Old Blandford Church, Petersburg, {Richard Yarborough’s grave marker is bottom center, above.}

Volume 122

William Yerby, John Yerby, George Yerby, Thomas Yerby

Lancaster Co., VA Records

Compiled by Ophelia Kessler (Includes material from Frances Lockwood)

Leonard Yarbrough, Editor

June 2015

Published by The Yarbrough National Genealogical & Historical Association, Inc. © Yarbrough National Genealogical & Historical Association, Inc. 2015.


Whether we wish to admit it or not, we are the future of our ancestors, as our descendants are our future. We owe our descendants our dreams and bequeath to them the legacy of our collective accomplishments – nothing more and nothing less. To our descendants, we charge you with the honoring of your heritage. Your ancestors were hardy folk, god-fearing and plain spoken, and who recognized that nothing was due them except that which they themselves earned. They were not ashamed to profess their belief in God, their country and the American ideal. Of course, there were a few rapscallions in our collective history, but neither more nor less than in any other family.

We too easily forget what it took to forge a life in a new world, one rife with peril and with little at hand but a steadfast determination to not only survive but to thrive. Our ancestors bequeathed us with their genes, aspirations and talents. It is therefore fitting that the Blandford Series of Yarbrough Family Records be dedicated to them for making it possible for us to be who we are.

To paraphrase Robert Kincaid1, “The dreams they had were good ones. They didn’t all come true, but they were worth having, all the same.”


The Yarbrough Association is greatly indebted to the vision and efforts of Cathy Y. Walker and William A. (Bill) Yarbrough, the late president and vice-president of the YNGHA, respectively, for beginning the project to digitize the 150+ volumes of records accumulated over the life of the Association. Fulfilment of the project was through the efforts of a number of officers and members, including Bill’s son Mark, Rachel and Don Yarbrough, Hal Yarbrough, Jan and Jim Yarbrough, Ann and Al Bush, Elaine and Lyle Wolf, Joan Y. Singlaub, and Joanne and Bill Augspurger.

It was my privilege to be a part of this dedicated team.

Leonard Yarbrough, Editor Blountsville, AL June 14, 2015

1 The Bridges of Madison County, Robert James Waller, Warner Books, Inc., New York, 1992


These records are the legacy of our Yarbrough family researchers, to whom much is owed. The known family researchers include Jean Baker, Ann Y. Broadbent, Mary Y. Daniel, Frances (Rea) Donohue, Betty Humrighouse, Pauline Gray, Evelyn Goble, Nelle Morris Jenkins, Ophelia Kessler, Frances Lockwood, Karen Mazock Renee Smelley, Dorothy Svec, Jeanette Wilson, Cleveland “Cy” Yarborough, Edna Yarbrough, George A. Yarbrough, and Robert Price Yarbrough.

The originals of these volumes are being kept for the benefit of future generations by the Williamson County Library, Franklin, Tennessee.

No claims of accuracy or authentication of the material herein are made or may be assumed. Many of these records have been superseded by subsequent research. Hence, there are records which are erroneous and unreliable; it would have been a Herculean task to attempt to correct all of them. Fortunately, there are only a few critical genealogical facts that are involved, and which are correctly stated here:

 Richard (the Immigrant) Yarborough was never married to Frances Proctor;  Ambrose Yarbrough did not immigrant from Yorkshire; he is now believed to be a descendant of Richard the Immigrant;  There are so far only two proven sons of Old Richard – John and Richard II;  There is so far no evidence proving Joshua Yarborough I to be a descendant of Old Richard.  The “Old Country” referred to in old documents and letters is the Colony of Virginia, not England or the Old World.  There were not seven brothers who immigrated from “the old country”; in fact, it now appears there were three brothers and four sons of the brothers. Which were the fathers and which were the sons are so far unknown.

In spite of these inaccuracies, these records comprise much of our history and some of our accomplishments. There are pages whose print quality is so poor that word recognition was not possible. In spite of that, at least partial capability for searching these volumes is provided, as well as an index to each volume. Nonetheless, the viewer is cautioned to perform his/her own due diligence in connection with any use of this material.

The various spellings of the Yarbrough surname have never been applied consistently, even within a given family. To the extent possible, the names in the index reflect the names used on the source pages; where it wasn’t clear as to which might be the proper spelling, the spelling used is “Yarbrough”.

The material contained herein is subject to the copyright laws of the United States. Material may be freely used by Yarbrough family researchers so long as proper attribution to the Yarbrough National Genealogical & Historical Association, Inc. is given. This material, in whole or in part, may not be used for any other purposes without the express written permission of the Yarbrough National Genealogical & Historical Association.

We welcome the submission of any Yarbrough family information that can be added to our growing data base. More information about the extended Yarbrough families can be found at our website, http://www.yarbroughfamiy.org. If you are a Yarbrough or a member of one of our allied families, we invite you to join our family association.

About the Index

After each volume of the Blandford Series was scanned into Portable Document File format, it was made searchable using Adobe Acrobat® Pro, version X. Next, an index was created by TExtract®, a software package used by commercial book and document publishers. Among its many features is the ability to merge the individual chapter/volume indices into a composite master index. It is not, of course, error-free, especially when the print quality of the original documents is poor. Nevertheless, the index is mostly error-free, with the exception of page numbering. While a few pages are numbered, most are not, so TExtract counted the pages in the volume, providing the referenced page numbers. While agreement is good, some referenced pages may be off a page or two. In the master index volumes, each indexed term is followed by the term “Vol.” and an associated volume number. These two terms are followed by one or more page numbers, separated by a comma. The master index itself is searchable1, so the best procedure is to use the index to see if, how many, and in which volumes a particular ancestor may be. Then, using the search feature within Adobe’s Acrobat Reader, a search can be made for the name/term of interest.

Searching for Indexed Terms2

First, find the name or phrase (search term) in the index. Then, press CTRL+F. A search field will appear in the upper right corner of the page. Enter the search term or a desired term of interest and press ENTER. If the search term is not found, a popup message will so state; otherwise, the search term will be displayed on the first page in which it occurs. Repeated pressing of the ENTER key will high-light other occurrences within the file. Use the left and right arrow buttons to the right of the search field to look ahead or to look backwards for other occurrences of the term in the document.

1 It is recommended that Adobe Acrobat or the Acrobat Reader be used to view each volume. While a browser may be used for viewing these records, the search feature may not work as described herein.

2 In order for the search feature of Adobe Acrobat© Reader to be enabled, a certain level of document legibility is required. That is, post-scanning processing cannot overcome poor print quality of an original document. With this caveat, each volume has been made searchable by Adobe Acrobat, version 9 or later.


YARBROUGH RP.garded as onP. of the oldP.st farnilies in rngland, the name h->ing derived from tne parish of Yarburgh or Yarborough in Lincoln­ shire, where they ha·ve ~d lands continuously in the direct line froc Saxon times to the prP.sent day. Eustachius de Yarburgh was Lord of Yarburgh at the Nonnan Conquest, and from him descP.nded ~ci:iund Yarbttrgh, diP.d 1631, fathP-r of Sir Nichol~s Yarburgh, knightAd by King Charles I, und diPd 1655, having by Faith Dawnay his wife, I'• a son Sir·'l'homas Yarburgh, M.P., High ShP.riff of Yorkshire 1676, w11.~ ~ I hud tpn childr~n, including Colonel James Yarbnrgh, Godson and Page c: ;io;,.our to King Jar:i.P.s II, fro.rr. the fourth of whose. ten children C.:.nscnncls thA prP.EPnt l3aron D8rar:rnre. '., A bru.ndh of thi3 fu1nily is found at an Pu.rly tir:i~ in Virginia,

Js in 1699 (1) John Yarborow ufor himsPlf and thP childr0 n and c~~is 0 Ps of Richard Yarboro~~ nnd, (2) Richc1rd Yarborow c1rp found

' . • nn:y ilJ.:,pn2r to .,c1v .. c]_,,i;;;,•d 1,300 a.cu,s conv0yr,d fro;.,. }2ichurd '.l.'ho ~i1.;_i t I2r,nt F:oll of King 1,'iillicl..':', ; 1 Jo;:n Ya.r;.::,orou,;h holding lSO acr0s and !' • ·1. urborou:_Jh J lJ() ucr."s, ctnc.l th~ Glouc~str:>r 11'. 0 nt }2oll in that C' o~cupying 100 acr('s in 1.bbington

0 (,,r. . . . '!:'dw.-::.rd,, ' Duvis ' c.nd T"'rry sons-in-law u.nd LusuJ.nds of ;~J.chard Ya.rbrou:-;}-,' .'.> thr00 dauc;ht0rs?) Fl.-)

l. Louis dps Cognpts, Jr., "i:;'ngl'.i.sh Duplicatps of Lost Virginia RPcords" Publ. in A Carolina-Virginia G,:,nealogy by York Lowry Hilson 1962 ' Ald~rshot GJle & Polden Ltd. London .,, !tm 'Donoliue !!(J. 2 '1lo,t_ 111 'Brr.c/jpirilfgt 'TD(J6024 (~ June 17, 1990

Vea1t Ophe.lla.:

Thank you. veJuJ much f,01t. .& endi.ng :the la.tut ii:ta.ck r:0f w.l.Uf. on :the YeJtby namlUu, aii weU. a6 .the !>av.i.6 & Veggu w.lt.t.6. If, you. aJr.e .the one -who 1t.ea.d tho1>e dun pagu of, 1t.eco1t.cu, you dld an ou:t.6.tandlng job. I ru,ed yoWL · :tJutn.6.t.at.lom, a lu.gh .i.ntenii.l:ty lamp and magnlf,y..ing g!a.&ii ~.to .6ee ,lf, I c.ould 1/ll -ln any of, .the mi..61>-lng .wolW!>. A(,te1t. a1.l thue yeaJt..6 of, woJtlu.ng ,ln lAw of,frlc.u, I made out .6ome of, the WOIW!> iii.mpl.y beC4U.6e I knew .the tanguage -­ beU.eve U oJt. no:t, "lega!.ue" ha.6 changed veJt.y LU:.tle ,ln SOO ye.a.Jt.6. The . .6ame phluu, u Me u&ed. .

I've Jt.e;typed .the w.lU.6 and am enclo1>.i.ng clean c.a.Jt.bom (a.t lea.6.t a.6 clean a1> th.l6 old ma.c.hlne VJlU ma.ke) f,01t. yoWL £rU.u. I ru,ed yowr. .typed c.op,lu to wolt.k nit.Om and am enclo.6.i.ng .them .60 that you. c.an .6ee wheJLe I added woll.d.6 ••• you can c.ompaJLe the addiliom to the oJu.gbtai. old han&AJILUlng a.nd 1>ee ,lf, you. ag1t.ee.

The WW on WULiam Yelt.by Wa6 quUe a c.ha.li.enge. It Wa6 f,ull of, -lntvrlinlng.6 ! The cleJtk mru,:t have eltheJL been veJLy .ti.Jr.ed oJt. ht a hwrJr.y when he. c.op,le.d thi..6 one -lnto :the. 1t.ec.01t.cu • Some. on h-l-6 -lnteJLU.ni.ng tVlJI.OW.6 j ru,t loo ke.d Uk.e. btk. ii mudgu until. I enla1tged them undeJt. the. lu.gh -lnt~Uy lamp wUh :the. ma.gnif,ybtg gla.6ii. The. cleJLk. appaJLent.e.y le.(,t Alc;tlcle. Ught.e.y out whe.n he. c.op-led U and .then went bac.k. and adde.d U w.Uh a pa.M: 06 the. iientenc.e .6hown above. .lt. ••• ma.k.-lng U look. like. pa.M: 06 the iientenc.e. be.f,01t.e U. I THINK what Willl.am wcu :tlt.y-lng :to 1>a.y -ln :th.i.6 aJLtl..cle. Wa6 .tha.t he wanted the equ.lpment Wi e<;l by the. ne.gJt.O l.a.boJr.Vth to go wUh that plVlttlc.ulaJt negJt.o (Le., the ne.gM ta.k.u h,U too.R..6 along wlih h-lm to wha.teveJr. c.hUd' .6 home that he. Wa.6 g-lve.n to l • EGAV. 1 can't do :tlw, any befteJL tha.n W-Ulia.m Olt. the. clvr.k dld. At a.ny Jr.ate, thue. c.op,lu aJLe. 001t. yoWt frU.u. I've. aJ...1io adde.d :the. maNua.ge. Jr.e.c.oJr.d6 1 ha.ve 0oJr. La.nc.a.6teJr. Count.y and a. c.ou.p.e.e. o{j the c.ounc.U mlnu.tu. I don't know what to think a.bout the. Ye.Jr.by fia.mlly bt tlul, pa/Lt 06 V-lJr.g-ln-la.. So fiaJL, the. oni.y .6pel.Ung o ti Ya.Jr.bJWu.gh f,ound ,ln that c.ou.n:ty WM -ln 1919. You.' d .th.1.n.k. theJr.e wou.£.d be. a..t £.ea1.it one. .6pe.U-lng o{j the YaJtbJr.ou.gh n.a.me., wou.£.dn. 't you? I am about c.onv,i,n.c.e.d that th..Lb pMU..c.u.!.a.Jr. YVtby 1..6 jw.,:t. :t.lurt "Ye.Jr.by" i.n.Atea.d ofi a vaJl..i.a.;t.lon o 6 Y.MbMu.gh. The1te. 1..6 a Ye.Jtby Un.e. ,ln. Engfun.d that doun't .cSe.em to be. c.on.necte.d w.U.h ou.Jr. YaJr.bJz.ou.gh6 bt a.ny wa.y. I n.ote.d .in 1>ome Jr.Ue.aJr.ch pa.pelt.6 that the IJr.by ( !Jr.bee., YJLbe.e, e.tc.} Une. in Amvu.c.a. c.£.abnt. th,U Yelt.by a.6 a va/U.ati.on on :the. .6pe.U-lng ofi the.-lJr. name. . Wha:t maku .lt iio c.onnWi-lng 1..6 that I kn.ow that va.Jcl..oru, Ya.Jr.bJLou.gh 6a.mi.l.y .membelt6 ha.ve been 1t.ec.01t.ded M Ye1tby ••• my own g1t.e.at gJr.and{ja..theJt. 1..6 .6hown ..:: ,on one..· c.eniiu.6 a6 Jamu Veit.by when he W£t6 living ,i,n the. home ofi h-l-6 .6-lt.teJt.. Ye.t, it·" ._-~;.the Y~y 6amlly i.n· Lanc.a.cSteJt. and NoJi:thumbelll.a.nd Co.6., Vhtg.lnla. .cSeem to have .. ~ ·: ·- alway!· be.en Yvr.by ..._ __ 1 ca.n':t frlnd any· me.nti..on ofi the Ya.Jr.bJLOugh .6pe1Llng. · :: HoweveJL, I k.eep 1t.ec.o1t.dlng eveJLythi.ng I l,,lnd on ~ line. M .6omewh~ down r ~ .the line. we ma.y 6,i.nd the c.onnect.ln_~ link.. - '( ·.. 1 1tea.U.y a.pp1tec.late o.U. :the :thing.& that you. .&halte wUh me. You and yoWl. .&ll>teJt have IU!AU.y added to :the Jtec.o!t.d!, • 1 'U keep :tltybtg to a.dd what 1 have to :the :tklng.& you've .&halted and .6 end you. the c.op.(..u. 1 r,J,U,h 1 had moJt.e .ti.me to devote to :thl6 ••• .lt L6 ha.Jtd .t.o keep up w.i.:th the coMupondenc.e, n.o/Una..l c.ho!t.el> and eMa.nd6 .and..woltk. a.t a. de.mandlng job, too. Wll>h I c.ord.d win the lo:t.tVUj and do gene.a.logy 6u.ll .ti.me.!

1 've been .tJr.ybtg :t.o devo;te. a.& muc.h .ti.me a.& pa.6h1ble :t.o the mM/Lla.ge . c.ompila.tlon. We have pJtett.y .l.a/r.ge ..&e.etlon.6 noJt NC, TennU.6ee, GeoJtg-la. and Te~. Kentucky, Loul6.uzna., Mlu.u.&..lppl and SC aJt.e 6a..Utly :thi.Ji whi.c.h L6 .&a.d c.on.6..lde/Llng how many Y' .6 weJte ..ln tha.6 e aJteiL.\ • 1 JLec.entty had a. 1tequu:t. 6Jt.Om Ne.Le Maltti.n a.Ak.lng ..ln 1 ha.d. anythlng on a.n Andltew B. Ycvr.bJt.Ough who dled 10 FeblLWlJty 1891 {n Van Zandt Co. Tx. He ma/tlt..led Mt11ty A. Welc.h -- p.ta.c.e and date unknown. Andlt.ew'.& 6a.theJt Wa6 John H. YaJtbJLOugh, b. ca 1805 ..ln NC, d. 6 Vee. 1865, po.&.&..lb.ty ..ln TN. HL6 w-loe' .6 name wa.& MaJLtha L. Ma.nc.lll.. John H. Y' .6 6dhe1t Wa6 Edmund Ycvr.bll.Ou.gh who mtVVLled Soph-la. Go.6.6 e.tt (Go.61.0ick) ••• thl6 ..lh :the anc.utoJt 06 TN c.ou.s-ln Cha.Jtlie. Vo you have an.yth.lng ..ln yoWL Jtec.o!t.d!, on :thl6 An.dlt.ew'!

Melba. Tu.Uo.6 wJt.Ote and iiaid .6he had :bti.ed to enl.altge :the pedlg1t.ee. c.ha.Jvt ..ln the. f.a.6t .u,i, ue o 6 the nW6le:UeJt and c.ord.dn' :t get a. cl.eaJL c.opy. Z now have iieveltal 06 :the Y pedlg1t.ee cluut:t6 and am going :to :take them to a pJr1..nt .6hop heJte and hee wha.t U would c.o.&:t. to have them pJr1..n:ted --- pell.hap!, on paJte.hment -­ and then 066e1t. the .&e:th 6011. ha.le :t.o in:tC!Jl.u:ted ll.UeaJLChVth •••• U mlght. be a. Wa.JJ to a.dd :t.o :the new6l.e:Ue1t. c.o.6:to and expen.6U ••• wha:t I meant wa6 U m-lght be a. pMjec.t to de61La.JJ home 06 :the new.6le.tteJt c.oh:U. 1 c.a.n't .talk :toda.JJ. l'm enclo.6..lng a. legible c.ha.Jvt 601t yoWL 1tec.01t.cl.6.

The day b., pa.6h-lng and 1 'm not ge.ttlng muc.h a.c.c.ompllihe.d. 1 mu.st cl0.6 e and get :to .the wa.& h oJL 1 a.m go..lng :t.o be we.aJLi..ng .6 ome. ve)UJ clf.Jr.ty clo.:thu :to woJtk next week. Keep me po.o.te.d a.nd 1'U do :the .&a.me. Bu:t. w..Uhu, ~ Ka.Jten Ma.zoc.k



Probably named for the English shire, Lancaster County was fonned from Northumberland and York counties in 1651. Bordered by the Chesapeake Bay and Rappahannock River, the county occupies the southern_tip ufthe . Its county seat is Lancaster Court House.

BELLE ISLE, Litwalton mniiy. The formal, synunctrical a, rangcment of buildings and grounds of the great Tidcwatl Virginia scats is present in a m~ch reduced scale at Belle Isle, . plantation which takes its name from a marshy island on th north shore of the Rappahannock. The complex, approachc, by a mile-long axial avenue, consists of a compact Ge~rgia.i manor house flanked by two ·perpendicularly sice~ependen cies forming a forecourt. On the rive~ side arc formal garden· laid out on the original terraces, The earliest portions of th, grouping probably were built for William Be~ before hi: death in 1759. The house received its one-story wings arounl · 1790 during the ownership of Rawlcigh Dowrunan. Scctiom of the interior paneling were removed in the 192os and latc1 were acquired by the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Mu­ seum. The complex has since been carefully restored under thl direction of architectural historian Thomas T. Waterman. 51-1 (3'2'71).

-- :ancaste.r Coun'ty 229

CHRIST CHURCH, Irvington vicinity. Enhanced by its quiet rural setting, Christ Omrch is without peer among Virginia's colonial churches in the quality of its architecture and state of prcsen-ation. The dcgant Latin-cross structure owes its fine quality to the fact that it was commissioned by Robert ("King") Carter, the most prosperous and influential of Vir­ ginia's colonial plantcrS. Completed by 1735, the exterior is set off by its beautiful brickwork, especially the exquisitely crafted molded-brick doorways, the finest of their type in the nation. The full entablaturc, complete with cushion frieze, is a feature rarely used on colonial buildings. The windows, which pre­ serve their original sash, ar~ accented by stone keystones and sills, as well as by g:wged-brick arches. Inside, the church re­ tains its original pews and stone pave.rs. The architectural high­ lights of the interior are the handsomely trimmed pulpit and the walnut altarpiax. Behind the church are the imported tombs of Carter and his two wives. The ensemble is the epit­ ome of colonial Virginia design and craftsmanship. 51-+ (9/9/69); National Hiswric Landmarlt.

COROTOMAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE, mems Picin­ ity. An extensive archaeological excavation conducted by the Virginia Division of Historic Landmarks in 1978 revealed the form and size of the mansion of Robert ("King") Carter, co­ lonial Virginia's richest and most powerful planter. Carter be­ gan construction of the house in 1720 and lived there until it was destroyed by fire in 1729, three years before his death. 1bc excavation uncovaul the foundations of what must have been the most prodigious and richly appointed house of the period: a 40-by-90-foot ~story structure with towers at each comer of the river side. Between the towers was a long veranda with a paved area beneath. The archaeological excavations showed that the hall was ~ with marble and that the fireplaces had marble trim and were lined with delft tiles. The thousands.d' artifacts unearthed in the rubble, including pieces of ceranw: tankards and storage vessels, porcelain teacups, wine bottles, buckles, clasps, and hardware, help to reconstruct the life-style of one of the great figures of America's colonial era. 51-34 (12'2/69); VirgiMa Historic Landmarlts Board presen,ation ease­ nunt.

FOX HILL, L""'., Picinity. Named for the 17th-century owner of the property, planter David Fox, this Northern Neck plan­ tation contains an L-shaped Federal dwelling conspicuously situated amid broad flat fields. The severely formal house echoes the Georgian style of the preceding generation and is set off by its even Flemish bond brickwork and molded-brick cornices and its ratrained but well-crafted Federal interiOI' woodwork. Complementing the house is a two-story kitchen of the same formal character. It and a brick smokehouse are the remnants of an original complex of five outbuildings. Al­ though no survey has been conducted, the property may also contain the archaeological site of David Fox's manor house. The plantation-was acquired in 1793_by Richard Selden II, who apparently built the present house lxfore his death in 1823. 51-9 (+/r8/;8). - . - ...... ~ J ..... ·1·...... , ...... ~ , ...... • • .#I ········.:, ••• · · -· historic core of the community. The tiny conununity of Lancaster C.ourt House is one of the _best preserved of Virginia's rural courthouse villages. The principal clement of the district is the late antebellum courthouse with its 1937 portico. The court· house complex includes the former jail and old clerk's office, both dating from the :i8t):l~century. Immediately to the east is an 1872 Confederate memorial, believed to be the first such monument erected in Virginia. A ca. 1800 tavern, mid-19th­ century post office, Carpenters' Gothic church, tum-of-thc­ ccntury store, and several detached 19th- and early 20th­ century dwellings complete the linear village. Shown arc the old clerk's office and, across the street, the tavern. Nearly free of modem intrusions, the district maintains a harmony of scale, color, texture, and materials, all within a larger agrarian setting. The county seat was established at this location in CT.H. .J~~- 17,+o. 51-81 (1/J8/8~).

MILLENBECK ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES, Millenbedt. The area around the present settlement of Millenbeck on the C.orotoman River, a trit:,utary of the Rappahannock, contains several colonial archaeological sites. A fort, lcnown as the fort at Ball's Point, was established there around the time of Ba­ con's Rebellion, and traces of it are believed to remain. The site of the late 17th-century family home of Hannah Ball, great­ grandmother of , probably remains intact near the fort site. The site of a later Ball mansion, as well as that of another colonial-era house, remains undisrurbed. The early date of the fortification and the residences of Washing­ ton's ancestors give this complex particularly important archae- ological potential. 51-29 (uh/6')).. fr·

- "-.. .,. t:....

:: .. J. --.~ •• ST. MARY'S WHITECHAPEL,. Li11ely 'Picinity. The vicissi- __ tudes suffered by Virginia's Anglican church arc expressed in ..:.~ - .... -·.!.,· ...... the fabric· of :this tenacious Northern Neck parish church . -· ':..~ ...... ··named for 'the London suburb that was home for some of its . . ·· first' communicants. The oldest portion of the church may have been built as early as 1669. This rectangular structure was made cruciform in 17,+o-+1 with the construction of the existing transepts. The building was abandoned after the disestablish­ ment but was reoccupied in 1832. To accommodate a much­ diminished congregation, the deteriorated nave and chancd were removed, and their bricks were used to fill the voids be­ tween the transepts. Though severely altered from its 18th­ century form, the building's remaining portions are reminders of its importance in the past. St. Mary's was the parish church of the family of Mary Ball, mother of George Washington. 51-22. (9/9/69). ""- ...... __ /·

The family has one of the longest genealogies in existtme•. Franklin, Ou191, Wal• bav.d1an. M•ckl•nburt a,.,~ The Engli!Jh Yarbrough family is one of great antiquity. It can Rutherford. ~ actual11 traced back, thanks lo old mon,utary records The Titlar heed of t'Je houN of England Aid that the which were unearthed by World War Il bombings, In an name Yarbrough reallv ~an to the 'plaa of raidmo.. unbrolum chain 10 Germund who founded the House of The word Borough in Anglo.Sa•on days mrMlt •a fortif.J Yarbrough in lhe year 853 A.O. The family was of German manor house, and by the itme of the Nonnan Conqual It origin and it geMrally is assumed that progenitors came into cam• under the King'• pr ace, ,1rceiving a charter, and latff tl,e counlry · England was then known as Angebnd, during alowed a ,epresmtatiw to parliamfflt". the Danish invMlon of about 800 A.D. Th• Danes in Then at a taler dale the-rewne othfls a(the samt!famiy Engl.lnd, historic11lly being enemiH of the Anglo-Sa,rons, in England who came lo America, they Wt."re oi m,r sa1r • sided with William the Conqua of NorTMncly who awarded family prior lo 1653. AmbrOH Yarbrough bomin Yorkshi:i-. these Danes estatu when he came lo power. According lo England in l 710of the Yarbrough de Bate,on f:un1.iyca,ne er, ~ records which were extiact before World War D, Eu,tachius Amelia County, Virginia where he menil!d his di!IM. de Yarbrug ( a dcacencfanl of Germund) u,as made Lord of cou,in. She wa• probably the granddaughter of tt.ic:Mrd ar i V.:::bw:, County l.ir>coln al lhia limP.. T~e g'!'n4'l'llngy wM Frances Yarbrough. tie late, mowd toJml-.ir..sville. FairfieU Ir aced back to 1066 as puipared for the Earl of Yorkshire for County, South Carohna. He died in Union, South C-,oliJn ,.-ating at the coronation ol King Georgf! and Quren in 1799where he left a will Mmiog iwochildrtmwhomhe h,:t Eli:r.abt!th R. being the 11th oldest line, .-ven older than the o'llready left an inheritance, AmlnoH, Jr., a RrvolutionMi, tloun of Winds.or it&elf. Soldier who married a Miss Layton: 84rulah (Bully), JOV!".1h., The College of Arm, says th~t Richard Varbor~ugh Ann, Jenni.ah and Jonathan who manit'd Amilia. 1615 17M WM th, first to come 10Amenc1:1. He was baptised Children of Richard anJ Franca were: not long before he came to America in 1643. He married Thomas Funces Proctor in 1635 and had :ziah d. 1780, a boy died in infancy. Little do "''I! know of hjm, His children werc: Eleilnor d. 1781. (Taken from a court record in which Zachariah I flichard was a witnl"f.s.) Archibald . It is known from County records that Thomas had Mano.>h brothers: Edmund, Willi.1m, John, Rich;ud, Jr., Henry, Nexandt!r Jam<:s, Charles 11nd 1111 cc sL~ters. Thus Rich11r d 11nd F ranees Thomas had l'IPven cliilclr en. Henry A search of twenty ycar!l, much of it by experts. had John proclucrd rvinPnce ol 110 YMbrouqh in Amr1ica older 1h1m 'I About 1760 7.J1chariah and his ciK brothers moVt, I lo R,chard. l k 111st ;\f)f'KlMS in ,James Counly, thn to lhP vicinity of the Couuly whc-r~ he met 'lmd m11rritd Eliu1b('th Dou..J. 11,z;• prrscnt Prlcrsburg, Virginia at the i'lge ol 85 y<'ars He died are buried on the Hargrave place near u1 could not Thomas 1778 JP..13 mar ricd Jemima Merrill or lexmglon be chMxe l'vicl<'nce. (1782), dcs.cwcl11111s moVl.'d to Iowa, also Senator r,. .Ji)h . flichard g;wc his"~ 115 87 in a Lmd dci>d in 1702 in King Yc1rhrou9h of T rxa1 is a descendant W,il,;un County, Vi,gini.,. A!eJrf ol Nathanial and Charles in North Carolina in countif's of T «nnesHe ta;,s that ht ¥Pas th« fourth lfhire man to If Ille in. 17 GENEALOOICAL HELPER .... _,,,...... ,.~·.•· Lancaster Co. , Virginia

1778 21.J Jan. Saturday. "The Governor having received authentic infonnation that a Certain Gapta:1n Yerby of Lancaster County while on Dity (sic) at the Head of a Carpany of Militia, did in a false Traiterous & Wicked manner.aid &assist certa:1n British Ships of War in taking &making prize of a Ship or Vessel being French Property, mich trading 1n this State was intitled to its Protection. He with the Advice of the Council gave directions to Richard Mitchell and James Gordon Esquires, Magistrates in the said County to apprehend the said Captain Yerby and all others his abetters in the aforementioned Transaction & strictly to examine him & them upon the Subject & deal with them in the usual Metl'x:xi of proceeding against Criminals." Journal of the Council of the State of Virginia, Vol. II, pp 73, 71.J.

1778 lJ Mar. Wednesday. ''The council taking under their consideration the Mem::>rial of Gapta:1n Collinaw of the French Snow Eligante, setting forth that his Vessel laden with two hundred & eight Hogsheads of Tobacco was treacherously delivered up to the british Ships of War when lying in Rappahanock river by the Militia of the County of Lancaster although the said Militia were at that time assembled as well for the purpose of protecting his said Vessel as for preventing the Enereys mald.ng deporedations on, or receiving or procuring provisions !'ran that ' .. ' County; and also maturely Considering sundry Depositions of Persons ' :·,,. examined upon Oath in the County Court of Lancaster & by Canmissioners ";:i "".,_ ·! --·· appointed by this board, lately transmitted to the Governor touching the Conduct of Captain Yerby who at that t1me corrmanced the Militia aforesaid; And for as much as thie Board are of Opinion that the said Depositions tend to prove clearly that the said Captin Yerby & the Militia under his Coolmand did treacherously and basely deliver up the Vessel &Cargo aforesaid to the british Ships of War whereby·the said Captain Callinaw has been unjustly deprived of his property to the amount of five th:>usand pounds , that is to say a Cargoe of Tobacco rated at three thousand five hundred pounds & a Vessel &c. of fifteen hundred pounds value they do tmanimously advise his Excellency the Governor to issue his WaITant on the Treasurer for the St.nn of five thousand pounds payable to the said Captain Gallinaw ••• " ibid, p. 97

1783 3 Jun. 'Iuesday. "Steven Lock, John Yerby, John Hutching, Thomas Hathway, and Thomas Hubbard of Lancaster having petitioned for the remission of the fines in;)osed an them for not attending the general court as Venireren on the trial of JVIaurice Wheeler; alleging sickness and other unavoidable accidents in excuse, which appears to the satisfaction of the board . . • rem1 t the fines. Ibid, Vol III, p. 265 I received a l~tter from MRS MARY PATI'ERSON, High Point, N.C. with the following poem and il.lustration on the frustrations of ancestor chasing •.••••••••

Where, oh where has June Watson gone? I haver't heard from her in so long! We are still huntingh and tired of riding But the Arthurs are yet, still in hiding. I ~~ Ole Wi:1iam carre to Rowan from the coas~ .\J { Ris 200 acres would surely rrake his bc~st ~ rho ~-- Rut ~ were his children, who was his wife? \ - \ ')'(. '- 0 ~ Ca.ii' t dig th .m ap to save my life! { 'bu-' v' i' ,,Q;'

Why can't they whisper the narre of the ship? It would save rre many a trip My message to them "I won't go away" 1'11 chase you guys till all my hail;" is grey.

So here I come, pencil in hand I'll uncover your secrets, if I·can I'll shake the trees, and rattle tpe cages Till you surrender, and jump.on my pages.


I was down in the south on a horseshoeing spree, wi,iin an old country farmer called on me. "My mule needs shoeing bad," he said, "And the last man to shoe him Is long since dead."

Well my dad always said that only a fool Would ever hire out to shoe a mule. But I was full of Texas pride, With a lot more guts than brains inside.

When I got to the farm the mule was there, I only knew of one more way And there's not a bigger mule anywhere. to hold that mule's hind foot at bay. He was tall and wide, but hard and lean. A double W dallied 'round a post. With an eye that looked just downright mean. Might give me three minutes, at the very most.

But I didn't falter, I got my tools, The only good stout post I found While thinking "I might charge more for mules." Was the one they'd built the barn around. I picked up a hoof, then he picked up me. But it was strong, and held him tight, He won the first round easily. And it looked as though I'd won the fight.

I got up slow, and picked up my hat, Yes, I thought at last I'd won the duel, While wondering how that mule did that. And proved I was smarter than a mule. I grabbed his front hoof, and stuck like glue. I finished one foot, and started the last. My teeth were all loose when the jarring was through. I never knew I could shoe so fast.

In an hour and a half I'd finished the front, As I got the last nail clinched up tight, But I knew that was the easiest stunt. The mule attempted one last fight. The hind feet still were left to go, It was that last kick that did the most, And that's his business end, you know. And broke the barn's supporting post.

The farmer smiled as I eased on in, Old timbers were falling, we ran for the door. And said, ~·Here's where the fun begins." The mule stomped us both into the floor. As I grabbed the hoof the mule gave me a kick We scrambled on, but got hit from behind In the chest and shoulder. Dern, he was quick! By a mule-drawn post, the airborne kind.

We wrestled an hour, he fought like sin. Well the barn was wrecked, the mule was gone. I won one round-he won ten. I figured it was time to move along. He wasn't bothered by the whip and the switch. The farmer was nice enough to say He tore up my halter, and chewed up my twitch. He'd needed a new barn, anyway.

The running W was no good at all, I took my cash and headed west. He jumped and twisted until he'd fall. Thinking "Dad always did know best." Stretched out with a tractor he 'bout came around, And if I ever shoe a mule again, Till he broke the post he was tied to down. It'll be inside the looney bin. FAf.~ILY GROUP l~O. Husband'& Full N&me \HLLIAM YERBY ·- This Information Obtained From: Day Mo,,ltl ., , Couft!J or ltat• or Couatry Ado Into. ori Mvtbl ....."-· .. Ctty. Tow,, or ""ace "JITo,,t-. etc. Will 1831. Lancaster 111nh

~ Co •• Va. Chr'nO .q Mar. n... ,11 1817> (Wi 11) Lancaster Co •• Va. llunal

PltCH of RH~nu

Oceuoellon Church Alllll•l"'n Mllll•N-. ~.~==•:!::.~:or(~,:.. ·. Hla Father Mot-tlol-- f ·i• Wife's Full,_ Malden Name eel -.. o., Monlll City. T°""' or Place C:O..nt, or l"ro,,lnca, ete. l\tata or CounttJ Md. Info. on WIie ..·1 -..,,,, J ;Jf Cllt'lld - R 2, Box 111 • I Oaath t>efore 181~ Lancaster Co. - VA- - !--,.B=~~~e, TX 76024 ir t - lti ~~v ·:t x CompueOnhel ia Ke.i:::i:::l Pr Plaut of A.ttlCMnce -~1 . ..-' . . ~l AOdrH• Box 261 Occupation If other !haft bouMwlfl Church Afflllallon .....le:ei City, SlataNewcast 1 e. TAY_ ::: ~~i~*:7c.':c~ !l:*· 0.1120-ap •. -1 qqo 7f.7i72 Her Father --alollldenN- ... I~~~·:"; :., ~: :, ~~,,, 1~·110-·,o.,. Day Month ...... CltJ, Town or Pl- Count, or ProYtnce, ate. Stat• or CounttJ Add. Into. Oft Chl!Ora 1 Birth ' Thomas Yerby Mar. Full Name Of 5l)O!JM' Death . Burial 2 Birth Willirul!erby Mar. Full N1me of &l)OUH· Death

Burial . 3 Birth Charles I Yerbv Mar. Full Nam• ot Spou"' Oeatll Burial 4 B1r1h Margaret Mar. Full r,;,.m, ot Spouu• Doath Tov:J es Burial 5 Birth Mar. Full N•-n• of SpouM' Death Burial . 6 Birth Mar. Full N•"'• o! &:>euAt' Dean,

Butlal 7 Birth Mar. Full Name or Spouu• Death Burial 8 .. - Birth -. Mar. Full Nam, or &POUM' 0Hth Burial 9 811111 Mar. .. 'f Full.._ of lpouN' o.. ,,,

Burle! 10 8fttll ...... ,111,-oi-- , o.. ,,, 8uri111 •• _.....,. w ..... w.a MA, ...,.. __ H\,.,. He eai4 H•t le Kidd le6e ..... fl I ~ '1Jonofwe !1(J • 2 '!Jo.t 111 323 I 'B~t 'To..76024

o. Mir. Bond. YARDLE1. Seo_ !EARDLEY). FrMcos m. Adam Tborowgood. . . _, . , · · Francis, Col., m. Dec., 1647, So.rah (Offley) 'J..'horowgood Gookin, d. . 1657; •J.Jidaw 1st. of Capt•. Adam Thorowgood (~., 164.0), 2m of Capt. John Gookin {d. bef. Dec., 1647) •. 4W{l)l70~ See Francis Yea.rdley. Georgo, d. 1627, Va.; m. Temperance Flowerdew. Sho m. (2) Capt. Fran- cis Wost. 2Tll5; 6Tl18. Soo George Yea.rdley. . .:,£:'.., Richard m. 12 ·Jan., 1790, Hannah Jameson, spinster. Sur: . .Alexander · J[plleSOtl• AlbClllc.'U'le Co. Mar. Bond •. Rose m. Thomas Ryding. ·i YARNELL Mordecai I m. (1) _ _; m. (2) Mclry Roberts •. Joliffe, p. 93. lvbrdeca.i II, aon of Mordeco.i an:l {2) Miry (Roberts), m. 5 April, 1775, Phoeby Joliffo, b. 12 Fob., 1758, Frederick Co., dau. of Williom and Lydia ( Hollingsworth) ; rem. to Wheeling, Vo.. , after 8 li1.rch, 1780. Joliffe, p. 93. YARRAT'l\\' 1 , ·; . : . • , . Adam m. ·bef. Aug.; 1678, Rachel Rhodes, sis. of Augustine. Proven by · Co~ Record of that date, Northumberlard Co. YliRRET . . . · Ptl'ter· m~· ~25 ·Nov·.: 1756, Mary Perr~e, both in 14:tnikontown. Douglas Rog. ~ :. p. 2. ·. r: .Y.ARRETT . ~! Elizabeth m. John furry. · ·Katherine m. Henry Wiggs. \ YARRIOOTON ,. : Frances m. Jmnea Burton. John m. 2) July, 1752, lhry Bryant. Sur. Benjamin RhG{l.es. Mi.ddlesox Co. Mir. Bond. Judith m. Jrunos Brown. Missey m. 13 Sept., 1720, Anno Chowning. Christ Church, p. 163. Oliver m. 15 July, 1785, Elizabeth We.re. Christ Church,. p. 204. Vincent m. 5 Nov., 1795, Elizabeth B. Stiffe. Christ Church, p. 302. YARRO.J Miry µi. lllimund Day. YATES , iL • _ m. John Robinson (1st wife) • . : Abner in. )l Dec., 1795, Clara Smith by Rev. William M:i.son, Baptist. Culpeper Co. Ministers'. Returns. ,'. . .Anno_m •.. Robert Spratt. :. · Bartholomew m•• 11 May, 17cfJ, Anne Daniel. Christ Church, p. 198. Sho, dau. of Robert o.rd Lucy {Da.nicl). 12'1'209. . .. ; ,., :.. Bartholomow _m •. bef. 1808, Solly Catlett, dau. ~f John of Gloucester ( Co., whose will, prov. 4 July, 1808, L1entionod "B.arth8.l.ome-w Yatos, ••I

Y~ROUGH ( LANCASTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA Formed 1651 from Northumberland, York Counties

1778 24 Jan. Saturday. •The Govemor having received authentic Information that a Certain captain Yerby of Lancaster County while on Dity (sic) at the Head of a Ccmpany of Militia, did in a false 'l'raiterous & Wicked manner aid & assist certain British Ships of War in taking & making prize of a Ship or Vessel being French Property, which trading in this State was intitled to its Protection. Be with the Advice of the Council gave directions to Richard Ni1:chell & James Gordon Esquires, Magistrates in the said County to apprehend the said Captain Yexby & all others his a.betters in the aforementioned Transaction & strictly to examine him & them upon the Subject & deal with them in the usual Method of proceeding against Criminals." Journal of the Council of the State of Virginia, Vol II, pp 73, 74

1778 4 Mar. Wednesday. •The council taking under their consideration the Memorial.of Captain Collinaw of the French Snow Eligante, setting forth that his Vessel laden with two hundred & eight Hogsheads of Tobacco was treacherously delivered up to the british Ships of War vhen lying in Rappaha.nock river by the Militia of the County of Lancaster although the said Militia were at that time assembled as well for the purpose of protecting his said Vessel .as for preventing the Enemys making deporedations on, or receiving or procuring provisions from that Countyi and also maturely Consi­ dering sundry Depositions of Persons examined upon Oath in the County Court of Lancaster 5 by Ccmmi.ssioners appointed by this board, lately transmitted to the Governor touching the Conduct of captain Yerby who at that time commanded the Militia afore­ said; And for as much as this Board are of Opinion that the said Depomitions tend to prove clearly that the said Captain Yerby & the Militia under his Connand did treacherously and basely deliver up the Vessel & cargo aforesaid to the british Ships of War whereby the said Captain callinaw has been unjustly deprived of his property to the mnount of five thousand pounds, that is to say a CArgoe of Tobacco rated at three thousand five hundred pounds & a Vessel &c. of fifteen hundred pounds value they do unanimously advise his Excellency the Governor to issue his Warrant on the 'J.'reasurer for the Sum of five thousand pounds payable to the said Captain Callinaw ••• " ibid, p. 97

1783 3 Jun. Tuesday. •steven Lock, John Yexby, John Hutching, '1'hClmas Hathway, and Themas Hubbard of Lancast4!%' having petitioned for the remission of the finPs imposed on them fo"r not attendin~ ( the general court as Veniremen on thP trial of Maurie@ Wheeler; " alleging sickness and other unavoidable accidents in excuse. which appears to the satisfaction of the board ••• remit the fines. ibid, Vol III, p 265

I d 3-26

YElulDLEY (cont.) (,.ii-::"} r·:r:·::

0 Sarah m. John PO\.Jell. · ,.... I •'" d:~ ~r::! Sarah (_) m. John Watts. · ·· ,., r •fr.·.~·):; Temperance (_) m. (2) Francis West. .;r :i!:'r:7.(~ 1 IEAT.ZS ,, ~ · • r 1 t' . , · ·-· i X! .. t"~·: John, b. 1751, Culpeper Co.; d.14 Jan., 1847;·served inRev.•'Wa.r from Halifax Co.; m. 1780, Elizabeth Cbaaller • . Wilcoxson;-;.p. ,418. Rachel Murray Beverley m. Thomas Cooka. · , . ·· Y t i .• ,1 r.1:;.t!!.tH Susanna m. Gabriel Smith. : · · · ·1.-:: i r:·. \~,'.·Ohl. Susannah m. John Bohannon. . : · · · . ·_.,:> ,·•:· U"~: YE.ATiiAN ··, r_ ., ...... ;. John m. 15 Dec., 1792, Lucy Patty. Caroline Co.· Mar_. .Record. ;i• IEGE:a '::1/··\'JY Samuel m. 12 April, 1791, Mary Hill by Rev. John .La.sly.! ;Low.sa;co. Mar. Record. ·• ' ·-,·:. '!.i,~: YELTON • , 1,'i James m. 1.3 Nov., 1743, Isabell Hinson. OFR. . · .• · ·: ··1X 1 ,C1 IEO • : .; ·· George m. 1719/20, Ellinor Boswell. Elizabeth City Co •. Mir. Record. George, Jr., d. ca 1745; m. 1719/20, Elinor·(_) BroughBosvell, .widow 1st of Coleman Brough, 2nd of Capt. William Boswell•. 9\'1(1)125. Also given as Elizabeth. 9W(l)l25. . Leonard, Col., m. Rebecca (_) Moryson, widow of Col. Cbar1es. Win- ston, p. .325. . . · r· -becca (_) m. (2) Charles }.k)ryson; ~~ (3) ~o~•, ~~hn-~r· (~f wife). · ·c~3-~'!£lififL.'.P'erdft'u.l. ee.,t~".-of··Frederick· Ca;; m. Margaret Fauntleroy, da.u. of Griffin l'mdock o.rd Ann (Belfield) Fauntleroy. · Jones, p. 174. Betty m. _ Harris. Betty Woodbridge m. _ Steptoe. Caty m. M3redith. Cle~ge m~ ·. · · th Rust. 11W(2)120. · ·., ·' ~-:1' ·· ,;~··1 ·\a·· · •· d.ith, c1au. of. John, \:hose will, " aated 27''~eh;"'1.'784, and est. sett. 1-hy, 1784, both in Lancaster Co., prove it. · · : · Vl'oi>U'&~~l1S9.:;•El.'i'l:abetn·~, dau. of Robert, bro. ·or James Pinckard, whose will, dated 9 Nov.,. 1789, Lancaster Co., proves the marriage. ·, :i~. '":-.~·; r 'CeOR,g~, \Jr.;.~:P9ti.:-.l?62,. Sally Gibson, oau. of William, whose irill, do.ted_6 March 1752, and est. sett., 17 Sept., 1762, 1illri'~c;'&n- .... •...... e ...... , '. ;,.'liiirf:i • .. . " Ha.~J:(" ,r- s.,. ;,-;. ('r r &ibnab: JD.,h,1il~ltivB.mst . . . J,aatih.. m.~i..'eliifte§,''f'urelll. . . . . r, Jobn;.!in. •...beh.'4V5B}·Sd'.fah Simm.omr, dau. of John, whose•eat,~sett. ot that date, Lanca~ter Co., proves 1 t. · · ' : ·· : .,. · \Tobif!tti~";,,eftariJt 1ru,-,·•tt:llikl8R, dau. of William, whose· est.: sett. of that date, arxl will of llllimn Hutchings, .Jr., rno, both in ~:ter Co.i1Qy;1izt;-r-=.,:·~/ . :·. •t··. >'<·:;:-'.)·!'. "'ihklttlt!& I I I LIU: · , . : : .i •• j : ,: ·'~ ....._.~.\ • .,.,lo •..,.~ .. --..... ------



