An Unsustainable Path Why Maryland’s Manure Pollution Rules Are Failing to Protect the

An Unsustainable Path Why Maryland’s Manure Pollution Rules Are Failing to Protect the Chesapeake Bay

Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center

Elizabeth Ridlington, Frontier Group Tommy Landers, Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center

Fall 2011 Acknowledgments

Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center thanks Rebecca Sutton of Environ- mental Working Group and Ron Korcak of Water Stewardship for their insightful review of this document. Thanks also to Brad Heavner of Environment America Research & Policy Center, and to Tony Dutzik and Benjamin Davis of Frontier Group for their edito- rial assistance.

Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center thanks the Town Creek Foundation, Keith Campbell Foundation, Abell Foundation, Krieger Foundation, Bancroft Foundation, and the Fund for Change for making this report possible.

The authors bear responsibility for any factual errors. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our funders or those who provided review.

Copyright 2011, Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center

Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center is a 501(c)(3) organization. We are dedicated to protecting our air, water and open spaces. We investigate problems, craft solutions, educate the public and decision-makers, and help the public make their voices heard in local, state and national debates over the quality of our environment and our lives. For more information about Environment Maryland Research & Policy Center or for ad- ditional copies of this report, please visit

Frontier Group conducts independent research and policy analysis to support a cleaner, healthier and more democratic society. Our mission is to inject accurate information and compelling ideas into public policy debates at the local, state and federal levels. For more information about Frontier Group, please visit

Design: Harriet Eckstein Graphic Design Cover image: Sediment plumes around Horn Point on the , near Cambridge. Photo courtesy of Jane Thomas, IAN Image Library ( Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1 Introduction 4 Phosphorus Pollution Damages the Chesapeake Bay 5 The Ecosystems of the Bay Are Struggling 5 Phosphorus Pollution Comes from Activities in the Bay’s Watershed 7 Poultry Production Is a Major Source of Phosphorus in the Bay 8 Chicken Production on the Eastern Shore 8 How Phosphorus in Manure Enters the Bay 9 Phosphorus Saturation of Agricultural Land 10 Current Policies to Limit Phosphorus Pollution Are Inadequate 13 Maryland’s Current Phosphorus Management Guidelines 13 Several Authorities Agree that Maryland’s Current Approach Is Flawed 14 Policy Recommendations 19 Notes 22 The fact that Maryland’s manure management rules are flawed enjoys broad acceptance by independent scientists, regulators, and the very authors of the P-index themselves.

Two different calculation methods “both indicate an over- whelming surplus of P from manure and fertilizer in all of the counties evaluated.” – from a report on Mid-Atlantic phosphorus surpluses co-authored by Tom Simpson, former chair of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Nutrient Subcommittee

EPA believes that the P-index at this time is significantly flawed and that its use in many cases is likely to result in significant over-applications of P to cropland and result in P-laden runoff to the Chesapeake Bay. – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, on management of federal land in the Chesapeake Bay region

In areas of intensive animal production, the long term goal must be to match manure [phosphorus] production with local crop [phosphorus] requirements, or to find alternative uses for the manures outside the farm boundary. – SERA-17, the Organization to Minimize Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture Executive Summary

hosphorus from manure applied to algae blooms flourish briefly and then farmland is a major source of pollu- die, consuming vast amounts of oxy- Ption in the Chesapeake Bay. Inten- gen as they decay. As a result, levels sive chicken production, particularly on of dissolved oxygen in the water drop Maryland’s Eastern Shore, generates large below the concentration needed to volumes of manure. Growers and farmers support fish, crabs and oysters. often spread this manure on their fields as fertilizer, but when applied in excess, • Algae blooms block sunlight, killing the nutrients that make manure useful for underwater grasses and destroying fertilizing crops also contribute to dead valuable habitat. The bay has less than zones in the bay. half the acreage of underwater grass A number of experts and authori- needed for a healthy ecosystem. ties—including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the scientists who • Nutrient pollution, along with over- helped design Maryland’s phosphorus harvesting and disease, has hastened management rules—agree that Maryland’s the decline of major fisheries such as current approach to protecting the bay oysters and crabs. from phosphorus pollution is inadequate. Reducing phosphorus pollution is es- Pollution from agriculture accounts sential to restoring the health of the bay. for 41 percent of the phosphorus that A key step toward this goal is ending the enters the bay from Maryland. Manure practice of spreading chicken manure on contains high levels of nitrogen and phos- farmland that is likely to pollute water with phorus, making it useful as a fertilizer, but phosphorus. the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus is such Pollution has taken a heavy toll on that if manure is applied to meet the nitro- the bay. gen requirements of a crop, phosphorus is over-applied. This excess phosphorus • A “dead zone” covers a large portion escapes from farm fields and into nearby of the bay each summer. Nutrient-fed waterways.

Executive Summary 1 Large-scale chicken growing on underestimates the extent to which Maryland’s Eastern Shore generates phosphorus may escape from a field high volumes of manure that contain into nearby water bodies through far more phosphorus than can be used subsurface water flows in some regions by crops nearby. of Maryland, especially in the marshy Eastern Shore. • The 296 million broiler chickens raised in Maryland in 2007 generated • Phosphorus may also escape from approximately 550,000 tons of “chick- fields that have seemingly safe levels of en litter,” manure mixed with bedding phosphorus—fields below the P-index and feathers. threshold—but Maryland’s current rules do little to control this source of • This chicken litter contained far more pollution. phosphorus than is required by crops in major chicken-producing counties • Application of the P-index appears in Maryland. not to be solving the problem of phosphorus pollution into the bay • Soil test data from 2002 show that from agriculture. In at least one major more than 60 percent of soil samples chicken-producing region, water from four Maryland counties—where quality has not improved since Mary- tens of millions of chickens are raised land adopted its current rules. In the annually—were saturated with phos- Choptank River, phosphorus levels phorus. At such high saturation levels, have risen by an average of 1.9 per- phosphorus is more prone to dissolve cent per year from 2000 to 2008. The in water and pollute the bay. Choptank drains parts of Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne’s and Talbot Maryland’s current rules allow farm- counties, where large-scale chicken ers to spread manure on fields where production generates hundreds of phosphorus is likely to run off and pol- thousands of tons of excess manure lute the bay. and there is relatively little residential development. • Maryland requires farmers to use a test called the phosphorus site index Maryland produces far more phos- (P-index) if soil is found to be over- phorus-laden manure than crops in the loaded with phosphorus. The P-index region can use. The state needs to keep was meant to be a tool that would phosphorus out of the bay, and it needs a allow farmers to evaluate the water long-term solution for ending phosphorus pollution risk of applying manure to build-up in soil. the field. • Maryland should end land applications • The P-index approach does not ad- of chicken litter that endanger the dress the state’s long-term phosphorus health of the bay by replacing the cur- problem, since it allows farmers to use rent inadequate rules for phosphorus some fields as dumping grounds for application with more effective ones. excess manure, even if they are already Maryland should phase in standards loaded with phosphorus. that prevent more phosphorus from being applied to cropland than crops • Maryland’s current P-index need.

