PILGRIMAGE TO MARK 5th ANNIVERSARY Property Bought in Aurora ^ • ■ —■— ■ ----- —------:------^ BA .bI M BA Ia Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Second Parish OF CANONIZATION OF MOTHER CABRINI Contents Copyri^ted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1951— Permission to Reproduce. Except on While on earth Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini The anniversary of her canonization will lend Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. * Is Future Plan considered little children as special charges en­ special significance to the pilgrimage to her moun­ trusted by God to her care, and she established tain shrine planned Sunday, July 8. More than many orphanages in cities throughout the U. S. to 12,000 persons are expected to join near Lookout In Community house' homeless tots. The love Mother Cabrini up Mount Vernon canyon, in the tribute to the first showered on “her children” was returned a thou­ citizen-saint o f the United States. In the midst of the cele­ sandfold by the tots. Sponsored by the Denver Fourth Degree Knights bration that accompanied the And today countless other children have learned of Columbus, the pilgrimage will open with a pro­ dedication of the new Church that they too have a staunch friend in heaven in cession from the main residence buUding o f the DENVER CATHOLIC of St. Therese in Aurora, Mother Cabrini, who is now St. Frances Xavier shrine at 3:30 p.m. Joining in the procession will be Caljrini. Children’s prayers are raised every day 60 Fourth Degree knights in full regalia and mem­ which also marked the silver bers of the Legion of Mary. During the procession jubilee of the parish. Arch to this saint who was elevated to the altars of the Church just five years ago this Saturday by Pope the Rosary will be recited. bishop Urban J. Vehr an­ Pius XII. Truly she has become a “ Saint for Chil­ At the shrine proper, a short sermon will be nounced that recognition has dren.” given by the Rev. Frederick McCallin, pastor of St been taken o f the suburban com­ Mary’s parish, Littleton; and Solemn Benediction REGISTER munity’s tremendous new growth will be given. Directing the ceremonies will be the with the purchase o f a large tract Rev. John Casey, S.J., faithful friar of the Fourth of land for the establishment of a Degree and pastor o f Sacred Heart parish, Denver. VOL. XLVI. No. 46. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO second parish at some future date Joining in the pilgrimage will be busloads o f Acquisition of the* land at this persons from Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Cheyenne, time was imperative because -p f W yo.; Welby, Greeley, Fort Collins, and other cities the continuing expansion of the and towns. A group from Boulder plans to make Aurora residential area. The loca­ the trip by auto. Testimonial Dinner to Observe For Denverites, bus transportation will be avail­ tion of the new site will be pub­ lished in the near future. able from the bus terminal air 1730 Glenarm at 2 p.m. This service is provided every Sunday at 2 p.m. A tract of 32 loti has been Sisters from any convent in Denver may obtain obtained at a site considerably free transportation to the shrine at the K. of C. Archbishop’s 20th Anniversary removed from the St. Therese clubhouse, 1575 Grant street, at 2 p.m. The shrine A testimonial dinner in honor o f Archbishop Bishop o f Patna, India, now teaching at Regis property. The St. Therese site is on the property of the Missionary Sisters of the occupies a full block between Urban J. Vehr will be held on July 16, the 20th college, will represent the religious clergy with a Sacred Heart, Mother Gabrini’s own sisters. 12th and 13 th avenues and To reach the shrine, motorists are advised to anniversary 'of his installation as Bishop of Den­ toast to the Holy Father. 'The Very Rev. Monsigiior Kenton and Kingston streets. At drive out U.S. highway 40 and up ML Vernon ver. All priests in the Denver archdiocese, includ­ this latter s'ite Monday, July 2, Walter J. Qnavan, rector o f the; Cathedral, will canyon. The main entrance to the shrine is situated ing the members of religious communities, will the Archbishop dedicated the on the north side Of the canyon road about one new church, parish hall, and offer the toast to the Archbishop in behalf of the mile above the Morrison junction. Members of the attend the dinner, to be held at St. Thomas’ semi­ rectory, which have been sadly K. of C. will be on hand at the entrance to give nary, beginning at 5:30 p.m. priests o f the archdiocese. The toastmaster for the needed by the parish for the directions from that poinL A map of the route will Representatives of the two suffragan sees of the occasion will be the Very Rev. William J. Ken- past five years since St. Ther- be found on page 5 of this paper. Denver province, Pueblo and Cheyenne, will attend neally, C.M., rector o f St. Thomas’ seminary. ese’s outgrew its former facili­ For those who travel long distances to attend the anniversary dinner. The Most Rev. Hubert Priests of the Register staff will be hosts to ties. The attractive temporary the event, refreshments will be provided. church, which can seat 325, is Newell, Coadjutor Bishop of Cheyenne, will offer the Archbishop and dergy at the dinner. Tuesday The schedule o f devotions at the shrine over intended for future use as a the pilgrimage week end includes a Mass at 7 a toast from that diocese, and the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ morning, July 17, Pontifical Mass will be sung school. The Rev. Louis Mertx is o’clock on the first Friday, July 6, in the main gnor Aloysius Miller, 'V.G., representing Bishop at the seminary by the Archbishop, with all the in charge of the Aurora parish. chapel o f the shrine. Benediction will follow this Joseph C. Willging of Pueblo, will speak for archdiocesan priests present. The archdiocesan An unusually large attendance Mass. On Saturday, July 7, the fifth anniversary of Pueblo. clergy retreat opens Monday night, July 16, after of priests of the archdiocese and Mother Gabrini’s canonization, the Rt. Rev. Monsi­ a church full of parishioners were gnor Gregory Smith, pastor o f SL Francis de Sales’ The Most Rev. Bernard Sullivan, S.J., retired the testimonial dinner. on hand for the, Aurora dedica­ parish, will offer Mass at the shrine altar at 8 tion. The Solemn Dedication Mass, o’clock. There will be one Mass on Sunday at the 'RtfUter photo bp Smyth at which Archbishop Vehr pre­ shrine at 7 a.m. These Protestants Not Blanshordites sided, was celebrated by the Rt. The Mother Cabrini Shrine Committee, Inc., Rev. Monsignor John P. Moran, reports that in the month of June just past more, Mother Cabrini pastor o f St. John’s parish, Den­ out-of-state visitors saw the shrine than in any ver. The deacon was the Rev. Wil­ other three months in its history. In all, 3,864 per­ Motor Missioners Are Treoted liam V. Powers, pastor of St. Little Jpy Ellen and Johnny Arkooib regard sons signed the register at the grotto. Many other Children's Saint James’, Denver, and the subdeacon with awe the statue of the “ children’s saint.” visitors did not sign. was the Rev. Francis Pettit, of Hugo. Masters of cerepionies were Respectfully by Non-Catholics the Very Rev. Monsignor Bernard Cullen, Assistant Chancellor, and By Jack Hehek point to Denver they will touch torical facts. Though he was ail Fleming School Case Takes New Turn the Rev. Robert Syrianey of St. A professional bigot would in their six-week tour. Hudson ing and could not attend the meet Catherine’s parish. shudder at the report made by the is 25 miles east of the Mile ings, he said that he could hear Denver archdiocese motor mis­ High City on route 6. the whole program from his front Chaplains to Archbishop Vehr were the Rev. John W. Scannell sioners after their week-long stay Although one note in the porch, a vantage point for many National Official Religious Garb Revealed Fr. John fallana in Yuma, population 1,850. Though of the town’s residents during the of Christ the King parish, Den­ question box complained about the there are only 190 Catholics in mission ver, and the- Rev. Roy Figlino of the town, the two speakers. Father loudspeaker (“ Turn down the St. Augustine’s parish, Brighton. Of Charities Seeks Of fort Collins Is volume, you bother us.” ), most of . The Senator was not alone in The preacher for the occasion was As True Issue in Suit Richard Gieselman, C.M., and the his interest A lawyer from Wray Rev. Subdeacon John Anderson of the queries displayed a sincere the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Harold V. interest in the Church, One said, drove 28 miles to Yuma to hear Campbell, pastor of Blessed Sacra­ The Fleming school case, which has been pending in the St. Thomas’ seminary, addressed the missioners’ talks. He brought Aid for Italians Changed to Mexico approximately 100 persons every “ You say drinking is all right if ment parish. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John Logan County District Court since Sept. 20, 1949, took a new The Rev. John Fullana, C.R., not done to- excess. I say if 10 his family, and the children spent night, A total of 620 persons the evening wrapped in blankets, Members o f St. Therese’s Altar O’Grady, executive secretary of turn this week when Denver Attorney David Rosner, acting pastor of Holy Family parish in heard their “ pitch," which was drinks make you drunk, then one and Rosary society served a din­ the National Conference of Catho­ for the plaintiff, W. E. Outcalt, sought to amend his com­ Ft. Collins since 1936, has left drink makes you 1/10 drunk.” alseep in the back seat of his car. the first held in the town. ner to the Archbishop and almost lic Charities and long-time leader Colorado for Mexico, where he Another questioner wanted ,to A farmer drove 20 miles every plaint to allege that two teachers. Sister M. Georgetta and The town fathers were friendly 90 members of the clergy in the in the displaced-person program, has taken up his new assignment know “Why don’t you say all of night from his home 20 miles M. Bertram, were "conducting in- and helpful and allowed the mis­ new parish hall after the Dedica­ was in Denver earlier this week. The school involved it a two- as pastor of the new Parish of the Lord’s Prayer?” In all, 64 away to attend, i He brought his structions in catechism and in the sioners to place their question box tion Mass. Father Scannell acted Here to interest the people of Colo­ room country school located at Our Lady of Fatima in the central questions were asked at the wife and children, and at a dif­ principles o f the Roman Catholic in front of the post office. The as toastmaster and there were rado in aiding some 241,000 Italian S t Peter, about 10 miles south part of Mexico City. Recovering sessions. ficult moment helped the mis­ Church oh school days to children attitude of the persons who at­ sioners repair their equipment. addresses by Father Powers, Fa­ DPs who, at the moment, are plac­ attending school in district No. of Fleming. The area involved from a long illness, he was ac- tended the nightly meetings was It took a littla girl to (top It was noted that several out- ther Mertz, and Archbishop 'Vehr. ing a heavy burden, on the Italian 43.” is populated by many German- companied to Mexiw by the Rev# the proaaedingt. Father Gieael- “ friendly, interested, and serious.” of-state- cars stopped and their oc­ ' -Th^ old ch-ufcK facilities at economy, thr p re la ^ met-with of­ . Commenting on the hew de­ American- _ . Catholic - families who. ' John r I Olrdlhas, » wv . C.R.,_ pastor of ___ St nan found himtelf talking into Cajetan’s, Denver. Father Ordinas One questioner declared his dfc- cupants listened to the talks. E. 14th avenue and-^,^ Dallas ficials o f the archdiocesan resettle­ velopment, Denver Attorneys Jo­ asked the sisters to come to the a “ dead” microphone. Silence has returned to Denver. agreement, however, by writing, The Rev. Clement Gallagher, street will now be dispoted of. ment bureau, the Rt. Rev. Mon- seph A. Craven and Charles A. aid of the district soma 12 years reigned until it was discovered “ Frankly, your metaphysical rant­ pastor of St. John’s parish in The large two-story building signor John R. Mulroy, director, Murdock, counsel for the nuns, ago when th4 community was This is the fourth parish in that the tot had disconnected ing* and-ravings make me sick.” Yuma, assisted the itinerant with 4,500 square feet of floor and the Very Rev. Monsignor El­ agreed • that “from the recent unable fully to maintain a pub­ Mexico City to be placed ."in the the power line. This was balanced by the com­ speakers in their work, and Mr. space occupies six lots in an mer J. Kolka, associate director, to ruling o f the court it appears that lic school. No parents or resi­ care of the Theatine' order. 'The Theatine Fathers also are serving ment of a cowboy: “ What you’re A former State Senator, not a and Mrs. George Blach and their area that has been zoned for discuss resettlement problems. He the main issue o f the case is the dents of the district are in­ S t Cajetan’s in the Linda Vista sayin’ shore is good!” Catholic, made a special visit to son, Leo, a student at St. business. It is thought that the urged that the condition of Italian right to wear the garb. Mr. Out­ volved in the case, and all state The apostles of the highway congratulate the missioners on Thomas’ seminary, were hosts building could be easily adapt­ and Austrian DPs be made public calt, in , his .complaint, asked the and county officials have certi­ colonia. Holy Family parish in the Gertrudis Sanchez colonia, and Our are conducting .a program in their talks. He remarked that they to them during their stay in the able into office space or for in hope that the country will lift re­ court ‘that tne sisters teaching said fied that the school is a validly Hudson this week, the closest did not seem to be afraid of his­ town. possible use as a medical center. strictions and allow them to enter. school district. No. 43, be re­ constituted public school and is Lady o f the Sacred Heart in Co­ strained from teaching in their wall managed by the' directors lonia Tenochtitlan, an extremely religious garb’.” and teachers involved. poor district of the Mexican capi- Another essential question in­ As one observer put it, “ the ta f The new parish is in Colonia volved, according to Mr. Murdock, children in this isolated farming Roma. ‘Courageous’ Is the Word for the Currans is the right of a church organiza­ area have been fortunate in hav­ In the 15 years that Father tion owning real estate to make ing as their instructors highly Fullana was stationed in F t Col- a lease with a public school board trained college graduates, which is for public school use of the prop­ unusual in this type o f public If Your Faith Is in Danger, Don^t ‘H it the Panic Buttonr erty. “The school directors feel,” school.” he said, “ that with the new ruling Mr. Rosner, the attorney seek­ By Ed Miller ran, who is the commanding of­ Captain Curran quietly, being showed a marvelous recovery her, to hug her, or, squeeze her. the main issues have now been put ing to oust the nuns, maintains THIS IS THE STORY of two ficer of the F-80 jet support from Boston, being very Irish, from TB; the baby, whom the That is where it is tough on squarely before the cou rt” offices in the Symes building in Denver. Besides Mr. Craven and good Catholics, four wonderful squadron at Lowry air force and being very Catholic. doctor would have “ taken,” soon their dad— trying to explain. It The move by Mr. Rosner fol­ base and who holds the world’s Mr. Murdock, Paul C. Lennartz children, a jet plane, a world’s The doctor left, uncon­ grew into a strapping blond boy. is also hard for him to do the lowed an action taken June 21 by distance record for the longest vinced, and he did what he.. A year later, owing to the household chores in addition to the court that forces the plaintiff of Sterling is acting as cousel for record— and a bit of tough jet-fj^hter flight, is a big and should not have done, according inclement weather at Elmen­ his air force duties. That is why to include the two Franciscan nuns the Franciscan Sisters. luck. And it is written for three ostensibly a tough Irishman, to the ethics o f his profession. dorf field, Celie had a relapse. the writer hopes that ’someone as parties defendant in the suit reasons: To introduce you ' to weighing in at about 220 He brought the decision to the The air force flew her to Den­ who would be interested in act­ Mr. Rosner, presumably on the some interesting people, to help pounds. And he may punch me very ill Celie. ver and granted her husband a ing as housekeeper for the Cur­ advice o f the plaintiff, had strenu­ find a housekeeper, and to ask in the nose for telling this. But But he did not know that, change of station to Lowry. rans will read this. Arch, as ously resisted inclusion o f the sis­ your prayers for a very brave Carmel Triduum that is neither here nor there. when she had been converted, ♦ * *. they say in the service, “ is ters in the action, contending that girl. The Currans were married in she had also been convinced. She NOW CELIE is well on her ready for rotation” from his no relief was asked against them. It is the story of Celie Cur­ Texas at the start of World told the doctor just what her way to recovery. Arch has bought stern household duties. In the same order Judge George C. ran, a lovely blonde, a convert war II, Celie having been con­ husband had told the doctor, to a house, and the Currans intend • * • Twombly also ruled that the plaint­ Commemorates to the faith, who lives on the verted to the faith before the which her husband, when he to make Denver their perma­ THAT IS THE STORY of the iff must, in order to show violation second floor of building C-2 marriage. But her conversion found out, added a few lines of nent home. Of course, it is hard Currans, a fine, brave Catholic o f the law, prove that the defend­ at Fitzsimons General hospital, had its difficulties. Being in savory Bostonese. for them to be separated. The couple, much less afraid of o f­ ant sisters in the action taught sed^ and of Arch Curran, who lives * * • tarian doctrines. Centenary children cannot quite under­ fending the pagan world than M nurses’ training at the time, she with four little Currans at could not understand at first NEITHER CELIE nor the stand why they cannot see their o f offending their God. Pray According to the attorney!, This year’s public outdoor trid­ 2537 Birch street in Blessed the Church’s teaching on thera­ •baby died, ^ the doctor had “mommy” more often, and why for them— and help them find the school director! and the sis­ uum at the Carmelite convent in Sacrament parish. peutic abortion where the direly predicted. In fact she they are never allowed to kiss a housekeeper. ters hare consistently main­ Littleton, to be held Saturday, Arch and Celie Curran, of mother’s life is in danger. That tained that no religious instruc­ Sunday, and Monday, July 14, 15, + ■ + . + + + -I- course, are man and wife, and was all that held up her entry tion is given in this school, nor and 16, marks the end of a period Rev. John Fullana, C.R. their ambition, as well as the into the Church, and that was have any sectarian doctrines of notable progress made by the ambition of Carolyn, 7; Mary not for long, for a wise and been taught. foundation. The Littleton Carmel­ lins he compiled an unusual record. patient priest brought her to Heads Lowry Jet Squadron In its new decision the court, ites now number 14, including pro­ He won the hearts of the Spanish- see the wisdom of Mother after three days o f hearings, de­ fessed nuns, novices, and three speaking people of his congrega­ Church’s command. cided that the sisters were proper postulants. tion by his untiring work. * * ♦ ' parties because they would be di­ In the material order, improve­ On his arrival in Ft. Collins, Father Fullana was faced with rectly affected by action taken in^ ments effected on the convent AFTER THE ARRIVAL of many problems. His people needed their first child. Fighter Pilot volving the wearing o f the re­ grounds have been noteworthy. A ligious garb, the disposition of financial assistance. The church Curran was sent to the Euro­ 2,000-foot wall of redwood, cen­ monies paid to them in salary, and tered with an iron grate, was put was not completed. The parish pean theater to fly P-5 Is. Celie school required repairs. Curran prayed him over there, other points that might arise in up around the enclosure at a cost the prosecution o f the action. o f $5,000, not counting the labor, Father Fullana first set up a prayed him through his full Spanish Industrial center in the In thus defending their rights much of which was donated by complement of missions, and basement of the church and began the nuns join the present defend Catholic laymen, the rest being prayed him home again. the manufacture o f mops. The ant parties: Frank Hoefler, Ed­ done by ithe sisters themselves. It Commissioned after the war profit realized on the mops, al­ ward J. Lock, and J. H. Bomhoft, has been the custom for interested as a regular air force officer, officers, directors, and members though it provided a humble living Curran was one of the first to men to contribute their spare o f school district No. 43; Doris hours on week ends in helping the for the workers, was not sufficient be checked out in jets and soon to carry out the much-needed im­ Plummer, superintendent^ o f nuns with the heavy work entailed after (with three children now) provements on the parish plant schools of Logan county; Nettle S. in their landscaping plans. The the Currans were sent to He finally hit on the idea o f a co­ Freed, state superintendent o f Friends of Carmel, with an office Alaska, to Elmendorf field.' public instruction; and W. F. Alex­ operative grocery. at 30 S. Sherman, and always ^ n There the Currans’ home be­ ander, treasurer of Logan county. The church building, a mere to memberahip, assist the (iarmel- came second headquarters for The companion case to this one, shell since its dedication some ites financially. ,priMt-chaplains of the Arctic wherein W. L. Alexander, treas­ years before, came first ip the ’Two hundred pinon pine trees regions, and there Captain'Cur­ urer of Logan county, was or­ priest’s plans. A furnace and have been planted on both sides o f dered to pay salary warrants to stoker were installed and the ran established his reputation a new cement walk on the the two nuns, even though Outcalt sacristy was remodeled to serve Celie Curran as one of the nation’s top jet slope of the property. A hedgre also pilots with his record-smashing a retired sugar company fieldman, a winter chapel. A choir loft has been planted. Anne, 5; Diedre, 3; and Ranger, flight. had filed injunction proceedings, was built, the walls were plas­ 1 , is to get mamma back home * • * has been concluded in favor of Blake Hiester, Denver layman, tered, and the ceiling was covered the sisters. In this case the sisters will have charge of the music at with celotex. Later he acquired again, for Celie Curran is con­ THE COUPLE’S TEST OF valescing from tuberculosis con­ won the first round in the court the novena. This year marks also the necessary fnrnishing;8 for the FAITH came with the knowl­ action being conducted in Sterling the 700th anniversary of the Ap-‘ church. His last building project tracted in Alaska. And that is edge that their fourth child was where the reader comes in: If to test the legality o f their position parition of Our Lady of Mt Car­ for the parish was the new $75,- on the way, for at that time an as public school teachers. mel. to S t Simon Stock in 1251, 000 hall for parish activities. you will promise to pray Celie air force doctor found that when she gave him ^ h e Brown Father Fullana was born in Curran out of the hospital and Celie had developed tubercu­ It was one o f the few times in Scapular. Mallorca, Spain, in March of back her ever-loving husband losis. the history o f U.S. jurisprudence and her lonely children, I will when nuns have sued a public of­ The sermon on the first night 1893. He took his studies at the The doctor “ bunched up” and tell you a story. ficial for the payment o f their sal­ of the novena 'will be delivered Theatine seminary, St. Espeneolet .to “ hit the panic button,” as Cur­ * • * ary. In their complaint the sisters by the Rev. Bernard Murray, S.J., in Mallorca. ran says in the rich argot of the used their civil names, Mary Ber­ of Loyola parish, Denver; on the On Feb. 24, 1923, he was or­ HAVING KNOWN T HE jet pilot. The M.D., whom Cur­ tram Diderrich and Mary Georgia second night, by the Rev. Charles dained in the Cathedral in Palma, Currans during their six-month ran also calls a “ happy pagan,” Cooper. Their defence was base'd Jones, S t John’s parish, Denver; Mallorca, by Bishop R. Domenec. stay in Denver, I know quite a immediately cornered the cap­ on their constitutional rights to and on the third night, by the Very On July 29, 1925, he arrived I)it about them. And, from a tain. teach in public schools as duly Rev. Paul Schwarz, C.SS.R., pas in the U. ^ to work in the Denver Catholic standpoint, the story “ I will have to take the CAPT. ARCH CURRAN, command­ ing F-80 fighters is quite a, job, he has found, but jualified and certified appointees. tor of S t Joseph’s parish. Arch, see. In addition to his assignments should be told as an example to baby,” he said. ing officer of Lowry air force base’s F-80 maintaining a home for four children whose mother oth the sisters hold collegeleg de­ bishop Urban J. Vehr will officiate in Ft. Collins, he was also sta­ all those who are tempted to “ You will do the best you is hospitalized is harder. See the adjoining story on grees and teaching certificates, at Benediction of the Blessed Sac­ tioned in St. Cajetan’s, Denver; jet support squadron, is shown above discussihg water down their faith in times know to save both the life of the courageous Currans.— (Lowry air force base and both have many years of rament on the second night, July also Conejos and Antonito, both of duress. Now Captain Cur­ my wife and of the baby,” said maintenance problems with a line chieG Maintain­ photo) teaching experience. 15. Services begin at 7:30. now part of the Diocese of Pueblo, PAGE TWO Office, 938 lo n n e e k Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER [Telephone, KEyitene4205 Thuridoy, July 5, 1951

SEE Lois Elliott Married in Blessed Sacrament Church (Blastad Sacramant Parish, Michael Olsheve and Kathrine Womens’ Overseas convention to rinkard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. OUR COMPLETE SELECTION Danver) Schmidt. be held from July 7 to July 12. , J. Drinkard. i She is a service chairman and wUI Miss Lois Jeanne Elliott, daugh­ Mrs. H. B. Maitby entertained , Thfe week of Aug. 5 hat been conduct the meeting on one of OF ter of Mrs. James H. Elliott and St. Anne’s circle June 27. Prizes dPtignated at Blttted Sacra- were won by Mmes. Mayme Flet­ the days. M ri Allen will returii meht week at Camp St. Malo the late Mr. Elliott, became the via San Francisco. bride of James O’Connor, son of cher and E. F. Shannon. Mrs. naar Ettet Park. Tha rata it $IS Mr. and Mrs. William O’Connor o f Thomas J. Morrissey and Mrs. Norman McDevitt and John paA week and anyone withing to Elizabeth, N.J., on Jline 30. prior Shannon were guests. (Manny) Echevarria left July 1 mase a reterTation may phone to a Nuptial Mass in the Blessed Tommy Batt, son of Mr. and for a month’s vacation in Cali­ thejrecto^, FR. 1692. RELIGIOUS GIFTS fornia. m Sacrament church, offered by the Mrs. T. H. Batt, just returned M . Charles Crapo was called Rt. Rev. Monsignor Harold V. from a two-week vacation spent Mrs. E. F. Shannon and her two to C dcago last week because of for Campbell, pastor. with his grandmother, M rs.'T. E. children, formerly of Chicago, now the ( eath . of her brother, E. S. The bride, who was given in Batt o f Longmont. The Batts of Ponca City, Okla., are visiting Desji rdins. marriage by her brother-in-law, entertained at a garden party July Mrs. Shannon’s parents, Mr. and Sii ter Mary Rosalie (Rosemary ALL OCCASIONS 4, which was also the occasion for Mrs. Edward Oliver. Theodore C. Swan, war gowned in Ellio :t) - is studying for her a family reunion. traditional ivory satin, designed Mrs. Margaret Ross o f Central mast !r’s degree in education at the with a full skirt and a train. The Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hart, City has been a guest in the home Catholic university in Washington, of Mrs. J. H. Hesselbine. DENVER DnWSTRIUMNK COMPLETE LINE bodice was made with a deep yoke Jr., moved into their new home at D.C/ Sister Rosalie is a graduate of illusion outlined with a wide 2650 Bellaire street recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Drinkard o f {he Blessed Sacrament school ------e io it c i S. ROCK. PmUta# ------, > 1 5 3 4 CoWfamla SI5 $ < OF GREETING CARDS band of ivory beading.' Her em­ Mrs. Milton Allen will leave for and their three daughters of and! a daughter of Mrs. James H. broidered net ve|I, a Spanish man­ San Diego July 7 to attend the Detroit, Mich., are visiting Mr. Ellf>tt. tilla from Costa Rica, was lent for the occasion by Mrs. Edward Rollman. Jo Ann Elliott, sister of the bri^e, as maid of honor, wore a floor-length frock of green or­ gandy. The two bridesmaids. Mar- orie Barrett and Mrs. Edward i c h u r c h ■tollman, wore similar frocks of **Th« W ettt Largest Church Goods Supply Houst^ orchid organdy. The three at­ tendants wore floral headdresses and carried arm bouquets o f pink Eitabliihed 1902 1633 Tremont Place daisies The best man, William O’Con­ TAbor 3789 Denver 2, Cole. nor, brother of the bridegroom, is studying medicine at University college, Galway, Ireland, and came to the United States for. the wed­ ding. The ushers were James Grif­ fin and Edward Rodgers. Out-pf town guests included the bride-, groom’s mother, Mrs. William O’Connor, and his aunt. Miss Mary Leonard, both of Elizabeth, N. J.; and Mrs. Richard Towne o f Cleve m u s i c , A c . land, 0. 1522 St. A wedding breakfast was held in the Olin hotel following the ceremony, and in the afternoon Bond Instruments • Pianos - Organs there was a reception in the home of the bride’s mother. The bride is a graduate of St. Mary’s acad­ Radios - Records - Accessories emy, Loretto Heights college, aftd did postgraduate work at Colorado AC. 1635 • DENVER, COLO. university. The bridegroom, a graduate of St. Peter’s college in■ J(Jersey City, “ ■ N.J., is connected with the FBI. After a wedding- trip, the young couple will maka their home in Detroit, Mich. First Saturday devotions in Tollefson Furniture honor of Our Lady of Fatima will begin immediately after the 8:16 2749 SOUTH BROADWAY Mass Saturday, July 7, at which time the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for all-day adoration. The Rosary will be recited ALL OUT SALE hourly by leaders, and special prayers o f reparation and pleas EVERYTHING REDUCED for peace will be offered. The de­ votions will close in the evening OPEN EVENINGS-7:30.9 P.M. SU. 1-1441 at 9 o’clock with Benediction. Confessions in preparation for first Friday will be heard Thurs­ day afternoon, July 5, from 3:30 to 6, and in the evening from 7 :80 to 9. Masses on the first Friday Thermo - Electro will be at 6:16, 7:16, and 8:16 o’clock. The perpetual novena in honor REED o f the Sacred Heart is held evei^ Friday eveninp: in the church at 7 :46, and consists of the recitation BAHERY of the Rosary and Benediction. That outlostt any Bleiied Sacrament parithiea- art who are mamhars of tha Battery on the Road. Nocturnal Adoration teciaty are requested to meet at the Holy Water 3 times a year Ghost church Friday morning, 36 Months' July 6, from 2 to 3 o’clock for their hour of adoration. Guarantee On June 24 the Rev. Anton J, Borer, S.M.B., baptized Nancy Recharging ~ Rental Batteries - Service Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A Fsu DoUan a Week Pays the Balance Albert Morr. The sponsors were Robert Morr and Mrs. Betty -GENERAL TIRES- Herring. Monsignor Campbell baptized Robert Lance Michael, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Murphy, on Joe Kavanaugh, Inc. July 1. The sponsors were 28 Years Same Location ^ 7th at Lincoln Locally Ouned and Operated TA. 1261 Parish Circle Is Entertained I. Morgan, At St. James' '.S ’. Leibman (St. Jamas’ Parish, Denver) A cj ^ St. Therese’s circle was enter­ tained by Mrs. N. E. Johnson with and Hickey all members present. Mrs. Hen­ ^ Gas and Eleetne Bldg, Phono TAhor 1398 § nessey will be hostess to the circle at the next meeting. Masses on First Friday will be at 6:80 and 7:30 o’clock. To claim the gifts that are to be made at the annual parish pic­ nic it will not be necessary to. be present. Baptized July 1 were Mark ^IN V fS Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard T. Davis, with Richard and Ruth SAVE SAFELY Skeen as sponsors; Robert Jo­ seph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bolger, with Benjamine Naphes and Helen Nothaft as sponsors; and Ellen McLaughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Sin- nott, with William J. Boykin and Dorothy Squires as sponsors; Ed J. Sinnott was a proxy. Sacred Heart devotions will be held on Friday evening at 7:30.

