1 Typehouse Literary Magazine Issue 8, May 2016 2 Call for Submissions
1 Typehouse Literary Magazine Issue 8, May 2016 2 Call for Submissions Typehouse is a writer-run, literary magazine based out of Portland, Oregon. We publish non-fiction, genre fiction, literary fiction, poetry and visual art. We are always looking for well-crafted, previously unpublished, writing that seeks to capture an awareness of the human predicament. f you are interested in submitting fiction, poetry, or visual art, email your submission as an attachment or within the body of the email along with a short bio to: typehouse"peoples-ink.com Editors #al $ryphin %indsay &owler Michael Munkvold Cover Photo Pastoral: &ae ( by ). *iding and +. %a &ey ,+ee page -./ 0stablished (123 Published Triennially http!44typehousemagazine.com4 3 Typehouse Literary Magazine Table of Contents: Fiction: 5unky Town 5aley '. &edor 6 +tall $. ). +hepard 27 The )lpine 'all )manda McTigue 33 ) 'arvel of 'odern +cience $eorge )llen Miller 61 n the Wine-8ark 8eep +haun 9ossio 66 *eturned &ire :. 0dward ;ruft << +hampoo +amantha Pilecki -< )lchemy ;athryn %ipari -- Poetry: William Ogden 5aynes (< *achael )dams =6 +teve %uria )blon 63 *obert 9rown <- Visual Art: Tagen T. 9aker 26 >assandra +ims ;night 32 &abrice 9. Poussin =. ). *iding <( 8enny 0. Marshall 211 Issue 8, May 2016 4 Haley Fedor is a queer author from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Section 8 Magazine, The Fem, Guide to Kulchur Magazine, Literary Orphans, Crab Fat Literary Magazine, and the anthology Dispatches from Lesbian America. She was nominated for the 2014 Pushcart Prize, and is currently a graduate student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Hunky Town Haley M Fedor The car went ?uickly over a bump, and Michael hit his head on the lid of the trunk.
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