 An Unsustainable Path • The volume of manure in Maryland • Any alternative plan for disposing of that needs to be disposed of through chicken manure should require poul- land application must be brought into try producers such as Perdue to take balance with the amount of nutrients responsibility for the pollution that that crops need. Options include their activities produce. processing more manure into pellet- ized fertilizer and transporting more manure out of the region.

Executive Summary 3 Introduction

hroughout its history, Marylanders our leaders took steps to protect the Chesa- and residents of the Chesapeake Bay peake, banning PCBs and setting stronger Tregion have had two very distinct and standards for sewage treatment plants, septic opposing relationships with the bay. systems, and industrial sources. These steps For centuries, the bay has been central have helped reduce pollution in the bay. to the economy and culture of Maryland. And yet Maryland has not seriously It has been a key transportation corridor, addressed another type of waste that is supporting economic activity and devel- polluting and degrading the bay: chicken opment. Thousands of families earned manure. Industrial-scale chicken produc- a living harvesting the bay’s bounty and tion, particularly in Maryland’s lower selling it to citizens living in the region. Eastern Shore, generates huge volumes The annual fishing and crabbing cycle of manure. Spread in excessive quantities shaped life in towns along the shores of the on cropland as fertilizer, manure releases bay, the same towns to which tourists now phosphorus that feeds unnatural algae flock, hoping to catch a glimpse of these blooms and triggers a chain of events that traditional industries. kills crabs, fish and other marine life criti- At the same time that the bay has been cal to the bay’s ecosystem. honored for the resources it provides to This threat is no less severe than some Maryland, it has also provided a convenient of the other dangers Maryland has already place to dump waste. Industrial facilities more fully dealt with, but current standards and electrical equipment released PCBs, to protect the bay from phosphorus pollu- which are persistent toxic chemicals, into tion do not adequately address the problem groundwater that seeped into the bay. Sew- of using land as a dumping ground for age treatment plants released poorly treated chicken manure. effluent into many of the major tributaries It is time for Maryland to stop treat- of the bay, while septic systems leached pol- ing the bay as a dumping ground and to lution from the shoreline. As scientists and restore the Chesapeake to its valuable and the public became aware of the damage to respected role as a cornerstone of the state’s the bay’s ecosystems caused by this waste, economy, ecology and culture.

 An Unsustainable Path Phosphorus Pollution Damages the Chesapeake Bay

The Ecosystems of the Bay they decay. As a result, levels of dissolved oxygen in the water drop below the con- Are Struggling centration needed to support fish, crabs and oysters. Animals that can flee leave s the nation’s largest estuary, the these areas of low dissolved oxygen; those Chesapeake Bay serves as a home who can’t escape suffer through the stress Afor more than 3,600 species of plants of inadequate oxygen, making them more and animals connected through complex prone to disease. From 2007 to 2009, only ecosystems.1 Yet decades of intensive ag- 12 percent of the bay had sufficient levels riculture and urban development on the of dissolved oxygen in the summer.2 (See shores of the bay have taken a toll, adding Figure 1.) excessive nutrients and sediment that trig- The most severely oxygen-depleted ger massive algae blooms and annual dead areas, where animals cannot survive at zones, the decline of bay grasses, and the all, are known as dead zones. Data on the loss of fish, crabs and oysters in the bay. extent of low oxygen levels and of the dead Farmers, fisherman, scientists, boat- zone are not yet available for summer 2011; ers and the region’s residents have long researchers who study the bay predicted acknowledged the problems of the bay. earlier in the year that the dead zone in Despite increased research about the bay, 2011 would be one of the largest on record, limits on fishing, changes to agricultural covering more than one-third of the bay.3 practices, and new development standards, In addition to consuming oxygen in the water quality in the bay’s tributaries and the water, algae blooms block the sunlight that bay itself has not significantly improved. aquatic grasses need. Without sunlight, One of the most pervasive problems in the grasses die, triggering other problems the bay is excessive nutrient (nitrogen and for the bay’s ecosystem. Roots of these phosphorus) and sediment pollution that grasses are then no longer available to hold causes growth of algae. Algae “blooms” sediment in place, increasing the risk that flourish briefly on these nutrients and then oysters will be buried in silt. Blue crabs die, consuming vast amounts of oxygen as and fish such as menhaden, herring, shad,

Phosphorus Pollution Damages the Chesapeake Bay 5 and white perch lose places to shelter their 86,000 acres in the bay were covered with young or hide. And the grasses are no lon- grass, less than half the amount of grass ger available to replenish dissolved oxygen needed for a healthy bay.5 levels as they photosynthesize. In 2009,

Figure 1. Most of the Chesapeake Bay Fails to Meet Dissolved Oxygen Goals in the Summer4

Dissolved Oxygen (June - September, 2007 - 2009) Percent of Goal Achieved (3 Year Analysis)

C&D Canal

Baltimore #


Washington Upper Choptank Upper # River Upper

Western Branch

Middle Patuxent Upper River


Wicomico River

Upper Rappahannock River Upper

Middle Pocomoke River

Upper Mattaponi River

Lower Upper Pamunkey River Mattaponi River

Richmond# Lower Percent of Goal Achieved Pamunkey River All Uses, Summer Period Upper James River 0% - 50% 51% - 75% 76% - 90% Appomattox River 91% - 99% 100% - Pass No Data #

Data Sources: Chesapeake Bay Program Lynnhaven River

Disclaimer: Norfolk Western Eastern For more information about the methods and data for Branch Branch Lafayette River this map, please refer to the Dissolved Oxygen Elizabeth River Southern Elizabeth 0 12.5 25 50 Kilometers Indicator and Data Survey River status_dissolvedoxygen.aspx Branch Elizabeth River 0 12.5 25 50 Miles $