The Denver Catholic KEysioif 7223 Regiiter Published Weekly by the Catholic Press Society, Inc, 938 Bannock Street, Denver. Cok). Subscription: $2.00 Per Year sold in combination with The Register, National Edition, in J O H n S D I l Archdiocese of Denver. Entered es Second Clase STORAGE s mouinc CD. Matter at the Post Office, Denver, Colo. g.OCA£ dk £OMC MOVIIVG Dr. G. J. For the Safety of Your Goods Schasubis Use Johnson Service on Every Move Optometrist AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN UNES, INC. Specialiit -UOVDIO WITH CAU EVgBTWREBf- For Vinial STORAGE - PACKING - SHIPPING E ja Care Phone PE 2433 Denver 221 Broadway 638 Empira Bldg. K£. 5840

f V Thursday, July 5, 1951 Office, 938 Bi :k StfMf THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEysfone 4205 PAGE THREE At Dedication of Aurora Church Fr. Joseph Trudel Barrett Book Wins Hardest Test: Public Approbation

By Ed Miller magazines is not necessarily for Westinghouse, and started a little sense back into a pro­ WITH THE PUBLICATION handcuffed to the habit o f using out to make a career of the fession where the amateurs try Offers Mass on warmed-over plots every time writing of fiction. He started of The Left Hand of God, Wil­ to start out at the top and, be­ liam E. Barrett occasioned any out. ' at the bottom, in the "pulps,” coming discouraged, quit. Indeed, the most unusual and he learned his trade number o f tempests to form in One other thing that Barrett thing about the,Left Hand is thoroughly. Then he slowly 50fh Anniversary any number o f teacups. He also should be commended for is came up with a plot twist o f the incalculable effort for good Bishop Joseph C. Willging of tornado proportions and caused he has had with his subtle yet Pueblo paid high tribute to the more than a few inversions o f telling affirmations o f the Chris­ zeal o f the Rev, Joseph Trudel, previous judgments about tian way of life. When it is S.S., at the Solemn Mass offered “slick” writers. Like Mac- realized that a novel such as in the Sacred Heart church, Gard­ Arthur’s Inchon landings, Bar­ the L eft Hand, “ slicked” into ner, on June 28 by Father Trudel rett’s book was prudently con­ a top magazine, will reach an in observance of his 50th anniver­ sidered and audaciously exe­ audience that., numbers in the sary as a priest. Bishop Willging cuted. And it has succeeded and millions— and an audience that presided at the Mass. is succeeding beyond what must is next to impossible to reach Two other Masses were offered be any author’s reasonable ex­ with ordinary religious “propa­ by Father Trudel in observance of pectation. Weeks have passed ganda”—then only can it be his sacerdotal jubilee. On July 3 into months and still The Left realized that Barrett may be di­ a Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving Hand of God h ann on. The best, rectly responsible for more con­ was celebrated by the jubilarian in the most severe, the surest critic versions and the return of more the mission church in Wattenburg, o f all, the public, has voted it fallen-aways than can be im­ and on July 4 a third Mass was a best seller by forcing it into agined. offered by Father Trudel in the its fifth printing. Averaging * * * chapel o f Mercy hospital, Denver. 1,000 sales a week, the total, o f BARRETT DID A GREAT A small group of friends attended copies o ff the press now stands service for his Church when he this Mass. The sermon , was de­ at more than 60,000. raised his sights to the novel. livered bv the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Francois Mauriac has said: And proof that he succeeded William M. Higgins, pastor o f S t “ If there is a reason for the with The Left Hand of God is Philomena’s, Denver. The Rev. existence of the novelist on that the consensus o f priest- John Scannell was deacon and earth it is this: To show the reviewers was highly favorable. the Rev. John Ordinas, C.R., was elements which hold out against And this is significant, for, in. subdeacon. The sisters’ choir sang. God in the highest and noblest the case of this particular book, Mass Said characters— the innermost evils his worst test could only have and dissimulations; and also to come at the hands o f these men In Gardner light up the secret source o f because o f the subject matter sanctity in creatures who seem At the Mass in Gardner, the o f the book. Written less deftly, to us to have failed.” the L eft Hand, dealing as it does Very Rev. Howard L. Delaney, • > » pastor of St. Mt^ry’s parish, Wal- with the story o f an adventurer senburg, was deacon. The Rev. IN PROBING the sceptical who acted the part of a priest Harold Gleason, assistant pastor ' mind o f his honorable but agnos­ stood a very good chance of WHEN ST. THERESE’S CHURCH in Archbishop Vehr, who presided in the Mass; the of St. Joseph’s parish. Grand Junc­ tic Dr. Sigman and in describing seriously ofjfending both the Very Rev. Bernard Cullen, Assistant Chancellor, clergy and the laity. It is to Bar­ Aurora was dedicated by Archbishop Ur­ tion, was subdeacon, and the Rev. the skein o f sacrilege that master of ceremonies; and the Rev. William Powers, George T. Holland, Assistant slowly binds his glamorous Car- rett’s eternal credit that he in- ban J. Vehr July 2, the Rt. Rev. Monsignor John deacon. St. Therese’s parishioners marJced the sil­ Chancellor, was master o f cere' mody into a strait jacket of re­ fornjed an extremely delicate Moran (left, above) was celebrant of tbe Solemn ver anniversary of their parish’s founding on the monies. sponsibility, Barrett harf fulfilled Williom E. Barrett subject with an unimpeachable Mass coram Archiepiscopo. The other principals at dedication day. The new plant includes a church I*resent in the sanctuary were Mauriac’s minimums admirably. dignity. the function, shown in the photo, are (left to right) capable of seating 325 persons, a parish hall, and a Monsignior Aloysius J. Miller and And he has done this with the that it is anything but rechauffe. made the transition from the Bill Barrett is only now com­ the Rev. Louis Mertz, who has charge of the parish; new rectory.— (Register j)hoto by Smyth) Monsignor Leo J. Thome as chap­ . aid of a story scheme that, even On that score Barrett is not pulps to the “ slick,” and ing into his own; his progress lains to the Most Reverend Bishop. to the non-Catholic, is start­ for burning. There have been throughout the ’40s his name has been measured, for he has + + + ■ + + . + Also present were Monsignor John lingly different— and to the criticisms of the book, but none was to be found with acceler­ ascended his pedestal by means J. Kelley, the Very Rev. Patrick Catholic actually assumes the have been on the basis o f a weak ated frequency on the conteirts o f a number o f difficult steps. Crowd in New^ Edifice Conway, the Rev. J. A. Laquerre, aspects o f that object o f art, or hackneyed plot. pages o f such magazines as By Mauriac’s definition he has the Rev. Bernard Gillick, the Rev, the unhackneyed plot. » * * Redbook, McCall's, Cosmopolitan, earned his right to existence on Joseph Rochel, S.J., and.the Rev The Left Hand of God has FOR BILL BARRETT, a sil­ and Reader’s Digest. Now Bar­ this- earth as a novelist. He has Lucien Lareau. Also attending lifted Barrett into the higher ver-haired veteran whose won­ rett’s story sales are nearing the heeded the words o f St. Paul: were the Sisters of St. Joseph echelons o f living Catholic derful stories of war in the air 2,000 mark, and he is easing into “ Carefully study to present from Fort Collins who taught the novelists, and sale to RKO thrilled a generation o f youths a new category, that o f the thyself approved to God, a work­ religious vacation school in (Jard- for production into a motion (a generation that grew up to established Catholic novelist. man that needeth not to be ner this year. A large congrega­ picture has helped Barrett to live in the 1940s the stories * * * ashamed, rightly handling the word of trudi.” tion filled the church to honor the prove again several things: That Barrett wrote in the ’30s), this AND IN HIS EVOLUTION, beloved padrecito who at an ad­ a writer can make an adequate new stature is only as it should Barrett has done writing a great vanced age returned voluntarily amount of money without re­ be for he has plotted his own to the parish for the second time sorting to a lusty, busty heroine, progress as carefully as ho did service by re-establishing old $100 Is Given Rangely in his life. “ sexsational” scenes, and the ar­ the story of Jim Carmody’s values in their correct comers Dinner was served to the Bishop got of the gutter; that - top fling at sacrilege. by overturning the Cinderella and clergy at noon by the women “ slick” writer can graduate into Church hy Non-Catholic In 1929 he gave up what for idea that every downy-chinned of the parish and in the evening the ranks of the top novelists; most people would be a satis­ youngster should be a Truman by the same group to the general and that the man who gets his factory life’s position— that of At the dinner held after the Capote or turn out a “ Thana- public. literary training writing for publicity director for 17 states dedication of the new St. Ig­ topsis” before the age when he natius church in Rangely, J, has to worry about UMT. He has J. Zorichak, toastmaster, an­ shown the logical way to young nounced that M. E. Nystrom, a Airline Officials Display Franciscan Author writers who would substitute non-Catholic building contractor scatology for the study of of Rangely, has made a dona­ rhetoric and would rather ex­ tion of $100 to the parish build­ To Open Retreat amine (ungrammatically) their ing fund. Mr. Nystrom built the Anxiety for Souls' Gire libidos and sex drives, their Rangely elementary, junior, and Officials of the United Airlines and crew had been thrown out to egos and their ids than go senior high school building. He displayed outstanding solicitude the front of the craft. Among the for Clergy July 16 through the tedium o f learning declared that he was surprised for the spiritual care of their pas­ articles strewn about the scene, The distinguished Franciscan how to say that which needs to that so much improvement could sengers on the occasion of the the priest noticed especially a dead author, the Rev. Isidore O’Brien, be said. Barrett should be com­ be accomplished in the church crash of the company’s DC-6 on rabbit, a number of gardenias, will conduct the cler^ retreat for mended for attempting to put for so little cost. Crystal mountain June 30. and a little girl’s doll. priests of the archdiocese at St. United’s “ operations men” sum­ The priest found 28 bodies in moned a goriest immediately on dis­ his hour’s search of the area, and covering the site of the disaster, he came upon two more on his way and rushed him, in the first rescue back down the mountain. He was truck, to the scene of the tragedy. warm in his commendation of the Fifty persons were killed. United Airlines’ care for its pas­ THE CROWD THAT attended the I Aurora, on July 2, is shown above.— {Reg- sengers— a policy which that com­ It was about 3 o'clock Saturday Dedication Mass in St. Therese’s church I ister photo by Smyth) pany, he was told, is always accus­ afternoon when the United repre­ tomed to follow. sentatives called at St. John’s rec­ tory in Loveland. Father Stein, United Airlines’ office thought perhaps six of the victims assistant pastor, answered the cal! Men of Denver Are Urged to Attend were Catholics. This number is not and lost no time in accompanying certain. the airline’s employes to the spot. The rescuers encountered some Adoration at Holy Ghost Church July 5 difficulty in wending their way up Lorry Yornell to Talk the narrow road on Buckhorn “ Men of Denver can prove they are true friends of Christ by attending the nocturnal creek for several miles to the place. ^ To First Friday Club adoration in Holy Ghost church, Denver, the night of July 5,” comments Father William When the trucks bogged down in J. Gallagher, spiritual director of the Nocturnal Adoration society. “ Christ’s friends,” as the mud, the party had to walk The First Friday Luncheon Father Gallagher puts it, “ enjoy the Eucharistic Christ’s companionship every month.” five miles to its destination. club will have Larry Lee Var- Arrived on the scene, the priest nell, who has just retired a* Members of the Nocturnal Adoration society recite an Offce, have the opportunity to go. administered conditional absolution basketball coacb of the Regis to Confession, and attend Mass to the bodies, and parts of bodies, Rangers, as speaker at its meet­ not be one-sided. It will be mu­ we are craving for, all that will Father O’Brien at midnight. of the victims that were found. ing Friday noon, July 6. Mr. The complete statement by Fa­ tual— and we shall be mutual satisfy us now and for eternity. friends. Watch Hours Listed Describing the terrible wreck­ Vamell, a non-Catholic, will Thomas’ seminary, from Monda; ther Gallagher follows: age, the priest said that the plane, give hit reactions to his associ­ July .16, to Friday, July 20. If we could realize how much The companionship of Jesus The hours assigned to members Christ in the Blessed Sacrament which had been flidng south, “ cut ation with a Catholic college. will also conduct the Pueblo Our Lord loves us we .should die of the various parishes for this o ff pine trees as if it had had a Catholic men employed down­ clergy retreat at the seminary the of joy. One glance at a crucifix will do much to make us more and month’s adoration are as follows: more like Him. “ Tell me with knife fixed to the wing.” The re­ town are invited to join mem­ next week. is sufficient to assure us that ex­ 9 to 10 o’clock— St. John’s, mains of victims were everywhere, bers of the club for lunch and Father O’Brien is best known aggeration is impossible when try­ whom you go and I will tell you Presentation, St. James’, St. Rose what you are.” scattered over a square mile, some bear the talk by Mr, Varnell. for his Life of Christ, used ex­ ing to express Our Lord.’s infinite of Lima’s, Christ the King, Sts. even hanging in the trees. The The luncheon will be held in tensively by study groups, and his love for us. ' If we have a real friend, is Peter’s and Paul’s, and St. Pat­ there anything we would not do tail assembly was facing north the Mural room of the Albany latest work. The Mip-or of Christ, If we find Christ, love Him, and rick’s, Fort Logan. after the crash, and the passengers hotel. a life of St. Francis o f Assisi. prove our love for Him, the love for him, if it were in our power 10 to 11 o’clock— Holy Ghost, between Christ and ourselves will to do so? Surely not. Christ is the St. Elizabeth’s, and All/Saints’. Lord o f heaven and earth. He can 11 to 12 o’clock^Cathedral, I do marvelous things for us even St. Joseph’s (C.SS.R.1, St. Marfl! Contributors to Burse in this world, and He does. Why Magdelene’s, Our Lady of Guada­ do we not spend at least one hour lupe, St. Cajetan’s, St. Berna­ Shun 'Horse Lotitude' a month voluntarily before Him dette’s, and Our Lady of Victory. in the Blessed Sacrament? 12 to 1 o’clock— St. Vincent' d« Great ocean-going ships were Everything in the whole world Paul’s, St Dominic’s, Our Lady of once at the mercy of the winds is too small a price to pay for Grace, and St. Therese’s (Au­ before steam took over. When one hour of union with Christ in rora). these magnificent vessels left the adoration. 1 to 2 o’clock— Annunciation, area of trade winds, their sails God will repay-you for any sac­ St. Francis de Sales’, St. Joseph’s fell slack and they came to a rifice that you may make for love (Golden), and Mother o f God. gently rolling stop in the dol­ of Him. It is impossible to be a 2 to .3 o’clock— Blessed Sacra­ drums. These belts of calm came real friend o f Our Lord without ment, Holy Rosary, and S t Jo­ to be known as the “ horse lati­ becoming the object o f divine seph’s '{Polish). tudes” because the becalmed crews generosity, not only in the next 3 to 1 o’clock— St. Philoipena’s, had to throw over any animals world, but also in this. Our Lady of Lourdes, S t Pat­ aboard, to preserve provisions. We must realize that we can rick’s, St. Anne’s (Arvada),, and Summer days are too often the really find Christ and become His Holy Family. doldrums for many fine projects intimate friend by attending the 4 to 5 o’clock—Assumption that must be kept going the year nocturnal adoration with the (W elby), Sacred Heart, St. An­ round. Like the becalmed sailors, other Catholic men of the city; thony’s, St Louis’, St Mary’s we are often tempted to jettison and when He speaks to us in the (Littleton), and M t Carmel. our best intentions in the lassitude silence o f the night we shall find 5 to 6 o’clock— St. Ignatius that the “ horse-latitude weather” in Him all that is good, all that Loyola, and St. Catherine’s, brings upon us. Some contributors to the Little Flower burse, 'fortunately, do not Lincoln, Amarillo Dioceses' use the hot weather as an excuse to “ throw overboard” their inten­ tions to help the archdiocese edu­ Send Priests to 'Register' cate young men for the priesthood. The Rev. Rawley Myers of the Father Myers, stationed at the In the past week Lhree contribu­ Diocese of Lincoln and the Rev. Denver archdiocesan Chancery tors brought the burse total to Louis Moeller of the Diocese of building, was assigned as assist­ 13,839. A friend gave $50; anony­ Amarillo, both alumni of St. ant pastor of St. Joseph’s par­ mous, $5; anonymous, $2; and Thomas' seminary, came from ish, Y ork,' Neb., after his ordi­ Frank Gethins, Fitzsimons hospi­ their home dioceses to Denver to nation to the priesthood June 8, tal, $10. Contributions to the Lit­ study at the Register college of 1949. Long interested in writing, tle Flower burse may be sent di­ y journalism. Father Myers intends the Nebraska priest has contribu­ Boulevard offert funeral services suited to all needs, priced to the means rectly to Archbishop Urban J. to pursue his work at the Register ted articles to leading Catholic ’ of each fomily . . . and no family has ever been turned away for lock of Vehr, Chancery office, 1536 office for about a year; and Fa publications, He also acted as di­ Logan street, Denver 5, Colo. ther Moeller, until October. rector of vocations for the Diocese ’ funds. One chorge covers oil — there are no unauthorized extras. Regardless of Lincoln. ' of cost, every service is complete. Ordained June 2, 1951, Father Heligious Articles Moeller had taken his last two years of theological study at St. • Statues • Rosaries • Medals • Books Boulevard Mortuary is easily accessible from any • Crucifixes • Prayer Books • PendanU • Pictures Thomas’. He pursued his college and philosophy training at St. * Plaques part of the city . . . only five minutes from down­ John’s seminary in San Antonio. town Denver, ample parking space. Complete Lino of Roligiouj Articles for Church ar.d Home His studies at the Register are Father Moeller’ preparation to as­ sist the Rev. L. T. Matthiesen, who James F. McConaty is editor of the Amarillo Register. John J. (Jack) Denny A . P . W ivin vv Father Matthiesen also studied at the Register college of journalism. Father Moeller is with Father effud^ B O U L E V A R D t ill lu ll t.oons t o. Myers at the Chancery building 6 0 6 14fhSf. B etw een California & Wciton TA 8331 during his stay in Denver. Both as­ 3020 FEDERAL BOULEVARD sist at the Cathedral. GR. 1626 PAGE FOUR Q ffkti 9 3 8 B tnnpck Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thuridey, Joly 5, 1951 'Leisure Hours' Is Theme S id s d b t A , enver Youth Joins Hall of Fame + + + imiiiiiyiiipiiM O f Boy Leadership Parley end up shy— whetheij with laurels By Petb ENOK.KIN Th* kverae* boy of 18 hai spent or wiOi lumps— ^whh a degree in All-American Pat Vigil, Ace Hurler, course include “The Character­ A week ego, a Catholic high’ secularism. The portent is some­ •pproxlmttaly one-third of hie istics o f the Adolescent Boy,” ichool star in an Eastern city an< thing for high school athletes to time in leiiure-hour ectivitiee, that “ElemenU of a Program," “Prob- ii, in activitiee away from the nounced that he would not accept think about.. lems of Guidance,” "Principles ,of a scholarship offered him by a ruiding influences o f the Church, Committee Work,” "Planning tlia Catholic university in the Mid- Tinktr Fiild Not* Named AIIArchbishop Richard J. Chancery Office Cushing advised 227 graduates o f five Catholic nursing schools to *1.3 5 1536 Logon St. Tht Arm* lUUd here diMrvt \e acquaint themselves with the lives be remembered when you are dit- Donver 5, Colo. of and to practice a devotion to tributinf your patronafe to tbe dif­ their patron saints. The prelate This special price SERVED ALL DAY ferent Uaea of bualneai. spoke at graduation exercises held EVERYDAY in the Holy Cross Cathedral. good Friday, July 6th, through Thurs­ 11:30 o.m. to SHOPPERS!! AnENTIONI! day, July 12th, Only 8 p.m.

