Jang-e-Azadi Q2 2019 Memorial Volume 1 Issue 2

Quarterly newsletter of INTACH, Jalandhar Chapter

Jang-e-Azadi Memorial -Kartarpur, Jalandhar The concept of the Jang-e-Azadi memorial and museum is based on a circular enclosure which houses the focal centre of the memorial and integrates it with a harmonious ensemble of galleries amplifying the struggle and sacrifice for freedom around a ceremonial path. Jang-e- Azadi Memorial is a memorial and museum built in Kartarpur (town near the city of Jalandhar) of , , in memory of contribution and sacrifices made by the Punjabi community in Indian independence movement. The memorial is built over an area of 25 acres at the cost of Rs 200 crore. A place worth visiting.

Bloodbath on Baisakhi, Jallianwalabagh INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 2

The Cultural can be EVOLUTION OF INDIAN CULTURE : divided into the following ‘Eras’ or stages of development:- PUNJAB’s CONTRIBUTION (a) The Age of Indus valley civilization. -byDr. S. K. Mehra,Historian

(b) The Vedic Age.

The (c) The Period of Early Invasions. e scattered on Punjab, and Gujarat, (d) The Emergence of in Punjab. peaked around 2500-2000 BCE. As it must have take terms ‘Civilization’ and ‘Culture’, - upto Babar’s Invasion. though often used synonymously, are the two faces of the same , namely the human (e) The Foundation and Growth of society. In Civilization, which covers a wide range of human development, men employ their mental faculties to live and adjust with -upto Maharaja . the environment, in which they live in. The (f) The advent of the British rule and manner in which the basic needs of the society, namely food, clothing and housing, its impact on Punjab. are fulfilled and the level of organisation of society and government are achieved, at a (g) The ‘Tragedy of Partition’ and the specific place or time, is called civilization. Post- Partition Era.

On the other hand ‘Culture’ deals largely It must be recognized at the with the manner in which a group of people outset that the political boundaries of employ their intellect – ‘mind and spirit’ to Punjab have always been changing. uplift the life of their society. Education and However, the core area, i.e. the lands advancement of scientific knowledge, religious and religious practices, literature, music, through which flow the ‘PANCH – NDA’, or dances, festivals and various rites and rituals, ‘PANJ- AAB’ has remained unaltered, till legal system etc, all constitute ‘Culture’. the in 1947, that changed

The evolution and growth of ‘Civilization’ the entire scenario. Yet, the appellation and ‘Culture’ is a continuous process. It is ‘Punjab’ which came into prevalence in the always in a state of flux, like the flow of a 16th century, continuous to be in vogue, on perennial river, where the new and the old is either side of the . not identifiable. However, slowly and imperceptibly changes occur, which Punjab can claim, without fear of over a period of time become contradiction, that it has been the cradle of harbingers of a new age or era. Indian Civilization and culture. Bonded by INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 3 the mighty , in the north and Valley people did not know much about north East and the Hindukush Mountain to iron and they had neither domesticated the the west, the ‘Satposhindhu’ or the land of horse about its use as a mode of transport. seven rivers, namely Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Further, the Aryan civilization was Ravi, Beas, and the mythical basically rural and migratory in nature Saraswati, gave birth to one of the oldest whereas the Indus Valley people were used civilizations of the world. i.e. The Indus to a much more sophisticated and well Valley Civilization. This civilization, whose developed urban lifestyle. Lastly, the Aryans remains b n considerable time to reach its used Sanskrit for conversation the Indus pinnacle, requiring a high level of socio- Valley people employed hieroglyphic for economic development and a form of communication. governance to sustain it, the beginnings of the Indus Valley Civilization can safely be The Aryan Civilization and culture has estimated to 5000 BCE. been divided into two distinct periods. The first, when the Aryans were largely confined Unfortunately, the true extent of the to Punjab, is called the Rig-Vedic era and Indus Valley Civilization, the people who the second, when the Aryans gradually built it and the causes of its destruction are spread out into the Gangetic plains is all a matter of conjecture. Till date, the termed as the Later Vedic Age. script found on the ‘seals’ has not been deciphered. However, no civilization or When the Aryans arrived in Punjab – culture can be totally erased and its vestiges the ‘PANCH NAD’ area, the Indus Valley do get embedded in the civilization that civilization was perhaps on the decline. The supplants it. Through a process of Aryans with their superior knowledge of absorption, adjustment and assimilation the metallurgy and a better mode of transport, preceding civilization which are not difficult namely the horse ;were successful in to trace. Punjab, thus became the epicenter displacing the Indus Valley people and in of the next civilization, namely the Aryan establishing their own settlements. It was Civilization. also during this period that the first Veda, the ‘Rig Veda’ was compiled by collective Without getting involved in the memory (SHRUTI). The Rig Veda, apart from controversy whether the Aryans were religious significance also provides us with a indigenous people or had migrated from glimpse of the contemporary Aryan Society their ‘Original’ home, it is worthwhile to and its culture. mention that evolution is always progressive and never regressive. The Indus INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 4

