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tfl tt Sea turtle nesting season has returned to from nesting and disorient haichlings. At Saturday, April Sanibcl's beaches once again. Nesting and night, items left on the beach including : hatchling emergence will iakc place from beach furniture, toys and trash may also 14, from l May 1 tnrough October 31. This provide barriers to nesting and cntan- a.m. lo 3 p.m., in celebration natural process has hap- ,<;' •->, giemcp.l or predation of halchiings. In SCCi- and refuge host pened on Sanibel .^-.": *{- most cases, compliance with of Earth Day Earth Day ceiedraticn Island for centuries /-Zrk'"' '''•* •'"•-: ihesc ordinances is simple. 2007. there will When ] IT) and the Sanibel- 0fi^'->$, ;:f Most beachfront lighting be activities, Saturday, April 14; : C a p i i v a ly yj-'lj;,Y''- , issves can be addressed by displays, pro- 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Conservation ~^?^V'ii'^' turning off all unnecessary grams, music and food Where Foundation and the /)i!^>> lights, repositioning or modi- SCCF at City of Sanibel are \j?':'.''$ fying light fixtures, and clos- offered at the 3333 San-Cap Road; conimilted lo protect- *"*.•> Sea Turtle nesting ing blinds and drapes. Sanibel- Wildlife Drive •?• the ing these endangered Removing all beach furniture C a p t i v a season is May 1 Conservation "Ding" Darling Refuge species. through October 31 from the beach and dune More information One of the most remark- area, when not in use, Foundation's o able natural phenomena S Remove aff beach fur- between the hours of 9 p.m. Nature Center. SCCF 472-2329 o occurring on our Gulf beach- niture between the and 7 a.m. is also required by Conic' learn "Ding" Darling 472-1 i 00 es is the nesting ritual of I he hours of 9 p.m. and 7 City ordinance and is an about the loggerhead sea turtle. a.m. important step in sea turtle Found at ion's SanibcPs eleven miles of W, Keep artificial Sight prelection. Although the offi- efforts to pre- Gulf front have more nesting from hitting the beach. cial dates of sea turtle nesting serve the land activity than any other beach season arc May I through and protect the water while enjoying SPECiAL TO Tt IH 'SLANDER I'hl-s yas,fs Earth Day foge VVBS in Lcc County. The rare October 31, these ordinances refreshments ant! listening to greai opportunity lo witness Shis are in effect year-round. music by J. Robert. designed by Rick Ffcklhorn/2006 ritual or a dark summer nigh: is both an A:l Gulf front property owners should Wildlife Drive at ihc J.IS. "Ding" from artwork by Sanibeii school stu- a;' dents. honor and a great responsibility. We make sure thai their properties arc in com- Darling National Wildlife Refuge a liilic K encourage you to experience the nesting of pliance with the City's marine turtle protec- farther out San-Cap is free to hikers and p the loggerhead and to respect them during tion ordinances and ensure that artificial bikers in honor of Earth Day (vehicles yet peda* on over on yoi:r bicycle, their nesting ritual. Sought by prcdaiors and lighting from their property is not illumi- still pay a $5 entry fee). Overflow parking is he old island Water susceptible to dehydration, sea turtle oaicb- nalipg the beach. An easy way to test if your The celebration is generously spon- Association sit or. Sanibcl-Capl'va lings have only a one in a thousand chance properly is in compliance is to go out on the sored by Bank of the islands. Parking is Road; shxi'tc transfer wiii; be provided. of survival. Human activities can further beach on a moonless night and look sea- limited so carpool witn others or better The event is generously sponsored by reduce that chance. Please oo your part to ward If a shadow is cast towards the water, Bank of .he islands. ensure thai these wonderfui creatures con- there is a potential lo deter female turtles tinue to exist for future generations to from nesting or disorient hatchlings as they a enjoy. emerge from the nest. o ' In 1997 and 1998, the City enacted ordi- We look forward to another successful nances for marine turtle protection that pro- sea turtle nesting season and hope to uphold E Reduce your carbon footprint B tect nesting and halchling marine turtles Sanibcl's reputation as having one of the B Volunteer, The islands have many Your carbon footprint is the amount of froni the adverse effects of artificial lighting darkest and most sea turtle friendly beaches environmental organizations thai couid carbon dioxide — CC2, one of ths glcb- and unintended beach furniture. Artificial in the state. We ask for your continued sup- use your help. ai-warming-causing gases - that your a beach lisiitina, can inhibit female sea turtles port with this important program. • Support conservation. Many con- daily life generates from ihe consump- servation groups have active e-maif tion of fossil fueis. Ycu can calculate lists full of great information esi how your own carbon footprint - and learn you can get involved and protect our how \o reduce it — ett www.cerbonfoox- n environment. Visit www.sccf.org and prini.com •Causeway Beaches www.fws.gov/dingdarlirsg. ^Lighthouse Beach "Bowman's Beach •Gulfside City Park Beach ^Turner Beach ••Tarpon Bay Beach Oaptiva Beach Week of Friday, Ap;il 13, 2007 IS Page

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Nancy Runta Wes Roberts Maggie Duignan Richard Cook Caren Herman Sanibel Sanibel Sanibel Sanibel Sanibel "I like meeting people, telling "I love different kinds of foods "I love to cook and I want to see "It's always fun. Good eats, "The food. I look forward to try- them about CROW, and I enjoy and I'll out-guess the judges if I how I can improve my own dish- good cause." ing different, weird foods- some- the food at Gramma Dot's and can. Plus we support CROW big- es and creations." thing outside of the usual." the margaritas." time."

Web Poll Results Do you think there are more visitors to the island this year than last year? • Yes, 25% • No, 50% • About the same, 25% Find a shell • Have no opinion, 0 Jonathan Strycker from Noblesville, Ind. is 11 years old and has been shelling, accord- Current Web Poll Question ing to his dad "since he went out with me in Which beach is the best for shelling? a backpack. We've been coming here yearly • Lighthouse Beach for close to 20 years — our parents are • Bowman's Beach snowbirds — and he's probably been • Gulfside City Park shelling for himself since he was four." • Blind Pass On Tuesday, April 3, he found this beautiful • Other - alphabet cone just east of Algiers Beach. He K • hoped it was a junonia at first, but a natural- Share your opinion online at: ist on the beach said it was a cone shell. sanibel-captiva-islander.com

San&eC Capttva islander The Islands' Community Newspaper since 1961 USPS 481-400

Group Manager The Linda Guckert Sanibel-Captiva Islander TUMI/CM [email protected] is published every Friday Editor Laura Blaskowitz Circulation [email protected] SUN 239-574-1116 Staff Writer Linda Christman Address [email protected] Promenade Center 695 Tarpon Bay Road, Unit #13 Production Marcy Day Phone sanadbuilder® 239-472-5185 breezenewspapers.com Fax Susan Wilhelm 239-472-1372 sanadbuilder@ breezenewspapers.com ^N Classified Advertising Advertising Sales 239^-472-5185 Rich Martin Classified Deadline, [email protected] Noon, Tuesday Marc Welch [email protected] Display Advertising 239-472-5185 Classifieds & Subscriptions Gloria Schulz [email protected] Customer service hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., except major.holidays. Letters to the editor must be typed or handprinted. Your name and phone number must be affixed to the copy. In the event of an advertising error, we arc responsible only for the first incorrect ipsertion of the ad itself. We are not responsible for any credit or reimbursement after 30 days from publication.- Postal Information: Third Class postage is paid at the Sanibel Post Office. Send address changes to the Sanibel Captiva Islander, P.O. Box. 56, Sanibel, FL 33957.

On the Web: sanibel-captiva-islander.com OJD Distinctive quality of art epitomizes The Hirdie Girdie Gallery To excite your curiosity and view the work of an incredible number of award-winning artists o and newcomers to The Hirdie Girdie on 2490 o Library Way, park your car or bike, walk up the wooden ramp and be greeted by chimes at the gallery entrance and a smile from "the artist-on- duty" who, if you wish, will engage in conversa- tion about the original work of these award-win- ning artists and invite you to browse leisurely. For many years The Hirdie Girdie has been open from Monday through Saturday from November through April. Now for the first time the Board Islander People has decided to remain open from May through Nancy October with limited summertime hours and an Santeusanio opportunity to "view an artist-at-work in a studio 0) setting." Also The Hirdie Girdie will continue .4) an uninterrupted sale of its art works during these months mem- and during April only, its annual sale on selected works. ber. The camaraderie among these cooperative gallery mem- Glaser bers is part of its charm beginning with Gordon Coughlin, paints beloved by artists and defined by Bea Pappas as "the orig- exclu- inal member who has been here forever. Gordon is our res- sively ident legal mind and an impressionistic plein-air painter with whose oils take at least two years to dry!" That may be a trans- parent watercolors and his emphasis is on the O bit of hyperbole but its part of the gallery's conviviality. U With a smile Coughlin retorts, "She runs the show! play between light and shadow on the landscape Anything that Bea says 'Goes' and you can quote me on whether he's painting on a Sanibel beach or the that!" coast of Maine. As an architect and architectur- al illustrator he can shape his compositions with .2 Recently abstract artist Nancy Cameron Smith won sec- precision, whether it be boats in a regatta or the ond prize in the Southwest Council Show at BIG ARTS in landscape of the Florida back country. March for "Trucks in the Night." Smith is a member and To lighten the spirit and intrigue the eye is the exhibitor at Hirdie Girdie, a multi-talented artist who works whimsical Lizzart of Tania Begg. She is as in oils, water colors, acrylics, collage and technical inks imaginative as her Lizzart and her designs are and has been accepted in the International Society of mainly magnets and intricate metal sculptures. Experimental Artists. Proudly and in his own style, They're fun to wear and create their own unique Coughlin describes her as "an old hat abstract expressionist accent or to brighten up a dull wall. What could artist." be more eye catching than a large wall hugging Highly respected and beloved gallery member Bea metal Lizzart sculpture? This year Begg was Pappas has been making some changes in her art work from juried into the Southwest Council Craft Guild. traditional watercolor into a more in depth exploration into Coughlin added, "With her English accent she different kinds of art. Her new emphasis and growth are gives the gallery a lot of class!" evidenced in her experimental art with "Island Thoughts" Another newcomer is Beverly Fox, an receiving an Honorable Mention in the "Big Arts" March extraordinary silversmith, who adds another SPECIAL TO THE ISLANDER 2007 Show. Pappas is also a member of the International dimension to the Hirdie Girdie with her ever pop- Society of Experimental Artists and an exhibitor and win- ular loop in loop handmade sterling silver chains Hirdie Girdie artists' work clockwise from top left: Neil ner of numerous awards from organizations on the North and her Swivel Locking Clasp for which she has Glaser's watercolor. Nancy Cameron Smith's "Trucks in the Shore of Boston, Massachusetts. been awarded a US Patent. Her tableware pieces Night" won second prize at the BIG ARTS juried show. Bea s In this same BIG ARTS show Hirdie Girdie artist Don Pappas' "Island Thoughts." a. showcase her line of Stone Based Baskets woven « Daniels, a featured watercolor painter here on the island with sterling silver wire. To create further inter- U whose watercolors are also displayed in many galleries and est, Fox adds semi-precious stones and seed bead "3 corporate collections throughout the United States, embellishments to her baskets. Kathy Boynton is a longtime member of Hirdie Girdie received the Barney Bailer Memorial Award for his "Sunset Phil Krym, a woodturner and an award winning wood who still remembers making pots from the earth in her own at Lighthouse." His forte is his ability to portray true life backyard. She never stopped making pots and was chal- t/2 artisan whose work is displayed at the Hirdie Girdie, likes images, capture the awe of a sunset on a tropical beach or to work with native woods. He emphasized that, "Trees are lenged to work with clay and to study and be inspired by the beauty of weathered wood on an old barn door. never sacrificed merely for their wood. Materials are many outstanding potters. Boynton's signature pieces are A more recent member of the Hirdie Girdie is watercol- obtained from trees that have been felled by Mother Nature, her large cat sculptures where her imagination brims with or artist Lee Ackert who has been been the recipient of those that are dead or dying or being removed by home- playfulness and her love of fantasy shines. Boynton is the numerous awards in juried shows since 1993. Lee has won owners and landscapers." Trees felled by Hurricane gallery's raku artist who plans to never stop experimenting many watercolor exhibitions and one person shows on Fort Charley and Wilma have brought him new sources and with different clays, glazes and firing techniques. Her work Myers Beach where in 2002 she was elected President of recently Krym was awarded a prize at the Southwest continues to be exhibited at many Southwest Florida the Florida Watercolor Society which consists of over 1100 Florida Craft Guild as a "woodturner using only indige- shows. members. Gallery members have been delighted to wel- nous woods." One of the outstanding features of his carv- Mary Ross is the gallery's collage artist whose collages come Ackert since she loves the intimacy of working in a ing is his ability to work "quite thin" allowing light to come are constructed of layers of semi-transparent Japanese cooperative and has picked up its pace without skipping a through the wood" and his meticulous finishing with as papers with painted branches and flowers stylized in an ori- beat. many as 50 hand rubbed coats of special solutions. Traditional watercolor artist Neil Glaser is another new See GALLERY, page 9 FREE Slot Tokens! *Get $10 in FREE SLOT TOKENS when you buy $10! Tuesday-Thursday 6pm Cruises ONLY NEW Group Rates include Boarding, Buffet & lots more! email: [email protected] or call for more information Blackjack, Roulette, Let-It-Ride, 3 Card Poker, Lots of Slots & CASH BACK Players Club! (239) 765-PLAY "This coupon MUST be presented at ticket office upon check-in. One coupon per person per cruise. ONLY VALID TUE-- THU.6PM CRUISES. Void if duplicated. Offer may be cancelled at any time www.bigmcasino.com without notice. May not be combined with any other disc offer GAMBLING PROBLEM? (800) ADMIT-IT or promo. Must be 21. Photo ID req. Exp.4/30/07. Islander

11:30am - 10:00pm, Monday • Saturday, Lunch & Dinner .Landlubbers M a r s n © c thm 10:00am • 10:00pm Sunday, Yacht Brokmtmgm BshUid PL, tAy&ts Beach Brunch 10:00am - 2:00pm, Lunch & Dinner w'sth Deep MfaSar Asacass Enjoy unique and spicy atmosphere while savoring the fine Mexican and Southwestern cuisine. To compliment the evening choose from an array of imported and domestic beers and wines, not to mention refreshing margaritas. SELL YOUR BO ATI Dine inside or out Take out available for those on the run. Now Accepting Listings Ft. Myers Beach- Sanibel And Cape Coral Areas YOUR DOCK OR OURS! FULi. MMHftCS' DWAIITMCtmi ! wg efelAK MJBfc TANK* Certified Techs Bottom Painting I ^el Recovery Filtration System-DtESBL OR GAS Detailing Oxidation Removal & Waxing j j Complete Cleaning of Your Vessel 14970 Captiva Drive, Captiva Island • 2&-472-0248 Hl/fj | i r/l/or. H 83 Rita Mach Skoczen exhibit at 'Ding' (JreO Rita Mach Skoczen's "Birds of Sanibel" Sanibel for over 20 years. She is active in is on display at the J.N. "Ding" Darling BIG ARTS and the Sanibel-Captiva Art Wildlife Refuge through April 30. Association. Her many trips to the refuge Skoczen, an established portrait artist for have inspired many of her paintings. I over thirty years, has been an artist all her Skoczen has always been driven by her re life and has won many national awards. In passion for beauty, whether painting peo- S, 1988 she won first prize in the "Arts for the ple, landscapes, still lifes or nature. Her Parks" competition for her painting of the work has been exhibited in national shows Vietnam War Memorial titled, and is represented in both corporate and pri- "Remembrance." She also won the Detroit vate collections. She is a signature member 83 Art Institute's "Arts and Flowers" poster of the International Colored Pencil Society. contest in 1985 and 1993- posters of" both For further information about "Birds of paintings were sold-out. Sanibel," contact the refuge at 472-1100. Skoczen has been a part-time resident of SPECIAL TO THE ISLANDER Tiles created by Judy Friedman. © Conference at Sanibel Community Church © Friday, May 4, and Saturday, May 5, Theology, the founder and president of Celebration of artist's life international author and speaker Dr. Neil Freedom in Christ Ministers, Anderson has Anderson will be presenting a life-chang- published more than 30 books, including Judy Friedman, well-known Sanibel beautiful colors - a piece we will always ing conference on "Discipleship "Bondage Breaker," "Victory Over the artist and tile designer, died at home March treasure." Counseling." He will walk participants Darkness," "The Spiritual Protection of Our 27 after a year-long fight with breast cancer. "We know her as a lady and a very tal- through the practical principles of his Children," "Leading Teens to Freedom in s/a A full-time resident of Sanibel since 1989, ented artist," Bea Pappas of Hirdie Girdie newest book of the same name with an Christ" and, most recently, "Extreme S3 Judy was a member of the Hirdie Girdie Gallery said. "And, Hirdie Girdie will be opportunity for dialogue. Church Makeover" and "Discipleship cr Gallery and frequently showed her work at donating awards in her name at BIG ARTS' The Conference begins on Friday Counseling." re BIG ARTS. Juried shows. evening with a catered dinner, followed by The cost of the conference is $60, which o Carla and Benno Benninga knew Judy "Actually, we all knew something differ- a message about the vision of "Discipleship includes three meals and materials. 83 well... ent about Judy. She was Swedish; I am Counseling" by the author. Following a Registration forms are available at the 13 "We met Judy and John soon after we Swedish," she added. "I, for example, know "healthy-start breakfast" at 8:30 a.m. on church office by calling 472-2684, and the moved to Sanibel 15 years ago. We found she just finished researching and writing Saturday, Anderson will present a series of registration deadline is Friday, April 27. 83 we shared many of the same interests. her geneology and had put in in book form seminars on the steps involved in The church is located at 1740 Periwinkle We joined the Unitarian/Universalist for her family. "Discipleship Counseling." Way. £T group on the island to which they already "Judy was also an accomplished musi- A former professor at Talbot School of belonged, and we also got involved in BIG cian and used to play the piano at our UU re ft Arts — they had been active with BIG Arts services., the Benningas continued. "Even r> since its inception. if they had to go elsewhere the evening of o "Judy was a wonderful woman, always the service, she would come, play the piano Pool challenge to raise money for charity willing to help other people, work for caus- and leave. As part of the Sanibel and Captiva Buntrock plays with one arm es and do menial jobs when they were nec- We will never forget her." essary. Among her, other accomplishments, Judy is survived by her husband, John; Islands Association of Realtors sup- and when he played to raise porting the Sanibel-Captiva Relay for money for PURRE he lost E/2 using funding from the U.S. Office of four children — Galen Trull of Walpole, 83 Education, she was instrumental in devel- Mass., Eric Friedman Sky. of Kingston, Life 2007, Bob Buntrock is chal- only 12 out of 64 games. lenging any takers to beat him at 8- The loser of the match, cr oping the Upward Bound Program for .Mass., Vanessa Friedman of St Augustine, re_ minority high school students and later col- Fla., and Lisa Friedman Rogers of Studio ball at Gasparilla's Grill on April whether it is the challenger laborated in creating college curriculum City, Calif; and eight grandchildren. 20 and 27 from 4 to 8 p.m. or Buntrock, must double n Challengers can contribute the contribution. improvement programs, traveling to many A celebration of Judy's life will take & southern black colleges during the 60s. place at Schein Hall and on the veranda of whatever amount they choose For more information on the "She also was an absolutely wonderful BIG Arts on Sunday, April 15, at 3 p.m. to donate to the American challenge, call Gasparilla's artist. We have a fabulous piece of her tile Memorials to Judy may be sent to the Cancer Society. Then the chal- Grill at 472-2323. • work that she designed according to our Susan G. Komen for the Cure, 5005 LBJ lenger will play Buntrock in a wishes. It has birds, shells and the beach in Freeway - Suite 250, Dallas, TX 75244. game of pool. The catch? & re Hirdie-Girdie Art Gallery End of Season Sale

Paintings 10 to 30% off Ceramic on select fine art Wood Photographs Jewelry Collage Pottery 2940 Library Way Open Monday thru Saturday 11am to 5pm 395-0027 www.hirdiegirdie.com Special Savings Event Going On Now! Come In Now For Additional Savings On Select Items Throughout The Store

SANIBEL HOME FURNISHINGS 1618 Periwinkle Way "Heart of the Island Shops" Sanibel 472-5552 Monday - Saturday 10-5 • www.sanibelhomefurnishings.com Furniture • ^Upholstery • Lamps • Mirrors • Paintings • Prints • Pillows • Linens • Accessories • Home Gifts and More

W« should have gont Uok At This Traffic! to Sanlbcl Home

New Furniture Shipments Are Here For Immediate Delivery To Your Home! Come In Now To See Our New Collection Of Great Linens. City of Sanibel hosts Skate Camp AWBA raises funds for scholarships CfO Hey Skaters! On • Sanibel Captiva Road, Do you enjoy browsing Sanibel-Captiva Saturday, April 14, skate on To go behind the Sanibel School. leisurely through your Community Bank, Billy's over to the all new City of Learn some boarding basics What favorite shops on Sanibel To go Rental, Tom Louwer's Tax re Sanibel Skate Park for an or fine-tune your moves with on a Sunday afternoon? and Accounting, the Island n inside look at the world of Skateboard Camp - some new stunts by the What 7T "A hands-on look at Biking, driving, or walking Fifth annual Nutrition Center, and skateboarding. Join City Brotherhood Skate Shop to enjoy the ambience of Curves. Each participant Recreation staff and the the world of staff. Poker Pedal skateboarding" Sanibel? Supporting the When will receipt a fabulous T- 1 Brotherhood Skate Shop of Participants will need to educational goals of young shirt generously donated 2. Cape Coral staff for all the Where have the required gear for Sunday, April 15; a women who otherwise 11 a.m.-3 p.m. by our major sponsor, wheel grinding, ollie-twist- Sanibel Skate Park, skating, which includes hel- may not be able to attend Bank of the Islands, and is ing action your board can located at 3840 Sanibel met, wrist guards, knee and Where college? And a fun game Register at Bank of invited to attend a great handle. All ages and skill Captiva Road (Behind elbow pads. of chance with a party fol- party at the Community •a levels welcome. Music, the Sanibel School) Skate Park Holiday the Islands and lowing? If so, mark your receive map of 15 Center from 3- 5 p.m., 3. prizes and lunch will also be When Hours: calendar for Sunday, April during which the prizes a part of the afternoon. April 14 from 12:30 April 13, 2:30 p.m. to 5 businesses around 15. The Sanibel-Captiva the island will be awarded. The fes- The activity will take p.m. to 3:30 p.m. p.m. Chapter of the American tivities will also include a place between 12:30 p.m. Regular Park Hours: Business Women's Who Chinese auction and a 50- o Cost American o and 3:30 p.m. at the Sanibel Mon.-Fri. 2:30 p.m.-5 50 raffle. -4 Free Association will sponsor Business Skate Park located at 3840 , Sat. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. its 5th annual "Poker All proceeds benefit our Pedal." Bring your friends Women's scholarship fund. ABWA and family and enjoy a day Association provides scholarships to in the sun while supporting Benefits local women in need of one of Sanibel's most pop- Proceeds from college financial assis- Try island dining and save money: Poker Pedal, ular charity events. tance. We currently assist 09 Pick up a map at the Chinese auction three college students and Kiwanis Dining Books April 17 registration area at Bank of and 50-50 raffle four high school students the Islands (across from benefit ABWA in the Take Stock in By BOBWIMBUSH Doc Ford's, Ellington's Jazz Bar & Jerry's). Visit seven of the scholarship fund Children program. The r Special to the Islander Restaurant, Gasparilla's, the Hungry fifteen business locations ~—~^~"^~ ——^———"*•— Take Stock program o Kiwanis Diners' Delight Coupon Books Heron, the Island Cow, Jerry's, Key Lime designated on the map, and awards ninth grade stu- will be available on April 17 at Sanibel- Bistro, Lazy Flamingo, RC Otter's, the collect a playing card at each stop. The best dents four-year tuition scholarships upon Captiva Community Bank, Bank of the Sanibel Cafe, Sunshine Seafood Cafe, the poker hands win. Time is not a factor, but graduation if they earn good grades and Islands, Wachovia Bank, Big Red Q Thistle Lodge, Timbers, Traders - Sanibel, each participant must complete their route remain crime and drug-free. Please help us Printers and Periwinkle Park. Or call a and 'Tween Waters Captiva - Crow's Nest. between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Grand prizes make a difference in young women's lives Kiwanian and reserve yours because the Those buy one-get-one delights are tough to include a new bicycle, a resort get-a-way, by investing in their education. number is limited and they sell out fast. As refuse, so just to be ready, you may want to and beautiful jewelry. Please contact event coordinator Fay usual, it's an impressive array of Island stop eating now. Better yet, call a Kiwanian, Pre-registration is $25. Registration the Carney at 395-1767 for additional informa- restaurants: Beachview Steakhouse & reserve yours, and then stop eating. day of the event is $30. Entry forms are tion or to have a registration form sent to 8 Seafood, Blue Giraffe, Captiva Cantina, available at the Bank of the Islands, you.

