NORTHUMBRIA VIOLENCE REDUCTION UNIT INSIGHT REPORT: NORTHUMBRIA N O R T H U M B R I A V R U - I N S I G H T R E P O R T CLASSIFICATION: OFFICIAL SENSITIVE The contents of this Insight Report must not be used or circulated without the permission of the Violence Reduction Unit. For all queries and requests please contact Neil Wardingham - Partnership Analyst, Northumbria VRU (
[email protected]). N O R T H U M B R I A V R U - I N S I G H T R E P O R T Contents 01 Foreword 02-14 Executive Summary 15-17 Summary of Recommendations 18-20 Introduction 21-37 Nature of Violent Crime in Northumbria 38-45 Risks, Protective Factors and Drivers 46-57 Short-term Drivers and Cross Cutting Themes 58-72 Cross Cutting Factors 72 Covid-19 Local Authority Breakdowns 73-82 Local Authority Breakdowns Gateshead 83-95 Local Authority Breakdowns Newcastle 96-104 Local Authority Breakdowns North Tyneside 105-115 Local Authority Breakdowns Northumberland 11-123 Local Authority Breakdowns South Tyneside 124-133 Local Authority Breakdowns Sunderland 134-137 Response - Partnership Working & Local Interventions Appendix 1 - Harm Hotspots 138 Harm Hotspots 1a - Gateshead 139-140 Harm Hotspots 1b - Newcastle 141-142 Harm Hotspots 1c - North Tyneside 143-144 Harm Hotspots 1d - Northumberland 145-146 Harm Hotspots 1e - South Tyneside 147 Harm Hotspots 1f - South Tyneside N O R T H U M B R I A V R U - I N S I G H T R E P O R T 01 Foreword My Violence Reduction Unit has one core belief; if we improve lives we can prevent crime.