Annual Return/Report of Employee Benefit Plan OMB Nos. 1210-0110 Form 5500 1210-0089 This form is required to be filed for employee benefit plans under sections 104 Department of the Treasury and 4065 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and Internal Revenue Service sections 6047(), 6057(), and 6058(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code). Department of Labor 2012 Employee Benefits Security  Complete all entries in accordance with Administration the instructions to the Form 5500. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation This Form is Open to Public Inspection Part I Annual Report Identification Information For calendar plan year 2012 or fiscal plan year beginning 01/01/2012 and ending 12/31/2012 A This return/report is for: a multiemployer plan; X a multiple-employer plan; or X a single-employer plan; X a DFE (specify) _C_

B This return/report is: X the first return/report; X the final return/report; X an amended return/report; X a short plan year return/report (less than 12 months). If the plan is a collectively-bargained plan, check here......  X Check box if filing under: X Form 5558; X automatic extension; X the DFVC program; X special extension (enter description) ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE Part II Basic Plan Information—enter all requested information 1a Name of plan 1b Three-digit plan 001 ABCDEFGHIPRODUCER-WRITERS ABCDEFGHI GUILD OFABCDEFGHI AMERICA PENSION ABCDEFGHI PLAN ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI number (PN)  001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 1c Effective date of plan 03/31/1960YYYY-MM-DD 2a Plan sponsor’ name and address; include room or suite number (employer, if for a single-employer plan) 2b Employer Identification Number (EIN) BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRODUCER-WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA PENSION 95-2216351012345678 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 2c Sponsor’s telephone D/B/A ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI number 0123456789818-846-1015 ABCDEFGHI1015 NORTH HOLLYWOOD WAY c/oBURBANK, ABCDEFGHI CA 91505 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 2d Business code (see 123456789 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE instructions) 123456789 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE 012345525920 CITYEFGHI ABCDEFGHI AB, ST 012345678901 UK

Caution: A penalty for the late or incomplete filing of this return/report will be assessed unless reasonable cause is established. Under penalties of perjury and other penalties set forth in the instructions, I declare that I have examined this return/report, including accompanying schedules, statements and attachments, as well as the electronic version of this return/report, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete.

SIGN Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature. YYYY-MM-DD10/02/2013 ABCDEFGHILAURA ANDERSON ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE HERE Signature of plan administrator Date Enter name of individual signing as plan administrator

SIGN YYYY-MM-DD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE HERE Signature of employer/plan sponsor Date Enter name of individual signing as employer or plan sponsor


3a Plan administrator’s name and address XSame as Plan Sponsor Name XSame as Plan Sponsor Address 3b Administrator’s EIN 012345678 Administrator’s telephone ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 3c c/ ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI number 123456789 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE 0123456789 123456789 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE CITYEFGHI ABCDEFGHI AB, ST 012345678901 UK 4 If the name and/or EIN of the plan sponsor has changed since the last return/report filed for this plan, enter the name, 4b EIN EIN and the plan number from the last return/report: 012345678 a Sponsor’s name 4c PN ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 012 5 Total number of participants at the beginning of the plan year 5 12345678901214106 6 Number of participants as of the end of the plan year (welfare plans complete only lines 6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d).

a Active participants ...... 6a 1234567890126583

b Retired or separated participants receiving benefits ...... 6b 1234567890123464

c Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits...... 6c 1234567890124212

d Subtotal. Add lines 6a, 6b, and 6c...... 6d 12345678901214259

e Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits...... 6e 123456789012285

Total. Add lines 6d and 6e...... 6f 12345678901214544

Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year (only defined contribution plans complete this item) ...... 6g 123456789012

Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested ...... 6h 123456789012254 7 Enter the total number of employers obligated to contribute to the plan (only multiemployer plans complete this item) ...... 7 1765 8a If the plan provides pension benefits, enter the applicable pension feature codes from the List of Plan Characteristics Codes in the instructions: 1A 1G

b If the plan provides welfare benefits, enter the applicable welfare feature codes from the List of Plan Characteristics Codes in the instructions:

9a Plan funding arrangement (check all that apply) 9b Plan benefit arrangement (check all that apply) (1) X Insurance (1) X Insurance (2) X Code section 412(e)(3) insurance contracts (2) X Code section 412(e)(3) insurance contracts (3) X Trust (3) X Trust (4) X General assets of the sponsor (4) X General assets of the sponsor 10 Check all applicable boxes in 10a and 10b to indicate which schedules are attached, and, where indicated, enter the number attached. (See instructions)

a Pension Schedules b General Schedules (1) X (Retirement Plan Information) (1) X H (Financial Information)

(2) X MB (Multiemployer Defined Benefit Plan and Certain Money (2) X I (Financial Information – Small Plan) Purchase Plan Actuarial Information) - signed by the plan (3) X ___ A (Insurance Information) actuary (4) X C (Service Provider Information) (3) X SB (Single-Employer Defined Benefit Plan Actuarial (5) X D (DFE/Participating Plan Information) Information) - signed by the plan actuary (6) X G (Financial Transaction Schedules)

SCHEDULE MB Multiemployer Defined Benefit Plan and Certain OMB No. 1210-0110

(Form 5500) Money Purchase Plan Actuarial Information 2012 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service This schedule is required to be filed under section 104 of the Employee Department of Labor Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and section 6059 of the This Form is Open to Public Employee Benefits Security Administration Internal Revenue Code (the Code). Inspection Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation  File as an attachment to Form 5500 or 5500-SF. For calendar plan year 2012 or fiscal plan year beginning 01/01/2012 and ending 12/31/2012 Round off amounts to nearest dollar. Caution: A penalty of $1,000 will be assessed for late filing of this report unless reasonable cause is established. A Name of plan B Three-digit PRODUCER-WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA PENSION PLAN 001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI plan number (PN)  001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI C Plan sponsor’s name as shown on line 2a of Form 5500 or 5500-SF D Employer Identification Number (EIN) ABCDEFGHIBOARD OF DIRECTORS ABCDEFGHI PRODUCER-WRITERS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI GUILD OF AMERICA ABCDEFGHI PENSION ABCDEFGHI 95-2216351012345678 ABCDEFGHI E Type of plan: (1) X Multiemployer Defined Benefit (2) X Money Purchase (see instructions) 1a Enter the valuation date: Month ______01 Day ______01 Year ______2012 b Assets (1) Current value of assets ...... 1b(1) 2039450119 (2) Actuarial value of assets for funding standard account ...... 1b(2) 2443621142 c (1) Accrued liability for plan using immediate gain methods ...... 1c(1) 2659492928 (2) Information for plans using spread gain methods: (a) Unfunded liability for methods with bases ...... 1c(2)(a) -123456789012345 (b) Accrued liability under entry age normal method ...... 1c(2)(b) -123456789012345 (c) Normal cost under entry age normal method ...... 1c(2)(c) -123456789012345 (3) Accrued liability under unit credit cost method ...... 1c(3) -1234567890123452435471594 d Information on current liabilities of the plan: (1) Amount excluded from current liability attributable to pre-participation service (see instructions) ...... 1d(1) -123456789012345 (2) “RPA ‘94” information: (a) Current liability ...... 1d(2)(a) -1234567890123453850741921 (b) Expected increase in current liability due to benefits accruing during the plan year ...... 1d(2)(b) -123456789012345127479999 (c) Expected release from “RPA ‘94” current liability for the plan year ...... 1d(2)(c) -123456789012345 (3) Expected plan disbursements for the plan year ...... 1d(3) -123456789012345119097743 Statement by Enrolled Actuary To the best of my knowledge, the information supplied in this schedule and accompanying schedules, statements and attachments, if any, is complete and accurate. Each prescribed assumption was applied in accordance with applicable law and regulations. In my opinion, each other assumption is reasonable (taking into account the experience of the plan and reasonable expectations) and such other assumptions, in combination, offer my best estimate of anticipated experience under the plan. SIGN

HERE 07/26/2013 Signature of actuary Date KEVIN . CAMPE 11-05356 Type or print name of actuary Most recent enrollment number MILLIMAN, INC. 312-726-0677 Firm name Telephone number (including area code) 71 S. WACKER DRIVE, 31ST FLOOR, CHICAGO, IL 60606 Address of the firm If the actuary has not fully reflected any regulation or ruling promulgated under the statute in completing this schedule, check the box and see X instructions For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice and OMB Control Numbers, see the instructions for Form 5500 or Form 5500-SF. Schedule MB (Form 5500) 2012 v. 120126

Schedule MB (Form 5500) 2012 Page 2 - 11 x

2 Operational information as of beginning of this plan year: a Current value of assets (see instructions) ...... ………… 2a -1234567890123452039450119 b “RPA ‘94” current liability/participant count breakdown: (1) Number of participants (2) Current liability (1) For retired participants and beneficiaries receiving payment ...... 12345678 3654 -1234567890123451422873360 (2) For terminated vested participants ...... 12345678 4187 -123456789012345756786032 (3) For active participants: (a) Non-vested benefits ...... -12345678901234546806353 (b) Vested benefits ...... -1234567890123451624276176 (c) Total active ...... 6265 -1234567890123451671082529 (4) Total ...... 12345678 14106 -1234567890123453850741921

c If the percentage resulting from dividing line 2a by line 2b(4), column (2), is less than 70%, enter such 2c percentage ...... 123.1252.96 % 3 Contributions made to the plan for the plan year by employer(s) and employees: (a) Date (b) Amount paid by (c) Amount paid by (a) Date (b) Amount paid by (c) Amount paid by (MM-DD-YYYY) employer(s) employees (MM-DD-YYYY) employer(s) employees 07/01/2012 83140527

Totals ► 3(b) 83140527 3(c) 0 4 Information on plan status:

a Enter code to indicate plan’s status (see instructions for attachment of supporting evidence of plan’s status). If 4a code is “N,” go to line 5...... b Funded percentage for monitoring plan’s status (line 1b(2) divided by line 1c(3)) ...... 4b 123.1% c Is the plan making the scheduled progress under any applicable funding improvement or rehabilitation plan? ...... X Yes X No d If the plan is in critical status, were any adjustable benefits reduced? ...... X Yes X No e If line d is “Yes,” enter the reduction in liability resulting from the reduction in adjustable benefits, measured as 4e -123456789012345 of the valuation date ...... 5 Actuarial cost method used as the basis for this plan year’s funding standard account computations (check all that apply): a X Attained age normal b X Entry age normal c X Accrued benefit (unit credit) d X Aggregate e X Frozen initial liability f X Individual level premium g X Individual aggregate h X Shortfall i X Reorganization X Other (specify): ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI AB ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI C ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI DE If box h is checked, enter period of use of shortfall method ...... 5k YYYY-MM-DD 9 Has a change been made in funding method for this plan year? ...... X Yes X No m If line l is “Yes,” was the change made pursuant to Revenue Procedure 2000-40 or other automatic approval? ...... X Yes X No

n If line l is “Yes,” and line m is “No,” enter the date (MM-DD-YYYY) of the ruling letter (individual or class) 5n YYYY-MM-DD approving the change in funding method ...... 6 Checklist of certain actuarial assumptions: a Interest rate for “RPA ‘94” current liability...... 6a 123.124.29 % Pre-retirement Post-retirement b Rates specified in insurance or annuity contracts ...... X Yes X No X N/A X Yes X No X N/A c Mortality table code for valuation purposes: (1) Males ...... 6c(1) A A (2) Females ...... 6c(2) A A d Valuation liability interest rate ...... 6d 123.127.50% 123.127.50 % e Expense loading ...... 6e 123.1219.6% X N/A 123.12% X N/A f Salary scale ...... 6f 123.122.75 % X N/A g Estimated investment return on actuarial value of assets for year ending on the valuation date ...... 6g -123.15.3 % h Estimated investment return on current value of assets for year ending on the valuation date ...... 6h -123.10.8 % Schedule MB (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 11 x

7 New amortization bases established in the current plan year: (1) Type of base (2) Initial balance (3) Amortization Charge/Credit A2 -12345678901234545397409 -1234567890123457709336 A5 -12345678901234548404291 -1234567890123455663692 A5 -123456789012345-48404291 -123456789012345-8219961 8 Miscellaneous information:

a If a waiver of a funding deficiency has been approved for this plan year, enter the date (MM-DD-YYYY) of the 8a ruling letter granting the approval ...... YYYY-MM-DD b Is the plan required to provide a Schedule of Active Participant Data? (See the instructions.) If “Yes,” attach schedule. X Yes X No c Are any of the plan’s amortization bases operating under an extension of time under section 412(e) (as in effect prior to X Yes X No 2008) or section 431(d) of the Code? ...... d If line c is “Yes,” provide the following additional information: (1) Was an extension granted automatic approval under section 431(d)(1) of the Code? ...... X Yes X No (2) If line 8d(1) is “Yes,” enter the number of years by which the amortization period was extended ...... 8d(2) 12 (3) Was an extension approved by the Internal Revenue Service under section 412(e) (as in effect prior to Yes No 2008) or 431(d)(2) of the Code? ...... X X (4) If line 8d(3) is “Yes,” enter number of years by which the amortization period was extended (not including 8d(4) the number of years in line (2)) ...... 12 (5) If line 8d(3) is “Yes,” enter the date of the ruling letter approving the extension ...... 8d(5) YYYY-MM-DD (6) If line 8d(3) is “Yes,” is the amortization base eligible for amortization using interest rates applicable under section Yes No 6621(b) of the Code for years beginning after 2007? ...... X X e If box 5h is checked or line 8c is “Yes,” enter the difference between the minimum required contribution for the year and the minimum that would have been required without using the shortfall method or extending the 8e amortization base(s) ...... -12345678901234523310206 9 Funding standard account statement for this plan year: Charges to funding standard account: a Prior year funding deficiency, if any ...... 9a -1234567890123450 b Employer’s normal cost for plan year as of valuation date ...... 9b -12345678901234546398317 c Amortization charges as of valuation date: Outstanding balance (1) All bases except funding waivers and certain bases for which the 9c(1) amortization period has been extended ...... -123456789012345861473239 -1234567890123450 (2) Funding waivers ...... 9c(2) -1234567890123450 -1234567890123450 (3) Certain bases for which the amortization period has been extended ...... 9c(3) -1234567890123450 -1234567890123450 d Interest as applicable on lines 9a, 9b, and 9c ...... 9d -1234567890123453479874 e Total charges. Add lines 9a through 9d ...... 9e -12345678901234549878191 Credits to funding standard account: f Prior year credit balance, if any ...... 9f -123456789012345255867049 g Employer contributions. Total from column (b) of line 3 ...... 9g -12345678901234583140527 Outstanding balance h Amortization credits as of valuation date ...... 9h -123456789012345389734404 -1234567890123450 i Interest as applicable to end of plan year on lines 9f, 9g, and 9h...... 9i -12345678901234522307799 j Full funding limitation (FFL) and credits: (1) ERISA FFL (accrued liability FFL) ...... 9j(1) -123456789012345963628985 (2) “RPA ‘94” override (90% current liability FFL) ...... 9j(2) -1234567890123451121182907 (3) FFL credit ...... 9j(3) -1234567890123450 k (1) Waived funding deficiency ...... 9k(1) -1234567890123450 (2) Other credits ...... 9k(2) -1234567890123450 l Total credits. Add lines 9f through 9i, 9j(3), 9k(1), and 9k(2) ...... 9l -123456789012345361315375 m Credit balance: If line 9l is greater than line 9e, enter the difference...... 9m -123456789012345311437184 n Funding deficiency: If line 9e is greater than line 9l, enter the difference ...... 9n -123456789012345 Schedule MB (Form 5500) 2012 Page 4

9 o Current year’s accumulated reconciliation account: (1) Due to waived funding deficiency accumulated prior to the 2012 plan year ...... 9o(1) -1234567890123450 (2) Due to amortization bases extended and amortized using the interest rate under section 6621(b) of the Code: (a) Reconciliation outstanding balance as of valuation date ...... 9o(2)(a) -1234567890123450 (b) Reconciliation amount (line 9c(3) balance minus line 9o(2)(a)) ...... 9o(2)(b) -1234567890123450 (3) Total as of valuation date ...... 9o(3) -1234567890123450 10 Contribution necessary to avoid an accumulated funding deficiency. (See instructions.) ...... 10 -123456789012345 11 Has a change been made in the actuarial assumptions for the current plan year? If “Yes,” see instructions...... X Yes X No

Schedule C (Form 5500) 2011 Page 1 SCHEDULE C Service Provider Information OMB No. 1210-0110

(Form 5500) 2012 Department of the Treasury This schedule is required to be filed under section 104 of the Employee Internal Revenue Service Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration  File as an attachment to Form 5500. This Form is Open to Public Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Inspection. For calendar plan year 2012 or fiscal plan year beginning 01/01/2012 and ending 12/31/2012 A Name of plan B Three-digit PRODUCER-WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA PENSION PLAN 001 ABCDEFGHI plan number (PN)  001

C Plan sponsor’s name as shown on line 2a of Form 5500 D Employer Identification Number (EIN) ABOARDBCDEFGHI OF DIRECTORS PRODUCER-WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA PENSION 01234567895-2216351

Part I Service Provider Information (see instructions)

You must complete this Part, in accordance with the instructions, to report the information required for each person who received, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of monetary value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or the person's position with the plan during the plan year. If a person received only eligible indirect compensation for which the plan received the required disclosures, you are required to answer line 1 but are not required to include that person when completing the remainder of this Part.

1 Information on Persons Receiving Only Eligible Indirect Compensation a Check "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether you are excluding a person from the remainder of this Part because they received only eligible indirect compensation for which the plan received the required disclosures (see instructions for definitions and conditions)...... X Yes X No

b If you answered line 1a “Yes,” enter the name and EIN or address of each person providing the required disclosures for the service providers who received only eligible indirect compensation. Complete as many entries as needed (see instructions).

(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation SSARIS ADVISORS, LLC


(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosure on eligible indirect compensation GRANTHAM, MAYO, VAN OTTERLOO & CO 40 ROWES WHARF BOSTON, MA 02110

(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation PIMCO ACCOUNT 840 NEWPORT CENTER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660

(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation DFA INVESTMENTS 6300 BEE CAVE ROAD BUILDING ONE AUSTIN, TX 78746

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice and OMB Control Numbers, see the instructions for Form 5500 Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 v.120126 Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 2- 1 x

(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation



(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation ARTISAN EMERGING MARKETS 100 PINE STREET SUITE 2950 SAN FRANSICO, CA 94111

(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation



(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation TEMPLETON FRONTIER MARKETS FUND P.O. BOX 997152 SACRAMENTO, CA 95899-7152

(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation PAYDEN EMERGING MARKETS BOND 333 SOUTH GRAND AVE. SUITE 3200 LOS ANGELOS, CA 90071

(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation BRIDGEWATER ASSOCIATES


(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation

(b) Enter name and EIN or address of person who provided you disclosures on eligible indirect compensation

Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 11 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) NIGRO KARLIN SEGAL & FELDSTEIN


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

10 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012962347 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

27 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012791035 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

27 28 50 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012563860 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 12 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) SHENKMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012555968 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012548036 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012514581 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 13 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT COMPANY


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012437507 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012413769 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012344432 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 14 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) METROPOLIAN WEST ASSET MANAGEMENT


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012314405 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

29 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012302999 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012263047 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 15 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) PIMCO


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012249798 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012246205 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHIINVESTMENT 123456789012243617 ABCDEFGHIMANAGER 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 16 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) LOCKTON INSURANCE BROKERS, LLC 725 S FIGUEROA BLVD 35TH FLOOR LOS ANGELES, CA 90017-5524

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

22 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012221769 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012217512 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012216632 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 17 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) PROSKAUER ROSE LLP


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

29 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012192196 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012192137 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012183492 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 18 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) MILLIMAN, INC


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

11 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012182988 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

19 28 50 ABCDEFGHICO-TRUSTEE 123456789012176500 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

10 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012162050 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 19 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) ACADIAN ASSET MANAGEMENT


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012147590 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 123456789012144769 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 123456789012141667 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 110 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004235


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 123456789012127798 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 123456789012114021 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901282864 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 111 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) OPUS INVESTMENT ADVISORS, LLC


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

27 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901275707 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901275305 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 51 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901274207 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 112 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) NORTHERN TRUST GLOBAL INVESTMENTS


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

28 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901270047 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901262968 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

22 50 53 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901259320 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 113 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004229


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901253083 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901252384 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901252281 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 114 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) NSE INC 16554 CRAPE MYRTLE STE 14 WHITTIER, CA 90603

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901252205 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901252115 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901252103 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 115 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) THOUGHTMATRIX 605 LOMOND CIRCLE SAN RAMON, CA 94583

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901251277 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901251034 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901245691 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 116 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004344


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901244908 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901242271 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901238281 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 117 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004350


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901236876 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901235710 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901234606 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 118 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004311


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901234395 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901232229 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901230909 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 119 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004334


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901230425 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901230188 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901228527 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 120 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004332


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901227929 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901226823 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901225584 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 121 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004345


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901225319 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901224775 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901224000 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 122 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004319


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901222756 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901222686 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901222413 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 123 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 001691


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901222391 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901221782 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901221591 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 124 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004313


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901220646 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901220066 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901219516 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 125 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004277


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901218758 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901218510 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

16 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901218192 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 126 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) BOB SCHNEIDER 1603 10TH AVENUE BROOKLYN, NY 11215

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

20 50 ABCDEFGHITRUSTEE 12345678901217824 123456789012345761 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

22 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901217792 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901217179 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 127 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004282


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901216977 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901216663 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901216255 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 128 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004354


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901216140 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901215663 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901215136 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 129 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) STEVE HECKLER ASSOCIATES 11628 CHENAULT STREET LOS ANGELES, CA 90049

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901214222 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901213887 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901213822 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 130 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004356


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901213809 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

40 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901212760 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

40 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901212205 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 131 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) ROYAL OAK PROPERTY SERVICES


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901211916 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901211753 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 12345678901211436 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 132 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) KEY INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC 21700 OXNARD ST SUITE 250 WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901211164 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

40 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 12345678901210352 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 1234567890129896 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 133 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) EMPLOYEE 004343


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

30 50 ABCDEFGHIEMPLOYEE 1234567890129362 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890129156 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

20 50 ABCDEFGHITRUSTEE 1234567890129024 737 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 134 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) TRANSCOM TELECOMMUNICATIONS


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890128954 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890128875 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890127901 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 135 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) BUDGET PRINT & COPY INC


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

36 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890127519 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890126695 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890125983 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 136 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) MPM BUILDING SERVICES, INC. 19625 VENTURA BLVD TARZANA, CA 91356

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890125930 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHISERVICE 1234567890125903 123456789012345 PROVIDER ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

20 50 ABCDEFGHITRUSTEE 1234567890125870 73 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 137 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) PAPERFREE CORPORATION 3164 LIONSHEAD AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92010-4704

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890125634 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)



(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890125524 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890125338 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 138 x

2. Information on Other Service Providers Receiving Direct or Indirect Compensation. Except for those persons for whom you answered “Yes” to line 1a above, complete as many entries as needed to list each person receiving, directly or indirectly, $5,000 or more in total compensation (i.e., money or anything else of value) in connection with services rendered to the plan or their position with the plan during the plan year. (See instructions).

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions) DRAIN ROOTER INC PO BOX 9786 CANOGA PARK, CA 91309

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890125308 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890125213 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD

(a) Enter name and EIN or address (see instructions)


(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Service Relationship to Enter direct Did service provider Did indirect compensation Enter total indirect Did the service Code(s) employer, employee compensation paid receive indirect include eligible indirect compensation received by provider give you a organization, or by the plan. If none, compensation? (sources compensation, for which the service provider excluding formula instead of person known to be enter -0-. other than plan or plan plan received the required eligible indirect an amount or a party-in-interest sponsor) disclosures? compensation for which you estimated amount? answered “Yes” to element (f). If none, enter -0-.

49 50 ABCDEFGHINONE 1234567890125200 ABCDEFGHI 345 Yes X No X Yes X No X Yes X No X ABCD Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 4- 1 x

Part I Service Provider Information (continued) 3 If you reported on line 2 receipt of indirect compensation, other than eligible indirect compensation, by a service provider, and the service provider is a fiduciary or provides contract administrator, consulting, custodial, investment advisory, investment management, broker, or recordkeeping services, answer the following questions for (a) each source from whom the service provider received $1,000 or more in indirect compensation and (b) each source for whom the service provider gave you a formula used to determine the indirect compensation instead of an amount or estimated amount of the indirect compensation. Complete as many entries as needed to report the required information for each source. (a) Enter service provider name as it appears on line 2 (b) Service Codes (c) Enter amount of indirect (see instructions) compensation

(d) Enter name and EIN (address) of source of indirect compensation (e) Describe the indirect compensation, including any formula used to determine the service provider’s eligibility for or the amount of the indirect compensation.

(a) Enter service provider name as it appears on line 2 (b) Service Codes (c) Enter amount of indirect (see instructions) compensation

(d) Enter name and EIN (address) of source of indirect compensation (e) Describe the indirect compensation, including any formula used to determine the service provider’s eligibility for or the amount of the indirect compensation.

(a) Enter service provider name as it appears on line 2 (b) Service Codes (c) Enter amount of indirect (see instructions) compensation

(d) Enter name and EIN (address) of source of indirect compensation (e) Describe the indirect compensation, including any formula used to determine the service provider’s eligibility for or the amount of the indirect compensation.

Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 5- 1 x

Part II Service Providers Who Fail or Refuse to Provide Information 4 Provide, to the extent possible, the following information for each service provider who failed or refused to provide the information necessary to complete this Schedule. (a) Enter name and EIN or address of service provider (see (b) Nature of (c) Describe the information that the service provider failed or refused to instructions) Service provide Code(s) ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD 10 11 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD 12 13 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE 1234567890 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDE





(a) Enter name and EIN or address of service provider (see (b) Nature of (c) Describe the information that the service provider failed or refused to instructions) Service provide Code(s)


Schedule C (Form 5500) 2012 Page 6- 1 x


SCHEDULE D DFE/Participating Plan Information OMB No. 1210-0110

(Form 5500)

Department of the Treasury This schedule is required to be filed under section 104 of the Employee Internal Revenue Service Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). 2012

Department of Labor  File as an attachment to Form 5500. Employee Benefits Security Administration This Form is Open to Public

Inspection. For calendar plan year 2012 or fiscal plan year beginning 01/01/2012 and ending 12/31/2012 A Name of plan B Three-digit PRODUCER-WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA PENSION PLAN 001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI plan number (PN)  001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI C Plan or DFE sponsor’s name as shown on line 2a of Form 5500 D Employer Identification Number (EIN) BOARDABCDEFGHI OF DIRECTORS ABCDEFGHI PRODUCER-WRITERS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHIGUILD OF AMERICA ABCDEFGHI PENSION ABCDEFGHI 012345678 95-2216351 ABCDEFGHI Part I Information on interests in MTIAs, CCTs, PSAs, and 103-12 IEs (to be completed by plans and DFEs) (Complete as many entries as needed to report all interests in DFEs) a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: COLLECTIVEABCDEFGHI SHORT-TERM ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENT ABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST COMPANY ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 36-6036794-001 C 0 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345

a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: NTGI-QMABCDEFGHI DAILY RUSSELL ABCDEFGHI 3000 INDEX ABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST GLOBAL ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENT-QM ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 45-6138589-005 C 0 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345

a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: NT COLLECTIVEABCDEFGHI S&P 400 ABCDEFGHI INDEX FUND NLABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST GLOBAL ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENTS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 45-6138589-004 C 32333691 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345

a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: NTGI-QMABCDEFGHI DAILY S&P 500 ABCDEFGHI EQUITY INDEX ABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST GLOBAL ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENT-QM ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 45-6138589-001 C 0 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345

a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: NTGI-QMABCDEFGHI DAILY RUSSELL ABCDEFGHI 2000 INDEX ABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST GLOBAL ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENT-QM ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 45-6138589-009 C 0 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345

a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: SPECIALABCDEFGHI SITUATION PROPERTY ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD JPMORGANABCDEFGHI CHASE BANK ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 13-3980309-001 C 18831931 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345

a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: STRATEGICABCDEFGHI PROPERTY ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD JPMORGANABCDEFGHI CHASE BANK ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity C e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 13-6038770-001 30332761 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice and OMB Control Numbers, see the instructions for Form 5500. Schedule D (Form 5500) 2012 v. 120126 Schedule D (Form 5500) 2012 Page 2 - 11 x a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: NT COLLECTIVEABCDEFGHI EAFE INDEXABCDEFGHI FD-NL ABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST GLOBAL ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENTS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 45-6138589-024 C 6583074 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: NTGI COLLECTIVEABCDEFGHI SHORT-TERM ABCDEFGHI INVST FDABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST GLOBAL ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENTS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 45-6138589-084 C 4593659 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: NT COLLECTIVEABCDEFGHI RUSSELL ABCDEFGHI 3000 IDX NL ABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST GLOBAL ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENTS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 45-6138589-097 C 29305252 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: NT COLLECTIVE ABCDEFGHI S&P 500 ABCDEFGHI INDEX FUND-NL ABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST GLOBAL ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENTS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 45-6138589-003 C 93331796 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: NT COLLECTIVEABCDEFGHI RUSSELL ABCDEFGHI 2000 IDX NL ABCDEFGHI ABCD NORTHERNABCDEFGHI TRUST GLOBAL ABCDEFGHI INVESTMENTS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 45-6138589-096 C 5524192 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345 a Name of MTIA, CCT, PSA, or 103-12 IE: ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI b Name of sponsor of entity listed in (a): ABCDEFGHI d Entity e Dollar value of interest in MTIA, CCT, PSA, or c EIN-PN 123456789-123 code 1 103-12 IE at end of year (see instructions) -123456789012345


SCHEDULE G Financial Transaction Schedules OMB No. 1210-0110 (Form 5500)

Department of Treasury This schedule is required to be filed under section 104 of the Employee Retirement 2012 Internal Revenue Service Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and section 6058(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code). Department of Labor This Form is Open to Public Employee Benefits Security Administration  File as an attachment to Form 5500. Inspection. For calendar plan year 2012 or fiscal plan year beginning 01/01/2012 and ending 12/31/2012 A Name of plan B Three-digit PRODUCER-WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA PENSION PLAN 001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI plan number (PN)  001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI C Plan sponsor’s name as shown on line 2a of Form 5500 D Employer Identification Number (EIN) BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRODUCER-WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA PENSION ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 95-2216351012345678 ABCDEFGHI Part I Schedule of Loans or Fixed Income Obligations in Default or Classified as Uncollectible Complete as many entries as needed to report all loans or fixed income obligations in default or classified as uncollectible. Check box (a) if obligor is known to be a party in interest. Attach Overdue Loan Explanation for each loan listed. See Instructions. (c) Detailed description of loan including dates of making and maturity, interest rate, the (a) (b) Identity and address of obligor type and value of collateral, any renegotiation of the loan and the terms of the renegotiation, and other material items NATIONALABCDEFGHI STEEL ABCDEFGHI CORP ABCDEFGHI ABCD CORPABCDEFGHI BD, PV 32,246 ABCDEFGHI CUSIP C637844AE1 ABCDEFGHI MATURITY ABCDEFGHI DT 08/01/2006, ABCDEFGHI INTEREST RT ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD 8.375%ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD Amount received during reporting year Amount overdue (d) Original amount of (g) Unpaid balance at end (e) Principal (f) Interest (h) Principal (i) Interest loan of year 12345678901234532246 1234567890123450 1234567890123450 12345678901234532246 12345678901234532246 12345678901234518651

(c) Detailed description of loan including dates of making and maturity, interest rate, the (a) (b) Identity and address of obligor type and value of collateral, any renegotiation of the loan and the terms of the renegotiation, and other material items LEHMANABCDEFGHI BROTHERS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD CORPABCDEFGHI BD, PV 1,400,000, ABCDEFGHI C5252MOBZ9 ABCDEFGHI MATURITY ABCDEFGHI DT 05/25/2010 ABCDEFGHIINTEREST RT ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD 5.625%ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD Amount received during reporting year Amount overdue (d) Original amount of (g) Unpaid balance at end (e) Principal (f) Interest (h) Principal (i) Interest loan of year 2746105 123456789012345392700 1234567890123450 1234567890123450 1234567890123450 1234567890123450

(c) Detailed description of loan including dates of making and maturity, interest rate, the (a) (b) Identity and address of obligor type and value of collateral, any renegotiation of the loan and the terms of the renegotiation, and other material items ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD Amount received during reporting year Amount overdue (d) Original amount of (g) Unpaid balance at end (e) Principal (f) Interest (h) Principal (i) Interest loan of year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice and OMB Control Numbers, see the instructions for Form 5500. Schedule G (Form 5500) 2012 v.120126 Schedule G (Form 5500) 2012 Page 2 - 11 x

(c) Detailed description of loan including dates of making and maturity, interest rate, the (a) (b) Identity and address of obligor type and value of collateral, any renegotiation of the loan and the terms of the renegotiation, and other material items ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD Amount received during reporting year Amount overdue (d) Original amount of (g) Unpaid balance at end (e) Principal (f) Interest (h) Principal (i) Interest loan of year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345

(c) Detailed description of loan including dates of making and maturity, interest rate, the (a) (b) Identity and address of obligor type and value of collateral, any renegotiation of the loan and the terms of the renegotiation, and other material items ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD Amount received during reporting year Amount overdue (d) Original amount of (g) Unpaid balance at end (e) Principal (f) Interest (h) Principal (i) Interest loan of year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345

(c) Detailed description of loan including dates of making and maturity, interest rate, the (a) (b) Identity and address of obligor type and value of collateral, any renegotiation of the loan and the terms of the renegotiation, and other material items ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD Amount received during reporting year Amount overdue (d) Original amount of (g) Unpaid balance at end (e) Principal (f) Interest (h) Principal (i) Interest loan of year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345

(c) Detailed description of loan including dates of making and maturity, interest rate, the (a) (b) Identity and address of obligor type and value of collateral, any renegotiation of the loan and the terms of the renegotiation, and other material items ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD Amount received during reporting year Amount overdue (d) Original amount of (g) Unpaid balance at end (e) Principal (f) Interest (h) Principal (i) Interest loan of year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345

(c) Detailed description of loan including dates of making and maturity, interest rate, the (a) (b) Identity and address of obligor type and value of collateral, any renegotiation of the loan and the terms of the renegotiation, and other material items ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDE ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD Amount received during reporting year Amount overdue (d) Original amount of (g) Unpaid balance at end (e) Principal (f) Interest (h) Principal (i) Interest loan of year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 Schedule G (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3 - 1 1 x Part II Schedule of Leases in Default or Classified as Uncollectible Complete as many entries as needed to report all leases in default or classified as uncollectible. Check box (a) if lessor or lessee is known to be a party in interest. Attach Overdue Lease Explanation for each lease listed. (See instructions) (c) Relationship to plan, employer, (d) Terms and description (type of property, location and date it was (a) (b) Identity of lessor/lessee employee organization, or other purchased, terms regarding rent, taxes, insurance, repairs, party-in-interest expenses, renewal options, date property was leased) ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Gross rental (f) Current value at time of (h) Expenses paid during (e) Original cost receipts during the plan (i) Net receipts (j) Amount in arrears lease the plan year year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 (c) Relationship to plan, employer, (d) Terms and description (type of property, location and date it was (a) (b) Identity of lessor/lessee employee organization, or other purchased, terms regarding rent, taxes, insurance, repairs, party-in-interest expenses, renewal options, date property was leased) ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Gross rental (f) Current value at time of (h) Expenses paid during (e) Original cost receipts during the plan (i) Net receipts (j) Amount in arrears lease the plan year year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 (c) Relationship to plan, employer, (d) Terms and description (type of property, location and date it was (a) (b) Identity of lessor/lessee employee organization, or other purchased, terms regarding rent, taxes, insurance, repairs, party-in-interest expenses, renewal options, date property was leased) ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Gross rental (f) Current value at time of (h) Expenses paid during (e) Original cost receipts during the plan (i) Net receipts (j) Amount in arrears lease the plan year year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 (c) Relationship to plan, employer, (d) Terms and description (type of property, location and date it was (a) (b) Identity of lessor/lessee employee organization, or other purchased, terms regarding rent, taxes, insurance, repairs, party-in-interest expenses, renewal options, date property was leased) ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Gross rental (f) Current value at time of (h) Expenses paid during (e) Original cost receipts during the plan (i) Net receipts (j) Amount in arrears lease the plan year year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 (c) Relationship to plan, employer, (d) Terms and description (type of property, location and date it was (a) (b) Identity of lessor/lessee employee organization, or other purchased, terms regarding rent, taxes, insurance, repairs, party-in-interest expenses, renewal options, date property was leased) ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Gross rental (f) Current value at time of (h) Expenses paid during (e) Original cost receipts during the plan (i) Net receipts (j) Amount in arrears lease the plan year year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345

(c) Relationship to plan, employer, (d) Terms and description (type of property, location and date it was (a) (b) Identity of lessor/lessee employee organization, or other purchased, terms regarding rent, taxes, insurance, repairs, party-in-interest expenses, renewal options, date property was leased) ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI X ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Gross rental (f) Current value at time of (h) Expenses paid during (e) Original cost receipts during the plan (i) Net receipts (j) Amount in arrears lease the plan year year 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345

Schedule G (Form 5500) 2012 Page 4 - 1 1 x

Part III Nonexempt Transactions Complete as many entries as needed to report all nonexempt transactions. Caution: If a nonexempt prohibited transaction occurred with respect to a disqualified person, file Form 5330 with the IRS to pay the excise tax on the transaction. (b) Relationship to plan, employer, (c) Description of transaction including maturity date, rate (a) Identity of party involved (d) Purchase price or other party-in-interest of interest, collateral, par or maturity value ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Transaction (i) Current value of (j) Net gain (or loss) on (e) Selling price (f) Lease rental (h) Cost of asset expenses asset each transaction 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 12345678901235 -1234567890123455

(b) Relationship to plan, employer, (c) Description of transaction including maturity date, rate (a) Identity of party involved (d) Purchase price or other party-in-interest of interest, collateral, par or maturity value ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Transaction (i) Current value of (j) Net gain (or loss) on (e) Selling price (f) Lease rental (h) Cost of asset expenses asset each transaction

(b) Relationship to plan, employer, (c) Description of transaction including maturity date, rate (a) Identity of party involved (d) Purchase price or other party-in-interest of interest, collateral, par or maturity value ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Transaction (i) Current value of (j) Net gain (or loss) on (e) Selling price (f) Lease rental (h) Cost of asset expenses asset each transaction 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 12345678901235 -1234567890123455

(b) Relationship to plan, employer, (c) Description of transaction including maturity date, rate (a) Identity of party involved (d) Purchase price or other party-in-interest of interest, collateral, par or maturity value ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Transaction (i) Current value of (j) Net gain (or loss) on (e) Selling price (f) Lease rental (h) Cost of asset expenses asset each transaction

(b) Relationship to plan, employer, (c) Description of transaction including maturity date, rate (d) Purchase price (a) Identity of party involved or other party-in-interest of interest, collateral, par or maturity value ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Transaction (i) Current value of (j) Net gain (or loss) on (e) Selling price (f) Lease rental (h) Cost of asset expenses asset each transaction 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 12345678901235 -1234567890123455

(b) Relationship to plan, employer, (c) Description of transaction including maturity date, rate (a) Identity of party involved (d) Purchase price or other party-in-interest of interest, collateral, par or maturity value ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI 123456789012345 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCD (g) Transaction (i) Current value of (j) Net gain (or loss) on (e) Selling price (f) Lease rental (h) Cost of asset expenses asset each transaction 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 123456789012345 12345678901235 -1234567890123455

SCHEDULE H Financial Information OMB No. 1210-0110 (Form 5500) This schedule is required to be filed under section 104 of the Employee Department of the Treasury 2012 Internal Revenue Service Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), and section 6058(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code). Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration  File as an attachment to Form 5500. This Form is Open to Public Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Inspection For calendar plan year 2012 or fiscal plan year beginning 01/01/2012 and ending 12/31/2012 A Name of plan B Three-digit PRODUCER-WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA PENSION PLAN ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI plan number (PN)  001 001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI C Plan sponsor’s name as shown on line 2a of Form 5500 D Employer Identification Number (EIN) ABCDEFGHIBOARD OF DIRECTORS ABCDEFGHI PRODUCER-WRITERS ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHIGUILD OF AMERICA ABCDEFGHI PENSION ABCDEFGHI 012345678 ABCDEFGHI 95-2216351 Part I Asset and Liability Statement 1 Current value of plan assets and liabilities at the beginning and end of the plan year. Combine the value of plan assets held in more than one trust. Report the value of the plan’s interest in a commingled fund containing the assets of more than one plan on a line-by-line basis unless the value is reportable on lines 1c(9) through 1c(14). Do not enter the value of that portion of an insurance contract which guarantees, during this plan year, to pay a specific dollar benefit at a future date. Round off amounts to the nearest dollar. MTIAs, CCTs, PSAs, and 103-12 IEs do not complete lines 1b(1), 1b(2), 1c(8), 1g, 1h, and 1i. CCTs, PSAs, and 103-12 IEs also do not complete lines 1d and 1e. See instructions. Assets (a) Beginning of Year (b) End of Year a Total noninterest-bearing cash ...... 1a -1234567890123459882577 -12345678901234512753688 b Receivables (less allowance for doubtful accounts): (1) Employer contributions ...... 1b(1) -1234567890123457173158 -12345678901234512390101 (2) Participant contributions ...... 1b(2) -123456789012345 -123456789012345 (3) Other ...... 1b(3) -12345678901234511772496 -12345678901234512941943 c General investments: (1) Interest-bearing cash (include money market accounts & certificates 1c(1) of deposit) ...... -123456789012345 -123456789012345 (2) U.S. Government securities ...... 1c(2) -123456789012345233581545 -123456789012345255292687 (3) Corporate debt instruments (other than employer securities): (A) Preferred ...... 1c(3)(A) -1234567890123450 -123456789012345 (B) All other ...... 1c(3)(B) -123456789012345277568544 -123456789012345270424570 (4) Corporate stocks (other than employer securities): (A) Preferred ...... 1c(4)(A) -1234567890123451611058 -123456789012345489286 (B) Common ...... 1c(4)(B) -123456789012345604967130 -123456789012345408938698 (5) Partnership/joint venture interests ...... 1c(5) -123456789012345383029943 -123456789012345632127832 (6) Real estate (other than employer real property) ...... 1c(6) -12345678901234535951915 -12345678901234544406311 (7) Loans (other than to participants) ...... 1c(7) -123456789012345 -123456789012345 (8) Participant loans ...... 1c(8) -123456789012345 -123456789012345 (9) Value of interest in common/collective trusts ...... 1c(9) -123456789012345289471960 -123456789012345220836356 (10) Value of interest in pooled separate accounts ...... 1c(10) -123456789012345 -123456789012345 (11) Value of interest in master trust investment accounts ...... 1c(11) -123456789012345 -123456789012345 (12) Value of interest in 103-12 investment entities ...... 1c(12) -123456789012345 -123456789012345 (13) Value of interest in registered investment companies (e.g., mutual 1c(13) funds) ...... -123456789012345233854210 -123456789012345374193611 (14) Value of funds held in insurance company general account (unallocated 1c(14) contracts) ...... -123456789012345 -123456789012345 (15) Other ...... 1c(15) -123456789012345221064781 -123456789012345186196760

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice and OMB Control Numbers, see the instructions for Form 5500 Schedule H (Form 5500) 2012 v. 120126

