Tide Table for March UGHTING-UP TBii Low Data Wafe Water Sun- Sun- •JH. pjn. a.m. p.m. riae aet 6.47 p.m* a 9.34 S.S3 3.31 3.48 ' 6.46 6.17 3 10.06 10.27 4.07 4.18 6.45 6.18

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•i VOL. 33 — No. SL1 HAMILTON. BERMUPDA. MONDAY. MARCH 2, 1953 6D PER COPY Shah-Mussadegh Quarrel Civil Service Association Explodes In Riots; Govt. Now Has 238 Members Revamps Security Set-Up Annual Meeting Told Members of the Bermuda TEHERAN, Persia. March 1 (Reuter).—The Persian Gov­ Civil Service Association at 53-year-old Scot ernment led try Dr. Mohammed Mussadegh today shook up their annual general meeting Order Leave Cancelled I its security high command and blamed foreign and anti-state in the Armoury on Friday elements for riots which occurred here yesterday. night elected the Wor. H. Named Colony's For All S. African Police The disturbances were touched off by the Shah's announce­ I Martin Godet as president for j ment that he was leaving the country. Trouble and tension the coming year. Mr. D. J. New Police Chief (Special to The Times Williams was elected vice- and The Royal Gazette) continued until curfew time following the Shah's decision to remain at home after all, and started again as the sun president, Mr. P. J. Brooks, Bermuda's new "Police Commis­ JOHANNESBURG, March 1— secretary, Mrs. M. Bell, assist­ sioner to succeed Mr. J. S. Mc­ Leave for police forces through­ came up today. The Foreign Minister, Hussein Fatemi, today gave the ant secretary and Mr. R. H. Beath, who retired on December out toe Union of South Africa has Kennedy treasurer. 31 after over 30 years' service beeen cancelled. No official ex­ Government's version of the events leading to changes in with the Force, has been ap­ planation bas been given but toe the command of the security forces. He said that troops The following were appoin­ pointed by tbe Governor, Lieut.- African National Congress re­ sent to control the demonstrations had actually helped the ted to the council—Messrs. R. General Sir Alexander Hood. He cently called for a general strike trouble-makers. i IL. Gauntlett, the retiring i is Mr. Robert Gordon Henderson, in protest at toe new public He said the riots were not spon­ president, G. R. Groves, J. S. a 53-year-old Scot, who has held security and criminal law amend­ high police appointments in ment measures. taneous. Foreign elements and | Wilson, A. J. Moulder, M. A. enemies of the state had carefully France Sharply '• Davis, G. Wingate, J. B. Nigeria since 1929. planned them, he said. He labelled ^Mm^MMt-^^^^M^S Couper, R. A. Richardson, M.! Recently a sucessor was named the situation "critical." to fill the position Chief Superin­ J U.N. To Meet To General Taghi Riahi, former Split On Army GARRISON'S CANNON SHIPPED.—Hie four 25-pounder guns which Prospect Garrison has used I Murray and Percy Fisher, tendent C. W. Pantry will vacate deputy defence minister and a on ceremonial occasions for firing sUutes are being shipped to England as the process of closing " hig Commander E. M. Ware when he retires shortly. The new well-known supporter of Dr. down toe garrison nears Its final stages. Tbe four guns, last used for toe proclamation of toe new an" "le Wor. L. M. Minty. Chief Superintendent will be Name Successor Of Europe Treaty Colonel Cecil Ewing. Mussadegh, took over as chief of Queen, are shown prior to being loaded aboard the freighter Durango. (Story below.) A press release on the meet­ the general staff. He replaced Mr. Henderson, who is married General Baharmast, who was said PARIS, March 1 (Reuter). — ing, which was private, noted with two children, is expected to To Trygve Ue to have remained at toe Shah's General Charles de Gaulle said Tbe guns which' have been that the place of business and arrive in the Colony early in palace when demonstrators at­ here today that the -European fired to mark tbe birthdays of j office of the association would April with his family. Until his NEW YORK, March 1.—The tacked Dr. Mussadegh's home Army Treaty is "wholly un­ kings and queens and other be room 318/320, Hamilton I arrival Mr. M. B. Parker will con United Nations Security Council yesterday. In another sudden acceptable" to him with or with­ Seventh Candidate For special occasions in Bermuda will Hotel. tinue as acting Commissioner, tite switch Brigadier General Jini no longer play their part in the position he has held since Mr. will be called early this month out protocols. MEMBERSHIP to choose a new Secretary Gen­ took .over from Brigadier General 'General de Gaulle was addres­ life of the Colony. McBeath went on 12 weeks' leave eral to succeed Mr. Trygvie Lie Afshartoos as chief of police. sing the national council of his big The saluting battery of Pros­ In his remarks as retiring pre­ from October 9 before his official who has resigned, it was reliably As Dr. Mussadegh tightened his Rally of toe French People Smith's Parish Named pect Garrison wiU be shipped to sident Mr. Gauntlett said toat retirement in December. reported here tonight. control rival demonstrators con­ (R.P.F.), backbone of opposition England shortly aboard the Royal while the membership in the first EDINBURGH GRADUATE to toe idea of pooling the armies Mr. Lie, Secretary General of tinued to roam toe streets. Some Mail Line's Durango. The can instance to established officers carried huge portraits of toe of six Western European nations Smith's Parish will have a non wiH take a roundabout route tbe association was now open to Born on January 8, 1900, Mr. the world organisation since its in a common force. Henderson was educated at Dur­ Inception in 1945, offered his Premier; others raised pictures of Well-contested election this via the West. Indies and Van- certain other Government em-1 the handsome young Shah. (In Algeria toe French Premier, Suicide Attacks month, Mr. Earle Outerbridge j couver before they arrive in ployees provided they had not ham School, Armstrong College resignation last year. M. Rene Mayer, supported the less than one year's service. At (Durham University) and Edin­ MUSSADEGH OR DEATH r\ r% r*» last night announcing his candi- England, their final -destination. Most likely candidates for the treaty, saying it was France's last dacy for the Hi use of the end of the year there were burgh University. post at toe moment are said to DY K6CIS D6Ql6n > Assembly The guns, spic and span 25- 328 established Civil servants and "We want Mussadegh or death," chance of getting a guarantee Reds Beaten pounders, are part of the stores He was appointed Assistant be Dr. Carlos Romulo of the shouted some bands, while in against toe rebirth of German 7 " and making seven contestants — the membership of the association Superintendent of Police in a greater number than in any of various kinds being shipped was 238. Philippine!-. Mr. Lester B. Pear­ other streets crowds roared "Long militarism. Back In Korea away from Bermuda with the Nigeria in 1929. In 1944 he was son oi Canada, and Mr. Nazrollah live tbe Shah, death to traitors." ("If the treaties are not ratified other parish. arrival of almost every Britain Much had been achieved during made Superintendent and five Caatin-e-t oa Paf- 1* The area round toe Majlis the whole system of guarantees i In addition to Mr. Outerbridge, the association's first year, Mr. Continued on Page 10 . other candidates are Mrs. Hilda bound ship. Some stores, how­ (Parliament) buildings looked collapses and we would have to ever, are being sent to Jamaica. Gauntlett continued, and it was ; rebuild on sand in a difficult at- SECMJL, Korea, March 1 I Aitken, M.C.P., Mr. B. C. C. like an armed camp. Rank on Major Wellesley, second in now well organised with a mem­ rank of troops guarded every Imosphere," said toe Premier at a (Reut*-). Eighth Army head- jOuterbridge. M.C.P., Deputy bership which, in comparison wito I CHIANG CALLS FOR ilocal meeting of his Radical Party. quarters disclosed today that Speaker of the House of Assem­ command at Prospect, indicated approach and stood in the Parlia­ sharp-shooting men of the U.S. that the only cannon remaining other similar associations in 80 American Boys ment square. Some of them wave (Be reaffirmed the pledges bly, Mr. J. J. Outerbridge, Mr. various parts of the Common­ INVASION READINESS "Thunderbird" infantry division Russell Pearman, M.C.P., Mr. to be shipped away were the six in favour of the Shah, who is ' which won him majority support smashed eight suicide attacks by wealth, was most encouraging. I commander in chief; some were | when he was elected Premier in Thaddeus Trott and the Hon. N. inch guns at St. David's Battery Come Here For 5 TAIPEH, Formosa, Feb. 28— Chinese troops, transformed into H. P. Vesey, M.C.P. and Warwick Camp. Mr. Gauntlett noted the grow­ for Dr. Mussadegh, who controls January, when he said he would human bombs by explosive ing and useful correspondence Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek toe Defence Ministry. press for ratification of the treaty The latest contestant was born Yesterday ammunition from the 7 charges tied to their bodies. garrison was sent by truck to with other associations and toe today called upon bis. Chinese A number of -persons were wito certain modifying or inter­ in Somerset in 1894 and educated exchange of monthly news letters. Days Camping Nationalist forces to intensify pretive protocols which would Tbe young officer win com-1 at the Sandys Grammar School, Her Majesty's Naval Base at wounded earlier when police with mands the unit which took tbe Four local news letters had been their preparations for an invasion fixed bayonets drove pro-Shah protect France's position as an which was then a private school Ireland Island, to be loaded brunt of toe attack said the! there on the Durango. Most of circulated and were read with Eighty boys between the ages of toe mainland. demonstrators back. overseas power fighting a war in wito American teachers. After much interest. They served a | Indo China.) Chinese sulfide squads stormed | it is rifle ammunition. of 11 and 14 from the north­ Marking toe third anniversary IB toe Parliament Square itself to within 25 yards of U.S. posi­ I finishing there he went to Truro very useful service in keeping j of his resumption of toe presi­ pro-Shah troops smashed the car Agricultural College, Nova The garrison will be wound up eastern states of the U.S.A. ar­ UNCONSTITUTIONAL tions before being cut down by Continued aa Pafe 10 dency of Nationalist China tiie of one minister when he arrived I Scotia, where he took a two-year at the end of April. rived in Bermuda on Saturday a storm of artillery, mortar, to spend five days camping at generalissimo called 1953 "a most at the building. The minister General de Gaulle made, his machine gun and rifle fire. course. important year.** escaped unhurt. statement after his party's Returning home in 1914, Mr. Warwick Camp. The youngsters national council had' adopted a He reported that the Chinese are from the Leo Foundation, He added: SCREAMING MOBS made their first suicide charge Outerbridge started farming in New Courtrooms Heeded "I hope all of you will main­ motion condemning toe European Smith's Parish and has farmed New Haven, Connecticut, a re­ Defence Community (E.D.C.) under cover of a heavy artillery ligious, educational and chari­ tain a high degree of alertness, TEHERAH, Mar. 1 (AP).-~*_*e and mortar fire. They tried to I there ever since. In 1928 he mar­ gird your loins and so keep up rioting started yesterday when Treaty as unconstitutional and a ried Miss Marion Turner. Mr. table corporation. In addition to threat to the French Union. throw their explosive-charged placing the boys in parochial the achievements of toe past as mobs screaming loyalty for Shah bodies into American positions. and Mrs. Outerbridge have two to make greater contributions Mohammed Reza Pahlevi drove The motion said the treaty did daughters, Mrs. Patricia Corrado Magistrate Satisfied No schools the foundation provides not avoid toe rebirth of toe risk "The Reds were caught in pin­ recreational activities at intervals in the future to toe completion Dr. Mussadegh from his home pointed artillery, mortar and and Miss Josephine Ellen Outer- of our sacred mission of na­ while government guards held of German rearmament and did I bridge. during the year. The trip to Ber­ not guarantee peace. machine-gun fire," he said. "They muda is one of them. tional revolution in toe anti- off demonstrators with gunfire. had to withdraw without evacu­ He bought his present farm in Coatinu.d oo Pafl 10 Continued aa Page S Introducing the policy motion 1932. This is the first time a group a Gaullist deputy, M. Leon Noel, ating their dead and wounded. False Traffic Charges of lads has been sent to Bermuda "But they kept on coming "My primary idea today," Mr. said that tbe French Foreign Outerbridge told Tbe Royal Ga­ by toe foundation. Their local Minister, M. Georges Bidault, had until the smashing of their counsellors during their camping been weak enough to accept toe seventh and eighth charges took zette," is the preservation of Ber­ muda's natural beauties for toe benCral Van MCet lO 5ay ! the Colony's two magistrates, said holiday are Mr. Keith Bower, of official communique of tbe Rome the courage out of them." Saltus Grammar School, and Mr. conference which was completely mien the enemy troops finally | preservation of existing business. 1I7L i II I 'I L _. V I yesterday at thtne seconda of a series Pact Perversions Issue The beauties gone, toe business Bert Young, of Port Royal incompatible wito the under­ pulled out their dead and WHat He LlkeS aDOUt Korea of forums organised by the i School. wounded "lay before our lines fades." I Leopards Club, that he was per- takings be had given toe National The Local Forces Board have Assembly." like fallen leaves scattered by "I'm not so keen about the zon­ WASHINGTON, March 1 (Reu­ fectly satisfied Bermuda police the wind," said toe officer. ing laws," he continued. "I think officers did not make false traffic made Warwick Camp available to Continued on Pags 2 ter).—Congressional leaders to- Continued aa Paf a W Still U.S. Senate Topic the Government ought to buy I day said that they had been charges. Such a practice would SEOUL, Korea, March 1 parks in each parish. Wito six assured that General James A. be far too risky and in any case FR^CH^OMMUNISTS (Reuter). — President Syngman houses on every acre they cer­ Van Fleet would be free to say about 95 per cent of those charged WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 (AP). Rhee called for improved rela­ tainly should purchase parks in [anything he wishes when he re­ wito speeding pleaded guilty in Colombian Line —Republican Senators today pro­ EAST GERMAN REFUGEES tions between Japan and South rural areas." ports to Congress this week on the face of cast-iron evidence. posed anew toat the Eisenhower PLAN PARTY PURGE Korea today in a statement on "Bermuda's limited anyhow," tiie Korean War. Chatting informally to an in­ resolution denouncing Russian POUR INTO W. BERLIN the anniversary of the Korean up­ he added, "which will control the An influential Administration tent audience Mr. Minty warned To Fly Through enslavement of free peoples be rising against Japanese occupa­ amount of expansion we have. I that he could not speak con­ tion.' official, who refused to be quoted amended to make doubly clear Hints Given At Caucus believe in limitation in all' by name, said the former Eighth troversially. He did, however, that toe Senate is not approving Relations between the two things." ' answer certain criticisms. He secret World War II agreements. February Figures Set New Army commander would be un­ Here Weekly Of Party Notables countries, never good after Discussing the automobile situ­ der no restraints except those he said that a new magistrates court The Senate approved toe resolu­ Japan's 40-year occupation of ation, Mr. Outerbridge stated, "I could have been built if the tion, as President Eisenhower Record At 40,000 Plus Korea, have been clouded for the | imposed on- himself in testifying The Colombian airline Avianca PARIS, France, March 1 love a motor car. I don't see any I before Senate and House of money gathered from fines and drafted it, on Friday. Ca.fi_.__ oa Page 14 fees over tiie past few years had will - commence a once-weekly (Reuter ..—The French Commun­ Caatinued oa Pate 8 I Representative committees. service • through Bermuda to Senator Taft (Republican, BERLIN, Feb. 28 (Reuter). — been devoted to the purpose. More than 40,000 East Germans, a ist Party will set a major purge Europe next month, The Royal Ohio) said he wants "a simple in motion this week to try to Introducd by Mr. Walter Rob­ Gazette is informed. Aircraft amendment to cure the am­ record number, left their Com­ munist homeland and sought re­ streamline its, organisation and inson, a fellow lawyer, the magis­ from Colombia are expected here biguity," and Senator Hicken- shore up the party's rapidly trate noted toat since 1949 every Friday night at 7.45 o'clock, looper (Republican, Iowa) came fuge in West Berlin tbis month, it was announced today. dwindling strength, political ob­ approximately £45,000 had been continuing to Europe within an up wito an amendment he be­ servers said here today. collected in fines aiid fees. hour or so. They are due back lieved would do the trick. The monthly record exceeded by 15,000 toe previous mark es­ Next Thursday the party—big­ "The magistrates- court is' a here on the return flights every Senator Hickenlooper*s amend­ tablished in January, even though gest West European Communist very lucrative office to toe Gov­ Monday about 5.30 a.m., leaving ment was designed to make plain this month has only 28 days. group outside Italy—will hold ernment. If that money had for Colombia an hour or so later. that the resolution is aimed only The rush of the past few. days its first national conference in been set aside there would have Tbe first weekly flight from at Russian "perversion" of agree­ has been so great that registra­ more than two years. j been plenty to provide the Colombia will pass through here ments calling for seli-determina- tion and care of newly-arrived Last Friday night France's Red magistrates wito a new court. on April 3. About April 17 tion of nations, and does not take refugees has strained existing high command met secretly to Obviously there should be two Avianca will itgerease the range any stand on the clauses which machinery almost to breaking analyse the Party's fall-off in courts to deal Wito cases every of their operations to Frankfurt granted territorial concessions to point. membership and to map strategy day," Mr. Minty said. and Hamburg. At present tho Daiccia About 900 refugees have been aeainst supporters of the ousted Explaining tint 80 per cent of planes fly via tbe Azores, Lisbon The* Secretary of State, Mr. flown out each day of the p£ st rebel Communist leader, Andre toe magistrates' work was hear­ and Madrid only to Paris. The John Foster Dulles, has insisted week to West Germany. Next Marty. ing road traffic offences. Mr. present Avianca service to Europe toat tbe Eisenhower resolution as week toe refugee airlift will be Charles Tillon, associate of Minty said that since 1948 their through Bermuda is on a twice-a- it stands does not indicate ap­ able to handle 1,100 daily. Marty, was expected to be toe work in connection with sum­ month basis. proval of toe wartime ""Big Refugee officials reported their next to be ousted. Last autumn mary offences had literally The Cuban Airlines second Threo** agreements. 89 camps are badly overcrowded Tillon was ejected from toe doubled. flight since toe Star of the Orient wito more than 8,000 awaiting air party's politburo j and stripped of But Senator Taft said that Mr. Mr. Minty, who came to Ber­ crash off St. George's last year Dulles was agreeable to having transport. Another 100,000 East all bis party titles. * will arrive on March 10, Pan Germans who have been denied His ouster from Party member­ muda in 1948 after a distinguished the Senate foreign relations com­ legal career in the United King­ American Airways, local repre­ mittee say in its report on the recognition as political refugees ship was foreshadowed by a sentatives of the airline, said are obtaining shelter and food Politburo member, Raymond dom, said that traffic offences in measure that Congress was not 1951 numbered 3,189 and sum­ yesterday. The first Cuban Air­ affirming the war-time agree­ here. Guyot, chief of the party's Paris lines plane after toe crash arrived Most refugees in February were division. Guyot condemned mary offences 826. Fines totalled a week or so ago. . ments. £8,201 and fees £1,323. In 1952 Among other things the agree­ farmers, businessmen, craftsmen, Tillon's record ' as "two-faced" A Cuban plane was expected policemen and youths. Industrial and "intolerable" at toe caucus road traffic offences totalled this week but toe flight was can­ ments recognized Russian terri­ meeting. 3,480 and summary offences 701, torial gains in Poland, while workers were relatively rare. celled, a P.A.A. spokesman said. Farmers fled to Berlin when Guyot also told the caucus that bringing £8,243 to fines and There is no further news of promising Poland compensating _twt«- now were 380 fewer Red £1,824 in fees. territory from Eastern Germany. their farms were threatened by the proposed Air France service socialisation — more "than 17,000 cells in French factories than in Work was becoming more and They provided toat Russia through Bermuda. It was origin­ came during tbe past four months. 1950—a droit from 1,800 to 1,420. more centralised in Hamilton, he ally scheduled to start early in should take over Sakhalin Island Tbe circulation of the Bad news­ continued. There had been Youths wanted to escape being COME HERE TO CAMP. — This group of boys from toe Leo Foundation of New Haven, January. Tbe airline postponed and the Kurile Islands, and conscripted into toe East German paper L'Humanite in the Paris criticism of this procedure but it Connecticut, arrived in Bermuda on Saturday by P.A.A. to spend five days st Warwick Camp. In tite inaugural flight owing to a granted Russia right in Man­ police or labour corps. Many area dropped from 39,000 in 1951 was done for toe convenience of hold-up in the delivery date of churia. Republicans have roundly said toey were to be sent to the to 84,000 last year, be. said. Tbe all approximately 80 younsters in groups of three arrived on Saturday. They will spend their the public wad tbe police, not of Super-Constellation aircraft. Air denounced such provisions. uranium mines la toe Erszgebirge Red evening paper, Ce Soir, went time sight-seeing, swimming and In other outdoor pursuits. the magistrates, who would find --"ranee is now expected to begin Cmthmi oa Ha* 4 mountains in Saxony. out of business last week. Ci-rtaswl is Page '• operations In June or Jvfly. _*agff _t THE ROYAL GAZETTE*. MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1953 m, «iAiAt*i*++i*+Aft****t*»***»*+i*$' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR WORLD CITIZEN HOUSSRQOM /M sB£RUN Published Dally Incorporating ^she ZDiary (Correspondents are reminded that letters must bo; accompanied by the names The Royal Gazette (Est. 1838). and addresses of the senders, sot necessarily far publication bat as proof of The Cqlonist and DaSy Newi the writers' bona fides.) (Est 1866). ' Flatts, Bermuda. would be a relief to them to get of February 28th, 1953. off tbe main roads, and probably The Editor, a relief also to car drivers. Many SamuelPepys Teucer The Royal Gazette. visitors here hire these law Dear Sir, powered bicycles when they barely know how to sit an V. aSa -/p»At*]rH-jfi|tflV*'aHr'p/' Aw*w***ei*ta9'ifa*Yt After watching the fight of the new candidates fon the House, toe ordinary push bicycle. 0.8. and Canada Representative: Saturday, February 28th. H_gi. to me got toe upper hand To return, with regard to toe S. S. Koppe & Company, Inc., and gave me a sneaking desire value of tola road. When built on 830 Fifth Avenue, Greatly perturbed as I read of to get in the fight also. a hill side it needs revetements Mew York City. toe impending demise of our So my campaign manager did on its higher side, to prevent Representatives: Ancient and Honourable House of advise me toat I should inter­ erosion of sand, etc., from wash­ Africa & Colonial Press Agency. Ltd. Assembly though some will have view every one of my 260 con­ ing across. This is important. 