. N.S.

18. Coriander ” 863.13 996.72 1,189.64 1,432.61 1,695.42

19. Groundnut Oil ” 1,968.95 2,322.36 3,063.56 3,634.58 3,192.08

20 Gingelly Oil 1,821.25 2,415.56 3,072.64 3,405.55 3,091.39

21. Coconut Oil ” 3,566.01 2,795.28 3,427.60 4,614.72 5,110.65

22. Vanaspathy- Dalda 2,449.80 2,610.15 3,266.17 3,857.81 3,686.20

90 fl) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

23. Refined Oil Qtl 2,437.19 2,650.00 3,513.67 4,039.15 3,790.37

24. Cement-Dalniia 141.83 151.16 186.35 206.54 232.83

25. Kerosene 18.5 Lit 41.07 41.07 46.73 48.54 48.16

« M e : F.P.— Fair Price O.P.—Open Market

N.S.—No Stock

Source : Directorate o f Economics & Statistics^ Pondicherry.

91 XL PRICES 60. Average Retail prices in Karaikal

(In Rupees)

Commodity/ SI. Variety/ 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 No. Quality Unit (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ■ (6) (7) (8)

1. Boiled Rice (F.P.) Kg.

Super Fine ” 3.03 3.40 3.75 4.08 4.88

Fine 2.87 3.20 3.54 3.76 4.55

Common ” 2.56 2.60 3.05 3.95 4.55

2. Boiled Rice (O.P.) -

Fine 4.30 4.67 4.88 5.28 6.17

Medium ” 3.77 4.13 4.31 4.71 5.27

Coarse ” 3.63 4.10 4.16 4.73 5.50

3. Blackgram ” 5.78 7.30 7.22 7.88 9.99

4. Blackgram Broken ” 9.21 9.96 9.95 10.97 11.21

5. Blackgram Dhall ” 10.60 12.24 12.15 13.56 14.42

6. Greengram ” 7.17 7.41 5.82 6.00 10.28

7. Greengram Dhall ” 11.16 11.14 11.31 12.67 16.00

8. Bengalgram ” 9.25 11.30 11.95 12.15 13.32

9. Bengalgram Dhall 9.87 10.69 11.60 11.00 11.76 92 (In Rupees)

)) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

0. Redgram Dhall 1 Sort K g. 12.14 12.40 15.05 23.21 19.92 Redgram Dhall II Sort N.S. 11.50 15.00 N.S.^ 17.96

11. Sugar (O .P.) 6.61 8.20 8.25 8.53 9.49

Sugar (F.P.) 5.14 5.25 5.25 ■ 5.98 7.08

12, Cane Jaggery 6.65 7.13 7.87 *8.33 9.55

13. Palm Jaggery 7.48 7.18 11.56 10.50 10.32

14. Chillies-Sathur 27.12 19.26 15.63 44.67 40.70

15. Tamarind- Tumkur 13.59 13.20 14.38 15.38 15.40 «

16. Turmeric-Curry 16.96 14.85 15.49 34.00 39.65

17 Arecanuts- Pheton 35.43 31.69 48.21 91.79 123.09

18. Coriander 19 9.47 11.16 13.65 15.44 18.30

19. Groundnut Oil 20.12 24.74 31.82 37.41 33.38

20. Gingelly Oil 99 19.17 25.63 31.96 36.12 32.78

21. Coconut Oil 99 37.35 30.95 37.76 51.42 56.34

22. Vanaspathy- Dalda 99 25.34 28.44 36.03 42.58 40.30

23. Refined Oil - ^9 26.89 27.93 38.75 44.70 ^ 41.63

24. Fire W ood (Dry Split) 25 Kgs 21.13 24.50 24.50 26.19 29.80 93 (In Rupees)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8)

25. Kerosene Lit. 2.28 2.28 2.54 2.68 2.89

26. Tea-Lipton Ruby Dust 500 gms 21.12 26.98 32.77 34.01 35.15

27. Coffee Powder- Srinivas - 17.91 19.83 27.82 30.07 30.20

28. Butter Kg. 42.75 41.86 54.73 65.33 64.71

29. Gliee 63.46 65.75 77.90 95.98 105.27

30. Egg (H en) Each 0.64 0.61 0.64 0.82 0.96

Note ;— F.P.— Fair Price O.P.—Open Market * N.T.—^No Transaction N.S — No Stock

Source : Directorate o f Economics & Statistics, Pondicherry

94 XI. PRICES 60-A.Consumer price index numbers (Industrial Workers) for Pondicherr> Centre (BASE 1982 = 100)

Group wise

Pan, Fuel Hous Cloth- Mis- Month/Year Food Supari, and ing- ing, cellan- Gene- T oba- light Bedd- eous ral cco ing & and Foot­ Intoxi wear cants 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

October 1988 188 147 157 123 117 168 170

November 191 156 161 123 118 170' 173

December 193 157 ‘ 161 123 110 171 173

January 1989 190 162 161 131 106 174 173

February 191 161 161 131 110 174 173

March 189 162 161 131 J19 173 173

\pril 188 163 161 131 123 , 175 173

May 189 164 161 131 123 175 174 fune 192 165 161 131 126 176 176 luly 191 164 162 131 127 177 176

August 193 166 162 131 127 177 177

September 196 166 162 131 127 177 178

95 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

October 198 169 162 131 128 178 180 9 November 201 169 163 131 128 179 182

December 203 169 163 131 128 185 184

January 1990 199 177 165 133 128 194 183

February 200 181 172 133 129 194 185

March 197 179 175 133 129 194 183

April 198 181 176 133 129 195 184

May 204 181 176 133 132 200 188

June 213 184. 173 133 132 201 194

July 221 183 176 136 132 202 199

August 222 183 174 136 132 206 200

September 226 185 177 136 141 206 204

October 228 185 179 136 142 206 205

Novem ber 239 186 183 136 143 208 212

December 244 189 187 136 139 208 215

January 1991 245 189 190 174 139 209 219

February 240 190 191 174 136 210 216

March 238 191 191 174 145 210 215

April 238 192 193 174 148 209 216

96 (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

May 248 192 193 174 148 209 222

June 256 211 193 174 148 213 228

July 262 211 192 185 151 213 232

August 258 220 191 185 151 215 231

Septem ber 262 217 191 185 151 221 234

October 269 223 191 185 154 222 238

Sovember 281 224 195 185 155 228 246

December 283 224 197 185 156 232 249

[anuary 1992 277 228 197 190 156 240 247

■ebruiiry 268 239 197 190 162 240 243

^arch 269 241 197 190 162 242 244

^pril 2 ^ 244 201 190 166 247 242

^ay 269 245 209 190 164 253 246 une 280 246 209 190 166 256 2.>-5 uly 292 249 213 223 167 257 263

Vugust 287 249 213 223 171 258 261 leptember 291 249 213 223 172 263 264

)ctober 293 255 214 223 173 272 267

^lovember 295 264 216 223 171 274 269


5H— 8 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

December 306 268 216 223 165 271 274

January 1993 .. 285 268 221 232 162 274 264 *;>• February 287 273 228 232 166 275 266

March .. 285 275 228 232 168 275 265

Source : Labour Bureau Government o f India.