Created by HW, 03/05/10 UTM Zone 18N, NAD 83

 An Unsustainable Path Years of low dissolved oxygen levels in Figure 2 shows that agricultural activi- summertime, the loss of submerged aquatic ties are the largest source of phosphorus vegetation, and overfishing have taken pollution from Maryland, accounting for their toll on the bay’s aquatic animals. 41 percent of phosphorus pollution.8 Re- Populations of rockfish, or striped bass, gional data show that manure is responsible have dropped so much that Maryland and for a greater share of the pollution than Virginia both imposed moratoriums on the chemical fertilizers.9 Agriculture is also a fishery in the late 1980s. The moratoriums major source of nitrogen to the bay, with have since been lifted, but catch levels con- more than one-third of the nitrogen flow- tinue to be monitored closely. Oyster and ing into the bay from Maryland coming soft shell clam populations have declined to from manure and chemical fertilizers used tiny fractions of their historic levels, while on agricultural land. the federal government officially declared In addition to agriculture, water run- the blue crab fishery a disaster in 2009, ning off from urban and suburban roads, granting emergency aid to the industry.6 parking lots and rooftops contributes to These populations, already under severe pollution in the bay, as it picks up lawn pressure from overfishing, are further fertilizer, pet waste and other contaminants stressed by water pollution. that release large amounts of phosphorus and smaller amounts of nitrogen. Waste- water treatment plants contribute about 20 percent of Maryland’s phosphorus and nitrogen pollution in the bay. Phosphorus Pollution Comes Addressing phosphorus pollution from agricultural activities, particularly manure- from Activities in the Bay’s related pollution, is essential to improving Watershed the health of the bay. The key pollutants that trigger algae blooms and that have damaged the bay’s ecosystems are phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment. Phosphorus and nitrogen Figure 2. Maryland Sources of Phosphorus foster normal plant and animal growth, Pollution in the Chesapeake Bay10 but too much of these nutrients can cause the unnatural algae blooms that cause so Wastewater much damage in the bay. Sediment carries treatment plants, phosphorus and smothers bottom-dwelling 19% plants and animals. These pollutants are generated by activities within the bay’s vast watershed. The Chesapeake Bay receives drainage Farms, 41% from a 64,000-square mile watershed that encompasses parts of six states and Wash- ington, D.C.7 Farming and livestock pro- duction, urban and suburban development, wastewater treatment plants, septic sys- tems, and other development and activities produce nitrogen and phosphorus that are Stormwater runoff, 38% then carried into the bay by approximately Forests, 2% 100,000 rivers, creeks and streams.

Phosphorus Pollution Damages the Chesapeake Bay 7 Poultry Production Is a Major Source of Phosphorus in the Bay

anure is a valuable fertilizer be- including Perdue (headquartered in cause of the phosphorus and nitro- Salisbury), Mountaire, and Tyson—have Mgen that it contains. For that same major operations in Maryland, Delaware reason, however, manure can also degrade and Virginia, with regional production water quality. Maryland’s industrial scale of chickens totaling 786 million in 2010.11 chicken growing and processing industry More than 70 percent of that production generates millions of pounds of chicken lit- occurs on the Delmarva Peninsula.12 ter annually, and still relies on application In Maryland alone, farmers had ap- of manure to land as the primary means proximately 65 million broiler chickens of disposal. The amount of phosphorus in on their farms at the end of 2007. Because that manure far exceeds what crops need farmers can raise and sell multiple flocks and can absorb, with the result that excess of chickens in the course of a year, broiler phosphorus builds up in soil and ends up chicken sales in Maryland in 2007 reached in the bay. Phosphorus is a particular con- 296 million.13 Table 1 shows the county cern due to the imbalance of nitrogen and by county distribution of these flocks. phosphorus in chicken litter: when litter Nationally, Maryland has one of the high- is applied to meet crop nitrogen needs, est concentrations of chickens per acre of phosphorus is over-applied. farmland.14 This intensive poultry production re- sults in high volumes of manure. Chicken manure contains phosphorus, nitrogen and other chemicals, such as arsenic (which is Chicken Production on the sometimes added to chicken feed).15 When manure is mixed with sawdust and other Eastern Shore bedding material from chicken houses, it is The Delmarva Peninsula, on the eastern referred to as “chicken litter.” The broiler shore of the Chesapeake Bay, is home to an chickens raised on Maryland’s Eastern extensive chicken growing and processing Shore in 2007 generated approximately industry. Several large chicken producers— 550,000 tons of chicken litter.16

 An Unsustainable Path Table 1. Chicken and Manure variety of agricultural and horticultural ap- Production by County, 200717 plications. Most farmers prefer not to send chicken manure for processing into pellets and instead apply it to cropland as a cheaper Location Chickens Litter source of nitrogen than chemical fertiliz- (millions) (tons/year) ers. However, spreading large amounts of Caroline 10.3 87,078 manure on cropland on the shores of the Dorchester 11.2 94,397 Chesapeake Bay creates multiple opportu- Kent 1.2 10,403 nities for manure to pollute the bay. Queen Anne’s 6.7 56,258 Somerset 12.1 101,734 Talbot 1.7 14,176 Wicomico 10.5 88,164 How Phosphorus in Manure Worcester 11.7 98,457 Enters the Bay All other counties 0.1 1,070 The most obvious water pollution occurs Statewide total 65.5 551,737 when improper chicken litter spreading allows the litter to directly flow into water- ways. During heavy rain or snowmelt, litter can pollute waterways if the waste has been While dairy operations in the state applied too close to the edge of a field or on also generate manure that is most easily a field without an adequate vegetative buf- disposed of by spreading on cropland, the fer. Those waterways eventually drain to number of dairy and beef cattle in the the bay, carrying with them the nutrients state is much smaller than the number of and bacteria from manure. chickens. Farms in Maryland were home Even when litter is kept away from direct to 190,000 cattle in 2007—approximately routes into waterways, the phosphorus in equivalent in manure production to 38 manure can enter the water. When phos- million chickens—versus nearly 300 mil- phorus is present at low levels, it binds with lion chickens.18 soil particles. As that soil erodes, it can The growers who feed and house tens carry phosphorus along with it. If phospho- of thousands of chickens at a time in large rus levels in soil rise, not all the phosphorus chicken houses must dispose of large is bound as tightly to soil. In soils where volumes of chicken litter. Though large phosphorus is not trapped as tightly—also corporations that contract with grow- known as soil where the phosphorus ers to raise chickens control almost all saturation percentage is higher—rain and elements of chicken production—setting melting snow percolating through the soil standards for chicken houses, providing can move phosphorus, eventually carrying chicks and food to the growers, and col- it to drainage ditches, streams, rivers and lecting chickens to be taken to the slaugh- the bay. ter house—those corporate entities leave Widespread use of surface or subsurface responsibility for disposal of manure with drainage systems to help low-lying fields the contract growers. dry more quickly can increase nutrient Because of its phosphorus and nitrogen pollution of waterways by giving nutrient- content, chicken litter is useful as a fertil- laced water an easy pathway from the field izer, whether spread directly on cropland into nearby waterways. Anywhere from or processed into dry pellets that are more five to 13 percent of Maryland cropland easily transported and can be used in a has surface or subsurface drainage systems,

