The World's For st Au s. :entWeekly





FOR AVAILABLE TIME CONTACT EDDIE ELKORT MUSICCORPORATION of AMERICA- Chicago ,---- , iT 1 e Vol. XLVIII May 23, No. 21 The World's Foremost Amusement Weekly 1936

Published weekly atCincinnati, 0.Entered as second-class matter, June 4,1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under Act of March,1879. 92 Pages. Subscription, $5 per year.Copyright 1936 by The Billboard Publishing Company. KY. TAX JOLTSAMUSEMENTS

Local 802 Passes Rules $2,130,000 State Higher Priced Aid for N. Y.FairShows Are Prey

Designed To Spread Work bills NEW YORK, May 16.-Three throwing full support to New York's Only tickets under 11 cents Many objectors to 50 per cent stand-by law, which is1939 World's Fair were signed by Gov- escape admissions tax meas- ernor HerbertH. Lehman in Albany figured as limiting incomes in effect to $75-otheryesterday. One measure provides an ure-effective June 1

rule prevents doubling without stand-by charge appropriation of $1,880,000 from State bonds for construction of roads, boule- FRANKFORT, Ky., May 16.-Despite vards and bridges.Second bill providesvigorous opposition by motion picture NEW YORK, May 16.-Membership of Local 802, American Federation ofa grant of $250,000 for building a boatand allied interests over the State, the Musicians, has adopted two resolutions designed to spread work, approval beingLasininFlushing Bay.Third em-administration -sponsored amusement tax given to the resolutions at a meeting this week. One of the new laws is inter-powers the city to lease park lands tobill has been passed by House and Senate preted as setting up, to a great measure, an income limit for many of the local'sfair corporation. and signed by the governor, to become members. This is the "50 per cent stand-by" charge, a ruling to the effect that City'stitleto land needed for theeffective June 1.Imposing one of the all musicians earning $75 or more weekly when called on additional jobs whichplant reached a happy conclusion yes-highest taxes ever on the amusement in- would pay them more must get 50 per cent above scale for the additional jobs,terday when board of estimate acted todustry, the law calls for levies of from this 50 per cent to be paid to the local% acquireownershiptounvestedarea.5 per cent upward. unemployment fund. Belief is that rather SupremeCourt,sittinginJamaica, Embracing within its provisions the- than pay the extra half of scale em- Queens, signed an order vesting in theaters, dance halls, night clubs,rinks, ployers will use men not subject to theEastwood Park Is city title to more than 1,000 acres inpools and other places of amusement, excess charge. All permanent units, such Flushing Meadows. Corporation counselthe law levies a tax on admissions as as the name orchestras, are exempt, ex- was given power to open condemnationfollows:From 11 to 18 cents, inclusive, cept if one of the men in such a groupHit by Fatal Fire proceedings for acquisition of cent; from 19 to 28 cents, two cents; be called for a special date or dates by from 29 to 38 cents, three cents; in ex- another leader or contractor. DETROIT, May 18.-Fire in Eastwood cess of 38 cents, three cents plus one Not since the elections of a year andAmusement Park Saturday night took cent additional for each five cents or a half ago has the membership of thelives of three patrons, one unidentified,Rogers Drive fractional part thereof over 38 cents. musicians' union been so stirred by anywith three others slightly burned, in the Tickets under 11 cents are exempt. or problem.It was prac-most fatal Detroit show disaster in five In the case of places of amusement legislation years. Opens May 22 such as night clubs where professional (See LOCAL 802 on page 10) Harry Stahl's Show trapped NEW YORK, May 16.-The drive forentertainers are employed, the charg for the victims, despite efforts of rescuersmoney for the Will Rogers Memorial (See ONLY TICKET'S on page 64) led by Bob Forrey, manager Skee-BallHospital, Saranac Lake, begins Friday Alleys, and Ted Lipsitz, manager Cocoa- nut Palms.The fire probably startedfor one week. Pitt Theater from a match or cigaret. The Rogers group has lined up a long listof public officials and prominentPlayland Bow George H.Brown'sShirley Templebusiness men as sponsors of the drive. store, Herbert A. Pence's grocery storeItannounces, "Already 2,184 theaters Games'$ 8,000and the Jungle Show were destroyed.are enrolled under the collection plan Damage is $12,000, Manager M. B. Turnerand 10,608 underthemembership (See EASTWOOD PARK on page 79)classification." Best in Years High total reached in ter- ritory-in frin gement suits Per capita spendingin- are canceled Peter Pan Enters Equity War crease is indicated in big

Westchester, N. Y., spot

PITTSBURGH, May 16.- Over $8,000As Juniors Kick at New Rule in cash alone is being distributed weekly NEW YORK, May 16.-Underthesuch as Chief Peter, Chief Wendy, etc. NEW YORK, May 18.-Playland, Rye, in theaters in this territory, a checkupguise of founding a social club, a pose opened its ninth season on Saturday as reveals.The leading featureis Bank (all characters from the James M. Barriea Westchester County Park System proj- Night, which enriches theatergoers withnecessary in order to circumvent anplay), it was discerned the malcontentsect. third under regime of Herbert F. $3,500 weekly, Art England, local repre-Equity ruling which forbids organizedwant to do something, or have some ofO'Malley, director, who announced that sentative of the Bank -Night owners, esti-political activity, about 100 junior mem-the senior members do something, to- bersofEquity .gatheredatSardi'swardalleviatingaconditionwhichthe day's receipts exceeded last year's mates.The remaining cashis beingRestaurant yesterday to found a "Peterthreatens to keep them in the diaperopening, which brought more attend- distributed under other titles, such asPan" club of Equityites who, under theclass long after their proper period ofance.He stated that increase in per "Cash Night"; "Balloon Night," duringpresent 50 -week clause amendment toweaning should be concluded. Aftercapita spending is a certain sign of a which balloons when blown up revealthe senior two-year membership ruling,vetoing asuggestion that a speakerboom summer swing.Saturday's grosses the winning sum of money, and "Luckyfeel they will never come of age andrepresent them at the Equity member-soared high, giving the spot the best Night," a regular coupon affair. become entitled to the $40 minimumship meeting on May 25 at the Astor,week -end bow in years. Most of the free cash is available inweekly wage enjoyed -by the full-fledgedthe neophytes, at the behest of older There was tremendousinterestin neighborhood theaters where the com-oldies in the organization. members present, decided to do no morefloral displays on approaches and both petition is unusually keen. An exhibitor sections of the Mall leading to the mag- usually plugs his giveaway feature on Thru theveilofofficialpositions (See PETER PAN on page 15) nificent music tower, job being the work days when his competitor has an un- of chief gardener Tiffany Lind, who has usually attractive screen bill on hand. a dozen floral experts under his wing. Included in this example is the Harris Among new attractions are a Hillbilly Amusement Company, which ushered in Farm, a walk-thru concession by Fred Bank Night into its local chain of six In This Issue Fansher and managed by Walter De Luna, theaters. The name of the lucky patron replacing Fansher's Witches' Forest on is being broadcast from the downtown Pages Pagesthe same site;Paddle Abouts; Water Alvin Theater into all the other partici- Air Briefs 10 Letter List 29 and 65. Bikes,bookedthruCusterSpecialty patinghouses,connected with loud- Bands 13 Magic 26. Company, with 12 devices to start with; speakers.A prize of $250 in cash is Broadway Beat, The 24 Minstrelsy 26 (See PLAYLAND BOW on page 75) offered weekly and Is allowed to grow Burlesque -Tabloid 22-23 Motion Pictures 20-21 (See PITT THEATER on page 10) Carnivals 46-54 Music 13 Chicago Air Notes 10 Night Spots -Gardens 11-13 Maynard at San Diego Expo Young Revue at Dallas Expo Chicago Chat 24 Out in the Open 66 SAN DIEGO, Calif., May 18.-Sold to Circus and Corral 34-37 Parks -Pools 38-41 Pacific International Exposi- CHICAGO, May 16.-A deal for a 50 - ClassifiedAdvertisements 55-57 Pipes 62-64 tion here for three days in June, con- people revue, to be staged in the Streets Coin Machines 68-90 Possibilities 26 tracts were signed on Saturday by rep- of All Nations, village attraction at Texas Endurance Shows Radio -Orchestra 6-10 resentatives of the exposition and by Centennial Exposition, Dallas, has been 23 Ken Maynard for his Ken Maynard's closed by Ernie Young,of the Young Fairs -Events 42-44 Repertoire -Stock , 25 Diamond K Ranch, Wild West, Circus Production and Management Company, Feature News 3-5 Rinks -Skaters 45 and Indian Congress.Dates for show- here.Revue will be especially preten- FinalCurtain 28 Routes 30-32 and 76 ing are June 5-7.This booking is in tious, with beautiful girls, name prin- Forum, The 27 Thru Sugar's Domino 24 accordance with the policy of presenting , cipalsandelaboratewardrobe,Mr. General Outdoor 66-67 Vaudeville 14-17 major attractions at the exposition dur-

Young said. Legitimate 18-19 Wholesale Merchandise 58-61 ing the seasonof1936. 4 The Billboard FEATURE NEWS May 23, 1936 Jurisdiction Settlements Scab Film Writers Hold LOS ANGELES, May 16.-All formerCross -Pickets members of the IATSE returning from the IBEW and carpenters' union in the new studio basic agreement settlements Organization Gathering which went into effect this week areAre in Again being admitted withoutfee,William

Bioff, personal representative of George Browne, IA president, stated. Nonmem- Screen Writers' Guild meanwhile pushes amalgamationbers who come under the IA in the Allied, 306 back to the future will be charged a uniform $10 sidewalks as merger nego- with Authors' League-producers issue another edict-initiation. Guild talks of AFL of filiationHughes talks Bioff,here with Harland Holmden, tiations fall thru IATSE vice-president, worked out last

week amicable adjustment of all im- HOLLYWOOD, May 16.-Discord in the motion picture industry over theportant borderline problems on the new NEW YORK, May 16.-A repetition of Guild movement of screen writers increased early this week in the wake ofunion jurisdictional arrangements withlast summer's terrific cross -picketing by developments on three fronts.(1) Seventy-five scenarists and other film authorsthe special studio managers' committee.rivalpictureoperators' unions looms who bolted from the Screen Writers' Guild met at the Beverly Wilshire HotelAll studios stated they were satisfiedagain.With the merger deal off, Local Monday night under the leadership of Rupert Hughes and formed an independentwith the new labor setup and expressed306 and Alliedare intensifying their organization.(2) A group of leading producers issued a new "declaration of in-the unanimous opinion that itis thepicketing of theaters employing rival dependence," aimed at possible attempts of writers to increase their control overmost mutually satisfactory arrangementoperators. the treatment of their creative efforts. reached in studio history. First mass arrest was made Tuesday (3)The revolt -ridden Screen Writers' whencops pinched 17 members of the Guild pushed its move to amalgamate Socialist Party picketing the Star, Art with the Authors' League of America. Brennan Again Head and Ritz theaters, Bronx. Melvin Albert, In a brief, snappy meeting at theScreen Actors' Guild attorney for the theaters, denounced the Beverly Wilshire 73 writers heard Hughes Nominates Of Stagehands' Local 1 picketing when the picketers were ar- describe the revolt from the Guild as "anominates Slate raigned in Night Court.Albert said: stroke for American liberty and writer NEW YORK, May 16.- Stagehands'"It is outrageous for a political party liberty, besides loyalty for the motion HOLLYWOOD, May 16.-The ScreenLocal 1 here re-elected James J. Brennantopicket our theaters.Thereisno pictureindustry." He brandedtheActors' Guild nominated this week Rob-president for the sixth time. Brennanstrike on.There is no labor dispute. amalgamation move as "close to Mar-ert Montgomery president and Jamesdefeated Robert Ansteet'794to560.We obtained an injunction in Supreme iam" and a proposal which would "setCagney first vice-president to head theJoseph L. Meker defeated Albert RybackCourt to restrain picketing at our thea- up a group of Stalins" in the Authors'slate at the annual election May 24.and Arthur Digman for vice-president.ters and the injunction was upheld by League. Other officers nominated are ClaudetteJohn C. McDowell was re-elected secre-the higher court."The 17picketers All attending the organization meet-Colbert, second vice-president, to suc-tary.John J. Garvey beat Frank Kaiserwere paroled in custody of their attor- ing of the new group, to be known asceed Ann Harding; Chester Morris, thirdfor treasurer. ney, Hyman Marcus. the Screen Writers of Hollywood, werevice-president; Kenneth Thompson, sec- Vincent Jacobi and Frank Powderly Several arrests of 306 members were members who had resigned from theretary; Noel Madison for Warren Wil-defeated Charles Carpenter, Louis Yaeger Guild in the controversy over affiliationliam's treasurer post, and Murray Kin-and John F. Casey for business agent; (See CROSS -PICKETS on page 9) (See SCAB FILM on page 9) nell,assistanttreasurer,succeedingWilliam F. Hall was elected chairman of Madison. the board of trustees and Morris Fox Directors nominated are Montgomery,and Joseph Gehlman totheboard.First Scores in Cagney,MissColbert,PatO'Brien,Gehlman replaced Joseph Hughes. Another Film Suit Humphrey Bogart, Joan Crawford, Dud-Charles S. Murphy was elected sergeant ley Digges, Frank Morgan, Morris .andat arms.Of the local's1,600 mem-Pix Ball League Starts in Lincoln Edward G. Robinson for three yearsbers, 1,414 voted. NEW YORK, May 16.-Scores of the LINCOLN, Neb., May 18.-The Inde-and Walter Connelly for two years. first five games of the Motion Picture pendent Theaters' legal tangle in Fed- The Guild announces 80 new mem- League, with dates played, are: eral Court here, the biggest thing outbers joining the organization during theBowes -Showboat Consolidated 11, Paramount 8, May 2; past month. Columbia 12, United Artists 2, May 8; this way since the famous St. Louis Music Hall 19, Consolidated 7, May 9; trial, comes to a head some time late Deal Is Pending Paramount 2, United Artists 1, May 11; this month. ITC is attempting to show NEW YORK, May 16.-A deal is pend-NBC 8,Skouras0, May 12. Games collusion and conspiracy among defend-Actors' Fund Coast Show ing between the Major Bowes office andrainedoutwere MusicHallversus ants J. H. Cooper, of New York; his cir- George Alabama Florida to spot a groupSkouras and MGM versusColumbia. cuit here, Lincoln Theaters Corpora- HOLLYWOOD, May 16.- Fifty-fifthof the Bowes amateurs on the showboatMGM and RKO tied and will replay. tion; Bob Livingston, localexhibitor;annual benefit show for the Actors' FundGolden Rod out of Pittsburgh.Florida At a recent meeting the league elected Fox, Paramount, RKO, MGM, Universal,of America was set in motion here lastand Earle Scott, a legit producer, whosethe followingofficersfor the season: Vitagraph and United Artists.Amount Jack White, president; G. H. Woodward, of damages sought totals $1,353,000. week with the laying of plans amongshow Some Do-Some Don't Florida is more than 300 interested actors.Showto handle, will be partners if the dealvice-president, and J. Shellman, secre- The trial will come off as soon as thewill be held at Pan -Pacific Auditoriumgoes thru. tary and treasurer. New teams admitted criminal case docket is exhausted. Juryhere July 1 and will be presented by Bowes office admits that such a ven-this season are Music Hall, Paramount 1s called for today.Charge made byDaniel Frohman, president of the Fund.ture is pending and that a trip wasPictures, Skouras Theaters and Consoli- ITC, owned principally by Cal Bard, lo-More than150actorshave pledgedmade to look over the boat.It's alsodated Pictures. cal well-known independent, and G. L.theirservices, according to Alexandersaid, tho, that consummation is still a Hooper,theateroperatorof Topeka, question of time. Kan., that 90 per cent of the featureLeftwich, chairman of the show. Summer Hits Pitt Biz film was owned by the defendants while PITTSBURGH, May 16.- The early they had but half the theaters. arrival of summer weather is troubling Tremendousindependentexhibitor the recently flood -stricken downtown interest has been shown nation wideHeat Dents Stem Grosses as theaters.While completely redecorated inthistrial,a great many organ- and fit to operate again, their cooling izers and head men having written in systems are in woeful shape and require for particulars and expressed intentionNight Spots Lead the Field examining before at the same time to be in attendance. dismantling and The State Theaters' sister suit for $444,- NEW YORK, May 16.-A dull weekofapre -ordainedlimited run.Thethey will be in a position to render same holds for Nazimova's revivalofproper service. 000 was dismissed without prejudice re-was experiencedinallcategoriesofGhosts, playing to fair audiences at the The temperature has been well in the cently in favor of this trial. Broadway show business with the excep-Golden.Evidences that the scene of80s since May 1, and on many occasions tion of night clubs, which, by virtuelegit activity is shifting to the outlyingmanagers have received complaints of of top-notch attractions, are doing heavycorn sheds and cow barns are alreadydiscomfort from customers.Emergency business, particularly the key spots suchnumerous. crews are now working on the air-con- ettotus Equitti 72ofes as the Hollywood and Paradise restau- Biggest opening of the week so far asditioning apparatus, hoping to set them rants.Legit is staggering along, withpictures are concerned was Showboat, atin operation within a week or so.The The annual meeting of the Chorusthe week's only opening, A Private Af-the Music Hall on Thursday, and ittheaters caught unaware by the high Equity Association will be held on Fri-fair,offeringno excuseforevenaisnosecretthatthemanagementtemperature included Loew's Penn. War- day, May 29, 1936, at 2 o'clock in themomentary existence at the Masque, butgrabbed off one of its highest opening -ner's Stanley and the Harris -Alvin, the afternoon at the Chorus Equity head-the two fleeting bright spots of theday grosses with the Kern -Hammersteinthree ace houses here. quarters,117 West 48thstreet, Newsummer season, Chartock's Gilbert andoperetta.The Paramount pulled out a York City.All members who can pos-Sullivan Company and Walter Hamp-fair second week with the Lombardo sibly attend should do so.Membershipden'srevivalofCyrano,arebravelyork and will probably fare better this ROY GOBEY (see CHORUS EQUITY on page 15) carrying on despite the hanging shadowweek with Ray Noble and The Moon's Our Home; theRivoli'sOne Rainy (This Week's Cover Subject) Afternoon should manage okeh, with a ENTERTAINERS ORCHESTRAS ATTRACTIONSlarge part of its take coming from the ETC. matinee trade; the Capitol, with Speed, ROY COREY is one of the few majorartists FOR CLUBS, FAIRS, PARKS, CARNIVALS, -THEATRES, offers a weak feature for a de luxer; the nowinNew Yorkradiowork whose Two Hit Samples ofWILL GREEN PRODUCTIONS . . . Strand similarly with Sons o'Guns, careerhasbeenpracticallyentirelyin CHORUS GIRLS ON PARADE RADIO CONTEST WINNERS and the Roxy holds over Let's Singthat medium.While the bulk of air talent A bevy of Broadway's most beautiful chorus girls . Major Bowes',Fred Allen, etc., radio contestAgain, which, with 8 -year -old Bobbyhas had a thoro stage groundwork, Cobey's from Scandals, Follies. etc., and from leading winners in a show with more genuine and unusual Broadway nite spots in a hot, fast presentation. talent than any you've ever seen. Breen warbling,iscornering enoughexperience before theater audiences has been 1579Broadway,New York money to make it worth while. with one act and isafield to which he has Tel.: BRyant 9-0115. return. Workingwith Ph "IodayWILL GREEN PRODUCTIONS Burlesque, one of the more stalwartnothadtimeto For references we offer: Warner Bros., Loew's, RKO, Fox Poll, Consolidated,Paramountdefiers of the end -of -season slump, wasMitchell and Durant, Cobey hasplayed the Publix, Skouras, Randform, Grand Opera House and many other leadingtheaters.finally given a good dent by the fewLoew Time and has also played night clubs. hot days at the beginning of the week, Soonafterbreakinginwiththe vaude so much so that the following coolerteam Cobey went with Vincent Lopez and did weather did not do much to revive thehisfirst radio work with this leader, and in ROLL OR MACHINE FOLDED instincts of the paying classes. 1933 landed his first radio commer- The Federal Theater Project broughtcial,singing fortheFiveBoro Taxi Com- several new shows to town, includingpany.Later he worked with Abe Lyman and 1935 at the Biltmore and Class of '29his orchestra, again singing on the air.When 100,000-$17.00 at the Manhattan. These follow TripleDonald Flamm, head' of WMCA, heard hint SPECIAL PRINTED -CASH WITH ORDER A Plowed Under and Murder at thesingCobey was signed for several programs ICKET on this New York station.Ten months ago RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 409 LAFAYETTE ST., N. V. C. Cathedral, respectively, and neither of TPAD. STRIP TICKETS- CODPON 127 N. DEARBORN, Chicago the newcomers appears to be as suc-he went on the Sally fur program and he is BOOKS -RESTAURANT CHECKSELLIOTT TICKET CO,16 15CHESTNUT ST., Phila. cessful as the predecessors. now featured on that broadcast. 11:11PTIPPrrrvlarirgi

May 23, 1936 FEATURE NEWS The Billboard 5 Dance Teachers' Meetings "Serious" Composers Federal Theater Project NEW YORK, May 16.-Annual con- ventionof the AmericanSocietyofForm Organization Teachers of Dancing will be held at the Hotel Astor here August 24 to August 29. NEW YORK, May 16.-"Serious" music Opens Four Shows in WeekThe Philadelphia Dancing Associationcomposers,asapart from pop tune will hold its last meeting of the seasonwriters, have organized the American Grand Rights Association, aiming to June 7 in the studio of Philip S. Nutt, Vineland, N.J.Nutt is president ofprotect rights of authors and artists Living Newspaper Unit, Experimental Theater, Popularthe American Society of Teachers ofin this classification.Milton Diamond, Dancing. active in the organization of the Colum- Price Theater and Managers' Tryout Theater present bia Concerts Bureau, was a principal in forming the new group and sails for shows-no hits to follow up previous WPA successes Detroit Legit Big Europe shortly to effect reciprocal con-

DETROIT, May 16.-The Wilson The-tracts with similar organiiations abroad. NEW YORK, May 16.-Four new Federal Theater Project shows opened thisater has been opened for the first timeAGRA corresponds to ASCAP in the pop week. First was the Living Newspaper Unit's 1935 at the Biltmore Theater Wednes-this year for a summer's run of Threefield. day.Then came the one -act Experimental Theater's bill of three one-acters atMen on a Horse. At the same time Cass Association hopes to help American Daly's Theater Thursday; the Popular Price Theater's Class of '29 at the Man-Theater will present Winterset for onecomposers not only by collecting royal- hattan Theater last night, and the Managers' Tryout Theater's Washout tonightweek's engagement, which will be fol-ties and policing their properties, but at the Symphony Theater. Brooklyn.Of the first three, already reviewed, Classlowed by the Hollywood satire, Boy Meetsby makingtheircompositions more of '29 is the best, altho even that is not a first-rate play.As a group, the threeGirl. easilyavailable.Officeshavebeen are hardly up to the standards estab- opened in Steinway Hall. lished by the hits which preceded them: Charter members include44 com- Triple APthe Chalkdust and Gaige Co -Producer posers, two authors, sixartists.Per- Murder in Cathedral, Bar Bill Voted formers (musicians) may take non -vot- The Newspaper Unit's 1935, Its second Of "Eternal Road" ing memberships.Names include Jo- production, is good, but it could be muchDown in Senate seph Achron, John J. Becker, Frederick better.Itisa resume of the year's NEW YORK, May 16.-Max Reinhardt'sJacobi,ElliottGriffis, Werrier Josten, events,as reported by thecountry's ALBANY, N. Y., May 16.-During theproduction of The Eternal Road,byEdward Kurtz, Richard Crooks, Lawrence newspapers.Still using the technic es-closing hours of the 1936 LegislativeFranz Werfel and Kurt Weill, originallyTibbetts, Albert Spaulding, Alexander tablished by the first show, it presentssession,shortlyaftermidnight,thescheduled forthe boards last seasonSmallens and others.Board of direc- a fast, sharp and critical review of suchSenate decisively defeated the bill spon-but postponed because of financial dif-tors includes Diamond, Aaron Copland, 1935 events as the Hauptmann trial, thesored by Assemblyman Herbert Brownellficulties, will have its New York pre-Roger Sessions (Copland -Sessions Con- Olympic games. Huey Long's dictator-Jr., Republican, of New York City, whichmiere under the combined managementcerts), John Powell and Edgar Varese. ship,industrial unionism, gangsterismwas designed to permit bars in New Yorkof Meyer W. Weisgal and Crosby Galge, Diamond figured inclarification of and the China Clipper's flight.Expres-City theaters.The bill was passed byaccordingtoanagreementrecentlypatent rights when sound pictures were sionistic sets, clipped dialog and quickthe Assembly, but when It reached thereached wherein Gaige stipulates to act Also active in the organiza- changes help provide speed necessary to as co -producer.Opening date has notdeveloped. covering so much ground in an hour andSenate for concurrence it came in for a tion of the new group was Jessie Still- vigorous attack.In fact,it failed tobeen set, but discussions concerning thisman -Kelley. a half.There is more humor in thisreceive a single vote in its support. Thewill take place as soon as Reinhardt re- show than in the previous one. A newRepublicanminorityleader,Senatorturns to New York, probably within the device, a jury of 12 as the "great Ameri-George R. Fearon, of Syracuse, declarednext few weeks, to confer with Weisgal can public," is used for comedy reliefthat the bill was improperly drafted andand Gaige. PERSONAL PRINTED and also to accentuate the show's edi- The cast assembled by Reinhardt for torial angle.Every item holds up thethat under the provisions of the measure American public to ridicule, except for"you could sell highballs up and downRoad last season will, it is- understood,STATIONERY the China Clipper flight, and the jurythe aisles of the theaters." remain practically intact.It includes 200Sheets 6o7 and 100 Envelope, 51.00 postpaid. device serves to play up this conclusion: Senator Joseph R. Hanley, Republican,Helene Thimig, Sam Jaffe, Tom Chal- R. P. MOREY (See FEDERAL THEATER on page 15)of Wyoming County, stated that the billmers, Jacob Ben-Ami, Rosamund Pin- 87 Somerset SL, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. was so worded that it would permit thechot, Dan Gridley, Lotte Lonja, Florence sale Meyer, Joseph McCauley, Earl Weather-WANTED to Open Monday, MAY 25th of liquor in the motion pictureford and Mark Schweid.Isaac VanOeganized Musical Comedy or Dramatic Company theaters.Several other senators took a with own musicians.Prefer troupe that eats and So -Called "School" wallop at the bill, for the most part onGrove, conductor of the Chicago Civic sleeps on lot.Singers, Dancers, Girl Show, change Opera, and Benjamin Zomach, chore-for week, not over nine people show. Must be clean, the ground of its wording, and on thisographer, will also be retained. no boor. We have new, complete Tent, Seats, Stage. Head Is Pinched basis every member of the Senate pres- Piano, 'Lights, etc.Fifty-fifty, front reserves, con- ent at the time the rollwas called cert. 'Wire in full. pay your own, I pay mine.MAN- NEW YORK, May 16.-Dance teachersrecorded votes against the bill. AGER F. F. V. TENT SHOW, Christlansburg, Va. expressed delight this week over the Mills To Operate HAVE YOUR OWN TIMES SQ. ADDRESS. Use our address and phone number for business or policedepartment's sudden campaign personal purposes for only $2 per month. Mail against alleged dance studios offering Palisades Ballroom and phone messages forwarded anywhere. Efficient, "intimate entertainment" to male pa-Seek To Reopen F -WC Case confidential service. Write for information.ABBOTT trons and also "private dance instruc- NEW YORK, May 16.-Irving Mills has SERVICE, Longacre Bldg., 1474Broadway, Now tion."Itall started when Policemen HOLLYWOOD, May 18.-Another at-closed a deal with the Rosenthal Broth- York City. tempt to reopen the Fox -West Coast DANDRUFF? Stilley and Keohan were asked by Mrs. ers, operators of Palisades Park, wherebyRid yourself of this unsightly, unhealthy scalp dis- Margaret Rand toejecttwo youngTheaters bankruptcy case was made lasthe will have the concession on the ball-order quickly and permanently.Itching stops imme- women from a one -room apartment atweek when, attorneys for T. A. Tally androom within the park. Mills is changing diately.100 % satisfaction guaranteed. Send 10o the Corbar Corporation filed notice of stamps for convincing trial bottle. 104 West 74th street Thursday. the policy of the room and will install MARIMO MEDICINAL LABORATORY When the cops tried to make an arresta motion to be made before Federalfloor shows in addition to the bands he Box 75,Station K, Brooklyn,N. Y. Judge George Cosgrave May 11. The no-manages.Opening band will probably the two girls accused Mrs. Rand of un-tice seeks to amend the petition to re- WANTED AT ONCE-ForPlatform Med. Show. justly firing them as dance "Instruc- be the Frank and Milt Britton combo, Peopleinalllines,Teams andSingles. Must tresses." open proceedings and to comply withwhich Mills has just taken over.The change two weeks.People with living preferred. They revealed Mrs. Rand sentthe jurisdictional ruling of Federal Judge Make salary low-you get it here.AddressDOC them male "students" who paid $1 for Rosenthals recently bought some of the MATT. HARLAN, Ellsworth,Pa. a 10 -minute period, $3 for 30 minutesJames A. Fee in denying the previousappurtenancesoftheCentralPark and $5 for an hour.The girls claimedpetition to reopen on allegations a con-Casino, since razed. Mrs. Rand took 60 per cent of theirspiracy and fraud. Opening date is May 29.Mills willWANTED WHITE MED PERFORMERS Tally-Corbarattorneysassertnewsail for Europe the day before to book QUICK.Show now open. earnings and gave them board and FRANKHAITHCOX, South Boston, Masa. lodgings. facts have been discovered since the fil-his attractions over there and possibly This led to a probe revealing of the original petition. sign some English leaders for dates here. Rand allegedly operated a chain of nine a WANTED QUICK apartments. She is being held in $2,000 PIANO PLAYER bail for further exam Tuesday and is RICE-PEROY PLAYERS, Farmer My, charged with maintaining a house for Ill. indecent and lewd acts. Maude and Dance Units Get For a long time dance -teacher asso- Actors'& Actresses' WiayAutographs cash and f" ciations have complained against dance photographs of halls and private dance studios thatAttention in Project Setup Autographs and Vaudo., Musical Comedy, L. e from never taught dancing.This is the first NEW YORK, May 16.-With the dramaagainstStatecontrolofthe theater Photographs Performers police action against such "schools" inunits well under way, the Federal Thea-project in the meantime has disbanded, t oWriteabout some time. WANTED 1921880.0 or ter Project is now giving attention to thefeeling the danger is past and their work send material. vaudeville and dance units.Frank Mer-no longer necessary.Money collected BEN BLOOMFIELD, 85 Univ. P1.,N. Y. 0 lin, new vaude director here, has been(See VAUDE AND DANCE on page 79) Castronovo Heads studying the vaude and minstrel units already out with a view toward possibly New England Musicians strengthening them.It is reported Mrs. That's Another PROVIDENCE, May Halite Flanagan, Federal Theater direc- CAN YOU BEAT THIS? "ToledoTicket" 16. - Vincenttor, feels the vaude units should be Stock Tickets Castronovo,of thiscity, was electedstrong enough to play theaters instead Process president of the New England confer-of auditoriums and halls, as they are Shipped Same DayOrder ence American Federation of Musiciansnow. Is Received and The TOLEDO TICKET CO. at the recent annual meeting at the Charles Mosconi isdefinitely out of $12.00 CASH WILL BUY Providence-Biltmore Hotel. Frank Field,the project, resigning when Merlin's ap- Toledo, Ohio, U. S. A. of South Norwalk, Conn., was electedpointment came thru.However, project 100,000 OF THEM. Nothing Too Big vice-president; William Smith, Boston,workers are circulating petitions asking secretary -treasurer; George Gibbs, Bos-for Mosconi's return.Walter Diggs re- ton, and Charles Hicks, Portland, Me.,mains as circus project head. executive officers. TheDanceUnit,meanwhile,an- Resolutions favoring continuance ofnounces the following productions as WPA music projects employing musi-coming: Candide, Marche, Prelude, Gigue, Important Announcement cians, but opposing WPA musical unitsProdigalSon,Promenade,SalutAu competing with other musical organiza-Monde. Tempo,TylEulenspiegel and Effective with June 6 issue the minimum single column tions, and opposing high-school bands,Young Tramps.In existence since Jan- orchestras and similar musical groupsuary, the unit has yet to offer a dance display space sold will be 10 lines, costing $5; minimum when used in competition with profes-production to a theater audience.Don double column space, 14 lines (1 inch) in depth, costing $14. sional musicians were adopted at theOscar Becque isdirector, and Gluck- meeting. Sandor, Felicia Sorel, Tamiris, Charles The advertising rate of 50c an agate line remains un- Portland was selected as the meetingWeidman and Doris Humphrey chore- changed. place for the next conference, to be heldographers. October 25. The provisional committee to protest The Billboard RADIO May 23, 1936 Conducted by M. H. SHAPIRO Address Radio, Music and Orchestra Communications to 1564 Broadway, NewYork City. NBC SET ON BANDBUSINESS Texas Expo Set Agreement Reached With Greene Gift Bearing Greeks? NEW YORK, May 18.-Management of With NBC Shows the Texas Centennial Exposition plans on originating many network programs this DALLAS, Tex.. May 18.-Plans for the Who Takes Over All Orchestras summer and announces thatall of the National Broadcasting Company's par- performing rights societies, such as ticipation in the Texas Centennial Ex- ASCAP, SESAC and others,havegiven position were discussed this week when Assignment by NBC to Greene's Consolidated Radio carte blanche on the respective catalogs. Phil Carlin, NBC program director, con- Warner Brothers have also thrown in ferred with Radio Director C. M. Vande- Artists, Inc., for five years plus options, will set him their okeh, which now makes it too much burg and Exposition officials. of a good thing. Installationof technical equipment up in tremendously important spotWeber's okeh on the Gulf Exposition radio and pub- lic-address system was completed this week and the first tests made. By coin- NEW YORK, May 16.-Having received appropriate assurance from President cidence the first studio speaker tests Joseph N. Weber of the American Federation of Musicians that everything meetsTwo New Measures caught the Gulf Oil Phil Baker broad- with his approval, the National Broadcasting Company has assigned a possible cast of Sunday night, received from a million dollars in orchestra equities to Charles E. Greene, who resumed activeProgress in Wash. local station and rebroadcast over the operation of his Consolidated Radio Artists, Inc., under an agreement somewhat studio amplifiers.C. C. Langevin Com- along the lines entered into by Music Corporation of America and the Columbia WASHINGTON, May 16.-Representa-pany, of San Francisco, handled the in- Broadcasting System.In return for the assignment of the orchestra contractstive Samuel Rayburn. of Texas, chair-stallation and will maintain the system with the exclusive booking privileges man of the House Committee on Inter-during the Exposition. that go with the contracts, Greene guar- state and Foreign Commerce, has in- Four major musical control organiza- antees NBC a certain amount of money troduced a bill amending Section 318 oftions have releasedtheir copyrighted annually under a five-year contract plusBest April for NBC;the Communications Act of 1934, andcompositions during the Texas Centen- two live -year options. NBC will own no relating to authority for the actual op-nial Exposition period. ASCAP took the stock whatsoever in Consolidated Radio eration of all transmitting apparatus ininitial step when E. C. Mills paid Dallas Artists. Greene gets 20 half-hour periodsCBS Total Up 20% any radio station for which a stationa pre -Exposition visit last week. Warner on the NBC chains for his orchestras, NEW YORK, May 18.-National Broad-license is required under the Act.TheBrothers,SESAC and theAssociated two five-year options. NBC will own nocasting Company gross revenue for thebill says this shall be carried on onlyMusic Publishers followed in quick suc- monopoly and open to orchestras notmonth of April totaled $2,739,376, anby a person holding an operator's li-cession.Two SESAC tunes have been signed by CRA.Consolidated actuallyincrease over the same month in 1935cense regularly issued, and no personapproved for Centennial use.They are agrees to buy the 20 half-hour periods shall operate any such apparatus inRide, Ranger, Ride, chosen by Governor of sustaining time from NBC. of 2.1 per cent.This niakes it thesuch station except under and in ac- Greene will take offices on the 14thhighest April revenue in NBC history. James V. Allred as the official Texas Breakdown by websgivesthe Bluecordance with an operator's license is-Ranger song, and Blue Bonnet Girl. floor of the RCA Building at 30 Rocke-$977,175 and the Red $1,762,201.April,sued to him by the commission.Pro-Vern and Glenn Spencer, native Texans, feller Plaza and these are now under1935, gave NBC $2.682,143, and samevision is made, however, for the waivingare the composers. construction.There will be a suite of or modifying of such provisions of this A studio building, erected exclusively 12 offices with full facilities for everymonth in 1934, $2,373,890. section, by the commission, as to opera- type of booking, including commercial Gross billing for Columbia Broadcast- for rehearsals, was announced by Vande- radio programs as well as other orchestraing System in April was $1,951,397, antion of any station except as to (1)burg Monday.The structure with its work. New quarters will be ready aboutincrease over same month last year ofstations for which licensed operators aresingle large hall will adjoin the Federal required by internationalagreement;Building. - June 1. 20.8 per cent. Seasonal drop from March(2) stations for which licensed operators For the first time, publicly, the new Staff will be built up to include 12 tofor CBS appears to be slightly moreare required for safety purposes;(3)Fletcher -type speaker will be used at 15 band salesmen.Harry Moss has been. than that of NBC, comparatively. Alsostations engaged in broadcasting andthe Exposition.This $30,000 speaker, installedincharge of the one-nightApril, 1935, gave CBS somewhat more(4) stations operated as common car-capableofreproducinganordinary bookings and Ed Kirkeby, until recentlyof a seasonal drop than this year, ac-riers on frequencies below 30,000 kilo-phonograph record to the quality and in charge of recordings for RCA Victor,counting to some extent for the com-cycles. volume of a 400 -piece orchestra, will be will run the phonograph record book-paratively high increase.CBS, however, installed in the band shell thru the ings for the Consolidated.Charles Ryanagain points out that it has beaten the The House committee has favorablycourtesy of Langevin and Western Elec- and Frank Whalen are also on the staffNYC Red as a single network. reported on Senate Bill 2243 by Senator It will be used in the broadcast at present as bookers.For commercial Wheeler, of Montana, which has alreadytric. radio program bookings an executive of passed the Senate and which relates toof daily symphony concerts and other high caliber will be selected, as well as allocation of radio facilities as to Statesclassical features during the Expo period. heads for theater and picture booking and communities. The objective of this department. David Sarnoff Sees bill is stated to be the providing of a Business Improving fair, efficient and equitable distribution Bands in Tow of radio service to each of these. Mutual Web Grabs Orchestracontracts turned over to CHICAGO, May 16.-Business condi- Consolidated by NBC are:Paul White-tionsaresteadilyimproving,with Off Racing Meets man, Frank Black, Richard Himber, Donprospects becoming more favorable thattrains and automobiles to our homes. NEW YORK, May 16.-After a lively Redman, William Wirges, Riley and Far-this year's volume will exceed that of E. T. Cunningham, president of thetussle among the three networks, Mutual ley. Reggie Childs, Francis Craig, Morgan1935, DavidSarnoff, president of theRCA -Victor Company, stated that theirBroadcasting System came out winner Eastman. Robert Goodrich, Ranny Weeks,Radio Corporation of America, said. herebusiness had improved 68 per cent inin a battle to get the exclusive rights to Earl Hines, Harold Nagel, Ruby New-this week, where he attended the two-the first four months of this year overracing broadcasts on the five New York man, Joe Hines, Eddie South, Haroldday convention of over 600 of his com-the same period of 1935 and said thattracks of the Westchester Association. Stern, Don Rodolpho, Arthur Revel, Joepany's distributors and salesmen at thetheir production would be doubled theBoth NBC and CBS, the latter having Venuti,RussMorgan,JollyCoburn,Edgewater Beach Hotel. last six months of this year.Thomaspreviouslyturned downtherights, George Hesseberger, Joe Gallichio, Lou started to fight for the hoss meets, when Orchestra' He declared that prospects for theT. Joyce, advertising and sales man- Breese and Andy Sannella. radio business are particularly promis-ager, declared that there would be aMutual started lining them up.Bryan that already belong to Consolidated in- 35 per cent increase in advertising ap-Field, sports writer of The New York clude Irving Aaronson, Red McKenzie,ing, with the national election assuring Times, who had the rights, will handle Harry Reser, Emil Velasco, Stuff Smithasubstantialgaininradiobuying.propriations for the next four months Altho declining to make any statementsand that the advertising on recordsthe broadcasts.Field had previously and Frank and Milt Britton.Frank and would be increased 50 per cent.Themade the offer for the coverage to Co- Milt Britton Band is reported as goingconcerning the commercial prospects of lumbia.Tracks are to get $1.000 per with Mills Artists' Bureau, altho not re-television.Mr. Sarnoff was optimisticmeeting wound up with a banquet inbroadcast when the races are sold com- leased officially by Greene or NBC. Thison the future of short-wave radio, say-the Marine Dining Room Friday night,mercially to an advertiser, meanwhile may provoke a court action. ing that some day without doubt wewith entertainment furnished by localplaying gratis while on the sustaining Greene was with NBC for about awill be able to converse from movingNBC artists. schedule. month when the AFM revoked all net- Five tracks are Empire State, Jamaica, work licenses.He still had his own SaratogaSprings, Aqueduct and Bel- franchise given to his Consolidated Radio mont Park.Races to be broadcast in- Artists,Inc., which was about to be clude the Withers, Saratoga Cup, Futu- liquidated. Negotiations between Greene,Networks Turn Out GoodJob rity and Belmont. Only stake races will NBC and Weber took exactly four weeks. be broadcast, with three shows scheduled In the meantime some of the NBC or- so far per week. Two afternoon quarter chestras took it on the chin, since NBC hoursandoneeveningcommentary refused to book without a written okehOn Summer TimeLiterature period, with Field at the mike, will be from Weber. Current setup, however, is NEW YORK,May 18.-If there is anyweek and two hours on Sundays.Fig-broadcast.Field has previously done all said to be a healthy proposition all aroundopen time unsold this summer the net-ures are for the summer time. the public-address spieling for the park. and broke up what might have event-works will not be to blame insofar as CBS has statistics compiled by Starch Battle over the rights is said to have ually been termed an out and out mo-not having tried is concerned, the an-Associates and otherwise sort of docu-started when Field saw it was no deal nopoly on certain tyres of booking en-nual rush of literature being on in aments its booklet with the sources ofat Columbia. Previously the network, it tailing sustaining wires. its information and mainly gives fiveissaid,feltthat the proposed series aremore definite and fact-finding manner UntilConsolidated new offices than ever.Columbia Broadcasting Sys-specific reasons why 1936 will deliverdidn't rate, but changed when the in- ready, Greene will have the use of histem has brought out two brochures, onethe largest summer audience in the his-terest was proven.Field, by this time, quarters in the NBC Artists' Service. entitled Radio Listening in Automobiles:tory of advertising. had proffered the series to MES, and the An Analysis and the other A Summary As already stated in these columns,final decision rested with Joseph Wide- Roy Wilson on Own of Summer 1936 Radio Facts.NationalNBC has turned out an attractive jobner, of the race track group, slfice Mu- Broadcasting Company has released itsbased on data supplied by its engineertual wanted the rights.It is reported NEW YORK, May 16.-Roy Wilson, forThe Good New Summer Time and isand bases much of the info on five cities.that executives of both NBC and CBS the past six years with Columbia Broad-working on its auto radio figures. Modern pictorial stuff is included. had lunch with Widener a few days ago Samples by NBC statistic department Relative to the difference in the autoand had tried to dissuade him from go- casting System and Assistant Director figures between NBC and CBS statistics,ing over to Mutual, but that Widener of its Artists' Bureau, has resigned. ef-and from Anderson, Nichols, Associates,NBC is seeking to find where the mis-felt that Mutual deserved the deal by fective May 22.He will open his ownresearch bureau,reveala discrepancy Herbert Bayard Swope, of talent offices and will have under ex-between NBC and CBS auto radio fig-take is, if any, and whether it is theirsthis tithe. However, CBS claims that theor at the door of CBS.NBC isalsothe NBC advisory board and the State clusive management a number of radioures. 10th anniversary campaignRacing Commission, is also said to have personalities,including Frank Parker,average listening time on Sunday bygetting its Associates andthose in cars is 3.2 hours, as against 2.6under way, playing up a specially de-come into the picture. Red Nichols and others. NBC finds thatsigned plaque, replicas of which will be Pabst Beer isa possible sponsor on quarters will be announced within thehours on a weekday. planted around at points of vantage. Mutual for the broadcasts. coming week. the average is one hour a day during the May 23, 1936 RADIO The Billboard 7 Ed Reynolds To Handle WebAuditionsCBS Stations Promotion Coast Realignment Remains NEW YORK, May 16.-Edward Reyn- olds,oftheColumbiaBroadcasting System, hasbeen promoted to new Show Activityduties and succeeds William Phillips inUnsettled for CBS Network

handling all sales promotion and ad- vertising for the CBS owned and oper- Far above the average foratedstationsoutsideof New York. Situation revolving around KNX purchases hinges on Phillips is resigning because of ill health this time of year-manyand expects to rest all summer. FCC clearance, while the Don Lee break leaves plenty of summer fillers Reynolds, who moves his office to the 20th floor in the CBS Building here, spots that need replacement-Lee and MBS talk

NEW YORK, May 16.-More auditionson which are the executive offices, will are being held now in network studiostravel to, the out-of-town stations and NEW YORK, May 16.-Radio's West Coast setup, insofar as the Columbia than for some weeks in the past, withact in an advisory capacity in theseBroadcasting System and the possible-and very likely-extension of Mutual to the number of shows being shown ad-matters.Policy was started at the startCoast -to -Coast proportions, are in a highly unsettled state.CBS does not yet vertisers, present and prospective, farof this year. know what its Pacific lineup this fall will be, when the sale of KNX will be exceeding the average for this time of ReynoldsjoinedCBS inJanuary,approved by the Federal Communications Commission and when, if the sale is the year.Some of the programs are tocoming from WOR. approved, Columbia operation of the 50,000 -watt Hollywood station will begin. go on for advertisers now on the air, Nor is the time of the break between CBS and Don Lee network settled, since with others to start soon and the balance it may occur before the contract expires as possibilities for thefall.Usually,CBS Basic Toledo at the end of this year.AccOrdingly, the around this time, there are shows being Don Lee -Mutual get-together is still in built but which do not reach the audi- Hearst Columns the air. tion stage until the end of August.May Quit for NBC CBS hopes, according to New York Further accenting the exception to the TOLEDO, 0., May 18. - WSPD, for officials, to have most of its knots as rule is that practically all of the pro-eight years a basic CBS unit, some timeBack; P. A.'s Hit to the Coast unraveled within a fort- posed programs are in the big timethis month is expected to switch to the NEW YORK, May 16.-Reversal on thenight or so.Only exception to this may class. NBC Blue network, tho no official con-part of Hearst papers towards outsidebe the actual takeover of KNX, which is Joe Penner, Bob Crosby and his or-firmation of the tieup has been made,radio publicity, and a tightening up onsolely up to the commission.Herbert chestra, with Lynn Martin, vocalist, wereeither locally or by NBC. Since Januarypress hooey on the part of some of 'theAkerberg, of the CBS stations' relations shown to Cocomalt (Ruthrauff & Ryan)1 the station has been one of five onother local ether writers, has acted todepartment,returnsfromtheCoast yesterday. Account has been lookingan optional basic network, with WSPD Monday (18), where he has been active for a kid show some time and heardbearing the brunt of spurned programscrimp the style of wholesale radio pressin digging into the Coast setup. Aker - Bill and Ginger earlier as WJR virtually smothers Toledo. agents.As a result, the space grabbersberg is not making any deals for CBS, in the week. working on the mass turnout, many -it is said, but is coming back with the Earlier, Jack Oakie, Milton Berle and No NBC unit satisfactorily serves theclientbasis,have been given ajolt others put on a test for Gillette razors,Northwestern Ohio area, and the newwhich has them worrying.The p. a.'sinformation as to the various possibili- thru the same agency, with the reportarrangementwillbe more thanat- ties and ways in which Columbia can tractive to both parties. are finding it tougher than ever to landMove out west. Akerberg may also have coming thru that the reception wasn't Itis under-space.At the same time the other pressa definite lineup on the Don Lee setup so hot.Harry Conn wrote the materialstood that terms alone are holding upagents, who have maintained the atti- for the Penner broadcast and Joe Cun-the transactionGeorge Storer, presi- with regard to the offer made to Lee dent of the Toledo Broadcasting Com-tude of just working for a few accounts,by CBS for Lee to split his chain and ningham for Oakie's program.Conn, have been helped, since it has givengive CBS certain of the stations. who may yet resume writing for Jackpany, conferred with NBC officials earlythem the idea of concentrating on non - Benny, is said to have refused to putthis month, but he made no announce-radio outlets. Meanwhile, regardless of the Lee -CBS himself on the audition basis for Gil-ment. The CBS contract expires some breaking date, a deal between Lee and lette, with the Penner material said totime this month. Wholesale press spots aren't as nu-Mutual Broadcasting appears to be get- have been bought outright. merous any more.Clientsinsist onting hotter.There have been numerous Sears Roebuck listened to a combina- space which the press agents previouslyconversations between the officials of the tion musical and dramatic show titledCobina Wright Loses could assure them on the law of aver-two networks and Fred Weber, stations' Golden Jubilee, with CBS submittingSuit Against Agency ages.But handling so many accountsboss for Mutual, left for the Coast this the show direct to the advertiser. Palm- Meant that the copy that went out wasweek, arriving there Friday (15).It is olive has been auditioning new talent NEW YORK, May 16.-Suit broughtstrictly boiler plate and with little con-known thatadvertisershavequeried also and may put on a show to succeedby Cobina Wright, society matron andtact, except on pay day, maybe betweenMBS on the Coast -to -Coast possibilities, the Follies.General Foods is planning aerstwhile radio singer, against the Cecil,these p.a.'s and their customers; theand the network has felt that there is new summer series for Showboat andWarwick & Cecil advertising agency inhooey was pretty bad and the editorsplenty of business to make such a setup also auditioned a minstrel show forNew York Supreme Court has been dis-stopped using it. worth while.Mutual officials said that Certo,a summer product.Showboatmissed. Direct radio outlets in the New Yorkeven if no stations were lined up be- plans are still sky-high, with the band Mrs. Wright sued for 21,4 per cent ofdailies are down to a minimum now.tween Chicago and the Coast, permanent idea, for a straight dance session, nowthe revenue accruing the agency fromHearst papers won't touch outside stuff;lines, costing about $200,000 annually, out and the advertiser preferring a pro-handling the Elizabeth Arden cosmeticThe Newsistighening up and Thecould be hooked up. MBS execs feel, it gram with a story connected.Al Good-account, alleging that she was instru-World -Telegram has never given muchwas explained, that the network need man, who will most likely go on what-mental in bringing the account to theshrift to the indie agents.Sun andonly do $1,000,000 annually to write off ever General Foods does use for Show-agency and that such payment was toTimes only have once -a -week columns.these line charges and earn a profit, boat, was also the mainstay of the Certobe made to her if her activities helped with the chain already exceeding that minstrel audition. the agency get the account. total on its present setup.With the Palmolive and GF Justice Peter Schmuck presided. addition of the Western coverage of the handled by Benton & Bowles. Ramona for Bond Bread; Coast market, itis believed MBS feels Jello, another General Foods account, Rejoins P. W. Next Fall there is no doubt of taking a profit, with handled by Young & Rubicam, is in theConnolly Radio Head filling in with other stations a none too market for a summer show to fill in for NEW YORK, May 16.-Ramona, singerdifficultproblem. One station, how- Jack Benny and will audition a musicalOf Branham N. Y. Office and pianist, will be heard with Jackever, once felt as a possible MBS link, setup Tuesday (19).Kellogg food prod- CHICAGO, May 16.-The BranhamShilkret's Orchestra and the Three Jest-KWK, St. Louis, is now definitely out ucts has bought several acts and is try-Company, representative of newspapersers in a summer series for Bond Breadand sticks to NBC. ing out for additional talent on its spot on CBS beginning Sunday, May 24. Same campaign. Pebeco is also in the marketand radio stations, has appointed James CBS has also to make a deal for San again and General Motors auditionedH. Connolly head of the radio division oftime for the same sponsor now filledFrancisco coverage, with KSFO men- Phil Cook, also this past week. its New York office.Joseph F. Timlinby Crumit and Sanderson will be usedtioned as a possibility. Is now In charge of the radio departmentwhile this team goes on Gulf Oil pro- Don Gilman, NBC West Coast head, is With one of the Fred Waring pro-of the home office. gram temporarily. grams slated to leave for the summer at now in New York, with the NBC acquisi- Connolly was formerly in the radio Ramona has been released by Paultion of the McClatchy newspaper group least, Ford Motors may buy other talentdepartment of N. W. Ayer & Son's NewWhiteman and the Lennen & Mitchellone of the matters he will discuss with and is said to be looking around. So -York office, and Timlin was associatedagency with the understanding that shethe home office. cony may change some of its talent onwith the Chicago officeofJ. Walter the Friday night CBS program. returns to the Woodbury program in CBS sales department is plenty anxious Talent agents are tickled with theThompson, in the radio department. the fall as an exclusive artist. for settlement of the Coast problem, so summer activity.Usuallyit's Jun a as to advise clients what the fall setup season of sunburn and waiting, with the will be. current excitement a windfall to the 10 percenters. Texas Labor Org Asks That FCC Bill and Ginger Signed More Bids Filed For Lever Bros. Program For Hot Springs Investigate Houston's Outlets HOUSTON, Tex., May 16.-A resolution "Be it resolved, That the Texas State NEW YORK, May 16.-Bill and Ginger LITTLE ROCK, Ark., May 16.-Twoasking that the Federal CommunicationsFederation of Labor in convention at(Lynn Murray and Virginia Baker) have newly incorporated concerns filed per-Commission investigate the three Hous-Houston, Tex., this 13th day of May,been sold for a five -time -weekly series mits to operate two radio stations atton radio stations to determine if they1936, go on record in the following man-by Columbia Broadcasting System to Hot Springs with the Federal Com-are operating in violation of the federalner: Lever Bros.Product is Spry brand of munications Commission at Washing-anti -monopoly laws was adopted Wednes- "(1) That formal protest by the Texasshortening. ton this week. The Associated Arkansasday by the Texas State Federation ofState Federation of Labor be filed with First show is Wednesday, May 20. 9.45- Newspapers, Inc., Hot Springs, asked forLabor in annual convention here.Thethe Federal Communications Commission10 a.m., on WABC, and may eventually unlimited time and permit for a 100 -resolutionalsoaskedcancellationofat Washington, D.C.,said protest togo network.Duo have been heardfor wetter.C. E. Palmer, publisher of sev-radio station KXYZ's license for alleged-seek the cancellation of license of radiosome time from Philadelphia for Muel- eral Arkansas dailies, is listed as presi-ly "ousting" Dr. William States Jacobs,station KXYZ and/or a protest againstlaegr'esncsypaghetti. Ruthrauff & Ryan is the dent of this firm. Houston's labor pastor, from his weeklythe renewal of the license of radio sta- The other permit was filed by,Radioprogram recently. tion KXYZ on the grounds that Enterprises,Inc., of El Dorado, Ark., "(a) Radio station KXYZ is operated which requested a permit for daytime The resolution follows in full: in violation of the existing federal radio operation at Hot Springs.T. H. Barton, "Whereas, Dr. William States Jacobs,law which clearly states that all licensedACOMEDIAN IS ONLY El Dorado, was listed as president, he'The Lamoring Man's Friend,' has beenstations operate for public interest, con- AS GOOD ASHIS MATERIAL and other officers of the firm all beingarbitrarily thrown off the air and pre-venience and necessity; and And so is any other artist on the air or off. vented from making further broadcasts Years of experience writing top-notch radio officers or directors of the Lion Oil "(b)That the Federal Communica- shows and material for leading artists is our Refining Company, of El Dorado, whichin Houston by themanagement oftions Commission be asked to make full guarantee that we will do a good writing job a week ago was announced as the pur-KXYZ, and investigationintothe ownership and for you. New Low Rates make this your big chaser of the NBC link at Hot Springs, "Whereas, all reasonable efforts to havemanagement KXYZ, KPRC and KTRH chance to get the kind of material you need KTBS, at present owned by the HotDr. Jacobs' broadcasting time restored to-all broadcasting stations in Houston, NOW! Write today! Springs Chamber of Commerce. him have met with absolute refusal onTex.-to determine if they are operated FREEMAN WRITING SERVICE No date has been set for either hear-the part of the management of saidin violation of the anti -monopoly laws 113 W. 57th St., Circle 7.5489, New York ing as yet. station; of the United States. 8 The Billboard RADIO May 23, 1936 LErrn\ 4( STEVENS tation72otes .they all Conductor swing with exclusive management Address All Communications to the New York Office COLUMBIA BROADCASTING CO. KJJZ, Fort Worth, Tex., has startedDAVE STRECH, arranger of orchestra- o m my broadcasting on its new high fidelitytions at KFRC, San Francisco, goes to transmitter.Station operates on theChicago this month to become affiliated THURSDAYS, 1370 kilocycle band.. . . WDNC,Dur-with Blackett - Sample - Hummert, Inc., SUNDAYS, ham, N. C., has inaugurated a publicitynational advertising agency. . . . 11:30 P. M., JAYSNOFF SISTERS STRECH has been with KFRC three * IRIS and JUNE * department under the management of WABC ORSEY LEE VICKERS, program manager, and ayears.. . . MARION T. WOODLING, for CBS NETWORK The Leading International Duo Pianists music clearance department headed bythe past year producer -announcerat AND HIS ORCHESTRA Radio Concert Stage AL HARDING, one of the station's an-KQW, San Jose, Calif., has been trans- The Blue Room nouncers. . . . WIBM, Jackson, Mich.,ferred to KJBS, San Francisco, as traffic has just completed erection of a newmanager forthe Northern California * HOTEL LINCOLN 218 -footsteeltubulartower. FieldBroadcastingSystem,whichhasas New York z4/444444h-e-54/44,4eQf tests indicate an increase of 104 per centaffiliates KROW, Oakland, and KGDM, in signal strength.. . . Reliance Manu-Stockton. facturing Company and Gardner Nur- series are sponsoring PAT McCORMICK Every Tuesday early -morning show on WLW, 'pmimi 0to 10:30 P.M., EDST.smm, on his New Biz, Renewals NBC Chicago . has Cincinnati. . . DUKE LIDYARD NEW YORK, May 16.-New accounts0 returned from New York to Clevelandon the National Broadcasting Company: and is on the WHK announcing staff 0 LUNCEFORD again.Worked for CBS while in New PROCTER & GAMBLE CO., thru the DDIE AND HIS ORCHESTRA York. Blackman Co., starts May 25 on WJZ and 11stations, Monday toFriday, 10:15-10:30 a.m. Home, Sweet Home. z4,',ea/ kity cc/liceratew IT IS REPORTED thatwiththe $ DOWLING expiration of its present lease WAPI, B. T. BABBITT CO., thru Blackett- Now Touring Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Sample-Hummert, New York, starts June 0 Richmond, Cincinnati, Detroit. Birmingham's big 50,000-watter, will go 0 presents his Direction into ^the hands of a Magic City real1 on WEAF and 18 stations, Monday to HAROLD OXLEY, 17 E. 49th St., New York, N. operator at a substantial decreaseFriday, 11-11:15 a.m. David Harum. ELGIN REVUE in rental return.Lease will be for 15 New York Area with years.. . .A.S. FOSTER, commercial manager for WWL, New Orleans, has Just HEARN'S DEPARTMENT STORE, di- DONALD BAIN returned from an 8,000 -mile drive westrect, starts May 18, Monday, Wednesday. RAY DOOLEY (IMITATOR -COMEDIAN) to Mexico, thence up north and eastFriday, 7:30-7:45 p.m. Voices Out of the UNUSUALLY LIFE -LIKE IMITATIONS OF Sky. WHN. Oltah.\\\\\\\IIM..\\\116.\ BIRDS, ANIMALS, WILD BEASTS, ETC. as far as Canada. He visited more than Room 902, 723 Seventh Ave., New York City. a score of the biggest air stations in BRyant 9.5107. Chicago this country en route. . . . Plans to Station WGN reports the following moveWBNO,purchased by a Georgian recently, are under way. New Orleansbusiness; fumadiddles 100-watter will have a new transmitter ARMIN VARADY, INC.(cosmetics), 10 miles north of town and new studiosthru Sellers Service, Inc., Ted Weems' Orchestra, an MBS commercial, has been DDIE ED WEEMS installed in the St. Charles Hotel. . . . The three Prince Edward Island stations,renewed for an additional 26 weeks' AMERICA'S MOST VERSATILE two at Charlottetown and one at Sum-period, beginning October 11,1936, to ENTERTAINING ORCHESTRA merside, have widened their advertisingand including April 4,1937. Program appeal to include the mainland of Newuses Sunday from 12:30 to 1 p.m. GREEN Now Playing Brunswick and Nova Scotia, as well as GOLF BALL, INC., Golf Forum of the Four times on the FLEISCHMANN theisland,andarespecializinginAir, thru Auspitz & Lee. a local com- Hour. grouping sponsors from mainland citiesmercial, taking Tuesday and Thursday THANKS to RUDY VALLEE EMPIRE ROOM and towns. from 6:30 to 6:45 p.m. for 13 weeks, be- Currently CONN I E'S INN,New ginning May 18, 1936. York, Indefinitely. OF PALMER HOUSE THE WATTAGE ofCJCB, Sydney, Dayton Direction THE N. S.,islikely to be increased soon. NBC ARTISTS SERVICE CJLS, Yarmouth, N. S., is making ,CITIZENS'FEDERAL SAVINGS & CHICAGO, a. determined. . attempt to get a place onLOAN ASSN., started April 17, spot an- the CRC network and is being supportednouncements. WHIO. by community effort at Yarmouth, in- TRANSPORTATIONT W IN S,an- cluding the sending ofdelegatestonouncements. WHIO. **** Ottawa to interview the CRC heads and GENERAL MILLS, thru Knox Reeves Dramatic Baritone II IINGY MANNONEto Halifax to seek support of the pro-Agency, announcements. WHIO. S-undays,2 p.m. and 6 p. SALLY'S MOVIELAND REVIEW New Orleans Swing King and His Swing vincialgovernment. . . . The Iowa NEAL'S FARM DAIRY PRODUCTS m. Now 10th Month. WMCA Band)Now Playing attheHickoryHouse, Poets' Corner, a weekly program on KSO,CO., announcements. WHIO. ss New York.Doubling at the STORK CLUB. Mon. too SSat. Recording for RCA Victor. Des Moines, will celebrate its third year Newark 5:30 to 6 p.m., on the air on May 29. The program has EDST. been conducted during that time by FISCHER BAKING CO., thru Neff - MRS. LEWIS WORTHINGTON SMITHRogow, starts June 1, Monday, Wednes- and in that time practically every Iowaday,Friday,6:30-6:45p.m.Junior poet to have verse published has beenG Men. WOR. Hit HARRIS who has MODERN INDUSTRIAL BANK, thru:---7-_ -_----_-COAST to COAST= -A aired.. . . CLAIR WEIDNER, been conducting his "Scrapbook of theMarschalk & Pratt, starts June 9, Mon- AND HIS ORCHESTRA, Air" on. the Iowa networks, went today to Saturday, 9-9:15 p.m.Gabriel *WALTER* With LEAH RAY, WGL and WOWO, Fort Wayne, Ind., toHeatter. WOR. ArcadiaInternational House, be an announcer and found himself SKOL PRODUCTS CO., thru Kimbal, made assistant program director there.Hubbard & Powell, starts June 28, Sun- Philadelphia, Pa. day,11-11:15p.m.Transradionews. WGST, Atlanta, under contract withWOR. DR. MILES, thru Wade Adv. Agency, ETLE Coca-Cola Company to broadcast At- Radio's Outstanding Boy Actor lanta baseball team games away fromrenews, effective May 24, Tuesday and FRED ALLEN 9:00 p.m. Wed. NBC SHOW BOAT 9:00 p.m. Thur. NBC home, was only going to broadcast day-Thursday, 7:45-8 p.m. Sketch. WOR. PAUL WHITEMAN 9:30 p.m. Sun. NBC time games.First night game of sea- PLAINFIELD LUMBER & SUPPLY CO.. BOBBY BENSON 6:15 p.m. Mon. son, not put on air, caused a deluge ofthru Bess & Schillin, announcements. Wed. CBS Alexander WNEW. inquiries, so now every night game away BUCK ROGERS 6:00 p.m. Mon. CAPATONE PRODUCTS CO., direct, 15 Wed. CBS from home will be broadcast, starting atminutes weekly. WNEW. Fri. 10:30 o'clock. . . WRR, the radio broadcasting station on the $25,000,000 PRINCIPAL PICTURESCO.,thru Texas Centennial Exposition grounds, isBlackstone Co., announcements. WNEW. FRANK ANITA JOE owned by the city of Dallas and is the A.SANTINI & SONS, direct, three 15 - minute periods weekly. WNEW. ROSS PIERRE SCHUSTER GRA world's oldest municipal station. . . . "Performance by Chrysler" KDKA, Pittsburgh, will erect a 710 -foot Philadelphia THE BIG BROADCAST OF 1936 tower antenna at its Saxonburg trans- TAPPIN'S (credit jewelry store) placed NOW ON TOUR A CBSSuper Air Show mitter. direct; started May 15 for 13 weeks, two P.M. EST, JACK KALCHEIM, Western Rep., Chirago. Every Thursday 8 RAY LLOYD has again drawn the15 -minute periods daily.Dance record- ROGER MURRELL, RKO Rep. Coast to Coast assignment to handle all aircasts fromings.WFIL. Pers.Mgt. CBSArtistsBureau Wildwood this summer for WIP, Phila- B. K. DAVIS & BROTHER (employ- ment service) placed direct; starts .Maying November 4,1936, two 15 -minute delphia. . . . LESLIE FREDERICKS, periods Weekly.political talk.WIP. former announcer at WIP, Philadelphia,20 for one week, five spot announce- AND postatWTPF,ments. WIP. CRAWFORD'S (furrier) placed direct; HIS assumesasimilar started May 11 for indefinite period, six HUGH CROSS Raleigh, N. C.. . .PAT STANTON, REV. PERCY CRAWFORD (religious) station manager at WDAS, Philadelphia,placed direct; renewal starting May 31,15 -minuteperiodsweekly. Musical. RADIOGANG entrains for a six -week trip to Irelandending May 23, 1937, Sunday, 30 min-WIP. Courtesy GEORGIE PORGIE cereal utes.Young People's Church of the GEORGE M. LEWIS (religious) placed to make travel pix. . . . DON HEY - 10 A.M.-WWVA-4 P.M. WORTH is the newest addition to theAir. WIP. direct; starts May 19 for 13 weeks, three ERNIE BRODERICK, Personal Representative. KYW, Philadelphia, announcing staff, BORMAN-PETRIE (beautysalon),15 -minuteperiodsweekly. Religious coming in from WNEW, New York. thru Philip Klein Agency; started Maytalk.WIP. 11 for indefinite period, three five-min- DON E. GILMAN, NBC Western divi-ute periods weekly.Beauty talk. WIP. Grand Rapids TED IENNINGS sion vice-president, is in New York for KENT'S RESTAURANT AND BAKING WOOD -WASH reports the following The Crown AND HIS ORCHESTRA aseries of conferences with networkCO. placed direct; starts May 29 for 15business: Prince of officials.H. J. MAXWELL, his assistantweeks, one spot announcement weekly. Rhythm The Choice of the Southland. in San Francisco, is holding down theWIP. WAYNE PRODUCTS AND BREWING FAST BECOMING A NATIONAL FAVORITE. COMMUNIST PARTY OF PHILADEL-CO., thru Abe Brasch Agency, announce - One of America's Most EntertainingDance Bands. West Coast job while GILMAN is east, (See NEW BIZ on opposite page) Care The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. which will be for several weeks.. . . PHIA placed direct; starts May 23, end- 74'1"717,? -1:71

May 23, 1936 RADIO -REVIEWS The Billboard 9 right on its heels in the number twonouncements for one month, beginning , spot; parody on Glory, Glory, Halleluiah,May 27.KNX, Hollywood. and Three Blind MiceClosing was My GRAHAM -PAIGE MOTORS CORP., Country 'Tis of Thee.With the aid ofthru United States Adv.Corp., daily Pft05tamleOttow6 kazoos distributed to the audience vari-floating spot announcements for one ations were derived and the accentsmonth, beginning May 5.KNX, Holly- placed in certain spots for the comedywood. EDST Unless Otherwise Indicated effect.The John Brown parody anent his baby having a cold upon its chest DR. J. W. ROSS CO. (dog food), par- "Dramas of Everyday Life"played and prizes offered for a suitablesubstituted coughs and sneezes for someticipatingIn HousewivesProtective title.Credits are divided among retailof the words. This song might be placedLeague program for five weeks, twice ReviewedTuesday,8:15-8:30 p m.outlets for the G. G. G. brand of clothes,'in the doubtful class for more reasonsdaily, beginning May 27.KNX, Holly- Style - Dramaticsketch. Sponsor-atleast two local stores getting thethan one.Division of the audience and wood. Idemnity Insurance Company of North benefit of the copy on this program,certain groups coming in only on parts SERVEL, INC.(ElectroluxRefriger- America andInsurance Company ofone taking the first quarter-hour periodof the song further added to the novelty.ators), thru Batten, Barton, Durstine & North America.Station-WIP (Phila-and the other the latter.Skillful work-Intimate style was always present, suchOsborne;startedApril28forthree delphia). manship is stressed and at one pointas giving the audience its choice be-months, Tuesday and Thursday.Pro- Dramatizing an auto accident, a fire,simile was made between the care goingtween singingThreeo'Clockinthegram listing: Carson Robinson and his a busted plate -glass window, an indus-into the making Three -G clothes, just asMorning or Moonlight and Roses.Lis-Buckaroos!(trans.) KNX, Hollywood. trial mishap and the dozen and onea surgeon would in course of his per-teners are invited to come, with the UNION PACIFIC STAGES, thru Beau- other forms of policy coverage marksformance. cut-of-towners asked to write in if theymont,Hohman,Inc.,newsperiods. the first attempt of a casualty insurance Show is on twice weekly, Tuesday andplanned to visit. KNX, Hollywood. company to preach the gospel over a lo-Friday, the latter program frequently Portable mike was used by Paul Doug- PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINES,thru cal ether wave.When caught this bi-being moved back an hour or so to makelass to give the folks a chance to speakH. J. Ryan & Associates, announcements. weekly shot gave the awe-inspiring spec-way forspecialboxingcommercials,their piece and it seems a good time wasKNX, Hollywood. tacle of a florist experiencing a brokensuch as the recent McLarnin-Canzonerihad by all, as the saying goes. More old McALEER MFG. CO., thru Holden, show window at the outset of his winterbout.Presumably local announcementsfavorites are on tap for succeeding pro -Graham & Clark, announcements. KNX, flower sale.Recounting his financialare heard in the cities on the Intercitygrains and a free course 'in glee singingHollywood. plight, he had told the agent it wouldweb taking the program. M. H. S. is practically free for the asking.Bar- BULOVA WATCH CO., thru Biow Co., be impossible to renew his policy.But clay could help a little more by realiz-time signals.KNX, Hollywood. just like the Hairbreadth Harry comic ing he is not working for the Shuberts IRONIZED YEAST CO., thru Ruth- strip ending, his current policy comes to "WHN Bookshop" right now, that the listeners on the out-rauff & Ryan, announcements.KNX, And the rescue and saves the flowers. Reviewed. Thursday,9:30-9:45p.m.side count most; that they don't go forHollywood. you can bet he'll never let his policyStyle-Book comments.Sustaining, ontoo much of the "darnce" vs. dance pro- lapse. WHN (New York). nunciations-in fact, to cut it short and Radio script is penned and prepared ifwe're excused in advance-may weSCAB FILM Pleasant enough quarter hour going (Continued from page4) by Margaret (Mike) Schaeffer.The ac-over the latest books on the market andsay, Barclay shouldn't be quite so "ham- cident and sound effects are different,presented in a way which should interestmy."But the program has great pos-with the League and over the attempts but the policy is always there for the sibilities nevertheless. . M. H. S. to limit writers' contracts with studios the customers towards whom itis di- Hughes, as chair- "and lived happily ever after" ending.rected.If some of that chatter between for a two-year period. Company doesn't plug itself, but has man, declared that Hollywood writers an exec coming in for the last threeSophie Cleugh and Mitchell Benson, whoNEW BIZ would never consent to dictates of a minutes to give the Boy Scout talk. handle the program, seems stilted and (Continued from opposite page) New York organization, which he said affected, it can probably be traced to thements three days a week tf;startedwould he the direct result of a writing It all fits well with the "be preparedwriting. The talk definitely fails to lineMay 8. and keep a policy up your sleeve" idea,up as natural conversation.This held talent merger. but from the radio ettertainment angletrue especially the evening caught, when SEVEN-UP BOTTLING CO. OF WEST- A.committee of seven was appointed to it's strictly ten-twent of the cliff-hangera new travel book was under discussionERN MICHIGAN, direct;35 -word andwork out the details of a constitution variety.A cast comprising Sam Serota,and both Miss Cleugh and Benson re-100 -word announcements three days aand code of fair practices to be sub- Al Woods, Alma Mackenzie and Misscited passages therefrom and had theweek; started May 5. mitted to film producers.The commit- Schaeffer for the bits makes it listen -golden sun setting in the West over the KALAMAZOO STOVE CO., -direct; 100 -tee is composed of William Slavens Mc- able altho hard to swallow.The per-crimson, etc.That's as much the faultwordannouncementsthreetimesaNutt, Frank Butler, Waldemar Young, week; started May 7. Bill Counselman, Tom Reed, Kubec Glas- formers getting as much as possible outof the book, of course, altho the ether mon and Bess Mbredyth. of the lines thruout keeps it out of thereviewers seemed to like it. BREEN & HALLIDAY FUEL CO., di- Regarded as an ultimatum against any mock-meller class. ORO. Various guest stars, in the way of pub-rect; 182 100 -word announcements andefforts of the Authors' League or affiliates lishers,arepresentedweekly. Thisweather report six days a week. to dictate to film producers, a committee should help in the commercial possibili- WURZBURG DRY GOODS CO., direct;of studio executives, headed by Irving "Camera and Sound!, ties of the program, especially if a pub-78 half-hour programs six days a week;Thalberg, issued the following statement: Reviewed Tuesday,11:30-12noon.lisherisbeing solicited.It couldtie "No play will or any manu- Style-Organlogue and chatter.Sustain-used to present subtle plugs for the pub- script purchased, now or in the future, ing on WWSW (Pittsburgh). lisher's latest books if the commercials, ROSKAM BAKING CO.,direct;65that carries with it any restrictions as to even if delivered by the publisher him-five-minuteprogramsthreedaysawho shall prepare it for use as screen This is a new program that promisesself, weren't hammered home. J. F. week. to prove a popular feature with noon FIRESTONE AUTO SUPPLY ANDmatter." listeners. Thefeatureoriginatesin A session of the Screen Writers' Guild Warner's Enright Theater, where Johnny "Community Sing" SERVICE CO.,direct;52announce-executive board discussed the proposed Mitchell, veteran theater organist, pipes ments six days a week. union of the Guild with the Authors' some popular tunes, and Walter Framer, Reviewed Sunday, 10:30-11 p.m. Style KENT DISTRIBUTING CO.,direct;League.It was reported that the plan popularfree-lancingairbroadcaster,-Group singing.Sustaining, on WABC22 100 -word announcements sixdays awas to rush thru amalgamation arrange- talks theater matter and plugs the movie(CBS network). week. ments with the League, which would in attractions playing in Warner theaters. In show business it has long been HARLEY SMITH FURNITURE CO., di-effectdissolve the Guild, set up the Itis considered a sustaining program,considered that the ideal act was prob-rect; 100 -wordannouncementsthreeLeague as a governing body for writers, however, Warners being supposed to payably the one that could make the audi- and nullify resignations of more than days a week tf. 100 members associated with the national the wire charges and furnishing talentence entertain itself.In the theater it CHAMBERLAIN LABORATORIES, thru for the free plugs. can be worked out, and apparently CBSCoolidge Adv. Co., 151 one -minute tran-group. An outstanding talent feature is thehas worked it out pretty well with itsscriptions: starting November 1. Several studios were reported feeling guest -artist angle, each day a differentguests at the CBS Playhouse.It re- the results of the "civil war" as writing performer coming over from Warner'smains now for the program to induce Mutual Accounts outputs were said to be retarded on sev- Stanley, a combination house, to do histhe listeners to join in the chorus and THE CRUSADERS, thru Marschalk &eral lots and production schedules held theywillbeentertaining themselves up while writers wrangled. bit.At this hearing Jerry Adler, versa- Pratt, renew, effective May 14, on WOR, Looking for some form of support from tile harmonica player, offered a couplejust as tho they were at the theater -WLW, WAAB, WPRO, WGAR, Thursday, of knockout selections.This programstudio.However, it is not a hard half9:45-10 p.m. Talks. the Actors' Guild, screen writers were will benefit from the many "names" al-hour to take even if a listener does not disappointed with the Thespians' latest ways heading the Stanley attractions. feel inclined to join in. West Coast decision 'to take no sides in the writing Withlittlestraightadvertisingon John Barclay. known to radio audi- talent split for the time being. hand, the feature is highly entertaining'ences mostly thru the Palmolive oper- BULOVA WATCH CO., thru Biow Co.; Meanwhile,itisrepored,a strong Framer'slightning -speedchatterandettaseries,directsthis program andstarted May 3,daily for one month.sentiment is being developed in SWG Mitchell's pleasing organ solos make itdoes all the selling.The fundamentalSpot announcements, 6:15, 7:15 and 8:30ranks for formalaffiliation with the an inviting program in any home. singers are a trained group planted inp.m.KNX, Hollywood. American Federation of Labor. S. H. the audience. Whether the guests know NU -ENAMEL PAINT CORP., thru Paul Talk is also being heard of a serious they are plants or not should make noWinens Agency, participating in House-move in the new writing group to en- difference if they should wish to joinwivesProtectiveLeague programsixgage Jimmy Walker, former New York Roger Wolfe Kahn in.Rather it would seem easier to be-times weekly. KNX, Hollywood. mayor, as front and parley man for their Reviewed Tuesday, 10-10:30 p.m. Stylecome part of the fun.Songs included IRONIZED YEAST CO., thru Ruth-body.Idea is to set Walker up as the -Orchestra and vocal soloists.SponsorMy Old Kentucky Home, with Margyrauff & Ryan, Inc., floating spot an -Will Hays of film playwrights. -William P. Goldman Bros.Station- WMCA (New York). CROSS PICKETS Lively, tuneful orchestra plus a couple (Continued from page 4) of excellent singers gives this "Intercity made last week also.There is no im- Presentation" much more class than the mediate chance of a truce, it appears. average program of its type on this sta- fnetWat qG149Cel4SIS Local306isplanning toextendits tion or hookup. Kahn has a strong ag- picketing activities thruout the city and gregation under his baton; there's plen- is already picketing 46 theaters. Mean- ty of "bottom" along with the volume Selectionslisted below represent TheBillboard's accurate check onthree net- while Harry Brandt, head of the Inde- and of course dance rhythm was never works, via WIZ, WEAF and WABC. pendent Theater Owners'Association, a weak spot with this particular maes- Only songs played at least once during each program day are listed. Idea isto has appealed to Mayor La Guardia to tro.Usually listeners expect to hear a recognize consistency rather than gross score.Period coveredis from Friday, May intervene again and establish a wage band of this quality hereabouts on elec- 8, to Thursday, May 14, both dates inclusive. scale, consolidate the unions and forbid trical transcription rather than in the cross -picketing. flesh when it comes to the commercials. You 35 IsItTrue What They Say About Local 306 has elected 11 delegates to On the vocal end is Charles Carlile, Robins and Roses 33 Dixie? 20 the InternationalAlliance convention melodious tenor with a network back- Lost 26 Would You? 20 June 8.Delegates are Joseph D. Bass- ground, who turns in his usual fine job, oon,BertPopkin,Charles Beckman, faultless as to quality of voice and han- You Started Me Dreaming 25 Let Yourself Co ' 19 Melody From the Sky 14 I Don't Want To Make History 18 Herman Gelber, Frank Ruddock, Jack dlingofhislyrics. MarjorieHarris Touch of Your Lips 23 I'll Bet You Tell That to All the Girls 15 Winnick, Alex Polin, Wally Byrnes, Mor- contributes the femme solos and Bob Goody, Goody 22 I'llStand By 14 ris Kravitz, Jack Kieley and Dick Can- Carter emsees the program, whlc!i main- cellaire.The delegation willcast19 tains a peppy tempo and atmosphere. Love Is Lice a Cigaret 22 You Can't Pull the Wool Over My Eyes 7 votes at the convention. Kahn also talks on occasion and a fea- The local is holding a benefit show for ture of the show is a new tune con- SHEET MUSIC best sellers will be found on page 13. / its sick fund at the Roxy Theater May test. Newtunecomposed by Kahn is 22 midnight.

.. 10 The Billboard RADIO May 23, 1936 Bank Night.Last night the pot was West Coast Notes; 8750. PITTSBURGH, May 16.-Successful in ARTA Bears Fruit settlingdifferencesamicablyoutof LOS ANGELES, May 16.-Demands of court, Art England, local representative American Radio Telegraphists' Associa- for Bank Night Enterprises, is withdraw- By JERRY FRANKEN ing two suits he filed against exhibi- tion upon local station managements tors,, in which he charged them with the forrecognition,institutionofwage HYLTON is slated to leave thescript author, is in Hollywood to write scale and working -hours agreement are violation of the copyright law. JRealsilk Sunday show at the end offor pictures.. . . Rea Nathanson has England states that speedier results beginning to bear fruit.KFAC-KFVDJune, with the last few broadcasts ofleft the WHN department, heading toon a more friendly basis are reached out hasgivenits 11 technicianssalaryhis series to come to New York. Whilethe Coast, where she will live. of court and hence the action of his boosts, but management refuses to gothe account will stay on the air over firm's attorneys to stop the legal en- thru formality of subscribing to union'sthe summer, Hylton plans to sail for Ed Byron, formerly radio head oftanglements.The two suits being with- code of practice.Having accomplishedEurope when his term on the show isWilliam Esty, arrived in New York lastdrawn are those filed against M. Aksel- its main purpose, ARTA will not pressover, most likely returning in the fall.week after a vacation trip to Mexico. its -demands but will start similar action rad, operator of the Regent Theater in . . . Reported that Young & Rubicam . . . Lorraine Barrett, WMCA singer,McKees Rock,Pa., and theOilCity against other independents. may open a Coast office, what with theis now vocalist with the Julian Wood-Theater Company, operator of the Drake Situation on the ARTA-Don Lee-KHJFredAstaire -Packardbroadcastandworth Orchestra. . . . Charles (Ezra)TheaterinOilCity,Pa. England difficulty is still unchanged, with bothothers to come from there this comingHetherington, of Pappy, Zeb, Ezra andcharged that the defendants had been aides waiting and marking time. fall. . . . New York Evening Sun isElton, writes from Philadelphia, whereusing the Bank -Night feature in their Another radio program to exploit filmagain listing the WMCA programs. Forthe act works on WCAU, that he istheaters under a different title. names is set for KFI, beginning thissome time now the daily had not been"definitely not with the Zeke Manners week,underthelistingHollywoodcarrying these shows due to a mixupgang." "Ezra" says that "Zeb" has re- Hostess. Ann Arthur will preside, withover broadcasting last year's election re-placed "Zeke" in P., Z., E. and E. and ATLANTA, May 16.-The Knox Thea- guest stars, entertainers and film newsturns.Sun management thought thatthat " 'Zeke's"Ezra' is a 'phony' orter, Thompson, Ga., discontinued the use for weekly fare. the station was to carry its election re-something." We're just quoting.. . . of Cash Nights when informed it was sults when the station already was set forCliff Corbett is back actively as Newinfringing the rights of Affiliated Enter- Further publicity tieup between War-the figures from The Journal. York studio manager for WNEW, New-prises, operators of Bank Night, accord- ner picture studio and Warner -operated ing to Dan Roberts, in charge of Atlanta KFWB results next week in The Film ark. He was away for an operation. Whether Annette Hanshaw returns to . . . WHN willhave Nat FleischerterritoryfortheAffiliated. Roberts Parade program. Show is slated weekly stated they have agreed to discontinue under theguiding handofGeorgeShowboat isstill in the air, swingingbroadcasting from the Joe Louis -Max Fisher, station press agent, who will in-thisa way and theta way almost everySchmeling training camps until the eveany similar money giveaway. terview Warner stars each week. Firstday. Decision restswith the singer.of the fight. . . . WOR will have the to be interviewed are Glenda Farrell . . . Hearn'sdepartmentstorehasexclusive on the Stadium concerts this started a series on WHN, with the audi-summer, starting June 24. . . . G. E.LOCAL 802 and Warren Hull. ence to guess the voices of picture starsHollihan has been added to the program Willis Cooper, NBC writer, got intogoing over the mike.Recordings anddepartment of World Broadcasting, and (Continued from page 3) town over last week -end with severalsound tracks on film will be used, cashalso has formed a copyright departmenttically the sole topic of talk this week film studio deals on the fire.Cooper,prizes going to the winnahs I. . .Gil-headed by John Hanna. . . . Sam Her-among musicians, and opposition has author of the Flying Time period frombert Seldes or John B. Kennedy willman and Frank Banta have started aproved already strong enough to have Chicago,isone of the few networkandle the main part in a newspapernew a.m. series three times a week forhad 500 members sign a petition for a scribes to get announcement credit. He'saudition slated for this week... . BobG. Washington coffee on NBC. . .. Tedspecial meeting where attempts will be about the fifth radio writer to entertainHope show shifts to Thursday nights,Royal back on the air at CBS for Pom-made to rescind the law.Presented to film offers in past several weeks. starts June 4.. . .Edith Meiser, radiopeian cosmetics. the executive board of the local Thurs- Finals of KFWB amateur series, run- day (14), petition was granted and the ning for past three months, will be held meeting will be held June 3. this week.Prizes are drama scholar- Therewas considerableconfusion ship, music and voice lessons as well as about the provisions of the stand-by law, shot at films.Owen Crump has been most regarding it as now impossible to producing. earn over $75 weekly.This is not Set Bob Sherwood, NBC announcer, this ait, 7zote6 Resolution reads, "No member playing a week filed bankruptcy petition in J'ed- steady engagement paying $75 or over, eral Court.Under his real name, 'Rob- By NAT GREEN or playing five single engagements (radio ertSherwoodWalgamott,announcer Three years of consecutive broadcast-fore the American Red Cross conventionor vitaphone) during the week may be places liabilities at $4,211 with no assets.ingwithWJJD wascelebratedbyhere last week, with Truman Bradley asemployed on additional engagements un- . . . Donna Damerel, "Marge" of theFredBeck, organist,on May 13.emsee and Lucille Ambrose as accom-less a 50 per cent stand-by is paid to the air team of Myrt and Marge, in town . . .Horace Heidt and his orchestrapanist. . . . After a serious illness whichunion for the extra engagement (single for an extended vacation.Planning toreturnedtotheDrakeHotelMaynearlycosthislife,RussHodges,engagement includes double session re- build a home in the near -by San Jacinto15 and are heard over WGN. . . . WIND'S ace sportscaster, has returnedcordings) in addition to the minimum Mountains. Austin Mack's Orchestra, absent fromto the air to resume his daily baseballunion scaleto the member himself." the airlanes for two months, returned to Leaders are not restricted, but contrac- San Francisco broadcasts ,pfthe Chicago teams andtors are.Executive board may exempt WBBM May 11,broadcastingnightlyhis nightly sports reviews.. . . Lumpermanent units, existing contracts are SAN FRANCISCO, May 16.-Harrisonfrom Harry's New York CaBARet.. . . and Abner, having been named honorary Holliway, who has held' down the man-ProfessorGable's Wonder Why Clubtimekeepers of the annual Memorial Dayunaffected and no member may hold two agership of KFRC, the CBS -Don Leemade its debut over ABC May 14 withrace at the Indianapolis motor speed-steady jobs unless the pay totals no network outlet here, since it started 12Dr. Luther S. H. Gable, popular lec-way,willtaketheirhonorarystopmore than $75. On steady dates paying years ago, has resigned to become gen-turer on scientific subjects, telling inwatches to the Hoosier capital May 30less than $75, for each $1.5. below this eral manager of the Earl C. Anthonypopular language some of the wondersand watch the speed demons go round.level one single date may be played. stations, KFI and KECA, in Los An-ofscience. . . . Nat Green's Radio . . . Their appointment came from Passage of the resolution was against geles, affiliat4bns of NBC.Holliway, aPrevues on WCFL switched to 8:30 p.m.Eddie Rickenbacker, president of the In-the report of the majority of the local's veteran in radio, assumes his new dutiesTuesday for the summer months. dianapolis Motor Speedway Corp.. . . executive board, but two membership June 15.Only 35 years old, he has H. Leslie Atlass, CBS vice-president, hasmeetings adopted the minority report written important chapters in radio his- added another horse to his show stable,favoring passage. One distinct group of He discovered much talent that HoraceHeidtandhisBrigadiers musicians will be affected primarily by tory. opened their summer engagement at thewhich already includes Radio Rhythm,the rule, this being the men playing the has since scaled the heights.AmongDrake Hotel here May 15 and are broad-Miss Columbia and other radio names.majority of radio dates in the various those are Meredith Willson, NBC West- . . . Joan Blaine and Elinor Harriot erndivisionmusicaldirector;Ednacasting nightly over the Mutual net-can be seen most any morning enjoyinglocal studios.It is an acknowledged fact work. . . .Heidt is just back from a that practically all of this work is done Fisher, Tommy Harris, Frank Watanabe,four months' road tour of the majora brisk canter along the lake a comparatively few members whose Al Pearce, Don Thompson and Don Wil- . .Eddie Duchin's Band at the Plaza, son. citieseast of the Mississippi,duringNew York, and Jimmie Greer's Orches-earnings range up to the $500 mark Erno Rapeewill conduct the Sanwhich he established some new recordstra from the Biltmore in Los Angelesweekly, if not more.It has been claimed for dance and theater attendances.. .. that these men are indispensable. Those Francisco Symphony Orchestra here MayAll of Heidt's soloists return with thejoinedthe NBC to welcomeXavierfavoring the law say that if they are in- 31, when it will be the second GeneralBrigadiers,including Lysbeth Hughes,Cugat in grand style when Cugat's or-dispensable they will continue to make Motorsconcerttooriginate on this chestra switched to NBC May 14... . Coast over NBC.Rapee conducts theBob McCoy, the Campbell Sisters, JerryWhen Truman Bradley stepped from anbig money, otherwise the work will be Los Angeles orchestra May 24, whenBowne, Art Thorsen and the Radio Ram-American Airlines plane Saturday to actgiven to other men now on the local's Rosa Ponselle will be soloist. blers. ... A new glee club will be heardas emsee at the opening of the newrelief lists. Galla-Rini, on KJBS Wednesday after-with the band. . .. Vivian della Chiesa,Ford Rotunda at the River Rouge plant The other "spread work" resolution noon with his accordion and guest art-young lyric soprano, recently lured awayhe completed his 50,000th mile of com-prohibits men doubling on all kinds of ists, is the same who was such a vaude-from Columbia by NBC, began her newmuting between Chicago and the Motordates except in dance orchestras, includ- ville sensation a few years ago. network broadcasts May 14 and will beCity. ing non-commercial broadcasts from re- KFRC has been auditioning a newheard on four programs a week.. . . motes, where the $3 remote fee is being She will appear with the Roy Shield paid.Hereafter no doubling is allowed show for a Pacific Coast beer company.RevueeachThursday,withEdward Nanao Ueno, chief engin8er of theon commercial radio dates, theaters, sym- It's a variety type of broadcast, but who Nagoyo Central Broadcasting Company, the sponsor might be isa secret. IfDavies,baritone,andCharlesSears, phony, opera, comic opera, recordings, accepted by the sponsor it will be thetenor, and on Tuesday she will be heardof Japan, spent several days in Chicago,either for home or broadcast use, or most ambitious program to emanatewith an orchestra directed by HarryvisitingHowardLutgensandotherrecordings for motion pictures. Doubling Kogen.. .. A new series of daily pro-members of the NBC engineering permitted on these dates only when from the local Don Lee network out- . . . He has gone on to New York in let in many moons. grams to be known asthe Midday a stand-by instrumentalist is engaged and Roundup will be broadcast from Mondaysearch of new radio ideas.. . . Reportpaid.This law, it is thought, will affect Commander A. W. Scott, noted trav- says Ireene Wicker's Singing Lady pro- eler, has a quarter-hour spot Thursdaysthru Friday over WJJD from 1 to 2 p.m. primarily radio, recording and picture . . . Included on this feature will begram will move to New York July 1.. . dates, where the practice is quite com- at 4:30 p.m. on KFRC, titled Romancecomplete weather reports, board of tradeToday'sChildren,five -a -weekserial,mon to use one musician on as many of the Highways.Sponsored by the Pa- moves from the Blue to the Red network cific Greyhound Lines, he takes dialersreports,live -stockmarkets from the as four or five instruments. Union Stock Yards with Jim Clark, andJune 1. .. Welcome Valley show, on An additional provision of the doubling to historical spots in California. variety music. which Eddie Guest is featured, is adopt-law is that in orchestras using saxo- Wilbur Hall authors the John and ing the city -salute idea, starting June 2. Molly Farmer serial heard during NBC's phones and woodwind instruments on Adele Starr, song stylist; Bob Gately, .. . Cities chosen will be those in whichwhich the sax players double no stand- Western Farm and Home Hour over thebaritone; Lois Still, rhythm songstress;the program is broadcast and each weekby is needed.However, if the sax men Pacific Blue network Monday at 11:30Freddie and Eddie, singing comedy duo,an act or artist from the salute city willdouble onto woodwinds not represented a.m. and Pat Flanagan, sportscaster, headedappear on the program.. .. Detroit isin the orchestra one woodwind instru- NBC'sCharlieMarshall andhisa parade of radio well-knowns who pre-first salute city. mentalist shall be engaged (or stand-by) Mavericks, who are Johnny O'Brien,sented a program of entertainment be- for each double.Playing of related in- harmonica wizard; Johnny Toffoli, ac- struments, such as piano and celeste, cordionist, and Ace Wright, fiddler, are back in town after several months in PITT THEATER, oboeandEnglishhorn,banjoand Chicago as guests on the National Barnwent east, who appeared at the Kit Kat (Continued from page 3) guitar. etc., is not regarded as doubling. Dance broadcasts.Nona Greer, hillbillyClub here during their absence, Is also up to the sum of $1,500 in case the Payment to all stand-bys in such cases singer, with the Mavericks before theyback on the job. lucky person is not in the theater onis to be made thru the union. May 23, 1936 NIGHT SPOTS -ORCHESTRAS -MUSIC The Billboard 11 Conducted by ROGER LITTLEFORD, JR.-Communications to 25 Opera Place. Cincinnati 0 Songwriters Another Press Agent StuntPennsylvania Resumes Drive DETROIT, May 16.-DorothyWalters andThelmaOsborne,whosecombined weight hovers around500pounds, mem- Bother Mayor bers of a beef trustline that has been On Child Labor Violations working localnight clubs, were arrested

last week by officers of the State Ath- letic Board of Control forfailure to ob- Atlantic City song contest taina wrestling license. Gals evidently Department of Labor checking on night club working con- overdid their pushing and shoving at the attracts big shots and too Oasis Grill. ditions for women as well as minors-concentrate clean- Harry Russell, who produced and booked many amateurs the show, statedlater that he considers upof forts on Philadelphia and Pittsburgh

the arrest "good publicity," pointing out ATLANTIC CITY,May 16. - Mayor that the story appeared on the front pages HARRISBURG, Pa., May 16.-The drive against the exploitation of women Whiteof this city is wonderingif he of two of Detroit's three newspapers. He and children working in night clubs thruout Pennsylvania has beenresumed has been "done right by" in reference expects the act to be booked for a local by the State Department of Labor and Industry.Two squads of inspectors have to the $1,000 song contest now in prog- theateras a result. Russellwasalso organized to augment the regular corps to make a detailed checkup.Nearly a ress.(See The Billboard, May9.)The pleased with the fact thatit took three score of actions against violations of the women's andchildren labor laws in . mayor thought it a good idea at the hefty officers toarrest the quarter ton liquor -dispensing places in the Pittsburgh district already have beenordered. time and suggested raising a fund. This of his act.He said anybody could see In view of the coming Democratic Convention, added efforts willbe directed wasn't so hard-it was the aftermath. they were not wrestlers because one girl, against violations in the Philadelphia Not only did the contest attract many because of her weight, could not even night club zones.In connection with of the big shots in the song -writing walk let alone wrestle. the liquor laws, Ralph Bashore, secretary business, but also an unlimited number Cherniasisky Comes Back of the Department of Labor, says viola- of amateurs.The former are following tors have been found who were employ- rules and regulations in customary man-6 Bands for the Queen Mary CHICAGO, May 16.-Josef Cherniav-ing persons under 18 years in establish- ner-but to the latter, it is every man sky, Russian musical maestro, formerments and also allowing minors to serve for himself. The mayor is going around NEW YORK, May 16.-81x Americanconductor of the Chicago Theater Or-or handle liquor. with a bodyguard to warn off would-bebands are set to play at the receptionschestra and leader of dance bands at The investigators also have revealed songwriters, who are swarming outsideaboard the new British steamship Queenthe Congress Hotel and Cocoanut Grovethat some alleged violators have per.; his office in city hall, waiting for himMary when it will remain in New YorkCafe here lastyear, returns tolocalmitted women under 21 to begin work by the official car, calling him on theJune 3 and 4.Bands are Hal Kemp,night-club life on May 24 when he opensbefore 6 a.m. or after 9 p.m., and em- phone, jumping out from behind build-Johnny Johnson, Pancho, Shep Fields,with his 12 -piece band at the Tally -Hoploying them more than 10 hours a day. ings and even waiting until he is seatedOrville Knapp and Henry Scharf.Set byRoom of the Medinah Club here.CBS"We have found,' Bashore said, "a num- in his favorite barber chair, to warbleNat Abramson. will pick up the band several timesber of complaints about violations of their ditties. the law regulating the working hours The mayor at present is engaged in British Broadcasting Corporation setweekly. of women in taprooms, cafes and beer campaigning for re-election, but findsHenry Hall and his orchestra to play parlors.We have been informed that the going difficult because every timeaboard the ship on its maiden voyage some places employ minorstoserve he shakes hands he finds himself withfrom Europe.Hall is one of the mostReno Country Club Burns liquor, a clear violation of the child popular leaders abroad. labor law.Instances have been ifound another song in his fist. Meanwhile, Lou RENO,Nev.,May 16.- The Reno Cunningham, the mayor's secretary at Country Club, elaborate night club builtwhere children have been exploited for pressheadquarters,is swamped with at a cost of several hundred thousandthe amusement of patrons. songs from every State in the Union,Detroit Ork Agency Folds dollars a year ago, was totally destroyed "The owners of such places have re- and threatens to give up the ship at DETROIT, May 16.-Universal Musicby fire Friday night.James E. Merrill,ceived plenty of warning.If they em- any moment as the songsters make the manager, estimated the loss at $225,000.ploy a woman at all they must post a lobby of his office sound like a rehearsalBureau, orchestra booker and producer, copy of the women's law which specifies hall. operated by Anthony Prokopowicz in theMembers of Eddie Oliver's ork, musicthe hours of work permitted.The new The mayor recently stated:"I'm moreBroadway Central Building, has beenattraction at the time of the fire, lostchild labor law received wide publicity than anxious to encourage songwriting.closed. all their instruments. and thousands of copies have been dis- Itis a great thing, but it would be tributed to employers. No further warn- physically impossible to listen to all the ing is necessary. My instructions are to songs that are being urged upon vie prosecute all violators." personally.I'll leave that to the judges whom I'll announce next week." PITTSBURGH, May 16.-The drive on child labor law violators in this city, 72i,kt Club Reviews interrupted by the recent flood catas- Frisco Night Club Fire trophe, got under way again this week Kills 4; Fire Traps Hit underthedirectionofGeorgeMc- Hollywood Restaurant, N. Y.the customers sit up and take noticeDonough, head of the local Department SAN FRANCISCO, May16. - Fire with her warbling of I've Got To Getof Labor office. According to McDonough, which swept the Shamrock Club, 560 Show here has been changed quite aHot and Topic of the Tropics, which is20 convictions have been obtained since Gearystreet,earlyWednesday(13)bit since last caught.Benny Fields isbuilt up into a big girl number. the drive was inaugurated, 13 cases are morning, killing four persons and in-winding up his sensational run and is Waldron, the marathon emsee here, isbefore Aldermen and labor department juring 17, has resulted in a drive againstopening a vaude tour soon.Nick Lucasunusuallyeffectiveconsideringthehas evidence on approximately 30 other night-spot fire traps and in the bookingand ork, in their sixth week, have sixvastness of the place and the noisy audi-violations. of Betty Blossom, specialty dancer, whomore to go, with Arthur Warren andence.His delivery is crisp and rapid Department of Labor reports that with unwittingly started the blaze, at the cityband handling the reliefassignment.and his material is surprisingly fresh. the aid of the local office of the Amer- prison on a charge of violating a cityLucas had followed Abe Lyman's outfit. Lettie Kemple, blonde, does a sweetican Federation of Actors, co-operation ordinance which requires a permit forAnd, of course, Jack Waldron, emsee,tapand kick dance;Cackles O'Nealhas been received from many Pittsburgh the use of torches or flames.She wasis still here and still doing fine, too. offers a thoroly pleasing acrobatic waltz;booking agents and. club operatorsby immediately released on $25 bail. Main interest, of course,isFields,Iris Adrian, chief beauty, handles hertheir refusal to book or accept kid acts Miss Blossom was performing her spe-whose excellent baritone and showman-lines well in addition to heading thefrom local dancing schools.This prac- cialty number when the torches she wasship are still knocking them out in thebeauty parades; deaf and dumb Char-tice,at one time a serious factor in using caught the silk ceilingdrapes,aisles.Did three numbers here (Life Islotte Lamberton, a lovely redhead, con-Pittsburgh night club business from the transforming the club into an inferno,a Song,IsItTrue?, Lullaby of Oldtributes an attractive Oriental dance;professional entertainers' standpoint,has. resulting in panic, death and injury.Broadway) and encored with Thanks aMitzi Haynes does a slick comedy songbeen practically wiped out. Because of lack of exits patrons wereMillion and Shooting High. number with Waldron, while the girl unable to escape, acording to police. The Lucas band is a pleasant surprise.chorus provides its sex appeal in various Dead are Jo Dickerson, hat check girl;Lucas is proving he can be a first-rateposing and prancing routines. bringing spontaneous outbursts of ad- Mrs. Elsie Forest Marler, Robert Pattisonband leader as well as a star singer. Costumes, staging effects and lightingmiration from the customers. They are and John Manson,patrons. AmongHe has organized a strong combo of 13are more than okeh.And businessis on for four numbers during the eve- thoseinjuredwere Henry Buckman,men which avoids the extremes of swingstill heavy, despite warm weather. ning,withtheirroutinespleasingly owner of the club; Dan Cochrane, man-styles and of superdignity.Band in- Dents. varied and commanding rapt attention ager; Betty Blossom, Geraldine Hartleysteaddishesoutsweetandlively each time out. and Viola LaMonte, dancers; Dan Wool-rhythms-but can get hbt when the cus- Walsh is next out for a quick turn, en? and Peter Haus, bartenders. tomers seem to like it that way.Lucas Arrowhead Inn, Cinc.innati gags a bit and brings on Edith Griffith, himself leads, crooning an occasional who mikes Shootiu' High, Lost and sev. number (including his famous Tiptoe Arrowhead Inn, located some 15 mileseral novelty numbers, doing her own Operators' Association FoldsThru theTulips) and strumming anfrom downtown Cincinnati, ushered inaccompaniment on the midget piano. electricguitar.Vic Merlin leads theits spring and summer season May 14 toLeft to good hand. DETROIT, May 16.-Michigan Cabaretboys during the show, in which Lucas lathe largest opening crowd in its history. Ace spot of the evening is occupied Owners' Protective Association, organ-spotted as a solo vocalist.Lucas didSmartly done in cherry and white motif,by Nina Olivette, with Murray and King. ized in this city several months ago byWhen April Comes Again, socking thatitis one of the most attractive clubsAct is different for clubs in this sec- localnight-club operators to promotenumber over in his usual masterly the Middle West.Location is idealtion and their insane comedy acrobatic the compulsory use of cover charges, The Warren band of six men (bass,for this type club and draw is fromdancing and patter brings out many a dissolved this week when it became ap-drums, piano, sax, accordion and violin)the upper brackets. real belly laugh from the appreciative parent that the association's efforts wereis not visually attractive, being sprawled Credit is due Director of Entertain-onlookers.Act was on several times in vain. over a large band stand, but it does ament Noah Schechter for bringing onduring the evening and left each time Most operators adhered to a cover -neat Job with dance music.Jack Mead,one of the best floor shows ever seento heavy applause. charge policy only temporarily, and atbass, doubles as tenor vocalist and alsoin these parts for the opening.Cuisine Emsee Sammy Walsh has a pleasing present practically all clubs except theas a soloist in the show, while Warrenis the best and the $1.50 steak dinnersstyle of working, a good voice, and does class spots have abandoned attempts todoes occasional numbers on the violin. are unsurpassed. a series of bits thru the show, including maintain minimum fees. Recent additions to the floor show, Sammy Walsh, emsee, opens the fes- which is spectacular in the usual Holly-tivities, bringing on the Eight Arroettes,some trick stepping, impersonations, etc. wood manner, are Collette and Barrysmartly dressed and much better look-Well liked. Ballroom Agents Lose end Mimi Rollins.Collette and Barrying than the average night club line. Les Erlenbach and his orchestra are make a nice -looking dance pair.OpenTerese Rudolph, dainty and beautifulon the stand, beginning their fourth NEWYORK, May 16.-McCormick andwith a charming waltz, followed by abalerina, works with the line in a seriessuccessive season at the spot. Two or*. Barry, ballroom operators of Bridgeport,livelier musical comedy number, the girlof excellent numbers-perhaps a shadehourshowsnightly,withcomplete Conn., have lost their American Federa-being especially attractive in a flowingon the up side for the average nightchanges thruout. tion of Musicians' license after beingGreciangown. They returnfor anclub but hitting the mark here. All in all the show may well be rated ruled ineligible.The AFM says it willAstaire -Rogers style dance to the tune Miles and Kover are next on for someone of the best to appear in Cincinnati press its campaign to revoke the licenseof Let Yourself Go. Have the appear-ballroom work that proves they arein recent years.Shows are set on a of any agent found to be an employer inance, grace and necessary showmanship.near the tops in grace and precision,two-weekpolicythruMikeSpecials, the ballroom field. Mimi Rollins, blond hotcha singer, madesome of their acrobatic work, especially,Cleveland. King. 12 The Billboard NIGHT SPOTS -ORCHESTRAS -MUSIC May 23, 1936

Sophisticated Now Booking N. Y. Roadhouse Season UnderBo Ball- Springa n d RR room and Classical Summer GDance Styles. NATIONAL DanceTours IN forAllNa- WayasFour Big Spots Open BROADCASTING tional Broad- casting Com- and LA COMPANY pany Orches- NEW YORK, May 16.-Four big sum-opened Friday under management of PRIVATE tra& mer spots open next week.First is theSherman and Sidney Edwards. FUNCTIONS. ARTISTS ClaremontInn,openingWednesday, Summit Hotel, Uniontown, Pa., has ZUR* SERVICE with Jolly Coburn's Band and Francesreopened, with Adra Cooper featured in 80 Rockefeller Plaza, Stevens NEW YORK, N. Y. entertaining.Ben Marden'sBaron Karl Dulaney's floor show.Al- Tel.: Circle 7-8300. Riviera opens the following night, withfredo and Rosita, Billy Bugley and Roger Dolly Kay, Al Bernie, Robbins Family,Doyle also in the show. ACTS Write,Phone,Wirefor Edith Roark, a girl line and Enric Mad- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. OrchestrasMailable. Open riguera's Band comprising the show. Dates and Prices. Cohen Active in Syracuse JIMMY DALEY ATTRACTIONS The Glen Island Casino, Westchester, Are opening a SYRACUSE, N. Y., Office, Wed- opens the same evening, with Charlie SYRACUSE, N.Y.,May16. - Izzy nesday, May 20. Barnett's Band and Laura Deane head-Cohen's Central Theatrical Bureau in 601 Keith Theatre Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. ing the show. this city reports an active winter season Albany, N. Y., Office: 11 North Pearl Street. andprospectsforbigwarm -month IT Now Booking Spring and Summer The Beau Rivage in Sheepshead Baybusiness.George McNaughton is field DANCE opens Saturday, with Jerry Baker, Kayman for the agency and Jackie Harrison TOURS Mayfield, Buddy ClaireGreen, Peggyis handling the band bookings. *BERT LYNN* AARIOINsoN Alexander and Eddie Copeland's Orches- Current placements of the office in- The Musical Star of Earl Carroll's"Sketch Book" AND HIS COMMANDERS tra composing the show.Villepigue's, 1 * clude the Chick and Bonnie Revue at COMEDY SINGER and DANCER Exc. Mgt.-NBb ARTISTS SERVICE also in Sheepshead Bay, has a show,the Rex Grill; Gamble Brothers and Jean Now featuring his new musical Invention IL90 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. with Three Fisherman featttred. and Don Costello and Nina Shepard at The onlyELECTRIC VIBROLYNNIn the world John Perona will operate the West-Elm Lodge; Alton and LaRue, Whirling HOTEL DIXIE, New York, N. Y. chesterCountryClub,Mamaroneck,Aces, Dot Adams, Al Fast and Marge N. Y., this summer. Stewart at the Club Candee; Tommy Featuring the Mound City Blue Blowers. Ryan, Mary Mullin, Margie Boyle and Gus's Cabaret, Broad Channel, N. Y.,the Variety Trio at the Blue Gate Inn. Now* RED McKENZIE Playing FAMOUS NEW YORK, May 16. - Will Green AND HIS ORCHESTRA DOOR, DOLLY BELL New York. Agency is booking his Truckin' Contest Exc. Mgt.-NBC ARTISTS SERVICE, Kelly -Sharp Agenting. Winners from Hoboken, N. J., into Leon DANCER EXTRAORDINARY. 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. and Eddie's night club here Wednesday Permanent Address. Wilmette,Ill. NEW YORK, May16.-GeneKelly andafternoons.Green is also spotting his Billy Sharp, vaude agents, are now con-Truckin' winners, along with his radio centrating on booking floor shows. Alsocontest winners,inthe big Madison Broadcasting via NBC, CoasttoCoast, doing picture and radio work. Square Garden benefit Saturday. Sundays, 3 to 3:30. Now HARRY RESER Booking 1 *LE PAUL* AND HIS CLIQUOT CLUB ESKIMOS Bering Tour. Ace of CardManipulators. Exc. Mgt. NBC ARTISTS SERVICE, Direction, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. OA- eltattet NORTH & FLAUM-HARRY NORWOOD BETTY REAL and her Rhythm Bandlineup last week at the Gloria night doing one-night jobs in and around Newclub in Columbus, 0.,included Jack York. Played. for Manhattan CollegeGregory and company, filling a return "THE DRINKS ARE ON ME." Friday.. . . Sadie Banks is completingengagement;theCoaltons,dancers; her second year at the Old RoumanianGinger Lee, acro and comedy hoofer, OF FNAX cabaret, New York. . . . Dell Renay,and Ralph Donahue, singer and emsee. The Doctor of Deception SHEILA.-- singer, has just returned to New YorkShow booked by the Pete Iodice office, and HisMAGIC BAR after night-club dates in Philadelphia.of Detroit. . . . Jimmie Givens and AnnnI Now MAYFAIR CASINO. Kansas City. . . .Perzade and Jetan, dancers, haveKarol, now in theirfifth week, will Mot.: MUSIC CORP. OF AMERICA. jumped from Rochester back to Indian-continue indefinitely at popular Wivel s BARRETT apolis for a return engagement at theRestaurant in New York City. . . . Red Gables Casino. Jack Middleton, Cincinnati agent, spent california's chatter box NowPlaying several days of last week in Chicago CLOVER CLUB HOLLYWOOD, BELLE BAKER goes into the Versaillesscouting for talent.Middleton is book- CALIFORNIA. Club, New York, Friday, succeeding Louing the shows for Castle Farm, Cincy, Says LOUIS SOBOL In The New York 1CK BUCKLEY, Evening Journal, May 1, 1936: "Another Holtz. . . . Frank Hennessy, Scotchthis summer. . . . Leonard Kingston Broadwayite has driven the film town Into piper, has recovered from an illness andhas closed his engagement at the Club swooning enthusiasm-Sheila Barrett, who Mayfair inDetroit andiscurrently rnCI opened at the Clover Club Wednesday night has returned to his home in New York

. . . They went hysterical about this girl." ready for work.. . . Lallova and Deworking jobbing dates in the Motor City. now on tour Masi,dancers, recently back from aVal Campbell, of the Gus Sun office, is Management - Charles Morrison European tour, are preparing for night-handling his bookings.

club work in this country....Pierre and Temple, dancers, opened last week GEORGES AND JALNA, who are clos- at the Brown Hotel, Louisville, for a at the Palmer House, Chicago, MayENRICAand Portraying Sway. 29, have an eight -week contract to re- SYLVITA JEAN AND JANE FARRAR, song andopen there September 6.. . Medrano Ing Spain, Amm- dancers, in their second week in a four -and Doana return to the Empire Room o u s Argentine. week engagement at the Bradford Hotel, FINA Colorful Cuba In of the Palmer House May 30. . . . The *NOVELLO Boston, are doubling at club dates... . 46 Wes!641h St. Dance and Song. new show will also have Oliver Wake- DISTINGUISHED DANCERSIM New York City Jeanne McCully, dancer, is being heldfield.. . . The Four Yacht Club Boys, Currently Loew's State Theatre, New York. *indefinitely at the Plaza Cafe, Pitts-Paul Draper and Lois Revel are booked burgh. . . . Harriet Hutchins, singer,to follow Harry Richman at the Chez

and her accompanist, Ramon Ringo, ar-Paree,Chicago. . . . BettyMueller, J English Singers of EDWARD K. BICKFORDrived in New York Thursday after adancer, left Chicago Friday to begin a Sophisticated Songs . . 4.44 N 8 AND successful European tour. Thetwo-week engagement at the Jefferson Yacht Club Boys and Paul Draper goHotel, St. Louis. . . . By special ar- * ALYCE CRANDALL into the Chez Paree, Chicago, May 29rangement with Warner Bros.' Pictures JANE INTERNATIONAL DANCE STARS, for a six -week run. . Ed Lowry.Corporation, Ramon and Renita, dance NowaDtathneceprsent House, AAR With Their Own Revue. Faith Bacon and John Steel opened lastteam, have had their contract extended Bradford Hotel, Boston Now Nightly at LOTUS GARDENS, Cleveland, 0. A week at the Paradise Restaurant, New ft Address Care Billboard,Cincinnati, 0. at the Continental Room of the Stevens York. Hotel, Chicago, for an additional four dart weeks.. . . Clint W. Finney has the WALLY ROSS and Frances GordonDel Rio "Living Dolls"at theHotel HEALY WHITE opened a new club in Fargo, N. D.,President, Kansas City. . Johnny early in May and reports bear out theWells, who opened as emsee at the Chez Together Again at factthatthe300 -patrondine andParee, Chicago, December 27, closes there dancerie is constantly turning 'em away.May 29.. . .This will be the longest The Broadway Room Initial show was headed by the prettycontinuous run, 20 weeks, that any male Frances herself, with Wally handling theperformer has had at Chez Paree. 231 W. 54th Street, New York, N. Y. Currently Appearing emsee spot, Holly Sisters, Lloyd Rosen- KING COLE ROOM, St. Regis Hotel, New York, N. V. berg and the Six Black Knight Ador- ables. . . . D'Loris and Howard,for- merlyknown as Dot and Dash, are working for the Curt Galloway office, of Columbus, 0.Act isat the Paradise BROADWAY'S ULTRA OLLETTE BLANCHE Grill in Findlay, 0., this week....Jack. NEW . .a team of ANDMODERN Reynolds, now in his third year at the and exceptional dances." DANCERS same spot, heads the current show at -New York American. Kansas City's Club Chesterfield. Lineup FAVORITES Now at has Bart Cahill, Lea Nelson, Jeannette BARRY TOP HAT CLUB, Harlow and Peggy Harry.The club is Union City, N. J. ELLIOTT still under the direction of Mike Man - Held over... mile, Skinny Gargotta and Joe LeMar. CORDAY AND LAMONTE, dance team, HOLLYWOOD RESTAURANT DON HUGHIE LES last week closed an 18 -week engagement at the Jungle Inn, Youngstown, 0., and RATE, PRINCE & CLARKmoved to theSilverDollar Club in Return Engagement, 11th Week, Cle.veland. . . . Cook and King, novel ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD - YOU'LL BE PARK CENTRAL HOTEL, NEW YORK. dance duo, opened a two-week engage- Mgt. CHAS. V. YATES, 1560BROADWAY ment at the Club Petroleum in Hobbs, SATISFIED WITH RESULTS N.M., May 18.. . .The entertainment May 23, 1936 NIGHT SPOTS -ORCHESTRAS -MUSIC The Billboard 13 announces that the picture star's unitarrivedintheEast from California. is planning a band of seven pieces toYoell is renewing association with Billy play while riding motorcycles. . . Hill, a former collaborator.As a con- Stanley E. Hotaling, drummer, is nowsequence the two have finished several acttegttaS connectedwithAlHamilton's Band,songswhichwillbepublishedby HAL KEMP and Richard Himber willwill go in after Himber plays his sixwhich is currently playing thru the Mid-Shapiro, Bernstein & Company. follow Rudy Vallee into the Astorweeks.While Radio Orchestra Corpora-west.. Stan left the McDonald Music Hotel, New York, Himber going intion has the booking on the Astor andMixers combo to fill his new position. LouisJ.Silberling,of the Famous . . . Jimmy Wilkins recently left NormMusic Corporation, is the proud posses- first, either June 23 or June 30. KempKemp is managed by MCA, deal wentBeck's Orchestra to join Kerry King andsor of a $100 prize offered by the Short thru when the hotel asked for in St. Joseph, Mo. Subjects Producing Department fora Bands going in after Vallee must first new title for the series heretofore known have his approval. .. Dick Stabile and as Paramount Varieties. He contributed his orchestra started at the Hotel Penn-Britton Bros. to Mills ArtistsParamount Paragraphics as a new and sylvania, New York, May 15for two NEW YORK, May 16,-Frank and Miltbetter caption and, altho another con- weeks, with Joe Reichman. opening JuneBritton have broken with the Nationaltestant submitted the same name, he 1 for the summer. . . . Red Norvo andBroadcasting Company, which had beenwas declared the winner. a new orchestra, a straight band, notbooking the attraction, and signed with swing, opened at the Hotel Commodore,Mills Artists,Inc.Reason issaid to Joe Sherman, following three years of THE SMART New York, May 15, succeeding Johnnyhave been that because of NBC's licensecontinuous service as contact man, has SET'S Johnson, who tours for a while and thendifficulties with the musicians' unionresigned from theClarence Williams FAVORITE goes to the Monmouth Club, Monmouth,the Brittons had been forced to lay off N. publishing house. Thus far Joe has not SONGSTRESS J. for several weeks. made any new connection. First date for Mills will be York, Pa., LOOP MCGOWAN opened a six months'May 23.Brittons will also open, most NBCARTIST engagement May 9 at Billie carring-likely, the ballroom at Palisades Park, Currently ton's New York Exchange Club inwhich Mills is operating this summer. THE EPICURE, Tampa, Fla. Loop is using 11 pieces for Philadelphia,Pa. dance music at the beautiful new spot. . . Harry Hylan and band continue to meet with unusual success on their series of one-nighters thru the East and finttcle dews H. R. H. Midwest. Charles Fowler is managing For the first time in five years Her- "Queen of the band. .. . Louis Pryor and 10 -piecebert Marks. of E.B.Marks, will desert BETTY Rhythm." band are holding down the stand at thehis desk.On this occasion it will be EAL Rustic Tavern in Jasper, Ind.Stoutin the nature of business coupled with Agency, of Vincennes, Ind., is bookinga vacation. He will sail for Europe MayOh! Boy! They Are Knockouts! Newest Orchestra herRHYTHM Designs; Four Flashy Colors;10014:22 Window the Pryor ork.. . . Don Ricardo has,22, with the trip including visits toCards, $11.00;1,000 Paper, same, $14.00; 914x22 -in. been busily reorganizing his band inEngland, France and Belgium. Accord-Cards, 200, $8.50; 1,000 Paper, same, $12.00. Cash New Band Sensation! with order.Special Bills engraved to order. $12.00 Chicago for an Eastern tour this sum-ing to present schedule, Herbert will be UP. Wire your order NOW, or write for eampla. Pers. Rep.: ANDY PINE. mer.Plans to remain more than sixgone for about six weeks.However, itNew Date Book and Price List.' months in New York, New England andmay take longer than that to clinch Canada.. . .R. Aguilar and his Gulfwhat he has in mind. CENTRAL SHOW PRINTING CO. Tr MASON CITY. IOWA. Direouction, Available forCoast Orchestra began a season's en- HARRY Spring and gagement last week at the Palms Club Leo Feist.Inc.,is taking advantage MOSS. Summer En- 1618-B gagements. in San Bernardino, Calif. of copyrights of standard works in the Broadway, Suite 701, Presenting THE GUITARIST N. Y. City. Rhythm in ti "itis all the name implies" Telephone the REAL Clr.6-1345. Manner. Send 10c in Coin or Stamps for Sample Copy to cited -Music feaets The Guitar Publishing Company Dept. E, 600 Film Bldg., Cleveland, 0. The (Week Ending May 161 Romantic Tenor Based on reports from leading jobbers and retailmusic outlets from Coast to DICK DIXON Coast, the songs listed below are a consensus of music actually moving off the shelves AND HISAMBASSADEURS * from week to week.The "barometer" is accurate, with necessary allowance for day. Wanted Orchestra featuring PAUL PEGUE to -day fluctuations. High -Class Organized Band with Night Club ex- 3d week at GLORIA PALAST, New York. perience. Must he exceptional. For season's work Mgt.-HARRY MOSS, 1618 B'dway, N. Y. C. Sales of music by the Maurice Richmond Music Corporation, Inc.,arenot included, Night Chib, Virginia -Reach, Va.Write, giving due to the exclusive selling agreement with a number of publishers. full details, stating price. past experience and Acknowledg- also what specialties.S. LIVINGSTON, 1805 ment is made to Mayer Music Corporation, Music Sales Corporation and Ashley Music E St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Supply Company, of New York; Lyon & Healy; Carl Fischer, Inc.; Gamble Hinged Music CompanyandWestern Book and Stationery Company, of Chicago.

1. Melody From the Sky 8. You 2. Lost 9. Love Is Like a Cigaret Have High Class Night Club. 3. IsItTrue What They Say About 10. It's a Sin To Tell a Lie 600 capacity at select Atlantic Coast Resort. Dixie? Due to my many other interests will consider 11. Would You? partner. Must he experienced. 8. LIVINGSTON, 4. Robins and Roses 12. She Shall Have Music 1305ESt., N. W., Washington, D. C. 5. All My Life 13. Touch of Your Lips 6. You Started Me Dreaming 14. Welcome, Stranger 7. Tormented 15. It's Been So Long Melody From the Sky was inadvertently omitted from last issue and shouldhave HARRY FREEMAN WANTS headed that list too. Night Club Acts ofallkinds. PHONOGRAPH RECORD best sellers will be found on page 71. Write-Wire-Send Photos da 200 Majestic Theater Bldg.,ColumbuS,O,

SPIIERDci-ANC, .E RAY BARJDUC, drummer with Bobswing series now popular thruout the and mud ordination mute; ozeartova_ Crosby, is being plugged in the adscountry.As a result the firm is getting CAN USE of the Hotel Lexington, one of theout such former favorites as Jada, I'm a DANCERS, SINGERS. UNITS,TEAMS, COMM,'NIION( £ 1564 BROADWAY""'N'T" fewifnot the only drummer givenDing Dong Daddy and other successes of For Clubs, Theatres, Fairs, Etc. advertisingbilling. . . . LittleJacka decade ago.Further announcement is Send complete details, photographs, opentime,eta. PARAMOUNT ENTERTAINMENT BUREAU, Little starts broadcasting June 2 frommade that Ruby Bloom, well known as ROY COOPER, Manager, Catalina Island Casino, going over CBS.a composer of ability, has just completed 1265 Stanley Street, Montreal, Can. FirstTranscontinental Dance Tour! . . . Fred Yankee and his orchestra area folio of waltzes and fox trots published BRITTONFRANK andMILT at the Showboat, Baltimore. . . . WHN,by Feist during the past 10 years.These New York, has signed Stuff Smith andinclude My Blue Heaven, Sundown and ORCHESTRA LEADERS BANDhis orchestra at the Onyx Club, NewSiboney. "NUTS TO YOU" York, for a broadcast series. . Harry Do you know that we make the best modern Music Under exclusive direction: Coleman, son of Emil Coleman and who Stand available? Write. MILLS ARTISTS, Inc., 799 7th Ave., N. Y. C plays four instruments, plans to or- Isham Jones is to the fore with an- ENTERPRISE NOVELTY CO. * other new song bearing the title Let Me ORONOGO, MO. ganize a band when he is graduatedBe the One in Your Heart. The style is fromcollegenextmonth. . . . Donby Harold Lawrence.With Mr. Jones Bestor goes into the Paramount, Newalso publishing the number is in forHIGH GRADESystemSuitcase for AmplifyingOrchestra; York, some time in July. . . . Mal cost $150, sell $35. Send $5 deposit for 3 -day trial Hallett opens at the Aragon, Chicago,some No. 1 plugging. MORELLE SMITH, Shelbyville, Ind. TT'id MICKEY HARRIS June 2. COMEDY DANCERS UNIQUE. Larry Yoell, lyric writer, whose latest Request"THAT'S WHY" 9th Floor Wurlitzcr Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. CHARLIE FULCHER has completed anumber, Please Believe Me, is still find- Popular new Song Number, from Western tour and is now doing radioing many new converts over the air, has ASTRID LARSON, Gonvlok, Minn. work over WRDW, Augusta,Ga., until June 15, when he begins a summer engagement at the Greystone Hotel in Carolina Beach, N. C.... Hap Ruggles, CAROSELLI formerly drummer with Don Warner's SOUND SYSTEMS The Cosmopolitan Magician. Orchestra, the White Californian unit Now Appearing at the COMMODORE CLUB, and other bands, writes that he is now FOR ORCHESTRAS, NIGHT SPOTS, Etc connected with Victor McLaglan's motor- our 18 years of experience in the business of Masing Sound Equipment enables us to offer you Exclusive Detroit Night Club. betterAmplifyingSystems for less money. Our prices are fully 35% to 50% less than any com- cycle troupe on the West Coast.Hap petitors. We specialize in making up Sound Systems to suit your individual needs. Here's an example of the values we can give you --Complete Portable Ampli- flcationUnit.Actualsize,121/2x8%x534, indurable attractive black INTERNATIONAL DANCERS leathery carrying case with lapel microphone (which can be hooked to pocket or shirt) and all necessary accessories for use under all conditions, Weight $16-50 only 1234 lbs.PRICE LA NOVA andDEMASI OF DISTINCTION 1 /8 deposit with order, balance C. 0. D. Also a large stock of all types and sizes of equipment. Completed a successful 2 -year tour of the leading Hotels, Night Clubs and Music Halls Write us your requirements. For what purpose will the system be used? How much do you wish of Europe - The Coliseum and Kit Kat, London -- Paramount and Alhambra, Paris- to spend? How large a crowd do you generally pitch to? Our Engineering Department will be glad to Crystal Palace and Scala, Germany - The Palace and PalaisdeE'ete, Beiguim - Casino give youadvice on all your sound problems. WRITETODAY! IT'SFREE AND PUTS YOU Municipal, Cannes -0'Deon Roof, UNDER NO OBLIGATION. Italy- AND ALWAYS HELD OVER' Permanent Address: LA NOVA AND DE MASI New Y 128-14 18th Ave., College Point, L.I.Tel. FL 9-98 8 5. PREFERRED SOUND SYSTEMS CO. r kyN tY.s 14 The Billboard VAUDEVILLE May 23, 1936 Conducted by SIDNEY HARRIS-Communications to1564Broadway, Material Protection Bureau New Angle on Costly Flops Have Circuits Attention is directed to The Billboard's Material Protection Bureau embracing all branches of the show business,but de- signed particularly to serve Vaudeville and Look to Percentage Deals Radio fields. Rep Licensing Those wishing to establish material or

Idea priority are asked to inclose same in a sealed envelope, bearing their name, per- Moss unable to get legis- All except Paramount seek percentage attractions-Para- manentaddressandotherinformation deemed necessary. Upon receipt, the in- lation-intends going thru mount beefs about high cost of acts-percentage takers ner packet will be dated, attested to, and few and far between-"names" flopping filed away under the name of the claim- with court action ant.