61. Spindles and Looms installed

Year Spindles Looms installed installed

(1) (2) (3)

1982 • 1,65,167 2,679

1983 1,66,000 2,709

1984 1,78,696 2,709

1985 1,87,816 2,709

1986 1,91,008 2,709

1987 1,96,090 2,709

J988 1,96,090 2,709

1989 1,89,840 2,182

1990 1,89,840 2,163

1991 1,94,160 1,702.

1992* 1,75,936 1,709

* Provisional Source : 1. Textile Commissioner, Bombay. 2. Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


62. Annual production of cotton yarn and cotton cloth

Total cotton yarn Total cotton Year produced cloth produced in ’000 kgs. in '000 mts.

(1) (2) (3)

1982 13,812 52,944

1983 9,362 29,944

1984 6,324 19,394

1985 5,788 18,472

1986 12,557 38,609

1987 16,981 46,145

1988 16,106 42,769

1989 16,513 46,959

1990 16,788 44,855

1991 17,908 41,950

1992 15,798 39,637

Source : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


63-A. Results of Annual Survey of Industries 1988-89

Productive Value No. o f capital No. of added to SI. Industry/Industry factories in ’000 persons manu- No. Group registered Rupees employed facture in ’000 Rupees

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

power Machine) 9 6,024 282 3,241

2. Food Products 7 1,05,964 1,433 51,555

3. Edible Oils 3 5,345 66 2,699

4. Beverages 6 56,598 380 38,157

5. Cotton Textiles 13 2,84,869 4,184 1,17,279

6. Textile Products 6 5,002 170 5,468

7. Wooden Furniture & Fixtures 3 (— )630 110 2,164

8. Paper & Paper Products 10 54,245 562 4,526

9. Printing^ & Publishing of periodicals, books, etc. 10 12,924 513 6,705

10. Manufacture of Leather products 6 30,922 637 9,036

101 (1]1 . (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

11. Manufacture of Rubber, Plastics, Petroleum & Coal products 19 88,704 673 (-)1,537

12. Manufacture of Chemicals & Chemical products 23 2,14,755 953 1,37,447

13. Non-metallic Mineral products 10 1,98,059 532 1,186

14. Basic Metal & A lloy Industiries 10 80,374 573 6,457

15. Metal Products & Parts 10 8,184 202 1,791

16. Machinery including Electrical Machinery 9 29,369 204 9,839

17. Transport Equipments • & parts 3 15,640 42 (-)1,347

18. Electricity 1 3,58,083 . 2,893 8,201

19. Laundry Services 3 624 74 1,293

20. Repair Services 9 10,777 390 (-)4,725

21. Other Industries 8 3,719 236 13,602

Total 178 15,69,551 15,099 4,12,987


Source : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


63-B. Results of Annual Survey of Industries 1989-90

Productive N et Value SI. Industry/ N o. o f capital Total added' No. Industry Group factories in ’000 persons (in ’000 Rupees engaged Rupees)

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Rice Milling (by power machine) 12 19,625 252 1,489

2. Food Products 9 71,011 1,382 92,692

3. Edible Oils 7 51,893 421 7,667

4. Beverages 6 55,048 367 37,002

5. Cotton Textiles 15 5,53,281 8,104 2,96,648

6. Textile Products 5 3,425 104 2,197

7. Wooden Furnitures & Fixtures 3 370 130 1,768

8, Paper & paper Products 13 21,493 757 8,721

9. Printing & Publishing of Periodicals, Books, etc. 12 16,418 ‘ 656 23,9^

103 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

10. Manufacture of Leather Products 8 60,590 811 133

11. Manufacture o f Plastic, Rubber, Petroleum & Coal Products 22 1,18,912 666 3,800

12. Manufacture of Chemicals & Chemical Products 31 2,35,707 1,233 1,29,963

13. Non-Metallic Mineral Products 13 4,10,678 904 36,072

14. Basic Metal & A lloy Industries 14 87,097 . 818 39,458

15. Metal Products & Parts 11 16,616 226 2,678

16. Machinery including Electrical Machinery 13 35,683 310 17,581

17. Transport Equipments and Parts 6 19,821 125 2,717

18.Electricity 1 3,57,498 1,673 (— )26,097

19. Repair Services 8 11,905 347 6,247 20. Other Industries 9 4,230 292 6,189

Total 218 21,51,301 19,578 6,90,923

Source : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.


63-C. Annual Index of Industrial Production (Base 1980-81 = 100)

Indus­ ANNUAL INDEX try Item YYWI^IIL - ■ code 1987- 1988- 1989- 1990- 1991- 1992- 88 89 90 91 92 93

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

General Index 100.00 101.77 98.31 99.20 105.68 106.77 96.05

20. Food Products.. 7.50 280.59 285.10 208.06 240.73 279.53 297.13

22. Beverages , 4.97 140.20 155.03 186.16 204.20 218.75 220.72

23. Cotton textiles . . 77.43 79.95 76.31 80.66 79.45 76.57 72.47

28. Manufacture of paper . 4.38 76.96 1.29 22.84 103.27 113.58 108.99

31. Chemical products .' 4.73 152.16 186.25 214.20 226.67 208.40 21.62

33. Basic metal products ' . . 0.99 130.19 127.87 76.82 71.78 82.37 89.58

Soruce : Directorate o f Economics & Statistics, Pondicherry.


64. Production of handloom cloth under Co-operative fold

(In ’000 Metres)

Year (July-June) Production of handloom cloth

(1) (2)

1981— 82 .. 7,81

1982— 83 .. 8,11

1983— 84 .. 9,13 ‘

1984— 85 .. 25,13

1985— 86 .. 23,03

1986— 87 .. 24,82

1987— 88 .. ' 20,11

1988— 89 .. 16,98

1989— 90 .. 21,65

1990— 91 .. 22,89

1991— 92 .. 20,16

Source : Co-operative Department, Pondicherry.