11.alfll or u.u> or l'AJaLT. l!U.ld 01' B:11\AD 01' l'.&JIILT. Jr.ua: 01' - 01' J'.UOLT. , ~ i Jr.UO: 01' - 01' J'AJaLT. ! i I ~ ~ ~ m 1--11------l-·I- llltcbell, Dnuy ••••••••••••• (I - . • •••••••. , 7 • • • • • H&rgl'Oft, 1 ohr&...... 7 11 ! ... 8. Roddin, PhoelMI ...... 8 eon, Jo •• , . • • . • • • • • . • 3 5 Howanl, J-...... 2 ••••• 5 Vm.on, Joeeph ••••••••••• ,. 2 10 Kn.lgb.t, Joel...... 8 Dt.via, Joh.a...... 7 I 1 1 Ferguao~ W~l!am ...... Powell, Wllllt.m...... •••••. 5 8 Davia, Joh.a, JUD...... 4 2 7 Dillehay, t;A&nN ••••••••••• 10• 2 Wyche, Henry...... 7 U B-. Bu.rrel.l...... •• 4 10 3 (I• Ftrg'Wlllon, FrllDClia ••••••••• 1 Wyche, Wllllt.m... ••• • . •••. l 1 Rowell, 1-.••••••••• .• •• . 2 4 Vlll.lOD, Peter, JUD •••••••••• ti 5 Going, Drury ••••••••••••••. 4 Wycbe, Peter...... 2 1 H&rrlaoD, Cllftcm... •• • ••• •• 2 2 Murrell~············· 8 Dungil!_i. William ••••••••••• 7 Bynrm., O•bum...... • . 1 Prttehat~o1m. •• • • •• ••• •• • 10 a r.· ~ ...... 9 Cl&ri, ret.er•••••••••••••••• 7 Roper, A.ml...... 7 ••• •• PeeblN, wlD.l&m...... 10 11 umiU, Beaja.mtll. •••••••••• 3 Jollllll, Brtttoa •••••••••••.. 2 D&vta, 8&.mQel.. •••••••••••• 4 2 Tw:nar, Jalm. ••• ••••••••. .. 20 ·fl) .,\Ddenoon, Ro bill. ••••••••••• 10 Going, ThomM ••••••••••••• 1 .Mltcht.11, C~...... 8 Bre.....-, Nlcholu.. ••• • • • • • . 11 .... i VillaOD, Peter.•• •• ••• ••.••. 3 Prtnc,e, Joel ••• ••••••••• ••••• 3 D1.,-, John...... l Konu, Thomu.. •• • ••.•••• e Nol.leY • Daniel ••••• • •••••••• 7 PeeblN, Drury.. • • • • • . • • . • . 8 2 Ct.toe, 1 ohn...... •. 7 11 Het.tbcoclr, ChulN ••••••.•• 8 Bnnnir,BraDIICOD1,hf::n W •••••••••••...... : .. T Nolley, Nehanl&ll...... •• .. 9 3 Ct.toe, D&aiel.... •••••• •• •• • . 8 10 HMt.bcoCk, J-...... II Ma.tllfllll11.!f8111"1' •. • • • ••••••• 3 2 M&uey, Johll...... 5 8 JdrlM,-... ••••••••.•.•. I 19 ,-. Thom...... (I W a.Iker, w llllt.m ••••••••••• • 7 Shelton, Thomu. •••• •• •••• 11 W&U. J&DIM...... LS 41 Jllu:lld.1. Nt.t.lumiel • ••....•. 2 H&rrtllon, Ch&dN •••••••••• 1 Byrum. J&mea...... 4

B&II, Ja.mea... ••• ••••• ••. . . . 8 112 II 7 BNlllt.1.._...... •••. .•... 111 17 Coniel.lm, 81.mnel. •••••••••• 4 BUl, K&rtln ( Orpll.t.m).. . • • • . • • • . l She&rml..o., R&w• ...... 8 ····1 ::"wflli~::::::::: : ": :ere~hb,JIIJEnO' ::::.::: ~ } 8cb.odel4_ WUll&.m, Ju•.... . 7 2 Spll.m&n, JOI.hut. •••••••••••• (Iti ••••• Brumley, Wl.l.lJ.&m. ••••• •• . . 2 H Ne • •••••••• .•• 3 4 Pead.I&, .1:11.IID&h. • • • • • • • .. • • 6 • • • • . Ed wanla, J ob.u ••••••••.•••• Bn:unley, Ellubeth...... • 3 3 Ml Wl.lll&m...... •• . !I 12 Haydon, Wllll&m...... 3 1 Ha.t.h&wt.y, Thomaa ••.•..•. 9 14 Bailey, Jolm...... 9 12 Davia, :M:&rga.nt...... l 2 Do,:gett, Elmour ...... • . I 2 :lt{a.aon, Wllll&m ••.•.•••.••. 9 g Ball, A.pm&...... 6 19 Rtvee.r, 1olul..... •• •• •••.•.. 6 2 Ellen. Jeduthun. •• . • . . . • . . . 5 • .... George, WUlwn. ••••.••.•.•. 4 5 B&.1.1., CoL J- (Est.)...... 11 a.Newb, O&wal.Othoro, Thomu.. ••• • • • 3 17 Btt.nd&ni, Georg,,...... 9 4 WIW&ma, A&ron...... • • . 7 2 Pt.I.mar, Lott ••••••••••••••• 5 l >blnaon, F.n&phfO. •••••.• e 3 Oarl&ad, DaYid...... •• •• I .•• •• Fleet, Job.D... ••••• .•••••.•. 11 34 Brent, Tbom&1 •••••••••.••• f • tchell, RlcbArd.. • . •• • • • • • 9 7 Tt.peoott, .Mary • • • • • • • •• • • • 1 9 X&nm, WDll&m.. ••• .• • •••• 7 23 Brent, Kt.rg&ret •••••••••••• 8 ., ':Y1' Elll.&beUl.... ••••.. l 10 :Sh,ll:....U, J'nm)ee...... 2 3 CorllillllloUa, W lllll.m.. .. • • • • • • 7 • • • • • OdllP, Ruth ••••••••••••••• 5 IO j ._.;, :. ... HEADS OF F AMILIES-VIRQINIA, 1785. 91

H&BBISON COUNTY--Coattaw,d.. • .. i .. !' .. t . '3 ;; 52 ;; :s! 'S .. .. :i .. 1:i .. I' ICLU) OJ' l'illILT. i !' •.uo 01' lllLU> 01' l'..ulD.T. i lll' p. J(.t.lQ.Ol'lllU.DOl'l'uaLT. i !' p. •.uo 01' lllU.D 01' l'illILT. i !' I .. ! ! ~ ! =i .s • = IIJ j :; IIJ :l j fl •l Q 0 i'= Q 0' Q 0 ~ Q 1------1--1--1--11------+-i--1--11------1--·1-....f--ll------1--·1-~ - Benjamill . ••••.•.•. 8 1 3 T-,, William .•.•...•.. 3 ..... Blllgwr, )(lcbaJ • ••••••••••• 1 Cuoto, Jobn •••••••••••••• 1 1 . I-...c .....•...... 2 RUD:,~Elijah ••••••••••. 4 1 ...... Cobwl. J Oll&tb.an ••••••••• 1 1 J~,Johu. •••••••••••• •I 1 ' 5 1 ··r Cal.II, J •••••••••••••••• 9 1 .... eacr, Nicholu••••••• ''1 1 l Cuoto, and. •...... •. 3 8 l,Bentu-· w lam .. •••..•...········· 8 1 1 Cain, Daniel •••••••••••••• 9 1 ...... W , Buel ••••••••••• I 1 1 Hugle, .Jo!m •••••••••••••• .T :::: 1, John .•.•••••.••• 7 1 ...... 'l'aimer,Jamu •••••••••••• 1 8tacll:houM, ;}MAC.• ••• •••• .T Runyau. H9111T ••••••••••• II l 1 ii, George ••••••••• 1 T111111111r, Edward •••••••••• 5 Dal'taon. .And.ntw •••••••• 3 ·-r Bush. Adam •••••••••••••• 2 ··r ... i u, Jacob ...... 4 ·-r ··r KW!t&ld, J ONJ)h • ••••••••• 1 Flnlc. Benr:, •••••••••••••• 'I 2 l Forin.uh, Chulea••••••••• $ Job •••••••••••.••. l Rlcha.rda, J obl:l ••••••••••• 8 1 "T Boeber, John. ••••••••••••• 2 Jacbon. Edward ••••••••• 3 1 1

I LIDU ••••••••.•.•••. 3 18 Carter, CathartDI ••••••••• 7 1 8 5 ...... Oordou, John •••••••••••.• l .. i . ···; a.mes.Ju••..•••..••• 1 PaJM, Joh.II. ••••••••••.•.. 10 l ~·········· 3 "T Jltslllnga, .Var::r •••••••••••. 8 ~tha •••••••••••••• '7 2 12 Lowry, GaTiD ••.•..••••... l 2 N I l Norria, Geo~•••••••••••. 7 1 3 ' ' ' wiam::::::: Nonu, J udlt •••••••••••. 1 1 'Jud.Ith...... 10 1 8 Arma, Joh.II. ••••••••••••••• ' 1 l 8alllT&nt, Wlam. •••••••• 6 1 3 port. Rawleigh ..•.. 8 1 C&rtel)o o.oim:m .•...... II 1 Conte, DaTld •••••.•.••••• 6 1 9 nw. John, Ju•••••••••••••• s 1 1 ,eU. George •.••.•••. 5 1 Ball, W ••.•••••.. 0' 1 7 ILarttD, WWlam • ••••••••• 7 1 9 P&lmer, Lo!...... I 1 1 ~.John...... 9 1 ' Carpantew' J ob.n •••••••••• 3 1 ' Fleet, John ••••••••••••••• 1 3 Carter, Job. ••••••••.••••. 1 1 I Im, Ja.m8!1 ...... 5 1 '1 Wlblln, U1.1am •••••••••• !I 1 6• lng?am, Thomae ...... 9• 1 3 George, Spencer ••••.•.•••. 9 l Richard .•.••.•...•. !I 1 3' StepbeDII, Joeeph ••••••••• 1 ti Crowder, Je>11hua •••••••••• 6 1 l>ameron, R&ehel ••••••••. II 1 2 idge, Richard ••..•.. 5 1 6 Tapeoott, lien.ry (Eatate • Reana, John ••••••••••••• 8 1 2 Lo,:it, !! i...phen. .••••••.•••. 6 1 5' ray, Thoma&. ••••••. 8 1 of} •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 1 10 Comellom, Willl&m ••••••• 6 Stmmone, J,unee •••••••••. 6 1 6 Robert ••••••••••••• 1 3 'l'apacott, R&wielgh ••••••• 2 8 fta'nll,J-•.•.•...•..• 3 ...... Oeorge, Judith •••••••••••• 8 1 2 BellT'Y •••••••••••••• 2 ' Anllll, J &1111 • •••••••••••••• 7 1 Col'Dlllloaa, Samuel •••••• • 5 ·-r W &Ike?, Ri,bert ••••••••••. 1 1 il'ilu• •••••• 9 1 ··,· Choa:amg,J ohn••••••••••• 6 l Bill, Thomu ••••••••••••• 8 1 IA.IDC8io4bf::"' ••••••.•• 'ii,'' 1 2 5 1 !,~•• Ill.lam ••••••••• 7 1 ' Hant, !i[arf •••••.••.••••.• 1 Brent, W ••••••••••• 1 6 Samuel •••••••• 6 1 2 0 1 3' Bum, Jane ••....•..•...... 3 1 Hubbard, Ch&rle8 ••••••••• ti 1 ....l.. ' ...... ' Aliord, Z&Chlu'i&h ••••••••. 0 • oh.II. ••••.••••••••. 8 1 1 3 1 2' Lawaon, B.IIIIJT ••••••••••• 10 1 ·-r 1 "'i' iii. Richard ••••••••• 1 10 1iermria.n. 'Ain::::::::::: 5 1 1 ~Jo!UI.••••••••••• 8 1 .. r <'hllto13 w llll&.m •••••••••• :z J man. Joaeph B •••••• 1 30 ~u. Aml••••••••••••• 2 Geor,w. &rtln. ••••••••••• 8 l Xlller, olm•••••••••••••.• 9 1 .T' "i," 8p!luim. J oahu.l. •••••••.•. I 1 Bill, Jobn ••••••••••••••••• 7 l 2 ,ey, ~-········ 1 0 Richard ••••••••••••• 8 2 • WU .••••••••••• 4 1 2 ChJnn, John••••••••••••••• 8 1 28 Pvll4m. Thomae •••••••••.. Palmeri .Abner•••••••••••. 1 1 '4 Jc>:. :.. .)11th ••••••• 3 l 2 ChinD, Rob• (Eatat.of) ••• 1 7 Rlnioa, Wlllla.m •••••••••• 7 I \Vorme ey, Johll.. ••••••••• 3 1 8 Jam-...... 1 1 5 W ar:nsn, William•••••••••• ·-r 1 5 <'.&mpbell, Let;'dm ••••••••• 3 '1 ··r Robb, Fra.DCl!II ••••• _•••••• 4 1 5 Ylllla.m, Ju••••••• 2 1 2 Newby, Oz..,....d ••••••••••• 1 1 Ja:::i,Jolm.. •••••••••••••• 9 1 l MotJ'1'8, Robert. ••••••••••. 1 ... i ,amea* ...... 7 1 3 Wllnraon.. JONph •••••••• 5 1 2 To Marn. •••••••••••. 3 1 1 Pll'lClrard, Anll •••••••••••• 3• 1 .011, Wllllam •••••••• 2 Flint, PrlsclJla. •••••••••••• 7 1 7' Bro.mt, Judltll ••••••••••••• 7 1 5 Jle&Ul, John.•••••••••••••• 4 2 ,, Henry ••••••••••••• 3 1 1 1 R not, Jam& •...... 1 1 4 HW, Elizabeth •••••••••••• 1 ' en.a, Molly ••••••••••• 3 ~---·······...... 3 1 -··· Ol~ Wllllam.. ••••••••. I 1 Y opdi' 'William •••••.••.••. 8' 1 • ti', Job.moo.. ••••.••••• 8 1 "T 2 .... Jona, amael. Pawl •..•... t .. .. T' CUD II'., Johll.. •••••••••.•• 7 1 ti• 11, John •••••••••••••• 3 4 'T Hutchb:lp, S&lly •••••••••• 2 1 WUdftr, J-...... 2 l 1 ~. WWl.&m ••••••••••. 2 !!la~.. 5 1 ...... 3 1 1 Plel'Citul, EUJah ••••••••••• 11 1 ,.. Willo~bJ•••••••. 7 "T 1 ~bert•••••••••••• 2 1 .... ~l- Xent, Edwin •••••••••••••. I 1 1' ~ Jedu un •••••••• 3 1 . lll!eorge ••.•••••• 4 . K~Jo!m •••••••••••..• .. e. 1 11 harlea •••••••••••••• 4 1 2• 1 ··r ·-r Eliott, Xp:i,• ••••••••••••••• ··r ' Geor,re, K-...... 1 3 r, Willla.m ••••••••••• l 1 1 ~--········...... 6 l 5 Ta.peoott, .lla.ry .•.••.•..•. 2 ··r ''i" O= Ruth•••••••••••••. 3 1 $ 4 1 2 Cluttou, oh.D ••••••••••••• 7 1 2 ff &JIIDlftA~ Barsh••••••••• 9 1 2 Dob J°Wth •••••••••••• G 1 4 1: ,11, SI ~--··········· ••••••••••••••• 1 1 8ull11rant, obn.. •••••••••• 3 l Ed"'1U'da, Ill.lam.•••••••• s 1 5 1 Ta~:u~·--········--· 15 { 1, B&DDa.h ••••••••••• 5 1 Ml William ••••••••• I 2 3 Ta ~1:t, Ezekiel••••••••. 2 l W..U-jJ&IIIM••••••••••• 9 1 2 "•Eliz.a.beth ••••••••• 7 1 ·-;- Newby, William •••••••••• 1 Wan., Jol'm •••••••••••••• 5 1 Caner, amM •••.•.••..••. 5 1 2' , Ellu.beth •••••••••• 2 l 4 Webb, Tarpley•••••••••••• 4 3 "T Ellloit, Jeduthml •••••••.• I 1 Yopp, Samuel, Ju••••••••• 1 2 l>'ood, Chl.rlu ••••••••. 5 lloberUon. Andnw ••••••• 9' 3 12 Wilder, .Na tlwl1eL •••••••• 9 1 1 Klrlc, Jamee {El't&te of) • 4' l 1 1·. b:,,John. ...•••••••••• ·-r "T l(Jt.cbell, Richard •• ••••••• I 2 1 NorrlN, WUlla:m •••••••••• G 1 3 6 1 1 topher, J olm.. •••••••. 1 II Wll.keno11, Jo!UI.. •. • •••••• 5 ..i" Wllll&n,a, Peter ••••••••••• 7 1 2 ;raCb.ll.en ...... 8 1 6 L oor, William •••••••••• ' 3 24 B nmt, W Ill.lam. ••••••••••• "T Bff'Dt, Judlth ••••••••••••• 1 DOQ9tt, 1 •••••••.••.• 5 1 • WIU.l&m (Ex 011) •••• • 1 II Wlcnnion.. JOMph •••••••• ...... 'Flnmt, Newion•••••••••••• 6' 1 KmD., J oeepb. •••••••••••••• 7 l 1' r, ltr, Da.nieL •••••••••••• 4 Webb, John ••••••••••••••• 3 ·-r Hu1:l:hen.to4, John... ••••••. s 1 ~ ..... Kem, Thomae••••••••••••• 8 1 1 ,enter, WUlla.m ••••••• 5 ·-r ··r Pitman, Tbomaa•••••••••• ' 1 ··r Ple~Epp•••••.••.••. 1 ' Yopp, Samuel ••••••••••••• 1 i cier, John. •••••••••• 9 Pitman. 0eol'g9 ••••••••••• 2 1 6 Wild.or, 0111,thul.••••••••• 7 1 2 .Dea-, Jolm •••••••••.•••• 7 2 1 , Henry •••••••••••• 8 1 .... Condiff, R.lcll.ud •••••••••• 9' 1 1 Palla, Jone.than. ••••••••• $ 1 3 Jamee, Jeduthm,.••.••••••• ' 1 3' ~· Jamea •••••••••••••• 1 l l Nutt, Ja.mea •••••••••••••• 5 1 3 Kaut;on, !tat.lliaa •••••••• 3 1 Da'118, Joh.II. •••.•.••••••••• •9 1 , :,,Ja.mee •••••••••••• 5 1 5 Leland. John.. .••••••••••.• 9 1 9 We1> , Thoma,.. •••..••.••. 1 ConnoUy, Part:rick •••••••• 4 1 1 11'1, Fra..o.cy ••••••••••• 6 1 1 Moutague, Lacy •••••••••. 1 11 l)oggett, William. em,.• •. 9 J ··r Gall.owalu;WJ.am •••••••• 5 1 2' ,ra, Matthew •••••••••• 3 1 8 Selden, Mary •••••••••••••• 3 2 12 Dogett, Wllllam, JU" ••••• 6 1 K.elley, •••.••••••••••• $ 1 1 i ,ra, Thoma.$ ••••••••••. 1 1 6 t.waon.. Thomu ••••••••• 5' 1 8 Hammond, Tho-. •••••. 6 1 1 Lewie, )i(argare1; •••••••••• 1 1 1 ff rp, Daniel •••••••••••• $ Lawaozy WUlla:m ••••••••• 6 1 .s Bell, Jolm •••••••.••••••••• 5 1 2 ~John •••••.••.••.•••• 10 1 I! rp, Wllll&m. •••••••••• 6 1 .... 1 8 Roberta, John. •••••••.•••. 1 1 M-carty, Cot- Tbad ••••••. 1 0 Degge, -·············· ' •OOd, William •••••••• 4 .T Ca.itier, Tb.om.a.a ••••••••••• 10 1 5 Short, Tbomu••••••••••.. 2' 1 Gordon, Cot- Jame& ••••••• ·-r 2 17 t· ~· WUlwn •••••••• 13 ·-r 0eo.., 1-...... 6' 1 5 ltell:,, Jamee ••••••••••••.• 6 Tapaoott, J&me11 ( Gent) •. 1 1 8 i:~I • °,!'Orp. •.....•. 5 1 3 Merrideth~lllwrt ••••••• 8 1 Flowers, J ob.11. • • . •••••••. 8 1 ·-r Gamer, Thomae •••••••••• 12 1 2 n; .I,( •••••••••••••• 8 1 2 5 1 Flowers, Lucv••••••••••••. 3 1 8ull1ff.D.i. Jodttb ...... 1 1 2 ·I 0' Thrall, J •••• •••••••••• ' 3 l 3 M&IOD. Ma~.iii ...... 6 1 $ Cbllton, Bmry . . ..•.... 3 1 2 Caner, ucnua .•••...... 3 l 1 ~ O!'!i,eoT,············· dward •••••• II 1 4 Oeorg11, w •••••••••. II 1 1 Hn=, Lear:mah •••••• II 1 1 Caner. '.liarT •.•.••••••••.. 1 1 1 ~ ~·J!holll&8 ...... 7 1 Berrjman, John •••••••••• 10 1 & 1 3 1 1 1 1 l ··r 8b&rman. R&wleigh •••••• 7 1 7 1 Caneri!:=···········Hom, sabeth •••••••... 0 1 1 1 1 1 'I@''1 ~--········ ... ········ 3 1 1 Clayton/. J oh.o. ••••••••••••• & l 1 ~ci,iiiiiii:::::: La...on, M..t.?7 •••••••••••• 3 ' ...... t.o • OJ.i ...... $ 1 6' Hlmon, Wllll&m ...... 1 7 Judith •••••••••••. 5 1 2 Bnmt, edUUl.m,. •••••.•••• 5 1 3 ,,.,~'ne~rJ.am, Ju••••••• 8 2 Hlmon.. Ella.beth •••••••• 7 •••• • Charloa ••••••••• 5 Heath, Cbloe ••.••••••••••. 3 1 3 1 1 r; Curnll, Nlcbolu •••••••••• 3' 1 & 1..oug,rtth, Ma.r:r••••••••••• 2 ...... Baunden, Batt:, •••••••••. 1 1 toa, wn w·····--··· 1 ' 1 ' Cox, Tllom.u.. ••••••••••••. 7 1 S&unden, Parle:,•••••••••. 3 1 •2 :.ra t'"'"--·· ····-~···· 1 6 Edwarda, John ••••••••••• ..... '..,..; ties ••••••••••• 11 1 1 Hunton, Tbomu ••••••••• • 1 , Cos, A.llthour••••••••••••• 2 Rh•_., J oh.o. •••••••••••••• 5 1 2 Jler ,go •••••.••••. 1 1 r.. waon. ~iii" ... •...... 1 2 VentdllthJ John. •••••••.•• 4 I --r ru.._., Peter.••.•.•••.•.•• 10 1 1 3 Buclaul, am...... ••. 5' I ll Roberta, ob.11. •••••••••••. 4 l ... B~ou, Thomae •••••.••• 1 2 ,ua,··········I . • •••••••••• 3 .... ' Outon. Anthony ••••••••• ' 1 3 Mmer, 81:A!'Phflll •••••••••••. 9 1 ~ .... H , Jamea:~ ••••••••••••. 3' ···2 "T Poll&rd, Jam. •••••••••••• 9 1 3 ~ •.\ntlton:, •••••••.• D .. i. Oeorge, Benja-••••••••••. t 1 """:m,tJ~·········· Ta es ••••••••• $• 1 ~John••••••••••••••• 3' 1 Wbeil,er'Ml..J!ttk

J 2 3



...... -•··•-- • .. -·-----M ...... -., 4.._ ... "'". B~erly, Jacob and -~iadalena Landis, 7 Apr 1799, Rockingham Countl~ ~ 0 ~7, 81 B~ggar, John and 1v1ildred Ferguson, 14 June 1779, Louisa CountJ71riJ,i::19f ;r Biggs, Robert and Hary Armistead, 14 Apr 1703, Niddlesex County Bi Binford, Thomas and Ruth Crew, 6 Dec 1772, Charles City County 81 Bingham, Edmond and Lucy Bayes, 8 Jan 1795, pittsylvania County .. B1 Bishop, Bailey and Arrianna Spurrier, 13 Apr 1793, Frederick County, Black, Alexander and Susanna. Garrison, 1797, Rockbridge County f -r, :: Black, John and Rebecah hcCutheh, 19 i•1ar 1788, A.ugusta County, hinister Return-.·. Br Blackley, George and Jane Pace, 16 hay 1733, lviiddle~ex County ' . _J3r Blackley, James and Nancy Price, 8 Sept '1796, Bedford County Br Blackwell, Moses and Suckey Wall, 2 Jan 1786, Halifax County, 1'iarriage Yod Br Blair, James and Helen Shepherd, 27 Apr 1791, Orange County Br Bland, Richard and Mary Bowden, 14 i•iar 1789, King and Queen County ... Br Blankenship, Benjamin and Patience Jackson, 19 1"1ar 1792, Bedford County, lviari-111" Blanks, Robert and Pleasants, 2 May 1785, Goochland County, harriage Bond :1r i~r Blare, Samuel and Peggy Vaughob, 12 hay 1795, Rockingham County, binister Return. . ilr: Bledsoe, Anthony and liary Ramsey, 1760, Culpeper County :~· 1J: :lr: Blevins, Dillion and Ann Armstrong, 12 ifov 1770, Pittsylvania County, 1•,arriage Bond Blick, John and Sarah Patrick, 12 Jan 1786, Dinwiddie County .. ;_: 1 :Jr< Bloxom, Woodman and ifancy Matthews, 8 Jan 1798, Accomack County, harriage Bond .fi1?: 8r( Blunt, William a_nd _iviary Person, ,,Feb 1756, Southampton County: ·-If ·,;: ;Jrc ·-:?~~~!,.~~~~~-w~-2.-na:-,~~-.-·--;,;;ia.,·.~. ~q::f:?::e':: "al·. . ,,. , J,o1.,1..-a~~~~lO:-.U,_____.)~clJ4'f~-~~,Yj·· ~&@. ilrc Boatwright, Reuben and Lucy Penick, 26 July 1796, Prince Edward County, j,Jarria.pt. _ fire Bobbitt, John and Frances hitchell, Oct Sussex County 11 1792, .ff.;,\ "Ire Bolling, Robert and !Catharine Stith, 4 Oct 1790, Brunswick County · Brc Bond, John and Molly Sale, 1789, Caroline County ;ire Bondurant, Thomas and Peggy Drury, 23 Jan 1792, Bedford County, riarriage Bond . lro Bonham, Nathan and Elizabeth Dean, 8 June 1790, Frederick County, hinister Ret l!r"I i3onnard, Edward and i-iary Wood, 30 hay 1789, Halifax County, Narriage .tlond :iro · Bonney, John and Penelope West, 17 Jan 1793, Princess Anne County :1ro ! Bonwell, Stephen and Peggy Topping, 21 !"lay Accomack County, 1-;arriage 1796, Bru ! I Boone, James and Sarah Raiford, 1766, Witgh County dru Booten, Rubin and Hary Dick, 15 Feb 1792, Greenbrier County, i•1inister Return ;' ilru 1 Booth, Charles and r-1ary Barber, 19 Jan 1795, Pittsylvania County, 1.1arriage Bo . Hru Boothe, David arx:l Zlizabeth Napier, 8 Apr 1785, Bedford County, :harriage Bond.·• ..· l!ru Borders, Natthias and Nelly Aubrey, 7 A.pr 1796, Frederick County, r,dnister Re~. Bru. Borum, John and Judith Hendrick, 17 Jan 1788, Halifax County, i•iinister Return, !lru: Boss, James and Susan Powell, 4 Sept 1788, hiddlesex County !!ru; Boston, Robert and Lucy Wright, 1778, Orange County Rry, Boswell, John and, .i\'iary Coleman, Har 1784, hecklemburg County Rry; Bott, Frederick and l·1artha Wall, 8 l-,ar 1791, Bedford County, 1•1arriage Bond Brye Bowars, Christian and Elizabeth Andres, 26 Nov 1795, rlockingham County duel Bowen, William and Elizabeth Smith, 1795, Botetourt County Buel Bower, Thomas and Liddia :Mullins, 2 Aug 1778, Charlotte County Bue} Bowers, John and Betsy Bowers, 23 Feb 1798, Lunenburg County . ·:Ii Hue} Bowles, Benjamin and Charlotte Harris, 20 June 1795, Lancaster County, Narria Bufc Bowls, Stubblefield and Sally Collier, 20 Oct 1785, King and Queen County · ··?< Ruhe Bowman, John and Pheby Owen, 5 Mar 1788, Prince Bdward County, Marriage Bo~,­ Bull Bowmar, Fielding and Caty Bowman, 29 Dec 1788, Halifax County Bum1= Boxley, Jos and hary Barclay, 18 Apr 1789, Louisa County . . . Rund Boyd, James and Sarah Gunter, 9 Jan 1789, Halifax County, .t1arr1ag~ jjond Bure Boyle, Abraham and hargaret McClarinahan, 1796, Botetourt County . Bur~ Boys, John and Anna st Clair, 18 Jan 1790, Augusta County, }'iinister Heturn ··: Bur-g Bozzell, Charles and Nancy Keezee, 12 Jan 1793, Pittsylvania County, Niniste ~r-g Bradley, John and t"w.ry Rhodes, 2 Nov 1711, Niddlesex County . Bur-k Bradshaw, Benjamin and Hary Rowlett, 19 Sept 1785, Prince t:dward County, Bur-k Bragg, Benjamin and Polly Twenty-Man, 1785, Orange County Bur-k edford Count y FAf.~IL Y GROUP [~0 ...... ,. H U!.J b Jn d' s F-u II N ams J 0 h n er b y Th's Information Obtained From: """ Oay Month v•• , City. Town or P1ec1 Coul"lfy or '1tovlr1e• etc. g111t or Country A.Cid lt";fO on H.:1t Inventory returned llirth . bv ·1745-Division of Chr·no estate 1745-Settl rmer tAar of estate 1748- ""•lh llur111

Plactt of R•tlder\ee

OccvoallM Church Alfl111tlon ll.llllt1ry Rec. ~~",.·: :~;::a1·! :~~tffo,'~.~21. ;~·,. Hit Fall,er Mothtat·• Malden HaMa 'El . 4 .Ji Wife's Full Malden Name I ...... Month City, Towr, or Place County or Pro¥if\C:•. etc. State or Count,y Add lr,fo on w,, iirii P1y Year !'; "'"' .. ' Bini\ Chr'nd """:~H . .. R 2, Box 111 ·DHth :~ I ...... r.::f.... ~ ~~~:r~~:~-~4 - -· • "/t ~~~. CM ~-- •;.. Compll•O oh P 1 i' ;r;i J{p~~, PT' Pl1cu ol Auldence • .!I! ' :;1..... Adt:Htn Box 261 Occuplllon II oth•r than IIOUH#lle . Church A!ll!llllon ...... :."' ii...... ,: City, Stat•Newcast le - . 'T'ex. g~~: ::::!~:·,~~To,~~~> ~,~•c. Oa10 15-July-1990 76372 Her Fatl>et l,lc,tt,..-o Molden N- 1 f Cn"o•n-, Su I~~;:~:~ ;"'ho~~:, ~~r', h1 Doll Dty Moro!~ YHr C:lly, Town or Plact County or Pr1>•lnc1. etc. Stat• DI Counl,y Add. lnlo on Child• 1 eint, Katherine Yerby Mar. . . full Name of Spouat' Death Stamps Burial 2 . Slnh Thomas Yerby Mar Full Narna OI Spou1t• . 0Hlh . Burial . 3 Bini> George Yerby Mar. Full Narn, of ~uH' Oealll . Burlal 4 orphan of John Binn William Yerby Mar. Full l\omt cf SpouH' . .. 0Hlh Bur111 . 5 Btrtll Mer. Full Name ol E.p0uH' DH!h . Burial 6 Blrtn Mar. Full Namt cl SpouH • Oeatn Burial 7 Binn . Mar. Full Name ol Spouu' 0Hlh Burial 8 -. . 81111'1 . Mor. Full Nam,a of 6pouH • 011th

Burial 9· Birth - . Mar. Full Na,,,. of &pouH • . - 0.1111 .. &vnal - 10 B•rth Mar. .. Full Name of Spouu' - Ouu, Burial .- • ' . ,;, ! : • , '~ ... .,,' I •' (j i,~~::... ·r. 1 ,.1. ,,;;:.;. 1 - • ~·

Taking all the data Into consideration, however, It would seem prob­ Mary, since she Is careful to give a slave to her and her children. able that he had at least four sons and a daughter who will now be Jaa. Reeves, son of Joseph (F.esex D. & W. 16, p. 76) died In Eeeex mentioned. 1762, and In his will left the bulk of his large estate to Mary Dyke 1. Boulware• died 1748 Intestate. Essex 0. B. 15, p. 221, Nov, and her children (Essex W •. B. 11, p. 401). Mary died 1789, and In 15, 1748, John Dyke with John Minter as security gives bond to ad· her will (Essex W. B. 14, p. 120 left all her property to her son Boul· minister the estate. Williamson Young, John Webb & Bibby Bush or­ ware who had received no legacy from James Reeves. Mary was a dered to appraise the estate.· Since there ls no mention of wife nor patriot during the Revolution and the EBBex Punllc Service Claims children, It Is assumed Boulware• died d. a. p. show various articles furnished by Mrs. Mary Dyke. 2. John• Dyke died 1758 unmarried. (W. B. 11, p. 116) In hla Of Mary's four daughters, Elizabeth,• Judith,• :Susannahs and will he leaves his estate to his mother for her life and then to be Mary,s to all of whom James Reeves left substantial bequests, we have was equally divided between four legatees, Judith and John Minter, Jr., .,,., no further Information. Elizabeth,• the eldest, over 18 when and Elizabeth and Susanna Dyke. The wltneBBea for this will were James Reeves made his will In 1761. With regard to the three sons, Richard Cauthorne and Richard Jeffries, the latter of whom had mar­ we have a few more facts. James,s probably the eldest, was born about ried Mercy, daughter of Iaaac Webb. (See Webb papers, Archives 1740, since he was named executor by James Reeves In 1761, and func­ Division, State Library) James Reeves was exor. tioned as such In 1762. The 480 acres left him by James Reeves, for­ 3. A daughter• married John Minter, son of the ,John Minter, Sr. merly the property of James Milla ( EBBex D. B. 28, p. 328), he mort­ who died 1744. (Essex W. B. 7, p. 91.) gaged to Jae. Ritchie & Co. In 1764 to secure a debt of £190-lla-6d 4. A son• married Susanna , and apparently died child- current Va. money (Essex D. B. 29, p. 341). No wife joins In the deed less. The following will of Mrs. Susanna Dyke, as she ls called In so he was apparently unmarried then. He Is mentioned In the Essex the records, Is In Essex W. B. 10, .p. 85, and contains the minimum of tax list for 1790, but beyond that, we have no knowledge of him. Information poBBlble. It 111 dated Jan. 7, 1766, and proved Jan. 19, Jacksona Dyke, next oldest 110n of Mary Dyke, married by 178~ 1756. Wit.: Ann Brooche, Henry Johnson, Wm. Broughton. "I lend Catherine , and In that year sold his right to the 102 acres to Susanna Brooche one negro, I lend my negro Sam to Mary Dyke to which, under James Reev:es'11 will, he would succeed at his mother's and the heirs of her body, to John Dyke two negroes, to Susannah death ( EBB ex D. B. 32, p. 81). He died In 1790, and his widow In Minter my negro Jane, to Henry Vass two negroes, to Judith Minter 1828. In her will (Essex W. B. 21, p. 278) she mentions daughters my trunk that's at Mr. Johnson's; to Susannah Minter my pewter; Nancy• Dunn, Caty• Sale, Fanny• Faulkner and Polly• Mahon, also to John Jr." (probably John Minter, Jr.) "one negro called Judah." the three daughters of Polly• Mahon, viz., CatyT Hill, PollyT Hill and Henry Vass exor. Henry Vass and Ann Brooche were children of John BetsyT Mahon, and her two sons Vincent• Dyke and Jackson• Dyke, VaBB who died 1755 ( FA!sex W. B. 10, page 491) eldest son and heir of Jr. Vincente Dyke married Sept. 18, 1809, Susanna, daughter of Thos. and Jane Dunn. From Essex D. B. 30, p. 678, Jan. 3, 1854, we learn Vincent Vass who by 1692 had married Ann Sharpe, daughter of John "i ~ Sharpe Sr. (Va. Colonial Decisions, Vol. I, page R39) Mary Sharpe, 1/· that the children of Vincent• and Susanna Dyke were Warner A.T ;\· Dyke, Henry JacksonT Dyke, and Mary A.dallneT Dyke then wife of also daughter of John Sharpe Sr. married John2 Dyke, John Vue, ·!r. and John• Dyke were therefore first cousins, sons of Ann and Mary Qeo. A. Taylor. Jackson• Dyke, Jr., married (1) and In 1816 Sharpe. (Essex Gdns' Book 1811-1824, p. 129) waa guardian for his children, 6. A son• who married Mary, and died leaving his widow and m: Jackson,T Robt.,T FannyT and PollyT Dyke. He married (2) Aug. "" seven children. Despite extensive research, the first name of Mary 1'7, 1827, Mrs. Catherine Coleman, widow; Issue, If any, unknown. Dyke's husband baa not come to light; he seems to have died when Returning now to Boulware,' the third son of Mary Dyke, we find the children were small so that their support devolved on Mary. She from the 1830 Census that he was born between 1760 and 1760, and became the housekeeper for James Reoves and remained with him until we know from Essex Records he died In 1831. He married, probably his death In 1762; It Is most likely that she was his niece, since one about 1780, a wife traditionally said to have been Elizabeth Walker; of her sons was named Jackson, and James Reeves had a brother Jack­ the was born probably about 1760, and died between 1810, when she son. She also named a daughter Elizabeth, and James's grandmother la listed In the Census, and 1812 when Boulware made hla will. By was Elizabeth. This, of course, Is not proof but lends color to the thu marriage there were seven children: Polly,• named In her father's supposition that Mary Dyke was a Reeves. It seems also rather likely will but predeceased him unmarried; Alice,• married Hund­ that the Susanna Dyke who died 1756 was a Reeves and related to ley; Walker•; Thomas•; William•; James• and Miske!.• Of these,

498 499 J. I""""''""'-, ' I; i

James (1783-1863) married Elizabeth (b. 1793; d 1870 and I left chlldren, DorotheaT Dyke;', RJchard L.i Dyke and Sophronia J.r ' Hundley (Essex W. B. 27, p. 406). James'ss Bible record la given~ low. Williams Dyke la probably the person of that name who ma,. rled In Essex Dec. 16, 1811, Nancy Hundley. He died about a year before his father, leaving lssne: John,T Wllllam,T Lucy,T Mary,, I Catherlne,T ElllzabethT and SusannaT Dyke. (Essex D. B. 43, p. 09.) Mlakel• Dyke (1792-1861) married In Essex Nov. 25, 1818, Marta I Hundley (b. 1798); Issue, as given In 1860 Census: John B.,, Henry 'l M.,, Andrew,T Minerva E.,, Martha E.,T Wm. T.,s Mary F.,T and ~ llne,T f l With regard to Walkers and Thomass Dyke, we have no further / Information. It would seem that more knowledge of this family so Jong resi­ dent In Essex should be available In the records but prolonged aeardl has yielded only the above scanty gleanings,

Jame, D11ke'a Bible Record. THE TALIAFERRO FAMILY. Jamess Dyke departed this life the 20th day of December 1863. B11 John BaUe11 Calvert Nicklin. Richard L.T Dyke, son of Jamess Dyke and Elizabeth his wife departed this life 21st of June 1858. Robert Taliaferro, the Immigrant from England, was born about ! Elizabeth Dyke, wife of Jamess Dyke, departed this lite the 14th of 1525 and died In 1687; he settled In York County, Va., as early as I October, 1874. 1U7 and held lands In Gloucester County, In 1666. He married, I Peter Elliott Seward and Dorothey E.T Dyke married January 12, 1864. about 1653, Sarah Grymes, daughter of the Rev. Charles Grymes of r (1) James Vernons Seward, son of Peter and DorotheyT Seward, •orymesby" and "BMndon", another Immigrant They had seven I born November 7, 1854·, married Alma P. Parrish September children: ! 3, 1894. I. Francis (1664-1710), who married Elizabeth Catlett. (2) Eldrld Beneons Seward, son of P. E. and DorotheyT Seward, II. John (1856-1720), who married Sara.h'Smlth. l born September 7, 1857, was married to Brooke A. Broughton III. Mary, who was born about 1658. I • on February 10, 1886. IV. Catherine, who was born about ld60; she married Colonel John (3) Henry Lewle,s eon of Peter E. and DorotheyT Seward bona Battalle and d. a. p. 1682. September 1, 1859. v. Charles (1863-1734), who married Mary Carter. (4) E'llzabeth Eunlces Seward, daughter of Peter E. and Dorothey, 'I VI. Richard (1866-1712), who 11ettled In RJchmond County. Seward born December 4, 1861. VII. Robert Taliaferro II. (1887-1728), who married, In 1682, Sarah "' (6) Richard Hamlltons Seward, eon of Peter E. and Dorothey, Catlett (1888-1726), a slater of the wives of hl1 brother and his If. Seward born April 13, 1864. nephew. They had at least four children: (8) Clifton Elllotts Seward.eon of Peter E. and DorotheyT Seward 1. Mary. I born November 30, 1886. 2. Martha. (7) Clara Brookes Seward, daughter of Peter and Dorotheyt Se,r. ard born March 28, 1889. 3. Elizabeth. 4. Robert Taliaferro III. (8) Weston W.• Seward, s,n of Peter and Dorothey,T born Oc~ ber 19, 1871. Francia Taliaferro, elde1t eon of Robert Taliaferro, the Imml­ Peter E. Seward died March 1, 1893. JT&Dt. was born In 1854 and died In 1710; he married, In 1686, Eliza­ Dorothey E.T Seward died August 27, 1915. beth Catlett and the1 lived at "The Mount": the1 had at least 1even ' Henerls ( !) L. Dyke born April 19, 1838. ehlldren: .! .

.., .. -., 500 l 501 ! .. ) ,r· /-., ' l\ ' .... ,.... - . --fl'....,,-£fle '1J 1(/. 2

!{ta '!Jonofi.ue, !l(j. 2 'lJo:t. 111 'Brrr/ip,:ui)Je 'Tl!J(.7 6024

her chOl~e to live at the plantation whereon I live or at the latldwell­ ~t11r·c .. , niece Allee• Palmer, 1later Ann• Broolu, Elizabeth ins house of John Woodbridge feed. in case I shall recover the estate £ o olly Bristow, and nlecea Molly• and LIiiy• Deane. or the 1d. Woodbridge which I have already sued tor; U I recover We have no further Information about any of the children of slaves of Jolu\ Woodbridge'a estate, my wire to have her choice of Tho1.1 and Ellen Taff except Peter,• who will now be considered. In three. ln caae I do not recover John Woodbridge'• estate m:r wife 11 hla pension declaration (No. B 38!23) he 1tatea that he la now (1818) to have my plantation for life and at her death It la to go to my &on 66 yeara old, and his wife 6!, that he baa a daughter 18 and a eon Peter• Tait and his helra. The land lying near Alexandria, the prop. 11. (The Bible record of hla son 1hows this to be anVerror, he waa erty of the late John Woodbridge, to go to my son Wm.a Ta.ff If re­ 8). His wife Mary (176!·1837) Is traditionally aaid to have been an covered. It I recover the estate ot the late John Woodbridge, the land Edmondson. & plantation whereon Bd. John died to go to son Peters Taff. It I Peters Taff enllsted In 1776 In Eue:r: Co. for two yeara In the com­ recover the estate of John Woodbridge, I give to my son Woodbridge• pany of Capt. Jno. Webb of Essex; he was In the battle of Somerset Taft' the land i: plantation lying on Moratico Creek)lp15gp·,,..,rt Court House, Germantown and Brandywine, and was~ discharged In ... •JMow dwells. In case I recover ad. Woodbridge'& eatatef a the Penna. at the expiration of his service. Despite thl1 good mllltary I land In Richmond Co. known by the name of lndlan Town I give to record, he seems to have been unable to manage hl1 buslnesa affalra, ~ and as soon as his father died beg~n to dispose of his Jand. In 1818, :::.... ~ my son Travis• Taff. All tl:ie land In Amelia i: Brunawlck countlee s-t:: when he appfled for a pension, besides hla household furniture, he bad @:) .. belonging to the late John Woodbridge If I recover It shall be aold J and the money divided among all my chlldren, viz: Peter,s Wm.,• only 40¥., acres and that was mortgaged to hta niece Nancy Walker' a~f Travla,• Woodbridge,• Priscilla,• Mlldred,a Betty,a Anna• and· my Allison. There ts a Chancery suit In Frederlckaburc (Howerton vs. ~~! Beale, File 34) In which Peter• Taft' deposed that be waa keeping a t1 granddaughter Nancy Walker• A.lllson. The rest of my estate lnclud, •@; ing John Woodbrldge'a estate to be divided between my wife Ellen publlc house at Bowler's In Essex Co. In 1798. He muat have served Tait, Prlscmas Taft', Mildred• Dean, Annas Brooks, Peter• Tait, Wm.• very good food as the debt which occasioned the ault was largely In• Taft', Travis• Taft', Woodbrldgea Taff and my granddaughter Nancy• curred at a game of cards In his house after an oyster roast which Walker Allison. Sons Peter• i: Wm.a Taff exors. MIidred• Dean to the playera particularly 1peclfted that he should prepare for them. have for her Ute the land and house whereon she now llves bounded In 1805, Peter• Taft' deeded !0¥., acres to his wife Mary for her aa follows, beginning at a pine tree, being a corner tree of John life and then to her chlldren, Woodbridge W.• and Priscilla• Taft' (Mid· Cloudas'a, running down the bottom tlll 1t comes against the corner dlesex D. B. 12, p. 436). In the 1810 Census, Peter• Taff's household of my apple orchard, thence up the awamp to a sycamore tree that consisted of seven children of varying ages, but only two survived divides my land from Lewla Montague'a land. him, a son and a daughter. The daughter, Prlacma·• (b. 1800) mar• With reference to the children of Thos.~ Taff, we ftnd the mar­ rted Gi!o. D. McTyre, son of Henry McTyre of Middlesex (Middlesex riages of three of bis daughtera In the Middlesex Register: Isaac Pal, D. B. 19, p. 417, D. B. 16, p. 281, and W. B. 4, p. 330, and died child· mer and Elizabeth• Taff, &,pt. 20, 17'10; Reub.en Alderson and Marya less. The eon, Thoa. Fendley• Taft' (Feb. 6, 1810.Aug. 25, 1885) la Taff, Feb. 19, 1'181 (Thia name ta sometimes written Allison); Thoa. proven Peter's• son by the following records. On the death ot Peter• Brooke and Ann• Taff, Feb. 26, 1 '186. The marriages of none of hla b1 18'24, his !0¥., acres were charged In the tax llats "Peter Taff's es­ i tate" untll 1846. This Is thf land we recall that Peter• had deeded · sona occur In· the Register, but from a mortsage given by Peter• Tai! t to hlB wife for life and at her ,death to Woodbridge W.• and Priscilla• J to hla niece, Nancy Walker Allison (Alderson), (Middlesex D. B. 12, p. !61) Wm.a Taff married a daughter of John and Lettlce Cloudaa ot Tait. Meanwhlle Woodbridge w., Taff had died and Thos. Fendley, Essex Co. Sarah, widow of Robert Daniel (1741-1782) married (2) a Taff succeeded to his brother's rights. A suit was brought In Middle, Taff (Tyler's Quarterly, Vol. 12, ·p. 207);fbut we do not know whether leJ: between Prlscllla• McTyre and Thos. F., Taff for this land which this was Woodbridge• or Traversa Tarr. In 1810 Census, Traversa Tarr they held In coparcenary and being high bidder, Thos. F.• Taft' se­ waa living In Esaex Co., both he and his wife being over 46. Ellen, cured It In 1844 (Middlesex D. B. 19, p. 417.). Previously, Thoa.• Taft' widow of Thoe.a Taff, died In Middlesex about 1792. had bought 34 acres (Middlesex D. B. 17, p. 630 making his entire Priscilla• Taff died unmarried In 1797. In her will (Middlesex holdings 7!¥., acres. In 1866 (Middlesex Rec. D. B. 21, p. 66") Thoe. WlUs 1676-1798, part 2, p. 690) ahe mentions brother Peter• to whom P.• Tall and Lucy Ann his wife sold to John Sadler thla 7!¥.,, describ­ she leaves "the money that Is due me from .Mr.,John .Yerb1.'1 eeta ing It as "a. part ot which was my Father's tract". Since we know ~_:__ •.•. 1~;,,...J.c:..,_~ ·- .-_,.._ ._ ---· .,.. ,u ....,.. Thos. F.• Taff had bought 34 acres, and the remainder la the land •see Volume I of this series, p. 484.

