FEBRUARY/MARCH 2013 Issue No: 1

Ways meet at Tivetshall level crossing The Bells! The Bells! Here in South Norfolk we are lucky to have 47 On Tuesday 5th February All Saints’ Church, ringing towers and Cock Crow readers will find Shelfanger is host to a visit by ringers from 6 of them in our own area. Blofield who will attempt a quarter peal from Occasionally, a group of ringers get together to 10–10.45am. celebrate a special event or to demonstrate their Each Tower captain in the Cock Crow area particular skills in ringing a peal or a quarter is proud of their bells and their band of ringers. peal. These are demanding activities, but are They welcome enquiries from people wanting also great fun. to know more. On December 15th a successful peal was I was taught to ring at Winfarthing and Shel- rung to celebrate the centenary of the first peal fanger by Clem Le Grys. It was hard work, but rung at St Mary’s Church, Winfarthing on 6 it is great fun and good exercise. Why not try it bells, October 5th 1912. The ringers were from yourself? St Peter Mancroft Church in Norwich. The peal Contact the Tower Captains as below: consisted of 5040 changes and was completed in Winfarthing Clem Le Grys 01953 860301 2hours and 35 minutes. Shelfanger Roger Challoner 01379 642286 The ringers names are: Treble David Cubbitt Bressingham Ted Curson 01379 688186 2nd Faith J Pearce South Lopham Peter Reeder (Enquiries to 3rd Simon J T Smith Ted Curson) 4th Neil M Brown 5th Peter J Sawyer North Lopham Richard Vere (Enquiries to 6th Richard Carter (Conductor) Ted Curson) We thank them for their time and effort in Gissing Gissing Clangers (Fiona completing the peal. Turton 01379 677811)

An Evening with Ray Hubbard 6 Borderhoppa News & Outings 2 Diocesan Course ‘My Place’ 34 Other items Diss Library News 2 the Editors think Lophams Society Quiz Night 32 you might like to know about Red Feather Club/95th Bomb Group 16 � Redgrave & Lopham Fen Events 27 Tivetshall Quiz Night 14

1 Diss Winfarthing Group Rector writes… Library Borderhoppa News 2012 was a busy year for Borderhoppa. We What Love! became a flexibly routed service, meaning that National Libraries Day on Saturday 9th Febru- anyone can now use our service and Norfolk ary is a nationwide day to celebrate libraries and County Council joined Suffolk County Council give them a metaphorical Big Hug! It is also the in allowing use of concessionary passes after grand finale of our annual Join Up campaign. We live in a society that easily talks about love and about being in love. I have 9.30am. The result, an increase in passenger Your library is open Saturdays 9am–1pm and numbers and many new faces on to our buses. we still have some vouchers for a free talking always found it difficult to describe my feelings, especially when in public and We’ve continued to run regular, Monday, book loan (cd or cassette) to use in February, often when other people are around. I am not a ‘Mills and Boon’ sort of person, members-only outings to a wide variety of desti- and a free reservation to use in March. as I am more pragmatic and cannot stand the fluffy pink image presented in most nations. Membership is free; you just pay for the Reading is the ideal occupation for cold winter of our films. If I said to my father ‘I love you’, he would not know what to do or outings. nights; if you need ideas for something new how to react. The only time I kissed him was when he was pronounced dead in Our ‘new bus club’, a lottery open to all, is to read come and browse our displays in the hospital, because he could do nothing about it; more importantly I knew that I helping to raise funds for a much needed new library or log on to our book review blog at was loved. I am fortunate as other people have a different experience. bus whilst giving people a chance to win a share http://norfolklibrarybookreviewblog.wordpress. of the funds each month and is proving very com You can borrow dvds, magazines and Of four Greek words for love, AGAPE is one and it has a particular meaning and popular. The first draw, in December, saw prizes books including large print, or on cassette or function. It is used in the New Testament to speak of God’s love for us and the of £57.50, 2 x £23 and £11.50 being won. Entry cd from your library, or if you can’t get to the considerable cost of God’s love for us. At Easter we remember the death and is just £2 per number. library you can go to the library website www. and download a selection resurrection of Jesus Christ, but do we consider the cost of God giving his only December was a very busy month. Lots of of books onto your ereader, or audio books onto Son to be humiliated, tortured, abandoned, forsaken and rejected? The bible is private groups hired buses for days, evenings a portable player, from your own home PC. quite graphic in its detail of the crushing pain of hanging on a cross, of the and at weekends to get to their Christmas functions. We also ran lots of extra trips for In March we will run a promotion highlight- injuries sustained and the constant taunts and sufferings endured. What an act Christmas shopping. ing books that have been made into films. With of love on the part of Jesus Christ to volunteer for such horrific and horrendous film adaptations of The Hobbit, Jack Reacher and treatment knowing that he was doing his Father’s work! The technical term is If you would like to book a journey for shopping, The Life of Pi now doing the rounds, our Great doctors, hairdressers etc, to become a member ‘vicarious penal substitution’. Jesus could have walked away from the cross and all Big Read Goes To the Movies theme will also that was about to happen to him, but in the Garden of Gethsemane just before his and enjoy our outings, to book a place on an feature some lesser-known or older adaptations. outing, to hire one of our buses or to take part If you have never read Truman Capote’s original arrest and trial he says ‘Let this cup slip from me, but neither the less thy will be in our monthly bus lottery, then please call: Breakfast at Tiffany’s you may be surprised at done’. On the cross just before he dies he prays for us saying ‘Father forgive them 01379 854800 between 8.30am–5pm Mon–Fri. how the movie captured the spirit of the book for they know not what they do’. We would like to wish all our passengers a while completely changing the story! We also healthy and happy 2013. expect to run a Books to Film quiz which will Such love Jesus has for us in that He knows the worst of each one of us and Outings coming up: interest film buffs and bookworms alike. accepts the cross voluntarily so that we have the opportunity to find true life in Mon 4th Feb: Pulham Garden Centre and lunch For more information on all our events and Him, life in all its fullness. The question is, do we ask him to take over every single At Half Moon, Rushall £10, lunch extra services visit:, or aspect of our life and live in and for Him, or not? call Diss library on 01379 642609 Mon 18th Feb: Cambridge £18.50 Pax et Bonum. Opening hours Mon 4th March: Bury St Edmunds £12 Monday, Thursday, Friday: 9am–5pm Rev David F Mills Mon 18th March: Stowmarket and lunch at The Tuesday, Saturday: 9am–1pm Black Horse, Thorndon £12, lunch extra Wednesday: 9am–1pm; 2–7.30pm

2 3 Mary’s continue to be available for sale in the church An Evening with Burston news Gissing news and can also be purchased from the Gissing Crown. Anyone who is interested to find out more about Ray Hubbard the Friends and how they could help, can either take Friday 22nd February 7.30pm St George’s Church, Shimpling an information leaflet and membership form which The Old School, Gissing The programme of events to be held at St George’s St Mary’s Church can be found in the church itself on the card sale Ploughmans Supper with guest speaker and Church, Shimpling, during 2013 has been an- stand or, if you would like to discuss this in person, entertainer, Ray Hubbard giving an insight into nounced. It is one of over 340 churches in the care of Friends of Gissing Church do contact Fiona Turton on 01379 677811. Here’s to his amazing life and work with Suffolk Horses the Churches Conservation Trust. As you know the Friends rely solely on donations, the coming of Spring! followed by Norfolk Dialect songs and stories St George’s Church is one of 170 round tower membership and regular giving to maintain and £6 per ticket, bring your own wine churches which survive more or less intact in Eng- preserve the fabric of the church and churchyard. We Heart of Gissing Booking essential as tickets limited land. Nearly three-quarters of them are in Norfolk would like to take this opportunity to thank all those The Heart of Gissing is a charity made up of local Please contact Kelly on 01379 674511 – and Suffolk has almost all of the rest. This ‘Nor- people, during a busy and enjoyable autumn, who people with an interest in securing the future and the folk and Suffolk Speciality’ is to be the subject of an joined the Friends and/or supported the Friends in regeneration of the centre of Gissing including the Groups running at present include: illustrated talk by the Chairman of the Round Tower the various events which ran in the autumn. proposed refurbishment and extension of the Old Churches Society, Stuart Bowell, at the church, on These events included the ‘Afternoon Tea and School building and site. The Trustees