65. Length o f roads maintained by the Public Works Department

- ' (In Kilometres)

As on 31st March Items 1988 1989 1990 1991* 1992* 1993*

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

I. Surfaced Roads

Cement Concrete 2 2 2 2 2 2

Black Topped 402 450 486 467 584 584

Water Bound Macadam 16 16 17 4 2 2

Total-I 420 468 505 473 587 587

11. Unsurfaced Roads

Motdrable 3 2 1 1 1 1

Non-Motorable * ——— — 1 1

T o ta l-n 3 2 1 1 2 1 hrj Grand Total (l + ll) 423 . 470 506 474 589 589


Soruce : Public Works Department, Pondicherry.


65-A. Length of roads under Municipalities

(In Kjlometres)

As on 31st March ! Items 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 199?

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

I. Surfaced Roads

Cement Concrete 8 8 6 7 7 7

Black Topped . 213 225 230 237 239 239

Water Bound Macadam 43 34 37 36 36 36

T o ta l-I 264 267 273 280 282 282

II. Unsurfaced Roads

Motorable 20 20 17 14 15 15

Non-Motorable 47 44 44 40 37 37

T o ta l-Il 67 64 61 54 52 52

Grand Total ( I +11) 331 331 334 334 334 334

* Provisional

Source ; Local Administration Department, Pondicherry.


65-B. Length of roads under Commune Panchayats

(In Kilometres)

As on 31st March Items 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993*

0 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

. Surfaced Roads

Cement Concrete

Black Topped 295 291 301 345 351 351

Water Bound Macadam 325 327 319 341 312 312

Total-I 620 618 620 686 663 663

. Unsurfaccd Roads

Motorable 500 499 494 412 395 395

Non-Motorable 373 375 374 394 395 395

Total-II 873 874 868 806 790 790

Grand Total ( I + I I ) 1,493 1,492 1,488 1,492 1,453 1,453

* Provisional

Source : Local Administration Department, Pondicherry.


66. Number of Motor Vehicles in use

SL As on 31 St March No. Type o f vehicles 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1. Goods Vehicles

(i) Four wheelers and above (Trucks and lorries) 1,394 1,501 1,564 1,696 1,836 2,050

(ii) Three wheelers .. 44 50 69 98 133 158 (including Tempos)

Passenger Vehicles

(i) Four wheelers and above

(a) Buses 537 576 615 670 792 878

(b) Cars and Statior 1 Wagons 6,994 7,192 7,500 7,983 8,573 9,271

(c) Taxis 511 557 623 714 793 1,083

(d ) Jeeps 364 431 459 520 587 802

(ii) Three wheelers .. 508 573 632 809 978 1,164

(iii) T w o wheelers .. 51,048 56,058 59,400 65,315 71,327 78,829

110 (1) (2) (3) (4) ■ (5) (6) (7) (8)

3. Tractors 739 760 789 858 920 1,031

4. Trailers .. , 6 0 2 623 656 ' 684 747 789

5. Others 337 379 400 401 403 409

Total— All vehicles .., 63,078 68,700 72,707 79,748 87,089 96,464

^urce : Transport Department, Pondicherry.


67. Number of Post and Telegraph Offices

Year Rural Post Urban Post Telegraph (As on 31st March) Offices Offices Offices

(1) (2) (3) (4) '

1982 64 36 ‘ 27

1983 63 36 27

1984 62 38 28

1985 57 43 29

1986 57 43 28

1987 57 42 28

1988 57 42 26

1989 58 42 26

1990 58 42 25

1991 58 42 25

1992 61 42 25

1993 62 42 25

Source : Posts & Telegraphs Department, Pondicherry.


68. Number o f Telephones, Exchanges and Public Call Offices

Year Telephone Telephone Public (As on 31st March) Connections Exchanges Call Offices

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1982 3,876 11 90

1983 3,976 11 82

1984 4,519 15 80

1985 5,054 14 90

1986 5,415 15 93

1987 6,374 15 87

1988 6,978 16 90

1989 7,029 16 101

1990 7,965 16 146

1991 9,328 16 190

1992 9,651 16 303

1993 10,695 16 320

Source : Telecommunications Department, Pondicherry.



69. Port Traffic (Pondicherry Port)

Item 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

I. Ship Traffic Number o f Ships .. 32 17 3 3 1

Tonnage o f Ships (a) Gross ( ’000 Tonnes) 670 ‘ 310 47 57 23

(b) Net (-000 Tonnes) • 388 . 209 31 38 15

Tonnage o f M erchandise (a) Imported .. 43,573 75,258 67,096 56,266 38,288

(b) Exported .. — — — — —

(c) Transhipment .. 3,69,048 1,54,000 — — —

II. Boat Traffic Number of country- - •» . boats .. 25 26 22 55 24

Tonnage of country- boats ;

(a) Gross 1,193 1,312.60 1,008.51 2,689.04 1,159.87 (b ) Net

114 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Tonnage of Merchandise

(a) Imported .. — — — ——

(b) Exported .. — — ———

Sourcc : Port Office, Pondicherry.


70. Value of Sea-borne Foreign Trade

(III ’000 Rupees]

Years Imports Exports Total

(1) (2) (3) (4)

1981-82 19,06,48 — 19,06,48

1982-83 2,52,48 — 2,52,48

1983-84 3,64,57 — 3,64,57

1984^85 30,25,23 — 30,25,23

1985-86 27,02,49 — 27,02,49

1986-87 6,98,69 — 6,98,69

1987-88 — — —

1988-89 15,74,51 — 15.74,51

1989-90 22,59,88 — 22,59,88

1990-91 26,20,75 — 26,20,75

1991-92 29,85,03 — 29,85,03

J992-93 24,97,71 — 24,97,71

Source ; Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise and Customs, Pondicherry.


71. Value of import liccnces issued to merchants of Pondicherry State

(Rupees in lakhs)

Licensing Period ' Value of Import (April to March) . Licences

(1) (2)

1981-82 73.11

J982-83 52.72

1983-84 80.06

1984-85 244.89

1985-86 177.09

1986-87 139.44

1987-88 200.78

1988-89 256.60

1989-90 286.76

1990-91 566.88

1991-92 1,029.04

1992-93 2,538.38

Source : Office of the Controller of Imports’and Exports, Pondicherry.