8 Red Lion Square it toat it it a cursed place. But stituents and tell them my views Also, in a certain area, I noticed , W.C.I, England. I am cheered when I read of tbe on government. They would be the good old boxes, tins, and Proprietors: prospective candidates for it is flattered by toe personal Interest, general -trash lying til over toe always such own who promise us and besides, toe only way to get place. This is very bad. Although ITffi BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. a new reign of prosperity and to know people is by the personal Bermuda is cleaner than it was, peace.' it is still not clean enough. As a Beid Street. Hamilton touch. Washington Talks AUSSIE MEAT SALES CHARGES DISMISSED The other day as I rode in a So I did try my hand in an tourist resort, and also for pro­ Editor: B. T. SAYEB tection of home and family, it is taxi I sat b% front with the driver amateurish way. I quickly found Charges against Joseph Fer- Manager: FORD 1AXTEB out they were not interested in immaculate cleanliness that IN 0_i UNREWARDING 1 so that I might learn from such counts. For tbe few remaining reira Branco, of Devonshire, of Subscription Bates: a member of tbe electorate his me, but I bad to listen to them. Economist Thinks Plan For allowing a relief driver to drive views on men and methods. To I wonder after listening to 260 if carriage drivers who are val­ CANBERRA, Australia, Feb. 28 Local Foreign I would have any personality or iantly striving to survive toe (Reuter). — The Commerce a truck without a driver's licence 1 Teas at*. a\a £6. 0.0 say I was pleased wito bis know­ monumental prices of feed, hay, and without third-party insur­ • Months 3.0.0 3. 7.« ledge of our political bosses is opinions of my own left. Minister, Mr. John McEwen, 3 Months 1.17.6 2. 5.0 etc., my heart Meed, tor them. announced today that toe Aus­ ance, were dismissed on Saturday 0.16.0 to under-estrmate my admiration. The first man I asked far a They definitely should drive on Convertible Pound Unwise X Month 0.13.0 "The trouble wito so many of vote was a coloured gentleman. tralian Meat Board might in tbe Lower Court, Hamilton, by this road. The by-passing for reconsider its plan to send 2,000 the Wor. L. M. Minty. Branco our members," he began quite He said, "When I was a boy we bridges will be a problem, when MONDAY, MARCH 2, MSB calmly, "is toat they talk first and had to coax a man to represent (Special to The New York Times tons of beef to toe U.S. this denied. the charges and said he toe only way mat would be to and The Royal Gazette) season. was not the owner of tbe truck. think afterwards. Some love us, now you are asking me tor a pick up the main road tor a bit U.S. CUTTER BRINGS some particular word and use it vote. What are you getting out LONDON, March 1—According He said toe board would lose Branco called Joe DeCosta, toe and then go back. This road is a truck owner, as his witness. De­ RED CHINA'S ELECTION to death. Few of them know of it?" I did try to explain there great escape from cars. Although to this weeks issue of The INJURED MAN HERE up to 12 cents a pound on meat that their listeners dont interpret were some things in the govern­ toe Motor Car Act might have Economist tbe plan Mr. Butler now being sold in the U.S. and Costa testified he employed ment I did not like, and toe only Branco as a regular driver and their words as toe speakers in­ beau ill conceived, there is no and Mr. Eden are taking to Wash­ The increasing seriousness of that less than 60 tons of toe last LAW SAME AS RUSSIA'S tend them. Then some, not being way wipe to get in toe government mistake about toe fact that tt was ington for restoring the converti­ shipment of 850 tons had been John Reginald Swan, of Hamil­ and try to change them. "H'm," an injured man's condition original or too energetic, believe poorly drafted. Again, my heart bility of sterling includes three brought the U.S. Coast Guard sola. ton, as a labourer on the truck. toat their duty is to oppose any­ he said. But I know I left him bleeds for these valiant enough lines of action. . Mr. McEwen pointed out that (Swan was previously fined a sceptical. cutter Duane racing to Bermuda Universal Franchise But one who does want to do some­ to hope for the abolition of cars. These are toat seme holders of rather than returning to Ocean an American Congressional com­ total of £17 and disqualified for thing for toe country." Another man I asked for a vote There is not toe -tightest hope in sterling who are not at present Station Echo to pick up toe sur­ mittee investigating the heavy 12 months on three charges, In­ Only One list To Vote For * I would not mention any par­ said No. Mr. .Vesey was a gentle­ toe world. We have gone too far, free to convert it legally into vivors of the U.S. Navy's Neptune decline in the price of domestic cluding lack of a driver's licence ticular member to whom be re­ man. He always had time to sunk too deep. other currencies should be patrol bomber which ditched meat had recommended restric­ which be admitted on Saturday). listen to ail be had to say, "So I tions on imports. . LONDON, March 1 (Reuter).— ferred, but some of them would allowed to do so. alongside the cutter Coos Bay DeCosta admitted allowing quake in their shoes did toey am going to give bbn a plumper." Control it, yes. Double the Hi proposes that the rate of ex­ on Friday. Apart from these restrictions, I Swan to drive when Branco was China's new electoral law — a One man said Mrs. Aitken had fines, lock 'em up, and try and he added, current prices would modified form of toe Soviet know how many voters were dis­ change btween sterling and tbe The injured man, Fire Control- sick. He at first denied knowing satisfied with their members. asked him for a vote, so he prom­ cut down some of our ear-split­ dollar, though not sot free in the require Australia to review her that Swan was at one time dis­ Electoral System — came into ised her one. Mr. Vesey bad ting noise of exhausts. Those who man R. C. Howell was transferred export plans for this season. force today, toe New Chute News sense of being liberated from aU from toe Duane to a Kindley qualified but recalled this when And I do read in my morning asked him so be promised him wito to get rid ef cars are a control, shall be divorced from About three-quarters of a Agency reported in a dispatch re­ paper that very learned men have Base crash beat off St. George's confronted with a statement he one, now I had asked him so he venerable collection of enthus­ the present parity of $2.80. 2,000-ton shipment of lamb had made to police to that effect. ceived here which-quoted an an­ found it necessary to amend our promised me one. So I would iasts, and my hat goes off to them. at 4 p.m. yesterday and taken to already been sent to the U.S., he nouncement by the Communist The plan requires also that toe toe Kindley Hospital. Last night laws on voting and contesting. It advise Mr. Pearman, Mr. J. But, like Don Quixote, I fear they United States Government or said. But lamb sales in the U.S. last leader, Mao Tse-Tung. appears that it might be possible Outerbridge to hurry up before are tilting at windmills. The cart his condition was reported as Mr. McEwen said Australia institutions such as the Interna­ satisfactory. His injured arm had year bad shown a margin of profit It gives toe procedure tor elec­ for one man to be elected in nine B. C. C. O. beats them to it. is out. of toe bag, anil it is a tional Monetary Fund with large sent 500 tons of best mutton to —"though very disappointing*'— parishes though no one can say hopeless quest. been stitched up and placed to a the United States last year and tions to be held later this year Another man said, "Why dollar resources, put up a cast. He will be returned to tbe and it was still hoped there would to the All-China People's Con­ what would happen an be did. should I vote for you? What am suffered a severe loss on its sale. be a profit on this year's lamb. Fur my part I have ever believed But this new road should be a guarantee fund to stabilise United States during toe next gress ("Parliament") and to local I going to get out of it?" It did real asset. Keep it clean, keep sterling. few days. The Duane proceeded congresses to villages, cities and that a man elected to toe House remind me of a Guatemalan did indeed represent toe nine high powered traffic off it, stop- The weekly newspaper ex­ to toe U.S. Naval Statin, for re­ regions. president who visited one of toe sign it, and advertise it—last but pressed grave doubts about the fuelling. In Russia there is universal parishes, not some small parish outlying districts. The Indians not least. Also plant along it— where he obtains less votes than timing and the wisdom of the franchise tor citizens from toe made a fiesta for his coming, and oleanders, hibiscus, anything plan to make sterling partly con­ At one point tbe Duane had RADIO SOCIETY OF BERMUDA age of 18. China adopts this does another candidate defeated presented him wito wito pleas wito colour. turned in' her tracks and was in a larger parish. I do know vertible and expressed further principle (including votes for for money and bread. He said, '1 We are living at a pretty high doubts about whether the United beading back to Ocean Station women), but denies the right "to that "we, toe representatives of have no money myself, no bread, Echo to pick up the bomber's EMERGENCY MEETING the people" is a proud boast of so I have none to give. But I tempo here. Most of us are States Administration would survivors, but owing to the in­ elect and be elected" to "land­ existing way beyond our incomes favour a nnme which toe maga­ lords who have not changed their the 36 members though they do can give you equal opportunity to and it is a fair enough statement jured man's condition she again • p.m. Tuesday 3rd March, 1953 not refer only to the few voters earn your own money and zine said would disrupt progress turned for Bermuda. Tbe cutter social status' to , counter-revolu­ bread." to make that it is not too easy toward European unity. carries no doctor. at Headquarters, HAMILTON HOTEL tionaries and to others who have who returned them. to escape tbis predicament. The The newspaper gave three The cutter Barataria was sent been deprived of their political But, like so many other thorny Mr. X said he was voting for old adage of keeping up with the reasons for Its criticism of the BUSINESS: rights according to law, and to problems, this may be left to the no one, as no one had ever done Jones family is something of an to the Coos Bay at Ocean Station anything for him. This is toe Government's proposed financial to pick up toe survivors. She 2. Amendments to Constitution lunatics.** new House to decide. understatement. We don't bother policy. type of mind toat makes possible to keep up with them, we just will take them to New York. 1. Review of membership The number of delegates to toe toe crooked politicians and ward trample on their blooming necks First it said that, toe only way The Coos Bay recently arrived All-China People's Congress will A slight difference of opinion toe strength of sterling could be B. H. LAGDEN, Secretary/Treasurer. between the two medical men bosses of large cities wito their and look tor bigger and better at Ocean Station Echo. Fire be approximately 1,200, elected political patronage. ensured was by making it arti­ Controlman Howell was trans­ 9132+--. mainly on a population basis, but attending me. For whereas toe game elsewhere. We have in ficially scarce by restricting the ferred from her to tbe Duane, senior vows all is well with me Democracies can only flourish other words—graduated, by gosh! wito at least three deputies from wito intelligent and educated movement of goods and persons. which she relieved. The Duane each province, the Communist an I drop my many vicious habits, *mt it te not good, net any of it. Secondly, toe weekly said a people. So I must stop, ponder, "A" steals from **B_" and "B," to is starting a tour of stand-by agency said. the junior, wito bis four-year-old and wonder if Bermuda's fran­ return by the proposed method search and rescue duty here, re­ wisdom, vows I am in need of self defence has nothing else to of attaining convertibility would placing the Barataria. The Duane The New China News Agency more care—his care. chise is 'not already too broad. do but steal from "A." All the Bermuda Seniors Home Inc. said that electors may vote for When candidates have to take more power to "B." We have {wreck the European Payments was last here in December. , persons on the official single list, My "temper,' he says, must be people's deeds and have them forgotten how to farm. We have Union, for if European countries The Annual General Meeting "or for anyone not on the list, as brought down, whilst the last registered for them, deeds being turned instead to a supposed could get dollars for their sterling they wish." injection of his favourite medicine released so they can vote for easier and less secure form of they would not be content with will be held at THE HOME failed to bave tbe effect he bad them, that is subtle bribery. a credit entry on the books. (to Soviet elections, voters drop income. H one is seen going on DEATH OF MR. D. PERRY at 8 p.m. into the ballot box ballots wito hoped. I am still fighting toe good fight a long walk one te accused of Thirdly, the newspaper said, it the name of the approved candi­ This means, be says, more of making a living. I have not being possessed of a definite un­ was doubtful if the plan for only date or candidates. They bave a nourishing food like ice cream, tbe time to pay every voter toe balanced mind. We are living on partial convertibility could be FORST IN THE USA theoretical right to cross out toe and be is prepared to help me compliment of asking him to vote toe brink of beyond, and, remem­ made to work. Today official name and substitute a with that confection at any and for me. I have no husband to ber, it takes but one small pin Nor was it likely that toe His fttends in Bermuda will Monday, 2nd March, 1953 choice of their own, which is why all times. support me, no sick father, no to burst the balloon and one last present administration in Wash­ learn with regret of toe death of Soviet elections never show a government pension, no invested straw to break toe camel's back. ington would be impressed by a Mr. D. Perry Forst which occur­ By order of the Committee of complete 100 per cent vote for-a 0- income, so I am very lukewarm. Yours truly, British plan requiring mere red suddenly at his home in Management candidate.) Besides, I do not know what dollars which would undermine Trenton, N.J., en Saturday. my best friend is thinking about. WILLIAM GOSLING. the scanty progress that has Mr. Forst first visited Bermuda Agenda: 0 598 PASSENGERS ON So how can I know what 260 been mad e toward European many years ago. to 1940 he 1. Minutes. voters are thinking. All I can unity, it aided. bought "," in Paget, 2. Financial Statements. France Sharply Split 0ft QUEEN DDE ON CRUISE do is to make my own thoughts March 2, 1953. "The new administration," said where he spent several months 3. so clear there can be no mis­ The Editor, Presidents Report. Tbe Economist, "is full of men— each year much to toe pleasure 4. Army Of Europe Treaty The Queen of Bermuda is ex­ understanding to tbe voters. Tbe Royal Gazette. from the President down — wbo of bis many friends here,, who Superintendents Report. pected in Hamilton this morning Sincerely yours, Dear Mr. Editor, have helped te construct tbe looked forward to his visits. "His 5. Beetta. of Committee of Management. Continued from Page I at 7.45 o'clock with 69 passengers EARLE OUTERBRIDGE. I have so many things to write shaky fabric of European unity, gracious hospitality and his un­ 6. Any other Business. (The communique issued after for Bermuda, 500 passengers on about, but somehow feel impelled and their foreign policy requires failing kindness to all with whom last week's Rome conference of a cruise and 29 in transit for this time to write on an unusual an extension of it. Mr. Eden and he came in contact will be a the six E.D.C. foreign ministers Nassau. Tbe liner will sail this Rosewood, theme: Frustration. Mr. Butler would have met wito memorial to a great gentleman," said the French-proposed proto­ afternoon at 3 pjn. Paget. What te frustration? Is It the a much more enthusiastic recep­ a friend said yesterday. cols were merely interpretive and The "Queen" also has 178 February 27th, 1953. striving of our coloured people tion if toey had appeared in Mr. Forst spent some six weeks did not alter the treaty itself, weight tons of cargo, including The Editor, for that social equality toey can Washington as the spokesmen of in Bermuda late last year, return­ which was to be sent promptly to 45 tons of refrigerated cargo, and The Royal Gazette. never have or are toey frustrated Europe offering a collective ing to toe United States about toe parliaments for ratification with 605 bags of mail, 260 of which are Dear Sir, in their quest for plain, old scheme."* middle of December. He was a the full backing of E.D.C. govern­ for the U.S. armed forces. I recently rode a push-bicycle fashioned, Anglo-Saxon justice? devout churchman and a friend ments.) Tbe Canadian National Steam­ over all toe paved road that was Is it that the Portuguese feel SOUTHAMPTON, England, of a number of American pre­ ship Lines Canadian Victor is ex­ once the old railway track from frustrated bow toey form so sub­ Feb. 28 (Reuter).—The world's lates. CONFEDERATION pected tomorrow with cargo from Richmond Road eastward; now stantial a part of Our population, fastest ocean liner, the United Mr. Frost was unmarried and The Gaullist motion proposed Jamaica, most of which will prob­ nearing completion. I think toe wi"1 their sp*1"*. ****** contractors and States, will sail far New York to­ leaves only a sister, Mrs. Dorothy as a substitute for E.D.C. a Euro­ ably be sugar. Colony has something very valu grocers and their daughters in night 19 hours behind schedule. Forst Cook of Mew York City. ir$§E*0l pean confederation directed by a The Canadian Cruiser arrived able in'this road. To me it has offices, because some still regard Fog held up tbe 53,000-ton ship A funeral service will be held council of prime ministers, in yesterday wito 451 tons of general a two-way interest, as I worked them only as 'hewers oi wood for nearly 34 hours at Le Havre, at Trinity Cathedral, Trenton. which Germany would join, sub­ cargo and 12,000 running board on both toe original surveys be­ and drawers of water?' France. N.J., tomorrow. ject to limitations and guarantees feet of lumber. Among her pas­ fore the rails were finally laid. Is it toat the great middle class, GOVERNMENT NOTICE on industry and armed forces. sengers was Mr. McLean, toe new The railway had bad luck from the backbone of tbe community toe start The cost of buying toe but sadly squeezed between the Political quarters bere believed Canadian Trade Commissioner necessary Land, even under tonight toat the Gaullists, -though for toe West Indies, who is pro­ upper and aether millstones of arbitration, was very high; and I so-called 'lower class' and so- disappointed wito what toey re­ ceeding to his headquarters in believe I am right in saying that gard as M. Mayer's failure to keep the West Indies- Mr. McLean re­ called 'upper crust,' feel frus­ the original shareholders lost trated because of property THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION Aa, 1945 ? his promise to modify the E.D.C. fused an interview, noting toat their shirts. Treaty, would not break com­ Bermuda is not in his area. restrictions about to be placed pletely wito toe Government IB On re-flotation, it still never upon tbe small tracts of land they The Durango, Royal Mail Lines, paid, and when finally taken over have been able to acquire as the immediate future. M. Mayer also arrived yesterday after en­ was elected wito toe support of • and run by tbe Bermuda Govern­ homes? Why, once Bermuda's countering toe "usual moderate ment it never paid off at any population was all 'middle class,' The names of toe persons listed below have been removed from block of dissident Gaullists. gales." She is head ed for M. Mayer could hardly hope, time. and thrifty home-seekers were the Parliamentary Registers of toe following Parishes as required Jamaica and tbe West Coast of But, to make the best of a bad encouraged—they didn't have the however, tor Gaullist support the United States and Canada, by paragraph (b) of sub-section (S) of Section eleven of toe Parlia­ when tbe National Assembly deal, or, like Phoenix from the 'burden of proof placed upon and has a full complement of Ashes, a new road has come of it, whatever they desired to do with mentary Election Act, 1945, upon the grounds either that toey do no voted on ratification of toe treaty, 12 passengers. longer fulfil or that toey did not when registered fulfil all the re­ observers said. and I think the Colony has in this their own hard-won bits ef land, GOVERNMENT NOTICE (la Bonn toe parliamentary Tbe ship was (delayed a week something quite remarkably of which toe front 30 feet must quirements of sub-section (2) of section nine of toe Parliamentary opposition leader, Herr Erich by' tbe floods in toe Thames, valuable; In other words a private not be built upon lest tbe powers- Election Act, 1845. which affected the London docks. arterial road with no hills, much that-be pay more for widening Ollenhauer, said toe Rome E.D.C. of it with scenic beauty. Keep conference had produced "an op­ Site will pick up the Prospect roads, now automobiles Mil auto- THE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION ACT, 1945 saluting battery of 25-pounder motor cars and high powered cycles have changed all tote. Per­ WARWICK PARISH timistic communique and nothing motor bicycles completely oil it. else.") guns and several truckloads of haps a court case will be needed Plater, Richard Maurice amunition. She will load ammu­ The' slow, wobbly, low powered Caatbrnt. •• Pas• S The names of the persons listed below bave been removed from Byron- Frank ROME, Feb. 28 (Reuter).—The bicycles could be allowed. It French Foreign Minister, M. nition at Her Majesty's Nav:.l the Parliamentary Registers of toe following Parishes as required Benevides, Mary Faries Smith, Ernest Albert Base today. by paragraph (b) of sub-section (3) of Section eleven of the Parlia­ Bidault, said here today that Simmons, William Lewis France would do everything pos­ The United States Coast Guard mentary Election Act, 1945, upon toe grounds either that they'do no Daviss, Janet sible to save the projected Euro­ cutter, Duane, arrived yesterday, longer fulfil or toat they did not when registered fulfil all the re­ Fitzgerald landed an injured seaman, and quirements of sub-section (2) of section nine of the Parliamentary Gibbons, Donald Eustace pean Army but insisted toat her Tucker, Thomas McNeil controversial protocols to toe proceeded to' the U.S. Naval Election Act, 1945. Gibbons, Theresa Olive Station to refuel. She has come E.D.C. Treaty remain. - Vallis, Joseph Samuel M. Bidault said toat toe French from Weather Station Echo. •_ NOTICE Smith's Parish Johnson, William Charles Henry National Assembly would no* Chiappa, Pater Hodgson, Robert Randolph ratify the treaty unless the other Bean, John Henry Outerbridge, Gwyheth Welch, Lionel Erie nations agree to the protocols, Adenauer and the Italian Premier. Burgess, Charles Eugene Creighton, Henry Thomas Signor Alcide de Gasperi, and Peniston, William Hugh Cotton which give France a privileged Repairs are being carried out Kitson, Betty Muriel position by allowing her-to with­ attending the six-nation foreign Purvis, William Sterling Furbert, Russell Calworto draw troops from the common ministers' conference on European to Little Watford Bridge; no Mercer, Howard Campbell Smith, Christyola pool without prior approval of integration. Outerbridge, Gerald Greatback William, Maurice Sydney The above-mentioned persons are hereby notified of the removal Ite said he. hoped the foreign other partners. of their names from toe Parliamentary Registers of toe Parish named Speaking at a news conference ministers' conference, at which sea borne traffie allowed The above-mentioned persons are hereby notified of the removal before leaving for Paris M. the Franco-German deadlock, on of their names from the Parliamentary Registers of toe Parish named and are informed that if they wish to be heard by the Parliamentary Bidauit denied that France bad the protocols was at least eased, under bridge for approx­ and are informed that if they wish to be heard by tbe Parliamentary Registrar wito respect to such removal they should attend at the withdrawn tbe protocols, which had enabled France's partners to Registrar with respect to such removal they should attend at toe office of the Registrar General between 2.30 pan. and 5.00 p_n. on have met with stiff opposition realise it was "unjust' 'to suspect office of tbe Registrar General between 2.30 pjn. and 5 00 Dm on Wednesday, 4th Mart*, 1953. from the other nationals, partic­ ber real for European unity. imately three weeks. Friday, 6th March, 1953. • f • ularly West Germany. The Signor de Gasperi said in an , French Government still considers interview today that all members them "of fundamental import­ attending toe conference "recog­ GARRISON ENGINEER, S. G. TREES ance," he said. nised toat in toe general interest Bermuda. S. G. TREES, M. Bidault bas spent four days it was necessary to take into Parliamentary Registrar. Parliamentary Registrar J account France's responsibilities 497.tf.Ji here talking with the West Ger­ 50Mt«. man Chancellor, Dr. Konrad outside Europe.*' 5IM1JB-.

