London, Oxford, and Cheltenham Railway, and Brnnches
London, Oxford, and Cheltenham Railway, and Bourton, Swinbrook, Asthal, Asthalley, Asthall Brnnches. Leigh, Minster Lovcl, Norton Brize, Brize Norton, Witney, Witney, Crawley, Hailey, Curbridge, (Cheltenham to Tring, with two Branches to the Ducklington, Coggs, Langdale, Langle, South- Birmingham and Gloucester Railway, and leigh, Sutton, Stanton Harcourt, Ensham, Cassing- Branches to the Oxford and Rugby and Oxford, ton, Wortor, Handborough, and Yarnton, in the Worcester, and Wblverhampton Railways, and county of Oxford; Cumner, Seacourt, Wytham, to the Aylesbury Railway; and to enable the and Whytham, in the county of Berks; Binscy, London and North-Western Company to sub- Godstow, Port Meadow, Kings Mill, St. Clement's, scribe or to lease or purchase the same. Walton Godstow, Walton Osney, St. Giles, "IVTOTIGK is hereby given, that application is and Holywell, in or near the city of Oxford, JL l intended to be made to Parliament in the in the county of Oxford; Woolvercott, Wol- next session, for leave to bring in a Bill for vercott, Kingsweir, Marston, Elsfield, Heading- making and maintaining a railway or railways, ton, Barton, Stanton St. John, Forest Hill, with all proper and convenient stations, erections, Wheatiey, Shotover, Cuddesden, Holton, Water- bridges, wharfs", warehouses, works, communica- perry, Thomley, Waterstock, Thame, New tions, approaches and conveniences connected Thame, Old Thame, Priestend, Moreton, North therewith, to commence at a point on the railway Weston, and Thame Park, in the county of belonging to the
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