Acknowledgement: Professor Mohamed Sameh Amr, The Chairperson of the Executive Board of UNESCO Ms. Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO Excellencies, Distinguished delegates Development of GaN-based blue LEDs and future prospects Monday June 8, 2015 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris

Hiroshi Amano [email protected] Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Director, Akasaki Research Center, Nagoya University 1/55 Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan Our mission

To contribute to solving global issues such as, “Energy”, “Water”, “Food”, “Environment”, and “Health” and to realize sustainable society.

2/55 Our group members

Faculty Prof. Hiroshi Amano PhD. Candidates Assoc. Prof. Yoshio Honda Marc Olsson 13 MC Students Assist. Prof. Deki Manato Kohei Yamashita Oh-Byung Jung 5 Undergraduate Students Post Doctoral Fellow Maki Kushimoto Kaddour Lekhal Seunga Lee 3 Secretaries Si-Young Bae Sun Zheng Kentaro Nagamatsu Hojun Lee Atsushi Tanaka Barry Ousmane 1 36 people

3/55 Post Doctoral Fellow

Dr. Kaddour Lekhal, Alegrila PhD at Blaise Pascal University

World’s longest GaN nanowire

4/55 Electronic Devices Light Emitting Diode (LED)

SUMITOMO Electric group

Growth of High‐Aspect Ration GaN Nanowires Device schematic of horizontal GaN NWs‐HEMT

Horizontal NWs NWs AuNi 3QWs InGaN/GaN

20 µm 50 µm VLS growth

AuNi NWs 100 µm

apiesubstrate Sapphire Self‐assembled growth

200 µm 3 µm SAG growth

Waveguiding in 1D-nanostructures for Solar Cells Multi-Communication photons Light at the ends of the NW Sun GaN wire

Laser illumination

Light at the bottom of the NW Post Doctoral Fellow

 Ga-polar NR LEDs


1 μm

Dr. Si-Young Bae, Korea PhD at GIST

GaN nanowire LEDs 6/55 PhD Candidate

Representative of Guinean students at the third International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa and the capacity building workshop held respectively in Dakar and St. Louis (Senegal) by UNESCO Bamako Cluster Office in collaboration with partners in 2008.

Mr. Barry Ousmane 1 Guinea

7/55 Achievement as a MC student at TUT

AlGaN‐PD array

Back-illuminated UV-Visible light multi-band image sensor. Back-illuminated AlGaN Schottky barrier diode (SBD)

UV9 Security & Communications

UV astronomy-GALEX (courtesy NASA)

Flame detector (UV light) 8/55 History of blue LEDs

9/55 In this presentation, I would like to explain how “the seed” of blue light emitting diode, that is “Nitride Semiconductors”, have been developed and handed over by many researchers.

I also would like to show some perspective of the new development and applications of nitride-based light emitting devices.

10/55 History of artificial lighting

Quantum mechanics based 1962 Commercial LED (Long history, Henry J. Round solid state lighting 1907, Nick Holionyak Jr., USA) 4th generation

1938 Fluorescent lamp Energy transfer (Long history, 1901 Peter Cooper Hewitt,USA, 1927 Edmund Germer, 1938 Germany, George (Quantum mechanics) Innman, USA) 3rd generation

1878 incandescent lamp Blackbody emission (Long history, Joseph Swan, UK, Thomas Edison, USA) (early stage of quantum mechanics) 2nd generation

~19C fire Chemical reaction 1st generation

Luciaball, Dec.13, 2014 at Stockholm 11/55 Overview of development of LEDs

1968 RCA LCD InGaN blue LED + phosphor

Conventional III-V “The alloy road”

GaAsP:N Red-Orange-Yellow GaP:N Green

R. Haitz and J. Y. Tsao, phys. stat. sol. (a)208(2011)17 1971 J. Pankove, GaN MIS blue LED 1962 N. Holonyak Jr., GaAsP red LD 1952 H. Welker, GaAs, GaP

12/55 GaN research in 1950’s -1970’s “Seed”


H.G. Grimmeiss, H. Koelmans & I.B. Maak, German patent, DBP 1 077 330 (1960).

