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OCTOBER, 1969 IJ m i’tijJ lin u Z l e u / s <0T(ig cAlmety-chines 4*. President s Colu m n A hearty thanks to a most gracious expect great things from the North and enthusiastic Northwest Section for west. Really didn’t seem quite right a wonderful “Fun and Friendship” to be in that part of the country and weekend. Amid showers and low ceil not see GINI RICHARDSON. GINI, ings the gals from the Section came I know I speak -or all of us when I by every mode of travel to Belling say, “A Speedy Recovery.” We miss OCTOBER, 1969 ham, Washington, to meet and greet, you. LYGIE and her very busy hus to re-establish old friendships and band managed to finally get off for THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. make new ones. What fun and what a vacation so couldn’t find out how Will Rogers World Airport an important aspect of our organiza easy it will be to spend our money. International Headquarters tion. The very capable Transportation Oh, well! Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 Chairman, ILOVENE POTTER, met As I write this I am high above Headquarters Secretary me at Seattle and with HILDA EL the clouds winging my way back LORETTA GRAGG LIOTT, of Boise, and RANDY HIL home feeling much the richer for my TON, of Cody, Wyoming, we IFR’d “Fun and Friendship” weekend with Editor it up to Bellingham where a contin the Northwest Section. Thanks to all HAZEL McKENDRICK gent of greeters and press met us and who m ade it so. P.O. Box 38499 whisked us away to the Leopold Hotel, BERNICE T. STEADMAN Dallas, Texas 75238 Headquarters for this Fall gathering. Weather caused a slight delay in ar THE NINETY-NINES NEWS riving but our arrival was timed well Coming Events October, 1969 for attending the Chairmen’s mee’- OCTOBER 10-13, 1969 Vol. 14 No. 11 ing. You can’t imagine what an op New England Air Derby Published monthly, except bi-monthly July-August and November-December portunity this gives your President Air Race-Treasure Hunt Annual subscription rate is $4.50 and to get to know you better, to learn See Air Meets section for details is included as a part of the annual of your projects, problems and objec OCTOBER 11, 1969 membership of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. THE NINETY-NINES. Inc. tives. At the Business Session on Sat Pacific Air Race Will Rogers World Airport urday after an explanation of NIFA San Diego, California Oklahoma City, Okla. 73159 Return Form 3579 to above address (National Inter-Collegiate Flying As Write: Eleanor Richardson "nJ Class Postage pd. at Chickasha. Okla. sociation) and International aims in 5632 Linfield this direct :on by GENE NORA JES- San Diego, Calif. 92120 INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS SEN the Section voted to start a fund NOVEMBER 1, 1969 for a dona'ion to NIFA in December. Kachina Air Race President The Spring Meetings of NIFA will be Phoenix, Ariz. BERNICE T. STEADMAN in Bozeman, Montana, and the girls NOVEMBER 1, 1969 3645 Robinhcod Drive Dallas Doll Derby Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 were all enthused about the prospect of their involvement. I hope you will Write: Emily Anderson Vice-President all have the opportunity 'o hear about 9946 Elmada Lane BETTY W. McNABB this College Program and follow the Dallas, Texas 926 Third Avenue lead of PAGE SHAMBURGER from NOVEMBER 1, 1989 Albany, Georgia 31701 the Southeast Section and GENE Bazaar International Secretary NORA JESSEN and the Northwest in 3309 Robin Lane JOAN HRUBEC making both monetary and moral com Wichita Falls, Tex. 16902 Dartmouth Ave. mitments. GENE NORA is our In cr- APRIL 20 MAY 11, 1970 Cleveland, Ohio 44111 national NIFA Project Director and South A rican 99 Air Safari T reasurer PAGE is on the Senior Advisors Com LYDELLEN “LYGIE” HAGEN mittee for NIFA and they will be South 1907 Oneida Place ANNIVERSARY ISSUE spearheading an activity you will all Spokar.e, Washington 99203 feel proud to be a part of. NEXT DEADLINE Executive Board I feel like a talent scout on my F U L L ISSUE PAGE SHAMBURGER trips, always looking for new talent Must Be Mailed Page Hill and ideas for our active and growing To Be Received Aberdeen, No. Car. 28315 membership to pursue. Such a vast DORIS RENNINGER reservoir of talent and skills we have By Nov. 20 10-01 162nd Street in the Ninety-Nines. The Northwest Beechhurst, N.Y. 11357 Mail to: Section is most fortunate in having Box 38499 SUSIE SEWELL MILLIE SHINN as Governor. She has c/o Catlin Aviation Co. Dallas, Texas 