are keen to Gissing Children’s Centre (Pre-School and Play- Saturday 14th September at 7pm. Christmas Shopping Opportunity’, which raised develop the potential of the site as a meeting place scheme) Linda Nash on 01379 677300 (9am to 3pm The Patronal Festival of the Church will be cel- over £200, the St Nicholas Fayre which, through the for local organisations, community and interest during term time) or 07796 204367 out of hours or ebrated with a Service of Evening Prayer on St sale of produce, cards and pottery, along with some groups of all ages and as a venue for small scale ‘one email to [email protected] . George’s Day, Tuesday 23rd April, at 4pm, with donations, raised just over £500, and another £200 off’ events of social, cultural and educational kinds. wine and nibbles available from 3.15pm. was raised from the ’Tractor Run’ in November. The They see it as one of their main roles to promote and Gissing Baby and Toddler Group Gissing Village An informal ‘At Home’ evening is planned for Friends were very happy to share the donations with foster such ‘sharing’ activities. The Heart of Gissing Hall, Rectory Road, Gissing every Monday from Saturday 15th June – when, between 7 and 9pm The Greyhound Rescue which also benefited from very much works with Gissing Children’s Centre 9.30–11.30am. All parents, carers and their children and over a glass of wine, there will be an opportu- another £200 raised from the Run. This was a fan- who is, and will remain, the primary user of the site. (under school age) are welcome to come and have a nity to meet with representatives of the Churches tastic result from a lovely sunny, if rather crisp day. Fundraising events are organised jointly to max- chat while the children have fun. The group includes Conservation Trust and the Rector, the Revd James From the generosity of all those who gave their imise effort and ensure the sustainability of both a designated safe ‘baby area’. For information about Roskelly. support, the Friends have been able to cover the ma- groups. If you are interested in becoming a member, the group, contact Vicky: 01379 674437 or 07946 The annual Carols by Candlelight Service is jor costs for maintaining the church, which fell due please contact Linda Nash on 01379 677300 or email 212779 or email [email protected]. scheduled for Thursday 19th December at 7pm. at Christmas, including the annual insurance and [email protected] for a membership St George’s Church will also continue to host a grounds maintenance bills. We also will have funds form and/or further details. Please visit the new Gissing Youth Club for 8–13 year olds, every Tues- number of Open Days throughout the year when, to cover the cost of the annual service for the church website at for up to date day 6.30–8pm (winter times) during term time at after lunch, there will be someone on hand to share organ which we were not able to do last year. information about groups, events and what is hap- Gissing Children’s Centre. Anyone interested in some of the stories the building, and people asso- Some hardy Friends were on hand to ring the bells pening in the centre of the village. helping or who has ideas or skills to share, please ciated with it, have to tell. The first of these is on of St Mary the Virgin to welcome in 2013 on Old With many thanks to all those people who helped contact Bernie on 07796 545929 or 01379 677254 or Easter Day, March 31st, between 11am and 4pm. Year’s Night fortified with, I understand, the odd to make the St Nicholas Fayre on the early evening email at [email protected]. The Church will again be participating in the annual glass of whisky – to keep warm, of course! of Saturday 1st December, such a success. The event national Heritage Open Days and will be open on The Friends are now planning for their AGM was very well attended and proved to be as magical Gissing Reading Group meets on the second 14th and 15th September between 10am and 5pm. which, as was the case last year, will be held in the as ever with music, lights and the buzz of Christ- Wednesday of each month at 8pm at the Old School. Maurice Philpot 07817 108239 maurice.philpot@ spring – possibly late March or April; a date will be mas. Forthcoming fundraising events include: Forthcoming books include: February 2013 – The agreed soon, so watch this space. The meeting will An Evening with Ray Hubbard on Friday 22nd Master and Margharita by N. Bulgakov. For fur- review progress over the previous year and provide February, see panel. ther information about the group, please contact Jim an opportunity for those who attend to contribute Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Good Friday 29th Philip on 01379 677352 or just come along. views on how the Friends can continue to preserve March starting times from The Old School (Giss- and maintain the church and church grounds. All ing Children’s Centre) between 10.30 and 11.30am. Gissing Gardening Group Generally meets on the members of the Friends will receive an invitation to Includes plenty of other Easter activities and enter- third Wednesday evening of the month at the Old attend and refreshments will be available. tainment for young children and with food and re- School. For enquiries about the group, contact Joe Cards showing views of the village and of St freshments available. Cromley on 01379 677817.

4 5 Gissing Singers meet every Monday at 7.30pm in Gissing Bowls Club contact Kevin Lake on 01379 short evening services of meditation and study at Gissing Village Hall. Further information available 677525. Shelfanger news 7.30pm on 25th, 26th and 27th March, together with from Andrew Pierssené on 01379 674518. a lively, short, interactive service for the whole fam- Bookings to use Gissing Village Hall contact Helen ily at 10am on Good Friday. Easter Day communion Pilates every Wednesday evening at the Children’s Vallier on 07712 171187. is at 8am. Centre (the Old School). Call Sharon Calton on All Saints’ Church On Wednesday 27th March, All Saints’ school 07979 411644 or email at [email protected] Bookings to use Gissing Children’s Centre contact will be holding their end of term service at 10.15am for further details. Linda Nash on 01379 677300 (9am–3pm Mon –Fri What an all-action time it has been at All Saints’ in all Saints’ church. A real treat for us! during term time) or 07796 204367 out of hours. over the Christmas period! The Hegarty School of Dance ballet, tap, street Firstly, the church was host for the Winfarthing dance and contemporary dance classes to children Gissing Children’s Centre group of parishes at a visit by Alan of Thet- Village (from 3 years of age) and adults and runs from both This popular and successful Pre-School runs dur- ford on the 2nd December. The Bishop addressed the Children’s Centre (the Old School) and from ing term time, and up until Easter 2013, children the large congregation and then mingled and chat- We extend all our sympathy to Vivienne Wheeler Gissing village hall. For further details, please con- can attend from 9.30am to 12 noon (standard ses- ted with everybody. This important chance to talk upon the death of her husband, Jack, of Jacks Barn, tact Sam on 07825 325100 by email at samiwatt@ sion), to 1.15pm (extended session) or to 2.30pm with the Bishop was aided and eased by glasses Common Road. The village has lost a very decent, or visit www.hegartyschoolofdance. every Monday to Friday inclusive. From the Sum- of mulled wine, snacks and nibbles served by the convivial character and we shall enfold Vivienne in mer Term 2013 (after Easter) the Pre-school will be church team led by Pat Webster and Pam Harries. village practical help. extending sessions to 3 hours when children will be On December 9th the church held a candle-lit It is nice to see Peter Harries up and about after Weekly Musical Theatre Class every Wednesday able to attend from 9am to 12 noon and from 12 noon Christingle service for the Children’s Society. The his shoulder operation. His sling added something from 5pm at Gissing Village Hall for anyone over to 3pm. Early years funding for 3 and 4 year olds can church glowed and sparkled as the Christingle or- to his persona, but he declined offers of a parrot and 7 years of age. The class includes singing, dancing be used for both morning and afternoon sessions. anges, decorated with candles and sweets were held eye patch to complete the piratical look! and acting, working on scripts from popular mu- The Pre-school takes children unaccompanied from aloft. The collection and ‘candle boxes’ have raised sicals. The group will then do recitals for family at 2½ years to 5 years old. Any families who wish to over £100 to fund urgent help for homeless, runaway The Village Hall the end of term. For details, contact Sam on 07825 come and take a look are welcome to contact Linda or abused children. Well done Peter and Pam Har- This continues to be well used and the faithful com- 325100 or by email at [email protected] Nash on 01379 677300 (9am–3pm during term time) ries for the construction of the Christingles. mittee continues to oversee its activities and main- or 07796 204367 (out of hours) or to send enquiries These two services were followed by the village tenance. As to the latter, 2 projects are ongoing; the Heart of Gissing Community Dance and Theatre to [email protected] to arrange a candle-lit carol service on 23rd December. A large first is to upgrade the ladies loo and bring it firmly Project (Formerly Dance 2000 Plus). Any queries visit at a time of your choice. Spaces are filling up congregation heard the age-old Christmas story into the 21st century (what was wrong with the El- for this group can be directed to Rose Eddington on quickly for this school year, but the Pre-school oper- read by representatives of village organisations and san and matchboarding partitions of our youth?) 