Professor Monemar J. Appl. Phys., 41(1970)4054. at Lund University, Dr. Grimmeiss at Dec. 14, 2014 Lund University, Dec. 14, 2014 Lund Institute of Technology or Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH) Aged 95

13/55 First GaN blue LED “Germination”

First GaN LED (MIS type) Efficiency : 10-5~3×10-4

J. I. Pankove, E. A. Miller, D. Richman and J. E. Berkeyheiser: J.Lumin. 4 (1971) 63. /jacquespankove.html Dr. Kayann Short • Farrand Academic Program, University of Colorado at Boulder • 303-492-1267 • [email protected]

14/55 GaN blue LED research in 1970’s “Endurance”

Violet luminescence of Mg-doped GaN Mg H. P. Maruska, D.A. Stevenson, J. I. Pankove Appl. Phys. Lett., 22, 303 (1973).



J. Electrochem. Soc., 123 (1978)1725. Oki Electric Stanford University and RCA



Matsushita Research Institute, Tokyo G. Jacob and D. Bois, Appl. () Phys. Lett., 30 (1977) 412. Y. Ohki, Y. Toyoda, H. Kobayashi and May 1981, New York I. Akasaki, Intl. GaAs Symp., 479-484 (1981) Philips

15/55 Why it was so difficult to grow high-quality GaN ?

Diamond GaN Bulk crystal 52,000 atm 45,000 atm Growth 1,200 2,530 J. Karpinski and S. Porowski, JCG, 66(1984)1. 50 m

[0001] GaN Lattice mismatch

 .. 2747031850 Thin film (0001) C plane  16% 0.3185 nm .27470 growth 0.2747 nm In general, lattice mismatch [0001] Sapphire should be <1%.

16/55 Why I was interested in blue LEDs?

1975 Micro-soft by Bill Gates, Paul Allen 1976 Apple I by Steve Jobs, Stephen Wozniak Doug Wilson/Corbis Melena, Joe

1970 1980 1990 GaN LED 1981 by MBE and HVPE 1967 Vapour-grown AlN Nagoya Univ. Matsushita Research Institute, Tokyo

1982 Undergraduate Braun Graduation Research tubes are too big ! Isamu Akasaki “Nitride-Based Blue LED” I. Akasaki and M. Hashimoto 1992- Meijo Univ. Solid State Commun. (Prof. Emeritus Nagoya Univ.) 5(1967)851. If I can achieve blue LEDs, I will change the world ! PC-8001 Apple II fjv/pc/pc8001.htm ipedia/commons/7/7e/Apple_II_I MG_4212.jpg 17/55 Change of growth method from HVPE to MOVPE


GaCl + NH3  GaN + H2 + HCl Ga source Substrate

SiH2Cl2,H2 l HC GaCl

NH3,H2 Heater 850 ~1000 Exhaust

Courtesy of Dr. Usui, Furukawa • Multi zone temperature control

• Bi-product NH4Cl • High growth rate >50 m/hr

S. A. Safvi et al., J. Electrochem. Soc., 144(1997)1789. HVPE: Halogen transport VPE MOVPE: Metalorganic VPE • Single temperature control • Low growth rate ~ afewm/hr 18/55 Funding situation of our lab. in mid 80’s

Students built MOVPE reactor by themselves. 1984

Y. K o i d e

Lab-built MOVPE Reactor 5000 4500 cf. Commercial MOVPE reactor ~1M US $ Support by MEXT and JST 4000 buffer 19 8 5 3500 1984 LED 1 989 3000 ・

2500 LT- ・ Am p-GaN, pn p-GaN, 10,000 JPYen 2000 100,000 1500 US$ 1000 500 Akasaki JST 0 1 2 3 41985 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122231990 1995 2000

Measuring susceptor temperature using pyrometer 19/55 Reform of the MOVPE reactor by students

High speed gas flow ~5 [m/s] (conventional ~ 0.2[m/s])

H. Amano et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 48(1986)353.

M. Hashimoto et al., J. Cryst, Growth, 68(1984)163.

20/55 Learn by trial and error

I have tried more than 1,500 times, but I Random nucleation could not grow high- quality GaN film.

Selective growth

Poor coalescence

21/55 Low-temperature-deposited buffer layer

Temp. Old oscillator did not February 1985 work well. GaN growth 1,000 I remembered the discussion in the lab.