Poultry Production Is a Major Source of Phosphorus in the Bay 9 installed to speed draining of fields.19 Manure contains both nitrogen and Drainage systems are widespread on the phosphorus. While these are essential low-lying Eastern Shore. nutrients for plant growth, above a certain As nutrient levels in soil rise, more level additional nutrients do not enhance phosphorus and nitrogen can move from plant growth and can pollute nearby wa- fields into waterways. Phosphorus build-up terways. The exact amount of each nutri- in soil is an increasing problem in Mary- ent needed varies by crop. Corn grown land, particularly on agricultural land close for grain, for example, might require 160 to the bay.20 pounds of nitrogen per acre and 60 pounds of phosphorus per acre for optimal growth and yield.21 Spring-planted barley requires 65 pounds of nitrogen per acre and 50 pounds of phosphorus. If extra phosphorus Phosphorus Saturation of is applied, the crop cannot use it; instead, the phosphorus remains in the soil. Agricultural Land On Maryland’s Eastern Shore, farmers The failure of chicken processing corpora- often apply excess amounts of phosphorus, tions to take responsibility for the waste for two reasons. First, the ratio of nitrogen produced by the chickens they own forces to phosphorus in chicken manure doesn’t contract growers to dispose of that waste align with the amounts needed by crops. in ways that pollute water: applying it to A “typical” ton of chicken litter contains cropland that already contains too much 73 pounds of nitrogen, 63 pounds of phos- phosphorus. Since long before the devel- phorus, and 45 pounds of potassium.22 A opment of chemical fertilizers, manure has farmer who applies enough chicken litter been used to build soils and increase crop to ensure optimal levels of nitrogen for yields. Even with the advent of chemical a crop may end up applying nearly four fertilizer, manure retains an advantage as times as much phosphorus as needed.23 For a cheaper alternative. However, applica- example, applying enough chicken litter tion of such large volumes of manure as to meet the nitrogen needs of corn grown are produced on Maryland’s Eastern Shore for grain results in over-application of 78 has created extensive elevated phosphorus pounds of phosphorus per acre.24 (Table saturation levels of soil due primarily to the 2 shows over-application rates for several imbalance of fertilizer nutrients in litter. different crops.)

Table 2. Crop Needs Versus Nutrient Content of Litter25

Excess P, if litter is Nitrogen Phosphorus applied to Yield needed needed meet N needs Crop target (pounds/ acre) (pounds/ acre) (pounds/ acre)

Corn for grain 160 bushels/acre 160 60 78 Corn for silage 25 tons/acre 180 130 25 Spring barley 80 bushels/acre 65 50 6 Tall fescue 3 tons/acre 150 50 79 (initial planting)

10 An Unsustainable Path The second, more significant reason for Table 3. Amount of Poultry Litter that over-application of litter is that the region Exceeds the Phosphorus Needs of 27 generates huge amounts of chicken manure Crops and spreading it on fields is currently one of the few routes for disposing of it, since County Excess Poultry Litter (tons) the companies making the bulk of the profits from chicken production are not Caroline 60,500 adequately addressing their waste prob- Somerset 73,600 lem. Chicken production occurs in areas Wicomico 87,900 surrounded by cropland on which chicken Worcester 78,300 growers or other farmers raise corn, soy- Total 300,300 beans or other crops. Applying chicken manure to their own land or selling manure Note: Excess poultry litter is calculated as- to neighboring farms is the cheapest and suming dairy manure and non-meat poultry easiest way for chicken growers to dispose litter generated in the state is applied to of excess manure. cropland first, because those types of ma- Chicken production on Maryland’s nure are harder to store and transport than broiler litter. Eastern Shore generates far more phos- phorus in chicken litter than crops in the area can use. Poultry litter produced of excess poultry litter in just four counties. in Caroline County contains four times (See Table 3.) more phosphorus than crops in the county The excessive application of manure can use. Manure produced in Somerset has caused phosphorus levels to rise in soil County contains 8 times more than crops where manure has been applied as fertil- in that county need, and in Wicomico and izer year after year. Crops need a limited Worcester counties, the ratios are 4.5 and amount of phosphorus. Fertilizer or manure 6.5, respectively.26 This equals 300,300 tons applications that increase phosphorus above

Figure 3. Phosphorus Soil Test Results for Four Maryland Counties in 200230

90% 80% 70%

60% Phosphorus Below Excess P, 50% Optimum for Plant Growth if litter is Phosphorus Optimum for Nitrogen Phosphorus applied to 40% Yield needed needed meet N needs Crop Growth 30% target (pounds/ acre) (pounds/ acre) (pounds/ acre) Excessive Phosphorus Likely

Percentage of Soil Tests of Soil Percentage 20% to Pollute Water 10% 0% Caroline Somerset Wicomico Worcester

Poultry Production Is a Major Source of Phosphorus in the Bay 11 a certain level are unlikely to increase crop phosphorus than crops need. Soil test data yields (except to the extent they add needed from the University of Maryland’s Soil nitrogen) and merely add to the total load of Testing Laboratory in 2002 show that more phosphorus in the field. When soil phospho- than 60 percent of soil samples from four rus saturation crosses a threshold of roughly Maryland counties—where tens of millions 25 percent, the rate at which phosphorus of chickens are raised annually—have a dissolves in water increases rapidly.28 soil phosphorus saturation of 18 percent Much agricultural land on Maryland’s or greater.29 (See Figure 3.) More recent Eastern Shore has a high soil phosphorus data from the lab are not available because saturation level, containing far more it closed in 2003.