Solve your Parking Problems Swim KE 1204 For Reservations Progress Parking Naxt Door Use Our Indoor Parking Plange V h n \/2 Hour 25c 1st Hoar 35e Open Daily THE YOUNG PEOPLE’S CLUB MEM­ (president), Sally Snider, Ann Oreskovich, Father Golden TULastem Additional Honrs 15c 1 to S p.m. RESTAURANT 7 te 10 p.m. BERS who attended the biweekly meeting Jolin, the Rev. Amador Cruz Wisco, club director; 1265 Broadway Monday evening, July 2, in the Mother o f God Pat Harrison (secretary), Betty McGruder, and DENVER GARAGE 3300 W . Florida Westwood 386 parish hall, Denver, are shown above. The Rev. Mildred Lagrimanta.; and second row, Jim McGruder, s t e a k EATERS! ENJOY OUR STEAK SPECIAL 1437 California CHerry 1601 Look for the “ SWIM" Sign on John J. Jolin, S.J., professor of philosophy at Regis Erlene Pfipps, Joan Deline (treasurer), John Scott, FEATURED EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT! Jim Batler e. Kay KatUr (St Joaepb'a Parish) Federal Boulevard college, gave the closing address for the year’s ac­ Rita Manzanares, Jack O’Grady, Vonny Harrison, tivities, Left to right, front row, are Pat McGruder -Frank Rowe, and Tim Lefevre,— (Smyth photo) 1 NEW HUDSON— LAUNDROMAT— REFRIGERATOR— ELECTRIC STOVE DOMINICAN SISTERS OF THE SICK POOR BAZAAR c/> J T L Y 12 , 1 3 ,1 4 A N D 15 C /3 23rd AVE. AIVD YORK STREET HOPE C H E S T - TREASURE C H E S T - ENTERTAINMENT^ PONY RIDES m Thursday, July 5, 1951 Office, 9 3 8 la n n o e k Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 PAGE FIVE Entertainment Is Scheduled Charity's Battle Array Final July Clearance At Dominican Sisters’ Bazaar Coats, Drosses, Shoes, and Ploy Clothis Entertainment specialties scheduled at the annuah bazaar for the Dominican Sisters Reduced 2 5 to 5 0 % of the Sick Poor will include performances Friday evening, July IS, by the Heel and Toe club, popular square dance set. Mrs. Peter Jonke The club will present three shows at 8, 9:30 and 10:30 on the bazaar grounds at R A . 606 0 E. 23rd and York street, Denver. The square dancers, whose caller and instructor Is Charles J27i t0.50WNHief Tuffield, consented to appear at + + H" + + Wa Dallver the benefit, although their iched< "W hets Children Re/gn” ule it a busy one. Other attractions at the basaar, Bazaar Attractions which will open Thursday eve­ ning, July 12, and continue every evening through Sunday, July 16, will include a concert by the All- Parochial band on the opening night, July 12. Of special interest to the women who attend will be a serv­ M .E W O ice to be provided by Leon, Den­ ver bat designer, who will present all proceeds o f his booth to the Dominican Sisters. Leon will transform old hats into new in a matter of momenta for style-con- scious women. Sanctuary Lamp Donations Open THE ARRANGEMENT of the photo strive to make the annual benefit bazaar for the above has a symbolism all its own. In the sisters a ipccesi. This year’s bazaar opens Thurs­ forefront of the unceasing struggle against disease, day evening, July 12, on the Luyola parish grounds, poverty, and neglect are the Dominican Sisters of £. 23rd avenue and York street. The general chair­ lo Parishioners the Sick Poor. In the picture, left to right, they man is John Schlereth, at left in front row above, (Chriit the King Pariah, Denver) are Sisters Perpetua, Gabriel, and Albert. In the The photo was taken at the final planning meeting AN ELECTRICAL “ Treasure Chest” and a hope background are the loyal workers who plan and July 9— (Photo by Turilli) The privilege of being reprc' chest, two attractions of the annual bazaar for the Domi- sented before ththe Bleated Sacra­ + + + + + * nican Sisters of the Sick Poor, planned July 12, 13, 14, and 15, are ment day and night in both the church and the convent ia being displayed in the window of the York pharmacy, E. Colfax avenUe and extended to families o f Christ the , York street, Denver. The electrical gifts include a waffle iron, flat- King perish again this year. Sane Will Dance at Bazaar • iron, toaster, coffee maker, and mixer. The bazap will be held on the tuary lamps, which are always kept Loyola pariah grounds, E. 23rd avenue and York street.— Photo by burning, cost |4 a month, Pariih- loners wishing to contribute to TurilH) eoi*ouiiox I their maintenance are asked to contact Mrt. R. C. Meehan, 769 Elm street, FR. 4062. SEVenteenih at Vaeution Time . Maaaaa for tho first Friday, Is Jflere! , July 0, will be offered at 6:46 and 8 o’clock. This is the only Let 'us check your- car, grease Maas at 8 o'clock achedulad for and lubricate. Fill up with this week. Confoaaiona for the 174> Tremoal PI. Skelly Power-Packed Gas. first Friday will be heard on DENVER’S MOST Thursday aftarnoon from 4i30 401 14tb St. Tagolene or Supreme Oil to S:30, and in tho ovoning PROGRESSIVE 42S E. I7tb ATiL from 7:30 to 9 o’clock. (04 E. nth At*. Gef your vacation guides at St. John’s circle will accept the hospitality o f Mrs. Leonard Ram­ 1147-41 Market I t lit K. Ktb At*. ZIONS SKELLY SERVICE sey in her home, 767 Grape street, TAber U7S at a bridge-luncheon on Thursday, 4000 W . 32nil A t*. July 12. GLendalt 9702 Dtnvtr Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins have returned from a three-week trip to Seattle, Wash., and other places in the Northwest. ST. VIHCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tenifler and PatroniMS These Friendly Firms son, Bobby, are spending this week at Glenwood Springs. SEWING MACHINES Mrs. William L. Earley, the new Anker "ZIG ZAG" Anker president of the Altar and Rosary society, announced the appoint­ LEN’S Pharmacy ment of Mrs. Jean Ijacobuccl as U 0. FEHR, Pme. Howes Food Store deanery chairmen and Mrs. Eu­ Mueber I t VtnMnt a* Fanl’i Pariih 9eek«r Hawaa-Qarl* Bawee SPECIAL TRADE IN gene Sanders as program chair­ Have Your Doctor Phone An IGA Store OIVLY ONLY man. U» Your Preicriptlon Mrs. J. R. Hamilton entertained 2707 E. LoulalanR RA. 3739 Quality Meat! - at a bridge-luncheon in honor of At l«alil*na end Booth CUrton Mrs. Harriet Taylor of Los An- Groeerlea geles, who is here visiting her sis­ Fresh & Frozen Fruits (2 ) SALE (2 ) ter, Mrs. Ward Scott. Washington Park Mkt. and Vegetables Dr. William L. Earley attended MEMBERS OF THE HEEL AND TOE front row, left to right, are June McNeil, Mary Frink, Red & White Food Store Louisiana and Qayton Walnut Console $287.90 LESS 87.90 TRADE-IN ?2 0 0 . the dental convention last week in Betty Geary, Doris Vail, Jo Brown, and Suzanne Frt* club (above) will dance at the annual BILL HUGHES, Prop. SP. 5717 ' DtUTerr Portable 257.50 LESS 67.50 TRADE-IN ^190. Seattle, Wash. On his return he Von Osten; and back row, left to right’, Duane went to Rochester, Minn., to_ visit bazaar for the Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor McNeil, Boy Prink, A1 Geary, Bob Allison, Bob OponfT to 7 Woek Days Complete Food Service Cloaed Snndaya We Will Take Your Old Machine some friends at the Mayo clinic. Friday eveni^ng, July IS, on the Loyola parish Brown, and Jewel Von Osten, Charles Tuffield is grounds, E. 23rd andd York street, Denver. In the ...... ■ Tu ..... 598 South Gilpin On Sunday, July 8, families In 'Ut'e Smart te B« Thriftr" Regardle$$ of Kind or Condition the IQ group are asked to re­ ceive Holy Communion as family F rig i da ire Appliances units. St. Vincent de Paul Group Westwood Society Estella G. Murphy, 484 Hudson street, EA. 6655, is the Regi$ter O N N IE B R A E correspondent. She will accept p y Conducts Meeting in Hall To Meet on July 11 APPLIANCE (0. items of interest for publication. Maytag Appliances (St. Vincent d* Paul’s Parish, Mrs. David Sikes, president of B Shoppiug Center (St. Antheny’s Parish, Westwood) Kk Denvar) the PTA, is recovering after Tha Altar and Rosary aociety GL. 4727 3946 Federal St. Vincent de Paul’s Al^ar and surgery in Mercy hospital. will hold ita mdnthly meeting OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8 Vogue Showing Rosary society met in the school Mrs. William t e r Har enter­ Wednesday, July 11, at Ever­ Preisser's Red & White hall on July 3. The Rosary was tained the Little Flower circle at green. Members will leave from Bonnie Brae recited in the church preceding luncheon and bridge in her home tha church at 11 o’clock. A cov- the meeting. The president, Mrs. ered-diih dinner will'be a feature HABDWABE Grocery and Morket Madonna Stein Joseph Maginn, presided. on June 28. Awards were won by of the meeting, and members art CATHEDRAL PARISH Mri. P'red Linsenmeier end Mrs. asked, to contact Mrs. Minnie Komae Colorizer Paints FANCY MEATS, VEGETABLES. AND New Committee George Bader. Nlder, Westwood 804-J, to find QUALITY GROCERIES These Friendly Firms Deserve Your Patronage Organized The circle will resume meetings out the type of diih to take. Houaowerea • Toya - Sport Gooda Free Delivery SPmee 4447 Art Exhibition A new committee, with Mrs. in September. All members of the parish are l]24 E. Expealtleii BP. S(4S 2111 E. Ohio At« (So. UniT. and OMo) A one-woman art exhibition Helen Minor as chairman, has Mr, end Mrs. Earl Hahn and asked to attend the parish meet­ No Down Payment featuring the works df Madonna been organized. Its purpose is to family have returned to Denver ing to be held Tuesday, July 10, Bonnie Brae in the pariah hall at 7:30 p.m CONOCO PRODUCTS Motor OTtrhanlIng DOYLE’S Stein, 3568 Vine street, is on dis­ inform members of the parish of after a month’i vacation in $ Body & Fender Repaln This will be in connection with Lubrication, Car Waihing, Batteries play at the Vogue Art Cinema, Rosary and funeral services for California. Brii|st To. Tailored Seat CoTert PHARMACY the annual bazaar. Rechargod, Tiro Vulcanizing Motor Tnne>ap Denver, end will continue through parishioners who have died, Those Th* regular meeting of themeeting Alfrtd C. Aadarten, Oarair-Manafar Uatfl Cara Hu PirtleoUr Drntgtft orf the committee are Mmes. How­ Have your Doctor phone us July 11. A member o f Annuncia­ Holy Nam* eoeiety will be held BONNIE BRAE ard App, Charles Lindner, H. P, your Prescriptions • 17th AVE. AND GRANT tion parish. Miss Stein is'a grad­ Tuesday, July 10, at 8 p.m. Fa­ To Work for DPs Cathedral Ulotora uate of St. Mary’s academy. She Krapp, Louis Muto, Adelaide CONOCO SERVICE Beers, Wines, Etc. KE. Star FREE DEUVERT thers are asked te bring their Sydney.— Two Franciscans from JOE GAFFNEV. Prop. was a' scholarship student at the Grimm, Charles Rausch, Martin 724 So. Unireraity PE. 9909 763 So. Univeraity RA. 2874 17» Lot*n KB. IMS Bonnarens, Fred Wenzinger, M. sens te see a metien picture of the 'U. S., formerly of Czecho­ Kansas City Art Institute, where an African hunting trip filmed Pfarr, Lelvin Barrett, Ed Moore, she received the degrees of bach­ by Wallace Taber, Rsh and slovakia' have arrived here to Jamee McCabe, George Woods, elor of arts and master of fine game aditor ef tha “ Danvar work for the spiritual welfare of arts. Sr.; Thomas Whelan, Martin Hett, Pest.” Refreshments will be displaced persons now living in Miss Stein’s work has been ac­ Mary Mahon, and Margaret MKITB CAYLORB served. Australia. They are Fathers claimed by Angelo di Benedetto, Worthman. Claude Okern and Beno Korbie. PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED head o f the Denver Art school, Mrs. Felix Pogliano was en­ Both worked in concentration rolled as a life member. Chopping District cOLf/ixtioaoen FOR AND DELIVERED and includes oil paintings, pas­ camps during the war. Father V cM v ta ^ Colo tels, and sculpture. Many favor­ Sanctuary workers for July are Korbie will remain in the Sydney Colfax at Downing Denver able comments hav« been heard Mrs. Louis Sullivan, chairman; KEjrstnne 3217 Vic Vet foyf archdiocese and Father Okern will from theater patrons at the Mrs. A1 Horne, in charge of flow­ be an itinerant chaplain. Vogue, who are especially inter­ ers; and Mmes. Martin Hett, An Shoes for the Family ested in her large work done on thony Jacobs, Roy Johnson, Henry f GPANISU-AMERICAN WAR ^ S BOB’S IGA The firms listed here de­ PE. 2464 Wcatherhird Sheas for Children four panels called the “Four Krapp, Thomas Killian, and Guy VETERANS MAY GET AN X-ray Fitting Cliffs Market serve to be remembered Seasons.” Law. Miss Stein, who holds the po The cake, donated by Mrs, Ed IKNTIFlCAnON CARD P(20M SUPER MARKET Sendel Shoe Store when you are distributing sition of art supervisor for the Hegge, was won by Mrs. Joseph Choice Meats VA THAT WILL ESTARLISM Meats - Grocariet • Vegetables public schools in North Platte, Foley, 1023 So. Gaylord RA. 5087 your patronage in the dif­ THEIR LEGAL RIGHT Tt> Better Quality for Less Fancy & Staple Groceries Neb., is the sister o f, the Rev. Refreshments were served by ferent lines of business. OUTPATIENT MEDICAL John F. Stein of St. John's par­ the Mother Cabrini circle before Mobiloil • Ponnsoil • Mebilgae 613 E. 13th Ave. KE. 8214 ish, Loveland. the meeting was adjourned.' TRG«aMENT FOR NONSERVICE- Fifziy Wiggly Lubrieation 4k Washing GONNECmD OlSABiLmE? Tune Up • Clutch A Braka SHOP I SP. 220* T* Mdi* RBSl BP. 1122 So. Gaylord Service tmi Cnlral Clly BRICKEY & 4 MOLLOT VISIT I Frank Mallot, Owner Center ond Garage (Mtmbtr St. Vincent 4* Paul’s 1001 So. Garlord SP. 644S Parish) MOTHER CABRINI 665 So. Pearl St. Expert Workmanship SHRINE mcMsaai Men MSMO Sunday, July 8, 1951 CRANE MAPYAMNE &AKERCS Quality M aterials r*r fan lafemsttoB eeatact rear aeareet For Quality 0O1VER ^ Pilgrimage sponsored by the Tim A N B ADIOMUTBATION Decorated Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree WEDDINQ ,'Modern up to date Store CAKES When you Buy Cleaners and Wax (“all butt«“) $5 and Thif being your Holy Year, please show your respect to th# Be Sure to Specify the Best. . . FREE Delivery. You Come in np first citizen Saint of the United States. SUPER SPEED-O-UTE CLEANER Pick Out Your Order. Fr** Dollnrr oa IS Ordar 1*24 8. Gaylord 2S Broadwoy ZIP-A-SHINE WAX AND 1093 So. Gaylord PEorl 711S BPraeo 7411 HOW TO REACH THE SHRINE KEM-O-SOL MAINTAINER i Drive west on Colfax— Route 40— and continue until road reaches We manufacture and repair Floor Machines mouth of Mt. Vernon Canyon. Here, at a “ Y,” road divides. (Left CapMSISf. branch. Route 93 goes to Morrison.) Keep to right on Route 40 CALL US FOR ANY FLOOR PROBLEMS GAYLORD The firms listed here de­ leading up canyon. One and 3/lOths miles from the “ Y ” is a sign Road is in good condition and CLEANERS serve to be remembered reading “ Mother Cabrini Shrine.” Here, turn right into the foothills, past the Rock House and park in the parking lot. we will have accommodations PICKUP a DELIVERY when you are distributing for everyone. [. J. SCARRY 8 coMPtNr Wa Civs "S&H” Green Stamps 1620 Markot TA. 4466 your patronage in the dif­ PE. 13SO - 1025 So. CUylord ferent lines of business. PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Stroof THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tolepheno, KEyifeno 4205 Thursday, July 5, 1951 Loretto Heights I'5 Fr. Chas. Jones ■>S Fried Chicken $ 3 .2 5 1 Graduate Engaged Catholic Information, Library Society Archbishop's Guild Begins by PHONE * Will Speak at Plans Volunteers' M eeting July 12 ssr„‘sr".'6?”» '"-I K. of C. Club Drive for New Members Fried Shrimp A meeting of volunteers for the new rental library to be sponsored by the Catholic |3bn-\ ri\oAY aho eveby day J Father Charles T. Jones, aS' Information and Library society will be held Thursday, July 12, at 10 a.m. in the James . Flying Chicken | For Friends of Carmel sistant at St. John’s church, Den­ Clarke Church Goods house, 1633 Tremont, Denver, (Arcliblahop'a Guild, Denvsr)^ i3220 E. Colfoxj ver, will speak at the K. o f C. The library, which will be Members of the .^chbishop’s guild have* completed plans .luncheon club meeting at noon housed in the Clarke Church Goods store, will begin operations on for the mailing of literature announcing the annual drive July 6. The selection of the well- Monday, July 16. Members and for membership in the Friends of Carmel. The aim of the known young priest was an­ nonmembers of the. Catholic In­ society of Friends of Camel is to secure sufficient con­ formation and Library society are nounced by Jack Denny, toast­ tinuing aid for the Camelite nuns to meet the monthly cash master of the group, which meets invited to volunteer four hours one day a month. obligations o f heat, water, lig h t ,------in the K. o f C. home, E. 16th ave­ and maintenance, and the reduc­ The library will be open on tion of the debt on their Carmel. Priest-Editor to Give WESTERKAMP'S nue and Grant street. Father Jones’ Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and reputation as a speaker, which The Carmelite monastery of nuns KE. 9435 5106 Wash. Saturdays from 11:30 a.m. to is sustained entirely on the char­ began in his school days, has been 3:30 p.m. Individuals who would Catholic Hour Talk EVERYTHING A GOOD GROCERY greatly enhanced. Last week’s ity o f the faithful. SHOULD HAVE like to volunteer their services The Rev. John S. Kennedy, as­ speaker was Phil Mullin, a Regis Members of th& guild who wish BEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES may call Mrs. Howard Sleeper, sociate editor of t h e Catholic to assist in the work o f this drive - WE DELIVER — college graduate, known in the chairman, at DE. 5988. Transcript of Hartford, Cdnn., and are requested to contact Miss public relations field. Volunteers to date include Mrs. noted critic of modern fiction, will Catharine Maloney, committee be the speaker on the NBC Catho­ Mary Bertagnolli, Miss Loretto chairman. lic Hour this Sunday, July 8, at 12 Laughran, Miss Ida Callahan, Mrs. The nun. of the Carmel of the CARLSON Finest Quality Katherine Harsch, Mrs. Robert o’clock noon over station KOA, Holy Spirit, Littloton, invito ell Denver. Father Kennedy’s topic Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wallbrach, Agnes Mary Eagen, Friond. of the Carmel to bo J. Lawlor of Hotchkiss an­ Mrs. Edward Moore, Miss Ruth will be “ Christianity and Modern- preiont at tha public outdoor Day Writing.” FRIN K DAIRY FOODS nounce the engagement of their G ib^, Mrs. Edna Nelsen, Anne E. triduum in honor of Our Lady of 'The talk is one in a series on daughter, Angela Teresa, to La- O’Neil, Lucille Stevens, Javette Mt. Carmol on July 14, 15, and “ Christianity and the American Vern Dee Gronquisf, Jr., son of Mr. Friel, Mary Musser, Laretta Sulli 16 at ^7i30 o’clock. MILKS- Way of Life” being carried for 11 and Mrs. LaVern Dee jGronquist van, and Mary G, Granger. Golden Guernsey Mrs. Peg Williams will be weeks. The speaker for July 16 of Denver. The bride-elect attended Mrs. Sleeper, Mrs. Earl F awarded the prize that was o f­ Homogenized Vitamin D Baker, and James Davison, board will be Neil MacNeil, formerly an the Hotchkiss public schools and is fered for the distribution of the editor with the New York Times, •FRINK-the Best* a recent graduate of Loretto members of the Catholic Informa greatest number of tickets for the tion and Library society, are in who will speak on “ Christianity CREAM-BUHER- Heights college, where she was ac­ fashion show held recently. and Journalism Today.” tive in internationiil relations and charge of the committee to select B U H E R M ILK Guild members a n d friends in music circles. For the past year the books for the rental library. planning .to attend the retreat at COHAGE CHEESE she has been on the faculty of the Plan Benefit Card Party El Pomar in Colorado Springs on Carlson's Delicious Denver public schools. The St. Thomas Aquinas circle July 6, 7, and 8 are advised that BURNS-RIPS 1 IC E CREA M Mr. Gronquist was graduated o f the Catholic Information and train service is available on Fri­ from the public schools of Lincoln, Library society will sponsor a day at 12 noon, 2:10, 4, and 7:10 OR TEARS At your store or at your door J^eb., and attended the University benefit card party at the electric p.m. The round-trip f y e is $3.40 Eliminated by plus tax. Members are also ad­ of Denver, where he was active in institute of the Public Service French or Inweaving company on Friday, July 27, at vised to check the bus schedules. sports. He is at present attached 34 Boar Serrlcc—B em nsbli PrIcM The CARLSON-FRINK Co. to the welfare and recreation de­ 1:30 p.m. Friends of the library It will be necessary to take taxi partment o f the U.S. navy in San may secure their tickets from the IN A RECENT DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY prior service from the station to the HOSIERY MENDING D enver's Quality Dairy — MAin 0111 Diego. Plans are being made for chairman o f the party, Mrs. Min­ to a Nuptial Mass in St. Francis de Sales’ church, Denver, retreat house. The Rev. Harold nie Miller, DE. 1650. 'Table reser­ Gaudin, S.J., will be the retreat an early August wedding. Miss Betty Ellen Ott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Ott, became vations are being made by Mmes. master. ' the bride o f William G. O’Grady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Holy Family Circle (xJsiAhAfL George Anderson, Howard O’Grady. The Rev. Robert Nevans officiated. Greek Laws Aid Divorce Sleeper, Burton Jay, Robert Cart, Mrs. Angie H oof and Mrs. Ei­ Imceaving Co, Mrs. Alberta Ryan was maid o f honor and the bridesmaids were Alexandria, Ekypt. — “Liberal” Mary C. Schneider, Ruth Gibbs, leen Smith were prize winners at Phona KE. 4409 and Theresa Kiely. Mrs. Cathy Ott and Miss Mary Jo O’Grady, a sister of the bridegroom. canasta when the members of the 304 McClintock Bldg. Greek legislation has widened Gerald McCoy was the best man and ‘the ushers were Carl A. grounds for divorce and caused Week-end house guests of Mr. circle met in the home o f Mrs. 1554 Calif. — Ott, brother of the bride, and Jack O’Grady, brother of the bride­ Catherine Proctor on June 28. the number of broken marriages and Mrs. Edward Moore were groom. Sacred Heart Circle to increase to 25 per 100, accord­ Major and Mrs. William L. Rey­ A breakfast in the Top of the Park followed the ceremony. In ing to Greek Orthodox Patriarch nolds and their son, William C., Mr.-and Mrs. Frank Morrato are ->- the afternoon a reception was held in the home of the bride’s parents. Christophorus II of Alexandria. from Vacaville, Calif. motoring to Carlsbad, N. Mex., and Out-of-town guests included Marine Pfc. Richard L. Ott; Mr. El Paso, Tex. The Greek (dissident) Orthodox Mr. and Mrs. Burton Jay and and Mrs. Howard Bryant, Ellis, Kans.; Mr. and Mrs. William O’Grady, St. Luke’. Circle Church in Alexandria, whose juris­ children, 2822 Poplar, left Tues­ The Beer That Everett, Wash.; Dr. Jack O’Grady, Van Nuys, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Cronin and diction covers Egypt, Lybia, and day for Beatrice, Neb., where Henry Stover, Beloit, Kans.; and Mrs. Harry Hess, Falls City, Neb. family are vacationing in Estes Ethiopia, numbers 125,000, the they will spend several days with Made Milwaukee Famous Park and Glenwood Springs. majority of whom are of Hellenic Mrs. Jay’s parents. Dr. and Mrs. Our Lady of Lourde* Circlo origin and subject to Greek mar 0 . J. Nielsen. Pee Wee, the oldest MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Davis riage laws. The Patriarch advised daughter, will remain there for Special Program Planned and family have returned from a that it is necessary for the Ortho­ the summer. ;Robert M. Paul V. — M. T. Murray; vacation spent in Chicago. dox Church to return to the prin­ Jessica Ryle, educational direc­ For Paramount Social Club Blessed Mertin’s Circle T s e iim o m O H ciples o f Christ in the matter o f tor at Glockner-Penrose hospital, 9 2S SKcru, Ijovi. Hcn*/toP-£xiy It A very special program, not to After a picnic dinner at City marriage. Colorado Springs, was a house was such a huge success and such be divulged until meeting time, is park w July 11, the members of guest o f her sister, Mrs. Ethel a large number attended, the club being planned by Mrs. Luy Robin­ the cim e will adjourn to the home Huck, over the week end. plans to hold another picnic early son, program chairman, for the in August. ^ of Mrs. Eileen KoeSter for a social PRIVATE LESSONS $1.5. VOSS BROS. L'auretta Dwyer will leave Sun­ next meeting of the Catholic Para­ The club pilgrimage to the evening. iHilb lurintNd. Itl. Sir A«or4lii B»4. day for a two-month visit with mount Social club. Mother Cabrini shrine, originally Our Lady of Grace Circle her niece in San Francisco. HADLEY MUSIC CO. BAKERIES The meeting will be held at 8 scheduled for July 8, has been post­ Miss Ann Cogan will leave Den­ 819 E. Cillu ______TA. 8825 3 Stores to Serve You Fishermen include Mr. and Mrs. p.m. Tuesday, July 10, in the Cath­ poned until a later date. ver on July 15 to spend a five- Robejft Cart and Mr. and Mrs. olic Charities annex, 1665 Grant One of the fastest growing r^ ih ^ yeek vacation in Skagway, Alaska. Charles Ferrell who left Saturday street, Denver. olic organizations in the city, the for a five-day vacation at Trap­ Because the picnic held July Catholic Paramount club welcomes pers lake. Mrs. Richard Needham, Jr., and new members. Eligible for mem­ daughter, Mary Gwendolyn, are Women Must Lead, Says bership are Catholic men and I Walter's Drug Store spending several weeks in the women more than 40 years of age, home o f Mrs. Needham’s mother Jesuit ta Convention single, and interested in social ac­ 801 Colorado Bivd. in Clear Lake, la. tivities, for the purpose of the Cincinnati.— Intellectual leader­ club is purely social. For infor- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown and ship in “ the apostolate of family m a t i 0 n regarding membership, PreicripHons Carefully daughters, Mary Lou and Mar­ restoration” must be provided by those interested may call Mrs. TO PERSONAL. Filled— Gifts garet, arrived F riday from Catholic college women, the Rev, Amelia Desmond, president, DE. Cameras— Film Phoenix, Ariz., to visit Margaret William B. Faherty, S.J., Denver, 1940, RELIABLE. AND COMPLETE Dfflerican Duncan Hines Ice Cream Brown, 344 Downing street. declared at the 10th national con­ Beers, Wines, Etc. Theresa Kiely will be a Colo­ gress of Kappa Gamma Pi, na­ INVESTMENT MACARONI PRODUCTS rado Springs visitor Tuesday, tional honor and activity society FR. 5391 Representing the St. Thomas of Catholic women’s colleges. Hospital Employes SERVICE Aquinas circle at the Our Lady of “ We need real leadership, dis­ Fatima luncheon Saturday were played in the give and take r f J)ub- 01832719 Free Delivery Topic of Radio Hoor ; ELEVATORS Mmes. Harold Mahoney, Edward lic activity, marked by initiative, Moore, Earl F. Baker, and John political acumen, a forward-look­ “ The sun rises and th'e sun sets DENVER I ing spirit, and the self-reliance t8 Hutman; and Misses Theresa on hospital employes going to You con depend upon BO SW O R TH -SULLIVAN Kiely and Carolyn Dewey. accept tough responsibility,” Fa­ work . . . and the still hours of Tort Morgan Flour Mills ther Faherty declared. “ That lead­ to give you personal, reliable, and complete invest­ B H aafe midnight know their comings and SAVE ON YOUR ership must be based on solid in­ ment service and advice . . . whether you're merely FORT MORGAN V3 Will Head ROTC goings.” tellectual conviction.” These words introduce the sixth seeking information or wish to buy or sell securities Winooski Park, Vt.— Maj. Jar­ Mrs. Edwin G.' Eigel of St. BRANCHES AT— MEAT BILL program in the At Your Service in small or large amounts. vis R. Kingston will head the new Louis, Mo.jl was re-elected presi­ transcribed series to be broadcast LONGMONT . . . YUMA Complete Processing Service air force ROTC unit at St. Mi­ dent of the society. Other officers as a public service feature over HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE for Lockers and Home chael’s, one of 62 colleges chosen are Mrs. A. Stanley Adams, Mon>- radio station KTLN, Denver, be­ Write or visit BOSWORTH-SULLIVAN sewn. I Freezers. from 450 applicants to offer train­ terey Park, Calif., vice president; tween 6:30 and 6:45 p.m. on Sun­ Our personnel, our library, ond our research depart­ MILLERS AND HANDLERS ing toward an air force commis­ Mrs. Mark Fox, Cincinnati, re­ day, July 8. We Sell Armour’e Beit Meats sion along with regular liberal cording secretary; and Mrs. Jack ment are at your service . , . without any obligation. OF FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, The programs are sponsored by in Quarter* or Halve.. arts courses leading to a bachelor’s, Spangenberg, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., the Denver Council o f Hospitals, BARLEY, OATS, AND MILL degree. treasurer. members o f the American Hospital FEEDS King’s Frigid Food Bank association, which produced them, BOSWORTH. SULUYAN £ COMPANY. Inc. (Ur. uid U t.. A. A. Kins and Blue Cross. Country Shippert! JOHN J. SUUIVAN. Praddaof of C.thedriU Parish) 2 Hei-Lo Campers Program number six in the Consign Your Shipment To Vs 3041 8. UnlTtnitr PE. 3533 series telle the story of Martha R f. 6241 Davidson, R.N., a nurse at a com­ munity hospital, and how her skilled services help provide the 660 SEVENTEENTH ST -DENVER, COLORADO highest quality o f hospital care in the world.


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8 •»<( a at ii America's Rne Light Beer If S A F f w SAVINA AND EMILY O’BRYAN, cousins from Hiatville and Parsons, Kans., are two of the Hei-Lo campers who voted horseback riding the favorite activity of the full camp schedule. Each camper enjoys two riding periods a day under the watchful eye of Miss Jean Hoffman, riding instructor. A teVERAOE O f MOOERATKIN Besides horseback riding, the girls enjoy swimming, tennis, arch­ ery, softball, arts, crafts, and dramatics. All-day trips to the moun­ tains are taken once a week and some week ends are spent at Chalet Marie in Turkey Creek canyon. Camp Hei-Lo is located on the campus of Loretto Heights col- lege, Denver, for six weeks each summer. Girls who wish to register Crum Cua^a9*4 oUii^ < for the last three weeks should do so before July 13. Thurtdoy, July 5, 1951 Office, 93 8 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telepho^.e, KEystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN Wed in Louisville }■; . Group in Derby Nurses' Sodality r To Hold Monthly Council Slates Pastel marquisette under­ scored with matching taf­ Meeting July II feta for the pretty bride's maid ...... ■ -2 9 .9 5 Derby.—The Altar and Rosary (St,. .Joseph’-* School of -Nursing, Sumptuous satin for the i society will hold its monthly meet­ Denver) j bride with delicate net in­ ing Thursday, July 11, at 7 :30 p.ra. j The sodality council members sets, detailed with beads Meeting the Needs of in the church hall. are making plans for ap outdoor and pearls...... 8 8 5 There will be a meeting"of all meeting of the podality body at Catholic Families parishioners Thursday, Jmy 5, to Morrison on July 10. Miss Mary discuss further plans for’ the ba-. Ann,Quinn, junior,-will-be in the zaar. . ' _ , charge of arrangements for the ’Mrs'. Josephine Grande is-re­ Our services are’ sl)ecially picnic meeting. cuperating at home from an oper­ The freshman class o f St. Jo­ ation. arranged to meet the needs seph’s school of nursing celebrated Mrs. Jack Williams is in a local the annual picnic a t Eldorado hospital suffering from an attack Springs this year. The girls left of Catholic families. We are o f pleurisy. Denver by bus at 10:30 Saturday u.« > Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman ate morning, and returned at 5 :30 that well equipped to fulfill the the parents of a girl. evening in order to report on duty. The Polombo -family . haye - Swimming, horseback riding, and religious needs of our pa­ ,.proTideil a imall house to bei MR. AND MRS. ROBERT LAWRENCE CONNORS mountain climbing were some of used by the Catholic Youth or­ the events enjoyed that day. trons and at the same time ganization as a clubhouse in (above) were married June 24 in St. Louis’ church, Louis­ which it will hold its weekly The “probies,” who started floor L. ville. The Rev. Harold .Glentzer, O.S.B., officiated at the ceremony. duty June 10 o f this year, are to. give efficient and com­ meetings every Tuesday at 7:30. The bride, the former Carmelite Rose De Santis, is the daughter ■ The young people are decorat­ fast becoming veterans. The super­ of'M r. and Mrs. Rocco De^Santis o f Louisville. The bridegroom is the visors, teachers, and upperclass­ plete service. , ing and furnishing it them-< son of Mr. and Mrs. Johp 'Connors of Chicago, 111. ‘ selves. men have congratulated them on Mrs. Connors, who wa? giveii in marriage by her father, chose their excellent work and wish Father Paul Theado, O.S.M., as as her maid of honor Miss Janet Madonna of Louisville. The brides­ well as all members of the parish, them success in the future. maids were Miss Bette Rose Connors of Brush and Miss Virginia IIS SIXTEENTH ST. expressedi thanks to Father Delisle De Santis of Louisville. N«zt to ParuBoznt ? # Lemieux of St. Catherine's parish The best man was Charles Sullivan of Denver, and the ushers ■ftir hfs-donation of statues. were Don Peterson of Ft. Morgan and Carmen De Santis o f Louis­ Burton J. Stevens, ville. DR. JAMES P. Compare Our Iniuronce Plon Following the ceremony a reception and dance were held in the i' Wagon Wheel hall in Louisville. St. John's Parish, GRAY With Any Other Offered St, John's Men The bride is a graduate of Louisville high school and the bride­ groom is a graduate of Brush high school and Illinois College of Com­ Optometrist merce. Given Merit Award VISV4L CARE > They will make their home in Louisville.— (Jerome Studio photo) Slate Picnic for A rare postal commendation for EYES EXAMINED meritorius service Tuesday was VISUAL TRAINING awarded to Burton J. Stevens, a Optometrist Sunday, July Z2Donald Frances Return 15-year man with the Denver post office. Mr. Stevens and his 212-13 Colo. Bldg., 1615 Calif. St. Horan & Son Chapels (St. John’s Parish, Denver)' wife and four children live at Phone for Appointment 3109 E. Second avenue' in St. TA. 8883 KEystoiw 6297 KEystone ^98 Members of St. John’s Men’s From Wisconsin Vacation John’s parish. club are busy making arrange­ 1527 Cleveland Place ments for the parish picnic they (Archdiocetan Council of Catholic Mrs. Adren Grabow, 260 Adams, Mrf Stevens was honored for a will sponsor Sunday, July 22. Full Nursei, Denver Chapter) ' is convalescing from recent sur­ suggestion he made to simplify and clarify the quarterly account­ details will be announced at the Mr. and Mrs. Donald France gery in Mercy hospital. H i rtllllfli/ilffl Masses Sunday, July 8, and pa­ returned from a three-week trip The Colorado Springs chapter ing report system for district post­ DRUGS...PRESCRIPT IONS masters. rishioners will be encouraged to to South Dakota and Wisconsin. o f the ACCN is sponsoring a picnic Veterinary Supplies reserve this day for the parish on July 10 at Colorado Springs. Postmaster Frank J. Poraponio Courteous and Friendly Service affair. All members are invited and mem­ said Mr.^ Stevens’ suggestion will The monthly Holy Hour for the Baptism Is Given bers desiring transportation may be put into national use imme­ RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. intention of conversions and the make reservations with the ACCN diately. OalisH}, ?(L O m q. $Jto/UL GENERAL t / r ES success o f the information class president, Mrs. Josephine Hayes, The award to Mr. Stevens, program in the parish will be held To Great-Grandson, SU 1-3582. Pomponio said, is the first in the 2080 So. Colorado Blvd. RA. 5141 Sunday afternoon, July 8, at Mrs. Marion Hutman chaperoned history of this postal region. Sey- q \ General Batteries 4 o’clock. nine children between the ages o f eral more suggestions submitted CIGARETTES $1.57 CARTON Electrical Masses on July 6, the first Fri­ Convert in Rites 17 months and six years at a picnic by Mr. Stevens have received Appliance. day, will be at 6, 7, and 8 o’clock. in City park Monday, July 2, in­ tentative approval. (Holy Family Parish, Denver) Holy Communion will also be dis­ cluding families o f Capt. and Mrs. Mr. Stevens, a clerk in the cen­ GENERAL f“'T tributed before the 7 o’clock Mass. On Sunday afternoon, June 30, Marion Barnwell, Burton Jay, tral accounting office o f the main ^SOUEECEEy There will bp exposition of the the ceremonies of Baptism were John Clifford Mann, and the Hut- post office, was presented with a Used Tires Blessed Sacrament all day Friday, supplied for the emergency Bap­ man children. $10 check, an engraved certificate closing with services at 7:30. Pa­ tism of Harry E. Copeland who St. Joseph’s alumni Pinochle of commendation, and the per­ J. J. CELLA INSURANCE rishioners are encouraged to spend was in danger of death on May club will meet with Mrs. Mary sonal thanks o f Postmaster Gen­ C.T.A.C. Easy Pay 1401 W. Colfax TA. 6604 some time before the Holy Eucha­ 28. Since that time, Mr. Copeland Trammell on Thursday, July 5. eral Jesse Donaldson. Mr. Pom­ Marie A. Celia Jack J. Celia rist on the first Friday. has sufficiently recovered to re­ Mrs. Margaret liams, 4430 Fill­ ponio made the presentation at The Rt. Rev. Monsignor John P. ceive several instructions, and to more, has been appointed member­ ceremonies in his office. Moran, pastor, is on vacation at go to” church to attend Mass and ship chairman, the appointment to Chief Postal Inspector RobeH B. the present time. He will return "Insurance of All Kinds" for the supplying of the baptisnaal be effective immediately. Mrs. Danbar commented that Mr. Stevens on July 15. ceremonies. Emmett Lally, son-in- liams will call a meeting o f her ♦ r Cub Scout pack 161 will enjoy “ has made an excellelt suggeAtion 43 Years of Dependable.Service in the Field where I ’SIJ d j u L J j u j u J u u law o f Mr. Copeland, was his committee in the near future. and a valuable contribution to the a family picnic in the mountains sponsor. Mrs. Mary Baker o f 930 Mag­ near Idaho Springs through the post office department and a num­ Dependability is Essential 1 At this same ceremony was bap­ nolia street entertained LaVera courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Art ber of his other suggestions have With Power-Pilot Economy tized the great-grandson o f Mr. Jones and Lauretta Dwyer at a also been recommended for na­ Smith on Saturday, July 7. All 1120 Security Bldg. * c.iit. Phone' KE. 2633 Copeland,' Edward Harry Johnson, lawn party July 3. Lauretta tional application.” . 8I On Display at ^ 9^ parents of cub scouts and their the infant son o f Mr. and Mrs. D'wyer. will leave on July 8 families are cordially invited. The award is one of the few Norman Johnson of 4336 Vrain for an extended visit with rela­ made nationally. Mr. Pomponio 1 t!'-, Those who are not able to leave tives and friends in Sacramento from the school at 12:30 will still street. There followed a family caHed it an “ outstanding honor for reunion o f four generations at the and San Francisco. an outstanding employe sugges­ be in time for the wiener roast, Catherine Halleron, St. Joseph’s which will be held in the evening. Copeland home at 4575 Vrain tion.” MAin 3111 street. alumna, who lives in Winter Ha­ Sunday, July 8, -will be Commun­ ven, Fla., fractured her left wrist Al Bennett Also baptized on Sunday after­ 1335 Broadway ion day for all the Cub Scouts of recently when she slipped and fell. Aid for the Fellaheen pack 161 in the 8 o’clock Mass. noon were Christine Ann, daugh­ ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Linda Atencio Yaida, who has Cairo, E g p t.— The record pub­ Men's Clothing Dept. been engaged in private duty nurs­ Sweeney, with Gerald and Mar­ lic subscription of $30,000 in re­ garet Burke as sponsors; and ing, is a patient in National Jew­ sponse to the annual appeal for t Orphans' Sewing Unit ish hospital. Thomas Leon, son of Mr. and Mrs. aid by the Catholic Association o f Rogers-Peet 9 9 1 Has Faneywork Sale George Baird, with Leon and Olive Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Jackson and Egyptian Free Schools has led Society Brand I “Why Pay More? Kenning as sponsors. daughter Pat left June 15 for observers to note that the Egyptian Mrs. H. Brewer, president of California where they will visit Christian conscience is gradually Scotsdale 3 (Trademark) St. Cecilia’s sewing group, an­ Pastor Reported Improving Mrs. Jackson’s mother. awakening to its grave responsi­ nounced that tickets for the Word hat bean received Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lyons, bilities in the amelioration o f the Brayton luncheon, card party, and fancy- from the family of Montignor 3111 Race, entertained several appalling conditions that beset the work sale Thursday, Aug. 16, at Leo Flynn that hit condition it friends July 1 in honor of Theresa Fellaheen class. Two-thirds o f the much improved, and it- if hoped I Wm. W. Myer Drug Stores St. Vincent’s home. West 41st ave­ Kiely, instructor at St. Joseph’s money for the operation o f the lil I COMPANY nue and Lowell boulevard. Den­ that he may continue to re­ hospital. Miss Kiely entertained at schools, which are attempting to THE ntflV CO. gain health. the piano while the group sang raise the living standards o f the 1 Colorado Owned Stores ver, may be obtained by tailing 2ND FLOOR £ $t. Vincent’s home, GR. 0415; Visiting priests at the rectory their favorite old songs. Fellaheen, is given by Catholic during the past week end were Ait>«ricans. g Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. 1 Mrs. S. Bruno, GL. 4595; or Mrs. Mrs. Viola W’atson, ways and Father Frank Seimetz, Father s 30 South Broadway 15th and California g Dursey, PE. 2783. means chairman o f the Denver I 3933 W. Colfax Cnrtis 8c 15th St. 17th & Tremont M Matthew Kish, and Father Fred chapter, has been ill with in­ E ngaged CardineHa, all o f the Diocese of fluenza the past couple of weeks; iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuHiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiw Ft. Wayne, Ind.; and Father Al­ Mary DeMay Galligan has re­ fred Hoesing" o f the Archdiocese turned to work two days a week of Omaha, Neb. Father Ervan in the nursery at St. Joseph’s. Mrs. Heinz, C.P., the brother of Henry Galligan has been o ff work the it’s July Clearance Heinz of this parish, is visiting past two months with a cardiac HERE'S A REAL in the parish for the next 10 days. attack. Married at Holy Ghost at Dolores Marie Ferrero was mar- church to Ed­ ward C i a n c i 0 June 23 in Holy Ghost, church. Both are from Daniels Welby. The Rev. James Moynihan vritnessed t h e and ceremony. Mrs. Ciancio is t h e daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gasper Ferrero and the bridegroom is the son o f Mrs. The­ ;4«tomatic resa Ciancio. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bottin- The bride was elli of 814 S. High street an­ given in marri­ ELECTRIC DISHUIRSHER nounced at a family dinner the en­ age by her fa­ gagement of their daughter Bar­ ther. The maid o f bara Joyce 'to Richard W. Pever- honor w a s Miss ley, son of Mrs. Bessie Peverley Marie Adduce! Just think of it...n o more dishes of Denver.- ’ of Welby, and the Miss Bottinelli is a graduate of bridesmaids were South Denver high school and at­ Miss E va Gra­ to wash or dry and no more rough, red ham of Denver, tends- Colorado A. & M. college. time to eave She is a-member of the Gamma Miss Frances De dishpon hands. Retire right now from Phi Beta sorority. Luzzio of Welby, Mj.’’Peverley is a senior at Miss Rita V a 1- Colorado A. & M. and is majoring lero of Denver, that tiresome kitchen task with a New in engineering. His fraternity is Annette Ferrero Sigma Nu. - of Welby, and Yvonne Ferrero 20 to 50% Automatic Electric Dishwasher, of Welby. The best man w a s William and m ore Be sure to see a demonstration of iles-Hernia Ciancio o f Welby. The ushers were Healed by my proven methodg Frank Reale o f the new Automatic Electric Dishwasher No anesthetic. No furgary. No Welby, Leanord on the dependable qualities, the fine fashions you love for (uffaring. No dangar. No hotpitaL Masello o f Den­ N o , lozt of timo from work. ver, and Joseph yourself, for your children . . . thrilling savings for your at your dealer today. Dr. Palermo of Den­ * Allen B. ver, The ring- bearer was Genve men folk . . . for your home, too Croessmann Ciancio. PlkC., O.C. A r e c e p tion 0 SSI 14tii StrMt was held in the SolU Sll Shirley -S a voy Boon S to IS 1:S0 U t hotel with 400 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY and kr ^ippointmtnt guests present. AComa 5070 The bride is a naduate of Assumption high school, Welby. The OF COLORADO FRamont 7250 bridegroom attended Adams City high school. 17 Yttn of Mr. and Mrs. Ciancio left on a wedding , trip to Mexico City fol­ fiueotfilol Prutlec lowing the reception,— Jerome Studio photo), ■ 1'