72. Foreign trade b> sections - Value of Imports

(in ‘000 Rupees)

Code Sections 1989 1990 1991 1992 I993<= No.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

0 Food .. — — — — —

5 Chemical ..22,59,88 23,81,78 32,23,99 23,11,75 9,60,71

6 Manufactured goods chiefly by materials .. — — — — —

9 Miscellaneous transac­ tions & commodities — — — — —

Total . .• 22,59,88 23,81,78 32,23,99 23,11,75 9,60,71

* Upto June 1993.

Source : Office of the Superintendent of Central Excise and Customs. Pondicherry.


73. Progress in Electrification

As on 31st March SI.No. Item Unit 1990 1991 1992 1993

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1. H.T. Lines Km. 684.45 723.29 756.74 786.05

2. L.T. Lines 2,820.21 2,945.89 2,981.42 3,028.46

3. Transforiners Nos. 851 904 946 982

4. Installed capacity of Transformers KVA 1,09,(K)3 1,28,664 1,40,283 1,50,948

5. Towns electrified Nos. 11 II II II

6. Villages and Hamlets electrified 264 264 264 264

7. Domestic Connections

1. Light, fan and small power .. ” 69,009 76,150 80,207 85,237

2, Hut services .. ” 15,169 17,481 19,141 20,998

8. Commercial connections ” 16,613 18,069 18,859 19,838

9. Agricultural connections “ 9,449 9,533 , 9,603 9,679

119 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

10. Industrial connections Nos. 3,079 3,295 3,422 3,554

1. H.T. ” 119 131 144 152

2. L.T. 2,960 3,164 3,278 3,402

11. Streetlights 79 23,099 24,800 25,528 26,341

12. Maximum demand .. KW 85,600 1,27,350 1,30,000 1,40,000

Note : All towns and villages have already been electrified.

Source : Electricity Department, Pondicherry.


74. Electricity purchased and sold

LNo. Items Unit 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Lakhs of Electricity purchased .. KWH 5,336.82 6,680.19 7,236.88 8,255.40

Electricity sold >9 4,430.00 5,513.69 6,077.28 6,963.80

2.1 Domestic heat, small power, lights and fans 491.|()* 564.45 599.31* 591.30

2.2 Hut services — — 41.91 46.00

2.3 Commercial lights and fans 99 177.10 197.29 200.57 213.50

2.4 Industrial low and medium voltage .. 99 279.60 292.45 294.96 296.00

2.5 Industrial high voltage 99 2,678.30 3,652.67 3,965.29 4,833.60

2.6 Public lighting 99 72.30 46.43 55.65 57.50

2.7 Irrigation 99 644.30 670.40 844.93 854.20

2.8 Public water works and sewage pumping 99 87.20 90.00 74.66 71.70

Includes Hut Services ourcc : Electricity Department, Pondicherry,


75. Number of Accidents on Roads

SI. No. Year State total ( 0 • (2) (3)

I. 1983 296

2. 1984 318

3. 1985 344

4. 1986 386

5. 1987 416

6. 1988 581

7. 1989 658

8. 1990 662

9. 1991 739

10. 1992 838 1991 Number of persons killed 109 Number of persons injured 650 Number of vehicles involved 903 1992 Number of persons killed 132 Number of persons injured 817 Number of vehicles involved 1102

Source; Office of the Inspector-General of Police, Pondicherry.


76 (a). Cognisable Crime

Head of 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 offences >

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Murder 17 14 18 16 39 24 26 30

Dacoity — 2 — 1 5 7 4 2

Robbery 11 8 10 13 21 14 15 13

House breaking 160 155 167 189 253 204 252 221

Theft 695 634 638 757 1,111 935 2,261 1,835

Rioting 170 117 127 129 170 168 298 98

Kidnapping and abduction 7 4 8 21 22 11 13 10

Rape 9 5 7 5 6 10 11 5

Others* 1,700 1,421 1,491 1,536 1,696 1,733 2,137 2,204

Total 2,769 2,360 2,466 2,667 3,323 3,106 5,017 4,418

Includes crimes relating to bank notes, coins, cheating, criminal breach of trust, etc.

Sourcc : Oflice of the Inspector-General of Police, Pondicherry.


76 (b). Crime under local and special laws

Heads of Acts 1985 J986 1987 1 988 1 989 1 990 1 991 1992

(1) . (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Arms Act 2 1 — 2 1 5 5 4

Gambling Act 175 118 99 57 93 81 197 218

Excise Act 224 235 399 347 129 — —— P.C.R. Act 16 24 20 22 27 27 21 19

Explosive Act 4 2 3 2 1 2 3 2

Motor Vehicle Act ,489 7,257 7,836 10,435 17,980 26,427 30,090 35,001

Others* ,390 12,757 10,171 10,210 12,628 :12,621 26,356 9,636

Total 16,300 20,39418,528 21,075 30,859 39,163 56,672 44,880

* Figures include data relating to crimes under Opium Act, SIT Act, Prevention Act, Customs Act, etc.

Source : Office of the Inspector-General oF Police, Pondicherry.


77. Property stolen and recovered

No. of No.of cases cases Amount of Amount of Year in which in which property property property property stolen recovered was was stolen recovered (Rs.) (Rs.) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1980—81 1,486 274 11,64,938.00 2,87,144.76

1981—82 1,428 322 14,41,695.92 4,84,341.60

1982—83 1,104 217 20,29,619.75 3,36,098.86

1983—84 789 215 21,13,914.60 6,74,150.10

1984—85 926 460 12,95,242.90 5,78,630.25

1985—86 964 372 13,35,795.00 5,85,698.00

1986—87 696 341 12,87,563.00 4,91,261.00

1987—88 875 484 19,64,512.00 7,87,711.00

1988—89 975 334 32,73,579.00 5,21,829.00

1989—90 1,262 368 38,78,661.00 9,64,826.00

1990-91 1,339 401 49,53,095.00 14,32,293.00

1991—92 2,746 648 57,27,030.00 20,07,038.00

1992—93 1,751 527 74,71,178.00 43,56,649.00

Source : Office of the Inspector-General of Police, Pondicherry.


78. Strength and cost of Civil Police

(As on 31st March]


1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Police Stations & Out-Posts •

1, Number of Police Stations 26 26 26 26 29 31 31

2, Number of Out- Posts 12 12 12 12 10 9 5

I. Total Strength of Police Force U918 1,865 1,900 1,934 1,929 2,001 2.001

II. Expenditure : Total expenditure of Police force during the year ending 31st March (Rs. in Lakhs) 369.59 398.01 492.69 569.41 656.65 806.65 927.2;

Source : Office of the Inspector-General of Police, Pondicherry.