~600 Deposition of AlN at low temp.


I knew that the substrate temperature should be higher than 1200 for the epitaxial growth of AlN.

22/55 Low-temperature-deposited AlN buffer layer

Conventional 1985 LT buffer GaN GaN After the first success in Feb. 1985, Sapphire I learned how to measure crystalline Sapphire quality by X-ray rocking curve, luminescence property by photoluminescence, electrical property by Hall effect measurement, etc., etc.

H. Amano et al., App. Phys. Lett., 48 (1986) 353. w/o LT buffer w LT buffer

1st journal paper for doctor thesis

23/55 Seeking p-GaN by Zn doping 1985-1988

Split of neutral acceptor bound excition emission at 4.2 K by uniaxial anisotropy

LT PL measurement @ TG Small scooter

Three days a week, one year MOVPE @ Nagoya Univ.

One way / one hour

I was so excited with this result, and tried to present our efforts to JSAP annual meeting at 1987.

2nd journal paper for doctor thesis

24/55 Low energy electron beam irradiation (LEEBI)


Highly resistive

The anomalous kinetics of cathode luminescence in GaN:Zn G. V. Saparin et al., Moskovskii Universitet, Vestnik, Seriia 3 - Fizika, Astronomiia (ISSN 0579-9392), vol. 24, May-June 1983, p. 56-59. In H. Amano et al., J. Lumin. 41&42 (1988) 121. Russian During my internship at NTT, 1988 1983

…So, I could not finish Doctor thesis in three years.

25/55 Selection of best dopant

Selection of the dopant Activation energy of acceptor in GaP Zn : higher × Mg: Lower ○

Zn Mg J. C. Phillips, “Bonds and Bands in Semiconductors”

26/55 P-type GaN:Mg by LEEBI “Flowering”

M. Kito


(a) w LEEBI (b) wo LEEBI H. Amano et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 28 (1989) L2112.

27/55 Thermal annealing and the mechanism

1992 Thermal annealing S. Nakamura et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31(1992)1258.

Thermal annealing S. Nakamura et al, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31 (1992) L139. Van Vechten et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31 (1992) 3662. Hydrogen passivation

J. Appl. Phys, 90(2001)108.

28/55 Good fortune that we missed -InGaN-

1987 Master thesis Nagoya University


We used hydrogen as the carrier gas.

29/55 1989 International Conference on GaAs and Related Compounds


Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 106 : Chapter 3 Paper Presented at Int. Symp. GaAs and Related Compounds, Karuizawa, Japan, 1989 Wide-gap semiconductor (In,Ga)N T. Matsuoka, *H. Tanaka, T. Sasaki and A. Katsui NTT OPTO-ELECTRONICS LABORATPRIES Tokai, Ibaraki, 319-11 JAPAN *NTT APPLIED ELECTRONICS LAABOTATORIES Musashino, Tokyo, 180 JAPAN

They used nitrogen as the carrier gas.

30/55 Blue luminescence at room temperature

N. Yoshimoto et al., S. Nakamura and T. Mukai Appl. Phys. Lett., 59(1991)2251. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 31(1992)L1457.

31/55 World’s first commercialization “Fruition”

S. Nakamura et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 32 (1993) L8.

1993 World’s first commercialization of InGaN-based LEDs

32/55 How our lives change with the emergence of blue LEDs ?

1989 1998 1991 1999 GAME BOY GAME BOY COLOR mova P Digital mova F502i HYPER 1989 Released 1998 Released 1991 Released 1999 Released Photo : Co., Ltd. Photo : Nintendo Co., Ltd. Website : DOCOMO CS Tohoku, INC. Website : DOCOMO CS Tohoku, INC. Quoted from the history Quoted from the history of the mobile phone of the mobile phone http://www.docomo-cs- http://www.docomo-cs-

Copyright ©: The Nobel Foundation

33/55 Increase of smartphone addiction ? http://dankai-hiroba.cocolog- w092/61943354.html

34/55 White LEDs “Contribution to society”

Isamu Akasaki 1967 Powdered AlN Shuji Nakamiura 1981 Nagoya Univ. (Nichia, now UCSB) 1992- Meijo Univ. (Prof. Emeritus Nagoya Univ.) Smartphone 1989-1993:LT GaN Wide-gap GaN p-type by thermal annealing Three primary colors Blue LED InGaN/GaN DH Nichia


©Gussisaurio 1996: White LED 1985 LT buffer (MC, aged 24 ) 1987 JST 1989 P-type GaN (Research Associate, aged 28) 1995 Commercialization Yellow Phosphor Hiroshi Amano Blue LED 1988 RA, Nagoya Toyoda Gosei 1989 Dr. of Eng., Nagoya Univ. 1992-2010 Meijo Univ. 2010 Nagoya Univ.