Schedule H (Form 5500) 2012 Page 2

1d Employer-related investments: (a) Beginning of Year (b) End of Year (1) Employer securities ...... 1d(1) -123456789012345 -123456789012345 (2) Employer real property ...... 1d(2) -123456789012345 -123456789012345 1e Buildings and other property used in plan operation ...... 1e -12345678901234510931395 -12345678901234510121115 1f Total assets (add all amounts in lines 1a through 1e) ...... 1f -1234567890123452320860712 -1234567890123452441112958 Liabilities 1g Benefit claims payable ...... 1g -1234567890123454894401 -1234567890123456225205 1h Operating payables ...... 1h -1234567890123452310446 -1234567890123452090483 1i Acquisition indebtedness ...... 1i -12345678901234564271956 -12345678901234531911710 1j Other liabilities ...... 1j -123456789012345211391058 -123456789012345171331534 1k Total liabilities (add all amounts in lines 1g through1j) ...... 1k -123456789012345282867861 -123456789012345211558932 Net Assets 1l Net assets (subtract line 1k from line 1f) ...... 1l -1234567890123452037992851 -1234567890123452229554026

Part II Income and Expense Statement 2 Plan income, expenses, and changes in net assets for the year. Include all income and expenses of the plan, including any trust(s) or separately maintained fund(s) and any payments/receipts to/from insurance carriers. Round off amounts to the nearest dollar. MTIAs, CCTs, PSAs, and 103-12 IEs do not complete lines 2a, 2b(1)(E), 2e, 2f, and 2g. Income (a) Amount (b) Total a Contributions: (1) Received or receivable in cash from: (A) Employers ...... 2a(1)(A) -12345678901234583140527 (B) Participants ...... 2a(1)(B) -123456789012345 (C) Others (including rollovers) ...... 2a(1)(C) -123456789012345 (2) Noncash contributions ...... 2a(2) -123456789012345 (3) Total contributions. Add lines 2a(1)(A), (B), (C), and line 2a(2) ...... 2a(3) -12345678901234583140527 b Earnings on investments: (1) Interest: (A) Interest-bearing cash (including money market accounts and 2b(1)(A) certificates of deposit) ...... -123456789012345 (B) U.S. Government securities ...... 2b(1)(B) -1234567890123453273044 (C) Corporate debt instruments ...... 2b(1)(C) -12345678901234515429296 (D) Loans (other than to participants) ...... 2b(1)(D) -123456789012345 (E) Participant loans ...... 2b(1)(E) -123456789012345 (F) Other ...... 2b(1)(F) -123456789012345 (G) Total interest. Add lines 2b(1)(A) through (F) ...... 2b(1)(G) -12345678901234518702340 (2) Dividends: (A) Preferred stock ...... 2b(2)(A) -12345678901234518301 (B) Common stock ...... 2b(2)(B) -12345678901234512921752 (C) Registered investment company shares (e.g. mutual funds) ...... 2b(2)(C) 5358106 (D) Total dividends. Add lines 2b(2)(A), (B), and (C) 2b(2)(D) -12345678901234518298159 (3) Rents ...... 2b(3) -123456789012345 (4) Net gain (loss) on sale of assets: (A) Aggregate proceeds ...... 2b(4)(A) -1234567890123452200803162 (B) Aggregate carrying amount (see instructions) ...... 2b(4)(B) -1234567890123452086320924 (C) Subtract line 2b(4)(B) from line 2b(4)(A) and enter result ...... 2b(4)(C) -123456789012345114482238 (5) Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of assets: (A) Real estate ...... 2b(5)(A) -123456789012345-100156 (B) Other ...... 2b(5)(B) -123456789012345-6507384 (C) Total unrealized appreciation of assets. 2b(5)(C) -6607540 Add lines 2b(5)(A) and (B) ...... -123456789012345 Schedule H (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3

(a) Amount (b) Total (6) Net investment gain (loss) from common/collective trusts ...... 2b(6) -12345678901234546886559 (7) Net investment gain (loss) from pooled separate accounts ...... 2b(7) -123456789012345 (8) Net investment gain (loss) from master trust investment accounts ...... 2b(8) -123456789012345 (9) Net investment gain (loss) from 103-12 investment entities ...... 2b(9) -123456789012345 (10) Net investment gain (loss) from registered investment 2b(10) companies (e.g., mutual funds)...... -12345678901234533946469 c Other income ...... 2c -12345678901234514795369 d Total income. Add all income amounts in column (b) and enter total ...... 2d -123456789012345323644121 Expenses e Benefit payment and payments to provide benefits: (1) Directly to participants or beneficiaries, including direct rollovers ...... 2e(1) -123456789012345118618020 (2) To insurance carriers for the provision of benefits ...... 2e(2) -123456789012345 (3) Other ...... 2e(3) -123456789012345 (4) Total benefit payments. Add lines 2e(1) through (3) ...... 2e(4) -123456789012345118618020 f Corrective distributions (see instructions) ...... 2f -123456789012345 g Certain deemed distributions of participant loans (see instructions) ...... 2g -123456789012345 h Interest expense ...... 2h -123456789012345 i Administrative expenses: (1) Professional fees ...... 2i(1) -1234567890123451934880 (2) Contract administrator fees ...... 2i(2) -123456789012345 (3) Investment advisory and management fees ...... 2i(3) -1234567890123456597623 (4) Other ...... 2i(4) -1234567890123454932423 (5) Total administrative expenses. Add lines 2i(1) through (4)...... 2i(5) -12345678901234513464926 j Total expenses. Add all expense amounts in column (b) and enter total ...... 2j -123456789012345132082946 Net Income and Reconciliation k Net income (loss). Subtract line 2j from line 2d ...... 2k -123456789012345191561175 l Transfers of assets: (1) To this plan ...... 2l(1) -123456789012345 (2) From this plan ...... 2l(2) -123456789012345

Part III Accountant’s Opinion 3 Complete lines 3a through 3c if the opinion of an independent qualified public accountant is attached to this Form 5500. Complete line 3d if an opinion is not attached. a The attached opinion of an independent qualified public accountant for this plan is (see instructions): (1) X Unqualified (2) X Qualified (3) X Disclaimer (4) X Adverse b Did the accountant perform a limited scope audit pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.103-8 and/or 103-12(d)? X Yes X No c Enter the name and EIN of the accountant (or accounting firm) below: (1) Name: ERNSTABCDEFGHI & YOUNG ABCDEFGHI LLP ABCDEFGHI ABCD (2) EIN: 12345678934-6565596 d The opinion of an independent qualified public accountant is not attached because: (1) X This form is filed for a CCT, PSA, or MTIA. (2) X It will be attached to the next Form 5500 pursuant to 29 CFR 2520.104-50. Part IV Compliance Questions 4 CCTs and PSAs do not complete Part IV. MTIAs, 103-12 IEs, and GIAs do not complete lines 4a, 4e, 4f, 4g, 4h, 4k, 4m, 4n, or 5. 103-12 IEs also do not complete lines 4j and 4l. MTIAs also do not complete line 4l. During the plan year: Yes No Amount a Was there a failure to transmit to the plan any participant contributions within the time period described in 29 CFR 2510.3-102? Continue to answer “Yes” for any prior year failures until fully corrected. (See instructions and DOL’s Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program.) ...... 4a X -123456789012345 b Were any loans by the plan or fixed income obligations due the plan in default as of the

close of the plan year or classified during the year as uncollectible? Disregard participant loans secured by participant’s account balance. (Attach Schedule G (Form 5500) Part I if “Yes” is X 50897 checked.) ...... 4b -123456789012345 Schedule H (Form 5500) 2012 Page 4- 1X

Yes No Amount c Were any leases to which the plan was a party in default or classified during the year as uncollectible? (Attach Schedule G (Form 5500) Part II if “Yes” is checked.) ...... 4c X -123456789012345 d Were there any nonexempt transactions with any party-in-interest? (Do not include transactions reported on line 4a. Attach Schedule G (Form 5500) Part III if “Yes” is checked.) ...... 4d X -123456789012345

e Was this plan covered by a fidelity bond? ...... 4e X -1234567890123451000000 f Did the plan have a loss, whether or not reimbursed by the plan’s fidelity bond, that was caused by fraud or dishonesty? ...... 4f X -123456789012345 g Did the plan hold any assets whose current value was neither readily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser? ...... 4g X -123456789012345409481426 h Did the plan receive any noncash contributions whose value was neither readily determinable on an established market nor set by an independent third party appraiser? ...... 4h X -123456789012345 i Did the plan have assets held for investment? (Attach schedule(s) of assets if “Yes” is checked, and see instructions for format requirements.) ...... 4i X j Were any plan transactions or series of transactions in excess of 5% of the current value of plan assets? (Attach schedule of transactions if “Yes” is checked, and see instructions for format requirements.) ...... 4j X k Were all the plan assets either distributed to participants or beneficiaries, transferred to another plan, or brought under the control of the PBGC? ...... 4k X l Has the plan failed to provide any benefit when due under the plan? ...... 4l X -123456789012345 m If this is an individual account plan, was there a blackout period? (See instructions and 29 CFR 2520.101-3.) ...... 4m n If 4m was answered “Yes,” check the “Yes” box if you either provided the required notice or one of the exceptions to providing the notice applied under 29 CFR 2520.101-3...... 4n 5a Has a resolution to terminate the plan been adopted during the plan year or any prior plan year? If “Yes,” enter the amount of any plan assets that reverted to the employer this year...... X Yes X No Amount:-123


SCHEDULE R Retirement Plan Information OMB No. 1210-0110

(Form 5500) This schedule is required to be filed under section 104 and 4065 of the 2012 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and section 6058(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code). Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration This Form is Open to Public  File as an attachment to Form 5500. Inspection. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation For calendar plan year 2012 or fiscal plan year beginning 01/01/2012 and ending 12/31/2012 A Name of plan B Three-digit PRODUCER-WRITERSABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI GUILD OF ABCDEFGHI AMERICA PENSION ABCDEFGHI PLAN ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI plan number 001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI (PN)  001 ABCDEFGHI ABCDEFGHI C Plan sponsor’s name as shown on line 2a of Form 5500 D Employer Identification Number (EIN) BOARDABCDEFGHI OF DIRECTORS ABCDEFGHI PRODUCER-WRITERS ABCDEFGHI GUILDABCDEFGHI OF AMERICA ABCDEFGHI PENSION ABCDEFGHI 012345678 95-2216351 ABCDEFGHI Part I Distributions All references to distributions relate only to payments of benefits during the plan year.

1 Total value of distributions paid in property other than in cash or the forms of property specified in the 0 instructions ...... 1 -123456789012345 2 Enter the EIN(s) of payor(s) who paid benefits on behalf of the plan to participants or beneficiaries during the year (if more than two, enter EINs of the two payors who paid the greatest dollar amounts of benefits):

EIN(s): ______95-6041299 ______

Profit-sharing plans, ESOPs, and stock bonus plans, skip line 3.

3 Number of participants (living or deceased) whose benefits were distributed in a single sum, during the plan year...... 3 1234567819 Part II Funding Information (If the plan is not subject to the minimum funding requirements of section of 412 of the Internal Revenue Code or ERISA section 302, skip this Part) 4 Is the plan administrator making an election under Code section 412(d)(2) or ERISA section 302(d)(2)? ...... X Yes X No X N/A If the plan is a defined benefit plan, go to line 8.

5 If a waiver of the minimum funding standard for a prior year is being amortized in this plan year, see instructions and enter the date of the ruling letter granting the waiver. Date: Month ______Day ______Year ______If you completed line 5, complete lines 3, 9, and 10 of Schedule MB and do not complete the remainder of this schedule. 6 a Enter the minimum required contribution for this plan year (include any prior year accumulated funding 6a -123456789012345 deficiency not waived) ...... b Enter the amount contributed by the employer to the plan for this plan year ...... 6b -123456789012345

c Subtract the amount in line 6b from the amount in line 6a. Enter the result (enter a minus sign to the left of a negative amount)...... 6c -123456789012345 If you completed line 6c, skip lines 8 and 9. 7 Will the minimum funding amount reported on line 6c be met by the funding deadline? ...... X Yes X No X N/A

8 If a change in actuarial cost method was made for this plan year pursuant to a revenue procedure or other authority providing automatic approval for the change or a class ruling letter, does the plan sponsor or plan administrator agree with the change? ...... X Yes X No X N/A

Part III Amendments 9 If this is a defined benefit pension plan, were any amendments adopted during this plan year that increased or decreased the value of benefits? If yes, check the appropriate box. If no, check the “No” box...... X Increase X Decrease X Both X No Part IV ESOPs (see instructions). If this is not a plan described under Section 409(a) or 4975(e)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code, skip this Part. 10 Were unallocated employer securities or proceeds from the sale of unallocated securities used to repay any exempt loan? ...... X Yes X No 11 a Does the ESOP hold any preferred stock? ...... X Yes X No b If the ESOP has an outstanding exempt loan with the employer as lender, is such loan part of a “back-to-back” loan? X Yes X No (See instructions for definition of “back-to-back” loan.) ...... 12 Does the ESOP hold any stock that is not readily tradable on an established securities market? ...... X Yes X No For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice and OMB Control Numbers, see the instructions for Form 5500. Schedule R (Form 5500) 2012 v. 120126 Schedule R (Form 5500) 2012 Page 2 - 11 x

Part V Additional Information for Multiemployer Defined Benefit Pension Plans 13 Enter the following information for each employer that contributed more than 5% of total contributions to the plan during the plan year (measured in dollars). See instructions. Complete as many entries as needed to report all applicable employers. a Name of contributing employer 20TH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION b EIN 84-0850630 c Dollar amount contributed by employer 10122709 d Date collective bargaining agreement expires (If employer contributes under more than one collective bargaining agreement, check box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, enter the applicable date.) Month ______05 Day ______01 Year ______2012 e Contribution rate information (If more than one rate applies, check this box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, complete lines 13e(1) and 13e(2).) (1) Contribution rate (in dollars and cents) 0.75______REPORTABLE COMP (2) Base unit measure: X Hourly X Weekly X Unit of production X Other (specify):

a Name of contributing employer WARNER BROS TELEVISION PRODUCTIONS b EIN 95-2576343 c Dollar amount contributed by employer 5218639 d Date collective bargaining agreement expires (If employer contributes under more than one collective bargaining agreement, check box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, enter the applicable date.) Month ______05 Day ______01 Year ______2012 e Contribution rate information (If more than one rate applies, check this box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, complete lines 13e(1) and 13e(2).) (1) Contribution rate (in dollars and cents) 0.75______REPORTABLE COMP (2) Base unit measure: X Hourly X Weekly X Unit of production X Other (specify): ______

a Name of contributing employer TOUCHSTONE TELEVISION b EIN 95-4771596 c Dollar amount contributed by employer 4983950 d Date collective bargaining agreement expires (If employer contributes under more than one collective bargaining agreement, check box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, enter the applicable date.) Month ______05 Day ______01 Year ______2012 e Contribution rate information (If more than one rate applies, check this box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, complete lines 13e(1) and 13e(2).) (1) Contribution rate (in dollars and cents) 0.75______REPORTABLE COMP (2) Base unit measure: X Hourly X Weekly X Unit of production X Other (specify): ______

a Name of contributing employer b EIN c Dollar amount contributed by employer d Date collective bargaining agreement expires (If employer contributes under more than one collective bargaining agreement, check box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, enter the applicable date.) Month ______Day ______Year ______e Contribution rate information (If more than one rate applies, check this box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, complete lines 13e(1) and 13e(2).) (1) Contribution rate (in dollars and cents) ______(2) Base unit measure: X Hourly X Weekly X Unit of production X Other (specify): ______

a Name of contributing employer b EIN c Dollar amount contributed by employer d Date collective bargaining agreement expires (If employer contributes under more than one collective bargaining agreement, check box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, enter the applicable date.) Month ______Day ______Year ______e Contribution rate information (If more than one rate applies, check this box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, complete lines 13e(1) and 13e(2).) (1) Contribution rate (in dollars and cents) ______(2) Base unit measure: X Hourly X Weekly X Unit of production X Other (specify): ______

a Name of contributing employer b EIN c Dollar amount contributed by employer d Date collective bargaining agreement expires (If employer contributes under more than one collective bargaining agreement, check box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, enter the applicable date.) Month ______Day ______Year ______e Contribution rate information (If more than one rate applies, check this box X and see instructions regarding required attachment. Otherwise, complete lines 13e(1) and 13e(2).) (1) Contribution rate (in dollars and cents) ______(2) Base unit measure: X Hourly X Weekly X Unit of production X Other (specify): ______

Schedule R (Form 5500) 2012 Page 3

14 Enter the number of participants on whose behalf no contributions were made by an employer as an employer of the participant for: a The current year ...... 14a 1234567890123450 b The plan year immediately preceding the current plan year ...... 14b 1234567890123450 c The second preceding plan year ...... 14c 1234567890123450 15 Enter the ratio of the number of participants under the plan on whose behalf no employer had an obligation to make an employer contribution during the current plan year to: a The corresponding number for the plan year immediately preceding the current plan year ...... 15a 123456789012345 b The corresponding number for the second preceding plan year ...... 15b 123456789012345 16 Information with respect to any employers who withdrew from the plan during the preceding plan year: a Enter the number of employers who withdrew during the preceding plan year ...... 16a 1234567890123450 b If line 16a is greater than 0, enter the aggregate amount of withdrawal liability assessed or estimated to be 16b assessed against such withdrawn employers ...... 123456789012345 17 If assets and liabilities from another plan have been transferred to or merged with this plan during the plan year, check box and see instructions regarding supplemental information to be included as an attachment...... X

Part VI Additional Information for Single-Employer and Multiemployer Defined Benefit Pension Plans 18 If any liabilities to participants or their beneficiaries under the plan as of the end of the plan year consist (in whole or in part) of liabilities to such participants and beneficiaries under two or more pension plans as of immediately before such plan year, check box and see instructions regarding supplemental information to be included as an attachment ...... X

19 If the total number of participants is 1,000 or more, complete lines (a) through (c) a Enter the percentage of plan assets held as: Stock: _____18% Investment-Grade Debt: _____20% High-Yield Debt: _____5 % Real Estate: _____4 % Other: _____53% b Provide the average duration of the combined investment-grade and high-yield debt: X 0-3 years X 3-6 years X 6-9 years X 9-12 years X 12-15 years X 15-18 years X 18-21 years X 21 years or more c What duration measure was used to calculate line 19(b)? X Effective duration X Macaulay duration X Modified duration X Other (specify):

See audited financial statements for Accountant’s Opinion.


Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan Years Ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 With Report of Independent Auditors

Ernst & Young LLP

Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Audited Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedules

Years Ended December 31, 2012 and 2011


Report of Independent Auditors...... 1

Audited Financial Statements

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits ...... 3 Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits ...... 4 Notes to Financial Statements ...... 5

Supplemental Schedules

Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) ...... 24 Schedule of Reportable Transactions ...... 94 Schedule of Loans or Fixed Income Obligations in Default or Classified as Uncollectible ...... 95 Schedule G, Part I – Overdue Loan Explanation ...... 96


Ernst & Young LLP Suite 500 725 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90017-5418

Tel: +1 213 977 3200 Fax: +1 213 977 3729 Report of Independent Auditors

The Directors Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan (the Plan), which comprise the statements of net assets available for benefits as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, and the related statements of changes in net assets available for benefits for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free of material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Plan’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Plan’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

1 1303-1051485

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited

Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan at December 31, 2012, and the changes in its net assets available for benefits for the year then ended, the financial status of the Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan at December 31, 2011, and the changes in its financial status for the year then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

Supplemental Schedules Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial statements as a whole. The accompanying supplemental schedules of assets (held at end of year) and loans or fixed-income obligations in default or classified as uncollectible as of December 31, 2012, and reportable transactions for the year then ended, are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the financial statements but are supplementary information required by the Department of Labor’s Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole. ey July 26, 2013

1303-1051485 2

A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits

December 31 2012 2011 Assets Investments, at fair value: United States government securities, less securities on loan $ 225,573,028 $ 187,557,899 Corporate bonds and notes, less securities on loan 232,657,883 234,666,303 Provincial and municipal bonds and notes 14,369,304 9,520,852 Common stock and other equities, less securities on loan 316,541,984 498,741,176 REITs – publicly traded, less securities on loan 36,204,959 26,558,103 Common/collective trusts 216,242,697 256,607,418 Mutual funds 374,193,611 233,854,210 Limited partnerships and other funds 632,127,832 383,029,943 Derivatives 285,437 – Money market fund 4,593,659 32,864,542 2,052,790,394 1,863,400,446 Investments on loan as part of securities lending arrangement: United States government securities 29,719,659 46,023,646 Corporate bonds and notes 37,766,687 42,902,241 Common stock and other equities 92,886,000 107,837,012 REITs – publicly traded 8,201,352 9,393,812 168,573,698 206,156,711 Collateral held in pooled fund related to securities lent 171,331,534 211,391,058 Total investments 2,392,695,626 2,280,948,215

Receivables: Employer contributions 12,390,101 7,173,158 Accrued investment income 6,183,024 5,834,915 Due from brokers for securities sold 6,758,919 5,937,581 Total receivables 25,332,044 18,945,654

Cash 12,753,688 9,882,577 Building, office furniture, equipment, and software at cost (accumulated depreciation of $8,515,482 and $7,630,255 at December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively) 6,784,138 7,494,262 Other assets 210,485 152,871 Total assets 2,437,775,981 2,317,423,579

Liabilities Due to brokers for securities purchased 31,714,704 63,888,362 Value of collateral owed related to securities lent 171,331,534 211,391,058 Derivatives, at fair value 197,006 383,594 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 2,090,483 2,310,446 Total liabilities 205,333,727 277,973,460 Net assets available for benefits $ 2,232,442,254 $ 2,039,450,119

See accompanying notes.

3 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits

Year Ended December 31 2012 2011 Additions (deductions) Net investment income: Net realized and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments $ 185,190,708 $ (26,915,777) Interest 18,875,001 20,456,749 Dividends 24,099,520 21,215,167 Other 12,438,521 7,680,808 Net investment income 240,603,750 22,436,947

Employer contributions 83,140,527 64,428,201

Benefits paid directly to participants (117,287,216) (109,298,973)

Administrative and investment expenses (13,464,926) (14,074,341) Net increase (decrease) 192,992,135 (36,508,166)

Net assets available for benefits: Beginning of year 2,039,450,119 2,075,958,285 End of year $ 2,232,442,254 $ 2,039,450,119

See accompanying notes.

1303-1051485 4 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 2012

1. Description of the Plan

The Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan (the Plan) is a multi-employer, noncontributory, defined benefit pension plan that has been established pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement for the benefit of writers in the entertainment industry, the majority of whom are members of the Writers Guild of America. The Plan provides retirement and death benefits to eligible participants/writers or their qualifying dependents. The Plan is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), as amended, and has complied with the applicable minimum funding requirements.

Should the Plan terminate at some future time, its net assets may not be available on a pro rata basis to provide participants’ benefits. Whether a particular participant’s accumulated plan benefits will be paid depends on both the priority of those benefits and the level of benefits guaranteed by the Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation (the PBGC) at that time. Some benefits may be fully or partially provided for by the then-existing assets and the PBGC’s benefits guarantee, while other benefits may not be provided for at all.

The foregoing description of the Plan provides only general information. Participants should refer to the Summary Plan Description of the Plan for a more complete description of the Plan agreement, the vesting and benefit provisions, and the PBGC’s benefit guarantee. Copies of this booklet are available from the Plan’s administrative offices.

Plan Amendments

In 2012, the Directors ratified the following amendments to the Plan:

Amendment No. 3 – clarifies the definition of Fiduciary and Named Fiduciary, including, but not limited to, directors and investment managers.

Amendment No. 4 – Amends the Plan to be in compliance with the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011. The amendment identifies situations where the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code may override the current Plan rules in certain situations in regard to limits on compensation and benefits allowed under Puerto Rico rules and regulations.

Amendment No. 5 – Provides that estates and living trusts of deceased retired participants that are entitled to receive post-retirement death benefits under a benefit with a certain term of years or months, may elect to receive the actuarial value of the remaining certain benefits payment as a one-time, lump-sum distribution.

5 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

1. Description of the Plan (continued)

In 2011, the directors ratified the following amendment to the Plan:

Amendment No. 2 – the directors ratified the second amendment to the restated Plan document effective May 2, 2011, to the extent that contributions are made (or required to be made) to the Plan by an employer on behalf of an employee or participant at a rate in excess of 6% of such participant’s “gross compensation,” the portion of such contributions exceeding 6% of gross compensation shall not be taken into account for purposes of calculating or accruing any benefit payable with respect to such employee or participant under the Plan (whether such benefit is payable to the participant, a beneficiary). This term means the person or persons whom a participant last designates to receive benefits in the event of his or her death. However, if you have been married at least one year at the time of your death, your spouse will be your beneficiary unless you and your spouse select a different beneficiary. If an affidavit of domestic partnership has been on file with the administrative office for at least one year at the time of your death, your qualified domestic partner will be your beneficiary, unless you and your qualified domestic partner select a different beneficiary. If there is no surviving designated beneficiary, the death benefits will generally be paid to the participant’s estate. Beneficiary designation forms are available from the administrative office or otherwise.

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Basis of Accounting

The accompanying financial statements of the Plan have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting.


Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior year’s financial statement captions to make them consistent with the current year presentation.

1303-1051485 6 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Use of Estimates in the Preparation of Financial Statements

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States (GAAP) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities and changes therein, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities and the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits at the date of the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Investment Valuation and Income Recognition

Investments held by the Plan are stated at fair value. Fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. See Note 5 for further discussion and disclosures related to fair value measurements.

Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on a trade-date basis. Interest income is recorded as earned. Dividends are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments includes the Plan’s gains and losses on investments bought and sold as well as held during the year.


Several of the Plan’s investment managers have the Board of Directors’ approval to invest the Plan’s assets in certain derivative contracts in an effort to manage exposure to certain securities or market conditions. Fair values may be obtained from markets and exchanges, brokers, counterparty statements, pricing services, and through modeling and valuation techniques.

The Plan is subject to interest rate risk in the normal course of pursuing its investment objectives. The Plan may use futures contracts to gain exposure to, or hedge against, changes in the value of interest rates. A futures contract represents a commitment for the future purchase or sale of an asset at a specified price on a specified date. Upon entering into such contracts, the Plan is required to deposit with the broker either in cash or securities an initial margin in an amount equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount. Subsequent payments (variation margin) are made or received by the Plan each day, depending on the daily fluctuations in the value of the contract, and are recorded for financial statement purposes as unrealized gains or losses by the

7 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Plan. Upon entering into such contracts, the Plan bears the risk of interest rates moving unexpectedly, in which case, the Plan may not achieve the anticipated benefits of the futures contracts and may realize a loss. With futures, there is minimal counterparty credit risk to the Plan since futures are exchange traded and the exchange’s clearinghouse, as counterparty to all exchange-traded futures, guarantees the futures against default.

As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the notional amount related to derivatives was approximately $104,666,872 and $58,570,000, respectively. The notional amounts are offset by the amounts pledged to or from the broker and the difference in these amounts results in the fair value of the instrument. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the net fair values of the derivatives were $88,431 and $(383,594), respectively. These fair values reflect a gross unrealized gain of $285,438 and a gross unrealized loss of $197,006 as of December 31, 2012. These fair values reflect a gross unrealized gain of $170,750 and a gross unrealized loss of $233,778 as of December 31, 2011.

Concentration of Market and Credit Risk

The Plan’s exposure to credit loss in the event of nonperformance of investments is limited to the carrying value of such instruments. The Plan’s concentrations of credit risk and market risk are dictated by the Plan’s provisions as well as those of ERISA. Due to the level of risk associated with certain investment securities and the level of uncertainty related to changes in the value of these investments, it is at least reasonably possible that changes in risks in the near term could materially affect the amounts reported in the statements of net assets available for benefits and the statements of changes in net assets available for benefits.

Employer Contributions

Producers/employers that are signatory parties to the Writers Guild of America Theatrical and Television Basic Agreement (the Agreement), as amended, are required to contribute to the Plan a percentage of the writer’s/participant’s compensation for covered writing services. The contribution rate is currently 7.5%, effective May 2, 2011. Prior to May 2, 2011, the contribution rate was 6%. These contributions are recorded in the period in which the participants earn the related compensation. Employer contributions receivable represent the estimated amount accrued on the amount of compensation earned in the current period but not reported by the employers until the subsequent period. The Plan has met the ERISA minimum funding requirements.

1303-1051485 8 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

The Plan conducts audits to monitor employers’ compliance with their obligation to make these contributions. Additional employer contributions collected based on employer compliance audits and internal collection programs during the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011, were approximately $2,282,000 and $2,201,000, respectively.


Benefits are recorded during the period in which benefits are paid.

Actuarial Present Value of Accumulated Plan Benefits

Accumulated plan benefits are those estimated future, periodic payments, including lump-sum distributions, that are attributable under the Plan’s provisions to the services rendered by participants to the valuation date. Accumulated plan benefits include benefits expected to be paid to (a) retired or inactive, vested participants or their beneficiaries; (b) beneficiaries of participants who have died; and (c) active participants or their beneficiaries. Benefits under the Plan are based on employer contributions made to the Plan on account of participants’ compensation as writers under the collective-bargaining agreement. Benefits payable under all circumstances, including retirement and death, are included to the extent they are deemed attributable to participants’ covered writing services rendered to the valuation date.

Building, Office Furniture, Equipment, and Software

Building, office furniture, equipment, and software are being depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets. The following is a summary of the estimated useful lives:

Building 40 years Office furniture and equipment 7 years Computer equipment 3 years Computer software 3 to 10 years

9 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Allocation of Expenses

The Plan is administered by common management with the Writer’s Guild – Industry Health Fund (the Fund). As such, certain office expenses, labor costs, and other administrative expenses are allocated between the Plan and Fund. These administrative costs and expenses are directly allocated to the Plan and Fund based upon methodologies developed for each department, taking into consideration their roles and responsibilities for the Plan and Fund.

New Accounting Pronouncements

In May 2011, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2011-04, Amendments to Achieve Common Fair Value Measurements and Disclosure Requirements in U.S. GAAP and IFRSs (ASU 2011-04). ASU 2011-04 amended Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 820 to converge the fair value measurement guidance in GAAP and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). Some of the amendments clarify the application of existing fair value measurement requirements, while other amendments change a particular principle in ASC 820. In addition, ASU 2011-04 requires additional fair value disclosures, although certain of these new disclosures will not be required for nonpublic entities. The amendments, other than the required additional disclosures, are effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2011. The adoption of ASU 2011-04 has not affected the Plan’s net assets available for benefits.

In December 2011, the FASB issued ASU No. 2011-11, Balance Sheet (Topic 210): Disclosures about Offsetting Assets and Liabilities (ASU 2011-11), which requires entities to disclose information about financial instruments and derivative instruments that have been offset or that are subject to enforceable master-netting arrangements to enable users of their financial statements to understand the effect of those arrangements on their financial position. Entities will be required to provide both net (offset amounts) and gross information in the notes to the financial statements for relevant assets and liabilities that are offset or subject to the arrangements. The amendments in ASU 2011-11 are effective for interim and annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013, and an entity should provide the disclosures required by the amendments retrospectively for all comparative periods presented. The Plan does not expect the adoption of this guidance to have a material impact on its financial statements, other than the required additional disclosures.

1303-1051485 10 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

3. Accumulated Plan Benefits

The Plan’s consulting actuary, Milliman USA, estimates the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits, which is the amount that results from applying actuarial assumptions to adjust the accumulated plan benefits earned by the participants to reflect the time value of money (through discounts for interest) and the probability of payment (by means of decrements, such as for death, disability, withdrawal, or retirement) between the valuation date and the expected date of payment. Plan amendments adopted subsequent to the date of the actuarial valuation have not been considered in the calculation of the accumulated benefit obligation. The effect of subsequent amendments on the Plan’s accumulated plan benefits has not been determined; however, management does not believe the subsequent amendments will have a material effect on the Plan’s accumulated plan benefits.

The accumulated plan benefit information as of December 31, 2011 (the most recent actuarial valuation), is as follows:

Actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits: Vested benefits: Participants currently receiving payments $ 1,088,322,755 Other participants 1,310,385,371 2,398,708,126 Non-vested benefits 36,763,468 $ 2,435,471,594

The accumulated plan benefits for the year ended December 31, 2011, increased by $103,625,812 as follows:

Actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits at beginning of the year $ 2,331,845,782 Increase (decrease) during the year attributable to: Actuarial experience and benefits accumulated 42,135,063 Increase for interest due to the decrease in discount period 170,789,722 Benefits paid (109,298,973) Net increase 103,625,812 Actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits at end of year $ 2,435,471,594

11 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

3. Accumulated Plan Benefits (continued)

Significant assumptions underlying the actuarial computations are:

Assumed rate of return on investments 7.5%

Retirement Attainment of age 65 or completion of service requirements, if later (unreduced retirement benefit at attainment of age 63)

Attained Age Retirement Rate

52-53 2.0% 54 3.5 55 5.0 56-58 6.0 59 7.0 60-61 12.5 62 15.0 63 30.0 64 25.0 65-69 50.0 70 100.0

Mortality rates RP-2000 Combined Annuitant/Non- Annuitant Male and Female Table with White Collar Adjustment and Projected to 2008 using Scale AA

These actuarial assumptions are based on the presumption that the Plan will continue. Were the Plan to terminate, different actuarial assumptions and other factors might be applicable in determining the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits.

4. Investments

The Plan’s investments are held in a bank trust fund administered by the co-trustee. The Plan holds units of common/collective trust funds managed by the co-trustee of the Plan. These transactions qualify as party-in-interest transactions; however, they are exempt from the

1303-1051485 12 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

4. Investments (continued)

prohibited transactions rules under ERISA. During the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Plan’s investments (including investments bought, sold, as well as held during the year) appreciated and depreciated in fair value by $185,190,708 and $(26,915,777), respectively, as follows:

Year Ended December 31 2012 2011 Net realized and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments: Fair value as determined by quoted market price: Fixed income – United States government securities and corporate bonds and notes $ 23,702,738 $ 17,280,547 Common stock 66,510,031 (25,443,344) Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – publicly traded 7,235,349 (449,525) Common/collective trusts 43,269,385 (5,223,823) Mutual funds 33,946,469 (10,800,493) 174,663,972 (24,636,638) Estimated fair value as determined by the Plan’s investment managers: Limited partnerships and other funds 10,526,736 (2,279,139) $ 185,190,708 $ (26,915,777)

The following table presents investments that represent 5% or more of the Plan’s net assets at December 31:

2012 2011

Northern Trust Collective Standard & Poors 500 Index Fund $ * $ 107,568,802 Northern Trust Securities Lending Collateral Fund 171,331,534 211,391,058

* Does not represent 5% or more of the Plan’s net assets available for benefits this period.

13 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

5. Fair Value Measurements

The framework for measuring fair value of assets and liabilities provides a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurement) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described below:

• Level 1 – Inputs to the valuation methodology are unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in active markets.

• Level 2 – Inputs to the valuation methodology include: – Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets – Quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in inactive markets – Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability – Inputs that are derived principally from corroborated observable market data by correlation or other means If the asset or liability has a specified (contractual) term, the Level 2 input must be observable for substantially the full term of the asset or liability.

• Level 3 – Inputs to the valuation methodology are unobservable and significant to the fair value measurement.

The asset’s or liability’s fair value measurement level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Valuation techniques used need to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs.

Following is a description of the valuation methodologies used for assets measured at fair value:

Common stock, other bonds and notes, corporate bonds and notes, and U.S government securities: Valued at the closing price reported on the active market on which the individual securities are traded. If a closing price is not noted on an active market, valuation is subject to observable inputs.

REITS: Valued at the closing price reported on the active market on which the individual securities are traded.

1303-1051485 14 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

5. Fair Value Measurements (continued)

Mutual funds: Valued at the net asset value (NAV) of shares held by the Plan at year-end reported on the active market.

Common/collective trusts and money market fund: Valued using a market approach based on the NAV of shares held or the percentage of holdings of the Plan in relationship to the total of the trust.

Limited partnerships and other funds: These investments are closed investment contracts which provide no liquidity guarantee and are not easily redeemed. Valuation is based upon a market approach using the NAV stated in the most recent audited and unaudited financial reports from the private placement managers as a practical expedient to measure fair values because the investments do not have a readily determinable fair value and the NAV is calculated in a manner consistent with investment company accounting.

The methods described above may produce a fair value calculation that may not be indicative of net realizable value or reflective of the future fair value. Furthermore, while the Plan believes its valuation methods are appropriate and consistent with the other market participants, the use of different methodologies and assumptions to determine the fair value of certain financial instruments could result in a different fair value measurement at the reporting date.

Quantitative information about the Plan’s Level 3 asset fair value measurements as of December 31, 2012 is summarized in the table below:

Fair Value at Asset or Liability December 31, 2012 Valuation Methodology

Corporate bond and notes $ 2,994,722 Bid evaluation (1) Equities 1,177,402 Bid evaluation (1) Equities 72,369 Recent market transactions (2) Limited partnerships 632,127,832 NAV based upon partnership equity (3) Total $ 636,372,325

(1) Bid evaluation: An estimated price at which a dealer would sell a security (typically in an institutional round lot). Oftentimes, these are based on proprietary models which Pricing Vendors establish for these purposes. Pricing provided by Northern Trust Company; Co-Trustee. (2) Recent market transactions: The most recent trade price of a security at market close time, Vendor uses prices at primary exchange close time, no external trading hour processes are considered. (3) NAV based upon partnership equity: Net Asset Value of ownership position in partnership’s equity. Based upon partnership audited financial statements or the partnership internal financial statements when audited statements are not available.

15 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

5. Fair Value Measurements (continued)

The following table sets forth by level within the fair value hierarchy, the Plan’s assets at fair value as of December 31, 2012:

Fair Value Measurement Using Significant Quoted Prices Other Significant on Active Observable Unobservable Markets Inputs Inputs (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) Total Assets United States government securities: Government agencies and mortgage- backed notes $ – $ 88,074,806 $ – $ 88,074,806 Treasury bonds and notes 72,702,682 – – 72,702,682 Inflation protection indexed bonds 94,515,199 – – 94,515,199 Total United States government securities 167,217,881 88,074,806 – 255,292,687 Corporate bonds and notes: Mortgage- and asset-backed securities – 43,443,480 1,489,864 44,933,344 Domestic bonds and notes – 192,963,434 826,100 193,789,534 International bonds and notes – 31,022,934 678,758 31,701,692 Total corporate bond and notes – 267,429,848 2,994,722 270,424,570 Other bonds and notes – 14,369,304 – 14,369,304 Common stocks and other equities: Domestic large capitalization stocks 146,064,471 38,224 – 146,102,695 Domestic medium capitalization stocks 64,623,523 – – 64,623,523 Domestic small capitalization stocks 45,214,177 141,215 – 45,355,392 Domestic all other capitalization stocks 47,038,045 – 1,172,084 48,210,129 International stocks 105,058,558 – 77,687 105,136,245 Total common stocks and other equities 407,998,774 179,439 1,249,771 409,427,984 Common/collective trusts: International equity pools – 6,583,074 – 6,583,074 Real estate property funds – 49,164,692 – 49,164,692 Common stock index funds – 160,494,931 – 160,494,931 Total common/collective trusts – 216,242,697 – 216,242,697 Mutual funds: Emerging market equity funds 132,911,493 – – 132,911,493 Emerging market bond funds 115,386,707 – – 115,386,707 Global balanced fund 51,616,494 – – 51,616,494 Global bond fund 74,278,917 – – 74,278,917 Total mutual funds 374,193,611 – – 374,193,611 REITS 44,406,311 44,406,311

1303-1051485 16 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

5. Fair Value Measurements (continued)

Fair Value Measurement Using Significant Quoted Prices Other Significant on Active Observable Unobservable Markets Inputs Inputs (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) Total Limited partnerships and other funds: Buyout funds $ – $ – $ 87,829,858 $ 87,829,858 Natural resources funds – – 43,698,574 43,698,574 Special situations funds – – 46,249,396 46,249,396 Private opportunist debt funds – – 49,444,631 49,444,631 Absolute return funds – – 134,331,424 134,331,424 Real estate and venture capital funds – – 270,573,949 270,573,949 Total limited partnerships and other funds – – 632,127,832 632,127,832 Derivatives – 285,437 – 285,437 Money market fund – 4,593,659 – 4,593,659 Securities lending collateral pool – 171,331,534 – 171,331,534 Total assets at fair value $ 993,816,577 $ 762,506,724 $ 636,372,325 $ 2,392,695,626

Liabilities Derivatives $ – $ 197,006 $ – $ 197,006 Total liabilities, at fair value $ – $ 197,006 $ – $ 197,006

The table below sets forth a summary of the changes in the fair value of the Plan’s Level 3 assets for the year ended December 31, 2012:

Limited Partnerships Common Corporate and and Stock Other Bonds Other Funds Total

Beginning balance – January 1, 2012 $ 1,268,443 $ 3,437,776 $ 383,029,943 $ 387,736,162 Purchases 164,956 5,583 309,798,677 309,969,216 Transfer from Level 2 – 493,013 – 493,013 Proceeds from sales – (1,085,042) (77,868,496) (78,953,538) Net realized loss – (977,844) (995,268) (1,973,112) Net unrealized (loss) gain (183,627) 1,121,235 18,162,976 19,100,584 Ending balance – December 31, 2012 $ 1,249,772 $ 2,994,721 $ 632,127,832 $ 636,372,325

Changes in unrealized gains (losses) included in net increase in net assets available for benefits from Level 3 investments still held at December 31, 2012 $ (183,626) $ 137,576 $ 18,162,976 $ 18,116,926

17 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

5. Fair Value Measurements (continued)

The following table sets forth by level within the fair value hierarchy, the Plan’s assets at fair value as of December 31, 2011:

Fair Value Measurement Using Significant Quoted Prices Other Significant on Active Observable Unobservable Markets Inputs Inputs (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) Total Assets United States government securities: Government agencies and mortgage- backed notes $ – $ 83,697,343 $ – $ 83,697,343 Treasury bonds and notes 73,723,771 – – 73,723,771 Inflation protection indexed bonds 76,160,431 – – 76,160,431 Total United States government securities 149,884,202 83,697,343 – 233,581,545 Corporate bonds and notes: Mortgage- and asset-backed securities – 65,489,780 925,301 66,415,081 Domestic bonds and notes – 176,635,434 1,638,068 178,273,502 International bonds and notes – 32,379,744 500,217 32,879,961 Total corporate bond and notes – 274,504,958 3,063,586 277,568,544 Other bonds and notes – 9,146,662 374,190 9,520,852 Common stocks and other equities: Domestic large capitalization stocks 306,846,857 – – 306,846,857 Domestic medium capitalization stocks 62,805,276 – – 62,805,276 Domestic small capitalization stocks 57,457,082 – – 57,457,082 Domestic all other capitalization stocks 75,167,918 – 1,200,240 76,368,158 International stocks 103,032,612 – 68,203 103,100,815 Total common stocks and other equities 605,309,745 – 1,268,443 606,578,188 Common/collective trusts: International equity pools – 35,931,737 – 35,931,737 Real estate property funds – 44,340,492 – 44,340,492 Common stock index funds – 176,335,189 – 176,335,189 Total common/collective trusts – 256,607,418 – 256,607,418 Mutual funds: Emerging market and other funds 64,717,581 – – 64,717,581 Emerging market bond funds 33,200,000 – – 33,200,000 Global balanced fund 65,520,869 – – 65,520,869 Global bond fund 70,415,760 – – 70,415,760 Total mutual funds 233,854,210 – – 233,854,210 REITS 35,951,915 – – 35,951,915

1303-1051485 18 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

5. Fair Value Measurements (continued)

Fair Value Measurement Using Significant Quoted Prices Other Significant on Active Observable Unobservable Markets Inputs Inputs (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) Total Limited partnerships and other funds: Buyout funds $ – $ – $ 71,196,891 $ 71,196,891 Natural resources funds – – 32,676,778 32,676,778 Special situations funds – – 43,076,234 43,076,234 Private opportunist debt funds – – 59,151,553 59,151,553 Absolute return funds – – 153,732,166 153,732,166 Real estate and venture capital funds – – 23,196,321 23,196,321 Total limited partnerships and other funds – – 383,029,943 383,029,943 Money market fund – 32,864,542 – 32,864,542 Securities lending collateral pool – 211,391,058 – 211,391,058 Total assets at fair value $ 1,025,000,072 $ 868,211,981 $ 387,736,162 $ 2,280,948,215

Liabilities Derivatives $ – $ 383,594 $ – $ 383,594 Total liabilities, at fair value $ – $ 383,594 $ – $ 383,594

The table below sets forth a summary of the changes in the fair value of the Plan’s Level 3 assets for the year ended December 31, 2011:

Limited Partnerships Common Corporate and and Stock Other Bonds Other Funds Total

Beginning balance – January 1, 2011 $ 1,269,325 $ 3,602,607 $ 286,222,640 $ 291,094,572 Purchases – 1,005,708 143,206,639 144,212,347 Transfer from Level 2 146,929 379,971 – 526,900 Proceeds from sales (10,604) (1,413,534) (44,120,197) (45,544,335) Net realized gain 10,578 80,891 10,572,980 10,664,449 Net unrealized loss (147,785) (217,867) (12,852,119) (13,217,771) Ending balance – December 31, 2011 $ 1,268,443 $ 3,437,776 $ 383,029,943 $ 387,736,162

19 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

5. Fair Value Measurements (continued)

The Plan’s investments in limited partnerships and other funds are categorized as follows:

Buyout Funds

These funds make investments in, or acquisitions of, relatively mature private companies with developed products and/or services. Such companies typically have significant and relatively stable annual revenues and are profitable. Buyout funds typically employ large amounts of leverage, or company-level debt, to facilitate acquisitions.