Send packets accompanied by letter re- NEW YORK, May 16.-Failing in at- NEW YORK, May 16.-The flop of costly "names" in the last couple of weeks questingregistration and return postage tempts to secure legislation which would for the various circuits has resulted in the circuits having a change of heart toTheBillboard'sMaterialProtection provide for licensing of artists' represen- about bookings.With the exception of the Paramount office, the other circuits Bureau,6th Floor,PalaceTheaterBuilding, tatives, License Commissioner Paul Moss are seeking to do all their attraction buying during the summer months on New York City. intends going after the representatives percentage deals, while on the other hand Paramount and Warner are limiting individually, according to a conference their expensive buys to only "names" that definitely have box-office draw and between Moss and I. Robert Broder, the- are steering clear of headline acts of semi "name" value who are in the $1,000 atricalattorney,Thursdayafternoon. and up salary class.However, the ac- Coast Opens Up This change in the situation is the re- ceptance of percentage dates by "names sult of the State legislation being killed and unit attractions are few and far be- Four -Week Tour in committee and because city legisla- tween, while Loew and RKO are theCushman Circuit Establishes tion was ruled impossible in a decision outlet for the headline acts. LOS ANGELES, May 16.-Kent Thomp-from the Corporation Counsel's office. The Paramount office has been theChicago as Operation Centerson, operating the Metropolitan, Seattle, biggest beefer about the high cost of LINCOLN, Neb., May 18.-Building upand William B. McCurdy, representing The bill for employment agency li- acts, not meaning the "names" but re-his Chicago offices, Wilbur Cushman, inParker interests in Portland, are in towncensing would have obviated the neces- ferring to the standard headliners, whosea communication here this week, statesfor several days on a talent prowl. Pairsity for' a local ordinance inasmuch as salaries range anywhere from $750 to are negotiating road shows for Pacificit contained provisions embracing the At a result, the booking office isit will be the center of operations when representatives.However, this bill was $1,750. the new season opens in September forNorthwest as well as picture "names" for As for tho local now combing the night club field for itshiscircuit.Service will extend frompersonals. Territory north of San Fran-killed in committee. talent, figuring on cheaper buys thisCoast to Coast and several new branchcisco has been opened for four weeks ofordinance taking care of representatives, way, and also buying up a lot of newoffices set thru the East. consecutive booking for traveling attrac-the Corporation Counsel's office advised talent.The office, tho, is continuing to tions, first time in six years. Moss that according to the provisions of splurge onits"names," meeting the Due to inability of the $150 units to the city charter the ordinance proposed prices of the other circuits and at thecope with entertainment needs of some Houses are Mayfair, Portland; Metro-could not be affected without amending same time offering more work. The War-of the larger spots, Cushman says he'llpolitan,Seattle;Vancouver,Victoria;the city charter, which could not be ner officeis of the same attitude as have two prices of units. The small onesYakima, WallaWallaand Spokane,done at this time. Paramount. tho its available playing timewill be operated as always and form theWash.Pair also associated with Famous In view of all this, Moss intends going is considerably less. backbone of the time, but under aPlayers of Canada, whereby attractionsthru with his court case on Bill Schill- RKO, with only two and a half weeksseparate division a number of big showscan be routed east thru Canada. ing, which comes up in Special Sessions of consistent playing time and severalwill be handled. June 12.He is not regarding this as a other spasmodic weeks, has started the Vince Markee will be general repre- test case, and intends looking upon each percentage booking angle, following itssentative for the time.Cushman saysHeat Causes Early case against a representative as a case deal with Eddie Cantor's unit in De-he'll leave Dallas, probably late in theMidwest Closings by itself.However, he will await the troit and Chicago for a 50-50 split withsummer, for a trip around the circuit. outcome of the Schilling case before he the house from the first dollar.Circuit does anything further. is seeking a lot of percentage shows for CHICAGO, May 16.-The premature Moss is desirous of having the agents its houses which only play shows oc- closing of several vaude houses in thistake out the present licenses on the casionally.Warner is on the hunt forF&M Fihn "Names' Booked;territory, due to the early heat wave,basis of a code of trade practices and percentage deals for smaller houses which has put a crimp in local bookings. ethics which will be enforced by him. occasionally play shows, while Loew isOffice Booking Marionettes Warren Jones, of the RKO office, isIt ix more than likely that immediately expected to pick up this booking trend losing three houses.The Palace Thea-following the Schilling case, whether he in view of its recent costly flops. NEW YORK, May 16.-Two F. & M.ter, Fort Wayne, a split week, closedsecures a favorable verdict or not, that Loew and RKO, however, which havefilm "name" acts have been set for per-Wednesday.The only stage shows theMoss will again send out his inspectors but a few weeks between them, con-sonals.Paramount has booked Stuarttownwillhaveduringthe summerto serve summonses on all unlicensed tinue to buy up the standard acts, pay-Erwin and June Collyer for the week ofmonths willbe spot bookings at theartists' representatives. ing thesalariesasked,despite Para -June 26 at the Michigan, Detroit, andEmboyd Theater, where a Major Bowes mount's attitude in the matter. Warner has bought Edgar Kennedy forunit opens May 30 for four days.The the week of June 19 at the Earle, Wash-Colonial, Dayton, closes May 21, and theN. Y. Capitol May Lieberman's Philly Office ington, D. C. Shubert, Cincinnati, will call it a season F. & M. has secured exclusive author-May 28.Both spots have beenfull weeks. Stage shows are expected toSwitch to Flesh PHILADELPHIA,May 16. - Eddieization on Russell Patterson, artist, forbe resumed in the fall. Lieberman has opened an office herethe booking of his marionettes. Patter- NEWYORK, May 16.-The Capitol The- and is exclusively handling colored actsson has two groups now working, one at The NationalTheater,Louisville,ater here may take on stage shows again, and bands.He is at present booking allthe Hotel New York and the other at thebooked by Dick Hoffman out of theaccording to the many reports making the acts into the Royal Theater, Balti-French Casino. Billy Diamond office here, is discontin-the rounds. A checkup with the Loew more, and booking such night spots as uing stage shows for the summer Mayoperating department reveals that there The Rafters, Rendezvous Grille and Hol- 18.This has been a Friday to Mondayis some such plan afoot but that noth- land in Trenton. He is arranging a one- stand. ing definite has been done about it as night tour thru Delaware, Maryland,Palace, Cleveland, Shows yet. There is a possibility that it might Virginia and the Carolinas for the Pari- CLEVELAND, May 16. - The PalaceCincinnati Dropping.Shows be done in the fall. sian Tailors Colored Kiddie Hour. Theater here, RKO house, has lined up The Capitol has been in a bad way in a three attractions for its vaude bookings. CINCINNATI, May 16.-The Shubcrtstraight picture policy, the product not Detroit Agency Folds Jimmy Savo and Rene Villon come intoTheater herewilldefinitely dropitsstrong enough to meet the Broadway the house, this Friday, to be followedstage shows after the show that goescompetition. However, Loew is wary of DETROIT, May 16.-The Metro -Polly -consecutively by Block and Sully andin next week.Last showing of stagestage shows there inasmuch as it might Ton Bureau of Entertainment, bookingthen NTG and his Radio Revue. shows for the summer will be May 28.cut in on the combo policy of the State and producing office in Highland Park, As was written in last week's issue, theTheater. operated by Evangeline B. Rodda and house's switch to a stage -band policy Robert B. Gordon, has folded. Rudow's New Offices proved to be a flop. Krivit's "Femme Follies"; Casino's "Folies de Femmes" Majestic, Paterson, Folds PHILADELPHIA, May 16.-Jan Rudow,Gerber Unit for Mexico City NEW YORK, May 16.-The MajesticIndia booker here, no longer associated NEW YORK, May 16.-Harry Krivit is Theater, Paterson, N. J., will fold to-with the now dissolved Godfrey & Lin- NEW YORK. May 16.-Alex Gerber'sagain producing a unit to carry the name morrow night.House has been a split -der office in New York, has moved hisRadio City Follies, recently changed inof Femme Follies, the title of his all -girl week vaude stand booked by the Dews.localofficeto the Real Estate Trustname to Music Hall Follies, may go toshow of five years ago. He is building the Building and in New York has estab-the Teatro Lirico in Mexico City for anshow now and intends sending it out in lished a new office on West 46th street.engagement next month, following ina couple of weeks. AssociatesinhisofficeareWalterthe A. B. Marcus show. Negotiations are The French Casino's Folies de Femmes Watch for Our Grigaitis,Virginia Cramp and Clairenow on between Gerber and A. Castro,Is angling for theater dates, with Eddie Brooks. booking the house. Sherman having a deal on for the show to go to the Steel Pier in Atlantic City MONTHLY July 1 for a month. AUGMENTED Club Bookers Reported as Simon's Loew Privilege THEATRICAL Okeh With Morris Office Blacklisting AFA Members NEW YORK, May 16.- While Ferde SCHOOLS NEW YORK, May 16.-The disagree-tested informally the AFA's circularizingSimon has been given the privilege of the ment between private entertainment con-clubs for actor jobs, says again it is notLoew booking floor, doubling from his DEPARTMENT tractors and the American Federation offighting the AFA and denies voting a boy-RKO agenting, the interchange of acts Actors reached its second stage this weekcott of AFA members.Fredric Watson,between him and the Morris Agency will when the contractors began asking actssecretary of the EMA, says the associa-continue, the not on the large scale that In Next Week's Issue. if they were AFA members or not. Actorstion objects to the phrase "eliminatingit has in the past. Simon's agreement claim this is the beginning of a blacklistthe middleman's profit" in the AFA's re-with the Loew office was that any of his News of Summer Courses, New and have reported the situation to thecent circulars, but insists the associationacts handled by the Morris Agency will AFA. Several acts claim the bookers toldis not opposed to unionization of actors.continue to be handled by it. Schools, Dance Teacher Conven- them outright that they wouldn't get The AFA, in the meantime, is continu- The Morris Agency sells 'many of its tions,SchoolPromotionAngles, bookings if they were AFA. ing to round up club bookings for mem-attractions direct with RKO now, altho etc. The Entertainment Managers' Associa-bers and reports an increase in the num-much of its smaller material is handled tion, meanwhile, which recently pro-ber of affiliated union affairs booked. by Simon for RKO representation. May 23, 1936 VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 15 rehearsal book on the day he starts re-ter's new play, Battle Hymn, cpens next hearsal.This is for the protection ofFriday. the members both in the arrangement The threeone-acterswerecapably for bonds and in establishing the dateacted and the sets by Samuel Leve were on which rehearsal expefise money iseconomically realized.Muni Diamond 72ew Octs due each chorus person in any pro-did fine work in the new anti -war play, Enrica and Novella brunet blues singer who displayed aduction. Snickering Horses, which was skillfully good voice and capable delivery. We hope to have several new produc-staged.Eda Reis was more than ade- -AND- Single drape set is used.Except fortions shortly, as well as a great dealquate as Catherine in Shaw's play. The Elida Ballet the opening, routining is conventional If you And now, getting on to Orrie Lashin and there is no attempt to try new an-of work in the summer hotels. and Milo Hastings' new play, Class of '29, Reviewed at Loew's State, New York.gles. P. D. are out of employment you should call Style-Dance flash.Setting-In one, at Chorus Equity's employment bureauit turns out to be a fairly exciting por- two and full stage (specials).Time- frequently.If you are in bad standingtrayal of the tragedy of college grads Pittsburgh's Bowes Park and unable to pay your dues you maytrying to get a job in these depression Twenty-four minutes. get an extension of time, which givesdays.Its timeliness of theme and the Oneofthefewbrand-newacts PITTSBURGH, May16. -A parkyou the use of the employment bureau.earnest acting of its young players do around, partnering Enrica and Novella,named after Major Edward Bowes was Members working in clubs and pres-much to cover the crudities of play- standard dance team, and the Elide Bal-dedicated by Mayor William N. McNairentation unitsare reminded of thewrighting.Preceded by plenty of news- let, Betty Friedman's group of girls fromhere on Monday. The mayor promisedCouncil concession which allows thempaper publicity over its alleged Soviet the Metropolitan, Boston. An outstand-the major such an honor while a guestto place themselves in good standing bytheme, the play reveals itisnothing ing act, tops in class as far as vaude ison his Sunday amateur hour four weekspaying current dues, providing this pay-more than a plea to give our young ones concerned, complete in entertainment,ago. Theplaygroundislocatedatment is made while they are working injobs, or else they'll begin learning Rum - and generally a great flash for any bill.Hazelwood and Second avenue and itsthose fields.Nonmembers in presenta-Alan and plan to take the next boat for All dancing, except for the unbilled boyofficial name is the Major Edward Bowestions and cabarets may join by payingthe Promised Land. singer, who gets a solo spot and alsoRecreation Park. It presents the unemployment problem production warbles. Turn uses two full - a $5 initiation fee rather than the $15not in terms of a mass.problem but in stage specialsets,really beautiful, a charged in the legitimate theater. terms of personal tragedy.The young special drop "in two," and the houseRamon Novarro for Chicago DOROTHY BRYANT, architect, the young cultured boy who traveler. CHICAGO, May 16.-Ramon Novarro, Executive Secretary. knows about nothing but rare books and The Elide Ballet (12) is a perfect line,film "name," and his sister, Carmen, the young Communist illustratorare the girls all the same height and nicehave been booked by Paramount for thePETER PAN some of the youngsters of '29 who just lookers, and their precision and danceChicago Theater here.Date set is May (Continued from page 3) can't find jobs.With the yearstheir talent are the real things.They open29, but the booking may be switched onthan adopt an attitude ridiculing thespirit is broken, their faith in old values, with a novel tap routine.Followed byMonday to this Friday. 50 -week amendment with the slogan,in the economic system andin the the dance couple, who first offer a semi - We Never Grow Up. church is smashed. They listen more at- classic number to cleverly arranged mu-CHORUS EQUITY The amendment was recently passedtentivelytotheir young Communist sic and then do another in faster tempo. by Equity's council because it felt thatfriend.Ken, the architect, gets a job, Really swell numbers and register ac- (Continued from page 4) under present production conditions anbut is crushed when he learns months cordingly. The singer fills the next spotcards must be presented at the would not, after merely two yearslater that his father was really paying for a change of set by doing a medley ofIf you have not yet voted you should his salary.Ted, the most sensitive, the tunes, singing them very well, and thendo so at once.If you are in good stand-of junior membership, be sufficientlysellerofrarebooks,finally commits goes into the production number, Sheing and have not received a ballot notifyconversant with theater problems tosuicide when his pride has been hurt Shall Have Music. This number is beau-the office, as your failure to get yourwarranthistakinga placeinthebeyond repair. tiful, with the ballet toeing their wayballot means that we have no addressaustere deliberations of the oldsters. To this reporter the play is the best about in beautiful style, leading into afor you. Dorothy Brackett was chairman of theyet on the Unemployment problem, be- gorgeous waltz routine by the couple. We are holding checks in settlementmeeting, and an executive committeecauseitportrays vividly the personal of claims for Nancy Lee Blaine, Adelewas chosen, composed of Samson Gor-consequences and, naturally, makes us A bridal scene finish tops it off per- don, chairman; Isabel Keightly, secre- fectly. Butler,CharlotteDavis,LielaGans, feel so much more keenly the fate of the Gladys Harris, Eda Hedin, Marge Hylan,tary -treasurer, and Dave 'Sands, Connievarious characters. The play lacks unity, Closed the show here and registered Lent, Lucille Strudwick, William Greer, big. S. H. Marion Hytan, Fred Holmes, Dorothy however, and at times it flounders.Per- Mellor, Evelyn Page, Carol Baffin, PercyHarry Lessen and Ben Ross. haps the too -large apartment set pre- Richards. Ragna .Ray and Carolyn Russ. vents building up dramatic tension. Per- Under the constitution all dues are haps the comedy interferes too often Modern Revels due and payable on May 1 and Novem-FEDERAL THEATER with cumulative dramatic effect. Reviewed at Grand Opera House, Newber 1. A member in good standing is one (Continued from page 5) Lucius Moore Cook directedit, with York.Style-Singing and dancing flash.who on May 1 or November 1 of any yearthat the public is dumb, ultra -conserva-Edward Goodman supervising and Tom Setting-Full stage(special).Time-is paid 6 months in advance. In mailingtive, vicious and pathetic. Adrian Cracraft doing the two sets. Jan Eleven minutes. your dues to the office do not send cash, 1935 shows greater imagination and'Ulrich is grand, especially in the drunk A passable flash.Has nothing out-send a check or money order mademore flashes of good dialog and stagingscene, while Ben Starkie, Allen Nourse, standing, but neither is it dull. Com-payable to the Chorus Equity. than its predecessor.It is an importantHelen Morrow, Marjorie Dalton and Mar- prises a hoofing trio (two girls and a Remember to inclose no communica-development in the progress of the stagejorie Brown also turn in substantial per- boy) and two girl specialists. tion in the ballot envelope other thannewsreel idea. formances. Harry Irvine, now famous as Trioisthe backbone of the turn,your ballots.These envelopes are not As for the One -Act Experiment Thea-the archbishop in Murder in the Cathe- opening and closing the act, with theopened until the tellers' meeting, whichter's show,it comprises Moliere's Thedral, is a bishop in this play and, as you other two specialty girls sandwiched in.will be held at 11 Thursday morning,Miser, Emjo Bache's Snickering Horsesmight suspect,creates a warm, sym- Trio uncorks some snappy tap and acroMay 28. and George Bernard Shaw's The Greatpathetic role. dancing and, during the finale, go in for Remember that each member is askedCatherine.It's really a stopgap show, E. Harvey Blum's Backwash opens to- competitive dancing, which livens up itsto call in the office and sign in thefilling in until the Experimental Thea-night at the Symphony. work considerably.One of the girl so- PAUL DENIS. loists is a pretty brunet toe dancer who offersaninterestingvarietyoftoe stands,whirls,kicksandfluttering about. The other specialty girl is a tall Va0eville ?Lb; *PSYCHICYVONNE woossefs. BENNY FIELDS will definitely go TED LEWIS has been booked by Para- U. S. Turns To Return to Loew's State, New York. May 29 farmount forthe Metropolitan,Boston, (MN M. inafiNcri a two-week run, getting $2,500 per... week of June 5. . . . Warner will prob- n man. ,°xi To Europe for Repeats Mrs.Harold Kemp(BobbyFolsom)ably put him into the Earle, Washing LONDON, May 11.-Several Americanleaves New York this week by auto toton, D. C., the week following. . . . "A Tempestuous Maze of Rhythm and Color." acts returned to New York this weekjoin her hubby on the Coast.. . .EdCliffEdwards'Metropolitan,Boston, following successful seasons in Europe.Sullivan, columnist, is going out to Chi-date has been moved back to May 29 to Rumbaland The DiamondBrothersandGeorgecago again, opening at the head of hisallow him to air audition. . . ViraRIMAC'SMuchachos . . .AlexNiva Beatty left on the first 1936 sailing of -revue May 29 at the Palace. gets her first vaude date, coming Featured in C. B. Cochran's the Normandie. Both acts are scheduledGerber will move the first of next monthoi.t of the night club field, from Para- "FOLLOW THE SUN." to return to England early in the sum-from his Bond Building, New York, of-mount the week of May 29 at the Met- UNITED STATES: ENGLAND: fice to a Fifth avenue address. . . . ropolitan, Boston. . . .Wini Shaw, of Care of Parry Romm mer, with Beatty going into the Pal- Office, RK 0Bldg., CiroRimac,A merl- ladium here July 13 and the DiamondLarry Adler will leave Europe on thethe films, has picked up two weeks from New York City. can Express, London. Brothers playing a repeat tour of thefirst voyage of the Queen Mary, arrivingPara, going into the Michigan, Detroit. OTC theaters commencing in August. in New York June 2. . . . JohnnyJune 12, and the Chicago, Chicago, June The Gaylene Sisters, who concluded aDugan, of the Simon Agency, is booking19. SAUL 10 -week stay in All Alight at Oxfordthe Beau Rivage in Sheepshead Bay, Circus, sailed for home on. the Manhat-opening Saturday with Jerry Baker, Kay LOS ANGELES BRIEFS: Playing the tan.They, too, contemplate returningMayfield, Peggy Alexander and BuddyParamount since Christmas week, Al GRAD MAN to Europe early in the fall.Harrietand Claire Green.. . .Dave ApollonLyons and band move into the opposi- AND HIS Hutchins,American comedienneandand Benny Burke intend taking a pleas-tion Orpheum May 20 for one week. "MUSICAL STAIR -A -TONE" impressionist, who has been a big hiture jaunt to Europe June 16. . . .This will be Lyons' first straight Greatest Novelty Personal Rep., vaude booking hereabouts. . . . Buddy of the Age JACK KALCHEIM, here for the last 12 months, left on the Always Working. Chicago Georgic.She will return to Europe in Doyle, who did the Cantor bit in The September. JESSE KAYE, F. & M. booker, andGreat Ziegfeld, has been spotted for Lillian Shade left New York ThursdayParamount show May 28. ... San Diego on the Siboney for an eight -day honey-Exposition is buying 25 European sight J11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112 moon cruise to Havana. . . . Pulled aacts thru Fanchon&Marco.. . . Idea Brussels House Into Vaude surprise marriage a week ago Saturday,istospotfreeattractionsaround After Being Skating Rink following an eight -year courtship.. . . grounds to get crowds circulating to Dave Bines has contracted as producerunfrequented points.. .. Pinky Tomlin BRUSSELS, Belgium, May 11.-Resum-and social director for Schroon Manorspending four days at Long Beach State ALPEARCEI ingits former name and policy, thein the Adirondacks, starting June 20.polishing up unit of band and vaude Paleis d'Ete has reopened as a high-class . . One of his lines of girls and boys,acts for Paramount opening May 21. and his Gang vaude house.On the opening program16 Sophisticates, made a short for Men - ..Al Pearce and Gang follow Tomlin are the Two Pierrotys, Pills and Tabet,tone last week. ... Olsen and Johnsonunit into house.. . . Leo Morrison is theZemganos,OdetteMoulin, Kay -will guest artist Saturday on the Shellanglingfor London stintforThree NOW ThreeNeirhings,Chateau air program on the Coast... . Stooges after four weeks of personals 1.0 stone'sVagabonds, MAKING IMO Ritche and Festerat and the 18 TamaraArthur and Florence Lake, of the films,in East this summer... . Meiklejohn. 1111 Beck Girls. open Saturday at the Denham, Denver.Brothers moved their vaude agency from PERSONAL The Paleis d'Ete, which has been used .. . Gracie Barrie, booked for a repeatSpreckles Building into RKO-Hillstreet as an ice-skating rink, has been re-atthe Paramount, New York,inaedifice. . . . George Jessel returns to APPEARANCES decorated and equipped with a revolvingcouple of weeks, has secured additionalOrpheum Theater, Los Angeles, for an- se. ONO stage.Paris agents have lined up sev-dates from the circuit, going into Bos-other week's engagement June 3. . . . eral American acts for the new house. ton, Chicago and Detroit. Following this he goes to Honolulu. ,i11111111111111111111111111

.0 r 16 The Billboard VAUDEVILLE REVIEWS May 23, 1936 let, latter house line from the Metro-circus routine of balancing on her headmidgets-men-open with a tap dance. Loew's State, New York politan, Boston, brings class personifiedon the trapeze. One then does a hand stand on Remos' (Reviewed Friday Evening, May 15) to theclosingspot. A turnthat's The finale had the Carla Torney Girlshead, a split and downs a wine glass of staged and dressed most artistically anddoing a Spanish dance before a beauti-water from the top of Remos' head to The State has an all-round vaudetalented equally as arty.Really a first-ful Spanish fan drop which precededclimax a back bend.Both little men show, with "name" value in Mitchellrateact, with the dance team doingthe slide of Felix Morales clown a wireare agile contortionists.In the climax and Durant and Jackie Heller, whichbeautiful ballroom routines and the bal-from the balcony on his head. Remos supports both on a long pole, one aligned with the Desire film shouldlet lining up for outstanding numbers This is a show with great exploita-playing a xylophone on the top of the make good box office for the week. Showranging from clevertaps totastefultion possibilities for any spot that canperch and the other balancing and rope is a little longer 'than the average here,ballet.A boy singer, unbilled, roundsafford to play it, and it is colorful andspinning.For an encore the midgets running 71 minutes, but the few min-out the turn in effective style. different than any other unit on themix taps with acrobatics. utes overboard is the result of the cus- Show played well as usual by Rubyboards this season. "The Voice of Experience" is revealed tomers asking for more.Bill actuallyZwerling and pit boys. F. LANGDON MORGAN. as a bald-headed pleasant -voiced speaker socks from the opening to the closing, SIDNEY HARRIS. who makes no attempt to "stunt"- any with nary a miss.Except for Overdoses material, but talks in an unaffected of singing the billisflawless. Good manner of his radio work and the prob- house at this supper show opening clay. Stanley, Pittsburgh lems brought to him. He worried about Capt. Willie Mauss is always a swell State -Lake, Chicago (Reviewed Friday Afternoon, May 15) his appearance to the point of repe- opener, his bike riding in a rapidly re-(Reviewed Saturday Afternoon, May 1 6 ) Lack of proper building fails to maketition,but the audience didn't seem volving lighted drome providing an ab- "LAUGH, TOWN, LAUGH" the current Stanley bill the top-notchto mind.Told some amusing stories of solute thrill.A quickie of an act, but This is the indoor circus musical re-show For there'shis billing in various theatrical appear- complete in entertainment.A blondevue which originally was produced asplenty of talent on hand which standsances and explained the charitable work gives an opening spiel nicely enough,Jombo and has since been changed toout only individually.House switchedconducted by the "Voice of Experience." with a male propelling the huge wheel.the above name.Itis an elaboratelythis week to straight vaude, with Jackie At the conclusion he displayed one of Got away big. mounted revue combining circus andCoogan, of film note, emseeing the af-his "Voice of Experience" film shorts Jean Carroll and Buddy Howe, herevaudeville acts and the 16 Carla Torneyfair. (Columbia), which had been announced before, step up that deuce spot in grandGirls, who have several nifty! routines. A silenttrailerrevivingnotabletoday as the winner in its class in the style with their same act, which stampsIt is a fast-moving show mounted withscenes from Coogan's old picturesisShortSubjectspoolconductedby Miss Carroll as an A-1 comedienne andattractivescenery and costumes andgiven a good sendoff by Walt Framer,Emanuel Publications. The reel was de- shows off an act that is grand vaude.should be a box-office attraction any-local air commentator, who is equippedvoted to the strange romance between Nice material and team, with Howe awhere. with some fitting dialog.Jackie entersa blind boy and a deaf and dumb girl. good straight and an energetic dancer. to a good hand and following a brief The photoplay is Gentle Julia. The show opened before a big showspeech introducestheBiltmorettes, H. MURDOCK. They sing, too.Audience liked it a lot,entrance drop with typical circus music.three blond acrobats, who perform some bringing them back for an encore andGoing to full stage, representing the in-amazing tricks. The girls (Doris John- an introduction of the next act. side of the tent, the Torney line didson, Rose Cattoir and Edna May Isen-Radio City Music Hall, N. Y. Jackie Heller, another repeater, hada clown routine and were followed byburg)excel in tumbling feats which(Reviewed Thursday Evening, May 14) Aided by no trouble in mopping up. the Lytle Twins with acrobatic chal-netted them plenty of applause. Show Boat steams into the aceof Dave Rose at the piano in the pit, Jackielenge stuff.Then came the Wheeler Jackie's partner, Betty Grable, is onhouses this week, definitely a two-week wades thru a group of pop tunes in per-Sisters in double trapeze and iron -jawnext for the first of her three appear-booking, and at this last show opening fect style.He has sweet pipes, callingwork;Senorita Conchita with a100 - ances.Betty is a real highlight in theday there was a capacity house, with on them for punchy top -note finishes,foot slide from the balcony; Toto Ivyshow, young, attractive and a talentedstandees waiting for the break of the and his delivery is boyishly outstanding.on the silver hoop; Larimer and Hud-singer and dancer.Works both alonefourth showing of the film.The stage Earned his show -stop. son, standard comedy cycling act; theand with Jackie.After some chattershow wisely is trimmed to but 23 -min- Frank Mitchell and Jack Durant took,Torney line in a hurdle routine; Marjoriewith her boy friend, touching on theute length, considering the film's 112 - over the next -to -shut position handsWheeler working a pony and four dogs;romantic angle, she sings The Touch ofminute running time, yet it's a thoroly down. They make their turn as informalVirginia Young with clever aerial work;Your Lips in a pleasing manner andenjoyableshow. CherryandJune as could be, starting off with muchthe Three Olympia Boys in feats on thefollows with the equally appealing ItPreisser provide probably the one show - chatter,imitations, singing and lighthorizontal bars; the Torney Girls in aWas So Long.She makes her secondstop in the history of this house.Prior tomfoolery, a warmup for their closingclever hoop routine; Papes and Con-entrance in ice -blue pajamas, tappingto the show W. G. Van Schmus intro- knockabouts which brought down thechita doing perch work and the Wheelerto the tune of You.A neat routine.duced Irene Dunne, who gave a short house. A swell pair of performers, andSisters on the webs; Emanuel, MexicanShe comes back later in a white angel -talk. the folks couldn't get enough of them.wire artist, with antics on the tight andlikeoutfitfora soft-shoe tap strut Stageshowis precededbyDick Brought out Harry Pollock for the fin-swaying wire; Novak, and Fay, who madewith Jackie to the music of MelodyLeibert's clever work at the grand organ, ish, a lad who can outshout most of thea hit with their comedy aerobatics andFrom the Sky.Jackie was an able as-a Walt Disney cartoonand the sym- Harlem shouters. Reception was terrific.legitimate hand balancing, and Violettasistant.Josephine Dix has a plant bitphony orchestra wading thru a medley Enrica and Novella and the Elida Bal-Rooks (Violet Hauser), with her regularin the act. of Southern tunes, all under the billing Another "name" on the billis theof Fosteriana. 0.,...... 0....."alluring Wini Shaw, who has been in Trocadero is the title of the show, an the Warner shops working in musicals.atmosphericpreludetothepicture, g gHer act consists of three songs whichdrawing on the film's night club se- shedeliversinherinimitabletear-quence.Robert Weede acts as m.c. stained style.Judging from the amount(the Music Hall's version of an m. c.), ;of applause she received at this view-opening the show with Wings of Lore, ing the customers liked her a lot.Hera repeat number featuring Nirska and song selections, just the same, are nother outstanding butterfly dance.Also too good.Delivered Dangerous Rhythm,employs the ballet corps, with Nicholas 1HARRIET HUTCHINS Why? and closed with the long -windingDake and Hilda Eckler contributing nice . A CHarlem hodgepodge labeledsave Me,individual work in the number. g /A Sister.An exit number such as Lullaby Next is a brief interlude of song en- g gof Broadway or The Lady in Red shouldgaged in by Robert Weede and Beatrice prove more effective. Joyce, who do an oldtimsr, Then You'll says The comedy honors are divided be-Remember Me. Weede does most of it, "HELLO'/ tween Raymond Wilbert,theexpertwith Miss Joyce joining him at the hoop juggler, who mixes novelty with $JUST BACK AFTER 10 MONTHS, IN EUROPE laughs, and Lou Parker and Company. Sailor'sFlirtationisthespotfor Wilbert has a great 12 -minute act thatCherry and June Preisser, just out of dares imitation.Parker's fun is cleanthe Follies, whose all -too -brief number g WEEKSgand entertaining and himself shouldstopped the show cold-a first time for ORIGINALLY BOOKED FOR FOUR gprove a great radio bet.He is assistedthis house.And the work ofthese by MarionBailer,excellentstraightyoungsters,especiallythatamazing FA woman; Paul Murdock, George Hope,acrobatic June, is worthy of such dis- I Bill Burdee and Thoinas Paxton. tinction. TO ENGLANDSEPTEMBER Billruns about60minutes. The Finaleisof the big finish variety, screen features Freddie Bartholomew inThe Can Can, with the Rockettes and LittleLord Fauntleroy(U.A.),andballet combined, some 60 -odd girls, do- house was fair at the second show. ing that risque number of the old days. A k m ik, wN ml i owl K w674&,..N&w 1.1 B., w i o m m 1 wo kl 1LaNK4 SAM HONIGBERG. It's very effective on full stage and in the gorgeous setting. Atmospheric layout is helped by the Fox, Philadelphia cabaretsetting on thesidesof the (Reviewed Friday Afternoon, May 15) house. SIDNEY HARRIS. (First Show) DAVE APOLLON Headlining "The Voice of Experience," the Fox stage program goes in for nov- Paramount, New York Takes This Opportunity of Thanking elty this week and won a good hand from(Reviewed Wednesday Evening, May 13) Loew's, Fox, Paramount and Independent Managers the fair crowd which turned out for the Haul out the superlatives, the flags opening. and sing hallelujah, for the Paramount FOR THE MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR OF HIS CAREER! The overture isNalla, a lively briefstagethis week has a musical show musical interlude which permits Jessheaded by Ray Noble that is the best Closingthe Season at the Century Theater, Baltimore, June 1 2. Altmiller, drummer, a local favorite, toof the series the house has had yet. (Third Return Engagement This Season) do his stuff with the percussions, theNone of the English leader's predeces- belleand window shades-thelattersors at the house has equaled, musically, Sailing on the Normandie for Europe June 17 on a Combination Business ripped for musical effect.Band thisNoble's offering.Nor has any exceeded andPleasureTrip week cuts down to 13 men in the pit,it from the standpoint of entertainment. KarlBonowitz,organist,andJenoAnd those following him in the bookings Opening Early in the Fall With New Talent Never Before Donath, leader.Itis the basic mini-have a high mark to shoot for.Noble's mum which will be used during theshow is a 100 per cent success.It packs Seen in America!!!! summer. plenty of everything to satisfy both the Opening act is the Five Rileys, threepublic and musicians and demonstrates boys and two girls, a fast dance offeringwhy Noble is rated tops by the musickers that features a whirlwind of eccentricthemselves.His half hour breezes past tap solos,duets, trios and seemingly a few seconds that whet Gay and spirited and won heavy ap-the appetite for more and he doesn't R plause. miss a trick.Pace, quality, excellent Paul Remos .andhis two acrobaticselectionoftunes,arrangementspar TJUILATIIIIES Wonder Midgets follow with a variedexcellence and showmanship galore. 1270 SixthAve. Radio City, New Yorkroutine which has the audience both Noble's arrangements are a lesson to sympatheticandenthusiastic. Thethe overarrangers.No song Is played May23, 1936 VAUDEVILLE REVIEWS The Billboard 17 that is not given the benefit of beau-the most inappropriate, but then maybemusical ability and a pleasant voice. tiful handling, without yards of camou-it's true what they say about Dixie. Puts his act over easily. flage and bringing out not only the F. LANGDON MORGAN. Samson Fainsilber, stage and screen best of the tune itself but every pos- favorite, presents a neat act in which JUST OUT! sible range and all the color of the he caricatures and imitates theatrical McNALLY'S individual instruments.The excellenceGrand Opera House, N. Y.celebs.Fox and Rasco on in a comedy of each man in the orchestra is a direct dance turn in which tall boy shows ex- BULLETINNo. 19 tribute to the leader, Noble, and the ar- (Reviewed Friday Evening, May 15) ceptionalabilityasacontortionist. PRICE ONE DOLLAR ranger, Noble.Opens with a medley, Four -act bill this half supports theAlina de Silva and Nita Raya are both NEW, BRIGHT. ORIGINAL COMEDY For Vaudeville, Musical Comedy, Burlesque, iskcluding You Hit the Spot and Letdouble feature,The Unguarded Hourpleasing singers and both have person- Minstrel,Night Club Revues, Radio and Yourself Go, bringing in his vocal trio,and Don't Gamble With Love.Fourality and appearance, scoringnicely. Dance Band Entertainers.Contains: the Freshmen, and even in their singingacts managed to cover acrobatics, com-Novelty musical turn is that of Darius 15 Screaming Monologues. 7 Roaring Acts for Two maim and harmony is Noble's work evident.edy, singing, music and dancing, whichCittanova, who demonstrates Martonot's 8 Original Acts for Male and Female. Al Bowlly, vocalist,isgiven a grandis not bad. "musical waves" instrument.Interest- 23 SureFire Parodies. Opening turn was Moore, Wally and Great Ventriloquist Act. break in Noble's treatment of Boots and ing but a bit too long. A Roof -Lifting Female Act. Saddle, bringing in The Last Roundup,Grayce, two men and a woman doing Trio, Quartet and Dance Specialty. orchestra singing effectively in support.strong-arm stuff on the ground and in Musical Comedy, Tab and Burlesque. 18 Corking Minstrel First -Parts. Bowlly may have been suffering from athe air.Routine isinteresting right London Bills McNally Minstrel Overtures. cold.Nora and Jimmy Bell are the onlyalong and the trio had no trouble scor- A Grand MinstrelFinale. outside ing. (Week of May 11) 41 Monobits. attractions,twoyoungsters Blackouts, ReviewScenes, Dance 6 Band bringing in a youthful and peppy danc- Haynes and Beck did all right in the Rex Weber makes his English vaude Stunts, Hundreds of Jokes and Gags. debut at the Palladium, where he is def- ing touch.Miss Bell is back later ondeuce spot.Miss Haynes is a diminu- Remember. McNALLY'S BULLETIN No. initely successful.With his amusing 19 is only one dollar; or will send you Bul- to tap to Goody, Goody, given a brightlytive comedienne who knows how to get letins Nos. 10, 11, 12, 15. 16. 17 and humorous touch, shaping her dance andthe laughs.She does low comedy, withpan and unique vocalillusions and 19 for $4.00 with money -back Guarantee. business to the lyrics. Beck doing straight and also a bit ofbright and novel comedy, Weber chalked Probably Noble's best known arrange-singing. A standard team, they had noup alegit show -stop on his opening WM. McNALLY ment is his fox-trot treatment of Thedifficulty getting by. performance.His singing is a strong Blue Danube and no apologies will ever Jeane Granese and Company, anotherpoint, too, and his whole routine is dis- 81 East 125th Street,NewYork be needed to Johann Strauss because ofstandardcombination, had thecus-criminatingly chosen forEnglish ap- this handling.Another comedy numbertomers laughing with their Italian com-pearances. Carolyn Marsh, cute and ap- is made of Bugle Call Rag, kidding theedy.The hoke is a pleasant relief topealinb torch singer,is forced to en-S TAR COMEDY LIBRARY cores.Girl is a great favorite with the You Cannot Buy Better Material. fat flute player who wants to but can'ttheir capable singing of pop numbers. No. I-MONOLOGUES. No. 2-ACTS FOR get his three notes in. MissGranese,inasparklingblackPalladium audience.Al Trahan andTWO MALES.No, 3-ACTS FOR MALE AND gown, is still a treat vocally, while herYukona Cameron with their sure-fire FEMALE.No.' 4-GOOD STORIES.No. 5- Danny Boy is played almost as a violin COMEDY BLACK OUTS.25c each or the 5 for solo, and several of Noble's own tunestwo male partners join her in harmonycomedy act, and the Four Ortons, wire -$1. Guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. !ire in at the closing.These include hisbits and also entertain on their own. walking comedians, are other winners JAMES MADISON latest, Touch of Your Lips; an old fave, For a closer Modern Revels, five peo-here. 1376Sutter St., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Good Night, Sweetheart, and the last,ple, did all right.A two -girl -and -boy Back after an absence of five years, Love Is the Sweetest Thing. With Bowlly Molly Picon headlines at the Holborn DANCING BY MAIL. combination had the feature spot with Beg. orAdv.Tap,$1. inthelead,theentiregroup linestheir tap and acrobatic hoofing, eachEmpire, where she registers heavily with Sample'rap Lesson for straight across the stage in glee -club well-chosen numbers inEnglish and Beg.,includingStandard of the trio stepping out for competitiveYiddish. Time -Step and Break. 251. fashion on the singing.And in no waystepping. They get support from a pret- She had to beg off with a Beg. Waltz and Fox -Trot. copying the style of other band choralty brunet toe dancer and from a pleas-speech on her opening night and was $1. Hal Leroy studied groups. It'sasockfinishoftheing blues warbler.Single set of drapesfurther rewarded withfloraltributes here. Send for List "B. punchiest type. and the costumes are modest but neat.that had the apron resembling a florist's KINSELLA ACADEMY, 2528 May St., Cin'tl. 0. The British have landed and allisAct gets by, even tho it doesn't displaystore.Further American talent at the under control. JERRY FRANKEN. anything startling in talent or produc-Holborn includesHalls, Reading and tion. PAUL DENIS. Boyce, hitting solidly with a clever pots Dye Drops,SCENERY Flat Sets, Cycloramas, Draw Curtains. pourri of comedy, acrobatics and danc- Operating Equipment ing: Forsythe, Seamon and Farrell, com- SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, Columbus, 0. Chicago, Chicago edy, vocal and dance novelty; Larry Ad- (Reviewed Friday Afternoon, May 15) Paris Bills ler, harmonica expert; Lee Donn, synco- BEARDS (Week of May 4) pated pianist, and Van Cello and Mary, MAKE-UP They're calling this week's show the 'footjuggling experts. WIGS Broadway Sketch Book, and the five The program at the Empire Music Other notable FREE CATALOG. acts, headed by Arren and Broderick,Hall shows a decided tendency towardsentrants in a monster bill include Sher- are interwoven and augmented by thecircus and animal acts.While the billskot, ace pantomimist, with a corkingF VV N ACK 5Cfirc. %Ct. ult.. Evans Girls in production numbers. still show a lack of tempo and realroutine, and Al Burnett, comedian 'and A novel opening number showed apunch, the presentation of numbers hasmonologist, who works strictly on Amer- desert background, with one of the boysgreatly improved.Altho there are sev-ican lines. STROBLITE TheaterRoyal,Dublin,hasthree LuminousColorsforSpectacularCostume and of the Tip, Tap, Toe act on a throneeral good numbers, the punchiest act Scenio Effects.Sensational-Inexpensive. as Haile Selassie, with the other two at-is that of Al Renard's Four Trojans.American winners in Geraldine and Joe, STROBLITE CO., Dept. BMS, 35 W. 52d St., N.Y. These four boys present their splendidsock juvenile entertainers and plenty tending him.After a number by the GO USED WARDROBE TRUNKS, Evans Girls, in black masks and Ethi-routine of tumbling with speed and pep.versatile; Derso Retter, "the man who$10.00 Up.All in first-class condition. Write fnr opian sheets, the boys stepped forwardAnother good number is that of Natol,wrestles with himself," and Ray Saxe, Descriptive Circular. H. & M. TRUNK CO., 810 and did some nifty and classy tappingwho appears made up as a monkey andsmart novelty saxophonist and dancer.Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. on a raised platform.The thought ofscampers up and down the orchestra LeonardBarrandVirginiaEstes, Selassiedoing hot footwork threw aseats, climbs up to the balcony and runsbright and original comedy dancing ec-Greta Kellar, attractive Viennese singer, humorous note in the proceedings andaround the railingswith simian -likecentrics,and Dare and Yates,acro-and the Four Phillips, juggling equili- the boys' snappy stepping brought themease and winds up by climbing a rope tocomics, are American acts headliningbrists, are well liked.Both acts have a big hand. the top of the house.Otto Kemmerichand hitting solidly at the Swansea Em-had experience in American vaude. Miss Jane Williams, former co-star on thepresents his pet lion, "Lea,' appal entlypire. Hoshi, Jap juggling miss,isanother Hollywood Hotel radio program, did aat liberty on the stage.This number De Wolfe, Metcalf and Ford, brilliantwinner, while Beate Bradna shows some selection from The Firefly, in beautifulis interesting, but lacks action as thecomedy dancers; Dave Seed and Com-new tricks in acro-dancing.Rest of voice, followed by With All My Heart,lion simply eats, drinks and acts kit-pany, with a comedy originality, andthe bill is devoted to native talent. and left to a gratifying hand.Misstenish with itstrainer.A neat andRadcliffe and Rogers, colored comics, all Wintergarten has a fine American act Williamsisanattractivewomanlyamusing dog act is offered by the Kor-hit at Kingston Empire, while the Fourin Arnaud, Peggy and Ready, who are blonde and is a relief from the hotchamanows and Maurice Houcke presentsFranks,' youthfulstarsofsteps andtops among the many travesty dancing flaming youth torch singer. several horse numbers, in one of whichtunes, are a riot at Glasgow Empire. and comedy burlesque trios in Europe. Barbette, late feature of Jumbo, com-he is assisted by Mlle. Houcke. Noteworthy hits on the same, bill are AdrianOtero,Spanishdancer;Four pletely fooled the audience.Coming Other numbers with a circus flavor Berlin Bills , down a flight of stairs, gorgeously cos-are Joan Tanya in modest trapeze rou- Astonys, girl gymnasts; D'Anselmi, ven- tumed, he disrobed and started withtine over the orchestra pit;Alto and Strong bill for the month of May attriloquialcomedian,andtheThree slack -wireworkthatincludedhighPartner, novelty balancing bit atop athe Scala has Will Mahoney, AmericanGeorges, perch act. kicks, toe work and the swaying wire.platform;Percon, antipodist, and thefunster,dancing comedian and trick Then mounted the rings and closed withpopular clowns, Boulicot and Recordier.xylophonist, headlining and proving a trapezetricks.The illusion was ac-George Dorlis clicks solidly in his amus-sensational hit.Assisted by Evie Hayes,Det. Quartet Take License centuated by many feminine pieces ofing monolog on the origins of modernsinger and comedienne, Mahoney does business, which seemed abitexag-dancesteps,which hedemonstrates45 minutes of swell entertainment with- DETROIT, May 113.-The former De- geratedattimes. A sockexitwasbriefly.The Two Burleys also have anout a single letup.Another hit fromtroit Artists Bureau booking license has muffed at this show by not doffing thesmusing act in which cutegirl doestheStatesisscored by Powell andbeen taken over individually by the four wig during his bows. comedy and dance bits while male part-Nedra, who make their European debutbookers who remain associated in the Arren and Broderick tied things up inner juggles heavy objects.Fredo Gar-on this bill.Act is most original andoffice. Abe Schillerishandling the the next -to -closing spot.Charlotte Ar-doni and Jean Cyrano on in their fa-using multicolored sand team forms acafedepartment;Kay. Davison,club ren started things when she skated offmiliar but good accordion and song bits.series of remarkable pictures that arebookings; Fred Zierer, orchestras, and after singing The Last Rose of Summer.De Roze works on, stage and in theenhancedbyceleverlightingeffects.George A. Ranshaw, theaters. Coming back she did an eccentric com-audience producing tasty drinks of all edy dance and was followed by Johnnysorts fromclearwater. The Harris '''...7.".7:-:.7..S. zzzzz Z.Z.S.SZ'S.S.7%.Z.S., "S"...32. L -.K...... :M.T.IS" Broderick. who played The World IsBrothers offer excellent hand-to-hand Advertisinginthe Billboardsince .rpos Waiting for the Sunrise on the piano,balancing routines, and the Two Fokkers picking a chorus on the, strings like apresent their amusing acrobatic parody. DAY & NIGHT SERVICE zither or harp.Charlotte's burlesque The ABC is packing them in with a SHIPMENT 24 Hums on aconcertsingerhad theminprogram that holds interest from start ROLLTICKETS WHENREQUESTEDWITHIN stitches.Johnny presides at the pianoto finish.Feature of the bill is a com- * AbsoluteAccuracy*DependableDelivery* Finest Workmanship thruout, and the act is full of funnyedy sketch starring Gaby Morlay and * Best ofMaterials*PerfectPacking* $50,000.00Bonded Guarantee stuff.Four bows. A hit. Mauricet.A really amusing skitin A colorful Tyrolean scene with thewhich these two splendid artists score a CASH WITH ORDER PRICES -SPECIALLY PRINTED -SIZE 1x 2 EvansGirls, attractivelycostumed,smash hit.Hal Sherman also wows served as the setting for the Swedishthem with his nut comedy and clever 10,000-$6.65 50,000-$11.25 90,000-$15.85 250,000-$34.25 Bell Ringers, who played several tuneseccentric hoofing.Hal's "fan" dance 20,000.. 7.80 60,000.. 12.40 100,000.. 17.00 300.000.. 40.00 on the various sizes of bells and glassesand Apache bits are gems.Only other 30,000.. 8.95 70,000.. 13.55 150,000.. 22.75 500,000.. 63.00 partly filled with water. Everything wasAmerican on the billisCecil Ayres, 40,006..10.10 80,000.. 14.70 200,000.. 28.50 1.000,000-120.50 nicely done up until the finale, whichrollerskater, who appears with the FOR DUPLICATE COUPON ROLL TICKETS DOUBLE ABOVE PRICE was a production boner that stuck outAvallon Sisters.Englishskaters, in a like a sore thumb.After establishingspeedy number with good solo bits, lifts Above prices fcr any wording desired. For each change of wording and color add $2.00. theSwissatmosphere by meansofand spins.Plenty of comedy on the For change of color only, add 50o. No order for less than 10.000 tickets of a kind or color. scenic effects, costumes and dances, theybill with Charpini and Brancato pulling had the girls, still attired as Swiss boys STOCK TINVisWELDON,WILLIAMS&LICK guffaws with their ?any song and patter 1 ROLL SOc and girls, tripping out for the finale tobits in which Charpini goes effeminate. 5 ROLLS ...0 40c FORT SMITH, ARK. the strains of Dixie played by the BellAdrien Adrius is new, but reveals him- 10 ROLLS 0.35e TICKETS OF EVERY KIND AND DESCRIPTION SINCE 1898 Ringers. Of all the tunes this was aboutself a clever artist' with comedy talent, -,.....,..,. 18 The Billboard LEGITIMATE May 23, 1936 Conducted by EUGENE BURR Communications to15M Broadway, New York City. PLAY WAR TRUCECOMES Foundation. Has to do with the birththeir positions in the social world, their of a girl into the royal family when alove turns to hatred and results in tear- boy is desired.Gal is reared as a maleing away their happiness when it might Managers and Dramatists Settleand finally takes the throne.Bit of abe so near.Catherine marries a noble- mixup at the trial of a princess accusedman, but is unhappy because of her of impending motherhood without mar-true love to Heathcliff.Heathcliff wins Compromise Contract for Scriptsriage, and gal is exiled."Prince" takesthe love of Edgar's sister, Isabel, and unto herself the father, who, for a time,marries her in spite. The' peasant is also impersonates a dame. unhappy because of his love for Cath- Both sides satisfied-must still be ratified by Dramatist With exception of several minor pointserine.In the closing act when both are piece is said to be faithful reproductionreunited and happy love is near, Heath - Guild membership-Guild recognizes League as bar-of how it would be performed in China.cliff's hatred for Edgar results in a tete- Actors work on full stage with only plusha-tete which brings death by shock to gaining factor-film split stands at 6040 drop background, and in full view thru-Catherine.Heathcliff, who has released

Edgar, is heartbroken and left to his woe NEW YORK, May 16.-With both sides practically saying, "You first, Alfonso,"out performance is prop man, who walksby all, even his and Catherine's dearest the dramatists and managers amicably settled their differences May 12 with a five-about stage at will.On other side offriend, Ellen. year contract distinguishing between plays independently produced and thosestageisoriental orchestra which cues Miss Hone in the role of Catherine backed by Hollywood money, providing that the sale of film rights in the latterthe sequences. Piece just isn't occidentalwas well cast.She carried the audience case be governed by a committee of five dramatists and five managers, three oftheater fare, and probably won't survivewith her excellent acting and was given the latter of whom must be independent, with film rights for indie productionssubscription period.Only attraction isfine suppt5t by others in the cast, in- to be disposed of by bidding in the open market.The percentage split realizedthe method of production and the ever-cluding Ellen Love, Charles Furcolowe, present dead -pan props, Frank Wayne. from plays sold to Hollywood is to be 60 Peiser. Charles Atkin, George Petrie and Ellen per cent for the author and 40 for the Day.Mr. Carter received fine help in producer.At a meeting to be held May his dramatization thru the efforts of 25, the Guild membership will probablyOUT-OF-TOWN OPENINGS Joseph Marra and J. Herbert Canister, ratify the arrangement, thus bringing to "Wuthering Heights" whose sets and costumes were very good. an end the ill feeling engendered when"Her Majesty the Prince" (New Haven) A 20 -piece WPA orchestra played in the last contract expired March 1. (Hollywood) A new play written and directed bybetween the acts. Colavolpe. Figuring prominently inthe newly Author, Raymond Cannon. Producer,Randolph Carter, of local WPA staff, from reached accord is Joseph P. Bickerton,L. A. Artists' Foundation. Director, PaulEmily Bronte's novel of same name. Set- who will act as arbiter for the sale ofFung. Incidental music by Arthur Kay.tings:Joseph Marra and J. Herbert Cal - independently produced plays, and whoOpened May 10 at Hollywood Music Box.lister.Costumes:J. Herbert Canister. on will also have in his keeping the stipula- Produced by the Federal Theater Play Rtoalvay tions drawn up by the committee of 10 CAST:Barbara Barondess, John T.Reviewed May 15, to close May 23. relativetothesaleofproductionsMurray, Donald Gallaher, Carla Laemmle, financed with the aid of film money.Louise Glover, Grand Richards, Chanrion Cast: Ellen Love, George Petrie, Charles MASQUE Should the committee fail to agree re-Weller, Gene Crotty, Barton Bosworth,Furcolowe, Mary Hone, Charles Atkin, Beginning Thursday Evening, May 14, 1936 garding these rules Bickerton will haveDarryl Hampton, Minta Durfee, DonaldEllen Day. power to cast a deciding vote.It hasShairp, Martin Glover. Jean Euer. The story, as portrayed in the play, in- A PRIVATE AFFAIR been so arranged that the drafted rules 'Done in the manner of the Chinesevolves the unsuccessful, happy love of aA comedyby Gaston Valcourt, starring Oscar will vest control of the sale in the handsTheater, this piece is advertised as thenoblewoman, played by Miss Hone, and Shaw and featuringHelen Raymond and of the author, but will nevertheless notOriental Well of Loneliness, and is thea peasant, played by Mr. Furcolowe. Be- Betty Linley.Staged by Albert Bannister. neglect the rights of the backer and pro-first offering of the Los Angeles Artists'cause of their misunderstandings, due to Scenery by United Studios.Song by Billy ducer.Little more than petty quarrel- Hill.Presented by Albert Bannister. ing is expected when the committee is Nautica Bartlett Florence Britton named and the rules announced. Madge Forrester Helen Raymond Mrs. Simon Bartlett Nelly Malcolm Outside of the question of the sale Laura Hamilton Betty Linley of plays and the disposal of the money Bertha Andree Corday therefrom, there will be another com- A Young Man Oscar Shaw mittee representing both factions for the litom Out itont Jimmy Mansard Charles Campbell purpose of adjusting disputes. By EUGENE BURR Col. Rufus Rhinebeck George Graham ties involving legal entanglements will Leo Hamilton A I Herbert be placed at the disposal of 30 arbitra- While everyone else is rushing around and figuratively slapping the PulitzerAgentDePolice PaulLamont. tors chosen by both dramatists and man- The entire action of the play takesplace Prize committee on the shoulders, this corner sticks its head out of its dustyin the living room of the Duchesse DeTares - agers. recess and gives vent to a noise not very dissimilar to a rich Bronx cheer.Usuallycon's Chalet in the Swiss Alps.Time-The In addition to the above -mentionedthe spectacle is quite different.Pulitzer -Prize -baiting has for years reigned as onePresent. factors in the agreement, these pointsof the leading critical sports-and, strangely enough, this corner has as often as not ACT I-An Afternoon in May.ACT II- have been definitely settled:(1) Man-defended the embattled judges from Morningside Heights.Last year, for example,Morning-Three Days Later. ACT III-Evening agers participate in sale of film rightsthere were squawks that rent the blue spring heavens when the award went to-The Same Day. when the production has had 21 per-The Old Maid; yet, except for a bit of bewilderment that the prize could be given The sewer drama hit a new low last formances, of which no more than fiveto a dramatization of a story, this corner was well enough satisfied. Thursday night when Albert Bannister may be matinees.(2) Authors do not This year, suddenly, the boys have become soft, patting the judges benignlypresented A Private Affair, described in have to give a cut of film rights in theupon their quivering heads and even dishing out the sweetmeats of praise-spar-the program as a comedy and attributed event that such rights had not beeningly perhaps, but still dishing them out.There are probably a number of Gaston Valcourt.Those of us who bought 10 years following production.For one thing, there are not quite so many columns to be filled this year, variousscraped our vocabularies for imprecations (3)Producer and author will set theof the boys being now on vacation.For another thing, the Critics' Circle has beenwith which to crown the odoriferous day on which the film adaptation of aformed to award its own prize, and the lads have the double deterrents of a safetyhead of Pre -Honeymoon may now feel play is to be released.(4) The authorvalve to let off their steam and the tenancy of a pretty glass house.There is alsoproperly abashed; compared with A Pri- has power to approve the director of athe fact that, tho Winterset rightly received the critics' prize, Idiot's Delight, thevate Affair, Pre -Honeymoon is practically play.(5) On the title page of the con-Pulitzer Prize recipient, was generally considered the runnerup. a perfume. tract there will be a statement to the Thus, contrary to tradition, an aura of peace shines all the way from 42d The plot of the production with which effect that this is a "basic agreementstreet to Morningside Heights-except in this non -conformist corner.The factsMr. Bannister has seen fit to afflict the negotiated by the Dramatists' Guild, thethat Idiot's Delight was well considered by the Critics' Circle and even better con-two or three audiences which may con- League of New York Theaters and othersidered by the Pulitzer Prize committee give rise in this precinct only to dis-ceivably attend concerns four women producers."(6) Managers are authorizedcontent and to a sort of hurt, dumb bewilderment.For Idiot's Delight, despiterestlessly vacationing in a Swiss chalet, to make arrangements for the Londonthe most fitting title of the decade,is regarded here simply as a cheap andwho are overjoyed at the arrival of a production of a play during a six-monthover -pretentious mental burlesque show for pseudo -sophisticates, a formless andwandering male.They are not so over- period: but a payment of $100 is to bewitless and self-conscious discussion of a tremendously important problem, anjoyed when they think they discover that made for the seventh month, finallyinept setting for a song -and -dance session from Mr. Alfred Lunt. he isa crook-a polished rascal who, reaching $400 for the 10th, and totaling despite the advent of their various hus-. $1,000.Managers get a free option for How anyone can conceivably consider it even for the dubious honor of abands and lovers, manages to make off thefinal two months of the second For just what is period. (7)Regarding foreignplays,dramatic prize seems here both disconcerting and inexplicable. with their jewels.Later on itis dis- they can be bought outside the basicIdiot's Delight?Itis a long, rambling, disconnected, ineffective and generallycovered that he is really the son of the contract, but a proviso rules that thepointless discussion of the terrible problem of war.It consistently pats itself oncountess who owns the chalet, where- adapters and translators be members ofthe back for missing the most important points; it constantly takes self-consciousupon the curtain descends,just two the Guild.And a producer can presentdelight in smart -aleck quips that are so cheap that they very nearly cheapenhours and four minutes too late. one English play per year, this play toeven the subject under discussion.And into this somewhat unsavory melange A bare outline, of course, can give no he outside the government of the con-is dumped what this reporter, borne down by weight of numbers, must consideridea of the overtones and undertones tract.(8) If managers do not of them-the excruciatingly funny anecdote of a fourth -rate vaudevillian who is attractedwhich clash and simper about the com- selves post a bond, the Guild can insistby the paramour of a munitions magnate and who later finds that she is a danceredy-which is a fortunate thing for the that they do.Some League memberswho once slept with him in a certain room of a certain hotel in Omaha. Or, may-readers of this review. will not be required to post bonds.(9)be,rtansas' City. A harried and harassed cast performs In the event that the Guild has the That is all.True, it is enlivened by a viciously wistful, a tenderly satiricalin a manner perfectly calculated to bring manager's power of attorney,it mayportrayal by Mr. AlfredLunt,as the vaudevillian.It is made occasionally bearableout all the idiocies, inanities and un- sign contracts for the manager; but con-by Miss Lynn Fontanne's nondescript but uproarious burlesque of the paramour -savory banalities of the plot, with Betty dancer.It is brought to its peak, somewhere near the middle of its formlessLinley being flamingly cute (in the ultra - tractsinvolving the League and thesecond act, when Mr. Lunt indulges in a knock -down -and -drag -out song -and -English fashion)as a young matron, Guild are to be separate as far as eachdance, aided and abetted by six inimitable coryphees. Helen Raymond playing withallthe manager is concerned. This reporter, with what must now be considered unfortunate naivete, thoughtfinesse of a burlesque blackout as a not - The settlement of the struggle markswhen he saw the play that it had all been written out simply as a vehicle for theso -young matron, and Florence Britton, the first time that the League of Newacting talents, for the grand rough-and-tumble of the Lunts.He thought thatas the love interest, scoring with her York Theaters has been officially recog-a contemporary and vital subject had been selected simply as a peg uponwhichlooks rather than her acting.It would nized by the Guild as a body represent-to hang the zany acting chances which Mr. Robert Sherwood, the author,hadbe pleasant to say that Oscar Straw, who ing producers. afforded to the two leseding citizens of Genesee Depot, Wis.But it seems ,thatis starred, proves in the current play his this reporter was wrong.It seems that Idiot's Delight is a fine play, a greatfitness for musical comedy, but in view play, using courage and thought and dramatic effect to deal with a tremendousof his rendition of the single song, even "Tess" for the Coast The PASADENA, May 16.-Premiere of Tesscontemporary problem.At least so say the reviewers who voted for it in prefer-that meager joy must be denied. of the D'Urbervilles, taken from theence to the magnificence of Maxwell Anderson'sWinterset.So say the Pulitzerineptitudeof Mr.Bannister's staging novel by the same name, will be heldPrize judges.So say even some of the reviewers who voted for Winterset,withcan only be described as inspired. Idiot's Delight as their second choice. The general devastation extends even May 19 at Pasadena Community Play- But how anyone could possibly vote for Winterset and still considerIdiot'sto the press agent's program notes. house.Gwen Mannering, English ac- EUGENE BURR. tress, will play title role. Delight the runnerup is still a poser to this reporter.

-pttdola, May 23, 1936 LEGITIMATE The Billboard 19 Nazimova Returns, BROADWAY RUNS Pros and Cons Fly While Triumphs in 'Ghosts' PerformancestoMay16,inclusive. Dramatic OpenedPeri. NEW YORK, May 16.-With Beatrice de Neergaard replacing Ona Munson and Bitter Stream (Civic Rep) . Mar 30... 56 Equity Prepares for Vote Horace Sinclair in place of Raymond Boy Meets *Girl .(Cort.) Nov. 27...202 Bury the Dead (Fulton)... Apr 18... 33 O'Brien, Nazimova's revival of Ibsen's Call It a Day (Morosco) ... Jan.28...131 Ghosts came back to Broadway following Children's Hour, The a cross-country winter tour, to take up (Elliott, Nov. 20...633 Peggy Wood attacks independents in Equity Magazine Co -Respondent Unknown where itleftoff and round out its (Ritz) Feb.11...111 season of trouping with a limited en- CyranodeBergerac(New article, as independents ask for individual consideration gagement at the Golden Theater. Nazi-- Amsterdam) Apr.27... 24 Dead End (Belasco) Oct 28...234 from voters-kicks at voting procedure made mova, McKay Morris and Harry Ellerbe Elizabeth Sleeps Out remain as principals and continue to do (Comedy) Apr. 20... 82 magnificent jobs in the leading roles. End of Summer (Guild) Feb.17...10! NEW YORK, May 16.-With the meeting for election of members to Equity's First Lady (Music Box) Nov. 26...203 Opening -nightbusiness,withtop Ghosts (return eng.) council slated for May 25, adherents of both the regular and the independent (Golden) May 11... tickets are getting primed for what looks like the bitterest battle within the prices at $1.65, was heavy and the audi- Idiot's Delight (Shubert) Mar24... 688 ence's response was enthusiastic.Last Love on the Dole ranks in years.Following George Abbot's letter, printed in last week's issue of winter the company gave 44 perform- (Longacre) Feb.24... 96 The Billboard, in which he scored the administration's tactics and referred to Moon Over Mulberry Street its alleged back -stage electioneering strategy as "close to coercion," Equity Mag- ances at the Empire and Morosco thea- (secondengage.)(44th ters before starting on tour. St.) Jan.13...144 azine published arguments for both the regular and independent candidates, Mulatto (Vanderbilt) Oct. 24...237 written by representatives of both fac- One Good Year (Fulton) Nov. 27...199 tions. Parnell (2d engage.) (48th New Orleans Civic St.) May 4. Peggy Wood, writing for the adminis-order upon a single ballot.This request Pre -Honeymoon (Lyceum) Apr. 30... 2016 tration,in remarking upon the fact Private Affair, A (Masque May 14... 4 was denied. Saint Joan (Beck) Mar. 9... 80 that a series of signed petitions appeared Theater Planned Three Men on a Horse nominating independent candidates "We feel that precedent rather than (Playhouse) Jan.30...553 shortly after the slate selected by thea specific constitutional provision actu- NEW ORLEANS, May 16.- Working Tobacco Road (Forrest) ....Dec. 4..1058 regular nominating committee appeared,ated thisdenial.The precedent has upon the instructions of members of Victoria Regina (Broadhurst) Dec.26...165 been that a small committee should the commission council of the city, ar- says, while admitting the legality of thenominate all new candidates for Council chitects last week began to draft plans Musical Comedy procedure, "Is not this extraordinary?vacancies, and that their nomination, for the erection of an open-air theater Gilbert and Sullivan Rep. 43 How does it happen that such a thing The Mikado (Majestic) Apr. 10... 19 has never occurred before?The con-since unopposed, should be tantamount at West End Park in suburban New Or- Iolanthe May 4... 8 to election.Doesn't it seem to you, as leans.The proposed theater would be Pinafore and Trial by Jury Apr.27... 8 stitutional prerogative has been opera- Pirates of Penzance. The. Apr.20... 8 tive a long time and yet never beforea qualified Equity voter, that it is more for opera, concerts, legitimate plays and May Wine (St. James) Dec. 5...188 have exactly the same number of nomi-desirable that you choose your Council other entertainment and would accom- On Your Toes (Imperial) Apr. 11... 41 representatives from a wider field than modate between 3,500 and 5.000 persons. nees been presented along with thefrom an automaticallyelectedslate? A WPA project is sought, with between ticket decided upon by the nominatingCertainly the method established by $50,000 and $75,000 needed for the the- committee." precedent tends to make the important ater'serection,accordingtoMayor"Chalk Dust" Held Over Probing for a reason for this un-matter of your vote a rather routine Walmsley.Prices to be charged would precedented use of a procedure which is,gesture. CHICAGO, May 16.-Chalk Dust, cur-nevertheless, constitutionally authorized, range from 10 cents up to $2, with allrent play of the WPA Theater No. 1Miss Wood forestalls some of the an- "We do not mean to disparage the profit going back into the enterprise foroccupying the Great Northern Theater,swers by saying, "But the Council hasability or sincerity of our fellow -mem- enlargement. is being held over until May 23, withnot been a closed shop exactly in yearsbers who were nominated by the com- CityCommissionerEarhartstateda possibility of it staying another weekgone by; there is fresh blood in it atmittee instead of the equally constitu- that he favored the project following aafter that.No decision has yet beenall times," further stating, "Last year wetional method of petition.All we ask is study of the complete setup of the St.reached on the play to follow, but thehad a Forum which fathered an inde-that you give unbiased scrutiny to the Louis theater movement from its begin-group, under the direction of Theodorependent ticket.But while the Forumfull list of candidates on both ballots, ning "when benches were used to seatViehman, is reading five plays, amongitselfis net operative any more thatand use your own good jtldgment as to its first patronage" and believed that'whichis Model Tenement, by Meyerdoes not mean that the former membersthe names you may select." New Orleans could succeed in the sameLevin,localplaywright, and Hamlet. of that group have ceased to plan or to Opinions have also been heard ob- manner if necessary. WPA Administra-The American Repertoire Company, di-consider ways and means." jecting to the complicated voting pro- tor Crutcher says that he is "very will-rected by Harry Minturn at the Black- Miss Wood closes herarticle with,cedure as outlined in Equity Magazine. ing" to co-operate with the proposedstoneTheater,ispresenting Broken"Think when you make your choice.Some of the items called confusing are project. Dishes, beginning May 18, with OscarAnd while you are thinking do not bethoseprovisionsregarding votingby O'Shea, character comedian, featured input off by allegations that a 'small com-mail, and are said to be particularly a the cast. mittee' nominates all those for the reg-hindrance to those not voting a straight Pitt Playhouse Goes Pro ular ticket. That word 'small' is a cleverticket.For instance: PITTSBURGH, May 16.- The Pitts-Worcester Goes for Legit insertion designed to make you think of "If you do not approve of the nomina- burgh Playhouse here, guided by Her- it as a cabal. You elected the nominat-tions on the Regular Ticket it is your bert V. Gellendre, will join Equity next WORCES rellt,Mass., May 16.-Thating committee. You are included in theprivilege-(1) to erase one or all of them season.Gellendre reports that he willthe "road" is coming back to Worcesterimplication of conspiracy." and write in the blank space provided selectseveralfeatured performers onis indicated by the recent showings of Objections of the independents arethe name or names of Senior Resident Broadway this summer to head nextThree Men on a Horse and Tobaccoclearly stated in Equity Magazine by aMembers in good standing for whom you season'sproductions,which Road at the Worcester Theater and thecommittee on their behalf. A quotationwish to vote. (2)If you prefer to vote willbebooking of Personal Appearance andof salient points follows: for nominations listed as Independent staged in the group's own theater here.Dead End for later this month. Book- "We regret that you have receivedCandidates you may use theballot The Playhouse is concluding its currentings are being arranged by Aaron Rich-separate ballots, since it leads you to thedesignated Independent Candidates, be- season next week with Springtime formond, Boston impresario. assumption that we are running foring careful not to vote for more candi- Henry. It has also been reported that a flockelection is an 'opposition ticket.'Eachdates, if such there be, than there are of legit productions will play here nextof us is soliciting your support purelymembers of the Council to be voted "Road's" Bridgeport Click season. as an individual. A formal request wasfor. (3)If you prefer to vote for a num- Three Men on a Horse did excellentmade thatallnames ofnominees,ber of those nominated on the Regular BRIDGEPORT, Conn., May 16.-To-box-office business in its two-day stand.whether nominated by committee or byTicket and also those on the ticket bacco Road, the first legitimate attrac-Tobacco Road likewise drew very well. petition, should be placed in alphabeticalmarkedIndependentCandidatesthis tion to play this city in over five years, may be done by scratching the names of scored a tremendous success at the Loew those on either ticket for whom you do Lyric Theater.The theater, which is a not wish to vote, being careful that you movie house, closed for the season last do not vote in total for more than 14 week, which allowed the quick bookingSummer Theaters Get Going ascandidates and toindicate those for in of Tobacco Road.Charles(Slim) whom you are voting for a full term and Timblin played the part of Jeeter Lester. those you are voting for replacements, Because of the success of the presenta-Play Truce Releases Scripts and stating which replacement. The tion it is a possibility that Three Menlong drawn out and recently settledbegin, however, with arevival of TheCouncil has passed a rule that members on a Horse may receive a booking here Command To Love, withLouis Calhern,not indicating that they are voting for soon. managers -dramatists war, summer thea- a nominee who is to be a replacement ter managers who were unable to availRuth Weston and EvelynVarden. will be considered as voting for nominees themselves of new plays while the battle The Cape Playhouse at Dennis, Mass.,for a full term.Please note also that "Paradise" for Detroit was onwill embark on their annualis slated for a 10 -week session, openingArticle 3, Section 7, of the Constitution season of legit rather late.With playsJune 29, when Raymond Moore will pre-permits Senior Resident Members to vote DETROIT, May 16.-CliffordOdets'in circulation, however, the arty folks aresent the aforementioned Taming of thefor any person not nominated." play, Paradise Lost, is to be presentedgetting ready for their rustic doses of at the Institute of Arts in Detroit May Shrew, with Peggy Wood and Rollo Objectors claim that the procedure legit withall possible speed.WalterPeters. Hilda Spong is set for a 10 -weekcould have been considerably simplified 22, 23 and 24 by the New Theater Union.Hartwig, at Ogunquit, Me., has sched-stay at Cape May, N. J., starting July 2,had theindependent candidates been The play will be directed by Gordonuled the opening of his 10th season forland East Hampton will have Leightonlistedindependently instead of as a Slade. June29. Personal Appearance, withRollins,thothedateisindefinite. The cast includes Paula Weiman, HalDorothy Mackaill in the title role, willCharles 0. Carey, he of last season'sticket. Phillips,AllanNaylor,EllmoreLee,open at West Falmouth and NantucketNorth Shore Summer Theater, will op- George Parker, Mernard Gould, Paulunder the direction of Luther Greene.erate a showboat somewhere on Long Olen, Dan Miller, Mario Trafelli, LoulaAnd the Group Theater will try out itsIsland. OLD PLAN'S Martin, Roger Bacon, Letitia Leybournnextseason'sBroadway offeringsat In June the Barter Theater, of Abing-Over 1,000 famous oldMelodramas, Come- and Roy Simms. Nichols, Conn. don, Va., and the Robin Hood Theater, dies,Farces, etc.,fast running out of print, The Coney Island Theater will beof Arden, Del., will get under way. Thoforsaleat25 cents each. SendforFree operated under the banner of G. H.plans are not forthcoming, it is believedList of titles. Zachary,while upinPeterborough,that companies in Skowhegan, Me., and (Mime SCHOOLOF THEWaitreN. H., Maria Ouspenskaya will attend toWestport, Conn., will be in the swingSAMUEL, FRENCH (Stock Theatre Appearances While Learning. production activities.What goes on atsoon. 25 West 45th Street, New York. Graduated: Lee Tracy, Fred Astaire, Peggy Shan-Mt. Kisco and White Plains may be non, Una Merkel, Zita Johann, Etc. blamed on the Messrs. Tuttle and Skin DRAMA. SPEECH, MUSICAL COMEDY, VOCAL AND DANCE. ner, whose plans thus far include The v? AMERICAN ACADEMY of DRAMATIC ARTS Real professional training-the only School in theTaming of the Shrew, with Rollo Peters United States presenting its students a week inand Peggy Wood; They Knew What They FOUNDED IN 1884 BY FRANKLIN H. SARGENT eachplay,plus Talking Pictures and Technical Training In Voice, Diction. Make-up. Pantomime,Wanted, with June Walker, and Liliom, THE foremost institution for Dramatic and Expressional Training Dialects.Dancing,Acrobatics.Charecterization.with Burgess Meredith and Margaret Fencing and twenty allied study subjects. Special in America. The courses of the Academy furnish the essential prep- Courses for Teaching. Directing and General Cul-Perry.At the Urban Playhouse, Yonkers, aration for Teaching and Directing as well as for Acting. ture. John Simon Rodell's Deny the Heart will EMINENT FACULTY. TEACHERS' SUMMER COURSE, JULY 6TH TO AUGUST14TH Write for Bulletin to SECRETARY BELL, be given under the management of 66 West 85th St., New York. ElizabethMiele, whose activitieswill 41,,,ForCatarogaddresstheSecretary,Room, 145 E,CarnegisHalla.Y. 20 The Billboard MOTION PICTURES May 23, 1936 Communications to 1564 Broadway, New York City

dewso the Week "SHOW BOAT" Exitititcris° (UNIVERSAL) The last threads of the federal gov- TIME -112 minutes. , RELEASE DATE-May 17. ernment's anti-trust proceedings against PRODUCER- Jr. Ot9an,(2atconS Paramount, RKO and Warners were dis- PLOT-A beautiful story of wide renown concerning the showboat com- posed of recently when State's Attorney pany and its life, with the leading man and lady soon displaced because of Universal's scorecard charges will be Roy McKittrick of Missouri was granted intermarriage, the daughter of Cap'n Andy and a waterfront gambler taking abolished for next season, as well as re- his application for dismissal of both the their parts and falling in love.They soon marry, have a child and leave, with strictionspertainingtocancellation Jefferson City and the St. Louis cases. hubby's gambling making them rich and more often poverty-stricken.Poverty privileges,accordingtothe ,MPTOA According toMcKittrick'sapplication soon makes him leave her and she struggles to the heights in the theater, hercommittee on trade practices. James R. papers, the out -of -court settlement has daughter following in her footsteps.The happy finish, with hubby returning. Grainger, sales manager for Universal, accomplishedeverythingthatmight CAST-Irene Dunne, Allan Jones, Charles Winninger, Paul Robeson, Helen apprised the MPTOA men of these new have been gained by .a successful prose- Morgan, Helen Westley, Donald Cook, Hattie McDaniels, Sammy White, Queeniemoves, further adding, in effect, that cution.If, however, anti-trust abuses Smith, Francis X. Mahoney, Marillyn Knowlden, Subnie O'Dea and others. Universal was not averse to the setting are carried on in the future the govern- Good casting, with Dunne, Winninger, Robeson, Morgan, Westley, White out- up of boards in important cities for the ment, by dismissing the suit without standing.Jones' voice beautiful, but acting mild. purpose of settling various trade -prac- prejudice, has reservedtherightto DIRECTOR-James Whale. Hisgood work overshadowed by draggy tice disputes, such as forcing exhibitors prosecute again. lengths to which pix is permitted to go. to take shorts along with features, cut- AUTHORS-Novel by Edna Ferber, stage play by Oscar Hammerstein II rate competition, overbuying, etc. Governor Lehman has recently signed and Jerome Kern, screen play by Hammerstein, music and lyrics by Kern and These measures are the result ofthe a bill extending the New York City sales Hammerstein.Story treatment good, but dulled by slovi action handling. second of a series of meetings to be held tax untilJuly,1937. This measure, COMMENT-A shame that so beautiful a story must be hindered by a betweenthetrade -practice committee which accounts for about $60,000,000 a draggy tempo, caused by overdoses of singing and slow tempo of romance. and major distributor.Ed Kuykendall, year for unemployment relief, has been Not enough attention to colorful background. Rates high in programmers, tho. MPTOA president, has stated that Uni- fought a long time by distributors. APPEAL-Wide. Should carry on strength of Ziegfeld and fame of story. versal has neither forced shorts nor has EXPLOITATION-Considerable opportunity, themusic, fame of story, designated excessive playdatesand C. U. Yaeger, of Denver, thru a recent showboat tieups, anti -gambling societies and cast possibilities. therefore the conciliatory attitude is to partnership deal with Charles Klein, of be regarded as the utmost good willat Deadwood, S. D., has an interest in nine present. additional theaters in addition to his The meeting of the MPTOA committee original nine, two of which are owned "THE MOON'S OUR HOME" with Paramount on May 12 was also In partnership with A. P. Archer and fruitful regarding concessions, in that Joe Dekker.Excepting Fox Intermoun- TIME -00 minutes. (PARAMOUNT) RELEASE DATE-April 10. Neil F. Agnew, Paramount general man- tain, Yaeger now controls the largest PRODUCER-Walter Wenger. ager, stated his organization would sup- group in the territory. PLOT-Involved story on the boy meets girl basis.Cherry Chester, film port both conciliatory boards and can- star, nee Sarah Brown, meets Anthony Amberton, explorer -author, nee John cellation privileges, althocomplete Smith.Known to the other only under their true names, they fall in love, plans as affecting the latter pointwere E. A. Schiller, recently arrived in New marry, but she leaves on their wedding night.Under the real names they York from the MGM sales conference at can't find one another, but come together at a party given by Horace Van not forthcoming. the Palmer House in Chicago, will re- Steedan, forced upon Cherry as a husband by her dictatorial grandmother. sume his supervision of theater opera- They reunite, then battle again.He finally nails her down when she is on the At a meeting in New York recently tions of Loew's out-df-town localities verge of flying back to Hollywood and her career. ITOA, thru its board, criticized MPTOA now that his health is improved. Tho CAST-Margaret Sullafan, Henry Fonda,Charles Butterworth, Beulah for not allowing it to be represented on never actually divorced from the Loew Bondi, Margaret Hamilton,Henrietta Crossman, Dorothy Stickney, Lucian the trade -practice committee. organization, Schiller was replaced by Littlefield, Walter Brennan, Brandon Hurst, Spencer Charters, John G. Spacey. his assistant, Joseph R. Vogel, a few Margaret Fielding.Lead parts are difficult to make true, but the players do According to Edward G. Levy, of the years ago.Just how heavy Schiller's fairlywell.Butterworthand Hamilton really steal the picture, the odds to- MPTO of Connecticut and counsel for duties will be will depend upon his con- ward Hamilton.Brennan good as the deaf justice of the peace and hackman MPTOA, 20 per cent, and possibly more, tinued health. and Spencer Charters has .the funniest line in the picture, delivered with a of the theater houses in Connecticut are sock.Cmseman excellent as always. doingbusinessonadouble -feature ITOA claims credit for obtaining the DIRECTOR-William A. Setter.Pretty good job, but the picture is too basis, but the trend among circuit thea- co-operation of Mayor La Guardia re- long and anti -climactic.Scenes showing the pix star's temperamentnotwell ters has been toward single -featuring garding the passage of the Joseph Bill handled. their own pictures. at Albany providing for the admittance AUTHORS-Original by Faith Baldwin.Adapted by Isabel Dawn and of children between the ages of 8 and 16 Boyce De Gaw. Additional dialog and Dorothy Parker. Dialog totheaters under certain conditions. is better than average, with plenty of bright spots for good laughs. Abram F. Myers and Nathan Yamins, Passage of local law is required in vari- COMMENT-Moderately entertaining comedy. Can stand solo most every- of Allied, were authorized at a meeting ous communities to put the finishing where. of Independent MPTO of Connecticut touches on the measure. Chief require- APPEAL-Adolescents and family trade.N. G. for kids. May 12 to be representatives of local ments willbe that children be ad- EXPLOITATION-The two leads, their ex -marital relationship if you want to. exhibs in making efforts to effectthe mitted only during non -school hours, Clash between film star and writing star. passage of the Pettingill Bill. that a portion of the house be segre- gated for their use and that a matron Independent Exhibitors, Inc., a Boston be in charge.Governor Lehman's sign- organization representing Allied States ing of the bill on Saturday is the cul- Association in New England, has prac- mination of 25 years of effort to put tically consummated its plan for group thru a bill of this nature. insurance, according to Business Man- ager Arthur K. Howard. Main detail of According to Henri Ellman, chief of angensus the scheme calls forthe collective in- the Capitol exchange in Chicago, about surance of 50 or more theaters at re- 20 new theaters are slated for construc- duced rates.The final okeh will be the tion in Chicago and the near vicinity. Below are listed the films reviewed in last week's issue of The Billboard, return of the certified policy, a matter It is understood that independent ex- together with a tabulation of the critical vote. Papers usedin the tabulation of business being attended to in Bos- hibitorswillbe responsibleforthe include The Times, Herald -Tribune, News, American, Mirror, Post, Sun, ton by Nathan Yamins, local and Na- financing. World -Telegram and Journal among New York dailies, and Film Daily, Mo- tional Allied prexy. tion Picture Daily, Mction Picture Herald, Hollywood Reporter, Picture At its meeting on May 12 Independent Because of troubles arising when pic- Business, Box Office, Harrison's Reports, Daily Variety, New York State Ex- Exhibitors,Inc.,discussed State legis- tures labeled as B product prove su- hibitor, Film Curb, Showman's Round Table, Variety and The Billboard lation, national block -booking activities perior to those labeled as A, Paramount among trade papers.Not all of the papers are used in each tabulation, be- and the Cleveland convention. will drop that method of classification, cause of early trade showings, conflicting publication dates, etc. according to William Le Baron.As in the past, however, the money put into a L. F. Wolcott, president ofIowa and film will be determined by the quality No Nebraska Allied, is planning a number of the story, cast and director, the only Favor- Unfa- ofdistrict meetings to discuss trade difference being that pictures will not Name ablevorable Opinion Comment practices and legislation affecting the start off under a handicap by virtue of industry.Chairmen have already been the B classification. appointed to supervise the meetings and The Golden Arrow 8 4 5 "Lightweight."-Hollywood Re- interested exhibitors are invited to at- On May 12 Paramount settledits (Warner) porter. "Refreshing." - Herald - tend. troubles with the Trail Company over Tribune. rights to theTrailof the Lonesome The Passing of the Third Floor "Limited appeal." -Harrison's Pine by a payment of $10,000 to the Back 9 2 4 Reports. "Singularlylikable." -.- NEWS OF THE WEEK latter organization.The agreement was (Gaumont-British) Times. Trail Company's (Continued from 1st Col.) reached out of court. Champagne Charlie 2 6 7 "Almost plausible." - Sun. injunction action claimed that certain (20th -Fox) "Program attraction."-American. cause of the Disney negotiations Van dramatic rights in its possession were Beuren will drop its color cartoons. not legally obtained by Paramount. Times Square Playboy 7 1 8 "Swell family comedy."-Show- (Warner) men's Trade Review."Entertain- Luise Rainer, for her performance in RKO's new deal for the distribution of ing comedy."-Film Curb. Van Beuren product for the next year is The Great Ziegfeld, has been awarded Till We Meet Again 10 1 9 "Pretty good."-Harrison's Re- first place for the month of April by the understood to call for 32 or 36 subjects (Paramount) ports. "Interesting."-N. Y. Ex- Screen Actors' Guild.Honorable men- instead of 48, as was originally under- hibitor. tion went to William C. Powell, also in stood.The drop results from RKO's Absolute Quiet 3 6 6 "Lively program number."-Film Ziegfeld, and to C. Aubrey Smith for deal for Walt Disney product, and be - Daily. "Fair."-Harrison's Reports. his protrayal in Little Lord Fauntieroy. (See News of the Week on 4th Col.) (MCM) This is the first time this position has F Man 3 4 9 "For twin bills."-N.Y.Ex- resulted in a tie, (Paramount, hibitor."Fair."-Film Daily. Screen Writers' Guild awarded first USED THEATRE EQUIPMENT NEW & Roaming Lady 2 6 3 "Fairly satisfying."-Film Daily. place to William Anthony McGuire for MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, worm EQuzeteewr (Columbia) "Program."-N. Y. Exhibitor. TheGreatZiegfeld,withhonorable SC ZZZZZ . ROOTH& OPERA CHAIRS. SPOTLIGHTS. STORES POSTAIME PROJECTORS for OPTICONS.FILM CABINETS, 3 2 mention going to Hugh Walpole N. P. CAMERAS. GENERATOR. SETS REFLECTING OPT The Harvester 4 "Old-fashioned." - FilmCurb. LAMPS, REWINDS. VENTILATING PANS. CARBONS, (Rep) "Fair."-N.Y.Exhibitor. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Second mention CEMENT, TICKETS. MAEDA LAMPS AND SUPPLIES went to Herbert Fields, Gertrude Pur- Everything for the Theatre Three on the Trail 12 1 5 "Sure of good returns."-Holly- cell and Nunnally Johnson, the latter WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG "I" (Paramount) wood Reporter. "Far above the two of whom did work on Love Before MOVIE SUPPLY COMPANY average."-Film Curb. Breakfast and the Prisoner o/ Shark 844 S. WABASH AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. Island. May 23, 1936 MOTION PICTURES The Billboard 21

"ONE RAINY AFTERNOON" "SONS 0' GUNS" (UA) TIME -75 minutes. RELEASE DATE-May 13. (WARNER) PRODUCERS-Pickford-Lasky. TIME -79 minutes. RELEASE DATE-May 30. PLOT-A young Parisian actor goes to the cinema one rainy afternoon, and PLOT-Jimmy Canfield, Broadway musical comedy comedian, does his bit there kisses the daughter .of a publisher-by mistake, thinking she's his gal - for his country by selling Liberty bonds during the great War.But when he friend.But a large fuss is raised, and it eventually becomes a cause celebre, tries to dodge a gold-digger by falling in line with a. regiment of doughboys he the actor arguing in court for the sanctity of French gallantry, while the finds he is in the army in reality. A short time later in France he is detailed local blue -nose league is properly shocked.He's fined, and the gal pays it to wipe out a machine gun nest.Ambling across no -man's land he picks up a for him.Thereafter, romance-complicated by her silly fiance and the fact German helmet and uniform and enters the German lines, where he engages that he becomes a prominent figure, with gals chasing him all over the place and in amiable conversation with the Dutchmen, with the result that the latter are his manager starring him in a new show on the strength of the publicity. so entranced by his good will and reiterated statement that he bears no grudge Clinch, of course, in the end. against any man that they rise up en masse and accompany him to the Ameri- CAST-Francis Lederer, Ida Lupino, Hugh Herbert, Roland Young, Erik can lines.Arrived, he is first arrested for treason, but after much nonsense Rhodes, Joseph Cawthorn, Liev de Maigret, Donald Meek, 1Georgia Caine and finally decorated by an amorous French officer.Main sex interest is a French others.Lederer charming and Lupino lovely.Herbert gives one of the best femme, whose love is such that Jimmy ditches the colonel's daughter for her. performances of his career.Young and Cawthorn excellent.All in all, a top- notch cast. CAST-Joe E. Brown, Joan Blondell, Beverly Roberts, Eric Blore and DIRECTOR-Rowland. V. Lee. A fine farce job. Winifred Shaw.Well cast and a frothy performance all around. AUTHORS-Screen play by Stephen Morehouse Avery, from a story by DIRECTOR-Lloyd Bacon.Good, but material is very thin and old. Pressburger and Rene Pujal.Nonsensical froth, with the main plot silly, but excellently bolstered by light and delightful dialog. AUTHORS --Screen ,play by Jerry Wald and Julius J. Epstein from the COMMENT-Thoroly enjoyable nonsense. plat by Jack Donahue. Music and lyrics by Harry Warren and Al Dubin. APPEAL-Upper brackets all the way.Somewhat on the class side, but COMMENT-Fairly amusing burlesque on war, with much humor being should appeal to general trade, too. contributed by Blore, who is first Brown's valet and then his sergeant. EXPLOITATION-The situation centering around the kiss.Plenty of angles APPEAL-Wide non -class. on this if you want to work them. EXPLOITATION --Brown fans, stage play and war from the nonsense angle.

"SPEED" "ABDUL THE DAMNED" (MGM) (COLUMBIA) TIME -72 minutes. RELEASE DATE-May 8. TIME -81 minutes. RELEASE DATE not given. PLOT-An automobile racing thriller with a six -cylinder love affairin- PRODUCERS-Alliance-Capital. volving Terry Martin, a mechanic, with a new-fangled carburetor he is trying to develop; Jane McChell, supposed to be a worker in the advertising depart- PLOT-Story of the Young Turk revolt in 1908, when the Sultan was de- ment but really the daughter of the automotive manufacturer; Frank Lawton, posed.Emphasis is placed on the character of Abdul, showing him a man so an engineer who incurs the displeasure of Terry when he tries to push over driven and hounded by intrigue and the fear of sudden death that his cruel- his old girl, Joan, in favor of Jane; Gadget, assistant to Terry and in love with ties and near -mania become not only understandable, but really inevitable. a telephone operator.Plot is based on a misunderstanding between Jane and Also included is a hyped -up romance between a Young Turk leader and an Terry when the latter feels that the girl is jilting him for Lawton.Ill will Austrian dancer who enters the Sultan's harem in order to save him. is intensified when the bosses order Terry to accept the help of Lawton in CAST-Fritz Kortner, Adrienne Ames, John Stuart, Nils Asther, Esme Percy perfecting the carburetor and is brought to a climax when the faulty mechan- and others.If Kortner had some eggs to go with him he'd be a perfect break- ism accounts for a smash up at the race track.All is righted when Terry later fast.Nothing like his emoting has been seen since Simon Legree last trod the breaks the speed record with the aid of Lawton, who takes control of the car stage of the Oshkosh Opera House. Ames has the emotional flexibility of a shop- when fumes overpower Terry.Love snarl untangled all around. window figure.Stuart, Percy and Asther try hard. CAST-James Stewart, very engaging as Terry; Wendy Barrie, swell as Jane, DIRECTOR-Karl Grune.He lays it on with a trowel. and good performances by Una Merkle, Weldon Heyburn, Ted Healy and Ralph AUTHORS-Screen play by Ashley Dukes, Robert Burford and W. Chatham- Morgan. Strode, from a story by Robert Neumann. The conception of Abdul has depth and interest, but as it's played and directed it loses both.As for the rest, DIRECTOR-Edwin L. MarM. Well paced and coherent. including the writing treatment, the boys must have thought they were in AUTHORS-Screen play by Michael Fessler from original story by Milton assignment for a followup to Shenandoah. Krims and Larry Buchman. COMMENT-An oat opera in a fez. COMMENT-An oldtimer but well done. APPEAL-Even the producers probably have their doubts. APPEAL-Wide class. EXPLOITATION-Material on the Young Turk revolt, love in a harem, EXPLOITATION-Plenty of good shots. the cruelest man in the world, a love slave of the Sultan, etc., ad infinitum.

"AND SO THEY WERE MARRIED" "THE SINGING COWBOY" (COLUMBIA) (REPUBLIC) TIME -57 minutes. RELEASE DATE not given. TIME -75 minutes. RELEASE DATE-May 10. PLOT-Gene Autrey is asked to take care of little Lou Stevens when her PLOT-A divorced gal with her young daughter (who's been taught to father is killed by Martin, his partner, man who wants to gain possession of hate men) and a young widower are marooned in a mountain lodge and fall the gold mine on the Stevens -Martin ranch.But Lou, trying to save a litter in love.Later the guy's young son comes out, and the two kids, thinking they of kittens when her father's stable had been set on fire by the bad men, is hate each other, join forces to prevent their parents' marriage.They're suc- seriously Injured.Gene, to raise the money necessary for the girl's medical cessful, but find that pa and ma (respectively) do love each other, so they treatment, organizes a television broadcasting company of singing cowboys stage a phony kidnaping of themselves to bring them together again.They with whom he tours the countryside, plugging Covered Wagon coffee. The do bring them together-in jail, where, unidentified, they are being prepared sponsor's daughter, Helen, joins the troupe as a singer when her father refuses for the rap for snatching their own kids.All okeh, of course, in the end. to put her on the air.Meanwhile Martin, the chief villain, tries to wreck the CAST-Melvyn Douglas, Mary Astor, Edith Fellows, Jackie Moran, Donald covered wagon broadcasting outfit when he realizes that its success will mean Meek, Dorothy Stickney, Romaine Callender and Douglas Scott.Douglas does saving the life of Lou, who is heir to her father's property.Autrey circum- what he can with the material.Astor strictly decorative.The kids are pre- vents Martin, and, after a tiff with Helen, wins her again by pulling a Loch- cocious, after the manner of film kids. !Mar and rescuing her from an obnoxious marriage in the nick of time. DIRECTOR-Elliott Nugent. A routine and for the most part ineffective job. CAST-Gene Autrey, Smiley Burnette, Lois Wilde and Jr. AUTHORS-Screen play by Doris Anderson, Joseph Anthony and A. Laurie DIRECTOR-Mack Wright.Dull, except in final sequences. Brazee, from a story by Sarah Addington.Just enough to play ping-pong AUTHORS-Screen play by Dorrell McGowan and Stuart McGowan from doubles. story by Tom Gibson. COMMENT-Yarn is different from usual Western, what with television COMMENT-Poppycock. and radio angles, but lacks sustained pace and action. APPEAL-Lower brackets-and even there it will probably fail to satisfy. APPEAL-Horse opera trade. EXPLOITATION-Kids having a tough time directing their modern parents. EXPLOITATION-Radio-television best approach.

"DEVIL'S SQUADRON" "HUMAN CARGO" TIME -78 minutes. (COLUMBIA) RELEASE DATE-March 12. PLOT-Saga of aviation's test pilots, testing a new "X" (unapproved as (20TH -FOX) yet) plane being submitted to the United States Army.Tex, one pilot, TIME -68 minutes RELEASE DATE-June 19. and Colonel Dawson, head of the plane manufacturing firm, and father of Martha, are killed in testing the ship.Forrester, another pilot,is maimed ' PLOT-Packy Campbell,, a reporter, is tracking down the alien import ring, for life.Paul Redmond, former service pilot, once grounded for a year for which smuggles foreigners into the country and then preys on them for millions allegedly bailing out with a student in his plane, with the student killed, sets in hush money. Gang murders with impunity, etc.In his efforts he's annoyed fire to a plane in which he has put the body of Ritchie, Martha's kid brother, by Bonnie Brewster, a society galwho's become a reporter on a rival sheet. who has killed himself because of fear. When his license is taken away, Marthay's After many mishaps they get a killer to name the big shot, who turns out to fiance, Dana, plans to make the final "9G" test, but Redmond kayos_him, makes be the district attorney's best friend.Since Bonnie is at his house at the time, the test himself.Truth comes out about Ritchie, and Martha and Paul come there's the usual marines to the rescue finale. together, Martha really loving our hero. CAST-Brian Donlevy, Claire Trevor, Alan Dinehart, Ralph Morgan, Helen CAST-Richard Dix, Karen Morley, Lloyd Nolan, Shirley Ross, Henry Mol- Troy, Rita Cansino and others.Donlevy excellent and Trevor okeh.Good lison, Gene Morgan, Gordon Jones, William Stelling, Thurston Hall, Gertrude jobs from Dinehart and Morgan. Green, Boyd Irwin, Billy Burrud, Cora Sue Collins.Dix and Morley fair.Nolan good.Ross excellent as a singer in love with Tex, but Jones, as Tex, is high- DIRECTOR-Allan Dwan.Hops up the excitement to a nice pace and schoollsh.Mollison swell as the fatalistic English test pilot.Green and handles the frequent wise -cracking comedy interludes to best effect. Morgan do well as comedy relief. AUTHORS-Screen play by Jefferson Parker and Doris Malloy, from a novel DIRECTOR-Erle C. Kenton, assisted by Cliff Broughton.Fairly effective by Kathleen Shepard.Okeh meller job, with the dialog unusually good in the job, with even the air crackups convincing.Suspense well maintained. comedy moments. But the presentation of a newspaper office still offers basis AUTHORS-Story by Richard V. Grace, screen play by Howard J. Green, for a libel suit by the American Newspaper Guild. Bruce Manning and Lionel Houser.Synthetic but acceptable. COMMENT-A cinch for the male trade, but tough to sell the lassies. COMMENT-Okeh of its type.Lifted to better than average by the comedy APPEAL-Men and boys. and Donlevy's performance. . EXPLOITATION-The Dix draw, aviation instruction-picture is good on APPEAL-Doubles. that angle-and the test pilot heroism. EXPLOITATION-The alien smuggling racket. 22 The Billboard BURLESQUE May 23, 1936 Conducted by SIDNEY HARRIS-Communications to 1564 Broadway, New York City BAA Meeting Revolves IntoUnited Union Goes Into Supreme Court 14-72ote/s NEW YORK, May 16.-The United By UNO Talk of Important Issues Burlesque Artists' Union, last year's con- tender to the Burlesque Artists' Asso- EVELINEDAILEY,oftheDailey

ciation, recognized American FederationTwins, to principal it alone after June of Labor organization,is- carrying its28, when sister Eugenie middle -aisles Discuss indie show decision-United. Union's SupremeStatecharter; battle to the Supremewith Eugene Huber, a brewery magnate, Court.Papers have been filed in thein Holy Cross Church, New York, and Court appeal-working hours-EBMA activity-book-Appellate Division for a hearing on theretires from the stage. ing field monopoly-transportation-midnight shows charter refusal by the Industrial Board of the Department oft Labor. HARRY GARLAND, former straight Three new names are listed in the pa- and associated with Eddie Cantor and pers of this organization. and they areother celebs during his stage career, now NEW YORK, May 16.-Last Sunday's general meeting of the Burlesque Artists'Fred Keller, Alice Haggerty and Law-the proprietor of a newspaper and candy Association at the Edison Hall here made several hundred members of the or-renceRappaport. The names ofstore in Paterson, N. J. ganization aware of various happenings in the field, a general outline beingJeannette Held and Betty Schwartz re- given them as well as the BAA's stand in most of the matters.While the meet- ing was generally believed to have been called for the' purpose of rallying themain as holdovers from last year. GROVER FRANKE, number pro at the support of the membership to the organization's dance and entertainment June Irving, New York, played host last week 14 at the Manhattan Opera House for the establishment of a benevolent fund, Oxford, Brooklyn, Closes to an old friend, Harry Poole, musical It revolved into an important meeting director at Colosimo's, Chicago, passing covering many outstanding matters. NEW YORK, May 16.-The Oxfordthru on a vacash trip. The membership was made aware as to Theater, Brooklyn burly house, folded the reason of the BAA's decision as toDetroit's Mayor Acts.last night for the summer, with its re- PAUL KANE (Pasquale Cacace), pro- the Indie Circuit show, which folded opening scheduled for late in August.ducer, and Dottie Vaughn, chorine end prematurely, the case involving the one- Charles Schwartz, operator of the thea-at the Star, Brooklyn, were rewed May nighters and Pittsburgh. The matter ofIn 'License Squabbleter, plans to make a trip to the Coast9, this time in a Lutheran church in the United Burlesque Artists' Union ap- DETROIT, May16.-MayorFranksoon to visit his folks. JerseyCity by the Rev.Charles K. pealing to the Supreme Court in theCouzens has taken up the matter of Fegley.Best couple were Leonard Ray- case of its being refused a State charterrevocation of the Empress Theater li-Gayety, Detroit, Folds mond andJerrie(sisterofDottie) was also relayed to the membership, andcense, and on account of evidencepro- Golding.Col. John Vaughn, Dottie's pa, it was explained how easy it would beduced at the hearing has ordered an in- DETROIT, May 16.-The Gayety The-gave the bride away. Also at the church now for a company union to be formed.vestigation of the performances beingater, operated by Arthur Clamage andwere Henry (Baby Face) Dallo, sergeant It was also explained why the workinggiven at the National Theater. Charles Rothstein, is scheduled to closeat arms of the Star staff, who emseed; hours in theaters were granted in the Joseph Ellul, manager of the Empress,today for the summer. The Avenue, theMrs. Leonard Raymond, Frank Golding, local situation and not in the out-of-enlivened the hearing before the mayorother Clamage-Rothstein house, reopenstheCharlesJudges,Great -Grandma town theaters. today with a new cast. Henrietta Eisenblatter, Gus Shilling Sr., A general outline of activities with theby producing stenographic reports of James (Lefty) Fabian, Paddy Garrow, Eastern Burlesque Managers' Associationgags he claimed had been used at the Bobby Golding and others.Following was also given, with Tom Phillips, headNational Theater, and suggested thatPeluso Leaving Gaiety the ceremony was much whoopee at the of the BAA, giving a report of his meet-Lester Potter, censor, was concentrating Kane home in New York City.Enter- ing last Saturday with Sam Scribner.his activity too much upon one house. NEW YORK, May 16.-In two weekstainers during the reception were Romeo He revealed that this meeting did not another set of musicians will move intoRomolo, Judge andhis instrumental take place inasmuch as the managers BILLIE BERNARD, costumer for the the Gaiety Theater here, with Tommysaw, Ma Eisenblatterindances and wantedtotalkaboutnextseason,Minsky stocks, set upon and punchedPeluso and his pit ork exiting.MurrayShilling.Among those who attended whereas the meeting was originally calledby a hold-up man May 6 on her way Friedman, pianist and contractor of thethefestivitiesweretheentireStar to go over existing complaints. Also,home to Brooklyn.Her screams, how-pit crew at Minsky's Gotham, is sched-troupe and attaches; Charles Bella, of that H. K. Minsky was invited to theever, foiled the robber's attempts and heuled to come into the Gaiety at thell Progresso daily, and a large delega- meeting without the BAA's knowledgegot away in a car. head of another ork. and that Phillips felt a BAA committee tion of Dottie's friends from Jamaica, should have been invited also.As to L.I.Other features were 400 sand- next season's contract, it has not been wiches, a ton of salads, six kegs of beer discussed es yet because it has not been and 20 gallons of mint julep punch discussed by the BAA membership. \prepared by the Colonel. A discussion of monopoly in the book- HELEN McMANUS, of the Gaiety, New ing field came up, with various talks gutleSqueivOcewS York, celebrated a birthday backstage getting around to the fact that this May 11. A cake gifted by Ray Syracuse, condition was injurious to the performer. stagehand, was cut and passed around It was asked if the organization would comedy, with Hagan the biggest providerto the entire company. be permitted to have anything to say Republic, New York of the spice.They are ably assisted about agents or perhaps even operate its(Reviewed Tuesday Afternoon, May 12) BOWER SISTERS, who closed at the own bookingoffice. The problem of and fed by such able straight men as transportation also came up, the or- Town Tattles is the Independent Cir-Jess Mack and Joe Devlin, who do aEltinge, New York, May 7, opened May ganization revealing that it is an age-,cuit show here this week, and for anwhole lot towards building up the laugh11 for a week's engagement at Chin Lee's old custom in the theater to providehour and a half, supplemented by ascore. further uptown. transportation to and from the point ofcouple of house principals, the audience The strippers are four in numbers origination, and that this has been dis-isafforded an all-round good burlyand a very effective crew, comprising JEAN CATON, with an Indie show, regarded for the most part. show, overboard at times on spice, butLouise Phelps, Gladys McCormack, Jeangifted and happy with a new car that generally good on a variety of entertain-Lee and Jean Caton. They are all love-arrived May 12 to take the place of her The matter of midnight shows in six -ment.Business at this first show, aly dressers and individual hits in theold one. day towns was also discussed.It waswarm day, found almost a full lowerart ofdisrobing.Fast work on the agreed that if there was no pay forfloor, with the upstairs seats pretty wellnumbers, very little milking of encores GUS SHILLING JR., stage director midnight shows in these towns that per-occupied also. and showing just enough to satisfy andand comic aid at the Star, Brooklyn, formers would not be called to the the- not cause undue excitement. just finished lyrics and music of a new aters on Sunday, and it was cited where Steve Mills and Joan Carroll are the song, You're as Pretty as a Picture. some theaters lived up to the agreementhouse principals, and they do much Show's production, in addition to a and others did not. to round out the entertainment.Millsnice array of settings and wardrobe, is always has been an A-1 comic and heenhancedbyMildredAdair,lovely JERRIE MITCHELL and Janice Day, manages to corral a lot of laughs, not two former burlesk chorines, now doing blond prim, who hits nice high notes;asister dancing actat the Garden THANKS!aFnoT saeahlnhlf ;Icgestsofulctondowplleedate resorting to much spice this time. MissPaul Miller, who dances, plays the har- my appreciation to Mr. Hirst and hisa associateCarroll is a lovely of the loveliest, amonica and wields rhythmic spoons, andGrille, L. I., in Helen Storey's revue of house owners and managers of the Independent Bur-platinumblonde gorgeous girls called Club Royalettes. lesque Association; Mr. Dewey Michaels, Buffalo; sporting Joyce Breazelle, a cutelittlebrunet, Mr, Harry Hirsch. MinneaPoliss' Mr. George Young.gowns.She does an expert strip andwhose dancing is talented and diversi- Cle'veland; Mr. Fred HurleyLouisville; Mr. Philwhat's more does much handy work infied.She's tops in burly specialty acts. FRANK NALDI and Irene Cassini, for- Rosenberg, NewYork.Vacationing in "the wilds of mer burlesquers, visited New York from Minnesota." bits. Besides, there are the 20 girls who are "The Girl who revolutionized Now for the unit.The comics areseen a lot, yet the more they're seenMiami the first time in three years on Burlesque." Permanent Address,Billy Hagan and Bert Marks, a couple their way to Havana. NADJAKnickerbocker Hotel, N. Y. City the more noticeable is their listlessness. of in -the -know boys on dishing burly SIDNEY HARRIS. VIRGINIA LEE, who did strips at the "VIRGINIA" WOODS Gayety, Louisville, and in other houses Thr, Golden Girl With the Golden Voice. south and west, now in the front line Burbank Theatre. Los Angeles, Calif. .at the Eltinge, New York.Claims she, was the one who induced Laura Wade MARY WOODS to change her name to Jeanne. THE VERSATILE SENSATION. atiti gtiets INA THOMAS and Lew Petel, of the Burbank Theater. Los Angeles, Calif. Eltinge, New York, stock, are daily com- muters between West 42d street and BOOTS BURNS DINA MITE DELL, at the People's,to natives, but no report as yet as totheir summer home in Lake Hiawatha, THE GAL FROM DALLAS. New York, fell down early last week nearresults.. .. Nat Mortan is scouting forN. J. ANei.,!nth -pendent Circuit Sensation. the theater, sustaining a head injurytalent on assignment for the Feenamint that necessitated a couple of stitches.National Amateur Night program. .. . CHARLES (KID) KOSTER., who ad- NELLIE CASSON . . .She was back at work the nextHe's also doubling on lining up peoplevanced Dodsworth. up to April 4 when Stripping, Singing, Talking, on the day. .. .She earned some side moneyforWalterJohnsontobookinto (See U -NOTES on opposite page) India Cirk-Dir. PHIL. ROSENBERG. recently posing fora lingerie house.Australia. ... Jess Mack's brother, Joe BobMack, NEW-NEW-NEW is about to undergo a sinus operation in A REPORT making the Broadway DYNA(MITE)DELL Mercy Hospital, Baltimore. . . . Boobrounds last week was that Jimmy Lake's PRETTY PATTIE LEE TheHill -BillyCrooning Stripper. McManus was hospitalized last week,Gayety, Washington, D. C., may be taken BURLESK'S NEWEST TEASE SENSATION. over by a movie firm, the firm operating NEW IN THE EAST. with Artie Lloyd jumping into his spot for the one day a week ago Sunday atthe Strand in that city. . . . Billy EVELINE DAILEY TOMMY RAFT the Gotham, New York, and Cress Hil-Fields turned down three New York Formerly of the Dailey Twins. ECCENTRIC COMEDIAN. Five Feet of Dainty Acra Strip -Tease. Also Plays Instruments,Sings and Dances. .1iary finishing out the balance of theoffers to join the Bijou, Philadelphia, week.. .Phil Silvers will open therestock company Monday. . . . Others this Sunday... . . Annette entered agoing into the Philly stock areJess BOWER SISTERS JEAN DELMAR diving contest Monday at the VenetianMack, Jean Lee and Billy Hagan. . HARMONIZING STRIPTEES. TheMillionDollar Personality Stripper. Pool, Miami, the contest being limited(See BURLY BRIEFS on opposite page) Week of May 11, CHIN LEE'S, New York City. May 23, 1936 BURLESQUE -TABLOID The Billboard 23 Tabloid Conducted by BILL SACHS Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati 0 ing, with Jo Ann Dare also going into Frisco's Chinese Fanner the house, moving down from Minsky's SAN FRANCISCO, May 16.-TayaGotham.. . . Louise Phelps replaced Jahn, native Chinese fan dancer, is atJo Ann at the latter house.. . .Ed at) 7 aides theLibertyTheaterhere,burlesqueRyan was in New York last week for Tilts talentand Eva Collins' wardrobe for COL. CHES DAVIS Chicago Follies, ahouse, for a limited engagement.In By RICHARD S. KAPLAN Cushman unit, is enjoying a suc-current show she appears in an Orientalthe Howard, Boston, stock.. . .Eddie' cessful jaunt thru Mississippi andspectacle staged and directed by GarrettNuts Kaplan and Georgia Botherwent NEAA General Counsel Price. Zorimais.theLiberty's newinto theStar, Brooklyn, Friday, and Louisiana after completing a tour of Severalletters have been received ask- the Western States.... Charles (Kid)"queen of burlesque."New specialtyexiting were Lillian Murray, Shorty Mc- Koster, well known in tabdom and untildancersincludeDotShannonandAllister and Stinky Fields. ing for information regarding the status recently ahead of Dodsworth, starringNancy (Fuzzy) Trau.Grace Carlos is of Michigan.Here itis in a nutshell: Walter Huston, has connectect in anback in a return engagement.Jimmie NAT MORTAN'S recent placements (See TIDBITS on page 27) executive capacity with Boy Meets Girl,(Hot Dog) Rose, comedian, after threewere Louise Stewart, Werba's, Brooklyn; which is set for an extended run at theseasons at the Garrick, St. Louis, hasIna Thomas, Lou Petell, Charles Kane, Case Theater, Detroit.. .. Tabloid edi-joined the cast. ArthurRodgersandMargieBartell, tor holds important message for Melba Eltinge, New York;PhilSilversand (Cessna)Bailey and Dorothy Brown.U -NOTES Louise Phelps, Gotham, New York, and CONTESTANTS Please send in your routes.. . .Hap (Continued from opposite page) Sunny Lovett, Gaiety, New York.. . . Moore, tab and burly funny man, hasthat play closed in Cincinnati and whoSunya (Smiles)Slane, who closes on just wound up a 22 -week season at theis now ahead of Boy Meets Girl thatthe Indie wheel this week and has two Mutual Theater, Indianapolis, to rejoinopens May 24 at the Cass Theater, De-weeks' booking with Minsky in New NOTICE the Majestic Showboat for the summer.troit, for a short summer run, writesYork, will head for Hollywood the mid- Hap says there'll be no $27 fines thisthat Arthur Clamage opened the recon-dle of June.. . . Sid Fields, now gag Opening May 27 season, as he has purchased a fishingditioned Avenue on May 12 with stockman for Eddie Cantor, paid a visit to the license.. .. The Steiner Sisters, song -burlesque to a packed house. Gayety, Baltimore, while sojourning at and -dance team, have retired from the his home town there last week.. . . The Ideal SummerShow on game and are now residing in New PATSY JOHNSON, beforesheleftDave Hamill, manager of the Variety MinnesOta's Kensington, Pa.... Featured with DanMinsky's Gotham, New Yqrk, recentlyTheater, Pittsburgh, now closed for the Fitch's Dixianna Revue, currently tour-purchased Mickey, a bulldog pup, toseason, left for Atlantic City for a six MOST ing the Southland, are the Three Ar-guard her valuables and Ann Valentineweeks' vacation. noids, acrobats; Turk McBee, comedyin the same dressing room. POPULAR any xylophone;Trevor Lewis,tenor; MARION MORGAN and June St. Claire LAKE Ruth Ritzel, songs; the Brady Sisters, VIRGINIA HELM is the current featurewere the recipients of high newspaper dancers; Miss Ardelle, dancer; Bob Fish-attractionatthePrincessTheater,praise in the Chicago dailies for their The spot and type of show you

er, magic, and a line of girls. .. Open-Youngstown, 0. Others in the cast therework in the new Colosimo's Cafe show. have been waiting for. ing of the Bert Smith company at theare Curly Burns, Jimmy WaljMrs, Joe .. .Several Midwest burly houses have Ramona Park Theater, Grand Rapids,Kilch, Viola Spaeth, Ann Lee and Ailenebeen shuttered for the summer. . . . PRIZE MONEY GUARANTEED Mich.,isset for May 30.Troupe isWalker. The Capitol, Toledo, managed by Don Carded to remain there all season. Cameron,closed May 10.. . The CONTESTANTS Grand, Canton, 0., closed its season May BURLY BRIEFS 14; the Empress, Cincinnati, closed May who have wardrobe and whocan (Continued from opposite page) 17, and the Gayety, Milwaukee, former stand a real show, contact RALPH CANTON and Hazell Chamber-Steve Mills and Joan Carroll are layingburly house which has been running sex lain have returned to the latter'soff this week but go into the Republic,pictures for the last 10 weeks, closed MOON MULLINS New York, stock company next week.May 10... home in Franklin, 0., sadder but . Joan Barlow and Countess Majestic Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn. wiser, after several weeks with a carnival . .. Margie Bartell and Louise StewartVanya opened at the Rialto, Chicago, will go into the Republic also, as willMay15, company.. . . Jos and Billie Franklin, booked by Milton Schuster. No collect wires or phone calls. Mike Sachs and Alice Kennedy...... Kay Lopez opened at the Avenue, who spent the winter at their home in (PopMorrison, wire) Morgantown, Ind., expect to hit the roadGeorge Katz is reported as being out ofDetroit, May 16.. .. Palmer Cote and again around the middle of July. Billiethe People's, New York, after a shortBilly Lee are opening there May 25, suc- has fully recovered from a lengthy ill-stay.. . .Artie Lloyd replaced Harryceeding ,RussellTrentandFreddy ness and is anxious to get back intoStratton at that house Friday. Walker.. .. Bobby Taylor and Honey- harness. ... Cotton Watts' No. 1 show, bee Kellar opened at the Avenue, De- currently playing the Bonita Theater, FRANK SCANNELL, Joe DeRita andtroit, May 16. . . .Nora Ford is being Chattanooga, will close May 30 to makePhyllis Vaughn left New York by autoheld over for two more weeks at the room for a new tab for the summer.Thursday for an engagement at theRoxy, Cleveland. . According to Art Almond, who has beenRoxy, Toronto.. . . Bobby Burns and CONTESTANTS John Head left the Gaiety, New York, POPKIN & RINGER have added Jean with Watts for a long stretch, severalThursday night, with Phil Stone and And Complete Operating Crew Wanted people have been hanging bad paper Evol, male toe dancer, to their New for New York Slate's First recently to the effect that the WattsGordon Clark going in as replacements.Capitol Theater burly show in San Fran- shows, both in Knoxville and Chatta- . . . Roxanne opened at the Apollo,cisco. . .. The Woods Sisters, Virginia nooga, are workhouses. Art wants every-New York, Friday on a two-week book-and Mary, dance team, are also booked. one to know that the companies do only MARATHON DANCE four 30 -minute shows a day, with a 40 - minute midnight show on Saturdays, which seems to be in line with about TOURNAMENT everything else in the country.... Johnny A Short and Snappy Show at Beautiful (Jack) Delmar, former boxer, who spent Oceanside. quite some time in the tabloid field, Evi.tztance kows is now engaged in the advertising pro- Conducted by DON KING, Cincinnati, Office Opens Wed. May 27 motional business.Johnny wants his Prospects for Floor Money and Sponsors Wears,third. The Victory Ball the fol- good.Address all correspondence to many tab friends to know that he's do-Carroll -Bernstein lowing night was a sellout and closed ing okeh, altho he narrowly missed beingAre Dallas Winners one of the most successful of Texas METRO ENTERPRISES fetched by the Grim Reaper the other shows. Ernie Mesle, Manager day when his new Olds coupe was struck DALLAS. May 16. - The George W. by a truck on the Cleveland -Elyria road, PA AND MA HARRIS write from Los Box C, Oceanside, Long Beach, N.Y. badly spraining Jack'sleftwrist andPughe Derbyshow ended May 11 with Don't come unless advised to do so, arm and reducing the car to the junkRuth Carroll and George Bernstein tak-Angeles to send felicitations to the con- and don't send collectwires,as we ing first prize; Billy Willis and Billietestants on the Hugh Talbott Spring- won't acceptthem. heap.He is laying over in Elyria, 0.,Curts, second, and Tom Day and Clorisfield, Ill., floor, also to Talbott and Tony Until insurance adjustment can be made. Lewis.Pa and Ma still remember the oldoneatGary,Ind.,where they pounded out 2,240 hours to finish sec- ond.Also would like to read news of EULA COUDY, musical leader with the Richard S. Kaplan and Pat O'Day, and WINDOW CARDS A. B. Marcus show, currently on a wonder if Eddy (Stub) Moore is still on We specialize in them in fact six weeks' run at the Teatro Lirico, the map. nothing but! Quick Service , Low Mexico City, postcards to say that her Prices. Write for BIG FREE hubby, Elmer, confined at the Sunshine OSCAR DAVIS, Philadelphia, is anx- CATALOG, showing several Sanitarium, GrandRapids,Mich.,is ious to locate Joe Palooka, who worked hundred stock designs m showing rapidimprovement.Friends the Worcester, Mass., show with him, are urged to drop him a line.Above and will keep an eye on the Letter List. BOWER SHOW PRINT = FOWLER ,IND. address will reach him. . . . George B. and Beulah Hill are back home in WANTED FOR STOCK JACK REYNOLDS, King Brady andProducing Comedian and two Singing or Dancing Deadwood, S. D., where they will likely Jerry Martone have been requested to Straight Men.Also six young Chorus Girls that remain all summer.Yatz's brother-in- can lead numbers. Salary, $18 a week.Otto and law has a tourist camp there and George communicate to the Column on howDa Holland. Curley Burns get in touch with me. they're doing, etc.Yes, boys, the letter Pleasant engagement, eight weeks or longer.Pay has been named head flunky of the came from Lansing, Mich. your wires; I pay mine. Must be here for rehearsal place.Hill says his brother-in-law is May 29.Open on Sunday, May 31. Address also chief of police of Deadwood and is COTTON WATTS,Bonita Theater, Chattanooga. this season "putting all his yeggs in one BEN (SCHNOZZLE) ROTH cards from Tenn. casket." En route west from Indianapolis Los Angeles:"Have been out of theWANTED-Agent and Sock Novelty Act.Agent fieldsincereportingfor the Denvermust know New England and Canadian territory. Be George and Beulah spent two weeks able to get lucrative dates for nice Presentation of with Pearl and Red Lindsey in Janes- show that never opened.Have been 20 people.Commission only.Sock Novelty Act. ville,0., and a week in Chicago, and working here for two weeks. Would likeprefer youthful team or comedy acrobatic that is a to see communications from Doc Foster, showstopper. Salaryinkeepingwithtimes. George wants to thank all his pals who OWEN BENNETT'S JOLLY JESTERS CO.,Ar- staked him to the bowls of soup during (See ENDURANCE SHOWS on page 27) cade Theatre., Salisbury, Md. his stay in the Windy City.Beulah nas been losing lots of weight since her op- eration a year ago and hopes to get GEORGE W. PUGHE andwife, most of it back by taking things easy Eddie,takenrecentlyinDallas, this summer. . . . Donald (nippy) where the Pughe organization proved WANTED FOR SUMMER 'Ma STOCK Smith, hebe comic with tab and burly that good, clean walkathon enter- People in all lines.Featured Ingenue Leading Woman for Script Bills, Prima Donna, Sou- outfits,is back at his home in Grand tainment can still be combined with brette, Stock Acts breaking jumps.Tenperformances weekly.State LOWEST, age, height, Rapids, Mich., after playing the Police enterprising promotion in the pro- weight, recent engagements. Circus in St. Louis.He will handle The duction of a show to the satisfaction HARVEY ARLINGTON, Manager Billboard in Ramona Park, Grand Rapids, of customers, city officials and all Ramona Park Theatre, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. this summer. CORCente.a. 24 The Billboard May 23, 1936 gtoawati Red By GEORGE SPELVIN THE recent rescue of the three men trapped in a gold mine for 11 days up in the Moose River section of Nova Scotia has brought out prac- tically all of the miners involved in the rescue for personal appearances. . . . The Morris Agency has about15 of them already-or about enough to tie up the gold -mining industry.. .. John Pollock, RKO's former photo and press department boss, has returned to town after a long stretch, during which he handled the tours of The Great Waits and the Chicago Civic Opera WTIEN the Federal Theater Project was launched there was Company. . . .He'll be taking out Waltz again for another 30 -or -so week much rejoicing. The show business (so reasoned the welkin tour.. . .In the new show of the Living Newspaper Unit of the Federal ringers) had at last received recognition from the govern- Theater Project, 1935, Eleanore Barrie plays the role of Ruth McKenny, who's a reporter. . . . There's a real Ruth McKenny on The New York Post. ment relief machine. There weren't many steps to go (they further . . . The AFA has made a publicity tieup with theNew York chapter of reasoned) before the theater would be operated on a government the American Newspaper Guild, centering around the latter's benefit show May 29 at the Manhattan Ballroom.. .. To grow gruesome for the moment, subsidy ; monopolistic practices of the film tycoons would be abol- members of the stagehands' union, Local No. 1, die off at the average rate of ished and everything would be sweet and rosy under the protect- about 40 a year. . . . The union does nothing to replace them, dueto un- employment, so the ranks of the local have been steadily dwindling.. . . ing wing of a federal theater. Sylvester Sullivan is in a dither because he can't get a script of Rejuvenation, a play which has been around a spell.. .. Which is interesting chiefly be- There cause Mr. Sullivan himself wrote it. . . . Mr. Spelvin, always eager to be We are as far from a government -supported theater as ever we were. helpful, suggests that he contact Meredith L. Kramer, formerly with the Is still a deplorable plentitude of unemployment in the actors' ranks-and the Shubert org, who has a copy, if our espionage department is operating with Federal Theater Project (with apologies to the poor vision of the idealists who its customary perfection. . . . Audrey Wood has started her own play predicted great things for it) is nothing more and somewhat less than a proposi- brokerage, opening offices at 730 Fifth avenue.. . . Doris Frankel is as- tion of giving dole recipients blocks with which to play in order to take their sociated with her.. . . minds off their real and imaginary troubles.In other words, despite the visions described by the dreamers and incurable optimists and despite administration MM. Derval and Armit, of Paris' original Folies Bergeres, are in town, planning to bring the show over as a fall legit production. . . .Last week propaganda the Federal Theater Project is no exception to the rules that guide Joey Jacobsen, of Chicago's Chez Paree, and the Yacht Club Boys spent human conduct in human institutions. quite a bit of time in the Morris office drawing up a contract which was to So constituted are Americans that whenever Washington puts its fingers into embrace numerous clauses. . . . S000000, after it was all drawn up and a pie (regardess of whether the fingers belong to a Republican or a Democrat) there was a bit more talk, both sides decided to tear up the legal abracadabra, The easiest way to kill the boys going into the Chez Paree without a contract. . . .It's not often that pie is no longer edible for discriminating diners. that you find such mutually trusting souls in show biz.. . . Jackie Terris, something that's going great guns is to give it a kick in the pantaloons with the former agent, is now assistant manager of the New United Theater over in boot of government ownership or control.Private enterprise has its faults and Brooklyn.... The campaign to put a statue of FatherDuffy in Longacre they are legion, but the government quartered in Washington has excelled by far Square has brought forth plenty of squawks from dissenters, with Longacre tenants now flooded with petitions arguing pro and con. . . . The latest in the art of bungling.-thanks to politics of the brand fabricated in these United rage along the Stem is the chain of nickel malted milk stands, which were States. started by a former burly candy butcher.'. . . Tex Sherman, of rodeos, is * * * around town in his two -pint hat... . He says he wears his 10-gallon only when going after business, which makes his local visit practically a vacation. Despite generalizations we do not indict seriously either the intentions or . .. The old pastime of flippingplaying cards into a hat is getting a whole- acts of the overseers of the Federal Theater Project.More to blame are most of hearted local revival these days.... A title -claimant was soundlytrounced the actors and alleged actors receiving its doubtful benefits. recently by one of Mr. Speivin's scouts.. . . Milton Rubin, in association with Pearl Winick, has opened a publicity office at 1775 Broadway.. . . Bob Favoritism has entered from the beginning into the selection of workers from Broder, who recently bought an estate down in Pennsylvania, is driving seven the relief rolls and from the ranks of the unemployed not yet taken into the or eight Stem stalwarts down there Saturday afternoon. ... But, taking no relief fold.The various projects are punctuated by officiousness, stupidity and chances, he's driving them right back again Saturday night.. . . Have you ethical weakness on the part of regional heads.In one situation into which we played Lexicon, the English letter game? . ..It combines the best features of anagrams and a few others. . . They're brightening up the eating - inquired a woman reigns over the destinies of a project who has 'been dismissed house electric signs for the summer, which is the season when the family from casting directories as a dead issue these past 20 years.Not because of goes away and papa eats out.. . . Mr. Spelvin said "eats." . . . favoritism and not because of any reason other than the general agreement on the part of all men who cast and produce shows that she is no longer of any use to the profession.This woman pulls wires, we assume, and she is placed in authority-casting discredit on the project, instilling in the minds of all mature eltica90 actors with whom she comes in contact a disrespect for the project and all con- nected with it. By NAT GREEN There are, indeed, many enthusiastic and sincere workers connected with the SINCE the terrific brody taken by the Major Bowes unit on the Cole Bros. - various projects. But these are outnumbered by the professional panhandlers, who Clyde Beatty Circus a lot of us who thought we knew a thing or two haven't had a decent job in years simply because of incompetence. These are the have had to revise our opinion.. .. Most plausible explanation of the ones who concentrated on pulling wires to get on the projects instead of trying to 'flop of the amateurs is' given by a circus man who says the unit failed be- cause fundamentally it appealed to grownups and not children. . . . The get a job in a private enterprise.These are the ones who yell loudest when they Wild West, said this circus man, has a strong appeal to children and the are threatened with a cessation of work relief; who engage in whispering propa- kids are the ones who induce the grownups to stay for the concert-other- ganda to create unrest in the project so as to make a political issue of work relief. wise there would be no concert audience, for the average concert is a terrible show... . With no kid appeal, the Bowes unit failed to cause the kidsto These, too, are the ones who are active in the movement to obtain two-week pester their elders into buying tickets and consequently there were few vacation periods for relief workers. This last is the payoff.Of all the unmitigated tickets sold.. . . Now with the Wild West back the kids are happy, their gall in creation this is the worst.Anybody who knows ,how the various projects elders are at least resigned, and the circus management smiles at the operate will have to agree that the workers suffer less from overwork than from count -up. an unreasonable stretching out of their duties to fill a week required by WPA regulations. When one considers that most of the Federal Theater Project Workers Death of Elizabeth Cherry, member of the Cherry Sisters' vaude act that grasped at an assignment in a project with the eagerness of a drowning man for flourished some 3G or more years ago, recalls the attempted comeback of two of the sisters, Effie and Addie, during the past two years.. .. Whether a lifebuoy it is sad indeed to contemplate their considerably changed attitude now. it was their idea or that of a promoter who saw possibilities in the veteran * * * team I don't know, but the duo and their manager haunted Chicago book- ing offices and obtained a few scattered bookings in minor cafes around As much as we would welcome the day when a government theater removed town. . . - Their act was designed to be comedy, but it was pathetic to entirely from politics becomes a reality we must face facts and admit that the watch these two aged women vainly trying to put their ancient and mediocre time is far off when this will be possible.And when a government theater is material across. . . . They hadn't a chance, and finally apparently realized formed it will not draft for its personnel the flotsam and jetsam of the acting it, for they went back to their Iowa farm, where doubtless they will spend profession.It will draw the best talent and it will provide for that talent an the balance of their days reliving their vaudeville career. incentive that will make competition from what is left of the commercial theater

insignificant. There are about 10,000 workers connected with the Federal Theater Project. This is an enormous body, capable of wielding much influence in communities We're in full accord with that newly organized A. P. T. 0. H. E., which where votes are as necessary to politicians as gas to the running of a motor car. made its debut on NBC Saturday night. . . . In case you don't know what With politics entering into and becoming an integral part of work relief in the the initials stand for, it is the Association for Prevention of Taking Off Hats amusement field,itis understandable how the original purposes of the project in Elevators, and the theme song is Keep on Your Old Gray Bonnet.. . . sponsors have gone astray. Maybe the association can dispel the idea that removing one's hat when Before the WPA was launched the thousands of workers now connected with there is a lady in the elevator is chivalrous and win give the hat -removers It were mostly on the outer fringe of the business, requiring but a gentle shove courage to keep their lids on. . . . Even Maury Maverick, picturesque son to remove them entirely from its ranks.Their absorption by the WPA makes of Texas, is in favor of the move. them an issue again, rekindling in the breasts of many a fire that should long

ago have been extinguished-for their good as well as the welfare of their pro- fession.Besides, the plumbers, carpenters, tailors, grocery clerks, etc., who have been grafted to the Federal Theater Project structure by reclassification geniuses, The management of the Hotel Sherman is pointing with pride but not will spend most of their lives trying either to remain on some form of relief or viewing with alarm the record hung up by the College Inn's ice carnival. break into the show business. which has rounded out 50 weeks of top-notch popularity and shows no sign of abatement. . . . Gale Page has gone athletic with her four -year -old * * son-says he has a natural golf swing and handles a tennis racket like a The outlook Is not at all encouraging. Thru no fault of her own but because Tilden.. . . Joyce Henry, young California contralto, who has just joined Washington made her the patsy, Hallie Flanagan has started something that it Xavier Cugat's Band, is coached in her singing by Gene James, who used to be musical director at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, and who organized is going to be difficult to finish.Show business-that part of it still strictly com- in mercial-is vitally concerned with the route taken by the Federal Theater Project Cugat's first American band. . . . Rumor has it they are to be married as well as its effect on the various branches it involves.The' show business no New York next fall. . . .Bob Griffin says the sudden jump from winter longer fears the Federal Theater Project as opposition (thanks to the inefficiency 'to summer has taken all the spring out of him. . . . Gardner F. Wilson and bungling of lesser lights in the project setup) but it does look with alarm closed with Dave Apollon and is vacationing in Mississippi. . . .Howard at the consequences of thousands of castoffs being brought back into the running Hughes, pausing here at the Blackstone between planes, says that Chicago - and adding further to confusion and unemployment. New York record flight is off for the present.