PAGE EIGHT Offica, 938 Bannock Streot THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Ttitpitent, KEyafeni 4205 Thuridoy, July 5, 1951 Amusements — Dining Jack Monckton St. Louis' Altar Group Plans Party M t Carmel Altar Unit Recreation Named Chairman Holy Name Communion Sunday July 8 To Hold Meet July 10 (St. Louis’ Paritb, Englewood) Mrs. Sally Otto, the outgoing Mrs. Frank 'Welth, who has The Altar society is sponsoring president of St. Louis’ PTA, enter­ charge of the dinner for the com­ (Mt. Carmel Parish, Daaver) not the Holy Name society as a benefit card party Monday, July tained this week at a luncheon in ing fiesta, asks - all PTA room The Altar and Rosary society was announced last week. Of Knights' Fete 9, in the home o f Mrs. A. J. Za- the school cafeteria for the past mothers to make an appeal for will hold its regular meeting Tues­ The regular meeting o f the Mt. I dow, 3811 S. Grant street. A des­ and present officers, chairmen, Jack Monckton has been ap­ contributions of pies, cakes, baked day, July 10, at 7:30 in the rectory, Carmel Holy Name society will be sert-luncheon will be served at and homeroom mothers. Mrs. pointed pneral chairman of the beans, or cash for the dinner on There will be a shower for the ba­ held Friday evening, July 6, at 8:15 . 12:30 p.m. Cohostesses will be Eleanor Abbey, Mrs. Florence Mil­ annual Knights of Columbus pfc- Thursday, Aug. 2. zaar stand. Mrs. Carmella Canino in the rectory. On Sunday, July 8, Mrs. Paul Brady and Mrs. Har­ ler, and Mrs. Barbara Truskol as­ nic to be held this year on July A special meeting for the fiesta president, announced that all mem all members are requested to re- old Hoy. There will be a charge sisted with the luncheon. A past 15 at Genesee Mountain picnic will be held in the rjscreation cen­ hers are urged to attend and bring ceive Holy Communion in a body of 50 cents. All are invited to at­ president’s pin was presented to tW ground. ter on Tuesday evening, July 10, a guest with them. Any donations in the 7 o’clock Mass. tend. Mrs. Otto by the new president, at 8 o’clock. All committee mem­ for the booth will be greatly ap­ Mr; Monckton announces that Tl.j men and the boys o f the Mrs. Eleanor Abbey. The St. Bernadette Study club bers and officers of parish societies preciated; refreshments will be had a “ come-as-you-are” party in - this year many new features will parish are invited to receive Com­ The PTA U buiy promoting are asked to be present. served. On the commitife for the the home of Helen Pefri. ’Those ' munion in the 8 o’clock M eiss this tbo tueceii of tbo coming fioita, WE LOVE CHILDREIV entertainment are Mrs. Sue Gav- present were Pauline Malpiede, ^ Sunday, July 8, with the Holy tbrougb tbo medium of a bicycle, The Masses this first Friday will ito, Mrs. Josephine Ciacco, and El- Marie DiTerro, Mary Rotola, Cor- Name society members. Following be said at 6:15 and 8 o’clock. Yes, indeed, we like to see happy fam­ doll bootbt, and a painting of enore Pauldino. rine Villano, Columbia Smart, Pat- t|;ie Mass, coffee and doughnuts On Thursday night the hour of ilies with children in our dining rooms. tbo Lait Supper. Parents inter­ A new Chevrolet will be a fea­ sy Tate, Rose Carbone, and Helen will be served in the school cafe­ ested in dressing a doll for tbo adoration in Holy Ghost church for Get the habit that thousands of others men from the parish is from 4 to 6 tured attraction. Perri. The special award was giv- C P F 6 teria, and there will be a short booth are asked to contact Mrs. en to Mrs. Patsy Tate. ^ The hus- i have in dining regularly at business meeting. William Abbey at SW. 1-2468. a.m. The men are asked to meet Friday is the first Friday of at the rectory at 3 :30 a.m. the month. Masses are at 6, 7, band-and-children picnic' has been 7:30, and 8:15.. The parishioners postponed until Sunday, July 8. THE HOLLAND HOUSE On Saturday at the 8 o’clock are reminded that Saturday is Mass there will be devotions in Reservations are not necessary also the first Saturday of the Littleton Altar Society honor of the Immaculate Heart of month. The regular, novena ser­ Just drive out and come in Mary. vices to Our Sorrowful Mother A special meeting for parish­ are held every Friday at 3 o’clock To Hold Meeting July 5 ioners living in the Southridge and at 7:30 in the evening. T H E HOLLAND HOUSE and University Hills district ii Ann Lo Cascio, sister o f the . GOLDEN, COLORADO Littleton.— The members of St. was baptized by Father McCallin being held Monday evaning, July Rev. Thomas Lo Cascio, O.S.M., Friday - Saturday Mary’s Altar and Rosary society, July 1. Sponsors were Mr. and 9, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. pastor of Mt. Carmel, will spend together with the women of the Mrs. Elmer Bedore. Joseph A . Francis, 30^0 S. Ban­ a two-week vacation at Grand • July 6-7 parish, received Holy Communion nock street. School enrollment Lake. « Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Fisch- and transportation will be among TARZAN A n d t h e a m a z o n s in a body in the 8 o’clock Mass on bach have announced the birth of The St. Juliana study club met July 1. They will hold their the question* to bo discussed. their second child, a girl, on July All Catholics living in the dis­ in the home of Mrs. Pauline Gallo. Johnny Weismuller - Johnny ShelTield BOGGIOS monthly meeting in St. Mary’s hall 1. Paternal, grandparents are Mr. trict are invited to attend. The Members have planned to con­ at 2 o’clock Thursday, July 5. and Mrs. Henry Fischbach, who re­ and Edward Small, presents meeting will be attended by the tinue to meet in the summer, and m Any newcomers to the parish are side on South Lincoln street. EAMOUS rot FINE ENJOY THE WEST’S especially invited to attend and Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph P. to sew for the stand that they DAVID CROCKETT, INDIAN FbOD SERVED JN A MOST REFRESHING Mr. and Mrs. William W. Hecke­ O’Heron. sponsor every year at the bazaar. become acquainted with this or­ thorn have as their house guest SCOUT GRACIOUS MANNER COCKTAIL LOUNGE —Smyth photo ganization and its program of as­ Infants baptized Sunday were The special prize was donated by Mrs. Heckethorn’s sister, Mrs. Earl TREMONT AT BROADWAY sistance for parish needs. David Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gallo and given to Mrs. Rose CARTOON AND COMEDY Jack Monckton McCready, who is visiting in Lit­ William B. Smyth, with Harry E. Perito. Joseph Phillip, son o f Mr. and KE. 9618 * CH. 2494 * tleton from her home in Detroit, Kelsey, Jr., and Mary Virginia The next meeting will be held s ^ ^ be added for the enjoyment o f all. Mrs. Robert Ritchlin, was baptized Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Heckethorn Minson as sponsors; Neil Patrick, in the home of Mrs. Mary Manci- Sun. Mon. ■ Tues, • Wed. Joe Stein will be in charge o f the by Father Frederick D. McCallin will also entertain their son-in-law son o f Mr. and Mrs. Julian Mac- nelli, 3914 Navajo, and plans will refreshments. Soft drinks and cof­ June 24. Sponsors for the infant, and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Ddnnell, with Neil Sullivan and K. be made at that time for the an­ July 8-9-10-11 -IJ fee will be furnished free, as will who is the sixth child born to Mr. Hartnett, and their daughter, June Pojman as sponsors; and De­ nual picnic. Mrs. Margaret Canzo- ice cream and favors for the kid­ and Mrs. Ritchlin, were Patricia THE BULL FIGHTER AND Nicki, who will come to Littleton borah Jean, daughter of Mr. and na, a member of the club, has been dies. Knights and their families are Barry and William Lievens. from their home in Drexel Hill, THE LADY asked to bring their own lunches Mrs. Thomas Golden, with William enjoying a vacation with her hus­ outside Philadelphia, Pa. and water. Catherine Joan, daughter of Mr. Golden and Mary Harpole as spon­ band and daughter in Canada. Robert Stack - Joy Page Jack Denny will serve as gen­ and Mrs. Wayne Duckworth, was Mrs. Margaret Neuman and her sors. They are expected to return this CHAMPAGNE FOR CAESAR eral program chairman and will be baptized by Father McCallin July mother, Mrs. W. Wagner, recently week. 1. Sponsors were her aunt and m BERRYS PLACeJ ^ in charge o f the many games and entertained Mrs. Wagner’s sister Banns of marriage were an­ Ronald Coleman COAL CREEK CANYON contests which will be held for all uncle, Mrs. William R. Heckethorn from Grand Rapids, Mich. nounced for the first time for Nilo 18 MILES WEST OF ARVADA and Dr. Eugene Hartnett. CARTOON AND NEWS H16HWAV N0.72 w members o f the family. The picnic Mrs. H. Pearman and her family Euring and Geraldine Mazulla. Sharon Ann, daughter o f Mr. Virginia Chavez will begin at 11 a.m. and last until have been entertaining out-of-state Recently baptized were Geral­ Steak f.Chicl^^nn'^" ^ 8 p .m . and Mrs. Raymond Hebenstreit, guests from California. dine Marie, daughter of Mr. and v£D ■ DB.INK5 ------Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stegeman Mrs. Joseph Garcia, with Cleo and and their three children, who re­ Wins Heights Bob Garcia as sponsors; Tains Rae, side on South Curtis have re­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Coonett, Bazaar at St. Patrick's turned from a week’s trip to Kan­ with George and Betty Lombardi sas, where they visited friends and as sponsors; Judith Lynn, daugh­ Scholarship ter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony 'Tod- relatives. donio, with Roxie and Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Albert Singer, Jr., Is Deemed Successful (St. Dominic’s Perish, Denver) Toddonlo as sponsors ;Gerald Wil­ and their two sons, who reside on ...... ; A four-year scholarship to LO' liam, - son of Mr. and Mrs. Rocco North Lincoln, have returned (St. Patrick’s Parish, Denver) street; and the Emerson radio­ retto Heights college has been Brindisi, with William and Carmel­ from Albuquerque, N.Mex. The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Achille clock combination from the chil­ awarded to Virginia Chavez, 2925 la Ghelarducio as sponsors; Pa­ Sommaruga and the Rev. Regis dren of the parish to Kathleen Rveant visitor* at the Carmel­ Firth court, daughter of Mrs. tricia Jean, daughter of Mr. and Murphy of 3540 Meade street. McGuire promoted and sponsored ite monastery were Mr. and Mrs. Mary Chavez. Long a resident of Mrs. Sam Bustas, with Edward the annual bazaar of which the ' 850 Dinneri Served this parish, Virginia attended An­ and Juanita Gowzabs as sponsors; The CHALET William Ruoff and two of thoir proceeds were used to construct an Mmes. Joseph Petraglia and nunciation high school, where she Diane Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Henry Graf, Prop. entirely new playground adjoining Angelina Franks, chairmen of the children, Thomas and Phillip, was an honor student, and parti­ Mrs. Henry Gall, with Elsie Har­ the school for the children of the spaghetti dinner, and Mrs. Henry who came to Littleton from their cipated in many o f the school’s grave and Charles Lee as spon­ You'll enjoy our delicious food, our delightful parish. Monsignor Sommaruga Keene, chairman of the dining home in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. activities, particularly dramatics. sors; Beverly Catharine, daugh­ atmosphere. Service is tops . , , prices right. and Fathef McGuire thank all room, assisted by the women and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ha­ Ruoff is a brother of Mother She was vice president of the workers, patrons, and those who girls, served 850 dinners on the Pep club at the Annunciation ger, with Joseph and Florine Pete- CLOSED TUESDAYS gave so generously of their time opening night. Teresa of Jesus, prioress at the rucilli as sponsors; Nancy Frances monastery. Their sister. Mother school and belonged to the CSMC, 815 Colorado Boulevard FR. 0432 Special Attention and labor to make the bazaar the Special thanks are given the sodality, and other school proj­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard to Bridge Partiea big success it was. Joseph Scavo for donating all Janet, who is in the order of the Hager, with Peter and Delores Fal Sisters of St. Joseph, and su­ ects. She was given the citizen­ The Chevrolet was presented to the lumber used in the construc­ CO as sponsors;Robert Joseph, son perior of St. Joseph’s orphanage ship award on graduation day. She Mary Cerrone of 3446 Quivas tion of the various booths for the of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brienza, for girls in Kansas City, Mo., will take the liberal arts course street; the afghan sponsored, by bazaar; to H. E. Austin, Scott with Frank' Scardina and Kath­ also was a visitor at the Car­ at Loretto and determine her fu- the Altar and Rosary society to Farm dairy, for donating all the leen Multone as sponsors; and IT H O T E L melite monastery. The Ruoff Mrs. Howard Sorenson of 1091 cream used at the bazaar dinner; Cheryl Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Where Denver’s Society Entertains for Luncheons and Dinners family were the guests of Miss Leyden street; the quilt spon­ to Jerry Bruno for donat­ Mrs. Marvin Hughes, with William FOR SPECIAL RESERVATIONS FOR BRIDGE PARTIES, sored by the PTA to D. J. Carbone ing all of the vegetables for the Catharine Maloney during their Mullane and Mary Graharm as DANCES AND DINNERS PHONE MAIN 3101 of 3538 Navajo street; the sterling dinner; and to all other merchants stay in Littleton, and Mother sponsors. Beautiful Ballrooms Private Dining Rooms cream and sugar set sponsored by for their generous contributions, Janet was a guest in the convent The Ushers’ club will have its the Senior Young Ladies’ sodality including the Register. of the Sisters ef St. Joseph in annual basket picnic July 29 and to Hilda Brigman of 950 Ogden All members of the Holy Name Englewood. The family made society are urged to receive Com­ several mountain trips during munion in the 7 o’clock Mass next their visit and saw Estes Park, Annunciotion Club IN PURE Sunday, the day appointed to the Central City, and Colorado Amusement Park ‘ society. Springs. The priests are encouraged by Our Lady of the Miraculous Will Meet Tuesday, RADIUM WATER To Feature Music the increased attendance and invite Medal praesidium of the Legion of everyone to attend the novena to Mary was represented by its four Our Lady of Lourdes held each officers and four active members July 10, in Home Of Woody Herman Wednesday evening at 7:45. at the monthly comitum meeting ELDORADO SPRINGS Confessions for first Friday held in Holy Ghost hall in Denver (Annunciation Parisk, Denver) It’s Woody Herman time at the will be heard on Thursday after­ June 28. They were Mmes. Anna El Patio Ballroom in Lakeside noon and evening at the regular M. Brooks, Fra: k L. Gertig, Joe St. Ann’s club will meet in the 1 FOR AN OUTING Friday night— and that means it times. Mass will be offered at 6:30 McElroy, and S. Whitmore; and home of Mrs. T. F. Carr, 3335 is time for enjoyable dancing by and 7:30 and Holy Communion Misses Ruth Arriola, Gloriat Cec- Josephine street, on Tuesday, July Denverites. ' will be distributed befot’e the 6:30 chin, Mary Contreras, and Anna 10, at 1 o’clock. The famous Capitol Records re­ Mass. Martin. The praesidium will meet A DAY— A WEEK— A MONTH cording artist brings to Denver A special meeting of the bazaar in St. Mary’s hall Thursday eve­ Sunday, July 8, will be Commun­ There Is No Place Like Eldorado Springs music that has won acclaim committees will be held on Friday ning, July 5. ion day for the Holy Name society evening at 8 o’clock in the school and the older boys of the parish in Ideal for Picnics — Restaurant — Cabins — Concessions throughout the nation as being On the first Friday, July 6, Mass “ terrific.” His hit records include meeting room. the 8:30 Mass. Only 27 Miles from Denver Phone Boulder 053J1 will be offered at 7 o’clock. Con­ Richard Metcalfe of 2739 W. Virginia Chaves The members of the Sacred 32nd avenue and Isabel Poggi of fessions will be heard before Mass on Saturday, July 7, and hourly Motherhood guild wish to express 2345 W. 47th avenue were united ture activities after an orienta­ their thanks to all those who Square Dancing Every Saturday Night in marriage before Father Mc­ devotions, beginning at 7:30 a.m. tion course. and continuing until 7:30 p.m., assisted in any way with ther Guire at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, June The Holy Name society and the will be held. The day will begin breakfast sfrved Sunday to the 30. Witnesses were Frank Poggi Ushers’ club will meet Thursday Weletne to DenTer*o FIneit with Mass at 7 o’clock and Con­ children of the First Communion and Charline Greeno. Following evening, July 6, in the parish au­ Gus Schwalb^s- fessions will be heard before Mass. class. their wedding trip the couple will ditorium, where Clyde Marchese, COLBURN HOTEL make their home in Denver. Weekly novena devotions to Our Carol Ann, infant daughter of president, will preside. The Rev. J. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heronema, was Ill in the parish include Mrs. Blessed Mother under her title of S. Bernier, O.P., spiritual director, LUXURIOUS ROOMS baptized Sunday by Monsignor Fred Franks, at home now follow­ Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal will give an address. Cocktail Lounge Chat & Chew Charles Hagus. Sponsors were Ed­ ing surgery in St. Anthony’s hos­ are held every Monday evening at Coffee Shop The First Friday devotions will ward Nushy and Mrs. Ballig. DRIVE-IN RESTAURAlVr pital; Mrs. Robert Miller, confined 7 :45. It is hoped that every family be held July 6, with a Mass of Ex­ 10th Avenue at Grant Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Keleher to a local, hospital following-sur­ in the parish will be regularly position at 8 o’clock followed by MAin 6291 FAMED FOR EXCELLENT FOOD AND have just returned from a trip to gery; and Mrs. Ann Shanon, un­ represented at these services, since Benediction. Confessions will be D. B. CERISE. Monarer FRIENDLY SERVICE New York and Washington, D. C. dergoing treatments in St. Jo­ the special general intentions are heard Thursday afternoon and LUISCHEONS — DINNERS seph’s hospital. Mrs. Shanon is the for world peace and fo~ the pro­ evening. SODA FOUNTAIN — SANDWICHES — SALADS oldest member of St. Patrick’s par­ tection o f all parishioners who are The Lady of Fatima Dialogue ish. serving in the armed forces. FOOD TO TAKE OUT Mass .will be said at the Blessed T H E PINES 6000 East Colfax Avenue Virgin’s altar Saturday morning, MODERN COTTAGES July 7, at 7 o’clock. Followibg this Phone DE; 44.34 Equipped IFith Gas Married in St. Joseph's Mass and the 8 o’clock Mass, the Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Todd Open lUOO A.M. Till 2:00 A.M. regular devotional prayers will be Mr. and Mrs. ^ Phono 7 • P. 0. Box 143 GRAND LAKE. COLORADO Edward Becker recited in unison. The Holy Hour will be con­ Woody Herman were married re­ cently before a ducted Friday night from 7:30 to “ Woodchopper’s Ball,” “ Caldonia,” Nuptial Mass in 8:30 by the Rev. J.-P . Houlihan, We Photograph Anything Anywhere and “ Surrender.” S t. J osep h ’ s O.P. The sermon will be delivered Sunday is the night for another church. Father by Father Bernier. Confessions speed-crazy midget auto program. Paul Schwarz, will be heard after the services. The Mile-High Photo Co. The racers will toe the mark for C .S S .R ., offi. - KODAK FINISHING the time trials at 7:30 with lap elated at the dou­ events coming on an hour later. ble-ring cere­ 320-22 Saventeanth KEystone 6114 Denver Rides along the midway, more mony and offered St. Elizabeth's HNS rides in Kiddies’ Playland, swim­ the Mass. ming in the large natatorium, and The bride, the picnicking at the picnic grounds former Hazel Plans Communion add to the enjoyment of a day at S te w a r t, is the Bonded Collection Lakeside, Denver. daughter o f Mrs. Anywhere in V,S.A. Elizabeth S tew ­ For Sunday, July 8 art of St. Jo- Religious Will Be Given (St. Eliaabctii’s Parish, Denver) eph’s parish. The JOE O'NEIL & ASSO. Degree for Plant Work bridegrom is the The Holy Name society will re­ 1251 Cherokee MA. 1472 Havana, Cuba.— Brother Leon son of Mrs. Anna ceive Communion in the 8 o’clock Becker of Long­ o f the Brothers of the Christian Mass Sunday, July 8. LITTLE BILLS No Colleetions No Charge BIG BILLS mont. schools, who has classified some The bride’s ma­ All the men of the Holy Name 23,000 species of plants and is tron of honor was society who do not belong to the considered a leading authority on Mrs. Rosalie , Nocturnal Adoration society are plant research in Cuba, will be Fahrigi Tbe^*- invited to join this group 'Thurs­ awarded an honorary degree by bridesmaids were' §■' day night at 10 in Holy .Ghost church. St. Elizabeth’s hour of h v is t in Seturity! the National University of Havana Miss Lorena Ar­ Moke your tomorrow itcure — on Aug. 15, the 50th year of his anda and Miss adoration this month will be from 10 to 11 Thursday night, July 5. tnveit today In REPUlUC LOAN teaching. He is the discoverer of Eileen Dufficy. COMPANYS 4% Tims Certificate*. many new plants and new varie­ The flower g ir l ^ Father Raphael McDonnald, You recstve a gtnereui 4% interest- ties. Government- co-operation is was Miss Mary ’«■ * - ^ V:..; O.F.M., will conduct a mission for compounded semi-snnuatly. awaited for the publication of a Lee Fahrig. one week in Paonia beginning Peid-ln Cepitef end Surplus second’ volume of Flora de Cuba, Sylvester Becker was best man. Escorts were Harry Stewart and Sunday, July 8. Father Declan evsr S2», 0M.M. which is costly owing to the nature Gene Stewart, and ushers were Meinolph Becker and William Fahrig. Madden, O.F.M., will conduct the of the subject. Brother Leon is a The bride’s brother, Billy, gave her in marriage. spiritual retreat for the sisters of member of both national and for­ The wedding oreakfast was held in the couple’s future home at St. Anthony’s hospital next week. eign scientific institutions. His 178 S. A lcott A reception followed in the home of the bride’s Father Kevin P. Henry, O.F.M., REPUBLIC LOAN COMMNY name ihag been proposed for the mother in the afternoon. The couple are now living in their "new home will return this week from New 1*41 ttM t Street • DINVIt* COIOEADO * IstebltsheB i m of Honor of France. after a wedding trip through Colorado and New Mexico. York city. Thursday, July 5, 1951 Office, 93t Bannock Sfroof THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Tolaphono, KEysfene 4205 PAGE NINE 3 Professors at Regis Nuns Reassigned Parents of Denve f S t Joseph's Schools Being Painted; Get Promotions in Rank Priest Set Sail Record Humber of Students Expected (St. Joseph’s Redemptorist Parish, But with all o f their eating, they which the Altar and Rosary so­ Thirteen Regris college pro- the Rev. Bernard S. Karst, from D en v er) still bad time and energy for an ciety sponsored recently. Tom sors were recently notified of instructor to assistant professor; enjoyable song fest. Brenneman in his best' days never »ncement» by the committee of The Rev. William O’Shaugh- For Visit in Rome The painting of the grade school k and tenure of the northside is in progress. When the job is fin­ So wonderful was the occasion saw such s collection of* out­ nessy, from professor to pro­ Mr. and Mrs. George H. Evans landish hats as were worn by these uit college. The announcement ished, St. Joseph’s will be second that the members thank those who fessor emeritus; the Rev. John J. good women on this happy and 1 made by the Rev. Louis G. o f S t Philomena’s parish, Denver, to none in beauty and comfort. The were responsible for the success of Quirk, from instructor to assistant left June 30 to visit their son, the memorable occasion. ttione, S.J., dean of R ^ is col- necessary painting of the high the outing: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. professor; the Rev, Harold L. Rev. George R, Evans,, who is Prize Hat e and chairman of the corn- Stansell, from instructor to as­ school will take ;^ace and other Werthman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert doing postgraduate work in Rome. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rider, The prize hat was the one worn tee, after approval of the ad- sistant professor; the Rev. Ervin needy repairs will be undertaken. The couple sailed from New York Mr. and Mrs. George Canny, Mr. by Mrs. J. Carabello. Perched on icements had oeen given by the A. Stauifen, from assistant pro­ By next September the building city July 3 on the S. S. Independ­ and Mrs. J. Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. top of her head was a tree -y Rev. Raphael C. McCarthy, fessor to associate professor; the will be in complete readiness for ence. Father Evans will meet them E. McCloskey, Mr. and Mrs. J. with its sagging limbs decorated president of the school, Most Rev. Bernard Sullivan, from the capacity-taxing number of in Naples.' Carabelloi Mr. and Mrs. H. Leisen- with almost every conceivable type ncluded on the list were 11 instructor to assistant professor; boys and girls who will be the The Denver priest, who for- privileged group. ring, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Ochs. of breakfast food— sausage, ham. uits and two lay faculty mem- and the Rev. Elmer J. Trame, colored eggs, toast, a pancake, ana s. Jesuits receiving the ad- mefrly was an assistant in St. “ May we have many more like from associate professor to pro­ Sides and stomachs are still ach­ raisins. Philomena’s parish, recently com­ it’’—that is the wish of the sev­ icement are the Rev. Christian fessor. ing from the grand time St. Jo­ The other hats were almost as pleted his oral examinations for enty-seven couples who make up Bonnet, from assistant profes- Members of the lay faculty who seph's Double Ring club had at beautiful but a little less con­ his bachelor of canon law degree, the Double Ring club of St. Jo­ to associate professor; the Bergen park on the night of June servatism next time will earn a received advancements are George which was awarded to him magna seph’s. /. Joseph V. Downey, from in- TWO FACULTY MEMBERS of Loretto Heights col 26. Members will long remember number of additional prizes. Eric Bechtolt, advanced to assist­ cum laude. He will have two more jctor to assistant professor; lege received new appointments this past week. Sister the endless supply of “ weeners,” There were laughs too— many of The group thanks the women for Rev. Philin W. Froebes, from ant professor from instructor; and years of advanced work in Rome, Teresa Marie (left), who has been head o f the music department, will pickles, potato salad, greens, buns, them— for all of the women who the many laughs that were af­ fessor to professor emeritus; Fred R. VanValkenberg, who was where he is studyingIn at the Apolli- be community supervisor of music fpr the western area. Sister Flaget, etc. that the “ up-on-their-toes” attended the breakfast forded. nare university. Rev. John J. Jolin, from in- also promoted to assistant profes­ director of faculty study at Loretto Heights for the past four years, committee had provided for them. jctor ta assistant professor; sor from the rank o f hastructor. will be principal of Loretto academy, El Paso, Tex. The Rev. Harley Schmitt, another archdiocesan priest in Rome, has completed his classwOrk for his de­ li/lsgr. John Covanogh gree in canon law and is working jeed at Salvage Bureau this summer and fall to complete Will Speak on KLZ Parish Choir at Loyola his thesis. It is expected that he will return to Denver in Novem­ Radio station KLZ in its For Beds, Clothing Chests ber. series of broadcasts on “ Demoe- Father Evans will travel with An urgent need for beds and clothing chests is announced by To Resume After Vacation cracy in These United States’’ his parents for almost two months ;o Kelleher of the St. Vincent de Paul salvage bureau. will feature an address by Mon- this summer. They plan to be in signor John Cavanagk, man­ Mr. Kelleher says that the bureau’s supply of bedroom fur- (Loyola Parith, Donvor) and upon her return the choir Lourdes on. Aug. 15, the Feast of shings is crucial— much more severe than is usual in summer will resume practice. aging director of the “ Register.” The Loyola adult choir will dis­ the Assumption. The Denver onths. Beds and chests are as scarce at present as tables and Mrs. S. M. Andrew and daugh­ couple will bo back in New York Ten prominent Denverites will STARTS FRIDAY, JULY 6 band for several weeks because lairs, an ever-present need of poor families. ter, Eileen, will sail from New Aug. 28. participate in Ihe continuing series, which was opened by . All furnishings— in fact, goods of any kind—^will be welcomed members are on vacation. The York on Saturday, July 7, for Eng­ Father Evans’ brother, Fallon, ^ the salvage bureau, Mr. Kelleher points out, because anything'' choir, under the direction o f Miss land. Mrs. Andrew will leave Den­ a g;raduate of Notre Dame uni­ Governor Dan Thornton July 4. J .t is not needed immediately by the poor is salvaged and recon- Helen Neumann has provided the ver by plane on Friday and join versity, recently received his mas­ The addresses will be used' ALL SUMMER DRESSES ^ ioned for the St. Vincent de Paul retail store at 1951 Lawrence music for the 12 o'clock Mass and her daughter in New York. Eileen ter’s degree in English literature nightly as a part of the station’s reet. The store helps support the society’s work for the poor. in recent weeks has sung at the and her brother, Hugh, left on July from the University o f Chicago. sign-off prior to the national Anyone who wishes to have a truck call for pickup may 8:30 High Mass. Miss Neumann is 1 for a motor trip to the East anthem. The series will be ro- tone the St. Vincent de Paul salvage bureau, CH. 5503. leaving this week for California coast. In England they will visit tateds and the addresses pub­ SUN CLOTHES and Mrs. Andrew’s 90-year-old mother lished in book form at the con­ and will also visit in Ireland before Pair at Regis clusion of the first round. PLAY CLOTHES OFF returning home in September. Slsas Infant! to 12 Vs Eileen Andrew is a student at Cathedral high school Excel in Test Mrs. Harold Tracy has been BOYS’ SHORTS seriously ill in Mercy hospital. She OFF is well known for her Legion of In Accounting and SUN SUITS '/» Mary work throughout the city. Mr, and Mrs. William May and Two evening students of Re­ Remember the Church their son and daughter. Bill and gis college surpassed 4,082 of the ALL-SUMMER FOOTWEAR 4,297 first-year accounting stu­ Barbara, are vacationing in Chi for BOYS and GIRLS OFF cago, 111. dents who faced the national V s Mrs. George R. Hudson and freshman achievement test con­ daughter, Laura, o f Colorado City, ducted by the American Insti­ Dr. D. C. WeiUmum Tex., are spending a month with tute of Accountants this past and Associiato her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard May. They are William R. Davis Hart Mrs. Hudson is the former of Denver and James E. Smith of Golden. Both students made Dentists Peter Ann Shop Frances Hart. Mary Margkret Hart is attend­ the same score. PLATES Infants' and Children's Wear in ing summer classes at Colorado In this AIA examination test­ 808 15th Street 1206 15th Street ing. both day and evening men 5724 East Colfax Denver university in Boulder. She is a KEyitene 8721 TAbor 5761 registered nurse and for the past and women students of leading year had worked at Corwin hilOS' colleges and universities took .pital in Pueblo part, and the Regis ranking was Recent visitors at Loyola rec­ well above average. These Regps YOUR WILLtory include the Rev. John Keefe, men are employed in the day­ S.J., from St. Louis university and time and also carry what is con­ the Rev. Louis Fitzsimmons, S.J., sidered to be a full program of from Trinidad. The Rev. Frank evening classes. JOE ONOFRIO Cunningham, S.J., o f Pueblo and Joan Fortunate and Dorothy the Rev. Walter Harris, S.J., from E. Hoelsken achieved good REMEMBER THE St Stanislaus’, novitiate will re­ scores to uphold the reputation main at the rectory for two weeks, of the Regis coeds. Says: POOR MISSIONS Prominent Lawyer Leaves "Be Sure to See This OF THE ARCHDIOCESE Before \YiOU Buy" Half of Estate to Church Joe, Jr.