Gallery from page 6 ental manner. Her collages are truly inspi- guru". She added, "We are -very lucky to rations from nature and Ross's ability to have this brilliant and talented man." fuse the abstract with the real using torji At the end of March The Hirdie Girdie paper shapes is a tribute to her creativity. artists were saddened by the death of Judy To receive a handmade greeting card Andrews Friedman, their tile artist and one designed with a Mary Ross collage is a of the original gallery members dating back priceless gift that is much more than a card to 1995. Her work is on display and a trib- but also a treasured painting. ute is planned in her honor. New to the Hirdie Girdie in 2006 is Jeff A highlight of the 2007 season are the Springer, a retired banker and an accom- Sanibel Art Nights with eleven participat- plished photographer who works primarily ing galleries inviting you to join them as in. 35mm. (black and white, color and digi- their guests for an evening of viewing, fun, tal). Nearby venues for his compositions food and cheer. These festive evenings are "Ding" Darling National Wildlife sponsored by a group of businesses and Refuge, Corkscrew Swamp and the merchants who call themselves the Everglades. His images are printed in a "Patrons of the Arts" are all held on the modern darkroom and are limited to no same night and give you the pleasure of more than fifteen per negative. He is fasci- browsing leisurely in one gallery after nated by wildlife and captures animals in another on any Sanibel Art Night. their natural habitat. At the "Ding" Darling As a small gallery with twelve different Refuge Springer searched out and recorded artists The Hirdie Girdie is truly unique an intriguing composition of an alligator with its high percentage of award winning WITH ALL YOU DO FOR attacking his food. Bea Pappas called artists and a waiting list of artists anxious to Springer "Our Web-master and advertising be juried into the gallery. YOUR HOUSE, IT'S TIME IT DOES SOMETHING FOR YOU. Myers factory I A Home Equity Line of Credit from Colonial Bank can give you extra money to do the extra things in life. Like pay for college. Take a vacation. Consolidate debt. Even fix up your home. 7-7 52 HunterDouglas Variable rate as low as prime minus .$0% for the life of the loan window fashions HOME EQUITY LINE QF CREDIT Blinds • Shades • Verticals Wood Shutters • Sheers Vinyl & Polywood Shutters JVor more information, visit www.colonialbank.com or call (877) also Motorized Systems We Manufacture Shutters to Suit All The Various Styles of Windows Call for our Free Shop-At-Home Service COLONIAL BANK, N A Our Quality Unmatched Free Installation HT You'll like it here" •Colonial Bank may pay all closing costs (except hazard and flood insurance premiums) for lines up to $100,000 if the initial advance is $10,000 or nhore and the balance does not fall below $7,500 during the first 90 days. Should the initial advance be less than $10,000, orthe $7,500 bal- 239-561-541 1 - ance not be maintained during the first 90 days, the closing costs paid by Colonial will be charged to your tine of credit Closfrg costs"gener- , ally range between $300;and $1,500,depending on the amount of the line of creditThis offer is subject to credit approval. Property Insurance - ' required. At the end of 15 years, the remaining balance is due in full. Annual $75 maintenance fee is waived first year only; Minimum loan yambuntis $10,OboTOffer subject to change or termination. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will bea variable rate as low as prime roinfe ToH Tree 1-866-599-6362 :•' SOSMbr the life of the loan.The APR will vary and will be equal to The Wall Street Journal Prime Rate plus a margin. Currently, the-Primefiaie V'is 825% APR and the margin is as low as minus .50%. Your rates may be higher, based on several factors including yourtredit history sfrjdtr—' Serving Ft. Myers . Sanibel. Captiva . Naples . Ft. Myers Beach ?>pereer*fage of equity available in your home. Existing Colonial Bank Equity Lines with a variable rate that currently adjusts moB&''J"i-=-' •: -tnadjfjetijb this advertised variable APR 6f prime minus .50% for a fee of $250.00. Maximum loan-to-value (LTV) for this pffey &W&. i^geftt on totaljndebtedness in the home.The APR may change on the first day of each monthly billing cycl&iShould-the%'bea<:hang! Estero . Bonita Springs . Punta Gorda . Port Charlotte •v.«iii ci-i.^. i-...iu,. n-jroefiate prior, to loan dosing, rates are subject to change.TKemaximumAPRis18%/Pffervalfdl(rtheiTOcla'e 10% Discount 'With This Adi ' "•••" •'asco.PinellasahdSarasotaonly.ColonialBank.NAMembetFDIC •"-"--» Share the Thrill. Return the Books! OX) Overdue Books Amnesty at Sanibel Library Association and libraries across the Rotary Happenings Public LibraryEach year the Sanibel Public country. To celebrate National Library Library purchases books and other items Week, your Sanibel Public Library is By SHIRLEY JEWELL o for everyone to enjoy. Some get lost but extending a fine amnesty for those items Special to the Islander © others are still checked out and need to be that need to be returned. Here's a press release from Wimbledon, returned. Borrowers are encouraged to return their England newspaper dated July 5 of last Imagine the frustration of a person who overdue books and library materials with- year: "the sports and entertainment celebri- desperately needs a particular volume to out penalty or fine. Materials need to be in ty spotlight shone on a new worldwide complete a project or some research but good condition but no questions will be organization dedicated to ensuring that finds, that week after week the necessary asked nor fines charged. every human community has access to book is, according to library records, Please note that fines are waived on clean, sanitary water. A host of international checked out. And, at a time when book Sanibel Public Library items only and that tennis icons gathered at Wimbledon to intro- costs are spiraling upwards, replacing a lost lost items are excluded. The amnesty does duce the Global Water Foundation, recently or missing book can often be far more than not include overdue fines still on record founded by two-time Australian Open SPECIAL TO THE ISLANDER the original purchase price. from previously returned materials. Champion and defending Wimbledon Tennis Champion Johan Kriek. This year, the week of April 15-21 is For more information on the library Senior Doubles Champion Johan Kriek." of the developing world." He brought to our 0> National Library Week. First sponsored in overdue materials amnesty, please call the This past week the Sanibel-Captiva attention, that although South Africa is a 1958, National Library Week is a national Library at 472-2483. Rotary Club was honored to have Johan new democracy, it is paying attention and observance sponsored by the American Kriek as our guest speaker. Johan has implementing a number of progressive envi- proved himself a champion on and off the ronmental and conservation programs. court. His passion for the cause of raising South Africa is focused on finding and using May programs at Captiva Memorial Library awareness and funding for clean water proj- today's technologies to protect and improve ects around the globe has him joining up Young patrons of Captiva Memorial register, please call the library at (239) 472- the quality of the water in South Africa. with local People United to Restore our Although Africa is a complex continent Library may want to take advantage of a 2133. A sign language interpreter is avail- Rivers for a full-day of fund raising activi- with many water problems, the country of o new opportunity, next month, to pay off able with 48-hour notice. Call the Deaf ties here on Sanibel, Saturday, April 14 at South Africa is utilizing first world environ- u their library card debt. The library is offer- Service Center at (239) 461-0334 (voice) or the Beachview Golf and Tennis Club. Johan mental technologies to solve problems. ing a program to help young children and (239) 461-0438 (TTY). Assistive listening said, "(My) interest in clean water was Johan spoke, not only, about working teens pay off charges that they've accumu- devices are available upon request. piqued by childhood observations of the toward clean water's in the rivers,bu t about lated for overdue materials. The following Check the Lee County Library System's Palala River in South Africa. The river was drilling new water wells in Uganda. How free program will be open to youths: Web site (Www.lee-county.com/library) or beautiful to look at, but was full of toxins. It his organization recently finished drilling Kids Read Down Fines pick up an events calendar on your next was a polluted river and that was many wells for a school district with 5,000 chil- 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, May 4 visit to find out about programs at other years ago." dren. The cost of drilling a well in Uganda Youths (up to age 18) may drop in and locations. Call the host library, or It wasn't until after his retirement from is just around $15,000-$ 15,000 to provide read in the library to earn Library Bucks Telephone Reference at (239) 479-INFO the professional tennis circuit and many clean safe drinking water. So little, for so good for paying down their existing over- (4636), for more information about a spe- years of traveling around the globe on the much. Water is a precious commodity and, "3 due charges. Participants must bring their cific program. senior circuit that Johan, a native of South if we don't protect it now, we may be fight- library card to sign up. Our goal at the Lee County Library Africa, founded the Global Water ing wars in the future over water, not oil. Captiva Memorial Library is located at System is to meet growing community Foundation. Johan's motivation was his Rotary's guest speaker on Friday, April 11560 Chapin Lane on Captiva island. For needs through accessible library service. boyhood memories, his worldwide travels, 13 will be Stephen A. Streed, Director of more information about a program or to and attendance at the World Economic Infection Control at Lee Memorial "How Forum in Cape Town in 2005. Johan said "I the Hospital Controls Infection." The a* was taken by the sense of urgency expressed Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club meets every Christian Women's Club hosts tea and luncheon by world leaders to find solutions to the Friday morning at 7 a.m. at the Beachview TheSanibel-Captiva inton will present "In problem, not only in Africa but other parts Restaurant, 1101 Par View, Dr., Sanibel. Christian Women's Club of America is Everybody Florida announces the Spring has Insane?" S3 Sprung High Tea Luncheon on April All are invited to attend, however, 6:3O AM - 7:3O PM "-3 ft 12 at noon at The Island Inn eservations are necessary. Mon.- Fri. a Traditions Restaurant. Contact Linda Long at 415- 8 AM - 2 PM U The Luncheon features a Quilt 9510 to attend. Show with Martha Howard and the Traditions Restaurant is located at Sat. & Sun. Sanibel Quilters along with special 3111 West Gulf Dr. music by Teresa Shea. Speaker Rita. A Lifestyle Enhancement Center HELP WITH A HISTORICAL EVENT CARDIO CENTER & BE A PART OF HISTORY! WEIGHT ROOM h Featuring: Spinning Classes, Step Classes, Aerobics It's CROW'S 2? Annual Body Shaping, Seniors Classes, Pilates, and Much More. PIUS: New Cybex Weight Equipment, Free Weights, Taste of the Islands Treadmills, and Stairmasters Authorized Dealer of Polar Heartrate Monitors "C.R.O.W: 395-2639 You can help CROW by being a Corner of Sanibel-Captiva Rd. and Rabbit Rd. Volunteer at this 2007 A Mother's Dream! .Sanibel Island, FL Taste of the Islands Event A Grandmother's Delight! 239472-3644. featuring: SUNDAY, APRIL 22nd - DAY OF THE EVENT Gund Stuffed Animals & fugj^ets • 11:30 - 3:00 • 3:00 - 6:00 Children's Clothingfrapi:.. "; • Sell Tee-Shirts Zut&no, Saralib%ourise,%fo»om Love, • Entrance Gate Ticket Takers • Alcohol Beverage Tent Hatfey, Room Seven, Ki • Alcohol Beverage Tent Carding Gate It Kids Jeans, Jackson Clay & CMna Doll l f • Non-Alcoholic Remote Beverage .. .just to name a few ~ ''' ' % • Food and Beverage Ticket Sales Come On In and See Us! y • CROW Information Table All Good Boys & Girls Get Free M&Ms!! | a Raffle Ticket Sales Table • Parking Assistants Tahitian eriwinkle 95-0700 MONDAY, APRIL 23rd 9:00 AM -12:00 NOON SANIBEL'S UNIQUE SHOP • Clean-up • Truck Return of Plants, etc. FOR DOGS, CATS, AND THE PEOPLE WHO LOVE THEM! PLEASE FAX FORM BACK TO: ANN ARNOFF at 472-2764, or mail to: P.O. Box 150, Sanibel, FL, 33957. A packet will arrive by mail with your assignment letter, parking pass and a coupon for a discount on an event shirt. Entry wristbands will be given to • Natural Pet Foods & Supplies you at the volunteer check-in tent when you arrive at the event. ^ • Cool Toys NO PETS • NO COOLERS y PLEASE PRINT v\^^^^^ • Doggie Bakery Name •_ Full & Self-Service Dog Wash Address Pitt ArC * City State_ Day Phone. Cell Olde Sanibel Shoppes - 630 Tarpon Bay Rd (next to Amy's Over Easy Cafe) THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT 239-395-1464 • www.islandpaws.com 85 Sanibel Youth Soccer and Challenger Sports offer British Soccer Camp CTQ Sanibel Youth Soccer and Challenger es in a relaxed, fun- each day in the always- countries. The campers are asked to make Sports, the number one youth soccer filled environ- popular Camp World up cheers, bring flags, dress up and learn company in the United States, are ment. Sign-up To go Cup. as much as they can about the country teaming up again this summer to early and What The Challenger they represent. offer a week-long British Soccer you'll receive British Soccer Camp coaching staff believes Sanibel Youth Soccer is offering Camp June 4 to June 8 at the city of the free soc- When that teaching soccer British Soccer Camp sessions for the fol- o Sanibel soccer fields. cer jersey val- June 4-June 8 skills is only a part of lowing ages. Mi The camp will run Monday ued at $30." Where the process of edu- Ages 4 and 5: June 4 to 8, 9 to I I a.m., through Friday and each child will be Challenger has City of Sanibel cation young ath- Cost $93 83 coached by a member of Challenger's become the largest soc- soccer fields letes. The coaches will Ages 6 to 16: June 4 to 8, 9 a.m. to 12 British coaching staff flown to the USA cer camp provider in For also take time out of p.m. or 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Cost $l 13 exclusively to work on these programs. North America by com- Ages 4 to 16 the busy weekly sched- Each camper will receive a free camp 2. The early registration deadline is April 20 bining consistently high Cost ule to teach lessons on t-shirt, soccer ball, player evaluation and and all players who sign up by then quality, age-specific Ages 4-5; $93 respect, responsibili- end of camp gift. In addition, any child soccer instruction, along .. ry> integrity, receive a free British Soccer replica jer- Ages 6-16; $113 who signs up online by April 20 to sey. This camp is just one of 1500 that with equally important Deadline sportsmanship will receive a genuine British o elements of character, o Challenger Sports is running throughout April 20 and leadership and Soccer replica jersey valued 4 the US and Canada for a record breaking cultural, and nutritional ______discuss how these at $30. 65,000 boys and girls of ail ages. education. core values relate to To sign up for the camp "The camp was a tremendous success Each day the children will practice and soccer, family and school. either visit www.challenger- last year," said Sanibel Youth Soccer master new individual skills and under- The most popular part of each camp sports.com, www.sanibelsoc- president Kirk Williams. "This is a great stand small group and team tactics is the Camp World Cup. The coaches use cer.org or contact Kirk Williams opportunity for both new and experienced through Challenger's innovative camp this daily tournament to teach the players at 472-0871 or [email protected]. players to learn from professional coach- curriculum. Campers will also scrimmage about life, customs and traditions of other &3

Silversea unveils ultimate golf getaway with 15 diverse itineraries as

Silversea Cruises, renowned for provid- world's most challenging and Other highlights include a golf courses, pull or power-drive carts, 65 ing an ultra-luxurious shipboard experience revered courses. November 23, 15-day sailing green and any applicable caddy fees. at sea may have unveiled the ultimate land In just a few months look for a aboard Silver Shadow from Fort Should guests choose to leave their clubs at program for its discerning clientele. 7-day, August 17 sailing aboard Lauderdale to San Diego with home, Nike clubs, shoes and golf essentials 83 The line has introduced a number of golf Silver Whisper from Rome to optional golf excursions to are available for rental, demo or purchase. getaways on 15 diverse itineraries aboard Monte Carlo with optional golf Mexico's Fairmont Pierre The line will also be offering private Silver Shadow and Silver Whisper featuring excursions to Cosmopolitan Marques Golf Club (Acapulco); swing analysis utilizing the most advanced n over 45 challenging courses in more than Country Club (Livorno); Cannes El Tigre Golf Club (Puerto digital coaching systems. o 25 countries and islands in Europe, the Mougins Golf Club (Cannes); Vallarta); Tangolunda Golf Club Guests aboard both ships will enjoy spa- Caribbean and Mexico. Servannes Golf Club (Sete); and (Huatulco); and Costa Rica's Los cious, ocean-view accommodations, most 3 "Our golf cruises are perfectly tuned to Club de Golf Son Pare (Mahon, Suenos Marriott Golf Resort. On with private veranda, award-winning gour- the passions and tastes of the high-end lux- Minorca). On August 24, the ship the same ship, departing met cuisine, personalized service, Italian 83 ury traveler looking to score a perfect round sails on another 7-day excursion, December 8 from San Diego to hospitality and Silversea's selection of all- on the finest international links and fair- this time from Monte Carlo to Michael Coleman Fort Lauderdale, look for option- inclusive shipboard amenities including g ways," said David Morris, Silversea's exec- Barcelona with optional golf al golf excursions to Mexico's complimentary beverages, wines and spirits re utive vice president of worldwide sales and excursions to Sainte Maxime Golf Cabo del Sol Desert Course served throughout the ship, 24-hour room marketing. Club (St. Tropez); Le Fregate Golf Club (Cabo San Lucas); El Cid Golf & Country service, stocked in-suite beverage cabinet n "For those affluent globe-trekkcrs look- (Marseille); and Son Vida Club de Golf Club (Mazatlan); Fairmont Pierre Marques and all gratuities. S3 ing for an extraordinary golf vacation (Palma de Mallorca). Golf Club (Acapulco); and Costa Rica's to where they can polish their game in style, Silver Shadow, meanwhile, departs Los Suefios Marriott Golf Resort. Cruise Guide columnist Michael our voyages offer privileged access to some September 23 on a nine-day voyage from Escorted, optional golfing excursions Coleman welcomes your feedback at of the world's most beautiful and celebrat- Lisbon to Las Pal mas with optional golf vary in price from course to course but endseguide @ hotmail. com. S ed courses, combined with the pleasure of excursions to Marbella Golf Course in lude all transfers to and from the select a traveling in six-star luxury." (Malaga); Sherry Golf Jerez (Cadiz); Royal re On each of the line's golf-rich destina- Golf Anfa-Mohammedia (Casablanca); tions, guests will have the opportunity to Palheiro Golf Club (Funchal); and Real improve their game aboard ship with the Club dc Golf Las Pal mas (Canary Islands). help of the line's onboard PGA-classed golf On October 26, the ships begins a 10-day professional. In port, from the rolling fair- Caribbean roundtrip from Fort Lauderdale ways at the elegant Fairmont Pierre with optional golf excursions to Wyndham Marques Golf Club on Acapulco's el Conquistador Golf & Resort (San Juan, Revocadero Beach, the hairpin turns and Puerto Rico); Teeth of the Dog Golf Club swirling mountain winds of Montcgo Bay's (La Romana, Dominican Republic); White White Witch Golf Club, to the ancient Witch Golf Club (Montego Bay, Jamaica); dunes and pine groves at Zeebrugge's Links at SafeHaven Golf Club (Grand Royal Zoute Golf Club, guests will have a Cayman); and Key West Golf Club (Key chance to perfect their game at some of the West, Florida).

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ENIOR CENTER USS FEINGOLD ALM SUNDAY ENIOR CENTER ENIOR CENTER ENIOR CENTER ENIOR CENTER S 2401 Library Way R AT BIG ARTS P SEE ISLAND S 2401 Library Way S 2401 Library Way S 2401 Library Way S2401 Library Way Aerobics 8:00 a.m. 472-5743 472-5743 472-5743 Aerobics 8:00 a.m. WORSHIP 9:30 a.m. While they last, a few 9:30 a.m. Yoga - Dr. Susan Pataky tickets are now available 10 a.m. for students of Aerobics 8:00 a.m. Bridge 1 p.m. Waist Management at See next page for Bridge 1:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. Mah Jong 12 p.m. due to the rescheduling details on services one or more years' expe- 12:15 thru April 27. Line Dancing 1:00 p.m. Yoga - 10 a.m.by of Senator Russ around the islands. HELLCRAFTERS rience. Chair Yoga3:30 p.m. which Dr. Susan Pataky Feingold to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every $13 members OGA ON THE is gentle stretching for for beginners and all lev- BEACH with Susan April 14 at 7:30 p.m. ANIBEL ROAD SMonday at the $15 non-members Y Senator Feingold will RUNNERS Meet 7 those with limitations. els $13 members Pataky 8:15 a.m. $10 S Community House on Chairs used for all poses. $15 non-members o speak on Thoughts on a.m. Sundays at The Yoga-Power/Vinyasa - Periwinkle. ILATES MAT Post 9/11 and Policy Sanibel Bean on "Solar Express" Meet on PCLASS 4 p.m. OLAR ILATES MAT Issues Abroad. Stop by Perwinkle Way. Rob ANIBEL the beach at Holiday Inn BIG ARTS to get your with Holly Maiz OBSERVING Calusa Donovan 395-1077 or BEAUTIFICATION S PCLASS 4 p.m. (Donax/Middle Gulf). Bring FORUM ticket to Senator S Sanibel Fitness Center Nature Center and email rsdonovan@earth- with Holly Maiz a large towel or a blanket Feingold - $25,. Volunteers meet 8 -10 975 Rabbit Rd. Planetarium link.net a.m. on 2r5 and 4'- Call 898-1047 898-1047 Sanibel OURMET 3450 Ortiz Ave, Ft. Myers Fitness Center KATEBOARD ELAY FOR LIFE Mondays of each month G SINGLES PARK OPENING to weed, trim and mulch ILATES PLUS with View the sun througha 975 Rabbit Rd. S Suivivor filtered telescope, weath- Meeting every Friday at Come to the all new City R the 4-way intersection at PMarsha Wagner — ASIC PILATES some of the finest restau- of Sanibel Skate Park at Reception 2 p.m. at Periwinkle and Lindgren. jazz dance warm-ups er permitting uo rants on Sanibel, Captiva 3840 San-Cap Rd. Doc Ford's, 975 Rabbit No experience neces- and classic Pilates mat 11:30 a.m. $8 adults BPLUS 8 a.m. with and surrounding areas. (Behind Sanibel School) Road. sary — just show up. exercises for students $5 for children 3-12 Marsha Wagner — a An upscale climate for with some Pilates back- All ages and skill levels Please RSVP to Jessica unique synthesis of jazz singles to dine, meet and AN-CAP ORCHID ground. Call: 275-3435 are welcome. Music, Boles at 936-1113 ext. dance warm-ups and 88 mingle. For information SSOCIETY 1 sess. $15 4-sess. $45 classic Pilates mat exer- prizes and lunch will 120 or jessi- URRENT call 332-8191 SURVIVING THE SO. Sr. Center, Library Way also be part of the after- ca.boles® can- EVENTS cises.Single Sessional 5 85 noon. 12:30 - 3:30 p.m FLORIDA SUMMER WITH 472-5743 3:45-4:45 p.m. C Four-session card: $45 OPS (TAKE OFF cer.org by April 12 DISCUSSION GROUP is For Info: 472-0345 ^ ORCHIDS Sanibel Community Ctr. TPOUNDS SENSIBLY) APPY FEET the meets each Wed. 10 a.m. 2173 Periwinkle Way Orchids need help mak- meets at Zion Lutheran Participants will need t< Oscar-winning - noon at BIG ARTS in ing the transition from H Church, Winkler at have the required gear Schein Hall. ILATES... ^ ALL spring to steamy sum- movie shown outdoors Gladiolus, every Friday. for skating, which at 8 p.m. at Sanibel PTHAT JAZZ, with mer weather. This will Weigh-in 9:30, meeting includes helmet, wrist be the topic of the meet- Community Park on ATURAL Marsha Wagner — a 10:30am. Call 1-800-YEA guards, knee and elbow 1/3 ing of the Sanibel Periwinkle - Free. LECTURE combination of Pilates TOPS. pads. N Captiva Orchid Society Mumble the Penguin will SERIES Event: mat warmup plus jazz at the Sanibel Library at be the special guest and "Natural History And movement suitable for all 1:30 p.m. Marilyn on hand to pass out Global Warming In levels. Single session: 0> Vidussi, former owner of prizes and goodies. Bring Churchill, Manitoba" $15; Four-session card: Marilyn's Orchids in Fort Dr. Jon Greenlaw (The $45 Senior Center 472- Si N your own lawn chair & Myers with her husband, Bailey-Matthews Shell 5743 2401 Library Way; — beverages. Harvey, will speak. Museum, Archbold 3:45- 4:45 p.m. Biological Station in Lake a Members are free, Placid) will be presenting Guests $2.50. The last COMING the lecture ..Natural "a meeting of the orchid society for the season SOON History And Global U Warming In Churchill, will be Mon., May 21 at Wed. April 25 0 1:30 p.m. at the Sanibel Manitoba /™ at The Bailey- Library. ANIBEL Matthews Shell Museum. "S The lecture will be fol- Call Nannette Lehr 395- SCOMMUNITY t/3 lowed by a discussion 3327. ASSOCIATION'S session. Admission: $3 ANNUAL MEETING for Museum members, $5 7:30 p.m. Free heavy for non-members. For hors d'oeuvres, cash more information on this bar followed by piano Museum event and oth- when; Saturday, April 2im?,fmm1VMsm-Spm selections by Logan ers, please contact Sobczak. Barbara Knapp at mwmteihAimiM88M [email protected] Call 472 2155 to make g, or (239) 395-2233. Cost: reservations (a count is needed) or stop by and BOUNCE HOUSES, FACE PAW1NG, BBO DINNER! let Gloria Baker know how many are coming. ENTERTAINMENT ON IHE ISLANDS FRIDAY, 13 SATURDAY, 14 SUNDAY, 15 MONDAY, 16 TUESDAY, 17 WEDNESDAY, 18 THURSDAY, 19

JACARANDA Mario Renata Eric Malibu Trevor Renata 1223 Periwinkle Way The Mystik Band The Mystik Band The Catman" 8:30 to 12:30 8:30 to 12:30 8:30 to 12:30 8:30 to 12:30 472-1771 Infanti Jazz, dance Contmp, funk, dance Reggae, dance Jazz, dance

TWEEN WATERS Crab Races John Salamon John Salamon Crab Races 15951 Captiva Dr. John Mamelli John Mamelli 472-5161

RC OTTERS 11596 Andy Rosse Ln Steve McDougal Royce Allgood Chuck VanRipper Royce Allgood Steve McDougal Royce Allgood Noble Hochmeister 395-1142 Chuck VanRipper Chuck VanRipper Pat McCune Pat McCune A.J. Chris Workman A.J.