Natural Resources Funds

These are buyout funds that target companies related to the aggregation, extraction, processing, or distribution of natural resources assets. Such companies possess many characteristics of those targeted by buyout funds, and typically leverage the increasing demand for, and evolving market dynamics around, natural resources assets.

Private/Opportunistic Debt Funds

These funds make investments in debt securities of privately held companies. The two primary private debt strategies are mezzanine debt and distressed debt. Mezzanine debt strategies purchase or issue junior unsecured debt in relatively mature, typically buyout-sponsored companies. Mezzanine debt typically has high coupon payments and some equity participation. Distressed debt funds typically invest in relatively senior debt in companies undergoing financial or operational distress, in anticipation of gaining significant equity interests through restructuring and bankruptcy processes.

Special Situations Funds

These funds target a limited market opportunity or are expected to provide a limited portfolio management benefit. Such strategies may vary broadly, but generally include secondary strategies due to their cash flow and diversification characteristics, funds focused on specific sectors undergoing significant change, and other cyclical specialty strategies.

1303-1051485 20 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

5. Fair Value Measurements (continued)

Absolute Return Funds

These funds invest in diversified portfolios across global markets in order to achieve risk-adjusted targeted returns by taking advantage of perceived opportunities in current economic environments. Investment strategies include long-short, hedge, and arbitrage without restriction to investment type, sector, or geography.

Real Estate and Venture Capital Funds

Real estate funds invest in real estate seeking a potential increase in value opportunities. Venture capital funds provide financing for early development-stage entities that have potential for high growth and carry a high degree of risk.

The terms of the Plan’s investments in limited partnerships and other funds generally restrict the Plan from making voluntary withdrawals until the expiration of a certain time period, generally a minimum of 10 years. Upon the expiration of the stated agreement term, there may be extended periods to allow for liquidation of the investment. Some of the Plan’s investments in limited partnerships and other funds at December 31, 2012, may be redeemed within a three-month period upon providing notification to the general partner of up to 90 days prior to redemption of the investment. Those investments that do not contain redemption provisions are in limited partnerships or other finite-lived legal entities which have legal terms that, in some cases, may be extended by the general partner or managing member. As of December 31, 2012, the initial terms of limited partnerships and other fund investments expire as follows (reflected as a percentage of the fair value of all such investments): 62.9% in 2013 through 2015, 12.4% in 2016 through 2018, and 24.1% in 2019 through 2022, and 0.6% in 2023 and beyond.

As of December 31, 2012, the Plan had outstanding commitments for future limited partnerships and other fund investment funding of approximately $233,000,000.

6. Securities Lending Agreement

The Plan has an agreement with the co-trustee, The Northern Trust Company, which allows the co-trustee to lend eligible securities held by the Plan to certain borrowers. The co-trustee is responsible for providing an adequate level of collateral in an amount at least equal to 102% and 105% of the market value of the loaned U.S. and non-U.S. securities, respectively. The collateral is limited to cash or U.S.-dollar-denominated securities, including United States government,

21 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

6. Securities Lending Agreement (continued)

domestic and foreign obligations, adjustable-rate securities, and guaranteed investment contracts managed by the co-trustee in accordance with specific guidelines. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Plan loaned securities having a value of $168,573,698 and $206,156,711, respectively, and received cash and noncash collateral of $171,331,534 and $211,391,058, respectively, for the loaned securities. The cash collateral received is reinvested by the co-trustee into a pooled fund with other securities lending customers’ collateral assets. Net appreciation in the fair value of the reinvested collateral pool assets generates income which is shared between the co-trustee and its securities lending customers. Net fees earned under the lending agreement during the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011, were $905,297 and $561,876, respectively.

7. Income Tax Status

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a determination letter dated August 13, 2012, stating that the Plan qualifies, in form, under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) and the underlying trust is, therefore, exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(a) of the Code. The Plan is required to operate in accordance with the Code to maintain its tax qualification. The Plan administrator is not aware of any course of actions or series of events that have occurred which might adversely affect the Plan’s qualified status. Subsequent amendments to the Plan are structured to, and are intended to, maintain the Plan’s tax qualified status.

U.S. GAAP requires plan management to evaluate uncertain tax positions taken by the Plan. The financial statement effects of a tax position are recognized when the position is more likely than not, based on the technical merits, to be sustained upon examination by the IRS. The Plan administrator has analyzed the tax positions taken by the Plan, and has concluded that as of December 31, 2012, there are no uncertain positions taken or expected to be taken. The Plan has recognized no interest or penalties related to uncertain tax positions. The Plan is subject to routine audits by taxing jurisdictions; however, there are currently no audits for any tax periods in progress. The Plan administrator believes it is no longer subject to income tax examinations for years prior to 2009.

1303-1051485 22 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

8. Reconciliation to Form 5500

The net assets available for benefits as presented in the accompanying financial statements differ from net assets as presented in the Plan’s Form 5500 as follows:

December 31 2012 2011 Net assets available for benefits per accompanying financial statements $ 2,232,442,254 $ 2,039,450,119 Benefits payable (6,225,205) (4,894,401) Appreciation in land and building used in operations 3,336,977 3,437,133 Net assets per Form 5500 $ 2,229,554,026 $ 2,037,992,851

The following is a reconciliation of benefits paid as presented in the accompanying financial statements as compared to the Form 5500 for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011:

2012 2011

Benefits paid per accompanying financial statements $ 117,287,216 $ 109,298,973 Add: current year benefits payable 6,225,205 4,894,401 Less: prior year benefits payable (4,894,401) (4,212,246) Benefits paid per Form 5500 $ 118,618,020 $ 109,981,128

9. Subsequent Events

Management evaluated subsequent events for the Plan through July 26, 2013, the date the financial statements were available to be issued.

23 1303-1051485

Supplemental Schedules

1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES FEDERAL FARM CR BKS CONS SYSTEMWIDE C31331K4K3$ 2,000,000 0.22% 08/27/2014$ 2,000,432 $ 2,000,322 FEDERAL HOME LOAN C3133803Y1 605,000 0.45% 07/30/2014 605,000 605,121 FEDERAL HOME LOAN C313380DM6 1,000,000 0.13% 02/03/2014 999,564 998,792 FEDERAL HOME LOAN C3133816B6 1,230,000 0.55% 11/13/2015 1,230,000 1,230,605 FEDERAL HOME LOAN C313385AY2 1,565,000 Zero Coupon 01/23/2013 1,564,486 1,564,981 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK C313380U96 1,120,000 0.50% 10/16/2015 1,120,000 1,120,167 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK C313385HB5 2,000,000 Zero Coupon 06/19/2013 1,998,600 1,999,068 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C02R030616 1,190,000 3.00% 01/15/2043 1,247,780 1,244,108 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31283K3Q9 184,937 6.00% 03/01/2020 191,785 200,148 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128GUQ39 199,275 6.00% 07/01/2017 206,187 215,665 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128LXFP0 374,576 5.00% 12/01/2035 355,730 404,471 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128M4TL7 585,903 5.50% 03/01/2037 580,685 660,951 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128M8H31 474,735 4.00% 02/01/2041 509,821 528,613 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128M8HT4 382,664 4.50% 09/01/2040 391,603 429,529 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128M8JA3 649,299 4.50% 02/01/2041 664,923 728,819 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128M8MB7 522,812 4.00% 04/01/2041 516,277 580,514 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128M8VM3 772,313 4.50% 07/01/2041 802,360 865,688 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128PTJ55 1,126,547 3.50% 12/01/2025 1,115,986 1,202,612 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3128S5QQ0 285,415 2.93% 02/01/2036 302,540 304,514 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C312903MA2 10,500 7.50% 01/15/2021 9,013 11,843 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C312903MA2 8,448 7.50% 01/15/2021 7,251 9,528 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C312944PD7 1,831,583 4.00% 12/01/2040 1,846,894 2,039,450 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31295MNP1 221,404 2.58% 02/01/2030 228,392 236,975 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31296NUN5 199,470 4.00% 10/01/2033 180,583 214,005 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31297VAM0 489,399 5.50% 06/01/2035 498,651 532,632 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3132GKF84 540,407 4.00% 10/01/2041 560,757 591,946 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3132GMDJ8 1,067,420 4.00% 01/01/2042 1,144,308 1,185,231 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C313385GM2 1,500,000 0.16% 06/05/2013 1,498,802 1,499,358 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C313385GU4 1,000,000 0.00% 06/12/2013 999,246 999,553 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C313397CQ2 2,240,000 Zero Coupon 03/04/2013 2,239,344 2,239,514 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3133T3WB0 177,673 6.50% 01/15/2024 181,383 198,371 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3133TNCF9 449,920 8.00% 01/15/2030 509,815 530,153 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3133TSTA1 463,435 7.00% 04/15/2031 485,448 542,562 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3133TTK67 270,182 6.50% 05/15/2031 286,055 306,081 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C313401XE6 1,450 8.00% 02/01/2017 1,355 1,594 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31340YQS1 2,574 7.80% 09/15/2020 2,347 2,838 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31344PU36 2,580 7.50% 01/01/2017 2,332 2,807 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31344PVV3 10,583 7.50% 02/01/2017 9,485 10,591 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31344REK2 2,872 7.50% 02/01/2017 2,554 2,934 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31344UXN8 393 7.50% 04/01/2017 343 393 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31344XNT0 2,558 7.00% 04/01/2017 2,178 2,797 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31345B5N0 1,441 7.50% 08/01/2017 1,233 1,442 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3137ATRW4 630,000 2.37% 05/25/2040 642,591 639,292 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C3137EADB2 1,735,000 2.38% 01/13/2022 1,724,902 1,812,511 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31393VJ85 61,832 9.00% 02/15/2018 71,281 65,417 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31394NUA4 1,208,000 5.00% 01/15/2034 1,127,309 1,341,067

1303-1051485 24 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES (continued) FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31395MBG3$ 862,578 5.00% 05/15/2033$ 827,435 $ 878,061 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31395UFT3 10,370 5.00% 05/15/2020 10,247 11,088 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31396KMP4 675,000 6.50% 08/25/2023 693,984 711,153 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31396RXM4 428,689 0.66% 08/15/2033 427,684 431,498 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31397EM44 65,121 0.48% 01/15/2037 65,101 65,222 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION C31397PLU2 658,128 0.81% 12/15/2037 659,876 664,210 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION SB65KYH1 74,755 6.50% 03/15/2017 76,857 74,883 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C01F022410 140,000 2.50% 12/31/2040 146,081 146,388 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C01F030611 3,960,000 Zero Coupon 01/15/2013 4,144,538 4,149,339 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31358RUM3 265,869 7.00% 11/25/2022 289,260 302,831 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31359AFS3 238,977 6.50% 05/25/2023 245,357 265,276 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31359VC84 129,892 6.00% 05/25/2029 129,892 146,160 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3135G0AL7 1,700,000 2.25% 03/15/2016 1,787,703 1,795,810 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3135G0HB2 1,000,000 0.22% 01/20/2015 1,000,117 999,979 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3135G0JQ7 4,900,000 1.09% 04/04/2016 4,914,876 4,911,358 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3135G0LR2 2,425,000 0.75% 11/28/2014 2,432,348 2,428,225 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3135G0LY7 4,825,000 1.25% 06/20/2016 4,850,959 4,846,181 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3135G0NL3 1,235,000 0.63% 02/22/2016 1,235,000 1,235,802 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3135G0QB2 620,000 0.50% 10/22/2015 620,000 620,789 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31368HMY6 985,717 5.50% 11/01/2036 963,000 1,072,243 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3136A77J5 846,534 2.84% 08/25/2022 889,919 894,617 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3136A87J3 653,912 2.66% 10/25/2022 685,177 678,904 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31372RT70 18,737 6.50% 04/01/2024 17,384 21,514 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31378CTK8 149,045 6.50% 05/01/2027 154,774 168,789 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31387Q6G0 62,877 2.25% 08/01/2031 64,704 63,175 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31387WHB6 144,069 6.50% 11/01/2026 149,336 161,893 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3138A4Y25 1,200,965 3.50% 01/01/2026 1,203,592 1,306,638 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3138AKFU8 451,399 4.50% 07/01/2041 487,935 501,166 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3138ARZ64 622,239 4.50% 09/01/2041 665,018 675,481 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3138EHR87 616,497 4.50% 12/01/2041 659,218 669,250 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3138EHTB8 519,467 4.34% 11/01/2021 580,119 605,132 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3138EJ3L0 588,678 2.65% 10/01/2022 619,745 617,270 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3138NJAB4 541,944 3.76% 12/01/2020 594,106 615,306 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C3138NJAF5 568,791 3.38% 11/01/2020 627,870 626,433 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31393DF30 8,974 6.50% 09/25/2017 9,692 8,990 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31393DG70 289,485 5.00% 05/25/2032 93,359 8,093 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31393YZ65 616 8.00% 07/25/2034 661 618 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31396PYZ8 180,391 6.00% 08/25/2035 182,907 191,318 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31396VR91 208,855 5.50% 01/25/2036 206,824 217,013 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31396WVQ6 370,683 0.68% 07/25/2037 342,882 365,421 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31402C4J8 402,218 5.50% 04/01/2034 397,693 442,641 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31402QYC9 191,178 7.00% 04/01/2034 200,677 212,219 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31402QYV7 124,205 5.50% 02/01/2035 124,884 136,505 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31402RJ75 220,573 6.50% 12/01/2022 230,360 245,585 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31404L4N7 177,587 5.50% 06/01/2034 175,422 194,285 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31404ML89 42,727 5.50% 03/01/2034 42,206 46,745

25 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES (continued) FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31404R3R6$ 390,535 5.00% 05/01/2034$ 374,456 $ 439,887 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31407YQ28 198,161 5.22% 12/01/2035 197,472 213,059 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31408DRK2 135,693 1.94% 12/01/2035 137,905 142,069 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31409BGA9 229,122 2.88% 03/01/2036 242,583 244,153 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31410GYW7 406,077 5.00% 12/01/2021 410,137 441,300 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31411NWP8 972,774 5.50% 03/01/2037 935,839 1,058,164 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31411YS38 24,436 5.50% 06/01/2037 23,508 26,554 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31412SA96 382,206 6.00% 10/01/2037 380,534 413,666 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31417AJL4 340,162 3.50% 11/01/2041 348,188 366,991 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31417AP78 1,542,587 3.50% 12/01/2041 1,581,392 1,679,676 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31417BYM3 1,699,903 3.00% 05/01/2027 1,785,031 1,816,822 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31418AM47 1,184,752 2.50% 12/01/2022 1,240,288 1,243,492 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31418M2Z4 566,148 4.44% 02/01/2020 620,242 663,690 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C31418RHG9 750,494 4.50% 04/01/2025 781,452 824,620 GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION C38373RW21 877,137 6.00% 11/20/2031 989,520 1,007,406 GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION I C01N052624 3,230,000 5.50% 01/15/2013 3,554,009 3,548,963 GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION II C21H030617 1,040,000 3.00% 01/15/2013 1,108,981 1,105,650 GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION II C21H032613 890,000 3.50% 01/15/2013 968,223 966,971 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION GUARANTEED NOTES SB4N9J37 742,356 2.65% 10/29/2020 750,359 783,523 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION GUARANTEED NOTES C62888UAA8 355,734 0.58% 11/06/2017 355,734 356,513 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION GUARANTEED NOTES C62888VAA6 177,774 0.66% 10/07/2020 177,774 178,441 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION GUARANTEED NOTES C62888YAA0 156,598 0.66% 01/08/2020 156,598 156,745 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION GUARANTEED NOTES C62889CAA7 469,032 0.61% 02/06/2020 469,032 470,059 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION GUARANTEED NOTES C62889EAA3 232,452 0.61% 03/11/2020 232,452 233,615 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ASSOCIATION GUARANTEED NOTES C62889KAA9 160,000 0.23% 06/12/2013 160,000 159,992 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS C912810EQ7 1,275,000 6.25% 08/15/2023 1,694,903 1,828,031 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS C912810FP8 20,000 5.38% 02/15/2031 29,724 28,550 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS C912810QP6 635,000 2.24% 02/15/2041 864,984 990,458 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS C912810QW1 5,160,000 3.00% 05/15/2042 5,492,293 5,256,750 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS C912810QX9 5,630,000 2.75% 08/15/2042 5,502,640 5,436,469 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS C912810QX9 7,840,000 2.75% 08/15/2042 7,674,071 7,570,500 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS S2235037 5,200,000 5.18% 04/15/2028 11,762,564 11,788,869 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS INDEX LINKED SB021PJ4 3,550,000 2.91% 01/15/2025 4,863,766 5,876,834 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS INDEX LINKED SB0XM6G0 1,200,000 2.33% 01/15/2026 1,383,632 1,834,085 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS INDEX LINKED SB2PB3T1 7,800,000 1.93% 01/15/2028 10,952,741 11,148,510 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS INDEX LINKED SB4RNYM9 300,000 2.69% 01/15/2029 455,956 460,997 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS INDEX LINKED SB622LB3 550,000 0.77% 02/15/2042 628,876 616,667 UNITED STATES TREASURY BONDS INDEX LINKED NOTES SB1P8M10 2,150,000 2.72% 01/15/2027 2,470,523 3,400,215 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828NR7 4,560,000 2.38% 07/31/2017 4,772,793 4,917,317 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828PZ7 19,125,000 1.25% 03/15/2014 19,500,776 19,362,570 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828RD4 3,000,000 0.13% 08/31/2013 2,998,526 2,999,298 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828RG7 1,910,000 0.25% 09/15/2014 1,909,179 1,910,446 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828SG6 3,500,000 0.25% 02/28/2014 3,501,094 3,501,915 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828SQ4 1,950,000 0.13% 04/15/2017 2,131,645 2,126,681 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828SR2 750,000 0.25% 04/30/2014 750,088 750,323 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828SZ4 2,310,000 0.38% 06/15/2015 2,313,896 2,313,608

1303-1051485 26 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES (continued) UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828TA8$ 750,000 0.25% 06/30/2014$ 749,915 $ 750,293 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828TG5 1,075,000 0.50% 07/31/2017 1,061,093 1,068,532 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828TJ9 1,680,000 1.63% 08/15/2022 1,654,729 1,668,976 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828TW0 5,115,000 0.75% 10/31/2017 5,107,035 5,131,782 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828TY6 1,835,000 1.63% 11/15/2022 1,812,652 1,814,929 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828TY6 4,085,000 1.63% 11/15/2022 4,045,893 4,040,318 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES C912828UA6 2,360,000 0.63% 11/30/2017 2,360,369 2,352,072 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES SB5V7H70 1,000,000 1.47% 01/15/2020 1,161,263 1,268,025 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES SB7RGX44 6,500,000 0.13% 04/15/2017 6,995,500 7,088,937 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES INDEX LINKED C912828BD1 1,525,000 2.36% 07/15/2013 1,959,788 1,951,603 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES INDEX LINKED C912828HW3 1,670,000 0.68% 04/15/2013 1,830,238 1,825,363 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES INDEX LINKED S2308315 3,100,000 2.50% 01/15/2014 4,020,639 4,004,928 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES INDEX LINKED S2914206 2,900,000 2.36% 07/15/2013 3,724,886 3,711,246 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES INDEX LINKED SB1N7413 300,000 2.72% 01/15/2017 333,870 399,953 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES INDEX LINKED SB2NL7R9 5,300,000 1.79% 01/15/2018 6,094,269 6,787,068 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES INDEX LINKED SB3KLS32 800,000 2.03% 07/15/2019 879,817 1,054,864 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES INDEX LINKED SB3KY820 600,000 2.29% 01/15/2019 635,114 784,877 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES INDEX LINKED SB7GSCJ9 2,400,000 0.13% 01/15/2022 2,591,918 2,663,667 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES TIPS C912828KM1 890,000 1.37% 04/15/2014 1,002,386 1,002,884 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES TIPS C912828MY3 1,000,000 0.53% 04/15/2015 1,111,292 1,113,776 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES TIPS SB3QR0L6 4,200,000 1.33% 07/15/2020 4,952,858 5,284,623 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES TIPS SB6Q7TJ8 8,500,000 0.64% 07/15/2021 9,499,150 9,916,612 UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTES TIPS SB8DFZ68 8,800,000 0.13% 07/15/2022 9,676,497 9,609,175

248,491,940 255,292,687

27 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES AAMES MTG C00253CHQ3$ 576,299 6.67% 06/25/2032$ 614,232 $ 549,978 ABBEY NATL C002799AK0 450,000 2.88% 04/25/2014 434,520 459,403 ABBVIE INC C00287YAE9 150,000 1.07% 11/06/2015 150,000 151,730 ACCESS MIDSTREAM C00434NAA3 450,000 4.88% 05/15/2023 450,000 456,750 ACE SECS CORP HOME EQUITY C004421TC7 531,328 0.56% 09/25/2035 524,687 526,569 AES CORP C00130HBH7 500,000 8.00% 10/15/2017 496,989 577,500 ALLBRITTON C016745AL5 650,000 8.00% 05/15/2018 592,213 705,250 ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES INC C01741RAE2 435,000 5.95% 01/15/2021 434,504 481,880 ALLIANCE DATA SYS C018581AF5 250,000 5.25% 12/01/2017 247,280 253,750 ALLY FINL INC C02005NAL4 725,000 5.50% 02/15/2017 778,469 775,578 ALLY FINL INC SB6SS740 200,000 3.71% 06/20/2014 200,000 204,594 ALTERRA FIN LLC C02153LAA2 1,000,000 6.25% 09/30/2020 999,990 1,155,440 AMAZON COM INC C023135AK2 120,000 0.65% 11/27/2015 119,674 119,927 AMERICAN EXPRESS C0258M0DB2 150,000 1.16% 06/24/2014 150,000 151,346 AMERICAN EXPRESS C0258M0DE6 90,000 1.75% 06/12/2015 91,256 91,885 AMERICREDIT AUTOMOBILE C03063XAC9 200,000 0.49% 04/08/2016 199,993 200,093 AMERIGAS FIN CORP C03077JAA8 100,000 6.75% 05/20/2020 101,093 109,750 AMERIGAS FIN CORP C03077JAB6 500,000 7.00% 05/20/2022 500,000 556,250 AMERISTAR CASINOS C03070QAN1 750,000 7.50% 04/15/2021 762,438 812,812 AMERN HONDA FIN CORP C02666QG49 250,000 0.91% 08/05/2013 250,000 250,758 AMGEN INC C031162BG4 700,000 4.10% 06/15/2021 710,031 775,488 AMGEN INC C031162BH2 810,000 5.65% 06/15/2042 806,031 972,575 ANHEUSER-BUSCH C03523TAX6 300,000 1.04% 03/26/2013 300,141 300,552 ANHEUSER-BUSCH C03523TBE7 1,000,000 7.75% 01/15/2019 1,248,056 1,335,615 ANHEUSER-BUSCH C03523TBM9 140,000 0.80% 07/15/2015 139,744 140,366 APPALACHIAN PWR CO C037735CS4 210,000 0.69% 08/16/2013 210,000 210,269 ARAMARK CORP C038521AD2 1,000,000 8.50% 02/01/2015 996,707 1,005,010 ARAMARK HLDGS CORP C03852UAA4 200,000 8.63% 05/01/2016 202,125 204,752 ARDAGH PACKAGING C039686AB6 550,000 9.13% 10/15/2020 563,750 599,500 ARISTOTLE HLDG INC C04044TAA4 200,000 2.75% 11/21/2014 199,766 206,319 ASSET BACKED FDG CORP C04542BPD8 441,965 0.87% 06/25/2035 420,971 426,029 AT& BROADBAND C00209TAB1 765,000 9.46% 11/15/2022 1,054,706 1,156,572 AT&T INC GLOBAL NT C00206RBB7 150,000 0.88% 02/13/2015 149,894 150,703 ATWOOD OCEANICS INC C050095AM0 600,000 6.50% 02/01/2020 600,000 645,000 AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND BKG GROUP LTD C05252ABH3 300,000 1.09% 01/10/2014 300,000 301,874 AUTONATION INC C05329WAJ1 200,000 6.75% 04/15/2018 217,000 226,000 AUTONATION INC C05329WAK8 525,000 5.50% 02/01/2020 534,188 563,719 AVIS BUDGET C053773AL1 100,000 9.63% 03/15/2018 105,000 111,500 AVIS BUDGET CAR C053773AN7 300,000 8.25% 01/15/2019 322,247 331,500 B & G FOODS INC C05508RAD8 354,000 7.63% 01/15/2018 352,600 380,550 BANCO SANTANDER S A GLOBAL C05966TAJ6 600,000 2.41% 03/18/2014 600,000 597,859 BANK AMER CORP C060505CL6 1,020,000 5.75% 08/15/2016 1,014,298 1,115,403 BANK AMER CORP C060505CS1 220,000 5.63% 10/14/2016 211,690 248,754 BANK AMER CORP C06051GDX4 550,000 5.65% 05/01/2018 474,265 639,893 BANK AMER CORP C06051GEB1 100,000 4.50% 04/01/2015 106,702 106,593 BANK OF MONTREAL C06366RHB4 150,000 0.78% 09/11/2015 150,000 150,625 BANQUE PSA FIN NT C06675EAD2 160,000 2.25% 04/04/2014 160,000 158,004

1303-1051485 28 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) BARCLAYS BK PLC C06740P3N4$ 150,000 1.38% 01/13/2014$ 150,000 $ 150,757 BARRICK GOLD CORP C067901AE8 100,000 1.75% 05/30/2014 100,795 101,396 BB&T CORP C05531FAK9 1,605,000 2.15% 03/22/2017 1,601,517 1,660,019 BEAR STEARN C073877AC6 409,120 0.64% 08/25/2043 387,769 393,291 BEAR STEARN C073879D96 492,727 0.58% 08/25/2035 443,454 476,988 BEAR STEARNS COS C073902KF4 425,000 5.30% 10/30/2015 411,727 470,982 BEAR STEARNS COS C073902RU4 815,000 7.25% 02/01/2018 771,378 1,021,230 BEAR STEARNS COS C073902RU4 525,000 7.25% 02/01/2018 605,099 657,847 BELLSOUTH CORP C079860AG7 1,025,000 5.20% 09/15/2014 1,134,101 1,100,968 BELO CORP C080555AJ4 250,000 8.00% 11/15/2016 246,383 272,187 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY C084664BL4 1,500,000 5.75% 01/15/2040 1,509,660 1,836,281 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY C084664BU4 300,000 4.40% 05/15/2042 305,883 310,367 BHP BILLITON FIN C055451AN8 160,000 1.00% 02/24/2015 159,666 161,185 BK AMER N A C06050TKW1 307,000 6.10% 06/15/2017 336,770 353,741 BK AMER N A C06050TKX9 400,000 0.61% 06/15/2017 313,880 370,740 BK NOVA SCOTIA C064159BA3 150,000 0.75% 10/09/2015 149,996 149,178 BK NY INC C06406HBV0 300,000 0.59% 01/31/2014 300,000 300,738 BMW VEH LEASE TR C05575BAB5 244,496 0.59% 06/20/2014 244,479 244,681 BMW VEH OWNER TR C05573WAB1 41,396 0.63% 02/25/2014 41,396 41,409 BNC MTG LN TR C05570GAV5 212,217 0.46% 11/25/2037 206,846 208,915 BOEING CO C097023AX3 1,000,000 6.88% 03/15/2039 1,261,260 1,524,247 BOISE PAPER HLDGS C09747GAB9 500,000 8.00% 04/01/2020 501,250 552,500 BOYD GAMING CORP C09689RAA7 150,000 7.13% 02/01/2016 143,250 147,000 BOYD GAMING CORP C103304BG5 500,000 9.13% 12/01/2018 455,500 510,000 BP CAP MKTS P L C C05565QCB2 805,000 2.50% 11/06/2022 799,429 797,620 BRAZOS HIGHER ED AUTH INC C10620NCE6 350,000 1.51% 02/25/2035 334,551 348,470 BRAZOS HIGHER ED AUTH INC STUDENT LN C10620NCL0 300,000 1.32% 10/27/2036 288,264 294,187 BRAZOS TEX HIGHER ED AUTH INC C106238LD8 300,000 0.42% 09/26/2022 293,906 296,274 BRIT TELECOMMUNICATIONS C111021AF8 200,000 1.43% 12/20/2013 200,000 201,657 BURL NORTHN SANTA C12189TAY0 585,000 5.65% 05/01/2017 584,645 688,607 CABLEVISION SYS C12686CAY5 200,000 8.63% 09/15/2017 218,000 233,250 CABLEVISION SYS C12686CAZ2 350,000 7.75% 04/15/2018 366,563 389,375 CABLEVISION SYS C12686CBB4 100,000 5.88% 09/15/2022 100,000 100,125 CABLEVISION SYS SR NT C12686CBA6 450,000 8.00% 04/15/2020 455,961 506,812 CAMPBELL SOUP CO NT C134429AX7 90,000 0.61% 08/01/2014 90,000 90,321 CAP 1 FINL CORP C14040HAV7 90,000 2.13% 07/15/2014 89,951 91,618 CAP 1 FINL CORP C14040HBA2 120,000 1.00% 11/06/2015 119,629 119,594 CAP 1 MULTI-ASSET C14041NED9 300,000 5.05% 02/15/2016 316,148 304,150 CARGILL INC MEDIUM TERM NTS BOOK C141784DK1 465,000 7.35% 03/06/2019 545,724 584,307 CARMAX AUTO OWNER C14313GAB3 364,414 0.59% 03/16/2015 364,389 364,834 CATALYST PAPER CORP C14889BAA0 39,986 13.00% 09/13/2016 35,992 40,585 CATALYST PAPER CORP SB8J63V6 179,272 11.00% 10/30/2017 249,400 136,246 CATERPILLAR FINL SVCS CORP C14912L5A5 210,000 0.66% 02/09/2015 210,000 210,921 CATERPILLAR FINL SVCS CORP C14912L5G2 90,000 0.46% 08/27/2014 90,106 90,105 CATERPILLAR FINL SVCS CORP C14912L5J6 735,000 1.25% 11/06/2017 734,008 734,446 CCO HLDGS LLC C1248EPAP8 750,000 8.13% 04/30/2020 750,000 840,000 CCO HLDGS LLC C1248EPAS2 250,000 7.00% 01/15/2019 270,625 269,687

29 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) CCO HLDGS LLC C1248EPAU7$ 100,000 6.50% 04/30/2021$ 99,000 $ 107,875 CCO HLDGS LLC C1248EPAW3 150,000 7.38% 06/01/2020 150,000 166,500 CCO HLDGS LLC C1248EPAX1 150,000 6.63% 01/31/2022 151,125 163,875 CCO HLDGS LLC C1248EPAY9 100,000 5.25% 09/30/2022 99,026 101,250 CDN IMPERIAL BK C136069ET4 140,000 0.90% 10/01/2015 139,958 140,603 CDW LLC / CDW FIN C12513GAW9 200,000 8.00% 12/15/2018 218,500 221,250 CDW LLC / CDW FIN C12513GAX7 550,000 8.50% 04/01/2019 540,875 595,375 CENTURYLINK INC C156700AS5 575,000 5.80% 03/15/2022 584,226 607,848 CHAPARRAL ENERGY INC C15942RAB5 400,000 8.25% 09/01/2021 419,500 434,000 CHASE ISSUANCE C161571EY6 270,000 0.30% 05/15/2015 270,000 270,060 CHES ENERGY CORP C165167CH8 600,000 6.78% 03/15/2019 592,500 600,750 CHEVRON C166764AB6 840,000 2.36% 12/05/2022 840,000 841,378 CHOICE HOTELS INTL C169905AE6 500,000 5.75% 07/01/2022 549,375 553,750 CIGNA CORP C125509BN8 670,000 4.38% 12/15/2020 667,682 739,907 CIMAREX ENERGY CO C171798AB7 750,000 5.88% 05/01/2022 753,101 821,250 CIN BELL INC NEW C171871AL0 100,000 8.25% 10/15/2017 98,562 107,750 CISCO SYS INC SR NT FLTG C17275RAL6 450,000 0.56% 03/14/2014 450,000 451,225 CIT GROUP INC NEW C125581GL6 350,000 5.25% 03/15/2018 350,000 374,500 CIT GROUP INC NEW C125581GP7 250,000 4.25% 08/15/2017 250,000 257,436 CIT GROUP INC NEW C125581GQ5 250,000 5.00% 08/15/2022 250,000 266,579 CITIGROUP INC C172967EY3 450,000 6.38% 08/12/2014 446,954 486,293 CITIGROUP INC C172967FG1 200,000 2.31% 08/13/2013 200,000 201,921 CITIGROUP INC C172967FH9 414,000 4.59% 12/15/2015 428,792 451,985 CITIGROUP INC C172967GB1 80,000 2.25% 08/07/2015 79,811 81,930 CITIGROUP INC C172967DQ1 675,000 5.85% 08/02/2016 674,595 771,494 CITIGROUP INC GLOBAL C172967FM8 130,000 1.16% 02/15/2013 130,000 130,013 CITIGROUP INC GLOBAL S C172967DS7 138,000 0.86% 08/25/2036 65,895 100,580 CITIGROUP INC SUB NT C172967CQ2 1,265,000 5.00% 09/15/2014 1,252,057 1,330,891 CLEAN HBRS INC C184496AJ6 250,000 5.25% 08/01/2020 250,000 260,625 CLEAR CHANNEL WORLDWIDE HLDGS INC C18451QAH1 500,000 7.63% 03/15/2020 487,500 503,750 CMO 2003-AR9 MTG PASSTHRU C92922FBX5 76,666 2.55% 09/25/2033 72,725 76,918 CMO BANC AMER COML C059511AE5 980,000 5.63% 04/10/2049 908,644 1,146,187 CMO BANC AMER COML MTG INC C05947UM21 510,000 4.86% 07/10/2043 546,218 553,391 CMO BANC AMER FDG C05950MAD2 327,889 0.38% 07/20/2036 312,315 323,955 CMO BEAR STEARNS C07387BEB5 700,000 5.41% 12/11/2040 723,406 779,551 CMO BK AMER FDG CORP C06051GAX7 236,782 5.54% 09/20/2034 235,746 243,729 CMO CD 2006-CD3 MTG TR CL A-5 C14986DAF7 1,050,000 5.62% 10/15/2048 1,071,260 1,206,809 CMO CD 2007-CD5 MTG TR C12514AAE1 647,314 5.89% 11/15/2044 755,841 764,903 CMO CITIGROUP COML C17313KAF8 220,000 6.06% 12/10/2049 212,652 265,488 CMO CWABS INC C126670GR3 940,000 5.32% 06/25/2034 923,256 480,288 CMO CWALT ALTERNATIVE LN TR SER SB1TR4L7 580,406 0.41% 12/20/2046 343,310 370,106 CMO CWALT INC C12667FRG2 96,019 6.50% 11/25/2031 99,080 100,863 CMO CWMBS INC 2004-HYB5 CHL MTG SB8JYQ88 144,201 2.91% 04/20/2035 131,246 144,278 CMO DSLA MTG LN C23332UAC8 772,912 1.03% 09/19/2044 482,104 659,910 CMO FEDERAL HOME LN MTG CORP C3137AUP52 284,004 0.56% 04/25/2019 284,004 285,216 CMO GREENPOINT C39538RAC3 107,417 0.49% 06/25/2045 107,284 39,479 CMO GREENWICH C396789FT1 598,708 5.32% 06/10/2036 650,830 623,974

1303-1051485 30 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) CMO GS MTG SECS CORP II 2004-GG2 COML C36228CTH6$ 220,000 5.40% 08/10/2038$ 227,477 $ 232,469 CMO GS MTG SECS CORP II SER 2006-GG6 CL A4 C36228CWX7 350,000 5.55% 04/10/2038 340,361 394,044 CMO GS MTG SECS TR 2007 GG10 MTG C36246LAE1 1,010,000 5.79% 08/10/2045 910,894 1,164,435 CMO HOMESTAR C437690BU3 110,330 0.66% 10/25/2034 104,262 107,440 CMO J P MORGAN C466247PZ0 64,693 2.60% 06/25/2035 64,632 64,710 CMO J P MORGAN C466247SK0 213,128 2.74% 08/25/2035 214,494 214,074 CMO J P MORGAN CHASE C46629YAC3 370,000 5.44% 06/12/2047 364,508 425,853 CMO J P MORGAN CHASE COML C46625YP64 550,214 5.48% 04/15/2043 624,149 621,409 CMO LB-UBS COML C52109PAE5 450,000 5.86% 07/15/2040 445,008 537,205 CMO MASTR ADJ RATE MTGS TR C576433RL2 295,658 0.81% 11/25/2034 284,571 296,211 CMO MORGAN STANLEY C61745M5G4 520,000 4.89% 06/12/2047 553,353 568,513 CMO MORGAN STANLEY C61755YAF1 520,000 5.88% 06/11/2049 495,584 611,329 CMO MORGAN STANLEY C61760RAZ5 125,000 3.22% 07/15/2049 126,246 134,669 CMO MORGAN STANLEY C61760RBB7 75,000 4.12% 07/15/2049 75,750 85,602 CMO MORTGAGEIT C61913PAG7 386,089 0.58% 12/25/2034 386,518 375,048 CMO RALI SER 2006-QO6 TR MTG SB3D07Z1 96,283 0.39% 06/25/2046 79,915 43,932 CMO SAACO T C78514RAC9 450,527 0.61% 09/25/2035 419,139 441,356 CMO SER 2007-T27 CL A4 C61754JAF5 600,000 5.65% 06/11/2042 624,469 710,507 CMO STRUCTURED ASSET MTG INVTS II INC C86359LFK0 56,902 2.80% 02/19/2035 58,040 55,551 CMO STRUCTURED AST MTG INVTS II INC C86359LDZ9 62,696 2.08% 10/19/2034 64,246 47,731 CMO STRUCTURED AST MTG INVTS II TR SB7JKRQ4 109,933 0.42% 05/25/2046 75,854 62,233 CMO THORNBURG C88522AAC5 169,476 5.71% 07/25/2036 164,391 169,750 CMO WACHOVIA BK COML C92977QAD0 360,000 5.77% 07/15/2045 389,700 409,683 CMO WACHOVIA BK PASS-TH C92978PAE9 1,080,000 5.31% 11/15/2048 1,088,016 1,241,930 CMO WAMU MTG PASS-THRU C929227ZC3 54,900 2.49% 01/25/2033 55,395 55,870 CMO WELLS FARGO MTG BACK SECS C94981CBE8 322,913 5.50% 01/25/2034 344,407 344,364 CMO WELLS FARGO MTG BACKED SECS C94982FAB7 7,322 8.00% 04/25/2035 7,867 7,318 CNH EQUIP C12623CAB1 236,280 0.71% 12/15/2014 236,253 236,462 COCA-COLA CO C191216AY6 1,215,000 1.65% 03/14/2018 1,212,169 1,244,565 COCA-COLA C19122TAA7 150,000 1.13% 11/12/2013 149,811 150,672 COMMONWEALTH BK AUSTRALIA NY BRH C20271RAA8 300,000 1.95% 03/16/2015 299,886 307,842 COMPAGNIE GENERALE C204386AM8 100,000 9.50% 05/15/2016 109,000 107,250 COMPAGNIE GENERALE DE GEOPHYSIQUE C204386AK2 450,000 7.75% 05/15/2017 456,000 468,000 COMPAGNIE GENERALE DE GEOPHYSIQUE C204384AB7 450,000 6.50% 06/01/2021 445,250 481,500 CONTINENTAL AIRLS C210805CQ8 417,720 6.55% 08/02/2020 416,670 455,315 CONTL AIRLS C210805BU0 307,318 6.90% 07/02/2019 315,590 334,208 CONTL AIRLS C210805DD6 452,146 7.71% 04/02/2021 460,058 510,925 COPANO ENERGY L L C217203AE8 625,000 7.13% 04/01/2021 639,063 671,094 CORNING INC C219350AV7 400,000 5.75% 08/15/2040 397,280 476,865 COTT BEVERAGES INC C221643AF6 585,000 8.13% 09/01/2018 602,981 646,425 COUNTRYPLACE MANUFACTURED C22237PAD5 275,000 5.20% 07/01/2035 303,875 303,028 COUNTRYWIDE FINL C222372AJ3 200,000 6.25% 05/15/2016 212,026 219,541 CR SUISSE 1ST BSTN C22541LBK8 213,000 5.13% 08/15/2015 214,235 236,389 CR SUISSE 1ST BSTN C2254C0TC1 285,000 5.00% 05/15/2013 284,370 289,692 CR SUISSE AG C22546QAG2 250,000 1.30% 01/14/2014 250,000 251,448 CR SUISSE N BRH FORMERLY CR S SUB C22541HCC4 685,000 6.00% 02/15/2018 640,013 787,525 CREDIT AGRICOLE HOME LN SFH COVERED BD SB71C092 200,000 1.07% 07/21/2014 200,000 200,335