Oiie half of the $51,000 estate A total of $500 from the in­ left by Walter H. Schlueter, prom­ come o f the Catholic half o f the trust will be used to offer Masses inent Denver attorney who died Form of Bequeiit ht for the souls of Mr. Sehlueter’s June 9, will go to the Catholic deceased wife, her father and Establishment of Church, according to the wording mother, and Mr, Schlueter and his Funds for Education of his will, which was filed for parents. The rest o f this half of probate before County Judge the estate will be set up in a per­ IT NEVER BUILDS UP petual trust fund designated in of Priests: David Brofman in the past week. the name of Anna G r o t o f f IN THE FREEZE CHEST OF A Schluster, Mr. Schleuter’s deceased wife, who was a Catholic, to be administered by the Archbishop CASTLETON of Denver. Income from the fund will be used to aid needy Catholic CHINA missions in the United States., "\ t o 'V:v,\sV^oP Mr. Schlueter, termed “ a very religious man” by his acquaint­ ances, was not a Catholic. Married


CAPRKX — Oima&ons in lovely When 3rou open the door of a re­ * i frigerator, you let m warm, moist shades of gray, green and blue sur­ air that forms boat. FROST- rounded by graceful leaves and FREE counts door opemngs- auto­ 11 matically defixMiB exactly wnen tendrils on the Century shape of neededTlt’sidedTlt’s completely automatic! n Castleton China- I Ooiy Htt grMf m w 1951 Five piece place-setting, $16.75 \^^n^ouseVROST*ntEC ghfis you ALL THREE Big Btnefits A PERM ANENT BURSE FOR THE PERPETUAL EDUCATION OF u In a recertt ceremo'ny in AUTOMATIC DE­ A SEMINARIAN IS $6,000. ANY PORTION OF St. John the Evangelist’s FROSTING exacUy 0 and only whan ne church Miss Katherine Garland, t • a a « 1 a 1 THIS, HOWEVER, CAN BE LEFT. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James AUTOMATIC DIS­ 1 J. Garland of Denver, became the POSAL o f froet water. No trays or pans to empty. ) bride of J., Brian Connell, son of ' » Mr. and Mrsf Jhmss J. Connell of AUTOMATIC DE- St. Louis, Mo. The Rev. John J. FROSTING that’s so fast : even ice cream stays hard. THE SUM OF $600 WILL TAKE CARE Regan officiated at the double-ring I wttTtssair—at ceremony which preceded the Nup­ BUYwIthaslYi L tial Mass. to tho FUTURE The maid o f honor was Miss I I OF A STUDENT FOR ONE YEAR Mary Frances Mohan and the WESTINGHOUSE bridesmaids were Miss Joanne Gib­ REFRIGERATOR value depends not only on the fea­ son and Mrs. Kenneth A. Carter- TBHP AND PROVED IN MORE THAN tu re and price tag your eyes can MA LIN — Flowers in rich shades were. The best man was Robert A HUNDRED THOUSAND HOMES sw, but also on ths built-in quality Quinliyan of Kansas City, Mo., of cinnamon, gold and sapphire, on they cM ’t eee. That’s why we keep For Further Information, Apply at and the ushers were John Kem- W e^houM FROST-FREE is,the icorld's repeating,■epeating, as a pledge,pledj'e, not jujust a translucent (Castleton (3iina. merly of Denver and J. Thomas first TOmpletely automatic refrigerator Can Be SURE Vitt of St Louis. and the o ^ y one that’s home-tested, kitchen- If It’s WESTINGHOUSE”. Five piece place-setting, $15.75 Mrs. Connell received her bache­ SamrMST FKIMI ITKItlEAT Ntf lor of arts and master of arts de­ IISITUTIWNItE KflNEUTIU TIIITI gree from 'a local university where No Fodoral T u she later was an instruetpr of on Chinn mathematics and faculty sponsor . wasA* M suge of the Newman club. CHRnCIRV OFFICE Mr. Connell received his bachelor Nothing Bui the Finest of science degree from a university in St. Louis and his master of 1636 Logai SIraal Daavar, Oolarada •o h m -/ \llen science degree from a local univer­ I sity. Joe Ohofrio Music Co. Quality Jnvelsrt for After a motor trip through Member of S t Catherine’B Parish More Than 70 Years Colorado the couple will make their home in Detroit, Mich-— 180S BROADWAY <


PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, July 5, 195T

I T UNEQUAL EYES St Philomeno's Library Rated E x c e l lent Colorado Springs W e must lee equally with both eyes if it Is at all possible to do so. By not seeing the same with both, the weaker eye PTA Donates $100 to Purchase Books Couple fo Mark tends to become worse until finally the vision in that eye can* (St. Philomena’s Parish, Denver) petent librarians 'who visited the hospital, as is Mrs. John Rein­ not be corrected fully. 'Eyes should be corrected at the begin­ school recently. hardt, who underwent surgery The PTA presented Sister Mary The sisters o f the school wish July 2. Sister Maiy Celsis and ning of trouble. Godfrey with a check for ?100 at to maintain the high standard it Sister Agnes Maritta were re­ Silver Jubilee the close of school to be used has already achieved. Of the 400 leased from Mercy hospital the in the purchase of books for the li­ books that have been donated to past week. Colorado Springs. — An open SWIGERT BROS. brary. Sister is anticipating select­ the library in the past school Mr. and Mrs. John Majerus an­ house will be held July 7 to honor ing these books with the greatest Mr. and Mrs. James MeVitty, who 1550 California ~ O p t o m e t r i s t S ^KEyitona 7651 year,, the majority were given by nounce the birth o f a son, Paul care and enthusiasm. It is to the the class o f 1951. Generous pa­ Theodore, bom July 1 in St. Jo­ will observe their 25th wedding support of the schools’ PTA that rishioners supplied the remainder. seph’s hospital. anniversary. The party will be Better Vision Good Service the' library owes its greatest debt Books still desired may include Dennis Joseph Nelan was bap­ given in the home of the couple’s for Every Age At Right Prices of gratitude. St. Philomena’ school biography, travel, literature, fic­ tized July 1 by Monsignor Hig­ daughter, Mrs. William Berry, from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. No invita­ Spicy, light Toilet Water has the most outstanding grade tion, short stories, folklore, history, gins. The sponsors were Joseph GLASSES INDIVIDUALLY STYLED tions have been issued. school library in the archdiocese, and encyclopedia sets. The "sisters and Margaret E. Learned. . A A A A A A A A. A. A A A A . A A. A. A. according to the appraisal of com- ask that all books donated he in Mr. and Mrs. George H. Evans The guest o f Dr. and Mrs. good condition anil suitable for left June 30 for New York and Aiden Mullett and their son, Brian plus flacon of ' grade school level. . sailed July 3 to visit their son. Fa­ Mullett, has been Richard C. Mc- The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Wil­ ther George Evans, who is study­ Cooly. They are classmates at fiequinAoutt in. fiacB, Georgetown university. liam M. Higgins, pastor, enter­ ing in Rome. Shakti deodorant! I THEODORE I tained the tent party workers at Mrs. Madeline Starr and daugh­ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sa- a buffet supper July 1. Jack Ryan, MICHAEL OXONNOR, 76, of Denver. was celebrated June 30 in Our Lady of ter, Patsy, arrived from Morris, franek and their daughter, Mrs. Requiem Mass was celebrated July 2 in Mt. Carmel church. Interment Mt. Olivet. general chairman of the bazaar, N.Y., to spend the summer with Richard Hull o f Santa Monica, the Cathedral. Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. acted as master o f ceremonies. He her mother, Mrs. T. E. Carey. Calif., have been -visiting the past Horan mortuary. CARLO BARONE of 8958 Wyandot. thanked all those present for their two weeks and have been ex­ Husband of Mary Qarone; father of Vir­ Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clair’s son iHACKETHALl DAVID M. SMITH, 6B. of 657 Harri­ splendid co-operation and hard tensively entertained. and family spent the week end in son street. Father of Mrs. P. R. Martin ginia, Carl. Arlene, John, Antoinette, both for and M. D. Smith of Denver, and Mrs. Diane, Carmine, Jr.; Rudolph, Maradee work. A special vote of thanks Denver, en' route to Lincoln, Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Holbrook J. E. Darken of South Bend, Ind.; sur­ Barone, and Mrs. Evelyn' Feierstein, all was extended Joe Barry, , car where they are to make their home. I MORTUARY | of Denver: and Mrs. Marie York of Sayre, and Miss Viola, Kirchman hon­ vived also by eight grandchildren and chairman. Mrs. Opal Buttell and daughter 17 great-grandchildren. Requiem Mass Okla.: and brother of Emilio Barone.' ored the California visitors at a The Rosary it being recited Thursday, returned recently from a two- M 1449-51 Kalamath St- 1 and interment in South Bend. Ind. Father James Hamblin was a dinner for 10 guests Thursday, Horan mortuary. July 5. at 8 p.m. in tite Boulevard mor­ guest. He spoke of his past asso­ month sojourn in California. June 28, in the Acacia hotel. tuary chapel. Requiem Mass will be cele­ Phone MAin 4006 EDWARD DENNIS SHANAHAN of brated Friday, July 6, at 10 o'clock in ciation with Monsignor Higgins Mrs. T. W. Bostwick and sons Miss Elizabeth Gaughan was 2700 Stout. Father of Mrs. Ramona Mt. Carmel church. Interment will be and St. Philomena’s parish as a have joined Mr. Bostwick in Salt Ervin of On\aha, Neb., and Paul Shana­ the guest of honor at a lingerie in Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mortuary. gratifying experience, especially Lake City for the summer. han, U. S. navy; and brother of Mrs. F. GEORGE GAYLOR of Brighton. shower given by Miss Jane Ann Hannah Foley and Mrs. Nell Oakes, both Husband of Maude Gay lor; father of mentioning the deep spirituality Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Eby and Siebert at her home June 27. of Omaha, Neb.; Patrick Shanahan of Mrs. Phyllia Flower and Shirley Gaylor; o f St. Philomena’s parishioners, family have purchased a home at Preston. Minn.; and Thomas Shanahan Mrs. Spencer Penrose returned Brighton: and Don Gaylor, Loveland; son under the guidance of Monsignor 12th and St. Paul. They are of Ponca, Neb.; survived also by four last week from a three months’ HARTFORD-ALCORN of Mrs. Eleanor Gaylor, Denver; an^ Higgins. Father James O’Grady’s former members o f St. Philomena’s grandchildren. Requiem Mass and in ­ brother of Morris Gaylor, Meeker. The visit in Europe. MORTUARY terment in Council Bluffs, la. Olinger Rosary is being recited Thursday, July impromptu speech was filled with parish. I mortuary. 5, at 8 p.m. in the Rice funeral chapel. humor. Monsignor Higgins ad­ Day camp for the Brownies will- Mrs. James O’Malley and three Family Group Insurance IDA G. VAN DYKE of 42 Hazel court. Requiem High Mass will be celebrated dressed the group and expressed be held on July 9, 11, and 13 in children of Phoenix, Ariz., arrived Requiem Mass was celebrated in Pres­ Friday, July 6, at 9 o'clock in St. Augus­ by plane June 29 and are guests, R A. 0325 entation church June 29. Interment Mt. his sincere debt o f gratitude and Congress park. There will be 13 tine's church, Brighton. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murray'i Alameda at Logan Olivet. Olinger mortuary. WILLIAM COSCaiOVE, 89. late of appreciation. units with 12 Brownies in each 4300 E. Colfax. Husband of Blanche 27 Lake avenue, Broadmoor. THERESA BELLOMATO, 70, o f 2223 ' Friday of this week is the first unit from four different troops. W. 31st avenue. Wife of Constantino Cosgrove; son of Janet Cosgrove; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fullwood Bellomato, Requiem High Mass was cele­ brother of John Cosgrove, Pueblo. Re­ "Friday o f the month. Confessions The following Girl Scouts will brated July 3 in St. Dominic's church. quiem Mass was celebrated July 3 in will be heard'from 3:30 to 6 in be at Camp Montrita July 15-22: have announced the engagement M on II menls Holy Ghost church. Capitol mqrtuary.* o f their daughter. Miss Katherine W e have erected many beauti­ Boulevard mortuary. the afternoon on Thursday, an^ Marianne Conway, Barbara Vos, JACOB (JAK E) KAMPHAUS, 41. of LOUISE MORROW, 70, of 2347 Barbara Tauer, Barbara Lutz, Bar­ Margaret Fullwood, to Charles ful monument* in Mt. Olivet Stout street. Sister of L. W. Bohart, from 7:30 to 9 in the evening. 965 Carr street, Lakewood. Husband of bara Dinan, Marilyn McHugh, Lo­ Dale, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Michael f Cemetery. Virginia Kamphaua. Requiem High Mass Palestine, Tex.; and Mike Bohart. Mrs. Nocturnal adoration for the Melinda Alyea. and Mrs. Bertha Goebel, retta McNamara, Ann Hoskins, Dale o f Washington, D. C. The was celebrated July 2 in St. Bernadette*! men o f the parish will be from church. Lakewood. Interment Mt. Olivet. Denver; and aunt of Mrs. Beatrice Ken­ Sheilah Neihouse, Jean Denny, Ja­ couple will be married in August. nedy; survived also by several nieces 3 to, 4 a.m. Friday, July 6. The A. T. THOMSON Boulevard mortuary. nice Hale, Nancy Golden, and The Kensington club will as­ and nephews. -Requiem Mass was cele­ nqven^ to Mother Cabrini will 600 Sherman St. TA. 8018 WINIFED McATAMNEY. 66, of 2920 brated July 2 in Holy Ghost church. Mary Jane Majerus. semble for a picnic dinner at Aus­ Elizabeth. Wife of Thomas McAtamney; Interment Mt. OTivet. Capitol mortuary. continue through each night of and sister of Hazel Cola and Robert D. Hank Carroll announces the fol­ tin Bluffs Monday, July 9. VIVIANA TORREZ MARIN, 82. of this coming week, including Sat­ lowing soft ball games to be played Milner of Denver. Requiem Mass was 2937 Curtis. Sister-in-law of|Joseflna urday. Novena services start at Joseph Mueller of Chadron, celebrated June 30 in Loyola church. and Timotea Marin; and aunt of Simon, by Cub pack 124: One game Mon­ Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mor­ 7:45. Neb., is spending two weeks with Alvaro, Poriirio. Feliciano. Jesus, day, July 9, at Teller school, 6 James Savage. The young men are JERRY BREEN tuary. Miguel, and Margarita Martn; Mrs. The Holy Name society and the ORSALIE MEGNA, 72. of 3908 Uma­ p.m., between pack 124 and pack classmates at the University o f Sabino Zendejas, and Mrs. ikluardo Men’s club will receive Commun­ Florist tilla street. Wife of Salvatore Megna: Guzman. Requiem Mass was celebrated 2; and the second game on Nebraska. aunt of Anthony and Thomas Megna. June 30 in St. Cajetan’s church. Inter-? ion in a body in the 8:15 Mass Wednesday, July 11, in Congress 1004 15th St. Thomas Scardina, Mrs. Edith Farley, ment Mt. Olivet. Trevino mortuary Sunday,. July 8. and Jennie Bienza, all of Denver; and park, 6 p.m., between pack 124 and For a limited time only! These two wonderful THOMAS PAUL CROWELL, son of Prayers were said for Henry Mrs. Irvin Jacobson and Katherine Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Crowell; brother of pack 42. Pack 124 is making a MAin 2279 Megna of Arvada. Requiem High Maas fresheners for the price of the toilet water alone! John D., Catherine Doli,-. and Judith Lutz, the father of Eugene Lutz good showing in these games. Denver Catholic Marie; grandson of Mrs. M. J. Hurley, of, ttia parish, who is seriously ill Scout troop 124 held a meeting Col'fs exquisite fragrance to dash on your hands, of Denver. Mass of the Angels was. cele- in St. Joseph’s hospital; and for July 2 in the school auditorium. J)rated July 2 in Our Lady of the Moun­ the deceased: Mrs. Mary G. Hil­ wrists, over your body after bath. And the plus MUTUAL BENEFIT tains church. Estes Park. Mr. Mead, scoutmaster, announced Named Director of . GENEVA GABEL* route 2, Ft. Lupton. bert, the mother of Bill Hilbert, that 21 boys from the troop will value of the unbreakable flacon of Shakti . . , Wife of Adam; mother of Catherine, an usher at St. Philomena’s, who go to Camp Tahosa the week of Donna Marie, and Philip Gabel; daugh­ ,was buried from St. Philomena’s July 22-29. new type powder deodorant that keeps you lovely ASSOCIATION ter of Joseph E. Herrman. Denver; State Freedom Unit daug:hter-in-law of Conrad Gabel, the past week; and Mrs. Mary Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mc­ through warmest weather. B r itt o n ; and sister of Mrs. Marcella Daly, the aunt of Ella O’Connors, Williams, parishioners o f St. Philo­ Robert S, McColluiil, Colorado Our ^ m ily Group Policy Protect* Cline, Washington: Mrs. Ida Holman, who was buried from St. Cather­ Toiletrie*— Street Floor Denver; Mrs. Mary Isabella Leigh,'Cali­ mena’s for many years, purchased chairman of the Crusade for Free­ the Entire Family for a few cent* fornia; Richard Herrman, Ft. Lupton; ine’s the,past week. a home at Seventh and Elizabeth dom, announced the appointment and Barney, Edmond, Bernard, Romanus, Father O’GraHy is ill in Mercy streets. of Tom Currigan of 2925 Ivy a day. Rudolph, Patrick, Albert, WiTbert, and John Herrman, all of Denver. Requiem street, Denver, as state campaign High Mass was celebrated June 30 in director for the 1951 crusade. A card or your name and ad­ St. Augustine's church. • Breakfast Project Slated Mr. Currigan is a member *of MRS. ERNESTINE KEENAN Blessed Sacrament parish. dress will bring a representa­ Requiem Mass was ce le b r a te . July 3 'W hen Otevtc S/iopi with ConUdtnct'- Klytfene 3111 St. Bernadette's church for Mrs. City Representative tive to explain the plan. Ernestine Keenan, 71, who died July 1 a while visiting her two sons in Denver. By Lourdes Parish Men; For Boys* Group Mrs. Keenan, who had lived in Redlands, TREVINO Calif., since 1929, suffered a heart attack, Mr. Currigan, who served with in the home of her son, Albert M. the U. S. air force in World war Keenan. 8893 W. 10th avenue, and died II, has been a counselor on the s Mortuary short time later in St. ‘Antbony’s* Families Will Be Invited 3406 f D K m hospital. city recreation department staff. Mrs. Keenan was bom In 1881 1t\ He was also the city’s representa­ Phone GLendale 5709 PHONE PE. 0013 (Our Lady o f Lourde* ParUh, Denver) Delaware, 0.* and came to Denver with tive on the staff o f Denver Boys, The Housewife her husband in 1906. After his death Men of the Rocks of Lourdes club and the children of Denver 11, Colo. Alameda at Logan in 1925 she^established and maintained Inc. fur business until retiring in 1929 the Lourdes Outdoor club will sponsor a get-acquainted Prior to joining the recreation She then moved to Cali^rnia. breakfast for the parish. Beginning in the month of August, Besides her son, Albert# Mrs. Keenan department staff and following his Knows Why Is survived by another son, Edward Sr; the names of all members of the parish will be placed in a war service, the new campaign di­ two grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs box, and each week the names of four families will be drawn. rector was employed for more Alfred Decker of Delaware, 0. Interment than three years by the Remington was in Mt. Olivet. Horan mortuary. The families whose names are The Tramway Fare Increase Is Necessary. selected will then be invited as spe­ ioners will sign the cards and place Rand company. iA ^ame is Sverytking! them in the basket at the end of cial guests for a breakfast in the Mr. Currigan will he in charge Mass. Like grocery costs. Tramway costs have risen. Receive Papal Honors Center House hall with the pastor. of Colorado Crusade headquarters Isn’t it true that when you mention a name you La Crosse, Wis.— Eleven men One family will be invited as It was announced last week that in room 305, Denver Post build­ Bertent af instantly think o f a person? D o something to and six women o f the La Crosse guest of the pastor after each Mass the 1951 assessment for the parish ing. typical Item* Increate diocese have been honored hiy beginning with the 7 o ’clock Mass. was successful. The goal was met cause that name to be remembered and by that act Pius XII. Named Knight Com­ Campaign Slated you have continued the influence o f the person The pastor will sit at the table and $7,000 was paid on the debt. Flour, 25 lb. bag mander o f the Order • o f St. with his guests o f honor, and will The assessment plan substitutes September 3-30 who owned the name. This is true whether it be a Gregory were W. Leo Murphy of introduce the family to other for bazaar^ and other money-mak­ Mr. McCollum said he and Cur­ family or an individual name. La Crosse and Bern .rd- A. -Ken­ members o f the parish who may be ing activities in the parish. Parish­ Coffee, I pound rigan are beginning at once the nedy o f Prairie du Chieni Nine having their breakfast after the ioners meet the assessment once JACQUES BROTHERS men, including Monroe County Mass. In this way the pastor has a year and are not bothered with appointment of community chair­ Since 1902 MonumenU of DUtinctlon Judge Lambert Hansen, Sparta, men for the crusade program ■ Round Steak (Grade A) 28E. 6th AVE. AL. 2019 the opportunity of meeting each money talks or ticket selling Jost Off Bromdwty on 6th Are. and Alba J. Groves, Viroqua, a member of the parish. About 20 throughout the year. throughout Colorado. convert, were named Knights o'f families a month will be invited The 1951 campaigm is scheduled Rainbow Granite Monuments St. Gregory. Three o f the six Altar and Rosary Beef Pot Roast O r a n i t e s z as guests. for Sept. 3 to 30. Its nation-wide Stay B£autfful women awarded Pro Eccleiia et Society Will Meet The idea of the guest breakfast goal will be to enroll at least 25 Moistare or air impurities cannot Pontifice medals are mothers of The Altar and Rosary society million Americans and to raise $3,- Eggs (Medium AA) penetrate the polished surfaces of these priests. They are Mrs. Frances will serve a two-fold purpose. All will hold its meeting in the members o f the parish will get 500,000 for the expansion of the hard granites. They, stay beautiful, Andrzejewski, mother of Fathers school hall this Thursday, July 5, Radio Free Europe network, which unchanged through decades. Joseph and Stanley Andrzej ewski; better acquainted with their pastor, at 12:30 with a covered-dish TRAMWAY OPERATOR and an oppprtunity will be given is achieving stellar results in its Mrs. Mary McGarty, mother of luncheon. The society is also spon­ psychologiical -warfare campaign WAGES (Per Hour) Father Bernard McGarty, all o f La the g;uests to get better acquainted soring a card party for friends at against C< Crosse; and Mrs. Emma Zimmer, with‘ their Catholic‘neighbors in the Public Service Co. on July 12 The new director announced Spring Valley, mother of a mis­ the parish. The breakfast room is at 1:30 p.m. Chairman for- the TRAMWAY TOKENS that Volunteers and others wishing sionary priest. now entering into its third year of party is Mrs. Mark Behan. Cohost- to contact Colorado Crusade head operation. The breakfast is cooked esses are Mrs. Cannon, Marie Mc­ quarters should telephone AC, by volunteers from the men of the Gill, and Miss Veronica Wood. 2897 or visit the headquarters in Call a Rocks club, and is served by the Members of the Rocks and their THE DENVER TRAMWAY CORP. the Denver Post building. children o f the Outdoor clubs. wives enjoyed the outdoor party A new .religious census of the June 30. The men served refresh­ EAR parish will be taken up at all the ments to their wives before MAin 7171 Masses on Sunday, July 29. Spe­ the meeting. The party was K. of C. Establish Fund Prompt ConrtMD. Serrlc. cial census cards will be handed held in the new camp area used CHEAPEB SATES out at the Masses on that day with :.W AY RADIO nightly by the outdoor clubs. A To Microfilm Documents CLEAN NEW CABS the Offertory envelopes. Parish- special outdoor movie was shown CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING J to the guests. The picture was New Haven, Conn. — The su­ The Melody Master. All agreed preme board of directors of the Classified Ads REPRESENTATtVE WANTED that the new outdoor center has Knights o f Columbus has voted a the atmosphere of the mountains It will pay yon to read ALL of tka following adrartiaementa. The Liesveld Memorial Co. has opening for representative. Man and an outdoor theater. $150,000 fund to establish a foun­ < selected for this position must have car. This is a real opportunity dation for the preservation of his­ for an aggressive salesman. Mefaiber of the K. of C. preferred. toric documents contained in the Vatican library. Under a»project HELP WANTED— FEMALE TOW ELS & LINFJS SUPPLY APPLY begun by St. Louis university, it is Woman experienced in bookkeeping. typ> MOUNTAIN TOWEL R SUPPLY CO. Henry Nadorff planned to microfilm 42,000 man­ ing and selling to work in E. Colfax Service furnished for Otflcu, Barbere. LIESVELD MEMORIAL CO. uscripts totaling some 10,000,- retail store. Call EAst 0811 afternoon or RestenranU. Stercs. and Baniinct. 000 pages, which contain the intel­ evenings. B W. BECKIU8. Manager 13000 We*t 44tli Ave. — Arvada 0499-R3 lectual, spiritual, and cultural her­ 1227 Cartii St MA. TM» Funeral Services itage of the Western world. The miscellaneous 25-month project is being under­ TREES REMOVED — SPRAYED - DRUGGISTS taken by Jesuit Fathers Lo'wrie J. TRIMMED tty liceniwl, iniurnl. u p «ri.n c«) Daly and Joseph P. Donnelly o f St. men. Httvy p o n a equipmant (or any ala. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS Are Conducted job. Futiliur* ol ^ kind*. Call MJLE Louis university. (U FORESTRY TREE SERVICE. AC 663i. will be fUlrd cametly at Henry Nadorff, Jr., 76, of 2611 F i n i N G HOUSE WANTED—Modest renUl. near WASHINGTON PARK PBARMACT Birch street, whose family has church, for youns parent* and infant twin been active in organizations of Work on Movie Started boya. Good reference*. Call Bonnie, KE. Blessed Sacrament parish and the 4205, or jrrite Box JR, care Box 1620, Ph. 8P. 9766 ItM Saoth Gaylerd St. Denver archdiocese, died recently To Advertise Colorado Denver. JOSEPH E. BONA... in Denver. Requiem Mass was cele­ LASTING TRIBUTE brated in Blessed Sacrament Shooting has started on a new PAINTING & DECORATING Homes for Sale church, followed by interment in color, sound motion picture for FOR papcrhanxins and pmtnting call Anton Mt. Olivet. Five Monsignors at­ the Colorado state advertising and Beringer, US Madison, EA. 2286.______Our Lady of Lourdes Parish We have a large selection of fine tended the Mass. publicity department. The 16 mm. W A L L P A P E R Hanging. Painting. Re­ monuments. Choice memorials for a Mr. Nadorff was born in Louis­ modeling. Call KE. 6798. 2648 So. Pennsylvania has helped build the Olinger tra­ ville, Ky., Aug. 14, 1874, and re­ film, the first to be made by the tribute to departed ones. 2 bedroom home, axcallant condi­ ce iv e his education in a school department since 1946, will be BRICK REPAIRS tion; ownor laaving atata, wants dition for finer service, through 29 and one-half minutes long to conducted by the Christian Broth­ to sell. * Convenient terms may be arranged. make it most acceptable for tele­ BRICK REPAIRS: Speeialiaing in brick the years. ers there. In 1900 he was married pointing and repairing, also canlking and KRING REALTY to Catherine Wessels. Three years vision, and will be done by Sono- painting. BE. 8-0444. WALTER EVANS. later the couple moved to Denver. chronie Pictures of Denver, vet­ 8177 Braton St 190 So. Ponn., PE. 1612 • 47 YEARS SERVING THE An auditor for the Kuner-Emp- eran travel movie prod'ucers. Ten HOUSE FOR SAI^ son company for 20 years, Mr. Na­ prints have been ordered. • PEOPLE OF DENVER . • The decision of the advertising 1874 So. Josephine—6 Tooma, full dining dorff was engaged in business f A R Y ’S room, full flnlahed basement garage. Re­ from 1934 until his retirement in and publicity committee to make . 1500 S. Broadway t duced for quick tale by owner—818,600. 1950., a new and better film was occas­ RA 7614 or 8P 2616. LIESVELD MEMORIAL CO. Surviving are five children, ioned by an analysis of past per­ JWe Pay iTash; FOR SALE Mary, Henry, Frances, and Cath­ formances of the state’s 29 prints 13000 West 44th Ave. erine Nadorff of Denver; and Paul of six major movies. In 1950 these ► For Used Fnmitiire ^ Child'a lidewalk bike—810. RA7614. Nadorff of Anaheim, Calif.; and were seen by luncheon groups, < Ed. F. Dougherty, Manager B. M. Liesveld, Owner three grandchildren. His three sportsmen’s clubs, other organiza­ and i Home Appliances M ortuaries Member of St Mary Magdalene Parish daughters are well known in Den­ tions, and television audiences to­ Miscallanosu* Itams ^ ver Catholic circles. They are taling 254,359 persons, almost in­ PHONE ARVADA 0499-R-3 PE. 4014 RA. 6423 < Chipped refrigemtere; ated Beadix and j 16th at Boulder • Speer at Sherman • E. Colfax at Magnolia leaders in a number of groups, in­ variably provoking “rave” com­ OPEN KVKNINfB n U . 9 p.m. t Maytag*; Electric Range Ilka new; alM> good gas range—PE 1768, 481 8. Breadway.- ( under construction) cluding the Archbishop’s guild. ments from exhibitors. Mb* ASbiMB A4KAJk B BRiAJa i \

