The London Gazette, February 12, 1884. 747
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 12, 1884. 747 BREVET. and Indian Military Forces made by the Govern- Major Alexander Reginald Seton, Royal (late ments in India:— Bombay) Engineers, to be Lieutenant-Colonel under the provisions of Article 11 (ff.) of the BENGAL STAFF CORPS. Royal Warrant of llth March, 1882. Dated To be Lieutenant- Colonels. 23rd January, 1884. Major Theodore William Hogg. Dated 4th De- cember, 1883. MEMORANDA. Major Charles Allan Bay lay. Dated llth De- Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel Henry John cember,, 1883. Maclean, half-pay, has been placed on retired .pay, Major William Henry Wilkins. Dated 12th with the honorary rank of Major-General. Dated December, 1883. 1st February, 1884. Major Robert Henry Palmer. Dated 12th De- Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Edmund "Webber, cember, 1883. C.B., Royal Engineers, to be Colonel. Dated Major John Finnis. Dated 12th December, 1883. 24th January, 1884. Major Charles Edward Macaulay. Dated 12th Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colon el Sir Oliver December, 1883. Beauchamp Coventry St. John, K.C.S.I., Royal Major Arthur L* Estrange Hamilton Holmes. (late Bengal) Engineers, to be Colonel. Dated Dated loth December, 1883. 4th February, 1884. Major Horace Ralph Spearman. Dated 18th Lieutenant - Colonel J. Cecil Russell, 12th December, 1883. Lancers, to be Colonel. Dated 7th February Major James Duncan Macpherson. Dated 19th 1884. December, 1883. Honorary Colonel Thomas G. O'D. Hervey, Major William Heathcote Unwin. Dated 20th Major, retired pay, retires from the Service, re- December, 1883. ceiving the value of his Commission. Dated 13th February, 1884. To be Captain. Major Herbert Everitt, retired, Royal Marine Lieutenant William John Butterworth Bird. Artillery, to have the honorary rank of Lieu- Dated 15th December, 1883. tenant-Colonel. Dated 26th January, 1884. BENGAL INFANTRY. Major William Henry Vallack Tom, retired, To be Colonel. Royal Marine Light Infantry, to have the hono- Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Thomas rary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated 26th Martin Shelley. Dated 14th December, 1883. January, 1884. Captain J. C. Douglas, retired pay, retires MADRAS STAFF CORPS. from the Service, receiving the value of his Com- To be Lieutenant" Colonels. mission. Dated 13th February, 1884. Major Thomas Rooke Tabuteau. Dated llth Captain Robert Story, half-pay, has been placed December, 1883. on retired pay. Dated 6th January, 1884. Major Holloway Walrond Hasting?. Dated 12th Quartermaster James Edward Bell, 3rd Batta- December, 1883. lion, the Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Major Hurlock Galloway Pritchard. Dated 12th Regiment), to have the honorary and relative December, 1883. rank of Captain. Dated 24th January, 1-834. Major Elphinstone Shaw. Datxl 12th December, Quartermaster (with local and temporary rank) 1883. Michele Debono, Royal Malta Fencible Artillery, Major Alexander Fairlie Dobbs. Dated 12th to have the honorary and relative rank of Cap- December, 1883. tain. Dated 24th January, 1884. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Deputy Assistant-Commissary Thomas Lee, Coningham. Dated l.Vth December, 1883. Bengal Establishment, to have the honorary rank Major George Chrystie. Dated 12th December, of Lieutenant. Dated 7th December, 1883. 1883. The undermentioned Officers of the Bengal Major Albert Francis Orchard. Dated 12th Staff Corps to be Colonels. Dated 22nd Novem- December, 18»3. ber, 1883 :— Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Smith Maclean, C.B. MADRAS CAVALRY. Lieutenant-Colonel Harry Chippindale Plunkett To be Lieutenant' Colonel. Rice. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Harry Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Edward Stewart. Cavaye Stevens. Dated 4lh December, 1883. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick John Keen, C.B. MADRAS MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT. Lieutenant*Colonel Benjamin Williams. To be Brigade Surgeons. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Collett, C.B. Surgeon-Major Charles Thick Eves. Dated 23rd Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Byng Patricia Price July, 1883. Campbell. Surgeon-Major David William Trimnell. Dated Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Adam Wauchopc. 16th August, 1883. Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred FitzHngh,C.B. Surgeon-Major Charles Abdy Andrews. Dated Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel George 29th August, 1883. Nicholas Channer, V.C. Lieutenant-Colonel Hamilton Chapman. BOMBAY STAFF CORPS. Lieutenant-Colonel George Stewart. To be Lieutenant-Colonels. Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Power Palmer. Major John Grierson. Dated 12th December, Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander 1883. George Ross. Major Herbert Bruce Jacob. Dated 20th Decem- Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles ber, 1883. Lorrain Woodruffe. BREVET. To be Colonels. Lieutenant - Colonel Henry Fraser, Madras India Office, 12tA February, 1881. Cavalry. Dated 27th May, 1883. THE Queen has approved of the following Lieutenant - Colonel Arthur Dewar Parsons, Promotions among the Officers of. the Staff Corpa Madras Cavalry. Dated 18th October, 1883,.