© Rotatebot

35/55 How InGaN LEDs contribute to saving energy

Electricity generation in Japan 2014.5.23 The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan

61.7 78.9 88.3

Thermal 88.3

約300 TWh Nuclear

■Nuclear ■Coal ■LNG ■Oil ■Hydro ■Geothermal and new energy Great East Japan Earthquake March 11, 2011

36/55 How InGaN LEDs contribute to saving energy

Total consumption 4273 TWh


U.S. DOE Energy Savings Potential of Solid-State Lighting in General Illumination Applications, Jan.2012

37/55 Forecast of ratio of LED lighting in Japan

×1000 LED lighting Other lighting LED ratio


Data from Fuji Chimera Research Institute, Inc., 2014 LED Related Market Survey In Japan, we can reduce total electricity consumption by about 7% (=1T JP Yen) by 2020.

38/55 For the children living on Earth

"Mongolia Ger" by Japanese Wikipedia Mr.Luvsannyam Gantumur, Minister for Education and Science of Mongolia

39/55 How long did it take from the first findings to contribute to mankind ?

科学技術振興機構(Japan Science and Technology Agency:JST) 委託開発課題「窒化ガリウム(GaN)青色発光ダイオードの製造技術」 (新技術の代表発明者:赤﨑勇 当時、名古屋大学教授)、開発実施企業:豊田合成株式会 社) 1987年4月~1990年3月 28 years from the start of JST support 44 years from Pankove LED 56 years from Grimmeiss paper 40/55 Challenge to DUV region for water purification

3 2 acubic 3  ca ww forgotten-768-million/

High frequency and high power HEMT

Violet LDs for Blu-ray Disc

Blue LEDs, White LEDs

41/55 People who cannot access to safe water

0.77 Billion people

Unicef Drinking water coverage 2012 World Health Organization, Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation 2014 Update

2.6 Billion people

Sanitation facility coverage 2012 42/55 Our development of AlGaN based DUV LEDs

NEDO JSPS, MEXT Sep.1997-Mar.2000 with Osaka Gas:A. Hirano 2003-2005 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Sep. 2001-Mar.2004 with ASU:F. Ponce, Univ. Bristol: D. Cherns 2006-2010 Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Area Sep.2002-Mar.2006 with Osaka Gas: A. Hirano, Kyosemi: H. Tomosawa 2008-2012 Knowledge Cluster Sep.2004-Mar.2006 2013-2015 Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Area

1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Nikkiso 1986 1997 2006 2012 2015

Nagoya Univ. Dr. Koide

3000 AlGaN Growth by MOVPE 350.9 RT, Pulse Duty 0.1% 2500 current injection: 200mA



Intensity[a.u.] 1000 0229a 500 UV Craftry Applications Meij18-D Mesh electrodes 0V Flame response (d>4cm) 0 350 351 352 353 354 355 2 10-12 Wavelength[nm] No Room Light Room Light ON 1.5 10-12 UV LD 1 10-12 Meijo Univ. 5 10-13 Hamamatsu Current (A) 0 Photonics

-5 10-13 Filter Filter U330 No Filter U330 No Filter ASU

-1 10-12 DUV LED 80 160 240 320 400 480 Univ. Bristol Time(s) Osaka Gas, Kyosemi Flame sensor, Osaka Gas

43/55 Our development of AlGaN based DUV LEDs

DUV-LED Sterilization DUV-LED array module

44/55 Other applications of group III nitrides

45/55 Why nitrides are so attractive for power device applications?