The Rig-Vedic Aryan Society was the heaven. Ancestor worship was also primarily rural. A number of families, mostly practiced. belonging to the same tribe established a The basic unit of administration was settlement, which was called a ‘GRAM’ or a the village. The villages were also self- village. Decedents from a common ancestor sustaining, economically with barter being lived together in a joint family with the the mode of exchange of goods and senior most male member beingthe head of services. this family. Women in the family had equal rights and were free to get education, The Rig-Vedic Aryans always had a singular knowledge to participate in war and problem to face with. It was that of the freedom to choose their husband. remnants of the previous civilization. On being deprived of their habitat and on being The Society was divided, on the basis addressed to most deprecatingly, as ASURS, of their vocations, into four ‘VARNAS’, DAITYA, RAKSHAS (Various names for the namely Brahmin, Khatriya, Vaishya and Demeans), on account of their dark colour Shudra. Similarly, the life span of a man, and differences in religious practices they being estimated as hundred years was continued to indulge in incessant warfare divided into four stages or ‘ASHRAMAS’ (often referred to as ‘DEVASUR namely Brahmcharya (Celibacy), Grahastha SANGRMA’)with the Aryans. (family life), Van-prastha (Preparatory of Sanyas) and Sanyas (Remunication). Each On the foundations laid by the Rig member of the Societies again had four Vedic Aryans the grand edifice of the Later- objectives in his life namely DHARMA (To Vedic civilization and culture was raised. live religiously), ARTHA (To earn a living), During this period the Aryans spread out KAAM (To procreate) and MOKSHA (To seek into the Ganga Basin. They also produced salvation). such a vast amount of literature that we have no difficulty in describing the extent to In the Rig- the Aryans which the Aryan Society was transformed. worshipped primarily the five elements of The principal works were the three Vedas, nature, namely, AGNI (Fire), PRITHVI(Earth), namely, Sam Veda, Yajur Veda and the VAYU (Air), JAL (Water) and AAKASH (Sky). AtharvaVed; Vedangs, Upanishads; Smrities; Their mode of worship was to make Puranas and the two Epics Ramayana and offerings to the Gods Governing these Mahabharata. elements through the YAGNA. On the highest pedestal was ‘INDRA’ who ruled However, it was in matters concerning religion that the Aryan Society INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 5 underwent a total metamorphosis. The first in Punjab before making efforts to Gods and Goddesses, whom they had expand into the hinterland. worshipped earlier, were gradually eclipsed Unfortunately, for this period of early and replaced by entirely new objects of invasions which lasted approximately a worship. To a great extent it was the thousand years (326 BCE to 712 AD), not outcome of the twin stages of relationship much reliable sources of study are namely ‘contact’ and ‘conflict’, with the available. Our knowledge, based on votaries of the religious;prevalent prior to secondary sources, is scanty. Moreover, the Aryans arrival and prevalent prior to the almost all invading tribes were absorbed in Aryans arrival and settlement in the Punjab. the Indian Society and thus their individual The Vedic religion continued to flourish till identities were lost for ever. However, it the 6th Century B.C., when its Supremacy can safely be assumed that every tribe and was challenged by two schools of thought community, keeping in with the Indian which eventually ushered in a new era in tradition, enriched the Indian Society and India’s Cultural History. culture with their individual contribution. The most enduring and the most

conspicuous being as under : (C). THE PERIOD OF EARLY INVASIONS (a) The Indian act and architecture were the biggest gainers. The ‘GANDHAR SCHOOL’ lay the foundations of Indian Punjab, apart from being the cradle sculpture, in which the head of the Buddha of Indian civilization and culture, has also was most meticulously sculpted. Later, with the distinction of being the melting pot of the contribution from the ‘MATHURA innumerable other civilizations and SCHOOL’ the most beautiful temples and cultures. statues were made. Most of them were Alexander’s invasion in 326 BCE, not only either defaced or destroyed by the Muslim exposed the Vulnerability of India but also invaders yet a few, like in Khajuraho, bear opened the floodgates for several other the Unmistakable imprint of their earlier tribes to establish their hegemony over greatness. parts of the Country. During this period, the (b) The exchange of knowledge, Persians, The Greeks, The Sythians, the particularly Greek knowledge with the Kushans, The and the Huns after Oriental Indian knowledge of science, crossing the Indus, made their appearance literature, medicine, mathematics, benefitted both the cultures. INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 6