79. Fire Statistics

Year Number Number of' Estimated (April-March) of Fire Fire calls value of Stations attended property lost (in Rs.) (I) (2) (3) (4)

1980—81 3 255 2,48,833

1981—82 4 238 2,52.915

1982—83 5 299 10,45,032

1983—84 5 216 10,13,268

1984— 85 5 210 5,22,018

1985—86 6 253 23.53,612

1986—87 6 433 15,28,224

1987—88 6 340 8,60,018

1988—89 6 350 13,40,037

1989—90 6 378 14,85.930

1990—91 6 389 34.95,795

1991—92 6 429 39,51,351

1992—93 6 436 38,61,124 ource : Office of the Director of Fire Services, Pondicherry.


80. Number of shops licensed for selling Toddy, Arrack and Liquors

Year/ Pondi­ Karai- Mahe Yanam Total Details cherry kal (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1989 Toddy Shops 65 30 4 99

Arrack Shops 64 23 4 4 95

Liquor Shops 165 44 62 18 289

1990 Toddy Shops 85 30 4 — 119

Arrack Shops 85 26 * 4 4 119

Liquor Shops 165 43 62 18 288

1991 Toddy Shops 85 29 4 — 118

Arrack Shops 84 26 4 4 118 \ Liquor Shops 165 43 62 18 288

1992 Toddy Shops 85 30 —— 115

Arrack Shops 84 26 4 4 118

Liquor Shops 165 43 62 18 288

Source : Revenue Department, Pondicherry.


81. Consiinipfion of Country Spirits and Liquors

(in Kilolitres)

Item 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

(1)______(2V (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

A. Imported spirits — 1,376.2 2,164.6 1,965.7 2,503.4 1,707.2

B. Indian made spirit 3,242.9 5,919.5 6,182.8 4,573.5 3,746.0 3,768.5

C. Country arrack 6,282.4* 5,171.1 5,413.9 8,432.4' 9,257.9 12,814.4

D. Indian made beer 6,041.0 3,117.5 2,371.2 3,521.7 4,727.6 4,142.1

Source : Revenue Department, Pondicherry.


SH— 10 XVIll. FIVE YEAR PLAN 82. Outlay and Expenditure (Rupees in lakhs'!

* Major Heads of Actual Plan Actual No. Development expendi­ approved expead ture outlay lure 1991-92 1992 10 1997 19924“!

\ >v?iie6 Services \,on.6^ 4 .444.00 969.97 11 Rural Development - 173.60 858.00 193.55

111 Special Area Programme — — —

IV Irrigation and Flood Control 258.93 1,204.00 309.53

V Energy 1,495.19 10,240.00 1,496.45

VI Industry and Mineral 1,071.81 4,871.00 1,592.08

VII Transport 680.80 2,982.00 894.78

VIII Communications — —— IX Science, Technology and Environment 2.40 22.00 6.90

X General Economic Services 128.51 472.00 108.16

XI Social Services 3.134.98 14,076.00 3,068.57

XII General Services 219.63 831.00 213.80

Total 8,179.46 40,000.00 8,853.79 ♦Provisional Source : Planning and Research Department, Pondicherry.


83, Number of Cinema houses and entertainment tax collected

Permanent Touring Entertain­ Year theatres theatres ment tax collected V^s. tTi'^ak'hs^

1983 •• J 8 19 68.85

1984 - 38 19 70.18

. 1985 — 38 12 80.73

1986 .. 42 8 87.68

1987 .. 44 12 108.78

1988 .. 44 10 119.26

1989 .. 44 10 119.80

1990 .. 44 8 130.28

1991 .. 43 6 127.26

1992 .. 46 6 157.42

Source ; (1) Additional District Magistrate, Pondicherry. (2) Local Administration Department, Pondicherry.


Village-Wise Popul*tion

Pondicherry Region—1991 Census

Commune : Ariankuppam

Total population SI. Name of the village r S.C. No. Males Females Total popula tion

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

J. Periaveerampattinam .. 2,343 2,168 4,511 117

2. Sinnaveerampattinam .. 220 198 418 —

3. Odaively 358 *349 707 —

4. Kakayanthope 814 818 1,632 15

5. Edayarpalayam 438 415 853 24

6. Nanamedu 309 278 587 194

7. 754 681 1,435 33

8. Thanampalayam - 401 401 802 25

9. Purnankuppam 1,487 1,415 2,902 8

10, Pudiikuppam 477 452 - 929 —

11. Theduvarnatham 40 36 .76 —

12. Abishegapakkam 1,771 1,598 3,369 2,764

132 (I) (2) • ■ (3) (4) ‘ (5) . (6)

13. Thimmanaikanpalayam 1,251 1,241 2,492 1,476

14. Korkumedu 172 151 323 —

15. Kasanthittu 73 75 148 1

9 16. Andiarpalayam 532 515 1,047 267

17. . .. 1,039 906 1,945 1

18. Nonankuppam 1,335 1,223 2,558 275

19. .. 2,226 2,114 4,340 54

Coinniune Total 16,040 15,034 31,074 5,254


Village'wise population Pondichcrry Region—1991 Census

Commune : Bahour.

Total population Si. Name of the village r ------> S.C. No. Males Females Total population

( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Bahour 4,144 3,949 8,093 1,863

2. Irulansandai 44! 449 890 529

3. 1,326 1,267 2,593 697

4. Soriaokuppam 1,434 1,387 2,821 31

5. Peria Arachikuppam 94 95 189 —

6. Commandamedu 103 111 214 —

7. Sinna Arachikuppam . 337 339 676 429

8. Melparikalpet 618 612 1,230 785-

9. Keezhparikalpet 237 237 474 109

10. Vannankulampet 137 150 287 220

11. Krishnavaram 423 399 822 6

12. Sulliankuppam 215 215 430 -

134 (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

13. ICoravalimedu 282 245 527 —

14. Ouchiniedu 106 94 200 193

15. Kanniakoil 424 396 820 —

16. Pudukuppam 517 478 995 —

17. Murthikuppam 393 368 761 479

18. Manapattu 634 571 1,205 573

19. Varkalodaipet 327 350 677 661

20. K.attukuppam 419 391 810 —

21. Araiiganur 510 456 966 4

22. Nirnayapet 441 441 882 417

23. 928 883 1,811 844

24. Kudiruppupalayam 688 617 1,305 924

25. Sarakasimedupet 136 119 255 255

26. Adingapet 352 335 687 596

27. Pudunagaram >60 64 124 —

28. Piniiachikuppam 183 166 349 —

29. Kandanpet 402 306 708 525

30. Pillaiarkuppam 922 859 1,781 787

31. PannithiUu 732 727 1,459 —

135 (0 (2 )‘ (3) (4) (5) (6)

