Kent Planning Information for County Council Members on development proposals received week ending: 10, 17 and 24 June 2016

Presented by Sharon Thompson, Head of Planning Applications Group

This list is a selection of planning applications submitted in and includes all those submitted since the last edition for determination by the County Council.

Applications which will be determined by the County Council as County Planning Authority


District Reference Details

Canterbury KCC/CA/0118/2016 Renewal of Planning permission for the mobile classroom unit. Barham C of E Primary School, Valley Road, Barham, Canterbury Case Officer: Hazel Mallett

Canterbury KCC/CA/0165/2016 Erection of a two storey building as a creative research centre. Simon Langton Grammar School For Boys, Simon Langton Grammar School For Boys, Langton Lane, Canterbury Case Officer: Hazel Mallett

Dartford KCC/DA/0090/2016 Erection of a two storey teaching block, rearrangement of the existing hard surfaced games courts together with associated landscaping and ancillary works. Wilmington Grammar School For Girls, Parsons Lane, Wilmington Case Officer: Helen Edwards

Dover KCC/DO/0115/2016 Renewal of planning permission for double classroom mobile unit situated to the front of Nonington Primary School. Nonington CEP School, Church Street, Nonington, Dover Case officer: Alice Beeken

Dover KCC/DO/0125/2016 Renewal of planning permission for the mobile classroom unit situated to the rear of St Margaret's at Cliffe Primary School. St Margarets-At-Cliffe Primary School, Sea Street, St Margarets-At-Cliffe, Dover Case Officer: Helen Edwards


Dover KCC/DO/0213/2016 Renewal of planning permission for the temporary mobile classrooms at Portal House School. Portal House School, Sea Street, St. Margarets-At-Cliffe, Dover Case Officer: Helen Edwards

Gravesham KCC/GR/0156/2016 To install 1No additional UPVC window and remove/enlarge 2No UPVC windows to the existing library. Shears Green Junior School, White Avenue, Northfleet, Gravesend Case Officer: Mary Green

Swale KCC/SW/0104/2016 Two no. single storey classroom extensions with integral assisted wc and storage together with associated external works to form play areas. Meadowfield School, Swanstree Avenue, Case Officer: Lidia Cook

Swale KCC/SW/0117/2016 Renewal of planning permission for the mobile classroom unit situated to the front of Eastchurch Primary School. Eastchurch C Of E Primary School, Warden Road, Eastchurch, Case Officer: Lidia Cook

Swale KCC/SW/0120/2016 Renewal of planning permission for 3 mobile classroom units. Boughton-under-Blean & Dunkirk Primary School, School Lane, Boughton-under-Blean, Case Officer: Mary Green


District Reference Details None

If you require more information regarding planning applications within this list, please contact Richard Bore on 03000 413337.