01379 677790 or email [email protected]. ates a working waiting list so will aim to meet your sang traditional Christmas carols. Thanks to Colin and the second is some substantial roof repairs. requirements, and reserve places, wherever possible. Mobbs, Anne Lord, Joyce Yates, Marilyn Hurst, Congratulations to the Winfarthing hall commit- Stage HOGers This local theatre group puts on per- During the first half of the Spring Term, the chil- Sheila Churchyard, Marion Paines, Ron Hurst and tee on their grant award. We know what work was formances from time to time. Anyone interested in dren at the Pre-school will be exploring medieval Pam Harries for undertaking the readings. involved! treading the boards, please contact Sam on 07825 castles with all their trappings and meeting kings, On Christmas day itself, a large and jolly congre- 325100 or email at [email protected] for queens, princes and princesses in rhymes and sto- gation joined in with the famous interactive family The playing field further information. ries. They will also be looking at dinosaurs and service. Tremendous thanks to Frank Paice, our lay- This is now home to the Winfarthing football team, thinking about how and where they lived so long reader, for his inspiring leadership, organ playing who play on Sunday mornings. It is excellent to have Friends of Gissing Church contact Fiona Turton on ago. The children will be encouraged to look out for and singing during these services. the pitch used again, along with the new changing 01379 677811 or email at fionaturton@btinternet. early signs of Spring outdoors and will be making The church looked ‘a picture’ and thanks are due facilities. Even the Ref has his own room and won’t com. exciting expeditions into the Millennium Wood. to the flower arranging team – Marion, Marilyn, get his bike thrown in the pit like poor Sam Bale! The Children’s Centre is currently collecting bags Jean, Anne, Sheila and Pam who carried on the tra- Over 60s Group contact Rose Eddington on 01379 of unwanted good quality clothing, fabric, belts and dition and standards of Anne Chinn. The Social Club 677790 or email at [email protected]. bags for the Bag2School scheme collection in the This coming 2-month period is packed with ac- Continues to provide a watering hole within walk- middle of February. If you have bags of clothes you tion at the church. Epiphany becomes Lent on 13th ing distance. The bar is open Fridays 8–11pm with a Gissing Carpet Bowls contact Derek Dewey on would like to donate please ring 01379 677300 and February and Easter on 31st March. Please see this darts fest on the last Friday in the month, Saturdays 01379 677162. collection can be arranged. magazine, railing boards and notice board for ser- 9–11pm and Sunday 12 noon–1.15 on home match vices and activities. Shelfanger’s speciality is the 3 days. Come and be cheered by Roger (savage from

6 7 Shelfanger) who is the only barman to have served a year so had come in to school earlier in the week to shandy made up of bitter and peppermint! Tivetshall news talk to the children, who were fascinated by their The social club organises popular dances of 50s to reminiscences and medals and uniforms. At the ser- 80s music. Coming up are Kenny Lee and the Hus- vice children laid wreaths that they had made and QUIZ NIGHT tlers on 23rd February and ShakeRattle and Roll on read poems and prayers joining in the two minutes’ 7.30pm Saturday 23rd March 30th March. Entry for each dance is £6 (members Primary School silence. Luckily there was no rain this year and it £5.50) Other groups/performers regularly booked was not too cold. Many thanks to the parents who include Memphis Index, The Encores and CY. We began this half-term with a bonfire party. The helped with the walk. For anything to do with the hall phone Ivan Cot- children enjoyed cooking marshmallows and toast We enjoyed a very valuable learning experi- ton 01379 644006. over the fire and tucking into hotdogs, tomato soup ence on Monday 12th November when the whole and hot chocolate. We all left smelling of smoke! school took part in an ‘Aeroplane Day.’ The children Poppy Appeal Two days later Class 1 were off to Diss High brought their passports and packed luggage to Anne Lord and Peter Harries thank the village for its School to take part in a multi-skills festival. They school and, having passed through passport control Tivetshall Village Hall response to the 2012 Remembrance Poppy Appeal. ran, jumped, threw beanbags and balls, and showed and security, boarded the ‘aeroplane’ and ‘travelled’ £300 was raised. Well done all. off their balancing skills. All of the adults with them to China, Holland and India. We had visitors from £5.00 per person inclusive of food were very proud of their excellent behaviour. Holland and India to help lead the learning and add Maximum 6 persons per team We spent the next day studying the Safer Stran- to the authenticity of the experience as well as other ger, Safer Buildings code which has replaced the old friends of the school who joined in the role play with Tickets available from: Parish Council concept of ‘Stranger Danger’ by helping children to great gusto – thank you to everyone who helped. Tivetshall Post Office or identify who to turn to and where to go should they Jo Cocks: 01379 674112 [email protected] Following 3 road accidents (one fatal) on the B1077 be lost or scared. Children watched videos, made we reserve the right to cancel the event since the end of November, the Parish Council will posters, painted pictures and listened to talks from if there are not enough pre-booked tickets be monitoring the speed of vehicles and considering a visiting speaker, ending the day with an assembly any possible ways to make the road a safer place for to pass on the message to parents. LICENSED BAR & RAFFLE motorist, cyclist and pedestrian. The busy week was rounded off with our annual Proceeds to the Friends of Tivetshall School The Parish Council and village express their act of Remembrance at the ruined church in Tivet- Years 1 and 2 should now be much safer near the sympathy to the families of those killed or injured shall. The British Legion were unable to join us this road having spent an afternoon on road safety train- drink and a mince pie before the children began to in the serious accident on the border of Shelfanger ing – thanks to the kind mum who donned fluores- sing. The church was packed with friends and fam- and Winfarthing. cent jacket to help us to practise crossing the road. ily who enjoyed magical singing, including from the Work on the Boyland Common regeneration Christmas began in earnest with carol singing on soloists, and Class 2 reading the Christmas story. programme continues with forthcoming announce- the village green. It was extremely cold but we still The school hall was full as children, families ments of events in the warmer months of the year. had a good turnout and the children sang very well. and friends from the community gathered to enjoy Thank you to the Friends for brilliant refreshments Christmas lunch and a carol concert. The children and to the families and other adults for attempting sang beautifully, as ever, and Leah and Tia each Shelwin some modern arrangements of traditional carols. played two pieces on the piano. A lovely way to end Hopefully most of us have thawed out by now! a busy week! This group continues to maintain a healthy member- We were very pleased to come second in the Our final week was, of course, also busy. The play, ship with some very welcome new members this past Christmas Tree Competition at Dickleburgh performed in the village hall, was a great success year. We have enjoyed our visit to the Mere Players Church. Thank you to Mrs Richards for devoting with many children coping with illness or taking the production of a musical pantomime, Cindy Ella. so much time and so many inspirational ideas to roles of others who were too ill to make it – a huge On February 21st we have a speaker from the help us. Preparations for the festivities continued well done to everyone. On the last day of term we Landmark Trust and on March 21st Merle has ar- with making floral decorations for the church (many had a video conference with Father Christmas who ranged for Avril Young to lead a craft evening for us. thanks to Mrs Drury and Mrs Fletcher for their had read all of our letters and answered our ques- We meet in Shelfanger Village Hall at 7.30pm and help) and making mince pies and Christingle orang- tions and knew who we all were. In the afternoon it welcome new members. If you would like to know es for the Christingle service. This, as usual, was a was the Christmas party. more about us call Vicci Day on 643934 or Merle moving experience. We entered the candlelit church Many thanks to the Friends of Tivetshall School Darnell on 640094. via a pathway of tea lights ready to enjoy a warming for making it such a success.