( c) Trade and commerce across Asia to tide. But, their efforts were like a knee jerk Europe proved beneficial to all parties. reaction rather than a part of well Indian silks, spices, perfumes soon captured conceived, well executed defensive plan. the imagination of the Roman elite & their The very fact that their capital lay far in the ever growing demand added to Indian East at Patliputra. While the danger always wealth and economy. lurked in the west explains the ineptitude of the Indian rulers to conceive and execute a (d) The Kushans, whose empire was well defineddefence policy. partly in India and partly in Central Asia, proved extremely helpful in the spread of Keeping in with the saying that every dark across Asia. The Buddhist monks cloud has a silver lining, these tempestuous travelled overland and preached the years were also witness to the best in Buddhist religion and philosophy and with human endeavour, in Indian History. their sustained efforts succeeded in making , inspired by it a world religion. Alexendra’s invasion and guided by Kautilya defeated the Nanda rulers of and (e) The of some of these invading created the first trans-Indians Empire. This rulers were beautifully crafted and were of empire, ideally governed according to the a standard and uniform weight. Hereafter, guidelines provide in the ‘’, Indian numismatics were not to remain as established bench marks in Civil and of the old. military administration. His grandson, (f) One fact, that can hardly be Ashoka, a war monger, had a change of overlooked is that all through these heart and his religiosity, piety and care for turbulent years Punjab remained in the his subjects made him a ruler worth centre stage. As every army on the line of emulation. march lived off the land, to sustain it, the Centuries later, another dynasty, the devastation that the peasentry and the Guptas, gave India its Golden Age. tradesmen of Punjab must have suffered , it re-established political would make any man to shudder. That the Unity in India. The Gupta rulers, fostered people of Punjab bore it speaks volumes intellectual creativity that fructified in the about their strength of character and will creation of the finest of Sanskrit literature, to survive against all odds. development of science and technology, (g) A word about the rulers of the mathematics, metallurgy, art and country. Undoubtedly the Mauryan and the architecture. Gupta rulers did make efforts to stem the INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 7

This period also witnessed the rise religious systems and social organizations. and decline of Buddhism in India. The The schism between the two could hardly Brahamanic revival, re-established the be concealed. Accentuated by the Muslim primacy of the Vedic religion with one rulers, the crack eventually developed into conspicuous change, that the sacrifices of a deep crevice, which could neither be filled animals and man were abandoned. nor papered. The muslim rulers, encouraged by the clerics, pursued a state THE EMERGENCE OF ISLAM IN sponsored policy of social discrimination, PUNJAB financial exploitation and of desecration or The Arab invasion of Sindh led to the destruction of places of worship. The establishment of the first Muslim state in intention was to make the life of the ‘Kafirs’ India. As the made no further increasingly unbearable. Naturally, to attempts, it was left to the Turks to expand escape from their miseries and to gain the area under muslim rule. They first access to the muslim elite, quite a few did occupied Afghanistan, after a bitter struggle embrace Islam. Some, to this day, carry the and thereafter used it as a springboard to name of their class. invade India. Their attempts, which initially Secondly, the followers of the Vedic were in the form of plundering and raids, religion were initially complacent that like brought them to Punjab, since it lay in the the previous invaders, who had subsumed line of march. Nibbling at first they soon their own beliefs and practices into the occupied it. Vedic religion, the muslim invaders would With the passage to India firmly probably act likewise. They, therefore, were secured, the occupation of Delhi was shocked to observe that the Islamists would foregone conclusion. Their task was further not merge their identity or beliefs into the made easy by the Indian rulers, who not prevailing system. As all attempts to only totally neglected to safeguard the ‘Syncretise’ the two religions failed, the natural of the country and also by Vedic religionists not only closed their doors their senseless internecine warfare which to Islam but also gave up all attempts to eroded their capabilities even to defend reform and rejuvenate the prevalent themselves. religious. Deprived of its freedom, vibrancy, the votaries of the Vedic religion became The Muslim occupation of Punjab was despondent and disillusioned. As a fraught with far reaching consequences:- Consequence, the Vedic religion turned into Firstly, the ruler and the ruled a cesspool of stagnant waters. belonged to two diametrically opposite INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 8