KEYUME BISTRO 11509 Andy Rosse Ln Noble Holchmeister Chris Workman Mark Vee Chris Workman Mark Vee A.J. Bob Bowman 395-4000 Pat McCune Chris Workman A.J. Pat McCune Steve McDougal

ELLINGTON'S JAZZ 937 East Gulf Dr Danny Sinoff Quartet Danny Sinoff Quartet Danny Sinoff Quartet Danny Sinoff Quartet Danny Sinoff Trio Danny Sinoff Trio Danny Sinoff Quartet 337-5299 Dan Miller -Trumpet Dan Miller -Trumpet Dan Miller -Trumpet Dan Miller -Trumpet Geo. Williams on Sax Dan Miller -Trumpet

DOLCE VITA Woody Brubaker Andre & Soli 1224 Periwinkle Way Maurice Lo Monaco Joe McCormick Oldies & Motown Joe McCormick Joe McCormick Kelly Pohler Woody Brubaker 472-5555 Oldies, jazz, opera Marvilla Marzan 7 p.m. 'til close Marvilla Marzan Marvilla Marzan & Phil Bondi & Skip Haynes

THE ISLAND COW Nightly 6 - 9:30 pm Greg Watts Diana Lynn Diana Lynn Jeff Key Jeff Key 2163 Periwinkle Way

THE MUCKY DUCK 5-9 pm John Butier John Butler Mark Dupuy Keith Allen John Butler Andy Rosse Ln

TRADERS Tues&Thu8-11 pm Danny Morgan Danny Morgan 1551 Periwinkle Way & Friends & Friends

AMERICAN LEGION 4249 San-Cap Rd 472-9979 s reto COMMUNITY CALENDAR • APR. 13 - 19, 2007 n

6:30 p.m. other days BUTTERFLY HOUSE - Learn about Skate Park Hours: Mon - Fri 1 p.m. - Leaves from Dog Beach, 2:30 to 5 p.m. For lnfo:472-0345 8600 Estero Blvd., Bonita Beach. $54,98 for five-course dinner and show the life cycle and behavior of ON STAGE Florida's butterflies and the plants See birds, dolphins, manatees and I Wednesday-Friday and Sunday and more. $40 per person - re $64.98 on Saturday 275-6060 or •they are dependent on. The 7T Butterfly House is open every day ARPON BAY Reservations required. CHOOLHOUSE THEATER semgulf.com with Conservation Foundation TEXPLORERS TOURS Sunday, April 15th - Kayak Tour on ANNOUNCES SUMMER SEASON docents in the house on Tuesdays the Orange River 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. S For reservations, locations, and AMN YANKEES the classic from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. to inform Leaves from Manatee Park, 10901 The Schoolhouse is bringing back specific times, call 472-8900. SO musical about a desperate fan you on butterfly life cycles and our Palm Beach Blvd.. Find out how the another summer season in rep (two D Landscaping for Wildlife program. Orange River got its name and shows that will play alternating days who sells his soul TRAM TOUR Protect Wildlife and to become a star Take the Tram! Join a naturalist other fascinating facts about this of the week). "Feelin' Groovy," a NATURE CENTER, Nature Trails, area and learn about the birds, 1960s music revue, will be the first baseball player Nature Center, Nature Shop and aboard an open-air tram for a tour 2. and beat the of Wildlife Drive through the heart plants and other critters that call to open on May 26th. It will play Bookstore open 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. the river home. A beautiful, ancient solo on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Yankees. Monday through Friday. $3/adult, of the refuge. Sit back and relax while learning the basics of the river into the interior of southwest Thursdays and Saturdays until its At the Broadway children free and members free. ecosystem and its numerous inhab- Florida. $45 per person - o counter-part "Get Down Tonight", a Palm Dinner Reservations required. o 1970s music revue, opens on June Theatre through ANIBEL SEA SCHOOL itants. Daily except Fridays. (VA 16th. Once open, theater-goers can April 14 S Sanibel Sea School is a non- hours) Tuesday, April 17th - Estuary catch "Get Down Tonight" on profit foundation dedicated to Kayak Tour in Estero Bay 10 a.m. - Tuesdays & Saturdays and "Feelin' Call 278-422 or marine conservation through expe- NATURE &. SEA LIFE CRUISE 1 p.m. - Leaves from Dog Beach, Groovy on Wednesdays and BroadwayPalm.com riential education. Its mission is to See wildlife up close while cruising 8600 Estero Blvd., Bonita Beach. Thursdays. During the summer, all vibrantly teach children and adults the tranquil waters of Tarpon Bay. See birds, dolphins, manatees and shows will be at 7 pm with ticket HE OLDEST PROFESSION about the marine ecosystem in the With a naturalist by your side, dis- more. $40 per person - cover manatees and dolphins and W prices of $20 for adults and $10 for T by Paula Vogel at the Theatre field with a hands-on, let's get our Reservations required. SO children. Conspiracy through April 7. feet wet and see something won- observe amazing bird life on the g Optimism and humor abound as five derful approach. rookery islands. Includes touch tank Wednesday, April 18th - 5"' Don't forget that before summer 'professionals' struggle to learn new exploration. An excellent program Cocohatchee River/Wiggins Pass hits, Vegas is calling your name. tricks as they fight to stay in the Life. Children's Day Classes 9 a.m. - for all ages. And don't forget our Estuary Kayak Tour leaves from o You don't want to miss out on "Las 4:15 p.m. including lunch. You can popular Breakfast and Evening Cocohatchee River Park, 13531 SO Vegas Legends," the current show 936-3239 for reservations drop off the kids and take a course cruises too! (Daytime, VA hours; . Vanderbilt Dr.in North Naples . 10 3 at The Schoolhouse Theater. With yourself or have a book, sun and Evening, 2 hours) a.m. to 1 p.m. This is a beautiful SO hilarious impressions of performers tennis day. river/estuary area, with many birds, like Tom Jones and Sonny & Cher, AYAK TOURS WITH dolphins, manatees and more. $40 Adult Day Classes: 9:30 a.m. - to mystifying acts from Cirque to THROUGH THE GAEA GUIDES 6945513 per person. Reservations required. So Soleil and David Copperfield, this is 12:30 p.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m. K a night the whole family will enjoy. MONTH The Marshy Mangroves - Friday, April 13th - Sunset Kayak Thursday, April 19th - Kayak Bring your sense of humor and your Mangroves: why they're important, Tour with GAEA Guides - Guided Mullock Creek 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. gambling chips, because we bet how they live, what lives on them Kayak Nature Tours. 5:30 - 8:30 Leaves from Mullock Creek Marina, © that you II love this one! ANIBELCAPTIVA and around them, why the mud p.m. in Estero Bay. Meet at Dog 18501 Mullock Creek Lane. This is Performances are Tuesdays - S CONSERVATION stinks around them, why are they Beach, 8600 Estero Blvd. Have the a very quiet pathway to the east Saturdays at 8 pm with a special 4 FOUNDATION SCCF is a not- so important for the oceans, how to best view of our famous Southwest side of Estero Bay in the area of p.m. matinee on April 18th. for-profit organization dedicated to see all the creatures hiding in them. Florida Sunset! See the day birds the Estero Bay Buffer Preserve. the preservation of natural resources feed and the night birds start to be Many Birds, Fish, Dolphin, Beach Explorations - Let's go catch Manatee, crustaceans, etc! among 2 For tickets and information, please and wildlife habitat on and around active. Over 300 species of birds in some juvenile fish with a seme net the winding mangrove creeks and call the Box Office at 472-6862 or Sanibel and Captiva through: Land this area, dolphins, manatees and cr check out our website: on the beach and learn about the in the Bay. $50 per person. Acquisition, Wildlife habitat • more. $40 per person - reservations re www.theschoolhousetheater.com • food chain. It's a great time of the required. Reservations a must. Management, Landscaping for year for that. Shell distribution: o Wildlife, Environmental Education, snail-like shells vs. clam-like shells. Saturday, April 14th - Estuary so URDER RIDES THE RAILS Marine Laboratory and Research How are shells made, how do they Kayak Tour in Estero Bay 10 a.m. - and Sea Turtle Monitoring. live? Which ones eat plants? Which CO M Seminole Gulf Railway Dinner ones eat each other? What's up ' ANIBEL PUBLIC LIBRARY Train Theater DOLPHIN JL WILDLIFE with algae? t YOUTH PROGRAMS so Colonial Boulevard and Metro Parkway, CRUISES - in cooperation with 3 Captiva Cruises, an excellent Birds on the Shore and Birds in the Mon. 10 a.m. Bookworms 3 - 5 yr. olds & Fort Myers, 275-8487 re opportunity for the whole family to Refuge -This time of year we're The murder mysteries "Rock 6 p.m. Family Story Time All ages yt view wildlife in Pine island sound. seeing all kinds of wonderful and Rob Murders" and exotic birds (White pelicans, "WKJM $20/adult, $12.50/children. Roseate Spoonbills, all sorts of Tue. 2 p.m. Bookworms 3-5 yr. olds Murders" Reservations call 472-5300. terns and plovers and pipers). Lets are play- OTTERS AND OTHERS: learn a few birds that we can ing on Wed. 10 a.m. Small Wonders Birth-12 months GUIDED TRAIL WALKS - Twice remember and look for. Let's see if the 11 a.m. Tiny Tots 12-24 months daily at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.Meet at we can find some feathers and Seminole identify tracks in the sand. SCCF's Nature Center. Docent-led i Gulf Thur. 10 a.m. Terrific Twos 2 yr. olds Railway walk through the interior wetlaneds For more information about Sanibel dinner and mis-island ridges of SCCF's Sea School call 472-8585 or visit 3 p.m. Kid's Club K - 2nd Graders train, which Center Tract with discussion of sanibelseaschool.org 4 p.m. R.E.A.D. departs Colonial wildlife, native habitats, natural and (Call to schedule a time to read to the dogs.) cultural history, and preservation C KATEBOARD PARK City of Station, off Colonial Boulevard and 3 Sanibel Skate Park at 3840 San- Metro Parkway efforts. $3 entrance for adult non- members Tap Rd. (Behind Sanibel School) For additional information, call Ms. Barb at 472-2483 Train departs 5:30 p.m. Sundays and 770 Dunlop Road, Sanibel www.sanlib.org ISLAND WORSHIP

APTIVA CHAPEL BY THE SEA, Maundy Thursday: Service at 7:30 p.m. C11580 Chapin Lane, 472-1646. Good Friday: Service 12 -1 p.m. Sunday Service 11 a.m. Elevators for easy access to sanctuary. You are cordially invited to come, bring your family and Church office open Monday-Friday 472-0497 friends, to experience a unique worship venue—right on also see www.sanibelucc.org the beach, with seating either outdoors or inside. World- class music provided by area musicians. The Chapel T. ISABEL CATHOLIC CHURCH, 3559 Sanibei-Captiva Minister is The Rev. Dr. Bobert R. Hansel of Hilton Head, SRoad, 472-2763. Rev. Christopher Senk. Saturday South Carolina. Mass: 5:30 p.m. Communion Service on Monday and Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. • Daily Mass: Saturday IRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, 2950 West 5:30 p.m.; Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 8:30 a.m. FGulf Drive, 472-8684. Sunday services 10:30 a.m.; Confession by appointment. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. T. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL The Bailey-Matthews Reading room open Mon. Wed. & Fri. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. SCHURCH, 2304 Periwinkle Way, 472-2173. Rector Testimony meetings Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Donald Fishburne; Associate Rector Suzy Post. Services: Shell Museum Sunday at 8 & 10:30 a.m. Saturday at 5 p.m., Wednesday ANIBEL COMMUNITY CHURCH, 1740 Periwinkle Way, 9 a.m. (healing) & 6 p.m. (Evensong). 472-2684. Dr. Daryl Donovan, Senior Pastor; Ed 3075 San-Cap Road, Sanibel, FL 33957 SVanderHey, Associate Pastor; Barb Nave, Ministry Pastor; Tom Walsh, Youth Pastor; Emily Capan, Children's Director. NITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS OF THE ISLANDS OPEN EVERY DAY Childcare available at all services. Sanibel Community Umeet the first Sunday of each month - November - Church is a Christ-centered non-denominational church. April - at 7:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall (2nd Fl) of Sanibel 10 a.m. — 5 p.m. Congregational United Church of Christ, 2050 Periwinkle Sunday worship hours: Way. Adults $7 • 8 a.m. Traditional Service with Communion • Rev. Margaret L. Beard is our speaker. A stimulating talk Ages 5-16 $4 • 9 a.m. Contemporary Service with Kids' Church and discussion follow Rev. Beard's presentation. Under 5 Free • 10:45 a.m. Traditional service with full choir. A potluck dinner is held in a member's home on the 3rd Sunday of each month (time varies). Please call Ruth ANIBEL CONGREGATIONAL UNITED CHURCH OF lyengar - 395-1438 - for more information. x Visit the Museum Store / SCHRIST 2050 Periwinkle Way Across from Periwinkle Place Shopping Ctr. AT-YAM TEMPLE OF THE ISLANDS, Shabbat worship Dr. Ran Niehoff, Sr. Minister Bservices will be held at the Sanibel Congregational Drs. Jim and Sandy Boler, Associate Ministers. United Church at 2050 Periwinkle Way on Sanibel every We're looking for Sunday worship: 7:45 a.m. Chapel service Friday evening at 8 p.m. Rabbi Murray Saltzman. Call 472- 9 a.m. Full service • 11a.m. Full service 2699. VOLUNTEERS 4> OX) Interview with an Alligator Living life and living it well cs OH He preferred to lie on the floor one of the more attractive alligaT "When did you begin to built something for them while rather than sit in a chair. He per- tor males on the island. I am told paint?" seemed as good a way to they were there but still, they felt mitted me to interview him under I have a winning smile. I wear a start as any. Of course when the prolonged visit was beginning © the proviso that no photographs mask to avoid the wrath of my you're asking Jo Mullen, an artist to be unfair and impose on their o would be taken or the mask cov- people. now 92, you're not about to get a growing grands because it always ering his face removed. short answer. The "when" meant the children having to give T-H He was fearful that he would Q. The biggest gripe we weaves through so much of her up one room for a bit. Jo and Will be recognized and his cover humans have against alligators is life's history. But that's okay thought maybe they should look blown, but 1 assured him that you seem to appear from out with me; I settle down to listen to for a place of their own. So, the anonymity and confidentiality. of nowhere and startle us sudden- a slice of life, just a piece, cut hunt for likeability began. They Only then did my interview with ly. Some of you have been known from a really large pie. drove down the entire east coast the alligator begin. to turn up in our swimming pools. First, I realized that William of Florida, including the Keys, He had approached me How do you respond to that? Mullen had already entered her and came away unimpressed. Art Stevens Then they headed to the west side through an intermediary to tell A. If you had a choice between life not yet as a husband, not Jane Vos Hogg his side of the story. He was rep- lolling around in a swimming even a date, but as someone she of the state and, starting at Naples, resenting the entire population of pool and trying to breathe in that knew. (And she tells me she began looking again. Still the alligators on Sanibel-Captiva, but feared disgusting swamp in "Ding" Darling, where knew him more than four years before he same; a night" here, a night there, but defi- retaliation from his fellow alligators for would YOU go? ever asked her out on a date). No nitely not a place for them to retire to. That violating their code of silence. Still, he matter...she knew him, "the inner him," she was until Sanibel. Once here, they stopped. wished to share with us humans what life Q. Let's try to debunk some of the myths said, because she often listened to him play They rented a tiny condo, "probably a for- was really like for alligators because of about alligators. It is said that you can violin with a local symphony orchestra. "I mer office that had just been vacated," what he felt to be inaccurate and slanderous move as fast as forty miles an hour. Is that knew he was gentle and kind. He couldn't explained Jo. But they liked the island. articles on alligators in local newspapers. true? have played that way if he wasn't." They started vacationing here, first two He was mostly calm during our conver- A. You'd move that fast too if you could- Somewhere about now she was taking weeks, then four, then they began adding sation but occasionally nibbled on the legs n't scratch that itch under your stomach. courses in illustration. At the same time she first a month, then two, and finally, the © was working for a small publishing house inevitable... "let's buy something here." A of chairs during nervous outbursts. He had friend who was leaving Periwinkle Park come to lay bare his soul and uphold the Q. What about your cavernous mouth, and had just finished illustrating two of their children's books. One day Will said sold them her unit which might have been honor and dignity of alligators everywhere. your menacing ways and your questionable fine except that at night every passing car s What follows is an Islander exclusive - diet? "I'll tell you a story 1 used to tell my sister," and so he did. They put it down on paper, illuminated their living room and, for the CO an interview with an alligator. A. This is all part of the malicious alligator final straw, the garage roof leaked directly joke syndrome that has infected the humans Jo did the illustrations, and they took it to a publisher. The first one said no but the sec- on to the piano which they hauled down for Q. What prompted you to break the cen- of Sanibel. Believe me, I've seen some visi- playing each year they came. turies' old code of silence among alligators tors down here with mouths just as big as ond one, Harper Brothers, loved it, bought and elect to talk to the media? ours. And speaking of diets, at least alligators it and in 1938 "The Little Monkey with One year, 16 years ago to be precise, A. There has been so much distortion of don't eat tofu. And have you ever heard of Wings on His Tail" was published. they had loaded up their trailer and were "2 what we alligators are like that I felt com- alligators buying shoes and bags made out of Marriage followed. The publisher want- driving out headed north for the spring £ pelled to set the record straight. We have humans? Talk about menacing. I saw my ed her to do a second book but she was when a friend came over, arms waving and been portrayed as being violent, evil, ugly uncle recently on the feet of one your City pregnant and her focus had shifted. Not a yelling "You've got to see this!" But they 99 and vicious. The fact is that, contrary to Council members. 1 say it's time to stop the multi-tasker, she stopped painting. were leaving with neither time nor intent to how newspapers portray alligators, we are a alligator jokes and focus humor where it real-: Somewhere along the line she studied inte- see something. At which point their friend gentle, caring and loving species. We are ly belongs - on your local officials. rior design, even got a degree in it, but that just stood out on the road in front of their forced to hide and remain secretive because was just to help get the children through car and said "I'm not moving until you so many newspapers have maligned us. Q. Do you have any parting words for college. come see this. The people who own it are Islander readers? And then came their first retirement. Her moving to Shell Point and their place is up Q. Why are you wearing a mask? husband, no longer a full-time machine for sale. You'll love it. It's you." Reality A. Yes. We alligators are anxious to won. They could hardly run over a friend A. Again, contrary to what you humans improve our image among you humans. designer, wanted to pull up stakes and move 03 away from Philadelphia. They loved sail- and friend wasn't budging. So they got out think, all alligators do not look alike. While We're planning to conduct a peaceful of their car and followed her to a mobil my brothers and sisters,. and aunts and demonstration on Periwinkle in the near ing, had their own Alden-designed wooden sloop, and wanted to keep that in their life. home, backed by water and heavily planted uncles for that matter, have similar charac- future. Thousands' of alligators will march at its rear...and friend was right! They did teristics, each of us has a totally distinctive peacefully carrying placards calling for an But waterfront property in that area was far beyond their means. So they began looking love it and it was them. They put down 3 appearance. For example, it might surprise end to injustices to alligators. Our signs $2000 for a deposit, the couple they bought you to learn that I personally am considered at farm properties. They found 5-acres on a .-2 will say "Make love, not shoes." small island in Maryland, way south of it from took care of selling the unit they had D.C., tucked into the east side of the so they could buy the new one, and as soon (Z2 Chesapeake Bay. On Hoopers Island their as all the details were finalized they moved neighbors were mostly crabbers and oyster- in as full-time Florida residents. men, many still spoke middle English, and Now she has a studio and, for much of the DITXC for the 18 years they lived there they were year, works non-stop at painting. The day I still considered "outsiders" despite the fact first met her she was participating in RJE STAURAN T that they were very much a part of the com- ArtPoems, a first-time-ever event at BIG munity. ARTS where poets had chosen paintings to Island living, especially living on five- write a poem about and artists, listening to a at | ne Historic Jsand jnn acres of rural land, is a full-time job in poem had painted a picture which it inspired: itself. The house needed lots of work; for- The combined project was exciting and hear- Visit trie Grace & Elegance of times ago... tunately William was an all-around do-it- ing Jo Mullen speak about what inspired her Established in 16^ "Where Hospitality Never Sets" yourselfer. Restore, rehab, new roof all intrigued me. Days later I went by to see if I up his alley. Ground care fell largely to Jo. might visit her. Her "do come in and sit Lots of weeding because it was an- ever- down," was as welcoming as everything Announcing Spring—Summer Hours waging battle against invasive poison ivy. about her. We talked about her work and her Then there was land clearing, and keeping it life until, a look at the clock meant "time to cleared. She put in gardens, some just for go." She was off to collect pieces from her AAprl i ^ thru StembeSept r 2, 200/ pretty plants, but others more practical and most recent show at the Hirdie Girdie related to getting dinner on the table. And Gallery. She planned to leave them stored in finally, there was the wood stove to feed her car until the next morning when, as part which meant lots of cutting, sawing, chap- of the three-person exhibit put on by the San- DINNER, y-.oo to S-.OO FU ping and collecting. Cap Art League she was to install 10 works But, when children had grown and left which would remain on view in the library Tnursdaij, Pridau & Saturday Nights home, a brush began to enter her life again. for the month of April. No more walls to paint, she'd already done For a long time she did clouds. She both the inside and outside of their thought them exciting and they sold well. house...so at 60 she began to take art class- Always a listener, Jo said someone pointed WEEKLY SUNDAY 5RUNCH es and painted one day a week. Her classes out "That's not art you know. You've done it were all outside in the fresh air. As she over and over. Art has to be new." She gave 5:00 AM to 1:00 PM explained it, "I would stand behind some- it some thought. Her painting now? She one who was good, someone who knew just says "I am in transition. When you grow it what to do. I learned a lot that way." She is painful. Not as painful as when you were Due to popular demand, Chef Christopher Hynes began painting anything she looked at.. .just young but still painful." and staff have agreed to extend their season with us. started doing it and kept on going. Through Her husband has been dead for almost It is with great pride that we announce for the first the years she got better, won lots of prizes eight years. Her days are filled, often over- time in our 112-year history, Traditions Dining Room and was able to sell more and more of her filled with volunteer commitments, reading work. I asked if she'd ever done portraits and painting. She is moving to more color will remain open throughout Spring & Summer. but she said, "No. For a while I tried some and more simplicity. She'often layers water As a third generation chef, family secrets are always but they were terrible." Besides, she color and acrylic, "Never oil. It takes too present in Chris' work! Fresh fish, choice meats, explained, "I think of myself as a colorist. long to dry." That's what interests me and that's what I And as she paints she is also "saying poultry, and pasta dishes are prepared to delight the am good at." most discerning palates. Enjoy Dinner or Sunday goodbye to what I can't do. I'm happy and Brunch in our Gulf View Dining Room — decor Now they were ready to re-tire grateful for what I can do. Most important, again...this time from Hoopers Island. I feel we need to learn to be joyful with reminiscent of "Olde Florida" heritage. Each year they would spend a few weeks what we can do." When we said goodbye I Eclectic dinner cuisine with entrees starting at $20. with their son in Coral Springs. Will always could see an artist at ease. Chef Christopher Hynes

Reservations for Dinner & «' t feetf . Sunday Brunch Please. When you feed an alligator you are training it to Gentleman's Dinner Dress Code approach humans and are creating a life Collared Shirt & Dress Pants ill If/s/i>iir threatening situation... especially for our children. No Jeans, Sneakers, orTankTops. AV.-o/V Feeding alligators is a criminal act punishable by 3111 West Gulf Drive fines'and/or imprisonment. 472-1561 City of Sanibel Ordinance 75-29 • Florida State Statute 372.667 www.IslandInnSanibel.com Code of Federal Regulations 50 CFR 27.51 15 Week of Friday, April 13, 2007 ISLAND HOME Report your news to THE ISLANDER: Capt. Dick's Recipes

By CAPT. RICHARD MAY How to: In a large non-stick skillet, heat oil over high heat, swirling to coat the bottom of the pan. Season the shrimp with salt and pepper. Add half of the shrimp and cook until browned on both sides and opaque in the center, three to four minutes. Transfer the cooked shrimp to a plate and repeal with the remaining shrimp (reduce heat if browning too quickly). Shrimp gazpacho In a food processor, combine the tomatoes, onion, garlic, cucumber and half of the roast- ed red peppers. Process until all are combined. Add the tomato juice and vinegar and Ingredients: process until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. I tbs. olive oil To serve, divide the tomato mixture among four bowls and top with the shrimp and 1 Ib. medium shrimp, peeled and deveined remaining roasted peppers. Coarse salt and ground pepper Serves 4 6 plum tomatoes, chopped (about 3 cups) 1/2 small red onion, chopped Captain Dick's Seafood and More Recipes is available for $7.95 plus $]. 85 for postage 2 garlic cloves, chopped by calling the number above or by mailing a check wade payable to Ridard May to 7989 1/2 cucumber, peeled.and chopped Judge Bean Road Bokeelia, FL 33922. 1/2 c. finely chopped jarred roasted bell peppers 2 tbs. red wine vinegar ECOSanibel plans Earth Charter meal, annual meeting Have you thought about the sources Coast University, this pronouncement of the food you consume every day was made: "The Earth Charter's and how its production, transportation To go inclusive ethical vision recognizes that and presentation have impacted the Who environmental protection, human environment? Earth Charter of ECOSanibel rights, equitable human development Sanibel is planning a novel approach What and peace are interdependent and indi- to this issue with the opportunity for Earth Charter meal and annual visible ... Eating is an ethical act. We members and anyone interested to join meeting can eat in ways that support farmers in an Earth Charter meal, a communi- When and food system workers, protect, the ty gathering designed with Earth Wednesday April 18 environment and public health, and Charter principles in mind. Where treat animals humanely." The event will be held on Home of Tylor and Wil Compton; Fifteen years in the making, the Wednesday, April 18, outdoors at the 1170 Earth Charter is a declaration of fun- home of Tylor and Wil Compton, 1170 Buttonwood Lane damental principles for building a just, Gifts * Home Decor * Unique Cards Buttonwood Lane, Sanibel. Dress is Reservations sustainable, and peaceful global socie- ...and of course SUNCATCHERS! casual. Tylor Compton, recently By Monday, April 16, call Tylor ty in the 21st century and has been named Environmental Educator of the Compton at (239) 410-9109 endorsed by thousands of leading Year, will give an informal presenta- Membership organizations, communities and indi- tion on her work with the students of $20 annually; $35 for family viduals worldwide. f the Sanibel School. Food served will be: ECOSanibel is an island-based, 10% OFF A main course will be provided and locally grown non-profit organization dedicated to with this coupon is those attending are asked to bring an humanely produced studying, promoting and upholding y appetizer, dessert or beverage that ecologically sound the spirit and aims, of the Earth embodies one or more qualities that produced under fair trade Charter, particularly as they apply to Daniel Moore Thompson, Formerly of The End Result relate to Earth Charter principles (for low in-waste the sanctuary island of Sanibel. information, visit appropriate in quantity and cost Membership is open to all for $20 OLDE SANIBEL www.earthcharter.org). These quali- annually ($35 for a couple or family). SH0PPE5 For more about Earth Charter S Ml ties include: locally grown, humanely www.earthcharter.org The event, which will serve as the produced to eliminate suffering of ani- annual meeting for ECOSanibel, is periwinkleway 239.472.7860 mals, ecologically sound, produced ______free as a benefit to members, with a under fair trade and with fair wages for suggested donation of $3 each for non- NEXTTO _.•*»'• 630 Tarpon Bay Road • Sanibel AMY'S « those who grew, processed, prepared and served it, low in H members and guests. OVER EASY [email protected] waste and appropriate in quantity and cost. Reservations are essential by Monday, April 16. Please At an Earth Charter meal held last October in call Tylor Compton at (239) 410-9109. For information on Amsterdam, Netherlands, and co-hosted by Earth Charter ECOSanibel, call (239) 395-1848. USA, the Humane Society of the U.S. and the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education at Florida Gulf

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Sponsors will receive VIP treatment at CROW's 27th Annual Taste of the Islands to be held Sunday, April 22, 2007 at Sanibei City Park/Sanibel Community Association from Noon to 6 pm. Ifs a great day and a wonderful way to help our wildlife neighbors in distress, while enjoying family & friends at Sanibel Island's longest-lived, most fun-filled event! Sign Up Today! GOLD SPONSOR - $2,500 Cash Contribution # Free Admission for 12 Guests # Seating for 12 in the VIP Sponsor Tent # VIP Parking Pass for 3 Cars # $75 worth of Free Food & Beverage Tickets # 12 Free 2007 Event Tee Shirts # One Quarter-Page Ad in the Event Booklet, Circulation 14,000 # Your Name Listed in All Event Print Media Coverage, At The Event Site, and In The Sponsor Area SILVER SPONSOR WILDLIFE SPONSOR $1,000 Contribution $500 Contribution * Free Admission for 8 Guests # Free Admission for 4 Guests * Seating for 8 in the VIP Sponsor Tent # Seating for 4 in the VIP Sponsor Tent * VIP Parking Pass for 2 Cars * $50 worth of Free Food & # VIP Parking Pass for 1 Car Beverage Tickets # $25 worth of Free Food & * 8 Free 2007 Event Tee Shirts * One Eighth-Page Ad in the Event Booklet, Beverage Tickets Circulation 14,000 # 4 Free 2007 Event Tee Shirts * Your Name Listed in All Event Print Media Coverage, At The Event Site, # Your Name Listed in All Event Print Media and In the Sponsor Area Coverage, At The Event Site, and In The Sponsor Area SPECIAL TO THE ISLANDER Name Listed As Chef Jay Fuller of Gramma Dot's displays his tasty dinner and dessert Address _CWy_ State, treats. Vicky Hanley and Laura Roccia of Pinocchio Italian Ice Cream Z'P- gear-up for the taste.Gasparilla's Grill's delicious Rum cake will be Day Phone .Cell Fax offered.Sanibel Steakhouse will showcase signature dishes. Check Enclosed: Yes. Amount: Type sponsor. MasterGard/VISA #_ Exp Date Billing Zip d a; Taste from page 16 CfQ n restaurants to get their name out there and help animals at the same time," said Chef Amy Visco of 2005 and 2006 Taste of the Taste (Judges' Choice) Awards win- 2007 Taste of the ner Ellington's. Islands I ft "CROW is a, great Participating 7T organization...after the hurri- © cane, my husband and I have Restaurants taken several animals American Legion Post 123 out to their (facility), Blue Giraffe so we've actual- Chip's Sanibel Steakhouse ly gotten to see East End Deli their process of Ellington's •d how they help CROW needs Taste Gasparilla's Grill all the differ- Islands Volunteers! Gramma Dot's ent animals." Please fax Ann Arnoff at 472- Jacaranda w Visco said 2764 for more information. Lazy Flamingo that Taste Matzaluna allows some Pirtocchio Italian Ice Cream of Ellington's Rassa Steaks & Seafood behind-the- Sanibel Grill & Raw Bar scenes staff to Timbers get their faces out front and meet cur- rent and future customers, and it gives her booth's visi- tors a chance to test some new recipes she plans on unveiling at this year's event. n Chef Jay Fuller of Gramma as Dot's, winner of the last six People's Choice Awards, added, "It's a great 85 honor to be part of anything that has to do with the island. It's fun. Every as year it gets better and better and larger and larger, and the competi- ft tion seems to get even that more h intense. We plan to do what we've © done every year, and hopefully, we'll walk away with the People's Choice (award). "Half our menu has become Taste C/2 of the Islands award-winning items," as Fuller continued. "So, what we're after is creating an entire menu that people that come to our island every O year, and also residents that live on as the island, can not only vote for it at •d the event, but come here and see that their opinion actually matters that 8S much that we'll put it on our menu." Although he enjoys the culinary competition, Fuller appreciates the & main reason for the event. "We're ft big supporters of CROW," he said. "I know it's a great deal to all of us. There's not much left of our habitat after th the hurricane, so anything we can do to help out, we'd love to." CROW's 27 ANNUAL Pinder is not only pleased with the restaurants and excited about the enter- tainment that will be provided, she Taste of the Islands couldn't be happier about the venue. nd "The city is letting us use this won- Sunday, April 22 Noon - 6 PM derful site," she said, "and they're being as helpful and cooperative as they can possibly be. I love the site, the park is just ideal. Access is great for every- body, and we've added another shade tent this year." Not only does Taste of the Islands give people an opportunity to learn more about CROW and perhaps join the organ- ization, their donations at the event are vital to CROW's daily functions. "It helps support the operation of the hospital itself, actually taking cafe of the patients, what we call operations money: food, medicine, electric bills...very important," said Pinder. The money raised at benefits such as Taste and the successful art auction last month is not applied to the cur- rent drive to raise money for the new visitor center project. Great Food * Great Fun "None of our events this year typ- ically ever go toward the capital fund," Pinder said. "That is a sepa- * Great Music rate drive. Events are definitely part of our operational budget, just like Featuring Gary Roland & The Landsharks Band grants, memberships, whatever the other revenue streams are. "Events" is A Really Fun Band... They've Opened for simply one more revenue stream for the Jimmy Buffet, and The Beach Boys; and Played at operation of the hospital." SPECIAL TO THE ISLANDER With current plans for expansion From top right: Chef Amy Visco of Disney World, and a Superbowl Victory Party!!! and renovations at CROW well under Ellington's. Visco's dessert creation. The way, Pinder knows that operational American Legion will participate in the Participating Restaurants: American Legion Post 123, Blue Giraffe, • costs will increase as a result of the Taste. Matzaluna will offer dining treats. Chip's Sanibel Steakhouse, East End Deli, Ellington's, growth, which in turn makes the suc- Chef Randy Post of Gasparilla's Grill cess of fund raisers crucial for CROW. poses with his prize-winning rum cake. Gasparilla's Grill, Gramma Dot's, The Jacaranda, Lazy Flamingo, "It's all about friend-raising and Matzaluna, Pinocchio's, Rassa, Sanibel Grill, and Timbers. building relationships with individuals as well as other Bring blankets and chairs, but organizations and agencies in the community," Pinder keep the coolers and pets at nd said. home! Children ages six and Come Out on April 22 She encourages every on the island to take part in under will be admitted free. If what promises to be a memorable occasion. "Helping you're coming across the Sanibel CROW help wildlife, the best food, the music will be toll bridge, show your toll receipt & Support CROW fantastic, the weather- should be terrific...It's going to dated April 21 or 22 and receive No Pets • No Coolers be a great day!" $3 in food and drink tickets. Restaurants: to find out how to participate, call CROW at 472-3644.