\ THIS ROYM, -SASETTE, MONDAY MARCH 2, 1954 Page 5 EMIGRE RUSSIAN RAM) Uncorked Wine Bottlf £124-DL SPEEDING FINES John Bull Tyres FOR SOVIET LISTENERS m ». CHKR mm MUNICH, Germany, March 1 Part Of Cargo Speeding fines totalling £124 Fully Guaranteed (Reuter). — Radio Liberation, a were collected in St. George's new transmitter operated by anti- magistrates . court on Friday, J Communist migrants from the when the Wor. H. Martin Godet Soviet Union, beamed its first World's Oldest heard' 2 • cases of speeding; broadcast today across the iron Three offenders had their curtain. licences suspended for one month WASHINGTON, Feb. 28- (AP). in addition to paying £5 fines. Its broadcasts are intended —The Oldest known cargo shjp primarily for toe peoples of toe in toe world ia being raised fram REDS ItARRASS CHIANG They were Edgar John Stenerson Soviet Union and will consist of toe spot where it sank ii. .he and John A. Duffy of Kindley news and comments about econ­ Mediterranean Sea off the Sc u .1- FORCES * ». BORN Base, and Eardle'y Bean, of Ham­ omic and political issues. It will ern Coast of France some St. * JO ilton Parish. All pleaded guilty. also tell toe Soviet peopies of the years ago. The magistrate fined Richard L. ideas and work of their country­ Included in the cargo are bot­ \j& Hem* I-ivatfe Yunnan Doeliler, of Kindley Base, and men now living in exile. tles of wtoe. some still corked 1 Albert James Easton, of Warwick Controlling organisation of after all these years. And Hen Mat %m East, £7 each and' endorsed' their Radio Liberation te the "coordina­ licences. The ship was found by toe Na­ Pleading guilty and fined £5 tion centre for the - fight against tional Geographic Sooiety-Ca- ON ______* SURMA - CHtNA' each' were Joseph J. Newman; of Bolshevism," which comprises 1 vpso . Marine Arctieological FRONT-Bli; March" l (Reuter).— Russians, Ukrenian and other Expedition. Dr. Gilbert Gros- Kindley Base: Diuell Hall, of nationality groups. It has the Eurmee Army sources said today Devonshire; Vincent Earl Ches­ venor, president of the National that the estimated' 30,000 Nation­ backing, both financial and tech- Geographic, announced the dis­ terfield LoveH?'. of Watwtek; With Unbreakable | nical, of toe American Committee alist Chinese guerrillas operating Harry Colin Smith, of Pembroke; covery here today. The society in northeast Burma are taking a' | for the liberation of the people said* of the ship: Nathaniel Louis Tenney, of Kind - Side Wa»s | of Hii—it, which has its head­ severe beating from Communist ley Base, A.phonso Burgess, of "One of toe rarest finds of China. quarters in New York. archeological treasure in recent Pembroke: Thomas Jones Gillan, years." Burmese-army officers operating of Dean House Cottage, Flatts; Wearing aqualungs, divers on Burma's 800-mile * frontier ll_Jwent Smith, of Hamilton found tbe ship carried almost a with China say that only one Parish; and Louis Codrington, of thousand amphorae — pottery Chinese Nationalist in five re­ Somerset. vessels tor wine. turns alive to' tell tite story of Othera fined £5 each were IMPERIAL FINE DINNERWARE raids against the Communist in­ Peter J. MeCarthy _*__" John C. Made for the Man It also had* 1,400 pieces of fine terior. Stensbiiry, of Kindley Ufa's e; TYPEWRITERS dinnerware, probably from the These sources say toe Peking Harold Caldwell, of Smith's Greek Province of Latium. This Government has two regular PaH-h; Wesley G. Tropt. of Ham­ who wants the Best now te Campania, Italy. divisions deployed along-the Yun­ ilton Parish; Paul'J. Canahan and Scholars already have dte- nan-Burma border. «4 Thomas L, Standard, of Kindley -tose. Philir. Brie Welch, of rovered who owned the 110-foot, A favourite Communist trick is Prices: 600-ton ship. He was a fellow to allow Chinese Nationalists to _*th_t--'- PWrish; Alvin T. MUler, named Marcus Sestius, a Roman penetrate into Yunnan. They aire of Kindley Base, Theodore Boyl- 500 x 16 £5. 5.0 550 x 15 £ 5.12.6 naturalised' as a Greek, who lived' then encircled and given a "good ing of St George's and Donald on the Greek island of Delos. licking," a' Burmese array officer Swatt; of Pembroke. One historian said he was a said. 475 x 16 £5. 9,0 5*25 x 16 £5.13.0 powerful politician who was sent to prepare Greece for a Roman Regular frontier battles take GIRL 700 x 16 £11.0.0 conquest. place; though news of them sel- Standard and Portable The expedition was headed by j dom reaches the outside world. Models Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The guerrilla campaign has been m NEW Y0R„ STREET He said the ship would be cleared stepped up since President Eisen­ P. H. ADDERLEY * CO. Johnson & Cooper, IH. of cargo and mud by late Spring, hower deneutralised Formosa, toe- NEW YORK. Mere*. 1 (Renter). abd then would, be brought to officer added. —M) sB*>-yeiiir-old sit., stabbed in Serpentine Road Phone 2011 Wholesale Distributors tmW back by a stranger last night 'tne' surface. Army officers trying to rid 4303't .un in 5-»f_a. Wine supposedly grows better Burma of the guerrillas do not I as she walked along a street, was as it grows older. It was learned believe the Nationalists,' remnants j in critical condition today. unofficially, however, that some­ of Chiang Kai-shek's armies The _grl, Barbara Koeppicus. one indeed had tasted toe world's pushed out of China by the Com­ | had attended a cinema show with oldest wine—with this result: munists in 1949, are strong ber mother and brothers and was "The alcohol was gone, and enough to mount a big offensive. walking to the home of a friend By Builtanzyne only sludge was left. Tasted when toe attack took place. The into Yunnan. Their present raids* fttri told police a man walked up OF PEEBLES terrible." have only a nuisance value, m n c a* though efforts have been made to I behind her and said: "Hi, honey." TOKYO, Feb. 24 (Reuter). — link up with toe anti-Communist | Then she felt a sharp pain in the A Cashmere Sweater to star by night! Why more people fly between Tbe Canadian ambassador to Jap­ underground' forces in Western back. an, Mr. Robert Mayhew, and his Yunnan. Her screams brought neigh­ wife, and tbe envoys of Yugo­ bours who called the police. Po­ slavia and Venezuela, lunched B- Evidence of this was found in a lice said she, had a glimpse of tbe In this, Ballantyne's evening cashmere wito Emporer Hirohito and tbe letter recently recovered from the man, a stranger to her. masterpiece studded with rhinestor.es, Bermuda and New York by Clipper Empress Nagako at toe Imperial body of a Nationalist officer shot PoMee also searched today for Palace today. by Communist troops near Bhamo three men who escaped from a you will rival the stars themselves. OH toe Irrawaddy River. Signed I mental institution but said ap­ For sheer dramatic effect this lovely by Wong Yu-we^ commander of parently there was nothing to than by ail other airlines combined "the Pao-aW Division operating connect the escape wito the stab­ cashmere evening sweater is un­ In the North Burma Zone," it' was bing of the girl Dry Cleaning addressed to an officer of the high Two of the patients escaped matched. See them in Navy, or Black. command of the anti-Communist yesterday morning from the For **-P__r_isy of Salvation"* in Yunnan. j Creedmoor State Hospital for the £11.0.0 (U.S. $31.13) "Red danger has sunk toe main­ insane. Last night, a hospital Service land of China," it said. 'Our spokesman said, a third man division has been ordered to get escaped. Vtmfmt 2104 rid of this danger. "As such our flags of loyalty Sunshine Cleanert have, been raised and brave soldiers .. have flocked to our "The Home of Better standard. Cleaning" "I hope you will join us to com­ Hound Trip by deluxe first tavmxMm. plete tbe task for the national elms "Strm." Cl.ppei a cause at an early date." Si I 5, includes cncklails, sherry, cuisine by Maxim's of Paris, fewer passengers, mart attendant; Tb* Clipper Tourist fare is $95— includes light rtj ,esements. I THERE and One reason is that EVERYWHER only PAA offers both first-class and

