Parasites of Florida Softshell Turtles (Apalone Ferox} from Southeastern Florida

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Parasites of Florida Softshell Turtles (Apalone Ferox} from Southeastern Florida J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 65(1), 1998 pp. 62-64 Parasites of Florida Softshell Turtles (Apalone ferox} from Southeastern Florida GARRY W. FOSTER,1-3 JOHN M. KINSELLA,' PAUL E. MoLER,2 LYNN M. JOHNSON,- AND DONALD J. FORRESTER' 1 Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 (e-mail:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]) and 2 Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Gainesville, Florida 32601 (e-mail: pmoler® ABSTRACT: A total of 15 species of helminths (4 trematodes, 1 monogenean, 1 cestode, 5 nematodes, 4 acan- thocephalans) and 1 pentastomid was collected from 58 Florida softshell turtles (Apalone ferox) from south- eastern Florida. Spiroxys amydae (80%), Cephalogonimiis vesicaudus (80%), Vasotrema robiistum (76%), and Proteocephalus sp. (63%) were the most prevalent helminths. Significant lesions were associated with the at- tachment sites of Spiroxys amydae in the stomach wall. Contracaecum multipapillatum and Polymorphus brevis are reported for the first time in reptiles. The pentastomid Alofia sp. is reported for the first time in North America and in turtles. KEY WORDS: Softshell turtle, Apalone ferox, helminths, pentastomes, Florida. The Florida softshell turtle (Apalone ferox) softshell turtles from southeastern Florida are ranges from southern South Carolina, through discussed. southern Georgia to Mobile Bay, Alabama, and all of Florida except the Keys (Conant and Col- Methods lins, 1991). Where it is sympatric with the Gulf A total of 58 Florida softshell turtles was examined. Coast spiny softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera Fifty-seven were obtained from a commercial proces- asperd) in the Florida panhandle, the Florida sor in Palm Beach County, Florida, between 1993 and softshell is found more often in lacustrine hab- 1995. Each of the 57 turtles was eviscerated during itats. In peninsular Florida, the Florida softshell processing, and the organs and head were placed into can be found in both lacustrine and riverine hab- a plastic bag and frozen until examined. The kidneys were not collected from these turtles. One turtle was itats. Little is known about the parasites of this collected from Collier County, Florida, in March 1995 turtle. Previously, a small number of Florida and frozen whole until examined. softshells was examined and 8 species of hel- Seventeen of the turtles were examined at the Flor- minths were reported (Lonnberg, 1894; Stunkard ida Game and Fresh Water Commission's Research 1924, 1926, 1928; Cobb, 1929; Harwood, 1932; Laboratory (GFCRL), Gainesville, Florida, and hel- minths were collected when seen, but parasite exami- Loftin, 1960). None of these examinations were nations were incomplete and not quantitative. The oth- thorough surveys. Cobb (1929) described Spi- er 41 turtles were examined at the Department of Pa- roxys amydae from a Apalone ferox (=Arnyda thobiology, University of Florida (UF), Gainesville, ferox) from the Mississippi River, and Harwood where quantitative examinations for parasites followed (1932) reported Falcaustra chelvdrae (Har- the methods of Kinsella and Forrester (1972). Voucher specimens of helminths were deposited in the Harold wood, 1932) and Serpinema trispinosus (Leidy, W. Manter Collection (HWML), University of Nebras- 1852) ( = Camallanus trispinosus) from an Apa- ka State Museum, Lincoln. lone ferox from Houston, Texas. Both of these records lie well outside the range of Apalone Results and Discussion ferox as currently recognized (Conant and Col- lins, 1991), and it is assumed that these turtles A total of 15 species of helminths (4 trema- were either spiny softshells (A. spinifera) or todes, 1 monogenean, 1 cestode, 5 nematodes, 4 smooth softshells (A. mutica), both of which oc- acanthocephalans) and 1 pentastomid was col- cur in the Mississippi River and eastern Texas. lected. Prevalences and intensities of parasites In the present report, the parasites of 58 Florida for the 41 quantitative examinations are listed in Table 1. Multiple infections in the 41 turtles were as follows: 5 turtles had 2 species of par- 1 Corresponding author. asites, 2 had 3 species, 7 had 4 species, 12 had 62 Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington FOSTER ET AL.