Two different calculation methods “both indicate an overwhelming surplus of [phosphorus] from manure and fertilizer in all of the counties evaluated.” – from a report on Mid-Atlantic phosphorus surpluses co-authored by Tom Simpson, former chair of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Nutrient Subcommittee

12 An Unsustainable Path Current Policies to Limit Phosphorus Pollution Are Inadequate

rom the 1950s through the 1980s, Furthermore, by allowing farmers to researchers believed that as long as spread more phosphorus on land than crops Fsoil didn’t erode, phosphorus that will remove, the rules allow phosphorus had been added to a field as fertilizer or levels to build up over time, increasing the manure remained in place. Scientists had odds that phosphorus from those fields may little understanding of how phosphorus pollute water in years to come. The current could dissolve in water and be transported rules do nothing to encourage a long-term by rain or melting snow into groundwater balance in the supply of and demand for or surface waters. Researchers now know phosphorus in the region—the key step that if phosphorus levels rise significantly that must be taken to protect the Chesa- above the amount needed by crops, the peake Bay from phosphorus pollution over phosphorus can move with runoff from the the long haul. soil. Unfortunately, the state’s standards that guide manure application on fields do not sufficiently take this into account. The standards fail to recognize all the ways that phosphorus can enter water and therefore do not adequately protect the health of Maryland’s Current the bay. Phosphorus Management While the most protective strategy would be to limit manure application to Guidelines those fields where crops need additional Maryland adopted its current standards phosphorus, Maryland’s policy is far weak- to control agricultural pollution with the er. It not only allows manure application in Water Quality Improvement Act of 1998. excess of the amount of phosphorus that Farmers must submit nutrient manage- crops need, but also allows application on ment plans to the Maryland Department fields that are highly saturated with phos- of Agriculture (MDA), specifying how phorus and where additional phosphorus much phosphorus and nitrogen will be may be lost to waterways. applied for each crop grown on their land.

Current Policies to Limit Phosphorus Pollution Are Inadequate 13 The detailed and technical plans must be of phosphorus loss from the field, then the developed by a certified consultant.31 farmer must limit phosphorus application Under the rules implementing the law to the amount that the crop is expected to since 2004, Maryland has required farmers remove that year. If the P-index estimates to periodically test soils for phosphorus that phosphorus loss will be very high, levels. (See Table 4 for an explanation of then no more phosphorus can be applied key phosphorus thresholds.) If soil tests to that land until the loss risk drops.34 The show that phosphorus levels are already risk can be lowered through changes in far above the level needed for optimal crop management practices such as using cover growth, then the farmer must consider how crops, changing crop rotation patterns, or site characteristics and management strate- planting vegetated buffer strips. gies will influence phosphorus loss.32 This On soils that have elevated levels of calculation of the risk that phosphorus will phosphorus but not so much phosphorus migrate into waterways from a particular that a P-index value must be calculated, field is known as the phosphorus site index farmers may use a nitrogen-based manage- (P-index). The site characteristics that ment strategy.35 the P-index draws upon include erosion rates, surface runoff, subsurface drainage, leaching potential, and the field’s proxim- ity to surface water. Relevant management strategies include the results of soil tests for phosphorus, what fertilizers will be used, Several Authorities Agree and how much fertilizer will be applied and that Maryland’s Current by what method. The combination of these factors in the Approach Is Flawed P-index model produces a number that is Leading regulatory and research authori- supposed to indicate the relative risk that ties agree that the principles underlying phosphorus applied to a particular field Maryland’s phosphorus management will end up in waterways. The field is then requirements have multiple shortcomings assigned a low, medium, high or very high that fail to protect the Chesapeake Bay. Pri- risk of phosphorus loss. If the P-index marily, the P-index allows excess manure produces results that suggest a high risk to be applied on fields already overloaded

Table 4. Key Phosphorus Thresholds33

Description of Phosphorus Level Relative Nutrient Availability (fertility index value) Phosphorus “low” relative to crop needs 0-25 Phosphorus “medium” relative to crop needs 26-50 Optimal phosphorus level for crop growth 51-100 Point at which phosphorus exceeds all possible crop needs 101 Threshold at which P-index must be used 150

Note: The Fertility Index Value (FIV) is a calculated value that allows for easier comparison of phosphorus test results from different soil labs, and therefore is the measure that the P-index is linked with.

14 An Unsustainable Path with phosphorus, exacerbating Maryland’s can result in additional phosphorus loads long term problem of phosphorus-laden in waterways. Researchers have measured farmland. significant phosphorus runoff from fields A key piece of evidence is that phospho- with medium risk ratings from the P- rus pollution of water is on the rise in some index.39 A major reason for this is that agriculturally dominated watersheds, de- the current P-index does not adequately spite the adoption of new standards nearly incorporate movement of phosphorus in 10 years ago to guide manure application subsurface water. in situations when soil phosphorus levels In place of the P-index, the EPA has ad- already are high. A recent analysis by the opted a recommendation that no phospho- U.S. Geological Survey of pollution trends rus be applied to soils with a phosphorus in the Choptank River, which drains parts saturation of 20 percent or greater. of Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties, shows that phosphorus levels have risen by an average of 1.9 per- The Designers of Maryland’s cent per year from 2000 to 2008.36 These P-index Acknowledge Its four counties are home to nearly half of Limitations Maryland’s chicken population and rela- The P-index is a national tool created to be tively few residential communities.37 tailored to local conditions. In Maryland, researchers at the University of Maryland adapted the P-index to be used for the U.S. EPA Rejects Use of the soils and topography common in the state. Current P-index Those researchers have been evaluating The U.S. Environmental Protection Agen- the performance of the P-index, and have cy (EPA) has concluded that the P-index discovered that the current P-index un- is not a suitable tool to guide phosphorus derestimates the potential for phosphorus application to federally managed land. movement into streams and the bay. In After studying the shortcomings of the addition, research conducted during the P-index as used in Maryland and other initial development of the P-index suggests states in the Chesapeake Bay region, the that phosphorus can leach from some fields EPA has changed its management strategy that appear to be low risk. for federally managed land in the Mid-At- lantic. In a guidance document to managers Underestimating Phosphorus of federal property in the Chesapeake Bay Movement watershed, the EPA wrote: “EPA believes Phosphorus can be transported from a that the P-index at this time is significantly field through three pathways, and the risk flawed and that its use in many cases is of that transport increases when too much likely to result in significant over-applica- phosphorus-laden manure is applied to tions of P to cropland and result in P-laden fields. Phosphorus can bind with soil and runoff to the Chesapeake Bay.” Without be carried off a field with eroding soil; it revisions to the P-index, the agency con- can dissolve in surface water and wash off tinued, “EPA believes that it would be the field; or it can dissolve in groundwater inappropriate to base its recommendations and leach out through subsurface pathways. for protection of the Chesapeake Bay on Though subsurface movement of phospho- the P-index approach.”38 rus is widespread on the Eastern Shore, the The problem is that, despite the elabo- current P-index greatly underestimates rate calculations of the P-index, manure that transport potential.40 applied in compliance with the P-index A 2007 study conducted in Somerset