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Page ? THIS ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY -SEARCH 2, 1953 $&&&&& &&4$"fr& &&&&&& &&&&$•$> FOUND LYING IN ROAD Hospital for treatment. He Soviet Scientists Say World PERSONAL & SOCIAL appeared to have been knocked down but was not in a serious 5,000 Million Years Old A son, Peter Stuart Harnett, A man named Burrows was was born to/Mr. and Mrs. Sher­ found lying on the Marsh Folly condition. Further details could m not be obtsined from the hospital MOSCOW, March 1 (Reuter). man K.. Ellis, Jr., of Scarsdale, 'Road about 7.30 p.m. yesterday. New York, on February 9. cfcelmont SKotel i '% —Soviet scientists say the earth He was taken to the King Edward last night- Mrs. Ellis is the former Con­ • dm * I is at least 5,000 mil-hon yeara old, stance Harnett, daughter of Mr. I the Soviet Co-iununist Party Stuart B. Harnett, of "Stony- DANCING newspaper Pravda reported to­ croft," Pembroke. day. to Al Davis and His Natiw Orchestra 1 Quotirg a member oi the SovipBt OSLO, Norway, Feb. 28 Tom Moore's Tavern Academy of Scienc«_. Professor (Reuter).—Workers today com­ pleted temporary repairs on. the 9 A. P. Vinogradov, Pravda said "Famous for Fine Food* that Soviet science had estab­ 10,000-ton U.S. ore freighter f lished -_* absolute age of the Mormacmar, which cracked her Every Tuesday earth "as a result of huge suc­ hull In' a storm oil Bodoe last •** BERMUDA LOBSTERS cesses in tiie physico-mathemati- week. The Mormacmar sailed the famous TALBOT BROTHERS cal and geological sciences in the from Bodoe for Rotterdam, Hol­ land, where she will be fully re­ at their best Soviet tS_km." No Minimum Their findings facilitated re­ paired. No Covet search, toll) the origin of the earth •f^ 51371m. For Reservations Phone- 7136 and the'entire solar system, the &•&•&•&-$$>

SANDYS THEATRE Tonight at 8 p.m. Wa\\Wmi Clark GABLE and Vivien LEIGH — in "GONE WITH THE. WIND"

BAILEYS BAY THEATRE yp^rrRAOULWAC Tonight at 8 p.m. Screen Play by Ivan Goff & Ben Roberts ana Atmus M«oK#-U-« George MURPHY — in from tht NovftbyC. S. Fot-ti* "WALK EAST ON BEACON" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SOMERS OPERA HOUSE St. Geon's — 8.15 J. SCOTT SMART Ginger- ROGERS — in "MONKEY BUSINESS" "THE FAT MAN" and BELF1ELD-IN-S0MERSET Humphi-ey BOGART — in SOMERSET — 8.15 ST. GEORGE'S — 8.15 • LUNCH "SIROCCO" • TEA SOUTHAMPTON THEATRE Tony CURTIS •"•FRANCIS GOES TO • DRINKS Piper LAURIE Tonight at 8 p.m. WEST POINT" • GIFTS 3 Hoosier Hotshots in "SON OF ALI BABA" WITH JEAjtniNi HAGEimuuNi -mufWRiinu MILLARD IV1ITGHEL. L ANDUIUUHHIIWUL _»«._. BETTYCOTfflEN» MOU-HGREENLJ^Cr *'** I / and "COWBOY BLUES" and Open Every Day Except mmm«Wmm • am*.-NMIIMM • o^ecreo^t%NEKELLYA^STAraiYOONEN • s«oouceo.vARTHUR FREED . MimimuK 7^7^^Jt and "THE SAVAG^ | "CLASH BY NKJHT" Sunday —10.30 to 5.30 • III 1 II II II I ' I III I I I ' " • I III Joan CRAWFORD — in SU0t«/\ "GOODBYE MY FANC-P*

a. -.it ••_., mLWai .___sf_i_ " SBH *s THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY- MARCH 2, 1953 iP_C_s 5

and Alfred Hays Ticket Agency that 1,300 seats for each day of Wimbledon Seats report that they will be returning the championships had been LETTERS TO THE EDITOR MARK-YE-WELL WINS Alleged Czech Spy In Israel more than £ 150,000 to applicants over-applied for four times. Difficult To Obtain Unsuccessful in .the ballot for But take heart. For genuine seats. Last year only £95,000 was enthusiasts there is still the east Co-rtiMK- from Tsge 1 $100,000 Santa Anita Commits Suicide LONDON, March 1.—Getting a returned—which gives you some stand at No. 1 Court and the to determine this point, and the seat at this year's Wimbledon will idea of the number of applica­ standing space round the Centre same legislature which made mm > TEL AVIV, Israel, March 1 tions received this time. Court — for those prepared to unjust law can also repeal It al- , Cft-bast Farm Entry (Reuter).—The evening newa- be as difficult as obtaining a place th. ugh a tough job without that at the Coronation. The fact that the cost for a queue. spCM* paper Maariv reported today that book of tickets has risen from ten No doubt thousands will do just Bermuda invention, the 'duratlt n { Finishes In Front By Head Joseph Kopitzki, 32-year-old ]' If you have not yet sent in your to twelve guineas has not deter­ clause' Major Huxley has found i applications but are hoping to that—anything for the privilege Cz .ch suspected of being a leader red these tennis enthusiasts. In of watching those masters of the so efficient. . \ Ar.CADIA, CseUf, Feb. 28 (AP). of a Czech spy ring in Israel, secure a seat for Wimbledon on fact, the number of applicants game, American Maureen Con­ jumped to his death when police arrival in U.K., a warning: your Is It because, instead of follow­ -- <'._kimet Farm's Mark-Ye-Well has increased by at least 2,000 nolly and Australian Kim. Rose­ ing economic laws which have 1 •- '.-.y held on today to win the searched his Hat here last Thurs­ chances will be slight indeed. this yeas'. Alfred Hays agency wall and Lewis Hoad demonstrate day. "; The two main distributing made this Colony what it bj today, ;.'".. 000 Santa Anita Handicap by SERVICE GUIDE closed their books within an hour their skill at this Coronation at tremendous public expense a head over Mrs. Rea Warner's agencies, the All England Club of opening them. They reported Wimbledon. The newspaper said plain Imperial Government lands must Tiusting. clothes men found important be in null nil lii one parcel by the Time of the mile and a quarter documents in the flat, revealing Bermuda Government, already was 2:01 1-5. that Kopitzki regularly paid the greatest local land-owner A crowd of 59,000 watched the membership dues to the Czech Sandys 24 Hon* Taxi Service and one of the biggest local pay­ sixteenth running of the hundred- Communist Party and had been masters? Not content with the thousand dollar race with the a senior reserve officer in the Somerset — Phone 825*1 8 a.m. — 11 p_m. powerful grip already acquired smallest field of the lot, only six Czech Army. over self-governing Bermuda starters. Phone 8376 11 p.m. — 8 *.m. through gradual building up of Kopitzki, who died in hospital, Alfred G. Vanderbilt's First was reported to have said before tiie Civil Service, this will enor­ Glance finished third. First mously increase their power, as leaping from a third-floor win­ Glance • went to the front early dow: "This will cost the lives of Choose Royally. . well as afford opportunity for and held it into the stretch, with more activities of what has been scores of Jews in Czecho­ Rainbow Taxi Service Trusting, Mark-Ye-Well and In­ slovakia-." aptly described as a 'bunch of tent close behind. H-p-milt— — Phone: 1948 fanatics* interfering with property rights. Then Mark-Ye-Well, packing until trainer Jimmy Jones began Choose tap weight of 130 pounds with Is it that the lottery question stretching -Mm' out for distance Eddie Arcaro up, went into the races, stayed behind, dueling is again raising its head, purely lead. He stretched It to a tall Sporling'e Taxi and Freight Service academically at first, but destined alternately around the strip for length before Trusting made his the place spot with Trusting. if carried to a logical conclusion bid, with Willie Shoemaker giv­ St George's — Phone: 111! to make the name of this fair ing him a fine ride. At the far turn, Mark-Ye-Well Colony stink in the nostrils of It was stride for stride to the* pulled up on First Glance and decent people? finish line, but Mark-Ye-Well tried to shake off Trusting, while UogalBoulton Is it that, with a "persistence held on. Intent -made a move to get into Trott Taxi Company unto death," the matter of private Going to the post a 3-5 favour­ the race. Catholic schools is again about to ite, Mark-Ye-Well paid $3050, Rounding into* the stretch, Hamilton — Phone 4184 - 4185 arise and, if necessary, must be $2.75 and $2.40; Trusting, $3.60 Arcaro sent Mark-Ye-Well In stamped to death under foot like and 2.70; First Glance, $3.70. front and built up a nice lead AT OUR ENGLISH CHINA SHOP any other adder? likewise Day­ Intent, the disqualified winner over First Glance. Trusting was light Saving, which so many a of tte handicap a year ago and close behind. In the final strides weary mother mistakenly felt was second choice of the public to­ to' the wire, Arcaro gave the Bull settled for this summer at least, day, trailed in fourth, a head Lea offspring a few healthy (Clip out for future Reference) but which will undoubtedly con­ back. J whacks to get him across first. . Craftsmanship at its best . . . china front the new House. Also, of A total of $713,634 went into course, the liquor bar-at-airport As expected, First Glance, the •z_-.t_-.tr matter. speed horse, was sent Into a quick tbe mutuels on the race, well that grows lovelier and more precious lead by Eric Guerin, Mark-Ye- ahead of the $677,646 bet last Is it because a faithful and re­ "well, a good sprinter himself week on the Santa Anita Derby. spected Bermudian Civil servant with each passing year. It's the (name furnished on request), after a long and honourable incomparable Royal Doulton now career, has at last been overcome by 'frustration';, or because the same reason is behind the retire* featured in a delightful selection at ment of a legislator (name also furnished on request) after five our famous English China Shop on years' meritorious service in the General Assembly of the Ber­ Front Street. mudas or Somers Islands? Is it because that same General Assembly appears to have sunk so low. that to enter it requires not even the examination mooted for entry to the Government's Civil Service, with not even an appearance once.in.five years be­ fore constituents—which can be avoided by an opportune bout of illness, unaccompanied by a doctor's certificate? Is it that the penalty for armed robbery (and of women, at that) has been so watered down by another 'bunch of fanatics' that • FAMOUS FIGURINES even. after a criminal is appre­ hended and found guilty by a for TARTAN • TOBY JUGS jury of bis peers (?) the sen­ tence is merely IS strokes on tbe •*%•»- J 11 • CHINA ANIMALS posterior with a feather's equiva­ 1 L * lent? Better by far that, along with a reputation for British .. at its best in our fine • BONE CHINA justice, Bermuda's sentences after conviction be known far and wide • DINNERWARE as "merciless!" Is it because clever fathers of native birth, for whatever reason, have sons totally unfit to carry BRITISH IMPORTS on Bermuda's traditions ' or cope with changing conditions oiy {jfe worse yet (?), leave no male issue j to be ^"frustrated?"••ffi^ What Is frustration, Mr. Editor? Is it a curse which drives us to second floor despair and suicide, or is it a God- given gift which compels us to fight on after every defeat,-even unto that one last, great, certain "Frustration," death? Mi-^m. FRUSTRATED

genuine JKIR I b in hunting, ancient end dress tartans. 16-gored. pleated and kilt Bermuda Doeskin styles, beautifully tailored in Scotland of all wool. Size's 10 to 20. * TROUSERS TOPCOATS of camelhair, tartan-lined — for a coat supreme. Downy soft There is nothing quite like-genuine natural or bleached camelhair in Bermuda Doeskin for trousers-—so straight or belted styles, London naturally these superb trousers are tailored. of the famed Hunt & Winterbotharf.

Bermuda Doeskin. They are tailored tV\ especially for us by Maenson* of STOLES in all wool authentic tartans London and are featured in a choice of twelve dtjstfnctive shades. to match your siirt. most popular accessory. Hand finished and fringed.