—PARASITES OF FLORIDA SOFTSHELL TURTLES 63 Table 1. Prevalences and intensities of parasites from 41 Florida softshell turtles in Florida. Prevalence Intensity HWML no. Location in hostf No. inf. Mean Range Monogenea Neopalystoma orbiculare 39330 ? 10 24 9 1-26 (Stunkard, 1916) Aspidogastrea Cotylaspis cokeri 39329 SI 10 24 9 1-44 Barker and Parsons, 1914 Digenea Cephalogonimus vesicaudiis 39327 SI 33 80 69 1-568 Nickerson, 1912 Vasotrema robustum 39326 HT, LV, LN, SP 31 76 7 1-37 Stunkard, 1928 Teloporia aspidoneaes 39328 LI 3721-2 (MacCallum, 1917) Cestoda Proteocephalus sp. 39331 SI 26 63 13 1-51 Nematoda Spiroxys amydac 39340 ST, SI 33 80 10 1-41 Cobb, 1929 Contracaecum sp. (larvae) - ST 12 29 13 1-66 Falcaustra affinc LI 2511 (Leidy, 1856) Serpinema sp. (larvae) SI 1 2 32 — Acanthocephala Neoechinorhynchus chrysemydis 39334 SI 5122 1-4 Cable and Hopp, 1954 Polymorphic brevis 39333 SI 371 1-2 (Van Cleave, 1916) Acantlwcephalus sp. 39332 SI, LI 37 11-2 Acanthocephalan cystacanth — SI 121 — Pentastoma Alofia sp. — LN, TR 33 80 6 1-40 * Accession numbers of the Harold W. Manter Collection. t Location in host: HT = heart, LI = large intestine, LN = lungs, LV = liver, SI = small intestine, ST = stomach, TR trachea. 5 species, 7 had 6 species, 5 had 7 species, 2 were collected from the small intestine of 1 adult had 8 species, and 1 had 9 species. male turtle examined at the GFCRL. This is the Eroding ulcerlike lesions, up to 8 mm in di- first record of C. multipapillatum in reptiles; ameter, were associated with the attachment sites however, it is a common parasite in fish-eating of Spiroxys amydae in the stomach wall. One to birds of Florida (Huizinga, 1971; Deardorff and 4 ulcers containing 1 to 17 S. amydae were seen Overstreet, 1980; Sepulveda et al., 1994; Kin- in the infected turtles. Cobb (1929) reported sella et al., 1996). Moler and Berish (1995) re- similar subspherical saccate stomach lesions, as- ported that 146 (63%) of 233 softshell turtles sociated with S. amydae in a softshell from the they sampled had fish as a food item in the di- Mississippi River. Contracaecum larvae were gestive tract. They indicated also that softshells seen infrequently in the ulcers, but these were are opportunistic feeders and probably eat fish located mostly in the small intestine or encysted on a regular basis, mainly through scavenging. on the outside surface of the stomach and liver. Lonnberg (1894) described Tetrabothrium Specimens of adult male Contracaecum multi- trionychinum, now placed in the genus Proteo- papillatum (Drasch, 1882) (HWML# 39339) cephalus, from Apalone ferox ( = Trionyx ferox) Copyright © 2011, The Helminthological Society of Washington 64 JOURNAL OF THE HELMINTHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, 65(1), JANUARY 1998 from Orange County, Florida, but Yamaguti Conant, R., and J. T. Collins. 1991. A Field Guide (1959) considered his description too brief for to reptiles and Amphibians: Eastern and Central North America, 3rd ed. Houghton Mifflin Com- adequate differentiation. Brooks (1978) thought pany, Boston. 450 pp. that T. trionychinum might form a complex of Deardorff, T. L., and R. M. Overstreet. 1980. Con- closely related species with Proteocephalus tes- tracaecum multipapillatum ( = C. robustum) from tudo from A. spinifera and P. australis from a fishes and birds in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Parasitology 66:853-856. teleost fish in Texas, but recommended further Harwood, P. D. 1932. The helminths parasitic in the material be collected from A. ferox in Florida. amphibia and reptilia of Houston, Texas, and vi- Identification to species was not possible due to cinity. Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum the poor condition of our specimens, so this 81:1-71. Huizinga, H. W. 1971. Contracaeciasis in pelecani- problem remains to be resolved. form birds. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 7:198- Immature specimens of Polymorphus brevis 204. were collected from 3 turtles. This acanthoceph- Kinsella, J. M., R. A. Cole, D. J. Forrester, and C. alan has been reported from several species of L. Roderick. 1996. Helminth parasites of the 0sprey, Pandion haliaetus, in North America. Florida birds, including the bald eagle. (Hal- Journal of the Helminthological Society of Wash- iaeetus leucocephalus) (Richardson and Cole, ington 63:262-265. 1997) and the great blue heron (Ardea herodius) , and D. J. Forrester. 1972. Helminths of the and yellow-crowned night-heron (Nyctanassa Florida duck Anas platyrhynchos fulvigula. Pro- violaced) (Kinsella, unpubl.); however, this is ceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 39:173-176. the first report in reptiles. Loftin, H. 1960. An annotated-check-list of trema- Pentastomids of the genus Alofia were col- todes and cestodes and their vertebrate hosts from lected from the trachea, bronchi, and bronchia. northwest Florida. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Immature adults and nymphs were encapsulated Academy of Science 23:302-314. Lonnberg, E. 1894. Ueber cine neue Tetrabothrium also on the outside surface of the lungs. This is species und die Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisse der the first record of pentastomes in Apalone ferox, Icthyotaenien. Centralblat Bakterologie 15:801- and of a species of Alofia in North America. 803. Until now, pentastomid species in the genus Al- Moler, P. E., and J. E. Berish. 1995. Impact of com- mercial exploitation on softshell turtle popula- ofia were thought to be exclusively parasitic in tions. Final Report. Study No. 7542. Florida Game crocodiles (Riley, 1994). The description of this and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee. new species is in progress. 18pp. Richardson, D. J., and R. A. Cole. 1997. Acantho- Acknowledgments cephala of the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucoce- phalus) in North America. Journal of Parasitology We thank Norman Padgett for allowing us to 83:540-541.
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    Eastern Spiny Softshell - Apalone spinifera spinifera Abundance: Rare Status: NSS2 (Ba) NatureServe: G5 S4 Population Status: Vulnerable, restricted habitat and range. Habitat is severely decreasing and populations have dramatically declined in areas. Limiting Factor: Habitat: Restricted to low elevation habitats within the Missouri River drainage. Comment: NSS status changed from NSS4 to NSS2 due to declining populations and increasing threats. Scientific name changed from Apalone spiniferus hartwegi. Common name changed from Western Spiny Softshell to Eastern Spiny Softshell. Introduction The Eastern Spiny Softshell can be found at lower elevations in the eastern and northern counties including the Bighorn Basin (Baxter and Stone 1985). Wyoming Game and Fish personnel have observed this species in all major river drainages within these regions. The Eastern Spiny Softshell typically becomes active in April or May. Nesting season for this species may last from May-August, but most nesting behavior occurs in June and July (Ernst et al 1994). In Wyoming, hatchlings appear in August and September (Baxter and Stone 1985). Females typically lay 20 eggs in loose sand near water. Eggs are often deposited in full sun in sand or gravel bars. Eastern Spiny Softshells are primarily carnivorous and feed on fish, amphibians, and invertebrates. This species is highly aquatic and spends its daylight hours foraging, floating on the surface, or buried in soft aquatic substrates with only its head and neck protruding (Ernst et al 1994). Riverine and open water habitats are preferred. Eastern Spiny Softshells may also be observed basking on sand bars, gravel bars, floating debris, and mud banks. These turtles typically enter hibernation by the end of October and overwinter in soft substrates in deep pools.
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