,se .;L:L2 tr.. L cALL' A1;1!'4.41.0 May 23, 1936 REPERTOIRE -STOCK The Billboard 25 Conducted byBILL SACHS-Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0. Early Season Good Kansas City Jottings KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 16.-Fred For Justus-Romain Dunning sojourned briefly in the village Rep Ripplesthis week en route from Western Kan- tociz 72ote/s COLERIDGE, Neb., May 16.-Justus- sas to Sabula, join the Brooks Romain Company, which began its tent Stock Company. ARNOLD S. BERKE has been signed season April 20, a record early opening COWBOY GWINN and family are back Jack and Emma Fleming, formerlyas director of productions for the sum- for the show under canvas, will play itswith the Heffner -Vinson Show this sea-with Abe (Slick) Rosewall, are visitingmer season at the Cape May Playhouse, usual territory this summer, with anson. with friends and relatives in Cleveland.Cape May, N. J. occasional jump into a new spot.Altho Lawrence Deming has signed to pilot the weather has been quite cool, busi- BESSIE LEIGHTON, character come-the Hal Stone Show thru Iowa this ALBERT LOVEJOY isdirecting the ness has held up remarkably well, Man-dienne with H. D. Hale's Milt Tolbertsummer. Carnegie Tech Players in Pittsburgh in ager John J. Justus reports. Show, reports that the outfit is moving Grace Brennan left here this week toThe Distaff Side, the final production In the roster are John J. Justus, Ethelalong in great shape. jointheSilver Comedy Company inof the season.Settings are under the Romain, E. A. McNutt, Keith Gingles, Iowa for the summer. supervisionof Lloyd Weninger. Cast Cecil Kenyon, Fred Lyle, E. F. Hawkins, "WHAT ISTHEREP candy business Jack Riply Players are slated to openincludesAvis Lennon, Mary Hubley, Ted Wagner,HarryL.Wonner,Joecoming to?" asks Otis Oliver, now on aunder canvas at Aurora, Ia., next week.CarmelitaJacques,HelenBretLfelder, Chenoweth, Johnnie Davenport, AllenCoast -to -CoastbusinessandpleaSure Hila Morgan Stock Company is show-MaryMehler,TheresaGraff,Alden Klassen, Edna Booth, Margie Montgom-tour."I recently observed a well-knowning this week at Olathe, Kan., where itSmith, Carl Dozer, William Davis, Mil- ery,Betty Brooks,StellaChenoweth,tent rep offering a box of candy at 15is said it opened to capacity business.ton Goldbloom and Barbara Tiegle. Sara Wagner and Robert Justus. cents, which included with each sale aMany rep folks and retiredtroupers free ticket for the next night's show, adrove from here to catch the opry. The GUY PALMERTON'S Manhattan Play- chance on a prize that night, a ticketshow jumps to Iowa next week. ers will begin their third consecutive Billroy Show Briefs good for winning a master prize on Sat- The Dodd Brothers' Tent Show hasseasonat Whalom Park,Fitchburg, urday night and another due slip, in ad-invaded Kansas after a winter in theMass., May 29. CONCORD, N. C., May 16-This reallydition to the candy and slum prize inSouth and is headed for Iowa for the should be old -home week or something,the box." summer. REID JACKSON has replaced C.E. what with so many familiar faces about. Hal Stone, after signing his peopleMcPherson in the cast of the Illusion of In Greenville,S.C., Anthony Romeo, JEAN CULLEN is seriously consideringand a repertoire of plays here, has de-Glamour now being offered by the K11 - Sandra Lane, Riley King, Emaleen Staas,opening a summer stock in Colorado. parted for Murray, Ia., where the troupebuck Players in Pittsburgh. in fact, practically all of the members goes into rehearsal next week for the of Doc Shelton's Paris After Midnight season under canvas. THOMAS WOOD STEVENS, formerly Revue were out to witness our perform- VIC FAUST, veteran rep player and with the Carnegie Tech Players in Pitts- ance. Swiss bellringer, is still working clubs in Creston Wrightisa recentarrival Detroit. afterclosingalongseasonwithburgh, is assisting in the staging of 14 Incidentally, Greenville proved up to Fassnacht Passion Play. ofShakespeare'splaysattheGreat allexpectations,providingexcellent DOYNE DODD, ex -trouper and musi- Margie Baker has signed with the NeilLakes Exposition in Cleveland this sum- business. cian on several of the leading rep shows,Schaffner Players. mer. Bob Fisher and Turk McBee, of thewas recently electedcityattorneyof Hal Barber is closing with the Princess Dan Fitch unit, were also sighted, enWest Memphis, Ark., where he has beenStock Company to join the Rosewall- route to Atlanta and rehearsals. practicing law for some time.Dodd isTerhune Show in Missouri. Mrs. Billy Wagoner Stricken In Morrisville, Glenn Turner, formerlybuilding a new residence there and in- Blanche Bradley, formerly with Jack of the crew and veteran of many "rubes,"vites all of his old friends to drive acrossHart's Comedians, has joined the Glenn ELIZABETHTOWN, Tenn., May 16.- dropped in for a visit with Cousin Eddiethe river for a visit the next time theyBrunk Company in Texas. Mrs. Billy Wagoner, wife of the well- and the gang.Insists that when biggerare in Memphis. The DoreSisters have signed withknown agent ahead of the Milt Tolbert and better (?) "rubes" are made-he'll Hal Stone's Comedians for the summerShow, was taken suddenly ill during the be found in the middle of 'em. run under canvas thru Iowa. show's recent engagement in Greenville, Tom Hutchison, who has been assist-Guy Palmerton Returning Joe Hoffman, manager of the Big OleTenn., and was moved to the home of ing Charles Underwood on the 24 -hour Show, has closed his Minnesota circleMrs. Lew Childre in this city.Physi- brigade,has been replaced by HenryTo Whalom Park, Fitchburgand moved the troupe to Grand Forks,cians say it will be at least three weeks Stutz. Tom moves over to the Milt Tol- N. D., for the summer. before she will be able to resume her FITCHBURG,Mass.,May 16.-Guy work on the show. Friends are urged to bert aggregation, where, according to his Mrs.Urless Huff(Patsy), formerly own allegation, he will take charge of thePalmerton, owner -manager of the Man- drop her a line.Mail addressed to her hattan Players, announces that his com-with Hila Morgan and other rep shows,in care of Mrs. Lew Childre, this city, top. pany will inaugurate its third seasonrecently underwent a major operationwill reach her. Had the pleasure in Kannapolis ofof stock Park Summerat Nevada, Mo. Her condition was con- catching the Flashes of 1936 unit andTheater here June 29.The openingsidered serious for a time, but late re- renewingacquaintanceswithJenksvehicle will be Brock Pemberton's Per-ports are that she is on the road to re-Company, of Chicago, was seen on the Crider and wife, Jean.Other memberssonal Appearance. covery.Friends are asked to write her of the above troupe are Bill Aderholt, care of State Hospital No. 3, Nevada, Mo.village rialto this week. George Royal, Betty and Bonnie and Bob Nancy Duncan and Frank Lyon will The Morris -Davis Show has changed Mal Murray, who has operated a cir- Devron and Jo Bennett.Lempi Purnuhave the leads.Cast will also includeitsbase town from Zenda, Kan., tocleall winter in Eastern Kansas, has is featured In a sensational acrobaticGertrude Dion Magill, Byrd Bruce andAlva, Okla. closedhismerry-go-roundandwas turn. A seven -piece ork is also carried.Erford Gage.Grace Carney, who ap- E. C. Jones' one-nighter of The Texasspotted on the main stem this week. JOHN D. FINCH. peared with the players in 1934, may alsoRanger isplaying Iowa territory and Hank Neal Players will have a No. 2 return.Manager Palmerton is now inheaded for Minnesota. show playing Colorado territory this New York selecting players and plays. Larry Nolan opened the season atsummer. Stella, Neb., recently and will play Mid- DeForrest Showfolk west territory all season. Chick Boyes' Plans Uncertain Denny's Comedians closed their Kan- In Gala Stage Wedding sas circle recently and will reopen next WANTED A-1 STOCK CO. LINCOLN, Neb., May 18,-Some doubt WITH GOOD TENT OUTFIT, EAGAN, Tenn., May 16.-Erman Gray, week on a Colorado circle, with Los To locate in a real town that has been closed toroad has been expressed here whether theAnimas as the base town. shows for years.Open early in June.I furnish lot, of the Musical Grays, of Clovis, N. M.,Chick Boyes Players will take up their license, lights, etc.: yon the tent outfit and areal and Thelma O. Collins, daughter of Mr. Neil Schaffner Players will begin re- show.A real opportunity for the show thatcon- usual West Lincoln stand for the sum-hearsals next week at Carthage, Ill., and nects. Write,statehillparticulars. FRED 0, and Mrs. W. W. Collins, of Amherst, Tex.,mer as they have done for the last twoopen under canvas two weeks later. BAUGHMAN, 85 Phillips St.,Galesburg, Ill. were married here recently on the stageyears.Boyes outfitisat the present of the DeForrest Dramatic Company'stime tented in Broken Bow, Neb., and Blanche Cook left here this week to Monroe Hopkins, Tent Theater,Houston, big tented theater. The stage was gaylysaid to be enjoying a fair play.If thejointheRosewall-Terhune Show at Tex., wants to hear from decorated for the event and after thetent show comes hereit will probablySlater, Mo. ceremony a midnight supper was served Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burton sojourned BOBBY WAR R E N only be for a short season of six or eightbriefly in the village, en route to Rock- Also Juvenile Man, Doubling Orchestra. in the clubrooms of the Diamond Coalweeks. away Beach, Mo. Company. George and Ethel Adkins left here The bride was given in marriage by WANTED this week to join the Sliver Comedy Versa themed.Performers,especiallyBlackf ace James E. O'Brien.The bride was at-Pick "Drunkard" Cast Company in Iowa. Comic and Piano Player. Oldfriends wire me quick. tended by Mrs. Edna V. O'Brien and Mrs. Bert Black and Lynn Arden have /lake salary low: it's sure, but no advances. BILLY Rosalie Colley and Mrs. Stella DeForrestFor Texas Centennial closed with the Neale Helvey Company MORINO, Scotland, Pa. was matron of honor.James A. Colley now located permanently at Burlington, was best man. Jimmie DeForrest, owner DALLAS, May 16.-Cast of The Drunk-Ia., and have joined Hal Stone's Come- and manager of the company, sang 1ard Company for the Texas Queen Show- boat at the Texas Centennial Expositiondians for the summer. Dorothea Antel Love You Truly, and the wedding march Mickey Arthur recently closed with 226 West 72d St., New York City. was played by A. J. Marshall. June Col-left the West Coast yesterday and willthe John Caylor Players in Minnesota. BIRTHDAY, EVERY DAY, CONVALESCENT ley served as ring -bearer and La Gretago into rehearsals immediately upon ar- David Reese has joined the J. B. Rot- GREETING CARDS. Morgan acted as flower girl. rival here.The Texas Queen is a Stan- In Boxed Assortments.15 Exclusive and Original ley Graham enterprise, under the man-nour Stock Company for the Wisconsin Cards to the Box, $1.00. tour. Special Discount on Largo Quantities. agement of Billy Collins, who is general Al W. Clark, Midwest actor and au- WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. manager of all Graham attractions. thor, will not be on the road this sum- Kilbuck Players Set Neeley Edwards, one of the originalmer, having accepted a commercial posi- For All -Summer Run Hallroom boys, will serve as m. c. on thetion in Grand Island, Neb. THE FILM WEEKLY Dallas show. Margaret Snow, formerly Kelly Masters isslated to close his AUSTRALIA PD. rbEURGH, Pa., May 16.-The Kil-of the silent films, and Ralph Neff, for-circle, which has been in operation in Coveringthe Motion Picture andEntertainment buck Theater here will close its currentmerly with the Hollywood company, areAlabama all winter. Plans for the future Field Generally. Conducted by MARTIN C. BRENNAN, bill May 19 after a run of 50 perform-also cast for here.Tom DeGraffenriedhave not been disclosed. 111 City Tattersalls Building, Pitt Street. SydneT, ances, two more than the record set bywillplay leads, and the Dorans are Bob Dexter, of the Hofeller Candy Australian Office of THE BILLBOARD. its previous production. Ibsen's Ghosts.scheduled for the comedy.Frank Fer- The program now playing includes Elsaguson, who directed a road show on The Comes of Age, by Aleen Wetstein; Illu-Drunkard, will direct the show here. sion of Glamour, by Madeleine Skelly The Texas Queen is practically com- Foust, and Faith Healing, by Florencepleted, one of the first amusement en- Diffenderfer. terprises on the exposition grounds to ROLL TICKETS The Kilbuck company includes Eulabe ready.The large front is typical of Mae Jackson, Kay Harmon,C. Paula river showboat and is one of the most Printed to Your Order Crawford, Mary Jo Rodrigues, Mary Hop-attractive scenes on the grounds. Cheapest GOOD TICKET onthe Market 100 000 for per, Marie Zeller, Reid Jackson, Charles The Graham Enterprises are building 10,000 ..$5.00 KearnsJr.,Stanley Russ and Frankand producing the show themselves, 20,000 .. e.75 Hamilton.The next bill will be a full-including the scenery and special light- Keystone TicketCo.,Shramii,T3a. $15.0050,000 .. 8.76 length play to open early in June for aing effects.The management plans to Cash With Order-No C. 0. D. Stock Tickets Any Assortment, 512.50 for 100,000 summer run. Kilbuck is air-conditioned.bring in movie stars as guest artists. 26 The Billboard May 23, 1936


evoidAL may« avz.a772a9(c(anc DEPT. O By BILLSACHS (Communications toCincinnati Office) RAJAH RABOID cracked The Pitts-was demonstrated by members of the burgh Sun -Telegraph, May 10, with aorganization.Among those taking part GLEANED DURING THE PAST WEEK BY MEMBER'. OF THE BILLBOARD /TAFF story headed "Rajah Claims Thurston'sin the entertainment were Dr. William Throne," wherein the well-known men-McLaughlin, Dr.Harold G.Schwartz, The purpose ofthis department is to benefit producers, bookers, agents andothers talist proclaimed himself the logical suc-Harry Brock, Bernard Trager, Ted Sea- concerned with the exploitationof talent in the major indoor fields thruThe Billboard's cessor to the late Howard Thurston andmon, , Harold Seltenrich, Dr. coverage ofeverybranchof the show business. stated that he will bill himself as suchJoseph Watts and Bob Sherman. The "possibilities" grouped beloware contributed weekly by members of the staff in the mystery show which he will launch thru their contacts with various entertainmentforms.The field isnot limitedto thea- next fall. Raboid bases his right to bill BUNKER, of Charlotte, N. C., has a tersandother amusement spots covered in line with review assignments. himself as Thurston's successor upon atieup with RCA and the Magic Eye SHOWMEN INTERESTED IN SPECIFIC "POSSIBILITIES" MAY ADDRESS THEM IN contract made between him and Thurstonradio. CARE OF THE NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE BILLBOARD, 1564 BROADWAY. March 13, which provided that Thurston of the Hotel New Yorker. Marionets and Raboid combine their shows, with LESTER LAKE (Marvelo) will be in- are put thru a complete little skit, Rajah iri charge and Thurston appearingside lecturer with Leo J. Zolg's Temple For VAUDE includingslightlyrisquematerial, only briefly to conserve his failing health.of Mystery, which opens for the season PAUL HOWARD - young dancersongs and imitations. A delightful While the contract expressly reserved theat Coney Island, Cincinnati, May 23. caught recently at an AFA party.novelty that should easily be able to Thurston show and name to Thurston, Does really remarkable contortion-hold down a spot in a revue. Raboid claims it inferentially names him PROF. EUGENE SONDA, mentalist, is isticacrobatics, back kicks, bends as the chosen successor of Thurston. Innow working northward thru Indiana. and other eccentric dance steps.A EDNA JANIS - young tap dancer the article, which also carried a two -"Stillplentybusinessformentalists show -stopping specialty for a vaudewho recently appeared at the Para- column cut of Raboid, the latter is quotedworking on the square," Sonda pens. act or a night-club floor show. mount Theater, New York. Has good as saying: "I'll defend my right to be his looks and is a topnotch hoofer.It successor in court, if necessary. I'm sure KARL ROETTING is doing card and JOYCE BREAZELLE - cute brunetwould be easy to spot her effectively Mrs. Thurston wants me to succeed him.cigaret manipulations, in addition to dancer caught last week at the Re-in a Broadway revue, and she has Thurston selected me as his successor be-playing drums in his own orchestra in public Theater, New York, burlesquethe ability to score there excellently. cause he knew I could handle his show.and around Baltimore. house.She'd be a welcome addition I intend to carry out his wishes. I don't to any flash, doing all sorts of danc- think Jane Thurston will like it." Raboid, TOMMY MARTIN has opened at Leon ing, and doing them expertly.She DRAMATIC jumped into Pittsburgh from the South.& Eddie's, New York, where he will remain includes taps, kicks, acrobatics and a MONA CONRAD - recent graduate until he sails for Europe on the Ile de general variety of routines, from anof the American Academy of Dra- LES HUNT, billedas"Hollywood'sFrance June 12. He played a successful Indian dance to an assortment ofmatic Arts, who appeared to excellent favorite master of magic," who joined theweek at the Roxy before moving into his snakehips. advantage in several of the student floor show in the Walnut Room of thepresent spot. performances.Not an ingenue type, Bismarck Hotel, Chicago, May 1, has been she seems fitted for young character held over at that spot. He is presenting McDONALD BIRCH and wife, Mabel ForLEGIT roles, but in them should appear to a fast pantomimic routine,featuringSperry, are spending a brief vacation at great advantage. Displayed a wealth lighted cigarets, rainbow billiard balls,Mack's home in McConnelsville, 0., after MUSICAL of emotional power and a clear in- silks and sundry items. His recent en-an enjoyable week in Chicago. During RUSSELL PATERSON MARIONETSsight and interpretation, turning in gagements include an extended run at thetheir stay in the Windy City Birch at- -troupe of little figures which arestudentperformancesthatwere 885 Club in the Windy City and a fourtended the annual stag party at Jim Sher - now being seen at the Terrace Room.easily of professional caliber. weeks' stay in the Mayfair Room of theman's home and met up with a lot of the I Book -Cadillac Hotel, Detroit. magic boys. En route to McConnelsvilleti the Birches caught Karston's act at Fort PARENT ASSEMBLY, SAM, New York,Wayne, Ind., and El-Wyn's spook party at time. What has become of Georgie Faust, will hold its annual meeting May 23, atBucyrus, 0. They report both of them as 'Grip' Rogers, Clen DeBruin, Emile Subers, which time a number of important prob-"very entertaining." Virg Downard, Cliff Saum? Let's hear lems will be discussed. Chief among the from the boys." Collins formerly trouped discussions will be the matter of chang- "WE HAVE WEATHERED the winter 711instteisti with Arthur Hauk's revues for 17 seasons. ing the regular meeting night fromnicely under the leadership of Old Faith- JAMESD.WINNE, drummer with the Saturday, which has been in effect for 33ful Henry Hudson Davis," Mel -Roy writes By BOB EMMET old Faust Minstrels, is now located in years, to some other night in the week;from Fulda, Minn., under date of May 11. (Cincinnati Office) the proposal to place in good standing for"Started the spring tour with a bang, Marion,Va. life, without further payment of dues,adding to our outfit a new V-8 panel TOMMY COLLINS has returned to his WILLIAM PATTIE,formerlytenor all members who have been in goodtruck, equipped with a 20 -watt public-home in Rochester, N. Y., after closingsinger with the Faust show, is in the pic- standing for 20 years, and the suggestionaddress system, which necessitated thewith Stan Stanley's Varieties unit. Writ- that all candidates for office represent aadding of an operator, making six peopleing under date of May 7, Tom says: "Iture business at La Grange, Miss. clean slate. Another important item willin the company, with four cars and ahave been reading Al Tint's sayings and be the election of officers. house trailer. Opened last fall in Colo-those of some of the other boys and get a "WHEN I WAS IN salt Lake City a few rado. Since that time have worked morekick out of some of the gags. It will beweeks ago," Prof. Walter Brown Leonard ANNUAL CONFERENCE of the Na-than 300 performances and traveled ap-34 years in July since my old partner,writes from Glens Falls, N. Y., "I met tional Council of the Society of Americanproximately 25,000 miles, covering onlyJimmy Castle, and I (Castle and Collins)George D. Pyper, who managed the Salt Magicians, which will be held in Spring-nine States. Only layoff we had was ajoined Quinlin & Walls Minstrels and theLake City Theater there for 45 years. Up field, Mass., May 28, 29 and 30, promises10 -day stretch in Texas over the Christ-following seasonTed E. Faust's Min-to the time the house was razed about two to be an interesting meeting anti, in at-mas holidays.Due to the inclementstrels, of whom quite a number haveyears ago I had access to many of the old tendance, one of the largest ever held byweather in Louisiana, business there waspassed on. What has happened to Petehouse programs from about the opening, the organization. Listed as possible 1937not so good, but, generally speaking, theDetzel? Have not heard of him in a longwhich was under the patronage of the convention cities are Cleveland, Cincin-season has been very good, with the last late Brigham Young, who was a constant nati; Paterson, N. J., and Baltimore. month exceptionally lucrative. It seems patron of the theater. Mr. Pyper informed to be getting better the farther north weA. Scheer was also re-elected to the officeme that J. H. (Jack) Haverly died in that PRINCESS YVONNE, well-known men-get. Have added another agent to con-of vice-president and appointed nationalcity. He became ill while there, his family talist and a familiar figure to Pittsburghtract July and August, while Mr. Davisdelegate to the SAM.Waldo D. Rou-was sent for and, as this popular minstrel theatergoers, played the Granada The-starts with schools for the opening inviere again was elected sbcretary-treas-manager was insolvent, Mr. Pyper wired ater, that city, May 5,6 and 7 andSeptember. The new agent is A. C. Gib-urer.Harry Bellville was chosen ser-Charles Frohman, of New York, who was despite unusually warm weather attract-son, who was formerly with me for threegeant at arms and Charles A. RossKaminstrumental in raising a purse of $1,000, ed good business. years." was appointed to take charge of enter-which he sent Mr. Pyper to satisfy burial tainment arrangements at meetings dur-and other expenses. Mr. Pyper is author AMEDEO left New York recently for MAGICIANS' DAY, May 10, at the Cal-ing the coming year. Two new membersof the entertaining book The Story of an a return tour of New England, opening,ifornia Pacific International Exposition,were added to the assembly's rolls dur-Old Playhouse. I found him to be a genial inLewiston, Me. Tour includes two full -San Diego, was a success.The programing the meeting.The assembly is nowgentleman of the old school, with a vast week vaude stands, Montreal and Lynn,was held in the Palace of Entertainment,busy with plans for its second annualknowledge of things theatrical." Mass. Booked solid until June 5 thruwith Mrs. Harry Houdini and Caryl G.Ladies' Night banquet, to be held June 8. Nick Feldman. Fleming, president of the Pacific Coast JOLLY BERT STEVENS and Eddie Association of Magicians, as guests of Ackers visited the Kay Bros' Circus at THE GREAT LELLEAR, illusionist, ishonor.Other guests included Superior DR. PEN PARDO (Great Lorenzo) is inCorning, N. Y., recently and enjoyed a now working club and cafe dates aroundJudge Charles W. Fricke, of Los Angeles,his seventh season with Pete Kortes'pleasant visit with Buck Leahy and Ben- New York. vice-president of the Society of Ameri-Side Show, now connected with theny Kenner.The quartet had a great can Magicians; Edward Saint, and CaroBeckman & Gerety World's Best Shows.time mulling over bygones. Kenner is in IN ORDER TO INTEREST the publicG. Miller, father of the late Marilyn the Kay Bros.' band and Leahy is work- in feats of magic, a form of entertain-Miller, and long-time showman, who had BECKER THE MAGICIAN, who openeding in clown alley. ment which has grown prodigiously pop-charge of production of the show. Sanhis season in Indianapolis, April 27, is ular within the last few years, RoyalDiegoans on the program were Sidneynow in Wisconsin, where he says he is Vilas Chapter No. 20, Society of Ameri-Fleischman, Eddie Reese, Franklinfinding business a bit better for magi- can Magicians, of Bridgeport, Conn., heldShields, Alfred Henning, Thomas Ban-cians.He has augmented his attraction a free exhibition of magic at Holdennon, Lyle Laughlin, Lanson Andrus andand has placed an order for a ton truck Hall, Bridgeport, last week, and whichC. W. Fait.L. 0. Gunn and Dr. U. carry his equipment. Becker has just Di Ghilini, of Los Angeles, also presentedfinished a swing thru Indiana and Illi- effects.Mrs. Houdini, Fleming and Saintnois. were awarded honorary memberships in Cash for Tarbell Coursesthe San Diego -Los Angeles Conjurers ART BURRIS, the "merry trixster," Quote Price, Condition. Club. WE BUY OR SELL. and Herbert Waters, who for a time We supply New No. 5Magic Catalogue. 25e. operated the Waters Spook Party, have W. C. DORNFIELD, magical emsee,combined their acts and are playing in- all entertainment L. L. IRELAND continues at the Hi -Hat Club, Chicago,dependent theaters in the Carolinas. needs for lodges, SO4 Wesley, Oak Park, III. where his clever patter is going over dramatic clubs, big. schools, etc., and Large List of Used Magic Illusions, 25c ALCAROSELLIwill open at the Com- for every occasion. LINDHORST, 4418Clarence,St. Louts, Mo. CLIFFHARD was re-elected presidentmodore Club, one of Detroit's swankiest Catalog Free. of the Rhode Island Assembly No. 26,night spots, May 18for an indefinite engagement.He will confine his act to T. S.DENISON Sz. CO. Large ProfessionalMagic Catalogue, 25cSAM, at the annual meeting held May 11 623S Wabash Ave.,Dept, 16, Chicago,ll1. MAX HOLDEN, 220 W. 42d St., New York the Biltmore Hotel, Providence. Harrysleight-of-hand. May 23, 1936 The Billboard 27

about 1903-'04, for, as Chick wrote, it 42d YEAR was strictly an animal show in the days when we were with it. And what a neat little trick it was, too!How proud I lotum was to go "umpahhing" down the street This department of The Billboard Is conducted as a clearing house, where readers may express their in that new band wagon, all of us dolled slaws concerning current amusement matters. Opinions regarding particular shows or acts will not be con- up in new red uniforms and helmets! Billaard Founded by W. H. DONALDSON sidered.Neither will attention be given on this page to communications In which personal problems areFor I was young then and the whole discussed.Letters must be signed with the full name and address of the writer and should be written on one side of the paper.Those not exceeding 300 words are preferred. Send communications to The Forum, world was before me.And I well re-The Largest Circulation of Any Amuse- The Billboard, Box 872, Cincinnati, 0. member H. S. Rowe, of whom I stood ment Weeklyinthe World Cumberland, 0. does not have a fund and it would bequite a bit in awe, and C. I. Norris, of Member Audit Bureau of Circulation impossible to pay for anything. How-whom I wasn't a bit afraid, and Joe For some time I have been thinkingever, any pictures sent would be han-Geisler, Herb Rumelin, "Dr." E. Lester Published Every Week of writing this appeal to the profession Miller, "Shrimp" Settler, Frankie Smith, By The Billboard Publishing Company regarding misuse by some persons ofdled carefully and returned promptlyBillScott,"Screw" Gardner andall afterthe Assistance R.S. LITTLEFORD, President andGeneral The Billboard's Letter List and mail - celebration. inthe rest of the boys.You were "with Manager. forwarding service.For instance, a let-helping us gather this material will beit"andanythingelsecountedfor E. W. EVANS, Secretary -Treasurer. greatly appreciated. We want to make A.C. HARTMANN, Editor teraddressedto naught.So "roll off," Frankie; let 'er Outdoor Depts., 25 Opera Place. Cincinnati, O. John Doe is adver-the exhibit as complete as possible andgo, boys, the good old "Iron King," fast E. E. SUGARMAN, Editor Sees Neglect tised in this week's'we feel that every city which has orand forty."Hold your -r -r- horses -s -s -s; Indoor Depts., 1564 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ever had a theater should be repre- Main Office and Printing Works, The Billboard issue. Allright, the elephantiscoming -g -g -g!" Yes, Building,25.27 Opera Place,Cincinnati, 0. In Retaining John Doe in Chi-sented.We are particularly interestedthose were the happy days. Phone, Main 5308. Cable Address, "Billyboy," cago writes in forin the theaters built before 1900, but R. E. (BOB) TAIT. Cincinnati. Mail of Others Hewe want material from the later ones BRANCH OFFICES: NEW YORK -6th Floor it and gets it. also. Palace Theater Bldg., 1564 Broadway. Phones, sees that it is not Can you help us make the exhibit MEdallion 3-1616, 8-1617, 3-1618. CHICAGO - more complete? JACK MORRIS, 6th Floor, Woods Bldg., Randolph and Dearborn for him, but he keeps the letter.Now McCord Theater Museum Repre-TIDBITS Streets. Phone, Central 8480.ST. LOUIS -390 there is another John Doe in New York Arcade Bldg.. 8th and Olive Streets, Phone, Chest- to whom the letter really belongs, but he sentative, Southern Methodist Uni- (Continued from page 23) nut 0443. DALLAS -401 Southland Life Bldg., versity, Dallas, 1416 Commerce Street. Phone, 2-8202.PHIL- never gets it because of the carelessness The new law in Michigan, passed lastADELPHIA - B.H.Patrick,7222 Lamport of the first John Doe.As there are so summer, repealed a previous regulatoryRoad, Upper Darby, Pa. Phone, Madison 6895. LONDON-Bert Rose, care "The Performer," 18 many showmen in the world, the situa- Tulsa, Okla. statute and now forbids the owning, Charing Cross Road, London. W. C., 2. SYDNEY. tion is that there are many having the operating or maintaining of any walka-AUSTRALIA-Martin C.Brennan, City Tatter- Circus season is here again and every sall's Bldg., 198 Pitt Street.PARIS-Theodore same name.Troupers receiving mailboy, young and old, is thrilled becausethon or similar endurance contest. . Wolfram, Hotel Stevens, Rue Alfred -Stevens. viathemail -forwardingserviceandit is one of our greatest American in- Therefore, any form of amusement SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN AD- finding that it is not meant for them which is not a walkathon or a similarVANCE-One Year, $5; Two Years,se.These stitutions; it brings with it some of the rates apply in the United States. U. S. Possessions, should put it in another envelope and cleanest, best en-form of amusement does not conflictCanada and Countries in Pan American Postal return it marked "Opened by mistake." tertainmentthatwith this State law and can be properly Union.Rates in other foreign countries upon re- I missed a letter last winter, I know, forCourtesy as conducted in Michigan provided, how- quest. Subscribers when requesting change of ad- I later talked to the person who sent it we have.I haveever, that a permit of the conduct of dress should give former as well as present address. noticed that the DISPLAY ADVERTISING-Fifty Centsper to me. But another sent in for it andModern Asset besttheatersinsuch shows as are not in conflict withAgate Line. Whole Page, $350; Half Page, 1175; I lost the letter because of his neg- this law is obtained in such communi-Quarter Page, $87.50.No display advertisement our town treat pa- measuring less than four lines accepted.Last ad- lect to return the thing that did notFor Circuses tronsasgueststies in Michigan which provide for per-vertising form goes to press noon Monday. belong to him.I am not complaining, mits. No telegraphed advertisements accepted unless re- and make them mittance is telegraphed or mailed so as to reach pub- only trying to make troupers see wherefeel that they are wanted.The day lication office before noon Monday. we might lose lots of things thru thiswhen one had to do a song and dance I've just received a drawing of myself The Billboard reserves the right to edit all adver- carelessness,friends,propositions,to get a room from a hotel clerk is past;from Lester Griesbaum, of 615 George tising copy. money, etc. A little more considerationtoday they greet one as a guest andstreet, in Alton, Ill., who was a con- for others would insure our receivingtreat him that way.For a long timetestant in Hugh Talbott's Decatur show. si.EavierevilLelis19 mail and not losing it thru the fault ofsome circuses looked upon towners asLester is without a doubt one of the others. HARRY E. MOORE. hicks and treated them as such: theycleverest artists that has been my good would condescend to sell them ticketsfortune to meet in a long time. He hasVol. XLVIII. MAY 23, 1936. No. 21 and from then on the personnel of thedefinitely broken away from the en- Dallas. show acted as tho they were doing thedurance field and is trying to make adevelop it.Maybe there Is something For the record of the History of thecustomers a favor by performing forsuccess as a commercial artist.He didin it.It's thru suggestions of this na- Theater in Texas that the McCord Thea-them. This has changed in the past sev-a great piece of work for me and I knowture, carriedin the columns of The ter Museum is now making and a dis-eral years, and the big shows treat onethat he will be tickled to death to hearBillboard thru the co-operative efforts play of which will be shown at Texasas he expects to be treated-as a guest.from other members of the enduranceof this publication, that the endurance Centennial Expo-Now let's make this unanimous; let thefield who may want to have him makefield is to find salvation. sitionhere,wesmaller shows join in and do likewise.up some likenesses of their own pictures. I shall be very happy to hear from McCord Theaterwant all data ob-Towns are willing to co-operate withHere's an orchid for Lester and bestoperators, contestants and emsees alike Museum Seekingtainable,aswella show if the latter shows that it is sowishesfor success. as to their reaction on this idea.Any asrepresentativeinclined.Bailey Bros. wintered here promoter desiring to develop it is cer Data for Exhibitpictures, pro-two years ago and on their opening A suggestion has justcome in fromtainly welcome to take up the idea. grams, posters andday the mayor and other city officialsKen Reeves, an ex -marathoner, now liv- the like, fromrode in the parade.Crowds should being at 2024 Seymour avenue, Cleveland, To promoters thinking of coming in- every theater and opera house that hashandled in such a manner that they0., that really has considerable logic be-to , which is still an open State, been built in Texas.We would likewill feel they are /wanted and not inhind it.He suggests that inasmuch aswith shows this summer, may I make to place as much of the material asthe way.I suggest that when the bigthere are many very good "troupers" inthis suggestion:DON'T WASTE YOUR possible in the permanent files of theshow is over at night, all tearing downthe endurance field that a "troupers*"MONEY. The State has been run dry. McCord Theater Museum, where it willbe stopped for 10 or 15 minutes to giveorganization be foruied.Such "troup-Illegitimate operators have wrecked it be safely housed, completely catalogedpatrons a chance to get off the grounds.ers" with real entertaining ability, heand legitimate operators, who have tried and preserved for future students ofAs it is now, there is danger of beingbelieves, would be quick to join suchto run in Illinois, have lost their shirts. the theater; that which present ownerstrampled by horses or run down by aan organization and a drive would beOne or two have made money; the pres- are not willing to part with just nowwagon. The time that the show wouldstarted to find the best "trouper" in theent show there is doing very well, every- we would like to borrow to display inlose would be made up in good will ofcountry,followingtheMajor Bowesthing considered, but the rest of the the Centennialexhibit, with the as-patrons.Let everyone on the show takeplan.Such members would be dividedState is burned up.Forget Illinois for surance that it will be carefully kandleda personal interest in their work andinto units, arrangements to be made in and returned to them at end of thein the people they are working for- a year or two.Likewise Kentucky. advance for such units to be presented CentennialCelebration. Fromeverythe patrons who come to see perform-at various theaters for a week's run in town we want a list of every theater,ances.When the Ringling show waseach theater. A winner would be picked And now let me put one question to from earliest to most recent, with aslast here I talked 20 people into goingeach night by a selected group of citi-every reader of this section of The Bill- many facts about each theater and theby assuring them that the show reallyzens and on the final night of the weekboard.This question has come to me plays presented there as can be got-looked out for their comfort and thatall winners would compete for a grandin more than 200 letters.I refuse to ten.Prom every theater we want datathey would be treated as guests.(Noprize.The final winner would be grad-answer it.On the other hand, I would concerning the house, date it was built,passes, either, for I spent $9 plus taxuated to what the correspondent callsrather that you interested readers an- names of persons who built and ownedfor my tickets.)Don't overcharge, bea star unit; composed of winners entire-swer the question for me. WHAT ARE it; dates on which it was remodeled, ifcourteous, make patrons comfortable, bely.And thus, the most outstanding en-WE GOING TO DO TO SAVE THE EN- ever changed; dates on which it wastheir host, treat them as they shouldtertaining "troupers" would be fclund.DURANCE GAME FROM EXTINCTION? resold, if ever resold; date it was lastbe treated and they will be waiting forHe further suggests that each of theseThe writer has done everything he pos- used;dateitwas destroyed,ifde-you at the ticket wagon when the doorsunits carry an intelligent and pleasingsibly can as a lone human being.He stroyed; what it is used for now, if stillopen.Yours for better circuses. master of ceremonies who would presenthasfoughtan up -hillfightalone. standing; measurements of house and E. W. WISE. the acts.Just as Major Bowes startedWhether my work is appreciated or not stage.Pictures: Of house asit was an amateur idea that has grown to tre-isbeside the question.The fact re- when first built, interior of house while mendous proportions, so he feels thatmains that one man can't do it.You it was being used, of owner, manager, Veterans' Home, these "troupers" would develop into areaders are the masters of your own orchestra leader; of house as it is now, if Napa County, Calif. splendid organization of real talent withfates, and the captains of your souls. still standing, of actors, actresses and There have been several interestingreal earning capacity. What do you think can be done and other performers who played there. Pro-lettersin The Forum recently about Of course, advance publicity would bewhat should be done? grams: Earliest program we can get,the old Norris & Rowe Circus, one inneeded in the towns which such "troup- I shall be very happy to hear from representative later programs, most re-the May 2 issue written by my olders" would hit.They could be tied up,you all on this score. cent program, special souvenir programs. friend "Chick"of course, with the name of walkathon, Handbills: Earliest that can be found, Watson, who ad-being known as former members of the representative ones for later years, thoseError Seen in vised that he waswalkathon industry, and in that wayENDURANCE SHOWS showing variety of performances such as thefirst bandthe theaters would obtain the patronage (Continued from page 23) circus, minstrels, dance, vaudeville, etc.Norris & Roweleader the Norrisof thousands of walkie fans who would Showcards and posters: For any per- & Rowe show to see the best that the enduranceTonyBerthelot,DannyandMilly formance that was given there: Biogra-Circus Letter It is many a yearfieldcouldoffer.He feels, and theBremer. Will keep an eye on the Letter phies: Of Texas people. Day book: List- since I have seenwriter joins with him, that this newList for mail." ing all plays that appeared there for anyhim or any of the rest of the gang whoidea would take. period of time.Press books, accountwere "with it" in the old days.Chick Eventually, after the passage of a year EDDIE BEGLEY, former walkathon books, record scrapbooks: Giving in-was slightly in error in parts of his let-or two, while these "troupers" are tour-emsee, has settled in New Haven, Conn., formation about the theater or playster.He wrote that when he left theing the country, the endurance fieldandisdoing sportsbroadcasts over presented there.Newspaper clippings:show in about 1900 it was a 12 -car out-could start all over again with a "troup-WELLEddie is doing all of the Yale Concerning thetheater,people con-fit.Well,Ijoined the show in March,ers' " endurance contest with real pro-baseball games, in addition to holding nected with it or plays given there. No-1900,as"premier" second peck -hornmoters behind them. down a regular announcer's job. tations: As to where any of the above -"artist," and when I joined out it was What do you clean, intelligent pro- mentionedmaterialcanbelocated.a three -car show.Later in the seasonmoters think of this idea? Why not sleep GENE MONTGOMERY,Harrisburg, Names: Of any persons who might havewe got a 60 -foot flat, and in 1902 it hadon it?This is merely the germ of anIll., would like one from ZekeYoung- any of this material or information anddeveloped into a five -car show.I be-idea, but I do think it is a good one.blood.Zeke, incidentally, is said to be to whom we might write. The museumlieve it started to develop into a circusThink it over.See how well you can°painting a show at Egg Harbor, N..7 117Pr4r11.*71A1M-P.i, rrrrir4121000

28 The Billboard May 23, 1936 ALTHAUSER-Fred J.,71. president heart failure in New York.Thornton. of Cincinnati Local No. 5, IATSE, and was a member of the Players.Survived active in Cincinnati theaters for nearly by Cecilia Donahue, a niece, who claimed half a century, at his home in that the body. city May 13.Funeral services May 16. The Cattain WALTHALL-Junius L., 47, brother of Survived by his widow. Henry B. Walthall, legit and movie ac- ARLICK-Susan, 25, aerialist, of theOaks Cemetery, Chicago.Mrs. Fritchiea popular troupe in Canada.A fewtor, May 10 of a heart attack at his home Four Queens act with Conklin's All -retired from the stage about 10 yearsyears later the company became knownin Birmingham, Ala. Canadian Shows, was fatally injured inago.Survived by her husband, a sonas the Marks Bros.' Show, with R. W. WEBB Capt. Thomas E.,85, who a fall while performing at Kitchener,and a sister. , as manager and Tom as featured come- Ont., May 7.Details (received too late GOMEZ-ALORAS -Miguel, father ofdian.Several years later Tom formedclaimed to be the originator of trained for ginal Curtain) apepared in the newsthe well-known Spanish dancersthehis own company, which made some 18sealacts and who traveled with the columns of last issue. Gomez Trio, April 30 at Arnouville lestrips to the Pacific Coast.SurvivingBarnum & Bailey Circus in this country BONNEMOY-Former manager of theGonesse, suburb of Paris. him are one daughter, Mrs. L. E. Perrin,and abroad, recently at his home in municipal theaters of Bordeaux, Metz, of Chicago, who formerly had out herTonawanda, N. Y.Burial in Elmlawn. GUNN-Wilford J.,58,for 28 years Cemetery, that city.Webb built a for- Besancon and Rouen, France, at Royat,clarinet player with the Cincinnati Sym-own company known as the Arlie Markstune with his seals, which he began to France, recently at the age of 52. phony Orchestra, at his home in Cincin-Show, and four brothers, R. W. andtrain 40 years ago after a friend had CHAPPELLE-Everett J., 33, musician,nati May 13 of pneumonia. He had beenJ.E.C., of Christies Lake;Ernie, of in Los Angeles May 7. Oshawa, Ont., and John, of British Co-given one to him as a pet.Nephews ill for 10 weeks. Gunn was a native oflumbia. now carryonhiswork. Theyare CHERRY-Elizabeth, 67, one of theTurner Falls,Mass. Survived by his Charles, Harry and William Pickard, of four Cherry Sisters, popular to music -widow, Mrs. Lena Johnson Gunn, and MARZ-Anna, 62, mother of StanleyTonawanda.Webb also played vaude- hall customers 40 years ago, in a hos-one daughter, Mrs. Claudia Stewart, ofMarz, operator of the State Theater,ville circuits in this country and Europe. pital in Cedar Rapids, Ia.. May 11. TwoCincinnati. Saginaw, Mich., in that city recently.Survived by thewidow, Mrs. Diana of the Cherry Sisters, Effie and Addle, Survived by four sons and three daugh-Webb. arestillcarrying on, playing an oc- HALLIER-Charles J., 65, a musicianters.Burial at Manistee, Mich. in theater orchestras and an organizer WEIDENER-Eugene Z., 58, director of casional theater or night club date. of the Second Regiment Band of New ORLANDO-Fred, 25, musician with CHURCH-Frederick A.,58, superin- Billy Hastings' Orchestra, May 11 whenthe Ringgold and Rajah Shrine bands, tendent of Playland, Rye, N. Y., for nineHaven, Conn., of a stroke May 8 in New Reacting, Pa., May 8 at his home in that Haven.Survived by a son, Walter automobile in which he was ridingcity.A native of Pottstown, Pa., he had years, in White Plains, N. Y., SupremeRather. overturnedbetweenMilwaukeeand Court May 11 while testifying in a suit Hartford, Wis. played with Sousa, Creatore and Pryor. against the park. He was born in Stam- HAWLEY-Hughson, 86, architect and WRIGHT-Charles T 71,father of ford, Ont., graduated from Tufts College,water -colorartist,who paintedthe PASTACALDI - Antonio, 45, wellHarold Clyde Wright, musical comedy Boston, was in the U. S. Army Engineer-scenery for Steele Mackaye's play Hazelknown in America and Europe as ansinger, May 9 at the University Hospital, ing Corps during the late war and wasKirIce, produced at the Madison Squareillusionist under the name Wetrik, inPhiladelphia, of pneumonia.Surviving councilman of Venice, Calif., where hisTheater in New York February 4, 1880,Italy recently. arehiswidow, twosons and four widow resides.He was a member ofat Brighton, England, May 11.Survived RACARTE - Mlle.,actress, from anbrothers. Pryor & Church, an old Chicago firm,by his son, H. Dudley Hawley, a Newacidental fall from a plane while waving which manufactured the devices he de-York actor; Mrs. Jennie Hawley, threeto a friend at Biarritz, France, May 8. signed or created.Before joining thatdaughters, and another son, Charles. RICHARDS-Charles N., 85, for more firm he was mechanical engineer for the HEINZE-Louis G.,78, organist andthan half a century connected with the Cow iiy772.,,,L9es Webster Engineering Company, Chicago,piano instructor, May 9 at his home inbusiness end of the theater, at his home for 10 years. Among his inventions arePhiladelphia.Heinze was president ofin Malden, Ill., May 5. Bart Woodyard, orchestra leader, and the Airplane Coaster and the Kentuckythe Theodore Presser Foundation and RINARD-Howard L.,52, prominentCarolyn Hessemer, of Portland, Ore., an- Derby, at Playland, as well as the Grotto,of the Presser Home for Retired Musicin the ownership and operation of rid-nounced their engagement May 2.Wed- about whichthelitigationrevolved.Teachers.His widow and one sistering devices and other businesses, par-ding in July. Frank W. Darling, then director of thesurvive. ticularly in Pennsylvania, at his home Sam Lyons, theatrical agent and man- park, brought him east as superintend- HILLBFIRG - Mrs.WilmaHultgren,in Everett, Pa., recently.From 1903 toager of Johnny Green and Jack Benny. ent.Body was removed to the Russellconcert pianist and formerly soloist with1925 he was in partnership with hisand Joy Lynne, vocalist with Johnny J. Shaw mortuary, Port Chester, N. Y.,the New York Symphony Orchestrabrother,George,intheamusementGreen's Orchestra, June 19. where services were held May 14. Inter-when Walter Damrosch was director,business.He was a member of Luther- Engagement of Paul Lupo, saxophone ment was private.Widow, brother andMay 8 at Mineola, L. I., N. Y.Survivedan Church, a 32d degree Mason and aplayer with Ken Moyer's band, and Helen sister survive him. Other details appearbher husband, a son and two daugh-Shriner.Survived by his widow. Lil-Smiling, acrobatic dancer at the Ring- in the Parks department this issue. ters. lian;threechildren,Graffious, Ruthside Club, Fort Worth, was announced CONTI-Jean, French playwright and HULIN- Charles, 27, French animaland Paul; two brothers, George L. andat the club May 8. theatrical manager, in Paris April 29. trainer and nephew of Jouviano, menag-Cyrus, and two sisters, Frances Rinard GeorgeTolin,specialfeatures an- DIXON-Fred J., 48, manager of An-erie owner and animal trainer, was at-and Mrs.Harry Manspeaker. Inter-nouncer for KGGC, San Francisco, and derson Free Fair, at his home in Ander-tacked and killed by one of the Jouvianoment in Everett Cemetery. Dorothy Edna Thomas, vocalist, in that son, Ind., recently, following a long peri-lions which he was working atthe SANDERSON - Gladys,38,formercity June 6. od of ill health.He had been active 15Gingerbread Fair in Paris April 30. radio entertainer, in Detroit May 9 fol- Mary Bernstein, recently with Eddie 'years in connection with the fair, espe- JOHNSTON-Mary, 63, playwright andlowing a major operation.For the lastCantor's revue on the Pacific Coast, has cially in the speed department, where heauthor of To Have and To Hold and18 months she had been entertainingannouncedherengagementtoPhil built up an outstanding harness pro-many other popular historical novels, atin a double act in the hotels of theRubin, of Des Moines. gram and secured installation of a light-her home, Three Hills, in Bath County,Dewitt chain.She was the first pianist ing system for night racing.SurvivedVa., May 9.Burial was made in Rich-for the old Red Apple Club, a weekly by his widow, a brother and sister. mond, Va. feature on WCK, and was later known DOMBROWSKI-John, 43, owner of LA CENTRA-Joseph, 63, veteran mu-as the Ukulele Lady on WJC, both of Johnnie's Bar, meeting place of many ofsician and comedian, April 30 at hiswhich stations have since gone off the ritlattiayes the American vaude and circus proshome in New Smyrna, Fla.He hadair.For a long time she teamed up when in Paris, succumbed to a heartbeen with the Barnum & Bailey Circus,with Charlotte Meyers in radio.Sur- COLLINS-DUNN - Maurice(Monte) attack at his home in (larches, France,Camp's Wild West Show, various min-vived by her ,mother, a sister and aCollins,screen comedian, and Gladys May 3.Survived by hisparents Instrels and for many years in vaudevillebrother.Burial in Forestiawn Ceme-Dunn at Yuma, Ariz., May 9. Warsaw and two brothers in Rochester,as a member of the team of La Centre.tery, Detroit. GORDON-MAYES-John Gordon, con- N. Y. and La Rue, novelty musical turn. He SELLERS-George, 31,athletic showcessioner with Dodson's World's Fair EDWARDS-Eddie, legitimate,stockalso toured Europe.Survived by twoworker, was instantly killed when he fellShows, and Peggy Mayes at Pittsburgh and vaudeville actor and formerly man-daughters,ofBayCity,Mich.,andfrom atrain between Nashville andrecently. agerofthe FenkelTheater,DetroitMiami. Chattanooga recently.He opened the GRAY-COLLINS-Erman Gray, of Mu. neighborhood house, suddenly athis LINDERMAN-William (Farmer Bill),season with the Dixie Exposition Showssteal Grays, and Thelma 0.Collins, summer homenearMilford,Mich.,concessioner with the Johnny J. Jonesand was en route to join the Empiredaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Collins, May 7. Exposition, of pneumonia in a hospitalState Shows when the accident occurred.recently on the stage of the DeForrest FRANK-William, 67, musician in theat JohnstownPa., May 11.He hadSells was with the Cetlin & Wilson andDramaticCompanytenttheaterat Chicago Symphony Orchestrafor32been with carnivals more than 20 years,Max eruberg's World's Exposition showsEagan, Tenn. Both are members of the years, May 11 in a hospital in Shawnee,including Rubin & Cherry, Zeidman &last season.Body was shipped to hisDeForrest show. Wis. Frank retiredin 1933 and hadPolite, Sheesley and other organizations.home town, Mascot, Tenn., where inter- KAYE-SHADE-JesseKaye, booker been living in Cecil, Wis. Body was shipped to his mother at Mid-ment was made May 7.His widow andwith the Fanchon & Marco office in FRITCHIE-Mrs. Burrill, 55, for manydletown, N. Y., May 12. brother survive. New York, to Lillian Shade, singer, in years a musical comedy singer under the McDONALD-George W.,65,veteran SMITH-Ruth, 20, daughter of Mr. andNew York May 9. name of Bessie Taylor, at her home introuper, of heart disease at Marietta, 0.,Mrs.ErnieSmith,rubecomedians, KENDALL-JENKS-Francis Read Ken- Chicago May 8.Burial was in GlenMay 1.He began his career at the ageknown professionally as Smith and La -dall, Los Angeles motion picture colum- of 12 as boy cornetist with the Deffen-your, recently at a Toledo, 0., hospitalnist, and Jean Sydle Jenks, Pittsburgh baugh Circus.McDonald worked as aof pneumonia apparently causedbysociety girl, in Los Angeles May 2. bandleaderwiththe Lemon Bros.,shock from a motor accident May 5. KENT-FOY-PaulKent,nonprofes- Edwin Clifford Washburn Arlington, French's New Sen- STARKEY-Harry F., a sheetwriter forsional, and Gloria Foy, musical comedy sation, Murry and Mack. Wiedemann,the last 25 years, in a Milwaukee hos-actress, in Oakland, Calif., recently. Edwin Clifford, 64, for many years Rice's Minstrels and Bob Fitzsimmonspital May 11 of pneumonia.Funeral KNAPP-GRAFTON - OrvilleKnapp, one of the outstanding theatrical pro- shows.In 1901 he organized the Mc-servicesin Milwaukee May 14.Royleader of the dance orchestra at the ducersinthe countryaspartner of Donald Stock Company, which for10 Graham, F. E. Wiesflicker and 10 otherWaldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, and Edward Rowland, at the home of his years was well known thruout the Southpaper men served as pallbearers.Sur-GloriaGrafton,leadingwomanin sisterinHollywood May 10after a and West.In 1912 McDonald enteredvived by one sister. Jumbo, until recently at the Hippo- lingering illness.He was a native of vaudeville with his wife as the Musical STEVENS-Mrs. T.A.,professionallydrome, New York, May 10 in Harrison, Wisconsin and for more than 30 years McDonalds.They remained in vaude-known as Madam Mozelle, this seasonN. Y. operated with Rowland as Rowland & ville until 1922, when McDonald organ-with Sol's Liberty Shows, of lobar pneu- LANKOW-LARSON - Edward Lankow, Clifford, out of Chicago. Production ized McDonald's Music Mixers, travelingmonia at Burham Hospital, Champlain,basso, who sang with Caruso and other team made theirfirstbig strikein dance band and floor -show unit, withHl., May 14.Interment in Showmen'sMetropolitan Opera notables, and Mrs. "Over Niagara Falls" and followed It which he was working at the time of hisRest, burial plot of Showmen's LeagueEdna Lloyd Larson, nonpro, in Armonk. with "The Rosary," whichissaid to death.Survived by his widow, Hazelle;of America, in Woodlawn Cemetery, Chi-N. Y., recently. have earned them $1,000,000. An- one son, Girod, and one sister.Funeralcago. MORSE -DAVENPORT - Edwin H. other financial hit produced and toured services and interment at Redkey, Ind. STILTS-Levi (Snake), 72, former cir-Morse, stage manager of Dead End, now by Rowland & Clifford was "Divorce MARBE-William, 65, father of Faycus musician, was burned to death re-current on Broadway, and Alice Daven- Question," firstplay by William An- Marbe, actress, in New York May 14. cently when his home near Marion, Ind.,port, actress now with NBC, in Green- thony McGuire.They concentrated on MARKS-Thomas H. (Tom), 81, vet-was destroyed by fire. wich, Conn., May 15. melodramas for many years and dur- eran Canadian showman and comedian, TEARLE-Mrs. Godfrey,26, formerly MOSKOWITZ - KANNER - Abraham ing the '90s their firm was outstand- at his birthplace at Christies Lake, nearan actress and wife of Godfrey Tearle,Moskowitz, violinist and orchestra direc- ing in the legit field. Perth,Ont., May 9.He worked foractor, of pneumonia May 13 in London.tor, and Rose Kanner, both of Bridge- Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Henry many years with the old Buffalo BillSurvived by her husband, who, tho anport, Conn., in Bridgeport May 10. A.F.Schroeder, wife of the former show, first as advance agent and laterAmerican by birth, became thefirst ROLF-SWARTZ-Cal Rolf, manager of auditor -managerinLosAngelesfor as comedian.That was before Buffalopresident of British Actors' Equity inthe Cal Rolf Trio, and Elsie Swartz re- Oliver Morosco, and Mrs. T. W. Bur- Bill had the Wild West show.Later1932. cently at the Coliseum, St. Louis. withhisbrother,R. W. Marks, and THORNTON-Richard, 69, actor who ROUARK-CARPER - M. H. Rouark, gelhans, of Seattle. cousins, Jennie and Emma Wells, hehad played with Lillian Russell, Lesliesongwriter, singer and former orchestra formed the Emma Wells Company, onceCarter and Mildred Holland, May 9 of (See MARRIAGES on page 77) The Billboard 29

MAIL ON HAND AT Lilts, Mrs. G. F. Davis, Theo Francis, Roy Heffiner, Jimmie Loomis, Amy ( Smoky) Frank, Toney Heti ron,1)r.J. CINCINNATI OFFICE Lovell, Mrs. M. Day, J. E. Frantz,Jerry Helman, Jim Lovell, Ray Day, Tip 0. Frazier, Whitey Henderson,Ernest 25-27 Opera Place. Luken, Janet Deady,P. VincentFrederick Am. Co.Henderson,I.ewv McAuliffe.Mrs. Debrow Myrl Frederick, Henry Henderson Stock Parcel Post Ruth Decker. A. Freeman.Geo.II. CO. Barton. May, Do Howard & Fuller,McCoy, Mrs. Clara Deerfoot, Chief Freeman, R. O. Henderson, W. F. Boswell, F. C., 6o 10cMcDaniels,Grace Deerfoot, Jack Freesland, J. G. Hennessee, Red Brewer, C. H. ScLevan. Pauline. Sc fettet fist La P.Fuller, Lew Hentzleman, Ralph Burlingame,Mrs. Len hart, Ray, 30 (Woman) Del Veko, Prof. Fuller,Robert H. E. Alma, 15oMcNally, Arthur McDonald, Mrs. Delacy, Fern Fulmer, Marvin Herschner, Ted BMW, J. W., 13o P., 6c KittyNOTE-The mail held at the various offices of The HendessaYFulton.Lester Hess, A. Clark, Geo., 22c Mooney, W. F., McKenzie, Mrs. Delanie, Pat Gage, Roht. H. Hester, W. H. Clay, E. P., 6c 12e FlonnieBillboard is classified under their respective heads,Delfin, M.L. Gagnon, Bert Hewitt, Wm. Dixon, Edward, 6cNewman. Mrs. N. McKune, Mrs. Geo. Helms, Ralph Gallagher. C. P. Judkins Durham, Bill, Sc E., 12oMcLain, AnnabelleI.e., mail at the Cincinnati Office will be foundDelo, Nick Gallagher, Pat & Hibbard, H. B. Freeman, R.C., Phillips, J. D., 4oMcLane, Mrs. P. J. Denney, HarryI. MickeyHibler, A. B. Hickman, T. R. 150Potts,WalterTi., Mable, Marie under the heading of the CINCINNATI OFFICE andDennis Jr.. W. H.Gallagher,Paul Goodwin, Mart, Co (Dodo) Denny, Harry Pat Red 20cPounders, Al S., Madden, Alma Dent, C. R. Galloway, Eddie Hicks, Red Gray, Roy, Sc SoMadden. Alma mail at the New York Office will be found underDernberger, A. J. LeeHightower, J.A. Hall, Geo.L.. 60Weyman, Buddy, Maddix, Mrs. Ruth Derwells, Flying Galvin, John ( Dusty Hammond, E., 38o Main. Betty the heading of NEW YORK OFFICE, etc. Dexter, Bert Garfield, Doc Higgins. James 20oMallon, Mrs. W. J. DeZeel Bros.' Garfinkle,Irving Hill, C. N. March, Marion Show Garfinkle, Joe Hill.Col.Delbert Ladies' List Marshall, Peggy Smith, Bebe Valentine,Mrs. Bernard, Billie Carrigan.Johnnie Dick,Billy Garner, Joe H. Ii. Adams, Mrs. MaryEllison, Jane Marshall, Tiny Smith, Florence Henry BettyBerry, Curly Carroll, Richard Dickens,Raleigh Garnl, Doe Hill, P. C. Adams, Mrs. Eske, Madam Martich Gdn, Smith, Mrs.ChrisVan Allen, MedusaBerry. Harry Carson, The Dixon, Ed & BabeGarrett. Alex R. Hill, Red GladysEstridge, Miss PearlSmith, Mrs. Van Lidth, Mrs. Bertram,Bert Juggling (Happy ) Gaskill, Jack Hillman, Carl L. Adrian, Trudy BillieMartin, Ethel Pauline EvelynBetty, Jack Carter, Billy Dixon, John IV.' Gatchell, H. S. Hinton, Roy E. Allen, Mary Nell Floyd, Ruth JenkinsSmith, Selina Van Vockenberg, Bey. Ben Carter.Ferix Doherty, R. 0. Gaylor,Bob Hobbs, Gordon Allen, Mrs. Eden Fontelle,Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Joe Smith,Stella Mrs. A. C.Biggs, Harry Carter, Jimmie (Bobby) Gazink, Geo. Hockburg, Jack Allen, Prairie Lilly PatriciaMay, Janet Smith, Mrs. TraceyVarnell,Helen Bills, Dr. J.C. Carter, Wrey Dollar, Billy Geisler, Henry Hodge, Monroe Anthony. Mrs. M. Frank, Mrs. Abe Mayne. Mrs. D. B. B.Vierra, Mrs. AlbertBink, Geo. Caruso. Johnnie Doscin, Chas. Gentry, Bobby Hodges, Jimmy Fraziue, Madam Mayne, Mrs. Smuckler, Mrs. Vinncy,Ellie Bird, W. E. WillieCarver, Adem Doucet,Poley George, Eli Hoffman, Henry Appleby, Mrs. (Bearded Lady) Martha ManeWadsworth,Mrs. Birmingham,Jas. Casey, Frank Douglas, Cy George, Frank Hoffman. Norman EdnaGardiner,FlorenceMelville, Mrs. Snodgrass. Mrs. I.N. L. ( Whitey) Douglas. Donald George,Williams Hogg, Clarence Arlen, Bea Garner, Elinor Ralph NonaWalls, Mabel Bisbee, J. C. Casey, Jingle C. Gerad, Charles Holdemess,R.R. Arnold, Mary Garner, Mrs. R. B.Melville, Mrs. Snyder, Lillian Ward, Mammie Bizzell, Frank Cassari, Eugene Downard, Virgil Gerber, Joseph Holley, Wilbert W. Ayres, Mrs. LenaGibson,Pearl ThelmaSorensen, Mrs. Warner, Mrs. BillieBlackfoot,BlackieCatalano, Tony Downs, Jack Gerry, Frank J. Holliday, Charles Babylon. Lena Gilligan. Mrs. E. Mete, Pauline RobertWarren, Mrs. Blackstone, Doc Cates,Bill Downs, Matt Gibbons, Guy Holly, A.F. Bailey's, Maudie. Metz, Mrs. Grace Speed, Mrs. RobertBlair, Bud Cauble, A. M. Doyle, Sam Gibson, Geo. Holman & Bittner Wheeler, Mrs. Blake, Fred Cauble,J. ComediansGlassford,Venita Metz, Mrs. Helen Margaret B. Drake, Paul W. Gibson, John H. Holmes, Billy Bailey. Melba W.Meyers. Mrs. IreneSpot, Dolly Geo.Blake, W. A. Cauble,R.I. Dryden, Charlie Gilbert,Geo.C. Holtzer, Al Baker, Mrs. Jo DeGordon, Lillian Meyer, Mrs. Rose Sproull, Mrs. Whipple, Mrs. Bland. Richard Cave, Wm. J. Duffin, Matt Gilbert, Barry Holtzman. F. W. Ballard, Mrs. LupeGordon, Mrs.Jas.Michel. Leona I. Albert LunaBlondin-Rellims Ceataro,V. L.' Duffy, George Gilberts, Ole Hooper, Earnest Banks, Tommy R.Michell, Miss P. Stack, Irene White Eagle,Mrs. Troupe, TheChalkias, Win. Dufour. Lew Gill,Chas.E. Horn, Henry Barlow, Emma Grant,Mrs.FredMiller, Babette Stanley, Bessie GenevaBoardman, OrlandoChambers, Bob Duncan, Kenneth Gillgiaten. Geo. D.Hoskins. Troy Barnes, Marie Gray,Dottie Mitchell, Mrs. Gen.Stanley. Mrs. Tem'White. Mrs. Mary Chambers, Earl Dunlap, Dr. Ted Girard, Harry BOUM er, Sam Barry, Mrs. GeorgeGreensburg.Mrs. Morgan, Gloria St antl if f ,Sallie Whyte, Roslyn Bobbie, Chaney, Richard Dunn, Lyman Glaum, Ray Howell, Ed Bell, Crystal BarabaraMorgan,Hilts Stendahl,Hazel Wilkes, Mrs. AccordionistChapman, Louis DuVall, Geo. FelixGlen, Red Wing Howard, Joe Benter, Ginger LeeGriffith, Mrs. Morton, Alvira Stenson, Mrs. W. GraceBeckman, Ted Chillson, J.J. Durham, Chas. Glor, 0. H. ( Whitie) Bentley, Mrs. S. D. Edward G.Mrquies, Mrs. H.Williams, Anna P.Boden, Warren Cheney, Bob Durante,Bill Gloth Carnival CO.Howard, JohnE. Bestland. Mrs. Gross, Mrs. J. P. MajelStokes, Ray Williams,DorothyBoila, Nick Childre,Lew Hurling, Ernest Glover, Geo. R. Howard, Mysterious HarryHale, Billie Murphy, Mrs. Summers, Viola Williams. Mrs. Bolden,LaVaughr.Choates Comedians (Slim) Godwin, Bert 0. Howard, N. C. Bevan, Mary Hall,Virginia AgnesSwindell, Mrs. Geo. IreneBoman, Ed Choen, Harold Dykes, Fred Goetz, Austin Howe Bros.' Bibby, Mrs. PearlHardeman, Mrs. Murray, Ginger H.Wilson, Alma M. Bond,B.E. Chrisman, Taga Dyte, Geo.E. Goff, Newell E. Side Show Billings,Mildred VerneMurrill, Mrs. FlowSykes, Dottie Wilson, Elsie (Dad)Chrison, John Eagle, LeRoy Golden Eagle Howell, A. H. Binks, Ruby Harden, Mrs. L. H.Myers, Rose Taft, Thelma Wilson, Edna MaeBond. Rex Christopher, Joe Eames, E. L. Carnival Co.Howey, Clyde Biron, Pearl Harding, Melee Nelson,Mrs.HulaTaylor, Sara Wilson, Mrs. F. W.Boola-Boola Christy & HigginsEarby, Edd Goldstein, Al Hubbard, Cliff Black, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. NorrisTaylors, Mn.e IreneWilson. Mrs. Capt.Borkland Christy. Wayne Earnliart, E. E. Goodeagle, Tem Hudspeth, Fred Delight CatherineNeville, Maxine Terrill, Mrs. Wilson.Mrs.Cliff CorporationChristy Obrecht Eastman, C. L: Goodman, Wm. Hudspeth,T.C. Blanch. Mrs. Harris,Lillian Newman. Mrs.N. JeanetteWilson, Mrs. MaryBouda, C. F. PlayersEaves, Irwin L. SparkyHugo, Capt. DetailsHarrison, Mrs. Flo E.Terrill,Mrs. MaryWillison, Mrs. Boude,Clinton Claflin,Tuff y Erlin f fel&Danny Goodwin. R.E. Hull, Harold H. Blevins, Mrs. Flo Hartsell, Mrs. Nieberle, Mrs.' J. BurlyBow Wow Key Clark,EdgarF. Edrlington, Cecil Goos, Robert L. Hull,Hubert Bludsworth,Mrs. Wade Louis J.Teske, Mrs. BerthaWinners, Mrs. Bowel), Walter Clark, L. R. Eddies, Harry ( Silas Evans)Hull, Jimmy MaryHarvey, Mrs. PearlNiquette,Altamae Thomas, Mrs. Nick MaudeBowin, Richie C. Clark, Slim Edward. Blake Gordon, Alvin Hull's Comedians Borring. Elvira RingerNoble, Mrs. Miko Thomas, Ruth Winnie, Winsome Bowlegs, Chief Clark, Tigor (O. Edwards, Billie Gough, 0. W. Hunt, Claude Bowman, Mrs. EdHavens, Mrs. North, Cecelia Thompson, Miss Winslow, Hazel Willie G.)Edwards, Curtis Gradon, Vance' Hunt, Jimmie Boyer, Mrs. Chas. RichardNorton, Mrs. Mary M. (Williams)Bowman. Ed A. Clayton, Eugene Edwards, Duke Grady,Kellie, Hunter, R. H. G.Hawkins, Myrtle OuttenThorpe, Mrs. N. A.Wood, Elenore Reyes,Chick Cleaning Com- Edwards.Sir ShowsHunter, Thad Boyette, Jean Hearn. Mrs. Jack Norton, Mrs. MaryThorpp, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. BerthaBoykin, Arthur L pound Co.Eicher, Jimmie Graham, Jack Hunter, W. C. Brooks. Mrs. Heath. Mrs. O'Connell. ErnestWoodward. Mrs. Boykin, Henry Clever, Ben Eldridge, Arthur Grant, Frank BabeHuntingtonNickel Howard Juliet MercedesThorpe, Mrs. RuthBozwa, George Click, V. C. Eldridge, Luit Grant, Fred D. Plate Show Brooks, Mrs. G. Heatherly, Ruby O'Dell. Mrs. SussieWorsley. Mrs. lea Brad, Fred Clifton, Harry RobertGraver,Johnnie Hutchinson,Red Brown, Dorothy Pearl PatriciaTierney. Viola MaeBradham,Charlie (Slipfoot) Eli, Meshes Graves. Marion Hutchison Sr., Tout Brown, Mrs. R. B.Helwig, Marie Oldfield, Mrs. Thu m era.Mrs.S. Wright, Gwen Brady, King Clifton, W. L. Ellingsworth, G. Gray, Bee Ho Hyatt,Paul M. Browning, Hendon, Myrtle Clara P.Yeager, Mrs. S. A.Bramron, Eddie Cobor, Frankie Elliott, Dudley W.Gray, Bruce Ingleston, R.II. KatherineHendrix, Mrs. C. OttJewell Toothman, Miss Young, Lula Branch United Coburn, Forrest Ellis,Cotton Gray,Joseph Idom, Alf red Bucklin,JeanetteHerbert, Mrs. Parker, Leona OssieZarlington, Tiny ShowCockrell.Geo. W.Ullman,Mark Gray, Tracy Irvin, Jack Burr, Madam RalphParker, Miss BootsTransou, Marie BelleBrandt. Fred Cody,Bill Elmey,Prince Green, Johnnie Irwin, Bobby I. Burleson. Madam Herndon, Elvis Parker, Mrs. H. L.Udonitz, Dolly Zell, Mrs. June Brandyberry, L.S.Cody, Harry M. Eko & Iko Green, Silad, laser,Phil Burlingame.Mrs. Hilton, Daisy Parker, Mrs. Zolla, Madam L. M. Coffey, L. L. Elsner, Ernest ShowJackson, Dick AlmaHockwald, Mrs. Raymond Breden, Barry Coggshall, J. R. ( Brownie) Green. Col. W. E.Jackson, Mose Callahan, Ella CarolynPaul. Mrs. Gentlemen's List Brennan. Merle Cohee, G. Rex Elton,Billie Greenwood,Capt.Jackson. R. Campbell, Mrs. Holland, Billie JosephineAcker's Show Baird, Dee Wm. Bresnahan. Ernie Cole, Frank Elverfield,Henry HarryJackson, Doc W. 011ie RinehartHolmes, Lillie Payne, Mrs. May Adair. Jack Baiste, Bob Britt, Tom Coleman, James Engesser,Geo. Grey, Chas. B. Carlyle. Mrs. EthelHoughton, Alice Pelham, Una Adams, A. H. Baker. Carl Brockhoff, Wm. Colino, Andy England, Leo Grif f en, Jeff. Jacobson. Sam Carroll, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. MayPerkins, Mrs. Adams, GOO. Baker, Joe S. CarlCuller, Chas. Ephraim, John Griffin, H. James, J. F. MarionHowell,Mrs. MI ArthurAdams, John Baker,Lloyd Brodie. W. N. Collier.Ralph Epple, Sam Griffin, Willard James, Whitler Carroll, Nancy Hudspeth, Madam Pierce,Mrs. Dot (Red Baker, Red Bronson. Hal Collins, Doc Eriksen, E. Griffith,Jack Jaynes, S. Cary, Gussie (Tara, DI rs. KatePonder,Sheila Adams, Ned Balderson, Art Brooks, Bill Collins, D. W. Eskew, Jim Griffith,L.J. Jefferies, Carl ' Cass, Hazel, Huffman. GeraldinePope, Mrs. ConchaAdams, Willie E. Baldridge, W. B.Brooks. 0. F. Collins Minstrel Eule, Joseph Grimes. Harry 0. Jennings, Ted AttractionsHull. Norma Popkin, Mrs. FL A.Ajax. Sword Ball, A. R. Brooke, Jack & Collins. Wm. T. Evangeline Shows Grimes, Loren Jesstips,E.D. Chapin. Mrs. RubleImphrey. Gladys Powell, Lena Mae SwallowerBelow, Charles MaudeCollohan,Arthur Evans, Harry Grimsley, A. M. Jeter, Van L. Chedell, Alice Humpherys, Mi89 Pratt, Mary Adkin,Alfred Baney, W. E. Brooks, Johnnie &Colton, Tex Evans, Sam Griswold, M.I. Jober,Stanley Church. Mrs. L. 0. BillyePurvis, Mrs. Ailinger, Gabe Bangs, Jerry IreneColvin, Ira(Red) Fainan, Joe Grosblat, Joie Jobber'sMidgets Clark, Helen Hunt, Mrs. Tom FrancesAlexander.SpecksBanks. Bennett H.Brooks, Sam Compton, F.A. Fake, Harry F. Grover, Bob Johns, Bunny Clayton, Una Imogene, Lady Quick, Gladys Albers, Wm. F. Barham, Bruce Brown, Bill Congo & Santos Farino, Mike Grtinden, Howard Johnson, A. F. Cleo. Madam Isabelle, Mrs. Q inn, Ruth Alberts,Albert Barkoot, Halien Brown, Buster Conley, Eddie Farley, Albert Guthrie, Fred Johnson, Alf red F. Cobb, Mrs. GussieRiser, Elsie Barnes, Roger Conn. Harry E. Farley, Victor Gwinn, Calvin Johnson, Bob Mrs. Albino Family Brown, Cecil Fermin, Joe Cowboy Thomas Wallace A.Ish, Myrtle R f f el. Mrs. ArlineAlbright, E. Barnes, Dr. W. B.Brown,14 arry Conner. Harold Coddins, Mrs. Jackson. Erni Ralyea, Mrs. DeaconBarnett, M. Brown. Henry Conway. Frank Farr, Frank Haas. FrederichI..Johnson. Close Pin DeloresJackson, Mabel Marguerite Barrett, Bill (Red Hot)Cook, Chas. G. Farr, Pete Hall, Freddie Johnson, Frank Coffey,Mrs. Jarzernbek,Julia Ramos, Goletta Aldrich, Billie Barth & Maier Brown, Jo Jo Cooke & Cooke Farrar, Verlin Hall, George Johnson, Geo. R. ClementineJeanette, Madam Ramsey, Estella Alexander, J. C. Bartlett, R. 0. Brown, J. R. Cooke, W. M. Farrell, E. E. Hall. John Johnson, Geo. R. Coleman, Corda Jewels, Fern Reechee, Mitzie Alfred. Jack Baste, /3ob (Browny)Cooper,Felix Farrell, Jimmie,- ofHall, Loun D. Johnson. James Coleman. Jennie Johnston. Mrs. Reed, Lilah Allan Mfg. Co. Cooper. Joe Dayton. 0. Hall,Perce Johnson.Jesse Allen.Billie Bates, C. A. Brown, L. D. Hall,Robert Virginia LloydReed, Lucille Bates, Guy Brown,Leslie Cooper, V. V. DooFarris, Taylor Johnson. R. E. Conaway, Mrs. Johnson, Ruth Reid, Helen M. Allen,Charles B.Bates, James Brown, Pat Copeland. H. N. HankHallWalter D. Johnson, Stove MabelJolly, Mrs. LoraineBenchLouise Allen, J. C. Bath, A. J. Brown, Roland Corbin. Tom Faust, Ben Hall's Colored Pipe Cook, Sara & DeaJones, Flo Rice,Jamie Allen, Doc (Hubby)Brown, Slim Corbitt, William Feeley. Harry MinstrelsJohnson, Theo. Connolly,Evelyn Jordon, Mrs. Richee,Mitzie (R. O.) Corr, Buddie Hallstrom, D.C. Johnson, Thomas Altman, Dave Battisti, S. Brown, Wally Felton, Harry C. Hallman, Louis E. Conrad, Lillian PeggleRichey, Madam Baty, Joe Brown, Wheeler Correia, John Fenton, Jeff Jones,Charles Cooke, Mrs. MyrtleJules,Fern Riley, MrsA. H. Alv is,Ray 0. Brown, W. B. Corriel, Verne Ferguson, Danny Hamilton, Arch Jones,Georgia Correar, Ruth Kansas City Rinehart, Mrs. Ambler. Walter Beach, James M. Costa, Bob (Jay) Bell Ames, E. C. Beadles, W. H. Brudevold, John Ferguson,EarlC. Hamlin, Geo. M. Jones, S. Miles Counts, Lula Wonder Girl Jack Beam, Billy Brundage, Jack Costa, Geo. Ferguson,Frenchie Crawford. Mae Kashin, Jennie Risen. Mrs. TeddyAmok. James Bruner,Jack Costa, Steve Ferguson. Jesse Hammon, JohnnieJones, Willie BelleKekai, Mrs. DavidRistee, Helame Amok Head Beard, Bill Cotter, Robert Ferguson, Joe It.Jordan. Voice of Kelly, HunterBearing, Steve Bruno.Louis Handing, Steve F. Wisdom Crooks,Mrs. W. Mrs. Edith Ritchie.Marie Beasley.Jas.S. Bruno.Russell Couch, Ray Ferrante, D. Crosby, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. J. B. Roberts.. Mrs. JeanAnderson, Bob Bninsw ick,B. A. Counter. Wm. Ferrell,Billie & Haner, Sam E. Julius, Harry B. BoogerKelly, Mrs. Su Roberts,Shirley SlimBeatty, T. Bryan & Boeik Cousins,R.J. BonnieHanna, H. L. Kane, Elmer Joe Beatty, Cruise. Mrs. H. C. (Bicycle Sue) ROCCO, Mrs.HazelAnderson,Jackie J. Bryan, Jack Cowen, John E. Fierney, Ed Hao. Al Karr, Clarence Kepler, Becker. . W. Hardemon, Sam Katz, Sammy Culver, Mrs. Helen Alice nodule. Mrs. Anderson, M. Bedford, Robby Buckland, Wm. Cox, Arnold Fiesta of 1935 Co.Hardesty, Joe Cunningham,Mrs. Kery in,Margie MarionAndrechuk, Theo. Bedford, Fred M. Buckly, Dick Cox, Babe Fine, Al Kane, Lester Harry G.Kilgore,Mrs.J. Roland, Mrs. Andres. Peter Buffington, Joe Crabtree, RaymondFingerhut,J. Hardwick. Bruce Kane,RobertF. COPPS, Pearl D. BlannieAndrews, John A.Beecham, Jas. E. (Red) Harlan, Bruce Kararan,Daggers Beers Barnes Cir.Burgius, Harry Fireside. Izzie Harley, Albert of Death Denies, Bessie Kilian,Mrs.RoseRoland, Mrs. II. Angel.J.S. Beham, Archie Burk, K.L. Craft, Alfred Fisher & Graham Harper.Harry Karr, M. Arthur Davis, Mrs. Daisy Kimris, Vera Romig,Catherine Anson, Karl Behee, Clayton E.Burns, Jack Cramer, C.A. Fitch. Harry H. GeneKing, Helena E.Antwine, Prof. Burton, Charles C. Fitz & O'Lean Harriman, Nielson Kaus, A. J. Davis, Mrs. NannieKing, Mary Arbuckle, H. R. Behee, Earl It. Cramer, Joe Harrington. E. A.Kay, Nick Rdsch, Mrs. Behmer, Ervin Burton, Frank Cresco, Tony Flannagan,Mickey Harrio & Mario Kekai, David Davis, Mrs. King, Mickey Elizabeth B.Arley, Louis Behrlager, Al Burton Jr., Steve (Organ Builder) Flechette, Ray Harris, Bennie Graham F.King, Theo Ross, Edith Arley, Towes Bush, Hurley Cresswell,Frank Fleetwood,Opole Kell Bros.' Circus Dawson. MTS. Kirk. Lettle Armstrong, Milo K.Belew, Charles Fleming, Red Harris, Buddie Kelley, Lewis Bessie MayKlein, Miss E. M.Ross. Sophia Bell, A. H. Byers, C. W. & Crider, Hal Harris, Dick Kelly, John S. Rowan, hazel Armstrong, Tip S. W.Cross, D.L. - Florey, Joe Dayton,Madelyn Kline,Mrs. Merry Arnold.Jerry Bell, C. H. Harris-Eskew Kempton, Kermit Rowland, Kay Bell,Moses Byrd, Steve Cruise, H. 0. Floyd, Armless Rodeo DeGout Nora Koss,Dorothy Ryan. Dee Arnold, John R. Cadigan, Edw.J..Cullen, Carl Wonder Kennedy, H. D. Dean, Jerry LaF aro. Mrs. Arnot,Jack Dellis, R. Harris, Pat. Kennedy Shows Ryan, Dorothy Belmont, Cireno Co.Culver, Musical Folsom.Buddie Harris, Ray H. KentuckyClocker Delaney, Betty Jewel Samelson, Mrs. Art & Leon Belsky,Iron ManCalahan, Arthur Cunningham,Geo. Foraker, C. F. Delano, Ruth LaVardo, Vivian NellieArthur, Chas.A. Caldwell Jr. Harrison, Edw. S.Kerns, Edw. C. Dew, Mrs. D. W. Lagoldie, Sword of Russia Cnrcust,Candle Ford. Al Harry,Sailor Resters, The Aerial Sanders. Mrs. InitaAsher,Charles Benge, James G. Callender,Pete Curry, F. M. Ford, Prof. C. Byron Dinning, Vern Swallower Atkinson, J. Floyd Camp, Texal C. Curry, M. L. Barsock, Ketrow Geo. H. Dixon, Mildred Lamotte, Nita Schofield,DorothyAnfenger,H.L. Bement, Arlie Ford, Dewey Hart, Paul M. KeyesJoy Land Buren Sisters Bennett,Fred Campbell,CarlC.Dabney, M. P. Ford, John HarleyHart, Louis Show Dixon, Mrs. Ora Landrum. Mrs. L. Shahni, Signs Asbridge,Walter Benoit, Frank Campbell, Frank Dale, Jack Ford, Tom Donahue, Mrs. C. (DoDo ) Atkin, Geo. (Heavy) Hartig, Wm. Kimmel, Kaiser Connie Share. Mrs. (Frenchy) Daly. F. W. Forth, Allen Hart igen, Pat King, A. J. Langley. Maxine BerniceAulger Bros. Campbell, W. H. Hanker, Will Foss,J.D. Hartsherg, Amos King, Allen Donia, Doral Lay, Evelyn Sherman. Mrs. Messrs.Benson, Jack C. Candler, 'Warren Darnaby, J. 4. Foster, Doc TattooedLayne, Mary Bentley, Claude - Hertzberg, C. A. King. Clarence Dorothy, CarlAustin, Albert A. Claudette B.Darr -GrayPlayersFoster, Esq., F. Hatfield. Wayne King, Eddie LadyLayton, Mrs. RuthSherman, Mrs. Austin, Hot Shot Benton, Earl G. Canfield, Don Dault & LaMarr Foster, Frank Hauser, Fred King, Geo. Dorsey, MT8. Vera Lee, Alma RoseAyres, Bobby Cannon, E. B. Davidson, A. F. Fouse, Oakey Havana Royal Francis E.Lee,Betty D. Benton, Frances - King, J. Sherwood,RobertaAyres, P. C. FrancisCantrell, Robert Davis, Elmer Fox,Fred OrchestraKings, Kelly Dougherty.MurielLeiter, Mrs. MelbaSlaty, Alice Becket, Wm. Caress, W. H. Davis, Frank H. (GoldielHaverstock, HarveyKinkade, T. H. Bewley, Dora R. Lennon. Mrs. Signor. Mrs. Art Backer. Earl DeweyBequetts, 0. P. Caritoni,Frank Davis, Henry Foy. Bob Hawkins, Whitey Kink°, Prof. Drake, Mrs. H. J. PaulineSkinner, Mrs. OtisEackwald, Wre. Berg, John( Slim ) Carlies, Jack Davis, Johnnie Francelon, Fearless RalphKinny, John J. Drayton, Helen Leonard, Mrs. PaulBlanker, Mrs. Badger, Wm. S. Berkourtz, Sam Carlisle, Frank ( Cowboy ) Francis, Dave Hawthorne, Jack Kinton, Commodore DuBois, Jeattea Levine, Mrs. Lola DukeBailey, Al Hap Berkowitz, Dave Carrier,Harry (Davis & Sutton FrancisD. J. Hayatake, Uki M. Duncan, June Lewis,Mrs.Billie Dunn, Palma or Bob Hayden, Jim Kinser, Jas.B. Durham, Mrs. M.Lewis, Mre. Jackie Hayes, H. A. Kirche, Leonard D.Lewis. Mrs.Pearl Haynes, Frank R. KirkLyle Dutcher, Jean Liberty, Aldis When Writing for Advertised Mail. Please Use Postcards. Heath, Russell Kirrinel,Kaiser Ecker, Mrs. Chas.Lindley. Miss liedgeeock, CarltonKirwin, Joe W. Jerrie Also state how long the forwarding address is to be used. (See LETTER L1ST on page 65)

04.14',4C 30 The Billboard May 23, 1936 Goodman, Jack (Club Caliente) NYC, no. ACTS, UNITS AND Goodwin, Jack (Yacht dlub) NYC, nc. Grahame, Miriam (Hollenden) Cleveland, h. Granoff, Burt (Palmer House) Chi, h. ATTRACTIONS Gray, Frank (Club 429) Chi, no. (Routes are for current week when no dates Gregory, Kay (Morrison) Chi, h. Green, Bennett (Barrel of Fun) NYC, ne. are given.) Route I) epattment Green, Eddie (Connie's Inn) NYC, nc. A Green, Johnny, & Orch. (Earle) Phila 18-21, t. Adair, Ted (Palmer House) Chi, h. Green, Terry (Commodore) NYC, h. Adler, Larry (Palladium) London 18-23, t. Grill) Sisters (Anne Millstone's) Chi, no. Adler & Taubman (Ambassador) NYC, h. Followingeachlistinginthe ACTS -UNITS -ATTRACTIONS and Growler Man, The (Gang Plank) NYC, no. Adreon, Emilee (French Casino) NYC, nc. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS section of the Route Department appears a Guido & Eva (Jurvin's Rumanian Rendez- Adler, Jerry (Earle) Phila 18-21,t. vous) NYC, no. Alfredo, Don, & Ruth (Gloria Palest) NYC, symbol.Those consulting the aforementioned sections are advised tofill Gulba - har,Mme.(Sherry - Netherland)

no. in the designation corresponding to the symbol when addressing organiza- NYC, h. Allen, Jean (Swanee Club) NYC, nc. Gwynne, Jack (Shubert) Cincinnati 22-28, t. Allen, Martha (Fifth Avenue) NYC, h. tions or individuals listed. Gyldenkron, Baron Ebbe (Wivel's) N.Y.C., re. Allen, Patsy (606 Club) Chi, nc. Gypsy Albert Trio (Beverly Bar) NYC, nc. Alvin, James (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc.. Gypsy Lee (Dizzy Club) NYC, nc. Amstel, Felix (Russian Troyka) New fork, nc. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Andrews, Ted & Catherine (Barbizon -Plaza' H New York, h. a -auditorium;b -ballroom;c -cafe;cb-cabaret;cc -country Hacker & Sidell (Mayfair Club) Kansas City, Anger, Harry, & Girls (Loew) Montreal 18- no. 21,t. club; h -hotel; mh-music hall; nc-night club; p -amusement park; Haines, Gardner, & Carter (Leon & Eddie's) Anise & Aland (Connie's Inn) NYC, no. ro-road house; re -restaurant; t -theater. NYC, no. Anson, Bill (Shubert) Cincinnati 18-21, t, Haines, Mitzi (Hollywood) NYC, re. Anthony, the Bird Man (McAlpin) NYC, h. Ball, Bob (Orph.) Minneapolis 18-21, t. Apollon, Dave, Co. (Paramount) Waterloo, Ia., Hardy, Moore (Gabriel's) NYC, nc. 18-21, t. Carson, Jack (Tower)Kansas City,t. Dornfield, W. C. (Hi -Hat Club) Chi, nc. Harrington, Pat (Gang Plank) NYC, no. Arden, Dorothy (Grosvenor House) LondonCaperton & Columbus(Pierre) NYC, h. Dorris,Joe(Marden'sRiviera)FortLee,Harris, Harry (Thompson's 16 Club) Chi, no. 1-30, no. Carlisle,Sally(TownClub)CalumetCity, N. J., no. Harris, Irve (Place Elegante) NYC, nc. Arden, Elaine (Colonial) Dayton, 0., t. Ill., no. Dossena, Adelina (Club Minuet) Chi, no. Hart, Carl (Number One Bar) NYC, no. Arnaud, Peggy & Ready (Wintergarten) Ber-Carlisle, Una (Dizzy Club) NYC, no. Dougherty, Marie (All -Stars Club) NYC, no.Hart, June (Colonial Village) Peoria, Ill., no. lin 1-31, t. Carlton, Jack (French Casino) NYC. no. Drake, Connie(Deauville) New York, nc. Hartmans, The (St. Regis) New York, h. Arrel, Joe. & Co. (Wivel's) NYC, re. Carol, Helen (Harry's N. Y. Bar) Chi, no. Drena & Her Dancers (Casino) London 1-30,Hauser, Violette (State -Lake) Chi, t. Arren & Broderick (Chicago) Chi, t. Carol, Nita (Shelton) NYC, h. no. Healy, Dan (Broadway Room) New York, nc. Avila & Nile(Radio City Rainbow Room)Carroll, Della (Colosimo's) Chi, no. Drew, °holly (Number One Bar) NYC, no. Healy & Garnella(Tabor)Denver21-27; NYC, nc. Drew, Hotcha (Ubangi Club) NYC, nc. (Orph.) Salt Lake City June 1-6,t. Carroll & Howe (State) NYC 18-21, t. Drum, Dotty (Hector's Club New Yorker) NewHearn, Bobby (New Yorker) NYC, h. B Carroll, Nita (Shelton Hotel) NYC, h. York, no. Hector & Pals (Shubert) Cincinnati 18-21, t. Bachelor, Paul (Tower) Kansas City, t. Castain & Crane (Larne's) NYC, re. Duncan, Midget Jackie (Rialto) Canton, 0.,Heller, Jackie (State) NYC 18-21, t. Baduc, Ray (New Yorker) NYC, h. Castle, Billy (Chateau Moderne) N. Y. C., no. no. Henning, Pat (Oriental) Chi,t. Bailey, Bill (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. Caston, Bobbie (Connie's Inn) NYC, no. Dunn, Francis (Barrel of Fun) NYC, no. Herbert,Grace & Charlie(Paddock Club) Bain, Betsy (Viking) Phila, nc. Catalina, Rose (606 Club) Chi, nc. Dunn, Jimmy (Century) Baltimore 18-21, t. Chi, no. Baines, Pearl (Ubangi Club) NYC, no. Celia & Renells (Bon Air) Wheeling, Ill.,cc.Duval, Sheila (New Town Bar) New York, nc.Herman, Irving (Man About Town Club) NYC, Baker,Jerry(Queen'sTerrace)Woodside,Charles & Bararba (Chez Ami) Buffalo, N. Y., DC. Dyer, Hubert (State -Lake) Chi, t. L.I., nc. E Hess, Edith(CedarwoodCabin)Melaga, Baker,Josephine(ChezJosephineBaker)Charles & Celeste (Kenmore) Albany, N. Y., h. N. J., nc. NYC, no. Charles, Ernest (Normandie) New York, no.Earl, Jack & Betty (Loew) Montreal 18-21, t.Hess, Jimmie & Chuckle(Marquette Club) Baker, Babe (Howdy Club) NYC, nc. Charleston, Helen(Century)Baltimore18-Earl & Josephine (Book -Cadillac) Detroit, h. Chi, nc. Baker, Bill (Roxy) NYC 18-21, t. 21, t. Ebony Rascals, Four (Club Caliente) NYC, nc.Hildegarde (Gaiety) London 1-30,t. Baptie, Norval (New Yorker) NYC, h. Cherie & Joe (French Casino) NYC, nc. Edwards, Cliff (Earle) Washington, D. C., 18-Ilin Low, Florence (Royale -Frolics) Chi, nc. Barbette (Chicago) Chi, t. Christine, Bobette (Chateau Moderns) NYC, 21, t. Hines, Earl, & Band (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. Barker Trio (Lincoln) NYC, h. nc. Edward's, Jack, Revue (Chez Pares) Indian-Hollis, Bessie(State -Lake) Chi,t. Barnes, Eddie, & Fred Steger (Yacht Club)Claudet,Marguerite(McCurdy)Evansville, apolis, nc. Holly, Edna Mae (Ubangi Club) New York, no. NYC, nc. Ind., h. Elissa, Senorita (Nini's French Cabaret) NewHoltz, Lou (Versailles) NYC, nc. Barnes, Ruthie (Lyric) Indianapolis, t. Clayton, Pat (Vogue Club) NYC, no. York, C. Honan, Helen (Shea's Hipp.) Toronto 18-21, t. Baroness Von Brennecke(Club Normandie)Clymas Troupe (Tower) Kansas City, t. Ellsworth, "Rocky" (Casino) Chi, no. Howard, Jay(Radio City Rainbow Room) NYC, nc. Codolban, Cornelius (St. Regis) New York, h.El-Wyn (Colonial) Fostoria, 0., 20;(Rivoli) NYC, nc. Barr & Estes (Palladium) London 18-30,t. Coleman, Arlene (Wivel's) NYC, nc. Toledo 21;(Maj.)Wyandotte, Mich.,22; Howatd, Joseph E. (Gay '90s) NYC, no. Barrett & Smith (Chez Maurice) Montreal,Collette & Barry (Hollywood) NYC, re. (Downtown) Detroit 23. Howard, Kathleen (Deauville) New York, no. nc. Collins & Petersen (Fox) Washington, D. C.,Emanuel (State -Lake) Chi, t. Howard. Vivian (Number One Bar) NYC, no. Barrina, Olga (Buckingham) NYC, h. 18-21, t. Endor & Farrell (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Howe, Dorothy (Bossert Grill) NYC. Barrie,Gracie(Earle)Washington, D.C.,Comeford, Marie (New Yorker) New York, h.Enos, Rue, Trio (Theater) Portland, Ore., 23-Howell, Adelaide (Sherry -Netherland) NYC, h. t. Conchita, Senorita (State -Lake) Chi, t. 25, t. 18-21, ConnorsJr.,Chuck(Tin Pan Alley) NewErma, Gypsy (New Town Bar) New York, no.Howell, David (Archmont Club) NYC, nc. Barthelemy, Lillian (Dan Healy's) NYC, no. Hubert, Elsie (All -Stars Club) NYC, no. . Bartlett, Wayne (The Gleam) San Antonio, York, no. Errante, Charles "Happy"(Place Elegante)Hurok, Jemma (Sherry -Netherland) .NYO, h. Tex., nc. Conti, Jean (Meurice) NYC); re. NYC, no. Hutton, Ina Ray, & Band (Shea's Hipp.) Beale St. Boys (Broadway. Room) NYC, no. Coogan,Jackie, & Betty Grable(Stanley)Estelle & Leroy (French Casino) N. Y. C., no. Toronto 18-21, t. Beaujean, Pierre (Buckingham) NYC, h. Pittsburgh 18-21, t. Evans, Rex (Beachcomber Bar) NYC. nc. Bee, Connie (Broadway Room) New York, no. Behim, Arthur (Gay NYC, no. Inge,Benito(SouthRiver)South River, Bell & Grey (Hotel Osborne) Auburn, N. Y., H. N. J.,c. Belostozky, Beds (St. Regis) NYC, h. Night Club, Vaude and Orchestra Routes must be received at theIvy, Toto (State -Lake) Chi, t. Beno, Ben: Sturgis, Ky., 18-23. J Bentley, Gladys (Ubangi Club) New York, no.Cincinnati offices not later than Friday to insure publication.Jackson Jr., Joe (Hansa) Hamburg, Germany, Berg, Alphonse (French Casino) NYC, no. 1-30,t. Bergen, Edgar (Chez Paree) Chi, no. Jackson. Lawrence (President) New York, h. Bernard & Henri (Club Alabam') Chi, no. Cook, Alline (Greenwich Village Inn) NYC,Everett, Ruth (Town Casino) NYO, nc. James, Virginia (Silver Cloud) Chi, nc. Bernard, Mike (Gay Nineties) NYC, nc. no, F Jarrett, Lucille (Madeleine's) New York, nc. Bernie, Al (Marden's Riviera) Fort Lee, N. J.,Continental Varieties (Club Chcquot) NYC, no. Johnson, Eleanor (606 Club) Chi, no. ne. Coogan, Mac (Edison) New York, h. Farrell, Frances (Town Casino) NYC, no. Johnson, Jay (Silver Tavern) Chi, no. Bernie, Haw (Club Richman) NYC, no. Cook, Gloria (Hollywood) New York, no. Parell, Marita (French Casino) New York, no,Johnson, Mae (Kit Kat Club) NYC, no. Berry, Robert (Buckingham) NYC, h. Cook & King (Petroleum Club) Hobbs, N. M.,Farrell, Bill:(Place Elegante) New York, no.Johnson, Rose (Club Dixie) San Francisco, nc. Bessinger, Frank (New Yorker) New York, h. no. Ferries, Jean, & Dean Goodelle (Vanderbilt)Johnston, Dorothy (Harry's N. Y. Bar) Chi, Bert & Jay (Colonial Village) Peoria, Ill., no.Cooley, Marion (Stork Club) NYC, no. NYC, h. nc. Beauvel & Tova (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Corday & LaMonte (Silver Dollar) Cleveland,Fay, Paul (Club 429) Chi, nc. Jordan, Louis (Connie's Inn) NYC, no. Bickford & Crandall (Lotus Gardens) Cleve- no. Peindt, Cilly (French Casino) New York, nc.Jordan, Musical, Rainbow Review: Vancouver, land, nc. Cordona, Kay (Dizzy Club) NYC, nc. Felicia & DelRey (Club Avalon)Cleveland, B. C., Can., 18-23, t. Bigelow, Bob, & Larry Lee (Gay '90s) NYC,Cornell, Wes (After the Show Club) Chi, nc. no. Joyce & Freddie (Kit Kat Club) NYC, no. no. Cornwell, Frank, Trio (Biltmore) NYC, h. Fermin & Mary Lou (El Toreador) N.Y.C., nc.Joyce, Marion (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, no. Blake, Larry (Roxy) NYC 18-21, t. Cortez, Al & Toni (Connie's Inn) NYC, ne.Ferris, Dolores (Yacht Club) NYC, nc. Joyce, Vicki (Yacht Club) NYC, no. Blanchard, Eddie (Club Elegante) NYC, no.Corvino & Yorita(GreenMill)Saginaw,Fields, Benny (Hollywood) NYC, re. Blanchard, Terry (Normandie) New York, no. Mich., nc. Fields, Irving (Buckingham) NYC, h. K Blanc, Rose (Hollywood) New York, re. Costello, Don (Fox) Washington, D. C., 18-Fields, Lillian (Monte Carlo) NYC, nc. Kaiser' & McKenna (Frolics) Niagara Falls, Blank, Sol (Place Elegante) NYC, nc. 21,t. Fiske, Dwight (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. N. Y., c. Boles, John (Fox) Washington, D. C., 18-21, t.Cotter, Hazel (State -Lake) Chi, t. Five Nit Wits (Tin Pan Alley) New York,nc.Kaloah (Connie's Inn) NYC, no. Boreo, Emile (London Casino) London 1-30,Covert & Reed (Hollenden) Cleveland, h. Flash, Serge (Palmer House) Chi, h. Kane, Patsy (Roosevelt) NYC, h. no. Covey, Edna (Alhambra) Paris 8-21, t. Fiore, Dany (French Casino) NYC, nc. Kauff, Benn (Place Elegante) New York, no. Boston Sisters, Three (L'Escargot D'Or Pent-Craig, Henry "Giggles" (Jungle Inn) Youngs-Fogarty, Alec (Weylin) NYC, h. Kaufman, Sam Jack(Book -Cadillac)De- house) NYC, no. town, 0., nc. Fordham, Louise (Number One Bar) NYC, no. troit, h. Bowan, Sybil (Fox) Washington, D. C., 18-Crocker, Dorothy (Shea's Hipp.) Toronto 18-Fox, Dorothy, & George Breton (St. Moritz)Kay, Beatrice (Tony's) NYC, no. 21, t. 21, t. NYC, h. Kay,Dolly(Marden'sRiviera)Fort Lee, Bower Sisters (Chin Lee's) NYC, no. Cromez, Camille (Paddock Club) Cleveland, no.Francis, The Mystery Man (Shelton Corner) N. J.,nc. Bowes, Major, Amateurs (Loew) Richmond,Crone, Roberta (Tojo Farms) Detroit, no. New York, no. Kaye, Johnny (Trotta's) Baltimore, nc. Va., 18-21, t. Cropper, Roy (Wellington) NYC, h. Frank, Polly (London Casino) London 1-30,Kaye, Phil (Club Minuet) Chi, no. Bowes, Major, Amateurs (Michigan) DetroitCuneo, Dave (Mansfield) NYC, h. no. Kaye, Sybil (Wivel's) NYC, re. 18-21, t. Frazee Sisters (Royale -Frolics) Chi, no. Keating, Fred (Radio City Rainbow Room) Bowes, Major, Amateurs(Georgia)Atlanta Frazer, Jack (Playland Park) Rye, N. Y. NYC, no. 18-21, t. Frazier, Harry (Von Thenen's) Chi, nc. Kedrova, L111(St. Moritz) NYC, no, Bowes, Major, Amateurs (Uptown) Chi, t. D'Arcy Girls: Natrona Heights, Pa., 18-23. Freddy & His Dogs (French Casino) NewKelly, Bernice (State -Lake) Chi, t. Bowker, Betty (Man About Town Club) NYC,D'Ivons, The (Chez Pares) Chi, nc. York, no. Kenanedy, Billie (Howdy Club) New York, no. nc. D'Loris & Howard (Paradise Grill) Findlay,Fr edez & Laurenza(Dudley)Salamanca,Kennedy, May (Butler's Tap Room) NYC, no. Braatz, Mickey (Brown Derby) Boston, no. 0., no. N. Y., h. Kenny, Lillian (Hotel Montclair) NYC, h. Branker, BIll (Kit Kat Club) NYC, nc. Dailey, Cass (Hollywood) New York, nc. Freed, Carl, Co. (Century) Baltimore 18-21, t.King, Bert (Shelton) NYC, h. Barrie, Kathleen (Mon Paris) NYC, nc. Dale, Maryon '(Chateau Moderne) NYC, no. Fry, Bob & Virginia (Man About Town) NewKing, Blanche (Brill's) Newark, N. Y., ne. Dalton,Jack, Co.(Shubert)Cincinnati 18- York, no. Bernie, Al (Marden'sRiviera)FortLee, 21,t. King's Jesters(Morrison)Chi,h. N. J., nc. Dancing Debutantes (Nut Club) NYC, no. Kirk, Jean (885 Club) Chi, nc. Bredwins, Three (French Casino) NYC, no. Danis, Mary (McAlpin) NYC, h. Gailoyd, Slim, & Jackie Johnson (All -StarsKirkoff, Adelaide (Silver Cloud) Chi, ne. Brent, Jerry (Bar Intime) New York, nc. Danny & Edith (Kit Kat Club) NYC, nc. Club) NYC, nc. Kirk, Maxine (Hi -Hat Club) Chi, no. Brito, Phil (Mount Royal) Montreal, h. Danwill Troupe (American Music Hall) NYC,Gale, Tracy & Leonard (Royale -Frolics) Chi,Kirkland, Paul, Co. (Colonial) Dayton, 0., t. Briefer, Gertrude (Hollywood) N. Y. C., re. mh. nc. Kirkwhite,Iris(Casino de Paris) Paris 1- Brooks Twins (Club Vogue) NYC, nc. Dario & Diane (Morrison) Chi, h. Garcia, Louis (Congress) NYC, b. 31,t. Brown, Ada (Connie's Inn) NYC, no. Dau, Rilla (Club Gaucho) New York, no. Gardner, Beatrice(Harry's N.Y. Cabaret)Kitaros (Roxy) NYC 18-21, t. Brown, Arthur:(Hector's Club New York)Davis, Dorothy (Club Caliente) NYC, nc. Chi, nc. Komisarjevska, Elena (St. Moritz) NYC, h. New York, nc. Davis, Eddie (Leon & Eddie's) New York, nc.Gardner, "Poison" (Dizzy Club) NYC, nc. Kortez, Nadia (St. Regis) NYC, h. Brown,Evans(Lambs'Cafe)La Fayette,Davis, Lew (Lang's) Albany, N. Y., h. Gaston & Edouard (Monte Carlo) NYC, c. Kramer,Dolly(Shadowland Club)Wichita Ind., C. Daw, Dorothy (Broadway Room) N. Y. C., nc.Garbell. Al (Tuite & Dean's) Chi, c. Falls, Tex., nc. Brown, Susaye (Kit Kat Club) NYC, nc. Dean, Carol (Hi -Hat Club) Chi, no. Garland, Lynn (Dan Healy's Broadway Room)Kramer, Ida (Swanee) NYC, nc. Browne, Louise (Gaiety) London 1-30,t. Dee, Dottie (Stein Club) Wallace, Ida., nc. NYC, nc. Kroll, Lottie (Bon Air) Wheeling, Ill., cc. Bryant, Rains & Young Revue (Century) Bal-Defrees, Lois (Dizzy Club) NYC, no. Gautschi & Sonnen (Brown Palace) Denver, L timore 18-21, t. DeMarcos, The (Plaza) NYC, h. Colo., h. LaFleur, Arthur (Loew) Montreal 18-21, t. Brydon, Louise (Hickory House) N. Y. C., no.DeRing, Trudy (Yacht Club) NYC, nc. Gay Nineties Quartet (Gay Nineties) NYC, no.LaMae, Trixie (Butler's Tap Room) NYC, no. Buckley, Neil (Roosevelt) NYC, h. DeVega & Ynez (Le Mirage) NYC, re. Georges & Jalna (Palmer House) Chi, h. La Palomas (Deauville) New York, no. Budd, Arthur (Barrel of Fun) NYC, no. Dells, Three (Salih's Circus, Playland) Rye,Gerard, Justine (Dutch's) Chi, nc. La Pierre, Paulette (Colony Club) Chi, no. Burns, Dave (Wyndham's) London 1-30,t. N. Y. Gibney, Marian (Denham) Denver 22-28. t. LaRue, Bobby & Kenn (Frolic Inn) Holly- Burrage, Alice Hathaway (Chateau Moderns)Deone, Miss (Club Minuet) Chi, nc. Gibson, Billy (Granada Inn) Atlanta, no. wood, Calif., no. New York, no. De Soter, Madeline (Man About Town Club)Gilbert, Bobby (Tower) Kansas City, t. LaZellas, Aerial (Pal.) Minneapolis, t. Byrle & Martini (Anna Held's) NYC, re. NYC, no. Gilbert, Ethel (Gay Nineties) NYC, no. Labato,Paddy(Barton'sParadiseClub) Byrne Sisters, Three (Shea's Hipp.) TorontoDesmond. Dot & Buddy (Mayfair Club) To-Gilbert, Gloria (London Casino) London 1- Youngstown, 0., no. 18-21, t. ledo, nc. 30, nc. Lalage (London Casino) London 1-30, no. Deuces, Four (Times Square) NYC, h. Gillam, Marjorie (Colony Club) Chi, no. Lamb, Gladys (New Yorker) NYC, h. Caldwell, Edith (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Diamond Brothers (Dorchester Hotel) LondonGivens & Karol (Wivel's) NYC, re. Lambert, Helen (Man About Town) NYC, no. California Varsity Eight(Shubert)Cincin- 1-30, no. Glory, Camille (Broadway Room) NYC, no. Lamberti, Prof.(Colonial) Dayton, 0.,i. nati,t. Dickson, Dorothy (Saville) London 1-30, t. Glover, Alice, & Walter Le Nay (Park Cen-Lamberton, Charlotte (Hollywood) NYC, no. Callison, Jimmy (Von Thenen's) Chi, nc. Dietrichs, The (Vanity Fair) Chi, no. tral) NYC, h. Lamerton, Marguerite (Hollywood) NYC, re. Cantor, Eddie (Pal.) Cleveland 18-21, t. Dimitri & Helen (Club Gaucho) New York, no.Oman, Inez(Silver Cloud)Chi, no. Lomonte, Jean (Jungle Inn) Youngstown, 0., Cardona, Kay (Dizzy Club) NYC, no. Dolores (Wivel's) NYC, re. Gonzalez & Rangel (Barbizon -Plaza) NYC, h. Carenina, Lena (Club Gaucho) New York, no.Donahue, Red (Roxy) NYC 18-21. t Gooding, Sally Ctit Kat Club) NYC, no. Lane, Emily (Plaza) NYC, h. '1

May 23, 1936 ROUTES The Billboard 31

Lane & Lee (DelMar Dinner Club) Galveston, N Samuels Bros. (Casino de Paris) Paris 1-31, t.White, Teddy (Normandie) New York, nc. Tex., re. Nawrot, Harriet (State -Lake) Chi, t. Sandino & Fairchield(Firenze Restaurant)Wicke, Gus (Gay Nineties) NYC, nc. Lane, Leota (Number One Bar) NYC, nc. Naylor, Marjorie (Hickory House) NYC, nc. NYC, re. Wilbert, Raymond (Stanley)Pittsburgh18- Lane, Lillian (Dizzy Club) New York, nc. Nazarenka, Tasha (St. Regis) NYC, h. Santelli, George (Hotel St. Regis) NYC, h. 21,t. Lane. Ted (Hickory House) New York, nc. Nelson, Nelle(Colony Club)Chi, nc. Santos & Elvira (Jimmy Kelly's) N. Y. C., no.Willard, Clarence E. (Jack Dempsey's) NYC, Lang, Jeannie (Lyric) Indianapolis,t. Nelson Sisters (New Yorker) NYC, h. Santry, Ned (Von Thenen's) Chi, no. re. Large & Morgner(Mayfair Casino)Cleve-Nelson, Walter (Playland Park) Rye, N. Y. Sarita (St. Moritz) NYC, h. Willard & Hurley (Roxy) NYC 18-21, t. land, nc. Nesbit, Evelyn(All -Stars Club) NYC, lac. Savage, Jean (Southern) Baltimore, h. Williams, Jerry (Man ,About Town Club) New Larimer & Hudson (State -Lake) Chi, t. New Yorkers, Three (Stork Club) NYC, 110. Sawyer, Bobby(Gabriel's) NYC, nc. York, nc. LaRue & LaValle (Lobby) Juarez, Mex., c. Newdahl, Clifford(St. Regis) NYC, hi Schepps, Sid (Palace Gardens) Chi, C. William, Robert (London Casino) London, no. Larson, Al (Top Hat) Union City, N. J., c. Newman, Harry (Beverly Bar) NYC. no Scott, Catherine (Kit Kat Club) NYC, no. Willis,Claire(Radio City RainbowGrill) Lathrop Bros. & Virginia Lee (Earle) Wash-Niles, Noma (Swanee) NYC, no. Scott, Mabel (Ubangi Club) NYC, no. NYC, nc. ington, D. C., 18-21, t. Nissen, Myrna (Wivel's) NYC, re. Scott, Virgie (Ubangi) NYC, no. Wilson, Browning & Mitchell (Leon & Eddie's) Laugh, Town, Laugh (State -Lake) Chi, t. Niva, Vira (Versailles) NYC, nc. Sedgwick, Edna (Chez Paree) Chi, no, NYC, no. Laurie Jr., Jack (All Stars Club) NYC, no. Noble, Leighton (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, no. Sedley, Roy (Vanity Fair) Chi, nc. Winstead Trio (Lido) Montreal, nc. Lawler, Alice (Caliente Club) NYC, nc. Noble, Ray, & Orch. (Paramount) NYC 18-Seymour, Ann (Vanity Fair) Chi, nc. Winton & Diane (Oasis Club) Detroit, nc. Lawrence,Lucille(Swanee) NYC,nc. 21, t. Shaw, Wini (Stanley) Pittsburgh 18-21, t. Wood, Britt (Loew) Montreal 18-21, t. Lawton, Reed (Park Central) NYC, h. Nolan, Nancy (Governor Clinton) NYC, h. Shawn, Jack (Club Royal) McAllen, Tex., no.Wright, Charlie (St. Moritz) NYC, h, Lavene Sisters (State -Lake) Chi, t. Shea & Raymond (Earle) Phila 18-21, t. Wright, Chuck (Club Silhouette) Chi, no. LaVola, Don: Texarkana, Ark., 18-23. Shelton, James (Club Normandie) NYC, no.Wright, Edythe (Lincoln) NYC, h. nc. Sheridan, Eleanor (Stork Club) NYC, nc. Wynn, Natalie (Club Deauville) NYC, no. Lazaro, Leo (Place Elegante) NYC, no. THE THREE Sherman, Dale (Morrison) Chi, nc. Wynton, Victoria (Dizzy Club) NYC, no, Lee, Ada (885 Club) Chi, nc. Sherwin, Patti (Anne Millstone's) Chi, nc. y Lee, Bob (Wivel's) NYC, re. NONCHALANTS Shipstad & Johnson (College Inn) Chi., no. Lee, Gabby (Trotta's)Baltimore, no. Simon, Arlette (French Casino) NYC, nc. Yontz, Ducky (Roosevelt) NYC, h. Lee, Joe & Betty (Biltmore) NYC, h. D lr.:MUSIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Simpson, Carl (Fay) Providence; (Hipp.) Bal-Yorke & Tracey (Loew) Montreal 18-21, t. timore 25-30, t. Young, Irwin (Valhalla) NYC, nc. Lee, Linda (Hotel Biltmore) NYC. h. Nonchalants, The (Morrison) Chi, h. Sims, Lee, & Ilomay Bailey (Marbro) Chi, t.Youngman, Henry (Yacht Club) NYC, Leed, William (Dizzy Club) New York, no. Norman, Karyl (Cafe La Rouge) Brooklyn,Sizzle, Noble, Trio (Yacht Club) NYC, nc. Legon, .7eni (Ade1phi) London 1-30, t. N. Y., no. Skidmore, Kay (Hotel Piccadilly) NYC, li. Leonard, Edna (806 Club) Chi, nc. Norton & Kane (Alexander Young) Honolulu,Slate, "Curly" (885 Club) Chi, nc. Zay, Freddy (French Casino) NYC, no. Lenti, Steve (Place Elegante) New York, nc. T. H., h. Smith, Alma (Connie's Inn) NYC, no. Zetta, Madame (New Howard) Baltimore,h.' Leonard, Elenore (Club Minuet) Chi, no. Novak & Fay (State -Lake) Chi, t. Smith, Bill (Fifth Avenue Hotel) New York, h.Zudella (Louise's) Detroit, nc. Leonard, Jack (Lincoln) NYC, h. Novels, Three (Connie's Inn) NYC, no. Smith, Chubby (Swanee Club) NYC, no. Leslie Sisters (Club Bagdad) Providence, R.I.,Novoa, Fantasia (El Toreador) NYC, no. Smith & Sully (Dizzy Club) NYC, nc. Leu, Paul (Windmill) Pittsburgh, nc. 0 Snyder, Marguerite (Hotel Shelton) N.Y.C., h. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS Lewis, Ann (Kit Kat Club) NYC, no. O'Connor, Eileen (Ade1phi) London 1-30, t. Sonia,Gansser, & Andre (French Casino) (Routes are tor current week when no dates Lewis, Margaret (Tabor) Denver 21-27, t. O'Doherty, Molly (Chesapeake Hottse) NYC, NYC, nc. are given.) Lido & La Vonne (Silver Cloud) Chi, no. re. Spelie, Mary Lou (French Casino) NYC, nc. A Lilley, Joe & Harold Woodall (Number One'O'Halloran, Mickey (Marquette Club) Chi, nc.Spiritsof Rhythm, Six(Jack Dempsey's) Bar) NYC, nc. O'Neil, Cackles (Hollywood) NYC, re. NYC, re. Adams, Johnnie: (Holden) Dayton, 0., h. Lima Trio (Earle) Washington, D. C., 18-21, t.O'Neill & Williams (Riverside) Milwaukee, t.Sprigg, Jack (Shubert) Cincinnati, t. Adcock, Jack: (Yorktown Tay.) Elkins Park, Liptova, Schura (St. Regis) NYC, h. Odley, Guy (Jack Dempsey's) NYC, re. Springer,Chet(Southern)Grand Rapids, Pa., no. Lischeron & Adams (Royale -Frolics) Chi, no.Omar(ParisianGrill)Budapest, Hungary, Mich., no. Aguilar, R.:(Palm Room) San Bernardino, Lodijensky,General(Sherry - Netherland) 1-30. St. Clair, June (Colosimo's) Chi, no. Calif., b. NYC, h. Orda, George (St. Regis) NYC, h. St. Claire, Putnam (Ubangi) NYC, nc. Alvin. Danny: (Gold Coast EmbassyClub) Logan, Ella (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc. Original Rhythm Boys (Weylin) NYC, h. St. Clair & Day (Casino de Paris) Paris 1- Chicago, no. Logan, Marjory (Stork Club) NYC, nc. Orlins, Toddy (Nut Club) NYC, no. 31,t. Arias, Ramon: (Otis Tunnel) Chi, C. Long Jr., Nick (Ade1phi) London 1-30,t. Ortega, Eva (Radio City Rainbow Grill) NYC,Stanley, Toni, & Mae Four (Scala) Copen-Armstrong, Mrs. Louis: (Silver Grill) Buffalo, Lopez & Anita (Brill's) Newark, N. Y., nc. no. hagen, Denmark, 1-30, t. Lorna & Carr (Capri) Lawrence, Mass., re. Stars Over Shanghai Revue (Three Taketas, AvDenC., Al: (Greyhound) New York, Is. Lorraine, Bill, & Ed Furman (Gay Nineties)Osterman, Jack (AU Stars Club) NYC, nc. Honey Payne, Hitt & Raney, Dot Osmon, NYC, nc. Freddie Oakes, Musical Mandarins, MonetteBannen, Al: (Club Arcada) St. Charles, /11., Lorraine, June (Broadway Room) NYC, nc.Padilla,Leandra(Bruns'PalmGarden) Sisters) (Logan) Logan, W. Va., 19-20, t. no. Lowry, Ed (Paradise) NYC, re. Chi,r. Steel, John (Paradise) NYC, re. Barrie, Dick: (Bill Green's Club) Pittsburgh, Lucas, Nick (Hollywood) NYC, re. Page, Harriet (All -Stars Club) NYC, no. Steele, Billy (Lyric) Indianapolis, t. no. Luce, Claire (Ade1phi) London 1-30, t. Page, Powell & Nona (Tivoli Park) Stock-Stevens, Harry (Brown Derby) Boston, no. Barron, Blue: (Paradise) Rochester, N. Y., re. Lydia & Joresco (Plaza) NYC, h. holm, Sweden, June 1 -July 4. Stewart Sisters (Dizzy Club) NYC, no. Bass, Paul: (Anna Held's) NYC, re. Lynch, Louise Dudley (Stork Club) NYC, no.Palmer, Kay (Vanderbilt) NYC. h. Stiles, Beebe (Show Bar) Forest Hills, L. I.,Batkin, Alex:(St. Moritz) New York, h. M Palmer & Peaches (Connie's Inn) NYC, nc. no. Belasco, Leon: (Club Mayfair) Kansas City, Pape & Conchita (State -Lake) Chi, t. Stone, Harold (Chateau Moderne) NYC, no. n McCabe, Sara Ann (Biltmore) NYC, /2. Parker, Lew (Stanley) Pittsburgh 18-21, t. Stone & Lee (Marbro) Chi, t. Bender, Val: (Antoine Club) San Francisco, McCoy, Frances (Yacht Club) NYC, nc. Parra, Emile (Starland) Winnipeg, Can., no.Stone, Mary (Colony Club) Chi, no. no. McElroy, Judy (Marquette Club) Chi, nc. Parsons, Kay (Club Caliente) NYC, nc. Stone, Neil (Howdy Club) NYC, nc. Berger, Jack: (Astor) NewYork,h. McGill, Billie (Wonder Bar) Owasso, Mich..Patricia & Don (Commodore) NYC, h. Stretch & Strain (The Rancho) El Cerrito,'Berkeley,Duke:(Honkey-Dory)Stamford, no. Patterson's Personettes (New Yorker) NYC, h, Calif., nc. Conn., no. McGlynn Sisters (Broadway Room) NYC, nc.Peacock,Melvin(LingerBar)Sheboygan,Stritt, Freddie, Co. (Colonial) Dayton, 0.,t.Bestor, Don: (Roosevelt) NYC, h. McKay, Doreen (Paradise) NYC, nc. Wis., nc. Sullivan, Bobby (Swanee Club) New York, nc.Black, Art: (Yacht Club) Detroit, no. McMahon, Larry (Village Barn) NYC, no. Pendleton, Andy (Gabriel's) NYC, nc. Suter, Ann (American Music Hall) NYC, mh.Black, Bob: (Pere Marquette) Peoria, /11.,h. Mae, Edna (Paradise) NYC, re. Pepper, Jack, Co. (Shea's Hipp.) Toronto 18-Suttle, Florence (Book -Cadillac) Detroit, h. Bonroe, Larry: (Chester's Tavern) Cincinnati, Mae Ttio (State -Lake) Chi, t. 21, t. Swann, Evelyn Eppee (Vanderbilt) NYC, Is. nc. Magnante, Charlie (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h.Perona, Anthony (Gabriel's) NYC, re. Swedish Bellringers(Chicago) Chi,t, Brandwynne, Nat: (Stork) New York, nc. Mahoney, Will (Scala) Berlin 1-31, t. Phelps Twins (Colony Club) Chi, nc. Swift, Evelyn (Silver Cloud) Chi, no. Breese, Louis: (Weynn) New York, h. Mahn. Elmer (429 Club) Chi, no. Pinto, Louis (Cocoanut Gardens) Chi, no. Swifts, Three (Marbro) Chi, t. Brigode, Ace: (Lake Worth Casino) Ft. Worth, Mandell, Kitty (New Town Bar) New York, no.Piroska (French Casino) NYC, nc. Tex., no. Mann, Sid (Mon Paris) NYC, nc. Plaut, Jerry (Dizzy Club) NYC, no. T Bromberg, Sammy: (Von Thenen's) Chi, no. Manners, Gene, & Bernice Lee(Paradise)Pope & Thompson (American Music Hall)Table Tooners (Chateau Moderns) NYC, no.Brooks, Bobby: (Weylin) NYC, h. NYC, re. NYC, mh. Tanner Sisters, Three (Bat Gormley's) LakeBrown, Tom: (Bal Tabarin) San Franciso, no. Manning & Class (Humlen) Oslo, Norway, re.Pranker, Ray (Kit Kat Club) NYC, nc. Charles, La., no. Buccaneers:(GeorgeVanderbilt)Asheville, Mantes, Gus (Moon Tavern) Albany, N. Y.,Prince & Princess Grebe. (Connie's Inn) NYC,Tanya & Emmett (Club Troyka) NYC, no. N. C., h. nc. no. Tappan, Maxine (Ambassador) New York, h.Bunchouk, Alex.:(Russian Eagle) NYC, re. Mara & Renate (Jack Dempsey's) NYC, re. Pryme, Alberta (Kit Kat Club) NYC, nc. Tegnor, Michael (Number One Bar) NYC, nc.Burkarth, Johnny: (Utah) Salt Lake City, h. Maravellas (El Chico) New York, no. Purdy, Lee (Royale -Frolics) Chi, no. Tennill, Frank (New Yorker) NYC, h. Maree & Pals (Grand) St. Louis 18-21, t. Teplova, Schur& (St. Regis) NYC, h. Busse, Henry: (Chez Paree) Chicago, nc. Marguerite & Arthur (Embassy Club) Toron-Queens of Rhythm, Four (Grey Wolf Tavern)Terris, Norma (Versailles) NYC, re. to, no. Sharon, Pa., no. Thais (Nut Club) NYC, nc. Caceres, Emilio: (Villa D) Detroit, no. Marianne (St. Moritz) NYC, h. That Quartette (American) NYC, mh. Campbell,Jack:(Wagon Wheel)Nashville, Mariko, Princess (Oriental) Chi, t. R Theodore & Denesha (Montclair) NYC h. Tenn., nc. Marion & Irma (Trocadero) London 1-90, no.Radio Aces (Morrison) Chi, h. Thomas Sisters(Illinois) Macomb, Ill.,t. Campbell, Jimmie: (16 Club) Chi, no. Marlowe, Gwen (Village Nut Club) NYC, no. Rafael (Sherry -Netherland) NYC, h. Thompson, Kay (St. Regis) NYC, h. Carper, Don: ,(Old Country Club) Phoenix, Marlowe, Selma (Marbro) Chi, t. Ramon & Lucinda (El Toreador) NYC, no. Thrillers, The (Orph.) Minneapolis 18-21, t. Ariz., cc. Marlow,The Great(TimesSquare Club)Randall, Andre (French Casino) N. Y. C., nc.Tic-Toc Girls (Yacht Club) Chi, no. Carroll, Frank: (Maples Inn) Lakeside, Que., Rochester, N. Y., nc. Randall, Billy (Club Ritz) Superior, Wis., nc.Tien, Paul (Old Rumanian) NYC, no. Can., nc. Martin, Marion (Hollywood) NYC, re. Ranson, Glenda (Broadway Room) NYC, nc.Tip, Tap, Toe (Chicago) Chi, t. Caruso, Ben: (Old Algiers) NYC, re. Martin, Muriel (Dizzy Club) New York, no. Ray, Retie & Tommy Hayden (Jack Demp-Titan Trio (Oriental) Chi, t. Cavanaugh,George: (WebsterHall)De- Martin, Tommy (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, no. sey's) NYC, re. Toots & Al (Connie's Inn) NYC, no. troit,h. Martinet & Crow (Grosvenor House) LondonRaye, Allen (Biltmore) New York. h. Torres, Ralph (Edison) NYC, h. Chassy,Lon: (Greenbrier)White Sulphur 1-30, nc. Raye,Gilbert & Vicky(Club Continental)Trask, Billy (Number One Bar) NYC, no. Springs, W. Va.. h. Masked Countess, The (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, Buffalo, nc. Tremaine, Roberta (Jack Dempsey's) NYC, re.Chester, Bob:(Webster Hall) Detroit, h. no. Raye, Prince & Clarke (Park Central) NYC, h.Treyes & Violeta (El Toreador) NYC, nc. Childs,Reggie: (Greyhound)Jeffersonville, Mason,Jack, & His Playboy Revue (ClubReyes, Billy (Lido) Montreal, no. Tscherkassy, Alexis (St. Moritz) New York, h. Ind., nc. Richman) NYC, nc. Rea, Kit (Park Central) NYC, nc. Turry, Dorothy (Chateau Moderne) NYC, in.Christie, Geo.: (Club Silhouette) Chicago, nc. Mathews, Babe (Ubangi Club) NYC, no. Reasons, Three (Jack Dempsey's) NYC, re. V Codelban, Cornelius: (St. Regis) New York, Is, Maurice & Cordoba (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Rebell, Margot (Harry's N. Y. Cabaret) Ohl,Valencia, Magda (Club Gaucho) New York, nc.Cole, Eddie: (Panama. Cafe) Chi, tic. Mauss, Willie (State) NYC 18-21, t. nc. Valerie, Armand (Town Casino) NYC, no. Conrad, Judy: (Tower) Kansas City, t. Mavely, Jackie (Kit Kat Club) NYC, no. Reed, Billy (Dizzy Club) NYC, no. Vallee, Rudy, Co. (Met.) Boston 18-21, t. Continental Gypsies: (L'Aiglon) Chicago, c. Max & His Gang (Ufa Palest) Hamburg 1-Reed & Blane (Wellington) NYC, h. Valley, Viviaire(Club Normandie) NYC, nc. Cornelius, Paul: (Club Joy) Lexington, Ky., no, 30,t. Rees, Jack (Normandie) New York, no. Valors, Two (Alhambra) Paris 8-21,t. Crosby, Bob' (Lexington) NYC, h. May, Marty (Lyric) Indianapolis, t. Regan, Jimmy & Eileen(Beverly Gardens)Van, Billy (Venetian Gardens) Newport, R.I.,Cugat, Xavier: (Stevens) Chi, h. Mayfields, The, & Virginia (Colonial) Dayton, Beverly Park, Mich., no. nu. 0., t. Reillys, Five (Fox) Philp, 18-21, t. Van Loon, Willem (Chez Josephine Baker) Meade & Meeres (Ade1phi) London 1-30, t. Remos, Paul, & Midgets (Fox) Phila 18-21, t. NYC, nc. Dailey, Frank: (Meadowbrook) Cedar Grove, Mele, Vi (Commodore Hotel) NYC, h. Rene & George (Town Casino) NYC, no. Vasilo & Yoanna (Nixon) Pittsburgh,no. N. J., no. Melzoras, Six Flying: Williamson, W. Va., 18.Rhodes, Doris(Paradise) NYC, re. Velas, Ester (Roosevelt) NYC, h. Darner: (Madeleine) New York, no. 23. Rhodes, Dorothy (Kit Kat Club) NYC, no. Veloz & Yolanda & Band (Orph.) Minneap-Dantzig, Eli:(St. George) Brooklyn, h. Mercedes, Eileen (Caliente) NYC, no. Rhythm Boys (Weylin Hotel) NYC, h. olis 18-21, t. Darrell, Pat: (Wonder Bar) Zanesville, 0., no. Mercer, Mary (Hickory House) New York, re.Rhythm Debs, Three (Connie's Inn) NYC, no.Vestoff, Floria (Paradise) NYC, re. Davis,Fess:(House of Jacques) Oklahoma Meroff, Benny, & Orch. (Fox) Detroit 18-21, t.Ricker, Abby Morrison (Cerutti's) NYC, re. Vietro, Tony (Chateau Moderne) NYC, nc. City, Okla., no. Miaco (Radio City Rainbow Grill) NYC, no.Richman, Harry (Chez Farce) Chi, nc. Villa, Celia (Chateau Moderne) NYC, no. De Torre, Emile: (El Chico) NYC, nc. Michon, Joe & Pete (Oriental) Chi, t. Rimacs, Ciro (Adelphi) London 1-30, t. Villano & Lorna (Embassy Terrace) Montreal,Delman, Cy: (Bellevue -Stratford) Phila, h. Miller, Joan (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. Robbins Family, The (Marden's Riviera) Fort no. Denny, Jack: (French Casino) New York, cb. Miller, Marty (Turf Club) Pittsburgh, no. Lee, N. J., nc. Viniegra, Fermin (El Toreador) NYC, no. Dickerson, Carroll:(Sunset Cafe) Chi, no. Mills, Kirk & Howard (Brown Derby) Boston,Rodrigo Itz Francine (Brown) Louisville, h. Dictators, The: (885 Club) Chicago, nc. nc. Rogers, Buddy, & Band (Lyric) Dixon, Dick: (Gloria Palest) NYC, nc. Mills, Tommy (Place Elegante) New York, no. t. Wahl, Dottie (608 Club) Chi. no. Dolen, Bernie: (Vanderbilt and Sherry -Neth- Mitchell & Durant (State) NYC 18-21, t. Rogers, Jimmie (Mon Paris) NYC, no. Waite, Kenneth, Troupe (State -Lake) Chi, t. erland) NYC, h. Mitchell, Maurice (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. Rogers, Muriel (Chateau Moderne) NYC, no.Waldron, Jack (Hollywood) NYC, re. Donahue, Al:(Bermudiana) Bermuda, h. Mogul (French Casino) NYC, no. Rohckast, Marianne (Club Normandie) NYC,Walker, Kirby (Hickory House) NYC, nc. nornberger, Charles:(Paradise) NYC, cb. Monroe, Freddie (Club Richman) NYC, no. no. Walker, Mildred (Colony Club) Chi, no. Dorsey, Tommy: (Lincoln) NYC, h. Monte, Hal (Royale -Frolics) Chi, no. Rollins, Bobby (885 Club) Chi, no. Wallace, Frank (Butler's Tap Room) NYC, no.Drummond, Jack:(ClubLoftus)Menands, Montgomery, Anne (Brill's) Newark, N. Y., no.Rollins, Mimi (Hollywood) NYC, re. Walsh, Clara Bell (Ambassador) NYC, nc. N. Y., no. Monty, Paul (Man About Town Club) NYC,Ralph, Wynne (Wivel's) New York, re, Walsh, Mary Jean (Pierre) NYC, h. Dubrow, Art: (CopHouse) Hartford, no. Rooneys, Riding (State -Lake) Chi, t. Walter & Lee (Shubert) Cincinnati 18-21, t. Conn., nc. Moore & Revel (Palmer House) Chi May 8-Rosita & Fontana (Ambassador) NYC, h. Ward, Aida (Kit Kat Club) NYC, nc. Duchin, Eddie: (Plaza) NYC, h. 28,h. Ross, Dr.(Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Ward, Helene (Italian Garden) Pittsburgh, no.Duerr, Dolph: (Vanity Fair) Cleveland, re. Morales, Felix (State -Lake) Chi, t. Ross. Pierre & Schuster (Orph.) MinneapolisWashington, George Dewey (Kit Kat Club)Durand's Rio Grande Rangers' (Grand) Pe- Moreno, Consuelo(El Chico) New York, no. 18-21, t. NYC, nc. oria,Ill.,20;(Orph.)Hillsboro,Ill.,21; Morgan, Grace (St. Regis) NYC. h. Rosseau, Sue (Dutch's) Chi, no. Watson, Hot Foot (Ubangi) NYC, no. (Capital)Taylorville,Ill.,22-23;(Illinois) Moreno, Conchita (Chesapeake House) NYC,Rossi, Pat (Cafe Loyale) NYC, re. Wayne, Wanita (Town Casino) NYC, no. Macomb, Ill., 24, t. re. Rover Boys (Jack Dempsey's) NY°, re. Webster, Hazel (Number One Bar) NYC, no. Durst, Henry: (3 States Club) Rodessa, Morris, Dwight (Gabriel's) NYC, no. Rowe, Dorothy (Bossert) Brooklyn, h. Weicker, Florence (Ambassador) NYC,h. nc. Mossman, Earl (Colonial Village) Peoria, Ill.,Royal Hawaiians (Dizzy Club) NYC, nc. Wells, Dickie (Ubangi) NYC, no. E no. Russell, Frank (Gay Nineties) NYC, no. Wells, Johnny (Chez Pared) Chi, no. Edmund, George: (Loyale) NYC, C. Munoz & Balan (Club Gaucho) NYC, no. Russian Choir (Sherry -Netherland) NYC, h.Wencil, Ray (Silver Tavern) Chi, no. Ellington, Duke: (Congress) Chi, h. Mura, Corinna (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Ryan, Sue (Shubert) Cincinnati 18-21, t. Weylin Knightcaps (Weylin) New York, h. Elliott, Baron: (William Penn) Pittsburgh, b. Muriel, Mimi (Meurice) NYC, re. Whalen, Jackie (Happy's) Glendale, L. I., no.Emery, George:(Four Tours) Cedar Grove. Murphy, Edna (New Yorker) New York, h. Sabile, Mickey (Man About Town) NYC, no. White, Ann (Town Casino) NYC, nc. N. J., no. Music Hall Boys (Gaumont Theaters) LondonSadovskaja, Lidia(Sherry-Netherland)White, Jack (Broadway Room) NYC, no. Engles, Charles: (Marquette Club) Chi, no. Musical Rogues, Three (Essex House) NYC, h. NYC, h. White, Jerri (Dizzy Club) NYC, no. Ernie, Val: (Maxim's) New York, h. Myra (Tillie's Chicken Grill) New York, nc. Sae, Letty (Lindy's) Boston, Mass., no. White, Jerry (Gay '90s) NYC, no. Eslick, Jay: (Paul's Inn) San Diego, Calif., re. 32 The Billboard ROUTES -GENERAL INDOOR NEWS May 23, 1936