Current Policies to Limit Phosphorus Pollution Are Inadequate 15 County revealed that huge volumes of by the index should be responsive to this.43 phosphorus can escape from land that has The current P-index is not very sensitive been treated with poultry litter for more to this source of phosphorus. A field with a than two decades and that is now saturated high risk of subsurface phosphorus trans- with phosphorus. Researchers measured port will not necessarily earn a high-risk phosphorus in soil and in runoff from a result from the P-index. As a result, farm- research farm owned by the University of ers are allowed to apply manure to fields Maryland Eastern Shore.41 The farm was a that have a high risk of releasing the newly commercial broiler facility until 1997 with added phosphorus into the bay. three broiler houses and a covered litter A revised P-index is in development that storage space. Soil phosphorus levels were may help address this shortcoming. more than twice the P-index triggering threshold. Ignoring the Problem Created by The research fields, like many on Fields Below the P-Index Threshold Maryland’s Eastern Shore, have an exten- Another problem with Maryland’s cur- sive system of drainage ditches carrying rent phosphorus management rules is water into nearby rivers. That water carries that fields with phosphorus levels below heavy loads of phosphorus. Water in the the P-index threshold—fields which are seven ditches that drained the study area therefore presumed to be safe for the ap- contained 26 to 309 times more phospho- plication of manure—can also be a source rus than the lowest level at which excess of pollution. If a simple soil test reveals that nutrients cause water pollution and deplete phosphorus levels are below a threshold dissolved oxygen.42 level (see Table 4 on p. 14), the farmer is The developers of the P-index now rec- not required to calculate a P-index value ognize that 90 percent of the phosphorus for the land before spreading manure, even in drainage ditches comes from subsurface if the phosphorus level is still well above runoff and that the risk ratings produced that needed to sustain crops. Some of these

Figure 4. Fields with Moderate Phosphorus Levels Can Present a High Risk of Pollution45

90% 80% 70% 60% Low phosphorus loss risk 50% 40% Medium phosphorus loss 30% risk Percent of of Fields Percent 20% High or very high phosphorus loss risk 10% 0% Fields below P-index Fields above P-index threshold threshold

16 An Unsustainable Path fields, however, still pose a risk of releasing phosphorus levels both below and above significant amounts of phosphorus into the P-index threshold. For fields above the nearby waterways. threshold, 21 percent (61 fields) had a high Scientists who helped develop the P-in- or very high phosphorus loss risk as calcu- dex for use in Maryland calculated P-index lated by the P-index. However, a number scores for sample fields across the state. of fields with phosphorus levels below the They included a total of 646 fields with soil P-index threshold still had a high or very

Do Farmers Comply with Nutrient Management Guidelines?

aryland’s poorly designed P-index may not be the only reason why phosphorus Mcontinues to move from agricultural land into the Chesapeake Bay. Lack of com- pliance with nutrient management guidelines may be another cause of the problem. Because clear data are not available on how closely farmers adhere to the guidelines, however, it is impossible to assess the scope of this problem. Different data sources suggest different levels of compliance. A U.S. Department of Agriculture survey showed that farmers in the Chesapeake Bay region followed good management practices on just 17 percent of cropland to which phosphorus was applied from 2003 to 2006.46 The USDA defined good man- agement according to the rate, timing and method by which fertilizer or manure was applied. (The USDA did not rely on soil phosphorus tests to determine if farmers were using good management practices.) Within Maryland, data from the Maryland Department of Agriculture suggest somewhat better performance, at least in terms of submitting required paperwork. Of the nearly 6,000 farms for which nutrient management plans need to be submitted, MDA had received documents for 99.8 percent by the end of 2009.47 However, MDA did not provide any assessment of the quality of the plans included in those docu- ments or how well farmers implemented their plans. Farmers also need to provide annual reports to MDA demonstrating compliance with their nutrient management plans. As of the end of 2009, MDA had received 99 percent of the expected annual reports. As with the nutrient management plans, there are no data on the quality of those reports. The results of farm inspections suggest that plans may be out of date or ignored. MDA performed 400 in-person inspections of farms in 2009 to verify that farmers’ records and receipts matched what they had promised to do in their nutrient manage- ment plans.48 Of the inspected farms, 25 percent had out-of-date plans and another six percent of farmers refused to allow the inspection or had such disorganized and incomplete records that an inspection wasn’t possible. A more precise assessment of compliance with nutrient management requirements is not possible because of the lack of data. Nutrient management plans, annual imple- mentation reports, and soil test results are not available for public inspection. As a result, there is little data available on whether farmers have implemented agricultural practices that comply with the letter and the spirit of the law.

Current Policies to Limit Phosphorus Pollution Are Inadequate 17 high risk of creating phosphorus pollution. to release phosphorus when additional The researchers calculated that 7 percent manure is applied; it is not designed to (25 fields) of those that are considered to ensure that soil phosphorus saturation be lower phosphorus fields according to drops to safe levels. The SERA-17 scien- the current P-index had a high or very high tists acknowledge that shuffling manure runoff risk.44 from high-risk locations to low-risk loca- As a result, even farmers who apply tions is a short-term solution and that “for manure guided by soil test results and in long-term sustainability, applications of compliance with nutrient management [phosphorus] must approach a balance with plans may be adding phosphorus to crop- crop removal.”49 land that will end up polluting the bay. Maryland is not close to that balance. Chicken growers in the state generate more phosphorus in manure than needed The Creators of the National by crops in Maryland. As a result, excess P-index Model Recognize It Does manure applied to fields causes phosphorus Not Provide a Long-Term Solution saturation levels in soil to rise, increasing In the early 1990s, the U.S. Department the acreage that may release phosphorus of Agriculture created SERA-17, a group into the bay. For the long-term health of of research scientists, policy makers and the Chesapeake Bay, phosphorus levels educators from various public and private in soil need to return to the point where institutions. The purpose of the group is to phosphorus will not escape from fields. review options for minimizing phosphorus The researchers continue their warning pollution of waterways from agricultural about the limitations of the P-index by activities. A recent SERA-17 paper empha- saying that “in areas of intensive animal sizes that the P-index is not a long-term production, the long term goal must be to solution for the problem of preventing match manure [phosphorus] production excessive manure application from damag- with local crop [phosphorus] requirements, ing water quality. or to find alternative uses for the manures The P-index is designed to identify outside the farm boundary.”50 This is the which fields that are already highly satu- challenge that Maryland must address. rated with phosphorus are the least likely