31 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) CROWN CASTLE INTL C228227BA1$ 150,000 7.13% 11/01/2019$ 152,250 $ 165,750 CUMULUS MEDIA C23109BAA5 750,000 7.75% 05/01/2019 671,550 736,875 CVS CAREMARK CORP C126650BH2 249,000 5.75% 06/01/2017 244,110 297,697 CWABS INC C126673Q70 186,818 0.67% 10/25/2035 155,526 182,743 CYRUSONE LP C23283PAA2 650,000 6.38% 11/15/2022 655,924 677,625 DAIMLER FINANCE NA LLC C233851AC8 210,000 0.92% 03/28/2014 210,000 210,443 DANAHER CORP C235851AJ1 200,000 0.56% 06/21/2013 200,000 200,189 DAVITA HEALTHCARE C23918KAM0 600,000 6.63% 11/01/2020 587,125 652,500 DAVITA INC C23918KAP3 500,000 5.75% 08/15/2022 507,250 526,875 DEERE JOHN CAP CORP C24422ERB7 300,000 0.53% 03/03/2014 300,000 300,419 DEERE JOHN CAP CORP C24422ERU5 150,000 0.47% 04/25/2014 150,000 150,212 DEL MONTE CORP C245217AS3 250,000 7.63% 02/15/2019 227,500 260,625 DENBURY RES INC C24823UAG3 386,000 8.25% 02/15/2020 389,122 434,250 DENTSPLY INTL INC C249030AA5 100,000 1.81% 08/15/2013 100,000 100,552 DEUTSCHE BK CAP FDG TR C25153RAA0 500,000 5.63% 01/19/2016 500,000 475,000 DEXIA CR LOC ACTING THRU ITS NY BA GTD SB5NT5X6 1,600,000 0.71% 03/05/2013 1,600,000 1,597,520 DIAGEO CAP PLC C25243YAL3 300,000 5.20% 01/30/2013 314,121 301,103 DIAGEO FINANCE PLC C25244SAC5 700,000 5.30% 10/28/2015 698,312 785,735 DISH DBS CORP C25470XAE5 1,075,000 6.75% 06/01/2021 1,090,531 1,225,500 DISH DBS CORP C25470XAJ4 250,000 5.88% 07/15/2022 257,188 268,750 DOW CHEM CO C260543CC5 780,000 4.25% 11/15/2020 770,936 867,136 DSLA MTG LN TR 2004-AR3 C23332UBG8 91,820 0.58% 07/19/2044 91,820 86,331 DTE ENERGY CO NT C233331AP2 100,000 1.01% 06/03/2013 100,000 100,190 DUKE RLTY LTD C26441YAU1 1,470,000 6.75% 03/15/2020 1,682,048 1,777,362 EAGLE ROCK ENERGY C26985UAB3 300,000 8.38% 06/01/2019 308,250 306,000 EBAY INC C278642AD5 70,000 0.70% 07/15/2015 70,113 70,262 ECOLAB INC C278865AN0 40,000 1.00% 08/09/2015 39,980 40,112 ED MGMT LLC / ED C28140JAC4 300,000 8.75% 06/01/2014 292,500 240,750 EDUCATIONAL FDG SOUTH INC C28148WAB9 350,000 0.97% 04/25/2035 329,725 352,179 EL PASO CORP C28336LBR9 225,000 7.25% 06/01/2018 222,717 260,064 ELIZABETH ARDEN INC C28660GAG1 600,000 7.38% 03/15/2021 600,000 670,500 ENDO C29264FAE6 525,000 7.00% 12/15/2020 539,438 559,781 ENDO HEALTH C29264FAJ5 225,000 7.25% 01/15/2022 231,188 241,313 ENERGY TRANSFER C29273RAL3 185,000 8.50% 04/15/2014 200,473 201,165 ENERGY TRANSFER C29273RAP4 1,400,000 6.05% 06/01/2041 1,396,458 1,592,830 ENERGY TRANSFER PARTNERS C29273RAQ2 400,000 5.20% 02/01/2022 401,319 456,285 ENI S P A C26874RAA6 970,000 4.15% 10/01/2020 967,410 993,336 EQUINIX INC C29444UAK2 350,000 7.00% 07/15/2021 356,750 388,500 EXTERRAN HLDGS INC C30225XAC7 500,000 7.25% 12/01/2018 472,500 530,000 FAMILY DLR STORES C307000AA7 1,000,000 5.00% 02/01/2021 994,940 1,079,450 FERRELLGAS L P C315292AJ1 200,000 9.13% 10/01/2017 209,000 216,500 FIDELITY NATL INFORMATION C31620MAD8 500,000 7.88% 07/15/2020 533,750 565,625 FIRST FRANKLIN C32027NVU2 229,897 0.49% 10/25/2035 220,126 229,478 FIRSTENERGY C33766JAD5 685,000 6.05% 08/15/2021 684,986 783,995 FORD CR AUTO LEASE C34529VAC6 427,870 0.63% 04/15/2014 428,187 428,172 FRAC TECH SVCS LLC / FRAC TECH FIN INC C35168XAA9 180,000 8.13% 11/15/2018 184,500 185,850 FRONTIER C35906AAF5 1,000,000 8.25% 04/15/2017 1,065,500 1,155,000

1303-1051485 32 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) FRONTIER C35906AAM0$ 100,000 7.13% 01/15/2023$ 104,000 $ 106,000 GANNETT CO INC C364725AW1 600,000 7.13% 09/01/2018 571,824 654,750 GE SEACO FIN SRL C368288AE6 262,500 0.46% 11/17/2020 250,195 254,993 GEN ELEC CAP CORP C369622SM8 1,585,000 5.30% 02/11/2021 1,657,339 1,839,839 GEN ELEC CAP CORP C36962G3A0 470,000 6.15% 08/07/2037 500,137 584,302 GEN ELEC CAP CORP C36962G3U6 250,000 5.63% 05/01/2018 191,368 296,884 GEN ELEC CAP CORP C36962G6M1 120,000 1.00% 12/11/2015 119,880 120,483 GEN ELEC CAP CORP C36962GX66 425,000 0.58% 08/07/2018 387,213 409,024 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP C36962G5B6 100,000 0.98% 04/07/2014 98,208 100,540 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP C36962G5M2 150,000 2.15% 01/09/2015 149,844 154,070 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP C36962G4R2 250,000 4.38% 09/16/2020 248,420 279,012 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP C36962GK94 320,000 0.57% 09/15/2014 224,000 319,616 GEORGIA PWR CO C373334JQ5 300,000 0.63% 03/15/2013 300,204 300,037 GILEAD SCIENCES C375558AQ6 370,000 4.50% 04/01/2021 398,294 422,856 GLAXOSMITHKLINE C377373AB1 90,000 0.75% 05/08/2015 89,771 90,439 GMAC INC FORMERLY C36186CBW2 250,000 6.75% 12/01/2014 250,692 270,000 GOLDMAN SACHS C38141EA66 200,000 6.00% 06/15/2020 214,070 237,642 GOLDMAN SACHS C38141GFG4 450,000 5.95% 01/18/2018 520,934 523,662 GOLDMAN SACHS C38141GGQ1 810,000 5.25% 07/27/2021 809,563 923,381 GOLDMAN SACHS C38143UAW1 225,000 5.00% 10/01/2014 189,077 239,668 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC C00PO99995 200,000 0.55% 01/30/2017 265,809 250,074 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC C38143USB8 170,000 1.31% 02/07/2014 170,169 170,497 GOODYEAR TIRE C382550BA8 550,000 8.75% 08/15/2020 543,286 633,875 GREEN TREE FINL CORP C393505A69 155,865 6.24% 12/01/2028 154,891 161,835 GS MTG SECS C36191YBB3 755,000 3.71% 08/10/2044 762,501 837,959 GS MTG SECS CORP C36242DA52 338,100 0.85% 03/25/2035 326,267 330,929 HANESBRANDS INC C410345AG7 250,000 6.38% 12/15/2020 241,250 275,000 HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE C41283TAB4 125,000 0.50% 08/15/2015 124,999 125,135 HCA HLDGS INC C40412CAB7 400,000 7.75% 05/15/2021 401,000 434,000 HCA INC C404119AP4 150,000 6.38% 01/15/2015 140,625 162,188 HCA INC C404119AR0 100,000 6.50% 02/15/2016 93,833 108,750 HCA INC C404121AC9 450,000 6.50% 02/15/2020 450,000 506,250 HCA INC C404121AD7 300,000 7.50% 02/15/2022 300,000 343,500 HCA INC C404121AE5 150,000 5.88% 03/15/2022 150,000 163,125 HCA INC SB5T6YS9 300,000 7.25% 09/15/2020 315,750 332,250 HCP INC C40414LAF6 120,000 3.75% 02/01/2019 125,586 126,641 HCP INC C40414LAH2 195,000 2.63% 02/01/2020 194,472 194,239 HEALTH CARE PPTY INVS INC C421915EG0 275,000 6.30% 09/15/2016 277,593 317,322 HEALTH CARE PPTY INVS INC C421915EJ4 310,000 6.00% 01/30/2017 310,685 356,112 HEALTHCARE RLTY C42225BAA4 600,000 6.50% 01/17/2017 595,938 686,039 HERTZ CORP C428040CJ6 600,000 6.75% 04/15/2019 594,875 654,750 HEWLETT PACKARD CO C428236BM4 445,000 4.30% 06/01/2021 444,106 440,774 HEWLETT PACKARD CO C428236BS1 100,000 1.86% 09/19/2014 100,000 99,083 HEWLETT PACKARD CO C428236BU6 210,000 3.30% 12/09/2016 209,559 213,757 HLTH CARE REIT C42217KAU0 450,000 4.95% 01/15/2021 447,071 492,179 HLTH CARE REIT C42217KAW6 125,000 5.25% 01/15/2022 124,113 139,193 HLTH CARE REIT C42217KAY2 200,000 4.13% 04/01/2019 200,044 215,152

33 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) HLTH CARE REIT C42218SAC2$ 555,000 4.70% 01/15/2021$ 553,324 $ 618,298 HOME DEPOT INC C437076AP7 1,150,000 5.40% 03/01/2016 1,235,307 1,313,778 HOME EQUITY ASSET C43710KAB2 37,101 0.32% 07/25/2037 32,104 36,753 HOST HOTELS C44107TAQ9 250,000 6.00% 10/01/2021 270,938 286,875 HOST HOTELS C44107TAT3 300,000 4.75% 03/01/2023 309,000 318,000 HSBC HOME EQTY LN C40430GAC4 360,816 0.48% 01/20/2035 304,890 350,975 HSBC HOME EQTY LN C40430WAA3 470,594 0.37% 01/20/2036 429,417 464,360 HSBC HOME EQTY LN C40431MAF3 111,002 0.37% 07/20/2036 109,892 110,819 HSBC HOME EQTY LN C40431XAA0 517,701 1.41% 11/20/2036 464,338 516,780 HUGHES SATELLITE C444454AA0 750,000 7.63% 06/15/2021 810,000 853,125 HUGHES SATELLITE C444454AB8 550,000 6.50% 06/15/2019 580,250 606,375 HUNTSMAN INTL LLC C44701QAV4 262,000 5.50% 06/30/2016 247,099 262,328 INFOR US INC C45672NAB7 725,000 9.38% 04/01/2019 791,156 813,813 INTELSAT C458204AH7 550,000 11.25% 02/04/2017 547,446 581,625 INTELSAT JACKSON C45824TAG0 1,150,000 7.50% 04/01/2021 1,212,375 1,267,875 INTELSAT JACKSON HLDGS S A C45824TAC9 100,000 7.25% 10/15/2020 94,250 108,750 INTL BUSINESS C459200GZ8 150,000 0.88% 10/31/2014 149,832 151,264 INTL BUSINESS C459200HD6 100,000 0.75% 05/11/2015 99,834 100,606 INTL LEASE FIN C459745GJ8 825,000 5.75% 05/15/2016 825,000 869,623 IRON MTN INC C46284PAL8 150,000 8.00% 06/15/2020 152,813 158,625 ISLE CAPRI CASINOS C464592AL8 125,000 7.75% 03/15/2019 129,375 134,688 ISLE CAPRI CASINOS C464592AN4 500,000 8.88% 06/15/2020 526,250 545,000 J P MORGAN CHASE C46626YAA0 1,195,000 1.26% 09/30/2034 893,738 980,916 J P MORGAN CHASE & CO C46623EJF7 150,000 1.12% 01/24/2014 150,000 151,006 J P MORGAN MTG TR C466247PW7 98,184 5.13% 06/25/2035 98,982 99,537 JARDEN CORP C471109AB4 500,000 7.50% 05/01/2017 481,098 563,125 JARDEN CORP C471109AD0 150,000 7.50% 01/15/2020 153,750 164,625 JEFFERIES GROUP C472319AF9 325,000 8.50% 07/15/2019 374,462 388,375 JPMORGAN CHASE & CO C46625HBV1 2,570,000 5.13% 09/15/2014 2,546,901 2,733,308 KABEL DEUTSCHLAND CK0002W030 300,000 4.00% 12/31/2016 407,728 398,345 KINDER MORGAN C494550AW6 465,000 6.95% 01/15/2038 463,907 611,877 KOHLS CORP C500255AP9 615,000 6.25% 12/15/2017 731,862 737,078 KRAFT FOODS INC C50075NAR5 140,000 7.00% 08/11/2037 150,730 194,262 LAMAR MEDIA CORP C513075AY7 600,000 7.88% 04/15/2018 628,363 663,000 LAMAR MEDIA CORP C513075BB6 400,000 5.88% 02/01/2022 420,000 434,000 LAMAR MEDIA CORP C513075BC4 150,000 5.00% 05/01/2023 151,875 154,125 LEAR CORP C521865AR6 360,000 7.88% 03/15/2018 354,599 391,500 LEHMAN ABS MANUFACTURED C52519SAD5 214,882 5.27% 09/15/2018 220,657 232,118 LEHMAN TRUST C525221CV7 99,714 0.47% 11/25/2035 98,343 99,321 LEVEL 3 FING INC C527298AT0 500,000 8.63% 07/15/2020 522,500 555,000 LEVEL 3 FING INC C527298AU7 300,000 8.13% 07/01/2019 313,500 327,000 LEVI STRAUSS & CO C52736RBD3 525,000 6.88% 05/01/2022 542,063 563,063 LIMITED BRANDS INC C532716AU1 750,000 5.63% 02/15/2022 759,815 815,625 LINN ENERGY LLC C536022AK2 600,000 6.50% 05/15/2019 610,500 606,000 LLOYDS TSB BK PLC C539473AK4 240,000 2.67% 01/24/2014 240,000 244,583 MARATHON OIL CORP C565849AJ5 70,000 0.90% 11/01/2015 70,036 70,056 MARKWEST ENERGY C570506AM7 400,000 6.75% 11/01/2020 400,000 436,000

1303-1051485 34 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL C571903AJ2$ 330,000 3.00% 03/01/2019$ 327,801 $ 339,638 MCDONALDS CORP C58013MEK6 900,000 4.88% 07/15/2040 893,574 1,077,439 MCDONALDS CORP C58013MEP5 60,000 0.75% 05/29/2015 59,835 60,430 MEDASSETS INC C584045AC2 275,000 8.00% 11/15/2018 273,313 298,375 MEDIACOM LLC C58445MAM4 250,000 9.13% 08/15/2019 253,500 276,875 MET LIFE GLOBAL C59217GAF6 100,000 1.10% 01/10/2014 100,000 100,498 MET LIFE GLOBAL C59217GAQ2 425,000 3.88% 04/11/2022 424,545 462,214 METLIFE INSTL FDG II GLOBAL C59157BAF9 300,000 1.25% 04/04/2014 300,885 302,549 MGM MIRAGE CORPNOTE C552953BC4 100,000 7.50% 06/01/2016 107,750 107,250 MGM MIRAGE SR NT C552953AW1 250,000 6.75% 04/01/2013 248,802 252,813 MICHAELS STORES C594087AM0 500,000 11.38% 11/01/2016 380,456 522,500 MICHAELS STORES C594087AR9 150,000 7.75% 11/01/2018 150,000 164,625 MICROSOFT CORP C594918AF1 200,000 0.88% 09/27/2013 199,670 200,870 MIRANT AMERICAS GENERATION LLC C60467PAQ7 200,000 8.50% 10/01/2021 180,000 228,000 MOOG INC C615394AF0 200,000 6.25% 01/15/2015 200,500 200,160 MOOG INC C615394AJ2 150,000 7.25% 06/15/2018 150,000 157,688 MORGAN STANLEY C61744CSV9 68,914 0.69% 07/25/2035 67,653 68,558 MORGAN STANLEY C61744CTW6 250,866 0.59% 08/25/2035 248,065 250,131 MORGAN STANLEY C61744CUR5 118,380 0.55% 09/25/2035 114,533 118,307 MORGAN STANLEY C61746BDC7 375,000 0.77% 10/18/2016 334,316 356,488 MORGAN STANLEY C61746SBQ1 485,000 0.82% 10/15/2015 257,050 469,949 MORGAN STANLEY C61747YCF0 175,000 6.00% 05/13/2014 175,988 185,320 MORGAN STANLEY C61748AAE6 1,255,000 4.75% 04/01/2014 1,211,716 1,299,521 MORGAN STANLEY MEDIUM TERM C61747YCK9 205,000 4.20% 11/20/2014 204,918 213,895 MORGAN STANLEY MTN C617446C23 100,000 5.45% 01/09/2017 87,017 110,658 MORGAN STANLEY SR NT F C61747YDC6 170,000 1.29% 04/29/2013 170,000 170,386 MPT OPER C55342UAC8 600,000 6.88% 05/01/2021 582,000 651,000 NATIONAL RURAL UTILS COOP FIN CORP C63743HED0 160,000 0.41% 08/09/2013 160,000 159,991 NATL RURAL UTILS COOP FIN CORP C63743HEC2 110,000 0.60% 04/04/2014 110,000 110,235 NATIONAL STEEL CORP (IN DEFAULT) C637844AE1 32,246 0.00% 12/31/2040 32,246 3 NBTY INC C628782AH7 725,000 9.00% 10/01/2018 768,087 819,250 NCR CORP C62886EAE8 700,000 5.00% 07/15/2022 717,625 711,375 NCUA GTD C62889AAA1 293,347 0.56% 12/07/2020 293,347 294,227 NEW CENTY HOME C64352VLH2 470,609 0.59% 07/25/2035 469,727 469,090 NEW CENTY HOME C64352VMT5 625,000 0.58% 09/25/2035 595,313 608,528 NEW YORK LIFE GLOBAL FDG C64952WBJ1 230,000 0.35% 09/19/2014 230,000 230,085 NEXTERA ENERGY C65339KAF7 20,000 1.20% 06/01/2015 19,978 20,142 NEXTERA ENERGY CAP C65339KAC4 60,000 1.61% 06/01/2014 60,209 60,647 NIELSEN FIN LLC C65409QAT9 100,000 11.63% 02/01/2014 90,276 111,000 NIELSEN FIN LLC/CO C65409QAY8 650,000 7.75% 10/15/2018 672,125 726,375 NISSAN AUTO C65476GAB8 600,000 0.39% 04/15/2015 599,955 600,227 NORTHEAST UTILS C664397AH9 150,000 1.06% 09/20/2013 150,000 150,760 NRG ENERGY INC C629377BJ0 750,000 8.25% 09/01/2020 750,000 840,000 NRG ENERGY INC C629377BS0 100,000 7.88% 05/15/2021 94,250 111,000 OMEGA HEALTHCARE C681936AX8 500,000 6.75% 10/15/2022 510,669 543,750 OMEGA HEALTHCARE INVS INC C681936AV2 150,000 7.50% 02/15/2020 160,500 164,625 ONEOK PARTNERS L P C68268NAD5 400,000 6.85% 10/15/2037 398,764 509,554

35 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) PACCAR FINL CORP C69371RJ80$ 120,000 0.67% 04/05/2013$ 120,000 $ 120,138 PACCAR FINL CORP C69371RK70 60,000 0.56% 06/05/2014 60,000 60,128 PACCAR FINL CORP C69371RK96 150,000 0.70% 11/16/2015 149,921 149,783 PAETEC HLDG CORP C695459AF4 250,000 9.88% 12/01/2018 261,875 286,250 PAETEC HLDG CORP C695459AD9 500,000 8.88% 06/30/2017 513,750 536,250 PANHANDLE EASTN C698455AC6 500,000 8.13% 06/01/2019 500,000 625,355 PARK PL SECS INC C70069FAX5 424,047 0.83% 10/25/2034 413,446 423,156 PARK PL SECS INC C70069FCV7 481,119 0.91% 12/25/2034 474,528 480,869 PARK PLACE SECURITIES INC C70069FAD9 580,000 0.89% 09/25/2034 543,750 569,446 PENN VA RES C70788AAA6 500,000 8.25% 04/15/2018 501,750 530,000 PEPSICO INC C713448CA4 300,000 0.70% 08/13/2015 299,901 300,383 PEPSICO INC C713448BX5 1,015,000 0.75% 03/05/2015 1,014,553 1,018,652 PETROBRAS INTL SB4KKWV2 500,000 3.88% 01/27/2016 498,315 527,502 PETROHAWK ENERGY C716495AN6 1,125,000 6.25% 06/01/2019 1,259,825 1,281,038 PETROLEOS SB4P6J03 100,000 5.50% 01/21/2021 99,011 116,850 PINNACLE ENTMT INC C723456AN9 425,000 8.75% 05/15/2020 441,125 459,000 PINNACLE FOODS FIN C72347QAC7 425,000 9.25% 04/01/2015 421,716 431,375 PINNACLE FOODS FIN C72347QAG8 675,000 8.25% 09/01/2017 703,938 718,875 PLAINS EXPL C726505AF7 400,000 7.63% 06/01/2018 346,423 421,000 PLAINS EXPL C726505AJ9 100,000 7.63% 04/01/2020 98,250 111,500 PLAINS EXPL C726505AL4 200,000 6.75% 02/01/2022 204,000 224,500 PLAINS EXPL & PRODTN CO C726505AM2 100,000 6.13% 06/15/2019 100,000 109,000 POLYMER GROUP INC C731745AL9 575,000 7.75% 02/01/2019 629,338 616,688 PRECISION C740189AJ4 40,000 0.70% 12/20/2015 39,988 40,034 PRESTIGE BRANDS INC C74112BAH8 200,000 8.13% 02/01/2020 221,500 222,500 PROCTER & GAMBLE C742718DU0 110,000 0.70% 08/15/2014 109,548 110,707 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO C742718DZ9 240,000 0.21% 02/14/2014 240,000 239,847 PROLOGIS L P C74340XAC5 605,000 7.63% 08/15/2014 696,520 661,816 PVTPL ABBVIE INC SR NT 144A C00287YAA7 150,000 1.20% 11/06/2015 149,900 151,002 PVTPL ADS WASTE HOLDINGS INC C00101LAA9 500,000 8.25% 10/01/2020 501,818 525,000 PVTPL ALLIANCE DATA SYS CORP C018581AE8 750,000 6.38% 04/01/2020 760,000 798,750 PVTPL INC C019736AC1 400,000 7.13% 05/15/2019 405,550 427,000 PVTPL AMERN HONDA FIN CORP C02666QG80 150,000 1.63% 09/20/2013 149,943 151,354 PVTPL ANZ NATL INTL LTD C00182EAJ8 450,000 6.20% 07/19/2013 449,577 461,682 PVTPL BAT INTL FINANCE PLC C05530QAD2 90,000 1.40% 06/05/2015 89,865 91,291 PVTPL BBVA BANCOMER C05533UAB4 200,000 6.50% 03/10/2021 197,290 222,000 PVTPL BIOMET INC SR NT 144A C090613AF7 250,000 6.50% 08/01/2020 250,210 265,625 PVTPL CAISSE CENTRALE DESJARDINS C12800UAD2 150,000 1.70% 09/16/2013 149,925 151,136 PVTPL CALPINE CORP C131347BP0 630,000 7.25% 10/15/2017 607,412 670,950 PVTPL CALPINE CORP C131347BS4 291,000 7.88% 07/31/2020 292,381 326,648 PVTPL CALPINE CORP C131347BW5 90,000 7.50% 02/15/2021 91,350 99,450 PVTPL CARGILL INC C141781AX2 58,000 6.00% 11/27/2017 57,725 69,780 PVTPL CATALENT PHARMA SOLUTIONS INC C14879EAC2 600,000 7.88% 10/15/2018 613,500 604,500 PVTPL CEDAR BRAKES II L L C C15005NAD4 98,302 9.88% 09/01/2013 116,371 101,026 PVTPL CEQUEL COM HLDG I C15672WAA2 292,000 8.63% 11/15/2017 305,798 312,440 PVTPL CEQUEL COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS I LLC C15672JAA1 475,000 6.38% 09/15/2020 485,750 494,594 PVTPL CHESAPEAKE OIL C165258AA2 300,000 6.63% 11/15/2019 300,000 282,750

1303-1051485 36 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) PVTPL CIFC FDG 2012-II LTD C12548VAA3$ 300,000 1.76% 12/05/2024$ 300,000 $ 297,438 PVTPL CIT ED LN TR 2007-1 C17284LAA2 313,922 0.40% 03/25/2042 284,884 290,133 PVTPL CIT GROUP INC C125581GH5 150,000 5.50% 02/15/2019 150,000 163,500 PVTPL CIT GROUP INC C125577BA3 100,000 5.25% 04/01/2014 100,000 103,500 PVTPL CITIBANK OMNI SB8CWKZ4 500,000 2.96% 08/15/2018 530,234 520,143 PVTPL CMO ARKLE C041239BR4 280,000 1.46% 05/17/2060 280,000 280,375 PVTPL CMO DBRR 2011-LC2 C23305UAA5 220,000 4.54% 07/12/2044 230,106 255,518 PVTPL CMO DBRR 2012-EZ1 C23306AAA8 470,919 0.95% 09/25/2045 470,785 470,750 PVTPL CMO FOSSE MASTER ISSUER PLC C34988WAL8 150,000 1.72% 10/19/2054 150,000 153,329 PVTPL CMO FOSSE MASTER ISSUER PLC SER C34988WAF1 179,685 1.72% 10/18/2054 179,685 182,446 PVTPL CMO RBSSP RESECURITIZATION C74928YAC3 348,832 2.59% 07/26/2045 341,637 356,513 PVTPL COMMSCOPE INC C203372AH0 1,100,000 8.25% 01/15/2019 1,123,808 1,204,500 PVTPL CRONOS CONTAINERS PROGRAM I C227170AC1 164,792 4.21% 05/18/2027 164,771 168,321 PVTPL CRONOS CONTAINERS PROGRAM I LTD C227170AD9 170,625 3.81% 09/18/2027 170,554 176,419 PVTPL CROWN CASTLE INTL CORP C228227BC7 950,000 5.25% 01/15/2023 967,625 1,016,500 PVTPL CROWN CASTLE TOWERS C22822RAP5 265,000 4.52% 01/15/2015 275,727 279,391 PVTPL CROWN CASTLE TOWERS LLC C22822RAV2 1,540,000 3.21% 08/15/2015 1,538,937 1,605,630 PVTPL DAIMLER FIN N AMER LLC C233851AQ7 150,000 1.30% 07/31/2015 149,727 150,871 PVTPL DISH DBS CORP C25470XAK1 100,000 5.00% 03/15/2023 100,000 100,000 PVTPL DUFRY FIN SCA C26433UAA3 500,000 5.50% 10/15/2020 515,000 517,500 PVTPL EAGLE ROCK ENERGY PARTNERS L P C26985UAC1 150,000 8.38% 06/01/2019 147,752 153,000 PVTPL FARMERS EXCHANGE CAP TRUST C309588AC5 343,000 7.05% 07/15/2028 266,113 421,514 PVTPL FARMERS EXCHANGE CAP TRUST C309588AE1 400,000 7.20% 07/15/2048 319,000 485,676 PVTPL FELCOR LODGING LTD PARTNERSHIP C31430QBC0 250,000 5.63% 03/01/2023 250,000 248,750 PVTPL FMG RES AUGUST 2006 PTY LTD C30251GAA5 825,000 7.00% 11/01/2015 839,781 866,250 PVTPL FORD CR AUTO C34530AAA3 221,372 0.22% 12/15/2013 221,372 221,372 PVTPL FRESENIUS MED CARE US FIN II INC C35802XAF0 1,000,000 5.88% 01/31/2022 1,014,375 1,085,000 PVTPL FRESENIUS MED CARE US FIN INC C35803QAA5 100,000 5.75% 02/15/2021 107,000 107,000 PVTPL FTI CONSULTING INC C302941AK5 750,000 6.00% 11/15/2022 755,250 776,250 PVTPL GOLDEN CR CARD C380881BP6 300,000 0.66% 07/17/2017 300,000 299,619 PVTPL HARLEY DAVIDSON FINL SVCS INC C41283LAC9 65,000 1.15% 09/15/2015 64,978 65,171 PVTPL HBOS PLC C4041A2AH7 325,000 6.75% 05/21/2018 323,648 349,781 PVTPL HEINEKEN N V C423012AC7 30,000 0.80% 10/01/2015 29,948 30,056 PVTPL HELIX ENERGY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC C42330PAA5 145,000 9.50% 01/15/2016 137,831 148,625 PVTPL HERTZ GLOBAL HOLDINGS INC C40416GAC2 150,000 6.25% 10/15/2022 152,438 159,750 PVTPL HOLCIM U S FIN C43474TAA1 1,200,000 6.00% 12/30/2019 1,184,088 1,361,075 PVTPL HSBC BK PLC SR C44328MAC8 1,190,000 4.13% 08/12/2020 1,182,872 1,324,421 PVTPL HSBC BK PLC SR C44328MAD6 130,000 1.63% 08/12/2013 129,860 130,910 PVTPL HYUNDAI CAP AMER SR C44923QAE4 60,000 1.63% 10/02/2015 59,965 60,361 PVTPL HYUNDAI CAP AUTO FDG VIII LTD C44924CAA2 262,209 1.21% 09/20/2016 261,055 262,760 PVTPL INTL LEASE FIN CORP SR SECD NT SB5NQTC4 100,000 6.50% 09/01/2014 99,997 106,750 PVTPL KRAFT FOODS GROUP INC C50076QAH9 480,000 1.63% 06/04/2015 478,757 488,529 PVTPL LEVEL 3 FING INC C527298AV5 550,000 7.00% 06/01/2020 550,000 574,750 PVTPL LINN ENERGY LLC C536022AH9 250,000 6.25% 11/01/2019 246,125 251,250 PVTPL LM VII LTD C00163GAA5 300,000 1.81% 10/19/2024 300,000 297,768 PVTPL MASSMUTUAL GLOBAL FDG II C57629WBL3 300,000 0.81% 09/27/2013 300,675 301,117 PVTPL MET LIFE GLOBAL FDG I C59217GAA7 1,000,000 2.50% 01/11/2013 997,510 1,000,455

37 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) PVTPL NATIONWIDE MUT INS CO C638671AG2$ 440,000 6.60% 04/15/2034$ 438,161 $ 442,763 PVTPL NATIONWIDE MUT INS CO C638671AJ6 2,000 5.81% 12/15/2024 2,000 1,920 PVTPL NATL AUSTRALIA BK LTD GLOBAL C6325C0AR2 750,000 5.35% 06/12/2013 749,970 766,880 PVTPL NEUBERGER BERMAN GROUP LLC C64128XAA8 100,000 5.63% 03/15/2020 100,000 104,750 PVTPL NEUBERGER BERMAN GRP LLC C64128XAC4 750,000 5.88% 03/15/2022 750,000 795,000 PVTPL NRG ENERGY INC C629377BT8 250,000 6.63% 03/15/2023 250,000 267,500 PVTPL OHA CR PARTNERS VII LTD C67102QAB4 300,000 1.76% 11/20/2023 300,000 297,735 PVTPL OIL STS INTL INC C678026AE5 400,000 5.13% 01/15/2023 400,000 405,500 PVTPL PENN VA RES PARTNERS L P C70788TAA5 100,000 8.38% 06/01/2020 100,120 107,750 PVTPL PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP INC C70959WAD5 605,000 5.75% 10/01/2022 609,175 623,150 PVTPL PENSKE TRUCK LEASING CO L P C709599AC8 100,000 3.13% 05/11/2015 99,903 102,034 PVTPL PENSKE TRUCK LEASING CO L P C709599AJ3 110,000 2.50% 03/15/2016 109,837 110,296 PVTPL PETROBAKKEN ENERGY LTD C71645AAA7 525,000 8.63% 02/01/2020 530,679 532,875 PVTPL PINNACLE ENTMT INC C723456AK5 500,000 8.63% 08/01/2017 520,868 536,875 PVTPL PRICOA GLOBAL FDG I C74153WBY4 500,000 5.45% 06/11/2014 498,940 534,015 PVTPL PRIN LIFE GLOBAL FDG II C74256LAC3 70,000 1.00% 12/11/2015 69,955 69,897 PVTPL QUEBECOR MEDIA INC C74819RAN6 350,000 5.75% 01/15/2023 350,000 368,813 PVTPL REYNOLDS GROUP ISSUER INC C761735AN9 575,000 5.75% 10/15/2020 575,000 593,688 PVTPL RHODIA C762397AS6 1,020,000 6.88% 09/15/2020 1,136,382 1,149,673 PVTPL SABMILLER HLDGS INC C78573AAD2 1,065,000 1.85% 01/15/2015 1,064,936 1,085,967 PVTPL SBA COMMUNICATIONS CORP C78388JAP1 250,000 5.63% 10/01/2019 250,000 262,500 PVTPL SBA TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC C78401FAE7 600,000 5.75% 07/15/2020 612,500 637,500 PVTPL SEADRILL LTD C811727AA4 300,000 5.63% 09/15/2017 302,625 297,750 PVTPL SILVER II BORROWER S C A C828326AA6 600,000 7.75% 12/15/2020 600,000 621,000 PVTPL SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC C829259AH3 525,000 6.13% 10/01/2022 556,500 557,156 PVTPL SIRIUS XM RADIO INC SR NT C82967NAG3 250,000 5.25% 08/15/2022 250,750 252,500 PVTPL SPAREBANK 1 BOLIGKREDITT C84650WAA4 230,000 1.25% 10/25/2013 231,663 231,380 PVTPL SPECTRUM BRANDS ESCROW CORP C84763BAA4 150,000 6.38% 11/15/2020 150,000 157,500 PVTPL SPECTRUM BRANDS ESCROW CORP C84763BAC0 250,000 6.63% 11/15/2022 260,000 268,125 PVTPL SPRINT NEXTEL CORP FORMERLY SPRINTCORP C852061AQ3 350,000 7.00% 03/01/2020 350,000 406,875 PVTPL STONE STR TR TR SECS REDEEMABLE SB7KCNC7 500,000 5.90% 12/15/2015 500,000 547,330 PVTPL SUNGARD DATA SYSTEMS INC C867363AV5 150,000 6.63% 11/01/2019 150,000 153,375 PVTPL SYDNEY ARPT FIN CO PTY LTD C87124VAD1 425,000 3.90% 03/22/2023 424,218 434,134 PVTPL TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL CO LTD C874060AA4 200,000 1.03% 03/17/2015 200,000 200,792 PVTPL TAL ADVANTAGE I LLC C874073AA7 233,333 0.40% 04/20/2021 218,951 229,129 PVTPL TAL ADVANTAGE IV LLC C872162AD4 195,833 4.30% 10/20/2025 195,833 198,224 PVTPL TELESAT CDA C87952VAJ5 650,000 6.00% 05/15/2017 653,375 682,500 PVTPL TENET HEALTHCARE CORP C88033GBT6 400,000 4.75% 06/01/2020 401,125 406,000 PVTPL TEXAS NEW MEX PWR CO C882587AY4 500,000 9.50% 04/01/2019 488,215 670,385 PVTPL TEXTAINER MARINE CONTAINERS LTD C883145AJ3 233,750 4.70% 06/15/2026 233,750 237,806 PVTPL TEXTAINER MARINE CONTAINERS LTD C883145AC8 229,583 0.46% 05/15/2020 220,113 227,022 PVTPL TRINITY RAIL LEASING V L P C89655XAA6 108,097 5.90% 05/14/2036 113,333 121,873 PVTPL TRIP RAIL MASTER FDG LLC C89690EAA5 306,837 4.37% 07/15/2041 306,837 327,382 PVTPL TRITON CONTAINER FIN III LLC C89678DAA3 235,417 4.21% 05/14/2027 235,388 244,811 PVTPL TRITON CONTAINER FIN LLC C89676AAN3 254,583 0.38% 11/26/2021 235,089 249,042 PVTPL TURLOCK CORP C900212AE1 60,000 0.95% 11/02/2015 59,948 60,183 PVTPL UNIT CORP C909218AC3 750,000 6.63% 05/15/2021 740,625 769,688

1303-1051485 38 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) PVTPL UNIVERSAL HOSP SVC C91359PAH3$ 650,000 7.63% 08/15/2020$ 657,500 $ 684,938 PVTPL UPCB FIN V LTD C90320TAA8 600,000 7.25% 11/15/2021 601,000 660,000 PVTPL UPCB FIN VI LTD C90320XAA9 400,000 6.88% 01/15/2022 403,375 433,000 PVTPL UR FING ESCROW CORP C90321NAA0 250,000 5.75% 07/15/2018 250,000 269,375 PVTPL UR FING ESCROW CORP C90321NAC6 400,000 7.63% 04/15/2022 401,300 447,000 PVTPL US FOODSERVICE INC C91728CAE3 850,000 8.50% 06/30/2019 857,144 867,000 PVTPL VALEANT PHARMACEUTICALS INTL C91911XAN4 150,000 6.88% 12/01/2018 149,250 161,625 PVTPL VANGUARD HLTH HLDG CO II LLC C92203PAJ5 200,000 7.75% 02/01/2019 202,125 207,000 PVTPL VPI ESCROW CORP C91829KAA1 100,000 6.38% 10/15/2020 100,000 107,250 PVTPL WEA FIN LLC C92933WAB4 60,000 6.75% 09/02/2019 59,218 74,330 PVTPL WEA FINANCE LL C92933DAA8 210,000 7.50% 06/02/2014 207,858 228,487 PVTPL WESTPAC BANKING CORP C9612E0BC0 310,000 0.90% 04/08/2013 310,000 310,456 PVTPL XM SATELLITE RADIO INC C98375YAZ9 1,100,000 7.63% 11/01/2018 1,115,875 1,226,500 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC C74834LAT7 50,000 1.16% 03/24/2014 50,000 50,305 RACE PT VII CLO C74982GAC5 325,000 1.73% 11/08/2024 325,000 322,693 RBS GLOBAL INC C75524DAN0 600,000 8.50% 05/01/2018 614,625 650,250 RBSCF 2010-MB1 C74929QAB1 800,000 3.69% 04/15/2024 852,750 848,774 RECKITT BENCKISER TREAS SVCS C7562E0W69 300,000 0.00% 09/06/2013 297,725 299,197 RESDNTL AST C760985W80 159,385 7.00% 11/25/2031 166,657 167,743 REYNOLDS AMERN INC C761713AW6 590,000 4.75% 11/01/2042 584,684 595,238 REYNOLDS AMERN INC 1. C761713AV8 30,000 1.05% 10/30/2015 29,958 29,991 REYNOLDS GROUP ISSUER INC C761735AB5 350,000 8.50% 05/15/2018 346,500 358,750 REYNOLDS GROUP ISSUER INC C761735AF6 100,000 8.25% 02/15/2021 96,250 101,500 REYNOLDS GROUP ISSUER INC C761735AH2 400,000 9.88% 08/15/2019 426,000 428,000 REYNOLDS GROUP ISSUER INC C761735AK5 250,000 7.13% 04/15/2019 262,500 268,750 RIO TINTO FIN USA C767201AQ9 250,000 3.75% 09/20/2021 249,360 267,325 ROCKWOOD SPECIALTIES GROUP INC C774477AJ2 550,000 4.63% 10/15/2020 551,750 569,250 ROYAL BK SCOTLAND C780097AW1 1,155,000 6.40% 10/21/2019 1,153,741 1,364,794 RSC EQUIP RENT INC C78108AAE4 300,000 8.25% 02/01/2021 317,100 338,250 SAFEWAY INC C786514BV0 200,000 1.81% 12/12/2013 200,000 200,062 SALLY HLDGS LLC C79546VAJ5 125,000 5.75% 06/01/2022 125,000 135,625 SALLY HLDGS LLC C79546VAH9 625,000 6.88% 11/15/2019 671,094 690,625 SANOFI-AVENTIS C80105NAB1 90,000 1.63% 03/28/2014 89,877 91,270 SCHOLAR FDG C80705TAA4 319,312 1.21% 10/28/2043 314,922 318,919 SENIOR HOUSING PROP TRUS C81721MAF6 1,000,000 4.30% 01/15/2016 989,310 1,036,770 SESI L L C C78412FAP9 150,000 7.13% 12/15/2021 166,500 166,875 SESI L L C C78412FAL8 250,000 6.38% 05/01/2019 252,500 267,500 SIMON PPTY GROUP C828807CL9 1,265,000 4.75% 03/15/2042 1,258,586 1,355,213 SLM STUDENT LN C78445FAB1 993,856 0.82% 10/25/2017 993,856 998,129 SM ENERGY CO C78454LAF7 400,000 6.50% 01/01/2023 420,000 428,000 SOUTH CAROLINA STUDENT LN CORP C83714RAX1 253,379 0.41% 12/03/2018 253,102 253,541 SOUTHWESTN ELEC C845437BK7 475,000 6.45% 01/15/2019 474,402 578,099 SPECIALTY C84751PGH6 584,603 0.60% 06/25/2036 564,873 570,576 SPECTRUM BRANDS C84762LAG0 600,000 9.50% 06/15/2018 663,000 681,000 SPEEDWAY C847788AN6 150,000 8.75% 06/01/2016 145,239 160,313 SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS C85205TAB6 600,000 7.50% 10/01/2017 610,418 642,000 SPRINT NEXTEL CORP C852061AR1 150,000 7.00% 08/15/2020 150,000 163,875