Lastly, the had always been (1469-1539) was neither an a witness to the depredations of the ascetic nor from the priestly community. He invading armies. Once the invasion was was born in a Khatri family with modest over. They reverted to their original means. However, he had on inquisitive vocations to eke out a living. But in this mind, was very pious and extremely instance, the invader firmly established compassionate. He travelled across India himself and began to extract his pound of and central Asia to have a first hand view of flesh regularly and most mercilessly. The the various Holy places. Based on these conquered people were also denied any experiences and a deep study of the share in the civil and judicial administration. ‘Upanishads’, he started sermonizing those As a consequence, some Punjabi who gathered around him. His utterances, communities gave up their ancestral called ‘SHABADS’ were later incorporated in vocations and began pursuing new the Guru GranthSaheb. professions. Some, bereft of all resources, Guru Nanak never claimed that he was a even joined the muslim armies and Prophet or Messiah. To his disciples he was eventually settled down outside Punjab. always the ‘GURU’, the teacher. He was THE FOUNDATION OF SIKHISM AND rather a reformer, who wanted his ITS GROWTH ‘SHISHYAS’, pronounced as ‘’, to break the fetters of ignorance, superstition and As Punjab lay groveling under the heels of social discrimination. the foreign rulers, one more oppressive and tyrannical then the other, it appeared as if Guru Nanak believed in monotheism ‘EK its ordeal would never end., The Punjabis ONKARA’ and a God who was eternal, had suffered the loss of political freedom formless ‘NIRANKARA’, omnipresent and quite often and they could bear it with omnipotent. He could be propitiated by equanimity. But, the loss of their soul was recitation of his name alone and did not too galling – an unmitigated and require either the services of an interminable curse. However, as the saying intermediary or adherence to formal rites goes, there is always a ray of light at the and rituals. The philosophy was entirely in end of the tunnel, Guru Nanak Dev consonance with the sermon given by Lord appeared on the centre stage both to Krishna to Arjun in the Mahabharata, who soothe the frayed nerves of the Punjabis said that the out of the three modes of and to uplift them from the morass in which worship, namely ‘GYAN MARG’ (Path of they had lately sunk. knowledge), ‘KARMA MARG’ (action taken without thinking about reward or INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 9 punishment) and ‘BHAKTI MARG’ (Path of tortures with nonchalance and were always Devotion to the Supreme being), BHAKTI, prepared to give their head rather than involving ‘BHAJAN’, ’ and JAP’, was their faith. This resistance paved the way the ideal one. for the militarization of the Sikhs.

Guru Nanak also believed in a casteless (c) The compilation of the Guru-Granth social system and in women’s Sahib in Gurumukhi script marked the empowerment. He also started the twin beginning of the evolution of that script, practices, unique to Sikhism, of ‘SANGAT’ though Persian continued to be official (Congregation) and ‘PANGAT’ (community language. feeding). The word “’ was later Following the death of the Emperor substituted for ‘PANGAT’. , in 1707, the The tradition of the ‘GURUS’ continued began to totter. The bigotry of the Emperor uninterruptedly till the ‘DASHMESH’, Guru had involved him in incessant wars. For Govind Singh Ji, terminated it. twenty five years he stayed in the South, to personally supervise the compaign against The contribution of Sikhism and its the Marathas but could not achieve his followers not only to Punjabiat but to the objective. Taking advantage of his absence, entire Indian culture will remain unmatched the Rajputs, the Bundelas, the Jats and the in the entire humanity. . Sikhs revolted against the Empire. As the (a) It marked the beginning of a Emperor was bereft of able army Renaissance, in Punjab. With the removal of commanders and had little resources left at the cobwebs of ignorance, superstition and his disposal, the widespread conflagration the tentacles of a caste based society., could not be doused. At last, realizing that there was an upsurge of faith. The sacrifices he had totally wasted his life, he died in made by the Gurus and their offspring’s, disillusionment. made such an impact on the people of To inherit the legacy of the Mughal Punjab, that they soon became ardent Empire, the Marathas made the most followers of the Gurus. serious attempts. But, due to their lack of (b) The Muslim rulers of Punjab and even foresight, statesmanship along with an some of the Mughal Emperors tried to insatiable lust for money, led them stray to crush the movement in its nascent stage make no distinction between a friend and a but it only served to stiffen the resolve of foe. Soon, they became so obnoxious to be the Sikhs to face the onslaughts of the termed as ‘GHANIM’. Waiting in the wings, oppressor. They withstood unspeakable the Persians under Nadir Shah first INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 10 occupied Punjab and then attack the attention was paid to raise and train Mughal armies near Delhi. However, it soon artillery units. became apparent that Nadir Shah was more The results of all these changes were keen to acquire the crown Jawels rather quite spectacular. The Afghans, who had than ruling the country. He, therefore, always tormented the people of Punjab, returned back to his country The Maratha were systematically driven out from their ambitious were finally laid at Panipat in strong holds and even their own territories 1761, when they were totally vanquished were raided and captured. Maharaja Ranjit by Ahmed Shah Abdali. He too was forced Singh also tried to expand his empire across to return to Afghanistan. the Satluj states but he was checkmated in These invasions, within a ‘short spell this attempt, by the British Govt. of time, created almost anarchical Gradually, it became quite evident conditions in Punjab, However, this time that a clash of arms between the Sikhs and the Sikhs first expelled the invaders and the British Government in India was then made an earnest effort to form a Sikh inevitable. The British were keen to expand state. Fortunately, Punjab found a their empire, till it attained to natural Heavenly-born leader in Maharaja Ranjit borders. Aware of their military prowes, Singh, who first brought the warring Ranjit Singh throughout his lifetime tried to factions of the Sikhs under his leadership stop it. However, his death provided the and then with great insight, resolve and British the opportunity that they had long statesmanship, laid the foundation of the waited for. . The Sikh armies fought most gallantly Maharaja Ranjit Singh first during the two Anglo Sikh wars and on established the framework of an efficient certain occasions almost carried the day. civil administration. Next, taking a lesson But, they were betrayed by some of their from the military organization of the English own leaders. Sikhs brave efforts left an army, he invited a number of French indelible stamp on the victors. officers, of the Napoleon Army, to train the newly raised Sikh infantry battalions. As The dream of a Sikh Empire was most of the Sikhs disliked being drilled, shattered but it continues to haunt some of irregular Cavalry units comprising the Sikhs, the brave hearts. were also raised. Since the European armies THE ADVENT OF THE BRITISH RULE IN excelled in the use of artillery, special PUNJAB INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 11

