Greater ’s cycling and walking network walking and cycling Manchester’s Greater 19-1531

Greater Manchester’s Cycling and Walking Commissioner Walking and Cycling Manchester’s Greater

Boardman Chris

residential areas to the adjacent retail . park. retail adjacent the to areas residential

to make local trips on foot or by bike, leaving the car at home.” home.” at car the leaving bike, by or foot on trips local make to

walking and cycling routes to the north and south and will link link will and south and north the to routes cycling and walking

able be to want who people for easier life make will

better places to live, work and socialise. The improvements to to improvements The socialise. and work live, to places better Manchester Road and the Ashton Metrolink line. This will link existing existing link will This line. Metrolink Ashton the and Road Manchester

“More people travelling on foot or by bike is a by-product of creating creating of by-product a is bike by or foot on travelling people “More

Retail Park Link Bridge Link Park Retail - A new bridge is proposed across the A635 A635 the across proposed is bridge new A -

growth and improve links to public transport. public to links improve and growth

support increased levels of walking and cycling and promote economic economic promote and cycling and walking of levels increased support

attractive and accessible to a wider range of people. The scheme will will scheme The people. of range wider a to accessible and attractive street furniture. Additional cycle parking will make cycling more more cycling make will parking cycle Additional furniture. street

favour of pedestrians, reducing speed limits and removing unnecessary unnecessary removing and limits speed reducing pedestrians, of favour DRAFT

and through the town centre, and the environment will be enhanced in in enhanced be will environment the and centre, town the through and

Ashton Town Centre South Centre Town Ashton - Cycle routes will be established, into into established, be will routes Cycle -

be reduced to tackle air quality and to improve road safety. road improve to and quality air tackle to reduced be

and cycle crossings to access the town centre itself. Traffic speeds will will speeds Traffic itself. centre town the access to crossings cycle and

to travel along this east to west route as well as improved pedestrian pedestrian improved as well as route west to east this along travel to

Wellington Road / Albion Way corridor. Cycle facilities will be provided provided be will facilities Cycle corridor. Way Albion / Road Wellington

the severance impact of through traffic movements on the A6043 A6043 the on movements traffic through of impact severance the

this panel this

the train station and the new Transport Interchange and will reduce reduce will and Interchange Transport new the and station train the

links between the new Tameside One Council Offices, town centre, centre, town Offices, Council One Tameside new the between links Awaiting copy for for copy Awaiting

economic growth and investment. The scheme will provide improved improved provide will scheme The investment. and growth economic

Public Realm works, to the north of Ashton town centre, to promote promote to centre, town Ashton of north the to works, Realm Public

Ashton North Ashton - This scheme forms part of the next stage of the ongoing ongoing the of stage next the of part forms scheme This -

cycle facilities will continue along the A57 either side of the junction. the of side either A57 the along continue will facilities cycle

reduce potential conflict between cyclists and motor traffic. Segregated Segregated traffic. motor and cyclists between conflict potential reduce

pedestrian footways will be retained or improved. This will significantly significantly will This improved. or retained be will footways pedestrian

for cyclists on the approaches and at the junction itself and the wide wide the and itself junction the at and approaches the on cyclists for

in Denton will be re-modelled to provide protected space and facilities facilities and space protected provide to re-modelled be will Denton in

route between Manchester and Derbyshire. The Crown Point junction junction Point Crown The Derbyshire. and Manchester between route

Bee Network corridor through Tameside, which forms a key east to west west to east key a forms which Tameside, through corridor Network Bee

A57 Crown Point Crown A57 - This scheme will address the first stage of the A57 A57 the of stage first the address will scheme This -

accessible path for all users. all for path accessible Copy to go here when received. when here go to Copy

Denton. This will create a more attractive route for cyclists and a more more a and cyclists for route attractive more a create will This Denton.