39 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) SPRINT NEXTEL CORP C852061AS9$ 200,000 6.00% 11/15/2022$ 199,972 $ 205,500 SPRINT NEXTEL CORPORATION C852061AD2 150,000 6.00% 12/01/2016 155,625 163,125 SSIF NEV LTD PARTNERSHIP SB54KFS3 200,000 1.04% 04/14/2014 200,000 201,120 ST PAUL TRAVELERS COS INC C792860AJ7 910,000 6.25% 06/20/2016 922,511 1,069,619 STATER BROS HLDGS C857555AP1 350,000 7.75% 04/15/2015 344,502 357,000 STRUCTURED ASSET SECS CORP C86360LAC0 342,100 0.36% 07/25/2036 300,193 332,516 STRUCTURED AST C863576DE1 503,334 0.57% 11/25/2035 501,132 500,766 STRUCTURED AST C86359B6R7 573,164 0.81% 02/25/2035 567,074 563,733 SUBN PROPANE C864486AE5 168,000 7.50% 10/01/2018 175,770 181,020 SUBN PROPANE C864486AG0 217,000 7.38% 08/01/2021 233,818 235,988 SUNGARD DATA SYS C867363AR4 225,000 7.38% 11/15/2018 240,824 241,031 SUNGARD DATA SYS INC S C867363AU7 1,100,000 7.63% 11/15/2020 1,147,125 1,201,750 SUSSER HLDGS L L C C869237AE7 400,000 8.50% 05/15/2016 412,000 425,000 SVENSKA HANDELSBAKEN C86959BNF8 200,000 0.77% 01/18/2013 200,000 200,043 TARGET CORP C87612EAX4 200,000 0.49% 07/18/2014 200,000 200,597 TELECOM ITALIA CAP C87927VAQ1 500,000 5.25% 10/01/2015 527,330 532,000 TELEFONICA C87938WAB9 930,000 6.42% 06/20/2016 943,457 1,029,045 TENET HEALTHCARE C88033GBM1 675,000 8.00% 08/01/2020 696,687 726,891 TENET HEALTHCARE C88033GBP4 175,000 6.25% 11/01/2018 177,844 192,063 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL FIN III B V C88166DAB2 85,000 0.81% 03/21/2014 85,000 85,340 TEXAS INSTRS INC C882508AP9 110,000 0.88% 05/15/2013 109,948 110,265 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC C882508AT1 130,000 0.45% 08/03/2015 129,411 129,340 TIME WARNER CABLE C88732JAP3 520,000 8.75% 02/14/2019 512,018 701,563 TOLEDO EDISON CO C889175BE4 600,000 7.25% 05/01/2020 610,926 762,700 TOMKINS LLC C890027AA3 163,000 9.00% 10/01/2018 176,855 182,560 TORONTO DOM BANK C89114QAC2 160,000 0.64% 07/14/2014 160,000 160,544 TOTAL CAP CDA C89153UAA9 190,000 0.71% 01/17/2014 190,000 190,781 TOYOTA MTR CR CORP C89233P5Z5 100,000 1.00% 02/17/2015 99,850 100,671 TOYOTA MTR CR CORP C89233P6J0 220,000 0.88% 07/17/2015 219,883 220,906 TOYS R US PPTY CO C89236LAB8 100,000 10.75% 07/15/2017 107,750 107,750 TOYS R US PPTY CO C89236MAB6 400,000 8.50% 12/01/2017 434,000 424,000 TRANS UN LLC C893342AC9 450,000 11.38% 06/15/2018 514,125 524,250 TUCSON ELEC PWR CO C898813AL4 550,000 3.85% 03/15/2023 548,213 557,117 TURKIYE GARANTI BANKASI A S C900148AB3 200,000 2.82% 04/20/2016 200,000 198,500 U S BANCORP C91159HGY0 150,000 1.38% 09/13/2013 149,807 150,877 U S W CAP FDG INC C912912AR3 325,000 6.50% 11/15/2018 275,438 368,618 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP C913017BW8 140,000 0.58% 12/02/2013 140,177 140,384 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP C91324PBX9 30,000 0.85% 10/15/2015 29,993 30,098 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC C91324PBW1 960,000 4.38% 03/15/2042 958,397 996,972 UNITYMEDIA HESSEN GMBH & CO KG C913364AB1 250,000 5.50% 01/15/2023 250,000 258,125 UTD DOMINION RLTY TR INC C91019PCR1 890,000 6.05% 06/01/2013 887,811 908,574 UTD RENTALS N AMER C911365AU8 150,000 9.25% 12/15/2019 147,573 171,000 V F CORP NT C918204AU2 100,000 1.06% 08/23/2013 100,000 100,483 VALEANT PHARMACEUTICALS INTL C91911XAL8 850,000 6.75% 10/01/2017 810,875 918,000 VALERO ENERGY CORP C91913YAL4 455,000 6.63% 06/15/2037 453,694 560,579 VANGUARD HLTH HLDG C92203PAE6 400,000 8.00% 02/01/2018 394,955 414,000 VANGUARD HLTH SYS INC C922036AD0 22,000 10.38% 02/01/2016 14,025 16,500

1303-1051485 40 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

COPORATE BONDS AND NOTES (continued) VANGUARD NAT RES C92205CAA1$ 650,000 7.88% 04/01/2020$ 650,000 $ 679,250 VERIZON C92343VAQ7 280,000 8.75% 11/01/2018 362,536 388,772 VERIZON C92343VBH6 60,000 0.70% 11/02/2015 59,989 60,015 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC C92343VAZ7 280,000 0.92% 03/28/2014 280,000 281,656 VERIZON NT C92343VAV6 630,000 6.35% 04/01/2019 620,663 796,185 VIDEOTRON LTEE C92658TAQ1 750,000 5.00% 07/15/2022 771,563 786,563 VIRGIN MEDIA FIN C92769VAB5 268,000 8.38% 10/15/2019 268,168 304,180 VIRGIN MEDIA FIN C92769VAC3 650,000 5.25% 02/15/2022 660,375 689,000 VIRGIN MEDIA FIN C92769VAD1 450,000 4.88% 02/15/2022 450,000 460,125 VOLKSWAGEN AUTO 2012-A C92867KAB0 426,743 0.66% 11/20/2014 426,708 427,480 VOLKSWAGEN INTL C928670AM0 200,000 1.15% 11/20/2015 199,788 200,277 WALGREEN CO C931422AF6 150,000 0.81% 03/13/2014 150,000 150,205 WARNER CHILCOTT CO C93443TAB2 600,000 7.75% 09/15/2018 570,000 639,000 WEINGARTEN RLTY C94874RCK0 875,000 4.99% 09/03/2013 821,870 896,341 WELLPOINT INC C94973VAZ0 80,000 1.25% 09/10/2015 80,138 80,633 WELLPOINT INC C94973VAS6 1,435,000 4.35% 08/15/2020 1,432,919 1,583,884 WELLS FARGO & CO C94974BEZ9 565,000 2.63% 12/15/2016 575,967 596,282 WELLS FARGO & CO C94974BFF2 250,000 1.23% 06/26/2015 252,818 252,362 WELLS FARGO HOME C94981PAD2 635,000 0.61% 05/25/2035 586,581 616,780 WELLS FARGO HOME EQTY C94980GAG6 503,070 5.00% 05/25/2034 517,690 509,347 WESFARMERS LTD SB5BTHT8 100,000 2.98% 05/18/2016 100,000 104,673 WEST CORP C952355AF2 150,000 11.00% 10/15/2016 157,125 156,000 WEST CORP C952355AH8 450,000 8.63% 10/01/2018 454,688 471,375 WEST CORP C952355AK1 550,000 7.88% 01/15/2019 533,500 569,250 WESTERN UN CO C959802AN9 110,000 0.89% 03/07/2013 110,000 110,096 WF-RBS COML C92936JBB9 575,000 3.67% 11/15/2044 596,191 634,755 WINDSTREAM CORP C97381WAN4 300,000 7.75% 10/15/2020 321,063 324,000 WINDSTREAM CORP C97381WAF1 700,000 7.00% 03/15/2019 661,063 715,750 WYNDHAM WORLDWIDE C98310WAF5 700,000 5.75% 02/01/2018 785,255 782,470 WYNDHAM WORLDWIDE CORP C98310WAH1 160,000 2.95% 03/01/2017 159,662 163,611 WYNDHAM WORLDWIDE CORP C98310WAJ7 280,000 4.25% 03/01/2022 280,702 289,105 XSTRATA FIN CDA C98417EAS9 100,000 1.80% 10/23/2015 99,968 100,543 YANKEE ACQSTN CORP C984756AB2 22,000 8.50% 02/15/2015 18,453 22,110 ZFS FINANCE USA C98876YAA8 400,000 6.45% 12/15/2065 412,500 428,000

253,855,591 270,424,568

41 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

PROVINCIAL AND MUNICIPAL BONDS AND NOTES AUSTRALIA(CMNWLTH) S6080448$ 300,000 6.13% 08/20/2020$ 543,680 $ 602,795 BEXAR CNTY TEXAS HOUSING FIN CORP S/F C08838EAE0 19,059 6.00% 04/01/2021 20,107 19,206 BUONI POLIENNALI DEL TES BNDS SB644HQ4 950,000 2.23% 09/15/2016 1,284,010 1,353,264 CALIFORNIA STATE C13063A5G5 190,000 7.55% 04/01/2039 215,280 272,646 CALIFORNIA STATE C13063BFS6 240,000 6.65% 03/01/2022 302,918 300,974 CALIFORNIA STATE C13063BJA1 200,000 5.70% 11/01/2021 232,718 232,350 CANADA(GOVT OF) S2175940 100,000 6.25% 12/01/2021 203,930 208,178 CANADA(GOVT OF) SB5N1WV9 400,000 1.59% 12/01/2044 538,537 562,067 HOUSTON TEXAS REF-TAXABLE-PENSION OBLIG-A C442331QM9 400,000 6.29% 03/01/2032 492,512 498,392 ILLINOIS ST C452152HT1 400,000 5.67% 03/01/2018 400,000 454,592 ILLINOIS ST TAXABLE-PENSION C452151LF8 325,000 5.10% 06/01/2033 242,411 320,658 INSTITUT CREDITO SB4WX714 600,000 1.93% 03/25/2014 841,016 770,868 ITALY (REP OF) SB17NBL6 250,000 2.42% 09/15/2017 359,007 383,154 ITALY (REP OF) SB3PVDZ4 200,000 2.25% 09/15/2021 247,974 268,936 MADRID (COMUNIDAD) SB60SLZ7 1,500,000 4.31% 03/06/2014 1,914,470 1,965,141 MEXICO (UTD MEX ST) SB7XHC77 17,200 2.00% 06/09/2022 677,608 676,073 NEW STH WALES TSY SB29HRS2 1,100,000 3.19% 11/20/2025 1,331,197 1,493,043 SC ST PUB SVC AUTH C837151AM1 100,000 0.91% 06/02/2014 100,000 100,428 SC ST PUB SVC AUTH C837151AL3 250,000 0.71% 07/01/2013 250,000 250,388 SC STUDENT LOAN CORP C83714RAY9 300,000 0.43% 12/01/2020 283,500 297,345 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY C880591ED0 1,050,000 5.50% 06/15/2038 1,347,960 1,424,847 UK (GOVT OF) SB1Z5HQ1 300,000 2.24% 11/22/2022 723,790 746,587 UK (GOVT OF) SB85SFQ5 600,000 0.13% 03/22/2024 1,036,045 1,067,366 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA C91412GEZ4 100,000 0.79% 07/01/2041 100,030 100,006

13,688,700 14,369,304

1303-1051485 42 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES AAR CORP C000361105 1,968 $ 41,764 $ 36,762 AFLAC INC C001055102 34,600 1,296,020 1,837,952 AFLAC INC C001055102 3,869 181,029 205,521 AGCO CORP C001084102 24,500 1,155,234 1,203,440 AGCO CORP C001084102 1,128 37,931 55,407 AGL RES INC C001204106 1,724 68,034 68,908 AES CORP C00130H105 13,965 178,035 149,425 AOL INC C00184X105 4,283 108,372 126,819 AT&T INC C00206R102 75,281 2,270,459 2,537,722 AARON’S INC C002535300 3,052 85,536 86,310 ABBOTT LAB C002824100 13,000 600,027 851,500 ABBOTT LAB C002824100 8,435 448,357 552,492 ABERCROMBIE & FITCH CO C002896207 2,085 93,514 100,017 ACACIA RESH CORP C003881307 37,027 693,778 949,742 ACADIA HEALTHCARE CO INC C00404A109 3,787 59,590 88,350 ACADIA RLTY TR C004239109 3,805 72,955 95,429 ACCELRYS INC C00430U103 32,053 290,349 290,079 ACME PACKET INC C004764106 32,200 681,436 712,264 ACTIVE NETWORK INC C00506D100 91,295 809,131 448,258 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INC C00507V109 2,474 29,300 26,273 ACTUANT CORP C00508X203 6,770 105,497 188,950 ACUITY BRANDS INC C00508Y102 779 48,821 52,761 ACXIOM CORP C005125109 630 10,554 10,999 ADOBE SYS INC C00724F101 500 20,881 18,840 ADTRAN INC C00738A106 3,000 86,751 58,620 ADVANCE AUTO PTS INC C00751Y106 8,930 370,138 646,085 ADVANCE AUTO PTS INC C00751Y106 577 21,435 41,745 ADVISORY BRD CO C00762W107 20,038 452,747 937,578 AECOM TECHNOLOGY CORP DELAWARE C00766T100 1,441 41,274 34,295 AEROPOSTALE C007865108 1,895 39,137 24,653 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES INC C007903107 21,510 83,017 51,624 AETNA INC C00817Y108 21,100 780,084 976,930 AETNA INC C00817Y108 4,947 179,797 229,046 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC C00846U101 22,700 978,494 929,338 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC C00846U101 786 30,440 32,178 AGILYSYS INC C00847J105 70,679 610,624 591,583 AIR PROD & CHEM INC C009158106 1,137 85,882 95,531 AIRGAS INC C009363102 165 10,238 15,062 ALASKA AIR GROUP INC C011659109 1,336 26,686 57,568 ALBEMARLE CORP C012653101 302 20,308 18,760 ALCOA INC C013817101 25,832 327,613 224,221 ALERE INC C01449J105 1,563 30,655 28,915 ALLEGHANY CORP C017175100 1,269 283,793 425,647 ALLEGHANY CORP C017175100 51 16,420 17,106 ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES INC C01741R102 590 31,275 17,912 ALLERGAN INC C018490102 492 32,996 45,131 ALLETE INC C018522300 1,268 49,699 51,962

43 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) ALLIANCE DATA SYS CORP C018581108 5,624 $ 421,599 $ 814,130 ALLIANCE DATA SYS CORP C018581108 187 13,576 27,070 ALLIANT ENERGY CORP C018802108 1,636 63,447 71,836 ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS INC C018804104 737 53,020 45,664 ALLSTATE CORP C020002101 11,311 545,170 454,362 ALPHA NAT RES INC C02076X102 4,274 29,944 41,628 ALTERA CORP C021441100 923 36,712 31,788 ALTRA HLDGS INC C02208R106 2,775 33,456 61,189 ALTRIA GROUP INC C02209S103 21,721 492,490 682,473 AMAZON C023135106 234 18,157 58,766 AMEDISYS INC C023436108 2,462 30,073 27,746 AMEREN CORP C023608102 4,809 160,256 147,732 AMERN AXLE & MFG HOLDINGS INC C024061103 8,619 89,104 96,532 AMERICAN CAMPUS CMNTYS INC C024835100 1,846 49,558 85,155 AMER ELEC PWR CO INC C025537101 4,251 159,338 181,432 AMERICAN EAGLE OUTFITTERS INC C02553E106 3,687 62,099 75,620 AMERICAN EQUITY INVT LIFE HLDG CO C025676206 14,761 164,785 180,231 AMERICAN EQUITY INVT LIFE HLDG CO C025676206 4,807 54,474 58,693 AMERICAN EXPRESS CO C025816109 8,703 356,064 500,248 AMER FINL GROUP INC OH C025932104 2,107 66,414 83,268 AMER GREETINGS CORP C026375105 3,307 51,866 55,855 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC C026874784 10,765 383,484 380,004 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP INC C026874784 2,681 270,710 94,639 AMER NATL INS CO C028591105 216 26,388 14,750 AMERICAN PUB ED INC C02913V103 15,900 603,195 574,149 AMERICAN WTR WKS CO INC C030420103 851 17,211 31,597 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP C03073E105 7,945 299,491 343,065 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP C03073E105 2,798 51,951 120,817 AMERIPRISE FINL INC C03076C106 21,200 813,529 1,327,756 AMERIPRISE FINL INC C03076C106 2,293 128,619 143,610 AMGEN INC C031162100 16,015 809,366 1,382,414 AMGEN INC C031162100 2,648 161,044 228,575 AMKOR TECHNOLOGY INC C031652100 4,054 27,223 17,229 ANADARKO PETRO CORP C032511107 2,137 123,314 158,800 ANALOG DEVICES INC C032654105 595 19,425 25,025 ANIXTER INTL INC C035290105 2,196 109,641 140,500 ANIXTER INTL INC C035290105 479 22,470 30,646 ANN INC C035623107 2,700 86,370 91,368 ANN INC C035623107 1,193 31,017 40,371 APACHE CORP C037411105 1,540 154,083 120,890 APARTMENT INVT & MGMT CO C03748R101 1,923 44,798 52,036 APOLLO GROUP INC C037604105 3,781 109,552 79,098 APPLE INC C037833100 1,701 762,895 906,684 APPLIED INDL TECHNOLOGIES INC C03820C105 2,158 64,702 90,657 APPLIED INDL TECHNOLOGIES INC C03820C105 324 10,109 13,611 APPLIED MATERIALS INC C038222105 10,445 145,877 119,490 APPROACH RES INC C03834A103 5,841 133,187 146,083

1303-1051485 44 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) ARCH COAL INC C039380100 4,412 $ 31,833 $ 32,295 ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND CO C039483102 3,746 114,164 102,602 ARCTIC CAT INC C039670104 1,309 51,677 43,707 ARMSTRONG WORLD INDS INC C04247X102 621 17,337 31,503 ARRIS GROUP INC C04269Q100 838 10,053 12,519 ARROW ELECTR INC C042735100 26,000 925,056 990,080 ARROW ELECTR INC C042735100 9,765 308,395 371,851 ARROW ELECTR INC C042735100 2,852 89,426 108,604 ASBURY AUTOMOTIVE GROUP INC C043436104 1,269 32,539 40,646 ASCENA RETAIL GROUP INC C04351G101 60,200 1,160,123 1,113,098 ASHFORD HOSPITALITY TR INC C044103109 28,075 208,018 295,068 ASHLAND INC C044209104 1,166 76,790 93,758 ASSOCTD BANC-CORP C045487105 2,265 40,676 29,717 ASSURANT INC C04621X108 2,309 86,597 80,122 ASTORIA FINL CORP C046265104 4,125 43,540 38,610 ATLAS AIR WORLDWIDE HLDGS INC C049164205 163 10,562 7,223 ATMOS ENERGY CORP C049560105 1,308 38,518 45,937 ATWOOD OCEANICS INC C050095108 29,800 1,145,574 1,364,542 AUTODESK INC C052769106 260 10,234 9,191 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING INC C053015103 3,355 144,484 191,269 AUTOZONE INC C053332102 1,900 716,867 673,417 AUTOZONE INC C053332102 96 16,164 34,025 AVERY DENNISON CORP C053611109 2,319 77,586 80,979 AVIS BUDGET GROUP INC C053774105 7,981 109,577 158,183 AVISTA CORP C05379B107 1,518 30,844 36,599 AVNET INC C053807103 11,480 316,945 351,403 AVNET INC C053807103 2,934 87,475 89,810 AVON PRODUCTS INC C054303102 9,566 228,288 137,368 BB&T CORP C054937107 25,790 632,447 750,747 BB&T CORP C054937107 7,256 256,087 211,222 BOFI HLDG INC C05566U108 10,816 300,899 301,442 BMC SOFTWARE INC C055921100 900 39,644 35,694 BAKER MICHAEL CORP C057149106 850 30,936 21,191 BAKER HUGHES INC C057224107 1,760 105,592 71,878 BALL CORP C058498106 16,300 641,439 729,425 BALL CORP C058498106 631 14,447 28,237 BANCORPSOUTH INC C059692103 5,692 66,884 82,762 BANCORPSOUTH INC C059692103 3,302 56,020 48,011 PVTPL BANCTEC INC C059784504 18,307 309,867 36,614 BANK OF AMERICA CORP C060505104 188,967 2,569,363 2,192,017 BK HAW CORP C062540109 223 10,498 9,823 BANK OF THE OZARKS INC C063904106 4,030 55,942 134,884 BANK NEW YORK MELLON CORP C064058100 10,436 311,149 268,205 BANNER CORP C06652V208 572 16,058 17,578 C R BARD C067383109 106 10,097 10,360 BARNES & NOBLE INC C067774109 4,126 81,704 62,261 BARRETT BILL CORP C06846N104 1,514 31,921 26,934

45 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) BAXTER INTL INC C071813109 12,600 $ 702,926 $ 839,916 BAXTER INTL INC C071813109 4,104 212,362 273,573 BEAM INC C073730103 905 43,470 55,286 BECTON DICKINSON & CO C075887109 1,359 104,093 106,260 BED BATH BEYOND INC C075896100 20,500 1,284,454 1,146,155 BED BATH BEYOND INC C075896100 1,128 51,142 63,066 BELDEN INC C077454106 3,621 122,944 162,909 BELDEN INC C077454106 36,300 1,203,388 1,633,137 BELDEN INC C077454106 290 6,422 13,047 BEMIS CO INC C081437105 1,268 36,939 42,427 BENCHMARK ELECTRS INC C08160H101 2,301 46,162 38,243 BERKLEY W R CORP C084423102 1,799 55,351 67,894 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC C084670702 11,425 737,170 1,024,823 BEST BUY INC C086516101 12,112 347,469 143,527 BIG LOTS INC C089302103 18,700 566,739 532,202 BIG LOTS INC C089302103 1,218 41,740 34,664 BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL INC C09061G101 12,088 206,402 595,334 BIOGEN IDEC INC C09062X103 278 18,898 40,774 BLACK HILLS CORP C092113109 716 24,382 26,019 BLACK HILLS CORP C092113109 403 11,855 14,645 BLACKROCK INC C09247X101 591 109,909 122,166 BLOCK H & R INC C093671105 3,732 74,107 69,303 BOB EVANS FARMS INC C096761101 774 29,970 31,115 BOEING CO C097023105 5,862 433,283 441,760 PVTPL BOND STR HLDGS LLC INTS C09788X106 25,920 523,312 505,440 PVTPL BOND STR HLDGS LLC INTS C09788X205 6,480 132,840 126,360 BORG WARNER INC C099724106 444 33,067 31,799 BOSTON PRIVATE FINL HLDGS INC C101119105 6,383 42,761 57,511 BSTN PPTYS INC C101121101 348 26,820 36,822 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC CORP C101137107 33,042 261,365 189,331 BOYD GAMING CORP C103304101 6,444 35,572 42,788 BRAVO BRIO RESTAURANT GROUP INC C10567B109 54,770 887,812 735,561 BRIDGE CAP HLDGS FORMERLY BRIDGE BANCORP C108030107 1,296 21,130 20,166 BRIGGS & STRATTON CORP C109043109 2,113 40,474 44,542 BRINKER INTL INC C109641100 2,129 49,634 65,978 BRINKS CO C109696104 1,401 40,451 39,971 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO C110122108 12,645 353,115 412,101 BROADCOM CORP C111320107 1,005 29,700 33,376 BROADRIDGE FINL SOLUTIONS INC C11133T103 937 19,454 21,439 BROCADE COMMUNICATIONS SYS INC C111621306 1,731 10,089 9,226 BROOKLINE BANCORP INC C11373M107 4,229 53,544 35,947 BROWN SHOE CO INC C115736100 1,958 30,944 35,968 BRUNSWICK CORP C117043109 2,213 54,337 64,376 BRUNSWICK CORP C117043109 13,250 291,828 385,443 BRUNSWICK CORP C117043109 604 11,273 17,570 BUCKLE INC C118440106 19,300 799,888 861,552 CBL & ASSOC PPTYS INC C124830100 4,599 81,332 97,545

1303-1051485 46 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) CBS CORP C124857202 12,155 $ 325,053 $ 462,498 CBS CORP C124857202 8,170 144,834 310,869 CBRE GROUP INC C12504L109 1,090 16,081 21,691 CEC ENTMT INC C125137109 2,490 66,928 82,643 CF INDS HLDGS INC C125269100 105 13,085 21,332 CH ENERGY GROUP INC C12541M102 326 13,486 21,262 C H ROBINSON WORLDWIDE INC C12541W209 374 19,386 23,644 CIGNA CORPORATION C125509109 19,200 883,687 1,026,432 CIGNA CORPORATION C125509109 2,682 117,801 143,380 CIT GROUP INC C125581801 1,103 41,748 42,620 CLECO CORP C12561W105 4,291 131,477 171,683 CME GROUP INC C12572Q105 3,418 175,056 173,327 CMS ENERGY CORP C125896100 2,826 43,192 68,898 CNO FINL GROUP INC C12621E103 13,423 123,140 125,237 CSX CORP C126408103 6,276 74,693 123,825 CVS CAREMARK CORP C126650100 19,300 609,502 933,155 CVS CAREMARK CORP C126650100 8,573 289,562 414,505 CYS INVTS INC C12673A108 10,118 124,010 119,494 CA INC C12673P105 20,035 441,837 440,369 CA INC C12673P105 2,801 70,669 61,566 CABELAS INC C126804301 1,495 64,350 62,416 CABLEVISION SYS CORP C12686C109 3,795 75,609 56,697 CABOT CORP C127055101 384 13,254 15,279 CABOT OIL & GAS CORP C127097103 426 10,307 21,189 CABOT MICROELECTRONICS CORP C12709P103 3,274 133,048 116,260 CACI INTL INC C127190304 419 21,801 23,058 CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT CORP C127686103 3,477 29,447 24,061 CALPINE CORP C131347304 3,967 52,270 71,922 CAMERON INTL CORP C13342B105 15,600 699,289 880,776 CAMERON INTL CORP C13342B105 2,700 147,418 152,442 CAMERON INTL CORP C13342B105 1,180 35,682 66,623 CAMPBELL SOUP CO C134429109 2,223 79,018 77,560 CDN NAT RES LTD C136385101 5,625 204,773 162,394 CAP 1 FNCL C14040H105 17,670 646,359 1,023,623 CAP 1 FNCL C14040H105 5,526 209,407 320,121 CAPITALSOURCE INC C14055X102 3,479 19,909 26,371 CARDINAL HLTH INC C14149Y108 7,085 178,439 291,760 CARDINAL HLTH INC C14149Y108 3,934 166,286 162,002 CAREER EDUCATION C C141665109 5,425 54,677 19,096 CAREFUSION CORP C14170T101 8,715 205,423 249,075 CAREFUSION CORP C14170T101 1,703 61,246 48,672 CARLISLE COMPANIES INC C142339100 2,477 92,911 145,549 CARLISLE COMPANIES INC C142339100 19,300 872,689 1,134,068 CARLISLE COMPANIES INC C142339100 296 10,259 17,393 CARMAX INC C143130102 574 11,329 21,548 CARNIVAL CORP C143658300 23,000 709,309 845,710 CARNIVAL CORP C143658300 739 28,459 27,173

47 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) CARPENTER TECH CORP C144285103 1,749 $ 93,353 $ 90,301 CARPENTER TECH CORP C144285103 357 14,868 18,432 CARTER INC FORMERLY CARTER HLDGS INC C146229109 1,100 58,305 61,215 CARTER INC FORMERLY CARTER HLDGS INC C146229109 364 9,846 20,257 CASEYS GEN STORES INC C147528103 959 55,673 50,923 CASEYS GEN STORES INC C147528103 361 10,458 19,169 CATERPILLAR INC C149123101 3,255 229,995 291,583 CELANESE CORP C150870103 10,900 350,906 485,377 CELANESE CORP C150870103 337 7,977 15,007 CELGENE CORP C151020104 224 15,093 17,633 CENTENE CORP C15135B101 429 9,154 17,589 CENTERPOINT ENERGY INC C15189T107 4,313 75,305 83,025 CENTURY CASINOS INC C156492100 59,898 551,845 170,110 CENTURYLINK INC C156700106 4,828 192,452 188,871 CERNER CORP C156782104 292 6,786 22,671 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS INC C16117M305 495 29,981 37,739 CHECKPOINT SYS INC C162825103 4,118 68,879 44,227 CHEESECAKE FACTORY INC C163072101 1,217 33,007 39,820 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP C165167107 7,594 173,091 126,212 CHEVRON CORP C166764100 4,985 382,923 539,078 CHEVRON CORP C166764100 19,023 1,555,505 2,057,147 CHICAGO BRDG & IRON CO C167250109 7,300 331,735 338,355 CHICOS FAS INC C168615102 3,464 59,460 63,945 CHICOS FAS INC C168615102 49,100 615,046 906,386 CHICOS FAS INC C168615102 728 10,067 13,439 CHILDRENS PL RETAIL STORES INC C168905107 508 22,119 22,499 CHUBB CORP C171232101 4,159 216,652 313,256 CIMAREX ENERGY CO C171798101 235 15,174 13,567 CIN BELL INC C171871106 10,173 26,201 55,748 CIN FNCL CORP C172062101 3,381 124,759 132,400 CIRCOR INTL INC C17273K109 1,622 61,900 64,215 CIRRUS LOGIC INC C172755100 10,201 54,215 295,523 CISCO SYSTEMS INC C17275R102 46,595 936,612 915,592 CISCO SYSTEMS INC C17275R102 27,255 583,240 535,561 CINTAS CORP C172908105 938 31,651 38,364 CITIGROUP INC C172967424 24,092 851,413 953,080 CITIGROUP INC C172967424 31,012 1,529,663 1,226,835 CITRIX SYS INC C177376100 5,900 434,704 387,925 CITRIX SYS INC C177376100 194 14,184 12,756 CITY NATL CORP C178566105 354 22,486 17,530 CLEVELAND BIOLABS INC C185860103 46,030 157,157 61,220 CLIFFS NAT RES INC C18683K101 321 28,180 12,378 CLOROX CO C189054109 982 66,947 71,902 CLOUD PEAK ENERGY INC C18911Q102 929 14,963 17,958 COACH INC C189754104 9,100 527,350 505,141 COACH INC C189754104 256 8,477 14,211 COBIZ FINL INC C190897108 3,114 58,069 23,262

1303-1051485 48 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) COCA-COLA CO C191216100 20,094 $ 560,707 $ 728,408 COCA-COLA ENTERPRISES INC C19122T109 5,636 131,213 178,830 COEUR D ALENE MINES CORP IDAHO C192108504 777 14,544 19,114 COGENT COMMUNICATIONS GROUP INC C19239V302 12,467 203,438 282,253 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP C192446102 209 15,860 15,476 COHERENT INC C192479103 484 23,633 24,500 COHEN & STEERS INC C19247A100 1,135 35,271 34,583 COLGATE-PALMOLIVE CO C194162103 2,866 210,370 299,612 COLONY FINL INC C19624R106 10,005 193,416 195,098 COMFORT SYS USA INC C199908104 7,865 84,179 95,638 COMCAST CORP C20030N101 16,127 331,952 602,827 COMERICA INC C200340107 2,153 79,045 65,322 COMM BANCSHARES INC C200525103 698 24,872 24,472 COML METALS CO C201723103 1,856 26,519 27,580 COML METALS CO C201723103 2,271 41,358 33,747 COMMUNITY BK SYS INC C203607106 2,999 76,869 82,053 CMNTY HLTH SYS INC C203668108 4,848 132,863 149,028 COMPUTER SCI CORP C205363104 5,423 237,929 217,191 COMPUWARE CORP C205638109 2,291 19,925 24,903 COMSTOCK RES INC C205768203 1,753 29,006 26,523 COMTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORP C205826209 386 10,207 9,797 CONAGRA FOODS INC C205887102 5,114 123,156 150,863 CON-WAY INC C205944101 1,054 43,522 29,322 CONOCOPHILLIPS C20825C104 19,963 868,355 1,157,654 CONSOL ENERGY INC C20854P109 409 16,397 13,129 CONS EDISON INC C209115104 3,510 157,692 194,945 CONSTANT CONTACT INC C210313102 27,952 469,263 397,198 CONSTELLATION BRANDS INC C21036P108 1,346 18,058 47,635 CONVERGYS CORP DE C212485106 6,661 86,085 109,307 CONVERGYS CORP DE C212485106 3,192 45,760 52,381 COOPER TIRE & RUBBER CO C216831107 399 9,761 10,119 CORESITE RLTY CORP C21870Q105 3,854 60,204 106,602 CORELOGIC INC C21871D103 2,968 62,162 79,899 CORNING INC C219350105 3,184 61,532 40,182 CORPORATE EXECUTIVE BRD CO C21988R102 23,233 1,336,621 1,102,638 COSTCO WHOLESALE CORP C22160K105 2,897 169,064 286,137 COVANCE INC C222816100 499 27,984 28,827 COVENTRY HEALTH CARE INC C222862104 3,045 92,890 136,507 CRACKER BARREL OLD CTRY STORE INC C22410J106 514 23,304 33,030 CRANE CO C224399105 1,914 82,781 88,580 CRANE CO C224399105 12,200 548,610 564,616 CRANE CO C224399105 446 15,640 20,641 CREXUS INVT CORP C226553105 3,514 39,543 43,047 CROWN HLDGS INC C228368106 1,423 37,840 52,381 CUBESMART C229663109 6,399 62,166 93,233 CULLEN / FROST BANKERS INC C229899109 458 23,299 24,856 CUMMINS INC C231021106 762 50,462 82,563

49 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) CYTEC IND C232820100 911 $ 60,867 $ 62,704 CYTEC IND C232820100 259 13,705 17,827 D R HORTON INC C23331A109 61,000 911,614 1,206,580 D R HORTON INC C23331A109 3,869 52,033 76,529 DTE ENERGY CO C233331107 2,932 145,647 176,067 DANA HLDG CORP C235825205 2,161 37,763 33,733 DANA HLDG CORP C235825205 2,809 39,225 43,848 DANAHER CORP C235851102 1,260 41,614 70,434 DARDEN RESTAURANTS INC C237194105 978 46,800 44,078 DARLING INTL INC C237266101 4,731 67,831 75,885 DAVITA HEALTHCARE PARTNERS INC C23918K108 289 15,317 31,943 DEALERTRACK TECHNOLOGY C242309102 4,647 95,914 133,462 DEAN FOODS CO C242370104 6,383 110,796 105,383 DECKERS OUTDOOR CORP C243537107 9,400 508,381 378,538 DEERE & CO C244199105 1,581 72,106 136,630 DELCATH SYS INC C24661P104 43,852 255,488 53,938 DELL INC C24702R101 25,537 457,935 258,690 DELTA AIR LINES INC C247361702 11,830 118,404 140,422 DELUXE CORP C248019101 826 15,751 26,630 DENNYS CORP C24869P104 67,122 288,356 327,555 DEVON ENERGY CORP C25179M103 23,700 1,552,663 1,233,348 DEVON ENERGY CORP C25179M103 2,729 165,988 142,017 DIAMOND OFFSHORE DRILLING INC C25271C102 536 38,693 36,427 DIAMONDBACK ENERGY INC C25278X109 2,435 42,639 46,557 DICKS SPORTING GOODS INC C253393102 364 7,870 16,558 DIEBOLD INC C253651103 1,165 38,897 35,661 DIGI INTL INC C253798102 3,378 45,289 31,990 DIGITALGLOBE INC C25389M877 1,611 30,534 39,373 DIME CMNTY BANCSHARES INC C253922108 2,518 35,201 34,975 DILLARDS INC C254067101 743 13,883 62,241 DINEEQUITY INC C254423106 482 23,967 32,294 WALT DISNEY CO C254687106 11,090 450,119 552,171 WALT DISNEY CO C254687106 6,842 216,807 340,663 DISCOVER FINL SVCS C254709108 16,700 537,564 643,785 DISCOVER FINL SVCS C254709108 2,908 49,836 112,103 DISH NETWORK CORP C25470M109 1,645 47,570 59,878 DIRECTV C25490A309 4,011 128,106 201,192 DOLLAR GEN CORP C256677105 210 5,337 9,259 DOLLAR TREE INC C256746108 23,800 945,963 965,328 DOLLAR TREE INC C256746108 891 15,836 36,139 DOMINION RES INC C25746U109 6,053 266,158 313,545 DOMINOS PIZZA INC C25754A201 2,576 26,759 112,185 DONNELLEY R R & SONS CO C257867101 13,738 201,623 123,642 DOVER CORP C260003108 10,770 565,227 707,697 DOVER CORP C260003108 763 33,958 50,137 DOW CHEMICAL CO C260543103 45,500 1,529,886 1,470,560 DOW CHEMICAL CO C260543103 4,870 155,439 157,398

1303-1051485 50 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) DR PEPPER SNAPPLE GROUP INC C26138E109 1,913 $ 58,312 $ 84,516 DRESSER-RAND GROUP INC C261608103 400 11,820 22,456 DRIL-QUIP INC C262037104 2,110 137,558 154,136 DU PONT E I DE NEMOURS & CO C263534109 6,018 257,610 270,629 DUKE ENERGY CORP C26441C204 5,114 260,495 326,273 DUN & BRADSTREET CORP C26483E100 331 21,426 26,033 DURA AUTOMOTIVE SYS INC C265903104 1,531 671 – DUPONT FABROS TECH INC C26613Q106 2,586 60,733 62,478 EMC CORP C268648102 7,112 124,451 179,934 EOG RESOURCES INC C26875P101 5,290 485,989 638,979 EOG RESOURCES INC C26875P101 606 42,552 73,199 EPR PPTYS C26884U109 3,349 79,150 154,422 E TRADE FINL CORP FORMERLY E TRADE GROUP INC C269246401 9,646 89,769 86,332 EARTHLINK INC C270321102 1,289 10,172 8,327 EAST WEST BANCORP INC C27579R104 612 11,031 13,152 EASTMAN CHEM CO C277432100 1,467 40,833 99,829 EBAY INC C278642103 10,050 186,157 512,751 EBAY INC C278642103 2,502 69,440 127,652 ECOLAB INC C278865100 633 32,105 45,513 EDISON INTL C281020107 5,830 268,145 263,458 ADR EDWARDS GROUP LTD SPONSORED C281736108 7,904 64,654 48,056 EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES CORP C28176E108 129 10,843 11,632 EL PASO ELEC CO C283677854 7,736 154,839 246,856 ELECTR ARTS C285512109 29,830 499,536 433,430 ELECTR ARTS C285512109 4,885 102,451 70,979 ELECTRONICS FOR IMAGING INC C286082102 5,628 109,332 106,876 ELIZABETH ARDEN INC C28660G106 1,830 48,886 82,368 EMCOR GROUP INC C29084Q100 1,995 53,709 69,047 EMERSON ELECTRIC CO C291011104 5,547 254,118 293,769 ENDO HEALTH SOLUTIONS INC C29264F205 4,880 151,518 128,198 ENDO HEALTH SOLUTIONS INC C29264F205 577 19,788 15,158 ENERGEN CORP C29265N108 204 9,586 9,198 ENERGIZER HLDGS INC C29266R108 345 24,408 27,593 ENERSYS C29275Y102 323 7,933 12,154 ENTERGY CORP C29364G103 4,459 347,339 284,261 EQUIFAX INC C294429105 4,670 135,768 252,740 EQTY RESDNTL C29476L107 477 30,234 27,032 ERIE INDTY CO C29530P102 374 18,780 25,888 ESTERLINE TECHNOLOGIES CORP C297425100 15,682 731,174 997,532 ESTERLINE TECHNOLOGIES CORP C297425100 150 10,427 9,542 EURONET WORLDWIDE INC C298736109 588 10,449 13,877 EXELON CORP C30161N101 14,374 699,485 427,483 EXELIS INC C30162A108 6,571 74,729 74,055 EXIDE TECHNOLOGIES C302051206 3,187 20,096 10,900 EXPEDIA INC C30212P303 692 11,717 42,523 EXPEDITORS INTL WASH INC C302130109 681 27,889 26,934 EXPRESS INC C30219E103 78,100 1,440,658 1,178,529

51 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) EXPRESS SCRIPTS HLDG CO C30219G108 1,192 $ 68,743 $ 64,368 EXTERRAN HLDGS INC C30225X103 3,599 81,464 78,890 EXXON MOBIL CORP C30231G102 10,650 878,393 921,758 EXXON MOBIL CORP C30231G102 36,891 2,752,536 3,192,916 EXXON MOBIL CORP C30231G102 1,222 71,450 105,764 FMC CORP C302491303 288 5,711 16,854 FMC TECHNOLOGIES INC C30249U101 416 6,195 17,817 F N B CORP C302520101 5,680 58,679 60,322 FTI CONSULTING INC C302941109 6,325 166,425 208,725 FTI CONSULTING INC C302941109 1,156 30,253 38,148 FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR INTL INC C303726103 9,508 125,296 136,915 FAMILY DLR STORES INC C307000109 665 22,323 42,168 FASTENAL CO C311900104 374 8,821 17,462 FEDT INVESTORS INC C314211103 10,360 238,088 209,583 FEDT INVESTORS INC C314211103 2,847 69,840 57,595 FEDEX CORP C31428X106 1,997 193,913 183,165 F5 NETWORKS INC C315616102 3,100 292,381 301,165 FIDELITY NATL INFORMATION SVCS INC C31620M106 796 16,442 27,709 FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL INC C31620R105 5,483 89,606 129,125 FIFTH & PAC COS INC C316645100 3,999 28,435 49,788 5TH 3RD BANCORP C316773100 25,610 316,113 389,016 5TH 3RD BANCORP C316773100 10,957 190,759 166,437 FIRST CASH FINANCIAL SERVICES INC C31942D107 1,143 20,885 56,716 FIRST FINL BANKSHARES INC C32020R109 2,148 59,209 83,793 1ST HORIZON NATL CORP C320517105 5,890 99,682 58,370 FIRST LONG IS CORP C320734106 817 19,783 23,137 FIRST MIDWEST BANCORP INC C320867104 4,883 61,966 61,135 1ST NIAGARA FINL GROUP INC C33582V108 2,417 33,646 19,167 FIRST SOLAR INC C336433107 1,328 28,323 41,009 FISERV INC C337738108 693 44,541 54,768 FIRSTMERIT CORP C337915102 646 13,495 9,167 FIRSTENERGY CORP C337932107 5,268 259,304 219,992 FLUOR CORP C343412102 1,571 76,247 92,281 FLOWSERVE CORP C34354P105 7,400 729,604 1,086,320 FLOWSERVE CORP C34354P105 257 19,420 37,728 FLUSHING FINL CORP C343873105 3,549 46,239 54,442 FOOT LOCKER INC C344849104 2,290 35,959 73,555 FORD MTR CO C345370860 107,800 1,161,398 1,396,010 FORD MTR CO C345370860 16,006 114,996 207,278 FOREST LABORATORIES INC C345838106 3,984 127,694 140,715 FOREST OIL CORP C346091705 6,626 67,913 44,328 FORUM ENERGY TECH C34984V100 5,582 120,734 138,155 FORWARD AIR CORP C349853101 3,167 101,074 110,877 FOSSIL INC C349882100 10,500 882,425 977,550 FOSSIL INC C349882100 159 3,943 14,803 FRANCESCAS HLDGS CORP C351793104 1,661 41,694 43,120 FRKLN RES INC C354613101 830 84,616 104,331

1303-1051485 52 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD INC C35671D857 5,438 $ 175,403 $ 185,980 FRONTIER C35906A108 26,095 130,591 111,687 FULLER H B CO C359694106 3,441 91,681 119,816 FULTON FINL CORP C360271100 1,750 21,893 16,818 G & K SVCS INC C361268105 2,878 104,037 98,284 GAMCO INVS INC C361438104 5,155 236,609 273,576 GATX CORP C361448103 416 13,116 18,013 GFI GROUP INC C361652209 23,269 279,415 75,392 GNC HLDGS INC GNC HOLDINGS INC C36191G107 2,332 80,900 77,609 GNC HLDGS INC GNC HOLDINGS INC C36191G107 20,700 727,908 688,896 GALLAGHER ARTHUR J & CO C363576109 1,523 40,823 52,772 GAMESTOP CORP C36467W109 5,684 121,378 142,612 GANNETT INC C364730101 7,875 89,943 141,829 GAP INC C364760108 4,161 79,993 129,157 GENERAL CABLE CORP C369300108 1,159 37,672 35,245 GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP C369550108 4,093 309,615 283,522 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO C369604103 92,444 1,718,767 1,940,400 GENERAL MILLS INC C370334104 2,596 85,652 104,904 GEN MTRS CO C37045V100 7,481 184,370 215,677 GENESCO INC C371532102 265 9,733 14,575 GENTEX CORP C371901109 369 10,018 6,945 GENUINE PARTS CO C372460105 1,563 64,384 99,376 GENWORTH FINL INC C37247D106 36,576 240,280 274,686 #REORG/GEORGIA GULF CORP C373200302 1,222 47,523 50,444 GILEAD SCIENCES INC C375558103 751 35,000 55,161 GLACIER BANCORP INC C37637Q105 4,762 79,499 70,049 GLOBAL PMTS INC C37940X102 23,200 1,003,827 1,050,960 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC C38141G104 4,711 661,439 600,935 GOLUB CAPITAL BDC INC C38173M102 1,723 25,106 27,534 GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO C382550101 10,813 168,046 149,328 GOOGLE INC C38259P508 395 237,310 280,201 GOOGLE INC C38259P508 1,950 1,320,350 1,383,272 GOOGLE INC C38259P508 343 194,545 243,314 GRACE W R & CO C38388F108 1,254 59,490 84,306 GRACE W R & CO C38388F108 278 5,689 18,690 GRACO INC C384109104 1,911 68,635 98,397 GRAHAM CORP C384556106 11,445 225,005 223,178 GRAINGER W W INC C384802104 201 37,155 40,676 GRAND CANYON ED INC C38526M106 25,500 518,762 598,485 GREEN MTN COFFEE ROASTERS C393122106 27,100 809,370 1,120,856 GUESS INC C401617105 1,438 38,283 35,289 GUIDANCE SOFTWARE INC C401692108 40,440 265,840 480,023 HCA HLDGS INC C40412C101 6,893 194,099 207,962 HCC INS HLDGS INC C404132102 988 29,107 36,763 HNI CORP C404251100 970 26,295 29,158 HSN INC C404303109 1,389 42,509 76,506 HSN INC C404303109 420 7,603 23,134