Ours exclusively

5.1 -Stm. 91_®tt

mt®mmw&&sM^ 1 B3BB—MMH^flW I' mmmm mmmm Page 5 TJ-E_ BQTAL ,G43$TT& - MQW^Y- -! MA-SG^ 1-4^53 1 1 |—^~S" f k stretch to win. Eugene Constan- players and a wad of cash Ip©*1*** Faveuretl Straight Face tin, Jr.'s, Royal Bay Gem was ARSENAL ARE UPSET E. N. Russell AM) Couper Phils Reported Getting hard-hittii^g centre-fielde_rf 1 second, a neck in front of Mrs. flfr. AndMr$P Pearmun Win The ofher players are tepdPted Wins Flamingo Stakes •era S. Bragg's Tribe. Ada L. BY EACKPOOL 2-1 Maintain Bridge Lead Kiner For Players, Cash to be outfielders Mel Clark and* Bice's Cerise Reine, only filly in Jack Mayo and pitcher PauT the race, was third. Sir Alexander Walker Cup MIAMI, Fla., Feb. 28 (AP)— Tbe third session of their VERO BEACH, Fla., Feb. 28 Stuffel, a rookie righthander j*(hj< Running time for the mile and won eleven games and ,-psl *§-i Sixteen of the nation's speediest Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pearman yes­ Brown Scores Winner •frjiripil Winter Tournament was (AP).—The Philadelphia Phillies ap eighth was 1:49 2-5 over a completed at the Bermuda Bridge at Baltimore last season* w * - three-year-olds raced according lightning fast track. Fractional terday won the Sir Alexander Tied For first b are on the verge of making a to the script today and Greentrep Walker Cup, a trophy presented Breaks Leg Saturday Club on Friday evening when 14 four-player and cash deal for times Were especially fast — 22 pairs competed in Section "B". All available men wh0.t**£*"fci- Stable's Straight Face won tan 2-5, 1:10 2-5 and 1:36 1-5. for mixed doubles play at the Mid Ralph Kiner, Pittsburgh's home pated in the __rst A_3_*eHca1-^-.c*wl- Ocean Club. Men's Honeypot Golf LONDON, Eeb. 28 (Reuter).— This session was won by Mr. run king, it was learned today. $100,000 added Flamingo Stakes Straight Face paid $5.30, $3.40 Victor Broom and Mr. W. B. Ros­ ing Congress tournament hi 1901 The competition for the trophy, Mighty Arsenal, often called the A source connected with the hy a length and a half at Hialeah and $2.80 in the $2 mutuels. Royal There were tips for first, second ser, a non-competing pair, with will be featured at the opening Park. Bay Gem paid $4.30 and $3.30, which is an annual affair, is 'a New "Sack Yankees of British Philadelphia club said the Phillies of the ABCs "Golden JubQfe? best "ball against par tournament and third - place in the men's Football, was upset by Blackpool, a score of 92 Match Points. In Straight Face, with jockey Ted while Tribe returned $3.30 to honeypot go}f competition played second place were Dr. and Mrs. are ready to deal first baseman Journey at the Chicago C^lfeeini show in ttie major prep tor the over 36 holes. -Twenty-six pairs 2-1 today 'lh the quarter-finals of Eddie Waitkus, t h r e e other on Feb. 21, 1953. Atkinson riding, was rated per­ entered. at t*_.e Riddell's Bay Golf and Raymond Spurling who scored fectly and moved up- in the Kentucky Derby. Country Club course yesterday. the Football Association's Cup -»•/_. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pearman fin­ Full handicaps were permitted in tournament. ished their round with a -3 The defeat came on Arsenal's With two sessions yet to be yesterday's game and a7 were en­ played the standing In this against par for first position. In tered. home ground in London and be­ second place with -4 were Ronnie fore nearly 70,000 fans, most of tournament for all competitors is Dwyer and Mrs. Tom Smith. Tied for first with 40 points 88 follows: were Br. C. H. Joos and Struan them Arsenal supporters. All J. E. LIGHTBOURN & CO. Third were Mr. Lindquist and Mrs goals were scored in the final 1. E. N. Russell and Seitz with -6. Smith. J. B. Couper 559 In second position were thirteen minutes. Scotsman Allen At the conclusion of the tour­ Brown, who scored Blackpool's 2. N. M. Bach and IN BOND PRICE LIST Michael Cox and Teddy* McBeath James. E. Pearman 555 do. you have nament, the cup was presented to with 39 points each while C. W. winning goal, broke bis leg and Hamilton St. George's Mrs. Pearman by Mr. Hf D. But­ Pish and Oinorglti J. Tully ' were probably ^rtll be out the re­ 3. Rev. R. O. Walker and ter, who was largely responsible tied for third with 37 points each. mainder of the season. T- F. F. Wyatt .... .536 in introducing Sir Alexander 4. Mrs. J. B. Pearman and *»*»#ft INSURAMCI Tottenham Hotspur, another Mrs. N. M. Bash .532 SCOTCH WHISKIES Walker to Bermuda. London team, drew 'w-tfl'Birm- After the prize-giving, a toast 5. MTs. L. Lowry and ingham 1-1; Everton defeated Malcolm Martin 527 **. protection? Asserted Perfusi $14.50 Ballantine $14.50 was drunk to the memory of the Aston Villa 1-0 and the Bolton Perfection j 14.50 donor of the cup: jjS* Fi. Quarter-Final Match 6. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. 2 Ballantine Scotch Wanderers defeated Gateshead Townsend ,5__ 1 Perfection Scotch Vof 69 M-ft The scores: 1-0. 7. Dr. and Mrs. R. Spurling 518 1 Vat 69 Scotch Black & White **M minus For Replay Wednesday In the Frist Division champion­ 8. Mrs. R. Lines and 1 Spey Royal Scotch Haig Gold Label 14.50 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Pearman 3 ship race, which is separate from V**p|or Broom 519 Gilbey's Spey Royal ...... 13.50 R. Dwyer and Mrs. Tom Smith '.. 4 LONDON, Feb. 28 (Reuter).— the Cup tournament, Burnley was 9. Mrs. F. G. Gosling and I" To Cover ~, H. Lindquist and Mrs. Seitz 6 The F.A. Cup quarter-final match idle and was overtaken in the Robert Rans jjig John Trimingham and Lady GALLON CASES OF between Birmingham City and standings by Preston North End, 10. fhr. G. Lucic-Roki and Trimingham 8 Tottenham Hotspur which was Wolverhampton Wanderers and D. G. Cooper , ,514 Rising Costs and: $13.50 Lightbourn's Barbados Rum $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Wardman • • 9 Lord Calvert Rye Whi*y drawn today' will be replayed West Bromwich Albion, eacb 11. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. 13.50 Goddard's Gold Braid Rum 5.75 Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Park 9 Seagram's V.O. i-ye Wrisky next Wednesday, March 4 at with 38 points.'"* Rosser 506 13.50 Cockode Barbados Rum — 5.75 Mr. Corson and Mrs. Guest 10 Canadian Club Rye Whisky Tottenham. 12. Mrs. K. C. Arnell and High Appraisals ? 17.00 Myer's Jamaica Rum 10.00 N. Hutchings and Mrs, Lines .... 12 Today's British soccer results: Hine's five-Star Brandy — The following English League _ W. H. Evans ...... 503 17.00 Gordon's London Gin ...... — 8.50 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tucker 14 F.A. CUP — Quarter Finals MarteM's *** Br&tay _. fixtures, postponed today owing 13. R. Von Roeder and 18.50 Cherry Heering Liqueur _ 14.00 Mr. Straton and Mrs. M. A. Arsenal 1. Blackpool 2 Old Grandad Bourbon _ to F.A. Cup quarter-finals, will be H. M. Unruh 502 13.50 Jameson's Irish Whisky 12.50 Gibbons 15 Aston Villa 0, Everton 1 Walker's De Luxe Bourbon played next week as follows: 14. H. Brownlow Eve and Four Roses Whisky 13.00 Old Bushmills Whisky 13.50 Mr. Selley and Mrs. Wilson 16 Birmingham 1, Tottenham 1 Be prepared ... be insurance-safe-? Let* us Monday, March 2, Sheffield W. D. Eve 500 17.00 Booth's House of Lords Gin 8.50 Mr. and Mrs. Lightboume 17 Gateshead 0, Bolton Wan. 1 Hennessy Brandy. Wednesday v Arsenal (League 15. -Irs. H. B. Eve and Courvoisier Brandy 17.00 Bacardi Blanca Rum 13.00 Mr. J. Bright and Miss Bearman .. IX ENGLISH LEAGUE check your present insurance, and bring it One); P. J. Willcocks 492 15.25 Bacardi Oro, Demijohn 13.00 Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Dill ...... 18 First Division i. Boulestin *** Brandy Tuesday, March 3; Barnsley v 18. Mrs. B. Marshall and up to date if necessary, with adequate insurance .'""!'__f| Craig Curtis and Mrs. Gosling .... 18 Cardiff City 0, Charlton Ath. 1 Blackpool (League One); Frank Gosling .486 Mr. and Mrs. Montselas 88 Manchester C 2, Portsmouth 1 Gallon Packages of Assorted Liquor Oldham Athletic v C .ieshead 17. Mr. S. W. Dressier and protection! Keep your policy in line with rising; Sir Alex, and Lady Hood 20 Newcastle Utd 1, Wolverhampton 1 'Twenty-One Package containing "Da Luxe" Package containing (League Three Northern); Mr. N. Shrubb .465 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Keating 20 Preston N E 2, Chelsea 1 Wednesday, March 4; Liver­ 18. Sirs. H. Dickens and costs! Call 1276; absolutely no obligationf Lord and Lady Essendon 21 Stoke City 3, Manchester Utd 1 3 Fifths Canadian Club Rye 3 Fifths Seagram's Rye pool v Bolton Wanderers and Mrs. S. .Thompson 463 Mr. and Mrs. Benziger 84 West Bromwich 1, 1 2 Fifths Ballantine"s Scotch 2 Fifths Bluck & Whits Scotch Middlesbrough v Aston Villa 19. Mrs. H. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Gibbons .... 84 Second Division $14.00 $14.00 (League One); Mrs. H. Nash .431 The Bermuda Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.; Captain and Mrs.' Francis 27 Bury 8. Doncaster Rovers 1 20. Mrs. L. R. Selley and Each United States Citizen or Resident is permitted to take any of Mr. Willetts and Mrs. Preston 28 Thursday, March S; Notts Fulham 2, Hull City 1 Front Street West, Hamilton. Phone 1276 County v Everton (League Two). Leeds Utd 0, Sheffield Utd 3 W. G. Maundrill 419 the above gallon packages into the United States free of duty 4 Leicester City 1, Notts F 1 21. MTs. R. A. Wheatley and 5123 W. L. Bickley 403 Prices quoted are U.S. currency. Luton Town Q, Huddersfield 2 Plymouth Argyle 4, Bransley 0 Orders for all IN BOND Liquor Packages must be placed at Max Bentley May Retire Rotherham Utd 3. Lincoln City 3 Dick Thomas Betters Southampton 0, Brentford 2 least 24 hears before time of departure. West Ham Utd 8. Blackburn R 0 From Professional Hockey -Third Division (South) Hamilton, Bermuda. World Backstroke Mark Aldershot 1. Southend Utd l TORONTO, Feb. 28 (AP).—It 8173tm«.tp. Bristol R 1 Northampton 1 MEW HAVEN, Conn., appeared today that Max Bentley, Colchester Utd 1, Bournemouth 1 Feb. 28 (AP).—Yale's pow­ f6r y ears one of hockey's Coventry City 8. Ipswich Town 0 erful swimming team brightest stars, has given up the Exeter City 0, Leyton Orient 1 trounced Princeton,' _>.-27, gaite. Gillingham 0. Bristol C 1 today for its ninety-ninth T<*te 33-year-old veteran centre, Millwall 8, Torquay Utd 0 straight dual meet victory, plagued by injuries and illness Norwich City 3, Beading 0 as Dick Thomas bettered the during ' the present National Queen's P R 3, Brighton 9 world's listed x 100-yard Hockey League campaign, Shrewsbury T 1, Newport Co 1 TODAY backstroke record while checked out of his hotel Thursday Swindon Town 0, Watford 0 competing in the 300-yard and disappeared. Officials of the Walsall 2, Crystal Palace 4 medley relay. Toronto Maple Leafs know noth­ Third Division (North Thomas was clocked in ing definite of bis whereabouts. Accrington 1, Southport 2 56.4 seconds. The world's However, a check today showed Barrow 5, Bradford City 1 mark is 56.5, set by Jack that an auto registered in Bradford 3. Darlington 0 Bentley's name giteml .the Chesterfield 1, Port Vale 0 Taylor of Ohio-State. 1 "I Our Store Wide Sale United States at Port Huron, Grimsby T 0, Stocport Co I Mich., Thursday. The auto ap­ Halifax Town 2. Carlisle Utd 1 parently was heading through the Mansfield T 2, Hartlepools Utd 0 HOW ON "t/.S. to his home at Delisle, Sask., Tranmere R 4, Chester 0 Murry Dickson of tbe Pirates and would re-enter Canada at Workington 4, Alex 0 BE WISE: Come in and take advantajfe of the had the dubious distinction oi Portal, N.D. Wrexham 3, Rochdale 0 large assortment of goods that we - have losing the most games, 21, giving Hap Day, assistant general York City 8, Scunthorpe Utd 2 slashed below cost price, for your benefit. up the most homers, 26, and manager of tjje Leafs, said SCOTTISH LEAGUE yielding the most runs, 128, in Bentley didn't show up for prac­ "A" Division ON SALE ARE — Ladies' dresses- the National League in 1952. tice Friday. Aberdeen 0, Raith R 2 Bentley returned to action Airdrieonians 3, Hibernian 7 large and small; Nylon Slips, Panties and against the Montreal Canadiens Clyde 3, Motherwell 2 Stockings, exquisite in shade and design. Wednesday after being off two East Fife 2. Partick Th 3 weeks with a recurring back in­ Hearts 3, Queen of 'South 0 FOR MEN we offer the BEST in jury. About 10 days ago his wife Rangers 4, Falkirk 0 r~r*°*_- Heart's Delight Betty said he should retire be­ St. Mirren 0. Dundee. 0 Shirts, Waistcoats, Socks, ties, etc. cause of Injuries suffered this Third Lanark 1, Celtic 3 season.. "B" Division Th ANNIVERSARY**. Ayr Utd 2, Alloa Ath 4 New?n In the GIRLS' line can be had al­ Dumbarton 4, Kilmarnock 2 s_$ ••-.tp' JL. #>4- most anything that you can think of — Dundee Utd 2, V.lh1f>ii R 1 Dunfermline Ath 0. Morton 1 S-wt--? Dresses, evening and school; Slips, Panties , COLDS Forfar Ath 3, Queen's Park 6 Skirts, and Blouses. When neglected, often cause ills Hamilton Acad 2. Arbroath 1 Oelt which bring serious consequences, Stenhousemuir 3, St. Johnstone 0 Stirling Albion 1, Cowdenbeath 0 A large array of BOYS' 'Slick-Cord' especially to delicate people. Soils, as well as Shirts, Gabardine Pants, The Prunes with the Coughs due to colds may be Hillman Minx Natural Flavour effectively combatted with "WAM­ Socks and ties are yours at - - - POLE'S CJOSO-TERPIN, which is rec­ SATURDAY'S RUGBY ommended to loosen phlegm,. fa­ UNION RESULTS ^elion cilitate expectoration, and soothe Doris Pearman's the irritated membranes. It stfso LONDON, Feb. 28 (Reuter).— Yes, it really is 21 years since the HillmafT Minx made Company acts as a tonic stimulant to the The results of the Rugby Union games played today: Bumper Sale Agents — Phone 4044 respiratory tract. On sale at all Aberavon 8, Pontypoll 8 its first popular appearance! To celebrate this .great 5»86*..m. 513-O+m. drug stores. 4M- Abertillery 3, Bridgwater & Al. 3 Barnstaple 0, Penzance 8c **" occasion, here is the 21st anniversary Minx . . . the Newlyn 3 Bath 8. Wasps 19 Bridgend 30, Weston-Super- thfiftiest. the most reliable family car of all time! m Mare 8 Cambridge Uni. 8. London Scot. 11 Cheltenham 8, London Irish 3 Coventry 14, Royal Air Fore* 15 NEW attractive modern styling. Mi The Headquarters For Cross Keys S, Newbridge 3 Exeter 11, Guys Hospital 3 Glamorgan Wan. 3, Pontypridd 3 NEW controlled "air-How" ventilator Gloucester 14, Cardiff 9 Photographers In Bermuda Leicester 9, Northampton 19 NEW style instrument panel. Maesteg 14, Ebbw Vale 0 Neath 5, Llanelly 0 NEW comfort seating. Newton 6, Wellington 3 Notts 0, Northern 3 W&t-. Plymouth Al 3, Bedford 8 NEW cylinder head. I FILMS — PAPERS — CHEMICALS 1 Redruth 9, Teignmouth 3 Sale 20, Moseley 9 AND Swansea 13, Bristol 8 Torquay Ath. 3, Devonport Ser. 8 Newport 9, Blackheath 8 other NEW features World Famous CAMERAS such as Waterloo 6, Birkenhead Park 3 «._.•>• Tulane's 1953 varsity football schedule calls for seven South­ ZEISS — LEICA — ROLLEIFLEX eastern Conference foes plus Michigan and Army. HILIMAN MIM may be purchased at remarkable savings YANKEE STORE SALfcON * CONVERTIBLE COUPE • ESTATE CAR Professional ami Courteous Service at all times SOUVENIRS Native Cedar Work Bermuda Distributors: g" DAVIP KNUDSEN PLAYING CARDS Bermuda Scarves HOLMES, WILLIAMS & PURVEY LTD. THE CAMERA STORE f and Handkerchiefs Cocktail Napkins Showroom ^M^t'ti £_j_i Service FOS HP BEST RESULTS — SEE US FIRST! Jewellery of Coral, Ivory Corner Queen and Church Streets Serpentine Road Queen Street Hamilton Amber and Crystal &* Phone 4111 548t__._|.. •fit- •" TT*' KODAK FILM sowtf.

/ \ mmm mm THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1953 Page 7 Earl Russell Scores Foi^1 As Bermuda Football league Win, 4-1