18 An Unsustainable Path Policy Recommendations

ndustrial chicken production in Mary- policy makers should take the following land and surrounding states has taken a steps to phase in such a standard: Itoll on the health of the Chesapeake Bay. The millions of pounds of chicken litter • First, lower the phosphorus threshold produced by this industry add significant that determines when farmers should amounts of phosphorus pollution to the use the P-index. Significant nutrient streams and rivers that end up in the bay. loss can occur when manure is applied Solving the problem of phosphorus pol- to soils where phosphorus levels are lution from manure in the Chesapeake below the current P-index threshold Bay will require multiple changes within but still above the level needed by Maryland and the bay’s watershed. crops. At the same time, the state should prohibit application of phos- First, Maryland should end applica- phorus to soils with a phosphorus tions of chicken litter that are likely to saturation of 25 percent or greater, pollute the bay. The P-index does not eliminating manure application on adequately protect against over-application soils most over-loaded with phospho- of manure and phosphorus that pollutes the rus. bay. By design, it is intended for use when phosphorus saturation levels are already • For the next phase, the phosphorus too high and to avoid fertilizer application saturation percentage above which only on land with the highest relative risk manure application is prohibited of polluting streams and the bay. In the should be lowered. Maryland should decade-plus that the P-index has been in prohibit application of phosphorus to use, phosphorus levels in bay tributaries soils with a phosphorus saturation of have continued to rise.51 20 percent or greater. This is the stan- Maryland should adopt a more protective dard that EPA has adopted for man- standard that would prohibit spreading agement of federal lands in the bay manure on soils that already contain enough watershed. At the same time, it is pos- phosphorus for crop needs. Maryland sible that the state’s revised P-index in

Policy Recommendations 19 development may better account for fertilizer pellets that are easier to transport subsurface phosphorus movement. out of the region. Currently, Perdue’s Agri- Recycle facility dries and processes chicken These steps should help Maryland reach litter into pelletized organic fertilizer. The the point where it can prohibit manure ap- company pays to truck manure from farms plication on fields where phosphorus soil tests to its Sussex County, Delaware, facility. show levels above agronomic need. Perdue estimates that half of the pelletized To ensure that farmers are complying fertilizer is sold to areas outside the Chesa- with these new standards, more informa- peake Bay watershed, thereby lessening tion needs to be available on compliance. nutrient pollution risks for the bay.52 Data on soil test results need to be made Perdue’s AgriRecycle facility has pro- available to those who monitor water qual- cessed 750,000 tons of poultry litter in the ity plans and to the public to ensure that past decade.53 That’s just a fraction of the there is genuine progress toward reducing total manure produced on the Delmarva the flow of nutrients into the bay. Peninsula in that time. As land application Second, the volume of phosphorus of manure is restricted to limit phospho- in manure that needs to be disposed rus pollution, demand for pelletizing may of through land application must be increase. Increasing the plant’s capacity brought into balance with the amount could reduce the amount of manure farm- of nutrients that crops need. So long ers need to spread on their fields and po- as manure applied to fields contains more tentially move the manure out of the bay phosphorus than crops can remove, phos- watershed. phorus levels in soil will continue to rise, Expanding the Maryland Department of adding to the bay’s pollution problems. Agriculture’s Manure Transport Program One alternative to spreading manure on also would help to move chicken manure farmland is to process more manure into away from the most phosphorus-laden soils.

Figure 5. Manure Moved Through the Manure Transport Program Versus Total Chicken Litter Production55



400,000 Manure transported by 300,000 year Manure produced in 2007

Manure (tons) Manure 200,000


0 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Fiscal Year

20 An Unsustainable Path The transport program moves thousands Any alternative plan for disposing of of tons of manure out of high impact areas chicken manure should require verti- to farmland with lower soil phosphorus cally integrated poultry producers such saturation levels.54 (See Figure 5.) The as Perdue, Tyson and Mountaire to take program moves only a fraction of the total responsibility for the pollution that their amount of manure produced. activities produce. Perdue, for example, In 2009, the program moved more than provides chickens and feed to growers who 5,000 tons of manure out of Caroline raise the birds in buildings constructed to County, equal to four percent of the excess Perdue’s standards.57 Veterinary care and manure in the county that wasn’t needed oversight is provided by Perdue staff. Perdue for optimal crop growth.56 The program workers collect the birds for slaughter in moved a higher percentage of manure in Perdue-owned facilities. Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester coun- The only part of the process for which ties (19, 26 and 18 percent, respectively). Perdue claims little control or responsibility However, the remaining volume of excess is dealing with the litter in chicken houses. manure in those counties was many times That is left to Perdue’s 2,200 individual what local crops needed. The Manure contract growers.58 Meanwhile, Perdue has Transport Program does not necessarily annual sales of $4.6 billion that make it the move nutrients out of the bay watershed, third largest producer of chickens in the but it can move manure to areas where it nation.59 Companies like Perdue have the is less likely to affect the bay. Expanding resources to help deal with the problem of the transport program, with funding from excess manure and nutrients that pollute industrial agriculture companies, would the bay, and they should be required to help ease the transition toward a tighter play a lead role in addressing this pollution standard governing manure application. problem and financing solutions to it.