8 9 Children from All Saints School, lifted the roof with Winfarthing Walkers Village Hall. The event was well attended with com- Winfarthing news the joy of their singing and brought tears to many an The group have started their Wednesday wander- ments such as ‘this was the best production to date’. eye. Bells rang and the beautifully decorated church ings despite rain, gales and all the rest of global Congratulations to all who took part! gleamed in the candle light, it was warm and very warming. If you would like to join them for a not too During December, children also enjoyed a feast Village Hall Gets Funding inviting. Then suddenly, in the bell tower Santa ap- strenuous walk of 5–6 miles on the third Wednesday of glitter and glue as they colourfully decorated the After two fruitless attempt to get funds from the peared with gifts for all the children. The Carol Ser- of the month contact Marion Williams on 01953 school as part of their Christmas celebrations. This Heritage Lottery Winfarthing Village Hall has been vice was followed with mulled wine, delicious mince 860535 or Ken and Di Barrell on 01379 642125. was then followed by a wonderful Christmas lunch, awarded £55,000 by Norfolk County Council Com- pies and sausages rolls. It was an inspiring and truly cooked by NORSE and served by staff and a visit munity Construction Fund towards the much needed wonderful evening. Contacts from Father Christmas. The term finished with a refurbishment of the Hall. As anybody who uses the Many thanks to all who helped make the evening Please don’t hesitate to let me know of any thing hap- service of readings and songs in St Mary’s church. Hall knows it has begun to look a bit shabby around so special. pening in our village or parish. I am Alun Howkins After the term finished, it was a delight that over a the edges despite the efforts of a keen band of sup- Winfarthing PCC and I can be found at Holly Farm Barn, The Street. quarter of the pupils from All Saints’ took part in the porters and there are pressing structural problems. For preference material on e-mail alun.howkins@ village Carol Service. Under the direction of Miss The Community Construction Fund will enable the Christmas Eve, phone 01379 652202 or just drop it Wood, they sang a range of carols beautifully. Hall committee to deal with these and also hope- The Winfarthing Fighting Cocks came even more round – I will type it and send it on. Copy before All Saints’ now looks forward to the term ahead. fully carry out a general refurbishment. However alive than normal on Christmas Eve when David March 8th please Plans to date include a dance festival for the younger we will still need to raise funds so keep an eye open Mitchell with Alice on the organ lead carol sing- pupils, cross country, enrichment maths club, a trip for what’s happening as well as regular updates on ing. Thanks to Pearl and Nigel for their hospitality, to London to see Shrek the musical and a partner- progress which we hope will appear in Cock Crow. mince pies and sausage rolls. Above all it was a re- All Saints’ Primary School ship valentine disco! A village hall like a church, a school and a local minder how lucky the village is to still have a living If you would like to know more about All Saints’ pub are an essential part of a living village – we have and working pub when so many have gone. Happy New Year from All Saints’ Primary! then please contact the school on 01379 642767 or all three! For that reason we thank those who have The school has enjoyed a fantastic start to the by e-mail [email protected] put the work in on bids over the past three years, Whist Drives New Year. Within the first week of 2013 they joined and come and look around. We would love to hear particularly Nick Griffiths, Chair of the Hall Com- We would like to thank everyone who donated prizes St Andrew’s at North Lopham, with a trip to Theatre from you. mittee and Granville Horan Chair of Fundraising or helped in any way towards the Church and Vil- Royal to see the pantomime Aladdin! Louise Norgate and to Cllr Beverley Spratt who sponsored the bid. lage Hall Whist drives held during 2012. Your gen- In November, All Saints’ celebrated the first an- Executive Head Teacher for All Saints’ and St erosity raised almost £600 for the church and hall. niversary of their partnership with St Andrew’s in Andrew’s Partnership Thank you all very much. a special dedication service. The service was held in Tom and Joyce Blake St Mary’s Church Winfarthing and was taken by the Red FeatheR Club events , Right Reverend . Our thanks to Tom and Joyce for their efforts in The children sang songs and staff read prayers. 7.30pm Wednesday March 20th organising the Whist Drives. The children also worked with the local police UK premiere to carry out speed trapping in Winfarthing. It was Village Hall Quiz a huge success and drivers can now look forward On the Wings A full village hall had a great evening out at the to new signs designed by the children, going up annual Village Hall Fundraising Quiz. The teams throughout the village at the end of January. of a Mighty Fortress Winfarthing Church Bells showed levels of knowledge from some that would At the beginning of December All Saints’ Home a documentary telling the story of On December 15th a successful peal was rung to have shamed ‘Mastermind’ to others that… well School Association held their annual Christmas celebrate the centenary of the first peal rung at this let’s leave that unsaid. The evening was marked by Fayre. The school and committee are very grateful 95th bomb Group crew of church on 6 bells, October 5th 1912. a presentation to John Cole who is retiring from the for the kind donations and support of everyone who ‘easy Going’ We thank the visiting ringers for their time and Hall Committee. John’s family gave the land for the helped and came. There were several great musical Red Feather Club, horham effort in completing the peal. Hall in 1953 and he has been associated with the performances from children in the choir and those Clem Le Grys (Tower Captain) Hall ever since. As always friends of the hall pro- who learn the recorder, while the younger visitors £4 [members £3] duced wonderful casseroles with plenty of second enjoyed a trip to Father Christmas. licensed bar, museum open! Carol Service helpings, and Tom and Joyce organised the raffle. In On the nineteenth of December the children Winfarthing Church came to life in an extraordinary all the evening raised over £500 so thanks to all the worked hard to put on a whole school production ti- tel 01728 860930 way at our Carol Service on Sunday 23rd December. helpers and those who gave prizes. tled ‘What Christmas means to you’ at Winfarthing 10 11 Cock Crow is the Parish Magazine of the Winfarthing Groups of Churches and THE UPPER WAVENEY BENEFICE BURSTON The Rector of the Winfarthing Group Diss Team Ministry GISSING The Revd David F Mills The four parishes and Roydon are now considered members of the Diss Team Ministry SHELFANGER Winfarthing Rectory of all SIX parishes, led by The Rev’d Canon Tony Billett, Rector of Diss and also Rural Church Lane, Winfarthing, Norfolk IP22 2EA Dean. To arrange Weddings or Baptisms, contact Diss Parish Office 01379 643783. TIVETSHALL Tel: 01379 643646 For other pastoral matters requiring a priest, contact one of the churchwardens, who WINFARTHING E-mail: [email protected] will put you in touch with the appropriate individual.