53 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) HAIN CELESTIAL GROUP INC C405217100 1,407 $ 36,920 $ 76,288 HAIN CELESTIAL GROUP INC C405217100 4,574 107,672 248,002 HALLIBURTON CO C406216101 11,455 386,199 397,374 HALLIBURTON CO C406216101 52,000 1,739,783 1,803,880 HALLIBURTON CO C406216101 3,855 113,840 133,730 HANCOCK HLDG CO C410120109 1,732 58,903 54,974 HANESBRANDS INC C410345102 3,072 94,815 110,039 HANESBRANDS INC C410345102 945 23,612 33,850 HANOVER INS GROUP INC C410867105 4,565 148,730 176,848 HANOVER INS GROUP INC C410867105 783 36,411 30,333 HARLEY DAVIDSON C412822108 22,900 1,017,034 1,118,436 HARLEY DAVIDSON C412822108 617 29,985 30,134 HARMAN INTL INDS INC C413086109 786 30,061 35,087 HARMAN INTL INDS INC C413086109 219 10,158 9,776 HARRIS CORP C413875105 238 11,048 11,652 HARSCO CORP C415864107 2,239 58,110 52,617 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP INC C416515104 13,544 340,334 303,927 HASBRO INC C418056107 1,035 40,456 37,157 HAWAIIAN ELEC INDS INC C419870100 2,600 57,502 65,364 HEALTHSOUTH CORP C421924309 8,515 171,718 179,752 HEALTHSOUTH CORP C421924309 424 10,267 8,951 HLTH MGMT ASSOC INC C421933102 6,417 50,836 59,806 HEALTH NET INC C42222G108 3,012 94,369 73,192 HEARTLAND EXPRESS INC C422347104 5,551 85,679 72,552 H J HEINZ C423074103 1,358 63,157 78,329 HELIX ENERGY SOLUTIONS GROUP INC C42330P107 2,917 40,917 60,207 HELMERICH & PAYNE INC C423452101 166 10,144 9,298 HERCULES TECHNOLOGY GROWTH CAP INC C427096508 4,020 40,079 44,743 HERITAGE FINL CORP WASH C42722X106 1,601 19,008 23,519 HERSHEY C427866108 1,009 45,909 72,870 HERTZ GLOBAL HLDGS INC C42805T105 6,942 75,129 112,946 HESS CORP C42809H107 3,729 210,637 197,488 HEWLETT PACKARD CO C428236103 39,820 1,147,942 567,435 HILL ROM HLDGS INC C431475102 695 16,720 19,808 HILLSHIRE BRANDS CO C432589109 3,479 91,052 97,899 HITTITE MICROWAVE CORP C43365Y104 1,261 63,244 78,308 HOLOGIC INC C436440101 828 15,680 16,585 HOME BANCSHARES INC C436893200 1,834 35,841 60,559 HOME DEPOT INC C437076102 7,410 223,022 458,309 HONEYWELL INTL INC C438516106 21,400 755,630 1,358,258 HONEYWELL INTL INC C438516106 5,764 280,507 365,841 HORMEL FOODS CORP C440452100 1,214 22,059 37,889 HOSPIRA INC C441060100 26,000 1,001,822 812,240 HOSPIRA INC C441060100 710 36,651 22,180 HOST HOTELS & RESORTS INC C44107P104 1,025 10,724 16,062 HUBBELL INC C443510201 255 11,539 21,581 HUDSON CITY BANCORP INC C443683107 10,948 84,547 89,007

1303-1051485 54 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) HUDSON PACIFIC PROPERTIES INC C444097109 5,734 $ 80,325 $ 120,758 HUMANA INC C444859102 2,124 102,937 145,770 HUNT J B TRANS SVCS INC C445658107 16,200 866,044 967,302 HUNT J B TRANS SVCS INC C445658107 237 5,727 14,151 HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INC C446150104 50,395 317,911 322,024 HUNTINGTON BANCSHARES INC C446150104 10,905 85,781 69,683 HUNTINGTON INGALLS INDS INC C446413106 3,850 159,348 166,859 HUNTINGTON INGALLS INDS INC C446413106 770 30,015 33,372 HUNTSMAN CORP C447011107 2,080 34,796 33,072 HURON CONSULTING GROUP INC C447462102 6,607 213,136 222,590 IAC / INTERACTIVECORP C44919P508 21,000 1,021,007 993,300 IAC / INTERACTIVECORP C44919P508 4,715 154,126 223,020 IAC / INTERACTIVECORP C44919P508 754 31,282 35,664 ICG GROUP INC C44928D108 67,630 616,853 773,011 ICU MED INC C44930G107 7,369 295,553 448,993 ITT EDL SVCS INC C45068B109 32,000 2,161,784 553,920 ITT EDL SVCS INC C45068B109 1,541 38,125 26,675 ITT CORPORATION W/I C450911201 6,113 127,605 143,411 #REORG/ICON PUB LTD MANDATORTY EXCHANGE ICON PLC C45103T107 3,724 77,579 103,378 ICONIX BRAND GROUP INC C451055107 11,508 253,875 256,859 IDACORP INC C451107106 3,966 157,032 171,926 IGATE CORP C45169U105 72,100 1,241,263 1,137,017 ILL TOOL WKS INC C452308109 6,435 334,205 391,312 ILL TOOL WKS INC C452308109 1,399 68,657 85,073 INDEPENDENT BK CORP MASS C453836108 1,569 38,601 45,423 INGRAM MICRO INC C457153104 8,657 167,225 146,476 INGREDION INC C457187102 342 11,447 22,035 INSIGHT ENTERPRISES INC C45765U103 1,423 18,018 24,718 INTEL CORP C458140100 29,513 653,579 608,853 INTEGRYS ENERGY GROUP INC C45822P105 1,196 52,728 62,455 INTERACTIVE BROKERS GROUP INC CL C45841N107 1,691 30,916 23,133 INTERACTIVE INTELLIGENCE GROUP INC C45841V109 918 23,405 30,790 INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHANGE INC C45865V100 79 8,621 9,781 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHS CORP C459200101 2,325 192,408 445,354 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHS CORP C459200101 7,567 976,642 1,449,459 INTL FLAVORS & FRAGRANCES INC C459506101 443 19,208 29,477 INTL GAME TECH C459902102 2,107 40,687 29,856 INTL PAPER CO C460146103 5,784 176,319 230,435 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COMPANIES INC COM C460690100 29,975 318,693 330,325 INTERPUBLIC GROUP COMPANIES INC COM C460690100 4,248 38,244 46,813 INTERSIL CORP C46069S109 11,263 115,895 93,370 INTERSIL CORP C46069S109 5,120 42,219 42,445 INTUIT C461202103 839 37,286 49,921 IRON MTN INC C462846106 560 15,184 17,388 JDS UNIPHASE CORP C46612J507 89,400 1,300,795 1,210,476 J G WENTWORTH INC C46616D100 – 223,020 – JPMORGAN CHASE & CO C46625H100 38,410 1,256,310 1,688,888

55 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) JPMORGAN CHASE & CO C46625H100 36,442 $ 1,618,071 $ 1,602,355 JABIL CIRCUIT INC C466313103 1,907 31,774 36,786 JACK IN THE BOX INC C466367109 1,561 38,529 44,645 JACOBS ENGR GROUP INC C469814107 1,820 83,742 77,477 JANUS CAP GROUP INC C47102X105 1,491 21,998 12,703 JARDEN CORP C471109108 276 6,721 14,269 JETBLUE AWYS CORP C477143101 9,152 49,821 52,258 JOHNSON & JOHNSON C478160104 11,885 705,023 833,139 JOHNSON & JOHNSON C478160104 20,794 1,316,376 1,457,659 JOHNSON CTL INC C478366107 4,403 146,209 135,172 JONES LANG LASALLE INC C48020Q107 301 14,451 25,266 THE JONES GROUP INC C48020T101 20,155 280,562 222,914 THE JONES GROUP INC C48020T101 3,172 51,657 35,082 JOY GLOBAL INC C481165108 17,000 1,207,565 1,084,260 JOY GLOBAL INC C481165108 403 15,445 25,703 J2 GLOBAL INC C48123V102 19,748 429,519 603,894 JUNIPER NETWORKS INC C48203R104 2,181 66,664 42,900 #REORG/KBW INC C C482423100 1,460 27,014 22,338 KBR INC C48242W106 43,600 1,035,673 1,304,512 KBR INC C48242W106 1,613 46,321 48,261 KLA-TENCOR CORP C482480100 466 22,832 22,256 KAISER ALUM CORP C483007704 2,409 130,460 148,611 KAMAN CORP C483548103 3,554 93,501 130,787 CY SOUTHN C485170302 197 9,975 16,446 KAPSTONE PAPER & PACKAGING CORP C48562P103 996 21,448 22,101 KB HOME C48666K109 3,649 32,423 57,654 KELLOGG CO C487836108 2,246 112,950 125,439 KEMPER CORP C488401100 1,478 55,244 43,601 KENNAMETAL INC CAP C489170100 490 14,138 19,600 KENNEDY-WILSON HLDGS INC C489398107 3,813 47,006 53,306 KEYCORP C493267108 15,334 157,000 129,112 KIMBERLY-CLARK CORP C494368103 2,050 133,122 173,082 KINDRED HEALTHCARE INC C494580103 4,834 67,634 52,304 KNIGHT CAP GROUP INC C499005106 11,706 38,323 41,088 KOHLS CORP C500255104 14,570 778,340 626,219 KOHLS CORP C500255104 2,447 129,564 105,172 KORN / FERRY INTL C500643200 10,025 130,365 158,997 KROGER CO C501044101 14,603 356,716 379,970 LKQ CORP C501889208 62,324 363,559 1,315,036 LPL FINL HLDGS INC C50212V100 302 10,738 8,504 LSI CORP C502161102 4,825 30,769 34,161 LTC PPTYS INC C502175102 2,447 78,316 86,110 L-3 COMMUNICATIONS HLDG CORP C502424104 1,232 96,299 94,396 LABORATORY CORP AMER HLDGS C50540R409 114 9,906 9,875 LACLEDE GROUP INC C505597104 951 32,218 36,718 LAKELAND FINL CORP C511656100 1,253 21,582 32,378 LAM RESH CORP C512807108 196 9,952 7,081

1303-1051485 56 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) LAMAR ADVERTISING CO C512815101 955 $ 28,926 $ 37,006 LANDSTAR SYS INC C515098101 380 16,655 19,935 LASALLE HOTEL PPTYS C517942108 4,905 128,373 124,538 ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES INC C518439104 261 6,573 15,623 LEAP WIRELESS INTL INC C521863308 10,455 56,741 69,526 LEAR CORP C521865204 10,290 462,589 481,984 LEAR CORP C521865204 1,508 60,244 70,635 LEGGETT & PLATT INC C524660107 1,804 38,449 49,105 LEGG MASON INC C524901105 2,765 105,831 71,116 LENDER PROCESSING SVCS INC C52602E102 1,208 29,882 29,741 LENNOX INTL INC C526107107 653 23,149 34,296 LEXMARK INTL INC C529771107 6,545 220,432 151,779 LEXMARK INTL INC C529771107 3,086 82,561 71,564 LIBERTY GLOBAL INC C530555101 1,707 57,275 107,524 LIBERTY INTERACTIVE CORP C53071M104 4,711 62,428 92,712 LIFE TIME FITNESS INC C53217R207 12,757 562,345 627,772 LIFE TECHNOLOGIES CORP C53217V109 19,300 927,345 947,244 LIFE TECHNOLOGIES CORP C53217V109 372 19,589 18,258 LIFEPOINT HOSPS INC C53219L109 799 30,477 30,162 ELI LILLY & CO C532457108 8,773 363,788 432,684 LTD BRANDS C532716107 739 16,161 34,777 LINCOLN ELEC HLDGS INC C533900106 562 13,362 27,358 LINCOLN NATL CORP C534187109 9,140 263,358 236,726 LINEAR TECH CORP C535678106 1,462 44,331 50,147 LIQUIDITY SVCS INC C53635B107 24,060 518,283 983,092 LITTELFUSE INC C537008104 1,390 60,488 85,777 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP C539830109 3,969 351,410 366,299 LOEWS CORP C540424108 16,459 388,599 670,704 LOEWS CORP C540424108 4,244 185,924 172,943 LORILLARD INC C544147101 1,945 147,221 226,923 LOWES COS INC C548661107 10,838 289,115 384,966 LUFKIN INDS INC C549764108 1,293 72,015 75,162 M & T BK CORP C55261F104 982 92,133 96,698 MB FINL INC C55264U108 4,345 78,276 85,814 MDU RES GROUP INC C552690109 2,913 66,802 61,872 MDC PARTNERS INC C552697104 62,294 712,629 703,922 MEMC ELECTR MATLS INC C552715104 31,469 93,713 101,015 MFA FINL INC C55272X102 18,190 122,503 147,521 MGIC INVT CORP C552848103 13,452 31,657 35,782 MGM RESORTS INTERNATIONAL C552953101 1,596 43,048 18,577 MKS INSTRS INC C55306N104 3,994 78,130 102,965 MYR GROUP INC C55405W104 2,974 50,983 66,172 MACYS INC C55616P104 5,996 134,397 233,964 MADDEN STEVEN LTD C556269108 2,096 69,784 88,598 MAGELLAN HLTH SVCS INC C559079207 555 23,735 27,195 MAGNUM HUNTER RES CORP C55973G119 1,235 – 25 MANITOWOC INC C563571108 1,558 19,981 24,429

57 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) MANNING & NAPIER INC C56382Q102 1,296 $ 15,612 $ 16,330 MANPOWER INC C56418H100 22,800 1,027,106 967,632 MANPOWER INC C56418H100 12,705 629,039 539,200 MANPOWER INC C56418H100 2,406 121,416 102,111 MARATHON OIL CORP C565849106 14,231 338,649 436,322 MARATHON PETE CORP C56585A102 2,246 104,882 141,498 MARKEL CORP HOLDING CO C570535104 100 40,981 43,342 MARKETAXESS HLDGS INC C57060D108 2,486 74,331 87,756 MARRIOTT VACATIONS WORLDWIDE CORP C57164Y107 2,691 105,431 112,134 MARSH & MCLENNAN CO’S INC C571748102 2,883 76,499 99,377 MARRIOTT INTL INC C571903202 1,188 45,602 44,277 MASCO CORP C574599106 19,415 242,989 323,454 MASCO CORP C574599106 9,770 175,785 162,768 MASTERCARD INC C57636Q104 77 10,981 37,829 MATTEL INC C577081102 6,860 146,950 251,213 MATTEL INC C577081102 3,431 87,841 125,643 MATTHEWS INTL CORP C577128101 2,985 85,150 95,819 MATTRESS FIRM HOLDING CORP C57722W106 1,362 36,254 33,410 MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODS INC C57772K101 2,882 52,491 84,731 MCCLATCHY CO C579489105 5,691 26,695 18,610 MC CORMICK & CO INC C579780206 210 10,257 13,341 MCDERMOTT INTL INC C580037109 5,137 79,182 56,610 MC DONALDS CORP C580135101 4,699 325,252 414,499 MCGRAW-HILL COS C580645109 2,682 143,874 146,625 MCKESSON CORP C58155Q103 6,415 378,632 621,998 MCKESSON CORP C58155Q103 2,290 140,715 222,038 MEAD JOHNSON NUTRITION C582839106 424 23,646 27,937 MEADOWBROOK INS GROUP INC C58319P108 12,450 100,239 71,961 MEADWESTVACO CORP C583334107 3,071 78,888 97,873 MEDTRONIC INC C585055106 5,965 222,059 244,684 MEDTRONIC INC C585055106 5,606 228,168 229,958 MEN S WEARHOUSE INC C587118100 4,325 118,847 134,767 MEN S WEARHOUSE INC C587118100 637 14,721 19,849 MENTOR GRAPHICS CORP C587200106 5,556 49,816 94,563 MERCK & CO INC C58933Y105 13,032 493,851 533,530 MERCURY GEN CORP C589400100 932 44,748 36,991 MEREDITH CORP C589433101 942 33,169 32,452 MERITAGE HOMES CORP C59001A102 2,564 67,902 95,765 METALS USA HLDGS CORP C59132A104 4,327 59,666 75,679 METHANEX CORP C59151K108 1,342 42,744 42,770 METLIFE INC C59156R108 16,445 703,930 541,698 METLIFE INC C59156R108 41,400 1,442,193 1,363,716 METLIFE INC C59156R108 10,723 461,437 353,216 METROPCS C591708102 4,921 45,667 48,915 METTLER-TOLEDO INTL INC C592688105 113 9,692 21,843 MICREL INC C594793101 3,857 31,852 36,642 MICROSOFT CORP C594918104 36,585 1,032,175 977,917

1303-1051485 58 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) MICROSOFT CORP C594918104 50,000 $ 1,454,121 $ 1,336,500 MICROSOFT CORP C594918104 44,735 1,300,205 1,195,767 MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC C595017104 1,790 58,919 58,336 MICRON TECH INC C595112103 12,154 80,626 77,178 MICROSEMI CORP C595137100 6,515 135,065 137,076 MID-AMER APT CMNTYS INC C59522J103 1,281 81,136 82,945 MILLER HERMAN INC C600544100 35,878 763,882 768,507 MILLER HERMAN INC C600544100 1,396 31,909 29,902 MINERALS TECHNOLOGIES INC C603158106 1,709 47,551 68,223 MOHAWK INDS INC C608190104 7,600 609,623 687,572 MOHAWK INDS INC C608190104 316 20,033 28,589 MOLEX INC C608554101 707 17,723 19,322 MOLSON COORS BREWING CO C60871R209 919 42,263 39,324 MONDELEZ INTL INC C609207105 17,737 484,118 451,761 MONOTYPE IMAGING HLDGS INC C61022P100 3,470 41,352 55,451 MONRO MUFFLER BRAKE INC C610236101 1,336 36,049 46,720 MONSANTO CO C61166W101 2,221 154,803 210,218 MONSTER BEVERAGE CORP C611740101 351 18,566 18,561 MONSTER WORLDWIDE INC C611742107 9,145 138,480 51,395 MONSTER WORLDWIDE INC C611742107 4,103 29,894 23,059 MOODYS CORP C615369105 352 13,522 17,713 MORGAN STANLEY C617446448 20,979 380,174 401,118 MOSAIC CO C61945C103 24,700 1,528,168 1,398,761 MOSAIC CO C61945C103 483 32,834 27,352 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC C620076307 4,162 192,189 231,740 MUELLER INDS INC C624756102 538 14,282 26,916 MURPHY OIL CORP C626717102 1,353 76,130 80,571 MYLAN INC C628530107 35,700 705,603 981,036 MYLAN INC C628530107 473 10,238 12,998 MYRIAD GENETICS INC C62855J104 30,820 649,077 839,845 PVTPL NBH HLDGS CORP C62875T108 35,545 710,900 540,284 NCR CORP C62886E108 2,209 37,564 56,285 NII HLDGS INC C62913F201 11,120 108,512 79,286 NPS PHARMACEUTICALS INC C62936P103 66,200 587,785 602,420 NRG ENERGY INC C629377508 2,745 63,135 63,108 NRG ENERGY INC C629377508 11,394 246,178 261,948 N V R INC C62944T105 56 36,731 51,520 NYSE EURONEXT C629491101 2,883 76,286 90,930 NASDAQ OMX GROUP C631103108 2,189 45,936 54,747 NATL FUEL GAS CO C636180101 462 18,015 23,419 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO C637071101 1,851 95,962 126,516 NATIONAL RETAIL PPTYS INC C637417106 2,893 54,968 90,262 NAVISTAR INTL CORP C63934E108 2,392 78,134 52,074 NEKTAR THERAPEUTICS C640268108 29,368 628,530 217,617 NETAPP INC C64110D104 23,900 829,519 801,845 NETAPP INC C64110D104 587 18,968 19,694 NETFLIX INC C64110L106 162 38,134 15,030

59 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) NETSCOUT SYS INC C64115T104 2,707 $ 45,205 $ 70,355 NEUSTAR INC C64126X201 23,560 503,685 987,871 NJ RES CORP C646025106 887 31,119 35,143 NEW MTN FIN CORP C647551100 2,108 29,743 31,409 NEW YORK CMNTY BANCORP INC C649445103 2,743 37,705 35,933 NEW YORK TIMES CO C650111107 7,380 81,442 62,951 NEWELL RUBBERMAID INC C651229106 12,715 258,671 283,163 NEWELL RUBBERMAID INC C651229106 3,222 75,255 71,754 NEWFIELD EXPLORATION C651290108 28,600 1,006,083 765,908 NEWFIELD EXPLORATION C651290108 1,557 72,374 41,696 NEWMONT MINING CORP C651639106 1,482 67,143 68,824 NEWPARK RES INC C651718504 17,510 139,356 137,454 NEWPORT CORP C651824104 6,872 105,217 92,428 NEWS CORP C65248E104 12,090 195,145 308,779 NEXTERA ENERGY INC C65339F101 3,053 160,850 211,237 NIKE INC C654106103 2,386 77,619 123,118 NISOURCE INC C65473P105 3,948 72,372 98,266 NOBLE ENERGY INC C655044105 868 69,341 88,310 NORDSTROM INC C655664100 838 34,580 44,833 NORFOLK SOUTHN CORP C655844108 21,000 1,103,919 1,298,640 NORFOLK SOUTHN CORP C655844108 2,312 114,005 142,974 NORTHEAST UTILITIES C664397106 3,087 104,215 120,640 NORTHERN TR CORP C665859104 1,900 104,766 95,304 NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORP C666807102 4,313 240,100 291,473 NORTHWEST BANCSHARES INC MD C667340103 4,076 45,058 49,483 NORTHWESTERN CORP C668074305 1,051 29,107 36,501 NORTHWESTERN CORP C668074305 1,162 32,000 40,356 NU SKIN ENTERPRISES INC C67018T105 375 7,976 13,894 NUANCE C67020Y100 587 10,204 13,102 NUCOR CORP C670346105 1,237 69,143 53,414 NVIDIA CORP C67066G104 11,000 147,718 135,190 NVIDIA CORP C67066G104 1,206 18,765 14,822 NV ENERGY INC C67073Y106 1,765 22,579 32,017 OGE ENERGY CORP C670837103 513 18,659 28,887 OM GROUP INC C670872100 2,381 59,667 52,858 O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC C67103H107 253 20,956 22,623 ADR O2MICRO INTL LTD SPONSORED C67107W100 72,567 790,605 217,701 OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP C674599105 10,700 874,173 819,727 OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP C674599105 16,400 1,430,524 1,256,404 OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP C674599105 4,841 327,656 370,869 OCEANEERING INTL INC C675232102 345 19,192 18,558 OCWEN FINL CORP C675746309 5,101 61,199 176,444 OFFICE DEPOT INC C676220106 49,819 227,079 163,406 OFFICEMAX INC C67622P101 13,013 126,602 127,007 OIL STS INTL INC C678026105 146 10,061 10,445 OLD REP INTL CORP C680223104 5,253 79,672 55,944 OLIN CORP C680665205 1,108 19,254 23,922

1303-1051485 60 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) OLYMPIC STL INC C68162K106 1,395 $ 36,975 $ 30,885 OMNICARE INC C681904108 1,158 32,608 41,804 OMNICOM GROUP INC COM C681919106 14,470 673,485 722,921 OMNICOM GROUP INC COM C681919106 3,278 162,382 163,769 OMEGA HEALTHCARE INVS INC C681936100 2,131 30,450 50,824 ON ASSIGNMENT INC C682159108 2,780 27,244 56,378 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP C682189105 67,557 424,888 476,277 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP C682189105 48,495 316,077 341,890 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP C682189105 134,000 1,012,694 944,700 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP C682189105 1,043 10,081 7,353 ONEOK INC C682680103 1,098 25,322 46,940 ONYX PHARMACEUTICALS INC C683399109 6,788 179,525 512,698 ORACLE CORP C68389X105 11,618 280,128 387,112 ORITANI FINL CORP C68633D103 1,521 22,331 23,302 OSHKOSH CORPORATION C688239201 1,640 50,693 48,626 OWENS & MINOR INC C690732102 970 27,908 27,655 OWENS CORNING C690742101 1,054 20,832 38,987 OWENS ILL INC C690768403 2,727 77,045 58,003 PBF ENERGY INC C69318G106 1,250 32,500 36,313 PG& E CORP C69331C108 5,168 228,437 207,650 PHH CORP C693320202 3,367 63,334 76,599 PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP C693475105 4,789 470,526 279,247 PNM RES INC C69349H107 2,357 40,203 48,342 PPG IND INC C693506107 1,537 93,654 208,033 PPL CORP C69351T106 3,327 101,568 95,252 BUSINESS PKS INC CALIF C69360J107 2,307 131,450 149,909 PVH CORP C693656100 186 8,179 20,648 PSS WORLD MED INC C69366A100 393 10,257 11,350 PACCAR INC C693718108 2,496 103,851 112,844 PACKAGING CORP AMER C695156109 20,000 724,550 769,400 PACKAGING CORP AMER C695156109 1,013 24,184 38,970 PALL CORP C696429307 475 17,438 28,624 PANTRY INC C698657103 6,945 104,349 84,243 PANTRY INC C698657103 1,426 20,750 17,297 #REORG/PARAMETRIC TECH C699173209 6,252 115,102 140,733 PARKER-HANNIFIN CORP C701094104 5,410 374,544 460,175 PARKER-HANNIFIN CORP C701094104 524 37,071 44,571 PATTERSON-UTI ENERGY INC C703481101 1,852 28,713 34,503 PAYCHEX INC C704326107 2,882 100,993 89,745 PEABODY ENERGY CORP C704549104 1,480 90,621 39,383 PEBBLEBROOK HOTEL TR C70509V100 4,026 78,983 93,001 PENN NATL GAMING INC C707569109 755 19,542 37,078 PENNANTPARK INVT CORP C708062104 4,392 60,958 48,290 PENNEY J.C. CO INC C708160106 4,055 164,072 79,924 PVTPL PEOPLES CHOICE FINL CORP C71085T105 10,200 100,863 – PEOPLES UTD FINL INC C712704105 1,215 23,939 14,689 PEPCO HLDGS INC C713291102 4,993 104,069 97,913

61 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) PEPSICO INC C713448108 6,760 $ 427,688 $ 462,587 PEPSICO INC C713448108 9,515 621,301 651,111 PERKINELMER INC C714046109 2,916 80,295 92,554 PETSMART INC C716768106 395 11,846 26,994 PFIZER INC C717081103 73,224 1,775,204 1,836,458 PFIZER INC C717081103 45,340 990,352 1,137,127 PHILIP MORRIS INTL C718172109 8,881 464,568 742,807 PHILLIPS 66 C718546104 5,960 274,353 316,476 PIEDMONT NAT GAS INC C720186105 1,312 35,843 41,079 PINNACLE FINL PARTNERS INC C72346Q104 3,219 53,964 60,646 PINNACLE W. CAP CORP C723484101 1,934 76,493 98,595 PIONEER NAT RES CO C723787107 189 5,995 20,146 PIPER JAFFRAY COS C724078100 554 23,467 17,800 PITNEY BOWES INC C724479100 10,103 215,088 107,496 PLAINS EXPL & PRODTN CO C726505100 585 16,424 27,460 PLANTRONICS INC C727493108 1,573 52,392 57,997 PLUM CREEK TIMBER CO INC C729251108 803 29,642 35,629 POLARIS INDS INC C731068102 787 29,409 66,226 POLARIS INDS INC C731068102 18,800 1,287,592 1,582,020 POLARIS INDS INC C731068102 12,415 320,069 1,044,722 POLARIS INDS INC C731068102 310 7,439 26,087 POLYCOM INC C73172K104 408 9,857 4,268 POLYONE CORP C73179P106 7,694 67,954 157,111 POOL CORP C73278L105 16,865 541,281 713,727 PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO C736508847 1,805 39,872 49,385 POST HLDGS INC C737446104 985 29,361 33,736 POTLATCH CORP C737630103 952 30,160 37,309 PRAXAIR INC C74005P104 624 40,866 68,297 PRECISION CASTPARTS CORP C740189105 186 31,858 35,232 PREMIERE GLOBAL SVCS INC C740585104 9,753 90,678 95,384 T ROWE PRICE GROUP INC C74144T108 661 30,971 43,051 PRIMERICA INC C74164M108 1,502 40,228 45,075 PRINCIPAL FINL GROUP INC C74251V102 4,621 191,479 131,791 PROASSURANCE CORP C74267C106 3,242 66,139 136,780 PROASSURANCE CORP C74267C106 906 25,060 38,224 PROCTER & GAMBLE C742718109 18,700 1,145,583 1,269,543 PROCTER & GAMBLE C742718109 19,692 1,238,679 1,336,890 PRIVATEBANCORP INC C742962103 6,311 84,840 96,685 PROGRESSIVE CORP OH C743315103 7,930 164,974 167,323 PROSPERITY BANCSHARES INC C743606105 3,254 106,541 136,668 PROSPERITY BANCSHARES INC C743606105 484 19,520 20,328 PROTECTIVE LIFE CORP C743674103 2,066 52,082 59,046 PROVIDENT FINL SVCS INC C74386T105 4,152 57,740 61,948 PRUDENTIAL FINL INC C744320102 19,200 970,544 1,023,936 PRUDENTIAL FINL INC C744320102 6,620 431,096 353,045 PUB SERVICE ENTERPRISE GROUP INC C744573106 6,140 209,347 187,884 PULTE GROUP INC C745867101 1,451 10,320 26,350

1303-1051485 62 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) QUAD/GRAPHICS INC C747301109 1,884 $ 28,970 $ 38,415 QUAKER CHEM CORP C747316107 656 31,367 35,332 QEP RES INC C74733V100 1,262 40,944 38,201 QUALCOMM INC C747525103 4,215 195,417 261,414 QUANTA SVCS INC C74762E102 468 10,136 12,772 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC C74834L100 548 29,352 31,932 QUESTAR CORP C748356102 1,958 31,742 38,690 QUESTCOR PHARMACEUTICALS INC C74835Y101 20,330 613,770 543,218 QUICKSILVER RES INC C74837R104 6,264 28,591 17,915 QUIKSILVER INC C74838C106 10,101 29,060 42,929 QUIDEL CORP C74838J101 34,737 594,403 648,540 RLI CORP C749607107 683 28,224 44,163 RPM INTL INC C749685103 638 13,648 18,732 RTI BIOLOGICS INC C74975N105 58,228 213,800 248,634 RADIOSHACK CORP C750438103 21,726 113,428 46,059 RALPH LAUREN CORP C751212101 106 7,228 15,892 RANGE RES CORP C75281A109 192 10,033 12,063 RAVEN INDS INC C754212108 1,639 47,393 43,204 RAYMOND JAMES FNCL INC C754730109 7,130 222,190 274,719 RAYMOND JAMES FNCL INC C754730109 301 8,397 11,598 RAYTHEON CO USD0.01 C755111507 5,159 262,505 296,952 RBC BEARINGS INC C75524B104 1,755 64,146 87,873 REGAL ENTMT GROUP C758766109 2,889 47,687 40,302 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS INC C75886F107 3,400 532,033 581,638 REGIS CORP MINN C758932107 5,105 53,207 86,377 REGIS CORP MINN C758932107 1,830 35,594 30,964 REGIONS FINL CORP C7591EP100 135,000 886,097 961,200 REGIONS FINL CORP C7591EP100 25,116 251,963 178,826 REINSURANCE GROUP AMER INC C759351604 1,340 70,377 71,717 RELIANCE STL & ALUM CO C759509102 469 20,910 29,125 RENT A CTR INC C76009N100 8,355 197,564 287,078 RENT A CTR INC C76009N100 1,123 25,522 38,586 REPUBLIC SVCS INC C760759100 1,130 31,101 33,143 REX ENERGY CORP C761565100 6,916 83,771 90,046 REYNOLDS AMERICAN INC C761713106 4,172 120,576 172,846 ROBERT HALF INTL INC C770323103 973 29,812 30,961 ROCK-TENN CO C772739207 82 6,292 5,733 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION C773903109 11,510 797,830 966,725 ROCKWELL AUTOMATION C773903109 828 50,533 69,544 ROCKWELL COLLINS INC C774341101 681 45,733 39,614 ROCKWOOD HLDGS INC C774415103 266 6,506 13,156 ROSS STORES INC C778296103 8,400 476,506 454,860 ROSS STORES INC C778296103 360 5,527 19,494 ADR ROYAL DUTCH SHELL PLC SPONSORED C780259107 18,100 1,264,816 1,283,109 ADR ROYAL DUTCH SHELL PLC C780259206 9,425 657,945 649,854 RUBY TUESDAY INC C781182100 4,975 31,713 39,104 RYDER SYS INC C783549108 1,929 80,482 96,315

63 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) SAIC INC C78390X101 6,175 $ 94,731 $ 69,901 SCBT FINL CORP C78401V102 1,777 49,528 71,400 SEI INVTS CO C784117103 899 19,060 20,983 SHFL ENTMT INC C78423R105 36,193 351,556 524,799 SLM CORP C78442P106 29,910 409,878 512,358 SLM CORP C78442P106 1,862 29,831 31,896 SM ENERGY CO C78454L100 140 10,088 7,309 SPX CORP C784635104 644 39,845 45,177 &C TECHNOLOGIES HLDGS INC C78467J100 4,122 72,711 95,301 SVB FINL GROUP C78486Q101 388 18,099 21,716 SABRA HEALTH CARE C78573L106 1,620 29,972 35,186 SAFEWAY INC C786514208 15,138 320,359 273,846 ST JUDE MED INC C790849103 28,000 1,065,016 1,011,920 ST JUDE MED INC C790849103 4,310 158,516 155,763 ST JUDE MED INC C790849103 558 26,897 20,166 SALESFORCE C79466L302 80 9,593 13,448 SALIX PHARMACEUTICALS LTD C795435106 11,700 585,938 473,616 SALIX PHARMACEUTICALS LTD C795435106 19,792 554,607 801,180 SALLY BEAUTY HLDGS INC C79546E104 751 9,847 17,701 SANDISK CORP C80004C101 420 18,170 18,295 SANDY SPRING BANCORP INC C800363103 1,384 18,877 26,877 SANMINA CORP C801056102 4,091 62,359 45,287 SANOFI SPONSORED C80105N105 8,990 347,947 425,946 SANTARUS INC C802817304 27,176 297,199 298,392 SCANA CORP C80589M102 784 31,000 35,782 SCANSOURCE INC C806037107 2,368 81,218 75,231 SCHEIN HENRY INC C806407102 445 25,775 35,805 SCHLUMBERGER LTD C806857108 3,140 213,683 217,571 SCHNITZER STL INDS INC C806882106 914 46,271 27,722 SCHOLASTIC CORP C807066105 1,022 29,840 30,210 SCHWAB CHARLES CORP C808513105 8,908 150,020 127,919 SCOTTS MIRACLE-GRO C810186106 989 46,054 43,565 SEACOR HLDGS INC C811904101 452 37,061 37,878 SEALED AIR CORP C81211K100 3,339 80,030 58,466 SEARS CDA INC C81234D109 1,033 12,074 10,402 SEARS HLDGS CORP C812350106 2,413 173,745 99,802 SELECTIVE INS GROUP INC C816300107 1,388 29,841 26,747 SEMTECH CORP C816850101 5,191 91,697 150,279 SEMPRA ENERGY INC C816851109 2,170 120,361 153,940 SERVICE CORP INTL C817565104 3,648 52,886 50,379 SERVICE CORP INTL C817565104 3,838 32,411 53,003 #REORG/ SHAW CASH AND STK MERGER CHICAGO BRIDGE & IRON C820280105 705 19,962 32,860 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO C824348106 488 31,820 75,064 SHOE CARNIVAL INC C824889109 2,901 66,541 59,441 SIERRA BANCORP C82620P102 757 9,588 8,653 SIGMA-ALDRICH CORP C826552101 408 30,083 30,021 SIGNATURE BK NY N Y C82669G104 2,488 76,929 177,494

1303-1051485 64 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) SILGAN HLDGS INC C827048109 520 $ 14,356 $ 21,627 SILVER BAY RLTY TR CORP C82735Q102 2,707 50,080 50,973 SIMMONS 1ST NATL CORP C828730200 802 19,772 20,339 SIMON PROPERTY GROUP INC C828806109 229 17,317 36,203 SIRVA INC C82967Y104 550 1,756 – SIX FLAGS ENTMT CORP C83001A102 937 33,895 57,344 SKYWEST INC C830879102 2,739 30,953 34,128 SMITH A O CORP C831865209 1,503 58,909 94,794 SMITH A O CORP C831865209 382 11,304 24,093 SMITHFIELD FOODS INC C832248108 4,676 106,352 100,861 SMUCKER J M CO C832696405 649 45,555 55,970 SNAP-ON INC C833034101 529 25,665 41,786 SOLAR CAP LTD C83413U100 1,786 40,615 42,703 PVTPL SOLAR CAYMAN LTD C83413Y102 23,400 340,481 – SOLAR SR CAP LTD C83416M105 1,134 22,614 21,160 SONOCO PROD CO C835495102 1,408 42,293 41,860 SOUTHCOAST FINL CORP C84129R100 873 10,671 4,435 SOUTHERN CO C842587107 5,313 181,991 227,450 SOUTHN COPPER CORP C84265V105 1,528 46,436 57,850 S.W. AIRL CO C844741108 12,901 142,889 132,106 SOUTHWEST GAS CORP C844895102 7,308 249,284 309,932 SOUTHWEST GAS CORP C844895102 1,217 35,836 51,613 SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY CO C845467109 11,900 382,123 397,579 SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY CO C845467109 566 23,227 18,910 SPECTRA ENERGY CORP C847560109 2,636 52,453 72,174 SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS HLDGS INC C848574109 1,227 24,715 20,822 SPRINT NEXTEL CORP C852061100 68,588 360,498 388,894 STAMPS C852857200 29,150 518,511 734,580 STANCORP FINL GROUP INC C852891100 1,076 52,838 39,457 STD PAC CORP C85375C101 3,406 25,631 25,034 STANLEY BLACK & DECKER INC C854502101 3,355 205,279 248,169 STANLEY BLACK & DECKER INC C854502101 12,500 910,356 924,625 STANLEY BLACK & DECKER INC C854502101 294 16,790 21,747 STAPLES INC C855030102 9,355 139,717 106,647 STAPLES INC C855030102 13,620 224,610 155,268 STARBUCKS CORP C855244109 686 21,077 36,783 STARWOOD PROPERTY TRUST INC C85571B105 1,568 34,593 36,001 STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE INC C85590A401 1,105 56,527 63,383 STATE STR CORP C857477103 13,790 573,834 648,268 STATE STR CORP C857477103 4,591 196,874 215,823 STEEL DYNAMICS INC C858119100 2,934 40,628 40,284 STEELCASE INC C858155203 2,926 28,576 37,277 STERLING FINL CORP WASH C859319303 3,345 67,951 69,844 STIFEL FINL CORP C860630102 3,291 108,641 105,213 STONE ENERGY CORP C861642106 909 25,861 18,653 STRYKER CORP C863667101 1,096 58,708 60,083 SUMMIT ST BK SANTA ROSA CALIF C866264203 806 11,629 5,441

65 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) SUN TR BANKS INC C867914103 9,644 $ 290,875 $ 273,407 SUPERIOR ENERGY SVCS INC C868157108 42,000 1,165,578 870,240 SUPERIOR ENERGY SVCS INC C868157108 286 10,254 5,926 SUPER VALU INC C868536103 75,803 418,243 187,233 SUSQUEHANNA BANCSHARES INC PA C869099101 1,547 10,632 16,213 SUSSER HLDGS CORP C869233106 1,994 58,240 68,773 SWIFT ENERGY CO C870738101 1,795 27,387 27,625 SYMANTEC CORP C871503108 100,000 1,720,171 1,881,000 SYMANTEC CORP C871503108 7,301 123,787 137,332 SYMETRA FINL CORP C87151Q106 4,676 57,654 60,694 SYNOPSYS INC C871607107 759 19,949 24,167 SYNOVUS FINL CORP C87161C105 10,576 77,966 25,911 SYNNEX CORP C87162W100 2,051 54,359 70,513 SYSCO CORP C871829107 6,353 201,493 201,136 TCF FNCL CORP C872275102 1,931 33,879 23,462 TD AMERITRADE HLDG CORP C87236Y108 1,993 35,529 33,502 TECO ENERGY INC C872375100 2,127 34,313 35,649 THL CR INC C872438106 1,871 26,355 27,672 THL CR INC C872438106 11,210 145,730 165,796 TJX COS INC C872540109 2,933 52,291 124,506 TRW AUTOMOTIVE HLDGS CORP C87264S106 1,694 39,411 90,815 TARGET CORP C87612E106 13,925 774,199 823,942 TARGET CORP C87612E106 22,900 1,153,729 1,354,993 TARGET CORP C87612E106 6,175 332,681 365,375 TEAM HEALTH HLDGS INC C87817A107 3,128 43,552 89,993 TECH DATA CORP C878237106 2,333 88,500 106,221 TELEDYNE TECHNOLOGIES INC C879360105 1,356 85,292 88,235 TELEDYNE TECHNOLOGIES INC C879360105 397 16,652 25,833 TELEFLEX INC C879369106 6,679 319,395 476,279 TELEFLEX INC C879369106 300 15,983 21,393 TELEPHONE & DATA SYS INC C879433829 2,754 72,682 60,974 TELLABS INC C879664100 10,273 30,908 23,422 TENET HEALTHCARE CORP C88033G407 6,313 142,629 204,983 TENNANT CO C880345103 877 30,103 38,544 TENNECO INC C880349105 1,603 47,179 56,281 TENNECO INC C880349105 823 12,356 28,896 TERADATA CORP C88076W103 287 6,612 17,762 TEREX CORP C880779103 2,181 53,620 61,308 TERRENO RLTY CORP C88146M101 8,600 161,429 132,784 TESORO CORP C881609101 2,280 46,383 100,434 TETRA TECHNOLOGIES INC C88162F105 744 10,484 5,647 TX CAP BANCSHARES INC C88224Q107 3,285 69,020 147,234 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC C882508104 7,290 176,179 225,553 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC C882508104 5,693 160,318 176,141 TEXTRON INC C883203101 3,431 98,509 85,054 THERMO FISHER CORP C883556102 2,074 106,511 132,280 THERMON GROUP HLDGS INC C88362T103 2,257 30,723 50,850