494 495 f '', 1' '·' i;"', ;~''.'f /t:.~ · ·f' ·.~;i.1·1~i\i,1tt....;'j):;~fil'...,rs :.1-.r·,.: .,.,, . , ~" " William B (2nd) born Mch 26, 1806 Frances .Ann, born April .2·6, 1808, George W, born March 4, 1810 .John S, born .July 24, 1812 A daughter born & died Mch 181:3 Thomas White, born .Tune 1, 18161.' (From the "Dungarven" Bible-Sydnor Homestead in Hanover) MARRIAGES :-Edward Garl1md Sydnor & Sarah White married H .Tan'y 18, 1800 Edward Sydnor married 1st Margaret W. Cowley Jan. IS 182'4 WiUiam Barrett married Sarah Thomas Austin June 18, 1829 .John Seabrooke married Sarah C. White Dec 22, 1830 PETER TAFF OF f{ICHMOND COUNTY. Edward married (2nd) Sarah E. Ladd Dec 2, 1834 ~ Thomas White married (1st) Sarah L. M. Chapin Oct M. W. HIDEN, Newport News, Va. r· 15, 1840 ~ Our knowledge ot Peter1 Talf begins with this entry In Richmond :::~~ Thomas White married (2nd) Blanche McClanahan Dec. n». Records, O. B. 6, p. 606, June 6, 1716: "Elizabeth Tatr relict ot ..... ~ 11, 1845 Peter Ta!T came Into court and testified that he died Intestate. Wm . l ""~ DEATHS: Elizabeth White died Dec 14, 1815., aged 82 'WOOdbridge and Thoe. Bryant go on her bond as administratrix ot ~r Ta!T's estate.'' ~~f Ann Sydnor died .T anuary, 1817 In Richmond Co. Loose Papers there Is a chancery suit between l~t Ann White died .July 13, 1818, aged 63 Tboa.z Tarr plttr. fNJ'f:l@bf'r&YGfhy 4«•, beginning about 1772 and run· e:l Elizabeth Garland Sydnor died March 15, 1821, aged 17 alng about 20 yeara. On April 27, 1772, James Hinds, of Halifax Co., r lled 80 years, deposed before two justices ot Halifax Co. that he had !' Note b11 the Editor. bown the late Major Wm. Woodbridge, father ot the late Capt. Jno. It would be Interesting to Identify the parentage ot this ,VII· 'WOOdbrldge, ot Richmond Co., also that he hau known the late Geo. L: 11am Sydnor, ot Hanover. In one ot the books preserved In Hanonr 'WOOdbrldge, brother or the said Maj. Wm. Woodbridge, who had two ;. Co., there Is a deed from Wllllam Sydnor and Betty, his wife, Ame1 a.lldren, a boy and a girl, he believes the girl was the older. He fur, t, Iler deposed that he had known Elizabeth, sister ot the above named Sydnor, Fortunatus Sydnor, .Anthony ,Sydnor & Robert Sydnor, execu­ ;.. tors ot Robert Sydnor deceased, ot St. Martins Parish, Hanover Count1, · Wm. and Geo., who ftrst Intermarried with one Mclaulln (McLaugh, Ila?), after whose death, she the said Elizabeth Intermarried with one I. to William Wingfield tor 66%, acres on Cedar Creek, dated June %0, •I , Plter1 Talf, by whom she had two sons, Thomaaz and John.2 ,. 1789. (WWlam and M,ar11 Quarteri11, XXIII, p. 26.) It thus appean ·- 1'11ed with this suit Is a copy ot the will ot Paul Woodbridge, In 1~ that William Sydnor ot Hanover, was a son ot Robert Sydnor, of nlch he mentions dau. Elizabeth and the sons Wm. and George to ' Hanover, who appears to have been a grandson ot .Anthony Sydnor · "11om James Hinds referred. As this will Is apparently missing from and Elizabeth, his Wife, ot Richmond Co. (See of Anthony Syd· wm · U.. record books ot Old Rappahannock, later Essex, It Is here quoted nor dated 27 Sept, 1769 In William and Mar11 Quarterly, XVII, p. la full: 191, and his wife Elizabeth dated 26 August 1777. See also register, Old Rappahannock Rec. Will .of Paul Woodbridge ot the County Ibid., XIII, p. 189.) This Anthony was son or the emigrant For­ et Rappahannock, dated Sept. 5, 1682, probated Sept. 2, 1691. I do h tunatus Sydnor. (See Tyler's Quarterly, III, 283.) * lh• to my wife the plantation where I now live during her lite, next r t *Page 485, this volume. .. 1117 two sons; I give to Wm. Woodbridge the eldest the plantation I alter hla mother's decease with what land belongeth to It to be jointly l 490 491

'· •. t.h-.· ' ~ ...... 0 ,r,...... , ---- ... -.. ,--· ... v


~,,·~·::,:, (-.:.;, :t,; '\; 1·,1,:

charged flrat fn the tax list, to Peter• Tarr and later to Tho,. I'.,, there can be no doubt of Thoe. F.• Tatra paternity. The marriage of Elfa.beth Alicea Tarr to Hen?T N. Dyke leada to Thos. F.• Taa married (1) In Middlesex, Nov. 6, 1832, Lucy Ann a few notes on the Dyke FILilllly. Greenwood (Jan. 16, 1810-Jan. 11, 1862); (2) Dec. 31, 1867, Mrs. Mary John1 Dyke (d. 1678) waa llvlng In that part of Old Rappahan• Frances (Dyke) Carleton, dau, of !rllskel Dyke. Lucy Ann Greenw004 nock Co., now Essex, by 1670, and probably earlier. Hla wlll (Old was the daughter of Jae. Greenwood, Jr., who married fn Euex Noy, Rappahannock Rec. 1677-82, p. 62) mentions wife Esther and aon 12, 1805, Ann Chaney (lllaex Marriage Bonds, Essex D. B. 47, p, 131). John.• Esther, who wu John1 Dyke's second wife, marr!,ed (2) An· Jaa. GreenwOOd, Jr, and An~ Chaney had also chlldren, Edwin, Ju. drew Duding. John• Dyke, Jr., must 11,ave been born between 1650 foll-Owa:B. and Roenna Greenwood. The Bible record of Thoa. F.• Tarr la aa &11d 1656, as he was married by 1679, tor In that :rear (Old RappL Rec, 1677-86, p. 217) he and wife Mary conveyed 200 acree to Either Thomas Fendley, Tarr born February 6, 1810. Dyke. Thia land, Esther deeded to her husband Andrew Duding In Lucy Ann GreenwOOd born January 16, 1810. 1681 (Old Rappa. Rec, 1682-1688, p. 316), describing It aa land con­ Thomas F., Tarr and Lu~7 Ann Greenwood were married November I, YBJed to her by her step-son John• Dyke. John• Dyklfa wife wu 1832. )dary Sharp (Old Rappa. Rec. Book 9, p, 230, Mar. 30, 1691, Mary wife of John• Dyke and slater of John Sharp, deed., aella land left her by .... (1) Ida Ann• Tarr born September 16, 1833, marrfed December 17, her' brother.). John• Dyke died between the making of thla deed and ~ 1861, Col. Mflea Mason. IBBue: · Tliomaa J,e Mason born De­ ..e~ .... ""'.Q cember 8, 1862 • 1704, and his widow married (2) Mlfftln, Thia explains why In the 1704 Quit Rent Roll for Essex, .the name of J)yke doea not ap­ 'ii-;~ (2) James W.• Tarr born January 20, 1835, died July 31, 1837, pear. In Essex. Rec. D. & W. 13, p, 233, Aug. 10, 1709, Mary x Mifflin ~~ ~ (3) Thomas H.a Taa born November 20, 1836, died October 25, a~~ 1844, widow and her son John• Dyke deed to Thoe. Harwar 240 acres, land patented by John Sharp In 1669, which would show that John• Dyke, ~~_§· ( O Eliza Rowenas Tarr born November 5, 1839, dfed September . E 18, 1840. third of his name, was born not later than 1688 or he would not have e:. been of age to make a deed In 1709, He married Judith Webb, as the (5) Elizas Tarr born December 1, 1842, married Dec, 25, 1866, John A. Carleton. following iprovea: Eeaex ·o. a W. 18, p. 61, April 20, 1725, John• Dyke A Judith his wife and Wm. Boulware and Ann hla wife aell to Ann (6) Lucy.a Tarr born July 28, 1846, married March 25, 1875, John McCauley. Stevena 50 acres, part of 189 acres granted John Webster Oct 20,' 1689, (7) Martha Ellena Tarr born May 23, 1848. and at hla death fell to his dau. Mary Webster, allaa Webb, and at her death to her heirs . apparent, Judith & Ann. The wlll of John (8) EUzibeth Allee.a Tarr born October 18, 1850, married August 1, 1882, Henry N. Dyke. Webster mentioning only chlld Mary fa In Essex Rec. D. A W. 11, p. Lucy Ann Tarr, wife of Thomas F.• Tarr died January 11, 1862, 123. By her marriage with Webb, Mary Webster had ~wo other daughters, named fn this deed: Essex D. a W, 17, p. 323, May Thomas F., Tatr and Mary Frances (Dyke) Carleton married Decem. ber 31, 1867. 2, 1724, Thoe. • Constance Edmondson and Chas. and Mary Breed· (9) Cope Floyd• Tarr born December 16, 1869. Jove sell to Thoe. Fltz-Jerrrlea 60 acres part of 189 acres patented b7 H. N. Dyke and EUzabeth Alicea Tatf marrfed August 1, 1882. Mr. John Webster "and now doth belong to Constance Edmondson and Mary Breedlove as heirs from Mary Webb, deed., daughter of John (1) Bertha Lucy• Dyke born July 6, 1883, marrfed Seddon S. Wat, kins June 28, 1911. Webster." So far, the given name of Mary (Webster) Webb's hus­ band has not been found. {2) Thomas Evelyn• Dyke born July 28, 1885, married Franklin John• Dyke died 1729 (Essex lwc. W. B. 4, p. 290) fntestate, as Burton Hall December 27, 1905; fBBue: Franklin Abbottr Hall born Oct. 15, 1912. bis father had done, and his Widow Judith with John Edmondson and Richard Jones aa her aecurltlea gave bond as admlnfatratrlx. Rfchd. (3) John McCauley• Dyke born February 18, 1889, married June Bush, Daniel Dobyns and John Cheyney were ordered to make an In· 30, 1926, Loufae Carlisle Moore; faaue: Betty Louiaer .Dyke born Aug. 24, 1930. ventory Qf the decedent'• property, Judith Dyke married (2) Henry ( O A. J. Dyker born May 25, 1891, Faulkner (Essex 0. B .. 14, p. 169, "On motion of Henry Faulkner A Judith hla wife, admnx .. of John• Dyke deed.''), With this unfortunate Intestacy or John• Dyke's, It has not been pOBBlble, despite research, to establish positive proof of his chlldren.

496 "'\',, 497 ~.,:i;; ·.~·---

~ta 'Donofuu !lq. 2 !B~ 111 !Brtd:PrridiJt 'l"t,,(16024

STEPHENSON (cont.) . Jnoes, b~ Ireland; d. 1804, Berkeley Co.; served in Rev. War; m. 1763, ·-r!J. Mary r>P-ed, b. 1742; d. 1828. DAlt ?Jo,. 82 166. H0 died j.n Frederick :.:.; · Co. DAR No. ·51 236. .i"' ·. ·James~'b;. 1740, Det'keley cci.; f.!• 1813, Washington Co., Penna.; served in Rev. War; m., Rnchel HcKeever, d .. 1789., DAk Non 66 468; DAR No. :·,.,. 70 517 •. ,, , ; . •·'John1m~ 29_ July,' 1788, Elizabeth Paxton by Rev. William Graham. Rock• bridge Co. Ministers• Ueturns. John to StGunton, Va., area in 1741; m. Cl) ; m. (2) Esther Taylor~ dau~ of Jomes of Tnylor•s Spring.i'.Waylend, P• 309- Joseph m. 1794, Susanna HcClure. r.ockbridge Co •. llirton pp. 505, 532. Josinh m. 18 Jan.,. 1794, Vashty Robinson. Princess Anne Co. Har. Record. Martha m. Andrew Jamison. . Thomas m. 16 June, 1785, Elizabeth Volume. NorfoJ.k Co. Mar. Record • .)'.: Thomasr:b: ·.1720,. Ireland; d. 1812, tbdison C'.o., r.y.; served in Rev. · --·__war.from Va.; m. Ma-:-y Hawkins. DAit No. 47 861. Rechel m. Col. George Poage. Robert m •. 1798, Jane Smith, dau. of John. Bath, p. 131. William m. Alice H.J•!s:;on, dnu. of John and Sarah (Todd). ltockbridge Co. Horton, Po 493. STEPLES ., 'Noah m. 18 July, 1796, Betsy (_) Oliver. Shelby Co., ,Ky. Mar. Record. STEPP Elizabeth m. Thomas Reeding. Solomon m• .Jano, 1795, Mourning Wynne by Charles Cobbs. Campbell Co. Mar~ -'Record. STEPPE Anne m. John Bryan. E liz.abeth m. Jobn l~id. STEPTCE' . . ~:. .., .. ~k J[. uttiffl !I!'· hnston ( 2"*·Wife >• · · ...... Hannah m; S6muel Elgar. ~e:~'!;rJ:~~~~~~~t..idl~dow'of~6ep~:.Jiil, ~~~~A-~:.~AY.~,-~"'9:~p~9;,gef-8_~&U.;.abe_ta.c,(;Yaulx)<-C.J'..1P..d0.~k Porten Eskridge. 44Vl53; 6WC1)25; NNHM 3::1:236. James m·. Frances Callaway, b. 1760, dau. of James and Sarah (Tate) of J;iedford Co. DAlt No. 68 554. John,· will, 1741·, Northumberland Co.; m. bef. Nov., 1719, Elizabeth <~> Eustace, widow of Capt. William Cd. 1702). Proven by Court Record, 1719, Northumberland Co. John m. 18 Sept. 1752, Mory Sallard, spinster. Sur. Charles Sallard. Richmond Co., Mar·. bond. {·_.,.,....,"-'~~"

Woolfolk (cont.) Worsham (coot,) Wright (cont.) Wyant (cont,) Sp1leby (Rev,) 636 Tho,nu U Hannah 141 Frances 7 --- T Toun1 (cont.) Woolridce, Daniel 8~ Thoe. 82 Harriet II. 141 Frederick 9 Edward 161 IHett 83 '"'· 86, 82 Harriett 607 John 1108 ill 1&011 33 Elizabeth Branch 58 11111. B, .11;2 Heburah 82 llary 2 T&ncey, Ania 620 r~•nci• 911, ii Polly 108 Worsley, Jnol 274 Henry 120, 132, 1 llary Ann 10 Jamee 1120 denry 231 Sally 108 Wortham, Ann" 321, 322 134, 135 Nancey 3 Layton 88 J...,.a 84, 330, Spencer 82 325, 326 James 135 Peter ll s. 121 381, 133• Thoe. 161 Anne 322 J&ne 81,88,134,810 !luaan& 1 Wm. 1142 Jane 8111 Woot, Wm. 124 Betsy Jone& 273 Jae. 136 Wyat, llornin1 18 T&ncy, Ma than 1193 J&ne 1'. toe Wooten, George ~49 Elliott 643 Jeremiah 374 Wyate, Thomae 613 hpp, Cbloe 311 Jane H. 331 Sally 576 George 325 Jno. 43 Wyatt, Ann 2'.11 Tarboroush, Richard &73 J&e. 1112 Thomas 578 Tarbr&y, Aeberry 567 J~hn 125,179,47 James 328 John 159, 387, 391 1 Eliit&be~n 388, Wootten, John 283 Jno. 321 473, 479, 490, 119~ 391, Tarbroush, Elizabeth I, Joe. T. 137 Wootton, Nancy 103 John 320 4911, 499, 801J FranCJ8 248 ·133 Lawrenca 4114 Word, Benj1U111n 346 llary 127 John W. 167 Francis 123 Henry II. 133 Leonard 83 Cynthia 634 Sam'l 121 John Woodson 167 Georse 82 Joseph C20 Lucy 243, 254 llary 361 S&muel 128,141,325 Joseph 82 Hubbard 149, 2119 N&ncy Hughe• 1120 llarcaret 88, 41 Rebecca 836 Wost, llar1arett 121 .,,, · Pers1lla 48 llartba 127 Joshu& 342 Hubbard (Jr.) 238 "-Tarbrusb,' John 191 llary 181 Wm. 351 Wotlinetoo, V&ul 3111 Larkin 492 John 384, 393, IIC2 Workman, Sa.m'l 545 rotten, Stephen 235 LetHtine 492 Josepb 326 Tbom&a Gress 191 llary L, 833 Worley, Joshua 106 Wouehop, llary Ann 3915 Letty 125 Joehua 31111 Yarr101ton, Jobn 320, N&ncy 473 lormeley, Ellz&betb 323 Wray, Chas. 116 Louie& T. 120 Lucy 263 322, 324, 3211 ~ N&thaniel 1:iJ Frances 309 Elizabeth 43 Lucy 43, 470, 484 llary 371 Judith 320 l Pesgy 3150 Jane 327 llolly 360 llalutaable 48 Nancy 367 Yarwood, Serina 329 ..,. ..,. Richard UB John 299, 300, 308 ThOlllaa S, !142 llargaret 399, 402 Po.tty 362 Y,.tee, Anne 326 '?', Ab Charley 21111 &all 348 llary E. 48 Frances 4113 Wroe, Peter 459 N1nnian 1139 David 371 llilea 82 Francea w. llll Wy&nt, Ann 4 Wythe, Ann (Sr.) 178 Ann 338 1 !'.71 Edward 149 Catharine 393 llosea 82 Francie s,e,3ji,474 Arden& 11 Anne 176 Ed•'d, L. 331 Phebe U, 32 Gabriel 187 · Catherine 1 Georee 1152 Cather1aa 809 Edwtn nc r1&ry 577 Sally 19 Georee Wihoq;·.. JfS Duid 4 Thoe. 179 BUzabeth 261 ~abltha 58 Green 16~ {J/.;1f:-/ . Elizabeth •a.rd 1!85 ,,,.,,,~~•r:~-:,..... j ll1&Bbetb .lilD 171 .... 522 .~~~t/:j,' 9{m 'DonofiUL !IQ. 2 'llot. 111 '1Jr«1;piru1g~ 'Tq76024



,,. · 16o7 ~ 1800 J l j

Seriea I Volume 3

Compiled and Published


Dorothy l'ord Wulfeok, 51 Parle Ave., Naugatuck, Conn. '"

i -, t.. ,,._,; . F-

. -.

, . •T,:<} ·.;:.. .;·,~.-·./ - . '

, . I 103 . I ) I, KIRCUM ( ?Kirkham) _ m. bef. 1754, Hannah Ann.strong, dnu. of Robert (d. 1754). Will • .:;Boo~.Il:75, l,ugusta,Co. ·..,i""'. 1 . .;r • KIRBIE . ·,~. 4Vl71......


Nash Co., No. Car.; m.

Halifax, p. 312.

Mar. Record • Ho.lifux,

who d. 1811, Warren Coo, ,, 11

.r .;


lW, - 1800 ••

Series I Volume 5


Compiled and Published


\ Dorothy Ford llulf ock, 51 Park 1.vo. , Naugatuck, Conn. 06770 h• -

.. \ . ; .. ~.· [I. WORTH PU3UC UBUARY ------

1qa 'lJr:mofwe !IQ. 2 'fut 111 212 'B~t 'T~76024

PHILIPS (PHILLIPS) (cont.) •• • ~ r' • ' • ':. .. •, .··, f.' ~ __ believed m. bef. 1779, Priscilla Grizard, dau. of Wi_lliam, whose will of that date, Southampton Co., proves it. ..,, .,,; _ m. Anne (Hoss) Mennh, widow of Charles (d •. 1695). and .~au. 'of Edward Moss (d ca 1716 York Co ) 6T49 · · · '· • _.,_.. , ,· · -·· • t • • • ', , · ·1 l,· • , m. Mary Winston. Shem. (2) Garland Carr in 1783. :. 8W(l)l08, ::::: m. Nancy.Goolsby, dau.· of William (d. 1819). Albemarl~,-P• 211. m. Lelah Lane, dau. of Joseph (d. after Sept., i7SS>. 'Hartford, B-4337(1). 6 Sept., 1952. Signed~. E. D. . , .. . : ..., ...... ,<~i .... Ann ( · ) m" Jesse Mills. · • •' · ', .·' ··' r, •., n, ... ' - .n.•.r::, .~:i A nna m. Jesse Mills. ~ ---·~ • · ·~ ,·, 1"'>:)71 .. r:i rJ~·1:""r: Anne m. Thomas Harris. "" '; .1 ''.. ~"-; Anthony m. 26 March, 1779, Lilian Binford. Letter at.consent from her paren~s, James and Mary Binford. Lunenburg Cor/1.?W~ l!J?~·~ Mar. Lillian Buford. Sur. Thomas Walker. _'Free ll:392~ ,("' , 1,~-..-:) Anthony m. 26 Dec., 1743, Elizabeth Northcutt. OPR.. . · Benjamin m. 8 Aug., 1796, Holland Edwards. Isle of Wight Co. Mar. Record. Catharine m. Joseph Rivell. Catherine m. John Knight. • .1 Charles m. 19 Aug., 1787, Dully Carver. St •. Paul's.· •·· ;: ... ::-"! David m. 1778, Mary ·oavis. Orange Co. Mar. Record. .

• I Dyer m. 18 July, 1781, Lotty Hurt. Sur. t-k>ses Hunt, Jr~ Lunenburg I : i:: Co. Mar. Bond. He, son of George, will 1786. 'Bell, 'p. '272. Elizabeth m. George Duncan. · · Elizabeth m. Joseph D. Ingram. Elizabeth m. William Hancock. Elizabeth rn. John Biddle '., il Elizabeth m~ James Grisset. . :1 Elizabeth m. John Bryant • •' Elizabeth m. Collin. . , ., Elizabeth m. William Throckmorton • Elizabeth m. William Bryant. .. . i :· Elizabeth m. Silas Davis...... _. Elizabeth m. Robert Lanier (2nd wife). . Even m. 23 April, 1776, Elisabeth Dever by Rev. John Alderson, Jr •. , Rockingham Co a or Greenbrier Co. Ministers' Returns. . .. ' Faithy m. Ellis...... ,. •· · "!"'·· i":,' .• 1 George m. 9 Feb., 1768• Ann Brown. Sur. Robert Blackwell. Lunenbw:g Co. . Mar. Bond. · · · · < • r: · ·' ..,_ .. George, b~ 1758, Va.; d. 1849, Ga.; served in Rev;·war; m. 1790, Sarah Lavell, b. 1760; d. 1847. DAR No. 80 786 •.· ..:~··:·~:: .... : .'· .. ~~~~lw Grace m. James ilson, Sr. f·-·r ,,.· Hannah m. Davis. • · · 1 1 1 Hannah <_) m.. Thomas Edmundson ( 2nd wife). (:.: :: :··:' ;;- ,: U · Hartwell m. 24 Feb., 1762, Jane.Jlancock, dau. of John_wh~ gave consent. SussexCo. Mar.Record. ·"· I" • ;t ·· ···- Henry m,. 26 Oct., 1784, Frances Peatman. Charles City'C:c:>. • Mar.··Re- cord .. • - ' •:;. .. "'!,<1- ..'~1 !,_.' Hezekiah m. 11 Sept., 1780, Catharine, dau. of Catherine. Lybrook...... ,• RICHARD RANDOLPH, deceased, the elder. Will dated Decembu Benjamin Edloe Tomlinson, who died an infant of eighteen months 1747, proved in June 1749. Survived by widow, some daughters' in 1798. The widow married in 1798, George Dillaid, and died and four sons: Richard (eldest sons and one of his executors): soon afterwards. Benjamin Tomlinson had some ,;sters and Brett, Ryland, and John, all of whom are since dead. Richard brothers and their descendants who sues for his estate. Randolph, the younger, had a son, David Meade Randolph. John Randolph was 26 or 27 years of age in 1768. He was very young 219 1802 District Court. Hairston v. Hall at the death of his father, and lived with his brother, Richard for SARAH HALL, dec'd, had son, Nathan Hall, who married ond has many years, and sometime after he came of age, when he married. . ... issue among others, a daughter who married Hairston. "He was an expensive young man, and the testator furnished him ~; 225 1802 Read v. Payne with very large sums of money from time to- time, and imported !f.i·. JESSE PAYNE, dec'd, of Goochland county. Will. Widow, Frances. goods for him to a great amount,. from year to .year." Richard ,;i;f, Sons: George Morton Payne, and Richard Baylor Payne. Randolph, the elder, possessed a great personal estate, includinR' '··;:~ 50,000 acres in Bedford. He was greatly in debt. ..:~t 239 1802 ·District Court, Dumfries. Herbert and Wife v. Wise and Others ! . ------~ GEORGE J:IRENT, dec'd. Will dated 1694. Palenled 1143 acres in ti 1677 on Hunting Creek, Fairfax county. Issue: George Brent, Jr.; Call Volume 3 · ·\-~" - Henry; Robert; and Nicholas, whose will is dated 1711. ll 253 1802 Jones' Ex'rs v. Watson WILLIAM WATSON, dec'd. Issue: William Watson, jun., and 11 ]801 Jett, Ex'r, of Bernard v. Bernard four daughters, one of whom married Thomas Williams. The WILLIAM BERNARD, dec'd. Will. Widow. executors were Richard Jones, died 1728, Edward Jones, dec'd, 14 1801 High C9urt Chancery. Fitzhugh et ux. v. Foote et al. · ::. and Daniel Jones. Richard Jones' executors were Richard Jones and Littlebury Royal. Amelia county. · RICHARD FOOTE, died 1778. Widow Margaret. Issue: Richard ~ William Haywood Foote, and a daughter who married--·- Alex:; ,~~I 289 1802 Harrison and Others v. Allen \ ,~,!" ti, - ander. At the death of their father they were infants of tender: WILLIAM ALLEN, died in July 1793. Will dated in September 1789. years. The widow, Margaret, appears to have been the daughter of'.· Issue: William Allen, jun.; John Allen, i:lied in May 1793; Mary, ·~~ --- Grayson, and a native of Prince William county. At the ~ ..:.t wife of Carter Harrison; Ann; and Martha Allen. Lands in James O'\" ... death of Richud Foote, she married in 1780, John Thornton Fitz-,:. City, Surry, Sussex, New Kent, Southampton, and nansemond hugh. , ,i:1,i";,, ~ • ;.. >Jl• counties. .... 25 1801 High Court Chancery. Chisholm v. Starke and Others :,;,/l 307 1802 District Court, Accomac county. Watson v. Powell JAMES UNDERWOOD, of the City of Richmond, died 1773. Wilt·. LEVI WATSON, died 1778. Will dated 2 September, 1776. No issue. Widow, Ann. Mentions two daughters: Ann Starke and Martha Brother, William Watson, died 1778, intestate, leaving a son, 'the Underwood, also Anna Underwood, probably Martha's' daughter:-.: plaintiff his heir at law. Brother in law, Churchill Ames. Sister, The wi :low Ann married William Richardson of Henrico county;,-·., Rosy, died 1795, married Littleton Addison. Susanna Henry mar­ ried Stratten (no blood relationship shown) _ ~O... 180t___ J3radley v. Mosby; and Walton v. Mosby · ,;;?. j '"'l'IIOM'AS WALTON, dec'd. Deed dated 27 March 1750. Son Robett -~ 334 1803 High Court Chancery. ~w-&JIW,#.f¥SJ' · \Valton, daughter, Patty died 1794, wife of Edward Mosby, whoJ,, GEORGE YERBY, in May 1790, ~fu'g a· ii•1dower with six children, died intestate 1769. Their issue: Five children-Hezekiah (eldes(:i.t: married Elizabeth Rust, by whom he had two children: 1'i:Jfia'ti'1;; son \nd heir at law); a daughter wife of Bradley; a daughter "'ife'"/ ~rrd "M'lty Yerby\ Richmond county. of Walton; and two other chilldren whose names not mention~Ji~ Cumberland county. "';';,k:;; 343 1803 Hill v. Burrow RICHARD HILL, died 1775. Will dated 3 October, 1774. Issue: 75 1801 High Court Chancery. Fleming v. Bolling . - :'J\. 1 Thomas, died 1795, unmarried; Richard; Green; Rebecca. Lands EDWARD BOLLING, died in August 1770. Will. Sister, Tazewdl:' ·· in Sussex and Brunswick counties. brot,hers: Robert, died 1775; Thomas; and John and Archi~ Bomng. ·.s 355 1803 Tate v. Tally ROBERT TATE, dec'd. Will dated 11 May, 1777. Issue: Jesse, died 85 1801 District Court. Jordan and Others v. Murray . without issue; John, youngest son. Hanover county. JOHN ARMSTEAD in 1763 m~de a parol gift to William Rurn·ll. tfif ,_ husband of his daughter, Sar~ h, and father of the wife of Jordan, . _,68 1803 District Court, Dumfries. M'Lcan v. Copper and Others and others whom are not mentioned. '· RICHARD ARRELL, of Alexandria, died intestate 1795, leaving a • da•Jghter, Elizabeth, who married Copper. 105 1801 Gourt of Chancerv. Tomlinson and Others v. Dillard BENJAMIN TOMLINSON of Greenville county, died l February JAMES M'LEOD, died 1770, intestate, leaving Robert M'Leod of 1791. Will. Widow, Nancy Edloe Tomlinson. Issue, on•: son. Frederick county, Maryland, his son and heir at law .

620 ,(' f: -..~ ·. . 621 ,-·-~ :<.{ ... ·~ '·:l .I • \


&; , _v,; L eA·,). • :.._x.-./j / ./' ~ . /' ( '(--~· .•. / ~.d­ ~ 88 ABSTRACT OF NOR'rJI CAROLINA W1u.s ABSTRACT OF NORTH CAROLINA Wu.LS 89

1803 McMILLAN, EDWAJW, Jean (wife); Malcolm 1776 McLEAN, HUCH, Margaret (wife); Hector; and John. other children ( not named). 1806 MCINTYRE, GU.BERT, Wife; Donald; Gilbert McCall (grandson). N. 1806 MALLETT, PETER. Sarah (wife); Elora H., Caroline, Henriette, Sarah, Charlea P., Peter 1774 NORTON, JOHN B. Anna (wife): Elijah, Jessa­ J., Edward C., Gilt,s W. and Lakerl!tedt.; phey, Nancy, Zerubahel and John; Elizabeth Mary E. Jones (daughter). Bathern (daughter). 1801 McNEIL, ARCHIBAI.D, John, Donald, Hector, Margaret and Neil; John, Donald and LaC'h­ R. lan McNeil (grandsons). 1768 McALLISTER, JOHN, Ann (wife); Angus and 1800 ROBINSON, MARY, Susanna. Catherine; Flora Phillips ( daughters) ; Mar­ 1797 ROBERTSON, ANDREW, Sally Donaldson garet Shears (daughter); Jane Cowan • (friend). (daughter). ' 1798 ROBINSON, JOHN, Sa., Susanna (wife); Joel, 1776 McLEAN, JOHN, Margaret (wife); Hector. John and Mary,;-iarah Gerley (daughter); 1793 McKENNEY, MATTHEW, Sarah (wife); Ho­ Sus&Jlna Baker (daughter). well, John, Matthew, Rintain, Sarah, Nancy 1799 REDDING TIMOTHY, Mary (wife); Robert and and Amy. William; Elizabeth Brown (daughter); 1794 McKETHAN, JAMES, Dugald, Donald, John, Nancy Tedder (grand daughter). J amcs, Sarah and Ann. 17.19 ROWAN, RoPaT, Susanna (wife); Thomas; 1769 McKoY, AL&XANDEJI, Catherine (wife); John, John Hay (son-in-law); William Barry Grove Alexander and Neil. ( stepsor.). 1797 McKoY, ARCHIBALD, Katherine ( wife) ; J,.ilin, 1752 RAEF(l.lUI, MATTHEW, Mourning (wife); Mat­ Malcolm, Archibald and Neil. thew, Mary, Anne, Mourning, Rebecca, Philip, 1763 McKoY, ARCHIBALD, Catherine Smith (daugh­ William, Robert, Grace and Drusilla. ter). 1764 McNEIL, NEIL, Margaret, Flora, Catherine, s. Roger, Harry, Mary and Amy. 1768 McNEIL, HECTOR, Marian (wife); Neil, John 1797 SPILLER, MARGARET, Husband: Betty (sister). and Flora; Duncan and Archibald (bro­ 1798 SMYLIE, JAMES, James: Mary McIntosh .thers). (daughter). ~ 1773 MCQUEEN, MURDOCH, Katrine (Katharine) 1799 SPULER, JAMES, Hardy Holmes, Daniel Dodd, M~Queen (niece). Duncan McAuslan and Thomas Davis i~, 1801 McDANIEL, DANlEL, Margaret (wife); Mary (friends). Portor (sister); Agnes McDaniel (sister). 1768 SMITH, DAVID, Robert; Hugh (brother). 1783 McDU>'FIE, JoHN, Effie (wife); George, Dun­ 't-,J.. 1 can, Malcolm and Dugald. T. ~ ... 1795 McLERJlAN, DUNCAN, Mary (wife); Daniel, ~t:: Duncan, Archibald, Nevin, Elizabeth and Cftristian. 1800 TEDDER, THOMAS, Wife; children (not f 1767 McDouL ( McDowEI.L), WILLIAM, Joanna .named). (wife). 1766 MCNEILL, NEILL, Katharine (wife); Robert u. nnd Isabel McNeil (nephew and niece). 1767 McFARLAND, JOHN, Wife; Duncan, Mary, 1808 UTLEY, WILLIAM, Sa., Dorcas (wife). Dugald, Margaret and John, 1797 McKAY, ARCHIBALD, Katherine (wife); Thom· w. as, Margaret, Farquhar, Elizabeth, Isabella, Christian and Mary; Janet Shaw (daugh­ 1800 WILDER, JoHN, William and Mary Ann: Lu- ter); Sarah McNeill (daughter)· John· Mc- cretia Smith (daughter). Kay (nephew). ' 1798 WHITE, WILLIAM, Rachel (wife). 17~7 MONROE, PATRICK, Flora (wife); Daniel 1802 WHITE, THOMAS, Isabella (wife). . (brother); John Monroe (nephew). 17!)~ Mcl)ANlt:L, AIIKAHAr.t, Daniel (brother). Y. 17!.lll .McKINNON, HECTOR, Neil (father). __ .,,,.._, >· ,.-.\ 1799 /-- -KENZIE, KENNETH, Wife and three ohild- 'JI. .. · ·. '\ 1·sos·t1·~1.·1~~ :- 1:.11~:.:. ! ( not named) . " . I «¥.);t'!AS'~ . ... 1 ":"••'' ' ••. ,. • . .. . ' • ' ...- ~t:a 'Du,u,fwL ~. 2 210{111 'Br«i:Prrillgt 'T~? 6024


I 16m - H~OO t · I ..,,._ \ .

Series I Volume 4

Compiled and Published


Dorothy Ford Wulfeck, 51 Park Ave., Naugatuck, Conn. "'


\ !, ~ 'DmwfWI! 1(,J. 2 '110'{ 111 l 'Brtdp,n(

;ij:. I , v·· =._ m. :t"~r'~-1783., Anne Lnne Clopton., sis. of Robert of Cumberland Co., whose will, dated 1783; prov. 1793, rlillio.m.sburg, Va.,. names 11 sister Anne Lane Meredith. 11 _ m. Ann Bushrod Daingerfield, dau. of William and Apphia (Fauntle­ roy). 8W(l)98. Christiana Holm m. Maj. Henry Morriss, I David m. 20 June, 1797, Elizabeth \iorsham. Sur. John L. Scott. Amelio. l Co. Her. Bond. ·Elisha,· son of Srunuel of Hanover Co., m. _ Cocke, dau •. of James. 4v445. Eliza~eth m. John Hunter (1st wife).

Elizabeth m. A ·exnn er Henry m. 30 Aug., 1800, Mary Epps Cobbs. Sur. Wo.shington·Lambeth~ Bedford Co. Mar. Bond. Jane m. Dnvid Shepperd Garland. John of Dinwiddie m. 21 Dec., 1781, Elizabeth Pennington. ·sussex Co. Mar. Record. Joseph m. 11 April,.).696, Snra Denson. Hinshaw 6:28. Judith m. Willio.m Gibson. Kitty m. 'lhomas Cook. Mary m. (?) Jesse George. Mary ra. Capt. Jesse Watsom. Mary m. Co.pt. Jesse Watson. /'· Rebecca m. (1) · Ballard; m. (2J.George Hope. Robert m. 18 Ho'v-;;-1797, Winchester, IJ/a., Hannah Mercer•. 9T284. ·.: Ruth m. Col. Samuel Jordan(-on). · ·" ~ ',:. '.

• f • ~


'lbaras Hannah J))ggett 22 Feb 1717-18 _Doggett - B

William Cbrdella M. Cbilton 23 Feb 1729 Fauntleroy N. Chilton - B

William Frances Mal'1re 17 Apr 1753 James Kirk - B; Patber or daU Robert Mdl'1re Frances gives ocmsent

Joseph Hubbard Pre 1756 Mary Hubbard named 1n her : f'a:ther's will ('lb::lnas Yerby) dated 20 Mar 1756

John Betty Yerby 20 Oct 1753

Hannah John F.dwards pre 1756 Will or Thanas Yerby dated 20 Mar 1756 nmres dau. Hannah Edwards

Betty Woodbridge William Stepto 04 Jan 1764 John Kent, Jr. - B Yerby of Northunt>erland Co She 1s named 1n her tat.her' s ( Dau George Yerby will "·· Judith Kirk Pre A~ 1764 Named 1n will of George Yerby dated 14 Aug 1764 Mary George Phillips 03 Sep 1765 William Chilton - B dau of Elizabeth Woodbridge Yerby

Ellj ah Perciful Pre 1778 Will of John Yerby I1BJreB dau., wife of Elijah Perciful

Betty Yerby Thomas Hunten 20 May 1779 William Gibson - B

Sarah William Boatman 18 Jan 1781 'Ih.anas Pollard - B

Caty William 1-Eredith Pre 1785 ~d 1n Will of Wn Yerby dau/Wlll1.am dated 30 May ]785., \a Meredith Executor.

George w. Elizabeth Meredith 17 Oct 1782 WiJH an Gibson - B

Jcannah Charles Purcill Pre 1782 E:atate settlement of John Yerby nanes da.u, wite ot .. Olarles Pln'c.1ll. Jalm carter 17 Mar 1785 John carpenter" - B ~ 'Dono/we ~-2~111 !B111c~mi~t Tt.r..16024

YERBY MARRIED DATE REMARKS@)NOOMAN/SOORcE Richard Judith George l.6 Feb 1786 E11J ah PercU'ull. - B Margaret 011 ver Towles 14 Jun 18o9 WjJJ1am Yerby - B only dau or Wi111sm Yerby

Charles Sally ainton 21 Feb 18111 W. 'l'. Yerby - B dau Jud.1th Olilton

.. ' ·~ ·,~,,.\·~ Charles Jane Pedsley Tawell 19 Jun 1815 wn 1' am 'l'. Yerby - B dau of Mark Towell

William Lida Shore 19 May 1819 'lb:1Das Schotield - B

Delia Yerby John Waddey 20 Sep 1819 Walter B .. Wadqy - B Ellyson Hannah Meredith 07 Apr 1823 Charles Taylor - B

W11Uam Harriott Beane 14 Jan 1824 Opie Beane - B dau ~e Beane

Elizabeth Jasper Stott 22 May 182G Benjamin M. Walker - B

William Elizabeth B. Wilson 07 Mar 1827 Elias & Jmres Fendla - B l. .-:-.~, Mary B. Hiram Staiham 10 Apr 1828 Opie Beane - B

James T. Catherine Basye 17 Mar 183:j Rooert T. Dunaway - B

A. 'lhanas Hutchings 14 Oct 1835 Richard Hutchings - B Iou1sa ,, El1zabeth B. William 'lreakle 15 May 1837 Isaac Pitman - B

Elizabeth H. Edwaro W. Gaskins 17 Feb 1842 'Il1omas J. West - B

Cllarles H. Margaret J. George 07 Dec 1842 Isaac CUrrell - B

Mary Ann James Treakle 20 Apr 1846 Cyrus Swanson - B

'IhClnas S. Yarbl'Qlgh EiDily T. Hopkins 1919 Stewart A. Yarbrough Gertie H. Sruthworth 1927

Note: B • Bondsman 6 Childrenby #1

Stafl" ('" ('r,_,ntrf ------,--·--~-- This George may -t---c--+Chr'nd ...... ;;...i....u.."--"--- ...... '-'-''*"------·------·-- .. ------have gone to t'-:--,r------+------1------Mar. r--i------+------·-··· -- ---·-- ;----r------1------Death r~='-'------"------Burial _..______4!...!!!!:;!:.;~:;_i=~!.:.llclLli------~--,--~------·------+;..,.....:..::r...::~..:..___,.....-,.,.,...,.,,....,.------':"'"C"·--:------M-l_ll_t11r~:'..':.!. _ ~~~~~~:::.:..::::::..:_--,1;u...i~UL.1,..... "'---"u.u:: ...... zu;.-=...=-..<...... u....t..c..ca..u.c::.th---Einkardl izabeth .. •' I ------1w11,·, Wife's Full Maiden Name Elizabeth Mi;n_gj.J~.lL. o. ...


1 -'-'---=-"'-'-c..==e_:;.=.,,:_,,.--'"-"''-=-"'-1 l~l ilh'"u~~.1': \feN°'7LrNt;J!U?l.•c. _:.:D:,;:t-.;.1c;;.,.1;,t,;;;.i...:;;;.J...;1.1,./,,L ___i;..i.""-L.l,"°PJ.;..;;..;.,,;;;,..;,;.;.,=ol,J'-'"'~Y...,..-;,....---.----'-1_o ..th.. e_r_'_s-~!,;~!.,~~ •••. ~ lOu1i:1r"C"o•, Nam~• 1n Full (Arn"'I• t:, crrdoor al blrih) Day Moc,1h Ynr City, T"'"' or FLlr•

12 I John and Minerva had a son named J3 Meredith.


Puu N•mec cit Sp,c,uu••

1~ •J '

Fvlt Nun~ rJ. Spoolff'• ·- ---- i------I 1 I ------·--~·---·--· I r I 7 P~N;;;-o< Spouac• I 8 i-=-=== f1,11J N•rnt" of Spoy•t• I 9

!';ill N•m• ol SJ-•<" )eath~!_j...------,r------... forlnl 10 Birth Husband's Full Name George Yerby FAMILY GHOUP No. ~..,., This Information Obtained From: Do M.cb Y•r Oly, -r..a or Pi.ea °"""'Y or p...,.,...,-. StOleorC..ry Add. Info. a, Hua1111a Birth IChr'nd - IMar. May 1 '/1.JU R:tchmon.d Co. Va. . neath Burial Places of Resldencl'l IOccup,atton Church Affiliation Mil1tary Rec. ~ -.teWIWII, If :«Ta;or w~mar. UC.

·tt,;.C !His Father Mother's Maiden Name !;:, e.ji - ... 11 .. Wife's .Full Maiden Name Elizabeth Rust ~e~ Day Mare .y_. Ccau:lrp ...... ~d =·· ac,,,T-•Place ...... c-.,. Md, llllo. - ...... ~-1 .l! Birth :J' . Cbr•nr :E R 2, Box 111 l Death '·.!li: 11-Bracftnridge,-- TX. :Jt'J< f 1&024· tlu.-(al "'l- ~t CompUerQ-nh,,.;11,., 11._..,.ler Places of Residence l§1 Addres~rw ;:,,=;.1 Occuoatton if other than Housewife Church Affiliation !~~] City, Stat::;,_ ... .,,.-,,C,!;-. Tex .. m ==-..u,,,:.atm.-- Oate7>-?-1 q8? ?f..7>72 Her Father Mother's Maiden Name Ouldren'• Nam•• In Pull Su ICbildNol'I Day Year City, T- or Place c-,orPro'lilloce.«,;.. (Arnng~ In orci.r ol bird,} Dau .... SUte or Country .Add. Info. • Qildren l IBirth Mar. Full Name ol SpowN," Oeath \ D.nrla I 2 !Birth Mar. I Pull Jolame al Spow,e'" h..ath . ! - ' \ Burial ' !3 Birth I ! Mar. i Full Nam" ol Spout .. I Death \ Rurtal :4 Birth ' Mar. ' f' uU Name ot hipC>Utt~· fleath I \ Burial 15 Birth I Mar. ' Fun Name of. Spoy•e• Peath I' \ IBurial ~ Birth I I Mar. Full hame ol SpouiM• Death \ l3urial 7 Birth ca 1 (21 #2 VJilliam Mar. Full Nam~ ol 5pou..- beath \ Burial 18 Birth ca17q7, #2 M, ary Mar. ·Full Nam~ d SpouN• Death \ Burial 9 Birth ( ... Mar. . full Name of si,o..w be•th \ Rurial 10 lrth Mar. '• Pull*"'• .. .__• ' . ... \~»t--I:-·· --'.,',• ' ..:. ' •It rrwarn~.::_ .~.. -~~~:11'~-::::. ~ .. ~:.~~~.:~~:~~-Un~~·~-'°!: ~q .. 11 .. .. • • • ~ '.--# . ":. '· - .,:r.~ .__; ·_:., . ,-.--. '..! ...,..,..

