ASSOCIATION OF PARISH AND TOWN COUNCILS EASTERN AREA (INCLUDING CHRISTCHURCH) COMMITTEE Minutes of the Eastern Area Committee Meeting held at The Memorial Hall, Sturminster Marshall, on Tue 9th October 2018

Present Cllr Adrian Hibberd Alderholt PC (Chairman) Cllr Gina Logan Alderholt PC Cllr Esme Isaacs Cranborne and Edmondsham PC Cllr Evan Waterman Corfe Mullen PC Cllr Terry Cordery Ferndown TC Cllr Mrs Cathy Lugg Ferndown TC Cllr Jerry Laker Knowlton PC Cllr John Chappell Pamphill & Shapwick PC Cllr Stuart McLean Sixpenny Handley and PC Cllr Mike Dyer St Leonards and St Ives PC Cllr Hilary Palmer Sturminster Marshall PC Cllr Maureen Steel Sturminster Marshall PC Cllr Lindsey Dedden Verwood TC Cllr Penny Yeo West Moors PC (Vice Chair) Cllr Keith Wilkes West Moors PC Cllr Shane Bartlett TC In Attendance: Cllr Steve Butler DCC Cllr Andy Skeats EDDC - Community Portfolio Judith Plumley C&EDDC Matt Reeks C&EDDC Tony Gibb Area Secretary

1. Apologies Cllr Susan Cowsill Colehill PC Cllr K D Johnson Colehill PC Cllr Bill Honeyman Corfe Mullen PC Cllr Suzanne Batten Cranborne and Edmondsham PC Cllr Janet Wallace Holt PC Cllr Rachel Rodman Pamphill and Shapwick PC Cllr Bea Boyland Sixpenny Handley and Pentridge PC Cllr Debbie White Vale of Allen PC Cllr Jane Russell Verwood TC Cllr Philip Bamborough West Parley PC Cllr Carol Butter Wimborne Minster TC Hilary Trevorah CE DAPTC

Chairman: Cllr Adrian Hibberd, Higher Bull Hill Farm, Alderholt, Hants, SP6 3EF T: 01425 654045 E: [email protected] Secretary: Mr Tony Gibb, The Old Forge, Sixpenny Handley, , Wilts, SP5 5PA T: 07818 047617 E: [email protected] 2. Minutes of last Meeting held on 4th July at Cranborne, having been circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

3. Matters Arising. Nil

4. Report from the DAPTC Chief Executive. Having been circulated, the Chairman highlighted various points including: 4.1. AGM Arrangements. One of the speakers will be the Chair of the Shadow Authority. 4.2. LGR Update, attendance at meetings. 4.3. Christchurch Community Governance Review.

5. County Council Report. Cllr Butler highlighted the changes brought about by LGR. The Chief Exec of the Dorset Shadow Authority will be Matt Prosser. A lot of work involves changes to staff following TUPE rules based on the percentage of work in each area. Everyone is concentrating on vesting day. When questioned about how savings would be achieved, he responded that there would be a reduction in members and the associated allowances as well as a reduction in staff.

6. & Christchurch Council Matters. Cllr Andy Skeats highlighted various issues from his report, which is attached, including: 6.1. Asset transfers – 400 to be done by 1 April. 6.2. The local plan review consultation ended on 2 Sep. 6.3. Armistice Day events. 6.4. Verwood Hub cinema – the revamp has been very successful. 6.5. Heatherlands refurbishment – the community centre should be finished by the New Year. 6.6. The council is involved in talks with the liquidators of Moors Valley Golf Club.

7. Chairman’s Report. The DAPTC office has been very busy despite be short staffed. Councils were thanked for completing the services survey - 42% responded. The emphasis was on social care / highways / planning. Members were asked to consider the proposals for 20MPH speed limits submitted by Child Okeford PC and circulated by the Executive Committee – they were not considered viable as they could not be applied nationally. 8. Members were in favour of area meetings (or more localised) to encourage members of the public to stand for election at the parish council elections in 2019. It was thought that Ferndown might be one location. Verwood already have plans for displays at Morrisons. Members were encouraged to look at the Democracy Pack on the DAPTC website.

9. DAPTC Exec matters – copies of the motions to be debated were circulated.

10. Members’ Items. a. Question from St Leonards and St Ives Parish Council. The Chairman passed the details of the latest grant award to Cllr Dyer. DAPTC has received an annual grant from DCC for over 15 years in recognition of the training undertaken and the role of the Association in promoting effective democracy within the county.

b. Alderholt. Considerable concern in the community about development plans for 1000 houses. The gym equipment is being well used c. Corfe Mullen. Concern at the local plan and housing in the green belt. Lack of retail outlets. The youth club is running well and the number of ASBOs is down. Planning continues to create a skate park.

d. Cranborne and Edmondsham. The war memorial has been refurbished. The Cranborne Estate is publishing their local plan to the community on 23 Oct. e. Ferndown. The Heatherlands reopening is anticipated. f. Pamphill and Shapwick. A Speedwatch team has been launched to combat speeding problems in Shapwick. The churchyard maintenance has been resolved. The church is to be used for social events. g. Sixpenny Handley. The village hall has been reroofed during the summer. A Speed Indicator Device (SID) has been deployed in the High Street. h. St Leonards & St Ives. There is concern at the traffic levels on the Horton Road. i. Sturminster Marshall. The neighbourhood plan is starting with a public meeting. j. Verwood. Three assets are being transferred. Work is already starting to recruit potential councillors for next year. k. West Moors. The multi activity day was a great success. The village will be remembering the 100 who went to war and especially the 10 who fell. l. West Parley. The village was pleased to come third in the Dorset Best Kept Village Competition against strong competition. It has spurred them on to try better next year. The Council has made a robust response to EDDC Options Paper on the Local Plan Review-specifically on housing and the poor infrastructure. m. Wimborne Minster. Asset transfers are in hand. 50% of building requirements have been taken by the town. A strategic plan is being developed. There are continuing traffic problems, particularly on Cranborne Road. 11. Any Other Business. Nil

Dates for Next Meetings: Wed 16th January 2019 at Fryer Field Pavilion, West Moors Tue 16th April 2019 (West Parley). Tue 11th July 2019 (Pamphill).

The Chairman closed the meeting at 2040hrs


1. DAPTC CE Report (previously circulated) 2. EDDC Report to Eastern Area DAPTC