1303-1051485 66 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) THOMPSON CREEK METALS CO INC C884768102 11,363 $ 32,302 $ 47,043 THOR INDS INC C885160101 6,165 164,626 230,756 THOR INDS INC C885160101 723 22,740 27,062 3M CO C88579Y101 4,710 350,401 437,324 TIBCO SOFTWARE INC C88632Q103 24,100 721,767 530,441 TIFFANY & CO C886547108 177 10,083 10,149 TIME WARNER INC C887317303 14,040 474,640 671,533 TIME WARNER CABLE INC C88732J207 2,332 140,275 226,647 TIMKEN CO C887389104 928 23,576 44,386 TOLL BROS INC C889478103 401 8,142 12,964 TORCHMARK CORP C891027104 5,360 188,510 276,951 TORCHMARK CORP C891027104 1,954 71,008 100,963 TORO CO C891092108 336 7,929 14,441 TOWER GROUP INC C891777104 4,834 104,197 85,900 TOWER INTL INC C891826109 5,730 74,480 46,127 TOWERS WATSON & CO C891894107 11,700 740,129 657,657 TOWERS WATSON & CO C891894107 5,820 256,339 327,142 TOTAL SYS SVCS INC C891906109 1,742 39,285 37,314 TRACTOR SUPPLY CO C892356106 222 6,601 19,616 TRAVELERS COS INC C89417E109 7,580 321,321 544,396 TRAVELERS COS INC C89417E109 6,658 348,747 478,178 TREEHOUSE FOODS INC C89469A104 1,187 44,629 61,878 TRICO BANCSHARES C896095106 1,674 32,276 28,040 TRINITY IND INC C896522109 420 8,318 15,044 TRIUMPH GROUP INC C896818101 1,472 74,842 96,122 TRUEBLUE INC C89785X101 3,024 41,106 47,628 TUPPERWARE BRANDS CORPORATION C899896104 176 9,991 11,282 TUTOR PERINI CORP C901109108 1,678 39,624 22,989 TWIN DISC INC C901476101 1,934 55,782 33,710 TWO HBRS INVT CORP C90187B101 9,834 94,522 108,961 TYSON FOODS INC C902494103 4,419 71,328 85,729 UGI CORP C902681105 744 20,044 24,336 UMB FINL CORP C902788108 2,802 112,752 122,840 US BANCORP C902973304 11,999 332,537 383,248 UNS ENERGY CORP C903119105 1,853 65,697 78,604 UNS ENERGY CORP C903119105 680 21,766 28,846 URS CORP C903236107 1,824 83,753 71,610 USA MOBILITY INC C90341G103 1,254 13,672 14,647 U S AWYS GROUP INC C90341W108 6,605 51,256 89,168 ULTRA PETE CORP C903914109 217 10,293 3,934 ULTRATECH INC EFF 06-10-03 C904034105 1,388 42,176 51,772 UMPQUA HLDGS CORP C904214103 2,481 30,388 29,251 UNION PAC CORP C907818108 7,000 415,506 880,040 UNION PAC CORP C907818108 2,082 144,510 261,749 UNISYS CORP C909214306 2,752 77,122 47,610 UNIT CORP C909218109 912 39,653 41,086 UNITED BANKSHARES INC W VA C909907107 654 20,221 15,905

67 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) UNITED CONTL HLDGS INC C910047109 3,955 $ 79,187 $ 92,468 UNITED ONLINE INC C911268100 7,009 29,730 39,180 UNITED PARCEL SVC INC C911312106 3,907 266,086 288,063 UTD RENTALS INC C911363109 918 19,127 41,787 UNITED STS STL CORP C912909108 2,330 64,977 55,617 UTD STATIONERS INC C913004107 1,196 33,035 37,064 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP C913017109 7,797 530,048 639,432 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC C91324P102 9,045 452,738 490,601 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC C91324P102 8,607 328,130 466,844 UNVL CORP C913456109 431 22,087 21,511 UNIVERSAL FST PRODS INC C913543104 1,391 53,370 52,914 UNVL HEALTH SERVICES INC C913903100 13,500 583,819 652,725 UNVL HEALTH SERVICES INC C913903100 380 11,013 18,373 UNUM GROUP C91529Y106 10,518 205,390 218,985 UNUM GROUP C91529Y106 5,156 113,701 107,348 V F CORP C918204108 684 62,545 103,263 VAIL RESORTS INC C91879Q109 2,057 94,300 111,263 VAIL RESORTS INC C91879Q109 5,990 317,859 323,999 VALASSIS C918866104 1,330 31,359 34,287 VALERO ENERGY CORP C91913Y100 5,300 151,189 180,836 VALERO ENERGY CORP C91913Y100 44,000 1,279,150 1,501,280 VALERO ENERGY CORP C91913Y100 11,797 339,006 402,514 VAL NATL BANCORP C919794107 2,328 35,298 21,650 VALSPAR CORP C920355104 477 11,312 29,765 VARIAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC C92220P105 154 10,118 10,817 VECTREN CORP C92240G101 1,639 41,049 48,187 VERIFONE SYSTEMS INC C92342Y109 12,700 368,078 376,936 VERISIGN INC C92343E102 498 13,333 19,332 VERIZON C92343V104 43,626 1,553,194 1,887,697 VERINT SYS INC C92343X100 2,543 72,716 74,662 VIACOM INC C92553P201 9,470 321,147 499,448 VIACOM INC C92553P201 2,802 86,359 147,777 VIRGIN MEDIA INC C92769L101 1,619 40,577 59,498 VISA INC C92826C839 620 50,180 93,980 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY INC C928298108 28,125 310,965 298,969 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY INC C928298108 5,867 55,001 62,366 VISTEON CORP C92839U206 908 29,380 48,869 VITAMIN SHOPPE INC C92849E101 436 18,074 25,009 ADR VODAFONE GROUP PLC C92857W209 24,000 680,083 604,560 ADR VODAFONE GROUP PLC C92857W209 54,000 1,480,417 1,360,260 VORNADO RLTY TR C929042109 209 16,209 16,737 VULCAN MATERIALS CO C929160109 193 19,808 10,046 WGL HLDGS INC C92924F106 1,170 39,407 45,852 WABCO HLDGS INC C92927K102 175 9,991 11,408 WSFS FINANCIAL CORP C929328102 649 28,842 27,420 WADDELL & REED FINL INC C930059100 46,700 1,304,973 1,626,094 WAL-MART STORES INC C931142103 2,125 110,082 144,989

1303-1051485 68 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) WAL-MART STORES INC C931142103 14,256 $ 701,716 $ 972,687 WALGREEN CO C931422109 7,479 306,781 276,798 WALTER ENERGY INC C93317Q105 87 10,071 3,122 WALTER INVT MGMT CORP C93317W102 1,907 80,706 82,039 #REORG/WARNACO GROUP INC C934390402 605 39,734 43,300 WASH FED INC C938824109 1,379 30,565 23,264 WASH POST CO C939640108 170 84,107 62,086 WASTE CONNECTIONS INC C941053100 1,688 29,503 57,038 WASTE MGMT INC C94106L109 4,866 167,798 164,179 WATERS CORP C941848103 8,000 557,568 696,960 WATERS CORP C941848103 228 21,123 19,863 WATSCO INC C942622200 1,366 61,211 102,313 #REORG/WATSON C942683103 161 4,582 13,846 WEB COM GROUP INC C94733A104 59,000 994,169 873,200 WEBSTER FNCL CORP WATERBURY CONN C947890109 3,862 67,437 79,364 WEBSTER FNCL CORP WATERBURY CONN C947890109 471 8,343 9,679 WELLCARE HLTH PLANS INC C94946T106 599 18,450 29,165 WELLPOINT INC C94973V107 3,990 201,434 243,071 WELLPOINT INC C94973V107 6,100 404,427 371,612 WELLS FARGO & CO C949746101 21,835 540,866 746,320 WELLS FARGO & CO C949746101 38,539 1,591,401 1,317,263 WENDYS CO C95058W100 9,078 40,478 42,667 WERNER ENTERPRISES INC C950755108 1,526 32,620 33,068 WESCO INTL INC C95082P105 19,700 946,354 1,328,371 WESCO INTL INC C95082P105 420 14,341 28,321 WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SVCS INC C955306105 1,281 52,211 70,135 WESTAR ENERGY INC C95709T100 2,050 48,783 58,671 WESTN DIGITAL CORP C958102105 2,671 89,923 113,491 WESTN REFNG INC C959319104 3,368 80,522 94,944 WESTERN UNION CO C959802109 43,700 759,761 594,757 WESTERN UNION CO C959802109 1,644 34,657 22,375 WESTLAKE CHEM CORP C960413102 914 57,649 72,480 WEX INC C96208T104 18,500 1,046,107 1,394,345 WEX INC C96208T104 5,140 155,663 387,402 WEYERHAEUSER CO C962166104 12,687 340,169 352,952 WHIRLPOOL CORP C963320106 1,655 126,865 168,396 WHITING PETE CORP C966387102 29,600 1,465,323 1,283,752 WHITING PETE CORP C966387102 156 10,258 6,766 WHOLE FOODS MKT INC C966837106 318 7,725 29,043 WILEY JOHN & SONS INC C968223206 420 19,404 16,351 WILLIAMS CO INC C969457100 3,861 80,535 126,409 WILLIAMS SONOMA INC C969904101 1,282 34,754 56,113 WINDSTREAM CORP C97381W104 12,214 127,529 101,132 WIS ENERGY C976657106 1,208 28,115 44,515 WORLD FUEL SERVICE C981475106 2,124 52,021 87,445 WORLD FUEL SERVICE C981475106 824 14,663 33,924 WORTHINGTON INDS INC C981811102 546 10,326 14,191

69 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) WPX ENERGY INC C98212B103 6,446 $ 105,112 $ 95,916 WYNDHAM WORLDWIDE CORP C98310W108 1,178 27,681 62,681 WYNN RESORTS LTD C983134107 174 7,819 19,573 XCEL ENERGY INC C98389B100 4,719 100,564 126,044 XILINX INC C983919101 933 22,218 33,495 XEROX CORP C984121103 14,919 127,826 101,748 YAHOO INC C984332106 4,979 79,998 99,082 YUM BRANDS INC C988498101 1,897 56,438 125,961 ZIMMER HLDGS INC C98956P102 809 52,137 53,928 ZIONS BANCORP C989701107 3,232 98,279 69,165 AMERICAN INTL GRP FRACTIONAL CACG874152 49,098 – – FRACTIONAL FIRST HORIZON NATIONAL CORP CDCA517101 64,096 – – FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISE INC CDDK099107 20,848 – – MARRIOT INTL CFHB903208 60,938 – – ALTERRA CAPITAL HOLDINGS INC CG0229R108 4,964 120,237 139,935 AMDOCS CG02602103 10,130 303,431 344,319 AMDOCS CG02602103 1,544 46,371 52,481 ASPEN INSURANCE HLDGS CG05384105 2,829 77,463 90,754 ASSURED GUARANTY LTD CG0585R106 83,100 1,365,166 1,182,513 AXIS CAPITAL HOLDINGS LTD CG0692U109 10,010 322,452 346,746 ACCENTURE PLC CG1151C101 2,443 86,669 162,460 BUNGE LTD CG16962105 954 72,555 69,346 COVIDIEN PLC CG2554F113 11,335 535,055 654,483 COVIDIEN PLC CG2554F113 1,957 81,810 112,997 EATON CORP PLC CG29183103 24,800 1,268,520 1,344,160 EATON CORP PLC CG29183103 1,839 94,065 99,674 ENSTAR GROUP LIMITED CG3075P101 997 69,350 111,644 HERBALIFE LTD CG4412G101 42,006 1,870,122 1,383,678 INGERSOLL-RAND PLC CG47791101 2,617 93,692 125,511 INVESCO LTD CG491BT108 1,357 29,500 35,404 MAIDEN HOLDINGS CG5753U112 2,114 18,939 19,428 MAIDEN HOLDINGS CG5753U112 – – – MICHAEL KORS HOLDINGS LTD CG60754101 10,300 526,075 525,609 HOME LOAN SERVICING SOLUTIONS CG6648D109 3,919 74,303 74,069 PARTNERRE HLDG LTD CG6852T105 10,800 709,955 869,292 ROWAN CG7665A101 544 18,512 17,011 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY PLC CG7945M107 14,035 195,094 427,787 VALIDUS HOLDING LTD CG9319H102 14,006 370,467 484,327 WHITE MOUNTAINS INSURANCE GROUP CG9618E107 485 196,373 249,775 WHITE MOUNTAINS INSURANCE GROUP CG9618E107 104 45,745 53,560 WILLIS GROUP HOLDINGS CG96666105 25,700 689,988 861,721 XL GROUP PLC CG98290102 4,211 99,250 105,528 PNM RES CGKD49H100 50,000 – – ACE LTD CH0023R105 7,540 338,963 601,692 ACE LTD CH0023R105 11,500 570,173 917,700 ACE LTD CH0023R105 3,713 195,969 296,297 WEATHERFORD INTL LTD CH27013103 19,340 253,185 216,415

1303-1051485 70 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) PENTAIR LTD SHS CH6169Q108 1,226 $ 39,620 $ 60,258 TE CONNECTIVITY LTD CH84989104 15,326 488,881 568,901 TYCO INTERNATIONAL LTD CH89128104 8,455 185,279 247,309 TYCO INTERNATIONAL LTD CH89128104 7,957 183,505 232,742 CHECK PT SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES CM22465104 26,200 1,237,492 1,248,168 ITURAN LOCATION & CONTROL CM6158M104 8,132 105,314 110,351 STRATASYS INC SHS CM85548101 10,382 727,259 832,117 NIELSEN HOLDINGS B.V. CN63218106 968 25,623 29,611 ORTHOFIX INTL N.V. CN6748L102 2,011 81,999 79,093 VISTAPRINT CN93540107 22,144 561,008 727,652 ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES CV7780T103 1,218 30,407 41,412 FLEXTRONICS INTL LTD CY2573F102 88,170 618,670 547,536 FLEXTRONICS INTL LTD CY2573F102 207,000 1,497,508 1,285,470 ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT S0003128 1,415 4,363 8,444 BHP BILLITON PLC S0056650 15,300 415,904 529,610 BARRATT DEVELOPMENTS S0081180 86,592 187,314 292,208 CLS HLDGS S0159247 487 2,426 6,056 CRH PLC EQUITY S0182704 28,569 492,986 579,558 MGT CONSULTING GP S0197902 22,343 12,051 7,718 REXAM S0425045 3,213 20,943 22,771 INTERMED CAP GRP S0456443 35,760 133,282 183,684 JOHNSON SERVICE GP S0476281 64,225 31,770 37,322 KELLER GROUP S0486622 8,983 89,996 101,264 LAVENDON GROUP GBP0.01 S0505754 33,060 60,903 74,429 WM MORRISON SUPERMARKETS S0604316 141,358 638,094 604,315 PACE PLC S0667278 42,587 114,521 130,420 PERSIMMON S0682538 1,155 7,456 15,020 RPC GROUP S0719737 4,883 25,690 31,511 REGENT INNS S0730415 6,907 11,046 110 BRITISH POLYTHENE S0779742 17,248 81,057 111,446 MORGAN SINDALL GRP PLC S0808561 863 8,571 7,231 SMITH () S0822011 3,649 9,879 12,136 PHOTO-ME INTL S0848125 41,252 25,173 42,580 TT ELECTRONICS S0871176 34,283 84,274 80,247 TAYLOR WIMPEY S0878230 31,398 23,387 33,583 THORNTONS S0890193 6,033 11,915 3,874 CHARACTER GROUP S0897611 3,791 13,674 7,549 TRINITY MIRROR GBP0.10 S0903994 1,483 1,266 2,230 GLAXOSMITHKLINE S0925288 24,740 472,039 536,869 MORGUARD CORPORATION S2005809 100 9,392 11,509 AGNICO EAGLE MINES S2009823 16,336 573,649 855,273 ANADARKO PETRO CORP S2032380 15,050 763,022 1,118,366 ANDREW PELLER LTD S2032647 1,500 13,692 15,215 APACHE CORP S2043962 3,600 357,012 282,600 BERRY PETE CO S2094227 3,300 97,940 110,715 BORALEX INC S2099084 1,100 9,364 10,131 DRIL-QUIP INC S2116767 6,700 320,886 489,435

71 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) IAMGOLD CORP S2149525 33,100 $ 354,024 $ 379,657 CCL INDUSTRIES INC S2159795 3,000 106,553 129,527 WHITING PETE CORP S2168003 10,800 508,874 468,396 CDN NATURAL RESOURCE S2171573 14,400 404,826 414,197 NEXEN INC S2171852 – – – COGECO INC S2186890 900 40,312 30,533 CLIFFS NAT RES INC S2202707 9,800 721,097 377,888 COGECO CABLE INC S2205762 100 4,397 3,821 COGECO CABLE INC S2205762 4,300 184,035 164,322 CAMERON INTL CORP S2222233 6,800 278,011 383,928 CORBY DISTILLERIES S2223708 400 6,330 7,111 COTT CORPORATION S2228952 38,300 285,243 307,723 CUMMINS INC S2240202 3,000 293,874 325,050 DIAMOND OFFSHORE DRILLING INC S2261021 8,600 628,766 584,456 DOREL INDUSTRIES S2262369 3,300 111,584 119,147 ENGHOUSE SYSTEMS S2282237 5,900 66,289 103,696 ELDORADO GOLD CORP S2304625 25,600 358,447 329,728 OSISKO MINING CORP S2312060 38,800 293,985 311,740 EXCO TECHNOLOGIES S2325392 2,000 7,967 12,393 1ST QUANTUM MINLS S2347608 28,300 527,354 622,731 FREEPORT-MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD INC S2352118 8,700 304,693 297,540 FLEXTRONICS INTL LTD S2353058 47,666 284,396 296,006 GOLDEN STAR RES LTD S2376613 2,943 13,561 5,415 GULFPORT ENERGY CORP S2398684 4,700 134,477 179,634 ADR GRUPO TELEVISA SA DE CV SPONSORED S2399450 49,352 953,522 1,311,776 HALLIBURTON CO S2405302 29,800 929,458 1,033,762 ADR HARMONY GOLD MNG LTD SPONSORED S2411202 27,651 280,887 247,753 CONSOL ENERGY INC S2413758 14,600 625,658 468,660 ADR GOLD FIELDS LTD S2416326 48,629 584,072 607,376 INDUTRIAS PENOLES S2448200 13,460 142,802 674,690 JACOBS ENGR GROUP INC S2469052 3,200 163,816 136,224 INTERTAPE POLYMER GROUP INC S2470720 4,136 23,004 33,171 IROC ENERGY SVCS S2482123 14,000 31,569 31,495 KEY ENERGY SVCS INC S2490795 9,900 86,435 68,805 PULSE SEISMIC INC S2502526 4,400 11,655 12,020 LINAMAR CORP S2516022 4,000 80,443 93,201 LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORP S2535243 28,900 200,561 558,348 MAGNA INTL INC S2554475 700 15,092 34,926 POINTS INTL LTD S2556879 1,000 9,354 11,048 GLOBAL SOURCES LTD S2576521 13,345 102,246 86,476 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO S2624486 8,100 530,439 553,635 NEVSUN RESOURCES S2631486 35,600 139,620 151,953 NEWFIELD EXPLORATION S2635079 12,500 420,178 334,750 NEWMONT MINING CORP S2636607 5,392 242,510 250,404 NEWMONT MINING CORP S2636607 13,000 701,929 603,720 NORBORD INC S2641441 40 505 1,213 OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP S2655408 9,000 726,625 689,490

1303-1051485 72 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) PATTERSON-UTI ENERGY INC S2672537 16,700 $ 269,257 $ 311,121 GOLDCORP INC S2676636 11,000 467,453 403,700 PIONEER NAT RES CO S2690830 7,700 496,666 820,743 POTASH CORP SASK INC S2696377 14,050 557,651 571,695 AASTRA TECHNOLOGIES S2697370 500 7,673 8,321 HAMMOND POWER SOLU S2714503 1,200 14,443 9,870 QUEBECOR INC S2715777 1,100 43,438 42,721 ADR RIO TINTO PLC SPONSORED S2740434 11,900 637,857 691,271 SM ENERGY CO S2764188 10,800 743,208 563,868 SCHLUMBERGER LTD S2779201 14,600 966,795 1,011,634 ENCANA CORP S2793182 11,034 274,287 218,032 SHERRITT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION S2804158 2,900 18,170 16,747 UNITED STS STL CORP S2824770 9,400 288,436 224,378 STEEL DYNAMICS INC S2849472 11,600 170,828 159,268 TESORO CORP S2884569 7,000 309,117 308,350 MARATHON OIL CORP S2910970 22,800 653,626 699,048 WEST FRASER TIMBER S2951098 200 9,089 14,071 INTL FOREST PRODS S2963963 2,900 13,844 23,271 ADR RANDGOLD RES LTD S2976842 4,400 310,898 436,700 CIMAREX ENERGY CO S2987521 13,300 801,216 767,809 XSTRATA PLC S3141100 55,200 843,526 950,215 BOUYGUES S4002121 29,968 1,143,943 885,020 NOVABASE S4063612 2,607 15,383 7,905 BURELLE S4152769 113 26,617 27,412 BILIA S4180049 3,767 38,213 54,141 CNIM S4182023 20 1,516 1,910 CRCAM ILLE-VILAINE S4202448 106 4,763 5,311 CARLO GAVAZZI HLDG S4238302 146 43,747 31,103 DANIELI & C S4253350 8,142 130,325 233,473 TOTAL GABON S4309781 102 53,027 46,327 FFP S4344072 3,797 156,067 145,173 FORBO HLDGS S4350035 25 15,757 15,977 BONGRAIN SA S4356925 65 3,833 3,925 RECTICEL S4363497 8,103 55,904 56,299 HAL TRUST UNITS S4402839 3,284 217,372 419,757 GAUMONT S4412162 382 17,341 19,490 DERICHEBOURG S4457088 7,842 30,735 32,568 AFFINE R.E. S4458274 76 4,514 1,264 INAPA INV PART S4460172 10,882 10,321 1,722 ITALMOBILIARE S4492216 1,401 36,209 23,643 ITALMOBILIARE DI RISP S4492227 11,434 233,466 120,521 KSB S4498043 281 140,608 172,083 LECTRA S4508663 1,681 10,651 10,483 METKA SA S4584351 2,123 17,540 27,402 OC OERLIKON CORP S4612757 4,703 41,788 53,178 BORUSSIA DORTMUND S4627193 9,627 29,253 34,409 OMV AG S4651459 12,655 517,418 456,400

73 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) CORTICEIRA AMORIM S4657736 2,434 $ 3,534 $ 5,134 HORNBACH BAUMARKT S4693194 1,336 30,312 45,179 HORNBACH HLDG AG NON-VTG PRF S4693815 3,610 102,764 250,536 LEIFHEIT S4752073 1,114 32,690 42,592 SOFINA S4820301 420 32,580 37,930 AIR FRANCE – KLM S4916039 24,836 220,647 229,174 VALEO S4937579 2,937 36,396 145,728 BELL S5017221 20 27,821 43,808 DUERR S5119901 1,201 77,857 106,879 HEIDELBERGCEMENT S5120679 22,331 1,204,684 1,349,290 GIMV S5249080 581 27,676 29,054 SEMCON S5257049 1,944 12,255 14,344 ETAM DEVELOPPEMENT S5261716 1,838 42,286 40,540 JENSEN GROUP S5262689 397 4,452 6,045 DEUTSCHE LUFTHANSA S5287488 28,343 486,275 532,112 RHEINMETALL S5334588 2,498 115,403 119,878 SAAB S5469554 8,439 153,207 175,254 JENOPTIK S5470556 11,089 94,147 107,923 TIETO S5479702 2,235 40,812 43,875 POSTNL S5481558 18,999 184,764 73,091 AURUBIS S5485527 1,978 98,405 140,404 DAIMLER S5529027 11,643 562,714 634,267 CNP ASSURANCES S5543986 472 14,561 7,222 COMET HOLDINGS S5559563 68 14,254 15,972 NEOPOST S5617096 6,881 536,013 362,876 AMADEUS FIRE S5623662 294 8,030 16,014 NEMETSCHEK S5633962 902 21,875 39,481 CARREFOUR S5641567 24,887 707,751 634,729 TUI S5666292 34,927 223,862 361,429 SANOFI S5671735 10,270 570,911 966,618 INVESTOR S5679579 18,668 370,267 475,779 INVESTOR S5679591 7,624 143,836 199,230 IMMOFINANZ S5679911 9,602 32,197 40,206 AGFA GEVAERT S5689051 17,281 61,850 30,302 ECKERT & ZIEGLER S5689857 446 11,749 13,918 WIENERBERGER S5699373 36,530 548,668 333,709 LAURENT-PERRIER S5700952 4,016 206,669 370,629 BRODRENE HARTMANN S5722581 737 13,062 14,391 RED ELECTRICA CORP S5723777 10,481 519,627 515,417 CEWE COLOR HLDG S5740806 4,366 172,944 178,642 GILDEMEISTER S5753398 606 10,496 12,184 WUSTENROT & WURTTE S5770911 108 2,652 2,202 CANCOM S5772627 4,578 75,398 81,421 DIGIA PLC S5774366 3,771 23,497 13,026 SUEDZUCKER S5784462 2,710 64,701 110,723 ASSYSTEM S5797921 1,006 14,765 19,749 INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES S5889505 2,599 15,368 21,001

1303-1051485 74 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) NETGEM S5940930 12,840 $ 61,760 $ 44,860 LINDT & SPRUENGLI S5962309 5 86,859 188,534 SEMAPA SOC INVEST S5962934 2,621 32,940 19,662 LINEDATA SERVICES S5967876 739 7,930 11,633 SONAE S5973992 68,142 51,982 61,719 ITALCEMENTI DI RISP S5975943 66,418 355,059 186,514 KOMAX S5978630 288 18,915 22,339 RIETER HOLDING S5996159 1,172 145,173 204,093 MOTOR OIL SA S5996234 5,041 53,806 55,162 TF1 – TV FRANCAISE S5997118 42,626 674,765 497,353 OENEO S5998177 6,482 16,656 19,485 MINCOR RESOURCES S6000521 22,901 13,814 23,419 AWE LTD S6003843 17,500 24,319 22,075 AT GROUP CO LTD S6010274 6,000 60,884 77,025 BUSAN CITY GAS CO LTD S6012593 2,700 49,672 51,701 AIRPORT FACILITIES S6012742 4,500 21,813 20,974 ALLAN INTL HLDGS S6020455 49,164 22,966 14,335 ALCO HOLDINGS S6032308 51,354 18,128 10,733 SK GAS S6036021 36 1,133 2,959 T & K TOKA CO LTD S6038469 100 1,437 1,434 HAPPINET CORP S6042675 7,500 60,214 60,718 ARC LAND SAKAMOTO S6048004 1,800 26,057 27,854 ARIAKE JAPAN CO S6049632 10,000 133,902 182,617 ALPS LOGISTICS S6050764 1,000 8,919 9,646 ASAHI BROADCASTING S6054454 6,700 55,204 35,025 ASIA CEMENT CO S6057152 1,540 63,808 87,028 JIDOSHA BUHIN KOG S6068905 6,000 22,836 22,483 BANDO CHEMICAL IND S6075068 25,000 70,542 83,560 JUSTSYSTEMS CORP S6079792 20,800 38,022 122,685 TAKAMATSU CONSTRUCTION GROUP S6083135 800 12,260 12,417 BEACH ENERGY LTD S6088204 53,836 81,297 82,721 QAF S6091202 91,000 44,586 56,991 WATABE WEDDING COR S6096092 694 10,856 5,129 DAOU TECHNOLOGY S6113612 900 7,444 13,241 SINOLINK WORLDWIDE S6117391 80,000 22,115 7,122 VT HOLDINGS CO LTD S6127334 2,600 9,095 24,748 MARUKA MACHINERY S6128263 1,600 18,479 17,542 NTT DOCOMO S6129277 167 255,839 239,496 ARGO GRAPHICS S6133687 1,833 24,308 23,743 HOPEWELL HOLDINGS S6140290 50,653 135,896 217,294 MAC HOUSE CO LTD S6141710 1,400 10,588 10,784 DAEDUCK S6149394 1,330 15,905 21,927 YOUNGONE HOLDINGS CO LTD S6150493 864 23,644 48,180 BUNKA SHUTTER CO S6152466 7,000 29,215 32,464 HKR INTL LTD S6159672 43,200 17,869 22,071 CMK CORP S6160168 3,800 13,367 14,723 CALTEX AUSTRALIA S6161503 18,504 180,742 369,040

75 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) LIG NON-LIFE INSURANCE CO LTD S6162164 5,070 $ 105,602 $ 122,420 NEW W CHINA LAND S6163929 168,000 64,103 80,631 CANON INC S6172323 9,100 279,921 351,518 RELO HOLDINGS INC S6173906 7,100 91,749 264,408 KT&G CORPORATION S6175076 8,191 446,483 618,203 CORONA CORP S6183303 600 6,680 7,418 CENTRAL AUTOMOTIVE S6183927 2,000 10,860 12,676 CJ CORP S6189516 160 10,551 17,710 CHOFU SEISAKUSHO S6192774 12,500 227,909 275,979 I-CABLE COMMUNICATION S6193937 36,000 4,450 1,997 CHUBU SHIRYO CO S6195665 2,200 17,460 13,231 CHUBU STEEL PLATE S6195739 1,700 10,416 6,626 CHUDENKO CORP S6195869 7,300 102,273 67,795 CHUO SPRING CO S6196572 3,000 10,294 10,305 CHUANGS CONS INTL S6197401 364,000 38,660 46,493 KINGBOARD COPPER ORD S6201896 2,036 376 318 CLEANUP CORP S6203513 1,200 8,323 8,507 BOUSTEAD SINGAPORE S6207076 100,000 60,760 83,095 MACNICA INC S6207894 2,400 52,455 47,353 METRO HOLDINGS S6211237 250,598 154,891 169,254 COMP ENG & CONSULT S6215314 1,400 8,200 8,679 SUNEVISION HLDGS S6222217 340,000 27,733 69,747 JARDINE CYCLE & CARRIAGE S6242260 9,000 85,397 354,769 STAMFORD LAND S6242378 9,000 3,895 4,237 SATS LTD S6243586 116,910 106,943 276,602 BELL-PARK CO LTD S6245838 300 6,043 6,252 KDDI CORP S6248990 12,900 826,284 908,587 DAEGU DEPARTMENTS S6249294 11,690 120,792 167,066 DAEHAN FLOUR MILL S6249498 44 5,667 5,713 DAIHATSU DIESEL S6250337 6,000 31,890 17,695 DAIWA INDUSTRIES S6251772 2,000 20,522 11,195 DAIICHIKOSHO CO S6253132 15,400 131,066 357,816 HANWHA TIMEWORLD S6256636 670 13,242 12,266 VILLAGE ROADSHOW S6259538 3,587 15,581 14,971 DICKSON CONCEPT IN S6266851 57,000 41,525 30,225 AOI ELECTRONICS S6270960 400 5,912 6,245 FUJITSU BROAD SOLU S6289751 100 983 796 SIM LIAN GROUP S6292243 15,000 8,431 9,333 INFO SVC INTL DENT S6295974 700 6,191 6,784 HOLDINGS CORP S6296557 30 35,268 31,227 ELEC & ELTEK INTL S6298188 12,672 33,628 26,104 NEOWIZ CORPORATION S6332020 3,260 40,103 44,306 NUFARM S6335331 11,381 70,576 68,650 SHIDAX CORP S6338114 12,700 46,366 61,837 SOKEN CHEM & ENG S6338910 600 7,956 5,551 1ST PACIFIC CO S6339872 154,000 169,723 169,083 USEN CORP S6341220 37,250 27,813 52,559

1303-1051485 76 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) FLETCHER BUILDING S6341606 5,565 $ 31,610 $ 38,520 FUSO CHEMICAL CO S6347712 900 20,149 19,829 FOUNTAIN SET HLDGS S6349053 812,000 135,135 77,524 SOFT99 CORPORATION S6351854 1,400 9,136 8,468 FULLCAST HOLDINGS CO LTD S6352404 52 13,659 8,552 KOREA REAL ESTATE S6354488 47,911 46,827 59,073 FUJIMORI KOGYO CO S6355180 1,600 23,799 43,023 FUKUSHIMA INDS COR S6355210 1,000 10,584 20,714 FUJI KIKO CO LTD S6356503 10,000 40,940 30,533 FANUC CORP S6356934 8,090 590,171 1,489,537 FUJITSU S6356945 1,150 4,044 4,788 FUKUDA CORP S6356990 3,000 12,103 14,225 FUKUDA DENSHI CO S6357012 400 9,716 12,356 FUJITSU FRONTECH S6357261 1,100 8,180 5,827 FURUSATO INDUSTRIES S6357595 1,100 8,284 9,541 FUTABA INDUSTRIAL S6357744 4,600 32,531 19,791 D.A. CONSORTIUM INC S6359579 43 12,209 10,697 GLORIOUS SUN ENTER S6361756 14,000 3,226 4,082 BANGKOK BANK S6368360 84,100 183,919 537,481 GOLD PEAK INDS S6375735 1,000 137 101 GP BATTERIES INTL S6382467 3,323 3,464 2,646 GREAT EAGLE HLDGS S6387406 25,000 62,722 82,894 GREAT EAGLE HLDGS S6387406 26,000 81,040 86,210 AMUSE INC S6388238 700 9,412 13,496 GUOCO GROUP S6390363 48,544 273,638 582,464 NOMURA RESEARCH INSTITUTE S6390921 21,590 417,618 447,456 CYBERNET SYSTEMS S6397427 28 10,213 7,254 ARNEST ONE CORP S6405245 7,400 110,028 120,930 RESOLUTE MINING S6410636 102,521 206,003 174,557 HAW PAR CORP LTD S6415523 143,000 358,352 786,705 UNIVERSAL TECH HDG S6417778 580,000 38,172 37,041 HARUYAMA TRADING S6419815 5,800 53,204 33,540 NEXEN CORPORATION S6424121 905 44,328 65,852 FURSYS S6424659 14,306 262,018 339,418 AIR NEW ZEALAND S6426484 11,203 9,397 11,969 HINO MOTORS S6428305 14,000 109,611 125,160 H-ONE CO LTD S6428662 11,100 89,177 107,579 HIROSE ELECTRIC S6428725 6,500 634,130 773,550 HOKKAN HOLDINGS S6431109 26,000 69,282 73,671 HOKKAIDO COCA-COLA S6431314 2,000 9,702 9,183 HOKKAIDO GAS CO S6431347 2,000 5,960 5,436 HOKURIKU GAS CO S6433194 4,000 10,936 9,900 HONG KONG FERRY HD S6435833 9,000 7,859 8,720 HOYA CORP S6441506 35,770 775,528 699,556 MOISELLE INTL S6448552 48,000 17,421 9,847 GWANGJU SHINSEGAE S6453783 801 77,625 173,956 IMI CO LTD S6454623 800 14,872 13,869

77 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) ICL-ISRAEL CHEM S6455530 26,231 $ 271,310 $ 313,836 ICHIKOH INDUSTRIES S6456447 7,000 11,557 11,010 ICOM INCORPORATED S6458432 1,350 27,840 30,009 JACCS CO LTD S6468624 27,000 54,948 145,516 JAPAN AVIATN ELECT S6470351 6,000 49,994 44,203 JAPAN WOOL TEXTILE S6470704 41,000 256,497 266,489 JEONBUK BANK S6471796 8,550 37,992 33,463 JARDINE MATHESON HLDGS S6472119 8,500 273,950 527,000 K WAH INTL S6480082 537,000 249,255 258,425 AS ONE CORPORATION S6480929 11,000 195,448 229,249 KAMEI CORP S6482550 12,000 58,805 107,697 KANSAI PAINT CO S6483746 40,530 253,502 434,526 KASAI KOGYO CO LTD S6483962 14,000 65,791 65,252 KATO SANGYO CO S6484181 6,500 83,439 115,769 KAWASUMI LABS INC S6484857 7,400 47,234 43,819 YESCO CO. LTD S6485270 5,510 119,733 147,455 KONISHI CO LTD S6485861 2,600 21,963 44,654 KECK SENG INVT S6486682 40,000 17,421 20,540 KU HOLDINGS CO LTD S6487373 1,200 5,523 7,425 KOHSOKU CORP S6488592 600 4,997 5,191 KENKO MAYONNAISE S6489744 700 5,806 6,120 KEYENCE CORP S6490995 6,280 1,064,111 1,733,691 KAWASAKI KINKAI KI S6491802 6,000 25,955 15,405 KINGMAKER FOOTWEAR S6492098 10,000 2,053 1,445 KINKI SHARYO CO S6493002 8,000 32,248 26,739 SAN HLDGS (JAPAN) S6493972 600 10,715 8,535 KOREA EXCHANGE BK S6495042 800 5,594 5,694 KOLON CORP S6496539 3,540 81,444 58,362 ASUNARO AOKI CONST S6496603 12,000 60,019 76,470 KOMATSU SEIREN CO S6496614 15,000 58,666 68,351 HANWHA CORP S6496755 330 11,244 10,542 KOREA FLANGE CO S6498375 1,660 32,484 18,994 KOMATSU WALL IND S6498762 800 10,926 10,696 KYOWA LEATHER S6499505 6,800 28,499 21,155 K.R.S. CORP S6502663 3,600 33,472 37,930 LAI SUN DEVMT S6503655 3,332,000 40,809 131,116 KYUNGDONG CITY GAS S6504551 2,270 81,125 160,511 CHAMPION TECH HLDG S6523482 432,000 11,933 6,298 MARUBUN CORP S6526500 2,000 8,540 8,558 STUDIO ALICE S6528164 1,530 20,480 21,960 LIPPO LTD S6535045 33,000 11,918 15,413 VIZ BRANZ S6535302 14,000 7,844 8,023 LOTTE CONFECT S6535432 260 201,110 395,862 FAIRWOOD HOLDINGS S6543048 12,500 12,962 26,062 SIGMA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD S6552594 384,537 218,011 293,431 MAEZAWA KYUSO INDS S6554415 2,300 29,668 28,462 MAEZAWA KASEI IND S6559476 3,400 33,495 34,643

1303-1051485 78 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) MAEZAWA KASEI IND S6559476 12,800 $ 121,973 $ 130,420 MANDOM CORP S6560973 3,400 58,271 93,430 MEIWA ESTATE CO S6562388 1,500 7,256 8,258 MARUDAI FOOD CO S6569442 2,000 5,563 6,615 JK HOLDINGS S6570187 3,900 18,860 20,207 MARUZEN CO S6573498 2,000 11,898 14,110 MEITEC CORPORATION S6576356 287 3,642 6,300 MATSUMOTO YUSHI S6576419 6,900 89,913 145,637 MIKUNI COCA-COLA S6592147 9,100 78,125 85,880 MIMASU SEMICONDUCTOR S6594604 400 3,650 3,257 MISUMI GROUP INC S6595179 25,300 320,634 685,864 MITANI CORP S6596473 2,900 35,059 36,860 MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO LTD S6596729 36,520 553,124 865,431 MITSUI HIGH TEC S6597432 8,700 44,402 61,579 LEOPALACE 21 CORP S6598424 21,200 60,862 87,041 COMFORTDELGRO CORP LTD S6603737 452,800 491,340 659,831 MURAKAMI CORP S6610232 4,000 44,753 52,507 SCROLL CORP S6611718 8,100 30,043 24,076 NOJIMA CORP S6616876 4,962 41,987 30,014 CHEVALIER INTL HLD S6616984 8,000 9,738 10,982 NEC NETWORKS AND SYSTEM INTEGRATION CORPORATION S6619422 1,400 25,538 24,805 NAMURA SHIPBUILDNG S6621063 5,300 25,644 17,286 NAMYANG DAIRY PROD S6621201 160 55,145 140,784 NAGAILEBEN CO S6623326 12,400 122,486 164,349 NITTO KOHKI CO LTD S6625894 16,420 268,351 347,713 NITTO FC CO LTD S6630337 1,000 5,270 6,060 NEWCREST MINING LTD S6637101 30,510 798,412 702,562 NONG SHIM CO S6638115 1,404 260,295 356,057 NISHIO RENT ALL CO S6638320 5,481 31,236 76,385 NICHIBAN CO LTD S6638427 11,000 37,014 33,840 NICHIREKI CO LTD S6638687 11,289 46,026 65,934 JMS CO LTD S6640013 30,193 96,852 107,901 NIHON KAGAKU SANGY S6640024 5,000 32,631 30,648 NIPPO CORPORATION S6640789 12,000 94,106 165,154 NITTAN VALVE CO S6641726 2,400 9,284 7,772 NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO LTD S6641760 13,890 490,705 526,106 NIPPON ROAD CO LTD S6642462 12,000 18,133 55,791 NIS GROUP CO LTD S6646958 36,774 29,911 425 VEDAN INTL S6648998 8,000 616 526 NONGSHIM HOLDINGS S6650874 2,349 123,153 133,624 MISAWA HOMES CO S6652676 2,000 30,855 29,214 OSG CORPORATION CO S6655620 9,530 65,468 131,270 OBAYASHI ROAD CORP S6656441 54,000 138,516 233,574 OITA BANK S6657541 3,000 9,766 9,750 ONO PHARMACEUTICAL S6660107 12,100 526,901 617,140 AMOREPACIFIC GROUP S6665931 28 6,821 12,227 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL S6666202 4,000 19,680 21,835

79 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) PAN-UNITED CORP S6669814 23,000 $ 10,516 $ 14,593 SERIA CO LTD S6680718 3,800 10,717 60,341 FIRST JUKEN CO S6680989 1,100 7,894 12,124 NORSTAR FOUNDERS S6687139 160,000 29,860 15,069 TOKYU CONST S6689351 17,420 48,148 49,964 PACIFIC ANDES INTL S6691851 141,000 26,315 7,186 POONGSAN HOLDINGS S6694474 1,020 7,088 22,342 POPULAR HLDGS S6695206 50,000 6,222 9,619 CODAN LTD S6712611 8,954 12,216 22,403 ALPHA CORP S6744186 600 6,286 6,662 ROKKO BUTTER CO S6747497 1,000 5,689 6,766 YELLOW HAT LTD S6753591 8,800 77,710 133,224 SEIKAGAKU CORP S6763943 20,300 204,358 215,995 SMC CORP S6763965 7,400 735,538 1,331,683 SAMCHULLY S6771054 123 13,108 14,304 SAMSUNG ELECTRONIC S6773812 300 76,690 238,750 SUNCALL CORP S6775034 19,000 68,167 91,193 SANSHIN ELECTRONIC S6776361 4,700 29,545 31,582 SANSEI YUSOKI CO S6776383 8,480 30,506 37,268 SATO SHOJI CORP S6777665 900 5,819 6,068 SINDOH CO LTD S6782131 511 28,854 30,071 SECOM CO S6791591 25,800 999,540 1,293,506 SEIBU ELECTRIC IND S6792679 3,000 13,368 12,942 SEINO HOLDINGS S6793423 6,000 25,622 37,888 SENSHU ELECTRIC CO S6795612 3,200 44,991 35,936 SKILLED GROUP LTD S6799517 16,850 44,340 45,134 SAISON INFO SYSTEM S6800431 1,490 10,650 18,008 HUSTEEL CO S6802590 1,570 23,173 36,369 SHIN-ETSU CHEMICAL S6804585 5,650 265,678 341,751 SHIMANO INC S6804820 19,500 622,644 1,244,897 ILSHIN SPINNING S6804938 77 7,125 5,545 SHINSHO CORP S6804983 4,000 14,068 7,818 SHIN NIPPON AIR S6805920 6,500 34,269 36,234 SINGAPURA FINANCE S6811507 6,000 7,999 7,454 SING INV & FINANCE S6811864 5,000 6,133 5,649 SK KAKEN CO LTD S6826578 4,000 79,639 175,794 STARTS CORPORATION S6841913 2,000 12,267 15,521 SUMITOMO DENSETSU S6858689 12,200 60,203 132,350 SANKYO FRONTIER CO S6860394 4,000 19,159 27,757 PANASONIC INDUSTRIAL DEVICES SUNX CO., LTD. S6863081 1,400 5,838 5,424 STELUX HLDGS INTL S6864448 57,000 11,851 18,753 THK CO LTD S6869131 7,800 105,249 138,562 TACHI-S CO LTD S6869498 400 5,863 6,805 TACHIBANA ELETECH S6869777 1,600 14,339 12,953 TAI CHEUNG HLDGS S6869852 110,000 70,128 90,119 TAEKWANG IND CO S6870791 203 223,717 179,189 TAKIRON CO LTD S6870887 4,000 12,720 13,878