If the rise of the Sikh Empire was meteoric, Thirdly, the creation of a modern its fall was equally tumultuous. The edifice educational system, which introduced that he had raised so meticulously collapsed Punjabis to the western ideas of thought into a heap of rubble. Punjab reverted back and culture, was perhaps the most to its anarchical days. Therefore, following significant reform. It also gave impetus to its annexation, the primary objective before indigenous educational efforts, in the form the British Government was to restore of DAV schools. peace and order and to reconcile. The Sikhs, The British efforts to uplift the life of the who had felt deep mortification at the loss people in Punjab were reciprocated by its of their freedom. It is a measure of the population to serve the British interests success of the British officials, who were with the core of their heart. appointed by the Governor General as administrators, that when the first war of Prior to the revolt of the Bengal Army, in Independence broke out in 1857, the Sikhs, 1857, it largely comprised of upper caste who should have been in the Vanguard to soldiers from Eastern U.P. As their loyalty seek retribution, took the cudgels on behalf could no longer be taken for granted, The of the British Government. British laid their faith on the Gorkhas and the Sikhs, who had remained steadfast in This change of heart can be attributed to their support to the British Government. the following reasons : Further, the Sikhs had no inhibitions in Firstly, the British. Officials were immensely going abroad. Consequently, the British successful in establishing the rule of law in encouraged the Sikhs to join the Indian Punjab, which largely led to its pacification. Army in large numbers, to earn the epithet Punjab, henceforth, enjoyed freedom from “Sword of the British Army”, During the terror and turmoil. compaign in China, , Afghanistan and the frontier region the Sikhs served with Secondly, the British brought about several utmost devotion. However, it was in the administrative reforms, and implemented course of the two World Wars that they development projects in Punjab.The proved their mettle, by participating in creation of an extensive irrigation system, almost all theatres of the war and laying construction of roads and bridges, down their lives most ungrudgingly, to introduction of post and telegraph System, defined the British Empire and its Allies. railway network entirely transformed Punjab. It was only natural for the Indians to expect that in return for their unstinted support the British Govt. would grant them some INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 12 constitutional reforms. What they actually disappointment of the Indians at its got was nothing short of betrayal of that composition, was hit mercilessly on his trust., In pursuance of a policy of head by a British police officer. ‘Repression and Reform’, the British Govt. LalaLajpatRai died, in Nov. 1928, as a result first enacted the infamous Rowlett Act of the injuries sustained by him. But, his (March 1919) and when people assembled prophecy that every blow received by him in the JalianwalaBagh to peacefully protest will prove to be a nail in the coffin of the against it . Regional Commander Dyer fired British Empire did come out to be true. upon them (13 April 1919), killing around In March 1930, Mahatma Gandhi started 2000 men and women. The reverberations the Civil Disobedience Movement. The ‘Salt of this unwarranted and totally indefensible Satyagraha’ gained widespread support massacre resounded throughout the from the people who boycotted the British country. As the entire British community goods, courts, schools and colleges and came out in support of Dyer, it put a burnt western clothes. The British question mark on the British people being Government reacted by arresting Mahatma fair minded. Gandhi and imprisoning him, only to be In December 1919, Royal Assent was released for participation in the Round accorded to the Montague – Chelmsford Table conference, in London. Reforms, but it proved to be a half hearted More than the Civil Disobedience measure. It established a system, called Movement, the martyrdom of SardarBhagat ‘Diarchy’ besides reaffirming the principle Singh, ShivramRajguru and Sukhdev, in of religious and class divide. March 1931 fire the imagination of the Eventually, the Punjabias were inexorably people in India. There was widespread drawn into a position……. of such hostility condemnation all over the country, that several young souls took up arms to prompting even RavindraNath Tagore to express to the British. Most notable of them surrender his knighthood. were Bhagat Singh, UdhamSingh ,MDhingra In Janaury 1933, ChoudharyRehmat Ali, ,who became icons of armed resistance. came out with his famous pamphlet, on Political developments in India, took place ‘’ . This was the precursor to the at a very fast pace, after the arrival of the two Nation Theory, adopted by the Muslim Simon Commission in 1928, to evaluate the League, in support for the creation of a progress of the constitutional reforms. separate muslim state, named ‘PAKISTAN’. LalaLajpatRai, who was leading a peaceful procession at , to express the INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 13