32. Aladimedu 135 135 270 104

33. (Vambapet) 143 122 265 259

34. Narambai 435 432 867 —

35.Valluvarpet 141 127 268 263

36. Itchangadu (Eswarikuppam) .. 185 153 338 28

37. 1,878 1,719 3,597 1,595

38. 283 278 561 161

39. 915 938 1,853 1,218

40. Sinnakaraiaraputhur .. 290 299 589 13

41. Karaiainputhur 1,303 .1,314 2,617 961

42. Panayaidikuppam 489 470 959 674

Commune Total 24,162 23,063 47,225 16,203


Village-wise Population

Pondicherry Region—1991 Census

Commune : Mannadipet

Total Population S.C. SI. Name of the village ------popula- No. Males Females Total tion

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Manalipet 374 378 752 187

2. Chettipet 777 708 1,485 233

3. Koonichempet J,615 1,605 3,220 952

4. Kondareddipalayam .. 305 294 599 —

5. Thirukanur 1,702 1,651 3,353 487

6. Mannadipet 1,110 1,071 2,181 689

7. Sompet 499 509 1,008 133

8. Vadanur 447 420 867 318

9. Andiarpalayam (Vadanur) 28 16 44 —

10. Montbrumpet 59 62 121 —

11. Puranasingapalayam 586 586 1,172 471

12. Silkaripalayam 260 271 531 16

137 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

13. ICutchipalayam 211 179 390 112

14. Aiidiarpalayam (K.T. Kuppam) 420 414 834 204

15. Kalitheerthalkuppam .. 1,413 1,286 2,699 719

16. Madagadipet 1,045 1,026 2,071 622

17. Nallur 349 315 664 480

18. Nallaurkutchipalayam .. 124 138 262 —

19. Madagadipetpalayam 618 630 1,248 40

20. Thirubuvapaipaiayam .. 233 220 453 —

21. 1,973 1,76: 3,736 1,570

22. Thiruvandarkoil 1,432 1,373 2,805 1,168

23. K.othapurinathani 712 668 1,380 262

24. Sagadapet 93 70 163 —

25. Pidarikuppam 420 422 842 486

26. Sannasikuppam 315 291 606 136

27. Sorapattu 1,029 952 1,981 568

28. Vinayagampet 546 525 1,071 215

29. Vambupet 405 381 786 136

30. Sellipattu 962 937 1,899 297

31. Kumarapalayam — 404 384 788 44

138 0 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

32. Thethainpakkam • 293 295 588 525

33. Kuppam 922 908 1,830 815

34. ICatteri 655 657 1,312 —

35. Liiigareddipalayam 972 900 1,872 68

36. Pudukuppam 1,048 992 2,040 278

37. Suthukeny 745 740 1,485 998

38. Kaikalapet 277 299 576 222

39. Kodathur 496 508 1,004 585

40. Manavely .. 278 263 541 —

Commune Total .. 26,152 25,107 51,259 14,036


Village-wise Popuiatioiii

Pondicherry Region-1991 Census

Commune : Ncttapakkam

Total population SI. Name of the village r A A S.C. No. Males Females Total Populatior

(1) (2) (3) ' • (4) (5) (6)

1. Eripakkam 1,011 942 1,953 1,239

2. Nathamedu (Eripakkam) 399 367 766 .36

3. Andarasikuppam 166 164 330 —

4. 467 416 883 177

5. Vadukuppam 257 223 480 —

6. Pandasozhanur 1,194 ■ 1,187 2,381 1,183

7. Nadunayagapuram 47 47 94 —

8. Sembadapet 71 63 134 20

9. Pudupattu 114 125 239 158

10. Nottapakkam 1,423 1,468 2,891 596

11. Mettutheru 349 343 692 —

12. Kariamanickani 702 646 1,348 295

13. Molapakkam 388 400 788 —

140 0) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

14. RanganathampatliJ 42 36 78 —

15. Thulukampalayam 463 438 901 —

16. Kuruvanpattu 427 414 841 597

17. Madukarai 2,144 2,096 4,240 1,329

18. Kutchipalayam 238 257 495 —

19. ' .. 1,251 1,169 2,420 1,497

20. Emhalam ■ 1,405 1,333 2,738 ^ 289

21. Pudukuppam 211 186 397 15

22. Kambalikarankuppam.. 113 113 226 109

23. Thanikuppam 111 104 215 —

24. Nathamedu () 241 256 497 189

25. 367 352 719 327

26. 1,087 983 2,070 765

27. 1,560 1,462 3,022 880

Commune Total 16,248 15,590 31,838 9,701


Village-wise Population

Pondicherry Region-1991 Census

Commune : Ozhukarai

SI. Total population No. Name of the village ( A S.C. Males Females Total population

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1, Alankuppam . 780 761 1,541 446

2. Sanjeevarayanpet 636 643 1,279

Commune Total 1,416 1,404 2,820 446


Village-wise Population

Pondicherry Region-1991 Census

Commune : Viliianur

SI. Total population No., Name of the Village r Males Females Total population (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Sedarapel 1,490 1,337 2,827 780

2. Karasur 508 486 994 546

3. Thuthipet 273 297 570 212

4. Thondamanatham 1,228 1,166 2,394 628

5. Ramanathapuram 788 825 1,613 293

6. Pillairkuppam 1,044 1,014 2,058 354

7. Koodapakkam 2,224 2,059 4,283 1,507

8. Konerikuppam 280 286 566 —

9. Agaram 269 254 523 —

10. Ulaivaikkai 116 94 210 —

11. Oussudu 283 298 581 455

12. Poraiyur 499 454 953 608

13. Sendanatham 354 339 693 498

143 (1) (2) ••(3) (4) (5) (6)