F Martel, Gus: (Stork) New York, nc. V Martell, Paul: (Arcadia) New York, b. Van Duzer, Roger: (Larchmont Casino) Larch- Fan,Billy:(ClubHollywood)Springfield,Martin, Ted: (Childs' Paramount) NYC, re. mont, N. Y., ro. 7a.itattac fake Mass., nc. Matteson, George:(McPherson's Point) Co-Veil, Tubby:(Bruns' Palm Garden) Chi,c. Farmer, Willie: (Leon and Eddie's) New York, ByBETTY HUNTINGTON nc. nesus Lake, N. Y., nc. Masters, Frankie: (Edgewater Beach) Chi, h.Wallace, Roy: (Avenue Tavern) Indianapolis, Ferdinando, Angelo: (Great Northern) NYC, h. Mayno,Artie:(BelmontGrill)Bridgeport, Jackie (Kiki) Roberts (Mrs. Cook to Fiddler, Max: (Towne Club) Pittsburgh, nc. Conn.. re. nc. Fields, Shep: (Pierre) NYC, h. Meadowbrook Boys: (Versailles) NYC, re. Waterhouse, Frank: (400 Club) Wichita, Kan.,you)is back in town for the summer Finch, Freddie: (Club Paramount) La Salle,Meeker, Bobby: (Pal.) San Francisco, h. nc. with her husband, Ted Cook, who has Ill., nc. Meir, Harvey: (Gayety Village) Chi, c. Watts, Kenny:(Dicky Wells) Harlem, Newaccepted an engagement at the Hotel Fischer, Art:(Dutch's) Chi,c. York, nc. Fisher, Mark: "(Roosevelt) New Orleans, h. Meeker, Paul: (Shawnee) Springfield, 0., h.Weeks, Ranny: (Cocoanut Grove) Boston, re. Saranac as piano player with the or- Fodor, Jerry: (Veterans' Club) Toledo, 0., nc.Meo, Jimmy: (Royale -Frolics) Chicago, no. Weems, Ted: (Palmer House) Chicago,h. chestra.Jackie looks well and is taking Fomeen, Basil: (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Meroff, Benny: (Fox) Detroit, t. Welkly, Wee Willy: (Columbia)Columbia,her pneumo refills here at the Lodge. Four Aces: (Roxy Club) Chi, nc. Messner, Dick: (Park Central) NYC, h. N. J.,h. Francisco, Don: (Bel Tabarin) San Francisco,Meyers, Jack: (Club New Yorker) New York,Weiser, Leo: (Michigan Tavern) Niles, Mich., Tommy (Hoofer) Vicks is still in town nc. nc. nc. and, curing at Downing's cottage on Franklin, Sid: (Yacht Club) NYC, nc. Miller, Joe: (Casa Blanca) Chi, no. West,Neil:(Colonial)Fostoria,0.,19-20;Main street.We're glad to know he is Fray, Jacques' (St. Regis) NYC, h. Miller, Russ: (Edgewood) Treton, N. J. (State) Greenville, 0.,21;(Murphy) Wil- Frisco, Sammy: (Tuite & Dean's) Chi, c. Miller, Walter: (Breakers)PalmBeach, mington, 0., 22-23, t. up and around again after a rather Funk, Wash: (4444 Club) Cincinnati, nc. Fla., h. White, Dave: (Oasis Grill) New York City, re.serious attack of pneumonia. Minor, Frank: (Barrel of Fun) NYC, no. Widmer, Bus: (Gladstone) Casper, Wyo., h. Mooney, Art: (Oasis) Detroit, nc. Williams, Griff: (Aragon) Chi, b. John (Harry Lauder) Louden will go Gasparre, Dick: (Savoy Plaza) New York, h.Moore, Carl: (Normandie) Boston, b. Williams,Joe: (MarkTwain) Hannibal,in for dramatic stock this summer. At Geering, Bob: (Jockey Club) Dayton, 0., re.Morgan, Russ: (Biltmore) NYC, h. Mo., h. present he is busy directing Peg o' My Gendron, Henry: (Guyon's Paradise) Chi, b. Mullaney, Johnnie: (Brevoort) Chi, h. Woods, Howard: (Robert Treat) Newark, h.Heart with someofSaranac'slocal Gentry, Tom: (Walled Lake) Detroit, b. N talent and sponsored by the Saranac Gilberto, Don: (Toreador) New York, nc. Nagel, Harold: (Rainbow Room) New York, Gill, Emerson: (Lotus Gardens) Cleveland, nc. nc. Yuhasz, Johnny: (Durant) Flint, Mich., h. Lake Craft Guild. Graham, Eddie: (Nut Club) New York, nc. Nance, Ray: (Dave's Cafe) Chi,c. Hannah (Zimmle) Zimmerman had a Grant, Douglas: (Leonardo) Newbury, Mass.,Nash, Joey: (Mounds Country Club) St. Louis, surprisevisitfrom her hubby and re. Mo., cc. Zarin, Michael: (Waldorf-Astoria) New York,friends last week, who drove up from Gray, Glen: (Rainbow Room) NYC, nc. Navarre, Ted (Roseland) Brooklyn, N. Y., br.Zatour, Joseph: (Biltmore) New York, h. Green, Johnny: (Earle)Phila,t. Navarro, Al: (Belvedere) Baltimore, h. Zwilling, Sid: (Belleview) Belleaire, Fla., cc.New York and found her well on the Grunau, Harry: (Torch Club) Canton, 0., nc.Newman, Ruby: (Rainbow Grill)RockefellerZwolin, Ted: (Moulin Rouge) Detroit, c. mend. H Center, N. Y., nc. Eddie (Four Carltons) Ross has re- Hail, Ewen: (Plaza) San Antonio, h. Niebaur, Eddie:(Casino Moderne) Chicago, turned to the Lodge after his second rib Hall, George: (Taft) New York, h. nc. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL operation, which was performed at the Hall, Sleepy: (Lord Baltimore) Baltimore, h.Noble, Ray: (Paramount) NYC, t. General Hospital here by our "Old Re- Halstead,Henry: (Jefferson) St. Louis,Norvo, Red: (Commodore) NYC, h. At Home Abroad: (Grand) Chi 18-23. Mo., h. Nolan, Bob: (Gibson) Cincinnati, h. Awake and Sing: (Selwyn) Chi 18-23. liable" staff surgeon, Dr. W. Woodruff, Hamilton, George: (Mark Hopkini) San Fran- 0 Boy Meets Girl: (Victory) Dayton, 0., 20-21;of Saranac Lake.Eddie is doing nicely. cisco, h. O'Connell, Mac: (Larchmont Casino) Larch- (Hartman) Columbus 22-23; (Cass) Detroit JimmieCannon,formersaxophone Hamp, Johnny: (Peabody) Memphis, Tenn., h. mont, N. Y., no. 25-30. player with Ray Noble's Orchestra and Handelman,Phil:(Fifth Avenue) NYC,h.Olman, Val: (Ambassador) NYC, h. OldMaid: (Boulevard)JacksonHeights, Hanson, Lloyd: (MarcusWhitman) WallaOlson, Walter: (New Julius) Gardenville, N. N. Y., 18-23. husband of Marion (NVA) Cannon, is Walla, Wash., h. Y., re. Personal Appearance: (Belasco) Los Angelescuring at Northwoods San, and with Hargraves, Bobby: (Kit Kat Club) NYC, nc.Oregonians, The:(Veterans')Myrtle Point, 18-23. good reports.Marion is here at the Hartley, Hal: (Fairmount) Hull, Que., Can., Ore., b. Three Men on a Horse: (Harris) Chi 18-23. Lodge and doing well. cc. Osborne, Will: (Lowry) St. Paul, h. Three Men on a Horse: (Wilson) Detroit 18-23. Harris, Claude: (Joey's Stables) Detroit, nc. Three Men on a Horse: (Broad St.) Phila 18- Ruth (Davis) Hatch, ex-NVA patient, Harris, Phil: (Arcadia) Phila, nc. 23. who left here last year, has given up her Heidt, Horace: (Drake) Chi, h. Pablo, Don: (National Roof) Peoria, Ill., no.Tobacco Road: (National) Washington, D. C.,position in New York to take a much - Henderson, Fletcher:(Grand Terrace)Chi.Pancho:(Pierre) NYC, h. 18-23. needed rest, when she will again resume nc. Panico, Louis:(Olympic) Chicago, b. Tobacco Road: (Pal.) Hartford, Conn.. 18-23. Herbeck, Ray: (Multomah) Portland, Ore., h.Parham, Tiny: (Club Havana) Chi, nc. Winterset: (Cass)Detroit 18-23; (Nixon)her duties in the fall. Hess, Edith: (McCleans) Pensauken, N. J., nc.Parker, Johnny: (Stables) Chi, c. Pittsburgh 25-30. Johnnie DeGiovanni, who blew in Hessberger, George: (Old Heidelberg) Milwau-Pearce, Red: (Jeff Davis) Tupelo, Miss., h. town for a brief visit and checkup last kee, re. Peary, Bob: (Graemere) Chi, h. week, has returned to Ramsay, N. J., to Hill, Teddy: (Ubangi) New York, sic. Pecoraro, Dick: (Monte Rosa) NYC, re. INDEPENDENT BURLESK Hines., Earl:(Riverside) Milwaukee, t. Perry, Ron: (St. Moritz) New York, h. continue his position as manager of a Hoffman, Earl: (Bon Air) Chi, cc. Peterson, Dee: (Anchor Club) Sandusky, 0.,Beauty Parade: (Werba) Brooklyn 18-23. theater there. Holmes, Herbie: (Ringside Club) Ft. Worth, nc. Hello, Paree: (Republic) NYC 18-23. Please check on your health to avoid Tex., nc. Platt, Earl: (Broad Street Grill) Harrisburg,Melody Maids: (Bijou) Phila 18-23. "the cure" and write to those you know Hopkins, Josh: (Club German) Pawtucket, Pa., re. Rounders: (Gayety) Baltimore 18-23. R. I., DC. Pollack, Ben: (Peabody) Memphis, Tenn., h.Sporty Widows: (Howard) Boston 18-23. in Saranac Lake. Howard, Ben: (Silver Tavern) Chi, nc. Prima,Louis: (FamousDoor) Hollywood, Huntley, Lloyd: (Mount Royal) Montreal, h. Calif., nc. Hutton, Ina Ray: (Shea's Hipp.) Toronto, t.Provost,Ed: (Donahues)Mountain View, MISCELLANEOUS J N. J., nc. Jewish WPA Unit Janis, Freddie: (Parody Club) Chicago, nc. Pryor, Louis: (Rustic Tavern) Jasper, Ind., b.Almond, Jethro, Show: Hemp, N. C.18-23. Jergens, Dick: (Palomar) Los Angeles, b. Purvis,Jack: (Thru Looking Glass) newBaker's, M. L., Side Show: Knoxville, Tenn., Johnson,Charlie:(Small'sParadise)New York, nc. 18-23. Opens With Success York, nc. R Becker,Magician:Madison,Wis., 18-23; Jones, Isham: (Palomar) Los Angeles. Rabucci, Paul: (Post Lodge) Larchmont, N. Y. Dodgeville 25-30. NEW YORK, May 16.-The Jewish unit Jordan. Faye:(Edgewater Club)Lafayette,Raeburn, Boyd: (Muehlebach) Kansas City, h.Bragg Bros.' Show: West Canaan, N. H., 18-of Federal Theater Project last Friday La., no. Rainbow Ramblers:(Club Moose)Haverhill, 23; Canaan 25-30. Daniel, Magician: Avon, Ill.,18-23. presentedatthe Public Theater,66 Mass., nc. Dressen & Purcell Circus: Mt. Pulaski, Ill., 20;Second avenue, We Live and Laugh, a Kavanaugh, George: (Blossom Heath) Detroit,Ramos, Ramon: (Forge Club) Miami, no. Assumption 23; nc. Ravazza, Carl: (St. Francis) San Francisco, h. Stonington 21; Maroa 22; musical revue made up of a series of Kavelin, Al: (WilliamPenn)Pittsburgh,Reader,Charles:(Fort Montague)Nassau, Bement 25; Sullivan 26; Pana 27; Shelby-sketches portraying various phases of Pa., h. B. W. I., h. ville 28. Jewish life, both modern and old, and Keener, Lee: (Madison) Jefferson City, Mo., h.Redell, Herbie: (Casino) Chicago,c. Harlan Med. Show: Brownsville, Pa., 18-23. with settings depicting scenes in this King, Bert:(Shelton) NYC, h. Regal, Tommy: (Syracuse) Syracuse, N. Y., h.Mel -Roy, Magician: Wheaton, Minn., 20; El- King,Henry:(Mark Hopkins)San Fran-Regis, Del: (Anchorage) Phila, nc. bow Lake 21; Breckenridge 25; Crosby 26-country and abroad. Fourteen individual cisco, h. Reichman, Joe:(Statler) Boston, h. 27; Chisholm 28; Bovey 29; Cass Lake 30. numbers in all were offered, something Kirkham, Don: (Blakeland Inn) Denver, nc.Reynolds, Buddy:(Rose Garden) Hannibal, (see ROUTES on page 76) after the fashion of a vaudeville show, Klein, Jules:(Statler) Detroit, h. Mo., b. and were introduced by a master of cere- Knapp, Orville: (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Ricardel,Joe:(Jimmy Kelly's)Greenwich Korbin, Van: (Madison Casino) Chicago, c. Village, NYC, nc. monies. Krauss, Eddie: (Cocoanut Gardens) Chi, nc.Richards, Barney: (Limehouse) Chicago, c. Suit Over Time A large crowd witnessed the opening - Krumin, Costya: (Russian Bear) New York,Rines, Joe: (Mayfair) Boston, nc. night performance and responded en- r. Ringer, Johnny: (Casino Venezia) NYC, nc. Kyseer, Kay: (Trianon) Chi, b. Ritorf, Stan:(Club Rajah)Chi,nc. thusiastically to the production which, In Bank Night L Rodrigo, Namo: (Rainbow Room) Rockefeller compared to the usual Jewish musical La Marr, Frank: (Arcadia) NYC, b. Center, NYC, nc. TAMPA, 'la., May 16. - Bank -nightshow, was a new departure in the direc- LaPorte, Joe: (Lombardy) New York, h. Rodriguez, Jose:(LaRue's) New York, nc. purse of $1,550 offered by Sparks Thea-tion of better staging and settings. Out- Lagman, Bill: (Club Trianon) Mobile, Ala., nc,Rogers, Buddy: (Lyric) Indianapolis, t. ters recently is in dispute, W. A. Rice,standing on the bill were A Village Wed- Lamb, Drexel: (Club Lido) Jackson, Mich., nc.Romano, Phil:(Roseland) NYC, b. ding, a jazzed -up version of a Cantor's Lang, Lou:(Bossert) Brooklyn, N.Y.,h. Rosenthal, Harry: (LaRue's) New York, re. whose name was called as the winner, Lang, Syd: (Hi -Hat Club) Chi, nc. Royal Arcadians: (Allyn House)Hartford,threatening to sue if he is not givenaudition, and Prisoner of '36, which sur- LaPorte, Manny: (Manna -bar) Ardmore, Pa. Conn., b. the money, while the management ofpassed all the others in comedy.An La Salle, Frank: (Wivel) New York, nc. Russell, Jack: (Melody Mill) Chicago, b. opening prolog by a Jewish song -and - LeRoy. Howard: (McCurdy) Evansville, the Tampa Theater, where drawing Oc- Ind., h. Sales, Lew: (Club Minuet) Chicago, nc. curred, contends he arrived at the stagedance man told how the WPA theater LeBrun, Duke: (LaSalle) South Bend, Ind., h.Sand, Carl: (Chateau) Chicago; b. 60 seconds too late.Theaters plainlyproject had made the show possible. Lee, Larry: (Beverly -Wilshire) Beverly Hills,Sanders, Joe: (Blackhawk) Chi, c. advertise that the bank -night purse will Production was under the supervision Calif., h. Schneider, Sol: (Old Rumanian) New York, re. of Stephen Karnot, directed by Judah Lehmas, Al: (Granada) Chi, b. Scholl, Jack: (Coronado) St. Louis, h. be given away to the person whose name Levant, Phil: (Bismarck) Chicago, h. Schreiber,Carl: (OrientalGardens)Chi-iscalled, provided that person makesBleich and Zvee Schooler and assisted by Light, Enocn: (McAlpin) New Yorkh. cago, c. himself or herself known to the man-WolfeBarzell. More than adequate Lindeman, Udo: (Gloria Palest) New York. cb.Schulman, Julius: (Veney Park) St. Peters-agement within two minutes from themusic, choreography, settings and cos- Livingston, Jimmie:(Club Chalfonte)Pine- burg, Fla., h. tumes are credited to Maurice Rauch, hurst, N. C., nc. Scoggin, Chic:(Jefferson)St. Louis, h. time winner is announced. Due to Flori- Lombardo. Guy: (Palmer House) Chi, h. Singer, Lou:(Three Little Pigs) Hollywood.da law prohibiting lottery winner can-Lillian Shapiro, Andrei Hudiakoff and Lopez, Vincent: (Lavaggi's) Baltimore. Calif., nc. not be required to have a theater ticketEmile Stoner. P. A. Lube, Jacques: (Princess) Bermuda, h. Smith, Joe: (Copley Plaza) Boston, h. to claim the money, and crowds have Lucas, Clyde: (New Yorker) NYC, h. Smith, Leroy: (Connie's) NYC, cb. Lucas. Nick: (Hollywood) NYC, cb. Smith, Stuff: (Onyx) NYC, nc. formed the habit of standing outside the Lyman, Abe: (College Inn) Chi, nc. Snyder, Frankie: (Winona Gardens) Chi, until drawing is made.Henceurer, and Robert Campbell, secretary. Lyon, Bob: (Commodore) Vancouver, B. C.,Souders, Jackie: (Uptown) Portland, Ore., b.thetwo -minutelimitinstigatedbyElected to trusteeships of three years Can., cb. Spaeth, Karl: (Marco's Grill) Detroit, no. Sparks.Rice was not in the theaterareA.0. Brown, Richard Herndon, Lyon, Russ: (Northwood Inn) Detroit, nc. Sprigg, Jack:(Shubert) Cincinnati,t. when his name was called, but reachedChrystal Herne, Donald Brian, Frank M Stanley,Al: ((Winder's Beach)Pensacola, Fla.,nc. the stage in three minutes instead of theMcIntyre and George H. Nicolai.Hugh McCarn, Grace: (Chinese T Gardens) Detroit,Sterney, George: (Plaza) New York, h. required two. The altercation has causedCameron will finish out an incomplete re. Stewart, Jack: (Chickasaw Gardens) Albany, McCoy, Clyde: (Roseland) NYC, b. Ga., nc. much discussion pro and con amongterm of one year. McDonald's Music Mixers:(Hi Hat Club) publichere, and unless the With the exception of a speech by Boaz, W. Va., nc. Stone, Al: (Leghorn Farms) Trenton, N. J. Frohman, in which he discoursed on the McGowan, Loop:(Exchange Club) Tampa.Sweeney, Bud: (Winter Casino) Buffalo, N. Y.,mor ey is paid 'may possibly hurt the Fla., nc. br. bank -night bUsineS9. different nature of today's theater as McKenzie, Red: (Famous Door) NYC, nc. T compared with that of Shakespeare's Mack, Austin: (Harry's N. Y. Cabaret) Chi-Terry, J. Frank: (McVan's Club Padio) Buf- period, the 100 attending members were cago, c. falo, N. Y., nc. Madriguera, Enrio: (Riviera) Englewood, N. J.,Terry, Ron: (St. Moritz) New York, h. Frohman Still Fundconcerned with financial statements of ro. Thurn, Otto: (Alpine Village Hofbrau) Cleve- the Fund's various activities relative to Maitland, Johnny: (St. Paul) St. Paul, h. land, re. caring for sick and aged theater folk. Mann, Milton: (Village Barn) New York, nc.Tinsley, Bob: (Colosimo's) Chicago, nc. Prez; $129,599 SpentOf $155,898 received by the Fund last Mannone. Wingy: (Hickory House) NYC, nc.Todd, Mitch: (Sky Rocket) Chi, nc. $129,599 was spent for medical Mantes, Gus: (Birch Gardens) Albany, N. Y.,Tompkins, Tommy: (Arcadia) NYC, b. NEW YORK, May 16. - Daniel Froh-year, nc. Topps, Al: (Nut House) Chicago, nc. man was re-elected head of Actors' Fundtreatment, hospital fees, burials and al- Manuti. Al: (Man About Town) New York, re.Tormey, Bob:(CasaLoma) South Bend.of America at the 55th annual meetinglied items.Approximately 186 people Mansfield. Dick: (Governor Clinton) NYC, h. Ind., no. of the association at the Lyceum Thea-per week received aid from the associa- Mantes, Gus: (Moon Tavern) Albany, N. Y.,Toscuna, Tommy: (All Stars) NYC, nc. tion.These figures, together with a de- re. Travers, Vincent: (French Casino) NYC, nc.ter last Friday. Other officers, all elected Maples, Nelson:(Showboat) Pittsburgh, Pa.Tucker,Tommy: (HenryBinns) Albany,unanimously, are Walter Vincent, firstpreciation of real estate values, account Marsico, Al: (Club Mirador) Homestead, Pa., N. Y., h. vice-president;Major Reinold, secondfor a balance of only $7,593 on the right nc. Turner, Al: (Bachelor's Club) Pittsburgh, nc. side of the ledger. Marshall, Bill: (Bellevue Stratford) Phila, h.Turner, Jimmie: (Last Round Up) Detroit, no.vice-president; Sam A. Scribner, tress-

v;:;,- r±. May 23, 1936 The Billboard 33 TrucksorDelivery Units. .Fleet Owners select CHEVROLET For Power and Economy

"Our average cost ran a trifle in excess of 3.6c per mile, including depreciation on a 31/2 -year basis, licenses, in- surance, storage, washing and the ordinary oper- ating expenses."

THE CHARLES E. HIRES co., nationally prominent manufacturers of famous CHEVROLET TRUCKS I Hires Root Beer, provides another example of how fleet users have recog- nized the outstanding economy and the great and dependable power of prove stamina and record - Chevrolet trucks and delivery units.Quoting from a statement made by breaking economy in amaz- this company: ing coast -to -coast run "We selected the Chevrolet Sedan Delivery because it was economical in operating cost, provided ample room for carry- ing dealer display advertising and samples of our products, and afforded a desirable source of advertising. "In addition to the Sedan Delivery cars (59), we have ten half- ton Panel trucks and six 11/2 -ton trucks for delivery work-a total of 75 Chevrolet units in our fleet. "Our average cost ran a trifle in excess of 3.6c per mile, includ- ' Look at this great record Location of Test...los Angeles to New York ing depreciation on a 31/2 -year basis, licenses, insurance, stor- Distance Traveled 3511.5 miles age, washing and the ordinary operating expenses." Running Time 129 hours, 24 minutes Average S 27.14 miles per hour Chevrolet trucks are the world's thriftiest high-powered trucks-as fleet owners Gasolinesed 308.6 gallons Gasoline, miles per gallon 11.378 the country over are discovering!So, if you haven't already done so, get Oil Consumption 2 quarts the facts on how powerful, dependable and economical 1936 Chevrolet trucks Cost of Fuel $57.59 Cost of Oil $ 67 can reduce your haulage and delivery costs.Your Chevrolet dealer will Fuel and Oil (cost per mile) $ 016 Average cost per ton mile $.00328 co-operate with a demonstration-on your jobs! Water Consumption 1 gallon No mechanical failures CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN Entire test conducted under supervision of A. A. A. Contest Board- Sanction No. 3300. GENERAL MOTORS INSTALLMENT PLAN- /CHEVROLET MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR PURSE FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION 2:

CHEVROLET TRUCKS 34 The Billboard CIRCUSES May 23, 1936 Conducted by CHARLES WIRTH-Communicationsto 25 OperaPlace, Cincinnati, 0. Washingtonians Attend National Amateur Unit RinglingShowDownie Show at Annapolis Webb Clicking Scoring With Eddy Show WASHINGTON, May 16.-The nation's capital turned out to witness the per- GREAT NECK, N. Y., May 16.-Man- formance of Downie Bros.'Circus atIn Middle West ager Charles T. Hunt, of Eddy Bros.' Annapolis. Md., May 9.About five bus Circus, has an amateur unit for the Hits the Road after -show.Early last winter he closed loads represented guests of Dr. Sterling a deal with the National Amateur Unit, Meade, nationally known dentist, active Concert is holding largewhich Is composed exclusively of first Circus Fan and formerly one of the percentage of crowds prize winners from Major 13owes', Fred Breaks in new BrooklynAmerican Belfords.Special features of Allen's. Ray Perkins' and other leading the performance for the guests of Doc- building trailers,cages broadcasting amateur contests, to pre- lot to fair biz-layout mar -tor Meade were introduced in the spec sent the concert with the new Eddy v21 of white-topism and in clown numbers. The guests were show. welcomed by Charles Sparks, Charles BRIDGEPORT, Neb., May 16.-Busi- This has proved a pleasing innovation Katz and Harry Mack. ness with the Joe B. Webb Circus hasand the concert business has averaged BROOKLYN, May 16.-Fresh from a Dr. William Mann, directorof thebeen very good thru Western Kansas and.big in all stands. triumphant week in Boston, where turn-'united States National Zoo, also hadNebraska.Schools are being dismissed aways were the ord^r of the cl"y (andseveral guests at evening performance,nearlyevery afternoon and matinees night),Ringling-Barnuminauguratedand other Washingtonians included Mr.have been packed.The concert is hold-Maynard Biz Increases Its road tour here on Monday, playingand Mrs. Melvin D. Hildreth, Col. Jacking a large percentage of the crowds. the entire week, as per custom.ShowBeck, Harry A. Allen, Rex M. Ingham,Program consistsofsinging,dancing, LOS ANGELES, May 18.-The Ken broke in a new lot in a new and clean -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mander, Williamcomedy and Wild West numbers. RalphMaynard Show is now in its third week looking residentialsectionat AlbanyWetmore; Edward Hilleary, of Baltimore;Noble, who has added some new acts, isat the ranch at Van Nuys.Last week- avenue and Avenue D, between UticaMr. and Mrs. Walter Jennier, Dr. Richarddoing well with the Side Show. end business increased considerably over and Nostrand avenues, an out-of-the-Paine. Roy and DorothyHillbertrecentlyopening week -end.The menagerie is a way locgtion necessitating a nickel bus Performance was highly commendedjoined and are working in big show.fine setup, with 11 cages, lead stock and fare from the subway stations.Thisby those attending.A unique featureHillbert is training Mr. and Mrs., Webb'sthru center is an Indian Village.Bert fact probably accounted for a dacreaseis the resurrection of the old-time min-sixEnglishcollies,whichareei:htMyers has done a good job of painting over lastyear, which was played onstrel parade in the opening spec.Georgemonths old. Some trailers and cages arethe equipment.Nate Alpert has joined the perennial lot a station away, whereHanneford. Picard's seals, and the Lark-being built for the show. and is on tickets.Anna Veldt was laid the city is building a school.Currentins,in their furniture balancing act, The program, with Fred Crandell asupfor severaldayswithdislocated area superior to the one at Flatbushlong a Sparks feature, received muchequestriandirectorand presentedinshoulder, injury suffered while working and Nostrand, tho less populous, andapplause. three rings, follows in order: elephant act.Oscar Gahan received a in a year or two should be sufficiently Show has new canvas and with the foot injury. established to bring heavy returns. Goodextensive menagerie makes a beautiful The Program weather except on Wednesday, whichappearance on the lot. Spec., Valencia, Spanish tango, Betty brought spasmodic storms but no letup Webb. Pony drills, Miss Woodcock, Jim-Conroy Has Good Opening in show routines. my Hamiter. Roman rings, Betty Webb ShowcaughtThursdayafternoon,Major Bowes Unit and Gene Rogers; Kester Duo; the Hal- BLUE SPRINGS, Mo., May 16.-Conroy with a fine-looking sun but bursts of berts-.Clowns.Riding dogs and monksBros.' Circus opened here May 2 to good winds, causing performers to shiver un-Closes With Cole inallrings.Clown baseball number.matinee and night crowds.Showis der wraps in tents and the backyard. Rolling globe, Tetu Moromoto;barrelsponsored in each spot by local mer- Perfect azure sky furnished a suitable MUNCIE, Ind., May 16.-Major Bowes'kicking, Charles Dryden.Swinging lad-chants. Pop Lawless and Jim Penning- overhead scenery for a white city whichAmateurs on Tour, a unit with the Coleders, Grace Orton, Betty Webb, fe-iti--ton are in advance.Show is managed this year spreads more canvas than everBros. -Clyde Beatty Circus appearing in Janey Taylor with swivel,centerby Small Burdette.Others with show before and offers a resplendent picturethe concert, .closedhere. The Circus, (See WEBB CLICKING on page 37) include Mrs. LeRoy Easter, Karnava Duo, of the Greatest Show on Earth at itsmanagement was loud in its praise of Todd Woods, Dorothy Kelly, A. Bowman, greatest. the excellent entertainers, but the unit Charles Gordon, Roy Kelly, Walt Carner, Except for the customary addition ofdid not seem to draw enough businessNew Lexington Lot for R -BR. C. Burdette and George Howard. two stageson theendsnot muchto warrant continuance with the show change registered as compared to theand it was mutually agreed upon by LMEINGTON,Ky.,May15.-W,iien performance shown at the Garden open-Sam Goldberg, manager for Major Bowes,Ringling-Barnum Circus appears hereRemarkable Biz ing with its three rings and two stages.and Adkins and Terrell, the owners, toJuly 11 it will use a new lot, at Euclid Change is in the phYsical part, which isdiscontinue it. avenue and 'rates road, instead of theFor Cole -Beatty (See RINGLING SHOW on page 37) Everything was harmonious and pleas-fairgrounds, where a race meet is set for ant, but the people just didn't seem tothe afternoon of show day.Lot, about LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 16.-The "pep" relish that sort of entertainment under10 blocks from the heart of to-n, wastalk that Jess Adkins and Zack Terrell Ida White Falls; canvas, but preferred the 'Wild West,contracted this week by Al Butler, whogave beforethe assembled bosses on which was withdrawn from the big shgwhad been after it for some years. opening day at Rochester, Ind., has pro- In Serious Condition performance and placed back in the con- duced results for the Cole Bros. -Clyde cert. Beatty Circus.Now in its second week LANCASTER, Pa., May 16.-Ida White LANCASTER, Pa.-William Cunning-under canvas, show has been moving on is in a serious condition at St. Joseph's ham, trainer for the Walter L. Main Cir-schedule. Nine parades have been staged Hospital with a possible fracture of theThree for Bridgeport cus, was arrested here recently on aand not one has been over 20 minutes back when she fell 25 feet during a per- BRIDGEPORT, Conn., May 16.-Bar-charge of cruelty to animals and finedlate in leaving the grounds at advertised formance of Downie Bros' Circus herenum's old home town will again have a$10 and costs before a Justice of thetime of 11 a.m. Wednesday. She and her husband, Ernie,number of circuses.Thus far bookingsPeace.It was alleged he beat a camel Brothers,May20; South Bend, Kokomo, Muncie, Ander- were doing perch pole balancing act. includeGorman while loadingit on a car until theson, Terre Haute, Evansville and Owens- White, according to co -troupers, prob-Downie Bros., May 26, and Ringling-animal collapsed and suffered a brokenboro produced sensational business at ably saved his wife's life by manipulationBarnum, June 13. front leg. front door. Indianapolis stands were pre- of the pole to break her fall, which oc- eminent, as over 34,000 people attended curred when her husjiand, walking back- the four performances there.The co- ward with the balance pole, stepped in a operative spirit of the various bosses is re- hole and threw the act out of balance. sponsible for the on -time schedule. Henry The Whites are old troupers, altho this isCanton, 0., Mayor Seeking LowerBroWn, boss hostler; John P. McGrath, their first season with Downie Bros. trainmaster;CharleyYoung,superin- tendent of canvas, and Orville Wilbur, License Charge for Truck Showsboss property man. are entitled to take Barney Doing Well CANTON, 0., May 16.-Mayor .Jamesaction ofcity council in order that (See REMARKABLE BIZ on page 37) ST. LOUIS, May 16.-According to re-Seccombe has openly declared himselfshows yet this season might profit by ports received here, the Barney Bros.'in favor of a lower license charge forthe lower charge.He held little hopeLocals To Take Action Circus is enjoying nice business at mostmotorized circuses here.He told a rep-that council action would be forthcom- of its stands thru the Dakotas. resentative of The Billboard this weeking in time to benefit two shows al- PITTSBURGH, May 16.-Leo Aberna- Executive staff includes Tom Atkin-that he would request license ordinancesreadycontractedforherelatethisthy,national president of the Inter- son, general manager; John Foss, generalfrom Youngstown, Akron and Dayton,month. national Alliance of Billposters and Bill- agent; Charles (Butch) Cohn, legal ad-and after a study of these would recom- The existing circus license here fixesers, states that all locals are being in- juster; Harry Bray, equestrian director;mend that the existing license ordinancea daily charge, based on seating capacitystructed to take action against circuses Capt. John Hoffman, wild animal train-be repealed and new legislation passedof the big top.The minimum fee un-which have hot signed a contract .with er;LeeHinckley,bandleader;Artin its stead.He admitted the chargeder this reader is $100 and truck shows,the union. Powell, lot superintendent; Georgewas excessive for a motorized show andregardless of their size, have been com- Mr.Abernathy, whojustreturned Adams, charge of motor transportation;said the existing ordinance was draftedpelled to pay the $100 for a license.from Cleveland, revealed that the local Elmer Voris, steward; Bob Leeds, mailyears ago before the advent of the truckAfter this charge the daily fee jumpsthere signed a two-year contract with and The Billboard agent; Barney Unrath,show and applied at that time to theto$250,whichaffectstherailroadthe Central Outdoor Advertising Com- banners and 24 -hour man; Billy Dick,railroad cireuses. Seccombe believes $50 is a fairpany,callingfor increasedrates and Side Show manager. He said he would demand immediatecharge for a motorized show. better working conditions.

SOME OF THE CHEVROLET equipment used by Barney Bros.'Circus!The trucks were sold to the show by Charles Goss, of the Standard Chevrolet Company, E. St. 1,01118, 111. May 23, 1936 CIRCUSES The Billboard 35 Bill Reed Jr., made Downie Bros.' Cir- cus at Annapolis May 9. C' RCVS With the Hilleary statesWaterbury Circus TAM that in addition to seeing a fine per- Free Delivery (F? formance they were treated royally byLeads 1935 Take management. Show had a fair matinee To New York City Terminal eitcus lattsand good crowd at night.On May 21 NEW YORK, May 16.-Frank Wirth's and22 We are delivering a carload of Tents By THE RINGMASTER Ringling-BarnumwillshowGrottoCircusinWaterbury,Conn., Baltimore and the Hilleary familyiswhich closed May 9in the armory, to Newark, N. J., this week. CFA. anticipating spending two days on thedrewa 25percentincreaseover We are taking orders now President, Secretary, lot renewing ecounintanep. FRANK H. HARTLESS. W. M. BUCKINGHAM. last year at the gate when it opened on For Tents for car tobe delivered 2930West Lake Street. ThamesBank Monday, and there were several turn- - June 25th - Chicago, Ill. Norwich. Conn. aways during the week, Wirth reported conducted by WLTER HOHENADEL, Editor Freight Free The White Tops,"care Hohenadel Printing Com- to The Billboard. pany, Rochelle.In.) Total attendance was 47,000.Three toNew York City Terminal shows were given May 9.Wirth an- At regular Kansas City Prices. John R. Shepard, former editor of nounced signing contract with the same AskCampfield quick about thisservice White Tops, and Mrs. Lois Simm, of Chi- auspices to produce next year's show. Write-Wire-Phone cago, were visitors at office of White Sponsors rewarded Wirth's efforts with Tops May 8. a beautiful engraved wrist watch, Hart- BAKER - LOCKWOOD Bugs Raymond and Walter Bucking- ford Shrine giving him a silver ring- ham, Circus Fans of Norwich, Conn., master's whistle suitably inscribed. 17th and Central, KANSAS CITY, MO, were guests of Frank Wirth at Grotto It was his third straight time in there. America'sBig Tent House Circus in Waterbury May 9. The Grotto Layout was three-ring for the first time EASTERN REPRESENTATIVE - A.E. officers and performers of show pre- under Grotto here.Publicity, handled CAMPFIELO, 152 W. 42dSt.,N.Y.C. sented Wirth with a wrist watch. Many byDickSlater,ofTheRepublican of the performers of the Grotto show American, included a 12 -page supple- joined Gorman Bros.' Circus. ment, with stories and art daily. Ed M. Hilleary,charter member of Mr. and Mrs. Sverre 0. Braathen and LieutenantGovernorFrankHayes the CFA, of Baltimore, Md., accom-Dr. and Mrs. Tormey, Circus Fans ofopened the show and commented about rents panied by his son, John R. Hilleary, andMadison, Wis., made Atterbury Bros'it over the air.The program. CIRCUS,CARNIVAL Circus in Richland Center May 16. Sells - Poodles Hanneford, Five Jansleys, Will talik Sterling Circus has contracted MadisonHill's Elephants, Demnati Arabs, Eugene ti CONCESSIONS for May 25, and as it will be there Sun-Randow, Brengk's Golden Horse and RINGLING BROS day Wisconsin Fans areplanningaPosing Girls, Minerva, Miss Ora, Ray party for members of show on SundayGoody,Jim WongChineseTroupe, ERNESTOIANDLER:= night. Christiansen'sGreatDanes,boxing BARNUMN&BAILEY Bill Kasiska, Circus Fan of Baraboo,mechanical riding, Hip Raymond, Billy Wis., writes that Atterbury Bros.' Cir-Rice, Tony Leland, Three Wilsons, Hill's cus will play the former circus city un-Ponies and Joe Basile's Band. TENTS der auspices of Veterans of Foreign Wars Wirth said his Shrine Show in Hart- SHOW and CARNIVAL Ciiicirs May 18 and is looking forward to spend-ford, week of April 20, went over big, ing day on lot.Bill writes that Harrywith a decrease of only 10 per cent over NASHVILLE TENT & AWNING CO. BALTIMORE, MD., May 20-21. year, Lakola, 11 Spruce street, Mansfield, 0.,last despitefloodconditions. Nashville, Tenn. WILMINGTON, DEL., May 22. is an old-time juggler, who is now un-Afternoon bizlighterbecause school able to walk without the aid of crutches,children were not permitted to get away HARRY HUSBAND, Mgr. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., May 23. due to an auto accident four years ago.early, having lost time when institu- PHILADELPHIA, PA., May 25-30. He Is 75 and would like reading material.tions were closed during flood.Night of All grosses ahead however. Styles THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH Barnes Coast Business Satisfaction Van Ormans Entertain TENTSGuaranteed Continues To Be Good Get Our Prices Before You Buy k(' Members of Cole Show PORTLAND, Ore., May 16.-Leaving EVANSVILLE, Ind., May 16.-Following 5' Sacramento, Calif., the Al G. Barnes Cir-the night performance of the Cole -Beatty DIZE AWNING & TENT CO. FLASHY PATRIOTIC cus stopped off in Chico for an after-Circus here May 12, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 1512 S.Main St.. WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. 5' noon show only.This town had notVan Orman entertained at a dinner at been visited for three years.There wastheir McCurdy Hotel for 125 guests, all a well -filled tent. The run out of Chicoperformers of both dressing rooms having was to Medford, Ore. DESIGNS An accident oc-been invited and many executives. Some, 5' curred at Talent, near Medford, whereof course, could not attend. In addition, USED TENT LIST IN 5' the circus train struck an auto, killingEvansville members of the Circus Fans' Now Ready. A Great Number of Bargains. two men, Al and Roy Dobbins.ThisAssociation and their wives attended. Sizes from Frame Tents to Big Tops.Write delayed arrival at Medford until short-Col. William Soaper Sneed, chairman of Today. ly after 11 a.m.Doors opened St 1:30the Chicago CFA, was here and was a spe- Posters, Cards and splendid trade at both perform-cial guest. The banquet hall, decorations, United States Tent & Awning Co. ances. At Roseburg 24 -hour man Peter-menu and ices bore out the circus motif 701-09N. Sangamon St., Chicago, III. son found the original lot location softin a clever manner. Banners, Etc. from recent rains.Tract of land used Mrs. Van Orman, who until her mar- here is a large one and by moving tworiage last fall was Harriet Hodgini, fea- blocks was able to find much firmerture equestrienne on this circus last sea- FOR ground without making new contract.son, enjoyed her visit with her former FOR Good business. At Eugene rain had pre-associates, as did Colonel Van Orman, PRICES ceded the circus, making grounds a badwho in courting Harrietlastseason 4th of July one. Not taking any chance, wagonslearned to know everyone on the lot. were lined along the paved street and A short run that night to Owensboro, Fulton BagLSCotton Mills everything was"gillied" on thelot. .40,.1.,Ni," Ky., permitted the party to continue until ST. LOWS Business here, very big,is somethingaround 2 o'clock. The hotel orchestra and . NSW 0 ***** L 01.1S4S C II 1r so Celebrations that the circus folks are still talkingsome added acts entertained and the about. host, who is well known as a toastmaster, ALSO FOR With an early arrival at Portland Sun-presided. day, May 10, and a supply of Oregon DriverMadeTents and Banners spruce for a complete set of poles for Special Features big top delivered on the lot, Cap CurtisSunday Permit Refused was busy with his crew getting them YOUNGSTOWN, 0., May 16.-Mayor TENTS- -BANNERS SUCH AS RODEO, CIRCUS, ready for use later in the week.Port-Lionel Evans refused a permit to the CHARLIE DRIVER, Manager. AUTO RACES land has always given the show big busi-Cole -Beatty Circus to show here on a ness, but Monday proved to be the big-Sunday late this month. 0. HENRY TENT & AWNING CO. gest in its history.At night the first William J. Lester, contracting agent, is 4611-13 N. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. turnaway of the season. Portland is theunderstood to be seeking a suitable lot THE DONALDSON home of old-time trouper, "Portland,"outside the corporate limits.Show is who joined a circus here June 3, 1899.slated to play here May 24. posT CARDS .And 8X 10 Very few know "Portland's" real name, LITHO. CO. which is Charlie Lehman. REPRODUCTIONS OF YOUR PrIOTOS NEWPORT, KY. A recent visitor was Wally Ware, chair-home in Venice.His last position was ell12CARDS "fri/RROR" 8' IQ man of the California Railroad Com-24 -hour agent.Karl Knudson replaced 100 - 1.95 -Guar ant eed - 12-2.25 (Opposite Cincinnati, O..) mission. He is an old friend of Manager ONE SUBJECT PER LOT him. Howard Y. Bary, circus advertising250 - 400 25 -4.25 S. L. Cronin and spent a day with himsalesman, flew from the East to Oakland Specially Designed Groupings 500 - 6.75 -- 7o 0,der. - 50 on circus lot, accompanied by his twoto look over the show and then went to °ROJO PrIOTO ART SERVICE - 675 daughters.Attorney -General Moody, ofDetroit by plane.He is scheduled to 1000 - II 75301 Keowee St. DAYTON. 0.100 - 9.75 Oregon, and wife were guests at Salemreturn with an automobile exhibit at EXPERT SEA LION and and Portland.Arthur Hopper, generalTacoma.George Reader, for last eight AN agent, was with show in Portland andseasons connected with privilege car, re- TRAINER left Tuesday night for points east. turned to Hot Springs, Ark., where heThe Lanquay Costume Co. Lee McDonald left recently for hishas interests.' JUST ARRIVED FROM EUROPE. 159 North State Street, 404 CapitolBuilding, WorkedWith Leading European Circuses. OHIOA00, ILL. IMMEDIATE ENGAGEMENT DESIRED. BOX 711,Billboard, 1564 Broadway,N. Y. Everything For Theatrical Wardrobe Important Announcement RHINESTONES-SPANGLES-TIGHTS BARNETT BROS. CIRCUS WANTS Effective with June 6 issuethe minimum single column TIGHTS Side -Show Ticket Seller, must make good second display space sold will be 10 lines, costing $5; minimum openings, reserve and concert ticketseller,sober IALBERTISCO., 440 W. 42d St., New YorkCity. circus cook. Route:Dmvosburg,Wednesday; double column space, 14 lines(1 inch) in depth, costing $14. Duquesne.Thursday:Homestead,Friday;Cora- opolis. Saturday.All Pennsylvania. The advertising rate of MOTORIZE 50c anagateline remains un- WriteforourFinancePlan. CHAS. GOSS, T1 GALT S changed. Standard Chevrolet Co., East St. Louis, Ill. KOHAN MFG. CO., End your correspondence toadvertiser' by men. 290 TuffsPlace, BROOKLYN. N. Y. Mining The Billboard. 36 The Billboard CIRCUSES May 23, 1936 Polack Kicks Back Dextetlellows CINCINNATI, May18. - IrvingJ. (csscA) Polack, of Polack Bros.' Circus, takes ex- 1411/1.eit 772atquee ceptions to some paragraphs in the story pertaining to his show in issue dated Tent Tattles By CIRCUS SOLLY May 9.Among other things,it was By FRED PITZER stated that Barry Breden, the show's RADKE SISTERS recentlyreturnedthe body of Jim C. Fritts, her brother, topress agent, left the organization at Lin - NEW YORK, May 16.-The initiation from a three months' tour with SantosPittsburg, but was sent at her request of went over with a & Artigas Circus in Cuba. and had insurance to cover all expenses. bang, altho the fact that the meeting was held on an off day was sorely re- ED HILER, general agent of Norris CHARLES ROBINSON and Lew Kish flected in the attendance.A telegram Bros.' Circus, reports nice business sinceclosed with Reo Bros.' Circus. The for- was received from the governor of New going into the Ozarks. mer will remain in Philadelphia indef- Jersey, Harold G. Hoffman, regretting initely and the latter is planning to join his inability to be present, as well as a DON TAYLOR opened May 15 at Ken-another show latter part of this month. letterfrom Lowell Thomas reading: nywood Park, Pittsburgh, with his Punch "Wish I could be there on Thursday, and Judy show for the picnic season. K.E. SIMMONS, ofCrawfordsville, but, blast the luck, I'm out of town Ind., had a nice visit with Jess Adkins that day."The new thing introduced HARRISBURG, Pa. - Near -capacityand Bob Courtney while attending the was a calliope, which was arranged for audiences greeted Downie Bros.' CircusCole show at Indianapolis May 10. A. B. by John Carey, and he promises to have here May 11. Jones saw the show at Terre Haute. it at all of our future meets. Among the worth -while guests intro- BOCKUS & KILONIS Circus was at "HI -BROWN" BOBBY BURNS is with Fitchburg, Mass., May 6,having fairReo Bros.' Circus as general contracting duced were Neal Mooers, vice-president atagent.Following him is a billing crew Abraham & Straus;Steve Hannagan, house in afternoon and capacity and two press agents. Show is reportedwe w 01 VC LW.. tpaU 11.r ea,Caa the man who made Miami Beach-Miami night. to be doing nice business. and his gas and oil from town to town.and Coral Gables-when he came north We paid him the right amount due him,in 1933 he left behind him the most R. L. ATTERBURY, manager of Atter- elaborate system of municipal publicity bury Bros.'Circus,statesthatS.L. AI ra..rtURY BROS. entered Wisconsinsometimes advancing part of his money. Stoltz was contracted with the Darlington May 11. A fine day's busi-I finally dismissed him at Lincoln afterto be found in the world. . . .Louis ness was done at New Hampton, Ia.allowing $25 extra for the St. Joseph, Mo.,Ehret Jr., of the great family of brewers, but did not join. Show played its first Sunday date atengagement, as we had a week's layoffwho promised two kegs of beer for the CRAWFORD DROEGE, formerbill-East Dubuque, Ill., matinee only, to fairthere.He was paid on a settlement innext meeting; Albert Siebert, scout ex- poster, saw Kay Bros.' Circus at Plym-business. full April 23; $50 for Lincoln, $25 extraecutive; Harry Hahn; Jock Lair, comp- outh,Pa., and reports a nice show. for St. Joseph and $18.50 expenses, fortroller of the I. T. & T. Corporation; Canvas is new. CHARLES (KID) KOSTER, formerlywhich we took a receipt. On April 25 heJohn Hooper, comptroller of the Ameri- (See Under the Marquee on page 57) came around in Lincoln and stated thatcan Machine and Foundry Company E. C. T. CASS, contracting agent for At- he was broke, did not have money forB. Brook;CharlesSinclair,president terbury Bros.' Circus, booked the show his hotel bill, and we gave him $15 inColumbia University Club. . . of at Chippewa Falls,Wis., on the HillBert Cole Entertains cash to get out of town. course, one must be present to hear Jolly street lot for Sunday, May 31. Members of Eddy Show "Ours and the Shrine money was in aBill Steinke make these introductions TOTTENVILLE, N. Y., May 16.-Whenjoint bank account in Lincoln.I under-in his inimitable way. HAL SILVER joined the Barnes showthe Eddy Bros' Circus played here, thestand Breden had an attorney call on By the way, we suggested to Louis April 19, doing his bounding tight -wirehome of Bert Cole, now retired, Mr. andthe Shrine in Lincoln after we left town,Ehret Jr. that he buy Jolly Bill and turn, and is working alone in centerMrs. Charles T. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs.claiming a balance due from us, andput him on the air as a German dialect ring as a featured act. Al F. Wheeler were entertained at a din-that they gave him $29 in cash for whichbartender commenting with customers ner party at the home of Bert Cole. Mrs.he gave them a three weeks' note prom-on the topics of the day. No commission wanted, Bill.. . . Lester Kramer, in his FRED RINGLER, formerly with ColeCole, the former star of Tango Shoes,ising to return the money. His Bros.' Circus, has entered the theaterproved a charming host and the menu "There was no party given on the showpolice togs, was better than ever. business, and with Stanley Keepin willprovided under her supervision was anby the showfolk during the Lincoln en-manner of chasing long-winded speakers . . . President Tony Sarg operate Wolverine Theater in Detroit. elaborate one. gagement.Regarding buying calliopewows 'em. Bert's father, George S. Cole, was afrom Doc Howell, I don't know anyonegave a very pleasant burlesque biography CLARENCE AUSKINGS hasclosedVery close friend of Al F. Wheeler, whoby that name. We purchased one fromof Grantland Rice, telling how he had with the Jack Riddle show and returnedalways refers to him as his tutor in thethe National Calliope Company. been editor of a golf magazine, etc. tohis home in Ohio.Says his carshow business.The Eddy show played After this the tent's Poet Laureate burned last Monday on highway fromto two capacity houses here, with all "If Breden bad action of any kind itwas called in and recited North Judson, Ind. the public schools given a half holiday.should have been against us and not thewhich was well received-then Grant - Shrine.Our bank account in Lincolnland was crowned as the Kingpin of W. K. WARNER, announcer, who has was not closed until May 5." Sportsman, and then after a magician been with various shows and for last fried eggs in the crown, pulled ducks 10 years general announcer at Million -Russell Straws from the back of his neck and live gold- DollarPier,Atlantic City, has joined fish from all around him-finally Grant - Ringling-Barnum Side Show. 'Em at Hamilton Dtastny ROOM gGsscpland was allowed to fish and pulled out a pair of pink what-ya-macallemsand TOM MIX Circus was greeted by high- CINCINNATI, May 16.-The Russell AL G. BARNES-Recent visitors to the Bros.' Circus, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Webb,backyard have been many, the Cr'A beingthen received the medal of admission school bands in every town last week,owners -managers, was at Hamilton, 0.,well represented by Jim Chloupek, Daveto the tent, his medal dubbing him informs Cliff McDougall, who is doinglast Monday, playing to a light houseCavanero, S. R. Van Wyck, Dr. Murray,Golf Clown. One mishap, which was re- the contacting.Business has been ex-in afternoon and had 'em on straw atMr. and Mrs. Frank Croe, Mr. and Mrs.grettable, was the breaking of an egg by cellent In Oregon. night.Weather conditions were ideal.Eddie Silbon, Colonel Ed Burke, Mr. andthe magi. Instead of the contents going Since opening at Rolla, Mo., April 16,Mrs. I. C. Marks, Mr. anti Mrs. J. Rafretto,into the crown, as intended, it spilled ABE GOLDSTEIN, with Tom Mix Cir-show has been doing okeh, but not quiteA. V. Schubert.Mrs. Forbes and Mrs.all over Grantland's clothes, and ever cus,is working with Jimmy Davison,as good compared with last season atTschudy bid their husbands good -bysince he has been picking scrambled eggs who does a tramp character.Abe isthis time, Mr. Webb stated.Show re-until fall when they left for Los Angelesout of his vest pocket. still doing his cop character. They workcently had a big day at Danville, Ill. after driving thru toOakland. Olga together all thru the big show. The show makes a dandy appearancePoydras, who took her sister's place in on thelot,withitspractically newthe Side Show working snakes, left atAdvance of Atterbury Bros. CHARLES A. (CHUCK) O'CONNOtI iscanvas and its first-class motor equip-Oakland to return to Los Angeles.Miss confined to the Heart Ward, B 2.inment. Gene Enos, who had not troupedJosephine, in turn, took her place.Mr. EAU CLAIRE, Wis., May 16.-The ad- Naval Hospital, Philadelphia.He hassince 1933, when he was with Downieand Mrs. Harry L. Heintz saw two of thevance department of AtterburyBros.' not been very well for the last threeBros.' Circus, is equestrian director and Circus includes J. C. Admire, generaland weeks. has the performance moving at a livelysix shows at Oakland. routing agent, three weeks in advance; pace.There were so many acts that Earl Chapin May, accompanied by Dr.Gladys Admire, advertising bannersand ORA FRITZ, of Pittsburg, Kan., statesthere was no need for the fill-ins beingPartello,visitedatOakland. Arthurmerchants tickets, three weeks ahead; that Marlow Bros' Show did not sendof unnecessary length. L. Claude Meyers,Blanchard, San Francisco printer, saidS. T. Cass, local and press contracting director of a peppy nine -piece band,good -by to his many friends on the lotagent, three weeks ahead; W. Allen, spe- Circus orRep.Agent,ac- at Oakland for another year.Backdoor ATLIBERTYcount Tames Cole Cirrus clos-furnishes a first-rate program. cial agent, opposition car; Roy Roberts, ing. Have car.Go anywhere. Salary your limit. A very good line of acts is offered in"Arky," after having been with showmanager Car No. 1, 14 days ahead,with CLYDE MALLORY, 508 Market Street, (See RUSSELL STRAWS on page 45) for many years, left at Oakland to worksix billers and two country route cars; port, Pe. forthe Ford Motor Company. Nick Nichelon is back with Bill Leonard andHarry Hones, No. 2 car and programs, high -bar act, after being out for severalthree days in advance. weeks with broken ribs.Fred Ledgett For the last two years Admire and was visited by several of his close rela-Roberts held the same positions with tivesin Oakland.At Medford,Ore.,Sells -Sterling Circus.Gladys Admire is RICE BROS. CIRCUS Nettie Dill and Harold Ward spent mosthaving her biggest sales on banners since of the day visiting their friends.In1929. Want The Following To Join At Urbana,0., May 21 Harold's caseit was his mother, Mrs. No stock paper is used, but all special Mayme Ward Smith. paper, dates, heralds,etc.The show, A-1 CLOWNS who play Instruments In Clown Band.Must feature all -white wardrobe. At Roseburg, Ore., Alma Taylor wasowned and managed by R. L. Atterbury, FOR BIC SHOW BAND-Real Circus Musicians.Must be sight readers and able to visited by her mother, Mrs. Martin, ac-is moving on 20 trucks. cut it.Especially want good strong Trumpeters. Also Drummers, both Bass and companied by Alma's two brothers and Snare. You must have complete line of traps. her niece.Eugene, Ore., is the home of FOR SIDE SHOW-Want completely organized ColoredMinstrel Band..No women, Frank Cherry, clown and performer, andItalian Act to Cole Show just men musicians.Or will hire Individual musicians.Must play strictly jazz. friends and relatives visited him.At Eva La Tour, wire. Also strong Musical Act, Lady ac- Salem, "Chic" Dale was busy with his NEW YORK, May 16.-Zavatta Zoppe Want Snake Act. lifelong friend, Vic McMahon. Troupe, Italian riding act imported by cordionist preferred. not onlyFerdeSimon,localtheatricalagent, PRIVILEGE DEPARTMENT-W. R. Henry wants "Candy Red"O'Neill for prize package Little Maxine Woeckener joined Cole -Beatty Circus in Rochester, candy. Also clean-cut, fast -stepping seat butchers. rides daily in hurdles but rehearses be-Ind. Prefer old-time Circus troupers. Riggers, tween shows.Marion Bendixon, who WORKINGMEN wanted for all departments. doessolodanceinaftershow,altho seat men, property men, big top and side showcanvasmen. making her first season with the circus, and sleeper Wonder if she bought her own birthday Allguaranteedlongseason, good treatment, best ofcookhouse was right at home in Portland, thisbeing traileraccommodations.Pay day every Sunday. her native city.Blonde (Cookie) Hamlinpresents. In regard to all above, reply to was sporting new red high -heelshoes Hal Silvers, on the tight wire and a Circus, and a pretty red alligator bag Sunday inrecent addition to the dressing room, RAY MARSH BRYDON-Rice Bros. Portland, and when asked what it washas made himself right at home. He works URBANA, OHIO, MAY 21 all about, replied: "This is my birthdayout daily between shows and is perfect- anniversary and I am 20 years old."ing a forward somersault. May 23, 1936 CIRCUSES The Billboard 37 to startthe season of Milt Hinkle'swith their several splendid horse num- Texas Rangers Rodeo, the first engage-bers;the Great Kodaz, on the slack ment for the Iowa State Police Associa-wire (he has a novelty in the way of a OAK BRAND.: HY-TEX tion at this city starting May 25, includewire turn);the versatile Mary Miller, 71te Cattal Pete and Alice Adams, Mr. and Mrs.presenting cloud swing, wire, aerial loop Cherokee Hammond, Hike Walrich,acts:Rojas Duo, balancing ladder on By ROWDY WADDY Anvil Gilliam, Lew Weir,Jackie andtrapeze; the show's dog, pony and ele- BALLOONS WINNERS of first at the recent showBabe Wamel, Carl Dykes, Ralph Johnson,phant numbers (show has three bulls); atKernville,Calif.: Bronkriding,Ole Rice, Chief White Horse and familyPerez Trio of acrobats, featuring backDE LUXE ASSORTMENT LeonardWard;muleriding,Frankand Ken Myerhoff.Iva DellJacobsdrop (about 15 feet) from pedestal to Aluiso;calf roping, Lawrence Conley;and Alice Greenough were here a fewcushion on ground.Harry Taylor heads Contains extra -fancy prints in team roping, days but left to spend the time untila very good Wild West concert.Danny three, four and five -color effects. Howard Westfalnsteerthe show opens with Miss Jacobs' folksMcPride, Jimmy Thomas, Rube Egan and Seven different designs, each one stopping, Red Sublette. at Clarinda, Ia. several othersoffer some good clown printed in several brilliant color numbers. combinations. DOWN IN LOUISIANA Vinton is plan- ning for its summer rodeo. Ed Corbello AMONG officials and contestants in With its fine truck equipment, splen- Sold by Tulsa,Okla.,a week aheadofthedid stock, etc., the show is scoring with has been appointed stock manager; Bill the parade. Leading Jobbers Bemont, charge of concessions, and LeonPawnee Bill Rodeo in connection with L. Meaux in charge of publicity. the Petroleum Exposition(this week) Visitors included John Robinson IV, were Bob Hulett and Tom Gilbert (man-andhismother;GeorgeThompson, agers),BillHulett(arenasecretary),trainer of Robinson's Military Elephants; DICK SHELTON is one of the newFog -HornClancy,LeslieBrooksandE. W. Evans, A. C. Hartmann and Clar- colonels appointed on inauguration dayGlennCondon(workingpublicity),ence Latscha with their families and by Gov. Richard W. Leche of Louisiana,Nowata Slim(Judge), Jimmy Nesbitt,Charles Wirth, all of The Billboard, May 12.Dick, all dressed up in one ofShorty Grugan, Rose Davis, Rube Rob- those bright white uniforms, took parterts, Lonnie Rooney (arena director), In the Inaugural parade. Ray Larson, Tom Hogan, Pauline Nes-RINGLING SHOW bitt, John Beasley, Bill Watts and about (Continued from page 34) (Om OAK RUBBER CO H. W. (DUSTY) WALLER, showmana score of others who had not registeredbetter as circus because it's on Mother RAVENNII.01110. and rodeoist, after three weeks in hos-when the report was sent. Earth. Much faster, too, completing the pital with broken shoulder and collar- route in two hours and 20 minutes. Selling Through Jobbers Only bone, has returned to his hotel head- NOTES FROM Clyde S. Miller's RodeoRomeos and Spurgats supplement the quarters in San Antonio, Tex., his wifeCompany:Willopen theseasonatDisplay 18acrobaticnumber,With and daughter having joined him fromWaterloo, Ia., May 20. Miller has a newYoung Earn Troupe, Antaleks, Repenskis, EDDY BROS. CIRCUS El Paso. WANT, to join on wire. Versatile Circus Team do- arena. Show will carry about 40 cow-boomeranging Valdos and Canastrellising two or more Acts, Clowns, TRAP DRUMMER, boys and cowgirls. Weaver Gray will besurrounding the Naitto tight -wire act, Sousaphone and other Musicians. BANNER SOLIC- TOM KING officiates neatly in chargeone of the features. Staff includes Clydefeaturing olio Naitto, which was solo on ITOR. Girl for Ball Game, Siae Show Acts.May 20. Babylon, L. I., N. Y; 21, Farmingdale, L.1., of the Indians in the Side Show withS. Miller, owner -manager; Belle Miller,the building dates.Rest of program N. Y.; 22, Syosset, L. I., N. Y.; 23. Port Washing- Russell Bros.( Circus and is a capablesecretary -treasurer; J. Howe, head of ad-retained, with exception of acts booked ton, L.I.. N.Y.; 25, New Rochelle. N.Y. emsee during their performances.In-vertising and publicity; Juanita Gray,only for Boston and New York arenas. dians also take partin the opening WANTED FOR NORRIS BROS. CIRCUS. publicity with the show; Roy Strauss, Clyde Ingalls' Side Show addsMusicians of all kinds.CAN PLACE good Circus tournament and also in the concert, insuperintendent.Participantsinper-Makaenas Hawaiians, Disco's Punch and Acts, two Clowns, Oriental Dancing Girls.Salary which Red Russell is heavily featured. must be low.This is a small show.All Privileges formances include Kenneth Williams,Judy and Wright's Minstrel Band.Floto let.CAN PLACE good Banner Man.Address Earl Strauss, Weaver Gray, Veldine Ham-and Dot Carlson, fat duo, leave afterStockton, Mo., May 20; Eldorado Springs, Mo., 21; FORT WORTH, Tex. - BobCalen,mer, Juanita Gray,BillMiller,Effiethis engagement to join World of MirthOsceola, Mo., 22; Lowry City, Mo., 23; or as per Chester Byers, Tommy Kirnan, RubeDickey, Marjorie Roberts Boyson, EddieShows in Philly.Madame Zindra has route. Roberts, Dick and Reine Shelton, HubHovencamp, Red Breckenridge, Les Kar-the mentalist offering.Paneled front Whiteman and Rusty McGinty were thestad, W. T. Woods, Bill Fell, Eddie Boy -huge and socko, with plenty of goodwagons and cages at proper distance and first rodeo performers to be signed forson,KennethRoberts,JackLingle,color and a quartet of ticket boxes. also ward off the localtraffic.Their The Last Frontier show to be producedBobbyJones,TuffyCampbell,Cliff Frank Miller, who has the privilegesefforts have been appreciated by the at the Fort Worth Frontier Centennial,Pickering, Sam Brammer, Roy Loy, Mar-inside and outside, features an extrava-police. at which Verne Elliottwill be rodeotin Gulick, Kid Fletcher, Jimmie Hazen,gant looking diner on wheels and a director. Jack Ankrum, Goldie Corbin, Scott Car-custard truck which is neonized and CINCINNATI, May 16. --The Cole -Beatty men, MaxineMiller,OklahomaSlimsplendidlydecorated. AnotherfineCircus, in Covington, Ky., today, will be THE National Broadcasting Company(clown) and others.Mrs. Sewell willtruck outfit is the Mayer Bros.' commis-the first big circus in years to exhibit in gave a portion of its network Western.have charge of the cookhouse. Farm and Home Hour May 14 to talks sary. Cincinnati on a Sunday. Date is May 17, on the relation of the rodeo to the Eddie Vaughan, of legal department,The Queen City will be played for two days CLEVELAND-The Harris Bar S.Q.thinking ahead to the Cincy date. .. . on the downtown lot on Fourth street. cattle business and also the Rodeo Asso-Ranch Show closed its 12 -day run at There are over 25,000 sheets of paper ciation of America. Released to a bunch Frank Cook, legal adjuster, giving pepposted the Equestrium here the night of Maytalk to a kid who lost his mom. . . . in Cincinnati andCovington. of Western stations,including KGO,10.Attendance was very light thruoutDorothy Rouland, aerialist in aloft bal-This campaign was directed by Floyd KECA, KFSD, KEX, KJR, KGA, KLO,the run, which may be attributed tolet, leaves show here for Detroit to marryKing, general agent, and handled by KGIR, KOHL and KTAR. fact that word had passed around town William Backell, Clyde Willard and Mike Dr. Edward Morse, with wedding a JuneLyons. the show would not open as scheduled.celebration... . Ben Williams and Phil AS CUSTOMARY with the CalgaryThe Milt Hinkle outfit was originallyIsser on adjacent lot with rides and con- (Alta.)Exhibition and Stampede, Julybooked.According to report, Art Mix,cessions and getting alittle 6-11, the cowboys' sports portion of thewho had been here for some 10 days money. combined show is receiving heavy ad- . . .Dexter FelloWs, press division, do-WEBB CLICKING+ prior to opening date,received wording his front -door chores.. . . Mrs. Ira vance publicity.There are various pro-atthe"eleventhhour"thatHinkle (Continued from page 34) ductions of booklets, window hangers, Robertson, sec to Chief Gumpertz, help-ring.Clowns.Dogs, presented by Jim- would not be here to present the showing him rib visitors. . . . Ray Gram, etc.,a number of them in attractiveand went to Pittsburgh, where he suc-announcer, getting acclimated to things,my Hamiter.Clown band.Orton wire atmospheric colors.There will be moreceeded in getting Col. Jim Eskew tothis being his first season, bidding fairperformers.Comedy juggling, Charles than a dozen competitive events, theagree to show here.By this time the Dryden; contortion, Betty Webb.Single usual list and some new ones.This to becoming one of the most populartraps, Janey Taylor, Tetu Moromoto, fin- auspices had weakened and Eskew wason the show. . . .Fred Bradna speak- year marks the 51st year of the Calgaryenforced to take a chance or leave. Withing French as she should be spoke, toishing with muscle grind; Dorothy Hill- Exhibition. only a few hours to work before the bert.Elephant, Bill Woodcock present- them's on the show what does "Big Vera."Clowns.Menage and scheduled opening time, Tex Sherman, . . . Pat Valdo grabbing some magnifi- WITH highways remarkably improvedrodeo and circus press agent, got busy high-school horses, Buck Brenner, Babe and a great list of entertainment being cent movie shots of the performance onWoodcock, Jimmy Hamiter.Introduc- with the local papers and received ahis trusty kodak. . . . Merle Evans, head arrangedcitizens of Prescott and of-favorable break with space.Too late tion of Col. Joe B. Webb and his Wild ficialsofPrescottFrontier Days are man of the band, serving up hot andWest concert. Slack wire, Gene Rogers, now to start a real cowboy and cowgirlcold tunes in happy mixture. . . . Felix looking forward to their annual eventcontest, Eskew did the next best thing,Adler, producing clown, reports creationWeb, Hazel Kester, Janey Taylor; perch, July 2-5.Many tourists are expected.present an exhibition Wild West show. Orton Duo.Balancing trapeze, Norman Performanceswillbebroadcastover of a Fred and Ella Bradna CFA TentKester.Clowns.Iron -jaw, Hazel Kester, Cy Compton, Monte Reger, Carl Preston,in Boston. ... Barry Buchanan making radiowithLesterRuffnerassistingBuddy Medford,DollyEskew,Gracephotos to illustratehis dictionary ofTetu Moromoto, Janet' Taylor.Clown Happy Wintz at the mike. Catch linesRunyon,CharlesAldridge and Chief walkarounds.Riding school. of the Frontier Days' announcements in- show biz.. ..Carl Hathaway, superin- clude "Wild, rough, fast and furious"Winnesheik's Indian Band were featured.tendent, resting a bit after directing the Show is moving on 12 trucks and trail- setting up of the majestic traveling city.ers and a score of private cars.Has and "Stay, Cowboy! We turn 'em out chair grand stand. Big top is an 80 with wild!" three 30s;Side Show menagerie a 60 Business Spotty REMARKABLE BIZ - with three 208 and a nine double -deck DES MOINES, Ia.-Rose Weir, cowgirl, (Continued from page 34) bannerline.Show is not only putting is in Mercy Hospital in danger of losingFor Rice Bros. plenty of bows. All of these departmentsout plenty of billing matter, but also her left foot as result of being attacked function under the direction of Fredgoing strong on newspaper publicity and by a horse in Cleveland the night of CINCINNATI, May 16.-Rice Bros.' Cir-Seymour, superintendent. radio announcements.George Felix is May 10.Miss Weir, bucking -horse rider,cus was at Hillsboro, 0., last Saturday Movements on the L. & N. Railroadpublicity director. lost two toes when she attempted toand was visited by several members oflast year in Kentucky were brutal for the stop a fight between two horses. GivenThe Billboardstaff in the, but in two 1936 moves, Evansville The Staff emergency treatment in Cleveland, sheWeather was fine and attendance Owensboro and Owensboro to Louis- drove to this city, scheduled to appear General Manager Ray Marsh Brydonville, officials of the railroad have been Joe B. Webb is owner -manager; Betty in the Police Rodeo at the Coliseum.stated that since opening at Jackson,on the job. Webb, secretary; Mrs. Ivan Espy, treas- An examination revealed that gangreneTenn., April 11, the show has had some The parades have attracted thousandsurer; Joe Cole, auditor and superinten- had set in and she was ordered togood as well as bad days.At Ports-offolksand.inIndianapolisit wasdent front door; Jack Turner, assistant hospital. mouth, 0., the date previous to Hills-claimed that approximately 75,000 peoplemanager; Cash Wiltsie, legal adjuster; boro, attendance was capacity at night.were on hand.Managers Adkins and"Slats" Beeson, inside tickets;Charles NEW YORK-National Rodeo, recently The management isoffering a veryTerrell pride themselves on the streetMartin, on tax box; Willard Isely, band incorporated, is staffed by Fred Beebe,pleasing performance in three rings andpageant, which contains plenty of horses,director; Martin Smith, boss canvasman; producer, in charge of performance; Johnthe uirecting is done in speedy fashionfloats, open dens of wild animals, clownsGeorge W. Henderson, steward; William Paffrath, president and treasurer; Arthurby Fred Nelson.The band of 13 piecesand mounted people.There are fourDurant,contractingagent;William Paffrath, secretary, and Jack Price, busi-is ably directed by John Dusch, who hasbands, two directed by Victor Robbins; aJackson, advertising brigade; Louis In- ness manager and publicity director.J.returned to the big tops after severalclown band under Otto Griebling andgleheim, lithos; Edward Hays and Joe Paffrath and Beebe were associated withyears' absence. Brydon has truck equip-the colored band of P. G. Lowery.AlsoMcCoshla, billposters. the late Tex Rickard when he staged thement of the very best arid movementsthere are two calliopes, a steam played Side Show, managed by Ralph Noble, Garden'sfirst"WorldSeriesRodeo."are made in good time.He is planningby Ray La Choisser, and an air, by Julianhas Pete Cramer and Horace Ballard on Price is prominent in newspaper circleson having a new and larger top a littleRogers.In addition there are Scotchtickets, Rex Taylorisinside lecturer, and is columnist for Editor and Pub-later in the season. bagpipers and other musical instruments.Joe Rigger has Annex band. Monty Lewis lisher, organ of the newspaper field. Price The show was fully covered in a recent To facilitate handling the big paradeis superintendent of candy stands and and Beebe were in Buffalo last weekissue as to program and personnel, there-Equestrian Director H. J. McFarlan hashas Slim Chambers, Jelly Vanzant and negotiating a date. fore only brief mention will be made atselected Ray Dean, Jack Joyce, JohnWhitie Moore as butchers; "Slim" Can- this time of some of the acts.AmongSmith, Walter Radde and Jimmy Fostertrell has the pitch; Mrs. Crandall, prize DES MOINES, Ia,-People already herethe features are Madame and Vic Bedini,asassistants.These men keep thecandy in big show. 38 The Billboard PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS May 23, 1936 Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS-Communications to 25 Opera Place,Cincinnati, 0. Aerial Gate Crashers ATLANTIC CITY, May16.-Captain ADD RISK PLAN REP John L. Young, 84, who hasn't missed a fish -net haul since Young's Million -Dollar Pier was built, is vet showman enough to know how to handle tent creeper-unders, but was stumped this week by an aerial attackonhisnethauls. Two baby Griswold, Chi, Joins Campbell; blimps fromU.S.Naval Station, Lake- hurst, anchored over the pier as the first nets were hauled up, getting aringside Territorial Agreement in Effect view."Well, there isn't much that can be done about that kind of gate crashing,"

remarked the captain, "but as the blimps gave me an extra attraction,Isuppose Windy City brokers will co-operate with national asso- things are evened up." ciation on liability insurance setup-last-minute applica- tions swamping carrier, says Secretary Hodge CHICAGO, May 16.-Secretary's office of the National Association of Amuse- ment Parks, Pools and Beaches announced appointment by John Logan Campbell, Walled Lake Baltimore, of Jack Griswold, of Fred S. James & Company, 175 West Jackson boulevard, Chicago, as special representative on the NAAPPB public liability risk plan."The Fred S. James office," said Secretary A. R. Hodge, "is one of the out- standing insurance brokerage offices of the country, well qualified and equipped Opener Is Up to give Mr. Campbell exceptional co-operation and service in connection with all insurance matters pertaining to the in- dustry. Mr. Griswold is vice-president of Pearce -operated Michigan Fred S. James & Company, which has recently consolidated with the Jens -Black Has Kleeb spot has some reconstruc- Murray Company, also of Chicago, which latter company submitted to the special J. EUGENE PEARCE, manager of tion-Sport Shop is added public liability insurance committee ofPost in Conneaut Walled Lake (Mich.) Park, who has the NAAPPB a plan for public liability had wide experience in the amuse- DETROIT, May16. - Walled Lake insurancelast August atthe special PITTSBURGH, May16. - JohnA. ment park field on the staff of Fred (Mich.) Park, 30 miles northwest of De- meeting in New York City." Lucas, Peoples -Pittsburgh Trust Com- W. Pearce Enterprises. Walled Lake's troit, opened with business that has pany, operator of Conneaut Lake (Pa.) 1936openingindicatedimproved every prospect of a big season.Last Local Agents Named Park, appointed Kenneth Black general conditions, reflected in better attend- week -end brought out the biggest early - The territorial agreement between Mr.supervisor of the resort, succeeding Wil- anceandconcession receipts. Bid is season crowd seen in recent years.Pro- Campbell and the Jame.s office gives theliam A. Kleeb, deceased.Mr. Black, being made for major outing busi- motional work is being concentrated up- latter the territory lying west of Ohioformervice-president and cashierof ness. on picnics and the spot will have a large and south of West Virginia and theWilkinsburg First National Bank, will number of industrial and fraternal out- Carolinas, generally, with privilege on thereopen the spot for the season today. ings Min Detroit, Pontiac and other part -of both parties to handle certain Mr. Lucas said Maurice Bigelow will Inbe manager of Conneaut Lake Hotel,Denver Is Scene of Much towns.Concessioners reportbusiness accounts in each other's territory. night club and beer .garden.Work is much better than at this time a year addition, special local agents have been Beautification for Season ago. appointed in Indianapolis, Memphis, andprogressing on new park rides, to be Denver to service certain accounts.Itready for operation late this month. DENVER, May 16.-With opening of Considerable reconstruction work was is believed by officers that the new tie- Elitch Gardens today, Manager Arnold B.done. A Whip was installed, Manager J. up will give members of the NAAPPB the Gurtler is preparing for biggest crowdsEugene Pearce said.Work included en- strongest insurance service ever enjoyedProspect Good in Calgary largement of parking lot.In the restau- inthegarden'shistory. Thepark, Ad- by the industry. CALGARY, Alta., May 16.- Bownessstarted in 1890, has been thoroly sprucedrant C. A. Shepard doubled its size. "Just as was anticipated, far too many dition of a beer garden tripled seating Park, which opened on May 2, has con-up and thousands of dollars have beencapacity. New equipment was placed in (See ADD RISK on page 41) cessioners Hairy Kettley and Ed Clancyspent.Roller Coaster has been rebuilt.all refreshment stands by Mr. Shepard. prepared for biggest season since 1929.One of the beauty spots of the nation,Excavation work on the restaurant un- Sun Finds Demand in ParksOpening came much earlier than in for-Elitch's is expected to look even moreearthed skeletons of three Indians. The mer years after a short warm spell inenticing than ever. Theater is scheduledfind drew attention of archaeologists of April. Extensivechanges have beento open on June 13.Bernie Cummins SPRINGFIELD, 0., May 16.-That de- Orchestra is in Trocadero Dance Pavilion.the University of Michigan and received mand for sensational acts in parks hasmade in Woodland Dance Gardens and (See WALLED LAKE on page 41) increased heavily is word from Gus SunSportland.Housey-housey was added to Herbie Kay will open El Patio Ball- Booking Agency here, which has takenSportland equipment by Operatorroom in Lakeside Park on May 23. Crews Clancy. Addition of. a lunch counterare putting finishing touches to the 160 over booking of acts in Forest Park, Day-adjoining Sportland has met approval ofacres.Every building has been paintedCasino's Opening Clicks Big ton, O.; Moxahala Park, Zanesville, 0.,patrons. ConcessionsunderJohnnyin bright colors, new lawns and flower and parks in Michigan, Pennsylvania andMacDonald, park superintendent, havebeds have been added and a modernistic FORT WORTH, Tex., May 16.-Open- other spots.General Manager Bob Shaw ing business, beginning May 1 in Casino finds that park operators are demandingbeen freshened, rides renovated, boatslighting system has been installed along More than a doz-painted and grounds improved.Harrythe midway. Park on Lake Worth, was better than in the best in free acts. Kettley Jr. will be emsee in Woodland The Derby ride has been overhauledany week in 1935, Manager George Smith en parks and numerous celebrations willGardens, with Jerry Fuller's make it faster and safer than ever.said.Gus Arnheim's Orchestra was in haveattractions on Decoration Day, This Is the third engagement of KayCasino Ballroom.Night of May 26 a lo- booked by the Gus Sun Agency. in Denver.Entertainers with him in-cal girl will be selected to compete with May Bring Test on Bingo clude Shirley Lloyd and the rhythm trio,State-wide winners fortitle of Texas the Three Kays. Sweetheart No. 1 on May 30.Winner Beano in Whalom to Legion MILFORD, Conn., May 16.-Beach con- gets a job in Fort Worth Frontier Cen- cessionersareconfident Bingo FITCHBURG,Mass., May 16.-A mod- their tennial Show, opening in July.John ern bowling alley, to replace one whichgames will not be interfered with un-Zolg Is in at Cincy Coney Murray Anderson, New York stage direc- burned several years ago, is being erectedless complaints are made, and they de- tor, aiding on the Frontier Centennial, in Whalom Park, which General Managerclare that if such abtion is taken they CINCINNATI, May 16.-Leo J.Zolg,will be one of the Casino judges. Louis Cushing, Fitchburg & Leomin-willbringatestcaseto determineDayton, 0., will present a new illusion ster Street Railway Company, said willwhether many fraternal and church or-show at Coney Island here when it opens Beano privilege hasganizations, said to be profiting thruon May 23, housed in the former Merry -Bayley Will Build in '37 open on May 29! operation of Bingo, are entitled to do so.Go -Round building.Frank Dailey and again been leased to Lunenburg Post,Amovement is on foot among businesshis Meadowbrook Ork will hold forth for NORWALK, Conn., May 16.-Neville American Legion, which also has takenmen and property owners at all beachthe opening in Moonlite Gardens.TheBayley, proprietor of Roton Point Park, Whalom Spa. and amusement parks here to seek a sin-Coney steamer, Island Queen, has beenplans extensive alterations after the 1936 gle bus fare to and from Bridgeport. in excursion dance service several weeks.season, main change to be replacement Fairyland Has Aerialists of the bathing pavilion with a modern building.Park will open on Decoration KANSAS CITY,Mo., May 16.-Five Fly- ing La Mars were presented at opening Day with a special program.Mr. Bayley of Fairyland Park here today.General said $15,000 is being spent readying for Manager Harry Duncan has made manyFred A. Church, Superintendentthe opening and repainting, repairing improvements, and he announced there and redecorating the dance pavilion. will be a free gate after the Parent - Teachers series of picnics. With GeorgeOf Playland, Rye, Dies Testifying McMinn again in charge, Crystal pool Plum Outings to Clementon opened yesterday.Opener in the ball- NEWYORK, May 16.-Frederick A.them"foolish,"JusticeFrederickP. CLEMENTON, N. J., May 16.-With the room has Andy Kirk and his ThirteenChurch, one of the country's foremostClose directed him to submit to theGeorge Hamid office assuring a season Clouds of Joy. show and device creators, who had servedinterrogation. Counselreopenedtheof acts, Clementon Lake Park grabbed assuperintendentofPlayland,Rye,questioning, two of the largest outings in the since 1928, died in the witness chair ofChurch sluniped in the witness chairPhiladelphia area, RCA -Victor Athletic Frankle Improves Riverviewthe Supreme Court in White Plains,and was rushed to White Plains Hos-Association, with expectedattendance DES MOINES, Ia., May 16.-RiverviewWestchester County seat, Monday after-pital, where he was pronounced dead Park, opening on May 26, according tonoon while testifying in a negligencefrom constriction of the arteries of theexceeding 10,000, and WIP-Homemakers Manager Abe Frankle, has improvementssuit brought against the County Parkheart. Women's Club, with 6,000.In addition costing$15,000 under way,includingCommission, operator of the park. Justice Close discharged the jury andto free acts, Theodore W. Gibbs, park doubling size of ballroom and outdoor He collapsedwhilebeingcross-ex-declaredamistrial.FredFien,Mr.manager, has provided for championship restaurant, and installation of new mir-amined in connection with the safety ofChurch's assistant, died from a heart at-swim meets, speedboat and canoe races rors and lighting.Al Morey, New York,the Grotto, which he built, suit havingtack in the Playland Casino the pastand fireworks. former Des Moines orchestra leader, hasbeen entered in behalf of Anna Smith,December. Two other Playland execu- signed for the ballroom opening.Con-11, who asked $60,000 damages for injurytives passed away in the last three years. YOUNGSTOWN, 0.-Jack Malloy and tracts have been let for sodding andsuffered in the ride, allegedly from aThe first was Will White, who served asCompany, after a winter of indoor circus landscaping. prop ghost, which caused fright and per-booking manager, then William E. Mal-and night club dates, launched the sum- manent harm,it was charged.Childlette, who was general manager for sev-mer season in Idora Park here on May ROANOKE, Va.-Lakeside Swimmingrode in the Grotto on August 12, 1933. eral years, but resigned about a year16. Nancy Darnell, flying trapeze,is Club, Inc., has been chartered to oper- After Mr. Church had refused to an-before his death. Further reference tofeatured daily. The Malloys were recent- ate swimming pools and amusementswer certain questions put to him by theMr. Church's death will be found in thely in Rochester, N. Y., and in Merrill parks, withH. L.Roberts as president. attorney for the plaintiff, pronouncingFinal Curtain in this issue. Wood's Club Circus, Mansfield, 0. May 23, 1936 PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS The Billboard 39 both natural and artificial.Artists and and functionedas camp directorin nature are in competition on displaying Maine and Massachusetts. anuticatt Recteatimalcolor with generous hands.Nature has Coney gsla0, 72a Ua As if this career weren't enough, he advantage in changes of color as` the sea- became physicaldirectorat Pennsyl- son progresses, While work of the artists By LEONARD TRAUBE vania State Training School, Morganza, Oiu(patentassoccatconmust remain for an entire season.The and attended Springfield College, where procession of the flowers has a senti- Week -end bizwaslively enough tohe was enrolled in the physical educa- By R. S. UZZELL mental appeal that cold paint on thewarrant prediction that the formal sea-tion course.For the last 15 years he structures does not produce, yet it is theson, swinging into being at the end ofhas been superintendent of concessions All Sundays in April and the first onemaster hand of an artist that selects andthe month, will be sprinkled with niceat Springfield's Eastern States Exposi- in May have been unfavorable for op-blends the flowers into one gigantic pic-marks on the black side of ledgers. ... eration of amusement devices at parks Luna Park is really the place everyone'stion, and once managed Riverside Park ture with the beautifully colored malllooking to for originality springing from(1928) and Joyland Park ('32-'33), both and beaches. But May 8 was the warm-for a frame.Here is an outdoor picture inSpringfield. Thatwouldmake est May 8 in 60 years, almost 90 degreesalways well dusted and lighted.Goodthe brain and pencilofartist TonySpringfield his favorite city, and that in New York. housekeeping is here always on animatedSarg, of marionette fame.. . Billyshould make the Springfield Chamber of Does this presage a hot summer? Shalldisplay.People travel far to see it. Jackson's Midget City is gradually as-Commerce leap with joy, for Bernert we be wearing straw hats before Decora- International Mutuscope Reel Com-suming some semblance of completion.a native of Baltimore.He's an army tion Day?One year we did not wearpany is rising to the emergency in con-Billy the Kid is definitely on the goldman, having served as a member of the them until the last of June, and we woreverting Sportlands into Cranelands sincestandard,blossomingoutwithgilt - overcoats on July 4.When straw hats smeared admission ducats. Now for76thDivision,andforoneseason pin games have been banned in Newthis week's feature, a policy we expecttrouped with the late 101 Ranch Wild are worn before the last of May it usuallyYork City.It was not caught unawares, West.Coney Island and your corre- means two for the season instead of thewith no supply of cranes. Surely it mustto pursue thruout the season. spondent welcome him. oneif bought' the last of June.Thehave had one grand -stand rush when George Bernert is starting his second sameissomewhattrueof summerthe new demand for them was made.season as physical and swimming di- clothes. The crane was on the way for some time.rector of the Irving Baths and Athletic A warm spring means activity in manyIt will be remembered that the companyField on the Boardwalk. He will direct lines.This puts money into circulation.displayed a good one at our meeting inactivities in the gym, ath field andPWA Is Cleansing Beaches Building trades are more active.It allToronto a year ago last December.Itnatatorium, being more than fitted for means better business.Proof: Ringling-is one of our live and aggressive mem-the job because he was a member of the BRIDGEPORT, Conn., May 16.-Con- Barnum Circus in Madison Square Gar-bers. firstAmerican Red Cross swimmingnecticut beaches between New Haven den had the best month of any opening Joseph Stone,Paragon Park, Nan-corps in Baltimore and among the firstand Norwalk will be freer of pollution since 1929, better than last year, whichtasket Beach, Boston, stopped in andRed Cross examiners in New England.than ever before due to a sewage dis- was a five-year record.Baseball hassaid they are still on the way up. OneHe was a member of the Springfieldposal program under way at 16 Con- hardly had a chance because of weather.more year will put them back to sweet(Mass.) YMCA swim teams for eightnecticut cities under a PWA program, It also is a business barometer for us.independence, he declared. Glad to hearyears and an active life guard for 12 ininvolvingexpendituresof$7,111,000, We shall soon have their starting' foundation is there, while heBaltimore, Springfield and Chicago.Insaid William J. Farley, head of Con- and his father know how to make thebetween time he supervisedathleticsnecticut PWA work.In Connecticut, Expo Never in Doubt most ofit.He spent the winter inand swimming in high schools and play-New York and New Jersey total program New York City Exposition is now aFlorida and is impressed with its gainsgrounds for the Chi recreation boardincludes expenditure of $70,350,000. certainty.It has been from the first an-the past winter. nouncement in the press.It seemed doomed when appropriations were not forthcoming from city, Legislature and Congress. Large bodies move slowly, es- atlanticOhl pecially when so many relief measures VETERANS and tax bills are shouting for attention. By WILLIAM H. McMAHON New York Legislature has come thru with its first appropriation of more than ATLANTIC CITY, May 16.-A string of $2,000,000 and has promised a secondevents promoted by the city, starting on BONUS BONDS contribution of equal amount. Decoration Day, will make a busy June. WILL BE ACCEPTED AT PAR VALUE AS This sets a lot of wheels in. motion.Determined to have President Roosevelt Contracts for filling, grading and land-here for a summer vacation, a committee PAYMENT ON OR IN FULL scaping are being made.Dirt will beheaded by Senator Smathers presented a On the move now until the site is com-special book of resort highlights, in- plete and ready for buildings.Adminis-cluding beach -front amusements. Tuna LOOP -0- PLANE tration buildings will soon be under way.Club, with elaborate headquarters, in- Expositionsiteis now no place forvited him here to fish, and the Head- doubting Thomases.The talk of post-liners' ClubIssued aninvitation to its A Sure, Fast Money Maker ponement of the opening until 1940 isevent. premature.We have two and a half Warren Warner,who didbelly on the years in which to complete the job forfront of Young's Million -Dollar Pier the LOWTROAPNESRPAOTgiT ONCOST a 1939 opening.It can be done.Wepast three years, has returned to the are not going to be balked in putting oncircus and joined the Ringling Side Over a hundred prosperous owners of single units. the world's greatest exposition. Show... . Mayor Sweigert of Ventnor 4 Passenger Have75parks and shows located throughout the Playland Colorful Riot is overrun with requests from groups in with U. S.that want LOOP -O -PLANES at an attractive New York to fence off parts of the Cables, Eyerly percentagefor the owner. Playland, Rye, N. Y., formally opened downtown beach for nudist camps ... $1,800.00. Loop -O -Planes OUT OF 15 DUAL LOOP -O -PLANES MANU- the season on May 16 in a riot of color,and a flood of other requests from tele- 4 Passenger scope concessionervin the event he does. Without Foreign FACTURED, SOLD & EXPORTED LAST YEAR Agents . . .Vincent Martino, former operator Cables, 8GROSSEDOVER$10,000.00 OAK BRAND.: HY-TEXof Garden Pier and Sportland, North $2,000.00. Wanted Wildwood, following a breakdown last 8 Passenger 3CROSSEDOVER$12,000.00 (12 Chil- year, went to the West Coast and word 1 GROSSED$15,000.00 is that he made good selling stories to dren) BALLOONSthe movies.He will return for the $3,200.00. in 9 Weeks summer. Adrian Phillips made a good job of PARK SPECIAL ASSORTMENTHorse Show publicity.... Jim Brown, Write ROBIN REED, Jobber Includes S flashy numbers-Mickey Mouse, Floral.old-time circus man, will be posting for Tri-Picture, Comic Stripes, Sunbeam, Crisa Cross,several beach -front spots this season. Zig Zag and Animal Prints-in several new Print- BOX 231 SALEM, OREGON ing and color effects. ... Harry Carroll, songwriter, will have a beach -front spot.. . . G. H. (Daddy For Sale by the Leading Jobbers Long -Legs)Phillips,stilt man, down for season... . Johnny Mack will have a promotion here this summer. ... Red Thornton, who emseed M. -D. Pier last summer, has returned for the season at FOR SALE SEVEN ACRE PARK a popular night spot. .. Night base- ballfell flat and will be switched to With LARGE SWIMMING POOL and BATH HOUSE -900 SteelLockers. afternoons... Charley Dooin doing a LARGE CIRCULAR DANCE FLOOR-Various Other Buildings. WPG program. . . Betty and Benny Fox will do high -pole act over the new Locatedin YORK, PENNSYLVANIA. Population 65,000. Press -Union newspaper offices. ONLY OUTDOOR POOL. Apply Lenape Park, Mays Landing, for first time in many years, will be without a GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY regatta on Decoration Day due to failure 100 East Market St., York, Pa. cike0AKRUBBER COto raise necessary funds. . .Frank Ravamicom). and Milt Britton pulled 'em in at Steel Pier last week -end. . . . Burlington Selling Through Jobbers Only Jarrettis assembling a movie exhibit Collected for Steel Pier by late Ed Co- Control Your Entrances

coran.. . Jim McIntyre, of McIntyre WANTED and Heath note, motoride from Florida. and Exits Scientifically HIGH-CLASS EXHIBITS, Summer Season Eastern Popular Seashore Resort A. C. Horse Show Drawing Write for Full Particulars.Exceptional Propo- WritePEREY TURNSTILES ,sition.BOX 1)-29, Billboard, Cincinnati,0. ATLANTICCITY, May16.-Again 101 PARK AVE. NEW YORK demonstrating the great variety of uses --Reduce C,,,, to which the convention hail can be put MAKERS OF MECHANICALseventh annual Atlantic City Horse Show opened in the main auditorium this SHOOTING GALLERIES week before crowds of social elite and Auto -SKOOTER-Water W. F. MANGELS CO. CONEY 1SLAND,N.Y. good representation of general public. Latter attendance couldhavebeen im- SHOWMEN proved if a little more advertising effort GET THE RIDES THAT PAY YOU PARISE xFproa sni ct ieo. n , 1931For Amusementhad been given toward bringing 'em in, BIG DIVIDENDS EVERY YEAR. Concessions. it was said.Credit should go to Phil Address, 34 Boulevard Bonne Nouvelle, Paris. LUSSE BROS.. INC.. 2809 NeithFalrhlll Thompson, auditorium manager, and Ed AUTO SEOOTER street,PhIladelphis, Pa,, U.S.A. WATEk SEOOTER. Dougherty, assistant manager, increat- LUSSE BROS., LTD., Central House, 45 Kungsway, Londcn W. C. 2, England, SPRINGFIELD LAKE PARK ing CAN PLACE Kiddie Rides and Ferris Wheel.Lo- an outdoor setting, even to paddocks cated on Canton -Akron Road, Canton, O. on the huge stage. TELL THE ADVERTISER IN THE BILLBOARD WHERE YOU GOT HIS ADDRESS. ;;-

40 The Billboard PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS May 23, 1936 dives.And Radio Station WHN in New York, with a possibility of a nationalPontchartrain, Improved, chain also joining in, will broadcast theHas Best Opening in Years getittod Ai+ The Act Uhlcomplete play,or rather dives, made NEW ORLEANS, May 18.-About 35,000 By REX D. BILLINGS By NAT A. TOR thruout the meet. attendedopening of Pontchartrain Beach last Sunday. New Loop -o -Plane, Cen.Mgr., Belmont Park, Montreal (All communications to Nat A. Tor, care Wildcat and Skooters drew best, tho the As a bit of crag stuff, I think we are of New York Office, The Billboard.) Suggestions Well Taken Whip, Ride in the Dark, Caterpillar, Bugthe first to apply tropical colors-red, In the three years that this columnand other rides were well patronized. Itblue,black, white and yellow-to an Eleventh Hour was one of the best openings in years,amusement park.They were used ex- has been in existence the writer has of-completion of several ngw roads as parttensively at the Chicago World's Fair As you read these lines contestantsfered many suggestions to operators of project from various parts of the country arepools.I've tried to give hints on properofa $27,000,000lake -front and have now been lavishly smeared over pouring into New York ready to competeexploitation schemes and, as often ashelping. beautiful Belmont Park, all with a re- for the first world's championship high -possible, have reported the very latest Manager Harry Batt's installation ofmarkable effect... . R. S. Uzzell is in- diving meet, which, you should knowideas employed in the industry. When-neon lighting gives resort a wonderfulstalling a 20 -boat Scoota Boat ride which by this time, will be held in Palisadesever a suggestion which first appearednight flash.New boardwalk has beenwill provide a head-on shot to our be- Amusement Park, Jersey sideof thehere or a new idea, related in this de-laid, concessions increased more than aloved patrons. as they enter the park. Hudson, starting on Decoration Day.partment, has been picked up by a poolscore,apin -game' playlandinstalledHe is building his own lake.The result Exactly at 3 p.m. one week from thisman and put in use, I've felt deeplywith about 25 machines and thousandswill be known as the Cartierville Navy Saturday the first diver will leap 60honored. And so this week I am experi-of shrubs planted to add picnic groundsand will feature honeymoon trips on salt feetinto aportable tank and theencing a double honor, for the well-adjacent to the beach.Dixie Ramblerswater without time out for seasickness. world's championships willbe underknown St. George indoor pool, Brook-ork went into the Casino for the first . . . We are adding a Lindy Loop, en- Way. When the highest dive is executedlyn, N. Y., has put two hints, first pre-month. Beach has remote with WDSU,larging upon our picnic facilities, in- some one performer, be it man or wom-sented here, into practice, and both, INew Orleans. creasing indirect colored lighting, initi- an, will be $500 richer and possessor ofunderstand, are proving successful. Freeactsstart tomorrow with theating frozencustard and mechanical the official world's title, besides a six St. George is advertising' that swim-Three Aces, aerialists, who will stay thruphotos, doubling the size of the Penny weeks' booking route, should the winnermers can brush up on their strokes be-May 30, to be followed by Blondin-Rel-Arcade to 125 machines, buying a troupe have his or her own equipment, guar-fore the outdoor season begins by at-Urns Troupe, high wire; Al G. Marriots'of baby bears to be fed from milk bot- anteed by the George Hamid offices, oftending its indoor tank.ManagementAerial Age, and Avalon Troupe, acrobatictles by the customers.. . . Bill Beasley, New York City. tries to persuade patronage by showingtight wire.At least six more acts willwho has concessions at the Toronto Ex- them that they will enjoy themselvesbe offered during the season, Managerposition, is installing a Casino game in Yes, I think you all know by this time Batt said. a beautiful modernistic building to seat the details of the contest.You've beenall the more during the summer if they start swimming indoors now.This idea City Park's opening drew 20,000. On100.. .. Alex Dayton and Dave Mulvie, told here time and time again thatwas first suggested here two years agothe midway, near the Casino, crowdsToronto, willoperate restaurants and $1,000 in cash prizes is the purse to beand repeated a number of times, and Istood in line to get on the Ferris Wheel,vending concessions, including beer and divided as follows: First, $500: second, Chair -o -Plane, Scenic Railway and other $200; third, $75; fourth, $50; sixth, $25;am glad that an aquatic establishment wine. also $100 to the first woman to finishas big as the St. George has thoughtrides. A freak show did well. Stan Wood and His Music, just in in addition to whatever other prize shewell enough of it to giveit the ballyhoo from Miami and Nassau, will hold forth may win, and $25 to the second bestit is. Better for Finger Lakes in the ballroom with 10 men. . . . Eric woman performer in addition to what- Then, too, about a year ago I printed the Great will open, and among acts to ever other prizes she may win. a letter from Arthur Murray, interna- AUBURN, N. Y., May 16.-Amusementfollow will be Honey Troupe, Demnati And you've been told of the varioustionally known dance teacher, concern-parks in the Finger Lakes region areArabs, the Kimris (from Jumbo), Four male and female diving stars who haveing possibilities of teaching dancing atlooking for the best season since 1929.Laddies and others. We have pretty well entered. Of how Harald Arias, whopools.Mr. Murray thought it might beNine State parks under Finger Lakesexhausted aerial names and so will use claims having made 183 feet, coming alla good idea as extra revenue or as aState Parks Commission have been re-some large platform acts.Free outdoor the way from Berlin, Germany, to sub-sideline attraction, and I believe I com-storedafterdisastrousfloods. Buttalkies will be continued. stantiate that boast.Also you'll recallmented that it deserved considerationamusement parks were uninjured and Our gate admission will continue at that I have repeatedly pointed out thaton the part of every indoor and out-have added attractions and concessions.15 cents for adults and 5 cents for chil- many divers were giving up bookingsdoor operator.And now St.GeorgeEnna Jettick Park, Owasco Lake, is larg-dren, which includes attraction taxes in that week 'just to he able to take acomes forward, offering free dance les-est.Roseland Park, at foot of Canan-the park, all collected at the gate. Free crack at the title, such as Miss Benchsons on certain evenings as an addeddaigua Lake, extends along U. S. 20 andparking will be the rule and an addition- Bentum,ofNew YorkCity;Ethelincentive to draw them in. State Route 5 which are here mergedal parking field will be placed in use to Guthrie, White Bear Lake, Minn., and Yes, sir, rather than sit back, the St.into a single highway.It is cateringreduce street parking, which prevailed Miss Pauline Black. Salt Lake City, threeGeorge is one natatorium which is go-heavily to tourists.Stewart Park, headon many occasions last' season due to charming feminymphs, to coin a out after the biz despite the factof Cayuga Lake, is Ithaca's playground,overflow crowds. that the summer is on hand and theand has attractions and concessions of James Brathwaite and Jean LeMyre, open-air plunges will soon get the play.wide variety. Then, too, I think you know thatMore power to the St. George and an working since January, have another popular woman diver entered isappreciative nod initsdirection for nic dates, with more to follow.This 'is Lucille Anderson, New York City, whotaking my advice. an accomplishment on their part, as lo- has been waiting around fair Gotham Q51 t1PA, 72. g. cal industries are not so picnic -minded town for the big tourney.And you as in the States and their job has in- havealsobeen advised thatamong Swim -for -Health Week By RICHARD T. HOPPER volved a lot of pioneering.. . .Going other entries are Stephen Driscoll, Far- back to the painting, this is a complete rell, Pa.: Kenneth Blake, Chicago; Capt. Martin Stern is working like the pro- Trouble looming in the offing for scalejob, including Coaster, which has been G. E. Craig, Union City, N.J.:Capt.verbial Trojan these days to get thingsmen, talkers and Boardwalk solicitors ifdone in aluminum and bulletin red. We Jimmy Jamison, Newark, N. J.; Frank shape for the National Swim -For -campaign under way to abolish noise onwere the first to use tropical colors at Cushing, known as the "Flying Gob,"Health Week which will be observedthe seaside stretch bears fruit.BoardLuna Park, Coney Island.. . . Maurice New York City, whoincidentally ex-thruout the country on June 22-28.of Trade will ask City Fathers to banLaMarre continues as secretary and as- pects to have a flock of sailors on handNewspapers aretying up invariousballyhooing and soliciting from 'Walksistant manager. at Palisades to cheer for him. And alsocitiesand States, and I understandand official sources say all members of Directors are L. M. Lymburner, presi- Capt. Sol Solomon, Miami, one of theabout two dozen bignationalradiocity council highly in favor of the move.dent; J. R. Gauvreau, H. H. Racine, L. N. favorites.But, of course, in a contestprogramswillplugswimmingandSome even willing to order removal ofSt.ArnaudandGeorgeBeauregard. of this kind everyone is a favorite. Thoseaquatic activities during that week onbells from rides and the like on kiddies'Messrs. Gauvreau and Racine are the are the things you already know aboutthe various chains.Therefore it wouldplaygrounds.. .. Leases to concession-guiding spirits in the Royals, Montreal the forthcomingchampionshipsthatbe wise to tie up now with the week soers bear clause prohibiting all outsideball club, which won the championship which has been told to you. But thereas to get the benefit of the nation-widesolicitation and effort may be made tolast year in the International League. are many things which have just de-publicityandexploitation. Martinmove scales off 'Walk into stores alongLeo Tessier is superintendent of grounds writes in to tell me that the followingthe way.Scalemen noncommittal as toand equipment, and Pauline Lymburner veloped which haven't been reported as protests. Guess -weightandcorrect -is cashier.Exploitation is handled by yet and in which you are sure to bepool men are among those who have Ronald Advertising Agency for the com- interested. made elaborate tieups for the week:weight scales operated by Bob and Jerry Julian M. Bamberger, Lagoon, Salt LakeCarton safe this year anyway, as spotsmercial stuff and Editorial Services for For example, Hon. Harold J. Hoffman,City; Robert Ferguson, Capitol Beach,are leased thru this season. press. Latteralso functions for the governor of New Jersey, will personallyNeb.; Harry Hall, Crystal Beach, Buf- Edward T. Mitchell, banker and opera-Toronto Exposition.. . .Painters are welcome the visiting divers Friday after-falo; Louis Meisel, Rockaway's Plavland,tor of city's bathing beaches on leaseover there calling for information as to noon, May 29, day before the competi-Rockaway Beach, L. 1.;A. J. Metzdorf,proposition for last 23 years, back inwhether it will be black, yellow, white, tion.And his honor is also expected toWildwood Park. St. Paul. W. H. Myers,town after spending winter in or blue, so must sign off. personally start the contest on its way.Pla-Mor amusement pool, Kansas City;Beaches will be open shortly.. . . Ed Then, too, the publicity ball has alreadyJ. E. Nelson, Nelson pool, Tucson, Ariz.;Slater, salesman, back at his customary started a -rolling on the big event, withCharles H. Potter, Miramar pool, Newspot for ninth season.Al Friedman. most of the newspapers in the East run-York City; Mack Rose, Riverside Cas-Billyboy's Long Island scribe, says Jack ning stories announcing the competi-cades pool, New York City; Jack Rosen-Dempsey and family all set for Long tion.The famous International Newsthal, Palisades Amusement Park pool,Beach (L.I.)apartment for the sum- Witt the Zos Photos, which furnishes all of the HearstPalisades, N. J.: Ray Steck, Lake Hel-mer.Same family ready to move into MILWAUKEE-First buffalo birth in dailies, took a series of so-called magic - Okla., and many, manyVilla Marseilles, West End, for the sum-Washington Park Zoo this year occurred eye pictures of Helen Osborne and Capt.lums,Enid, mer, taking spot Maxie Baer lived inOn May 5,. increasing the herd to eight. George Craig, practicing for the big af-others. while training here for the Louis fiasco. fair last week, which resulted in The 'Walk visitors slated for tulip presen- MADISON, Wis. -Felix, 450 -pound New York American devoting half of its Just a Thought tations tomorrow as windup of HollandSouth American tapir,inVilas Park front page one morning to a group of Tulip Week in America here.DutchZoo 111/2 years,hasbeensentto marvelous high -diving action photos. Wonder why so many high divers aremaidens promenade Boardwalk givinga circus menagerie.Zoo has acquired Too, the newsreel companies repre-called "captain." Seems as tho nearlyaway cut tulips.Events during pastfour swans, two Orinoco geese,three senting Fox Movietone, Hearst Metro -every competitor inthe forthcomingweek have drawn big, to the joy of con-Mexican curassows, two macaws, two toneNews, Pathe News, Paramountchampionshipsis"captain"thisorcessioners and city folk alike.City glow-Demoiselle cranes and a pair of marmo- News and Universal, as well as Grant -"captain" that.Does anyone know howing with half a million tulips in bloomset monkeys. land Rice's Sportsreel and Ripley's Be-the practice came about? in every available spot.. . . Town get- lieve It or Not, have made arrangements ting a new thrill Wednesday night as PITTSBURGH.-Arthur W. Henn, sec- to have cameramen perched all about New St. James Theater hanging outretary of Pittsburgh Zoological Society. during the competition to record the SRO sign during presentation of ama-said a wealthy man here donated $2,000 Lincoln Pool Plug Scoringteur hour on stage and tieup withto purchase animals for Highland Park Thru Louis Ruhe, animal dealer, LINCOLN,Neb., May16. - CapitolWCAP, local Monmouth BroadcastingZoo. Beach staged theearliest opening inCompany outlet.Eddie King, emsee,orders have been placed for a pair of 0. LOOK, some years last Sunday when the poolgetting a lot of credit.. . . Season opensmountain lions, female leopard, female IN THE WHOLESALE was made ready by its manager, Ralphherenext week -end,witheverybodyjaguar, pair of armadillos, pair of pec- MERCHANDISE SECTION Beechner. For the dance pavilion open-holding his breath and hoping for thecaries. African antelope, ocelots, wolves ing bandisthat of Coonie flying thick and fast overand coyotes. for the Frederick Bros. probably will . furnishoperation of several big shore night spots LATEST NOVELTIES, PRIZES most of the bands this summer. Seasonby new faces this summer, with West NEW ORLEANS - Achimpanzee, PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES ticket sale sponsored by the pool indi-End Casino and Ross Fenton Farms fig-named Susie, believed by Audubon Park cates its largest season. uring in most of the chatter. (See WITH THE ZOOS on page 45)

May 23, 1936 PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS The Billboard 41 poolindustry by doingallin theirnominates Police Chief Phil Kohut as power to stress the "own your own" ideathe handsomest cop in the State.. . . WALLED LAKE- Bathers Buyingin bathing apparel. Civil service test for life guards is on (Continued from page 38) and the pay continues at $4 per day,front-page publicity in Detroit news- against $5 received by guards on otherpapers. Own Swim Suits beaches. . . .Long Beach's West End More Merchandise Shown rott9 91.0 will buzz with beer spots.... High Tide FROM NAAPPB BULLETIN Inn gets the auto trade, attracting 'em F. H. Laubach, principal independent By ALFRED FRIEDMAN as they come into the town. . . Nassauconcession operator, remodeledallhis (Continued from last week) Hotel prepped for the summer's start.stands.A Sport Shop has been added .. . Walking around in bathing attireand a dart game, both with flashy fronts. Another view was that decline in use FROM ALL AROUND: Weather's still Re- on the streets (good form or not)isA new corn game is to be opened. of rental suits was due to "the retaila little spotty and the newly painted stuff ceipts of milk bottle game and high prices of suits in department and sport-gets the same way when it rains.. . . strictly taboo, and the cops will enforce ing goods stores being much less than the law strictly.. . .By the way, whostriker have shown considerable increase, Jones' Beach life guards will be headed diletomoreattractivesettings and formerly, and also that they run salesby Captain Johns again.. . . Joe Wilton,remembers the old days when bathing much earlier than formerly." This man-erstwhile Jamaica Arena promoter,issuitcensorstape -measured swimminglarger display of merchandise. ager,however, opined that in recentgracing the boards of the Irving Placegarb and got their pix in the papers? On staff of Walled Lake Park Com- years more people have taken up swim-(New York City) Theater as a burlesqueWhen the city eds stopped using photospany, operator, are Fred W. Pearce, presi- ming as a means of exercise and recrea-stitaight.. . .Long Island's Tercenten-the moral surveyors stopped.' dent and general manager; J. Eugene tion and prefer their, own suits. He alsoary celebration should be something of Pearce,parkmanager,thirdseason; said that while at his beach they hadan occasion when it gets under way next George Michela, superintendent; Ad Ex- formerly charged 50 cents rental andmonth, having all the notables' support.Acts and Orks Lined Up nicios, office manager; Frank Danahey, dropped the price to 25 cents in an at-Under present plans the affair has been picnic manager; Joe Jeannette, chief of tempt to resurrect the business, the re-arranged on a basis where each countyFor Enna Jettick Season police;Charles Olsen, electrician; Phil duction did not increase the volume as(Kings, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk) will Kinsella, superintendent of construction; far as he could tell. provide its individual offering.Brooklyn AUBURN, N. Y., May 16.-Enna JettickWallie Coe, Frank Granada, assistant po- (Kings), it appears, will be the scene ofPark, foot of Owasco Lake, opening to-lice; Charles Nelson, head carpenter. "The automobile has made a differ- day, and running thru until Septem- Operated directly by the park company ence," another manager reported, par-most of the doings, as would be ex-ber 13, according to William B. Haeffner, ticularly"inreferencetoprivatelypected with its population, larger than are Roller Coaster, Louis Resner, man- the other three combined.Paradoxicalpresident of Cayuga Amusement Com-ager; Currie Heliker, George Shuler; Mrs. owned beaches." In St. Paul and Minne- pany, operator, will have the earliestMclnerens, Mrs. Van Eppes, cashiers; apolis (where he islocated) he said,as it seems. Coney Island will take partbow in recent years.Workmen have "Therearesix in the celebration, 'cause Tercentenary Carousel, Charles Schroeder, manager; municipal beaches tomoguls havecastasidegeographicalbeen cleaning grounds and improvingEd Baker; Miss Cooper, cashier; Skooter, which people bring their own suits; theytechnicalities, figuring Coney is a goodbuildings. Ray St. Pierre, manager; L. Bentley; Mrs. undress at home and proceed to publicplace to have on your aide, and mapped Several concessions have been replacedCooper, cashier;Airplanes, 0. Resner, beaches in their cars, to the detrimenta parade for that neck of the woods. by new ones.Free attractions were somanager; M. Resner; Crystal Maze, Mrs. of privately owned beaches." This situa- Glen Cove's Italian colony staged apopular the past two seasons that man-L. Michello, manager; shooting gallery, tion is true, of course, in innumerablegrandrah -rahMussolinicelebrationagementcontractedwithGeorgeA.George Parker, manager; Skee-Ball Alley, other sections. when 11 Duce formally put Ethiopia un-Hamid, Inc., to bring in numerous bigFritzPelletier,manager;BillySpear; der his belt,. . .Arrivals from Floridaacts.Music Corporation of America, toPenny Arcade, Fred Jackson, manager; Cites His Problems include Whitey Sammis, Barney Becker-supply orchestras for the season, is tak-Lester Travis; Mrs. B. Dell, cashier; Fer- Mr. Steck, of the Enid park, expressedman and "Sunburned" Sornborn, flashering Johnny Johnson and his orchestraris Wheel, Herman Schroeder, manager; a rather graphic view of his experiencesmonarch.. . . Nassau District Attorneyfrom the Commodore Hotel, New York,Mrs. Schmidt, cashier; skating rbak, Or- withrentalsuits. "First,"hesaid,Martin Littletoh promises to fight a bit-and sending them for the opening. ville Godfrey, manager; Howard Dente): "theyarequite a littleinvestment.terbattleagainst dog racesinthe Park will again be under personal di-Mrs. M. 'Lewes,cashier;Speed Boats, Second, a rental suit on the averagecounty, and sponsors of the events atrection of Charles A. Parker, assisted byRalph Cuyler, manager; Miss V. White- swimmer just 'don'tfit' and when heMineola Fairgrounds are girding them-E. N. Rouse, superintendent;C. Earleside, cashier. goes out into the pool he doesn't makeselves for a legal tussle to the finish. Race Jr., auditor, and Francis Muldoon. Roster of independent concessions: C. a very attractive appearance, as we find ROCKAWAY BEACH: Ocean House,manager of pavilion restaurant.Per-A. Shepard,allprincipal refreshment the suits stretch out of shape when someCentral avenue, Far Rockaway, one ofsonnel numbers more than 100. stands and restaurant; Mrs. Anna Shep- 180 -pound fellow shoves himself into athe best known local hostelries, being ard, restaurant manager; Mildred John- suit designed for a 125 -pound stripling.salvaged. Could not be made to be son, Thelma Graham, pop corn;Alice Thus you ruin the pleasant atmospherefinancially okeh.Third w. -k. spot toAll Ohio Field for BuckeyeMonroe, Frances Batchelor, Don Monroe, around your pool. hotdogs;EthelLindstrom,Eleanor go in year, others were Edgemere Club BUCKEYE LAKE, 0., May 16.-With "Also," he said, "when they own theirand Oriental Hotel. . . . Most of the Ayres, soft drinks; Lois Morris, skating own suits they will use them more andextra cops assigned here will be detailedmore outings in sight than for severalrink stand; William Most, stockroom; Ed spend more money in attendance, asto duty on the Boardwalk, 'tis been an-years, Manager A. M. Brown, BuckeyeBoyd, chef; Howard Geiger, Gerald Wil- those who rent a suit go swimming aboutnounced. ... Improvements being madeLake Park, has a promotional staff thatliams, waiters. once in a year or every five years.An-to Ostend Beach, Far Rockaway. . . . will seek to bring in gatherings from all F. H. Laubach, milk bottle stand; Bill other thing, your customers do hot re-John Gordon's hammer game gets bigover Ohio. Keith M. Lowery, Newark, 0.,Westlake, manager; Don LaFond, Gene of spect the rental suit as they do theirtrade early in the season. . . . Sandispromotional manager in charge Hilliard.Sport Shop, Mrs. F. H. Lau- own and, therefore, the suits are verybeing pumped on the beach at Riis Park.Convention Hall, where many recreation-bach, manager; Dorothy Houghton, Paul short-lived. At thepresentrateof . . .Harbor Inn not rented yet, whichal and industrial shows will be held.Laubach, Ray LaFond. Dart Game, Basil rental the amount received in fees justmeans a late opening, if any.. .. Con-Howard Rhoades, pressrepresentativeFarley, manager; cigaret shooting gallery, about pays for investment, wear and.cessions and apartments being erectedthe past four years, will add booking ofJerry Hazen, Ray Dawson;Fishpond, tear and labor for laundering and mend-on site formerly occupied by the Orientalpicnics in the Columbus area to hisJimmie Farley; High Striker, F. H. Lau- ing." Hotel. . . .Joe Schwartz, ex of theduties. A swimming -pool manager is tobacli, Bill Farley. Investments in the stock of rentalSteeplechase pool, now an auto sales-be added. Ed Williams, weight scales; Madame suits were variously estimated at $800man. . . . Barney Sternback, former York (Mrs. Ed Williams) reader; Kasper to $2,000 annually, which many ownersRockaway Park beach -chair king, con- DETROIT-John T.Millen, zoo di-Babigan,custardstand,with Sidney felt was money well saved in view of thetemplating a try at the retail liquor biz.rector,receivedpermission from cityKent, Jack Rogers, DorisLara;Jack benefits accruing from increased attend- . . "Banjo Eddie" Noto putting up incouncil to take out holdup and bur-Steveling,candyfloss;Fred Bushey, ance and the slump in rental rates, andManhattan haunts. ... Eddie De Lange,glaryinsurance of$5,000toprotectBushey's Place, with Elizabeth Bair, Ellen the fact that depreciation runs to 33 1/3band maestro, back from a jaunt. revenues.Since a $1,300 robbery lastPOlanski, Mrs. Matilda Bushey, Martha per cent a year or more. LONG BEACH: Bill Farnsworth, Newyear Mr. Millen has put receipts in thePeniski, Marguerite Keeling. However, a few managers admit thatYorkEveningJournalsportseditor,lions' den to insure safety. Ballroom is operated independently by they would like to see the return of Louis Tollettene, who co-operates with "the olddays,regardlessof laundry park program on policy, such as dates costs, when people did not own their and advertising. Formal opening of New suits, came out to the beaches andIn Memory of Frederick A. ChurchCasino Ballroom had business considera- rented suits, towels and lockers."In bly better than at last year's opening. some cases, one manager said, the bath- By R.S. UZZELL Mr. Tollettene, ill three weeks, has re- house proprietors have been at fault. turned to the Casino. For the first time "They purchased cheap cotton suits that He passed out in the harness, loyal tolarge resorts installed the daring circu-two orchestras have been engaged for would not hold their shape when wetPlayland to the last moment. As a gen-lar wooden horse -racing ride.But forthe ballroom, to play continuously thru- and then expected repeat business." eralsuperintendent and maintenancebold innovation and daring financialout evenings. Tommy Gentry and Carle- man, he had made a large place for him-venture, the Bobs was an eye-opener. ton Coons, each with two specialty solo- Change Is Encouraging self at this famed resort with which he He was imported to Playland, ideasists, are opening bands.A new stage But it is a significant fact, observershad been connected since he went thereand all.On completion of the greathas been erected at south end of the point out, and one which manufacturersto assist in building the big Coaster atpark the mantle of superintendent fit-ballroom. of knitted bathing suits can well takethe inception of the construction upted him like a glove and he wore it well. to heart, that there has been such a de-there on the Sound.He and DudleyPlayland's staff was struck dumb by the cided and encouraging change in the at-Scott, of Euclid Beach, Cleveland, standsudden and sad news of his untimelyADD RISK titude of swimming enthusiasts towardout as the prominent maintenance parkdeath.He was a 33d degree Mason, a (Continued from page 38) owning their own suits. Therearemen of America. member of B. P. 0. Elks and had servedoperators have delayed this most im- Born on October 31, 1878, In Stamford,two years as councilman in the city ofportant subject of insurance until the still, to be sure, wide and fertile fieldsOntario, Canada, he was educated thruVenice, Calif.He had been planninglast minute, with the result that both to sow in this direction. high school and we find him a youngwith the writer for two large attractionsbrokers and the Associated Indemnity Undoubtedly, it is pointed out, self -man with the Webster Manufacturingat New York City Exposition. Corporation of California are rushed to ownership is as much to the advantageCompany, Chicago, where he put in 10 the limit with orders for coverage," re- of the beach or pool manager as to theyears of useful service.Among other Safety Code Worker marked Mr. Hodge. bather, de -spite ensuing loss of revenue.things in the amusement field, he be- For the bather himself, considerationscame familiar there with turning out As late as 11 o'clock Sunday night, Calls Results Okeh include sanitation as well as style andgearing, machinery frames, steel castings,May 10, he transacted business with Al- personal appearance; but from the point fred Uzzell at Playland and seemed in "It is, of course, recognized that this of view ofthebathhouse manager,shafting and steel rods of our Circle is a brand-new experience for many of appearance of his beach is a matter ofSwing, as it was called in those days. the best of spirits.He had worked hardthe operators who have been jogging paramount importance.It is obviously to put the place in prime condition foralong with one company year after year. not an alluring sight to see men or Imported to Playland opening and felt cheerful over the fine "Despite the tremendous amount of women walking about in awkward, ill- Then for about 15 years in Californiaday's results.He was at the organiza-work,however, theresultsare most fitting, bedraggled and often torn orwe find him designing, building and op-tion meeting of the manufacturers ingratifying to the able committee of the poorly patched suits, and not one thaterating amusementdevices. He hadthe Drake HOtel in Chicago in 1926 andassociation, headed by N. S. Alexander, willbringaestheticstyle -consciousmuch to do with the Derby Racer andcontinuously remained a member. HePhiladelphia,as well as toPresident bathers, who are generally of the de-Bobs Coaster conception and develop-madevaluablecontributionstotheBaker and the secretary of the NAAPPB, sirable clientele, back again. ment to successful operation. They be-work of our safety code committee, ofall of whom have contributed so largely Also, as has been shown, self -ownedcame well known as Pryor & Churchwhich he was always a member. to success of the plan.Last-minute ap- suits leave more money for admittanceproducts and gave MY. Church national We shall all miss this quiet, efficient,plications should be addressed to brokers, fees and induce greater patronage of therecognition. The Racing Derby is a unitfriendly man.He leavesawifeinaccording to the territorial arrangement nearest beach or pool.Bathing suitof five horses racing against one anotherCalifornia.Last rites and interment areabove mentioned, or to the secretary's manufacturers thus can be of service toand enough units to make a capacitybeing planned as we close this tributeoffice,Suite 317, Hotel Sherman, Chi- both themselves and the beach andequal to the largest Coasters.Manyof respect to one who did his job well.cago." 42 The Billboard FAIRS -EVENTS May 23, 1936 Condiicted by CLAUCP P. ELL!S-Communications to 25 Opera Place,Cincinnati, 0 REVUES TOP SPOTS IN EAST

Seven Are Circuited by Hamid With Equipment Nut of 40 G's

Investment applies to four major, three abbreviated mu- sicals-CNE, Toronto, building five rotary stages to supplement circuit's three -11 weeks for one layout

NEW YORK, May 16.-Hippodrome revues continue to be the No. 1 grand -stand attraction in the East and Canada, with reports from the Central and Western States indicating similar supremacy. George A. Hamid, Inc., has seven of the fern musicals, with costumes, scenery and equipment costing $40,000 before a leg stamps on the stage. On the Hamid circuit are four shows classified as extrava- ganzas and three playihg smaller stages. Revue of Revues, one of thepresentations, will get four to six weeks of still date or celebration priming before appearing for the two-weeker Canadian National Ex- hition,Toronto. Latter'sproduction plans are ambitious, with General Man- ager Elwood Hughes and attraction chief Charles Ross setting up a quintuplet of revolving stages to move scenery, dis-Asks Clean carding railroad sidings in use for many years on scenic changes. Revue itself SPACIOUSNESS, NEATNESS AND BEAUTY best characterize the new - carries three revolvers. Total of eight IS type fun zone created for the second season of California Pacific International unprecedented in outdoors, which meansGa. Annuals Exposition, San Diego, under direction of Executive Manager Wayne W. Dailard. the entire amusement business, indoor Photo shows the altered game palace, now called Darto, in middle foreground space imposing limitations. Use of rotary and the central strip of flower gardens and illuminating pedestals housing idea was predicted by The Billboard giant sun arcs for night lighting.Midway avenue also was realigned, new months ago In connection with the Legion committee aims for buildings being constructed to provide unobstructed view of entire fun zone Toronto Fair. 65 creditable fairs to be from southern limits. From Toronto the layout moves to Brockton and Springfield, Mass.; Rich - conducted by local posts (See REVUES TOP on page 44)

VALDOSTA, Ga., May 16.-In a moveRegulations for Hankinson Leases Philly's for better fairs Harold K. Wilkinson, newly elected American Legion com- Great Lakes Stadium for Racing Events mander for this district and a memberWisconsin Fairs PHILADELPHIA, May16.-Philadel-of the State Legion fair committee, has MADISON, Wis., May 16.-A commit- phia's athletic stadium, built during thesent out a letter to all post commanderstee representing Wisconsin County Pairs Sesquicentennial for the Dempsey-Tun-and adjutants, asking their co-operationAssociation has submitted to the De-Advance Big ney bout and other major events, cameineliminatingobjectionablefeatures partment of Agriculture and Markets a under control of Hankinson Speedways,from agricultural fairs. listofregulationsgoverning county Inc., when lease contracts were closed Commander. Wilkinson declares thefairs for 1936. Record prelim sales start by Ralph A. Hankinson. and Mayor S.committee is endeavoring to sponsor 65 State aid will not be allowed any fair Davis Wilson on May 12.The amphi-clean American Legion fairs in Georgiawhich permits games offering or paying off campaign-buildings, theater, which seats 80,000, is equippednext fall and he has asked that all postscash awards or cash in lieu of awards lighting beat schedule with sound, lighting, modern gate turn-which are interested in the conduct oforusing any buy-back merchandise; stiles and every facility for handlingfairs contact a member of the State fairgames with control devices and cappers; immense crowds. committee immediately. girl shows using blowoff or strip show CLEVELAND, May 16.- Advance sale On June 9 Hankinson will present Other members of the committee areorsellingticketsinsideforspecialof more than '750,000 tickets was re- midget car auto racing, when Mayor Wil-C. B. McCullar, Milledgeville, chairman,shows for men only; gypsies with anycorded during first week of the cam- son will officially open the stadium forand John P. Gilchrist, Thomaston, secre-form of concession and fortune telling.paign, which was started on May 4, ft the season.Joe Basile and his Madisontary. Several other games besides those men-was announced by George C. Whitehead, Square Garden Band will provide music. Priceassociate director of special admissions Hankinson has linked up stadium midg- tioned above are also banned. for Great Lakes Exposition, who declared et car racing with Madison Square Gar-Pa. Mutuels Bill Favored per game is limited to 10 cents. this to be record, so far as he knew. den bowl operations in New York.He for an expositions.Advance sales goal plans other stadium events during sum- HARRISBURG, Pa., May 16.-A bill to had been set at 1,000,000 tickets up to mer. legalize pari-mutuel bettingathorseNo Fed Funds for Expo Planmidnight on June 26, and it is now pos- Army and Navy football game expectedraces in Pennsylvania has been prepared sible that the campaign will be closed to draw more than 125,000 to the stadi-for introduction in the current special PITTSBURGH, May 16.-PWA officialsby June 1. um, seats are being added in a $120,000session of the Legislature. Representativein Washington notified city council here improvement program by the city toCharles C. A. Heidi, Philadelphia, whothat no federal funds are available to Advance tickets, evenly divided be- introduces a similar bill perennially, isassistPittsburgh'sGreaterExpositiontween Cleveland and outlying territory. bring capacity to 120,000. sponsor of the measure, which this timeSociety in construction of the plannedoffer the public one-third saving. With NATCHEZ, Miss.-Adams County going In as a revenue producer. He$5,000,000expositionbuildingat thetotal value of $4, souvenir ticket books newlychartered,electedCharlesH.estimates yearly revenue of $2,000,000.Point.It was said a new federal reliefare available for $2.50 during the cam- Blewett, president; R. E. Enochs, vice-At last session the bill passed the Housebill anticipates end of the Public Workspaign.Books are transferable and may president; Martin Burke, secretary; Lewisand nearly went thru the Senate. SolonsAdministration.Society now plans tobe used any time during the 100 -day Martin, treasurer; Robert Walcott, man-favoring the bill believe Governor Earlelook for new channels to finance therun.The $4 value is based upon five will sign the measure if passed. project. general admissions at 50 cents and ad- ager. missions to five places or events having (See GREAT LAKES on page 44) Raleigh Lessees Control; Construction Contract Let RALEIGH, N. C., May 16.-Control of North CarolinaStateFair,including maintenance of the property, has been transferred to George Hamid, New York. and Norman Y. Chambliss, Rocky Mount, N. C., for five years in accordance with. a new contract.They have been op- erating the fair under one-year con- tracts; the new lease calls for a 15 per cent cut of gross receipts, with $8,000 STTHE TRAOSPtERE annual guarantee rental. MAN Stateagriculturedepartmenthas awarded a contract for rebuilding a wing of the main building destroyed by fire in 1934, to be double former size and to cost $26,819 and be completed by September 1. HILLSBORO, Ore.-Washington Coun- ty Fair elected H. T. Hesse president; C. D. Minton, vice-president; R. M. Banks, will troupe this season.It is of high speed, treasurer.Ed L. Moore, who was fair NEW TRUCK IN WHICH A. E. SELDEN, THE STRATOSPHERE MAN, compartment and a special lighting plant manager in 1929-'30 and later employed with a specially built aluminum body, has latest type air -cushion seats in passenger by Oregon State Fair, was elected secre- built in the Ford chassis.Under the body are spacious compartments for aerial equipment and ontop is a rack for carrying long sections of the aerial rigging. tary -manager.