Burston Gissing Shelfanger Tivetshall Winfarthing Bressingham Fersfield N Lopham S Lopham Date St John the Baptist St Andrew St Nicholas St Andrew February 3 9.30 MP 8.00 HC 11.00 MW 11.00 MP 9.30 MP (BCP) (BCP &) (BCP &) (BCP &) February 10 8.00 HC 11.00 MP 10.00 FS 11.00 FS 9.30 MP (C/W Order 2) (C/W Order 1) (C/W Order 2) February 17 9.30 MP 11.00 HC 11.00 PS 9.30 HC 10.00 VC Sun 3rd Feb No Service 4pm 9.30am 11am No Service February 24 3.00 4SS 11.00 MP 8.00 HC (At Gissing) 9.30 HC Candlemas EP HC Fam S March 3 9.30 MP 8.00 HC 11.00 MW 11.00 MP 9.30 MP Sun 10th Feb 9.30am No Service 11am 6pm No Service March 10 10.30 MS 11.00 MP 10.00 FS 11.00 FS 9.30 MP Next pre Lent HC Fam S ES March 17 9.30 MP 11.00 HC 11.00 MP 9.30 HC 10.00 VC Sun 17th Feb 6pm No Service 11am 9.30am March 24 3.00 4SS 11.00 MP 8.00 HC (At Gissing) 9.30 HC Lent 1 EP Fam S HC March 25/26/27 7.30 Vespers Sun 24th Feb 10.30am 9.30am 11am 6pm March 28 7.30 HC Lent 2 with Meth HC Fam S ES March 29 2.00 M 12.00 M 10.00 FS Sun 3rd March No Service 4pm 9.30am 11am No Service Lent 3 EP HC Fam S 9.00 HC March 31 10.00 HC 11.00 HC 8.00 HC 9.30 Sun 10th March 9.30am No Service 11am 6pm No Service April 7 9.30 MP 8.00 HC 11.00 MP 11.00 MP 9.30 MP Mothering Sunday HC Fam S ES HC Holy Communion|MP Morning Prayer|MW Morning Worship|5P Five Parish Service|FS Family Service| Sun 17th March 6pm No Service 11am 4pm 9.30am 4SS Fourth Sunday Service|M Meditation|VC Village Church|PS Plough Sunday| Passion Sunday EP Fam S MPW HC THE COCK CROW TEAM CORRESPONDENTS Sun 24th March 10.30am 9.30am 11am Palm Sunday with Meth HC Fam S EDITORS Bressingham Diana Burroughes, Burrowood, Wilney Winfarthing Group: Vivienne Wheeler, Green, Bressingham IP22 2AJ, 01379 688291, Sun 31st March No Service 9.30am 11am No Service Jacks Barn, Common Road, Shelfanger IP22 2DR [email protected] Easter Sunday Easter HC Easter Fam HC 01379 642622 [email protected] Burston Debbie Beck 3, Higdon Close, Diss Road, Sun 7th April No Service 6pm 9.30am 11am No Service Burston IP22 5UG 01379 740834 Bressingham Group: Tim Colyer, ‘Bermick’, Tanns Easter 2 ES HC Fam S Fersfield Maureen Webb Scoggins Farm, Denning- Lane, North Lopham, IP22 2LZ ton Rd, Laxfield, Suffolk IP13 8HJ 01986 798072 01379 687718 [email protected] [email protected] MP Morning Prayers|FS Family Service|HC Holy Communion |FHC Family Communion|ES Evensong|EP Evening Prayer with hymns| SECRETARY Gissing Joe Cromley, The Chequers, Upper Street, H&R Service of Healing & Reconciliation|MPW Non Denominational All Age Music Prayers & Worship Jennie Vere, Southlands, Church Corner, North Lopham, Gissing. 01379 677817 Morning Prayer: At present is at 8.30am on Monday and Tuesday at North Lopham and Thursday at South Lopham Diss, Norfolk. North Lopham Mrs Jennie Vere, in addition to the service held each weekday in St Mary’s, Diss at 8.30am. 01379 687679 [email protected] Southlands, North Lopham. 01379 687679 Wednesday Communion: is at 10.45am in St Mary’s Church Diss. TREASURER South Lopham Jackie Brown, Bottle Cottage, Redgrave Rd, S Lopham IP22 2HL. 01379 687260 Fellowship/Country Connect Group: Meets on Wednesday afternoons at 1.30pm; contact Jennie (01379 Marie Hewitt, 68 Common Road, Bressingham 687679) for location. IP22 2BB. 01379 687242. Cheques for donations payable to [email protected] ‘Cock Crow Committee’ please Shelfanger Roger Challoner, Old Post Office, Holy Bingo: Meets on the first Monday of each month in Lophams’ Village Hall at 2pm. It’s a fun event, not for Church Road, Shelfanger IP22 2DG, 01379 642286 serious bingo enthusiasts. Do come, for happy socialising. ADVERTISING CO-ORDINATOR Tivetshall Maggie Rowan, The Thatched House, Lynda Sullivan, Rosario Cottage, Rectory Road, Green Lane, Tivetshall NR15 2BJ 01379 674116 Churchwardens Bressingham D Burroughes 01379 688291 R Aves 01379 687263 Tivetshall St Mary NR15 2AL 01379 676713 [email protected] Fersfield J Sumpter 01379 687 711 R Vere 01379 687679 [email protected] Further details page 36 Winfarthing Alun Howkins, Holly Farm Barn, The North Lopham A Briggs 01953 681989 R Vere 01379 687679 Street, Winfarthing 01379 652202 alun.howkins@ South Lopham P Reeder 01379 687273 D Huggins 01379 687201

12 • • • • • • • • • Next Copy date is Friday 8th March latest, please send via your correspondents who will forward by email to [email protected] or the group editor; details above • • • • • • • • • 13 A Message from the new Rector of the old Upper Waveney Group of parishes Team Ministry News Good Friday – Ecumenical Service at 10.45am; Three Hour Service from 12 to 3pm; Evening Medi- A final United Service of Holy Communion for the tation – all at Diss. five Upper Waveney Benefice parishes took place at Bressingham on 9th December, with Canon Billett Last Hour at the Cross 2 to 3pm at North Lopham. as president and the Rt Revd Alan Winton, Bishop Diss Team Ministry of Thetford, as preacher. Though endings are sad oc- Holy Saturday – Handel’s ‘Messiah’ – professional casions, people from all the parishes look forward to performance at Diss. Tickets £12. the opportunities and challenges ahead The launch of Diss Team Ministry Service at St Easter Sunday – Dawn Service; morning HCs; Since 30th December 2012 the parishes of Bressingham, Fersfield, North and Mary’s Church on 30th December was the only Easter Praise at 6pm all at Diss. South Lopham and Roydon have joined with the parish of Diss to become known service that day and the first opportunity for all six as the ‘Diss Team Ministry’. It has come about in response to finding a realistic way parishes in the new Team to worship together. It was Easter Holy Communion – 9.30am at Fersfield. to maintain and develop Christian ministry for the next decade. No one, including a joy to have such a large congregation and all those from the old UWB were heartened to be so warmly Family Easter Communion and Easter Egg hunt – myself, has any road maps to tell us how to make this work; what the pit-falls may welcomed. Most people stayed to enjoy mince pies 11am North Lopham. be, or what wonderful discoveries there are to be found, all that is known is that and a special cake while introductions were made. six parishes are now linked together in fellowship and will seek to ‘make it work’ Services for the future: Generally, every parish All times and venues will be published in Team as best we can. will keep its current service pattern, with slight tim- News, please check! ings changes – Evensong will be 6pm in all church- For those who are regular worshippers the usual pattern of services will be very es; the old 10am service at Roydon moves to 11am. Women’s World Day of Prayer much the same as before but conducted by new clergy, mostly from Diss. For All the churches will have a weekly ‘Team News’, Friday 1st March. The service this year has been the non-attenders yet very concerned about the welfare of their church I want to detailing services and events for the ensuing week. produced by the women of France - nearer home assure you of a good and helpful service available to you if ever you need it. The Canon Billett encourages the Country parishes to than most recent ones! The theme is, “I was a stran- celebrate the major (Sunday) Festivals in the home ger and you welcomed me”. Our parishes will be Diss Church Office (telephone number 01379 643783) will connect you to either church, but to come to Diss for those occurring on part of the round the world series of celebrations me or another clergyman to help you with whatever enquiry you might have. I week days, such as Ash Wednesday. that day, meeting in the Parish Room at Roydon at believe the strength of the lies in its ministry to those who The same Lent course will be followed by eve- 2pm. Everyone is welcome, men as well as women. seek its help at those key moments in life and to that extent I want all readers of ryone; by Town Connect Groups in Diss, and by If you’ve never been before, do come and share in a this magazine to know that we are there for you when you need us. a Country Connect Group at the time of the ‘old’ very special occasion. Wednesday Fellowship Group, 1.30pm Wednesdays. The future is exciting, but as I mentioned above the pathway forward has to be Music, Praise and Worship discovered. My hope and prayer is that our paths may cross at some point and The special services for the season are: It has been most encouraging to see some new faces when they do we shall all enjoy each other’s company and learn to be of service at the MPW monthly service. Ash Wednesday – Holy Communion and Ceremo- Here are some dates for your diary: with each other. This is, of course, the lesson to be learned from the seasons of nies, 7.30pm at Diss. 17th February Roydon Church Lent and Holy Week, I trust we shall all be part of that. 17th March North Lopham Church Palm Sunday – usual pattern in parishes 14th April South Lopham Church May God bless each of us. 19th May Bressingham Church Holy Week to Wednesday – Holy Communion each 9th June North Lopham Church morning; compline and meditation in the evening. 14th July Fersfield Church or Church Field Canon Tony Billett Times will be published in Team News. MPW hopes to come to Winfarthing on 21st April, confirmation is awaited. Maundy Thursday – Commemoration of the Last All services start at 4pm with refreshments served Supper, with Washing the Feet, Stripping the al- from 3.30pm onwards tar, followed by a Vigil Watch, 7.30pm at Diss. Further information from Gill or Tony 01379 688121.