14. Ariapalayam 502 510 1.012 373

15. Kottamedu 605 748 1,353 160

16. Uthiravaginipet 532 511 1,043 957

17. Karayanpet 158 148 306 280

18. Periapet 831 806 1,637 998

19. Thirukanji 914 907 1,821 484

20. Kizhagraharam 279 283 562

21. Tanathamedu 127 132 259

22. Perungalur 408 367 775 408

23. Uruvaiyar 1,309 1,204 2,513 694

24. Mangalam 978 956 1,934 326

25. Vadamangalam 435 389 824

26. Kizhasathamangalam 671 657 1,328 404

27. Melsathamangalam 387 380 767

28. 232 210 442 160

29. Sangaranpet 162 162 - 324

30. Kizhur 462 423 885 9

31. Sivarandagam 615 595 1,210 922

144 (1) (2) • (3) (4)' (5) (6)

32. Ariyur 1,850 1,614 3,464 567

33. Anandapuram 409 368 777 —

34. Pangur 602 582 1,184 342

Commune Total 21,824 20,861 42,685 12,965

145 APPENDIX-I Village-wise Population Karaikal Region-1991 Census Commune ; K.ottuchcrry

SI. Total population No. Name of llie village ------^ S.C. Males Females Total populaton (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1. Kottucherry .. 2,750 2,684 5,434 1,258

2. Kottucherry Macuary .. • 279 268 547 —

3. Rayampalayam .. 474 371 845 207

4. Koozhkuditha Agraliaram 114 119 233 157

5. Pulianthope 50 50 100 —

6. IConnakavely ,, - 140 129 269 109 7. Varichikudy .. 2,035 1,963 3,998 1,168

8. Thiruvettakudy .. 866 868 1,734 * 233

9. Kalikuppam ' 191 182 373 —

10. Akkampettai .. 124 121 ' 245 —

11. Mannankoil .. — — — — 12. Mandapathur .. 153 139 292 —

13. Poovam .. 386 388 774 248

14. K.uppuchettichavady .. 211 197 408 5

Commune I'otal 7,773 7,479 15,252 3,385

146 APPENDIX-T Village-wijie Population Karaikal Region-1991 Census Commune : Nedungadu

SI. Total population No. Name of the village ______A----- S.C. Males Females Total populaton ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1. 151 143 294

2. Kosatheru 27 31 58

3. Melanadiigai 135 117 252 1

4. Adaikalapuram 204 177 381 35

5. Narikurumbai 93 91 184 8

6. Kotlagam 82 91 173 40

7. Kilianur 96 85 181 82 8. K-ilasembiangai 82 89 171 39

9. Agaraputhakudy 193 174 367 199

10. KLuiakudy 118 118 236 51

11. Vadakattalai 72 . 82 154 22

12. Andoor 120 116 236 68

13. Usupoor 49 40 89 31

14. Saravanairuppu 40 48 88

15. Kottapakkam 99 97 196

147 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 16. Agarakurumbagaram .. 485 519 1,004 243

17. Mathalankudy 257 237 494 257

18. Kurumbagaram 163 241 404 58

19. Keezhannavasal 231 237 468 227

20. Melannavasal 95 82 177 37

21. Panchatcharapuram 270 275 545

22. Keezhaputhagaram 131 137 268 118

23. Nedungadu 1,514 1,415 2,929 838

24. Agaramangudy 140 108 248 115

25. Paruthikudy 183 187 370 194

26. Keezhaponbethy 167 154 321 182

27. Melaponbethy 327 366 693 151

28. Vadamattam 250 256 506 184

29. Melakottuchery 102 100 202 99 30. Puthakudy 179 184 363 195

31. Melakasakudy 798 796 1,594 426

32. Thiruvengadapuram 131 124 255 94

33. Kancheepurarakoilpathu 73 68 141 107

Commune Total 7,057 6,985 14,042 4,101


Village-Tvise Population

Karaikal Region-1991 Census

Commune : Neravy

SI. Total population No. Name of the village S.C. Males Females Total population (0 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Keezhamanai 242 228 470 177

2. Kakamuzhy 274 250 524 167

3. Thooduponamoolai 97 97 194 116

4. Neravy 2,364 2,571 4,935 688

5. Uliupathu 515 473 988 168

6. KLottupalayam 44 51 95

7. Vizhidiyur 1,007 1,019 2,026 600

8. Mannamutty 146 137 283 166

Commune Total 4,689 4,826 9,515 2,082


Village-wise Population

Karaikal Region-1991 Census

Commune : Thirunallar

SI. Total population No. Name of the village ------A------s.c. Males Females Total population ( 1) (2) (3) (4) • (5) (6)

1. Amba^athur 1,957 2,217 4,174 558

2. Kannapur 113 90 203 35

3. Nallazhandur 375 342 717 271

4. Thamanangudi . 168 179 347 71

5. Nallambal 882 982 1,864 372

6. Valathamangalam 258 229 487 258

7. Avvaiyarmoolai 70 67 137 13

8. Kumarakudi 96 91 187

9. Sathakudy 21 17 38

10. Thembidagai 117 118 235

11. Agarasethur . 806 857 U663 236

12. Pandaravadaisethur 375 356 731 211

13. M athur 25 24 49 2

150 (1) (2)______(3) (4) (5) (6)

14. Kottapady .. 155 154 309 219

15. Muppaithaiikudy .. 172 160 332 25

16. Thennankudy 509 542 1,051 ’ 201

17. Elayankudy .. 205 170 375 282

18. Kariikankudy .. 358 426 784 124

19. Thedj^amapuram 322 316 638 357

20. Serumavilangai 592 555 1,147 382

21. Sayampalayam .. 50 48 98 —

22. Sorakudy .. 1,002 976 1,978 406

23. Thenur 384 449 833 274

24. Sellur 591 565 1,156 453

25. Agalankannu .. 308 278 586 —

26. Pettai .. 540 554 1,094 286

27. Mela Athipadugai .. 198 173 371 108

28. Keela Athipadugai 181 176 357 —

29. Neivacherry .. 280 287 567 149

30. Thirunallar .. 2,208 2,241 4,449 819

31. Poomulaiyalmangalam.. 359 382 741 82

151 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

32 Melasuprayapuram 303 302 605 285

33. Keezhavoor 75 71 146 —

34. Agarakovilpattu 23 20 43 16

35. Keezhasuprayapuram .. 162 157 319 40

Commune Total 14,240' 14,571 28,811 6,535


Village-wise Population

Karaikal Region-1991 Census

Commune : T. R. Pattinam

SI. Total population No. Name of the village S. C. Males Females Total Population

(i) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1. Keezhayur 455 498 953 938