OX) Community Concerts' season ends on strange note Our Lady of the Hall Barbara B. Mann — II orchestral interlude. ter. Although the violinist played with gusto, fire and excel- decked out in oriental splendor that included a But, all in all, let's thank Community Concerts lent technique, she could not quite overcome the lethargy of r o beautiful Japanese hopi coat — stepped into the for presenting this performance of "Madama tempos plowed through by the orchestra. Todorov estab- o spotlight a couple of Sundays ago to introduce a Butterfly." Listening to this beloved opera clas- lished the tempos at a deadly pace; passages that usually matinee performance of Puccini's glorious opera sic is a wonderful way to spend a Sunday after- have me at the edge of my seat found me squirming and tap- "Madama Butterfly." noon. ping my foot faster and faster trying to drive the pace ever This production was staged by Opera onward to no avail. I have never before heard Beethoven Internationale, a Bulgarian opera company, and Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra played "nicely." Grandly, powerfully, awesomely, yes. featured both Russian and Bulgarian artists. The The final 2006/2007 Community Concert fea- "Nicely?" Never. As a friend of mine so perfectly stated, orchestra was under the baton of Pacien tured the Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra. John "...It was castrated Beethoven, at its best." Yup, that Mazagatti, a 27-year-old wunderkind (heralded Tyrer introduced the concert, while the spry and describes that particular performance most accurately. by Opera News as a name to watch). sprightly Mann basked in the spotlight of her box After intermission, we were regaled with more "Madama Butterfly" has what is probably the Center Stage seat on stage right and reacted to a well-deserved Beethoven — three arias from the opera "Fidelio" (not one most heartbreakingly, beautiful score ever written. Marsha Wagner round of applause for yet another wonderful sea- of my favorites). The "Aria of Rocco" featured a nameless The curtain parted to reveal a simple but effective son of Community Concerts. Tyrer, the secretary bass soloist; the second aria was the "Aria of Marcellina," Japanese tea house and garden set. Set in Japan in of the local Community Concert Association (and featuring a namelss soprano. As it turned out, their names as the early 1900s, the opera opens when American Naval father of former Islander editor, Jill Tyrer) gave us a glow- well as their singing were best left out. Officer Pinkerton (Russian tenor Nicoloi Vishniahov) mar- ing rundown of next season's concert schedule which, thank There is an old adage in the theater, which, says "Leave ries a 15-year-old Japanese geisha, Cio cio.San (Bulgarian goodness, is once again spread out from January through the best till last, and leave the audience high." This the soprano Ofelia Histova). She believes she has truly become April — unlike this year's which was all squashed into the Bulgarian Symphony a managed to do with Mozart's Act II Mrs. Pinkerton, but the fact is her groom intends to marry a month of March. Regardless of how the schedule falls, Finale from from the "Magic Flute," featuring a talented (!) "real American woman" as soon as he returns to the states. Community Concerts is still the biggest bargain hi town. also-unnamed bass and a full-throated chorus of wonderful, Pinkerton abandons Cio cio San and returns three years Still, in 2007, it can cost as little as $10 per person per con- young singers. Thank goodness, the finale saved the later with his American wife who wishes to adopt the child cert (of course, at those prices, you are seated in the heav- evening and sent the entire audience, including yours truly, Cio cio San has borne him. Confronted with this tragic real- enly spheres). Hint, hint: call 939-3236 for Community off into the night with smiles of contentment. ity Cio cio San takes her own life. Concert information now. All in all, despite what I would cajl its unfortunate tim- Of the principal artists featured that afternoon, the two Meanwhile, back to the concert...The Bulgarian ing, it has been another grand year for Community outstanding performances were given by Vishnakov as Symphony Orchestra's members schlepped rather slowly to Concerts, and we all thank you, Barbara, for this terrific Pinkerton and Russian baritone Evgeni Kissilev as take their places. Their gait gave us a hint we were looking 55th season. I for one am looking forward to see you again Sharpless (the American Consul to Japan). Their Act II duet a travel-tired troop, whose rather motley, varied attire might next season. was one of the high points of the afternoon. Histova as Cio have been the result of some lost luggage? Also, there were Next year's program schedule starts on Jan. 9 with The cio San was a bit weak in Act I but found her strength and fewer members taking their places than the publicity picture Five Browns on Five Steinways in classical program; The improved immensely in her Act I aria preceding her suicide. indicated. According to the photo it seemed to be an orches- Barber of Seville is on Jan. 29, followed by Burning River The rest of the company performed with considerable tra of at least 100 to 120 members, whereas on stage there Brass on Feb. 12. The St. Petersburg Ballet presents a panache and sparkle. were probably 60 or so. Sunday matinee performance of "Romeo & Juliet" on Feb. The orchestra, on the other hand, was ragged and rather Music Director Nayden Tadorov conducted a cleanly 24, and the Russian State Symphony Orchestra closes the lethargic; no amount of coaxing from the energetic, talent- rendered, crisply played Overture to Mozart's "Magic season on March 18. ed, young conductor could get them on target. Their lack- Flute." The "Concerto for Violin in D Major, op. 51" by luster playing was especially telling in the seven-minute Act Beethoven featuring violinist Joan Kwuon was another mat- ABWA to hold April meeting featuring local author The April dinner meeting of American Business gators killed in response. His approach is to "consider the fessionally through leadership and education. The Sanibel Women's Association will be held April 13 at the Sanibel ecological ramifications of bur actions, the value of preda- Captiva chapter also provides local scholarships and con- Community House. The speaker this month will be Charles tors in the natural system, and the deep meaning of living tributes to Florida's Take Stock in Children Scholarship Sobczak, local Sanibel author, Realtor, and fisherman, who on a sanctuary island." Call Robin Moran at 728-1971 and Program. U will talk about his latest book, the non-fiction "Alligators, reserve your place by April 6 to hear this timely presenta- Dinner meetings are held the second Tuesday of each Sharks and Panthers." tion. month at 6:30 p.m.; reserve your space with Robyn Moran Sobczak will discuss Sanibel's most recent case of an The mission of ABWA is to bring together women of at 728-1971. Membership information is available from alligator attack as well as the tragic loss of dozens of alli- diverse occupations to help them grow personally and pro- Gayle DeHaan-Garland at 936-1177 Ext. 232. CZ2 Red Diamond Realty, Inc. 1-877-995-S ALE (7253) RED ESMOND Office: 239-995-2810 & 239-437-2810

REALTY, INC. www.RedDiaiiiondRealEstate.com Bill & Shelley Gary/Realtor's®

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5. PRICE JUST REDUCED This beautiful 3Bd/2Ba model is loaded with upgrades including stucco soffitt, two- tone paint, rounded-comers, stucco ceiling on screened lanai, tile throughout except in bedrooms, decorative foam molding & trim on exterior. Make an offer. $249,900 6. ACTIVE 55+ COMMUNITY Beautiful updated kitchen. All new window covering, new carpet thru out. Bright screened in Florida Room. Very low maintenance fees. A must see for only $52,000

7.10 ACRES Great potential for development. Property wooded! Owners very motivated!! Could be yours for only $270,000. Call William Cary II239-989-2229 8. BUCKINGHAM AREA Build your dream home on these BEAUTIFUL 10 acres. Properly partially fenced. Enjoy the beauty of the mango, avocado & orange trees. Seller is very motivated & wants offers NOW! Will even consider clearing for you! Call Tom Cary 239-349-0484 Sanibei-Captiva Islander


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A hearty group of locals, sponsored by At this point, half of the teams working opportunity to join a Relief Van thai in New Orleans as a way to support the 13 St Michael's and All Angels Church, is with the Diocese arc gutting, half are delivers food and supplies to locals. local economy. Please contact Peggy going to New Orleans for a week of gutting starting to rebuild. Rebuilding If you would like to support this Newell at 472-9553 or e-mail pncwi@com- C6 and rebuilding in the seemingly never end- includes insulation installation, work, the organization in Louisiana cast.net. ing aftermath of Hurricane Kalrina. The sheet rocking, spackling, can use additional tools that often go So as no! io misrepresent this mission— 93 group, led by Darla Letounieau, includes painting, flooring missing. They need things like screw- ii isn't all about altruism. Letounieau, Carla Johnston, Gini Jones and Peggy installation drivers, spackle knives, carpet cutting Johnston, Jones and Neweil will have the Newell. They will be working under the among other knives, screw guns, painting sun- opportunity io enjoy New Orleans' famous g auspices of the Episcopal Diocese of tasks. When plies, nail guns (finishing work, Jazz & Heritage Festival. Louisiana. Friends from Washington, D.C. team mem- not framing), table saws. u and San Francisco will round the group up bers need Monetary donations can 43 lo eight. break, there is an be used to purchase tools

to OK

O Henry Shin's r"krc acini; 'kxUirec ihcsc -.uscioas fabric pieces "il'on, and i i •joiag iieoplc, olacc.i, and ihe spi/iiual work;,'" so, I express many diffc'cnl usp-cois jf ay Si.v, said. "For vc, these arc wna. make up 'ife," Sinn said. '" love io (a": iiio thai jr- he '.'anrc 01 life. Tncse rc>atio

ig c; &crisis ti BIG AKTS S 7 •,V' r,\-, •>? -111 f4fjr f,l A" Young Port iV'yc -;; is \vi;h Ixc dcmor.slraic airsiic ,'atercsi or .alcnl, bu, aT-ci;gc ?, id t; roL.n-.y Aii:arcc for -Arls Grcr1'. wno ?i.so have s Hrancial need. Reccnlly Sxpecii'iions XVII — Oper Doo"s Pro^rr.rr [he Modern Painting program merged wi'h "'] tr.oughi you .v"gh<. !ikc to >rr--/ '.h...1 arc cxhibifirg a'. B'G ARTS through Open .Ooors allcwing 'me programs io Irrshcd third in .ny firs l-'Af/- 25- .y,- oki-.'jay -tccjy r;r. 11 :h:,s i- •:•- Thursday, April 26. Tiiesc '. I promisir.j; expr.rd iheir scope. The focus or the nro- everrge ri'75 .n: cs per ^v-vs, siudcits, whose ages ra-tgc Tro.Ti 9 ;o 18. g-"0in 's io provide ihese sudcnts with a p r ,KCvy ciiroix' h^s NASA v-jvisioi-al ace displaying iheir -eccn; acry,\c a-i r,io ig venue o creafc anc Icatr, aboul arl. Siudcnis Romesiead I/iia'TiI Speccvry m-s i:\si ; '0 : racifg 'icci so ar<-j v/iii he ci'gkiic for h s C with : ienry Sinn's inixcd mcoia '•••op.d-bead- arc encouraged to express themselves freely weekend (F/kirch 3'-Apri 5 ,>. ^/c'^r ^e fi,i! ii;e,isc ; .cr uvs yew. "Civicg a ™:ce cc art and bronze scisiptisres.. a'id develop their creative potential. 2.2 i r:ilc road course — v/-;ich • ;^!i-des 73 i ca-" <"cq j res a hx.ricndous ..UT.O-J II of cor- Yotwg ar'.isls showing ii: this cxhibi'. arc if.siruciors To- Open Doors are Leo and the h; ~d : cer.lretk'n, :>id 1 coif, ir-iik ! ccjic h:tvc rti! Adriaia Serra, GiUinp.c Raymond, Ash.cy Xvista lohnso"!. The prog™.™, is sponsored poy car har-ci co atr>a:; i'g!y vercc. p.m., Monday through Friday. The exhibit also at Homestead," sa'd Murari 8 'h*: race cendit'o-'s," be said. The Open Doors Program began as an runs through Thursday, April 26. Heaiy, massage ihcraoist and yoga gvu ^cr-h/ V-"ill t"c co-itifn.iae, to .":icc 'vi.h art o-'osram designed Tor children who for Sanibcl Wcdness. "That's right, 'tis '... After spc.icir.g NA3/' >n:s si'mi^ic" ?">d h;g:'iy rcco.~- my entire career telling people they neec mends Inc club to anyone who'd like In to slow down, Fm no*-,' caking greal -pleas- cxper'e ice hig^-icrformaice driving. To >rir,d about :iore coout NASA, v'sii t ic ure in going fast!" ; About onc-apd-a-ha*" years ago, Mealy !oca- o'garizs on*s website — '.-vw^.dri- * **% f started taking higli-pcrfonr.ar.ee 'J'ivcr"s vcrasaTco,". i. V N5 education v/ith the National Auto Spocars. Racipg is rot mc;;pensi'>'C to a new racetrack — Homestead Mian?.' g p Speedway, Scbrng SnternaUonai Raceway hobby u'ld , r, Jooking ibr sponsors to and the oac-and-oniy Daytor.r. help me rcacn my racing dream of co:n- International. petirsg hi the r.aiiona! ciiampionship. How This is road racing, racing spoils ca-s. I would iovo bcins, able to <"ace at P-ayiona "I have a 93 iV'azda""Midt£ thai I bought on May 5." from a friend and am litllc-ny-iitlic con- Wheo he's not out driving fast, Hccly verting into a certified race car. f race in can be found stilt ti.'ging people vo slow multi-calls races against Co-vcilcs, down, breathe deeply and get a massage nt Ferraris and Porsches. My category is ocnibel WcUncss in

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A total of 300 jcaople ^Iter'ie'i it ^Uj ui c viits^t nonj^i I rs: e\ , JLI wiik io i*tj er ihek shere of sp/ingtmis dt^ ?. b on^f reci '^ c. ii; v ^^ ^Ui As .ue / "ill / evenc sf the Senibel HEstou J1\ heij^cua y jrcv-<*r i f c^ "Vi i<_[»ec r<•»(- crf^ien 3fjt-~ % 1 1 % 2 to 12-yea s cid,T"re hani ¥/cs i se ?" IJI \ i^i Je^' eot ? rifi- "' vr n <*P / / jr., lo^ J ri children and, in*e suspects !*te sui'Itt win <-c c.c six* 3iient also included coconuL-s^xs ^90'. -C' ^«v.i f^** i.iHi' U vi; H'IHJJ /in-n foiipdj coaid DS exchanged for ziiic caWugt IH.IAIH( « iin ,1 , ^ th - }o.'?nc . Ciockwsse irorrr teft; David' Dry c. ^si V.ar,'jfi-. c J: u ne i ^ii* v -MMQ M-J cjijito MOiher L;nda Gcmick OT ?">&nibel o iO k i z b'j 'srente oa>( £ jiiJii; Ms cr., ri \» M O- --mo' '"••'Hsei .'i i^ lake part in the tesyv'vss, Chltdreo scoop up Ihe muttt" coiored egos before haadf^rg off to rrea': t-he Easlei, Bunnv


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; 4635 Coionado Pk^v Cape Coral come srstc'e {1 Slock h oi Cape Coral Pkwy) er, i.'cer.sec (?35) 945-0606 so 0) Catullus on the Causeway Sic tibi bonus ex tua ports libidine fiat... (I hope you acquire the bridge you long for) ,o Catullus, Poem 17 o Sanibel, the bridge you long for won't be built. Lee County Commissioners have decided Connecting and protecting can't co-exist, You can't have your access and deny it too. Anyone can enter paradise anytime. The "fixed" is in, your drawbridge down forever. Sanibel, "throw the old man off the bridge Poetic License To soothe the wrath of the bridge and river gods" Joe Pacheco Was once our Roman version of nursing home o For useless old men sixty and over. -a: Some might argue you have more than your fair share Of them, but perhaps a celebration Honoring the last raising of dear drawbridge, With fireworks following sunset and prayer, In which one of your most "useless" who's still fit SPECIAL TO THE ISLANDER Climbs to the top of one grate and another Optimists offer chance to bid farewell to the Sanibel Causeway. More helpless but brave lets himself be winched up To the top of the other, and then fitted With kites or wind-sails as prosthetic wings, Optimists offer unique opportunity They wait for the warning bell to toll its last time, Then hurl themselves from the uplifted grates and allowance for snow- Glide over the ostentatious tall ships, like The - Sanibel- Get tickets birds to arrange their Silver pelicans in formation, soaring Captiva Optimist Club You can obtain a ticket by return the third or For a few majestic senior moments, till is offering the opportu- mailing a $50 donation to: fourth week of May. nity of a lifetime. You Your ticket is transfer- Releasing their wings, they dive-bomb legs up Sanibel-Captiva Optimist Ctub Into the blue martyrdom of manatee zone. could be the lucky per- able. son to raise the Sanibel POV Box 1370 The drawing will be Sanibel, FL 33957 a Perhaps then, Sanibel, the Gods might let you Causeway Draw held May 10. Bridge for the very last Or at any of the following You will become a u Build the bridge you long for — but it just may lead locations: - • To a paradise anyone can enter. time! part of Sanibel and Lee A $50 donation to The Sanibel Cafe, County's history and the Sanibel-Captiva 2007 Periwinkle Way (Tahitian enjoy all the fanfare Optimist Club will Gardens) and press accompany- give you the chance to ; Lighthouse Cafe, ing the end of a long- operate the draw 362 Periwinkle Way lived tradition. Not to Broadway Palm will be jivin' with the bridge for its final Bailey's General Store, mention the life-long time. You will receive at the corner of Periwinkle and bragging rites you Tony nominated musical hit 'Swing' the lever from the Tarpon operation booth and a (ask for Dan Alton j* All monies go "Swing!" The musical with a great big plaque with your name Sanibel Captiva Community toward children and exclamation mark plays' at Broadway on it placed in the new Bank, families in our commu- Palm Dinner Theatre April 19 through I toll booth to commem- 2475 Library Way nity. •3 June 9. The Tony nominated "Swing!" orate this historical For further informa- ft « celebrates the music and dance phenom- event. In addition you Donations are tax-deductible. tion please call enon that swept the nation in the 30s and will receive a private Richard McCurry at 40s. Withfthe resurgence of dance shows, tour of the mechanical "~'^^~~^~^~" —•—^^~— 292-4631 or Stan dance has again become one of the and electrical rooms, dinner for two at Howard at 472-0836 or send an e-mail to fastest growing trends across the country. Timber's Restaurant, plus up to a $300 [email protected]. "Swing!" is a mix of dance numbers; some comic, some romantic and some sexy. "Swing!" crosses ethnic and cul- tural barriers with a mix of jive, Latin swing, West Coast swing, hip-hop swing and country and western swing. It fea- tures over 30 songs from the Big Band era such as "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy," "Stompin.' At The Savoy," "It Don't Broadway Palm announces auditions for children Mean A Thing," "In the Mood," "I'll Be Seeing You," "Cry Me a River," and Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre is hold- appropriate key. An accompanist will be "Sing, Sing, Sing." ing open auditions for children ages 7-12 provided (no audio tapes or CD's, please). Jump and jive over to Broadway Palm on Sunday, April 29. This is a casting call Anyone interested must be available for Dinner Theatre April 19 through June 9 for the production of "Joseph and the rehearsals June 1 through June 13, 2007 because It don't mean a thing if it ain't Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" (playing and all performances. Shows are got that Broadway Palrri "Swing!" June 14 -August 11, 2007) and "Charlotte's Wednesday through Sunday evenings with Performances are Wednesday through Web" (playing selected matinees in June, selected matinees on Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday evenings with selected matinees. July & August 2007). Broadway Palm will Saturday or Sunday. Any children cast will Ticket prices range from $25 to $50. cast 12 boys and 12 girls based on singing, perform in three to five shows per week. Group discounts are available for parties stage presence, basic movement and height. Auditions will be held at Broadway of 20 or more. Tickets are now on sale Auditions are scheduled for Sunday, Palm Dinner Theatre, 1380 Colonial and can be reserved by calling (239) 278- April 29. Auditions will begin at 1 p.m. and Boulevard in Fort Myers. For more infor- 4422, by visiting are on a first-come, first-served basis. A mation about the audition and the perform- www.BroadwayPalm.com, or by stop- SPECIAL TO THE ISLANDER sign up sheet will be available at 12:15 p.m. ance schedule for "Joseph and the Amazing ping by the box office at 1380 Colonial The Broadway Palm presents "Swing." Auditionees should bring a current Technicolor Dreamcoat" and "Charlotte's Boulevard in Fort Myers. photo, resume and be prepared to sing six- Web" visit www.BroadwayPalm.com. teen bars. Please bring sheet music in the Liars. Cheaters. Misers. Schemers. Just another night in Naples (Italy, that is)! Florida Repertory Theatre, is pleased to the rich and stupid nity to give the script energetic production numbers to all man- present Frank Dunlop and Jim Dale's fathers of Ottavio and a fresh, contemporary ners of Italian-themed, but familiar tunes. "Scapino!" Loosely based on Moliere's Leandro, and for the To go feel with topical cul- Newport and Provonsha are a dream team, 17th Century bawdy farce, "Les Fourberies sheer pleasure of out- What tural references and and they are working tirelessly to create a de Scapin," "Scapino!" opens at Florida witting the dim-witted Florida Rep presents "Scapino!" modern-day lan- unique and hysterically funny piece of the- Rep on April 20 and plays through May 13. miserly fathers, by Frank Dunlop and Jim Dale guage. atre that pays homage to Moliere's original. Deep down inside, most of us are pretty Scapino agrees to lend When The play's authors "When, people ask me if something sure we're smarter than our employers. his expertise, and with April 20-May 13 beg for the piece to be belongs in thS show, I say yes, yes, yes! There Florida Rep puts that conviction to the test the help of Sylvestro, a Tuesday- Saturday at 8 p.m.; updated and tailor are entire scenes that have no dialogue," with "Scapino!," a comic farce that pits wily trusty if befuddled 2 p.m. matinees on Wednesdays, made for the company Newport said. "As in all commedia, Dale and servants against slow-witted masters to see accomplice, Scapino Sundays and selected Saturdays. performing it, and Dunlop encourage improvisation and audi- who will come out on top. cooks up a clever Where Florida Rep is taking ence participation. Everyone, even the audi- In the sleepy little Mediterranean fishing scheme, but has this Bay St. between Jackson and full advantage of this ence, should be ready to play and have a real- village of Naples, Ottavio is an upper-class prankster bitten off Hendry opportunity by assem- ly good time. This show is highly unique and young man with a tragic dilemma: He's fall- ' more than he can bling a cast and team will be unlike anything anyone has* seen en in love with and married a poverty- chew? Tickets of designers who before-plus, it will be different every night." stricken peasant girl named Giacinta. If his Dale and Dunlop's Single tickets: $15-$36. delight in embracing "Scapino!" is like nothing Florida Rep has father finds out, Ottavio will surely be dis- "Scapino!" celebrates Student and group rates available bold absurdity and ever done, and promises to delight and dazzle inherited. Meanwhile, another young lover, the original Moliere Box Office high physical comedy. audiences. This four-hundred-year-old classi- Leandro also finds himself in romantic dif-. version, by promoting (239) 332-4488 or Associate Director cal play will feel brand new, and audiences ficulties: He's fallen in love with Zerbinetta, the tradition of Toll-Free at (877) 787-8053. Bari Newport ("The will go away in stitches and still humming a gypsy girl who has been kidnapped and Commedia dell' Arte, Underpants;" "Mambo Italiano" and "Finiculi Finicula!" held for ransom for "a princely sum." an improvisational "Fools;" "The Middle "Scapino!". plays at Florida Repertory Unable to solve their own problems, they satirical form that allows for considerable Ages") is in her element, and directs a cast Theatre from April 20- May 13. turn to Scapino, a local scoundrel with a freedom in altering and updating the dia- of twelve, with multi-talented Carol A. Performances are Tuesday -Saturday at 8 knack for trickery and deception. As it hap- logue and setting. This flexibility gives Provonsha ("The Fat Lady Sings;" "The p.m., with 2 p.m. matinees on Wednesday, pens, Scapino has a personal grudge against directors, designers and actors the opportu- Underpants;" "Fools") choreographing Sunday and selected Saturdays. d as oro n