..4 May 23, 1936 FAIRS -EVENTS The Billboard 43 head of the University of Vermont's ani- mal husbandry department, will judge Speed Village Ayrshires. THE V. S. Culver, Baker Farm, Exeter, N. H.,Fort Worth will judge Brown Swiss cattle, and De- Work in Dallas vons will be passed upon by Professor L. V. Tirrell, University of New Hamp- STRATOSPHERE shire, Durham. Publicity On Milking Shorthorns will be judged by Paris and All Nations areW. Arthur Simpson, Lyndonville, Vt., and MAN being rushed ---Crime ShowHerefords, Aberdeen Angus, steers and Aviators, paper, booklets,At the Top of the Highest Aerial fat cattle and 4-H Club baby beef steers getting much publicity will be judged by Professor W. L. Bliz- p. a.'s and signs mediums Act in the World. zard, Oklahoma State College, Stillwater. Finishing With a 500 -Ft. Slideto, He will also judge draft horses. -big order to Donaldson Life. DALLAS, May .16.-With 21 more days Dairy calf club classes, in which ani- to go, contractors and exhibitors are PORT WORTH, Tex., May 16.-Pub- Available for Fairs, Parks, Celebra- mals of 4-H Club boys and girls will be tions. breaking speed records daily at Texasshown,willbe judged by respectivelicity for the Frontier Centennial Show Centennial Exposition.Streets of Parisopen -class judges prior to placing ofis getting under way, with several meth- Address Care of The Billboard, location two weeks ago was surveyed inseniorrings,givingwinnersamongods being used by Ned Alvord, press Cincinnati, 0. dark of night and now exterior of thejunior entrants opportunity to competeagent.D. E. Ervin and R. H. Clements, entire villageis practically completed.for major cash awards in their respectivebarnstorming aviators, have been signed Large boat entrance was erected in twobreeds. totravel the country ina specially days. Johnny McMahon and Dick Hood painted plane.Contract for outdoor ad- WANT WANT WANT are on the job supervising work. vertising was let to Donaldson Litho- Streets of All Nations, started aboutMidget Troupe to Dallas graph Company by John B. Davis, gen- the same time,is also showing speed, LOS ANGELES, May 16.-After a win-eral manager of show. More than 500,000 Shows, Rides, Concessions supervised by Nat D. Rodgers. Both vil-ter at the Midget Circus at Californiasheets and banners are included in the lages will be completed for the openingPacificInternationalExpositionandorder for 20 billing routes. LADOGA COMMUNITY CENTENNIAL on June 6.Invitations are out for pre-a rest in Los Angeles of three weeks, Sign to be erected atop a building in. LADOGA, IND., JULY 22-26. view openings.Texas Queen, StanleyGraham's Midgets will leave Los AngelesDallas, across the street from the Texas Graham's Showboat, is ready.Cast forby special train for Texas Centennial Ex-Centennial Exposition grounds, will be In Heart of Town. 5,000 People Daily. The Drunkard will start rehearsals nextposition, Dallas. the second largest, it is said, next to a OnlyLegitimate Shows and Concessions Week. Major James D. Doyle, mayor of Midgetchewing gum sign in New York, being need reply. City in Dallas the coming season, will130 feet long and 60 feet high off the NO DRIFT-NO RACKETS. Mass man's Added Duties have with him the midget firechief,two-storybuilding. The words Fort WardenLawes' CrimePreventionJohn Banbury;official G-man midget,Worth will be 171/2feet tall.City of Show, a Dufour -Rogers attraction beingFred Duccini; Little Johnny Leo, Cali-Dallas has made no objection to the sign, equipped with exhibits, is getting muchfornia midget cowboy; emsee, Victor Wet-but the building inspector plans to test publicity.A lock company in nationalter; Prince Dennis, midget lion tamer; thestrength of the building. Wanted Carnival publications has called attention to itsSinging Night Owl, Walter Miller; Midgie Press agents have been appointed in Potter, goat getter and trainer; Chicago's Juno 28 to July 4, Inclusive, for exhibit in the Lawes show.A serialmidgetdancer,BennyStone; MissNew York, Chicago and Los Angeles by VETERANS FOREIGN WARS CELEBRATION, Story by Lawes runs in 280 Southwest-JohnnyFern, "MayWestoftheBilly Rose to ballyhoo the ,show and JULY 3 AND 4. ern newspapers.A weekly broadcastmidgets";BabeRuthe;LadyEthel,50,000 booklets are being mailed. Rich- 20,000 people daily.Location South Plains Fair from the show starts opening week, to ard Maney, press agent for the local Grounds,Lubbock,Tex. GoodCarnival Town. trainerof midget doggies;the well- WireFRANK McPHERSON, Harris Bldg., Lub- run six months. known little Nona Cooper and Dannyshow in New York, was here getting ma- bock, Tex. Paul Massman continues as director ofMontague, from the Cotton Club, midgetterial, as was Whitney Bolton, amuse- exhibits and concessions, but also takesBill Robinson. menteditorof The LiteraryDigest. on the special events because booking Board of control is considering having WANTED-INDEPENDENT RIDES, of exhibits and concessionsisabout busses run directly between the Fort completed except that part dealing withActs Appear in Theaterette Worth and Dallas shows. operations.At Old Nuremburg opening ST. JOHN, N. B., May 16.-First "The- Contracts have been signed for Shir- SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS on Thursday Manager Otto Muller hadaterette" to be presented at an indoorley Temple and Dick Powell in appear- FOR LEGION -FIREMEN FIELD DAYS, 250 guests. On Friday he dined exposi-fair was in St. Andrew's Rink here at aances at the Fort Worth show, Miss Tem- June 19-20-21. tion employees. Community fair under joint club aus-ple to head Frontier Follies during open- 20,000 Advance Ticket Sale. pices and two posts of the Canadian Le-ing week and Powell to head the second Write HAL SHERBURNE, Fennimore, WIS. Jones Goes to "Streets" gion.George A. Hamid, Inc furnishedweek's show. E. Paul Jones, who handled publicityLew Fitzgibbons, xylophonist; Gladstone of the State Fair of Texas many years,and Moore, knockabout clowning; Paul has been retained by Streets of Paris for Stambaugh Is Hanover Aid WANTED and Esther, rolling skating and balanc- HANOVER, Pa.. May 16.-R. D. Stam- Merry -Go -RoundandConcessionsfor durationoftheexposition. Franking; Raymond Pike, juggler, and Hopbaugh, York, Pa., will be secretary of Harting, formerly in publicity depart-and Step, novelty tap dancers. Hanover Fair, working with PresidentALEXANDRIA FAIR, SEPT. 5, 6 and 1 ment of Adolphus Hotel Company, will Address J. W. SHAW,Secretary,335 York St., handle General Motors Centennial pub- William Jordan and General Manager H. Newport,Ky. licity.Don Long, Ford's publicity manLakewood Races Draw WellS. Warren, Hanover Post, Veterans of at the San Diego Exposition, has arrived ATLANTA, May 16.-Summer racingForeign Wars, having revived the an- AN ATTRACTION IN ITSELF, to serve Ford here.Hollywood, a Johnseason got off to a good start in Lake-nual three years ago after a lapse ofNEELD'S CONCERT BAND Sirigo attraction, occupies practically awood Park, with AAA races staged bysome years. 323 West 9th, city block of ground. Bill Breitenstein doing good business. Tol Teeter's Gorilla Village has beenHonors were carried off by Maury Rose, completed since early in the month. HeFrank Beeder and Ken Fowler. Maynard left for San Pedro, Calif., to receive aClarke and Billy DeVore received in- shipload of animals, including a whitejuries,confining them to a hospital. sacred elephant, two pygmy elephants,Mike Benton, president of Southeastern 20 Gibbon apes, six python snakes andFair, and Virgil Meigs, secretary, have PROGRESSIVE Fairs and Parks are on the march numerous other animals, including onebooked several new concessions and have to make 1936 a glorious season.Are you in I added a new ride. cm monster Maus Kutus, which Teeter, the step? Keeppacewithprogressbybooking 1560 Biwny library, Southern Methodist University "House of Hamid Hits" and "The Acme in Acts." and the publicity department cannot new YORK, identify.Charlie Maxvill and W. T. Cox gtows GEORGE A. HAMID, Inc. are holding tournaments for an amateur qta0-qta0 nY boxing finale in the Cotton Bowl at the STERLING ROSE TRIO, playing mer- America's Leading Booking -Producing Bureau expo on August 17-22. chants' expositions and booked for July Parks, Fairs, Celebrations, Circuses, Pageants, Units 4, will play parks until their season of More Space for Paris Expo fairs. II PARIS, May 11.-Large demand for space at the coming International Expo- AFTER six weeks' engagement with sition of 1937 from foreign countries, asthe Truex-Hubbell unit at merchants' well as from local groups, caused expoexpositionsin Kansas and Oklahoma, promotersagaintoseekadditionalChappell and Drumm were to open as a ground. Arrangements are on to includefree act on May 18 with Bremer Midway WANTED a Carnival for the American Legion Celelebration large plots along the Seine River fromAttractions. Passy to Grenelle Bridge and from Alex- Week of June 29 to July 4, at Penn Yan, N. Y. andre III to the Concorde Bridge in the GRAND -STAND acts for South Mis- space reserved for the exposition.AtsissippiFair,Laurel, have been con- Rides, Concessions and other Attractions.Correspond with least six theaters have been planned fortracted with Barnes -Carruthers, reported GEORGE D. WOOD, JR., Adjutant, JohnsonCostelloPost 355, Box 362, the exposition, aside from such othersE. P. Ford, fair secretary -manager. Penn Yan, N. Y. as may be erected in the amusement park sections.Largest will be in the RITA AND DUNN, Flying Valentinos Trocadero, seating 3,400.Other housesand Foust's Flying Circus have been con- SALESMEN * DEMONSTRATORS * SALESWOMEN 0116W, will seat from 500 to 1,300. tracted for Decatur(Ind.)Centennial Celebration. YourBestBetFor1936 Noted Breed Authorities AL ACKERMANN, manager of Six Tip LET - MO - GRAPH Tops. is visiting his home in Norwood, The Self -Selling Wonder. Are To Be Judges at ESE 0., to see his son, Albert J.; his sister, DEPARTMENT STORE-FAIR-PARK-RESORT DEMONSTRATORS, SPRINGFIELD, Mass., May 16.-Live-Frieda Buckman, formerly of Bailey and Get in the MONEY.Write for details. stock judges for the 20th anniversaryMcCree; niece, Clara Sponsler, formerlyT LET -MO -GRAPH CO., 216 N. E. 2nd Ave., Miami, Fla. Eastern States Exposition here includeof Fad and Fancy; brother, Walter, non -em..-mogwok-wm.wk..wwok-www. noted breed authorities.Holsteins willpro, and Mrs. Ackermann.This is his be judged by Clarence Goodhue, Ray-40th year as an acrobat, his first pro mondale Farms, Vaudreil, P. Q., Canada.appearance having been as apprentice T. F. Fansher, Martin City, Mo., man-boy under Sie Hassan Ben Ali in Cin- ager of Hallmark Jersey Herd, Kansascinnati Zoological Gardens on May 24, City, and formerly manager of Longview1896.Tip Tops are booked for a string SENSATIONAL ACT WANTED Farms, Lees Summit, Mo., will judgeof fairs for Northwestern Fair Office, St. For Cuvier Press Club Picnic, Thursday, June 25, at Coney Island Race Track, Jerseys, and George M. Newlin, Fond duPaul,opening onJuly 1 inNorth Lac, Wis., manager of Corium Farms,Dakota.Mr. Ackermann is keeping in Cincinnati.Send description of act and salary expected.Address BOX D-30, will return as judge of Guernseys. Pro-condition by practicing tumbling rou- Care The Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. fessor M. H. Campbell, Burlington, Vt.,tines in the home back yard. 44 The Billboard FAIRS -EVENTS May 23, 1936 Royal, program director National Broad- NEWS NOTES casting Company; Leslie G. Smith, ad- BRANDS HY-TE X vertising manager Standard Oil Com- 0.1fORNIA Ppc pany; Spearman Lewis, mayor of Surf - side, Fla.; Orrin Davenport, winter cir- ALLOONS cus unit producer; Miss Portia Thomp- C.9papAmationd Aitio;s1C son, Detroit; Art Mix, of Hollywood and. rodeo note; Al Ross, Paris show; Wil- STARS liamC.Schmidt, managingdirector and By FELIX BLEY.Office, Press Building.Residence, Riviera ApartmentHotel,Grotto Circus; George Young, operator - 1312 12th Avenue, San Diego. managerBackstageClubandRoxy Theater; Dick Carpenter, C. & B. Steam- STRIPES Ben Bernie and All the Lads; Barcelonas,ship Lines, and Larry Collister, president Spanish tumbling ensemble;Valencia,of Thrills, Inc.Frank Hines, chief of NEW. brilliant "all- the theatrical division, back from De- over" designs. Choice Midway is Uphigh -pole act, and Latotsky, whirlwind offull - colorassort- skating act.All were booked by Stanleytroit, reported much expo interest in the ment, or patriotic col- W. Wa'thon and will be presented asAuto City.Ben Atwell, publicist, re- ors only. Flashy sup- turned to New York on expo biz, and plement to Oak's reg- free entertainment. ular Patriotic Prints. On Cash Night Gate Totals 726,759 Almon Shaffer, director of concessions, You'll find them prof- is planning another flying tour of the itableforMemorial Fortune Players, successors to the castSouth. Day. of the Old Globe Theater, opened an Lindbergh flightis com-engagement in The Tempest and King At Leading Jobbers. Henry VIII. Cast includes Norman Wess, memorated-more free at-Charles O'Neal, Robert Nachtman, Edgar Tegner, Michael Ferrell, William Frank- tractions to be offered lin, Tom McDermott, Bernard Phillips, e OAK RUBBERCa Frank Gardner, Gordon Sommers, R. itAvENNA.oni. SAN DIEGO, May 16.-A score of spe-Lyle Hagan, Guy Runnion, Fred Heider, RIESEL, Tex.-Riesel Fair Association Selling Through Jobbers °nil) cial events last week drew fair crowds.Wiedner Sievers, James Diehl, Sarah Sel-has been granted a State charter, incor- On Thursday a $1,750 Exposition Cashby, Ruth Aston, Harriet Foote, Joyveporators including C. L. Wiebusch, W. 0. Night, with a drawing on the midway,Hayward, Olga Rosenova, Franklin Hel-Moers and Truman Pundt. attracted a large attendance.Featuresler, Gordon Sommers, Fred Heider and ATTENTION! included Celebration of Mexican Inde-Richard Spater. ELYRIA, 0.-Lorain County's two an- pendence Day, Kid's Nickel Day, Na- Staff includes Thomas Wood Stevens,nual fairs, both more than 80 years old, Shows, Rides and Concessions are wantecrat tional Candy Day, Campers' Day, Cali-director; Marc T. Nielsen, president andwere met last week by a county corn-' HAWKINSVILLE, GA., JULY 3rd fornia Teachers' Day and inaugurationgeneral manager; R. M. Parker, secre-missioners' cut in annual appropriation FOR of Cartoon Week. tary;Helen Rahn, musicaldirector;to these institutions of about 25 per Tommy Bond, 8 -year -old movie star,Burtt McKee, festival director;Lilliancent.Commission agreed to give Lorain CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION as candy king, led a colorful proces-Wenzel, costumer; Maud Emily Lennox, Preparations are being made for 25,000 County Fair $2,400 and Wellington Fair sion from organ amphitheater to Rockcompany manager; R. Lyle Hagar, stage$1,300. Guests. Candy Mountain in Enchanted Land,manager; James Diehl, assistant; Mar- We have as Attractions: Horse Racing, Free where40,000candybarsweredis-garet Middleton, William Oltman, musi- Barbecue for All, Pageants and Street Danc- cians;L.C. DeSelm, electrician;Lois DOVER, 0.-No beer will be sold at ing.July the 4th will be given free to the tributed.Maglin Kiddies and Merkley Tuscarawas County Fair here, President ones making contract. The Shows getting in Musical Maids, 60 pieces, entertained.Keith, wardrobe; Charles Gaupp, townHarold E. Boltz said, the association be- on this can make good money. Make all in- Commemorating the ninth anniversarycrier; English Country Dancers, Parkerlieving the fair can discontinue sale of quiries to of Lindbergh's takeoff from San DiegoTotten, director; Joe Swedellus, Richardbeer without inconvience to patrons.G. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, on first leg of his transatlantic flight, aWersham, Claire Totten, Dorothy Swede-M. Earle, New Philadelphia, 0., has been G. A. HOUGH, Chairman Shows, Ridesand program was held in House of Hospi-lius and Edria Janicki.This week'snamed starting judge for the two-day Concessions, Hawkinsville, Ga. tality.Exposition Festival Chorus ofrepertoire included Two Gentlemen ofharness program. 350 gave a performance in Palace of En-Verona and Falstaff. tertainment, under direction of Dr. Earl Attendance, including Sunday, May 10, Rosenberg. was 726,759, and for the week ending on HILLSBORO, Mich. - Board of man- May 10, 49,600, it was announced. agers of Hillsdale County Fair voted NORTHERN CENTRAL NEW YORK' Stellar 'Acts Booked many major improvements to grounds Press Building is open to the public end buildings.Dining hall will be dis- VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S ASS'N with a display of master cartoonists,GREAT LAKES continued and used as an additional with 400 original cartoons brought to (Continued from page 42) display building due to increased ex- CONVENTION exposition by Crawford Hill, chair-admission charge ranging from 25 tohibits. man of American Cartoonist Guild. Col-40 cents. EAST ROCHESTER, N. Y., lection contains one of the originals of Press headquarters will be at the main DETROIT-Michigan HorticulturalSo- JUNE 22 TO 27, INCLUSIVE. Thomas Nast. entrance, and a substation for newscietywill have the entire former Elec- Hustrei Troupe, tight wire, opened aflashes will be located in the amuse-trical Building at Michigan State Fair WANTED week's engagement as free attraction,ment sector.Main -gate quarters willthis year, practically the same scale as Shows, Rides, Acts and Clean Concessions. working twice daily in Spanish Village.includeindividualdesks,typing andthe annual Flower Show in the spring Other free attractions include Mariettatelephoneequipment,nationalwirein Convention Hall, which always draws No Grift. with the 30th Century Ballet of 12 girlsservices, two general service rooms, twobig.Event will be in charge of Thomas Carnival Park located in center of city. dark rooms for photographers, a studioH. Berry. andChiquitaDeMantes,Mexicanfor rainy day and night pies and multi - Write or see CARNIVAL COMMITTEE, East Nightingale, their second week. graph room for the news handouts on Rochester Fire Dept., East Rochester, N.Y. Exposition will be open seven days athe show. ROANOKE, Va.-After a September week, beginning on May 29.Wayne W. Among visiting newsmen to conferdate had been set, Roanoke Valley Fair Dailard, executive manager, announced Association decided not to hold a 1936 with Harold J.(Johnny)Miskell, di-fair here, Secretary Erskin L. Hill an- that Anniversary Week, beginning onrectorofpublicity,havebeen Jim CONCESSIONS May 29, will be celebrated with a pro-Hurley, New York Mirror; BrooksIr.nounced. duction starring Olsen and Johnson inBeitler, former managing editor Chicago WANTED Anything Goes, with a cast of 50.OtherDaily News; Ben Atwell, New York pub- OSHKOSH, Wis.-Start has been made WEEK JUNE 1. attractions booked for May and June arelicist, and Spearman Lewis, mayor ofon Winnebago County fairgrounds here "No Racket." ACTS fur Annual Strawberry Festival. Surfside, Greater Miami, Fla., and cor-on construction of a $10,000 judging and Wire,writeJACK C. ROBERTS, Wallace, N. G. respondent for The andsalespaviliontoseatabout1,000.. New York Times. Building will be about 60 by 112 feet REVUES TOP Buildings are going up all over theand is to be completed in July with. (Continued from page 42) county material and WPA labor. WANTED mond, Va., and Raleigh, N. C., latter aarea and Albert N. Gonsior, chief of con- For 4th of July Celebration possibility.Standard Edgar L Schooleystruction, said special lighting units are ACTS, CONCESSIONS, SHOWS. being readied fornight construction, SACRAMENTO-California State Fair CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC., unit, billed Fascinations of 1936, willbut this may be unnecessary, since con-will sponsor the largest individual talent Livingston Manor, N. Y. have a huge pyramid revolver and stylish everconducted inthisState, T. G. ALLEN. Chairman. scenic effects featuring magic, with Jackstruction schedule is more than a weekquest ahead of schedule. accordingtoPresidentJ.D.Miller. Gwynne and a company of five supply- Some $15,000 in prizes and professional ing the illusions. Seven dates booked so Space Moving Fast engagements will be awarded in contests DANFORTH far, including Batavia, N.Y.;Ottawa, Contracts for construction of moreto be conducted thru co-operation of Can.; Rutland,Vt.;London, Ontario;than 200 concession stands were awardedcivic organizations in 58 counties. WANTS CARNIVAL Allentown and Bloomsburg,Pa., and be FOR WEEK OF AUGUST 2-9, Winston-Salem, N. C. to RalphT.Alger Company, to Ceelebrating Centennial. Revelations of 1936, using a movableerected in ;units of two, three or more Expect 2,500 to3,000daily.If interested contact thruout the amusement zone and along BOX 87, Danforth, Me. platform for acts and ork, similar to WANTED that created by picture de luxers, is downsides of the Court of Presidents. Addi- for 11 weeks, playing Lewistown andtional contracts for exhibit space, an-SHOWS - RIDES - CONCESSIONS Reading, Pa.;Greensboro and Shelby,nounced by Peg Willin Humphrey, chief AUGUST 25 TO 28. of space sales division, were to II. S. Write H. R. SHINIEALL, Secretary, WANTED N.C.;Cumberland, Md.;Charleston, N. W.Kansas District Free Fair Association, W. Va., and five others. Truck Lines, Your Garden Publishing Goedland, Kan, SHOWS, FREE ACTS, CONCESSIONS. Company, General Chemical Company, AMERICAN LEGION 3 -DAY CELEBRATION, Winter Garden Revue plays Harring- July 2-3-4, Casey,Ill. ton, Del.;Skowhegan, Me.;St. John,Christy Sales Company; Wayside Gar- CARNIVAL WANTED K.J. CRANDALL, Past Commander. N. B., and other spots. General businessdens, an additional exhibit; James Vers. FARMER CITY, ILL., FAIR, nor Company, Daisy Hill Farms, Henry August24, 26, 26, 27. 28. on act, fireworks and bands constitutes Must have at least 6 Rides and 6 Shows. a five-year record, according to Hamid.Kohankie & Company and American E. R. RINEHART,Secretary. CARNIVAL WANTEDBureau's leading band concert name, Ed-BrakeShoeand Foundry Company For American Legion 11th Annual Homecomingwin Franko Goldman, will play Trenton,Lincoln G. Dickey, general manager, said CARNIVAL WANTED WENONA, ILL., AUGUST 3 TO 8, Chrysler Motors Corporation had con- For Week ofJune29 to July 4, Inclusive. Played on Street. N. J.; Reading, Pa.; Afton, N. Y.; Ottawa Sponsored by Greenup Fire Dept.A GOOD SPOT. 4 or5 Rides. Shows and Concessions.Must beand Springfield, plus a four -daystilltracted for 10,000 square feet of space in Addre,4 V.V. KENDALL, Greenup, Ky. clean. date in the Forum, Montreal, followingtheAutomotiveBuilding. Director FRANK J. ZULZ, Secretary, Wenona,Ill. Ottawa. Humphrey said less than 20,000 square Hamidofficeawardedcontracttofeet remain to be sold. CARNIVAL WANTED furnish novelty attractions for the Ken- 0. LOOK AMERICAN LEGION FOURTH OF JULY WEEK. Visitors' List Varied Annual Affair. more -Tonawanda (N. Y.) Centennial, of IN THE WHOLESALE At least five Rules.Big Fireworks. which Frank C. Moore is general chair- Visitcrs' roster shows names of Stan- MERCHANDISE SECTION CECIL L. DAY,PastAdj., Dexter, Mo. man.Event exploits the 100th anni-ley Graham, Graham's Midget Village; for the WANTED-For4th July Celebration.4 to 5 goodversary of the twin cities. Will mark firstElwood T. Bailey, executive vice-presi- Rides and Concessions and looking for one act.Ex-date for Revelations unit and will havedent California Pacific International Ex- LATEST NOVELTIES, PRIZES clusive rights.Free space: good location; 10,000 position, San Diego; Angelo Vitale, vet- people every 4th July.Write at once.Addressa pageant by John B. Rogers and mid- PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES ADOLPHPORN,Chairman, Chatsworth,Ill. way by World of Mirth Shows. eran theatrical musical director; John F May23, 1936 The Billboard 45 ington, L. I., N. Y."I surely hated tostable Alberts gained an early lead whilehas a fast-moving program with his leave the act," she said, "as they aretheir opponents had not settled down,rodeo after -show.Side Show features three grand kids; the act is to open inSutton netting twice in six Indian Village, Tom King in charge of Atif25 gataSMontreal on May 15 and is booked solidThen the Bay team livened up in suchIndians.(Show was covered in fullin for several months.But afterallita manner as to make the Whitstableissue dated May 2.) By CLAUDE R. ELLIS seems that my only real happiness is inboys appear almost outclassed, Spice and Among visitors were Walter Harvey, of (Cincinnati Office) the nursing field." Bownputtingmattersevenbeforethe Donaldson Lithographing Company; change of ends. Mrs. John G. Robinson and son, John DETROIT BRANCH,American Skating MANAGEMENT of Flint (Mich.) Second period saw Herne Bay main-IV; George Thompson and C. C. Emrie, Union of the United States, elected asAmusement Park reports Mr. and Mrs.tain superior teamwork.Payton, Hoileof Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mason, new officers Melvin W. Crawford, presi-Kiefer, Chicago, have been placed inand Walters playing most brilliantly,Hamilton, 0., and the following from dent; Ray Marr, Jesse Bell, Joseph Gag-charge of the park rink and that therewhile both forwards were in sparklingThe Billboard-E. W. Evans, Clarence nier,vice-presidents;LloydGunther,will be a course for patrons in waltzingform, Bown (2) and Spice bringing theLatscha, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hartmann, secretary and treasurer; board of control,on rollers. final score to 5-2 in favor of the BayMr. and Mrs. Charles Blue, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin R.Crawford,Charles Delpier, team.Cornford, the Whitstable "crack,"Claude Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sachs Lloyd Gunther, Ray Marr, R. H. Ross, TEAM of Meiller and Averling, whohad little support except from Sutton,and Charles Wirth, of the Cincinnati Ray Fritz, Joseph Gagnier, Fred Martin,have been giving exhibitions in Iowa,who played an excellent game.Herneoffice; E. E. Sugarman, New York office. JesseBell,Sam Levinson,BenjaminNebraska, Kansad, Colorado, Utah, Ne-Bay I was full value for their success. Bagdad.Crawford was elected repre-vada, Wyoming, Idaho and Oregon, isReferee, H. Williams (London). CAMBRIDGE, 0.,May16. -Russell sentative to the national association.temporarily broken up, advises Kenneth Bros.' Circus todayiscompleting the Crawford, Ross and Marx were electedAverling, Vancouver, B. C.Walter B. first week of its tour of Ohio, the week delegates to the national association. Meiller, veteran walker, racer and roller having been marked by business which skater, has been taken to a sanitariumWITH THE ZOOS wasgenerallysatisfactory. Thisfol- FLYING ACES, Clayton Cornell andpending his recovery from an attackof (Continued from page 45) lowed a week in Indiana, where business Joseph Enthor, working the act togethermountain fever. Zoo officials to be first born in cap-was more or less spotty, varying as to again after a split of more than a year, tivity south of Chicago, arrived on Maylocal industrial conditions. reported they were in their eighth week BACK for a return date, Jim Curry, 10.Two other older ones were moved At Hamilton, Roy Barrett joined as in the Hotel Syracuse, Syracuse, N. Y.,dancing clown, writes that he is clown-toa separate compartment, pendingproducing clown, replacing Buck Baker, featured and holding the spot well. Pre-ing in Penn Rink, East End, Pittsburgh.completion of the new chimp house.and was welcomed by numerous friends viously they played in Canada, and dur- Frank E. Neelis, zoo superintendent, be-on performers' row. He is also doing the ing a Buffalo engagement found biz good COLISEUM Roller Rink, Mansfield. 0,lieves Susie will survive to set a newcome -in before the show.An engage- In Scott's Rink there, Manager Edwardaftera successfulwinter,closedforSouthern record.Coati mundi residentsment at Columbus, May 22 and 23, is Scott having operated all winter and be-summer, ManagerMerrill Wood an-were increased by births of triplets. being sponsored by the Pepper Club, a ing booked for parties until July, whennounced. Rink has been converted into live -wire civic organization of that city. he expects to close for a summer spot.a night club, known as Club Circus, and SALT LAKE CITY-No official action The first "blessed event" of the sea- White's Rink in Syracuse hadagreatwill be operated by Wood thruout sum-has yet been taken on removing the zooson took place at Paris, Ill., where Mary, winter, Manager Jack White told them.mer, roller skating to be resumed nextto Liberty Park from Hogel Gardens.the camel, gave birth to a healthy "son." He will operate for the summer in Seafall. A group fighting removal declares theThe little fellow has made a strong bid Breeze Park Rink and anticipates a big zoo will become a mere menagerie if itfor the spotlight in the menagerie, but play. CECIL AYRES and Avallon Sisters,goes back to its former location, as there,Topsy, the trained chimpanzee, still at- roller skaters, are at the ABC in Paris. is limited space. A public hearing has`tracts her full share of visitors, putting THREE SILVER CYCLONES, roller- been held for both sides, but the cityon her own show with her playthings skating act, appeared in Lexington Rink, RUSS GOLDEN, manager of rollercommission has not acted. In the mean-and miniature bathroom. Pittsburgh, last week. rinks in Summit Beach Park, Akron, 0.,time Capt. Ralph McCollin, zoo director, Reb Russell has been in demand as a and Land o' Dance. Canton, 0., said thegoes ahead trading animals and build-speaker before high-school student as- THE JEWELS, acrobatic roller skaters, ing up the collection. semblies and luncheon clubs, and sev- are at the Cirque d'Hiver in Paris. outside rink near the park entrance in eral radio broadcasts have been arranged. Akron isoperating nightly, including He continues to hold an unusually large WEST VIEW PARK Roller Rink, Pitts-Sundays. During winter skating was OKLAHOMA CITY-With nine newpercentage of big -show customers with burgh, gave way t2 a ballroom on Sun-held in the Casino. Improvements havefield pens completed much stock washis rodeo after -show.Reb was host in days for the summer. Manager Charles L.been made to the outdoor rink and spe-transferred on May 4, reported Superin-Columbus, Ind., to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Beares Jr. said skating will be resumedcial events will be held thruout sum-tendent Leo Blondin, Lincoln Park Zoo.Maynard, parents of Ken and Kermit in fall.Rink had good business thismer. As a monkey island, an old ship wasMaynard. season.Sessions have been held on week sunkinsand, hull being the shelter and At Newcastle, Ind., Mrs. C. W. Webb days and on Sundays with large crowds rigging the play spot for 50 Rhesusand Justus Edwards drove over to An- on hand. On Rollers in Europa monkeys.Among recentbirths werederson to catch matinee of Cole -Beatty BY CYRIL BEASTALL those of six black wolves, and a lionshow, and between performances Mr. and GYPSY MYERS DAVIDSON has left cub to Princess, usually bearing four.Mrs. Clyde Beatty and Kinko, clown, the Earl, Jack and Betty roller-skating Referring further to the EuropeanNew entrance will be completed soondrove to Newcastle to visit the Russell act, she advises, to accept a steady posi-championships in Stuttgart, Germany,and then 150 WPA workers will finishshow. tion in Doctors' Sanatorium, Port Wash -last month, official times of the winnersflying cage, commissary, barn, alligator H. B. Gentry spent the day on show were: 500 meters, Ross, England, 1 min-swamp and paving.Second project in-at Bedford, Ind., and was joined by Mr. ute 1-5 second;1,000, Mathis, France,cludes landscaping, elephant house, nineand Mrs. Harry Howard and Mr. and The First2 minutes 41/2 seconds; 1,500, Wilkinson,cat cages, four bear pits and eight pitsMrs. Roy Feltus, also of Bloomington, Best SkateEngland, 3 minutes1 1-10seconds;for small mammals. Plans for a severalInd.Other recentvisitors were Mrs. 2,000,Wilkinson, England, 4 minutesyears' program include new administra-Jack Biggert,wifeof the Ringling- 6 4-5 seconds;3,000, Mathis, France, 6tion building, large aviary, museum andBarnum trainmaster, at Brazil, Ind., and minutes 27 seconds;5,000, Reed, Eng-reptile garden.Donald Gordon is su-Charley Thomas, old-time showman, who land,10 minutes 21seconds;10,000,perintendent of parks. and Mr. Blondinvisited Frank Miller and others at Mat- Ross, England, 21 minutes28 7-10sec-has Elmer Hubbard as assistant keepertoon, Ill. onds. and staff of six men.During May 20 The Side Show has been augmented Result of the roller hockey matches inschools will visit the zoo, with 200 dailyby Mr. and Mrs. Chick Townsend; Dalbo, the European championship in Stutt-attendance.April had more than 40,000the "human torch," and Ira Reser's one- gart at the same time: Switzerland 6,visitors. New amphitheater in the parkman band.Chick is making first open- France '2; Germany 4, Belgium 0; Eng-was opened on Easter wih a sunriseings and Lady Dorothea (Mrs. Townsend) land1,Italy1;Portugal2,Switzer-pageant attended by more than 20,000. is proving a hit with her mental act. land 0; England 5, Belgium 0; Italy 3, Germany 2;Switzerland 3, Belgium 1; Three Turnaways for Eddy RICHARDSON BALL BEARING SKATE CO.Germany 1, Portugal 2; France 1, ItalyRUSSELL STRAWS 2; England 6, Portugal 0; Germany 0, (Continued from page 36) GREAT NECK, L. I., N. Y., May 16.- Eatablnhed 1854. 0,Portugal Ill.Switzerland2;France 3;three rings.One of the outstandingEddy bros.' Circus played here May 11 to 3312-3318 Ravenswood Avenue, Chicago, Belgium 0, Italy 4; Germany 3,' Francenumbers is Walter Jennier with his mas-excellent business. Canvas is all new, big The Best Skate Today 3; Belgium 0, Portugal 2;England 4,terly trained seal, Buddy.Another istop being an 80, with two 30s and a 40. Switzerland1;France0,England1;Bob Fisher's Five Fearless Flyers, with Italy 3, Portugal 2; Belgium 1, France 2;Bob doing some exceptionally good fly-Side Show, under direction of Al Wheeler, GREATEST ACTION SKATE Switzerland 3, Italy 3; England 4, Ger-ing.As in former years, actispre-is also new, with new banner line. many 0. sented broadside to the front and back Show is presenting a fine program, fea- EVER BUILT The "Aristocrat" On May 2 I wasinPavilion Rink,reserves,Still another is the menageturing Welby Cooke,HazelWilliams, of RollerSkates Herne Bay, Kent, for the big hockeyact, the horses being trained and pre-Mildred Hunt, the Riding Eddys, the Fastest night of the season.Two cup competi-sented by Frank B. Miller.Then thereDarren Duo and a number of animal acts. Smoothest, tion finals were scheduled, and when Iare the Great Dalbeatie, balancing on aConcert, composed of amateurs gathered Lightest. arrived I found every seat taken andwagcn wheel up a flight of stairs; Hod-from various, radio programs*, is proving little standing room left, about 1,000gini Riding Act, with ,Albert Hodgini Jr.a surprising hit.Even in the sophis- being present. doing most of the work; the Connersticated New York area more than 90 per Thanks to courtesy of R. W. D. Taylor,Trio on the wire; the elephant turnscent of the audience stays for the concert. entertainment manager of Herne Bay(show has four bulls); Ethel Jennier, on Business has beenunusual - three U. D. C., I had an excellent view of thetrapeze, featuring a standing ankle dropturnaways since opening and business matches in comfort. The first game, forand somersault in mid-air, catching onup to this point has exceeded anything in Herne Bay Cup (junior championship),a suspended rope; Miss Athlete, also onthe last five years. Show has excellent was between two Herne Bay Unitedtrapeze, doing some excellent heel andmotor equipment and has no difficulty in teams, A and B, and it was a splendidlytoe work; Rennot, backward foot slide;making the jumps. Charles, Eddie and fought affair, clean and fast, D. SpenceVioletta.teethslide, and some otherHarry Hunt are this year in positions of Whyte officiating as referee in his usualgood numbers. executive capacity. Charles T. Hunt Sr. is capable manner.After extra time the Clowning is good.Roy Barrett scoredgeneral manager and director of the ad- BE UP TO DATE A team won 3-2, but there was little towith his several numbers.Reb Russellvance. choose between these sides.F. K. Har- Write for Catalogue low,presidentofHerne Bay Roller Hockey and Skating Club, presented SEND US YOUR ORDER NOW! ROLL -AWAY SKATE CO. trophy and medals. 12435 EUCLID AVENUE Second match was the piece de re- Skates. Repairs. sistance of the evening, Herne Bay I CLEVELAND, OHIO vs.Whitstable Albertstodecidethe Non -Slip PoWder. championships of England. Herne Bev I turned out with five international play- Broadcasting Systems. PORTABLE RINK WANTED ers,while the Alberts included three to locate inmy park. Low rental; good skating ter-"capped" performers. ritory.FRANK ORNDORFF, Mattoon,III. When the teams came on the floor CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO- Men's New White Buckskin the din was deafening.I have never $1.75all sizes,Speclel Price on Dozen Lots. of 4427 W. Lake St., Chicago, III. WEIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP,20 S. 2nd Street.seen so much evidence excitement Philadphia,el Ps. over any skating event before.Whit- 46 The Billboard CARNIVALS May 23, 1936 Conducted by CHARLES C. BLUE Communicationsto 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0. SHOWS BUNCH -UP ATPEORIA

Several Large Five Shows Make Their Bows

Sims Combined at Wade Starts His Ones Concerned Windsor, Ontario, Can. Regular Season

WINDSOR, Ont.,May 16.- Sims' DErItOIT, May 16.-W. G. Wade Shows R. & C. and RAS the same Greater and United Shows of Canadaopened their regular season last week at Combined opened here recently on theFort and Miller roads, on the West Side, week-USA a week ahead Erie and Louis lot, auspices CanadianauspicesOurLadyofMt.Carmel Imperial in East Peoria Legion. The owner and general manager,Catholic Church, to the best business of Fred W. Sims, has developed growth andany opening spot in eight years, accord- attractive appearance of his amusementing to Wade.More money in circula- PEORIA, Ill., May 16.-There has been organization. The showshave newtion was given as the principal cause. an influxof booking amusement or- canvas and new banners.The Cater-Opened informally a few weeks ago, ganizations into this City and vicinity. pillar and the Tilt -a -Whirl have neonplaying a small outfit on lots. Three organizations, United Shows of signs.In fact, the whole midway is Wade Shows are carrying seven shows, America, Rubin & Cherry Exposition and brightlyilluminated.Followingisasix rides and 41 concessions this season. Royal American Shows, all slated their roster: W. Geiger joins at Monroe, where the plans for the same week-next week. World's Wonderland -120 -foot top andshow moved Monday, with a Minstrel United Shows apparentlydecidedto 150 -foot banner line, management ofShow and a Girl Show.Shows returns break ina week ahead and jumped Great Ramon, assisted by Mrs. Ramon,to Highland Park, North End, Wade's from Wichita, Kan., where they exhibited Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunniford, Doris Bar-home town, next week. A new No. 5 Eli last week, and opened here Tuesday rowilift, Claude Eden, Bruce Perkins,Wheel is to be delivered on May 25. night at the fairgrounds to good busi- Patricia Hill and Radii Singh.Congress Roster as given to a representative of ness, according to report. of Wonders is operated by the StanleyThe Billboard: W. G. Wade, general John Francis Shows had also booked family.They have a 100 -foot bannermanager; William Malone, general agent; here but canceled and went to Pekin, line, a 70 -foot top, featuring MadameMrs.MildredMiller,secretary. Ride BOBBY MACK, general agent for Ella, mentalist; Prof. William Stanley inforemen, Carl Purdie, Merry -Go -Round; Pan-American Shows. Has had about charge, assisted by Herman Stanley, JeanH. Higgons, Ferris Wheel; Frank Jerome, Imperial Shows are across the river, 10 years' show experience, last sea- Shannon, Audrey Turner, William Stan- in East Peoria. son special agent with Cetlin & Wil- ley Jr. and J. Carstairs.European Mys- (See WADE STARTS on page 54) According to the present setup, Rubin son Shows. tery Show-Severin Signal, manager, as- & Cherry and Royal American will be sisted by Clarence Stenton, James Sten- opposition here the coming week, the ton and Helen Clayburn.Arcade-JackWallace of Canada former witha much nearer -to -town Claney,manager,assistedby AustinAt Simcoe, Out. location. Keelan and J. Mercer: W. J. Bunts Changes Rides: Merry-Go-Round-John Ozark, SIMCOE, Ont., May 16.-Wallace Bros.' Show Owners Urged To foreman, assisted by R. O'Brien and R.Shows of Canada played their opening His Show's Title Arsneau.Ferris Wheel -Roland Thi-engagement here last week, located on Submit Advance Routes (See SIMS COMBINED on page 54) the fairgrounds.Rain interfered with MARYVILLE, Tenn., May 16.- W. J. the opening day's (May 2) attendance. NEW YORK, May 16.-Many merchan-Bunts is changing the title of his amuse- Business was at a low ebb during the dise and equipment houses have ap-ment organization next week from BuntsMabel R. Weer week except on Saturday. pealed to The Billboard to aid in gettingGreater Shows toCrystalExposition The show presents a neat appearance, shows to supply routes a week ahead.Shows. For the last several winters Mr.At Benton Harbor with new paint and canvas and an Bunts and his family and many em- illumination. Some showmen when ordering merchan- NILES, Mich., May 16.-The Mabel R.abundanceofelectrical ployees who have been him for yearsWeer Shows, playing here this week,The Side Show has a complete new out- to mention their coming stands in let- (See W. J. BUNTS on page 54) fit,including120 -foot bannerline. ters and wires.As a result parcels are ushered in their season last week at Ben-"Follies of 1936" has a new top and new sent to the addresses appearing on com- ton Harbor on the fairgrounds. Openingpanel front.Joseph Dion joined here municationsandarefrequentlyre-Simpson in St. Louis night had cold weather, which changed.with his Animal Show, which includes turned to the sender or, as sometimes to warm weather and good crowds the re-his eight -footed mare and colt which happens in the case of freight,for- ST. LOUIS, May 16.-James C. Simp-mainder of the week. also has eight feet.Phil Cronin's six son, general agent Johnny J. Jones Ex- The rides were repainted and decoratedconcessions have new tops.Capt. Dun- warded to the next town with extra attrac- charges. position,arrivedhereTuesday fromin winter quarters. The new 40 -foot en-can Fairly's fire dive is the free Birmingham, Ala., where he underwent atrance arch gives the show a wonderfultion.Following is a roster: Forwarding wastes two to three days,second successful operation on his eyes.appearance from the outside. New show Staff includes J. P. Sullivan, owner; sometimes more, thus inconveniencingHe attributes his recovery to the mar-fronts are being built as rapidly as pos-Mollie Lovoie, manager; William Graff, shows.Wherever possible, all organiza-velous services of Dr. K. W. Constantinesible. general agent; Harry Prioux, assistant tions should either send in two weeks'and his two nurses, Margaret Cutcliff general agent; Joe Williams, secretary; routes to The Billboard or advise out- Staff: Mabel R. Weer, owner -manager; Capt. Baldwin, side agencies with whom they are doingandEmilyFerrari,ofBirmingham.Robert Plummer, secretary; J. H. Duane,Joe Welch, electrician; The ideal thing would be toSimpson arrived here hale and heartygeneral agent;Sailor Harris, superin-artist; Bill Stewart, lot man. business. and will be back "in harness" from nowtendent; Doc Day, special agent; Mrs. Rides:Popeye's Cabin-Arthur Ross, reporttheirroutes to allinterestedon. Mrs. Simpson, who was also in foreman;CharlesSandbach,.tickets. parties. constant attendance to Jimmy while inRuth LaMarr, The Billboard agent. Whip-Joe Corbit, foreman; H. Oaks, as- hospital, arrived with him, and will re- Shows: Slim Phillips, Girl Show; J. S.sistant; H. Angell, tickets.Caterpillar- main in St. Louis visiting relatives andRobertson, Circus Side Show; Tex Smith,(See WALLACE OF CANADA page 54) Maynes-Illions Rides friends for several weeks. Wild West. Concessions: J. W. Arbaugh, cookhouse, To Royal American Shows assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Henery YoungGolden West Shows CINCINNATI, May 16.-The Maybes-Lion Trainer Killed at Parisand Pete Adams;Cliff Thomas, corn Illions Patented Novelty Rides that have game; C. W. Pence, carmel corn; J. Kile,At Denver, Colo. been with Beckmann & Gerety's World's PARIS, May 16.-Charles Hulin, youngphoto gallery;Mrs. Harris and Happy Best Shows several seasons are making aanimal trainer, assisting his uncle, Jou-Jack Decker, penny pitch; George Mc - DENVER, Colo., May 16.-Golden West change to the Royal American Shows, toviano,at the "Big Cage" menagerie,Quirk, one; Mrs. Duane and Mrs. RuthShows played their opening engagement open with them Monday at Peoria, playing the Gingerbread Fair, was at-LaMarr, one; Frank Nicholson, one. herelast week at Knox Court and tacked by Choura, big lion, recently, and Rides: Merry -Go -Round, Bill Greaver;Alameda to unusually large crowds.The A communication from Harry A. Illions show consists at present of 6 shows,5 rid- informs that the best of feelings betweenbefore help arrived Hulin's throat hadFerris Wheel, Gene LaMarr; James Davis, Beckmann and Gerety and himself pre-been torn open and he succumbed be-Tilt -a -Whirl; Leo Mantyck, Chairplane;ing devices and 19 concessions. vail-he pronounced them "the finest,fore reaching the hospital.Hulin wasCookie Ryan, Loop -o -Plane; Slim Mc - All rides and shows have been newly squarest bunch of folks I ever met"-27 years of age. Choura, who some timeQuirk, Kiddie Ride foreman. Ride as-painted and nearly all canvas is new. ago attacked and seriously Injured hersistants, Red Moon, Byrle Wyrick, JackMax Levine, of Western NoveltyCom- but some different territory and longer Davis and Buckly Moore. pany, and Sam Horwitz, of DenverNov- season for his rides were the major pointsowner, Jouviano, was shot to death. elty Company, co-operated with Bishop toward his making the change. to make it a pleasant opening. Staff includes: Bill Bishop, manager; Majestic Expo Shows Guy Winn, lot superintendent; Mrs. Rose Winn,secretary -treasurer;CharlesL. In Storm in Virginia galltittoo gtoS: eitculatit45 Expo.Keyes, general agent; Glenn Winn, ride superintendent;Charlie Coggins, elec- NORTH TAZEWELL, Va., May 16.-The trician. personnel of Majestic Exposition Shows, Shows: Nights in Hawaii and Nelda by co-operative activity, saved very heavy a ea:1141:1 Aolit gtow Show, Mr. and Mrs. Don Chaney; Athletic damage during a wind, rain and hail Show, George Burns; Snake Show, Doc storm here early this week.However, By STARR DeBELLE Austen; Side Show, Frank Wright; Micky there was some damage done.Some of the concession tops were badly damaged BLOWING STOCK, that his wife located it thru her crystal.Mouse, Tom Reynolds. and the Minstrel Show and Athletic Indian Reservation, Others say he stumbled into it when he Rides: Ferris Wheel, Al Wadlow; Merry - Show tents were blown down and the Week ended May 16, 1936. got off of a train and was looking forGo -Round, Bill Collins; Loop -o -Plane, Art the jungles. Schaeffer;Mixup, Roy Jones;Kiddie Merry -Go -Round top was badly torn. Dear Charlie: Ride, Billy Cruze. Manager R. G. McHendricks was on This the most unusual spot that the Thereservationthe home ofthe show ever played.Playing right in theJolopy Indians, of whom there are four Concessions: Cookhous e, Jimmie the grounds and worked tirelessly among tribes, the Concession Brakes, the HitPhelps; pop corn, Mimi Martin; corn the other members of the troupe whenheart of the reservation, which Is lo- game, Ed Green. Carl Jones and Micky a storm seemed sure to strike the mid-cated on the corner of four differentand Miss, the Kick -It -Backs and the States, and belonging to none.So se-Beefs -o -Plenty.All ruled by Big ChiefCooper managing two concessions for Mrs. way and also after it had passed. Harry Grabem Cash and Princess Takem Doe.Bill Bishop.Bill Bailey, three;Curly Harris, lot man, got his crew busy, at-cludedthateventhe map printers White, one; W. A.Forty, two; Harry taches of shows and concessions laboredhaven't been able to locateit.Much The spot well billed with tanned hides with their outfits and, in fact, all thecredit due General Agent Lem Truck -carrying quaint Indian writing.MostMiller, two; Kenneth Harper, two; Doro- troupe commendably worked in the spiritlow for locating the spot. How he didof our advertising done on a mountainthy Martin, one; Marge Cooper, one; Jack of saving equipment. it no one will ever know. Some claim (See BALLYHOO on page 54) Morris, one. May 23, 1936 CARNIVALS The Billboard 47 pitalin Chicago.Remains were lain away in a cemetery here. gOWIIICKS rea5ue Brother Harry Coddington was the guest of the Ladies' Auxiliary at its last meeting of the season. Here's Proof of 01 a metica Many of the larger amusement organi- zations areplaying closeto Chicago, which will mean quite a few visitors. 165 W. Madison St., Report is that Brother Morris Hutner Chicago,III. is ,spending his time down Arkansas CHICAGO, May 16.- Visitors duringWay. the week were Charles Hall, C. R. Fisher, RIEIEE-0 RIDE M. Siebrand,I.Steier, Howard Gloss, LADIES' AUXILIARY John L. Lorman, Julius Wagner, M. J. CHICAGO, May 16.-Members of the Auxiliary met and journeyed to "China- Doolan, Harry Gibbons and A. F." fora farewell dinner ere the Letter from Joe Murphy states that heclosing meeting of the spring.Those SATISFACTION is now with the Pollie & Latto Shows.who made the trip were President Mrs. Julius Wagner has left to join the sameLew Keller; Mae Taylor, first vice-presi- SHE CIZMPANY WILL APPREUATE SUGGESTIONS k ROM ITS PATRONS CONC L RN ING ITS SERVICE organization. denA; Mrs. Bob Brumleve, second vice- 1201-S BrotherWillWrightadvisesthatpresident; Hattie Latto, third vice-presi- CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOLS things are going along nicely with the.dent;Cora Yeldham, secretary;Edith TMs is a full.rate DLDa, Letter new show. Telegram or Cable. WESTERN Streibich, treasurer; Mae Loring, Mrs. Al gram voles,itsde. Ntliashrtettea (erred character is in. Army Beard, in town for a few days,Latto,IdaCook, MargePearl,Tillie dIcated by suitable IXIDeferreclCable was a caller at the rooms. Rhode, Mattie Crosby, Gladys Reichel, symbol above or pre. NLTCable NiAt Isr,er di.,gthe address. Howard Gloss, late of Gooding Shows,Minnie Murdo, Mrs.IdaChase, Mrs. UNION Ship Rodioram is now playing Chicago lots. Mary Vitale, Mrs. Dot Lissenden, Mrs. Thealipg time shown le tbeA ta La...yamsmidday letterela STANDARD TIMEse point of origin. Time of receipt11, STANDARDTIME at point a destination Elizabeth Ernst, Mrs. Maude Geiler, Wise Receivedat 81Webster Street, North Tonawanda, N. Y. Late reports are that Brother PaddyH.Page, Lucille Pope, Mrs. Romano. 1936. MAY 5PM 3 06 Ernst is improving nicely and is in hopeMarion Ward, Mrs. Singleton, Mrs. Thor- UK1 C 45 DL=KITCHENER ONT5225P of soon leaving the hospital. sen, Mrs. William Carsky, Mrs. H. Yardly, Harry Gibbons, back from Florida,Cleora Miller Helmer, Alberta Helmer, C V STARKWEATHER= SPILLMAN ENGINEERING CO= says he may stay in Chicago. Mrs. Ora Miller, Florence Garzini, Mrs. NORTH TONAWANDA NY= Many nice compliments on the signsF. W. Burrows, Mrs. Charles Driver and recently sent out.Hope they will allSelma Kordin. be given advantageous locations. PresidentKeller returned from her VERY PLEASED WITH RIDEEO RECENTLY PURCHASED HAS BEEN SecretaryJosephStreibichofffortrip east and presided at the meeting. Ottawa for a short businesscall on TheAuxiliarypresenteditsdear IN OPERATION FOR PAST TWO WEEKS AND HAS FAR EXCEEDED OUR President Patty Conklin.After his re-friend Harry Coddington with a beau- turn work on the Cemetery Fund Drivetiful leather wallet in appreciation of will receive full attention. his many acts of kindness thruout the EXPECTATIONS TOPPING THE MIDWAY EVERY NIGHT STOP WE FIND Brother Gibbons advises that Brotherpast year. Harry E. Thurston is still in Florida. The next regular meeting will be held IT TO BE THE EASIEST RIDE WE HAVE EVER HANDLED TO SET AND The League was advised of the deathon October 1. of Brother George I.Henderson, who Mr. and Mrs. Carsky have returned TEARDOWNREGARDS= dropiied dead in the depot in St. Louis.from their Eastern trip but will remain Arrangementswerebeing madefor JW CONKL1N burial but relatives claimed the only a few days, as business will William Harper passed away at hos-take them away again indefinitely.

IF' THE QUICCEST, WREST AND RAMAT WAY TORERO MALT IS ET TELEGRAM OA CABLE i , 141 OT DALLAS. May 16.- Fred Beckmann .: "-,::,;. STO 4(.111( celebrates his birthday anniversary on * May 29. On a recent trip to Monterey, SPILLMAN ENGINEERING CORPORATION , POSTERS 41.- Mex., for his age on his passport he inserted "over 21." NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. A. (Booby) Obadal, co-owner of West- tRO . 11101110101 kip ern States Shows, spent several days in the city early this week, devoting much -- ALIKE time to the Centennial grounds, where he visited the showmen and exhibitors. :, or Buddy Ryan, president of the South- ern Premium Manufacturing Company, JOHNNY J. JONES EXPOSITION Circuses, Coliseums, Carnivals, spent several days around San Antonio and Waco, where he visited showfolks. 12 WILL BOOK Booked Fairs, Rodeos, Fraternal Orders, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph (Kentuck) Ray celebrated their 15th wedding anniver- Bit' Solid Beaches, Pools, Parks sary last Saturday. Fairs WILD WEST OR FAMILY CIRCUS Dick Hood, of the "Streets of Paris" to Wewillsubmitdesigns,created at the Centennial, arrived here Monday. 2 - HAVE COMPLETE NEW OUTFIT - He will return to Chicago for a week CelebrationsMONKEY CIRCUS WITH OWN OUTFIT Nov. 7 exclusivelyfor your show. and will then establish himself here indefinitely. 1111.1iiriA POLLACK BillyLevine, "candy king,"arrived CAN PLACE-Real Fat Girl Show, Bug House, Unbornorany New Novel Wednesday to join the Graham Enter- Grind or Platform Shows.(Interested in anynew Attraction.) POSTER PRINT prises for the exposition season. Pittsburgh, Pa.,CircusGrounds, This Week, Elwood Bailey, vice-president of the WALTER A. WHITE, Gen. Mgr.,Sharon, Pa.,WeekMay 25. snowPRINT San Diego exposition,isin the city, corviSiCom coming from the West Coast fair. Harry Somerville, of Baker -Lockwood, BUFFALO.H.Y. PHONE GRANT 6205 bas returned to the company's head- quartersafterseveral weeksinthis territory. Jack Ruback, manager and co-owner FRUIT CONCENTRATES "Going To Town" Western States Shows, was a visitor here ATTENTION! CONCESSIONAIRES AND PARR MANAGERS WHO OPERATE last SOFT DRINK OR ICE BALL STANDS. Sunday, en route from hislast Get started rightthis year.Use Gold Medal Fruit Concentrates,thekind that have the week's stand (Waco) to Wichita Falls, They are low in price, easy to make, yet you will saythattheyare entraill True Fruit Flavor. where the show played this week. thefinest you have ever used. p. Mrs. Percy Morency (Alyne Potter) Stock Flavors, Orange, Lemon, Lemon -Lime, Cherry, Grape and Root Beer.Price $2.00 ir7.0 I II spent several days here this week en per QUART, makes 48 gallons of drink.Sample sufficient to make six gallonsof drink, 35c each, anythree for $1.00. route from Greater United Shows in SEND FOR YOURS RIGHT AWAY. If1111 J11111111W111.111111[ East Texas to Louis Berger Shows in Michigan, where her husband has been GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS CO.,133 E. Pearl St.,Cincinnati connected the last few weeks. time Ziegler has had a show on the road This New TUT -A -WHIRL for four years.The smaller additional .With a Blaze of Flash-Streamlined Cars- ridea will be opened at Island Lake Park CONCESSION ChromiumPlating-I )nrochromeDecorations Dettoit -Animated Signs-All Timken Bearings- for the season on May 30, with Ziegler in Masterful Engineering.100% Portable. DETROIT, May 16.-Detroit swung in-direct Charge, and Mrs. Grace Ziegler will CARNIVALTENTS to the carnival season last week, withgo on the road to manage the show with SELLNER MFG. CO., Faribault, Minn. several shows on various lots. Louis J. Berger.They are carrying 5 Our SpecialtyforOver 46 Years. Mamie Krause Shows played on theshows, 4 rides and 30 concessions. UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. lumber yard lot, Joseph Campau avenue, Sangamon Street, Chicago,III. in Hamtramck, under American Legion. Dumas & Reid's Happyland Shows 701 North SPECIAL, auspices.Moved Monday to Eight Mileclosed a week's stand Sunday for the FREE FREIGHT DELIVERY and Van Dyke roads, near Center Line,American Legion in Lincoln Park, south northeast of Detroit. of Detroit.Their formal opening afterCANDY FLOSS & CORN POPPERS To New York City Terminal. playing a few small city lots with a few Cheapest. b e s t,genuine; See Advertisement on Page 35. Berger & Ziegler Shows opened for the many models; 10 patents season last week at Troy and Woodwardrides.Show node carries 5 shows, 8 rides Floss,$45 up. Gasoline and 30 concessions.Opened Monday at Poppers, $28.Elec..$30. BAKER - LOCKWOOD avenues in Ferndale, just north of De- AlsoBurners,Parts,etc. troit.The home town stand for CharlesGrand River and the Six Mile roads for Guaranteed.Catalog Free. AMERICA'S BIG TENT HOUSE the Redford Exchange Club, of which NATIONAL FLOSS J. Ziegler. who lives in the community, MACHINE CO. under auspicesof Metropolitan Club,Paul Heinze, veteran operator of Edge- 310 East 35th St.. New York City local association of policemen and fire-water Amusement Park, is committee- men.Moved Monday to Pontiac. 20man. GIL miles north, under auspices of Pontiac Another show to be playing the EastOwing to death of HOWARD L.RINARD Beard Ion had left last place.Phone, wire of write The family will carry On his business on same basis HARRY AND WAYNE, at 526 N. W. 13th, Okla- Metropolitan Club, on Telegraph roadSide, on Van Dyke avenue, this week, as heretofore. homa City,Okla. (the Dixie highway).This thefirstwas the Doc Flack Shows. MRS. HOWARD RINARD. 48 The Billboard CARNIVALS May 23, 1936 and every time a customer spent Jimmy a grinned at his associates and yelled, "See, WH EELS I told you it'd get money."

Park Special: 30 diam-an AMONG recentjoinerstoSmith's 7-Ww9 afttaii eter.Beautifully 171 Greater Atlantic Shows was Larry Os- painted. We carry

instock12-15-..m borne, with cookhouse, frozen custard,

20-24 and30 Im corn. numbers.SpecialIN By THE MIXER peanutsandpop Whilethe

Price, "Brownie" Smith midway opry was at Martinsville, Va., visits were exchanged AROUND MARKS SHOWS 'tis talked one daily and one weekly newspaper in

$12.00 athat Jean Tisdale will soon be an aerialistadvance of that show's coming to town.with Cetlin & Wilson Shows.

in the free -act department. BINGO GAME DANNIE LA RUE'S eating emporium FRANCIS J. McFARLAND, who recent- 75 -Player,com- GEARY AUSTIN, publicist for Majesticwith Dodson's Shows fed four commit- pieta, $5.25. Exposition Shows, left Tazewell, Va., last ly returned to Marine Hospital, Louis- Including Tax. tees last week at Pittsburgh.Maybeville, Ky., for treatment, was discharged Send for our new 1935 Catalogue, full of week to do advance exploitation work. that had some bearing on Mel Dodson anew Games, Dolls, Blankets, Lamps, Alum- IN from that institution on May 1 and ainum Ware, Candy. Pillow Tops, BalloonsIli getting contracts. after takinginthe Kentucky Derby aPaper Hats,Favors,Confetti,ArtificialIII Five shows sent current -week "show let- Flowers, Novelties. jumped to Coatesville, Pa.. to take the ters" for this issue, which explains why they Send for Catalog No. 136. MRS. MARY MONEY writes that shefront of a Motordrome. ConventionWalking Canes. did not get into type. isconfined inSt.Joseph's Hospital. ark Mahogany Finish. Parkersburg, W.Va.,and asks that Mt Heavy CANES Price Per Gross, $24.00. El BILLIEWINGERT recently left Zeig-information be given to her husband FRANK GEYER and wife, Dolly Dim- A SLACK MFG.CO. El er's United Shows in California and(Whitey). ples(fat girl), late of Bunts Greater MHO124-126 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111.11111111, joined Bill Chalkis' Side Show with Snapp Shows, arrived at their home in Cincin- Greater Shows in Missouri. HARRY L. GORDON has joined thenati a few days ago and are preparing to staff of W. C.(Spike)Higgins' Westopen the summer season with Austin & ASTRO FORECASTS MRS. "HAPPY" HAWK/NS' smiles makeCoast Shows as advance representative.Kuntz Palace of Wonders at Cedar Point, red ones growlwhere bloomers flourish, isHe was lately with the State Fair Shows.Sandusky, 0. AND ANALYSES the message The Mixer gets from MarksGordon was formerly for six years with All Readings Complete for 1936. Shows. the Levitt -Brown -Huggins Shows. A. F. SCHRIMCHER,some years ago SingleSheets, x14,Typewritten.Per M .$5.00 operator for one of J. C. McCaffery's Analysis, 3-p.,withBlue Ccver. Each .03 BOBBY MACK isin good spirit regarding Analysis,8-p., with White Cover. Each .15 FRIDAY of this week H. (Doc) Allen, frozen custard outfits, later having his Forecast and Analysis' 9-p., Fancy Covers. Ea..06general agent Bloom's Gold Medal Shows,this year's outdoor amusement season. Saysown stands at Coney Island Park, Cincin- Samples of the 4 Readings, Four for 25c. and his wife celebrate their Silver Wed- Bobby:"Peopleareinamore optimisticnati, and playing dates, will have two out- No. 1, 34 -Page, Gold &Sliver Covers. Each .30 Walt Charts, Heavy Paper Size 2804. Each 1.00ding anniversary. frameofmind, employment conditions arefits en tour this season. A. F., as cus- Gazing Crystals, Ouija Boards, Planchettes, Etc. better and money is being spent more freely."tomary, operated his restaurant at Nor- LUDDY KAMER recently joined Eddio wood, 0., the past winter, NEW DREAM BOOK Roth's Blue Ribbon Shows in Kentucky THE FIRST WEDDINGof the season 120Pages, 2 Sets Numbers, Cielpring and Pol- icy.1200 Dreams. dound In Heavy Gold with his Girl Show.Made the jumpon Dodson's World's Fair Shows took GEORGE (BINGO)- RICHARDS ram- Paper Covers, Good QualityPaper.gamete .$0.13from some point in the Central States. placeinPittsburgh,the contracting HOW TO WIN AT ANY KIND OF SPECULA. bled into Cincy a few days ago from some- TION, 24 -PageBooklet,BeautifullyBound. where in the South.Is still removing Samples, 25c. FORTUNE TELLING WITH CARDS. Same Bind- corns from people's footsies.Despite his ing,24Pages. Samples, 25c. 68 years, George looks good, has very few HOW TO BECOME A MEDIUM. Same Binding, gray hairs and the proverbial "rocking 30 Pages.Sample, 80c. ZODIAC FORTUNE CARDS, Fine Set of 30 chair" is still far from getting him. Like Cards, 350. the multitude of other World War vet- Shipments Made to Your Customers IInder Ynur erans, he is awaiting the June allotment Label. No checks accepted. C. 0. D., 25 5, Deposit. or E-1_ A Our name or ads do not appear in any merchandise. iS of the bonus. SIMMONS & CO. CHARLES GOSS, of Standard Chevro- 19West Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO. SHOWS let Company, is on a trip thru the East Instant Delivery. Send for Wholesale Prices. and plans visiting many circuses and carnivals. During his absence Mrs. Goss is the guest of Mrs. Noble C. Fairly, of EYERLY Hennies Bros.' Shows, who is living in East St. Louis, while the show is playing in Granite City, Ill. LOOP -0 -PLANE 'PROFITABLE LOUIS BRAN, of the Advance Nov- DURABLE elty Company, injured his kneecap last PORTABLE PERMANENT ECONOMICAL "EIGHTYUnitsSoldin 1935." SAYS 0. N, CRAFTS "THERE'S A REASON." "We figure the BIG Write for Our Easy Finance ELI our must profit- Plan. able ride.Right up infront when it comes to receipts, but EYERLY AIRCRAFT CORP. low when it comes to SALEM, ORE. cost of maintenance." ABNER K. KLINE.Distributor. The Crafts20 Big SOUND TRUCK of Dee Lang's Famous Shows, snapped while standing in front Shows now feature a 3 -in -line unit of No. of the midway entrance remittly. 5a on their Midway. Write for additional BINGO CORN GAMES Information regarding 100 CARD SET, $3.00 the"Standard Model ' - 200 CARDSET,6.00 WINGYSHAFFER was in Cincinnatiearties being John Gordon, concessioner, BIG ELI Wheel. 300 CARDSET, 9.00 recently and was a caller at The Billboard.and Peggy Mayes.The couple received AllSets complete with Calling Numbers ELI BRIDGE COMPANY and Tally Sheet.We pay the postage. Usually works fronts of colored minstrelheaps of congratulations and presents. Please remit with order. shows. Looked over routes toward joining Builders of Dependable Products, GEO. W. BRINK & SON some show. 800 Case Avenue, JACKSONVILLE, ILL. 1454 Gratiot Ave., DETROIT. MICH. THOMAS J. (FUZZY) HUGHES, West Dept. BC. Coast ride owner, after spending several (Over Thirty YearsInBusiness.) BILL CAREYAND WIFE and daughterweeks in Kansas City, Mo., with his joined Col. M. L. Baker's Side Show withpartner, George Kogman, left that city Bunts Greater Shows.Bill talking onlast week for New York City, where he 1936-37 ASTRO FORECASTSfront; the missus and miss working inwill spend the next several months. Buddha rapers, 1-4-7 and 35 -page Readings. Zodiac POP CORN Display Charts, Horoscopes in 11 styles, Apparatus SOUTH AMERICAN,Fancy Shelled, $7.00per for Mind Readers, Mental Magic,Spirit Effects. 100 -Lb. Sack, F. 0. B. K. C., Mo. Mitt Camps, Books, Graphology Charts. JIMMY RAFTERY, Marks Shows' office NEW 124 -Page CATALOGUE now off the press. RELATIVETO report of Madam Zenda,impresario, enlarged his concession busi- Cash With Order. Most comprehensive line of Apparatus and Suppliesmentalist, being at Eighth Street Mu- intheWorld.Catalogue, 30c.None free. seum, Philadelphia, Lillian Zenda writesness by adding a hoop -la. Set it next to BAGNALL COMPANY NELSON ENTERPRISES that she has not been at that place ofthe office so he could see it in operation, StationA, Kansas City, Mo. 198 8.Third Street, Columbus, 0.amusement. FRANK RAFFERTY, contracting press agent the Marks Shows, made an excel- 500 BINGOlent showing in Martinsburg's (W. Va.) Size 4x5%. Pads of 25. 500different Cards toa CONCESSIONAIRES!!! bet.Earls Sct has a different weal number.Single Bet,81.50, or $10.00 perDozen. No advertising on these. Whileinthe club car ofa Missouri If You Operate Any of the Following Stores, Then Write for SYL-MAGIC,189 Eddy, Providence, R. I. Pacific train between Joplin, Mo., and St. Louis, Larry Hogan, general agent Beck- Catalog Immediately.Don't Delay, Get in on Our DARE -DEVIL OLIVER mannCrCerety Shows, and Frank feeding, New Exclusive Items Quick. Wnrld's Premier High Diver has some open time in of TheBillboard,heard alot of praise 1936. Permanent Address,Tonawanda,N.Y. "paper hung" for Beckmann & Cerety by BINGO - BALL GAMES - FISHPOND - CIGARETTE GALLERY -SLUM the car porter.Said the porter: "Yassah, SPINDLE - WHEELS - CANDY - DEVIL'S ALLEY - ROLL DOWN - gen'men, thet theh show has got 59 long ADD 'EM BOARD - DART BOARDS - PITCH -TILL -U -WIN - TRACK SHOOTING GALLERIES cars! Couldn't get 'em all on the side- AND SUPPLIES. - BUMPER - WATER BOWL - CANE PITCH - CRANELAND - WriteforCircularRealTargets. G. W.TER. tracks at Joplin and hadtu leave some at PENING, 116 Marine St.,Ocean Park, Calif. Ca'thage. Yassah,gen'men,thet'sthe HOOPLA - WATCHLA - AUCTION STORE - NOVELTY STORE. big'est and bestest show in th' world." You'llsavemoney -you'll getbetter service -you'llget the new things Fact was, a circus was playing Carthage AMERICA'S LEAD/NG and the porter probably thought its cars first -you'll eliminate grief. belonged to Beckmann-Cerety. We shipsameday; we carry tremendous stocks; we sell and please the After listening to the porter rave about biggest operators.May we serve you? 111PERSVCIRCaPaRNIVAL Beckmann & Cerety Shows fora while Larry presented him witha passtotake Established 1923. "OWNERSCARD Rivoismy", in the show the next time it plays Joplin. 2894 W857 (The Mixer wonders: Maybe the porter HEX MFG. COMPANY, 468-470 Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y. CONEY MAMA AK wasn't so dumb). May 23, 1936 CARNIVALS The Billboard 49 Week while unloading some merchandisenight, and Ray returned to the act at but kept busy with his duties despiteDecatur, Ill., May 11.Owing to the fact doctor's orders,Incidentally, Fred Mil-that the remains of Mrs. Marion were ler, formerly branch manager for thecremated at Kitchener, Ray was unable Advance Novelty Company, is now op-to attend the funeral services. erating five concessions with the W. G. Wade Shows. PICKUPS from Hilderbrand's United Shows at Woodland, Calif.-Long jump Well, anyway, the opposition at Peoria, Ill.,from Los Angeles made in good time. WANTED! has given interested persons opportunity to took several big outfits over,last week and ... Many of the folks visited relatives en route.... Walton de Pellaton spent this week, at a minimum of traveling expense.a day in Stockton and another in Oak- Operators To "Cash In" TEX FORRESTERis reported as oratingland, visiting his family. . . . Mr. and nicely on the front of Richard Scott'sMrs. 0. H. Hilderbrand visited Foley & Minstrel Show with Johnny J. Jones Ex-Burk Shows. . . .Lucille King enter- tained with a dinner party. .. . Great ON THIS position. Valencia departed and was substituted ACME UNITED SHOWS had a goodby Four Jacks as the second free at- Week's business at Burnside, Ky., after atraction. . . . Mr. and Mrs. E. Pickard 150 -mile jump from further south, Infosgave a dinner party. . . .Mrs. Charles Happy Preston. Soderberg rapidly recovering from ill- ness.. . . Mrs. Edith Lenzer Joined with NEW ITIS Lloyd's Pony Ride with Imperialpalmistry.. . . Hazel Fisher and Verna Shows, instead of "E. Floyd's," as ap-Seeborg visited relatives in El Cerrito. pearedinthe show'sprintedroster. . . .Jerry Foster Joined Sam Popkin's POPCORN Lloyd Meverden is manager, and Glennconcession.. . . Frank Nosier departed Meverden officiates in the ticket box. for San Francisco.Mrs. Lester Howell meeting friends as cashieratGroff's MACHINE MERRY ROSE PERRY, of great weight,cookhouse. . . . Charles Hellman re- Infos that her attraction with Marksturned to the Ben Martin concession. Shows has been getting satisfactory busi- ness.Rose also informs that Mr. and Mrs. E. Beaudet's Motordrome, to whichBeckmann & Gerety Get a miniature auto has been added (Mrs. Beaudet on the straight wall), has beenRiver -Front Lot at Alton having a nice business. ST. LOUIS, May 16.-For the first time in 12 years a carnival will play on the K. F. (Brownie) Smith received a letter city -owned lot in Alton, Ill., known as THE from John T. McCaslin, and therein was Riverview Park, on the river front and something about Harry Bowen wanting to two short blocks from the heart of the organize a quartet, and wanting Smith to city.Thru the untiring efforts of L. S. singtenorat averyattractivesalary. (Larry) Hogan, general agent, and Macon World's "Brownie" might leave management of his E. Willis, special agent, of the Beckmann shows to someone else and accept the & Gerety Shows, they were finally able offer, but-well, he sings bass. to swing the "city dads" to allow the show to exhibit there, starting May 18 Fair and closing May 23. C. W. CRACRAFT,general representa- Shows for years have been trying to tive Mighty Sheesley Midway, was inget thecitycouncil andofficialsto Cincinnati a couple of days last week, aallow them to play this choice lot, but Special return after arranging for the show toto no avail.Willis, formerly with vari- play this week at Reading, 0., suburbouscarnivals,wasappointedspecial With of Cincy.The first big railroad showagent of the Beckmann & Gerety Shows there in many years.Cracraft is stilllast week when the show arrived in St. "Automatic wearing a canebecauseofsprainedLouis. Eye" ankle.E. C. May, special agent, was also here in advance interest of the organization. Jack Smith's Kinfolk Sought It's a new modern Popcorn Machine that gets the "play" and gets all the nickels and dimes. Ithas the "flash", withlights,color and motion. M. JACKE MILLER (formerly billed as CINCINNATI, May 16.-The following Mollie Jacke) Is out of hospital after 10letter was received from A. J. Smith, It really sells Popcorn. months' confinement at ExcelsiorSmith Funeral Home, Carthage, N. C.: Springs, Mo., and undergoing two or more "We have had a body in our morgue operations.Will be with a side showsince April 6 and have been unable to again this season, but not in usual work.get into communication with any rela- Has sold all side-show paraphernalia andtives of the man.His name was Jack two trucks, and purchased a StudebakerSmith and he advised a party in this AND BEST OF ALL! convertiblecoupe;also has prior to his death that he With brother, Bud, and son, Jacke Jr.,had at one time been connected with ItPays a Handsome Profit of 70c Clear on Every Dollar a carnival company.The name of the has been visiting shows in that terri-carnival was not given, nor the length in Sales! tory. of time elapsed since his connection MOTHERS' DAY was observed on thewith a carnival company. It is a large capacity model, with a new "automatic eye" and thermostatic. Pan-American Shows in honor ofall "The height of the man, five feet and kettle that controls popping temperature.This positively takes the bother mothers with the show.Program, pre-nine inches; black hair, blue eyes, sal- sented in the Minstrel Show top, in-low complexion and blind in left eye. and guess work out of popping delicious corn and assures you of perfect cluded singing, dancing, readings and "We would be pleased if you put a results-always. instrumentalmusicnumbers. Thosenotice in The Billboard about this man. taking part were the Page kiddies. Lolaand no doubt either his relatives or some Larsen,MaryWallaceandPaulineof his close friends can be reached." Made to Order for the Location That Needs Large Capacity Bushong.The mothers present were Mrs. H. B. Page, Mrs. Joe Cramor, Mrs. and Ease of Operation. Lyle Bushong, Mrs. Jim Wallace, Mrs.Kentucky Slaps on Robert Garrison, Mrs. Mazie Moore andRefreshments Taxes Mrs. H. B. Knapp. Allelectric with new efficient popping unitthat produces betterthan Statements of "This show has only clean( FRANKFORT. Ky., May 16.-Decision $15.00 worth of corn per hour.Has display peanut compartment. New shows and concessions" and similar wordingson amounts of taxes on soft drinks, modern cabinet design, attractively trimmea in Chrome Plated steel with have been deleted from all show letters (anycandy, ice cream, chewing gum, nuts and and all shows).Probablysomeof the writersother items to go into effect July 1 panels finished in red and black porcelain enamel. have been wondering "why."First,it wouldwas completed last week by the State of be superfluous-such methods are expected byKentucky Legislature except for formal themasses. Second,some ofthewritersadjournmentofthelegislativebody Size -75" high, 361/2" long, 261/2" wide.All electric. Prcduces $1.00 were known to be "fibbing."Third. in orderon Saturday. worth of corn forless than1 cinelectricity,at averagerate. tobeeven-skeever amongallshows,it's Among the taxes are soft drinks, 1 Nowadays it takes an up-to-date Popcorn Machine to get the maximum better to not printitin the news columns,cent a bottle; ice cream,'7cents a quart: giving space to more interesting news. By thechewing gum, 1 cent a package or part profits.Keep in step with this new, modern machine. way,the show lettersare far more for show -ofa package; candy, nuts and other folks' readings than for committees and fairitems, 20 per cent. Theynever wereintendedas secretaries. Some weeks ago a sales tax which "readers," or "writeups"; instead, news -)11- Low Priced ! coverednearlyallitems was discon- Also manufacturers "letters" on happenings(including memberstinued.The new tax is claimed to be Thisbigcapacity,fullcabinetsize ma- of ofthe personnels) atstands played by shows.toward balancing the State's next fiscal chine isunusuallylow priced. Convenient "PROGRESS"model-new Write for TWO HOURS before he was scheduledyear budget. terms makeiteasy to own. modern full -cabinet size to do his part in the Four Sensational catalog. machine.All electric.Ca- Jacks, free act with Rubin & CherryNaill Playing Monroe Lots pacity$8.00 per hour. Only Exposition,atJackson,Tenn.,Ray ADVANCE MFG. CO. Marion, manager the act and one of its MONROE, La., May 16.-C. W. Naill $30.00 down. Write for features, was informed by telegram ofopened his riding devices here recently 6322 ST. LOUIS AVE. catalog. the death of his wife, Sue Alrick, of theat Louisville avenue and Seventh street, - --MISSOURI Four Queens, on Conklin's All -Canadianthree blocks from the new traffic bridge, ST. LOUIS, - Shows at Kitchener, Ont.Sue Alrickto a very nice business. Merry -Go -Round Marion and Ray Marion were married-Leonard Figgins, clutch; Bill Johnson, about five years.She formerly workedticket taker: Mrs. Naill, box office. Ferris in the same act with him, a Jack Schal-Wheel -Sam Langford,clutch;Benweeks, willgo on the road with hisnewspapers have given the show some lerunit.The other members of theOwens, tickets.Mixup-George Barns,shows and rides and some concessions.nicenotices.Manager Naill has had act, Jean Le Marr, Bob Blackstone andclutch; Virginia Amonns, tickets. Naill isin much better health thaneverything newly painted and everything JackBrick,presentedtheact thwat Mr. Naill, after playing in Monroe a fewhe has been for some time.The localwas repaired. , irrtql

50 The Billboard CARNIVALS May 23, 1536 business-cash, no coupons.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Walsh left to join the Cetlin & Wilson Shows a., dieCalifratia South Nashville Welfare Carnival Com- Harrisburg, Pa.Week ended May 9. pany, playing lots in Nashville, Tenn., ST. LOUIS, May 16.-Ideal weather hasLocation, 21st and State streets.Au- until fall.The writer's new funhouseprevailed in this section the last 11 days.spices, V. F. W. Drum and Bugle Corps. Expo will soon be ready.The Loop -o -PlaneBeckmann & Gerety Shows willcloseWeather, gocd.Business, good. is coming along nicely.Hugh Henry,their14 -day engagement heretoday By FELIX BLEY electrician and Mixup foreman, doingand move to Alton, Ill.Dee Lang Shows The fourth week of the season, but the okeh.J. C. Duffey joined as lot super-playing this week and next week at Northfirst week of real business, with all con SAN DIEGO, Calif., May 16.-Joe Glacyintendent. Trainmaster Ben Tosh mak-Union boulevard.Majestic Mighty Mid-cerned getting their shares.Attendance resigned as manager Hicks' "Strange asing the moves in good time. Mike Contiway Shows at 19th and Gravois.Charlesexceeded last year, also the gross busi- It Seems" sho'w and left for Los Angeles.doing good on advance promotions -Oliver on North Union boulevard.Al C.ness.Tuesday afternoon a street pa- La Goldie and Dave Francis, neon tubecontests.General Agent Joe J. FontanaHansen Shows in East St. Louis. Henniesrade, headed by a police escort, was artists, and Cal Lipe, with flea circus,contracting engagements in Illinois andBros.' Shows in Granite City. given, with Blair's Scottish Highlanders, also left the show, which bas been takenIndiana.Mrs. Albert Heth's corn game, Smilo (the clown), girls from the Para- over by the exposition management. Bobwith Happy Boultinghouse in charge, Jack and Doris Deloris passed thrudise Revue on a float, animals from Leo Crawford is inside lecturer; Nick Young,clicking. S. W. Nickersonvisitingwith their girl show en route to pointsCarrell's Circus, Jack Summers' U -Drive - in charge of front; Barry Grey, ticketfriends in Cookeville.Mrs. J,ack Caseynorth.... Jack Ross returned after anIt Cars and kiddie clowns, Doc Weber's taker.. . .Zaharee, rice writer, andarrived from Florida.Mr. and Mrs.absence of six months and has been aRiding Ponies, Johnson's Band from the Victor Roper, lecturer on Boulder Dam,Johnson joined with a beautiful conces-nightly visitor to Hennies Bros' Shows,Hot Harlem Revue; Wilno, the Human left for Dallas, where they will be con-sion. FLOYD R. HETH. where he usually hobnobs with Harry G.Cannon Ball; sound truck, Porter's Jum- nected with Ripley's "Believe It or Not" Corry, who has auction concession onbo, Float of Johnson's Illusion Show, show.. . . George Dobbs has opened a that show. ...J. C. McCaffery, of theSpeedy Merrill's Motordrome and the penny pitch concession at the entranceJ. J. Page Shows Rubin & Cherry Exposition, passed thruV. F. W. Drum and Bugle Corps. Really to Midget Circus... . Lew Nan, who the city last Saturday en route to thehelped the gate.Wednesday night a Operates the Chinese Emporium in Span- Appalachia, Va.Week ended May broadcast by remote control from the avenue. Weather, ish Village, left for Dallas to install aLocation,Callahan Gean Berni arrived last week with hismidway thru the facilities of Station branch store. ... The Dufour & Rogers'fair.Business, good. Thursday morning a broadcast "Life" building has been demolished. corn game, now operating with MajesticWHP. First show of the year. Gross at theMighty Midway Shows..... Walter B.from the studio, with Art Parent, Fred John Odom was appointed manager ofgate made the spot a winner. Roy Fenn,Fox, general agent of Al C. Hansen Shows,Utter, Joy Kaye and Mildred Leavengood, Boulder Dam while Keene is on charge of the front -gate ticket box,visited The Billboard here Tuesday, whenof the Paradise Revue, and Great Wilno ... Dutch Treat Club had its weekly in an interview. Thursday night Gover- Meeting in Granada Cafe. Among thosebusy from early evening until near mid-making the rounds of showmen's haunts present were Prof. May, Harry Foster,night. Back -gate ticket box also did itswith Charles Goss, of Standard Chevroletnor Earle's son and party were guests share for a good turn -in, which other-Company.. .. Abner K. Kline, factoryof the show and, incidentally, had a Judge Wood, Larry Belger, Jerry Carmen.wise would have been a fine spot forrepresentative of the Eyerly Aircraft Cor-great talk with Baby Lillian, the feature Entertainment was provided by Joy Wil- joinedporation, returned from a two weeks'of Duke Jeannette's Circus Side Show. liams and members of Hollywood Secretsfencejumpers. Jim Phillion also praised Speedy Merrill and Great Company, with Happy Johnson as emsee.with a grab concession.Charlie, Jim'strip thru Missouri, Kansas and Okla- brother, has been clicking with his cook-homa.During a visit to The BillboardWilno.Quitea number ofvisitors, Whitey Woods left for Dallas, where among them wereS.B. Russell and house-which has a jam rush whenoffice reported splendid success in selling I. Cet- he will be manager of Stanley Graham'sbaseball scores come over the radio.Loop -o -Plane rides.. . . Ned Torti, ofCarl Friese, of Lewistown Fair; Midget City... . Eddie Comstock nowSaylor's Miniature Automobiles showingWisconsin De Luxe Corporation, andlin and J. W. Wilson both away on busi- manager of Nudist Colony in Zoro Gar-signs of business recovery.Billy SeniorMorry Silberman, of Continental Pre-ness during the week. Mrs. Cetlin spent dens here... .Charles Dodson, untilsporting a new truck, made a trade withmium Mart, were both in the city lastconsiderabletimeatherhomein recently lecturer in "Strange as It Seems," .. . George Davis, this year op-Lebanon, Pa. Speedy Merrill presented a CharlesGoss.ofStandard Chevroletweek. Merrill, was appointed manager of Midget CircusCompany.Billy needed a large truck toerating frozen custard stand on thenew "home on wheels" to Mrs. by the exposition, which recently tookhaul the abundance of rigging for theJohnny J. Jones Exposition, arrived lastas also did Carl Fontaine to his wife. over the show. ... Harry Wooding, whoact of Miss Jammie Graves. Fondaw andSaturday, and Mrs. Davis, who had beenSmilo celebrated his 53d birthday on had ponies, goats and comedy mule inGladys, with double -trap act, sharingsojourning here, left for the show Mon-Tuesday.Joy Kaye, with her singing, the show, closed and will leave for Cleve-honors with the Sky -High Girl. M. and Marion Renaude, with her dancing, land.... Mack (Doc) Zeitlin, scale op- both of Paradise Revue, are receiving erator, was a week -end visitor while enAndersen and the missus work hand in Mr. and Mrs. Tony Martone have beenfavorable comment. Caterpillar was top - route to Dallas, where he will operatehand to put over their "Strange Girl"in the city all week, making nightlymoney ride; Loop -o -Plane, second, and concessions. . . . The SanDiegoshow.Rance Boyd, in charge of thevisits to shows in this territory. . . . Ferris Wheel, third. Art Parent and Joe Troupers' Club-John Allison, director;office and excess equipment, has theAmong visitors to Dee Lang's FamousMerrill'sParadiseRevuetop -money Edward Tidwell, secretary-will have amarquee up and ready for the openingShows this week were Miss Bert Weavershow; Speedy Merrill's Motordrome, sec- special day, June 10, at the exposition,gong. Visitswereexchangedwithand Bill Johnson. They will return toond, and Duke Jeannette's Side Show, and will present a special program to beGreat. American Shows, three miles dis-road this year with a new frozen custardthird. The new aluminum rails for the .known as Variety Days of 1890... . tant, at Big Stone Gap.Phil Babcockoutfit.. . . Anna Ray Rtinte', formerlymarquee were finished here and, draped Charles McCarthy, midway manager, isand the missus have been hobnobbingin concession business, now engaged inwith velvet, make a beautiful appear- in Los Angeles on business... .Cityover here for a couple of weeks and ita commercial business here, a nightlyance.Entire new wardrobe has been Council turned down a request of Waynelooks as tho Phil is going to be a come-visitor on Hennies Bros.' Shows, wherefurnished the Hot Harlem Revue, which Dailard, exposition manager, for a "bor-back carnivalite.Grace and Sammyshe has many acquaintances. . . . now has 22 people, with Tony Lewis der -line game" zone ordinance, whichLowrey, with their son, Jackie Lee, spentWilliam Snapp, owner and general man-still on the front.Harry Dunkel in would permit operation of such games ina few days on the show. ager, and L. C.(Curley) Reynolds, ofPhiladelphia making final arrangements the fairgrounds under exposition man- R. E. SAVAGE. Snapp Greater Shows, visited local officefor the show there. agement. A council majority decided it of The Billboard while in the city on a GEORGE HIRSHBERG. would stand on its original platform shopping trip.Snapp reported good thattherewouldbenoborder-Johnny J. Jones Exposition business for his show to date. lineorgambling gamesat the ex- Johnstown, Pa.Week ended May 9. position, a stand to which they saidAuspices, Blue Devil Trumpet and Drum Zimdars Greater Shows the exposition officials agreed when theCorps, American Legion Post No. 294.Lo- exposition control ordinance was undercation, W codvalle show grounds. Weather,Mighty Sheesley Midway Taylorville,Ill.Week ended May 9. consideration. good.Business, splendid. Auspices, Christian County Fair Associa- Chiquita de Montes, featured singer A flood -weary and amusement -hungry Ironton, 0. Week ended May 9.Aus-tion.Location, fairgrounds.Weather, free attraction, was on the air last weekJohnstown that has been digging itselfpices, American Legion.Weather, swell.good.Business, fair. from the exposition radio studios overout from the disastrous St. Patrick's DayBusiness, fair. Attendance was better than fair all NBC system. The program was releasedflood was 100 per cent for the show from locally thru KFSD. . . .Among the Due to unforeseen local conditions, thisweek, but they didn't have "spending visitors on the midway last week werethe start, and backed it with a week'stown did not turn out as well as was ex-change" with them. On Tuesday, news- business that is expected not to be beatenpected.While the weather was perfect, local papers were Reginald Owens, Jimmy Gleason and Co-operation boys of the three wife and son, Perry Ray, Lynne Overman,during the 1936 still dates. local manufacturers had dropped work-guests of Manager Zimdars, and Vic Mil- GailSheridan,Edgarreceived from the two local newspapers,men from their pay rolls since the townler took them in charge and showed CarylLincoln, Democrat and Tribune, plus daily broad-was booked, therefore the decline in an-them a royal time, making boosters of Kennedy, George Raft and party; Cyrilcasts over Station WJAC, helped. Mon- H. Cane, British consul at San Francisco;day night was lost, due to unforseenticipated business.C. W. Cracraft inthem. Among visitors were Agent Ko- Mrs. Harry Houdin,' and Edward Saint.transportation diffiCulties, but the re-for a day, hobbling around, due to abacker, of Great Olympic Shows; Johnny . Mrs. Frank G. Belcher, wife sprained ankle received in an automo-Webb, of Wallace Bros' Shows; Mack . . was honoredmainder of the week was fine.Mrs.bile accident.Here's a coincidence: TwoWhite, Bloom's Gold Medal Shows; Mrs. of exposition president, Johnny Jones was joined by a large Edith Kelley, Francis Shows;Charles at a luncheon by the exposition's women'snumber of the show's personnel in pay-one-armed men, both talkers, with the executive committee.The courtesy on same name, Wingy Schafer. RobertDriver, Driver Bros' Tent and Awning her return to exposition social life aftering tribute to Abe Jones, who died somePerry has added another lioness to hisCompany; Curly Lee and family, Barker an extended illnesswas given on theyears ago in Georgetown, 0., and buriedMotordrome. Mrs. Jack Murray wasShows, who visited H. Smith and family; House of Hospitality's Mexican Grand View Cemetery here, Rev. Dr.overcome with joy when her boys pre-Abner K. Kline, of the Eyerly Loop -o - W. M. Reed officiating.Friday after- Plane Company. Mr. and Mrs. William .. .Streets of Paris show opened, gavenoon Rev. Father Nicholas Woloshuksented her with flowers and candy on one performance, and was closed bytheacted as host to blind wards of theMother's Day.Wingy Schafer of theFrench and daughter made a trip to St. police. Lions' Club with a tour of the rides.Minstrel Show had a great time Satur-Louis.Mr. Duffy joined with three con- Thru a tieup with local chain stores, aday afternoon entertaining 47 orphancessions. CHARLES SEIP. large Saturday Kiddies' Day gross waschildren. W. C. Honeycut hurriedly left Happy Days Shows made possible.William (Farmer Bill)for Arkansas due to serious illness of his Linderman, many years a concessioner,mother.Frank (Blue) Wilson mightyLatlip Shows Dickson, Tenn. Week ended May 9.was taken seriouslyill of pneumoniaproud of his new uniform.Norman Downtown location. Pay gate. Auspices,late in the week. WALTER DAVIS. Newman now incharge ofAlcatraz. Poca, W. Va.Week ended May 9. Lions'Club.Weather,fair;business Among new arrivals: Shelia Burrow, Les-Weather, cool first part of week. Busi- same. ter Show; Violet Bunch, Nite in Paris: Georgia Attractions Frances Cerra and Bessie Ruth Kaylor,ness, fair. Prof.Vincent Bellemo's seven -piece Hawaiian Show.While visiting Rice Dad and Billy Bryant, of showboat Italian band now has new uniforms and Trenton, S. C.Week ended May 2.Bros.' Circus Jack Lampton and Clayfame,werevisitorsonWednesday. makes the flash. Plays forthe free actsWeather, fair.Business, fair. May had a good time, Jack relieving theFrank Griffith is again in charge of the and concerts.James DiRago and party After playing the asparagus belt inthe show's drummer. While broadcast-advance and promotions.Capt. Latlip of Colbert County Fair, of Tuscumbia,South Carolina four weeks, with fairing this week over Station WMCI onebusy at home building a new housecar. Ala., visited and enjoyed a steak din-business, the show moved to the Pied-ofJackWinslow'smonkeysnearlyThe Latlip twins, Madeline and Rosaline, ner with Col. Dedrick in Cunningham's wrecked the mike by grabbing and shak-andIdaMaeLatlip,theyoungest midway cafe and signed contracts formont mills district and played at Ninety daughter, will join at the finish of their their fair in September.Daniels' 140 -Six, S. C., last week to good it.Among other performers taking Side Show joined fromThe lineup at this writing includes Fer-part in daily broadcasts were: Al Ren-school session.Carl Mains pleases the footCircus ris Wheel and Chairplane, owned by theton, entire Circus Side Show, Great Les-patrons with his high dive. Mont Swag- Nebraska.Many visitors from near -by The Charlotte Vaughn,ger has taken charge of the Animal shows, including L. J. Heth. Mrs. Nonamanagement, and 10 concessions. ter, Don Phillips, Show and it is proving a winner. Capt. Snodgrass had an accident with her car.writer, Jack White, is at present helpiiigBonnie Austin, Billy Carr and Elsie Hen- Both fenders and one side of the carMr. Weiseman with the advance. Showry.Sarah Johnson now selling ticketsLatlip has ordered another hamadryad moves on its own trucks.W. L. Weise -on the Waltzer. Among visitors, Jimmyto replace the one that died in Charles- smashed in and her left side was pain- Gallagher, Ben Krause, Mary Hawks andton. Buck Wells now has the grab and fully injured.Dutch Worley and crewman is manager; C. N. Weiseman, secre- last tary -treasurer;Pee Wee Prince,rideMr. and Mrs. Andy Kelly. juice, Candy Sabath having left have the giant Twin Wheels and the FLOYD NEWELL. week. JAMES WILCHER. Merry -Go -Roundshininganddoingsuperintendent; Dewey Huto, electrician. May 23, 1936 CARNIVALS The Billboard 51 roping, and Landry's specialty on slack wire, are highlights, also Col. Jack Rine - Pacific Coast hart's rope manipulations, and Willie fOS al45eleS Holden, who clowns the program.Doc Wilsonisthe new orator on 1350 BINGO saSS14 Virel LOS ANGELES, May 16.-Taking aHeavyweight cards, black on white.Wood mark- gowpnett' Beaudet's Motordrome.Mrs. Josephinelook over the beaches, the boys encoun- ers printed two sides.No duplicate cards.Put 816 New Orpheum Bldg., Los AngelesLang back on concession row after a so- up in the following size sets and prices: tered said they were doing nicely, much 35cards, $5.25; 50 cards,$8; 75 cards, 58.50: journ in Washington. Turk Laird con-better than same time last year, with 100 cards, 510; 150 cards.$12.50; 200 cards, LOS ANGELES, May 16. - Mondaytinues popular with his "The pop -cornprospects of a good season. Cle; 250 cards.$17.50; 300cards, 520. Re- night's meeting had 41 members pres-man's in town."Jack Lane, recovering maining700 cards sold 100 cards each, $7. Will Wright, of Golden State Shows, ent when Dr. Ralph E. Smith, first vice-in health, supervises his photo studio, Bet of 20Lightweight Bingo Cards, $1.00. president, called It to order.Ross R.assisted by the missus and Mr. and Mrs.advised that show is going' into split Davis, treasurer, and John T. Backman,Setter.Children at the City Home (or-weeks for many picnics, then into San secretary, also on hand. phanage) were given a show at that in-Francisco. . . 'Tisreportedthat stitution. Theentertainers Clark's Greater Shows have been having All seemed much interested in the new includeda fine season and Al (Big Hat) Fisher 3000 KENO membership drive.It is a matter ofMr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy, Jack Rine- Madein 30setsof 100 cards each.Played in8, hart Jr., "Boulder Kid" Landry, Chiefdoing a good jobasgeneralagent.rows across the card-not up and down.Light- much pride to note the steady piling up Frank W. Babcock Shows, In suburbanweight cards. Perset of100 cards with mark. of a very substantial amount in theRed Bird, Clown Willie Holden, Bluey- ere,$5.00. general fund. Bluey, Prof. A. C. Henry; George Rody,territory, doing nicely.United Shows,All Itingoand Lottosets are complete with wood accordionist, and Sam Solomon as emsee.with Doc Hall as general agent, playing markers,tallyanddirectionsheet. Allcards Emmett John McCormick was acceptedThe writer moves into his new publicityspots in outlying district-had a big size 5 a 7. as a new member. office next week.T. A. Ricci, father-in-week at the Whittier Avocado Show. THIN BINGO CARDS Communications: President Theo For-law of Mr. Marks, is greatly improved . . .Steffens Shows are in this districtBingo cards,black on white,size5 x7. Thin stall wired that he and Mark Kirkendall . cards such asused Intheatres,etc. Theyare and Is now believed to be out of imme-and doing well. . .Joe Diehl doing markedor punched in playing and then discarded, were starting the membership drive ondiate danger.Little Arlene Metro, 3 -big week -end business at the Kiddie1.850 different cards,per 100,$1.26,without the Barnes Circus and that there would Park in the Wilshire district.... Ross markers. Set of markers, 500. year -old "sweetheart of the show." was Autonnatlo Bingo Shaker, realclass...... $12.50 be a lot of applications. He also opinesillall week but out again Saturday.R. Davis has both the Griffith Park Bingo Blackboard,cloth, size 2406(Rolls atthisearlydate that the annual rides and Lincoln City Park and at both up) 2.00 Charity Banquet and Ball, his final ges-Mrs. Tisdale (Madame Jean) was enter- lingo Record Sheets, 24a38, 20 for 1.00 tainedextensivelybyCharlottesvillespots okeh. Sendfor free sample cards and price list.We pay ture as president, will come up to ad-friends. CARLETON COLLINS. Folks who made the Cinco de Mayopostage and tax, but you pay C. 0.D. expense. vance notices of being the tops of all (May 5), Mexican Independence Day, atInstant delivery. checks accepted. like affairs of PCSA.Roy Ludington, several of the spots where celebrationsJ. M. SIMMONS & COe manager Crafts 20 Big Shows, wroteState Fair Shows were held state they were the best in19 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago from Bakersfield the show day and years. dated the Barnes Circus there and both Salt Lake City, Utah.Week ended shows did a big business.Henry Lange,May 9.Business, fair. Ben Dobbert back from an extended Make $50.00 a Day of New York, wrote to ask about Mike trip north, on which he visited carnivals. on Candy Floss Herman. Had heard Mike had been in- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Vaught are happy Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Kleine returned More and more people are buy- over the season's business so far. ingourCandy Floss Machines jured In auto accident.However, Mike Lasfrom a tripto Sacramento and way -there MUST be a reason-we is okeh and doing all right. GeorgeVegas,Nev., with wonderful weather,points.Met severalcarnivals. Were makethe ONLY OriginalGuar- proved to be much better than last sea- anteedMachines. $5.00worth of (Whitey) Gore motoring east-first trip guests of the C. S. Wrightsman Show. sugar makes $100.00 worth of east in 32 years. Wrote of visiting Sells -son, under the auspices of the a, A. V. Felix Burk, after an absence of six Candy Floss. Write TODAY. SterlingCircus, PolackBros.'Circus,both seasons. The show made one of themonths in the North, back in town for ELECTRIC CANDY FLOSSMACHINE CO. Landes Shows, Tidwell Shows, Goldenlargest jumps of the season from Lasan indefinite stay. 202 Twelfth Ave., Elo., Nashville, Tenn. Shows, Hennies Bros' Shows and Beck-Vegas to Salt Lake City, over 500 miles. mann & Gerety Shows; also saw FuzzyShow travels by railroad and highways. Joe Glacey and Cal Lipes, who closed Hughes, Butch Fredericks and Abner K.moving on seven 80 -foot baggage carsat San Diego Exposition-were on the Kline.Visited Heart of America Show-and severallargesemi -trailers. TheHix "Strange as It Seems" --state that man's Club in Kansas City.Will go toequipment carried will equal a usuallythey had a very successful tho very SILVER STATE Florida, work north and expects to be40 -truck show.Mr. Vaught has madeshort season. back in Los Angeles around August 1.many changes since the opening of the John T. Backmann playing his usual Will Wright, of Golden State Shows,season and about 50 per cent largerengagements with his Glass Show under ATTRACTIONS wrote from Decoto, Calif., and J. Edthan last season.Clifton Kelley hasauspices. Brown from Dallas. been busy with closing fair dates. WANT 10 -in -1or othergood Attractions. Eddie said he had Spill - Mrs. Joe Glacey down from San Fran- No competition. Booked entire season. Best Harry Hargreaves for a short time asman's new Ridee-0 arrived this weekcisco for visit with Joe, who plans a spots in theWest.ALSO WANT Photo and guestand had alsocontacted Dickand is one of the most attractive ridingtrip east, then put on show at Ocean Shooting Gallery. Route:Jerome, week Wayne Barlow. devices.All of which is from an ex-Park until September 1, when he sails May 18; Shoshone,25;Bur..ty, June1; There is renewed interest in the club'secutive of the show. for Honolulu. Boise,June8; all Idaho. library,caused by a donation of a Doc Offut uptown forshortstop. prominent1Los Angeles man, not a pro- Beaches going along okeh, he said. fessional, of quite a collection of inter-Big State Shows Al Onken noted around the haunts of esting reading material. showmen.Recovering from recent in- Alvin, Tex.Week ended May 9.Lo- Announcement of rapid strides being jury. . . . Doc Harris noted around SHOWS WANTED made by Frank Downie to complete re-cation, heart of town.Auspices, Fire . . . town. May locate at Long Beach. With own outfit; 25 per cent to office. Free gate. covery was gratifying.Mrs. Downie alsoDepartment. Pay gate.Weather, sameMr. and Mrs. Frank Foley vacationing no merchant tickets,playing Street Fairsin stated to be almost fully recovered fromtwo nights wind and rain; three daysat June Lake in the High Sierras. . . . Indiana. Wire or come on. Tell City, Ind., first perfect. show in six years, this week. Stock conceasions, her injuries.Also there was unexpected Business, fair. Bert Erlenborn and the missus arrang- come on; low rates, no grift or girl show. Want appearance of John Stanley Lyons, who Gas a trip east. . . .Harry B. Levine man for KiddieRides.Dutch Sperlich, answer. suffered a broken hip over two years ago now has an attractive jewelry shop here. HENRY HEYN, Dixie Belle Attractions, Groups of folks on midway constantly. Cal. Riley. and whose surgical operation has causedLee and Peggy Fine gave party honor- . . Curt Little, back from San Fran- much wonderment. John, without cane,ing Peggy's mother, Mrs. Susan, a visitorat Bay Meadows and during the diversion period made a talk Tanforan. . . . Eddie Gamble will have and for a finish did a dance, with Capt.Aubrey Anderson away several days at Firemen's Old Home Week and Celebration wife's(Eunice Anderson)bedsideatplacements at several fairs and special SHENANDOAH HEIGHTS, SHENANDOAH, PA., Billy Ament doing his one-man band.Pelly.Loyd D. Nance now boss bill-events. May 24 to30.On the Streets, John's recovery is credited by the medics Annual Sheriffs' Picnic to be staged inWANT Shows, Rides and Concessions of all kinds. poster. Gambiens,officialpainters, CAN BOOKagood Girl or Oriental Show. Frozen as being nothing short of marvelous.adding new idea to tubs of Tilt -a -WhirlJuneis one of the biggest annual af-Custard and Corn Game, and all Concession., Rides Condition of Henry Emgard, at Antelope fairsin Southern California.Sheriff and Shows will be open on Sunday, May 24.Ad- Valley -symbolic of different countries.Sam dress all toR. N. MINER, week of May 18, Keine, Rest Home, reportedasun-Scogin's new unit concession row, HarryGene Biscailuz is president, with Clem Pa.; week ofMay24, Shenandoah,Pa. changed.However, it is thought thatKoch to Ed Stritch carnival in Valley.Peoples director of publicity and pro- the long rest will effect a cure. Ed Rife Jr. in charge father's dininggram.. ..Al Sands engaged in bond- There is an "outing" planned for Julytent.Douglas Finnellwith Minstreling business... . Jimmie Martin doing J. HARRY SIX ATTRACTIONS 4 for members of PCSA and Ladies' picture work on South Broadway. . . . WANT FOR SEASON 1998, Auxiliary at a spot in San FernandoShow, doing trumpet and piano.Miss Clean Shows with own outfits and transportation. (Tracy) Franklin, chorus, at minstrels,Ed De Mirjajn making visiting trips toNo Girl Show. CONCESSIONS-Cigaret Gallery. Valley, in charge of Harry Fink. called to Houston account illnessofcarnivals.. .. Mike McAndrews locatedPitch -Till -II -Win Knife Rack, Strip Photo Gallen', The weekly award at the meeting went again Venice.. . BillLewellyn Bowling Alley, Hoop -La. Positively no grift. WANT mother, Mrs. Georgia Franklin. Director - at TO BUY, BOOK OR LEASE Chairplane.Milltown, to MiltRunkle. After adjournmentGeneral Roy Gray on business trip toopening his magic place at Venice Pier. Ind., May 18-23. the customary lunch and refreshments.SanAntonio andAustin. Manager . .. Fred Merrill leaving for a trip to No recounting the doings of the week-Wrigley host to Cameron (Tex.) commit-Des Moines, Ia. . .. Jim Hodges ready ly meetings could be complete withouttee.Preston Ray, foreman baby rides,for an auto trip back to Fall River, the "hanging out the welcome sign" toresigned. Strait -jackets, shackles, hand-Mass.. . . Ada Mae Moore doing a bit TALKER WANTED eligibles to this organization. cuffs and torture instruments addedin a Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer film.. .. ALSO TICKET SELLERS, small Girls. WILL BUY to Bob Paulson's "Crime" show. Capt. Phillips,. with lion group, working "Shooting Through Woman." Address Writerin an untitled film of animal life for "THALIA," Marks Shows preached in churches at Freeport and JohnnyJ. Jones Shows, Pittsburgh, Pa., Two Weeks. Alvin Sunday; addressed Alvin MasonicMGM. . . . Pat Randall in town for a Charlottesville, Va. Second week endedLodge and Eastern Star district meetingshort visit.Plans going to Cleveland. May9. Location, Galveston.Newspapers front-paged . . .Lee Sonjen, with new housecar, Weather, fair.Business, poor. writer'smeetingrelativesin Alvin-leaving for Eastern trip. WANT SHOWS On Thursday Downie Bros.' Circus alsohadn't met in years-celebrated with Not conflicting-Ten-in-One or Five -in -One.Will furnishoutfit. ShortswantsOrientalDancer. played Charlottesville and visits were ex-reunion dinner at Alvin Hotel.FlyingAl C. Hansen Shows WANT Concessions of all kind,. HOWARD BROS. changed.Charles Sparks was host toValentina gave twilight dinner for Chub - SHOWS, Athens, 0., week May 18: Jackson, 0., Marks Shows' personnel at the matinee.hie Martz, of fast swing -band fame, and Metropolis,Ill.Week ended May 9. week May 25. The writer visited old friends Joe Gilli-wife(MargieDevore),dancer.Elec-Pay gate.Auspices, American Legion. gan and Fred Delvey, and Fred mettrician Bob Young having light -plantLocation, ball park. Weather, warm and HAL GRAHAM SHOWS OPENS MAY30. many old friends on the Marks midway.truck walled with sheet steel.To beclear. Business, best of season so far. WANTS Concessions, Ride Help, Wrestler who can George (Whitey) Usher and crew busyadorned with painted scenes appropri- A 12 -mile truck move, including acrossmanage Athletic Show and make openings. No all week repainting fronts and the pic-ate.Secretary -Treasurer Louis Brightthe Ohio River, from Paducah, Ky., to erift.AddressWare, be. torial panels for Col. Jack Rinehart'scaught large red snapper fish;result,enter the fourth State to be played so Wild West Show, George Rody's Rumbafish banquet for showfolk.Visitors:far this season. A mileage total of '765from Benton for a visit, and Mr. and and Doc Anderson's Harlem Dandies. AMartin Rosell and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hisince opening at Mobile, Ala., was re-Mrs. Al Foreman, of Paducah, here for new Monkey Show completed, with theWallace, Roy and Freda Bogner, Eddiecorded upon arrival hereUnder theshort visit.Manager Al C. Hansen out old front made over to follow an origi-Cox and Bay Town fire laddies, Lilliansponsorship of the local post of Ameri-of town on business several times dur- nal idea of Mr. Marks. The inside willHyder, Dr. W. H. Hemmeger, Rev. A. E.can Legion and with the co-operation ofing the week. Feverish preparations be- be handled by Jack Martini.A novelBurns, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Crunk, Thelmapractically the entirecitizenship, theing made by entire staff to equip the front for "Joliet," a "crime" show thatBarnes, Marie Boyland, Elizabeth Schei-show enjoyed a very profitable for flat cars upon conclusion of will be presented by the writer, under-bel, Ruth Law, Harry Dumm, WilliamHigh record established in town of thisits two weeks' engagement at East St. going construction.Samuel SolomonWilson. Jennie Reese, D Lee Slataper,size by special agent Bob Fox with mer-Louis.While in advance of the show took over the front of Rumba, relievingSteve Latto, Captain Farnsworth andchants' coupons.Pay gate also estab-recently the writer, Walter B. Fox, vis- Rody to direct the inside of the show.wife.Manager Jesse Wrigley surveyedlished new record. Long list of visitors,ited Hennies Bros' Shows at East St. At Rinehart's Wild West Jack Jr. andRosenburg, Richmond, Wharton and Baytoo numerous to mention here.FrankLouis and was cordially entertained by "Boulder Kid" Landry, talon and fancyCity. DOG WADDELL.. Sutton, of Great Sutton Shows, overHarry and Orville Hennies. 52 The Billboard CARNIVALS May 23,1936 sula. Snakesincludedgiantregal pythons measuring better than 27 feetKrause Starts to tiny coral harlequins.Commercial - amusementdealersexhibitingwere LEADING CARNIVALSSnake King, of Brownsville, Tex.; LouisNorthern Tour Ruhe, /tic., New York; Meems Bros. & MAYSVILLE, Ky., May 16. - Krause WHICH INVITE Ward, Long Island City, and FloridaGreater Shows after making only three Reptile Institute, Silver Springs, Fla. stopswhilerouting northward from Carol Stryker, one of show's directors,Floridaare exhibiting here this week. Your Investigation and Inspection reported excellent attendance, climaxedThere have been a number of visitors, by frequent visits from zoo directorsamong them a member of the Cincin- thruoutthecountry, showmen andnati staff of The Billboard, who was snake fans, latter being in the uniquehere the opening day, Tuesday. class.Interesting highlight was a series Manager Ben Krause has played this BECKMANN&GERETY of paintings debunking certain snakecity in previous years and he has many WORLD OF MIRTH myths such as the hoop -snake legendclose acquaintances in this territory. SHOWSStrongest, Largest, Fin- SHOWS depicting its rolling like a hoop, andEarly in the week he was out on an en- the horse -whip theory which rants aboutgagements booking trip.Because of his . est-Now or Ever. "World's Largest lashing;also snakes swallowing theirshow traveling by railroad some of the young, etc.Running explanations goattractions he had in the South and Join Up for the East's Carnival Attractions" with the paintings. which had their own motorized trans- PRIZE PLUM, This week playing the Riverview Park Show promoted for the benefit of theportation equipment did not make the KENMORE-TONAWANDA, N. Y., Lot on the River Front at Alton, III. nevi Staten Island Zoo.Daily lecturestrip north with the show, hence Man- CENTENNIAL, Hannibal, Mo., next week. a feature, subjects taking in extractionager Krause has been assembling his show to its full quota of shows, rides, July 1-11. CAN PLACE COMPETENT RIDE HELP of venom, forced feeding, handling and OF ALL KINDS, ALSO USEFUL the like.Loring Pratt, p. a. of the rep-concessions and free acts for the sum- Fair-Pageant-Revue-Carnlval. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. tileexpo, landed plenty of publicity.mer season. Address MAX LINDERMAN, Gen. Mgr., Address as per route. "Do Not KillSnakes"sign was There is a gate charge, and the mid- As Per Route. streameredacrosstheExhibitHall.way attendance has been encouraging, Dens well displayed and uniform in size.with the attractions getting an amount Tieup made with Edith Hubbell, whoof patronage consistent with the time handlessnakesinRingling-Barnumof year and present industrial condi- 1111111111111111111HHHHIMIHIMMIIIIMMIMMIMMIMMIMMIIIIMMIIIIIIHMHHHIPSide Show. She handled a huge python.tions. George Dorman, former carnival own- er, officiates as secretary in the show's ChuAlt-P PlaWelphia office and amiably greets visitors to the Majestic Exposition Shows midway. He is aided by his wife, who PHILADELPHIA, May 16.-The Quaker during show hours sells tickets at one City Shows operated only one week in Tazewell, Tenn. Week ended April 25.of the riding devices.Mrs. Ben Krause the city, leaving for Frackville, Pa., atLocation,circuslot,midway betweenhas also kept her business eye on the for only the end of the engagement. Tazew4,11 and New Tazewell. No aus-show's operation during her husband's Cetlin & Wilson Shows opened theirpices. h 5 -cent gate. Business, good. absence.A roster of the organization .95 first engagement in the city at Frankford Showsgotthefirstgood -weatherwill be furnished for a later issue. avenue and Vincent street, in the ex-break of the season.Roster: $1.G.Mc - treme northern section of the city, Mon-Hendrix,ownerandmanager;Billy day night.Attendance was quite goodWinters,assistantmanager;Douglas PORTABLE the first two days, but cool weather J. C. Duffy, generalRubin & Cherry Exposition struck Wednesday and held down theRoland, secretary; Tuscaloosa, Ala. Week ended May 2. '7,2_49) 35 Lbs. agent; Jack DeVoe, special agent; Shorty crowds for a couple of days.All con-Shell, electrician-H. B. Write, assistant;Auspices, American Legion. Weather, JUST THE THING for Traveling Bands, cessions operated.Show makes a veryJoseph Stebbler, mail and The Billboard;rained two days. Business, good. Dance Halls.Parks,Concessioners,Midways. Fairs, Etc.3'A Watt output operating pn fine appearance. Mrs. Georgia Pass, front -gate tickets; First road stand of the season. Re- 110 Volts A. C.Complete Unit consists of Harry Dunkel, general representativeChris M. Smith, publicity.Pop Steb-turn engagement-under same auspices Amplifier,MikePre -Amplifier,9" Dynamic Speaker, 3 Tubes and Hand Microphone (Can Cetlin & Wilson Shows, is proud of hav-bler'srides:FerrisWheel -Johnnylast year. A long run of 223 miles over be hung from above). NOTE-HooksUp with ing received the No. 1 permit for car-Stebbler, manager; Whitey Gilbert, as-the Southern R. R. following a Sunday Phonograph (No Extra Parts Necessary). nivals here after four years. He believessistant; Vera Stebbler, tickets.Merry-night closing in Atlanta brought the Sendfor our LatestP. A. Catalog. he is entitled to the credit of reopeningGo-Round-PopStebbler,withChieftrains in at daybreak Tuesday. Manager Instruction Sheet Given Free With Unit the city to carnivals. Lambert on clutch. Chairplane-JosephJoe Redding came ahead by plane and $4.00Deposit on Each Unit, Bal. C. 0. D. Strates Shows moved into the city thisStebbler,manager;Ritz Von Richie,had the grounds laid out week and located at 30th and Taskerassistant; Mom Stebbler, tickets. Shows:thing up and ready by 1 p.m. and open- TRY -MO RADIO CO., Inc. streets.Business first part of the weekJuliusYoung'sDixieMinstrels - Jaying Tuesday night was largely attended. fair, after which inclement weather in-Mimgle,front;JuliusYoung.stageFriday the big night, with over 6,000 85 Cortlandt St., New York City. terfered. paid gate admissions; Saturday a little manager; Ada Lee Thomas, Louise Garry, Exhibit Producing Company, of whichRebecca Manago, PearlHarris. Helenless.Thursday afternoon talent from Johnny Keeler is manager, opens its sea-Young, Felix Carter, Harry Harris, Jamesthe shows entertained patients at the SURE FIRE PROPOSITION son May 25.Will have three units.Howard and Pork Chops Burt, stage;Veterans' Hospiikl, where 350 patients Captain Swift's diving act will be the"Tuba" Manago,WillBaker, Jimmycongregated in the theater auditorium FOR CONCESSIONAIRES principal free attraction with the firstHayes, Bill Kent and Kid Tally, band.and the other 400 heard the program unit. Birchman's Side Show-W. Birchman,via loud -speaker system.Among the at CARNIVALS & FAIRS West's World's Wonder Shows playedmanager; Ethel Birchman, tickets; Billentertainers were Cleo Hoffman and her Write Wilmington, Del., last week. Show looksKeppler, escape;Virginia Riley. GraceFlaming Youth Revue; Jack Ward and nice. Parker and Dorothy Davis, illusions; Texhis Collegians Orchestrt; Ann Sherwood, GRO DIN PEN CO. NEW Y3OrokadZ'Iatyy: The Hudspeths, mental act, have beenParker, lectures and magic; a collectionsinger and tap dancer; Godino Siamese in this area since spending the winterof freak animals and Punch and Judy.Twins, with Eddie Taylor at the piano; last fall playing theater dates. Oriental Revue-Slim Davis, manager;Ralph Redden, comedy magician; the Business with museums here is com-Irene Meyer, Frankie Woods, Alicia Lee,writer as emsee.Visitors included Bill WANT mencing to falloff on account of aJackie Davis.Blue Eyes-Doc Dawson,Breitenstein and Earl Newberry, Mr. and SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS. ' five (5) Celebrations before June 15, begin-number of hot days lately.Season willmanager; Betty Roland, Bobby Hyson,Mrs. Herman Eagle, Adolph Eagle and ningWe base with 50th Jubilee Celebration at Oakes, N. O.close shortly.South Street Museum hasRetta Long.Athletic Show-Sam Hy -his bride, Mrs. Elizabeth Fenn, Mr. and Also big 4thof July.Must have own transportation. the following this week: Colored Revue;son, manager, assisted by Smoky Jo; J.Mrs. George Reinhardt, Mrs. James C. Address Neil Johnson, bag punching; Youra, jug-March, tickets. Snake Show-Mrs. HildaSimpson and party, Sam Gluskin.Sec- THE NEW MODEL SHOWS, Lidgerwood, N. D.gler;Mme. Betty,mentalist;electricConway. talker and manager;Specksretary Hugh Faust of Knoxville (Tenn.) chair demonstration; dancing girls inBell, inside; Mrs. Bell, tickets.Cook-Fair and Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Dorton, of the annex.Eighth Street Museum pre-house-Joe Karr, manager; Mrs. Karr,Shelby(N.C.)Fair,recentvisitors. sents this week: Jack Stetson, cartoon-cashier;Jack Conway,chef - RobertBabe Drake has the Joy Ship and the CORN GAMEist and paper tearing; Texas Hillbillies;Tuggle, assistant; Larry Stuart, griddle;Dam -Fl -No fun shows ready for the Very desirable Space inBuilding on floardmalk swallowing neon tubes and 16consecutive available for rent at best Beach in the Carolinas.Leopold, Paul Cox and I. Meyers, waiters. Mem-season'stour. After Season starting now.Special inducement for quickswords; poses plastique; Princess Zelda,bers of Johnny Hobbs' concession row:seasons as The Billboard agent Secretary action.Blackie Rabinowitz please answer. mentalist; Leo, magician and illusions;Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hobbs, GeorgeFrank S. Reed has resigned.Mrs. Peggy BOX 173,Myrtle Beach, S.C. dancing girls and Mary Morris in theWintz, R. C. Bonin, George Arbogen, JoeReed arrived this week from Savannah, SECOND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE. annex. Neil, James Bates, Ted Ramsey; DonaldGa., to join her husband. Spike Wagner $ 4.00 South American Deer Skin. Fine Condition. has the mouse game, J. H. Quinn the $16.00 Leather Beaded Indian Coat and Pants. Rennig, Garnet Horn.Other conces- $ 5.00 Genuine Ethiopian Spears -Shields. Cheap. stoners: Herb Baccus, with Bob Meyerphoto gallery, W. J. (Slim) Wagner the 15c Ea. Pennant Flagson Streamers,Beautiful Col-New Type Snake Show andJoeDuncan;Buddyand Redguess -your -weight scales. ors.Send List. WALTER D. NEALAND. $16.00 Heedless Chinaman Illusion. Others Cheap.Arouses N. Y. Interest Simms; Charley Lee, with George Myers, We buy Skates, all makes; Concession Tents, Candy assistant; Hannah Stebbler, with Mrs. Floss Machines.WEIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP, 20 South2nd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. NEW YORK, May 16.-First Interna-Perry Matterson, assistant; Carl McGill, tional Snake and ReptileExposition,with Herbert Pass; George Miller, withGreater Dickerson Shows ZIMDARS GREATER SHOWSheld in Grand Central Palace, May 8-17,Tom and Larry Miller; Elizabeth Steb- drewanew typeofaudienceandbler, pop corn; E. R. Phillips; Mrs. Jewel Broadnax, Va.Seven-day engagement WANT McHendrix,withMrs.MaggieCole;ended May 2.Location, downtown on Will Buy or Book Tlit-a-Whirl.Will Book anyaroused interest in a number of speci- Business, Ride or Show that don't conflict.Will sell X onmens seldomseenbymetropolites.Hobby Cole, with Jack Mansfield andmain street.Weather, good. Mitt Camp. Concessions come on.Can Place GirlsExhibition consists of more than 2,000Shorty Wilson.Dale Foster has chargegood. for Nite Club. High Free Act write.Address this isnight next week, Aurora,III.,or items, with exhibits from all over, in-ofcanvas and Micky Dale Moved from Emporia, Va., on Friday week, Kankakee,III.; watchman. CHRIS M. SMITH. and had everything ready to go Saturday per route. cluding London and the Malay Penin- night. Both Saturday nights were good and good business every night thru the week. The rides all had a banner week, READINGS'UNITED SHOWS shows and concessions all did well. Man- MANCHESTER, TENN., CENTENNIAL, ager Dickerson says business is better in Two Saturdays, 013enIng May 23. Important Announcement AllConcessions come on, have space for you. Also this territory than it was the last several Grind Shows wanted. Lowest percentage. Portland, years and that he will remain in Vir- Tenn., Strawberry Festival this week. Effective with June 6 issue the minimumsingle column giniathree more weeks, then move Capablehigh-classMerchandise $5; minimum northward.All of which is from an es- WANTEDWheel Agents that can depend display space sold will be 10 lines, costing ecutive of the show. on thmeselves and not on the outside help.Porkey double column space, 14 lines (1 inch) in depth,costing $14. and Fred Carllo come on.Address by mail.PATSY ROSARIA, care Cleveland Home Shows, Pines Ho- tel,Cleveland, O. The advertising rate of 50c an agate line remains un- CINCINNATI, May 18.-Hennies Bros.' Shows have been contracted for South C. H. TOTHILL ATTRACTIONS changed. Mississippi Fair, Laurel, reported E. P. OpeningBOLIVAR, N. Y. May 23to May 81. Ford, fair secretary -manager. Shows and Concessions.P. O., Bolivar. N. Y. May 23, 1936 CARNIVALS The Billboard 53 was confined to her bed two days, Mat- ineesdaily withalargeattendance. anetiCall eatIliOalS Sam Popkins added another concession. The show's last location in California until fall, the next stand in Oregon. FLASH!! association, ate. WALTON DE PELLATON. By MAX COHEN The Frontier Centennial of Fort Worth have granted me the exclusive on all Riding Devices and all Game Concessions. ROCHESTER, N. Y., May 16.-This willR. H. Work Shows be the last column to appear in print They insist on outstanding attractions-the bigger the better. prior to the hearing granted the asso- Baltimore, Md.Location, Chase and ciation with reference to its applicationLucerne streets.Week ended May 2, Concessionaires with realmoney -getting games are welcome. for a reduction in railroad rates and theWeather, good.Business, good. elimination of demurrage charges. The MickeyMouseShowarrivedand Also wouldliketobooknew andoutstandingRides. hearing is scheduled to be held on Mayreadytogo Monday. Allrepainted, Please contact 26, at 11 a.m. (Eastern Daylight -Savingmaking a real flash, and it enjoyed a Time), at the offices of the Trunk Linenice week's business-added attraction Association in the Central Building, 143ofhairlessmicecalledthe"Nudist W. H. HAMES Liberty street, New York City. Colony."Helen Carson joined with her Box 1377, Fort Worth, Texas, in person, or by wire. Word received at this office indicatesGirl Revue of1936. George Marshall that leaders among railroad carnival menaddedthreeconcessions.AlGordon will be present in person or by represent-adding stock for his two concessions. Mr. ative to present a united front on be-and Mrs. H. E. McNaughton and family half of the railroad shows in the carni-entertainingfriends,alsocelebrating val industry to the Freight Traffic Man-daughter's(Gertrude)18thbirthday ALKERS SIDE SHOW PEOPLE agers' Committee, which will be conduct-and their own 20th wedding anniver- WANTED for SEASON 1936, CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. ing the hearing. sary. Gertrude McNaughtonatthe front -gate ticket box.The free act, the Good salary to Talkers that can produce. Can use Dwarfs, White or We have had word on the subject fromRoyalDuo,skaters,goingoverbig. Sure money to all.Don't waste time writing.If you are Mighty Sheesley Midway, with referenceMr. and Mrs. Ivan Kinter, Mr. Work's Colored. to representation at the meeting.Like-daughter,visitedover the week -end, capable come right on or wire.Jack Ryan, write.Prince Eric Zulong, wise, Rubin Gruberg, president Rubin &Manager Work received word that his get in touch with me immediately. Cherry Exposition, has written that hisson, R. H. Jr., who has been ill with DAVID ROSEN, Mgr. shows will be represented by J. C. Mc-scarlet fever, is well on the road to re- Caffery, and Dodson's World Fair Showscovery. Wonderland Circus Side Show, 1314 Surf Ave., Coney Island, N. Y. will have present at the hearing both M. Baltimore, Md.Baker and Warwick Phone: MAyflower 9-2178. G. and C. G. Dodson.Other shows arestreets.Week ended May 9.Weather, yet to be heard from, and present indi-good.Business, fair. cations are that a very representative George Shearer and his family ar- group of showmen will be on hand torived with their Hillbilly Show.Satur- support the application of the associa-day Mrs. Shearer received a wire that ACTS AND tion for relief. her mother had passed away in Cochran- ATTRACTIONS It is our plan to be available at Newville,Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Shearer left WANT PLATFORM York City the day prior to the hearingSunday to attend the funeral.Willie Including Fat Lady. Winsome Winnie, answer. Also good Contortionist, for the purpose of discussing the actionsGreen joined with his Minstrel Show, Comedy Juggler and good Popeye. Bob Saylor, answer.All address of the association and its representativesbut did not get open this week due to at the hearing.Too, we will want toframing the show and getting the per- ART CONVERESE, Gooding Greater Shows, Kokomo, Ind., week May 18. discuss the contents of the brief whichformance whipped into shape.Sunday we plan to file with the Freight Trafficthe writer and Manager Work were en- Managers' Committee. tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. We cannot overstress the importanceBert Martin (Great Bertina) with a de- of having a full representation of allliciousdinner.Martin now assistant railroad carnivals present, and we wouldmanager the company he represents in AL G. HODGE SHOWS, INC. appreciatethoseplanningtoattendBaltimore.H. E. McNaughton and crew WANTS for Hammond, Ind., week of May 25th; Indiana Harbor and Gary to follow, all in steel advisingusatonce. Ifattendancerebuilding the platforms of the Tilt -a - district, mills working full time. Shows with or without own outfit or transportation. Any isimpossible we would liketo hearWhirl. Thad Work, in charge of trans- legitimate concession, Frozen Custard, etc. Peru this week, then Hammond next week. R. C. the views of shows by letter, so we mayportation, getting the show moved in Ellis, contact me. Fair secretaries, we have a few open dates in Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana. be able to express their good time.J. E. Burt getting lots laid Want Rides that do not conflict. W. M. TUCKER, Mgr., as per route, or Box 32, Gary, Ind. hearing. out several days ahead.New electrical We will be able to be reached on orequipment has been added and a new before May 23 at the American Carnivalstransformer has been ordered. Bill Jack- THE ORIGINAL CANDY PULLER Associationoffice,415 son, electrician,isstill unable to get In.DISPLAY PULLERS CentralTrust Excellentfordemonstrationpurposes. REBUILT MACHINES Building, Rochester, N. Y., and from Mayabout without the aid of a cane, but 1- Very attractive,nicelyfinished,nickel AVAILABLE 24 we can be reached at the Cumberlandkeeps the show lit up.General Agent trimmings and aluminum base-Motor Guaranteed Rebuilt Ma - Hotel, New York City. F.E. Kelly back from a booking trip driven,variedsizes and styles. chines at substantial Savings with good reports. All replacementparts in stock for immediate delivery. HAZEL REDMOND. WRITE OR WIRE FOR DESCRIPTION AND PRICES. llilderbrand's United Shows PULLING MACHINE CO. Eureka, Calif.Five days ended May Vs HILDRETH 153 CROSBY ST. NEW YORK CITY 10.Location, 13th at J street.No au-United Shows of America spices.Weather, fair.Business, good. Wichita, Kan.Week ended May 9. Banner stand of the season so far.Location, Mathewson pasture.Weather, Monahan, Boots Feltman, Mr. and Mrs. Crowds remained until the wee hours ofgood except one day.Business, good. Zeiger First at Tom Allen, Betty McGee (granddaughter mornings.Lucille King's broadcasting A new high record for attendance and of Eddie Vaughan), Harry and Orville program obtained startling results.Lil-gross receipts.People jammed the huge Hennies, Joe Scholibo,BillieStreeter. lian La France's Motordrome toppedshow groundsnightly,exceptFridaySalt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strout and Vivien and the midway nightly.The Ferris Wheel,night, which was lost because of rain. WhiteyMiller,ofthe HenniesBros.' Mixup and Loop ran a race for top hon-Denny Howard made a perfect setup SALT LAKE CITY, May 16.-The C. F.Shows, playing EastSt.Louis;John ors for rides. with a horseshoe midway. Homer Gilli-Zeiger United Shows are playing hereFrancis, whose show was at Decatur: Two extra ticket boxes thisweek,locatedat SugarhouseinCharlie Goss, of Chevrolet and "match" placed at the marquee to take care ofland, contracting agent, had the Ferrissuburban Fairmount Park.The show is the incoming crowds.The Four Jacks,Wheels covered with banners.The two fame, from East St. Louis; Ned Torti, of inadvance, otherfeaturing Capt. Ben Mouton's high -divingWisconsin De Luxe Company; Mr. and featuring Mr. and Mrs. John Gibsonsound trucks, one actand Topsy McGee, midget movie and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marshall, madeback with the show, have modernistic Mrs. Toney Martone, from Kansas city: a hit, also Capt. Charles Soderberg madefinishings. ElsieCalvert'sHighHatstar, and her troupe of entertainers. Art Daily, former agent this show, now front pages of the local dailies. A localRevue was tops here, with Boston Towne Good weather made good business.auditor in probate judge's office here; truck smashed into the rear of one ofand his Harlem on Parade Sam Fried -This is the first traveling show of theD. D. Murphy and Pete Brophy and the large trucks and was's "Life" and Vogstead's Fountainseason here. Mr. Dee Lang, of the shows bearing that the show truck escaped damage.Wil-of Youth running a close second..Max name; Frank Joerling, of the St. Louis liam Groff's commissary truck fell byGoodman received compliments on his officeof The Billboard, and Abner K. the wayside en route. The cause of theseconcessions.Both papers generous withBeckmann & Gerety's ShowsKline, talking Loop -o -Planes. mishaps was heavy rain that prevailedspace, The Beacon running art on front KENT HOSMER. during the entire trip.A banquet waspage for three consecutive days.Several St.Louis. WeekendedMay10. tendered to the officials of the companybroadcasts over local radio station withWeather, good. Business, fair. Location, by the staff of the KIEM broadcastingspecialscriptprogram,'RoundandGrand and Laclede avenues,. 'Round the Midway, with talent from Show train made a remarkable run station, R. C. Johnston acting as officialdifferent midway attractions.John and Peerless Exposition Shows host. By special request members of theMac Levan, publishers The Beacon, werefrom Joplin, partly due to good road show attended the Mothers' Day servicesnightly visitors with their families' Billbed and thru the expert management of Morgantown, W. Va. Weekended at the Presbyterian Church, at whichShanklin, managing editor; Hank Givens,trainmaster Arkie Bradford, who high-May 2.Weather, unfavorable. Business, Rev. Irvin Askim officiated.Mr. andcity editor of that paper, were also fre-balled it right thru.Could have openedfair. Mrs. L. Wilson added another concession.quent visitors.Bill Floto, well-knownMonday night, but schedule had been Red Moran, with his big Ten -in -One, En route, a number of the folks campedex -trouper, now manager of the Forumset for a Tuesday opening.Altho thewas the first to open as usual, altho allnight at scenic locations.ChuckAuditorium, seen several times aroundshow has played this lot a number ofBerry Bros.' Circus came close to mak- Collier joined the Ferris Wheel crew.the No. 1 wagon.Boys missed Butchyears, this was the first time a pay gateing it a dead heat.Harvey Potts had a Little Tommy ElhartcelebratedhisFredericks, who was absent on a busi-has been put on and it proved very suc-slow start with the Hawaiian Show but fourth birthday with a grand party. Mrs.ness trip.Visits were exchanged withcessful. ThePeerlessPottersjoinedmade a splendidfinish, andallthe Jack Elhart was confined to bed by ill-J. L. Landes Shows, exhibiting near by.after completing their engagement withother shows did very well. ness.Mrs. Ralph Balcom's photo gal-Ted North and his players, who openedtheColeBros.'CircusatChicago. TEDDY STRIMPLE. lery had heavy business,also Jimmytheir tent theater here recently,alsoMacom (Buddy) Willis,well-known Lynch's grab concessions.Mrs. Edithcalled to pay their respects.The chil-show agent, the last two years piloting a Lenzner's palmistry concession has adren's matinee, Saturday, a huge suc-whaleunit,joinedasspecialagent. beautiful panel front.Pappy Miller'scess, the midway crowded with amuse-George Davis, known to his intimateO'Briens Buy Lion skyrocketbombsattractedattentionment -hungry kiddies. New idea of bankfriends as "Toots," is setting a wonder- nightly.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sucker'snight on midway provinga realsuc-ful table in his circus -style cookhouse CINCINNATI, May16.-W. S.(Bill) kiddie auto ride enjoyed aprofitablecess.Bank gift given away at night andand the working boys and staff havingO'Brien,ofO'Brien Bros.,advised by week. Mrs. Lester Howell was all smiles,is surely holding the people on midway.nothing but praise for the genial stew-wire today from Chelsea, Mass., that a business good at the cookhouse. DutchMr. and Mrs. Cassianio made the pressard.Visitors noted on the lot includedwrestling lion had been purchased from Webber appointed canvas superintend-wagon their home and several partiesGeorge Christy, who was at the St. LouisBill Blomberg to be presented in an ent.George Vanderhoef became masterwere given by this charming couple dur-Police Circuswithhishigh-schoolact at his European Museum, Revere the marquee.Mrs. Irene Gibson, of theing the engagement. horses and elephants; Mr. and Mrs. G.Beach, Mass., with Kay Buhrmeister as Four Jacks, met with an accident and ROY B. JONES. Davis, circus concessioners; Mrs. Chestertrainer. May 2', 1.9'36 51 The Billboard CARNIVALS Krenzer (Shorty Adams), manager; Mrs.Lindsay and John (Pop -Corn Dad) Prinkcouldn't tell where the Indian village Adam Krenzer, John Brudewold, Dorothyjoined with intention of booking con-started orleftoff. The shows and World of 1%Iirth Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson,cessions soon. rides paid percentage to the Jolopys, EddieKersey,CharlesKendall,Red Shows at opening included Broadwaywhile our concessions played under a Complete Roster Huntsinger,W.F.Robbins,W.D.Revue, D. D. Duke owner; Jungle Land,blanket license. The grab joints featured Plenty, R. K. Brown, Ada Brown, ShelbyD. D. Duke owner;Vaudeville Show,buffalosteakhamburger.Eventhe NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., May 16.-Jones, Carl Link, G. M. Pope, E. N. Teslie.Jack Lenox, manager;Mickey Mousetroupers noticed the difference in the Following is a complete roster for theCorn game-Bucky Allen, Rudy Coogan,Circus, Frank Casey owner.The latterflavor, which was caused by the moth- World of Mirth Shows: John Bulger,BillWoods, Mrs. Pinkytwo booked for this engagement only.balls in the trunk that carried it over Staff:Max Linderman, general man-Owens. Diggers-Jimmy Owens, BlackieThe foreman of the Merry -Go -Round isfrom the last town.The show's medi- ager; Frank Bergen, assistant manager;Williams, Gene Walker, Little Toy Owens.William Krueger, and Fred Russell iscine men doubled up with the Indian Ralph Smith, treasurer; L. Harvey (Doc)Frankie Schillizzi, one concession. WillieforemantheChairplane,alsoelec-medicine men and the banner pitches Cann, general agent;Gerald Snellens,Lewis, Mrs. Lewis and daughter, Edithtrician. of the season were made. special agent; L. C. (Ted) Miller, secre-Mae, two.Frozen custard-Mrs. Max During the winter months Manager One of the best concession spots of tary; Gaylord White, press agent; DonLinderman, owner; Max Levine, HowardJ. E. Clayton held indoor promotions inthe season.On allsides you could Montgomery, trainmaster - Joe Martin,Bronson, Helen Hayes.Candy-Mr. andvarious cities in this section, includinghear the agents say: "Now put it back Phil Martin, Red Gamble, Tom Lewis andMrs. James Buccini, Mr. and Mrs. Harryat Meridian, Miss.; Baton Rouge, La.;with a pair of moccasins and try again." Frank Cummings in crew; Charles Kid-Baker.Jack Gilbert, one-Erwin Eule,Columbia, Miss.;Picayune, Miss., andSome wound up with more blankets der, superintendent-Jim Monaghan andDick Anderson, Murray Lauer, WilliamTuscaloosa, Ala.Was assisted in thisthan they opened with. Vance Waldermier inlot crew;J.L.Newman. JackGilber,t, two-Johnniework by R. E. (Mack) Barclay. Friday Indian Agent Rex Ingram came (Eddie) Edwards, chief electrician; Mrs.Cash, AlbertSproul, Middle Anthony. J. B. ELLIOTT. on the lot.Issued strict orders that J. L. Edwards and Donald Driver also onMurl Deemer, one-Ernest Collins, Rich- no trouper could be taken into the tribe. ard Crawford.Sully Windeman, one; So thetribewas takeninby the electrical staff. Joe Ross, Shows: Kelley's Odditorium-T. W.Mrs. Sully Windeman, one; J. R. Edwards Shows troupers. Now have a "chief" on every one; Bucky Yeager, one; Mr. and Mrs. ride. (Slim) Kelly, manager; Mrs. T. W. Kelly,W. J. Tucker, three; Jack Miller, one; WOOSTER, 0., May 16.-J. R. Ed- Jack Murphy% Joe Sciotino, Prince Eco wards, general manager, ,p,fter a thoro This the season's banner spot. Prompt- Hale, Bucky Ambrose, DanStafford,Pete Manzie, one; W. Murphy, shooting ly at 12 Saturday night Pete Ballyhoo Bell,Owengallery;GoogsWeisman,one;Mrs.inspection of his equipmnt in wintersaid: "Give it back to the Indians," and RichardHester,Captain Googs Weisman, one; Madame Blondon,quarters here at the fairgrounds, de- Dauphinee, ErvinCarl,Elmer Ralph, cided that in view of the excellent con-the show tore down. Bert Roberts. Dick Hillburn, Billy Capps,one. dition of paraphernalia it was unneces- MAJOR PRIVILEGE. Jack Stimson,Kidders' Temple of Mys- Blacksmith department-George San-sary to start the usual "feverish activ- tery-Mabelle Kidder, manager; Charlesders,superintendent;Harold McNeile, Under theSIMS COMBINED Kidder, Georgie Brown, Gilman Brown,George Blackburn.Tractor departmentity"untillast Monday. -Charles (Red) Braucher, Bob Smith,supervision of Mr. Edwards a crew is (Continued from page 46) Callie Mae Latimore, George Griswold, now repainting and retouching therides.bault, foreman, assisted by R. Tyrelland Roy Burke, Vern Williamson. Crimes ofJoe Manning, E. Dytch. EliWheel the Century-Frank Sterling and Wal- Free acts: Four Queens of the Air,The Merry -Go -Round, the Jack W. King.Mixup-Charles H. Aus- lace Smithley, managers; Cliff Younger, and the Chairplane have been erectedtin, foreman, assisted by Loel Souther Billy Smithley,Charles Vess, manager. and are rapidly being dressed in brand-and Douglas Brandt.Tilt-a-Whirl-Ed- Henry (Duke)Hyatt, new spring attire.Also the old canvasward Nolan, foreman, assisted by James Caroline Ross, George Triff, Lee Brockus, is being replaced with new.The showTurner and J. Miller.Caterpillar-Bar- Bob Fulton.Sex Show-Jack (Doc)Dodson Has 2 Weeks' will carry 6 rides, 6 shows and about 20ney Galazien, foreman, assisted by Bill Belden, manager; Norman Wolf, Bob concessions this year and will play inWallace, Dan White and Albert Mc- Egan, Laura Selby, Mickey Manzie, AgnesStand at Pittsburgh Miller.Deep Sea Exhibition-William Ohio exclusively, as has been Mr. Ed-Allister. Goll and Happy Langley, managers; Jack PITTSBURGH, May16. - Dodson'swards' custom in the past. Among the Concessions: Photos, Harry Besley; Pit of Fury-Earl Purtle, man-World's Fair Shows opened a two weeks'new rides already contracted are aKid-Joe Harris, five; Bill Brock, superintend- Noone. dies' Ride and Loop -o -Plane.Will haveent concessions;corn game, 'William ager; Ethel Purtle, Bill Moore, Bob Nor-engagement here on the Exposition Park play be- Other ris, Willie Van Loone, Willie Counts, PetegroundsMonday. Show opened biga sensational free act and will Cooper, assisted by Harold Oke. Loudy. Medusa,ChildoftheSeaMonday night, with increasing businesshind a gate this year.With the ex-concessioners:Harry Hogan, one, as- (Medusa Van Allen)-George Beggs, man-on Tuesday.Wednesday was almost aception of a few early -summer dates,sisted by Carl Eslindson; Leona Dymphry, ager; Mrs. George Beggs, Patrick Landers.loss, due to rain and cold weather. the organization is practically lined upNick Sims, Miss Pat Hill. Ted Feaver, Midget Village-Mervin Rogers, manager; for the entire season.When Mr. Ed-Dick Boardman, Louis Drillick, H. Fray, Mrs. Mervin Rogers, Fred Gagne, Albert For the second week the Dodsonwards opens May 30 at Massillon, 0., itThomas Machin, P. Belanger, Max Cap- Ruediger, Mike and Ike, Freda Betsky,Shows will be day -and -date with thewill mark his 20th annual tour as alan. Joe Caplan, Tony Greek, J. Mandell, Tony Vandola, Jack Williams. SeminoleJohnny J. Jones Exposition, which willcarnival owner. A public weddingwillJack Little, J. Stephenson, Mrs. N. Sims, hold forth on the East Liberty circusbe staged each week and other exploita-Elmer Malins, W. H. Rudolph, J. Ken - Indian Village-W. E. D. Welch, man-grounds.Both outfits have used plenty be used, as well asnick, J. Malitz, D. R. McKenzie, T. La ager; Jessie Cooper, Ben Scoggan, Fransof paper in the same communities andtion stunts will Cotton.Polies Bergere-Elaine Owen, liberal billposting and newspaper andPlante, G. Coughlan, D. Peters, H. Ther- manager; L. H. (Giggs) Bowe, "Mother"in the downtown district. radio tleups.Mrs. R. J. Edwards is theraen, Lorne Caster.Cookhouse - Gus Bowe. Hugh McNicholas, Charles Owen, Carleton Collins, Dodson press repre-secretary -treasurer. All isValles, prOprietor, Art King, Eugene Lewis, Lorena Bush,sentative, was successful in landing somefroma visitor tothe winter quarters. Stratford, Louie Melos, Jack Moore and Ben Turpin, Mabel Schardotte, Henryinteresting stories and pictures of the Ed Guillemette. Helen Boudry, NancyNatko,carnival in the local dailies.The Sun - Jack Mangles is electrician; Jack Phil- Cogent, Telegram used a three -column cut of lips, artist.After this week show moves Browny Pearl, Shirley Sherman, Dorothy Show Title Correction Manager Frank W. Gray. Mickey Mouse-Eddie Cemane,one of the acts and The Pittsburgh Press to Brantford, Ont. manager; Charles Suarez.Club Alabamphotographed its 500 newsboys who were CINCINNATI, May 16.-In an item in aRome is away on business at present. --Mr. and Mrs. Russell Judy, managers.entertained on the lot Tuesday evening.recent issue the Weer Shows were re-The writer, J. J. Murphy, handles pub- Monkey Speedway-R. B. (Rube) Nixon, ferred to as the "J. C. Weer Shows."licity. manager;Robert Brown,CarlDavis,Royal Amusement CompanyShould have been Mabel R. Weer Shows, Oscar Schuckle, Leo Plummer, Joe Son- which recently opened their season atWADE STARTS tag, Mrs. R. B. Nixon, Dorothy Johnstone. Okolona, Miss.Week ended May 9.Benton Harbor, Mich. (Continued from page 46) Arcade-Carl Turnquist, manager; Mrs.Auspices, Chickasaw County Fair Asso- EarlB.Engels, Loop -o. Carl Turnquist, Paul Moyer, Cy Mariger.ciation. Location, fairgrounds. Weather, Tilt -a -Whirl; Rhodes,manager; W. J. BUNTS- Plane and Kiddie Rides. Bughouse - Jessie variable. Business, negligible., (Continued from page 46) Shows:Billy Bronson's Wild Animal Ernest Garner. Bad weather early part of week. Dur- Show, W. H. (Whitey) White's Rio Rita; Rides:Loop-the-Loop-, have made their home at Crystal River, ing the last weeks the rides-owned byFla. Also, three years ago, Irene, youngestJim Sweetman's Monkey Motordrome; foreman;Joe Reed, Joe Dunn, Jerrythe management-have been repaired RiverJackWinter'sSnake Show and Joe Greenlee,CharlesFoster. Waltzer- of the family, was born at Crystal White's Streets of Paris. Hans Mertens, owner; Mrs. Hans Mertens,and painted and now present a veryand was christened Irene Crystal Bunts. Free act: Julia Peterson, high loop - Tex Briggs, George Hayes, Buster Bragg.pleasing appearance.The work begunSo what could be more natural than under direction of Jack Jaeger, who leftrenaming the show after a spot where thethe -loop and bar act. Loop -o -Plane - JohnLedford,Walterfor Wisconsin, additional work since his Concessioners:L. R. Craft, cookhouse; Nulting, William Blackwell.Ridee-0- Bunts family have spent many happyH. A. Day, photo gallery; Louis Burr, pop Floyd(Sparky)Covington,foreman;departure done by Eddie von Schoendays! Last week the show played Sevier-corn; Frank Wrightman, shooting gal- Charles Richards, Charles Peters, Rubyand the ride foreman. A truck ownedville, Tenn., where it had good businesslery; R. S. Richardson, frozen custard; Burns.Pony Ride-Harry Julius, man-and driven by L. R. Palmer, containingthe last three days. Hazel Crane, corn game; Bennie Her- ager;Mrs. May McLaine, E. B. equipment and some show people The paraphernalia presents a very at-man, two; Fred Miller, 10; W. W. Potts, Kiddie Rides-Jake Linderman, manager;en route from Meridian, Miss., to jointractive appearance, withsome,new fea-four, C. N. Peirce, one; Bing Dunphy, David Linderman. Skooter - Williamshow here, ran into a ditch near Westtures, also new canvas. At present thereone; Ed Gamble, two; Frankie Hamilton, Rushmer, manager; Mrs. William Rush-Point, Miss.Some damage to equip-are two free acts and another is scheduledone; Fern Jule, one; George Raynor, one; mer, Jack Stutzman, Mrs. Jack Stutz -ment, none of the people seriously join next week, according to a memberFred Lofkin, one. man, Frank White, Robert Vance, JamesAmong .visitors to quarters immediatelyof the staff. Punch Allen, veteran show- Dale, Stanley Wells, H. H. McCormick,preceding the opening were Capt. andman, joined the show here. Mabel Mack's Albert Renick. Merry-Go-Round-FrankMrs. Rains Matlock, Captain formerlyHippodrome remains with the show oneWALLACE OF CANADA Anderson, foreman; Mrs. Frank Anderson,owner of Rainbow Shows, the last yearmore week and then leaves on a booked (Continued from page 46) Pete Clete, Sandy Clete, W. H. Burns.operating a medicine show in this State.circuit, but it is planned to return for theJoe McClusky, foreman; Red Foss, assist- Rocket - Harry Hawk, manager.Hey-Show opened with two rides and four concessions, booked byfalldates. Sam Petralli, manager theant; J. Parker, tickets.Merry -Go -Round day-William Brown, manager; Mrs. Wil-shows and 11 Athletic Show,isassisted by Mickey-.Taster Hill, foreman; L. Hanson, as- liam Brown, Fred Baker, Cecil Burns.Dutch Ward, acting lot superintendent;O'Brien, also Speedy Shaffer in the ticketsistant;H.Battice,tickets. BigEli Caterpillar-George Lucas, manager; Mrs.Wilton Powell, William Krueger, L. High Johnson (really high) is theWheel-Dominic Zito, foreman; Blacky GeorgeLucas,HaroldLucas,Everett(Whitey) Butler, Jack Dugan, H. C. Gib-electrician. Slim Thogerson has been en-Bradley, tickets. Blackwell.Ferris Wheel-Charles Halli-son and Ernest Dalrymple, who havegaged as show painter and is doing nice Shows: BillStone'sArcade,also day, foreman; Clarence McDonald, Ferdbooked indefinitely, and Frank Johnson,work on changing the name on trucks andfrozen custard.Snake Show-Kennith Demarest, Ellis Hall. A.A. Adams and Frank Casey, whoother paraphernalia.The "Goodfellows'Clarke, manager; Ray Hope, front; Joe Concessions: Cookhouse - Adambooked for this engagement only. W. J.Club," benefit organization among theSmith,tickets. Side Show - Wallace show troupe, recently gave another suc-Gaulet,manager;BillJones, tickets; Frank Smith, trainer; T. McCaslin, sword elM.1\110k\ltNiabNiatiaMakIbM).01k1101,71VOZWKWIM.\\NMIII:011cessful party. box; Betty McClosky, human tarantula; Rosita Gaulet lire eater.Follies of 1936 BALLYHOO- -George Curtis, owner -manager; Frenchy (Continued from page 46) Parent, tickets; performers, Norma Sand- IMPERIAL SHOWS INC. WANT top with smoke signals.The office,bach, YvonneCurtis, Allison Walters, 7 realizing that they had no newspapersBreta Burnside. and had always depended on them for Concessions:Phil Cronin, six; agents, $High-class Cookhouse, Grab Joint,Popcorn, Taffy, Apples, publicity, immediately ordered a pressE. Ross, Eddy Sopener, Luke Hozack, Joe 0to print our own paper.Fifty sheet -Puss,BigMurphy,CharlesO'Brien. 0 CottonCandy, Ice Cream, American Palmist, Penny Arcade. writers were sent in two weeks in ad-Other concessioners, Mrs. J. P. Sullivan, 0 Can use Attractions for Side Show and Talker.Can place 0vance.This guaranteed us a worth-Herb Pane, George Coulter, Sam Glass, while circulation.Making readers outBert Pane, Mrs. Lovoie, Mrs. Angell. Fred $two or more Platform Shows.Address Rock Falls,Ill., week of the four tribes. Shibile, P. Baillargeon, P. Joly, Christ The midway a beautiful picture. OurPavlo.Cookhouse-Nick Mongor, head 0 May18; Dubuque. la., week May 25. bigtepees among theirsmallones.cook;J. Deson,assistantcook; Tom Show carried so many livingtops weCerso, griddle; Kady Dumas, headwaiter. OW\I.\\ L.1 h .\'4\1 \N k\\* 1 \\.1\1 711 May 23, 1936 The Billboard 55 CiassitieOvettisements