while, and shots by Scm Seymour I B.F.C. forced a corner, which / loOTBALL COMBINATION BOW and McDonald Simmons were was Wasted and two shots by Per- high. Shortly after, Cal Symonds j reira went wide. Bill Mayne ENGLISH SPORTS ROUND-UP Cal Symonds Detained was winded in a collision, but did passed the ball to Butcher, who BEFORE 5,000 AT PROSPECT not leave the field headed over to -Eerreira, only to LONDON- Mareh 1. — George black belt instructor at toe Lon- I greatly impressed the Irish selec­ Overnight In Hospital have Spencer grab the ball before MAKES FIRST SAVE Duckworth, former Lancashire don Judo Society, will take on R tors. It will be a strange twist the latter could get bis head to it. and England wicketkeeper, will Unterburger, toe 1951 German of fate if he does play, tor it was Cal Symonds, centre-for- - Paul Wirthlin made his first Another shot by Perreira was save after almost IS minutes of take a team of English cricketers champion. on the same ground in September ward of the Bermuda Foot­ saved by Spencer. to tour India this winter. The 1946 that he played a big part in Ferreira Gets Lone B.F.C. Tally; ball League representative piay wnen he smartly took Flay ranged from one end to . Symonds' header. tour is arranged in conjunction Bill Edrich will captain the England's 1-0 defeat of Eire. team yesterday, has been the Other In quick time. A shot with the celebrations marking TENNIS. At the 16-minute mark Wally by McDonald Simmons was saved Middlesex cricket team this detained overnight in the the silver jubilee of the Indian season. Last season he was joint Dr. J. C. Gregory has re­ Cal Symonds Suffers Concussion King Edward Hospital. Wall slid tbe ball ot McDonald by Wirthlin, while back at the Cricket Board of Control. Since linquished the captaincy of the Simmons' toe before the left- other end Perreira's hard blast captain With Denis Compton, but Symonds suffered a con­ the war, Duckworth has twice wtrl*^r in toe year Denis made a British Davis Cup side because of cussion when he collided in winger could get a shot at goal. was well taken by Spencer . taken sides to India. They in­ business commitments. A fine From the resulting earner, Sim­ request not to be considered for | The first inter-league soccer match to be played in mid-air when he went up FINAL GOAL cluded Commonwealth cricketers the position He wants" to con- I leader, Mia retirement will leave with another player to head mons set over a good drive, about who were playing English League his form a *-aP toat will not easily be Bestnuda is over. But, while it is over on the field, it will three feet above the ground, and After 30 minutes of the second centrate on regaining be a long time before it is finished in the minds of the the ball during the inter- hslf Russell's curving shot got and County sides and were and a place in the England side filled. He 'was a Davis Cup league match at Prospect. through a mis-judgment on the known as Empire XIs. player himself in the thirties and estimated crowd of better than 5,000 fans who packed the part-of Pat Blee and the goalie, through the defence, hit the base against the Australians. Edrich Dr. V. O'D. King, told of the upright and curled across GOLF. has proved himself a tough rendered his country excellent Prospect Garrison field yesterday. The Royal Gazette last the ball went to Russell who Elizabeth Price has been fighter on the cricket field. On service. But he is best remem­ promptly headed it into the net. the .toe for what proved to be the -The four goals scored by Earl i HARD AND FAST night that Symonds is being final goal of the match. elected Britain's golfer of the learning of bis appointment be bered for his performance last Russell; the excellent goal-keep­ The game - was hard End fast, detained for observation. Back at the other end R. Mor- year by the Association of Golf said "The side will play cricket year. He was in Belgrade as ing of Sonny Spencer; the stellar with the B.F.L. players seeming to Dr. King, president of the rissey stopped a hard drive by "Sharkey" Simmons, with his Writers. The trophy is presented in the true spirit of the game, and non-playing captain but with work of the B.F.C. defence, all stand up better under the pres­ B.F.L., examined the player Sid Butcher and the ball was ankle taped, returned to the field to toe player considered.to have go for victory from the first ball Geoff Paish injured he put him­ will be re-lived as tte fans talk sure, especially since lit times at the field. cleared down the field. once more and soon forced a , made the greatest contribution to of the match.** self in the doubles match tb which was are d At partner Tony Mottram. Despite about the 4-1 defeat tagged on they were under strength by two "Sharkey" Simmons, who A cross by Roddie DeCouto -^-Iv. _. *^ 1 .* .. British golf during the year. Miss the Bermuda Football Combina­ players through injuries. Injured both knees and an sent the ball over into the goal­ the other end, the Combination Price won toe deciding game in FOOTBALL. his 48 years he put up a great tion by a Bermuda Football Far almost three-quarters of ankle ha collisions, received mouth and Spencer took the ball forced a corner, which also was the Curtis Cup match against toe Raich Carter, former English | display and he and Mottram were League side. off Butcher's head. A slow lob cleared. Americans which enabled the mtei-iatiohal - inside right, may worthy winners the match the B.FX. were one treatment at the field, but play for the ' man down and, at times, lost the his injuries were not con­ by Perreira was smartly taken by A hard cross by Perreira went British team to win the match for n The never-say-die effort of past the far upright and out as the first time ever. The first three against the English League at ° 'Sharkey** Simmons; the loss aaifrliM-s of another through in­ sidered serious. Spencer and cleared. juries. At the 24-minute mark Russell Ferreira slid, but was unable to places in toe poll are all filled by Dublin on Mareh 17. Carter is at The Cincinnati Reds will play without Freddie Wall, all these added the second goal for the reach the ball. A good shot by women. Second was Lady present assisting Cork City, who 22 spring training games in and many other highlights will But despite * their numerical fly him over from England for I Florida. Twelve of them will be superiority, the BF.C. could only groups and other members of the League with one of tbe best moves Adams resulting in Spencer de­ Katherine Cairns, captain of the bje talked about for many weeks community. flecting the ball off toe upright Curtis Cup team, and third, Miss every match, and his form has played at Plant Field in Tampa. to come. get the ball into the goal on one seen in several years. occasion. They did miss several Immediately after His Ex­ and clearing. Moira Paterson, another member cellency had met the teams, BEST GOAL OF GAME Spencer made a sensational save of toe team and also British But despite the lack of -his and scoring opportunities, kicking the The inside-left started the that, the spectators enjoyed one ball high br wide of the goal, or referee Whitfield Swan blew bim of a bullet-like shot try Butcher champion. Fred Daly, who won of the best soccer matches to be whistle to get the game started. movement by pushing the ball out and Ferreira, in attempting to the British professional match- else having Sonny Spencer, the to McDonald . Simmons. Sim­ played locally in many years. League's goalie, make sensational George Dyer won the ton for the charge the goalie over the line, play title for the third time, was League and elected to defend the mons passed to Symonds, who in was called up. the top man, followed by Harry saves to rob tbe Combination of turn tapped it over to Dyer and Weetman, winner of the Masters' scores. southern half of the field, kicking Five minutes before the end, TEA BAGS into the slight north-westerly the captain passed back to Russell "Sharkey" Simmons went off title and Harry Vardon trophy. • PRESENTED TO GOVERNOR wind. who positioned himself well and again, this time with an injury to Before the teams started bat­ For the first four minutes the virtually let the ball slide into the JUDO. JOHN F. BURROWS his other knee and he remained Two German Judo teams, toe tling, they lined up and were League dominated play, although net off the side of his foot. off. introduced to Was Excellency the their attacks were broken before &st to visit Britain since 1937, "Sharkey" Simmons came back In the closing minutes B.F.C. and a Dutch side will meet ,4 & Co., Ltd. '.[ Governor, Lieut. General Sir a shot st goal could be made." after the goal to put the teams at forced a corner which Butcher Immediately after, title B.F.C. British opponents at Seymour Alexander Hood, who was a full strength. Soon after the kicked over the goal and shortly Hall on March 30. The German Hamilton Paget spectator throughout the match. started to press and Renato Per­ kick-off, a long lob by Butcher after a curving shot by the same teams—the Railway Police and F.ont Street Canter Shop Also In the officials party were reira had the ball in the goal only sailed over toe top of the goal player was punched by Spencer, the Olympiad Club, Cologne — j Queen Street Package Stare the Hon. O. R. Arthur, Colonial to have the play ruled out through but six minutes after toe second saving what seemed certain -yjri arrive wito 25 of the highest St. George's Secretary; the Wor. E. R. an off-side call. goal, Russell added his third for a goal. graded experts in Germany, after Williams, M.C.P., Mayor of Ham­ It was seven minutes after tbe hat-trick. The teams: a visit to various clubs in Hol­ DUVY FREE PRICES ilton; Capt. Jolley, president of game started before either goalie - Wirthlin made a sensational ' B.F.L. — A. Spencer (Juniors); land. At Seymour Hall toe the Bermuda Football. Associa­ was called up to make a save. save off a bullet-like shot from R. Simmons (Key West) and R. Metropolitan Police will oppose tion; Dr. V. O'D. King, president This was an easy one for Spencer RusseH- Blee gathered -in toe Morrissey (W.E. Rovers); S. the German Railway Police, and SCOTCH WHISKY 5 Bots. of the B.F.L.; Wing Commander from Gibbie Ferreira. loose ball and started carrying it Augustus (Juniors), S. Seymour K-Ju-Schi, the Dutch side, will John Fountain, president of the An attack by the League held down the field. He lost posses­ (Juniors) and R. Leverock (Key meet the London Judo Society. Lauders Northern ion and Russell took it to score Heinz Schill, the German cham­ Tasting Is The Perfect Test Cream Scotch 1250 BF.C.; members' of both soccer ! the ball at the other end for a West); E. Simmons (Eagles), G. again. Dyer (Key West, captain), C. pion, will fight British inter-1 Royal Blend Scotch .... 12.50 Seconds after the resultin 8g national Eric Dominy in a special u___r*«flr _. p>.^__>__. .iMTJTi" Symonds (Key West), E. Russell 51»8'm Hudson Bay Scotch .... 12.50 kick-off, B-F.C. scored their lone | ,&«._(Key_ WWest_CV), *__and, M(McD.V. . cw--Simmonm«r._s | contest, and Tony Harrington, a I tally. A lob from the left side of King William Scotch 1150 toe field was misjudged by Spen­ (Eagles). Long John Scotch .... 12.50 cer and Gibbie Ferreira got a foot BJ*_C. — P. Wirthlin (B.A-A. Highland Queen 13.50 to the ball and placed It in toe I Greens); P. Blee (St. George's) John Haig ~... 1450 goal. and W. Wall (Nationals); W. LONG, HIGH SHOT Mayne (Nationals), W. Stewart Teachers 14.50 A i____. _-._.__ .____* kp, -....-v.--1 (Prospect) and Eugene Faries l?r.f*.=2** K ebL?-.ut(-^ (Nationals); R. DeCouto (Nation- RYE WHISKY 5 Bots. was well taken by Spencer and \ . R '•. /Nationals. «. « short while later, a misjudg- Sgiutc ^ ( (17t George*, clotainl Seagram's V.O $13.50 ment in defence conceded a cor- 5 ^L„i _T /_jS£*_.i_, - 2* T Zanadian Club ...... 1350 _ TV_/-.~... *-_i *i__ _.«__. --.j G. Ferreira (Nationals) and J. Schenley Reserve .... 9.00 ner. DeCouto took the kick and . _ *_»_»! .___,i \ ,,,,., ,. • *"*** x -, _____ Adams (Nationsls). tea Ri Henhouse Straight sent toe ball over to Butcher, v Spec* *« whose header towards goal was The - referee was Mr. Whitfield cleared. Swan; linesmen were Messrs. ifouRBON 5 Bots. After 36 minutes of play, big]Joseph Ferreira and Lea Smith. Kentucky Tavern .... $15.50 Bill Stewart and Symonds went up to bead a ball together and Sid Gordon— °o f the Boston 30/- Vard Walter's de Luxe .... 13.50 collided in mid-air. Symonds | Braves made only one error in regularly Gooderham & V/ort's 13.50 suffered a concussion and was j 142 games to lead the National League outfielders in fielding. Charier Oak, lOOpf 1750 carried unconscious from the field. ] ,lne He came too a while later and was _._^-*« -*'' taken to the King Edward The New York Giants ground­ WonM RUM 5 Bots. Hospital. ed in the fewest double plays to Bacardi 'Carta de Oro' $14.00 A cross by "Sharkey" Simmons the National League to 1952. The i5i- ' : WM. SANDERSON 4 SON LTD, QIMLITTST, LEITH London Office: BATH HOUSE, PICCADILLY, W.I was token off Dyer's - head by 1Ne w - Yorkers hit into 96 twin Bacardi 'Carta Blanca' 13.00 killings. Mount Gay Barbados 4.75 Wirthlin, while at the other end Agents: Butcher pushed the ball out to Goddard's Gold Braid 5.50 Perreira .whose shot was deflected FRITHS LIQUORS LTD. £ way from Ferreira's head by BRANDY 5 Bots. Spencer. Somerset Hamilton St. George's A hard shot by Perreira was Hennessy Jrbrk $17.00 deflected for a corner by Morris­ Canvas Zipper Martell's -frtrk 17.00 sey, but after bouncing around Hennessy V.O 20.00 the defence for a while, the ball Heering's Cherry 14.00 was put behind. Just before the end of the half Perreira booked BAGS a lob towards goa", and Spencer ASSORTED PACKAGES saved. "Sharkey" Simmons took the No. 1 LOADED ball soon after resumption of {day, 3 bots Canadian Club $12.00 spun and fired at goal, but bis 2 Bots. John Haig WITH EXTRAS shot was just wide of the upright. OFF-SIDE GOAL No. 2 Seven minutes after toe second half started, a good solo effort by for Drapes! 2 Bots. John Haig Russell, who then passed the ball 3 Bots. Canadian Club ..14.00 to Dyer for the captain to slam j it at goal, with Wirthlin allowing No. 3 it to slip out of his grasp and into Slip Covers! 1 Bot. Teacher's Scotch the net. However, the play was 1 Canadian Club ruled off-side and disallowed. 1 Walker's 6ourbon Three minutes later "Sharkey" Simmons hobbled off the field Cushions! Dressing Table Skirts! 1 Schenley Reserve again, wito an ankle injury. I '"• Haig Scotch 15.00 An over-the-head shot by Per­ reira was taken by Spencer and a A convenient carry all with Ded Spreads! feo. 4 few seconds later toe inside-for­ i Bot. Grand Marnier ward took the ball from a throw- zipper and rubber lining. 1 Benedictine in and Bis shot curved around the upright wito Spencer well We're introducing new colours in this 1 Creme de Cacao beaten. 'i " Heering Cherry 5 different sizes from ;_ " Hennessy frtrk 17.00 famous Irish linen damask by Old Bleach Paton & Baldwin 12 inch to 20 inch No. 5 I Bot. Teacher's 5cotcr. English } Schenley Rye, • Knitting Wool 19/" and up EDWARDIAN BLUE LACQUER RED I Gordon's Gin 1 Kentucky Tavern Large variety of shades ROSE QUARTZ GOLD Bourbon EXTRA in Beehive and Diana MULBERRY GREY !l " Hennessy ttrk 13.00 MOTOR OIL from 2/- Chesley E. White No. 6 Needles and many ADAMS GREEN EMPIRE GREEN ,1 Bot. Teacher's Scotch knitting accessories Phone 4371 Reid Street 1 Bacardi Blanca EGGSHELL in Rum A. R. MERCER 1 " L. Bert Brandy _Y*&*& 5.129'. Queen Street Phone 2914 si.a'm. 1 " Walker's Bourbon in STYLIZED MEDALLION 1 " Schenley Rye 14.00 PERIOD DESIGN DESIGN No. 7 By ED D0DD 3 Bots. Canadian Club MARK TRAIL 2 Kentucky Tavern 15.00 No. 8 3 Bots. Haig G.L. 2 " Teachers 14.50 No. 9 ) Bot. Seagram's V.O. 1 " Teacher's Scotch & Sons, Ltd Courvoisier V.S. Kentucky Tavern FRONT STREET I " Heering Cherry 1850 drapery department second floor 5 Bots. Benedictine 18.00 m\*m Page S THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1953 <*•? Want Ads Are Workers You Can Afford To Hire FOR RENT FOR SALE 8fy*» -Kauai (faazztte ; OCCUPANT Small Cottage. Fairy, IS BOUND OVER Conditions of Advertising lands, would take another man as Wearing Apparel paying guest. Telephone 5168 after­ IN MEMORIAM It is a condition, of acceptance noons or write Box 7610. Bermuda Shah-Mussadegh Quarrel Thomas James, of Warwick, | of advertisement orders that tbe Men's pin stripe SHIRTS 14-18..; publishers of The Royal Gazette and Press. 10/- The Shirt Shop. was bound over by the Wor. H. | ______The Sunday Royal Gazette do not "PLAYHOUSE" Point Shares on tike Martin Godet in St. George's guarantee the insertion of any water, furnished 2 double bedrooms. GOOD STOCK LADIES' FANCY magistrates court on Friday on a In Loving Memory of our particular advertisement on a specified RATON PANTIES in regular and charge of driving a motor vehicle Beloved Sister date or at all, although every effort Phone 1404. ______over-sizes. Lusher & Companv. Explodes In Riots; Govt. will be made to meet the wishes of on the public highway without ICAI IDA rADriA Private COTTAGES and APART- Wholesale. 213S. i Al H advertisers; further, they do not MKXTS; maid service and utilities consideration for other users of , -"> - ^ j _?,._- accept liability for any loss or damage included; daily rates. Phone Bermuda I MAKE YOfL' BALLET SHOES size 11-12. Ballet caused by any error or Inaccuracy Cottages 4027. v dress size 5-4.. Contact Mrs. Roberts. he road. James pleaded not Who departed thl* llts in the printing of any advertisement. PlRSEperous . . . Advertising Dept., Bermuda Press. uilty. March 2, 1952 ! 2 BEDROOMED COTTAGE available Revamps Security Set-Up ] now until May 15th near Darrell's . Purse-perous, prosperous, She is gone but not forgotten. Wharf. Adults only. Saturday Phone MEN'S WINTER SUITS, sport costs. 14658. Sunday 4658 or 4696. — whatever you call it, I'm wool, gabardine and flannel, pants. Classified Rates Also boy's suits and pants, shirts etc. Continued ft >m Page 1 >H •*e'*l*lW'*f *#**y**f *> *f yyya Sadly missed by her sifters. Minimum rates for 15 words the guy that gets you there! Patterson's Dry Goods Store, Sorrier- (additional words 3d. extra per word): Yes, as a Classified ad in Dr. Mussadegh took refuge first I earlier he planned to do for reas­ .180" n One insertion, 4s.: two, 3s. 9d. each; WANTED TO RENT __B three, 3s. 6d. each; four, Ss. 3d. each: The Royal Gazette I help BOY'S WASHABLE RATON GARBA- in the adjoining offices of the U.S. ons of health. five, 3s. each; six, 2s. 3d. each; seven [ Sisters — Permanent residents, desire you turn a quick dollar in D1NE SLACKS. Ideal for Sunday Government Point Four pro­ ATTACKERS WOUNDED F _*<>* i Ss. ed. each. lease TWO BEDROOM — UN­ or Monday School. Sizes 4 - 18. Insertions must be made within FURNISHED COTTAGE convenient to many ways. Lusher & Company. 213S. gramme. He then went to the A jeep smashed down Dr. Mus­ period of one week, pedal reduced t Hamilton. Long lease considered I sell your real estate, car, usually inviolate Parliament sadegh's front gates . prices for multiple insertions for highest references. 4116 or 5068 after WAXED PASSION FLOWERS, ben-i'i- building. In rapid order: House guards opened fire and lineman* i Skin Irritation? extended periods. 6.00 o'clock. merchandise, or personal fully corsaged. $1.00 or 7/-. The belongings. In fact, I can't Little French Shop. Dr. Mussadegh held an emer- from four to 12 persons were re­ ROOM AND BOARD in private home, ! eency Cabinet meeting during his ported wounded. The Prime __* for middle-aged gentleman. Prefer­ think of anything I haven't NEW AND ATTRACTIVE EVENING ably near Hamilton. Write Box 7632, been able to sell! AND DINNER GOWNS. H. S. flight. Minister fled through the back HELP WANTED Bermuda Press. | Critchlev. vasco da Gama Building. Parliament met in extra-ordin­ door to the U.S. offices. Insect Bite$? Call me TODAY; put me | West of the Post Office. The Foreign Minister, Hussein to work! You'll be PURSE- ary session with Dr. Mussadegh SECRETARY — Expert shorthand- WANTED TO BUY ; RUBBERIZED and VINYL PLASTIC present in pyjamas. Fatemi, who was visiting Dr. Heat Rash?. typist with practical experience of perous for sure! APRONS are in stock. Bib and tea The Shah broadcast to all Per- Mussadegh, also got out in a book-keeping. Excellent salary, com- j styles. Lusher & Company. 2135. Humphreys mensurate with responsibility and Great Britain 2/8, 5/-, 10/-, £ 1 i sians his determination to stay in hurry. competence. Telephone 4270 for ap­ STAMPS used on parcels. Stamp Among the pro-Shah demon­ pointment. International Trading Co., i Shop. Reid Street. SATIN and MOIRE RIBBON in all [ his country. WITCH HAZEL sizes and colours; finest quality. strators were retired army officers Ltd., The Bermudiana. FOR SALE The Shah and Dr. Mussadegh SOOTHIi AND AIDS HI HIAUMGI | Lusher & Company, Wholesale. 2135. have differed in the past over the who have quarrelled with Dr. MECHANIC * white j for laundry main- i INSURANCE Mussadegh, bazaar merchants who REPLENISH YOUR STOCK with the Shah's post-war campaign for Your skin will feel so much ..nance. Apply Miss Holland. Per­ usually support Kashani, students sonnel Director. Elbow Beach Surf PROTECT VOIR JEWELLERY and Miscellaneous famous Garcrest Slips and Satin land redistribution, including \ Brijfhter light j better, and heal so much faster Club. other valuables from theft, damage. »p"_*l_r.«. Lusher & Company, and political groups. Wholesale. 2135. royal family holdings, and the when yem apply WITCH I Call Bermuda Fire & Marine Insur- ONE STROHMENGER BABY GRAND '• abrupt manner of Dr. Mussadegh's When they reached the palace, COOK for guest house accommodating Ji a nee Company. PIANO. Apply the Little French ! Court Minister Hussein Alp HAZEL! Use it on burns, cuts 24. Only capable and reliable Shop. Sporting Goods expulsion of the British in his L._. —loader \ applicants with references will be I now-stymied national oil devel­ appeared on a balcony. His and scratches, too! Buy considered. Box No. 7497 c/o Bda. TRADE SERVICES attempts to speak were drowned Press. NEW IN. SUIT CASES. Popular size "RILEY'S" CHAMPIONSHIP TABLE opment project. a bottle of marvelous for school. From 18/-. W. J. TENNIS TABLES. Ideal for Club out. Boyle & Sons. Reid St A showdown appeared at hand --i HUMPHREYS WITCH ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIO You can get a real PETER PAN Tournaments. Phone 7541 (evenings I Finally, the Shch appeared and offers an exceptional opportunity to Norman Sumpter. i in a long quarrel between backers f__^gl?| HAZEL today, and HAIRCUT . . . also permanent ; One 3 gear Excelsior AUTOBIKE explained he planned only a brief young men and women to teach danc­ waves. Ideal Beauty Salon, Phone ' of the 33-year-old monarch and trip abroad for his health. As keep it handy in ing full time. No experience neces­ 3996. £ 1.15. One single gear Norman MASTERS LTD. sary. Apply in person. Queen Street. Autobike £ 13. Three 2 gear Excelsior Cor Accessories I the iron-willed Nationalist leader. the crowds screamed he should It your home! MOVING TO DOCKVARD? Moving I Autobikes £48. 1 Electric Stove £15. Shouting "Death or our Sh.ah," anywhere. Use "Inland Express" Contact R. J. Tayler, nr. Warwick! JOHN BULL TYRES. For best quality remain here, the Shah began to COMPETENT SALESLADY. Apply Freight and Trucking Service. Phone j Camp. and reasonable prices. Contact P. H the mobs marched on Dr. Mussa- weep. Then he told them their Archie Brown. Queen Street. 8755. R. B. Whiting. Adderlev & Co.. Serpentine Road, | deeh's home from the Imperial show of patriotism had made him I ELECTRIC PLANERS—Portable with 'hone 2011. Palace. change his mind. EXPERIENCED TYPIST: Knowledge Yes. we clean and mothproof rugs case £40. Spare blades etc. in of general office routine an ad­ and upholstery in your home. Call stock. Sunshine Supply Co.. Reid St. i At the pale co. they had per­ The Shah hes tried to remain vantage; permanent position with DURACLKAN SERVICE 4562. Hardware suaded the Shah not to leave for large Hamilton firm; references re- out of politics, in the tradition ot FOR SALE j SEWING MACHINES — Sales, rentals, ' Europe, as he had announced modern constitutional monarchies. ire- Apply Bermuda Press. service. Machines from £25, Trade METAL MOULDINGS—Stainless steel , REAL ESTATE and Terms. Cecil Harris, Church and aluminium for counter, sink, :St. 4448. table. Jeffrey & Sons. Tel 2971. POSITION WANTED WANTED: Houses, Cottages, Apart. ments for sale or rental. Bermuda ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS. Mullard Waterfront Building Site Tourist Bureau. Phone 5344 or 3697. 40. 60 watt, 1/6 each: 75, 100 watt. Boats, Motors BABY risible lady. 1/9 each. Special discount to the Seventh Candidate For d vicinity. Warned: PROPERTIES in all parishes trade.—Young. Trott -c Co., Ltd. AUSTIN VANS — Two, approx I in Southampton Home typ- to sell or rent. Contact Mayne & eighteen months old. licensed and Company today. Pho,.e 4153. For Marble MEMORIALS ot beauty insured for 1953. Good running order. and distinction, contact Mrs. Jack £375 each or nearest offer. Sunshine with completed 18,000 gallon tank LOST AND FOUND Critchley. Phone 2206. Co. Ltd.. Reid St. AUTOBYKE, B.S.A. 3 speed, 3 months Smith's Parish Named ANNOUNCEMENTS old. Reasonable price. Clarkson and 1,800 building stone already on Lost: PLAIN GOLD CHAIN NECK­ Zuill. Shinbone Alley. St. George's LACE between Hungry Bay and the Garden Supplies Continued from Page I W OR K Cleaners on hospital. Reward. Phone 2522. the site - - - £4,000 Mom now ready FRANCIS BARNKTT AUTOCYCLE. congestion on the roads. When I, Outerbridge commented, "T h e Friday pick up and 1 ROSE PRUNERS and Flower Gather­ Good condition £25. Phone 2219. ing Shears now in stock. Cuni- came up to town tonight I only present cost of doing business in [ mander Bowie. Reid Hall Building. .IIOTOBI.OC CYCLE in excellent con­ passed one car. Whether we can Bermuda — which is rising - KITSON & COMPANY LTD. Hamilton. dition. Owner leaving colony. £45. always afford them I don't ' give the farmers a ..pi., protec- Central Group 1322: Hamilton NOTICE Phone 7358. Crawford House Group 1875. or write P.O. Box 130. : GARDENING MADE EAST: Rotoette know." j tion. If you produce eggs you In the estate oi v 1 MOTOR BOAT 30 ft. long, Ritson Hamilton and Clifford Po .er Cultivators. Cruiser. Crvsler Clown engine, Mr. Outerbridge noted that he Ijave a protection of 1 lOd. Any + Richardson, South Shore, Paget W. ai31 m | Phone -SIS. brand new. Joe Moniz. Phone 3884 started writing letters to the protection is protection of in- STAMP COLLECTING Agnes Appleby Gosling daytime. editor during the last election, efficiency." STAMPS bought and sold. Com- deceased ! LADYBIRD ELECTRIC LAWN- when the land tax was an issue. . prehensive stock albums, catalogues MOWERS are efficient, economical. Household Equipment "I stated at that time," Mr. i .nd accessories. Stamp Shop. Reid Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1876 easy to use. £ 24.10 with 100-ft Street. cable, at Young Trott Ss Co., Ltd., "MAEVALON" Plastic table covering Outerbridge went on, "that you I ! Richmond Road 46 inches wide. 4 '6 per vard. should not tax anything that was ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Chesley E. White. Reid St. POWER MOWERS — Savage from not producing income, because it j HANDICRAFT that all persons being creel- £47.5. — 18, 19. 1 inch cuts. I 3-Piece LIVING ROOM SUITE, £ 65; is confiscation of wealth. If land itors of or otherwise having Wadsons. new baby bed. £10: youths' ward­ is idle the Government should | •GIFTS—Hand tooled from finest Ber- robe. £14: vacuum cleaner. G.E. up­ ' muda Cedar in all varieties. John any claims upon or against right. £12: 9' x 12' wool rug and pad, Davis, Cedar Shop. Somerset. the estate of AGNES APPLE­ £15. Phone 7191. ex. 2237. Asked about protection for Ber- j BY GOSLING of Paget Parish TWO ELECTRIC HEATERS; Bendix muda agricultural produce Mr. , FOR SALE Economat automatic washer: in the Islands _of Bermuda, (Hoover tank vacuum; electric fan. Call 4455. deceased, who died on the Closing Exchange Rates I fourth of February, 1953, and 'REFRIGERATOR, practically new. FOR SALE 1 building lot £40: Philco Radio, large table whose will has been proved in model. £20. Mouchett, The York at the Bank of ! the Supreme Court of Ber- j near Zuill'g Park in Smith's Parish I Hotel. Victoria St. N. T. Butterfield & Son By Public Auction I muda by the undersigned. | measuring 100' x 55' DEEP-FREEZE. Round Mc el. In j Sole Executor of the said will. ! excellent condition, £ 75 Phone For more information contact , are required on or before the Limited, Saturday: Real Estate VENETIAN BUNDS . . . new low : thirtieth day of April, 1953,; IN DEVONSHIRE PARISH price. High quality. Phone Irving ; to send to the Trust Depart-1 E. J. MELLO 3959 Lushei jr., 2135. for free quotations. BANK OF ENGLAND OFFICIAL ! By Order of The Supreme Court i ment of the Bank of Bermuda. ' MOPS — Dry. wet, sponge and dish RATE FOR UNITED STATES 50417 f.* mops. Fuller brushes and Fuller of Bermuda ! Ltd., Hamilton the particulars shampoo. Fuller Brush Store. Phone EXCHANGE of their claims upon or against j 5233. S2.82 $2.81875 i the said estate; and that at j EXTRA THICK FIBRE MATS. Order Bank buying rate $2.83 Tuesday, 17th March, '53 taken for any size. Archie Brown. : the expiration of such time' $1.00 equals 7/1 on the premises at 3.00 p.m,. VENETIAN BLINDS: Made in Ber­ i the executor will distribute muda by Globe Venetian Blind Co. I the whole of the assets of the We ore pleased to Telephone 2971 for prompt service. Bank selling rate $2.8050 said Testatrix among the par- I offer Three days from order to installation $1.00 equals 7. V . | ties entitled thereto, having "PANELXTE": Modern plastic table and counter covering: many beauti­ CANADIAN FREE RATE: Eighteen ! regard, only to the claims of I FOR RENT ful colours.—Jeffrey & Sons; tel. 2971. London d Thirty- j which they shall then have AN INSECTICIDE that really kills $2.771875 $2.770625 notice. ants. Ask tor "Chlordane" at Verd­ mont Florist Montreal Dated this twenty-seventh 3 Deluxe Builders' Supplies $2.7775 $2.7725 I day of February, 1953. Bank buying rate ...... $2.7850 .act "MODERNFOLD" DOORS IN STOCK. Apartments The latest idea for modern homes. $1.00 equals 7/2 Six The Bank of Bermuda, Ltd., | Ambard & Company. East Broadway. Executor. Bank selling rate ...' $2.75 urty-six Well Equipped ASTERI 5118-1 Radio $1.00 equals 7/3 and Morns Aivio PILOT BEDROOM SETS, long and Beautifully Furnished short wave. Available in White, _Ts in part bv Peach, Mahogany. Cream, Valencia Available, 15th March Blue, Foliage Green and other pastel FOR SALE nslade in part shades. £ 12.10 Cash. Young Trott We offer Located in the heart & Co., Ltd.. Richmond Road. In Shelly Bay by land of of the City, overlooking n and in part Livestock FOR SALE the Harbour said Morris WENE CHICKS, all .eds. Shipment 2-apartmcnt house nd measuri..^ For further particulars this week. Call -dys Brokerage Co. Tel. 5001. Also HOUSE up to tbe wall ?rn boundary kindly contact that attractive old plate one hundred Bermuda home Mr. Northover Food Supplies feet SOUTH- On land approximately 1 acre M. A. GIBBONS, LTD. CAMP COFFEE — No grounds, m ivaters of the + dirty pots, a spoonful of "CAMP' and measur- "Banstead" 51.6 m. | boiling water and a steaming cup o E. J. MELLO — 3959 AT a good breakfast to start a good Remember, too, that an inadequate break­ | coffee in seconds. Sunshine Suppl straight line Co Reid St. day! That is true for everyone fast may lead to disappointing results in located on the South Shore 50tN>'__a_. he Southern Road, Paget. E and particularly for children. Food school-work by causing poor concentration the Eastern The entire house has been authorities say that children should get a and lack of alertness. 'Ovaltine' will help completely renovated, and fourth to a third of their daily food require­ to give your children the start they need the accommodation includes ments at breakfast-time. to do their best. boundary Six Hundred and large living room with H.M. NAVAL BASE fifty feet and six inches and j built-in mahogany side­ Our Next That is why ' Ovaltine" is the right break­ 'Ovaltine' is prepared from Nature's best Ireland island, Bermuda WESTERLY by land of the board. Modern kitchen with fast drink for children. ' Ovaltine' is, foods, and the 'Ovaltine* Farms were devisees of Thomas Melville I electric refrigerator, stove, Auction in itself, a substantial food and it helps established to set the highest standards for Dill deceased and there meas- j and washing machine. Two the malt, milk and eggs used. 'Ovaltine' urine One thousand three double .and two single bed­ to make good possible deficiencies of hundred and twelve feet OR I rooms. Tiled bathroom. TENDERS Sale essential nutritive elements in children's is so delicious that it helps te make HOWEVER OTHERWISE the Are invited for the purchase of approx. 390 breakfasts. breakfast a real pleasure to children. said parcel of land may be' The property has an area of of Furniture and bounded or may measure or I approximately one acre, in­ serviceable empty ought to be described TO­ cluding banana patch, vege­ Household effects Give YOUR Children, Delicious GETHER WITH the dwelling-1 table garden, and numerous at house cottage and barn I shade trees. 40 Gallons Lubrication Oil Drums thereon erected and the TRINITY HALL "A Home for Pleasant and suitable for re-filling. (Ground Floor) will be held on OTALTI-.E BISCUITS Dignified Living" For further particulars apply to: Friday, 6th March, 1953 Dainty and delightfully crisp, 'Ovaltine' Biscuits OVALTINE Can be inspected by appointment (telephone War complete details apply: art ideal for all occasions. They are made from MYER M. MALLOY PREVIEWS the finest ingredients, including a proportion of 8815). Tenders addressed to Resident Naval Tuesday and Wednesday 'Ovaltine', and are deliciously nourishine. m and note A uctioneer Flitcroft k Lightbourn from 2.30 to 4.30 p.m. Hamilton Officer, Ireland Island,'will be received until The next time 'you order 'Ovaltine' remember to Ltd. KITSON & CO., LTD. include a packet of 'Ovaltine* Biscuits as well. the Di/ferencet or noon on Saturday, 14th March, 19-53. Custom Auctioneers You will enjoy their delicate and distinguished Sold in atrTtg'tt tins by all Chemists and Stores. Mercury House Front St. %r HALLETT, WHITNEY AND duty will be payable by the purchaser. Crawford House Tel. 2919 flavour. IMPORTANT—Hiote that the large Hamilton Phone 2953 Church Street 4277 PATTON In staled airtight packages. size 'Ovaltine' tin contains U ounces 5_£..ts m. Barristers-at-Law, Hamilton 5!17-m wf. 507*5 •..•*__. *-_rP.C.3l4 5120. ja vs. I