14 15 someone who can help us with the organisation of In his report Mr Spratt spoke of the changes that Bressingham News the repairs to the porch. There are just too many jobs will take place at County Hall in April when the Fersfield News at the moment for the very small PCC to cope with. Chief Executive stands down. With the Council tax It was with great sadness that we heard of the frozen for another year and less funding from Cen- death of one of our village’s eldest residents. Mrs tral Government, the budget for roads will be the I am sorry I haven’t much to write about in this is- Church News Joan Willis, who lived with her daughter behind biggest loser. Care of the elderly is an ever increas- sue as before Christmas I was felled by the dreaded the village shop, had been a widow for 35 years. ing cost with an ageing population. cough/cold virus with the accompanying laryngitis It was a wonderful, but in some ways a sad occa- Joan died in All Hallows at the age of 96 just before Mr Weeks spoke of money available to adapt (some people have said this was a good thing), deaf- sion, when we welcomed The Christmas. We send our deepest condolences to her homes for the elderly which can enable people to ness, dizziness, etc, etc, that is plaguing East Anglia. the Rt Rev’d Alan Winton to the final service of the daughter Pat. Diana remain in their own homes rather than go into care. However, I did manage to go to St Andrew’s carol Waveney Benefice in Bressingham church on the 9th Many potholes have re-appeared – often those service on the 20th December and thank goodness December. Representatives from all five churches A Bressingham Funeral that were filled earlier in the year – and have been I did. It was wonderful! Richard Hewitt took the took part in the service. On the 30th December we Funerals can be lonely, sad affairs but they can also reported to the Authorities. service and guided the congregation through the began the next phase for our church when at a ser- be occasions of warmth, love and a rich outpouring A detailed report was given on the ‘Speedwatch’ well-known Advent carols and readings. An added vice in St Mary’s in Diss we, together with Fersfield, of community. My aunt, Joan Willis, aged 96, died operation carried out by volunteers with the backing bonus was the attendance of singers from ‘Discord’, North and South Lopham and Roydon, joined with in December and her funeral and burial took place of the Police. It has now been tried for 6 months with a group under the direction of Michael Dann of ‘The them to form the Diss Team. The Rev’d Canon Tony at Bressingham church on the 4th January. She had 3 volunteers from Bressingham and 6 from Fersfield. Merely Divas’ fame. The church was full to capacity Billet is now our Rector and we look forward to a lived in the village with her unmarried daughter, Many drivers were logged and were contacted by the and the collection for ‘Shelter’ totalled £244. new chapter for our church. The services will remain Patricia, for some 45 years. Her husband died in Police. It was asked why vehicles not registered in I must mention our coffee morning held on the 1st the same. Should you require the services of the cler- 1977, so Pat and Joan had led quiet lives enriched by the County could not also be contacted. The SAM December. We are all watching the pennies yet eve- gy please telephone 01379 643783 Monday–Friday the day to day contact with neighbours and friends. machine will be available during February. rybody dug deep into their pockets and helped us to 9am to 12 noon or contact the churchwardens. When very old people die most of their friends A request for a donation to the CAB was approved raise £240 for church funds. Thanks go, as usual, I am pleased to congratulate Myrna Hughes on and many of their relations have also departed this and the budget and precept for the Council agreed. to everyone involved before, during and after the the work she did for the British Legion Poppy Ap- life so there are few to mourn. The people of Bress- Representatives from the Allotment Association event. Without our volunteers we would not be able peal. I am told that the total raised in 2012 was ingham did not let Joan go unsung. There were 36 of reported on various problems: the condition of part to function. £834.45 which was slightly up on the year before. them at the funeral. Most were local; some who had of the roadway leading to the allotments, the over- Happy New Year to you all! Maureen Myrna would like to thank all her helpers without moved away came especially to be there. grown state of the unused plots, the broken lock on whom the task would be impossible. The service was simple but lovingly conducted by the gate and the nuisance of rats. Church We are looking for someone to take over the or- the Rector of Diss who, though he had not known The Footpath Warden said that certain footpaths Following the last group service on 9th December ganisation of the flower rota for the church. Please, Joan, had taken great care to learn about her and were difficult to walk at the moment, some because with the Bishop of Thetford, Sunday 23rd Decem- if you can help, contact Brenda Oates on 687323 or made the service personal and full of meaning. After of the crop but new posts and finger posts were also ber saw the last Holy Communion service before either of the churchwardens. the burial there was tea in the Village Hall with sump- needed. we became part of the Diss Team Ministry. Worship tuous cakes prepared by those same neighbours. was led by Reg Dakin and 15 regulars My brother and I, Pat’s cousins, live on the bor- enjoyed the service, which was followed by Christ- ders of Wales where we pride ourselves on being a massy refreshments to mark the occasion. Everyone caring community, but this occasion in Bressingham at Fersfield would like to record their most sincere was nonesuch, and we are grateful and confident thanks to Reverend Reg for his ministry to us over that Pat will never lack the kindness of her local many months, and we are very glad to learn that he friends. Janet Robinson Jumble Sale will still be leading us in worship in the future. Bex White of Hazel Barn in Bressingham is holding On Christmas morning, another merry band of Can you come and help us have a ‘spring clean’ in a fund raising jumble sale at Shelfhanger Village regulars made their way to Fersfield for the very in- the church on Saturday March 16th starting at 10.00 Parish Council Hall on Saturday 16th February 2–4pm. In May, she formal Family Service, led by Richard Hewitt and am? We really could do with some extra help so that is going to Costa Rica on an 8 week volunteer pro- ably supported by younger members of our parish, for once we can move some of the heavier things. Mr Cattermole Chaired the first meeting of the year gramme to conserve sea turtles and needs to raise Jasmine and Hazel, Emily and Arthur. Either let the churchwardens know that you can as Mr Aves was unwell. Five Councillors, Mr Spratt £2500. Bex would be delighted to hear from anyone Thank you to everyone who attended our services come or just turn up! We are always looking for ex- (NCC), Mr Weeks (SNDC) and 5 parishioners were who has jumble to donate, please call her on 644396, over the Christmas period – we are very glad indeed tra people to go on the regular cleaning rota too plus present. and hopes to see many of you at the sale. of your company and your support.