The had grieved the loss of the conceded the demand for separate Mughal Empire and their personal representation but at each step only preeminence. They also had to face to ire of enlarged it. the British Government, as they were In 1935, when the Govt. Of India Act was suspected to have been in the vanguard of passed by the British Govt. granting quasi- the revolt of 1857. Consequently, Muslims autonomy to the provincial governments were hanged in large numbers and their and extending the principle of diarchy in the properties sequestrated to avenge the loss Centre, the divide between the and of British lives and property. Muslims was further accentuated to make it Naturally, the Muslims suffered from loss of still more divisive. The ultimate partition of prestige and economic impoverishment. the country was almost a foregone They also did not allow their children to conclusion. adopt western education, thus denying The new provincial assemblies, constituted them the opportunity to gain useful in accordance with the provisions of the Act employment in Government services. Since of 1935, had barely started functioning, the Hindus willingly accepted western when the Second World War broke out. The education they proved to be the ultimate Government of India, without taking gainers. cognizance of the opinion of the elected While the economic disparity between the representatives, declared India at war two communities was the principle driving against the Axis powers. As a mark of force in creating the demand for a separate protest the Governments led by the Union Nation, the wide differences in their Congress party resigned. In August 1942, religious beliefs and practices, social Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quite India organization and historical traditions were Movement, asking the people ‘to do or die’. no less responsible for the propagation of As a result, the entire Congress leadership the Two Nation Theory. The British was imprisoned.’ The partisans to the Quite Government, which in previous years had a India Call were equally severely dealt with favourable opinion about the Hindus, found by imprisonment, transportation to the them increasingly in opposition to the cellular Jail or by sending them to the Government. Hence, in pursuance of the gallows. The British Government , led by time tested policy of ‘Divide and Rule;, they Winston Churchill ,was determined not to veered round to favour the Muslims. let the brightest jewel in the diadem of the Consequently, in all measures of empire, to slip out of its hands. constitutional development, they not only INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 14

The reverses sustained by the British Army, However, when negotiations started for the at the hands of the Japanese, caused transfer of power, the Muslim League immense loss of prestige. The aura of adopted a most intransigent attitude, invincibility was lost and the confidence of remaining almost adamant for the the Indian troops was badly shaken. acceptance of their demands. In the Therefore, when NetajiSubhash Chandra meanwhile the British Government. Bose asked the Indian Soldiers, held captive declared that they would not stay in India by the Japanese to join the Indian National beyond 15th August 1947. The Congress, Army, they readily rallied under its flag. thus, was left with no other recourse, Unfortunately, their effects to reach India, except acceding to the Muslim Leagues fizzled out in Imphal and Kohima. demand for partition of the country. The League had always held the threat of a The Second Word War ultimately came to bloodbath which same came out to be true an end when the Japanese cities of in Punjab. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were almost obliterated by Atom Bombs. The Allied THE ‘TRAGEDY OF PARTITION’ AND Power did come out victorious but it was a THE POST PARTITION ERA. pyrrhic victory, gained at too great a cost. On 15th August 1947, when India made its Millions of soldiers lay dead, cities were Tryst with Destiny’, there were millions of turned into rubble and financial resources people who were staring at a complete totally exhausted. The British disaster, largely man made. Inveigled by Government.realised the truth that it could political leaders to believe that the partition no longer hold its colonies under of the country would not necessarily involve undisputed control, least of all, India. mass exchange of population, they were The proverbial faith in the loyalty of the caught totally unprepared when Indian troops had been shaken by the widespread riots broke out. The creation of the INA. The Naval Mutiny, in announcement of the Redcliff Award, Bombay eroded it still further. In the partitioning Punjab and Bengal on the basis general elections, held at the end of the of Hindu or Muslim majority areas, War, Churchill, who had led the nation to aggravated things still further. victory was voted out and the Labour Party These riots were a direct outcome of the came into power. The new government ‘Direct Action Day’ (16 August 1946), called finally decided to grant freedom to India, by the Muslim Legue to force the which Tilak had claimed was their acceptance of their demand for the birthright. partition of the country, on the basis of the INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 15