~ .:._\',11,;.:, • I •• ·,:..:..._..._. __:.-::..,.~i-•...i:.-~,_;.,....;.-a;.-_....;.:..-•t.~~; ..... __~l. .-~-.,.·-~.:a~-- -.._,_ __ ,;;;.;... --


nppo!~ted gnnr_dinn of her three children in 1'776. Will 111:ohnted hy'(~hnJ.'erby nnd · \!UUnm ~hlmp'l,.tlssue: 1, Amos, who mowd to Frederwk (•onnt~·, nnd two others, nnmes unknown. , . . . 1 .. 2. Ephraim, b. li20, m. Miss Edmonds, nnd moved enrly to Fretforirk county, Vir- ginia. Issue : _ · .. . : ·· _ 1 · 1, Ephraim; 2, Elias; 3, Eppa and others. '•Tho two Bplimims, !ntht'r nnd son, were handsome and active men."• , . 8. mcttyUubbard, 1). 2:!d February, 1721. cl. 14th N'ovemh<'r, 1789. m. 18th May 1783, lVilliam• Sau11ders, b. 1718 (Etlwa,·d.1 J:br11,ur,2 E,1,rard,1 fli59). :,lie hnd clnrk liair nnd ~·es, nnd wn~ of remarkable pi<'ly. (Jnmes Siurntlers, n twin •. nml her youngest son, and anthor of the "Srmll!lei-s I'amplilrl, 11 Wll1'! tl11~ "Inst to le1wc th<' old l'.nsUe the homE' of his yonth" at his moth,,r's t1eath, when he r<'mowd to Etll'IJton, N. C.) Issue: Thomas, b. H3!l; :Mary. 1741; Jesse, 1743; Winifr<'d, -1746: Fr:mt•t'"'.17-18 i gi1w11rd 1751; Presl~y; 1753: ,losepb (1757) Lieutenant in the H<'v. Ntl\"y: Ephrnim 17fi0, nud ,vminm nnd ,Jnmc>i- (twins).-Smmdcrs FamJly. · . 4. Thomas Hubhnrd marri(•d Mnrgaret --- in Lnn<':l~h'r. A clt•t•tl 1,;1:l, to .lo~c·11h Ilnlibnrd, of £:100. · 11. Jos<'ph Hnbbnrd rl. 1770, will 16th Ot'!obcr l 71i5; lllal'ried BcttY---. l·~Xt'Cll· tors of will: William S:rnnders and ,vminm Y(·rbv. t\mmiis,-;ioner~ to dh·idc hh; es­

tate 1770: Dale CartC'r1 .John !\lrredith nlld Jn1m•:i Kirk. Children: 'fhomn,;, ,fo:-t:ph, ,fames, Hannah, \\'illin m, ,Tohn, Jesse 1md " }H'rhnps nnot her-l'XP<'t•kd." 1 HI. Ephrnim, of "Bl ,1fa1·y s ll71ite Clrnppd I'm·ish" ( ) lfou~ht &

trl\ct, in 1749, of 100 11rre1- 1 "being lands of Edmnnd S:nmllcrs, tkl't'fil'led'' in \Yi1·,;lllico pnrii in the • Ball family. · ELLIOTT. ,Tolm BllioU, lfi:?3:, ,J1,rnc,; City conut~·, ,ilidn~ OY<'r the river." ,Tohn Elliott, 1!i3,\ e.ime to Yiq::;iuia in thP Cn11st:11H·e, ngt•,1 :W. Iloflot. Lt. Col. Anthony Elliott, of Ulonceslcr t•onnty. Pawnt in t;!iznlw!h l'it~· c1mnty, Hi3G, for 400 ncn•,-, In the ,rnr ,•,-itl1 !ht• lndinn king, Op,rlrn1ua1w11yh, l!ili (Col. Prancis roythress eomnwn Elliott nnd P:itiern,c, hi:- wife. Tht'Y ,n'rc: Thnmas. Philip, Ann, Elizabeth fill(l )fory Bnck1wr nnd Charil's Debois and Chl'i,-tinn, hi~ wife. ( \\'illinm

Buckner, Mr. Tyler thiuki:, wns the son of ,Tolrn 1 who wns n son of ,fohn nrnl Aun Hnck­ ner.) In 1727, ,Tohn Bnrkncr, of 8t. )hry':,t parish, Essl'x, µ-a,·e to his son, Willinm, 500 acres in Essex, "pnrt of the tract gin'n UH' by my mothC'r, Ann Bu1·l:nrr." In.

Stafford eonnty is nn old will of a John But>k1wr, 17:i21 wiJc, Elizalwlh, tbnghler,

• / ··..-1. # ------.-....,,, * ~~ .• ~.r....:::_~b" /' ' .· 7"/' -·/ ., ./ / -- ,z;;) ( ,<1 2:/.~-c/ t"~/ !; \c/i'/??-:,c.., , ~./'d_, ,. ,C -~,:/-<~-&:::::/e-- - / ; ,/ ' / 1) /~ t71- ~J!) ZJ ti! ,~~ 2~.- ··5 ;, . B DO,._ ( • ) :;~ 2,5. IIW:IJ.J. COD'• :,,;l,f ~~~ ni::ab"t:::i a. Loon"-?'d Young (2nd Vi!e). · J ~ '"J~,.. g .tllza~et!J. c. PrJ lip S':rou.1. /: :r:e::,- c. YUl.1.aa l3rovn. ~~rCl', .... I..ltzabetb. m John Ca:-v&.c. . Htli !«.-a.!:=. John DaT11. ~ l:.n>re m. 2l Jan., 1779, Kar7 J.nn ~end.a. Sur. Spencer C~rp. · ;'··:~ , ~_r. ... LanCN1tfr Oo.' Mar. llon1. · !:'di"r. ' ~ .c.. 19 JuJ.7, 1786, >T. liortha:ipton Co. Mu. P.eoor,!. W»iieb:a;r!rhbl:ia,: Torey. · ~ ~j, ,: •...... ~111 :.. l• Au«., 1759, Peu:;r Matthevs, dau. _o! John Cu.th )(atthlN'I. c. 'l'homas Chovning. ,-:.; .. ,,~, .. ; J.n.!lAt::;,.on Oo. Ma.r. Record. , (_) c. i'1111M Yiblin. , ')},,}. _, , :"t-=. A. 10 Oct., 1769, Xazj,ah Woaterhouae. llorthai:ipton Co. Y.ar. m. l 7 Nov., 17~5, .Be1;pey Dog,;ott. Bur. Peter TankeNi,,. :.., .· 7},l:f,,_'r.~,1 ;:"~'.. 1.-ccrt,. . cuter Co. Mar. :Bond., · ;•·, ,:;~'-'" ·::, ~ &.. 25 lob., 1769, Suaazma Jacob, dao.. ot Pierce. l1or~ton eo. Jer8%.liah ·m. be!. 1774, Mary Overatreot, dau. of' JU.chard, vhoH ~ . :J~ ·t;,_, _-: X&r. ~rd. ·

1774, and es:· s&tt., l'fJ6, LanC'-aater Co., pron,1 it. ·_>.·:_'_'.·1·-~-:.!_'\ , '., :. 19 Ke.T, 1764, Jane (__) LuJce. Jorthampton eo. >-·. . Lancaster Co. Har. :Sund. • ii · ,:",t:i " • 1'f~ ,.._.n a.. Vi .... am 07. Mary ( ) m, John Mc.Tyre. ··, ;~;._.::·. • ,-.1.1.J' i::.. G Slcx7:.. Luthor·Morgan., 'i1ll1ac, the :rounoir, c, 18 Sept., 1787, Cather!ne Duna~. r,.;,. ·>" ?: ;,,:, h'\«1 D. llobon McDowell. Bobert ..i.ngell. Lane11.ater Co. Mar. llond,. ,f!'.! ~ · -r,_--:.a,r . Yillie..m c. 15 Sept., 1785, Judith Robb. Sur. Jaoea Xollr. ~- ..,~ .r.:~th c. ~el U!~rd., ter Co. 11.s.r. :Bond. :;t r..~ 11. 14 ~-., 1796, .lccal7 Montgocis27 Sur. J&:2oe Montgoc8T'7. 'i1111a.m c. 16 June, 171!5, Sarah Gooi·go. Sur. Mo1e1 ~orr;n. ~. :.U . . • ""~rol=.i Co. Mar. ~nd. 0 te::- Co! Mar.· :aon:1. · 'i ·-/ ~ , i'1ll1am 1:1. 3 .A.u,g., 1779, Mary Ann Doggett. Sur. John D:>,:,: .. ·i. :-.. · '' , _-. ~-. !loT., 1772, :Elizabeth kallor,-. dau. o! J'ohn, ...-hoae v1ll castor Co. Har •. :aond.. :·, ;! ~t l.nto, OraJ:i&e Co., proTeO it. Vin1!ro'b. (_J m. Thomus Mott. • j · ' r..;.x. IO&Um! ···~· L.:sa~t!l :::. JIU:lee Dollins. H.1117 m. Elijah Ballard. ..·._. A. 9 Xa:-.:h, 1792, J:11 a:abeth Ilo1l1na. Sur. John Yood. JJ. be- IX:>HART? • -.:lo Oo. Sar. l3ond •. Rebecca a YU118l!I Dode::1"-&e. · •.t a..t't!:.a& A. Ja.o0b Craw-. IO!!Eliirr • 1""1-~ c.. 1 i59, lU.1 s:abeth Hens1117. Or&n&e Co. Mar. Beoord. Pe~ m. rrano11 Ooll1na. 11&.~ c.. So--...ry Ment1!~e. DOHERTY ,· a:-..::!&.:; ~ !:loo.nor ~e117• llroclcoan, dau. of Y1111am and l:J.1 ZD.both George, b. l 749: d. 1833: on pension roll, ll!Jl, Je!!oroe:,, 0-:., ~ ~r L_) e! ilbc:iarlo. O:rall4:e UizllO. , !or Va. aerTice: m. Pr1ic1lla G<>!orth. Ilt.l1. No.·31 415. r .. ~...: · JUl.7 Ann m. :Epr. Dol;y. ~i ~ ..s~•~ :1. Johll 1111".Jcenson. DOBllODY ; ~ c. T! 715 7. Swsanna Garth. 6ml Jane c. John th. JI&:. 3o r. !. Sur. lUcbard Durrett. .llbecie.rlo Co. OOBONT ""~~ ",_, .. _... !.I.~ (__) a.. John- !rhurston. · Mary m. G1d.oon Unler-wood. . ,. . ,• PG£&7 =· rranc1s Colline. ·-t· 't" DOUL • ·· ··,,.. :.. 13 >-arl".h, 1786, J'Ul.7 Ann Ilohert7 lJr lleT• -- :i, • X! r.! o t. on I Ret u.rna. John~vn. J.\lg'Ullta ~ \ •., J:noch :Benson. · ... o.r · I Yarbrough Family Magazine

. ·~ . , ..~·~·;_\,>··/"\;;"'··.,._ ,. , • ;, • i-• ,,,.~. ;-r·,. :• .• ., ·~'- • .. ,· ~i .. \"!~-~ ~ .....'l ,l.,1 .r: ·-. t:;< ·~ -:·;.i;::;,-.':.-f · . •• , ., , .. ~.. i ..... 4 .. \~~~i,.~·. '>. }:, •september 1785 To the Nilitia of the CountN of Bedford. ~. 1··' '1- ·.,~.;.;_-,.·: -;£;~-~..;,.; ..... f.· .• f ·... ~ . ~ fr .. ~·'fv-.·. • 1.t. ~ .. and Provisione furnished bN SundrN Inhabitants of the said • 1,. 1'• ~5.4, :.- I ,...,l.*(' V\,, «~, '• ;.J.r~.-.-....'.~ ,..-.,__.-_, !J;·• -~i"J••. -; : .. ,:\ County. via. *** To Jeremiah Yarborough, ensign 1.6 s.O • .f'.1 ..•. f~JOf~~.

WILLS and ADNINISTRATIONS 7D [prior to 1776] '(· • YARBOROUGH Bfldfo:rd Co. - Jeremlah--1759 w111 .,, .. ' . ···"" -~..... ·' _:.~·'A,:!,i"''"" ~ .. ,,. . Jeremlah--1765 inventory of estate YARBROUGH r~:~1t!itr A111elia Co~ .-·.•'•.'./;.:-}·~, ::':~5::~t.tf'N)'.::r ,· ~...... ,.,.,~ '!'*' ~ 1/.,; i .;,-_-..'-('\ ~ ,\ • 'it Wllliam--1748 will William, Jr.--1749 inventor}'..of estate Hezekiah--1754 will . :~: Moses--1756 will Thomas--1769 will Jordan -1770 will .:.: Bri.nswioh Co. Abraham--1754 inventory of estate Cumberland Co. Edward--1757 will .. ;.··'\-:-.°:°'.-->;;;·.. \ .. ,-; ~;T Prince Edward Co. .~. ; ...... "'1tilliam--1771 will '•. YERBY Lancaster Co...... Thoaas--1716 w11 l------This Will might be t·ihte'resti"'.t1g •. Ann--1720-21 w111-f#/,j t., .. '/'(--: ~~ .. ·~-._··:~· John--1737 nuncupatlve will .. ···". ·--1· Thomas--1756 will------·."- ...... · Hannah--1761 w111 ------George--1765 wtll Elfzabeth--1772 w111 \ ...... , ;, 26

' ~r,. .. ~ ..


\ ' .. •

,, FA f.i IL Y G ROUP rJO. Hu~~and'ft Full tJrmo ------Thomas Yerby This Information Obtained From: O•r J.Aoath vu, Clly. Towa c,r l'llte Couniy c, Provine, 1tc.. 11111 or Co1.mtry

Chr'nd ..... 2 Feb.1717 Lancaster Co •• Va •


l.1Ut11ry Ate

Hla Fall••r

Wlfe1s Full Malden Name Hannah DeJ;?:1;S City. Town or Plaet Counly or Prowinee, iltC. State o, Country Add. Into on - . Birth Rea Donohue R 2, Box 111 Ir --· TX '6024 •• •

Oceu1>111on If Olher lhan houH#ll•

0111 l -JuJ.Y-1990 .76'J?2. Her Fathar Mother'• Mald•n H•f'M 1 f ChllOtWl'I Counly or Prl)vinct, etc. Add Info on C s .. t f,.~~:~:~ j.t'o~:;:, :, t~ :tt) 0111 Day .cont~ Yur 61111 Ol Country

1 Birth Mar. Full Name of Spou••· Dll&lh ~ 2 Birth Mar. f,.,11 Nam• of SpeuH • . Death . Burial 3 Birth . Mar. Full N•m• ot S;;ouH• Doeth Burial 4 Birth Mu. Full 1'arnt ol 6;,ouae• Death

8uri1I ·s Blrll, Mar. Full harM of S;;ouH' Death

Burial 6 Olrth Mar. fuli Nam• or Spouu· Daath ·- Burial 7 Birth Mar. ·.· Full N1mt of Spouu' Doalh Burial 8 - - Birth Mar. Fun Na,.,,. er fiP®H' Death Burl&! 9· Birth . Fun Na,,,. of SpouH' § 10 81rth Mer. full Nam1 01 SpouM' OHlh

8urlal Ah:;trncts LgoQaster Co,mty. Virctnia. Wills H>S1-l ~oo .. J.rp' 19S9/ ft .13(,- :2 31 ··'\ERBY, Thomas ... lJ. Feb 1716. Rec. 1) Har 1716

Wife: Ann . . . Sons; George, and Thomas all my land in Corrotoman, JohI). Exors: Sons Geo. Thos. and Jno.. . , · .. , . .. , _ ~; Wits:· Frances Coxr Fort Sydnor·· and Ruth' Sydnor~· W.'B/.io, P• 191 ., . ,, ;"'. /YEfu3Y., ~e; ·.N;i:tipati;e~: J Feb 1720: .,Rec. 8 Ma/1720~·':·..;:.:. , · .."'.· ::":.;·,.;.~;::.~~ (;·:-~-~; .;\- -;_.: .. ::".'·: ~·::--~. '.··.;.... f"f ... Son: John Yerby. Mentions "rest of my children." Wits: John Hudnall, Mary Killgore. ,W.B. 10, p. )06

/YERBY, John, nU!l~upa~ive.· _11 De~~l7J6-.-_.Rec~ 8 Apr 173?! .... ~· - . • .. \ ' ,, J • ~ " . ,,,, - . • • ' ~ ., ~ . . . r, • • . -

0 1. Sons: Wm and John.; other children & "brothers •. : ~: .. · '..:' ··• • •· / • •

Ex. Wife. 1i,. .. -'~: :~·~ _4 - ...._i ··:--~·· .. -~"; .. r:.-: , .: ··· .. _· · ·~:-· .. ,\: ;,:· Wits: Geo. Yerby,'.Jos ·George and.. Jno Meredith~: W.B. 13, P• 32 : -:\.'.,, , · Inv~ntory· ;et~;~~d b;· Katherine, Y~'i-bj: Th~'•. Yerby:_ and G~orge Yearby;.,~­ adm~ :10 June 1737. W.B. 13, p. 54 , ·· · , . :_ ~ · . - ~ -:....· :.. ...: ~ .• ': .,, .... ·... " ,· 5- .!- .).. . _·, ~ J ! . . . ,....

Y YE~Y;. ~?~, ,~-~:~~iop ,e.st_~t~;:- -~c·:_~t AJli.;6 ~7~?f.,:~ ,,. :,·, ... Son: Wm, John Yerby. Daus. Eliza Yerby and Joanna Yerby. Nicholas Lawson in right of his i,;ife one of' the children of the dee. her part of the slaves which did belong to Katherine Stamps-·her mother. W.B. 14, p .. 64. 12 Aug 1748. Settlement of estate. Thos Yerby guardian of Wm. Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. John Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. W.B. 14, p. 207.

YERBY, Thomas. 20 Mar 1756. Rec. 21 May 1756. Wife: Hannah Yerby. Son: John, Thomas. Daus: Ann Brent and her children; Betty Yerby., Hannah Edv:ards, Mary liubb?..r.d. Exors: Friend, J arr.es }:irk and sons -Thoma~ Yerby and John Yerby. Wits: George Dobson, Ja~es Kirk, John Pasquet, Dale Carter. W.B. 15, p. 25?

· YERBY, Hannah. 12 Nov. 1759, Rec. 15 May 1761. S0:1s: Thomas & John Yerby. Daus: Ann Brent and her dau. Judy Brent Elizabeth's two daus., Sarah & Hilly; Hannah Edwards, Mary f!ubbard, za. Yerby, dee., two children. Exors: Sons, Thomas & John Wits: Dale Carter and Augustine Carter. W. B. 16, p. 145 Divi on of estatej~ Thomas Yerby, Ann Brent, Hr. Jno Yerby's children, Mr. JnoGJ}erby, Mrs. Hannah Edwards, Mr. Joseph Hubbard's Children. 2:.9 June :,76~ WA.16, p. 231. ~-~·<_:::;,..·-

_:. YE~Y,_ George. 14 Aug, 1764. Rec. 15 July 1765.

:w£ Eliz-abeth. Son~:~rge Yerby and his children. Gr. son: George 1 ~Woo~y;;by, son ~f ~on Jno Yerby. Gr. dau: Am Yerby, dau of my / ~th Kirk: Daus: Ma~d Betty 100 ridge Steptoe & her ... /, children. Son: John Yerby. ~ ,, Exors: Wife and my 2 cousins and his brother John Yerby.,. Wits: Thomazin. x her mark ~gget.. Dale Carter. WB 18, p. 42 ·--· ------·~ -·- ... ·----- ..... ·-----··- .._,_.,.'

miii-Pc cont.) -•~l~s.· tlMi4 I I 118\J&et. .~ · . - J~Aftt7~at~hose •est. ·sett. of that dat~ a.al ,~~t. sett., 1793, of his widow, ~ath­ orine George,. -... both•n,,·~ in.... · flliilf~1l}o., prove the marriage~ · ' · · · . .

Charles CUilllli.ngs. Wash-

12 Cbt., 1854, Lincoln Co., 57 Ky. Reg. 270.

_____ m. James Nutt. ,, ·.. ~ m. William Hubbard. Ann m. · Thomas Hubbard • •·; Judith m. · William Hubbard. SomueJ... m. bof. 1774, Mary Simmons, dau. of John and Elizabeth (_). Proven by will of Elizabeth Si.rmnons, widow, 1774, Lancaster Co. Samuel, Jr., m. bef. 1709, Very Doggett, tlau. of Coleman (d. 1783) • ... Proven by his est. sett., 16 Feb., 1789, and orphans' acct. recorded 19 Oct., 1788, both in Lancaster Co. YOUEL .- Jennet m. Oliver Miller • • · YOUEI.l,.:.,•: -·· : _; · il dau.; m. _:__ Watts. _, a. dau., m. _ Spence. Ann m. Watts. Dorcas ;:--(1) Patrick Spence; m. (2) John Jordan. Thomas, Capt., of Nominy, Westmorelarrl Co., m. bef. 1S9.3, Anno Leo,· · dau. of Col. Richard of Essex Co~ Proven by Deed of thut date, Westmoreland Co. · Winifred m. ____ English. YOULEKEM .. Elisabeth m. John Shoumaker. YOUID - _ m. James Hartin. _ m. Mary Cary, dnu. of John of Surry Co. and London. · She m. (2) Nathaniel Harrison, b. 1671; d. 1727 • .31V27/; Surry, p. 87. Her mother was Jane (nood) Cary. Boddie-HSF Y:72. .. \....; _ m. Lucy Ragsdale, dau. of John (will, prov. 1795, Lunenburg Co.) • • 38 S February 1783. ·;Isaac·GRANT and Betty Farris •. Ma.med by Rev. Nathaniel Hall. Ministers' 'Retw:na p 8 · · 28 November 1786. _James GRAN'J.'. ,and· Tabby Kidd. Sur. James Kidd. · Wit.· William Peter Martin. Married JO Nov. by Rev. Reuben Pickett. p 9

22 Ocotber 1792. Moses GRANT and Elizabeth Grant, dau. of Burrell Grant who consents. Sur. James Hill p 26

11 Janaury 1787 •. Esom GRAVES and Judith Parrott. M::trried by Rev. James Watkins. Ministers' Returns p 26 ••11·r•n{.;a11t:fri.R--u•Rtt1tS;ffll!•Mat11~~YafBmgh. Sur. H~nry Hopson/'Jr. Wit. E. Parrot, John Dial and J. T. Turner. Elizabeth signs her own consent. Married 28 Nov. by Rev. James Watkins. p 9

27 March 1781. William GRAVES and Rebeckah East. Sur. George Vaughan. Wit. Henry Goare. p 5

24 January 1791. Larkin GRAVEi' and Sally Mtlone .Sur. Alexander Harrel. Married 27 Jan. by Rev. Reuben Pickett. p 22

6 Janaury 1789. Berryman GREEN and Nancy Terry. Sur. William Terry. p.16

6 October 1796. James GR.J;:EN and Patsey Medley, dau. of Mehetabelle Medley.who consents. Sur. Berryman Green. Wit. Judith Medley. Me.rried 20 Oct. by Rev. Reuben Pickett. p 35 16 December 1'789. Peter.GREEN and Elizabeth Terry, dau. of William Terry who consents. Sur. J a.mes · Thanpson. p 15

20 April 1787t..: JaIOOs G~Il.L and Martha Scates. Sur. William Oliver. p ll

20 July 1769. John GREENWOOD.and Ann Bates. Sur. Robert Greenwood.· · p 2

28 November 1790. Beman GRFnORY and Judy Gravatt. Sur. William Jones. Judy signs her own coosent. Married 2 Dec. by Rev .. Reuben Pickett. p 18

24 March· 1787~ · Ambrose GRESHAM and Betty Eppes. Sur. John Eppes. Betty sifns her own consent. M:i.rried,.by.Rev. Howkins Landrum. Returned 29 April. p 12 C t J f AMILY GHOUJ,J NO. __ ,...... ,I ....a:E • ames or Wil 1 iam Kirk This Information Obtained l'rom: =-..... "Day .. 0.-.,.,...... _ ...... ,c.u,,,,.. ... l"fo It' Hulbaf'\C Will Qf George Yerb:v .,,., - --· Will of Elizabrth t'.lv'IIIIII - Yerby 17b5 and 1 ·rc .... Lancaster Co., Va. r -...... _..,_ ...... - =;:.::.."r., ~ ':.. -·-- ... ,_ ..... ----- ·~· ..... - - Judith Yerbv ' __ lnfe.... Wlle =· --· c-, ...... , ft ' ..... ---- -·--·-- h Clw"1lf 'I 1 R 2, lloll 111 8.•l I uldge, TXN024 ....~ ... t ~-- '.. , .. • ~ ...... , •• ••••'1.,,.. -p.._., ...... } .,.... lloJ[ 261 _...... Clllllall ...... I cn,..... Neweaio:;tl •. Ta:r ,~!...~-·--- ... ·-- o...14-July-1990 76'), --.. George Yerby F.l, i 7.~ hPth ,_,.._.,_ ,, ~ c.r.,-...... a.-, ...... o...,y ... ,&-·-···"" .. -·· ------lllfo. .., Cn11dten 1 Slttl'I ----- Mar:v Kirk .... Dalll ---- ..,.. & 2 INotll ...Judith .. _ Kirk. .... _ o..,i ...... , ( . 3 Eliz-a Kirk ...... --·- ..,.,.,o..ii 4 a1n11 William Kirk ...... -----· ...... Daffi 5 ...... DNtll --·---...... , . 6 ...... --·-· ....DNltl 7 911111 Mar. --"-- ..,...,DNtfl -· 8 ..... :._~ .. lllrtfl Mar ...... ·- __. DNTf, hrlal 9 ·'"" ...... ,_ .. • -( _._ l)Ntt, llurlal 10 ··""..... 0..111

·--·- Burial ------···------~------H - I George y er b y J r. f AMILY UHOUP NO. .. t Thia Information Obtained From: -··.,... t ~ .... 11'1'- tlftt4uaMl'lt' ...._. De, -.. -.-- ...... __ ...... c.-,,.,

~ ·-t".Jw'M ..... before1762 r -...... --- .,__... -.. __ =~=-i.':.::...... 1 ·------...., __. . ,.. -- .. -· Sally Gibson =· ...... - ...... , ...... c..,., Alld.lnlo.... Wllt, rt ' ...... h Clw'll.a -- ' 1 A 2. Bo• 111 f ..IIClllanrldga. TX 7I024 ~- ,~ ... " _..o,..h~-- .. , ... ., __ .,., .,. - I ..... Box 2i1 a.. Mllalllllft I C11r..... Nawc.1u~t:1 a. TaY_ ~------·.:t.~l!.-· ·------_...... _ ...... Wil] iam Gibson ...... jS::- ,_larun___ _.. ... n: ...... Cllr.f-...... o..,,i, ...... , ..... lllfo. .,. C/111dren 1...... _._ Dalli -·..,. . 2 ...... DlrM!I ---- ""* ~ ..... '· . ,.. ___ ...... ,,..,Datll 4 ·-... ,. DNtl, --·-· 9urlel 5 ...... ,_ ...... DNlfl llultel . 6 8lnll ...... "'"-·-·' .,....,°"""" 7 .....att1ft DNlh ----- hrlltl 8 ltlftl'I r,..._.,"' • ':. !'"' __ ...... DN!h au,1a1 9 lllntl ...... _.. __ ..... • ...... DNtll , 10 a,1111 ...... _.. __ ..... DN!h Bu••el ------. ··- ··------·· ------.···------·- Ahstncts L;mcaster Co,inty, Virr;tnia. Wills 1653-lROo. Lee, 1959 ,23{,- :!3' 1 If· /YERBY, Thomas •.. p. Fe~ 1716. Rec. 13 Mar 1716 Wife: Ann Sons: George, and Thomas all my land in Corrotoman, JohI). Exors: Sons Geo. Thos. and Jno. . , . . _ ~· Wits:' Frances Coxr Fo~t Sydnor .. ~d. Rutti' Sydnor~· w.'B. ~io; P• 191 ,•,.

~ • .,, ' ,l( /YE~Y, Aime."·-.N~i:tii~ti;e:: 3 F~b i120: ~·Rec·~,,8,Mar.l7?0.·'·'-'_; -~ : ·:. ~ ~ . ~ ;:.· .::: r ~ ·. · ·~ ·. •. : ·.. -:_ · · ·. ! "." - : ~ -: • ~ .. , • -· ... ,.;. • r ·... Son: John Yerby. Mentions "rest of my children." Wits: John Hudnall, Mary Killgore. ,W.B. 10, p. )06

/YERBY, John, nuncupative. 11 De~'.17)6. - Rec~ 8 Apr 1737.· . . ' . . . - . . "• ' ' . . - --.. ·• ·- - •- ~ .. ,·.,,. • wJ ,~• • -~•·'• ••' • •'' #' '• - • ,ol. ,·. \. Sons: Wm and John.; other children & ·brothers •. : -:--· \:· . , Ex. Wife. 'I.. ..:·:.~ ~ ~-!. -!'-:~.- -,- , .. _.... J. ~:::. .. =~~:~., -r ·--~ -· --1 ·., .... -~~· ... ,~;: ·. -:.-. r.. :· · Wits:·, Geo.- Yerby,·.Jos.George and.Jno 'Meredith.: W.B. 13, p. 32 .: c::1 .. ::,, ·

Inventory· ;.et~;~~d b;· Katherine· y;·~b;:: Th~'•. Ye.rb/ and George Yearbi;·: · v. adm~:10 June 1737. W.B. 13, p. 54 ·, -.:, .. , :. ~ ' "-·~ • ;_· "~ ..: • •• • : ..-' ,...... J. . ~ .:... ~~ -·-..,.. • ~ ' • ,.• .· ·.. ... "~ .. : .. ~ YERBY, JOHN, division estate. Rec. 12 Apr. 174S: . . ... : ;.:, ..,. -i:·. :,: • '.. .;. . t. .... ·.') .. ~ ... !' :c.: .... ,, ..i~1'6 .. .:·-.. 1 _:"':-:: ,~ .. _··,·:· -·· Son: Wm, John Yerby. Daus. Eliza Yerby and Joanna Yerby. Nicholas Lawson in right of his ~ife one of the children of the dee. her part of the slaves which did belong to Katherine Stamps.her mother. W.B. lL, p. 6L. 12 Aug 17LB. Settlement of estate. Thos Yerby guardian of 1-lm. Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. John Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. W.B. lL, p. 207.

YERBY, TLomrrs. ?O Har 1756. Rec. 21 May 1756. Wife: Hannah Yerby. Son: ,John, Thomas. Daus: Ann Y3rcnt nnd lier cldldrcn; Betty Yerby, ll2.11nr.ih Ed,;nrds, lfa.ry llubba,_r..d. Exors: Friend, Jarr.cs }:irk and sons ·;rhomas Yerby 2.nd John Yerby. Wits: George Dobson, J2~es Kirk, John Pasquet, Dale Carter. W.B. 15, p. 25?

YERBY, Hannah. 12 Nov. 1759, Rec. 15 May 1761. So:is: ThoJ'TlaS & John Yerby. Daus: Ann Brent and her dau. Judy Brent; Elizabeth's two daus., Sarah & Milly; Hannah Edwards, Mary Hubbard, Eliza. Yerby, dee., two children. Exors: Sons, Thomas & John Wits: Dale Carter and Augustine Carter. W. B. 16, p. 1L5 Division of estatej~ Thomas Yerby, Ann Brent, Mr. Jno Yerby's children, Mr. Jno(Jlerby, Mrs. Hannah Ed,,iards, Mr. Joseph Hubbard's Children. 19 June 1761. W.~16, p. 231. -~.. ·<..:':::.-..-- ~ I'\ _:.YE~._Geor~. lu Aug,176L. Rec. 15 July 1765.

e: Elizabeth. Son~:~rge Yerby and his children. Gr.son: George 1 .:.::....Woo~eJYerby, son ~f ~on Jno Yerhy. Gr. dau: A Yerby, dau of my / aau. Judffh Kirk.' Daus: Mary Yerby, and Betty wo ridge Steptoe & her .. / children. Son: John Yerby. , 1' / Exors: Wife and my 2 cousins Wm. Yerb~d his brother John Yerby.~ Wits: Thomazin. ~her mark) Hathaway, Elmore-,~ Dogget, Dale Carter. ~ 18, p. L YEARBY, GEORGE, Dec. Rec. 15 July 1765. Will Presented by Eliza Yerby, one of the executors and proved by oath of Dale Carter and Elmore Doggett. W.B. 17; p. lh7. 1 Geo. Phillips who intennarried with l ~ry Y:.:~ ory.Q_~ of Geo. Yerby, Dec,. WB 17, p. 172 YERBY, George, appraisement. 15 July 1765. Rec. 10 ~ept.-1765. WB 18, p. 51 YERBY, George. Division of estate •. iB Nov 1765. Rec. 21 July 1766. George Phillips-.--___ . given his wifeis part.~R:s:-ii, p. 63. YERBY, ~LIZABETH ~5 Sept 1770. ~Rec. 19 Mar 1772. Sons: John & George Yerby land in Richmond Co., which descended to me by the death of Capt. John Woodbridge, and also lands in Fairfax, Dinwiddie & Brunswich Cos., all of which lands descended to my by the death of sd Woodbridge. Daus: M~~ Nancy Kelly, Sarah Gibson. Gr.children: Mary Kirk, Judith Kirk, Eliza Kirk & William Kirk (to be in the hands of Capt. James Kirk). Gr. sons: John Steptoe, Wm. Woodbridge Yerby, George phillips. Gr. daus: Eliza Yerby, Eliza Woodbridge Yerby, Nancy Kent Yerby (to have equal share with her mother's children), Judith Yerby Gibson, Amy Davis. Exs. Sons; George & John Yerby, Capt. James Kirk, George Phillips, Wm. Kelly & Wm. Steptoe. ~ Wits: Will Dymer, Francis Dymer, John Swinton, John X Angell, John Yerby, Thomas Crowder, Jesse Kelly. W.B. wO, p. 38.

YERBY, Mrs. Elizabeth. Division of est. 18 Jan 1787. Rec. 16 Apr 17:37. Heirs: George Yerby, John Yerby, John Steptoe, Nancy Kelly, t1ary Phillips, Willi~~ Kirk, Mary Kirk, A~y Davis, Elizabeth Kirk, Sarah Gibson, Judith Kirk. By Richard Glascock, Ben Smith & John Fauntleroy. WB ?2, p. lu3

-- -- -"'~ ('YERBY, Capt. Hilliam, 'or Parish of Christ Church. JO May 1785, Rec. 28 Apr 17%.

\ .. _'ljife: Frances. ·· Sons: Willia 1, Loddy & Robert Yerby. Daus: Setty Harris a~d-Caty l-fe-reditn. - E.xors: Wife, cousin John Yerby and Wm. rleredith, WilliA.rn Kirk, Ann Kir~. Coditil. 10 Sept. 1785. Loddy Yerby has died since will was ~ritten. Wits: William Kirk, Ann Kirk, Sally LP.e Schofield. WB ??, p. 121 Appraisal. WB ?2, p. 130

YEWlY, John, of Parish of Chri'.'it Church. H3 Feb 17'?7. Rec. lS l·by 1777. , Dau: Caty born of rny wife before we were married to have equal part of _,./}1 esta:.e except land. ~ Exs: Friends: John Yerby & brother Wm. Yerby. Wits: Wm. Brent, W:n. Schofield, Isaac Pitman. W.3. 20, p. 112. Jan 1712. Division of estate bet1-1een widow & Charles Purcill who inte:.narried with Joannah dau. of sd dee., and Richard Yerby, James Yerby & Jesse Yerby, Orphans of sd Deceased. WB 20, p. 2?1. FAMILY OHOUP NO. _, Geo,r g e Yer-by Thlt Information Obt1IIMMI l'rom: c..,,,ty.,...... _ .... ~·.. _ ..., .... oit,.,- ...... ~ ...... - Wi 11 of T ..,,nr-,:,i::t<>,.... ,._,., - ... Va.- Division of •Clv'• - Elizabeth.s estate 18 No-v .. 1765- 4hi=d·'l"'.ql" - 1765 Will Recorded 15 July 176'5 La ncaster Co. of N.C. Wills- - va. -..____,.. __ - .. ---,_'!~'"t.'::iiiii,, -- ·. ------. - _.._.... . t -~ ' ...... Elizabeth Woodbrid~e...... , ? ~ =· ...... __ ...... rt 14 Julv lQQO .... - -- '!!' JI . ~ ·...... - .. ... ,;,; . .. 1 RZ.llos111 1772 {Will) Lanc.1:u:dtA'r' en_ - Vt4- .. 811111_11ilge,TINDII ... .. _ '" ' .f : ~ _,

... - . , .... --·-- I- rlt:in Amv . 4 ·, .. Judith Yerhv Kil"k: Kl.r~ before 176c; HPl" .h11 i:::h~nn in r-h"!rE:e of' rh_ ; ...... Prte.nce. ----Cpt. James or Willie ...... -·...... •.._ Bettv___ Woodbridtl:e Y• ...,, ..

•· - ... Jo,hn Steptoe I- 5 ...... Ann ? .,..._. .. ~ L ... __ 1111111111 .. -· . . 6 , .. - Mary Yerby - rWt---- ...... before :1765 Her husbanrl f?j ven hPr n~rt of P.F:t:!3tP. George Phillips -· A' u. of 7 -.... . ~· / Nancy . -U-t".:.(,, ,,.__. ~t ·, c· __,;;-., ' . ) // I -. (, I --•...... - t!' ,,.- . ..;:.. -c !. "';,X.... . '!l/-111; O'M · Kellv - ·-'-- ,._.< ti-_-.,.,~ ;; ~ . ') u. of - ~ . ,, ·,:y ";); 7 -_.. # . r / < 1 ~· e #, 1tsi,;1t· .... ' •.. ,-, :/ , .. / - NIii_ .. _ _4 • ' ;-_ - , ~. 0 1 I &/r.,: /'/'. .· J'/E C: . /!-Ct:/. /c:- ( Gibson tu,tal°""' ,k ' 9 9lftfl ,,,_ (,..4':,.- /' ..... _._ DNIII ...... -· -- 10 ...... _._ ...... lkH'iat -2- ~ 11Jo1l0/i.ue ~.2 ~111 '.Brrd:piri4,;, 'T!7(:'<..'l~,, /YEARBY, GF..ORGE, Dec. Rec. 15 July 1765 •. Will Presented by Eliza Yerby, one of the executors and proved by oath of Dale Carter and Elmore Doggett. W.B. 17, p. 147. · · Geo. Phillips who intermarried with Macy: Yerby o~han of Geo. YerQy, Dec,~ WB 17, p. 172 '1-ERBY, George,· appraisement. 15 July 1765. Rec. 10 »ept.-1765. WB 18, p. 51 /YERBY, .George.· Division of e~tate. iB Nov 1762.s. Rec. 21 July 1766. George Phillips given his wife's part.~~;s. 11, p. 63 • ...... ,;;: - /YERBY, ~IZABETH ~5 Sept 1770. Rec. 19 Mar 1772. Sons: John & George Yerby land in Richmond Co., which descended to me by .the death of Capt. John Woodbridge, and also lands in Fairfax, Dinwiddie & Brunswich Cos., all of which lands descended to my by the death of sd Woodbridge. Daus: Mary: Phillip, Nancy Kelly, Sarah Gibson. Gr.children: Mary Kirk, Judith Kirk, Eliza Kirk & William Kirk (to be in the hands of Capt. James Kirk). Gr. sons: John Steptoe, Wm. Woodbridge Yerby, George phillips. Gr. daus: Eliza Yerby, Eliza Woodbridge Yerby, Nancy Kent Yerby (to have equal share with her mother's children), Judith Yerby Gibson, Amy Davis. Exs. Sons: George & John Yerby, Capt. James Kirk, George Phillips, Wm. Kelly & Wm. Steptoe. :::::::=..:-- Wits: Will Dymer, Francis Dymer, John Swinton, John I Angell, John Yerby, Thomas Crowder, Jesse Kelly. W.B. wO, p. 38. YERBY, Mrs. Elizabeth. Division of est. 13 Jan 1787. Rec. 16 Apr 1737. Heirs: George Yerby, John Yerby, John Steptoe, Nancy Kelly, Mary Phillips, William Kirk, Mary Kirk, Arrry Davis, Elizabeth Kirk, Sarah Gibson, Judith Kirk. By Richard Glascock, Ben Smith & John Fauntleroy. WB ?2, p. lh3 ~-:..;.---­ /

.. C FAMILY GROUP NO . Husband'•• John Ye:rbv "li,t6•1'1"1 t --- This Information Obtained From: O•y ,Mon!h ..... , Clly, Town or Place Coynty or ~vine•. •te. llale er Countty A~d Info. on H,.itba,. ~ """ -·· ' lllrth -· Chl'nd

Mar e ""•th l!urlal

Pl.CH 2' Re!ldtn;! OS£l!l1!11on ,h~rso 111rn111112n M,HtaQ: B!!i, Ot~t w!v•111. it tny No. n: (2} etc. M••• Hpa,1te tl"!ut !01 •tch mat H11Fother'f'hf'lm~c:i y.,,.h,T MothfM'"I M•lct.,, N.,,... t Wife's Malden Name Full ·--- Wt1•1 O.y Month Ye•r City, To ..n or Ptac• County or Province, ale. Stale or Country Add Info. on i.4v·,,, "'"' 'f 81r!h i T°'\ •. , - ..... k11111:11 Chr'nd Ji Rea Donohue ··- R 2, Box 111 Oeath Breckenridge, TX 76024 II ... ~ - - x. lt Q.alt .... iii·;:j ComQHoQ:gh~li /l Kess]er: PitCH of A.ollden~ - :ii Addr•aa :1 Box 261 Occupation If other than houaewlfe Chu,ch Affllla!lon 1 ...... ~J c,,y S!ato N ewe a ct 1 e. Tex • g~': :;:,~1:·e~~"Tc,~~<~ !~,'": 01!0 Her Ftt~II Mot1141r'o Mal"'"' N,,,,. ---4 Cr,ndrtl . Na,...• :n. Fv!l J Ch;tdr.,,:·1 -- h• j.&.rr1ng• 1., r;i10,t, of b1t1ht o.,. Day Month Y•ar City, Town or Ptac• County or Province, •tc. S1t11 or Country Add Info on c~ ,drfH'\

1 Birtl! Mar. Full Name of SpouM• DH!h . Burl•! 2 Birth - Mar. Full Name Of i(l«lu· - ~th e Burial 3 Birth - Mar. ------Full "'"'""' ol lpouN• Death

Burial 4 Birth -- Mar. Full ,__ of 5POuM• - Dt>!th --·-----· Burial

5 81r!h Mar. F"!i Na,,,. of l,ou•· Death

Burial 6 Ellrll'\ ----- Mir. Full Ha,,,• of IPoUN' DHth

Burial 7 l!irth --- Mar. Full Ntffl4 of SpouN' DH!h Buri1I ! 8 .. Blr!h I Mar ·- l'uH Name of $~· DHlh Burial ' 9 Birth -- e Mar F"II N._ of Spou"' Death

Buria' 10 Birt~ Mar full Name ol $pouN' Death

eu,ill :') -2-

YEARBY, GEORGE, Dec. Rec. 15 July 1765. Will Presented by Eliza Yerby, one of the executors and proved by oath of Dale Carter and Elmore Doggett. W.B. 17; p. lu7. Geo. Phillips who intermarried with 11~ry Yerby o:ry_!:l_~_2LGeo~y, Dec .• WB 17, p. 172 - YERBY, Georgo, appraisement. 15 July 1765. Rec. 10 ~ept.-1765. WD 15, p. 51 YERBY, George. Division of estate. iB Nov 1765. Rec. 21 July 1766. George Phillips...,.___ . given his wife I s part. -w: B.11, p. 63 • YERBY, ~LIZABETH 15 Sept 1770. ·.Rec. 19 Mar 1772. Sons: John & George Yerby land in Richmond Co., which descended to me by the death of Capt. John Woodbridge, and also lands in Fairfax, Dinwiddie & Brunswich Cos .• , all of which lands descended to my by the death of sd Woodbridge. Daus: Mary Phi~ Nancy Kelly, Sarah Gibson. Gr.children: Mary Kirk, Judith Kirk, Eliza Kirk & William Kirk (to be in the hands of Capt. James Kirk). Gr. sons: John Steptoe, Wm. Woodbridge Yerby, George phillips. Gr. daus: Eliza Yerby, Eliza Woodbridge Yerby, Nancy Kent Yerby (to have equal share with her mother's children), Judith Yerby Gibson, Amy Davis. Exs. Sons; George & John Yerby, Capt. James Kirk, George Phillips, Wm. Kelly & Wm. Steptoe. ·::::...... ::., Wits·: Will Dymer, Francis Dymer, John Swinton, John X Angell, John Yerby, Thomas Crowder, Jesse Kelly. W.B. wO, p. 38.

YERBY, Mrs. Elizabeth. Division of est. 13 Jan 1787. Rec, 16 Apr 1717. Heirs: George Yerby, John Yerby, John Steptoe, Nancy Kelly, 1fary Phillips, William Kirk, Mary Kirk, Arn.y Davis, Elizabeth Kirk, Sarah Gibson, Judith Kirk. "-} By Richard Glascock, Ben Smith & John Fauntleroy. WB ?2, p. 1L3 - -~ ,J ('YERBY, Capt. \'lilliam, 'of Parish of Christ Church. JO May 1-;:-;1~;, Rec. ?.8 A;:cr 17%. i> y~ ;" \-~vhfe: Frances. ·Sons: Willia·1, Loddy & Robert Yerby. Daus: Jct ty ;1arri s a.~d-Caty l·fereditn. - Ex.ors: Wife, cousin John Yerby and Wm. ::credi th, WillL1m Kirk, Ann Kir1<. Codicil. 10 Sept. 1785. Loddy Yerby has dild since -will ~as ~ritten. Wits: William Kirk, Ann Kirk, Sally Lee Schofield. WB ??, p. 121 Appraisal. WB ?2, p. 130

YERSY, John, of Parish of Christ Church. 18 Feb 1777. Rec. 15 i·t"-Y 1777. , Dau: Caty born of my wife before we were married to have eoual part of fl1 esta:-e except land. ~ Exs: Friends: John Yerby & brother Wm. Yerby. Wits: Wm. Brent, W;n. Schofield, Isaac Pitman. W.3. 20, p. 112. Jan 1712. Division of estate bet,~een widm~ & Charles Purcill who inte:-.narried with Joannah dau. of sd dee., and Richard Yerby, James Yerby & Jesse Yerby, Orphans of sd Deceased. WB 20, p. 2?1.

1' GHOUP NO. Hu J 0 h n y er b FAMILY ·-· t ' Y.. Thl1 Information Obtained From: ...... -. Day ..... c:ai,.,- ...... ea""" ., ,...._, - ...... a.-,,., ._ Info •" Hult>e"'d Friend John Yerby- -· of Parish of Christ Church T "'' .C;:i~t.P'I" r.n. - Bro. William Yerbv ··-c: ...... V;:i. . ' - 1777 . Will Lancastwr Co •. Va. --· , -at- --- -_.._::.: :.. '":i,1:a: :.. ~·- ·.

~ ----- ' - ,..- --· ....ONMr, ...... lie rt . =·...... -.. -·--·-- °"""" ...... h ~ ... Daaobla- . Olr"lld 'I 1 A2. lox 111 Dall! TXNIIM 'H . ., .. I ...... ~- .,. :al --""'"' ... 1 t'a r---1.,. - 1..- Box 261 0a ...... · OtJ.... Newca~t1 •- Ta,r. I~-----N_!".L-.('I·-· o... 18-,Tulv-1 qqo ?~;z.,72 .. .._ ' j&;;,_lll_r,,. _,.._.,_ .., .... c:..,, ..... 11110 . .,.c:i,1- ... lcw.-· ...... Clar.'-•"- °"""'--- ...... -· 1 911'!1 Wife's dau.e:hter befnrP. Wt:> m<:> T'T'; f I11 _____Caty .. _ .... Daffi . 8uflel 2 .....8iflll DNttl .... ~ .... -·--· ...... ~ ..9111h .. -----· ON!II~., 4 Blnh ..__.,_ I.la· Cuti'!

5 Btr111""'·' .... _. ____ Mar . O..ltl

9urtat 6 ., Btffll __ __ Illar. .,,..,D9atll 7 9lrtll ,u11-11....- Ma,. °"'"..,...., 8 Blrtll '. .:~ !"""' P'UA_OI __ Ma,.

°'"'"Burial 9 Blntl ( ...... • """-·-· ....ONtll ,., 10 81'111 ...... ,. __ 0..11, luriel ------·------· ------· (

~ · • fl m. ~. - 1te e 2 r. ;, r. !I- n,vi. i«UC ett..D!f- m. , ume4 I Ile e1 ) 4/20/1M6- CYxU.) _WAIVSO~ Jee. Looi?. .ui 'en.A.,l!I Va. CtM /-v1t SuXll1AUnA,h'E>a1t Y -1. n , , . , , , . . , , (7 J i,· , , r !I ( \.