GaAs 46/55 Energy savings with GaN-based power devices

Role of Power Devices Highest efficiency power devices can be expected by using GaN100 ■Switching loss ■Transmission loss Loss(Heat) 80 5W

DC100W 60 5% Loss ⇒0.75% Loss 40 Inverter AC95W (Si based IGBT) 20


Energy Loss (100%@Si-IGBT) Si 4H-SiC GaN (Materials)

• By replacing Si-based IGBT to WBG devices, 9.8% of total electricity consumption can be saved. • Super downsizing of power circuits is possible by using GaN-based devices. these-transient-times 47/55 Why nitrides are so attractive ? Energy harvesting

3 2 acubic 3  ca ww




2.35eV (InGaN) 2.25eV (InGaN) (λ:527nm) (λ:551nm) 1.86eV 1.86eV 1.75eV

1.40eV 1.40eV 1.40eV

1.0 eV 1.0 eV 1.0 eV

3 cells InGaN top 4 cells InGaN top 4 cells η: 36% (1sun) η: 38.2% (1sun) : 45% (1000sun) : 47.4% (1000sun) η: 43.5% (1sun)

: 53.3% (1000sun) PV Biomass Water Wind Geothermal LNG 48/55 Achievements of our students

49/55 Semi polar (1-101) GaN on (001) Si

Maki Kushimoto Laser on (001) Si

M. Kushimoto et al., Appl. Phys. Exp., 8 (2015) 022702. • Chip to chip optical interconnection in Si LSI • Last one mile POF for low cost 4K and 8K TV

50/55 +c oriented GaN nanorod on (111) Si

500 nm

1 µm

B. O. Jung et al., CrystEngComm., 16(2014)2014. ByungOh Jung • Solar cells • Long wavelength light emitting devices

51/55 • Super junction vertical power devices P-type GaN by Mg ion implantation

Damage Layer Lattice Constant

The c-constant linearly increased with increasing the Mg concentration.

Damage Layer FWHM Damage Layer Intensity Sun Zheng HT-implan. (5×1019 cm-3 )

-mode R.C. FWHM

52/55 Mechanical stack multi junction PV cell

2.35eV (InGaN) 2.25eV (InGaN) (λ: ~527nm) (λ~551nm)

1.86eV 1.86eV 1.75eV

1.40eV 1.40eV 1.40eV メカニカルスタック

1.0 eV 1.0 eV 1.0 eV

格子不整合3接合 3接合上InGaN接合 3接合上InGaN接合 (第1・第2セルのE 変更) VOC:3.0 V VOC: 4.63V g J :14 mA/cm2 J :9.54 mA/cm2 VOC: 4.44V SC SC 2 η: 36% (1sun) η: 38.2% (1sun) JSC:11.15mA/cm : 45% (1000sun) : 47.4% (1000sun) η: 43.5% (1sun) : 53.3% (1000sun) Seunga Lee Mechanical Stack PV cells

Non polar simulation

In0.6Ga0.4N/GaN 100QWs In0.6Ga0.4N/In0.2Ga0.8N 100QWs

Voc(V) 1.83 Voc(V) 1.57 2 2 Jsc (mA/cm ) 24.27 Jsc (mA/cm ) 31.56 CE (%) 24.61 CE (%) 29.82 Fill factor (%) 81.32 Fill factor (%) 90.48

53/55 My visit is supported by

Ministry of foreign affairs of Japan

ANA, an official partner of UNESCO

54/55 Acknowledgements

All the nitride researchers in the world !

JSPS : Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research “Specially Promoted Research”, #25000011

Special thanks to, Professors Isamu Akasaki, Nobuhiko Sawaki, Kazumasa Hiramatsu, Masafumi Hashimoto, Satoshi Kamiyama, Tetsuya Takeuchi, Motoaki Iwaya, Masahito Yamaguchi (Passed away at 2013), Yoshio Honda, Nobuo Okazaki, Katsuhide Manabe, Koichi Ota, Naoki Shibata, Cyril Pernot, Akira Hirano, Masamichi Ipponmatsu, Hidemasa Tomosawa Members of Akasaki Laboratory, Nagoya University (1982-1992) Members of Akasaki and Amano Laboratory, Meijo University (1992-2010) Members of Amano, Yamagcuhi and Honda Laboratory (2010-) Toyoda Gosei, UVCR and Nikkiso Members
