Perft*Rinte Report.. ,,:-,4, ': .-: INSTITUTION: Greeailocd,Flunicipi .Separate;Schooldietrict,- °
! BD 160 800 . 08: .-" 4,1:%14. In 017 .738 -7.- . , 's . J 4 TITLE -Greenwoze:Care4r Education.Prdject.,-Pinal Project Perft*Rinte Report.. ,,:-,4, ': .-: INSTITUTION: Greeailocd,fluniciPI .Separate;SchoolDietrict,- ° . e SPON§ AGENCY OfNCeofr4reerldticatiqmiDMEN/CEf,'Washington, BUREAU NO SAN-52001343 , PUB DATE' 30. Jun 76i: . GRANT G0075-02317 , NOTE' 135p.; For relafed-dodumehts kee-,CE017 739, ED. 114 586, and,ED 120 411; The!thiO4-PartY evaluation: report, due to being'printe4 on,.t2,4e paper, -and the photographs throughout will' not. reproduce well 4 Eguis PRICE AF-$0.83HC -67.35 PlusPotaat.-,' 'DESCRIPTORS *.Career. Awareness; *Career:4014ication;Xareer Exploration; Career Planning'; *Curti-Cul , .Development;ElementarySecondary!:E0u7C i a; Imployer Attitudes;'Fusedi,Curcicillum; *Inservided0 acher Education;Job'PlaCement4c...parent.AttJAu eS; program Administration; Pfogram DesptiOdons;.*PrOgrair Evaluation; Proltai Iorproiementl *iiesoutceCenters;. Student:Attitudes; Surveys; leacher'Attliudesli9rk Attitudes . IDENTIFIERS Alississippi.(Treenwood); Public Law 93 180 , . ABSTRACT The. Greenwood (Mississippi) pareet-EduCation PrOject was conducted to meet the following"objectives:(1),, to employ career staff ,and establish the'administrative Structure of the project;(2)," to cdnduct-:inservice workshops with faCulty members for the purpOse;of acquainting them with pkoject objectives alad their responsibilities;. (3) to expand and improve a career-cenfered. education,pxoqramasanintegral partofthecurriculum for grades. 1-8 using a central career education resource center; (*) to develop and implement a career centered educational program asan,integral part of 'the curriculum for ga s 9-12;'(5) tbdeVelop.a'career education resource center, for grades 9-12;(6) to develop career curriculum' guides for grades -12; and,(7) to provide .continuous evaluation of the project.
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