COMMERCIAL Setin uniformstyle. No cuts.No borders.Advertisements sent by telegraph will not be inserted unless money is wired with copy. We re- AT LIBERTY serve the right to reject any advertisement or revise copy. 5c WORD (First Line Large Black Type) 10c a Word 2c WORD (First Line and Name Black Type) Minimum -51 00.CASH WITH COPY. lc WORD (Small Type) Figure Total of Words at One Rate Only Effective with June 6 issue the minimum FORMS CLOSE (in Cincinnati) THURSDAY No Ad Less Than 25c. will be $2.00 Cash with Copy. FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK'S ISSUE. CASH WITH COPY.

CHINESE DRAGONS, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, MILLS SCALES, $25.00; WATLING SCALES, ACTS, SONGS AND PARODIES $5.00 to $10.00 each. SNAKE KING, Browns- COIN -OPERATED MACHINES $35.00; Peanut Machines, $2.00; Mills Es- ville, Tex. jul3 MODERN DANCE ARRANGEMENTS, 75c; calators Silent, $35.00; Watling Double Jack- postage 10c. ROBERT PERRY,Bowling EXTRA LARGE DENS MIXED FAT SNAKES FOR SECOND-HAND pots, $30.00; Counter Games, five for $15.00; Green, Ky. immediate shipment, $10.00.Wire money Pin Games, five for $15.00. We have most any via Charleston, 5. C. RATTLESNAKE JOE, St. Pin Game for $10.00. Write what you want. Stephen, S. C. Notice JACK O'BRIEN, 97 Thames, Newport, R.I. AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS MILLS MACHINES: 5c ESCALATOR VENDERS, FOR SALE -CIRCUS BLUES, CUB BEARS, MON- Only advertisements of used machines $37.50;1 c Skyscraper Vender, $30.00; Single WANTED keys,Mother andBaby. Want Animals, accepted for publicationinthis column. Jackpots, 5c and 25c, $15.00; Watling Single Tents, Show Property. GULF ZOO STATION, Machines of recent manufacture and being Jackpots,$14.00;DoubleJackpot,$25.00; AGENTS - DE LUXE DIXIE DANCE WAX; Route 1, Delaware, 0. advertised extensively in The Billboard by Jennings Victoria,$17.50;Primers and Re- cleansand waxes while they dance.Un- manufacturers, distributors or jobbers, may serves,$10.00;Rock-OlaHoldandDraw, limited market. Cafes, taverns, anywhere thereFOR SALE -COW, ALIVE, NOT DEFORMED not be advertised as "used" in The Bill- $15.00; Pace lc Double Jackpot Vender, Slug is dancing. Profits guaranteed! Some territory but beautiful designs on natural hide. Write board. Ejector with Stand, $25.00; Standard -Johnson still open.DIXIE WAX CO., Dept. B, Evans- H. H. MEYER, R. R. 3, Manchester, Mich. Penny Counter and Wrapper, $25.00. PEERLESS ville, Ind. my23x FOR SALE -4 BEST TRAINED CIRCUS PONIES, SALES CO., Fayetteville, N. C. AGENTS! CREW MANAGERS! WAGON MEN! 1 Somersault Dog, 1Electric Light Plant, 20 BARGAINS RECONDITIONED MACHINES, ALL MUTOSCOPE CRANES - 14 ROLL FRONTS, Sensational new fast selling 25c item.Best Lengths of Blues.J. J. EVANS, Massillon, 0. types.Prices you will be willing to pay. late models, excellent condition mechanically Write for new list.BADGER NOVELTY, 2546and appearance, $95 each. on market. Sells 3 out of 4 calls. 60,000 sold N. 30th, Milwaukee, Wis. jy4 1/3 deposit. MA- last week. WORLD SPECIALTIES, INC., N-900 LARGE MALE PUMA, $100; MALE JAVA MON- CHINE CORPORATIONOF AMERICA, 61 W. Van Buren, Chicago. my30x key, $15; Tame Peccary, $20; Gila Mon- Whitehall St., New York City. sters, $5.00; Snakes, $1.50; Hairless Puppies; BARGAINS - MAMMOTH, $47; CARIOCA, BIG MONEY APPLYING GOLD INITIALS ON Cactus. EVANS, Taxidermist, Phoenix, Ariz.x $ i 7.50; Batteries, $4.75 case. Route for sale. PENNY ARCADE MACHINES FOR SALE CHEAP Automobiles.Easiest thing today. No ex- Games rented.All games at right prices.Call -Send for price list. IDEAL NOVELTY, 1518 perienceneeded. Freesamples. "RALCO,, ' LARGE STOCK CANARIES -LOWEST PRICES. or write SILENT SELLING CO., 548 Massa- Market, St. Louis, Mo. 1084 Washington, Boston, Mass. tfnx Write us your needs. KRAFT BIRD COM-chusetts Ave., Indianapolis. PANY, 24 Stone Street, New York. my30x SPECIAL NOTICE! WE MAINTAIN TRAVEL- EARN $5.00 TO $25.00 WEEKLY SELLING BETTER HURRY -MUST SELL, A-1 CONDI- ing representatives in all of the New England Lovyar Angora Yarn.Write LONG ISLANDMALE PARRAKEETS, ADULTS, $8.00 DOZEN - tion, machines must go. Ten Grand, $65.00; States as well as the State of New York.If you FARM PRODUCTS, Rosedale, N. Y. my30x BIRD FARM, Sixteenth Street, Santa Monica, Jumbo, $40.00; Fortune, $35.00; De Luxe 46,are located in any of these States and are in- Calif. $37.50; Peerless, $80.00; Mammoth, $45.00; terested in purchasing coin machines, get in GOOD INCOME SILVERING MIRRORS, PLAT- Trojan, $40.00; Repeater, $65.00; Gold Award,touch with us and we will advise our traveling ing and Refinishing Lamps, Reflectors, Autos, PLENTY SNAKES, ALLIGATORS,HORNED $25.00; Stampede, $17.50; Gold Rush, $15.00; representative to call on you.AUTOMATIC Beds, Chandeliers by late method.Free par- Toads, Gila Monsters, Iguanas, Monkeys, Pec- Sportsman, $10.00; Red Arrow, $8.50; Cham- COIN MACHINE CO., 369 Chestnut St., Spring- ticulars. Write GUNMETAL CO.,Ave.G, caries,Bear field, Mass. Decatur,Ill. tfx Cubs,Wildcats,RingtailCats, pion, $7.50; High Pocket, $35.00;Mills Es- my23x Prairie Dogs, Rats, Mice, Parrakeets, Pheasants. calators, $32.50; Watling, $25.00; 50 Ten BallWANTED -MILLS PUNCHING BAGS, USED. LET MOSQUITOES MAKE YOU MONEY - Wire OTTO MARTIN LOCKE, New Braunfels,Table, $5.00 each.You willbe more than IDEAL NOVELTY, 1518 Market, St. Louis. Here's a "natural". 100% quick, easy profit Tex. pleased with your purchases.1 /3 deposit, rush selling dealers, fishing, camping, golf clubs, sum- your order.K. G. AMUSEMENT CO., 112 N.WE ARE OVERSTOCKED WITH USED PIN mer resorts, sporting goods, hardware stores. RHESUS MONKEYS FOR SALE OR RENT - Main St., Joplin, Mo. Tables. Send stamp for our bargainlist. Write for prices and details. BARTELS CO., GOODBODY, 1826 East Main St.,Rochester, Cash in now on Muskeet, relentless enemy of 72 Cortlandt St., New York City. CASH FOR LATE PAY TABLES -STATE LOW-N. Y. mosquitoes and flies. Agreeably scented, like a est price. AUTOMATIC SALES, 2925 Stick- ju6 vanishing cream. Send $2.25 money order forSMALL CUB BEARS FOR SALE - RELIABLE ney, Toledo, 0. WE PAY CASH FOR MILLS SILENT ESCALA- flashy compelling display card holding 12 reg- BIRD CO., Winnipeg, Can. my30 tors, Mystery Biue Fronts, Sc, 10c, 25c Play. ular purse or pocket size cans. Retails for $6.00. COIN -OPERATED MACHINES BOUGHT, SOLD, Give serial numbers, price first letter. SLOAN Exclusiveterritories available. SUN RAYSNAKES, ASSORTED, IN DENS, FROM $10.00, exchanged.Highest prices paid for Escala- NOVELTY & MFG. CO., 1250 N. 10th St., Phila- LABORATORIES CORPORATION, Minneapolis, $15.00 to $20.00 Den; fixed or unfixed. tors.In business since '91. JARL, 1704 Leav-delphia, Pa. Minn. Chinese Dragons, $5.00; Iguanas, $2.00; Gila enworth, Omaha, Neb. WANTED - USED COIN -OPERATED MA - LOCAL AGENTS WANTED TO WEAR ANDMonsters, $3.00; Armadillos, $2.00. NATIONAL FLOOR SAMPLES-KEENEY'S FREE GAME RE- chines of all types for cash or trade. Write demonstrate Free Suits to friends. No can- PRODUCTS CO., Laredo, Tex. peater,$55.00;BigFiveJr.,freegame, for our complete list of used equipment. AUTO- vassing. Up to $12 in a day easy.Experience $37.50; Red Arrow, $9.50; Pace 5c Comet Twin MATIC COIN MACHINE CO., 369 Chestnut St., YANKEE TERRIERS, ALSO BULL PUPS, $10-Jack Vendor, $22.50; Watling 5c Twin JackSpringfield, Mass. unnecessary.Valuable demonstrating equip- TONNS KENNELS, Dallas, Tex. ju6x my23 ment, actualsamplesfree. H. J.GRAVES, Vendors, $22.50; Jennings 5c Escalator Century Triple Jack Vendors, $27.50; Pace 10c Comet 2 YANKEE ELECTRIC TRAVELING CRANES, President, 1300 Harrison, Dept. E-807, Chicago. $50.00 each; 5BuddyElectric x Mystery Side Venders, $39.50; Mills 25c War Traveling BOOKING AGENTS Eagle Escalator, $32.50.Send one-third de-Cranes, $35.00 each; 1c or 5c Chutes; perfect MEN WANTED AT ONCE TO CALL ON STORES posit.All machines in A-1 condition. Wanted condition guaranteed. Remit 1/3 deposit. ROB - with biggestline5c and10c necessities. After the May 30 issue this heading Used Budgets and Hold and Draws. AMUSE- BINS CO., 1141E3 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Self -sellingcounterdisplay:Aspirin,Razor will be discontinued. We suggest our MENT MACHINE CO., 207 Church St., Nash- my23 Blades, Handkerchiefs, Household Cement, 101 readers become accustomed to look for ville, Tenn. 1,000 JACKPOT SLOTS, $7.50 UP; LOT 40 different items, many new, exclusive. Up to FOR SALE - ESTABLISHED ROUTE CIGARET Cailles, $425.00. COLEMAN NOVELTY, Rock- 125%profit. Experience unnecessary. Big "Booking Office" advertisements in the ford,III. various departments of The Billboard. Vending Machines Texas city, two hundred catalog free.PROCOPAX, Dept. 131-ZD, 1956 fifty thousand population; Centennial year; un- S. Troy, Chicago. usual opportunity.BOX C-48, Billboard, Cin- NO PEDDLING- FREE BOOKLET DESCRIBES cinnati. COSTUMES -WARDROBES 107 money -making opportunities for start- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ing own business, home, office.No outfits. FOR SALE-ABT SPORTLANDS, IN LOTS OF BAND COATS, REGULATIONS, $2.50; NEW ELITE, 214 Grand St., New York. BIG PROFITS -SELLING BY MAIL. HOME, five, $7.50; 0. D. Jennings Daily Limits, like my30x sparetime. Outfitfurnished. LEADER - new, $55.00; Exhibit Supply Play Ball Tickets, Caps, $1.50; Mess Jackets, White, $5.00; PROFIT 2,000./0 - AGREEABLE EASY WORK Black, $2.00; Bargains Scenery, Trunks, Tents. BRAND, R-2-1, Springfield, Mo. my30x $35.00; Western Equipment Hi-Lite, $17.50; WALLACE, 2416 North Halsted, Chicago. applying Gold Initials on Automobiles. Every ABT Autocounts,$20.00;ChicagoExpress, owner buys. $3 to $15 daily earnings. Write OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING OUTFITS -EASY $10.00; 0. D. Jennings Cross Country, $15.00. fordetailsandfreesamples. AMERICAN payment plan. BOX 331, Hamilton, 0. my30 Half cash, balance C. 0. D. YENDES SERVICE MONOGRAM COMPANY, Dept. 20, East RECEIVE LOTS OF MAIL -YOUR NAME INCO., 1813 W. Third, S., Dayton, 0. FORMULAS Orange,N. J. 5,000directories. Guaranteedmail-order FOR SALE -BLUE FRONT SLOT MACHINES,ANALYSIS, RESEARCH, NEWEST GUAR- RARE PHOTOS, 100, $5; CARTOON BOOKS, plan included, 25c. LEEWOOD, 1328 5. 51st, Philadelphia, Pa. $55.00; Silent Double Jackpot, $37.50; Gold anteedformulas.Biggest catalog free. Spe- 100, $3; Samples, $1 up. Catalog, Eugenics, Award Venders, $45.00, in 5-10-25c.1 /3 de- cial prices, leads.GIBSON, Chemist, BH-1142 Novelties,Magazines,15c. BOX 468, NewSELL BY MAIL!BOOKS, NOVELTIES! BAR - posit with order, balance C. 0. D. ENID MINT Sunnyside, Chicago. Haven, Conn. gains! BigProfits! Particulars Free F. COMPANY, 711 N. Indep., Enid, Okla. FORMULAS - LATEST MONEY MAKERS. SELL NOVELTY FUN CARDS, NOVELTIES, ETC ELFCO, 525 South Dearborn, Chicago. tfnxFOR SALE -TWO PAMCO PALOOKAS, ONE Write for free literature describing newest Samples, 10c. NATIONAL, Box 500-B, Cin- TOURIST SEASON IS ON -MAKE WOOD AND Ten Grand, 200 Pair Richardson Skates. Will formulas for fast sellers.H. BELFORT, 4042 cinnati. Leather Souvenirs. Completeoutfit,includ- tradeforMillsBlueFronts. AUTOMATIC N. Keeler, Chicago. my30x SELL CALIFORNIA ORANGEJELLY -BIGing Electric Pencil, only $2.50; samples, 25c VENDER CO., 152 Houston St., Mobile, Ala. POLISHES, COSMETICS, INKS, SPECIALTIES, profits; 5 glass sample, 10c.JELIT COM-HOMETOWN SOUVENIRS, 320 CovertSt., FOUR DIFFERENT COUNTER GAMES, $12.00; Insecticides, Trade Secrets,etc.Complete PANY, 5503B Cimarron, Los Angeles, Calif. x Brooklyn, N. Y. 100 Counter Games, $250.00. COLEMAN collection; tested; guaranteed; $1.00.E. Mc- RARE PHOTOS, CARTOONS -SAMPLES, $1.00. WHERE TO BUY AT WHOLESALE 500,000 AR- NOVELTY,Rockford, Ill. LAUGHLIN, Box 138, Yonkers, N. Y. my30x List, sample expressed, 20c. TRIPPE, Gunters- ticles.Free Directory and other valuable in- HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN -5 BALLY PEER -SUCCEED WITH YOUR PRODUCTS -MAKE - ville, Ala. formation. MAYWOOD B. PUBLISHERS,925 less @ $60.00 each. These machines guar- sellthem. Formulas, Analytical Broadway, NewYork. my30x Service. SENSATIONAL NOVELTIES -CARTOON BOOK - anteedin new machine condition.1/3 de-Catalog free. Y. THAXLY CO., Washington, lets, Fun Cards, Peppy Diplomas. Generous posit, balance C. 0.D.GREEN & PRICE, Italy, D. C. my30x samples and list, 25c. BUK, Box 2, Station W, Tex. New York. my23 CARTOONS LATE MUTOSCOPE CRANES, $60; MERCHANT - STRAIGHT RAZORS - SAMPLES, 25e; FIVE men RolledChutes,$120;Peanutand FOR RENT, LEASE OR SALE for dollar.4 S -RAZOR, Hutchinson, Kan. ENTERTAIN WITH TRICK CHALK STUNTSCigarette Machines, low prices.NATIONAL, and Rag Pictures. Catalog free. BALDA 4242 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. After the May 30 issuethis heading 100 PROFITABLE MAIL ORDER AND LOCAL ART SERVICE, Oshkosh, Wis. my30 will Business Ideas;freeliterature. PRUITT PHONOGRAPHS, SEEBURG SELECTOPHONES, be discontinued.We suggest our PRESS, Elburn, III. my30x FREE CHARACTER DRAWING -SEND PHOTO - guaranteed perfect, $125.00.1 /3 cash, bal- readers become accustomed to look for graph and 25c to cover expenses. FULTON ance C. 0. D.Will trade for Watling Scales. advertisements of this nature in the vari- 1,000 BARGAINS - DRYGOODS, NOTIONS, STUDIO, Box 6005, Cleveland, 0. W. R. CALAWAY, Orlando, Fla. my23 Sundries, Specialties, School Supplies, Sales ous departments of The Billboard. Boards, Razor Blades, Cosmetics, Food Products, Soaps, Carded Goods. Free catalogue. JOBBERS, Dept. 259, 504 SouthCrawford, Chicago, Ill.x FOR SALE -NEW GOODS After the May 30 issue this heading ANIMALS, BIRDS AND PETS Important Announcement willbe discontinued. We suggest our A-1 ATTRACTION - EUROPEAN CHINESE readers become accustomed to look for Mouse Circus.UNIVERSAL, 849 Cornelia, "New Goods" advertisements in theMi. Chicago. Effective with June 6 issue the minimum classified com- our departments of The Billboard. ALLIGATORS, LOW PRICES -FAT HEALTHY mercial advertisement accepted will be $2.CASH WITH BALL GUM, FACTORY FRESH,12c BOX ---- stock. Same old stand.No CODs. FLOR- COPY. AMERICAN CHEWING, Mt. Pleasant, IDA ALLIGATOR FARM,Jacksonville, Fla. Newark, N.J. my30x my30 The rate of 10c a word remains the same. CORN POPPERS AND GASOLINE BURNERS, ALIVE -FREAK FISH, WALKS, SWIMS, REAL Stoves,Tanks, etc. Wholesale. IOWA show, $5 pair. PAUL AUSTIN, Kearney, Neb. LIGHT CO., 111 Locust, Des Moines, Ia.my30x 56 The Billboard CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS May 23, 1936

FROZEN CUSTARD CO., GASTONIA, N. C.- CASH IN ON POPULARITY OF OUR NEW Latest Velvo Combination Custard and Ice - MAGICAL APPARATUS copyrighted "Bank Day" deal and business TENTS FOR SALE Cream Machines, $159.00. my23x stimulator for every retail merchant. Sweeping MAGIC, ILLUSIONS, APPARATUS-NEW BAR -country! No premiums.Positive money -back After the May 30 issuethis heading FROZEN CUSTARD MACHINERY CO.,869 guarantee to increase sales 10 % to 30 %. Sells to"TENTS-Second- Thomas St., Memphis, manufacturers of elec- gain lists free. McKWADE, 600 Martinique, willbechanged tric driven, inexpensive, portable Frozen Cus-Dallas, Tex. my30on sight. Sure repeater. Up to $15.00 cash in Hand" and only advertisements for second- your pocketdaily. Experienceunnecessary. hand tentswillbeacceptedforthis tardand Ice -CreamMachines. Writefor MAGIC SLUM, SAMPLES, 25c-JOHNSON, 414Writeforcompletefreeoutfit. FEDERAL literature. my30 McRae, Wilmington, N. C. TRADE BUILDERS, PP -176, Adams, Chicago.x column. We suggest our readers become NEW LAUGHING MIRRORS FOR PARKS, NEW 124 -PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, accustomed to look for advertisements of LARGEST COMMISSIONS - QUICKEST SALES New Tentsinthe various outdoor de- Carnivals.C. J. MURPHY, Elyria, 0.my30 plus8 -pagesupplement,MentalMagic, are made on our brushes. Write for proposi- PHOTO OUTFITS -4 FOR DIME STRIPS, OUR Mindreading,SpiritEffects,Horoscopes andtion.Wire GRIP SANITARY BRUSH CORP., partments of The Billboard. new Photastrip Machines either1 Fl x2, or33 -page 1936-'37 forecasts. Graphology sheets, 220 Southern Blvd., New York. jul3x sizes, complete, $140.00. All suppliesbooks, crystals and lucky pieces.Most com- NEW SIDEWALL, 6.40 OZ. WHITE DRILL, 2'- x3 V2 plete line in wdrld. New catalogue, 30c; noneSALESBOARD MEN-NEW PUT & TAKE JARS. hand roped, 8 foot, $24.00; 10 foot, $28.00; at cut prices. WABASH PHOTO SUPPLY, Terre A natural. Details, samplesfree. TOM Tents, all kinds. KERR COM- Haute, Ind. my30 free.NELSON ENTERPRISES, 198 S.Third, 100 feet long. Columbus, 0. jul3THUMB, Nauvoo, Ill. my30 PANY, 1954 Grand Avenue, Chicago, Ill.my30 POP CORN BRICK FOR ALL OCCASIONS- C. W. STARR CANDY CO., 3549 AddisonVENTRILOQUIST, PUNCH FIGURES, ACTS,SALESMEN - EVERYBODY NOW BUYING etc. KENNETH SPENCER, Highmore, S.D. BookMatches,Labels,CarbonizedSales - St., Chicago. my23 books, Pricing Sets, Memo Books, complete line THEATRICAL PRINTING WHEELS, ANYTHING THAT TURNS, CIR- Business Stationery. Free deals; wonderful side cular tells all.POP BAKER, 5161 Trumbull, line;commission daily;freesalesportfolio. HANDY OUTFIT -PRINTS STATIONERY, Detroit, Mich. my23 MISCELLANEOUS WILLENS, Dept. KP-2132, Gladys, Chicago. Cards, Tickets, Labels, etc.275 Changeable ROLLS DEVELOPED-TWO BEAUTIFUL DOU- my23xCharacters, complete, postpaid, $1.00.Write 1936 SENSATION-FAMOUS GOO -GOO DOLL, BARRIELL, 126 Lexington Ave., New York. 10c. REID NOVELTY COMPANY, Racine, ble weight professional enlargements and 8TOOL SALESMEN - READY SALE; LARGE Wis. my30guaranteed never fade, perfect tone prints, 25c profits. Address ELKINS, Killeen, Tex. LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES, 500,$1.00 - coin. RAY'S PHOTO SERVICE, La Crosse, Wis. BUDDY PRESS, 326 N. Queen, York, Pa. x FOR SALE -SECOND-HAND ROLLS DEVELOPED, TWO PRINTS EACH AND SCENERY AND BANNERS WINDOW CARDS 14x22, 100, $2.50-50% two Free Enlargement Coupons, 25c; Re- deposit, balance C. 0. D. BELL PRESS, Win- GOODS prints, 2c each; 100 or more, lc. SUMMERS A-1 BANNERS FOR SIDESHOWS-MANUEL'Ston, Pa. STUDIO, Unionville, Mo. ju6 STUDIOS, 3544 North Halsted, Chicago. my30 200 114x22) NON -BENDING CARDS, $6; 200 CIRCUS BLEACHER SEATS, ALL SIZES, NEW TWO BEAUTIFUL DOUBLE WEIGHT PROFES- 114x42) or 21x28 Half Sheets, $8; your copy. and Used, out or indoors, with or without ANY 8x10 BANNER REPAINTED LIKE NEW, DOC ANGEL, Ex -Trouper, Leavittsburg, 0. PENN BLEACHER SEAT CO., 1207 sionalEnlargements,8 Guaranteed Never foot rests. FadePrints,25ccoin. CENTURY PHOTO $7.50 each. NIEMAN STUDIOS, INC., 1236 W. Thompson, Philadelphia, Pa. my30x S. Halsted St., Chicago. 5,0006x9 CIRCULARS, $6.75 CASH, DE - SERVICE, La Crosse, Wis. my30 livered. WAINRIGHT, Lakehurst, N.J. COMPLETE FIRST CLASS LARGE PORTABLE BANNERS, NEW, 8x10, TO ORDER, $14.75; my30 Skating Rink, mostly new skates.Address used, $8.00. UNIVERSAL, 849 Cornelia, Chi- BOX 1213, Corpus Christi, Tex. M.P.ACCESSORIES FOR SALE cago. CORN POPPERS - FEARLESS, ROTARY, ALL DYE DROPS, LIKE NEW, ALL SIZES, $10 TO WANTED TO BUY, LEASE kinds, geared popping kettles, candy kettles,COMPLETE MODERN PORTABLE TALKING $20. SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, Columbus, 0. furnaces. Our prices are lowest. NORTHSIDE Picture Equipment. Write BOX 464, Amery, tfn Wis. OR RENT CO., 2117 Harding, Des Moines, la. jy18 HEADQUARTERS FOR TENTS,SIDEWACE, POP CORN AND POTATO CHIP EQU IPMENT-FINEST SELECTION OF NEW AND USED Bally Cloth. UNIVERSAL, 849 Cornelia, Chi-MINIATURE RAILROAD OR TRACK, WAX LONG-EAKINS, 1976 High St., Springfield, 0. Silent or Sound Projector Equipment, Sound - cago. Figures(Outlaws).101 RANCH, Climax, my30heads and Amplifiers. $300.00 Silent Projectors only $15.00. Write ZENITH THEATRE SUPPLY, TENT SCENERY - DRAPES, CYCLORAMAS, Mich. SKEE-BALL ALLEYS, SACRIFICE, GOOD CON- 308 W. 44th, New York. all sizes, cheap. KINGSLEY STUDIO, Alton,SCALES WANTED-SEND DESCRIPTION, PIC- dition. TENENBAUM, 291 Hinsdale, Brook- my23 ture and price. SILENT SELLING CO., Marion, lyn, N. Y. MR. EXHIBITOR! WHATEVER YOU NEED, WE Ind. haveit!Soundheads, Amplifiers, Power's,VELOURS, DYE DROPS, FLATS, CYKES. SPE- SUITCASE AMPLIFYING SYSTEM, $20; AUTOSimplex Projectors, New Sound Screens, Acces- cial Sets made to order. KNOXVILLE SCENICWANTED - CANDY FLOSS MACHINE OR System cheap. MORELLE SMITH, Shelbyville, sories; also DeVry, Holmes and Acme Portables. STUDIOS, Knoxville, Tenn. my30 other good money maker; fullparticulars. Ind. MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTS, 346 W. 45th,VELVET CURTAIN, MAROON, 11x22, $30.00;BOX C35, Billboard, Cincinnati. my30 4 FOR DIME PHOTO OUTFIT, $87.50 COM- New York. Scenery Curtains, $10.00; Band Coats, RedWANT 400 FOLDING CHAIRS FOR TENT USE plete. BOX 132, La Fayette, Ind. PORTABLE SOUND PROJECTORS COMPLETE, Caps, Trunks, Ballyhoo, Hawaiian, Tents, Mess -LAWING, Brownsville, Tenn. 16 mm., 35 mm., $200 up; 2 Unit TicketJackets. WALLACE, 2416 North Halsted, Chi- Machine, $45; Brenkert Double Slide Projector, cago. WANTED - CANDY FLOSS MACHINE. FOR -SALE-SECOND-HAND $125. Mazda Lamphouses Cinephor Condensers, MARSHAL, 242 W. Orange, Lancaster, Pa. Regulators, $85 pair. Other bargains. CINEMA WANTED NOW - 230 FEET LINEAL 9 FT. SHOW PROPERTY SUPPLY CO., 575 Eleventh, New York. TAXIDERMY good used Side Wall. TAYLOR'S SHOW, Troy, Tenn. ADULTS CHAIRPLANES, KIDDY AEROPLANES,TURN YOUR SILENT PROJECTORS INTO CASH UNCLAIMED DEERHEADS, FUR RUGS, SPECI PortableDiningCar. CALVIN GRUNER, -We buy all makes. Sound features rented, mens. Bargains. Eyes,Supplies, Tanning. WANTED - CLASS HOUSE GLASS, 36x84, Pinckneyville,Ill. my30$17.50 per week. WABASH FILM EXCHANGE,HOFMANN STUDIO, 996 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, must be cheap for cash. LANDAKER, care 10th and Wabash, Chicago, Ill. my30 Billboard, St.Louis, Mo. BALLROOM AND STAGE LIGHTING EFFECTS N. Y. my30 -Crystal Showers, Spotlights, etc. NEWTON, UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED OPERA my30 Chairs, Sound Equipment, Moving Picture 253 W. 14th St., New York. Machines, Screens,Spotlights,Stereopticons, CARROUSEL, 3 -ABREAST, JUMPING HORSES, etc.Projection Machines repaired.Catalogue Hunters 7ft., Water Top, lot Wool Bathing S free. MOVIE SUPPLY CO., LTD., 844 S. Suits, Root Beer Barrel Fountain, 2 B -C Ovens,Wabash, Chicago. my30 20 Art Lights, Brackets, cheap. JAS. A. COL - BERT, 440 Mitchell Ave., Hagerstown, Md. LAUGHING MIRRORS FOR PARKS, CARNI- M. P. FILMS FOR SALE At Liberty Advertisements vals, etc.C. J. MURPHY, Elyria, 0. my30 So WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black Type).2c WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Black SOUND ROAD -SHOW SPECIALS-ALSO WEST - Type),lc WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 25c). SEE ADVERTISEMENT CARNIVAL PAGES- ern Action Features.Write APOLLO EX- Figure Total of Words at One Rate Only. WEIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP, 20 South Second, CHANGE, 117 So. 9th St., Newark, N. J. my23 Philadelphia, Pa. tfn "10 NIGHTS," LIKE NEW; ROAD SHOW SPE- SPILLMAN 3 -ABREAST MERRY-GO-ROUND- cials, selling all. Westerns, Serials, Comedies. MISSOURI'S POPULAR COLLEGE BAND - 12 CHAS. H. DORMER, 1115AtwoodSt., R. C. KITTEL, Jeweler, Wheatland, Mo. AT LIBERTY Indianapolis, Ind. pieces. Complete glee club, two Singing Trios, Novelties, feature Vocalists, three Trombones, SWORD BOX, COMPLETE WITH BLADES AND ACROBATS P. A., Fronts, Lights, three changes uniform. In- New 8x10 Banner, $35; Shark with New M. P. (TALKIES) FILMS PHILIP PIANTONE-EXPERIENCED, WEIGHT vites correspondence with reputable hotel, night 8x10 Banner, $35; Unborn, Calliaphone, Light 140; also Hand Balancing and Comedy. Write club or booker.Fine line of photography, ex- Plant, Crime Show, Snow Shaver, Whale. UNI-NEW, USED PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT- 152 North Ashland Blvd., Chicago, cellentreferences. Union,fineappearance, VERSAL, 849 Cornelia, Chicago. Motion 16 MM., "Still," Bought, Exchanged, sober. At liberty June 6 to June 20. CHARLIE BAR PERFORMER-High orLow Bars.Straight Sold.Unusually liberal terms!Ask for Bul- or Comed. LOUISOCZVIRfi, 921 N.10th ARMSTEAD, Central College,Fayette, Mo. letin No. 23. FOTOSHOP, INC., 1361/2 -0 West St., Milwaukee. Wis. my30 32d Street, New York. MODERN DANCE MUSIC-ELEVEN MUSI- HELP WANTED clans. Smooth, sweet and hot, modern style. ROADMEN, PORTABLE CIRCUIT OPERATORS, AT LIBERTY MEDICINE DOUBLES, SINGLES, NOVELTY Can cut to suit. Preferlocation. Address Acts, play own music. State all.Concession attention! Why the big hue and cry for ORCHESTRA, 144 W. 85th St., New York City. shorts? We have them. Unlimited supply Talkie BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS my30 open. COMBINED MEDICINE SHOW, Indian- Cartoons, Slapstick Comedies, sale or rental apolis, Ind. Completeproperlybalancedtalkieprogram BERMUDIANS,8 AND LEADER, SMOOTHTUCKER KEY AND HIS JAM BAND-SEVEN WANT CIRCUS AND NOVELTY ACTS-DOC rented $20 weekly. CENTRAL FILM CO., Box swing, country club style, smart appearance, Dixieland Swingsters.Uniforms, amplifier, FRANKLYN SHOW, Madison, Ind. 524, Cincinnati. mess Jackets, blue and gold stands, amplifiers,all essentials. Strictly professional-not school- four vocalists.Available June 1st for hotel orboys looking for a vacation.Location only. WANTED - TALKING PICTURE OPERATOR, SOUND FEATURES AND SHORTS, PERFECTclub. ALAN CLEGG AND HIS, 191 Main Street, Comedy Sketch Team; one play Piano; Boss Prefer Dallas, but will go anywhere. TUCKER condition,lowestprices. Lists. ZENITH East Orange, N. J. my30KEY, Kentwood, La. Canvasman for sixty by hundred twenty dra- THEATRE SUPPLY, 308 W. 44th St., New York. matic top. Week stand show, real cookhouse. xCOLLEGIATE ORCHESTRA, MINIMUM 8CHARLES VAGABONDand His Famous "Tone Tell age, experience and lowest salary in first. pieces, experienced, complete with P. A. Sys- Control " Orchestra-Tone control registered and EDW. E. MYHRE, GeneralDelivery,Minot, tem, stands and wardrobe. Orchestra includes protected. This is the only tone control unit in N. D. Location de- America. Twelve men, songstress. Entirely new M. P. ACCESSORIES -FILMStrio, novelties and two vocalists. policy.Only first-class and strictly bona fide en- WANTED - CASTER AND PAINTER FOR sired. TOMMY KELLER Cr HIS ORCHESTRA, gagements orrepresentativesconsidered. Union. Plaster Novelty Shop. Must be good. J. M. H. WANTED TO BUY 126 E. 156th St., Cleveland, 0. 2306 N. Harding Ave., Chicago, Ill. my30 CO., 12844 Omaha St., Detroit, Mich. KEN DE VILLIERS' ORCHESTRA-MOST POP- DOC COOK'SColumbia Recording 6 NBC Orches- WANTED-ACTS FOR PARK SUNDAY NIGHTS16 MM. MOTION PICTURE FILM, $2.19 100 tra. for Saturday and Sunday dates in metropolitan ular college dance band in the Northwest, area. 603 New Brunswick Ave., Perth Amboy, N. J. starting June 1st. BOX 1, Dupont, 0. ft.; High Speed Panchromatic Film, $3.50open for summer location job.Leader a college my23 100 ft.Prices include processing. Send for Cir- graduate, and ail men college men. Neat ap- cular A-9.FOTOSHOP, INC., 1361/2 -CI West pearing and sober. Organized 5 years.Recent MODERN TEN -PIECE Eastern Style Swing Band 32d Street, New York. 12 weeks engagement at famous Northwest at liberty June twelfth.Organized three years HELP WANTED -MUSICIANS and can furnish any amount of reliable references nite club.Radio, hotel, nite club, resort ex- from well-known past engagements.Guarantee to PIANISTE - MED., MUST DOUBLE STAGE. perience. 8to12 pieces.Excellent sound sell out any place.Now playing Wyoming's finest State all with photo. BOX C-45, Billboard, PARTNERS WANTED equipment, novelty acts, singers, feature num- nightclub. Composed ofyoung,neat -appearing Cincinnati, 0. bers.Excellent references. Union. 2425 Elliot, Union musicians, well uniformed. Have racks, excep- So., Minneapolis, Minn. tionally good Public -Address System and advertis- PIANO, TRUMPET, DRUMMER - READ,PARTNER WANTED WHO NAYS MUSICAL ing. Would like to locate in Far \Vest or Northwest instrument; good amateur satisfactory. I for summer season.Reliable managers and agents union, eight months. PIKE BURRITT, Trim-play Banjo, Sing.Particulars, write SANFORD,LARRY GIBSON INTERNATIONAL ORCHES- ble Springs Hotel, Durango, Colo. tra available June 8th.Minimum 9 men; write or wire ORCHESTRA LEADER, Gladstone 210 E. 14th, New York City. thoroughly equipped; a guaranteed attraction Hotel. Casper, Wyo. TEN -PIECE ORCHESTRA FOR SEVERAL SUM- Only locations considered. BOX 192, Macomb,WELL ORGANIZED9 -PieceOrchestradesires mer locations. Salary good and insured. Side my23 location job. Supper club or hotel preferred. Fea- men write or wire. SOUTHWESTERN ATTRAC- tured vocalists, specials, novelties.Play soft, swingy PERSONALS ORGANIZED ORCHESTRA WITH ALL ES- music that really sells.Write or wire JOHN GOLD - TIONS, P. 0. Box 1536, Wichita Falls, Tex. BERG, 2836 Main, Kansas City, Mo. my30 my30 DIVORCES-EASY DIVORCE LAW. SEND $1.00 sentials wants to contact leader with good connection.ORCHESTRA, 136 Pries Avenue, WANTED-RHUMBA MUSICIANS AND LATIN for copy of Arkansas Divorce Law. W. P.Buffalo, N. Y. AT LIBERTY American entertainers, Cuban, Spanish orDODDS, Attorney, Beebe, Ark. Mexican. Season workguaranteed. DON THE COLLEGIANS - LOUISIANA'S FINEST CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL ROBERTUS, 855 Linn, Peoria, Ill. dance orchestra;fullinstrumentation,14 SALESMEN WANTED sober young men, directed by experienced Vio WANTED - YOUNG PIANO MAN; STEADY linist, who is conservatory graduate with master job.JACK HORTON, Waco, Tex. BLADES - TEXIDE, LATEX AND SILVERTEXtraining.Finest references.Available June 1stLOOP -O -PLANE OPERATOR 6 -STRING RHYTHM GUITAR-PREFER DOU- Blades,Sundries,Bandages, Novelties,etc. for hotel or club. Write or wire RALPH R. POT- at liberty,, plenty of experience, sober and bling or Singer; other musicians write. WIT KEARNY WHOLESALE DRUG, 456 Kearny, San TLE, Head Music Dept., Southeastern Louisiana reliable.Straight salary or percentage. ROB- THOMA, Albert Lea, Minn. Francisco. my30xCollege, Hammond, La. my23 ERT BROWNING, Gen. Del., Mount Vernon, Ill. May 23, 1936 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The Billboard 57 BAGPIPER - Long and varied show experience, FIRST TRUMPET-Moderntake off, double Violin A THREE ACT COMBINATION,consisting of aBig One at Brooklyn.Mr. Ringling was Scotch wardrobe, age 66, no physical afflictions. and Peck Horn. Union; have library specials; en- High Trapeze and Swaying Pole, 130 test high, Ilae no car.R. W. GURLEY, General Delivery. tertain. MUSICIAN, 118 Sixth St., Fond du Lac,with a 500 -footSlide for Life as a climax.A much interestedintheprogressof Parkersburg, W. Va. Wis. spectacular exhibition of skill and daring, without"Dolly," the Hunt elephant, which he life net or other safety devices.This act has excep- GARRETTA'S-Dog, Pony, Monkey Act. eatur- A-1DRUMMER-Vibraphone, Sing, fast reader,tional drawing power.Also haretwo platform acts, sold to the show many years ago. ing outstanding Performing and Trick Animals cut shows, full solid swing.Wife, feature Singer, one a Spanish Wire Act doing Juggling, Baton Spin- that are beautiful and well trained.Address GEO. experience thebest.Appearance, sober,reliable. ning, Plate Spinning, Sharpshooting, Robing and E. ROBERTS, Manager, 515 West Erie Ave., Phila-State all truthfully. DRUMMER, Apt, 114, 225Disrobing on the Wire; the other a Hand Balancing IN LASTWEEK'S issue mention was delphia, Pa.Tel., SAGmore 5536. W. 15th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Act doing Handstands on Tables, Chairs, Blocks, Roller Skates and many other feats of strength. Beau-made of the acts which appeared with HIGGINS TRIO-Lady, gent, eight -year -old boy.AT LIBERTY-Trumpet,union,_ experienced, range. tiful wardrobe and fine equipment.Also furnishthe James M. Cole Circus in Cleveland, Circus or med. show.Contortion, Traps, Balanc- tone. Writeorwire SCOTT DOUGLAS. Murphys- bond to guarantee our appearance.Address BOXwhich closed May 4.The Flying Lesters, ing, other Aerial and Ground Acts. General Delivery, boro, Ill. 0-389. Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. ju27 Battle Creek, Mich. ju20DANCE DRUMMER-Read, fake,union.young. the Four Arleys and Capt. Duval's trained neat, congenial.Play plenty rhythm, can play AERIAL COWDENS,doubleTrapeze,Comedydogs and goats were also on the pro- floor shows.Cut or no notice.RAY L. LONG, Revolving Ladder, Illuminated Swinging Ladder, Palace Hotel.EastMoline, Ill. Allstandardacts. Celebration managerswrite gram. for prices.Literature on request.Address Bill- DRUMMERabout June lst-Plenty experienced,board, Cincinnati, 0. my30 DRAMATICARTISTSATEITY congenial, no booze. Have Bells, Tempo Blocks, AL FINKELSTEIN, city manager of library, car. Singsome. Panics lay off; must haveAT LIBERTYfor Parks, Fairs and Celebrations-Hamrick -Evergreen theaters; Mose Mesh- FEATURE DRAMATIO Comedian - Account sure salary.Don't misrepresent.I don't.Write Comedy Slack Wire Combination Juggling.In- disappointment.Versatile character dialect reper- MUSICIAN, 21 School St.. Pontiac, Mich. doors or out.CECIL WOODS, P. O. Box 513, Pop-er, publicity man for same;DougKim- toire Comic, capable general business man, top Come- lar Bluff, Mo. berly, manager of Mayfair Theater, and dy Singing, Hokum Dancing (all tap styles), Spe- MUSICAL DIRECTOR -LEADER forvaudeville cialty Artist (three changes). Strong singing, speak- units,musicals, production.Guest Conductor.CLOWN DOING ACTS-ClownMotorcycle Cop onJack Barnet, assistant manager of Jant- ing voice. Quartette man, harmonizing baritone; References,modern. Formerlypitdirectorfor Funny Machine, Comedy Juggling Act with Boom-zen Beach, Portland,Ore., saw Al G. natural Toby, resemble Joe E. Brown., Age 39. Loew's, etc.SANDY KURTZ,451Kingston Ave.,erang Hats, etc., fast Comedy Wire Act, Come -In. Brooklyn, N. Y. Walkarounds,etc. Reasonable. ARTATTILA.Barnes Circus when it was there. height 5 ft. 10 in., weight 160, nineteen years(all Billboard. Chicago. lines)stage experience.Versatile actor,alltype TENOR SAX,Clarinet and Vocalist,Plenty ex- shows considered.Have three excellent vaudeville perience dance and stagebands.Union, age 22, JO -JO, THE HIGH -DIVING DOG,climbs a 40 -ft. MRS. ED(DOC)BACON, her daughter, acts for male and female.Teach routines, etc., to all necessary requirements.Elmers, save your wires Ladder and Dives Off, and a list of other tricks. lady member ifagreeable,willing. Partner con-and stamps. RUSS JOSEPH F. McLAUGHLIN,1135 E.13th St..Mrs. Louise Jacobs, and granddaugh- sidered.Candy salesman.Work concert; no pro- SNIDER. 814 11th St.,Greeley, Wilmington, DeL jul3 ducer; work better under direction.All essentials, Colo. ter, Mary Lou Jacobs, visited Cole -Beatty no liquor; learned to say no.State salary.Need TRUMPET-Arranger. Union. neat appearance, PA MA HAWK A'SFamous Bird Circus-Forty largeat Indianapolis and had dinner with Al ticket, small advance.Two trunks security.Ref- Young. Both dance and show experience.Tone. Acting Birds, handsome White Cockatoos andDean in the cookhouse.Four good erences given. FRANK "BARRY" CAMEL, 1601read, range, ride.Go anywhere.Will join imme-beautiful Macaws. This act works in anywhere; also Cone, Toledo. 0. diately.FRED MOWRY. 8131 Emerald, Chicago. out in the open.It's marvelous. See it and you willhouses there.Side Show also had good always want Pamahasika's Real Acting Birds.Ad- TROMBONIST-Tone,range, read, appearance, solodress GEO. E. ROBERTS, Manager, Pamahasika'sbusiness. AT LIBERTY voice.Young, union.Go anywhere.ExperienceStudio, 515 West Erie Ave., Philadelphia, Pa, Tel.: in both stage and dance work.Will join immedi- SAGmore 5536. ately.AL PARKS. 5522PrincetonAvenue, Chi- MRS. ELLA BUTLER, wife of Tommy MISCELLANEOUS cago. lastseasonwith AT TY Butler,electrician, AT LIBERTY FOR DALLAS CENTENNIAL, EX- TWOHAWAIIANS-Experiencedsightreader. Lewis Bros.' Circus, was injured recently Sing and Play Steel and Spanish Guitar,Go any- perienced talker, any front. HERBERT TONN, where. BAGANO AND RAMIREZ, General De- PIANOPLAYERSI when her car was struck by a train and 501 Rockwood St., Dallas. livery, Cleveland, 0. is in hospital.She would like to hear METROPOLITAN CIRCUSRevue Unit of Variety PIANO MAN FOR LOCATION I0B-AGE 21,from friends.Her address is 727 N. E. presenting Trained Animals and Novelty Acts. AT LIBERTY 12 years' experience.FLOYD BERGLUND,Capitol avenue, Battle Creek, Mich. Park and fair managers wanting good attraction Fergus Falls, Minn. write.GEO. E. ROBERTS. Manager, 515 West Erie Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.Tel.: SAGmore 5536. PARKS AND FAIRS SWING PIANO DOUBLING ACCORDION- THE CAL ROLF TRIO, clowns (Rolf, YOUNG MANwants to thoroughly learn show busi- Read,modern take off on both, union. WorkFerries Phillips, Donald "Skippy" ness. Fast typistbookkeeper, cashier and ticket in either small, join combination or big band. toGrandRapids, selling experience.Talented amateur actor,Steady,AERONAUTS, BALLO ON Prefer location.Plenty of experience and canSmith),returned dependable. BOX 601, Stockton, Calif. ju6 Ascensions and Parachute Drops. Lady orcut it.GENE McCORMICK, Sigel,Ill. my23Mich., after playing engagements at Des YOUNG MANwith 1936 Plymouth coach, collegeGent. Trapeze Performance in Mid -Air. PIANIST AT LIBERTYabout June 5th-Dn someMoines Shrine and St. Louis Police cir- graduate, will go anywhere.L. J. WORKMAN, Established 1911.Write or wire. JOHNSON arranging and have library of specials.Doublecuses. Presented comedy boxing and 422 New York Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. BALLOON CO., Clayton, N. J. my30Third Trumpet. Age 30, neat, sober, reliable, union. Trio will play fairs. Write all. BOX C-41. Billboard, Cincinnati.ju6other numbers. PIANIST-Goodreader. concert and dance, hotel, AT LIBERTY BALLOONISTS AND PARA- radio, cafe, etc.Location West preferred.Write, THREE BYRONS,noveltycomedy chute Jumpers operating from balloons andgive full particulars. LARRY SCHEBEN, 520 W.knockabout act, are in their second week MUSICIANS airplanes.Book early.Builders and operators Sixth, Little Rock, Ark. ,at Jefferson Hotel, St. Louis. They have since1903. THOMPSON BROS. BALLOON several more weeks of hotel spots before 'CELLIST DESIRES EN- CO., Aurora, Ill. ju20 AT LIBERTY returning to the original act, McKeone Good schooling and routined in troupe's Seven English Macks, which will gagement. BALLOONIST- PROF. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS open June 21 to play fairs. alllines.Write or wire CELLIST, care Martin CHAS. SWARTZ, Committees write. Per- House,Anderson, S. C. my23 manent address, Humboldt, Tenn. jul3 JOHNNY KAYE'S "BOYS RICE BROS.'Circus,which played INTERNATIONAL STRING AMERICA'S FOREMOST AERONAUTS -- BAL- Will Be Girls"-All high-class Female Im-Lancaster, 0., May 11, was visited by a Ensemble; high-class work; well known in loon Ascensions reasonable. TYRONE BAL- LOON CO., Toledo, 0. ju13 personators, shows, costumes, sensational party of Columbus people.Included 15 different countries.First-class entertainers. wardrobe. Now bookingforclubs,unitsDode Fisk, who formerly had out the Interested only in highertypeestablishments.ARMSTRONG'S FAMOUS COMEDY FORD ACT throughout the country. Write or wire JOHNNY Available June 1.BOX C-46, Billboard, Cin- -Wellknown.Literature. ROSCOE ARM-KAYE, 1208 North Charles Street, Baltimore, DodeFisk Circus: Mr. and Mrs. Eddie STRONG,Montezuma,Ind. Starr, Mrs. Ella Walters and son, John cinnati. my30 Md. Harry M. Walters is con- BALLOON ASCENSIONS FURNISHED, REA-ONE HUNDRED AFTERPIECES-BlackComedy, Willis Walters. STRONG CIRCUS TRUMP - sonable. Death -Defying ParachuteActs. 5 Comedy Musical Acts, Magic, Cartooning, Ragfined to a Dayton hospital. Pictures,Singing and Talking, Laughing Songs, et, 20 years in show business, sober and re-ARMSTRONG BALLOON CO., New Canton, Ill.Trumpet Calls for Ballyhoo.Understand Medicine liable, middle age.State all.PETE KENNEY, my23 business, cleaning off lot, getting my props, paint- REXDOLPHwill have his own show Villas, N. J. my30 BALLOON ASCENSIONS - NOW BOOKING ing signs. MUSICALSIMS. General Delivery,Al- withall new canvas.Two Chevrolet AT LIBERTY MAY 20th-lst or 3d ALTO SAX parks, fairs and celebrations.Boy and girllentown, Pa. ju6trucks will be used in transporting it. doublingBaritone andClarinet. Write, don't Parachute Jumpers.Trapeze performance inPAMAHASIKA'S FAMOUS PETS-A,feature inWill be combination of vaude and pic- (LEONARD) KRUMM, Union any show, anywhere.Forty Animals and Birds. wire,ALVIN mid-air.Write or wire JACKSONVILLE BAL- Nothing like it anywhere.Managers looking for atures and will be routed thru Northern Hotel, Oelwein, la. my23 LOON CO., Jacksonville, Ill. my23good, clean novelty will make no mistake if youMichigan and Wisconsin under title of BARITONE - EXPERIENCED, STRONG, RE - secure this attraction. Address GEO. E. ROBERTS, BALLOON ASCENSIONS, PARACHUTE LEAPS,515 West Erie Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.Tel.: SAG -Crawford Bros.' Shows.W. E. Currier liable, age 20.Will join circus.Write or more 5536. wire ROBERT TURNER, 507 South Natchez St., Trapeze Performing in Mid -Air.July 4th is agent. open.Reliable, dependable, legionnaire. HAR- TWO GIRL MUSICIANS-GoodVaudeville Spe- Kosciusko, Miss. DIE DILLINGER, Box 862, Little Rock, Ark. cialties.Pianist, Songs and Trick Piano Numbers. SAM CHAPMAN postcards thatfor CORNETIST WANTS CONCERT WORK-OR Violinist, small parts.Reliable show only.Havefirst time in 25 years circus banners chestra, band, brass, choir, solo. Experienced.CANNONBALL BENTLEY'S 10 MOTORCYCLE car. RAMSEY AND MURRAY, Gen, Del., Indian- H. HERFORTH, Park Mansions, Pittsburgh, Pa. Maniacs.Thrills, Spills and Races, Twelve -apolis, Ind. (thoseof Ringling-Barnum) appeared my3C Foot Blindfold Leap, Crashing Flaming Wall, on Market street, between Eighth and Stunt and Comedy Riding, 3, 5 and 7 -Lap Races. City Hall, Philadelphia.Itisa hard DRUMMER, ACE 22, SWING, NEAT APPEAR-Write or wire MANAGER, Box 275, Pittsfield, Last cloth banners there ance, flashy Drums.Just finished 2 years Mass. my30UNDER THE MARQUEE -section to bill. withname band.BOX 42, Farnsworth, Tex. were in 1911, put up by Hagenbeck-Wal- DOUBLE TIGHT WIRE-LADY, SLACK WIRE, (Continued from page 36) lace. Chapman saysthatWalterL. MODERN 6 -STRING GUITAR, DOUBLE ELEC- Rolling Globe.Gent, Juggler, Magician. Ason the advance ofcircuses,recentlyMain had a good day May 6 at Lancas- tric Hawaiian Guitar, take choruses and fillgood as the best. Write for prices and literature. in on both.Union.Plenty experienced.AlsoTHE CHRISTYS, Keokuk, Ia. closed with the Dodsworth legit showter, and that Downie showed Coatesville double good third Trumpet. Absolutely cut it. ju20and is now in advance of Boy Meets Girl,in a high wind, business good. Arrange mostly swing Band must be good FOR MED.-PIANO DOUBLING SOME ACCOR-which will play in Detroit at Cass Thea- and pay off.State future work. Write BILL dion. Fair reader, good faker, transposeter forasummer run. J. ALLAN E. OAKHAM (Rex Allan), MOREHEAD,23 HighSt., Hamilton, 0. sight, singing specialties.Straights, Charac- ters, all Acts, Bits. Age 35, male, no boozer. lastseasonwithHagenbeck-Wallace, STRINGBASS-ALSO A-i SOLO VIOLINEight years' experience.Reliable shows only, spent May 9 on Ringling-Barnum at the (sweet). Experienced, young, sober and con- BOB KELLEY, Revere Hotel, 417 No. Clark, Chi- RUE ENOS TRIO, after playing St.Boston Garden, being the guest of Mr. genial.Free after June 5th to join reliable road cago, Louis Police Circus, returned to the band or unit.MUSICIAN, 205 Willow St., Ver- West, playing a return theater engage-and Mrs. Rudy Rudynoff. Renewed ac- million, S. D. FOUR HIGH-CLASS FREE ACTS - DOGS, quaintances with Stevie, who is on ward- Pony, Mule.Fairs, Parks, Celebrations, Cir-ment in Denver and will appear at parksrobe;theSpurgats,JakeAlexander, SWING GUITARIST - FEATURE VOCALIST,cus. HAPPY DAYS SHOW, Blanchard, Portland, Ore., and Vancouver,B. C., read, ride, fake. Experienced radio, ace bands. followed by five weeks of fairs. Grace Teney, the Hunt Twins and Betty Sing a Ia Crosby. Young, neat, congenial, re- my23 Stewart, and met Dorothy Herbert. Rex liable. Union bands only. State all. MUSICIAN,HIGH -DIVING CAT AND DOGS, NEAR FIFTY is at Newport, R. I., and will not troupe care Rames, 599 Bergen St., Newark, N. J. feet; Tight Wire Performing Cats and Dogs, THE PUBLICATION date of the book,this season. One Dog Blindfolded. A crowd -getter.GIB - TENOR SAX -CLARINET, VIOLIN. YOUNG, This Way to the Big Show (The Life of modern. Transpose. Name band references.SON AND GIBSON, Carthage, Ind. my23 Dexter Fellows), 362 pages and with 60 VICTOR McLAGLEN'S motorcycle WriteMUSICIAN,826 Mulberry,Scranton, Pa. MOTOR SOUND TRUCK-FAIR TIME WILLillustrations, by Fellows and Andrew A.troop of stunt men and drillers were at be here soon and so will the political cam-Freeman, and published by the Viking TENOR OR ALTO MAN, EXPERIENCED ANY paign. Sound Cars will be in great demand by the San Diego Fair May 3. Riders worked chair.Call Dorchester 8329 for audition orboth. Better contract now. Don't wait until itPress, of New York, is May 29. under difficult conditions as field was write, wire MUSICIAN, 6232 Woodlawn, Chi- istoo late.Microphone, Phonograph, Radio rough and chopped from light horse cago,Ill. Amplified Service guaranteed. SOUND SYSTEM WHEN WALTER L. MAIN was attroop. HapRuggles,formerlywith TRUMPET, JUNE 1ST - READ ANYTHING,SERVICE, R. D. Wagner, 1909 N. Capitol, Wash-Binghamton, N. Y., contracting his showBarnes show, had rough ride standing up tone, only high-grade band playing first-ington, D. C. my30there for May 20, The Binghamton Presson motorcycle and playing drums. Rug- class hotel or night club. Write PERCY HOMER, PUNCH AND JUDY SHOW FOR PARKS, ZOOSgave him a two -column story,illus-gles met Scotty Thomas.Bill Swan was Onarga,Ill. ju6 -First-class performance. ANTHONY HART-trated with his photo.The ups andburned about face when going thru tun- TRUMPET - EXPERIENCED. WRITE FULLNEY,R.F. D. No. 2, Box 345, Lowell, Mass.downs he has encountered in show busi-nel of fire. particulars.F. BELL, 806 Howard Ave., Al- my23ness were recounted. my23 toona, Pa. THE FLYING WILLARD BROS. - AERIAL FRED T.SLATER.pensthat Kay TWO MUSICIANS-A-1 PIANIST, ANY STYLE, Triple Horizontal Bar Artists. A daring, sen- sational, thrilling performance. A feature on When members of theCincinnatiofficeBros.' Circus was at Endicott, N. Y., Stylist, A-1 Alto Sax, doubling Clarinet, Vio- of The Billboard visited Rice Bros.' Circus at lin. some Piano.Swing, jam or cut Have any program.Booking fairs and celebrations. May 11, having big biz in afternoon, but car, travel together.Prefer location in Penn- Beatrice, Neb. my30Hillsboro, 0., Jimmy Thomas, in one of thelight evening due to threatening rain. sylvania, New York, New Jersey, Ohio.. Sober, XYLOPHONE SOLOIST, STANDARD, POPULAR, clown numbers, sat on the ring curb, pulledThe new canvas was paraffined there. reliable.Ages 26-28, plenty experience, union. Six Hammers, doubling Drums, Accordion.out a paper and said, "Guess,I'll now readMilt Robbins' Side Show did fine busi- Consider all offers; guarantee reply.State allAL QUIRK, 521 Oak St., Chattanooga, Tenn. about' the 'Won, Horse and Upp Circus.' "ness.Menagerie is housed in Side -Show In first. EVERETT SWANCER, Coalport, Clear ZIKE'S EDUCATED HORSES, FEATURING RED -Page Starr DeBelle. top.Slatermet the Ketrows, Buck field Co., Pa. skin, the Horse with the Master Mind; Tony, Leahy,SiKitchie and Mr. and Mrs. FAST DRUMMER-Swing,Dixieland orsweet, the Flame Jumper and Dancer; Platinum, Liberty CHARLES D.Robbins.Walter L. Main was on the Long experience all lines, routined, ability, appear-Jumper and Dancer, and Billy, Hind LegShet- T. HUNT and Melvin ance.Handle anything L fine outfit. Do Sock Xylo- Hildreth were guests of John Ringlinglot,also Mr. Hawks, of Martin Bros' phone Specialties. BURNS, 8959 N. 10th Place, land.Fair secretaries, agents, write, wire. A. M. ofEndicott. Milwaukee, \Via my28ZIKE, Sidney, Neb. my23 at opening night performance of theCircus.Lot is just outside 58 The Billboard May 23, 1936

Me'iwe'ena'PRIZES NOVELTIES PREMIUMSnaive SPECIALTIES Conducted by DON KING-Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0 Amusement Park Concessions Decline in Retail Sporting Goods More Sales Is ArrestedPopular Than in '35 Uu Sale of Novelty Merchandise The decline in retail sales was halted by NEW YORK, May16.-Concurrent warmer weather in the past week and a with the report of the large retail out- The opening of the amusement parklarity of comic and movie characters of rapidly accelerating demand has been re- lets that they are enjoying a tremen- season has already stimulated a sharpprominence. Balloon designs, coat pins, flected in reports from practically all lines dous demand for sporting goods of di- advance in the sale of merchandise forbadges, rings and dozens of other small of retail distribution, according to Dun & versified type at this time come re- use as concession prizes and awards.items feature almost anybody or any- Bradstreet, Inc. ports from leading wholesale merchan- While the official opening of many ofthing of radio, movie or comic fame, in- General averages indicatea5 per cent dise firms that this is also true of this the parksisstillin the offing, thecluding Mickey Mouse, Dizzy Dean, Joe gainoverthe previous week and continu- industry at this time. volume of novelty items requested inBrown, Joe Penner and his duck, Will ing even with ayearago. The largest The general prediction is that more advance orders,plus the amount ofRogers, the Graf Zeppelin, the Norm- gains wererecordedinmen's clothing, sporting goods will be sold this year goods in the concessions of the earlyandie and others. shoes andhats;whilethe demandfor thanatanytimesince 1929.It openers, portends a good season for the The many new types of concessions in women's dresses, pastel suits, millinery and is believed that the demand for many industry. amusement parks featuring merchandise hosiery widened considerably. Staple gro- items is also being boomed by the un- While in this field there is not suchand novelties as awards and prizes is of ceries moved better, principallyas are- usually fine weather conditions being a wealth of new creations, the old stand-especial significance to the industry, for sultof lower prices. House furnishings, enjoyed almost everywhere in the coun- bys are presented in more attractivethe new trend is in response to the de- hardware, refrigerators,furniture and try. forms thanever. The new flappersires of the general public as evidenced sporting goods continue tofind anin- Baseballequipment,rangingfrom boudoir dolls, for instance, are offeredby their willingness to play heavily for creasingly active market. fielders'glovestouniforms,tennis in a profusion of sizes, colors and ma-them. A sharp rise in wholesale distribution ig racquets, balls, nets, etc., baseball bats, terials and overcome much of the former anticipated as dealers findit necessary to badminton and archery sets, and many cheap, gaudy appearance and yet attract replenish inventories of spring merchandise. other items, including the popular golf much business. Appliance Sales Up The demand for builders' supplies, lumber, sticks, complete golf sets, golf balls, etc., As was generally expected, glassware roofing materials, industrialmachineryand are getting the fastest play which the and china pieces are among the more NEW YORK, May 16.-Mothers' Day gardening implements has increased suf- industry has ever enjoyed. popular larger items featured. Dish sets,brought with it an increase of over 35 ficiently to maintain the general whole- This past year when much of the especially because of the new methodsper cent in electrical appliance sales, sale index 15 per cent above a year ago. sporting goods was again reintroduced of display, have become established forlarge outlets here have reported. to the industry there was a general be- concession use and their attraction value It is said that many of the leadingfrom premium men everywhere in thelief that this renewal of interest was is resulting in their adoption by morefirms have been able to get rid of elec-country for immediate delivery. more or less spotty. and more operators. tricalappliances which they believed Since then it has been discovered that Pottery items, too, having a great dealthey would necessarily have had to carry It was also possible to make imme- diatedeliveriesat the demand was national and that the of flash as well as usefulness are gettingover until the fall and winter season. this time due topremium -merchandise industry is great- prominent display among thelarger stock on hand and therefore the elec- The general trend tothissort oftrical appliances which were sold duringly profiting by it. items, for their appeal outranks manymerchandise, it is rumored, is due to thethe week prior to Mothers' Day run into It was also reported here this past other articles thought indispensable be-heavypromotionalcampaignswhich week that some of the largest orders fore. were featured by the leading publica very sizable figure. in years have been placed for sporting - There is also a goodly featuring otutilities and other large outlets for some Another stimulating report has beengoods items and that the reorders which accessories such as electric clocks,months and weeks prior to Mothers'the fact that the more expensive ap-have been coming in from out of town metal and wooden trays, cocktail equip-Day. pliances reached record sales.It wasshow that interest continues at a fast ment, ash trays and the like.An en- In general this past Mothers' Day hasdoubtful whether at this season of thepace. couraging trend is noted in the morebeen responsible for some of the great-year the more expensive items would This year fishing sets of every type frequent selection this year of this mer-est sales of wholesale merchandise whichbe purchased, but, with thanks to thehave been getting a great play.Trout chandise from lines offered by nation-has ever been enjoyed for any holidaypromotional efforts of the large out-reels enfryed a fine season.Deep-sea ally known firms, giving the public as-of this character. lets, the premium -merchandise industryfishing outfits have been moving at a surance of top quality. The appliances were not only soldclaims it has cleared its shelves in mostrapid pace.Displays of this item, along Among the many novelties which gothru many cutlets here but orders con-cases of large stocks of electrical ap-with the bait -casting sets, are shown at to make up the lesser awards at the va-tinued to come in from out of townpliances. attractive popular prices, ranging from rious concessions there is a violent lean- $2 to $4, and are getting a great recep- ing toward capitalizing on the popu- tion. Drop Reported in Large Concerns Aid inMaking Merchandise Mart Summer Foreign Premium Use Gift Markets Aug. 3-15 Public Premium Conscious The gift industry has become so im- NEW YORK, May 16.-As reported in NEW YORK, May 16.-The Colgate- Digger machine men have noted theseportant and the demand forexhibit this department of the May 2 issue ofPalmolive -Peet Company is using news-offers and many of them are featuringand display space sogreat that ex- The Billboard, there has been a definitepapers and the radio to promote a newitems already being offered as premiumshibitors of other lines are being moved drop in the sale of foreign premiums infinger brush at this time in conjunctionin their machines. They state that theoff the 15th floor of the Merchandise this country to the point where suchwith the sale of one of its soaps. national advertising given to such items outstanding papers as The New York immediately attracts greater interest toMart, Chicago, in order to give giftware Times have given this fact recognition in The brush, claimed to be worth $1,their machines. and its allied lines, china, glassware and their business columns. will be given for 10c with two of the Wholesalers also report increased salespottery an exclusive floor of their own. reports: "Effortstops of 10 -cent package of Supersuds oron many items which are featured in theThis will give new giftware exhibitors of certain foreign manufacturers to getone 20 -cent package. newspapers, magazines and radio by theample time to move in and be ready a share of the large annual volume of This offer follows up the one previ-national manufacturer. for the Merchandise Mart Gift Show Au- it gust 3-15, held concurrently this season premium business in this market haveously used by thisfirm wherein Some of the items now being featuredwith Mart's met with littlesuccess to date, com-gave away a complexion brush with theby Brown & Williamson Tobacco Com- theMerchandise china, peting producers said yesterday. Manu-purchase of Palmolive Soap. pany initsnew catalog,Premiums,glassware and pottery markets. facturers who supply goods to grocery, Premium interestiscontinuing tohave gainednationalattention thru This announcement is great news for tobacco, drug and numerous other linesgrow.The larger manufacturers every-large space display in the newspapersgiftware exhibitors and buyers alike. for of industry have appealed to producerswhere in the country are recognizingand national magazines.These itemsit means concentration of exhibits and to confine purchases to domestic pre-the public demand for premiums.Ithave found increasedsalesin manymaximum trafficinbuyers the year miums only.As a result, manufacturerswas stated some time ago in The Bill-wholesale outlets due to this advertisinground.Most giftware buyers also buy in other nations have been losing busi-board, wherein the meeting of the pre-and many premium men are noted to beglassware and pottery, and 'with this ness to the American companies." mium advertising division was reported,following up the demand which is occa-concentration on the 15th floor their that there was certain to be a 20 persioned for many items by instantly dis-task is further simplified. cent rise in the use of premiums thisplaying them and using attractive prices. The new lamp section on the 12th year by the national manufacturer. The wholesale merchandise industry infloor will be ready for occupancy in time Boom Expected in These manufacturers are aiding thegeneral is reported to be closely follow-for the Lamp Market, July 6-18. entire premium merchandise industrying in the footsteps of large national These expansions, costing nearly $250,- Major Appliances with suchoffers. They immediatelymanufacturers featuring premiums at000, are being made solely for the pur- this time and greatly profiting from the New high records are expected to begain tremendous interest from the pub- pose of providing more convenient and set this spring in the sale of majorlic for premiums. attendant publicity. attractive quarters for exhibitors and of household appliances suchasstoves, making it easier for buyers to do a thoro washing machines, refrigerators, ironers job by having all the merchandise they and sewing machines, according to all want on one floor. leading makers. Buyers from all over the country are The AmericanWashingMachine Important Announcement planning, to attend these giftware and Manufacturers' Association reports that glassware markets.Other major mar- practically all factories of companies be- Effective with June 6 issue the minimum single column kets expected to draw a good attendance longing to the association are working during the pericd from July 6 to 18. in- full time and the industry is employ- display space sold will be 10 lines, costing $5; minimum clusive, include the Merchandise Mart ing more workers thaneverbefore. double column space, 14 lines (1 inch) in depth, costing $14. Furniture Market, the Merchandise Mart Manufacturers of sewing machines re- Floor Covering Market, the Merchandise port that they are having the busiest The advertising rate of 50c an agate line remains un- Mart Lamp Market, the House Furnish- spring season in 10 years.The factory changed. ings and Electrical Appliance Market of one company has been working 13 and the 10th semi-annual Curtain and hours a day for the last two months. Drapery Exhibit (July 6-15, inclusive). May 23, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 59 ,...... " NEW CATALOG OUT $ B & 1,iis MAY tl No Concessionaire,PitchMan, Salesboard and Claw Operator should be without our 2 new VALUES ,1 Summer Catalogs 920 pages of merchandise. NEW ITEMS 10 ALKALINE ELTZER ABLETS, 30A TabletsS to Card. T Card... .35p 8 -INCH $BLACK PEPPER or CINNAMON.. SIZE CHROME 3-0x Can. Dozen 50o Gross BOATS New Sun Tan Oil New Type Can Opener PUR-O-WHHIDEDSHOE POLISH 4 50 $200 01 suff 414. Sz 131 -s1 Dozen on a$5:75 A big flashy Boat, An unusual Sun Tan Oil is being in- The Herman Specialty Company is Card Dozen themostpopular troduced by Dopkins & Company.It ismanufacturing a new type of can opener DOZ. sellerof themall. E WLKING STICKS UMBRELLAti Bigcarnival Item called Paramount Sun Tan Oil and iswith premium possibilities.It has in- CENTENNIAL F 0 U N T A I N PEN this season.Never said to be a knockout.It is a fine qual-creased leverage, but is guaranteed notAr SETS7-CENTENNIAL BILL FOLDS AO retailedf or less ity oil and enough of it is supplied forto mar any cover.It has a corrugated rid' and Many Other Items.Write Dallas, dr than 50o to $1.00, the money to do a thoro sun -protectinglining which protects the cover, no mat- Tex., Branch, 1914 Main Street. I Costsyouless ter how much pressure is applied. 0r PleaseInclude 25 %Deposit on Al than 17c Each, job.It is put up in a beautiful, modern- C.0. D.Orders. Order No. B21 istic bottle and priced low to get the 0 Order From This Ador Write for Ou 0 Per Dozen, business.Should make a good pitch Big Free Catalog. $2.00 item. Lever Spray Hose Nozzle Per Gross, B & NSALES - Same Day Service i $22.50 An entirely new style hose nozzle is0 CLEVELAND, 0.-1444 West 3d St. 2 No. 62106- the latest aid for the home owner, the CHICAGO, ILL. -115 South WellsSt. r, Six-inoti Blue Mark Jay Pen Set CINCINNATI, 0.-1005 Vine St. Mirrors for gardener or anyone who uses a hose. The0DETROIT, MICH.-527 Woodward Ave. above. The new "Mark Jay" pen set is meet-new nozzle fits the hand naturallyand 00 MILWAUKEE, WIS.-1006 No. 3d St. 0 Dozen $2.00 a slight pressure on the lever handle ST. LOUIS, 11010.112 North Broadw A ing with approval among premium users, PITTSBURGH, PA. -,967 Liberty claw men and operators, because the setregulates to any degree of stream or DALLAS, TEX.-1914 Main St. shows real value and has the flash thatspray desired. By releasing the pressure Order From Your Nearest Branch STUFFED DOGS is needed for the trade.The pencil is (See NEW ITEMS on page 64) B211 - Standing and Sitting 7" Dogs. Has voice made to repel, expel and propel. The pen and brighsst colors. $9.50 has a comb feed and is fitted with ari,...... ----...... , Per Gro 14K gold-plated point that will not cor- B212-7" Pile Plush Dogs. Assorted. rode. The pen and pencil is fitted with0 0 Per Dozen $j.95 a modern clip.Set is sold by M. B. B213 - 91/2 -inch Sit- Waterman & Company. $ ting Rabbits.Per . Getyour copy Dozen 145c 0 0 BLANKETS Write in the Dark B214 - 64x 76"Indianand 0 Jacquard Designs. You can write in the dark with the of Our New CatalogNo. B126 Biggest Value in new Nite-Lite pencil featured by Nite-0 0A Each.. s1.10 Lite Pencil Products.Turn the switch01100 Pages of The Greatest Values Money Ever Bought Case Lots of 00c at the top of the pencil and light floods r 25. Each . the paper as you write.It can also be B215 -66x80" Heavy Weight as $1.35 used as a pocket flashlight.It uses 00 above. Each 0 Don't Wait -Send A Request Now! 25% Deposit Required on C.0.D. Orders. standard leads, battery and bulb.It is 0 lightweight,attractivelyfinished,5%0 JOSEPH HAGN COMPANY iol "The World's Bargain House," Dept. BB, inches long and sells at a popular price. 217 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILL. , It'sNew! 0 61/2 inch Celluloid "Centennial" Shirts 01 10 ) i,;,,.,. o "The Gaucho," the "Wha-Hoc" and 10 Carnival Doll the "Texas Ranger" are three startling CONCESSION & cowboy shirts being introduced by the000Per Gross 9.25 Joel Isaacs Shirt Company. They come PITCHMEN in guaranteed vat dye colors:Navy, seal5 et 4,Per Dozen ... . .80 brown, black, shutter green, orange, wine B34N141 rA Has gaily colored Rbsette Fan. The Hat of the Season 12 SPECIALS and white,These shirts are naturals Compkte.with Feather Dress. for the Tetras Centennial, for rodeo and Alr The upward and downward Per Gross8.00 Doz. 70c Double -Edge Blades, Etched, Cel- $2.75 movement of doll on spring Miniature StrawHat 6" overall, iophaned. 1,000 circus performers and for concessioners opens and closes fan, making Has two-color band. Here is the Army & Navy Needle Books.Gross.. 1.25 It an outstanding number. Note Books. Gross .S5 everywhere. They should also make ex-10 hat that will go to town this year. 019 Note B6oks with Pencils.Gross 4.20 ceptionally fine premium numbers. Metal Pencils, Propel and Repel. Gro2.75 0551N3 -FLAG BOWPINS. Per .45 B52N14-1 Ox15" GILT SPEAR COT - 0, Tie & Collar Sets.Gross 1.85 Gross TON FLAG. Per Gr.6.00 /A Lucky Charms, Assorted. Gross .85 B5.ilf:I22F-4x6" F.GerlIaTrosSs PEAR COT - /Sun Glasses, Pair on Card. Dozen .75 Another "Winky"Toy 2.10 1352N16 -12x18"GILT SPEAR COT- 7.20 P' Willson Goggles, Octagon Shape, 0 B52N13-8x12" GILT SPEAR COT- 3.60 TON FLAG. Per Gr. Assorted Colors. Dozen 1.50 TON FLAG. Per Gr. Metal Key Rings. Grass 1.25 "Winky" Sailor is a new addition to Harmonicas. Gross 3.50 the unusual Winky toy family.Pat him0 0 Dice Lamps.Dozen 8.40 on the back, shake his hand or rub his Adams 20% With Order. Send for Catalog. tummy and he puffs a pipe.The "to- bacco" in the pipe glows and dies just N. N SHURE CO. Sa tns .1 CHICAGO; OWL TRADING CO., INC. like tobacco in a real pipe."Winky"Emoko w m 6.1 Sailoris abulldog20incheshigh, 867 Broadway, New York, N. Y. dressed in a smart, appealing sailor suit QUALITY AT A PRICE -1°w, - and hat.The pipe glow is operated by a battery in "Winky" Sailor's arm. The Advanced 1937 Model 5 Tube Super Heterdyne battery can be easily replaced by un-ro FrenchFlapper Dollsscrewing the arm.There are also Lazy No. 96 Cats, Scotties, Bear Cubs and Rabbits in AUTO RADIO rA the "Winky" line.They should prove to Compact, single unit, fits un- $ 1 4.95 der any instrument panel. Will FA be exceptionally fine concession items. bring in Local and Distant Sta- $24410 Doz.National French Fancy Novelty Com- tions.Fully equipped. Excep- tional selectivity and sensitivity. Beautiful Boudoirpany, Inc., are the manufacturers. IN LOTS OF 6 Dolls attract busi- ALL THE FEATURES FA ness. Doll 32 inches high and elaborately SAMPLE OF A $37.50 SET Ar dressed in fine satinThe "Chair" for Mosquitoes and lace.Itout- $ 16.95 H. C. A. Licensed Ratheon FA classes anything ever Tubes, Dynamic Speaker. Illu- offered at this price. An electric chair for mosquitoes. That's minated AirplaneDial, Com- 5 25 % with for the book and Bob Ripley.In- Playland Supply Co., pletely shielded, no Suppressers Jobbers & Distrib- F.0. B., N. Y. needed. Powerful!Plenty of 5 utors wanted. dependent Lamp Works is merchandising 25% Deposit, Volume! this electric contrivance and they say it/118 East 213tIv St., New York Bal. C. 0.D. Send for Circular. STANDARDreally does the trick.It is a square -tO&Nol0000kweaoh,..miommeowsmwm-wiaklimww, DOLL CO.Inc.shaped affair about four inches high, Miss Hollywood. 22 St., N. V. C.thru the center of which an electric 36 E. bulb is inserted.Tightly wound around the square frame are a series of wire strands.Between the bulb and the MIDWEST SPECIALS THE NEW BB22 -N 0 V-13102 -17 -Piece TEA SETS, Large Pot. wires is a light blue fabric. When the ELTY CIGA- Case Lots, Per Set $ 1.00 bulb is connected to an ordinary light RETIE EXTIN- BROADWAY GISHER A S H8123 -OAK TOSS-UPS.Gross 7.00 socket the blue light given off is sup- TRAY. Bisque dogB108 -Heavy PARADE CANES, best WATCH posed to fascinate and attract the mos- standing on ash tray quality. Gross 18.50 Guaranteed for one year.It made of bright col- is good looking and will keepquito.When the unsuspecting mos- 6109 -PARADE CANES, medium wt , oredbisque. Dog Sliver Inlaid handles.Gross 10.00 accurate time. quito touches the wire strands he is has rubber tall.B110 -PARASOLS. Floral Cloth. Gr 8.50 electrocuted. When squeezed, the 5112 -BALLOONS, Circus and Carnl- 7 Jewels $3.75 d et gperforms. A val Prints.Gross, ...... 2.50 Have you tried the New Lapel very o I ev e rnew B114 -CANDY, large, flashy giveaway. Watch, the f a s t e s t selling Item. Per, Dozen, Per thousand packages 10.00 watch for the summer, a won-New "Joe Louis" Novelty $1.20;perGross, B116 -TOOTH PICK KNIVES. 3 derful salesboard or premium $12.00. blade, Jap. Gross .75 item. Sample, Prepaid, 25c In Stamps. B119 -BOUNDER BASE BALLS. Dz 1.15 Joe Louis Novelties, Inc., who intro- 5100 -BEACON MAGNET & MINGO B121 -BASE BALLS, Special. Dozen. .80 duced the Joe Louis autographed ring, BLANKETS. Case Lots, Each...5 1.50 B122 -SWAGGER STICKS, Bright Col - 7 Jewels $3.95 hasjustplaced theJoeLouisTie 5101 -BEACON S H AWLS. Case ors. Gross . ... r ...... Lots. Each ...... -.. .. 1.90 SPECIAL Indian Design Blankets, Each. .1.25 25% deposit, balance C. 0. D. Holder on the market. The tie holder is We have on hand for Immediate shipment:. Bingo Cards, Hoop la Blocks and Hoops, Cane Rack Nets Sample Watch, 250 Extra. gold-plated and this company expects and Rings, Knife Rack Rings, Stock Wheels, Dart Boards, Snow Cone Machines and Supplies, Fruit Write for New 1136 Catalog.exceptional business during the summer Drink Powders, Juice Joint Glasses and the most complete line of carnival merchandsie ever presented. CONSOLIDATED months, when vests are discarded and Order from this ad, using numbers as listed; thank you. 25% with order, balance C. 0. D. WATCH CO. the tie holder is shown attached to the NEW CATALOG SOON. 65 Nassau St.,N. Y. CITYtie.Ed Kasselle, president of Joe Louis,M ID W EST MERCHANDISE CO. "BROWN BOMBER" STATUESInc., expects to .run promotion and tie- 1026-28 BROADWAY KANSAS CITY MISSOURI . Get Ready for a Quick Cleanup. Marvelous 12"up material with the coming Joe Louis Bronze Finish Statue of the Bomber InLifelikeMax Schmeling fight, which is booked Fighting Pose. ColoredFolks Wild Over Them.for the middle of June.He also has Attractive. Salesboard Deals. Sample, $1,00. $5.40 THE LAST "WORD" IN YOUR LETTER TO per Dozen. Act Quick.Be First. other Joe Louis novelties which will be GAIR MFG. CO., 1918 Sunnyalde, Chicago. ready to market in a short time. ADVERTISERS, "BILLBOARD" 60 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE May 23, 1936 seen more easily and to greater advan \`1\.\110101%.1%.\111..\\01.110\111" tage. More than 250 items are listed in the PLAY SAFE! 1936 catalog of Du Kay, New Haven, REMEMBER! Conn., which recently commenced its 20 YEARS of PRICE LEADERSHIP third year of business.In addition to Immediate Delivery at Is Your Assurance of Getting the itsline, which now includes pen and Best Values on the Market pencil sets, blotter sets and desk acces- sories,bookends,ashtrays,cigaret Advertised Prices ! boxes, bud vases and paper weights, the Our Customers Satisfied For Over 10 Years. . firm plansanumber of new items for SUN TAN OIL -3-0z. Bottle. Dog ...50o Postal Brings FREE CATALOG of the gift shows in August and Septem- DISINFECTANT -4-0z. Bottle. Doz -300 Thousands of Bargains. TheStationersSpecialtycorp.,ofber. FLY SPRAY -8-0z. Doz 65c FLY SPRAY -16-0z. Doz 90o Order from NEW YORK and Get Dina which Adolf Fleischauerispresident, BRILLIANTINE -3-0z.Bat. Doz 45c IMPORT and FACTORY Prices. has moved to greatly enlarged space at The Borkland Company, maker of the SHOE LACES -27", Insist.Gro 30c new fast -selling sport hat known as the FLY SWATTERS -With Long We Have No Branches 19 West 21st street, New York, where the Handles.Doz...... 20c Bolo, reports sales exceeding even pre- FLY RIBBON -Best Quality. 4 Outside of New York. salesroom, offices and factory will all beseason optimism. The Bolo is an Amer- 100 73c CLAYSEL LATHER SH A V- weo located under one roof for great con-ican -made helmet designed to be worn Doz. /VC venience and production efficiency.The ING CREAM -75c Tube. MILLS SALES CO. SEND FOR FREE CATALOG. firm's line of desk pads, desk sets and 3,500 Items. 901 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. N. Y.desk accessories are now on display in 25% Deposit With Orders. ESTABLISHED 1916 Park 85 ORCHARD ST. NEW Y0111( the new showrooms, where they may be

VENDOR PRODUCTS CO. NEW - EXCLUSIVE - DIFFERENT - FUZFINISH SCOTTIES 10 EATS $1., Dept. K, New York City Looks and feels like real hair -a dollar number, If there ever wasPERDoz. one -but your cost is only 3.00 Packed 18 Scotties to a case, shipping weight 31 pounds, Assorted six each; colors, black, white, henna. Each Scot- tie ribboned with a beautiful red satin- ette. This number is eight inches high CARNIVAL with a durable finish. One-third cash with order, balance 0. 0. D.Sample Package, Six Assorted Fuzfinish Scot- ties, $2.25, postpaid cash with sam- ple order.Writefor PriceList -New SPECIALS Line, New Items. American Made Base Balls "The Home of New Ideas" Doz. 85c; Cro. 510.00 CREATED IDEAS, INC., 901 Evans St., Cincinnati, 0. Swagger Sticks ..Doz. 55c; Gro. 6.00 Cork Guns. Each 3.25 Corks (Bag of 500). Bag .90 UNIVEX FOLDING CAMERA Give -AwayCandy (Case of 2501. 2.75 Case is made of Metal, Crys- with polo shirt by the athletically In- PLASTER -WHIPS -CANES tal Finish; may be had in Black, is ideal for the beach, Blue, Green. Grey or Brown. clined men.It CANDY -BALLOONS -HATS Very compactly constructed - the grand stand, the open road, tennis size, closed, 3 % x2x % in.May court, etc.The unique Borkland sus- AT NEW LOW PRICES be used for snap or time Pic- 25% Deposit Required with all C. 0. D. tures. Makes pictures size 1 'k x pension permits aircooling and the 1% in.One of the LATEST utmost comfort on thehottestdays. Orders. MODELS -very successful as a Priced at 25 cents, retail, the special de- BE SURE TO RECEIVE OUR JUBILEE seller.Produces very excellent pictures that may be enlarged. sign permits one size to fitall heads 1936 CATALOG READY ABOUT No. B101 CAMERA. $ .69 and makes the item ideal for premium MAY 15. Each use as well as general sales.The Bork - Ten For $8.50 land people are also manufacturers of No. 6102 FILMS, for Above, LEVIN BROS. Put Up 6 Exposures or the Amazon, a different shaped helmet TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA in a Roll. Doz.Roliseire agai with similar suspension. AMERICAN MADE LAPEL WATCH -11S.Enamel bezel and back with Chrome center Agents and pitchmen in the South- case. Assorted colors: Black. Ivory, T1111, Red,Green and west who intend dealing in Centennial "WRITEWITH LIGHT" Blue.Each with braided 6" merchandise will be interested in learn- Removet h e cord attached to match color of ing that the B & N Sales Company has Pencila n d enamel. It's a Pocket No. B100 -Each $1.10 a Texas branch at1914 Main street, 10.50 Dallas, with complete lines of pen sets, FlashLight. Ten For $4.50 Doz. bill folds, walking sticks, etc. Sample, 50c. Special SEND FOR CATALOG Quantity William W. Goodman, presidentof Discounts. Created Ideas, Inc., Cincinnati, makers Retails for of "Fuzeinish" scottie dogs and other $1.00. ROHDE-SPENCER CO. similar items, recently returned from a Pat. & MId. by WHOLESALE HOUSE CHICAGO NITE LITE 223-25 W. Madison St., trip thru the East where he obtained PENCIL ' Jobber representation on his products PRODUCTS, thru seaboard territory. Among Jobbers 55 W. 42nd stocking the new line are Charles Feld- St.,N. Y. C. oil m man, A. Ponnock, New York Novelty TRY and BEAT IT!'Company, John Klein,I.Robbins & MONEY -TIME 1936 SensationalRadio Bargain. Amazesall Son, and the Successful Sales Company. who hear and seeIt. Take advantage. Volume FREIGHT -Now productionmakethisbuypossible. There Is/nothing EItem themost eentrillylotaled Inthe market costing 3timesas The 5 -in -1 Kitchenaid, recently intro- SAV novelty hose in the seolry. that can touch It LATEST MODEL. duced by Acme Specialty Company, is Fullest Lines at Lowest Prices for NOW House -to -House Canvassers, 5 TUBE RADIO Wagon Salesmen, Agents, $5.95 Pitchmen and Streetmen. 5 RCALie. Tubes 0 REAL FLASH - REAL VALUE Sideline Mdse, -extra special Including 1 Metal Tube. InLots of 13, Beautiful 2Ione Walnut Cabi- Famous "MARK JAY" gross, 60e. Sample net, 10" wide, 7" high, works/ Free Catalog.Write A.C.orD. C. Current, $ .5 0 Super -ToneQuality. Built -In PEN SET CHAMPION SPECIALTY CO. Speaker,no ground oraerial Assorted Colors. 814 Central St. KANSASCITY, MO. required.Set and Tubes guar -011 F. 0. B. Everything new N.15://,:srk. anted.anedm packedbrandsaled ONLY22c BOXED 0 PLAYLAND SUPPLY CO. InAir -CushionedCartons. 118 East 28th St., NEW YORK CITY Dep. Catalog on Request. InGrossLots. ELGIN & WALTHAM Per Gross, 531.68 Small size PocketWatch, new 047\11 Per Dozen, 53.00 YELLOWRound Cases, Fitted withR. B. 7-J Move- RUSH ORDERS ments. In Lots of 3,$2.65 S T iirVE D 25';Dep. With Orders. Each ...... 25%Deposit, Balance C. 0. The ONLY NEW D. 50cExtraforSamples. r M.B.WATERMAN &CO. SENT) FOR NEW 1936 CAT- 526 S. DEARBORN ST., ALOG. PILGRIM WATCH MARKTHEET COMPANY, 161CanalSt., SENSATION Chicago, Ill. NewYork city. ACTUALLY SMOKES: "WINKY" SAILOR ACTIVE MEN EARN BIG PROFITS. (Fully Protected by U. S. Patents) SELL NAP -TA -KING "Winky" Sailor smokes a pipe.Pat him on the back, SELL MEN'S NECKWEAR shake his hand or rub his tummy and he puffs the pipe.The CLEANING CRYSTALS Order Today FromThese Fast Sellers. just like tobaccoin a GALLON. Exquisite Wash Ties .$ .95 Doz.; $ 9.00 Gr. "tobacco" in the pipe glowsand dies MAKES CLEANING FLUID2YaO 18.00 Gr. real pipe. Silk -LinedTies 1.75 Doz.; and on is New StartlingDiscovery, NAP -TA -KING COM- Silk -Lined,Hand -Made Itattery which causes light in pipe to go off Cleans Silks, Woolens and other fabrics 45.00 Gr. easily replaceable. "Winky" Sailor's arm screws off, a new byPOUND. dipping same as with Naptha.Odorless, non- CRAVATS 4.25 Doz.; battery is put in and "Winky" Sailor smokeshispipe again. 25c Package makes 10 Gallons Fluid. Remit with order and we will pay postage. Batteries have long life. explosive. Attractively Satisfaction Guaranteed sir Money Refunded. "Winky" Sailor is a Bull Dog 20 inches high, dressed in Fastseller. Wonderfulrepeater. Absolutely boxed. Trial Order, $1.00 per Dozen, postpaid, EXQUISITE CRAVATCO. smart, appealing, colorful sailor suit and hat, with2 Demonstrators free.Sample 10c. BN-5, 234 Englewood Ave., Englewood, N. J. thecutest, most appealing doll novelty on the market. NAP -TA -KING, 1600 W. Madison, Chicago, Ill. Order today,$24.00 DOZEN. Concessionaires at fairs carnivals, celebrations. exposi- lions, etc., can clean up with "Winky" Sailor Now! Premium 3c Each STUFFED FURANIMALS users in all fields will find that "Winky" Sailor isthe great- REX HONES SPECIAL OFFER TO CARNIVAL CONCES- est money-maker they have ever used. Now Less Than SIONAIRES. We also have a complete "WINKY" line of LAZY CATS $4.25 aGross Large Fur Dog with genuine Leather Collar and and SCOTTIEDOGS (with electricflickering eyes),$24.00 Send $1.00, Bal. C. 0. D. Lea,n. Also 30 -in. Fur Teddy Bear. We manu- DOZ.,and "WINKY" Bear Cub (with electric flickering facture a variety of small Animals priced as low $18.00 DOZ. Write for freecircular. Plus Postage. as $3.00 per Dozen Up. Write for Particulars eyes). Order your supply today!Get the money Each Hone in flashy silver Stock up now! D. box, priced 50c. A real fast and Prices. Ni bile the getting's good! 1 /3 deposit with order, bal. C. 0. cutting abrasive stone of good FAMOUS STUFFED ANIMAL CO. quality. Wonderful demon- New York, N. Y. NATIONAL FRENCH FANCY NOV. CO. stratorfor Pitchmen. Hone men are cleaning up. 135 West 20th Street, 2058 PItkin Ave., BROOKLYN, N. V. ACT QUICK.REX-HONE MFRS.. 1500 West Tel.:Chelsea 3.8579, Maqlson, BRAS, Chicago, ill. May 23, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 61 going over even bigger than was an- ticipated, according to Mr. Baring, of Acme. The Kitchenaid is a good pitch- STEADYSELLERS man item and can be used effectively as 3COWBOY SHIRTS THAT a premium. WILL GET THE MONEY at the atSENSATIONAL Men's short socks, with garter tops that require no garters, have recently SMASH PRICES ! been introduced in the Wholesale Hosiery Company line.These socks are going TEXAS CENTENNIAL TIRA BLADES, double edge,all over big,saysJoseph Kent, because with blades uniform, guaranteed. the warm weather many men find relief AND ANYWHERE ELSE THEY Per 10'0 and comfort in garterless hose.For the Lone Starsensations! Cowboy 23c ladies this firm has also added a pure ARE SHOWN Shirts with a kick!Shirts with Single Edge Blades, with a back, more appeal, more color, more flash than anything else on the silk, knee-length stocking with Lastex market.Hits that spirit of adventure in every boy from 6 to 60. Cellophane wrapped. garter top, so that the ladies will not Sell like hot -cakes.Smart operators are featuring wherever there Per 100 45c have to use garters either or findit is the talk of the Texas Centennial, and that is everywhere. White Petroleum Jelly, No 2 size. necessary to roll their hose for the sum- Read these descriptions! Stock up now! mer. Cross $2.45 Crop) THE GAUCHO:- tOhpaetnfwroonnt't, wcitohmeeyelets Styptic Pencils, Shaving, Cuts, etc. Henry Jacobs, of the Continental Mer- Silk mercerized tie rope with fringed ends in contrast with the Dozen to box.Gross . shirt.Comes in seven flashy guaranteed vat 43c chandise Company, well-known import- dye colors -Navy, Seal Brown, Black, Shutter Moth Tabs, 10c sellerDoz22C ers, left for Japan recently.He will be Green, Orange, Wine and White.Sizes:13 Mercurochrome, large size. back the first of August and at that to17. Gross time will have a complete new line of Packed 1/4 Dozen solid color to box. 122 $4.00 novelties and notions for the trade.Mr. Open front with eye- Mercurochrome Strips andPlain Jacobs has a reputation of always coming (center) THE WHA-HOOa- letsthatstayput. (8 to envelope). Gross $1.85 back with something different and this Silk mercerized tierope with fringed endsinstriking con- trast to color of shirt. Pocket Combs with Cases. trip will prove no exception, for he left Five -point embroidered stars on collar with a number of concrete ideas for the points. Comes in seven guaranteed vat -dye 50 Gross $3.60 colors -Navy, Seal Brown, Black,Shutter Green, manufacturing of new items. Orange, Wine and White.Sizes: 13 to 17. U DOZ. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE Packea 1/4 Dozen solid colors to box. OF STANDARD PRODUCTS Samuel Ressler, senior member of the (BOTTOM) THE TEXAS RANGER firm of Reskrem Silver Manufacturing Two-tone shirt . . .in a vivid black and orange combination. Write Today For Free Catalog Company, New York City, is back at his Contrasting color on cuffs, collar, pocket and centerpiece.White office after a serious illness. Mr. Ressler's piping throughout. Two embroidered stars on two pockets. Sizes, ailment requiredamajor operation.He 13 to 17. JOS. JACOBS would like his many friends in the trade Pacedk 4 /12 Dozen to .15. to know that heisfullyrecovered. CIRCUS box, 2 of each colorcom- ITO1 28 East 17th St., NEW YORK CITY Reskrem Silver firm is long established AND bination. in the emblem manufacturing business RODEO You can'thelp cleaning upwith these andisfavorably known thruoUt the cowboy shirt sensations. Don't waste country. PERFORMERS time.Rush your order today!Write Write us for special for free two-color circularsand further two-color Illustrated CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL WORKERS circular toda! We details. We Are Headquarters for All Kinds of Nov- Gair Manufacturing Company informs can supply you the elties for Circuses, Carnivals and All Kinds of us that interest in its "Brown Bomber" flashiest, most col- 1 /3 Deposit, Balance C. O. 0. Games. orful Shirts you statues is again showing increased ac- eversawforless tivity, no doubt due to the fact that the money than you 10E1 ISAACS SHIRT CO. big fight will soon take place and both ever paid before fighters are already in training and get- 1200 Broadway, New York, N.Y. ting plenty of publicity.Of course, the Brown Bomber is the idol of the colored folks and with a stunning lifelike statue of their "champ," distributors find it an easy matter to cash in either on di- rect sales or with attractive salesboard deals. DEMONSTRATORS -FAIRANDPEELER WORKERS THE ONE AND ONLY Pakula & Company are moving into "DeVAULT WONDER PEELER -SLICER -SHREDDER" Latest Novelty, Celluloid Mae Dolls, with Ear larger quarters in the Kesner Building, with the oscillating blade and lifter made of finest tempered tool steel and rings, Necklace, Hat and Cane.Gross $9.60 Chicago (the same building they have follows the contour of fruits and vegetables, taking an onion skin peel -no Miller Rubber inflated Toys-Popeye, Tom Mix, been in).The rapid strides this firm Pluto and Mickey Mouse, Gross, $8.40. Oak waste -WILL GIVE YOU THAT EXTRA LARGE PROFIT. Rubber No. 8 Mickey Mouse Balloons, Gross, has made sinceitsinceptionalittle $3.00. Streetmen Special Balloons, Animal and more than four years ago necessitates FloralDesigns.Gross, $3.00.Flying Birds, the present expansion.Their new loca- BIGGEST SELLER AT with Outside Whistles, Fancy Sticks, Gross, $2.00. FlyingBirds,withInside Whistles, tion is being equipped with a spacious Fancy Sticks, Gross, $2.50.Felt Cowboy Hats, display room, with modernistic fixtures SAN DIEGO FAIR AssortedColors,Gross.$9.00 and $18.00. Straw Hats with Feathers, Gross, $5.00.For and illumination.Harry Pakula, owner, Scalemen we have Bamboo,Dice andLight was for many years associated with Alter SAMPLE WITHDETAILS Crocked Handle Canes In two colors for $8.40 & Company before going into his own per Gross. Also twc-color Men's Walking Canes, $18.00 Gross.Full line of Premiums for Bingo business and is well known thruout the 25c and Beano Games, Lamps, China, Clocks and show world.During the first two sea- 1935. Watches, Blankets and Silver Novelties.All or- Patented Feb. 5th, No. 1990127. ders shipped same day as received. 25% advance sons of the California Exposition Mr. deposit required with all orders, balance shipped Pakula maintaineda branchin San C. 0. D. New catalogues are now ready. Diego, so that he could give immediate W. R. FEEMSTER COMPANY 4Bos6 Hanover St. service at all times.Incidentally, he is NASELLA BROS ton, Mass. now in Dallas making arrangements for 154E. Erie St. CHICAGO,ILL. a similar branch in the Gulf Building Sole Manufacturers and Distributors. to accommodate customers at the Dallas Ce.,...... 3. Centennial. (Whips... 0. K.'s SPECIALS Loud Crackers -Plenty Flash BEACON, MAGNET AND MINGO $1 tvAOEINU. S A. BLANKETS. Ea. $1.60. Case Lots.50 TABLE LAMPS, large size, big variety Alox Mfq.Co. 6160-80MopleAveplouisMos Each $ .85 PEELS-SLICES-SHREDS -STRING BEANS, ETC. COFFEE DRIPOLATORS, 6 cup size, .75 JOBBERS -WRITE FOR PRICES portal a n.Each ELECTRIC TOASTERS. Each MO ELECTRIC IRONS, 8 lbs.Each .85 ALUMINUM 10-0T. COV E RED SLUNI SAUCE . Each For Glve-Aways, Cranes, Concessionaires, :90 FLAGS, BOW PINS, NOVELTIES FOR DECORA- PICNIC JUG, 1 gallon size. Each .85 TION DAY. 15 -PC. BLUE HI -BALL SET, on 14" .85 Also Streetmen's Novelties. Chrome Tray.Each Cheapest Prices. Write for LIst. O KGross0 MICKEY andMOUSE TOSS UPS.4.25 110 Park Row, SILK PARASOLS. Dozer 51.25 HAMMER BROS New York, N. Y. MAE FEATHER DOLL, HI -Hat,is. AA Cane, Necklace. Earrings.Gross 7YVV SWAGGER CANES. China Heads. Oro. 6.75 IS NOW ELGIN WATCHES, $1.65 EACH HI -HAT FUR MONKEYS, 8", Gross 4.00 7 -Jewel. 18 Size, White or Yellow Cases. Miniature STRAW HATS, 4 to nest.Gr. 4.00 READY. end 7 -JEWEL, 16 SIZE ELGINS & WALTH., $2.35. PARADE CANES, inialditandles. Gr 8.50 FLASH CARNIVAL WATCHES, 50o Each. BALLOONS, Streetmen 'Morals. Gr 2.50 Everything that's new In fast - Send for Prise List. MILLER INFLATED TOYS, Pop -Eye, selling Novelties, Concession CRESCENT CITY SMELTING CO., Snake, Monkey and Elephant. Gr 8 40 Goods,PremiumMerchandise font Old Gold and Sliver Buyers and Refiners, 25% deposit with order, balance O. 0. D. and Specialties, will be found In 113 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Write for Catalogle of Premium Merchandise Our New 1936 Catalog.This and TOYS. bookpresentsthefinestend most extensive lines of Imported Today, ?..18GORDON'S SUMMER SPECIALS19 OSCAR KAUFMAN & BRO. INC. and Domestic Merchandise We HOT ITEMS AT LOW PRICES 630 Ninth Ave. (bet. 44th & 45th St.),&. Y. C. have ever offered. 10 SUN GLASSES, 25c seller. Doz....5 .72 OUR PRICES DEFY COMPETITION ! TROPICAL HELMETS. Doz. .720 STRAW COOLIE HATS, 12 In. Doz..80ItrareEY4NUMB NEW 19 3 6EDITION If you're a ilve-wire Cencessionalre. Pitchman, Demonstrator. Novelty Worker or Hustler, you simply 0SUN VISORS. Doz. .72 LA,71,V, GOING LIKE WILD FIRE can't afford to be without our New General Catalog.Don't fall to send for your free copy. . Doz. .70r Pitchmen, Streetmen, Dealer. 00CLOTH SAILORHTS. Doz GYPSYse el -Barrel of Dollars for yon. FLAGS. 8x12". DoltA :3655 It Fastest selling item in Ameri- Fourth St. ca. Large (11s12) flashy, amaz- BOWP NS. Gross .40 OREAM BOOM EAPOLIS, MINN. FIREMAN HATS. Doz .70 ing Horoscope Dream Book GELLMAN BROS.Valorth it FIREMAN 11000 ANSWERS ithLucky Numbers for each BALLOONS, 7". Gr., 72c; 8". Gr $1:25 14 dream.Cost you $4.00 per ,It1 /3 Deposit on Orders, Balance C. 0. D. 100. Sample, 10 Cents. Send for New Large SummerCatalog. A Hot Number for the Texas GORDONNOVELTY CO. hOURIOBROPEi Centennial. ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD- YOU'LL BE r933 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY NUTRIX NOVELTY CO. 711 223 IL 14th St.. N. Y. O. SATISFIED WITH RESULTS 62 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES May 23, 1936 Cullman, Athens, Dothan, Clanton, An- dalusia and Huntsville, Ala.; Morrillton, OAK Hope, El Dorado, Springdale and Fayette- ville, Ark.; Ada, Seminole, Frederick, Law- ton, Chicksha, Durant, Okla.; Fayette- ville, Shelbyville, Columbia, McMinnville, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., and Tyler, Kilgore, Midland, Lomesa, Plainview, Tex."

