Total Cannon, Kennon, Rudd, & Russell Family Timeline Revised 10 May 2018 1 From: Cecilie Gaziano, 4511 Fremont Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55419;
[email protected] Date State County Party/Parties Event Reference Was born, based on age about 53 when he made Alberta Marjorie Dennstedt, "Progenitors and Kinfolk of Abraham Prob. his will on 10 May 1696. Birth date estimated at Childers III, The Virginia Genealogist, c1642 VA Unknown John Cannon I 1642. Parents: Unknown Vol. 34, pp. 183-184 (1990). Alberta Marjorie Dennstedt, "Progenitors and Kinfolk of Abraham Perhaps Hester Pledge (m. Was born. [Also Esther, Ester, Easter, etc.] Childers III, The Virginia Genealogist, c1664 VA Henrico John Cannon I) Parents: John Pledge Sr. & unknown. Vol. 34, p. 183 (1990). Pauline Pearce Warner, Orphans Court Book, 1677-1739, of Henrico County, John Cannon I was appointed guardian of Morgan Virginia, Tappahannock, Va., 1963, pp. 14, 29, 31-33, 37; Henrico Co. VA Pierce’s orphans, Elizabeth, William and Francis. Record Book, 1677–1692, p. 238. Apr 1682 VA Henrico John Cannon I Relationship to the Pierces is unknown. Cited in Dennstedt, Vol. 34, p. 184. Sued John Milner for possession of property belonging to the orphans of Morgan Pierce before 1678. Apparently, John Milner was appointed guardian of the Pierce orphans and refused to turn over their property to John Cannon I when John Alberta Marjorie Dennstedt, "Progenitors and Kinfolk of Abraham Cannon was subsequently appointed guardian. Childers III, The Virginia Genealogist, 02 Dec 1682 VA Henrico John Cannon I Two became of age in 1683 and 1684. Vol.