16 17 With every good wish for 2013, Jan will be followed by a presentation ‘Gleanings from Easter Day will be marked at St Andrew’s Church Lophams’ News Gertrude Jekyll’ by Shelagh Ashe. this year, with a Holy Communion service at Our meetings take place in the restaurant areas 9.30am. Please come and help us celebrate the most of Blooms Garden Centre on the first Wednesday momentous day in the church calendar. Lophams’ Ladies of each month starting at 7.30pm. and visitors and Meeting in the Village Hall on the first Tuesday of new members are always very welcome. Telephone Dog Training is held most Tuesday evenings, train- the month. 01379 687833 for further information. er Elaine ( 07845 776 110) will provide information. Redgrave & Lopham Fen Back in early December, we met together at lunchtime at the King’s Head and our thanks go to Lophams’ Village Hall Lopham Art Group Wednesday mornings, from Saturday 9 February, 10.30am–12.30pm Angie and George for giving us a splendid Christ- As a New year begins, The Lottery – our opportu- 9.30am. The cost is £20 each per month, and in- Wildlife Watch Group mas meal. On January 8th, Jo Pitt, a member of the nity to support the Village Hall and have a bit of cludes refreshments and a visit from an ‘expert’ once A club for 6–12yr olds, £1 ‘First Responders’ came to talk about her role as a fun too – is just into its 4th year. A proportion of each month. Contact 01379 687718 for more details. Contact Mike Wraight 01379 644508 member of one of these groups of volunteers. Based the income each month goes into a Bonanza fund to Tuesday 12 February, 10am–12noon locally they can respond to a ‘999’ call in a matter of provide a special prize in December, in addition to Yoga with P is a welcome new addition to the week- Find out about volunteering minutes and assess a situation or start emergency the usual three. The Bonanza Draw is quite separate ly programme. Sessions are on Thursdays, 5.30– Join us for tea and cake in the Education Centre and find out about volunteering opportunities treatment ahead of the paramedics and ambulance. from the normal draw and every number is included, 6.30pm and 7– 8pm. Booking is essential, tel 01379 both at the Fen and at Knettishall Heath. Discover Jo outlined the training she was given and brought which resulted this time in the same person winning 890955; or 07932 010720; or e-mail pieternella. how you could get involved with work parties, along her equipment (all supplied by herself) and both a second ‘ordinary’ prize and the Bonanza!! [email protected] educational activities and events. There are lots gave us a demonstration of CPR. Perhaps someone can work out the odds of that hap- of roles from conservation work to admin. Come and find out more – just drop in. No experience On February 5th we have a talk on ‘The Wicked pening; they must be huge. To book the hall for private functions, please con- necessary. Stage’ by J Kimber. We will also have a ‘Bring and Prize winners at the end of 2012 were: Novem- tact 01379 687679. To find out more about the hall, Buy’ at this meeting. On March 5th we have a talk ber’s 1st prize of £186 was won by D Derrick; visit the web-site at Saturday 16 February, 10am–4pm Weave a Celtic frame basket on ‘East Anglia by Bus Pass’ with Pip Wright. April 2nd prizes of £46.50 each went to R Bassett and J Make a traditional and attractive Celtic frame 2nd will be our AGM but we will also have a talk on Brown. December’s 1st prize of £184 was won by L The Lophams Society Christmas Drop-in basket for fruit or egg gathering with Jane Preserves with Janet Peachey. Inglis; second prizes of £46 each went to S Sarbutts Despite the evening being wet and windy the Jennifer, professional basketmaker using Please note that the February meeting will be in and G Rednall. S Sarbutts also won the Bonanza Christmas Drop-in event held on the 14th Decem- English willow. £35 + £5 on day for materials the afternoon at 2pm. From March onwards we will prize of £281.25. ber was a great success. Over 80 adults and children Booking essential 01473 890089 meet at 7.30pm. The funds raised are to be used to resurface the turned up at the village hall to enjoy a festive spread Tuesday 19 February, 2pm–4pm New members and visitors always welcome. Tel car park, the prizes distributed so far total £10,621 washed down with plentiful amounts of mulled wine Bird box building family afternoon 01379 687337 for details. and the total added to the development fund from and soft drinks. The Deneside Ramblers provided Make a nest box and lard cake to take home and follow a trail to find out more about our feathered the lottery so far is £5,719. Thanks and good luck in the music throughout the evening and kept the at- friends. £5 per box Lophams’ Garden Club the future to all our current supporters, anyone who mosphere seasonal with carols and a Christmas sin- Booking essential 01379 688333 (Meeting at Blooms) On 5th December we enjoyed wishes to join is invited to make contact:- galong. Following the visit from Father Christmas, Saturday 9 March, 10.30am–12.30pm our Christmas Dinner provided by the staff at Copies of the full rules and entry forms are Jennie Vere organised the children into an impromp- Wildlife Watch Group Blooms. We were served a delicious meal and then available from promoter, Eileen, tel; 01379 687608, tu and energetic performance of ‘The Twelve Days A club for 6–12yr olds, £1 entertained by our speaker, Mr Jason Salisbury, from Village Hall Treasurer, Tim Colyer, tel; 01379 of Christmas’, a great curtain raiser for the celebra- Contact Mike Wraight 01379 644508 who shared with us some of the ups and downs he 687718, from other Village Hall Committee mem- tions to come. Saturday 23 March, 10am–4pm and his family have experienced while setting up his bers (see the website for details), or at the Farmers’ The Society’s next event is a quiz night to be held Botanical Illustration highly successful business enterprise, Suffolk Farm- Market and at Village Hall Events. on 15th March, the proceeds of which will go to- All levels house Cheeses. His talk was both amusing and in- wards this year’s Drop–in on 13th December 2013. Join professional botanical illustrator, Christine Grey-Wilson, teresting and concluded a festive evening much en- Farmers’ Markets are on the fourth Saturday each on this relaxing and supportive joyed by us all. month, from 9am till 12.30pm, the February and workshop looking at a range After our usual break in January, we are looking March Markets are both on 23rd of the month. For St Andrew’s School of illustration techniques. The forward to our first meeting of 2013 on 6th February details, call Mike on 01379 687 235. emphasis is on botanical accuracy when we shall welcome Elizabeth Browne from the Happy New Year from St Andrew’s Primary! using spring flowers and bulbs. £20 ‘Urban Jungle’. Judo is on Mondays & Wednesdays (Details from St Andrew’s has enjoyed a fantastic start to the Booking essential 01473 890089 On March 6th we shall have a short AGM which Howard on 01379 688 258) New Year. Within the first week of 2013 they joined 18 19 All Saints, at Winfarthing, with a trip to Theatre auctioned by Richard, ably supported by Angie and tory of the Jews and the events of the Nativity on Royal to see the pantomime Aladdin! North Lopham News with Doreen acting as chief ‘runner’ to keep track a single A4 sheet! The newest addition to the Cribs In November, St Andrew’s celebrated the first an- of all the payments. Apart from just one break for collection – a tiny scene crafted out of plasticine and niversary of their partnership with All Saints in a seasonal eats, the action was nonstop, ending with made by Erin, age 8 – had pride of place on the high special dedication service. The service was held in Parish Council the draw for a beautifully decorated Christmas cake altar. St Mary’s Church Winfarthing and was taken by the Please Note: PC meetings now take place in ‘The made by Chrissie Callow. In less than three hours Families and older visitors alike enjoyed the inter- Bishop of Norwich, Right Reverend Graham James. Mess’ building at St Andrew’s School. a magnificent total of over £1.600 (and still grow- active corner where the cribs displayed could be han- The children sang songs and staff read prayers. Meeting 9th January; apologies received from ing) was raised for local charities. A huge thank you dled and played with, a plastic ducks set, dressed At the end of November Friends of St Andrew’s Councillor Bird; two members of the public at- must go to everyone involved – the donors of goods, teddy bears, a magnetic scene and pictures to colour school organised a wonderful family Quiz night. tended. the buyers on the day, those who provided practical and cut out were all very popular. FOSTA would like to thank everyone who made the The Lopham Links group which tried to raise help and of course our Hosts – for making such a There are already requests for another display event a great success. It was a frosty night, but over funds for a play area has disbanded through lack of great result possible. next year, and offers of even more ‘different’ sets to 70 adults and children came along to the quiz. Eve- support. They will repay £200 donated by NLPC. include in it! ryone thought that this was a great night, including Affordable Housing and Play area; Discussions Another memorable six weeks – from Advent to members from the Lophams Society and other vil- involving the Duke of Norfolk, his Trustees and the St Nicholas’ Church Epiphany – is almost over. We are very grateful to lagers who attended. Thank you to everyone who tenant about a scheme whereby a mixture of afford- all those who took part in any of the special services, donated raffle prizes, set up and cleared away. able housing, private housing and possibly a play The Festival of Cribs was a great preparation for and to those who decorated the church so beautifully On the 17th and 18th of December children area may be built on land adjacent to Primrose Lane Advent and a new Church Year. The church was so that everything was in place for Christmas