.. • ( \ .. -3-

YERBY, John. 16 Feb 1779. Rec. 17 July 1778. Elijah Perciful, possessed with his wif's part of her dee. father, John i Yerby's estate. W.B. 20, p. lul. I YERBY, John, dec'd. Mar. 17Gh Court. Rec. 17 July 178h. Elijah Percifull, admr. _J_a,~_!~r~- o~ John Hutching former guardian. Aprrs.; Elias Ed1,1ards, John Miller, James Pinckard. WB 22, p. 32.

YERBY, Jesse (minor) Ap. 1785. Rec. 22 July 1785.

Account of Wm. Yerby former guardian of Jesse Yerby1 orphan of John Yerby, dee. & possess of Richard Yerby, Present gu-;:rctiari:---w.B. ?2,p93. YERSY, James. Apprai Rec. 21 Apr. 17SR. By James Pinckard; John Yerby, Elias Edmonds. W.B. 22, p. 182. /

1 1740-May.20 • Goochland Co. 'ills and Deeds-1736-42 p.39. William Sp~rlock of Goochland Deed of gift to Son-in-law Thomas Yarbrough and Wife Mary Yarbrough,land on Creek 55acres bounded by John Hodges. Wit. John Thompso~, Thomas Poor, Joseph Trent.

1762-0ct. 21 Goochland Cty. Marriage Register 1730-1852 p. 10 John Yarbrough m. Bersheba Harris Son of Thomas Griggs Yarbrough Daughter of William Harris Witness & Security-William Meriwether, William Spurlock, Fanny Yarbrough

1735-1741 Goochland Cty. Order Book No. 4 p. 432 Yarbrough vs. Davis On the of Thomas C s Yar~rough, Witness for David Davis against William Webb, it is ordered that the said Davis do pay him for two days attendance, fifty pounds of tobacco.

1764-Dec.4 Goochland Cty. Deed Book No. 8 1759-1765 p. 525. Indenture between Thomas Griggs Yarbrough and wife Mary of st. James North Parish,Goochland and John Payne of iiurnswick 40 acs. for one part in Dividend Tract App. 80 ac. in Goochland Cty. and of John Southerland being o e of the west branches of Lickinghole Creek joining John Payne, his whole . Dividend Tract of which Thomas Griggs Yarbrough now lives. Stoly McCanl Edward Burroughs Thomas Griggs Yarbrough James Brown her Robert Payne Mary X Yarbrough e James Gresham mark Robert Coleman Recorded Sept. 18,1765

.. n / "September 1785 To the Militia of the County of Bedford, .,, . and Provisions furnished by Sundry Inhabitants of the said County, vi2. To Jeremiah Yarborough, ensign J.6 s.O --: ~ .. *** d.O *** To Jeremiah Yarborough, for do. [provisions to Indians] 1~1 s.10 d.O *** •9

WILLS and ADHINISTRATIONS 10 ,,..' [prior to 1776] YARBOROUGH

{'· Bedford Co. Jere11fah-.-17~9 wf 11 . ' \Jeremhh--:17;65_ .tnven,~ory of e~tde -~ ...... ·: .~ . . ~ ;, ,':' YARBROUGH :. \:-i;, ~..-.~'1'• Amelia Co. ,. ,. ..,,r 1P 'ff{1 t ~.·;:_·~748. wU 1 William, Jr.--1749 inventory,.of es1,(t.e Hezekiah~~1754 wfll Hoses--1756 ~fll Thomas--1769 will J_er4an -1770 wtt:.1

Brunswioh Co. a="""-! v·v- --: t • ! r, "'. ~ Abraham--1754 inventory of estate Cumberland Co. Edward--1757 will Prince Edward Co . ...--W!lliam--1771 will YERBY Lancaster Co. Thomas--1716 will· Ann--1720-21 will· John--1737 nuncupative will~ Thomas--1756 will· Hannah--1761 will·· George--1765 will El fzabeth--1772 wi 1 L


' '

Rea l>onobe ~-··,"' · OPHELIA KESSLER I206A v. 4th BOX 261 Breckenridge, TX 7602f' NEW CASTLE, TX 76372 .J.~ LA?~CASTER co., VA.

Thmmas Yarbrouch (Yerby) Vl::11 1716

Ann Yarbrou[i:h tt Will 1720-21 John Yarbrouch " Died 1737 Thomas Yarbrough ti Will 1756 Hannah Yarbrough " Will 1761 George Yarbrough It Will1765

Elizabeth Yarbrough II Will 1772 Hohn Yarbrough " Will 1777 Elizabeth Yarbrouch " Will 1779 William Yarbrough " Vlill 1786 James Yarbroufh " Will 1788

~llJ~ ~. 2 'Bo,,:_ 111 'B~t 'To~76024 FAMILY UHOUt' NO. H - .. - - Thie Information Obtained From: Day _ Into en Hutk""C i,.... .,..,. cit,.,- ...... °"""" ...... _ ...... c-i.., A-.1 Cousins to George- "-·..,_ ...... Clw'Nl ( - -.i--- i:: =..: :=."t.·-::. --- ...... _ ._.. __-- ' ----__...... - - - . =· ---· -.--.... o-,,y ...... OIO..., AIICl.ln... o,,WI.. rt ' ... lleao.iat.. ~ h,. 1 ~ R z. llox nt - . j 81__.ldg.., TX W .... ~ .. '"' r--SaHa r--•hp 1-- .. 1 ...... Box 261 - .... - - CIIIIIIIIIII ...... j ci1r...... Nawea.stl • TaT_ .... -·-·-.L"..!!-· -....._ 14-July-1990 .. 76"372 ...... i™·-"""'"_.,_ ,.-·· ...... at,.,-...... c..i,,----- ...... c..-, ..... llllo. Oft CM<:lre" 1 lifftl ,.._William.. Yerbv .... _ Dlatl llltilll - 2 IJl,th John Yerbv .... DMffi '. ~ ...... ------· ...., ( \ ~ ....9lffll ONII, --·--- 9\11111 4 llrttl ... , . ' .... DNIII -·--· ~ 5 ...... DNtll .... -·-·· liurlal . 6 ....111111 .. ~ --·-· tvrlaJ 7 1111111 ,u11 ______...... l>Ntl\, 8 811111 '. ·.'!"' .. Mar. ""ll_ftf_ °"'"lluflal 9 lllrtt> ...... , .. • l _._ 0.111 .... ,., 10 •n11 ,. p ... _ .. _ ... ONtl'l Bvr1e1 --·~-'------·- ' ---·----·------·-----~---~------·---- Book3 George- Lancaster Co. Va .. George Yarbrough Sr. son d .. 1764 George Jr. m. Elizabeth Lancaster, Co. Va. Marrieq #1 Elizabeth Meredith C #2. Elizabeth Rust· ! p': .:·~l~~, >~- \· ~~--'~ ~~>t :•i{s:' . Yarbrough';Sr. - s, Son (.wi~Jiii Yar~cnt'~'.-Jr:. K.> 4 1°~ ?ill":!i:th '}fari F;ati•i ~:/{ ;;• .7:::. 'Ji, !'J·1~!1t!~ ;i'.i'.t~ ·{<·''}"'.;ti,,, , · Da~1ter Ca. ·· · " ; ~,,_

Ii •k'ffl'. ti~tt .. , ·--'~-~~~.-'..-.·.···'·.·.::..·~.:_·.~.i ..:_~.:_:;_::··~··._-:~:~.~.:_.·.;.~ ...... '.•.~.:.;__:_.:;.~_·.~.- .•:-.'_: .•_·.· •. ~.:

Aylett Records- .James Steptoe/lf.,El.'.1-zabeth Ayiett-~WHiow.+\cj''(S· :.·.t}~/ '/:_:-·""

., (

George Yarbrough/ Polly Manire 2 June 1817

Williamson, C-o. Tenn ..


I' --~ FAfHLY• GROUP r~o . _,., Hut.b.:ind's Full Nnme Thomas Yerby This Information Obtained From: ..... 01, MOl'llft v•• , City. T-n or l'lac. County Ot "'ovlnct alt Sma or Country Add tl'lfo en Hutbt

Will book 10-page191 Birth

• ~ l . Will Book 10-page 306 Chr'n(1 Lancaster Co •• Va. Mar, O.t!h 1716 ·(Will} Lancaster Co •• Va. Burltl ( Plaeu ot AH•danca

Oeeu•tllon Cl>ureh A/lllittlon l!llltarv Ate. 01nar •J•••. '1 any. Ho, (1) ~ ate. Make HP•r&tl 1*1 IOf MC f!'leF. •.

Hit Fatl'ler Moi... r, Ytlcltn N- ..... , . . -i}1 Wife's Full Malden Name Anne I w...... -. ll•Y ·Monti\ v.. , Clly, Town or Plata County or Prcrtlnce, .-s:c.. Stat• or Covntry Add. 11110. on Wi .. ~IEll .. Blnh !jf' : Chr'nd I[:-:~ - . ·O.ath 1720 Lancaster Co •• · Va. • r; ·"i Breckenridge, TX 76024 .· rH x. ·10 ~~. eo ... p11e~oh ... 1 i a KeR,c::1 .,,,... Plana ol AHIO.ri'c. • .ii! ..,., Ad(HIII Box 261 Occupallon If athlr lhan hOuH,irtl1 . Church AfflllaUon .:: : • 1...... , cu,. s,11,Newca stle. · TPY. NeaU~) :!,~· .... :..J: e-.n: ::=~,Of Dato ] 5-,Tnl v-1 qqo .. 7f..;z,7 i:,tiar fa111e, Mol,..(1 Milite~ Iii- lcn11ore"·1 Su I~::~:~ :"' ..o~= :, ~,•:,u Data Day Moniti Y1ar City, Town or P1ac, County or Pr"vlnct, tic. State GI Country Add. Info. on Chilo,, 1 Birth .: . / George Mar. full Name of SPC>UN' O..ath Burial 2 Birth Thomas Mar. full Name or SpouH' . Death Burial . . 3 Blt1h John Mu. Full Nam, of $.pouH' Death . Butlal 4 Birlh Mar. Full ts,m, o! Spun' Ou!h Burial . 5 Birth Mu. Full l;amt> ol SpouH• Death Burial . 6 Blrtn Mar. Fuli N&mt of Spo~u· Death •. Burial 7 Blt1h . Mar. . . Full N&'Tlt of Spouu' Death Burl1t 8 .. - Bh1h . ' Mar. Full or 1ipou11• N•- 0Hlh Burial . 9· Birth .. - Mar. (. Full Nal'M al 6pouM' - O.ath .. ·. .. Burial . - 10 Birth .. < ,· Mar. fun Nam-. of $pouM• O.alh . •. Burlal .- 0 7 Samuel Ya ' rough served' as ·a granercl:te:r ·,:n: the"'Bi~o~d R'egi~trilt'~tJa -~ °Killed. ~}Jt :.~~~r at Fort ultrie on 28 June 1776 •. Drayton.From Early Set.tlers of Mecklenburg Co; Va~ .,. -~- Vollume 2 By Katherine B•. Elliott. South Hill Va. Yerby _~, •• _ I\ . .,,

·, Elizabeth Yarbrough died ca 17?2 Lancaster Co Va.. '·--~-. .. -... ,"'!'!"""'~- --- :,-'.,~i~ "' "''"'" ·~ " . John Yarbrough died ca 17?7 Lancaster Co .. Va. Will ,~\.'. . ·. · h··'".F~<>·v . . · Elizabetll,-a;rbrough died ca 1779~"--· Lsncast.erl:'o-va.. .. Wil.lll.BJD Yairbrough died ca 1786 Lancaster Co. V'a. Will' James Yerby died ca 1788 Lancaster cro Va. i

,, ., ~~·~":~' ''7'' ~~-~~.,..._-- ~:~~~l./f'!',.,f:-;#,; Char.lea Ye:eb¥ flied ca 1794 B:orthc:umb;r!au'd' &ci .. V~. Will: --~~r·-i~/ ..

John Yerby died ca. 1776 Richmond Co Va. Will

George Yerby died ca 1793 Richmond Co. Va.

Jeremiah Yarborouch died ca 1759 Bedford Co Va. Will

J ererri'iat. Ya.rborough died ca 1765 Bedford Co Va. i

V/illiam Yarbrough died ca 1748 Amelia Co Ve. Will v:illiam Yarbrough died ca 1765 i Amelia. Co. Va. Janes Yarborour,h died ca 1777 Burnsv:ick Co Va. \!.'ill Willia~ Yarbrou Jr. died ca 1749 Amalie Co Va. i Hezekiah Yarbrough died ca 1754 Amelia Co Va. Will Eoses Yarbrouch died ca 1756 Amelia Co Va. V:ill Thomas Yarbrough died ca 1769 Amelia Co Va. Will Jordan Yarbrough died ca 1770 Amelia Co. Va. Will Abraham Yarbrough died ca 1754 Burnswick Co Va. 1 Edward Yarbrough Died Ca 1757 Cumberland Co .. Va. 1 Willi.a.JJ Yarbrough die-di oa 1771 Prine@ Edward .Ce ·Va"' ·.~·: 0 /'?" ·, . -.' ·. -· ·,:... ._- ',--;,:;;, _,_. ¥>.- ~i.:.. :::~;-~ --_ •· . -.;,,._~ -''}":,\\/··i:..·-:_-. ~~~~:---.:~~; -~--- . ~~~ba~d ~a!b~ue liied 1~:. ~•!c!is-~t~~,a.. ··.L:- •>J '. · Monoah Yarb~:~died c~786 Ri~3,e<:'~ ,Co •. :-~;-· .. ~··~ :'. . ~J,;~, , .. ""' ~·- . ·.,i::}""""i-'c ~~\ --

Ahstracts Lancaster Co,mty, Viretnia. Wills 1653-1800, Lee, 1959 If' ~3(,- :z3c. 1 ./YERBY, Thomas •.. lf Feb 1716. Rec. 13 Mar 1716 1 Wife: Ann Sons: George, and Thomas all my land in Corrotoman, Joh!). Exors: Sons Geo. Thos. and Jno. . . . . _ ~· Wits:' Frances Cox;· Fort Sydnor and Ruth Sydnor> W.B. !'io; p. 191 ·" /YE~Y; Anne." ·.N~btri:..ti;e~~ 3 Feb 1720. Rec·~ 'a Ma/17?0~:.. ..:.;;:-: ' :·:.·,..., !;::.·::;.·~"··/i/~4 .. ~'-":_. ··; ~-: •.• , ... • - , l•. Son: John Yerby. Mentions "rest of my children.• Wits: John Hudnall, Mary Killgore. W.B. 10, p. 306

/YERBY, John~ n~f~P~tive. _11 Dec ';-7_36. - Rec._ 8 Apr 17J?'(.

\. Sons: Wm and John.; other children & ·brothers. . . ., . .. Ex. Wife. ".. ... ~- ~ ~-:. ~-:.- ~- .. -· .. <~~ ·:· ·.. ~ J •• ·::· ~ t,·; ·· ~-. 1:-...t~, Wits: Geo. Yerby,·.Jos .. George and Jno Meredith •.· 'W.B. 13, p. 32 .• :-:·1~"' . ·

• ' < H ~ ..... ·,~ •, f" •• r '"• "'" "° _. f Inventory returned by Katherine Yerby, Tho •. Yerby. and George Yearby;·.·· v. adm.:10 June 1737. W.B. 13, p. 54 ·~ - - ._ ~ .... , :;t ... : ,..;...... , .: . ..;.. .

y' YERBY, JO~, 4JvisioP. estate,.-. Rec •. 12 Apr. 174,=.,- ~. ·- .,, •. ~ .. __ 1 ,-. -~ -t ~ •• ~•. :' , ... <:- .. ,_...,tr(':;._ .,._.,_•. ,.; l· ~Ir Son: Wm, John Yerby. Daus. Eliza Yerby and Joanna Yerby. Nicholas La-wson in right of his wife one or the children of the dee. her part of the slaves which did belong to Katherine Stamps.her mother. W.B. 14, p. 64. 12 Aug 17LB. Settlement of estate. Thos Yerby guardian of "Wm. Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. John Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. W.B. lL, p. 207.

YERBY, Tr,omas. 20 Mar 1756. Rec. 21 May 1756. Wife: Hanna.Ji Yerby. Son: John, Thomas. Daus: Ann Brent and her children; Betty Yerby, Hannah Ed,..;ards, Eary Iiubba,r_d. Exors: Friend, James Kirk and sons -Thomas Yerby and John Yerby. Hits: George Dobson, Ja~es Kirk, John Pasquet, Dale Carter. W.B. 15, p. 252

YERBY, Hannah. 12 Nov. 1759, Rec. 15 May 1761. So::-is: Thomas & John Yerby. Daus: Ann Brent and her dau. Judy Brent; El:. zabeth I s two daus., Sa;.ah & Milly; Hannah Edwards, Hary Hubbard, Eliza. Yerby, dee., twci children. E>:ors: Sons, Tho:nas & John Wits: Dale Carter and Augustine Carter. W. B. 16, p. 1L5 Division of estate;h~ Thonas Yerby, Ann Brent, Mr. Jno Yerby 1.s children, Mr. JnoGI}erby, Mrs. Hannah Edvrnrds, Mr. Joseph Hubbard's Children. 29 June ]-76~ W. ~16, p. 231. '-~-,~-s::-·- / \ _::..YE~Y.,_Geor~. 14 Aug,~1764. Rec. 15 July 1765. e: Elizabeth. Son: eorge Yerby and his children. Gr.son: Georger ~oodbrig~~ Yerby, son of my on Jno Yergy. Gr. dau: A Yerby, dau of rrry / • h Kirk: Daus: Mary Yerby, and Betty oo ridge Steptoe & her .. / children. Son: John Yerby. " / Exors: Wife and my 2 cousins Wm. Yerb~d his brother John Yer9Y.. ',, Wits: Thomazin. x [her markl Hathaway, Elmore Dogget., Dale Carter. ~ 18, p. 4 -2-

YEARBY, GEORGE, Dec. Rec. 15 July 1765. Will Presented by Eliza Yerby, one of the executors and proved by oath of Dale Carter and Elmore Doggett. W.B. 17, p. 147. Geo. Phillips who intennarried with i"lacy- Yerby O:IJlhan of Geo. YerQY, Dec .• WB 17, p. 172 ·- ---·-- - YERBY, George, appraisement. 15 July 1765. Rec. 10 ~ept.-1765. WB 15, p. 51 YERBY, George. Division of estate. iB Nov 1765~ Rec. 21 July 1766. George Phillips given his wife's part.~W:s. 11, p. 63. ~:..---. YERBY, ~IZABETH 15 Sept 1770. Rec. 19 Mar 1772. Sons: John & George Yerby land in Richmond Co., which descended to me by the death of Capt. John Woodbridge, and also lands in Fairfax, Dinwiddie & Brunswich Cos., all of which lands descended to my by the death of sd Woodbridge. Daus: Mary Phillip~ Nancy Kelly, Sarah Gibson. Gr.children: Mary Kirk, Judith Kirk, Eliza Kirk & William Kirk (to be in the hands of Capt. James Kirk). Gr. sons: John Steptoe, Wm. Woodbridge Yerby, George phillips. Gr. daus: Eliza Yerby, Eliza Woodbridge Yerby, Nancy Kent Yerby (to have equal share with her mother's children), Judith Yerby Gibson, Amy Davis. Exs. Sons.: George & John Yerby, Capt. James Kirk, George ~~illips, Wm. Kelly & Wm. Steptoe. ---=--- Wits: Will Dymer, Francis Dymer, John Swinton, John I Angell, John Yerby, Thomas Crowder, Jesse Kelly. W.B. wO, p. 38. YERBY, Mrs. Elizabeth. Division of est. 15 Jan 178.7. Rec. 16 Apr 1717. Heirs: George Yerby, John Yerby, John Steptoe, Nancy Kelly, Mary Phillips, Willia~ Kirk, Mary Kirk, Amy Davis, Elizabeth Kirk, Sarah Gibson, Judith Kirk. By Richard Glascock, Ben Smith & John Fauntleroy. WB ?2, p. lu3

{ '< :~-~~ YERBY, Capt. William, of Parish of Christ Church. 30 Hay 1785, Rec. 20 Apr 17%. • I ; \~-Wife: Frances. Sons: Willia·1, Loddy & Robert Yerby. Daus: 3etty Harris a.'1d-Caty l1ereditn~ -- Exors: Wife, cousin John Yerby a.'1d Wm. :Meredith, William Kirk, Ann Kirk. Codicil. 10 Sept. 1795. Loddy Yer8y has died since will was ~ritten. Wits: Willia~ Kirk, Ann Kirk, Sally Lee Schofield. WB 22, p. 121 Appraisal. WB ?2, p. 130 YER5Y, John, of Parish of Christ Chu~ch. 15 Feb 1777. Rec. 15 May 1777. ~Dau: Caty born of my wife before we were 'llarried to have eoual part of ~,,.,../ esta:.e excent land • 1 ../"' Exs: Friends: John Yerby & brother Wm. Yerby. Wits: Wr.. Brent, W:n. Schofield, Isaac Pitman. ·w.B. 20, p. 112. Jan 1 T1:?. Di vision of estate bet1veen widow & Charles Pure ill ,iho inte:::-married with Joannah dau. of sd dee., and Richard Yerby, James Yerby & Jesse Yerby, Orphans of sd Deceased. WB 20, p. 2?1.

... Y GROUP NO . t-:ur.br.nd's. Full Ntme . Thl1 Information Obtained From: Jo.,~· O.y Month YNr City, TOW11 or l"l1C11 C<,unty or·~. etc 111110 or Country AOd lr,,fo. O" Hw•t>• Jeste Cyrus Dog,e:ett- AIMIi - - Cl'lr'"d Mar


Aurl•I e P1ac•• of ReslOence O<::cuoatlon Church Afl111111on M11n1n. 1'141<:. Ot~ wlvea, It any f!tto. (1t~ etc:. Makt ..pa,ale lh.Nt to, MC ft'W...... · . .. _ ., Hl1 F111.. r __ !fi Wife's Full Malden Name Jane Yerbv -·· Dey llolonlll '(- City, Town or Pia" County or l"rovlnca, •tc. Stai. or Country Add. Info. on Willi ill"i -llfttl ;11 - Cllt'IICI R 2, Box 111 DM!II 1851 (Will) Lancaster Co .... Va. - i--~..'..~-~ _____ ·10 ~ ~ux Comi,1i.{)uh el i ."l T{ Pl'::1::1 p-,. PlaeM ol Au...,.,_ .111 ·31 Addt••• Box 261 Occupal!ofl If otl'Mtr ltlal'I ...... ,_ Church AlflllatiOft :ii ci,y. ••••eN ewcastle. Tex_ ~.': !:'!.i:;:a.:.!!,..~ ':c,l~l ,l!.... D11e 23-aP.-1990 76372 Hetfa- -1Mal_N_ tfu"1~ : tteme In Full I 1c;111-·, Day lllofltt, v.. , City. Tow,, Of "'- Coul'lty or "-'11et. etc. S111e or Country AOd. Into. on Children ... tAnlftte M o,d,est Of btt1h) °'"' 1 Birth • Thomas Yerby Mar. Full Nama ol SPouH • DH!tl hPfore 1 R'? 1 Lancaster. Co •. Va. Burial 2 I. Birth Jose'Ph Yerby Mar. Full Name of lpouN· Death Burlal 3 Bl11h e Charles w. Yerby Mar. Full Name of~· 0.llh before 1851 Burial 4 Grandson Birth under 21 in 1851 Samuel E. Mar. Full """· OI SpouN" 0..111

Burial 5 Grandson Birth under 21 in 1851 William Mar. Full Name of &pouN" Death Burial . 6 Grandson 811111 under 21 .in 1851 Thomas Mar. Full N•- of 6POUM • 0.atll Burial 7 Birth MIi. Full Name ol 6pouN • Outh Burl1J 8 ,· Birth --·-. - - ... Mar. Full Nim• of IIPlath Burial 9 Birth .... ,. . ~ FullNamaolllPOUN* I Death BUl'lal 10 811111 ... ,. ,1111, - GI IIPOUM* Death 8urlal

·N _..., - - - No. eKfl -· (11 ~ 1111':. II~ llel In ··Add. lnh;,, 411111 Ff'I~" c;glymn. UH 'PWM eide toe eddiliooll dtt-= etu, e• = Wl t • • HISTORICAL




Edited by Mrs. John B. Boddie P.O. Box 2775 Honolulu, Hawaii 96803

' .

•• tj\,~: ' ' 1 ' :\.~~};,-./'"" ;.. ~ ~·1. ~.~~=;~~ .. ;\._(.. ·" ,.·:i:I ~•,:, .li 199 t \j; 198 D. •Littleton Dennis, born March 27, 1763, died E. Catherine Teackle, born August/17, 1768, mar­ I ried 1786, Charles Smith64 of "Moratico Hall," .. September 23, 1764. I •' Richmond County, Virginia, and had issue. }I E. Littleton Dennis, born July 21, 1765, died Aug. j ·:1 F. George Teackle, born April 30, 1770, married '!, 16, 1833, married Dec. 4, 1788, Elizabeth Upshur I born May, 1769, died May 11, 1819, daughter of ' Frances Bowdoin, daughter of John and Grace John Up~hur II and Ann (Emmerson) Upshur, his (Stringer) Bowdoin of Northampton County. No first wife, and had issue. issue. F. Sarah Dennis, born October 7, 1768, died August G. Elizabeth Upshur Teackle, born March 17, 1776, died February 8, 1837, married, first Dr.George 5, 1804, married, November 10, 1785, Francis Yerby of Lancaster County, and had issue. She Hutchins Waters, born June 15, 1764, died June married, second, June 9, 1808, John Upshur of 9, 1826, and had issue. G. The Honorable John Dennis of "Beckford," Prin­ "Brownsville," born December 29, 1761, died cess Anne, Maryland, born December 17 1771 September 29, 1842, and had issue. died. August 17, 1807, married August 8' 1793' H. Margaret Teackle, born February 28, 1778, died Elinor Jackson, died July 15, 1827, da~ghter'of September, 1846, married January 7, 1796, Tho­ mas Lyttleton Savage,65 born January 8, 1760, Henry Jackson of Somerset Co,, Maryland, and died 1813, and had issue. had issue among whom was Elizabeth W. Dennis I. Leah Teackle, born August 4, 1780, died Feb.25, who married Abel Parker Upshur I. 1852, married, 1801, Peter Bowdoin,66 died V. Elizabeth Upshur was the youngest daughter of Abel I and Rachel (Revell) Upshur. She was born about 1740 and married, about 1757, Colonel Thomas Teackle Descent of Charles Smith: Isaac Smith I (d,1760) of E.S.Va. m, Sarah, dau, of Maj. John West (the Younger) III of "Craddock, 11 62 born about 1734. Elizabeth and Frances (Yardley) West, had Isaac Smith II (1734- died January 14, 1782, and Thomas III died August 1813) of "Selma," near Eastville, Northampton County, 15, 1784. Both were buried at "Craddock," Issue: m. Elizabeth Custis Teackle ( 1742-1822), dau. of Tho­ A, Sarah Teackle, born August 14, 1759, died Dec­ mas Teackle II ( 1711-69) and Elizabeth (Custis) Teackle ember 10, 1785, married Dr, John Boisnard and (b,1718), had Ch;irles Smith m, Catherine Teackle (b, had issue. 1768). For Smith lineage, Thomas Teackle Upshur, SIR B. Colonel John Teackle II of "Craddock," born GEORGE YI\RDLEY ( reprint from AMERICAN HISTORICAL M ,GA­ January 12, 1762, died February 18, 1811, mar­ ZINE, Nashville, Tenn., Oct.,1896), PA.SSIMJ Whitelaw, ried December 18, 1783, Anne Stockley Upshur, VIRGINIA'S EASTERN SHORE, PASSIM; Upshur, MSS; Smith, born about 1765, daughter of Thomas Upshur II "Smith, Teackle, Upshur Families," of "Brownsville" and Anne ( Stockley) Upshur, Thomas Lyttleton Savage (1760-1813) of Northampton Co. ~nd had issue, was descendant of Ensign Thomas Savage who c~me to C, Thomas Teackle, IV, born October 30, 1763, mar­ Jamestown, Va., in the JOHN t\ND FR~.NCIS in 1607 .Ensign ried CatherinP Stockley and had issue, Savage later became the first permanent English settler D, Susanna Teackle, born March 18, 1766, married on the E.S.of Va. Whitelaw, VIRGINIA'S EASTERN SHORE, her cousin, John Robins63 of "Salt Grove," I, 214-280;VA.MAG.OF HIST., 1(1894) ,443-5. ~Northampton County, born November 5, 1740 and Peter Bowdoin(d.1829)was descendant of Fierre Baudouin, had issue, · ' French Huguenot, who immigrated to New England, Fi.erre left sons, James of Boston, and John(d,1717) who moved 62.. Thomas Teackle III was son of Thomas Teackle II (1711- to Northampton Co.,Va, James amassed a large fortune 69) and Elizabeth (Custis) Teackle (b.1718), dau. of and left distinguished descendants among whom was James Thomas Custis (ca.1685-1721) of "Deep Creek" and Anne Bowdoin who founded Bowdoi1, College, John became the (Kendall) Custis, his second wife, Thomas Teackle II progenitor of the E.S.Va,Bowdoins, For Bowdoin lineage, was son of Maj, John Teackle ( 1693-1721) and Susanna Whitelaw, VIRGIN[~'S EASTERN SHORE, PASSIM1Bishop Wil­ (Upshur) Teackle. liam Meade, ULD CHURCHES, MINISTERS, AND F~MILIES UF 63. Son of Col, Edward Robins ( 1717-79) and Margaret VIRGINIA (Fhi.la.,1857), I,259nJ :'J.E.Hist,and Gen.Reg., ( Teackle) Robins ( 1720/1-94),




Edited by Mrs. John Bennett Boddie P.O. Box 2775 .. • Honolulu, Hawaii 96803 24 •. 5 • ·act, later known as "Merton," on the bay­ infancy. side and "Essex" in Upshur 1 e Neck. John Upshur and Elizabeth Upshur (Tea- John Upshur, usually referred to in the ckle) Yerby Upshur, his third wife, had issue: family as John Upshur of "Brownsville,'' mar­ 5. Anne Elizabeth Upshur, b. 9/1/1809, d. s. ried three times. Hem. (1) 5/14/1792 Eliza­ p. 1885 in Maryland. beth Gore, widow of his second cousin Abel 6. Sallie Teackle Brown Upshur, b. 8/21 / Upshur 11. Elizabeth bore John no children 1811, d. 5/30/1892, m. 10/7/1834 William and d. 1/16/1794. John Upshur m. (2) 10/24/ W. Handy of Princess Anne, b. 2/21/1802, 1798 his second cousin Elizabeth Brown Up­ d. 7/31/1857. Sallie was his second wife. shur, dau. of Caleb and_ Anne (Brown) Upshur Issue: of R.ose Cottage, b. 12/28/1804. She bore a. The Rev. William Collins Handy. John four children, and after her death John b. Sallie Brown Upshur Handy. Upshur m. (3) 6/9/1808 Elizabeth Upshur 7. A son, b. 5/28/1816,d. in infancy. (Teackle) Yerby, b. 3/17/1776, d. 2/8/1837, 8. Thomas Teackle Upshur I, b. 9/4/1817 at buried at "Brownsville. 11 Elizabeth Upshur 11 Brownsville", d. 7/1/1889. Studied me- Teackle was dau. of Col. Thomas Teackle III dicine at the University of Va. He m. 4/ (ca. 1734-84) and Elizabeth (Upshur) Teacklc 12/1842 Elizabeth Teackle Smith, b. 6/15/ (ca. 1 740-82) of "Craddock.") She was the 1822,d.2/7/1886. (Elizabeth was the dau. widow of Dr. George Yerby of Lancaster of Isaac Smith III(1768-1846) of "Sea County when she married John. By her first View", near Eastville; son of Isaac Smith 11 11 husband she had one child, Dr. George Tea­ II (1734-1813) of Selrna , Eastville. The ckle Yerby of Northampton County, able mother of Elizabeth was Anne Stockley ~ physician and Delegate to the Virginia legis­ (Teackle) Smith(l788-1862), dau. of John~ lature for sixteen years. Elizabeth bore John TeackleII, (1762-1811), son of Col.Thu- '§'~f four children. John Upshur d. 9/29/1842, at mas Teackle III (ca. 17 34-1 784). Anne t ~ ~ "Brownsville" and was buried in the family was the second wife of Isaac Smith Ill, ~~ g burying ground with his last two wives. his first wife having been Maria, dau. ~ ~ f John Upshur and Elizabeth Brown (Upshur) of Judge Francis Hopkinson of Philadel- ~ Upshur, his second wife, had issue: phia:, Signer of the Declaration of Incle- ._ 1. Thomas Brown Upshur, b. 7/17/1799, d. pendence.) Elizabeth and Thomas were • in infancy. natives of Northampton Co., but spent 2. William Brown Upshur I, b.11/5/1801, the latter part of their lives in Princess d. 8/23/1884, m. 11/3/1851 Catherine Anne, where they died. Both are buried Tcackle Neale who d. 2/26/1911. (Cath­ in the Manokin Presbyterian Church of erine was dau. of William Neale and that town. Is sue: Elizabeth Te.ickle (Smith} Neale ( 1 798- a. John Upshur, b. 9/1/1843, d. 6/21/1887 1857), dau. of Charles and Catherine at Princess Anne. (Teackle) Smith (b. 1768) of "Moratico b. Thomas Teackle Upshur II, b. 12/22/ Hall", Richmond Co. This couple had no 1844 at "Upshurshire". He entered issue and were buried at "Brownsville". Va. Military Institute in 1859 and 3. Anni> Upshur, b.10/26/1802, d. in infanc.y-. continued his studies there until the 4. John Caleb Upshur, b. 3/24/18().4, d. in Civil War began. On 6/8/1861 he FAMILY GROUP NO. Husband', Full Name Dr. G eorge y ear b1y This Information Obtained From: .,_ -·.... °"' ...... "' CIIJ, T- o, "'- Covn!J Of l'nwtnce. •tc. lt•t• Of Covntry Ackf_ tnfo. o, SouthernHistori~~, Of Lancai::;ter- r.n .. 1 ·~. Ill"" . Fam.alies- Vol/11-10- Cnt'nd Mar. 0 ..111 ( l!lurlal PlttH 01 A.aldonc•. OCCufltt•- l"h11r,;h Alflll•tlon Mm1arv~. ~-~ ::~a:! ~rr«'~" :... ·. Hie l"all,er MOIi'*"• Mald#I ....,... f -j1 Wife's Full Malden Name Elizabeth U"Pshur Teacklii::i .... o., Month .,_ Cny. Town ot Ptac.e Coun!J or l'ro•IIIC•. etc. ltoto o• Coufttry Add. Info. o• ..til·J -·· .. 11"11 17, Mar.177E Of "'---'-··- C,,r'nd -lf Rea Donohue R 2. Box 111 0.111, 8 Feb •. 183~ :gj Breckenridge, TX 76024 = • It ~~L,. -n -· i:::vil1P.F~mi1v CAmeterv ·-4l;f 11 .. Compll•Qohe11 ::'I K' P~ic::1 Pl" P)1ce1 or Rtatt:S•oce -~l • .11 Addr111 Box 261 Occupallon II other than houu.-lle C1turcll Alllllaflofl :e1 c11,. s1a1•Newcast le. Tex. ~.~ ;::::,:•i~!:."fOf~e~ ~~- John Upshur . Dato H9r ...,,,..Col. Thomas TeackJl.e 3rd 1o1o1_.... ,111 ... "- Elizabeth Uusher Ci'lltal'ttf : fUt\"\6 in JwU I Day Monlh Of Covnty or Pro•tnc:a. etc. Stale o, Covn1ry Add. tnfo on C,., ... (Attlt\9• ..-, orcMf ol O.ttr,, IC,,"-·· Y•ar Cit}', Town Pi•c• °"" 1 Birth Dr. Geor.e:e Teackle Y. Mar. Full Na,,,. of Sp()IIH• - DHlh Burl•! . 2 Birth Mar. Full Narnt ot Spoutt' Death Burial . 3 Birth Mar. full Nam, ol SpouN' o.. ,,,

Burial 4 Birth Mar. Full '-amt of SpouM' Outh Burial 5 Birth Mar. Full Name of f.pouM' Death Burial . 6 Birth Mar. Full Nam, of Spcuse' O.ath Burial 7 1 Birth Mar. Full Nam, ol 6pouat • Outn Burial < 8 ·..:...~..-... Birth Mar. full Nam, or 5pouM'. Oaa111 Burial .. "' - Birth I 9 Ma,. Fu!IN...,,.ofllpowM• O.arh Burial 10 Birth ' Mar. full Name Of liPoUM' ·- -- ' - ... 0Hth - ···-· --- . - Elizabeth B. Ye~~;j: Willia11t Teak.le 15 May 1837 Lancaster Co., Va. Mary Ann Yearby/ James Teakle 20 Ap. 1846 Lancaster Co., Va. Cyrus Swanson Sec~

.. -- • ·" ~ ¥ " ~ ~ ·:, -~'::~. " ~

~~ !Jt!. 2 ~111 !B~t 'Tt;(f6024 \ . GENEAL?OJE,~d Margaret ---- in Lnn{'ai,1ter. A 1ll't·d n.-1:l, to .To~<"ph Iluhhnrd, qf £.iOO •.., • .,, . ,., _ ., ,-,:; ·. · ( II. Jm:l'ph Huhhnrrl ii. 1i70, will Hith O,•tohn 1765; marrit•il Drlty---. E\t'CH· to:~ of will: ~rilliam :-:;:1nrnler;; and \Villiam Yerby.) ('onm1i;;,-ioners to diYldc Jiig e:::­ tnle 1770: Dale l':irter, ,Toho .Meredith and James Kirk. C'hildrt•n: Thomns, .To~cph, ,larues, llnn1111h, \\'i11inm, ,John, Jesse nnd "p<"rl111ps nnother-<'XpC'd{'d." III. Ephraim, of "Sf ,1Iary's 117iite Cl/llp]><'l Parish" ( ) Bonght a trnct, in 1749, of 100 ll<'re:-:, "being lands of Ednnmd S:mnders, de<·-<"ascd" in \Vit•omieo parish, and "adjoining Edmnuct S:muders the youngrr.,.-Lmrusfer Rcror,ls, ltol. J.l. ..I The nnmes in the Hubhurd family, nbo,·e, nr<' mostly i

grent-11iece1 Jnditl1 Arrni,-;tpnrl, dnughte1· of ,Villiam nnd grau1l.J:m~h!Pr of ,fohn, tlie Councillor, married Captain George Dndley, of {Honeet

Stafford eonuty ii:: an old will of 11. John Buekner, 17521 wiJe 1 Eliznlwlh, ,langhter, .. Ah5tncts L,rncaster: Co·mty, Virctnia, Will~ lf>S}-Hloo. Lee, 1959/ ff' .23~ - :l. 3 t /YERBY, Thomas •.. · 11 Feb 1716. Rec. 13 Mar 1716 • f ' • Wife: Ann · · -· Sons: George, and Thomas all my land in Corrotoman, JohI). Exors: Sona Geo. Thos. and Jno. , . , ...... : ' Wits:' Frances Cox}' Fort Sydnor .. ~d Ruth' Sydnor:· W~B.~10., P• 191 .. ' ~,...... ,, •.,< /YERBY., Anne:· ·.N]6upatEre~;:: 3 Feb 1720: ~·Rec~ 8_Mar.l7?0::-"~"< · ··.·' ,:"'· :::: ~..;. ~;::-.-:.,. ,~ .. :-·. ;,,.·- -=.· __ ... ·::. ~-: ... •• , ..... - • r·. Son: John Yerby. Mentions "rest of my children." Wits: John Hudnall, Mary Killgore. ,W.B. 10, p. 306

/YERBY, John, n~~upa~ive. _11 Df3~: 17Jf,. -_.Rec·. 8. Apr 173?,/ ..., ·~· -~·._,,.,,..~,,.~ "';"')'·~• ... ,,...,._,, .. ~ ...... _ _. ... 1. Sons:. Wm and John.; other children & ·brothers •. · ·: .. · :.:·· · .. · · · 4 Ex. Wife.? • ..~:·.::.;:·:_ ·. !'_~-·,I ... :.-.:-- "' 1 r::."!~~"l ~r·... ~: ,..J: :; .. ~.,·. ~"'._._: ···_. ·~::-· ... ~~:· •..···:~"o·t·«:: Wits:,' Geo •. Yerby,·.Jos ... George and. ."Jno 'Meredith~: W.B. 13, p. 32 .:.z:~.:,. ·. ·· In~~ntory' ret~;~~d b;~ Katherine· y;·~b;: '·Th~'•. Ye.rb/ ~~d George Yearby;·:,··,; adm: ·10 June 1737. W.B. 13, p. 54 · , - ·· .· .. :.. ~ · • : _::-:_ ,:- ~· ...'"' ~ • ~ ~· • : • .,.1 ...... i . :S .!~ \,;.~ _.,;, ' • ,...

"'YE~1\ .. ~~~, ,~t~!~.io!] ,e.~t-~t~\~:·.~c-~:~i~.~P;,)·~~7~?!-,:; ;·,,. :T~ : .. Son: Wm, John Yerby. Daus. Eliza Yerby and Joanna Yerby. Nicholas Lawson in right of his wife one or the. children of the dee. her part of the slaves -which did belong to Katherine Stamps"her mother. W.B. 14, p. 6h. 12 Aug 1748. Settlement of estate. Thos Yerby guardian of-Wm. Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. John Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. W.B. 14, p. 207.

YERBY, Thomas. 20 Har 17$6. Rec. 21 Hay 1756. Wife: Hannah Yerby. Son: John, Thomas. Daus: Ann Brent and children; Betty Yerby, Hannah Edi..;ards, Jfary Iiub])?.Ld. Exors: Friend, J arr.es Kirk and sons "Thomas Yerby and John Yerby. Wits: George Dobson, Ja~es Kirk, John Pasquet, Dale Carter. W.B. 15, p. 25?

·· YERBY, Hannah. 12 Nov. 1759, Rec. 15 May 1761. S0:1s: Thomas & John Yerby. Daus: Ann Brent and her dau. Judy Brent; Elizabeth's t-l~o daus., Sarah & Milly; Hannah Edwards> Viary riubbard, Eliza. Yerby, dee., tw() children. E)'.ors: Sons, Thomas & John Wits: Dale Carter and Augustine Carter. W. B. 16, p. 1LS Divi on of estate,;11 Thomas Yerby, Ann Brent, Hr. Jno Yerby's ...... children, Mr. JnoGJ}erby, Mrs. Hannah Edwards, Mr. Joseph Hubbard's Children • 2::.9 June 176~ wr~6, p. 231. - ...... ~ ... .:.-=;:::·-

_::::. YE~,_ Geor~. 14 Aug, 1764. Rec. 15 July 1765. e: Eliz-abeth. Son~~~rge Yerby and his children. Gr.son: George r WoodbridgeJ Yerby, son ~f ~on Jno Yer_gy. Gr. Yerby, dau of my au. Judi't:h Kirk: Daus: Mary Yerby, and Betty ridge Steptoe & her, children. Son: John Yerby. • Exors: Wife and my 2 cousins Wm. Yerb~d his brother John Yerby.<· Wits: Thomazin . xfher mark} Hathaway, Elmore Dogget., Dale Carter. WB 18, p. 42 Hu:::.band's Full Nr,mo John Yerby FAf.ilLY GROUP NO. --~---~------'...... Th's Information Oblalned From: ""'• City, Town er l'!eca Coul"lty or ltrovlnct etc. Ad'd tnfo en H.11 Mic>nt_; nni:: l<'ri Pnrl .Tnhn 11r1h YerbY-Wi tnesses Chr'nd ni,.nrll'P. Yerbv-.Tosenh Mar George-John Meredith- o.. ,h 17~6 {Will) Lancaster Co •• Va. Burle!