iV ,K-. 'V -i^l

Thursday, July 5, 1951 ^ Office, 93 8. Bannock Sfreef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telaphena, KEyslena4205 PAGE ELEVEN Strange But True Salvage Bureau Back to Fundamentals- Needs Your Aid GUEST REGISTORIAL (Rsbt^idojdtdL By Rev. Kevin Carr, O.S.B. GUEST REGISTORlALi STAnthonys, Lisbon, tvas bu ilt Pastor o f Sacred Heart o f Mary Parish, By Leo Kelleher i •J* iwfer ^ room, ufytro he ulas hont, by South Boulder l y noney colUcted by the chUdren of- Manager, St Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau TODAY THERE WAS ANOTHER advertise­ LisboK UHle eUiarS ultk IF EVERY CATHOLIC FAMILY made cer­ "from, tain that its discarded articles were contributed If Torture Were Used on Communists ment in the mail. This time it was not an ad for a iflfi imAye on their doorsii/os. new cooking pot, but there are indications that to the salvage bureau operated by the Society of By Paul H. Hallett vious times this expedient was resorted to for ^ cusfont still Sur^H^;«s St Vincent de Paul, it would never be necessary ROBERT VOGELER, the recently released some practical result, e.g,, the revelation of a something is cooking just the same. A new on. his feasrcUuj. to say to the less fortunate that the articles subject of a Hungarian Communist “ confession” treasure or secret, or the obtaining of informa­ * organization called Spiritual Mobilization, formed they need are not avail­ process, suggests that we use retaliatory mea­ tion about a reasonably supposed offense. The under the sponsorship of 17,000 clergymen, able. sures as a means of checking these farces, which procedures leading to a Communist-manufactured would endeavor to make me aware- of my spiritual Unless one is in fre­ amount to nothing but blackmail. Mr. Vogeler “ confession” aim at a hitherto unambitioned pur­ and moral principles upon which our country was O'iti ^ l o d y quent contact with the certainly does not have the wresting of confes­ pose: To usurp the prerogative of God to enter founded and has prospered, if I would just re­ salvage bureau, o n e sions from arraigned Communist leaders in mind; into the human will and change it. Of course, turn the attached card. I would be assisted in my endeavors by a bulletin called “ Faith and 9 o PE can scarcely visualize but the idea makes an intriguing play of wit that is not done; the faculties are not changed the number of needy Torture as practiced on Cardinal Mindszenty but simply macerated by the Reds. Freedom,” every month, except during July and ^fbftMOSUS families referred to it and Archbishop Groesz— ^with the idea of making THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN CHANGE the August, when presumably I could shift for my­ (8 9 1 - » 9 6 ) practically every day. them admit an act they are known not to have human will is God, but He never does so alto­ self. In the sample copy, “ How to Win the It should not be too committed and to confess a guilt it is known they gether apart from human co-operation. Thus He Peace” was considered to be the, fundamental MkS lAKEN FROM W£ GRA^E question o f the times. e m u N G INTO THE TIBER BT HIS difficult to judge what do not feel—is a Communist innovation. In pre- could imprint the baptismal character on one who ENEMIES. M onths la te r t t V their needs are. Each absolutely resisted, but in fact, using a wonderful I have no wish to belittle any sincere effort i •reoppeared. on the^ surfacB& of us knows what con­ respect toward His creatures. He has chosen to to improve the moral complexion of the era, 1 w as T&iereAtLu re-interned stitute minimum per­ They Felt No Danger make free will an indispensable condition for the and my heart desires true peace as well as the sonal and household By Rev. Robert E. Kekeisen reception o f the sacrament in an adult. next But not only is the question inconclusive; ^ ^ « / necessities. THE HUGE MAN-MADE BIRD called the 'Yet there is a sense in which it can be said it is as segmental as the organization proposing DC-6 nosed mightily, surely into the night sky The great majority that God Himself exercises torture. This is when it. We already have more than 360 sects in this at San Francisco, its belly lined with rows of of us fortunately are He sends afflictions to disabuse us of attach­ country; S. M. looks like another segment in human beings. Doubtless they felt the sense of I able to provide those ment to the world and to turn us to Himself. This embryo. Let the sponsors deny it if they will. exhilaration that comes with take-off in a power­ essentials f o r o u r- divine torture is nobly brought out in Long­ W E LIVE IN AN AGE that does not care ful plane; they looked forward happily to the selves. Happily we are fellow’s Tales of a Wayside Inn (the Sicilian’s too much for principles, especially first principles, pleasures of an air excursion in one of the na­ in a position to replen­ tale). and has an equal use for definition. Whether the tion’s finest craft. And early the next morning Leo Kelleher ish wardrobes occa­ King Robert of Sicily, brother of Pope Urban, intellectual sleight-of-handers like it or not, they were all dead, their bodies mangled and •1977) sionally, and to replace articles of furniture that was one day listening to priests chanting the fundamental still means what it used to mean in WAS KILLED BY THE spread over a mile-square area. Magnificat. He caught the words: Deposuit pa­ the ages of faith: Basic, essential, pertaining to A have rendered long and useful service, in favor of No one but God knows what went on in the COLLAPSE OF THE ROOF OF the more modern. tentee de sede, et exaltavit kumiles. When, on the root of a thing. HIS AfWtTMENT AT VlTERBO.1 great ship when the danger approached. If there asking what they meant, he received the transla­ LARGE NUMBERS CAN do neither. Widows was realization, there must have been prayer. Since the creation of man, there has been but and deserted mothers, for example, strive vali­ tion: “He has put down the mighty from their one fundamental questioil evfery human ^ in g, PROBALLY THr MOST representative Even the lackadaisical think o f God when the antly to hold little families together but, unfor­ seat, and has exalted them o f low degree,” the • endowed with reason, must ask himself: “ Why COLLECTION OF ARMS OF CATHOLIC SEES thread of life is frayed. And the habitually pious?. tunately, relief grants remain stationary while King made a reply worthy of Stalin: did God make me?” Unaided reason can come IS IN ST LAW(2ENCE’S BASILICA, POME, ^ Their minds are constantly aware of the presence living costs continue climbing. It requires skillful “ ’Tis well that such seditious words are sung to the logical answer: To know, to love, and to WHERE HUNDREDS OF COLORED MOSAICS^ of God, BO that when crisis looms the thought Only by priests and in the Latin tongue; management to make those meager relief grants of Him is second nature. serve God, in this life, in order to achieve eternal DECORATE THE CHAPEL CONTAINING THE cover housing and food budgets. For unto priests and people be it known. happiness. _ It is true the Jews had the assistance TOMB OF P iu s i x , s - commemoradno ' But how much time did the poor victims have There is no power can push me from my But somehow they get by. They appear to get in which to make a momentary spiritual retreat? of Revelation under the Old Dispensation. THE WORLO'WIOE DONATIONS WHICH DEFRAYED THE COST. throne!” by, that is, until it is found that four of the six Was there opportunity, even for those who knew For the past 2,000 years, the world has had f children have no soles on their shoes, that fire Then Robert went to sleep. how to pray, to tell God, “I’m sorry for my sins When he awoke 'the church was deserted and not only Revelation but also history to assist has consumed the few pieces of furniture they , because they hurt You, who are all good?" The it in _ finding the answer to this fundamental owned. .he found himself half naked. He rushed past the plummeting DC-6 was not concerned with this palace gate, “ bareheaded, breathless, and besprent question, under the New Dispensation. The advent The Denver Catholic Register Whether they appeal to a Catholic agency, or possibility. of the Redeemer interposed a supplementary take the case to some public relief agency, with mire,” to his throne, where sat another WHEN A PASSENGER PLANE near Pueblo King, question of equal importance, asked by Christ I President...... Most Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. their plight invariably is referred to the St. Vin­ was riddled by hailstones last week, it was re­ Himself, and which only the unbeliever will “ Who met his look o f anger and surprise Editor...... Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., Jour.D., Litt.D., LL.D. cent de Paul salvage bureau, since that is the ported that the persons in the buffeted craft be­ With the divine compassion o f his eyes.” ignore: “ What think you of Christ; whose son is Managing Director...... Monsignor John 6 . Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D. agency which consistently, jis a matter off policy, gan to pray. After a near-miraculously safe land­ He?” (Matt, xxii.) donates the needed articles without cost, and THE NEW KING SERENELY INFORMED City Editor...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., Litt.D. ing, one of them admitted that he was not Perhaps it would be better to say the supple­ Associate Editors — Rev. Francis Syriaiiey, M.A., Litt.D.; Linus without regard to race or creed, as far as its ashamed to say he had prayed during the critical Robert that he was quite mistaken in his royal pretensions, that he was only the King’s jester. mentary question is nothing more than a clarifica­ Riordan, Ph.D.; Rev. Robert Kekeisen, M.A., LittD .; Paul Hallett, stocks permit. hour. tion of the fundamental one, in view of the LittD.; Jack Heher, A.B.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan, M.F.A. THAT IS WHY the salvage bureau needs the When the DC-6 dived into Crystal mountain, The courtiers hustled him downstairs, put on him a cap and bells, gave him a bed o f straw and claims Christ made for Himself, and the things consistent co-operafton of Catholic families. It it killed a rabbit; the yrould-he rescuers later He said and did in support of His claims. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. needs outgrown children’s clothing and shoes. found the lifeless animal. But the suddenness of left-over food, and treated him with derision. This Paper Printed Entirely By Union Labor It needs men’s and women’s clothing regardless The worst blow came three years later, when the INTELLECTUALITY DISTINGUISHES man his death was o f no concern to the little creathre, from the brute, and only when he refuses to of condition. It has constant need for usable fur­ because he had no immortal soul. ' new King and his retinue paid a visit to Pope hold his reason in proper control does man sink Published Weekly by niture of all kinds— dishes, cooking utensils, pic­ So grave a catastrophe as the, DC-6’s fate Urban. Robert could not make his brother realize to the level of the brute. Man, by the right use tures, statues, and other religious articles. Rags should reipind every man Of two all-important that he was the rightful King and not the King’s THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) o f reason, can and does increase his knowledge. are welcome. In short, it has use for everything a facts: The certainty of death, and the uncertainty jester. 938 Bannock Street, 1 family may be discarding, with the exception of On the return to Sicily the supposititious Once man begins to fcnow, he must, perforce, o f its circumstances o f time, place, and manner. begin to love. His ability t6 love is selective in Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 fruit jars and tin cans. The reason these two indisputable facts are so' King asked Robert: “ Art thou the King?” Rob­ the sense that his will is relatively free to make a The pick-up trucks operate in North Denver important is that for each person death is the ert’s spirit was broken. He meekly answered: every Monday, in South and West Denver on. ■“Thou knowest best!” He asked only that he be choice of the- beings to be loved. He can love Subscription: end of the world; that unless the dying mortal only those beings with endowments like to his Tuesday and Thursday. The entire East side is has God’s friendship in his soul, unless he has allowed to leave the palace for the cloister, to do $1.00 per year in Archdiocese of Denver. own; hence man can love God, and can love his covered each Wednesday and Friday, and also on disclaimed his serious sins, he can look forward penance for the rest of his life. Then Robert $1.50 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. fellow men; he can only like pork, pickles, or Friday, Aurora. Pick-up calls are not made on only to an eternity of severest torture — the again heard the chant o f the Magnificat and the pooches, when man begins to know, he not only Canada, $2.25 a year per subscription. Saturday, as the bureau’s trucks operate on a greatest being separation from God, who alone words: “ I am an Angel, and thou art the King!” begins to love; he also begins to serve, poorly or Foreign countries, including Philippines, $3.00 a year. five-day week. It is suggested that your calls be can satiate the aspirations of the soul. When'he awoke he was again clothed in ermine profoundly, depending upon his use of reason and placed a day or "two in advance. The telephone THIS IS MEANT TO BE NO JUDGMENT on and seated on a throne. the grace given him. This proper functional use Thursday, July 5, 1951 number is CHerry 5503. the unfortunate 60 victims. Perhaps they were all THE TREATMENT ACCORDED to Robert of his faculties ultimately brings him to his final well prepared; perhaps God cedes special help to of Sicily might without sin be imitated by the Recipe for Impatience destiny, eternal bliss. OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER those who have little time to prepare for His U.S. penal system against Communist- leaders, scrutiny of their lives. There have been men in all ages who have The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. “ I was working in the laundry, and the sister with the object of making them sincerely confess opposite me, while washing handkerchiefs, re­ This is meant to be a gentle admonition to the that the way of life they attempted to destroy is realized the necessity of asking themselves the We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ peatedly splashed me "with dirty water. My first living; gentle, for the gory scene itself, shown best. They might be put to work in labor camps fundamental question, and who have achieved ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or impulse was to draw back and wipe my face to in all the dailies, has force enough o f its own to imitated a# exactly as is consistent with life on the logical answer. For 15 centuries, most of ] those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. show the offender that I should be glad if she impress the conscientious man. the Siberian model, with the constant reminder the _ Christian world paid fairly strict heed to We hope The Register will be read in every home o f the would behave more quietly; but the next minute I Life has but one goal, despite the material that that is something of what they could expect Christ’s clarifying question. Then men suddenly Archdiocese. thought how foolish it was to refuse the treasure minutia that the modern, secularistic age dangles if they were on the w ong side of the Soviet gov­ began to get away from the fundamental purpose We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in God offered me so generously, and I refrained before the eyes o f its children. Life has but one ernment That would be better penology than o f their creation. Not all men, to be sure, but the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. from betraying my annoyance. On the contrary, I goal, and that is isternal life in the bosom o f the the too indulgent grant of a nine months’ trial, enough o f them to play, hob with the peace and order o f things. By getting away from the « URBAN J. VEHR made such efforts to welcome the shower of Father. There is but one path to that everlasting in which they all but ruined a judge’s health, and beatitude— ^the possession of sanctifying grace fundamental order established by God and re­ Jan. 29, 1942 Archbishop of Denver. dirty water that at the end of half an hour I had release on bail, of which four of them took ad­ taken quite a fancy to this novel kind of asper­ . by the soul. Nothing else can take the place of vantage, as it seems, to flee the couptry. emphasized by Christ, men began to abuse their sion, and I resolved to come as often as I could grace. And mortal sin kills grace. The only truly reason instead o f using it. Consequently, their Forty Hours' Devotion to the happy spot where such treasures were intelligent man is the one provident enough al­ ability to love the proper things in the right’ way freely bestowed.— (The Little Flower, St. The- ways to make as sure as possible his own posses­ 'Heels' Not Always People was impaired. With such impairment, the natural ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER rese, in her autobiography). sion o f God’s grace. By Jack Heher consequence of confusion in service followed, Week of July 8, Eighth Sunday After Pentecoit with the inevitable chaotic conditions as we find CHRIS, IT SEEMED, would rather eat them in the world today.. Boulder, St. Thomas Aquinas’ church people. He was a hellion on four logs, a neigh­ Estes Park, Our Lady of the Mountains church borhood crisis all by himself, a canine heel. THE WORLD IS CRYING FOR PEACE, but Rifle, St. Mary’s church (13 Hours’ ) He liked no one, obeyed no one, trusted no one. it looks upon that blessed quality as something Victor, St. Victor’s (13 Hours’ ) He liked dark nights, when he could rush silently negative, as a'freedom from something, rather up on some unwary passer-by and send him scam­ than as a freedom for something. Peace is, ac­ CATHOLIC RADIO LOG pering in fear. He enjoyed pulling paper-boys cording to St. Thomas, the tranquility of order. from their bicycles, and slashing smaller dogs. It is a positive thing. We will have it some day, FAMILY THEATER— Wednes. Station KOA BIG REASONS... Finally, his master, aware of the neighbors’ since Christ promised it But we will achieve it ASK AND LEARN— Sunday, day, 7:30 p.m. curled lips when he passed, took steps. Chris sooner by finding the answer to the simple, 8:30 a.m. SACRED HEART PROGRAM was sent to a “dog school.” The neighborhood fundamental question of why we exist., W? do Sunday, 6:45 a.m. and 11 not need another institution for that Christ CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, relaxed taut nerves and became someUiing of a p.m. it pays to save gave us the only necessary one. His Church. 12 noon. suburban paradise. Station KTLN AND THEN CHRIS returned. Three days Station KFEL , FR. JOHN ORDINAS, C.R.— went by before it was discovered that Chris had AVE MARIA HOUR— Sunday, Sunday, 7:15-7:30 a.m. “learned” something at school. He was elegant Block Moss in Budapest? 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. the AMERICAN way! in his approach to the, grocery boy, he would not d iller Station KLZ By E M leave his own yard, he obeyed his master, he LAST WEEK ANOTHER GREAT and bitter ROSARY FOR PEACE— Sun- CHURCH OF AIR— Sunday. carried himself no longer with a Larimer street day, 8:15 p.m. 8-8:30 a.m. slouch, but walked mincingly and growled only wave of sorrow rolled across Catholic Hungary— over the hills of Buda and across the plains of when spoken to. He had become a watch dog, not Pest i merely a dog to be watched. I HIGHER INTEREST | The transformation in Chris proves that edu­ The unhumorous Reds, stupidly unaware of cation is wonderful, even for dogs. And if a dog, the incongruity of their actions, were again cele­ American National savings accounts averaging with nothing but instinct, can be “ educated” te brating teeir Black Mass o f Justice. [“ Black Mass” is a travesty o f the Catholic Mass, ascribed $100 or mora now earn interest et the increased better relationships, what can be done with chil­ Hear to worshipers of Satan]. The setting of the rate of 2% yearly, added twice each year. dren, who have reason and will? THERE ARE PARENTS who do not know bad dream was the same as it had been when the answer to that question; their children seem Cardinal Josef Mindzenty, Robert 'Vogeler, and to have no idea of relationship, either to their scores of other innocent victims sat in the ASK and LEARN I NO LIMIT ~ \ family or to their neighbors or to their God. And prisoner’s dock; the same prosecutor, Gypla children do not have to be sent away to school to Alapi, presented the charges; the same man, All American National savings accounts averag­ find out tjjese relationships; they can be taught Vilmos Olty, gazed down from the judge’s bench. ing $100 or more earn 2% interest— REGARD­ them in the home. The parents’ slogan should be: Only the victim was different. This time KOA Better children for a better world through true it was Archbishop Josef Groesz, successor to LESS O F SIZE. No diminishing rate on largo de­ education: The knowledge of God and the respect Cardinal Mindzenty as spiritual leader of Hun­ posits! for His laws. gary. The real Archbishop Groesz, o f course, was 8:30 not present— only the motor o f the man was When Is a 'Leftist' Good? there. EVERY SUNDAY MORNING ADDED SAFETY The charges were the same; the forced con­ ] By Frank Morriss fessions were dully repeated in the same old way, If keen, unbending logic is needed in any the verdict was as expected: “ Archbishop Josef Questions on religion submitted by the radio At the American National, you enjoy the added safety of a BANK savings account, insured up to field, it is needed in the field of education. That Grogsz, the people’s court has heard your case. audience answered on the archdiocesan broadcast. is the reason it was distressing to hear a teacher You nave confessed to your own guilt as a traitor $10,000 by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Booklet on Catholic Church available free of cost describe a recent selfmurdered literary critic as to your country. Though your crimes against “a good Leftist?” What is a good Leftist? Ac­ your people have merited the penalty of death, to all inquirers. cording to this teacher’s definition,^ a good mercy haa been recommended because you have WRITE TO i AVAILABILITTn Leftist is one who is sincere, who really wants admitted your guilt. I hereby sentence you to 15 ASK AND LEARN, StaUon KOA to see human suffering alleviated. years in prison at hard»labor.” There's no delay . . . no red tape! Your savings at Just a modicum of philosophy or true logic Denver 2, Colorado BECOMING HARDENED TO such evidences the American National are available whenever you would have shown this teacher that sincerity is o f the Communists’ two-way commerce with the want them. no excuse fo r so dark an error as Communism, devil, an effete world paid only passing notice which imposes upon mankind the worst of politi­ to the Budapest travesty. The U.S. State De­ cal sins— slavery. It is true, o f course, that the partment called the legal farce “a continuation MAin 5314 i COHVEHIEHCEn state of man’s conscience will excuse him from of Communist efforts to surpass all human rights guilt or responsibility for sin. And so, if a man and liberties... to destroy the moral and religious does not believe he is performing a bad act, the Influence of the Churches.” But it did little more F. J. KIRCHHOF To. save you time end trouble, the American Na­ just God will not punish him for the malice of a by way of action to obtain the Archbishop’s re­ tional offers free parking right next door, free bad act. lease. bank-by-mail service, convenient "rush-hour" end But how would this work if we were to use Here and there lone, brave voices were raised: "after-hour" depositories. it as a human criterion? God, being omnipotent, On June 25, the Rev. Dr. Frederick Brown Har­ Construction Co. can use sincerity as a balance to weigh reward ris, chaplain o f the U. S. Senate, stated, “ Now, or punishment. But can human judges do so? how naive do the Hungarian perverts think the In that case we would reward the sincere Western world is? The Archbishop is ^ilty, and - murderer, or the person who carried out his idea admits his guilt 'What he is really guilty o f are BUILDERS Open your Savings Account by July 5, that it is right to refuse to defend his country actions and attitudes to which every true Chris­ 'by not registering for the draft, or the man who We Appreciate Your Patronage earn interest froth July 1, tian prays that he too might bear witness if he believes brutality is the way to treat inferiors. were in the power o f the same satanic hands. . . . 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. Communism is the most brutal undertaking of “ And so again Christ stands in Pilate’s court modern times. It murders without any apparent But it is not Christ, but Antichrist who is really Dinvir’s THIM LAROEH kank in tavin|i qualm. It does worse than murder; it makes £ood on trial. Every believer who is with the Christ, into evil, by breaking the will of innocent persons. ESTABUSHEO till whose truth makes men free, is in the prisotaer’s daposits • f • inl |rawin| fast! If we were to follow the idea that such could be dock with this priest o f the Church. We clasp his justified by the intentions of those in power, how hand with the grasp of a brother and would as­ could we censure, for instance, the persecutors of sure him, if we could, of our prayers in this hour The American Fixture Co Cardinal Mindszenty and Archbishop Groesz? of living martyrdom at the hands of those who Uannfsetnrsn of L ^ c proves itself, in such inane statements lift their puny arms against his Christ and ours.” Church Pews and Altars as “ a good Leftist,” more than a freshman ex­ ARCHBISHOP GROESZ has now moved out ercise in mental grammar— when applied to actual Church Furniture into the twilight of the world’s forgetfulness to cases, logic is seen as the arbiter in the judgments join r.urdinftl Josef Mindszcnty, Archbishop Step- Bank, Office, and Store Fixtures that make men more than animals. inac, and Bishop Ordass. MillvDork of All Kinds t-ia t, m iS'**...... I have been driven to my knees many times But there is no cause for despair. As Monsi­ MA. 0168 gnor Joseph P. Kiefer of the Steubenville Regis­ MEMBER, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER, DENVER CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION by the overwhelming conviction that I had no­ F. J. Klrchhof, Prei. 1236 Arapahoe Si. where else to go. My own wisdom, and that of ter said this week of the fate of Archbishop C. F. Stahl, Vies Pres, Denver, (^lo. all about me, seemed insufficient for the day.— Groesz, “ Of this we can be sure: When Good Abraham Lincoln. Friday comes, Easter Sunday is not far away.” =rsK'i!

P A 6 f TWELVE Office, 938 Bannock Strcaf THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Talophena, KEyttona 4205 Thuridoy, July 5, 19SI ST. JOHN'S PARISH Confirmation Class in Craig Denverites’ Generosity Shown PatroniM* These Friendly Firms-