I n FRIDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 13, 2007 2007 Young Peoples' Concert 7T 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 8, News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Identity (N) (S) (cc) Raines 5th Step (N) Law & Order (cc) News Tonight Come and enjoy this free opportunity to see the m NBC Symphony as they rehearse for their May 1 and 2 Young >•» CD PBS BBC World Business News-Lehrer Wash Wk |Earth Ed NOW (N) |Pilgrimage to Karbala, A Wide Angle Charlie Rose (N) (S) (cc) a 3D FOX Friends (S) Friends (S) Raymond Seinfeld (S) Movie: ** White Chicks (2004) (Shawn Wayans) News News Seinfeld JS^ Peoples' Concert performance. Repertoire includes music CD CBS News (io;^ News Millionaire Inside Ghost Whisperer (cc) |Shark Teachers Pet NUMB3RS Hardball (S) News (cc) Late Show from Handel, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Ravel, Prokofiev and E) CW Judge Judy Judge Judy King 70s Show WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (S) (cc) News |Frasier (S) King Jim Copeland as the Symphony takes a musical journey > CD ABC News ABC News Entertain Extra (N) Grey s Anatomy (S) (cc) (:01) Wife Swap (S)(cc) 20/20 (cc) News Nightline through 400 years of history. Joseph Caulkins conducts •a m HBO Movie: *** Madagascar (2005) Movie: .** The Man (2005) (S) (cc) Movie: ** Final Destination 3 (S) |Entourage Real Time 2. S WGN Home Imp. Home Imp. Funniest Ho me Videos RoboCop: Prime Directive:s Part Four-Crash WGN News at Nine (cc) Sex & City |Scrubs(S) with special performance by the winner of the Young m TLC Flip House Flip House Home Chef Home Chef Wild Weddings (cc) What Not to Wear (N) What Not Wear What Not to Wear (cc) Artists Competition Alden Gatt. m FOOD Minute Minute Good Eats Unwrapped Emeril Live $40-a-Day |Giada Paula s Party (N) Good Eats S40-a-Day The open rehearsal will be April 20 at Lehigh Senior SSI VH1 One Hit Wonders One Hit Wonders One Hit Wonders One Hit Wonders Accept II Love New York (S) Accept High School Auditorium at 7" p.m. sa SPIKE CSI: Crime Sen CSI: Crime Sen CSI: Crime Sen UFC s Ultimate Fight Night (S) Prisoners Out of Control S3 E! [5:00) The Big Lebowski E! News (TV) | Daily 10 Mean Girls: True Story Saturday Night Live (cc) The Soup Cohen EINews | Daily 10 On the Money Fast Money The Big Idea Mad Money May 1 & 2: Young People's Concert S2) CNBC Mad Money Apprentice: Los Angeles The Southwest Florida Symphony extends invitations to aii LIFE Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Still Stnd Still Stnd Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Movie: When Secrets Kill (1997) (Gregory Harrison) Desperate Housewives m HGTV What I Did Extreme If Walls House To Sell Buy Me (S) 24 Hour Curb House House Parents Freestyle all fourth grade and middle school students in Lee County m NICK SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Full House Full House Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. to attend the annual Young Peoples' Concert May 1 at Cape g5) DISN Life Derek So Raven Montana Suite Life Montana Cory Movie: ** Big Fat Liar (2002) (S) (:35) Movie: ** Big Fat Liar (2002) Coral High School and May 2 at South Fort Myers High a MTV Exposed PunkdfS] Scarred (S) Pimp Ride Cannon Cannon Hollyhood |Hollyhood Movie: *** 8 Mile (2002, Drama) (Eminem) (S) School. Joseph Caulkins conducts this journey through 400 ggi TNT Law& Order (cc)(DVS) Law & Order (cc) (DVS) Movie: *** Air Force One (1997) (Harrison Ford) (cc) [Movie: *+i Payback (1999) (50) A&E Cold Case Files (cc) Cold Case Files (cc) CSI: Miami Bunk (cc) |CSI: Miami (S) (cc) | Intervention Dillon (N) CSI: Miami (S) (cc) years of music history as they explore the works of such © USA Law Order: Cl Law Order: Cl Movie:** NationalTreasure-(2004)(NicolasCage)Premiere: (cc) * ' House Fetal Position greats as Mozart, Handel, Tchaikovsky,- Copeland and m AMC Movie! **» The Quick and the Dead (1995) Movie: ** Catwoman (2004) (Halle Berry) MOVJK *SS Friday the 13th Part 3 (1982) ••-••• more. Teachers will receive a Curriculum Guide and CD of S3 SUN SEC TV (N) | Head Coach NBA Action NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers at Miami Heat. Postgame Inside |The Bite | Track the music to be performed. For students who are unable to H ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (cc) NBA NBA Basketball Indiana Pacers at Miami Heat. (Live) (S) (cc) NBA Basketball: Lakers at Suns make these concerts, there is an open rehearsal at Lehigh m TBS Seinfeld (S) | Seinfeld (S) Raymond MLB Baseball Florida Marlins at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. Friends (S) Friends (S) | Raymond Senior High School April 20 at 7 p.m. No reservation is i§ TRAV Amelia Earhart Bermuda Tri. Miracle Quest (N) Creepiest Destinations Most Haunted (cc) Miracle Quest required for the open rehearsal. Reservations are required (SI ANPL Crocodile Hunter Diaries Funniest Animals Meerkat Meerkat Growing Up... Moose Miami Animal Police Funniest Animals 1" m COM Police Acad. 4 Scrubs (S) IScrubsfSj Daily Show Colbert Chappelles | South Park Amazing Jonathan ShaunoftheDead(cc) for the May 1 & 2 events. Tor additional information or ra SHOW (:15) Movie: * * Jitniny Glick in Lalawood (cc) Am. Life Am. Life TheTudors Episode 2 Penn |Penn Debbie | Debbie reservations, contact Leigh Byer at Cypress Lake High IS MAX Star Wars-The Phantom Menace (Movie: **x Star Wars: Episode II-Attack of the Clones Star Was.- Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (S). School at 481-3121. 05 SI TMC (5:30) The Big White (S) |(:15) Movie: **s Sahara (2005) (Matthew McConauqhey) IMovte: **» The Longest Yard (2005)(S)(cc) \Leaminq a The Schoolhouse Theater announces summer season I After the success of last summer, The "Las Vegas Legends," the current show

Schoolhouse Theater is proud to announce that at The Schoolhouse Theater. With 65 they're bringing back another summer season in hilarious impressions of performers Reid rep (two shows that will play alternating days of like Tom Jones and Sonny & Cher, to Kirchhoff, the week). "Feelin' Groovy," a 1960s music mystifying acts from Cirque to Soleil Nathan revue, will be the first to open on May 26. It will and David Copperfield, this is a night Bostick and O play solo on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays the whole family will enjoy. Bring Victor 65 and Saturdays until its counter-part- "Get Down your sense of humor and your gam- Legarreta in Tonight", a 1970s music revue, opens on June 16- bling chips, because we bet that you'll Las Vegas August 25. Once open, theater-goers can catch love this one! Performances are Legends." 1" "Get Down Tonight" on Tuesdays & Saturdays Tuesdays - Saturdays at 8 p.m. with a and "Feelin' Groovy" on Wednesdays and special 4 p.m. matinee on April 18. 85 Thursdays. During the summer, all shows will be For tickets and information, please SPECIAL TO THE I at 7 p.m. with ticket prices of $20 for adults and call the Box Office at 472-6862 or ISLANDER/NICK n $i0 for children. check out our website: www.theschool- ADAMS Don't forget that before summer hits, Vegas is housetheater.com. PHOTOGRAPHY calling your name. You don't want to miss out on Island talent evident at PoetryFest Lions Arts and Crafts Fair second best ever Since April has been desig- instructor of poetic form) had four 2006 was a banner attendance year for of $45,600 before expenses. nated as National Po.etry Month, poems about her first impressions the Lions Arts & Crafts Fair, so being sec- According to Fair Chairman, Les it stands to reason that our of Sanibel. Sid Simon gave a ond to last year puts 2007's attendance way Forney, the support of the community and intrepid troop of local poets cel- poignant reading about the AIDS ahead-of the average for the many years that guests justifies the many hours of hard work ebrated this annual event — epidemic and a tender rendition of the Fair has been held. and months of planning that go into the Fair creatively and in grand style — a dying Florida retired Grandfather The Lions had more exhibitors this year each year. last Saturday afternoon at BIG and his family's annual reunion.; than last, and exhibitor, s sales were brisk; The San-Cap Lions wish to thank every- ARTS. According to a newspa- Bob. Maxeiner read reflections of as were beverage sales, food vendor sales, one for their support, and look forward to per quote, "National Poetry another time on Sanibel 20 years admissions, T-shirt sales, and raffle tickets. doing it again next year. Month was established by the ago. Altogether, the San-Cap Lions raised a total Academy of American Poets in Lorraine Vail dipped her pen in 1996 to increase the attention truth and wit about the American paid by individuals and the Center Stage compulsion to remain forever media to the art of poetry, to liv- Marsha Wagner young with plastic surgery, Botox Orchid workshop and sale at Estates ing poets, to our poetic heritage and cosmetics, an expose both The Edison & including original and to poetry books and maga- wryly funny and tragic: She closed Ford Winter Estates To go orchid illustrations, zines." The Saturday afternoon celebration with her considerations of Sanibel, ending will present a work- painting, prints, pho- her segment by introducing a repeat of was riot only a class act, it was a most shop on orchid care What tographs, painted fur- enjoyable, enlightening, civilized and suc- some of the wonderful "Art/Poetry" high- on Friday April 13, at niture and garden cessful fou, leaving the audience bedazzled lights from two weeks ago. 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Workshop on items as well as live by the amount of talent that resides within This stellar afternoon concluded with the Estates Garden orchid care and orchid plants in the our local writers and poets. This year's Ruth Iyengar, Pat Washington, and Shoppe. The work- orchid sale gallery and adjacent theme was "Sanibel-inspired," with most of Franchesca Joyce reading their works dur- shop is free to the Where gardens. the poets reading at least one Sanibel- ing the open part of this program. public. Edison & Ford Contributors to the themed poem. Poetry is alive, well and, thank good- Estates horticultur- Winter Estates "Celebrating Orchids" Joe Pacheco, acting as Master of ness, thriving on Sanibel, thanks to the ist and master garden- Garden Shoppe, exhibit include: Jack Ceremonies launched the program with a energetic, creative writers and poets Living er, Debbie Hughes, 2350 McGregor Blvd. Kramer, Naples, noted poem for the late Nancy Jones paraphrasing and working here on the island. Did I enjoy will present this infor- When orchid author and his- Kilmer's "Trees." Laura Barr then took cen- my afternoon of poetry? you bet I did, but mal workshop giving Friday, April 13; 10 a.m. and 2 toric print collector; ter stage reading two poems; Ray Buck fol- my friend and fellow Islander newspaper tips and answering p.m. Manfred Behr, ForU lowed reading four, one about the gumbo theater critic and poet, Sid Simon, summed questions on orchid Myers, photographer limbo tree. Winnie Donoghue let us know it up even better than I ever could when he care and mainte- and writer; , Stig in her two poems that French women do get wrote: nance. Orchids, Dalstrom, Sarasota, fat; she was followed by Carol Erlich's Poetry Fest books and garden Selby Gardens Orchid three poems — one expressing a strong This Saturday was all poetry. items will be avail- curator and artist; anti-war statement. Pacheco gave voice his Island poets in full variety, performed. able for purchase. Marie Dyer, Fort (and our!) hilarious thoughts while trying to The Master of Ceremonies was right on. Participants will Myers, artist; Alico make a left-hand turn onto Periwinkle. That afternoon became a pleasant place to also have the opportu- Plant World Orchids, Vince Faraone gave us some light-hearted be. nity to visit the gallery orchids and laughter about pooper-scooping after his There was a fair share of wit and laughter. "Celebrating Orchids" habitat outdoors; Lhasa puppy. Bill Highsmith had me gig- A covey of brave anti-war poems stirred us. exhibit in the newly Debbie Hughes, gling as he recalled watching an egret Personal remembrances linked us together. restored Edison Estates Nursery and crossing Periwinkle, holding up traffic, as Uniqueness was encouraged and it Caretaker's House. Garden Shoppe he and his bicycle — distracted by by this flourished. The Exhibit features exquisite 19th and Manager. bird crossing traffic — collided with some At the end, the MC said there was no 20th century orchid illustrations that are bushes. (You're not alone; I've done that Other place he would rather have been, touring nationally and complemented by myself, Bill). Sharing poetry with a group of people work from a group of regional artists Tanya Hochschild read of playing Who loved it the way he did, right on. Scrabble while an alligator floated by. Marilyn Koren (BIG ARTS mentor and Right On Sid ! 90

4> OS a, of the Week DAYTIME MORNING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00111:30 (23 NBC News Today Ellen DeGeneres Show Martha CD PBS BodyElec. (Yoga Dragon fArthur Sesame Street Curious Clifford Dragon |Big World Varied Programs CD FOX (5:00) Fox 4 Rising Paid Prog. Land Sale Maury The Nanny |MadAbt. 9 CD CBS News {News News Morning Show Millionaire Bold & B. The Price Is Right CB CW The Daily Buzz The Daily Buzz The Daily Buzz Roseanne Roseanne Frasier 70s Show Paid Prog. JPaid Prog. m ABC News News Regis and Kelly News The View m HBO Movie (:45) Movie Varied Programs Movie | Movie Varied Programs m WGN Varied Meyer Changing Believers Hillbillies Hillbillies Matlock Magnum, P.h Homicide: Life E m TLC ToddWorld Hip-Harry Hi-5 Bus Bigfoot Peep Baby Story Baby Story Baby Baby Wedding Little as FOOD Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fun Fitness Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Varied Programs Saras Boy Grill Varied m VHI Jump Start Varied Programs Fresh Varied Programs aa SPIKE Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 1 Varied Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Star Trek: Next Gener. Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Wildest Police Videos SI E! Bloomberg Television E! News Daily 10 Varied Programs S3 CNBC Squawk Box Squawk on the Street Morning Call Morning Call m LIFE Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Workout Workout The Nanny The Nanny Golden Golden Frasier Frasier Will-Grace Will-Grace 82 HGTV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Knitty Gritty Creative Gardeners Painted Room Room Country Homes Homes Dream S3 NICK Rugrats Neutron Phantom OddParents SpongeBob SpongeBob Dora Go Diego BluesClues Backyard Pets Dora SPECIAL TO THE ISLANDER m DISN Stanley JoJo Wiggles Higglytown Einsteins Mickey HandL Doodlebop Charlie Koala Bro Wiggles Higglytown 81 MTV MTV Video Wake-Up Varied Programs The Big Ten Varied Programs Meet Dottie 83 TNT Angel Angel Charmed Charmed ER ER Dottie is a one-year-old stray kitty who has adapted S3) A&E Paid Prog. Paid Prog^ The District 24 Crossing Jordan City Confidential American Justice o very well to life indoors. She has pretty green eyes and m USA Coach Coach JAG JAG Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger u m AMC Movie Varied Programs (:15) Movie | Varied Programs a very striking black and white coat with large "dots" m SUN Paid Prog. Land Sale Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Public Affr | Paid Prog. Varied Programs across her right side. O ESPN SportsCtr. Varied SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCtr. | Varied _,SportsCenter | SportsCenter Her foster parents say she is delightful, but all of the m TBS Cosby Drew Carey Saved-Bell Saved-Bell Saved-Bell Saved-Bell Dawson s Creek Movie chasing and playing with her foster kitty sister, is mak- g§ TRAV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Epicurious Epicurious Varied Programs Made Taste m ANPL Champions Champions Wildlife Journal Really Wild Bark Mad Backyard Adoption Animal Miracles Emergency Emergency ing for a lot of chaos. Playing is what Dottie loves to do El COM Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Movie Daily Show [Colbert Scrubs Scrubs os best, but she would be better off in a home with no other © SHOW Movie Varied Programs pets. Her second favorite thing is to have her belly m MAX (5:45) Movie Varied Programs | (9:50) Movie Varied Movie rubbed and she is getting used to the idea of being m TMC Movie Varied |Movie |Varied Programs |(:35) Movie Varied Programs picked up. Her third favorite thing is cat naps in bed, under the blankets! "3 Dottie will provide lots of entertainment with her "3 DAYTIME AFTERNOON playing and, with time and patience, will make a won- 12:00112:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 derful lap kitty. She is spayed, had all of her vaccina- C2 NBC News Days of ourLives Passions Rachael Ray News News News tions and is ready to go. To adopt Dottie, call PAWS vol- CD PBS Varied Programs Capitol Mr Rogers Lions Reading [Cliff Pup Cyberchase Arthur Maya Postcards unteer Cathy at 472-5187 ext. 245 (day) or 472-9053 CB FOX Wilt-Grace | Raymond King of Hill Home Imp. Maury Greg Behrendt Simpsons King of Hill Malcolm My Wife (evening). CB CBS News Young and the Restless As the World Turns Guiding Light Oprah Winfrey News News CB CW Lopez Lopez Hatchett |Hatchett Judge Alex Judge Alex What I Like [What I Like Reba Reba Judge Judge CD ABC Fam. Feud Fam.Feud All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Dr. Keith Ablow Dr. Phil m HBO Movie Varied Movie [Varied Programs m WGN Da Vinci s Inquest WGN News at Noon Greg Behrendt Varied Programs Moesha Cosby Even Lizzie m TLC What Not to Wear Younger Younger Baby Story Baby Mother Baby Story Trading Trading Home Chef Home Chef Area pets go online ED FOOD Contessa |SandraLee Cooking Italian Emeril Minute Entertain Quick Fix Cooking Italian Contessa Sandra Lee SS VH1 Varied Programs Wee Waggin Rescue, Fort Myers, recently has joined m SPIKE Most Amazing Videos Wildest Police Videos |Star Trek: Next Gener. |Star Trek | Varied | Voyager JVaried Star Trek: Voyager re other animal welfare organizations in the area who list their m E E! News | Daily 10 Varied Programs U m CNBC Power Lunch Street Signs Closing Bell Closing Bell Kudlow & Company homeless pets on Petfinder.com, the oldest and largest SD LIFE Movie Movie Golden Golden Still Stnd Still Stnd database of adoptable animals on the Internet. The site cur- 82 HGTV Varied Programs Clever Cash Attic Mission Decorating Get Color Challenge First Place Freestyle Remix Dime rently has over 200,000 homeless pets listed, and it is m NICK Go Diego BluesClues Backyard Max Ruby. SpongeBob SpongeBob Neutron Phantom OddParents Avatar SpongeBob Drake updated continuously. m DISN Lilo Stitch Mermaid Timon Buzz Light Whiskers Proud Dragon K. Possible Varied Programs More than 10,500 animal welfare organizations in the 81 MTV Varied Programs TRL Varied |Peek Peek' | Parental U.S., Canada, and other countries post their pets on m TNT Judging Amy Judging Amy Law & Order Law & Order Charmed Charmed m A&E Cold Case Files CSI: Miami 24 Crossing Jordan City Confidential American Justice Petfinder.com. Wee Waggin Rescue pets can be viewed at §D USA Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/FL699.html. Once visi- SI AMC Movie | Varied Programs |(:15) Movie Varied Programs |(:45) Movie tors to the site find a pet they are interested in, they contact m SUN Varied Programs Paid Prog. Varied Programs the shelter where it is housed. Each animal placement SI ESPN Fastbreak Baseball Varied Programs Best of 1st and 10 Lines NFL Live SpoCenter Burning^ Horn Interruption m TBS NewsRadio Cosby Harvey | Harvey Harvey Steve H. Home Imp. Home Imp. Yes, Dear Yes, Dear King King group has its own policies and handles its own adoptions. SB TRAV Gr. Hotels Europe Globe Trekker Homes Homes Varied Programs Petfinder.com was created in early 1996 as a grassroots m ANPL Miami Animal Police Varied Programs Growing Up... Animals Animals Jeff Corwin Experience project by Jared and Betsy Saul to end the euthanasia of El COM Presents Presents Mad TV |Daily Show | Colbert Mad TV | Mad TV Varied Blue Coll Movie adoptable pets. Since its inception, the site has facilitated E) SHOW Movie Varied Programs approximately 15 million adoptions, making it the most © MAX Movie Varied Programs |(:45) Movie | Varied Programs life-saving initiative in animal welfare. SI TMC Movie Varied Programs I Movie ' ] Varied It is ranked 124th on the Internet for number of page views and is the largest pet site on the Web and includes not only adoptable pets, but a large library of pet related infor- SATURDAY MORNING APRIL 14, 2007 mation, message boards, and more. 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Purina is the Web site's premier sponsor. Other exclu- CB NBC Paid Prog. Wall St Today (N) (S (cc) News News Babar (cc) Dragon 3 2 1 Pen sive sponsors are The Animal Rescue Site, BISSELL SD PBS Classical Big World Dragon Arthur Zoboo Saddle Jakers Zula Patrol Mexico Food Americas Barbecue CB FOX Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sabrinas Sabrina s WinxClub Viva Pinata Turtles Viva Pinata Turtles Chaotic (N) Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Homecare, Inc., a manufacturer of home cleaning and floor CB CBS Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Madeline Sabrina Wink News Saturday Early Show (NlIS) (cc) Wink News Revolution care products, PETCO, a national pet supply retailer that CB CW The Littles Libertys Krypto Krypto Loonatics |Tom Jerry Shaggy Johnny T Legion Batman Batman Xiaolin sponsors in-store adoptions and provides coupon books for CD ABC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. News Good Morning America Emperor Replace So Raven So Raven Montana Suite Life new adopters, and Merial, maker of the number one veteri- m HBO (5:00) Indecent Proposal Hitler s Pawn (S) (cc) (:15)-Movie: •* RumorHas ff... (2005; |S; fee; Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story {S) Life Peter nary-recommended flea "and tick preventative FRONT- (3) WGN Farm Rpt. Paid Prog. Enterprise People Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. Paid Prog. [Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. m TLC Get Thin Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog^ Paid Prog. Clean Sweep (cc) Clean Sweep (cc) Clean Sweep (cc) LINE(r), and heartworm preventative HEARTGARD(r). m FOOD Paid Prog. All-in-One Cooking Italian Emeril Minute Good Deal [Ultimate Quick Fix |Cooking Sandra Lee Minute m VHI Jump Start (S) Fresh (S) Top 20 Countdown (S) Hogan _,Accept aa SPIKE Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Real Estate | Paid Prog. Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. Movie: *** The Terminator (1984) •_ Video Justice El E! Bloomberg Television The Judds: The El True Hollywood Story (S) (cc) E! News Weekend (N) Daily 10 The Soup Cohen Fashion S3 CNBC Net Worth Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Real Estate Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog^ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Real Estate Board of FISH shares gratitude m LIFE Paid ProcL Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Get Thin Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Movie:: Island Prey (cc) 82 HGTV Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Before Aft Dream DIY Rescue House Spaces Landscape Landscapr Ground Over Head Sweat The Board of Directors at FISH were delighted with the m NICK Rugrats (S[ Catscratch LazyTown OddParents Neutron Neutron SpongeBob SpongeBob OddParents El Tigre Avatar-Last Air response to their first ever mailing to island residents as DISN Bear JoJo Wiggles Higglytown Einsteins Einsteins Mickey Mickey Sprites Handy Doodlebop | Charlie requesting donations and offers a big thank you to all who as MTV Sweet 16 Hilary Duff Hilary Duff Taquita Taquita Run Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model participated. The care and concern for neighbors in need 85) TNT (5:30) Movie •*• flon/n ( 998) (Robert DeNiro) Movie:**** Cop Land 1997)( Premiere, (cc) Movie: ***. The Negotiator (1998) (cc) (DVS) ' eg A&E Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Murder, She Wrote (cc) Murder, She Wrote (cc) Biography Mama Cass Biography JanisJoplin | Sell House Spender was reflected in your contributions. S2 USA Coach (cc) Coach (cc) Paid Prog. |Real Estate Paid Prog. |SexyAbs Movie: *+% Waterworld (1995) (Kevin Costner)(cc) (DVS) All donations are confidentially used to improve the SI AMC Movie: **s Walk the Pro id Land (1956) (cc} Movie: **» Gunsmoke (1953) (:45) Movie: ** Drums Across the River (1954) Man-Star quality of life of our clients. For example, some assistance E3 SUN Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Land Sale | Paid Prog. Paid Prog. |Land Sale Outside Florida Fishing Report Seminoles Mike Martin with housing, purchase of scooter lifts and necessary med- HI ESPN SportsCenter (cc) SportsCenter (cc) SportsCenter (cc) SportsCenter (cc) SportsCenter (Live) (cc) ical equipment and sponsorship of the monthly Friendly 62 TBS Dawson s Creek (S) (cc) Harvey Harvey Movie: ** Feeling Minnesota (1996) (PA) (cc) Movie: *% Sweet November (2001) (cc) . m TRAV 7 Minute [Paid Prog. The Bean Paid Prog. Paid Prog. | Paid Prog. Most Haunted (cc) Miracle Quest Creepiest Destinations Faces Luncheons held at a local restaurant. This is an m ANPL Dog Show Eukanuba Tournament of Champions 200^! Houston, (cc) Good Dog | Breed Pet Star (cc) Meerkat |Meerkat enjoyable outing open to all residents, guests and FISH m COM Paid Prog. IPaidProg. |Mad TV (S) (cc) " Mad TV (Sl(cc) Mad TV (S) (cc) Mad TV (S) (cc) Mad TV (S) (cc) clients assisted by volunteers who can provide transporta- © SHOW (:05) Movie: ** Intoth&Blue (2005)/TV. (S) Movie: An Inconvenient Truth (2006) |Truth (9:50) Movie: Bullets Over Broadway I Liza tion. We really appreciate your support and giving spirit. m MAX Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang | Movie: ** Pink Cadillac (1989) (Clint Eastwood) |Movie: ** Just My Luck (2006) |(:45) Movie: Saving Private Ryan (S) You make Sanibel a truly beautiful place for all residents. m TMC (5:45) Movie: **% Sahara (2005) (S) (cc) |(7:55) Movie: **s The Locusts (1997) (S) |(:05) Movie: ** The Proposition (1998) (SUcc) Adopt A 'Ding' Darling seeking students for Youth Conservation Corps The J.N.' "Ding" Darling Wildlife This year we are hiring one administrative Manatee® Refuge on Sanibel Island is "hiring high person to participate in environmental edu- school students for its annual Youth YCC cation field trips. No prior work experience Conservation Corps summer program. • established in 1970 is required. Deadline for applications is CALL The program is for young men and • works to offer team May 4. women, ages 15 to 18, and provides valu- building and learning Applications are available from local (800) 432-JOIN able work-earn-learn experience, the pro- experiences high school guidance counselors and at the Adopt a manatee and help make a difference for all endangered manatees. gram runs from June 4 through July 27. • many land management refuge administrative office. Interested You'll receive an adoption certificate, a photo and biography of your During the eight-week program, the partic- employees were introduced young adults should call 472-1100 ext. 226 manatee and the Save The Manatee Club* newsletter five times a year. ipants work on landscape maintenance, to the field through the YCC and speak with Julie Hiller. Your contribution will go toward public awareness, education, research and lobbying for this unique species. construction/maitenance of boardwalks and trails and removal of non-native plants. t SATURDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 14, 2007 Obituaries ^ \; © 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 CB NBC NBC2 News Veggie Jane Qtr Final Land Sale Playoff NHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal Game 2 - Teams TBA. (Live) (S) (cc) Nancy Jones CB PBS Lldias Christina Real Old House Workshop Hometime Garden MotorWeek [Crossroad |McLaughlin |Wash Wk (Reefs A resident of Sanibel for over 20 years, Nancy Dean CB FOX Baseball Stars Will-Grace Will-Grace My Wife Friends (Sj Friends (S) MLB Baseball: Angels at Red Sox (Koyen) Jones died on April 4, 2007 at M.D. Anderson CE CBS Silent Paid Prog. TBA LPGA Golf: Ginn-Open PGA Golf Verizon Heritage - Third Round. (Live) (cc) Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. She was attended by her CB CW Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Movie; A Killer Upstairs (2005) (Tracy Nelsonl Movie: *** Punch-Dwnktov&(2002) .„,:JSmallville Lockdown . > Beakman s NBA Ace (Paid Prog. Sports Athlete Terrain Park Challenge Figure Skating Marshalls International Showcase. children, two grandchildren, her husband and a Lutheran m ABC Animal pastor for a bedside prayer service an hour before she com- •a m HBO {11:45> Movie: The Ufe and Death of Peter Sellers Movie:** U.S.Marshals(1998)(S)(cc) • :; Sopranos IMovfe: **flumdfeWas/r... (2005) o WGN HomeTeam Lincoln (S) NASCAR Cosby Soul Train (Sj (ccj Movie: *** The Wm(1998) (SharonStone) Funniest Home Videos mitted her soul to her Lord and Savior. m TLC (ccj Handyman Handyman Little People, Big World Little People, Big World Little People, Big World Little People, Big World Born in Fremont, Neb. in 1932, Nancy was the only m FOOD Italian [Contessa Krieger Entertain Good Eats (Ham Hungry |RokerRd Fried Treats Unwrapped Treats of Trade child of Herbert and Neva Koyen. She had been a full-time m VHI I Love New York (S) Size Matters (S) I Love the 80s: 3D (S) 1 Love the 80s: 3D (S) 1 Love the 80s:3D(Sj I Love the 80s: 3D (Sj resident of Sanibel since 1990. She was an accomplished O SPIKE Hrsepwer MuspleCar Xtreme4x4 | Trucks! (Sj Bullrun (Sj Countdown to... Disorderly Con. Disorderly artist, mainly painting in acrylics, and known for her bright, m E! Fashion Next Top Model: True Story Movfe *** The Big tebtmki (1998, Comedy) - Girls Girls Girls Girls m CNBC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. |PaidProg. Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. Paid ProgjPaid Prog. Real Estate Paid Prog. Paid Prog^ Real Estate energetic, tropical scenes reminiscent of her many travels. @D LIFE mm IslamtPfeyfccK toov\e: Uncaged Heart (20*07) (Julie Warner) (cc) :; Movfe: **x Painful SecretsKSOWMcc) • •• MovfeiflSna'Trust(2007) She served as co-president of the Sanibel-Captiva Art m HGTV Yard Curb Save Bath Baths Decorating Decorating Mission Mission Divine Divine Color reDesign League several years ago and was a member of BIG Arts. m NICK Nicktoon Nicktoon Nicktoon Nicktoon SpongeBob SpongeBob Neutron Phantom OddParents Avatar SpongeBob Drake She donated many paintings to auctions and raffles in the m DISN Lilo Stitch Replace Movie:: **KThepmcess Diaries (2001) (S) Dragon Dragon Emperor Emperor Replace Replace area and had a number of collectors of her art. 31 MTV Next Top Model Next Top Model | Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Very special to the many people she touched with her m TNT (10:00) The Negotiator Movie: *i*!s The Generals Daughter (1999) (John Tnvotta) Movie: *** Payback(19991'(MelGibson): --, AF1 S3* A&E Design | Design Driving | Driving | King Cars | King Cars Sons Sons |Shaq: Holding Court |Sell House Sell House sincerity, kindness and caring, Nancy will be sorely missed IS) USA Movie: *** The Mummy (1999) (Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz) (cc) Movie: *i Collateral Damage (2002) Bias Koteas (cc) . Bourne and not easily forgotten. She is survived by her husband of IH AMC (11,130} Movie: Man Without a:Star Movie: **!i Any Which Way You Can 980)( Sondra Locke Movie: **» The Quick and the Dead (1995) 30 years, John Frederic Jones, of Sanibel; by five children S3 SUN Golf IGolfing Lightning Phenoms NBA Action [X Corps Board Up M ami 2 Xtreem | Inside Inside | Powerboat — Christopher N. Chaney, and his wife, Diane, Cameron £1 ESPN Billiards Billiards Billiards Bull Riding Bull Riding: PRCA Horse Racing K. Chaney, and his wife, Jae, Phillip M. Jones, and his I O> TBS Sweetim l<:45) Movfe:*r Hardball(2001,Drami,(Keanu Reeves) (cc) (3:50)Movie:** ISpy(2002) (Eddie Murphy) Movie: Blue Streak (PA) 6S TRAV World Poker Tour From Los Angeles. Taste Taste Made Made Worlds Mightiest Bank Find Cash Treasures wife, Nancy, and her former daughter-in-law, Lynn Chaney, 2. SI ANPL Ferocious Croc ] Ocean s Deadliest Up Close Up Close Meerkat Meerkat Ms. Adventure (Nj Miami Animal Police all of California, Herbert W. Chaney, and his wife, Mary m COM M6vte'**is The Original Kings d-Comedy Movie: Police Academy 4: Citizens on Pajrol (cc) Movie: •*• Shaun of the Dead (2004) (cc) Elizabeth of Sanibel, and Victoria L. Jones of Texas There El SHOW Liza Movie: •••• Annie Hall (1977) (:05) Movie: **% Murphys Romance (1985) Movie:.*** Pretty WomanJ1990)/TV (S) (cc) are seven grandchildren — Nicole Chaney Lenwell, and k m MAX (10:45) Movie: Sawng Private Ryan :35 Movie:*** Vfor vendetta (2006)jS) (cc) On Set Movie: **+;; Back to the Future (1985) (S) her husband, Michael, Morgan and Taylor Chaney, and Iain IB TMC Movie: The Usual Suspects (1995) (S) :4S Movie: *** Blue Thunder (1983) (S) (:35) Movie: Busting Out |(:35) Movie: ** The Baxter (2005) and Garrett Jones, all of California, and Christopher and Daniel Chaney of Sanibel. I A memorial service and burial at sea will be private. 2 SATURDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 14, 2007 Donations in lieu of flowers should be sent in Nancy's 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00110:30 11:00 11:30 name to: Gramma's Hugs International, Post Office Box 2) NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Dateline NBC (S) (cc) Law & Order Church Law Order: Cl News Sat. Night 548, Elk Grove, CA 95759. [www.grammashugs.org] (33 PBS Reefs Earth Ed Lawrence Welk Show Antiques Roadshow Manor Born |Time Goes Summer | Summer Austin CityJ-imits (ecl 3) FOX MLB Baseball American Idol Rewind Cops (ccj |Cops America s Most Wanted News (cc) Mad TV (N) (S) (cc) Edward G. Bashian (S CBS News CBS News Paid Prog. Edition Cold Case (S) (cc) NUMB3RS Provenance 48 Hours Mystery (cc) News (cc) |(:35) Alias a: S3 CW Jim Still Stnd King 70s Show Movie: **I4 King Ralph (1991) Peter OToole News JKing StargateSG-1 Ethon Edward G. Bashian, age 93 on April 7, 2007. Mr. (23 ABC ABC News News Entertainment Tonight Movie: **K Shark Tale (2004) Premiere. (S) Ugly Betty (Sj (ccj News | Extra (W) Bashian was a resident of Sanibel, Florida, formerly of m HBO OI^MovlK:*** MustLove Dogs (2005} (SJ Movie: ***K Unitea'93'(2006)Premiere. (Sj The Sopranos (S) (cc) Movie: U.S. Marshals (S) Tenafly, New Jersey. He is survived by his beloved wife of I O WGN American Idol Rewind MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox at Cleveland Indians. (Live) (S) (cc) WGN News at Nine (cc) Sex & City |24 (Sj (cc) 66 years, Arax A, nee Doumanian, Loving father of Gary, I US TLC Little People, Big World Little People, Big World Little People, Big World Flip House | Flip House Flip House | Flip House Little People, Big World Paul, Janet Perlstein and Nancy Bunin. Loving "Papa O m FOOD Challenge Iron Chef America Emeril Live All Star Desserts Treats of Trade Iron Chef America Eddie" of Christopher, Alexander, Jennifer, Paul, Christine, 65 ae) VHI 1 Love the 80s: 3D (S) 1 Love the 80s: 3D (Sj 1 Love the 80s: 3D (S) 1 Love the 80s: 3D (S) I Love the 80s: 3D (Sj Accept |l Love NY Andrew, Robert and Max. Loving father-in-law to Jackie, m SPIKE Disorderly |Disorderly Con. , |Movie: ••* Mad Max Beyond Thundeidome (1985) ;The Ultimate Fighter (S) TNA Wrestling Impact! 3 S3 E! Celebrity Divorces E! News Weekend Saturday Night Live (cc) Saturday Night Live fee) Saturday Night Live (cc) The Soup |Gone Bad Kathy, Terry, Jeff and Kevin. Mr. Bashian was a member m CNBC Paid Prog. |Paid Prog. Tim Russert Deal or No Deal (S) (cc) The Suze Orman Show Tim Russert Deal or No Deal (S) (cc) of and Co-Chairman of the building committee as well as (3D LIFE (5:00) Movie: Blind Trust.Movie:. A Stranger at the Door (2004) (Linda Purl)Movie: Ambers Story (2006) (Elisabeth R htn)(cc) Medium (S) cc) Parish Council Chairman of the Holy Cross Armenian E) HGTV Remix Remix 24 Hour House To Sell Color Challenge Challenge Dime Dime Divine Divine Church of New York. He was a member of and Chairman (S) NICK School OddParents OddParents SpongeBob School Naked Drake Mr. Meaty Full House Full House Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. of the building committee as well as Chairman of the Parish 8 SB DISN Montana Montana Montana Montana K. Possible Dragon Movie; **« The Princess Diaries (2001) (S) , Suite Life So Raven g! MTV Next Top Model Next Top Model Next Top Model Real World | Real World |Real World-Road Rules Hollyhood Hollyhood Council of the St. Thomas Armenian Church in Tenafly, m TNT (&30)JI«d«e:-*** Air Force