75238 Will Rogers Sta. the happy faculty of blending her skills Oklahoma City, Okla. 73159 with the talents of her flock and I Backward Glance Colum n By Virginia Thompson Since our charter members are the ones who conceived, developed, and nurtured our Ninety-Nine Organiza tion, one will be featured in every other issue of our News. Many of these HEADLINES from Hazel early history makers have been fly ing continuously for over forty years, Last month's issue was anywhere hundred percent participation. I can a remarkable feat. They will be fea from 10 to 14 days in getting to you not think of an issue that this would tured first but in no particular order. after it was mailed from the printers. be more timely than our ANNIVER Since each charter member was and I can only blame the POST OFFICE SARY ISSUE. PLEASE ALL CHAP is a link in forging our history, each for this. This issue may never get to TER CHAIRMEN, GET YOUR RE- one is just as important as the other. you and I can only BLAME ME, ORTERS TO REPORT. All reporis YOUR EDITOR, who somehow thought must be in my hands by November BLANCHE NOYES 20th for inclusion in the anniversary she was super human. I not only am BLANCHE began her life as a public issue. This gives all of us a long time not super human, cannot walk on figure in the theatre and movies as a and I would like nothing better than water, but am one week late in getting dramatic leading lady.. She gave this this issue in the mail. Boss, I’m sor to be sandbagged with a report from up to marry an airmail pilot, DEWEY everyone. Lots of pictures. REMEM ry, I let you all down. I really thought L. NOYES, who taught her to fly in BER WE HAVE NO OCTOBER DEAD I could get it all done, but I didn’t. December 1928. After 3 hours and LINE BECAUSE THAT IS THE I just got a nasty note from head 45 minutes of dual instruction, she MONTH WE PUT OUT THE ROS quarters that I somehow failed to get soloed and has been flying steadily TER . so reporters you have a my dues to them also. Oh brother, ever since. She was the first woman vacation next month and then back will this month never end!!! pilot in Ohio and one of the first to work for the November issue. Let’s I have gotten numerous requests women transport pilots. about the DBA cards. Let me repeat. make it a meaningful issue suitable Anyone is eligible for any race for for saving. Something that reflects In 1929, she competed in the First any year. Just send me a stamped the old and the “new” us. Women’s Air Derby of the National envelope and I will forward your card Air Races, Santa Monica, Calif., to As we approach the winter months, to you. I must have a stamped ad Cleveland, Ohio. It was during this let’s get APT; attend a weather re dressed envelope from you. Please event that her plane caught on fire fresher course on the problems of advise also how many cards you want over the desert. Undaunted, she landed, winter flying; participate in aviation (like one for your co-pilot). We have put out the fire with sand and later activities; have fun; get involved; some rather illustrious “honorary” took off over the mesquite. This re make waves; and then tell us about members. DR. HARRY GIBBONS, sulted in bending one side of the land it. REMEMBER OUR THEME FOR CAMI, FAA; COL. BERNIE FISHER, ing gear forcing her to make a one THIS YEAR IS "FUN AND FRIEND Medal of Honor winner; HOWARD wheel landing at Pecos, Texas. Never SHIP” . KIDWELL; ARNOLD PEGLER who one to give up easily, Blanche re designed the card; ZENON C. R. paired the plane herself, continued in HANSEN, Chairman of the Board and TO ALL NINETY NINES: the race, and eventually won fourth President of MACK Trucks Inc.; AR- For those who would like to have place. VIN BASNIGHT, Director Western a souvenir of the Ninety Nines’ 40th During the National Air Races that Region FAA; to name a few. If you Anniversary International Conven same fall, she flew and won a number have a special friend who you would tion, there are a limited number of of closed course races. During the like to so honor, let me know and these souvenir programs available. International Balloon Races in 1930, I will forward a card to you. This is a beautiful issue of 60 she gave the audiences many thrills pages, with many interesting items, by her precision aerobatics, setting a NOVEMBER-DECEMBER ISSUE including a Ninety Nine History by record which still holds for the great WILL BE SPECIAL Page Sham burger, pictures of est number of consecutive turns in a The November-December issue will Charger Members and Past Presi spin.