Permanent Waving Conover's Food Store In Help Given Cady Family 8 Specialty By Paul Carr *'■— - *' pf.ituting Quality Only “ boys with the wide-open hearts” brother, James, is married and NO ONE WILL EVER con- from Lowry, and her pastor, tha M y Lady Edith LXCELLENT MEAT teaches chemistry in Trinity col­ vinceviiicts Mrs.inio. ifxaxyMary A./aujrCady thatLiiaL thetilt; ^ Robert AiAVAumiivii,McMahon. x>ut,But, Bncahe lege' in Washington, D. C. A second ______- . 8 A 2 ______aV ) A A fM iT r T ______i _ x _ Beauty Shoppe CHOICE GROCERIES seeminar ctllouiness of Americans could never complete sister, Anne, was graduated from UAU.V UEUU.lUl.S isIB notilut a• thinuuii crustciuBb waiting: wnibini^ to bePc bst of the “ wonderfulwvuucxx people” Uinnl* Ktutltr, Her. -XI. _____ I 1___XT. . ______X T . ____ A .iT. .A Tarn/« aaiaalaMyl Loretto Heights college this year. K" shattered by the great heart that rushed to her aid. \ 1718 E. titli I K. :i/87 Ed Cady, a convert, is sta­ 2804 E. 6tb Ava. EA. 0788 beats------beneath-V it. ------Mrs. Cady is the daughter of tioned on the minesweeper Main­ ButJ3UL one shortBnorb weekweeK ago Mrs.inrs. Mr. and aM»xaom . jtkwicii Patrick. xiunrnHoarc oiof stay in Wonson harbor. Ho and CLAYTON TEXACO Cady's world was crumbling about S t Dominic's parish. She is a Mrs. Cady were married in St. her. And then Denverites were graduate of Holy Family high Dominic’s church. A native of Wuhhig TirM told her story, and the tremen- echool. She has a sister who is Deertrail and a graduate of North Capitol Drug Co. uwuo tllAt xuxtuweu rc- a member vxo f thev**v ajiabcxeSisters vrxo f 4-»U»Lo- Crcuiiig Acceworin dous response that followed re high school, he was employed by Paul O. Schneider, Prop. built that world and left her be- r*tto and is teaching in Loretto (Member of St Philomena’a Ftrlih) a heat engineering concern before » W« pick DP ft ddlrtr wildered with the generosity of academy in Kansas City, Mo. A hii return to the navy. Visit Our Modern Andy Illarion, Le§see her fellow men Prescription Dept. (th ft ClaytDB IB. nw A week ago Mrs. Cady and her five small children (Patrick, 6; Picnic Supplies Pauline, 4; Dennis, 2; Terry, 1; Thermos Bottles, Etc. and Debra, three months) were ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH OLSON'S faced with eviction from their Patronise These Friendly Firms Whitman’s Chocolates little white cottage in Sts. Peter Alwayi frnh In anr and Paul’s parish. Nqw the threat refrirttatMl cue, Food Market of eviction is gone and there is Alameda Drug Store FREE DELIVERT Appreciate Your Business a trust fund that will take care 6th Ava. at Fillmora FR 2741 of the paymenta on the house for BUCHANAN'S V. 0 . PETERSON. Prop. 3030 E. 6th EA. 1801 54 months. Christian Bros. Wines Cat Rate Drags “ Really,” says Mrs. Cady, "it is All Popnlar Bmti Fountain Service Sandriei Mother Cabrini’s house. We got W« D ilim Your Businots Appreeiatoi it after we had finished a novena PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwy. BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH A CLASS O^F 33 CHILDREN and six pastor, the Rev. Paul D. Slattery. to Mother Cabrini, and it was the Alameda.& So. Broadway Patronise These Friendly Firms adults was confirmed in St. Michael’s On the following morning, the Archbishop offered day after I and my family com­ church, Craig, on June 21 by Archbishop Urban J. the Mass in which 10 children made their First Holy pleted a novena to her that it was CONOCO PRODUCTS Vehr. Included in the clasa were the four youngest Communion, The administration of these sacraments saved for us.” children of the Kawchack family. Mr..and Mrs. Paul concluded the three-week vacation school for 62 Lubricatioo • Delco Batteries ROTOLO'S ROSS V A R im STORE Kawchack of Craig have 16 children, all living. children. The school was taught by two Sisters of THE TRUST FUND is the re­ Car Washing 796 So. Broadway The Confirmation class is pictured above with the Loretto. sult of spontaneous contributions NOTIONS - INFANT WEAR m ade, by the men o f Lowry air Hardware • Toys force base. It is but one of the W. A. (Dutch) THOMAS innumerable offers of help that Alameda & Logan Standard Gas toils 2214-16 Kearney PE. 9840 Pagan and Christian Are As Different flooded the switchboard of vet­ DE. 4488 erans’ organizations when the Cadys’ plight became known. Temptation The^he story of----- the Cady family’s As Natural and Supernatural Worlds misfortune began in August when sikijrihi[i|ii^ "Thm Sign Ed Cady re-enlisted in the navy ICE CREAM Naiigfsit That SslU” By Rev. A mador Cruz W isco "Maybe. But the world could have “ Outiid, the true Church thcra following a call for experienced DE. 4266 This is a world of differences. made itself. Please explain.” i( no salvation: Is that true?” gunner’s mates. The allotments Quality Eggs Cleaners & Dyers S o ^ o o b ftr Ti, Mirtit rriit Nature is so lavish that there are The Good Christian answers: The Good Pagan; “That state­ from the navy to the family failed mUo And Butter amtoR lilt Ynr rrafwl]i hardly any two things exactly “There is a God. All creation ment is preposterous.” to come through on schedule. Mrs. J. H. Boltingar • Disk TremUtt iiorutTH»«vi. Wits Ui identical. Night differs from day, speaks to me of Him.” The Good Christian; “ All people Cady fell behind on her payments «T suiaiT the Temperate zone from the Tor­ “ Doe, God love you?” can belong to the true Church act­ the mortgagen ion Broadwoy Creamery 328 Broadway rid, one snowflake from another. Answers the Good Pdgan: "How ually or at least virtually. Actual The company agreed to allow Phones PE. 3753 & 3754 In both the animate and inanimate can I tell? I question His exist­ members are the baptized Cath­ her to make up missed payments 66 So. Broadway SP. 2665 objects differences in the same ence.” olics who practice their religion; when the over-due-di allotments were Fairfax Hardware species exist through their varie­ Answers the Good Christian; virtual members are all non-Cath- paid. Then, in June, she was forced H o3W v mony tlma* a day (Colfiz Dt Fairfax) ties. “ God loves me. He sent His only oljcs who lead a good life, follow to face special doctoring for Debra. doae that moke our phone HARDWARE, GLASS, PAINTS In the world of men, members of Begotten Son, Jesus, to save me.” the moral laws according to the While sh® was trying to scrape to- the same family differ one from Nate's Pharmacy ring? You figure it out. We're HOUSEHOLD ITEMS “Who i, Je,u( Christ?’ dictates of their conscience, and gether money for' the ' installment, Tm New Fashion the other: The melancholy from Says the Good Pagan: “ Oh, He who at least have an implicit de­ too busy answering the phone FR. 272S 5022 E. Colfas a letter came from Mr. Rees of CUT RATE DRUGS the cheerful, the selfish from the is a hi historical ■ figure, a carpenter, sire to embrace the Catholic faith, ,H . L. Hinehart. Prop. the Jordan Mortgage company. Fountain Sarvica - Gifts . . . taking orders lo be de­ fenerous, the cool from the exu- a good man, and a great teacher. if they were given the light.” livered in all parte of Denver. jerant, the irate from the meek, Cleaners & Dyers Wines, Besrs, Etc. Too bad, they crucified Him.” “Most men ar, in good faith THE MORTGAGE COMPANY Will we be answering your the phlegmatic from the sanguine. Ftm D*llTtrT Says the Good Christian: “He about their religion: Are they and the Equitable Life Insurance Expert Work John C. But more significant than all this Alameda A Pann. RA 2203-9848 ting toon? is the Second Person of the not?” Co. of Iowa, actual holder of the ;s the difference between a faith­ Aik for NstlonsI Gift. Beals Charge Accounts Invited SchoU Blessed Trinity: true God and true The Good Pagan: “That is ex­ mortgage, had declared a default Fast Service less Pagan and the faithful Chris­ actly what I had in mind.” The RIXAll Store man, born of the Blessed Virgin and their attorney. Jack Hickisch, 530 E. Alameda - SP. 0079 FINEST tian. The difference between them The Good Christian: “ Then wit­ to save me.” had taken legal action to auction 10033 E. Colfax-Aurora 82 HEATS AND is the difference between the nat­ “ Who i, th, Bleoed Virgin tingly or unwittingly they belong GROCERIES o ff the home to satisfy the mort­ JACKSON'S 16% Butlerfot Ice CreamI ural and the supernatural, and the Mary ?’’ to the Catholic Church, if they wil­ gage. MADE TO OUR OWN FORMULA i:ap is in a way infinite. The dif­ Says the Good Pagan: “ She was lingly accept such of God’s real Cut Rate Drugs Valvat'amootb, rich and luU-bod- ference springs from the soul. It a peasant girl, married young to a revelation as they know it. They A young Denver Catholic busi­ The firms listed here deserve to PRESCRIPTIONS nessman heard o f her plight and tad. Dtlicloui ilovors—choeelatt, is _ significant because it involves man named Joseph, the homely are in good faith. They are obliged, he remtrabertd when you are Jls- FOUNTAIN SERVICE strawbarry, vanilla, mint. In managed to raise the money to spiritual values, and its conse­ type, the mother of Jesus.” however, to seek the truth or fals­ tributiag your patronage to the dif« FREE PBOMPT DEUVERT lealrigbt cottons. pay off the $260 that was owed ferent lines of business. Call 8P. 1441 Dewalas ft AlaaitAa quences are eternal Let us talk Says the Good Christian: “ She ity of their religion, should a doubt In payments and the attorney’s YOU ALWAYS about this. is the mother "of the God-man. arise in their minds. Otherwise fees for the foreclosure action. SAVE AT Today, if you were to atk; “Does She is the mother o i God, as holy they would not be in good faith God ezift?" as only the mother o f God can be, anymore.” The tender o f payment was re­ The Good Pagan answers: and as lovely a spouse as the “ How it it that some people fused. It was too late now, the SIMMONS DRUG action had been started. Holy Ghost could choose her to don’t even have any religion?” ST. PHILOMENA'S PARISH 2811 Cola. Blvd. EA. MSI be.” The Good Pagan: “Religion is The businessman, a member of I Postage Stamps “What i, the Holy Ghoit?” an instinct, and can serve to make Assumption parish in Welhy, Patronise These Friendly Firms * Tb« ftrms listed here dtMnre t« The Good Pagan; “ Science says people happy. The state seems to called on veterans’ organizations FROM be remembered when you are dis- nothing about it.” fare well when the people believe —Ed Cady was a Purple Heart tributlaf your patronafe to tba dil- The Good Christian: “HeJs the in religion.” veteran of World war II. SCIENTIFIC Frank Aotoncltl W. L. (SpMd) Ificfti The Good Christian: “ Religion ferant Unas of business. THE VATICAN Third Person of the Blessed Trin­ Together they got in touch Watch Repairs W. 8. (Blit) Cnrrr is a necessity, and we are obli­ 60 DIFFERENT ity. He is God who sanctifies the with Pasquale Marranzino, a members of the Church.” gated to worship the Creator as Dunbor-Andrews PICTURING member of S t John’s parish and Complete Line of “What do you mean by the He wishes to be worshiped. We feature writer for the Rocky JEWELERS Dignitarie8*& Views Church?” cannot escape the reality that we Mountain News. Marranzino told 3339 E. Colfaz HOLT FAMILY PARISH The Good Pagan; “ The Church are dependent upon Him, as a the story of the threatened fore­ Are. WINES & COLD BEER $1.00 Postpaid is the place you go for worship.” child is on his earthly father. And closure in two dramatic stories. Where Parking Is No Probism Patronise These Friendjy Firms The Good Christian: “ The for believing in God, for loving and Plenty of Canned Beer H. E. CARSON Church is the society founded by serving Him in this life He prom­ THE PROTESTS THAT FOL­ Virginia Apt,. Under New Management Christ whose members follow the ises us heaven.” LOWED the story were so great Golden, Colo. teachings of Christ under one “ What is haaven? Do you ba- that the mortgage company and J t d L FAXIVING’S Lieb's Flower Shop head, St. Peter, and his succes­ lieve in heaven?” the insurance company decided to Lombardi's Jewelry Froth Cut Floteert sors.” The Good Pagan: “Heaven is Thoms. F. Grset. Ownsr TEXACO SERVICE WANTED TO BUY accept the back payments and re­ 3504 E. Colfax FR. 8851 Flower, for Wedding, — Bevquat, “I, a Church nece,sary at all?” on earth. My heaven is my health instate the mortgage, and the TIRES ■ BATTERIES rUHNITUBE, DISHES, POTS, The Good Pagan: “If there is and my wealth, my wife and my Expert Watchmaker FREE DELIVERT and Decoration, For Entortain- family was snowed under with Sales ft Service ACCESSORIES PANS, ft MISCELLANEOUS a God to worship, any place or children, my good name and my COMPLETE SERVICING ment, of All Kind, offers of help. 2418 E. Colfax FR 5633 REASONABLE PRICES FUNERAL OFFERINGS A SPECIALTY NORLAND’S time or manner would do.” friends.” Tops on her list for generos­ 44tb a STUART GR. 9824 3922 W e,t 32nd Ava. The Good Christian: “History The Good Christian: "I believe ity, says Mrs. Cady, are the young GLandala 0133 FURNITURE attests that men, at various times in heaven as the reward for my businessman, Marranzino, the Betty & Bob’s Texaco Products good acts as I believe in hell as the 807 EAST 22ND AVE. and in different places, lapsed in­ Lubrication Tiraa punishment for my bad ones. Beauty & TA 9519 or PE 1478 to the grossest idolatry. Christ Washing Aeeasseriet taught for all times, and He Heaven is the purpose and the end SHERWiN-WUlAMS 1951 BILLY’ S i m wanted His teachings preserved for which I was created. That is Barber Shop J,oe & Andies CORNER 48TB LOWELL BLVD. unerringly. His Church does just why I try so to know God, and so Specialising in Permanent Waving Delieiou, Food, • Weekday this.” to love Him, and so to serve Him SERVICE STATION 0. K. “Have we a way of knowing the in this liftf, that I may merit to 2SSI E. 12tb Ava. Luncheon, - Steak, • Chicken, EA. 4723 12th 8c Clayton FR. 9828 true Church?” be with Him forever in heaven.” • BEEB • WINE • MIXED DRINKS STYLE GUIDE The Good Pagan: “ How can we? There, my friends, is the differ­ STORAGE Frank Wtlntr - Ueetl Zlnn, REPAIRS The firms listed here de­ CLEANERS There are so many o f them today, ence between the man without faith claiming the same thing.” and the man with faith. The dif­ ARTISTIC CLEANERS serve to be remembered Pich-up and Delivery The Good Christian: “ Yes we ference springs from the soul. when you are distributing MARY LEE Young Moderns have a way. Christ gave unmistak­ Faith is God-given and is, of its “ Personal Attention your patronage in the dif­ Complete Mleetlon of elotbint for the able signs o f His true Church, and very essence, supernatural. It is Given Each Garment* little irirl and the Junior Miss. we cannot fail to see them if we a gift o f God and therefore we 4120 Tennyson Delivery Service ferent lines of business. study the Bible closely. Christ’s can pray for it. “ Ask and it shall Fifty Clothes for Brother 2S3S EAST I2tb AVE. EArt m s 4816 Tennyson Street true Church bears the fourfold im­ he given to you,” Christ assured GL. 5084 Members Holy Family Parish prints; One, Holy, catholic or uni us, hut He also said, “ Learn of Open ereninffs tUI I p.nu versal, and Apostolic (that is, com­ Me, because I am meek aniThumble ing from the Apostles).” of heart.” ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH CORN FED MEATS SECRETARIES Yssri ft Itrrtw Please Patronise These Friendly Firms North Denver Cleaners POULTRY AND n SH Spare-Time Project 4 • Tskt it home. In pictam ALTERATIONS Y i .• TENNYSOIV will ihow jrott what a now coat MACHINE BUTTON HOLES CAROLYN’S CLEANERS ; i rHE CENTRAL’S o f paint can do for yoor roomtl I Meat Market Hat. Cleaned 4k Blocked 3939 Tanny,on GL. 8812 Joseph & Wagner 4016 Tennyson GR. 0443 • Sec authentic color raggei- PROMPT SERVICE All work an.rantMd tiooi styled to harmonixe with • Altcnittoni • Hcmititchine the fumiihinii) yon now own. Optometrists • Battonholn 9 Leatn from big pictutei 748 Fox St; Phone CH 2832 Saving money The Central ST. DOMINIC'S PARISH how color hes the power to 769 Santa Fe Dr. KE. 5778, way is safe, easy and profit­ inodemize your home withoot 1 Patronise These Friendly Merchants remodeling. Evening, by Appointment Santa Fe Shoe Hospital able. The folks in the special

savings department give you We Redre*. Suede. Any Color The firms listed here de­ fast, friendly, and personal­ IVi'N m titf 1 otpy ^ We Refini.h Leather Tb. Arm. li.t.d bn-. d.Hrva to We Dye Shoe. serve to be remembered ized service. Your savings be r.m.mbar.d wh.n you ur. dl.- I earn 2% interest on $100 or tributina your p.tron .f. to tba dil- when you are distributing ••eeeteeeeeeeeeeeeee f.rm t tin., of bu.io.u. 742 SANTA FE DRIVE your patronage in the dif­ more, without limit. And your ferent lines of business. savings are now insured to OPEN TIL MIDNIGHT EVERY NIGHT $10,000 by the Federal De­ posit Insurance Corporation. : EDDIE'S TEXACO GILLI HARDWARE NORM'S TEXACO SERVICE WHITTAKER Visit The Central’s savings de­ Lsa Flili.r. Prsf. NORM RNgY l OH, Prop. ______, partment soon . . . and oftenl ' General Hardwara Tiu n ..4 FItptHM Pra4Hti SPEER BLVD. AT BANNOClt : SERVICE PHARMACY Paints-Varniih-Glasa iiklMtU. u4 WublM TABOR 9222 IGL. IIU 1(0* W. 2ltk Avx^ Ammunition-Gniis “ Tfte Frien^y Stored* I 8 Washing 9 Lubrication^ Fishing Equipmant I 9 Tire, 9 Auto Accessories Prescription Specialists ) 9 Battery Service W. 32nd and Perry GI. 2401 3006 West 44th Ave. ^'^ntral* ixe GLendale 3809 ST. JAMES' PARISH "U t s aingu Call D* It AIT Please Patronise These Friendly Firms yowr banking THE GLASS MOSAIC above is the result of a spare­ ST. CATHERINE'S PARISH time avocation of the Rev. Dario Brunetti, O.S.M., assist­ ant pastor o f Assumption parish, Welby. Using plate glass as a base. LOYOLA PARISH WALT BADGER SAYS: Patronise These Friendly Firms Father Brunetti cut to fit some 900 pieces of colored glass according Patronise Those Friendly Firms THE CENTRAL to the design chosen. Three ecclesiastical symbols are utilized in the Our Service u Fast, and Dependable. mosaic: The Icthus (fish ), an acrostic symbol signifying “Jesus Christ, Send your mo.t delicate .ummer garment, to «t. SAVE TIME TRADE AT HOME The firms listed here de­ JOHN and BERTHA McBRIDB Son of God, Savior;” the Alpha and Omega (first and last lettels of the BANK (TR U ST COMPANY Rockr Flori and Jm Barca serve to be remembered Greek alphabet), which sign denotes God as the beginning and end of YOUR i m AND AlAFAHOi STS., M NVIl. COIO. all creation; and the Chi-Rho, the first two letters ((Sreek) for the Rocky's Pharmacy, Inc. when you are distributing name ChrisL Father Brunetti, who has had the fashioning of mosaics MBMMIt M t r t i DipetM Iimwom* Corp, ■ V p a p N a a Your Convenient in mind for a long time, was finally inspired to produce the *work Associated Cleaners ^I ’i your patronage in the dif­ RvMfw ^.'3 CLEANERS when he saw the beautiful mosaics in Holy Ghost church, Denver, on Druggist Picirap exd ferent lines of business. 6736 E. Colfax D.Utut Su t Ic. E A . 5 4 6 2 i GLaadal* U82 n u TEJON 81. the occasion o f a Jubilee indulgence pilgrimage.— (Reptster photo Praacriptiona Liqnor by Jerome) I7th and XAstSStT ' * Offiet, 938 Baniipek S t^ THE DENVER CATHOLIC RE6I$TEII TpUphona, KEyiton* 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN

GOOD CLOTHES NEED First Gommunicants in Western Slope Parish NOT BE EXPENSIVE K. of C. Council THE To Seat Officers ENGLISH At Brighton Rally TAILORS Brighton. ■— St. Augustine’g council of the Knights of Colum­ ,»01 FIFTEENTH STREET bus will meet in the parish hall Combina Quality and Style this Thursday evening, July 5, at at P r im You Can Afford 8:30 o’clock. This will be the oc­ casion for the installation o f the newly elected officers. All knights are urged to attend this meenng. Attention • Brides To Be The Altar and Rosary society- members will receive Holy Com­ 1-.V Nothing will “ dress up” the munion in the 8 o’clock Mass on Church more for your wedding Sunday, July 8. The regular meet­ 1 'than one of Wagner’t White ing of the society will be held in Aisle Cloth Runnersi laid down the meeting room of the rectory the aisle for the Bridal Party on Thursday evening, July 12, at ' to walk on, from the door to 8 o ’clock. After the business ses­ I the altar. sion, refreshments will be served Wt else Fnrniih gidtwtik Ciaspiss by Mrs. Henry Wattenberg, MrS. Wi ilM iin eaki i mib< nnrklni st y tir A. A. Kipp, and Mrs. John Suppes, •stirs «riSla| •• phinagraih rworgi. ST, MARY’S PARISH in Rifle had three claasea Deddiie; second row, Elaine Diaz, Wilma A. Kaiser, Eloisa Enne- Stanley Thomas, Anthony Leonard Weiss, and Max Lee Fullenwider. who are the hostesses for the oc­ Availahlt only through your oun linda Crespin, and Helen Kay Ruggero; and bottom row, Marylin Father Fraczkowski is standing behind the group of first communi­ ca sio n . (pictured above) for the reception of First Communion, ’ local floritt, at reatonablo c o il. Alice Flynn, Mary Margaret Cordova, Harvey Edward Antonelli, and cants. Because o f a Funeral Mass on its own and those of its two missions, Rangely and Meeker. The Rev. Dixie Snoddy. Elizabeth Lucero and Stephen Davis, who also received The photo at right includes the Meeker First Communion class, Friday morning, July 6, there will CAUL A. WAGKEI MFG. CO., WC. Edward Fraczkowski is pastor at Rifle. their First Communion in this class, are not shown in the picture. whose members received Sunday, June 17. Top row, left to right, are be only one scheduled parish In the picture at left are members of the Rifle class, who re­ The center picture'shows the Rangely first communicants, who Bill Murray, server; Josephine Ann Murray, Ruth Amick, flower Mass, at 8 o ’clock. Holy Commun­ ceived June 24: Jn the top row, left to right, are Robert Cook, server; received Thursday morning, June 21. Left to right are Casey Lee girl; Helen Zenor, and Donal Carrol, server; and bottom, row, Robert ion will be distributed at 7 George Wesley Teffte, Larry Cook, server; John Urban, and Vernon Turner, Billy Hickey, Harold K. Truppuka, Carolyn Ann Huber, Dean Amick, John Stephenson, and Charles Joseph Kostur. o’clock. Confessions will be heard Thursday evening at the usudl time. , St. Bonaventure Given Because Father Leo S. Lyons, Mrs. Martha M. Mahony, 200 Helpers Required S.S.C., will make his annual re­ Title 'Setaphic Doctor' treat next week, there will be np (Latin Diocaian Ordo) 7 o’clock Mass scheduled during the week. Longmont Pioneer, BunecfComplete Census Is Planned Church calendar, July 8-14, 1961: July 8, Eighth Sunday after Father Frank Morfeld, a newly ordained priest for the Archdia- Longmont.— Mrs. Martha Mack June 29 after a five-year illness. Pentecost. July 9, Monday, Ferial cese o f Denver, offered a High Sullivan Mahony, 74, wife of She had suffered a broken leg in a day, when no particular saint’s Thomas Mahony of 326 B r o a s fall several weeks ago, feast is observea. July 10, Tues­ Mass in the church on Thursday For Parish Area in Ft. Collins morning. He was a guest at the street, Longmont, died in her home day, Sts. Rufina and Secunda, two Born In Crescentville, 0. Aug. rectory. SUPPLIES 7, 1876, Mrs. Mahony had lived Roman maidens martyred in 257, in Longmont for the past 60 Fort Collir.s.— (St. Joseph’s Par­ McMahon July 2 to map their cam­ help with the organization pro­ July 11, Wednesday, St. Pius I, The sisters o f the parish, who You can still get any Camera, Regional Congress years. She was the daughter of ish)— A thorough parish census is paign. Every houie within the par­ gram next Monday evening. who, believed to be born a slave, have been conducting religion? Projector or Equipment for the late Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Sul­ being planned for Fort Collins and ish will be visited. Because o f the scope o f this reigned as Pope from 142 to 154. vacation schools in the Walden- livan, who came to Colorado in its environs. The parish clergy has During the first week o f July, undertaking, the force must be a July 12, Thursday, St. John Grand Lake area, returned on 10% down and 10% a month long felt the need for an aposto- Gualbert, 11th-century Florentine Monday. Of CCD in Pueblo 1891. Her father was engaged jn an army of workers ii being re­ large one. It is hoped that, with or carrying the hardware business, a member late o f the census, and now plans about 200 workers, a minimum nobleman whose life veered from without interest cruited. They will meet on Mon­ of the firm of Sullivan & Rowen, are progressing and prospects are amount of time will be required worldliness to heroic virtue on the charge at Slated in October for many years. bright for an early completion day, July 8, at 8 p.m. in S t of any one. Father Richard Duffy occasion of a miraculous manifes­ o f the task. Joseph’s school hall, where final After graduation from Long­ urges every parishioner to co­ tation: The corpus of a crucifix Rosaries The area has been divided into plans will be made and eensua Redut-Brown Photography Preparations for the second re­ mont- high school in 1896, she at­ operate with the district captains bowed approval of St. John’s gen­ 10 city and four rural districts. blanks will be distributed. Father gional congress of the Confra­ tended the State Teachers’ col­ in this apostolate work. Workers erous act of pardoning his_broth- 1840 West 38th Avt. Census captains have been selected Robert G. McMahon is coming to Diamonds Watches ternity o f Christian Doctrine to lege at Greeley. For several years will be asked for only a few hours er’s murderer.y July 13, Friday, and they met with Father Thomas Fort Collins from Wheatridge to St. Anacletus, first-century Pope GLendole 7623 be held in Pueblo Oct. 9, 10, and she taught in Burlington school, o f their time. The census will take 11 this year are progressing, ac­ south of Longmont, an^ then for only three days. Any parishioner anS martyr. July 14, Saturday, St. cording to Monsig;nor A. J. Miller, more than 10 years in Central who wishes to help in this work Bonaventure. Baptized John, St, diocesan CCD director and chair­ school in Longmont. Newman Club at Boulder is asked to attend the meeting on Bonaventure got his new name SUNDMAN’S man of the congress. Several mem­ July 8, when, as an infant, he was miracu­ She was married to Thomas F. lously cured of an illness by St Hot Weather bers of the Hierarchy have already Mahony Juqe 24, 1908. All parishioners who can pos­ expreswd their intention to be Francis o f Assisi, who exclaimed, Watchmakers and A member of St. John’s church, sibly afford the time are requested present. Others are still to be to volunteer to help those men “ 0 buona ventura" (“0 good for­ Jewelers she also was a member of the Vrain Plans Summer Schedule SPECIAL heard from. Those who have who have accepted the post of cen­ tune” ). St. Bonaventure joined Valley Pioneers’ association. Sse Boulder.— About 400 Cath^i Father Charles Forsyth, O.S.B., stated they will he here are Arch­ sus captains. They are George the Franciscans and becam e 59 South Broadway was awarded the Pioneer Club­ students are attending the sdPi is attending the summer session at bishop Urban J. Vehr o f Denver, Gomez, Ralph Bowen, Earl How­ Cardinal Bishop o f Albano; he women’s medal for outstanding mer session at the University of Fordham university. He plana to Bishop William T. Malloy of ard, James O’Connor Kenpeth distingruished himself as the club work in Colorado. During the Colorado. The first Newman club stay in the East until the middle Covington, Ky., and Coadiutor Helm, Jack Rauch, Sr.; Urban “ Seraphic Doctor” by his philo­ 75th anniversary of the founding picnic o f the summer, held during o f September. Father Fabian Held, ■1 Bishop Hubert M. Newell of Steinmetz, Charles Schneider, Ed­ sophical and theological writings. of Long;mont, Mrs. Mahony wrote registration, brought out about 100 O.S.B., o f Holy CroiB 'abbey, Cheyenne. ward Van Driel, Jack Rauch, Jr.; Dr. F. A. Smith many articles concerning local and students, but rain called a halt to Canon City, is taking hii plact. LEGAL NOTICE Harry Helm, Nick Stadelman, NOTICE OF PINAL SETTLEMENT The forthcoming regional con­ pioneer history. the activities. About 76i attended gress is not only for the Diocese On June 24, a caravan o f cars Leonard Verellen, and Glen No. 78287 Optometrist Surviving relatives in addition the meeting that evening, in spite left the Newman house for a sight­ ESTATE OF LULA PRENTISS, alio i of Pueblo but for the entire Prov­ of the rain, and made plans for Bishop. known ai Luln B. PrantlsB, Lula B. to her husband are one son, Neil seeing trip to Estes Park. There ince of Denver, which includes the summer. Karen Annette Ryder was bap­ Prentiss and Lulu Prentiss, MENTAL the Archdiocese o f Denver and T. Mahony o f Ft. Collins; two was a good turnout for the Grange INCOMPETENT. Daily Mass and the evening Ro­ tized on July 1 by Father Mc­ Notice is hereby siven that on the 14th Ford Optical Co. 1 the Dioceses o f Cheyenne and daughters. Miss Winifred Mahony party on June 29. Square dancing, sary for peace have been well novelty dancing, and plenty of re­ Mahon. She is the month-old day of August, 1951, I will present to the Pueblo. Accordingly, the priests, of Longmont and Sister Marineil daughter o f John William and County Court of the City and* County of OVENETTE Mahony of El Paso, Tex., who has attended this summer. The all- freshments helped make the eve­ the sisters, and the laity o f these around spirit is excellent. Many Edith Prevedel Ryder, who live Denver, Colorado, my accounta for FINAL Epos Examined 9 Vianal Cara lokM end rootti on top e( the rang* ovor been at her mother’s bedside for ning most enjoyable. SETTLEMENT of the administration of three dioceses will be invited and students who were inactive during at 1224 W. Mulberry. 'Th« sponsor Individually Styled Glaiiet a tingl* bAftnor. PrevIdM oxlra ovon—end the past five weeks; and one said estate when and where all persons expected to participate. the past school year are now A swimming party was held at was Mrs. Ryder’s sister, Mary in interest may appear and object to them lovM KnL Heat Indicator in covor. Com- brother, Herbert Sullivan, Long taking an active interest in the Allen’s lake on July 1. Outside Jane Lambert. if they ao detire. 1558 Broadway ploto M l O f ihown, fS .M . Coyer, rack mont. o f a few sunburns, everyone had B. C. HILLIARD, JR., and boM only, $3.95, events of the club. Mrs. R. E. Kiely announced that Conservator. Rosary services were held Sun­ a great time. The Fourth of July T A b or 1295 1 Forty Hours’ devotion will be the parish book club had sus­ First insertion July S, 1951 Bernice Brugh Wed day, July 2, in Howe mortuary, picnic will be held at Brainard’s Last insertion August 2, 1961 McMurtry Points held in the chapel for the first pended meetings until October. with t h e Rev. James Mahrer, time starting Sunday, July 8. lake. The day will be spent in & Varnishes In Boulder Nuptials O.S.B., officiating. On May 25 the Legion of Mary fishing, hiking, and swimmint:. Funeral services were held praesidium, Mary Seat o f Wisdom, Two busloads of Newman club A. F. Peter Navigator South Boulder.— (Sacred Heart Monday in St. John’s church, with was installed in St. Thomas members will attend the opera Don FAlBrS of Mary Parish)— Before a Nup­ Father John R. Mahrer in charge. Aquinas’ chapel by the Rev. Roy Patauale in Central City on July tial Mass June 30 Alfred LePenske Monsignor John Mulroy of Denver Figlino of Brighton. Mrs. William 8. The group will ■■■ ■leave early Of Longmont Knights Paint & Hardware married Bernice Brugh, both of delivered. the sermon. . . . Interment------Berg, Jr., is president of the new enough to take in the aighti Boulder. Mr. and Mrs. John Le­ was in Mountain View cemetery. g;roup. around Central City. Longmont. — At the monthly 32 Broadway PE 2940 Penske attended the young couple. meeting o f t h e Fourth Degree Ralph Brugh gave his daughter in Knighta o f Columbus June 27, the marriage. The service was wit­ election of officers for the next nessed by the Rev. Kevin Carr, Sacred Heart League Chart 12-month period was held. O.S.B. A reception for the wed­ AURORA ding party was held in the parish The men elected to take office hall immediately after the cere­ at the next meeting are A. F. monies. Peter, navigator; John P. Curran, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brandt S a l e s ...... Service Lists Intentions for Prayers captain; Fred B. Korte, pilot; Jo PURSE BROS. named their fourth son William (Catkoilral Pariih, Danvcr) publicly throughout the da June 24 was Baptism day for seph H. Bley, admiral; Sylvester Merrill. Godparents at the Bap­ The attention of the parish is F, Soucie, comptroller; Alexander GROCERY & M ARKET tism were Mr. a n d Mrs. Gus Cathedral Brownies will oin infant Sharon Lee Wells, daugh­ directed to the “ Intention Chart” Baurer and Frank Fieri, patrons; Abies—Hemphill other Brownie troops o f the Cap­ ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells, GROCEHIES MEATS — ntD ITS Reichart. hanging in the vestibule o f the itol hill area in their annual Day- and John Stritchko and Theodore Mrs. Frank Biella returned from 1055 S. Sheridan street, with 3520 East Colfax ^ FR. 2761 VEGBTABUa Cathedral. This chart, maintained Camp program extending from Brown, sentinels Mercy hospital in Denver after un­ Harry and Marie Crauie acting »TU XuA Colfax Ati. Ph. Aonra tZl by the League of the Sacred July 9 to 28. About 180 girls >s proxies for the godparfnts, How­ dergoing surgery. A fter the meeting a Dutch lunch PACKARD HEADQUARTERS Heart, enables parishioners to list are_ expected to participate in the ard and Regina Cowell; and June was enjoyed by the attending the intentions for which they wish activities, which include outdoor 30 was the date o f the Baptism members. others to help them pray. Such games, _ dancing, and cook-outs. of William Kirk, Jr., son o f Mr requests as "for the sick,” “ for The site for this year’s Day rp, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sales &: perseverance,” and “ for conver­ No. 9184S Camp. ™P program is Congress park. E. 11th avenue, with John Berther ESTATE OF MILDRED KING, »lto sions” are listed. Ninth avenue and Josephine and Maty Riedel as godparents. knows U Mildred M. Kins «nd Mrt. Buib De Soto-Plymouth Service Once a month the numbers of streets. The girls will attend three Elmer Riedel acted as proxy for Kins, Montal Incompetent. . . . each request are tabulated and Notleo is hereby-given th«t on tbe Jth sessions per week from 9:30 to Mr. Berther. dsy ot June, 19S1, letters of conservstor- All Late Model Used Cars^ Colorado Springs forwarded to the national head­ 2:30. sbip were issued to tbe undersigned ss ^ ^ The Very Rev. Monsignor Walter quarters o f the League o f the Conservstor of tbe sbove named estate Four Cathedral mothers wiH act J. Canavan baptized the following Carry 5,000 Mile Gnarantee Sacred Heart. These reouests supervisors: Mmes. John and all paraons having elaima against aald ^ X ^ children July 1: Margaret Helen, astata are raauired to flla them for allow­ then are combined and in^uded Factory Trained Mechania on All Chrysler Made Cars Dandrow, Robert Griber, Ben Ip- daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Lauren ance in the County Court of the City and in the daily intentions prayed for County of Denver. Colorado, w i^n ati sen, and Anthony Verracchia, F. Chamberlain, 1903 S. Harrison by associates throughout the Mrs. Dandrow requests that montha from said date or aald claims will world. A parishioner need not street, with Ralph and Elba Smith Brownies bring the following as godparents; Donna Marie, be WYSOWATCKY, GRIFFITH MOTORS, Inc. MAY REALTY be a league member in order to equipment; “ Nose-bag” lunch, Conservator. benefit from this "Apostleship of daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Pat­ First Pnblieatiott June 14. 1951 2770 No. Speer Blvd. GR. 3313 ^drinking ng CUD,cud. sit-down, hat and rick C. Curtin, 1917 E. 16th ave­ Prayer.” sweater, and snap-on clothes pins. Last Publication Joly 19. 1961 R E A L T O R In return for favors granted, nue, with Joe Gallagher and M a^ Thirteen converts were re­ Manton as godparents; David LEGAL NOTICE the suppliants may offer Masses, ceived into the Church in the past IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR Holy Communions, and other de­ Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs, THE CHY AND COUNTY OF DENVER two weeks. Graduates of- the AND STATE OF COLORADO INSURANCE - LOANS votions for the genera] intentions Donald G. Gilbert, 70 S. Pearl Cathedral discussion classes con­ street, with Charles and Adeline Civil Action No. A77B78, Div. S o f the Sacred Heart. These spir ducted by the Rev. John Haley, In th# Matter ol the Petition of) itual offerings may be listed un Gilbert as godparents: Leonard HOMER J. SAINDON and LU-) HUDSON Ute Theater Bldg. these men and women have just Lee, son o f Mr. and Mrs. John CILLE M. SAINDON for the) NOTICE I i der the “Treasury of Prayers’ completed their final reviejvs. On Perpetuation of the Testimony) SALES , SERVICE column on the cnart. Further Rivera o f Aurora, with Sabino Colorado Springs, Colo. June 16 Father Haley baptized and Sara Ontiveros as godpar­ of MALCOLM E. COLLIER and) information may be obtained from Frederick L. Jacobson, 1350 S, ROBERT COLLIER . „ , > Mrs. Mary Timlin, league presi­ ents; Gary Michael, son o f Mr. The People of the State of Coloredo, / MAIN 1898 Forest street, whose sponsors and Mrs. Patrick Slane, 1760 TO ALL PERSONS IN INTEREST, dent, AL. 0610. were William and Luella Menard; Greeting: . . O a e Approximately 50 members of Franklin street, with Robert Svo- You ere herehy notifled that the shove and also Alexander Wilson, 2601 boda and Ellen O’Bym e as god­ named petitioners have filed in the District p e r f o n a l the league participated in the S. Acoma street, who was spon­ Holy Year .pilgrimage to the four parents; and Joan Beth, daugh­ Court in and for the City and County of sored by William and Etheldreda ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wsukel, Denver end State of Colorado their duly VIC HEBERT INC. prescribed Denver churches. Leonard. verified petition aakins tlmt the lEmCE THE MURRAY DRUG CO. WILLIAM C CRARON 135 E. 11th avenue, with Marion Of either or both MALCOLM E. COLLIER The monthly Mass o f Repara­ Three women were baptized 3660 Downing ■ill ttm—U( t fUn hib-«AIi 144 tion will be offered by the League Barkus as godmother. and ROBERT COLLIER ha taken and Optometrist June 23: Mrs. Eleanor Fenton, perpetoated with raferenet to certain facta lots Itito—aS3 I. Ti1m- 4IAIi United in marriage before Fa­ Sinco 1913 of the Sacred Heart at 7 o’clock 1208 Lincoln street, whose spon­ allwad in laid petHion and conetmins 12S North Tojon 8 t. ther Haley June 29 were Louis Profeaaional Pharmacy Friday, July 6. Members will re­ sors were Myron McGinley and Utlt to certain real eetate in which taid PHONE MAIN HM ceive Communion in- a group. D. Corbat, 1470 l y j street, and petitianera are Interested; the eeid pro^ SOi No. Tajen MAin 1088 Rose Connell; Marilyn Ann Smith, erty to bo affected by eneh tesUmony U F E E A liO N fl COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. Sacred Heart badges will be dis­ 1726 Grant street, sponsored by Deanne ■ Wilkey, 1145 Downing •itnate in the City end County of Denver ILETinuKCiUEii street James N. Gilham and Pa­ tributed to those participating. Pat Connely and Mary Devercaux; end State of Colorado and ia described ea tricia Flynn were the bridal at­ follows, to-wit: Cat Theire will be public exposition of and Dorothy Wood, 12 Winona Baur*$ (o f Denver) PETE BERONl tendants. The double-ring cere­ Lota Ono (1). Two (1) and Throo the Blessed Sacrament through­ court, sponsbred by Tony Devlin (I). Block Five (»). Rathbone ' Candy and Ice Cream ett mony was performed in St. Paul’s fURNITURE s h o p ! out the day, ending with Benedic­ and Margaret Henni. Heights. v m o t L ^ s t P CNRYSLK-PLYMOUTH UPHOLSTERING. tion at 7 ;46 p.m. chapel. You are further notified to appear in Baptized June 27 was Juanita the above metter in Division S of aaid j m o m i M O T O R c A Johnson-English RE-UPHOLSTERlNG AND The hour o f 11 p.m. to 12 m Prior to a Nuptial Mass in the CAS. OA TRUCK REPAIRING Lorraine Angle, 601 E. 19th ave District Court on Tuesday, the 7th day of M oa BRQA^4Y CIL5M6 sup CoTMn and Dr«p«r1«0 Thursday, July 6, is the hour of nue, with Charles Pribilski and Cathedral June 30, Clara Rose August, A.D. 1951, at the hour of 9:80 a.m., Drug Co. Uad« ft Ordtr Sena, 1133 Corona street, be the same being the dey eet by tbe Court nocturnal adoration o f the Blessed Louise Alessi as sponsors. Seven for the taking of the testimony of taid . The firms listed here de­ LENTHERIC ToUetriet Farnltnre Made to Order Sacrament in Holy Ghost church were received into the Church came the bride o f Edward E. witnesses, or the day to which anch hear­ Tojoa >t BIJtx It. Phsat 1419 F 24*22 8e. WahMtdi Art. MAfa Slll^ for men o f the Cathedral parish June 30; James Ronald Breed­ Lyons, 1801 Grant street* Fa­ ing may be continued. serve to be remembered All men are invited to partici­ ther Haley witnessed the double­ WITNESS, J. B. Goodman, Jr., Clerk of ing, 1362 Marion street, spon­ tho District Court in and for the City and when you are distributing pate. sored by Ernest Hargrove and ring ceremony. Gilbert Myers **// Your Noed$ Aro Elaetrleai The Heyse Sheet County of Denver and State of Colorado, The first Saturday o f the month, Janice Breeding; Angela Dean, acted as best man, and Margaret irith tho seal thereof hereunto affixed at rlin your patrohage in the dif­ Call Main 9 39" Metal and RoefinS July 7, is a day o f special devo 4703 Florida avenue^ sponsored Hanmer was bridesmaid. his office, in the City and Connty ot Den' ferent lines of business. WniNQ—FIXTURES AND REPAIRS tiOQ to Our Lady of Fatima. Mem­ ver, this 18th day of June, A.D. 1951. INCORPORATED by Francis and Mane BruMen- Parish CoUndor (SEAL) J. B. .GOODMAN, JR., HXATINO ROOFING bers of the Catnedral Sodality of thies; Mr.s. Virginia Anne Eige- Clerk. Berwick Electric Co. SHEET METAL Our Lady of the Immaculate Con­ man, 1086 Corona street, spon­ Thnradsy, Jnly S, 11 to 12 p.m.. By Patricia Morriuay, Deputy Clerk. K l SO. NEVADA ception will receive corporate Holy Ghost church— Nocturnal Thomas L Ford, Attorney * J. 0. BERWICK sored by Darrell and Margaret 1700 East Ith Avenue Calond* SpriBn, Colons. Ph.B.i MAIo 111 Communion in the 7 :46 Mass. They Reum; Elizabeth Jean Elliott, adoration. Denver 8, Colorado, FRcmont 1922 - Eft. IIU will lead the public recitation of 1116 Columbine street, sponsored Friday, Jaly 6, 7 o’clock Mass Firat Insertion June 21, 1951 the Rosary following the Mass by Donald Waggaman and Mrs. Corporate Communion for Leag Insertion July 6, 1(51 RADIO SERVICE There will he public exposition of Harold Kummer; Patricia Marie o f the Sacred Heart All-day I Optometrist A Complete Service for Car or Home Radioa The firms listed here de­ the Blessed Sacrament through­ position of the Blessed Sacrament; Pockrus, 2620 Irving street, spon- and Optician serve to be remembered out the day, closing with Benedic sored by Norbert and Lucy Jasso; Benediction at 7:46 p.m. We Will Serve You Bert 0l)E,l£'feS4. tion. The Saturday prayera for Thomias L. Shaffer, 556 E. Eighth Saturday, July 7, 7 :45 o’clock Helen Walsh when you are distributing peace continue. Parlshioneri are avenue, sponsored by Joe Cav- Mass— Corporate Communion for Q n . l o r . < ^ .nc. your patronage in the 3if- invited to participate in recita­ aliere; and William Dean Todd, sodality. All-day exposition of Astoeiato JAMES MOTOR CO. tion o f the Rosary, thjs Mem- W. R. JOSEPH 924 E. 17th avenue, sponsored by the Blessed Sacrament Prayers EYES EXAMINED ferent lines o£ business. orare, and the Litany o f the to the Blessed Sacrament Pray­ 1278 Lincoln Dodge & Plymouth Sales & Service K E. 8221 SEBV*^ William Henthorne and Joan Phoae TAhor 1880 Blessed Mother, which are said Sliger. ers for peace throughout the day. Ill-Ill Majeatla BMg. PAGE FOURTEEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEysfone 4205 Thursday, July 5, 1951 “I I I K. of C. Council 539 Leaders Your Floors Are Our Business ii I H omemaker^s I I I Complete Floor Maintenance Service I I IT Jonitorial Supplies — Waxes — Soaps! I I Department I Electric Polishers and Scrubbers I Patronit* The$» Reliable and Friendly Firms L . e DUMOIVT SALES CO. 1736"44 Blake St# TA# 4146 Denver Bacon & Schramm J. A. Johnson & Son COMPOSITION ROOFING Established 35 Years TILE ROOFING * Gutters * Sheet Metal ROOF REPAIRING * Gas Furnaces P ll\ Y -14RD EQUIPMENT 4020 BriKhton Blvd. CH< 6563 * Gas Conversion Burners 709 E. elk Ava. KE. 4031