Peaches Plus SIOP BY io SEE OUR 6izes 14W - 24W REPUBLIC WOMEN'S APPAQEL & 6ANDAL6 WOMEN'S APPAQEL & 6A1 6ANIBEL PERFUME :2075 Periwinkle Way • Periwinkle Shopping Center • Sanibel Island, FL (239) 395-0722 • www.peachrepublk.com • (239) 472-8444 o at on

SUNDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 15, 2007 12:00 12:30 1:00 I 1:30 I 2:00 I 2:30 I 3:00 I 3:30 4:00 I 4:30 I 5:00 I 5:30 •"2 NBC Heads-Up Poker Champ. WHL Hockey Conference Quarterfinal Game 2 - Teams TBA. (Live) (S) (cc) Champ Car World Series Racing m. PBS The Hidden Child (N)(S) Suglhara: Conspiracy of Kindness (S)\Bonhoetfer Expression ITerezin: Resistance | American Masters jeer) ffi.FOX Gift to Mom Seinfeld (S) | NASCAR Racing Nextel Cup - 500. From Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. (Live) (S) (cc) SL CBS Worid Finals LPGA Golf: Ginn Clubs & Resorts Open PGA Golf Verizon Heritage - Final Round. (Live) (cc) os CW Stargate Atlantis (cc) Smallvllte Reckoning |Movle: »»» Just the Ticket (1999, Romance) \24(S)(cc) lAllofUs |Girtfriends ABC Paid Prog. |NBA NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Washington Wizards, (cc) |NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Dallas Mavericks, (cc) *C m_ HBO (1030) Tsunami, the Aftermath (2006) Realtime |(:45) Movie: **% The Lake House (2006)<(S) IMovte: *** 16 Blocks (2006) (S) fa WGN Funniest | Funniest Home Imp. | Real TV (S) MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds at Chicago Cubs. (Live) (S) Sisters Symphony #1. Pre-concert lecture by Associate Conductor (:1S) Movie: *** Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Sopranos Stage 5 Entourage IDeLaHoya Mavie: The late House Joseph Caulkins is a 7 p.m. Tickets are $19 - $49. For more Funniest Home Videos Funniest I Funniest Shalom In the Home (N) [Anwricw Choppor (cc) information or to purchase tickets, call the box office at Food Notwork Awwtte (N) 418-1500. Or buy on line at www.swflso.org. I Love New York (S) I Love New York (S) I Love New York fS) [Flavor ol Love Girls: Charm School Movie: ** Exorcist The Beginning (2004) James DArcy U El News weekend m Paradise Cetebrtv Plastic S

"33 Murders (2007) Premiere. ArtPoems on Sanibel Weekend Renovation Just Jordan Zoey 101 Untabutous Full House By JOSEPH PACHECO Montana Suite Lite Kids 2: The Island ot Lost Dmams(S) wlliw LHV !JO FWTCn The ArtPoems produced by the collaboration of Sanibel Cannon Cannon Real World-Road Rules artists and poets are now being exhibited in the Sanibel Movie: •*•*» The Fugitive (1993) (cc) Movie: ** walking library. During the month of April, artists Georgene Knight, Marcy Calkins and Jo Mullen will exhibit their paintings; MOV*.*** MOWS Pam Brodersen and Caroline Hoisington will exhibit their paintings in May. Some of the artwork will be displayed with ArtPoems created by poets Don Brown, Ray Buck, ** RUSh Hour 2 (2001 Vince Faraone, Bill Highsmith, Tanya Hochschild, Mary Earlhs Natural Wonders t Natural wonders National LaVelle, Bob Maxeiner, Joseph Pacheco, Sid Simon and worn tugiwn oog Lorraine Vail. TheTudors EnsoovS Tmludon utiooea The joint display of artwork and poetry is the first of its kind on Sanibel. Be sure to enjoy the artistic fruit of the Mows; *** Dirty Dindnqd San-Cap Poets and Painters Collaborative Project on your next visits to the library. MONDAY PRIME TIME APRILT6;2007 6:00

Sandy flyiwdl invites you to oome to the Grand Opening Pcrty of Csntinc Csptivs. Monday, April 23 fi:30pm - 7:00pm Try froo iimplofl of our menu, Cash bar with 80% of proceeds going to PURRE. Exhibit of Excellence awards given to artists at BIG ARTS Awards were handed out at the Exhibit of Excellence at Galli, raku artist for "White Bird", Honorable Mentions went the Phillips Gallery at BIG Arts on Sanibel on March 31. to woodturner, Phil Krym, "Gold in the Grass", and clay Judged by Scott Snyder, he stated that the entire show was artist Betsy Schuman, "Branching Out" and the Congress top-notch in creativity and craftsmanship. Award winners Jewelers Award went to goldsmith Francesco Teresi, "Fluid „V rE&st your news at the virtual caught his eye because of incredible attention to detail, out- Life" The show is on exhibit until April 28. For gallery days ~t %£$* ' siewsroom! standing design and sheer beauty. First Place went to silver- and times, please call BIG Arts at 395-0900. T smith William P.Seal, Sr. for "Dining for One", Second Place The SW Florida Craft Guild works to encourage high :•"**: -V "v^ww.sahibel-captiva- to batik artist Muffy Clark Gill, "Veranda View", Third Place standards of performance and accomplishments in fine 4r:-M -*7 ~ • Eslander.com. to raku artist David Goodspeed, "Rusty", Merit Awards went crafts. They participate and promote as well as educate by to sculptor Jerry Churchill for "Terminal Three" and Janet use of shows, exhibitions and dissemination of information. TUESDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 17, 2007 League of Women Voters 7? 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00110:30 11:00 11:30 8, m NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Dateline NBC (S) (cc) Law Order: Cl Law & Order: SVU News Tonight i CD PBS SBC World Business News-Lehrer Nova First Flower (N) America at a Crossroads (N) (S) (cc) . Charlie Rose (N) (S) (cc) present 'Perilou$ Water$ 3) FOX Friends (S)_ Friends (S) Raymond Seinfeld American Idol (cc) House Act Your Age News News Seinfeld (S) a The public is 65 m CBS News (ccj News Millionaire Inside NCIS Once a Hero (S) The Unit (S) (cc) 48 Hours Mystery (cc) News (cc) Late Show CB CW Judge Judy Judge Judy King 70s Show Gilmore Girls (N)(cc) Pussycat Dolls-Search News JFrasier (S) King Jim welcome to partici- CS ABC News ABC News Entertain Extra (N) Lopez |Lopez Dancing With the Stars Boston Legal (N) (cc) News Nightline pate in four impor- To go ® HBO Meryfe;**,* W*,of,tte,Mtorids(20Q5),(S).M. ' . Movie:,****United93 (2006) (S) (cc) • . . The Sopranos Stage 5 Entourage De La Hoya tant and timely top- What m WGN Home Imp. | Home Imp. Funniest Home Videos Funniest [Funniest Funniest JFunniest WGN News at Nine (cc) Sex & City Scrubs (S) ics key to our local League of Women Voters 23) TLC Property Ladder (cc) Monster House (cc) Miami Ink (cc) Miami Ink (cc) Miami Ink (cc) Miami Ink (cc) economy and the present "Perilou$ Water$: m FOOD Minute Minute Good Eats | Unwrapped Emeril Live Cakes | Bobby Flay Tasty IRoadTast Good Eats $40-a-Day So) VH1 Celeb Moment Out of Control 40 Dumbest Celeb Quotes Ever (S) Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School Springer citizens of Lee Southwest Florida's Economic E) SPIKE CSI: Crime Sen CSI: Crime Sen CSI: Crime Sen |UFC Unleashed Bullrun(SJ The Ultimate Fighter (SI County - our local Crisis" IS E! Pink: Story E!News(NJ|Daily10 Movie: *** The Big Lebowski (1998, Comedy) Girls JGirls E!News | Daily 10 water supply. There When The Big Idea Mad Money m CNBC Mad Money On the Money Fast Money Deal or No Deal (S) (cc) is no charge for this . Sunday, April 15; 2-5 p.m. m LIFE Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Still Stnd. Still Stnd Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Mpvjte«ewo/Terror (2003)(ShannenDoberty) Jr Will-Grace Will-Grace event, refreshments Decorating Where 82 HGTV What 1 Did Whats If Walls ' House To Sell Buy Me (S) 24 Hour House Buy Me (S) My House Potential will be served. S3 NICK School OddParents OddParents Neutron SpongeBob Drake Funniest Full House Roseanne Roseanne Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Unitarian Universalist Church Sunday, April 15 m DISN Phil So Raven Phil Suite Life MovterTfte Cheetah Girts 2 (2006) (Raven) (S)(cc) Life Derek Phil Suite Life So Raven 13411 Shire Lane, Fort Myers Exposed MTV Spec Pimp Ride Pimp Ride Real World-Road Rules PunkdfN)JScarredfN) Challenge Lahaina Pimp Ride Pimp Ride from 2 to 5 p.m. at 31 MTV Features m TNT Law & Order (cc)[DVS) Law & Order Gunplay Law & Order Red Ball The Closer Batter Up The Closer (cc) Cold Case Red Glare the Unitarian S3 A&E Cold Case Files (cc) CSI: Miami (S) (cc) CSI: Miami Dispo Day Dog the Bounty Hunter Driving | Driving CSI: Miami (S) (cc) Universalist Church Four speakers; question and (S) USA Law & Order: SVU Law Order: Cl Law & Order: SVU Movie: *** Bariiershop 2: Back in Business. Law Order: Cl located at 13411 answer session; informative dis- i m AMC Hovte:**feffaefr Widow (1987) (cc)' • Movie: **• Dead CalmJ1989) (Sam Neill) (cc) Movie:***. Misery (1991)) (James Caan) Shire Lane (off plays 5 g7) SUN My Words |My Words |2Xtreem Track Golf Duramed FUTURES Tour - Finals. Flatsmasters Series Powerboat |DestWild More information m ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (cc) NFL Live SportsCenter Special US Poker Baseball Tonight (Live)_ SportsCenter (Live) (cc) Daniels Road, n (S) TBS Seinfeld (S) | Seinfeld fS) Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Sex & City Sex & City Friends (S) Friends (SI Sex & City |Sex & City 0.5mi west of 1-75), www.lwvlee.org or contact 85 g§ TRAV Alaskan Wild (cc) Wonders West Colorado: River Made Made Secrets of Niagara Falls Colorado: River Fort Myers, the Laura Miller at 765-6536 The Crocodile Hunter The Most Extreme (cc) The Most Extreme (cc) Animals Behaving Badly Animal Precinct (N) The Most Extreme (cc) ii ANPL following speakers C5 (B) COM The Royal Tenenbaums Scrubs (S) |Scrubs(S) Daily Show | Colbert Chappelles| South Park Mencia Mencia Daily Show IColbert will discuss water m SHOW Liza With a Z: Concert Movie:**** Capote(20i05) iTV. (S)(cc) TheTudors Episode3 Am. Life Penn Movie: Tamara (2005) Ui US) MAX [:t5)Movie:-***x Full Metal Jacket (1987) (:15)Movle: **ss Unleashed (2005) (Jet U)(S) Movie: **JS Firemlt(2m) (S) Best Sex 5 quality issues: S) TMC (:15) Movie: **» Damie Darico |20Hariks)(S),(cc) :' IMovle: *%BigmmmasHouse2 ... Erotic IH TMC NexfBest IMovle: ** The Baxter (2005TIS) | Movie: ** The Biq White (2O05), \{-AS)Mo\i\e;-k*iaTheVsualSuspects(1995) Dirty Dan. A question and answer session will follow. All of our local public officials have been invited to this timely and important forum. The following supporting organizations will have THURSDAY PRIME TIME APRIL 19, 2007 informative display: 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 H Audubon of Florida CD NBC News NBC News Fortune Jeopardy! Name Earl The Office 30 Rock (N) Scrubs (N) (•:01)ER(NHS;rcc) News Tonight I Natural Resources Defense Council CD PBS BBC World Business News-Lehrer This Old Hous America at a Crossroads (N) (S) (cc) Charlie Rose (N) (S) (cc) Sierra Club , CB FOX FriendsJS) Friends (S) Raymond Seinfeld (S) You Smarter? Trading Spouses News News Seinfeld (S) GD CBS News (cc) News Millionaire Inside Survivor: Fiji (N) (S) (cc) CSI: Crime Sen Shark Fall From Grace Mews (cc) Late Show PURRE Water Coalition CB CW Judge Judy Judge Judy King 70s Show Smallville Progeny (N) Supernatural (N) (S) (cc) News | Frasier (S) King Jim I Caloosahatchee River Citizens Association CD ABC News ABC News Entertain Extra (N) Ugly Betty Punch Out Grey s Anatomy (N) (cc) (:01) October Road (N) News Nightline I Responsible Growth Management Coalition (H) HBO (5:15) Movie: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Movie: ++!4 The Lake House (S) IFracture Big Love Affair (cc) Taxicab Confessions Save It Now, Glades! E3 WGN Home Imp. jHome Imp. Videos | MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. | WGN NewsSex & City | Scrubs (S) For more information, see www.lwvlee.org or contact 23) TLC Property Ladder (cc) Overhaulin (cc) American Chopper^ccj American Chopper (N) | Motorcycle American Chopper Laura Miller at 239-765-6536. m FOOD Minute Minute Good Eats ; Unwrapped Emeril Live Food Network Awards | Cakes Good Eats S40-a-Day m VHI I Love New York (S) I Love New York (S) 1 Love New York (S) 1 Love New York (§1 1 Love New York (S) Accept Flashdance S2 SPIKE CSI: Crime Sen CSI: Crime Sen CSI: Crime Sen TNA Wrestling Impact! The Ultimate Fighter (S) UFC 70 Countdown S3 E! Celebrity Plastic Surgery E News (N) | Daily 10 Celebrity Divorces Charlie and Denise Girls Cohen EINews | Daily 10 S3 CNBC Mad Money On the Money Fast Money Deal or No Deal (S) (cc) The. Big Idea Mad Money Boys & Girls Clubs hosts m LIFE Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Still Stnd Still Stnd Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Movie: Mom at Sixteen (2005) (Mercedes Ruehl) Will-Grace Will-Grace g2 HGTV What I Did Small If Walls House To Sell Buy Me (S) Divine Landscapr House House Over Head Sweat celebration of wine & foods m NICK School OddParents OddParents Neutron SpongeBob Drake Full House Full House Roseanne Roseanne Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. 31 DISN Suite Life So Raven Phil Suite Life So Raven Suite Life Montana Suite Life Life Derek Phil Suite Life So Raven 31 MTV Exposed MTV Spec Cannon Cannon Hollyhood Hollyhood Pimp Ride Cannon Hollyhood Giant Scarred (S) Scarred (S) The Boys & Girls Clubs of Lee County will host their m TNT Without a Trace (S)(cc) Without a Trace (S) (cc) Movie: **K Undemorid (2003) (Kate Beckinsate) (cc) Movie: **x Undefworid^2003)\ first ever "Its Twilight Time" on Sunday, April 15 at the S3 A&E Cold Case Files (cc) Cold Case Files (cc) CSI: Miami (S) (cc) The First 48 (N) (cc) Jacked The First 48 A Serial Killer Calls Gulf Coast Town Center Mall. This will be an upscale out- @2 USA Law Order: Cl Law Order: Cl Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order: Cl | Law Order: Cl door event located in the Market Plaza inside the Gulf IH AMC (:15)iMo:v*e: ** Commando (tms, mm ' Movie: **8 Red DawnJ(1984) (Patrick Swayze) Premiere. .1:. v>Movie: **• Black Dog (1998) (ce)i Coast Town Center that will prove to be the premiere wine (52) SUN Sportsman [Fishing |Florida Fish ng Report (Live) (Fishing |Sportsman Saltwater | Fishing ShipShape Florida Fishing Report tasting event of Lee County. "Its Twilight Time" will have m ESPN SportsCenter (Live) (cc) NFL Live |SportsCenter Special (Live) (cc) Baseball Tonight (Live) SportsCenter (Live) (cc) g2 TBS Seinfeld (S)| Seinfeld (Sj Raymond MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at Atlanta Braves. From Turner Field in Atlanta. | Friends (S)Friends (S) Hfeftsfo-x: the most decadent foods and wines restaurants include: IS TRAV Natural Wondr Natural Wonders Yellowstone Places to See SeaWorld Yellowstone Cm, Blu Sushi, Harold's On Bay, H2, Norman Love @ ANPL The Crocodile Hunter The Most Extreme (cc) Fat Pets Worlds Ugliest Dog Animal Precinct (N) Fat Pets Confections, Rob & Stucky Culinary Center, Carrabba's, (B) COM 5:00 Detroit Bock City Scrubs (S) jScrubs (Sj Daily Show | Colbert Chappelles|SouthPark South Park Spade Daily Show |Colbert Islamorada Seafood Company, Cantina Laredo and many m SHOW 525 Movie: (.ongshbr Movie: **» Beyond the Sea (2004) iTV. (S) Joe Rogan: Live (iTV) (N)Penn Am. Life TheTudors Episode3 more! Beverages and fine wines provided by Stacole Fine 12 MAX i :15) Marie: *•• The 40-Ybar-Old Virgm^20O5)- • K-15) Movie ••* Beverly Hilts Cop (1984) (S)- ' Uoviei*** Inside Man (2006lcTs.cooi

ft /O0O\ /I 70 CIQC PLACING A CLASSIFIED Advertise Locally Photos Bring Results! Vt.07/ 4/Z"0 100 AD IS FAST & EASY! Reach readers of the Sanibel Let our experienced sales staff help you create your ad! Captiva Islander, which is mailed 2 each Friday to every address on Get the advantage FAX: (239) 472-1372 • 695 Tarpon Bay Rd, Suite 13 • Sanibel, Fl., 33957 Sanibel and Captiva. and reach your tar- Mon - Fri 8:30am-5pm get customer fast After hours - Wednesday - Friday til 7PM and Saturday 8am -12 noon Call (239) 574-5644 with the addition of 1ITEM UP TO Reach Your Target Customer In Any Of The Following Publications: 28 WORDS $76-$126 an eye catching photo! Only $19.50 additional charge Super Seller Package per week!

