Representation How do we choose our leaders? Trump received 62,979,636 votes, 46.1 percent of all votes cast. The Associated Press announced today that all votes had officially been certified. Clinton had 2,864,974 votes more than Trump, the largest popular vote margin of any losing presidential candidate in U.S. history, according to the AP. Dec 22, 2016 Electoral votes: Trump: 304 Clinton: 227 How did that happen? college/videos/electoral-college How much does your vote count? People People Percentage People per House per ank State Population of Electors per Senators Senate seats House Population Elector seat seat 1 California 37,341,989 12.05% 55 678,945 2 18,670,995 53 704,566 2 New York 19,421,055 6.27% 29 669,692 2 9,710,528 27 719,298 3 Texas 25,268,418 8.16% 38 664,958 2 12,634,209 36 701,901 4 Florida 18,900,773 6.10% 29 651,751 2 9,450,387 27 700,029 5 Illinois 12,864,380 4.15% 20 643,219 2 6,432,190 18 714,688 6 Ohio 11,568,495 3.73% 18 642,694 2 5,784,248 16 723,031 7 North Carolina 9,565,781 3.09% 15 637,719 2 4,782,891 13 735,829 8 Pennsylvania 12,734,905 4.11% 20 636,745 2 6,367,453 18 707,495 9 New Jersey 8,807,501 2.84% 14 629,107 2 4,403,751 12 733,958 10 Michigan 9,911,626 3.20% 16 619,477 2 4,955,813 14 707,973 How many people does your elector represent? 40 Hawaii 1,366,862 0.44% 4 341,716 2 683,431 2 683,431 41 Maine 1,333,074 0.43% 4 333,269 2 666,537 2 666,537 42 Montana 994,416 0.32% 3 331,472 2 497,208 1 994,416 43 New Hampshire 1,321,445 0.43% 4 330,361 2 660,723 2 660,723
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