Local Vegetables CROSSWORD PUZZLE *— r to Saturday's Puzzle ACROSS 39—Symbol for RAM T A 1 L IPIATC. samarium ADA R 1 at their best 1—Cut of meat 40—Fondle Pig LIILA R 4—Cross stroke 42—Scold PO]R T A L A YWN o In printing **—Stick last in K E y Hi She lovtf A Communist 9—Hastened •MlO Mfl FT Al Visit Masters China * mud NOW 12—Mohammedan 48—Winter vehicle AL E •P A|T| H I L 1_ ,*V OH44£ dtfam a-m title 48—Existed 1 • HIA 13—Pertaining to 31A IT at BO—The sweetsop P AlS TEINIS CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE perienced a sense of complete pose to see if you'd fall for the i tides 51—Recent •GO and Gift Shop f 14—Before 53—Pastime W|E TWM.E RIAH A 0 desperation. Kirk's admission bait. You did. If I had any 15—Classified s The hotel dining room was 65—Buy back ST EM/ M A TF that he had shot Randy Bryant doubts about you, they were dis­ 17—Had short 58—Come back ______£• Everybody's Market alive with music and laughter; sleep HEM P A made her realise that be was pelled when you met Mr. Bryant - 61—Native metal •c PISH s the scent of expensive perfume; IS—Ilea / volumes 62—Wall tapestry •=___MAIA KM E 1 H ER ENGLISH LUGGAGE and ! colourful summer gowns. In this sure of himself and that her own for dinner in the Rue Canille. 21—In addition 64—Negative vote 7. Open Saturdays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. position was not tenable much That meeting cost the United j _-—Allowance for 65—Goddess of PRRWR T]A *? S E L A light hearted atmosphere of S A 5il_.8t_,. longer. Kirk would never allow States government one of their waste healing _>|A|L A\N 5 1 N casual gaiety Amy Marquand ex- 24—Edge 66—Platform LEATHER GOODS Jf ; ber to escape. best agents." 26—English baby 67—Female sheep 4—Stalk She glanced over at him. He "I didn't tell him anything • carriage 5—Downy duck seemed to be enjoying the Situa­ about you," Amy denied. "I 29—Renovate DOWN 6—Road (abbr.) WALLETS — KEY CASES — CHANGE PUSSES 31—Pile 7—Scotch for tion. He was impeccable, as al­ didn't know anything to tell." 33—Cravat 1—Possesses SI—Hebrew month "John" PASSPORT CASES ways, in his white linen dinner The sweetness of the flowers 2—Time Rone by 8—Level 35—Obscure 3—Weasel-like jacket with a red carnation in was almost overpowering and 37—Ethiopian title 9—Rumor His light hair, I outside the strange noises that mammal 10—Exist In Pigskin — Pinseal — Lizard his button hole, 11—Man's brushed until it looked almost | rose from the streets of Algiers i z i . 5 b 7 8 •7 IO // nickname lacquered, shone in the dim light. gave a sense of drama and un­ 16—Carried Crocodile and Morocco 18—Explosive His thick lips were curved down, reality to the scene. Amy knew fZ what she must do but she waited '_ ** sound FINEST eyes narrowed. 20—Transgression by "Yes, I know all about you and for her cue. a Ib 18 22—Snares "You never will have anything w 23—Revolt FINNIGANS of Bond Street, London ... Randy Bryant," Kirk repeated % 25—Deface This SUPREME Deluxe reaching for the menu. "It's too to tell now," Kirk said calmly. >1 to Zi 27—Passageway Aluminum Double bad you promised to help him "And as my wife you will relin­ 28—Repasts % 30—Emerge with his investigation. You and I quish your American citizen­ tx -i tn 25 Boiler is scientifically ship." % _*7 2S victorious misht have gotten along very % % 32—Dance step designed for fast well together.'' "But you're an American citi­ 2? 3o 3/ *iZ V 33 *-*—Stomach cooking - it's triple- Still Amy was silent. To admit zen," Amy replied, remembering 38—Begin PERFUME % A 41—Coal car everything now would do ~io good that Randy had told her Kirk 35 3b -7 58 thick base insures m H 43—Aeriform fluid by asting service. and she still remembered the was naturalised. % 45—Adjust almost psychopathic vanity be­ "Yes. I was a citizen. I am to­ HO HZ 13 •W4 45 47—River in Wales b 'A 49—Small shoot Vigny neath his cool exterior. It was day. It has suited my con­ -% 7// 62—Dampens lacques Griffe — Fiver — her only chance and she decided venience. But now I am return­ 46 H7 •-8 H9 50 S.—Bacteriologist's to follow it through to the end. ing to Russia. You are coming % wire W 6S—Brooklyn Cone le our tier* for all "You're w r o n g," she said with me. Of your own volition— 51 Si SH your kitchen and hard- Dodgers' finally. "Randy did ask me to as my wife. It is less messy pitcher ROLLS RAZORS war* Html We bave • SS 5b "0. S8 59 fco help the F.B.I, but I refused. It than kidnapping." He smiled n 56—Silkworm compLt. srack en hand. wasn't an easy decision for me and poured more brandy in his % 57—To become bl b- bi bl entangled BERMUDA CEDAR to make." glass. "So we both disappear 69—Uncooked "But you loved me so much behind the Iron Curtain, as your 60—Brood of SS bk 1.7 pheasants CRYSTAL and CUTLERY you sacrificed your conscience ? newspapers are so fond of call- j -_ S3—Parent Is that the line?" he finished sar­ ing it. Newly weds—with no hint (colloq.) castically. of foul play. It would be worth a M_t. —- -.IP—I FuPur. Sr-_J—.U. Inc. Beneath the table cloth her small news item, perhaps. But Madeira Hand-Embroidered | fists clenched but she said calm- nothing more. In any case, our THE BERMUDA HARDWARES LTD. | ly, "I did love you, Kirk. I still whereabouts would be impos­ do." sible to prove." CARELESS DRIVER FINED PAY PARKING FINES CHILDREN'S CLOTHES "I don t care to discuss it Then with a sudden impulsive while I'm eating," he replied, I gesture he pulled her to her feet Aleston Trott, of Hamilton and and she was in his arms. "Too I Parish, pleaded not guilty of Edmund Leo DeSilva, of Dev­ snapping his fingers for a waiter. onshire, was fined 10 - on Satur­ He ate slowly and methodical­ bad you double crossed me, Amy. driving an auto-bicycle without You could have been of help to due care and without efficient day in Hamilton magistrates court ENGLISH HAND-SMOCKED DRESSES ly through a seven course meal. c a parking charge. DeSilva He drank heavily, paying almost the Party. We can use beautiful j brakes, but was convicted by the girls." | Wor. H. Martin Godet *n St. admitted before the Wor. L. M. High Living no attention to the girl beside Minty parking on the southern him who toyed with her food and "Do you want me to join the George's magistrates court on CHINA Party?" she whispered. "Would Friday. Trott was fined £3 on side of Harrington Sound Road, tried to stifle her rising panic. opposite Woodie's Cafe. The 22 and S3 When he had finished . j that convince yau?" But behind the first charge and £5 on the and said, "Can't we go up to your his back her fingers tightened second. accused said he stopped about 100 MASTERS LTD Front Street about the bright blue pills con- | —0 feet from the warning sign and GIFT suite for a little while and taft? Hamilton Costs are High Please, Kirk. Listen to what I cealed in her handkerchief. FONTAINEBLEAU, France, never noticed it. have to say." (To be continued) Feb. 28 (Renter).—Prince Bern- In ex parte proceedings Fitz- SHOP "By all means," he replied 0 I hard of Holland will visit the allen Anderson Jacobs, of Pond 5100'm BUT with mock courtesy. "You can Ralph H. Young, Michigan Central European Allied Air Hill, was fined 10 - on a parking entertain me until ten, when the State Director of Athletics, was Force headquarters here next charge. if you watch and compare prices magistrate is coming to marry an associate track coach for the Monday, the Air Force Command us—or had you forgotten?" 1332 U.S. Olympic team. announced today. you can SAVE How could she forget, Amy wondered almost hysterically, and then, remembering the blue Have a look at these special new capsules in her hand bag she had hope again, but she must use them before the magistrate ar­ Goods at Astwood's: rived. Going through with a mar­ riage ceremony with Kirk John­ son at this point would be of no value either to her or the F.B.I. SADDLE BAG SETS Her most important job now was to get the espionage plan from Kirk's safe and turn it over to assorted colours .. 47/6 the authorities before it could be distributed in the - United States. Kirk's suite was furnished black 42/6 pleasantly with pale modern fur­ niture. There were bowls at strange, tropical flowers and two AUTOCYCLE CRASH enormous windows which looked out to the Mediterranean. Kirk BARS took a bottle of brandy from the 100/- desk and poured himself a drink. jmno "Well, sit down," he directed. "And go on with your school girl LEG SHIELDS 85/- prattle, but don't expect me to be impressed." "Maybe you're right at that. I PLASTIC HANDLE was a school girl where my emotions for you were con­ cerned." She sat down beside GRIPS per pair 4/6 him on the couch, her diaphan­ ively... surrounded by the wedding party in ous white skirt fatting gracefully xquisite array of color and beauty... The assorted colours about her ankles. He glanced at her coolly. g bride envisions just such a scene when she chooses "Once I might have believed that. Once perhaps it was even ing and trousseau wardrobe, For a wedding Watch for these New Low Prices each weektrue . But now I know that Ran­ dy Bryant first approached you remembered always... our new Spring collection. as far back as New Orleans and 1 asked you to help the F.B.I. I didn't find this out until I had a report from my agent in Lon- dam." The woman who had imperson­ ated Dr. Waters. Amy thought. The woman Gerta who was some­ FRONT ST. & SON where in this hotel right now. Kirk continued. "Then when HAMILTON your noble Mr. Bryant came to Paris the game was obvious.. I .SHt-ual left that letter written in French in my overcoat pocket on pur- Head-Dresses and Veils or FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Veiling Schedule The High Style' by-the-yard IMPORTERS kindly instruct Shippers to reserve cargo space in Rayon Gabardine on specific sailings MILLINERY Embarkation Time 1.30 p.m. Sailing Hour 3 p.m. DEPARTMENT Leave New York Arrive Bermuda j SHIP Leave Bermuda Arr. New York The one-button jacket that buttons high is.prime favourite with many men, so we QUEEN OF BERMUDA Feb. 28 Mar. Mar. Mar. 7 via Nassau have it — but in case you prefer the QUEEN OF BERMUDA Mar. H Mar. 7 Mar. t Mar. lt regular two-button 9UtL we have that too. Either way these suits are high value . . . Mar. 11 Mar. 13 OCEAN MONARCH Mar. Ml Mar. 1« Dock Hamilton low-priced. Mar. 14 Mar. 18 QUEEN OF BERMUDA Mar. lt Mar. _» Mar. 16 Mar. It OCEAN MONARCH Mar. It mar. ?* Dock Hamilton Si/es 36 to 44 £11.10.0 Mar. 23 Mar. It Mar. 21 Mar. 23 QUEEN OF BERMUDA American tailored and Mar. 21 OCEAN MONARCH Mar. 26 Mar. aa • Brown • Grey • Blue Mar. tt Dock St George's £12.10.0 QUEEN OF BERMUDA Mar. 27 Mar. 2t Ma*. 25 Mar. 27