Your ad will appear in ALL of the Breeze Newspapers in Lee and Cape Coral Breeze Lehigh Acres Citizen Pine Island Eagle Charlotte Counties, with circulation in (Saturday) 54,000 25,600 7,000 Pine Island, Cape Coral, Ft. Myers, N. Ft. Myers, Lehigh, Sanibel, Captiva, I Ft. Myers Beach, Boca Grande, Port Charlotte & Punta Gorda. 'Business Ads start at $110.00


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Moving to New York, New England & Alone?? Seniors Dating Bureau. $GET MONEY N0W$ Do you have a info @ americasdrivingacademy.com all states between. Customer rated lawsuit or settlement? Don't Wait!! WE'D LIKE ADOPTION Give your baby the best Safest since 1977!! (Ages 45-90) 1- A + . Free estimates & friendly serv- 800-922-4477 (24 hours) or log onto: Call 866-386-3662 www.lawstreet- TO TALK in life. Living Expenses Paid. ice. Credit cards accepted. Relocation capital.com Driver- CLASS-A CDL DRIVERS- RespectedDating.com Now Hiring OTR & Local Drivers- New Medical Expenses / Counseling Specialists. (Lie. #MC299938) 1-800- TO YOU. U Paid. Many Loving, Educated, Very 941-3767 What Destroys Relationships? HOME LOANS 100%! Regardless of Equipment; Great Benefits; Premium Financially Secure Couples Answer pg 446 Buy and Readcredit! Purchase/Refinance. Buy Pay Package. Call Oakley Transport, Waiting! Call Jodi Rutstein, an FLORIDA CORP. $99.95. $154.95 the home you're living in with no (877) 484-3042. The Breeze Newspapers "33 Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard Send is accepting applications Attorney / Social Worker who truly FLORIDA LLC. Complete & $8.00 to: • Hubbard Dianetics money down! Get Immediate cares. #133050 800-852-0041 Includes State Fees. Company Approvals @ for a reporter for Foundation, 3102 N. Habana Ave., Driver: DON'T JUST START YOUR the Islander, your Book & Seal. Free information Tampa, FL 33607 (813) 872-0722 WestshoreMortgage.com ADOPTION 888-812-3678 Living packet: 813-854-2300 Ext. 100 CAREER, START IT RIGHT! hometown newspaper. in Expenses Paid. Choose a Loving, Company Sponsored CDL training in Strong reporting and www.amerilawyer.com or call 3 weeks. Must be 21. Have CDL? Financially Secure family for your Miami-Dade... (305) 854-6000; SCHOOLS/ Is your IRA earning 12% per year? writing skills, a love of child. Caring & confidential. (24 Are your bonds, savings account or Tuition reimbursement! CRST. (866) community journalism Broward.... (954) 630-9800; 917-2778. hours / 7 days), Attorney Amy Tampa... (813) 871-5400 St. Pete... INSTRUCTION CDs paying 12%? Want toear n 12% and a willingness Hickman. (Lie. #832340) Call 813-241-6800 or email to become immersed in (727) 442-5300 Orlando... (407) 898- [email protected] 5500 Toll Free... (800) 603-3900. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Drivers... ASAP!! 21 CDL Drivers the community required, ARE You the Father? 100% Accurate photography skills a plus. AABB Accredited Lab Test For Spiegel & Utrera, PA. L. Spiegel, Home. "Medical "Business, LAWSUIT LOANS?'Cash before your Needed *36-43CPM/$1.20pm* Sign- Esq., Miami. 'Paralegal, "Computers "Criminal case settles. Auto, workers comp. All On Bonus $0 Lease New Trucks. Only We are also looking for $265.00 With or Without The Mother. a group editor to lead Toll Free 1-888-875-7574. Justice. Job placement assistance. cases accepted. Fast approval. $500 3 mos OTR req'd. (800) 635-8669. METAL ROOFING - Save $$$ buyComputer provided. Financial Aid ifto $50,000. 866-709-1100. our Island family of •BANKRUPTCY* "DIVORCE* *1 direct from manufacturer. 20 colors in qualified. Call (866) 858-2121 www.glofin.com newspapers, the Islander, Signature Divorce "Missing Spouse stock all accessories. Quick turn www.onlineTidewaterTech.com DRIVERS LCT WANTS YOU! OTR the Island Reporter and Divorce Child Custody & Support around. Delivery available, 352-498- TAXES & INSURANCE TOO HIGH? drivers, solos or teams. 6 months the Captiva Current. Solid Property & Debts OK Covering All 0778 or 888-393-0335 code #50 "Can You Dig It?" Heavy Equipment Want to lower mortgage pmts? experience & CDL-A/ HAZ required. reporting background, Areas 1-888-705-7221 "Established www.GulfCoastSupply.com School. 3wk training program. Consolidate debt? 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Adoptions. 866-413-6294 FL BaToner , Since 1998 (No attachments Code F06000007497 Bulldozers, Backhoes, Loaders, OPPORTUNITIES 95% no touch! Preplanned freight! Dump Trucks, Graders, Scrapers, $.43 per mile, hometime, money & please,"paste" clips 01 in the window.) Excavators; National Certification'Job ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do youmore! Heartland Express CORPORATION $91.95, $209 LLC PLEASE REVIEW Placement Assistance; Associated (800)441-4953 Fax: 239-574-5693. Includes State & Attorney Fees & earn $800/ day? 30 Machines, Free Mail: Executive editor, Training Services (800) 251-3274 Candy All for $9,995. (888) 629-9968 www.heartlandexpress.com. Corporate Book. (LLC w/Free YOUR www.equipmentoperator.com. Breeze Newspapers, Operating Agreement & Federal BO2000033. CALL US: We will not be 2510 Del PradoBlvd., Tax ID) Law Offices of Nick CLASSIFIED AD undersold! Cape Coral, FL 33904 Spradlin, 1-877-845-0621; 813-435- ON THE FIRST MONEY TO LOAN ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do You GENERAL 3176; 305-671-3665; 407-574-4720; $$ GET QUICK CASH $$ 1st/ 2nd Earn $800 in a Day? 30 Machines www.nickspradlin.com DAY OF Mortgages Foreclosure? and Free Candy All For $9,995. Call HELP WANTED 1 (888) 753-3430. AIN#BO2000033 MOVIE EXTRAS, ACTORS, MOD- Bankruptcy? Purchase/ Re-Finance Call Us: We Will Not Be Undersold! PUBLICATION. Bad Credit/ Self Employed. No A COOL TRAVEL JOB" Now hiring ELS! Make up to $250/day, all ages CRIMINAL DEFENSE Arrested?? Guys Get Haircuts. Guys watch IF THERE ARE ANY Income Verification. Mortgage Sports. Every franchise investment 18-24 Guys/Gals to work and travel and faces wanted! No exp. Required, Arrested?? Accused? Accused? CORRECTIONS THAT NEED Corp. Network. Licensed should be so obvious. Recession entire USA. Paid training. FT/PT! 800-851-9174 Criminal Defense Protect Your Rights TO BE MADE PLEASE Correspondent Lender. Call Now proof. All cash. Full Training and Transportation and lodging furnished. Let...A-A-A Attorney Referral Service CONTACT YOUR LOCAL (888) 999-8744 Toll-Free Or Visit: Support. Financing available (800) Call today, Start today. (877) 646- Help you, All Legal Matters & Injury BREEZE NEWSPAPERS www.mycashyes.com 872-4247 / www.SportClips.com. 5050. Cases 800-733-5342 OFFICE. POST PRESS OWN YOUR OWN Business! Need a DIVORCE $275-$350* COVERS chil- THEA BREEZE NEWSPAPERS IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GET THE FINANCIAL help you need! challenge in day today work? It's hard ""AVON GENERAL INFO*** Earn IMMEDIATE OPENINGS dren, etc. Only one signature Regardless of your credit score! Debt work, but exciting work. Plans, Extra $$$! 1-800-796-2622 FOR THE POST PRESS required! "Excludes govt. fees! Call ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR ON THE FIRST DAY OF Consolidation, Personal Loans and Support, Training. Free Info! 800-210- Ind.sls.rep. DEPARTMENT AT THE weekdays (800) 462-2000, ext. 600. More. From $3k - $300k Call 866-381 - 3006 BREEZE NEWSPAPERS. (8am-6pm) Alta Divorce, LLC. PUBLICATION. CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT 2290 No Fees. MANY ENTRY LEVEL Established 1977. Captiva business seeking experi- POSITIONS OPEN FOR RATE WHICH MEANS 01 enced F/T bookkeeper. Knowledge of DIVORCE? DIVORCE? Need a THERE ARE NO REFUNDS 2ND (3PM-11PM) AND U.S. Gov't. Lowest Fixed % 15, 30 or PLEASE REVIEW Peachtree Accounting or similar sys- 3RD (11PM- 7AM) SHIFTS, Lawyer? A-A-A Attorney Referral FOR ADS 40 Year "Mortgages Below Prime tem, Excel software and sales and Service 1-890-733-5342 All Legal CANCELED EARLY. YOUR WITH POSSIBILITY Rate"....Save $1,000's. Cut payments, payroll tax returns preferred. Great FOR ADVANCEMENT, Matters Criminal Defense & Personal refinance, purchase, consolidate, benefits. Please mail resume to: P. O. Injury CLASSIFIED AD Box 458, Captiva, Florida, 33924, Att: FOR THE RIGHT catch-up, remodel. Any Reason (cred- CANDIDATES. it problems..O.K.) ON THE FIRST Stan Crew. 1-800-844-7454 ' PLEASE APPLY AT DAY OF 14051 JETPORT LOOP RD CHARLOTTE M-F8AM-3PM. WE OFFER PAID TRAINING! PUBLICATION. CORR. INSTITUTION FINANCIAL SERVICES IF THERE ARE ANY PUNTA GORDA, FL Security Professionals Needed ATTENTION: HOMEOWNERS 1-Hr. CORRECTIONS THAT NEED NEEDS REFINANCE APPROVAL - Been TO BE MADE PLEASE The Wackenhut Corporation is currently hiring for many new positions Water Plant Operators Turned down? Call Us! We lend on CONTACT YOUR LOCAL Class C License (armed/unarmed) throughout Lee and Collier Counties. (Condominiums, equity, not credit! Got 500 FICO BREEZE NEWSPAPERS Responsible high school student for Gated Communities, Colleges, Malls, DOT Rest Stop, etc.) (dual Lie. pref.) Mommy's helper two days per week, Score? Mortgage Behind? No OFFICE. High School Diploma Custom Protection Officers Income? ...It's OK!!! Free Appraisal @ THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS 3yrs. Experience after school. (239) 395-3443. Earn$12.00-$13.00/hr. (depending on location). Must have either previous COE. 1-800-764-0035 www.Lower IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR S26,540.54-S42,935.46 experience in the military, police/elite special forces training, law enforcement OurRate.com. ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR (Nogotiable) HOTEL/MOTEL experience, corrections experience, or possess a criminal justice degree. ON THE FIRST DAY OF (941)833-2538 PUBLICATION. Island Resort Traditional Security Officers $$CASH$$ Immediate Cash for CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT Earn $9.00-S13.00/hr. (depending on location) Must be customer oriented. Structured Settlements, Annuities, needs Front Desk Must nave verifiable work history, RATE WHICH MEANS Clerks, Part time, Lawsuits, Inheritances, Mortgage THERE ARE NO REFUNDS 5 personal references, and good transportation. Notes & Cash Flow. J.G. Wentworth COUNTER-TERRORISM TRAINING! Sat. and Sun. FOR ADS Protect overseas subcontractors. All candidates must have high school diplqma/GED. We offer benefits #1 1-800-794-7310 12 pm -8 pm and including Medical//Life/Dental insurance, paid vacation, 401 (k), overtime CANCELED EARLY. Earn up to $220K year! 80% Tax 3 pm -11 pm. availability and bonus incentives. All applications will be given immediate Exemption! Also Hiring Bodyguards. Tolls paid. Call consideration/interviews. CREDIT REPAIR!!! Legally remove Paid Training. $35-$150/hour! 1-866- Bob or David Please call our Ft. Myers office or apply in person, negative information from credit BANKING/FINANCING 730-2056 ext. 600; (239)472-1541 Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Friday until 7 p.m.) reports! Charge offs, Collections, Free Cash Grants - 2007! ""$$700- www.lnternationalExecutives.NET Bankruptcies, Repo's, Medical Bills, $800,000 + + Personal Bills, School, The Wackenhut Corporation Etc. Raise scores. 100% Satisfaction Business/Housing. Approx. $49 billion Members BBB (888) 687-1300 (954) Earn Up to $550 Weekly Helping the 6170 Mid Metro Dr., Big #5, Unit #9, Fort Myers, FL 33966 unclaimed 2006! Almost Everyone government PT No Experience. Ph: 239-768-0808 689-7990 (888) 687-1400 Qualifies! Live Operators Listings 1- www.uslcr.com Excellent Opportunity. Call Today!! 1- EOE/MFDV 800-592-0362 Ext. 244 800-488-2921 Ask for Department Y. A brand new King Pillow Top mat- REAL ESTATE tress set In plastic with warranty. PETS & SUPPLIES 01 01 01 $200.00. Can deliver. Call (239) PLEASE REVIEW PLEASE REVIEW PLEASE REVIEW HELP WANTED 349-0850. COCKATIEL •8 A brand new 7 piece bedroom set NICE BIRD, YOUR YOUR YOUR Multi-State Appraisal Company with sleigh bed. Still in boxes. W/CAGE. TALKS. CLASSIFIED AD CLASSIFIED AD Seeking Licensed Real Estate Sacrifice $599. Can deliver.. Call HIS NAME IS BOB. CLASSIFIED AD Appraisers. Strong Report Writing & (239) 349-0697 $50. CALL: ON THE FIRST ON THE FIRST ON THE FIRST Excellent Work Ethic. Employee (239) 994-1984 Positions Available with Benefits. A brand new Queen Pillow Top LEAVE MESSAGE DAY'OF DAY OF DAY OF Fax. Resume 1 -419-255-1745. Mattress set in plastic with warranty. IF I AM NOT THERE. Can deliver. $100.00. Call (239) PUBLICATION. PUBLICATION. PUBLICATION. 7T 349-0697 IF THERE ARE ANY IF THERE ARE ANY IF THERE ARE ANY CORRECTIONS THAT NEED RETAIL All new cherry bedroom set, 7 piece. AUCTIONS & BAZAARS CORRECTIONS THAT NEED CORRECTIONS THAT NEED TO BE MADE PLEASE TO BE MADE PLEASE TO BE MADE PLEASE Can deliver. Retail $3,800. sacrifice AUCTION Highlands County CONTACT YOUR LOCAL HELP WANTED $1200. Call (239) 222-0704 Multi-Property 10am, Sat, April 14, CONTACT YOUR LOCAL CONTACT YOUR LOCAL 40 Residential Lots, Single & Multi- BREEZE NEWSPAPERS BREEZE NEWSPAPERS BREEZE NEWSPAPERS Assistant Manager. Tolls paid. Apply Brand new leather sofa & loveseat, Family. 2 Industrial Sites. Auction OFFICE. OFFICE. OFFICE. at the Sporty Seahorse Shop on in factory carton with warranty. held at: Inn on the Lakes Hotel 3100 THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS East end of Sanibel or call (239) Retail $2,500. Sacrifice $850. Call Golfview Rd, Sebring, FL (800) 257- IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR 472-1858. Ask for Joanne or Dee. (239) 349-0697 • ^ 4161 Higgenbotham.com ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR ON THE FIRST DAY OF ON THE FIRST DAY OF ON THE FIRST DAY OF Part time help, 2 to 3 days/week, "MEMORY FOAM * ALL VISCO Higgenbotham Auctioneers ME •a Higgenbotham, CAI, AU305/AB158. PUBLICATION. PUBLICATION. "PUBLICATION. some weekends. Tolls paid. Apply at New Orthopedic NASA Mattresses - CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT the Sporty Seahorse Shop on East 25 Year Warranty Cost $1995, sell AUCTION - Sat. Apr 21 - 11 AM RATE WHICH MEANS RATE WHICH MEANS $398 Queen; $498 King. All sizes RATE WHICH MEANS end of Sanibel or call (239) 472- BLUE RIDGE, GA. 8 Lots on Toccoa THERE ARE NO REFUNDS THERE ARE NO REFUNDS THERE ARE NO REFUNDS 1858. Ask for Joanne or Dee. available. Fast Free Florida Delivery, Original TempurPedic & River & 19 Ridge Lots. Toccoa FOR ADS FOR ADS FOR ADS Enclave. Gated development. 1 + to CANCELED EARLY. CANCELED EARLY. CANCELED EARLY. Dqrmia from $699. Guaranteed Best 3+ Acre Lots. PREVIEW: 4/15, 1-4 SALES HELP WANTED Price! Electric Adjustables. 24hours. PM. 20% dn, bal. 30 days, 10% Toll free 1-866-476-0289; Store buyer's premium. J.L. TODD AUC- Police Impounds $500! Cars from So Central FL GENERAL REAL Numbers: Hiilsborough (813)889- TION CO., Rome, GA #137. (800) $500! Tax Repos, US Marshal and Private Gated 9020;' Pinellas (727)525-6500; 241-7591 www.jltodd.com IRS sales! Cars, Trucks, SUV's, ADVERTISING Sarasota (941)929-7570; Polk Toyota's, Honda's Chevy's, more! Lakefront Community ESTATE SALES (863)299-4811; Dade (305)651- IRS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE April For Listings Call (800) 425-1730 was $179,900. The Breeze Newspapers 0506; Broward (954)364-4989. 24,2007 at 10:00am Registration: X2384. 20 acres OKLAHOMA Beautiful Member BBB 9:00am, Four Freedoms Park, Cape NOW $79,900. wooded tracts, surveyed, county is seeking a POLICE IMPOUNDS $500! Cars 1 to 3 acre lake access. Part Time www.mattressdr.com Coral, FL 3br/2ba/Pool & Boat Dock roads, growth path. $495 dn $495 overlooking Bimini Basin. from $500! Tax Repos, US Marshall Owner must sell mo (186-mos/9%). Cash price Classified representative and IRS sales! Cars, Trucks, SUV's, Call 1(888) 320-8399 for our Microfiber sofa/loveseat. Brand new www.irssales.gov, Sharon W. $49,995. No qualifying. (800) 421- in factory crate with warranty. Stain Sullivan 954-423-7743 Toyota's, Honda's, Chevy's and ext. 1261 7163 www.OKLandRush.com t inbound/outbound more! For Listings Call 1-800- 425- call center. resistant. Retail $1,800. Sacrifice Tennessee Lake Bargain 3 + Acres $500. Call (239) 349-0697 IRS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE April 1834 ext 1207 - FL Land Bacgains. 5 to 100 Acres Must have proven sales 26, 2007 at 10:00am Registration: - $19,900. Free Boat Slips! Save 30% to 50% below market. Call experience, good 9:00am 3305 Dora Street, Fort Police Impounds for Sale! $500! $5000 during pre-construction sale! (866) 352-2249, X. 1200. customer Myers, FL. Unimproved Double lot. Cars / Trucks / SUVs from $500! Enjoy access to private, Jimmy a service skills, Many Makes and Models Available Houston endorsed bass lake. Paved GOVT HOMES! $0 Down! Bank PLEASE REVIEW www.irssales.gov, Sharon W. Repos & Foreclosures! No Credit good follow thru, Sullivan 954-423-7743 • Now! For Listings Call 1-800- 366- roads, utilities, soils tested. and dependable. YOUR 9813 Ext. 9482. Lakefront available. Excellent OK! $0/Low Down! Call For Listings! c. Please forward your IRS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Date: financing. Call now 1-866-685-2562, 1-800-728-6759 CLASSIFIED AD X1008 65 resume to April 24, 2007 Time: 10:00AM TRUCKS & VANS GOVT HOMES! $0 Down! Tax r brown® ON THE FIRST Registration 9:00AM Location: Four Repos & Foreclosures! No Credit breezenewspapers.com Freedoms Park, Cape Coral, FL DODGE 1500 RAM LOTS FOR SALE OK! $0/Low Down! Call For Listings! DAY OF Beautiful 3BR/2BA w/Pool & Boat XLT1996 Dock overlooking Bimini Basin. Visit: Coastal GA. 135+ AC, $249,900! 1-800-728-6781 Independent Sales Representative KING CAB GA/FL border. Mature pines, abun- for Herbalife Health & Wellness PUBLICATION. www.irssales.gov or contact Sharon GOOD CONDITION 24-HR REAL ESTATE HOT LINE g IF THERE ARE ANY W. Sullivan, (954) 423-7743. dant wildlife. Only an Hour from 800-358-6408 Stop Foreclosure: products. Training. (800)-210-3006 $3,0007OBO Jacksonville, FL! Call Now 1-904- TheHomelncomeSolution.com CORRECTIONS THAT NEED Ext. 2011, Refinance: Ext 9000, IRS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Date: CALL MATT 206-51.14x1198 Bankruptcy Buyout: Ext. 2022, o TO BE MADE PLEASE (239) 540-4081 ROUND TRIP FLIGHT $69 CONTACT YOUR LOCAL April 26, 2007 Time: 10:00AM Purchase: Ext 3001, For Sale By o Registration 9:00AM Location: 3305 CELL 214-1100 GA/FL Border Huge Savings! 23.55 www.cheaptrip4u2.com Make $ and BREEZE NEWSPAPERS AC, only $99,900 (Was $124,900) Owner: Ext. 3034 Travel The World. 305-665-7400 OFFICE. Dora Street, Fort Myers, FL 33916 Unimproved Double lot near down- Coastal region. Wooded, loaded •LAND AUCTION* 200 Props Must THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS w/wildlife. Easy Drive to St. Simons IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR town Fort Myers. Visit: POWERBOATS be Sold! Low Down / E-Z Financing. SKILLS & TRADES www.irssales.gov or contact Sharon Island! Subdivision Potential! Call Free Catalog (866) 554-3852 ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR Now 1 -800-898-4409 x1180. www.LANDAUCTION.com NRLL ON THE FIRST DAY OF W. Sullivan, (954) 423-7743. HELP WANTED So." Central FL Private Gated East AB2509, Bulziuk: AU3448, a PUBLICATION. "ABSOLUTELY" Johnston: AU3449, Mauk: AU3447. CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT Lakefront Community was $169,000 S"' AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Train for RATE WHICH MEANS PLEASE REVIEW SOUTHWEST FLORIDA'S Now $69,900 1 to 3 Acre Lake MORTGAGE LATE?? Have an high paying Aviation Maintenance THERE ARE NO REFUNDS Access. Owner Must Sell. Call 1- Unwanted Home? In foreclosure? 2- Career. FAA approved program. #1 CONSIGNMENT FOR ADS YOUR DEALER SINCE 1989 888-320-8399x1241 Divorced? Estate Sale? Vacant? No Financial aid if qualified - Job place- CANCELED EARLY. Equity? Ugly? You get cash, All ment assistance. CALL Aviation UNBELIEVABLE LAND BARGAIN. CLASSIFIED AD SECURE HIGH TRAFFIC GA/FL border. 400 to 1000 acres. problems solved. Guaranteed offer! Institute of Maintenance (888) 349- We care! (7-days/24 hrs) (888) 336- 5387. ON THE FIRST LOCATION Just $2950/acre. Call Mark (904) MEDICAL & HEALTH 335-0496. 9842 (Joe). Heavy Equipment Operator CER- HAVING TROUBLE WALKING? DAY OF FREE PICK-UP NORTH FLA PROPERTIES 10 to TIFIED. Hands on Training. Job Medical Scooters & Power Wheel NO COMMISSION 350 Acres starting at $6200 per acre Placement Assistance. Call Toll Chairs'Available at Little or No PUBLICATION. BONDED* INSURED WATERFRONT IF THERE ARE ANY w/Owner financing. (800)294-2313, Free (866) 933-1575. ASSOCIATED Cost. For More Information Call ext. 1485 A Bar Sales Inc. 7 days p TRAINING SERVICES, 5177 «"1-800-966-9909"* No HMO's. CORRECTIONS THAT NEED HOMES 7a.m.-7p.m. Homosassa Trail, Lecanto, FL TO BE MADE PLEASE WE PAY TOP 34461. Levitra/ Viagra & Diet Pills. Order CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DOLLAR Orlando, Florida - Venetian Place, a Online: PricebusterRx.com 1-888- BREEZE NEWSPAPERS FOR CLEAN USED Apartment Rentals, Large 3BR/2BA 773-6230 FDA approved drug OFFICE. BOATS 1500sq.ft., new. carpet * * COLLECTIBLES Soma, Tramadol, Phentermine, THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS Remodeled 2BR/2BA, 1054sq.ft., BUYING US COINS. Retired Didrex, Viagra, Levitra and more!! IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR FISCHER MARINE new flooring. Gated community Engineer/Collector traveling US Licensed Physicians / pharma- ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR (239) 694-4626 w/great amenities, call about throughout Florida paying cash for cist. Overnight Shipping 7 Days ON THE FIRST DAY OF Cape NW, gulf access no bridges, Discounts! 768-208-4204; 877-527- your US Coin Collection, Gold & Old New Feather Weight- Motorized PUBLICATION. 2yr. old, 2,800sq.ft, 3BR/3BA/3Car, 3973 Paper Money. For appt call Ralph CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT private pool in center, 10,0001b boat (800)210-2606. Wheelchairs! At No Cost To You if Eligible. Medicare & Private RATE WHICH MEANS DONATE lift, includes 28' Bayliner, 26' THERE ARE NO REFUNDS Pilothouse diesel trawler, $495,000. So. Central FL Private Gated Insurance Accepted. ENK Mobile Lakefront Community was $169,900 Medical 1-800-693-8896. FOR ADS YOUR (239)995-1121, BUILDING CANCELED EARLY. www.g2bb.com/cape.html NOW $69,900 1 to 3 acre lake access. Owner must sell. Call (888) SUPPLIES SANIBEL/CAPTIVA CARE AND BOAT 320-8399x1242. COMPANION SERVICES LLC Help at Risk JC'S Buildings, Garages, Barns, Transportation, light housekeep- Families Today!!! GULF ACCESS! Carports Starting $595. Galvanized ing, meal planning and prepara- Steel. 2 Styles 13 Colors. Free tion, medication reminders, GARAGE SALES 888-951-BOAT CONDOS FOR SALE installation / quote on any size. respite relief for family caregivers. HUGE MOVING SALE www.donateyourboat.org Call (239) 395-3591. A GREAT DEAL! Florida Certified 10year warranty Sat. 4/14, 9 to 2 pm. GATEWAY'S HIDDEN LINKS, available. (386) 736-0398; 1-866- 1103 Schooner PI. 3/2, over 2300sqft., 736-7308. Sanibel. Antiques, PLEASE REVIEW jcscarportsandgarages.com water & golf views, MISCELLANEOUS collectibles, clothing, YOUR 2 car garage LUMBER LIQUIDATORS All Your Moving Services! Weekly jewelry, fabrics, GORGEOUSSUNSET $329,000. Hardwood Flooring, from trips to and from OH, IL, PA, NY, & furniture, housewares, CLASSIFIED AD VIEWS FROM THIS BELL TOWER PARK, $.99/Sq.Ft. Exotics, Oak, Bamboo, all states in between. Lie/Ins books and much more! EXQUISITELYDECORATED Gorgeous 3/3, Prefinished & Unfinished. MC#294222 800-248-2906 ON THE FIRST 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH over 2200/sqft, Bellawood w/50 year prefinish, A+ POOL HEATERS Factory DAY OF POOL HOME WITH lake view, plus A Lot More! We Deliver Direct: Solar, Heat Pump or Gas PERSONALS UPDATED KITCHEN, 2 car garage Anywhere, 5 Florida Locations, 1- Installed or Do-lt-Yourself Heater PUBLICATION. LARGEFLORIDAROOM, $358,900. 800-FLOORING (356-6746) Kits. Free Phone Quotes. 1-888- 01 IF THERE ARE ANY FANTASTIC POOL AND SPA, VISIT 754-2740 Tw2.SolarDirect.com CORRECTIONS THAT NEED DOCK PLUS 7,000/LB www.LauraSalamon.com METAL ROOFING SAVE $$$ buy Lic#CWC029795/lnsured. Dealer PLEASE REVIEW BOATLJFT. FOR PICTURES, direct from manufacturer. 