by BILL BAKER ART ENGEL .. drops a line from Kansas City, Mo., to (Cincinnati Office) let us know the town is closed tight. He writes: "Am working a store here with LITTLE CHIEF WHITE EAGLE .. . loons; a young lad known as Mac, work-the blood -pressure machine. Have been pipes in from Maud, Tex.: "We openeding lots with polish, and myself withdoing well.Would like to read 'em from the show at Emory, Tex., April 18. Wetonic.Quite a few are horsebacking,Huber Fulton.Sam Berman, Charley PRESIDENTIAL carry 14 people and have one of the big-and McMillan is working blades. My oldSullivan and Buss Maybein." gest shows of our kind in this section offriend George Clark has been holding CAMPAIGN BALLOONS thecountry,Includingquiteafewthe same Jefferson street spot all winter Indians from the Cherokee tribe.Alsowithwirejewelry. WonderifJack Acouple of popular numbers for the Republican andJoe (Toby) Purcell. We have new ban-Flowers remembers the fall of '34 whenTHOMAS CUNNINGHAM . . . Democraticconventions and for the campaign fol- is requested to get in touch with his lowing. Write to us for sample of each and namesners and a wonderful flash. Stage is 16he, Clark and I camped out In Wilson,brother Bill at once on a matter of of jobbers from whom you can get prompt delivery ofby16, painted orange and black.IN. C., and the State troopers paid us aurgent importance. these special prints. would appreciate reading a pipe fromvisit and thought they had five gallons Bill Foot.Recently I had 'one of thoseof lush when in reality it was a jug of things' happen to me.A black -facemy oil. The entire bunch here descended"WELL, HERE I AM .. . clhe OAKRuBBERCO.comedian came to me asking for a job.bodily on Chief Red Feather's show,in Daytona Beach, Fla., after being in He also needed a license for his car.1playing across the river at Jeffersonville, RAVIENIM.011110. After the show we were treated,St. Pete most of the winter," scribes Joe SellingThrough Jobbers °nil; gave him the job and bought his licenseInd. Hess, penman. "Met most of the boys and for him.Soon after that he blew thetoasted and feted in the Chief's trailer.girls at the fairs and nearly all crying, show without notice. Now can you tellHe has a real show and is located almostbut still eating plenty of steaks. Have ENGRAVERS, ATTENTION!!me what kind of a comedian he is?" in front of the Colgate plant.Fourteenbeen here two weeks, working a doorway FRATERNITY GUARD PINS AND DOUBLE people and not a 'hamateur' in thewith pens. Fred Scovilleis here with LUCKY LOVE PINS. bunch. He drew one of the biggest tipspeelers. We are not doing much but still Gold Finish. DOC JACK FLOYD . . $1.35 DOZEN -315.00 GROSS I have seen recently.The passouts onmaking a living. Quite a few of the boys INSTANT DELIVERY. opens his med show thisweek in Mis-both med and candy reminded us of the rouri. good old days.Both Red Feather and his wife are natural born musicians andSELLSPLUNGER FILLER VAC ZIP! ONE PULL-IT'S FULL! J. A. IRWIN .. real folks.He will play near -by ter- well known to medicine men because ofritory for a couple of weeks.The time his previous long affiliation with thedraws nearer each day when those bonus ,5,WW51011: Devore Manufacturing Company, calledbonds will be in the mail, and if allEVERYTHING IN FOUNTAIN PENS & SETS. at the desk the past week.Irwin isthe plans for new joints, new trailers, JOHN F. SULLIVAN now vice-president and generalsalesoutfits, etc., were laid end to end they 458 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. FRATERNITY LUCKY LOVE manager of Standard Medicines,Inc.,would reach from here to-(?). But Fast Service Sully. Send $2.00 for No. 9 Line of Engraving Goods. Columbus, 0., a newly formed companywhat's the use, some will materialize Samples of PINS, BRACELETS, RINGS, etc. catering to medicine men. and many won't.But I do expect that Ave., lots of ex -service men will be rolling NEW NO -FLINT H. PAKULA & CO. 5 No. Wago,abashIll.Chic Specialists for Demonstration Items. along in new cars, with new fronts, etc. "AM SHOOTING THIS . . . So if we don't get it this fall we willAutomatic Gas Lighter pipe from the capital and itis prettyhave to have a betterexcuse than 500% Profit.25c seller to every Home, Office and Restaurant.Individual cards.Cost you $1.00 a dull here," tells Ray Redding from Jef-before." Dozen or 15 Dozen for $8.00.Get free sample and ferson City, Mo."Would like to read all details quick. pipes from Beaman Yancey and Joe Har- NEW METHOD CO. ris.Have been watching the Final Cur-BARNEY KAPLAN .. Box BB -14, BRADFORD, PA. tain but fail to see their names, so guessLittle Tex and Little Joe are working they are still among the living.WouldLord's Prayer coins in a store demon--'11T-sireHirTgreirTrrtrr2IffEi iggrergEtTelneEft1117_t also like to read one from BillEllis.stration onFountainSquare, Cincinnati, i:j HEADQUARTERS FOR This city is open on your o. m. Several Eli SPECTACLES and GOGGLES Save 80% El We carry aComplete Line of Goggles, other towns here in Missouri also good Buy your Sundries,Specialties,Supplies, El "CHICAGO IS A PERFECT ... Blades.etc.,directfrommanufacturer FieldGlasses,MicroscopesandOptical on your o. m. Biz generally fair." through our Mail -Order Department.All C Merchandise. Our pricesare the lowest mecca for pitchmen, with everyone cry- orders mailed postpaid byus. Wehare E2 anywhere. ing the blues," shoots Herman Williams. everything. SendforFREEmail-order catalog. El NEW ERA OPTICAL CO. cataironins. P. R. DEVORE .. "There are a few who claim they are THE N -R MFG. CO., Optical Specialties of the old Devore .Manufacturing Com-cleaning up, but notice they seem to Dept. H-81, Box 363, Hamilton, Ontario. JS 17 N. Wabash Ave.,Chicago,Ill. pany, dropped in for a visit at thelive on coffee and.Maxwell street is AHNERAMEIEAEsEtNEHMENJMXNEEIIMER Cincinnati office last week.P. R. is nowloaded with them.Doc Jake Fox and operating under the name of the Con-Buffalo Cody are working the streets solidated Drug Company.Says business FOUNTAIN PENS with Fruit -Lax under a special permit. Western buyers order from us is great and looks for a banner year. Ray Herbers is in Buffalo, and Omar' and save time Kija is in Memphis.A good tip andgl 54varietiesineverydesiredcolor,all sure winner to all pitchmen is for them IR equippedwithimproved Durium points. Two-tone points if desired. HAND STROPPERS JEFF FARMER . . to scratch Chi off theirlists.Itis $8.00perGross. shoots one in from Louisville:"I wasclosed and getting hot.Doc Duncan IGet Our Newly Reduced Price List RAZOR STROPS, $4.80 to $72.00 perOro. recently discharged from the hospital atand wife were Maxwell street visitors 111 STARR PEN CO.,Dept. 7 WALLENBECK MOLAND INFO. CO.. the National Home, Dayton,0., andlast week.Doc Schyman is going intoiss300 W. Adams St.,Chicago, Ill. Sandwich.III. naturally gravitated to 'ye old Kentuckythe pitch game again." IM Derby,' orisit'Darby'?Seems that -_p there is a standing controversy of many years on the correct way to pronounce"THE MISSUS AND I. . . the word.Anyway I found pitchmen'shavejustcompleted reading current II/DIST TIE EVERYTHING IN THE headquarters here wide open and withissue of The Billboard," pipes Tex Wil- Th is new Tie Sensation conies in all "Last sea- all colors.Only tie of its kind FOUNTAIN PEN AND PENCIL LINE aheartyinvitationextendedto liams from Charlotte, N. C. on the market. Order today. Write us your needs. workers.Spot is owned and conductedson we were with Doc Coy D. Hammack. $1.25 a Dozen, $12.00 a Gross. by Clarence Manion, and there are halfWe are changing out routine a bit this TEXAS CENTENNIAL TIES" ARGO PEN -PENCIL CO., Inc. (All Colors),$1.25 a Dozen. a dozen tripes and keisters, allfilled,season.Instead of comedy or what have $12.00 a Gross. SILK LINED 208 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. that can be used by anyone who hasyou we are handling advertising for a FANCY TIES (Assorted Pat- It is going over big terns), $1.00 Doz., $9.00 Gro. left his own with 'Uncle Ben' or other-soft-drink concern. Single Sample Tiea, 25c Each. ELGIN-WALTHAM wise disposed of them.This featurein the South.Next stop Greensboro, 25 5,Deposit, Balance C. 0. D. WRISTWATCHES helped many an unfortunate brother thethen on to Winston-Salem.Plan on LEGION TIE CO., 703 Broadway, New YorkCity. Brand -New Cases. Metal Bands. past winter.There is a roster on thebuilding a house trailer soon, equipping Send for Catalog. Biggest Bar- .95 it with a p. a. system.Quite a few of the gain.inreedWatchesand wall that every visitor is asked to sign. Diamonds in the Country. To date there are some 300 names on it.boys are working doorways here.Won- CASH IN NOW ! H. SPARBER & CO., The staff, now enjoying the first springder why we don't read anything from the ON THIS SPRING AND SUMMER ITEM. 108 North 7th Street, Bt. Louis, Mo. Bobby Wheelers.Things look like they Newly Patented, Nickel -Plated LAWN MOWER weatherofthe season,includes Doc SHARPENER. Simple to operate. Every Home William Gavort, oil;Doc Costello, oil;will be in pretty fair shape thru this owner a prospect.Sells for 50c.Costs$2.00 MY MONEY SAYS THAT I HAVE THE BESTLawrence Duff, ink sticks; Doc O'Con-section this year." per Dozen, $23.00 per Gross.Orders of 6 Doz, LINE OF LOW PRICED PENS!My Pens Write- or more shipped prepaid.50% deposit with or- It's All in the Pen Point.Always at the bead ofnell, corn punk; Minett, birds and bal- elti ders.Sample, 35c, postpaid.Write the Pen Parade. "THE CENTENNIAL IS .. CREED SHARPENER taking great form and is going to be the 1917 Newcastle Avenue, Chicago, biggest thing ever pulled off in these BANKER PENS AND FAIRS parts," pipes A. L. Clark from Dallas. "I BANKER PENCILS. have gone from hosiery to hostelry andMEDICINE HEADQUARTERS JAS. KELLEY, the Fountain Pen King, have opened three hotels here. Will keep AComplete Medicine Show Line.Immediate CONVENTIONS Service.Wholesale Catalogue upon request 487 B'way, N. Y. C.: CHICAGO, 180 W. Adams St. a record of info on laws, readers, spots, GENERAL PRODUCTS LABORATORIES, celebrations, etc., for the benefit of folks Mfg.Pharmacists,137 E. Spring St., Columhus. and COMING EVENTS coming this way. This is my official an AMERICA'S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF SHOE LACES LacesWe carryShoe and nouncement of retirement from the pitch Findings only field. Have devoted 15 years of my life to and are there- And Other the road, working about 3,000 towns in FELT RUGS FINDINGS fore in a bet- LowestPrices.Sample, $1.35.Postage Prepaid. Most staple, best selling items. ter position to 20 States. I have worked them all and to EASTERN MILLS, EVERETT, MASS. Buy direct from manufacturer. give you Iow- LISTS this day I think the best town in the Send25cfor samaeescort - a a t prices, 10,000populationis WILL ROGERS 1,000 LATEST JOKES. giant and prices. perfect mer- countryunder 16,000Laughs; Wiley Post Eulogy, 4c, sells 15c. Veterans' Magazine, Joke Book. Go- CAPITOL SHOE LACE AND chandise and Guntersville, Ala. The best one around Sample 10c. FINDINGS CO., prompt de- Will Appear in 25,000 population is Lubbock, Tex.Best ing good.VET.'S SERVICE MAO., 157 Leonard 135 PittSt., NewYork, N. Y. livery. city in the South is Dallas.I had in- St., New York. AGENTS-CREW WORKERS the Next Issue tended to work more of Missouri this sea-SELL HANDKERCHIEFS tpwaeitzonii.tajbolg: Roach Ponder,$1.25 Doz.,Mailed;$6.00Vs Gross. son but scratched it because of a little bers,Agents.WriteHANDKERCHIEFS,Dept. Sample,10c.CHAS. C. RAY, 705 N. Lemcke bad luck. Other ranking small towns areB, 3 W. 28th, New York City. Ave., Evansville, Ind, 9 May 23, 1936 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES The Billboard 63 are still passing thru daily going north. Kid Owens, that grand old man, and his NEW PEN SENSATION!wife are here at Ormond Beach. TheylITCHMENDEMONSTRATORSCANVASSERS had us up to dinner Sunday and it was a grand meal. Monday night we went feature the famous Grodin Plunger -Fill Vacuum Fountain Pens out to Mrs. Welch's house for dinner. Just Pull the Plunger and the Pen is Full! Our PriceWelsh has jewelry in a store here. Cut up on this is as unusually low as is our complete line of .., Pens, Pencils and Combination Pen and Pencil Sets. Pleiatiof jackpots. Will be leaving here WriteToday for Full Particulars, this week heading north. Guess it will be GROD IN PEN CO.,398 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Asbury park again. Will tell them the TOILETRIES and COSMETICS for MEN and LADIES ,..,,,,...m.,....-.,,,,...... ,....-..o....o... story about the pens. Hope all the boys .Olt and girls are getting a little of that green SPRING & SUMMER SPECIALTIES stuff." FIVE NEW SURE-FIRE /<11Sct 4 -PIECE DEALS .....,--0,01451' pi.° s Lowest Prices In The Country Gro. Doz. Sample BEN BENSON ... Just Released .*t)i&(1). *s3CL5 ISI".1480\-1.14 3111°.111. Moth Tabs,250 Size....$ 5.40 47o Sc 40 C' Moth Tabs, 10c Size.... 3.00 27o 3c years a pitchman and a delegate to ci, 9PLO0,p.,0( 3.50 350 4c the hobo convention, held in Louisville, It 0 Bowl Deodorant * EYE -APPEAL .?0$,t.(v Sun Glasses (Retails250 Ky., May 2-9, was a Cincinnatioffice \/1\ 14,000 Carded 10.00 90o 80 visitor last Week. *PRICE -APPEAL,..."" 001't Bobby Pins 88 on Card3.00 27c 3o Benson, who isa 5041) AspirinTablets, 12 to Tin 1.65 150 2o profile sketch artist, left Los Angelesthe Aspirin Tablets, 100 Bot.11.00 $1.00 10c latter part of March. He advises pitch - Y. Adhesive Tape, 1311x Spool: ALVIN BUICKROOD, 1738 ColemanSt.,Brooklyn,N. 1/2 "x1" 2.10 200 2o men to keep away from California and 1"x1" 2.75 25o 30 the Panhandle country.Said the Crafts 1/2 "x5" 6.25 450 6o Shows treated him well when he met the 1"x2 1/2" 5.25 450 Sc 1 i 1 .\\ I 0 I 0 I i .1M1 I 0 I 0 I \\* 1 \ .\\W M kNI c .\\\1 II i .\\ h.*.\\\W .j" outfit at Brawley, Calif. Pitchmen !l5 OVER 1,000 FAST MOVING ITEMS. Demonstrators!! 1936 CATALOG READY BON AMI OFFERS SENSATIONAL COMBINATION or Lines of Blades, Shaving Creams and leySpectacularuaragtceieesntic,cov Complete "WORKING COILS HERE ... I SHOE WHITE DISCOVERIES! Sensational Tooth Pastes. at shops," tells John Murray from South..,ll0 Sales!All dirt vanishes from White Shoes after few pats with "BON rAMI" scientific bag, packed in beautiful leather containers. Fits inpurselike powder puff. Can be carried on picnics, boat rides, SPECIALLY PRICED FLYER JUST OFF Bend, Ind."John Moldenhauer is here beaches, etc.ALSO '!BON AM1" LIQUID, A MARVELOUS scientific all-purposewaterproot $ THE PRESS. with hones, Mickey Romella with glass -0White Shoe Cleaner.BEAUTIFUL bottle and label. FAST SELLER AT 15o EACH -BOTH FOR 250. Send 25c for Double Sample. ORDERSfor Less than$5.00 to be paid in full. cutters, Earl Godfrey flukum. Met Sam / All others 25 % deposit, balanceC.0.D. -If Coe at Akron, -0., working gummy and Special DemonstratorsPrice BON AMI LABORATORIES g Parcel PostIncludeSufficient to Cover Postage. 0 ORDER his wife with horn nuts. They still have Double Gross . . $9.50 143 West41st St. -Dept.M1 T Ar C. I. LEE CO., 20 E. 17th St., N. Y. City their dog, Lee.Does a swell belly jug- Vz Deposit With Order. New York City Serving the Jobber Since 1920. gling a potato.What's become of Bar-04LI \ .\\W I %.\ M .\ L.' q11716.1 I I\ .! .1 I 0 I .\&.\\I Ll I 0 0 1 M.\ I M.\\` nett and Davidson? Pipe in, boys." W .1\.\\\

"WELL, THE BOYS .. Prepare Your Stock - Compare Our Prices are all heading for the Centennial at DISTRIBUTORS WANTED Dallas,"postcards Harry Woodruff, STRAW SEND 6 CELLOPHANE WRAPPED NO COOLIE INREDANDYELLOW HATS Pitchmen I Have Met PACKAG E MONEY Beautifully Decorated, By SID SIDENBERG Asstd,De- justablesigns, Ad- One of the most popular and Head Sizes. prosperous medicine pitchmen I Made In2 have met recently is Vernal W. Sizes. No.1173 -KIDDIE COOLIE Tate, better known as "Chief Red HATS. Dozen 80C Wolf" to the boys and girls of the No. 1174 -ADULT COOLIE $1.35 pitching fraternity.Tate had the HATS. Dozen surname of Vernal bestowed on LUCKY IVORITE CHARMS,WithCol- ored Strings Horses, Elephants, him by his parents when he was Dogs, Camels,Lions,Etc. 1 AA born under canvas on one of the Gross of a Numberto a Box. Cr°.7VC circuses at Vernal Falls, N. Y. 25% Deposit With Orders, Bal.C. 0. D. Tate's parents were performers NEW PARK, BEACH AND CIRCUS in the sawdust arenas and were BULLETIN FREE. well known in the circus world. NEW TEXAS CENTENNIAL CIRCULAR NOW READY When William Tate, the father, GOLDFARB NOVELTY CO. "Theel Service" HH" became too old to stay in the ring 116PARK ROW NEW YORK he went back to his first occupa- tion in the show business, selling medicine.Fifty yearsago the elder Tate worked for Healy and Bigelow on one of their first med ONE 15$ PACKAGE MAKES operas.Tate was well trained for the business while with that ag- RIVALING FRESH FRUIT JELLY gregation.The senior was taken COSTS ONLY 4S A GLASS off by the flu during the war and' NO FRUIT JUICE NEEDED HOSE BARGAINS! Vernal stepped into his father's ADD ONLY SUGAR AND WATER Millions of dollars spent yearly for hosiery! Get shoes by taking possession of the into this rich field with a complete line of men's BECOMES INSTANTLY FIRM WHEN COOL LIKE JELLY and women's hose at rockbottom wholesale prices. show and putting it on in greater A style and quality to please everybody and any- andgranderstylethanever. body, all illustrated in beautiful catalogues which Exclusive County or State Rights.Opportunity to Earn up to $10,000 Annually. can be furnished with YOUR name only on Tate's mother isstill with the them!Here's a chance to establish your own outfit.She- is handling the con- MINUTE FOODS,Ltd.,257 Werdin Place, Los Angeles, Calif.Dept. It business selling wholesale to agents or hiring sales people to sell for you on commission. We cession end of the business and show you how.Orders filled by the pair, the doing character parts. Theroster dozen or the gross.Amazing prices bring costs down to as little as 6 lk c a pair!Rush name of the show includes the Higgins for complete FREE details before you do an- Circos Review aggregation; Kin- other thing! ney Bird, producer and blackf ace; "CUT YOURSELF" CharlesBaldwin,straightand A nice piece of cake,loin us in a real new money-maker.Something you've never seen WHOLESALE HOSIERY CO. before.justsend 25 cents coin (not stamps) and we will send you material and instruc- 111East 23d Street, Dept.F-7,New York City. light comedy, and Mrs. Tate Jr., tionsto enableyou to take in $250.00 before you need spend one more penny.Have some who also works in parts and helps for you.Act quick and get free formula also. the Chief on the sales end. one else do the work During the winter months and COMMUNITY ENTERPRISE ---Laurium, Mich. inclementspringweatherthe 100% PROFIT Chief works soap and other stin- Finest Quality -Silk Lined. dries at the sales barns in In- REMOVES SPOTSin diana.With the first signs of IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO 10 SECONDS .. TIES $1.75 DOZENS the sun taking possession of both Amazing money mak-NEW WE PAY POSTAGE MEDICINE MEN Sr.Removes spot's 250 Gorgeous, Latest Summer Styles. sides of the street the Chief rolls AN ORGANIZATION OF and stains instantly 1.000 Patterns To Choose From the trucks and other parapher- fromclothing,ties,SELLER FROM -Satins, Wovens, Stripes,Jac- nalia out of the barns and onto upholstery - everyfabric. quards, Baratheas, etc. Lowest Y9,c1TeadORervfT.Ens No muss - no fuss - no Prices in city. the highways, byways and the cwioeralc.. revreagiye.sLree ALL Send today for sample order and lots of the Hoosier State, never QUALITYYMERCHANDISE s like al vdeTs. PONT DELAY List Price of entire line.Ask for Correctly made over approved Formulas. Make no ring.Nothing like it. FABRICS Quantity Deal Prices.Satisfaction guaranteed leaving its boundaries. satisfiedcustomers. Immediate serviceguar- Will not burn or explode. or money refunded. The last time I saw Tate he anteed. Write for details. Safe - convenient - eco- TRITOPtiou 643 Broadway, N. Y. C. nomical. Sensationaldemon- SMART -STYLE CRAVATS, hadabrand-newStudebaker STANDARD MEDICINES, INC. stration.Everybody buys onPeg THEworm roadsterwiththelatestloud - 664 N.High Street, Columbus, 0. sight.Packed 12 to a counter display box. Sellretailat 25c or wholesale to speaking equipment installed to stores.Cost to you$1.25 per Dozen; 12 Dozen, PITCHMEN AGENTS attract the throngs to the lots he $12.00. Sampleand Particulars, 100. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED FOR GORDON MFG. COMPANY, DENTAL-LASTICS was playing.Plenty of rolling New York. Newest dental accessory.The only 110 East 23rdSt., Dept.RE9, device made for massaging the gums. stock to carry other equipment AMAZINGDem!IT'.ee.oetionMONEY GETTER A package will last a year.Should - necessary fora successful med be in every home. A good store or opry followed the roadster. window demonstrator.Every drug- gist a prospective dealer. Sample Anderson, Ind., is headquarters. MEDICINE MEN package and terms, 10c.A good as William Tate, 9 years old and PRIVATE LABEL TONICS. ImmediateShip. 21c seller, with a long profit. moots. Now Price List. WRITE Olt WIRE. THE DENTAL-LASTIC CO., boss -man of the Tate stronghold, North Hollywood, Calif. is being educated in that town, NUTRO MEDICINE CO. where Tate owns his own home 16South Peoria Street, CHICAGO. in addition to other real estate. 5 -In -1Kltchenald.CombinationSteamer, Pot - Tate is 35 years old, a member strainer, Three -Way SafetyGrater, HighSpeed SUN TAN OIL ofthe Eagles and Veterans of Cabbage and Cucumber Slicer all In one it, MEDICINE MEN! Mars elous product. Large modernistic bottle; beauti- sensational item.SAMPLE 15c. GR...41, is /4 Becker Products Are Better. Complete Liue, Prompt ful gold label. Good, plenty and low priced. A fast Foreign Wars. ACME SPECIALTY CO. Service.Write for Price List. summer profit maker. Territories closing fast. Sample 264 Canal St., New York, N. Y. BECKER CHEMICAL CO. (Est. 1890), 10c. DOPKIN8 COMPANY, 545 5th Ave., N. Y. C. 235 Main Street, Cincinnati, 0. 64 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES May 23, 1936 ments of the law gives the Department fountain pen king, from Cherokee, Ia.NEW ITEMS of Revenue power to examine books, "It will certainly beapitchman's para- (Continued from page 59) records, papers, files or other equipment W`YEL dise this summer. Most of the boys saythe flow of water is shut off auto-of amusement concerns, to examine wit- MATCHstay out of Iowa but I find plenty ofmatically.There is no leakage to wetnesses under oath for the purpose of ALL ADVERTISED PRICES business here.Very few of the boysthe hands or clothing when the hose isverifying returns made by persons or fol. On Shaving and Dental Cream, Razor Blades, No - here now. Well, guess I too will driftdropped if the telephone rings or some-other purposes involving enforcement of tier's,Sundries,Cosmetics,Pharmaceuticals,etc. steadysprayinga Send your order to Chicago Mills Sales Co. for Bet-down and catch the Centennial.Seebodycalls. For the act and to examine books, records, ter Service and Itne up on New, Fast Selling Items.where Paul Hauck hasastore in Detroit."knurled nut can be set so that the noz-etc., of other persona for the purpose of Time Blades, Double-Edge,a zle hose holds any degree of stream ordetermining whether the act is being New Knockout.100 Blades *" spray desired.The new nozzle is madeviolated. Razor Blades, Asstd., Dou- ble -Edge. 1,000 Blades 2.40 FROM ATLANTA .. . of nonrustable metal, with the handle The bill passed the House April 28 by Shaving Cream Assortm'nt of rustproof steel and all other parts of 35c Sizes.Dozen .45 comes another from John H. Jones: a 67 to 19 vote and by the Senate May 5 Dental Cream Assortment "Since piping in the last time I ranbest quality brass.The maker, Dolphinby a 21 to 7 vote.Passage by the Senate 35c Sizes. Dozen .45 Specialty Company, reports good early Shaving Cream Assortm'nt into Tom Adkins. Says he has been here was by only one vote more than the re- 60c Sizes. Dozen .65 for some time and is doing fair. He isdemand. quired number to pass a bill carrying an Dental Cream Assortment a swell fellow and a square shooter and emergency clause. The law was criticized 60o Sizes.Dozen .65 in no uncertain terms by picture theater FlySwatters,Fine Wire always ready to help out another inFast -Selling Peeler Mesh. Dozen ...... 20 distress. Ethel Hart just came in and is owners. Fly Swatters, Soft Rubber working the Marietta street lot to rather Head. Dozen .30 "Under the old sales -tax law, 'wherein Fly and Insect Spray, 8-0z poor business. Hard to get a good spot a 3 per cent general levy was imposed Can. Dozen .75 here, altho there seems tobe some on all forms of business, the amusement Moth Tabs,Asstd. Odors. money incirculation.WonderifJ. Medium Size.Dozen .25 industry was not placed in a position Moth Tabs,Asstd. Odors Cooper left New Orleans yet. And if Jack wherebyitwasbeingdiscriminated Large Size.Dozen .45 Gilbert is in Boston. Will probably work against. Sun Glasses,Jr.Celluloid The regular admission ticket Lens, 12 on Card.Dozen .40 quite a few towns in Tennessee, Ken- cost the purchaser Only one cent in SunGlasses,GlassLens, tucky and Ohio -then to Chicago and taxes whereas the new law will require Asstd. Colors. Dozen .75 Detroit. Hope I will always be able to Sport Goggles, Glass Lenses, three cents," said one operator."Ath- Hinged Nose Rest. Dozen 1.50 buy The Billboard as reading Pipes is letic contests, wherein the same price White Shoe Polish, 4 -Oz. the only way we have of keeping in range as the theater prevails, will not be Bottles. Dozen .36 Have been Bowl Deodorants, Cello touch with one another. taxed under the new law.This dis- Wrapped. Dozen .30 working a few shops here but to rather crimination is sure to prove a blow to New Catalog Just Off the Press -FREE. poor business." Here is one of the newest items onthe amusement industry.Such an ex- 25% Deposit With Orders, Balance C. 0. D. the market for pitchmen and demonstra-cessive rate of taxation makes it impos- SEND ORDERS TO CHICAGO ONLY. cam tors.The W. R. Feemster Company issible for the theater owner to absorb the BART AND PEARL BARTONE ... urging demonstrators and pitchmen tolevy, as it more than approximates the Whose Bartone's Ideal Comedy Companyget in early.This tool Is claimed to bereturn from his investment." MILLS SALES CO. is slated to start its tent season May 25what every housewife has been looking 21S. WELLS ST. CHICAGO, ILL. and who have enjoyed the comforts offor, does work quicker, easier and morer m gbzwi kw w I 1 0 mw I 0 ik.1 i 1 their home at Albany, Ind., since earlyeconomically.This handy little kitchen last December, recently purchased thetool peels, slices, shreds, etc.No forced SELL BLADES- 5For Sc e sales required -it sells onsight. No motion picture chimpanzee, Jackie, frommore dull paring knives, marked or cut0 AND TRIPLE YOUR MONEYp George Thompson, trainer of John G. Rob-fingers, stained hands, and one of the inson's Elephants, who bought the chimpbig features of this handy tool is that SPECIAL MESSAGE last fall. Jackie's act will be among theit stays sharp, according to the makers. features this year. Besides the.Bartones, ,ADOMINO GOOD NEWS TO ALL their company will also include Dave , BLUE cosT Blades,AllPerPkg. of 5 Behee (who will handle the chimp) andTobacco Bag Cap STEEL ONLY Etched and Cel- OUR PAST and PRES- wife; Harold and Dolly Hovel, who have The "roll -your -own" cigaret idea has BLADES 11/2C lo.wrapped. been with the Bartones several seasons;caught on like nobody's business -espe- Put up inat- ENT CUSTOMERS and Johnny and Vernie Bishop, Roy Irlon and 011 1 0 0BLADES tractive Display cially among women, and for milady 3 Cards for only FRIENDS wife and Slim Keys. who doesn't care for loose tobacco in IN BOX 5r extra per 0 C100. WE ARE READY TO GIVE her handbag a unique bag cap has been OA YOU THE SAME QUALITY invented.It is small and fits intothe A. L. BLACKETT . top of most any tobacco bag. The manu-:YOUNG NOVELTY CO. Inc. PRODUCTS, FASTER SERV- paperman, according to word just re-facturer, the Dan Dee Specialty Com- * ICE and LOWER PRICES ceived from Johnny Compton, has beenpany, puts it out on counter cards, at-Or 100 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. THAN EVER BEFOREIN confined to the t. b. ward of the Veterans'tractively lithographed.Agents are re- Free Sample. 50% Deposit With Order.4 OUR NEW PLANT LO- Hospital, Wadsworth, Kan. He would ap-ported making volume sales to cigar Nok'w CATED IN NEW YORK... preciate hearing from friends. stores, drug stores and filling stations. OHIO MEDICINE CO. WASH TIES PLAIDS, STRIPES AND FIGURES WORD FROM . .. Nut Meat Grinder DEVORE MFG. CO.,INC. C. E. Shepard and his bunch of business An ingenious little Handy Ann nut- $8.00 Gross builders, with headquarters at Lebanon,meat grinder is the latest specialty of SAMPLE DOZ. 90c. 511 East72dSt.,New York N. H.. tells that Shepard is working histhe Patent Novelty Company.It is com- SILK TIES PLAIN COLORS. MEDICINE and PITCHMEN copyrighted premium plan at Burlington,pact and inexpensive, and may be had PLAIDS & STRIPES. Write for our private label catalog. Vt., to excellent results. Ted Sparks andin a variety of colors.Item should meet $12.00 Gross Bill Ryan are doing especially well. with wide distribution as a premium SAMPLE DOZ. $1.25. item. 25';. 4(11,0 will order. J. LEINKRAM JOHN A. (HAV-A-LAF) WALKER .. 915 Bdway., N. Y. City is playing lots thru Oklahoma territoryONLY TICKETS Slaking Ties Since 1907 Get Set fedi Life! with his med platform show. (Continued from page 3) admission shall be deemed, under the MAY 28 and 29 COUIITER CARD BUSIAESS law's previsions, to be 25 per cent of the ALL -STATE SHRINE CEREMONIAL AND JU- "I HAVE AT LAST ... total charge made or the amount of the BILEE IN CEDAR RAPIDS, IA. NO INVESTMENT NEEDED. got a fast -stepping show together," writescover charge, if any, whichever is greater. Parades, Street Dancing.Shrine Temples in Iowa Good pay right from the startDoc Coy D. Hammack, from Macon City, The proprietor of each place of amuse- and surrounding States invited. Opportunity tor 41 handling one of our regular routes. Ga. Roster includes Skinny Lanier, pro- Pitch Men. Write WALT WORKMAN, Recorder, Place famous line 513-10c Counter ment and entertainment is compelled to Box 28, CedarHawes, Ia. Card Goods with steady store cus-ducer; Mrs. Lanier, contortionist and acts;make a return before the 10th day of tomers. World's finest,largest. of best-sellingline. Almost200 the Ott family, of Ott and Ott, jugglerseachmonthtotheDepartment NEW TRANSPARENT daily necessities. including Razor de luxe, a real drawing card; Wesley Pres-Revenue of Kentucky, setting out the -411!".1 Pleased Day and Night BladesAspirin, Chocolated Lax -cott, at the piano, and Jewell Ott, songtotal gross receipts, the amount thereof NEON -L I KE live,Brom° Fizz. Mercurochrome. !;., Customer 8"x14".Costs All mounted on new -style, sales - anddances; FrankGriffin,dancer,which has been paid as a separate charge Is Our Best 4o; Retails 25c.SIGNS making. self-help counter displays. straights, etc.; Hootis Killinger and wife,for admission, amount thereof which has Over 1,000 Designs.Larg- Nave a Pp to 140% profit for you and Advertisement. est Selection of Stock Signs merchant.Make up to $65 week- Lula, concession, and general lot man;been paid for food and drink, number of in the P. S.Sample and Catalog free.L. LOWY. BIG -PAYly. A lifetime business. Big Cat-Mrs. Hammack, still selling seats andadmissions of each price class which have [Sept. 647. 8 West Broadway, New York. STORE alog and Samples sent free. working afterpieces; myself, lectures andbeen sold and other information.Every WORLD'S PRODUCTS CO.. office. Of course I still amaze the nativesperson or firm in the business of supply- Beautiful Tropical Shell Whistles ROUTE Dept. 588-A, Spencer, Ind. with my mindreading and Australianing amusement or entertainment is re- - Fast Seller. Patented. whip act. Had a very pleasant visit re-quired to procure from the Department48 Whistles mounted on beautifuldisplaycard, cently with Bob and Mrs, Hofeller, downof Revenue a permit. Sample Card, $1.00, Cash with Order, Prepaid. Other provisions require every place 1,000 Whistles, not mounted, $10.00 Cash, Prepaid. south, vacationing and combining busi- 5,000 Whistles with your Name or Advertisement, ness with pleasure. Would like to readof amusement or entertainment to make $50.00. bond, conditioned on faithful compliance Can deliver in big quantities.Also supply any other KEYSTONE IMPORT CO.pipes from Dave Wilson and wife, also my Sea Shells. ANNOUNCES REMOVAL TO NEW LARGE protege, Paul Compton. Why not pipe in,with the act, with a surety satisfactory QUARTERS AT Paul, and tell us how you and familyto the Department of Revenue. DADE MFG. CO., Inc. One of the most stringent require-140 N. E. 12th St., Miami, Fla. 1000 South Los Angeles St., are?See how this sounds to the rest of the med showmen. Why not give the med LOS ANGELES, CALIF. shows a page in The Billboard and leaveommossmossowsNsimonoimmoimmilmsemossmomn COMLETE STOCK NEWEST STYLE FOUNTAIN Pipes for Pitchmen, to the pitchmen who PENS AND PENCILS. ashow? I would be glad to R A DOA IHISTORY i ill work without FLASH ! contribute a pipe each week if we could 4=211";tiit- have a little corner of our own. Now I don't mean this to be nasty, but there is! TUBE RADIOIN Immediate Shipments to Any Part of the Country. GENERAL ANOTHER SENSATION. a lot of difference in the showman whoIII First timeInhistory -HighHighit Carries a troupe of performers and the Quality Genuine General Radios.$ 45 N man who only uses a short belly of some at the prices of ordinarysets. Smart! Modern!Beautiful! LOTS kind to attract his tip.Bear in mindI Dynamic Speaker offset to give OF SIR RAILROAD MODEL II - SIZE that I do not have any enemies in the full tonal quality. 7 JEWEL '52.50 pitch business and don't ,think I am R. C. A. licensed tubes and onec

5 JEWEL 3.25 I metal tube. 4 9 5 above or below them. But I do think Airplanedial -illuminated,lat- 17 JEWEL - 5.50 SAMPLE 1 that a little corner for med shows only est oval shape. SET DEPOSIT REQUIRED'EALANCECO.D would be accepted by all med showmen SIZE: 101/4"x 7". Two walnutfinishedcabinet. S:NPlEWiT0e5OEURAPUOJTIPI BUYERS WRITE ! A. C. -D. 0., Built-in antenna. 25% with or with a lot of enthusiasm.If this isn'tle Air cushioned packiD all der,. balance GENERAL WIRELESS FULLYGUARANcarton TEE O D rvi1C-i7LAI:IYIasking too much, Bill, see what the rest IIII... The name sellsIt.The quality of them have to say about it.Leaving LABORATORIES Profits to you! GetFREE CIRCULAR. here May 20 for Illinoisif nothing hap- 240-C West 23rd St. New York, N.V.goalWore. ORDER TODAY. It Helps You, the Paper and AdvertiserstoMen- tion The Billboard. pens more than I know now." 01111111=4111111011111111111101111110011111111111111101M111111IIMOSIMILIWilift May 23, 1936 LETTER LIST The Billboard 65

Page, Gene Sampson. Walter Thomas, Clark C. Welsh,Elvin Dondandy, Mr. Meier, Joseph Ward, Harold White,"Whitney" LETTER LIST Page, Jack A.Thomas, 11.O. Wesselman, L. B. Dougherty, Joe (Freiburg) Webb, Randy W. AL (Continued from page 29) Palmer, E.E. Sanders, L. B. Thompson, C.A. West, Al Duffy, W. G. Meslie, Ernie C. Wentworth, W. L.Wills, Chill Palmer, Marion Satterlee,Alfred Thompson, C.C. Westf all,W. Dyer, Amos H. Milakis, Weydt. Amuse. Co. Klein, C. A. Markley, Dave Palmer, Wiseman. Frank Klein, E. M. Marko, Geo. Pete Saunders, Jas. R. Thompson, Dick Weston, R. E. Dyer, Johnny Stilts Constant.G. Wheeler, Bob Zingoni & Zira Klug, John Mars, Walter J. Pamplin, Harry J.Savoldi, Joe Thompson, E. L. Wetzel. Baldy Earle,Chester Nathan,Larry Knauff, L. N. Marshall, Herbert Parker, Dick Sawyer, Bennet B.Thompson, Mike Weyman, Buddy Edison,Herbert Nathanson, Harry MAIL ON HAND AT Knight. L. R. Martell, Jerry Parker Sales Sax,Albert Thompson, S. Wharton, M. H. Edwards, Chas. W.Newsliam, Nicholas Knight, Roy ServiceScatterday, R. 0. Thompson,Steve Wheeler, Bob Cuter. Harry Olson, Wm. B. Martin, Harry Parrish, Billy Schaffer, Ray Thompson, W. H.Wheeler,Ned Ferguson, Robley Parker, Charlie ST. LOUIS OFFICE Knowles, Jesse Martin, Tom Patterson Jr.. Schiff, Dayton Thomson, Clifford 390 Arcade Bldg., Knudson,Cellond (Curley) Whetten, Fred D. Frank, Sam Parks, Wm. M. Henry Martin, M. R. ChanSchluchter, H. G. Thornburg. Ray &White, Carl Franklyn, Wilbur Pasner,Philip Eighth and Olive Ste. Koban, Kaichi Martinez Sr., LullPatterson, Herb Schofield, Ed Al Earl S. Gallagher, John Perry, Capt. Koehler, Harry Maseya the MysticPatterson. J. C. (Mackie)Thornton, Edw. White, Gaylord S.°angler.Joe Phillips,S. H. Ladies' List Rolborn, Frank Meteor, Edw. Patton, Glenn Schuler.Roy LeeWhite, Juan (Circus)Porter, Max Koran. L. E. Mathews. Geo. Paul, ImpersonatotSchwanenberger, Thrall. Fred Whitfield, Dick Garrett, Thos. L. Prudhomme, Allison, Gladys Garrison, Madame Kart.Perry Mateimato-Agawa Paul. Geo. AmbroseTinnell, Dan Whiteside,WalkerGermain. H. ArthurBryan, Sally Haynes, Mrs. Ed E. TroupePaul & Kline Scott, Geo. W. Tipps, Geo. Spot Whittaker, Joe Gifford & Pearl Purcell, Jack Buley, Mrs. SarahMadden, Alma Kramer, Renita Mattson,Bernard Payne. Jimmie Scott, R. D. Tisdale, Herbert Wiggins, Finnix Gilbert. Bernard Purl,Billy Clay, Madam RoseMyers, Miss Eloise Krem, Lewis Mayer, Geo. F. Payton, Chas. Scott,Walter RedTodd, Edward Wilhver, Wally Giroud, Clarence Rankin, HowardH.Clayton, Mrs. O'Shea, Mrs. John Krieder, Edward Maximo, Pearline, Harry Scott, Wiley B. Todd. Jas. Buster Willard, Flying Goldsmith Reilly, Ray R. ClarencePratt. Mary Kuba, Frank J. Mechanical ManPearson, Jack Scribnof, Bill Tom. Frank Bros. (Dog Crate)Riche, Neal Clayton, Mary LouPrice.airs.D. M. Kugler,Prof. Jan May. Jackie Peek, Bert Scully. Tom Tompkins. Geo. Si,Williams, Al Gorden, Jack Riley,Charles Cowan, Mrs. MayRosenbaum, M Kuhn. John M. Peden, Eddie Seale. the Seal Toronto Red Williams, Bub Gordon, Francis (Jombo) Curtis, Mrs. Ted Mays, B. V. Peke, BlackeY BogTows, Paul Williams, C. J. Gosh, Byron Roemer,Sidney Margaret L.Ross,Mrs.Eileen Kurnali, Buster Meadows, C. W. Pekin,Peter LaBerta,Otis Melton,Buddie L. Sears, Howard Tovrns, Richard Williams, E.E. Gulls, Joe Rooney, James Cutler, Mrs. Rose Williams, Thelma LaLenna, Frank Mercer, Chas. W. Pengelli, Dr. H. See. Bunny Townsend, CaravanWilliams, FanchonHart, William S. Ross, Walter Davidson, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. W.M. LaMont. Dave Merchant. J. R. Perdue, Elmer Sellars, Hugh E. Tracy, Frank Williams, Fred X.Hartmann, Owen Schnell, Carlyle E. George E.Wyatt, Mrs.Billie LaMoges, Eddie Merkle, Fred PeriwinklePlayersSells,Virgil Trafton, Frank H.Williams. Harry K.Harvey, Ken Sears, P. Eaton, Mrs. Edw. LaPurl, Chas. Doc Messick, K. 0. Perkins, Frank D.Sennett, Leo B. Travis, Jas. E. Williams Jr.. B. F.Healey, M. O. Sheeley, Jack LaVine. H. Cy.Seymour, W. 0. Tronso Williams, Joe B. Heise, Henry Shepard, C. E. Tommy Shades, Cad P. Trout, Williams. Les C. Hines, Johnny Shergy,Kader Gentlemen's List Lackey, Jack Meverden. Lloyd Perry. J. L. SambaWilliams, Rusty Lake, Edw. W. Meyers. Carl Perry, Jack Shaffer, 0. 0. Homer, Joe . Sherwood,VincentAdams, Vem LaMont. "Reek" Lamar.Col.LeonMeyers, Dutch Pershing,GrahamShaffer, Lee Truitt, Preston J.Williams, Stove Hyde, Bobbie M. Ali, Walter Lambert, Bill & Meyers, F. H. Peters, Floyd Sharer, Chas. Tucker, Billie PipeIbberson,Bert Silver Tongue, Barbee, Ray Letts, G. 1r. Marion DutchPetoeherAndrew OliverTullis, Wm. A. WillieWest & Jarvis, Gerald ChiefBenoit, Frank Pettie,Geo. SlimSharon, Alfred JoeTulles, T. O. McGintyJones.Charles Smith. Cyril Billick, Harry E. Lucas, Harry Lambert, K. E. Migal. Leo Sharrock. Lowell Times, Wm. Willis,Billy Kahntroff,Morrie Smith, Jonas Lamont, Charlie Miller, Chas. Joe Peyton, Bleats Turner, Garry Wilno the Great Bird, W. E. Ludwig, C.B. Lamont, Geo. A. Miller,Eli Pfeifer, E. W. Shaw, Maurice Kane, Harry ( Stuff ) WillieM Lamont, Harry Miller. Frank Philbert,Edw. H. JackTweedy. Chu. Wilson, E. B. Keller, Fred A. Spfelmann. Louis Bjorn, Charles Sheehan, Bob Twist, Egan Wilson, Earl V. Stern, Harold Iiirtplinar, J. Phillips, E. G. Kennedy, Andrew aMcteo stil*g Bill Landes, Orrin Miller, John Shelton, Marvin Underhill,HowardWilson, Everett Landswood, Frank Student,Earl 0. Boelke,E.J. Landick, Olyn Miller, Leon Phillips. Edgar Usher, Whitie Geo.Wilson, Fred (Al)Mellon, A. J. Lane.MalcolmJ.Miller, Mervin Pickard, Wm. J. Shelton, Toby Larkins, Jack Snithly, Wallace Boyles, Duke Miller,Fred T. Pike, Blackie Sherman, Tex Val Vino (Bogie) Lawrence. Al Uderwich, Udie Bresnahan. J. E. .Miller. Blackie Langford, Harry Millican,Jack Shields,Purl Vale, Eddie Wilson, Grady Lingard, S. N. Van, Freda Fred Larabee, James IndianPine, Andy Valentine. Harry Wilson, J. C. Brown, Connie n I i a Large, T. L. PinkBill Shields. Wilmet Loftus, Arthur Walker, Tim Brown, George Motherwell, . Larmour,EdmondMilliken, J. A. Plain°, Harry L.Shmidt. Louis H. Van Arne, Pete Wilson, Robt. CarlLorimer, Jon Warren, Chas. Brown, Russell I.E. A.Mimic World Pixley, G. W. Shore,Arthur Van,Fred -Freda Wilson,Robt. W.Lorraine. Charlie Weintraub, Samuel (Slim) Thomas Carnival Shugart, Dr., Valium, L. 0. Wilton, G. B. Lass, Jeff Place, Lewis E. Winters, Floyd & Lustig, Billy Butcher, 0.J. JosepT Miner, Bert Pollitt, John A. ShowVandiver, C.P. McGarrigle,J.A.White. Jess L. Jp.etele. Latell, Harold E.Mitchell, Adams Siladi, John Vaughn. A. B. KittyMcGeogh, Philip (Texas Slim)Carton, Eddie Lattin,Walter Pomroy, H. L. Vernon. Wally Winters. the Camthers, Rondie Pullman.Pasha, Lavine. Larry Mitchell, Alek Poole, IL A. Silver Streaks, McGregor, L. B. Williams,Clyde Clarke, Paul Leslie Bill Mitchell, Alex Vickere, Olin 0. Juggler Lawrence Pope, Chas. W. The Machann, FrankN.Williams. N. Cockrell, G. A. Pope, Billy Mitchell,Allen A.Pope, G.Its SilverTongue, Victor -Victoria Winters, Winnoe Malcolm, Wilson,Marriott EntertainersMitchell, Bob Vincent, Leroy Wise, Whitie ManipulatorYoung, John Collins, Wm. T. Quade, Okla. Jack Pork Chops Chief Wish, Jack Conway, John Roberts, Armstrong Lawrence. Larry Mitchell,Charley Potts, Harry Simmonde, Alex Vinson, Happy Malone, Jim Mansfield (Red 1 Robinson.Rolfe Lawson. Happy Mitchell Circle Potts. Harvey JackWolfe, W. W. Hamm, C. W. Young, Solly Lay.Bill StockCo. Simonds, Harry Wade, Gurney L. Wood, Frank H. Zinbad, Dr. Darlington,C.W.Roma, Prof. Poulas, John Sims. Amens. & Wages, Johnnie Wood, Ray Davidson, B. H. Roy,Lee, & Pals Layton. W. C. Mitchell.Dick Powell, Art Co. Davis, Harry, & Saari,OnceT. Lazell, Elmer Mitchell, Geo.J. Powers, Rex Singleton, H. D. Wagner, Robt. L. (Clown) Ferne SuttonShankland. Rex LeRoy,Billy Prather, Henry H. Wahner, R. 0. Wood, W. E. MAIL ON BAND AT Lee.Dick Mitchell. Geo. M. Sizemore, Asa Walker, BroadwayWoodcock, Bill Davis, Johnnie Shelton.Toby Mitchell, G. L. Premont, Ted Skeeter Hell Co, Woodruff, Harry (Cowboy) SilverTongue, Lee, Frauds M. Mitchell, Louis Price, Ben Sleepy Eugene Walker, Garnet N. CHICAGO OFFICE De Rossigknob, Chief Lee. J.F. Mitchell,Miller J.Price, Ray Slossor, Shots Walker. Goldie Woods, F.A. Smith, C. L. Lee.Julian Printer, Lewis F. Walker, James TimWoods. Marcus J. 000 Woods Bldg., Louis Lee & LaFree Mitchell, Pete Sloute, Verne L. Walker, Slim Woods, R.L. Ellis, R. C. Smith, Cris Mitchell, Russell Proctor, Harry Stover, B. A. Wallace, J.F. Wonder. Toni & 50 West Randolph St. (Cotton)Smith,Jack J. Leonard, Paul Mitchell, Tennis Proctor. James R. Small, Leo Escalante's Smith. lien Lesser, Jake TheodorePurl,Billy Wallace, Tex Betty Springate. John Levine. Joe Mitchell. Qualls, J. C. Smiley, James Walters, John Word, Earl P. Mexican Circus Levitt. John M. Mitchell. Tony 3. Taal 3,Smith, Arthur LeeWalters, Sidney Worl, Texas Red Parcel Post Farley,Victor Stark. Mickey Lewin, Bert Mittendorf.Louis Quincey Smith, Ben Ward, Ralph Worman, Nat Font i nelle. Bob Stuart. Tex Lewis, H. J. RedMix, Art Quinn,Don Smith, C. AL SkiWard. T.F. Worslay,I.A. Broderick.Mrs. Exalander, Benn Tate, Ralph Money, Ernest Rader, Chas. E. Smith, Edwin Wright, Fred W. Paul, 4o & ClaraTownson, C. M. Lewis. Jay BernieLewis, Ramon. Chic Warren. the Doing Montague, Herbllng WizardWright. Warren Freed, H.T. Twohouse, Chief ClarkRamsell, Jack Smith,Fletcher Wyatt. R. T. Handing, SteveF.Waite, Kenneth Lewis, Robt. E. Montgomery. Raney. Dale S. Smith, Frank. Washington, Hades, George. E. Walsh. Jim Lezark, Julius Rankin, Howard H. Father TomboneWylie. F.C. Ladies' List Libby. Flank Grover PlayersWatkins, Ira Yancey, Geo. P. Ilayes, IL A. Warner, Jay Moon, R. E. Rawlinson. Chas. Smith, Geo. W. Welkin, Pierre Yellow, Chas, Bernard, Ethel Leslie,Mrs.HollyHeller, George Watkins. T. F. Libsey, Edw. Moore, Paul Ray. Buster Bush, Gladys MaeMcCain, Mrs. (Red 1 Likliter,Russell Ray, Joe Smith, Guidon Watson. Jas. F. Egoff Lime. L. O. Moore,Rector Ray, R. E. Smith, Herbert R.Watts, Doc T. Yoder, Albert Mrs.Mary Agnes Bull DogWebb, Clyde Lind, Oscar Ed Moore, Tommie II. Smith, Jack Weatherly, E. C. CurlyCarvoux,Pauline McCarty, Mrs. Hisco, Harry Lineback. Roy Moore, Vernon Ray,Engonaar Hoop LaWeaver, J. R. Yogi, Rajah Cattier, Mrs. Gluey BillieIngleston, Bob H.Weinberg JoeW Lionel, David Moore, W. 0. Reagan. Bob Smith, Odis Weaver Jr.. W. E.York, Capt. Clayton, Mary LouMcFarland,Mrs. Jones, Buster eWi 11 awmo sr t, Morgan, Frank Reaves. J. D. Eddie, Marie Billy Grace Clh.aude Little Beaver, Red Fox, Joe Smith. Roy H. Webb, Tex Toang,Billy Toby Krause, Joseph H. (Chi) S. Young, Blaine Evans, Mrs. Bill Hours°, Mrs. (Keno)Winiberley, Robt. George eforgan, Frank L. Redding, Fat Smithy, Swing Weber. Harry Madame Parker, Miss Lynn Little Fox, Chief Morgan, Lewis H.Redfield. H. B. BallWeinberg. Joe Young, George Firanza, Krug, Clarence H. Livingston.Harold Smoke, Human Weiner,Herman Young,J.IL Fredrik, Mae Peck, Mrs. Flo Kruse,F.H. WWooydI, E Rmu rtE. Llewellyn, Beryl Morgan, Louie Redmond, Prof. VolcanoWeinreb, Nate Young, John Gomez, Angie Rasmunson, Mrs. Lambert, D. J. Morgan, W. E. R. L. Weisman, John MansfieldGraber, Betty Sylvia Luber, Fred Morris, H. C. Reece,J. W. Smythe, Bill LorraineRobinson,Henri- MAIL ON HAND AT Locktee, Gus & ei...... ,_ Reed, Chick L. Snell,P.J. GooksYoung, Roscoe Lovell&Morris,3,reme Weisman, W. L. Youngs, Sannil Gutkin, Sophie etta V.or C. Morris, J. Reed, G. W. BillSnyder, Skeet Zangar Hart. Ervil Wickman, Ruth Logan, Sandy E. Reedy, Maynard Solar. Joe & Dot Weldon, heel Hart, Irene Sinclair. Peggy DALLAS OFFICE Long, Dr. A. SlimSolomon. Tildon Weldon, Prof. A. Zaylor, W. T. Long, Claud Kid Morris, Robt. E. A.Zeller & Urlbum Henry.Elsie Szita & Anis 401 Southland LNG Bldg. Long. Isaac A. LeeReed, Mike S.Wells. Bill Zemer, Fred J. finglies, Mrs. V. L.Taft, Thelma 1418 Commerce St., Long Star Jim Mortensen. Fred Reichbach, Ben Sordelet Sr., HenryWells, Jimmy Zingoni & Zira Johnston,MildredTuttle, Florence Louis J.Mortensen, Mort Reid, Freddie Sorensen, Joe Kelly. Miss W. J.Wallace,Myrtle Lorraine. Morton. Rex Joe Leland. Tony Warner, Lillian Ladies' List lenetedge, Harry Morrie, Reid, Thos. Soret, MAn. ON HAND AT Nelsen Robt. Reighard, Geo. Sparks, Jesse Anthony, Mrs. Kelly,Mrs.Edith Loranger, IvaReiner.Frank Sparks, Ted Milo Kramer, Mrs. Sall., Mose.K.0. Reinhardt, Geo. Spencer, Art NEW YORK OFFICE Gentlemen's List Austin, Mrs. EllaLiberty, Aldis Louis, Norman Mott, Jos. Reno, Edw. A. Spencer, Bill Bryer,Mrs.MabelLouise, Madam Lovell, T.C. Mats, Fred Reno. Paul Sperry Bob 1504 Broadway. Abdiziz, Hassan Jones, Johnny Carter, Maxine McCardy, Mrs. Lewes, Robt. meielly, Tommy Revilli, Chas. Spheeris,Andrew BenKelly, Edward Clayton, Mary Lou Fred Lozano,Celestine Mulcaly, B. H. Reynolds, Cecil Sprain, Ellwyn Ladies' List Aburto,Pedro (ProfessionalIceCoddington,airs. Murphy, Patsy Lumford, Jimmy Mullen, Jimmie Rhodes, Eddie Sproull, Albert 3. Aglow, L. C. Mark Skater) M. L.Rivenbark, Lunsford, Ray Mond. Sunny Rice,Cecil C. St. Johns, Art Ames, Ruth Mack, Mae Alno,Tiffney Landrum, Gerald Drayton,Kathleen Marguerite Lush, Dec Murphy, Al H. Richards, B. R. St. Leon. A. Geo. Augustin, Anna Malloy,i'llaine Baird, Jack B. H. Ellingson, Helen See, Mrs. Eddie Lyda, T.J. Murphy, Pat J. Richards, JimmieStacey, Frank CleteMarks, Jean Barr,ArthurE. Laul, Arthur Harmon, Mrs. Ada Sheeks, Mrs. Lyon,Delbert Murphy, W. A. or KittyStanley, Mark Archer.Mildred (Ward) Bauers, Mr. & Lee Jr.,Thos. H.Hogsed, Fleets Tennie Lyon, Steve Murray. Arthur Richards, G. C. Stanley. Mike Ballard, Lupe Martin. Alice Mrs. HarryLeeman. Herbert Jane Wilson, Mrs. Betty Lytell, Fred Murray, Charlie Riddle, J. R. Stanley. Harry Barssitte.Dale Mattes,Pearl Bentel.v, George Ludwig, C. B. McCall,II.L. Megerle Staple, ropey. Bass, Juapa May. Elsie Bernard. Phil McCarty. Freddie Gentlemen's List McCallester, H. E.Murray. James Riggs,J.L. Star, Jimmie Blount, A. E. Mack, H. Myer. John F. Riley, Bill & Bane, Cuba McCormack, Mrs. Beate, W. J. Manes. Pete Lenagar, P. McCarthy. D. F. MyrtleStark, Lehman Billings, Marie T. J. Alfred, Jack & McCarthy.EmmetMyers. Ralph Steers, Melvin Black, Pauline Miller,Bobbie Borella,Esq.. McMahon. Charley JuneLewis,Bill C. McCarthy. Jas. Naboone, R. J. ilmmer. Billy Stebbins, Paul Booth. Edwina Mills,Irene ArthurMcMahon. JohnnieArnold. Jack Langan, J. Gee. Paul BabeHeathery, C.T. ngwalt, J. ClarkStegman,Carl Bowman, Mrs. EdNorth, Agnes Bowan. Charles B.Millette, Jimmy Arthur, Billy Ludeis, C.R. McCellon, D.E. Neidell, Kenny ish, John Stegeman, Roger Boylan. Rose & Parker,Sunny Bradley,Niles Moeller, James (Dude)McCain. Johnnie McClaughan, C.S.Nelpert, Clarence Rittley, Harry Stein, A. E. ArthurPayne, Violet Bresnahan, T.J. Molioney, E.T. Atkin, Al Miller,Eli McCormack. 0,L.Nelson, Whitey Rite, R. V. Stephens, Ralph Burton, Patricia Phillips, Peggy Brink. Dwight 0.Mortenson, Mort Atkins,George &Moore. Homer V. . Neltner, Ray Roach, Wm. LloydStetson. Jack Carlo. Betty Pine, Ruth Bullock,Robert Mueller, W. C. EthelNation, Al McCoy. Chuck Nepo, Geo. Roberts, Al Stevens,G. W. Carroll,Jean Plant, Jean Butcher, OttoJ.Murry, Tom (BossBachman, Ted Palmer, W. F. McCulley, W. T. New, Bert Roberta. Joe Stevens, Pete (Tattoo)Rasputin, Miss Byron, Bill Canvasman)Bonin, Richie C. (Doc) MeCnne, Wm. Newberry, John Roberts, Robt, Stevens, Ralph Chester. Helen Rearoth,AlbertinaCalvem, ROY "Nadeane" Bowen, ROY Parrish, Dale McDermott. EddieNewman, Art & Roberts, Whitey Stevens, Thos. Clark, Mrs. Jim Roberts.Marion Carney. Jack Nichols. Lee RI aun, Charles Pepper, Abe McDonald. P. L. MayRobeson.Geo. WoodD'Alu, Nina (Kiki) Clarke,Harry Noon, J. Gilbert Bresnahan,R.J.Phillips, Orville R. McDougal, Scott, Newman, Frank Robinson, H. C. Stevenson. J. D. Davidson, Gypsy Robin, Edna Cohen. Harold Ogle, Douglas Bryer,R. L. Proctor, George H. McGee. Jimmie (White Head) Robson, J. C. Stewart. Tex Dean, Ann Ross, Caroline Connors, Steve Olsen, Arnold Carter,J.B. Rice,C.L. McGowan,VernonNewman, Norman Rocco, R. W. Stingeland. Frank De Long Sisters Rush, Vera Copeland, Ray Oowerr, B. 0. Cato, Henry Rish, John McIntyre, Ray Newman,Ted Rockwell. Johnnie & TinDouglas, Amette Serena (Serpent) Davis,Harry Philips, Edgar Cauble, Robt. Roberts, B. C. Mcleabe, Rosier Newton, Earl Fig Roger, Albert Stout, T. Ford.BillieEdithStudent,Gertrude Davis, Joe Perry, Joe Clark,I.J. Roche, Sam Walt RayNichols, Jay Rogers, Bill Stove Pipe Heydolph, Erika Talliferro, Virginia DeMarrs, Fred Powell, llalton Clayton,Clarence Sanders,!Allard McKay, Bob Nicholas,Russell Rogers, Jim Stuckey, Monte Jordan, Helen LeeDemnati, Haddo Powers, Rex (Natl.Conarroe, Lewis Scoggins, Robert McLane, J. Northon, Robt. E.Rogers, Julius CL Sue, Alex Joyce, Ruth Timson, Ruth L. Dennis, Jack Skating Champ Copell, H. N. Scott,Fred McLendon, R. F. Nix, Bunny Rogers,Ralph Sullivan,Bill Rail. B. White, Harriet Derer,Charles Price, Arthur Crockins, Fred Silver Tongue, McMahon, HaroldNock, Mr. and Rogers, Gene Sullivan, John L. La Body. Doris Winston, Peggy D5 er,John S. Quabney, C. R. Earl, E. M. Chief McMahon, Pete Mrs. Rogers, R. I. Sullivan, Patrick Le Noir, Elsie Wright, Jeanette Egoff, Charles Randsen, Carl C. Fields.Snow BallSims, Hi McMillen, Geo. Norris, Bob Rogers,Seigel Summers, Jimmy Laclaire,MarsueB.Wynn. Ruth (Pitts Yellow)Ritchie,Carl & Fletcher,Avery Smith, Curley McNeil. Luther V.Nuzzo, Tony Remelt!. Tony Summers. V. S. Lind, Pilule Endicott Adrian SistersGavins, Joe Stanley,Paul McNeely, A.E. Nye. B. H. Rooney, Jimmy Swain, C. W. Evans, Bill Robinson, W. C. Goff, B. AL Strode,Bill McPeek, Jas. O'Brien. Geo. Rosen. Joe Swain, W. I. Flam, David Rose & Stone Goodwin, Happy Twine, Hobart McPherson. Eugene ShortyRosen, Harry Swan, Tex Gentlemen's List Fohlbrook, T. R. Ross, James Gordon, W. 0. Wall. Mickey McSpadden, John O'Brien. Thor. Rosen.Mike Sweeney, Thea. L. Franks, Mr. & Rumbell, Ernest J.Grogan, LaPoint Whittington, Jack O'Connell,FrancisRosenberg, Geo. Swicegood, E. B. Aldo Clifford, Jack Mrs.Frank111110). Frank Haberman,BernieWilliams, Claude MeSween, Maxie J.Rosenberg. Sam J.Swindell,Geo.H.Arena, Joe Chisholm, Duey Gamin, Louie Scheneiahia, Hale, Slim Williams, Dr. M. & M. Show O'Connell, J. M. Rosezela, Joe Sylow, Henry C. Baird, C. Christie, Hal Germano, Tony Howard W.Hart, Arthur Leslie Machel,Bob O'Connor, J. J. Ross, Doc Szits & Anis Baldridge, W. R. Cohen, Marty Gerard, Jay Schindler, Robert Hart, Capt. JohnWoods, Johnnie Madden, Chick Oleara. Jineine Ross. Floyd Talley, Richard Barrett, Shel Collins,Henry D.Geyer, Billie Scott, J. C. S.Wyninegar. H. Maden, Sr. O'Neill, Robt. R. Ross, Jack Tan A-Wa Med. Bentley, F. Connors, Jack Gould,Joseph Shawver,Langdon Hart, E. J. Magee, Harry H. O'Rourke, Howard Ross, Joe Co. WhittingtonConway, Thos. Granlich, Kurt MeltonHester, Bart Mahan, Bob Oberman. Harry Rotnour, J. B.. TashianGeo. Bergman, Alfred Smiling RedGreenwood, Capt. Silver Tongue, Hicks, Hampton Major, Aubrey Odum, Homer ShowTate,Jimmy Berner, Edward Corey, Thos.P. Harry ChiefHughes, Thomas Major, A. R. Ogden, Billy Round Tree & Taylor, F. W. Blair, Joseph Cowan, Wm. (Bill)Gregory, Kay Spencer,Ray'd Fuzzy Malors, Jack Sliver, 0er ShortyTaylor, R.Ferris Blake,E.MastonCross,Louie HaggertY, Joe Stahl, Chas. Mailer, Frank Olsen & Johnson Rowan, Doc Taylor, R. Cecil Boyd, Joe Babson, Chu. Hamilton, StoddardAmuse- Hull, Jimmie Malley, Francis R.Orbogan, Geo. Ruberts, Chas. Taylor. Raymond Brannon.Billie Dahl, Bud Francis L. ment EnterprisesHumphries, Chet Mansfield, the Omer.Perry Rush, Austin & HumpyBurke, Daniel Davis, Harry (& Hilliard,RoyE. Sylvester, George & Ethel ShootingOsborn, Alton T. GladesTaylor. Wm. It. Burke. George Sutton) Hodgson, Red Taylor, Rex Isley,WillardS. Mansholt, H. M. Osborne, Jas. I.. Rush. Jas.C. Teague, James Burkholder, H. De Gast, Henry . (Composer)Tiffany, Chan Karr, Olan J. Mansion,Mickey Oshwa, Prince Russell. Caen Templeton, Patrick (Dalton)De Masi, Felix Hudspeth. T.C. Tint, Al Kemmerling, Mareellees. Bud Ossified Roy G.Burns. Will Delorey, China RedJaudon, R. Z. Ton -E -Ka Medicine Skinny March, Walter Ott,Fred Russell, Geo. le Teste, Joe Burr. Arnold Di Carlo, AnthonyJackson, R. ShowKing, Riley Marcus. Gee. Owens, Tex Salinger, David Thatcher, Bob Cannon, John Dockstader. Gene Johnson, Allie Tollman,ReynoldsKrause, Joseph Margold, Abe Pablo Sr.. Juan Jr.Salsbury,Saul Thomas, Alfred C.Carmen, Bills Dodson, L. A. (Santos-Artigag)Ubag, Sates L. H. Keno 66 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR May 23, 1936 transition may not have been as simple as all that, but the general idea was. Wiziarde Opens May 23 iitotheOpe WESTMORELAND, Kan., May 16.-The GREAT SUTTON TO THE average person in any fieldWiziarde Novelty Circus will open here the idea of deliberate theft isre-under canvas May 23, using a 60 -foot volting.Ido not say that theround top with two 308.Little George average game mogul or his agent feelsTownsend will have pit show.Thirty SHOWS the same way about it, but thru my ownstands have been set and show will play 111111111\ experience around midway operas andallfairs contracted.Billy Brown will Will sell exclusive on Cook House for by reason of numerous conversations on Season. have band with six men and calliope. the subject with representative operators Acts will include Miss Perin's dancing Mt. Vernon,III., May 18-23; konarciTraube over a period of yearsI am convincedhorses;Sidney Rink, mule act;Four Robinson,III.,25-30. that the moral factor is not as importantCordts Sisters, acrobatic, ballet and tap as the practical angle. dance turns; Jack Shaffer, clown; Bald- Purging Midway Magic In other words, it is my feeling-andwin Trio, comedy globe; Wiziarde family, Ina waiting invain for years forI may be called a chump for saying so-five- people, tight wire; Jack Jack, high - A1an outsider to make adequate usethat in the long run the man with somebalancing perch;11 trained dogs and CONTEST! CONTEST! of the super -colossal wisdom pos-regard for his business and the futuretwo comedy mules; Jack Wiziarde, bal- IN THE ARENA, sessedby yourcorrespondent,alongthereof will have more money in hisancing traps; Frank Wiziarde, ponies. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., JUNE 19th to 21st. comes an offer.The offer is really morekick than the person of the snatch -grab Bulldogging, Bucking Horses.Steer Riding. Calfflattering to the ego than fodder for thekind who might enjoy the position of Show will have concert, with stage, Roping Contests, $600.00 each,allfees added, being king for a day but who generallyscenery, lights, etc., using seven novelty divided into three go rounds, $200.00 each gopocketbook, but money is a foul medium acts.Calliope will be used for street round.Cowgirl Bucking Horses. $15.00 per head.of exchange, anyway, and flattery is awinds up in hock at the end if not din- Want to contract Trick Riders, Ropers, Acts, Buck- ing the season and has to be bailed outbelly.Visitors includedRayAlexander, ing Horses and Steers.Address all mail to JACKprecious commodity not easily the cookhouse man to whom he mightPile and Campbell. The Wiziardes vis- KNIGHT. BusinessManager, the Arena Rodeo,The naughty shekels, while able to buy Minneapolis, Minn. Dee Moines (Is.) Police Rodeo,groceries and pay the rent, are dwarfedbe on the nut in the firstplace. ited Seal Bros' Circus at Junction city. May 25 to 90.Shrine's Rodeo, Peoria,III., Juneindeed when standingbesidepraises Thesnatch -grab man is proud of theKan., also Landes Shows at Manhattan, 3 to 7.Can use acts, cowboys. 20 weeks' work. manner in which he goes in for the trim,Kan.Mrs. Wiziarde, who has been ill Milt Hinkle, Manager. which are pleasant on the ears or thebut if the same friendly principles whichfor a month, has recovered. eyes as the case may be. he adopts when in dire need and in WANTED FOR The offer is from Roy B. Jones, of thetough shape were exercised when trotting United Shows of America, who is editorout the wares on the shelf which he The MabelR. Weer Showsof that organization's Midway Breezes,never hopes to surrender to the open- SALE Shows with or without own outfits.Will furnishan organ for which he asks me to writefaced man facing him with good Amer- tops and panel fronts for any money -getting shows. an article on the general subject of What have you?LesterKnappwire. Concessions: ican dollars eked out by his own sweat, Wheels ofallkinds, Fieh Pond, Bowling Alley,"Cleaning Up the Midway."Your cor-the midways of the North American GANGSTER Pitch -Till -U -Win, Hoop -a -La, String Game, Shoot-respondent is taking the liberty of let-continent would be cleaned up overnight. (1930 16 -Cylinder Cadillac) ing Galleries. Frozen Custard or any other conces-ting The Billboard in on the ground Known asGangland's16 -Cylinder,Bullet -Proof sions using stock.Will Book Merry -Go -Round forfloor, assuming for the moment that Limousine, 1'/s.inch Bullet -Proof Glass. lined with Number Two Unit to play one of the best 4th snots NO MAN is so far gone and so addictedBattleship inchSteel,Smoke Screenother in this section, and other celebrations to follow.Mr. Jones will take the second port of gadgets.This car played Publix-Warner Theatres, Good proposition.Celebration and fair committeescall by lifting this treatise in part or in to the desire for larceny of one kind custom built, perfect running condition, great flash, in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan wire, we may have or another that he cannot changeSmart showman can make money circuses, parks, your dates open.Dowaglac, Mich., May 18-23;whole for his lively publication. fairs, carnival.$1,200.00 cash. Can arrange terms South Haven, 25-30. Address all communications to either by intelligent persuasion or byto reliable parties. Also have Stereopticon and Gang- MABEL R. WEER. Sanctifying games, while not easy, isforce when, as and if necessary. This 1 P. A. System for Sound Truck, $100. not a problem which defies solution.Itbrings us to the real root of the troublesterL. C.Slides. McHENRY, 408 W. 6th, Gastonia, N. C. is my impression that a control or safetywithin, show owners, concession super- measure was introduced into concession NOW BOOKING DECORATION DAY intendents and fixers.These adminis- For 70th Annual Emancipation Celebration. Eman- operation not as a means of diminishingtrators can clean from within if theycipation Park, Houston, Tex., June 12-21. Ten big in Lansing, Mich. the flow of prizes from operator to cus- days and nights.Shows, Rides, legitimate Con- wanted to, but some do not exert their The WEEK OF MAY 25, FOSTERSHOWGROUNDStomer, but, on the contrary, as a meanspower unless forced to by municipalitiescessions.WILL BOOK sensational Free Act. Can Place Two -Abreast Merry -Go -Round forthisof regulating the play so that the man South's Greatest Colored Event.200,000 to draw date and for balance of season.Can Place Two or county officials, or to protect thievingfrom. Free Barbecue, Street Parade, World Fa- More Shows; what have you? Can Place Legitimatebehind the booth could be given oppor-and bargaining local fixers. mous Bands, Athletic Contests. Wire, phone or Concessions at all timeas Want to bear from Lymantunity to encourage repeats via awards. Counter -irritants are often the men inwrite R. W. "TOMMIE" STEVENS. 510 Travis Dunn.Oil towns. Mt. Pleasant, Mich., week MayThe man who thought up the idea based St. (Phones, Preston 5385, Preston 9216), Hous- 18; Alma. Mich., week June 1.Address it on a fallacy, the fallacy having to docharge of concessions at some fairs. Tooton, Tex. HENRYJ. POLLIE, per route. with the celebrated human equation.many among them give the wink to Many of the fraternity took one look atgames of such a shady nature as to CHARLES KYLE justify demands forexorbitant spaceWANTS fordarbspotCelebration,sensational POLLIE & LATTO SHOWSthe system and decided this was easyrates.If they do not do this, they exactShows and Attractions withoutfits. Big Cook pickings.That, in effect, changed the House (with meals).Ex on Drinks, Dogs, Ice the same amount per front from everyCream sold, and some Shows already booked, as well wholeorderofthings,becausethestand.The well-meaning operatorisas the Main Attraction.Straight Wheels and Bingo JOE'S PLAYLAND honestly motivated concession man could Agents on my own Concessions..Always place real therefore obliged to turn the heat onSpecial Agent, Auto, Banner, Exhibit Men now. SHOWS WANT SHOWS not compete with the unsavory tactics ofhis stand as much asis reasonablyAddress Moose Club, Philadelphia, Pa, String Show, Mechanical Show or any show that doesthose who turned on the gaff switchpossible, because, figuring what he has to not conflict.Can place Ball Game, Diggers. Highwithout any display of real common Striker, Cigarette Gallery, String Game. Need Fer- throw out in the way of prizes, he can- 11 ris Wheel and Chair -o -Plane Foreman. Join on wire,sense and with no eye to the future,not compete with those who give up Oxford, Kan., this week. about which they cared not a hoot. Thelittle if anything. "Midget Auto Races The uninitiated fair official is in most WANT Promoter that handles these.Darb location. cases surprisingly keen.Resigned to hisSpecial Agent, Banner and Programme Advertising state of ignorance concerning games, he Man.Address CHARLES KYLE "Moose Club,' uses what amounts to good business Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa.Real Shows with EUREKA SHOWS sense by mixing good games with badoutfits for Park and Road. OPENING MAY 30, ALBANY, N. Y., DISTRICT games and charging all hands plenty AL WAGNER CAN PLACE and let the chips fly where they may. For Sandy Beach Park, Russells Point, 0., Have good opening for Cook House and Frozen Custard.Can place Shows, Capable Couple for 4 -Dime Photo Machine.Must Rides and Legitimate Concessions of allkinds. Thisis the Decoration Day know their business.ALSO PLACE capable Scale STILL think the faultlieslargelyMan with or without scales. Grind Store Agents for spot you have been waiting for. Buckets,Roll -Down, and two capable Messfor Iwith the show, and not so much with Blower. All park owned Concessions. All who FairandCelebration Secretaries,Ihave the show you want. the fair or celebration which hires it, worked for us before write again.Everybody write. because a cleanly established game in-Russells Point. 0. Need Lindy Loop Foreman and Ride Help. Lambert and Roberts,write. dustry would have an effect on local Wire orwrite MAE BISTANY, CapitalHotel,Albany, New York. officials and executivesoffairs,the effect being good, which means that it MOTORDROME is in the direction of reasonable rates. It is hoped that some hints are con- WANTED tained herein which might be useful inPer cash.Not too far from Cleveland, 0. Also COREY GREATER SHOWS the formulation of a national campaignwant Motorcycles and Riders.HUGHES & BRAN - CURWENSVILLE, PA., THIS WEEK; COALPORT, PA. (CELEBRATION), NEXT WEEK. to drive out those who appear to haveSON, Hotel Halg, 2530 Prospect St., Cleveland, 0. WANTED-Loop-o-Plane, Loop -the -Loop, Kiddie Auto Rides, Ten -in -One, organized Plant. Show with Band, Hill -Billy Act, Fat Girl, Flea Circus, Diggers, Cigarette and Long Range no regardfor the industry and are E. S. COREY, as per route. causing it to pass up opportunities for WANTED Shooting Galleries, Fishpond, Scales.Address the greater profits to which it is entitled. ARENA SHOWS WANT P. S.-La Verne and John Hoff come on. WANTED TO BUY Band Organ. Photo Gallery and Two or Three Shows, except Girl Before closing I wish to call attentionShow, for Big Firemen's Celebration at Grove City, to a note sent to me by Arnold (Doc) Pa.May 27-30,and forSharpsville American Legion and Old Home Week.In care of Harry Beebe,marathondriverandweightMorrison and Edwa7rd M. Delta, Jr. guesser, who suggests that this corner ask BOX 691, Butler, Pa. successful operators in all phases of the WANT -:-BLUE RIBBON SHOWS -:-WANT outdoor amusement business, including WANTED TO BOOK games, to give what in their opinion areBall Game, String Game, Cigaret Shooting Gallery. ELKS STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL, BOWLING GREEN, KY., WEEK MAY 25 "There would beBlankets, Lamps.Frankenmuth. Mich., week May the best methods. 18th; Saginaw, Mich.. week May 25th. Good spots Lead Gallery, Custard, Candy Floss, Candy Apples, any stock store thatdon't conflict. No quite a bit of discussion as to the relative BURNETT AND MATUS SHOWS. racket. Will Place Monkey Drome, Motordrome, Monkey Show, Mechanical City, Half and methods concerned.There is and has following. Half.Will furnish tops and fronts to reliable showman. Tom Davenportwants Wrestlers and been quite a bit of exploitation regard- CLEVELAND HOME SHOWS Boxers. WANTLoop -o -Plane Foreman.Somerset, Ky., this week. L.E.ROTH, Manager. Playing Cleveland Lots. WANT Musical Comedy ing operation of games at fairs.TheyShow, Small Platform Shows; open for Kiddie Ride. all lean toward the legit and merchandise Hove 30x50 Top and Snake Show complete.Want angles.I guess that is the operation ofcompetent men for same. Legitimate Concessions games ofthefuture.Someone willcome on.L. CLOTH, Pines Hotel, Cleveland, 0. eventually bring that up on a national CLEVELAND HOME SHOWS WANT L. J. HETH SHOWS WANT scale.Take this for what it is worth-Small Cook House, Chairplane and Ferris Wheel if it is worth anything." Men.Ritchie come on. LegitimateConcessions Side Show Acts.Experienced Chorus Girls who can do Specialties, also Talkers, Drummer wanted.Playing city lotsinCleveland. Address with complete set of drums. Snake, Illusion or any other shows of merit. Loop -o -Plane. L. CLOTH. Pines Hotel, Cleveland, 0. Concessions-Candy Apples, Frozen Custard, Palmistry, Pitch -Till -U -Win, Scales, High Striker, Candy Butch. Have two sit-down shows and any concessionsthat willworkfor merchandise. All -Time Favorites HENDERSON,KY.,THIS WEEK. WANTED WIRTH Capable Coupon Agents, also reliable Wheel Man, of FRANK come on or wire. Kelly °shay wire JERRY, OW. Wirth's Circus wensville, Pa.COREY SHOWS, Good t-rritorY. Charles RINCLING",*, Mrs. Charles RING - WANTS -:- CECIL C. RICE WANTS LING, John RINGLINC, Carl HATHAWAY, WANT TO BUY Harry TAMMEN*, Fred WARREW., 20 or 25 good Used Scooter or Dodgem Cars.Give For positively Three Biggest Events this season. Hammond. Ind.week May Twenty -Fifth: Indiana Charles SPARKS,JerryMUCIVAN'i-, Bert complete details, including price. JOE GUILIANO, Harbor, week June First.Then the biggest one of season, Gary, Ind., Thirteenth and Broadway, in 191 Wooster St., New Haven, Conn. heart of city, all strong auspices. Ky. Legs, Eddy Ryan, Rip Winkle, Jack Thompson, Perry Madison, BOWERS:.Send in your list of 10 favor- Art Doggett, Big Alabama Story and all other Legitimate Concessions wire quick.All show people ite showmen, living or dead. Versatile Circus Performers that formerly connected with Erie, write or wire.This is a big show and we can place real show people at all WANTED do two or more acts and work in times. Address all mail and wires per route, Peru, Ind., this week. *Deceased. Cmizert.Side Show to let with your own transporta- AL G. HODGE SHOWS. INC.. CECIL C. RICE, MGR. tionCARD BROS.,Coventry, R. I. !Ilay 23, 1936 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 67 Keith Foley. No. 21-Concert announce- Program, Staffment. No. 22-Wire act, Three Chesters. No. 23-Big ponies, Dorothy Lewis. No.IA 24-Banner announcement. No.25- Jumping horses on track, ridden by Of Lewis Bros. Dorothy Dittoe, Dorothy Lewis, Keith SCHULT TRAILER HOMES Foley, June Russell, May Matson, Wil- ADRIAN, Mich., May 16.-First twoliam Oswald, Robert Morris.No. 26- 5235-$275-$315-$350 to $695 weeks' business of Lewis Bros.' CircusAcrobatic act, the Six Moreens.No. 27 Not camping but living trailers.You can live more comfortably and more economically-for Schutt V has been above that of last year. Open--Slivers Johnson and his Funny Ford 01 trailers have every convenience that you would have in a home. ing in Jackson, Mich., show had a bigon track. $ NEW STEEL CHASSIS rrAe rature.OTMER IMPROVEMENTS Ar day and the home town gave the circus Write a sendoff.Albion, Coldwater and Mon- The Staff roe all gave good business.Fremont, SCHULT TRAILER FACTORY 10 1E1'1.1(1411'n' Mired'i capacity afternoon and night; Sandusky, Paul M. Lewis, manager; Joseph M.MbNalk\I\11016.\\NIINk\NMNIL\\11141h.\\\41.\\11161W1101Ma liallIa Illa'4 fair afternoon and two-thirds at night;Hefferan, assistant manager; R. B. Dean, Napoleon, Sunday stand, was beyondpress representative; C. S. Primrose, -gen- expectations; Defiance, with schools out,eralagent;HarryHamilton,special a good afternoon and capacity at night.agent; Fred Thalhofer, manager bill car; Threatening weather kept down businessJeromeSmith,superintendent;E.S. (Red) Monroe, general foreman and boss "SAM-SAM " here. Big show is running smoothly and iscanvasman; Bill Concord, assistant boss (Copyrighted) one of the best ever presented by Man-canvasman; Sanford Sussell, purchasing ager Paul M. Lewis.All equipment is inagent; George V. Connors, assistant side- Available for week -stands and 3 days.Celebration, Fraternal Committees, Fair first-class condition.Show is movingshow manager; Doc Burns, big show an- Associationsnotalreadycontracted,write. Have a fewopendates. nouncer and lecturer; Sammy Maoretts, 70 People, 70, and Performing Animals.Address fast, arriving on lots in good time andsuperintendent inside tickets; Bill Ben - CHARLES KYLE, Mgr., everything up before noon. nay, boss hostler;R. C. Wade, chief Suite 1039, Grand Central Terminal Bldg., New York City, electrician; Paul Lalley, assistant elec- "Circus - Musical" The Program trician;Mrs. DellKirkendall,Mrs. Opens with spectacle, A FiestainDoc Tripp, Mrs. P. C. Hill, reserved seat Spain, with 38 dancing girls in threetickets;P. C.Hill, front -door tickets; rings and track; all new wardrobe, whichDorothyCampbell,directorofring with blending colors presents a fine ap-stock; Louis Watson, inside tickets; Cy OLD FASHION STREET FAIR pearance under the lights. No. 2-Capt.Perkins,insidetickets;13arneyRoss, Jerome Smith and lions.No. 3-Clowns.elephants;Bill Oswald, animals; Tony Dayton, Minn., Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 28 to 31. No. 4-Comedy acrobats, the Dells, theLopez, ponies; Harry Merrill, equestrian WANT Shows, Kiddie Ride, Chair Swing, Merry -Go -Round, Legitimate Con- Moreens, the Merrills.No. 5-Ridingdirector;"Slivers" Johnson, director of cessions-$10 to $15. No racket or Gjointstolerated. Concessions, send de- dogs, Keith Paley, Dorothy Lewis.No.clowns; Mae Smith, Myrtle Meinken, posit. Ffteen weeks of Street Fairs and Celebrations to follow. Want Free Acts. 6-Iron jaw. No.7-Clowns,SliversCora Graybar, June Russell, Carrie Rob- All address E. J. McCARDELL, Director, 1405 Yale Place, Minneapolis, Minn. Johnson and company.No. 8-Menage,bins, Mary Richardson, Ethel Sheppard, Mildred Meinke, Dorothy Lewis, MayCarrie Elmore, menage; Phyllis Stanway, Matson; horse on track, Chapin.No. 9director of spec; Buck Reger, manager of -Moreen's carrying perch. No. 10-Firstbanner advertising; Massey Bros., nov- KRAUSE GREATER SHOWS concert announcement, his group of 12elties; Verne Hall, chief of transporta- Has opening for String Show or Ten -in -One with their own outfit,lack Orr, Sioux Indians. No. 11-Clowns. No. 12-tion;Fred Adams, Herman Delamer, wire. Opening for Girl Revue on account of disappointment.Will furnish Leaps, Harry Merrill and clowns. No. 13-mechanics; Agnes Underwood, secretary; outfit. Can place Fat Show, Midget Show, Mickey Mouse Show, Monkey Ponies, Dorothy Lewis. No. 14-Clowns.Mae Lewis, treasurer; Doc Tripp, band No. 15-Ladders, Mary Matson, Phyllisdirector;Conrad Kirkendall,assistant Circus, Small Drome or any other Single Pit or Ballyhoo Show not conflicting. Stanwick, Mildred Meinke.No. 16-band leader; William Tingler, steward; Will sellexclusiveon Frozen Custard, Diggers, Penny Arcade, Photo Gallery, Clowns. No. 17-Elephant act, DorothyFred Kuba, cook. MerchandiseWheels,CigaretteGallery,Long -RangeGalleryandothers. Lewis. No.18-Trapeze, Kelly Moreen, Opening for Loop -o -Plane. Address, this week, Wellston, Ohio. Eddie and May Moreen, Harry Merrill. No. Big Show Band: T. J. (Doc) Tripp 19-Clowns. No.20-Dogs, worked byleader; Sid Antell, Harry Kohn, comets; Dittoe; goats,John Anderson, Everett RemmerS, clari- AP Dorothy Lewis and Dorothy nets; Ethan Abbey, baritone; Carl Kueb- VIRGINIA BEACH, ler, W. M. Nolan, Tige Half, trombones; WANTED RIDES, CONCESSIONS VIRGINIA Dale Howey, bass; Frank Vallely, drums; Larry Welch, calliope. Caterpillar, Whip, Hey-Dey, Tilt -a -Whirl or any other popular Ride, Kiddie CIRCUS WANTS Side Show: Jake Friedman, manager; Rides. CONCESSIONS-Legitimate Wheels and GrindStores,Fortune, George R. Connors, assistant manager; Penny Hearts, Frozen Custard, Popcorn, Soft Drinks, Photos, Linen Store, White Musicians for Big Show Band. Cornet. Prom - bone. Clarinet for Side Show.Colored Musiciots,Art Woods, inside lecturer; Ora Weldy, Candy Floss and any other that is suitable. Cornet, Tuba, Trap Drummer, Light Skin Girl forRoy Woods,tickets;Prof.Maxwell's Minstrels. Ticket Seller to make Second Openings. S. LIVINGSTON, 1305 E St., N. W., Washington, D. C. House Car sleeping accommodations for all.Forcolored band and minstrels; Four Mar- the Advance, sober, reliable Man to handle the Bill -shallSisters, rumba dancers;Dr. Ed- posting Brigade, also Bill Posters and Lithographers that can drive trucks.Billers wire RAY SWAN orwards, Punch and Judy and magic; JAMES M. BEACH; all others,MANAGER four -leggedgirlillusion; Aldo,fireASHTABULA COUNTY, OHIO, VETERANS BONUS CELEBRATION AND EXPO. YANKEE ROBBINS CIRCUS eater;Lillian Kufer, snake act; RavenWEEK STARTING JUNE 15, IN THE HEART OF ASHTABULA, 0., AUSPICES VETERANS OF and Redwood, Sioux Indians;hillbilly FOREIGA WARS, POST No. 943. May 21, Greencastle, Ind.; 22; Crawfordsville,Ind.; CONCESSIONS WANTED-Merchandise Wheels.and Spindles, Ball Games, Photo Gallery, Penny Pitch, 23;Hoopeston, III.; 25, Pero, III. singers;EthelFriedman and GertieJingle Board, Cigarette Gallery, Palmist Camp, Spot -the -Spot, Fishpond, Candy Floss, Soft Drinks, Novelties Roberts, dancers. and others.WILL BOOK Good Athletic and Girl Show, also other Shows of merit,WANTED-Ferris Wheel and Kiddie Rides.WILL BOOK High Dive and other Free Acts.The largest event ever held in LEWIS BROS. CIRCUS Concessions: F. B. Young, manager; Ashtabula, O.Three Rides and large Cook House already Booked.Communicate LorraineYoung, stand;Peanut Deck ED WEYLS, Expo. Director,Veterans of ForeignWarsHeadquarters,Ashtabula, 0. WANTS and wife and Paul Devere, `butchers. Party to furnish Concert and After Show, 50- BARFIELD'S COSMOPOLITAN SHOWS 50. Also Side Show Acts and Colored Musicians. WILL PLAY JELLICO, TENN., NEXT WEEK, RIGHT IN TOWN, OPPOSITE CITY HALL, Also Working Mcn. Ben Deb come on.MayMiller Bros.' Shows UNDER STRONG AUSPICES. 20, Bay City; 21, Saginaw; 22, Owosso; 23, Positively the First Carnival in Townin Many Years. Also we have LAFOLLETTE. TENN.,for the Lansing; allMichigan. Big Stone Gap, Va. Week ended May LEGION AND VETERANS' COMBINED STATE CONVENTION. We offer real spots if you have 9.Auspices, Volunteer Fire Departirient. an Attraction.WANT one or two more Shows, Fun House and Motordrome.Also one Flat Ride. Room for a few more legitimate Grind Stock Concessions.Also want Talker.Tattoo Artist andActs to Location, Main street, close in. Weather, feature in Side Show.WANT Colored Performers and Musicians. Address TO JOIN ON WIRE fine.Business, ordinary. C. E. BARFIELD, Cleveland, Tenn., this week; &Arica, Tenn., next week. Ferris Wheel Foreman with Eli Button. Salary The first move of the season, from $12.00 and board.First-class Talker for Minstrel Show. 10% of gross and board.Sax Player andGreenville, S. C.There naturally de- one more neat Chorus Girl for Minstrel.Pay yourveloped the last-minute rough spots in wiresJOE GALLER, Robertsdale, Ala., this week; handling equipment, with the result the Atmore, Ala.,following. show lost Monday night.Bad railroad KEYSTONE SHOWS WANT connections caused some of the people FOR TWENTY WEEKS OF CELEBRATIONS, OLD HOME WEEKS AND FAIRS. WANTED-CARNIVAL coming thru on passenger service to ar- WANT Loop -o -Plane or Loop -the -Loop.Have nice outfit for Girl Review or up-to-date FOR Hawaiian Show that can work to ladies during week.Have outfit for Geek, Half -and -Halt, rive Monday afternoon.Among latest or any Show not conflicting.Have several Concessions open, including Wheels.No gritt CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION arrivals: Walter Batey with his double or flat stores.Committees in Western Pennsylvania or Ohio wanting a clean, up-to-date JULY 15-16-17. Loop -o -Plane. TheBateysreturned Carnival, look us over. We have a few open dates. AddressC. K. ALEXANDER,Chairman, Houston, Miss. from Cuba after an extended engage- C. A. HARTZBERC, Mgr., Natrona Heights, Pa., thisweek;Parkers Landing to follow. Quick! ment withtheRoyal PalmShows. MINER'S MODEL SHOWS WANTS Jockey Roland and Ethel, whose Motor- Shows, Loop -o -Plane or one Flat Ride, and all kinds ofConcessions, for one of the biggest Old Homedrome did not arrive in time to openBockus & Kilonis Weeks and Firemen's Celebrations in the hard coalhere. The De La Cruz Midgets and the regions.Miners working day and night.ConditionsPygmy Village also newcomers.Frank the best in years.May the 24th to the 30th, over CINCINNATI, May 16.-Ben R. Jones, Decoration Day, and you work Sunday all day. Loca- Struble and Jumbo, also Mickey Mouse,of the Bock -as & Kilonis Circus, states Siebrand Bros. tion Shenandoah Heights, Shenandoah, Pa. Address arrive next week.Eric B. Hyde has his R. H. MINER,week of May18, Kulpmont, Pa.; that show has been out two weeks, busi- week of May 24 to 30, Shenandoah, Pa. Tilt -a -Whirl crew working on new setness being good firstweek, bad the of seats.Jockey Roland building newsecond, owing to weather conditions. walkroundsforhisDrome.HenryThe programisa most pleasing one Shows Stulkey and boys shaping up the Side -and show has been receiving some good CAN PLACE Geek Show and Fan Show WANTED Show outfit.William Judkins Hewittafternotices. or Show that don't conflict, Penny Ar- Boss Billposter, Banner Men. Main Street Lithog-withtheHydeorganization. Nick cade. WANT legitimate Concessions, raphers and all around Billers.Also Acrobats. Patrino's American Palmist.Route: Rapid City, S. cookhouserendezvousfor A STREET parade,openingPeru's D.,week May 18;then Deadwood, S. D. WALTER L. MAIN CIRCUS gossipers and jackpot builders.Morris(Ind.)Clean -Up Week, sponsored by GENEVA, 0. Miller arrived back on show after aMayor Long and planned by Fire Chief season with his museum.During hisCarl Ahnert, many years employed at WANTED AT ONCE absence J. T.Tinsleyand Herb Tisdalecircus car sheds, was over two miles in WANTED Banner Man capable of selling Circus Unit to Mer-busy men. Robert R. Kline, well-known chants and Fairs.Must have car.W. A. Dickey length and featured many employees,FAMOUS GEORGIA MINSTRELS wire. Also want PopcornMan. JACK RIDDLE,general agent, was a visitor, also manyanimals and props from quarters fur- ALL COLORED-UNDER CANVAS. Lexington.Ill. from J. J. Page Shows, which were in StageManager capable handling 36 -people show. nishedbyManagerRalphClawson. Lonnie Fisher answer. Week stands, Real hot Trum. Appalachia-among them J. J. Page, R.Among farm units were Cheerful Gard- pet for street.Tickets if I know you.Wire; don't E. and Mrs. Savage, D. T. Morrisseyner and entire herd of elephants, eight write. FOR SALEand Roy Fann.Mr. and Mrs. Chestercamels,sixzebras,circus band and BACKER & WINSTEAD,RockyMt., N. C. Three -Abreast Carousel; best offer takes this ride.Ford arrived with concession/3. Stored in Michigan. wagon; steam calliope, in charge of Mrs.It Helps You, the PaperandAdvertisers to Men- 1. W. JONES, 1825 No. Talbott, Indianapolis, Ind. R.F. McLENDON. Pauline King. tion The Billboard. 68 The Billboard May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MAGIINEf A Depattmentfi Oftez a to a, Jobbeff, Dilhibutomand Manufactutelid_ ,-Communications to Woods Bldg., Randolph and Dearborn Streets, Chicago. P 1JLIC1°\ E LATIONS POLIC ES FOCOIN MACHINEAPE`ATES The appropriate act or word at the right time-what turn haven't risked a penny on a machine since! This sounds wonders it will accomplish for the coin machine industry 1 extreme-but it is a fact that a section of the public doesn't patronize coin machines as heavily as it would if such occur- An operator who has not to date handled merchandise rences did not remain in memory.So every operator and machines' remarked : "It's a standing law of my family and all members of his family and employees should spread the gospel my employees that when anything can be bought from a that coin machines today are accurate, dependable-always give the customer good return and then some for his money. coin machine it must be bought that way.We'll go out of our way to get gum or candy or peanuts out of a machine! It's mighty good propaganda for the coin machine busi- ness for every operator, when learning of a novel, new appli- ) "You may think me foolish to follow this policy, but I cation of automatic principle, to seize all sorts of occasions know what I am about.It is up to all coin machine operators to talk about it. If we throw as much patronage as we can to pull together. It's rather astonishing when anyone can take his own to one another we'll not only add to coin machine volume picture and have a finished print in 60 seconds, and all for a but we'll set an example for the public. very small sum.That is "human -interest" mews for a great "Time after timeI boost the merchandise machines to many people.In a sense, the operator who tells a barber- shop group or a party of friends about the machine is "blow- my friends and the public in general.With my example I ing the horn" of the entire coin machine industry. He is glori- help to form the habit in others.In return other operators fying the automatic principle. will boost for me." It's mighty easy for him to go on and remark that volume Not only should one coin machine operator demonstrate of merchandise sold by machines is on a great increase ; how trade patriotism in this way but he should familiarize him- the number of items thus sold has grown.He should talk self with facts and beliefs which, putting the coin machine about the convenience of coin machines, which enable many industry in the right light before the general public, will work people to buy goods in plices without loss of time where they otherwise could ?lot. to the general good of every operator. He should talk about the beautiful new streamlined, mod- For example, there are certain basic principles in coin ernistic models-how in attractiveness and utility they get machine merchandising that every operator should be able better all the time. to state in a convincing, persuasive way. He should seize There is a tip in public relations which coin machine men every opportunity to edlicate people to the fact that coin ma- cstn take from local merchants. One of the reasons these local chine buying is economical, since the customer does- not buy men have a "hold" on patronage of home -town people is the more than he needs; gets standard weight; is sure of uniform aid that they constantly give worthy causes. The independent high quality.The total amount of money spent for an item' merchant contributes to the community chest, helps get new in a year is what counts-and on this basis the coin machine members for the chamber of commerce, serves on the hospital customer, buying no more than he needs, usually accom- board, is trustee of his church and so on. plishes a large saving. Emulating this example, coin machine operators should Again, there is no salesman present to. exert "high pres- do things along similar lines, The operator, for example, who puts free scales at the disposal of the high-school football team sure," persuading the customer to buy more, than he needs. certainly made a "donation" which he easily could afford. The Coin operated machines have been improved marvelously football season is short-only from about the middle of Sep- in recent years. The manufacturers in no other industry have tember to the middle of November.However, the operator done a better job than the men who cater to this trade. How- made friends whose help did wonders for him in his business. ever, there is a section of the public whose opinions ofcoin This same operator before a baseball game had led the machines date back to the very early "prehistoric" stage of squad to one of his gum machines and, demonstrating it, pro- the business.Of course, coin machines got out of order in ceeded to present chewing gum to every man who wanted it- those days-as did automobiles! and that is a large majority. How could most .high school So the evangelist for coin machine merchandising should and college boys play baseball if they didn't have gum ? be able to talk convincingly of the mechanical marvels which Broad -gauged practices of this sort help not only the in- modern machines are,; of how, retailing merchandise, they do dividual operator; but the whole trade. so under the most sanitary conditions. How are YOUR public relations, brother? You can find many persons today who after depositing a penny in a machine 20 years ago and gettingnothing in re- SILVER SAM. May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 69 Bally's Newest Meo-O-Ow! Rock-Ola Scores LONDON, May16. -Britishoperators HARD SHELL shouldbynow bewellhardenedto Games Go Big peculiarreasons putforward byindi- With New Alamo viduals and organizations anxious to see suppression of amusement machines, but CHICAGO, May 16. - Reports from Sky High and Ray's Track considerable amusement has been caused men like Cy Lynch, of the Electro Ball by an oblection raised by Royal Society Company, of Texas, and Jack McClei- proving popular -12 -coin for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. land, of National Amusement Company, The society has taken exception to the of Los Angeles, as well as other promi- CANDIES escalator making a hit Pussy Shooter, which has for some time nent coin -machine men, indicate that

been very popular in arcades and at the Alamo, new one-shot table manufac- CHICAGO, May 16. -Bally Manufac- seaside.Machine has a number of metal tured by the Rock-Ola,Corporation, will FOR turing Company's factory is a beehive cats on roof top and player endeavors to surpass any production and sales of any of industry these days as the orders shoot them down with coin -release pistol. machine developed by the firm in a long pour inforthefilin'slong-awaited The society contends thatthiswillen- time. Ray's Track horse -race game, the new courage crueltytoanimals. Additional floor space has been added VENDING Sky -High payout or ticket game and the Needless tosayBritish operators find solely for the production ofAlamoand new 12 -coin pin -game escalator. it hard to take objection seriously. many new employees will be at work in Bally's Ray's Track game is now in Rock-Ola's plant to keep up production. full production, according to announce-holes is making a hit with one-shot fansProduction isbeing stepped up con- MACHINES ment made by Jim Buckley,Bally'severywhere.And on Multiple it's thestantly to care of the demand. sales manager. odds -booster lights which keep them The many new features incorporated "We have swung into production,"shoving nickels into the chute by thein Alamo have increased earning rec- Jim states, "without much hullabaloo ofhour." ords beyondallexpectationsofthe WE HAVE ADDED SOME publicity because we've got a full-time Rock-Ola officials.Alamo has a 50 -inch. job on our hands for some time to come, cabinet attractively fitted with the most filling the tremendous back log of or- modern coin machine equipment, which ders that have piled up since the show. includesmultiplecoinchute,ticket NEW ITEMS But I want every one of the many dis-Milt Swanstrom unit,a new pay unit, mint vender, tributors and jobbers who have ordered changeable odds, a $10 top award, to- Ray's Track to know we are working gether with many other new develop- night and day to meet the demand. Rock-Ola Ad Mgr. ments.DavidC. Rockola has person- WRITE FOR SUMMER "Firstreports," Jim added,"prove CHICAGO, May 16. -Officials of theally supervised the experimental work that our claims of greater earning powerRock-OlaManufacturingCorporationon the new Alamo game and the many PRICE LIST have been conservative.The exclusivethis week announced the promotion ofnew features have been thoroly per- dailydoublefeature,whereby listedMilton Swanstrom to the position offected. odds are more than doubled at sur-advertising manager, the post formerly The encouraging comments and en- prise intervals, is proving tremendouslyheaded by Paul S. Bennett, who is nothusiastic reception Alamo has had have PAN CONFECTION FACTORY popular with players.And the quietlonger employed by the firm. created a demand thatisincreasing trouble -free operation is making a big In taking over the position of adver-every day.Players are drawn to the NATIONAL CANDY CO., INC. hit with operators and locations alike."tising manager Mr. Swanstrom is fullybig 50 -inch Alamo table by the $8 "lone "One-shot thrills -plus five -ball sus-qualified thru his vast experience instar" hole and the $10 top award. 345W. Erie St., Chicago,III. pense."That's how Ray Moloney, presi-advertising and sales promotion work dent of Bally, describes the company'sand hisinterestingcareerwith the new Sky -High pay -out or ticket game.Rotk-Ola firm.He is well known inDallas Group in The game is played with five one -Inchcoin -machinecirclesandhas many non-magneticmetalballs.Yetthefriends among distributors, jobbers andDrive for Members player can win on a single skillful shotoperators thru his activity in the many or by placing balls to pair up two pock-advertising and sales campaigns of the DALLAS, May 16. -Harry H. Turner, ets across the board.Either way heRock-Ola company.Swanstrom's newnewly elected president of the Dallas 1 -BALL PAYOUT getsinstantaneousautomaticawardundertaking has brought him congrat-local of the Texas Coin -Operated Vend- and continues to shoot balance of ballsulations from all parts of the Machine Association, called a spe- for additional payouts. cial meeting Wednesday night of this Guaranteed Perfect The memorable days of World's seriesweek, at which 75 per cent of the mem- Pair pockets are arranged along theand Jigsaw have never been forgotten by Put 'N' Take 10.00 sides of the field -two 10 -holes awardSwanstrom, and the ambitious programbership was in attendance. 10 points, two 20 -holes award 20 points,planned by the Rock -Ole management Many new applications for member- Bally Ace 29.50 etc. And right in the center is the fa-on several new games indicates that bigship were received and read, the result "jumbo 40.00 mous Jumbo -style one-shot ]ane-100,production will be necessary to fill theof a drive by the president to include in " Derby 70.00 150 and 200 in a row -any one of whichdemand. Dallas local all the operators of Greater " Peerless 70.00 may be scored with one ball. From one "We are going to town," said DavidDallas.The local is adhering strictly to Pamco Parlay" 62.50 to five payouts are possible each game,C. Rockola, president of the corpora-the rule that an operator must be a Mammoth 50.00 with a$4top.Double -score pocket member of the State association before Repeater 59.50 douhfes all awards made before or aftertion, "and with our new arrangementhe becomes eligible to membership in hitting Double Score.And awards forwith Swanstrom as advertising managerthe Dallas local. Giant 30.00 five out -balls insures suspense right upand N. L. Nelson as sales manager of to the last instant of play. the pin game division, excellent co-op- Refreshments were served at the meet- WeBuy Used Cigarette Machines. Ray states that nation-wide locationeration will be given distributors anding by Fisher Brown, celebrating his WeAre jobbers for Leading tests have proved the strong money-jobbers in exploitation of all Rock-Olaadvent into the operating business. Manufacturers. making power of Sky -High's five -ballproducts." President Turner reports that the coin play with one-shot appeal. Nelson, new sales manager of the pinbusiness in the Dallas area is far better AMERICAN - SOUTHERN game division,iswell known in thenow than it has been at any time in the COIN MACHINE CO. 12 -Coin Escalator Makes Big Hitcoin machine business and is admirablypeat three months and that the future "The greatest single advance in pin -fitted for his new position. has a pleasant and profitable outlook. 507Baronne St., New Orleans,La. game construction since the first anti - A permanent membership committee tilt."Thus does one leading distributor was appointed as follows:Ed Furlow, describe Bally Manufacturing Company's chairman; C. E. Seale, Emmitt Rayner imimummiN new pin -game escalator, which shows 12Unterberger Takes a Bride and J. W. Quinn. lastcoinsplayed,accordingto Jim IBIESSIER91 Buckley, Bally sales manager. WILKES-BARRE, Pa., May 16. -Louis BETTER BUYSEt The 12 -coin escalator is used on bothUnterberger, president of the AnthraciteBiz Booms in Wichita InGuaranteed Used Machines Hialeah and Multiple one-shot pay -outVending Machine Association, composed PUT 'N TAKE 520.00 games, both of which machines take inof coin -machine operators of Scranton WICHITA, Kan., May 16. -Business is CARIOCA 17.50 booming here for Coin -machine opera- CHAMPION 10.00 one to eight or more coins per game,and Wilkes-Barre, was married here last SPORTSMAN 22.50 and escalator can be set to show anySunday.Unterberger, who has accom-tors, with many new county roadside DE LUXE "46" 40.00 places opening up, all depending heavily SPARK PLUG 12.50 number of coins from 1 to 12. plished much for the vending -machine SUNSHINE DERBY 66.00 "Incidentally," says Jim, "these twoassociation, is also a member of the localon coin -operated machines. CUE 16.00 SHORT WAVE 15.00 multiple coin -chute games, Hialeah andRotary Club.He wasoneof the first Coin phonographs are getting a big FIVE JACKS 8.00 Multiple, are proving the biggest hitsto present amusement machines to hos-play now, and marble machines are Operators: Send us your list of Used Equip- we've ever put out! On Hialeah the op-pitals and institutions, thereby givinggaining so fast that several near ap- ment, as we are always In the market for portunity to cover from one to eightthe patients an opportunity to indulgeproaches to sportlands can be found in same. Remember. we take trade -Ins on all horses and the total absence of out-in an enjoyable recreation. the downtown district. New Machines. BBESSER NOVELTY CO. I:1 3020 OLIVE ST., ST. LOUIS,MO. IIM=M1111111MMEIMIIMMIff Mir PEERLESS $55 Prospector,525; Mammoth, $37.DailyLimits, $50; Sunshine Derby, $40; Pamco Parlays, $42; Harmony Bell, $37.50; Ivory Golf. $15; Sports- man, $8; Exhibit BeatIt,$5; Tlckette, $3.25; Catch and Match, $4; A. B. T. Auto Bark, $5. no -half deposit.DIXIE VENDING MACHINE CO., Albemarle, N. C. SEND $1.00 rotInstructions How To BuildSensational Counter Skill Game. Costs about 25 cents to build. JOHN BURNS, Plne Hills, Sheboygan, Wis. BLOOD PRESSURE frOIN MACHINES.Original, patented.The big- DAY AND NIGHT SHIFTS AT BALLY PLANT -Bally Manufacturing Company's main factory in Chicago. Con- eA hit of the year.Hundreds now on display. Ideal for resorts, amusement centers, etc. Operated with siderable manufacturing isstill being done at its former Ravenswood avenue plant, and Rally's own printing plant cc without an attendant.Income at much as $150 is located in the original Bally factory building. Additional outside space has also been required for production of Re- per week.Now at $30.50.Send for Illustrated circular.LAUFMANOMETEROORP.4582 Park liance, Sally's payout dice game. Avenue, New York Oily. 70 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) May 23, 1936 ham, was a stanch supporter of the6 "cause." StrandAutomatics,Ltd.,London, Sheet -Music Leaders has produced a new British crane, giv- (Week Ending May 16) ing independent play for six players at Based on reports from leading job- a time.Named the Showboat, the ma- bersand retailmusicoutletsfrom chine is housed in a six -sided cabinet Coast to Coast, songs listed are a con- occupying floor space of 4 feet 9 inches sensusofmusicactuallysoldfrom square.Center piece is a replica of up- week to week. per decks of American showboat with Sales of music by the Maurice Rich- crane arm and grab projecting from mond Music Corporation,Inc.,are each of its six sides.Each crane has not included, due to exclusive selling its own independent motor and me- agreement with a number of publishers. chanicalunit,aswellasindividual Acknowledgment ismadetoMayer candy and merchandisetrays. Each MusicCorporation,MusicSalesCor- distributing branches and means that itwindow acts as door for servicing and poration and AshleyMusic Supply Decca Records, Inc., ispossiblefor dealers and automaticaccess to units is by way of doors in Company,of NewYork;Lyon Cr operatorstosecureDeccaRecords, Healy; Carl Fischer, Inc.;Gamble Moves to New Quarters Champion Records, needles and portablelower panels.Whole structure is port- Hingad Music Company and Western phonographs quickly and and surmounted by pagoda -shape Book and Stationery Company, of Chi- NEW YORK, May 16.-Decca Records, Decca reports that in the month oftop piece. cago. Inc., announces the removal of its exec-April it did its greatest volume of busi- 1. Melody From the Sky utive offices and recording studios to 50ness to date and, from all appearances, Electric grip machines have long been 2. Lost West 57th street here. May will, again show an increase. popularinEnglisharcades,but for 3. Is It True What They Say About At the new address the Decca record- many years design and principle have Dixie? ing studios occupy the 10th and 11th remained the same. Now Shefras Auto- 4.Robins and Roses floors and the executive offices the 14thDecca Moves Detroit Branchmatics, Ltd., have placed on market a 5. All My Life floor.The trade is cordially invited to new grip with modernistic cabinet and 6. You Started Me Dreaming view Decca's new premises at any time. DETROIT, May 16.-Decca Distribut-clock -controlled period of current trans- 7.Tormented Decca also announces the opening ofing Corporation has moved its Detroitmission. 8. You a new factory distributing branchin.factory branch to a new location at 448 9. Love Is Like a Cigaret Cincinnati, located at 228 East FifthEast Lafayette street.V. Moore is De- The third annual London Coin -Oper- 10. It's a Sin To Tell a Lie street.The Cincinnati branch is undertroit manager and covers the Michiganated Machine Exhibition fixed to take 11. Would You? the management of Paul Cohen, whoterritory as direct salesman as well, leav-place from Februay 23 to 26, 1937, will 12. She Shall Have Music will cover Southern Indiana, Southeast-ing Don Godfrey in the office to handlebe held at Royal Hotel. Thisis no 13.'Touch of Your Lips ern Ohio. Kentucky and West Virginia.local sales direct. change from the show held in February 14. Welcome, Stranger The new office will be formally opened. of this year. 15. It's Been So Long with a gala party tonight, to which all music operators in the territory have Recently horn son of Percy Goddard I been invited. (Goddard Novelty Company) was chris- Itom fotAtt ?owntened April 19.His name is Barry Brad- z%. This gives Decca 10 factory -operated ley and the sponsors were Buck and LONDON, May 5.-Britishnational.Mrs. Taylor.Among those present at newspaper, SundayPictorial,recentlythe church was Mrs. Bradley, mother Radio Song Census Georgia Membership Drive devoted considerable part of a page toof Mrs. Goddard, who made the journey Selections listed represent The Bill- CarlMagee'spark -o -meter. Picturesfrom New Zealand especially for the board's accurate check on three net- ATLANTA, May 16.-The Georgia Music showed device in operation in Oklahomaoccasion. works, WJZ, WEAF and WABC. Operators' Association will launch a drive City, conection of coin cartridges and. Only songs played at least once dur- for new members. This was decided at Mr. Magee. Page headed "Now Mr. Hore- Samson Novelty Company has opened ing each program day are listed. Idea the May meeting in Waycross.About 50 Belisha.Here's a Good Idea." Mr. Hore- is to recognize consistency rather than members attended and pledged their sup- up a new suite of showrooms and offices Belisha is minister of transport. in large building for purpose of han- grossscore. Period coveredis from port in the drive to obtain 300 members. dling business with Roover name -plate Friday, May 8,to Thursday, May 14, The association also decided to give the By death of Holford Knight, King'smachines.Showrooms are paneled in both dates inclusive. manufacturers the option of entertaining counselor, amusement caterers and op-oak, while offices are decorated in a one meeting a year, all other meetings to Onlyparallelin You 35 bestrictlybusiness. The next meeting eratorsofcoin -operatedamusementluxuriousmanner. Robins and Roses 33 will be held in Savannah June 3 and all machines have lost a good friend.De-trade in London is the same firm's sec- Lost 26 operators are urged to attend. ceased, who for a while had been mem-tion for dealing with Cinespect Coin - You Started Me Dreaming 25 ber of Parliament for South Notting -operated cinematograph machines. Melody From the Sky 24 Touch of Your Lips 23 Goody, Goody 22 London Jobber To Visit N. Y. Love Is Like a Cigaret 22 THE SEEBURG FRANCHISE /S MORE VALUABLE IsIt True What They Say About NEW YORK, May 16.- Alf Cohen, Dixie? 20' senior partner of the Coin -Operated Ma- Would You? 20 chine Supply, London, will arrive in New Let Yourself Go 19 York May 25.He will make his head- I Don't Want To Make History 18 quarters at the Pennsylvania Hotel here. I'llBet You Tell That to All the During his visit to the States Cohen ex- Girls 15 pects to place substantial orders for all I'll Stand By 14 types of automatic machines. You Can't Pull the Wool Over My Eyes 7 Automatic Amusement Has Quarters in Oklahoma City Panhandleoperatorswiththevery OKLAHOMACITY, May 16. - Auto-latest and best in coin -operated equip- matic Amusement Company, with gen-ment and supplies," C. G. Armstrong, eral offices in Memphis, has opened itsmanager of the Oklahoma City office. fourth office in the South, right in thesays. heart of Oklahoma City's newest busi- Armstrong is a native Oklahoman and ness district, at 310 N. W. Second street.reports that he is glad to get back to "Our local office and repair -shop facil-his native Stalk.Before becoming asso- ities will be completely installed withinciated with the Automatic company in a few days and we will be ready to serveits Memphis office he operated many Oklahoma, Western Arkansas and Texasmachines in Eastern Tennessee.

sliatumua witlya A curia, AtaciacL" JACK R. MOORE bidding good luck, good speed, good business to Ralph Bent, one of his star High Fidelity Symphonola salesmen, going on the road P. SEEBURG CORPORATION as the skipper for the initial voyage for the Good Ship Lollypop in the North- west territory.On the inside of the trailer, which is beautifully furnished, 1502DAYTON STREET CHICAGO ILLINOIS are displayed the High Fidelity Symphonola F (Super De Luxe), High Fidelity Symphonola C and D (Modernistic). High Fidelity Symphonola Model 3 and the High Fidelity Symphonola Standard A.Mr. Bent has also displayed, in the THE LEA DER FOR OVER SO YEARS.' trailer, a complete line of other coixoperated games and devices which Mr. Moore distributes. May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 71 balls for 5 cents.The player gets two Fitzgibbons Reports Heavy zeros on the scoreboard when he inserts his coin.If he can keep hisIfive balls Demand for Bally Machinesin the progressive odds holes then he NEW YORK, May 16.-John A. Fitz-gets the highest possible payoff, for the gibbons reports that the demand for thescore of 0 to 0 remains and is a tie new Bally games is increasing at a rapidscore.He first shoots for his odds and rate due to the opening of the outdoorthen continues to shoot to attempt to Season.Jack says operators from thekeep the score tie.If he makes two resort regions have been wiring andruns for the Giants he must do the phoning the firm to make immediatesame for the Cubs, so that there is al- shipments of the games and that theways atiescore when the gameis firm has been unusually busy trying tofinished so he can get his award ac- fill this demand. cording to what odds he was skillfully Jack claims that many reorders haveable to negotiate on the board. also been coming In and that the gen- The game, Green believes, will be one They'll stand summer heat! eral business pickup is certain to con-of the best successes of the Scientific tinue thruout the summer.He feelsMachine Corporation, of Brooklyn, for They play longer! that this will be one of the most profit-which he is the national factory repre-Now that summer's coming, remember this important feature. able seasons in years for the operators.sentative. The firmalsobuilds the One of the biggest reasons for this fact,Leap Frog game, which is selling well he claims, is that the new games whichat this time. Bally has been building have won the acclaimofoperatorseverywhere and that the resorters will find these un-Distributor Stages Auto Show usually interesting for continued profit ST. JOHN, N. B., May 16.-Frank J. intake. Elliott, of Amherst, N. S., a veteran coin - He also believes that this summer willmachine distributor, promoted a motor find a definite change in the generalshow for five days under the auspices player attractions and that the playersof the Amherst Post of the Canadian When your machine won't work, don't always blame will want the new kind of games BallyLegion, of which he isvice-president the machine itself.It's made for long service, but is giving them. He backs up this state-and an active member.As the chief can't take warped records.Be safe-get ALL the ment with the sales which his firm hasspecial attraction Elliott booked five of nickels-use Victor and Blue Bird Records. been making for Bally Multiple andthe draegermen from theStellarton says that the game will prove one of the(N. S.)soft coal mines who made the greatest which has ever appeared on anythrilling rescue of two Toronto men en- summer location.The firm's other newtombed 240 hours in an old Moose River LIST games will also be featured in a number(N. S.) gold mine. MAILING of outstanding locations this summer The draegermen gave exhibitions and OURFREE end the play is sure to continue at atalks on the rescue work. They get their GETON rapid rate until late fall. name from the oxygen tank equipment ARE YOU ON OUR FREE MAILING LIST? they carry on their backs and are as- Milt Green Will Show signed wholly to rescue and emergency SEND THIS COUPON NOW! repair work of hazardous nature down New Baseball Game Soon deep in the mines. Elliottwentto r Stellarton to arrange for the appearance RCA Manufacturing Co., Inc., Dept. B. NEWARK, N.J.,May 16.- Miltonof the draegermen.It was the first time Camden, N. J. Green, of American Vending Company.miners had been featured in an auto reports that his firm will be ready soonshow anywhere.He also had a large Please put my name on your free mailing list to introduce its new baseball pin of amateur vaudevilliansin a The game has a unique play and carriesduplication of the Major Bowes ama- We will put your a different type of light -up backboard.teur hour as another attraction for the name on our free Name Two teams are chosen and the winning motor show. list to receive spe- No Machines combinationistobring about atie Elliott has been distributing coin ma- cial announcements, score between the two teams by thechines of all kinds, also maintaining a Street Operated player.The play is simple to under-servicing agency for the machines, with other interesting stand and incorporates many unusual mail. skill features. base at Amherst, for the past 20 years and covering Nova Scotia, New Bruns- , State The play of the game is based on fivewick and Prince Edward Island. MMINNIINNIIMIIIIMI City Ten Best Records for Week Ended May 18


1 86359 -"You Started Me 7658-"She Shall Have Music" 761-"Melody fromthe Sky" 25315 - "CrossPatch" and 3224-"Melody From the Sky" Dreaming"and "liormented." and "MyFirstThrill." Lud and "Honolulu Stars and Hawai- "Cabin in the Sky."Fats Wal- and "A LittleBitLater On." Wingy Mannone and orchestra. CluskinandContinentalOr- ian Guitars."Jan Garber and ler and orchestra. Bunny Berigan and his Boys. chestra. orchestra.

66362-NsIt True What They 7656-"OrganGrinder's Swing" 729-"Christopher Columbus" 25295-"Uson a Bus"and 3219-"She Come Rolling Down Say About Dixie?" and "Moon- and"You'reNottheKind." and"Froggy Bottom." Andy "Christopher Columbus." Fats the Mountain" and "Hop rise on the Lowlands."Willie Hudson-DeLange Orchestra. Kirk and his 12 Clouds of Joy. Waller andorchestra. Pickin' Time in Happy Valley." Bryant and orchestra. The Sweet Violet Boys. 3 B6361-"All My Life" and "The 7654-"Small-TownGirl"and 764-"You" and "You Never 25296-"All My Life" and "It's 3218-"Sweet Birds" and "Yip. Right Somebody To Love." "You Can't judge a Book." Or- Looked SoBeautiful." Jimmy No Fun."Fats Waller and or- Yip, Yowie, I'm an Eagle." The WillieBryant andorchestra. ville Knapp and orchestra. Dorsey and orchestra. chestra. Sweet Violet Boys.

4 B6310-"I'm Wild About That 7650-"ClarinetLament" and 739-"Lost" and "The Tobch 25291-"You" and "You Never 3215-"The Touch of Your Thing"and"TheyGo Wild "Ec,ocs of Harlem."Dukc El- of Your Lips."Jan Garber and Looked So Beautiful." Tommy Lips" and "Every Minute of the Over Me."The Tune Wran- lington and orchestra. orchestra. Dorsey and orchestra. Hour." HenryAllenand or- glers. chestra.

5 66343-"You" and "You Never 7651-"IsIfTrue What They 757-"The Touch of Your 25271-"Lost" and"ThereIs 3214-"Lost" and "I'll Bet You Looked So Beautiful." Stew Say About Dixie?" and "Stream- Lips" and "Twilightonthe t!o Greater Love."Guy Lom- TellThattoAlltheGirls." Fletcher and orchestra. line Strut."Ozzie Nelson and Trail." Bing Crosby, Victor bardo and orchestra. Henry Allen and orchestra. orchestra. Young andorchestra.

6 B6320-"Lost" and "A Melody 7859-"Robinc and Roses" and 743-"tt'sGot ToBe Love" 25245-"it's Been So Long" 3213-"Stealin' Apples" and From the Sky."Mezz Mezzrow "Everything Stops for Tea." Or- and"There'sa SmallHotel." and "Goody. Goody." Benny "Grand Terrace Swing." Fletcher and orchestra. ville Knapp and orchestra. Henry King and orchestra. Goodman and orchestra. Henderson and orchestra. 7-

7 B6335-"JungleNights in Har- 7641-"You S^arte6 Mc Dream- 727 - "Goody. Goody" arid 75314 - "Rhythm Savedthe 3211-"ChristopherColumbus" lem" and "Hot Feet." Duke ing" and "Don't Say a Word- "What'stheName offlat V'', -Td" and "At the Cod Fish and "Blue Lou.' Fletcher Hen - Ellingtonand orchestra. JustDance." MusicinRuss Song?" BobCrosbyendcr- Be .1." Tommy Dorsey and or- derson and orchestra. Morgan manner. chestra. I ch-3trz.

8 B6360-"It's No Fun" and 7640-"Christopher Columbus" 651-"A Beautiful Lady in 2C2':3 - "Tormented" and 3201 - "After You've Gone" "RhythmSaved theWorld." and"AllMyLife." Teddy ECue" and "Moon Over Miami." "Ever/ Once in a While."Rich- and "You're a Viper." Stuff Wingy Mannone and orchestra. Wilson and orchestra. Jan Garber and orchestra. and Himber and orchestra. Smith and Onyx Club Boys.

