The War. the British Medical Association on Wednesday, August 25Th, Chairman of the the CASUALTY LIST

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The War. the British Medical Association on Wednesday, August 25Th, Chairman of the the CASUALTY LIST 527 THE WAR EMERGENCY COMMITTEE.—A meeting of the War Emergency Committee was held at the offices of The War. the British Medical Association on Wednesday, August 25th, chairman of the THE CASUALTY LIST. when Mr. E. B. Turner, Representative Meetings of the British Medical Association, presided. THE following names of medical men appear There were present Sir T. Clifford Allbutt, Sir Rickman :among the casualties announced since our last Godlee, Professor Harvey Littlejohn, Dr. Edwin Rayner, issue :- Killed. Lieutenant-Colonel Sir James Barr, Lieutenant-Colonel R. A. J. Dr. C. Lieutenant P. T. Warren, R.A.M.C., 3rd Welsh Field Bolam, Major Galloway, Buttar, Major Albert Mr. N. Ambulance (T.F.), medical officer and public vaccinator Russell Coombe, Major Lucas, Bishop Harman, Dr. Alfred Cox, the Editor of the British Medical of Port Glam. ’ Bryn, Talbot, and the Editor The Lancet. T. C. New Zealand Medical Journal, of Major Savage, Army Corps. The earlier of the were Wounded. part proceedings occupied by a resolution forward Dr. Buttar, R. P. R.A.M.C. discussing put by Captain Nash, who, as chairman of the Executive Subcommittee, desired Lieutenant G. atttached to the 4th South Fleming, R.A.M.C., from the Committee as to the Wales Borderers. guidance present position of the work and as to future activities. Dr. Buttar Lieutenant W. H. H. Haskins, R.A.M.C., 3rd East pointed out that so far only a statement had been made Lancashire Field Ambulance " " (T.F.). to the medical that the is a serious H. N. 3rd Field Australian profession position Major Butler, Ambulance, Army one in which medical enrol for Medical men "may" personal Corps. service. He asked for a resolution which would bring Lieutenant-Colonel E. V. Gostling, R.A.M.C., 1st East before the the fact that the War Field Ambulance. profession Emergency Anglian Committee was to enrol medical men under 40 T. R. New Zealand Medical willing ’Captain Ritchie, Army Corps. years of age for full-time service, and urging that when Among the British prisoners returned from Germany this such enrolment had taken place the men should be called week as unfit for further military service is Captain J. H. up as required. He said that the available men in many ’Graham, R. A. M. C. cases wanted such information. The resolution was - just seconded by Major Galloway, who said that such a course THE HONOURS LIST. would make the Register which had already been compiled far more effective. It would let the men of know The Service Order has been con- military age Distinguished when were while the War Office would ferred exactly they wanted, upon- keep the Committee informed as new drafts were required. No. 3 Field Captain Stanley Alwyn Smith, Ambulance, Dr. Alfred Cox read a report on the work done in com- Canadian Medical Army Corps. piling a Medical War Register. The report showed that a For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty at great deal of well-directed energy had been expended in Festubert on the night of 20th May, 1915. setting up the nucleus of a war-locum bureau, in issuing Captain Smith, with a party of eight men, went out official forms of applications for commissions, in giving voluntarily to remove the wounded from an orchard whilst personal interviews, and in answering questions by corre- under heavy fire, and eventually succeeded in bringing all spondence. The following is the summary that was given into safety. Four of the eight men of the rescue party of the results of the compilation of the Medical War were wounded, and two of these have since died. Register up to date :- " 1. The number of men on whole-time war The Russian Order of St. Anne, 4th Class, already service, total 5265. 2. The number of men of 50 and over inscribed " For Valour in has been conferred offering War," whole-time war service, total 447. 3,. The number of men upon- from 40 to 49 offering whole-time war service, total 436. Lieutenant J. Downie, R.A.M.C. attached M.B., (T.F.), 4. The number of men of 40 and under offering whole-time to the Yorkshire Mounted Field Ambulance. Brigade war service, total 633. 