( 12 ) United States Patent
US010092509B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 , 092 ,509 B2 Maisel et al. ( 45 ) Date of Patent: Oct. 9 , 2018 ( 54 ) HYPOTONIC MICROBICIDAL ( 52 ) U .S . CI. FORMULATIONS AND METHODS OF USE CPC .. .. A61K 9 /0031 ( 2013. 01 ); A61K 31/ 52 ( 2013 .01 ) (71 ) Applicant: The Johns Hopkins University, ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search Baltimore, MD (US ) None ( 72 ) Inventors: Katharina Maisel , Troy , MI (US ) ; See application file for complete search history. Craig W . Hendrix , Ellicott City , MD (US ) ; Laura Ensign , Towson , MD ( 56 ) References Cited (US ) ; Edward Fuchs , Westminster , MD ( US ) ; Richard Cone , Baltimore , MD U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS (US ) ; Justin Hanes, Baltimore , MD 4 , 997 ,652 A 3 / 1991 Wong (US ) 5 ,034 , 506 A 7 / 1991 Summerton ( 73 ) Assignee : The Johns Hopkins University , (Continued ) Baltimore, MD (US ) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO 9207866 5 / 1992 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO 2006063249 6 /2006 U . S . C . 154 (b ) by 0 days . ( Continued ) (21 ) Appl. No .: 15/ 120 , 852 OTHER PUBLICATIONS ( 22 ) PCT Filed : Aug . 27, 2015 Lisco , et al. Cell Host Microbe. , 4 : 260 . ( Year : 2011) . * ( 86 ) PCT No. : PCT /US2015 / 017120 ( Continued ) $ 371 ( c) ( 1 ), Primary Examiner — Michael Barker ( 2 ) Date : Aug. 23, 2016 ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Pabst Patent Group LLP ( 87) PCT Pub . No. : WO2015 /127368 (57 ) ABSTRACT PCT Pub . Date : Aug . 27, 2015 Hypotonic microbicidal compositions including an antimi crobial , such as an antiviral compound , and a pharmaceuti (65 ) Prior Publication Data cally acceptable carrier in a solution formulation having US 2017/ 0119662 A1 May 4 , 2017 hypotonic osmolarity have been developed for administra tion rectally to the gastrointestinal mucosa .
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