20 colors TO BE MADE PLEASE Inquiries Welcome! CONTACT YOUR LOCAL MUSTSEE!! VIRTAUL TOURS AND in stock with all accessories. Quick YOUR ASKING MORE INFORMATION. turn around! Delivery Available. BATHTUB REFINISHING... Renew/ BREEZE NEWSPAPERS CLASSIFIED AD OFFICE. $499,800. LAURA SALAMON (352) 498-0778 Toll free (888) 393- Change Color. Tub, Tile, Sink & CALLFORYOUR RE/MAX REALTY GROUP 0335 code 24. Chip Repair. Commercial & THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS ON THE FIRST IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR PERSONALTOUR 1-800-330-7653 X2264 www.GulfCoastSupply.com. Residential. 5yrs. Warranty. Quick LAURASALAMON Response, Insured. Serving Florida DAY OF ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR REMAX REALTY GROUP Over 10yrs. "Florida's Tub Doctor." ON THE FIRST DAY OF (239)826-4983 COMPUTERS & SOFT- 1-888-686-9005 PUBLICATION. PUBLICATION. www.LauraSalamon.com IF THERE ARE ANY CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT WARE GIGANTIC MIRRORS Wholesale CORRECTIONS THAT NEED RATE WHICH MEANS jobsite leftovers. 48"x100"x1/4" (15), TO BE MADE PLEASE THERE ARE NO REFUNDS RENT-A-GEEK Statewide Service $115/each. 72"x100"x1/4", (11), CONTACT YOUR LOCAL FOR ADS On-Site & Remote Support, Virus & $165/each. 60"x100", (8), BREEZE NEWSPAPERS CANCELED EARLY. Spyware Removal, Hardware & $145/each. Free delivery. OFFICE. Software Repair, Network Design & Anywhere. Installation available. THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS Setup, Etc. 800-473-0619. IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DOCK SPACE www.Geeksoc.com 1-866-601 -4907 . Reduce Utility Bills! Stop foreign oil ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR By owner, waterfront condo, *Ask about Free Computer Repairs! addiction. End global warming! Solar ON THE FIRST DAY OF RENTAL/SALES Mastique, 2100', 3/BR, 1100' private reduces electricity, water, and pool PUBLICATION. balcony, 4 car garage, 10' ceilings, TV, STEREO heating costs. Florida/Federal CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT Prime location private residence. No private elevator. Spectacular water Rebates. Free consultation 800- RATE WHICH MEANS beach traffic. Direct gulf access, up and preserve view. All amenities. & VIDEO 796-0951 Tw1.SolarDirect.com THERE ARE NO REFUNDS to 40 feet. $395/mo (239) 440-3530 Reduced $649k. Broker protected. Lic#CWC029795 FOR ADS No solicitation calls. (239) 246-7356. CANCELED EARLY. DIRECTV Satellite Television, Free Steel Buildings Urgent!! Must Move ACREAGE Equipment, Free 4 Room Now!! 25x30, 30x40, 40x80, 45x80, Installation, Free HD or DVR 50x120. Liquidation Pricing on Receiver Upgrade w/Rebate. Instock Sizes, Save Thousands!! 1- Packages from $29.99/rrio. Call 1- 800-211-9594x93. More Bay For The Buck!!! Bayfront 800-380-8939. Point - Matlacha - Superb views of Viagra $1.38/50mg, Flomax $27.00, DOMESTIC AUTO bay-preserve, village-quiet neigh- * REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! * Fosamax $16.00, Plavix $45.00, Auto's for Sale Honda Civic 1997! borhood, 3br/3ba, pool, dock, fruit Get a 4-Room All-Digital Satellite Singulair $51.00, Norvasc $26.00, $700! Nissan Altima 1995 $770! trees, furnished. Below appraisal. system installed for Free and pro- Advair $50.00, Vytorin 10/20 $63.00 Toyota Corolla 1995 $540! Police $799,000. FSBO. (239) 872-9214. gramming starting under $20. Free Prescriptions Less Than Canada! Impounds Available Now! For list- Beautiful 3,700sq.ft. home, built in Digital Video Recorders to new Global Medicines 1-866-634-0720 ings Call (800) 366-9813 Ext. 9271. 1999, 3BR/3.5BA/2.5Car, pool, callers, So Call Now. 1-800^795- www.globalmedicines.net barn-1 Br/1 Ba apartment on top, tile, 7279 wood floors, on 30/acres, near FOR SALE BY Cadillac Seville STS, 1996, touring Marianna Florida, large oaks, WANTED: 10 HOMES To Show Off sedan, only 49,000 miles, tan w/tan Reduced!! $447,000. (239) 633- OWNER PLANTS & TREES Our New Lifetime Exterior Paint. Call leather, all maintenance to date. 6312, 462-7298. Beautify your landscape with Now to see if your home qualifies. Loaded, NorthStar engine, premium Looking for a home Palm Trees. Buy at wholesale (800) 961-8547. (Lic.#CBC010111) sound, moonroof. Good condition. FL Land Bargains. 5 to 100 Acres in SW Florida? prices! 35 varieties available. Call $6900. (248) 909-9922 30% to 50% below market. Call 1- Check out our web site: 866-352-2249, X1201. (239) 898-2518 WOLFF TANNING BEDS Buy www.findahome.biz or Call our office at Direct and Save! Full Body units Donate Your Car, Boat, or Real HOME FURNISHING from $22 a month! FREE Color Estate IRS Tax Deductible. Free FREE VACATION TENNESSEE (239) 267-8866 Catalog CALL TODAY! (800) 842- Pick-Up/ Tow Any Model/ Condition MTNS Free Vacation to visit our A brand new full size mattress set in Help Underprivileged Children mountain acreage community plastic with warranty. Can deliver 1305 www.np.etstan.com. www.outreachcenter.org over-looking the Tennessee $120. Call (239) 349-0850 1-800-693-7911 River. Call 706-657-7655 Beautiful Tennessee mountain lots, N.C. MOUNTAINS - New mtn Dock your boat at marina, reside in a . CONDOS FOR SALE breathtaking views high atop chalet. Custom bit 1280sf cedar lovely 3/2 unfurnished villa near a Cumberland Mountains. 5-10 acre chalet on 2.46ac. $89,900. HILTON HEAD ISLAND, Ibna. $1300/month plus COPPERLEAF AT THE tracts. River access, bluff views, Cathedral ceilings, lots of glass, SC. 1-BEDROOM, utilities/deposit. No, smoking/pets. PLEASE REVIEW BROOKS streams, virgin like forest. Ideal for small creek & EZ to finish 828-286- SLEEPS 4, Lease available May 1. (239) 947- YOUR LOWEST PRICED 3/2 hunting, fishing, ATV, horseback rid- 1666 GOLF PACKAGE 3529 for appointment. COACH HOME ing. Near Dale Hollow Lake, perfect INCLUDED. CLOSE TO CLASSIFIED AD for cabin vacation home or perma- Never Rent Again! Buy, 3BR/2BA BEACH, RESTAURANTS. WOW, THIS IS AN $14,900! Only $199/Mo! 2BR IMPRESSIVE HOME. YOU nent residence. Utilities, paved EVERY OTHER YEAR- HOMES FOR RENT ON THE FIRST roads. Great investment or retire- $11,000! 5% down 20 years 8%. ODD YEARS. Bank Foreclosure 4/BR! Only MUST HUD Homes Available! For listings DAY OF o SEE IT TO APPRECIATE IT. ment property. Owner financing from VALUE $12,000., $14,000! 3/BR $19,000! More THIS WELL LAID OUT UNIT $29,900. Centrally located near 1-800-366-9783 Ext 5781 BEST OFFER OVER Homes Available Now from $10,000! $5,000. SICKNESS PUBLICATION. 8 HAS A LOT OF GREAT FEA- Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga. North Carolina Lake Property Sale For listings 1-800-366-9783 ext IF THERE ARE ANY TURES (931) 839-2968, (888) 939-2968 FORCES SALE. 5460 •April 28th Large acreage, lake (239) 560-4052 CORRECTIONS THAT NEED INCLUDING: OAK CABINETS Charlottesville, Va. 2 BR/1 BA condo access, community pool, much more Bank Foreclosures! 5/BR $39,900! TO BE MADE PLEASE IN THE KITCHEN AND near UVA. $165,000. (239) 472- Call for Details (866) 930-5263. Only $317/Mo! 5% down 20 years @ CONTACT YOUR LOCAL BATHROOMS, CORIAN BREEZE NEWSPAPERS u 5083 or (804)-744-3302 or Cell NORTH CAROLINA Log Cabin SELL / BUY TIMESHARES Don't 8% apr. 6/BR $67,100! $533/Mo! COUNTERTOPS, NEW CAR- (804)338-7559. $99,900. E-Z to finish interior on a use your timeshare! Eliminate or off- For listings Call 1 -800-366-9783 ext OFFICE. < PET 1 acre site. Mountain homesites 1- set maintenance fees & taxes by 5461 THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS IN THE LIVING AREA, Coastal Georgia New, Pre- con- IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR 8 acres w/dramatic views! Paved selling or renting your timeshare. 3 BR/2BA, home off Sanibel, pool, LAMINATE WOOD FLOORS struction Golf Community. Large lots access, utilities. E-Z Financing. Call 866-244-6798 or visit us @ ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR IN ALL THE BEDROOMS & condos w/deepwater, marsh, golf, unfurnished, close to shopping ON THE FIRST DAY OF 828-247-9966 www.premiertimesharevacations. 630-885-0327. 5 AND KITCHEN, AND nature views. Gated, Golf, Fitness com • PUBLICATION. PLANTATION SHUTTERS Center, Tennis, Trails, Docks. OHIO RIVER ACREAGE 260 Acres NO RENT! $0 Down! No Credit OK! CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT u THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE $70k's - $300k. (877) 266-7376 w/3200 Ft of frontage on the TIMESHARE RESALES Sell today Government Foreclosed Homes! $0/ RATE WHICH MEANS HOME. THIS UNIT IS www.cooperspoint.com. Muskingum River, hilltop property. for Cash! No commissions or broker Low Down! Call For Listings! 1-800- THERE ARE NO REFUNDS Just $2200/acre. Call 740-489-9146. UNIQUE WITH CEDAR BEAMS COASTAL WATERFRONT! 2.25 fees. Don't delay Go to www.sella- 728-6753 FOR ADS ON THE CEILING IN THE timeshare.com CANCELED EARLY. ACRES- $199,900. Williamsburg, SOUTH CAROLINA, Lake Hartwell, or Call 1-800-640-6886. SECOND BEDROOM AND VA area. Beautifully wooded, serene 5.6 Acres, boat ramp road, cleared 01 GATHERING ROOM OF THE setting, wide water views. Build home site, septic, city water, electric, WANT A VACATION / RETIRE- KITCHEN, UPGRADED when ready. Excellent financing. circle driveway, creek, spring, hard- MENT HOME In The Mtns of N. PLEASE REVIEW LEHIGH ACRES I CEILING FANS AND Call now (800) 732-6001, X 1287. woods. Must Sell! $76,000 321-254- Georgia or SW North Carolina? Visit YOUR CUSTOM PAINT. COPPER- 9821 / Call www.homesfor- HOMES LEAF COME TO THE MOUNTAINS! salemagazines.com 888-896-2412 CLASSIFIED AD IS A BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE RE/MAX Mountain Properties offers TENNESSEE ACREAGE 5 Acres, for Free Magazine. BUNDLED GOLF COMMUNITY. the best properties available in mostly wooded, mountain view. ON THE FIRST $349,000. CALL JARED Western NC. Mountain views, Excellent cabin site w/city water, (239) 498-6622. creeks, cabins & acreage. Call toll river access. Near Crossville. VACATION RENTALS DAY OF free, 1-800-708-4252 or visit $19,900. Owner Financing. 931- 3 BR/2 BA home. Quiet neighbor- www.cometothemountains.com 979-1371 PUBLICATION. hood near everything. Large pool, IF THERE ARE ANY o DUPLEXES FOR Cool Mountain Breezes! Murphy, TENNESSEE & KENTUCKY PROP- tennis included, fully furnished, wire- CORRECTIONS THAT NEED North Carolina Affordable Land, ERTY. Farms, Land, Lots, Homes. less internet phone cable. No pets. TO BE MADE PLEASE SALE Homes, Mountain Cabins, on Lakes, Commercial Lake Property. No smoking. May through CONTACT YOUR LOCAL 4) Mountains & Streams. FREE Mountain view property. 877-550- November. $1500/month plus elec- BREEZE NEWSPAPERS 104 Airview, 3/2/2, $254K, pool Tara Woods, NFM Active gated BROCHURE (877) 837-2288 Exit 6364/866-520-6401 www.noiqual- tricity. Call Mike. (239) 472-3136. OFFICE. home, nice neighborhood, all appli- sa retirement community. 2003 Palm Realty Mountain View Properties ityrealty.com www.selling- THE BREEZE NEWSPAPERS ances included. 2,410 sq.ft. Call Lisa Harbor, 3/2, enclosed lanai with A/C. www.exitmurphy.com. cookeville.com IS ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR at (239) 898-0900. Cornerstone Eat-in kitchen, fully furnished. CAPTIVA ISLAND ANY ERRORS THAT APPEAR Properties & Investments Inc. Clubhouse, pools, tennis, fishing, GA/ FL Border Huge Savings! Tennessee Lake Bargain 3 + 23.55 AC, only $99,900 (was Acres- $19,900. FREE Boat Slips! ON THE FIRST DAY OF social activities. $85,000. (239) 543- One bedroom cottages PUBLICATION. 8773 $124,900) Coastal region. Wooded, Save $5000 during pre-construction E loaded w/wildWe. Easy drive to St. sale! Enjoy access to private, Jimmy on CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FLAT SANIBEL/CAPTIVA Simons Island! Subdivision poten- Houston endorsed bass lake. Paved Pine Island Sound. RATE WHICH MEANS a MOBILE HOMES tial! CALL NOW (800) 898-4409 X roads, utilities, soils tested. LAKE- Bay front w/dock. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS HOMES 1178. FRONT available. Excellent financ- Village area. FOR ADS V FOR SALE ing. Call now (866) 685-2562, X Walk to Beach. CANCELED EARLY. GEORGIA - Johnson Co., 55.54 Ac 1006. Flexible scheduling: - $2,150/Ac Planted pine, pond Nightly PALM HARBOR HOMES Certified sites, hardwoods, great hunting TENNESSEE!! MONTEAGLE - Weekly Sanibel Beachfront Rental Modular & Mobile Home Specialists. area. 404-362-8244 St. Regis Paper SEWANEE, Beautiful Mountain Monthly Summer Special Call for FREE Color Brochures (800) Co. Properties. 600 + Acres; Tracts, 5 622-2832. www.stregispaper.com Acres & up. 4 miles from I-24. Gated AMERICAN REALTY 3BR/2BA (1800 sq.ft.) & secluded! Gorgeous bluff & creek. OF CAPTIVA, Inc. 180 degree Gulf views REAL ESTATE Wooded lots. 1-800-547-0127 Private screened pool & hot tub www.captiva-island.com Excellent for shelling, bird watching, u GEORGIA SE EMANUEL CO. 2-5 George, Timberwood Development Fishing, kayaking, relaxing WANTED acre wooded lots. Site build.only. Co. (423) 949-6887 www.timber- wood.com and beach access. Horses welcome. Paved roads. 1-16 DIRECT BAYFRONT COTTAGES Quaint beachfront cottage with an S3 ANGELO BUYS HOUSES Cash any US1. Payments as low as $158/mo. TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN LAND WEST END Limited availability olde Sanibel feel. This duplex offers condition. Handyman, fire, dis- Low taxes. 912-585-2174 Start at $500 Down Only $140 30 second walk to beach, See website for pictures & pricing a beautiful beachfront setting and tressed, vacant, occupied. Month No Banks Needed 49-1-3 sunsets, restaurants, marina www.sanibelbeachhouserental.com spectacular sunsets year round. Anywhere in FU Apts. / Comm., res- Georgia: Washington Co: Corporate Acre Tracts Bluff Views & Creek and grocery. Single story, full liquidation. 11 lots in beautiful subd. Or call Rich M-F: (636) 677-7575 Beach! Shelling! Sunsets! $599,000. idential. No deal too big/small. Beautiful Buildable Land 800-330- kitchens, pet friendly. Phaidra Velarde, Coldwell Banker Quick closing. 1-800-SELL-181; 1- Reduced $270,000 to $165,000, 3390jdlrealty.com 1 BR/1 BA, to 2 plus BR/2 BA, quick sale. Must Buy All. Call Town Previews International (239)472- 954-816-4363 pool, 2 boat docks, direct CAPE CORAL 4411. & Country RE 1-800-741-5681 TENNESSEE PLATEAU You Got access. You'll never stay To See This! 500 Acres to 9000 anywhere else! HOMES REAL ESTATE Acres of Excellent Development (239) 579-0089 Got North GA Mountain Fever? Property, Paved Road, Creeks. DISTANT We Have The Cure... We can Help These Tracts Will Sell! $2,150/Acre A MUST SEE!!! SANIBEL LEASE/OPTION: You Find The Perfect Place Here. 931-946-2697 ___ SEASONAL RENTALS Why rent when you can have Sales and Rentals. Toccoa ABANDONED FARM 4-acres / an option to purchase and Wilderness Realty & Cabin Rental, The Beautiful Mountains of N.C. Sanibel stilt • home, waterfront. build equity at the same time? Cedar Barn / $39,900 Maple lined L L C . Outstanding views, custom log November, 2007 through April, 2008 Well-built three bedroom/two road, 30 mile view! Near www.ToccoaWildernessRealtyand homes, creeks, wooded properties, season. $18,000. 2 BR/2 BA, fur- bath piling home in the Dunes. Cooperstown, major lakes! Mins off CabinRental.com acreage, mini-farms, Vacatio'nrental nished, direct access, wide canal, $5-15K option, monies with Thruway! Priced below market (706) 632-2606 OR (706) 435-8735 get-a-ways Free brochure. Investors dock, nice grapefruit tree, very pri- monthly rental between $1,600- Terms avail! 877-805-5263 Realty, Inc. 1-800-497-3334 vate. Manatees for neighbors. (973) 2,000. Terms are negotiable. [email protected]. 398-6315. A Cool Mountain Breeze! Murphy, www.investorsrealtyinc.com THREE BEDROOM, Great opportunity if you want HUD HOMES! 4BR/3BA $243/mq! to get on Sanibel while another North Carolina Affordable Land, 5BR/3BA Foreclosure! $317/mo'! Timber Company Land Sale 20 AC - Tranquility at it's finest!2 BR (plus) 2 TWO BATH RANCH STYLE Homes, Mountain Cabins, on BA in Gumbo Limbo-overlooking HOMEONOVERSIZEDLOT. property sells. Call Licensed Stop Renting! 5% dw, 20 yrs @ 8% $39,900 Subdivision Potential! 1st Realtor Charles Sobczak with Lakes, Mountains, Streams. Free apr For Listings 1 -800-366-9783 ext Time Offered! Big mtn acreage inland lake. Spacious - furnished. No IN GROUND POOL. Brochure 877-837-2288 Exit smoking or pets. $1,500/mon + util. LARGEFENCED Coldwell Banker Previews for 5466 w/spectacular views. 1 mile to more information and a private Realty Mountain View Properties Nicklaus designed golf course, TN May 1 - Dec 31. (239) 395-3719. BACKYARD. www.exitmurphy.com ILLINOIS LAND - 180acs. like new APPROXIMATELY 1100 SOFT., showing. Vacant and available River & close to rec lake. for immediate occupancy. Call 3br/2ba. 20acre & 10acre lakes. Creekfronts avail. Excellent financ- STOVE, REFRIGERATOR, ADIRONDACK- TUG HILL LAKES 20x30 building. Great deer & water APARTMENTS & DUPLEX- DISHWASHER. (239) 850-0710. Asking price is 30 AC Borders ADK Lake- $169,900 ing. Won't last, call now 1-866-852- $539,935. fowl hunting. Private must see! 2538x1071 CENTRALCAPECORAL 10 AC- Tug Hill Lake- $69,900 88 $598,000. Also, 5acs. $19,900. 270- ES FOR RENT LOCATION. AC- Wildlife Pond/ Trout Stream - 791-2538 318SW30TH TERRACE $159,900 25 AC- Lakefront Central Timber Company LAND SALE 20 1 BR/1 BA APARTMENT CAPE CORAL, FL NY- $129,900 Coming Soon Largest KENTUCKY - 100 acres, Exc. hunt- Mid-island. Available 33914 Adirondack River lots w/waterfalls. AC- $39^900 Subdivision Potential! ing, farm income $200K. *Also 655 1st Time Offered! Big mtn acreage 5/1-11/07. 6 mos. $245,000. ACCOUNTING Call Christmas & Associates (800) acres w/70ac lake. Beautiful views! preferred. Fully CALL 229-7843 www.landandcamps.com w/spectacular views. 1 mile to Hunting & fishing. Building site, Nicklaus designed golf course, TN furnished. $700/mo + LAURASALAMON, SERVICES "Great Investments* Owner 270- River & close to rec lake. electric. Cable, water & (239)826-4983 A FREE BROCHURE At Western 556-3576 Carolina Real Estate, we offer the Creekfronts avail. Excellent financ- basic phone included. RE/MAX REALTYGROUP best Mountain Properties in North KENTUCKY- Incredible . tracts. ing. Won't last, call now (866) 852- Adults only. Sorry, no pets. •••AAAt/»/i/ Carolina. Homes and Land avail- Lakes, rivers, creeks. 1 Acre - 2538, x 1070. First/last mos. security able. Call 800-924-2635 $9,900 or $600/down, $105/mo. 2 required. 472-8719. ADVERTISERS www.WestemCarolinaRE.com Acres - $14,900 or $900/down, IN OUR $159/mo. 5 Acres $1200/down, Tired of the Traffic? BUSINESS SERVICE ARIZONA LAND LIQUIDATION! FMB Mid Island, gulf view beach and DIRECTORY ARE $215/mo. Breathtaking views, great Large home sites available bay access, 2BR unfurnished stilt Near Tucson, 2-1/2 Football Field investment. (270) 791-7725 in gated Nature Preserve PRESUMED TO BE Sized Lots. $0 Down/$0 Interest. duplex. Ceramic tile throughout, REPUTABLE. THE www.YourLandking.com development in deck, garage, annual lease. $159/Month ($18,995 total). Free East Tennessee. BREEZE NEWSPAPERS Recorded Information. Money Back KENTUCKY LAND - 26 acres. $1025/mo. Call (239) 463-7160 RECOMMENDS THAT Guarantee! Toll Free 1-800-659- Beautiful spring fed lake. Building 10,000ft riverfront, leave message. YOU RESEARCH ANY 9957 Op#20. site. Great fishing, deer & turkey picnic places, etc. Cape- 1313 NE 1st PL, 3/2/2, COMPANY YOU MAY hunting. $77,900. 10 acres $29,900, Underground utilities are $225K, Brand new home, extended NOT BE FAMILIAR WITH. ASHEVILLE, NC AREA ACREAGE $315/mo. Call 270-999-0179 in place. 2 acre home ANNUAL RENTALS lanai, all appliances included, 2,150 IT IS IMPORTANT THAT - Breathtaking 1.6+ acre parcel sites starting at $29,900. Beautiful remodeled ground level sq.ft. Call Lisa at (239) 898-0900, YOU CHECK THAT THE with spectacular 25 mile moun- LAKE MARION S.C. 2 acres, Larger lots available. lakefront with pool very close to Cornerstone Properties & BUSINESS YOU ARE tain views. 30 minutes to excellent building site. No Impact Visit beach. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, den. Investments Inc. RENDERING SERVICES Asheville. Owner's lodge on river, Fee, low taxes and insurance. www.emoryheights.com Call (239) 851-2301. FROM IS LICENSED amenities. Other parcels avail- $22,900 Owner Financing. 803- or Call Tudor Villas Furnished 3 BR/2 BA Sanibel home AND INSURED LOCALLY. able. $189,900. Call 866-432-7382 473-7125 Realty BE APPREHENSIVE OF (239) 549-7400 overlooking golf course with pool BEAUTIFUL N. CAROLINA. MISSISSIPPI DELTA Investment and near beach. $1750/month. CHOOSING A BUSINESS ESCAPE TO BEAUTIFUL WEST- grade farmland, good return & Available April 1st. Owner, (239) THAT REQUIRES ERN NC MOUNTAINS FREE Color appreciation. 1031 Exchange oppor- 822-3704. PRE-PAYMENT OF ANY tunity. Hunting properties, deer & SERVICES RENDERED." Brochure & Information MOUNTAIN VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN CABIN New May through December rental. PROPERTIES with Spectacular turkey, specialize duck hunting prop- ,3 BR log cabin with loft on 5 acre views, Homes, Cabins, Creeks, & erties. Dean Land & Realty, 662- Lovely 1 BR, single family home in mountaintop overlooking great big South Fort Myers. Great for 1 or 2 Investment acreage. CHEROKEE 686-7807 David Fisher trout stream near New River State NE Cape- New oversized comer lot CLEANING MOUNTAIN GMAC REAL adults. Pet okay. $900/month. (239) Park and Galax, must sell $299,500 275-5971 or (239) 246-0592. home, well landscaped, 3/3/2, pool Cleaning Squad, commercial and ESTATE... cherokeemountainreal- owner (866) 789-8535. with waterfall, 2,528 sq.ft. $276,900. residential services. Vacation ty.com Call for free brochure (800) Must see! Call Lisa at (239). 898- homes, offices, restaurants, con- 841-5868. Sanibel 2 BR/2 BA with den. 1200 0900. Cornerstone Properties & struction clean-up. Licensed and WESTERN NC MOUNTAINS - Log square feet, recently remodeled, Investments Inc. insured. (239) 357-3828 or (239) Cabin FSBO - 1232 sq ft on 2 + slate tile, wood flooring, Berber car- 473-3616. acres with nice stream $89,900. pet, washer/dryer, screened lanai, Views, decks, easy access, needs central air, pool, furnished. finishing 828-286-1666 brkr $14.00/month. 800-993-5657. Murphy NC, Lake Hiwassee access, SEAWALLS Mariner's Cove, new 2Br chalet on 1 + acre, lake access with boat docks, $249,900. (239) 980-5933 TIME SHARE SEAWALL REPAIR •2/2, Unfurnished, $1450/mo. Protect your investment!! NC Gated Lakefront Community. FOR SALE •3/3 w/pool & Jacuzzi Cheapest prices Pleasantly mild climate 1.5 acres, 90 $1600/mo. 2028 NW 25th PL 4/2/2, $330K. on Rip-Rap. miles of shoreline. Never offered BUY, RENT OR SELL A TIME- Seasonal Specials. before with 20% pre-development Call Jackie Prescott at Brand new home near Coral Oaks, SHARE! 1-800-529-8313 timeshare- lanai, corian, upgraded cabinets, Clearing, Grading. discounts, 90% financing. Call (800) quicksale.com RE/MAX of the Islands Fill Dirt also available. 709-5253. (239)472-2311. appliances. 2,761 s.f. Call Lisa at (239) 898-0900 Cornerstone Gulf Coast Excavating, Inc. N.C. / GEORGIA MOUNTAINS - Properties & Investments Inc. License* CGC1511986 World's greatest views! Homesites (239)542-1136 FIND IT IN starting $39,900. Land / Log home CASA YBEL package kits $99,900. Waterfalls, SANIBEL CONDOS FOR RENT creeks, rivers, lakes. Pre-construc- UNIT 203 tion discounts. Limited availability. 1 - WEEKS 14 and 15 Bay front 2/2 furnished. 3 fishing THE 888-389-3504 x600. Gulf Front piers. For sale 549k or Annual Rent Two bedrooms, two baths. $1600/mo. Resort setting near NC MOUNTAINS - New cedar Sanibel. Total renovation inside and CLASSIFIEDS! chalet nestled on 2.7 wooded acres $29,500 per week. out. Unoccupied. Available now. $89,900Mins to lake. Includes (260) 460-0601 (239)415-0083 decks, porches. EZ access, you fin- (352) 259-4220 ish. Toll free 866-738-5522 Bkr 1 { -

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