Ellsworth American : December 1, 1920
The Thursday club will meet this LOCAL AFFAIRS week with Mrs. C, It. Burrill. Liberty National Bank The Ellsworth festival chorus will meet to-morrow with NEW evening Mrs. OF ELLSWORTH ADVERTISEMENTS. Allon P. Royal. Mrs. Kate Burnham leaves J. A. Haynes. Doyle to-morrow for where she M. L. Adams. Portland, will spend the winter. > YOUR Legal Notices. BUSINESS—and the Banks Mrs. Alma U STATE OF MAINE Dirlgo theatre. R. Whittemore and her [J ‘ niece, Miss Elizabeth other Union Trust Co. Silsby, returned ness™ bus'lLes"' to The1 bank"handles other O. W. Tapley Co. to-day Cambridge, Mass., for the people s moneypeoples valuables, winter. 5 1-2 Per Cent. Soldier’s documents, securities notes Central Maine Power Co. Coupon drafts, etc., and in numerous ways represents' nthpr Classified Advertisements. James W. Porter of people advises as to credit and Reading, investment Miss who has tion, gives advice and informa- Elizabeth Googins, nurse. Mass., been the guest of Bonus Fund Bonds help when financial trouble,, S. n ^ Williams’ Lunch Room, Bluehill Harry Parker, has returned to Bos- Th'8 18 Wby a ban* lu°te'yrreHnableSO "*«■» be abso! ton university. Dated Dec. 1, 1920. Maturing Dec. 1, 1921-1930. The young of the That absolute reliability is the aim of people Unitarian the Liberty Na- SCHEDULE OF MAILS. society will meet at the home of Mr. ~ -* evlde°c®d by the personnel of its DENOMINATION, $1,000. I U°n^ u h6?,1 manage- and Mrs. Martin L. Adams men‘—1lt» of directors and Ellsworth this eve- officers—and by the Postofflce.
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