How can I give my views on the proposed changes? proposed the on views my give I can How

Trans Pennine Trail from Penny Lane in to residential areas in in areas residential to Stockport in Lane Penny from Trail Pennine Trans

Ross Lave Lane Lave Ross - Improvements are proposed on this section of the the of section this on proposed are Improvements -

connection towards the Ashton Moss Metrolink stop. Metrolink Moss Ashton the towards connection

residential areas in and and improve the the improve and Audenshaw and Droylsden in areas residential

Rayner Lane Rayner - This off-highway route will improve links between between links improve will route off-highway This -

connectivity to link existing facilities, routes and neighbourhoods. and routes facilities, existing link to connectivity

in Audenshaw. This will improve both east to west and north to south south to north and west to east both improve will This Audenshaw. in

walkers and cyclists, to connect Clarendon Road with Kershaw Lane Lane Kershaw with Road Clarendon connect to cyclists, and walkers

Clarendon Road Clarendon - A new crossing of Audenshaw Road is proposed, for for proposed, is Road Audenshaw of crossing new A -

for local residents. local for

route away from the busy A635, as well as improving the environment environment the improving as well as A635, busy the from away route

pedestrians and cyclists to negotiate. This will provide an east – west west – east an provide will This negotiate. to cyclists and pedestrians

through traffic, will create an environment that is safer and easier for for easier and safer is that environment an create will traffic, through

approach to reduce the speed of vehicles, and to reduce rat-running by by rat-running reduce to and vehicles, of speed the reduce to approach

between Ashton and . Using a ‘Filtered Neighbourhood’ Neighbourhood’ ‘Filtered a Using Stalybridge. and Ashton between

for the local neighbourhoods south of the A635 Stamford Street, Street, Stamford A635 the of south neighbourhoods local the for

Stamford Drive Stamford - This scheme aims to deliver an improved environment environment improved an deliver to aims scheme This -

Fund schemes in Ashton. in schemes Fund

completed in Ashton Town Centre and with the other Mayor’s Challenge Challenge Mayor’s other the with and Centre Town Ashton in completed

scheme will need to be integrated with the works currently being being currently works the with integrated be to need will scheme

cycle lane, and will provide access towards the market ground. This This ground. market the towards access provide will and lane, cycle

north to south through the centre of Ashton, including a contraflow contraflow a including Ashton, of centre the through south to north

Warrington Street Warrington - This scheme aims to improve the cycle connectivity connectivity cycle the improve to aims scheme This -

directions and cycle linkages at existing no-through roads. no-through existing at linkages cycle and directions ’s cycling

include a contraflow cycle lane to facilitate cycle movements in both both in movements cycle facilitate to lane cycle contraflow a include and walking network

Cavendish Street and the A6017 Stockport Road in Ashton. This will will This Ashton. in Road Stockport A6017 the and Street Cavendish

improvement will provide cycle connectivity between the A627 A627 the between connectivity cycle provide will improvement Consultation on the schemes

Hill Street / Victoria Street / Trafalgar Square Trafalgar / Street Victoria / Street Hill

- This proposed proposed This - proposed in Tameside

access between the park and Rose Hill Road to the north. the to Road Hill Rose and park the between access

of Ashton. A new crossing on Road is proposed to improve improve to proposed is Road Mossley on crossing new A Ashton. of

Tameside Hospital, Mossley Road and the residential areas to the north north the to areas residential the and Road Mossley Hospital, Tameside

the connections from Chadwick Dam towards Ridge Hill, Mellor Road, Road, Mellor Hill, Ridge towards Dam Chadwick from connections the

provision that was recently installed and completed in 2019, to improve improve to 2019, in completed and installed recently was that provision

Chadwick Dam Chadwick - This scheme aims to extend the cycling and walking walking and cycling the extend to aims scheme This -

New proposed schemes in Tameside in schemes proposed New

Proposals to revolutionise travel on foot or by bike in your area

Work has started on a Greater Manchester-wide programme to make journeys on In support of this ambition, the Mayor of Greater Manchester has allocated £160 foot or by bike much easier and more attractive. million to the Mayor’s Cycling and Walking Challenge Fund.

Chris Boardman, Greater Manchester’s Cycling and Walking Commissioner, has This has been made possible thanks to the national government’s Transforming unveiled an innovative new plan to create a city-region-wide cycling and walking Cities Fund, which is investing in public and sustainable transport to improve network that includes Tameside. productivity and spread prosperity.

The Bee Network will consist of more than 1,800 miles of routes and will be the In Tameside, we have developed the following proposals which have been largest joined-up system of walking and cycling routes in the UK. submitted for funding from MCF with the expectation that further schemes will follow in the future.

Tameside Proposals Plan









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Greater Manchester’s cycling and walking network