CHURCH FURNITURE THE AND PEWS Deildied It UinofactarMi McVeigh Company PAINTING AND The Behrens Fixture Co. DECORATING 4625 Colorado Bird. CONTRACTORS DenTor, Colo. 1328 Inca KE. 0718 Keep them SAFE in their own play yard! ATTENTION LADIES WESTERN We are Equipped to Set up or Install Your EtpiipmenU CALL TA. 4686 W INDOW & HOUSE Drive out and see it on display. 8ELF.SEEVICE LAUNDRY DoQblt D«xtar tisbet. ixtraetort lod dryer*. CLEANING CO. Soft vaUtr. vet vaib tod fluff dry. ELCAR FENCE & SUPPLY CO. Dry Cleaning, Haga, Upholitery WE CLEAN Jpeo erenlnp, Sunday by appolntnent. Fret 4405 EAST EVANS AVE. PHONE RA. 2879 Windbws Walls Wallace F. Webb, outgoing grand knight; Jack Monckton, Charles plck^op and dellTery. 10% eaib and carry. THESE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS of Denver coun­ Bud EUerby Parldof cpace. Woodwork Wall Paper Reilly, James McConaty, Lynn Mason, Mickey O’Donoghue, Fred Bill Carlile cil 539 were honored for leadership ati installation cere­ A-l Laundry & Cleaners Floors (Washed & Waxed) Mills, James Brunette, and Fenton Lawler. Mr. Hannen, a prominent tS6 KALAMATH TA 4686 monies held July 3. Shown seated (left to right) are Jack Denny, Denver attorney, took the gavel from Mr. Webb in an impressive Boy E. Stratton—new proprietor FREE ESTIMATES warden; John Bowdern, deputy grand knight; Justin Hannen, pand ritual attended by the council’s membership. The past year har been FULLY INSURED knight; the Rev. Charles Jone8, chaplain; and George Lerg, district marked by a great increase in the council’s membership.— (Photo by Stove and Furnace Parts deputy. Standing are Frank Cuba, Dick Janda, Joseph Stein, Smyth) CAMEO COVERING CO. Residential & Commercial Still Available Work + Linoleum— Asphalt, Rubber & Plastic Tile— Wall Covering GAS FURNACES 1032 18th MAin1556 SumnW L TJtaA i, Scfuuiuh. Estimates Complimentary The Geo. A. Pollen Gets K. of C. Gavel (Clip and Sava Tbit Schedule for GLENWOOD SPRINGS: S t Stephen’s, 2555 W. 29th Ave. GR. 9535 ' Company THE BEST IN LUGGAGE Handy Reference) 1010 Colorado street, 7 and 9 (June All Kindi 1 to second Sunday of September, 1333 Lawrenca Street Archdiocese of Denver inclusive). TABOR 1321 DENVER. COLO. DENVER GOLDEN: S t Joseph’s, 8 and 10. CATHEDRAL, E. Colfax and Logan GOLD H ILL: Chapel, 7, July and Au­ street, Sundays: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:80, g u st Electrical Contracting & Repairing The Arms listed here deeerve to GOOD SHEPHERD HILL, Westminster: remembered when you are dis­ and 12:30: Holy days: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, be 11:30, and 12:16. 10. tributing your patronage to the dif­ ANNUNCIATION, E. 36th avenue and GRAND LAK E; S t Ann’s, 8, 9:30, and ferent linea of business. Humboldt street, 6:16, 7:30, 8:30, 11:30. ^ lARL J.STROHMINGER KE. 3076 9:30. 10:46, and 12. GREELEY: S t Peter’ s, 1125 Ninth ave­ BLESSED SACRAMENT, Eudora street nue, 6:30, 8, 9, and 10. eeeeeMegeweaMeatieii laipwamvsttvtvfti GREELEY; Our Lady of Peace, 8 and Etoctric CompaRy and Montvlew boulevard, 7, 8, 9 :30, Lletnaed and Bonded 10:46, and 12. 10:30. CHRIST THE KING, E. Eighth avenue GROVER; St Mary’s, 1st Sundays, 10; Member National Electrical Contractors Aaa’n. and Elm street, 6, 7:80, 9, 10:30, 3rd Sundays, 8. and 12-15. HAXTUN: Christ the King, 1st, Srd, and 6tb Sundays and holy days, 9:30; 2nd 1178 Stoat St. AC. 5733 HOLY FAMILY. W. 44th avenue and and 4th Sundays, 8. Utica atreet, Sundays: 6, 7:30, 9, 10, HOLYOKE: S t Patrick's, 1st Srd. and 11:16, and 12:16. 6th Sundaya and holy days, 8: 2nd JOHNS-MANVILLE FLOORINGS HOLY GHOST. California and 19th and 4th Sundays, 9:30. streets, 6, 7. 8:16, 9:15, 10:16, 11:15. HUGO: S4. Anthony’s, 1st Sundays, 9:15; Asphalt Tile and 12:16. 2nd Sundays, 7:30; Srd and 6th Sun­ THE HOME HOLY ROSARY. 4672 Pearl atraet, 6. 8. days, 11; 4th Sundays, 11:30. A long lived, low priced flooring for 5chools, and 10. IDAHO SPRINGS: St Paul’s. 9.‘ MOTHER OF GOD. Speer boulevard at ILIFF: S t Catherine’ s, 8 and 10. Hoipitalf, Churches, Residences. Logan atreet, 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, JOHNSTOWN: Srd and 4th Sundays, 8. with Modern, New 10:30, and 11:30. JULBiSBURG: St. Anthony’s, 606 W. Terratlex ' OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL. W. 36th Third street, 7 :30 and 9. One of the toughest, longest wearing floor avenue and Navajo atreet, 6, 7, 8, 9, KEENESBURCr: Holy Family, 1st, Srd, 10, and 12. 4th, and 5th Sundays, 10; 2nd Sun­ coverings ever developed; grease proof. Acid (OUR LADY OF GRACE, Anna Louise day, 8. Johnson Community center, 4809 Race KIOW A; Srd Sundays, 11, July and proof; unaffected by alkalis. Brilliant colors Electrical Fixtures street, 9. September; 9, August, and October. Free Estimates Descriptive Literature Free OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, 3601 KIT CARSON: S t Augustine’s, 1st and Kalamath street, 8 and 11. Srd Sundays, 10:30; 2nd and 4 th New iprinf itylei in the OUR LADY OF LOURDES, Ililf and S. Sundays and holy days, 8:30. Logan, 7, 8:80, 10. 11, and 12. KREMMLING: St Peter’s, 9. Building & Maintenance Co. Tery popular lemi-indirect OUR LADY OF VICTORY chapel, 1904 LAFAYETTE: St Ida’s, 7 and 9:30. 1863 WAZEE ST., DENVER KE. 2371 effects for dining room W, 12th avenue, 9:80. LAKEWOOD: S t Bernadette’s, 7280 12th and living room. Alio new PRESENTATION. W. Seventh and Julian avenue, 6, 7:35, 9:36, and II. atreet; Sundays: 6, 8, 9:30, 10:30, deiigni for bedroom, LEADVILLE; Annunciation, 609 Poplar and 12. street, 7 and- 9. kitchen^ and porch, in> SACRED HEART, 28tb and Larimer LEADVILLE: S t Joseph’s, 424 W. Sec­ eluding fluoreicent lighti. streets, 6:30, 7:30, 9, 10:30, and 12. ond street 6:30 and 8:30. ST. CAJETAN’S. 1166 Ninth atreet. 6:80, LIMON: Our Lady of Victory, 1st Sun­ Chooie.here from one of 8:80, 10:80, and 12:16. Denver’! belt lelectioni days, 7:30; 2nd Sundays, 9:16; 3rd ST. CATHERINE'S, 4200 Federal boule­ and 6th Sundays, 9:30; 4tb Sun- UNUSTAL!! at money-iaving pricea. vard. 6, 7:15, 8:15, 9:16, 10:16, 11:16, ' days, 10. and 12:16. LITTLETON: S t Mary’s, 186 N. Nevada Shingle stains that are good after 30 years. No peeling ST. DOMINIC’S, 2905 Federal boulevard. atreet, 6. 8, 10, and 11:30. or chalking. Done with liquid gum. No warping or The Largest 6:80, 7:80, 9, 10, II, and 12. LONGMONT; S t John the Baptist’s, 316 ST. ELIZABETH’S. Curtis and 11th Fourth avenue, 6:30, 8, 9, and 10. splitting. Watei>proofing done from INSIDE in Selection of Lamps streets. 6. 8. 9:16, 11, and 12:16. LOUISVILLE: S t Louis’, 601 Walnut JUSTIN HANNEN (ri^ht) receives the gavel from ST. FRANCIS DE SALES’, Alameda and street, 7 and 9. Color. Water and alkali proof. S. Sherman street, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. LOVELAND: S t John’s. 226 W. Fifth and Lamp Shades Wallace F. Webb in installation ceremonies held by Den­ and 12. street, July and August, 7:30, 9:30, ver council 539, Knights of Columbus, July 3 in the K. of C; home, ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA’S, E. 23rd ave­ and 11. Jobs Complete or Materials Only. in the nue and York atreet, 6, 7, 8:30, 10:30, MANITOU SPRINGK; Our Lady of Per­ 1575 Grant street, Denver. Mr. Hannen, as grand knight, will head and 12. petual Help, July and August, 8:30 City of Denver a new group of officers until 1952. The young Denver attorney was ST. JAMES* 1284 Newport atreet, 6, and 10. membership chairman for the Denver council during a year that saw 7:16, 8:30, 9:46, 11, and 12:16. MATHESON; ^t, Agnes’, odd Sundays, ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST’S, E. DENVER BRICK STAIN CO. COMPARE OUR a record growth in the council.— (Photo by Smyth) 11:30; even Sundays, 8:30. Fifth avenue and Josephine atraet, MEAD; Guardian Angel, 8:30. CHerry 1083 1455 Fox 5t. PRICES Sundays: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. MEEKER: Holy Family, 1st' and Srd ST. JOSEPH’S (C.SS.R.), W. Sixth ave- Sundays, 9; 2nd and 6th Sundaya, nut and Galapago street, 6 :30, 7, 8 :80, 11:30. July 25 Is VA Deadline 10. and 11:30. MONUMENT: St Peter’s, last Sunday of ST. JOSEPH’S (Polish), 517 E. 46th month; 9, August and October; 11, avenue, 6, 8:30, and 10:30. Jnly and ^ptem ber. For Veterans' Training ST. LEO’S, W. 10th atreet and Colfax, MOUNT HARRIS; Srd Sunday, 10. 7, 9. 10:30, and 12:16. NEDERLAND: St. Rita’s chapel, 8 and FIREPLACE Wassinger's Electric Store ST. MARY MAGDALENE’S, W. 28th 9 (through Labor day). The deadline for starting GI The July 25 date applies to the avenue and Zenobia atreet, 6:20, 8, NEW CASTLE; Precious Blood, 2nd and vast majority of World war II vet­ 10, and 12. 4th Sundays, 9. Sales # Repair # Service bill-training for most World war ST. PATRICK’S. W, 38rd avenua and erans— those discharged before OAK CREEK: 2nd and 4th Sundays, 10. FIXTURES II veterans, July 26, is only a Pecos street, 7, 9, 10:80. and 12. PARKER: 1st Sundays: 9. August and 3156 W . 38th Ave. GLendale 8946 July 25, 1947, the VA said. Vet­ ST. PHILOHENA’S, E. 14th avenue and October; II, July, September, and 8AS AND ELECTRIC LOCS couple of weeks way. Veterans’ Detroit street, 6:45, 7, 8:16, 9:30, 11, laaaetvataaaaaa— aattaaaaaiattan lateaeiMiMpaaava erans discharged after that date November. I Curtain Rnd Rex Screens, Grates, and 12:16. PEETZ; Sacred Heart, 8:30. 'Andirons and Fire Sets, in all ftnishet* Administration has reminded vet­ may begin their GI training within ST. ROSE OF LIMA’S, 1820 W. Nevada PLATTEVILLE: -St NichoUs’, 9. Tile and Marble for All Ueet erans. four years from the time they left place, 6, 8, 10, and 12. RANGELY: St Ignatius’, 4th Sunday, 9. the service. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL’S, E. Ariiona RED CLIFF: Mission, 4th Sundays, 9. H^ATILATDR FIREPLACE^ and S. Josephine, 6, 7, 8, 9:30, 11, and RAHAH: Sacred Heart, l(h A veteran actually must be in 12. RIFLE; S t Mary’ s, 841 E, Fifth street, DENVER MARBLE & t ILE C O . training by the cut-off date if he 1st-and '8rd Sundaya, 11:80; 2nd and RUG COLORADO SPRINGS wants to continue his studies, the 6th Sundays, 9. mo Sleet St. Est. 1191 PhoRi MA. 1414 er KE, Bill CORPUS CHRISTI, 2330 N. Cascade ave­ ROGGEN: Sacred Heart, -1st, Srd, 4th, VA eifiphasized. A mere applica­ nue, 7, 8:15, 9:30, 11, and 12:10. and 5th Sundaya, 8; 2nd Sunday, 10. tion for training, filed before the DIVINE REDEEMER, 1620 E. Cache SANTA MARIA; 10, (to September Make every room CLEANING cut-off date, will not do. la Fourde, 8, 10, and 12. 2, inclusive). OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE, 404 S. SHERIDAN LAKE; S t Cletus’, 1st and FREE MOTH PROOFING The Veterahs’ Administration, Tejon street. 8 and 11:30. Srd Sundays, 8 :30; 2nd and 4th Sun­ however, considers a veteran to be PAULINE cliapel, Broadmoor, Sundaya: days, 10:30. 7, 9, and 11; weekdays, 7:80. 2 Pc. Living $ 4 A 9 5 in training even though he has SILT: LO.O.F. hall, 1st and 3rd Satur­ a work of art Room Suite SACRED HEART, 2026 W. Colorado ava- days, 9, Enjoy the Convenience temporarily interrupted his course nue, 6:30, 8, 10, and 11:30. Thoroly Cleaned 10' Up STEAMBOAT SPRINGS; Holy Name, 8 for reasons beyond his control. ST. MARY’S. 22 W, Kiowa atreet, 6, 7, end 10. The summer vacation is one such 8, 9. 11, and 12:10. STERLING: S t Anthony’ s, 327 S. Third street, 6. 7:80, 8:30, end 10. Famous Rug & reason. Another would be the case OTHER CHURCHES STONEHAM: St. John the Evangelist's. with colors from the PU&h'Bai AKRON: S t Joseph's, 8 and 10:30. o f a veteran who had once started 1st, 2nd, and 6th Sundays, 8; 3rd and o f f / o r m e R Furniture Cleaning Co. a course and now cannot resume ARTESIA: Theater building, 4th Sunday, 4th Sundays, 10. 11. STRASBURG: St. Gertrude’s, 2nd Sun TA. 6569 1532 Market it because he has returned to ac­ ARVADA: S t Anne’s, 160 Grant place, days, 11:30: 4th Sundays, 7.-30. tive militaiy duty. 6, 8, and 10. • STRATTON: S t Charles’, 7 end 10:30. ASPEN: St. Mary’s, 7 and 9. VICTOR: St Victor’s. July 8, 9; July 16, The VA outlined the conditions AURORA: St. Theresa’s, E. 13th and 7 :80; July 22, 9; July 29, 7:30; Aug. veterans must meet for post-cut­ Kenton, 7, 8-.30, 10, and 11:30; holy — 6, 9; Aug. 12, 7:30; Aug. 19, 9; Aug. days, 6:30, 7:30, 9. and 10; week­ 26. 7:30; Sept 2. 9. o ff date training; days, 8. They will be expected to pursue WELBY: Aisumption, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30, BUT THIS WAyN BASALT: S t Vincent’ s, 10:80. and 12. their training continuously until BOULDER: Sacred Heart of Jesus, 2323 WESTMINSTER: Holy Trinity, W. 72nd HI we TOUCH or a bottom completion, except for conditions 14th street 6:80, 8, 9, and 10. avenue, 7 :30 and 9. B9ULDER: St Thomas Aquinas’, 7, 9, which normally would cause in­ WESTWOOD: S t Anthony’s, 8801 W. and 11. Ohio. 6:30, 8. 9:30, and 11:80. terruption by any student. BRECKENRIDGE; Mission, 3rd Sun WHEATRIDGE: Sts. Peter and Paul’i, They may change their educa­ days 9. W. 89th and Pierce. 7. 9, and 11. BRIGGSDALE; S t Joseph’s, 2nd and 6th Crane - Line tional objective only while in W RA Y : St. Andrew’i, 412 Dexter street, Sundays, 10; 4th Sunday, 8. 7 :S0 and 9 :S0. .c training, and then for reasons BRIGHTON: S t Augustine’s, 112 S. YUM A; S t John’a, 708 S. Cedar atreet, satisfactory to the Veterans’ Ad­ Sixth avenue, 8, 8, 9 (Spanish ser­ 7 :30 and 9. HAVE ALL THE HOT WATER you RADIANT HEAT m on). 10:80, and 11:30. ministration. BRUSH; S t Mary's, 8 and 10. want it a touch o f the button—with And, once they complete or dis­ BUFFALO: 10 o’clock, every Sunday Catholic Radio Blessed continue their program of train­ through September. DO change in your tank or side arm BURLINGTON: S t Catherine’s, Sundays, Quito.— The Catholic radio sta­ ing after the cut-off date, they 7 and 9 tion of Ecuador has been inagu- gas water heater—no stair climbing, may not start another. CALHAN: St Michael’s, odd Sundays rated by Archbishop Carlos Maria no match lighting. Just press a but­ Veterans in school in the regular 8:30: even Sundays, 11:30. de la Torre. Archbishop Efrem school year just completed are not CAMP ST. MALO: St. Catherine's chapel, 10 (also 8 .in July and Forni, Apostolic Nuncio to Ecu­ ton in bathroom, kitchen or laun­ required to attend summer school August). ador, was present. In addition to dry and Sn-U-tima automatically to maintain their eligibility. This CASCADE: July and August, 8:30 and 10 religious programs, the station will is considered an interruption CASTLE ROCK: S t Francis’. 1st and turns on the gas water heater in your 3rd Sundays; 11, August, and October issue a qewspaper, with space dedi­ which is normal to all students, DOWNSTAIRS... 9, July and September. cated to explanation of the Cath­ baseraenL and these veterans will be per­ CENTRAL CITY: Assumption, 10. olic doctrine. mitted to resume training this fall CHEYENNE W ELLS: Sacred Heart, 7. 8. Saves up to 50% on your gas bill in the same field of study. and 9 ;80, CRAIG.- S t Michael’s, 9:80. because you only use gas when you The VA emphasized that a vet­ CRIPPLE CREEK: St Peter’s, July 8, eran re-entering service would not 7:30; July 16, 9; July 22, 7 :30; July want hot water. 29, 9; Aug. 6. 7:30; Aug. 12, 9 ; Ayg. WHY is be bound by the July 25 cut-off 19, 7:30; Aug. 26. 9; Sept 2, 7:3(1. date, if he had once started a CROOK: S t Peter’ s, 8 and 10. DENVER'S fAVORlU LAUNDRY course and cannot now resume it DEERTRAIL: St Joseph’i, 1st Sundays, QUICKLY INSTALLED 11:30; 3rd and 6th Sundays, 7:30. because of re-entering service. DERBY; St Catherine’s, 6 :S0 and 8 :S0. SS The reaton Ideal 7te«/ea4^ u/of ^ GO& ^ For these veterans, it is not neces­ EAST LAKE: Mission, 8:80. — * . lerves more families in S S ! LAUNDRY..., Sufinewc sary that they were actually in EATON: 2nd Sunday, S, S S : Denver than any other S S It’s easy...it’s fun to find colors in dramatic deep tones to delicate school when they re-entered serv­ ELBERT: Sacrad Heart. 2nd, 4th, and — laundry ii because Ideal •*"•* 6th Sundays. Second Sundays, 8; s a s cuatomera get juat the S IS PLUS NOMINAL "Dutch Boy’s’’ big Color Gallery. Specializing in Quality ice. Au^st and October, 11; July, Sep­ IRI« pastels. All come in Flat, Semi- — * kind of laundry aervice s s s For it contains swatches of the Plumbing and Heating But, a veteran who has never tember. end November. 9: July 22, 10. INSTALLATION CHARGE Gloss, Gloss. Use any color on had any GI bill training and has ELIZABETH: Mission, 2nd Sundays: 10. S S they want. SIS very latest shades. And on each walls and woodwork of any Repairs gone back into service, will be ENGLEWOOD; S t Louis’, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 5^ Why don’t you, too, — r swatch, three harmoniEing colors 11. and 12. s s s enjoy Ideal Laundry ssa room! Be sure to see the "Dutch bound by the July 25 date, the VA ERIE: St Scholastica's, 8:30. ■Ii' are listed— thus suggesting for said. ESTES PARK: Our Lady of the Moun­ — Service? Prompt Service — Boy” Color Gallery now. It’ll 5 ^ -careful hanoliog—and SSS you complete color schemes! tains, Big Thompson highway, 7, 9, suggest to you scores o f unusual and 11; (winter, 12). SSS truly auperrar work, at — ► SLATTERY EVERGREEN: C hriit«be King, 8 and 10. 1 Here you’ll see everything from Friars’ Centenary r — atandard pricea. n v * U ‘time and dramatic color schemes. FAIRPLAY: Mission, 2nd Sunday, 9. FLAGLER: S t Mary’s, 8:46. HMaelUiaAlfl e S I P Y e - .— The Most Rev. Clement FT. COLLINS: S t Joseph’s, 808 W. a t & COMPANY Neubauer, O.P.M.Cap., Minister Mountain avenue, 6:16, 8, 9, and 10, General of the Capuchins, has FT. LOGAN: S t Patrick’s, 6, 8. and 10. Plumbing and Heating made a visitation to the friary at FT. MORGAN: S t Halena’ s, 731 SUte street, 7:30 and 9. THE O'CONNOR SAV-U-TIME SALES CO. Contractors Crawley, Sussex. Special celebra­ FOUNTAIN; S t Joseph’s, 1st and 3rd, JOHN J. CONNOR, Pruldtnt tions were held there to mark the Sundays, 9; other Sundays, 10. Y ou r Plumber For Years FREDERICK: S t Theresa’ s, 7 and 10. University Park Lumber Co. 1726 MARKET STREET centenary of the restoration of GEORGETOWN; Our Lady of Lourdts, 8. ED O’CONNOR, JF; PHONE MAIN 7127 or 7128 Friars Minor in England as an GILCREST: 1st and 3rd Sundaya, 8 ED O’CONNOR, SR. 1810 So. Josephine PE. 2435 ROBERT F. CONNOR. Viet Frwident organized body. I 2nd and 4th Sundays, 11. 3030 W. 44th Ave. G L . 432