Church .t.fllll1t1on ~lllltarv Flee

Hla Fau,er Motl'ler'a l.laldtra Mamt

Wlfeta Full Malden Name -·..... Cl!y, Town or P1au County or Provine•. etc. Add. Info. on w, Birth

Complle('}ohel j ;:i Ker::1~1 PT' Placaa ol Flnld

0111 16-JUl:V-1990 .76-:S7l H1r f1ther IChliCJ,.,,"I ~ .. f ~~;~~:~ t#\hO~r;,:. ~ ~~/:,o Deft Oay Month Y11r City, Town or 1'11ct County or Pr41vlnct, tic. S1111 ~ Country Add Info. on Child• 1 Birth William Mar. Full Name of Spou11' Doth

Burial 2 . Birth I John Mar. Full Name of SpouH• Death . Burial 3 Birth . Eliza Mar. Full Name of SpouH• Death Burle! . ., 4 Birth Jonna Mar. Full P.:1mt of 6pouH• Outh

Burl•! 5 Birth Dau. Mu. Full H1mo of SpouH' Oea!h Nicholas Lawson Burial ------' 6 Birth Mar. Full Nam1 ol Spou11' Dulh Burial 7 . Birth Mar. Full N1mt o! 6pou.. • Death Burial

8 ~· . Birth Mar. full Name or 1ipou11' Outh

Burl.II 9· Birth ....,, Mar . Full Name ol SpouH' 0H1h .. Burle! ,o B•rth Mar. Full Name of Spou,..• Death

8uri1I · "364 ·~1-·. • ·- ; ~ . .>,-: .. _.. ~- .. , ;:: l6&;i" nppoin James and Ann Webb, a son, J1mes Haw}cs, b. November, 11;;0 Willia John and Cla~ Webb, a ~anghter, Sarah, b. 1761. All of Fa, 1111mes mond r,0t1.ntr. . . · · , ' .·. • . '. ... · .· · }~it:!. J~. ·· 2. 1':phrr. Colonel John Webb, of the Revolntion-Bonnty lands paid him, 1784, an ,,a_so lsftRC ginia. Webb, the same.-Salfall. . · . ,, ~ .. · ""' •· .. 1':~1·'¢~r,.,, '~:'. ..' 1, E • Winifred Webb, of Lancaster county, Virginia, m·. 1745, Joseph Npma;.d. 1747,' :. werl ~· .... ~- Of their two sons, William and Joseph, only the latter, b. 17471 livea:··~-.Mr. Nol'ris ,,~,,,._.. :l. Dl.'tty m., -second, Sarah,. widow of Joshua Phillips, and had Septimns, b. nn3; Thnddeus, . ·· . WilliIT b. 1765; Eppa, b. 1767; Sarnh, b. 1769; Mary, 1772; \\'"illinm, 17i4 ,~110 moved lmir n to Baltimore, 71-793; and was grandfather of S. Henry Norris, now of Phi!n(klphin, young lawyer, and Mis . .Evelina Norris Magruder, of Charlottesvilfo, V11. t'a!:'tle Joshua nod Sarah PhiJips had n son, ·William Phillips, b. 17fi7. N. C.) Will of Eijward Phillips, recorded, 1710, in York county; witnesses, Jam<'s t'ooke Tho and Orlando aµ,d William Jones . ...;_R.ecords. , 175'. David PhiHips: in 1681-:-800 acres on Dividing cn·l"k, N'orlhnmberland Mnnty. nnd Will of John Phillips, in Lancasler eount.y, 1655. Wife Snrnh, nml ]1Ioore Fnnutle­ i. Thon, roy, executors. His pAtent (Hi51), 400 acres on north side of Happ._ IInhh: Will of Thomas PhiJ!ips, Laueaster county, 1CiG6, wife .Mnrg-11rt>t ad.minist.mtrix. n. Will of James Phillips, Lanuaster county, 1689, wife, Wnry: i-ons, James, l:c>111·gt> tors of , ,.1 Samuel. !:lie 177( LMHence Phillip<;, 1653, JOO acrr.s in Nansemond couuty. '· Muster of Thomas Phillips, nged twenty-fhe, 1G2.J., nt Bai,,se' Choice. EliznlH'th l'ity county. He cii.ine, 1618,.in the" lrilliam and Tho111aR." 'IVife, J<::Iiznbcth. Then' wert• Phi~ips a!SQ in_.. s_uu_Y. I Prince Vi'illinm, Spottf:ylvnnin nnd ,Jnmcs CTit.v ('Olllltirs, (',lrly jli 1100. , ..~ HUBBARD FA/1-1.ILY.-LANCASTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA. (From County Hccords, and old .Snnndcri; Family Pamphlet, JS:!-1.) THOMAS(, d. after 1684) of"Scokh drsccut" m. Sarah In Lan,·as- ln Rr('nrd;; 1671, he bought land of John SC'umnn, on '·East bl"HJH'h of l'orotmmt11 rin•r, Joh on tlie Jfapp, next to l:md of F:dward Snnndcrs." In Jfi84 lw s,•lls some> of thi" tr:wt ,Toh t.o which deed his wife puts her .signature. Issnr-: Thomas. ,ln,-cph, Ephr.1im, "of Lt"'-· White Chap1">d Pnrish," nnd perhaps olhcrs. ( L,wd Boob, l"ols. f and fi). 1(i:16., £(· . 2 I. Thomas ( d. 1745.) Inventory of estate, 174ii: m, 1717, .Mar:,·---, Pnmeis ls.sue, among others: A,;st•111.b

·'.I. ,Joseph, b. 1718, d. 177(;. m. Tktty---, livrd nnd died nu l1is fathel'',, pla11tatin11. lni·1w1) 1 His widow ''cnmc into Conrt and rl.'nonnced hcncflt of her lmshand's will.''. It w:1,­ Armi::tr order<>d that Dale Cnrter, Ri('hnrd Selden, Sannwl Topp, ,lohn )Jonis nrnt '1'11hi:1s ( 1) Rev Brent divide the estute,. and po!-sess the widow with hn part lhf'r(•of." Slw wns of !\fold ~ni:d-ni Matthew Hubbard (Inventory of his prop<>rty and library, l6lii} wn, a mrrdrnnt and early ,Tns­ ( ~Ollll<'ilJ ticc of York county. (lie married Sibilla.. widow o! Jerome Ham, nhm 11 .Ju~tice nnd H,1ri:,·~~). ,\rmislr From him many or the names of Hul{hard, llubcrd, and Ilnbbrrd, in \'irgini:. nn~dcscrndl'1L- Will- . ,Jer iam and Mar11 Quarterly, 11. 17 5. . . I ,Joli Hubbard Robert, 1699, Civil Officer for W':mdrk nnd ,J. I'. i11 170:!..-Jlisforfral Roi Jifagazine 1 24i, 372. 1 Con1rr. Hubbard Jesse, 1775, Navy of Hevolntion.-Jlistorical ;lfaga:i11r, :!-1 i mul. 37:.!. I Gee Hubbard _.Matthew, 1745, Tobacco drowned in Grey'i; Crt't'k Wnr<'hons<>, Silrry • 1731, or ~nty.-Hc11·fog, l", 371. · . . i in li22, ( flubbnrd Edward, 1775, Ensign nt Fort Cumberlllnd ....!..Jfisfnl'ic11l .llagazi11e r, 28i. 't HC'r, in · Uubbard ~ohn_, son of l\lnttbew and Mary, christPu<·d in Sussex l'OUnt~·. in l ili:l. Ann, El • Ann Ilnbbard, ·born 27th April, 1770; ,n. Robert Coleman 1"osl('r of N:i~ln·llle, Tenn. (horn I3lll•kne 1769, died 17lb November, tsoo. (P1:c Fo11ter, in S11undtr1 Famil11.) 8bt' had four ·1111U,ard hrot\1<'ni;­ Ephralm, EppL, Aoslln, and Thomas, and two sisters, Sall; (}lri:;. Slsngbh•r), and Polly (:11ni. nrr.) J Worthern), a.11 o( \'irgl'llla.. It ls belie,·ed they are of tbedesrendant.s of'l'homu Hubbard (al.JOH') :md r,oo ar.rc probably of the aeeond Ephraim. The Uon. r:pbridm II. Foster. or Tenn<',,..<'r., 110n of •.\nn Huhf,ud, SlnfforJ was or thi'I famUJ. {Su Ber. Turner Saunder,' dtit~nda11r,.) Hus b and'a Full N ame Th omas er bIY FAMILY GR 0 UP NO. .. _.. - This Information Obtained From: .... 0.y Month ,.. , Cit)', T-• o, !'lace County 01 ·,.,.,,,nee. etc. Sl•t• or CouO!ry Add u,tc on .,.rJ•b•n •. ,, ... Cllt'nd - Mar. [;> li'Ph- 1?1? - Lancaster Co •• Va. "-••h 1750 · (Will) Lancaster Co., Va. llurlal Place• "' Retld•••• • Oceuoallon Church Alfllla!lon Mllllan."-. 3~~; :::.:! :~~ro,·~21. ~- Mia Falhe< Mot-aM&IO..- i El -;tf Wife's Full Malden Name Hannah l'>e1ots _.. , _.. County or ,_,_. etc. hf!t Cay Monti! y- Chy, Town o, - lt&te or Country AOCI. Info. on Wlfll :1 - 1JI - ] - '··- Cl,,'1111-- 0..111 1756 (Will) Lancaster Co •.• Va. . ~TX~4-. ,.f~ ~ .h'!i Cornptle('\-ohel i-"' K~-~i::1 Pl" Pl,ic:nol""*ld&nee ·;~.... Add,.11 Box 261 Occupetlon II other than IIOuMwllll Cllurch Afflllal!Oft :~j c11y. s1a1aNewcast 1 e. 'T'PY - ~= .... "=*,.::.."i"ror N~~l:.-· Date 14-Julv-1gqo ?67>?? HOUN° Lancaster. Co. Va ... 0.alh 1761- Joseph .t1ubbarc Burial _. 8 Birth daughter of Thomas -'··~ - Hannah Mar. Full Nlffl\ll or SpouM• 0.alh Yerby : .. ~,,.., -~..; Burial Mary Yerby/.Joseph Hubbard Birth Mar. before" 1?56- L'\m:casteri, eo .. Va .9 .Y . , full Nama Of _ ... ~ ~ -. ·:··_S~'-_':f~i· -~~--~,i•-, O.alh ~- -Dau;gh ter ot "Thomas~1 .. ~ -~--: --,t. ; ·~---.*~,:-.>~:~:'f:. .. .. Burial .. -----y-, ··~....-'i...... ,....._- ... ) 10 Birth -· ,,,.,.,.;,, ..... " __ Mar. It ., ~·- .. ,u11.._or~· . ~ . r- -.,i:._".~~,-,• 0.am ,~. '$,'..c_,-,.,,,.. , '_ , ..., ·...... _. "' -~---~ ,.-, Burial .. -· - . ,_- I .. LANCASTER COUNTY 49 e August 4, 1722, Thomas Edwards and Sarah fl an April 13, 1720, George Glasscock and Judith, daughter of Wm. llatuastrr

~ ,:>

y ·~·,. ---.- •• ?, ,_._. ~...... ~ .,.. ___ ._ t ' ' ~ERBY, Tho~as •. 11 Feb 1716. Rec. 13 Mar 1716 Wife: Ann Sons: George, and Thomas all my land in Corrotoman, John. Ex ors: Sons Geo. Thos. and Jno. w::ts: Frances Cox, Fort Sydnor and Ruth Sydnor. W.B. 10, p. 191

YERBY, Anne. Nuncupative. 3 Feb 1720. Rec. 8 Mar 1720. Son: John Yerby. i1entions "rest of my children." Wits: John Hudnall, Mary Killgore. W.B. 10, p. 306

-.{ERBY, John, nunc 11pative. 11 Dec 1736. Rec. 8 Apr 1737. Sons: Wm and John., other children & brothers. Ex. Wife. Wits: Geo. Yerby, Jos George and Jno Meredith. W.B. 13, p. 32. Inventory returned by Katherine Yerby, Tho. Yerby and George Yearby, adm. 10 June 1737. W.B. 13, p. Sh

YERBY, JOHN, division estate. Rec. 12 Apr. 17hS: Son: Wm, John Yerby. Daus. Eliza Yerby and Joanna Yerby. Nicholas Lawson in right of his wife one of the children of the dee. her part of the slaves which did belong to Katherine Stamps her mother. W.B. 14, p. 6h. 12 Aug 1748. Settlement of estate. Thos Yerby guardian of Wm. Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. John Yerby, orphan of John Yerby. W.B. lh, p. 207.

YERBY, Thomas. 20 Mar 1756. Rec. 21 May 1756. Wife: Hannah Yerby. Son: John, Thomas. Daus: Ann Brent and her children; Betty Yerby, Hannah Edwards, Mary Jiubba.r.d. Exors: Friend, James Kirk and sons Thomas Yerby and John Yerby. Wits: George Dobson, James Kirk, John Pasquet, Dale Carter. W.B. 15, p. 25?

YERBY, Hannah. 12 Nov. 1759, Rec. 15 May 1761. Sons: Thomas & John Yerby. Daus: Ann Brent and her dau. Judy Brent; Elizabeth's two daus., Sarah & Milly; Hannah Edwards, Mary Hubbard, Eliza. Yerby, dee., two children. Exors: Sons, Thomas & John Wits: Dale Carter and Augustine Carter. W. B. 16, p. lh5 Division of estate~1 Thomas Yerby, Ann Brent, Mr. Jno Yerby 1 s children, Mr. Jno(Jkrby, Mrs. Hannah Edwards, Mr. Joseph Hubbard's Children. ~__'.!~e---2:]~~ W~l6, p. 231. --~-··=3~ .

YER12X,_George. 14 Aug-.176h. Rec. 15 July 1765. ~i~_l:lJ:.:~~~h. Son:~eorge Yerby and his children. Gr.son: George ( Wood~ridgeJYerby, son ~f ~on Jno Ye_!:gy. Gr. dau: Am Yerby, dau of my ,/ '--aau:- JucB.lh Kirk.' Daus: Mary Yerby, and Betty oo bridge Steptoe & her / children. Son: John Yerby. Exors: Wife and my 2 cousins Wm. Yerb~ and his brother John Yerby •. Wits: Thomazin x (her ~rk}ttaThaw-ay; Eimore- Dogget, Dale Carter. WB 18, p. 42 -2-

YEARBY, GEORGE, Dec. Rec. 15 July 1765. Will Presented by Eliza Yerby, one of the executors and proved by oath of Dale Carter and Elmore Doggett. W.B. 17, p. lu7. 11 Geo. Phillips who intermarried with " i;ry_Ye_~?Y. ~rphan _of Geo. Yerby, Dec. WB 17, p. 172 ... YERBY, George, appraisement. 15 July 1765. Rec. 10 ept. 1765. WB lS, p. 51

YERBY, George. Division of estate. 18 Nov 1765. Rec. 21 July 1766. George P_hillips given his wife's part.-·w.B~--11, p. 63.

YERBY, ELIZABETH 15 Sept 1770. Rec. 19 Mar 1772. Sons: John & George Yerby land in Richmond Co., which descended to me by the death of Capt. John Woodbridge, and also lands in Fairfax, Dinwiddie & Brunswich Cos., all of which lands descended to my by the death of sd Woodbridge. Daus: Ma:S(__ !hillip~. Nancy Kelly, Sarah Gibson. Gr.children: Mary Kirk, Judi th Kirk, EHza-KTrk & Willia:n Kirk ( to be in the hands o!' Capt. Ja~cs Kirk). Gr. sons: John Steptoe, Wm. Woodbridge Yerby, George phillips. Gr. daus: Eliza Yerby, Eliza Woodbridge Yerby, Nancy Kent Yerby ( to have eqcial share with her mother's children), Judi th Yerby Gibson, Amy Davis. Exs. Sous: George & John Yerby, Capt. James Kirk, George P12_illips, Wm. Kell:, & 1~m. Step~oe. ---- Wits: Will D-ymer, Francis Dymer, John Swinton, John X Angell, John Yerby, Thomas Crowder, Jesse Kelly. W.B. wO, p. 38.

YERBY, Mrs. Elizabeth. Division of est. 13 Jan 178,7. Rec. 16 Apr 1717. Heirs: George Yerby, John Yerby, John Steptoe, Nancy Kelly, Mary Phillips, -~~ ~ William Kirk, Mary Kirk, Amy Davis, Elizabeth Kirk, Sarah Gibson, Judith Kirk. ~ '-.j By Richard Glascock, Ben Smith & John Fauntleroy. WB ?2, p. lu3 ..~ ~~ .,.,-· - - ~ .. -- -· . -- --- .. ..:;:·, <;,; \.1,J?-··'//YERBY, Capt. Willia,,-' of Parish of Christ Church. 30 May 1785, Rec. ?O Apr 17%. 1 ':' 1::- 1 ,.}Jife: Frances. ]Sons: Willia·~, Loddy & Robert Yerby. Daus: Betty Harris '}·~, "'1' a.~d-. Caty-Mere-ditn~---·Exors: Wife, cousin John Yerby and Wm. Meredith, William ~ Kirk, Ann Kirk. Codicil. 10 Sept. 17B5. Loddy Yerby has died since will was ~r.itten. Wits: William Kirk, Ann Kirk, Sally Lee Schofield. WB ?2, p. 121 Appraisal. WB 22, p. 130

YERSY, John, of Parish of Christ Church. 15 Feb 1777. Rec. 15 May 1777. Dau: Caty born of my wife before we were inarried to have equal part of estate except lc"lnd. Exs: Friends: John Yerby & brother Wm. Yerby. Wits: Wm. Brent, Wm. Schofield, Isaac Pitman. W.B. 20, p. 112. Jan 1732. Division of estate beh1een widow & Charles Purcill who inte::-married with Joannah dau. of sd dee., and Richard Yerby, James Yerby & Jesse Yerby, Orphans of sd Deceased. 1:JB 20, p. 2?1. -· ------····------··------.;.,-..-

YARBROUGir.(cont.) Record.

; •• , : 0 . P.i;isc illa m. Edward Thacker. ., . ...Sara m. 1 ' Pollard. ....~- YARI3R00If,,. . -· r · vJohn ·m.~_21 ()gt., 1762, Bershn'ba Jhrris, dau. of Willinm. Sur. Wil­ •: · t_;liam M:iri~other. · '!'homas .. .Gregg-_:;!~.r']tiigh gave consent to son's ninr­ riago. Goochland Co. Mir. Bond. YM.DLE}'.' (Soc YEiffiDLEY) Frances m•• \drun Thorowgood. . . , ,,• Francis, Col., m. Dec., 1647, Sarah (Offley) Thorowgood Gookin, d. 1657; · widow 1st of Capt. Adam Thorowgood (d.· 1640), 2m of Capt. John Gookin (d. bef. Doc., 1647). 4W(l)l70~ Seo Francis Yoardley. George, d. 1627, Va.; m. Temperance Flowerdew. Shem. (2) Capt. Fran­ cis Wost. 2Tll5; 6T118. Seo George Yoardley • ... ,:-'Richard m. 12 Jan., 1790, Hannnh Jameson, spinster. Sur.· Alexander · JqmosoQ. Albemarle Co. Har. Bond •. Rose m. Thomas Ryding. YARNELL l-brdecai Im. (1) ___ ~; m. (2) z..bry Roberts •. Joliffe, p. 93. M::irdecai II, son of Hordecai and (2) Miry (Roberts), m. 5 April, 1775, Phoeby Joliffe, b. 12 Fob., 1758, Frederick Co., dau. of William and Lydia (Hollingsworth); rem. to Wheeling, Va., after 8 lurch, 1730. Joliffe, p. 93. I •• YARRATI' \',.I .1.. ( ··.,. .. '. ~ • ~ Mam m. bef. Aug. , 1678, Rachel Rhodes, sis. of Augustine.· Proven by · Court Record of that date, Northumborlarrl Co. YARRET ., . :: , ,: _, . · · Poto'r m. 25 Nov., 1756, Mary Perrue, both in M:mikontown. DoLtglas . Rog. ~:.p. 2 • .Y.l\RRETT ·:, Elizabeth m. John V111rry. · Kntherine m. Honry Higgs • . YARRINGTON ... : ,- Frances m. Jomes Burton. John m. 23 July, 1752, M:iry Bryant. Sur. Benjamin Rhoclos. Hiddlosox Co. Mir. Bond. Judith m. James Brown. l,hsscy m. 13 Sept., 1720, Anno Chowning. Christ Church, p. 163. Oliver m. 15 July, 1785, Elizabeth Wnro. Christ Church, p. 204. Vincent m~ 5 Nov., 1795, Elizabeth B. Stiffe. Christ Church, p. 302. YARRCW M:try m. E::lmund Day. YATES ' I . ;, ; • - . _ m. John Robinson (1st wife) • . ! r Abner m. 31 Dec., 1795, Clo.ru Smith by Rev. Hilliam MJ.son., Baptist. Culpeper Co. Ministers'. Returns. Anno m•. Robert Spratt • . Bartholomew m•. 11 Hay, 1769., Anno Duniol. Christ Church, p. 198. Sho1 dau. of Robert and Lucy (Daniel). 12'1'209 • . -;.r: :. Bartholomew m. _bef. 1808, Sully Catlett, dau. of John of Gloucester Co., whoso will, prov. 4 July, 1308, 11entionod "Bartholomew Yates, 326

YEARDLEY (cont.) 1 •• rv:"" ~ ; ·:-:::: Sarah m. John Powell. •··· i::.·"~'. Sarah {_) m. John Watts. · · ,;,... :, ~' Temperance {_) m. (2) Francie West. ,; ! · · :: .· YEAT.2S " ... ::. I' John, b. 1751, Culpeper Co.; d. 14 Jan., 1847; served in Rev. War from Halifax Co.; m. 1780, EliMbeth Charrller •. Wilcoxson( p. 418. Rachel Murray Beverley m. Thomas Cooke. ·.· ~ : . , r-- ; : ' : : · Susanna m. Gabriel Smith. " · ', Susannah m. John Bohannon. . : ;- '': YEATiu\N John m. 15 Dec., 1792, Lucy Pe.tty. Cnroline Co. Mar •.Record •. ·· YEGER . , r•r Sru:nuel m. 12 April, 1791, M:try Hill by Rev. John La.sly. Louisa Co. Mar. Record...... YELTON 1 James m. 1.3 Nov., 1743, Isabell Hinson. OPR. ., .• ·v ·1; ';i,: YEO . . '. : I . • • : .+ .: :· George m. 1719/20, Ellinor Boswell. Elizabeth City Co •. Mir. Record. George, Jr., d. ca 1745; m. 1719/20, Elinor·(~) Brough Bosvell, widow let of Coleman Brough, 2nd of Capt. William Boswell•. 9W(1)125. 1 Also given as Elizabeth. 9W(l)l25. . . · :. ·• .:, Leona.rd, Col., m. Rebecca (_) Moryson, widow of Col. Cbar1es. Win- aton, p. 325. . l '· · .. ~ . ~ Rehecca ( __) m. (2) Charles Moryeon; m. (3) Col .. John Lear (2.ai ·w1re) • • -~~ f •• ( ,.·, ·,, •;'; { ~J,Jl,I!' .. ~ •.. . \." .t~ ; · ·-i,:':· _ m. Elijah Perciful'. " ·' \ Capt. of Frederick Co. m.'Margnret Fauntleroy, dnu. of Griffin Murdock an:1 Ann (Belfield) Fauntleroy. · Jones, p. 174. · · · i Betty m. _ Harris. < .'., r Betty Woodbridge m. _ Steptoe. , r : ) Caty m. 14:ired i th. · ; -~ George m:-T2':) 113.y, 1790, ~lizabeth Rust. llW(2)120. · ., ,, George m. bef. 1784, Elizo.beth Meredith; clau. of. John, v:hose will, dated 27 Mirch, 1784, and est. sett. I.fay, 1784, both ih Lancaster Co., prove it. . l • · George m. bef. 1789, Elizabeth Pinckard, dau. of Robert, bro. ·of James Pincknrd, whose will, dated 9 Nov.,. 1789, Lancaster Co., proves the marriage. . · · , ' . :1~. :".- 1 • r --George, Jr., m. bef. 1762, Sully Gibson; dau. of William, whose 1r1ill, dutod 6 March, 1752, nnd est. sett., 17 Sept., 1762, both in Lan- ..ciistor Co.,-, prove .tho· marriage. ~ . • ·: ; · L ·· d Hannah m. ~ 'Edwards. . . , ·; , { '~ ._r Hannah m. John Fdwnrtlst· .. ' ~ · ~: \t-. ~ l

1 Jtiannah m. Cha.rles PurCiil. . •• 1 .. ~. D John m. bef. 1758, Sarah Simmons, de.u. of John, whose est •. sett. or that date, Lancaster Co., proves it. · · · · ··• · John m. hef.· 1760f%i.ry·Jfu:tchings, dau. of William, whose est. sett. of that date, and will of lfillirun Hlitchings, -Jr-., 17701 both in Lancaster Co., P,rove the marriage. ..J! 1 • • ••• , ,.!·[·I, {;J'\lcl.11:tf~lfi:ll'i:ant~'or. Parrett)! . '. \';'::\r: "'J'tidith':in~',;,~£:.:~v• . . · i .·i ~-:~- -~ Hl,,!',''"'',.l

,I .... ····--·--·-···-··-----'------+-----'--- ~Estate Settlement of 0,,,11 1 / ,John V.i:>T'bV. T. .

------+-P'-'l"'ac,.o,.._,o"'f_.A'"'•.:.•;.;,1'1.:.•n""c,..,•c..- ··-- ---. ·---- . J._" ·t~i~i. <', :~;¥~; .• or Deg -.~t f~.·!.· ! ------1--..--W_i_ft!_'.~_J:.'-!L r11L~!,le!U'!~;!.~~- Sarah Simmons l- -! :;::·• ! O•y ·~1,.. .. 1:; 1,-t• '. ,~::·, '!' ,;w,1 c, Ptiaca County or P,ovlnca, etc. s1~1, or Cou111ty J!ft ======:ll=··=l~=-+-·--==~-·--:~.-~-l~:~.~-~~~=-···-· !~Ji ]_;Rea~---\.. .. Jl · Cnr'nd ; :di ,_ R 2. Box 111 • . . -,.,r7"b~o·~·1rn-+------I . ·.· i~-... ~·TX~ . "/t ls?.i,, : fl!~! ·Compll•O D h ,.._, of ,:i K ~ ~ ~ 1 ,, 1"" Place> of R••'1"'.'~~- _ iJ~l Addru1 Bo-x 261 Occupailo"_'' r,thtr _.t,,-..,_, .:· ,•A '!t ______c..;;C:.:.h;:u..:rc:.:.fi..:A..:l..:fll;;.;ll:.:.l""loc.;;n ______....;. ______._. t-~1 ~ · !~§j.. cuy, s,a1~ N ewe a~ t le.. .-Pp x.. ~~= ::::,:·;:~;.;~t~/I.. :~ :, /~... ·~ · ·5 <;,.f~: ~~ ~ 11 .... . Oa11 7~ .12 1 Q8? 7h .,.,,,, •' Fa!Mt J.ohn Simmon.s . - .. ····--·-·c:-..::-·.'=·"='"='='··="=·='·=·="="'=·-======·="==i====·=·=·=':::;:: ~·{·· · Su ! /i':;~!~. ;.:.::, ;~~ · Ig~~ten's ·-o~;·:;;:,,:, . · "· _.~;~·:·~_.':'..'.'.''=cc:,::-..-:===C=o=u=n1=y=o=r=P=ro::;•:::l1:;;:,e:•·=·=!=C.===S:::11=t=1=0=1=C:::o:::un:::t:::,y=:::;:::="=d=d=: ='"='o=·=o=r.=C=c;:::.,,=~:r, 1 ===1==F==.=_ ======t::::;c=:=;::=~*-=b=e=f.c.~:~·1778 '.------~------..+I.;._--- Full N&IM ol Spouae• Death . ~="+---..,-··--·--.... ·----•·-···-----·--·------_..,...... :;;;..;..;;..w;.;;.;;;;;;_..;;...;;...;.;...;.;...;.;...;.;...---+--.;;....;;...;.El'i.iah Perciful su,1,1 ______.. _ .•..____ .______-i------2 1--e_1,_1h__,,-----·-·----·--:------,,.---+-.;...--t ;'.,· ~ ...... -,.. _} Jonnah Mat. be f Ore 1_7821...•---,------''------·+·'-'---+-'----·--c·· .F~II Name of Sl)Olllt•, ..~ Death ·-- .. "'·------.,------+------.....-·~ · .. '.· ·(I6harles Purc.il Surlll ! . '., ~ .. ;;, ·-; ~.:.. 3· . ... Birth 1728 _,! ____---,~~--,~--:~~--.-~-=-~-....-:...+--""--~~ . ·Wt~'.r.~ AM' y ~:h'HY Mar. ------' ·-· ____ _;.______Lancaster co.,...:;.. _Va,. _,f----.,.---- Full Nam, Of s~puH' Mc'fyre Oealh I ·France.:; Margaret 4 ------·------+----~--

Full """' of Spouse• ----·--· -····---·------+------,. !"-----~OonlM I Burial 1 -·------_;_------+--..;;_-__ 5 ...... ------+------

Full N~ Of SpouH• Oeatn ·-----···------+------Burial I ···-- ...... ·----·---·-·------+---,---'--.. 6 '81tlh ~1&1. ;-,,...,.,---=---=------.----,------Full Nam• or l>POUH" Oeall"l ...... _-··· .... ----·-·------'f------·- ·-· -----·------'----1------:--i------ButlAI ,. 7 Birt~ ' M•r. Full Name or Spoun• • Death I , 8urial ·. Sit1h 1 8 ~.-·-----+ ----. ... Mat, ; .·:/,·., J-• ---·- .-.. ------.. ; . FuUNam• of Spouae' o.. o, .... ____ ...... -----·---·------+----'---- Burial I 9 lllrtn '"""~·--·------+------·- --·------Mar. .. Full Nam, ol lil)OUH •• --- .... ""--·-·------·------!·------

10 Oath """ ------·--·------'-----+---...:_--- Mac. ··--·-.. -···-···------..;;-i------;_ Full N•m• ol SpouH • ··-·- -·------+-----...;.,.--,. '""•!.!_"!---• .' .. ·<" --'------==-...._--·-·-·! rh:t:• ··-~-- .... -3-

YERBY, John. 16 Feb 1778. Rec. 17 July 1778. Elijah Perciful, possessed with his wif's part of her dee. father, John Yerby's estate. W.B. 20, p. 141. YERBY, John, dec'd. Mar. 1784 Court. Rec. 17 July 1784.

Elijah Percifull, admr. Jas. Yerby, orphan, John Hutching fonner guardian. Apprs.; Elias Edwards, John Miller, James Pinckard. WB 22, p. 32. YERBY, Jesse (minor) Ap. 178S. Rec. 22 July 1785. Account of Wm. Yerby fonner guardian of J!sse YerbY..I. orphan of John Yerby, dee. & possess of Richard Yerby, Present guardian. W.B. 22,p9). YERBY, James. Appraisal. Rec. 21 Apr. 1788. By James Pinckard; John Yerby, Elias Edmonds. W.B. 22, p. 182 •

.. .. -3-

YERBY, John. 16 Feb 1779. Rec. 17 July 1778. Elijah Perciful, possessed with his wif's part of her dee. father, John Yerby 1 s estate. W.B. 20, p. 141.

YERBY, John, dec'd. Mar. 1784 Court. Rec. 17 July 1784.

Elijah Percifull, admr. Jas. Yerby, orphan, John Hutching fonner guardian. Apprs.; Elias Edwards, John Miller, James Pinckard. WB 22, p. 32.

YERBY, Jesse (minor) Ap. 178S. Rec. 22 July 178S. Account of Wm. Yerby fonner guardian of J~sse Yerbl,t_ orphan of John Yerby, dee. & possess of Richard Yerby, Present guardian. W.B. 22,p9). YERBY, James. Appraisal. Rec. 21 Apr. 1788. By James Pinckard; John Yerby, Elias Edmonds. W.B. 22, p. 182 •

.. FAMILY GROUP NO . HUI b an d' I F u II N ame R'lC h ar d y erb 1y This Information Obtained From: -· Day Month y- Cit,, TDWftotl'I- C-nr, ot l'n,,,lnce. etc:. Stele "' C-nl,y Adel. tnlo on H,, .. , -·llrtll . ' 0.1"..0 . I Mar. before 1 ?Qt l'leetll llurlal PletH of AH!dence. Occ··--·- ...,,.~,. Affllla11on Mlllta,y 11..c . ~.': :.:::.:! :::::l'.;,'!,.'l ':... .. Hlafa- ¥011..... , .....,... .. _ t. Wife's Full Malden Name Judith George !! Month v.. , Town Place C-nt, ot l',.,.lnce, etc. lteleotC-111,y !f -··- o., Cl!J. °' AIICI. lllfo. on • ir ·-Cl,t'NI J@~~---• .. - 0.,111 !i Bnlctenrldge, TX 7fi024 x. '/t y~{t .u (:ompue(')uhe] J(pc::c::1 Pr PltcH of Residence !,:2 i:::i ~1 Addr••• Box 261 Oecupatlon II 0111a, than houn~i. Chu,ch AlfHl&IIOfl :e, cii,. s,eraNewcastl e. Tex. :,r: :::.~.~:f7o,M•~e\1l ~~ I Oat• Met,.,,... Ben i amin George MothV1 Maida,,, H&ffllie Cat.herine Cl\ildt_, .- -Nam, in Ft1!1 lo, I IChno,-"·• Month Year Cit,, Town o, P1ae1 County or Pto.,-ince. etc. SIIII or Co1111t,y A.dd 11'\to on Cttnc f&r () • 0 ~ f:. ~ H () 0 0 t4 .... ~ 0 IQ ...... 0 () . z "11 0 0 I Family II • • . lb • ::i: § § a? Qi 6 !f5 111 0 O" rt rt ... 1l C: C i;· 'C (ll :: ~ tr) .. It:: ~ 0 .. :::, \Q M G, ::, ~ ~ ~ .... 0 6 I.II..... oC G Ill C 'O b ::ti r: ...... I-'• Qi ...... 0 Q. (I) ti) IQ ::, ~ ::,' rt ,,. rt .. sn 0 ~I ~,• ~;ff) !I: t • • 11 I-ti Q. ~ ~~ p...... g. g. 1- l.... -0-5 'i I(; To 16 h:: -5-10 ...... Ill -l0-15 lb 16&up I Ill 15-20- i (I) (I) rt rt -20-30 - lu Ill Females rt rt I Age -30-40 lb Cb.. 40-50- Sex -St'>-60 Color 60-70 6 11 ·i rt I, ~ Ill "J:0-80 I 80-90 0 I 16-18 I~ H, .. Occupation 90-100 .... 0, lb 11> lOO&up Ill Pl 'U . l 'U ' G E::2_ .. g 2 Value of I . rt rt real estate 5-10 ,26-45 A o ~ I ..... 0 10-15 ...... ~ Value of 15-20 !45&up () ' Cl lb.. :t~if1:::[r~ri1,~1,~ ff).. personal estate -20-30 - 0-10 30 40 I;;/ 1 Place of birth i . ~ 110-16 IQ "'l Married this yr 60-70 "' School this yr. -70-80 16-26 I! :;_k. 80-90 ~ Can't r. or wr. I -90-100 26-45 •Deaf. blind. ,, .. ...-._.. ,_ -"- 131 acres Camden Dist. s.c. 4 Jan 11790- 127 acres Wa.tree Creek Camden Dist. 1786 Date of birth: Richard Yarbroue;h Date of death:

Males IN HOUSEHOLD OF: Males Females --. ~ IQ 0. .... IO Cl:l I.O 1,1'\ 0. IQ IQ C: Encircle age group in which .... :::i C ...... M ... :::i C .... "'... . I UJ ~ .... I I I I UJ .... I "" I I ~- this pprson is listed IQ I Q \0 IO IO I Q \0 IO ll' ~ .... ~ C ...... M "'... 0 ...... l'I "l 1790-Co. St. Name: Anson Co. N.C. 1800-Co. St. Name: lBlO-Co. St. Name: 1820-Co. St. Name: -,Hales Females IN HOUSBHOLE> Qf. 0 0. a 0. U'I C ,.,.,0 0 C C Q C Q Q :::i Q ,.,.,Q Q 0 0 <:) Q C Q :::i Encircle age group in which <:) .... N "Q' I.('\ \0 r..... to O'I .... '

QJ ...... u .c:: ::ri ... 11'.1 .u :)\ :t ,I.I ... Ill "" .. . QJ Ill ...; -.; Ill 'ts ti ,., i:::: .j.J qi ,Cl .c:: "'0 C: ,l,J 0 ,I.I :a "'I qi t,\ ,., -.; ~~ ~ .... 11..i ,I.I . .... C: Head of f8.!llllY ,l,J 0 Ill 0 n:s Q '1:3 ,Cl .. ::ri I!! QJ C (I) ... "' QJ -~...... 0. QJ QJ 0 QJ ...; .u 0 ::I ::I .... Ill ti ... 8 ~~ .... qi = 1\1 -C: Ill Ill QJ >c .... ti .... I!! ...... i t,\ ... ~ n:s QJ 0 111 QJ .... I!! ii Q flL. 11'1: tll u 8 :::.. ... ~~ ~ =-:: tr.I tJ ,~-~ 1850 - County: State: Post office:


1860 - County: State: Post: office:

•· -~··-"""'------'""1------... ~~"¥.:J:OU!flk.,,»l'Elb.Uf...Sl.."°•------·-·

.. _,._1;,; ,.'•. /~.'

,.. ... ' fti;#:t·; ,,,_,.:'. ·voiwne 2 '

-s,;;}'; '~ff~ ,\

Compiled ani Publiaho4 ''" ·

Dorothy ro;dr Jul;;~! i~;! A~.jJucat;; ·-.?, !{ci 'Dono~ 270 !f

PULLY •· ..,~f~ •. ,..... i:,.;•,) !'.. Robert m. 28 Aug., 17'•8, Mary Thomson. OPR. ., .. -r: ,.,., r,-• ~.

Sally m. Hugh !-Jallac:e, Jr. • • ; ~ . ~ t ...n i- '! !'\ FULTON t • -~··--: ~ V :! : 1' S Samuel m. 30 Dec., 1698, Sarah(_) Tanner~ Henrico ParishanrJI P'~L ' --~-- • ... •c Unru:, • .• 'I ,·,.,lf~{'!' .,,., '/'.°'rJI·.•, James m. 10 Aug., 1799, kachel Davis. Rockingham Co. WaY,lancl,·,P• 11, PUMPHREY . . .. , , -;-:--·-:: n "J!>.,lO Elizabeth m., Mort hough Cor tbrtbrough) HcCaboy Cor Macaboy.~ •, l! ! .H1

PUNCH . . . ~ ·1 •.•. ·:.," ~ ...? Vi'''' ' Page, d. 1726/7; m. Elizabeth (Branch) Goode, .widow ~f Ro~ert•aod dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth. (Archer>o She m. C3) Edward Curd, Sr.; d,'1'1 1742, Henrico Co., 4SV401, 410; Curd, p. 1 •... : r ,: .. ,l r 1 '\J ~,;-; v"J•,'·~ PUPP ·· ' · v-::..u1.n Abraham m. 25 Dec., 1796, Sevile Miller. Rock~riglfam: Co •• ,.Mar.,'. Record. PURCELL ..... -.:·'·'· . :': . Elizabeth m. James Strother 0 Gencey m. P..ober.t Nichols., George m. Y.iargaret Ra~

James, do 1813 0 Prince William Co~; served in Rev~ Wat;~·....:..:...:.. Dow- ell. DAR Noa 71 539. .. , .. Margaret m. D~niel Roberts. Mary m. Newitt Drewo Patience m. William Exum. ,. Patrick m~ 7 Sept~, 1733• Sarah Davis. Christ Church, p. 168. , William m. 12.Dec., 1796, Nancy Parker. Halifax Co. ·Mar.,. :Record. PURCHASE William m~ 3 July, 1775, Anne l-body. St. Paul's. PURCIFULL Thomas mft Letitia(_) Partor, widow of Shadrach. Proven by Court Suit, 1742, Lancaster Co. v'PURCILL

Nanney mo Kader Murden. PURDIE Alexander mo 28 Dec .. , 1772, Peachy Davenport. S~r. Thomas Edwards.· I York Coo Maro Bond. She was dau. of Joseph Davenpo~t of Williams• I burg and m~ (2) William Holt; m. (3) ~~ Wills. 7WC1)17. I George m. $j J!@SZdllila A dau. m. 1784, Isle of Wight Co •. 1W(l)149; 7WC 1)2~6. ,id , r:·: John H~ m,. 27 Decor, 1794, York Co., Anne M:>ore. 25V301 •.. , ~ .r '.'-·•,;:' If j John R,, son of George and Mary (Robinson), m. Mary l-bore, _dau. of ! Merritto 7W( 1)266. ,··.;.:_.,.;·:,: Mary Robinson m. Cole Digges. -~~ • r· • )~i,.# !! PUREFY .- • m l r-ur-r2 -<" i _ (_) m. Maj. Matthew Warkelin. ,.;( • .• l , i !;·~ .. r/_"t Frances m. Cl) Richard Hand; m. (2) William Lowry. '\ 11i' ?!J!°:~.<.r i: . t -· .. ;' t!I ' Ill Thomas Hubbard 'FAMILY GROUP No. Husband's Full Name Thomas Hubbard.Thomas Rev. This Information Obtained From: ~··· DIiiy. Nomi Y•r C"try, Town OI' P'lllce c-, .. ...-..-.- lt•1• or Couary Add. 1111 ... CID lflallN, pin'nt:>ll!l"'FI nf Mi fl!:U\11.!'i Birth 172, P"'·"'"' liC)O IChr•nd - lMar. .- •- I Death

~ Buria1 Places of Rest..t-r.. ·- tlon Church Affiliation n---'--:-.&.. Military Rec. -,. ~Cl.e>=....u •• - - _a.., a - .... . "',fl;:::,. iHts·FatherTbo.ma,s Htibba"!·u. ---'"',it«ber'iJ' Malden Name ... :\:, ~:c.-w~ _j;li.. , .. . '.Wif~~s Ful{Maiden NarilA'l2 .Anna Yerby ·J~t~ 1·. ,...... y_. •' l!H beta. DIJ .... Clty,-r-...... c-,.--~- ..... c-,.,- Add...... f;;i... t ; \ . s}~~•I.! i.: - Blrtli et,' ~ •. .. l~H ·· -~~- -, -~~- ' .-,~:~,_c, I• 1 ~th ·.. · ..: ·- : f.· l?f R2, Box 111 . ]!-';,-,. _ JJt'··- ... ·- Breckenridge, TX 71024 I n . ..;.,., ', ' . --'~ ~5: Compiler · !P!aces of Residence -· :.l3j Address tlon If other than Housewife Church Afftllatlon !~~j City, State . kf.Tl~~h..M\.m~ - Date Her Father !Thomas of Lanca:sterMother's Maiden NametI-..,n"'th )na-oo... ++- Cllildn,n'• Namn Ill Pllll . Se>. ICbOitNn'I (Arn-i,.. T,,..A.,.,,,..,...- \ Flurlal of Ky. #3 ~ Birth I I J;:ih~7. I full Name ol Spouae• Death !Mary Stephenson \ Burial #3 7 Birth AS9;f Mar. F~ N•m• al Spou•• heath \ l3ur1al #3 8 Birth Mar. Full Name of Spoua... Death \ Rurlal ... - ·, ~ ~'rth .. • L Mar. . . ~,." _,_ ;:._ ;.../ Fw.l l9me Ill. Spmw r"M...l'h -- . ~ •;?,-:a-r ·, ; \ ~u..Cal -c *,:'-;;, i: ' 10 Birth ' . , Mar. - , ::,.; - . ·~~~ii-;::~: :r- r', . ..--·--- ,, ' ~.---\ 11t:./· ,. - . ..,. ,, :,,~... ~~i:. • i.'i;! •u -·-.,... _.-. ..-:---~· (1) c: .. . - . ·-- ____ ,, k. __ __ -s•-• ~.___ ..__.. ______


