Hunting Sport SHooting Law EnforcEmEnt miLitary 2013 REd doT sights Aimpoint Inc. 14103 Mariah Court Chantilly, VA 20151, USA Call Toll-free 1-877-246-7646 Phone +1 (703) 263-9795 • Fax +1 (703) 263-9463 E-mail:
[email protected] • Graphic Design: STICKY FINGERS® Malmö, Sweden • Photographers: Stefan Albers, Robbie Barkmann,, Reed Brown, Joe Byers, Silvio Calibi, CJ Claassens, Foxwood Photography, Robert Glover, Cameron Hopkins, Mitch Kezar, Alex Landeen, Kelly Lasky Photography, Andrew McKean, Tom Opre, Kevin Orton, Eric Poole, Ryan Rowe, Yamil Sued, SureFire and Larry Vickers Printing House: Exaktaprinting, Malmö, SWEDEN This printed material is for information purposes only and does not constitute any binding obligation or agreement by Aimpoint AB All rights reserved. © 2013 Aimpoint AB. Art. No. M01421 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2013 4 The President´s Letter 42 PRO 6 Why an Aimpoint Red Dot Sight? 44 CompM4/M4s 7 Developments & Quality 46 CompM3/ML3 12 Micro H-1 50 3XMag 16 Hunter H34L 52 CEU 18 Hunter H30L 54 MPS3 20 Hunter H34S 56 LPI 22 Hunter H30S 60 Mounting Solutions 26 9000L 62 Accessories 28 9000SC 64 Warranty & Customer Service 32 CompC3 66 System of Systems 38 Micro T-1 70 Technical Specifications The President´s Letter To our Valued Customers and Friends: In 1974, a small group of Swedish entrepreneurs started exploring ways to improve shooting accuracy. Their goal was simple but ambitious; to create a sighting technology that would allow shooters to acquire difficult targets quickly and accurately under any conditions imaginable. Little did they know that the product their idea would eventually evolve into, the Aimpoint electronic reflex sight, would revolutionize the shooting and hunting industry.