AP» • Mar. 28 Mar. 36 OCEAN MONARCH Apr. Dock St George's Ap*. 4 Mar. 30 Apr. QUEEN OF BERMUDA Apr. t 1 Ap-r. .11 Apr. 4 Apr. 6 QUEEN OF BERMUDA Apr. Apr. 12 Apr. 4 Apr. OCEAN MONARCH Apr. 10 Dock St George's Apr. 17 The Womans Shop Apr. 11 Apr. It QUEEN OF BERMUDA Apr. 18 Reid Street Hamilton Subject to change without notice Queen Street WATUNGTON & CONYERS, Agents HAMILTON i 5112+--. fage W THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1953 statement amounted to praising New Courtrooms Needed TITO AND ARCHBISHOP persecution. "It appears from what he said SALE NOW ON CRITICISED IN LONDON in a diocesan letter that Dr. Civil Service Association Garbett bad only one charge : LONDON, March 1 (Reuter).— against Tito — that there was a Magistrate Satisfied No For One Week Only A Roman Catholic priest today time when he was friendly with critcised the Anglican Archbishop Russia. Now that friendship is Now Has 238 Members of York for hoping that Yugo­ •over Dr. Garbett considers that % OFF ENTIRE STOCK slavia's Marshal Tito would re­ Tito has become a courageous ceive a cordial reception on his patriot," Father Christie said. False Traffic Charges visit to Britain this month. 1 Preaching in London's fashion­ He added that Tito was a Annual Meeting Told BON MARCHE Continued from Pag* 1 able West End, Father J. V. Marxist atheist actively engaged U.N. To Meet To Name Burnaby Street Christie said the Archbishop's in the persecution of Christians. it much more pleasant to hear cases in Somerset and St. Successor To Trygve Lie Continued from Page I Suicide Attacks By Reds George's. members informed of the activi­ S«S2tsin tu m. In the Hamilton court the ties of the association. Beaten Back In Korea magistrates had to contend with Continued from Pace 1 EXPRESSES THANKS noisy auto-bicycles in the streets, The retiring president wished Continued from Page 1 Entezam of Persia. Mr. Pearson, the association every success in past year over disputes on prisoners emptying ash cans from Canadian Minister tor External the gaol arid the shouts of the coming year and thanked* the fighting rights and the future of drunken occupants of police cells. Affairs, is president of the officers, council and members for South Koreans in Japan. One Minute From The Ship seventh General Assembly, now their cooperation and help in set­ "We call upon Japan to join It was convenient for the police sitting in New York. Dr. because all their records were in ting the association on its feet us in solving the grave problems the Hamilton headquarters, and Romulo and Mr. Entezam both during the initial year. existing between the two AUTOMATIC DISHWASHING English china, Danish it was convenient for the public have served as president of pre­ 0 nations," Mr. Rhee said in a state­ because so many people worked vious General Assemblies. 53-year-old Scot Named ment addressed to 100,000 in the city. The attitude of Soviet Russia, Koreans attending anniversary porcelain, antique and 1 celebrations here. AT ITS BEST! HAVE NO RIGHT a member of the Security Coun Colony's New Police Chief cil, on the choice of a successor At the same time, the South modern glass, choice People had asked why the for Mr. Lie is not yet clear. The Korean President urged "prompt magistrates did not try cases in Continued from Page 1 action of the free world against Soviet representatives at the Uni­ years later was appointed Assist­ the parish halls. The reason why ted Nations have boycotted Mr. Communism." 18th century furniture, this was not done was because ant Commissioner. o the magistrates had no right to Lie since 1950 for supporting U.N. In 1951 he was made Regional antique china, tilver hear cases in the parish halls. intervention in Korea. Unofficial Commissioner of Police Northern Chiang Calls For . Mr. Minty recalled that magis­ reports say that Soviet Russia Region, Nigeria. trates and police were opposed would not look unfavourably on Mr. Henderson is a Scottish Invasion Readiness and Sheffield plate. tb the attempt a year or so ago Mr. Entezam as his successor. rugby international. Continued from Pag* 1 to institute the American system Mr. Entezam has said privately Colonel Ewing joined the Russian and anti - Communist | of giving tickets for parking that he is not anxious to be Metropolitan Police in 1926. In struggle. offences. He claimed that tbe nominated although he would 1944 he entered- the Army and in "Hundreds of millions of our j system used was much more take the post if he were drafted. 1946 he was made Chief Security compatriots on the mainland above board and did not involve We explained that Russb-Persian Officer of the Control Commis­ are suffering from oppression WM. BLUCK & CO the police in party politics or relations being what they are, sion in Germany. He left in 1948 thanks to Russian puppets and personalities. and Persia's border marching and the following year was ap­are eagerly looking to us to de­ Est. 1844 "I have always been satisfied with Russia's, he would be under pointed Staff Officer to the Brit­ liver them at an early 'date. that the police are perfectly tremendous Russian pressure in ish police mission to Columbia "The situation, both internal Hamilton St. George's honest in all their charges. I am the post. for two years where he was and external, la ever changing quite satisfied the police do not responsible for the administration and the moment of counter­ iSMB-fa. make false charges or put up of the mission, including criminal attack is drawing nearer and speeds. It would be too risky for investigation and security. nearer." f"H a constable to do that. About 95 BONN, Germany, Feb. 28 He is due to arrive in Bermuda per cent of the speeders plead (Reuter).—Big crowds cheered this month. For pure comfort in your guilty because the evidence is so toe West German Chancellor, o DISH*A«MAtIC cast-iron they cannot do other­ Dr. Konrad Adenauer, today up­ living room wise," be said. on his arrival home from Rome, 80 American Boys Treat yourself to Electric Sink Dishwasher Referring to comments that the where he and five other foreign Apex Come Here For S magistrates should levy heavier ministers gave the go-ahead to penalties for road traffic offences ratifying the European Army Days' Camping Dunlopillo Mr. Minty remarked: Treaty. Latex Foam Upholstery Re-Opening Today! "The people who talk like that Continued from Page t Sold and Serviced by are those who fed it is all right the group and Mr. and Mrs. for the other fellow to be heavily married American servicemen to Henry Ball are doing the cooking. Hand, Arnold, Ltd. penalised but are not so keen on by-pass the American immigra­ After their arrival on Saturday Distributors it when it comes to their turn." tion laws. The American Govern­ in three groups the boys went Front and King Streets BURNABY CYCLES STRAW SHOP In speeding offences the gravity ment would not allow into the..swimmin g and then had a ca."-p of the offence and the number of Phone 4203 Burnaby Street' Store Upstairs country the illegitimate childI of fire __, the be_ch when Mr previous convictions must be a woman who married a United | JJ- y ng told them 3*0*t* 5102' taken into account by toe Bower and OU at The English Sports Shop States serviceman but would per* about Bermuda's early history, magistrate. rait the adopted child of such a Yesterday morning they attend- WHO SPEEDS MOST? union. The woman then had the ec] „ service at St. Theresa's Many people claimed that taxi child adopted in Bermuda and church and then went on a tour, Featuring an entirely new stock of drivers were the most consistent thus was permitted- to take him j-, the afternoon they watched the speeders. Out of 819 speeding to America with her husband. Bermuda Football League play offences in 1952, 10 were commit­ NEVER ENVISAGED the Bermuda Football Combina­ BAGS, SANDALS and NOVELTIES ted by motor-assisted bicycles, tion at Prospect. In the evening 269 by auto-bicycles, 213 by Such a use of the Act was never Mr. David Critchley, the youth from Nassau and Jamaica. private cars, eight by buses, 101 envisaged when it was instituted, organiser, showed them two films by vans, three by public service Mr. Minty noted. "Bermuda Bound" and "Wings vehicles and 215 by taxis. At the conclusion of his address over Bermuda." Matching BAGS and SANDALS for ' "On the basis of mileage—and Mr. Minty was asked if the press The remainder of the week will taxis are on the roads much more could be prevented from publish­ be spent in sight-seeing and (Did ipu krwwl day and evening wear in exclusive than any other type of vehicle— ing accounts of trials. The magis­ swimming. there is' not much between them trate replied that trials were open o designs — colourful, gay and and the private car," the magis­ to the public and consequently the LONDON, Feb. 28 (Reuter).— trate sai,-. press. The press could attend if Burglars stole £10,000 worth of 'Butter Crust" Cakes different from anything you have Turning his attention to crim­ it wished, report all, part or jewellery from the London home inal and civil appeals Mr. Minty nothing at all of a trial. of Martis Culvcundis, 33, British yet seen! described the procedure in Ber­ manager of the Martis Steamship There were occasions, however, Company of New York. The are protected from damage by muda on criminal appeals as when the press could not report "hybrid." The Act under which thieves entered an upstairs bed­ certain evidence such as the name room while Mr. Culvcundis and the U-shaped cardboard pack­ Call in and see what civil appeals were made was of a juvenile. "emasculated and carrying oo a his wife were having dinner. age in which they are placed. we have to show you!. moribund existence." It should be put out *t its agony and a new Act instituted. Upstairs at THE ENGLISH SPORTS SHOP He touched briefly on tte Sides of the package are folded special courts set up to deal with Queen Street Hamilton juvenile offenders, adoption and up to give strength . . . and a illegitimacy. Tbe Act governing adoption, Mr. Minty said, was "Cellophane" top protects being used by Bermudian women with illegitimate children who every cake from handling.

Good News For Housewives I Another Shipment of the Famous . . . . dlmnuda Sak&hif <$td. 'The Taste Telia" Maytag Washers Bakers of Buttercrust Products 5149+

NANCY By Ernie Bushmillei .**._•-


V e-A liniE_L_ _£_ •**\

The choice of over 6,000,000 women __-T«*.v/__-. TP- H-PJ U _»ty_-n*i-H/___4gk_- Core l«3hy F-p-Uf. S_ —dt-t. The Maytag Washer is the favourite of women the world over because it does the average family week's wash in an hour; JIGGS By George McManus gets clothes cleaner without undue wear; and uses less soap, water and electricity. \ \ I II I ~T 1.J 4^ASONlVABA^ Your choice of the Round Model or the Square Automatic Type

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