Day. worked hard to put on a whole school production ti- are in their early stages. transformed by cribs of all shapes, sizes and mate- The gifts brought to the Toy Service were very tled ‘What Christmas means to you’. The event was 20 mph speed limit; a site visit by Norfolk High- rials, filling every nook and cranny. Visitors came welcome at Prospect House in Thetford. We heard of well attended! Congratulations to all who took part! ways, the police, Councillors and interested mem- from far and wide – North of Norwich to Suffolk, one Mum who cried with joy one year ago when par- During December children also enjoyed a feast bers of the public will take place on 15th January at Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire – and were full of cels were delivered –without them her family would of glitter and glue as they colourfully decorated the 10am, meeting at ‘The Mess’ admiration for the variety on show. have had not one present! school as part of their Christmas celebrations. This Speed awareness stickers have been delivered and During the weekend, they were able to watch Ian Each of the Carol Services was special with a par- was then followed by a wonderful Christmas lunch, will be distributed for display. Godley from Sheffield in Yorkshire work on his lat- ticular theme and congregation. cooked by NORSE and served by staff and a visit More potholes have been reported to Highways. est project – carving a complete set of figures from The Crib Service on Christmas Eve was made ex- from Father Christmas. Complaints about overgrown hedges and wide vehi- seasoned lime wood. The shepherd he carved has tra special by the presence of Heidi, just four weeks The end of term finished with a Carol Service cles damaging verges have been received. Dog foul- now ‘gone home’ to be sanded and smoothed. old! and new residents in the village too. held in St Andrew’s church South Lopham. It was ing in Primrose Lane appears to be reduced – good One of the most admired ‘extra’ items was a Na- well attended and the congregation enjoyed singing news. tivity in the style of the Underground, devised and Starters and Sweets carols, listening to readings by the children and mu- The revised precept is yet to be confirmed. created by Emma Godley; this incorporates the his- Something to look forward to in the dull dark days is sical performances on the trumpet, recorder, violin, Village Charities Officers elections; M Cox and an evening of tasting all manner of delicious starters clarinet, flute and saxophone. J Vere were re-elected. R Cook wished to step down and desserts, as you meet friends old and new at Lo- St Andrew’s now looks forward to the term ahead. and was replaced by D Eagle. Lophams Society Quiz Night phams’ Village Hall on Friday 15th February, from Plans to date include a dance festival for the younger The Clerk, on behalf of NLPC, expressed appre- 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome, there will be hot and pupils, cross country, enrichment maths club, a trip ciation of the role the retiring Chairman of SLPC, Friday 15th March 7.30pm cold choices, items suitable for vegetarians or those to London to see Shrek the musical and a partner- Robert McCaw, has played in enhancing coopera- on restricted diets… and of course a Raffle! Soft ship valentine disco! tion between the two PCs. Lophams’ Village Hall drinks and tea or coffee will be provided, but please If you would like to know more about St Andrew’s Next meeting; Wednesday 13th March 2013, Admission is £7 which bring your own alcohol if desired. For more details then please contact the school on 01379 687253 or 7.30pm, at ‘The Mess’ St Andrews School. and tickets at just £5 contact Jennie Vere on 01379 by e-mail [email protected] includes a hot supper 687679, or the Parish Office at Diss 643783. and come and look around. We would love to hear Carol Singing & Auction: ‘The Kings Head’ Licensed bar and raffle from you. There were new faces as well as faithful regulars in a Lent and Easter Louise Norgate packed pub on 23rd December for the Carolling and Proceeds towards the Ash Wednesday is on 13th February. You are warm- Executive Headteacher for All Saints and Auction event, kindly hosted by landlords George ly invited to share in a Fellowship Lunch at South- St Andrew’s Partnership and Angie Estcourt. Between the singing of favour- Drop-in on 13th December lands, North Lopham, to launch this year’s Lent ite carols, a huge range of wonderful items was Lunch series.

20 21 A special Holy Communion Service, with imposi- The Council has now purchased a supply of tion of ashes, to which everyone is welcome, will be South Lopham News SLOW DOWN IN OUR VILLAGE posters for at- held at St Mary’s Diss, at 7.30pm. taching to wheelie bins. Anyone who would like to Lent Lunches will be held on Tuesdays from19th participate in this scheme should contact the Clerk February between 12 noon and 2pm, in homes as above. From the around the village. Everyone is welcome to come St Andrew’s Church The Precept for the year 2013/14 has been con- and share bread, cheese & pickle, plus fruit juice and firmed at £3,000. Owing to revised arrangements Registers hot drinks. All money raised will go to the Diocesan Coffee Morning: Thank you to all who attended regarding welfare relief £237 of this amount will Winfarthing Group Lent appeal to help two projects in Uganda. See local the Coffee Morning on Wednesday 28th November, be paid by central Government, through Breckland posters for venues. which was very successful with a total of £191.63 Council. Funeral A Lent Course will take place each Wednesday raised for St Andrew’s Church. The Council noted that in various areas around Carol Le Grys 24th October 2012, in Lent, starting on 20th February at 1.30pm, again On Thursday 20th December we welcomed Head the village there is water on the roads caused by Winfarthing in homes in the village. We hope people from all the teacher Mrs Louise Norgate and the staff and pupils over-flowing ditches and blocked drains. We are en- parishes will come to share these sessions. of St Andrew’s School for their Carol Service which deavouring to deal with this situation through the Mothering Sunday is on 10th March. Families, was followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Highways Authority. If anyone becomes aware of Bressingham Group especially mothers, will be celebrated at the All Age The midnight Communion Service on 24th De- such an issue could they please contact the Clerk, 11am Service, and also at Evensong at 6pm. There cember was taken by the Revd. Reg Dakin and had as above. Recent experience indicates that such wa- Baptism will be posies for all ladies present, plus others in the a good attendance. ter flows are not generally caused by a burst main, Olivia May Emms 30th December, North village who are not able to attend the services. The Church Wardens and PCC would like to take so please check the situation before calling Anglia Lopham Palm Sunday to Easter is the most holy week in this opportunity to thank everyone who helped to Water. the Christian year. Details of the services each day look after the Church in any way this past year, the Could all dog walkers please remember to equip Funeral are listed after the Rector’s letter. On Good Friday, themselves with doggie-doodie bags to avoid the Kathleen Joan Willis 4th January, 28th March, in St Nicholas’ Church there will be fouling of the village footpaths. Bressingham a service to mark the Last Hour at the Cross from 2pm. Gifts of flowers and foliage, or help with deco- Diocesan course: ‘My Place’ rating the church for Easter will be gratefully wel- Saturday 2nd March,10am– 3pm and equips people for varieties of service in the home, comed, from later that afternoon through to Satur- Thursday 7 March, 7.30– 9.30pm the workplace, the community and the church. We will day. cleaners, flower arrangers, grass cutters, hedge cut- Venue: Optional Initial gathering in Emmaus House, consider how and where God may want us to make a On Easter Day, 31st March, everyone is warmly ters, strimmers and carpentry, a band too numerous 65 The Close, Norwich NR1 4DH difference. invited to an All Age Easter Holy Communion at to name but much appreciated. ‘My Place’ is a Diocesan 2-session short course for 11am, followed by an ‘Easter Egg hunt’. We wish everyone a Happy and Peaceful New Cost and booking: FREE. Please book in advance. any lay adult Christian to explore God’s plans for Year. Book online at: their life. The Lophams Society Functions e5038 This course is suitable for any adult Christian. Each Contact: Caspar Jame, Dates for your Diary Parish Council course consists of a Saturday plus one weekday even- Emmaus House, 65, The Close, Norwich, NR1 4DH ing and will be delivered jointly by Susanna Gunner, Tel: 01603 729815 The following points of interest arose from the Meet- Lay Development Co-ordinator and the Training E-mail: [email protected] ing held on the evening of Thursday, 10th January: Team as part of the Diocesan Committed to Growth Robert McCaw retired as Chairman and as a initiative. You may also be interested to know that we have Councillor because he and his wife Madeleine are reprinted Susanna Gunner’s Mapping Luke set of Gos- Bring-your own lunch, drinks provided. Friday 15th March Quiz leaving the district in early February. Nominations pel study maps to coincide with the lectionary gospel. are invited for the position of Councillor. Anyone in- What sorts of things will be covered? It is now available to order free of charge (donations Saturday 6th July BBQ terested should contact the Clerk, Caroline Phillips, We will start with ourselves, considering our gladly received) from the Diocesan website at: www. Friday 11th October Quiz on [email protected] – telephone number strengths, styles, characteristics and passions. We will Friday 13th December Drop-in 01379 687950. For the moment the office of Chair- look at a Biblical model for the way in which God calls maps or by contacting Janet Guy – 01603 880853 man will rotate among the Councillors.

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