Two Nation Theory. Starting from Kolkata lost or dead. Men of substance had become (Calcutta), the communal riots spread first paupers and with no resource to fall back to Noakhali (East Bengal). Naturally, the upon, their future looked quite bleak. It news of the atrocities perpetrated on the appeared as if it will take ages to come out Hindu minority lit the fires of revenge in of their gloom and despair. But, it goes to other parts of the country. Efforts to douse the credit of the Punjabi people that with it proved ineffective and the Conflagration fortitude and an indomitable spirit, they soon engulfed large parts of the country. It were able to resurrect their lives. Like the was most severe in Punjab and its adjoining mythical bird, ‘Phoenix’, the Punjabis rose areas. anew from the ashes, in a most exemplary fashion. In an event, unprecedented in human history, families from areas the borders However, in a brush with and event of were forcibly uprooted from their hearths immense magnitude, the Punjabi society and homes and to face the ordeal of mass could not remain totally unaffected and migration. People carrying only as much as several significant changes did take place in they could personally carry, started making the Post – Partition Era. desperate efforts to seek safety on the The first, was the emigration of the Punjabis other side of the border. Not many were to the western countries. As a consequence able to survive and those who did were of the World Wars.Western nations had lost scared for life. Roving bands of rioters, millions of lives, in the prime of their youth. motivated by lust and avarice under the As a result they were facing an acute cloak of devotion to their respective shortage of manpower. England, in religions pounced upon the defenseless particular, urgently needed work force to convoys to systematically carry out put its economy on an even keel. Therefore, murders, abductions and rape besides it opened its doors to Asians to migrate to depriving them of all their possessions. The their country. This trickle gradually assumed scenes, reminiscent of the holocaust, were the form of a flood with a large number of repeated over and over again, by Punjabis immigrating to England. Since then remorseless people, putting humanity to Punjabis have migrated to almost all the shame. countries of the world. Unfortunately, this These migrants were termed as refugees or resulted in the shortage of manpower in the Mohajirs, in their own county and had to Punjab itself. face an uphill task of resettlement. Families The second is the all-pervasive role of had disintegrated with number of people corruption in the lives of the Punjabis. Soon INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 16 after gaining independence, the alcohol and drugs. Easy availability of the Governments, both in the Centre and the drugs, clandestinely brought into Punjab State, initiated a policy of ‘License Permit from Pakistan , has damaged the lives of the Raj’, primarily because there was an acute young generation and they not only face shortage of essential commodities. economic ruination but also irreparable Unfortunately, the system was extended to health issues. The trauma to which their every sphere of economic activity. This families are subjected hardly needs any provided an opportunity to unscrupulous elaboration. political leaders, bureaucrats, traders and However, everything is not as gloomy and industrialists to extract their pound of flesh dismal, as the foregoing description seems from the people whom they held in their to indicate. Punjab has had its share of glory clutches. The malaise soon assumed the when the ‘Temples’ of modern science and form of a pandemic, since everyone was technology were erected at Bhakra and vying with the other person to get his share Nangal, when Punjab pioneered the Green of the pie. As a result corruption has seeped and the White Revolutions, to free the into every walk of life and has totally nation from eternal food deficits, when the debased the Punjabi character. Agriculture Universities in Punjab gave to The third, still more sinister, is the mixing of the nation new breeds of wheat and rice, religion with politics. The Muslim League when new industries were established in had shown the way of mixing the two, to Punjab to give employment to its youth. gain political mileage. Unfortunately, in Better knowledge, higher productivity and a Punjab some spiritual leaders thought new zest for life, have impacted the likewise. First the issue of the creation of a financial condition of its citizens. ‘Punjabi Suba’ was raised and later the ‘Consumerism’ has gained fresh lease of creation of a separate Sikh State – life, with the Punjabis enjoying one of the ‘Khalistan’. As an outcome, Punjab was first best standards of living in the entire nation. truncated by the creation of and later of . The demand ACTIVITIES for Khalistan caused widespread loss of innocent lives in terrorist activities and in Jalandhar celebrates World ‘Operation Blue Star’ intended to suppress it. Heritage Day