1303-1051485 80 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) TAYCA CORP S6880864 3,000 $ 9,413 $ 8,362 TELECOM CORP OF NZ S6881436 8,347 12,281 15,666 TBK CO LTD S6894100 4,000 17,528 21,280 TOKYO SEIMITSU CO S6894304 3,800 48,282 61,835 TOKAI CORP (GIFU) S6894359 5,700 109,415 142,788 YURTEC CORPORATION S6894672 2,000 8,171 7,009 TOSHIBA TEC CORP S6894887 8,000 39,355 40,433 TOPRE CORPORATION S6894928 2,300 21,348 20,908 TOKYU LAND CORP S6895084 4,000 23,508 28,960 TOMOKU S6896311 2,000 5,305 5,436 TORII PHARM CO LTD S6896894 500 10,873 11,103 TOTETSU KOGYO CO S6897444 8,000 54,198 109,270 T. HASEGAWA CO S6899268 26,380 305,037 343,842 T RAD CO LTD S6899923 12,000 36,161 31,227 TOLI CORP S6900342 3,000 5,877 6,384 TROY RESOURCES LTD S6905400 10,997 53,269 41,330 TRUSTPOWER LTD S6906287 475 3,154 3,307 TSUKISHIMA KIKAI S6906823 3,000 24,952 25,953 WING TAI PROPERTIES S6910073 10,000 3,399 6,515 WARABEYA NICHIYO S6961888 3,700 48,828 68,467 WING ON CO INT LTD S6972244 4,000 4,378 10,967 YACHIYO INDUSTRY S6984711 1,300 20,750 8,555 ASTELLAS PHARMA S6985383 20,100 635,023 900,798 YOMEISHU SEIZO CO S6986869 16,500 153,343 139,305 SK HOLDINGS CO LTD S6988371 1,669 91,735 279,057 ZOJIRUSHI CORP S6989556 9,000 14,079 28,520 MOTA ENGIL S7025471 36,110 63,051 74,601 OHB S7058228 2,060 36,756 41,146 SODEXHO S7062713 9,144 423,147 768,173 GPE BRUXELLES LAM S7097328 2,069 166,867 164,048 FRAPORT (FRANKFURT AIRPORT SERVICES) S7107551 2,200 74,386 127,433 KUDELSKI SA S7121250 2,824 28,488 29,402 NESTLE SA S7123870 16,159 594,598 1,052,140 MICRONAS SEMICONDUCTOR S7126341 5,721 53,878 51,813 BOSSARD HLDGS S7126794 600 33,749 87,835 AFG ARBONIA S7132735 776 18,477 19,583 VIANINI LAVORI S7148787 138 1,012 556 TESSI S7158678 1,285 106,474 134,142 DE LONGHI S7169517 7,080 21,353 101,930 BILLERUDKORSNAS S7240371 8,347 47,562 78,589 JUMBO SA S7243530 77,158 472,257 607,299 AAREAL BANK S7380062 8,125 152,537 168,286 WENDEL S7390113 2,897 211,513 297,035 WENDEL S7390113 3,657 118,796 374,959 KONTRON S7416763 27,634 122,218 149,884 SWISS LIFE HOLDINGS S7437805 393 45,366 52,122 LDC S7444203 382 42,986 41,287

81 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) VALIANT HOLDING S7517893 231 $ 20,249 $ 21,930 BQE CANT VAUDOISE S7520794 17 8,884 9,003 ADDNODE GROUP S7564327 4,257 19,163 23,885 PICANOL S7584660 603 13,107 14,755 HIGHLIGHT COMMUN S7649967 5,166 27,945 27,107 CEGID S7743728 4,647 106,623 93,737 VIRGIN AUSTRALIA EQUITY S8A3BQ1W 1,841 – – CONSTANTIN MEDIEN SB00PXG1 12,656 23,599 25,412 KISCO HOLDINGS CO LTD SB00YY32 197 11,424 6,956 AFRICAN MINERALS SB00Z305 18,000 86,738 92,970 KARDEX SB00ZC75 2,943 74,515 78,450 AZIMUT HLDG S.P.A SB019M65 8,367 61,710 119,687 HYUNDAI MARINE & FIR SB01LXY6 1,570 42,812 48,835 BIOMERIEUX SB01MJR4 1,050 81,302 99,671 LUEN THAI HLDGS SB01RLR3 220,000 27,553 33,209 RENEWABLE ENERGY CORPORATION SB01VHW2 93,306 27,047 17,939 BERKLEY GP HOLDINGS SB02L3W3 20,894 257,254 596,733 NEXITY SB037JC2 2,908 65,079 97,899 IPE GROUP LTD SB03DL02 150,000 17,335 11,999 EMMI SB03PQZ8 601 85,987 151,013 NEW GOLD INC SB043N83 35,900 362,194 395,977 SARAS RAFFINERIE SB04F679 80,332 102,535 104,851 KINROSS GOLD CORP SB04NVW3 27,180 280,752 264,190 PARROT SB04VST3 8,672 110,681 325,845 MAUREL ET PROM SB05DY78 6,867 104,772 114,798 EMPEROR INTL HLDGS SB05GWV7 64,750 7,169 17,877 EMPEROR ENTERTAINMENT HOTEL LTD SB05H3J5 185,000 18,369 45,111 TOELL CO. LTD SB05MXL2 900 5,748 4,622 DRYSHIPS INC SB0647S2 40 3,433 63 ALPHA NAT RES INC SB066NX5 6,010 183,051 58,537 AFREN SB067275 2,518 5,404 5,366 AFREN SB067275 206,100 348,247 439,205 TRANSAT AT INC SB06CMB4 100 1,978 591 EXOR SPA SB06HZC1 7,300 234,033 182,862 GURUNAVI INC SB06WPV5 2,600 29,728 26,642 NESTE OIL SB06YV46 15,992 194,222 205,989 RECORDATI SB07DRZ5 8,800 58,446 80,169 ADV DIGITAL BROADC SB07KVQ5 906 38,655 12,719 SILVER CHEF LTD SB07YHR0 5,673 23,003 33,925 LIVERMORE GROUP SB08N4M0 639 563 218 PLASTIC OMNIUM SB08V9H4 4,052 109,049 121,721 JINHUI HLDGS CO SB095BB3 35,000 12,935 6,773 SEADRILL LTD SB09RMQ1 14,800 349,869 540,648 ADR TRINITY BIOTECH PLC SPONSORED SB09WQ53 7,927 93,711 114,307 PARGESA HLDGS SA SB0CDLF8 16,268 891,443 1,113,443 BERENDSEN SB0F9971 31,779 213,083 308,133 DAESANG HOLDINGS C SB0H1MC1 36,630 109,793 218,978

1303-1051485 82 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) CREATE RESTAURANTS HOLDINGS INC SB0J2LC5 1,600 $ 11,491 $ 32,235 WESTJET AIRLINES SB0JVL77 1,200 18,316 23,790 888 HOLDINGS SB0L4LM9 92,599 96,737 179,495 STEALTHGAS INC SB0LX494 8,448 54,180 66,993 SAFILO POST RAGGR SB0N64J1 2,630 21,286 23,110 WESTN REFNG INC SB0WHXR6 13,500 217,326 380,565 QINETIQ GROUP SB0WMWD0 70,600 140,850 210,585 DEUTSCHE WOHNEN SB0YZ0Z5 38,983 388,414 719,533 KYORIN HOLDINGS INC SB0YZFP0 300 6,397 5,815 ALPEN CO LTD SB0ZGMK6 900 14,020 15,801 IMPLENIA SB10DQJ6 2,511 78,141 109,454 GREEN PLAINS RENEWABLE ENERGY INC SB11FJD6 3,300 43,673 26,103 PATRIZIA IMMO SB11Y3K8 18,086 120,979 154,036 LEGRAND SA SB11ZRK9 30 – 1,261 LEGRAND SA SB11ZRK9 3,693 112,484 155,195 HUSQVARNA SB12PJ24 2,246 13,387 13,530 ADITYA BIRLA MINER SB12TY10 95,122 115,342 47,403 SAVILLS SB135BJ4 8,000 38,518 60,859 SING HOLDINGS LTD SB138S25 30,000 8,363 10,315 JM SB142FZ8 4,838 94,919 86,267 KUEHNE&NAGEL INTL SB142S60 1,040 61,945 124,980 SNS REAAL GROEP SB14SR61 23,593 68,103 32,038 TOTAL SB15C557 13,697 669,063 704,447 THAI BEVERAGE PLC SB15F664 2,408,080 277,776 778,708 COMPUTACENTER SB164905 14,278 32,179 97,942 HORIZON NORTH SB16TCX4 13,500 60,852 93,146 DART GROUP SB1722W1 78,515 78,889 160,809 HEURTEY PETROCHEM SB17FR58 17 527 634 COLTENE HOLDING SB17N6G6 560 16,793 18,812 AURELIUS SB17NLM7 2,271 88,547 119,763 CANFOR CORP SB18P4F6 5,900 80,651 98,244 EMECO HOLD LIMITED SB1978V5 24,360 23,835 15,427 HOME RETAIL GROUP SB19NKB7 3,366 5,294 6,932 WULING SB1BQJ84 10,000 1,441 684 HOGG ROBINSON GROUP PLC SB1CM8S4 38,969 15,877 32,622 MONDI PLC GBP SB1CRLC4 40,516 268,090 440,924 NOMURA RL EST INC SB1CWJM5 2,800 51,907 53,043 YAMAGUCHI FINANCIAL SB1DGKS9 20 288 176 CROPENERGIES SB1FHFF2 3,475 22,418 23,686 FIBERWEB PLC SB1FMH06 101,382 124,300 113,710 BUKIT SEMBAWNG EST SB1FMSL4 10,000 37,472 55,014 HITACHI ZOSEN FUKU SB1G61K5 2,400 27,927 22,150 NIFTY CORPORATION SB1GHR55 72 71,103 112,499 LES NOUV CONSTRUCT SB1GN2V4 1,616 20,095 13,891 A-TEC INDUSTRIES SB1HPFB0 598 10,360 662 RANK GROUP PLC SB1L5QH9 2,449 5,512 5,768 SUNVIC CHEMICAL SB1MG132 39,000 10,805 13,889

83 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) ARTNATURE INC SB1N2ZG0 700 $ 10,239 $ 10,549 TS TECH CO. LTD. SB1P1JR4 2,400 43,621 42,829 GEM DIAMONDS SB1P8H48 53,146 182,120 124,400 TETRAGON FINANCIAL SB1RMC54 6,363 50,053 61,530 SKY PERFECT JSAT HOLDINGS INC SB1TK234 56 26,484 23,283 HILTON FOOD GROUP SB1V9NW5 3,414 9,746 15,261 XCHANGING PLC SB1VK7X7 64,750 107,724 131,564 SERVIZI ITALIA SB1VMLV9 7,978 46,216 33,953 DRAX GROUP SB1VNSX3 46,797 350,268 414,193 NUFLARE TECHNOLOGY SB1VPXZ6 12 18,796 72,723 ORKLA SB1VQF42 50,343 355,355 438,729 GENTING MALAYSIA SB1VXKN7 415,270 360,080 482,083 PACIFIC TEXTILES H SB1WMLF2 11,000 6,451 9,878 CSI PROPERTIES LTD SB1WSH52 3,800,000 106,365 154,435 ANDRITZ SB1WVF68 400 16,410 25,598 ANGLO AMERICAN SB1XZS82 9,374 189,380 288,597 CRCAM BRIE PICARD SB1YGZL6 806 21,934 20,084 INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL FINANCE PLC SB1YKG04 8,651 29,792 52,452 CONCHO RES INC SB1YWRK7 6,200 303,857 499,472 DAETWYLER HLDG SB1Z4WD0 183 13,877 17,263 POLO RES LTD SB249200 427,906 33,606 17,215 OPHIR ENERGY PLC SB24CT19 16,900 114,449 138,591 ADR FLY LEASING LTD SB282GD6 11,280 146,962 138,970 CHANGTIAN PLASTIC SB28BYX9 1,000 159 45 STRABAG SE SB28DT41 11,050 314,299 297,558 HAMBURGER HAFEN SB28SK09 15,643 501,876 367,515 TYMAN PLC SB29H425 45,469 60,817 113,821 VIETNAM MANUFACTUR SB29QH89 54,000 14,686 5,365 PARAGON GRP OF COS SB2NGPM5 10,775 26,253 44,855 VALIANT PETROLEUM GBP0.02555556 SB2NJD64 988 7,251 6,468 IT HOLDINGS CORP SB2Q4CR0 4,700 61,895 56,586 MS&AD INSURANCE GROUP HOLDINGS, INC. SB2Q4CS1 44,344 937,148 874,418 AJU CAPITAL CO LTD SB2Q89T3 2,604 11,191 9,754 TRINIDAD DRILLING SB2QFWR3 10,300 70,082 71,170 SCHULER SB3B2867 1,496 32,174 38,312 BODYCOTE PLC SB3FLWH9 11,170 69,300 82,232 GAMECARD-JOYCO HOLDINGS INC SB3NNBT2 5,200 80,640 83,414 MOSAIC CO SB3NPHP6 4,700 304,841 266,161 GENWORTH MI CANADA SB3NWJQ2 1,000 21,030 22,688 DRAEGERWERK SB3P3LW3 495 43,958 37,199 MECOM GROUP SB3P9187 7,345 9,582 8,895 PARKLAND FUEL CORP SB3SQRQ5 5,104 92,941 97,036 KAWADA TECHNOLOGIE SB3V2W32 2,800 50,982 41,450 KINROSS GOLD CORP SB3WC1L2 1,397 1,945 414 STRAD ENERGY SVCS SB3WP166 1,800 8,278 7,213 UKC HOLDINGS CORP SB3ZGHJ1 700 8,547 13,892 NORTHGATE SB41H739 35,253 134,897 177,498

1303-1051485 84 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON STOCK AND OTHER EQUITIES (continued) VIRGIN AUSTRALIA HOLDINGS LTD SB43DQC7 1,841 $ 824 $ 803 NISSIN SUGAR CO LTD SB44QDD5 4,272 98,008 82,510 CHINA GAOXIAN FIBR SB4MVFK3 461,000 62,956 71,707 ENSCO PLC SB4VLR19 8,700 450,856 515,736 MERTIZ FINANCIAL GROUP SB4WRJD2 60,508 182,609 222,968 S&C ENGINE GROUP SB4XQC28 4,959 18,436 11,140 AUTONEUM HLDG SB4YCYX0 1,732 93,303 83,918 PRIMERO MNG CORP SB4Z8FV2 21,282 81,298 136,793 HOCK LIAN SENG HLD SB530982 160,000 37,000 32,747 HYUNDAY COMMUNICATIONS & NETWORK CO LTD SB56MGL7 22,790 61,132 90,898 CLOUD PEAK ENERGY INC SB57LN89 7,200 142,526 139,176 CENOVUS ENERGY INC SB5BQMT4 15,261 378,417 511,854 WEATHERFORD INTL LTD SB5KL6S7 18,400 377,561 205,896 SANOYAS HOLDINGS CORP SB5NR477 13,800 48,391 25,696 STX OSV HLDGS LTD SB5VJ0F5 104,000 133,187 110,684 HOLLYFRONTIERCORP SB5VX1H6 9,400 155,481 437,570 VITAL KSK HOLDINGS SB60DQY6 7,700 75,880 70,797 NKSJ HOLDINGS INC SB62G7K6 45,180 1,083,178 958,831 ENQUEST PLC SB635TG2 103,026 197,009 200,963 TOMONY HOLDINGS IN SB6391L3 24,130 140,278 106,048 TERA PROBE INC SB63R485 2,900 66,456 20,090 CALLINAN ROYALTIES SB641QM4 4,303 12,867 9,594 COSTAIN GROUP SB64NSP7 6,186 22,241 25,541 PENN WEST PETROLEUM LTD SB64P7L2 46,878 805,845 509,095 NOBLE CORPORATION SB65Z9D7 9,000 339,004 313,380 K BRO LINEN INC SB6624T8 713 13,354 20,666 CHORUS AVIATION INC SB67M3Q7 1,516 4,505 5,877 ALTUS GROUP LTD SB67M8D9 5,893 53,438 48,886 COLLINS FOOD LTD SB6QCFP1 4,662 5,545 6,365 CHINA BILLION RESOURCES LTD SB7327X3 224,960 60,484 2,525 CAIRN ENERGY PLC SB74CDH8 32,057 151,824 137,984 OPUS GROUP LTD SB7N4KT6 361 – 150 DIAMONDBACK ENERGY INC SB7Y8YR3 3,700 64,742 70,744 MICRO FOCUS INTL SB83XCK5 11,777 88,848 111,415 CATALYST PAPER CORP SB87W974 10,636 162,943 5,318 RYKADAN CAPITAL LT SB8DQKD3 4,865 1,568 960

363,650,825 409,427,984

85 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

COMMON/COLLECTIVE TRUSTS MFB NT COLLECTIVE S&P 400 INDEX FUND – NON-LENDING C658991328 31,632 $ 22,389,447 $ 32,333,691 MFB NT COLLECTIVE S&P 500 INDEX FUND − NON-LENDING C658991310 21,221 95,062,049 93,331,796 MFB NT COLLECTIVE RUSSELL 3000 INDEX FUND – NON-LENDING C003999414 1,546,696 28,002,374 29,305,252 MFB NT COLLECTIVE RUSSELL 2000 INDEX FUND – NON-LENDING C003999315 277,556 3,375,619 5,524,192 MFB NT COLLECTIVE EAFE INDEX FUND− NON-LENDING C658991526 29,993 6,211,359 6,583,074 CF JPMCB SPECIAL SITUATION PROPERTY FUND C99089IXB7 13,258 16,800,374 18,831,931 CF JPMCB STRATEGIC PROPERTY FUND C99089IWA0 16,159 25,884,234 30,332,761

197,725,456 216,242,697

MUTUAL FUNDS MFO ARTISAN EMERGING MARKETS − INS C04314H865 4,731,249 62,707,777 62,830,993 MFO DFA EMERGING MARKETS VALUE C233203587 2,186,114 58,119,940 65,233,647 MFO GMO TR GLOBAL ASSET ALLOC FD III C362007171 4,855,738 47,065,601 51,616,494 MFO PAYDEN & RYGEL INVT GROUP PAYDEN EMERGING MARKETS C704329242 5,952,363 85,096,233 91,964,014 MFO PIMCO FUNDS FOREIGN BOND FUND SB013245 6,820,837 68,100,965 74,278,917 MFO TEMPLETON GLOBAL INVT TR FRONTIER MARKETS FUND C88019R641 1,460,268 20,328,145 23,422,693 MFC SPDR GOLD TR GOLD SHS SB046RT1 1,900 232,493 307,819 MFC SPDR GOLD TR GOLD SHS SB046RT1 28,017 2,432,251 4,539,034

344,083,405 374,193,611

1303-1051485 86 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

REITS – PUBLICLY TRADED ALEXANDRIA REAL ESTATE EQUITIES INC S2009210 12,900 $ 838,374 $ 894,228 AMERICAN CAMPUS CMNTYS INC SB02H871 11,275 500,209 520,115 APARTMENT INVT & MGMT CO S2057059 13,025 327,535 352,456 ARTIS REAL ESTATE TRUST UNITS SB0XZXV3 24,800 396,254 389,547 ATRIUM SB3DCF75 14,422 76,115 84,612 AVALONBAY CMNTYS S2131179 6,149 699,439 833,743 BOARDWALK R/EST IN TRUST UNITS SB011205 5,325 350,790 345,106 BRE PPTYS INC S2075426 2,200 110,240 111,826 BRITISH LAND CO S0136701 56,613 458,882 517,177 BSTN PPTYS INC S2019479 11,100 940,969 1,174,491 CAMDEN PPTY TR SH BEN INT S2166320 8,575 535,816 584,901 CAPITAMALL TRUST S6420129 233,343 335,368 406,894 CASTELLUM SB0XP0T0 15,892 197,008 225,477 CDL HOSPITALITY SB192HG8 79,300 130,108 122,050 CDN REAL EST INV T TRUST UNITS S2173052 11,525 388,497 501,882 CENTRO RETAIL SB778BF7 147,600 302,251 347,851 CFS RETAILS PROPERTY TRUST GROUP S6361370 97,450 181,707 193,746 CORESITE RLTY CORP SB3T3VV8 5,450 114,723 150,747 CORIO S4929286 3,545 214,097 160,379 COUSINS PPTYS INC S2229922 22,000 178,719 183,700 DCT INDL TR INC SB1L5PD8 40,575 258,048 263,332 DERWENT LONDON S0265274 10,091 255,867 345,446 DEUTSCHE WOHNEN SB0YZ0Z5 11,351 189,530 209,512 DEXUS PROPERTY SB033YN6 367,100 347,024 386,840 DIC ASSET S7586707 15,862 134,504 152,786 DOUGLAS EMMETT INC SB1G3M58 9,800 232,690 228,340 EPR PPTYS SB8XXZP1 7,050 312,914 325,076 EQTY 1 INC S2246329 24,350 460,516 511,594 EQTY RESDNT S2319157 21,225 1,136,410 1,202,821 ESSEX PPTY S2316619 2,025 245,241 296,966 EUROCOMMERCIAL S4798271 6,200 256,675 246,367 EXTRA SPACE STORAGE INC SB02HWR9 9,600 256,820 349,344 FABEGE SB1Y4VX4 11,725 110,888 118,504 FASTIGHETS SB0LC9F2 17,611 78,442 100,975 FEDERAL RLTY INVT TR SH BEN INT S2333931 9,775 978,705 1,016,796 FONCIERE DES S7745638 3,729 309,595 311,203 FRASERS CENTREPOINT TRUST SB17NZ47 89,900 105,018 147,196 GAGFAH SA SB1FYW63 7,194 63,175 84,043 GECINA S7742468 1,349 123,041 150,996 GENERAL GROWTH PPTYS INC SB56VLR5 23,300 415,288 462,505 GLOBAL LOGISTIC SB4KJWS6 221,514 328,976 504,142 GLP J SB8RBZV7 116 85,180 88,813 GOODMAN GROUP SB03FYZ4 32,085 109,944 144,235 GPT GROUP S6365866 33,800 108,970 129,135 GREAT PORTLAND ESTATES SB01FLL1 36,617 208,998 291,117 GSW IMMOBILIEN SB3RQZG2 3,599 124,615 151,837 HAMMERSON S0406501 49,484 331,729 392,770

87 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

REITS – PUBLICLY TRADED (continued) HANG LUNG PROPERTIES S6030506 70,300 $ 233,390 $ 279,355 HCP INC S2417578 23,390 922,266 1,056,760 HEALTH CARE S2440961 15,719 792,578 963,418 HONGKONG LAND HLD S6434915 93,165 565,339 651,223 HOST HOTELS & RESORTS INC S2567503 8,105 119,451 127,005 HUFVUDSTADEN S4449137 15,178 169,317 191,199 HYATT HOTELS CORP SB5B82X4 7,300 273,162 281,561 HYSAN DEVELOPMENT S6449629 60,636 212,152 291,412 ICADE S4554406 1,625 167,058 143,369 IMMOFINANZ SB3QZFF9 44,240 – – INTU PROPERTIES PLC S0683434 19,967 94,596 113,662 JAPAN PRIME REALTY S6528175 62 158,662 178,690 JAPAN REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO S6397580 57 507,879 560,342 JAPAN RETAIL FUND S6513342 136 195,519 249,460 KENEDIX REALTY INV SB0C5Q59 25 71,844 87,029 KILLAM PROPERTIES SB1XYB68 50,725 416,463 636,291 KILROY RLTY CORP S2495529 8,150 316,919 386,066 KLEPIERRE S7582556 7,436 240,861 294,305 LAND SECURITIES GP S3180943 49,244 603,389 651,175 LASALLE HOTEL PPTYS S2240161 37,650 1,013,075 955,934 LIBERTY PPTY TR SH BEN INT S2513681 13,800 490,832 493,626 LINK R/EST INVEST SB0PB4M7 121,300 394,056 605,651 MIRVAC GROUP STAPLED SECURITIES S6161978 57,500 81,551 88,649 NATIONAL HEALTH INVS INC S2626125 2,700 144,605 152,631 NATIONAL RETAIL PPTYS INC S2211811 6,200 168,533 193,440 NIPPON ACCOMMODATI SB182BB2 20 145,371 138,784 NIPPON BUILDING FD S6396800 65 673,311 671,312 NORWEGIAN PROPERTY SB15KGC5 81,174 144,029 123,980 PEBBLEBROOK HOTEL TR SB4XBDV9 11,400 256,902 263,340 PENNSYLVANIA REAL ESTATE INVT S2680767 21,550 344,217 380,142 PIEDMONT OFFICE REALTY TRU-A SB3M3278 22,925 404,989 413,796 PROLOGIS INC SB44WZD7 32,700 1,071,319 1,193,223 PSP SWISS PROPERTY SB012877 3,768 293,374 356,279 PUB STORAGE S2852533 7,654 731,220 1,109,524 REGENCY CTRS CORP S2726177 12,250 600,905 577,220 RIOCAN REAL ESTATE TRUST UNITS S2229610 27,400 542,199 758,405 SEGRO PLC SB5ZN1N8 52,284 224,519 209,580 SHAFTESBURY S0799096 32,241 259,543 294,532 SIMON PROPERTY GROUP INC S2812452 19,131 2,115,950 3,024,420 SL GREEN RLTY CORP S2096847 3,250 248,174 249,113 STRATEGIC HOTELS & RESORTS INC S2438654 24,075 145,851 154,080 SUNTEC REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST SB04PZ72 116,600 142,320 159,889 SWIRE PROPERTIES LTD SB67C2G0 91,100 268,910 303,829 SWISS PRIME SITE SB083BH4 3,508 285,617 292,605 T IMMOBILIEN S5735631 6,299 51,735 78,852 TAUBMAN CTRS INC S2872252 11,750 713,308 924,960 TOKYU S6687203 15 73,935 81,623

1303-1051485 88 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

REITS – PUBLICLY TRADED (continued) UDR INC S2727910 17,650 $ 436,965 $ 419,717 UNIBAIL-RODAMCO SE S7076242 5,373 974,714 1,288,891 UNITE GROUP S0692861 21,892 70,903 98,323 UNITED URBAN INVES S6723839 84 93,245 96,372 VENTAS INC S2927925 25,975 1,507,091 1,681,102 VORNADO RLTY TR S2933632 7,769 606,398 622,142 WESTFIELD GROUP SB01BTX7 122,379 1,237,705 1,341,689 WESTFIELD RETAIL SB624885 202,328 555,456 634,372 WIHLBORGS FAST SB156XW2 7,585 104,201 118,343

38,523,777 44,406,311

89 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

PRIVATE EQUITY ASIA OPPORTUNITY FUND II, LP C000384438 2,779,302 $ 2,779,302 $ 3,521,691 AUDAX MEZZANINE FUND III LP C9916Q6999 1,196,433 1,196,433 1,156,869 BLACKSTONE/GSO CAPITAL SOLUTIONS FUND C9914VN991 5,907,344 5,907,344 6,500,649 CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE EQUITY FUND VI C991APS993 1,256,616 1,256,616 1,130,492 CAPITAL ROYALTY PARALLEL I, LP C000351460 3,282,099 3,282,099 2,621,009 CENTERBRIDGE CAPITAL PARTNERS II C9917A3991 1,208,791 1,208,791 1,314,251 CF BRIDGEWATER ALL WEATHER PORTFOLIO CIKL993125 99,765 100,000,000 102,410,795 CF NEUBERGER BERMAN GTAA PENSION C437995848 29,053 29,053,080 27,751,220 CF SHENKMAN CREDOS C919999052 72,770 7,844,750 8,784,146 CF SSARIS MULTI MANGER ABSOLUTE RETURN LLC C175991546 35,000 35,000,000 35,066,871 CF SSGA QSI INDEX LLC (CMMD) FD C130997257 11,774,676 118,005,136 120,301,868 CHARLESBANK EQUITY FUND VII C9912NB990 4,045,318 4,045,318 4,286,085 CHEQUERS CAPITAL XVI, LP C9919J7999 579,500 764,681 357,549 CLEARWATER FUND III FEEDER FUND, LP C000471532 6,460,088 6,460,088 9,271,020 DLJ PRIVATE EQUITY PARTNERS II LP C000108357 4,871,695 4,871,695 3,134,535 DRA GROWTH & INCOME FUND VII C9919Z0996 4,287,153 4,287,153 4,303,299 EIF UNITED STATES POWER FUND IV LP C991ACL992 1,038,753 1,038,753 766,532 ENCAP ENERGY CAPITAL FUND VIII-B, L.P. C9916N1993 1,112,109 1,112,109 1,197,753 ENERGY CAPITAL PARTNERS I, LP C000429217 2,959,114 2,959,114 2,917,723 ENERGY CAPITAL PARTNERS II-B C991330994 2,244,235 2,244,235 2,628,874 ENERGY VENTURES IV LP C9917ZS999 727,041 727,041 593,391 EUROPEAN STRATEGIC PARTNERS 2004 A, LP S530524U 11,291,231 15,425,464 13,480,309 EUROPEAN STRATEGIC PARTNERS 2008 'A' S3A15F8U 2,239,640 3,073,912 3,062,656 EXETER INDUSTRIAL VALUE FUND II LP C991DC3996 4,938,133 4,938,133 5,003,929 FIRST RESERVE FUND XI, LP C000450221 9,047,830 9,047,830 8,460,127 FOURTH CINVEN FUND S630749U 6,358,617 8,632,645 7,789,005 FPA APARTMENT OPPORTUNITY FUND, LP C991APQ997 5,698,868 5,698,868 6,531,181 GBOF IV CV INVESTORS LP C9916WX993 532,013 731,225 643,697 GEM REALTY FUND IV, LP C9914PT995 5,221,875 5,221,875 5,772,797 GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERS II-B FEEDER FUND C991DXK995 715,195 715,195 750,450 GS PRIVATE EQUITY PARTNERS 2000 - DIRECT INVESTMENT FUND, LP C000124941 1,233,086 1,233,086 505,855 GS PRIVATE EQUITY PTRS 2000 MGR C000117838 3,297,222 3,297,222 1,295,978 GTI 9 INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS COMPANY LIMITED C9916JF997 4,144,479 4,144,479 4,898,237 GTIS BRAZIL REAL ESTATE FUND II (CAYMAN) LP C9918WN991 1,004,335 1,004,335 768,129 HANCOCK CAPITAL PARTNERS V, LLC C991FF0994 190,946 190,946 168,128 HITEC VISION VI LP C991ASF998 407,757 407,757 313,071 HONY CAPITAL FUND V C991AZQ996 463,372 463,372 383,328 INSTITUTIONAL VENTURE PARTNERS XIII C9915C5998 3,542,696 3,542,696 4,199,864 JLL PARTNER FUND V LP C000391979 3,074,806 3,074,806 4,682,699 JLL PARTNERS FUND VI LP C000607986 4,702,601 4,702,601 2,686,062 JMI EQUITY FUND VII C9916M8999 2,244,600 2,244,600 2,055,741 KHOSLA VENTURES IV C9918VA990 976,407 976,407 1,133,579 KHOSLA VENTURES SEED B, LP C991EEK994 320,000 320,000 284,408 KPS SPECIAL SITUATIONS FUND III (SUPPLEMENTAL) C9911LE998 5,412,147 5,412,147 5,926,045 KSL CAPITAL PARTNERS III TE, LP C9917PX999 2,075,640 2,075,640 1,987,201 LANDMARK REAL ESTATE PARTNERS VI LP C9913LK990 8,914,369 8,914,369 15,245,603 MERIT ENERGY PARTNERS H C9917M2990 1,253,754 1,253,754 1,300,322

1303-1051485 90 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Number Current Description CUSIP of Shares Cost Value

PRIVATE EQUITY (continued) MSOUTH EQUITY PARTNERS II, LP C991CP5999 1,201,871 $ 1,201,871 $ 1,164,901 NEWSTONE CAPITAL PARTNERS II, LP C9917BL990 1,109,163 1,109,163 1,094,532 NORTHSTAR MEZZANINE PARTNERS IV, LP C000393702 4,846,129 4,846,129 5,389,149 NORTHSTAR MEZZANINE PARTNERS V, LP C000527937 7,026,566 7,026,566 6,224,691 OAKTREE OPPORTUNITIES FUND VIII (CAYMAN) C9914JN995 2,250,000 2,250,000 2,758,660 OAKTREE OPPORTUNITIES FUND VIIIB (CAYMAN) LTD C991ACY994 1,875,000 1,875,000 1,980,041 OCM OPPORTUNITIES FUND VII B, LP C000575738 15,867 15,867 3,969,004 ONCAP (US) II -A, LP C682309A90 4,246,722 4,036,823 7,487,356 ONCAP III C9918SS995 827,073 826,178 804,792 ONEX PARTNERS II, LP C000447862 3,039,216 3,039,216 3,525,349 OPPENHEIMER GLOBAL RESOURCES PRIVATE EQUITY OFFSHORE FUND I C9951PP995 14,143,827 14,143,827 10,537,216 PACIFIC ROAD RESOURCES FUND II LP C9919G2993 922,608 922,608 346,807 PAG ASIA I FEEDER FUND LP C991AB0999 959,685 959,685 982,851 PATRIA - BRAZILIAN PRIVATE EQUITY FUND IV LP C9919EC993 280,958 280,958 218,849 PAUL CAPITAL HEALTHCARE III, LP C000544478 2,308,324 2,308,324 934,308 PAUL CAPITAL PARTNERS FUND VIII-A, LP C000319723 11,290,193 11,290,193 8,145,278 PAUL CAPITAL PARTNERS IX INTL LP C000495556 5,213,619 5,213,619 4,874,927 PIMCO DISTRESSED MORTGAGE FUND C000527242 1 1 2,635 QUINTANA ENERGY PARTNERS II-TE, LP C991520990 1,737,009 1,737,009 1,984,271 RESOURCE CAPITAL FUND V C991358995 3,515,147 3,515,147 3,118,836 RESOURCE LAND FUND IV C9915QH997 2,801,334 2,801,334 2,788,360 RIVER VI PARALLEL LP C991AKW999 1,034,445 1,034,445 1,115,628 RIVERSIDE EUROPE FUND IV C9914SZ998 2,332,002 3,122,342 3,349,392 RIVERSIDE FUND IV C991282997 3,694,257 3,694,257 3,603,733 RIVERSIDE MICRO-CAP FUND I LP C000411041 6,371,958 6,371,958 12,511,489 ROYAL OPPORTUNITIES FEEDER S.A. C991957994 768,519 768,519 830,856 SOUTHERN CROSS LATIN AMERICA PRIVATE EQUITY FUND IV C991FKN998 2,443,905 2,443,905 2,340,103 TEAYS RIVER INVESTMENTS LLC C9914W1998 4,999,993 4,999,993 5,094,862 THIRD ROCK VENTURES II, LP C9915B1998 1,890,000 1,890,000 1,915,256 TRUE NORTH HIGH YIELD INVESTMENT FUND II, LLC C9915BP995 6,213,689 6,213,689 6,333,891 VEPF IV AIV III LP C991CZU993 215,078 215,078 215,186 VEPF IV AIV IV (CAYMAN) C991DW3994 8,076 8,076 65,731 VERITAS CAPITAL FUND IV C9915P3999 2,707,562 2,707,562 3,517,814 VISTA EQUITY PARTNERS FUND IV, LP C9919F3992 680,365 680,365 601,799 VONTOBEL INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND C9917M4996 60,000,000 60,000,000 71,513,333 WAUD CAPITAL PARTNERS FIF III C9917HE990 1,295,448 1,295,448 1,998,881 WHITE DEER ENERGY TE, L.P. C991450990 1,953,663 1,953,663 4,461,869 YUCAIPA CORPORATE INITIATIVES (PARALLEL) FUND II, LP C000579037 7,874,337 7,874,337 4,980,174

605,460,257 632,127,833

91 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Face Interest Maturity Current Description CUSIP Value Rate Date Cost Value

DERIVATIVES CASH COLLATERAL RECEIVABLE CCGSCCUS0$ 14,000 12/31/2050$ 14,000 $ 14,000 CASH COLLATERAL RECEIVABLE CCDEUCUS4 15,000 12/31/2050 15,000 15,000 CREDIT DEFAULT SWAP SWPC667G6 900,000 1.00% 06/20/2015 – 9,085 CREDIT DEFAULT SWAP SWPC673L7 700,000 1.00% 06/20/2016 – 12,156 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU004A08 1,500,000 1.90% 09/01/2016 1,622 103 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU002JF0 900,000 01/04/2018 397 127 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU002JF0 2,100,000 01/04/2018 – 295 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GK8 100,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 – 333 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GK8 100,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 – 333 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GK8 100,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 234 333 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GK8 200,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 40 666 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GK8 200,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 564 666 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GF9 300,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 330 999 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GK8 300,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 1,060 999 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GK8 400,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 – 1,332 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU036VE7 100,000 2.50% 07/15/2022 840 2,078 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU036VE7 100,000 2.50% 07/15/2022 1,750 2,078 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU002JE3 1,000,000 01/04/2018 2,403 2,102 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU012FR7 1,723,210 8.30% 01/02/2017 2,752 2,296 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU002JK9 1,600,000 01/04/2018 4,000 3,363 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU0830U7 700,000 06/20/2042 8,750 3,919 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GF9 1,200,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 – 3,996 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU036VE7 200,000 2.50% 07/15/2022 3,600 4,157 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU036VE7 200,000 2.50% 07/15/2022 2,860 4,157 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU036VD9 200,000 2.50% 07/15/2022 1,660 4,157 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU036VD9 200,000 2.50% 07/15/2022 4,540 4,157 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GF9 1,300,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 3,009 4,329 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU003Z52 500,000 2.00% 07/25/2016 1,406 4,603 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU023GK8 1,700,000 2.25% 07/15/2017 3,315 5,661 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU000T30 100,000 12/19/2042 – 6,122 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU000T30 100,000 12/19/2042 5,014 6,122 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU036VE7 300,000 2.50% 07/15/2022 4,392 6,235 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU002JE3 3,200,000 01/04/2018 8,320 6,725 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU0640U7 200,000 06/20/2022 – 9,478 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU000T30 200,000 12/19/2042 – 12,245 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU001XV1 1,500,000 11/16/2014 16,575 16,418 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU000T30 300,000 12/19/2042 11,550 18,367 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU000T30 600,000 12/19/2042 27,450 36,734 INTEREST RATE SWAP SWU0ABJJ1 3,357,646 8.83% 01/02/2015 25,094 50,989 PUT SWAP OPTION 317U994C4 500,000 3.88% 04/14/2014 25,425 8,523

197,952 285,438

1303-1051485 92 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(i) – Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) (continued)

December 31, 2012

Current Description CUSIP Cost Value



TOTAL INVESTMENTS $ 2,392,695,626

* In default ** Investment with a party in interest

93 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule H, Line 4(j) – Schedule of Reportable Transactions

Year Ended December 31, 2012

(h) (b) Current Value (a) Description of Asset (c) (d) (g) of Asset on (i) Identity of (Including Interest Rate and Purchase Selling Cost of Transaction Net Gain Party Involved Maturity in Case of Loans) Price Price Asset Date or (Loss)

Category (iii) – Series of transactions in excess of 5% of beginning plan assets:

Northern Trust Company Short-Term Investment Fund$ 112,260,819 $ – $ 112,260,819 $ 112,260,819 $ – – 113,939,764 113,939,764 113,939,764 –

Northern Trust Company Custom Cash Fund 471,488,712 – 471,488,712 471,488,712 – – 505,874,482 505,874,482 505,874,482 –

US Treasury US Treasury Bond 82,477,479 – 82,477,479 82,477,479 – Due 04/15/2028 5.08% – 84,273,350 82,742,794 84,273,350 1,530,556

US Treasury US Treasury Notes 58,413,310 – 58,413,310 58,413,310 – – 48,850,140 48,736,813 48,850,140 113,327

Northern Trust Global Investments MFT NT Collective 97,976,230 – 97,976,230 97,976,230 – Russell 3000 Index Fund − Non-Lending – 80,509,120 77,009,929 80,509,120 3,499,191

Northern Trust Global Investments MFT NT Collective 102,496,997 – 102,496,997 102,496,997 – S&P 500 Index Fund − Non-Lending – 126,205,416 112,678,692 126,205,416 13,526,724

State Street Global Advisors SSGA QSI Index Fund 118,005,136 – 118,005,136 118,005,136 – – – – – –

There were no category (i), (ii), or (iv) transactions during the Plan year.

Columns (e) and (f) are not applicable.

94 1303-1051485 Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule G, Part 1 – Schedule of Loans or Fixed-Income Obligations in Default or Classified as Uncollectible

December 31, 2012

(g) Detailed Description of Loan Including Dates of Amount Received Making and Maturity, Interest Rate, the Type and (a) (b) (c)During Reporting Period (f) Value of Collateral, Any Renegotiation of the Loan Amount Overdue Party in Identity and Address Original (d) (e) Unpaid Balance and the Terms of the Renegotiation and Other (h) (i) Interest of Obligor Amount of Loan Principal Interest at End of Year Material Items Principal Interest

National Steel $ 32,246 $ – $ – $ 32,246 Corporate bond, par value $32,246$ 32,246 $ 18,651 Corporation CUSIP C637844AE1 Maturity date 08/01/2006 Interest rate 8.375%

Lehman Brothers 2,746,105 392,700 – – Corporate note, par value $1,400,000 – – CUSIP C5252MOBZ9 Maturity date 05/25/2010 Interest rate 5.625% Original purchase of $2,785,000 par value

95 1303-1051485

Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan

EIN: 95-2216351 Plan Number: 001

Schedule G, Part I – Overdue Loan Explanation

Plan Year-End: December 31, 2012

Records are being maintained by the co-trustee for each of the overdue loans listed in the audit as a supplemental attachment, Schedule G, Part I – Schedule of loans or fixed-income obligations in default or classified as uncollectible. The co-trustee will periodically contact each obligator (one who owes the Plan money) for future collections of each fixed-income obligation in default.

1303-1051485 96 Ernst & Young LLP Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory

About Ernst & Young Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Worldwide, our 167,000 people are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality. We make a difference by helping our people, our clients and our wider communities achieve their potential.

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Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. This Report has been prepared by Ernst & Young LLP, a client serving member firm located in the United States. Attachment to 2012 Form 5500 Schedule H, line 4i - Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)

Plan Name Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan EIN: 95-2216351 Plan Sponsor's Name Board of Directors Producer-Writers Guild of AmericaPN: Pension001

(c) Description of investment including maturity date, (e) Current (a) (b) Identity of issue, borrower, lessor, or similar party rate of interest, collateral, par, or maturity value. (d) Cost value

See audited financials. Attachment to 2012 Form 5500 Schedule H, line 4j - Schedule of Reportable Transactions

Plan Name Producer-Writers Guild of America Pension Plan EIN: 95-2216351 Plan Sponsor's Name Board of Directors Producer-Writers Guild of AmericaPN: Pension001

(b) (f) (h) (a) Description of asset (c) (d) (e) Expense (g) Current value (i) Identity of party involved (include interest rate and Purchase Selling Lease incurred with Cost of of asset on Net gain

maturity in case of a loan) price price rental transaction asset transaction or (loss)


See audited financials.