5. The number of men of 40 and under not on or offering whole-time war service, total 6555 DEATHS AMONG THE SONS OF MEDICAL MEN. up to date. It is seen, therefore, that there are approxi- The following sons of medical men are to be mately 6555 men of military age in England and Wales and Ireland. Of these it is at to obtain the added to our lists of those who have fallen during necessary present services of about one-third. of 900 men over the war :- Upwards military are whole and the cannot be H. A. N. Hoffmeister, King’s age offering time, feeling helped Captain Shropshire Light that if these could be induced to take up war locum work, second son of Mr. John of East Infantry, Hoffmeister, as are for the most not wanted the Cowes, Isle of Wight. they part by military authorities, they would be instrumental in setting free a Second Lieutenant C. H. Hunt, 5th Lancashire son Fusiliers, number of men who are unable to unless can of Dr. T. of Manchester. quite go they Hunt, Heywood, obtain substitutes, local not available." Second Lieutenant G. C. 53rd second son of help being Southern, Sikhs, Professor out that the War Office Mr. F. G. of Littlejohn pointed Southern, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Clifton, at the moment 2000 out of the 6555 men of Bristol. required present still available in and Second Lieutenant B. B. 7th Welsh military age England, Wales, Ireland, Silcock, Royal Fusiliers, for the of the War Committee did son of the late A. of proceedings Emergency younger Q. Silcock, F.R.C.S., not deal with where an effective National Com- W. Scotland, Harley-street, London, mittee exists. He the of the Scottish Lieutenant H. H. 2nd son explained procedure Marten, Manchesters, younger War and the letter of the Director- of Dr. R. H. of South Australia. Emergency Committee, Marten, Adelaide, General of the Medical Service to this Committee Lieutenant R. B. lst Army Pirrie, King’s Shropshire Light was circulated to the eldest son of Lieutenant R. R. meeting.l Infantry, Pirrie, M.D., Lucas alluded to the number of R.A.M.C., Major large young military of Ryton-on-Tyne. men at the base of whom in Lieutenant J. A. E. 12th hospitals, many had, ordinary Alexander, Highland Light circumstances, not work to fill their time. He son of the late Dr. of Wick. enough Infantry, younger Alexander, out the of the medical Second Lieutenant T. A. E. Evanson llth Manchester pointed difficulty impressing upon Jones, the need for more medical officers with the son of Mr. E. Evanson of Ashton profession army Regiment, only Jones, when such a was believed to exist. Old-road, Manchester. position The Chairman said that it was not to behind N. D. 6th East Yorkshire possible go Captain Pringle, Regiment, the statements of Sir Alfred and the War Office that son of Dr. H. T. of Keogh youngest Pringle, J.P., Hawtree, medical officers were needed and would be with Dorset. required Ferndown, the and he alluded to the numbers of medical Lieutenant A. G. 9th Sherwood army. large Wills, Foresters, youngest officers who had to the Dardanelles. son of the late Lieut.-Col, C. S. Wills, R. A. M. C- proceeded C.B., Sir James Barr out that it was the number of Second Lieutenant E. S. T. Davies, 5th Welsh Regiment pointed younger men, some of whom he understood had joined only son of Dr. I. H. Davies, J.P., of Llantrisant, Glam. (T.F.), for home which was the objectionable feature. Lieutenant E. Roberts, 7th West Yorkshire Regiment (T.F,), service, son of Dr. E. Roberts, of Leeds. 1 THE LANCET, August 21st, 1915, p. 420. 528 He said that these younger men ought to be with the Sir James Barr detailed clearly the grievances of the sur- Expeditionary Force and not at the base hospitals. geons of the R.N.V.R., whose status is notoriously a difficult Other speakers having emphasised the urgent requirement one, and it was decided to make a representation to the of medical officers with the army, Dr. Buttar’s resolution was authorities of the Royal Navy on the subject. adopted unanimously that the urgent need for enrolment A discussion on the position of civil institutions or should be brought before the medical profession. companies advertising for medical men of military age It was announced that Dr. Frederick Taylor and Sir closed the proceedings. Rickman Godlee had accepted cooption as members of the War Emergency Committee. VACANCIES FOR MEDICAL OFFICERS -We have The minutes of the Executive Subcommittee were been asked by Lieutenant-Colonel H. G. W. Dawson, the adopted containing some important recommendations ; one Officer Commanding the 2/lst North Midland Field Ambu- among them bearing on the previous discussions ran as lance, R.A.M.C., to announce that there are vacancies for follows :- three medical men for commissions, wanted urgently f01 That the Director-General be requested to give instructions to service overseas, and also for two others for third-line unit. D.D.M.S. and A.D.M.S. not to accept for work in military hospitals at should be made to Lieutenant-Colonel Dawson, home medical practitioners of military age who are physically fit.
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