Policy Recommendations 21 Notes

1 Chesapeake Bay Program, Bay FAQ, Executive Order 13508, 24 November 2009. downloaded from, 19 May 2011. 8 Maryland BayStat, Causes of the Problem, downloaded from www.baystat.maryland. 2 Chesapeake Bay Program, Dissolved gov/sources2.html, 29 July 2011. Oxygen (June-September, 2007-2009), downloaded from, 9 See note 7. 2 September 2010. 10 See note 8. 3 Darryl Fears, “Alarming ‘Dead Zone’ 11 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grows in the Chesapeake,” Washington Poultry—Production and Value, 2010 Post, 24 July 2011; and Donald Scavia and Summary, April 2011. Mary Anne Evans, University of Michigan, Chesapeake Bay Hypoxic Volume Forecasts and 12 Delmarva Poultry Industry, Look What Results, 1 July 2011. the Poultry Industry Is Doing for Delmarva: 2010 Facts About Delmarva’s Broiler 4 See note 2. Chicken Industry, downloaded from www. 5 Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Bay, 12 May 2011. Grasses Up, But Below Goal, 28 April 2010. 13 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2007 6 Chesapeake Bay Program, Maryland Census of Agriculture, December 2009. Receives Federal Aid to Help Blue Crab 14 Pew Environment Group, Big Chicken: Industry, January 2009; and National Pollution and Industrial Poultry Production in Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, America, July 2011. NOAA Approves $10 Million Disaster Assistance Grant for Virginia Watermen, 19 15 Arsenic: Bette Hilleman, “Arsenic May 2009. in Chicken Production,” Chemical and Engineering News, 9 April 2007. 7 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, The Next Generation of Tools and Actions to 16 Chicken count: U.S. Department of Restore Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay: Agriculture, 2007 Census of Agriculture, A Revised Report Fulfilling Section 202a of December 2009. Manure estimate assumes

22 An Unsustainable Path 455 chickens per animal unit and 21 levels of phosphorus, the excess phosphorus pounds of manure per animal unit per after litter application will be greater. day, according to Caitlin Kovzelove, Tom Simpson, and Ron Korcak, Water 25 Ibid. Stewardship, Quantification and Implications 26 See note 21. of Surplus Phosphorus and Manure and Major Animal Production Regions of Maryland, 27 Ibid. Pennsylvania and Virginia, February 2010. 28 Jennifer Butler and Frank Coale, 17 Ibid. “Phosphorus Leaching in Manure- Amended Atlantic Coastal Plain Soils,” 18 See note 13. Manure production Journal of Environmental Quality, 34: 370- from 190,000 cattle converted to manure 381, 2005. production from chickens assuming one cow is the same as 200 five-pound chickens, 29 See note 21. per Maryland Department of Agriculture, 30 Ibid. Animal Unit Equivalencies, downloaded from 31 Maryland Department of Agriculture, conservation/nutrient_management/ Maryland Nutrient Management Program: manual/animal_unit_equivalencies.php, 3 2009 Annual Report, no date. August 2011. 32 Maryland Department of Agriculture, 19 Zachary Sugg, World Resources Phosphorus Site Index, downloaded Institute, Assessing U.S. Farm Drainage: Can from GIS Lead to Better Estimates of Subsurface conservation/nutrient_management/ Drainage Extent? August 2007. manual/phosphorus_index.php, 18 May 2011. 20 Ian Urbina, “In Maryland, Focus on Poultry Industry Pollution,” New York 33 Frank Coale, University of Maryland Times, 28 November 2008. Extension, Soil Fertility Management: Agronomic Crop Nutrient Recommendations 21 Caitlin Kovzelove, Tom Simpson, Based on Soil Tests and Yield Goals, revised and Ron Korcak, Water Stewardship, April 2010. Quantification and Implications of Surplus Phosphorus and Manure and Major Animal 34 Frank Coale, University of Maryland Production Regions of Maryland, Pennsylvania Extension, Soil Fertility Management: The and Virginia, February 2010. Maryland Phosphorus Site Index Technical Users Guide, March 2008. 22 Penn State, Agronomy Guide, 2011-2012 edition. Phosphorus is P2O5 and potassium 35 Frank Coale, et al., “Accelerated is K2O. Deployment of an Agricultural Nutrient Management Tool: The Maryland 23 See note 21. Phosphorus Site Index,” Journal of 24 Fertilizer recommendations from Environmental Quality 31:1471-1475, 2002. Penn State, Agricultural Analytical 36 Robert Hirsch, et al., “Weighted Services Lab, Soil Test Recommendations for Regressions on Time, Discharge and Agronomic Crops, downloaded from www. Season (WRTDS), with an Application, 2 June to Chesapeake Bay River Inputs,” Journal 2011. Target yields are the middle of the of the American Water Resources Association range shown for each crop in the Soil Test 46:5 857-880, 7 September 2010, doi: Recommendations. Excess P assumes that a 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00482.x. soil test currently shows phosphorus levels are 30 ppm, which is the low end of the 37 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2007 optimum range. If soils contain higher Census of Agriculture, December 2009.

Notes 23 38 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 52 Carol Kinsley, “Perdue Marks 10th Year Guidance for Federal Land Management in of Recycling Plant,” The Delmarva Farmer, the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Response to downloaded from, Comments, 12 May 2010. 19 May 2011. 39 See note 21. 53 Ibid. 40 Joshua McGrath and Frank Coale, 54 Volume of manure transported from University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Proposed Revision to the Maryland Phosphorus Maryland Agricultural Water Quality Cost- Site Index, Draft, 28 February 2010. Share Program Annual Report 2009, no date. 2007 manure production calculated by 41 Peter Kleinman, et al., “Dynamics multiplying the 2007 chicken population of Phosphorus Transfers from Heavily by manure per animal. Chicken count: Manured Coastal Plain Soils to Drainage U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2007 Ditches,” Journal of Soil and Water Census of Agriculture, December 2009. Conservation, 64: 3 225-235, July/August Manure estimate assumes 455 chickens 2007. per animal unit and 21 pounds of manure 42 Ibid. per animal unit per day, according to Caitlin Kovzelove, Tom Simpson, and Ron 43 See note 40. Korcak, Water Stewardship, Quantification 44 See note 35. and Implications of Surplus Phosphorus and Manure and Major Animal Production 45 Ibid. Regions of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia, February 2010. 46 United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources 55 Ibid. Conservation Service, Assessment of the Effects of Conservation Practices on Cultivated 56 See note 21. Cropland in the Chesapeake Bay Region, 57 Perdue, Statement on Poultry House February 2011. Contracts, downloaded from www.perdue. 47 See note 31. com/company/news/media_resources/ statement.html?id=21, 19 May 2011. 48 Ibid. 58 2,200: Perdue, Statement on Poultry 49 R.O. Maquire, et al., SERA-17: House Contracts, downloaded from www. Organization to Minimize Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture, Phosphorus resources/statement.html?id=21, 19 May Indices to Predict Risk for Phosphorus Losses, 2011. downloaded from, 17 May 2011. 59 Perdue, About Us, downloaded from www., 28 50 Ibid. October 2010. 51 See note 36.

24 An Unsustainable Path