The fourth, which is sapping the youth and VirsaVihar and Indian National Trust for Arts vigour of the Punjabis, is the growing use of and Cultural Heritage(INTACH) celebrated INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 17

World Heritage Day at Apeejay College Heritage sites may be classified as natural Jalandhar. MrVarinder Sharma chairman and manmade. These sites have gained VirsaVihar and DC Jalandhar send a global importance because they stand to congratulatory message to all and said that represent the art, culture and civilization of we need to preserve our rich heritage .Heritage is the legacy of the past and is the past. The determination, skill and what we live with today. No need to say architectural capability of our ancestors are that it should be preserved and passed on reflected by manmade heritage sites and to future generations. Our cultural heritage monuments and some of them could give and natural heritage are both rare sources us a clear picture of their imagination too. of life. Places and monuments which are unique in their characteristics and possess Every year, different themes related to the historical values make up our world's world heritage are chosen and debates, heritage. seminars etc are organized to mark the day. This time the theme was Intangible culture of Punjab . Various Colleges gave mesmerising performances .Apeejayorganised the event and their fine arts students gave performance on Folk orchestra, Vaar and Gidha . Cheering students gave testimony of its popularity. Kavishrimesmerising performance was given by HMV Students .Luddi dance was beautifully performed by KMV College Maj Gen BalwinderSingh , Convener of students. Individual performances is Flute INTACH region and member by Gurdeep Singh, Algoze by Naresh Kumar Governing council of India said World and Sarangi kept the audience held their Heritage is the shared wealth of humankind breath . The star of the day was by and hence heritage sites need to be DAV College students. protected and preserved. Protecting and preserving this valuable assets of civilization Apart from serving as a mirror of our past demands the collective efforts .World glory, heritage silently serves as the basis Heritage sites belong to all the peoples of for the socio economic development of our the world, irrespective of the territory on communities. Next generation is in young which they are located and this factor hands and our identities are built on where makes World Heritage exceptional. we have come from. Let us strive to instill a sense of responsibility in young minds INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 18 towards the World Heritage and teach them mesopotamia(now Iraq) and took part in to see the World Heritage Day not just as various campaigns culminating to Ottoman any day but as a special day for the empire collapse recognition of their identity. INTACH conducts Heritage Walk on the history of Jalandhar Cantonment

Indian National trust for Arts and Cultural Heritage(INTACH) conducted a Heritage walk on the history of Jalandhar Col MandipGrewal, life Member Cantonment on 20 mar 2019.Maj Gen INTACH.briefed the participants on BalwinderSingh,VSM(Retd) ,Convener Jalandhar Club which was established in Oct jalandhar Chapter INTACH and Member of 1909, It had one of the oldest and best Governing council of India initially briefed Cricket ground of . Annual the participants the purpose of Heritage General meeting of board of cricket in India walk. was for the first time held at Jalandhar The jalandharCantt came into being in 01 Cantt Cricket ground in 1958. May 1849 with Brig H M wheeler as Cdr of The walk was taken to the church which jalandhar G arrison . During the visit , was construted during bitish time and then participants were taken to Headquarter to the house where Brig Gen Dyer . Sub area which was constructed in 1865 at the cost of Rs 9000 only. Initially it was used for staging and transiting of troops towards North west Frontier Province.

During World War 1 , Jalandhar Brigade sailed from and Bombay for Egypt ,for defence of Suez Canal. Mid sea they were diverted to France where they fought for seven months in fierce battle at Ypres, neuvechapelle, festubert and the loos. In the winter of 1915 they moved to INTACH Jalandhar Chapter Page | 19


Intachceleberated environmental day at the Salempurvillage .They planted 350 trees in and around their village.

With a Master’s Degree in Sustainable Architecture, Ar. Antony Kumar Boity has more than 17 years of work experience in Architectural field and academics in India and abroad. He strongly believes in conservation of heritage buildings as one of the way to achieve sustainability of our natural resources around us. LPU has taken a great initiative in this direction by collaborating with INTACH to list the heritage buildings in the state of Punjab starting from Jalandhar region. Prof. Antony Kumar Boity and team of faculties have led and guided the fourth year students of Architecture in identifying more than 200 heritage buildings INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS

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INTACH Jalandhar Executive Committee: Maj Gen Balwinder Singh (Convenor) by designed Newsletter Varun Kumar (Technical Coordinator)