2. T. R. Pattinam 4,719 4,938 9,657 393

3. Melayurpet 157 142 299 154

4. Padudarkollai 211 207 418 159

5. Edatheru 1,103 1,151 2,254 695

6. Keezhavanjurkuppam 226 208 434

7. Polagam 470 466 936 409

8. Nainikattaiai 64 57 121 15

9. Keezhavanjiyur 351 366 717 256

10. Melavanjiyur 242 248 490

Commune Total 7,998 8,281 16,279 3,019


Estimates of State income


SI. Industry 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 No. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 2406 2551 2131 2216 2520

2 Forestry and Logging — — — ——

3 Mining and Quarrying — — — ——

4 Fishing 1012 ! 106 1487 1739 2211

I. Primary : Sub-Total 3418 3657 3618 3955 4731

5.1 Manufacturing Registered 2198 2099 2881 2704 , 3061

5.2 Manufacturing Un- Registered 1015 1177 1484 2388 2687

5 Manufacturing (Total) 3213 3276 4365 5092 5748

6 Construction 6794 7582 8173 9059 9847 7 Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 291 304 ^ 304 610 678

n. Secondary ; Sub- Total (5 + 6 + 7) 10298 11162 12842 14761 16273

154 -II and Per Capita Income

PRICES) (In lakhs of Rupees)

1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 (P) (P) (P) (QE) (QE) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

2891 3172 3480 3787 3840 5048 6615 6615

3122 3251 3220 4373 4641 5382 6340 8137

6013 6423 6700 8160 8481 10430 12955 14752

3157 4586 6187 6187 6187 6187 6187 6187

2900 2706 2770 3128 3431 3431 3431 3431

6057 7292 8957 9315 9618 9618 9618 9618

10438 11324 12210 13392 14278 15854 18020 19890

801 1227 1536 2175 2781 4286 5169 6070

17296 19843 22703 24882 26677 29758 32807 35578

155 (In lakhs of Rupees)

(1) ■ (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 8.1 Railways 4 4 4 1 2

8.2 Transport by other means and storage 710 912 1110 1344 1545

8.3 Communications 70 83 103 120 122

9 Trade, Hotel and Restaurants 1105 1308 1547 1700 1880

10 Banking and Insurance 312 420 503 599 654

11 Real Estate, ownership of dwelling and business services 457 539 616 719 813

12 Public Administration 1011 1225 1251 1751 2150

13 Other Services 1230 1472 1806 2071 2626 in. Tertiary : Sub-Total 4899 5963 6940 8305 9792

14 Total Net State Domestic Product (In Lakhs) 18615 20782 23400 27021 30796

15 Estimated Population (as on 1st October) 614000 630700 648100 666400 685600

1 16 Per capita Income (In Rupees) 3032 3295 3611 4055 4492

P. = Provisional Q.E. = Quick Estimates Source : Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondicherry.

156 ('In lakhs of Rupees) (P) (P) (P) (QE) (QE) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) • (13) (14) (15) 6 8 1 7 8 9 9 9

1779 1961 2333 2594 2895 2889 2891 2896 133 161 217 331 369 447 447 447

2049 2311 2642 2894 3217 3714 4407 4407 778 915 1110 1292 1661 1911 1911 I91I

923 1054 1251 1431 1622 1923 2360 2360

2556 2934 3375 3787 4355 4456 4515 4515 3051 3529 4194 5114 6049 6049 6049 6049

11275 12873 15123 17450 20176 21398 22589 22594

34584 39139 44526 50492 55334 61586 68351 72924

705700 726800 749100 772500 797200 817400 834100 851200

4901 5385 5944 6536 6941 7534 8195 8567


Estimates of State Income


SI. Industry 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 No. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 2406 2347 2032 1528 1830

2 Forestry and Logging — — — — —

3 Mining and Quarrying

4 Fishing 1012 1005 1149 1306 1457

I. Primary : Sub-Total 3418 3352 3181 2834 3287

5.1 Manufacturing Registered 2198 1969 2706 2379 2590

5.2 Manufacturing Un- Registered 1015 1051 1228 1755 1854

5 Manufacturing (Total) 3213 3020 3934- 4134 4444

6 Construction 6794 7020 7253 7494 7743

7 Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 291 303 320 355 387

11. Secondary : Sub-Total (5 + 6 + 7 ) 10298 10343 11507 11983 12574

158 —Ill and Per Capita Income

PRICES) (In lakhs of Rupees)

1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 (P) (P) (P) (QE) (QE) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

2062 2010 1904 1989 1853 1896 2173 2173

1749 1800 1503 1530 1624 1717 1775 1873 3811 3810 3407 3519 3477 3613 3948 4046

2496 3459 4375 4375 4375 4375 4375 4375

1881 1615 1511 1598 1640 1640 1640 1640 4377 5074 5886 5973 6015 6015 6015 6015 8000 8266 8540 8824 9117 9420 9733 10056

414 445 472 510 548 588 634 670

12791 13785 14898 15307 15680 16023 16382 16741

159 (1) (2) (3) (4) (^) (6) (7)

8.1Railways 4 3 3 1 1

8.2 Transport by other means and storage 710 821 924 1015 1075

8.3 Communications 70 81 81 86 97

9 Trade, Hotel and Restaurants 1105 1172 1284 1282 1323 10 Banking and Insurance 312 327 389 369 361

n Real Estate, Ownership of dwelling and business services 457 484 513 545 579

12 Public Administration 1011 1028 1093 1144 1126

13 Other Services 1230 1279 1363 1383 1373

III. Tertiary : Sub-Total 4899 5195 5650 5825 5935

14 Total Net State Domestic Product (In Lakhs) 18615 18890 20338 20642 21796

15 Estimated Population (as on 1st October) 614000 630700 648100 666400 685600

16 Per capita Income (In Rupees) 3032 2995 3138 3098 3179 p. = Provisional Q.E. = Quick Estimates. Source ; Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Pondictierry.

160 (P) (P) (P) (QE) (QE) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

4 3 (-)! 2 3 2 2 2

1162 1184 1270 1328 1389 1389 1389 1389

101, 116 112 107 114 120 120 120

1353 1419 1461 • 1497 1565 1628 1686 1686

401 430 688 736 872 942 942 942

615 655 697 743 793 846 904 904

1186 1224 1295 1370 1402 1415 1445 1445

1418 1477 1530 1642 1695 1695 1695 1695

6240 6508 7052 7425 7833 8037 8183 8183

22842 24103 25357 26251 26990 27673 28513 28970

705700 726800 749100 772500 797200 817400 834100 851200

3237 3316 3385 3386 3385 3418 3403

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