~f-y /' '- .,:,, •' / I .320 321

;,.;., ,.: HUBJ.!lO (cont.) ~ i!UBBhRD (cont..) Mary m. J.rch. Napier. Judith rn. John Bennett. l'!athaw, will prov. 1745, York Co.; m. 17.36, Jant: ( __ ) Ballard, Harg"n,t m. John Cauthon. widow ot Hatthew. 4W(l}20L.. 1-'.ary m. l.,c. Thomas Hinde, Katth<.'W of Yori< Co. d. 1667; m. Sibella ( __} Ham, widow ot Jcrom. !·iar:, rn. Williem Cole, Jr. ' SllJ m. (J) 10}lA~-~ylci~t. 4W(l)l35. · ;,lory m. John Jones, Sr. - Rt:becca m. John F.dloe {or Edlo"'°)• }:a:-y m. Uilliam Long. c/ ~ .. Jkb<:cca· m. Col. LitUt:bury Coclc<:. Hary m. Jostph HughLs. '.. 'arah Woron ,n. Janu.:s }{itch~ll. Hary Todd m. Dr. Thoraa.s Hinde. 1-!a<:hcw of York CA. m. 1736, Jant. (_) f»llard, widow or.._ Matt.bw. l ~~ belitved m, ~~;,: ~n2, MarJ Ki~y, dau. o! John of Pittiiylvani.a 4VJW. &~ .. Cb., whosi: will of that date nam.:..s "dau. Mary Hubbard," Hoses m. 5 Feb., 1795, Sarah Hord. Hali!..x C.O. :-tar. Rt:cord. a.~ f m, ~ Step, dau. of Joshua, whose will, prov. 2:7 March, 1783, Hoses m. 23 March, 1726/?, Sarah Lowr;. St, Paul's - Stafford Co. _l;'~E'c;ange Co. Orange III:10). Nancy m. \;illiam Bagby. i !t.n~-m. Col. Jair.cs Taylor (1st wife). Nancy rn, J.l!.c Che:wning. ,. Anne m. Be:nj~in lehgue., ,. llancy m. John Hullins. 1,-:. Annistead 111.. 'Z7 Doc.,, 1792, ,: Beht1thclen Strotht::-. Culpeper Co. ICCG. !Jat m. Sept,, 1796, Sarah Hix by Charles C:ibbs...- Car.ipbell CA. !'.ar. ~ Beaja.mil} m. 7 J.pril,"17~~, .Susannah Gillcnton. Halifax Co, Har. Record. · Rt:cord. · Rebecca m. (1) Hf.nry Soant:; m. (2) Littleb.arry Cocke. Bc.njamin, b. 1710, C&rol~e Co.; d. 1784, King William Co.; m. Robert m. 15 April, 1799, Polly ~infrey. Salifax Co. Har. ttecord. Elizabeth 'lbdd, b. 1710. DAR No. 75 738. Samuel m. 31 Oct., 1791, Patience Hurt. r.alifax Co.· Y.ar. Record. Beajamin m. l.3 Oct., 1791, Mary Worsham. Hall!ax Co. Har. Record. Samuel, b. 1757, .Va.; d. tht:n,, 1820; scrvtd in Rev. \~ar; m. (1) Bt tsey m. James Farner. Swne. DAR No. 81 105, Be:tty m. Williazn Sanders. Sarah m. 1homas CS.uthon, Betty m. Saund1:rs. :i:. Sarah H. m. 'Ihomas Hargrave. Betty ( "'""";m. ·.Hott. ·... : Taliaferro m. 5 June, 1797, Abby Gib5on. Culpeper Co. Har. Record. Cakr m, 1793, Betsey l)..irri:tt. Orange Co., Mar. Record. Tho~as m. Jl March, 1775, RachGl Stree:t, b-:>th in thi5 parish. Elias m. l4 Stpt., 1786, Judith Georgt:, Wit, Jt:reboam Hubbard. i Douglas RGg., p. 17. I.ancasttr Co. Har. Record. , Thomas m. 29 Oct., 1794, Sally Strother. :ulpcpt.r Co. 1:ar. Record. Elizabeth m. Champion Smith. lhomao m. 2 Ja.n., 1783, Ann Yopp. Sur. c~~rles Hubbard. l...Ancastcr Elizabet~ m. William Hott. Co. riar. Bond. Eli.zabtth 111.. Champnt:ss Smith. (Al.$0 given as Champntll Smith.) \Jilli.am m. be!. 1787, __ Yopp, dau. of \.iilliam, whose est. sett. Elizabeth m. John F.dloc. J.pril, 1787, Lancaster Co., proves it, Elizabeth m. Jambs Bennett. ~/illiam m. 3 Jan., 1785, Judith Yopp. \iit.. Jarne:i Curlt.s, John EphraiJU m. 15 July, 1749, Hannah Edwards. Wit. Ihornas Edwards. Doggett. Lancaster Co. Mar; Record. Lancaster Co. Mar. Record. \/illiam m. 17 Hary, 1756, Uiziibcth [-oat.me.:.. Lancaster Co. ttar. George m. ca 1744, Judith Crew, dau. ot ,John or Charltis City Co. ,(eco rd. Society o! Friends Records. Henrico Co. Kw. William, Col., o! Charlotte Co., m. Franc<:!! Thurston, b. 20 March, James m. bet. 1804, Susannah Moor&, dau. ot Elizabeth of Yonc Co., 1752, dau. of Col. John and Sarah (Hinn), 4.:(1)181. i.nose will of that datf:, Williamsburg, provu it, HUBBERD Jares d. prob. 1789, Suss,?X Co., :son of Matth~ and Janti (Clack) 1 Edmund m. 30 Oct., 1785, J.nnc. Seo t t. No rt."..a.mpton Co. Har. Record~ Ballard Hubbard; m. Francvs Horton. Harllet: Ill!2759. 'l HUBBE1l.T · J tmy m. Thomas HcWilliams. Elizabeth m. John Dowdy. John m. 22 Dec., 1785, Hannah Reid by James Ke:-.ney. Campbell Co. HUBrnD Har. Ilecord. Katherine: m. 'n10mas Ballard. John m. 3 ,y, 1763, Eli.zab&th Clark, both in this parish. Louglas HUBL'lT Reg., p.1 • Hargiirtt m. John Travis. ~ostph m. ~· ~~~J~• -~-=!:~.z~r w. Mar. R~-corcl. llUCHIN :ee::~~~' I:. I, b Pe a 'l // ·:J"' / //.. I'. • ·7"_/ ~ - ,.· ~/~ r 1 '=- · v ,; Z....-c..v ·, / / h :- · /'. / / ,,-· -;;,>, .· • /. · l ' / /:'_ /;/. / J / / . r_.../;- ; . - . ../c.C .• - / - ...... ; ' ./ ,,:1 c.::J 274. I {-:J c1 1 ·lf 2i5. OOGGETT (eon~.) '!":! :!11:::abf't.:i c. Leon'll'd Youn.i; (2nd vi!e). .'l!C.7 a. Yllll.aa Brow. tli za-:ietb. c. Pb.! lip S'Tou.i. ~...... -:;: :E.1'..:?:o:':>eth m, John Ca:-v&r. .. ·.a.~ :. John Dart,. li tcore m. 2l Jan. 1 1779. Mary .a..nn Bacoonda. Sur. Spencer Geore9. ~:. Lan~.t1.et.fr OJ. Mar. Boni. ~-.."-1.zl a. 19 Jul,., l 786, M8%7 Coro. Northampton Oo. Mar. Reoo~. l:...OOur ::1. :--0 ~r :h, 1 j'85, Elizabeth Roberta. Sur. William l>oa"f"lt .. 1~,~, =· Charle• Oore. Lancaster o,. l·iar, Bond. A'..!.r.:.ne c. Ieaac Del by. ~rge m, 19 Jb.!1,, 1'(95, Judith Davia. Sur. John Rill. LaMatt.r :ta'.!.G:' :.. John James. Co. Mar. Bon 1. ~ •...,a,e a. ~ ~. 1798, Catherine Dolb1. Northe.J:Ipton Co. Mar, Reoord. Hannah m. ':'hocac Yerby. ; __ :. 14 .lut;., 1759, Peggy !'.at thews, dau. of John Cutia Mattheva, ~ nah c. Thomas Cho ng. J::-~ton I.lo, Y..ar. Record, Hannah ( ) c, WillilUll ~iblin. :r~.:. :, lO Oct., 1769, Xeziah Vo1torhowio. ?lorthaz:rpton Co. Y.ar, J~ea m.l7Nov., 1795, Bel.Pay Doggott. Sur. Peter Tanlcer1l7, ~ ~!!<>.'.~ caa ter Co. Mar. Bond. ;i:.:. :c.. Z5 Job., 1769, Susanna Jacob, dau. o! Pierce. Northa.cpton Co. Jareciah m, bef. 1774, Ma1"7 Over a trect, dau. of Richard, "~.. w:: :. -..r • RO<'O rd. 1774, and eat. a&tt., 1-,;61 I,anc,a.ater Co., proves it, ;:-..e-,:. :., 19 ~. l 764, Jane (_) Luke, ?7orthal!:pton Co. Mar. Re­ John, Jr,, m, 17 Aug., 1795, Jud.1th Longvith, Sur, John Lo~t.\. ~ :'!. Lancaster Co. Mar. :Sund. ,._.c ::. J.rthur 51opld.ne. Mar,r c, Samu.a~ Yopp, Jr. ":-w.r.: ~ ..·1:l!.11.l:1 Ro7 0 Mary ( ) m, John Mo'fyre. :., •• ; :. Ci-ocree P).i11·11on. Mary iiini:i. W1llie.t1 Doggett. :·-.., ....u c. l! .:u:i.e, :i.. 795, Priscilla Roger,. Northaz:rpton Co. l'.ary M, ( ) 1.1. M~Tyre. Mar. Record, :-:,..::-..u, :r. ::. 19 •l.l€., 1772, Marcaret Ear.a, dau. o! John, dee'(!. Richard c. 30 July, 17~5, Rhoda Evans, who waa admx o! aet. o! __, J.::~-;,~n Oo. Mn.r. Rc::ord. Evans. Kegley, p, 106. ...·····- .. Susanna m. Charles Morgan. i..x1 =. Luthor Morgan. Williw:i, the youncer, c, 18 Sept., 1787, Cather..ne Dunawa,. r,-.,. •1·.,: =· 2.obort Y.cDovoll. Robert ~ell. Lant:-ll.ster Co. Mar. Bond. !'·~~,..J William c, 15 Sept., 1785, Judi th Robb. Sur, Janes X:olly, :..:_._ : : a~t!l c, Sacuol :U!qrd. · ter Co. Mar. Bond. , .:~"-= :. 14 ~1,::,, 1796, ACma.1.7 Montgoce?7 Sur. Jacee Montgomer,-. William c. 16 June, 17!!5, Sarah Geo1·go. Sur, Moae1 ~orge. :..c.:.,_ ... .,.-..:,,~olaz:.! Co. Mar. :Bond. 0 te~ Co. Mar. Boni. ~:.. ..;.:~.-.;;~. William m. 3 Aug., 1779, Mary .a..nn Doggett. Sur. John ::lor.r.•~~. :­ =,, ~. NoT, 1 1772, El.he.beth Mallory, dau. o! John, vhoae "111 castor Co. Mar, Bond. ---:: '..:A~ ~to, Ore.J:ige Co., proveo it. Yinifro'a (__J m. Thomu.a Mott. •. ·1· OOEANEY •• 1,. 1a ~•t!i c. :aooa Dollina. M1lly m. Elijah Ballard. . ,...... « :. 9 MAr-:h, l 792, Elizabeth Dollins. Sur. John Yood. .Ube- IXJHARTY :.i: ~? Oo. 1'iAr. l3ond, Re~ecca c. Willi81!l Doderidge. ..:·.-:.a :. Jaoob CrOll. OOBJ!:tu:Y · ,..- •. :-.:-:. :. l 759, lll.h;abeth Hensley. Orange Co. Mar. Record. Peggy m. F~ancis Collins...... _ =~ !(QJ'j" Moru,fl)e. 8 OOHE!l.TY t ; •• a..:::.. ~c;e.nor 'll'oll.y .Brc.clc::le.n, dau, of Vill!am and :EJ.ii:£Lboth George, b. 1749: d. 1833; on pension roll. 18Jl, Je!!o::-ae:. ~; .. ·• .., ,.__.) c! J.lbe::iarlo. O~a.nge III:110. ~ !or Va. service; m, Pr113cilla Goforth, IlA.R No, 31 :.:: . ...; ..-,...... JUly .A.nn m. Epr, Doly. ~ : u ~•~ :::i. John l11~.kenson. OOHBODY -~ :. T!787. Suae.nna Garth. Sur. lilchard Durrett. Albeai.rlo Co. Jane c. John Sm1 th...... le:.!. OOHONY t.._ •.,~ ". __) c. John Thurston. Mary m, Gidoon Un~erwood, Peggy m, Francia Collins. ~,. • .:. :) )larC".b, l 786 1 JUly Ann Dohert1 by Rev. John Drown. oow. : • ~.!r.!11~ora• ll.eturna. J.ugueta Mary c, E~ Benson, - - ~ !c, LANCASTER COUNTY 49 Jugust 4, 1722, Thomas Edwards and Sarah Swan April 13, 1720, George Glasscock and Judith, daughter of Wm. ~utuaatrr C!tnuuty Ball September 30, 1726, Hugh Brent and Eliza Morris ): o,·ember 25, 1717, Samuel Ball and Anne Tayloe Steptoe, Jr., and Johanna, daughter of Joan October 5, 1721, Charles Burges and Frances, daughter of Anne June 12, 1727, John Fox Lawson Mark Bannerman and Katherine Barker September 4, 1722, Ezekiel Gilbert, York Co., and Winefred, August 12, 1724, i Christopher Stevens and Eliz. Armes daughter of Robert Gibson .r,, --, liTl', William Sydnor and Catherine Taylor February 2, 1717, Thomas Yerby and Hannah Degges )fan·h 1, 1724, 1 John Brown and Eliz. James November 2, 1721, William Keene and Mrs. Elizabeth Ball J; July 2, 1':'22, son of Wm. :Montague and )[rs. Hannah May 2, 1727, Joseph Chinn and l\frs. Elizabeth Ball October 16, 1727, Wm., t Sarah Ball August 24, 1719, Simon Sallard and Blanche Kelley I" Ball, daughter of William l\Iiller and :Martha Taylor October 11, 1727, Isaac White and Mary Ann Ewell !J December 10, 1718, Richard Harrison and Ann Reade March 14, 172:3, "'illiam Cammell and Sarah Shelley j )[ay 18, 1717, Jerome Pasquet and Lycia King March 16, 1717, Nicholas Hack of Xorthumberland Co., and Eliz. •• February G, 1718, James Brent and Catherine Martin Howson. Consent of Sarah Ball to daughter Eliz. Howson's, 11 July 26, 1727, Capt. Robert Galbraith and ~Iargaret Carter marriage Jnne 26, 1722, John Loyal and }iary Taylor, daughter of Ann October 11, 1720, Isaac Bush and Hannah Sammon June 11, 172-t., November 10, 1722, Leonard Howson and Ann Fleet Burke Charles Lee of Wiccocomico, X orthumherland December 16, 1717, Wm. Sydnor and Rachael Davenport :S-ovember 8, 1721, January 7, 1723-24, Wm. Brent and Margaret Haynes Co., and Mrs. Eliz. Pinkard Bryan Phillips and Eliza Stott December 21, 1723, Samuel Raine and Hagar, daughter of John Xovember 16, 172-!, James Carter and }Iary Brent Davis August 10, 1724, Denis McCarthy and Sarah Ball, daughter October 14, 1723, John Selden and Mrs. Sarah Ball September 22, 1724, November 13, 1722, Thos. Hunton and Mary Curile of Wm. Ball January 14, 1723-4, Thomas Chilton and ,rinifred, daughter of August 23, 1723, John Rogers and Jane Walker, widow May 20, 1727, Robert Biscoe and Eliz., daughter of Henry Judith King June 28, 1723, William Hobson and Judith Fleet Lawson August 14, 1724, Eaton Reeves and Pri5cilla Palmer July 11, 1719, Richard Chichester, Esq., and Ann, widow of Wm. Fox )fay 24, 1727. David Ball and Ellen, daughter of George Reale October 17, 1723, Presley Cox and Mary, daughter of Henry Fleet September 8, 1724, Samuel :Milehan and Martha Gardner February 10, 1717, Wm. Nash and Ann Kirk January 13, 1717, Thos. Carpenter and Mary Nichols November 1, 1718. Wm. Fleet and Ann Jones March 8, 1726, Joseph Brosier and Mary Harris July 22, 1734, . Wm. Reale and Judith-- Swan --- 13, 1725, John Selden and Sarah, daughter of Richard Ball December 16, 1724, Capt. Wm. Balendine and Mary Ann Ewell October 26, 1739, Chichester Chinn and Agatha Thornton May 5, 1724, Christopher Garlington and Eliz. Conway September 21, 1737, Griffin Fauntleroy, Jr., and Mrs. Judith Reale February 17, 1 ?'23, Wm. Ball, Jr., and Mrs. Margaret Ball November 15, 1737, Thomas Hunton and Ann Wall 48 .July 3, 1734, Richard Chichester and Ellen, daughter of ,vm. Ball April 9, 1735, Wm. Brent and Letitia Wale • e ~-,:I '.-.it.i•

&urry Q!nunty J\mrlttt C!tnunty

Henry Anderson and Martha Cocke January 24. 1760, January 4, 1781, William Irby and Jane Edwards Robert Anderson and Jane Foster March 4, 1768, December 26, 1780, Jesse Cocks and Rebecca Ker f· April 28, 17li8, Polly Anderaon and - Goode ( of Prince September ro, 1780, Benjamin Ellis and Martha Eisby i; Edward County) September 1, 1780, Samuel Thomas and Katherine Carrell :l, March 28, 17'76, Elizabeth Anderson and Stephen Farmer June 27, 1780, Benjamin Barham and Frances Phillips ;. Nancy Anderson and George Robertson July 10, 1779, June 27, 1780, James Dowell and ~arriet Stewart :.j Rilla Anderson and Robert Burt September 9, 1782, June 24, 1780, John Owen Wallace and Elizabeth Bennett ~ Elizabeth Anderson and Elkanah Ecols August 20, 1783, May 20, 1780, Job Judkins and May Rowell fr James Anderson and Sally Bayley September 20, 1783, April 8, 1780, Henry Crofford and Jane White ,;; October 27, 1783, Edith Cobb Anderson and Edward Booker March 16, 1780, George Barlow and Mary Lancaster l December 12, 1784, Nancy Anderson ( daughter of Elizabeth) and February 23, 1780, ~I. Smith and Martha Grantham John Tabb February 7, 1780, Ward Putney and Eliz. Goodman Collins, -t.1 ~ ovember 17, 178-1, Worsham Anderson and Misamcot Knight daughter of William William Evans and Rebecca Dreer :i: ( daughter of Charles) December 14, 1779, December 27, 1787, Catherine Anderson ( daughter of Henry) and 1·"; November 9, li79, Joseph Hart and Harriet Barby Andrew Adamson and Sally Burn •.... · Fred Jones October 16, 1779, May 11,· 1787:- Susan Anderson ( daughter of Charles) and John Isham Inman and Mary Gibbons/:' September 8, 1779, Stephen Collier and Nancy Hills Walton July 13, 1779, Matthew Anderson and Martha Dicer Edward Dudley and Annie Holt May 17, 1787, April 26, 1779, Dorothy Anderson (daughter of Henry) and John Francis and Harriet Cocke March 30, 1787, January 3, 1775, Joel Boyton and Sarah Grantham Ward March 13, 1775, August 27, 1787, Elizabeth Anderson and Daniel Wilson Benjamin Bell and Edith Bea.be February 13, 177 5, December 23, 1788, Ann Pauline Anderson and William Powell William Mitchell and Elizabeth Hodges February 17, 1775, January 10, 1789, Frances Anderson and Daniel Versen Henry Mooring and May Smith February 16, 1775, May 1, 1790, - Anderson and Sally Anderson Blackburn January 24, 1775, Richard Yarborough and Sarah Withers August -, 1796, Ann Anderson and Mead Wilson August 3, 1778, Mary Angell and ,John Baldwin 1 -, 1783, John Angell and Elizabeth Hendley ( -, 1789, Elizabeth Angell and William Gauldier December 26, 1792, 1tobert J. Angell and Judith Roberts February 8, 1760, John Archer and Elizabeth Townes February 22, 1776, Henry Archer and Mary Randolph November 25, 1767, Elizabeth Archer and Jamee Powell Cocke 63 • 62 • AMELIA COLNTY 65 64 \'1HG1.K1A .MAHH1AUES Elizabeth ( ward of Rd.) Booker and Joseph December --, J 768, John Archer and Anne Hall . November 13, 1778, Martha Field Archer and Chrislian Scott .April 11, li67, Cocke . Elizabeth Booker and Burton Hudson Judith Archrr and William Bentley October 28, 1779, May 14, 1782, Sarah Booker and J olm Childress October 22, 1782, Field Archer and Frances ( r of John Coe kt') and U ideon ii, Rucker !f March -, 1797, William B. Giles and Martha Payton ( daughter of Joseph Tabb) D,·cembec '1, 17G4, Stephen Coek,• and •\mey Jones (

( ktoh1·r !i, 1756, Fr.rneis Jonec. and Rebecca Gr l)ecember 11, 1782, Rebecca, sister of Daniel .Jones, and Stephen .\larch 30, 1761, J oscph ,Jones and Martha Bedfo Beasley Srptember 23, 1762, Thomacl Jone,; and Ann Tow ; }Jay 14, 1782, Samuel Jones and :Mary, daughter of William Giles S1•ptember 23, 17G:!, Dorothy Jones and Thomas Sho April 17, 1782, Adrian ,Jones am! Nancy, daughter of Richard .November :J, l~G:J, Wood Jones and Amy Wats,- '" Hamson July 20, 1763, Thomas Jones and Sarah Jon , . June 5, 1783, Hobert Jones and Ann, daughkr of Rowland Ward January '.), 1765, .Mary Jones ( ward of Daniel) an(l Andrew Red,. ~ oYembcr (i, 178;!, Sarah Jones and Dudley Holt ford ~oYcmber 27, 17H3, ,Job ,Jones and Sarah •rurner January ;;u, 176!J, John Jones and Elizabeth, daughter of Willia December 27, 1~'83, Abraham Jones and Lucy Atkinson Jackson Crawley October 22, 1784, William ,) ones an(! )lary Hancom X ovembcr 18, 1769, Richard Jones (Chesterfield) and Mary, daugh. September 4, 1784, Danirl J oned and Catherine Ward ter of James Robertson . t October 2 8, 1 78.}, Charles .T om•s and Sally Ford November 15, 17H, Richard ,Jones, Jr., and ;\fartha, daughter ot:'I \' o,crn ber 8, 17 8-1, Moses .Tones and Frances Fields Holand Ward, Sr. j October 28, 1784, Thomas Jonc8 and Prudence .Tones January 26, 1786, Ann Jones and John Ilawkesl X overnber 2+, 1785, Samuel ,fones anJ DPlphe Ferguson Mard1 17, 1786, Lettice ,Jones anJ Edward BlandJ July 11, 1785, Reuben ,Tones and Martha Mar~hall October 9, 178:3, E.: October -, 1814, Mary T. Bolling and Thomas Taub March -, 1762, --- Skelton and Elizabeth Sheppard I .Tanuary -, 1800, Judith Booker and Edward Eggleston December 27, 1776, Vincent Skelton and Susie, daughter of Henry ·~,, April -, 1800, Ann Booker and John E. Jefferson Robertson May-, 1800, Parlan Booker and Elizabeth Overton October 28, 1785, --- Skelton, Jr., and Susie Irby November-, 1801, Mary Booker and Mathew Moseley January 21, 1764, Robert Sfoger and Mary Dawson February -, 1801, Sally M. Booker and Austin Seay May-, 1797, Thomas Sfoger and Elizabeth Goose June -, 1803, Elizabeth Booker and John Robertson July 2, 1760, William Stokes and Lucretia Ellis November -, 1803, Caroline Booker and Joseph Scott October 14, 1786, William Stokes and Nancy, daughter of William ,. July-, 1805, Nancy M. Booker and Archer Robertson Greenhow November-, 1807, Sarah M. Booker and Joseph Woodson August -, 1799, Allen Stokes and Elizabeth, daughter of Abram February -, 1808, Rebecca Booker and Armistead T. Turner Green January -, 1809, Elizabeth Booker and John Chaffin December 12, 1763, Edward Tabb and Jean Clements November -, 1812, Jane Davis Booker and William Brand April 1, 1763, John Tabb and Mary Mollony December -, 1812, Nancy H. Booker and W. H. Crittenden March 6, 1784, Reuben Thornton and Prudence Mumford December -, 1812, W. M. Booker and Sally T. Blankensopp January 11, 1768, Prudence Ward and William Mumford ' March -, 1824, P. Da,is Booker and James Dobbs April -, 1777, Sarah Ward and Rowland Ward ,January-, 1814, Sally B. Booker and Peter Riscoe April 4, 1786, t Claiborne Ward and Nancy Butler December -, 1815, Ann Booker and Richardson Booker March -, 1800, Campbell Anderson and Polly Gordon February.-, 1816, Theodora Booker and Thomas Montague December -, 1802, t Dorothy Andersoh and Brant Jones Ocfober -, 1816, J. T. Booker and Lucy Wingoe July -, 1801, Claiborne Anderson and Polly Brant Jones January-, 1818, Frances Booker and W. J. Scott i March -, 1814, Harriet Anderson and Thomas Pride December -, 1821, William M. Booker and Cene P. Hutchinson ~ March -, 1814, Sally I ( daughier of Francis) Anderson and James December -, 1823, Richard D. Booker and Nancy Jane Ford ~ Wood October -, 1825, Caroline M. Booker and Henry wrave~ .' • 7.1. VIIH,l~IA M,\HHIAOES ~~ AMELIA COFXTY 73 March -, 1826, l\f. HookPr and :'llary Crittenden W. May -, 1820, Anne Finnry and Ueorge :\Iarkham September -, 1826, Isham C. Booker and Elizabeth B. Jete t April-, 1824, \Yilliam Finney and )!artha Wastan December -, 1828, Martha II. ( th T. Bott and E

January 21, Ii42, Beverley Randolph and Agatha Wormeley ,January 9, 17-Hl, Henry Washington and Anne Thaeker December 29, 1741, Mann Page and Alice, daughter of Hon. John 1 Grymes, Esq. May 7, 1753, Charles Lee and Joanna, daughter of William l\Iorgan May 21, f747, John Tayloe, Jr., of Hichmond Co., and Rebecca, eldest daughter of George Plator, of St. l\fary's Co., Md. 6, 17 52, Christopher Hobinson and Sarah November 20, 17-17, John Falkner and Judith Fearn ' November 23, 1749, John Armistead and Mary, daughter Armis­ 1 tead Churchill f October 19, 1'150, David Asselin of Gloster and Elizabeth Stubble­ ' field January 25, 1748, William .:\Ieacham and Jane Aldin, widow November 21, 1750, Benjamin Hhodes and Dorothy Fearn November 10, 1748, James Gordon of Lancaster and ?1Iary Harrison December 1756, John Gordon and Lucv Churchill, conaent of A. Churchill December 30, 1748, W. Owen and Elizabeth Meacham February 15, 1748, John Batchelder and Elizabeth l\Iickleborough July 16, 1755, Carter Braxton and Judith Robinson May 2, 1747, Samuel Batchelder and Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Laughlin September 3, 1751, William Stiff and Sarah, daughter James Mea­ cham, deed. May 7, 1751, Rowland Sutton and Mary Ann Morgan. July 9, 1751, Reuben Skelton and Elizabeth, daughter Lunsford Lomax January 1, 1749, John Symmer and Hannah Potter, widow September 18, 1742, Robert Elliott and Elizabeth, daughter Capt. Matt. :K;emp, deed.; consent of Mary Kemp to her daughter's • --cc marriage September 9, 1741, Bartholomew Yates and Elizabeth Stanard 75 - • I (J \ 1Ht,J.\J.\ \IAHHJAUE.s :~ MJl>JJLESEX COL'~TY 77 Novnnber 24, 1711, Cary 8mitfi and Ann Wortham ,June 2, 1~61, ,J ol,n J<\•bruary .i, I 742, \\'i!liam Owen and Mary, daughter John .Fearn Taylor and Elizabeth BlakPy, wiJow April 17, 171i0, May 3, 1743, Thomas Foster and ElizabPth, daughfrr Thomas AlexandPr Oill and Hannah Hice July 1, 17GO, Hobert Allcock and )Iary All iot t Smit11, d<•cd.; consent of Ann Smith to her daughter's mar­ riage. ,lanuary 5, 1747, Thomas Hardin and Lucy Billups Drcembcr 4, 1758, Joseph Stephens anrl Anne \\"ortham, widow February :.? :i, 17 44, Churchill Jones and .\Iiliscnt Bla<"kburne; Eliz- abdh Hlackburne's con~ent to

161 ,.

June J 7, 79 9 O

VeaJL Ophe.U.a.:

Thank you. VVUj mu.ch 601L Aendlng :the Wut 1>.ta.c.k on w.Uh, on :the Yvr.by 6a.mlli.u, cu well a.6 the Va.v.i.6 & Veggu wlU.6. 16 you Me the one who 1Lea.d :thoi,e dim pa.gu 06 1Leco1Ld.6, you. dld a.n ou.u:tan.di.ng job. 1 ,u,ed yoWL :tJtarud.aUom, a. high i..nte,u,.lt.y .lamp and ma.gnl6yi.ng g.ta.&l> J:.o 1,ee. .l6 1 could frUl .ln any 06 :the mui,.lng wolLd.6. A6tM all. thue ye..a.lL6 06 wolLlu..ng i..n law 0661..cu, 1 ma.de out 1,ome 06 :the wolLd.6 1,,lmp.f.g beca,u,e 1 knew :the l.a.ngua.ge. -­ believe i..t OIL no.t, "le.galue." ha.6 cha.nged veJuJ li.;ttle. .ln SOD ye.a.JU:.. The .6a.me phlta.6 u Me ~ ed.

I've Jte,typed :the ~ a.nd am enc.lo.61..ng c.lea.n C41r.bom (a..t lea.6t a.6 c.lea.n cu .tw old ma.chine. will ma.ke) 601t yoWL 61..lu. 1 ,u,e.d yoWL .typed c.cp.lu to wollk 6Mm a.nd am enc.loi,.lng them .60 tha..t you. ca.n 4ee wheJLe 1 a.dded wow ••• you can compa.Jr..e :the a.ddltlom to :the oJt.lg.lna.t old ha.ndwJri,ting and 1,ee .l6 you a.gJtee.

The Will 06 W.llUam Yvr.by Wa.6 qu.lte a. challenge. 1.t Wa.6 6u.U. 0 6 ..i..n.teJL.U..ni.J1.g.6 ! The c.lw. m,u,.t have eU:heJL been veJLy :tur.ed Oil hi a. hWrJr.y when he c.opied :tfiu, one. .lnto the. Jte.c.olld.6. Some 06 hL5 .lnte.JlUni..ng 4h.llOW.6 j,u,:t look.ed .Uk.e .inf?. .6 mudge..6 unill 1 en.la1tged them undVt :the. high i..nte.m.Uy la.mp wUh .the ma.gn.i..6yi..ng gla.6.6. The c.le.Jtk a.ppa.Jr..entl!.y le.6.t Alr:ti..c.le. Ughti.y out when he cop.led ( i..t a.nd :then went ba.c.k. a.nd a.dde.d U w.i..th a. pc:vr..t 06 :the. 1,entenc.e 1>hown above .U ••• ma.lung u .ioof2 like. pc:vr..t 06 .the .&ente.nce be.6olle. u. 1 THINK wha..t WUl.i..am Wa.6 :tlly.lng .to .6 a.y .i.n th.Ls a.Jr..:t..i..c.le wa..s :tha..t he wanted :the e.qulpme.n.t U6 ed by :the ne.gJz.o £.a.bolleJtli .to go w.i.th .tha..t pelJLt.i.cul.a.Jt negJto Li.. e. , the ne.g.1t0 .ta.k.M h.i..6 tool!:, along wi..tfi h.lm :to wha..te.vVt child' .6 home .t.ha..t he wcu given to I . EGAV. 1 can' :t do .tlU6 any betie.Jt .than u.'.i.lli.am oil :the cl.Vtk dld.

At any Jz.a.te, .thMe c.opie..6 aJte 00.1t !fOUll. (/_.!u. I've aliio added the maJI.JLla.ge. ,1z.ec.o.1td6 I lw.ve foJt La.nc.a.otVt Cowity and a. c.ouple. on .the c.ounc..i.l mlnu.tu. I don' .t know what to :think. a.bout :th.e. Yv-Jiy {;a.rni..ly ,fo tl'/.,,U, paJLt o~ Vbr.ginla.. So oaJt, the. only .opei..ling o 6 Ya.Jz.bMugh 6ow1.d .in tha,t c.owity WM .in 1919. You'd .:th.ink .theJte would be. a..t le.cu.t one. .ope.fling o{; the. Ya.Jz.b!i.ough name., wor.ddn' :t you? 1 am a.bout c.onv.inc.e.d :t.f:a.t tw pa.Jr/...lc.ulaft Ve1tby l6 ju.J.:,:t :tlmt "Ye.Jtby" .l1t&.tead 06 a vaJUa:tion o0 Yv.bMugh. The.Jte. ..i..!> a YeJr.by Line. in Enge.and .that. doun' :t .oeem to be. c.onnec.te.d with oUJz. YaJLbJz.ougf11, ,ln any way. I no.ted .ln .&ome 1tuea1r..ch pa.pelt.6 tha..t the. Ill.by ( IJz.be.e., Y.1tbee., e..:tc.l fi.Jte. in Amr1u.c.a cla.bn& :t.h..l.6 Yvr.by a.l> a va/Li...a.t..i..on o 6 the. .6pe..f...u.ng on thw 1utme..

Ctlha;t ma.k.e.6 Lt .60 con6LL6ing l6 tha..t 1 know :tha..t va.Jt.i..ou.6 YaJt.bJz.ough 6a.m.i.ly me.mbelt.6 h.a.ve been Jtec.oJtde.d a..& Ye1tby • • • my own g11.e.a..t gM.nd&a.theJt l6 .t. hown on one c.e,u,~ ~ Ja.mu Yvr.by when he wa..& Uving in :the. home. 06 hi6 1,.i.6:t.Vt. Ye.:t, the YeJLby 6a.mi..l..y i..n La.nea.6tM a.nd Noldhu.mbvcl.a.nd Co.&., V.i.Jtgin.i..a. .6e.em .to have. a.&a.yi, been Yvr.by --- I can' :t 61..nd any me.n..tlon 06 the. YaJtb.1t0ugh .6pe1Ung. Howe.veil, 1 keep ILe.COJtdlng evVUj:thi..ng 1 f:,lnd on :tlu..6 Une a.6 1>omewhue down the Une we ma.y 61..nd :the c.onne.c.t.lng Un'2. • 1 Jtea.il.y a.ppJteci.ate a.U :the thing& .tha.:t: you .6ha.Jte wlth me. You a.nd yoUJr. .6,U,.teJt ha.ve 11..eai.1.y a.dded .to :the 1tec.o1td&. I' U keep .ttty.. lng .to a.dd wha..t 1 ha.ve .to :the thlng.6 you've .&ha.Jr.ed a.nd .6 end you .the c.opiu. I W,U,h 1 ha.d moJte ti.me .to devote to thi..l. ••• U ,ii, ha.Jr.d .to keep up w..i.:th :t.he c.oMupondenc.e, no.lUl'la.t c.hoJtu a.nd eJtJLan.d& and wo!Lk a,t a demanding job, .too. W,li,h 1 c.ou!.d wbt the 1..otteJuJ a.nd do genealogy 6u.U :tune! I've been btying .to devo.:te. a.o muc.h ti.me a.o po.6.6ible .to .the ma.JVu.a.ge c.omp-U.a.Uon. We ha.ve p1tett.y laJi.ge .&ec.ti..onf> 601t NC, Tennu.&ee, GeoJLg,i,.a. a.nd Te.xa.o. Ke.n:tu.c.ky, Loulh)..a.na, fvUJ...&,i.i,.&.i..ppi. and SC a11.e 6a.i.Jcly :th,ln wh)..c.h ~ .6ad confJ,lde.JLing how ma.ny Y '.6 weJte .in :t:hoJ e all.ea.6 • I Jtecentiy ha.d a. 1te.quu.t 6JtOm Ne.U Ma!Ltln a-l)fu.ng .l6 I ha.d a.nythlng on a.n Anclltew B. Ya.Jtb1t0u.gh who died 10 FebJUUJ.Jty 1891 .in Va.n Za.ndt Co. Tx. He ma/tJtle.d Mall.TJ A. Wdc.h -- pl.a.c.e a.nd da:te unknown. Anclltew' .6 6a.the.Jt wa.o John H. Yaltb1t0ugh, b. c.a. 1805 in NC, d. 6 Vee 1865, po.6.6.i..bl..y ,ln TN. H~ w..i..6e'J nttme Wal) Ma.Jt:t:ha. L. Manc.Lel.. John H. Y' .6 6a.the.Jt wa.o Edmund Ya.JtbJtough who ma.JrJLled Sophla. GoJ.6ei:.t IGo.6W-i.c.k J • • • .t.h.-iA ~ :the a.ncu.to11. o 6 TN c.oU.6.in ChaJLli.e. Vo you have a.ny.thing ..ln yoUJr. 1tec.01td& on :t;h,U, Anclltew?

Mdba. Tu.Uoi, w1t0te a.nd i,ai..d .&he ha.d :t.Jued to enl.a.11.ge :the pedi..gJtee c.ha.Jtt in .the la.6.t ,U,.6 ue o 6 .the newt>lett.e.Jt a.nd c.out.dn' .t get a. c.lea.Jt c.opy. I now have. .6 eve.Jt..al o 6 :the Y pedlgJtee c.ha.lLt6 a.nd a.m going to :t.a.ke .them :t.o a. pll...i..n:t i,hop he.Jte a.nd i, ee wha..t .l:t. would c.oi,:t. :t.o ha.ve .them plt.inted --- pe.Jthap.s on pa.Jtc.hmen:t. -­ and .then 066e1t .the i,e:t.i, 601t i,a.le .to in:t.eJtetde.d Ji.uea.1tc.he.JL6 •••• U mlg~.:t. be a. wa.y :t.o a.dd :t.o :the. newt>lett.eJc. c.01iu and expe.nf>U ••• wha.t 1 me.a.n:t. wa.o U m.lg1-r.:t. be. a. pMje.c.:t. .to de.6Ji.a.fJ 1iome 06 :the. new1ilette1t c.01iu. 1 c.a.n't .talk .today. I'm e.ncloi,..i..ng a. le.g.lble c.ha.Jtt 001t yoUJr. 1te.c.01tcu.. The da.y v., pa,M,ing and I'm not geztlng mu.c.h ac.c.ompt.u.fted. I mW:.t clo-0 e and get to the wa.6 h oJt 1 a,r. going .to be. we.a.Jt.ing .6 ome vu..y cLiA:ty c.lothu to w01tk next we.e.k. Ke.e.p me. po-0te.d and I' U do the. .6ame.

But w.l61:u, ~ KaJLen Maz oc.12.

( ~ '1Jon.olua ~t. 2 ~If<:., 1 l I ~rro;r:'1:-Jf, • •T, : .~ •..,' WILL OP WILLIAM tE1wY m 1llE NAm OF Ga:> AMEN I W1JJ1am Yerby ot I.ancaster County am state or v1rg1n1a.

1n tolerable health tbank8 be to God tor tbe aarm and an desirou.s to aet my b:luee

1n order as it 1a oerta1n 1"or all men IUSt die.

First I give 11\Y' aOLll. to Ood and DIV' bod;y to the earth its or1g1n 1n hopes ot a

Mure resur.rectial through the merits of Jesus Christ, 1!ff Redeemer. Beconily arter all D\V Just debts and funeral expenses be first paid its my will to diapose ot DIV' wordly g:,ods that God has blessed me with as !'olloweth, to Wit:

'nl1rdly I give to 11\Y aon 'l.bcm88 Yerby the Plantation wherein he now lives a.rd all

11\Y lams .1n NorthllDberland am Lancaster adJoinirg to the same Negros to wit:

El1J ah, Maryam, her four ycungest oh1ldren Anthol:\Y Jesse, Spencer Isaac, Hannah am Or:1tt.1n and their future increase.

Fourthly I give to ey son William T. Yerby the plantation whereon he now lives and all my land west of the road that leads from the Cabb1n Swampt to the girls bridge swa.rnp, Negroes to wit: SolaT.on Nelson & Gate, her four youngest children na.·: in his posses~imJ Ephram, P.nnie and Harry the Plasterrer and their future increase, choice of bed & furniture, one cow and calf.

Fifthly I give to my r;on C"narles I. Yerby my dwelling house and all ~" land east of the road that leads .frctn the Cabin Sw;,::rnp to the glrls brid[;e S\lra!rp, Negroes to v:it: m.cru::rd, Benjw...in, Samuel, !.llcy and c.rrl.ld, Ch..;.rlty, her three youngest children, John an:1 Chloe a."ld their future increase, Icy still, casks, b2.IT'els, tubs , apple mill, his choice of a horse, saddle and bridle, t\-:o choice cows and calves, yoke or oxen, and the apparatuses thereto belonging, mule, my gun and watch.

Sixthly I leave the Y:Jeag·- property to iey daughter Margaret Towles, Negroes to wit: Moses or value sold to Dr. Richard Stephens ror one hundred pounds, Rose, her three youngest children ro.r with her, Fredrick Gilbert. Nancy,.,Ama, Judy and her oh1ld m:1 their tuture 1ncrea.se and one bed am tumiture. In case my daughter Will of Willlam Yerby -page 2

Towles ahcuJ.d hava any more cb.1 ldren lawtUlly begotten ot ther bo

tbat D\Y Ormlam Henry W. Towles abalJ haVe an equal portion ot all the property that I lend my aforesaid daughter the mean protits or 1lhen be ca:aea or age or

marr.les with the ai'c:resaid described children. In case ft/9 atora881d ~ter dies without any such issue, it 1a then my desire that my CJranclson Henry w. Towles " to have and enjoy the whole or the prq,erey that I lend my da1.gbter Margaret tarever atter her death.

Seventb1¥ Its my desire that all my earthenware atone and china may be equally

divided between my three children Willian T. Yerby, Margaret Towles & Charles I.


EighthJ¥ Its 'tlI3 desire that the stock of cattle, cheep and oogs, oxen &o that D\Y

above named Negroes labours with shall go with them to 1ey children [the same as] my negroes.

Ninthly I g1 ve my son Charles I. Yerby the remains of my household goods, kitchen

fu...l"l'Ii.ture that is not heretofore ITl(;ntioned or may not hereafter be m~ntioned.

Tenthly Its nzy desire that the balance of my Estate not heretofore mentioned or has not been bequeathed may be equally divided between my four children., Themas Yerby.,

William T. Yerby. Margaret Tcr.·lles and Cnarles I. Yerby.

Elevent.ruy If there is 'I\10 hundred Dollars in my house either in cash or boods after cy just debts be paid I give the same to my daughter Towles to go as the

other property narred.

Twelthly Its my will and desire if either Thanas Yerby, William T. Yerby or

Margaret Towles bring forward an account against my estate 1n any case whatever

that my exera hereafter named 8hall sell as much of' the named 1n this my w.lll to the said child that may br.S.rg tbrward such a cla1m as may be surtid..¢ to discharge

the cla1m. Will or Wll11an Yerby -page 3

Thirteenth Its my will that all the property that I have heretofore lent my eai

'lllaDas Yerby, W:S J J 1 am T. Yerby, Margaret Towles, I glve 1t mw to them.

Fourteenth and lastly I do JDD1.nate and ordain my two belovad ·SCl18 Tb:nas Yerby am'*· T. Yerby Exers or this 11\V last will and testament revoking all OtbeE' will or wills heretof'are made by me and acknowledging th1.s to be my last will & testanent. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my ham. arxt att1xed D\V seal th1.a

13th day ot#March 1813. s/W1111mn Yerby Teste:

\tin Taylor John Doggett v.ful Stott Richard Cundefr

'Ihl..s havin::; by wey of a Co::licil and in addition to my will.

------a deed of trust for three necroes - - - - -(t\·;'O lines illegible) to pes for the aforesaid Charles Bell and - act as his e,cent before rne - & since that t:ime I hs.ve paid for the e.f oresaid Charles Bell the full value of this property named in the deed aforesaid mentio:icd. At the aforesaid ClE.rles and his ·wife Catty' s death the cloresaid property mentioned in the aforesaid Deed of trust is given to

~r son William T. YErby since that tirre the aforesaid Charles Bell thour;ht that I was not as safe for the stmiS of rroney I had paid for h1m as I ought to be and ·wished to make re a deed of gift which was ma.de, of the aforesaid property named 1n the Deed or trust. I have willed the at'cresaid property to my children 1n D\V will. In case either or my Ch1.ldren claims any more than I have mentioned 1n J?\Y will to them ,.. T le'V8r8UY by account or 8rt:I other~ their claim or demmd againat my estate or the prq,erty named 1n the deed ot trust .t1'al1 Charles Bell to W1U1am Yerby to Will or W1 J J 1am Yerby -page 4

secure h1l1l tar mcmey paid or that be m1~t have to pay ehall be t:aken out ot the pcrt1an g1'9811 the Aid cb1ld in rq "1ll to tblm. In w.11:maa to th1a"" Codicil to my will I hereunto aet ~ hm1 ard att1x JZtV aeal this the 13th dB¥ ot Mllrcb 1813. s/Will1am Yerby ® Testes

At a court held tar Iancaater County on the 2oth dfl3' or .April 1813. 'lbis last will and testament Md cod.tc11 or WilHam Yerby Gent. deo'd were proven according to law by the ca.tbs or John Doggett and Wn. Stott two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. NONCAPATIVE WILL OF MARIA tERm

b mmcupative 1'ill or Mar.ta Yerby ot Lancaster County ,mo departed this

11:te on th1a tb1l"teenth day of Navtmber E1gbteen hundred and ·1'orty three betore arq person cailll be procurred. to write her will, she aalled on Addam L. carter, Betsy

Ba.rricb and Charlotte T. Dc:gett to take notice that it W8.8 her will tbat ber prq:,m:'ty llDtld be diaposed ot 1n the toll.ow1rg manner to wit.

I give all Dt' negro property to ray son Janes' children.

Secondly. I give all the DDney my eon William owes me to his Children.

I give halt or the residue ot my estate except my &Iggy to my son James' ch1.ldren.

I g1ve the other half ot the residue or my estate except my Buggy to my son Willlams' children.

I wish my Buw to remain end be for the use or my son James.

Written this !3th day or November 1n presence of J. c. HeITing.

Subscribi.rc witness by

A. L. Carter s/ J. C. Herring C"narlotte T. Doggett Her Betsy X Barrich Hark

At a Court held for the Cou."lty of Lancaster this 21st day of February 1844

This paper purporting to be the nuncupative will of Maria Yerby dec'd and was produced 1n Court and being proven by the oath of Add.am L. Carter and Charlotte T.

D::>ggett that the testatrix at the t1me of Speaking the Alledged testamentary mrds therein did call on ttsn to bear test:1mony that the smm was her will and that it was made 1n the t1me or last sickness or the dee' a. at her place or residence am that ahe was or acund mind and Dl!IIIC1"Y at the tSJna or apeak1ng the sai~ wards whereUpon tbe aa1d Paper was establ.1ahed :and Ck"dered to be recorded as the nunaupat1w wUl ! 9{m 'DonofwL 9(j. 2 '1kr.t_ 11 I 'lJrrcf;puid"g, 7 t)f]602 4 " .1capati ve Will or Maria Yerby - page 2 or Maria Yerby Dec'd.

T&tlE: 8/T. a. lulnawaJ, c.c.

See Oro.er and appeal at the March Term or the C1rcuit SUper1ar Court 18IJ5 declarbg th18 Will as void also the will.


Apparently this will was contested. One possible reason is that the will of

Willia11 T. Yerby left his son \·.Tillia.11 Henry tsoo more tru::n the other children, lend.in£; all the proi)erty first to his \':ife for her widm:l-100~ or until her death.

It appear£ that lf:£.ria left the residue equally to her sons \-:ith the Bugey remaining for ths use of her son James. The minutes of the March 1845 tenn of the Circuit Superior Court sho;.ild be checked by any researe;hs1· pursuirig this lire. Karen Hazock - June 1990 ( WIIL OF WIILIAM T. YERBY

IN 'llIE ?WE OF GOD ADl!n. I W1JJ1an T. Yerby or tre camty of LBncaster and state

of v1rg1.n1a being 1n bad health do make this my last w1ll .am Testament 1n manner

and ram to~, t.hat 1a to aay atter DU just debts be paid, I give and bequeath

unto nu loving wife Maria ~ wlx>le Estate to use .tbr the support or her am her

clrl.ldren by me till they are twenty one am aohooled except the legacies herea1'ter

nentioned. One third tar lite 1t she dal't marry but it she shoUld merry then

take her third rut or D\V F.state. It is 11\V wish that son \tn. Henry Yerby have

five humred dollars mre than the rest and I do hereby appoint Sp. George

and Col. Jolm Cllann1ng (?) D\Y Exers. As my papers are very confused, I give them

one hundred dollars more 1f one qualify the whole. If both, f'.U'ty ea.ch. In

witness D\Y mnd this_ day of April 1819. ( a/William T. Yerby SEAL

Excuse the above being in haste nnd very sick.

The Exrs will find a great many little nemorandt.m1S

abt ;.200 bonds, s.ct on S. George $80 I. A. Gordon abt ~;125 apply to Sp. George.

At a co:.irt held for the County of Lancaster June 21st 1819.

This last will and testament of William T. Yerby dec'd. was proved to be

\·!holly written by the said decedent by the oaths of Charles I. Yerb:y and Benjamin M.

Walker two credible witnesses IlOr'." sworn 1n court and CII"dered to be recorded. TESTE:

Jmms Tc:Mles, Cl.

,. (Note: s. and Sp. George are probably Spencer George) WILL OF MARYANN YOPP I Maryann Yopp of Lancaster Co. do hereby make my last will and testa­ ment in manner and form following that 1s to say: I devise that all my just debts and funeral expense to be paid out of my estate and after my just debts and funeral expense be paid I then give the hole of my estate that I have now 1n possession and also all that I may have from my dear mother Elizth Yopp and also all that I may have from my dear father William Yopp to my sister Chloe Lunsford and her heirs forever, and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend and sister Chloe Lunsford executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3rd day of February 1805.

s/Maryann Yopp

William Yerby Wil 1i am I • Yerby John Yerby At a court held for the County of Lancaster on the 16th day of June 1806 this last will and testament of Maryann Yopp deed. was proved by the oath of William Yerby a witness thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste. s/James Towles e !tm 'lJonofw, ~. 2 'Bo>... 111 'B,rd;r,iridge 'Tq_76024 WILL OF JANE P~ YERBY

I Jane P. Yerby of the County of Lancaster and state of Virginia do make ordain and decree this to be my last will and testament. Article 1st, I give to my Grandson Samuel E. son of "Thomas Yerby when he shall have arrived at the age of twenty one a girl Shalom and her future increase to be held by my Executor until the above named period and also one hundred dollars of the money I have at interest I 1eave to be appropriated by my Executor the education and support of said Samuel E. Yerby and should the said Samuel E. die before he shall arive at Twenty one years of age, the above named property to go to my son Joseph Yerby to do as he may please with. Article. 2, I give to my son Joseph I. Yerby my man James with all and every piece and parcel of my property of all kinds and description and with the execption of the bonds and claims I hold against the estate of Charles w. Yerby Deed. which bonds, claims &c I give to my Grandsons William and Thomas when they shall arive at the age of twenty one and should they both die before that time then the bonds, claims &c is to go to my son Joseph I. Yerby. Article 3, I do hereby constitute and appoint and make my son Joseph I. Yerby my Executor and the Bonds, claims &c above named is to be held by him until the boy or boys arive at the age of twenty one. My son Joseph I. Yerby is to pay all of my just debts &c and after taking out the Legacies as desired I give all and everything and property I own to my son Joseph I. Yerby to do as he may please with as given under my hand and seal this 12th day of February 1851. Signed, seal and Delivered in the Presents of us s/Jane P. Yerby ~ N. P. Carcum (Harcum?)& John w. Leland & Wm. Lowi 11 Lancaster County Court August 16th 1852 the last will and testament of Jane P. Yerby deed. proved by two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on motion of the executor therein named, probate of the said will is granted to him, oath administered, bonds with security given conditioned according to law. Teste: s/Cyrus Doggett • WIIL OP HANNAH DAVIS

IN 'lHE NAME OF 00D AMEN. I Hannah Davis or Lancaster County state or V1rg1.n1.a, being very sick and weak but thanks be to Alm1.ghty tor the bleasir.g that I an

1n Jiff senses and J1B11017 cal 11 ~ to m1nd the certainty or death do make and constitute and appoint this to be ~ last will and testanent 1n mmer and torm to wit:

Item. I lend to my daughter Janetta during her natural lite two negroes 1'J8IDe4

Naase and Betty and all the pron.ta ar1a1ng tran them, together (with) a dresailg table, black walnut desk, best bed and fumiture, and I give the said to D\Y 88.1.d daughter (and) lawful issue begotten or her body forever, 1f in case DU said daughter Janetta shalld die without such issue or her body its then nu will and desire that all the property I lent to nu ~ter shall be equally d1vided between 11\Y two nieces Gracy B. Nelms and Hannah H. Nelms and their heirs forever.

I do appoint and constitute my friend Capt. William Nelms to be the whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament. In witness I haw lEreunto set nzy hand this 23d day of May 1799.

We the witnesses s1gned our names e at her request

William Yerby ) ) Her ) Cxle word interlined ) MUlie X Fenoly ) before signed ) Mark ) ) Jean Ball ) )

At a CCllrt lv3ld for Lancaster Co\mty Cl'1 the 18th day of Septenber 1799. 'll'l1s last will and testSDJ!mt of Hannah Davis deceased was proved by the oath of Jean Ball and Millie Fenola two or the witneBSeS thereto and ordered to be reoarded. 'l'ES'.L'.E: s/ Henr:Y 'l'arles ••Cleric e !l(m 'Dono~ ~-2 ~111 '13,rd;pin.fat 'Tv._76024 WILL OF MARY YERBY

July the lotb 1822. As lite is uncertain and it being 11\V' w:1Sh tar~ a1ater

Catherine Yerby Chand what I hold as to lt\V prq,erty estate 1t ahe emuld out live me. Her Mary X Yerby Merk e

At a crurt held tor the Colmty or I.ancaster on the 21st d83' or July 1823.