9 B6357-"Swing Mr. Charlie" 76?7-"TheHillsofOld Wy- 751-"It's a Sin To Tell a Lie" 25279 - "Christon;lerColum- 3199-"Press My Button" and and "Sweet Girl." Louis (King) onlin'" and "It's a Sin To Tell and The Call of the Prairie." has" and "Cet Happy."Benny "Get 'Em From thePeanut Garcia and orchestra. a Li:,."Music in Russ Morgan Victor Young and orchestra. Goodman and orchestra. Man." LilJohnson and or - mar ner. chestra. B6351 - "Cheatin' on Your 7626-"TheTorch of Your 756 - "Lovely Lady" and 25284 - "You Started Me 3169 - "I'se a-Muggin' " and 10 Baby" and "Must I Hesitate?" Lips" and "Lost."Hal Kemp "Would You?" BingCrosL.-,,, Dreaming"and "Robins and "I'se a-Muggin' Musical Num- Bill Boyd and orchestra. and orchestra. Victor Young and orchestra. Roses." TommyDorseyand bersCame." StuffSmith and nrrhocf" Onule Cluh Rout 72 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES May 23, 1936 opening day's record for Pontchartrain Beach, everybody was wondering why hew Weans Harry Batt should be so sad.As a mat- NEW ORLEANS, May 16.-It's beenter of fact, Harry was thinking just CORPORATIOI1ILL. quite a long time since the New Or-how much better off the beach would ALES CHICAGO, leans coin -machine circle has been sobeasafutureattractionifthat AVE.., GAIVIE by greatly divided in its opinions about thebeautifulplaylandcouldhavebeen MERICAN PINplays inthe factory 936WRIGHTWOOD-TESTEDfora few tested onloca- ultimate effect of the proposed bill toopened in time. Totellthe truth, LOCATION tested actually A beenmerely has been extendedany. pay - institute a State license tax of $25 perHarry has set his heart so keenly on that has one thatup . .a thereonare table on pin games and ironclaws.providing one of the best looking play - Isnot one but . buy swill show youcan lands in this neck of the woods that he somestenographer,where bugs only and About half of the ops are of the opinion tion intough spotstested games that this will mean the legalizing oftheis afraid of opening short of his goal We selllocation pin games for means of providing theand so we are forced to stand on pins %went plan. State treasury with a sure sourceofand needles for a, few more days before TODAY. steady income. On the other handthewe can get an inside look at this new WRITE save yourstamps. proposal has, besides its enemies, nu-amusement palace. CREDIT. Of usedgames ASK FOR cut prices merous opponents who fear that the tax wanting kind ofbusiness. should be made high enough to insure If there ever was a decided hit in P. I.peratorswith that ops that location owners will not wantNew Orleans machine history, it's hard We can'tbe annoyed to take full advantage of the "reducedto remember when operators have so costs." unanimously ,praisedthe outlook for At present there exists in New Or-Bally's new game Hialeah.The first leans a yearly license tax of $12.50, di-shipments of the new Bally idea are out vided up into $5 for city and State eachon location and the players seem equally CAROLINA'S BARGAINS and $2.80 to the Charity Hospital, inenthused overits amusement values. AUTOMATICS MYSTERY THREE 30.00 EXHIBITS GIANT $27.50 10 BALLS addition to other costs which many opsMel Mallory, local manager for Stelle ELECTRIC BAFFLE BALL 32.50 SQUADRON $25.00 estimate aggregate up to as much as& Horton, says that the machine will BALLY RAMBLER, 10 Ball 60.00SCREAM." 13.00 $50 to $60 a year per machine and anprove to be one of the best money DE LUXE 46' 32.50 ROTO-LITE 14.00 equal amount of cost to location owners.makers he has ever put out on location. REPEATER 45.00 ARMY AND NAVY 10.00 Therefore itis clear that the one tax"I hear good accounts of Hialeah from A. B. T. TRIPLE BANK 20.00 QUICK SILVER 15.00 of $25 as proposed in a bill sponsoredmost of the operators who have taken A. B. T. BIG SHOT 20.00BABY LITE-A-LINE 10.00 by oneoftheadministration"ins"the time to give it a looking over," he 1/3 Deposit Required With Order. will be a saver to the operator. says, "and from the visitors from other Carolina's Automatic Sales, 44 Valley St., Asheville, N. C. The bill, in its embryo stage, sayssections we also hear that operators i v.., "7., , ,..-z,-.77/77,-/,77,7,,,,27,7,7 ....,,, ,- ....,,,, ,,,,--/zrz....>.nothing whatever about other coin -op-elsewhere are equally as keen about this. erated machines, such as slots, cigaretmachine." venders or gum machines, which at WE WANT YOUR USED MACHINES present pay the same amount as pin With approximately $1,800collected in trade on the following games and claws. in city license taxes when expiration GRAND SLAM $127.50 RACES $125.00 HIALEAH $139.50 date passed May 4, John McW. Ford, 47.50 I BROKERS TIP .... 125.00 BIG RICHARD .... 149.50 MAD CAP PINOH HITTERS .. 119.00 It was somewhat of a surprise to coin -commissioner of finance, Shreveport, re- GALLOPING PLUGS 149.50 RAINBOW 99.00 SYSTEM 52.50 machine men of this city to see thatports that not one unlicensed pin ma- Writeorwireuswhat you havetotrade on the above brand-new machines. We will make you a most garage and parking -lot owners, meetingchine has been found within the city liberal offer immediately. to discuss the proposal, agreed that thelimits. "Owners of marble machines have VEECH SCALE CO. Decatur, Ill. coin parking machines arethebestapparently complied 100 per cent with means ofsolving thecity'sparkingthe city ordinance requiring a license known to the local sporting element andproblems. They advocated that the ma-of $2.50 on penny machines and $5 on Mystery Single Coin the coin -machine men as well. chines be given proper trial in the busi-others," Ford says."With $1,500 taken Slot Causes Furor Charles Hopkins, sales manager of A.ness streets of the city.There now ap-in during 1936 on the marble tables, P. Sauve Company, coin -machine job-pears to be little or no opposition tocigaretvenders and phonograph ma- CHICAGO, May 16.-D. Gottlieb &bers, entertained a party of friends atthe commission council's plan to installchines, there has been a 500 per cent Company have been hosts to more job-the Ringside last week. 100 to 150 of the machines as soon asgain over the totalcollected a year bers and operators during the last week Pete, bull dog that appears in Ourpossible.Several other Gulf -area citiesago."This would indicate that Shreve- than during any other week of the year,Gang comedies, was a visitor to the Ring-are also proposing to use the machines,port has five machines on location in excluding the time of the coin -machineside last week, while the Gang was onnamely,'Mobile, Lake Charles, Pensacola,May, 1936, as against every one inuse show. Thruout every conversation com-the stage at the Michigan Theater here.Beaumont and Galveston, in additionlast year in May. ments were heard withreferenceto to numerous other communities in the Gottlieb's new mystery single coin slot. interior of the Gulf States. An exclusiveGottlieb feature,ithasMilwaukee Ops Meet Willie Blatt Brings Panama opened numerous locations in territories MILWAUKEE, May 16.-The regular GeorgeBaker,oftheLouisiana NEW YORK, May 16.-Willie Blatt, where multiple coin slots are not per-monthly meeting of the Vending Ma-Amusement Company, is taking up golf.well known to the industry as Little missible. chine Operators' Association, held lastHe turned in a card of 75 this weekNapoleon, brought Panama to the boys "The action of the unit is simple, butweek at the La Salle Hotel, was well at-and received, plenty of congratulationsthis week.It's a new game, and Blatt most intriguing, explains Dave."Tak-tended.President Woock being absent,before anybody got wise to the fact that "It is the type of game that ing Daily Races as an example, here's as yet George hasn't played more thanstates: how it works. Vice -President Herb Geiger took the the operator and the player have been As the coin is insertedchair. nine holes at a time.At that he iswanting.It is a five -ball game and the into the slot, the light -up rack, which Many months agotheassociationprobably the best scorer in coin -ma-play is unusually fast.The first ball shows the eight horses and the odds formade a membership drive and took in achine row, especially with Mallory shoot-gives the player the chance to set his win, place and show, bursts into a flash 100 and Hank Friedburg only of color.For a few seconds you can'tlarge number of pin -game a own odds.The same ball continues the tell whether you're going to get twoThe membership and business of thetalking a good game. play of the game as set by the coin horses with odds of 10-1 or alleightpin -game operators grew to such an ex- chute when the nickelis inserted on horses with 40-1 odds.After flashingtent that it was found advisable for Andspeakingaboutcoin -machinethe light -up backboard.Therefore the from one horse to another and from onethem to withdraw and form a divisionrow.There's a fellow up there who isplayer can 'lay thru the game with the set of odds to another, the lights finallyby themselves.That idea has workeda racketeer if ever there was one.. Thisfive balls he gets and must make two come to rest at a certain combinationout very nicely.At the last meetingguy, without noticing his admission topockets with these five balls to get a which may leave the player any numbera committee was appointed to get inthis guilt, gladly tells everybody howwinner." of horses, from one to eight, with oddstouchwithallthemusic -machinehe plays squash every morning, tennis Willie had quite a reception at his Up to 40-1:' operators who are not already mem-inthe afternoon and badminton atheadquartersinBrooklyn when the The trade can secure the mysterybers, with the idea of helping them formnight.Now, I ask you, what could hegame first arrived.It is a product of single coin slot at no extra charge ona division for their respective line. do in any of these games without aDaval Manufacturing Company, Chicago, Daily Races, Fence Buster and Brokers This association is in a healthy con-racket? and was especially manufactured for Tip. dition and all members report business Willie almost to his exact specifications. Gottliebstatesthatoperatorsareon the upgrade. With 35,000 people out to set a newThis is the game which Willie reported showing a remarkable liking to the in to his operators When he returned from novation and it is predicted that within his last trip to Chicago.He spenta a short time the factory will be putting great deal of time at the Daval plant out as many machines equipped with the helping the engineers there to get the mystery single coin slot as those with game under way. multiple coin slots. Willie also reports that he has phoned "The mystery single _coin slot," says the factory and made arrangements for Dave, "was primarily put out so that delivery of the first carload by the end operators in territories where multiple of this week.The game is unusually coin slots are not permissible could bene- attractive and has one of the new neo- fit from the popularity of our games. classic designed cabinets by Daval. Daily Races, Fence Buster and Brokers The light -up backboard is well ar- Tip have proved themselves to be such ranged and welldecorated with two big hits that we felt something should destroyers shown going thru the locks be done to help these operators.After of the Panama Canal.Above these experimenting for a time we developed figures are the numbers for which the the new unit.. It provides a game with players must shoot.They range from most of the suspense and thrills of a one to seven.One of these is imme- multiple slot and yet takes but one coin. diately lighted when the coin is inserted. But the reception was more than ever To put on the light in the bottom dupli- anticipated . . . operators are putting cate number itisnecessary for the games equipped with multiple slot and player to get balls into the two similar mystery single slot side by side and re- holes on the board.The moment he port both doing big.All three games in shoots his first ball he tries for the odds payout or ticket models, equipped with row of numbers across the top ofthe either type of slot, are ready for delivery gate.This sets his odds and also shows to the trade." on the light -up backboard.The game is so arranged and so pinned that a definite percentage of payout has been Rosenthal Buys Into Cafe made possible. DETROIT, May 16.-Sam Rosenthal, The cabinet itself is also well deco- Detroit coin -machine operator specializ- rated with a sinking sun and flaming ing in cigaret venders under the name THE LATEST IN FIN GAMES INVADED the campus of the University of rays.It is believed to be one of the best of the General Amusement Company, Pittsburgh during the school's annual fair celebration the first week in May. cabinets ever used for a pin game. This has taken a half interest in The Ring- Shotbn above are several games manipulated by engrossed students. The is a straight -play pin game, not a pay side, downtown bar.The spot is well games proved the most popular feature of the event. table. May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 73 Walter Lundgren and C. H. Mitchell, of the C. H. Mitchell Amusement Company;Lee Jones Enjoys LS alieleg J. Neckwitz, of Pacific Games Company; EdCanvasser,oneofthesucessful LOS ANGELES, May 16. - Jobbers,pioneer operators; Gordon Hicks, of 20thHot Springs Visit manufacturers and operators report thatCentury Music Company (Gordon has there has been a definite pickup in busi-recently sold the music end of the busi- CHICAGO, May 16.-Probably one of ness over the last several months. Withness to Jack Henderson); Bud Smith,the few places in the United States the fine, seasonable weather, operatorsnow operating in and around Santawhere the word "saloon" can be legally have been getting a good play on theMaria; J. R. Gentry, out from a one-yearused in at Hot Springs, Ark., and take beaches, and other locations also arestay in localhospital with a broken feeling the effects of summer. back, is mending rapidly and back ina look at the customers and the bar- At the Pacific Amusement Manufac-the game again.Charley Anderson, oftender present when the accompanying turing Company offices Herb McClellanSanBernardino,largeoperator ofshot was taken. states that sales of Palooka indicate thatphonographs, is looking over Los Angeles At the left you will find Lee S. Jones, the game will have to be kept in pro-territory. of the American Sales Corporation. The duction for many months. bartenderisJames (HonestJim) G. R. Pettijohn is still associated withDaily Races Claims Pamco.It was erroneously reported in Doherty, ace political news writer for these columns that he was not with theContinuous Play Record The Chicago Tribune and frequent con- firm.Error came about thru the fact CHICAGO, May 16.- Attention, Mr.tributor to Liberty and other national that Pettijohn's position requires himRipley-Believe it ,or not-here's one formagazines. to be on the outside the greater partthe books. Whatever the record was for At the extreme right is our good friend of his time. Pamco reports a good busi-continuous play on a pin game, it hasCharles (Square Deal) Hepp, well-known ness in the Orient. probably been shattered. The new recordproprietor of Harry's New York Bar. Herb McClellan is leaving for an ex-is now 19 hours of continuous, unin-popular hangout for coin -machine ex- tended trip to the North Coast cities.terrupted play on Daily Races, Gottlieb'secutives located in Chicago. Says excellent reports are being receivedone -ball payout machine. Lee S. Jones has returned to Chicago on Galloping Plugs, and much interest And as Mr. Ripley stands ready toafter a fine rest and a long -needed vaca- ROL-A-TOP BELL is being shown in the announced Pam-offer proof for everything he says, Davetion at Hot Springs and will be on his The above machineisthefirst co's Galloping Plugs with ticket payout.Gottlieb offers the following as the basisway to Florida when this issue is on the and onlyBell type machine on At the National Amusement Companyfor the establishment of the new record:press. Jack McClelland and George Schwartz, the market with acointop "Last week," says Dave, "one of the op- Leeisthe originator of selling pin showing thelast 8coins,the sales manager, said they were having aerators from Indiana. was in our officegames to operators on the extended pay- best protection very satisfactory business and sales onand told this story. Two traveling sales-ment plan.His many years' experience againstslugs. Rock-Ola Multi -Selector reported as ex-men checked in a hotel which happenedin the electric piano business years ago Built in 3 Models, ceptionally good.Clegg Labauve, of theto be one of his locations. After register-and more recently in the coin -operated musical department, is out on the ter-ing they started to play Daily Races inphonograph business has qualified him Bell, Front Vender and Cold Award ritory.Eddie Olsen, service manager,the lobby at 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Mayto successfully carry out hisoriginal Built for lc -5c -10c -25c Play spending short time at the San Fran-2.Attention was immediately attractedplan of extending credit to pin -game cisco branch. to the pair and after they had beenoperators. Machines aresold by his Made Only By Harry Stearns, of California Exhibitplaying steadily for several hours theplan thru the American Sales Corpora- Company, has just returned from fish-watchingcrowdsbecamelargerandtion to operators in all States in the ing tripto June Lake in the Highlarger.The lobby of the hotel lookedUnion. WATLING MFG. CO. Sierras.Said it was a wonderful triplike the coin machine convention.The 4640-4660 W. FULTON ST. and large catches were reported.In thetwo men were playing in partnership party with Harry were Joe Orcutt, Tomand one would hold the fort while the CHICAGO, ILL. Wall, Harry Smith and John Campbell.other would eat.Interest aroused in the Est. 1889-Tel.:COLumbus2770. Big Shot still enjoying a good sale.Thegame ran so high that the people aroundDotty Blatt Engaged Cable address "WATLINGITE" Chicago new five -ball hand -payout game thatthe game also wanted to play and came BROOKLYN, May 16. - Dotty Blatt. has been out on test gives every indica-around with handfuls of nickels, but togeneral office manager of Supreme Vend- tion of being one of the best numbersno avail.The two boys had set out toing Company. Inc., has announced her the company has ever turned out. Gameplay the game in dead earnest. On thruengagement to Joe Share. now in production and deliveries willthe night the activity kept on. As parts Dotty has been popular with all the VENDEX be made within next two or three weeks.of the audience would drop out new-coin -machine boys who call at the firm. Will P. Canaan very busy and mer-comers would take their places.HourIt is generally said that Joe Share is a FOR chandise vending machines having after hour passed, but still they kept on.pretty lucky guy to get such a beautiful BOOTH, BAR OR sale.A new woman operator of mer-The intriguing action, the excitement SODA FOUNTAIN and suspense that has made Daily Raceswife. For busy counters and chandise machines is Mrs. Grace Court - Dotty reports she will continue in her crowded cigar cases right, of Glendale, Calif., operating aone of the favorites on alllocations where spaceislimited large route.Many operators of mer-came thru to keep these men playingposition for the present and she has no and valuable. For de until 6.30 Sunday morning, May 3. intention of leaving. luxelocationswhere chandisevending machines noted in A onlythelatestand making the rounds.Bert Wilberg, oftotal of 19 hours without a stop. most up-to-date-equip- Venice, operating at beaches; Lew Beuter "When asked why they had played mentis permitted. operating on a large scale and doingDaily Races for such a long time at onemerits its title," said Dave Gottlieb. "It very nicely; Steve Brodie, of Long Beach,stretch the men are reported to haveis a game thatispopular everywhere LOW PRICE just back from trip over the State, mak-answered: 'In the past we thought noth-becauseithas everything.Locations HIGHEST GRADE ing survey of vending conditions anding of staying up all night at a cardwhich up to now were closed to multiple CONSTRUCTION, said his check indicated conditions asgame, but since we've found this gamecoin slots are now being stocked with CHROMIUM PLAT- being very good.H. M. Kirby, whoto be much more interesting than cards,Daily Races equipped with the new ex- ING. ARTISTIC it'sjust natural for us to change toclusiveGottliebmysterysinglecoin LABELING. operates extensively in Canadian prov-playing this game.' slot.This mystery single coin slot takes inces, has been in and around Los An- but one coin and gives the player from VENDEX CO. geles looking over the field. "The following weekwhen passingtwo to eight horses to play along with Dept. B, At Mohr Brothers, Mack stated theythru the town on their return trip theseodds up to 40-1 for win, place and show. ROXBURY were having a splendid business, espe-men started playing Daily Races. PrettyThis new featureisalso available on CROSSING, ciallyonWurlitzerSimplexphono-soon a crowd gathered in keen expecta-Gottlieb's Broker's Tip, the stock -market BOSTON, MASS. graphs. tion.But as the next day was a workgame that pays out on bonds, preferred U. S. Pat. 1991738. At Sol Gottlieb's everybody busy andday they stopped after six hours of playstock and common stock;also Fence optimistic as to business outlook.Paulon Daily Races.They also commentedBuster, the new baseball game whichRankin Distrib Henry out on territory.Brokers Tip, itthat extended play on games was rapidlyputs the player in the role of manager was stated, was having a fine run andtaking the place of cards as amusementtrying to bring his team in at the top.For Skill -Ball Game much interest being shown in the ticketfor traveling men. Games equipped with either the multiple model of Daily Races.Here we noted "Daily Races, the game that probablycoin slot or the mystery single coin slot NEWARK, N.J., May 16. - Morris Henry Manning, of Monroe, La., andnow holds the endurance record, wellwithout extra charge." Hankin, of Atlanta, flew in here past Irving L.Monsey,ofAtlasSpecialty Company, Salt Lake City.Paul Laymon week and negotiated a contract which very much pleased with business. Bob made him distributor of the new Skill - Corbin, of service department, on busi- Ballccin-operatedbowling -typema- ness trip to Chicago. Dave.Pobst, expert chinesfor his city and Macon, Ga., and mechanic, has been added to the service department here.Paul has added Rock- for the territory within a radius of 75 OlaMulti -Selectorphonographsand miles of Atlanta. having a very satisfactory sale on this Hankin states that the Skill -Ball type and X-Cavator, Ad -Lee digger.Noted of games is the most profitable he has Art Dawes here.He operates exten- ever operated.He predicts that there sively in San Diego district.Also noted will be a tremendous demand for this E. Korte, of Glendale; Clem Korte, of type from operators every - La Canada, and Glen Catlin, of Mont- ee.f equipment rose, all operators. Ben and Dick Steinberg, of Stirling Extensive plans are being worked out, Novelty Company, Inc., manufacturer of it was stated, with the intention of hav- Skill -Ball, report that this is one of the ing the big June affair of the California first of the larger territorial franchises Amusement Machine Operators a stand- they have closed.They reported that outsuccess. Various committees are with amazing rapidity the country was working and preparing an extensive becoming acquainted with the tremen- program of entertainment for the occa- dous earning power of the games. They sion.The Ship Cage, where the big claim Skill -Ball introduces a new era in show is to be presented, is assured of the coin -machine industry. being sold out for the occasion. They state that Morris Hankin had We were around among some of the agreed with them that their idea of operators renewing acquaintances and placing 10 of the games in empty lots, gettingfirst-handinformationasto covered over with bright awning and operating conditions.All seemed satis- surrounded by concessions in the sum- fied with business and heartily in ac- mer time, would outdo the former min- cord with the fine work being done by iature golf craze and that the fact the theofficialsof California Amusement machines can be moved to inside in- Operators' Association.Among opera- LEE S. JONES, of the American Sales Corporation, indicating to Bartender dividual locations during the fall and tors contacted were Jack Fogel, of the James Doherty, of The Chicago Tribune, and Charlie Hepp, of Harry's New winter months opened tremendous prof- Fogel Novelty Company; V. E. Wyckoff, York CaBARet, Chicago, the size drink he wants. it possibilities everywhere. 74 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES May 23, 1936 Bally Breaks Exporters to Canada, Watch Your Invoices! Its Own Record CHICAGO, May 16.-Charles Sigal, of theK.& S.Coin MachineExchange, Toronto, Ont., writes The Billboard that

ALAMO itshouldbeimpressedupon American Registers biggest week in manufacturers, distributors and jobbers of Now Ready! firm's history-plant run- coin -operated machines that no merchan- FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM ALL diseis permitted to enter Canada unless ning day and night shifts accompanied bythreecopies of Form MA ELECTRO-BALL CO. OFFICES! invoices. "The customs laws here are rigidly en- Rockola's New Sensation, ALAMO, isa"natural"forTexas and the CHICAGO, May 16.-Ray Moloney, forced," he says, "and we have to abide Southwest! Preliminary tests on Alamo exceed all expectations!It has president of Bally Manufacturing Com- by them.It seems that some American Everything! Changeable Odds,Multiple Coin Chute,$10 Top Award! pany, states that the first week of May exporters of these games do not realize yoursimmediately! "You'llAlwaysRemembertheAlamo!" was the biggest week in Bally's history it is essential to have these papers before Order and that Thursday of that week broke any shipments are released. $149.50, f.o. b. Shipping Point. all previous records for a single day's "The marketin Canadaforcoin -op- WeWill Accept Used Equipment as PartPayment! production. erated machines willnot improve much "Of course," Ray added, "I'm counting unless the Canadian operator and jobber the production of both the night and receive this co-operationfrom their Write for Our List of Choice Used Equipment of All Kinds day shifts, which we have been running American friends." ever since the introduction of Multiple and Hialeah. But even so, when I look back on the hectic days of Ballyhoo and to the summer of '34-when we servedCaptain Kidd Is ELECTRO-BALL CO., Inc. cold beer to the boys who were getting 1200 CAMP, DALLAS out 500 Fleets a day with the ther-New A. B. T. Winner mometer at 100-and the sensational CHICAGO, May 16.-A. B. T. Manu- Fort Worth, Waco, San Antonio, WichitaFalls, Oklahoma City, production records at the peak of thefacturing Company has revived all the New Orleans, Memphis, Houston. Jumbo run-and when I realize thatglamour of. pirates of old and chests of we've actually topped those records-gold in its popular pay -out table, ap- well, I'm doggone proud of the crew outpropriately named Captain Kidd.The there in the factory, and my hat's offvery name itself is enough to excite the to the 'old gent' (D. J. Moloney, Ray'sinterest and curiosity of the players. ctegular.l1/4.0 father and Bally factory superintendent) Captain Kidd is A. B. T.'s sparkling $585 1/ 0 for the job he's doing." contribution to the automatic pay -out EACH Bally Dice Game Mystifies game field.It has all the proven appeal de they ast ';0.025 "How does it work?" That, accordingof a three -reel Bell Fruit machine. The Order in Full-LlonmediateShipmenf to operators, is the question immediatelyplaying results and the reward card have -SendMone asked by every person who plays Ballyacertainsimilaritytothepay-off Manufacturing Company's Reliance diceawards of the old three-reelers. FAST, EASY MONEY FOR YOU! Hundreds of tests have proved that Ringer is a novel, fascinating straight Penny Counter Game. Simple. game.Here is a game with dice that foolproof and automatically registers all pay-offs. Player wins 6 cents are obviously true-in fact, the manu-A. B.T.'s Captain Kidd is the ideal in trade whenever penny drops into the horseshoe. Pays for itselfin facturer guarantees they are not loaded,three -ball payout.Itis practically as a few days.Cart he 'dared on every counter and bar. misspotted or shaped.The player canfast as a one -ball, yet the three balls A Beautifully Finished Machine! see with his own eyes that the dice rollmake for a natural percentage control. Handsome striped chromium case, equipped with high grade tumbler and spin as if thrown by hand. YetRewards can be more liberal.As there lock.Stands 10 inches high. 5% inches wide and 4 inches deep. are "almost" wins on a three -ball pay- This clo

1.10C11:17 CIILARNS Rhode Island Ops Elephants,Horses, Camels, Donkeys,Etc. Prices Ranging from 75c to $1.00 per Cross. PROVIDENCE, May 16. -All operators in Send 25c for Sample Assortment. STRAW TROPICAL HELMETS. Doz $1.50 Rhode Island are urged to attend a meet- SPORT SUN GLASSES, Asstd. Colors, ing which has been called for 8 o'clock, Adjustable Frames. Dozen 1.25 May 22, at Irish American Hall, 776 West- BOLL-ETTE SUN CLASSES, Heavy Shell Frames, Curved minster street here.Chief discussion will Lens, Smoke, Amber, Etc center around a matter vitallyaffecting Dozen 1.20 the operators' business.All ops are urged HIGH HAT FEATHER DOLLS, Cane to be present.It will be to their benefit. and Beads, Earrings.Dozen .75 IMPORTED LASH WHIPS. Gross 4.50 THE SENSATIONAL REGULATION COWBOY FELT HATS First Quality). Dozen 1.50 MARRIAGES AUTOMATIC PAYOUT MINIATURE STRAW HATS With Feathers. Cross 4.00 (Continued from page 28) ROULETTE GAME! No. 8 OAK MICKEY MOUSE With magician, and Clara Moore, assistant Ears.Cross 3.00 HERE is a masterpiece for JUMPING FUR MONKEYS. Gross 4.00 in his act, at Lawrence, S. C., recently. operators who want the best. SiLK PARASOLS, 24".Cross 14.40 booker,toVirlindaIsabellaCarper, A "big time" attraction for GOLD C MAN BADGES, Cross 4.80 trained nurse, in Baltimore recently. those special spots that must 25% Deposit With All Orders SMALL-HOLLEFIELD - Edward Fran- bring "big-time" profits! Free Price List of OTHER Fast Sellers. cis Small, Ferris Wheel foreman, with ROLL-ETTEisplayed by EPSTEIN NOVELTY CO., Inc. the Hunt Corporation this season, and one to three players along 130 PARK ROW NEW YORK CITY Delena Hollefield, nonprofessional, April the lines of regulation rou- 23 at Bemis, Tenn. lette.Each coin chute con- trols a row of numbers.By STORM-STEPPLING - John Storm, rotating the proper selector screen writer, to Rita Steppling, film thethreechecks may be animator and daughter of John Step- moved up and down to a pling, New York stageactor, in Los combination of three num- Angeles May 13. bers. Odds ranging from 6 to 20. Ball is released by touch- STRUDWICK - WYNN - Sheppard ing a button and spins swift- WANTED Strudwick, of the cast of End of Sum- ly around a beautiful, inlaid Organized Band of 8 pieces.Join at once. mer, Guild Theater production now cur- roulette wheel.If a player is Individual Musicians also.Wire rent in New York, and Helen Wynn, re- on the winning number, pay- cently of the cast of Winterset, May 10 out isautomatically made. GORMAN BROS. CIRCUS in New York. Frommechanicaland TRIVERS-McKINNEY-Barry Trivers, beautyviewpoints ROLL- Bridgeport Conn., May 20; Meriden, 21; Hollywood scenarist, and Florine Mc- ETTE haseverything . . New Haven, 22; New London, 23. Kinney, motion picture actress, in Lon- brilliant coloring . . indirect illuminationoffield . don May 14. mushroom light on wheel . WATERS-MOORE - Herbert Waters, big black and silver 45"x20" cabinet . ElectricPack equipped. See it!Marvel at its stately beauty and smooth WANTED playing action.Testitfor Workingmenalldepartments, Auto Me- profits!You will agree it's chanics and Truck Drivers. To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lang in Port- thebiggestmoney -earning land, Ore., May 7, a son, Stuart Senders. attraction onthemarket. The father Is publicity agent and part Immediate delivery. GORMAN BROS. owner of the Capitol Theater, Portland. A son, 8 pounds 14 ounces, to Mr. and At Your Jobber Mrs.J. H(Doc) Ward at their home in or Direct CIRCUS Alva,Okla., May 5.Baby has been Bridgeport, Conn., May 20; Meriden, 21; named Anthony Clifford. New Haven, 22; New London, 23. Eight -pound eight -ounce daughter to A PERMANENT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrews in Los Angeles May 12.Mother is Vi Bradley, INVESTMENT cafe singer.Father is film writer. 1522-28W. ADAMS ST. WANTED A six -pound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. CHICAGO, ILL, Dick Mason at the Pittsburgh H. C. EVA N S 81L CO Pittsburgh, May 12.Father is vocalist CONCESSIONSwith Jae Hull's Golden Californians Or- Ofallkinds, no exclusive,Birds,Groceries, chestra. Ham and Bacon, Long -Range Shooting Gallery, Gorman Bros. Opens Grind Stores of all kinds.No coupons.Will JOHN R. WARD SHOWS sell exclusiveEricDiggers toresponsible party.Wire Diootces hi Hackensack, N. J. Elsa Roberts Lease from Rex Lease, HACKENSACK, N.J.,May 16. -Gor- WANT SHOWS WORLD'S EXPOSITION SHOWS film cowboy, in Los Angeles May 7. man Bros.'Circus, managed by TomGirl Revue, Athletic People, Hawaiian Show, GIRARDVILLE, PA., this week. experiencedManager,Monkey Motordrome. Alberta Pearl Polimer, screen actress,Gorman, sprang a surprise by taking toHave all new tops.Bubba Mack wants Per- from Richard Kenneth Polimer in Losthe road again, opening here yesterdayformers and Musicians for Minstrel Show.Can WANTED Angeles May 12. afternoon to a good house and strawing place Mitt Camp.All Stock Concessions.Ca- InSchenectady County,N. Y., Elissa Landi, film actress and writer,them at night.Few people had figuredpable Show people andConcession Agents, fromJohnCecilLawrence,LondonGorman to resume, having had an early Ride Help.Book or buy Loop -o -Plane.Poplar CIRCUS barrister, in Los Angeles May 12. closinglastseason, but a coupleofBluff, Mo., Celebration, on street this week; To showtinder An.pices of Organizationof 20,000. Fredericktown, Mo., week May 25th. DATE, JULY 4, 1938. MarionL.McLaglen,actress,fromweeksago he made preparationsto Address JAMES J, PORTER, R. D. No.3, Schenec- Arthur McLaglen, actor -brother of Vic-carry on. tady, N. Y. tor McLaglen, in Los Angeles May 12. Among actsare Poodles Hanneford M. B. AMUSEMENT CO. WANT andhisridingcontingent,lateofWANTED FOR Shows with own outfits.Give X on Corn Game. Jumbo, withPoodlesring -mastering; WILL BOOK Ball Games, High Striker, Pitch -Till - Win, Cigarette Slinting Gallery, or any legitimate Clarkonians,Nelson'sElephants, Ray Concesxions. Open May 30. Pete Reed wants fate Deaths Goody and others.Joe Basile contracteaK. of P. May Festival Wrestlers to go h0-90.Bide Help; must be experi- temporarily for the band. enced truk drivers.Address R. It. 1, Box 69, Coro- (The following items were received at It's a two - Rides and Concessions, Shooting Gallery, Frozen meree, press time. ringlayout. Show willbe reviewed More details in the nextformally when caught early next week. Custard, Candy Apples, Peanuts, Popcorn, other issue..) LegitimateConcessions. No Wheels, as we HUGHEY BROS. SHOWS have our own. Merchants giving away $50.00 WANTS strung Show tofeature. Wild West or BROWN -RobertAbne;r, 68, presidentReading's United Shows cash each night.Also Free Acts, featuring Dog and Pony Show.Will help finance Snake Showof Alabama State Fair, Birmingham, of Charles Siegrist Troupe. May 23 to 30. Address that can get money.No Beek wanted. ALSO WANT other Shows not conflicting.Good openingfor few a heart attack following several weeks' Portland, Tenn. Week ended May 9. K. OF P. FESTIVAL COMMITTEE, Salem, 0. Stock Concessions. WANT Ride Help and otherillness in a Birmingham hospital May 11. useful Carnival People.WANT Colored Perform- Auspices,AmericanLegion. Weather ers, rornel and Trombone for Band.Address Mor- GLENDINNING-Ernest, 52,English -variable. Business, good. ganfield, Ky. born actor, well known in Broadway The second stand of the new season. legit, at South Coventry, Conn., May 18.A great amount of concessions stock to ATTENTION GREta-Sir PhilipBen,78,noted CARNIVAL WANTED American Legion. V. F. W., Fire Companies, Cele-Shakespearean actor, in London May 17.customers caused buying trips to Nash- WEEK ENDING JULY 4. brations and other Auspices. We can furnish you KENDLER-Julius, 50, theatrical law -ville.Among the visitors to Nashville Big Fourth July Celebration, Main Street locale,. complete outfits -Rides, Concessions and other fea- were Mrs. Sam Riley and young son,No license. A.L. (NANNY) GARNAND, Cham- tures, on a rental or percentage basis. Write for full year, May 16 in Los Angeles. ber of Commerce,Wellington, Kan. particulars. SMALL -Len, 73, former governor ofDon.C. D. Scott was a visitor to the JERE SHAW Illinois and secretary of Kankakee Inter-show on Tuesday. This was a good spot Real Estate Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. state Fair, May 17 in St. Mary's Hospital,and Manager Williams booked it early. Kankakee, of a blood clot while recover-While at Lafayette, Tenn., the show had WANTED a banner day on Wednesday.ManagerCONCESSIONS FOR SEASON'S WORK IN ing from a minor operation. Williams had handbills, with ride cou- PHILADELPHIA AND VICINITY. Candy Apples, Pop Corn, Fish Pond, Duck Pond, pons attached,scatteredthruout the Canny FlossDiggers, 'tide Help for Ferris Wheel. CARNIVAL WANTEDRubin Gruberg Places surroundingcountry,whichbrought JERE SHAW, Conshohocken, Pa., week May18. FOR ONE WEEK IN JUNE. many people to the city and the show. Extra Rides in Parks The new corn game is a beauty and the Address C.G. STIEHL, FOR SALE - Wabashalmost Photostelp new.Size Camera, 11/2 x2. A. care American Legion, six riding devices make a great flash.bargain at $65.00. R.S. KERR,Box 137,Gal- Belleville, DECATUR, Ill., May 16. -Rubin Gru-Mrs. Van Meter's sister, Carrie, is sched- lipolis,0. berg, president and general manager ofuled to arrive at the next stand.All of DOG -PONY, MONKEY ACT Rubin & Cherry Exposition, exhibitingwhich is from a member of the company. WANTED here this week, has placed some of his Owntransportation.Performers lllines.Whiteextraridingdevices in parksin the and ColoredMusicians. WireBEERS -BARNESSouth. LOOK CIRCUS, Buena Vista, Thursday; CliftonForge, While the show was playingElmer Rhodes, of Rubin & Cherry, in- Friday; Cralgsville, Saturday; Hot Springs, Monday.Jackson, Tenn., last week Gruberg madestalling them for Gruberg. IN THE WHOLESALE All Virginia. a trip to Knoxville, where he superin- Charles Wren, who was injured when MERCHANDISE SECTION tended the placement of several rides inthe front tire of his motorcycle had a for the Chilhowee Park. Two rides, a Merry -Go -blowout while Rubin & Cherry Exposi- Great Dickerson Shows Round andaDangler, formery withtion was playing Tuscaloosa, Ala., three LATEST NOVELTIES,PRIZES WANTConcessions allkinds.sin:on perweek. Model Shows of America, were recentlyweeks ago, has recovered and is again PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES \Vire or come on.Alberta, Va., all this week. placed in Lakewood Park, Atlanta, Ga.,doing his acts. 78 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MERCHANDISE SECTION) May 23, 1936 have new strength to put into a task.. Candy, indeed, can be the harmless, pleasant and very effective means of "lifting" the employee over the regular afternoon fatigue stretch.Nut meats , again contain a great amount of energy.' Peanuts help to pep up a tired em- ployee. Themerchandise -machineoperator should have a mighty good sales talk about the quality of the goods he mer- chandises -the freshness, purity, repu- tation.Of course, lining up the loca- IMOSELEY WM* MACHINE EXCHANGE. tion, he should be very free in using samples. Suggest that the manager, American Cig Machine Co. Vending Machines foreman or other "key man" try out the Moves to Larger Quarters products on someofhis assistants - To Feed the Birds then and there. PITTSBURGH, May 16. - American Securing a good factory location, the Cigaret Machine Company, operated by DENVER, May 16. -Not candy for kids, operator should not stop with one type Sam Strahl and Meyer Abelson, is mov- but corn for the ducks,isthefillerin of machine.His real profit indeed may WAN T ing into new and larger quarters on 12 vending machines this city will install come from additional machines he puts TO BUYOR TRADE the lower floor of the Fifth Avenue shortly at City Park. in.Overhead for service comes down, Bank Building.Remodeling work has A penny in a slot will release an ounce the collective earnings go up.It's a been under way for some time and of corn.Youngsters and grownups alike, good deal easier for a factory group 1 0 0 when finished the spot promises to boast itisanticipated,willusethe machines to get the coin -machine habit if there SLIGHTLY USED of one of the most attractive distrib- freely to get food to coax the ducks to are a number of machines than 1f there JUMBOS DERBY BONUS The their hands. utors' headquarters in the city. Severalpurposes willbe accomplished is only one.Investigate the possibilities PEERLESS GOLDEN HARVEST removal has been prompted by steadily by the machines. Proper foodwillbe in penny scales.Along a different line Either Cash or Ticket Models.Prefer Tick- increasingbusinessmidthegreater supplied the quacking flock, the amount perhaps you can line up the location for et Model.Will make liberal trade-in allow- conveniences at the new address for soap dispensers and cigaret machines. ance on any of the latest games out. of corn the city will have to feed them Write, Wire or Phone us what you have both the firm and its customers. will be cut down, the ducks will be kept The four principal factors which the to offer. Mr. Strahlis currently dividing his well fed and contented, the visitors will merchandise -machine operator deals ALL LATEST BRAND NEW HITS time between Pittsburgh and New York, have an addedthrill -and the citywill with are (1) operator, (2) machine, (3) Ready for Immediate Delivery. where he is in charge of the recently doubtlessrealize someprofit fromthe product and (4) location.Besides talk- BALLY'S MULTIPLE " HIALEAH openedbranchoftheNorthwestern machines. ing his products the operator must be RELIANCE Corporation. Theseare the firstbird -feeding ma- skillful in capitalizing qualities of his SKY HIGH chines to be installed In Denver. RAY'S TRACK machines.To a prospective factory lo- MILLS DOUBLE HEADER cation one machine may seem like an- TYCOON other, but operators know there can be PACES RACES Concentrating on Venders frequently because of being superseded PAMCO PALOOKA all the difference in the world.So the GALLOPING PLUGS DETROIT. May 16. -Arthur J. Ruwe,by newer models." operator is prepared to tell about the GOTTLIEB'S DAILY RACES BROKER'S TIP operator of peanut and candy venders, modern features of his machines, how FENCE BUSTER who formerly had a route of pin games,Handling Pack -It in Ohio products are kept in an absolutely sani- ROCKOLA'S ALAMO isnow concentratinghiseffortson tary condition, how the machine simply I PHONOGRAPHS SLIGHTLY USED AND FLOOR SAMPLES vending maciiin,es and scales. DETROIT, May 16. -Vern Joslin haswon't get out of order under his serv- Each. "Coin -controlled scales are a satisfac-taken the franchise for Northern Ohioice policy and how attractive the ma- 10 Tit Tat, Toes, used 2 weeks $11.50 for Pack -It Company of America. Joslinchines are. 1 Rock-Ola Black Magic Dice 35.00 tory type of machine to operate," he 10 Penny Packs 7.50 said."They bring in a steady type offormerly operated machines in Toledo. In other words, the operator has a 10 Penny Smokes 5.00 His headquarters will continue to be in 2 Paces Races, 5c Play 255.00 return thruout the year and are not whole sales talk based on machines.In Perfect condition, serials Nos. 1114 subject to seasonal fluctuations.An-Toledo.He is a younger brother of M.his buildup he should not forget that and 1410. other advantage of this type of machineL. Joslin, national manager of the Pack -the operator is himself mighty impor- 5 Dally Limits, new F. S 57.50 8 Peerless 65.00 is that It does not have to be replacedIt Company. tant to the factory location.The op- 1 Exhibit Giant. Cash Pay 30.00 erator, for example, should give refer- 5 Bally Derbys 55.00 4 Q. T. Sc Play Venders 30.00 ences without being called on for them. 5 New Yorkers 17.50 showing that he is permanent and re- 1 Eclipse 15.00 liable.The operator able to point to 3 Frisky 7.50 Securing Factory Locations 1 Giant 30.00 well-known concerns in whose plants 1 Bally Rambler F. S. 55.00 he has machines has a real selling argu- 5 Big Games, 1c 10.00 5 Traffic A 9.50 ment. 5 Golden Harvest 37.50 For Merchandising Machines And. the introduction ideaisgood 1 Traffic B 8.50 1 Traffic C 6.00 Smoke stacks are belching again.Allof liberal support!This kind of "insidehere, as in many other kinds of selling. 15 Red Arrows 10.00 Go to prospects backed up with the 15 Champions 10.00 over America industrial activity is onjob" is thoroly legitimate. 12 Rockets, take lot at 8.00 the Increase. The trend means big prof- Actually, of course, there is a mightyrecommendation ofan individual or SUPPLIES its for the merchandise -machine oper-good argument, seeking a factory lo-concern whose word will carry influenoe. Batteries, per case $ 6.00 It may seem a bother to do all this, but Ball Gum, per case 10,000 balls 12.00 ators who will skillfully cultivate thecation, in the "employee welfare" value 1 /3 Deposit With Order. Balance C. 0. D. field. of automatic venders.There is an ef-final results are what tell the story and We aremanufacturers and distributors. It's the enterprising and ingeniousficiency appeal, too. a careful buildup may actually be the JOBBER S, Write for Quantity Prices. fellow -the chap with the answers to The operator should beable,dis-fastest way to get the desired result - MOSELEY VENDING obstacles -who gets the choice locationscussing the subject with a prospectivea valuable location. MACHINE EXCHANGE, INC. in this field.The coin -machine prin-factory location, to mention factories 00 Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. ciple is one of the greatest advances inwhichgladlywelcomemachinesfor Office Phone, Residence Phone, merchandising -but back of every ma-their efficiency value.The facts exist 34511. 55328. chine is an operator.That operator hasand they are powerful. LOOK opportunities to demonstrate as clever The employees who have machines IN THE WHOLESALE and as profitable salesmanship as anynear are more contented.The nerve highly paid specialty salesman. specialists have recognized the value of MERCHANDISE SECTION LITTLE Be expert in service, of course, butgum in reducing nerve tension.Food for the understand that it takes a "real guy"experts, also with tests, have demon- LATEST NOVELTIES, PRIZES to promote the best locations and tostrated how candy isa great energy NUT food, so that the employees, consum- PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES Type C is one keep them sold.Right there operators they're a I rate themselves. ing it when hungry, almost immediately talking about. For example, what would you think Will vend any- of an operator who actually got em- thing. All cast alumi- ployees to ask for his machines, pledg- n u m,highly ing their support?The thing can be PRICES and SERVICE polished.Dis- done and it isn't difficult for the op- tributors erator who understands thattho wanted. straight line is the shortest distance be- tween two pointsthere are a lotof that PLEASE LITTLE NUT other ways to arrive at an objective. VENDOR CO. Here is a small factory.For the women BRAND NEW MACHINES -INSTANTSHIPMENT workers there is a large lounge and re- $ 99.50 Lansing,Mich ALL STARS $115.00 HIALEAH $139.50 RAMBLERS tiring room. The girls eat their lunches 75.00 MULTIPLE 142.50 REPEATERS 69.50 BALLY RANGER SHELL GAME 67.50 here, of course.They hold club meet- CAR IOCAS 33.50 PARI-MUTUEL 177.50 ings. DAILY DOUBLE SR 67.50 PEERLESS 97.50 STEEPLECHASE 7.50 3000 BIGBARGAINS 29.50 PONIES 47.50 TIT -TAT -TOE 14.75 The operator -or the operator's wife DO OR DON'T 35.00 AT WHOLESALE HARMONY BELL 49.50 PUT 'N' TAKE 29.50 TORPEDO 1935 -has a friend or two among the em- TYCOON 149.50 PRICES. ployees.So the matter is arranged. The Hundreds of friend begins to talk about candy, gum, Newest "Tycoon type" Tables, Keeney's Grand Slam, $127.50;Rainbow, $99.00; items from Write. ip IRS many partsof nut -meat machines -what aconven- Bally's special made new 5 -Ball SKYHIGH ready. whofeJate civituy. theworldare Of course, other shown in Spors ience they would be! USED MACHINES -REAL VALUES N 7 An employee may com- Catalog. 196 girlsagree. $39.50 REPEATERS $49.50 ment, "Yes, but I don't believe that Mr. ACES $21.50 MAMMOTHS . ... 19.50 'i fullgsofFast CARIOCAS 18.50 PEERLESS 65.00' PEP ...... "AVM Sellers and 15 Johnson," referring to the boss, "would DO OR DON'T 14.00 PUT 'N'TAKE, Cray 9.00 SEVEN ELEVENS .. 27.50 Money Making STAMPEDE 25.00 ' 1 agree." EQUITYS 17.50. PUT 'N'TAKE, Green 12.00 v s.,,, 1 Plans for 9.00 Agents. Jobbers The operator's amateur assistant now GOLD RUSHES 15.00 RED ARROWS .... ' 6/45.- a n d Dealers. spreads some propaganda.It is to the This Catalog is Order from this ad from office nearest you. =, tree - send for effect that probably coin -machine oper- Itif - .. itToday. ators would regard the location as too small.However, if the employees would SPURS CEHTIPIFICI1.1 SPORS CO., promise to liberally patronize the ma- AUTOMATIC AMUSEMENT COMPANY, ^',',,"" ..;;;;;,,,;,',' 1 5-36 Erie St., Le Center, chine -well, that would be different. As ASSOCIATTHETHED , .- ";" ,'=7Nret-_,..,_vic,u.'f' Minn. for Mr. Johnson, if the girls want the WI WORLD'S LARGEST DISTRIBUTORS machines and send a committee to him, 628 Madison Ave., I 1304 Throckrnorton St., 717 Walnut St., TELL THE ADVERTISER IN THEhe'll probably agree at once. MEMPHIS, TENN. FT. WORTH. TEXAS.I HOUSTON, TEXAS. BILLBOARD WHERE YOU GOT So the operator is actually requested HIS ADDRESS. to put in his machines with the promise May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 79 Broadway house, the Adelphia Theater. Opening production will be the Poetic ATLASGAMES MUST BE Theater Unit's Dance of Death Tuesday. OK Mrs.FlanaganrevealstheFederal OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED Theater Project has 12,452 people on its pay roll and that federal shows are now produced in 31 States for a weekly audi- RECONDITIONED GAMES ence of half a million persons. WHY GAMBLE? \ AUTOMATIC. PAYOUTS NOVELTY GAMES Vak BRIDGEPORT,May 16. - Walter (1 -shot) Scream° cPaUt-liocNc: Take $13.50 Klavon, director of the Federal Theater Big Game 12.00 300 TEST LOCATIONS SPECIAL Rapid Fire Project in New Haven, has assumed di- Sportsman $14.50 Kings rectorship herewith the openingof 8.50 Ceiling Zero.Maude Hill Bannerman is PEARL HARBOR 111(nPgOlasirin) $18.60 High Hand .... 12.50 now publicity director, succeeding Natalie P1017 THAT A -B -T's All Prices F. 0. B. Chicago. Arnold. BeSmart! Get on Our Mailing List for Specials HOUSTON, May 16.-Pioneer Texas, 16" Not a Complaint in a Carload. WorksProgressAdministration'sfirst 3 BALL PAYOUT-

Texasoffering, which opened May 1, "clicked beyond our anticipation," ac- ATLAS. NOVELTY. CORPORATION cording to Major J. Perry Moore and 2200 N. WESTERN AVE.. other officials of WPA. CHICAGO. ILL. IlltribliTHAVE. The Post, sedate morning paper, and eirTSBURGH. PA. The Chronicle, State's leading evening cert, was taken to Metropolitan Hotel,and Sunday paper, placed their official 'Rithmatic Meets Springfield, Mo., threatened with pneu-approval on the production. monia.His wife, Madge, accompanied Project employs 54 professional work- APIA* ers.Sixteen youngsters from NYA are With Big Response him. used, which brings the company up to Concession department has all new70. The play was written by Chester CHICAGO, May 16.-A stamp of ap-equipment; Otto Zabel, superintendent,Snowden, local playwright, and presented proval has been placed on 'Rithmatichas two outside stands and one insidein seven scenes with a narrator describing by Gerber & Glass, who are distributorsMenagerie.Personnel includes Harold.each incident immediately before it is re- forDaval's newest counter machine.Dodd, cashier; Robert Morton, superin-enacted on the stage. They have already heard from jobberstendentofbutchers;Eddie Murphy, 1W* and distributors who have received sam-manager inside stand; Howard Harrison, SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., May 16.-After ple orders, and never before to theirBilly Edward, Gus Smith, Sidney Erick-a two weeks' successful run of First knowledge has such an immediate andson, George Baker, Al Hill and FrankLegion. at Columbia Theater, the Federal WILL MAKE MORE enthusisaticresponsegreeted a newFoster, butchers;Bill Sweet, pop -corn,Theater Project brought to that house counter game. Both Max Glass and Paulmachine;DarbyHicks,sweets;RedMonday Max M. Dill's romantic musical Gerber areconfident that this newRumble, novelties on midway;Eddiecomedy, Lady Say Yes.Play, with cast MONEY AND LAST device will set all counter -machine rec-Carson, candy floss machine.Joe Ken-of 50, is scheduled for one week.Nat ords for their firm. nedy, manager of midway lunch stand,Goldstein and Bradford Briggs have su- MUCH LONGER! Here are just a few of the many fea-has Eddie Newhouse as griddleman andpervisedmusicalarrangementsand tures of 'Rithmatic that Gerber & Glass.Roy Hill as cook. Francis Guigni the solo and ensemble feel will be the reason it will go over. Business Manager Al C. Beck has en-dances. It is just about the easiest counter gamegaged James Baker as second banner - San Francisco will then see the first of ever built to understand.The play isman back with show. Doc W. J. Allmanthe government road shows on the West based on simple arithmetic problems. Ifwas guest of Beck at matinee in Lexing-Coast when Censored, with a Los Angeles the answered problem is correct on theton. Charles(Pop)Lawless,generalcast of 40, comes to the Columbia next last reel, then the player receives exact-agent, and J. F. Pennington, boss bill-Monday. Meanwhile, a new three -act ly what the answer calls for.For ex-poster, of Conroy Bros' Circus, werecomedy, called Morning Hate, by Elene ample, 5x10 Is 50.If the first reel comesguests of Fred Leonard and Otto ZabelWilbur, opened last week at the Federal up 5,secondreel shows "multiply,"in Lexington. Thru arrangements madeTheater for two weeks. third reel 10 and last reel shows 50, theby King Baile, Side Show manager, Seils- problem is correctly answered and theSterling entertained 150 boys from Mis- FORT WORTH, Tex., May 16.-Federal player receives 50 times his investment.souri State Training School in Boonville.Theater Players, under direction of Rich- As hewhas put 1 cent into the game he C. A. Vernon, W. White, Mr. and Mrs.ard L. Slaughter, made their first public gets50 cents in return.'RithmaticRolland Bernie, C. E. Adams, Bill Cup -appearance before local audiences in two works the same way as to multiplication,pie and Mr. and Mrs. James M. Fushee,one -act plays, Dear Departed and Won- division, addition and subtraction prob-of American Greater Shows, were guestsder -Dark Epilogue, at the Community lems.All the storekeeper must remem-of management in Columbia, Mo., whereTheater. ber is that the answer to the problemday and date was played.Joe Riggers There was no admission charge. Show must be correct to make the award. Notvisited at Lexington. Don F. Grey spentdrew capacity crowds and got good pub- only is 'Rithmatic new and fascinatingthe day at Harrisonville with Arthurlicity. from the play standpoint, but it is oneMacHeller and sat in as baritone player Slaughter had audiences fill out ques- of the most beautiful counter games.with band.Roger Spencer, Circus Fan,tionnaires. One hundred per cent of at- An orange and black body and highlyof Moberly, was an important factor intendance said they would like to see the '1 polished aluminum trimmings cause thearranging for closing of schools whenlocal Federal Theater continue as a pa- counter machine toinstantly attractshow was there.He entertained Belle,manent organization.There are 42 on and appeal to the player. Beck, Orville Lindeman and F. Robertlocal project. Gerber & Glass announce that 'Rith-Saul, the writer, at dinner in his apart- DETROIT, May 16.-WPA Theater at matic is available thru them for imme-ment. the Lafayette closes tonight after the diate delivery.Operators and jobbers Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Van Pool weresecond week of I Confess.The Great are reminded of the famous Gerber &guests of show in Springfield and Neva-Ziegfeld, MGM film, moves into the La- Glass slogan, "It is not a sale until youda, Mo.Kluder, Baile and Mark Good-fayette tomorrow, after a record -break- are satisfied." winhavenewhousecars. Marshalling five -week run at the Cass Theater, to James, snare drummer, played in bandmake way for Winterset. at Nevada. As a result the WPA lost out on the EASTVVOODPARK lease and found itself this week with- (Continued from page 3) out a theater.It was impossible to get because said, but is entirely covered by insur-Program at Rocky Mount a bid for the house thru Washington in ance, including the stocks of lessees ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., May 16.-Thetime to catch the bid from the Cass. destroyed. Morton-Hamid Circus opened here MayPaulOsterle, who returned to the Cass IT HAS ALL THE Plans for rebuilding have not been11 to a packed house at Mangum's Ware-as treasurer a few weeks ago, will go decided.Attendance in the park ap-house.Local merchants had 50 exhibitswith the picture to the Lafayette, while parently was not affected on Sunday, asand automobile concerns had a show.Harry McKee will manage both houses. THRILLS OF A additional crowds of curiosity seekersElmer Perdue was in charge of conces- WPA officials were scurrying to find came.Jungle Show was fireproof butsions and A. Hymes had three stands.another theater, with almost nothing 3 REEL BELL wooden sidewalls gave the fire a head The program:Wilbur's ponies andavailable except the Gayety, burlesque start. Detroitfiredepartmentwasdogs; Aunt Jemima and company, com-house, which also closes today for the three-quarters of an hour responding, asedy acrobatic presentation; Golda Honey,summer. FRUIT MACHINE the parkisoutside city limits. No Laddie Lamont, comedy act on damage was done to remainder of theglobe; Rose Ellis company of acrobats NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 16.-WPA NOTE THE SIMILARITY park. and barrel jumpers; clown specialty byFederal Theater Project at the Lincoln IN THE REWARD CARDS Randow Troupe;Laddie Lamont, onTheater will be continued until the end balancingladder;Pallenberg'sbears;of June, according to latest info received 3 REELER CAPTAIN KIDD Fire in Irvington, N.J. Will Morris .and Bobby, comedy bicyclefrom authoritative sources. Fancy That, Timetested act;SixDeCardoes,onteeterboard;by Foster Furcolowe, local Yale graduate, 11 6 e 0 - 21'04.`.".1,! NEW YORK, May 18.-Fire razed the willbe the next productionat the and PROVEN 000400-2 comedy boxing bout by Randow and appeal.Long000o. framerestaurantinOlympicPark,clowns; Wilbur's elephants.Show di-,Lincoln. Doris Vinton will play in Fancy 77,. 009.00060 05x0 004 Irvington, N.J.,last night.Firemenrected by Will Hill. That. life and big 00050000, succeeded in preventing the flames from Weede-MeyerOrchestraplayedfor profits area spreading to an adjacent hotel.Thereshow and Kathleen Lane and Virginia LOS ANGELES, May 16.-Chalk Dust, surety. were no injuries.Henry A. Guenther,Bennett sang.Show and dance musicFederal Theater hit in New York, opened owner, said damage was about $5,000. was broadcast over Station WEED andat the Mayan Tuesday. Leads are Fran- ORDER A SAMPLE TODAY- was instrumental in bringing crowds upcesca Rotoli and Avery Graves. YOU'LL WANT 5 0 to the time this was written. PLENTY MORE $ Sells -Sterling Has New George Hamid and Herman Blumen- LATER feld were here.Edgar C. Wallace han-Texas Professional Hour Cookhouse; AddsAnimal Actdled advance sale of tickets, booths and LEXINGTON, Mo., May 16.-The Sells -publicity, and papers co-operated nicely. SAN ANTONIO, May 16.-Dusty Waller Sterling Circus received a new cook- decided that someone needs to do for professionals what Major Bowes has done TMAN house at Mt. Vernon, Mo. Top is 90 byVAUDE AND DANCE for the amateurs, with the result that 70.Two new ranges, steam tables and -- a weekly program originating from the COMPANY coffee urns have been added.A wild (Continued from page 5) Gunter Hotel has been brought about. animal act(lions) was added to pro-has been turned over to the UnionIt is known as Colonel Popcorn's Profes- 3311-19 CARROLL AVE. gram at Mt. Vernon.Capt. Ervin KluderChurch's Actors' Dinner Club. sional Trouper Hour, with Jack Craw- is presenting it.Allen Bailey, in con- The project has taken over its.fourthford as in. c. CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 80 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES May 23, 1936

Marcus, StanleyIIMMEDIATE 1 PLAY PAY TABLE Join Forces

New firmisappointed Bally distributor for the Greater Chicago area WRITE

CHICAGO, May 16. -Confirming the appointment of Automatic-Markepp, WIRE AC Pack $5.00 Extra. Inc.,asBallydistributorforthe OR DC Pack $7.50 Extra. Greater Chicago area, Jim Buckley, sales manager of Bally Manufacturing Com- PHONE pany, stated that "leading distributors who have been advised of Automatic- TODAY Markepp's part in the Bally setup are DOUBLEHEADER united in expressing satisfaction,the Brand New Game Sensation general comment being that the new or- $11500 ganization will exert a healthy influence 1/3 Cash or Certified Check Deposit With Orders, on the entire industry." Balance C. 0. D. AC Pack $5.00 Extra. Automatic-Markepp, Inc., was organ- MILLS EASTERN FACTORY DISTRIBUTOR ized recently by two of the foremost DC Pack, $7.50 Extra. distributorsinthe coin -machine in- dustry, Meyer Marcus, president of the Markepp Company, Inc.,of Cleveland UNITED AUTOMATIC SALES CO. and Cincinnati, and S. L. Stanley, head693 BROADWAY, Tel. No., Gram 7-7072. NEW YORK, N. Y. of the Automatic Amusement Company, withheadquartersin - Memphis and branch offices in a number of Southern cities.Mr. Marcus and Mr. Stanley are both well known in the industry, not WE ARE THE only for the efficiency of the sales or- EXCLUSIVE ganizations they have built up but also WRITE TODAY for their faithfulness to the policies in DISTRIBUTORS which they believe.Mr. Marcus during FOR OUR NEW the past year has been very active in FOR the promotion of favorable publicity. NORTHWESTERN benefiting the entire industry, and has WEEKLY PRICE LIST unstintinglycontributedtime and MERCHANDISERS money to various good -will movements. of ON ALL NEW & USED Complete stock Write Mr. Stanley has gained the reputation machines ON HAND for of being one of the boldest pioneers in ready for IMMEDIATE Prices the industry and has a large following DELIVERY! Don't Today of operators whom he has guided to PAY TABLES!! wastetime -WRITE greater and more stable prosperity. US TODAY -SAVE Every good Pay TableIN STOCK! MONEY! The "parent" organizations in Ohio Lowest Prices GUARANTEED onallGET STARTED TODAY IN THIS and theSouthwillmaintaintheir separate identity and will be operated Used Pay Tables. BEFORE YOU BUYSTEADY MONEY -MAKINGBUSI- independent of the new Chicago firm. GET OUR PR ICE LIST - SAVENESS! WRITE US TODAY FOR but the latter,itis stated, will draw MONEY!! COMPLETE DETAILS! on the far-flung facilities of both Mr. Marcus and Mr. Stanley in obtaining and disposing of used games for the ROYAL DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. Chicago trade. 1125 BROAD ST., Tel.: Bigelow3-3508. NEWARK, N. J, Offices, showrooms and warehouse will be maintained by Automatic-Markepp. Inc.,at2338 Belmont avenue,Chi- cago.R. L. Wilds, formerly managing director of the National Automatic Dis- tributors' Association, will be in charge. Coin -machine men who have watched ROLL -A- BALL Mr. Wilds' good work in the NADA agree thatAutomatic-Markepp,Inc.,isas "America's New Bowling Game Sensation!" fortunate in its choice of manager as (NOT A PIN CAME) it was in having Meyer Marcus and S. L. Stanley for its co-founders. WRITE NOW FOR COMPLETE DETAILS! Speaking for both Mr. Stanley and himself, Meyer Marcus made the fol- GEORGE PONSER CO.

lowing statement to a representative of 11-15 EAST RUNYON ST. NEWARK, N. J. The Billboard: "Our appointment as 1 Bally distributors for the Greater Chi- cago area is a privilege we have pledgede, I s .\ 00..\\101M71101/ A I 0 ta.NVII0 /WWII .\\' & ,,Nh ..\ 011\\10 ~MOO &I 01101101.-.9 ourselves not to abuse, but rather to use as a means of giving greater service up to the trade in this territory." 40 HATITER.U FI". BATTER ,r4 A sensationalcryfor a "Hit Over the Fence."A Home OA Run scored -a cheer! Someone won $20.00!! n Playing baseball play by play on a salesboard.Singles, r doubles, triples and home runs and advancing of bases. rA Record Demand for Horses 01 A proven success!Order yours today! Ar 1,000 Holes. rA CHICAGO, May 16. -True to the pre- Takes In $50.00 diction of Bill Woollen, sales manager0 Average Payout 2540. .20 n $1 4 9 5.0 of the Buckley Manufacturing Company,0 n this firm'ssensational counter game, Average Profit $25.40 n Horses, has broken all records for coun-0 PRICE: $3.30 plus 10% Tax. ter -game sales. pr GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY rAP Mr. Woollen stated: "When we an- 1023-27 Race Street, 227 S. Presa Street, nounced Horses several weeks agoI PHILADELPHIA, PA. SAN ANTONIO, TEX. n 418 South Wells Street, 22 West 23d Street.. made the prediction that this odds - AO CHICAGO, ILL. NEW YORK, N. Y. changing counter game, so ridiculously PA' 1352 N.E. 248 Marietta Street, N. W., low priced, would go over big with the MIAMI,First FLA. Avenue,.insiiATLANTA, GA. .11 folet4 41.. ,ItTION Iall.S ...IN P1110 WV & 3502'' McKinley Street, TACOMA. WASH. - -.05A Manufactured by operators.The unprecedented demand forthisgameiseasilyundersood.El IWI 1 NKW011i MIW WKWINiakal I h.'W.'W...W\WWWWWWWW.1%17 . Horses is a swell game for the players because it affords them all the thrills >CLOSING OUTALL USED MACHINES< 1 Carioca $13.00 5 Rockola Screamo 7Criss-Cross-A.Llte of real race -track betting. 6 Treasure Chests. Ea10.00 Each $12.50 Each $6.006. (1 -Ball Payouts) 2 ABT Big Game Hunt - 4 SpotLltes. Each "Here's why Horses gets a big play. 3 Liberty Bells.Each. 10.00 ers..Each 11.00 2 Rockalltes.Each 6.00 Theplayerinsertshiscoin;upon (1 -Ball Payout) 4 ABT Auto Banks, Ea. 6.00 Beamiltes..Each 4.00 Mills Novelty pressing a convenient and smooth -work- 1 ABT Auto Flash Tick.. 4 Kings. Each 7.00 3 Criss Cross (Plain) et Game .' ...... 15.002 Rebounds. Each 4.00 Each ...... 4.00 ing lever all four reels swiftly and noise- 2 ABT Home Stretch. 2 Rapid Transits.Ea. 12.00 3 DropKicks. Each. 4.00 Each 12.00 2 Five & Tens. Each. 12.00 1 Score-a-Lite 6.00 lessly spin around. As the reels come to 4 Beacons.Each 5.00 a positive jarproof stop the player is 113 Cash, Balance C. 0. 0. SEND FOR PRICE LIST ON NEW MACHINES.- given the result of his play.The first MIDWEST COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE ISIS West 1ith St.. Chicago Company reel indicates the odds; if the next three reels spell Z -E -V, T -O -P, 8-11-E, D -A -N or L -I -L the player is paid off according to the odds indicated on the first reel. ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD - YOU'LL BE A visible coin chute is your protection 4100 Fullerton Ave., Chicago, III against slugs and also shows the de- nomination of the coin.Horses vends SATISFIED WITH RESULTS abail of gum with each coin played." May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 81 criterion in this case, The Newark Eve- ning News reports.

Sachs & Silberling,Inc.,stunned OPERATORS many of the boys with their first ad on Television Poker. The game is quite popular here and the interest continues WAKE UP!! to grow, with both of the boys busier than bees trying to get them out in a tod;GEM/PennYMYhurry.

cigarette machine and Between May 1and October 1 the brewers expect a rise of more than 15 STEP UPyour per cent in the sale of beer, says The PROFITS New York Times.They claim thatup until the month of March they showed a 11.8 per cent rise.This makes for greater optimism as far as the sales of merchandisers are concerned. And some cps claim that due to the greater volume of peanut and pistachio machines now found in taverns everywhere, beer sales have naturally jumped.The swanky Astor Hotel Bar on Broadway features pretzels, pop corn, peanuts and manyIt; other spicy delicacies free to help stim- ulate that thirst. What a spot for some 0- op to place merchandisers. .-_-:--.OJT .0-, Sam Broudy, of Jersey Trading Com- pany, Newark, is deserving of a lot of credit for the daring innovations In new merchandise for the ops.Sam has in- troduced many items previously never attempted in the field.This time Sam comes to the front with summer suits of linen, Palm Beach material, etc.Prices are so low-they can be called spectacu- lar. Now-you can get these sensational winners with WAKE UP to tthe earning power automatic JACKPOTS.You control the JACK- of the GEM Penny Play Cigarette Among the presentlineupof manu- facturers there Is, first of all, the oldest POT AWARDS-make them $25.00-$10.00- Machine and STEP UP your col- andthebestknown,International $5.00-anything you like.No competition can lections. GEMS insurea steady Mutoscope Reel Company, Inc., with the stand up against them. genial Bill Rabkinat its head; income from every location.It's Scientific Machine Corporation, Brook- Insist upon Exhibit JACKPOT -Equipped Games! America's most beautiful machine, lyn, which has pin game and poker Get greaterprofitandlongerlifefrom your the most popular among operators roll -down; Sachs & Silberling, Inc., with investment. Investigate this new JACKPOT de- Television Poker; Stirling Novelty Com- velopment. and thepublic. Try a sample pany, Inc., of Newark, with Skill -Ball; GEM on our 7 -day offer.You'll Supreme Vending Company,Inc.,with a See your Jobber immediately or write usdirect. come back for more. new poker game;Skee-Ball Company, withitswell-knownSkee-Roll; D. Robbins & Company, with Dave's new GARDEN CITY NOV.MFG.CO. 2 -in -1 Vender;Brooklyn Amusement Machine Company, where Charley Aran - 4331 E. RAVENSW000 AVE.son and Jack Kaufman report a new CHICAGO, ILL. pingame on the way; Dave Simon. of the Riverside Sportland, who also has a roll -down game,andGeorgePonser Company, which has taken over the national representation for a New Jer- gasfeut eitaffet sey factory on Roll -a -Ball.Every day Some of those candid camera shotsthe list continuesto grow,with New taken at John A. Fitzgibbons' 25th an-York swinging back again to itsold aCa Of No. 1 Grade Circh.lear Bse niversary celebration by The Billboardspot in the sun. 6 Coin Chutes staff photographer are certainly candid Cadmium in a great big way.These shots plus Plated, Rust those of the Paradise Restaurant nudies Sam Broudy, over at Jersey Trading ProofMe Company, is getting all hot and both- Chan ism. Changing Odds are going to make up a swell issue forered by the introduction of new games The Bally Coin Chute, house organ pub-from New York. They all can use mer- The Little Giant lished by the Bally firm. chandise awards and Sam believes that of Counter Gaines! thebig merchandise daysareback By placing steelballs in the Stockagain. Exchange gameWillieBlatt and h15 Supreme Vending Company proved the AbeFish,ofGeneralAmusement "SANDY'S game a hit.Just an additional few pinsGame Company, Hartford, started some- to slow up therollofthisheavything when he introduced those small ball and the action was perfect. ciggy reel machinesat alow price in The Billboard, he says.He has ever since been actually "flooded with or- HORSES" Georgie Ponser over in Newark, Nooders." Ring up another for The Bill- Joisey, comes right, into the manufac-board. $$$ $20 a day in profits! $$$ turing and distribution picture with a Here's the machine that's coining the money: big bowling type game which he calls Has lc,5c. 10c and 25c plays.Compact Maurice Kushman, of X. L. Coin Ma- 111x17 inches)and weighs only 21lbs. Roll -a -Ball. SomeofthecollectionchineCompany,Providence.waited The only Six -Coin Chute, Changing Odds records he has on this game are truly Counter Machine made! Simple mechanism until he had gathered together a real eliminates service calls.Has many other ad- remarkable. bundle of good rebuilt cig machines be- -.:adagesover $500 racehorse machine. fore introducing them forsale.But, Send your order today! MiltyGreen,ofAmerican Vendingsince his first ad, he reports, the men Company, has become exclusive nationalhave just come at him like one of those PRICE F. 0. B. factoryrepresentativeforScientificKansas twisters. ONLY$295°Omaha Machine Corporation.Milty is doing a fine job with the firm's first game, Leap Max D. Levine, of Scientific Machine Jam Proof and NATIONAL PREMIUM CO. FrogHe is also talking about its nextCorporation, wasn't found asleep at the Slug Prcof. pin game, Tie -Score, and also about itsswitch with his new game, X -Ray Poker. 1322 Dodge St. OMAHA, NEBR. roll -down poker game, X -Ray Poker. Max has them on location and they're bringing in the big dough down at Joe's The "collitch" boys down at PrincetonSportland on the Boardwalk at Coney. LI are said to be going back to hot jazz again.Recordings have been selling like Ben and Dick Steinberg have prepared BASEBALL TALLY CARDS in boon days down at Princeton, N. J.,one of the most beautiful and elab- All kinds of Coupons for Operators. 120 Tickets, Names and Numbers, American and the last several weeks and all of themorate mailing piecesinthebusiness National Leagues, $13.20 per Cross. We make all kinds of Tip and jackpot Cards. on their Skill -Ball machine.One large Write for Quantity Prices.Distributors Wanted. arethenew,hotswing -jazzmusic.sheet features the game in attractive Phonograph record sales are used as thenatural colors and it's coupled with an eight -page booklet that explains every- TRI-STATE NOVELTY CO., INC. BRISTOL, VA. USED NATIONAL CIGARETTE MACHINESthing.These are the Stirling Novelty 4 -Column and Match Column, with Stand, 517.50 Company boys. Each. 1/3 lb balance C. 0. D. AUTOMATIC CIGARETTE CO. St. Louis, Mo. Bill Rabkin has prepared what he 816 S. Broadway, claims is a booklet worth at least $25. "GOODS BRING IN MONEY," SAYS PAYNE. EASTERN DISTRIBUTORS FOR MILLS NOVELTY COMPANY CA;3TOON BOOKS. 16 p. $1.25 pr 100; 510.00 MThis is his new textbook on the Photo- ART POSTCARDS. Sepia Finish..$ .50 per 100matic that shows all the technical de- BallyMfg.Co. J.H. Keeney & Co. ExhibitSupply Co. Tmnsp rcnt Cards, Comic or Art... .35 per 100 tails and explains them in photography. D. Gottlieb Co. Comic Col.13-ick Mirrors. 12 Kinds. 2.25 per 100 Pacific Am. Mfg. Daval Mfg.Co. bail 'MIME DANCERS, Hot Subjects 2.00 per 100It's quite a job, and Bill's to be given GroetchenMfg.Co. A. B. T. Co. WesternEquip.Co. PEEP SHOW AT NUDIST COLONY 2,00 per 100a lotof credit for spending many a FEET CARDS, Bed Scenes . . 2 CO per 100 26th and Huntin S Order from above, or 25c for 10 Siiimples. night preparing it for the Photomatic PHILADELPHIA,gd on PA.ta. T. R. PAYNE, 25 Cardinal Place, New York. ops. IaKEYSTONENOV. & MFG. CO. Hay 23, 1936 82 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES Robbins Returns Home NEW YORK, May 16. -Dave Robbins, of D. Robbins & Company, Brooklyn, HOLLYWOOD returned to New York Thursday from a week's trip thru the Middle West. Dave informs he had quite a successful meet- CHOCOLATES ing with some of the largest Midwestern Double Layer Asst. distributors who signed contracts to Chocolates, 4 Doz. to Carton. Asst. handle his new 2 -in -1 Vendor.These Boxes. Cellophane distributors, he said, werevery well Wrapped, 200/0 De- positwithOrder, pleased with the machine in general but Balance C.0.D. particularly enthusisatic about the new Send for FREE Il- slugproof mechanism. lustrated Catalog. Dave dropped in to see Stoner Manu- facturing Company and looked over the Doz. $ 1 . 2 0 firm's new baseball game. Dave said it :fer4 Ci3rotzo 54.80 is an exceptionally fine novelty non - payout game and he thinks it will out- 5N0East1kC1thSt., sell Mad Cap, which enjoyed a large DELIGHT SWEETS Inc. ewYor ity sale in the metropolitan territory. Dave returned home with a social Ten Ten Bona -FideCUMBERLANDBona -Fide accomplishment.Harry Stoner taught Fairs VALLEY SHOWS Fairs him how to play ping-pong, andbeingWANTED - Colored Performers and Musicians; a pretty fair tennis playermade usesalary and percentage; incash money -WANTED Trombone,Clarinet, Tuba, Baritone. Trap Drummer, of his knowledge.Before he left Dave Three Chorus Girls and agood Blues Singer. had the pleasure of winning a gameConcessions:Cornet, Fishpond, Lead Gallery,Watch -La, Knife Rack, String Game. Stock Concessions; also from his instructor. Grind Shows.Harry Lemon write. Performers write to ACE TT:RNER. Concessions and Shows to ELL'S WINTON, Spring City, Tenn., May 18th to 23d. ROUTES FRUIT SNOW ELECTRIC MACHINE,compact. (Continued from page 76) perfect condition, sacrificeprice.For information Eunts Greater: Jefferson City, Tenn. addressI. RESSLER, 2449EuclidAve., W., De- Burnett& Matus:Frankenmuth,Mich.; troit, Mich. Saginaw 25-30. Byers Bros.: Albia,Ia. Campbell United: Middletown, 0. Prudent's:Bellmore, L. I., N. Y., 21-23. Central State: Cedarvale, Kan. Reading United: Portland, Tenn.; Manchester Cetlin & WAson: Philadelphia,Pa, 25-30. Christ United: Ravenna, 0. Regal UnitedAm. Co.: New Boston, Tex. Coleman Bros.: Hartford, Conn.;TorringtonReid Greater: Jacksonville Beach, Fla. 25-30. Rogers & Powell: Weiner, Ark.; Tuckerman Colley, J.J.: Tulsa, Okla. 25-30. Conklin'sAll -Canadian: Kirkland Lake, Ont., Royal American: Peoria, Ill. Can.; Timmins 25-30. Royal Amusement Co.: Bessemer, Ala. Corey Greater: Curwensville, Pa.;CoalportRubin & Cherry Expo.: Peoria, Ill.; E. Moline 25-30. 25-30. Crafts 20 Big: Merced, Calif.; Modesto26-31. Sheesley Midway: Reading, 0. Crioaw.le2y5's-30United: Trenton, Mo.; Centerville,SiebrandBros.:Rapid City,S.D.,18-23; Deadwood 25-30. Crystal Expo.: Jefferson City, Tenn. Silver State: Laramie, Wyo. Cumberland Valley: Spring City, Tenn. Small & Bullock: Damascus, Va., 18-23. Cunningham Expo.: Adena, 0. Smith Greater Atlantic: Orange, Va. Curl's Greater: London,0. Snapp Greater: Roodhouse, Ill. D. & H. Am. Co.:Laddonia, Mo. Sol's Liberty: Moline, Ill.; South Beloit 25 -30. - De Luxe Shows of America: Summit, N.J. Spencer, Q. L.: Paris, Tenn.; Dyersburg 25-30.._ Dennert & Knepp: Williamson, W. Va. Spencer, Sam E.: Warren, Pa. Diamond Attrs.:Clayton,Ill.,20-25; CampSperoni, P. J.: Savanna, Ll. Point 27 -June2. State Fair: Rock Springs, Wyo. Dick's Paramount: Woburn, Mass.;LowellStrates Shows Corp.: (East Westmoreland a 25-30. Armingo sts.) Philadelphia, Pa. Dixie Belle Attrs.: Tell City, Ind. Sunset Am. Co.: Muscatine, Ia.;Burlington Dixie Expo.: Portland, Tenn. 25-30. Dodson's World's Fair: Pittsburgh, Pa.;Ran-Thomas, Dug.: Ava, Mo.; Seymour 25-30. kin 25-30. Ti -dwell, T. J.:Carlsbad, N. M.; Clovis 25-30. Fndy Bros.: Tamaqua, Pa.; Hazleton 25-30. Tilley: Elgin, Ill. Ev2a5730e.line: Miami, Okla.; Bentonville, Ark..Tothill, C.H., Attrs.: Bolivar, N. Y., 23-31. United Shows of America: Quincy, pl. F. & M. Am. Co.: Sunbury, Pa.;Washington-Valley: Pecos, Tex. ville 25-30. Volunteer State Expo.: Hazard, Ky. Falls City: Milltown, Ind. Wade, W. G.: Highland Park, Mich. FriskGreater: New Prague, Minn.; SleepyWallace Bros.: Trenton, Ont., Can. Eye 25-30. Wallace Bros.: Havana,Ill. Geller, Joe: Robertsdale, Ala.; Atmore 25-30.Ward,John R.:(Fair)Poplar Bluff, Mo.: Georgia Attrs.: Ware Shoals, S. C. Fredericktown 25-30. Gibbs, W. A.: Sedan, Kan.; Wellington 25-30.Weer: Dowagiac, Mich.; South Haven 25-30. THE FIRST DIFFERENT Gold Medal: Champaign, Ill. WestBros.'Am.Co.:Marshalltown,Ia.; * Golden State: SanFrancisco,Calif. Sioux Falls,S.D.,25-30. Golden West: Granite Falls, Minn., 25-30. West Coast Am. Co.: Susanville, Calif., 18-27; COUNTER GAME IN HISTORY Gooding, A. W., Am. Co.: Youngstown, O.; Klamath Falls, Ore., 29 -June7, Washington, Pa., 25-30. West Coast: Yakima, Wash. RITHMATIC has eye -appeal and player -appeal!It stands forth like Gooding, F. E.: Parkersburg, W. Va. West, W. E., Motorized:Fredonia, Kan. agleaming jewel on ANY COUNTER -ANYWHERE! Beautiful Gooding Greater: Kokomo, Ind. Westchester United: Mt. Vernon, N. Y. orange colored cabinet with black and highly polished, PRICE Great Olympic: Union City, Tenn. Western State: Borger, Tex. gleaming aluminum trimmings.Precision perfect in ev- Great Sutton: Mt. Vernon, Ill.; Robinson 25-West'sWorld'sWonder: NewBrunswick, ery mechanical detail -as only DAVAL can build supe- N. J.;Port Jervis 25-30. rior counter games! Because 'RITHMATIC is better built, Greater30. American: Rock Island, Ill. Winters Expo.: Sturgeon,Pa. because it is the MOST BEAUTIFUL counter game ever Greater Expo.. Peru, Ill.; Canton 25-30. Work, R. H.: Waynesboro,Pa. presented, because it has the most fascinating and tan- Gruberg's World's Expo.: Girardville, Pa. World of Mirth: Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. talizing play appeal, because the play is so easy to un- Fames, Bill: Clinton, Okla.; Enid 25-30. Yellowstone: Alamosa, Colo. derstand-'RITHMATIC IS DOUBLING AND EVEN Hansen, Al C.: Washington Park, EastSt.Zimdars Greater: Kankakee, Ill.; Aurora 25-- Mexico, Mo., 25-30. 30. TRIPLING PROFITS IN THE MOST ORDINARY LOCA- Louis,Ill.; Zeiger, C. F., United: Brigham, Utah. TIONS -EVERYWHERE! CET BUSY! RUSH YOUR OR-With Dbl, Door & Ceie Happy Attrs.: Coshocton, 0. DER TO YOUR NEAREST JOBBER TODAY! Happy Days: Sturgis, Ky.; Martinsville,Ind, Take -la Register St Extra Ha2p5p4yola.nd: River Rouge, Mich. Additional Routes Heller's Acme: Dunellen, N. J.;Butler25-30. (Received too late for classification) Hennies Bros.: Kewanee, Ill.; Rockford 25-30.All -Fun Review: Dorchester,S. C., 18-23; Hilderbrand United: Medford, Ore.; RoseburgAmerican Concert Co.: Frazeysburg, 0.,18-23. 26-31. Brown Family Am.Co.:Hazlehurst,Ga., Hodge, Al G.: Peru, Ind.; Hammond 25-30. 18-23. PEOP,111 ST CIIICGE1 Howard Bros.: Athens, 0., Jackson 25-30. Dandy DixieShow:Virgilina,Va.,18-23. fifIVII6°f1FG C0 200 SEl HugheyBros.:Morganfield, Ky. Elmer, Prince, Mentalist: Ashby, Minn.,18-23. Hurst, Bob:rp, Tex., 18-30. Favorite Players: Hutsonville, Ill.,18-23. Imperial: Rock Falls, Ill.; Dubuque, Ia.. 25-Felton. King; Chariton, Ia.,18-23. 30. Harlan Med. Show (Correction):Ellsworth, Intermountain: Caldwell, Ida. Pa., 18-23. 181MM.WIL.\\WOOL.\\1010kNsWilh.\\\WI\MM\NIJoe's Playland: Oxford, Kan. Winnipeg,Can., (EastLibertyLang & Lee:(Starland) GRAYSON, KY., FAIR, Week July 20. CENTERVILLE, TENN., FAIR Week Sept. 14. Jones,JohnnyJ.,Expo.: 22-28. HARRODSBURG, KY., FAIR, Week July 27. JACKSON, TENN., COLORED FAIR, Week grounds) Pittsburgh, Pa.; Sharon 25-30. LeVant Show: Coleman, Mich., 18-23. KY., FAIR, Week Aug:3. September 21. ii Joyland: Saginaw, Mich.; Bay City 25-30. Lewis,H.Kay,& HollywoodVarieties: 0 RUSSELL SPRINGS, DICKSON, TENN., FAIR, Week Sept.28. $Kaue:Dover. Del. Auburn, Calif., 25; Grass Valley 26; Marys- VANCEBURG, KY., FAIR, Week August 10. NatronaHeights,Pa.;Parkers EWING, KY., FAIR, Week August 17. WEEK OCTOBER 5 OPEN. Keystone: ville 27-28. GERMANTOWN, KY., FAIR, Week Aug. 24.LOUISVILLE, MISS., FAIR, Week Oct. 12. 4 Landing 25-30. McNally Show: St. Remy, N. Y., 18-23. FAIR PENDING WEEK OCTOBER 19. rKrause Greater: Wellston, 0. Marine -FirestoneCo.:Clinton,Okla.;Enid 00 GREENSBURG, KY., FAIR, Week Aug. 31. La2n5c1.3e0s,.J. L.: McPherson, Kan.; Hutchinson HODGENVILLE, KY., FAIR, Week Sept. 7. CANTON, MISS., FAIR, Week October 25. 25-30. 10 Miller, Al H., Show: Homer, Ga:,18-23. Lang, Dee: St. Charles, Mo. Phillipson Comedy Co.: Fairland, Ind.,18-23. V 15STRAIGHT COUNTRY FAIRS IN ROW. Lewis, Art: (Willow Brook Park) New Britain,Webb, Capt. George: Albia, Ia., 18-23;(Cele- V Conn. Keep this list for future reference and show to yourfriends. Liberty National: Providence, Ky. bration) Boone 25-30. Kan., TEX LYNCH WIRE. Dl. Wiziarde Novelty Circus: Westmoreland, WILL BOOK Stock Concessions and Shows with Own Outfit. McGregor, Donald: Mt. Sterling, McMahon: Hiawatha, Kan. 23; Frankfort 25. r Majestic Midway:(4th & St. George sts.) Address F. H. BEE SHOWS, Inc., Frankfort,Ky., this week I St. Louis. Marks: (67th st. & Elmwood ave.) Philadel-First for New Haven-Gor- r phia, Pa.; Vineland, N. J., 25-30. NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 16. A k 7%., 4 . .- 1m los 74&.toh.Nt..N 0 ie .1% N. qhNI m w gg st. w o m we a m 71.% . Metropolitan: Bradenton,PM. man Bros.' Circus will be thefirst out- Midwest: Attica, Ind.,18-23. door circus to show in New Haventhis Miller Bros.: Jenkins, Ky.; McRoberts 25-30. The Hamden Miner's Model: Kulpmont, Pa.; Shenandoahseason, the date May 22. Heights, Shenandoah 25-30. Airport will be the site. Molly's Greater: Wilton, Me., 18-23. Monroe Bros.: Crossland, Ga. NEW YORK, May 16. -Having post- J. J. PAGESHOWS WANT Page, J.J.: Harlan, Ky. poned their opening, originally sched- For American Legion Celebration. Pikeville, Ky., allnext week,followed by Bluefield, W. Va. Pan-American: Dixon,EL uled for last Monday, Eddie Elkins and Legitimate Concessions of all kinds, reasonable rate. Pearson: Paris,Ill. auspices Veterans of Foreign Wars. Peerless: Shlnnston, W. Va. Mike Kornis are preparing to swing into WANT -Side Show Attractions and Shows, with orwithout own outfits;also Talkers Perras Expo.: Bland, Mo. the season the coming Monday in Mount Keystone, W. Va., is our Fourth and Grinders.Can place Motordrome and Kiddie Rides. Pollie & Latto: Mt. Pleasant, Mich.; LansingVernon.First show in there in five 25-30. of July Celebration. All address J. J. PAGE, Harlan,Ky., this week; Pikeville, Ky., nextweek. Pool & Brewer: (N. Main st.) Houston, Tex.years. 11OVIBMIIMBIen. 174PITIP77771771,71Mblii.,

May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 83 Round 'n' Round REBUILT GAMESUnder Production CHICAGO, May 16.-Operators will be pleased to learn that Round 'n' Round THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS is now under production as the 11th skill game to be brought out under the Spirit of America line. TRAFFIC A $14.50 The game will no doubt be one of the BIG FIVE, JR. 37.50 greatest of all Shyvers productions, in- asmuch as models have been on actual DE LUXE '46 37.50 operating locations for 19 months and STONER'S earnings have held up steadily.The PEARL HARBOR 23.50 records of the test games have convinced GREAT ROCKETS 9.50 the Shyvers interests that this is the opportune game and the opportune time AUTO DART 14.50 to resume manufacturing. NON -PAYOUT EXHIBIT BASEBALL 29.50 In the 11 models of Spirit of America (Automatic Payout) games, namely, De Luxe E3, Anchors GAME ! Aweigh,BilliardFlash,SilverMoon RODEO 10 BALL 29.50 Senior and Junior, Kickoff, Toggle Ball, Gusher, the Big Roundup, ABC Keeno, seven models of Cannon Fire and the new Round 'n' Round, operators have CHOICE found smooth, balanced origination that YOUR appealstotheplayingpublic. All ELECTRO-PAK Bally 3 inLine models have always been nicely dressed. available at small Round 'n' Round is plenty fast as additional charge Mills Balance $.50EACH presented in a five -ball setup. .The skill Exhibit Starlite is the same as in the 10 -ball standard. Earnings are better and operating costs Spotlite are less.Change from five to ten ball or Beam Lite ten to five ball, making permanent pay- out recorder conform to the magic brain totalizer, can be made by a mechanic in RUSH YOUR ORDERS fiveminutes. While the game was originally designed for five and ten -ball 1/3 Down, Balance C. 0. D. territory, the game makes a perfect set- IT'S NOT A SALE UNTIL up with two balls. How easy it looks- open shots-pure skill-yet any bull -in - YOU'RE SATISFIED the -china -shop mechanic can regulate the payout with a soldering iron and a choice selection of profanity in three GERBER & GLASS minutes.This game is made only with payout. The same appeal is used in the 914 DIVERSEY BLVD. - CHICAGO two shot as in the five and ten -ball games. Plans are made for a year's run on Round 'if Round, and the game has Monarch Named Distrib everything it takes to make operators For New 2 -in -1 Vendor Money, says Shyvers. CHICAGO, May 16.-Monarch Coin Machine Company here has been ap-Gottlieb Ticket Games pointed exclusivedistributor for theNow Ready for Delivery CORPORAT10111 new 2 -in -1 Vendor fOr the States of CHICAGO, May 16.-In an announce- actitokssa., 2f101 -4,1e4 Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, accord..ment from the offices of D. Gottlieb & ing to Roy Bazelon, Monarch head. Company, Dave Gottlieb states that the ticket models on Daily Races, Fence In commenting upon the appointmentBuster and Brokers Tip are now ready Bazelon said: "I have had a lot of ex-for immediate delivery.Ticket games AMERICA'S BEST NOVELTY GAME! perience with merchandisers andare equipped with Gottlieb's multiple venders of every type and I honestlycoin -slot chute and the new, sensational mystery single coin slot. MAD CAP $47.50 believe that in the 2 -in -1 Vendor the Operate 1c & 15c Cigarette Machines, Gum and operator will have a machine that will "The introduction of ticket models for Peanut Machines, and Scales, In addition to Pln Daily Races, Fence Buster and Brokers Games! Write for our Complete Catalog of New prove a profitable investment.ItisTip," says Dave, "comes as a result of and Used Vending and Amusement Machines. adaptable to every type of location, it ismany requests from Jobbers and opera- neat, compact and attractive, and it istors.There are many locations where or 5c D. ticket games. are 'naturals'By making Peanut Vendor. 1c Gum Vendor.D. ROBEilNS CO. Itteol°11,75,ViT, quickly and easily serviced.Of primethese games in ticket models we have importance is the fact that itis ab-taken threeof the most outstanding solutely slugproof. The machine cannotgames of the season and made them jam and because of the simple mechan-available for these locations.The com- ism there are no possibilities of loss ofbination of action, drawing power and location thru failure of the machine tothe appeal of ticket models will exceed perform." JUMBO PROFITS the take of any past game." Fastest Selling Novelty Item of Today 400 -Hole 5c Six Cutout Board, complete with 6 JUMBO FOUN- TAIN PENS, four times as large as ordinary pen. Takes in $20.00, Pays out $4.50 worth of cigarettes (30 Packages). Nets $15.50. Operator's Special Price $4.75 for Sample, $4.50 in Lots of 10 or More. ORDER NOW. H. G. PAYNE COMPANY 312-314BROADWAY NASHVILLE, TENN.


BALLYGUARANTEED USED JIMMY JOHNSON'S Western. Equipment and Supply Company indoor PEERLESS$65-00 baseball team is one of the finest aggregations of its kind in Chicago.The THE GAME WITH LIGHTS AND SIXTEEN $1.50 POCKETS. "Wescos" have already played eight games, winning every one handily.Their Many Other Bargains. Write for Prices. One -Third Deposit-No Exceptions. games, which attract large crowds, are reeked off in regular professional base- ball fashion.These fellows are slated to win the championship of the recently JUMBO NOVELTY COMPANY organized Coin Machine League.A large measure of the success of the team 717WALNUT STREET, HOUSTON,TEX. is due to the able coaching o/ Sam May, the Smilin' Sam on the left, and Eric Bfornander, the handsome hatless fellow on the right. Is Your Subscription to The Billboard About To Expire? 84 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES May 23, 1936 TO SAVE MONEY CONTACT US FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN COIN -OPERATED EQUIPMENT. Listed below are some of the bargains in guaranteed Used Machines and Games which we have PAY TABLE to offer.DON'T HESITATE!Write, Phone or Wire your Order- - now. Instant shipment.------AUTOMATIC - - - - PAYOUT - GAMES Each. Each. 2 -Lightnings $ 4.95 1 -Gottlieb Match Play, 2 Balls....$17.50 2 -Live Power 3.95 11.50 2 -Gottlieb Liberty Bells, 10 Balls.. MISCELLANEOUS MACHINES PROFITS for 27-"B"Model Traffics 13.5014-A. B. T. Pool Tables with New 11-"A" Model Traffics 14.50 Cover and Completely Equipped 3-Daval Big Bens, 5 Balls 52.50 with New Accessories $18.50 4 -Bally Ramblers 67.50 7.50 11.50 4-Certex Venders 1 8 -Bally Rockets, New Style 8 -Tempter Gum Venders 6.00 NON -PAYOUT 11 -Bally Jumbos 49.50 72.50 1 -Hershey Candy Bar Vender 8.00 14 -Bally Derby, Cash Model 21.50 9 -Bally Derby, Ticket Model 77.50 1 -Mills Owl Litter 72.50 1 -Mills Confection Vender 9.95 9-Pamco Parlay.Sr 3.95 7 -Jennings Daily Limits 69.50 8. --Jr. Flying Colors 2 -Jennings Cocktail Hour 67.50 3 -Grand National Automatic Payout 149.50 Horse Race Machines 37.50 0, Brand -New Mills Tycoons 4 -Chester -Pollard Golf Machines..17.50 74.50 4-Pamco Speedway 16-Daval "Tit -Tat -Toes" 10.75 3 -Keeney Repeaters 57.50 11-Daval Penny Packs 8.75 2 -Stoner Double -Ups 47.50 1 -Black Magic Dice Machine ....37.50 AMUSEMENT GAMES. 1 -Mysterious Eye Dice Machine...32.50 7-Rock-Ola Bombers $12.50 9-"C" Model Traffics 4.95 USED SLOT MACHINES. 6 -Mills Cannon Fire 6.00 3 -Mills 5c War Eagle Bells $49.50 11-A. B. T. Autodart Ticket Games 15.50 2 -Mills 25c Escalator Silent Front 3 -Sink or Swim 4.95 Venders 54.50 12-A. B. T. Special Marble Games 2.95 6 -Mills 5c FOK Venders with Orig- 4 -Hop Scotch 12.50 inalMillsDoubleJackpots.... 34.50 2 -Sr. Flying Colors 14.50 2 -Mills 25c Reg. Jackpot Bells....17.50 3 -Stock. Exchange 21.50 9 -Mills lc Skscraper Venders 42.50 1 -Headlight with Free Game Unit. 32.50 3 -Mills lc Dial Venders 35.00 I -Jennings Foot Ball 7.50 4 -Watling 5c Twin Venders 44.50 1 -Mills Sr. Official 3.95 2 -Watling lc Baby Golden Vndrs..39.50 1 -Major Leagus 4.95 2-5c Baby Grands 32.50 NOTE. -It games wanted are not listed here, write for our complete list.) TERMS: 50% Certified Deposit with Order, we ship C. 0. D for balance due. THE VENDING MACHINE COMPANY 205-15 FRANKLIN ST. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.

BASEBALL SALES TALLY CARDS Meter Parkin°. and all kinds Coupons for Operators. Daily and Week- ly Series.Names, and Numbers in Nat. and Amer. Leagues, with either Amer. Ass'n, Pacific Coast, In- ternational, Western, N. Y. P..'Southern or Texas Leagues. 2, 3 or 4 -way Baseball Series and Pull Tickets. 2 Aces, 3 Aces, Square Deal, Raffle Cards, Helps Officials Seven Lucky Numbers. Economy Ploy, Newspaper Headlines, Daily Doubles. Tips. Games, etc., galore. Meter parking, which is sweeping the Get new copyrightedconfidentialCourseofIn- country,isdoinganicejob towardstructions. just out -"HOW TO START IN THE BASEBALL TICK ET BUSINESS." Price. $50.00. making the general public coin-oper- Fullparticulars FREE!Make $300.00 weekly. e.ted machine -minded.It also helps aSend $2.00 NOW for $5.00 worth Assorted Sam- ples, Catalog,. RulesandParticulars.Refund first lot in removing any existing prejudice order. (Est., 1919. Ref.: Dun & Bradstreet). Sea- against coin -controlled dev!ces.It helps son is here. Rush! Wire or write TABLE to slow up the use of slugs in all typesFERGUSON MFG. CO., Dept. 10 DE LUXE ODDS CHANGING NON -PAYOUT of coin machines. and establishes the 322 N. Senate Avenue, Indianapolis,Ind. fact that the coin -operated device in PLAYER CAN CHANGE ODDS AND LOWER e ciustry is not just a fly-by-night busi-parallel parking space, and the meter is ness. installed on the curb at a point op- POINTS TO MAKE BY SKILLFUL SHOOTING0 .50 Of course, the parking meters do notposite which the radiator of the parked offer the professional operator any op-car should appear. IN PRODUCTION -ORDER NOW! portunities for himself, but the general " 'After a car parks the motorist drops effectand good willcreated by thea nickel in the slot and immediately a meters toward the operating businessflag is raised, indicating by a pointer make it worth while for him to givethe time allowed in that space.Then CHICAGO COIN CORP. the parking meters a boost. the pointer moves gradually toward zero We present herewith full informationas the remaining time becomes shorter, 1725 DIVERSEY BLVD. CHICAGO ILL. pertaining to the parking meter asitand the flag drops out of sight when arthade40.4.cmcoco appeared in The Atlantic City Press of March 30, 1936: the time has expired. "The advantages of the metered park- "'The nickel is a service charge for ingsystemarediscussedbyPolicemetering the time which is allotted to SergeantSamuelBarab,assignedtoeach driver.It is not considered rental traffic and safety duties, in his safetyof the street space. The same charge is BASEBALL BOOK talk for this week. made for metered parking regardless of NEW MATEO DAILY " 'Nobody wants parking limits en-the zone.A nickelis charged for a A Peri Mutual Daily forced,' he says.'Drivers accuse us of15 -minute area as well as a two-hour Dealers arc tripling their Daily Sales. A 600 to 1shot on Mateo. Order 1 dozen today. persecution when we tag their cars forzone. overparking, and merchants tell us we "'Drivers like metered parking.The $2.00 Per Dozen, $13.50 PerGross ease with which violations are detected Add 10 per cent government tax. are ruining their business. We have too write. many jobs of law enforcement and notreduces greatly the amount of overtime New low price on Daily Base Ball. Jobbers, Distributors, enough officers to make regular checksparkingandthemonopolizationof of parking time limits. parkingspaces. Driverscangoto WERTS NOVELTY CO., Inc., Muncie, Indiana "'Thus police officials in nearly everydestinations in the central business dis- American city complain of the parkingtrict and find places to park where for- problem. And they are not Just makingmerly none was available. alibis either.The "chalking mark on "'The long -period parkers are thus tires" system is filled with grief.Everydriven to unrestricted zones or off the SALESBOARD OPERATORSTakes incar has to be checked twice before astreet entirely.Officials feel justified in ticket can be issued. These chalk marksrunning these "parking hogs" off the 2.400 1c sales takes in$24.00,nets $19.30 after street because storageof carsisnot Cigarette payout. You can sell outright to dealer $24.00 are easily erased and the record of the for$7.75.On 50% commission you collect $9.85. parking is destroyed. considered a responsibility of the city. We carry a large line of Penny and Nickel Boards, "'Metered parking discourages double completewithMerchandise. We manufacture "'Metered parking has been devised Blank Boards, a complete line of Cat -Out Boards Costs Youto overcome these difficulties and makeparking.Because of the frequent turn- -in fact, any kind of Board you want.atthe parking supervision pay foritself.Aover in the use of spaces double parking rightprice. coin -operated meter standingat theisordinarily inexcusable.It immedi- WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. $2.90 curb shows when a car has overstayedately brands the owner of the car as a One-ThIrd Casn Any officer can tell whether a"cheap skate" who would violate the law with Order. Bal- its time. Such practice also General Sales Company ance C. 0. D. carislegallyparkedregardlessofto save a nickel. 121 4th Avenue, South, NASHVILLE, TENN. whether he has been in that block dur-violates the spirit of sportsmanship in ing the last24 hours,7days or12the eyes of those who have paid their months. nickel service charge for the use of the PARKER$3.75 FOUNTAIN PENS r "'Twenty feetisallowedforeachspace.' " AND 1000STYLEHOLE5BOARDa.95 SEND FOR OUR NEWCIRCULAR Important Announcement Full of New Sales Boards Premiums and Merchandise Effective with June 6issuethe minimum single column display space sold will be 10 lines,costing $5; minimum LEE MOORE & CO. double column space, 14 lines (1 inch)in depth, costing $14. 180-182 West Adams Street Chicago, Illinois The advertising rate of 50c an agateline remains un- changed. When Writing to Advertisers MentionThe Billboard. May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 85 GOTTLIEB'S FAMOUS"QUADS"

FOUR THRIVING PROFIT BABIES Gottlieb gives you four proven ways to get into the big money!Daily Races, Brokers Tip and Fence Buster are equipped withthe famous Multiple Coin Slot which gives the player more chances to win and the operator many more times the usual"take." First nickel allows the player one opportunity to win atthree different odds.Additional nickels up to eight increase the opportunities as wellas change the odds.Subsequent nickels only change the odds.As much as $1.00 or more in nickels collected on each play.Adoptthese "Quads" foryourroute - they'realllusty money-makers! Immediate delivery onallorders placed now.

(DAILY RACES/ Play'em acrosstheboardwithDaily Races, the game with real race trackMutuels! Odds up to 40-1pay off on Win, Place and Show. Multiple Coin Slot orSingleMystery CoinSlot. Mechanical adjustment for tight orliberalawards. Get in on this"sure - thing" - place DAILY RACES today . . . the game that accomplishes more thanproductssellingforas high as $500.00. Big, massive, beautiful ma- (SUNSHINE DERBY/ One -ball auto- chines, rich matic payout with player controlled in colors! changing odds. Sunshine Derby per- mits the player to leave the odds Measure 50" stand or he has ONE opportunity to long and 24" change them.Ball returns for play. wide! The profit sensation of the day as well as the lowest priced payout in its class. Price $89.50. DAILY RACES 025 SUNSHINE DERBY s89.50 TICKET MODELS MTh" Now Ready for Immediate Delivery on

Daily Races, Brokers Tip and Fence Buster. ODDS -

(BROKERS TIP) The nearest duplication of the frenzy, excitement and suspense of areal Stock Exchange! Odds run up to 40-1and pays out onBonds,Preferred Stock and Common Stock for eight Com- modities. Awardssubjecttotightor liberal mechanical adjustment.You're not speculating when you invest in BROKERS TIP --not by a wide margin!

(FENCE BUSTER) Somethingnewin baseball! Player acts as manager of one ormore baseballteams outto winthe championship. Pays forChampionship, Runner -Up and Third Place.Odds up to 40-1, mechanically adjustable for tight or liberalawards. Just wait and see what this remarkable baseball game dOes for you when you put it to bat inyour toughest spots!

MYSTERY SINGLE DAILY RACES BROKERS TIP COIN SLOT FENCEBUSTER Ticket Came, 57. For the territory and the par- ::: $135. Atitular location where multiple Electropak .:., coinslotsare not permissible ,;:o Equipped (Bat- .i.Gottlieb machines can no' Be :. teries optional I. ,,.had for single slot, taking only D. C. Adapt°. one coin at a time.For example, pak$5.00 Extra. on Daily Races, by inserting one Check Separa- nickel player gets 2 to 8 horses tor,$5Extra. and odds as high as 40 to 1. Mint Vender, $10 Extra. 2 or h1 3 Ball Play, $5 Extra. D. GOTTLIEB & CO., 2736-42 N. PAULINA CHICAGO, ILL. BROKERS TIP $125 FENCE BUSTER $125 86 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES May 23, 1936

"SPIN -A -PACK CIGARETTE MACHINE Mills Blue Front Mystery Still the most popular Bell and Vender in the WITH GUM VENDER world.A marvel for consistent service.Never A NEW 1 BALL Hundreds of locations waiting for this new 10 gets out of order.Coin Machine operators who Stop Reel Cigarette Machine. Can be had with complain about trouble,will buy "Mysteries" Double Door and Register, allowing operators to and take a vacation. Made in 5c. 10c and 25c 00 0 00 000000000 leave key with location for lower door.Register 'Play. Complete stockof Mills Slot Machines at AUTOMATIC keepstrack ofall plays. Factory Prices. 0 rekit Plain PAYOUT! Model, $12.00 C With Witt.° 9°4 t* 0.f1GE Register and kk Double Door, $1.50 Extra

F - Ir,,- x. A es 11. SC.* BALL GUM 'Varr 15ca box (100pieces: 5c MYSTERY BELL fia) CASE LOTS, 100 Boxes, 50 r4NN. $12.00. PLUS 1/3 Deposit 10% TAX With Order. 76 1922 Freeman Ave., SICKING MFG. CO., Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio

THE NEW MAJESTIC INTERNATIONAL "VIOIDEFINE99 With The World Famous"TimeAirplane Dial" Gives thetime,day ornight, By Turning This Knob wherever you are tuning the dial. SAMPLE 5R.0.A.Licensed Tubes. Dynamic Speaker.Tone Con- $945 You Swing This Bat trol Switch. Automatic Volume Control.Size: 13" Long,8" High, 6" Deep.Walnut Cabi- Ball Automatically Pitch- net. ChronomaticDial. 1 / 3 LOTS OF SIX ed From Here Until Hit Deposit, Balance C. 0. D. WRITE For FREECATALOG $900 JERSEY TRADING CO. 11.15 E.Runyon St., Payi 6 Coins Newark. N. J. "ii4zdrivhiri,inisas.t., feature that should result in a tremen- dous return to the operator on his origi- Pays 4 Coins Chicago Coin Puts nal investment.The operator can run it as a multiple play game that takes Pays 2 Coins On Double Shift In from one to five coins per game. CHICAGO,May 16.-When reordersThe light rack shows the number of Pays from 2 to 30 Coins begin to pile in after the original or-coins inserted.Thus the game may IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GUARANTEED ders are sent out the success of a pintake in as much as 25 cents on each game is usually definitely assured to itsgame. The merchant can check the manufacturer.The Chicago Coin Cor-winning score and the number of coins poration reports that System, its newplayed without leaving the counter, as odds -changingnon -payoutgame, isitisall shown in lights on the rack_ THE GREATEST VALUE IN AUTOMATIC PAYOUTS clicking in a big way.After the origi-In territorieswheremultiple coin -slot nal orders were shipped to distributorsplay is not permissible 50 Grand can be AVERAGES MORE THAN $25.00 ON EVERY PLAYand jobbers a big reorder response wasoperated as a straight one -coin -per -play received.In fact, Chicago Coin reports,game.Even when used this way the because PLAYERS CAN PLAY ALL8 HORSES!so much business has come in for Sys-operator will find it very popular. tem that the plant has been forced to In50Grand Genco introducesa. 07#i go on a double shift. sparkling new playing idea.The first R The odds -changing feature has beenzero in the light rack lights up as a 0 eigle@oe 4'1--M. most appealing to operators.The factcoin isinserted.The remaining four that the player may change the oddsmay light up all at once, three or two by skillful shooting keeps his enthusi-at a time or singly by making the THEY CAN CHANGE ODDSasm running high.System has a fastcorresponding holes on the playing field. five -ball play which gives the player aThe player then shoots for the skill BY INSERTING MORE COINS hole at the top of the board.Each run for his money. time it is made the ball is returned for The Chicago Coin's sensational pay-another play and the number on the ODD,S -44) out game, Monopolee, isall set to golight rack advances consecutively, start- CItOtS ONE ROARS into production at the plant here anding with one up to five.Thus by mak- first deliveries will be made within 10ing the four zero hole and by making WIN days. Monopoleecouldhavebeenthe skill hole five times a perfect score PLACE shipped weeks ago, but officials of thecan be made with just one of the five firm were reluctant to send out theballs.The idea that the player can win game until they were absolutely surea reward with just one ball keeps his that it would be 100 per cent in everyenthusiasm at high pitch. detail.As a result it should be very Genco officials urge operators to see C THEY CAN INSERTsuccessful.Its many playing features,their jobber and ask for 50 Grand. They MORE THAN 20together with its fine mechanical andask operators to play it just once, and COINS ON 1 GAMEelectricalconstruction,will no doubtthey believe without a doubt they will Makeit a game that will carry theChi-instantly foresee that great profits can cagoCoin laurels to a new high.Com-be made on this game. r plete detailswill be announced next week in The Billboard. E LOOK TO_ MULTIPLE COIN CHUTEGenco's 50 Grand IN THE WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE SECTION ...s12 5.0$1350? Now in Production for the CHICAGO, May 16.-Genco, Inc., an- LATESTNOVELTIES,PRIZES PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES :4StancorUniverter nounces 50 Grand, a new non -payout Equipped -Batter- TICKET game with features that make itas 24" x 50" les Optional. MODEL profitable for the operator as an auto- ORDERS SENT AS matic pay -out game.50 Grand is in CheckSeparator $5.00 Additional FOLDING LUCKY COIN FAST AS RECEIVED! production and first samples are being Is now ready. Works the same as the shipped to jobbers and distributors all FOLDING HALF DOLLAR which sells over the country. for $3.50, butournew one sellslike "HOT CAKES" Those who have previewed 50 Grand for 50c.Our price to you have been greatly excited over its mar- Is $2.00 Doz. Sample, 25c. You DIRTY DOG, new folder,Is HOT and FUN- velous profitpossibilities and playing NY. Dozen, 30c;per 100, $2.00.SHIMMIE features.In fact, the Genco firm states DANCERS. 11different ones, 25c Doz., $2.50 Gro. BEST GRADE Comic Mirrors, 12 kinds, 35c that the game will start a new era in Doz., $3.50 Gross. Over 2,000Tricks, Jokes, Puz- novelty non -payout -game history. zlesatSpecial Prices are listedIn our Catalogue. Send10eforIt,or52.00for 50 Samples of Goad Besides the natural playing attraction Sellers. MAGNOTRIX NOV. CORP., 136 Park of the game itself, 50 Grand has one Row, New York. May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 87


YOUR JOBBER HAS IT OR CAN 16111101111 i;1111 MIN NM 1111111111111111111111111 GET IT FOR laimmtimar ,111 INI Ilif MO YOU ! NUN MUNN

5 0 GRAND CAN 5 BALLS -Player Can BE OPERATED AS A Make a Perfect Score With Just 1 Ball ! MULTIPLE COIN GAME The 1st zero in the lite TAKING 1 TO 5 COINS PER PLAY rack lights as a coinisin- serted. Theremaining4 zeros may be lighted all at once, 3 or 2 ata time or singly by making the corre- OrSTRAIGHT 1 COIN GAME sponding holes on the play- ing field.The player then shoots for theskill WHERE MULTIPLECOIN PLAY hole at the top of the board. Each time it is made the ball is re- ISNOT PERMISSIBLE ! turnedforanother play and the number on the lite rack ad- vances consecutively, starting with 1, up to 5.See it -play it - you'll be thrilled with 50GRAND!


Firm is located at 12394 Etoselawn ave- SCORING PROFIT altoit nue. DETROIT, May16. -Ben Lefkowitz, Garfield Beattie, Detroit operator, has HBO MEIC'H C±) HITS FOR OPERATORS operatorofthe Candomatic Vendingmoved to a new location at 4'182 Bald- Company, was in Chicago on a buyingwin avenue. EVERYWHERE trip last week.The company manufac- tures a vending machine and operates it Another Detroit operator who has re- on a number of routes in Detroit. cently moved is R. S. Johnson.He is HOME RUN JACKPOT now at 232 Merriweather avenue, Grosse No. 1195 rg...1.00- SW- 13 BMRowRAT ROT I.00urs Takes In $50.00 Pointe, East Side suburb. MOSS NufaliSSAS 23,0 TAATIo.ITS2.27,330.3744047S SSO SAS Average Payout 14.36 Coin -Meter Washer Service Company, SISO,STSSAO., 30,73 SOLSTS SOLD LAST PONCA Is operating a number of coin -controlled N. E. Stanbury, operator of pin and [ACM SITSTIOS AsetiviT ALISSIT APT ROLA washing machines in apartment housescigaret vending machines, is disposing Average Gross Profit $35.64 arid elsewhere, has gone out of business.of a number of routes, but does not The company was owned by Williamplan to retire from the business en- PRICE, $3.84 Plus 10%Tax Behilawske. tirely. Including Easels and 4 Fraud -ProofTickets. A Harlich Jumbo Board -the best insales - C.H.Bennett, who operatedpin boards. Extra thick, with extralarge,easy - Floyd F. Yeager, Detroit coin -machinegames and other coin machines in this to -read tickets for extra fast play. operator, has moved to new quarters atterritory, with headquarters at 3007 Mc- 19375 Teppert street.Yeager is operat-Graw avenue, has withdrawn from the Our generalcatalog and supplementsillus- ing a varied route of machines, includ-business, disposing of all his machines. trate over 100 boards designed especially for ing pin games and smaller type vendingHe has returned to the building in- operators.Send for them today! machines, dividing his route about halfdustry, in which he was originally en- and half.He reports that business gen-gaged. S IBNI.011 erally is picking up in most locations. Joseph A. Sontag, operator, recently CO.CHICAGO,IILL moved to new headquarters at15550 HARLICH MFG. Linwood avenue. He has sold out all his Ray Laster and Elmer Hendrickson,routes of pin games because of lack of U"SED MACHINES operators here for several years, havetime to devote to this part of the busi- BARGAINS purchased manufacturing rights to theness.He is now concentrating all his A- 1 CONDITION Penny King System gum -ball machines.effortson peanut vending machines, BIG FIVES (Like New) $30.00 PAMCO PARLAY (Like New) $80.00 SUNSHINE DERBY (Like New).... 60.00 GRAND PRICE (Like New) 45.00 which he has operated for a number of PAMCO SPEEDWAY (Like New) .... 60.00 DAILY LIMIT (Like New) 60.00 years. One -Third Deposit, Balance C. 0. D. Brainteaser No. 9 115-117 E. Fisher St. Charles Barnes, West Side Detroit op- .SALISBURY,N.IC. A jobber sold a machine for $90 to an erator, is now living at Gibraltar, Mich. COX VENDING MACHINE CO operator. The machine costthe jobber He operates from headquarters in De- $90. The operator couldn't use the ma- troit at 6338 West Port street, coming chine for one reason or another and per- here whenever business requires. MONARCH RECONDITIONED GAMES GIVE YOU MORE PROFIT suaded the jobber to buy it back for$80. AUTOMATIC PAYOUTS. A nglelite $ 7.00 Sportsman(Visible) .$17.50 Base Hit 17.50 Afew days later the jobber sold the same Sam Rosenthal, operator of the Gen- Rocket (Plug in) ... 10.00 Beamlite 7.00 machinetoanotheroperatorfor$100. Put'n'take (Frt. Dr.) .15.00 Flying Trapeze 5.00 How much profit did the jobber make on eral Amusement Company, is selling out Rodeo (10 Ball) ... 35.00AP* 411C49° Golden Gate. 3.50 a route of 60 almost new cigaret vend- Whirlpool (10 Ball). 35.00 Homestretch 13.50 the machine? ing machines.He is disposing of sur- Football (10 Ball) .. 37.50 Kings 10.00 Carioca 15.00 SPECIALS Major League 7.00Mills Answer to No. 8: plus machines, but does not plan to re- Plus & Minus 15.00 Impact 7.50 tire from the field, according to Max Triple Bank 20.00 Autoflash (tape) 513.75 Rockelite 7.00 A location has $1.15, allin change and Fairway 20.00 Score-a-Lite .- Schubb, his manager. Kings of Turf 11.50 Signal, Jr. 5.00 each coin less than $1.Yet he could not NOVELTY GAMES. Trl-a-Lite 8.00 change a nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar ActionJr $ 5.00 Screamo 14.50 Rock-Ola21 7.50 or dollar.What coins did he have? L.V. Rohr, Detroit operator and Job- All Games Reconditioned by Factory Trained Experts. TERMS: 1/3 Deposit,Balance C, 0. D. Answer: One halfdollar, one quarter ber,has established a profitable new Complete Line of New Machines. and four dimes. sideline in the Fix -It Shop, devoted to Wtlte for Latest Price List. servicing of household appliances. MONARCH COIN MACHINE CO., 2306-08 Armitage Ave., (Roy Bazelon), Chicago, Ill. 88 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES Hay 23, 1936

mportant announcement TO JOBBERS AND OPERATORS IN THE GREATER CHICAGO AREA 0UR appointment as Bally Distributors for the Greater Chicago Area is a privilege we have pledged ourselves not to abuse, but rather to use as a means of giving greater service tothe trade in this territory. We assure the Jobbers and Operatorsthe best of service and expert advice; and we will at all times carry a complete selection of the latest coin-operated machines, both new and used. We want you to make money and will do everythingin our power to help you make money. You'll find it a pleasure to deal with AUTOMATIC-MARKEPP,Inc., and we solicit your business. At this time we take occasion to thank the Jobbers of Chicago and surrounding territory for their earnest support and co-operation. Accept this invitation to visit our Showrooms andOffices. Plenty of parking space. Thelatch -string is always out to you!

AUTOMATIC-MARKEPP,Ineo bringstogethertwonationally , knownDistributors with whom you are already acquainted: The Automatic Amusement Co., Mem- phis, and The Markepp Co., Cleve- land. We are not strangers to you -and our policies of the past are known. SKY-HIGH We Do Not Operate 5 -BALL PLAY! 1 -SHOT APPEAL or Sell to Locations Sensational new Bally Payout or Ticket Game.1 to 5 pay- outs possible per game-$4.00 top!"Jumbo -style" 1 -shot SPECIAL layout, plus opportunity to HIALEAH score with 2 to 5 NOTICE TO PAYOUT Takes in 8 OR MORE NICKELS balls! Double Score PER GAME, whether played by feature!Out - hole$99.50 1 or 8 players, as player has Awards! Rush your every incentive in theworld to USED order for this great new hit today! play extra nickels. ANIMATED MACHINE BUYERS ODDS CHANGER-BIG ODDS Backed by two outstanding Ticket Model WE SELL alwaysinsight -40-T0-1 Distributors, who serve large $109.50 T OP ! EscalatorPAYOUT Check Separator territories, we are able to $5.00 extra SHOWS LAST 12139.50 supply you with good used PRODUCTS COINS. Electro-Pak machines of any make. Let AND OTHER equipped. A greater Ticket Model us know your requirements. LEADING TERMS: $149.50 MAKES One-third deposit hit than JUMBO- Write today. with order, balance No extra charge for so get in on ground C. O. D., O. B. Check Separator WE CARRY floor! F. 0. B. CHICAGO COMPLETE Chicago STOCKS AND OFFER INSTANT SERVICE AUTOMATIC-MARKEPP, INC. 2338-40 BELMONT AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS May 23, 1936 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 89

of 0 Operators 01for Ie\tki.%NSAItLi naC001 0 14.t6Ssvo C krtSt Pp``( ESAIORE. lAW' COOEDI 00---0.AIE.S5 ?Al Al NE* 01 AND AVVE.W. EON DOOStE" OF `S01.1.:'..rx 9..*, DAX0 13.:(' OP. "G010.-014"VD V4x1tx SIG VAIPOS XIsAPFLONI,'SIA-C clitS1---X1'S qWttjt\SI'tkICIII"ISCt'IGOSNVI4Etgr-'NjOY0*.Xt.k.S%-lAPC:S1OR Ate GOIAVEA.014%.,,. A ViA'(E.D1.0051 P1.1.1GS' E.140tC;GNGGONi. ct---ANDAlkE. VLSE.S--NOVt.NOCESV--F.NIAIDUARDSFOit NE* NO!tSE.SOAS) "GO" 1NE. "GAX..X.0014GG X 31101:Y1.1%4:rXr E.ACX4 AX.V. TO '141$1f AND '1 VAINNOV4 GA1./te SIt1kXt:t.G1S-Clik°E.QUE.141SO" 'CO SNIct DOUSx.E." PEA 14tONE.1-14tAXONG BOARD! ADOE. ODDSOF OE °IWO NIGKEX.5x.11,40100.0 10P 014 11.14 4'4,111410.%"OP sA ANC' GRONND 10c 1\06,1 As9 9..A1VitS SIZE 6104 DxSC-1-{VE.E.SGAI-A1011--.34E.V.1 14X0Dtk.. 50" INO A49 24" DISC - TYPE ESCALATOR

YOUR DEALER HAS IT NOW OR WRITE WIRE DIRECT ! UNLIMITED MULTIPLE U. S. PATENT AMUSEMENT MFG., CO. CHUTE 2,029,177 4223 West Lake St. 1320 South Hope St. CHECK SEPARATOR FURNISHED FREE - Electropak Standard Equipment PACIFICChicago, Ill. Los Angeles, Calif.

three sides of the concession, including Jersey Trading Reports the side facing the midway.Illumi- POCTOOMag "A, nated with strong lighting, both white JACK POT. Big Fishing Outfit Sales end colored, they make an excellent latlt Pal OINy lad/ .1P. flash for customers. 10* go. NEWARK, N. J., May 16. -Sam Broudy, PUT 'N TAKE $112 St 12 Two punching -bag machines at the 400 Hole 3875 $5o o S5 oo of Jersey Trading Company, reports thatback of the concessionhaveproved one of the fastest moving Items for thehighly popular this season.This type TakesFormin $15.00 coin -machine operators here has been.of machine, a bit novel today because of Average Payout 7.54 TAU its unfamiliarity among the more mod- Price with Easel 1.10 the complete fishing equipment outfitsern game machines, is attracting the Plus 10% Federal Tax. which his firm has been featuring.Theattention of the younger visitors to the outfits are wired onto a special displaycarnival lots, who are tempted to try 44:1; board and make an unusually attractiveout their prowess by the presence of the machine.While the correspondent was CHAS A. BREWER & SONS premium for high -score play. on the lot this week a group of players LARGEST BOARD and CARD HOUSE in the WORLD Sam reports that the operators havekept the machines in constant use, altho 6320 Harvard Ave., Chicago, U. S. A. LAST PUNCH IN [ARrk found the outfits to be among the bestotherconcessionswereonlypartly ONE PUNCH IN ]REDED JACKPOT""""' TOP play stimulators they have ever used.patronized at the time. Howard plans to take his concession The sales have been high and are con-on the road with the Krause and other tinuing to go higher every day as theshows this season. warmer weathersetsin. The firm's best selling displays are the bait -casting BARGAINS IN RECONDITIONED MACHINES and deep -sea -fishing outfits. Monarch Coin Continues NOVELTY GAMES Kings .$10.00 Squadron ...$20.00 Aces 29 50 Broudy reports that the increased in-Its Expansion Activities Ginger ..... 18.00 Traffic, Stampede terest in deep-sea fishing in this State Gold Medal.. 18.00 GlobeTrotter 7.50 Varsity . . isapparent in the large demand for HI-Lite.... 18.00Trialite Take,....$35..00 CHICAGO, May 16. -Under the leader- Zoom 18.00 e--ite. 6.50 C..frioconat d.oar. . 114.50 this sort of display from operators' lo-ship of Roy Bazelon the Monarch Coin Banker 15.50 Criss Cross Lite 8.50 cationseverywhere. Thebait -casting Screamo 15.00 Slico:kaAlltei....". 6.507.00 Machine Company hereiscontinuing Rapid Transit. 15.00 Rebound ... 4.50 Pustid'eN setis more popular out of town andseveral expansion activities.A steady Scrimmage 15.00 Cannon Fire Sr. 4.00 Sam says that the firm has been ship-flow of domestic and foreign orders Five and Ten 14.00 PAYOUTS _TICKTICKETToTaraiiiA, M94E.185:000 ping these to leading HI -Hand 14.00 Repeaterlctrlo $38.0000 in dozen lots has made necessary the enlargement of Cheer Leader 13.50 E Baffle Whirlpool operators everywhere.He also claims TERMS: 1 /3 Deposit,Gal. Blg Game 13.00 Ball .. . 40.00 Rodeo that he is featuring only the finest rods,Monarch headquarters and a number of C. 0. D., F. 0. B. Chicago. Ball Fan 12.00 De Luxe 46" 38.00 reels, lines, hooks and other equipment.experienced men have been added to Reports have come to him that winnersthe repair and shipping departments. NATIONAL COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE, 140 CHDIVn. of these items have asked where they Sales promotion activities have been First With the Latest New Gamcs-Get Your Name on Our Mailing List. can purchase duplicate outfits and thatplaced in the hands ofBill Pinsker. many operators have been doing a fineHe promises some interesting informa- business selling complete sets to manytion for operators in every part of the HOT OFF THE GRIDDLE location owners for their customers. world within a few weeks and suggests 1 -CENTRAL SHAKE A ROLL BOARD that Monarch ads be watched for an- (1,000 plain, cigarette or money board) . $1.50 nouncements. 2 -LUCKY SCOTTIE(1,000 cutes out .p.m, 3 -CENTRALboard, pays out AUTOMATIC $21, takesIn $50) SALES. $3.50 Within a short 18 months Monarch BOARD Arcade on Carnival has risen from a position of compara- 4 -POKER GAME and allsizes of Push Cards. tive obscurity to one of vast impor- Gets Excellent Play tance.Games are being shipped daily Mfd. by CENTRAL PRESS, 425 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. to all parts of America and to many DETROIT, May16.-E.A.Howard,foreign countries. Each Each veteran Detroit showman, is operating Bazelon recently made the following 5 Bally Peerless, two weeks his carnival arcade for the third season,statement: "I believe we have outgrown 5 Aces $17.50 playingatpresentwiththe Mamieour reputation as the 'world's smallest old $65.00 1 Bally Ranger,like Krause ShowsinCenter Line,Mich.,distributor.'Today our watchword is 5 Bally Derbys, 4 weeks old.$60.00 new $45.00 near Detroit. Howard has an individu-'the world's most efficient distributor.' Terms: Send one-third deposit, balance C. 0. D ally erected concession housed in a tentWe are well equipped to make good and devoted especially to the use of thethisclaim andinpointofservice, crane -type machines. quality and dependabilityI think we INDEPENDENT NOVELTY CO. He has a battery of the cranes onfully qualify." 220 No. 5th St., Springfield,Ill. 90 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES May 23, 1936 Announcing a revolutionary new PAY 0 U T or ticket dame



Licensed by Ceeroli dated Pat. Corp. (Pat. No. 1.802,521) and Ace Pat. Co'p. (Pa.. No. 2.010.9661.

PAYOUT MODEL $9950 TICKET MODEL $109.50 Check Separator, $5.00Extra. 1 /3 With Order, Balance C.0. D., "LAST -BALL: SUSPENSE! F. 0. B. Chicago. /


ONE-SHOT THRILLS-plus 5 -BALL SLSPENSE! Thair Alt Ball's eel. SK''- style"I -shot lane-$1.00, 81.50, 82.00 in a row-any one of which may be scored with ONE HIGH means to the player! And for th2 operato.--a to get rhos- big. juity BAIL!And that's not all! , DOUBLE SCORE pocket doubles all awards made BEFORE' 1 -SHOT PROFITS in locations demanding ,S:ball -OR AFTER hitting DOUBLE. SCORE! KY-IIIGH gives the plater a run for his money. He hat a chance to win on every ball- 1 TO 5 PAYOUTS PER GAME -$1.00 TOF and. no matter where his first four shots go, he still has a chance to win on his very last ball- Player can win on a singe skillful shotor by p!aciinz tails toI AIR UP 'OCKEIS either by pairing up one of his previous hits or landing in "1 -Shot Lane." And even if all -01.r balls art our, he still has a fighting chance to get the 10 point OUT -HOLE AWARD! across the board.Either way he gets inStanta_teous ants latic rd-and S TO SHOOT balance of halls for ADDITIONAL. PAIIIOUTE Nation-wide locationtests prove the strong, money.making power. of SKY -HIGH'S 5 -BALL "Pair pockets" are cleverly arranged along the sidestf the fi:11-two 10 -ht les award0 PLAY and I -SHOT APPEAL. Get in on the ground floor by ordering SKY-HIGH from your points, two 19 -holes award 20 points.etc. And right ,natik lithe serer is the Nemo. "Jumtsr Jobber today! THE SKY'S THE LIMIT ON SKY-HIGH PROFITS! ORDERTODAY! BALLY MFG. Co. 2640 BELMONT AVE., CHICAGO, ILL.

JOHN A.FITZc MESONS, INC., Eastern )istributor, 453 W. 47th St., New York, N. Y. MAKINGPAY TABLE HISTORY!

50 inch heavy-duty cabinet Multiple Coin Chute Ticket Unit New Pay Unit * Mint Vendor * Changeable Odds * $10 Top Award

with Biggest Pay Table Profits Ever Known!

ALAMO is making all the headlines.It's stealing the show.Smashing all competition. It's sweeping across the country in a grand rampage of prof it s! Profits operators have COMPLETE WITH talked about but have never seen before. Profits that make them write - wire - ROCK -O -PAC phone-demand-ALAMO for every spot they have! See your distributor today. Get in on the profits.Big profits. ALAMO profits!Get started NOW!

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