'lh1.s La.st Will and Testament ot Mm7 Yerby was proved 1n open com-t by the oath or 'IllaJBs Isley Johnf'ield me or the witnesses thereto end ordered to be recorded.

a/Benjamin Walker, Cl• e


IN THE NAftE OF GOD AMEN. I William Davis or I.ancaster County and state or

V1rg1n1a do CC11Stitute am appo:1nt th18 to be my last will and testament 1n manner end form as rolloweth:

I lend unto my lovirg wite Hannah Davia all my estate (me~) real mi personal as 1mg aa she l1ves, except when 11\Y dear daughter Janetta canes to the age of twnty years or marries it 18 my desire that she ney have ally as much ot

11\V estate then as my dear wife can spare, wit:tx>ut disabling her own 11~. After the death or my dear w1re, I g1 ve unto Jiff daughter Janetta DaV:1.s all my estate both real and personal except the negroes that cane by Ilt'f dear wife which negroes

I g1ve to her and rar her to dispose or as she pleases; In case my daughter Janetta should die haV1l'lg oo child it 1s lt'f desire that the estate appointed for her ehoUl.d be equally divided among my dear sister ft'k>lly Jooes children oo the eastern soore

( or) Maryland, Worcester county. I do appoint my loving wif'e Hannah Davia executrix of this my last will and testament made this 27th day of June 1798.

s/ W. Davis

I further desire JTt'{ brothers 1n law Joseph Ball an:i David Ball join as exeautars with their sister Davis or this my last will am teetanent.

Signed in the presence of s/W. Davis

De.Yid Ball Jun. Jean Ball Her Mill X Fenoly Mark

I further desire as there 1s little prospect of 11\Y dear wife living to raise nzy- daughter Janetta, that capt. William Nelns and his wife shall take my daughter to bring up and raiae until or age tar which kimness I give unto the said Nelms

& wife rey top chaise and white. oorse rorever. L1.kew1se.. l2l'f negro~ wanan kmwn by 1(,;n 'Donofw.e 1($. 2 'Bo:;; 111 11,rc.(p,i,.Jgt 'foJ6024 Will or William Davis - Page 2 the nmm or Betty C&asity and her three children Jack, JSJIY!a am Anthony to @PId.th my daugjlter Janetta to Oept. Nel1IB am wite and tlel'\'e them until DW' daughter aball marr.v or care to the years or twenty am u the .11B1d Betty Caaaity amuld. have children 1n the time it 1s my desire that the aaid capt Nelms daughter Hannah

Hanya Nelm awuld ba.'Ve them forever. Atter tbe apiration ot the time (nu daughter mar.ry1ng or c~ to the age or tventy years) it 1s Jiff dea1re that Betty Caaa1ty

Bhell be f'ree forever. It my dear wite ahcJ.lld live an:i incline to sell my Ji,antation

1n order to purchase am. appropriate the money 1n land elsewhere, it 1s 11\Y w1ll ' mi desire that she s:tx>uld at 8rf3 time, and tte land bought to go and descem as before mentia'led. I wish my negro mm .Alse aol.d end the nx,ney put to use

kind may proper. I as laid ou.t 1n the sane or property as~ executors see s/W. Da"lis

Si~ 1n the presence or

David Ball Jr. Jean Ball Her Milly X Penoly Mark

At a court held for Ianoaster CoWlty on the 18th day or Sept 1799

'lh1s last will or William Davie was proved by the oaths of Jean Bell arJ.i

Milly Fenola two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.

'l'ES'l'E: s/Henry Towles, Clerk

I l r .. / IN '!BE NAME CP 00D AMEN I W:1ll1am Deggea or the County ot Iancaster and Pariah of

Qir.!.st Qmrcb being wry sick 1n body but sound m1r¥1 thanks be to the Alm1gbty

God and celling to mlnd the mrtallty or all tleah end that it 1s appointed tor

all aen anoe to d1e do mak8 am ordain tb1a to be my last will and testament 1n mmmer and tmm as tollowetb vii::

1st and pr.lnc1pally I gt.ve and- bequeath my aclll. to God who gave it and 11\f t>«,y I

eamand to the earth :tran lfhenoe it came hop~ tar a joyf'ul. resurrecticm Cl'l tbe day· when soul and boc\v 'tdll be reunited again.

2nd and as tar what worldly goods it hath pleased God to bless me with ot all kinds whatever I wish sold tor its worth and t.he mmey ar.1.Birg theren-an to be put upon interest and 1 ts use [ to see] my daughter I.ucy K. Degges be sutr1c1ent supported. and educated an the (sane]. I give to my daughter I.ucy K. Degges all the said mcriey and interest ar.J.sing !'ran the sale of my estate as before mentioned to her and her lawful heirs torever. It it shcw.d (happen Ocxi] takes her before she sh:>uld nrarcy or arive to the age of twenty years it is m.:v 1d.ll and desire that all IIzy' estate

should be din.dad as follcweth Viz: bet-.een Jane c. Lipscanb, Catherine c. Mitchell am. Cat.herine Sewel Ct) equally. It 1B my desire the set or silver tea spoons be not sold but to remain am be delivered to my dauet\ter Jane Degges as she may be in want or them. It is my desire that Jane Degges 8l'x>uld mve my Bible.

I do hereby naninate and appoint nw friend David P. Mitchell as executor to this my last w1ll and testauent whereof I ha.Ve herewith set my ham and seal this 14th day ot ~ 1n the year of our lord ane tb:>Usend e:1.ght luldred and three.

a/ W1J11an Degges SEAL

a1gned & aclmowledged ) 1n preaenae or ) !be word Jifle Spencer George ) interlined .. John Brent ) before signed Will or Wllllam Degges - page 2

At a Ca.irt held tor the Lancaster Ccunty on the 29th day or June 1803.

Thia lut will and testament or WU l 1an Degges dee' d. was proved by the oath or Spencer George a witness thereto and ordered to -be recarded am on the 1110t1on or David P. Mitchell as the executor therein named wlx> made oath hereto am ·toegether with Richard Mitchell, Joseph laster (7) Jr. aD1 Peter Burne h1a aeourities entered uito and aaknafledged their bald .1n the 8lln or tour thcusarx1 dollars con:litioned as tbe law d1recta an:1 ab1n1.atl'aticm 1s granted h1m tor obtaining a probate thereof 1n due tom.

James Towles, ct.


I desire that as aeon arter m:, death as may be convient all or my just debts may be paid out ot tbe IID1l!Y 1n hand or the sums due me on bonds, accts. &c whiah I • calculate will be nearly or quite auffloient to accx,rpl.1.sh that object: 1t howevwr tbcee 118&118 shculd not be suffl.o.1.ent, I 1d.ah my atook or cattle w.lth th9 exoept1cn or tour m1lch ccn and two yoke ot oxen and any other artiole that can be conveniently apared to be sold and -applied to that object, llhich being inautt1c1ent, as much cord IIC>Cd and cbesnut rail timbers may be d:l.apmed or as aball suffice to d1acharge tbe balanoe ot the debt. I wish no sale whatever at the estate with the excepticm or what I have al.ready mentioned.

I desire that m:, estate may rmrB1n together and that 'llr.f wife am children may occl.l)Y and enjoy the rann as they do at present until my son Samuel ahall arrive at the age or twenty one years. If mwever nw wit'e should ma.t'l')' or d1e betore my son

Sanuel sball arrive at the age of' twenty one years, I desire that the l.em ~ be sold for the maintenance & educatiat or my chUdren until he shall arrive or age.

I then wish him to [be in] charge of' the whole estate, land, servants & &C, and with tlx>Be memm I desire that all nw children may be as generally maintained ·and as the res~ will mnit or. I also desire that nu wite Bhall be ma1nta.1ned cut or tbe sane means and ao long as she may live, prov1ded she does mt marry. Ir the pron.ts or the estate should be round 1nsurt'icient to maintain and educate my chlldren, I w1ah as nuch cord wood and chesnut tiJrber sold annually as will suffice ror that purpose. Ir after 5amuel arr:1. ws at the age of twenty one 8l\Y of h1s sisters ab:>Uld desire a d1via1cn or property either !ran having married or tran other cause, then such ahlld may haft divided to her one fourth or JIG1 Negroes ... prq,erty prov'ided all tair of iey daughters be then living, if not, I wish it divided aocording to the m:mber, so lcmg as my c:iauDlters rana1n single,. I gtve.. each or them a h:.'me 1n m:, bane. Ir srq ot my children shall die wit.hwt lepl heir, I desire Will of Samuel Yerby - page 2 that the prq,erty or each ch1ld devised tran me Bbal.l be d1V1ded amoog all or aw survi~ ch1.l.dz,en. I gf:ve to nr, 8Cl1 Semuel D\Y plantation on which I reside, together with all or the convenient and necessary articles on the ram, 'Mhich he

1s to receive t.ran his mothers ponessicms be~ to the estate 8UOh as stock, f'umiture, r~ inplaaents &o &o le. I give to Matilda P. Yerby rey silver ladle an1 large silver apocns. I give to Frances E. Yerby DtY gold watch and silver teaspoon. I desire that nr,r tr1em Doctcr Charles W. Lelan1 Bhal1 qua11ty as my adm1.n:1strator and becane guardian or 11\V children. Given umer my band on this 16th day or March 1843. a/Samuel Yerby Witness e Octavius LawsCl'l Javid Yerby 3.lph &Donds

At a ccurt held tor the County or Lancaster on the 15th day or Jt"ay 1843.

This last will am testanent or Ssm.lel Yerby was proved 1n open court by the oath or IaV1d Yerby & the aff1nnat1on or Ralph EdnDlds two of the witnesses an:i ordered to be recorded.

T. G. nmnawa.v, C. C.

:: ~~ t I "' ~ "· .. ~ ·. ~ ·:-:·. ·\''~•:;, ""',:. - ·.. {.~:.· ~ ·--/~-·:·

bli,\~ft•Al~~~A~.i.-., ,6. ;~ ~-;-~· ~ · --- ,_

' . V';'rJ ·::y • ,l,i. '-<-

'''he i ve ,,rill of TT ar.nah Y00 roy 0f' L:mcrrn Lcr Cour:tv who on th Thirteenth day of Eir;hteen hund:'.'eri and fort~· any person could he r,rocur:red to unite her will, she ''ets;,r ~\1rrich and ';l;a:roltte T. to take that it ,,,,,s h'.'r ' ld r, c1 :J ::;~··oscd of in the f'JJJ manner to jt. --- 2] 1 T,.'T D;'CD,,1 to "''·' ,3,,··: .T co"1f::3 I

other holf of tLe :residue of "•7 esL'.'t excr:·nt ~1y c·: i J/·· en t0 re:Lain m1d ~,..or the use of son ~J:1.r1es. , Trj of in presence nf J.C. Herrin~

,T. G. He:rrinp:

",etsy X '"'ark

At a ::imrt held for U-:e of Lancaster cia:r of ?ebn:a17 this na, er to :1e the noncuperative will of Hannah 01' 1'1aria and presented in Court and proven by the oath ::if Addum L. -'arter and Charlotte T. that the testator at the time of the Alledged the 1·e.; n did call on th8m to tes-;:a""'ony that the sa:rne was her W.JS at tlle time of sickness of the dee·. dG her place of and she w;:is of sound mind and memory at the of speaking the said wn:,rds whereupon the sairl. Paper was established and Ordered to be recorded as the noncuperative will of Maria Yerb:v deed. Teste. T.C'r. Dunnuw~ C.C. Cg To order and approve at the o.: the ·":ircui t Supreme Court lfl/15 declarfog this -----as said aiso the • 1 , , 0 . :c .· ,, ,· ~,,,d '."',c;:·, _, T illi:Jr'1 Davis of Lancac5tr;r County and state of ''~ rr·) r·i~i i;., r'.-· ,~.st i tute 2nd anpoint this tc he ny last ·ri 11 anc test;;n\er.t in nanr.er · • ,. ,,.. ,, :::s f".] lo·,,ett ' l n:,rj ,: +r, '":· J ovinp, ','ife Hannah ravis all '11Y estate (meanir:p) real and ccr,:;,~.Y:al ,s Jonr: as she lives, except when my dear daughtE,r Janetta comes to the a:~e r;t' tHenty years or rcarries it is ~y desire that she ciay havr~ only as -~;ice: ,,f 1\V est::ite then as '11Y dear ,,Jife can SDare, without disabelinr; her cnrn liv~:c;:r, ;:ifter the dec1th of rny de,n· wife, I p:i.ve lmto "Y daughter Janetta ~Javis ,, 1 -,·, ec;tate both roal and nersonal exr:ent the negroes that carne by m\· ciei"n' -~ "n ·:11jc 1, n3r,rr:)es I p:ive to her :cind ''or her to c1isn')~ , f cts she nlwisc,i.

-~: ~a~r; "·1 ~/ cJau;··i1t~-r Janetta si10~1lO c~-i e hrrv·i_r:p: i~J child it is '":--i:1.r ciesi)"G th:;t 1 ,· ,~ 0 t,ir; :j,,1Jointecf:1r ':c,r equ.:,_ll·r , " vi.c;ed · iJ:je -=.cs c 1·,i l r!·r(:-n on -J, 1-.0 s ha1· n ',:; r·.·1,, ~.r.1

l '~ J.l

! ,:-_ -

c;:1_,.' Y-lC:C~ /- ~ 1-<:; T-! ~;-· C .~ ,~:r CC'. .: F' rr\~:_n ·-:~11 }!1. ean -1::1I1 .. er -~J]ie ;' ':n,-Tles .:,1r:<.·

f"n·tr:er ,,.,~:, as t1.en'o Lo l")tle rresnect nf --;v deaY' 1 -rife bivinf{ longer t ar: • T. c:ia,__;,·1,t,'"'r Jsmetta trial ":apt. 'i11:i.am ::::,l:'"s anc:l his ,rife slw.. 11 tal:e ,,y da; "':1-',t0r tTa.netta to bring up ~rr1d r:iisf~ i1nt.j_l of 3p;e for ~·rhich I gi'.re unto the sclid r.TPl~n~s 2:1d '.-,j :e ''1_'.7 tr:ne c 1,inn :md wh-i te b,Yr:,e fro,r. ljkewise rr.-' :Jep;ro ,-Toman _':nown }),- t1l2 nar-1e of 'etty ('assit:.' and hi=;r c1:ildren ,Jack, James, and f..nthony to go ·Hh my daur:;ht,,,r Janetta to ;\Je1ms and ':Iife and sen.re them urntil r1·• c1c1urhter s~al] rnarry or comes to the are of tw0nty, and if the said netty ~assitv shnuld h;we chi.lcnm then it is :iY desire that t 0 e said Capt. Nc·,Lr.s daup;htN H;:mnah •cary 'ielrns shou1d have ther:1 forever afte·r the expj ration of the time of riy daushter >r:arring or coming to the ap-e o:£ twenty years it is my desire that ::ietty Ca:-,sity shall be frc,e forever. If my dear wife should live and inrline to sell my plc1rntation in order to nurchase and anporate the 'T,oney in land somewhere, it is ""·" 'iTilJ and desire that she sl1ould at any ii1ne ;md the land so bour,ht to p-o and arces,; and before ·~entioned. I wish my nep;ro "'an A11e into and the rr.oney nut to use or l;:iid out in the s:::r1e kind of nrone··ty as "1Y executors may se pron er.

S~Fned in the nresence of ravi d "all ,Tr. Jean nall 1 T. T"avis '~er 1~.nril 9, 1799 ,:illie -x __ Towles '"ark

Tn County Court for Lav:,ster Countv on the 11th dsy of SepteP1ber 1799. The last will ;md teshment of Wj llia~ Davis and was nroven by the oaths of thA above 1,ri tnesses thereto and ordered to be rer:orded. •

Teste. Henry Towles Clerk Index


Adamson, Andrew 105 Baker 114 Alden, Elizabeth 113 Elizabeth 112 Alderson, John 40 Baldwin, John 105 Aldin, Jane 111 Ball 88, 104 Allen, John 41 David 88, 104, 129 Allen, Martha 41 Elizabeth 88, 104 Allen, William 41 Jean 127, 129-130 Allison 32 Margaret 104 Walker 32 Mary 14 Anders, Nancy 109 Richard 88, 104 Anderson 105, 108-109 Samuel 88 Ann 105 Sarah 88, 104 Catherine 105 Ballard 44, 102 Dorothy 109 Elijah 50, 103 Elizabeth 105, 109 Ban, Margaret 88 Frances 105 Barby, Harriet 105 Harriet 109 Barham, Benjamin 105 Henry 105 Barker, Katherine 88 James 105 Barlow, George 105 Joseph B. 109 Barlow, Judith 110 Matthew 105 Baskerville, Samuel 106 Nancy 105 Basye, Catherine 46 Robert 105 Batchelder 113 Susan 105 Catherine 112 Andres, Elizabeth 26 John 111-112 Angell, Elizabeth 105 Samuel 111 Angell, John 105 Bathern, Elizabeth 42 Angell, Mary 105 Baugh 109 Angell, Rober 105 Martha 110 Archer, Elizabeth 105 Bayes, Lucy 26 Archer, Henry 105 Beale 32, 88, 115 Archer, John 105-106 Clinton 115 Archer, John R. 109 David 115 Archer, Judith 106 Frances 115 Archer, Richard 106 George B. 115 Armistead 109 Margaret 115 John 111 Mary 115 Judith 49 Richard 115 Armstrong, Ann 26 Richard E. 115 Asselin, David 111 William 115 Aubrey, Nelly 26 Bean, Martin 114 Beasley, Stephen 108 Bedford, Martha 108 Hannah 106 Bell 24, 40 Hobert 106 Benjamin 105 Jean 106 Charles 120 Judith 106 Jean 130 Martha 106 Bellamy, Robert 106 Mary 106, 109 Bennett, Elizabeth 105 Nancy H. 109 Bennett, John 102 Nancy M. 109 Bentley, Mary 106 Richard 106 Bently, John 106 Richard D. 109 Bently, Judith 106 Sally B. 109 Bently, Rachel 106 Sally M. 109 Betton, Solomon 44 Sarah 106 Beven, Francis 112 Sarah M. 109 Bibb, William 106 William M. 109 Binford 26 Booth 26, 110 Lilian 40 William 110 Mary 40 Boswell, William 22, 92 Bird, Frances 112 Bott 110 Biscoe, Robert 88, 104 Robert 106 Blackburn, Hannah 112 Sarah 110 Blackburn, Roger 113 Bowden, Mary 26 Blackley 26 Bowdoin, James 78 Robert 113 Bowdoin, Peter 78 Blackwell, Robert 40 Bowers, Betsy 26 Blake, Betty 113 Branch, Betty 36 Blake, John 112-113 Branch, Elizabeth 36 Blakey, Elizabeth 112 Brand 106 Bland, Clara 106 Benjamin 110 Bland, Edward 106, 109 Edward 106-107 Bland, James 109 Peter 106 Bland, John 109 Susie J. 110 Blankensopp, Sally T. 109 Thomas 106, 110 Boatman, William 45 William 106, 109 Bohannon, John 22, 92 Braxton, Carter 111 Boisnard, John 78 Bray, Frances 112 Bolling 26, 41 Bray, James 112 Harriet C. 109 Breed, Mary 34 Mary T. 109 Breedlove, Mary 34 Booker 106, 108-110 Brent 59, 63, 75, 86-88, 90, 104 Ann 106, 109 Ann 53, 58, 74, 84, 89 Caroline 109 George 41 Caroline M. 109 Hugh 88, 104 Daniel 106 James 88, 104 Davis 106 John 131 Edmund 108 Judy 58, 74, 84, 89 Edward 105-106 Mary 88 Elizabeth 106, 109 Bridgeworth, John 31 Bristow, Samuel 113 Carter, Margaret 88 Broda, Edward 110 Carter, Mary 112 Broda, William 106 Carver, John 50, 103 Bronaugh, Margaret 115 Cary, Mary 54 Brooche, Ann 29 Cassity, Betty 130 Brooche, Susanna 29 Catlett, Sarah 30 Brooking 106 Cauthon, John 102 Sarah 110 Cauthorne, Richard 29 Brookmg, Elizabeth R. 110 Cawick, Catherine 112 Brosier, Joseph 88, 104 Chandler, Elizabeth 22 Brough, Coleman 22, 92 Chaney 34 Broughton 29 Ann 34 Brooke A. 30 Cheyney, John 34 Brown, Ann 40 Chichester, Richard 88, 104 Brown, Elizabeth 42, 80 Chilton 45 Brown, James 67, 91, 112 Thomas 104 Brown, John 88, 104 William 45 Browne, Elizabeth 114 Chinn, John 113 Bryan, John 35 Chinn, Joseph 88, 104 Bryant 33 Chowning, Thomas 103 Betty 113 Christ, Jesus 118 John 40 Churchill 111-113 Mary 112 Hannah 113 William 40 Claiborne, James 110 Buckner, John 49 Claiborne, John 107, 110 Buekner, John 83 Claiborne, Kate 107 Buford, Lillian 40 Claiborne, Lucy 110 Burges, Charles 88, 104 Claiborne, Nancy 110 Burk, Elizabeth 112 Claiborne, Ward 107 Burn, Sally 105 Claiborne, William 107 Burwell 112 Clare, John 112-113 Nathaniel 113 Clements, Jean 109 Bush 34 Clements, Nancy 106 Isaac 88, 104 Cloudas, John 31-32 Butler, Nancy 109 Co, Amelia 31, 68, 73 Co, Caroline 112 C Co, Charlotte 102 Co, Frederick 20, 91-92 Callaway, Frances 35 Co, James 15 Carpenter 88, 104 Co, King William 15 Benjamin 110 Co, Lincoln 54 Carr, Garland 40 Co, Louisa 92 Carrell, Katherine 105 Co, Mason 100, 115 Carrington, George 109 Co, Mecklenburg 26 Carter, Augustine 53, 58, 74, 84, 89 Co, Nash 38 Carter, Betty 113 Co, Prince William 86 Carter, Dale 53, 58-59, 61, 63, 74-75, 84, Co, Shelby 35 86, 89-90 Cobb 110 Edith 107 Edward 100 John C. 107 Custis 78 Samuel 107 Thomas 78 Cobbs, Charles 35 Cobbs, Judith 106 D Cobbs, Sarah 106-107 Cock 107 Daniel 24, 36, 42, 91, 108, 110, 113 Anne 107 Anne 20 Elizabeth 107 Clara 112 Elizabeth A. 110 Esther 112 Jane G. 110 George 112-113 Cocke 44 Mary 112 Agnes 107 Rachael 112 Elizabeth 106-107 Richard 113 Judith E. 106 Robert 32, 112 Martha 105 William 112 Nancy Chastain 106 Darby, John 114 Stephen 107 Dart, John 103 Thomas 107 Davenport, Joseph 100 Cocks, Jesse 105 Davenport, Rachael 88, 104 Coe, John 107 Davis 40, 59, 63, 67, 88, 104, 129, 136 Cofield, William 114 Amy 61, 63, 75, 90 Coleman 54 Andrew 112 Catherine 29 David 67 Robert 67, 86 Hannah 127 Collier, Sally 26 Jane 114 Collier, Stephen 105 Judith 50, 103 Conner, Winifred 114 Richard 113 Conway 88, 104 Sarah 100 James H. 110 Silas 40 Coo, Warren 38 Thomas 42 Cook, Sylvia 107 William 129-130 Cooke, James 107 Dawnay, Faith 9 Cooke, Thomas 22, 92 Dean 19, 32 Corbin, Richard 113 Elizabeth 26 Cousins, Elizabeth 110 Degges 24, 131 Cowan, Jane 42 Hannah 88, 104 Cowles, Edmund 113 Jane 131 Cowley, Margaret W. 33 Dennis, Elizabeth W. 78 Cox 24 Dennis, Sarah 78 Frances 74, 84, 89 Dever, Elisabeth 40 Crew, Judith 102 Dew, Ann 31 Crew, Ruth 26 Dial, John 55 Crofford, Henry 105 Dick, Eleanor 44 Cross, John 107 Digges, Cole 100 Crowder, Thomas 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Digges, Dudley 112 Cundeff, Richard 120 Dillaid, George 41 Curd 100 Dobbs, James 109 Dobson, George 53, 58, 74, 84, 89 Edmunds, John 110 Dobyns, Daniel 34 Edmundson, Thomas 40 Dodd, Daniel 42 Edwards, Elias 94-95 Dogett, Charlotte T. 122 Edwards, Hannah 45, 53, 58, 74, 84, 89, Doggett 45, 50, 54, 102-103, 122 102 Cyrus 126 Edwards, Jane 105 John 120-121 Edwards, John 87 Doll 27 Edwards, Ralph 134 Catherine 50 Edwards, Thomas 88, 100, 104 Dollins, Elizabeth 103 Eggleston 110 Donaldson, Sally 42 Ann 110 Dorsett, Walter 44 Edward 109 Dowdy, John 102 John 110 Dowell, James 105 Joseph 106, 112 Dreer, Rebecca 105 Judith C. 110 Drown, John 103 Richard 110 Drury, Peggy 26 Richard B. 110 Dudley 36, 113 Robert 107, 110 Anne 112 William 109 Edward 105 Eisby, Martha 105 Lucy 113 Elizabeth, Judith 110 Duncan 42 Elliott 36, 49, 73, 83 George 40 Anthony 49 Dunlevy, Ann 113 George 49, 83 Dunn 29 John 49, 83 Jane 29 Robert 83, 111 Dyke 29-30, 34 Ellis 40 Bertha Lucy 34 Benjamin 105 Betty Louise 34 Martha G. 110 Elizabeth 30 Epes, Amy 110 Henry N. 34 Epes, Freeman 107 John 29 Eppes, Betty 55 Judith 34 Eppes, John 55, 107 Mary 29 Eppes, Mary 107 Susanna 29 Eustace, William 35 Thomas Evelyn 34 Evans 103 Dymer 59, 61, 63, 75 Rhoda 50, 103 Francis 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 William 105 Exum, William 100 E F Eastham, Hobert 112 Ediwards Hannah 84 Fagan, Martha 112 Edmonds 26, 49 Falkner, John 111 Elias 66, 94-95 Farmer, Stephen 105 Edmondson 32 Farner, James 102 Constance 34 Farris, Betty 55 John 34 Faulkner 29 Henry 34 Gauldier, William 105 Fauntleroy 22, 44-45, 92 George, Jesse 44 Margaret 22 George, John 113 Fdwnrtlst, John 92 George, Judith 102 Fearn 112 George, Margaret J. 46 George 112 George, Sarah 50 John 112 George, Susannah 112 Judith 111 Gibbons, Mary 105 Thomas 113 Gibson 44-45, 60 Featherston, Dorothy 110 Elizabeth 31 Fendley 31-32 Robert 88, 104 Thomas 34 Sally 22, 57 Fenola, Millie 127 Sarah 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Fenola, Milly 130 William 45 Finney, Fanny 107 Giffres 31 Finney, John 107 Winifred 31 Finney, Lucy 106 Gilbert 42 Finney, Martha 107 Ezekiel 88, 104 Finney, Nancy 110 Fredrick 118 Finnry, Anne 110 Giles 110 Fitzhugh 41 Patty 110 Thomas 113 Rebecca W. 110 Fleet 88, 104 William 107-108 Henry 88, 104 William B. 107 Judith 88, 104 Gill, Alexander 113 Flowerdew, Temperance 20, 91 Gillenton, Susannah 102 Ford, Ann 107 Glascock, Richard 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Ford, Cynthia 109 Glasscock, George 88, 104 Ford, Dorothy 39 Goare, Henry 55 Ford, Elizabeth 107 Gooch, John 107 Foster, Thomas 112 Gooch, William 107 Fox 88, 104 Goode 100, 105 David 13 Elizabeth Branch 100 Frances, John 114 Thomas 110 Frances, Mary 34 Gookin, John 20, 91 Francis 20, 30, 36, 91, 105, 109-110 Goose, Elizabeth 109 Henry 12 Gordon 24 John 44 Alexander 115 Fryby, John 114 Polly 109 Gore, Elizabeth 80 G Goringe, Charles 114 Graham, William 35 Galbraith, Robert 88, 104 Grant, Elizabeth 55 Gardner, Martha 88, 104 Grantham, Martha 105 Gardner Mary Ann 113 Grantham, Sarah 105 Garland, Fanny F. 110 Gravatt, Judy 55 Garland, Nancy 107 Gray, Thomas 114 Garlington, Christopher 88, 104 Green, Rebecca 108 Greenhill 107 William 67 Lucy 107 Harrison 41 Pascal 107 Carter 41 Sarah 107 Nathaniel 54 William 107 Richard 88 Greenwood 34 Hart, Joseph 105 Ann 34 Harvie, Thomas 114 Robert 55 Harwood, Thomas 114 Gresham, James 67 Hawkes John 108 Griffin, Louisa 44 Hay, John 42 Grisset, James 40 Hazock, Karen 123 Grizard, Priscilla 40 Head, Sarah P. 110 Grymes, Benjamin 113 Henderson, James 106 Grymes, Charles 30 Henderson, Robert 106 Grymes, Sarah 30 Hendley, Elizabeth 105 Grymes, Susannah 113 Hendrick, Judith 26 Gunter, Sarah 26 Henry, Susanna 41 Guthery, Anne 113 Henry, Thomas 15 Hilcombe, Martha M. 111 H Hill 31, 41, 92 James 55, 106 Habers, Roger 31 John 50, 103 Hack, Nicholas 88, 104 Leonard 112 Hackney 113 Mary 22 Elizabeth 113 Richard 41, 44 Sarah 113 Hills, Nancy 105 Hall, Anne 106 Hinde 102 Hall, Mildred 100 Thomas 102 Hall, Nathan 41 Hinds 114 Hall, Nathaniel 55 James 33 Ham, Jerome 86 Hix, Sarah 102 Hamb, Kitty 107 Hlll, Elizabeth 31 Hamlin, Charles 107 Hobinson, Christopher 111 Hancock, William 40 Hobson, James 110 Hardaway, Stephen 106 Hobson, William 88, 104 Hardee 112 Hodges, Elizabeth 105 Charles 112 Hodges, John 67 John 112 Hodges, Sally 114 Hardin, Lucy 113 Holt, Annie 105 Hardin, Thomas 112 Holt, Dudley 108 Hardway, Daniel 107 Holt, William 100 Harrel, Alexander 55 Hord, Sarah 102 Harrie, Mary 88 Hott 102 Harris 22, 75, 92 William 102 Betty 90 Howson 88, 104 Charlotte 26 Leonard 88, 104 Mary 104 Hoyall, Elizabeth 109 Thomas 40 Hoyall, John 109 Hubbard, Ann 86 Henry 29 Hubbard, Betty 83 Mary 31 Hubbard, Joseph 87 Johnston, Charles 35 Hubbard, Mary 45, 58, 89, 102 Joliffe 20, 91 Hubbard, Matthew 86 Phoeby 20, 91 Hubbard, Thomas 16, 49, 54, 101 Jon, Peter 107 Hubbard, William 54 Jones 22, 36, 92, 106-108, 110, 112-113 Hudnall, John 53, 58, 74, 84, 89 Abraham 108 Hudson, Mary C. 107, 109 Ann 104, 108 Hullins, John 102 Daniel 41, 108, 115 Hundley 30 David C. 110 Marta 30 Dorothy 108 Nancy 30 Edward 41, 108 Hunt, Nancy J. 110 Elizabeth 108 Hunter, John 44 Fred 105 Hunton 24, 88, 104 Harrison 108 Thomas 104 Hobert 108 Hurtly, Richard 114 John 102, 108 Hutchings, Richard 46 Maria W. 110 Hutchinson, Nancy 110 Martha 108 Mary 108 I Mary E. 42 Ingram, Joseph D. 40 Peter 108 Irby, Charles 107 Rebecca W. 110 Irby, Edward 107 Richard 34, 41, 108 Irby, John 107 Richard B. 108 Irby, Susie 109 Samuel 108 Irby, William 105 Sarah 108, 110 Isaac, Spencer 118 Seth W. 110 Iveson, Richard 113 Thomas 108 William 55, 86 J Jordan 41, 51, 107 John 54 Jackson 29 Samuel 44 Elinor 78 K John 112 Jacob 26, 109 Katherine 20, 42, 53, 58, 84, 102 Susanna 103 Mary 113 James, Caroline 110 Keeble, Walter 112 James, John 103 Keene, William 88, 104 Jameson, Hannah 20 Keezee, Nancy 26 Jamison, Andrew 35 Kelley, Blanche 88 Jefferson, George 110 Kelly 23 Jefferson , John E. 109 Jesse 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Jeffries, Richard 29 Nancy 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Jete, Elizabeth B. 110 Kemp, Ann 112 Johnson 29 Kemp, Mary 111 Elizabeth 114 Kemp, Thomas 112 Kent, John 45 Longwith, John 103 Ker, Rebecca 105 Lovelace, Bridget 31 Kerney, James 102 Low, Andrew 113 Kessler, Ophelia 68 Lowe, Sarah 102 Kidd, James 55 Lowry, William 100 Kidd, William 113 Loyal, John 88, 104 Killgore, Mary 53, 58, 74, 84, 89 King, John 114 M King, Judith 88, 104 Kirk 45, 49, 53, 56, 58-59, 63, 74-75, 84, Major, Thomas 110 90 Manire, Polly 71 Ann 59, 63, 75, 88, 90, 104 Mann, John 110 Eliza 59, 61, 63, 75 Marshall, Martha 108 Elizabeth 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Martin, Catherine 88 James 45, 59, 61, 63, 74-75, 83, 89-90 Martin, James 54 Judith 56, 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Mason, Rebecca W. 107 Mary 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Maud, Henrietta 107 William 56, 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 McAuslan, Duncan 42 Knight, John 40 McCarthy, Denis 88, 104 McCauley, John 34 L McClure, Susanna 35 McDaniel, Agnes 42 Ladd, Sarah E. 33 McGuinnis, Bryan 115 Lancaster, Mary 105 McGuinnis, Margaret 115 Lanier, Robert 40 McIntosh, Mary 42 Laughlin, Thomas 111 McNeill, Sarah 42 Laughton, Ursula 113 McTyre 32 Lavell, Sarah 40 Henry 32 Lawson 88, 104 John 103 Nicholas 53, 58, 74, 84-85, 89 McWilliams, Thomas 102 Lear 24 Meacham 113 John 92 Elizabeth 111 Lee 24, 58, 74, 84, 113 James 112 Charles 88, 104, 111 Mary 112 Dorothy 113 Meade, Hobert E. 109 Leanna 112 Meade, Murray 110 Richard 114 Meathan, Leonard 106 Leigh 110 Medley, Judith 55 John 107 Mercer, Hannah 44 Lewis, Mary 107 Meredith 45, 47, 58, 75, 83-84, 90 Lewle, Henry 30 Elizabeth 45, 71 Lister, Sarah 112 Milehan, Samuel 88, 104 Lock, Steven 16, 21 Milla, James 29 Lokman, Richard 113 Miller, John 66, 94-95 Long, William 114 Miller, Oliver 54 Longvith, Judith 50 Miller, William 88 Longwith 103 Mills, Elizabeth 114 Longwith John 50 Mills, Jesse 40 Minson, William 114 Hannah H. 127 Minter, John 29 William 127, 129 Minter, Judith 29 Nelson, Jane 114 Minter, Susannah 29 Nicholl, Mary 88 Mitchell 131 Nichols 100 David P. 131-132 Mary 104 Richard 16, 132 Norris, Henry 86 Monroe, John 42 Norris, Joseph 86 Montagne, Jane 112 Norris, Martin 44 Montague 31, 88, 104 Northcutt, Elizabeth 40 Charlotte 112 Nutt 24 Thomas 109 James 54 Moody, Granville 106 Moore, Abel 110 O Morgan 31, 50 Charles 50, 103 Oliver 20, 35, 91 John 113 William 55 Samuel 107 Ormstreet, Moses 106 Morris 108 Overstreet, Mary 50 Eliza 88 Overton, Elizabeth 109 Morriss, Henry 44 Moryson, Charles 92 P Mosby 41 Edward 41 Pace, Jane 26 Jesse 106 Pal, Isaac 32 Moseley 107, 110 Palmer 32 Edward 110 Priscilla 88 William 108 Parker, Nancy 100 Moss, Edward 40 Parkinson, Mary B. . 109 Mountague, Catherine 112 Parkinson, Thomas J. 109 Mountague, Philip 113 Parrott, Judith 55 Mountague, William 112 Pasquet, Jerome 88 Moxley, Bennett 108 Pasquet, John 53, 58, 74, 84, 89 Mtlone, Sally 55 Patrick 42, 100 Mumford, William 109 Sarah 26 Munford, Martha 106 Patty 41 Murray 41, 113 Lucy 22 Robert 112 Paxton, Elizabeth 35 Payne 41 N John 67 Robert 67 Naylor, Mary 114 Payton, Martha 107 Neale 80 Peatman, Frances 40 William 80 Penick, Lucy 26 Neil 42 Pennington, Elizabeth 44 Charles 113 Perciful, Elijah 45, 66, 92, 94-95 Neilson, Agnes 114 Percifull, Elijah 66, 94-95 Nelms 127, 129 Perr, Mary 20 Perrue, Mary 91 Putney, Ward 105 Peters, Jesse 115 Philips, Sarah 86 R Phillips 40, 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Bryan 88, 104 Radford, Judith 107 David 86 Ragsdale, Lucy 54 Flora 42 Raiford, Sarah 26 Frances 105 Rand, Peter 107 George 59-61, 63, 75, 90 Randolph 41, 110 James 86 Beverley 111 John 86 Elizabeth L. 110 Joshua 86 John 41 Mary 61, 75, 90 Maria Ann 110 Susannah 113 Mary 105 Thomas 86 Richard 41 William 86 Reade, Ann 88 Phllips, Anne 31 Reale 104 Pickett, Reuben 55 George 88, 104 Pinckard, Elizabeth 92 Judith 104 Pinckard, James 22, 66, 94-95 Redford, Andrew 108 Pincknrd, James 92 Reeves 29 Pinkerton, Caroline 109 James 29 Pitman 24 Reid, Hannah 102 Isaac 46, 59, 63, 75, 90 Rhodes 112 Plator, George 111 Benjamin 91, 111 Poage, George 35 Rachel 20, 91 Poor, Thomas 67 Rice, Hannah 113 Potter, Hannah 111 Rivell, Joseph 40 Powell, John 92 Roame, William 112 Powell, Susan 26 Robb, Judith 50, 103 Powell, William 105 Roberta 24 Powers, Hannah 114 Roberts, Elizabeth 103 Poythress, Francis 83 Roberts, Judith 105 Prentiss, Elizabeth 35 Robertson 42, 108-109 Price, Mary 112 Betty B. 109 Price, Nancy 26 Cloe 109 Pride 106, 108 Frances 108 John 108, 110 George 105, 109 Martha P. 106 James 109 Mary 106 John 109 Thomas 108-109 Martha 106 William 108 Mary E. 110 Proby, Jane 114 William 109 Pryor, John 108 William H. 111 Pryor, Marietta 108 Robett, Son 41 Pryor, Mary 106 Robins 78 Purcill, Charles 59, 63, 90 Edward 78 Pureill, Charles 75 Robinson 42, 100 Benjamin 113 Seward 30 Elizabeth 113-114 Peter E. 30 John 20, 91 Sharp, John 34 Judith 111 Sharpe, Mary 29 Mary 100 Shaw, Janet 42 Peter 112 Shelley, Sarah 88, 104 Sarah 113 Shepherd, Helen 26 William 113-114 Shepherd, Henry 113 Roe, John 31 Shepherd, Jeremiah 112 Roger 42 Sheppard 114 Priscilla 103 Elizabeth 109, 114 Rogers, Francis 114 Shore, Thomas 108 Rootes, John 112 Short, Thomas 108 Rootes, Philip 112 Shoumaker, John 54 Rott, Lucy T. 110 Simmons, Mary 54 Roy, Ann 44 Simmons, Sarah 87, 92-93 Royall 108 Skelton 109 John 109 Abram 109 Joseph 110 Mary 112 Richard 107 Reuben 111 Rurn, William 41 Vincent 109 Rust 22 Skiner, James 114 Elizabeth 71 Smith 42, 78, 80, 105, 112 Ann 112 S Catherine 42 Charles 78 Sadler, John 32 Clara 20 Sale, Molly 26 Elizabeth 26 Sallard, Charles 35 Gabriel 22, 92 Sallard, Simon 88, 104 Jane 35 Sally, Charles 46 John 113 Sammon, Hannah 88, 104 Martha Jaquelin 113 Saunders 106 Mary 112 Elizabeth 114 Maurice 112 Scates, Martha 55 South, John 112 Scott 106, 109 Southerland, John 67 John 109 Speir, Thomas 113 John L. 44, 109 Spence 54 Judith 106 Patrick 54 Sally 109 Spencer, George 124, 131-132 Scrosby, Elizabeth 113 Spratt, Richard 114 Seabrooke, John 33 Spratt, Robert 20, 91 Seay, Austin 109 Sprigg, Sophia 44 Segar, Judith 112 Spurlock, William 67 Selden 24 Staige, Lucy 112 John 88, 104 Stamps 27 John W. 106 Katherine 53, 84, 89 Servant, Frances 114 Stampṣ, Katherine 58, 74 Stamps, William 83 Taff 31-32, 34 Stanard, Elizabeth 111 Elizabeth 33 Stapleton, Elizabeth 112 Ellen 32 Starke 41 Ida Ann 34 Ann 41 John 31, 34 Steger, Robert 109 Lucy Ann 32 Stephens, Richard 118 Susanna 31 Stephenson, Mary 101 Taliaferro 102 Steptoe 22, 59, 61, 63, 75, 92, 104 Robert 30 James 71 Tankersly, Peter 50 John 59, 61, 63, 75, 88, 90 Taylor 29, 35, 112 William 114 Anne 88, 104 Stevens, Ann 34 Catherine 104 Stevens, Christopher 88 Charles 46 Stiff, Jacob 112 James 106 Stiff, James 113 John 111 Stiff, William 111 Martha 88 Stiffe, Elizabeth B. 20, 91 Mary 88 Stockley 78 Teackle 78, 80-81 Anne 80 Catherine 78 Catherine 78 Elizabeth Upshur 81 Stokes 109 George 78 William 109 John 78 Stonham, Hiram 46 Leah 78 Stringer 78 Margaret 78 Daniel 113 Sarah 78 Strother, James 100 Susanna 78 Strother, Sally 102 Thomas 78, 81 Stubblefield, Elizabeth 111 Teakle, James 82 Sutton, Michal 112 Tedder, Nancy 42 Swan, Judith 88, 104 Tenor, Stephen 112 Swan, Sarah 104 Terry, Elizabeth 55 Swanson, Cyrus 46 Terry, Nancy 55 Swinton, John 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 Terry, William 55 Sydnor 33, 53, 58, 84, 88, 104 Thacker, Edward 91 Ann 33 Thacker, Sarah 112 Anthony 33 Thomas, Samuel 105 Edward 33 Thompson, John 67 Ruth 74, 89 Thompson, Joseph 115 William 33, 88 Thompson, William A. 115 Symmer, John 111 Thomson, Mary 100 Thornburg, Elizabeth 115 T Thornton, Francis 113 Thorowgood, Adam 20, 91 Tabb 106, 110 Throckmorton, William 40 Edward 109 Thurston 102 John 105, 109 John 103 Joseph 107 Robert 112-113 Tily, Charles 107 Jane 88, 104 Tomlinson 41 John 107 Benjamin 41 Rebecca 108 Tow, Ann 108 Thomas 40, 114 Towles 46, 119, 136 Wall 26 Henry 130, 136 Ann 88, 104 Henry W. 119 Wallace, James 114 James 125, 132 Walthall, John 106 Margaret 119-120 Ward, Ann 107 Townes, Elizabeth 105 Ward, Catherine 108 Townes, Rebecca C. 108 Ward, Edward 108 Traverse, Elizabeth 114 Ward, Mary 108 Travis 32 Ward, Sarah 109 John 102 Ware, Elizabeth 91 Trawell, Jane 114 Warkelin, Matthew 100 Trent, Joseph 67 Warwick, Cassandra 112 Tucker, Elizabeth 114 Washam, Elizabeth G. 110 Turner 55, 109 Washington, George 14 Elizabeth 114 Washington, Henry 111-112 Turner May, John L. 110 Washington, Samuel 35 Twenty-Man, Polly 26 Watkins, James 55 Watkins, John 110 U Watsom, Jesse 44 Watson 41 Underwood, Anna 41 Amy 108 Underwood, Martha 41 Jesse 44 Upshur 78, 80 William 41 Elizabeth 78, 80 Watts 54 John 78, 80-81 John 22, 92 Webb 24, 29, 34 V Ann 86 John 29 Vass, Elizabeth 114 Mary 34 Vass, Henry 29 William 67 Vass, Vincent 29 Winifred 86 Vaughan 107 Webster 34 George 55 Elizabeth F. 110 Nancy 107 John 34 Vaughob, Peggy 26 Mary 34 Versen, Daniel 105 West, Francis 22 West, John 78, 114 W West, Penelope 26 White, Ann 33 Wale, Letitia 88, 104 White, Elizabeth 33 Walker 29, 124 White, Isaac 88, 104 Benjamin 128 White, Jane 105 Benjamin M. 46 White, John 31 Elizabeth 29 White, Sarah 33 White, Sarah C. 33 James 110 White, Thomas 33 Lucy 26 Wiggs, Henry 20 Wyatt 36 Wilcox, Frances 112 Joseph 114 Wiley, John 31 Wynn 36 Wilkinson, Elizabeth 108 Jessie 107 Williams, Kate 107 Wythe 36 Williamson 71 Ann 114 James 107 Anne 114 Wills, Mary 106 Wills and Administrations 51, 53, 60, Y 68, 74, 100 Willson 110 Yarborough 9, 51, 68 Ann 108 Jeremiah 51, 68, 73 Wilson, Daniel 105, 107 Richard 15 Wilson, Elizabeth B. 46 Yarborow, John 9 Wilson, Hannah 115 Yarbrough 9 Wilson, John 115 Abraham 73 Wilson, William 114 Ann 69 Wingfield, William 33 Elizabeth 69, 73 Winston 22 Fanny 67 Mary 40, 106 Frances 15 Withers, Sarah 105 George 71 Wllllams, Priscilla 31 Hannah 69 Wood, John 50, 103 James 69 Woodbridge 31-33 John 67, 69, 73 Betty 22, 36, 92 Jordan 73 Bridget 31 Richard 98 Elizabeth 31, 33, 60 Samuel 73 George 31 Thomas 67, 69, 73 John 31-32, 59, 61, 63, 75, 90 William 69 Paul 31, 33 Yarrington, John 112 Woodson, John 36 Yarrington, Judith 112 Wormeley, Elizabeth 112 Yates, Anne 114 Wormeley, Judith 113 Yates, Sarah 113 Worsham 36 Yearby, Elizabeth B. 82 Ann Page 36 Yearby, George 58, 74, 84, 89 Eliza Ann 36 Yerby 58, 74, 84, 89 Martha 109 son Joseph I. 126 Mary 102 Anna 101 Nancy 109 Betty 45, 53, 58, 74, 84, 89 Wortham 36, 113 Charles I. 119, 124 Ann 112-113 Eliza 53, 58-59, 61, 63, 74-75, 84, Samuel 113 89-90 Wost, Francis 91 George 27, 41, 45, 56, 59, 61, 63, 73, Wost, Margaret 36 75, 80, 90 Wren, Ann Virginia 36 Hannah 53, 58, 84, 89 Wright 36 Henry 124 James 59, 63, 73, 75, 90 Samuel 134 Jane P. 126 Samuel E. 126 Jesse 59, 63, 75, 90 Thomas 27, 52-53, 58, 74, 76, 84, Joanna 53, 58, 74, 84, 89 88-89, 104, 126 John 16, 21, 45, 53, 58-63, 66, 70, William 27, 64, 70, 125, 127 73-75, 83-85, 87, 89-90, 94-95, 125 William T. 118-119, 124 Joseph 126 Willian T. 119 Judith 56 Yopp 24, 102-103 Katherine 27, 74, 89 Ann 102 Maria 122-123, 135 Elizth 125 Mary 58, 60, 74, 84, 87, 89, 128 Judith 102 Matilda P. 134 Maryann 125 Richard 59, 63, 66, 75, 90, 94-95 William 125